#i hate having to scroll a mile through my notifs though like Alright I See Now I Talk A Lot
seeing people reblog my posts and then put every last one of my tags in their rb’s tags is very quickly becoming a lesson in me needing to shut the fuck up sometimes
#snap chats#not on these text posts though aint no one rbin these AHAHAAHA#i dont even know why people do it i cant possibly think of why#like its not a DEFAULT thing like i know on mobile youd have to tap every tag at least#very strange#i hate having to scroll a mile through my notifs though like Alright I See Now I Talk A Lot#i like sharing my thoughts is that such a crime NO it isnt#it different when i do it on my own posts its cause theres a Read More so im not subjecting everyone to my rambling bullshit every time#if you subject yourself to my verbiage thats on you and i thank you for reading my garble <3#OH YEAH ALSO its the 20th anniversary soon innit like fifty minutes away#i unno what ima do :V#i thought i was going to hang out with my friend- jk i knew something would come up but thats a different can of worms#i unno ill think of somethin. or not LMAO i unno maybe ill just replay all the kh games#ok not ALL of them maybe just like I/II/BBS/III#i know i can play those pretty quick- ok maybe except III i havent really cared enough to look up proper speedrun tricks for it#also i can only really speedrun terra's story in BBS so hmmmm#i unno maybe ill just replay KH2 again LMAO i know i literally replayed it twice in the past three days but hey#its special to me it was a major part of my childhood and my kh experience#though tomorrow's the anniversary for the first game hmm.. yeah i could def speedrun those two back to back#I UNNO I ALSO GOT STUFF TO DO but im the champion of making time when it doesnt exist#thats enough prattling though i went WAY off topic point is I Will Not Change About Rambling On My Art Posts#i just wanted to complain about having to be reminded that i talk way too much aha gottem i'm insufferable#k bye i think ima scribble somethin quick fore bed idk im full of bread and feeling terrible
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a place that feels like home.
Trust was not so easily given, and Philza Minceraft knew this.
Hell, he raised four children that held their own trust issues. He spent years cracking away at them for them to finally feel safe enough to sleep in the same room with him and to turn their backs to him.
So why did he throw away the bond with two, kill the other, but live with the fourth? He knew very well why he did, he played favorites. He didn’t try to of course, but there was just something about Techno that drew Phil to be with him more than the others. Maybe it was the saying that 'Technoblade Never Dies' that he could relate to as ‘The Angel of Death’. Perhaps it was how their childhoods were so similar, where they were taken away from their families and thrown into The Pit, an illegal fight club that wanted to watch blood spill. The most likely thing though, was that they were both fighters.
Wilbur was never a fighter while he lived under Phil's roof, always wanting to hold a pen to write stories than to pick up a sword to spill blood. He was a lovely singer too and could spin melodies from simply plucking the strings of a guitar. Even when he left to make a country and was thrust into an unjust war, he refused to raise his bow unless it was dire.
It was only when his sanity started to deteriorate did he start to raise his sword instead of his guitar. And when Phil heard the words of "Kill me Phil -" after he blew up his own country that he shredded blood, sweat, and tears for, did he know his son was truly gone, replaced with this shell of a human.
Tubbo was like a bluebird; innocent and a hard-worker.
Like Wilbur, he never wanted to harm anyone, which was different from his birth father, Schlatt. He would rather spend his time with the bees in the backyard and play with his bee plushie that he was left with in  the box. He loved to spend time in the garden and nurture the flowers that grew alongside the food.
Tommy was a different case from the other two. While yes, he was a fighter, and a feisty one, he wasn’t the best. He was always so brash and loud, letting the enemy know he was coming from miles away. Techno was much more reserved and quiet and was deadly and to the point in his attacks. Phil saw him at the wars though, and he saw how much his youngest grew in his fighting.
Phil knew that he was too young to be thrust into these wars, too young to have met the face of Death multiple times by now, and too young to have been betrayed by nearly everyone he knew.
But, Phil sighed, there was nothing he could do about it now. The bonds he once had were shattered beyond repair and the three probably hated him by now. The only thing he could do now was to ask Ranboo if he needed a place to stay.
He had given Ranboo one of his feathers days after Techno’s execution, a way of communication that wasn’t able to be tracked by Dream. Phil had seen how the boy had been unwilling to pull the lever and was even hesitant to place Phil under house arrest.
He quickly searched through his satchel looking for the feather that was the main cell. Once he did, he quickly double-tapped the circle that rested at the top and scrolled through the contacts list. There were people from the Antarctic Empire, Ranboo, and then there was his family, Tubbo, Tommy, Fundy, Wilbur, and Techno.
Phil could only hope that Ranboo hadn’t left the feather in his house as the explosions fell down into what once was L’manburg.
With tense shoulders, he pressed the call button.
The dripping of water was the only thing that could be heard within the obsidian room beside the shaky breaths of a curled figure who was in one of the back corners.
A cat, Enderchest, meowed, disrupting the silence and rubbing against the leg of their owner in an attempt of comfort. Ranboo could only stare at his memory book as the feather in his hand hovered over the names of the people who were once his friends.
“I . . . I don’t have anyone left . . .” The book was shut with a slam, the title shinning against the lighting that the crying obsidian gave off.
“But,” a shaky sigh escaped through his lips. “I can’t forget them, otherwise I’m just giving up, and if I give up. . .” He stood abruptly which only succeeded in him collapsing down once more due to his unsteady legs.
“Then I’m just weak.”
The feather in his hand crackled to life, startling him before a familiar voice could be heard echoing around the small room. “Hey, Ranboo!”
“Hi, Phil.” The unshed tears in his eyes shone brighter as his voice wavered.
“Did you make it out okay?” Phil sounded concerned for him, for some reason that Ranboo could not fathom.
“Yeah, I’m still alive.” The smell of smoke was strong, even when he was far away from L’manburg. Some part of Ranboo’s mind wondered how long it would last.
“Good, good, where are you right now?”
“Uhm, I’m gonna be in L’manburg soon.” All Ranboo needed to do now was to pull himself out of this funk.
“Okay, good.” The rustling of a wing could be heard. “Do you need a place to stay or are you good?” Ranboo was caught off-guard by this question as images of his destroyed home flashed through his head.
“I- I think I do need a place to stay.” Ranboo sheepishly admitted, pulling himself up from the floor and balancing himself.
“Yeah? What’s been going on with you, by the way? ‘Cause like, we haven’t spoken in a bit, and I- I know that book was very precious to you, but I- I didn’t know exactly why.”
“Oh, it uh, keeps who my friends are in it, so I don’t forget, cause you know I have very bad memory issues.” His armor was put back on in a couple of seconds and he traveled back outside. “So, uh, I keep all of my friendships in the book, which is - has, changed quite a bit from today so I might need to update it.” The Panic Room was covered up once more. “I’ll be in L’manburg in a second- or what used to be. I’ll be in the big hole in a second.”
“I can get there, I can get there. Give me time, give me time.”
Silence fell between the two as they both traveled to the same destination and Ranboo wondered who was going to be the one to break it.
“So where did you go? Were you still around? ‘Cause it was hectic.”
“Yeah, I had a wither chasing me the entire time, so I kinda couldn’t just leave.”
A sharp intake of breath. “Yeah, sorry about that-”
“Oh, it’s okay-” Laughter could be heard from the two males.
“Are you in L’manburg now, by the way?” Phil asked.
Ranboo looked around, confirming his whereabouts. “Oh, uh, yeah, I’m next to the staircase that leads up to the Prime Path.”
“Alright, let me see if I can aim this. It might be off though.” A whoosh of the trident, ad Phil was standing right in front of him, his damaged wing tucked safely against his back. Ranboo hadn’t heard the full story, but from the information he gathered, one of his wings was singed beyond repair and was just dead weight on his back from protecting Wilbur from the heat of the blast. “Oh, this staircase has seen better days.”
That elicited a chuckle out of the taller male. “A lot of this place has seen better days, in case you didn’t realize.” They traversed up the pathway, twisting and turning through the multitude of wooden slabs beneath their feet.
“It’s fine, we needed a change. It had to be done.” Phil waved it off.
“Yeah, actually. I kind of understand why.”
“You got everything you need?” Ranboo skimmed through his inventory.
“Yeah, actually. I had all of my mending books in a secret barrel in my house but I guess I’m not getting those.” Ranboo grimaced at the thought.
They conversed for a while longer, traveling through the Nether before arriving at and entering into Techno’s and Phil’s home.
“Yeah, so you can stay here until we can start working on your house.” Phil gestured to the couch. “I was thinking of building it next to the mountain that’s behind the house, so it would be somewhat ingrained into the mountain but not fully.”
Ranboo could only just nod, not able to fully express his gratitude besides a simple “Thank you.”
Phil smiled at Ranboo. “It’s not a problem mate. It’s the least I could do after destroying your only house. Get some rest, yeah? I should also tell Techno you’re here so he won’t immediately kill you as soon as he sees you.”
Ranboo chuckled nervously. “Oh yeah, that sounds good.”
“Yeah, I’ve got to get going, you’ll be okay on your own, right?” Phil stopped his shuffling to look at Ranboo, and to his relief, avoided eye contact. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Thank you, again.” Ranboo shited where he stood, opting to stare at the floor.
“As I’ve said before, it’s not a problem mate. I’ll be out for a while, and Techno should be back before I will, bye Ranboo!”
“Bye Phil!”
Techno trudged into his house, closing the door behind him before he collapsed against it, the roughed up edges of his armor digging into the wood. His sword rested limply in his hand as he let his body relax. He would definitely have to wash his sword from the blood that stained it.
He pushed away from the door with a groan. The satchels of potions landed on the floors and counters with a thump. He looked around before he spotted a lump laying down on the couch. Techno immediately tensed up, the grip on his blade tightening.
He swiftly but silently went over, his guard never slipping. His sword was raised, ready to be brought down on the intruder, but Techno then saw his face.
It was Ranboo, the kid that Phil had a soft spot for. He blinked a few times before he checked the feather that was clasped to a gold chain and that hung around his neck. He scrolled through a couple of messages, seeing some from Ghostbur, spam from Tommy, and one from both Fundy and Phil.
He clicked on the notification and read what laid before him.
<Ph1lZa whispered to you: I’m letting Ranboo stay with us for the next few days until we can get a new house built for him. I hope that isn’t too much of a hassle. Talk to you soon Tech!>
Techno huffed in response, but put down his sword and slid it back into it’s seath. The feather was then nestled back to where it once was before, and as he was doing that, Techno saw that Ranboo was shivering.
The couch could barely hold him and the blankets he had didn’t seem to be doing much for him. Techno grumbled as he made up his decision. He swiftly picked Ranboo up and brought him up the ladder, careful not to awaken him or disturb him as they made the trip upstairs.
Ranboo was softly placed on the older’s bed, the red cloak that once rested upon Techno’s shoulders was instead acting as a makesift blanket for the taller.
mic muted!
“Shut up Chat, I am not going soft for this kid.” Techno grumbled.
Throw him out! He’s only gonna hurt us like Tommy did!
Techno only sighed in response before he went back downstairs, ignoring Chat as he headed over to the couch and placed his sword next to him.
“Goodnight Chat.”
goodnight !
Techno shut his eyes, and let his body rest.
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maisondenachtai · 4 years
I Like That (Part 3)
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Title: I Like That Pairing: Erik X BlackFemale!Reader Previous Parts: Part 1, Part 2 summary: just uh....hide your purse aight? (author’s note: uh, ...so...um...it’s been a while right? very sorry about that but it’s here now and I already know how i’m ending it so that’s great. ...this part is written in erik’s pov cause that really helped me break the block i had on it. ...I hope you enjoy it. only one more part to go.) He knew he had fucked up. She wouldn’t even look at him and had scooted as close to her door as she possibly could. He mentally cursed himself and his ego. He wasn’t even sure why he had snapped at her so hard. What she said was fundamentally true and she had the right to speak on what she knew first hand, but it must have been the mixture of David, her being so mad at him, and the fact that her blow had hurt that had him acting up.
“Y/n, listen.”
“Erik, I said shut up.” She said looking down at her nails that were done in a french tip, something she had been doing since grade school. He remembered how her mom thought color was too ‘grown’ and that ‘young women should only have French tipped nails’. He remembered laughing at her nails in the car when she held them out for him to see, and then he remembered moaning as those same nails wrapped around him.
“I’m sorry, alright.” He sighed and rubbed his hand down his face.
“You’re always sorry Erik. It never helps anything. You’re a sorry ass nigga. So what?” She finally looked at him fury and sadness in her brown eyes.
He swallowed his anger at her name calling and looked out of the window to calm down, “Listen, I know you fucking hate me, and I don’t blame you. I treated you like shit in high school.”
“No, you treated me worst than shit. You dogged me, Erik. Do you know how it feels to be beaten down by the nigga you thought you were in love with? No you don’t because everybody loved you.” Her voice had raised, he could tell that she didn’t give a shit about the mixed company they were in.
“Don’t Y/n me. I’m going to say what I should have been said, Erik. You fucked me in private. Used me like a sex toy and in public I was your verbal punching bag. And you set the tone for everyone else in high school. High school was hell for me.”
“What was I supposed to do about it? I was a kid, Y/n. I really feel like you’re overestimating my influence.”
“You were supposed to stop it, not add on to it.”
“Well I’m sorry. I truly am. I wasn’t perfect back then and I’m not perfect now and all I can do now is apologize.”
She shook her head, wiping under her eyes quickly. “It was so long ago, and I haven’t thought about it in years. I stopped being your victim a long time ago Erik….it’s just this reunion has brought up so many memories.” She took a deep breath and exhaled looking at him again. “I’m sorry too. I’ve been acting like a child.”
“Yes you have.” He joked, laughing when she shot a scowl his way. “I’m kidding. I understand your anger. I really do. It’s not right how I treated you, and if any man treated my daughter like that I’d kill him with my bare hands.”
“Your daughter? You got a child?” She looked surprised.
He smirked, “What if I said I did? What would that mean?”
“That you still haven’t learned to use condoms.” She shook her head, running her hand through her hair. She looked surprised, as if that wasn’t what she wanted to hear.
He smirked to himself.“I’m kidding. No kids yet. …Ain’t found the right woman…” He looked down her seated frame, biting down on his lip as his gaze settled on her hips and the thigh that had poked out of the slit on the dress. “And the woman I want to have my babies don’t want me.”
She was pointedly ignoring his blatant staring, choosing instead to scroll through her phone. “Well maybe you’ll have luck at the reunion. Remember that girl Monica? She’s been asking the facebook group if you were coming.”
He rolled his eyes and sat back in his seat, “Don’t nobody want Monica. Her breath was stank.” She chuckled and the sound warmed his soul.
The best times he could remember in high school was of her and him chilling in his car outside of her house. She would sneak out the window because her mom didn’t allow boys in the house and honestly didn’t like him one bit but she would take the chances of being caught outside with him anyway.
They would sit and listen to the radio, singing along with their favorite songs, and roasting the bad songs. They would sling insults back and forth until they ended up not being able to speak from laughing so hard.                
In tough times, she would be a warm shoulder to lean on, saying nothing that might make him close up when he happened to cry. In reverse, he would be there times when her dad would flake on her again or forget her birthday, or when her mom was just being too restrictive.
It was those times he remembered, even more than the sex they shared, those times where she was his best friend. He missed that.
“Her breath did used to be a little tart.” She spoke back looking at him.
“A little? The girl used to exhale and burn off people’s eyebrows.”
She laughed then, fully, holding onto her stomach. “You’re mean.”
“I’m honest.” He looked out the window. They still had about twenty minutes until they made it to the reunion. “So, where did you meet David?”
She looked at him and shook her head. “Uh uh.”
“Uh uh? What do you mean uh uh?”
“You are not fixin to clown my man, okay? No. I’m not letting it happen.”
“Ain’t nobody about to clown your man. …I mean I didn’t know you liked light skinned men but-
“See you’re already clowning him.”
He shook his head, “No, I was just joking. Seriously, tell me I want to know.”
She rolled her eyes, “Well if you must know, we met at a conference in Arizona.”
“So he’s in business?”
“No, tech actually. He was at the conference networking. At the time he was trying to startup this app, Nozzle. It’s a app that-
“I know about Nozzle.” Erik actually knew Nozzle pretty well seeing as he had invested some money in the startup a while back trying to get his portfolio up.
However, he didn’t remember seeing David’s name in the business plan. “So, he’s still working with Nozzle then?”
“Nah, they ousted him. He had a completely different vision than the other two men and they decided to part ways amicably.  He’s actually working on a festival idea, kind of like a black Coachella but not like Afropunk or anything. That’s why he’s not here right now. He had a meeting to attend with some investors.”
Erik couldn’t help but smirk, “A festival?”
“Don’t even-“
“I bet its going to be lit. …Straight…Fyre.”
“I’m not talking to you anymore.” She looked out of the window folding her arms again.
“Wait, wait. I’m just kidding.” He pulled one of her arms down, so she wouldn’t close up on him again. “Seriously though, he does know a new festival right now, it’s not the move.”
She sighed, “It’s legit though and he has a good plan for it. Nothing too extravagant. I’ve been working it out with him, setting up meetings for him.”
“Setting up meetings for him? You a secretary now?”
“Nah, I’m a good girlfriend. Why shouldn’t I help him if I can?”
Erik looked at her and then shrugged, “I mean, I guess. But…just don’t put none of your money in it.” When she didn’t say anything, he sighed. “How much?”
It was her turn to rub the back of her neck, “Uh…just 50,000 dollars.”
“50,000 dollars?”
“We got a loan, so he could have the capital to start moving stuff and showing investors he wasn’t coming in empty handed.”
“Oh my god, Y/n. The whole reason you get investors is so that you don’t have to get loans like that or at least so you can pay off the damn loan. How much has he paid off.”
“Oh my godddd.” Erik wanted to die. He wanted to strangle Y/n, in the most loving way, for being so stupid and then he wanted to kill David. “He’s fucking scamming you and probably everyone else he’s talked to. Why did he get ousted from Nozzle?”
“I told you because they had different visions-“
“Nah, that’s what that nigga told you.” He pulled out his phone. “Send me a picture of him.”
“Why?” Erik rolled his eyes and tried hard not to snap at her, “Don’t argue with me right now. Send me a picture.” When she pulled out her phone he sighed.
“This nigga is running your name into the ground and you probably don’t even know it.”
“He’s legit Erik.” The airdrop notification came up on his phone and he accepted it, getting a fairly clear picture of David.
“We’ll see.” He pulled up an app that allowed him to search FBI databases, search engines, wanted ads, and many more places by picture and name.
“What’s his name?”
“David Johnson.” She had moved closer trying to see what he was doing on his phone. “Are you doing a background check on him?”
“Nah, but you should have.” He hit search and the app began trying to match David’s photo and name to anything they could.
“I can’t believe this. You’re so fucking smart, Y/n. You graduated summa cum lade and you’re nearly running that firm you’re at. I can’t believe that you can’t smell a scammer from a mile away.”
“How do you know all of that?”               
                     Before he could answer his phone dinged, he smirked pressing the article that came up. David Johnson was Gregory Malcolm, the man who was caught misappropriating funds from Nozzle. Who was still wanted by authorities in California, New York, and Georgia.
“Is David’s middle name Joanne?” He started looking down at the picture of David being escorted out of a building in handcuffs.
“Cause your man’s a fucking scammer.”
(author’s note: just
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and I hope that this part was not a total let down.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
taglist: @halonahoney @scumyeol @fangirlingbookworm1 @elaindeereads @groovybbyyy  @holy-minseok  @ljstraightnochaser @chefjessypooh @sweet-epiphany85 @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @tiava143
@chaneajoyyy​ @ raysunshine78   fuckmegoodbruhh ghostfacekill-monger  mellifluousbabe  browngirldominion
(i probably didn’t tag half the people that wanted to be tagged. sorry about that!)
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im-not-corrupted · 4 years
Safi, No (A Witchlands Fanfiction) - Chapter Two
Also written with @un-empressed
Thank you @lseultdetmidenzi for the idea of theriverstix!
Read Chapter One here: Chapter One
Also on Ao3
Chapter Summary:
Vivia Nihar doesn’t really talk to anyone, not really. But her friend, Vaness, forced her into downloading an app - the very same app she met theriverstix on.
Iseult is forced to join in Safi and Leopold’s plotting, as well as Aeduan. And for some reason, Safi keeps staring at them.
Vivia Nihar was exhausted.
Really, that was to be expected. School wasn't exactly fun - it was a necessity, and nothing more. And dealing with her brother, Merik, for the past hour made everything so much worse, because it was Merik. He wasn't the easiest person to get along with, and the constant complaining coming from him made conversations that much more mentally draining. Enough so that Vivia wished for it to be over, but it just seemed to drag on longer.
But that was okay, because she was alone in her room now, and it made everything better. Finally, she could breathe again, even if it was only for a bit. She had space from people, for at least an hour, maybe two, until her father came home, so she could do what she wanted until then.
Which consisted of her laying in bed, scrolling through some app on her phone that her friend had forced her into downloading. She found the whole thing stupid - she hated using social media, unless it was absolutely necessary. And usually it wasn't. 
Vivia didn't really know why she gave in. She didn't even know how to use the damn app until Vaness had showed her. Even then it was hard to figure out.
It was an interesting app, though, which was why she spent time scrolling through it. Vaness had followed at least twenty accounts she deemed worthy (after making the account for her), and while most of the things they posted were complete bullshit, one or two accounts posted consistently decent things, enough to keep her interested. Vaness had even created her username for her, but Vivia hadn't liked it that much and changed it to littlefox.
Vivia figured she probably shouldn't spend so much time on the app - her schoolwork was glaring at her from where she left it on her desk - but she didn't really feel like doing anything. Besides, who said she had to be productive all the time? There certainly wasn't a rule for that.
She liked a few posts, though she didn't leave any comments. She wasn't sure how long that went on for, but her phone suddenly vibrated, making her jump slightly, though it was only a notification from the same app. She clicked on it quickly, frowning when she noticed somebody had sent her a message.
theriverstix: Hey, noticed you in my notifications! I'm a little bored, decided to message you. Hope that's alright!
Vivia smiled slightly, surprised someone bothered to talk to her, and quickly checked out the account. She was flattered, sure, but she wanted to make sure the story checked out. It did - Vivia recognised some posts she had liked sometime in the last few minutes, and quickly went back to the chat room.
She chewed on her lip for a second, wondering what to reply with. Hi, it's alright, seemed too formal, at least to her, and Hey, that's perfectly fine! seemed too eager, both things she didn't want to seem.
This is what happens when you only talk to Vaness and Merik, she thought, and quickly typed out something else.
Hi, it's great to meet you! It's alright, I was pretty bored too. It didn't seem too eager or formal, and she wasn't lying, so she sent it. She felt a momentary panic - what if theriverstix didn't actually want to talk to her, or sent the message to the wrong person? - but it was quickly gone when they replied.
theriverstix: Heh, great to meet you too! How are you doing?
Vivia smiled to herself again, pleased this person wanted to talk to her. Pleased this person was not Merik. She liked to think she'd recognise him even over anonymous messages - he had this certain annoying aura she could feel from a mile away.
I'm good, she typed. And you?
She only had to wait for a few seconds for the next message to come through.
theriverstix: I'm great, though my friends' best friend is annoying the shit out of me.
Vivia snorted, thinking about her last interaction with Merik. Hell, she could've thought of any interaction with Merik. Oh, I understand that, she typed back. My brother annoys me as soon as he opens his mouth. She grinned when theriverstix sent a few laugh-crying emojis in reply.
Vivia wasn't sure how long they talked for, but it was fun. It wasn't exhausting, not like face-to-face conversations. This was easy, light. She enjoyed it, and that surprised her.
They talked until Vivia heard her name called from downstairs. She groaned, realising her father was back. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing - it was just a bad thing more often than not. But that was just her father - she couldn't really complain about that.
She sighed and quickly sent another message to theriverstix. Sorry, I have to go. Speak later?
She turned her phone off quickly, not bothering to wait for a reply. Her father didn't like to wait any more than he had to, and while theriverstix replied rather fast, Vivia didn't want to take that chance.
He was waiting for her in his study, like usual. Serafin Nihar was a man of business, rarely anything else. He nodded at her when she walked inside - not even a damn smile. "Vivia." He stared at her intently. "Have you completed your schoolwork?"
Vivia refrained from rolling her eyes. That was all her father cared about - whether she was to be as successful as him or not. Whether she was to be as successful as Merik or not - there was no end to his constant comparisons between them, not these days. "Not yet," she answered, because while her father wasn't the best, she still hated lying to him.
Serafin raised an eyebrow at her. "You should do that. You don't want to fall behind." He waved a hand towards the door, an obvious dismissal, as he focused on whatever was in front of him.
Vivia stood in the doorway for a second. She knew she had to leave, but that quick dismissal stung. But it was all she could expect from him, so she left before he noticed she lingered, heading up to her room.
She turned her phone on quickly, waiting for it to load. Her fathers' voice remained in the back of her mind, but she ignored it. It was easier to do so when she noticed the message theriverstix had left, when a small but significant smile creeped onto her face.
theriverstix: Of course we'll speak later!
Iseult wasn't sure just how long she could keep this up. Since Leopold announced the idea for revenge against Merik, Safi had somehow decided it would be a good idea. And being the responsible one, Iseult had unwillingly taken up the role of being the responsible one, and that was painful. Incredibly painful. Safi and Leopold spent the next few hours planning their revenge. Iseult had made it very clear that she would not, under any circumstances, get involved. That did not stop Safi from plotting with her. "What if we frame him for something?" Safi asked. She was lay on her bed, a book in front of her. She was meant to be studying for a test they were taking in a few days, like Iseult, but naturally, that was not happening. She frowned. "No, that wouldn't work." "Safi, why are you so insistent on this whole revenge thing?" Iseult questioned, though it was a stupid question. Safi never did anything half-heartedly, and once she focused on something, she couldn't stop. Her friend huffed. "He spoke over me!" she complained. "Nobody does that! It's rude and disrespectful." Iseult sighed. "Yes, Safi, I'm sure that's exactly what he meant to be. Rude and disrespectful." "He did." Safi chewed on her lip, then her eyes lit up. "Iseult." "Yes?" Iseult closed her book, knowing she wasn't going to get a chance to actually study anything, not with Safi focusing on this so much. "You'll help me, right?" "No, I will not, Safi." She glared at her friend. She had already told her this, goddamn it. "You're on your own with this one." Safi pouted. "So unfair." "Not really. Unfair is you plotting revenge when you don't even know the guy," she pointed out. "I fail to see how that matters." Safi grinned, sitting up and moving closer to Iseult. "So, did I see you talking to Aeduan earlier, when Leopold dragged him to our table?" Iseult raised an eyebrow. She knew exactly why Safi changed the topic to this. Iseult didn't often talk to people - and when she did, it wasn't often that she would get along with that person. "Yes, you did. Your point?" "My point is that you two got along!" she answered, grinning widely. "It's a rare thing. Is there something going on?" "No, there is nothing going on, Safi," Iseult replied, rolling her eyes. She loved Safi, she really did. But sometimes her best friend came to the strangest conclusions. "We only talked once. That's not enough to let anything happen." Safi rolled her eyes in return. "No, but it's enough to let something begin." She grabbed her phone. "Maybe I can convince Leopold to drag him along again tomorrow?" "Probably." Iseult watched as her friend typed something into her phone. "Wow, you're actually doing it." She didn't really know why she assumed her friend was joking - Safi always followed through no matter what she was thinking of doing. It was so Safi-like that she had no idea how she actually assumed she didn't mean it. "Of course," Safi grinned again, looking at her. Her phone vibrated and she looked back down at it. "Leopold said yes. Maybe you and Aeduan can bond over the revenge plan." Iseult didn't want to make Safi feel bad, so she just sighed and said, "Maybe." She didn't think that would work - and she wasn't exactly bothered about whether her and Aeduan got along. She was friends with Safi, and frankly, that was enough. Safi nodded eagerly. "Of course. Now, about the revenge plan." "Safi!" Iseult groaned. "You are not doing a revenge plan!" "Why not?" "Because speaking over you does not warrant a revenge plan." Safi huffed. "Fine, if you won't help me, I'll just go somewhere with Leopold and he'll help me." She stuck her tongue out at Iseult, then her eyes brightened. "Do you want to come?" The sliver of mischief in her voice made Iseult consider refusing, but, well, she had nothing else to do. "Sure." "Great!" * As soon as her and Safi arrived at the mostly-empty ice cream place Leopold suggested, Iseult realised why Safi had invited her on their little trip. Aeduan was sat at a table with Leopold, looking like he didn't particularly want to be there. Iseult assumed Leopold had dragged the guy there. He certainly didn't look like he came willingly. "Safi!" Leopold shouted, gaining a few glares from the few people around them and sounding far too excited considering he had seen her not long ago. He grinned widely at them, gesturing to the table.
"Polly." Safi grinned back, and waved at Aeduan. "I see you brought Aeduan." She slid into the seat next to Leopold, so the only other available seat was next to Aeduan. Iseult rolled her eyes, sitting down. "Of course. Can't have Iseult having no one to talk to while we plot revenge, can we?" "Not at all." Safi grinned wickedly at her, but then turned to Leopold. "So, this revenge plan." Aeduan groaned next to her. "Are they at this again?" "Yep," Iseult nodded. That and setting us up, despite us only ever having one conversation. Leopold considered for a second, then he said, "What if you just made his life hell at school?" "How so?" Safi asked him. "Speak over him whenever you can. And insult him every chance you get." "That won't be hard," Safi nodded. "Great idea." "You're both horrible people." Aeduan shook his head at them, and Iseult nodded her head in agreement. Safi gaped at her. "You're not meant to agree!" "Why not?" Iseult asked. "Because you're my best friend." "That's exactly why I should agree with him," Iseult said. "Is not." "Is so." "Is not." Safi glared at her, and Iseult just rolled her eyes. "Are you going to keep saying that?" she asked. "Yep." Aeduan looked at her. "How on earth do you cope with both of them?" "I'm practising Sainthood," Iseult said. She had no doubt she could be considered a Saint after willingly talking to both Leopold and Safi on a day-to-day basis. Aeduan snorted. "I will gladly give you the title of Saint if we survive through this." She smiled slightly, glad he had a sense of humour. This would've been more painful if he hadn't. "They aren't that bad." Safi was her best friend. While she still was a little impulsive and pushy, Iseult loved her anyway and had to defend her honour. "I suppose so," Aeduan relented. Safi and Leopold continued to talk in front of them, and Iseult was glad for Aeduan's presence simply so she could be distracted from the revenge plan. "How on earth did you and Leopold become friends?" she asked. "You two don't seem very similar." In fact, Leopold was the polar opposite of Aeduan in every way. "We talked like, once, and Leopold somehow got my number, leading him to believe we were friends." Aeduan sighed. "I don't even know how he got my number!" Iseult laughed, startling herself. She rarely found anyone other than Safi funny. "Yeah, that sounds like Leopold."
Read Chapter Three here
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studiobeebo · 6 years
Summer Daze (Kirishima Eijirou x Fem! Reader)
OKAY i want to start off by saying im really, really sorry this took so long. my motivation has been horrible and i just really didn’t want to make something that was lackluster so i decided to wait until i was more motivated instead
BUT ANYWAYS, this is the scenario for the 1,000 followers giveaway first place winner @ri-leuters following the prompt:
okay so pronouns would be she/her and i'd love this done with our local ball of sunshine kirishima! so i guess they could go out together into a sunflower field or just a normal flower field for a date and just have an all around good time together! also this would be great with lots of kisses and cuddles bc i live for that shit. also last minute request (but you could totally let this slide if you want) but ive always found this endearing; so when they kiss could kirishima pull back for a sec and just freak out over how s/o has tasty lips (prolly bc of her lip balm) and then they just talk about it for a sec and then he starts kissing her more bc "i want to taste!" djkdjdwk forgive me
Summer had to be one of Kirishima’s favorite seasons, if not his absolute favorite. While most people could find reasons to hate that time of the year, be it the sometimes sweltering heat or influx of annoying gnats and mosquitos, he always found a way to look past all the negatives of summer. He lived for the nights where he could sit outside with friends and roast marshmallows or go to the beach to go swimming, and with all the different activities he loved to do during the summer, he was absolutely ecstatic that this year, he got to do all those things with you.
When he first realized he had hopelessly fallen for your passionate, bubbly charm and amazingly adorable looks, he knew it would take time to convince himself to finally confess. To him, you were just so perfect and he couldn’t bare to mess up his chances with a girl like you, so he bided his time and got to know you as much as he could, of course throwing in some awkward flirty comments or attempts to impress you along the way. It was in the spring that he decided to set a deadline for himself, saying that he absolutely wanted to ask you out before the end of the school year, and after spending a good week daydreaming about going on fun summer walks through the park or getting ice cream together, he finally gave in and confessed that he had a crush on you before asking if you would go out to the movies with him. You were absolutely over the moon, having had quite the crush on him as well, and from there your  blooming relationship was almost cinematic considering how well it was going.
On top of how amazing things were going between the two of you, Kirishima was lucky to have asked you out before his ‘deadline’ so when the weather began to get warm the two of you were already comfortable enough with one another for him to start checking off his list of fun summer dates and the first thing he had been wanting to do was to go hiking with you. The trail he had looked up was actually pretty short, only about a mile, but it let off into an incredible field of wildflowers that were supposedly in full bloom at this time of the year. He wanted to keep that part a secret so it would be a nice surprise for you, but he was just so excited that he couldn’t help but blab about it the whole week before the two of you had decided to go. Despite your slight fears that it would be too grossly hot on the weekend to even enjoy the date your boyfriend had so happily set up, his excitement about it was infectious so you couldn’t help but be excited as well. Plus, when the weekend finally came around it was fun to pack up a little picnic for the two of you and it was awfully cute how concerned he was, double and then triple checking that your shoes were comfortable and that you brought enough water.
Once the two of you arrived to the base of the hill that the path led up to on that saturday morning, you were extremely grateful that the weather was just perfect since you’d be walking uphill for most of the way. The first part of your little hike wasn’t too bad, but you slowly began to get a bit worn out the further you walked and you were a bit jealous at how Kirishima was still perfectly fine while you felt like you could take a nap right there in the middle of the path to give your tired muscles a break. Once he noticed you were falling a bit behind, however, Kirishima was nice enough to slow down and walk by your side until you reached the top of the hill and thankfully, the view was absolutely worth the trouble of getting there.
It looked as if the field of bright green grass and variety of colorful flowers swaying in the comforting breeze spanned out for miles and you must have stood there with a bright, open mouthed smile on your face for a good five minutes just looking out over the expanse of beautiful greenery. You continued to gush about how incredible it was as you pulled out your phone to take a few pictures, hoping to save this memory for years to come, but once you were done the two of you finally decided to walk further into the sunny field to find a nice spot to relax.
It took a few minutes to get everything set up, but it was perfectly picturesque once you had laid out the blanket for both of you to rest on before pulling out all the different snacks and drinks you had brought along with you. The two of you sat happily chatting about whatever came to mind while munching on a variety of fruit and other treats and you must have thanked him a million times for bringing you here to which he just smiled and told you it was no big deal.
“No but seriously! It’s absolutely perfect, I thought it might be too warm but the sun feels amazing since it’s so breezy up here!” You cheered, stretching your arms up above your head before falling backwards to lay your head down onto his lap.
“Yeah it is pretty nice, I’m surprised you’re not cold for once.” He teased, picking at a few of the flowers that were spread out around your makeshift ‘bed’.
“Hey I’m not always cold, I just like wearing your sweaters, that’s all.” You quipped, reaching up to pinch his cheek only for him to wince a bit before sending a pout your way as he continued to work on tugging flowers from the ground.
“What are you doing, anyways?” You asked upon noticing he was fiddling around with the flowers he had collected, sitting up from your lying position on his lap to get a better look.
“Nothing..” He mumbled out, though his concentration was very clearly on his task at hand rather than on you. After a moment he blinked, seeming to have realized that he sort of just brushed you off a bit before tearing his eyes from his little project only to give you a soft smile. “I mean it’s something, but you have to give me a second...and don’t look!”
Your brows furrowed in confusion but you just laughed and shook your head, putting your hands over your eyes to show that you’d keep your eyes on your own business. After a moment you decided to drop your hands to focus on your phone instead, trying not to laugh at the way Kirishima flinched and covered up what was in his hands upon seeing your hands drop before relaxing once he realized you weren’t really watching him.
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, you scrolling through some of your notifications and taking a few more pictures to post to your social media and him working on whatever it was he was doing, but eventually the silence between the two of you was broken as he let out an excited “Alright!” before turning back over to you.
“I saw one of these on Mina’s blog, but she didn’t really post instructions so..” He trailed off, holding out what you were guessing was meant to be a flower crown of sorts.
It was more of an..oval shape and the flowers seemed to be forcefully tied together in a misshapen manner. However, while he may have thought it wasn’t as ‘instagram worthy’ as Mina’s flower crowns (Which, you were pretty sure she bought anyways), you thought it was absolutely perfect.
“I think you don’t even need instructions, this look like a pro made it!” You exclaimed, loving the way his face lit up like a puppy being praised for being a good dog. Unfortunately, however, when you went to grab it to wear it, as you figured was his intention for you to do once he gave it to you, the little masterpiece fell to pieces right before you had the chance to lay it atop your head. You scrambled to try to save at least some of it, but your efforts went to waste and you were left with a little pile of flowers sitting in your lap as you looked up slowly with a sheepish smile worn on your face, praying you hadn’t upset him.
“Whoops..Sorry Eiji, I guess my hands are a lot stronger than I thought.” You chuckled before continuing. “But It was so pretty! I feel bad wrecking it like that, I should have taken a picture..”
“Hey that’s alright!” He spoke, sounding a lot happier than you thought he would be considering you just accidentally broke such a cute gift from him before he stood up and grabbed a few of the flowers from the pile that used to be the flower crown he had made for you. After picking up as many as he could, he walked behind you before crouching down and beginning to place a few different flowers throughout your hair. “See? Well, I guess you can’t see, but your hair still looks pretty now! I mean it always looks pretty, but you know what I mean.” He chuckled, moving back to be in front of you and crouching down to the same position to add some more flowers to the front of your hair.
After a moment he appeared..mostly happy with his work, but he was looking at you like an artist looking at one of their paintings that looked pretty good but just needed one last thing to bring it all together. You smiled and chuckled a bit when his face lit up with that ‘Oh, I got it!’ look before he reached over past your shared blanket and grabbed one more flower before moving to push some of your hair behind your ear and then tucking the flower there as well.
“There, that’s good, right?” He asked, adjusting the flower bit, but letting his hand stay near your jaw as his thumb gently ran over your cheek.
“It’s perfect.” You hummed, not even needing to look as you words were more generally aimed at this whole day in general as you leaned in to press your lips against his own. Even though the sun’s rays were plenty warm enough, there was still nothing that could compare to the warmth that bloomed in your chest every time you felt his hand gently cup your jaw and the gentle yet passionate way his lips would mesh with your own.
After a moment, your lips parted from his own and you were a bit surprised to see a look of happy confusion on his face as you pulled away from him a bit.
“You..Kind of taste like one of these flowers smells.”
“...What??” You chuckled out yet again, shaking your head in equal confusion.
“And a lemon! Like a flowery lemon!”
His additional description clicked in your head as you were suddenly reminded of the new lip balm you had bought a few days prior as you laughed out an answer, hardly able to contain yourself considering the adorable look on his face as you stuttered through your words.
“I-It’s my new lip balm! It’s lemon-lavender! Like it?”
“Yeah!” He beamed, “Can I taste again? It’s really sweet..” He continued, but you could tell by the light blush that fanned over his cheeks that the term of ‘tasting’ you was something he didn’t really mean to say aloud, but you didn’t mind either way. You had plenty of kisses to spare for him all the time, and after the amazing day he went through the trouble of planning out, he definitely deserved it.
“Of course.” You giggled, leaning in to peck his lips once more in a more sweet, appreciative way as a sort of thank you. “You can taste as much as you want.”
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thekidultlife · 6 years
Lost and Found | Jihoon Historical!AU | #3
CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 |
(A/N: Part 3 is here! ((I swear the Soonhoon part was unintentional))
“You don’t see her? She’s over there.”
A mirror. Your eyes, your lips, your hair—it was always reflected on the other side. But you always hated mirrors. Or anything that reflects your image—water, metal, glass.
“Come now, Y/N. Mommy is now an angel. She’s flying on the clouds watching over us.”
You remember your father convincing you to infinity. Again and again until you believed as he embraced you for comfort.
“But…” you protested with childish innocence; looking over his shoulder and to the mirror again. “It’s not Mommy I see…”
The phone clicked.
As you heard a voice, your scattered thoughts were forcibly dragged back to the present time. Sitting comfortably on your cashmere sofa, you tried to piece together yourself; flustering as you replied.
“Ah, yeah. It’s me,” you said after a long pause for recollection, licking your dry lips.
The day was calm and pleasant—reminding you of a piano melody playing so comfortably at ease into the background of another day. It wasn’t too exciting, nor was it boring; just fundamentally relaxing. However, your day already started at the wrong foot.
“Haven’t heard from you for a while, huh? Are you looking for your father?” the one you were calling asked in a delighted tone which he always used on you for no particular reason other than being one of your childhood friends together with Soonyoung.
“No, not exactly,” you sighed and shifted on your seat; now playing with your cold numb toes. “Actually, Wonwoo, I need to talk to you.”
“Oh?” you could hear is mild amusement from over the speaker to which you breathed out in exhaustion.
“I have something that you might want to check out.”
“What is it? You know, you don’t have to be so polite around me.” He laughed; you didn’t.
“A Joseon period armor. Tell me if it’s the real deal.”
“Oh, sure. Just send it to me.”
“Alright. I’ll send it there to the lab.”
You sensed Wonwoo smiling on the other side. “I’ll give it to you personally when the analysis is done. Maybe in a few weeks, let’s—"
You hesitated and then abruptly interrupted him.
“No. I’ll…” you began but then faltered. “Fine. Let’s meet. When are you in Seoul—oh sorry, did my father drag you somewhere again?”
Wonwoo laughed at you—you never changed after all these years. “No…yes…I…just don’t worry. I think we’ll be back in Seoul soon.”
“Where are you?” You asked, genuinely curious.
“Just to be clear, I’m not your brother.”
Soonyoung immediately said. Well, for a fact, he can’t really hide anything anyway.
With a piece of steak on his lips and a bowl of rice on his hands, Jihoon glanced at him nonchalantly. The Korean barbecue restaurant was busy today, with people going in and out and others chatting and laughing—the general restaurant vibe. Everything would’ve looked simple and normal, only if they weren’t eating on top of a revolving floor miles above the ground.
“That, I am aware of,” Jihoon replied, stuffing his mouth with another piece of meat. So far he was enjoying his stay—food was offered to him as readily as it was when he was in the palace.
The other male blinked and then screeched in astonishment. “Wait! You know?!”
Jihoon gave a jaded look. “You may look and have the same name as my brother but you aren’t him.”
“Oh,” Soonyoung simply replied, looking a bit disappointed even though he kept on repeating that he didn’t have a brother.
Sensing this, Jihoon stopped eating and silently studied Soonyoung who looked gloomy all of the sudden. “I never said I didn’t wish to become acquaintances.”
As swiftly as he became sad, Soonyoung brightened up once more; perking up from his seat and giving a bright smile.
“Oh! We’re friends now then!” he exclaimed enthusiastically and Jihoon continued eating as if nothing ever happened.
“Acquaintances,” Jihoon reiterated with emphasis yet Soonyoung didn’t seem to hear.
“But is it really true…that you came from the past?” Soonyoung was known not to hold anything away, though Jihoon did not seem to mind the question.
“Ah, I see that Y/N has told you,” Jihoon remarked after he took a sip from his soju. “To answer your question then, yes. I am from the past. The manner how is still as murky as muddy water.”
Soonyoung seemed to have been amazed by Jihoon’s way of speech; though he snapped out of it after a few moments. “What are you going to do then?”
“That, I am unsure of. This world is unfamiliar to me and I believe I must understand it first before understanding the mystery behind my circumstances.”
Soonyoung grinned so suddenly; an idea forming in his head. Well, he was kinda bored today anyway.
“You know, if you want to know how the world works, you have to follow how everyone looks,” Soonyoung whispered mischievously, though Jihoon wasn’t biting it; eyeing the other suspiciously. “And, you look weird with that hair bun.”
The other male looked at him offensively. “I see nothing wrong with how I look.”
“Well, yeah. But you still look weird and people are definitely looking at us.”
“Yet I do not see what is the case. People have eyes to see and—”
“Listen!” Soonyoung leaned in closer to Jihoon who was somewhat looking at the other tables around them. “Assimilating to this world is very important! I know a friend who can help us!”
“No. I do not—”
“Shut up and let’s go!”
“I can’t believe he’s telling the truth.”
You leaned against the backrest of your armchair in a tired huff.
The whole time Jihoon and Soonyoung were out, you were spending in front of your laptop researching. There were several tabs open in your browser window since you were so adamant that he was just some whack and looked for other sources of information. Much to you chagrin, it all pointed out that everything he told you was true. In the end, you felt like a bad person for doubting him.
However, the question still remains unanswered.
The fact that he had travelled through time and right to your bedside was definitely out of a sci-fi novel and you couldn’t think of any possible way other than the supernatural. But seriously though, you ain’t gonna believe any weird voodoo shit—as your rational mind tries to remind you, yet there was just enough evidence that Jihoon is really from the past.
If the analysis for the armor you sent earlier is finished, you’ll finally get a solid answer.
All your thoughts abruptly came to a stop when your phone notification rang across your empty room—echoes bouncing on the white walls. Picking it up, you sighed when there was a message from Soonyoung.
You opened it and gave a small smile at the picture of him and Jihoon, where the smaller guy was trying out new clothes; a puzzled and irritated look on his face while Soonyoung was busy picking out trendy articles. Scrolling down, the message read:
Soonie~| 5:43PM : “Hey, what do you think of your prince charming? 😉”
You rolled your eyes and replied.
Y/N | 5:45PM : “Jihoon is not my prince charming. 😤”
Y/N | 5:47PM : “Wait. Are you doing what I think you’re doing?”
Soonie~| 5:53PM: “Take a guess, sweetie 😊”
Soonie~| 5:57PM: “btw, you’re prince is on the way home~ 🤴😍😘”
Tossing your phone on your bed, you decided to ignore Soonyoung and his shit and went to take a dip on the tub. Filling it with warm water and some perfumes, you slipped into the water and gave a sigh of relief. All afternoon was spent on researching and reading articles after articles; leaving you tired more than you should be on a weekend. Your exhausted muscles relaxed as the warm water massaged them, releasing tension that had built up.
Closing your eyes, you remembered the first time your gaze had laid upon Jihoon that morning. For sheer ten minutes, you simply stared at him; unable to process who he was and how he had happened to be beside you. His dark locks astray on his snow white skin made him look too much of a sculpture made of marble yet his relaxed breathing reminded you that he was indeed alive. You took in his cute little nose and his pink lips which felt so enticingly kissable, though at that time, you were still unsure if he had those plump lips somewhere on your body before. Pushing that and any realism aside, you might have considered that he was a prince.
Your very own prince.
“Dammit it, Soonyoung,” you cursed under your breath and sunk deeper into the water; your thoughts drifting somewhere else once more.
Funny how speaking to Wonwoo had reminded you of your childhood. Well, he did play a huge role in your childhood. Yet, it still made you feel like it wasn’t too long ago—how the three of you played around your father’s prized collections, thinking that you were treasure hunters.
“I, Kwon Soonyoung, have discovered this gold bar!” Soonyoung would always shout, pretending to have searched the jungles of the Amazon and holding a priceless artifact from your father’s adventures.
“In fact, it’s actually an ancient lighter,” Wonwoo would add a little bit later; more knowledgeable than you and Soonyoung, which made him your father’s assistant now.
“Place it back down before father finds out!” You would try to scold the hyper Soonyoung though it never worked once anyway.
“Oh come on!  I just held it for like two seconds!” Soonyoung replied with a sulky pout, though as soon as he turned his head, his five-second attention span was caught by a shiny metal fan. “Ohhh! Looks pretty!”
Soonyoung jumped from the stool he was standing on and ran to the table which the fan was displayed. Climbing on a nearby chair, he tried to get it yet clumsily fell down, dragging the fan with him. Concerned how the fan was obviously valuable, you lunged on the floor and tried to catch it with your hands. As you had successfully caught it, you also came face to face with your own reflection.
“Long time no see.”
You paused and then blinked.
The image of your childhood home long vanished and instead what laid upon your eyes was yourself on the other side of the bathtub, smiling. You wanted to shout or say something yet your voice was nowhere to be found as your body froze in maybe shock or fear—you didn’t know anymore.
“I’ve been waiting all this time.”
Your doppelganger told you, her words echoing inside your head multiple times. Who is she?
“I missed you, Y/N.”
Without any warning, she tackled you down with her hands gripping tightly on your neck. You couldn’t move or say anything, just pathetically trying to struggle at the vice grip. The water was trying to fill your mouth, your nose and ears as it slowly began to replace the air inside your lungs. You could clearly see your own reflection grinning evilly at your helplessness and chuckled when you were beginning to lose consciousness.
Help. Please stop.
I can’t breathe.
Anyone. Please.
“Y/N! No, not this time!”
The next thing you remembered was a warm body embracing your wet and shivering figure and a voice so familiar you couldn’t put your thumb into it. You were already wrapped in a dry towel as you tried to collect your thoughts and calm yourself from a near-death experience.
“Y/N, can you hear me? Please say something,” the voice asked you, worry evident in his tone.
As soon as you heard his voice once again, tears began swelling on your eyes and sobs began to take over you—your body shaking and voice shattered by cries. Unconsciously, you buried your face on the person’s shoulder as his damp clothes muffled your tears. Hesitantly, he had placed his arms around you and gently caressed your head reassuringly.
“Do not be scared…” he whispered by your ear. “I am here now.”
For a few moments, all you did was cry on your bathroom floor between his arms and all he did was assure you that you were finally safe. For some reason, it had warmed your trembling heart, as your sobs finally melted away. When there were no more tears for you to cry, you slowly looked up to the person holding you so patiently and comfortingly between his arms and you were surprised to meet Jihoon’s concerned gaze.
“I…I…” you were utterly speechless; your voice still hoarse, yet he only stared into your eyes as he wrapped the towel around you tightly.
Mesmerized by his dark mysterious orbs, you yelped in astonishment when he suddenly carried you on his arms and walking back to your room, laid you to your bed gently. For a while, he kept on avoiding your eyes as if something was in his mind yet was still contemplating how to say it. Before you could ask, he had finally made up his mind.
“You…well…” he scratched his nape and continued, blushing, “You need a change of clothes. Where…where do you…keep them?”
Realizing what he was asking of you, you weakly pointed to your walk-in closet which he nodded in understanding and stood up. You couldn’t really say that you were fully capable of dressing yourself as you felt like dead weight as of the moment, though it was still embarrassing to have Jihoon help you put on one of your nightgowns.
“Your breathing is fine for the moment but I shall check on you later. Please rest now,” Jihoon told you as he seated himself next to you on your bed—his face still faintly pink from having to see you on your underwear earlier.
It hadn’t registered to you what he was talking about until he finally stood up from his seat. Panicking, you forced yourself to grab on to his shirt to stop his from walking away. Noticing your actions, Jihoon curiously turned around.
“Plea…please…” your voice was still croaky; unable to raise the volume of your voice. “Stay…with…me.”
Without you repeating, Jihoon understood what you were asking for and crawled beside you on the bed. He then pulled you closer so that you could lean against his shoulder with your back on his chest; his breathing in tune with yours, his warmth bringing peace to your anxious mind.
“Please rest, Y/N. I am here,” he calmly repeated over and over; his husky voice lulling you to sleep. Yet before you drifted off, you reached for his hand which was tapping slow beats on the skin of your arm and held on it tightly.
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