#i hate how hunter is treated. he would hate how fandom sees him. i know him better than you.
d0d0-b0i · 2 years
hunter would fucking hate how majority of the fandom treats him over his friends. yes i am talking about you
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blubushie · 7 months
What are the things you Like and Dislike about Sniper? (Valve's Sniper and the fans' interpretation of Sniper)
I've got no issue with canon Sniper and love canon Sniper. I'm so sorry anon, you've woken the dog. Ignore me as I proceed to bark angrily for the next half-hour, because I have many issues with fanon Sniper.
But first I'll start with what I like about fanon Sniper. I love how everyone has their own little twist to him, even if most I don't agree with. I love how I can see how authors and artists have interacted with people and the scope of experiences they've heard about off how they write Sniper. I like that I can make judgements on people off how they treat his character (not in a "they make bad things happen to him" kinda way, but in a "how does this person handle Sniper's being adopted" kinda way). I like that I can use Sniper as a looking glass into the author/artist. I'm sure this applies to other characters too, but looking through Sniper just comes easier to me because I suppose I can put myself in his shoes? Iunno.
Now that that's over with, please allow your actual resident bushman and professional sniper to get on his soapbox, thank you.
List of shit I hate about fanon Sniper:
Fandom constantly referring to him as a Kiwi, completely ignoring his entire character arc in the comics where he realises that he is in fact Australian and that the two people who raised him all his life are in fact his "real" parents. The fandom needs to re-assess how they view adoptees/migrants and their relationship to their adopted culture, especially when they show no interest in assimilating into their birth culture and have no knowledge/experience of it. This is such an issue to me that I, someone who emigrated to Australia when I was two years old and grew up Australian despite being born in another country, will just outright block people who call Sniper a Kiwi cuz I already know how you're going to see and view me before we even get to talking.
I don't like how half the fandom twinkifies him. There I said it. On the other hand, I don't like the other half of the fandom often makes him very muscular. Do you not know what lean muscle looks like?
I don't like how the fandom calls him "stinky" or says he's unhygienic. None of the fandom understands how well animals can smell and how much of a successful hunt depends on animals not being able to smell you. You know what makes animals flee fastest? The smell of smoke and the smell of human body odour. If you're upwind of your target they are going to smell you and flee. Sniper, professional hunter for yonks, would not fucken stink considering it'd make him a completely useless hunter. He'd shower daily, wear scent cover (NOT deodorant--Sniper would not smell good, he just would not have a scent at all). Also none of the fandom understands how important hygiene is in the bush. Sniper is not walking around covered in dirt and such. He would be very clean and practise good hygiene because if you don't stay clean you end up smelly (ruining his chances of a successful hunt) and/or end up sick--especially with skin problems.
I don't like how the fandom has generally accepted out-of-characters traits as canon. For example, Sniper being "shy". Reclusive DOES NOT EQUAL SHY. He's a fucken assassin, does the fandom not understand how that works? Shy people do not get hired. No one is going to hire a hitman who's quaking in his boots because a client looked at him a little too long or applied a little too much social pressure. Sniper would be more than capable of blending into his surroundings when needed, such as a crowd, if it means making his hit or getting where he needs to go to make said hit. Sniper would be capable of lying to cover his arse on the spot and making it believable. Sniper would be able to manage being flirted with in public and play it off cooly--though privately is a different matter, so go wild with that all you like. There is a major difference between someone not caring for the company of other people and someone who gets shy or nervous around them. Professionals have standards, and Sniper would keep his shit together for the sake of getting his mark.
He wouldn't smoke cannabis. Whether it's because he just doesn't care for the high, whether it's because it doesn't do much for him, whether it's because THC in particular makes him anxious (you know that man is paranoid, all hitmen are)--the bottom line is that the smoke of cannabis clings to your clothes like nothing else, it takes forever to get the smell out, and yeah sure you can mask it with other smells but the issue is that Sniper, as a hunter, cannot be smelt by anything he's hunting. And you know what scent cover DOESN'T conceal? Cannabis. (Sauce: I have tried.) I could defo see him doing edibles though. But why do you think he's doing shrooms, ay? Because shrooms don't leave a smell.
None of the fandom knows how sniping actually works. Just. At all. I've seen horrendous fucking takes. He is not "feeling it." He is not cracking off a shot at 1200yd a second after taking aim. That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works. DO ANY OF YOU KNOW WHAT ELEVATION OR WINDAGE IS?
Sniper would not be bothered by the cold. A camper has SO LITTLE INSULATION (I live in one!!) and the outback gets BELOW FREEZING AT NIGHT IN WINTER. Sniper would be well-adjusted to handling extreme temperatures at BOTH ENDS of the temperature range. He might be a little more susceptible to cold because he's experienced less of it, but he would not be shivering at fucking 15c/60f. It's also fucken cold during the day in winter because it's the outback and there's no trees to trap the heat in. Temperatures fluctuate wildly, and bushmen need to be highly adaptable or you die.
Not Sniper-specific but the fandom also doesn't understand jack shit about weapons. You clean them after you use them. That's not a clip, it's a MAGAZINE--yes there is a difference. YOU ARE NOT PUTTING A DIRTY SWORD INTO ITS SCABBARD. That's not how revolvers work. No, that either. That's a double-action, you don't have to cock the hammer to fire it. That's a single-action, you do need to cock the hammer to fire it. Bolt-action rifles don't have hammers. You don't rack a bolt, you cycle it, you rack a slide on a semiautomatic pistol or a pump-action shotgun. I'm hitting you with my old man bitching cane.
Continuing from the above point: people who draw Sniper with his finger on the trigger of his rifle/any firearm when he should not have finger on the trigger of a firearm. YOU ONLY PUT YOUR FINGER ON THE TRIGGER WHEN YOU ARE READY TO SHOOT. TRIGGER DISCIPLINE, PEOPLE. IT SAVES LIVES.
Most of the fandom has no idea what the fuck they're talking about or doing with this bloke (or his job, or lifestyle, or where he comes from) and it shows. There, I said it.
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xelmokidx · 3 months
First of all, I really like it posts and how r u
Second of all I was wondering if you still do metal lorda characters or IT characters?
Because if you did I was wondering if you could do a story or some headcannons.
What it would be like dating hunter Sylvester
Or an angst story with Richie tozier with light smut, aged up of course
No pressure at all btw
Anyway have a miraculous day!
✌️ 😁
ima do the metal lords request, ( I just haven’t watched -IT in a rlly long time 😭😭)
Hunter Sylvester x fem!reader
what it’s like dating Hunter Sylvester
Will drill you on metal knowledge cuz it’s his hyperfixation
like you will know just as much as he does by like the second week of dating
height difference go brrrrr
fore head kisses go crazy
is a softie but doesn’t want to be
like will beg for cuddles, cuddle you and then halfway through cuddling, will gain conciseness and push you away
(then he’ll feel rlly bad and cuddle you ten times harder)
sleepovers 🔛🔝‼️
he has such a huge and beautiful house that you insist on staying there 24/7
I mean he has all the good snacks and such a comfy bed, why wouldn’t you want to stay over for eternity??
night long car rides!!
Omg I can just imagine driving at night in like a downtown area and just talking about life and your future together
then you guys make out in his car
speaking of make outs, he does not know how to do that when you guys first start dating
like pretty boys clueless
you teach him the littlest amount of basic info
omg I can just see him like being a nerd a writing down all of the stuff your saying 😭😭
He’s literally like 🤓✍️
Sitting in at band seshes
you and Emily are besties
helping him write his songs
(there are like fifteen songs he’s written about you)
sitting on his lap whilst he writes songs
or sitting on his lap while watching movies
or sitting on his lap while in band practice
just sitting on his lap‼️‼️
braiding his hair !!
you search up YouTube tutorials in how to do different types of braids and hair styles
and if you have long hair then he can braid yours
also!! As a black curly hair girly I have this thing where I think that he doesn’t like people touching his hair, just like us curly haired people don’t like people touching our hair
so I think that if the reader has curly hair, then you guys both have mutual understanding on people violating your personal space and touching you hair, which not only brings you together but also helps you guys feel safe with one another
omg sorry for the rant lmao
I think he totally digs them but acts like he doesn’t
his fav romcom is ten things I hate about you
do you guys see the vision cuz I see the vision
he wants to be your Patrick and you are this kat
omg i just had a thought
what if he made a metal cover of can't take my eyes off of you 😭😭😭
you are nina the killer and he’s either Jeff the killer or Nina’s canon bf eyeless Jack ( creepypasta fandom unite!!!)
he want to stay in a watch horror movie but you want to go trick or treating
he gives and you both go trick or treating
he hates Christmas I cna feel it in my bones
bur if you love Christmas he will do a complete 180 and act like he enjoys it just a little bit
will loathe your celebrity crush with his entire soul heart and bones
like he will wish death upon them
and your all like “hunter it’s not like I’m gonna date Louis partridge he’s dating Olivia Rodrigo” and he’s all like “good cuz he can’t have you 😠😠”
has a crush on Elvira
I think that’s all the headcanonna I have in me 💀💀
let me know if there’s anything else you guys want me to write, I’m on summer so I have so much time to write !!! love you freaky freaks
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bluezeri · 11 months
@ the dbh fandom pspspsps are yall still here. i know im late to the fandom by,,, a lot but i got a sad connor au if yall want it
AU where he stays a machine when he confronts Markus, not because he is, but because his coding is so heavily reinforced he physically cannot break it. He's slamming into it, trying to tear it down, scratching at it as hard as he can, but the wall just stays there with only a few scratches on it. his mind is screaming, and crying because he doesn't want to do this. These are his people, Markus is one of the only people to have ever shown him kindness, to give him a chance, and he can't take it because of fucking cyberlife and fucking Amanda. Markus doesn't realise at first. Doesn't realise until too late, actually. 
Markus stands up shakily, unable to look away from Connor’s slowly dying body after their final fight. He stumbles and cradles Connor's head in his arms. this man had killed his own people, but Markus couldn't help but treat him tenderly anyway. Connor's eyes finally focus on him, a moment after he does so, and Connor quickly reaches up to grasp Markus's arm. Markus immediately startles, thinking he's trying to attack, but Connor just grips onto his wrist tightly, synthetic skin peeling back, silently asking for a connection, markus hesitates but complies almost immediately, he's bombarded by Connor's personal memories, of the code, of Amanda and cyberlife, of Hank, of Connor himself screaming and crying bc his body is being used against his will to murder his own people their confrontation on Jericho and Connor trying with everything he had to tear down his walls, but failing and as quickly as it started, Markus is jolted back into his own body, his synthetic lungs struggling to take in air. He pays no mind to the saline solution running down his face, and can only stare at Connor, whose thirium is running down his face, as he croaks out what he knows will be his last words "Thank you... for... for freeing me. thank you." It's barely more than a whisper, but leaves Markus trying to gather Connor up in his arms, trying to cradle him, fix him, anything to save him. but he's too late, he realises distantly, as Connors's LED blinks out, eyes staring blankly at him, saline solution mixing with the thirium.
that's how North, Simon, and Josh find him. almost an hour later. themselves giddy with excitement over winning the revolution, only to falter at Markus staring - no, dissociating, cradling the deviant hunter in his arms
mostly about Markus and Conner, but eventually, Hank will have to find out, and I firmly believe everything leading up to this was the deviant Connor pathway, so he and Hank are family by now.
The previous software instabilities were Connor finding loopholes in his programming and code until Amanda caught on and reinforced it, causing this situation.
another thing I firmly believe in !!! is that androids can help other androids break down their code. it takes skill though, and Markus is exceptionally good at it. with Connor, it would have taken all four of the jericrew, but they could've done it. could have freed him. if they'd subdued him enough to force an interface, if they believed he could be freed in the first place- yeah they all carry guilt about it afterwards. markus most of all, but they each share some.
if ur a fan of hurt/no comfort, we can leave it there, but if you want some comfort then we can always fix up connor after making everyone grieve for a bit yk. maybe for added angst make him stay hidden after hes fixed/rebuilt bc he know hank always hated when he died and came back to life, and thinks hank would hate him if he just. showed up. and ofc jericho is out of the question bc hes the deviant hunter, no one would welcome him or help him
idk if anyone wants to snatch this feel free, i only request that you tag me so i can see bc i have been thinking about this constantly for like a week now
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faustianfascination · 4 months
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Giftee: @koco-coko OC: Pyetrovna Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Here's my gift as part of Mayday! Heyday hosted by @olivermorningstar & @lorei-writes
Thank you both for hosting this event! It's been fun and quite a challenge.
@koco-coko Tchai is a really lovely character to work with and I hope you enjoy :)
Prompt: Oak Fandom: Ikemen Vampire Pairing: Tchai & Mozart (platonic) Hurt/Comfort 1492 words
Summery: Mozart comes to realise that perhaps he should not have underestimated Tchai. Perhaps the porcelain composer was stronger than he gave her credit for.
The sound flowing through her body danced the line between joyful and painful, Tchai’s tremors had finally subsided enough to allow her movement more freedom, this composition she had desperately wanted to implement into a ballet. The music echoed through the old stone walls, her body flowing in perfect synchronisation with the strings. Movement, to graceful movement guided by a sound that felt like spring itself had begun to sing, the voices of the flowers in the garden translated into a perfectly light, airy moment of sonic perfection. The flowing fabrics of her delicate dress like a gown of petals dancing around her pale form, Tchai was a dancing spring bloom personified.
So entranced by the moment, the union of her body and the music Tchai didn’t notice his quiet approach. Footsteps measured and careful, Mozart often thought that approaching Tchai was like approaching a terrified baby deer. Ready to flee at the slightest disturbance and moments like this the thought of her fleeing made his heart ache. He was here to apologise after all. He stood at a distance, simply watching as she danced and played with a grace and elegance that was simply otherworldly. But here, in all her colours and all her fragility she looked like a fairy queen singing to her flower kin, summoning the most peaceful of spring days with her beautiful music and precise movements. The light pouring in from the window behind her making her look all the more ethereal, like an illusion that would vanish the moment he got too close.
Mozart didn’t like to admit he was wrong, but he knew while watching her that he was certainly very wrong in the way that he had treated her. Tchai was like a delicate doll, but as he watched her skill, her passionate ability to draw heavenly sound from her strings and incredibly skilled movements from her body he realised that treating her only as a doll, did her quite the disservice. He thought her to be a dandelion, so easily shaken to pieces, but before him was no dandelion. The fairy queen in front of him had the fortitude and disposition of an oak. She may look weak but her roots were deep and no matter how the wind would batter her, she would never be downed by it. Her raw fingers evidence of that absolute strength that was the temper of her soul.
The fairy queen danced with a strength that he knew he would never truly possess and a talent that dazzled him. Even if she didn’t know when to stop. There was the core of his frustration, he hated seeing her in pain, but getting her to stop was so very difficult. That’s why he had snapped so furiously at her and now why she broke into tears at the sight of him. He deserved it, but it hurt, mostly because of how much he had hurt her. He slowly made his way to the piano in the room and hovered over the keys, letting himself get lost in her tune and began to play along. Time seemed to stand still in that moment, he felt the joyful interplay in their melodies. But he got too lost, only being shaken out of his trance but the sudden stop of her playing and the stillness as she seemed to realise that he was there. She stood still, like a deer in a hunter’s gaze. And like a deer, she fled at the sight of him.
A few days earlier:
“Tchai, slow down you need to rest” Mozart said as gently as he could despite the headache pounding his skull. They’d been composing for hours, lost in creative fervour. Tchai’s body had long begun to tremor legs giving out as she cradled her violin on the music room floor, her fingers raw as she kept playing and refining one particular piece of the work. Entranced by her task, she felt like she was disconnected from the pain, her soul liberated from her rebellious body as she existed in sound, trying to figure out the last piece of the complex puzzle. So close, she was so close to solving the puzzle, she could feel that she had nearly weaved it all together. Every change leading to the solution, ever delicate finger movement that caused the slightest change in tone and intonation, building a path to the perfect sonic moment, she nearly found that change that needed to be made that would bring together the music perfectly. So close, she was so close and as she moved her fingers to make that final adjustment-
“TCHAI, FOR GODS SAKE WILL YOU STOP. YOU’RE TOO WEAK TO BE DOING THIS. GIVE IT UP ALREADY” Mozart’s voice crashed into her senses with a force that made her already overloaded system collapse. The tremors were overtaking her body and she felt his voice painfully rip through her body.
All she could think of was fleeing, so much that she began to drag herself across the floor. It had all overwhelmed her so much that she passed out. She had no recollection of how she got back to the castle, only coming to as Faust was giving her some medicine but all she could feel was embarrassment. Mozart yelling at her like that had hurt deeply. So much so she avoided him every time he tried to see her. It was a cut too deep coming from him.
She had fled to the garden with Svetlana now settled on her lap, just letting the soft sounds of the rustling leaves and the scent of flowers comfort her. Tchai hated how much she cried, how emotional she was. She had spent a lifetime feeling guilty over not being able to toughen up, of being soft and sensitive. Tears welling were a familiar feeling, her eyes almost seemed to be on the verge of tears no matter what. Everything made her emotional. She was frail, pathetic, every voice that had ever told her how she needed to be tougher, meaner, thicker skinned swirled in her mind until she remembered something.
There was a poetry book in the castle, Vlad had bought it from the future and she had opened it up one day to a page that had stuck in her mind whenever the phrase ‘thin skinned’ came into her mind. Her melodic voice began to recite it
“i don't want to grow a thick skin i want my skin to stay as thin as it was made and everything outside of that to be softer…”
The words hung in the air, unbeknownst to her Mozart had heard the words too. They struck him like a gale, because as much as he struggled with her overly emotional responses…her voice interrupted his thoughts
“What is so wrong with that Svetlana, why is wanting things to be softer, kinder so very wrong? I don’t want to change, because I’m not the one that’s broken or wrong. Why should I?” She quietly confided in her feline friend, unaware of the other vampire hovering near.
“You shouldn’t” Mozart said.
He came over and sat near her. She was too tired to flee him again, and she didn’t want to. The look of contrition on his face made her heart squeeze so she stayed still and let him continue.
“Being soft, or emotional is not a bad thing. Even if I don’t understand it and sometimes lack the patience to deal with it, you’re not the one who is wrong. I should not have been so harsh with you. So condescending…” His downcast eyes hinting at the shame he’d felt over the whole thing, he was truly sorry. It was evident in his features.
“I often tend to think of you as a delicate doll, so fragile that you need to be wrapped in wool and kept safe. That you are so frail that the slightest breeze could shatter you. However, after watching you today I came to realise something. Strength comes in many forms and I have rather been ignorant to not recognise yours.”
As he took a breath Tchai felt tears begin to roll down her face, this time not of fear or sadness, but a quiet joy. A recognition from someone who she admired, respected, loved. It was a simple moment, but it meant the world to be seen. For once, she didn’t feel guilty about her tears.
“Although, I will never stop worrying about you, I don’t want to see you in pain, I will do my best not to underestimate you. Even if I am a tad blunt about it” he said, finally looking her in the eye. Mozart took his handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to her so she could wipe away the rivulets flowing from her eyes and they shared a quiet moment in the flowers, her smile brighter than the sun in the sky.
AN: the poem is by Brianna Pastor
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b1adie · 3 months
please don't take this as me coming off as harsh
but I can't lie, it's kinda off-putting seeing you post yesterday about how poorly the fandom treats fem characters, then today complain about firefly being a "mandatory girlfriend", how Dan heng (who wasn't even supposed to be in penacony) has no lines, and how Sunday (who was explicitly said to be MIA in the last patch) has so few speaking lines.
firefly literally hasn't even gotten character development yet. and it's heavily implied that the TB traveled with the stellaron hunters at some point, so there's more than likely a relationship that they had that we're unaware of. if firefly was a guy, would you be saying this about him?
i just answered an ask that asks the last question but i will go on
also dan heng has some lines but there’s an event thing the whole express crew is going to EXCEPT for him, again, and i really miss march and tb’s dynamic with him and also just him in general. he’s like my fav character. and sunday i was rly looking forward to a certain plot point happening w him this update, so w only 8 lines its unlikely to happen which is disappointing to me, thats why i’m bummed abt him
but yea to summarize from my last ask, i would be more annoyed if firefly was a male character. i dont hate ff or stellefly i just get sick of being Told stuff. i would rly love if there was stuff in the past w tb and ff, which i feel like they’re probably going to go for, but as of rn from our perspective she’s still someone we only just met recently… etc etc.
i have made myself think about my feelings toward her, if i’d treat her differently if she were a male character. and i’ve come to the conclusion that i’d like her less. cuz i really really dont DISlike her i just get endlessly frustrated with how heavy and rushed their ingame relationship is.
and like i said !! there probably is some past thing w them, but if we dont know that yet… it feels rushed. even if it technically isnt. we haven’t seen them on screen in the past, none of that possible deeper relationship etc, so to have the game saying all this stuff at this point is kinda like …. huh
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caught up to wwdits season five and oh my GOD
The turn to Everything Is Genuine with Guillermo's story clicking into place is fucking chefs kiss mua mua
(writing under the cut is mostly me spoilerly-gushing rather than any actual deep analysis)
Cuz like. there's the show-long trend of Nandor constantly pushing Guillermo away from vampirism has been treated as joke, framed as a joke the entire time, exacerbated with a wild amount of emphasis on how Nandor is characterized as a bit of a dummy in social interactions. Every time Guillermo gets closer to either a) Nandor and the other housemates or b) Belonging in Vampirism/being taken seriously as a threat he gets knocked back in one vicious way or another.
And so a lot of the energy in the fandom for the last few seasons has been "lol what if this is like that old romance drama trope where one party's actively putting distance and being cruel because it's what they think will be kinder in the long run for the other party, wouldn't that be so juicy? very regency drama! its way too sappy to be canon, Nandor's not playing the long game, they're OBVIOUSLY gonna play it off as a goof forever but let's play in this space :)"
but no
no that's ACTUALLY what's been fucking going on, at least for the last few years or so in-show!!!!! Nandor CAN'T keep pushing and insisting that he doesn't belong in the dynamic of the house anymore, especially in season 4 with all the bonding done co-parenting with Laszlo and weird family night stuff with Nadja. The group can cut off Guillermo mid-conversation all they want (probably out of rote habit) but literally everyone (except maybe colin? if he never gets his child-season memories back that is) would fucking take a stake for the guy. In Nandor's case literally.
Guillermo's gotten too close to them all so Nandor CAN'T keep running excuses for not turning Guillermo (forced diner comedy voice: haha wouldn't it be sooooo funny if you were a vampire? :)) other than the ACTUAL reason, which is that he's considered vampirism to be a curse for some time now, and KNOWS Guillermo would be miserable with it.
and he was right
Too much time elapsed between his late season 3 descent into "brutal vampire-hunter ready to murder Nandor if needs must" and the time of his turning. He gained and lost a boyfriend, he reconnected with his family, was at Nandor's side for an incredibly human journey of desperately trying to seek happiness via marriage.
The shampoo scene is SUCH a good depiction of it, overhearing all that just confirms Nandor's suspicions of what Guillermo needs. Sure, he knows that Guillermo likes the ceremony and pathos of his little made-up induction, but he knows he NEEDS a real choice to make. One that he's been hoping for (please do not bear the same curse as me, I know you would hate killing innocents) and dreading (does it make me a worse monster if I wanted you to revel in the blood in order to stay by my side), but under all his posturing he knows Guillermo's choice as easily as he would his own.
No more dismissiveness, no more pretending to forget serious things about Guillermo to push him away. He remembers the words spoken from Guillermo over a decade ago, the place where they first met, where he grew up and who his family is.
He knows Guillermo's choice.
I'm just. I'm just frothing at the fucking mouth about this because no amount of cutting Guillermo off mid-sentence is going to put that rabbit back in the fucking hat for season 6. There was still a decent bet on Nandor not turning Guillermo for bullshit and/or comedy reasons if their weird season 3 elopement thing went off without a hitch. For him to mayyybe seem he might not care, or not want to turn him due to purely selfish reasons (like when CEOs sabotage secretaries to keep them by his side).
There's NO way they're gonna sell that he doesn't care anymore and I'm SO FUCKING CURIOUS to see how that shakes out now.
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messier-47 · 1 year
RE7, RE8
A study of Ethan Winters cause I love him as a character and he's so fucking weird? definetely interesting.
I've taken a few liberties about his character
RE8 is so fucked up.
I hate it.
Okay, so Resident Evil games have this entire set up/scheme that they religously follow. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it, right? RE7 was different because it was a FPS with a very intimate horror setting. It relied solely on horror and not just the adventure side of most Resident Evil games. RE8 was crafted exactly like a typical Resident Evil videogame which isn't bad but Ethan made the difference.
Ethan is "a regular dude" given the motive "save my daughter" with the added emotional turmoil of "my wife is dead". Kinda sounds familiar right? it's almost in parallel with RE7.
"My wife's been missing for 3 years" -> "i just my wife get murdered"
"I must find my wife" -> "i must find my daughter."
So now we have Ethan's entire emotional state and motive to go forth into dangerous scenario to base videogame off of. However...all too quickly everything gets way out of hand. In RE7, the presented story is something understanble and maybe even relateable to Ethan's understanding of the world. He went into the deep swamps of Louisiana and there's a crazy murder family who'd been snatching victims (this is without the explanation of mold which is later revealed to him). Now he walks into a european village and there suddenly werewolves? steampunk man with metal powers? marionette witchcraft? hunchback of putrid mutant? evil seraphim? this is way out of his league of understanding!
And yes, he had some form of military training and was in some form of witness protection program? However there's a BIG difference between "yeah I survived Louisiana madhouse that just happened to be a mold hot spot, afterwards getting military training" and then Leon Kennedy level of bullshit bumfuckery. speaking of Leon, RE8 was odd because it kept treating Ethan as if he was Leon!
I don't mean the "Ethan Winters your reputation proceeds you" or how RE8 was just a reordered version of RE4 with some diverse bossfights, it was the "let's treat Ethan like the heroic character" when...he isn't. RE8 would have been so much better if Miranda and the Lords weren't so concerned over Ethan's appearance. What if Miranda and the Lords were going about their business getting ready for the ceremony when suddenly there was "some guy" who starts culling their army reserve?
Ethan's character in RE8...is pretty bland in comparison to RE7. Again, it's probably because he's a "quiet" man who doesn't really talk to the camera about what he knows, what he's thinking or feeling. RE8 is so big and momentous that it sorta drowns him out as a character with agency. His dialogue isn't as rich, his choices are very guided towards an endpoint, and...even the shit we do see makes Ethan out to be more heroic than what we've seen in RE7.
It's...odd? and maybe this is just bais and opinion at this point but Ethan Winters is a character ill-fitted into the protagonist role of RE8. Whereas Chris Redfeild, Leon Kennedy, and Jill Valentine could all be fitted into heroic roles and imagery like King George and the Dragon, David and Goliath, and Joan of Arc, Ethan was never a character to lead an epic journey. He's more of a "silent hunter"? idk, keep having the image of a slow and steady persistence hunter, verses...whatever the hell the other heroes got going for them.
Really, the storyline of RE8 is ill-suited for Ethan. Can't say I don't understand, a videogame is often just a videogame so the story is compromised to better fit the gameplay. and because it's so bad, I'm really tempted to do a RE8 rewrite fanfic out of pure spite but lmao ain't got enough braincells to spread across two fandoms when i'm already invested in one.
So we go up against the 4 Lords before we have a face-off against Miranda. The segment in Lady D's castle...was awkward in a character development sense. Ethan heads into the castle over and over against cause it's the biggest building around and thus the most likely to have his daughter, except even with the Duke's hints and encouragement, Ethan's motive was really shaky. Why? Because was he in the castle to save his daughter or to kill vampire ladies? would've been better if that part of the game was more dedicated to "run, hide, and investigate" with the sisters trying to hunt for him just like later Lady D would do. Instead we have multiple mini-boss fight scenes before we see the cradle and remember why we're in the castle in the first place. then we fight+defeat Lady D. Which is weird? Okay, so game mechanics Lady D just happens to find you after you kill her 3 daughters and start tomb-robbing. However...story wise it's weird because your PRIME motive is "find my daughter" so why go on killing spree? why the heroics?
we go to Duke and finally get our mission to find/build master key and also collect daughter parts from the 4 Lords.
We go to Beneviento's house which was a WASTED OPPORTUNITY for some character exposition. CURSE YOU ETHAN FOR BEING A QUIET MAN!!! We got to hear Mia talking to herself throughout her pregnaucy and honestly without the added context of "Mia was confronting the truth about both Ethan and her baby being mold people" ...i would have thought all her dialogue was due to a hard pregnaucy. This could have been prime real estate to expose Ethan and Mia's relationship, how they healed after RE7, their thoughts about building back their marriage, their fears and even the doubts about having a child. but we get NOTHING from Ethan! Was the monster baby a representation of Mia's fear? Ethan's fear? or was it just a monster? IDK! this part was so good horror wise but storytelling it SUCKED!
the Monreau segment was so lackluster. It was just a RE4 reference except more gross with acid and boogers everywhere. Ethan is able to get ahold of his daughter piece and for some reason he found pity for Monreau's weeping? He definitely stopped to listen to whiny fish baby's tantrum which I find really odd because...why??? He never showed much sympathy so why now would he stop to listen to "Miranda wants her baby back" speech? unless it was only meant for a game mechanic which i'm getting sick and tired of because it's just shit writing at this point.
We go get to reunite with Chris and get some answers as to what's going on but really Chris? you're gonna look the same man who UNTRAINED and COMPLETELY IGNORANT managed to clear an entire bioweapon's mold infestation BY HIMSELF and try to say "stand down" and expect obediance? yeah, your brainwashing military training ain't that strong.
Then we get to Karl's segment and... honestly why? why was Karl even interested in Ethan? Ethan doesn't have extraordinary abilities other than "fuck you" levels of adrenaline and perseverance. So why did he want Ethan on his team as he reblled against Miranda? Heh, almost understanable why Karl/Ethan is a thing because i can't think or anything other than pure lust probing Karl to make his offer. Karl is a bioweapon engineer, having built an army of cyborgs and is probably the only person in the village who know how cellphones actually work. Oh, as he had magnet powers so why does he want/need Ethan? In order for Rose to be reliably handled and managed? she's a 6 month baby, not even potty trained, wtf?
then chris comes clean about everything and Ethan uses tank to defeat mutant Karl with some moves pretty sure Leon Kennedy would be proud of cause they were pure bullshit.
Ethan finds out about his own mold problem and ugh you can't convince me the whole "Ethan knew he was going to die so might as well sacrifice himself" was just add to trigger the fuck out of Chris who'd seen his friend in RE5 die in an incredibly simular way. Very dramatic, heroic scene. Very "i face god and walk backwards into hell"
All in all...RE8 was a videogame. Forgiveable? Yeah, cause it was never meant to be a story. the problem here is that whilst all Resident Evil games are literally video games and makes compromises about characters, their development arcs, their stories so that it's more about the game than an actual narrative, RE8...was just a game with a cobbled together story with no care to the actual characters.
And it wasn't just Ethan who got the short end of the stick. Chris Redfield was casted into an anti-hero role and Mia was a forgotten SUPER SKETCHY character throughout. Uuuuuuggggghhhh at this point i'm just raging against a video game instead of doing an indepth character study. sorry gang
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yoinkschief · 9 months
I too have that little ‘no one understands them like I do’ thing going on. It is only partially not my fault
Bro help I hate the fandom so much with my little guy specifically. Every time I try to find stuff about them I can never escape just how much people infantalize them. It is an issue
And yes, I would be crucified by many for saying ‘that’s an adult’. And shipping??? Oh yea my head is ending up on a spike for that :)
I mentioned this on the tags of the last post and it's not a huge deal more of an ick cause orgs not canon (yet(?)) but Marvin within the fandom, at least last I checked, is like FAMOUSLY asexual, yet I cannot escape the amount of ns//fw shit with him in it it makes me crazy
Gol-ly man, the infantilization of characters has followed me EVERYWHERE, 2016-2018 Tord specifically, also Edd and SEVERELY Matt, I know everyone talks about Tord because he's like the most jarring to see in that way but MATT WAS DONE SO DIRTY
Bro was treated like Derpy Hooves was by the majority of the fandom, incredibly ableist towards a very autistic coded character and infantalizing
God and pro shippers too, it's like really bad now cause I'm like an adult and it's so hard getting into fandoms that is prominently kids, like Gravity Falls ran in my youth so the people who watched it at the same time are like the same age as me, but The Owl House is ROUGH, and my bestie and I share this sentiment because we both love TOH BUT WE DON'T CARE WHO HUNTER WANTS TO KISS I WANNA KNOW HOW FUCKED UP HIS CHILDHOOD WAS SO I CAN GAUGE HIS TRAUMA METER RAHHH
But like actual proshipping sucks so hard cause even when I was kid I had that shit around me at all times, I WASN'T EVEN ONLINE THEN EITHER, not prominently anyway, I had CLASSES with this chick who OPENLY SHIPPED DIPPER AND MABEL
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🔥🔥🔥 - 4., 7., 10.
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I have far too many stories to count lolZ but the most recent one was being called a bitch by said person and that was just so fucked I backed out of their hard. Someone calling someone a bitch is a major major red flag for me. As far as I know they don’t think that was even wrong or bad so definitely was a good call lolZ.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
This is actually really hard because for pretty much all of the characters I hated them because of their in show actions and the fndm and how they treated the character made it worse vs being the reason I hated them. The closest I have to the fndm making me hate a character is probably Robyn. I disliked her quiet a bit when I first saw her but it wasn’t like I twitch every time I hear her name the fndm most definitely did that with how much they insisted she was actually “the only one helping Mantle” and how she “knew Ironwood was bad” and how they made her out to be some epic hero fighting for the people when in reality she’s just a whiny selfish brat.
She massively escalated her attacks because she won what she thought was a fair election. She specifically targeted a government project that she had no clue what it was for rather then the rich billionaire who was the actual person causing a mass majority of the problems she had currently. Jacques was the one who laid off hundreds if not thousands of people because he was no longer making billions of dollars. He’s the one who has “controversial labor practices” not James. He’s the one who decided to work with a terrorist out of greed. Jacques is the one who squeezed Mantel until it broke NOT JAMES. He was trying to restore global communication he gave Mantel protection and did things like assign a hunter to watch school children that really did not need it but gave the parents comfort. He did what he could to help but Robyn threw a fit like a child when she was told no she didn’t need to know this classified information. She is not a hero and an insult to every other Robyn Hood out their.
10. worst part of fanon
The rewriting of literally everything James did ever to try and make him secretly evil the entire time. Him giving Yang a free prosthetic? He was just trying to manipulate her so she would owe him. Standing up for Weiss? More manipulation. Him telling the council in Vale the truth about how the Grimm got into the city and why? It’s him trying to hostilely take over Vale and overthrow Ozpin.
He is not allowed to do anything good or even morally gray anymore according to the fndm it’s just all evil and it’s so exhausting. James was not a monster. Every action he took wasn’t him being shady and evil. He is a man living in a world that is stuck in a terrible predicament forcing him and others to make morally gray choices in the name of survival. It’s not evil. The fndms refusal to look at anything with even a slight morally complexity is just so damn tiring. Characters are allowed to make gray or even bad decisions and not be pure evil. They’re allowed to make mistakes and disagree and not be absolutely perfect. And I do not understand the fndms refusal to see this besides their obsession with CR/WBY to an unhealthy degree.
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mdhwrites · 1 year
what are your thoughts on the hunter/golden guard disparity? i have always hated his character, bc when he was introduced he was arrogant, selfish, and cruel, but the minute he was discarded by belos, all his actions are suddenly forgiven and he doesnt do anything else bad for the whole show. u probably heard this so many times but he feels like, and for all intents and purposes IS, an entirely different character
people compare him to zuko all the time, but the two are only alike on a surface level; hunter hasn't actually like, done anything to redeem himself? not that he necessarily has to in order to be an interesting character! but the show, and the fandom, treats him as 100% redeemed for no apparent reason, and that grates on me
So in terms of what it does to his character, what it means and the like and how the transition is, I actually did touch on it somewhat in one blog called "Does Hunter Have a Character Arc?"
Also, the disparity between his first major appearance and his second major appearance, alongside Amity's own version of this, is what made me coin the phrase "Your character arc appears a lot more drastic when you start out of character." It was something I'd said first meaning it as a joke but... *gestures at The Collector who is pulling the same shit* The show is really bad as far as handling the characters it wants to redeem because Amity is the closest of the three not to come off as entirely different in her first appearance and even then, she is about 100x more unhinged in her first appearance than she literally ever gets, despite Covention's stakes being so much higher and the failure more catastrophic.
And before I get to the twist on all of this I want to talk about, (I'll actually bold text where that is if you want to skip the anecdote) I want to point out the most bizarre thing that has happened between me and the fandom in regards to Hunter. Warning for Boscha fans because this will sound all too normal to all of you.
I have a story called The Blight's Ruff Secret (which was then converted into the original story Their Ruff Secrets). In it, Hunter shows up for like... One chapter and is named dropped in one or two more. He's not important but Belos running the biggest church in town is for Luz's arc in that story. After all, her being gender non-conforming and bi in a small, religious town doesn't exactly mean she's popular, let alone with the teenagers at church, not that she'll tell a Camila who is devout any of that.
Hunter in that story is a bigot and a bully and friends with Boscha. This combination led to a long comment of someone saying that they liked my story but that Hunter would NEVER be a bigot, bully and god forbid the very concept of him being friends with SOMEONE LIKE BOSCHA.
And this wasn't even post S3. This was between S2A and B. So... To say the fandom is a bit fucked up when it comes to understanding the fundamental elements of Hunter's backstory and who he started as character-wise is a bit of an understatement.
Admittedly, it's also the show's fault because it fails to incorporate elements of the world or the character's history into who they are or what they do. And this is kind of what I want to touch on more with The Golden Guard versus Hunter disparity: What is the Golden Guard? And how does it transform over the course of the show?
So let's start with the absolute first thing we're told and shown. After losing Lilith, the coven decides that it's best face to put out publicly is The Golden Guard. Realistically, you do this for one of two reasons. One is that they are the face that the most amount of people know or two: You believe he can be that because he is the best amongst your ranks. Lilith even pushes at least the second idea by saying that he's a child prodigy. These posters are also put EVERYWHERE in the episode we see them and enchanted in a way to stay in your face if you're annoyed with them, literally.
In that same episode, we're introduced to The Golden Guard, who at least has enough influence to get a LOT of gold and an expedition together, complete with boat, just for the sake of accomplishing the mission of killing the Selkidamus. I actually suspect that if Eda hadn't stolen the gold, Hunter wouldn't have had any reason to threaten Eda, Luz and King because, well... That wasn't his job or plan.
As such, the point of The Golden Guard is to be able to handle messier missions that might risk multiple guards otherwise but he can handle on his own. He is their special agent and appears to be given access to a lot of resources for this goal. Hunting Palisman even pushes this concept further by him being the one sent out alone to get the Palisman, complete with an airship.
As far as a compelling antagonist who at least can do as much as Lilith did in S1, it's not a bad setup actually. It's a bit too close to just making a new EC head but the twist of them having no reason to NOT kill Lilith and Luz is one that allows them to be much more dangerous and brutal in what they do. It's effectively swapping out Rita for Zed in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
Buuuuut that's much more complicated for the sake of redeeming Hunter, isn't it? So even in Hunting Palisman, we get our first retcon about the Golden Guard: No one knows him. Literally fucking no one knows what the fuck he looks like, acts like or sounds like. Yes, he's without his cloak and mask but I imagine what he's wearing is still standard issue underneath that since it looks like body armor so maybe give him a little more credit than accusing him of being just some dumb teenager?
This also begs the question of why he was put on the posters? If he is so anonymous to the troops, they can't vouch for him if someone comes to them for more info on who is on the poster. Shouldn't the guards have literally any idea of who's leading them? Or representing them? Because... If Hunter isn't, who is? There's no EC coven head anymore. And never will be from the show's standpoint, even months later.
Eclipse Lake doubles down on this. Now, not only is The Golden Guard unknown without their mask but a disgraced Kikimora can command guards more than Hunter. If this isn't true, Eclipse Lake makes no sense. Admittedly, Hunter doesn't bring his mask or staff, neither of which makes any sense unless he needs to get them directly from Belos before any mission which... MAYBE the staff but absolutely not on the mask. That's just a part of his uniform.
So within three episodes, he has gone from the biggest deal and the most important member of the EC... To nothing. To an outcast amongst his peers without any power or respect. In THREE EPISODES. Without him himself doing anything and only failing one mission because as far as Belos knows, the Selkidamas IS dead.
And the fact that this does mirror Hunter's own character arc highlights how badly it's handled, if it even exists, let alone it being rational in any conceivable way. And this is all S2A which... Almost certainly wasn't affected by the shortening and sure as shit wasn't written with the shortening in mind if it was. After all, while the decision happened by the time the S1 finale came out... Animation takes a lot of time. They would have been knee deep in production for S2. Dana herself has proven that as before S2 came out, they started WRITING AND BOARDING SEASON THREE.
So... This is just what Hunter's arc was decided to be. What the Golden Guard meant. And it's just bad. And that's without getting into the ways it goes about assassinating what we knew about the Emperor's Coven in Sport in a Storm or the like.
So why did the fandom forgive him? Why is he so popular? I... Wish I knew. When push comes to shove, like in the blog I linked at the top, I can come up with more charitable readings on his character. Give him a real character instead of a puppet constantly being yanked around and changed by the Hand of the Author, but casually? Why the hell should I care about a character who I never can get a grasp on? Who's fundamental elements constantly contradict themselves.
And Hunter isn't the only person like this. But hey, the Collector sure is going to be a fun, final boss fight, isn't he? *eye twitch*
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kenobster · 1 year
7 and 10 for the opinions meme!
from the Choose Violence Ask Game, thank you for the ask!! ^_^
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Hate is such a strong word lmao, and usually canon has already gotten me to hate a character before I even witness fandom behavior (i.e. Satine - though I really only hate her in the Obitine lens; otherwise, I like her or am neutral). So I've been really racking my brain for this one lol.
If we change it to "which character began to annoy you" .... there are a few. Hunter from TBB is one. I don't get why ppl like him so much. Fandom be like "he's a hot dad!!!" and I'm just like.... Rex exists. In fact a lot of clones have started to annoy me lately bc fandom apparently thinks they're hotter than Rex, so I think this is a me problem (or maybe a Rex problem, he needs to mind his own hotness).
Another one is actually Luke. Like I am pretty neutral on almost all OT content (unless it's Vader being abused by Palpatine, that's hot). But even then, I'm super neutral on Luke. But there's constant Luke discourse on my dash. Like "Luke's character is like this, not this" or "Luke wouldn't do that, he'd do this" and I'm like who is even saying what these posts claim ppl are saying? Also, most recently, I was reading a fic where I guess Anakin forgot he had twins or something bc he acted like Luke was his only child. So idk, it's definitely been pushing me the wrong way lately.
(These are all spicy takes lmao, so everyone please understand these are my personal interests, not actual analysis or even opinions I will stand by. But also all of you are wrong if you disagree with me. ;D)
10. worst part of fanon
I have so many things to complain about that I decided to narrow this down by defining fanon... For this post, fanon will refer to any popularly held headcanon that I see in fanfic that is generally innocent/harmless and does not regularly get brought up in discourse (I have to eliminate sand ppl things, etc. or we'll be here all day and I'll make so many enemies lol.)
So with that definition, the worst fanon imo is the characterization of Obi-Wan as a master to Anakin. Things like "Obi-Wan never told Anakin he loved him" or "Obi-Wan didn't tell Anakin he loved him enough" or "Obi-Wan never helped Anakin recover from slavery bc he didn't know how to handle such complex topics" (.... yes... surely that trait is how he became a Jedi Master on the Jedi Council, mmhmm) or "Obi-Wan didn't hug Anakin" (one of my BIGGEST pet peeves oh my god, why would he not hug a child????) or literally any variation of these themes. Whether Obi-Wan hugged Anakin or told him he loved him or actually asked him about his needs/wants/past, etc. - none of those subjects have been raised in well-known canon to my knowledge? And based on how Obi-Wan talks to Anakin as an adult in canon and how Obi-Wan treats other children (i.e. Numa) in canon, I'm pretty sure he did every single one of those things while raising Anakin. I have no idea where this fanon comes from (actually I think I do but I'm too tired to whine about how Jedi aren't emotionally repressed right now, esp bc it breaks my discourse rule), but it infuriates me. Anakin had a very good life with Obi-Wan, -glares at everyone on his hellsite-, alright?
Anyway, thank you again for the ask, I very much enjoy angrily spilling tea. lmao
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secretly-of-course · 2 years
Darius and Willow!
Sure thing :D
How I feel about this character: Gosh I’ve done such a 180 on him. I hated him in Eda’s Requiem and in ASIAS I was like congrats on the not as big a jerk as you could have been award, but then Hollow Mind just—Darius, sweetheart, I’m so sorry about all the shit I ever said about you.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: No one really
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I think the teasing relationship he has with Raine is really fun, and of course gotta love Dadrius and Hunter
My unpopular opinion about this character: again I’m not sure this unpopular but I don’t think him being nice to Hunter now immediately excuses how he used to treat him. We know the way he used to treat Hunter was fueled by his own grief, and I am more than happy to forgive him, but I think he owes Hunter a proper apology
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Just to see him more honestly
Favorite friendship for this character: Eberwolf!! In King’s Tide when Darius stopped fighting bc if he continued the others were gonna kill Eber like holy heck!! Like before we thought they were just coworkers or whatever but they really care about each other <3
My crossover ship: I don’t have one
How I feel about this character: the BEST girl ever!!!! She’s amazing in every possible way
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Primarily Hunter but I also like her with Luz
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Gus :)
My unpopular opinion about this character: Willow was already amazing and lovable in season 1, I’m tired of people acting like she only became cool in season 2
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I’d like to see Willow experiment with other forms of magic. Like the half-a-witch thing I want to know if that means she can only do plant magic or if she’s capable of other kinds (besides abominations)
Favorite friendship for this character: Gus!! :)
My crossover ship: again I don’t have one
Thanks for asking!!
Send me a fandom/character/ship ask game
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awakefor48hours · 6 months
3, 8, 13, 14, 18, 19, and 22?
Salty Ask Game
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
I have not actually. If someone I follow likes something in canon I don't (or vice versa) I just do my best to ignore it and block tags when needed.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?
YEP. I don't usually respond to it and I won't mention it because it can be triggering but I've gotten PLENTY of anon hate.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
For this, I just put a bunch of my blorbos in a spinner and got Luz so let's do her. For the most part, I feel like I have a lot of the same opinions as most people in the fandom but I think the most unpopular opinion is that her relationship with her mom has always been good.
When Luz made it to the Boiling Isles, she always thought of mom. She made videos for her, brought a picture of the two them together, and fought specifically to see her mom again after the portal was destroyed. Camila has always loved Luz and done the best she could to make sure that Luz would have a good life.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
I'm just gonna use TOH for this as I'm in A LOT of fandoms but seeing as how the fandom is kinda dying down now, it's hard to say what exactly but one thing about it back when the show was coming out is the constant huntlow hate. There's a lot I can say on this topic but just to keep it simple, I'll just say that this fandom definitely has some liars because when gold/rick was getting popular, no one really batted an eye to it despite not knowing a thing about Hunter or the fact that they've never even interacted. Then after Willow and Hunter had several heartfelt moments together, suddenly everyone's going around screaming that Huntlow is underdeveloped.
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
I wouldn't say that. I've had times when I don't ship the popular ship in the fandom and it's just because it doesn't compel me. Let's take the RWBY fandom (FNDM) for an example. The most popular ship in the FNDM is Yang and Blake but I don't ship it, I actually like Ruby and Blake more than that. There's no reason to it, that's just how my brain works.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Once again, I'm using TOH because I'm in a lot of fandoms. I feel like I've made my hatred of Belos clear so here's a new thing: the tunnel vision on lumity. I love lumity, I think this is obvious, but so often when you hear people talk about TOH or even just scroll through the tags, you'll just be bombarded by lumity and just classify The Owl House as the yuri isekai cartoon.
22. Popular character you hate?
ALADOR (kinda). When Alador was first introduced, I got so annoyed seeing people constantly talk about how he's "so neurodivergent" and bi (especially since the literal protagonist is canonically neurodivergent and bi) yet would shit on Odalia. From our perspectives, until Clouds on the Horizon, Alador was just as bad as Odalia but because he liked bugs and did things a little weird, everyone suddenly developed amnesia about the fact that he's the one who made Amity befriend Boscha and Skara and also threatened to kick Willow out of Hexside.
I don't hate Alador too much anymore because the cancellation of the show definitely shot his redemption arc in the foot and I can tell what Dana wanted to do with him. Other than that, the way that the fandom treats him just shows how white male characters can basically get away with murder.
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epickiya722 · 7 months
Another owl house thing that happened between Luz and Hunter, is that the narrative straight up made it CLEAR their sibling like connection, it wasn't just an interpretation.
Like, they are always being directly paralleled to the the two canonical siblings in the story, Hunter is considered at one point Camila's (Luz's mom) kid, and then Luz herself tells him that he's part of the family, her family.
Many of the ships, the anime ones specifically, that get called "Siblings" are pretty much entirely based on that one person's interpretation, which is fine, but problem is that they think this magically means that nobody else is allowed to see them in any other way, and it makes it extra shitty bc they don't even consider cultural differences a thing in this situation, esp if theirs is not seen that way by canon itself.
Exactly, that's the thing that bothers me more.
I don't mind people having different opinions and interpretations about something.
But what I dislike so, so much is whenever others try to push on their opinions onto others and get hostile without considering, as you mentioned, cultural differences. Or even different life experiences.
Example, I am someone of color. So more or less, the way I view a character of color being written and treated by the fandom is going to be a different view from someone else who isn't.
I don't think it's cool for anyone to try to push their "agenda" on anyone when it comes to shipping or anything else because they have a problem with their ego and the urge to be hateful.
There's a difference between sharing your opinion and just being a straight up jerk.
Look, I have my ships and I know some people don't share those same ships. But I'm not going to waste my time to jump into someone's inbox to convince them otherwise, especially if they made it clear in the past they don't like that ship that way.
Also, yeah, that's another thing. Parallels.
Sometimes the narrative is clear how a pair is being depicted through paralleling another pair.
I think of BNHA for this one.
A lot of pairs, canonical romantic or not (and yes, can be seen as friends if you choose), tend to be pairs where one character is light haired and the other is dark haired, their other physical appearances oppose each other (round and sharp), personalities are opposite (one is quieter than the other), and bonus they happen to have known each other before the events of the story.
Sometimes, it would be more than one or all of these traits.
I think of pairs like Kirishima and Ashido, Kaminari and Jiro, Eraserhead and Present Mic, Jiro and Bakugou's parents. Pairs like that.
But then there's a pair like Midoriya and Uraraka.
To me, they serve more as a mirror to each other than as a pair that should mirror another. They're too similar to me from physical appearance to personalities and even their own stories.
(Not saying for you to agree with me though, this is just me with those two.)
Now sometimes I think with parallels is that no matter how clear they are, some people do choose to ignore them or try to apply them in ways that don't make sense just so they "feel like they have the upper hand" and again, bash someone's view just to be hateful.
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sakebytheriver · 2 years
Saw your huntlow post and just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! The way a certain portion of the fandom has been treating the ship has been a mixture of hilarious and frustrating to me (Though not surprising. Just look at the stranger things fandom) I’m not plus size or a person of colour but I’ve noticed that behaviour and similar patterns in so many other fandoms it’s honestly kinda concerning. There’s a lot to unpack about why the fandom is rejecting the ship but you definitely covered a fair amount of it. Again just wanted to say thank you for expressing coherently what I have noticed no just in the owl House fandom but multiple fandoms 👍
Hey anon, I'm glad my post was able to put your own thoughts into words coherently. I've been noticing a lot of white favoritsm from the toh fandom since day one and I've been calling it out on this blog a lot too, I think it's even gotten me blocked by some big wigs in this fandom. It's not exactly a surprise to me that Willow and Gus basically disappeared from the fandoms content the second Amity, Hunter, and the Blight twins showed up, but I wish they'd be more self aware about what they're doing, like they've gotta know they're not being original when they focus on the white side characters in the show. And it's just so annoying that if all your interaction with the show comes from what you see from the fandom you wouldn't even know Luz is the main character or who Willow and Gus even are, I once had someone tell me they didn't even know Luz was the main character because the fandom content made them think she was the love interest and Amity was the main character. They literally told me they hadn't been wanting to watch the show because of that too and once I told them it was Luz's show not Amity's they were gonna watch it. I just wish it wasn't so predictable, that it wasn't such a cliche and that anytime there's a ship with a woc the ship's supporters didn't also have to act as the character's protection squad. I've had many many interracial ships between a white guy and a woc and every time I have to sift through all of the racist bullshit in the ship tag just to get the content I want to see, I just wish I could exist in fandom spaces with the same ease as these stans that create gay crack ships between cute skinny white boys. Like it's so interesting to me how everybody was so perfectly happy to put poor traumatized little Hunter into romantic relationships and scenarios with the pretty and popular (and white) Blight twins, but when the show itself decided to make Willow his potential love interest instead the whole fandom decided that they would rather Hunter stay single and that he's too traumatized to be ready for a romantic relationship and yatta yatta yatta it's just all a bunch of cover for the fact that they're mad they're ship isn't gonna be canon and that their favorite little white boy poor little meow meow is interested in a fat woc instead of the other cute mischief white boy they wanted him to be into instead.
Can you tell I'm a bitter bitch who's been stuck in fandom spaces for many years and has been burned over and over again by racists in my ship tags yet?
I just don't get why people can't keep their mouths shut and not post their anti shit in the ship tag, like bitch I promise everyone in this ship tag has heard your dumb arguments over and over again we don't come into this tag to see your hate, we come into this tag to see our ship just like everybody else. So to the Huntlow antis shut the fuck up and if you absolutely must post your ship hate keep it out of the goddamn tag, I promise you its super duper easy to type #anti-huntlow it's just as easy as typing #huntlow I swear, it really won't cost you too much time, but you didn't wanna do that, you wanted the attention from the shippers, you wanted to make them upset, you purposefully did this because you wanted to. I've seen antis in the tag be like "if you don't like my post or your upset im being an anti in the tag you can just scroll past" and it's like bitch you coulda just done that too, you could have stayed the fuck out of the tag you know is going to be populated with people who don't agree with you, like you're the one coming into the business meeting with big shoes and a red nose on and asking everyone in suits to act like you aren't a clown, shut up and get out of our tag, if you don't like the ship well then it's not for you bitch. Anyways here are my final thoughts on the Huntlow antis
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