#i hate modern rp culture
verratensduo · 7 months
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delusionaid · 5 months
✖☠♢☢✿ teehee <333
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salty munday meme
You just want to see the world burn~
✖ How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
My gods, where do I start? When I started we all had ridiculous URLs with 4 dashes in each, we all used random huge gifs as reactions, nobody formatted anything or used small text, and a LOT of people I knew were actually in RP groups and not independent blogs. None of the common staples of RP now were a thing the people I used to write with thought about, I feel: blog rules were none-existent or very very short and basic, exclusivity was not that big a thing (except for the group RPs), blog graphics really didn't matter.
Obviously I can't speak for all of tumblr and all fandoms, but that was my experience in the early days. It felt very low effort and low pressure but high fun. There was a lot less drama than nowadays too, from what I remember, and the overall atmosphere was quite welcoming and.. silly.
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
Be rude or mean or cruel or overall obnoxious to me or others. I don't agree with everyone on everything and I don't expect that from anybody else either. But there are things like common decency and manners and mutual respect and tolerance. As long as these things are present, we're going to be just fine. If I see you hating on others or bullying them - and I don't care about your reasons for it - I'm out. We could have absolutely opposing views on e.g. ships but be respectful about it and we'll get along. However, we could have the exact same taste in ships yet I see you hating on other people or being a bully (even if you're nice to me) and we'll absolutely not be friends. Be kind, it takes less energy than being a terrible human being, actually.
Gotta put the rest under a cut because it's long :)
♢ Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz
I'm not sure about RP, I don't really pay attention to that. I don't particularly care as long as someone doesn't kinda copy me and then try to go to my writing partners with the same ideas. If someone took my verses or headcanons 1:1 to write them with their own friends and writing partners, honestly have at it. My headcanons also have to be quite specific for me to feel like they're unique to my portrayal. People who write the same muses often come up with similar things because we base it on what we deduce from observing canon and there will be overlaps.
I've had people steal and repost my fanfictions though. And I've had my graphic edits and gifsets reposted without my permission.
☢ What fads/trends are you so over?
Purple prose writing - I never liked it and I never will. Generally excessive formatting too, to be honest. It get that it looks cool, but unless you are engaging in calligram poems the focus on aesthetics over content for me seems a bit misplaced. As always, to each their own, and if that's the art you are aiming to create here then you are doing a fabulous job, but it's simply not what I am looking for.
✿ What do you think about public call out posts?
I think they're bad. More often than not they feel like an excuse to bully people and they create more harm than good. They are never fully honest, never an objective recount of events and never lead to any positive outcomes as far as I can tell. They're the modern online version of trying to create an angry lynch mob to get someone burned at the virtual stake. I reject callout posts and cancel culture in general wholeheartedly.
Of course there are dangerous and shady people in online spaces (like there are away from your computers as well) and in very rare cases it might be good to make a community aware of an ongoing issue or the possibility of something happening. There should be a GENERAL awareness of the dangers of the online world and strangers that could help prevent actual serious incidents. That said, most callouts I've seen are not about serious cases, they're about people having personal altercations that have nothing to do with the rest of the community and should not be discussed in a public war of who's better at making the other look like a psychopath. There are good reasons why in real life, if someone is accused of a crime it's forbidden for people to take justice into their own hands and go after them. When you see a callout on your dash, you never have all the facts, nobody ever seems to question the source of these callouts (enough), they're always incredibly biased and presenting "evidence" out of context (which is the opposite of transparent), and never encourage you to listen to both sides of the story and make your own opinion of it. All of that should make you think twice before you even consider reblogging that. Also: imagine someone wrote a callout about you, with ill-intent, fabricating lies and making your past (& private) messages look shady out of context. Would you want total strangers to shun or even attack you without giving you the benefit of the doubt? I guess not, huh? Do not carelessly treat things as good that you don't want to happen to you in a bad case scenario.
It's just a hard pass for me. I reject this as a way of dealing with personal problems. Not to mention that I don't relate to people's desire to air their dirty laundry on social media. Try to fix your personal issues in private and think about the future consequences of your actions before you publish a lengthy text about someone who wronged you, calling them all sorts of names and things that you will likely find far less appropriate in a year from now, potentially ruining their other friendships, messing with potential new friendships, their chance to calmly reflect on their behavior, and possibly get them ostracized from an entire FANDOM.
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yevgeny-tehp · 2 years
Yevgeny Tehp RP Info
Name: Yevgeny Tehp
Age: 108
Race: Veena Viera
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Children: None that he knows of
Relationship status: Single
Server: Crystal, Coeurl
Build- Yevgeny has a build of lean muscle, mostly from his days training. He is built more for running and moving quickly in general than fighting head on. 5'9', 165lb
Hair- He takes a lot of pride in his hair and enjoys putting small ornaments on it, particularly small rings or cuffs on his braids. It falls to about his mid-shoulder blades and is bright white, with small hints of purple throughout, along with at the tips of his ears. On his right side, he styles his hair in long bangs to hide his eye.
Eyes- His left eye is violet like the tips of his ears while his right is a pale shade of blue. He hates the differing colors and considers the lighter side to be 'wrong' given the purple on his ears and in his hair.
Marks- There are a series of triangle shaped tattoos on his nose and under his right eye. They hold no meaning for him, but he uses them to distract from his lighter colored eye and draw people to the other side of his face.
Parents- His mother is still alive, but he has not seen her since leaving the village. He does not know about his father
Siblings- None
Profession: While he puts on airs about helping people in need, he is a pure mercenary at heart and only does what he does for the adulation that comes afterward. If it helps someone, great. If not, whatever. He will pretend to care about a client, whatever their station, just to get more connections and greater reputation.
Hobbies: Hair piece. He has a fondness for decorative ornaments and keeps a few choice ones in his bags. His collection is small as he tends to hold onto only his favorites and sell the least enjoyed once he finds a new one he likes more. However, he doesn't tend to wear them very often. Reading. It doesn't matter what he's reading, he will find the nearest place to get hold of everything from local news to trashy novels. Before leaving his people, he had never had much access to reading materials, all of his focus going to his job defending the land. Free of that, he now reads as what he feels is a form of petty rebellion.
-Extroverted / In Between / Introverted -Disorganized / In Between / Organized -Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded -Calm / In Between / Anxious -Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable -Cautious / In Between / Reckless -Patient / In Between /  Impatient -Outspoken / In Between / Reserved -Leader / In Between / Follower -Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic -Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic -Traditional / In Between / Modern -Hard-working / In Between / Lazy -Cultured / In Between / Uncultured -Loyal / In Between / Disloyal -Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Possible Hooks
-Another Job: Yevgeny finds work where he can, but his general lack of care for money means he's willing to use his skills for anyone if he thinks the ultimate goal will get him praise. The most consistent way he has found to do that is through bounty hunting style work. If your character wants someone brought back, has/had dealings with criminals/slavers/unsavory sorts, or is one of those people, this could work well
-Night Out: When he does have money, he likes to spend it. Impulsive and sometimes rash, Yevgeny gets himself into a good deal of hedonistic situations, whether at bars or brothels or anywhere else. If your character hangs out at, or works in, such an establishment, this may fit.
(I'm always open to discussing others!)
About me, the player
Hello! I go by Mako, I'm 28, she/her. You can contact me here or in game, whichever is easier! I'm open to rp-ing on Tumblr and have done so with other characters for many years. As for FFXIV, I'm very new to rp-ing in game and still learning.
(info will be added as necessary)
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reginarchive · 8 months
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Hello, there.
Regina Stella is the name, but I go by Nana for short.
A little about me, I identify myself as a female (she/her) and I'm of legal age (26+). So please, if you're under the age of 20, I'd advise you to not follow me, as my account perhaps could not be a safe place for you at times. I'm also an ally, my account is a save place for my LGBT+ friends. So shall you harbor any hate to the marginalized group, I'd advice you to not follow me as well.
I consider my account as a cyber account, and I used to be a quite active roleplayer writer on general RP, and currently I only around for the closed RP.
I love listening to different kind of music genres (some notable artists are: Red Velvet, EXO, practically 2nd to 3rd gen kpop, Taylor Swift, and Indonesia's 2000s pop songs). I also enjoy watching several TV shows or movies (notable show: Criminal Minds, Modern Family, The Bigbang Theory, Gossip Girl), so you might see me tweeting about those from time to time.
Beside pop culture, I also have interest in social & political issue. So you could anticipate me being a tad loud about the recent issue.
But my account is not all that serious, fret not. I also often tweet about random stuff and memes. I love memes. And I consider myself pretty funny... lmao.
Well anyway! That being said, I hope I have painted quite a picture about my account. Feel free to greet me on timeline or direct message, or to block-unblock me shall my tweet(s) is making you feel discomfort in any way.
Best Regards,
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hetaoren · 1 year
Modern Verse
Headcanons, Titles
Open starters
Thread tracker
Rules (under cut)
Mun: Ezra, he/they, UTC+1, non-native English speaker, 30+ yo
General rp etiquette applies. You know what I mean.
Since this is a sideblog, I'm not mutuals only, but I still reserve the right to say no to an rp.
My LQR is asexual and aromantic. No romantic shipping will happen here. Any other relationships are welcome.
Mostly based on the donghua and hc, but will add from other media as I consume it.
Muses's views does not equal Mun's views.
With that being said though, keep you ooc LQR hate to yourself.
I'm too old for ooc drama.
This blog will contain dark themes and I will do my best to tag it. Please let me know if you want me to tag something specifically.
Rules might come to change or be added to. I will make a post if this happens.
Explanation of URL & Title
核桃仁 - hé tao rén - walnut kernel
The walnut, 核桃, has several meanings in Chinese culture, one of them is to ward of evil. Other meanings are safety, reunion and longevity. The walnut has also been used to massage/train your hands for various reasons, such as calligraphy and playing musical instrument. Kernel, 仁, is the same sign as used in Qiren, 启仁. I choose walnut kernel as url for LQR's blog because I thought that part of the symbolism for the walnut fits him (although it also means flirtation, which isn't very him) and because, like a walnut, he is hard on the outside, but not as hard on the inside and he favours the brain over the heart (and walnut kernels looks like brains).
大仁大義 / 大仁大义 - dà rén dà yì - noble and righteous (idiom)
I don't think I need to explain this one, do I?
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ahkmen · 6 years
i was just lookin in some rp tags cuz this bitch cant go a week without writing and it just amazes me all the time how there’s ... always new di.sney rp groups, but it’s always the same ass boring once upo.n a time knockoff plot where the characters are shoved into the real world in a small little town and don’t know they’re characters ... like wow u guys are so creative and it’s so revolutionary making magic/romantic/historical/whatever characters normal ass people ... so fun!
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
Reasons Your Character Was Made A Vampire That ISN’T Love
I've been roleplaying in vampire games for awhile, and a very common motive that I see for why a character was made a vampire, was that the vampire who made them was in love with them (or lust, or just because they were beautiful). In fact, it's far and away the single most common reason given in bios, in my own experience. Another thing I see a lot is that the character was just turned RANDOMLY for no apparent reason, which is weird to say the least. And while I'm not going to say these are bad reasons you should never ever do or anything like that, I am here to offer some alternatives if you’re interested in them, if “love” or “attraction” doesn’t work for your story or character, etc: 1) Hate. If vampirism is a cursed existence, maybe it was brought about because the sire vampire hated your character and wanted them to suffer, or had a grudge against someone your character was connected to and wanted to punish them by “stealing” their loved one and making them a monster. Similarly, perhaps your character was being punished for something grave. Note that this really only works when being a vampire is a truly unfortunate thing to be; being given eternal life, youth, and a bevy of superpowers is not exactly a punishment on its own, especially if your vampire has ways around killing people for their blood (bagged blood, willing donors, psychic vampire, doesn't need to kill to feed, etc) so I would recommend it for canons where being a vampire really sucks, no pun intended. 2) Usefulness. Perhaps your character has some skill or ability that their sire had use for, or some role they could play, and it’s something they needed long enough to require making them a vampire. Or maybe the skill is needed, but it can only be useful if they also have the enhanced strength, speed, and healing typically associated with vampires in current pop culture. Or maybe they needed a patsy or pawn in some scheme, and they needed to be a fellow vampire, and what better one than some naive newcomer who trusts them? There’s endless potential reasons here! 3) Preservation. Maybe your character has some trait or skill that the vampire who turns them believed must be preserved forever. Maybe they’re a master artist not appreciated in their own time, the last speaker of a dead language, a scientist who needs more time on their work (a project the vampire themselves commissioned, perhaps?) than a natural lifespan can give, or some rare supernatural talent they already posess before being turned. 4) Worthiness. The vampire sees something in this character that they feel has earned being a vampire too. Maybe it’s ruthlessness, cleverness, military prowess, or drive to survive above all else. Maybe it’s unusual kindness, or unusual cruelty. Maybe they accomplished some great feat. Maybe they did a favor for the vampire in exchange for the gift. Again, there are vast options here depending on the personal standards of the sire. One good tip I recommend is to develop the sire vampire as a character themselves, not just as a background prop to the character being turned. What they value, what they're like, who they are that has NOTHING to do with their childer. Then look at that person, and go, why would they turn someone? A lot of times, the sire character either has no personality at all, or is just obsessed with the childer, and that's about the amount of thought given. I think that's part of why some people have a hard time thinking why their character would be turned, so they just go with 'well they were in love' or make it a random attack. There certainly are people who, if they were a vampire, would turn others for love. Others for greed or gain to themselves in some way. Others out of loneliness, a desire to preserve something they value, out of anger, because they were impressed---the reasons for someone to be turned are as numerous as people themselves, and most vampires (depending on the canon) are people. For ideas on why your character could be turned, another good reference is to check out the different clans of the “Vampire: The Masquerade” tabletop roleplaying game (which is where the terms sire and childer seem to originate!). Each clan has different values, and thus seek different traits in recruits, and have different ways of handling said recruits---teaching them, nurturing them, testing them cruelly, or straight up abandoning them to see how they do. This isn’t to say make your character(s) obvious expies of the clan in question (unless that’s what you want) but more like, say, if the way the Toreador clan or the Lasombra clan chooses and treats their “Embraces” sticks out to you as working for your character and/or their sire, there’s no reason you can’t use that for your own character even in a setting where those clans don’t exist. You can mix and match too----for instance, maybe the sire chose your character for Ventrue-like reasons (nobles, religious leaders, great military figures, successful CEOs, powerful mob bosses, etc) but treated them in a more Gangrel-like way (Embraced by ambush, then abandoned to survive on their own for a time and only re-approached by their sire once they proved their worth) Also, while most vampire RPs that I’ve seen work on the “human turned by a vampire who also used to be human” version, it is worth noting that while modern pop culture vampires are almost exclusively deliberately "made" by other vampires, that's not the case at all in the folklore(s) that they come from. These are some ways people became vampires in various legends from around the world:
- Dying without being baptized - Being buried improperly or not at all - Dying of suicide - Wicked deeds in life - People who were witches or werewolves in life; werewolves and vampires overlap in many folklores, and are sometimes the same creature. Ditto for vampires and witches. - Be the seventh child of the same sex in a family - In some stories, any corpse that was jumped over by an animal, particularly a dog or a cat, was feared to become one of the undead - Violent death - Unfinished business in life And if you’re making your own story, you can always make up your own unique way! Magical rituals, botched experiments, deals with gods, the possibilities are only limited by your imagination!
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the-fallen-blue · 2 years
Which is better/less bad, Dragon Age or Elder Scrolls?
This is a tricky question, because it's a lot like asking someone to pick the better hero between BTAS Batman and comics Superman. Dragon Age as a franchise is, despite major shifts in game engine and gameplay, still a single coherent entity with a consistent identity. Elder Scrolls, on the other hand, dabbles in about three different subgenres across the spread between Arena and Skyrim mk16: Apple Watch Edition. The easiest thing to say would be that the two franchises are trying to do two different things - sandbox WRPG vs a more JRPG-style theme park on-rails story - but even that's not really true, because Redguard and ESO are even more on rails than Dragon Age, and Skyrim is an obvious direct experiment with BioWare-style characterization-focused RP in the face of the sheer impossibility of true sandbox single-player in modern gaming. It's hard to say which franchise is better at what it's trying to do when one of the franchises isn't even clear on what that is.
That said, we can still do straight comparisons of the mutual necessities of all video game RPGs. With worldbuilding f'rex I'm going to call it a draw. Both franchises present an equal complexity of multicultural worlds, truthful* politics, and unreliable narrators; Elder Scrolls is broader and richer in cultures and subcultures but only in proportion with its larger total pool of content; both present a sufficiently distinct and customized setting to make me tolerate the existence of fucking elves and dwarves, which is a high goddamn bar; Kirkbride's Gnostic fever dream of dragon breaks and mantling and CHIM is more interesting and boundary-pushing than the Fade and Titans have been so far but it's also substantially less relevant to the actual player experience so it's a wash. Elder Scrolls ekes out a narrow win for art design; they both spend way too much time being muddy and generic, but the worst of ES' Real Is Brown so far is Morrowind, which could almost carry the franchise on the strength of Redoran architecture and nix-hounds alone. Dragon Age is better at knowing its strengths; ES is only set apart from literally any other generic fantasy setting by its profound and delightful weirdness, which its marketing hates and its devs seem ambivalent about, while DA has increasingly leaned into its accidental niche of Heroic Fantasy For Women And Queers. With gameplay itself, they draw again, they're basically equal mixes of good serotonin hits and absolute trash design that you have to mod out or grit your teeth past to get back to the serotonin.
Overall, though, I think I have to give it to Dragon Age. It mostly knows what it's trying to do, and comfortably does that thing sufficiently well that it is the standard to which any other game in its niche is compared. Elder Scrolls is still generally trying to do something that no longer can be done and thus not doing it particularly well at all, and where it tries to do other things, it doesn't rise to the level of the standouts in that field.
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
How scared are you of people, compared to how scared they should be of you?
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Honestly, I have crippling social anxiety; I am a part of a bajillion servers and communities on Discord and yet I am almost never fully active in any of them. I am the same way in real life; I'm almost always the quiet one in the corner just nodding my head while everyone chats and talks. Most of the time it's because of experience--everytime someone asks questions in an attempt to get to know me or to catch up with me, it feels prying, or it triggers a defense/coping mechanism I have employed due to traumatizing experiences that involved squeezing information out of me to use against me. I tend to only open up to people when there is a subject we can divert to that has nothing to (directly) do with me--usually my art, RP, the job, the fandom, the purpose of the meeting, some other important topic, etc.
On Tumblr, though, it's a mixed bag; I'm honestly scared of people for my Sins blog than I am with my canon blogs, mostly because at least with the canon RP blogs, I can predict how someone can react to them (read: discourse) based on existing experiences within the fandom. The Sins, on the other hand, I have no such luxury beyond thirst and fawning specific individuals. I often fear someone will misinterpret my characters and read them as problematic in ways they AREN'T instead of ways they ARE (read: someone will view Josep as an abusive racist who rules his Crew with a cruel iron fist instead of a compassionate and (over)protective leader whose problematic behaviors are a result of trauma and the location/period of his time (Imperialistic Spain) and then try to harass me over it. Can you blame me for being so paranoid when this hellsite is a breeding ground for people who will encourage suicide on artists who can't draw fat people?, or are more than happy to steal artwork and "fix" it because it doesn't suit their narrow views? I've been harassed, had hate campaigns organized against me, and almost doxxed for less.
As for people being scared of me.... I'm used to it. And as much as I tell people "don't", I can understand it, and nowadays, I think it's not necessarily a bad thing anymore. I've scared people off in different RP communities because of how densely I've written my characters or their stories, or that they think they're not good enough for me. I've once tried to educate someone on correctly portraying someone's culture (mistaking an Indian Sikh for an Arab Muslim (and getting said Muslim facts incorrect)) and they left because they felt they will never be good enough or that RP is not for them. I felt terrible, and I still do. Hence why I nowadays have the Modern AU for my pirates--so that I am far less intimidating for people who want to get their feet wet into RP but don't want to worry about history/culture/etc, elements I otherwise cannot isolate without compromising their identities. And don't get me started on RL, where I am told by friends of the family that they often think I'm a snobbish elitist because I never engage with anyone or seem to talk about anything that isn't intellectual or nerdy (in reality, I'm just incredibly shy and terrible about talking anything else).
So regarding being scared of me? Just tell me to loosen up, and I will, but if you are asking me too much, or are doing something offensive, I will put my foot down and you will just have to deal with it. But otherwise, if you are tripping up on things simply out of ignorance, I'm not going to crucify you for it. I was an educator in the past, and I will always be one by heart. I am more than HAPPY to help guide you through some of the denser stuff if I have to, bust some myths, just sperge on lore/history/science facts, etc. And even then, we don't HAVE to focus on the dense shit. I am more than HAPPY to just talk about Himbo dumbfuckery, or Ruixiong's dumbassery, Gio's food snobbery, Guy's horny, Phoebus being a weenie, or Josep's blatant hypocricy, or Rashid being a whiny bitch, or Abena having no domestic skills to save her (immortal) life. I WRITE COMEDY AS WELL AS DRAMA. I AM ALSO A DUMBFUCK, I AM NOT AS SMART AS I LOOK. TRUST ME, THE SEVEN'S DUMBFUCKERY HAVE TO COME FROM SOMEWHERE. WE CAN BE BUDDIES. Just be respectful of my boundaries and understanding if I am having a hard time communicating at all with you. I'm chickenshit and stupid as hell, trust me lmao.
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oumaheroes · 3 years
hii its bougie <3 if you're still taking hc requests, i was wondering if you'd have thoughts on something that's been on my mind for a while. i was interested in the nuance to english culture due to regional differences. eg.,dinner being called "tea" in the north of england, rugby being more popular in the south, the difference in how scones with jam and cream are enjoyed in Devon and Cornwall?? or how certain english accents are perceived as... "less attractive" i guess (the black country accents are unpopular apparently?) -- you'd probably know more about these particularities than me ;u;
i was wondering how these cultural differences might map onto hws England's character, and how they might influence his attitudes and behaviours. because there's such a clearly defined stereotype of the english that i think shape people's expectations of what the english are like, i usually think that Arthur usually consciously acts according to what counts as positive interpretations of himself. however, i love nuanced and somewhat subversive interpretations of his character, and am very curious if you might have any ideas on how these kind of internal regional differences might shape him.
Bougieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3
I’m not gonna lie this sent me down a RABBIT HOLE of thoughts, so hang on tight cos we're gonna get messy.
Let’s start with my personal favourite, so excuse me whilst I geek out for a second. I’ve gone into this area already in this headcanon, but I personally see England being a very proud little dragon regarding English accents, those both native and non-native to the British Isles. Focusing just on accents within England for this post, the way Arthur himself sees them, (regarding class and general preference), comes a lot down to how I see him feeling about language and the unification of England in general.
England is a tiny country. It’s really teeny, compared to some, and yet holds an incredible number of regional accents and dialects (from digging about the internet for a good source, I keep finding numbers ranging from 37 to 43). There are a number of reasons for this, but the one that I love the most is that accents are influenced by the previous/ influential other languages spoken in a given area. Accents on the East of England are more influenced by Viking invaders, both phonologically and via the dialectal words used, and accents/ dialects in the West are more influenced by Welsh, for example.
Accents and dialects tell the history of a place, all who ever came there and influenced it to some degree. The map of English accents is a patchwork quilt of old cultures and people now lost to time, but their ways of speaking have been preserved in the modern tongue. The old English kingdoms might now be mere counties- Kent, Essex, Sussex, East Anglia, etc- they may not have their own influence or language these days as they used to, but their old ways have been imprinted on their people of today whether they know it or not and they carry pieces of the past in their words and how they speak them. Older speakers of the Northern English dialects liek the Yorkshire dialect still use ‘thou/thee’ where this has fallen out in other areas, the Midlands and parts of the South-East still keep the ‘-n’ ending for possessive pronouns (‘yourn’ instead of ‘yours’, ‘ourn’ instead of ‘ours’), and there’s even some linguistic research into how Brittonic, the ancestor of Modern Welsh, influenced English structure and phonology (for references, see notes at the end).
Back to England the person (to contain myself slightly), his regional accents are a story of himself, his history being kept alive in all of its variety every day. He doesn’t hold a classist view of a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ accent because he knows why they’re all there- what languages and people influenced them and how these events affected him- the older generations now lost and forgotten being kept alive in the smallest of phonemes.
Every dialect, every accent, and every language tells the story of a people, from the smallest phonological marker right up to a language as a whole and England takes comfort and pride in his dialects and accents’ longevity and variety. He is as much of the North as he is the South, as much of the East as the West and a patchwork man born of patchwork cultures it makes no sense for him to favour one particular accent over another.
That being said, he is aware that there is a common cultural stance on accents as well as an opinion regarding ‘ugly’ ones, ‘common’ ones, and ‘classy’ ones, but he himself doesn’t partake in these ideas. I like to think that a nation takes on the speech of the people and the area they’re in, matching the person they speak to or the area they visit to relate to their people. So, for me a Chav Arthur exists as much as a Brummie one does, or a Scouser, or a Geordie, or a Cockney. They’re all English, and thus they’re all a part of him.
I have to include this one, if only to touch on it lightly regarding accents and dialects. Class does influence which words you speak, arguably just as much as which accent (this is known as a sociolect). Although I said that England adopts the accent of whatever area he’s in, or whomever he’s talking to if they’re English, the class people are will also affect which words he choses to use.
Here’s a short example from here:
'It is pudding for the upper class. Dessert is sometimes used by upper middles, but afters and sweets very clearly put you below stairs.'
Have some more!
Upper class: Spectacles, Lavatory or loo, Die, Napkin, Sofa
Middle class: Glasses, Toilet , Pass on, Serviette, Settee or couch
(Working class is a mix but harder to find sources for).
This is where England treads a fine line. It could be that he again adopts more of a class lexicon regarding who he is speaking to, matching his people word for word. However, England is not unaware of the affects of class, regardless of how he himself feels, and also although class snobbery and divide frustrate him, he cannot deny using this understanding to benefit himself, which also conforms to how his own people behave. (I myself have, many times, diluted and filtered my speech to be seen as ‘better’).
Want to be seen as more reliable and powerful? Want to be taken more seriously? RP and Estuary English (a lot more so these days), hold undeniable sway and England is not above adopting a manner of speaking to come across ‘better’ or more polite, or a more ‘common’ accent to fit in with the working classes. I think of England as leaning more towards a working-class mindset- he’s very hands on, very up for and used to manual labour and this particular English class has always made up the bulk of his population. It makes no sense for a nation, who represents all of their people, to have a snide view or a preference for a particular group and England as a person I see is someone who does not enjoy the foppery and false airs of aristocracy.
That being said, England is an intelligent man. He knows how to work a room and use a crowd to his advantage, knows what must be done and what he needs to do to achieve a goal and if this entails courting the upper classes for a time then he will do so. He’s adepts at switching himself like a chameleon, blending his behaviours, accent, and dialect to match who he’s talking to to achieve a goal or to fit in with someone’s perception of him, or to gain influence or prestige. He also doesn’t hate his upper classes- they are of him too, and the middle and working class have their own prejudices and ideas against the others. But he doesn’t adopt a stereotypical distain of lower classes because to him, it really doesn’t make much sense.
Abroad, this need to cultivate a particular perception defiantly comes under greater pressure. RP and Estuary English are more well know, more heard and taught, and more recognisably ‘British’, and so these are what he uses when speaking English to other nations or foreigners, either wanting to uphold an image of himself (more so in the Victorian/ Edwardian period than nowadays) or just for the ease of being understood.
Regional Differences
Okay, this one is a lot more fun. Does England put in his milk first or last when making tea? Does he put jam first, or clotted cream when having a scone? Does he have chips with gravy, or curry sauce? Does he have dinner at 6, or 9? To marmite, or not to marmite.
Ah, that is the question, and England does not know the answer. Does he do what he does because that’s what he likes, or because that’s what his people do? He didn’t grow up with these habits, after all, they’re all relatively recent in his lifetime, and so these habits are defiantly things he cultures for a particular audience.
I’m not really sure if the above preferences are class based, (well, milk first when making tea is argued to be, but I can't find any sources I'd consider entirely credible. I put the ones I did find in the notes below, in case any one's interested), so it’s hard to get a sense of which one to use. Overall, it doesn’t matter which you do and neither is right or wrong, but the English feel strongly about them, one way or another, and often Arthur the man isn’t sure at all which one he himself actually thinks is better.
Food in another sense though is something he can be surer of. A Cornish pastie not from Cornwall is not worth eating, nor is a Bakewell tart outside of Bakewell. England can be very particular about this sort of thing and enjoys maintaining and supporting the ‘original’ flavour or recipe of a thing where he can, considering this to be the ‘best’. Sally Lunn Buns from Bath, Gypsy tarts from Kent, Eccles Cakes from Eccles.
England wants to preserve his food and culture and has what could be considered a snobbish view on the ‘best’ way of creating or eating his national foods. Some things he is more lenient with: he will eat cheddar cheese, whether or not it is from Cheddar, same from Cumberland sausages not from Cumbria. But he certainly has a preference and he is not afraid to voice this when asked for his opinion.
Okay, we're done
Phew! This had me digging out my old linguistic student brain. To anyone who has made it this far down, gosh golly miss molly thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the ride, and especially @prickyy who was kind enough to want to hear my opinions about all of this <3
Brittonic influence on English:
https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar_url?url=http://journals.mountaintopuniversity.edu.ng/English%2520Language/Celtic%2520Influences%2520in%2520English%2520A%2520Re-evaluation.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&ei=2ohDYdq3BoWImwHn6oWQAg&scisig=AAGBfm29zTF0FBCpd1KqDiAbjM-0X7nfoA&oi=scholarr (PDF)
https://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar_url?url=http://www.oppi.uef.fi/wanda/unicont/abstracts/14ICEHL_MF.pdf&hl=en&sa=X&ei=2ohDYdq3BoWImwHn6oWQAg&scisig=AAGBfm3UvOXbJEb0b51J73eBnTJvgGaQOA&oi=scholarr (PDF)
Sociolects and class distinction within language in English:
Milk in tea first and the potential class reason:
49 notes · View notes
bolt-from-the-dark · 3 years
“The Sapphire Emissary”
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NAME: Arynn Vyxlanova
Age: 25 Summers
Race: AuRa Xaela
Gender: Cis-Female
Sexuality: Pansexual/Demisexual
Relationship Status: Canonically Single
Sever: Crystal/Malboro
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Hair: Black with solid white streaks.
Eyes: Pale Blue with Dark Blue Rings
Height: 5′6″
Build: Rather stocky for her height, but still on the leaner side.
Distinguishing Features: Sapphire Blue Scales (Hence her Title), lack of glowing Limbral Rings, Skin is puckered around her scales from obvious trauma (refer to Carrd.). Her scales are grossly harder and less pliable than other AuRa scales.
Common Accessories: GIANT HATS (That’s it. Just hats everywhere.) 
Professions: The Emissary to Dravania and the Wilds of Abalithia’s Spine at the conclusion of the Dragonsong War. 
Hobbies: Book Collecting, Indoor Gardening (Her house looks like a Arbortorium.), A recent delve into weapons making for individuals (such as herself) that require expending vast amounts of Aether quickly.
Residence: A small Plot in Mist (Ward 23/Plot 42)
Birthplace: The Azim Steppe (Maybe? Probably?)
Patron Deity: HAHA. None.
Fears: Any sort of medical procedure (for good reason tbh), Organized religions (tbh she just hates them in general.), being stuck in the cold.
Parents: Both Deceased (Presumably)
Siblings; None
Other: She doesn’t have too many close friends or aquaintences, usually because of her own choosing, not because of lack of attempts. 
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted 
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
 Close minded / In Between / Open Minded
 Calm / In Between / Anxious
 Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
 Cautions / In Between / Reckless
 Patient / In Between / Impatient
 Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
 Leader / In Between / Follower
 Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
 Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
 Traditional / In Between / Modern
 Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
 Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
 Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
 Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
•Emmisary: Do you have business in Ishgard and her surrounding lands? With complete knowledge of the Wilds of Dravania, Arynn would be your best bet for communication with the beast men and Dragons of the lands.
•Aether Manipulation: Having an excess of Aether, she became a master weapon designer, creating chakrams, lances, axes and other weapons meant for harnessing and releasing vast quantities of Aether without the threat of depletion or damaging the weapon itself.
•Social Butterfly: Never one to sit still very long, the Xaela can often be found at various parties and events throughout The Source, enjoying the nightlife and never ever turning down a drink.
Hello! Anyone wanting to know more about my lovely lizard child here is more than welcomed to send me a DM here on Tumblr or on Discord (by request). In game is a wee bit more difficult these days due to a crazy IRL schedule, but I’m hoping that will change soon enough. I also have her Carrd and F-List available upon request, but I ask that the Mun/OC in question be a MINIMUM of 21+.
I’m currently looking for long term RP with various themes, levels of intensity, Dark/Mature, Slice of Life, or even just comedic one-shots in odd settings (just to cut through the fact everyone wants to be edgy all the time, and we all need a break from serious RPs from time to time.)
Tagging: @crystal-ffxiv-lfrp @crystalxivrp @crystal-rp-ffxiv for funsies :3
33 notes · View notes
casualcatte · 3 years
[LFRP] FFXIV: Gospel Lightfaith
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Age: Adult (late 30′s approx.)
Race: Hyur, Midlander - Ul’dahnian
Gender: Female
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5′9″
Build: Fit and well-muscled but not bulky.
Common Accessories: She keeps a rosary-like set of prayer beads on her person, though never worn. A silver sigil of Thaliak is attached to them.
Server: Balmung
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Profession: Free Paladin, Mercenary-for-Hire
Hobbies & Interests: Dancing, helping others, reading, writing, painting, art, music
Residence: The Mist, Ward 23, The Topmast, Room 50
Birthplace: Ul’dah, Thanalan, Eorzea
Religion: Thaliak, the Scholar
Fears: Higher Voidsent, abandonment (by those she cares about), failure (in a number of things)
Smoking Habit: Never. She keeps her body in peak physical condition.
Drugs:  A few times in her youth, but after a few bad experiences she hasn’t bothered with them since.
Alcohol:  Yes. A nightcap to relax after a hard day’s work.  Or sometimes excessively when stressed or in pain.
Food: She can cook fair, basic meals, but nothing extravagantly gourmet. Humble, simple food like what she grew up with as a merchant’s daughter.
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Status:  Single
Sexuality: Demiromantic, Heterosexual Do not expect to get involved with my character without significant investment.  No one night stands, no love at first sight. 
Spouse: None.
Children: None.
Parents: Elspeth and Alexander Lightfaith
Siblings: None that she is aware of.
Other Relatives/Close Friends: Valeria Camena  @thehouseofvs​ 
Enemies/Rivals Zerey Zeyad @therpperson​
Animal Companions: Venator, her gryphon mount.
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Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Honest / In Between / Dishonest
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
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You need something killed. Gospel is a mercenary-for-hire, though typically to common smallfolk and tradesmen primarily. She has an extremely moralistic code that doesn’t allow her perform duties that she finds morally repugnant, like harming the innocent.  Expect questions.
You need protection. Her shield is also for hire, if you find yourself in need of one. Again, she prefers to work with lower class citizens, but isn’t above working for the occasional noble or entertainer. 
You are an Ul’dahnian merchant. Gospel’s family are a generational line of armor and weaponsmiths, primarily focused on metalworking. Merchant-folk are welcome to have heard of Lightfaith Arms & Armory either directly or in a tertiary sense. They’re known for swords and plate armor, as well as household common items like pots, pans, and wagon wheels. Their Maker’s Mark is a radiant sun stamped in gold foil on their items.
You are an Ul’dahnian resident. Gospel worked for a number of years for her family’s smithy, mostly as their Public Relations / Advertising / Salesperson. Residents of Ul’dah are welcome to know her directly or in passing as a woman often seen about town trying to tempt adventurers and common folk into buying their wares.  She also later became known for her mercenary-for-hire and protection services.
You are/were a member of the Maelstrom. A former captain of the Maelstrom, Gospel earned her notoriety as a bulwark against the tides of battle, oftentimes defending and protecting wounded soldiers as they waited for evacuation from the field. A friend to mages and healers, she was especially protective of them in battle. After her retirement and return to Ul’dah, members of her regiment often spun tall tales of her exploits in the tavern.  The Knight of the Lily is a name often bandied about in such cases.
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Friends, acquaintances, and adventuring buddies, age 21+. Nothing against younger players, I’m just a 40-year old lady and enjoy playing the game with other like-minded adults.
People who like growing things organically, particularly relationships. I don’t like making things up out of thin air and I don’t like  friendships and romances that flourish overnight. Put time and effort into creating things!
In-game RP sessions, primarily!  (Discord available for OOC coordination.)  I’ve had pretty bad luck with keeping Discord threads and the like active, so I prefer in-game sessions whenever possible. Not to say those methods are completely off the table, but reserved for folks who are genuinely interested in upkeeping and maintaining them.
Lore flexibility. I’m not as well-versed in FFXIV lore and I don’t need/want people around me who want to hammer the Nth of the lore and make roleplay feel more like homework. As long as it’s a good story and an engaging character, that should be enough!
Story and Character-driven Plotlines.  I love a good epic story.  I love long-term connections, be it friendship or rivalry. Slice-of-life and general hanging out is fine on occasion, but I truly thrive in a story-driven environment.
Late Night/Overnight Friends. I tend to keep late hours, so people who are around/available between 8pm and 8am (Central US Time) are ideal.
People who aren’t afraid of OOC communication.  Seriously, this is a big one.  If you can’t talk to me OOC about a session, what you like, don’t like, or have issues with then please don’t seek me out.  I view roleplay as collaborative storytelling that we should all have fun with and a large part of that is talking things through OOC to ensure we’re all on the same page and having fun.
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IC/OOC Blending. If you’re a person that can’t keep your IC and OOC separate, don’t seek me out.  I am not my character.  My character is not me.  Whatever interactions you have with my character are not a reflection of my views/personality as the Player.  Do not conflate them.
ERP, gore, extreme violence, torture, horror, et cetera. I have a pretty stressful life, I RP and play games to relax and these topics don’t contribute to that. At the very least, please ASK me before starting anything involving these themes.
These first two, especially, are deal breakers and I will cease contact with people that can’t respect these boundaries (which is why OOC communication is a MUST with me.) If you aren’t sure – please ASK!
Most roll-based system RP.  I’m a big fan of D&D-style systems, if they incorporate character sheets that allow Characters to have aspects to them that shine and fail.  Being subject to random RNG without attributing bonuses for character skill and experience feels imbalance to me.  (And RNG generally hates me, so... XD)
Mundane-focused RP.  Slice of life, hanging out, and less-active scenes are fine, but only in moderation. If that’s all you care to do, Gospel and I are probably not a good fit, because we both are adventuresome souls that like getting involved in things!  
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Experienced Roleplayer.  I’ve been roleplaying for almost 30 years now. I love discussing roleplay ideas and implementing them. I’m not worried about “spoilers” or ruining immersion by discussing and planning storylines OOC. Planning ensures that everyone has a chance to contribute ideas that are fun for *them* so everyone has a good experience.
Patient and Understanding. I tend to be patient with people of all roleplay styles and experiences. Just be courteous if you need to AFK mid-RP for an extended period or reschedule the scene. I understand well that Real Life and your own well-being come first, so just be up-front with me about things. 
Special Information.   I am a 40+ year old woman with severe Rheumatoid Arthritis. This means I may need to cancel plans last-minute depending on my pain levels/fatigue or I may need to leave mid-scene. This is NOT an indicator of interest – or lack thereof – I have a disease that needs careful tending and I have to listen to the needs of my body before anything else.
Availability/Contact Information –––
Timezone: GMT/UTC -5 or Central (US) Time. I’m mostly avaliable from 8pm to 8am, Sunday through Tuesday. Beyond that, my schedule gets pretty unpredictable, but I’ll do my best to let you know ahead of time if I have any conflicts and what my availability is.
Discord: casualcatte#1384
In-Game:  Gospel Lightfaith@Balmung
Last Updated: May 1, 2021
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voidiots · 4 years
Una’to Bajhiri : LFRP
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{ Carrd Here }
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The Basics
Age: 27
Birthday: 32 Sun of the Fifth Umbral Moon
(October 31, Scorpio Sun )
Race: Miqo’te : Mixed but ID’s as a Moon Keeper
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him and they/them.
Sexuality: Polyamorous Pansexual
Marital Status: Romantically involved with Frey Underbridge and Nezh'a Moshantu.
Crystal Data Center: Balmung
(Fine with world hopping)
Physical Appearance
Hair: White naturally, often shaggy and only gets cut once it gets too long and annoys him. At times it will be dyed mostly black from his own blood.
Eyes: Seafoam green right eye and violet left eye with black sclera.
 Height: 5′6″
Build: Lean and dexterous build.
Distinguishing Marks: Red clan tattoo’s, red or black eye shadow, warding tattoo’s, a magic brand/tattoo on his right wrist, and clawed nails.
 Common Accessories: Rings made of or inlaid with bone for spell casting, almost always wears masks or an eyepatch, a woven grass bracelet, and generally has darker fashion sensibilities.
Profession: Diviner of Fates and Apothecary
Hobbies: Games, people watching, socializing, writing poetry,
petty crimes, dramatics, and circus acts.
 Languages: Eorzean, basic Hingan, and Hunt Speak
 (Ward 15, Plot 29, Shirogane, Room 1. Acts as a tarot parlor.)
 Residence: Mateus
 (Ward 13 Subdivision Apartment 10. Personal Housing)
 Birthplace: The South Shroud
 Religion: Agnostic
 Patron Deity: Menphina the Lover
 Fears: N/A due to taking in another Voidsents blood
that dampens his ability to feel fear.
Spouse: N/A
Children: On the way
Parents: Una Bajhiri (mother, estranged), T’ara Nunh (father, deceased)
Siblings: Una’a (brother), Kiri (sister, deceased), Kana (sister, deceased)
Other Relatives: Extended and estranged Bajhiri and T clans.
Pets: A fox kit named Kina who his ex is caring for presently.
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Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between/ Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Smoking Habit: Occasionally for fun and aesthetics.
Drugs: He wishes.
Alcohol: Never.
RP Hooks
Voidsent : Sensitive to aether or a Voidhunter? Voidsent or voidtouched? Una'to is a Voidsent that is vampiric in nature and gets aether namely by biting and draining blood from his victims.
Note however that his aether is cloaked and to beat the glamor over it is to roll 700 or higher with an in game roll unless previously discussed.
Additionally if others consume too much of his blood they run the risk of becoming as he is. Every drop is potent enough to have a myriad of effects. The most constant and long lasting thus far allowing him to enter the dreams of those who have taken in his blood and left permanently touched by it.
That is fancy speak for I have a table of short term effects that derive from using a d20.
Diviner of Fates : Need insight into a problem or idea of what the future holds? Una'to can give pendulum and tarot card readings to those in need of insight. Repeat customers or those who need more readings with time are his favorites.
Curious : Una'to is curious of others, and often will not shy from conversations with others, no matter how odd they may start off. Wish to speak of philosophy with strangers? Find him interesting? He's apt to find something to talk about with you.
Former Traveling Circus Member : Una'to was formerly with the Continental Circus. Sword swallowing, knife juggling fire blowing, card tricks, tight rope walking and fortune telling were his main acts while in service to the circus. He doesn’t like to talk about that part of his life, but someone is bound to recognize him from that part of his life (Ages 10 to 22). Additionally, he could be outed as such for doing parkour and other dexterous feats to get out of bad situations.
Prey : As a Voidsent Una'to needs to feed off of living aether. This is done primarily by drinking blood. Have vague memories of him taking your blood before? Want to offer a wrist or neck to donate to him? The latter will require people to know what he is and how he gets aether. Either by being a former victim or getting to know him. Want to be hunted and have a reason to hate him? Plot with me via Tumblr or in game.
The best way to contact me is by IMing me on my main @fracturedfantasia or simply sending an rp starter to my ask box as Una’to ( @unatobajhiri ).
Discord information is granted upon request and usually after some amount of interaction first. I’m okay with Tumblr RP, Discord RP, and in game RP. With how things are presently in my state with the pandemic I by and large have time to kill. Scheduling ahead of time is appreciated however. Otherwise I’m often in game yelling about being open to do IC tarot readings.
@ffxiv-crystal-rp // @crystalxivrp // @mooglemeet // @crystal-ffxiv-lfrp​
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imaginariumrpc · 4 years
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imaginarium : a place devoted to the imagination, largely devoted to simulating and cultivating the imagination, towards scientific, artistic, commercial, recreational and/or spiritual ends.
Hello, bonjour and pusu’l, lovelies! My name’s Arcana, I’m twenty years old, a Canadian, a Solar Cancererian, a Lunar Sagittarian and a Rising Libra, according to the Western Zodiac, and a Dragon according to the Chinese Zodiac, Genderfluid, Multigender, Transgender, Non-Binary, Intersex, Queer, Autigender, Pearlian, Two Spirit, Androgynos, Draoidhe,  DemiOmniBiromantic/DemiOmniBisexual, Autistic and otherwise neurodivergent, ENFP, Ravenpuff, Thunderbird, Otherkin, Therian, an Animist, a Pagan and I’m intrigued in the occult and witchcraft and I am additionally a white passing mixed triracial multi-indigenous person of color or more specifically, of Mi’kmaw, Wyandot, Wolastoqiyik, Métis and Sephardi Jewish heritage! I like cuddling and playing with cats and dogs and animals, eating pizza, taking pictures, music, reading, writing, gushing about friends and helping others. So with that said, I’m here to present you guys my new rpc / rph / aesthetic / inspiration / resource / personal / edit blog ! It’s for my own use but it can also be for your use ( provided you don’t take any of my original content off of this blog without my express permission ), the rpc and anyone else who wishes to use it, too! It features musings, codes, psd’s, psa’s, memes and a LOT more sprinkled with the occasional original content from me.
a discord server affliated with this blog.
faceclaim help. ( poc, lgbtqia2+ and underused faceclaims included! )
alternate faceclaim suggestions ( send me a faceclaim that you don’t want to use and I’ll make a list of alternates. )
fancasts ( send me a character and i’ll make a post of potential faceclaims. )
name help.
label help.
plot help.
admin advice.
url help.
muse help. ( i.e names, concepts, character creation, worldbuilding, lore, etc. )
guides &&. tutorials.
general advice and being here to talk to.
rp advice.
opinions. ( depending on what it is. )
muse inspo.
base icon batches ( uncommon, but will open on occasion. )
psd recommendations.
promo’s. ( provided you submit it to me as a photo. )
unpopular opinions.
character metas. ( occasionally, depending on the muse and on the fandom. )
positivity. ( muses — be they canon or original, fandom aligned or otherwise, and muns. )
venting. ( nothing hateful or discriminatory ! )
rants. ( nothing hateful or discriminatory ! )
first look reviews. ( on occasion. )
critiques. ( on occasion. )
in-depth blog reviews. ( on occasion. )
muse archetype aesthetic edits / moodboards. ( i.e the artist, the femme fatale, etc. )
dynamic / bond / family / friendship / squad / ship edits / moodboards ( poc, interracial and lgbtqia2+, polyamorous, m/m / mlm, f/f / wlw and nblnb included! )
faceless muse edits. ( muses of color and ships included! )
character emotional traits.
multiple genres, time periods and settings. ( i.e: historical, antiquity, medieval, vintage, modern, supernatural, fantasy, apocalypse, action, horror, science fiction, etc. )
aesthetics. ( i.e dark academia, solarpunk, retro, goth, lovecore, etc. )
theme recommendations.
template recommendations.
family templates ( occasional. )
fandom lists ( eventually. )
masculine, feminine and nonbinary.
cultural awareness.
locations ( including but not limited to interiors, exteriors, homes, and all the continents. ).
religion ( specifically for muses from certain religions i.e jewish and muslim muses, etc. )
disabled and neurodivergent muse representation and resources.
resources and representation for the lgbtqia2+ / mogai community and its muses, i.e lesbian muses, gay muses, bi muses, trans* ( including nonbinary, genderfluid, genderless and other non-cisgender ) muses, queer muses, intersex muses, aromantic / asexual muses and two spirited muses, among other muses that are considered queer.
resources and representation for all muses of color, including black muses, indigenous / native muses, latinx muses, asian muses ( all asians, not just east asians ! ), pasifika muses, jewish muses, etc., that overpower than that of white muses, there are still resources for white muses, though muses of color will always be a priority on this blog.
resources for portraying pregnant muses ( will be tagged! ).
resources for portraying muses who practice witchcraft.
resources for portraying muses who are sex workers.
resources for muses of all ages, including children, adolescents, adults and elders.
resources for animated muses.
resources for nonhuman muses.
makeup ( for muses of all genders ! ).
nsfw. ( will be tagged ! )
pride flags.
imagine your otp/ot3/etc.
“make me choose” events.
physique ( friendly to all skin tones, body types, shapes and sizes! ).
mun stuff.
music playlists ( including my own spotify playlists ).
aesthetics and edits of my own muses.
resources and character tags for my muses.
occasionally post some of my fanfiction / drabble works.
occasional drabble / fanfic requests.
occasionally post some of my music works.
possibly post specific music edits when i figure out how to do so.
more to be added when i think of something.
callout posts.
drama posts.
get involved in discourse.
flame other people.
bash on characters, fandoms and/or ships.
post recent spoilers of a series without tagging it.
tolerate bigoted, homophobic, lesbophobic, biphobic, omniphobic, panphobic, aphobic, arophobic, transphobic, enbyphobic, queerphobic, racist, colorist, sexist, exorsexist, intersexist, heterosexist, anti-polyamory, anti-mogai, anti-neopronouns, anti-nounself pronouns, anti-emojiself pronouns, anti-self diagnosis or mental health gatekeeper, victim blaming, gender/orientation/mental health gatekeeping, anti-otherkin, anti-feminist, ageist, speciesist, ableist, fatphobic, anti-black, anti-native, islamophobic, antisemitic, antiromani, xenophobic, exclusionist, transmeds/truscum, terfs/swerfs, radfems, heightist, sizeist, discrimination on cultures and subcultures, discrimination on religion or lack thereof, mysogynist/misandrist, white supremacist or any kind of supremacist honestly, nationalist, linguistic discrimination, or otherwise hateful, discriminatory, derogatory, vulgar and just overall dumb language, speech, behaviors and attitudes.
gif requests.
gif hunts.
crackship edit requests ( unless stated otherwise. )
edited icon batches ( unless if i’m releasing my own that i no longer use. )
theme / page / code making.
psd making.
more to be added if i think of something.
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So, with that said, PLEASE like and/or reblog this if you’re interested in using it or at the very least spread the word! I really want to try and help people and have fun with you guys, but I can’t do that if this doesn’t get any notes. You can find out more information by reading my F.A.QHERE! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you all have a wonderful morning/day/evening/night! Yours truly, with all of my love, Arcana.
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hydaelyns-heros · 4 years
LFRP - Arthurioux Sellecerre
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Arthurioux “Arthur” Sellecerre
The Basics ––– –
Age: 24
Birthday: 10th Sun, 3rd Umbral Moon
Race: Elezen, Duskwight
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Marital Status: Single
Server: Goblin
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Snow white.
Eyes: Gold.
Height: 6′7″
Build: Lean and muscular. 
Distinguishing Marks: There’s a scar along his jaw, hidden by his scruff.
Common Accessories: Spear, knives, flask with rotating spirits. 
Personal ––– –
Profession: Adventurer, Scion of the Seventh Dawn
Hobbies: Trying new booze and foods, lounging around at home when they have a break.
Languages: Eorzean, Ishgardian.
Residence: Free Company room in their house, apartment in Doma later.
Birthplace: Gridania
Religion: The Twelve
Patron Deity: Menphina
Fears: Being imprisoned, being buried alive, losing his new friends.
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Relationships ––– -
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
Parents: Octavia and Alexois Sellecere
Siblings: N/A
Other Relatives: N/A
Pets: N/A
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Sometimes tobacco. Drugs: None. Alcohol: Frequently.
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RP Hooks ––– –
Warrior of Light’s Shadow : He’s almost never seen without her; though she the vaunted Warrior of Light she has a habit of being oblivious and gets lost easily. Do you see him in the market looking frantic? He swears, he blinked for only a moment. 
Duskwight from Gridania : Being pretty obvious for what he is, he’s faced Gridania’s worst his whole life. Even while they travel, it’s clear he’s standoffish and untrusting of everyone. Outside Gridania, he will frequent bars and taverns when they have down time in towns and cities. He’s almost always tucked in a corner brooding over his drink. Perhaps you see him at the bar? Maybe you’re also a Duskwight?
Dragoon : Though he’s from Gridania, he ran away from home and spent several years in Coerthas learning from Dragoons. They never hated him for being a Duskwight, just standoffish for being non-Ishgardian and that suited him just fine. Maybe you also furthered your Lancer’s skills in Coerthas? Or were around Camp Dragonhead in the years he was there? 
Contact Information  ––– –
Please note, I may be slow to respond most of the time. I am most likely to be active around 3pm-10pm CST.
Discord : I’m open to text-based on discord, please ask for my screen name or shoot me yours! My preference is making a private server to maintain different threads for ooc, plotting, and in character stuff so it’s not all mashed together in a single DM thread.
Tumblr : You are here currently! You can message me, send me random asks or send prompt asks.
In game : Hydaelyn’s Heros is based on Goblin but I do visit other worlds!
@ffxiv-crystal-rp @mooglemeet
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smaidjor · 3 years
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I posted 2,058 times in 2021
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#scott smajor - 36 posts
#last life smp - 28 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#like ik its due to the fact that its a minecraft rp but the lmanburg system of government is like 'we have a president :) he makes choices'
My Top Posts in 2021
i always know when twitter is being nasty even though i dont have it because my mutuals all start spamming scott appreciation (as they should) and i just join in
350 notes • Posted 2021-09-28 20:13:40 GMT
thinking about how the statue thats supposedly a deer god/protector spirit offered no protection when scott was being chased by xornoth....
thinking about how scott said the guy who he's the reincarnation of combined his powers with aeor....
anyways so who wants to hop on the newest scott headcanon bandwagon: scott is actually just aeor.
that's the reason his kingdom hasn't been protected from xornoth by aeor; aeor has no real power anymore. neither does exor. the reincarnations of their former followers, scott and xornoth, are now the true gods. and xornoth has learned to use their power....while scott hasn't.
366 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 04:42:03 GMT
On Elven Royalty, Hair Ribbons, and the Impact of High King Smajor on Elven Culture (Emptober Day 4: Ribbon)
An essay submitted by a human student in the Cod Empire, many hundreds of years after the death of King Jimmy Solidarity, on the topic of elven culture.
Yes, this is formatted in proper MLA style.
Yes, I hate myself for that as much as you hate me for it.
Wordcount: 912
Content warnings: none.
Actual fic under the cut:
Josh Gelnam
Professor Culelen
Elven Culture and History
Section 2
On Elven Royalty, Hair Ribbons, and the Impact of High King Smajor on Elven Culture
Hair ribbons are a longstanding elven tradition that has carried through multiple centuries, possibly millennia. Elves will wear hair ribbons to festivals and parties, but also to funerals and even into battle. Though seemingly impractical, the tradition is incredibly significant in elven culture, as it has persisted for generations. (Some scholars even say it began in Valinor, homeland of the elves, though there is no definitive evidence of this.)
Experts are unaware of exactly when or where the tradition of braiding ribbons through hair started, though reports of this have been traced all the way back to King Fingon the Valiant, High King of the Noldor in the First Age of Arda. Though not all elves have always observed this, there are descriptions and records of hair ribbons in some form from every era of the elves, and many different peoples. Noldor, Vanyar, Sindar, and even Silvan elves have been recorded as wearing these adornments, though wood-elves less commonly so than high-elves. In the modern day, both major elven kingdoms retain this tradition.
The ribbons themselves have been crafted from a wide variety of materials, and what is most common varies by the type of elf, their social status/wealth, and the Age they were born in. In the First Age, for example, High King Fingon was observed to wear hair ribbons which had pure gold woven into the fabric. This would be fitting for his status as king, and makes sense for Noldorin culture in that era, which was heavily focused around smithing and other forms of artistry. Noldor royalty would continue to imitate this for some time, but the practice fell out of favor with High King Smajor of Rivendell.
King Smajor was said to be an unusual elvenking in many ways, and his style reflected this. While in the early years of his kingship he wore traditional golden ribbons, in later years he is said to have worn flower crowns and roughly woven brown and green fabrics instead. This seemingly strange choice nonetheless began a trend towards less traditional materials in elven fashion that lasted for centuries afterwards. As a whole, King Smajor was vastly influential in the shift in elven culture in the early Sixth Age.
As the second prince, or ‘spare heir’, King Smajor was not expected to become the High King. However, Prince Xornoth disappeared from public view in 1240 Sixth Age, and their younger twin succeeded the throne instead. At first seen as mannish and incompetent, King Smajor was widely disliked by the elven court when he first ascended. However, as champion of Aeor and the only remaining heir to the house of Elrond Peredhel, he was the only candidate for the throne. Despite the unhappiness of many advisors, he retained the throne for many centuries to come.
Some of the most notable change accomplished during this era includes the end of the Conflict of the Great Stags, the opening of Rivendell’s borders for trade, and the first ever adopted heir of the elves. King Smajor, Champion of Aeor, made peace with Prince Xornoth, Champion of Exor, and ended what was at the time thought to be an eternal cycle of conflict. He also allied with many mortal kingdoms and rulers, including Queen Lizzie Shadowlady of the Ocean Empire, Queen Katherine of the Overgrown, Count Fwhip of the Grimlands, and most notably Codfather Jimmy Solidarity of the Cod Empire. Though the exact nature of his relationship with the Codfather remains unknown, many historians have speculated that they were lovers. The green and brown hair ribbons that King Smajor was fond of (green and brown being thematic colors of the Cod Empire), would seem to support this theory.
Though he was an unusual king, there is no doubt that King Smajor was also an incredibly influential one. Not only did elven fashion change in a direct response to his untraditional choices, the culture of the elves also began a huge shift around this time. Where before, elves had been famously isolationist and kept almost entirely to themselves, during King Smajor’s rein, their trade and interactions with other empires increased drastically. Additionally, elven royalty had long valued blood relation above all other forms, but with the adoption of the future High Queen Mirnen, this began to change.
Today, elven hair ribbons take countless forms, from rough cotton and strings of twine to fine silks and even traditional woven metal. Dyes are made from the many flowers of the Overgrown and even certain kinds of terracotta from Mezalea. Woven copper from Pixandria has become popular in recent years, and the Ocean Empire makes its contribution in tiny pieces of sea glass that are sometimes sewn onto hair ribbons and other elven clothing. Where once, Rivendell had a tradition of blue, white, and gold, there is now a whole rainbow of color, and much of that is due to the un-elven elf king: High King Smajor of Rivendell.
Works Cited:
Falashithiel, Dindraug. Elven Fashion in the Sixth Age . Rivendell Publishing, 2998 Sixth Age.
Silornion, Quentur. “Elven Hair Ribbons: Origins and History.”  Historia Ellon , vol. 14, no. 6, 1581 Fifth Age, pp. 176-180.
Marison, Iaglin. “The Unelven Elf-King: An Exploration of High King Smajor’s Rulership and the Impacts Thereof.” Journal of Interempire Politics , vol. 7, no. 24, 2241 Sixth Age, pp. 34-48.
508 notes • Posted 2021-10-04 21:53:24 GMT
finished scotts episode and immediately knew i HAD to make some rivendell citizen memes
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[image description: the woman yelling at cat meme with the text "my cousin demanding to know why the corruption is still in rivendell" over the woman and "elf king scottsmajor building a cute tunnel for his date with the codfather" over the cat. End image description.]
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[image description: a car swerving onto an offramp. the main freeway is labelled "doing our work". The offramp is labelled "gossiping about king smajors relationship with the codfather". End ID.]
See the full post
606 notes • Posted 2021-09-26 04:07:35 GMT
ive probably said this before but what the FUCK does the hermitcraft server run on. how is this thing so unkillable i break sugarcane and get lag and fuckin. grian hermitcraft creates a million boats specifically to lag the server and still gets more frames than ive ever had
702 notes • Posted 2021-11-08 18:59:26 GMT
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