#i hate that i can't seem to get anywhere with my donation posts
snailcubezz · 11 months
ahaha . more of family's getting increasingly bad health complications likely from just living in this fucking house. Haha. Gets Scared
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rad-lightning-boy · 1 year
what exactly did frank iero do. other than problematic tweets that he made in like 2009 (over a decade ago). like people intentionally try to engage with him in a way where he gives them ‘sass’ or rubs them and that’s his brand
TW. harassment, suicide, self harm, cyber bullying, death threats
Before I get into it, I'm really glad that someone asked about this because I've been meaning to make a post about it. Thanks for asking about it.
I'd recommend checking out @ patheticjunkievampire on Instagram (and possibly twitter? I'm not completely sure if they've said much about it on there) they mostly talk about that incident when frank made a tweet saying smth along the lines of "is you see any accounts saying that they're me reply with "STRANGER DANGER"".
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The account he was referring to (patheticvampirejunkie) was literally just posting MCR themed photography- they never claimed to be frank and yet he sent his entire fanbase to essentially harass this person (again, all they did was post photography.)
If you go back and check their first post, a lot of the comments are just "STRANGER DANGER". I know that might not seem like a lot rn but it gets worse.
They posted a lot on their story after they finished the set (I'm not sure what the word for that is. The MCR themed photos they did all counted down from 64 (the beginning) to 1 (the end)) they talked about how the MCR fandom and specifically frank Stans have made their mental health significantly worse than it was when they started posting.
They would post screenshots of interactions they've had with Frank Stans and it's sickening. They received death threats, and messages like "you should kill yourself" and ppl would tell them to cut themselves.
Patheticjunkievampire has also stated before that they've struggles with suicide and self harm in the past, so the fact that these hardcore stans used this against them is sick.
A few people reached out to patheticjunkievampire and told them about experiences they've personally had with Frank. This person gave a platform to people who have had bad experiences with him (ik you cant tell whether someone is a dick or not purely based of some people's experiences, but there were a lot and they were all relatively similar. So to me, these stories that people shared seemed extremely possible since the things he did just suddenly seemed like something he would do.)
The frank stans didn't like that this person was giving a chance for people who had bad experiences with him to express their feelings. They received so much hate for simply saying their opinion.
This all took place on Instagram and Twitter. Obviously depending on what platform you use and engage with MCR content, you're gonna be around different people. The ppl on Tumblr seem way more accepting and open to criticism of their fav band, the ppl on twitter and Instagram are way different.
In my opinion it's kinda weird that frank hasn't really said anything about it. He's literally always online, how tf has he not even heard of any of this??
Another thing I just wanna add (doesn't have anything to do with patheticjunkievampire but I still think it's worth adding) frank sold a bunch of his old stuff. Which isn't inherently bad or anything but...
He was advertising a bunch of old clothes and instruments he had during the MCR era, so he was clearly targeting his fans (his young fans). He was advertising extremely old shitty clothes (that you can find way cheaper literally anywhere else) and he sold them for like X4 (at least) of the original prices. He claimed (for the instruments at least) that he wanted to know that they were being played, because he obviously can't play all those instruments at once.
In that case, if the main reason that he was getting rid of all these instruments... Why didn't he just donate them?? Why did he have to heavily advertise his store to his fans and then sell all his old ratty shitty clothes for such a huge profit? Just doesn't seem ethical to me tbh...
My main problem with Frank is that he, not only, picks on people on twitter, but he makes that kind of behaviour acceptable. By not apologizing or taking accountability for these things, he makes this behaviour (harassment, death threats, cyber bullying, telling ppl to kill themselves or hurt themselves) an okay thing to do. His fans are so toxic and will defend him so much to the point where if you literally just say that you don't like him, they will harass and spam you with really triggering things.
I really hope this clears that up. He's definitely done other things but I couldn't remember them- if anyone has anything else to add please do.
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notfromthisworldsg · 5 months
I had a great and much needed escape from the madness of life today to go to the river and rock hunted and even saw a sea lion in the river, which I have never seen in a river, only the ocean before so, that was exciting. I haven't been able to get a break from obligations in months. I don't remember how long.I am privileged to have distractions from what is at stake and a cellphone to tell you about it. We can't afford the genocide and the ecocide that goes along with it.
I am hardly ever am on here anymore, and when I have been, it has been mostly for horny lesbian lurking, to be honest. I hate the phrase "to be honest" because it implies being dishonest before. I kind of feel like I have and am being dishonest and selfish, I guess.
Being chronically ill/disabled, transgender, queer, autistic and white american. I feel limited in what I can do as well as feel obligated to take action. I think we should all be taking action. I am educating myself, listening, signing petitions, reposting news to my Instagram story, and smiling at people in public to try to make them feel safe.
I haven't posted on Instagram since November. I just don't know what to say anywhere. At least here I don't have to show my face or too much identifiable information to be able to rant. Sometimes, I worry that people in public see me as a neo nazi skin head because of my buzz cut looking hair, being a white person, and love of punk. I can barely walk much anymore, can't make phone calls unless it's to my partner or people in my close circle, I don't have any money because ebt is not enough to be life sustaining. I usually run out half way through the month due to inflation, cost of necessary itams, and I could go on but won't. Social Security Administration sees me as unfit to manage my own finances and my rep payee who receives my Social Security Income only pays my bills if I'm lucky and doesn't communicate with me to help me budget or even give me any of "my own" money so I can't donate. I can't afford to buy food for myself.
Seeing the news gets me so scared and full of rage. I am full of rage that the US government doesn't care for it's own people and even pushes further to destroy it's own people and the people of the world in need who are suffering because of us. I wish there were more news sources covering what is happening in Sudan and Congo. I hope there is not another Kent State incident but at Columbia. News coverage of Columbia and tik tok and whatever else is distraction from the real issues across the world. It should be getting covered, but how do we balance out distractions from news and news from other news? It feels so strange coming on here to look at frivolous, fantasy, sexy posts when the world is a shit. How do I even transition to talking about something else?
This doesn't feel right. Being human is confusing and feels impossible. We need communication to help us function together, but I am not sure how to communicate well. All the rules seem unspoken, spoken but different for each situation, person, or group, or just ignored entirely until the rules are broken and we must be punishment or served judgment in some way. This doesn't feel right.
Am not sure what to tag this under, if anything. I removed the original tags because I don't want to clog up feed with this.
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excessexorcism · 2 years
Item #19
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This is WATERFLY Crossbody Sling Backpack. I wanted a small, easy backpack for themepark days, and I thought this would be great. It had a lot of good ratings on Amazon. I took it to themeparks twice, and ended up hating it. My water bottle kept falling out of the pocket, and it really just didn't fit my needs & necessities nicely.
Verdict: This one was kind of of fail. This is the sort of thing I should have bought in person. I only spent $24.59 on it, so it didn't seem that risky, but I ended up hating it. I bought another, more expensive small backpack I absolutely love, but it took me unnecessarily spending $24.59 to get there. Also, I hate how much I utilize Amazon. I keep telling myself I'll stop, but I am inconsistent at best. Maybe this year I'll just stop unless I truly can't find it anywhere else. In the meantime, I will post this in my local "buy nothing" group and if that doesn't work, I'll donate it.
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fuckadonsweeney · 3 years
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I posted 7,180 times in 2021
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#my best year would probably be 2015 when i moved out of my parents' house finally even though things were really hard and miserable i was f
My Top Posts in 2021
the umbrella academy fandom didn’t die a slow death. it was fucking murdered by all the anti’s who don’t understand the SOURCE MATERIAL, or the POINT OF THE GODDAMNED SHOW JESUS FUCK. 
18 notes • Posted 2021-10-30 02:13:44 GMT
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likes charge reblogs cast. trying that witch shit again.
29 notes • Posted 2021-06-09 23:57:56 GMT
30 notes • Posted 2021-10-26 08:48:08 GMT
I fucking hate the part of getting to know someone where I have to disclose how my disabilities impact my life because every single time the other person has no idea how to handle it because this society is built on systemic ableism. Even if the person themselves aren’t ableist, their inherent reaction to hearing that I have several debilitating disorders, and am a cripple is to say something along the lines of “Yikes I’m sorry.” and it’s like ...why? I’m just trying to live my best life like everyone else on this planet. Mine is just lived differently than yours. You don’t need to apologize for my symptoms. Like please stop apologizing to disabled people for our symptoms. If you MUST say something about them that’s consolatory try something along the lines of “That seems like it would be hard to deal with, is there any way I could help?”  I don’t want to have to make you feel better about my feeling like shit, because it puts more stress on me to perform at a level I’m not capable of all the time.
71 notes • Posted 2021-08-18 19:28:55 GMT
Hey all....  I'm trying to cover the cost of a new manual chair, and batteries for my power chair, because my old one hasn't been the same since it got broken by the damaged sidewalk. It's incredibly hard to roll around in now, and Harmony Grace​ often can't push me in it due to their own pain. The new chair will move much more easily, and will accommodate my size, and weight more efficiently. I also need to replace the batteries on my power chair because we didn't know how to properly care for them, and they no longer hold a charge. Being able to use my power chair would mean more freedom for me, and the ability to actually go places with Harmony without their having to tire themselves out by pushing me around. I could also go to my favorite place in this city, the library. I’m just trying to be able to experience the world. I’ve spent the past year in strict quarantine, and now I can’t really go anywhere because both my wheelchairs are broken. Please reblog this, and if you can donate I’d be so grateful. 
81 notes • Posted 2021-04-20 07:34:21 GMT
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