#i hate these stupid fucking inquisitor lightsabers
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oh my fucking god
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casp1an-sea · 5 months
Star Wars ask game, answer all, or else 👁️👁️
i rebloged two Star Wars ask games, so I don’t know which one you meant. So I will answer all the questions for one of them here and then make a separate post with all my answers for the other one. :)
Buckle in this is a lot
Qui-Gon Jinn: love or hate? Discuss.
Mixed feelings. I find him to be an interesting character but the way he handles things in phantom menace does not sit write with me. I say it better in this post. 
2. Pick a Padme outfit to be your signature look.
Her yellow dress from Naboo in attack of the clones. 
3. What are midichlorians? Wrong answers only please.
The powerhouse of the cell 
4. Do you prefer the prequel, original, or sequel trilogy, and why?
Originals are objectively my favorite because the plot is well written and I’m REALLY ATTACHED TO THE CHARACTERS. But I watch the prequels more frequently. They’re easier to watch for fun bc they’re so funny lmao and they’re great. I am not a sequels fans I’ve only rewatched them once and I’ll only ever do it again because I’m obsessed with Hux/Kylux for no reason. Rey is my least favorite character in all of Star Wars. I Will say though Rise of skywalker was the first Star Wars movie I watched in theaters and it was cool to watch (still don’t like the movie but cool to watch)
5. Say you’re in the business of collecting Jedi lightsabers as trophies. Whose would you need to complete your collection, and what would you do with it once complete?
Honestly don’t rly know how to answer this question 
6. What is your favorite Star Wars meme?
Oh there are literally so many so I’ll put my favorite one of the ones I have made myself 
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I call him Ki-Adi-Munter
It’s gonna be mayday is close second 
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7. Dumbest Star Wars moment?
I have 2
and also this
8. If you could ask George Lucas one question, what would it be?
9. Who shot first: Han or Greedo?
Is this even a question? It was Han. 
10. If you could pull a George Lucas and sneak into Disney plus and edit any Star Wars scene, what changes would you make?  
Delete Rey from existence 
11. Who would you want as your Jedi master? (Why)
Plo Koon, Luke Skywalker, Or Coran Horn. They’re just nice guys. And Coran is my favorite Jedi so
12. What lightsaber form would you master?
My main OC/Self insert has a single bladed green saber and a cured inquisitors saber so whatever form that would be.
13. What is your earliest Star Wars memory?
Being mad at it for replacing animation studios at Disney. I was like in 5th grade lol was bitter at Star Wars for years clean, and I hated it even though I knew nothing about it and often mistook it with meet the Robinsons don’t ask me how.
14. BESIDES THE ROTS NOVELIZATION What is your favorite Star Wars book?m
Courtship of Princess Leia 
15. Fuck marry kill: Ben Solo, Syril Karn, Moff Gideon
Fuck Ben Solo (Except I’m Hux), Marry Syril My guy, Kill Moff Gideon because who gives a shit about him? Not me. 
16. Fuck marry kill: Asaj Ventress, Dedra Meero, Elia Kane
Fuck and marry Ventress. Leave Dedra alone because she has to keep living for season two of Andor. KILL ELIA KANE!!!!!!! 
18. What is your favorite piece of Star Wars merchandise that you own?
Uhh idk I like a lot of things, a lightsaber, credits I unsuccessfully bribe cast members with at Disney, all my Funkos most notedly: Tech, Han in Carbonite, and Han and Leia I Love you I know scene, oh and an Ewok cereal box.  
20. Please describe in as much detail as possible the signature scent of Ewan McGregor and/or Obi-Wan. (Are they different? Probably)
Uhm idk man sea otters?
21. What’s an embarrassing Star Wars related fact about you?
No comment 
@sunshinechildskywalker I’m gonna answer all of yours in a separate post
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margoshansons · 2 years
Just saw the new Obi Wan Trailer: SO MANY THOUGHTS?
Those stupid fucking lightsabers that I hate but I'm actually excited too see in live action
So many JFO Easter eggs imo
Was that Bracca in that one clip where the female Inquistor was going after Obi-Wan surrounded by ships?
Obi-Wan shooting a blaster? The weapon of the uncivilized?
Owen is just spitting facts
We probably won't get Maul but I want him so badly
Mayhaps the return of GENERAL KENOBI?
The mention of bounty hunters, potentially a cameo for our favorite space pirate? Hondo? is that you???
Also more Cad Bane content?
I just want all the good parts of Obi Wan's arcs in TCW (NO SATINE STAY BACK) with a hint of JFO sprinkled in.
Jk, I'll be happy with anything as long as I get more Kenobi content
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twilightofthe · 2 years
Obi Wan Kenobi Show Liveblog: Part III
Here we go starting TWO HOURS LATE because my stupid ass fell asleep trying to stay up for it
i fell asleep listening to my chemical fucking romance how the fuck does one fall asleep to MCR they are not a lullaby band xD
lskdjflsdkfk ANYWAY starting now
ahhh sir you’re as beautiful as the day i lost you (five days ago)
sorry i just love his face
and his voice
and him
just him
skdfjlsdkfk i forgot Reva shish kebabed G Quizzy
only pain will you find ahahA YEAH THANKS YODA
and WHAT AN ENTRANCE ok fine Anakin you did always know how to make it dramatic
lksdjfklsdfk “i don’t give a FUCK if anyone else died where’s Obi Wan” Anakin you’re the WORST i love you
yes obi wan teach anakin’s daughter about the force YESSSSSSSS
how does it feel when you turn on the light OOOOOOOOOF ;_:
ok now where tf are they this isn’t Alderaan
Kinda looks like Kessel?
Eh, a mining system, I was close!
*snorts* Obi Wan in full grieving crisis right now still trying desperately to be nice to Leia
Oho so the Inquisitors have their own fancy base or something?  Pff that’s cute
ok mr fifth brother just look forward to rebels yeah?
aight but that’s kinda ridiculous they’re sending out three probes for who knows how many systems?
lskdfjlsdkfk Obi Wan snappy and stressed and Leia’s just like “don’t worry I got you sweetie I’ll get us back”
leia i KNOW your parents told you not to talk to strangers you are a liiiittle too trusting methinks xD
either that or she’s just using her Force sense to read vibes
hmmmm mole man sounds familiar
obi wan dumbass put ur hood up around the troopers (tho i guess that could make them look suspicious)
damn leia you’re good
ehehehehe you see her mother’s or father’s face
Awwwww adopted kid bonding!!!!!
hmm i’m guessing he’s in no state for a mind trick right now!
aw fuck YEAH we stan a guy who can kick ass
he’s so hooooooooot
awwww baby leia noooo don’t cry
ugh i like this pretty lady but i feel like she’s gonna be murdered by inquisitor
hhhhh someone on tumblr has to translate that aurebesh
NED is a cutie and I love him
sldkfjsdlkfsdk literally everyone knows who Obi Wan is on first glance
Ehehehehehe Obi Wan’s horrified face upon looking at the suit is so *kisses fingers* THE ANGST
lskdfjslkdk never mind pretty lady’s gonna get murdered by VADER because he kills everyone and Obi Wan can’t have nice things
obi waaaaaaan u dumbass
he can’t look awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
I’m still mad they’re meeting in person ngl but I do still so love seeing my boys interact!
ugh here we go
let’s hope it’s good
I AM WHAT YOU MADE ME jesus christ you can even hear the pure boiling rage in his voice through the vocorder
lol nvm Tala is gonna get killed by Reva xD
aight obes i get you’re in panic mode but HOW did you let mr tall dark and wheezy sneak up on you like that
awwww goodbye pretty lady, at least you get a hug from Leia before you die xD
hmmMMMM?  REVA BACKSTORY???  She was a Jedi!!!!!
aw yay at least Tala saved him first!
oh goddammit Reva xD
Leia’s gonna bite her hand I know it
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swgoji2001 · 4 years
My Thoughts on Jedi Fallen Order
So after upgrading to a new, stronger laptop (pretty sure my stupidity in attempting to run this game on my old laptop hastened its tragic, untimely demise), I finally finished Jedi Fallen Order last night. I had mixed feelings going into this game, as I have some friends who said it was amazing while others said it was a mediocre story with decent gameplay.
Now after playing, was it the greatest Star Wars game I’ve ever experienced? No, but it was very good. Some minor gripes here and there, but overall I had a blast playing the game.
Warning: Some spoilers will be included, I’ll try to keep them as minor as possible though.
So I’m not gonna go overly deep into the story as I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who still hasn’t played the game, but to be honest I found the plot of Fallen Order to be a bit generic at first. It’s a classic light side vs dark side narrative with a redemption arc or two sprinkled in. In fact, I found the plot of Fallen Order to be quite similar in structure to the Disney Trilogy. Both have MacGuffin hunts (holocron and wayfinder), both include journeys to different planets following the trail of someone else (Eno Cordova and that one assassin dude mentioned in IX), both have mentors who have distanced themselves from the Force (Cere and Luke), and both have antagonists who were failed by their masters (Trilla and Kylo). 
Fallen Order splits off from this more generic route after returning to Dathomir and does it’s own thing, but I found myself asking why I enjoyed the first 75% or so of Fallen Order when I absolutely hated the DT. I found the answer to lie mainly in two things: the characters and the world they found themselves in.
Cal Kestis: I absolutely loved Cal’s character arc. He has his own deep personal struggles with his past, feeling responsible for the death of his master. He faces those fears and comes to terms with his past, determined to make a better future. Cal not only comes out of his journey a Jedi Knight, but as a stronger person. Compare this to Rey, who had no meaningful flaws or personal struggles. Plus Cal’s the first ginger Jedi! Score one for diversity!
BD-1: My fourth favorite Star Wars droid, only behind HK-47, KOTOR 2′s T3-M4, and K-2SO. He’s cute, adorable, and loyal to a fault. What more could you ask for in a droid? (Other than a tibanna-powered blaster rifle and a bloodthirsty, anti-meatbag personality of course!) Plus there’s a revelation about his history towards the end that only makes him better and better.
Cere Junda: Star Wars has always had its mentor characters, but in all honesty I found Cere to be pretty generic. A Jedi Master who failed her Padawan and touched the dark side, only to be horrified by it and renounce the Force. Throughout learning her story, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had already seen something like this before. Her arc isn’t bad, it’s well done and feels natural to her character, it was just rather generic.
Greez Dritus: Gotta say Greez grew on me as the game went on. He has his flaw in his gambling problem which bites Cal in the ass a couple times, but towards the end I really felt the connection between him and the others grow. He’s also the source of a good deal of humor.
Nightsister Merrin: Sadly, Merrin being an eventual ally was spoiled for me, but I love the subversion because it was built up that she would be an eventual boss fight. Merrin might be my favorite character besides Cal, I wish there were more interactions with her in game! She’s hot, has a great accent, a wicked sense of humor, and is powerful with Nightsister magick. But beyond all that, she’s a parallel to Cal. Both are survivors, the last of their kind, and I’m hoping that if a sequel is made, it goes deeper into their relationship because Merrin and Cal have great chemistry. I also love how Merrin challenges Cal and Cere’s plan to train the next gen of Jedi using the holocron, putting that idea in a more realistic, less idealistic light.
Prauf: I really feel bad for him. I liked him and you could feel the camaraderie between him and Cal, how he wanted Cal to succeed and do great things. He didn’t deserve what happened to him.
Oggdo Bogdo: Fuck this frog! He killed me so many times!
Trilla Suduri (Second Sister): The Jedi Padawan that felt betrayed by her master and became an inquisitor. I always love it when antagonists have a personal connection to the protagonists in some way, shape, or form. Trilla shakes Cal’s faith in Cere, and plants seeds of doubt in him. She wants revenge and the Emperor’s favor, and therefore we know why she chases Cal across the galaxy. She has motivations for all her actions, which is something that Kylo lacked in the DT.
Taron Malicos: I knew something was off about this guy the second I met him. I quite enjoyed the clash of beliefs between him, Merrin, and Cal. Malicos proposes a way forward, a new Jedi Order, but one founded on darker teachings. He offers Cal that power, but Cal proves his stature as a Jedi in refusing it.
Ninth Sister (Masana Tide): Probably the weakest of the villain characters for me. Ninth barely has any presence in the game at all other than the start and to serve as a boss battle on Kashyyyk. I honestly just don’t think she fits into the story as is. Perhaps if they tweaked it so that Ninth and Cal knew each other back before Order 66 she would have fit better. Ninth just doesn’t have any personal connection to Cal and the Mantis crew (like Trilla does) and doesn’t really serve as a trial like Malicos does. Remove her from the story and not much changes.
(If you somehow haven’t had this next one spoiled yet, I’m impressed. Please skip to ‘World’ if so)
Darth Vader: I absolutely loved how he was portrayed. A terrifying, unstoppable force. You won’t last in a fight with him, your can only hope you can outrun him.
Fallen Order’s worldbuilding was on point. Cal’s ability to sense Force Echoes lets you get a more detailed understanding of the environment around you. It’s a small-scale Star Wars story, but the planets all feel lived in if you take the time to explore them. It’s the small details like the probe droid witnessing your initial use of the Force on Bracca or the side-stories you can discover like the tragic tale of the family running from the Empire on Zeffo or Malicos’ corruption and manipulation of Merrin that really flesh out the world. Compare this to the galactic-scale story the DT told, which somehow made the galaxy feel extremely small and uninteresting.
My only complaint with the world-building is the Zeffo. They’re just... there. Very little is explained about them. Who were they? Why were they important? What happened to them? Why did they disappear? Perhaps this was to leave room for a sequel but to me the Zeffo just felt like discount Rakata. I wish the devs had gone with the Rakata instead, but maybe that’s just me.
Also the wildlife on every world is more than capable of killing you if you aren’t careful so you almost always have to be on your toes for them, which rolls us into the next part...
The gameplay was great fun in Fallen Order. Leveling up and unlocking new abilities was exciting and once I got the hang of them all, it was so much fun just cutting through your enemies. I played on Jedi Master difficulty (died approximately 75 times, give or take a few I may have missed) and it felt really well balanced. It forced me to study my opponent’s moves and adapt to them instead of being a hack-and-slash type of game. Combos are fluid and fun to pull off, parrying opponents leaves an opening to attack, and you can experiment with different fighting styles.
Customizing your lightsaber and appearance was also great fun. So many different options and combinations for everything! Plus you got rewarded for exploration with these extra customization options, so it adds incentive to do that if you care about appearances and whatnot. You can become the General Grievous of ponchos!
Overall Rating: 8.5/10
Overall Fallen Order was a great game that could have been even better. Of course I have to admit I’m looking at this through the nostalgia of games like KOTOR 2, which flipped Star Wars completely on its head. I would have preferred if Cere’s story had been a bit more nuanced, the Ninth Sister had more reason for being in the story, or if the game had Cal seriously question the use and role of Jedi in the galaxy (he does a couple times to BD-1, but it’s never really built on).
And then there’s my overall gripe about this type of story set after Order 66. It sets up questions like... where was Cal during the OT? Was he dead? Somewhere in the Unknown Regions doing something else? I know the ending of the game sets up the opening for Cal’s story to continue, but still, these types of stories usually end in death for the Jedi protagonist, so I am a bit nervous for his future.
Despite that though, I am super happy I finally decided to play this and am eagerly awaiting a sequel to continue this story.
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ct-hardcase · 4 years
second sister and/or seventh sister for the character asks
Thank you!!!! Going “and” here hence why it took so long lmao:
Why I like them: She’s just so badass and cool? Also her fighting style is top tier. Her story???? Super fleshed out and while it incorporates Cal’s, it doesn’t feel like a sideshow to his
Why I don’t like them: this isn’t so much about Trilla as much as my general annoyance with everyone else’s story structure but I do sometimes feel jealous that she got this beautiful story and got to be a three-dimensional character when almost none of the other inquisitors get that and thus don’t get the same reception
Favorite scene: oohhh...either the one when she passes her lightsaber off to Cal, or the scene where she confronts Cere at the end.
Favorite line: I’m so bad at remembering lines but like. “Who was your master, was it someone I killed?” or “I’ve hated you for so long...”
Favorite outfit: we’ve only ever seen her in Inquisitor gear but luckily it’s stylish.
OTP: Her and Ninth tbqh
Brotp: are inquisitors even allowed to have those?
Headcanon: she’s Vader’s favorite Inquisitor, she also fights dirty when necessary. It’s not often necessary.
Unpopular opinion: uhhh I tend to agree with most but I don’t think her wearing eyeliner and lipstick necessarily makes her super feminine.
A wish: more content lmao, but seriously. Anything. Her getting her legs as an inquisitor or her and Cere as Jedi would be top-notch
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: tbqh they avoided my main one in jfo which was “don’t center her entire story around Cal’s/his manpain” but also I hc her as a lesbian so I’d rather no romantic or funny business with men
5 words to best describe them: hurt, skilled, complicated, alluring, trapped
My nickname for them: whakhskajfkdk WHAT nickname I shorten her title down to “second” I guess
Why I like them: She’s got this absolute “sexy” persona while also being able to struggle and give effort and lose and look stupid sometimes and honestly we don’t often get that out of this female archetype. Also, she’s 100% the brains of this operation. Never once does she get damseled so Fifth has to save her and I think that for that we’re all grateful.
Why I don’t like them: Oof uh. That scene with Ezra there in Always Two. Definitely turns the creep factor up to 100.
Favorite scene: Either her very first scene where she walks up to Ezra (”guess again”), or that one where she and Fifth are lifting the Lothal temple.
Favorite line: Either “Guess again,” or “An excellent day’s hunt!”
OTP: Her and Fifth lmao I’m predictable
Brotp: are inquisitors even allowed to have those? but also Red, Eighth, or the Grand Inquisitor, depending on who’s alive and the day of the week.
Headcanon: Vader fucked up her throat and vocal cords when he was dolling out mutilations. I also think she’s probably the most studious inquisitor apart from the Grand Inquisitor because of the “So, the rumors are true” bit from when she commented on Maul.
Unpopular opinion: Can an opinion really be unpopular when it’s you and like 10 other people in a fandom but also I’m sure I have some but I just can’t remember them rn
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I know this probably wasn’t intentional but Cammuncoli sort of drew her with a more doll-like face than I’d say she has in rebels and I really hope they don’t soften her personality any unless if they’re doing backstory material. She is an evil conniving bitch, let her live that.
5 words to best describe them: creepy, sadistic, bitch, sensual, determined
My nickname for them: again. what nickname. my pre-inquisitor name placeholder for her is Aliyah if that counts.
Ask me about a character!
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multi-fandom-nutjob · 5 years
10(ish) Characters I want in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga! (and not as DLC)
So yeah. They’re remaking one of the greatest games I grew up with and it’s coming out in like a year. Well, not remaking, so much as going back to the drawing board and rebuilding it from scratch! Which is awesome!
But from what I’ve seen, there isn’t much buzz about this on Tumblr, so imma make a post and see if it gets any traction.
(((((No Legends characters will be mentioned, since I didn’t think they’d make it because of the Mouse.)))))
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1. Ahsoka Tano (S1-3, S3-5, Rebels, Rebels Finale, S7)
Ahsoka is straight up tied with Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi for my favorite characters in the entire franchise! Not only that, but she was in LEGO Star Wars 3 as one of the major recurring playable characters and in LEGO Star Wars TFA as DLC, but only in the Rebels form.
Now, the definitively preferred outcome is for all five versions I mentioned to be unlockable, but from what I’ve heard, the Extended Universe isn’t getting much rep in the game, so she might get relegated to DLC. This would be pretty sad, especially since LEGO Star Wars 3 never went past Season 2 of the show, when it honestly got so much better.
Not only that, but each version of Ahsoka would bring something new to the Jedi gameplay. One of my biggest criticisms of the Complete Saga was that most of the Jedi played the same, so there wasn’t any incentive to play as them over the Sith. Ahsoka’s lightsaber style, however, could prove to diversify the combat greatly.
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2. Asajj Ventress (2D, TCW, Bounty Hunter)
Asajj Ventress is an absolute queen! Among the Seperatists, she ends up being a scalpel amongst hammers. Because of Prequel Rep, we know Darth Maul, Count Dooku, and General Grievous will get their just dues, but Ventress’s fate is a lot more uncertain.
The biggest obstacle in her way might be whether it comes down to her or Savage Oppress, and ultimately, I would much rather have Ventress than Savage! Don’t get me wrong, Savage is great too, but with the inclusion of Maul, we already have a Double-Lightsaber wielding Nightbrother on the roster. They could certainly have different styles to it, with Maul’s acrobatics compared to Savage’s brute force, but I’m not certain TT Games will go that far. Ventress’s dual wielding would force some creativity to come through.
Ventress is also, frankly, a more fleshed out and entertaining character to add to the roster. Her inclusion could a lot of fun banter in all the action.
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3. Wampa (Empire Strikes Back)
The Wampa was intended to be a playable character in both LEGO Star Wars 2 AND the Complete Saga. I’d say the big guy’s debut beyond a cutscene is long overdue!
Some might argue that he’s too big and too one-note to add anything to the gameplay. I’d argue, however, that the Wampa could play very similar to the big, beefy character in the LEGO Marvel and DC games, slamming into the ground and charging at opponents. In a game full of force-sensitives and bounty hunters, a wall of muscle would definitely be unique!
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4. Yaddle (Prequels(I wanna say Phantom Menace?))
Do you know who’s cooler than Yoda? The mom of Baby Yoda, that’s who! Yaddle is one of those weird additions to the Star Wars Mythos that came back in a big way with the Mandalorian. While it isn’t exactly confirmed who Baby Yoda’s parents are.... c’mon, we all know.
Not to mention, Yaddle is one of the very, very, very few character in Legends and Canon to have an orange lightsaber, which would be really cool to see in gameplay. Sure, you can just make an orange lightsaber for your Custom Character, but isn’t it cooler to have a character on the regular roster with one?
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5. Rey (Yellow Blade) (TRoS)
(((Sorry, that was the only pic I could find and it was too funny not to use)))
Speaking of oddly colored lightsabers, Rey finally made her own lightsaber in the last two minutes of RoS and it needs to be in the game! Honestly, I’ve been wanting Rey to make her own blade since she reached out to Luke at the end of TFA. She never got the chance to really develop her own style whenever she just used the “Legacy Blade” as I’ve called it. They desperately need to make this an unlockable in the game and not DLC.
(And was it just me, or did it really look like it was double-bladed from how the bottom looked?)
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6. The Inquisitors (any of them) (Rebels, Fallen Order)
Okay, so, truth be told, I kind of hate these characters. Like, really hate these characters. The Grand Inquisitor and the Second Sister were the only ones that ever narratively struck a chord with me, and that was really only even in backstory. As actual antagonists, they’re all on par with Team Rocket in terms of threat and are far less endearing...
Hence why they’d be perfect in a LEGO game!! With a more comedic tone overall, the Inquisitors would fit right at home! Heck, mixing the lightsaber combat generally exclusive to Sith with characters only able to do Jedi Force Powers would make for an interesting dynamic.
Plus, the “helicopter-blades” as they tend to be called would honestly kinda work in a LEGO game? Sort of? Like, it’s stupid-looking, but we know it’s stupid looking, and it would help a lot with getting over huge pits and that sort of thing(like Artoo!). So there could be some precidence for them, so long as they were used right.
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7. Ovissian Gunner (Battlefront 2... 2)
Just... just look at this doofus! He’s high as a kite and he’s packing a mini-gun! I don’t even play Battlefront 2 and I love him so much. I would take him home and introduce him to my parents. I would treat him right because he deserves the Galaxy. And he deserves to be in this game!
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8. Kirak Infil’a (Darth Vader comics)
Ever wondered where Vader got the Kyber Crystal for his new lightsaber? He killed this guy and corrupted his Kyber Crystal to do it, and kept the same hilt for a long while before he rebuilt it to be what it was in the Original Trilogy.
As one of the few Disney Canon characters added to the Prequel Era, I’d say this guy has earned his stay in the new game, especially since I had to keep Legends characters off the list(((for unfortunate reasons))).
Not only that, but he kicked Vader’s ass for a good bit before dying, so having a badass grandpa who left the Jedi Order like Ahsoka on the roster would be fun!
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9. Cal Kestis (Fallen Order)
I mentioned him before, but this guy and the Ovissian Gunner are the only two characters on the list with Video Game origins, which I think would be fun to explore in arguably the most famous video game series for the franchise!
Not only that, but he’s the only Jedi(besides this one jackass in the Clone Wars) that has a double-bladed lightsaber, which he can also detach into dual wielding blades! That alone brings merit to him being on the list, but the fact that the player can decide the color of the lightsaber in the game also poses an interesting concept I’d like to see them implement! That idea being, that every time you reignite his blades, it randomly slides between all the Custom Character options besides Red. Either that or it goes in a specific pattern, of course.
((And is it just me, or is his name very suspiciously close to that Kyle Katern guy from Jedi Knight II: Outcast?))
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10. The Mandalorian (not gonna spoil his actual name)
You’ve gotta admit, Mando and Baby Yoda took the world by storm when they first premiered. One of their main creators was Dave Filoni, the same guy who directed The Clone Wars and Rebels! I think, from his help with the franchise to the overabundant success of the show, that Mando ought to be put in the base game as an unlockable(maybe as a sort of 100% completion reward?).
Not only would that just be great for the fans, but he’d be tons of fun to play as as well! His evaporating rifle and underhanded fighting style would be tons of fun to play as, and a character who passively deflects blaster fire would add a whole new dynamic to the roster, though he’d have to take damage to lightsabers to not be completely broken.
I can’t fucking believe I forgot Leia with her lightsaber!!!
Do i expect these characters to all make it into the game? Hardly. If even three make it in, you can call me impressed. But you can’t tell me that these ten wouldn’t be a ton of fun in a LEGO game!
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fuesch · 2 years
Obi-Wan Kenobi 1x05
A flashback, fuck yeah! So nice to actually see Hayden's face.
Totally irresponsible to let a kid crawl around cables when you know something is broken. I mean, how do you know there hasn't been a space marten in there, gnawing and leaving the wires exposed?! I was about to say "good thing she's smart and put on her gloves", but then I noticed they're fingerless. And there's still the problem with that pile of cables on the floor, she might have just sat on a broken one and zapped herself!
Because of the shadow it's hard to tell how many notches there are in Tala's holster, but it seems to be more than 14, so if she wanted to be exact about it, she already had redeemed herself. Though I guess she'll never feel it's enough, because she can never bring back the people she's gotten killed.
Holy shit, Reva was indeed a Jedi youngling! I can't believe she's seriously doing this job because she hates Vader! She's hunting down members of her adoptive extended family to get revenge! On one hand I like her because she's after Vader, but on the other she's not much better than him. Does she feel the same about other Jedi as she does about Obi-Wan ("Why didn't you stop him, why didn't you save us?")? If so that's really childish of her, so again very Anakin-like. Don't get me wrong, at the time those were very understandable feelings, but she grew up and now she's working for the Empire, so presumably she learned what happened back than. Of course people who are far away and unsuspecting of the coming betrayal couldn't be there to help. Not to mention how busy everyone was getting murdered or trying to avoid it. Girl, please!
NED-B protecting wounded Tala! He died to help her ;_;! Although at that point there might have been a chance to bring him back. But then stuff happened and made me even sadder. Tala! Dammit, it's that stupid redemption-death trope again.
Jedi fanboy Haja gets a lightsaber and a mission! Just temporarily, but still!
Conspiring with the Grand Inquisitor is so sexy of Obi-Wan! And honestly very practical thinking. He might not want Anakin dead, but it would be selfish to keep a murderous guy alive just because they used to be friends. And isn't that very in line with the Jedi teachings too? To let go of your attachments.
Ha, Leia finding Lola's restraining bolt within seconds.
Fuuu, Vader holding the ship! Pretty cool of him to not need a tractor beam, though. It was a decoy ship, niiiiice!
What a shame that Reva doesn't stand a chance against Vader.
And there's the old Grand Inquisitor again. Really didn't need him back, but what can you do, his return was set in stone.
So cold of Vader to repeat what he did to Reva before, just leave her there to die. Good for her though, because once again she appears to survive, because what else would be the point of her finding the communicator. Ohhhh shit. So what's next for her? I assume she's done with Vader and the Inquisitors, so that info won't reach them (If it had, things would have been difference in Episode IV, right?). Will she continue to be irrational and use this info for revenge that she had to fight Vader alone, although that is what she expressly wanted Obi-Wan not to help?
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maravoev · 7 years
I may be wrong and overemotioned now, yes, probably, I don`t thik reasonably, but I watched a piece of Celebration stream, where they talked about Maul and I am... confused? The mild word it is.
They didn`t include the scene with Maul haunted by visions of Savage and Satin while wandering in the desert "out of courtesy foe all the new viewers who may not be familiar with that". Hold on for a sec. Imagine. You are toootally a "new viewer" watchig Rebels, watching, watching and all of a sudden they introduce a strange-looking guy, who, attention, a strong force-user, has a lightsaber, attention, the Inquisitors, Ashoka and Kanan know him AND YOU DON`T and NOBODY`S GONNA TELL YOU, also he has some old affair with Ashoka AND NOBODY`S GONNA TELL YOU, he knows Kanan`s real name, Vader sent an Inquisitor to get him, also he knows fucking magic, he does shit out of motives YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT, and he hates this old guy with all his guts. And now imagine you are not a toooootal new-viewer and you remember the prequel trilogy well. YOU SEE A GUY WHO GOT SLICED IN HALVES AND INTO A FUCKING BOTTOMLESS SHAFT wow, now at least you know why hates Obi-Wan with all his guts, yeah. Half-guts. Not that, you know “oh, I know better than them how to make series” but WHAT THE FUCK Am I stupid to neglect something obvious?? I don`t know :(
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oldtestleper · 8 years
Fox and the Fifth Brother (I'm really bad with repcomm names, otherwise I'd ask you one of those characters)
Don’t worry, these are great characters, these are perfect characters. I love these characters. I love at least one of these characters lmao :’)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
I would literally die for him. I’m getting emotional right now, in real life, just thinking about how much I love him. Don’t look at me.

hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 15/10 would bang
Look… I… yeah. I don’t have anything to say for myself.

hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
uh, brave as hell
never hesitates, even when he’s up against Jedi and ARC Troopers and bounty hunters
takes no shit from anybody
always does what he believes is right, even if it’s hard

best quality: Driven and dedicated and takes zero shit from anyone

worst quality: You wanna know something funny? Fox literally has zero negative character traits in canon. Everything he does makes complete sense considering his situation and the information he has. His only crime is not knowing what the audience does. I would say that his worst quality is his ability to compartmentalize the things he doesn and like… bottle up his emotions, I guess.

ship them with: No one really? I once briefly shipped him with my OC bounty hunter Moro (see here and here for exactly nothing explanatory, and my OC page for an extremely short bio), but I changed my mind and now they’re frenemies while she dates one of his captains.

brotp them with: General - I mean, Senator Amidala, plus Thorn, Stone - all the cool Coruscant Guard bros. Also I feel like… in another life…. he and Fives would have gotten along really well but that’s… just me

needs to stay away from: Palps. And Fives. I might love Fox to an unreasonable degree but that doesn’t mean I’m happy about the “Orders” arc, lmao

misc. thoughts:
I love him and want the fandom to love him also. Failing that, I’d like it if people maybe aggressively hated him less.
That theory that Fox somehow knew about the control chips and was, like, in league with Palpatine the whole time (beyond, you know, the standard levels of in-league-ness you can expect from a guy who not only is directly subordinate to ol’ Sheev but was literally created to defend the Republic, of which Palps is the head of state…) is fucking stupid.
Is NOT secretly a furry, goddammit
But is ??????literally Snoke?????????? god’s honest truth y’all
I’d just like to say one last time that I love Fox and I would die for him.
The Fifth Brother
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life
I wouldn’t say that I have any particularly strong emotions about the character as is, aside from “my, what a large grey shark-man,” but the ball of joy that is his voice actor makes the Fifth Brother much more lovable.

hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
Look I’m sure someone out there wants to bang him, but that person is not me.

hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
I know, I know, villain gets Slytherin, but look. He’s ambition, driven, and 200% willing to use whatever means necessary to achieve his goals, and I’d say that qualifies him.

best quality: Wicked lightsaber action, those broad, broad shoulders

worst quality: Murder

ship them with: I haven’t watched Rebels in so long that I literally do not remember any of his interactions with anyone but Seventh so I’m going to stick tentatively with her for now, for that snarky, snarky banter

brotp them with: Seventh. Let them be snarky and competitive and also friends, please. Even bad guys need friends sometimes maybe?

needs to stay away from: His evil boss, Darth Vader, and probably also the Grand Inquisitor. Maul, for obvious reasons. The Ghost Crew, for almost exactly the opposite reasons.

misc. thoughts:
Give him another appearance.
Give him a flashback scene to the Inquisitor Training Center or whatever.
Do it.
Do it for Philip Anthony-Rodriguez.
Philip deserves this much. Don’t let him down.
Send me a character!
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