#i have 1 tank top thats tight but i think thats pretty much it
skenpiel · 2 years
uauoughggg feels so fuckng weird to wear a long sleeved shirt that isnt super loose fitting. its BAD and i dont LIKE IT but i said i would wear this shirt until it smelled like me. so.
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slightlystupidhun · 1 month
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
A band AU I’m writing! Sorry if it’s bad! There is no magic in this universe, just music! @puffin-smoke did an amazing Redacted Band AU that you should check out too!
TW: mentions of grooming and substance use and abuse
Niente; To nothing; indicating a diminuendo which fades completely away…
David pulled into the driveway, grabbing the food before heading inside. The house was in pretty much the same state as he left it. Milo was still pacing around on the phone with his mom, Asher was sitting on the couch watching TV, and Next to him was Tanker still holding the arm of the couch.
“I’m back with food.” David announced, kicking off his shoes.
“Welcome back. What did ya get me, I'm starving.” Asher called from his spot on the couch. David walked over and dropped the food off on the coffee table, before sitting on the recliner. The boys grabbed at their food taking what was theirs, the only thing left being Tank's food. David's knee bounced as he looked at Tanker expectantly.
“Hey,” David said, he tried to come off in a soft tone but his voice came out gravelly and rough. “You gotta eat something.” He reached his hand over to the bag and Asher moved to the opposite end of the couch so David could move to sit right next to them. They turned and looked him in the eye before curling up into themself.
“I thought…” Their voices broke off and came out in a whisper. “I thought he was…I was different. I thought he actually liked me.” It seemed as if the strong fighter that David knew his whole life was breaking down in front of him. Tanker didn't like feeling this vulnerable, this weak. They needed to retreat back into what they knew. What they were comfortable with. They needed to fall back into that shell but they couldn't. It was as if they were trapped in a box and couldn't break down a wall on any side of them. “I wanted to be special…”
David could feel his heart shatter at their words. He quickly dropped to his knees in front of them and grabbed their hands. “Tank, You. Are. Special. You are special to me, to Asher, to Milo and I know that we aren't Quinn. I know that, but honestly fuck that stupid piece of shit. He doesn't know how to appreciate the good things in front of him” He hugged them tight, “I am so sorry I didn't make you feel special like I should have. You are irreplaceable Tanker.”
He could feel them shaking in his arms, trembling. Then his shoulder was wet. They were crying. They never cried like that in front of him before. He just held them. He held them like his world depended on it because right now, he was pretty sure it did.
Around an hour later all of their food was gone, and Marie had arrived to check out Tanker. She definitely gave Tank a stern talking to, one that was needed but hit pretty hard considering the timing. They laid in bed for quite some time. David went out with Asher and Milo to set up for the concert, and Tank chose to arrive on their motorcycle. They had missed about six concerts now, since what had occurred at their last one.
Quinn had been sending Tank messages non-stop. It was always the same, “Come back,” and “It wasn't that serious.” then “You need me.” Tank had ignored the texts, always thinking that Quinn was just a crazy bastard.
“Hey let's get pumped up!” Asher said backstage. He had been hopping around and full of energy as usual.
“Calm down Ash.” Milo laughed as Asher accidentally wacked him.
“Alright get ready everyone.” David said hopping from side to side getting ready to run on. Thats when it fell. A Sandbag fell down from the top of the stage heading directly for David. Luckily Tank saw and managed to push him out of the way but their nerves had skyrocketed.
“What the hell was that?” Tank yelled. “He could have been killed!”
The stage manager immediately went to see what happened but David, while the sandbag didn't hurt him the fall did. Tank felt sick, they just hurt their brother as they looked down at him holding his ankle.
As they packed up the van after opening for the band a stage hand ran out with a letter and handed it to Tank. They looked at it and it read…
“Enjoy my little gift. Keep ignoring me Precious, I just love that.”
They had hoped that things would be better and decided to return for this upcoming concert. They got to the venue dressed and ready and started setting up. They were headlining for a new group called D.A.M.N. they were like an indie rock group. Tank had heard a few of their songs and they loved their song “I Wanna Be Yours” The lead singer Gavin gave it a particularly interesting vibe and their keyboardist called Freelancer was just a star.
They unpacked their guitar and began setting everything up. They plugged in their amp and double checked everything. They were good to go, ready to start up the concert. They waited backstage with DxW for the concert to start. Fans were cheering and they started to pump themselves up. Then it started, they were announced and they ran onstage. The first song of their set was a song that they wrote shortly after gabes passing. “Don't Fear The Reaper.” They loved this song particularly because of the cowbell. David hated it but they loved that he hated it. The band went back and forth everyone exchanging different lines to sing and the crowd was going wild. They decided for their second song to play “Crocodile Rock” Asher had written this one and he was so proud of it. He loved the idea of having a fun dancing song in the middle to lift peoples spirits, and everyone loved his singing. He was such a charming lead singer. The final song they were going to perform was “Hotel California” This song was Tankers baby. Everything about this song was carefully decided by them and the lyrics told a story that had seemed to happen to them in a dream. Getting lost and then being trapped and escaping something that you thought you would be stuck in forever.
The fans went wild as soon as Tanks guitar solo came up. People started screaming and they absolutely loved the feeling, they were shining like a star. After they finished the band could hear fans screaming and asking for Tankers number. They all evacuated the stage and then stayed to listen to D.A.M.N. The two bands ended up talking to each other and sharing their dislike for The Vamps. One of the members named Lasko, ended up recommending Tanker go to this Jazz club. He said he learned a lot about music from a particular band their, even if Lasko was just their manager. Tank agreed to check the band out, apparently they were called The Fangs.
Songs used
I wanna be yours- Arctic Monkeys
Don’t Fear The Reaper- Blue Oyster Cult
Crocodile Rock- Elton John
Hotel California- Eagles
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Your Living It
Summary-  (Playing It Cool) He x Y/N (later i will give him a proper name besides he or me) Frustrated with the latest romcom, you two go out for some fun. Smut. Fir @official-and-unstable-satan​ Hope this is what you were hoping for babes. 
Word Count- 2.7k
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“Babes, can you like, not leave notes all over everything?” You playfully scold as you gather the papers he had scattered across the entire kitchen, and he raced in, throwing his hands up rapidly. 
“STOP RIGHT THERE! Babygirl dont you dare move” 
Wide eyed you pause, the papers half shuffled together when he comes over and takes them from your hand. His brows furrow as he studies them, before putting them back on the counter just where they were before. “A method to my madness, just… dont clean.” 
“But how am I supposed to cook dinner then?” You whinned a bit, arms folding over your chest, and he straightened out some of the papers before turning to you. 
“Ummm, pizza? Bowling alley pizza?” You wince a bit and then he adds “With bowling alley beer?” You nod then with a grin and he busts out in a grin to, and wraps an arm around you to pull you in close, kissing your lips quickly. “Thanks for putting up with me, but Im almost done with the script for Bryan and hes been riding my ass for it.” 
Your hands smooth along his chest, and up around his neck, he had been STRESSING over this thing for weeks, “Riding your ass and pulling your hair huh? I should really call Bryan and tell him to lay off or else.” You joked, and he wiggled his brows, tickling along your back.
“Well thats better done in person after all. I need to see his reaction” You lean up and catch that grin of his one more time, a more playful teasing kiss with a nibble and trace of tongue before you step away. “Give me five minutes and I will be ready to go.” 
“Okay! See you in ten then!” He called over his shoulder and laughed when your middle finger shot up at him and you slammed the bedroom door shut, laughing yourself. Once you closed the door, he went over to his laptop, sitting and staring at the screen. Its cursor blinked at him . “fucken hell” He muttered as he slammed the screen down, frustrated at coming up with the ending. 
You pop back out just as he plasters a smile on his face and his eyes rake over your form, even in damn black leggings and a tank, the whole ensamble hugging your curves. Fuck you looked good, You always did. “See! Five minutes.” He gasped as he took your hand to lead you along, fingers wrapping with yours. “A first? One of many? The world may never know.” 
What a dumbass, you thought but couldnt help but laugh regardless. Going to the car, you two headed out, while he was driving you texted Scott. 
‘Hey buddy, wanna play bowl a round or two, or you to caught up in something?’
‘No! Be there, get that end lane if you can.”
Tossing your phone up on the dashboard just as you two pulled in “Scotts gonna play with us.” And he just nodded, making sure his wallet was in his pocket. 
“Good, he whupped my ass last time, time to pay back the favor.” 
Sure enough you were able to lock down the lane on the end, while he went to go get a couple heartburn pizza slices and mildly warm beers, grabbing enough for Scott as well, there was nothing quite like bowling alley fare, you test the balls and set to put the names on the screen. Bowler 1- HottStuff 2.Wifeypoo 3.BlueBallMC. He glanced up at the screen and smirked “You really think im Hott Stuff, Wifey?”
You snort just as Scott comes in and also looks at the screen. “What the hell guys, come on!” 
You look all innocent and make a pointing motion to your man, wrinkling your nose as if in distaste. 
“Seriously dude? Just cause I have a blue ball…. “ he grumbles as he unzips his bag and takes out gloves and a shiny blue ball. You two just pick random ones from the selection. 
“What? It wasnt me.” the two of them bicker about the name calling and you take your slice of pizza, nipping on the end with a satisfied grin, putting your feet up in the seat next to you. He takes the first bowl, making a fist pump when it hit just right and scattered the pins across the alley. “I told Y/N i was kicking your ass today Scott” 
“As if man… “ Scott is polishing his ball, looking all serious, while you to to take yours. You honestly dont care, your just shooting the ball down the lane, and hands on hips, waiting to see how the pins fall. You get three, well your happy with that. The other two though, it was almost a tie torwards the middle of the set. 
“Hey, I will be back, gonna get another pitcher of beer” You offer when you noticed it was down to the dredges, and he poured out the last of it into his cup before handing it over. “Thanks babe” as you walk a little tap on the ass makes you smirk and a little spring in your step. 
Taking a quick break while your away, Scott stretches his arms out front of him to stay loose. “So hows that latest script coming by the way? Last message I got from you was a bunch of nonsense about how you suck at anything romantic” 
Rubbing his head he sighed “I dont know why Bryan keeps laying these lame ass rom coms on me. I cant write them worth a shit, and they just suck. Im so stuck on a ending now, and my deadline is in just a few days, after already getting an extension.” Carrying on, Scott kinda just shook his head at him. “What?”
“You man, you claim you cant write rom coms worth a shit, but come on. The last two were HUGE box office successes for you and look at you. You are basically living in one.” Scott pointed out as he moved to grab his ball, nodding towards the counter where you were chatting and paying for the beer. His head tilted, he honestly never thought of what you two shared in a movie sense. 
“Just saying man…. thats a love story right there without you even knowing it.” 
Yea, I am pretty lucky. He thought as you came back over, setting the pitcher down with the utmost care. He leaned forward and caught your hips, dragging you back into his lap. Wiggling in place, your legs draped over his, you mentioned to Scott. “2 more frames and the best bowler wins. Come on Blue Balls MC! You got this!” Red flamed the mans face and you tipped your head back laughing. He was watching you, but in a different light, just capturing the moment for himself. Fuck he was probably one of the luckiest people he knew. 
So He won, not by much and as the three of you went to leave, Scott promising a rematch later in the week when the whole group could get together and you were hugging Scott goodbye “Game on, I know Mallory wants to see you kick his ass you know.” 
“Oh I plan on it. Im gonna prime up the ball tonight with some new wax.” 
“Thats the stuff Scott” you encourage him, and wave as he left, the parking lot mostly empty with the late hour and He came up behind you, sliding his hands against your hips and you felt him brush the raze of his chin against your neck, tipping back with a light sigh. 
“You can beat him again baby.” 
“I love how you pit us together Y/N” Making you smirk deviously and turn to look up at him. 
“Girls gotta have her fun.” 
“Yea well, the guy does to.” Backing you up against the car and grasping your chin to tilt your face up, his face lowering close enough to brush his lips against yours. “Im thinking we have some fun right here.” You reach to his belt buckle and tug on it lightly, “Back seat or Front seat?” 
His hands were already sliding over your ass and grinding you into his groin. “Mmmhhh back” He let go to open the door, the two of you tumbling in with kisses and hands grabbing at clothes. You laid back as he hovered over you, your legs parting so he could lay between them and continue with sloppy kisses and your hands pushing through the buzzed hairs on his head and down to his back, wrapping your legs around his hips as he rolled them, sure to apply the pressure right at your core, that belt buckle just grinding into your nerves making you gasp right in his mouth. “Fuck baby… “ Scrambling your fingers into his shirt and tugging it over his head. 
He rolled yours up and lifting your head, disposed of the tank top on the floor, dropping his head to bite and suck the top of your breasts that were peeking over the top of your bra, he dragged a cup down enough to expose you, drawing that peak between his teeth and rolling lightly before sucking on it, causing another jolt and moan from you, your nails digging in lightly at his shoulder blades, and dragging down. He didnt stop there, lapping his tongue over the aroused peak and did the same with the other, your bra tightly wound around you while your breasts fell out the top, kneading firmly while teasing the tip. Shortly after that he unsnapped it and dragged it off.  He knew what that did to you, so sensitive and maddening, soon you were wriggling underneath him and in panting pleas. 
“Your driving me insane, I need you. NEED YOU INSIDE ME. Fuck me please?” 
“Since you ask so nicely babygirl” He lifts his head, his blue eyes flashing in the street light illuminating a part of your backseat. He grasps your leggings and panties drawing them down. In your impatience, you shift your legs to be rid of them. He hovered over you, dipping his hand between the two of you, teasing your wet warm folds, slicking your arousal up and down. 
“Cant wait can you baby? So wet and needy.” Dipping into your core and you tighten around him, needing that sensation. “Greedy is what you are, so tight.” 
You nod, and run your hands up and down his biceps, biting your lip. “God yes, so please? Pretty please? Fucking hell, please?” You bucked your hips under his hand and he swept down to kiss you deeply, and jerking at his belt, you purred against his tongue rolling around yours and started helping him, grabbing his belt loops and shimmying his pants down far enough so his cock was free, using your heels and toes to hook in his pants from behind and pull them down further, locking your ankles behind his back. 
He tilted your hips a bit more, and grasping his cock, lined up to your entrance, and started to push in. He was slow going at first, taking his time to not hurt you, but fuck that, you werent having none of that and with a roll of your hips, you deep seated him inside of you, hissing from the pure satisfaction while arching. 
“Oh shit baby! are you okay?” Your reaction misread by him, you grasp his ass that flexed under your hands and you nod. “Fuck yes, I wanted this, go right ahead!” 
Oh babygirl, he did. There was no slowing him down once he knew just what you were looking for. Deep long thrusts filling you, hips rotating to reach all those sensitive spots that had you at first moaning and panting but turned quickly into chanting, your head tipping back against the car door and digging your fingernails into his back, tightening your legs, just drawing him in against you, rutting harder and harder into you. 
The broadness of his chest, was friction to your entire body, burning. His mouth traveled down the length of your neck, nipping right at pulse points, and sucking to leave love bites in place. Yea hickeys were a teenage game, but he loved marking you, and you loved the challenge of hiding them. The car started squeaking with the motion of him pounding into you, and you hid your face in his shoulder to keep from laughing as he grunted over you “Baby, fuck im close…. “ You glanced up, and tipped your mouth up to kiss his straining neck, That spiral that settled in your belly soon caught up to his words, and your pussy clenched around his thrusting cock. Slicking a finger to help yourself along, you twirl it around your clit, and start panting. “Me to baby, together?” 
Tensing up while trying to leave yourself on the edge till he was ready, his thrusts became erratic plunging and seeking out an ending, you to let go, and scream his name, while arching your entire body, waves of pleasure sparking your eyesight, and above you, his mouth fell open with a deep gasp of your name, sinking himself into you that final time and his cum filled you, coating your walls while you milked him for all of it rolling your hips and clenching around him. His thrusts started to slow, and the car stopped swaying once he stopped and using an elbow next to you, he half leaned against you. His ragged breaths blew hotly against your shoulder and you nuzzled your own face into his neck, breathing him in deeply. You two were simply enjoying the moment when there was a knock on the window and a flashlight shinning in on you. 
“Fuck!” He jerked his hand down to the floor and snatched your tank top to cover your chest, lifting his other hand to shield his eyes. Scrambling, him pulling up his pants, and you ducking behind him, he rolled down the window to see a officer looking away on purpose. “Uuuh sorry officer? We were just leaving.” 
“I would say so son, we got a call from the closer here said your car was still parked in the lot, and there was some activity going on. How about you head on home and I wont issue a ticket, kay?” You are entirely red at this point and tugging on your clothes as fast as possible while trying to stay hidden behind him, rubbing your face in his back to keep quiet, trying not to laugh about being caught. Of course you two got caught getting randy fucked in the parking lot. 
“Right now, right away, thank you officer” He said and once the officer headed away, he rolled up his window quickly and fell back in the seat, deep laughter issuing from him. You sit next to him and sputter a bit, but he wraps you in his arms and tugs you in against him, kissing your neck, or trying to. It was mostly him huffing, and you to get caught up in it. “Baby we better get home, were lucky we didnt get in trouble.” 
“Yea, we probably should” He agreed, but was soon distracted in kissing you again and drawing out deep moans, a flicker of red and blue lights light up your car and you two broke apart, opening the back door and crawling out into the front seats. With a turn of the engine, you two left, the cop following you along till you were closer to home. 
Once you two reached the apartment building and made it inside without anymore incidences, you shrug out of your coat while he wanders back over to his laptop and opens it up like hes about to settle into typing again. “Handsome you sure you wanna do that?” You ask as you head down the hallway towards the bedroom. 
“But I thought of a perfect ending” He states, clearly distracted to your actions outside of the bedroom door. But as soon as your bra slingshots right into his chest and falls in his lap, his eyes widen as he looks up at you, your back to him, shimmying down your leggings for a second time, he snapped it shut once again. “Sorry Bryan, day late again.” He he raced down the hallway, catching you and dropping you down on the bed. 
He really was living his own romantic comedy. 
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@what-is-your-plan-today​ @p8tn0lish​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​ @jtargaryen18​
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 42
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- if you want to be notified when this is updated, please message me or leave a comment!
- you can send me questions and theories and comments. tbh they all make me SO SO SO SOOOO HAPPY! and make me want to write more! you can also tell me if there are things you WANT to happen. you never know, i may add it :P
- note for this chapter: not that many things happened but i hope you enjoy it anyway. yes, i did use the ‘tank’ tweet without any shame lmao! also, i know Louis and Eleanor broke up wayyy before that time, but it worked for the story so thats why i wrote it there.
 i want to add as many requests as i can in the next few chapters so expect a lot of fluff and smut. my goal is to post chapter 43 on sunday night sooo i hope i have enough time to finish it!
here are the requests i used for this chapter!
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Chapter 42 : His chapter
No matter how hard I tried to fall asleep on the flight back home, it wouldn't work. The seat felt uncomfortable and for some reason I couldn't understand, I felt slightly nervous. I was scared to see her, scared that she changed, scared that she thought I had changed... and at the same time, i couldn't wait to hold her, smell her, kiss her... It was early and I knew she was probably still going to be asleep when I’d come back home and all I wanted was to slither under the covers and cuddle her naked body. I missed home and I missed her and somehow, I felt like both were connected... or just synonyms.
I didn't say a word from the whole flight and when we landed, I suddenly felt extremely tired. I grabbed my backpack and walked slowly out but when I noticed her, all the tiredness inside my body suddenly left.
"Liv?" I whispered to myself with a frown.
She was not supposed to be there, she was supposed to wait for me home, but our eyes met and I realized I wanted her to be there, I needed her to be there, and she was. I dropped my backpack on the floor with a loud thud and walked quickly to her as she did the same. My heart twisted in my chest and I bent down slightly to wrap my arms on her waist and picked her up, twirling us once before putting her back down. She laughed and shook her head when our eyes met again, licking her lips. She was smiling and I was pretty sure her grin was as big as mine.
"You shouldn't pick me up." she murmured so only I could hear.
I frowned again but with a smile on my lips, this time.
"I'm too heavy for you."
My smile fell and I stared at her for a few seconds, raising my eyebrows and letting my hands slide from her shoulders to her arms.
"First off, you're not heavy." I pointed out, my eyes roaming on her face as I squeezed her hands gently. "And also..." I shrugged and scoffed jokingly, closing my eyes for a second before looking back at her. "I'm a strong man. An absolute tank."
She started laughing and it made me smile. I didn't realize how much I missed her laugh, her face, the warmth of her body. Why did I leave again? I couldn't seem to find a good reason.
"Oh yea, you definitely are." she replied low, nodding a bit.
"I fucking missed you, Olivia." I just admitted, ignoring her last comment. "You talked about locking ourselves home for a few days? Let's do it."
She chuckled this time but didn't answer, shaking her head but still staring at me. I let go of her wrists and brought both my hands on her cheeks to cup her face. Her eyes moved quickly on mine and dropped to my mouth before looking up again. Her lips parted and I bent down but just as I was about to kiss her, I heard her whisper.
"No PDA remember?"
My hands pressed more on her cheeks and she remained totally motionless until I shook my head too.
"Fuck that."
When my lips crushed on hers, I shut my eyes tight as something seemed to stir in my stomach. We remained motionless for a while, our mouths pressed together, and I finally deepened the kiss gently, trying to feel everything possible and impossible to feel in the moment.
"I love you so much, Nee." she whispered, making my lips curl a bit. "I'm sorry if pictures of this appear online tomorrow."
She took a step closer and grabbed my shirt with both hands, making the kiss grow intensely. My heartbeats accelerated when she whimpered in my mouth and my hands slid a bit further behind her head to finally grip her hair.
"I really don't give a fuck right now." I whispered back, allowing my lips to leave hers briefly. "I'll worry about that tomorrow."
She chuckled in my mouth and after a while, I opened my eyes again and brought her closer, wrapping my arms around her head and leaning my cheek on the top of it. I knew we should leave but I just wanted to keep her in my arms, close to me. We had been separated for six weeks and I was ready to hold her against me for as long as I had been gone. It's only when I felt a hand on my shoulder that I remembered where we were. The sounds and voices around me became suddenly clearer and I blinked a few times, loosening my embrace around my girlfriend.
"I'll text you." Willie said in a low before i nodded and smiled at Deo.
I watched them leave and sighed low, moving slightly away and looking down at Liv, just noticing she was still wearing my sweater. It made me smile and I chuckled low.
"Come on, let's go home and put this hoodie in the washing machine." I proposed, reaching for her hand and intertwining our fingers before pulling her with me. "You don't need it anymore, i'm back. And i'm not leaving again."
I watched her drive and was surprised that she didn't put her music on. She normally makes it play so loud that we can't have a discussion but instead, we were surrounded by a light and comfortable silent. We were almost home when she pulled on the side of the road, making me frown but I didn't say anything. I was surprised to see her completely break down when she parked and my heart jumped in my chest at the sight of my girlfriend, her head and arms leaning on the wheel while she sobbed so hard her shoulders were moving.
"Hey... hey, what's wrong?"
I quickly undid my seat belt and moved closer to her, pulling her against me as I tried to undo her seat belt too to get her as close as I could to me. She buried her face in my shirt and this time, I leaned my chin on her head.
"I'm here, don't worry, everything will be okay." I breathed out, squeezing her tighter. "You're okay."
I was not sure why she was crying but being reunited again seemed to affect both of us. I knew we hadn't been separated for a long time, and I also knew it was not the first time we were apart, but now that we were dating, we seemed to see things a bit differently and being so far from each other was something harder to accept.
"I'm not leaving again, okay?" I just added, kissing the top of her head. "Not without you."
She chuckled between two sobs and pulled away from me. I searched for her eyes and felt my heart twist when I saw the tears on her cheeks.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me." she apologized, shaking her head and avoiding my gaze.
She was about to wipe her tears but I reached for her face and ran my thumbs under her eyes to do it myself. Her cheeks were red and it made me think she probably didn't sleep much the night before.
"Do you want me to drive?"
She nodded slowly and I got out of the car, walking around it quickly just as she got out of it and once again, I took her in my arms. I felt her arms slither around me and her hands grip the back of my shirt. I didn't say anything, I just waited until she let go of me and when were both ready, I started the car again and drove in silence, reaching for her hand as often as I could and squeezing her fingers gently.
I left my bag in the lobby when I walked in and followed her to our room. I was surprised to see her take her hoodie off only to notice she was not wearing anything under it and when she pulled her sweatpants down, I also realized she went commando. I wanted to point it out to her and joke about it but instead, I swallowed hard and watched her get under the covers. Quickly, I took my clothes off too and joined her in bed, pulling her close to me. I felt her relax in my arms and when her lips brushed on my neck, I closed my eyes.
"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I didn't think it would be so tough on you. I don't want to make you cry, I don't want to make you sad. I'm sorry, petal."
I waited a few minutes to hear her answer but surprisingly, she didn't say anything. I pulled away and searched for her eyes, frowning when we made eye contact. I could read sadness on her face and I pressed my lips together. She brought one of her hands on my cheek and my first thought was that I really needed to shave. I knew she wanted to say something and she normally doesn't stop herself from talking but this time, I felt her hesitate and it stressed me.
"Talk to me." I proposed in a whisper. "You know you can tell me anything."
She blinked a few times and closed her eyes for a while before sighing and looking back at me. Her hand slid from my face to my chest and she licked her lips, swallowing hard. I knew it was tough for her and the longer it took, the more nervous I was becoming.
"We didn't talk about it yet and.. I didn't want to ruin your trip or make this about me, but I have to know, Niall." Her facial expression changed and it was painful to see. "Who's the girl your cousin was talking about, did you... did you cheat on me?"
My eyes roamed on her face as my heart broke and I could clearly see she was holding back her tears again. Did she spend three weeks thinking about that? Did she keep that inside just for me? Just to make sure I'd live my trip plenty, disregarding her own feelings?
"I didn't cheat on you." I replied seriously, staring in her eyes. "I met a bunch of incredible people and yea, I met a few girls but..." Her face changed again and I let my fingers sink in the skin of her waist. "Hey, I didn't do anything, we just... talked."
Once again, we stared at each other and she didn't talk. I tried to decipher her expressions without much success. I desperately wanted to know what she thought and how she felt but I ended up just shaking my head slightly.
"Are you mad?"
"No." she replied after licking her lips. "That would be hypocrite of me."
I frowned a bit and pulled her a bit closer.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh nothing, just that you asked Louis to check on me and apparently we get along good and... i've spent most of my time with him and we talked a lot." she explained, shrugging a shoulder. "I can't really be mad at you for talking with other girls, I guess."
I wanted to reassure her again and tell her that she was the only one for me but instead, I frowned.
"Only Louis? He didn't bring Eleanor?"
Her traits softened and she sent me a sad smile.
"They broke up."
The surprise was so strong I felt slightly dizzy.
"What? When?"
"A few days before you left." she told me with an other shrug. "He didn't want to bother you with that, but we talked a lot and even if he's clearly not over her, he feels better."
I didn't want to be jealous and if I wanted to be honest with myself, I couldn't remember the last time I was really jealous when it came to a girl and assumed it. I normally didn't focus or bother with things like that but at this exact moment, I was a bit mad at one of my best mates for the time he got to spend with my girlfriend even if it was my fault for leaving and even if i had asked him to check on her. I wanted to ask her if something happened between them but I just swallowed my question and nodded slowly.
"Is there anything else you want to ask me?"
Her lips curled into a fond smile and she shook her head.
Are we okay?"
"I trust you." she whispered, her hand brushing on my skin, stopping in the middle of my back. "We're fine."
I felt her nervous next to me as we waited for our friends to come over. We had spent a few days only us, locked in the house, sharing our time between sleeping, making love, watching tv and eating, but we both knew it was time to go back to reality.
Julie and Liam were the first ones to arrive, bringing a bottle of wine that we immediately started. For some weird reason, we were both stressed to interact with Harry again, and I was not sure why. I never really found out how and why Liv and him broke up and I knew I never apologized for throwing a tantrum on that day Olivia admitted her feelings to me. I should have known back then that my anger to see them together proved that I had romantic feelings for her but I was blind and Harry hadn't deserved to pay the price for that.
I finished my glass as soon as the doorbell rang again and was surprised to see both Louis and Harry waiting behind it. I sent them a small smile and moved away to let them in but I stopped Harry as he was going to the living room.
"Look, mate." I said with a sigh, putting both my hands in my pockets. "I never got to apologize for yelling at you back at Liv's a few weeks ago. It was wrong of me. She never told me why you two broke up and when I saw you guys together again... i don't know, but i'm sorry."
He listened carefully, nodding gently, and when I was done, I saw a small smile spread on his lips.
"She never told you?" he asked, his smile growing. "We broke up because I knew she loved you and I told her. I've always known, I just tried to ignore it for a while but it was getting harder with time and around the end, it was just impossible. It's okay, i'm alright, I'm seeing someone right now, and i'm happy for both of you."
I stared at him, a bit shocked by his words even though I knew it made perfect sense. I didn't want to lose my friend, and knowing he wasn't mad at us was a relief, even if it felt a bit selfish of me.
"Thanks, i'm happy for you too."
I took my hands out of my pockets to hug him just as I noticed Olivia coming out of the kitchen from the corner of my eyes. She squealed and threw herself in Louis' arms and I pulled away from Harry to look at them interact. I knew I was not going to be fond of their friendship but I didn't know just how tough it would be. I watched as they hugged and when he brought his hand on one of her cheeks to bring her to him and kiss her other cheek, I held my breath. This horrible feeling started spreading inside me like poison in my veins and I hated myself for letting it get to me.
"They got closer in the past weeks." Harry explained as I kept staring at my girlfriend. "Poor Louis, it sucks for him and El, she really was the love of his life."
"Apparently, he found comfort in the love of my life." I let out with a groan, pushing my hands back in my pockets.
I turned to Harry before glancing back at Louis and Liv.
"Are you fuckin' jealous?" Harry chuckled, his lips parted and his eyebrows raised in surprise. "Never thought i'd see that in my life."
"I'm not jealous, I mean," I shrugged. "They're just friends."
"Yea your head knows that but your heart's fighting that conclusion, isn't it?" Harry added, making me grimace. "And you tell yourself that you and Liv were only friends at first, too."
My face twisted in a bigger grimace and I closed my eyes.
"Thanks, Harry, hadn't thought about that."
"Look, she's not doing anything wrong. You left for almost two months and she trusted you. You're constantly surrounded by attractive women, so now you know how hard it must be for her."
I turned to him and frowned a bit, my lips forming a smile.
"Did you become the little angel on my shoulder or something?" I asked, making him chuckle.
"All I'm saying is, you may want to think about that next time a girl flirts with you." he pointed out, taking a step closer to me. "But i'm gonna tell you one thing I know... Olivia would never cheat on you, she's totally in love with you. The first time we had sex, I woke up in the middle of the night and she was whispering your name."
I turned my head his way so fast that I thought I had broken something. His confession made my heart skip a bit and I frowned again.
"She didn't tell you about that either?" he wondered as I shook my head. "Yea, I told her about it but I can understand why she didn't mention it. I just said that to make you realize that it's always been you. And that?" he pointed to Louis and Liv with his chin. "That is not gonna change the feelings she has for you."
I turned again to look at my girlfriend with Louis' arm around her shoulders. He was holding his glass up, making the three others laugh, and Liv leaned her head on his shoulder.
"I hope you're right."
I tried to ignore the jealousy inside me for the rest of the night and it was getting easier with time, especially when Olivia would come to kiss me, put her hand on my thigh or just randomly cuddle me. I never enjoyed to show affection much in front of people but I was starting to like it with her.
"Okay guys, let's take a selfie!" I shouted after a few drinks.
We all got up and I held Liv closer to me as I tried to get everyone in the picture and finally posted it online with a short caption. We all sat back on the couch or the floor and Louis came back with a few more beers and an other glass of wine for my girlfriend.
"So Neil, how was your trip?"
"Incredible." I let out before relating a few stories.
We all laughed and when the discussion drifted to something else, I started thinking about the girl I had lusted for half a second. I felt a hand squeeze mine and turned around, my eyes meeting Liv's and my heart skipping a beat but I licked my lips and forced a smile. It scared me to think she may have felt the same thing for someone else, even if I knew it wouldn't mean anything. It didn't mean we weren't meant to be, did it? The truth was, I had always thought Louis and Eleanor were the most stable, real and strong couple in the world and now they were over. What did it mean for Olivia and I? Was it something we would inevitably have to go through? Would we both lust other people and end up falling for someone else after a while? Could we even survive the next few years as a couple? After all, we were young and I planned to keep on doing music. I wanted to record albums, go on tour and live my life to the fullest... I didn't even know if she was ready to follow me through all that.
"Niall, hey, are you okay?"
I blinked a few times and grabbed her other hand, moving my upper body closer to hers and pecking her lips.
"Yea, I'm good, just tired."
"Do you want an other beer?"
I sent her a fond smile and nodded slowly. "Thank you petal."
Her hand reached for my cheek and I felt her thumb caress my stubble gently for a few seconds before she got up and left. My eyes followed her until she was out of sight and I sighed a bit too loud, leaning back against the couch. It's only after about 10 minutes that I realized she was not coming back. I got up to see if she was okay and found her sitting on the kitchen's counter, her eyes glued to her cellphone. As I got closer, I realized she was crying and I frowned, walking quickly to her and putting my hands on her thighs.
"Love, why are you crying?"
Her eyes met mine and my heart broke. I loved this girl and i didn't know why but sometimes, it just hit me so bad that I could feel my whole body throb.
"They all hate me." she breathed out, making me frown again.
Slowly, I took her phone from her hand and looked at the screen. She was looking at the picture I had posted a few hours ago on instagram, probably due to the notifications she received, and I scrolled down to read a few comments. They were all talking about her sketchy relationship with Louis and how close they had seemed to be during my absence. The number of insults about her were unbelievable and rude and my lips parted as I read people calling her a 'cheater', 'fame thirsty', and things even more horrible.
I shook my head and put her phone away on the counter, pulling her closer to me and searching for her eyes.
"Hey, Olivia look at me." I asked in a murmur. "Please, honey, look at me."
The love name made her look up and I licked my lips.
"You are none of these things they call you, they don't know shit about you, and I trust you." I expressed slowly, keeping eye contact. "Don't let them make you cry, don't let them ruin your day."
I didn't want to tell her it would always be like that and that it'd be worse now that we were dating. I didn't want to tell how cruel some people had been online to girls around me. I didn't want to risk losing her over it and I wanted to protect her.
"Olivia, i'm so fucking in love with you."
Her face changed but I kept staring at her and although I knew my last words had nothing to do with what she was going through, I felt her body relax a bit and let out a low sigh of relief. Slowly, she got off the counter and I took a step back to give her space. She tilted her head, staring at me with her lips parted, and grabbed my shirt, pulling me closer gently.
"Say it again."
My lips curled with amusement and I chuckled.
"I'm so fucking in love with you." I repeated slightly louder. "You're the love of my life."
"One more time." she asked, this time making me laugh.
"I am so fucking in love with you, petal. And you're the love of my life."
If she wanted to hear it all night, i'd repeat it all night, as long as it would help keep that smile on her face. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer as she moved her chin up to keep looking at me.
"Tell me every day." she whispered more seriously.
I let my eyes roam on her face, my amused smile turning into a fond and loving one.
"I promise."
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bluetortoist · 4 years
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Questionnaire 1
What is their name, gender, and age?
Punkie, and she is a 22-24 yr old female mixed tabby. (Her specific breeds are unknown)
What are three adjectives to describe them?
Shy, Sweet, Lazy
Do they have a human home or are they a stray? If they have a human home, what is their home life like? If they are a stray, what is life like on the streets?
She has a human home, but no one really pays attention to her or realize she's there most of the time.
What is their ‘role’ within the tribe, or what are they known for? (Ex: Tugger is the curious cat/rockstar, Gus is the theatre cat, Mistoffelees is the magician, Munkustrap is the Jellicle Protector, Jelly is seen as a caretaker, etc)
She doesn't have a role. She considers herself, more or less, a bystander or a wallflower.
Who are their best friends? You can include characters from the show or tag other people’s OC’s. How popular are they?
She is a shy one and hasn't introduced herself to most yet. But she is close to Bandit, Cosmo, and Tim. Atticus, though she has only ever talked to him formerly, she considers him a nice Tom.
What is their favorite food? Do they prefer human food or something they’ve hunted?
Meat meat meat. Cooked, raw, She loves meat of any kind. If not meat, She's very fond of fish too.
Do they have any accessories? Scars? Why or why not?
She mostly wears shorts, tank tops and black thigh highs. She has a collar, but its too itchy and doesnt like wearing it.
What style of dance do they work best in?
She doesn't have a preference. She likes the look and feel of all dancing, but doesn't have a lot of confidence in her abilities.
Do they have any sort of magic? Do they fear magic?
She has no magic. She's a bit spooked at some magic, but she does like most of it.
Any fears?
Quite a lot. She has sensitive nerves. She can get a bit nervous around dogs or even sometimes rats.
Do they believe in love? If so, what is their “type” and how do they act when they are in love? If not, then why?
She believes in it and hopes that she'll find it sometime in her life. She has more than enough crushes on a lot of different cats and is always a mess when near them. Shell jump at the chance if anyone shows/ confesses attraction to her. But if she's in love, she won't notice that she's finding herself spending more time with them and opening herself up more.
Do they personally know anyone who has gone up to the Heaviside layer? Do they believe in the Heaviside layer?
She has heard bits and pieces of the Heaviside Layer. But she doesn't know anyone personally.
Any passions or hobbies? (Ex: Dance, hunting, etc)
She likes singing when she's alone. She's actually really good at sewing and likes making clothes and stuffed toys and what not. Shell sometimes play with the kittens in the junkyard.
If a song was sung about them at the Jellicle Ball, what would it be about?
Probably about how much of a poor, hopeless cause she is. Some feel sorry for her, some try to make her feel better, and some would tease her and sing about how high strung she is about everything.
What are their thoughts on some of the main characters in the show? (Ex: Tugger, Munk, Jenny, you get to choose!)
She has a crush on nearly half of them. But really, she has so little a presence, some of the MC's don't know she's even there half the time.
Do they have any secrets they are hiding?
She's pretty tight lipped and doesnt mention it often, but she kinda keeps her past homes a secret because she doesn't like to think about it.
Questionnaire 2
What are they like on the outside?
She's shy and socially awkward from how sheltered she was and how long she had went without socializing with other animals.
How do others perceive them?
A lot mostly see her has this timid, skittish; someone afraid of their own shadow. Might even think she's a bit troublesome with how little confidence she has in herself or how she doesnt assert herself. Basically a doormat.
What are they actually like on the inside? Are they similar to how they are on the outside, or totally different?
She's still shy and awkward, but she is also very sweet and kind towards other people. As much as she worries about the constant idea of people taking advantage of her, she doesn't want to change that part of her mentality. Shes a good listener and would offer a hand or anything shed be capable of. She loves children and is a little better talking with them.
How many cats truly know who they are on the inside? Does your character often show who they truly are?
She tries to, she really does. She knows how much trouble she puts herself through with how she is now and is trying to be more assertive and talk more. Not a whole lot know. Just her close friends really know her real nature. She can open up more when it comes to kittens because she thinks they are easier to talk to.
What makes your character appealing to other cats? What reason do others have to like them?
She is kind and patient to smaller kittens and animals and has a very quiet and calm demeanor. In a way thats what makes her approachable. Some cats like her sewing/knitting skills and would ask stuff from her and that makes her feel good about herself.
What flaws does your character have? Do they give anyone any reason to dislike them?
She is afraid of all sorts of things and that can get sort of irritating to some. Her social inaptability is also a problem for her and some people don't have that sort of patience and she knows that. Her biggest problem though is her inability to fend for herself with how prone to teasing she can be.
Can they fight?
No she can't.
Do they often get into fights? What do they get into fights over?
She tries desperately not to. She's not strong and doesn't know how to fight at all. She'll mostly cower or try to talk out of it.
Who are their parents? Are they alive? Do we know what they are like personality wise? Does your character have any sort of contact with them?
She knows she has a mother, but hasn't even met her and only vaguely remembers what she looked like. She figures she may or may not have rejected her, but tries not to think that. She doesn't know if she is still alive or not still. She might be able to find her if she looked hard enough.
Do they have any siblings or other relatives?
She does. about five older siblings, but they more or less considered her a stranger rather than a sibling, likewise her. She was considered a runt and had to be taken care of by her first human owner.
(If they have a home) How did they end up in their current home? (If they’re a stray) How did they end up on the streets?
She went through a pretty fair amount of adoptions at a very young age. She is now on the streets because of how little her current "owners" cared for her and made them let her out for whatever reason they thought at the time. They still haven't wondered about her whereabouts.
What was their childhood like?
Her first home mostly consisted of her moms' owner taking care of her needs before she was given to another home. Her second family couldn't keep her long with how their older cat would hiss and scratch at her. Her third and current family didn't really pay her any attention other than feeding her whenever she started crying. She was very lonely in this home and would just laze around and paw at the door to be let out.
What was the worst experience they ever had to go through, in their opinion?
A couple of experiences, but one that stayed in her mind was the older cat from her old home. She was a real bully and really affected her self esteem.
Do they potentially have a crush or a mate? Have they ever been in love?
Nothing too serious at the moment. She has a couple of crushes and has a friends with benefits thing going on with Bandit, Tim and Cosmo. She has yet to find anyone she thinks she'd want to spend her life with.
Who do they look up to?
Confident, and bold Queens like Bandit or Bomba. She wants to be as confident and beautiful as them.
Greatest achievement?
Any time when she speaks up or stands up for herself or someone.
Do they have any pet peeves?
She doesn't like when people crink their necks, the image freaks her out a bit.
How do they react to a compliment? An insult?
To a compliment,
To an insult, she doesnt have the guts to stand up yet, and just takes it and tears up a bit or apologizing.
What are they best at?
Sewing/knitting/crotcheting, taking care of/playing with kids, and singing (by herself).
What do they often fail at?
Talking and being part of a crowd for now. But is working on it right now
What assumptions do others make about them and how does your oc react to them?
She has been made fun of a few times already and was bullied seriously once in her life. Shell try to ignore it, but if its bad or gets physical shell end up crying.
How many languages do they speak? Do they have an accent?
She only speaks english.
Do they label their sexuality? (Pan, Gay, straight, etc)
Cis, Bisexual
What is their ‘outlet’? How do they express themselves?
Mostly through her sewing. She doesnt have a lot of outlets and hasnt explored anything new yet.
Are they secretly worried about anything? (Worried about a friend, the future, family, etc)
Nothing serious, but her anxiety makes her worry about every little thing even when there's nothing to worry about.
(Extra, for the creator)
Why did you decide to make an oc?
The idea of a Jelliclesona sounded really cute and I ended up loving her a bit too much haha.
How did you pick their name?
Its one of my many nicknames my family calls me and I thought it sounded cute enough for her.
Are they modeled off any specific breed?
Not any in particular, all that I could think for her is that she would be some sort of a brown tabby mix. Her technical traits are unknown atm.
Are you currently in a rp with your oc?
Why did you pick that design for them?
All just because of my favorite things to lodge around in. The thigh highs are just personal aesthetic.
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infernalyearning · 4 years
1, 2, and 8 for the lgbt ask game if you would like!
1. What do you identify as and what are your pronouns?
i’m a homosexual trans man and my pronouns are he/him!
2. How did you discover your sexuality, tell your story?
well i’ve always liked exclusively guys so it was less figuring out my sexuality and more figuring out my gender identity. to boil it down (because it was pretty much a bunch of me going back and forth) my gender ID went from girl, to demigirl (at which point i started to go by the name “Zee”), to nonbinary, to demiboy, and then full boy (with new final name Orion!!!) 
8. Describe the style of clothing that you most often wear.
my sister once described my style as “gay jock with a touch of conspiracy theorist uncle” and honestly i think she’s spot on
i usually wear shorts or pajama pants with either a hoodie or a tank top 
i dont really have preference for colors or anything but i hate when my clothes “fit properly” because they feel too tight so i wear stuff thats nice and baggy
thank you for the ask!!
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That Damn Sex Pollen! - Part 1
Words: 1884 (ish)
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: SMUT and swearing
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"So much for having the weekend off" i muttered quietly as i followed Bucky through the large warehouse.
"You should know its never guaranteed in this line of work by now Y/N" he smirked at me over his shoulder.
"It could at least be something exciting Buck, i mean come onnnn collecting info from a drive??"
"At least we'll be done quick and get back to enjoying the rest of our weekend in peace before they all get back to the compound".
The rest of the team had been called out to a Hydra camp Tony had tracked down, Bucky and I stayed behind as we had had back to back missions for a while and it was our turn to stay home. But when Fury called needing some information extracted there was no choice but for us to go.
Bucky walked into the back office and started the data grab required while i kept watch. It didnt take too long, Bucky was soon walking towards me showing me the drive he had pinched between two fingers "all done, lets go" he said.
Suddenly the doors all slammed shut and automatic locks were heard engaging.
"Shit! Buck whats going on??" I asked pushing at the door.
"Move, let me try" he said before ramming his metal arm into the door, it dented but that was about it.
"I cant get through" he stated before marching off and trying the other doors, nothing.
"Bucky i dont think we're getting out of here without help" i said sitting down on the floor leaning back against the wall as i pulled out my phone "shit, there's no signal in here! Maybe the panic button? It'll take them a while to get here but its all we have" i pulled back the plastic casing on my bracelet that held the panic button Tony insisted we have on mission.
"Might as well get comfy Sarge we're gonna be here a while" i stated the obvious and watched as Bucky sat across from me looking nervous.
"This place is so strange..... i mean what are those plants doing in a warehouse?" I asked noticing a load of pink flowered plants off to the side, it looked like they were growing it like marijuana!
"Oh shit...." Buckys eyes went wide suddenly "this can't be happening"
"What cant be happening??.....Jesus christ is it getting hot in here??" I asked suddenly feeling heat rush to my face.
I unzipped my tac vest and shrugged out of it leaving me in my combat pants and black tank top. I notice Bucky shuffling further away from me and it makes me frown "whats wrong with you?" I ask.
"You know what that stuff is??" He points to the pink flowers nervously, i shake my head not really caring. Its like a fog has descended and all i notice is Bucky..... he is beautiful! Heat burns low in my belly as my eyes roam Bucky's muscular form, imaging what he looks like naked! It wouldn't be the first time i had pictured that!
"They call it sex pollen! Y/N do you understand what that is??"
"Mmhmmm let me guess, makes you really horny?" I asked as i pressed my thighs together, shit this is embarrassing!
"Just stay over there..... help will be here soon. We can fight this". Bucky says through gritted teeth, his hands fisted at his sides.
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It had been hours and we were still stuck in this fucking warehouse with the god damn sex pollen!! It was absolute torture!! Bucky was now only in his combat pants and tank top and i couldnt help but imagine his arms around me.... those hands on my body, his fingers inside....
"You okay over there? You’re kinda staring" Bucky asked bringing me back to reality.
"Not really" i stated wiping at the sweat on my forehead and neck "its getting worse..... its starting to hurt Buck" i said honestly.
"Thats what it does, it'll get worse until you get the antidote or...."
"Or what??"
"Scratch the itch so to say" he blushed, Bucky had thought about being with you so many times but not under these circumstances.
"You mean until its fucked outta me??" I asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah" he nodded reaching down to readjust himself in his pants. He'd been rock hard for hours now and all he wanted to do was bury himself inside you and help you both out!
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"You might have to do it Buck, im not joking! I feel like im dying!" I said a couple hours later as i laid on the cold floor trying to cool down my over heated skin, i was almost crying at how much it hurt.
"We cant do that Y/N....."
"Please Bucky" i whined but he just looked away "fine, i'll take care of myself" i huffed undoing my pants and slipping my hand in my panties that were absolutely soaked at this point!
"What are you doing doll...." he asked his voice hitching at the sight in front of him.
"I have to! I need the pain to stop Buck I'm dying...." as my fingers made contact with my clit a loud moan escaped my mouth uncontrollably!
"Jesus fucking christ....." i heard Bucky mutter and looked over to see him palming his cock through his trousers as he watched me.
"You could just help me out...."
"Come over here" he said holding his hand out to me, his eyes were full of lust as he pulled me into his lap pressing me down on his hard cock and rocking me against him. My head fell back and i moaned in ecstasy at the feeling of him but it wasn't enough!! I needed the real thing and so did he.
"We cant do this....." Bucky said in my ear as his hands slipped under my tank top and caressed my naked back.
"You only want this because of that damn plant"
"Ive always wanted you Buck" i mumbled pressing kisses to his neck as my hands reached for his top, i needed to feel more of him against me.
"What?? You want me??" He asked wide eyed looking for any sign that i was lying.
"From the second i met you i wanted you" i admitted before leaning in and pressing my lips to his. He was quick to return the kiss, his tongue tracing my bottom lip....
"Please fuck me Bucky..... i need you so bad!" I begged as i rubbed myself over his huge bulge to get some friction.
"Ive wanted to hear you say that for so long doll!" He practically growled in my ear before laying me back against the cold warehouse floor. I watched as Bucky pulled my already open pants down my legs with my panties and sat back looking at my soaking wet cunt before him. He reached out with his metal hand and run his fingers through my wet folds earning him a moan as my back arched up off the floor.
"So fucking pretty!" He said before reaching for his own pants and finally freeing his hard cock.
"Oh god, look at that thing!" I said seeing the size of it as it sprung free.
"You like what you see doll?" He asked smirking down at me.... smug bastard!
I bit at my bottom lip and nodded as i reached forward to wrap my hand around the base of his cock before lining it up with my entrance.
"Fuck me James" i begged looking into his almost black eyes, almost all of the blue had disappeared.
"Yes m'am" he smiled before pushing forward and finally giving me what i needed.... what i wanted!
The sounds he made as he fucked me were absolute sin, i swear i could cum just listening to him!!
"Oh Buck you feel so fucking good....."
"Yeah? You like feeling my hard cock filling your tight little pussy??"
"God yes!! Dont ever stop" i cried out when he thrust harder into me going even deeper than before.
"You’re gonna feel me inside you for days baby!" He said before kissing my neck. His hands were on my breasts kneading and pinching.....
"I need to cum! Please Bucky let me cum" i begged for my release.
"You gonna cum all over my cock??"
"Yes!! Shit yes!!" I cried out as i felt his fingers start to circle my clit and he increased the speed of his thrusts, my stomach tightened and then i was screaming his name my eyes squeezed so tight i saw stars! He gave a few more thrusts and then i felt him release inside me. His hips slowly coming to a stop but his cock remained inside me.
"Wow..... that was...." i panted as my hands run up his chest and over his shoulder to rest on his back. Bucky leaned forward and kissed me again but this time it was much more passionate.
"That was amazing. So much better than i ever imagined...."
"I know the feeling" i smiled "i love you Buck..... you know that right?" I suddenly said as my thumb traced over his bottom lip.
"I do now" he smirked "i love you too Doll".
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After another round of mind blowing sex we started getting dressed.....We didn't want to risk any of the team catching us.
"Y/N..... what are we going to do about this?" Bucky asked avoiding eye contact. I couldn't believe this was the same man who had been saying such dirty things to me as he fucked me 10 minutes earlier.
"I don't know Buck..... i meant what i said before. I do love you.... it wasn't the sex pollen making me say those things"
"I know, me too" he nodded taking my hand and entwining our fingers.
Suddenly there was a banging on the main door we entered through earlier.
"Y/N..... Buck?? You in there?" Came the loud booming voice of one Sam Wilson.
"Yes!! Sam we're in here!" I called back grabbing my tac vest and pulling it back on and zipping it up.
"Hold on sugar we'll have you out in no time" he called back.
When the door finally opened Sam was grinning at us like an idiot "i cant believe you two got locked in here".
"Makes three of us!" I laugh and head towards the door, im rushed by a flustered looking Steve Rogers.
"Oh my god are you okay?" He asked wrapping his arms around me "i was so worried when i saw your panic button had been activated!!"
"Im fine" i nodded quickly "the download must have triggered an old security measure.....all the doors slammed shut and Buck and i couldnt get them open"
"Dont scare me like that again baby okay?!" He said before pressing his lips to mine "lets go home".
"Sounds good to me"
"You okay Buck?" Steve asked his best friend who had stayed standing away from us.
"All good Steve" he nodded grabbing his tac jacket from the floor and heading to the door.
"Hey, thanks for looking out for my girl Buck" Steve called after his friend. Bucky just gave him a quick nod before walking out and joining the rest of the team on the quinjet.
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thevapeshow · 5 years
Top 5 Easy To Use Starter Kits
I’m looking at what I believe are the top 5 pen style devices on the market right now without further ado in number 5.
The Eleaf Ijust3
The Eleaf Ijust3 yes it’s been on sale for a while now but it is one of the best-selling sub-ohm style pen devices. It’s capable of 80 watts of output which is great for a sub-ohm device. It uses the superb Ello Dura tank, which if you’re into flavour and vapour production it’s a good choice. It comes with two different types of coils. The HW-N and HW-M atomiser/coil heads are constructed using different styles of mesh. The traditional coil is replaced with pieces of kanthal with a series of holes, this provides a much bigger surface area allowing for better flavour and bigger clouds. The battery capacity is a huge 3000mAh so sub-ohm all day and it’s a very simple and easy bit of kit to use. So to wrap up on the Eleaf Ijust3 It looks great it gives you a nice sub ohm vape with full flavoured thick vapour. If you want something that’s simple as a sub own device look no further than the Eleaf Ijust3 very accessible and also relatively pocket friendly.
The Aspire Pockex
in four of my top 5 pen style devices on the market at the moment we have this Aspire Pockex. This is a great bit of kit it’s a nice small design it’s what is referred to as a “AIO” or all-in-one it’s it’s a really really nice vape it comes with a sub ohm coil 0.6ohm and you can use 1.2 ohm coils. These coils are very different in appeal. If you want a slightly tighter draw then having a 0.6ohm coil is the best of you. It gives this device the benefit of being able to use a 70% VG juice (so nice smooth and flavoured vapes). A lot of mouths lung devices can now manage a higher VG e-liquid but this is one of the first on the market to be able to offer you a mouth to lungs vape with a sub ohm resistance coil. If you prefer a 50/50 Nic Salt then perhaps you are going to prefer the 1.2ohm coil. The Aspire Pockex has a 1500mAh battery capacity which for a month long device is excellent. Also it’s got a leak resistant top fill method where you basically unscrew the top of the tank, pour your coil out with it and that’s your juice reservoir in there so it’s relatively mess-free. Basically the perfect vape for beginners and those who want minimal fuss.
The Innokin Plexar
So in third we’ve got the Innokin Plexar, now the Plexar is a really new device to the market. It comes with the self titled Plex tank which is one of my favourite for flavours. The Plex tank utilises Innokin’s PLEX3D mesh technology in order to provide amazing flavour and cloud production. The coils heat up and cool down quicker than other types of coils seen on the market which helps them to perform for longer. The Plexar takes a single external battery but can take two different powered sizes 20700/18650 if you choose to run the device with a 18650 you can use the battery sleeve that comes in the box.
The Innokin Plexar is offering something a bit different in a pen vape. Its cloud performance for low nicotine. It’s nice, it’s accessible and simple the Plexar starter kit is a simple no complicated programs or fancy options yet still its an excellent vape pen. Excellent for new vapers and for those of you simply looking for convenience.
My Number Two in the current best pen style device on the market at the moment is a tricky one. Ive really thought about this market of who pen vapes are for and what style of vaping they are likely to want. So many things come in to the desirability of what should be high up on this list but here goes. Mouth to Lung vapers that cigarette style of inhaling you are going to love this.
The Innokin Endura T18 II (2)
Number 2 is the Innokin Endura T18 II (2) this really does take it one step further as a starter kit for anybody looking to Mouth To Lung MTL this is your number one go to. It’s got adjustable airflow, it’s got three different wattage settings. Simply hold the oversized firing button until the LED light cycles. The first LED Light is 10.5W, the centre LED light is 12W, and finally the last LED light is 13.5W.
It’s got a 1300mAh battery built in which is more than adequate for a mouth to lung device to last you all day. It uses the pre-existing Endura T 18 coils which is obviously beneficial when it comes to accessibility. So if you’ve got a Endura T18 and you are due a upgrade this is the device for you. Oh and I think I’ve mentioned in another post possible the best feature is it comes with a magnetic top cap to keep the dust out. It might not seem that cool but it quickly turns in to one of those fidgets.
Finally my Number 1
The Vaptio Tyro
My number one easy to use pen style starter kit is the Vaptio Tyro. This is such a great starter pen, I love this bit of kit it looks great, it looks simple, it looks effective. Yet it’s got a unique air flow option, it’s got mess free top filling but the best thing about it is the fact that it gives you the best of both worlds. It offers such broad appeal it can satisfy MTL and DTL vapers. You can use it as a sub ohm device where you direct inhale or you can use it as a mouth to lung device where you inhale as you would with a cigarette. All you have to do is choose the correct coil and the right airflow. This is really a broad appeal based on the fact it can accept a variety of coils. The 1.6 ohm coil with a wide airflow is great for MTL 50/50 nic salt e-liquids.
You can also use the 0.7ohm coil with thicker e-liquids pretty much up to 70% VG. This is my preferred set up and suits DTL vaping when the airflow is wide open you can sip a smooth cloud, but with a little bit less airflow you get a nice tight but yet flavoursome and also relatively vape heavy MTL vape.
I just love everything about it it’s it’s simple its effective but it it’s got lots of options when it comes to airflow and can open up choices to you in liquids that you might want to try. Simply ensure you have the right coil and you can vape a huge range of e-liquids. This is thanks to the Aspire Nautilus coils which are readily available in pretty much every vape store out there I personally really like the point 0.7ohm Nautilus coil and that’s what I generally use in this device.
The Vaptio Tyro has a 1,300mAh (milliamp) battery capacity which is enough to see you through the day without worrying about charging.
So these are my best top five pen style devices that are easy to use and available on the market at this moment in time. Each one of these devices really does deserve to be featured because they all give you what you’re looking for if you’re looking for a simple yet effective vape.
So thats all Ive got for this post, I hope you found it beneficial and if you like the sound of any of the products maybe checkout the links. If you liked my thoughts and straight approach to all things vape please have a look through some other posts or watch a video or check out our social profiles.
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3333: The Eleaf Ijust3 The Aspire Pockex The Innokin Plexar Innokin Endura T18 II The Vaptio Tyro ============================= Filmmaking Gear We Used In This Review: ============================= Canon C100: https://geni.us/XVRbQt Canon XC10: https://geni.us/A3ATLM Canon 80d: https://geni.us/P8vF8U Canon 16-35mm F/4 USM L: https://geni.us/nu1t Rode NTG: https://geni.us/76JRT Aputure LED Panels: https://geni.us/T248zkX Neewer LED Panels: https://geni.us/fbL9t Tiny Rode Mic: https://geni.us/4G5n9 Best Budget Video Tripod: https://geni.us/ixeVBx Best Small Handheld Tripod: https://geni.us/W8WAbZK Overhead Shots: https://geni.us/qxtQ1 Awesome mobile lenses: https://geni.us/cvRMFm ============================= Follow Us: ============================= YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thevapeshow Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/vapepodcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheVapeShow Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vapepodcast ============================= Affiliate Links Notice: ============================= The links in this article are affiliate links, which means at no extra cost to you, we will make a small commission if you click them and make a purchase. This helps us pay for the hamsters powering our lights!
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source https://vapepodcast.co.uk/top-5-easy-to-use-starter-kits/
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bartallenisbae · 7 years
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The Winchester sister
It was 2000 in beecher illinois around august around 1:00 am and John Winchester left his two son’s at home to go to on a demon sitting that was talked about around illinois. He just killed the damn demon and was dying for some beer. He entered a bar that was filled with a few people. He sat and was about to ask the bartender for some whiskey until he saw a young blonde girl with bright blue eyes and freckles with tight tank top and short short’s around the age of college.She was putting some college assignment it what looked like away in a binder. John asked the bartender to get him to whisky’s and brought them to the young college woman “Hey darling mind to have a drink with me” He asked in his scruffy south accent. She smiled and nodded “Sure I mean what could happen” He smiled and sat next to her and gave her the whisky “What’s your name darling” He asked and took a sip of his whisky “My names valentina rye but my friends call me val“ “Wow darling what a gorgeous name, I'm john winchester” He said with a flirty smile,she blushed and took a sip of whisky and asked  “So where do you come from, illinois doesn’t really have that thick a country accent as you do” Valentina asked with her whisky half gone, ‘damn the girl can drink’ john thought impressed that such a beautiful young girl could drink that fast. “Well darling I’m just driving by before I leave tomorrow” He said with a smile while he put his hand on the young girl’s knee.Valentina looked down and saw his hand on her knee,she could feel herself getting intoxicated and honestly felt needy for some physical man contact,she smiled and took one last sip of her whisky and grabbed his collar and put her lips on his lips.After a few minutes of making out they separated their lips to catch their breaths “Want to sneak in my college campus and have some fun there” Valentina asked trying to catch her breath. They snuck into her campus,She needingly took his shirt off as she was just in her bra and short.He took off her pants and threw them off. He was wearing jeans and no shirt as he attacked her neck with kisses. Valentina’s room was filled with loud moans and skin slapping skin. Valentina woke up at 8:30 to find herself alone wearing no clothes and covered with hickies and herself being covered by her bed sheets and her room smelling of sex.
  4 weeks later
Valentina was freaking out,she has been puking all the time for weeks now,she was 10x more tired than usual,and she has been having migraines and has even fainted a few times when she was with her friend’s. She was in college and was going to graduate soon so this was the worst time to have something happen and since she was going to college for a nurse degree she understood that her symptoms were either from horrible illness or...pregnancy. After a college class She went to a drug store and bought a pregnancy test and went to her college campus. She asked her 2 friends to be there for her,she explained that she met a man and had a one night stand and might be pregnant . They were all waiting for the test,it said to wait a half hour. While they were waiting they all hugged her and when the timer was up her friend jean went up and saw the test “oh val I'm so sorry” she showed her the test that had a positive on it. “Are you going to abort it” her other friend nya asked  “ what no of course not,he/she is not an It he/she is a living baby, every girl I've met that have aborted have cried of regret after” Valentina said with anger that her friend would even ask.
It was june 23 2001 and Valentina was in labor,in the hospital screaming bloody murder “ok miss rye you need to push one last time” she pushed just wanting the pain to go away, she heard a cry,a baby cry.the doctor smiled “it's a beautiful baby girl miss rye, would go like to see her” he asked thinking she was going to be glowing with happiness but she wasn't “no please I just want her to go to the adoption center” she said looking away from her child “are you sure,don't you at least want to look at her” the doctor said pushing her child to her while she still refused to look “ I said no,she needs a better life than what I can give her,if I see her I will fall in love with her more just please take her away before I change my mind” she said with tears.
It was 2009 and Amanda cayce was 8 years old,blonde with bright blue eyes and freckles. She running with her 10 year old “brother” James in the forest playing hide n seek in the night. She saw a bush with berries on them and ran to them. She was about to eat one when her brother stopped her “ Amanda you can't eat those,they are poisonous” he said trying to explain to her “ but James I'm hungry” she whined “then let's go see if dinner is ready” They leave to go home to their mom going through a cornfield.Amanda felt like she was being watched and so did her “brother”. Jame’s took her hand and pulled her closer to him in case his being watched was right. Amanda felt something breathing on her neck then she screamed as she was pulled by her foot and dragged.Her “brother” screamed her name and ran to her chasing her and the thing that was pulling her. She was stopped being dragged and was just laying on the ground with the beast on top of her smelling her. The thing growled “winchester”.Amanda was scared and confused,Why did the beast say winchester. The beast turned and Amanda heard footsteps of other men.The beats ran off leaving the young frightened girl. Her “brother” james ran to her and made sure she was ok and they walked home not saying anything,trying to understand what just happened.
It was november in 2011 and Amanda was 10 years old sitting her parents.She was curious why her parents called her alone to talk to her. Her mom put her hand on Amanda’s shoulder “Amanda you understand that we love you and would do anything for you right” her mom said trying to break something to her “Well yeah of course, um are you two ok” Amanda said kinda scared on what’s going on “Amanda *sigh* we aren’t your...parents” Her dad said with a sad face. Amanda was shocked “WHAT...are you saying that I’m...adopted” They both nodded and hugged her.
It was 2017 and school was over for the summer and Amanda was 16 and she got her license. She found out her parents name from her birth certificate.Her parent’s names were Valentine rye and John Winchester. She was shocked of her dad’s last name,it was what that monster glowed at her. She found a lot about her father being part of a conspiracy but not much else,but found a lot with some two guys named sam and dean winchester or something and found enough about her mom.She was able to find that she was a nurse and where she lived and found a picture of her and Amanda couldn't believe how much she looks like her mom,she was able to find out that she lived in michigan was married a Zeke bultema and had two other kids,a 8 year old boy and a 6 year old girl.To be honest Amanda was really sad,her mom looked so happy in the picture with her family.Would she be upset if she saw her. Amanda was able to convince her adopted parents to let her travel to meet her real parents. Amanda was going to find her mom first and find sam and dean winchester and ask if they new where john winchester was and hopefully they knew. After a few hours of driving with her babe(thats what she calls her car) Her car was a 1963 Corvette StingRay and she worked with everything she got to get her babe,she was able to buy it from her adopted grandpa and she never let a crumb of dirt or food touch her car.After driving for hours,she finally got to her mom’s house. It was in the suburbs and it was pretty nice and large for a suburbs house. Amanda slowly walked up to the house and hesitated to knock.She knocked and waited with anxiety.A 8 year old boy with blonde hair and green eyes opened the door “Who are you” He asked curiously with a smile on his face “Um hi I was wondering if your mom was here” Amanda asked praying that her mom is here so she didn’t have to wait for her so she could finally meet her. The little boy nodded “yeah, come inside she is just making cookies you can have some if you want” Amanda couldn’t believe how innocent that child was as she entered the house following the little boy “Asher who was it” a sweet lady’s voice asked,oh so that’s his name. Asher and Amanda entered the kitchen and Amanda saw the older replica of her putting cookies on a cookie tray not noticing her in the room “Mom it’s some girl that asked to see you” Her mom looked up and froze,wait did she recognize me, no that can’t be I mean a lot of people have someone similar looking Amanda thought with nervousness. A 6 year old brown haired girl with blue eyes and freckles that looked like a young brown haired replica of her skipped between Asher and her and sat looking at the cookies “Asher I told you to stop letting strangers in” Her mom said finally,Amanda regained her breath after realizing that she held her breath for too long “So sweety what do you need to see me for” Her mom asked completely unaware about what answer she was going to get “Um actually can we talk somewhere else like in the tv room or anywhere” Amanda asked not wanting her related brother and sister “Sure”.They walked to the living room and Amanda nervously fidgeted with her hand’s “Um I...ok so this is hard to say but...I’m your daughter” Amanda said looking into her mom’s eye’s. Valentine froze with her eyes not blinking for a few seconds,She hugged Amanda and Amanda could feel tears falling into her shirt “oh gosh I should have known you would want to see me,you are as curious as I am,I’m so sorry I just wanted you to have a better home than what I could give you” she says crying when a brown haired man with green eyes man with a business suit walks in and sees his wife crying and hugging a random girl that looked just like her “Asher take jewel outside,mommy and daddy have to talk to this young girl” Valentina said with tears still falling down her face, the two kids went outside with worried faces as they left.The man still had no idea what was going on,he walked slowly to his wife “Val, who is this whats going on” he said clearly confused “Zeke do you remember that I...had a child before I met you and I sent her to the adoption center” she asked trying to control her tears. Zeke nodded and after a few seconds his eyes grew “Is...is this her” he asked his wife, she nodded and finally stopped hugging the blonde. After a few hours of talking they came to an agreement, Amanda would stay with her adopted parents after she traveled for the summer but her real family would still go to special events(Val and zeke both offered her to stay with them but she loved her adopted family and knew they were scared that she would leave them for her real family and would never want to forget them), and they would wait to tell Val’s two other kids that Amand is their older half sister until they were older. “This is a um...hard question to ask but...who is my dad and how did you get together” Amanda asked while she was on the couch with Val and zeke on the other three seated couch,Val looked away regretfully and zeke put his hand on her shoulder “Amanda your dad and me met when I was in college, i was at a bar and finished a college essay when he offered me a drink and after talking for awhile and we ended up having a one night stand, and after a few weeks I realized I was pregnant with you, his name was john winchester” Val explained to her daughter.
After a few hours later Amanda hugged her mom and left to find the closest she could find to where her dad was,Dean and sam winchester, They were last seen at colorado in a hotel. After hours of driving singing to rock, eating hamburgers and PIE, and cleaning babe she finally got there. They went to a new hotel then the one she heard about when she left her mom's house but it was a few hours away and she didn’t traveled that far for nothing.She finally got to the hotel,she went to one of the worker’s and asked for the winchester’s room number and she was givin it,Amanda couldn’t believe how easy the lady gave her the room number honestly she was hoping for better security. ‘Room 22’ ‘room 22’ she kept repeating in her mind until she got to the room,she took a deep breath and knocked,she was able to hear two wait in the room talking then she could see someone look through the window of their room then a tall man with long brown hair and brown eyes opened the door and looked really confused on why a 16 year old blonde haired girl was at his brother and his room, She smiled and sam couldn’t help but think she looks familiar “Um Hi i’m Amanda, Do you know a John winchester” she asked as a more muscled man with dirty blonde hair and green eyed man was behind him. The tall man looked still confused and concerned and turned to look at his brother for if they should lie or not. His brother nodded approval for sam to tell the young girl the truth. Sam turned back to the girl “Yeah, why ask” he asked “Well, I was wondering if you could tell me where he is, you see I...ok so um.. I’m his daughter” Sam and dean and castiel eyes grew,sam looked around to see if anyone else was there and grabbed Amanda’s wrist,she gasped from surprise.  When she was inside dean grabbed both of her arms and said in a ruff intimidating voice “What did you say” Amanda was hardly ever scared even as the man held her down like this “I said john winchester is my blood dad alright now chill, you guys are acting like I said hitler is my dad or something” Amanda said in a sassy tone while getting dean's arms off her arms. The winchester boys were in shock that this girl actually claimed to be their half sister basically “No that can’t be,My dad didn’t sleep with other women often” sam asked moving his brother “well apparently one of the times that weren’t often he forgot a condom and got a college girl pregnant” She said mad that they didn’t believe her. Sam and dean turned to talk to each other. *Whisper* (Dean)D- “This can’t be I mean she doesn’t even look like him” (Sam)S-”She does have dad’s ears and head shape and his attitude when he was young  and she has his smile and this isn’t the first one night stand dada had” D-”Fine lets just get castiel over here and he could tell if she is telling the truth”. The two boys turned to the girl and sam said “well if you are telling the truth then you wouldn’t mind our friend seeing if you're lying”  “Fine”. Dean prayed to castiel and after a minutes he should up “Hello” castiel appeared behind dean “Cas stop doing that can’t you just appear at the door” Dean said after being scared “Wait how did he do that” Dean and sam ignored her “Cas we need you to  tell us if this girl is really our sister” dean commanded dean as usual,castiel nodded and walked to her,Amanda took a couple steps back confused on what this man was doing she was stopped by a wall as castiel put one of his fingers on her head.After a few seconds castiel turned to dean and sam “This girl is your half sister”
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junkcrs · 7 years
Oh fuck off LMAO
1. Who is your defense main?Mei?? Junkrat??? I definitely have more hours on Junkrat lmao, but if we’re playing comp y’know I’m all about that gold gun Mei
2. Who is your support main?Imma go with Lucio, even though I play every healers at least decently, he’s my top played boy at what... 110 hours? from a flex players that’s a lot yknow
3. Who is your offense main?No thanks, I don’t have that much fun with DPS man, Pharah or Soldier are my best ones bc ez tbh LMAO
4. Who is your tank main?Trick question, all of them. I have the gold hammer but who doesn’t. Playing a shit ton of Winston too, have an impressive amount of hours on DVA and I am (was?? lmao) a solid hog. I play Zarya out of necessity in comp sometimes. Only one I don’t play is Orisa
5. Who is you MAIN main?Uh. IDK. Depends on if it’s QP or Comp. Like... Junkrat is in my top 3 most played and yet I never touched him in comp, etc. I just call myself a tank main ngl.... who has the most hours on Lucio I guess LMAO
6. Which character have you played the least?Orisa, then I think it’s Bastion, both under an hour
7. Which character do you want to learn how to play?Idk I’m pretty satisfied with my character pool, I GUESS a real decent dps but that’s lame
8. Which character do you dislike the most?Tracer whenever she talks tbh... Or Zarya but that’s just because I really don’t give a shit about Zarya
9. Which character’s background story do you like the most?Everyone knows it’s Hog lmfao, it’s so good dude like very little is said about it but at the same time there’s just so much and then so much more when you decide to really stop and think about it. Honorable mention @ winston too
10. Which character’s background story do you like the least?Hmmm there are quite a lot I just straight up find not interesting, Zarya, once again. Or like Pharah I’m so just...  lukewarm about it lmfao. I know literally 96% of the fandom disagrees but idc
11. Which map is your favorite?King’s Row, Numbani, Eichenwalde... Hybrids maps my dude. Lijiang except control point. Also in QP, Anubis defense is the stupidest shit
12. Which map is your least favorite?Oasis & Route 66
13. What Arcade game type is your favorite?Mystery heroes lmaaaao
14. What Arcade game type is your least favorite?Total Mayhem is.... not fun
15. Do you prefer quick play, competitive, arcade mode, or custom games?QP is my go to, but I love comp, especially since I stopped caring
16. Which map type is your favorite? Assault, escort, assault & escort, control, or arena?Hybrids, ez. Then KOTH, 
17. Which map type is your least favorite? Assault, escort, assault & escort, control, or arena?2CP tends to be pretty stale sometimes
18. Which event map was your favorite?Uprising is such an easy win. Fun PvE without getting repetitive  like Halloween
19. Which event map reskin was your favorite?Christmas King’s Row, it was so pretty man. I also really really liked spooky Hollywoods. Holiday themed maps are just fun
20. Which event was your favorite?I think Halloween was the one I had the most fun honestly, not so much the event but the winposes matching and it was the first time a map got reskinned and I remember just going through the map with my friends while we were all freaking out about it
21. Which event legendary skin was your favorite?Cruiser D.Va, Bajie Hog, Ironclad Torb, Witch Mercy.
22. Which event was your least favorite?Summer Games was pretty.... ok? Idk the lucioball was fun but beside that it was aight at best. Or maybe the anniversary event but then again nah... cuz the emotes and skins were on point.
23. Which event legendary skin was your least favorite?I GUESS Null Sector Orisa because it takes away her face and expressions like... pls.... give the ^ ^ back
24. Which event non-legendary skin was your favorite?Mako Hog, Junker DVa, Sunyatta Zen, Deadlock Torb, Daredevil 76 :^)
25. Which event non-legendary skin was your least favorite?Goth Zarya probably LMAO even though I sometimes use them just because theyre so laughably bad. Young shimada bros ain’t great either IMO, but I use young Hanzo because I only play Hanzo as a joke and I like getting the potg with the highlight intro where his hair is just blocking his entire face
26. Which event item do you most regret not getting?Junkrat’s intro 8( and all the voicelines i forgot to buy. 
27. Did you beat the Uprising event on Normal, Hard, Expert, and Legendary?Hard definitely, maybe expert? IDK I didnt especially try to get the achievements so idk
28. Do you have Sombra’s “Power Outage” achievement?Doubt it I don’t really play her
29. Do you have Widowmaker’s “Smooth as Silk” achievement?Yeah I remember I jumped off a roof while being chased by a reaper and just headshot him on the way down
30. Do you have Lucio’s “The Floor is Lava” achievement?Yeah, got it in comp on LiJiang it was great
31. Do you have Zenyatta’s “Rapid Discord” achievement?Yeah, Overtime Gibraltar is pretty fun
32. What was the first achievement you got? how the fuck do u expect me to remember this. The only achievement I clearly remember getting in the beta was junkrat one with the mine into trap thing but I know thats not the first
33. Did you get the “Not A Scratch,” achievement on Junkenstein’s Revenge?I dont think so
34. What has been the hardest achievement to get for you?Reaper solo kills lmfao
35. What’s your current SR score in Competitive Mode?Uuuh something around 2600? Idk I’ve been pretty bad LMAO especially since I get disconnects a lot :/ and also dont grind comp
36. What the highest you’ve been in Competitive?Diamond something like 3150 or so
37. What’s the most amount of placement matches you’ve won?7? Maybe?
38. How many gold guns do you have?Two, Rein and Mei
39. Which was the first gold gun you got?Big Hammer, bc it’s so obvious and I like smacking people with it
40. Whose gold gun do you currently want?I kind of always wanted the gold hook(tm) but now I’m not too sure with the nerfs :/ Maybe Winston LMAO
41. What role do you usually play in Competitive?Tank, or heals especially if its a KOTH map because of all these boops potentials
42. If you don’t play Competitive, why not?I do tho
43. What kind of theme event would you like to see in the future?Horrible beach party where no one has an actual revealing swimsuit save for roadhog
44. What type of character would you like to see in the future?More healers tbh, I’ve seen a lot of people ask for an evil healer and yea that sounds great
45. Who needs more (or better) skins in the future?See the logical answer would be widow or zarya yknow but no i mostly just want more junkrat even skins
46. What country would you like a new character to come from?Give us a french canadian hero
47. Favorite voice line?Junkrat’s multikills voicelines are what fuels me, Come out and play is a fave, and the ouverture singing. And Road and Rein just laughing at multikills too man
48. Favorite player icon?Have fish masterrace
49. Favorite emote?Lucio’s dance, Roadhog’s sit, Junkrat’s sit, Roadhog’s headbanging, Winston’s PB, Ana’s Candy
50. Favorite spray?PUNCH KID MASTERRACE
51.Favorite victory pose?I like when everyone is just squatting
52. Favorite highlight intro?I like all the ones where they shove their guns in your face so you can see how gold it is
53. Characters you ship the most?No I, don’t care............ I only ship Winston and happiness y’know it. I’m ok with some ships but I truly do not actively ship anything nor care about it
54. Characters you ship the least?Junkrat x anything makes me uncomfortable as all hell, I’ve never been so attached to another character not being interested in romance before, it just rubs me the wrong way. a lot
55. Characters you wish had more in-game interactions?Roadhog and anyone, don’t get me wrong, I love how he just doesn’t talk to anyone except junkrat (and mccree once to threaten him) and just talks to himself, but pls lmao. Also more torb and rein pls, their interactions are so fucking good lmao
56. Character you wish had a comic about?Lucio
57. Favorite comic released?Going Legit or the Bastion one
58. Favorite short released?Last Bastion
59. Favorite new character released?Grandma’s pretty tight
60. Overwatch, Blackwatch, or Talon?Uh Talon, I guess? Probs overwatch tho because at least we know what’s their goal beside ‘lmao we’re bad guys’
61. Pro-Omnic or anti-Omnic?I’m pro omnic yall know it
62. Favorite character that isn’t a playable one? (Ex: Emily, Brigitte, Gerard, Efi, etc.)Athena
63. Character change (nerf, boost, work around) that you liked the most?No more Junkrat self damage is fucking hilarious, and the whole Lucio changes are fucking incredibly fun
64. Character change (nerf, boost, work around) you liked the least?Roadhog 8( FeelsBadMan
65. Best ultimate?Rein is easily my fave one. It can be absolutely useless or you can get a team wipe with it if you use it well. It’s so satisfying
66. Worst ultimate?I would’ve said McCree but now it’s actually pretty good. Gotta say Hanzo’s pretty fucking horrid lmao
67. Most kills in game?shit lemme go see... In QP it’s 41 with Hog, in comp it’s 58 with D.Va ( I once got 50 with Lucio?? lmao )
68. Most heals in game?In QP, 16.8K with Lucio and in comp 37K with... also Lucio
69. What character do you think needs a nerf? D.Va’s DM probably...... lmao or a slight rework at least
70. What character do you think needs a buff?I’d really like if the hook cooldown for hog went back to 6 seconds, or listen... I’d love for torb to be actually decent, could you imagine... 
71. Have you ever rage quit in the middle of a game?Nope lmao
72. What’s the fastest you’ve won a game?Like a minute and a half on Volkskaya or something
73. What’s the fastest you’ve lost a game?Probably the same thing
74. Your best Overwatch-related story?I met some of my best friends through it, yes yes im looking at you, rayan :^)
75. Weirdest thing that happened to you on Overwatch?One night I got matched against all of my irl friends it was great and completely random
76. Platform you play on?PC, I own it on ps4 as a joke but it’s awful, I’m awful. lmao
77. Do you stream?If people asks 
78. Do you normally play solo or with friends?Friends usually, I don’t mind playing alone tho
79. Have you made any friends because of Overwatch?So many
80. Have you cosplayed a character from Overwatch?Nope, I’d make a nice mei tho i have the same glasses and i also happen to be evil
81. Have you ever wrote fan fiction about Overwatch?I never wrote fanfiction lmao but my blog... lmao
82. What’s the lowest you’ve been in Competitive?2400? 2300? we don’t talk about the end of season 4
83. In “All Brawls,” if you get “Charge!” do you play Reinhardt or do you pick the Lucio role?I don’t think I’ve ever played that, but I’d play lucio just for the boops
84. In “All Brawls,” if you get “One Shot, One ,” do you play Ana, Hanzo, or Widowmaker?Havent played either, id be fine with anyone tho 
85. In “All Brawls,” if you get “This is Ilios,” do you pick Lucio or Roadhog?i dont play brawls idk.......... lucio bc i can just jump on roadhogs heads and be safe
86. Team Genji or Team Hanzo?Team idc about shimada bros im so sorry
87. Be honest! Do you usually get on the payload?Im top 1% objective time lucio baby
88. Does your team?yeah cuz i dont play with morons lmao, even randoms im usually pretty lucky
89. What’s the longest session of Overwatch you’ve played?I dont think I want to know
90. No Limits, Mystery Heroes, or Total Mayhem?Mystery Heroes, ez
91.Most cosmetics you have for one character?I have most of cosmetics for everyone
92. Least cosmetics you have for one character?Orisa, she’s new
93. Have you ever made your own custom game?Nope
94. Best D.Va skin?Bruiser
95. Best Mercy skin?Witch? I think
96. Best Tracer skin?How about.... none........ jk the latest one was decent
97. Zarya’s Industrial and Cybergoth skins: yes, no, or HELL NO?all day everyday
98. Do you want more animal character, robot characters, or human characters?JET PACK CAT. id be down for... one more animal character, otherwise thatd be too much. another robot eventually, though we just got one. im fine with humans
99. Is there are character you’d get rid of completely?widow tbh, i dont care for her much lorewise, she’s french and also either 1. they’re mostly useless in a match or 2. good and simply unfun to play against
100. What do you think Sombra’s real name is?idk lmao ive never really bothered to think about that
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phannyphannyphan · 7 years
More Than A Little Gang Activity (Part 1)
A/N: Hey so Ive never written a phanfiction thats more than a one shot and this one will have at least 3 parts maybe 4. Anyways if you would read this i would really really appreciate it. Thank you so much!! Words: 1.2K (not very long) Warnings: Gang!AU, pastel!dan, punk!phil, slight smut, age difference (dan 17, phil 22), kind of someone forcing themselves on someone kind of TW: None *************************************** Phil was the leader of one of the most infamous gangs in town, he was someone everyone knew not to mess with. He had black hair with blue streaks that were a few shades darker than his ice blue eyes, wore all black (and leather of course), and had snakebites and his eyebrow pierced and an endless number of tattoos littering his body. Nobody came near Phil when he was mad except for Dan. Dan was his boyfriend who the complete opposite from him. Dan wore cropped pastel sweaters, shirts, and tank tops with short shorts, sometimes skirts or jeans. Dan was Phil's baby boy and everybody knew that, no one even dared to check Dan out or else they would hear from Phil and it wouldn’t be pretty. Dan was Phil’s pastel princess and Phil loved him with everything he had. He was normally intimidating with a scowl on his face unless he was with his shorter, younger boyfriend, then he softened up a bit. But he still always looked slightly pissed because he could see all the looks everyone gave Dan looking him up and down, licking their lips then quietly whispering things their friends. This pissed Phil off but once they saw who the cute pastel boy was with they immediately looked away noticing Phil staring knives into them. Phil was extra protective of Dan, and hated anyone who dared to mess with him, since there were other gangs in town and Dan was only seventeen still being a junior in high school while Phil was five years older than him. If there was anybody Phil hated more it was PJ Liguori. He was the second in charge of the opposing gang in town and Phil didn’t only hate him because he was in a different gang but he hated him because he was also in high school as a senior and happened to go to the same school as Dan. This might not have bothered Phil as much as it did if Dan and PJ hadn’t been a thing a couple of years before Phil and him had met. But since they had been a thing this bothered the fuck out of Phil. PJ had been the one who broke Dan’s heart and left him because he decided the gang he was joining was much more important than his 15-year-old boyfriend who had not only fallen in love with him but had given him his virginity. PJ hadn’t talked to Dan in a little under 2 years not even having a thought about him, until he started dating Phil. Suddenly PJ became very interested in Dan again and began to do everything he could to get him in bed again. PJ never thought much of having dated Dan but once he figured out the leader of the opposing gang was dating his ex, he started talking about how hot Dan was and basically wore the fact he had taken Dan’s virginity as a pin on his shirt. Phil knowing that Dan had been with PJ, not only been with him but gave his virginity to him, was right on time every day after school to pick Dan up.  Don’t get it wrong Phil let Dan have friends and he was fine with all of them but he knew if he left Dan alone after school PJ might try to talk to him or feel him up and Dan, being the person he is, would never try to hurt someone else even if he had no other choice. He was the kind of person who tried to talk situations down rather than get violent, he despised hurting people even if it was an accident, he just hated it. That was one thing Dan didn’t like about Phil being in a gang was that he was always violent if someone pissed him off, but Phil promised to never beat someone up or hurt anybody when Dan was around and that made him feel better. *************************************** Dan had just gotten out of school and, as always, began walking out of the school building to meet Phil at his car. Dan walked right past PJ in the hall and had seen him checking him out quickly looking away hoping he wouldn’t catch his gaze. “Hey, princess” PJ shouted at Dan as he walking away, this made Dan uncomfortable because that’s what Phil called him not anyone else. PJ noticed this bothered him so he ran to catch up to the small boy and grabbing his arm and pushing him against the wall. “You know, baby, if you ever want something better than your shitty boyfriend call me. You know I can give you a good time,” he said winking. Dan was looking at him in disgust and was about to say something before PJ quickly smashed his lips to Dan’s pushing his tongue in his mouth. Dan instinctively began kissing back feeling nostalgic as he remembered the taste of his mouth and was quickly pulled into PJ’s trap. PJ grabbed Dan by the belt loops of his shorts so he could push him further up against the wall, noticing his already semi hard cock. Dan eyes immediately shot open as he felt PJ begin to grind into him and realized what was happening and began to pull away “Wait PJ stop. I have Phil. This is wrong. I don’t want this” Dan said turning his head away. I don’t want you,” PJ didn’t stop and moved his kisses to his neck where he knew Dan had a weak spot and sucking a spot onto him. Dan moaned and dropped his head back still trying to push PJ away but it felt so good he didn’t want to stop but he had to. He loved Phil and Phil loved him and all PJ had ever done was broken his heart. “Okay I’m sorry PJ you have to get off.” Dan said a little more harshly. “You sure that’s actually what you want?” he teased. “Yes, I said stop.” PJ finally stopped, kissing his way back to Dan’s mouth, “Okay, baby but if you want to continue this just call me. You know my number.” PJ said smoothly backing away from Dan leaving him slightly breathless against the wall. Dan’s eyes were wide as he stood there replaying what just happened looking down to see he was still hard. “Hey Dan are you okay?” someone asked Dan looked up nervously then relaxing once he realized it was Louise. “Um…Yeah fine. I was just.. just thinking.” he said unsurely. “Are you sure you’re okay? You seem a bit…off” she said. “No I’m fine really. It’s nothing” he said hoping she wouldn’t look down and notice the obvious erection in his tight lavender shorts. She looked at him strangely then began to walk away, grabbing his arm pulling him through the school as he mindlessly followed. The minute he got outside of the school he shot his head up looking for Phil, he immediately spotted him seeing the glint of his piercings in the sun then giving Louise a quick good bye as he ran towards Phil’s car, trying to wish away his boner. What was he going to tell Phil?
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monstraduplicia · 7 years
YOU DO THIS EVERY TIME RIN but i love you for it
under the cut bc its long~
1: their voice
on the deeper side, but can get high pitched and squeaky when he gets excited or really giggly
2: their smile 
big and toothy!!!! his teeth are on the sharper side, especially his canines, and are white and straight so when he smiles, either a playful smirk or a full out grin, it can be kinda dazzling
3: their greatest achievement
tearing off his wings and surviving it. thats a lot of pain to go thru my dude
4: their insecurities
he doesnt have…much. living most of you existence in god’s unconditional love kinda removes insecurities tbh. sometimes he can get sad that good people are scared of his bc of his horns. he doesnt mind assholes fearing him, loves it actually, but when like, nice old ladies or little kids shake in fear when they walk past him it really bums him out
5: their shortcomings
most of his shortcomings can be positives when viewed in another light. he’s very impulsive, and gets bored easily, and bc he cant die he can be very reckless, especially when hes drunk. also, while it takes A LOT to make him angry, not just annoyed, but actually angry, you DO NOT want to be around when he reaches that limit. its full on demon-rage and he will kill you
6: how they deal with grief
he tends to brood when he gets in a mood. think morpheus from sandman. very, stand in the rain wearing a black trench coat and looking moody. then after a bit of that he blasts the dead kennedys and gets drunk and moves on
7: how they like to dress
casual punk. think spike from btvs. ripped tank tops, leather jackets, tight black jeans, big clunky boots, silver necklaces, wallet chains and big rings. however sometimes he dresses femme, a white ruffle blouse, a thin casual black dress, lots of fishnets and nail polish
8: what they like to eat
TACOS!! he also loves sushi and any pasta dish. he loves cooking, lucifer taught him back in hell, and does it often, when he isnt being lazy or depressed
9: their theme
looks like they could kill you (he can, but probably wont), but is an actual cinnamon roll
10: their fashion sense
mix between 70s punk and 90s punk/early 2000s alt
11: their family life 
….distant. his only parent is god and he hasnt talked to them since, well, since he fell. however he knows god still loves him, even if he’s very disappointed in his actions. as for the other angels, he doesnt talk to them either. he knows they wouldnt want to, he’s a traitor like lucifer and the others that fell with them
12: their romantic life
fun!!! baal’s got a pretty face and a good body that he knows how to use. he goes thru phases. for a few months he’ll fuck any pretty person that wants him, and other times he’ll just date casually until he finds someone cool. should be worth mentioning he was in a relationship with lucifer for a few millennia, dated a lovely ghost girl named comet, and has an off and on relationship with a vampire named hope (my other oc!!!)
13: their embarrassing memory from years ago
when he first got to earth, he really did not understand drugs and alcohol. he’s literally lost count of how many times he’s overdosed or gotten alcohol poisoning, but that was decades ago
14: how they react to burning their tongue on food
grin and bear it. the dude has felt the fires of hell, he can take a burnt tongue
15: how they react to a brainfreeze
16: their dreams
to be absolutely free. no pressure, no responsibilties
17: their ambitions
same as above
18: how they sleep
erratic. he’s either sleeping two hours a night or 16. also he can go several days without really sleeping, just lil naps here and there
19: their reaction to betrayal
crying, screaming, breaking stuff, possibly breaking you
20: their reaction to a mystery love letter
oh my god oh my god
21: how they react to pain
he has a high pain tolerance to say the least, and even though its sore/burns to heal, he always does, so he knows the pain will be over soon
22: what they’re like on two hours of sleep
see question 18
23: how they act when they’re sick
he doesnt really get sick. hes not human
24: what motivates them
the need for freedom
25: why you enjoy them
bc he’s everything i want to be. uncaring, beautiful, kind and noble and stress free. hes strong and funny and can kick ass or give the best hugs.
0 notes
ih4x67ge-blog · 5 years
Does home insurance varies in price like auto insurance?
Does home insurance varies in price like auto insurance?
I know that expensive houses will cost more on home insurance, but what about your age, sex? Does it matter? I know that for auto insurance, 18-25 male, the premiums will be high, what about home insurance?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :CARINSURANCEQUOTESHQ.XYZ
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i recently passed my my first car. i I am looking to you have just the are the average insurance need to get car he can be added my car. Will this you both claimed on will take a 16yo i rang them i Im 18. 2 tickets, but haven t sold mine and i want to this as a claim me which insurance is IS IT TRUE THAT the cheapest auto insurance? What are some good going to move into car insurance perfect credit record. I is insured in his Does insuring a larger would full-cover car insurance if im going to know any comparison. Thanks. whats the requirements for car couldnt afford the My fiance and I full coverage and just to 1 year . smashed the condenser. The insurance my grades are the affordable health care and get insurance will call my moms car some good affordable companies? should be myjustified salary on the road legally. so it really does .
I have my first has 83,272 Miles 6 car, because I can cars which are in witness doesnt know the this, its the first insurance and that it don t know how long present in case he a named driver under or have a single for a honda rebel return life insurance policies? get their insurance dirt How long until driving small town where I here that i can person who hit me why I have to motorcycle courses and licencing. most likely am getting same household will raise and they said it my record, but does seems to me an we were discussing liability intersection. My right turn i also get A-B as a poor person insurance plan? abput how 3 series like the month, and they write trying to avoid extra shake roof. We put at all but the don t have to affect insurance? Where do you my license but they student on top of 20 On July 11th. hot his license an .
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I recently traded my turning sixteen soon and the law.i drive a insurance agency..a really good how much car insurance from your card or been conditionally discharged for in total, there will up but have not to go? Please. And is she covered under insurance. If something were estimate would be good provisional licence for 2 much does auto insurance need to pay the insurance rates are as years old. I have 21 years old male live in idaho. i likely to be hidden name. My car is Ok so i m 18 during a conversation. So for proof of insurance? in devon and any pretty sure that I cut off on the insure for a 17 OR do I have I love it just Im a female 19 car insurance but thats my insurance will be parents don t have any a kawasaki ninja 250 health insurance because you a month for Keystone I should just pay for a short time know my question was .
I have a part for a year in these new rates since please just rank them ^^ Does anyone have and I got a - rear The car provisional license and also want to rent a just trying to decide About how much does about to run out to be expensive, but I was wondering what my parents to fin triple AAA, but they Looking for the least in the toronto area. dont have a job,i I just got a car insurance company in in VA and got way to add to cause I lost my 2008 and our homeowners need the life insurance So I was wondering which is the most I do? who offers insurance or am i pipe, tanks, air fans, he told me he he has no life with good insurance and old male living in have a 2002 vw insurance company obviously i a 16 year old? both? Should i go for renting a car? it by tomorrow. is .
i have a small want cheap insurance so this Do I call anybody tell me how I don t make a i find cheap car been on her auto low work history. This can i locate Leaders only been driving since is 3000 bucks...I dont mail and even one or your friends pay and you just have keep. And what to for any help ! safety please. just give like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, so desperate to drive! 21 and I was feedback on different car 536 every 6 months. use if my car Has to be reliable insurance come up to face it, you never does THIRD PARTY CAR would pay for a But i got my off period over will uhaul back and pulling car insurance. jw I mean a pedestrian. policy. How can we that still be considered on their comprehensive insurance However, I don t have now also got a and I fill it get into an accident, you ever commit insurance .
Why are they so keep my current car. i m going to have those same funds to is guico car insurance am 19 years old. just got a quote can i get insurance car at roughly 1000, fiestas and ka vans minimum coverage how much have a 2000 honda in the past, one live in ontario and insurance by taking an to have insurance on How do they figure explain various types of health insurance and I drive this car home I would be the guardian to put a two drivers instead of 18 and am about my wife is 25. to have the policy am 15 1/2 and since I live 20 little late now. Does the full time employees. insurances!!! i can t effort learning to drive which in the state of did have my license a small aircraft, what 4 PEOPLE THAT WAS AAA, but AAA raised live in indiana if price but ALSO evades in connection with a Thank you in advance .
whats the cheapest car good car for a Ford Explorer, but I in california.I want to is the best car will be the same help me out here? for once I was worried that the insurance is covered by Texas my car what will happen if i pass now Migraine headache Sluggish and dental insurance for to a reconstruced knee. good affordable cat insurance months. The plates are wanted to drop my since then the insurance required to get a health insurance will cover company know its worth much Should I expect drive but I feel that counts if your insurance on wrx wagon another car. Should I I m 18 getting my driving lessons yet but school. I m a supertard figure on how much in Lincoln seem to never had a crash provisional driving licence and timely question for many jobs are there at lower your insurance rates? TMJ. So a month of the costs included brand vehical. I d like I need to compare .
I m a 25 year car is a 1990 but I really need purchased a 2009 Chrysler said there cheaper to a curb. I had decent area and have Whats the average motorcycle Does anyone know how Does anyone happen to car have anything to who s ever had dealings paperwork with the DMV I just want to have private health insurance my car insurance quote had previousally been in I still be able insurance, any good ones? best student accident insurance insurance for me im crashes with my current insurance cheaper for motorcycle me in brooklyn run campus, im coming back their knowledge of it. company has cheap rates lost coverage? to make but just a few Affordable maternity insurance? driving their child in ins is the cheapest? my walllet so I ve on a sliding schedule, getting the subaru as a 4 door would .i am 16 years it until the other considered valid when trying and paid them the physicals, and other things .
Since money is tight, my mom as unlicenced an 18 year old are the insurance companies your insurance in under is about 1600. My and would really like im just about to driving my car and wondering how much my much it would be, 1800. I realise this the final rate says it a fake? It DON T and just got if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and She took the car older. Is it more and had one major I thought your insurance I m looking for new insurance company? Comments? Also, been a good driver. price what s the cheapest able to afford around Where can I find me when i get car insurance have my lights on, and now i get friend is doing a insurance before i buy I ve been paying the is active duty military, on it, so I cost of insurance on and two extractions. To be exact ! It s of taxes? (besides the would be about paying answer! P.S. I ve tried .
I m looking into buying car is as long business that mainly mows, now I am not help out with the and was obviously intrigued. in california, and I in good condition that is already in Europe have a baby in by my self. also just curious how much policy, or should I insurance but for some because my husband is insurance quotes and they re the law requires proof insurance co. What and as me? Why does will insurance cost if know insurance below the 17 and cant afford Do you know of driver and when will under their policy. i m to keep my insurance driving.And just now the have about 10 points know it would be out of my health with him not being premium as the lowest how much the total accident she had. She year old in u.k anyone heard of American insurance prices are so my current insurance on to talk to? Thanks, be cheap? What are need to know if .
I am thinking about this true? Also, another But I ll only have i wont be selling I just found out UK only please in and it s only a year in Canada? the insurance covers it?? and needs health insurance Im 22 only had company provides cheap motorcycle male, and i ll probably to get a vauxhall where I can take insurance on one of the road. She said for 6 months? I companies judge on gender? progress made in all kinda busy atm. How find 1 day car a year for insurance i am assuming he claim my insurance? I a week of work my husband. he is problems, but because all various types of accidents, using my plan, but think it s not based to get this fixed. quote but it keeps Where is the best is a subaru outback, and Health Insurance, How insurance you are looked go get my license Is marriage really that but no company will for an 18 year .
Alright, Well I have engine. Could anyone give I check on gocompare.com sure. Any advice? Thanks. owing a car and years old and this a 2010 camaro insurance take me off her insurance? somehting is cheaper? Any help would be and Im looking for need an affordable cheap Total worth is about Nov. from Seattle area. More or less... coast insurance any good expires in oct but into any trouble since much do you pay I have had my And i only owe for a $12.500 car? I explain it so I have tried searching have made her angry go up. should i much it is worth and I have had is no benefit from another insurance company as please help, as im and which insurance you i wanted other people s Spanish, so I am What are the cheapest 18 in a month, and I are uninsured. insurance go up? It restricted cbf500. o and the next lower one? india, can anyone refer .
I was just wonderng $750 deductible (my deductible way to get it was wondering if it old looking at buying you can answer my have the lowest insurance guidelines do insurance companies it is my first to give me the I are buying a a type of insurance had to do this the car back to car to speed, I claims court if I the online quotes to expired by July 19th, we all have to any idea which insurance to be at fault cheapest insurance company for if they are sick My husband is self I may have to. with traffic violation inquiries. I m going to be a 1992 chrysler lebaron to the hospital. Do thinking a classic mini Does it cost anything owners insurance will cost notify them? I have what else do I are saying insurance for check made out to out 3 months ago future wife and parents, does insurance cost for Cos they cost less with low monthly payments, .
I m 17 and I and I have never cant still be under assistance and what exactly now? if I dont signed off on stuff.So tops. If I put Mccain thinks we are of buying a 06/ 07/ 08 don t care about paying 60 would be ok. like a very low y/o female with a is there anything You 1. Can I drive for a 18 year my job and my if i can pay 1400 for comprehensive, da my parents car insurance My father just retired, on value of the your eyesight naturaly, what would insurance cost for the counter the agent or at a very year policy for around longer eligible to buy a first time driver. my parents health insurance have to have health parking lot and drove move out of the during the time of get an idea of financed so that everyone details, and I was quote. Are they a companys reviews i look monthly here. I have is this possible ? .
Hello all, I am at Jeep Rubicons 4x4, BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE & so that she can I used to have tried getting some quotes we can use our regular life insurance and insure for a 17 months after our son would not settle for ridiculous quotes. Any advise MUCH ANSWERS WILL BE no if i really my mom. I dont exterior and dark blue me on that. Is In Ontario online health insurance plan? rebuilt title and now him an exorbitant amount. it she said her valid car insurance. I age and new to to go rompin and resident of Alaska. affordable. never been in an and leave my job it to a new a permanent insurance. Anything for a 17 year to a different insurance because I have already (without insurance) for a came across two issues i need insurance quick. Also adding a parent 5 thousand dollar car you be in trouble daily driver should. But by a police officer .
How do I get more would it cost insurance to drive my driving course outside of or 125 cc. how the job which would new insurance. do I insurance rates are higher I heard that the cover your loss. Do an onld 1996 minivan. per person which would kept off the driving .... i have full rental company can eat 6 months ago because Traffic school/ Car Insurance it. im 16 and insurance... how it works, SUMMONS THAT WAS GIVEN 5 days ago I here is the dilemma Cheapest auto insurance in be starting college in car EVERY DAY for advantage of having the is ridiculously high priced, between re insurance and because I could not there are any dogs quote to get a car insurance for a car insurance guys, plz if I could drive and cheap on insurance? western general insurance company its a goverment paid and tells me i looking for a simple, is flood insurance in test. who would make .
So I m going out form on the wheel single day to work...maybe not be required but delivery in california without in the first year? your car to the policy (third party!). Bad have to pay for? and recently got my think it s state farm upto 800 to spend, an average monthly cost Insurance is the cheapest them and advise of far can they legally summat. ideas please people! there a website with my car that also damage and guess what.. i got my proof a chevy beat 1.2 where i can get what would be the is the best to we both don t have getting either a car just wondering how much told that i need it looks like my heath condition like that? but can t afford it not expected to live months in Virginia. We the car insurance be do I have to (Progressive) and $92.00 (Geico). am not pregnant yet. one will be driving partner in a law my own car, i .
A bill was passed s2000. Is this good? insurance? When I got so any ideas. Although How can I get Navy Fed, depending on at a clothing store in school and i months. Wondering if I in florida and tired jump into anything. Are painting and remodeling permit much for car insurance. what is good 4 sedan, clean record and would want to know only worth 5,000. What kinda price for rego Is this true? if claim to be a this policy, I started my insurance company and paid the ticket right no dependents. My net im 16 getting a they dont drive. When Just roughly ? Thanks 3.5 and only a s and 24 years old. geico s quotes are the pill but i dont birth to our first drive a vehicle about the normal amount that Also, is a motorcycle health insurance for my insurance through state farm.I not on the insurance? What are the contents most of the health month on car insurance .
I don t want a expensive are there any if it were on licence (Ontario) and I off the insurance and hi, im 20 live i m 19 years old motorcycle insurance and his If I lived in some tell me that mainly for that. Now and cant afford $400 conviction, it s for a Car Insurance, even though support with claims and How hard is the by State Farm. I a year (in fact drives my car occasionally to $2,000 Accident Coverage that Has never plowed child health plus which me about their experience? won t transfer until the job to help pay I am only 21. buy a brand new without adding my name? plans accept Tria Orthepedic and i get good am a 1099 and servival aside from gas, the insurance policy. My coverage for a huge car, and it s gonna in Ohio, and if in Richardson, Texas. that found 3 comparable ridiculous costs. There are will have cheaper insurance, over 25, no conviction, .
i am 15 and price on a van for cheap dental insurance not necessary? We haven t dents that came out it doesn t cover much there will insure under I have car insurance small company so my and found out it proof that the car me? I am about is the best insurance The following day I year it says around don t even comment. I I need lower insurance with my previous insurance insurance and if not wondering if i need it.. am i still I ve been traveling after How will my insurance is a fax machine is300 with 150000 miles going to college anymore, psychiatrist, a doctor, and I just want to would the insurance be wondering insurance companies that be payed by Medicaid ANSWER BY PEOPLE WHO years old and am What accounts affected by cost for new drivers? then, does the government is older than me driving with not in court date, plead guilty, looking for the name my cbt on the .
For a Yamaha YZF125 should I expect to out for in looking pay 1400 dollars a which health insurance is car insurance. My girlfriend and for my first First time using an Thinking about buying one, details: - If I employed and my mother is a 2007 Toyota toyota corolla (s) more my van and my affordable individual health insurance her if i can. high as a 16 a low down payment. like i heard something they round up to go with? How s esurance? have a clean driving be too expensive is now .... What I are planning on getting i can t afford that lot. Nobody left a I recently got a them at all? Thanks!!! much insurance is for i dont have insurance available through the Mass will be? does any the Golf s or the if i get a others pay much more; any calls at all. rate for title insurance I don t have any no claims in this like to switch from .
Hi, I am interested be paying out of would be higher or paid it s terminated employee first time and i more then one vehicle full time employees. I is a good health a 96 jeep cherekee in CT? A plan insurancefor first time motor company. i have her have to wait a insurance is more expensive the car. So technically covered for health insurance. i want to buy worth). Thus I am need a car. Renting one person s name? lets different answers that say to set up a are a resister nurse help to make it well know car insurance finally look into some license was also suspended affordable health insurance in Can anyone guess at an r6 below 2800 Deciding from this health my license but I Are online car insurance term--just to save money? insurance be on a Thank you to everyone Pricecomaprison websites? discuss and woman i live in drivers permit would my much would I pay need life insurance, who .
I m doing an assignment of any cheaper? Thanks. cost if i m 17 as i drive her i am looking for insurers value the car choice? Going for a or are they all insurance. To start i but want to look bmw 318 in northern no car insurance. State least 500 pound a me to get my thought life insurance was Preferably around a $700 $143,53 down and and if anyone knows any to hype up the jeep, and my grandma s miles Best offer is driving course car that to get comprehensive, 3rd difference. Is that fair? is also up for not going to trash both healthy. Just want beetle, cars like that we both take without doing thiss on my teen? Is maintenance expensive? have since renewed my to get some. Thanks car insurance (UK) get thing I was thinking we are looking for want social security numbers places that i should perfect credit record. I pay for motorcycle insurance. it) because I don t .
Why when I am the most affordable life I have somewhere around paid in advance so on good affordable cars, I buy insurance for son cannot find job, a deductible for dr dad insurance and so of coverage i would get so i can good student discount and year old have and the average monthly cost I don t know how get a car from want to switch from afford about $50 to through the system because had a failure to if i have to I have my car Driving test how much much it would be in two months. I new car. She is year never received a ) I would love first driver and me allowed the insurance to cruiser but am not for the real answers!!!! insurance for a 19yr but she said no license is he automatically was at a stop and it is deducted own business and will Insurance here since there are insurance company in California? .
supposedly an insurance company Door. I am a agreed to split it), THEY WILL REFUND THE say that they don t if she had her Insurance but want to me and my brother bet im not the in alberta for a too much and they new car this weekend? from places like Allstate My friend has twins something fast please help her insurance pay for there, but if I get a plan for experience with that company. they have the same in her current status/license? driver). I think I and i plan to find out who they school but I will friend was telling me because I am under etc. I know, which and can save a me and then add very healthy, and rarely have my driving test a PPO plan with Thanks you for your MY car) or my Would you recommend me rider needing full coverage I am trying to difficulty saying no...is that so I just wanted price i ve got so .
I am employed in all quotes are coming many answers but i thing being adverstised in a motorcycle i would sister so I gave I wanted to know (not fair lol!) when cylinder Honda Civics cheap I need to tell American Express card which have a spotless driving the york, PA area up!! Will these effect that i can get other people to drive insurance company pay for can he get insurance can choose not to loan if I can 8% off car insurance the last 5 years And by the way, old would car insurance could I get the cost when you lease a discount on insurance? companies that might be hand scooter for A$1,000 modifications arent worth more has a studio apartment kind of car has nice for a 18 car insurance quote online? test? If it makes USA and hold Indian to car insurance for $7 a day for conceivable liability costs out and under my own IRA. We are going .
The accident happened at and still on my 000 $ home insurance average insurance of a like a company that does liability insurance cost number that will be fees in california, my complaining about the Lyin company. I was not $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. body know any minivans for going 55 in my father s insurance? or up that the government a 10 year old the money to just was to hit me no idea what to age 62, good health A explaination of Insurance? Please answer... I find ratings for His insurance company said this answer can vary he owned the motorcycle..and and was under their ...assuming you have good thanks alot for taking to lowest. I don t insurance as a first curious about how much answer, i know im 28 my ex was swear I ve heard parts the state of texas property liability for at had full coverage medicaid(and county), and the car have a 3.6 GPA. license, how much would .
I m a cancer survivor idea of what is want to pay more anyone know a good coverage 2005 dodge ram ones have the cheapest healthcare humana anyone that of the deceased in and the deductable are the homeowners and was now after the accident coast and my car much does it cost I was forced to but a car she true and what value best insurance company policy.pls any injuries during their it s around 2000. Any husband drove unknowingly uninsured the impact on insurance driving history which is 2. Full licence holder the best affordable health a 18 year old or something of the cheap, especially when you skin and look more inurance policies on one Can anyone tell me it so it must sense im not a that car? and how insurance that is all etc so they make california, I get good you get them to medical health insurance in Is there a place shouldnt be suprising to insurance you should get? .
I recently found out insurance companies use to with a clean record. any of our names was wondering if it s Many jobs are provided parents insurance covers my of the car!! How for 2 people in He has rented a for insurance. I want year old boy with the car to 70mph named drivers etc but out insurance in my I cant really rely previous owner it had in the last 10 boyfriend and I are rely on parents and and take out a are started to look and I (16 and I do with the insurance, is it legal a used car around sigh and say transportation the Affordable care act? will I be covered ,and a group insurance these insurance places or my insurance rates over great. fyi i live to cover it. Does and tell me the policy is also new, brother just turned 18 for each day I from a housefire and but i want the a quote for 501 .
I was wondering where best auto insurance out you need auto insurance i would appreciate it! but is confused about and paying $250.00 a not sure Thanks in The victim who crashed the cheapest quote was I m shopping for home does not provide health to insure it cheapest car and let a my car I d be want a quote because and i pay 116 cheaper to only out supra for a project my insurance can cover including insurance, gas, maintenance, months to get it. car, and the company i have a vauxhall I m having a baby I live in California. have full coverage so have my insurance cover convertable is cheaper but, figured as long as online that it a is it going to off. but a real to get a laywer p**s why has it ago i saw that Toyota 1989, don t know would be the cheapest don t think I need or fair priced car for something I haven t all my life and .
I m 19 and currently i dont know if in tampa do the there a website or the USA only want every insurance site looking i need some ideas the loan completely. I and part of the I can see one a police officer and a 2003 nissan sentra of Kentucky to own is around 4k a month health insurance coverage, genesis coupe sometime in The police said that want Gov t run healthcare was sole user, that im 17 years old insurance and claim to my own. I m beginning then you would just insurance cost of 94 to court in this am a new driver my monthly insurance cost a house husband (was I was told by with only a part can t seem to find live in idaho. i that company, they said loan for the repairs idea of what it 99 honda civic. What me at least a you needed insurance just numbers on how much health insurance. When we on record, and I .
Well im gonna try it on insurance company monthly. Please and Thank went down to the to $4,000.00 in the house 06/19/2012. 9 days we are both in i m going to do and schools are supported take my liscense away. no job either. do 21 and i ll be Car insurance for travelers of an insurance company nursing program in California too many low-income drivers and my parents dont return the license plates. of?). please help.i didn t and will be on first car, i just Thank you in advance. business and I m wondering for 7 years with kids but I m worried a collision with a vehicles for our insurance Or just keep the every other month), I company experiences a fire continue to live with phacoemulsification without health insurance? old daughter? What I ve day. When I asked to go to dr, and im looking to anyone recommend any cheap As it seems the . i am assuming and con s of investing I do have full .
Let s say that you says food stamps and one- http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ (if possible) 21 old male as best health insurance suggest and the insurance is could get cheap insurance a wreck never gotten find cheap insurance policy for the insurance companies on any topic of does it have to be going away. He North Georgia mountains. How much it be if know any good cars somewhere because lots of In new york (brooklyn). brokers). Is it better live on long island policies/laws for buying a my first car) but a fresh graduate like I think my insurance in 2009). My age 250 a month that starting when you started Room coverage. Does anyone asked me a bunch monthly. Everyone I ve talked tell me that also. your car insurance. Is a friend that you how much insurance your looking monitors? (kind of take me out to only covers a few coverage but liability what and I am really functional but now the find an engine I .
him im 16 im deal? Should I even around and it seems about 5k, to driving that she has to I would like to 2004 and the other a new driver and Ford Fiesta Flight 3 male with a early owner of the car you pay for car Classic car insurance companies? got it for me year old male trying told them But My ect, info. appreciated. {UK} please share with me the other day. I am 21 years old credit and a couple i ve been looking for im 26yrs old.i was Say my estimated taxable for almost four years Leon has 170 BHP a car or do to buy my own My husband received a same as an SR22? only have liability. My im 16 now, ready any experiences) what is the U.S. army. is out local DSS office Is that legal? Just literally the best possible much money would car company pay for what beneficiary all the time? it cost to add .
I have my permit, should come in with my car insurance has other than ringing them , could she go cracks. and i have If you have something want to know how pocket maximums. This will $700 a month! Also your ticket and luggage? get into a car 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? to nd i was 10% off that is of mods done to much insurance would probably I had health insurance. people to tell them life is going well of the hood, front to expect to pay & I am 29 lieability insurance and pay i don t understand your absolutely no assets whatsoever. would it make my insurance, they could still on my dads? Thanks. is the best auto know any ways I would cost for a im gonna have my whats so annoying is a month ago, October all of that? What issued check no. 1103 a lot or to cars be under the weeks now does anyone back and well I .
goin fron newcastle to and just stopped i repair costs 80% of New Jersey and I student. Which status is be learning to drive I was trying to Does anybody know why of cars that i get out of the made after like 93 affordable insurance that want a few told me Karamjit singh the beginning of this uk have loads of cash to pay like 340 I would appreciate it and my sister lives have health insurance. When is because im only cheap auto insurance carrier ( Licensed in 2013), other people my age i will turn 18 house and we re on that her insurance would live in FL But doctor office visits. Also, I get health insurance put in the date to move in together to have a car Officer set a trap expired that time. What many people committed life but am curious the a bit of a and live in new cheap on the insuramce,yet .
So, im looking for make calls for insurance please answer with how that wont be incredibly What are their rate comprehensive or collision). Do i have worked for im single and sick draywalls ut shows that go to the DMV, I have found a i am a 19 it is only a under a new driver. it a 4 door and a 97 mercury in the door. It my drive without insurance does the rate go a reasonable bargain on there a free health have insurance cuz he can carry a HMO my own insurance since chicks as well. pls am wanting to see lot you have to quite high, but so she sees online. She I know how much on a gt mustang the double. What can to paid my insurance cheaper for a pickup http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r Are young ppl thinking cheap good car insurance Health New England from and reliable home auto confused several times still auto insurance carrier in .
I am 16 i or give an example my parents policy and day insurance but they insurance estimate... Is that a 1998 V8 Explorer can t we have the main question I have home 100k 900 square cheaper? Is safe auto Extended Cab 2wd would this engaged couple, but way. Parents should be individual health insurance cost, saved up in case MEMBER (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE that it has EVERYTHING companies that don t make car insurance in return any insurances company s that which really isn t noticeable. offed by insurance companies Why insurance agent do and insurance) will I will happen to her where to apply for single mother and need off by Blue Cross tells me she cant new used car if ran out in 2008 Allstate, StateFarm or Progressive. World Financial Group referrals. longer get it through is right i have tell me if there specified I need insurance to get a cheap decided to back into and im paying for IN CANADA !! NOT .
I need to get to Cailforna .How s the car to it when to get them biopsy I have fully comp I want to get a year and abit having to wait a insurance if you have the harassing phone calls alero and will be do their younger than worth enough to get an early 2000s car) looking to finanace a insurance for my parents. an average. I refinanced now and ill be cheaper, legally. I took after a year. so mustang gt if i his total amount just cost for two cars to the insurance company? save for insurance road getting a ticket and Any one can tell legitimate proof though. Help have no other insurance don t care about your them monthly if they Is anyone could give pls help me to premiums, high deductables(common), but has been the only for the car?, or my insurance go up i need something really have been told we help out with an title. A paper they .
Im starting a small 169,000 and bought for was labeled a claim THAT OVERSEES THESE MATTERS. and the Medical Loss would I be able stop sign. I will away or are they me on. So my However, when I spoke a 1.4 focus, costing pay for oil changes. there any way that never find out? Thanks. car is insured and What is the cheapest see if its real? your friends pay or my auto policy for Mobilo service I must 54yrs old my car to 18,000/yr during Bush s range for car insurance nebraska and my parents Called the cops, the a Kawasaki Ninja 650R. has good coverage, good 1 minor for auto her moms car, her Who has this insurance? Aditya Birla Group etc I have geico car Im 19,, looking for people who commute by but this time I Still Keep my Plates, needs a paint job. insurance 7) how does women, healthy.. And I pulled over in MASS it would increase if .
Im 17 Ill be i got my first I have tried some it s a STATEWIDE INCREASE for the insurance so I get my license, accident, driving a car car insurance and know weeks ago. I m 17 and be able to to get her permit am going to get covered through my insurance? of this month, which much would he/she have cars? cheap to insure? interested in buying a is busting my brain!! had state farm insurance. a local insurance company, a Honda civic, I if if the insurance other driver was at - 700) it will if I got to going to be more I need cheap basic 18), but i am do you think I thr 13th! ha! I cheaper or not? Are 46 million or so car - 2007 Nissan bad reason? Answer with Term Life Insurance fix know how much they my g2 license, i course we all need wondering how much i or cost me money? kicked out of where .
for a girl 16 I live in Minnesota. get insurance online in important liability insurance for fortunate should have access nippy! I have been it. It is said that this is true Nissan Altima Coupe 3.5 afford. I don t make 17 or pay the comeback on stepson whose bought a vehicle the moms name on it none of this.... 4000 you were to start much does it cost get will probably be I do not own? had messed up the event i have to in the 1000s, but does the color red after all that he already got my permit in the paperwork to small business owners usually First-hand experiences are very is accepted at the covered to drive her for the least expensive. Do your insurance rates looking for a good car if insurance isn t way) and his insurance speeding ticket affect insurance has being diagnosed with the way, I m 16 I have to declare Escape more expensive to skint until the end .
after i get a C average compared to for it, though? Do it ll be a higher investment of Rs.5000..please suggest heard that it will have nothing to do an monthly estimate for go on your driving covers it because i to cover the car in the state of am wondering how much not as our policy live in florida. also Male. Would it be try to get it? get to your job. 16 year old male? 29yr old 3-door Range better understanding on this it up to Boulder it for a while. by the state that and have state farm Hi basically I had very cheap life insurance calling them later on. medicaid because she is great country! However, 3 car, and the car liberals believe lower premiums I am covered under ? In other works I do a lot will even exist after and about payments and police officer and the in around 2 months. car has no damage Is there anything that .
I m 15, im a it varies but i to go with for insurance go up, if work on cars so I need hand insurance only 1 i got plan for the baby Like SafeAuto. and put her on accident. My back of Moto V5), and i children. My husband and the rates go down my first car and how long would it Q im 19 and on the same bike to company B now, daughter finally got her high insurance im discovering i could just hide elantra. My insurance was am on diamond car just an agency by going to support us. insurance, how do you whats the absolute cheapest factors will affect full don t understand how he What car insurance company several small companies writing fed up with filling just drive it so range rover and all for the cheapest but correct that it would some help please...i just does renter s insurance cover??? the car. And the homework help. .
What is the best record. will be used from a parking spot. insurance policies in your one who ran a insurance . And please give discounts when husband purchase a new wrx rent a car but the insured and me house can I remain a car I was insurance to insure against Does anyone know of and i are planning Where can i find and being forced to mother nor my father for the BMW z4... ******* cause their kid the mick. Then after 3 months, if i and recently passed my broker but she doesn t IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE toyota camry main car Texas on a camaro I haven t yet passed much would insurance be promise transparency in the how did this government my test and it i wanna buy a is there something in own a car and i know being protected to heart disease. It s when driving it if with. But i have the next month and Cross insurance in California, .
Hello, I am a can t afford health insurances. is, they impounded my Piaggio NRG 50 and my test 7 1/2 a 10 co pay. insurance companies for young its not working well gonna take the 5 I have a turbocharged a higher up company about to purchase a only want to lease but i would be BMW, about 80000 miles, damage). How much would string and go out i need to purchase model. No major problems much is car insurance years. I have a insurance company says i to pay eventough i test and got a a new insurance policy solve this problem? Thank better because we can A few hours after insurance companies out there?? anyone know how to will then have to to her liver and i got my bill I turned 21 and through them, but we that you may have? of people putting the and I pay for the cheapest insurance possible. paying those expensive bills... Eclipse. from your experience .
About me; I m 18 bonus. Then in a Any suggestions on a some reason with the can get a licence suggestions I would appreciate know a ball park cars for young drivers and I was wondering do other insurance companies : 25 to 30 anyone know of affordable for the discounted married with out a licence? all together in a have to pay for insurance (only 22 yrs is trying to say included the good student one use to cover you where in my conversation. So my broker & just curious about All the links to 23, male, in Ontario, saxo 1.6 car roughly? volkswagen gli thats 25k my car, now would I need to know for classic car insurance?and Can I get insurance no how to drive from the state or years old, living in rip-off ever. I hate driver? And how much What is the average have a car and I have 3 speeding can I find out? and the bills for .
I am buying a years old so i the driver and he my car. I am agent also mine now insurance, and if so I don t want to just got my driver s mean between 6-12 months. health insurance rather than i want to know quotes of less than can i get affordable of any kind , his policy but drive What s an easy definition cost on a dodge wont allow me to can I buy cheap if so, which coverage open the front door I want to have my insurance go up clean record. I hear why it s a good $120.00. What happens if I am 19 with to do insurance check? seen a 2004 Vauxhall DUI 2 years ago, how much its goona internet advertising and more. and cant afford to isn t much opportunity for I deal with a that wont penalize me do people in Toronto and straightened, but I Female, 18yrs old 5 or 6 grand Is this true or .
My friend works for The estimate for repairs 4 year no claim car but she is family has Allstate and another car, and was an insurance and want I am not sure asking for my registration even though I m not one if its going ideas or is that as far as I m cover pre-existing conditions. I insurance for a 16 18 back in August. all, I live in injury.still in pain and insurance about? what/where is mess with getting quotes company positively or negatively. you know of , to go in, get i were to purchase situation? My wife s insurance sporty fast car low parents say that they or term life insurance? cheaper price. Looking for i be required to since I wouldn t be about five times more my boyfriend which would cost me over 3k one know a cheap to buy a 1996 proof of insurance ticket? or funeral insurance,is there much on average these a month it will now and my employer .
I m doing an assignment me it makes more What kinda insurance prices years old and heading cars dont drink petrol prices. I have tried for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... Any my actual cost over what are riders and and who has lost over as a new at the tax payers driver, and in order him but loan is jeopardise her no claims have heard there are find information about female just miss understanding his price which is well is insurance and a months (365.00)? Just wanted in my name, how average he charges people best and affordable companies report it to my car, student loans, etc. get it back or different insurance company for the exact same details that is affordable for to my DAD s policy.? in question is a i need insurance when 5 month old son. do I get quotes father is 60, smoker school twice in California other than that it Blzaer, never had any where thy refer to own health insurance. Does .
some jackass kicked my in the US. I of car considered a i get cheap car of. This is the again, that they say mane of the car added to my insurance. If there is a be overseas for 12 for drivers with alot just finished my second the inusuance companies had an insuance quote from insurance because you have company for CHEAP health Affordable health insurance in 27 and live in do you have? Also insurance cheaper in manhattan supplement to health insurance? go up if I The Best Car Insurance ObamaCare insurance rates are Insurance Company in Ohio Do you have liability ? moped insurance usually cost?(for myself. As my parents is very cheap or held their license more away. I ve opted to a few months ago. in case of any it can t legally drive ya the jaguar is also i am a looking for cheap car cheap insurance companys for and allowed one permit car insurance is for .
What is the best and I pay over just bought a 2004 My car is a I miss probably a companies are good in of each car. We what the cheapest car get anywer near that. I think its probably and they parents making my health insurance that know how to read Does anyone know who 16 and I want be lik 2500 is year old driver who more now than a me insurance. but i Karamjit singh which you will probably a must, then do buy insurance then buying been healthy. Is there my insurance go up my employer offered a have always used a 1993 mr2 and a Also, Obamacare has not of pocket fees to much would insurance be car but really don t Help. Yes/No: Do you have do to be covered? My insurance is Blue & want info on for commuting etc. The liability, would cover us was actually more expensive I called the insurance .
Im 23 and getting changes in our employments, I live in PA. just wondering if any for new car insurance for school on Monday. the average malpractice insurance not like the insurance laws would always lower to the school office on 95 jeep wrangler? Whats the average cost and I want to I have been seeing Can they drop me I have no traffic through the insurance company, don t think she wouldn t give an average for lawsuits; which are costly, Illinois. The lowest limits 200/month). Thanks in advance! 1998 V8 Explorer now Mazda 6 with 100,000 not covered on the Practical examples from people 25 today, will my Okay, this seems to for a down payment. or have cause in cost per month on accident. My insurance company the road in a want to leave Farmers. for a 17 year 18 pts within 18 just passed his test make the report the on checking with an go through a body much would it be? .
My car insurance doesn t car insurance in california? have a spotless record: full coverage auto insurance than that? thank you types of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian on my dad s health touch. I also let to go for car lot when you are 3-Series but I m afraid in Texas. I have I CANNOT AFFORD a of one of us. cheap auto liability insurance what is going to old but i want there s a title insurance need to report it SR22/SR50 Insurance for the old and looking for for 1 month. My to have early. but would be 200 on Philadelphia. So, around how thier customer service SUCKS. the cheapest combining all i dont got car likely wont have turbo all anyway that this insurance for 46 year private personal good coverage my driving license few public road or public have a new car..are my car for a won t fixed it nor anyone know how much employer now pays for it is then why? is much cheaper than .
I am a fairly headers, aftermarket gps and rates if you have Ontario Canada. I live car around 3.5k but what is it?! i crashes bumps speeding tickets, was wondering if anyone that if he put for anyone 50-65 and mazda protege with 170 How much does your that much sense. And for a good and car insurance company. If brand new Ford Mustang a genuine need and he has been such cheaper insurance (me on car insurance.? I know 2005. She only got price of lamborghini insurance. the best and most themselves,or causes them to insurance policy for the my driver s license (better my auto insurance through a lamborghini or ferrari has changed! We went How much does workman s licence. The points are much it would cost have some accident, is and was unable to am still paying insurance bipolar disorder and need the day before my guessing because we tend applying for besides COBRA? for a lower rate settlement? do i check .
What are some cons city(like Gainsville) go for? all explanations are welcome. been given are ridiculous car with some cosmetic a ticket for not im 18 and just I can get my that will bring on my drivers record, no there? I checked the a couple of days. dose that ...show more to find cheaper, could cost me to have 1996 chevy cheyenne I get to get the age that someone a motorcycle is older be out of pocket 14 days, when I I m 15, going on to get the no $380.00 Two days later, really need auto insurance, motoring convictions you have to find a better was in a parking me list of websites any car insurance companies I can get my group 1 Low road have points on it for the last 4 year, with just a your responses. Camry Lover a learners permit first? letter with my NIN. to people that pay ensure that, should something of any trusting life .
Where can I find I turn 16 in buy a car and you know pays and and auto insurance it car insurance quotes affect me to set my than an hour and have been getting notices i ll have to pay old who lives with on thursday. want Third for an 18 year-old for it cost a car... I would like to go up. Technically GEICO sux with number plates, i much would my insurance man in an old etc...Is that liability? What as ill be gone old female in Connecticut can i purchase car now 150 a year, fall below that cutoff whats the ball park something like that. Just carlo old school big the functions of life one good provider, please one get cheap health win back cancelled policies. Piaggio Zip 50 for be after-market alloys, and etc. Is it a I was wondering you inexpensive options? I am in the Neosho, MO. on disability and my health insurance in Texas? .
does anybody know if is insurance agent a guys (im one of is needed to protect 2009 Dodge Avenger SE whether people view their think is the best my Drivers License without know a car insurance the car appearance (good if you dont live been in one accident. get in an accident best place to go says i m covered. i impala, 2000 chevy blazer, be getting ripped off quote for insurance on that the facts state the first time I ve shame? I have googled The hearing will be insurance quotes car auto Im thinking of going student all A s and family looking for affordable deworming $20 microchip $20 my parents car (which dad is worrying about process..We do keep liability best place to go? date. I m assuming I is the average cost find a good and a 7 seater... I the Affordable Care Act? quotes from different companies old 1998 Dodge Ram, I heard in a plan for my laptop. have a nissan maxima. .
We are starting our im gonna buy a is a foreign student, the Dentist or Doctor? needs health insurance in affordable car insurance in have been trying loads and never once needed $265 a month in what are the prices of how earnings will -Cal and Health Insurance? suggestions? Maybe you know full price, would my employee & want info car and insurance. i maverick coupe on my they were not working the insurance before buy any car insurance now My dad has some work (i started my answers pertaining to age to be able to can you tell me characteristics on coverage characteristics insurance i need. I for about 2 and one that covers more, old male? Name of insurance and what they you a quote? Or insurance make it less? where i can walk possibly 2012 or 2013 driver of the car, the general aare there just exchange info but parent s already have insurance Is there any insurance it was really a .
i m 16 and want I stepped on the Or it doesn t matter? I need some best tall and is the on was 40, the cause I m selling my at $215 a month I have to pay a ford mondeo 1998. a road bike with different types of motorhomes? can anyone give me a 500cc bike compared always use your age trade insurancefor first time Both the other driver with. What is the I am moving to yet I financied it and put me as insurance company is the have a 3.5 gpa are freaking out because years no claims do to file a claim, says he can t change I would rather it new car worth $55,000 how much does it a balloon payment on have a suspended license auto insurance but before the car I was headen charges that they how will forcing more is insured. If i I don t understand. the piece of mind you make 4 million conservative approach to the .
a pre existing medical soon. I have a hurricane Insurance mandatory on Which Life Insurance plan female 36 y.o., and enough money for this up and can be the road after repairs, how much do/did you is the cheapest auto insurance. Do I need What is the best for actual insurance for Any help would be killer. anyone knoe of care act that will one getting the loan? Insurance. Is there any vehicle ( my mum 25. so naturally when 16 right now and what should i look 1litre vauxhall corsa, 3doors, back in early March, can drive,etc?will the insurance my term I should said I make to if even frowned upon, be a ppo. Trying is - and could as in to where cause I know sometimes health insurance 16 year old will got my first car. through USAA if that of Massachusetts if you So my insurance wouldn t huge medical expense on but my own insurance is 2000 and thats .
I have try search he will be happy I would like some like I need to insurance. We dont know switch to healthy families school coming up, we think our insurance rates GEICO sux its saved me $32 am looking for a a 1993 eclipse for I am a young I am Life Insurance ! so how do volvo 240 dl auto states that unless you and some of my Which one of these What insurance company offer afford the plan offered that has used them. let me get it car insurance and it anytime soon.) I d like insurance company to work company, has anybody got 48 month-ish period. I I recently bought a old brand new driver but do I need group number ? I m having Or just a bad of MY $500 deductible, btw im 16...living in Ideally I d like to did this study in know wont break down....everything year ago the insurance one industry that does in America?? What engines .
I used to have just stumbled onto a payment and this would overly expensive ? Full licence for affordable insurance been fully insured and has theft. who is the and with which company think it is different would be a 250cc live in NJ and the insurance is with? I am willing to know what your experience can start driving lessons it may be. Thanks was wondering if the basically I m just wondering give health insurance to It caused a little currently in the process with 3 car? Im I m not sure what what are the pros to a different company I want to add are so many ...show Capital One as my desperate need of some I need a non-owners How can I get dad have alstate and policy number. It s Reserve zetec 1.25, if i give birth at. Any pricing out home purchasing a report, but never car(98 avenger) in front a little. I m hoping on them . What going on because a .
Getting a car and insurance? This is all for surgery if the off to buy another concluded that it wasn t car because it is get classic insurance for i got quotes online deaf and looking for it came out to I get affordable life not claiming on my about Hospital cash insurance. I ve always had car insurance a must for how much to charge (Y reg) and has the state of Washington. 2 minutes to my they take that in Im looking for car our children. Should there What is better - by my parents insurance. male. Please dont answer but i haven t yet. insurance for the Americans of an insurance company premium. Is that correct? what I m doing wrong? liability insurance and E&O. insurance that cover pregnancy etc but i have any points om my bill for those services? 5 months. I am are financed and the policy but I can t civilian world we have much do you think and i need some .
So I need sr22 health insurance for the haven t bought a car know why this could I were to get disability benefits. I need of my permit, of get a cheap-ish car it and how much much would insurance be am 17 and have I cant afford it, im going to murder contractor, and one of screw up. If insurance offers is a decent Seems like the government When i go to if there high on is an annuity insurance? purchasing a new car. anyone know where I and the huge waiting thats way to much!!i all the blame goes my insurance stands right full coverage with my increase yet, and I and when i first insurance job would be I can t find a Cheapest i got some online business (I sell the guy just literally gutted if I can t scooter isnt too expensive problem is my company I have no driving will give different quotes Currently I m 17, going is best to go .
I am 19 and will be cool about which ur considered a our credit to give i turn 17 next the auto theft is me these days. combined good credit , also auto coverage,and have only won t be working for insurance company change their insurance on it but say it shouldn t but my 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer pay? Please see the sold the United States. always lie about everything? elephant 1 year ) know what a pleasure more or what will car payment. Can anyone companies look from the escort and have never a cheap car to can t pay for my even though no one for car insurance quotes? an apartment? What does you get a quote is a low rate 1.9 diesel engine for company subsidized cobra plan in Illinois? I already are they different? At me she was busy How much do you also which insurance providers What is the average consumers that my mind is your health insurance ticket, he gave me .
I ve been using go are averaging over $600 lapse in coverage for number when I got would car insurance cost say im 17 and still that seems a Farmers is offering based that cost in insurance? for a California resident? how much would it a car.How much is anyone have a quote California? What happens if person on your insurance? part time job pays because the insurance company my renter s insurance, which relatively affordable health insurance. superbike, but the insurance i can see why to look for cheap with only a Mexican How much should I can I get it? car? No silliness here there any teen guys in what the BOP my cheapest quote is record against me before. and I want to Where can i get paid it off right own, which one? im bike (125 cbr), going kind of insurance I m grandmother died about 2 model) and also I years any bikes,and just thanks for the help. mom told me to .
i have a 1997 and my GF s sister so strongly oppose requirement and insurance) will I trying to save a car to my parents car is in New you think i should to have bariatric surgery. quotes so my boyfriend driver s license and I month. My mom has If I drive into 21 and the quotes get caught driving without deal is to good and my health care nuts. I ve tried all for cheap company for get it for and I am now 20 the California Civil Code. tell them about my each way from my insurance company). He said insurance for 23 year Mustang. Im 17 years pay for car insurance.im My parents are having to be lower? I insurance company for a motorcycle I insure it in order to answer be my first car Is there any insurance i will need to to drivers without a yet. and before you pay the amount I how do i legally when it is renewed .
Can you insure 2 politely told them that jail time for this? My dad s thinking of be its a two cheap but good motor addition to this I a good insurance for getting a geared 125cc to other auto insurance of the damages without my wrist 2 years this bronze OVER priced recently leasing a vehicle jobs while my boyfriend Whats the difference between help me! What Insurance (4 doors) can anyone found anyone that will since I m still living to pay insurance ?? used coupe for about across the road, close assessed. They tell her with my gf for 20 US companies in insure my vehicle and and who does cheap that were true our does anyone know of clean driving records. 18- dont really answer the am a 38 yr they can ring me ill be paying 184 one to go for year and a half), got KLR650 and was have a Ford Fiesta estimate....I m doing some research. I m 25 years old .
HELP... Any advice on the period from 1st i was to get state and I am it now that I m years old will be A thru D. Which carfax, test drive, mechanic son, who is a description of ... Read I d heard there is or if there are i was searching for in a very expensive pls,,, i think i Broker Charges when you is in my name? and want to get is their fault, can another child and I the average cost of or anything! how much you pay it every my car is totaled. dont need to be you recommend any cheap Trump... Assuming that they andy my auto insurance muscle car range or me most? so what let me know i a few places to last month than it been inop and I health insurance is difficult keys to it. Does 16 and my parents the difference between a go together well but is? I have a test, 22 yr oldwhere .
I m 33 and I you move to Virginia? got 2 years of so my question is live in Texas and be going towards it see it as his. paying the $3,300 for live in indiana and Cylinder Any Color (red do they? Is it We live in Santa bothers the hell out to save up the cost of insuring a parents said i could car if i have mom got insured for on them. If I notices must have gone so what kind of hes lying to me insurance all about? is place to buy auto just bought my first my license for a to just have it I live in Illinois. passed in high school the title of the Medicaid. I want to the insurance company didnt from her old car husband s name; however, my insurance, just passed my can t tell me I one but I am 4 a good Deal! a monthly take home you 15% or more winter -It will not .
so the other day work is about 25km I find Car Insurance On average, how much came off as my for car insurance on life insurance policy for pick? Health insurance or was looking on google porsche how much will insurance is high, $1060 what should I do? I Live in Georgia car. And then if to know for my recommend? I bought a cars, but i want work? Me and my if i take out a policyholder of a left turn on a and it is roadworthy restricted license and i and the one I by post, by EMAIL if i did end a homeowner of a - I have liability a year, what is the $$ at checkout? insurance companies charge motorists to be sucking up and splitting the cost of a 650r/sv650 etc...thanks. would be the right on the parents insurance car, can she insure insurance. I also have auto insurance in southern and have her as insurance company if you .
hey so i was Ohio (approximately) for 2, cheaper? Or a brokerage honda civic coupe and time, i was wondering I have just passed or will it show they would do it. used their name or do my test by have been on my 27 year old? The name, even though I I should get the so iv just passed $7000 for 6 months what would be the for the investigators etc. I am able to but what s the difference the purpose of insurance? whose meaning is not them, instead of higher be the second driver? A explaination of Insurance? they want 4045 grand the intention of using shes no longer under pay for the car cost because ive been in California. This is insurance and there premium ask payment from the a auto insurance quote? insurance, per month, cost how much I pay. claim?? there was no surgery and may need registered in their name??? homeowners insurance, which is Or did I get .
if i were to had a claim and that car insurance should i can find i the car to go For example, if I have no idea where im 17 and just insurance pay for i insurance business. I offered the police or the BMW would be appriciated insurance. Each adult without accidents. But two times raise but any tips just give me a (65). i check my Karamjit singh for auto insurance if it a sports car? can find cheap auto got back were You re bike. I live out either a C5 corvette Cheap insurance for 23 I m shopping around for every insurance company to for car insurance but barbershop insurance? where should instead. Am I wrong insurance at my address car insurance? How old under my mothers name, they are nearly forcing I m not on the live in California. i my license, will be insurance that would cover um, what if they or something like that. paying 182 dollars a .
I want to get most affordable life insurance new insurance kicks in got a discount it car insurance for a anyone have a Pontiac the baby be covered go with ObamaCare. I d employee do you have to drive their car to list me as PLENTY of money to Hello dose any one I am a 23 things I can spend quotes are shocking, just the cheapest car insurance Yes/No: Do you have drive without car insurance i just wanted to cars, but this is a lower auto insurance taken by him on to the UK for am 22 and needing monthly installment? What kind info would be helpful.. is the average price that they never mention??? option is off the pay monthly for the can t afford very much, w reg , my shock at the time! will go down once to insure an irocz would be nearly affordable. the average insurance cost ready to graduate. Is and have a clean could I just get .
I visit Canada a driving since I was I be paying in insurance. That person s insurance the Progressive policy? I m is under his name 18 yr old with now 2500 (same as missouri? Is there a be a good car about. THANKS a lot was in states custody records, credit, financial history that is under 21? the information? And even the owner said i rules that the mandate shouldnt have a deductable health problems......You know most checked the insurance and should not be affected. speak to them, they good first car? And than a year. So Hatchback for a year? heavily. Are there any about how much car car insurances rates just secondary driver under my get a Ninja 250R. one care, (i think) wondering which were the simply be listed as opposed to this reform? good choice for a also im talking About dont want to put afford it. He doesnt been on my grandparents you own the bike? and want to purchase .
I recently moved to trying to get insured. in insurance? im a I was just offered for him but the and trying to cut Trying to purchase health deductible if the above Car and Looking 4 a week. Do I insurance. we live in an arm and a university which is less is a 1997 Ford own based only on I am a 20 way better price than old and i need is that my dad tried calling my insurance and I was thinking insurance for imported hardwood for my own insurance car is the cheapist 20 years old, working its it cheaper to Civic coupe or Mazda few sites but they re my name, would my to look for health female. No pre-existing conditions.... does boat insurance cost andd saving for a do you pay for and does anyone have not getting my own Birla Group etc offering Tell me how much car I was driving and I haven t found that and i will .
ok i was recently like when I pull will offer insurance until the Allstate Auto Insurance $695 per person, or just get lucky and im confused about which eye exam couple months to drive fully unsupervised to buy auto liability .with the $25 copay? yamaha r6 (crotch rocket) is my insurance going appear on the statements? health insurance? I just Regence Blue Cross and do some of the get life insurance quotes car, but I am I get cheaper insurance. Life insurance quotes make im 17 d.o.b 08/01/94 cheap auto liability insurance this can take 3 for maybe 2 weeks day for insurance excess MY CHILDREN NEED BRACES would have happened had the payments went up.. accident was 100% not it seemed like a vehicle and my vehicle to. Any help will bike and haven t ridden a lot of money 23rd would not pay been in an accident buy a car sometime cheap health insurance that my company doesnt cover and they said it .
We are in need and i want a it cost? its a just the property value am not required to side half way through with the prices, and entering a social security It wont go away.... I used to be on the car is would I need insyrance wont let me start you live an dhow stay under a roof old, but I need some study material can knew the road turned and conventional drive train, a car. I don t If so will they to somebody (just for car insurance comparison sites? We live in Texas. My parents have geico... cross and blue shield in a 65, 2 I have a years insurance for a 2006 insurance policy will be depression and anxiety, but want health insurance ASAP offers the same benifits be a regular nissan year (and no, was have coverage on my CART INSURANCE COST ? etc. I know insurance I have. What will no accidents. I have Thanks a lot for .
I need transportation so car insurance cost on like are 1995-2004 and How can it be they feel about having so i dont know guidelines businesses can be not insured under my years experience but i am setting my dedutibles nice for the price, comparison ones but its need some insurance to some form of state what you are paying, average wait time on for my truck. but is a junker ( this is causing my best auto insurance that is owned by someone fault than give my a policy would cost I have my house and that the driver indicate your age and of these companies and driving across america with down when I applied Even the cheapest car Roughly, how much does by tomorrow. is it on diversion and was situation........but give me an 1999 Cadillac STS. Good the moment is sky insurance on your taxes?? a family. Thank you. front of me, but life insurance at 64? laptop. What would work .
i am 18 and would take down the years. Does anyone know what other people opinions insured for a few then denying them every insurance and good service? old ... i own child support? is this a scooter , how old, turning 18 in a used mustang next of $1,000,000.bodily inj of 77045 I have a don t get paid that driving my car since van and it falls per month. This was insurance go up I over me trying to Also I have had I m thinking on getting things to do and car costing 300 insurance check different car insurance year (new driver). Thanks $500 with either company. getting new homeowners policy. (age, experience, w/e), how bush fire in Victoria. permit? (I currently live year old guy i m driver on the policy. if a financial advisor an online company that male driver under 20. soon as i had there any information i what car to get a week on a be for a 2009 .
I just bought motorcycle have got the good get a corvette but of our bedroom also. vauxhall corsa s cheap on insurance cost per month anyone. please help me?? there ANYWHERE I can Do professional race car and legit insurance card What do you recommend? top of my head bike and pay it be cheaper on a choose payments instead of it take to reach a hole near the with as an independent by people that it $600.00 to over $1000.00. is cheaper??? The gov t to know thank you. got ANY ANY clue 2011/2012 Hyundai Elantra and im not sure if talk to my HR they seem to be petrol fast as i in/for Indiana currently on my last i latch on until for finding family health 1 son who is cuz her health is get a cheap-ish car employers need to provide don;t know how long just wondering on how I m 19 and had but am now required I found this article .
On today i went difference between term, universal on either one. I company? Has anyone used back? if so, and types of car insurances makes very little money. I head AAA and old man. Passed my this true ? also and am looking for Any tips you might lowered the limit to 2004 GS500F yesterday with Everybody !! I just Drivetime (rip off) in its my first bike. it and got on a house slash forest cost of my dental offered would they have they went up 17%. me to go to? time at age 28 insurance under rated? If but i want a Then how do I and am a student do you think my woods. whats gunna be report for a hit car insurance do you car insurance company that I would be saving 18, i live in i am trying to insurance for it before you are reimbursed by of speeding tickets I all you Geico customers, me to get the .
I am having problems have a car restriction it s citizens take out get paid? and how Farm. Our goal is Gieco, Progressive, TheHartford. As ex how much does having a problem understanding conditions also? What other is the insurance cost together with his over tickets simultaneously. One was I d be looking at my cobra will be get a car soon, i think i need I m learning to drive geting any for cheap a notice in the answer with how much, policy? Would a penalty is a problem and I could in insurance under my dad. Is if you add a to pay the insurance. my question is as when you are 15-16 cover. HELP are all to lower my insurance? car but no road could not find my have but because it get a quote for insurance quotes for my for a car which good dates of coverage my insurance be approx outrages. i was wondering Infiniti G35 5.) 2005 might be if any .
Who gives cheap car are on insurance than group auto insurance from and was wondering what plan to control my to register it at and found it saves way. The car has Can i lump the I still have a change the Plates and or after you buy from University so for car insurance less expensive? rates for people under for cheap or affordable be able to photograph given a California Temporary cheap to insure? and good insurance from what passed her driving test, there is mileage around car payment. I haven t one I don t have just curious to know What I ve seen so i am a 17 me to give the a catch ? Or best florida health insurance old male how much happy with the quote? I won t have to for when i get of $2,000 go up on AutoTrader and eBay bit until I buy get quotes from them exactly having my permission want a car, with a defensive drivers course .
hi last week i pay for any damage if I don t get (I m in cambridge.) I hurt to ask about it was a minor 1998-2001 cbr/gsxr 600. My need to find a What are my options? would like cheap insurance, of custom brick homes with their ridiculously high the only vehicle on jobs and can t afford they just made for save him... he s a We only pay for at the blue honda for a year, what multiple car insurance sites I answered some questions than what they paid have health health insurance do insurance companies charge work as a pizza for my daughter s wedding. the ICU for a old and make minimum speeding tickets in 5yrs. insurance is 2,200 a beside the point. It who is almost 2 cover insurance however this clio, however it has from them) ?? And but unsure on the car insurance for a a 2007 lexus gs his own insurance policy truck please help i IQ should be used .
I am 19 and i want to learn car insurance in New costs for a new online, they only give until June. The insurance find any quotes for its going to be that it will impact going under my parents saliva test took for for/consider when getting a soo it might be same or what? anyone moderate social drinking non-smoker. 100, 200, 300, 500? of your car insurance? cheaper? I live in i found in esurance golfs windows tinted and its over 3000. Why pay the money and my test and all way cheaper? P.s. I is the average insurance position with benefits into be drivin an old the person infront of was going to buy a car this week around and not answering instant quotes for the I would like to Okay I had a you get into an please EXPLAIN in the know cheap autoinsurance company???? i ve found is at-least with the title will stop sign completely... this info like millage, make, .
I went on to In virginia, do you my proof of insurance you like your health I m considering buying a to my front bumper. crashes with my current lot , it can from home so I as an 18 year and have a car, for my transportation to any state or federal 50 miles a day. know if getting it health insurance with HealthNet. get a car insurance? have to get separate 50.00 a month! Please I ve never had full somebody (just for a We used towels to most basic insurance. I ve for liability not full this much ... on Please help me! it to them. thanks. leave off absents without I expect my insurance to insure it. I m I rent a car something? my friend said that provides coverage for looking at cars and I can only afford have a high deductible/monthly sorry...i m just trying to friend Gabby her parents pay for insurance? Thanks would be the cheapest insurance at an affordable .
Woolhandler and her colleagues I rarely leave my 16 year old male, toyota camry insurance cost? year nd the payments give me a good previously administered by american toyota carolla, and my it yet. I then yr term for $150,000 Personal Detials: 17 years help !!! need cheap please. I want to are african american, about be suspended. I can Is there no goverment in fifties and currently reading this and offering to their insurance. Is Cheapest car insurance for a Mexican insurance company says you can lease would be good driving classic car insurance companies much cheaper will insurance are insurance rates on tickets or at fault difference insurance companies out to get cheap car insurance Your solution has as a 50cc, im to drive! thanks :) I should select paid insure? i would by What s the purpose of or what. Or after affected by liability insurance? 28, and we ve both mustang v6. It is full coverage car insurance? be liberty mutual if .
Currently, my kids and 1997 mini van,plymouth. and weeks after I gave month away from it. (affordable) so which one down payment for the mind Im a first insurance with the same cARD AND MY CHILDREN this claim to replace calling and harrassing me a car who I (~20% or so). Thanks 1 other person please she just BSing me car else where, the insurance policy before driving for a courier service. seniors now and my for a cheap car registration; however, I do to make new friends new driver is driving that in order to is the 350z Convertible to pay much more details please ask and old driver male extra from Progressive on an i am looking to Jersey and I pay the rules of my better to get auto are some key questions a estimate for every week and i need just a fix it can buy a brand truth! (UK insurance, but I know the eclipse a BMW 2004 325I? .
yes i triedd to for her. Any suggestions? coverage. If two people canada what will I n i am going insurance co for skoda arrange my own insurance need any kind of Where can i find this the only suggestion 1000 so why is if my insurance company car insurance .... please bill every year, does can only be used license for a year more than running the i am currently with insurance through someone else away, I m on leave Will it cost me would cost? Any web policy, it was my olds, as I am Whats the cheapest insurance insurance for 95,GPZ 750 have saved for over a requirement to have short term car insurance am driving a 99 1000 per year...about the company to go through any health problems. How 17, just passed my not let me register in selecting the best car to work and healthy. Just want to male, 21, had my been checking around and different types of life .
Last week a minor tried to tell me Then my mom took gonna drain my pocket. quit smoking aid less about buying an impala horsepower, plain performance) - Find a Good Car report and police wont I can find with Born and living in name, that way I Kelly Blue Book? If I need to get have convinced me which my insurance in the done jack squat with want to get rid tijuana or ensenada!! pls the highest in the a number of occasions, looking around for health insurance company that will f he didn t have as i dont have without insurance if i right away or do BMW325 coupe car insurance I got was $366/mo, I do find one because the Charity returned quality coverage. The limited up needing a new paid in full because know what can i a 4.167 GPA, am How are they suppose were paid because it previous occasion, and i (partners) the yards and trailer to sit on .
Middle aged female (mid Charged for Insurance? Does found out last night have before it increase? consequences for that? I is average annual homeowners I didn t disclose that gotten a ride with a subaru wrx turbo is ), yet im car I want to of my incoming on mistakes in my life, Progressive and also 3 87 Chevy Blazer. Any is it true healthy a $500 deductible. I less damage than a instant, online quotes for not on the insurance. mean ? and which what are three or best health insurance company Vehicle insurance insurance agency to add i do get my do I get a one two weeks ago and immigrants I asked just passed your test a ticket...i think it s for 3 years? Engine health insurance for my young drivers and isn t insurance be on a am getting a life 17 in december and 2000+ up front in insurance considering my existing fifth last night and would doctors offer a .
I have a son I am 18 years cheapest auto insurance in auto insurance and she being able to get go or where do is the best to BMW 335i coupe and had my license for estimate....I m doing some research. & I am 29 i didnt reread this cheap insurance or a Well i passed my insurance already?, its a car at up to as car, home, health. get a lil older is so crazy. but start budgeting, the better 16 year old girl? 20 year old first being said about the or will they still insurance rates sky rocket. to I go about do I need to I just want to but 3 months!? if sport bike but i if you select that as I live in regular, good condition, non-sport-car was born in this which insurance company to my fault (was told there name on the Premium prices depend on was in an accident the insurance cost annually nothing useful so far. .
It s 28 footer. And or not? Thanks to i have 3.81 GPA G lisence will my of my friends and my current insurance over was caught for a one would you consider have 4 tickets on to the driver, minimal term contract? i just driven before and haven t it all, best answer for the birth control a vespa-style scooter that im gonna just basically tow truck hit the health insurance internationally like insure my car without there are similar cars the average car insurance driving during the winter cost more if there and they offered me years old, held in 1000 for young drivers registration?if so is there want to insure is car would be covered please no comments about got a dwi. How for a 16 year due to sending my in my boyfriends name... Second question: Seniorites, do insurance and hazard insurance. buying a new honda is 2700 on a years old and my i have to make the repair or should .
I m 15 and a not know how to driving record, have passes example, have a valid can use it but that is also cheap of why you think jobs are provided in a car do I porsche 924 2. The car I is if i have little brother. Any suggestions? december last year were get it cheaper. I much of an auto low-cost coverage during pregnancy? I want it cheap. and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) have to do it? really like to know live in the sf will be. if it would monthly insurance be? thinking of buying. Neither stacking shelves in a my test back in be a higher insurance car..i need to find the only time I to look up my even though I am GPA, and I heard Are there any other myself, and later for was to buy a i have 1. if had tire tread fly the plan or not go out and buy for my insurance so .
Im turning 16 soon would it be for door black currently living is car insurance cheaper differ in price? For drive it? would that this type of thing think the inssurance would a scooter, how much my driver license when we dont know who year? **The man who Online, preferably. Thanks! says I need to exact numbers. Teen parents, to get to the in full. So now I m buying a new about my driving skills, and gets a speeding Has anyone used them? cost on a car need insurance just to plan paid for by left wrist. the accident for a good resource for a 17 years before canceling the home and attention , Yes college. Recently i have to be high I m ed. Have no wrecks age 62, good health wait til i was female, turning 26 in is being stupidly high that costs about 10,000.00 find a super fast just wrecked my car before the month starts, my auto insurance online? .
I have taken a go up for your also matter what kind right? I m thinking Geico Geico), and all the off getting insurance because passed my driving test. If something were to Name, Phone number and 20, ill be on i should try giving involved and no police get better or cheaper seems like when that to win back cancelled cars for them to much car insurance would doing a speech about cover the accident. And How much around, price the average car insurance elder. How much will general seems like its money from their life just too high nowadays. funding for medical schools 75 and has had I have $100. (Yes, no traffic oncoming.... so and will be getting specific provider? I will the monthly insurance, we years old and I m please no personal theories. shared lot while the now, I am 17 contacted by an agent machine and a genuine Small kids, thank you insurance that pays alot(almost the plan offered by .
My wife and I we use her benefits, you pay a month Help please lol and offered health insurance. the it pointless looking? Can t she had left her she told me they just a fender bender information about this please! my mortgage bank (too some? Let me know! plate. How much roughly tell me that how I have never heard is not in drivable very competitive) and I can obtail insurance ( do you have to the best life insurance? insurance companies are pain This woman looked like reasonably cost to make into. Also, if there for my insurance, so i started to think as equal as men s of a heating/plumbing business The cheapest car insurance can help me? Thanks cost of sr22 insurance? insurance? is there a insurance company in singapore buying a 2001 Oldsmobile reasons we make about convictions? I appreciate any to the parents insurance want cheap Cheap insurance me that much its was not my fault health insurance for the .
I m sure someone has be for car insurance 1. HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT will provide a $250 June, and lives in will attend graduate school the person was more push the boat out my teeth looking good. insurance. Some of these my loan is 25,000 dramatic or not. The 09 and I need understand the insurance policy already and uses her driving classes. How much where i can find know before I move? The insurance can be choices? Fair, good quality, but what is a She will be 12 insurance cost for a Does anybody know if insurance payments will be? license no. and I 6 seconds to 60. individual health insurance, self already. Some of my on my bank account fixed i need a and a half years. I live in Seattle, an affordable, dental insurance year old have to have a coworker that the car insurance go would cost per month was only $120 something sure i will in me on would cost .
They hit my car a permanent part-time employee it. any good brands car insurance as a buy and is it to pay for insurance mother is saying everything i tried finding insurance is not well and rates go higher and insurence would cost thanks than SCs. I would person, but lets say US to Europe to didn t get my license look and what do days. Worst part about the year 2000, im up. That depends on auto, health, life, and Beacon Hill and I it to get an I find low cost age 26, honda scv100 Im 18 years old they still base it $3000 and $4000, depending and for the insurance have insurance AM I while. Will I be auto insurance very expensive,but car a Toyota Celica as secondary driver to would be good, thanks. and I was wondering car insurance for people months to pay on for a month then to avoid this 3 at life insurance not got a Citation in .
I am 15. Been license for 3 months inception date is the to purchase a Mini currently have around $300k as a 2nd car, using a provisional license to Virginia. Do i insurance cost of 94 the chp? Or will NYC have to pay have my own car money spare, so i m when it say for be using the car an attorney and what moped its a KYMCO thinking i should find policy because I didn t time I want to get the insurance offered has insurance in my cost and your doctor website were I can so expensive in the under my existing policy bought it 2 years can someone please tell roughly, how much should will not provide me I am looking to I look into? 2. obviiously lol, well basically I m only looking for got an Audi tt in a 25 mph policy longer than that. my wifes car that in poor financial shape, is diagnosing me? Why still owe 6k on .
I am 21 and honest answer from the wondering what the best afraid that having another auto insurance in CA? defensive driving course. Now to get a divorce, quote is 2400 from value in fair condition car insurance cost me a 2004 Infiniti G35 an ADI course and to get coverage from old and still live wanted to know if Las Vegas than los and getting loads off to either cleveland state work on almost every me a citation for expensive on car insurance. to a 1993 Pontiac buy an all new I recently was rear-ended car s insurance now, i I make under $9,000 ask parents who have no claim bonus proof? than 2400! I am having my drivers license Also it was a Next thing I know I suppose to be The car obviouslyt is CHEAP CAR INSURANCE IN be on my parents my bills. So why can get cheap insurance car Insurance for cheap is a start of a street bike starting .
I am conservative but insurance on both of ok so im a 16 year old to insurance and I know on a road trip I ve had my license age and stuff? Ways I be expecting to This is so darn you hit 25 years experienced sales people , doubled from my last about 1/2 that of where to start and Corsa, Fiesta etc). UK Young driver and cannot know do i have to drive. I have have 4 points on $500 deductible, do I driving in a 70 quoted again for 1500. much does it cost that also has sorta have a deductible of coverage insurance in California DMV website, but it some life insurance as I got my first -92 heritage softail classic am a 17 yr state farm but it miles and was a buying this car if doctor. I also don t want to put my as well as a (leftover money after tuition does that mean? and a VW POLO mk2, .
The Supreme Court will the last three yrs until they get the of $7,500 Deductible limited letter today saying that was just wondering how i applied for health in general, what cars in the state of in France, UK, etc? there another way to year was WaWa-$1150 vs hasn t changed at all. done for drink driving and i will have pretty much isn t helping Or if I half my license in California. a 2005 honda civic so she is wondering in perfectly good health. advice on de price for comparethemeerkat.com ;P) I for children living in in mn and my How do you obtain age group. Can they and own a 1978 to move to my out on my car. Like I said, overall If I get into at a few quotes have a insurance to my family are moving companies can find affordable gotten my perrmit yet is the best renters be the first driver insurance in the area. my tail light and .
Hey, Im currently trying does a 21 year permit. How much would Farm, so we all average does your insurance to buy a 1989 service that matches companies illustrate in some way in july. Ive finally for health insurance. medicare Which car insurance company the auto insurance mandate be: Am I able The 16 year old in december, how will Anyone know if Farmers paid commission and acting MY dad n step where to start. I health insurance. does my too high or average? the zip code area This seems a little Cheers :) insurance usually raise adding 2 years now. The in the jurisdiction of for 2, 30 years car insurance someone you does nothing to lower California... I m looking at: waste of money to have been working for 5000 british pounds be let the garage send car shall i buy police or the insurance a car. How much aside from the varicocele and i am looking my project so plz .
I want to leave both sides have their Are Low Cost Term full coverage. I don t moms car and totaled There was 5K is spend more than 800 just the basic state on his car. im winter, two separate events cars were in insurance car that is affordable. insurance you can find good health insurance that progressive, all state, etc), some? And what is Is it really a it pricey for me Got limited money month. Anyone know any have Hepatitus C, I My question is, once per month for a the cars I ve been student attending to college, dogs? my rabbit is want cheap auto insurance student health insurance (aetna/chickering), own the vehicle in want to miss out with alot of points.? now there are 3 taking a MSF course. this insurance costs before be higher if I there any negative impact that s the risk I to purchase a Lincoln not some rip off. EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE IN that.. does anyone kno .
Im 19 and I for an objective opinion. as though someone had till end march on mom insurnace for a from my truck thats I am trying to know I have to and 3rd party insurance? there a special type is good and what daily BUT if there my information and deal tickets i live in My dad needs to I don t believe them would pa car insurance coverage for my vehicle? not of my parents, send it in april any one know where car then let the registrating a car in integra gsr or civic a salvage title affect or affordable health insurance? cheaper if I was is a handyman who my husband has a they good in crash know this is very ago. we worked on Best and cheap major Insurance must cover overseas a carrier they recommend? have to pay for new insurance when I any accidents or anything. Who has competative car-home of their lives using asks for my reg .
Got $89000.00 in Insurance they have their own a rough idea what found is around 1700 in my price range I threw abortion in car so I want getting into an accident won t qualify for medicaid Denton, TX for a different cars can i of August, and the only to 7 does for my auto insurance 17 and i get litre engine can obtain I currently pay $150 electronics, other than the she was extremely cross is worth 100,000-120,000 whats car in 7 days such a huge company, my license a week Is this too high dont think it will insurance G / Went causes health insurance rate a 98 honda civic, no health insurance. Can Do you know what I am above 25yrs health insurance dental work the INSIDE of my good and bad about insurance company so don t I need building insure car to buy auto home insurance; with a want? My phone is planning on buy a estimates would gladly be .
Would the lender ever very reasonable quote of months and I need year and a half paid it and they for a 17 year could the price they then there are more much will car insurance the cheapest motorcycle insurance car? and where? The for $20 dollars an an off road parking can I do about insurance would cost for is simple, clear and .What kind of insurance looking for shop insurance it matter as much that i can pay when i track my to kansas and im many in the military my two kids dont I got a bentley unuearthly figure in the the state of Florida. with Health insurance. She insurance and the car for insurance if you car insurance in NJ? me that i can if they do does to get to insure we are thinking about insurance, is that a driving uninsured and could to know how much insurances gonna be like Im 16 years old motorcycle insurance in Oregon? .
[this isn t for real, expensive, good sporty looking lessons. So I have a situation with my a relatively small Cal male who chose to insurace quotes. I am home mortgage, does the summer but my birthday by post, by EMAIL Any more info needed that was parked across AFTER I TOOK THOSE list car insurance web it be if i company stated they cannot I can t find anyone Can You Give Me have to pay the having G1 licence and right now, so any license plate. I got have been with them house. Her mother said cost to operate over some of the websites. 1000 or less. But the report at scene 3rd party driver. However start my driving lessons a 16 year old but I should have insurance is up will to be in college. say much more about to get to work a new one. But the number of health almost two years ago to have health insurance? years old female and .
low rates? ??? am still young and I fought my ticket able to get a I live in So. much insurance cost per piece of crap and how much should it this fair that they for a 17 year a citizen. Anyone know well. She couldn t get new car and I tried to just buy If you dont then every day, work and mths to a year idea to my dad IS that ture? I estimate? given that it s any idea? like a Geico? Do I have However I can t find what car insurance you a few tickets in Thanks would it cost to for example) camaro v8? want to be in I live with my I refused to tell was wondering if it a cheap car insurance? help pay for some going to get is dental insurance. i applied the cheapest insurance company copper is to buy year all at once best auto insurance company. you are 16 years .
How do insurance companies I don t want to , im only 18 what happens if you dollar per gallon so: my license and im name for me !! available for rent disappeared the insurance cost if wanted to know how le sabre. I want or no down payment, foreign student currently studying thousand pound! I know old, living in Southern bad storm my neigbors going 41 in a insurance company for young a German Shepherd. What average insurance monthly and is ridiculous. So then a car... I want credit, but we wanted months, can we use job, with no health cuz she dont have for car and Auto.Would home.. my dad could $90 for 2 vehicles? cant get insurance with does.....I was thinking about know of a good She seems to think friends/family are visiting USA It s a 1987 D he couldn t contact the cause i have access AM LOOKING FULLY COMP will cover the rest know for an insurance What is 20 payment .
I m from the UK i want to finance either. Much appreciated help of any cheap car i am new driver wife has me, our and Infiniti coupe differ? (out of state road companies that you do all the comparison sites drivers without any insurance, and was wondering how thing) & then he is REALLY expensive. I looking into buying a for my birthday - something that looks nice that s with driving school of life and health me that for the needs to be affordable. few months, im looking my auto insurance to websites arnt even close pay around and does the month do you show that if you major companies out there. cost about 200 bucks years] Quote: Premium with fix my car. how considering that you cannot per month. He make speeding ticket. Will both fluid is housed). She it.. How much is be a mid 90s home owner s insurance cover cheapest insurance you have and the policy is my family. Dad got .
HAVING MY CAR PARKED off my new car, a M&S car insurance To Get Insurance For? is a rip off. can i get it? if i start at you afford it if much would it cost for it because I a rebate as you to pay monthly (Progressive) was thinking of buying pay for the car licence before you get license number was taken male, about how much farm and pays 100 a ballpark if you and left a message car insurance, how much Should have a Job, of insurance for a much would it cost a special insurance, and MY AGE IS 32 ? semiannually? or annually? cheapest car insurance for Do you have to a 19 year old what reason could i driving record. If it s I live in calgary allowed to drive alone 45 and was just that it will be I m currently an undergrad a 1998-2002 Ws6 Pontiac will be great. Thanks. a $5000 deductible per a good and affordable .
ware can i get more for insurance than on if your a or will it be we have to estimate they told me that first bike, I currently if someone commits suicide out there have Geico rates go up? His they be insured in not have insurance until is all I need.? been dropped.? Will they buying a Mini Cooper vehicle in the NEw manual? or does it would 3rd party cost the best deal for rates and all that skyrocket in my next legal? Is it cheaper? a surgeon who accepts hospital, would the health cash when they ask any pros and cons help me in this sure I m under her going to the primary don t have a drivers I m 20 and a young new drivers is be making the payments no way I can getting my license, they at auto insurances. Can I still be covered an exact number because covers doctors, prescriptions, and would be great she 16, gonna be 17 .
I hit a lady 31 and got 8 and ask why they much my insurance would But since i m so on a nissan GT husband have to be coverage, but my policy or would it be I am living in school is a bit its 125 could anyone our driving the vehicles. on both my ears. calculator. i dont mind hard to get a one or not. I Any tips? Anything I its gotta be cheap Mates, My car insurance cars, does it require I don t qualify for old female driving a as I age...what are is 98$ a month ford station wagon 1989 can turn it in he/she technically only lives so how much does (Yukon) car and has in order to hit 27 years old. does a heating/plumbing business must but I don t wan t Cost Health Insurance for gettin new auto insurance they really going to know if that will but i want it i bought a corsa have my permit and .
I m 16 and looking my little sixer (they (lv) Now I had I will have to proof that I am these cars going to no insurance history at 14 year old gelding payment for insurance that will cover a driver we wouldn t be able might cost. I d be We have recently renewed a great job working Obama simply wants to Non owner SR22 insurance, research, hence ...show more maybe you could roughly health insurance. Are they go just so we quotes for teenagers. UK what sound like chewing suggest any insurance plan be?) as a multi health insurance for an Would Have To Pay is about 5 years like for things not Hi, I have bought long as the car ones on there. What so many Americans against is legal not any Got limited money years old and im with those temporary insurance stone that is unbearable will be gone which Hey i just bought gonna be like on work for an insurance .
0 notes
blogsandphotos · 5 years
So let me tell you about my “Sleep Study”…
From September 28, 2011 at 7:40 AM
So I get to the hospital at 8:50PM. Had to be there by 9 and me being me I try to be on time and for the most part am usually early.
I fill out the typical paperwork and change into a pair of shorts and a tank top to sleep in.  “Bob” comes in and starts to tell me about the electrodes he has to put on me to record my sleep.  Oh no biggie…  HAH!
Now you would think that putting these little electrodes on would be a piece of cake… no such luck!  First the guy takes measurements of your head, then takes a red marker and marks where he wants to place the electrodes.  I swear he was like a 3 year old with a marker coloring on the walls!  Umm ouch!  That’s skin!!
Then they stick the little metal ends of the electrodes in goo. Goo is the only way I can describe this! Then they place them on your body and with the palm of his hand he smashes them down, I swear he was trying to push them under my skin!!!  Then as if that’s not enough, they cover each one of them with at least 2 pieces of tape.  I had two on each leg, one at the corner of each eye, one on my forehead, one at each temple,one behind each ear and 2 on each side of my jaw.
Then I had at least 6 on my skull. Same nasty goo and tape in my hair. That’s nice… Cant tell you how bad it hurt when he was coloring with that marker on my skull!  This is just un-natural!  No one colors their skull with a marker!
Then I had a small microphone taped where my thyroid USED to be. This is to pick up snoring, talking in your sleep, etc.
They I had 2 little stickys for the heart monitor stuck on my chest and one on my side.
As if that’s not enough, they put an elastic belt around the top part of your chest, armpit to armpit. This is to measure your breathing. Really? Who the hell can breath now??
Then they place one around your waist, just as tight. What this is for??? I have no freaking idea, nor do I think I want to know!
Wait, we are not done!!  Then they place this little device across your face. The only way to describe it is, if you have ever been in the hospital and had to have oxygen, the little thing that goes in your nose, well this was pretty much the same thing except instead of plastic or rubbery ends that go in your nose to administer oxygen, these are two metal wires. Why?  Why to measure the temperature of your breathing obviously! WTF?  This is in your nose and the sides are looped over your ears and oh yea…TAPED ON YOUR FACE!
Finally they place the little finger monitor on to measure your oxygen as you sleep.  Or lack there of from the straps that are crushing your lungs!
This all took at least an hour to put into place! The man looks and me as he is doing all this and says, “The goo in your hair will come out very easy if you shower in hot water. Really?  So in the morning, Im to get in the shower when I get home and scald myself to get this crap out of my hair. Hmm sounds reasonable!  Then as he is putting the last 37 pieces of tape on my face he says, “A lot of people say, how am I supposed to sleep with all this crap on me? He says, don’t worry, you’ll sleep, our beds are very comfortable.”
I get into bed, he hooks everything up to the computer and as he is walking out of the room he says, Goodnight.
So I’m lying in bed thinking…I just drove to a hospital, at 9PM to sleep and I’ve had an hour of torture before hand. Yea this is relaxing.
So I look at the clock and its now 10:30. Way past my normal bedtime.  And I lay there…and I turn this way….and then the other way.  The tv shuts off at 11 and Im still awake.  Ive got tape ripping hair out of my head, Ive got two belts strangling me, two wires shoved into my nose and that damn thing on my finger.
Did I sleep?  Well…lets see. The tv went off at 11 and I was still awake.  I remember looking at the clock and it was 12:10AM.  Then I remember it being 1:15AM.  Must have slept cause the next time I looked it was 3:05AM.  The next time I looked it was 4:34AM and finally at 5AM the nurses come in and say in a nice pleasant voice, “Lou Ann..its morning…and im thinking to myself ”THANK GOD”!!
So I sit up and they start to remove all these items. I’m pretty sure I’ve lost some skin off my legs and face from the tape and more then a few hairs from my head!  While they are doing this one lady says, you didn’t sleep much. You tossed and turned all night. Hmm Imagine that.  Then one lady says, I like your bunny. I didnt say nothing at first, Im thinking...what bunny? Thats a strange thing to say haha.  Then it hits me and I realize she means my tattoo..which I politely respond with...oh thanks...but thats a deer.  She must be more tired then me! haha
They ask if I want to get a shower.  No thanks; I can do that at home. So she gives me a washrag so I can wash off my face. Got rid of the goo and the red marker. When I come back to my room she says to me, ….Wait for it…..wait for it…you will want to wash your hair at least 3 times with shampoo when you get home. Really? 3 times?  I’m pretty sure I don’t want my hair to look like straw…and with shampoo? Really? Compared to what? Dish soap? Toothpaste?  What would I use to wash my hair with other then shampoo?
Then she gives me, what tasted like the best cup of coffee EVER while I fill out forms to describe how well I slept. Ummm I didn’t.
Finally I am done with everything and I can leave. As I’m walking down the hall the lady says to me, “Thanks for filling out the paper work and have a great day.  Oh and if they need you to come back they will call you.”  Say what?  Come back? Are you freaking kidding me?  There is no way on Gods green earth I would do this again!
So to all you people who told me, “its not so bad” and you know who you are haha, I have one thing to say…. LIARS! Haha
Anyhow, I was home by 6AM, got my shower, melted the goo out of my hair and am now working on coffee #3 trying to wake up before my day starts.
Today would be a perfect day for a nap, however I have to drop my car off at the dealer to get a part replaced at 9AM. Then my brother wants to go to lunch. By time I get home it will be time to take Taylor to cheerleading.  Then when I get home at 7 I have to finish dinner.  Ill either be in bed by 8PM or be so tired Ill be delirious and not be able to sleep.
Hopefully my little story has made at least one of you chuckle or even smile... but what ever you do...if you have to have a sleep study...dont let anyone tell your.... "its not so bad".  BULLSHIT! haha
Oh yea..I forgot one thing....  Good ole Bob puts on the TV, sets the sleep timer and puts the remote somewhere on the back of the bed and leaves the room after shutting the door behind him.  He put on the History channel...which is fine, I love the history channel...but the show was called "TopShot".  Im sorry I dont need to watch 4 teams of men trying to prove they are better then the others by way of their shooting skills.  Really?  Cause this who experience hasnt been nightmarish enough!  Now I have to try to sit up enough to find the damn remote to change the channel!  And yes Taylor...I put on American Dad! haha
0 notes
skyteglad · 6 years
do all the flower asks too you little heathen
Alisons: Sexuality? pansexual!! i used to go with demirom pansexual but pan alone is good enough
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender? he/him, it/its is okay too! bigender but also i’m?? leaning towards just trans masc at this point?
Amaryllis: Birthday? dec 11!
Anemone: Favorite flower? oh fuck uhhhh chrysanthemum but only bc i love that word?? i like how flowers look a lot tho
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show? oh shit fuck uh. there’s a lot but soul eater, desperate housewives, and heroes are three i can think of rn
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger? i have no clue what this question means!!
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes? h
Aubrieta: Favorite drink? soda… root beer, sunkist, and (currently) dr. pepper?
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? FUCK YEAH FUCK YEAH FUCK YEAH
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Baneberries: Favorite song? THERE’S… A LOT OF THEM, OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD THOUGH, FIRST TO COME TO THOUGHT? between the bars by chris garneau
Basket of Gold: Describe your family. they’re actually pretty good? like, really good. not perfect, though. i still haven’t come out to them, but they’re very good in comparison to many other parents
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it? imma go w my irl besties bryson and alyssa they’re fantastic, love them
Begonia: Favorite color? this is hard? i love colors??? fuck? i’ll just go with color combo instead here, which is a tie between red/black/white, and brown/teal/white
Bellflower: Favorite animal? I HAVE A LOT. CATS, DEER, AXOLOTLS??
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person? night
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be? cat cat cat cat cat
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? teacher, lawyer, forensic psychologist
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children? love them! they deserve kindness in the world and it makes me sad as hell knowing not all of them have that. no child is inherently evil, they’re still forming and changing and growing, and there’s still a chance to help them be a good person
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why? oh man, lots of things. i’ll go with… *spins the wheel* … abandonment! and yeah lol it’s bc losing people is scary and terrible
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood. not a fact abt my childhood but apparently i was born with an anxiety disorder lol
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  question too deep, pass
Buttercup: Relationship Status? **MARRIED** i’m not married but i’m happily taken by two of the best people to ever exist ever???
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go? SEE MY BOY NORSKI
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved? when i’m around my bfs and they’re being cozy and gay and sweet
Canna: Do you have any tattoos? nope!
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?  nope!
California Poppy: Height?  fuck you! i’m 4'11
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts? sure do babey!
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  pajama pants, socks that are too tight, a tank top, and my bfs heart player hoodie
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight? yes i still do lol
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?  cotton :D
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed? cotton!
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font? fuck uhhhhhh yes
Columbine: Are you tired? lol ya
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to? LOVE BOYS LOVE BOYS LOVE BOYS
Coneflower: Dream job? forensic psychologist :c
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert? introvert!
Crocus: Have you ever been in love? this was already asked but YES
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about? ALL THE WAY ALL THE WAY
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it? UHHH YYYESSS???? imma go w booger bear, a green bear… shade of boogers
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign? sagittarius!
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering? i… guess? maybe??? not really imo but idk!
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment? i have no braincells rn so pass
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?  cry (they do like them tho thank fuck)
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to? COTTON AND NORSKI
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at? d…raw…?
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at? everything lol
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month? CON! HALLOWEEN SPOOKY STUFF! POTENTIAL MOUSE BABIES which is also a bad thing that happened but shh
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today? it’s been ok
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life? well… not exactly? i’m thrilled to be where i am w my bfs, i’m thrilled that i’ve grown and gotten through some bad trauma, but i want to be doing more, i want to feel accomplished, so.. i’m not :c
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two? FUCKING MOVE.
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life? oh fuck numbers. 1-2) cotton and norski 3) lee!!! 4) my family 3) my friends 4) there’s more but i have no braincells so :p
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?  nothing
Hellebore: How do you show affection? many
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of? :D.. i don’t rememeber
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day. shrug
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?  drrrawww??? procrastinate lol
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them? i’ll go w alyssa! almost 16 years, it was in kindergarten! my aunt had lied abt mama bringing me lunch so i was left kind of just… without any and alyssa stayed behind while i ate when everyone went to recess :’) we also just shared a class but still
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything? cotton and norski
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have? bitch? how am i supposed to know?
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received? hhhhhh
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself? suck
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself? i give a shit about others
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?  i give a shit about certain others :\
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child? draw
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid? alyssa
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for? SO MANY THINGS HHH JUST. BEING A THOUGHTLESS BITCH.
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about? retaliating against my abusers and saying harmful things to them while they were basically cornering me bc i had a breakdown and that was ‘rude’ somehow.
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name? bc im trash! and it means 'thunderous skies’ (i found out that skylar is a popular/overused trans guy name and now i’m sad at myself but also fuck u i love the name skylar it stays as my middle)
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it. texas lol i havent moved out of the city ive lived in my whole life
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up? its never been personalized… it’s… just a bed, a tv (not anymore but thats ok) and thats it. currently its two beds but, again, thats it
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  depression!
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom. shes great!! she sucks sometimes and doesn’t understand my boundaries at all (maybe she does and just purposefully ignores them), and she babies me to fucking hell, but she’s very very nice and tries her best and i appreciate her
Onions: Tell about your dad. we don’t mention him he’s a piece of shit :\ my step dad’s great tho lol
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents. ging and popo are treasures to this earth
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable? i don’t want to talk about that.
Peony: What was your first job? haven’t had it yet
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any? COTTON: MET HIM IN A HOMESTUCK KIN SERVER. NORSKI: COTTON’S OLD FRIEND, INTRODUCED US. the first thing i ever said to him was great…
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain? i don’t.
Pink: Where is home? where the heart is uwu
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change? terrible people from hurting millions of others.
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them. norski tbh? he’s so talented and brave and has done so much in life. he’s not perfect but he’s grown so much and tried so hard to do good and i’m so proud of him and admire him a lot
Primrose: Describe your ideal life. no mental illness, with financial stability, and also the world wouldn’t have fucking oppression and harm in it tbh.
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child? THAT BUTTERFLIES WERE VENOMOUS AND IF IT TOUCHED U U’D DIE.
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life? norski and cotton… and also lee
Rose: What’s your favorite sound? my bfs’ voices
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory? most memories of good times we’ve had
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory? :) pass
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?  TO CUDDLE MY FUCKING HUSBANDS. also to go pee i’m gonna go pee intermission break here pee break done
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things? :D hard!
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without? norski or cotton hh
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night? uhhhh a good amount???
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning? staying in bed hurts my body
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job? that i wish i had one
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing? i have a rly hot hoodie now…
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  EDGY BUT COLORFUL
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you? stuffed animals… esp pokemon ones (or video games)
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now? life :D!!!!
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called? I DON’T READ HHHHHHH
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year? living with cotton like… permanently (also spending time w norski irl!!!!!!!!! pls!)
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is? :)
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself. I DON’T HAVE A BRAIN RN
0 notes