#i have a cute sustainable hat and you dont
mihai-florescu · 1 year
God, your manic pixie girls are being wasted at office jobs
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mameleh-life · 5 years
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Sisterhood and the day Lily Was Born🌺
When you give birth they ask you do you want your baby in the room with you overnight and we can take the baby to the nursery in the morning. Well when they ask you this your usually shaky and tired and you're not actually sure how you're still conscious and you're also feeling so much adrenaline after what happened that you dont know how you'll ever fall asleep and then theres also just a ton of pain happening like all over. And in that moment you need to decide are you going to watch this baby overnight give up on your sleep or are you going to leave the lil peach in the nursery with all the other baby peaches all swaddled and adorable with little hats over sleepy eyes and you know your heart just melts into a big pile of goo because all of the sudden there is something so much bigger than anything you have ever imagined in your life and you'll do anything for this little peach your goo heart will do anything for this little bundle.
And so of course I kept this little baby Lily that to me just was like the cutest little peach in the nursery [I was biased] in my room right next to me so I could listen to her baby heartbeat and her baby breathing while I was happily sedated by maternity pain killers, ice packs, ice chips and yeah just alot of ice packs that's really how I got through. And all night I sang here comes the sun by The Beatles to her because I was always a bit of a hippie I suppose and I just was so happy I dont think I was ever as happy as the day I became a mother I loved taking care of kids my whole life maybe because I had no younger siblings of my own and I had dreamed of that moment.
And I remember my sistas came to visit and called me on the phone with tips [thank God one of my besties told me to take home some of those icepacks] and they got me hooked on yogurt with toppings and scrapbooking and they got me little outfits for this little angel baby in my life who looked so cute in little caps and scrunched up her baby nose and had these huge eyes like a cartoon. And I remember feeling like I lived my whole life for that moment the moment on December 14th 2015 I took her home in her baby car seat and just the whole time was so nervous but also so in love with her at the same time. And now one of my soul sistas who came to visit me in the hospital she sent me the most gorgeous cupcakes today and it made me so happy I basically started to cry it was the sweetest most beautiful gesture at such a crazy upheaval of a time it was the most beautiful calming thing to do and they are the most gorgeous delicious cupcakes I've ever had and Lily and I had them together and I was thinking how full circle sisterhood is and even moreso how sustaining sisterhood is that it can give us strength in our happiest moments are most trying moments and it can be the thread that weaves through the tapestry of our lives and make our lives more beautiful more meaningful and even at times more bearable. That's the power of sisterhood and we need that more than ever. I'm gonna try and reach out to everyone the next couple of days but to all my girls I love you and I'm thinking of you and I'm here if you need me 💜
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mars-the-4th-planet · 5 years
Roman and Neo meet a Raccoon, it ends pretty much how you expect.
"Heh... Neo, the good guys are hunting us, the bad guys are hunting us, just like old times when huh?" Roman pointed out. Neo smiled and nodded, the thought of it brought her nostalgia. She remembered when she was just a street thug and he was a spoiled valefia (Vale mafia) boy making a break with his fathers dust. He had such a cute hat. And he still does, Neo thought.
The two of them were sitting down, their backs against the ruins of a house that had an Atlesian drone fall into it. They were still both handcuffed unfortunately, and had basically no idea what to do next. The whole area was under lockdown so they could not leave, and it was unlikely anyone would want to save them. A young dog faunus boy with brown hair sat nearby on a sandbag, playing a video game. Roman tried asking him where he parents were but he just said they would be back soon and started crying so he left the boy alone to play his video game.
Just then, a Raccoon Faunus girl about the same age as Neo walked in. Her face and hands were marked by ink-black skin and her nails were like little claws. She was wearing trendy albeit dirty and worn clothes and had fake raccoon ears and a belt that made it look like she had a Raccoon tail. The black mask-like marking make her eyes seem very big and bright, and she grinned at them with her pointy little canines. "Oh mein gosh! Tis Roman and Neo, I am ze big fan! Please, tell me what nefarioux plans you dous have been cooking up!"
"Currently we are planning to cheat, lie, steal, and survive. To do that we need to get out of these handcuffs." Roman said, smooth as ever.
"Hm... I just so happen to have a lockpick on me!" The raccoon girl said, pulling one out. "I can totally let you free, for a price~"
"And what price would that be?" Roman asked. Neo let him do the talking, however contrary to popular belief it was not because he was a man, but because she was physically incapable of speech. And even if this girl knew sign language, Neo was handcuffed.
"I want ze kiss!"
Roman smiled smugly. "Of course, I should have known. Neo? I would never think to ask you to do something like this, but can you please take one for the team?"
Neo nodded and puckered up.
"No no no, xaxaxaxaxa! I meant a kiss from you Roman!"
Roman blinked in surprise. "You what?"
"Come on, you know you are gorgeoux!"
"Yes I am," Roman agreed. "but I guess I was not expecting you to be into men."
"Vat is ZHAT supposed to mean?? You damn baque fool!" The raccoon girl pouted. "I am not ze lesbian! I am a thief and scoundrel! Like you!" her strange accent got stronger when she was annoyed.
Roman looked over at Neo. "May I kiss the wannabe villain?"
Neo nodded, although she did not look too happy about it.
"Mea-diocre legs maybe." Roman commented snidely.
Her cheeks went pink and the raccoon girl looked like she was about to scratch Roman. "Do you VANT to be let out of ZE CUFFS or do you just want to BE TEASIN'?"
"Of course, of course. Go ahead, do the evil thing and kiss and let us go." Roman said.
"You still dont think I am a real villain."
"I mean, you dont seem very evil..."
"I kick puppies!"
"Sure you do."
"Looksy! Watch me!" The raccoon girl walked over to the dog faunus boy. She lightly put her foot against him with all the force of talking a step forward. Mistaking this move as an attempt to play fight, he fake snarled and bit her foot. The raccoon girl yelped and grabbed his nose too force him to release her so he could breath. He would have let go anyway as her sneaker did not taste all that good.
Neo was silently giggling at the display.
"Yes, quite the villain you are."
"Are you going to kiss or nah?" She growled.
"Okay, come and get it." Roman licked his lips and made an exaggerated flirty expression. The raccoon girl blushed. She came up but got nervous at the last moment and kissed his cheek instead. Neo rolled her eyes.
"Is that all? Okay." Roman said. Something clattered behind Neo, and she was looking down at it before facing the raccoon girl again.
"Xaxaxaxaxa, your cheek is soft Roman Torchwick!" The raccoon girl said with a shy grin.
"Thats what Neo would say, if she could." Roman said.
"Xaxa! I really am a big fan though, even when you give mockings. I can just imagine it now, me and you together ruling the Holy Roman Empire, you the Emperor and me your right hand partner!"
Neo scootched forward and kicked her in the shin. "Yow! That was joke!"
"Are you going to unlock us now or what?" Roman asked.
"Nope, I have fooled and scammed you! Who is evil and bad critter now hmmmm~?" The raccoon girl giggled and ran off singing about how she is a villain.
Neo smirked and picked up the lockpick she had swiped with her teeth while the raccoon girl was kissing Roman and entirely focused on that.
Using it first to free herself and then Roman, they got up.
"You are truly amazing, Neo." Roman said in awe. "I was about to ask what that clattering was. But now I am happy I didnt bring attention to it."
Neo spawned them both some ice cream and they ate their dessert together.
"You know neo, about what she said... I HAVE two hands you know." And he held out his ice cream covered gloved hands. Since they had not dishes, they ate out of cupped hands. Technically it was only Roman who got sustainance out of it, as Neo had to use an equivalent amount of her aural energy to make the ice cream in the first place.
Anyway, apon hearing this joke Neo smiled in her sweet/creepy way and held both of his hands in hers. They then kissed, and they lived happily ever-
"Stop right there criminal scum! You have violated the law, now pay your fine or its off to jail!" A Huntsman shouted. He was decked out in medieval looking armor and was holding a crowbar that was also a gun.
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flakandforay · 7 years
Converse High Analysis
this is the analysis for their 3rd mini album, 화양연화 pt. 1, 7th track - Converse High
i will be analysing several components - music, lyrics and choreography
disclaimer: this is just my personal opinion, feel free to disagree. do let me know your thoughts in my ask box
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overall: this fun youthful track is produced by namjoon in which he wanted to put in his mixtape initially but instead decided to put inside this album instead to become a group song. not to mention, he even purposely named it ‘converse high’ in which he mentioned in an interview before that his ideal girl in 2015 was one who owned a pair of red high tops converse sneakers which led to the name of the song. 
music: it starts off straight away with the use of cymbals inside, specifically the hi-hats and the use of electrical guitar chords that sound more reggae and hippie in the beginning. namjoon also comes in with an adlib of ‘yeah’ as if to feel the groove of the song and to set the mood. actually throughout the first few seconds of the song, namjoon is using it to his advantage to ride the groove etc and only till 0:10 does he begin the song, but he starts it off softly so as to prepare for the impending drop. not to mention that one could hear jungkook doubling inside towards the end of namjoon’s lyrics and that the beat now includes claps inside in time with the hi-hats. then namjoon wraps up the intro with ‘converse high’, intentionally slowing down so that the drop would have more impact as listeners would listen out to it more.
so jungkook comes in at 0:19 with that sweet voice of his to which at the beginning one could hear this ‘shimmering synth’ as now the percussion and guitar chords are dimmed down to amplify jungkook’s vocals. the key part of this song is ‘woah woah woah’ at 0:28 in which it is constantly repeated throughout this song, giving it its own groove.
jimin then comes in at 0:29 at the second part of the chorus and again at 0:37 with the ‘woah woah woah’. one could notice that the chorus is actually more choppy - in a way, several breaths are being taken to sing the chorus as they time their singing with the beat and also to sustain the ‘woah woah woah’. to be honest, almost all of the vocal line members’ make it obvious that they are taking breaths especially seokjin however jungkook is the one that makes it less obvious that he does so.
and the after this chorus, there is this short piece of drum melody that signals the start of the verses - actually namjoon’s rap and he’s taking it more chill together with the claps of the beat ( the hi-hats and guitar chords are already dimmed down in this verse ). what’s interesting is that at 0:49 with his lyrics ‘f u’, it adds on to his style of rapping here, clearly showing he could manipulate the beat of the song. yet, he repeats the ‘f u’ several times as he makes a statement.
and then at 0:59, namjoon’s part abruptly ends but is quickly overcome with hoseok’s part as he takes the next verse, as the beat accelerates and picks up speed. the claps actually occur every crotchet and it appears to have ‘speed up’ the song because of it occurring every beat but again, i feel that this is just an ‘audio illusion’, the speed didn’t change, it just sounds faster because of how many more beats there are in a bar. hoseok, too, also knows how to play along, easily integrating his laughter at 1:16 as part of the song.
then at 1:18 with that shimmering synth, taehyung takes over the prechorus and instead of claps, what one could hear are the snaps, the snapping of the fingers to be precise but of course synthesized to make it sound more electronic. in this prechorus, one could hear the adlibs of jungkook and jimin inside as they make up for the loss of percussion inside and guitar chords. and at 1:25, that nice vocal riff by jimin and possibly jungkook as it moves on to the second part of the prechorus which is done by jimin at 1:28. then there is that one synth that signals jimin’s entrance. only during this part did the hi-hats actually come back to play together with that descending synth. again there are some adlibs being done here but subtly done as it is only the middle of the song and not towards the end.
and one could hear yoongi’s ‘ack’ at 1:38 before it makes way for the chorus to start at 1:39 with jungkook and to be honest, there is the percussion that’s in time with the words that adds on to the ‘choppy’ feeling that one could hear. seokjin takes over at the chorus at 1:48 to wrap it up with the drum melody at 1:57 to signal the repeated part of the chorus which actually has a lot of jungkook’s adlibs inside, though very subtle, sounding more like riffs. 
at 2:07 it’s yoongi’s part coming through and for some reason, the song sounds as if it picked up speed again because the claps are back again but in quarters, constantly keeping yoongi’s rap in check. not to mention the use of hi-hats are back in again. yoongi’s small adlib of ‘ah yeah’ at 2:14 as well just to fill in the small gap in between. i like how his voice kinda got dragged down at 2:18 as he said ‘numbers’, something called like text painting where his voice goes down in time with the beat also going down - descending for that matter. but that brief pause ends when he comes back in full speed at 2:19 but he seems to be squeezing more words in a bar in this second part of his rap. and he even dragged his last word to tie in to the prechorus at 2:27 with jungkook.
again, nothing much has changed in the prechorus except that jungkook and seokjin are the ones singing this time round. one could hear yoongi’s adlib again at 2:47 before the beat drops for the final time.
one could tell that this is the last chorus with the number of adlibs being done in this chorus specifically by jungkook such as in 2:49 and then at 2:58 where taehyung takes over, one could hear jungkook harmonizing with him. jungkook’s adlibs could be heard again at 2:59 and at 3:01.
that short drum melody is used again as the go for the coda at 3:05 and jungkook’s adlibs again at 3:08, 3:13 and even hoseok contributing by saying ‘ah yeah’ at 3:17 and that nice melodic riff by jungkook at 3:21 and then at 3:23, hoseok’s giggle that just added more to the youth theme. and then one could hear that drum rhythm at 3:25 before namjoon ends off with ‘converse high’
lyrics: the lyrics here are more laid-back, maybe because the song is called ‘Converse High’ and are singing some praises about the brand ( but then again, who doesn't own a pair
also namjoon did mention before in 2015 in an interview that his ideal girl would actually wear a pair of red high tops converse shoes and is seen here in the lyrics in his rap 
흰 티에 청 반바지 빨간 컨버스하이 that’s it
White t-shirt, jeans and red Converse Highs, that’s it
note: it is not common for people in Korea to actually say the brand or name of a product hence which is why when bangtan performed this song on Mnet Countdown, they changed it to ‘Lover’s High’ to be in check with the broadcasting rules 
저 하늘 별보단 오늘은 니 신발의 별을 볼래 하하 다 남준이 몰래
Rather than the stars in the sky, I wanna see the stars on your shoes Haha, without Namjoon knowing
now in hoseok’s rap, we see the mention of the brand, converse again, even adding his own humour in his rap lyrics by including namjoon inside 
니가 좋아 그래도 컨버스로우는 신지 마
I like you but still don’t wear Converse Lows
this part of the pre chorus got me dying, the clear preference for high tops instead of the low cut converse shoes lmao
너의 컨버스하이에 꽂혔나 봐 별 수 없나 봐 나는 wo 너의 컨버스하이에 꽂혔나 봐 너무 좋아 다 자꾸 wo
너의 컨버스하이 I really really want yo 컨버스하이 I really really like yo 컨버스하이 I really really need yo 컨버스하이 컨버스하이
I’m so into your Converse Highs I can’t help it I’m so into your Converse Highs I like it so much
Your Converse Highs I really really want yo Converse High I really really like yo Converse High I really really need yo Converse High Converse High
so this chorus and sort of coda talks about how one loves the shoes on that special someone, im here thinking do they dig the person or dig the pair of shoes or the special person they dig wearing those converse shoes being a bonus? 
컨버스 컨버스 i really hate a 컨버스 화려한 니 겉모습에는 말야 검정스타킹에 아찔한 하이힐 그래 그것은 사기야 근데 더 어울리는 것은 조던 numbers Ha 모르겠니 컨버스는 니 매력을 죽이는 옥의 티 아무튼 날 만날 때는 컨버스를 신지마 무엇보다 벗기가 무척이나 힘들잖아
Converse Converse, I really hate a Converse When you look all flashy with your black stockings and your high heels That’s just a lie But you look better with Jordan numbers Ha don’t you know? Converses kill your charm Anyway, when you meet me, don’t wear Converses It’s too hard to take them off of you
so yoongi’s rap lyrics are actually funny to me, because he is going against the general idea of a girl wearing converse shoes being attractive, here he states, he rather have them wear jordan sneakers instead of those converse shoes and that they are even harder to take off ( is this suggestive hmmMM ) especially since converse shoes are laced up unlike high heels which could easily slip off
i feel that this song, for some reason, is very appropriate, maybe because of the fact that most youth, whether they own a pair of converse shoes, are very familiar with this brand, especially in Korea. i feel that the moment you own a pair of shoes with laces, you have reached that period of youth - which technically overreaches this whole concept of their album - youth. 
Reference: Colour Coded ©
choreography: the choreography for this one is laid-back, possibly the same level as Boyz with Fun choreography  ( which you could see here )
that cute footwork in the beginning, of course. for some reason they all look like boys who see their crush ( or maybe thats what they were going for ) 
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and when the chorus hits, here they are dragging their feet, honestly i think the main point of this whole dance is to literally exaggerate their footwork, possibly because the song title is Converse High. 
i dont know, i just really thought that this whole dance was cute?? 
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this part when hoseok comes in, well let’s all admire the formation, all i can just say that this whole dance focuses more on their footwork, highlighting those parts which then become the main point of the dance etc 
a cute dance to be honest 
last thoughts: regardless, i think this is still a fun song, not a hype for sure, but one that could still lift the mood
[Photo Source] Bighit Entertainment  Credits: maxine ☕️ DO NOT REPOST ©
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wherethesunlives · 7 years
Green, yellow, blue ❤️
What’s your favorite thing to do outside? I really like being at the beach. 6 am walks on the beach are prime. I also love sledding.
Do you like camping? I do!
What would you spend $1,000 on? I cant really think of anything except travel.
What’s your job, or what do you want to do as your job? I want to be an International Human Rights Lawyer and tbh a lot of my friends dont think I’d be able to get through law school with my sanity still in place and Im getting kinda sick of it.
What’s your favorite article of clothing? It was my Carhartt hat but garden gnomes stole that so now its my leather jacket.
If you could have any view from your bedroom window what would you choose? WOW. Uh. Id love a lake house view. If not, I just want trees everywhere. Or honestly paris? I dont know where that one comes from. 
What’s your favorite thing to do on a sunny day? Play with my dog outside and take her for a walk and relax with a glass of ginger ale. 
What do you consider lucky? Im kinda confused by this question, I also don’t really believe in lucky material things. Good luck charms? Nah.
What made you smile today? Eating a donut that Lauren surprised me with yesterday.
What makes you happy? Dogs, my dog in particular, my amazing and perfect forever friends, dancing, music, food (pizza, donuts, chocolate), traveling, intimate discussions about personal growth, sustainability, etc.
What do you do when you’re sad? I take a bubble bath and watch pride and prejudice (2005) dir. Joe Wright
What are some things you do when you can’t sleep? It is very rare that I cant sleep and when that happens I usually go sleep on the couch cuz I can always sleep on the couch.
What was the best (non-romantic) night you’ve had? Ever??? Wow, I have no idea. Uhhhh. Ill give you the best night I had in college, it was probably some night with BTL or that one night @thelivinglegends and I got drunk and came home and cuddled, that happened a few times. I seriously cant remember a clear memory though. OH I went on a haunted hayride with my buddy Matt a few weeks ago and that was super duper fun. 
What kind of covers do you have on your bed? Ikea duvet cover that is white and covered in cute lil flower pals.
Who is the last person you told a secret to? Gosh uhhh probably Lauren or Maya. I don’t do secrets that often. 
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flyingcookierambles · 6 years
finished the loom saga pt. 2 aka some things of an au fanfic that i will never write because i cant write to save my life lol.
anyways some things i was thinking of if cvareh didn’t fake his death, stayed dragon king, and didn’t go after arianna: 
i wanted more cvareh and florance interactions honestly. like them in book 1. cute. flor offering cva a cookie. cute. him asking her about gun stuff to cheer her up before they entered the ravens underground fun time world roller coaster death trap with failed chimera/ fenthri zombies, and then she goes on a gun geek ramble. cuuute. like. i just want them to be together more. like. ahh man. cvareh would be a good big brother to florance. in a very nice friendly platonic relationship. the good brother she introduces her girlfriend to when he comes down to loom at some after war vicar tribunal (because florance loves tribunals lol) to discuss how to improve nova-loom relations and what old dragon laws to keep and what to throw out. I WANT THEM TO BE DORK SIBLINGS TOGETHER AND TALK ABOUT CLOTHES AND HATS AND FASHION TOGETHER. I WANTED FLOR TO MAKE A REVOLVER FOR HIM THAT DOESNT EXPLODE IN HIS FACE WHEN HE CHARGES IT WITH MAGIC POWER. I WANT HER TO TEACH HIM HOW TO USE A REVOLVER AND HAVE SOME DUMB CUTE SIBLING MOMENTS TOGETHER. 
like at seriously at some after war nova-loom/ oji-vicar tribunal with like dragons on one side of the table and fenthri at the other side and florance and cvareh just like reunite and hug like the dumb friends they are and are the only ones talking to each other at the table because its just awkward for everyone else and she just calls him cvareh or cva instead of dragon king or cvareh xin’dono soh and he just calls her flor instead of vicar revolver and when someone, dragon or fenthri, tries to correct them on the other’s title, they’re just like “nah its cool we’re friends.” and cvareh is just like “oh btw hows my blood treating you?” and flor’s just like “its great i got taller and stuff” and everyone is just like “the dragon king gave the vicar blood?!?!!?!” and also cvareh lets her visit nova for a week and she gets to see all the colorful stuff that he told her about and is also just like “the revolver vicar and i share blood now so i decree her an honorary member of the xin household because im the king now.”
(more formally tho i really did want to see flor and cvareh be awesome progressive leaders and give the people of loom and nova better lives using a mix of loom laws and dragon laws (b/c seriously dudes sustainability and steampunk do not get along. powell made a good point of coal and stuff just running out someday) ( & bc we all know arianna is too sentimental to do that without wanting loom to be like it was pre-dragon arrival))
i also want cvareh to see will and helen during this and they’re just like “sup cvareh” “hi dragon dude” and someone tries to correct them and cvareh is just like reluctantly “these two also are on a first name basis with me.” because like. c’mon. you dont not bond with people after being stuck and lost in the raven’s underground playground roller coaster death trap for five days. seriously, anyone who got to see the future dragon king get motion sickness while on said roller coaster and puke should get to be on a first name basis with him.  
(TL;DR im a bit salty that we never got to see more cute moments between florance and cvareh after book 1 b/c they got separated and flor thinks hes dead now bc he faked his death like the dumb romantic that he is)
(TL;DR i wish i could actually write so i can write fanfiction lol)
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mmtruooao · 7 years
Like im not asking random people to buy me shit and im not giving a po box or address that you could use for that but ive been requested to have like something people can find for present ideas for me so here
Guidelines: I like pastel colors best, and pink/blue color combinations out of the pastels, and i just really like cute color combinations, but if its cute or elegant i won’t really care about the color. I don’t like many floral scents, I prefer fruity smells like apple or raspberry or blueberry, or basic baking sorta smells like vanilla or cinnamon. I’m really particular about texture, try to avoid things that feel like cotton or felt.
cute stuffed animals, but not the little ones like beanie babies because i lose them and feel bad
small decorations like LED’s or glass jars or slime
animal related glass or wooden or ceramic trinkets, preferably not metallic
i like candles but i cant currently use them and fire scares me a little bit/a lot
any new books, from the last year or few, because i dont get books very often and i dont keep up on new ones coming out. fantasy/adventure, y/a books are preferably but if its like a well-written romance book or drama i can get into it
books about conservation
books about farming sustainably
books about biology, genetics, anatomy, evolution
Ive pretty much stopped using like liquid soaps and shampoos, I might need some hair wax for styling, but if you're going with soap go for like local or organic if you can
drawings are really cool i like when my friends give me drawings like a few years ago my friend tiffany gave me a drawing of a bunny and it reminded me a lot of my other friend tiffany’s bunny and its on my wall along with my friend tehyas drawings of a tiny dick and a halloween cat
cool lip balm… i have a blue raspberry lip balm and a root beer lip balm and I FUCKING LOVE THEM, and I also have a cotton candy and strawberry lip scrub and THEYRE FRICKIN AMAZING
a turntable/spinny table for cakes
cute boxes or little lightweight shelf/drawer storage things
seriously just walk around like any store until you find something fluffy or cute or pretty that isnt floral scented or really expensive
dont get me clothing unless youre really convinced i’d like it and it’d fit me, im like a medium in a lot of like women’s/teen clothes and my shoe size is 7.5-8.5 (fluctuates) extra wide (does not fluctuate) in women’s (idk what it would be in men’s)
do get me clothing for inanimate objects or pets
dont get me earrings please, necklaces and bracelets are strange but okay, but im not gonna get my ears pierced
I think scarves are weird and if you get me a scarf im probably going to give it to someone else or it will sit in a drawer. Sidenote, let me know if you need a scarf.
hats and gloves are really good though i always lose gloves and i like to build my hat collection
donate to a charity for me! that’d be really cool!
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