#i have a save where i kept having kids just to have kids (theyre at like 10 kids rn i think) and i had like 4 boys in a row
lowkeyrobin · 8 days
hiii! hope you’re having a good day/night/whatever :D i was wondering if you could do something where the reader was fives (almost ?) s/o and then after learning about him and lila theyre upset. and then reader and diego sort of bond over the feeling and find solace in their friendship with each other. i mean this in like a thing for diego sort of way, the five thing is just a backstory. sorry if this is hard to understand english is hard
oooo okay this is cool!! ; and don't worry it's not hard to understand at all! your English is very good 🫶 ; but we are gonna pretend five wasn't trapped in his teenage body for all the time reader would've known him or wtv 💀 cause the physical and mental gap between diego and five is diabolical and idk how else to make it not weird. I usually say and enforce that I won't recognize the five/lila thing as canon but this is relevant to the story and I need diego requests lol. ; but uh yeah!! thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy!! ; also the ending part lowkey sucks I'm sorry
DIEGO HARGREEVES ; it's called moving on
summary ; after Five and Lila get trapped in the subway, they have a double affair on you and Diego. after saving the world, you both bond over it and move on (to each other)
warnings ; language, cheating, arguing / physical fighting, knives, alcohol
disclaimers ; five is in the physical body of a 30-ish year old to make this not creepy as hell on any parts. I have a distinct hatred for whatever tf happened w Lila and Five so don't expect to see anything nice about them... ; also reader is a sparrow, didn't wanna get incest-y in here...
word count ; 1.5k
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Klaus, Allison, and Luther sit on the couch, watching over the kids while you and Diego rush to the door. Five and Lila had been MIA for hours now, you were both growing worried. Luckily, it was them standing at the doorstep.
"Where've you been?" Diego asks, slightly worried. "It's been hours"
"Seven, at that" you raise an eyebrow at Five. "You've never just gone MIA for that long. Did you find anything out on how to stop all this shit? Cause we did"
Five is unable to look you in the eye. "Uh, not really. What'd you learn?"
"Well, for one, Dad's alive, so is our mother... I think?" you begin, pulling him inside. "She's not really our mom, but she's Dad's wife, or whatever. Our actual birth mother's are alive in this timeline. And your Ben died because your Reginald shot him in the head! We think fate is coming together cause my Ben and Jennifer are together and we have to stop them-"
Diego and Lila step in behind you, joining you all in the living room. Lila's family stand in the kitchen, coming together to make some Christmas dinner food for the upcoming days. You can't help but notice both Five and Lila can't look you in the eye, how they look tired and haven't spoken damn near a word.
You four stand in the middle of the living room, shoes off to Lila's family's rules, your socks digging into the carpet. Allison, Luther, and Klaus part their attention between the kids and you four.
Diego looks down at Lila's wrist, seeing a glare from the sunlight outside on something she was wearing. He quickly grabs her wrist, confused of what she could've been wearing, as she didn't like bracelets, at least not store bought ones. She wouldn't have gone on a run to get herself a bracelet, right? I mean, what?
Diego furrows his brows at her while you press a chaste kiss to Five's forehead.
"I thought you hated bracelets?" Diego mutters, grabbing the attention of the siblings who sit on the couch.
Lila looks at him with fake confusion, trying to brush it off. "No, I don't"
"Yeah, you do" Diego nods. "I got you one for Valentine's Day and you traded it in for a Dyson vacuum."
You and Five look to Diego and Lila, listening in.
Lila is silent. "I don't like store bought ones. I kept the bracelet you made for me in that mental institution"
She had him on that one.
"Who made it, then?" Diego asks firmly.
She's silent. Five looks away from Diego.
Diego looks to him, then back at Lila. He frees Lila's wrist from his grasp, staring Five down. You look between him, Diego, and Lila, connecting the dots.
"Five?" You question, eyebrows furrowed, your voice unsure.
Diego reaches for his back pocket.
Five stuffs his hands in his pockets, head held low.
"Is there something going on between you two?" Diego asks nervously, looking between Five and Lila.
"Diego-" Lila speaks
"Holy shit, wow" Diego scoffs, looking down at her.
Klaus' jaw drops, Luther and Allison beside him share shocked expressions. You look back at the three, unable to react as you're caught frozen in the moment.
"Holy shit"
"I didn't see that one coming"
"Holy shit, I was right" Diego looks between the two, "I knew you were cheating on me!"
You shove Five into the wall, far enough away from the TV and the kids to not effect them physically. Diego hurls a knife at him, just missing his skull by a few centimeters, a purposeful act. He merely did it to scare Five. The knife creates a hole in the wall and a loud thudding noise that catches the family's attention.
Diego turns his attention back to Lila, you looking over your shoulder to listen. "I knew you were cheating on me at that book club"
Lila sighs. "I wasn't cheating on you... not when you thought I was"
You turn back to Five, lips slightly parted, your expression soft yet heavy. He isn't able to speak a word to you. He steps away from the stabbed wall, walking toward you. He reaches for you and you push him away.
"No!" you shudder, then speak firmly. "Get away." you back away toward Diego, unable to look at him.
"Maybe we should go-" Luther speaks, seeing how the three were witnessing an awful thing right now.
"No, we're not going anywhere" Allison replies, an arm over him to prevent him from going anywhere.
Diego steps forward, looking at Five in the eye. "Five, did you s-k-r-e-w my wife?" he spells out 'screw' since a bunch of kids under thirteen sit no more than six feet away.
"Screw is spelled s-c-r-e-w" Grace chimes in with a smile, unaware of the situation because of her small little mind.
Klaus snorts, failing at holding back laughter. Allison bites her tongue while Luther deeply sighs, keeping his laughter at bay.
Five bites his lip before slowly nodding.
"What the fuck?!" you exclaim, slinging a quick punch to his face, causing his nose to bleed.
He groans, holding a hand to his nose. He doesn't rebute, knowing he deserved that and much more.
"Are you kidding me?" you question, looking between Five and Lila. "What the actual shit is wrong with you two?!"
Lila's family peers through the kitchen door, halfway understanding what you all were saying as they weren't perfectly fluent with English. You wished you could speak Punjabi to tell them how their daughter cheated and how your boyfriend was a fucking homewrecker.
"Y/n, please," Lila speaks, trying to calm you, holding a hand out to you.
You slap her hand away, and back up toward the siblings on the couch. Klaus holds a hand over his mouth, Luther watches in silence, Allison bites her tongue.
"You're fucking unbelievable."
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You cut contact with Five, Diego cut most contact with Lila and kept the kids 70% of the time. Lila paid child support, the extent of their conversations other than the kids.
It'd been a few years since your brother had to be killed. You'd been struggling a lot. In between Ben's death and the whole Five and Lila thing, you weren't okay, you didn't think you ever would be.
Most the family didn't talk to either one after the whole incident. They'd luckily sided with you and Diego. Allison still talked to Lila, but she'd created herself a whole new life, so the two didn't talk that much.
Life moves on, shit happens.
You lived near Diego, the two of you often going out with the kids to still create some sort of happy family dynamic for them. From lunch to movies, to road trips and rollercoasters, you'd do anything for those kids. You felt so bad knowing there was no way to repair Diego and Lila's relationship, wishing the kids got to have more time as a proper family.
Diego sat with you on the couch, no kids in trail this time. They were with Lila this weekend. Fruity concoctions rest in your hands, the television in front of you playing some dumbass action movie.
"People clearly don't like three children on the man they're going on a date with," Diego chuckles. "My kids come first, sorry."
You smile. "At least you're humbled and know what you're living for, what's important."
He raises an eyebrow, confused about what you're implying.
You see that look and clarify. "I dunno what I'm living for anymore. My brother's dead. My ex cheated on me and all I feel is fucking angry day in and day out. I don't know anymore"
Diego's face grows soft. "Moving on isn't easy."
You nod. "It's harder to do it alone"
He's silent for a moment before speaking up. "Maybe we don't have to do it alone?"
You raise an eyebrow. "What're you implying, Di?"
He shrugs, looking into your eyes. "Whatever you want to think I'm implying"
"...but the kids, that's gonna be so confusing-"
"You love the kids. I know you do. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been on all these adventures with us, you wouldn't have asked me yourself to make plans and come over. I know you feel the way I do."
You're both quiet, thinking over your own and the other's words.
"Maybe" you shrug.
"Maybe? I'm allowed to get my hopes up?"
"Calm down, pal" you chuckle. "Not so soon, let's like... ask the kids. I'd feel bad not asking how they felt. They're my priority, they come before us"
Diego nods. "Glad you feel that way. We should get married ASAP." he chuckles, nudging you with his shoulder.
You smile, taking a sip of your beverage. "Feels wrong to even think about this, y'know?"
"It's called moving on. It's normal, I promise"
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
can we get a rundown on the anakin-raises-leia au? i’m totally in love with (read: obsessed with) it but i missed most of the context and i’m so curious!
are they coparenting? was it a parent trap style agreement to split the twins? is it temporary, until the war ends? who decided who gets which twin? did mustafar just never happen?
the answers to ur questions in short are: not really, arguably, absolutely, i did, and no!
in longer, the main thing you need to know for context is it's an Anakin-doesn't-turn-to-the-darkside-but-Palps-still-succeeds AU!
Anakin chooses not to try save Palpatine from the Jedi council and instead goes to Padmé's to angst abt the fact he might be losing her -- only to feel a very solid Other loss in the Force and see the temple up in flames ): he tries to go help but gets his shit kicked enough he leaves when Bail shows up
obi-wan and yoda both return to coruscant, obi-wan shows up to Padmé's to ask her hey do you know where Anakin is??? except Padmé's not there either bc after Sidious made his Big Speech anidala realised Anakin's totally a fugitive so they decided to Leave
i'm not 100% on what happens around here (lbr we all know my focus is the kids) but i'm currently thinking they nearly get caught or smthn, fight happens (??), Obi-wan gets there just in time to help thanks to Dormé snitching -- and Padmé goes into labour w the shock/stress
whatever exactly happens, Obi-Wan is there when they get Padmé to a medical station and the normal rots ending group unite. Padmé gives birth (keeping her will to live) and a question hangs heavy in the air: what are they supposed to do with the twins?
Anidala are too caught up in the joy of being parents to think about it, but they're quickly and forcibly snapped out of that when the Survivors all have a chat like canon. Yoda's the (brave) one to say they need to be apart because their force signatures would be too strong together and in the dire case Palps finds them, he could NOT take both. He's probs initially like they shouldnt even be kept w you two, Anakin's too powerful himself and Padmé you're too visible (while I imagine Bail and Obi-wan know their respective besties and are like king they are NOT gonna take that well)
and theyre right! Padmé, fresh out of like three of the top ten most harrowing experiences of her life, is like stfu u little green bitch im not losing my kids. but after some convincing she sees the need for her to remain in the senate and anakin's need to fight/run. she knows they can't fight the empire effectively together and she knows it's too dangerous to put the twins together. both parents want more than ANYTHING to be with their kids -- but they also don't want their kids growing up in a galaxy eaten by tyranny or being stolen by palps.
so they made the hardest goddamn decision of their lives and each take a twin (probably chosen on "anakin thought the baby'd be a girl/padme thought it'd be a boy" or smthn) and after some time planning their next moves, Padmé and Anakin are forced to go their separate ways to save the galaxy for and with their kids ): knowing the better they fight, the sooner they free the galaxy from the empire's clutches, the sooner they can reunite and be a family
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cherryheairt · 27 days
"Eager for a niece or nephew already?" Daenys asked, corners of her mouth lifting. One day, she hoped for many nieces and nephews to surround herself with if she truly did end up a spinster. If so, she was comforted with the fact that she had only brothers, thus would have all their wives be moved to Dragonstone or the Red Keep to allow everyone to be close together.
"Indeed. It's been a while since Winterfell's keep has been graced with younglings."
Daenys almost snorted at the strange name for children but kept it to herself in hopes of not offending him. Northerners and their strange vocabulary. "I quite agree, it is rather quiet in the Great Keep."
Is it too soon to say that I hope the little footsteps and giggles that fill the walls of Winterfell are Daenys' babies with Cregan? Despite his initial mistrust and reservations, Cregan begins to fall in love with the princess so subtly that he doesn't even seem to realise it. It's one thing to worry about the daughter of the heir to the throne being well cared for and safe while she's under your responsibility in your house, but it's quite another to comb her hair and teach her how to hunt and fight. I mean Cregan first turned away when the princess washed her hair, but then braided it (I say that at that moment the idea occurred to him and he was grateful to have had an annoying sister in childhood). Apparently Cregan was jealous that Seamus had saved her before him. Cregan has taught her to hunt and fight because he cares about her. Cregan has deliberately looked at her legs, plus he sleeps next to her (I say that when they slept Cregan felt the softness of the princess's hair and thought again to braid it just to touch it freely, besides looking at her freely). Now Cregan is very worried about what Seamus is going to do to her now that he has taken her away from him.
The same goes for the princess, she seemed very worried because she thought she always ruins things when she talks to Cregan (because of the death talk). Plus she was too worried that if she hadn't got the Targaryen genes he might never have paid attention to her and would have mistaken her for any lady from any other House. It is no accident that she thought that when she previously compared Cregan to a prince. It seems a subtle hint of romantic feelings on her part.
Was it casual when you braided my hair and asked how I want my funeral rites to be????
Yes! I'm glad you noticed the transition between him respectfully looking away and then offering to DO her hair for her when he noticed how much she hated doing it every morning.
Neither of them even seem to notice, but theyre both being consumed entirely by the thought of the other, even imagining life before them is a distant memory by now.
Little Dragon-Wolf 'pups' or 'hatchlings' are what I think they might call their kids. I was just thinking of making a drabble about wolf pack behavior and comparing that to their future dynamics 😌
She has spent her adolescence thinking her only interactions with kids will be with her nieces and nephews, not her own children. She's in for a world of surprise there.
Imagine the thoughts that Daenys has running through her mind currently, and when she was alone with him in the woods once again. This giant beast of a man looking at you spitefully, telling you that you only need to be alive and nothing else. Cregan knows the mind of a man and has sent countless to the Wall for their crimes against women. Alone for hours on dragonback, where not even your dragon, who is seen as a God to the smallfolk, can help you.
I think the Starks are quite like royalty in their own way. They govern and dictate themselves. They are entirely ignored by the Crown until they need fighters for wars that don't involve the North one bit.
Unfortunately, even after marriage Cregan would not officially be called a Prince. Like Ser Laenor and Lady Laena who married the Prince and Princess and never changed titles.
Also, that makes me wonder about the canon events in the book. If everyone but Aegon and Viserys is gone, Daenys would be the heir as the eldest child of Rhaenyras. After their eventual marriage, would Cregan leave Winterfell to be King Consort, or would they be doomed to live the rest of their lives apart spare from occasional visits to the other. It's a tempting angsty end, one that Daenys would probably not be able to cope with alone.
I hope everyone is content with how the romance is progressing, I feel as if it is fast-paced but I know I can't wait forever for the romance aspect lol
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mossadspypigeon · 1 month
i feel like such a bitch for it but its honestly felt so vindicating to have the pro-pal crowd called out with how theyre calling for everyone to give up their gddamn human rights """for palestine"""
i feel awful for saying it but. in the usa at least, since thats all i can speak for, it feels like theres a real problem among arab communities where there's absolutely no recognition of their history of imperialism/colonizer bs, their history of slavery, and yknow, their entire history with jews + theyre coddled in their beliefs if not outright praised by usually rich white goyische kids. im not saying other communities dont have similar issues, but obviously this is the one having the bigger impact rn (imho) and its a double whammy for how it's happening
it almost feels like some kind of rebellion/backlash against the post-9/11 mindset & racism, but like, in that way that bratty kids rebel where they have no clue what any of the actual original protesting meant, if that makes any sense? like they've heard ppl talk about how shit was fucked in the aftermath but instead of taking in anything, they just wanna be white saviors of the poor, helpless brown ppl being genocided by those eeevvviiilll jews!
also since i mentioned that... how much would you bet all those little dumbass "osama bin laden was right" white kids are full pro-hamas weirdos now lmao
you’re right! tbh the circle jerk between entitled leftist arabs and entitled leftist european white people is just that. colonizer recognizes colonizer.
fun fact my friend: they ARE pro hamas. the black non jews who said osama was right are too lmao. you had the right instinct!!
and the thing is: we warned non arab people about this, especially black non jews, and they didnt care or listen. (i am pointing out leftist black non jews btw, we do have a lot of amazing allies). the antisemitism and history of colonization of other groups didnt matter to them. the prejudice matters now that it’s effecting them directly.
it’s been clear for years now, YEARS, that jews do not matter to ultra leftist black goyim. we are not human to them—we are scapegoats for their problems. the group they can shit on and exclude, which is why we are not included in dei or ethnic studies. but they expect our allyship and unquestioning support. they erase our history, gaslight us, and side with oppressors, but cannot be called out.
idk, the entitlement is truly something. it’s a lot.
at this point, i think “white saviorism” is ingrained in most americans no matter their background. it’s more like “american saviorism” tbh. the american desire to infantilize and step in is strong lol. and it needs to be talked about and worked through by every american no matter their skin color. this american entitlement is also why people view conflicts outside of america through an american lens. it’s a problem in so many ways.
and one of the reasons the ultra left hates israel is because we don’t fit into this narrative anymore. the left actually liked israel until the yom kippur war. once we kept winning and didn’t need to be saved, we were dropped.
also leftist black non jews (and arabs) are attacking pro palestine jews rn and accusing them of theft and shit on other platforms. i’ll try to do some kind of update at some point. it’s been a whole entire mess.
(i want to add as well: many leftist arabs and pro palestine folks are blaming jews for this unrest too lmao that THEY caused. typical)
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lynn-tged-posting · 24 days
tged webtoon ep 157 spoilers and thoughts but also a good amount of panel dissection that might be overanalyzed but i couldn't stop thinking about it so just let me yap okay it plagued me all weekend
i am so serious when i say this entire episode gave me like. so much worry and anxiety over the characters that i made myself upset thinking about it . the only thing saving me is everyone's fun expressions in this and specifically this panel of javier
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anyway . to the brainrot
i think this panel of lloyd turning his back to javier, immediately after telling javier to go on break for a while, was the first little indicator of "oh no" for me
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it really worried me that he said this, especially when they've been working together so much on their journey, so this was tiny little moment of "oh boy whats going on,,," for me,,, idk if anyone else felt the same but i had a feeling i would Not be ready for this ep. and i was right i was absolutely not ready
and then we hit the montage of javier going around the estate and observing how much the land has changed, and i really loved that!! it was really heartwarming seeing everyone, smiling and achieving dreams and stability in a way that the fronteras hadnt seen in a long time (hell i was convinced "oh everythings fine nvm" 😭)
some of my favorite panels in that sequence heehee bayern and his kids this was really really sweet WAAAHH
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JAVIERS EXPRESSION HERE WAS SUPER FUNNY TOO absolutely gonna use this as a reaction image
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ALSO THIS STATUE OF LLOYD ADHAHAHAHAHDFAHA IM PRETTY SURE IT IS RELATED TO IF NOT THE SAME AS THE STATUE IN CPSM they do have different poses so it mightve had to be rebuilt or something but either way . lloyd statue where he's near naked for some reason in the middle of frontera estate. a wonderful center piece good work team
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AND MY BABY BOY SOLITAS he finally managed to create something im so proud of him GOOD JOB BUD!! THE CARVING IS BEAUTIFUL!!!
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it just hit me as im typing this that they also say "[project name] complete" not sure if this is a translation thing or if it's something they picked up from lloyd saying "construction complete" but if its the latter thatd be REALLY CUTE
also that panel of tordes by the mines he looks genuinely . satisfied and happy?? the guy punished to work for the fronteras for over 100 years is having a great time LMAO
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it's really really pretty, and javier can see that. he can see that the estate has grown and changed into a strong and capable place, and he echoed this in the last chapter but it's really worth celebrating this. so many accomplishments, in so little time, with so much efficiency. frontera estate has been raised from the ground up and seeing it all accumulated was so so beautiful,,,
so seeing this panel absolutely devastated me
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the contrast is STRIKING. all of the brightness and light and warmth of the street javier is in is only seen in partial rays streaking in. lloyd is alone, surrounded by books and in a darker corner of the panel. isolated, facial features unreadable and working by himself,,, refusing to see or ignoring all of the accomplishments behind him.
it's like he's falling back into old habits. that workaholism that kept him alive when he was only kim suho in korea. in order to survive, to keep up, to stay afloat, to stay ALIVE, you must keep working. go to the next project, the next problem, the next assignment, and everything will be fine. only then will freedom be yours to have. only then will you be free of this responsibility you bear for those you love.
but he really doesn't need to do that anymore! he has a whole estate of people who will follow him to the ends of the earth, because he's proven himself to be capable of protecting them. he has parents who love him, despite his changes, despite his past, who have grown to believe in him.
he has his beloved knight, who is waiting for him to call for aid. who only needs a glance or a word to lend a hand. who is waiting for him to come outside and just SEE all that he's done. to celebrate, to have peace. to enjoy home. to simply be at home, together.
"when will you be able to come here...?"
javier, protagonist that he is, sees all this light around, and it's peeking into this library that lloyd is in, wondering where the engineer is, but his nose is to a book. because he is working. and that's,,, scary to see. there's a level of distance already taking shape because of old habits, and i don't know if either of them realize it
and like you look at the panel javier is in one more time and you can see, there's kids playing as javier and lloyd! they even have matching hair, and the dog is colored exactly like ppodong. super cute! but it worries me that they're on opposite sides of javier.
said this earlier; this is probably an overanalysis and this probably means nothing. it really is a cute lil cameo of some kids in town! but the fact that they are split like this is eating at me. ppodong-dog is on javier-kid's side, when ppodong is lloyd's summon? and again, they're on opposite sides of javier, will they join back together and keep playing? lloyd-kid is ahead of javier-kid, will he run on ahead without looking back? it's so cute and yet it's making me anxious!!! am i overthinking???
anyway, this split and the two panels contrasting each other like this filled me with so much nervousness that i had to close my eyes and just breathe for a little bit
then we see arcos and marbella talking about lloyd and it's clear they're worried about him, still unsure of where these changes in behavior came from and yet accepting it nonetheless because god dammit theyre good kind people
and when we see lloyd he looks,,,
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tired, and disheveled, and still only thinking about working on the next thing. he keeps going on too, like there's nothing currently wrong with this; he's probably used to it, handling everything without a moments rest. the count and countess even mention it at the end of the episode
and when he treats the formal frontera attire lightly and scurries off again, it's like a final nail in this sinking coffin. honestly, i think early lloyd probably would have said similar things to try and skirt the count's attention, but this scene in combination with lloyd being depicted as separated from lloyd, appearing exhausted from continuous work, as well as the following panels of lloyd leaving,,, it fills me with anxiety and dread.
face shrouded in the darkness of the hall, so his features are unrecognizable, just like the library panel. who is that? is it suho or is it lloyd speaking right now? where are you going, into that darkness by yourself, shying away from the light you've brought to this estate? you don't have to do this alone.
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and this long, looming distance stretching between him and arcos and marbella. stretching further as lloyd marches onward and alone, working by himself, away from the moments of peace and celebration that his family and his estate bring. into the dark. it's a little haunting to me.
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these panels did a really, REALLY good job at solidifying this growing degree of isolation that lloyd is putting himself into, intentionally or not (for lloyd and for the artist lol). he's getting out of reach in his desire to protect everyone, to complete this responsibility he gave himself for the estate.
it's almost,,, backwards? in a way? in the early webtoon, there's a panel where suho is shown trying to reach for a light in the darkness. he believed that if he kept working towards that light, he'll find a way out of this hell he's found himself in, and so everything would be fine. here and now, it could be that he still thinks that this is the case, when it's in fact the opposite. he's brought this light to the estate, but he's putting himself in the dark (and alone, at that) in an effort to reach for the "next light". i don't think he realizes it. this makes me really, really sad. jesus christ well done artist/adaptor
what is it all for if you won't even rest? if you won't turn around and look at all these people who need you around? and not need you as in doing work for them, but need you as in wanting to be with you, and cherishing you, and spending time with you, and simply loving you. yes, time is short and yes, fate is looming, but all this effort to fight those things is still making him lose this connection he has with the estate. he doesn't have to do this alone,,, he doesn't have work endlessly. take a BREAK LLOYD
and by the end of the episode it's to the point that arcos and marbella have realized that that's not lloyd frontera. that's someone else. and gods their faces are DEVASTATING
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eyes shadowed, irises blank and lost. they're not frowning deeply, but i can feel the upset layered in. is it disappointment or is it grief? i can't really say for sure, but man,,, man.
anyway yeah i hope u guys understand why this episode gave me anxiety LMFAO
i am so so so sorry for the overthinking/overdissection in this post but my brain started connecting things . whether or not they make sense or if it's just being nitpicky is impossible for me to see so. yeah take this however u will
i actually also briefly saw someone on twitter say that this wasn't in the novel? which is interesting and also a little scary i hope lloyd will turn out alright AHHH
i really hope next episode everyone will be alright ,,, please i cant take this much emotional twisting and turning im gonna lose my mind
see y'all next week or in the next shitpost,,, whichever comes first
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redrum-alice · 1 year
TimeBomb ⏳️💣✨️ Tangled AU headcanons again because why not---
May or may not include repeated hcs bc i domt read them after theyre posted lololol---
Ekko HCs
Instead of his nose, piltover enforcers kept getting Ekko's face mark wrong on his wanted posters (they either put apple, unicorn, heart, or a d*ck on his face-)
Ladies Man: Every girl and young woman who happens to come across his posters or who have heard of him have been fawning over him; they have this notion that if they leave a science book or a trinket on their window at night, he'll come visit and sweep them off their feet...of course that doesn't happen and there's only a 50% chance he'll pick it up or not (probs bc he already stole a copy of that book or that the trinket doesn't interest him).
He's the big brother (along with Scar) of their community called "Firelights" where most refugees reside. He gets along with kids a lot and invite him to play Tag with them when he's not busy. (Bonus: he babysits Scar's baby when he's away)
Short Lore: Ekko was orphaned at a very young age and was left to fend for himself as a pick pocket along with other kids. By the time he was old enough to pick up a book, Benzo adopted him and made him as his apprentice at the age of 9. It all ended when Enforcers and Chembarons terrorized Zaun due to Shimmer. Scar eventually found him and became his big brother. Rest is history of them building a sanctuary for people in need.
Ekko is pretty much a book worm. Unlike kids his age when he was young, he would steal more books than money resulting Scar sharing his rations to feed him. He's reckless, but eventually learned how to survive.
Kids in the Firelight sanctuary are inspired and are as curious as Ekko is in the field of science and mathematics. Parents encourage them to hang out with their big brother in hopes they can be educated just like him
His parents did want him to attend piltover academy for a brighter future, but unfortunately the war happened :')
Because of the unfortunate events happening in his life, he starts to fantasize about building a time machine to see his family again. Jayce's hexgem only amplified his ambitions of building his impossible project.
Another one of his ambitions is to make a better place for people to live in...and others in Zaun have mocked him for it (apart for the firelights, they look up to him)
Scar kept telling him to find a partner because he's gonna grow old and lonely if he doesnt. Ekko ofc ignores this and thinks he doesnt need it when he's got his books.
Ekko is also responsible for adding flora in their community. His mom once owned a tiny garden she used to tend to. Ekko plants his mother's favorite flowers to honor both his parents. It was fairly easy to grow them since natural light shines in the community.
Jinx HCs
Silco bought a casual outfit and two dresses from piltover for Jinx, but she only wears one dress and out grew her casual outfit. She saves the other dress for when she leaves the tower (for good).
She altered her dress to fit her tastes; piltover fashion is bonkers she says.
He also brings her self-care products especially for her hair, but never buys her hair accessories...says its too tacky for her (and it reminds him too much of her mother lmao)
Jinx doesn't allow anyone to come near her (especially her hair) upon Silco's orders unless told otherwise. It's usually him or Sevika who brushes her hair.
When Silco is busy, he sends Sevika instead to tend to Jinx (much to each other's dismay). She doesn't like how rough Sevika is brushing her hair (though she's still careful because she gets paid)
The tower usually gets cold in the winter and people sometimes forget to send wood for her fireplace, so wraps up herself in her hair and several blankets so she wouldn't freeze. She's used to it and doesn't mention it to Silco despite him saying she can call to him whenever she needs something
One could guess that not heating up her tower in the winter is probably an experiment conducted by Singed indirectly to see if she can endure bitter cold all while Silco allows it and doesn't tell his daughter. It's one of the cruel ways to test her mutation.
Another way of testing her is having her live in a dark place; the tower is located within the dark forest where no light can reach it. Jinx's eyes became more adjusted in the dark that she can read three books with a small candle light or a neon light stick that barely illuminates the whole room.
Unbeknownst to them, her brilliant mind comes up with several ways to live (or survive) in the tower with what minimal tools she has.
Yes, she has a crossbow but prefers to use her custom-made pistol
Of course, she has nightmares: it often involves the voices in pain she has heard echoing below when there's "shimmer business" going on. Sometimes it about being abandoned by her father and being lied to. She gets the feeling that someone out there is finding her, but they have long abandoned her.
Her pet crow is mischievious as well as its smart; it often brings her materials she needed for her projects Silco asked her to do. It sometimes bring her trinkets she find cute and fascinating
She read about bugs that glow called "firelights" and wishes to see them herself. Shes fascinated that such creatures can glow and float around naturally (unlike the neon lights she sees workers use. She likes them, but she wanted to see what natural light is)
General HCs
When Ekko met Jinx in her tower while hiding, he thought he saw a ghost bc of her long hair and pale skin (and wearing white modest undergarments at that time-- she knocked him out before he can see full view lol)
Jinx was unconsciously transparent about being naive about the world and only knows a portion of it. Ekko couldn't bring himself to leave her in that tower alone now that she's old enough to explore the world.
The Deal: Jinx keeps the stone hidden until Ekko takes her outside and see firelights or whatever she wants. If he fails to do so, she'll tell on him and she gets to use the hexgem to power her weapon and destroy whatever her father tells her to.
After their deal, Ekko took Jinx to a local bar called "The Last Drop" in Zaun. It wasn't the same place he remembered, but he hopes they still serve the same menu there. The problem is Jinx recognized some of the men there who work for Silco lol
Ekko is weirded out by Jinx's hair length, but soon comes to appreciate it. When asked why she cant cut, she'll only answer her father doesn't want to
He thinks her hair color became even brighter when she was outside-- not to mention she's even more radiant than before :3
When Jinx was washing her hands, her sleeves were rolled up exposing syringe marks on her skin. Ekko gently asked Jinx about and she answered "father and this doctor wanted to keep my health in check" despite being fairly healthy. He's sensing something is very wrong
On their way to the Firelight sanctuary, Jinx marveled at the flowers and the light emitting from the sky above them. Ekko enjoys the smile on her face, even letting her pick flowers she likes as long as she doesnt destroy his work 🥲
Both of them got along pretty well seeing that they enjoy reading and tinkering (Scar even teased Ekko for bringing in a lady friend over)
Ekko presented Jinx the option to stay with him if she wants, seeing that she was much more happier here than being trapped in her tower for so long...maybe one day she'll consider breaking out of her own prison.
Been a while since I wrote something here. Had some personal life problems that hinder me from creating something + my works aren't as engaging as before (grateful to those who still appreciate them tho 💖)
Also dedicati g this to @starry-nights12 bc they've been feeding me so much TB content for the past few weeks now TvT 💖✨️
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going to be real bunwitch seems to be pretty happy that scout's going through it. extremely fucked to look at a person in a high stress situation with their personal pets and go "haha i doubt its real but if it is theyre just being dramatic". Like how fucked up is it that the other person mainly involved (bonefarm) who has experience with falsified animal control calls can sympathize with someone they dont even like but bunwitch is just completely shifting the blame off themselves and acting like scout is overreacting. if they werent the ones that did it, it was definitely one of their followers. certainly hope bunwitch doesnt have to worry about any false animal control calls or doxxing anytime soon, because theyre gonna get the exact amount of sympathy theyre giving scout.
Oh I absolutely have no doubt it was them or one of their pals lol. They’ve been pissing and moaning about Scout for days now for absolutely no reason. The last post I saw of theirs before I mass blocked a bunch of these weirdos started off with something like “I don’t get why culling newborn rabbits is bad but mice isn’t” yeah man, Scout didn’t say that though. It’s weird to cull pinkie mice solely for pattern or sex too. The main reason pinkies are culled is that they’re a specific size that makes them an excellent stepping stone in feeding baby carnivorous wildlife. I don’t personally cull pinkies as food because it’s a waste of resources and low in nutrition, but if you’re feeding something like a very small snake you don’t always have that many options since they swallow prey whole making it impractical to simply cut adult mice in smaller pieces. A newborn rabbit of most breeds is similar in size to adult mice and halfling rats so you can much more easily just use those and not have to worry about supplementing with calcium or anything. Rabbit meat in general is so low on fat it’s a bit useless to most carnivores as a food staple unless you have an obese carnivore you need to drop weight off of.
That’s a digression I know, but my point is that bunnyblr weirdos will take any opinion that may conflict with their interests and spin it into their own narrative to organize their pathetic little harassment campaigns.
“Oh you said goat kids shouldn’t be hard culled at birth in your opinion? Guess that means you hate rabbit breeding and want us dead but personally step on baby mice with your bare feet, also sometimes your cattle who live outside have mud on them im calling the cops on you in real life because I stalked you to find your name and address, I’m the normal one here!”
Anyway, I hope Scout gets some form of legal Justice for this because it really is just them openly threatening with a not-so-subtle “fall in line because I know where you live and how to find you by name if you move”. There’s no other justification because you cannot legitimately tell me that they thought sending an ACO to Scout’s apartment, not the property the cattle are kept at, their personal apartment where they live, was actually done in good faith to “save those poor moos” absolutely not. Nothing Scout has done is illegal or considered unethical by anyone who knows anything about cattle. This wasn’t done out of concern this was done with the intent to harm someone for saying something they didn’t like online. You don’t send a cop to the home of a queer person with good intentions. It’s absolutely sickening behavior.
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beannary · 1 year
If you want to talk about one of your aus, or au ideas, I'd love to hear about them! (*scoots my chair forward, looking hopeful*)
ok ive been wanting to answer this for a while but i kept on being so scared because ah! this is the one opportunity ill get to talk about my au! but then i realized that is stupid this is not gonna be my only opportunity to talk about my au
putting my ramblings under a read more because i ended up uh saying a whole lot about Donnie and his relationship with both Splinter and Big Mama
ok so basically ive been thinking a lot about the little prince au because it is fully my child and i adore it so much but ive been specifically thinking about Donnie and Splinter's relationship because I really want to write their relationship well
theyre gonna have such an interesting relationship. I know I havent gotten into how Big Mama ended up with Donnie but I am working on a comic for that so I'm not going to get into all of the details but Splinter does know that he left a turtle behind, he just thinks that the turtle he left behind died in the lab explosion, so over the years he has dealt with guilt because of that but overtime that guilt not necessarily faded but he comes to rationalize it because truly it wasn't his fault that Donnie got left behind, and truly there was nothing he could have done to save Donnie. But once he learns that Donnie is not only alive but that he's been living with Big Mama, Splinter's guilt is going to come back at full force because oh my god, not only is the kid that he thought was dead actually alive but he was raised by the woman who kidnapped Splinter and forced him to fight for years!
Splinter is going to be trying so hard to get Donnie to live with him once he learns that Donnie is alive, and he's going to be trying so hard to be the best parent for Donnie ever to like makeup for abandoning Donnie back in the lab explosion. or you know, not abandoning Donnie but that's what Splinter sees it as
I also want Donnie to have like similar reactions to leaving Big Mama that Splinter had. Like undeniably Splinter was incredibly depressed after leaving Big Mama, and like Big Mama turned this thing that Splinter loved, you know performing and being in the spotlight and entertaining!, and completely took away any agency that he could have to this thing that he loved to the point where he refused to take part in it just so he could have some sort of control over his life again
When Donnie leaves Big Mama (whether its by his own will or not I havent decided or figured out how he comes to live with the Hamatos yet) but he's going to go through something similar just a complete shut down where he abandons everything that he loved to do because he now associates them with Big Mama and her control over him if that makes sense? Like Donnie LOVES dancing and he loves playing music and listening to music! but these are activities that Big Mama actively encouraged and so naturally hes going to associate them with her.
I think one thing Donnie is going to throw himself into when he first leaves Big Mama is his inventing. Sort of like how Splinter would lose himself in his shows, I think Donnie is going to get into a sort of headspace where he just spaces out and doesn't have to think about anything while he's tinkering around.
Donnie and Splinter I think are also both going to want to try to prove themselves to each other? Splinter I think might end up being really overbearing while trying to makeup for all this lost time while Donnie is going to try to be the perfect son for Splinter just like he tried to be the perfect son for Big Mama
But like once they actually get to talking and once Donnie is more comfortable around Splinter I think these two are going to have a lot of heart to hearts just because Big Mama controlled their lives for so long, there's a lot of stuff to bond over and relate to
Idk Im not super confident in my writing abilities and Im trying really hard to portray Big Mama as a narcissistic parent but a lot of the stuff that I've read about how narcissistic personality disorder might portray itself in a parental role like centers heavily on the way that they pit siblings against each other and Donnie does not have a sibling! So I guess in a sense he would be both the golden child and the scapegoat which must make for a confusing existence. I dont even know if im portraying this well at all or if any of this is coming across in my writing but I sure hope that it is!
Another thing I want to get into is how Big Mama like reacts to Donnie's inventing because like having a super smart kid that can build you whatever you want is logically a very good resource to have and she does want him to keep building her stuff. But like inventing is messy! Science is messy! In an ideal world Donnie would be getting down and dirty working hard on engineering and botany, and like Donnie can sometimes get so focused on his work that he turns into a bit of a hermit till he comes out of that focused mindset and that's really the part that Big Mama doesn't like because like yes having a super smart kid does reflect very well on her, but having a kid whose constantly playing in the dirt or messing around with explosives and other dangerous devices and who occasionally goes completely MIA while working does not reflect well on her. So she's put into a position where she both wants Donnie to keep building her stuff but she also doesn't want all that extra messiness that comes with encouraging this interest of his.
Anyways im going to stop now because this has gotten WAY too long and I dont even know where im going with this! but it was so helpful to write this all out and just like getting my like thoughts you know written out so I can actually see if any of this makes sense asdklfjhsakdjh
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norienoire · 9 months
a random smith-jiang sibs swap au that ive been thinking of for too long
im writing an element/role swap between kai and nya bc ive literally been obsessed with that au for so long,,,, im currently thinking about swap!kai and swap!nya and whatnot
i always think of nya as a burnt-out gifted kid (haha i kin her), so when she doesnt get something, she gets frustrated and feels like quitting- couple this with the fact that her brother was kidnapped by walking talking skeletons that shes only heard of in myths and legends, and was taken to the underworld, and shes stuck doing this stupid training course that she just cant complete- well, thats just a bit more added pressure, isnt it?
and she doesnt have the best relationship with jay cole and zane initially but in the end, she wants to join the ninja and stay with them to protect ninjago. kai joins her because why not?- in canon, kai became a ninja only to save nya, and its similar in this au. she wants to save her brother, because hes the only family she knows and she wants to protect him for a change, rather than vice-versa, and later on- she doesnt want to be defined by him, she doesnt want to rely on him as much as she did earlier
(oh, and i think itd be hilarious for nya to be super protective of kai like how kai is of nya in the case of jaya- im thinking lava here? idk but yeah!)
and for swap!kai:
kais a protector, and hes a big brother- initially, the only reason he became a ninja was to protect nya. in this au, he joined the ninja and stayed with them in the monastery because nya wanted to. he doesnt have any powers (yet), so he feels out of place, and most importantly- he doesnt know what to do
kais one purpose in life was to protect nya, and now she doesnt need it, because shes the fire ninja. so where does that leave him? hes powerless, hes not strong- in fact, hes probably the weakest link of the team (if he even is part of the team- to him, theyre just nyas teammates, he doesnt trust them- the others want to understand him more, but he doesnt get that because hes too busy wallowing in self pity and misery)
he puts together something, maybe- heads back to four weapons and smiths a set of armor (i feel like kais better at making armor than at making weapons, idk why), becomes the red shogun (instead of samurai x, we have the red shogun), and we have that entire "whoever figures out the identity of samurai x will be the green ninja" thing but with the red shogun instead- although i havent really figured out a reason for kai to hide the fact that hes the samurai? maybe he wanted to tell them but then saw how much they hated the shogun, and he already felt so isolated and disconnected from the group (and especially his sister, who basically has a completely different life now), so he just kept silent? i dont know lol i still have to figure it out
but i dont want kai to have the samurai x mech (or any mech yet) because hes NOT tech savvy, like at all- he wouldnt be able to make a mech lmao. instead, he'd make a full armor set.
how does he get from one point to the other so quickly, though, you ask?
you will never know (<- has not figured that out yet, because i havent thought that far ahead, which may be a problem but oh well)
(maybe he just has a motorcycle that he stole borrowed. idk.)
oh, also, wu reveals that kai's the master of water much sooner here probably, idk
and kai's aquaphobic
so yeah thats fun, good for him! /s /lh
maybe ill elaborate more on this au soon! im thinking ships next? and then maybe ill talk about the red shogun next! (unfortunately i cannot draw)
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termagax · 6 months
the larger context for that bit is essentially
that i have this thought in my mind that during the 5ish~ year period where they werent speaking fish was looking for him, and he knew and was avoiding them on purpose, and they never knew he knew. and are obviously going to be pissed as hell when they find out. anyways i structured that ☝️ conflict over a funny adventure where jq against her better judgement hires these three assholes to come clean the giant radioactive rats out of the junkertown sewers + the group gets split into jr+rh and ds+jq. in my minds eye rh+ds knew jqs parents from the alf and rh somewhat against his will kept in occassional contact with them + they wouldve known ds had gone out looking for him and then when they disappeared and stopped speaking to people theydve urged rh to go find them + he wouldve shrugged it off along the lines of "they probably got bored and went home. theyre fine" (he has this idea in his mind that they had like. a stable home life or something outside of the outback that they could + should go back to and its only dubiously true). so anyways jq knows the broad strokes of the above concept from convos easdropped on as a kid but never connected the dots between "annie" and ds and so shares this information assuming shes telling fish for the first time about rhs dead ex or smth. some other stuff happens and when they find the boys ds is pissed but kind of chronically bad at having a reasonable conversation and so is trying to have this argument with him a)in front of everybody and b)while theyre fighting the biggest giantest sewer rat. he gets hurt badly and they panic and save his life because nobody is allowed to kill roadhog except for them and he tries to give. some kind of explanation. which essentially boils down to "you were just some kid and you had a whole life outside of this. if i'd gone and found you you'dve left everything for me even if i told you nit to and anything bad that happened to you wouldve been my fault forever and i couldnt live with that. " and fish essentially goes "well i did it anyways. so. now we're both miserable bastards" (this dialogue is literally not concrete at all its just the broad strokes of the ideas) and then they have the bit of the convo i wrote out where "i think you should kill yourself" is their weird attempt at trying to make him feel better because these two are allergic to having conversations about their feelings without being mean or cracking a joke.
oh also because of the surrounding circumstances in that actual convo he'd not have his mask on but i feel like ive been drawing him without it too much lately
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hiemaldesirae · 1 year
au where yan wushi and shen qiao stumble across the qiu mansion while travelling and save little slave number nine and take him in as their disciple
more under the cut
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this au is mostly born of the fact that when i first read qianqiu i kept reading yan wushi as wu yanzi and they got mixed up in my head and also i got attached to the idea of shen qiao giving this little kid who reminds him just a tiny bit of the boy who he helped all that time ago in that rundown temple his own last name and raising him as his own disciple (because honestly while i was deffo cheering for chen gongs death by the end i think he and sq couldve had a much more familial dynamic if not for his ambitions)
anyway. point is i think it would be so funny sqs just trying to teach his kid stuff while yws is on the side going “hey jiu’er did you know your shizuns sword can be used to scale fish”
theyre js so dear to me ….. i have little vignettes written of them in my google docs that ill flesh out later but for now js take my brainrot
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mariatesstruther · 9 months
man man man imagine like, still!outbreak AU tommy finds ellie outside jackson needing safety, his dad mode wakes 100% and he brings her inside jackson to live with him and maria cause he always imagined having a daughter with maria🥺
maybe an au where marlene KEPT ellie with her????? where she was raised among the fireflies???? maybe marlene told her she was the daughter of her best friend, a fellow rebel that got killed, but never that her mom was bit?????? so ellie doesn’t know she’s immune, and she’s sort of raised as marlene’s goddaughter with other children of firefly rebels
and maybe marlene tells herself that ellie’s immunity will eventually save them all, that she has to keep her safe, that she has to keep her alive and away from fucking everything long enough for them to figure out a cure. she doesn’t know or even suspect that it would take killing ellie to get their way—by the time they do figure it out, ellie’s like a daughter to her. she’s watched this kid grow up to hate tuna like anna and laugh like anna and love terrible puns, just like anna. before marlene’s eyes, ellie turns into anna’s mini-me without even knowing it; so what else is she to do but grow to love her too? that’s anna’s baby, anna and marlene’s baby. she loves her more than the world, more than the anything, more than the fireflies. more than a cure
so maybe when marlene finds out what abby’s dad has planned, she makes a different choice. she tells ellie the truth, that she’s sorry, and that she needs to go. ellie (who is blessedly not burdened by survivors guilt from riley and company) wants to live, of course she does. even if she hadn’t, marlene wouldn’t have let her die. she couldn’t
instead, she finds the most trustworthy yet capable and dangerous man she knows: tommy miller. what she hears of him is plenty, but what she knows for sure is this: he’s a great soldier, he’s a good man, and he used to have a neice named sarah. him and ellie already get along, luckily, because he teaches math to the firefly kids a few times a week. she tells him what is planned, and he’s horrified. she tells him how to stop it, so he does (kills a few people along the way, which she covers for. theyre good.)
then at this point, i actually think it’d be fun if joel and tess run into tommy and ellie somewhere random in the woods of wyoming 😭😭😭 maybe when joel and tess break into that old couple’s house from 1x06 and he asks if they’ve heard of a tommy, they actually go “you know what… some guy named tommy was here with a twelve year old not even two hours ago. little one cusses like a sailor. they went that way.”
im tagging in a-level marlene appreciator @clickergossip bc i want her to see this. anon thank u so much.
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filmfanaticsblog · 1 year
Sodapop x Fem reader where they're playing seven minutes in heaven at a party and theyre friends but they have to go in the ✨closet✨ together and it'd a little awkward but he confesses his feelings. You decide if it's fluff, smvt, or angst! But the people at the part leave them in there for over 7 mins so yea! Tysm
Sodapop x Fem!Reader Playing Seven Minutes in Heaven (Fluff!)
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(a/n: thank you so much for the ask! also, in this universe, the church burnt down and johnny and ponyboy saved the kids, with only minor injuries. Johnny is still alive, meaning so is Dally. it’s pretty irrelevant to the story, but just wanted to note that!)
word count: 580
You and Soda are great friends, you knew each other from the start. Your parents were great friends, and you have been inseparable since the first playdate. You always kept each other grounded and were their for each other, especially when one of you needed it the most. Such as when Mr. and Mrs Curtis passed and when Sandy left Soda. You were there for him. And he’s been with you through all of the big tragedies in your life, never leaving your side.
One night, he tagged along to one of Buck’s parties with some of your friends. You, being close with Buck, stayed after the party with Soda and your friends.
“Hey, let’s play a game!” Your (pretty drunk) best friend Annie blurted out. You all agreed, and settled on Seven Minutes in Heaven. The first couple rounds weren’t that interesting. The way you all decided who was going in the closet with who was that you guys pulled names out of hats. Around the fourth round, your name is called first.
You start to get a little nervous because there was a chance the other person drawn would be Sodapop. Sure, he was your best friend, but you had been trying to deny your feelings for him a long time. But of course, his name was drawn after yours.
Instant butterflies. You get so nervous you could puke, or maybe that was just the alcohol. You and Soda look at each other, you can feel yourself blushing. Wait, is he blushing too? You couldn’t tell for sure.
You guys went into the closet and sat down. You were both a little tipsy, so you weren’t sure how this was going to turn out. Would it be something you regretted?
Sodapop starts a conversation, being the extrovert he is.
“Sooo, how are you?” Kinda awkward.
“I’m doing alright, and you?”
“I’m doing fine.”
You sat there in silence for about 30 seconds. Man, is this awkward. He looks at you, and you look at him. “Where is this going to lead?” He asks you.
“Wherever you want it to.” You reply, with butterflies in your stomach.
He starts, “I’ve liked you for awhile, Y/N. You’re beautiful, kind, and just overall an amazing person.”
You feel yourself blushing. You then started saying, “I’ve liked you too, Soda. I’ve been trying to deny these feelings for awhile, I just didn’t want to ruin our friendship. What we have is already special, and I didn’t want to demolish it by telling you how I feel. I would’ve told you if I had known you felt the same way.”
He leans over to you, giving you a short, chaste kiss to your lips. You felt the heat radiating off of his face, which told yoy he was blushing.
You guys then started talking, and planned a date to the drive in the following night. You then talked for about half an hour, and then realized how long you had been in there together.
The others had heard you guys talking about going on a date, so they left you alone and went home.
The date at the drive in went great, apart from some socs glaring at you and Soda, but they didn’t pull anything so it was all alright. You then became boyfriend and girlfriend, and got married a couple years later. Sadly, Sodapop died in 2023 trying to do a tiktok dance and fell and broke his hip. THE END!!!!
(a/n 2: sorry about the ending. i didn’t know how to finish it off 😭 and sorry if the rest of it is bad as well, still trying to figure out how to write :) )
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noodleshark · 13 days
Terror fam Headcannons 3
or i guess facts, since theyre my ocs now.
Raffi has an animal special interest
He has thought about what animals him and his family would be VERY IN DEPTH
Sori is awful with names
She named herself after her special interest(her name is sound in korean and her special interest is music)
She heard paru say the japanese word for friend before and picked up on it, you'll never guess what she came up with when yujin asked for a new name
When they get a cat, he names it the korean word for CAT
oh speaking of sori knowing korean: Raffi is Malaysian, Raine is brazilian, Yujin is british, sori's korean, obviously, and paru is japanese and british
Sori does not know shes korean
Raine can't spell in english and sori cant spell at all
Raffi likes bugs and refuses to wear bug spray. but then he'll get annoyed about being itchy from bites
During any holiday with fireworks he throws those popit things at raine's feet.
Raine would wear shoes in bed if paru didnt tell her she wont snuggle with her if she does that
Sori does that thing where sometimes if she wants to cuddle she'll just go inbetween those 2
one of the things from being a monster for a lil bit(design change pending), she can purr now!
When she was little she had a cat but she got seperated when she was 6
when raffi sees yujins eyes for the first time he just goes "harbor seal"
in july raine started to try to teach sori how to swim
Sori had an ED for a while so when one day he(nervously) asked raine to make something specific for one of their meals she was like "🥺 yeah of course!!!"
she always made them what they wanted when they asked for like 2 months
Along with the ED it also helped with sori's issues with control!!!
Oh related to the harbor seal comment: When Yujin saved sori from the bullies(name and lore change is an eventuality, those names are stand ins) she had a concussion and could see his eyes she was just like "kitty!!!"
Raine has seen multiple kids die from sicknesses so she gets very anxious when one of the others get sick
she usually can't sleep and just sits by their bed just to know they're still breathing
Yujin has a BIG sweet tooth
but he CANNOT handle sour stuff
whenever raffi has some sour candy he begs for some and raffi always warns him, yet yujin eats it anyways. everytime
When they have campfires together people switch out to sit with yujin because he's afraid of fire
Paru has picked up on some portugese from raine's flashbacks
she cant converse in the language though because its only stuff like "die" "died" "dead" "parents" "theyre dead" "im gonna die" "help (me)" "theyre gonna kill me"
Sori gets mobility aids when she's 11
Yujin likes outer space
he probably has a space blanket and telescope
Sori has a weighted blanket!
She puts it around herself when shes scared or upset about something that makes touch feel gross at the moment
Sori loves plushies and probably has the most cat plushies out of any animal or anything
She kept an orange cat plushie the broadcaster got when she was in the radio station with him
when raffi has flashbacks or freaks out really bad in a way that isnt a sensory meltdown, sori hides under a blanket or leaves the room so she wont freak him out more
one time she didnt, either it took her too long to realize what was happening or the first time it happened and he screamed as soon as he saw her
Raffi's worst sensory expirence is usually bright lights while Sori's is loud noises
Raine sometimes sings sori to sleep
When sori is cuddling with someone, espicially raine and paru but this also applies to yujin, it is SO hard for them to move bc they'll make a sleepy grumbly noise and also theyre baby, this is even worse during bad pain days
Raine eventually just started to carry sori around.
one time paru and raine had to have a serious conversation(about one of sori's traumas that paru just found out about and raine knew for a while) but sori was laying on paru's thigh so she just covered his ears
Yujin had a tough time transitioning to having his own room bc fears about being alone so he slowly adjusted by sleeping in sori's room a lot and slowly started to sleep in his more
Paru thinks that curly-afrotextured hair is fun to style to she likes to mess around with raine's
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okthatsgreat · 9 months
So this one may be hard since it feels like your ocs are catered specifically to the V3 meta timeline, but it popped into my head anyways. How would your ocs act as Remnants of Despair? Let's say Team Danganronpa's doing something and needs to make them Remnants (probably for a gacha game, spend 50 for a chance to get Remnant Naomi)
OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD FUCKING FANTASTIC QUESTION im bouncing up and down. this is so cool. A GACHA GAME IS SO FUNNY TOO like the idea that danganronpa is looking to make some money on the side so theyre like Whatever. throw ryobe into genshin impact. who gives a shit anymore
here they are at their edgiest 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
billie: scrawny fifteen-year old kid with no talent or charisma. you'll be so fine. worst case scenario it's some kind of izuru 2.0 best case scenario she's not even there in the first place. likely doing the family guy death pose somewhere
mika: another ultimate lucky student who won't be able to do a whole lot. definitely got a lottttt more edge to her than billie does, can definitely be ruthless but can't hold much influence and doesn't have any relevant skills. she's either in hiding or she's made friends with another remnant and kept herself safe that way
yoshito: just a fucked up guy honestly. his entire ultimate revolves around helping people so i can definitely see him taking advantage of this amount of trust he has accumulated and getting a lot of people into some deep shit but eventually they'll learn his tricks and he'll be a lot less immediately dangerous. definitely a behind the scenes kind of guy can't see him being super influential or anything. honestly i don't even think he's a team leader in this scenario i think he just let's all of them go off on their own GHFDKJG they're probably ALL on each others asses
rie: can't realllyyyyy think of a whole lot for her... this is not to say she isnt extremely persuasive and able to get her way but she is more of a figurehead for despair. an extremely well-spoken salesperson in that regard, very charming and probably on a lot of billboards already. i reckon this is a similar situation to sonia but on a much smaller scale, probably does public speaking kind of events and turns people to despair that way, is definitely somebody to be wary of but you can take her in a fight easy. her bodyguards not so much
naomi: you are not running from this girl. she can reach you anywhere and knows how to use a firearm. its either you learn how to fight better than an athlete with a shotgun or youre dead bud. she is extremely independent though so that is a bonus for you
sae: the only reason she is higher than naomi here is she is a lot stronger and knows a lotttt of hunting tactics that can definitely land you in hot water. you'll really need to brush up on avoiding traps because if she catches you in a position where you arent able to run youre fuuuuuckkeddd. unless you are strong it'll be really really difficult defeating her in any sort of hand to hand combat, especially in this despair scenario where she is genuinely not holding back. the one saving grace with sae is she is not dexterous at all so if youre a good runner with a lot of stamina or hell even a more dexterous fighter you'll maybe be ok
erin: ok so she's probably not the most IMMEDIATELY dangerous person, like if you approach her while shes alone with any kind of weapon you'll probably win. but shes this high up just because the implications of her ultimate talent being turned to despair is actually kinda horrifying. like shes a CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINER. she's most persuasive on KIDS. there are many scenarios that can happen here but all of them involve children so immediately all of them are horrible hgfjkgdhsk. could very very honestly turn into something similar to monaca's plan, attacking her will be pretty difficult considering she has a lot of kids hostage
ryobe: evil mr beast. the worst parts of erin and rie and hell even sae combined. has millions of followers who will do literally anything for him, sets out hundreds upon thousands of death traps everywhere he goes. will absolutely 100% throw more ultimate talents into killing games just for good content. catch him alone and you could probably kill him but you will NEVER catch him alone because he is constantly surrounded by people who can and will die for him while also torturing you for views so good luck
andi: most likely wouldn't be there but just for fun andi but SUPER evil (like. somehow even more evil than she already was) is bad news. super bad news. andi being there means that you are likely in some virtual reality type of scenario which means she has complete and total control over everything around you, everything you eat and drink, and everything you experience. she's a rule-oriented machine so the scenario depends on whether or not she's been given instructions, but quite honestly you'd WANT this to be an instruction-less andi cuz she'd kill you quick
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EPISODE 4 (starting here because there wasn't a whole lot of background info in 1-3 because they were still just getting used to playing their characters!! this is the end of harttawa arc):
- if dakota had succeeded the roll to stop vyncent from stabbing wavelength, he wouldve taken the damage from grabbing the blade and stopped it and they wouldnt have had to make the choice between who to save!
- charlie was NOT planning on revealing the wisp form that early but he was too emotionally invested in beano and wanted to protect him (which made choosing him to die later was REALLY hard)
- "william has a very complicated realtionship with death" << im just gonna leave you that quote. putting it on ur doorstep like a cat with a dead bird
- bizly had two separate plans for how the session would go based entirely on whether or not they befriended beano (which!!! they have another little oneshot series on the patreon called what if where they will go back and play non canon sessions of different like. alternate routes. and they did one where this happened :])
- charlie coming up with the idea for william and discussing him with bizly was supposedly the first time in his life he had ever pulled an all nighter (which? is insane). because they just kept throwing ideas back and forth and talking about scooby doo and danny phantom (!!!) and they ended up actually playing out a little bit of his backstory in character
- there was a little retconned bit about william where a few strands of his hair turn white every time he uses his wisp form. which. hello trimax vash. what if i went insane. this is supposedly "not canon anymore" but its something i hold in my heart so dearly
- wavelength was supposed to be so much tougher and scarier but bizly rolled so bad for him: "he was supposed to be COOL he was supposed to be SCARY. HE SUCKED HE DIDNT HIT YOU ONCE."
- tide showing up at the end was supposed to serve as a reference to show just how much more powerful Actual Superheros are than these kids. bizly specifically had tide use his powers a lot more obviously and frequently during that scene than would be normal for him *specifically* so that theyd be like "oh fuck" and it worked :]
- they levelled up bc its the end of an arc!! theyre now power level 6 (i think. i dont actually remember. they might only be at 5 at this point) !!!
IM GONNA ANSWER EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE <3 awww charlie got attached to beano enough to reveal william's wisp form early. dude. honestly i would have done the same <3 beano i miss u
william has a very complicated relationship with death. 🧍 what could this mean. i mean i KNOW he's got a complicated relationship with death but I DON'T KNOW THE FULL EXTENT OF IT I THINK.
i understand why wiwi is ur favourite guy. that is danny phantom in a different font. AND he's got a white streak in his hair (idc if they retconned it to be noncanon it's canon 2 ME!!!!!) like this is literally mac ghostiezone core. william wisp is ur kind of fucking character. fork found in kitchen
MARK CANONICALLY AN ABSOLUTE FUCKING LOSER BECAUSE BIZLY ROLELD SO BAD FOR HIM <3 CRINGEFAIL DAD <3 HE ABSOLUTELY SUCKS <3 and tide showing up at the end like an angry father i love him so much. the single mother of all time <3
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