#i have a visionn
iqmmir · 9 months
I have to draw...
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this came to me in a flash of divine revelation
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airbenderedacted · 1 year
#(maybe at the end of her character arc to avoid any  unsavoriness / unfortunate implications about her feral ass idkidk hmhjujjnfgs)#Wander Over Yonder#Lord Dominator#granted that's in the scenario where say craig is fine with ascending her lesbianism to official canon status#(currenlty it's abt on the same level of canonicity as wander's logevity/immortality. as in they're written as being but it's not OFFICIAL)#but like i feel kinda strongly about um. it's great to leave characters fully open to interpretation so that all takes can be valid#BUT i think that if the crew sees a character as one thing and goes so far as to write them as being that#then it should 100% be made official official canon bc um HEY ahjaghjsdnmds. like atp the collaboration the silent agreement THE CODING#that's!!! a lot!!!! atp it's important to confirm the rep as being meaningful to the show canon and make it official ygm#and when it's like. when it's as tiny a thing irt the overall plot/character development. you don't have to go crazy with that confirm#SLAP A FLAG DOWN & CALL IT A DAY WHO'S WITH ME haha#TOH DID IT OK K.O. DID IT NIMONA DOES IT!!!!!!! DO YOU SEE THE VISIONN#oh but speaking of making canon rep explicit. if dom were to be confirmed i would also push for a super lesbian coded NON-villain#yk just to avoid. a certain disney trope#same with the aro coding like idk if she's meant to be literally aro or not but regardless#i think woy could really use an unequivocably do-gooding good guy character who is as romance repulsed as dominator is#bc i think the show does a fine job of separating her disinterest from her evil - doing evil is evil. not liking romance is neutral#THAT MESSAGE IS THERE IMHO!!#but it doesn't do a fine ENOUGH job#i think the character who is hella unparalleled in her evilness n all that shouldn't be the only character in the show who's No Romo#anyway im getting way too rambly about.. what is literally just the discussion of TINY THINGS YOU CAN DO TO DO GOOD BY LGBT REP BUT AAAA#as much as i have to say about them in practice these would all be very tiny things and i just love how much you can say with a little#if that all makes sense#❤️
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samthecookielord · 2 months
The deep need to draw some really cool deep and symbolic fanart and then i open the canvas and then i immediately draw desmond gripping a fish
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mattslolita · 10 days
here is the 1st surprise,this is how i see dealer!chris and Bambi from my eyes🎀😝😏
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i made this BC I wanted to show my visionn💋🫶🏼
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akaruiakiki · 2 months
omg you mentioned hatoful and arknights I NEED THEM SO SO BAD😭🩵 you get it
I have some ideas about em, but I was thinking that Shuu, Yuuya, Tohri and Leone would fit as a collab character! (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
I'll spill my ideas when I get my energy back tho! (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
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et6rnalsun · 4 months
And he would fuck all the girls & have them by his feet BUT THEN u enter in Hogwarts and his attention goes to u and u are js so mean and like a badass DO U SEE THE VISIONN
I SEE THE VISION !!!! imagine the same story of james & lily cuz he keeps tryin to get ur attention
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tlhprophetofficial · 1 year
You okay?
I heard a crack... I hopeth I do not have a concussion! Lady Daphne is not around to healeth mine brain.
ah i dost have the most horrible double visionn
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sukunasun · 1 year
Aaaaa the way u write geto has me WEAK 🛐💕 u have a visionn
😭😭 plssss i only write because he is my reckoning. all i do is suffer and purge these thoughts into something....readable haha, the fact that people actually like them makes me wanna kneel in gratitude til my scalp starts to bleed. thank you to everyone who has left such sweet messages and notes on my bog-standard pieces. (given that i do crawl out of the bog every once in awhile to post, thank you for bringing them closer to the light, they shall flourish under your love and care when i can't do the same ! 💛)
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mogkiompmovieguide · 2 years
La vie nouvelle
Philippe Grandrieux France / 2002 / 102 min
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Un jeune Américain arrive dans la ville de Sofia en Bulgarie. Il est accompagné par Roscoe afin d'acheter des hommes et des femmes. Seymour, le jeune Américain tombe amoureux d'une prostituée nommée Mélania. Seymour veut la posséder, mais pour cela il devra trahir son ami Roscoe. Dès lors commence pour Seymour « la vie nouvelle ». En fait, la question du volume est loin d'être la seule façon dont La Vie Nouvelle est légèrement en deçà de "Sombre" (son film précédent de 1999 que je diffuserai un autre jour : bien que souvent divertissante et originale, aucune des scènes ne persiste dans l'esprit comme, disons, l'ouverture du spectacle de marionnettes ou la tournée de France finale du film précédent. Mais Grandrieux est capable de fournir des choses puissantes: les premières scènes d'une aube rurale bulgare brumeuse ont quelque chose d'une qualité picturale et la façon qu'à Grandrieux de nous montrer une attaque de chien sauvage montre une fois de plus son affinité pour l'extrême. Ailleurs, l '«expérimentalisme» de Grandrieux est souvent d'un type nettement trop familier: images bancales / floues, zooms sauvages, son cacophonique, les personnages y parlent rarement et n'émettent que des énoncés gnomiques dans une voix - très - lente : un jeune américain affamé de débauche coincé pour des raisons non précisées à Sofia, tombe amoureux d'une prostituée (la superbe et glaçante Anna Mouglalis) Seymour essaie de l'arracher à l'emprise vicieuse de la mafia locale. Mais les conséquences deviennent inévitablement graves. Dans d'autres mains moins grandioses, cela pourrait être la mise en place d'un thriller pulsant - Grandrieux, cependant, a plus de poissons raréfiés à faire frire, comme l'indique son choix de l'acteur principal. Et tandis que l'ennui fait partie intégrante du plan de match de Grandrieux, il livre suffisamment de «coups de pied arrêtés» d'une «action» brutale et surprenante pour à peu près garder le public éveillé. Peut-être qu'en deuxième ou troisième visionnement, La Vie Nouvelle pourrait en effet émerger comme une thèse brillamment audacieuse sur l'état de l'Europe, de l'Amérique, des hommes, des femmes, du monde et du cinéma actuel Il est des démarches artistiques qu’on se doit de saluer. Philippe Grandrieux propose, à travers La Vie nouvelle un autre cinéma, totalement libéré des schémas narratifs habituels, simplement représentatifs, à l’esthétisme époustouflant et prolixe. La vie nouvelle est un film particulièrement sombre (comme était d'ailleurs intitulé l’œuvre précédente de Grandieux 'Sombre que je posterai un jour prochain) le réalisateur nous montre ici le terrible commerce de l'humain (inhumain) en utilisant comme à son habitude une cinématographie froide, brutale et parfaitement maitrisé. Un film dur
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A young American arrives in the city of Sofia in Bulgaria. He is accompanied by Roscoe to buy men and women. Seymour, the young American falls in love with a prostitute named Mélania. Seymour wants to own it, but for that he will have to betray his friend Roscoe. Therefore begins for Seymour "new life". In fact, the question of volume is far from the only way that La Vie Nouvelle is slightly below "Sombre" (his previous 1999 film that I will release another day: although often entertaining and original, none of the scenes persists in the mind like, say, the opening of the puppet show or the final France tour of the previous film. But Grandrieux is capable of providing powerful things: the first scenes of a foggy Bulgarian rural dawn have something of a pictorial quality and the way that in Grandrieux to show us a wild dog attack shows once again his affinity for the extreme. Elsewhere, Grandrieux's "experimentalism" is often of a much too familiar type: wobbly / blurred images, wild zooms, its cacophonic, the characters rarely speak there and only utter gnomic statements in a voice - very - slow : a young American starving of debauchery stuck for reasons not specified in Sofia, falls in love with a prostitute (the superb and chilling Anna Mouglalis) Seymour tries to snatch it from the vicious grip of the local mafia. But the consequences inevitably become serious. In other less grandiose hands, this could be setting up a pulsating thriller - Grandrieux, however, has more rarefied fish to fry, as indicated by his choice of lead actor. And while boredom is an integral part of Grandrieux's game plan, it delivers enough "set pieces" of brutal and surprising "action" to pretty much keep the audience awake. Perhaps in a second or third viewing, La Vie Nouvelle could indeed emerge as a brilliantly daring thesis on the state of Europe, America, men, women, the world and current cinema. There are artistic approaches that we must salute. Philippe Grandrieux offers, through La Vie nouvelle, another cinema, totally free from the usual narrative patterns, simply representative, with breathtaking and prolix aesthetics. La vie nouvelle is a particularly dark film (as was also entitled the previous work of Grandieux 'Sombre which I will post one day soon) the director shows us here the terrible trade in the human (inhuman) using as at his is used to cold, brutal and perfectly mastered cinematography. An hard film to watch
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drjacquescoulardeau · 18 hours
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L’été 2024 fut une calamité monotone avec uniquement quelques orages bienvenus, mais même la chaleur qu’on nous dit avoir été 0,7°C plus haute que la moyenne de saison n’a que rarement dépassé 35 et est resté sagement la plupart du temps entre 28°C et 32-33°C et très rarement moins de 10° de différence entre le jour (maximum) et la nuit (minimum). Pas donc une canicule, mais un temps monotone plutôt chaud mais sans plus avec quelques pointes de chaleur au-dessus de 35°C un jour par-ci et un jour par-là. J’ai utilisé deux fois moins d’eau – de pluie bien sûr tirée de ma grande bassine de dix mètres cubes - pour arroser tous mes jardins que l’année précédente et presque deux fois et demie moins que l’année encore d’avant. Et ce malgré le fait qu’il y ait eu un déficit de précipitations en Juillet-Août. Et je n’ai jamais autant récolté, sauf qu’un jardin a été la cible d’une invasion de rats taupiers qu’il a fallu éliminer, contenir et contrôler. Apparemment un joueur de pipeau ne suffît pas et les grands moyens à la Robert Lamoureux furent nécessaire comme dans sa chasse au canard dans sa cuisine et sa salle de bain, avec papa, maman, la bonne, et moi, sans oublier le canard en invité subalterne surprise. Dans l'autre jardin, l'invasion est venue d'une armada d'escargots qui s'étaient réfugiés dans les racines de mes iris et qui ont pillé tout ce qui était vert et juste sorti de la terre. Et là encore, j'ai dû utiliser les grands moyens et les gros canons d'un Grand Chambardement à la Guy Béart.
Voici quelques notes de lecture et visionnement, audition et divertissement durant cet été lassant et sans style.
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The summer of 2024 was a monotonous calamity with only a few welcome storms, but even the heat that we are told was 0.7°C higher than the seasonal average, rarely exceeded 35 and remained wisely most of the time between 28°C and 32-33°C and very rarely less than a 10°C difference between day (maximum) and night (minimum). So, no Summer dog days, but rather monotonous weather rather warm/hot but nothing more with a few peaks of heat above 35°C one day here and one day there. I used half as much water – rainwater of course drawn from my large ten-cubic-meter-basin, or huge bucket if you prefer – to water all my gardens than the previous year and almost two and a half times less than the year even before. And yet even though there was a deficit of precipitation in July-August. And I have never harvested so much, except that a garden was the target of an invasion of mole rats that had to be eliminated, contained, and controlled. Apparently, a pipe player is not enough, and the great means and big guns à la Robert Lamoureux were necessary like in his duck hunt in his kitchen and bathroom, with “dad, mom, the maid, and me,” without forgetting the duck as a surprise subordinate guest. In the other garden, the invasion came from an armada of snails who had taken refuge in the roots of my irises and raided everything green and just out of the soil. And here again, I had to use the big means and the great guns of a Big Upheaval à la Guy Béart.
Here are some notes about what I read and listened to, watched and entertained myself with during this boring and unstylish summer.
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2024, Éditions La Dondaine, Medium.com, 37 Pages
Race and Racism,  *  History of Slavery,  *  Black Markets,  *  Charlemagne,  *  Vengeance,  *  Street Theater,  *  Circus,  *  International Crimes,  *  Family Trusts & Trust Administration
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metalhead-brainrot · 9 months
[Album of the day] Weeping Coffin - F.B.I.
Ravenloft, USA // 2022 // Grime Stone Records
[Genres] blackened skate punk
[Themes] I'm nostalgic about gothic horror strip malls of my youth
[FFO] dungeon synth/black metal, Abysmal Specter, D.R.I. with corpse paint, vampire anything/everything
[Thoughts] I don't have a ton to say about this particular release, just that I fucking love it. Both ds/bm and skate punk give me nostalgia for my mallrat youth, their union is something I wouldn't have considered but feels so right.
Abysmal Specter is the ghoul behind Weeping Coffin and about a dozen other projects, including: Bloody Keep, Curta'n Wall, and ds/bm CLASSIC Old Nick* (vox). He is an incredibly prolific musician and one of the bigger names in the contemporary dungeon synth scene. And for good reason: everything AS puts out is creative dungeon synth music. Whether it's raw black metal, punk, ambient dungeon synth, or ds/bm, Abysmal Specter's music is full of humor.** They're mostly solo projects, but you can always count on AS to throw you something catchy and twice-cooked in aesthetic.
This feels as good a time as any to talk about Grime Stone Records, one of my favorite independent record labels, considering they host all of Abysmal Specter's music.*** GSR does an impeccable job curating all things ds/bm, simply stated.**** I subscribed to the label on Bandcamp about 2.5 years ago, so for $3/month I get all their releases; usually GSR strives for 3 releases/month, so that comes out to about $1/album, which I know will be an excellent indie pick. Consider subscribing to GSR***** and other Bandcamp labels, it's the best way to sustainably support indie music. At the very least, consider "Following" a label on Bandcamp to get notified of their new releases.
If you like any of the music on here, feel free to add to the conversation. I'd love to chat about Abysmal Specter, GSR, or anything else I've mentioned.
o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::> o()xxxx[:::::::::::::::::>
* Did you know that the guitarist for Old Nick, Sentencer, is Abysmal Specter's sister?
** And usually vampires, like all good black metal.
*** In my head AS is the one who operates GSR, but I don't know if I simply made that up as head canon.
**** What follows is an unabridged list of my favorite releases on the label, many of them recent.
Jacc - Cathartic Sorrow and Jacc - Melancholic Bliss; just really solid black metal that dropped on the label recently.
THEE KHAI AEHM - Samhainia! and THEE KHAI AEHM - Parrier; black metal stylings with garage punk and fuzz rock ends. Really interesting, I haven't heard anything like this before.
Piyakdu - Visionnes ov Naeku the'e Plowmanne; might look ridiculous on first blush, but this dungeon synth release is objectively high art. From the Bandcamp page: "The album seeks to view the contemporary Bharari lore under the 14th century Middle-English lens of theological allegory, dream-vision, and pastoral lyricism, all the while presenting a cohesive sonic journey tying these elements of the past and of the present together. The tunes are ripe with summertime nostalgia and visions of a time long forgotten."
Dungeon Crawler - Gotta Go Dungeon Crawling; blackened chiptune, the official 2023 soundtrack to getting really high and turning on your PS2. "Blackned Nintendocore Manifesto" is maybe my favorite mosh track of the year. Only wish it were longer so I didn't have to keep hitting play.
Curta'n Wall - Siege Ubsessed!; yes, I already linked to this album, but what can I say: I'm siege ubsessed (I even bought the shirt). Some silly ds/bm to bring home the wanton destruction of the medieval era. FFO: Renaissance Festivals, Monty Python.
Dein​ó​ssa​û​ros - Tyrannosaurids; some people are going to write off this release, but I think it's high art. Black metal is all about rejecting colonial structures and reverting to primitivism; this album captures the savage spirit of black metal through realistic dinosaur audio. Best served with a psychoactive; my preferred are amanita muscara mushroom chocolates.
Zhmach - Karyta Dzieda Platona; raw black metal with above-average production and avant-garde interests. I really liked Zhmach's first release, and I feel like Karyta Dzieda Platona is a true hidden gem. An truly uninhibited exploration of synth music.
SPECTRAL SPECTRUM - Strange Souls Vol. 1; a candlelit ritual from a dusty tome summoned the catchiest black'n'roll ever found, a genre that is best when it doesn't take itself too seriously. You'll listen to this and write me off as a fucking idiot, but I only grow in power every time you sing the chorus to "Haunted Wood" (it's a black metal multi-level marketing scheme, call it a bmlm).
***** I have no fucking idea where the subscription page went for GSR and it's driving me mad. You could always try contacting them.
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snliska · 10 months
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Coucou tout le monde,
Première nouvelle : j’ai un compte TikTok !
Vous pouvez me follow, je vous suivrai en retour, et visionner la vidéo d’une trend bien connue ici : https://www.tiktok.com/@snliska/video/7258212319899995418 😉
Deuxièmement, vous pouvez voir à quoi ressemble le livre en version papier 😊
Je voyais cette histoire comme une romance YA/NA fun, romantique avec une relation saine et des personnages secondaires hauts en couleur. Après, il y a aussi quelques obstacles à surmonter, sinon ce serait trop facile !
Mais cette lecture est parfaite si vous recherchez un moment cocooning 💕
L’histoire peut faire penser à des comédies Netflix comme XO Kitty, The Perfect Date ou Tall Girl.
⭐ Roman disponible en formats numériques : ebook + lecture gratuite avec l’abonnement Kindle. Vous pouvez aussi lire un extrait 📖 : https://www.amazon.fr/Soixante-centim%C3%A8tres-d%C3%A9cart-S-Liska-ebook/dp/B0C5S4VGJS/
⭐ En versions papiers : broché et relié 📚 : https://www.amazon.fr/Soixante-centim%C3%A8tres-d%C3%A9cart-S-Liska/dp/B0C5YYNZ26/
Bonne journée 🍁
🇬🇧 Hi everyone,
I have a TikTok account, you can follow me and I'll follow you back!
Also, you can check this video out: https://www.tiktok.com/@snliska/video/7258212319899995418
This is a cosy read, a young adult romance with an healthy relationship 💕
⭐Ebook version and Kindle Unlimited: https://www.amazon.fr/Soixante-centim%C3%A8tres-d%C3%A9cart-S-Liska-ebook/dp/B0C5S4VGJS
⭐Paper versions: https://www.amazon.fr/Soixante-centim%C3%A8tres-d%C3%A9cart-S-Liska/dp/B0C5YYNZ26/
Have a great weekend 🍁
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tinkerotr · 2 years
getting angsty with every passing day that I stiLL haven’t gotten to start watching the list of films i’d carefully curated (maybe not sO but effort and energy was much spent on it) before the event that resulted in my concussion…
the attempt for visionnement was made
after having to pause every 20 minutes or so and at every subliminally complex scene it became clear that that was not the way to indulge in the aesthetic and captivating visual language of said films
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afrenchcinephile · 2 years
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Ce film n’est nul autre qu’une expérience cinématographique, éblouis par les lumières, assourdies par la musique et fascinés par la beauté du montage, nous ressortons de la salle, ébranlés et troublés par ce que nous venons juste d'achever de visionner...
David Lynch nous cède une fois de plus le porte-auguste de ses pensées, nous transportant telle une attraction avec lui. Choqués, ahuris, enthousiastes, déroutés, voici les diverses expressions faciales et orales que j’ai pu entendre lors de la séance ; Lynch a le don de fasciner.
This film is nothing less than a cinematographic experience, dazzled by the lights, deafened by the music and fascinated by the beauty of the editing, we leave the room shaken and disturbed by what we have just finished watching...
David Lynch once again gives us the free hand of his thoughts, transporting us with him like an attraction. Shocked, bewildered, enthusiastic, bewildered, these are the various facial and verbal expressions I heard during the session; Lynch has the gift of fascination.
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aliceat97point3 · 4 years
Visionner « Book of Nile » sur YouTube
Made a Book of Nile playlist. Be warned I have been told I have questionable taste in music😋😋
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