#i have been bouncing my forehead off my desk between song hopping for about 2 hours
khaotunq · 7 months
why is coming up with a fic title somehow worse than the 10k of nonsense i want to post why is it so difficult
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srhlsx · 4 years
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master | Ch. 1 | Ch. 3 - end
- MAY -
“I’ve never asked you about your club activities,” Akaashi said one morning as the train traveled along on its way to school. 
You stuttered a little bit, fumbling with the earbud you had been attempting to pass to him. Ever since that day you shared your music with him, it had turned into a little bit of a habit that the two of you would share your music each morning. You introduced him to some of your more bizarre musical tastes, usually some unknown foreign artist, and he would comment on whether he likes it or not. 
More often than not, Akaashi said he liked the music even if he didn’t because it was worth it to see the sparkles flash in your eyes.
“Club? I’m not in a club.” You said after getting over your initial shock of him starting the conversation. It’d been a month and even though you regularly talked with one another, you still hadn’t gotten over your little crush for the third year setter. “I work a lot so I don’t really have time for a club. But I do like to draw!”
Akaashi accepted your answer, nodding as he once again snuggled the earbud into his ear and listened to what you had picked for that day - a classical cover of a popular hip-hop song he’d heard over and over on the radio. 
He didn’t know why today of all days he wanted to talk to you more than usual - maybe it was the way that you smelled a little bit more like brown sugar than normal, or how you had decided to chop off a few inches from your hair and it gave you more of an excited and youthful appearance - but he just kept talking.
“Maybe you can show me your drawings some time,” Akaashi smiled warmly at you.
The idea made your heart swell within your chest and you immediately moved to rummage around in your bag. After a few seconds, you pulled out a worn-looking book. You gripped it tightly in both hands, turning in your seat to face Akaashi and holding up the book to hide the lower half of your face. “You really want to see?”
He laughed, eyes squinting as he nodded his head at your enthusiastic and instant response. You set the book down in your lap, scooting a little bit in your seat until your hip was touching his. You were too excited to show off your work to see the very small dusting of pink flash across Akaashi’s face or to feel the burning sensation on your own skin where your bodies had met.
You flipped through a few pages, narrating to Akaashi what you had drawn and what in particular you like to look at for inspiration. Most of what was on the pages were people from your day to day life; your friends, customers at the bakery who stood out to you, the PE teacher at your school who always made the most animated expressions. 
You were about to turn the page once more when Akaashi’s hand stopped you, moving suddenly to catch your own in his grip. “Who is that?” He asked, pointing at a specific drawing in the middle of one of the pages. 
It was one of your newer drawings and you smiled up at him brightly when you answered, “It’s us!”
Akaashi looked down at the faceless couple on the paper. The more he studied it, the more he recognized the two of you. The two figures were seated on a train, a thin line curling and connecting one head to the other. He started to smile as he noticed more details like the anime buttons on his bag, how one of his shoes was untied, and his hands in his lap with his fingers twisted together.
“I left the faces blank, which I know is kind of creepy,” You laughed, lifting a hand to rub at your neck nervously. You turned to look up at Akaashi, catching his eyes. “But I didn’t want to mess up your eyes.”
He turned to dig through his bag and pulled out his phone a moment later, asking if it was okay if he took a picture of the drawing. You nodded and explained that you could just tear it out of the book, the drawings on the other side weren’t that important. He insisted, snapping a perfectly centered picture of the drawing on his phone and smiling at it before tucking the device back into his bag.
- JUNE -
“Akeiji!” You called out in a singsong voice, sliding open the door and bursting into classroom six in the third year hallway like a force of nature. You looked around briefly before your eyes landed on a group of boys huddled together towards the back of the room, the one you had been seeking out tensing ever so slightly when you called out for him.
“(Y/n),” Akaashi sighed, although some might note the faintest hint of a smile forming on his lips. “I asked you not to call me that.”
You stumbled around the classroom and between the rows of desks, attempting to make our way towards the group while not stepping on any of the third year students’ belongings along the way. “Fine,” You huff dramatically, finally making it to him and settling your hands on your hips as you looked down at him with your eyes squinted. “Akaashi.”
“Hello, (Y/n),” He finally greeted you properly, resting his hands on the desk in front of him then looking up at you with that steely blue gaze that made you crumble. 
“Hi.” You returned the greeting with a flash of excitement in your eyes. 
“Hi (y/n),” You turned your gaze away from Akaashi for the briefest of moments to see who had called your name. You recognized them, fellow second years but neither were in your class. One of them was taller, had dark hair, and looked pretty serious; the other was a little shorter, had lighter hair, and looked like he wanted to pee his pants. 
“Hi Onaga, hi Anahori!” You greeted them both with equal enthusiasm, but anyone with eyes could see that your attention was more focused on the third year they sat with. 
As you turned back to Akaashi you noticed he was fiddling with his fingers like he always did whenever he didn’t think anyone was looking. “Did you need something?” He asked.
You tried, really tried, to keep the stern look on your face as you looked at him but after a few heartbeats your resolve fell. You felt it first start in your lips, they betrayed you by morphing against your will into a smile you worked hard to stop. You couldn’t help yourself, there was always something about Akaashi Keiji that made you really want to smile all the time. 
“Yes!” You finally burst after your staring contest. You flailed your arms up wildly before slamming them down on the desk he was sitting at that separated the two of you. The dramatic motion, while not wildly out of character for you, made Akaashi jump slightly and look up at you with alarm along with the other volleyball members he sat with. You ignored their reactions and kept talking, leaning forward to talk to him, so close that your noses were almost touching. “Do you have practice today?”
Akaashi blinked slowly, inwardly amused that you were causing such a scene for something that easily could’ve been resolved with a lot less noise and attention. “Yes, (Y/n).” He said. “We always have practice on Thursdays.”
You hummed thoughtfully, nodding your head and squinting your eyes as you studied his ever serious and lazy expression. After a few moments longer than what normal people would consider to be awkward, you leaned forward and butted your forehead against his. You rested yourself there as you spoke, ignoring the bewildered looks of the other students around you. “I have something for you.”
“Should I be worried?” Akaashi asked, his voice it’s typical neutral tone as he glanced his gaze to look up into yours - it made your heart stutter a little bit.
“Nope,” You pulled away from him, popping the ‘p’ as you spoke. “Just more treats from the bakery. I’ll see you then Kaashi-Kaashi!”
“(Y/n),” He groaned in a warning tone at your use of another nickname.
You pouted again, crossing your arms as you looked down at him. “You know,” You started. “When we get married, I’ll get to call you whatever I want.”
If you hadn’t been looking at him so intently, you might’ve missed the smallest of smiles that Akaashi was clearly trying to hold back. It had spread to his eyes though, the smallest trace of a sparkle shown in the blue of his eyes. “Okay, (y/n).” He said, “Whatever you say.”
The eyes of all the volleyball players who had gathered for lunch watched you leave the classroom, bouncing on your feet in a state of glee after your interaction with the boy who held your not-so-subtle affections. 
“Are you going to ask her out?” Akaashi paused cleaning up his space, looking over at his teammate without actually turning to face him. He must not have hid his confusion as his friend spoke again, “I mean if you don’t, I might.”
“She’s a handful, that’s for sure.” Someone else said, eyes still watching where you disappeared to. “But damn is she cute.”
“My guy, there’s no hope for any of us.” Another teammate spoke as Akaashi shook his head and returned to prepare for his afternoon lessons. “Did you see her completely blow off Onaga and Anahori? She is simping hard for Akaashi.”
Akaashi did not plan on asking you out, but he couldn’t help the smallest of smug smiles from tugging on the corners of his mouth.
With the weather being warm and enjoyable, most students shifted to having their lunch break outside. This included you and your friends who had, to the surprise of no one who knew you, managed to worm your way into eating lunch with some of the volleyball players almost daily. Today was one of those days and as your group picked at their food, you found yourself in a little debate with one of the boys who was a third year along with Akaashi.
“No, I’m telling you,” You held your hands out and pinching your fingers for added emphasis as you leaned across the table in hopes you’d get this boy to agree with your side of the argument. “Eucalyptus and mint is the best smell combination. Why do you think that all spas smell the way they do?”
“We aren’t talking about spas or combinations though, (Y/n).” The boy said, shaking his head. “The argument is what is the best smell and you cannot tell me that anything beats the smell of a brand new book!”
You rolled your eyes and brushed him off with a wave of your hand. You turned in your seat towards Akaashi and grasped at his arm to pull his attention away from whatever he had been doing and onto you. “Help us,” You said, motioning with your free hand towards his teammate. “What is the best smell? A brand new book or eucalyptus mint, like a spa. There is a correct answer and it better be-”
You instantly deflated at what Akaashi said, really hoping he’d take your side on this one. But he surprised you further when he continued to speak after his initial declaration. 
“I prefer the smell of baked goods,” he said. He turned back to where his attention had been previously but you couldn’t help the small jolt in your stomach and the tight pulling on your heart. 
You smiled happily as the team of boys surrounded you and grabbed at the box of treats you held out towards them. They each thanked you with their mouths full, crumbs flying from their delighted smiles. 
“(Y/n), I hope you didn’t buy these all just for us.” You looked over at Akaashi as he held the baked good in his hand, staring at you with that intense gaze of his. 
“Well, technically I made them.” You said, setting the box down on a bench once it seemed everyone had a treat, clapping your hands together to rid them of crumbs and toppings. “But these are just leftovers and uglies from the bakery! They’d get thrown out otherwise!”
“Bakery?” Akaashi asked, tilting his head to the side a little and looking down at the food he was holding. 
“Yeah!” You answered with an excited tone. “The one by the red line station? My aunt owns it, I work there most days after school and we live above it.”
Akaashi nodded his head in understanding, deciding to take a bite of the treat now that he knew you’d been the one to make them. He was delightfully surprised to find that it was one of the best things he had tasted in a long time. As he swallowed the bite he had been chewing on he commented on a realization, “It makes sense now why you always smell so nice in the mornings.” 
Coming out of your memory with a giddy smile aimed at Akaashi, you internally felt like you had won the argument even though no one would really know why or how. The presence of Akaashi sitting next to you felt a little more electric and your thoughts started getting cloudy as you wandered into a daydream filled with blue eyes and dark hair. 
You didn’t notice Akaashi’s teammate asking to use his phone to look something up and you also didn't notice when that same teammate pulled up the lock screen and let out a yell of surprise. You did notice, after finally pulling out of your dreaming, the screen to Akaashi’s phone being thrust in your direction. “What is that?” His teammate yelled, referring to the picture on the screen. 
In front of your eyes was the very picture you had once shown him on the train when he asked to see your drawings. It was the two of you, faceless, listening to music on your usual ride to school. Akaashi just stared at his teammate expectantly while your eyes widened significantly as you looked between the phone and him, finally grabbing the device in your own hands and holding it close to your face for inspection. 
“What is that?” The teammate asked again. 
“(Y/n) drew it,” Akaashi responded in his typical flat tone. “I liked it, so I wanted to see it more.”
You could almost feel the sparkles lighting up in your eyes as you whipped your head to look at the boy sitting next to you. Without much thinking your hand had reached out and grasped onto Akaashi’s arm right below his elbow. He looked at you from the corner of his eyes, being very subtle in his smile and his teammate continued to sputter. 
“Ugh!” He stood up, looking down at the two of you with a twisted face and clicking his tongue with obvious disgust. “Just date already!”
TAGS: @svtbitch @hqangel12 @beanst0ck
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cherryyharryy · 6 years
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Chapter 2: Manubruim  
 'Lover's Spit' left on repeat
Part One
“What did dad get you for Valentine’s Day? Your first Valentine’s Day together?”
Adeline’s mom looked up from her computer. Her eyes slowly rose as her face twisted in concentration, willing the memory to appear before her. “Um...oh that’s right! He got me a teddy bear!”
“Well what about him? What’d you get him?”
“Oh I didn’t get him anything, dear.” With a wave of her hand her focus was back on the screen.
“What? Why not?” Adeline slumped down in the armchair in the corner of her mom’s office. “That seems a little rude.”
“Well we’d had a fight. And I was still mad. There was no way I was going to buy him something after he’d pissed me off.”
Adeline chuckled through a breath. “Okay then. You’re no help.”
“Yeah, for Harry.”
Her mom hummed, drumming her nails along the edge of her desk. “Candy?”
“Candy? As a gift?”
“Well yeah, what’s wrong with that?”
Adeline rolled her eyes, slinging her legs over the arm of the chair and huffing out a response. “No candy.”
“Wait…” Her mom pushed back against her desk and wheeled her chair towards the bookcase behind her. She scanned over a shelf before sliding out a large decorative book.
Dust flew out in a small cloud when it was dropped on the desk. It was a mix of dark grays and browns, a metallic finish coating the intricate swirls. Adeline scrambled up from the chair with a grimace on her face, curling her lip at the old book.
“A gross book?”
“No, not exactly.” Her mom opened the cover and tipped the book over, a mess of random items spilling out leaving the hollowed-out center bare.
“What’s all this?”
“Things your dad gave me over the years. Some were for holidays and birthdays. Others were just little gifts for fun. And then I saved little things, like mementos I guess.”
Adeline sifted through what she could only call junk. Wine corks and a single playing card, a Panama City key chain and little elephant figurine. There was the typical, some pressed flowers and handwritten notes, an aged birthday card and a plethora of fortune cookie papers.
“What’s in that envelope?”
“Oh that’s the letter your father wrote me after our first fight.”
“The Valentine’s Day fight?”
“No, no, this was much later. A real fight.” Her mom slipped a folded paper from the envelope, a smile working its way onto her face as she read over it. “I was really scared. I knew I loved him, then we had this big blow up about college. I got a great scholarship but it was out of state. We’d never see each other if I went.”
“But you went to school here.” Adeline nodded to the diploma on the wall.
“Mhm I did. I regret it, but I did.”
“Wait, regret it? But you guys ended up together.”
Her mom shrugged her shoulders, folding the letter back up and tucking it back into the envelope. “It was still a great opportunity I gave up. For a boy.”
“But you loved him. Isn’t love like, the ultimate goal in life?”
“Happiness is, dear.”
“So, you’re not happy?”
“Oh no! I’m extremely happy. I’m in love with my life and my husband.” Her hand gently lifted her daughter’s chin up. “And my daughters.”
“Well then how can you have regrets?”
“Life’s complicated. You’ll understand more when your older.”
They continued picking through the pile of sentiments, Adeline asking for the stories behind a few.  
“A necklace, this is...hideous, mom.”
Her mother laughed and took the beaded necklace from Adeline’s hand. “We went to an arcade, and bless his heart did he try to win me something. He ran out of money, and spent his last quarter on one of those gumball machines that has little toys inside.”
“Oh. Well I guess it’s sweet then. Not ugly.”
“No, not ugly,” her mom sighed, eyeing the cheap jewelry like it was made of gold and diamonds.
“Well I need some ideas.” Adeline curled back up into the cushioned chair, bringing her knees up to her chest and resting her head atop. “We’ve been together just a little over a month. And I know he’s getting me something because his friend Logan said he was.”
“You could make him something?”
“Like what?”
“Write him something!” her mother gushed. “You do so well for the school newspaper. And that poem you wrote for me last year was amazing, I’m sure he’d love something like that.”
Adeline scrunched her face up, rocking her head back and forth in thought. “I think I’ll hold off on that. I’ve never written for a boy before anyway.”
“Okay, well you can make him a sweater. I can show you how—”
“Buy him a sweater?”
“No. He has a hundred sweaters. I don’t wanna get him clothes anyway.”
Her mom hummed as she filled the box back up and slipped it back onto the shelf. “What about...take him out to dinner?”
“Too formal.”
“We go out for lunch all the time.”
“You’re hard to please, sunshine.”
Adeline groaned and dragged herself up from the chair. “M’just gonna go ask dad.”
Flowers. Harry loved flowers. He’d spent plenty of time since they’ve met complaining about the weather, about how dead everything looked and how there was no color outside. He made promises of showing Adeline the beautiful garden his mom planted each year, full of daisies and tulips, and his favorite—sunflowers.
His head nearly popped off when he found the sundress tucked into her closet one day, a pastel blue with tiny sunflowers decorating the fabric.
And then there was their first kiss, where he’d tucked her hair behind her ear and after a while gained the courage to whisper sweet nothings in her ear, including the promise to take her to a field out in the country where he’d make her a crown of the bright yellow flower.
And so she really can’t show up to their date without flowers.
“Would you like to write a note? Or we can have it printed for you?”
“Yes that’d be great, my handwriting is atrocious.”
The man behind the counter finished wrapping up her bouquet, complete with a silky black ribbon to hold the stems together and glittery paper that looked like the night sky. “Okay, let me go get a pad an pen and we can work on your message.”
The bell of the door chimed a moment later, a young girl came bouncing in with her mother close behind. They went straight for the roses, the girl’s small hands yanking out the brightest reds and shoving them up towards her mother.
“Okay, miss—oh! Mrs. Porter! Nice to see you and Shelby again, always a pleasure!”
The little girl—Shelby—hopped up to the counter with a big smile on her face, front tooth missing as she squealed in excitement. “I’m getting flowers for daddy!”
“You are?” The florist exclaimed. “That’s very sweet of you!” He pulled a page over on his notepad and nodded to Adeline. “Let me get this young lady’s order taken care of and I’ll be right with you, Shelby.”
“I must say, wasn’t expecting this. You’re quite the romantic, Addy.”
She certainly didn’t feel like a romantic, and standing in the middle of a room with flashing lights and buzzing sounds, beeps and rings, and the occasional heavy roll of a skeeball followed by a procession of high-pitched nasally chimes didn’t exactly scream romance.
“We can leave,” she pleaded, swallowing down the lump in her throat, already tugging on his sweater to retreat back out the door. “I—I’m sorry. This was stupid, I’m not good at this—”
“Hey, who said anything about this being stupid? I love this, darling. Really, haven’t been to an arcade since I was a kid.”
She nodded, holding back the smile that was sparked at the pet name. He’d been using them more freely and each time her stomach flipped and her brain fogged over. “Okay.”
They tried their hand at every game in the arcade, both of them shaking off the nervous jitters and letting their shyness slip away. They’d managed to accumulate enough tickets for a small stuffed bear which was awarded to Adeline in a most Harry fashion—he made her damn near beg.
Their faces were stuffed with hotdogs and candy, and one too many smoothies plus the giant pretzel they had shared. And despite all the sugar and salt weighing them down, Harry’s dancing wasn’t affected; bopping along to every song that hung in the air above them.
“Damn.” Harry popped two more quarters into the machine and swiped his hair off his forehead.
“Try for that turtle.”
“I want the bear.”
“We already have a bear.” Adeline’s face was pressed against the glass, eyeing the metal claw as Harry maneuvered it over the pile of stuffed animals.
“Exactly. He needs a friend.”
“But look at the turtle’s head! You can get a good grip on that!”
“No! I can get the bear’s arm!”
Both of them were jumping and Adeline was banging on the plexiglass as the claw descended into the mix of toys, shouting a bit too enthusiastically for two people in public.
“Come on you stupid bear!” Harry’s hands were tugging on either side of his head, eyes blown out with the worried look of a stressed out dad meeting Adeline’s through the glass.
“Nooo!” They groaned in unison, watching as the claw rose back to the top without a prize in its grasp.
Harry slapped the buttons and pulled his wallet out, grumbling about being taken advantage of.
“Oh no, you’ve spent eight dollars on this.” Adeline grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the game and towards the door.
“I wanted a bear,” he pouted.
She sighed, rolling her eyes at the man before her who’s bottom lip was jutted out and arms were lazily crossed over his chest, in a proper disgruntled pout over a stuffed animal.
“Come on, think I may have something that’ll smooth out these lines.” She reached up and ran her thumb between his brows. “Let’s get outta here.”
“Addy…” Harry looked up from the box in his lap, mouth wavering around silent words.
A soft snow was drifting outside her car. The heater was on high and the radio was softly playing as they sat facing each other in his driveway. Her hands trembled when she’d pulled the gift from the glove box, avoiding his eyes when he toyed with the gold ribbon.
“You planned this, didn’t you?” He spoke through a smile, holding up the black stuffed bear.
“Your mom said your dog destroyed the one from when you were a kid.”
“I love it, petal. S’a perfect Valentine’s Day.” He leaned over the console and pecked her nose, humming, and going back in for a full kiss on her mouth.
“Wait,” she spoke softly into his mouth, knocking their teeth together when they parted.
Adeline leaned towards the back seat and pulled the bouquet of bright flowers from the floor. Harry chucked, his face a bright red when she placed them in his arms.
“Addy it’s too much,” he giggled. “How’d you know these are m’favorite?”
“What d’you mean how’d I know? You only bring them up in every conversation!”
“Do not!” He grumbled.
“Whatever. Do you like them?”
“I love them.” He stuck his nose against one and sniffed dramatically, sighing with a dopey smile on his face. “Oh, and a little card.”
Adeline’s heart twisted and sunk to hide behind her stomach. Regret of the intimate words she’d bashfully relayed to the florist earlier that day mocked her frenzied mind.
Her hand anxiously ran over the back of her neck. “It’s just, I mean...just words, y’know?” She stumbled.
“I’ll say.”
The smirk carved onto his face and the gleam in his eye only sped up the nervous tyrant going on inside her.
“You tryin’ to tell me something, love? Not as innocent as I thought,”  he teased.
He cleared his throat and brought the small card up to read. “For my favorite daddy, happy Valentine’s Day.”
“Oh my God! No! That’s not—”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa now, s’alright, sweetheart. We’ve all got our thing.” His smile was as wide as it could possibly be. “Just didn’t expect to be findin’ out so soon.”
“No! Harry!” She couldn’t get the words out quick enough, no longer able to sit still as her whole body fidgeted in her seat, her hands darting back and forth between the card and her own face. “That’s not mine! There must’ve been a mix up!”
“Now Addy, d’really think I’d judge you? No need to lie, darling.”
“No! I mean it! I—I had this sweet little message and then Shelby came in! And—and—well it’s the florist's fault! I’m complaining first thing tomorrow!”
Harry was beside himself, a laughing fit stifling the words he tried to get out.
“Addy, baby—no darling don’t cry,” he cooed, setting the flowers on the dash and inching closer to her, holding her face in his hands as his thumbs went to work swiping the tears off her cheeks. “I believe you.”
“That’s just—it’s not what I wrote.”
“I know, I know,” he chuckled. “Was just messin’ with yeh. Why don’t you tell me what you wrote?”
She sniffled, nodding in his grasp. She ran her tongue over her lips before flickering her gaze up to his.
“I don’t remember exactly, it was just something about how happy I am with you,” she whispered, voice barely louder than the song filtering through the car, “and how even though we haven’t been together for very long, everything just feels right with you. Like, better than anyone else I’ve been with.”
A new, softer smile tugged at his lips, her face soon mirroring his once he spilled kisses all over her face.
“Harry!” She giggled.
“I’m so happy with you too.”
The snow picked up as they continued to shower each other with soft caresses, gentle humming from both of them when they finally pulled apart.
“I’ve gotta go before my mom comes out here,” Harry sighed.
“Yeah, m’sure my parents are watching the clock right now.”
“I’ll see yeh tomorrow, yeah?”
She nodded, pecking his lips once more before he shuffled out of her car with his gifts in tow. Before he shut the door he leaned down to face her, releasing his lip from his teeth.
“I didn’t forget you, may have spoken to your mom too.”
With a wink from his gleaming eye he was shutting the door and shuffling through the few inches of snow towards his house.
Adeline’s heart was back to top speed as she drove back home, his words bouncing around her mind as her heart filled up with a childlike giddiness. She sung along with the radio, a smile on her face once she pulled into her neighborhood.
“All these people drinking lover's spit They sit around and clean their face with it.”
Her coat was shrugged off as soon as she stepped through her front door. All the lights were off, and her parents were surprisingly in bed already. She flew up the stairs to her room, debating on waking her mom up to find out what Harry’s promise had meant, but once she flicked her bedroom light on the questions fizzled from her mind.
Sat on her bed was a bright pink teddy bear, it’s paws holding a little red heart. She picked it up, and with no shame, cuddled the soft animal against her chest. When her eyes opened they landed on the folded paper that was hidden under the bear.
I’m so grateful to have you in my life. Just thinking about you brings a smile to my face and I couldn’t be more thrilled to call you my girlfriend. You’re just the sweetest, cutest thing, and I want you to know how much I care for you. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love.
XOXO Harry
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thesumofmychoices · 6 years
Korítsi Mou
Disclaimer: [1] I do not speak Greek, anything in here was taken from Google Translate so I apologize if it’s wrong and makes no sense.  [2] I have not written fanfiction for public consumption is a very, very long time (like, over a decade) and this is un-beta’ed, all mistakes are my own. [3] I’m not sure what tags to use in this fandom yet, so if I mistag, please let me know!
Pairing: Drake x MC (my MC for Drake is Rhiannon Starr)
WC: ~2500 Music was echoing through the halls of  her estate (it was hers; had been given to her directly, he was just lucky enough to share it with her) when he got back.  ‘Music’...if you could even call it that, he scoffed with a roll of his eyes.  The house was abuzz with activity while the staff prepared for the banquet tomorrow.  Drake made his way in through the foyer, offering curt smiles to any of her staff he crossed paths with, while loosening his tie as his hastened, deliberate steps brought him to the source of the noise.  
He leaned against the frame of the door, smirking behind his hand, while watching his wife dance across her large kitchen with reckless abandon, singing along to an electropop song he knew to be one of her favorites.  Her long hair was twisted in a great messy knot atop her head, with wisps of red escaping in every direction; wearing the same pajamas pants (his) and tank top (also his) he’d left her in, still asleep in their bed.  Rhiannon was swaying her hips to the beat, still with her back to him, fixing something on the counter.  Her task completed, with a surge of the music and her own singing, finally turned and startled horribly when she found him watching her.  
Her hand over her heart, and a shaky breath on her lips, she met his gaze and smiled.  Drake couldn’t help but think she was glowing, the lighting in the kitchen and the embarrassed flush of her cheeks made her look radiant.  She lowered her music, before practically skipping across the kitchen to be in his arms.
“How long were you watching me?”
“Long enough,” he replied, still smirking while placing a kiss on her crown.
“Happy Anniversary,” she murmured into the crook of his neck, “Part one.”
“Happy Anniversary.  What were you doing?”
“Oh!” she popped her head off his chest and looked up, bouncing on her toes.  “I was packing us a lunch.  I thought we could have a picnic in our spot for the quiet day before all the pageantry starts tomorrow.”
Ever since they eloped on this day three years ago, Rhiannon and Drake always made it a point to keep it to themselves.  In her first year, the people of Valtoria had petitioned their duchess to move the Lantern Festival to coincide with her wedding anniversary (a difference of little more than a week in truth) so they could also celebrate the victory over Anton Severus.  The Lantern Festival kicked off what was quickly becoming a national week of celebrations that culminated in a grand Victory Gala in the capitol palace.  Not exactly the kind of pomp and circumstance either of them wanted associated with what should a day for them.  But, their wedding day also marked a great victory over evil in Cordonian history, and so was swept up in lavish celebrations.  
But not this day.  It was for them alone then, and would be forever.  
“That sounds perfect, Ray,” he replied, kissing her forehead again.  “I'll change and get the horses prepped.”
“Actually,” she interrupted, looking up at him through her long lashes.  “Do you mind if we take the Jeep out there?  I'm not up for horseback today.”
“You okay?”
She nodded, biting her bottom lip.  “I’d rather save my energy for riding y--”
Drake cut her off with a kiss that she laughed into.  “Seirína,” he whispered to her in his native language.  He swatted her ass playfully, causing her to squeal and laugh more.  “Come on, korítsi mou, let’s get changed and head out for your picnic.”
They drove out about twenty minutes from the house onto the property before coming up to their spot next to the lake.  Where once had been wide open space now sat a small cabin that Drake had constructed himself.  It was a cozy getaway, a single room that held a bed, a couch and leather recliner around the fireplace, a small efficiency kitchen, and a separate bathroom.  They never invited their friends, and no one else had ever stayed there.  It was their perfect getaway for when her estate overwhelmed them, just like they'd talked about.  
Rhiannon set the blanket out on the lake shore, busying herself with preparations while Drake lounged casually on the sand next to her.  They munched on sandwiches and enjoyed each other's company in peace.  Her laughter rang out against the mountains themselves as Drake chased her around the field and eventually into the water.  And as the sun hung heavy in the sky, Drake gathered some wood and started a fire in the pit while Rhiannon ran to the Jeep for the last of her supplies.
Drake brought down a bench from the porch to into front of the fire, grabbing a blanket from inside the cabin, because even in the early summer it still could catch a chill around here at night, and a bottle of whiskey with two tumblers.  Rhiannon sat with graham crackers and chocolate at the ready while he toasted two marshmallows to perfection.  They ate the deliciously gooey dessert as the night sky darkened and the sky lit up with the most perfect scene of stars imaginable.  
With their s’mores finished, Rhiannon wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and beckoning Drake into her embrace.  He melted down into her side, resting the back of his head at her collar bone, looking up to only for a moment to steal a quick kiss.  Wrapping the blanket around them both as best she could Rhiannon rested her head on top of his, lost in the moment between.
“How hard would it be for you to add another room to the cabin?” she asked suddenly.
“The cabin… another room…”
“I don't know.  Why?”
She shrugged the shoulder he wasn't resting on and looked away.  “If we ever brought anyone else here…”
“Why the hell would we do that?”
Rhiannon sighed softly and rested her cheek on the top of Drake's head.  “I just thought because maybe we would want to come here with the baby,” she told him, her voice barely more than a whisper.
Rhiannon felt him tense.  “What?”
“Well, I guess he could sleep with us for awhile but eventually I'm just thinking we're all going to want him to have his own space,” Rhiannon continued as if it were the most obvious thing.
Drake sat up, twisting to face her now.  “You're pregnant?”
Rhiannon bite her bottom lip as she smiled and nodded.  He moved quick, taking her face in his hands and bringing her lips to his.  It started soft before growing into something deeper.  They broke apart and then he was kissing every inch of her face as she smiled.  
“Wait, you said ‘he’... you already know?”
“Just a feeling.”
Drake’s mouth turned as he shook his head and placed his hand on her stomach.  “Aftó eínai to korítsi mou.”
“I thought I was your girl?”
“That was before she came along,” he told her matter of fact.
Rhiannon cocked an eyebrow at him.  “I don’t think your son is going to appreciate you calling him a girl.”
Drake shrugged, shifting them so he was now holding her.  Tucked against his chest, he wrapped her in his arms and squeezed, tight but gentle, a balance only he was able to pull off.  
“Want to bet?”
Rhiannon’s shoulders shook with her laughter.  “Oh my sweet marshmallow, are you sure you want to do that?  You have a terrible track record against me.”
“I’m sure.  Set the terms.”
Drake jumped from the still moving car, while Liam hopped out when it came to a quick stop and jogged to catch up with Bastien hot on their heels.  The latter two had just endured a nearly twelve hour flight fighting the urge to knock Drake out.  They’d been on the floor of the United Nations, discussing the strides Cordonia was taking in it’s clean energy initiative when the call came through to Bastien that Rhiannon had gone into labor almost two weeks early back home.  Drake had been unable to sit still since he found out.  They were fairly certain he’d actually made himself sick with worry in the plane.
It was too much; he was a ball of nervous, tense energy and beyond angry that he’d allowed her to talk him into going to New York for this when she was so close to the end of her pregnancy.  They’d fought about it all week leading up to his departure, Rhiannon insisted that he go, that she would be fine.  She wasn’t alone in Valtoria as his mother had come to stay with them for a time, along with Savannah and Bartie while Drake was away, and of course Hana still lived with them.  In the end, he convinced him and sent him off to her hometown for the UN Summit with a kiss and a shopping list of foods she’d been craving that were “only worth it if they are from New York.”
Mara was waiting for them just inside the hospital doors.
“How is she?” he asked, his voice tight and words clipped.
“She’s well.  They’re together in her room now,” Mara informed them.  
“Let’s go.”
Liam grabbed Drake’s shoulder and halted him.  “You need to calm down before you go up there.”
“I’m fine.”  Liam fixed Drake with a knowing look.  “How can I be calm at a time like this?  She… I missed it,” Drake ground out.  He missed the birth of their first child.  An experience he could never get back… and Rhiannon had to go through it alone.  As mad and upset as he was, he could only imagine how she felt.  She needed him and he wasn’t there.
“I can’t begin to imagine how you feel, but you cannot go in there all out of sorts as you are.  That’s not good for anyone.  So, get calm.”
That really snapped Drake into himself.  “Heh, you sound just like her… when we found Savannah, she said something just like that.”  Drake shook himself out, trying his best to calm down as they all entered the elevators.
Even after the flight, and then another hour by car to get to her, the elevator ride to the maternity ward was by far the longest minutes of his life.  He reached the desk and the nurse on duty smiled, bowing her head slightly and pointed them to a room down the hall just as Hana was walking out.  She caught sight of them and smiled, waving them down.
Drake broke into a run, and without even greeting Hana, flung the door back open and finally saw his wife again.
She was resplendent.  She hasn’t seen him yet and for that Drake was so glad because he was completely taken with the scene before him.  Rhiannon was seated in the bed, wearing what he was certain was one of his shirts; her hair loosely tied back into an intricate braid, she was beaming, her smile so bright as she looked down to the baby she held lovingly in her arms.  He could hear her whispering sweet little nothings in Greek down to the child and he was lost, unable to move or speak.  She must have sensed she was no long alone because Rhiannon looked up and locked eyes with her husband.  If he thought her smile was bright before, the one she graced him with was dazzling.
Rhiannon’s bright blue eyes never left his as he crossed the room and sat as close as he could manage to them without disturbing the baby.  She looked imploringly to him and he gave her a quick nod.  “Your Grace,” she said, with far more serious reverence than she ever used with just him.  “May I present to you, your son,” she told him with a self satisfied smirk, “Lord Jackson James Walker of House Starr, Earl of Asteria and the future Duke of Valtoria.”
“You -- you don’t have to… Jackson I mean, it’s alright if you --”
Rhiannon rolled her eyes as Drake stammered out his flustered thoughts.  She shifted the baby around in her arms and with no warning, handed the boy to his father.  “It feels right,” she explained.  Drake couldn’t help but agree, captivated by his son.  “Besides, a bet is a bet.  Whoever was correct got naming rights.”
“Heh, those were the terms.”  Silence fell over them; Drake enraptured with Jackson, and Rhiannon beaming over both of them  “Thank you,” he said, breaking the still room.  “You’re… I never thought I would get this… when we met… hell, Ray.”
“Hey, look at me,” she asked.  He brought his eyes to meet hers and let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.  “I love you.”
“Love you too, korítsi mou.”
“It's a boy, Your Grace!”
Rhiannon huffed out a final labored breath and smiled.  Her second child this year (they maybe should have heeded the doctor's postpartum warnings better… but hello has anyone seen her husband?)  She jerked her head at their son across the room where they were cleaning him off and gloated at Drake.  “Told you so.”
“You did.  So, what is my boy's name?”
“Theodore Bastien.”
Drake smiled, “That's perfect, korítsi mou.”
They added another boy, Silas Maxwell, a little over than a year and a half later.
“Aw, little blossom,” Maxwell said, dramatically wiping away a fake tear from his eye.  “Drake buddy… I'm so honored.”
“Don’t thank me, I would have picked Thomas.”
“And if you’d guessed right, you might have gotten to pick!” Rhiannon gloated in a sing-song.
“This is definitely the last one,” Rhiannon ground out, bearing down for a final push.  The baby was out and Rhiannon closed her eyes and dropped her head back relieved the thirty-hour ordeal was finally over.
But after a beat of silence, Rhiannon’s head snapped up, as she pushed herself up to see the doctors quickly rushing around their fourth child.  She looked to Drake who was also staring at all the people buzzing around their silent newborn.  Rhiannon reached for his hand and together that sat stock still waiting as seconds shifted by like an eternity.
The shrill cries of the newborn broke the silence after a moment and the Walkers both sagged in relief.  Another moment passed and a nurse came cradling a swaddled baby which she presented to Drake.  
“A girl, Your Grace.”
The room was cleaned and cleared out quickly leaving Rhiannon and Drake alone with their baby.  Drake hadn't stopped staring down at the sweet girl in his arms since she was put there.
“I feel bad for the first boy that breaks her heart... face off against three big brothers AND Drake Walker?  No thank you,” Rhiannon joked.
“You lost your title now you know,” he responded, finally looking up at his wife.  
“Wife.  Mama.  Duchess.  Champion of the Realm,” she listed nonchalantly.  “I've got titles to spare, I think I can give her that one, you waited for her long enough.  Besides, you can always go back to calling me ‘Starr’,” she added with a chuckle.  “So?”
“So what?”
“Seriously, Walker?  You've been holding onto this for like five years.  What's my daughter's name?”
“Charlotte Korina… korítsi mou.”
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tea-and-cardigans · 7 years
Movie Night - Bughead College AU - Part 2
Hey Guys,
Sorry it has been so so long since I have posted anything but unfortunately adulting (and a super flu) got in the way and then there was a hit of writing self doubt and writing block. But here is the second and final part to Movie Night.
I also almost have the next chapter of What Fools We Mortals Be finished and am just working out some kinks and ideas with my Beta.
I always get so stressed with my fics that aren’t one shots as I get so worried that readers will be disappointed with the conclusion or next part which is the reason I sometimes get stuck on my WIPs.
Anyway I hope you guys enjoy and always sorry to mobile users for the keep reading cut.
Betty is sick of the substandard movies that are chosen to play at the makeshift college ‘drive in’ she decides she has had enough and on her mission to correct this injustice bumps into a beanie wearing student who is just as outraged.
Based on the following prompt:
You’re the only other one who voted for my favorite movie on movie night so do you just want to watch it in my room au
Part One.
Nolan and Tarantino
Veronica was excited for her. As soon as she told her she would not be in their dorm room tonight because she was going to a boy’s room the squeal that Veronica had emitted had very near ruptured her eardrums.
“I knew you had it in you B.” Veronica wrapped her arm around her shoulder like a proud mamma bird finally seeing her baby bird spread her wings and embrace the full college experience. “Sooo what’s his name?”
“Jughead.” Veronica did a double take, her head cocked slightly to the side as if she may have misheard her.
“Yeah I think it might be a nickname.” Betty mused while Veronica’s eyes widened in realization.
“Wait a second Archie’s roommate has a weird name, I thought it was Juicebox, but maybe it was Jughead.” Veronica clapped her hands together in delight. “You are going out with Archie’s roommate.” Her voice had now taken on a sing song quality and Betty could see the cogs turning in her head processing all this information at once, probably forming plans for double dates and who knows what else.
“I’m just going over to watch a movie, it’s not a date.” Veronica sighed heavily, before taking Betty’s hand and leading her over to her bed encouraging her to sit beside her. “It’s not-” Veronica silenced Betty’s protests placing a finger up to her mouth.
“It’s a date Betty,” she stated simply, as Betty’s eyes widened. She knew it was a date, or was that just some wishful thinking on her part. He was interested in movies, she was interested in movies. People of the opposite gender can watch movies together alone in a college dorm room and not have any romantic feelings towards each other. Can’t they? “You are going to be alone in his dorm room, probably on his bed, his laptop between the two of you, an arm around your shoulder.” Betty imagined the scene in her head. She imagined them both reaching for the popcorn at the same time, their hands brushing accidently against each other, a shared laugh before their eyes would meet each other’s gaze. She shook her head trying to wipe the images from her mind. No it was just watching a movie.
“He chose The Lobster for drive in movie, he puts up a choice each month.”
“The unpopular choice.” Veronica reminded her.
“Maybe but it’s always the one I would choose.” Betty was happy to have someone who could appreciate good cinema as much as she loved Veronica her taste in movies sucked.
“Well B, what are you going to wear for your non-date date.” Betty pulled her bottom lip with her teeth. She hadn’t even thought about it yet. She wanted to look nice but not too nice, not like she had spent hours agonising over what she was going to wear for the night, even though she had a feeling that that was exactly what she was about to do at Veronica’s insistence.
Betty shifted nervously in front of his dorm room door, she could faintly hear music playing inside his room. It was something she didn’t recognise but it sounded pleasant to her ears. She shifted one of the two large shopping bags of snacks that she had brought for the evening into one hand while she raised the other to knock on his door.
The door opened almost immediately and she noted that he was still wearing the crown beanie that he had been earlier. Apparently that was part of his permanent wardrobe or so Veronica had informed her after sending several inquisitive texts to Archie. And yes, Jughead was in fact a nickname, but Archie wouldn’t tell her his real name through fear of Jughead’s retribution.
“Hey.” He opened the door wider for her so she could enter brushing past him.
“Where can I put these?” She held up the two rather large bags of snacks that she had brought with her. “I wasn’t sure what you liked so I just brought some of my faves and the classics.” She noticed him lick his lips as he eyed the bags and he pointed towards what she assumed was the desk on his side of the small dorm room.
“Over there.” She moved towards the desk placing the heavy bags down and turned around to fully take in the room. It was not as messy as she had imagined a room shared by two teenage boys may be, but she guessed that he had done some tidying up as well. The two of them looked at each other awkwardly for a while, both of them with their hands in their pockets, before glancing around the room. “Would you like something to drink?” Jughead asked her breaking the silence.
“Sure.” He moved over to the bar fridge located at the end of his bed and surveyed it’s contents.
“I’ve got Coke and Beer.” Betty knew the safe option was a coke. Best she keep a clear head. She had been drunk once in her life, one of her first nights on campus and it had not been a pretty picture. But one beer couldn’t hurt.
“Beer,” she announced confidently, straightening her posture a little at her decision. He pulled out two beers, twisting the tops off both using the bottom of his t-shirt and handing one to her. He held his out for her to clink her bottle into, almost like a little cheers before they endeavored on their film watching journey.
“You can sit on the bed.” He motioned towards the single bed on one side of the room. “Or I have the desk chair if that would be more comfortable,” he added quickly.
“Bed’s fine,” she answered as she jumped onto the single bed, her back resting against the pillow that had been placed against the wall, stretching her legs out in front of her. He picked up the laptop from his desk along with the desk chair. Placing the laptop on the chair in front of the bed, he moved again to Archie’s desk to get his desk chair and placed it in front of the bed before sitting on it. Betty watched him carefully as he leant forward to get the movie playing on the laptop.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“I’m getting the movie started.” He looked at her quizzically before he returned to the task at hand.
“No I mean why are you sitting there. There’s plenty of room up here.” She patted the empty space next to her.
“I just thought you might -”
“Grab the snacks and get up here.” Betty was surprised by the strength of her own words. “Please.” she added to try and soften her request. He quickly pressed play on the video and grabbed both bags before hopping onto the bed next to her, still placing some space between the two of them. She handed him one of the pillows that was next to her and he placed it behind his back before opening one of the bags.
“What do you want?” He whispered as if they were in a cinema afraid of ruining the viewing experience of others.
“The Red Vines.” She turned towards him as he handed her the packet. She noticed him looking through the bag hesitating on making his own choice. “Take whatever you want,” she whispered to him before turning her attention immediately back to the screen in front of her as the words she had just used wash over her and she mentally kicked herself. He didn’t seem to notice, or he was just as embarrassed as she was as he pulled out a packet of Milk Duds and faced the screen as well.
They were both fully engrossed in the movie, laughing together at the appropriate parts and she was glad that he shared her dark sense of humor. When she had tried to get Veronica to watch the movie she had asked her to turn it off not even half way into the movie. Instead they put on a romantic comedy, not that Betty minded them once in awhile but it was nice to have someone who could understand her love for dark comedy.
“What animal do you think you would want to be turned into?” Betty whispered as she turned to Jughead waiting for his answer while she watched the movie from the corner of her eye.
“I think I would be a cat.” She waited for him to elaborate further. “Well they’re independent, survivors and it would good to always be able to land on your feet.” He threw a milk dud up into the air before catching it in his mouth. She gave a little clap at his achievement. “You?”
“A hawk.” He looked at her surprised at her choice. “Well I would want to be able to fly so I would want to choose a bird, but I also don’t want to be at the bottom of the food chain and be one of the small animals getting eaten by a bigger animal. So a hawk.” She took the packet of milk duds from him and tried to toss one into her mouth, but missed by quite a distance. “It’s the beer.”
“No I just think you aren’t very good at that,” he quipped, throwing another one up for himself and catching it in his mouth easily. Betty never one to be outdone took the packet from him again and tossed another up into the air, too high and off centre and it bounced off her forehead. The impact stunned her for a moment and his laughter filled the room. She rubbed her forehead in embarrassment as she watched him laugh. The way his nose and eyes wrinkled and he looked completely uninhibited. She couldn’t help herself and soon found herself laughing along with him.  
Betty took a deep sigh as the movie cut to black. She eyed the packets of open half eaten sweets that they had managed to work through during the movie. It was though Jughead was determined to try some of everything always offering her some first. There were also the 4 empty beer bottles that they had polished off during the movie on his night stand. She could feel the slight heat across her cheeks and neck a side effect of the alcohol and the enclosed space no doubt.
“Okay important question.” Betty sat straighter on the bed at the seriousness of his tone. “And the very future of our friendship depends on your answer.” A smirk crossing his face told her that he probably would let her get away with an incorrect answer. “Favourite director?” She sighed heavily at this collapsing onto her side in dramatics as she groaned.
“Don’t make me choose.”
“You have to.” He insisted leaning his body to the side to catch her eyes. Betty sighed in defeat and pulled herself upright again, thinking carefully about his question.
“Hmmm.” She was tapping her finger on her chin as she ran through a series of possible answers she had favourites for each genre, for each decade of film, how could she possibly choose just one out of so many. He watched her expectantly as she continued to think. She went to answer before pausing again, considering her answer so carefully. “Christopher Nolan.”
“Hmm.” He said nodding his expression giving nothing away about her choice.
“Hmm?” she responded, her eyes urging for him to elaborate further, to tell her his own thoughts rather than just making a sound in response.
“I just wouldn’t have guessed, thought you might go for a classic like Speilberg, you seem like a classic kind of girl.” She wasn’t sure how to take his statement, should she be offended that he thought she liked older more traditional things, did he think that she would be so predictable and hence maybe even boring.
“What’s yours?” she asked.
“Tarantino.” She let out a short laugh in response.
“Of course.” she rolled her eyes.
“What do you mean? Of course.” Jughead Jones did not like to be predictable he prided himself as not being one of the herd.
“Just you know, dark, tortured, mysterious it figures you would like Tarantino.” She shrugged her shoulders reaching over him for the unopened packet of M&Ms, meeting his eyes as she took a handful, a look of victory in her eyes. He sighed. Maybe he was a little predictable sometimes. “What now?” She said finishing her mouthful of candy and eyeing him carefully.
“Well we could watch another movie.” He suggested, she nodded eagerly and he found himself smiling at her. It felt so easy between the two of them. He knew he should feel nervous a pretty girl like Betty Cooper alone with him in his dorm room. Archie had given him a wolf whistle when he had let him know that a girl would be over tonight, before Jughead had insisted that it wasn’t like that.
If Betty’s love life had been uneventful up to and including college, Jughead’s had been non-existent. He wasn’t exactly what girls had gone for in highschool he kept to himself. Attended classes and stayed on the outer fringe as much as he could. Not that he ever went completely unnoticed, the jocks it seemed had a far reaching sonar for those who wished to go unnoticed. He had been bullied, sure, but he had survived. Even had managed to fight back on occasion but at the end of the day he was still that scrawny weirdo from the wrong side of the tracks.
College he had imagined would be much the same. He would attend his classes, stay on the fringe. He had always been more of an observer than an active participant. Then he had been roomed with Archie Andrews. Jughead could practically smell the Jock coming off of him as soon as he entered the room. He had already been formulating the contents of his request to transfer rooms form in his head, when Archie had introduced himself, holding out a hand for him to shake. Jughead had taken it cautiously always waiting for the punch that was coming masked by kindness. But it never came. Archie was a decent guy, still a jock, but decent and despite himself they became friends.
“Should I make some popcorn?” Her voice broke into his thoughts and he saw that she had moved off the bed a packet of microwave popcorn in her hand as she stood next to the microwave.
“Sure. I’ll choose a movie. Any requests?”
“Action. After that film I need to see some things getting epically destroyed.” She winked at him and he felt his stomach drop. He had felt the same feeling when she had asked him to take anything he wanted and several images had crossed his mind, while he tried to keep his face passive.
He carefully looked through the list of films before smiling to himself. “Batman Begins?” he asked already having a pretty good idea of what the answer would be.
“Now I know you're just trying to get in my good books. Choosing a Nolan film.”
He shrugged his shoulders. “I’m just trying to be a good host.”
“Well you are being an excellent host.” The microwave beeped and he moved to his cupboard to grab a bowl holding it in front of her for her to empty the freshly popped popcorn into. The aroma filling the air. He grabbed two drinks from the fridge, pressed play on his laptop and sat back down on his bed. She soon joined him. He noticed that she sat herself a little closer this time placing the bowl in between them. He tried to concentrate on the film in front of him but found himself distracted.
Betty seemed more engrossed in the film than he was. He could occasionally see her mouth the words and he wondered how many times she had seen this one.
His hand brushed up against her knee and she froze. He was reaching for the bowl of popcorn between them and had misjudged where it was. He could see her body tense up at the contact and he scolded his own clumsiness.
“Sorry,” he mumbled under his breath.
“It’s okay.” He felt her hand rest over his own before he was able to draw it away from it’s current location. He shot a questioning look in her direction, her eyes were still focused on the screen but he could feel her thumb tracing the back of his hand. He felt as though he could learn to  lose himself in those little touches. He had lost complete interest in the film, which really had been used as a way to keep her there for a little bit longer, not wanting the night to end just yet. He watched the way the light played across her face, the pale blue light highlighting her face, the small tug of a smile in the corner of her lips. And now he knew he was doomed as his attention had been drawn to her lips. He imagined how they would feel against his own. How he would trace the curve of her neck with his thumb hoping that she would keen into his touch. He shifted uncomfortably and when his leg brushed up against hers she turned to face him, meeting his gaze immediately.
There was a moment’s hesitation as he felt that he had been caught staring at her, before she shifted towards him and her lips brushed against his. Soft. Her lips were impossibly soft. She pulled back and he stopped her with his hand at the back of her neck, pulling her back again so that his lips could have another taste. He felt her lips responding in kind to his insistent lips returning his kiss with just as much force.
His thumb traced her collarbone, travelling up her neck to cup her face as his lips moved to her neck, feeling her move her body against him as the bowl was knocked to the floor in her eagerness to feel closer to him. Her hand rested on his chest as his hand dropped to her waist holding her against his body as his lips returned to hers, running his tongue over the seam of her lips begging for permission. She relented and sighed into his mouth as he deepened the kiss and his grip on her waist tightened in response.
She pulled back to examine his face, her fingers running over his features. The ones that she has been admiring all night, sneaking glances when he wasn’t looking. Watching the shifting light from the screen move across his face, highlighting his cheekbones just as she had imagined.
“That was nice,” she whispered breaking the silence between them.
He placed a hand over his heart in mock hurt, “Just nice?”
“More than nice,” she corrected as she reached over to lace his hand in hers. “You know we should do this every month your movie loses.”
“That would be every month then.” He wrapped his arm around her tighter as she leant up against his chest.
“It’s a date.”
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