#i have been brainrotting over these two idiots all day at school
heyimash06 · 2 years
An Encouraging Pep Talk
"Please tell me you aren't actually this stupid?" an annoyed voice asked over Ashton's phone.
"I- I mean, maybe, but you don't have to be a dick about it," cie answered, slouching a bit more in his spot in the shitty metal folding chair. He'd been given the chance to buy a real desk chair several times, but never did because it felt like a waste of money. He was functioning fine with just the metal chair. "I- I called you for advice, Piers, not to get insulted for 5 minutes..."
Piers sighed, probably rolling his eyes on the other end. "Yeah, I know, but it's hard to not insult you when you're this dumb... Remind me again what base you two are on?"
They were mildly confused, unsure what he meant by that. "...like first-name basis??"
"No, not like that- Just- have you even kissed? That's first base." Oh, they knew where this was going. Piers was going to call them a loser and laugh at them for being such a failure at relationships, wasn't he?
"Um... no, but we- we've- um-" Ashton struggled to come up with an excuse for why he and Asp had remained platonic, even after both confessing that they were definitely more than platonically interested in each other. He didn't really have one, he was just scared of escalating things too fast or ruining what they already had. After all, how awkward would it be if he started dating his roommate, they had a falling out, and then had to keep living together?
Their friend sighed again. "You're... fucking hopeless, Ash. I hope you realize that." Min was very aware of how hopeless min was, but min didn't need a reminder. "Look, all I'm going to say is that it's a lot easier to bring it up in a conversation than you think it is. Hell- You could just walk up to the guy randomly and tell him you're head over heels and want to kiss his stupid face, and I am pretty sure he'd laugh and take that as a proper confession."
"I- There's no way that would work-"
"Would it work on you?"
"I- touche."
"See? I'm leaving it there since Gold might actually hunt me down if I bungle something for Asp," he joked before adding, "I have to go anyways, I'll talk to ya later when you've totally charmed your way into Mothman's pants and you're a certified chad. Seeya." And with that, he hung up, leaving Ashton to sit in silence, incredibly embarrassed.
Cie sighed, slumping back in cies chair. Piers probably had a point. He'd known Asp for 7, close to 8 years, what's the worst that could happen? Well, Asp could so thoroughly reject him that he had no choice but to pack up his stuff and move back to Texas, but being realistic, nothing too bad. So, what should chi do? Should ey just... get up and tell him? Or should they go out and get something for him first? Flowers would be too cliche... but then what else? Everything Asp really wanted was expensive games online, and as much as Ashton loved him, they also didn't have a great job, so that was also a no-go... Well, ey had the card ey'd been holding onto for a while, but would Asp really appreciate a plain Pokémon card? They supposed it was worth a shot...
Setting his phone on his desk, Ashton stood up and moved towards his shelf, pulling off a beat-up old binder and opening it up on the floor. Flipping through pages and pages of Pokémon cards, they hummed to themself, looking for a specific one. Ey found it after a few minutes, in the middle of the most recent page. Carefully pulling it out, he inspected it again to make sure his dumb ass hadn't managed to damage it before putting the binder back up and rushing out of his room to go find Asp.
He was sitting on the kitchen counter, eating Goldfish with Mitzi. The little Ragdoll kitten was absolutely vibing, happily crunching on whatever goldfish pieces Asp set out for her on the counter.
Once more, Ashton nearly hit his head into the cabinets on the way in, but he got there unscathed. Carefully hiding the card in his pocket, Ashton moved a bit closer, smiling nervously. "Hey, Mothie, I have... a thing for you!"
Looking up from the cat in his lap, Asp asked, "ooh, what kind of thing?" It was semi-common for both of them to find random objects and gift them to each other, so Ashton still had a chance to chicken out, if he needed it.
"A Pokémon card-" he realized how stupid it sounded right after it left his mouth "-but it- it's a Pokémon I think you'd- you'd like... or something- It- it reminds me of you, y'know?" they admitted, pulling the card out of their pocket. Cie held it out for cies roommate to see. It was just a plain Frosmoth card with nothing special going on, but cie hoped the thought behind it would be at least okay. He hadn't been lucky enough to get a rarer card, but even if he had, he wasn't sure if he wanted to give it away so easily.
Asp unfolded his legs, sadly forcing Mitzi to stand up and hop down, and slid off the counter, reaching up to take the card. "Oh, thank you... is- is it because fluffy white moth-"
"Yes, it is 100% because fluffy white moth-"
Despite the slightly lazy and stupid reasoning behind the gift, Asp smiled up at em. That made Ashton smile too, followed shortly by a rosy pink color across his nose and cheeks. They stood there for a second, staring at each other before Ashton remembered why he'd rushed out there.
"Um- I- I meant to ask you some-something... can- can I do that-? Sorry-" he asked. Yes, of course, remind him of your biggest flaw while in the process of asking him out, definitely won't go horribly.
Asp leaned back on the counter, holding the card still. "Yeah, go ahead."
Ashton nodded and ran a hand through his hair before starting to pinch at his neck. "Uh- O-okay, so, uh- I- I have no idea how to properly ask this, but um- do- do you maybe... want to.. be, like, more... than just best friends? As in, like... b-boyfriends or something-?" cie asked nervously, starting to trail off around halfway through. Asp looked up, surprised. He opened his mouth to say something when Ashton looked to the side and started rambling again. "I- it's okay if you don't, obviously, I- I just reckoned I'd ask since- since we uh- since the notebook thing, but, like, really, you- you don't have to-"
Ey were cut off by another pair of lips coming into contact with eir own. They'd been so busy overthinking the whole deal and expecting rejection that they didn't feel Asp's hand reaching up to pull them down for a kiss. Cie froze up slightly, surprised by the sudden action before practically melting. Mins arms slowly moved up and around Aspen's neck, pulling him closer in the process. Little bursts of excitement and happiness popped in cies chest and head, making the whole thing feel a bit like a dream. Chi stood up on chis tippy toes and leaned forward, making the two of them stumble slightly.
Thanks to a pesky need for oxygen, the two of them had to break apart after a short bit, but Ashton's head was still buzzing happily, making it feel like everything was shaky. Or maybe they were just shaking. It felt a little silly to be a grown man in his twenties, freaking out over his first kiss, but Ashton had also missed the dating and/or kissing part of high school due to mental health, making this a very monumental occasion.
After standing there, slightly stunned and smiling like a fucking idiot, Ashton asked, “s-so is that like… a yes, or-?” Maybe that was a little stupid to ask, but he needed to be sure before he made any labels in his head! It’d suck if cie changed the way cie thought about cies roommate and then turned out to be wrong.
Asp laughed and leaned his head on mins shoulder. “I-it is a yes… god can you imagine how awkward it would be if it wasn’t? Imagine just kissing your roommate and then pretending nothing happened… I’d die.”
“Same,” chi said before wrapping chis arms tighter around Asp and giggling like a teenage girl. “I’m sorry- I- I’m just… r-really happy… or- or something- I’m glad the whole… love thing is at least kind of mutual… I’m gonna be honest, I- I’ve like highkey been kind of pining since like- I- I don’t know, like 10th grade? A- a while-... a-and I'm sorry I'm so awkward about everything..."
Aspen stood on his tippy toes to kiss Ashton on the forehead. "It's alright... I'm pretty awkward too. It's kind of why we get along," he assured. He did have a point. The two of them met on a game all those years ago and bonded over similar struggles and experiences. Eventually, that grew into... what they had now. And that was... special. At least Ashton thought it was, which had to count for something. Even if it wasn't that special, it felt special and that's what really mattered. And if it ever stopped feeling that way... well, that was that.
All that mattered now, though, was that it was mutual and they were able to do things like hug or kiss without it being weird. Ashton gave Asp one last little squeeze before releasing him and stepping back a bit. "Well uh... that's all I really came in here to do... y-you can go back to... whatever you were doing now... sorry-"
He looked around the kitchen for a moment before saying, "Mitzi is gone, so I'm not really doing anything now- And don't- don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong... if- if you weren't doing anything either, do you want to, like, play some Wii Party or something-?"
"What a romantic first date... but yes, 100%-"
Word Count: 1587
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daddyjackfrost · 3 years
hey there babe 👉👈 dropping by to request a bokuto oneshot (because bokuto brainrot go brrrr) with him being the simpleton idiot that he is, showing off his s/o to his teammates (because that makes me weAK)
babe!!! my love!! you’re so right bestie
bokuto is just 🥰🥰🥰🥰
one bokuto oneshot coming right up for my wifie 😏
bokuto x f!reader
warnings: none :) himbo bokuto, fluff, aged up! time skip spoilers!!!!!
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You pulled down your blouse, anxious as you drove. 
The smell of the bento boxes in your truck made your stomach rumble, and you let out a small nervous smile. You had made bento boxes for Bokuto’s team, hoping that the food would help your first impression. Though you had been dating the outside hitter for almost a year, you had yet to meet his team. 
For the first couple of months, you both decided it was best if your relationship was kept lowkey, especially since Bokuto was a famous volleyball player and the last thing you wanted, was his image tainted. You knew your boyfriend was loved by many, men and women alike, and you were fine with keeping this quiet. 
You and Bokuto, and your families both knew you were dating, and for you, that was enough. For Bokuto, however, he wanted everyone to know. He wanted to flaunt you, show everyone that you were his and he was yours. He wanted to love you everywhere, he wanted to make sure you knew that he was proud of you and that he loved you outside the comfort of your home. 
You knew he did. There was no way he didn’t. Bokuto was the easiest man to read, and you loved that about him. 
The only thing that changed your mind was the conversation you had with Bokuto last night as he laid on top of you, his head resting on your chest. 
“ ‘m just sayin’ babe. My team will love you! I think you should meet them! They’ve heard so much about you, only fair there’s a face to the name.”
You choked on your water, staring down at Bokuto. Your eyes widened as he looked up at you with soft eyes. 
“Kotaro, what do you mean they’ve heard so much about me? You told them?”
Bokuto laughed and pressed kisses to your collarbone. 
“Of course, love! You’re my s/o, why wouldn’t I talk about you? Even my barber knows about you!”
You stared at the man with so much love in your eyes. Bokuto loved you, and he didn’t hide it from anyone. 
Why did you?
You pulled into the gym that Bokuto practiced in. It’s not that you were scared to meet his team, you were nervous as to what would happen after his team found out. You went to every game Bokuto played and you always sat in a seat he could see you in, and every time he made a nice hit, he would look towards you and smile. 
The media had tried to find this ‘mystery person’ but they gave up. Now, once the team found out, so would everyone else. 
And that scared you. 
You parked your car and slipped out, walking to your trunk. You grabbed the two bags that had the bento boxes and you quietly made your way to the gym. 
Bokuto had no idea you were coming, and you hoped that everything played out as you hoped. 
You walked down the dark hallways, walking straight to the gym that had your boyfriend in it. 
You turned a corner and immediately froze, stepping back into the shadows. 
“You seem awfully happy today, Bokuto.”
You didn’t recognize the deep voice that spoke, but you know it belonged to Sakusa Kiyoomi. Bokuto often talked highly of him, and you often watched his during matches, entranced with the way he moved. 
You leaned against the wall, hoping that Bokuto wouldn’t see you. 
“I am! Y/n said she had a surprise for me and I’m so excited to see it!”
Your lips pulled into a wide smile at the sound of Bokuto’s voice. He sounded so excited, and you hoped that this fulfilled his excitement. 
“You seem to really love this y/n.”
Your heart stopped, waiting for Bokuto’s answer.
“I do, Omi-Omi. She’s everything I’ve wanted and more! You know, I still get those butterflies in my stomach when she smiles.”
Your breath hitched and you tighten your grip on the bags, your fingers going numb at his words. Bokuto told you he loved you every day, but there was something endearing about hearing it behind your back, and so openly too.
Bokuto and Sakusa walked by you, walking right into the gym. You checked your watch. Their practice would end in ten minutes, and you wanted to show yourself before everyone left. With a deep breath, you quietly walked into the gym. You stayed against the wall and then walked up the bleachers, sitting down.
You put the bags down and kept your head down for a moment. You purse your lips, trying to see if your lip gloss was still on. You could hear volleyballs flying and slamming into the floor and the walls, and you could hear the loud chatter of the team.
With a deep breath, you lifted your head and laced your fingers together. You looked at the court and your eyes instantly met Hinata’s familiar ones. Hinata often came over with others Bokuto had gone to school with to play games or hang out. The orange-haired boy stared at you, blinked, looked away, and then looked back at you. His eyes widened and lightened up and he smiled, waving at you.
Your eyes widened as eleven heads turned to face you. Your face flushed and you lifted a limp hand, waving at Hinata. Your eyes shifted and met Bokuto’s wide surprised ones. You could see the way they shine and your heart squeezed in your chest when you realized that you did that.
You made Bokuto’s eyes shine.
Bokuto threw the ball, running towards you. You didn’t even have time to blink before Bokuto was at the bleachers, leaning over to be closer to you.
Even though Bokuto was sweating, he still looked as breathtaking as ever. His hair was still up, some of it falling, his arms bulging in the tight shirt he was wearing, and his chest slowly heaved up and down. Bokuto smiled up at you, and you slightly leaned forward and smiled at him.
“Y/n? What are you doing here? Wait, actually, don’t answer that. You’re here!” You couldn’t help but laugh at your boyfriend. Beautiful and loving as he may be, but simpleton he would always be, and you would always love that about him.
You nodded as you used a napkin to dab away at the sweat on his face. “I’m here, ‘Taro.”
“What made you change your mind?”
Before you could say anything, Coach Foster blew his whistle. “Bokuto! Practice isn’t over yet!”
Bokuto smiled sheepishly at you and you tapped his cheek twice, smiling at him. “Go, finish practice and then change. You still have to introduce me to your team.”
Your words seemed to ignite something in Bokuto, because he blew a kiss your way, and then ran back. Your cheeks grew warm as you heard Atsumu Miya and Shion Inunaki tease Bokuto.
You made eye contact with black eyes, and when Sakusa gave you a very small smile before looking away, you relaxed. 
As soon as the manager blew his whistle, Bokuto was the first one in the changing room. This caused Atsumu to yell a loud “Slow down, loverboy!” which made you laugh.
You silently stood up and grabbed the two bags, walking towards the coach and the manager. You bowed and introduced yourself, handing them each a bento box.
When Bokuto flew out of the change room, his eyes landed on you laughing at something his coach said. Bokuto’s heart warmed at the sight. If his coach liked you, everyone in the world would like you, not that he had any doubt.
Bokuto skipped to you, throwing an arm over your shoulder. You paused mid-sentence, smiling at him, and then continued. Their manager laughed as she picked up a few papers.
“Your girlfriend is quite the storyteller, Bokuto.”
Bokuto's smile dropped as he heard his coach say those words. Horrified, Bokuto turned to your sheepish expression. “Please tell me you didn’t tell them that story, my love.”
Instantly, you put up your hands and shook your head. “NO! Never, ‘Taro, I would never.”
“What’s this secret story?”
You and Bokuto slowly turned and face face-to-face with Shugo Meian, Bokuto’s captain. You and Bokuto both hastily shook your heads, hands up as you spoke at the same time.
Hinata and Atsumu both grinned as their eyes met yours and you gulped.
Bokuto cleared his throat and pulled you close. 
“Team, this is my s/o, Y/n!” You smiled and bowed. The team all smiled at you, bowing their heads.
You saw Hinata eye the bags by your feet and you gasped. “I forgot! I, uh, made some food for all of you! I didn’t know what everyone liked so I made a bit of everything.”
The team all thanked you as you handed each one of them a bento box. You smiled and laughed and conversed with everyone with ease, and Bokuto watched you with adoring eyes. 
He stood a few steps away from you, giving you space as you got to know his teammates. He stood with his arms crossed, a soft smile on his face. 
He loved you so much.
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taglist: @h-grangerstudies @elektrosonix @snoozless @howcanyoubreathewithnozaire @oracleofdin @iwasumi @qualitygiantshoepsychic @rinrinniesstuff @asterroidd @ackerpotato
since i feel bad, here’s a cute pic of bokuto
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daddyjackfrost © 2021 | all content belongs to me, do not modify
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sylvermidnight · 3 years
An in depth look at HWS New Zealand
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Name: Mikaere (Meaning godlike or one who is like god)
English Given Name: Howard (Howie) Kirkland
Human Age: 18
National Age: 180+
Gender: Non-binary (He/They)
Sexuality: Bisexual
General Appearance: Howie is around 5′5, they’re slight in stature but they can be big in presence. He is Māori, so his skin is a more warm brown than most of his “siblings” He somehow managed to inherit Arthur’s green eyes, something he regrets more than anything about his appearance. His hair falls in thick soft curls around his face, normally tucked back behind his ears. His face and body are splattered with freckles that get just a little bit more prominent when he’s been out in the sun for long periods of time. He has a large tattoo on his back, taking up most of it, and even dipping out across his hips and waist. The second tattoo is a band around his left arm. He also has a large scar running the length of his torso, and a smaller one cutting under his right rib. Aside from those he has many tiny ones across his hands and legs that heal up quickly from stupid stunts. He has a tongue piercing but he doesn’t always leave it in. He tends to fidget with it when he does. 
As for clothes he can be found on one of two extremes. Cottagecore or punk. He is fond of his soft sweaters and work boots. But he also can be seen sporting leather jackets and spikes. It all depends on the mood of the day. But he does typically give off an approachable vibe either way.
General Personality: They’re not exactly a quiet type for sure. They’re outspoken about their needs, wants, and opinions. He’s both a lover and a fighter. Taking care of his siblings when he can, but not hesitating to go to bat for them in a fight. Howie loves children and is always willing to babysit if another nation needs it. He’s a goofball at times, and pulls stupid stunts that can land him hurt or in trouble. He’s one of a few of the anglosphere children to yell in Arthur’s face, in some ways taking after Alfred.
Considered Family List:
Arthur Kirkland (England)
Jett Kirkland (Australia)
Alfred Jones (America)
Matthew Williams (Canada)
Jia Long (Hong Kong)
Tā moko:
The Manaia rests in the center of his back, surrounded by intricate patterns that somewhat tell his life story.
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The Manaia represents the connection to the spirit world and the mortal, and is said to ward off evil. Howie got it right before leaving to fight in WW1 thinking it would protect him, and wanting to bring pride to his culture and home.
On his upper left arm rests the Pakati pattern in a thick band.
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This marks them as a warrior and he got it before leaving for WW2. Older now, and independent he believed it was time to take that title as he had been involved with many conflicts leading up to this.
History and timeline:
The New Zealand Wars
Mikaere was born sometime before the coming conflict. Whom he was raised by up until that point is unknown. They do not remember them, and Arthur never met them. When Te riri Pākehā (Another name for the conflict) began Mikaere was still a small child. They don’t remember it all too vividly but they still resent it as it was the beginning of English control and the destruction of their native culture. It was during this time Mikaere was found by Arthur and for lack of a better term, adopted. He was renamed Howard, and took on the last name Kirkland. It was also then that he was moved off the island to best avoid the fighting and when he met his brothers. He bonded well with both Jett and Jia Long (Then anglicized Leon). But there is still a lingering resentment to this day for the happenings of this time period.
Early Childhood:
Howie was raised in the same house as his two closest brothers, and that created a strong between the three of them. Arthur was not the most attentive parent in the world and that lead to many issues growing up. They weren’t unhappy or lonely but they were often homesick and confused. When Howie was around eight or nine he met Alfred for the first time and it is still something they are confused about. Their older brother was much preferable to Matthew or even their father. But it still felt strange. Alfred often came bearing gifts and large boats and many loud and unpleasant people. And at dinner there would always be some sort of argument. He was too young at the time to understand that Arthur was still at odds with his eldest. Other notable events are; the continuation of Māori resistance, a visit from Germany, a visit from Japan, a surprise visit from Russia, and the first New Zealand built locomotive.
Gaining dominion status and the Great War:
After gaining dominion status in 1907 Howie was faced with a choice. They could either move out of Arthur’s home and return home permanently, or they could stay. Jett had gained independence in 1901, six years earlier, and he was home less and less. Out of guilt however Howie decides to stay and look after Jia Long, and at times, Arthur. He worried his father may not be able to handle losing another child. As WW1 crept closer on the horizon Howie prepared to go to war by receiving his first tattoo, the Manaia across his back. The disaster of Gallipoli left him scared as almost three thousand of his men died, he still holds resentment against Arthur for that, and slowly over time it festers. He goes on to fight, transferring to the western front and participating in the Battle of Passchendaele where 3,700 of his soldiers fell. This only added to the length of the painful and deep scar cutting across his heart and torso. Finally the war comes to an end, however when they return home new truths come to light. Arthur confesses to the details behind his name change and how he came to be in his care. This paired with the folly of Gallipoli was enough to make him break ties with his father figure and finally strike out on his own.
Howie enters WW2 at Arthur’s behest and participates in joint operations with him for a time. They get their second tattoo, denoting them as a warrior. After the attack on pearl harbor war is also declared on Japan and Howie worries after his older brother significantly. As threats of a Japanese invasion rise Howie finds themselves at home more and more, taking on the role of medic for the first time and finding they rather prefer the position. In June of 1942 Alfred arrives and the two spend a lot of time together before his departure. He participates in the invasion of Italy not as a soldier but as a medic, having decided that is the role he prefers to play. Before the war ends he gains another scar, under his right rib. This represents the battle of Monte Cassino.
Then to present:
After that Howie attempted to avoid conflict. They’d rather not follow in their father or older brother’s footsteps. Though he continues to care for his family, as well as seek Alfred’s approval, he’s more set to look inward. For now he’s moved on to better days, finding a solid relationship with Yong-Soo, and applying for medical school which would be the first time he attended college.
Brief relationship bios:
The relationship is a parental one. Though not exactly solid. Howie loves him terribly but they often find themselves at odds with him. They blame him for a lot of his troubles and rightly so. Their childhood was not pleasant. But for all of the pain they still check up on him regularly. Making sure he knows he’s somewhat appreciated and not forgotten. They do their best to explain how they’ve been hurt and why things can’t be the way they were but it’s difficult.
See following fic for more elaboration:
Jett is Howie’s closest companion and has been throughout their life. Despite being the younger sibling they take a defensive role over him and will fuck up anyone who tries to start shit. They were brought closer via abandonment but they made the best out of it. They’re too halves of the same idiot. Often Howie will get into trouble and Jett will take the blame for them, allowing Howie to keep up his innocent façade.
Alfred and Matthew:
Alfred is somewhat protective over them, while Matthew could not care less. Howie’s relationship with Alfred while distant, is solid.
Jia Long:
Jia Long is the third in Jett and Howie’s group of terror. While not as often involved he never passes up an opportunity to get into trouble with them and Howie often employs him on pranks targeted against Yao and Arthur. They sort of understand where the other is coming from. Not completely, but some of the experiences are the same, causing them to bond. Once again Howie is highly protective over him and will go to fists.
Ireland and Scotland:
I don’t have solid characters for either nation but I do know historically speaking they would have good relationships with Howie. Historically New Zealand has stood behind both of them when it comes to conflict with Britain and the immigration rate back and forth between both countries is very high.
That’s it for now but I constantly have brainrot about this kid so probably more at a later date.
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maariarogers · 3 years
random plot bunnies from my seojun x sujin brainrot on a fic that i might?? or may not write. based primarily from k-drama, following the webtoon plotline:
so, this is set in the future, maybe about five years in?? so theyre all 25 years old at this point and seojun’s a well-established idol (singer)
seojun’s nutritionist provided by the agency is going to resign because she's six-months in into her pregnancy and wanted to focus on raising her children
seojun feels a little disheartened at this point; a lot of the time, being an idol, the few constant things he could rely on was the same faces of the team that took care of him - because in other aspects of his career, he has to meet new people a lot, and his scene and environment changes so much
so this was lowkey a blow for seojun, who just wants every sense of familiarity, regardless how little, to sorta stay?? the same??
but he can’t really have much say on it too, because a lot of the team members who took care of him which he has are provided by the agency, and he knows the agency will be doing placements for that too
but then his nutritionist sorta knows he’s a lil sad (she’s become like a surrogate older sister for him) and she’s like, “i have someone in my mind. she’s... a little rough around the edges. she’s been through a lot. but - she has a good heart. like you.” the nutritionist smiles, “i think the both of you could get along well!”
so the new nutrionist? that’s our badass girl, kang sujin.
now sujin has already known that her senior wanted her to replace the position for han seojun’s nutrionist because her senior trusted her to do a good job, but sujin’s a bit queasy about the entire arrangement if she’s honest
she wants to say no, but her senior has always been supportive and strict in ways that’s got her shaped up to her best ability, and she just didn’t have the heart to say “no” in the end
so on the day they met, seojun recognised sujin immediately, and sujin, at first, pretended that she’s only met seojun for the first time
seojun consecutively tries to trigger some sort of reaction in sujin, but she deflects pretty well? every time he tries to confront her, she’s like “hi mr. han seojun” and “what can i do for you today?”
even during their private sessions while sujin goes over seojun’s daily food and nutrition intakes and adjusting new set of schedules for him, sujin’s all serious. she’s gotten close to snapping at him - but then she quickly just, “noooo :) im not mad :) what do u mean”
after a while, seojun sorta lets it go and focuses back on training
his team is planning a tour, maybe even concerts outside korea, and seojun’s lowkey scared because even though he’s toured and flown to various countries to perform at this point, he still has the anxiety
he wants to be so good to his fans, wants to do his best now that he’s come so far to the point he essentially sacrifices a chance at a relatively ordinary life
but then, he starts overworking too
seojun’s never been the best dancer, you know; he could always make up for it with singing, but he still?? doesnt feel like it’s enough???
and then one day sujin just comes barging in at his apartment, mad, because seojun’s had a fever and couldn’t train for two days now and turns out?? he hasn’t really been eating as much as he should, or he’s not drinking as much as he should
that was the first time sujin showed any sense of familiarity from their high school days
she gave him a good whip, talks to his doctors, and adjusts his diet according to his schedules and for the next week, she sorta comes quite frequently to make sure even when he’s training, he’s doing okay
seojun comments that she’s “scarier” than his last nutrionist, and sujin’s like, “good. it means you’ll listen to me.”
one day, he starts asking her to stay just a while instead of just leaving, which she always does, and he’s like “have a beer. what, you have a strict diet too?” and sujin reluctantly stays? even tho she’s awkward and quiet
finally seojun’s like, “why did u pretend u didn’t recognise me?”
and sujin’s just.... “didn’t you hate me?” referring to what she did to jugyeong (implying the k-drama events i assume?? but imma keep this vague as hell) and she just, “i did something horrible to the girl you love.”
and because this is seojun, esp their dynamics dkjhksdhf, he’s just straight up, “yeah. you were a bitch.” because to him, that was the facts, you know
sujin sorta stays quiet, but then she puts the beer down and like?? “i don’t have to explain anything to you.” but seojun’s like!!!!! thats not what he meant!!! and hes just, “hey no! sit. you just started relaxing, right?”
but after a minute he comments under his breath, “i didn’t know you were this sensitive.”
but then sujin quietly replied, “she was my friend. i loved her too.”
and that sorta got the two of them quiet, but then seojun decided to change the topic because its Its_Too_Awkward.jpeg, “last i heard u were gonna be a doctor. your dad’s professor Kang right? he treated my mom.”
and that sorta??? causes sujin to tense up, but then she deflects with a snappish, “why are you so interested in me?” “i’m not! i’m just asking questions.” “i should be asking you questions - why the hell did you think it was a good idea to pull the shit u did now that your touring schedule is in the talks? how are you supposed to perform if you can’t even stand?” “aish, didn’t you already nag me?” “you’re so stupid, i’m scared you’ve forgetten”
they started bickering again but that night was really what triggered for sujin to be a little more relaxed with seojun, and for seojun to sorta - try a bit harder to?? not be friendlier, no, but he likes that he’s known her from an era in his life where he didn’t have to always be a face in the screen.
more and more, seojun asks sujin to stay and have dinner after she’s done evaluating his weekly meals and they have a better comradeship
he starts anticipating her more when she comes to evaluate another idol or something at the agency and he’s just!!!!!!! “you’re here? why are you here? did u miss me already? what do u mean i’m not the only one you’re treating”
and then slowly we also found out why she didn’t become a doctor (she didn’t wanna follow her dad; and she still carries the guilt of what she did to jugyeong and admitted, more than the result of her father’s anger, she likes the version of her who always wants to help others - and, she can memorises easily, so... nutritionist didn’t seem bad)
sujin starts bringing in board games or sometimes she sneaks a few of supermarket-brand goods since seojun’s been behaving with his meals and vitamin intakes, and the one time seojun’s invited to a tv show where it has quizes, she tutors him the whole night so he “doesnt make a fool out of himself”
she also starts to keep up with whatever show he’s in, and she’s always texting him that she’s watched him with this horrible washed-out screenshot because she takes the photo on her laptop with her phone. and her texts are all “the dance was good” and “you’ve improved that move huh” and then sometimes “idiot. why did u answer like that”
sujin makes fun of her for not being able to take a clean screenshot, but he never really leaves her un-replied
and they started talking about relationships - how they were both so enamoured with suho and jugyeong respectively, and for sujin specially, how she can’t wait to be loved by someone who can make her feel like suho’s not a big deal at all
but then she admits she doesn’t think she deserves to be loved, and sorta has this sad smile, and seojun confesses that he’s scared if he loves someone, he has to lose them due to his career
and they’re really sad about it, but the night also isn’t as bad cause they had each other
and ok i have a LOT more i think - and i honestly dk how nutritionist actually works BUT. yes. them.
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