#i have been on adderall for three days.
twinkle-art · 1 year
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to the edge
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motherhenna · 9 months
I was wondering if any of y'all have some go-to recipes that are super simple and straightforward to make that you'd be interested in sharing? Like meals that require as few steps and prep as possible? I'm trying to make more food at home and avoid highly processed microwave meals, but I lowkey hate cooking, especially when it's just for myself. While my executive dysfunction has definitely improved over the last month, I still very much have depression and ADHD and thus struggle to tackle more labor intensive activities unless there's a lot of dopamine release involved in the process. I obviously want to improve though, and I figure it's about time to stop living off my protein oatmeal. (It's super good tho, fairly nutritious, and really easy to make--just oats, protein powder, peanut butter, and a bit of honey).
I've compiled a bunch of possible recipes over the last few weeks (mostly from blogs listing meal ideas for picky children lmao), but was just curious if any of you had personal favorites of your own. Since I'm just starting out and have a shitty little 1970s apartment kitchen, I'm pretty limited, and don't really like dealing with super perishable ingredients like fresh produce yet. So only bother with sharing the kind of shit a latchkey middle schooler could make on their own lol
feel free to share them in the replies, or you can pm me or send me an ask too if you'd rather do that instead. It's much appreciated, and I'll let you know if I end up making your recipe!
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trans-xianxian · 10 months
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took my adderall and finally decorated the wall I've been meaning to for Months :^)
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seilon · 1 year
pro tip: do not take four stimulants at the same time unless you want to vibrate so hard you tear your molecules apart and phase into different plane of existence
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year
i have written thirty pages in my diary that i started three days ago
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jovalencia · 2 years
I need to see a psychiatrist there is something so wrong up there
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kitchenelf · 3 months
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ginalinettiofficial · 9 months
already posted one fic to ao3 today but might fuck around and post another in another fandom just to keep things spicy
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mothmanns · 2 years
ranting in tags
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copperbadge · 2 years
Jonathan Adler, A Tour
Somehow, in the last year or so, I ended up on the mailing list for the Jonathan Adler catalogue. It’s a high-end furniture and interior decor catalogue featuring the ugliest tat you’ve ever been asked to pay thousands of dollars for. Can I offer you a giant wicker banana in these trying times? 
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[ID: A photograph from the Jonathan Adler catalogue, featuring an enormous banana woven from wicker, with a wicker elephant head in the background. The text reads “Our slyly suggestive tribute to surrealism. Blown up proportions add just the right amount of extra appeel.” It has a price tag of $995.]
Come with me on a journey, friends.
The company really loves acrylic, which I was given to understand was not a super expensive material, but this giant acrylic hippo begs to differ.
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[ID: A large, stylize hippo made of amber acrylic, somewhat translucent; it has very dainty front feet, a huge muzzle, and a giant ass. It is $850. Nowhere is it shown with anything that might give a sense of scale to back up the “Giant” claim.]
This candelabra, made from green acrylic and chrome, I actually really like. I would pay $30, maybe even $35 for it at a vintage market.
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I would not pay the $600 they want for it.
[ID: An acrylic-and-chrome candelabra, which looks like a branched set of water pipes with silver fixtures on the ends. I bet it only takes special sized candles.]
Moving on from acrylic, would you perhaps enjoy seeing the ugliest $3,700 credenza they offer?
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[ID: A small set of cabinets on raised legs, the whole thing done in wood; each of the three cabinet doors looks like an antique television, with blue linen panels that look like switched-off TV screens. Text reads “Aspen Credenza. Faced with three organic, sculpted doors inlaid with teal linen panels on tubular legs.”]
Tell me this apartment belongs to rich lesbians without telling me this apartment belongs to rich lesbians. 
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[ID: A photograph of a living room interior, with a coffee table center; on the coffee table is an orchid plant, sitting atop an Allegra Hicks art book. Next to the book is a small bowl in the shape of a cupped hand, and behind both is an enormous acrylic sculpture of a hand with middle finger tipped forward slightly. I looked up the hand on the website, it’s about $1300.]
Lastly, I would consider buying one of these if they had an Adderall, but unfortunately the catalogue caters to upmarket downer lovers.
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[ID: A series of pillboxes in gold and silver metal; they are designed to look like enormous pills themselves, stamped with Xanax, Ambien, and Prozac brand names.]
They do actually have an Adderall pillbox on the website, but it’s $225 and also it’s in the form of a THIRTY, which I didn’t even know existed. Thirty milligrams of Adderall sounds like jet fuel, and I say that as someone who is extremely happy taking 10mg twice a day. 
There is so much more to see and boggle at in the catalogue, but I leave you with this last taste, so that if you desire you can search out more on your own:
Store your rings in a secret brass vagina.  
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bomberqueen17 · 2 months
adderall update
it's not doing shit. i have been faithfully taking it for three weeks. it is no easier to initiate tasks, switch tasks, choose which tasks to perform. i have no executive function to speak of. i have been trying to make to-do lists, i have been doing my absolute best to self-motivate, and i am accomplishing nothing. i am spending hours dithering over things. every time i go to look at my phone i get stuck scrolling something else. i am making no progress on any of my life goals and anything i achieve is clawed out of nothingness with great effort. it is ridiculous.
also i can feel it wear off around 1pm and then i'm drowsy as fuck for most of the afternoon.
it cost me $210 for the three-minute telehealth appointment where the psych said "try it for two more weeks" and then didn't schedule me a follow-up appointment, so. IDK where we go from here. I'll run out of pills in ten days but I don't even know if i'll bother taking them. Maybe I should try taking two one of those days and see if it's just that I'm on such a low dose. IDK.
Anyway: there's the upshot. It's doing jack fucking shit for me except making it so I need to drink like four liters of water in a day or have a 20-hour headache.
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thewillofdeez · 5 months
Mihawk vs The Seals
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Summary: Every year, hundreds of seals return to Kuraigana Island to mate, including Mihawk's nemesis. His name is Neil.
Characters: Mihawk, Zoro, Perona, Neil the Seal as I imagine him in the One Piece Universe
Warnings: Some minor language, bittersweet mood. It's not crack, but it's almost crack. Crack-lite, if you will.
Note: Listen. It's extremely important to me that you know three things before you read this.
1) I haven't written anything substantial in several months. I was hoping to get The Warlord and the Revolutionary final chapters up today, but this happened instead.
2) I have been heavily on Neil the Seal TikTok.
3) This is my first day taking Adderall. I wrote this in 3.5 hours, starting with nothing more than a very vague concept. I guess that means it's working.
Take that all for what you will. Should I have published this? Maybe not. But here we are.
It was another day on Kuraigana Island for Mihawk, Zoro, and Perona. The two young pirates had been living with Mihawk for only a few months. Spring was slowly starting to reach the island, the weather beginning to warm ever so slightly. The three pirates sat down at the breakfast table, when Mihawk heard it: A loud, emotional braying sound from outside. He sighed heavily, placing his coffee cup on the table. Zoro and Perona exchanged a look.
“What,” Zoro said slowly, “The ever-loving hell was that?”
“That is the worst sound I’ve ever heard,” Perona added. “Like a vacuum cleaner sucking up a small elephant.”
“The seals are back,” Mihawk stated plainly, already feeling a headache coming on.
“The…seals?” Perona asked tentatively.
Mihawk sipped his coffee and sighed. “Every year around 300 seals come to this island to mate. For the next two weeks or so, the beach behind the castle will be their mating grounds.”
Perona’s eyes lit up, and she floated quickly to the window to look outside. A number of large, gray-ish blue seals were already beginning to gather on the beach. “EEEE they’re so cute!”
"They’re not cute,” Mihawk shot back, “They’re a menace. They’re loud, they take over the whole castle grounds, and they shit everywhere . Once they leave I have to have a company come in and rake the beach like a giant litterbox, and I have to spray down the bridge and patio every day. It’s a nightmare. A loud, smelly, destructive nightmare”
Zoro was trying not to chuckle at his mentor’s annoyance at seals of all things. “Can’t you, like, do anything about it?”
"Of course not,” Mihawk replied curtly. “They’re wild animals, I have no control over them. However, I did try slicing one up to send a message my first year here. They didn’t care. Then I just felt bad about killing it. I ate nothing but seal meat for weeks. Got a nice rug out of it though.”
Zoro laughed at the absurdity of the situation, and Mihawk narrowed his eyes. “You laugh now, Roronoa, but you won’t be when it’s 3am and you can’t sleep because there’s a seal orgy happening outside your window.” Mihawk drained his coffee cup and stood. “Both of you, come. We need to check the seal-proofing on the castle before we begin training for the day.”
“Seal-proofing?” Perona asked, floating behind him.
“Yes, I’ve boarded up several of the lower entrances because if I don’t they will get inside the castle. The last thing I want is to come downstairs to find a pile of seals sleeping in the living room. Again.”
Zoro and Perona followed Mihawk outside. Numerous seals were gathered, mostly on the beach, but some were beginning to flop their way up the paths, and some were swimming in the lake. Mihawk walked confidently through the fray, watching his step as he went. Perona eyed them cautiously. They were much larger up close, and distinctly less cute. “Mihawk,” Perona asked cautiously as one brayed loudly at her, “Are they, ya know, dangerous?”
“For someone like you, perhaps,” he replied calmly, though irritation still laced his words. “They can be quite territorial, but generally if you keep your distance and don’t bother them, they won’t bother you. I recommend flying a little higher than you normally might to avoid any trouble.” Perona immediately obeyed, floating an extra few feet off the ground.
The three made their way around the perimeter of the castle, checking various entrances to ensure Mihawk’s make-shift seal proofing was holding up, and making repairs where it wasn’t. Upon the path, a seal blocked their way. It was easily the largest Zoro and Perona had seen so far, its enormous body marred with the scars of many years in the ocean. Mihawk stood before it, narrowing his golden eyes and crossing his arms. “Hello, Neil.” The seal brayed loudly in response, flecks of saliva misting the three pirates.
Mihawk only continued to glare as he wiped his face with his sleeve. “Move,” he demanded. Neil barked in defiance, rolling over onto his back in a move Mihawk could only presume was seal for “fuck you, make me.”
“You, uh…you named the seal?” Zoro asked hesitantly, again trying to hold in his laughter to not make Mihawk any angrier than he already was.
“Yes, I’ve named several of the more annoying ones. This is Neil. He’s my nemesis. I hate him and he hates me.”
Zoro placed a hand over his mouth, turning his back to keep in his laughter, but he couldn’t do it. He let out a loud guffaw, bracing his hands on his knees as he laughed. “Neil the seal?! You gave him a rhyming name? And he’s your nemesis ?!” Neil let out a bark too, it almost sounded like laughing.
Mihawk’s face grew red. “Neil, move!” he demanded. As the seal let out a series of short, mocking barks it finally obeyed, moving off the path and towards the beach, satisfied that it had thoroughly humiliated Mihawk enough for one day. Mihawk took a deep breath and continued down the path.
“Watch your step, Zoro,” Mihawk stated as they walked, without even looking at the young man behind him. Before Zoro had a chance to ask why, he felt his boot land in something squishy.
“Ugh, dammit,” Zoro lamented, pulling his boot from the glob of seal poo Neil had left behind with a thwack .
“Haha!” Perona taunted in a sing-song voice, “You stepped in seal poo!”
Zoro grumbled, trying to wipe the bulk of the mess from his boots in the dirt. “It’s gonna be a long two weeks.”
And boy was it! Mihawk hadn’t been exaggerating about the noise. It was exceptionally loud, to the point where they were all constantly exhausted from lack of sleep. Perona even attempted to sound-proof her room by stacking her plushies in front of the windows, but despite her rather impressive collection, no amount of plushies was enough to keep the noise at bay with the room’s enormous, gothic windows.
Zoro and Mihawk’s training was often interrupted by the seals flopping along between them, paying absolutely no mind to the two men and their large, sharp swords. One day they attempted to move their training inside to the dungeons, only to find that a dozen seals had broken Mihawk’s barrier, and were now mating loudly. Between chasing the seals outside and cleaning up the mess the animals had made, they got no training done that day. As they cleaned and mopped, Mihawk could have sworn he heard Zoro grumble something about “never wanting to see a seal dick again.”
And then there was Neil. Though Zoro had laughed when Mihawk confidently declared Neil his nemesis, the giant seal did seem to find a perverse joy in tormenting Mihawk, personally. As Mihawk defiantly took his afternoon tea and daily cigarette out on the patio, despite the noise and the smell (a holdover from his younger days, and one of the few simple pleasures in his life), Neil would flop his enormous body up the stairs and honk directly at the swordsman, one time knocking over the small table and sending his teacup shattering on the ground before flopping away, letting out short, loud honks that Mihawk was positive was laughter. Perona tried her best to glue the teacup back together, but it was rather leaky and had to be discarded.
Neil also enjoyed standing directly outside of Mihawk’s window and bellowing at night, and occasionally charging directly at him. Mihawk was strong, but he wasn’t indestructible, and one thousand pounds of seal would certainly hurt him. Then of course, there were the daily “gifts” Neil left on the front doorstep. They appeared in the morning after breakfast, so Mihawk had no evidence that it was Neil, but he knew deep down that it was him.
One day, roughly two weeks from the day they began appearing on the island, the seals began leaving, their mating for the season done. Mihawk sat outside with his afternoon tea and his cigarette, not making the same mistake of placing the teacup on the table twice, lest Neil see it as an invitation. Zoro stepped outside, leaning over the bannister as the seals began slipping into the sea.
“How do you do this every year?” Zoro asked genuinely. “I’m exhausted after dealing with it once.”
Mihawk shrugged as he took a drag on his cigarette. “It’s only for two weeks out of the year. It’s annoying certainly, but it’s a small price to pay for the otherwise silence and isolation of living here.”
After a moment of silence, Mihawk chuckled, a noise Zoro rarely heard from the man. “You know, one time I was getting ready to set out to sea for a Warlord meeting. A mandatory one, another one of those ‘show up or you’ll lose your position’ things. I got to my boat and Neil was there, lying on deck, sound asleep. I tried to get him to move, but he wouldn’t.”
Zoro grinned. Mihawk so rarely told him anything about himself or his past. He was automatically intrigued, always curious to know more about his mentor, even if he’d never openly admit it. “How’d that turn out?”
Mihawk grinned right back, as if they were sharing an understanding. “I took a picture and mailed it to Sengoku. No note, just the picture. Didn’t hear a word back from him. Showed up at the next meeting like nothing happened, but Sengoku later gave me the same picture back, framed. He’d thought it was the funniest thing he’d ever seen: a powerful Warlord of the Sea, trapped on his private island by a giant seal.”
Zoro laughed softly. Something about the idea of the Fleet Admiral gifting one of his Warlords a ridiculous seal picture seemed absurd to him. But he’d seen the picture on the mantle, he knew it was real. Then, Mihawk spoke again. “He’s getting old.”
Zoro turned to him. “You mean Neil?”
Mihawk nodded. “I don’t know how old he is, but he looks more and more worse for wear every time I see him. I’d wager it’ll be another year or two before I don’t see him anymore. Or perhaps this will be the last time.”
Mihawk looked out in the distance, as Zoro took in the man before him. He could never be quite sure with Mihawk, but he felt that there was a certain sadness in his mentor’s voice.
“You kind of enjoy it, don’t you?” Zoro offered. “The back and forth between you and him. He keeps things interesting when there’s no one else around.”
Mihawk shrugged and put out his cigarette. “I won’t deny that I find him entertaining, even as he annoys the hell out of me. Animals are remarkable creatures. So human-like in so many ways, and yet not at the same time. I know he’s just a dumb mammal, but….”
Zoro only nodded, understanding what Mihawk was saying. He thought back to the Kung-Fu Dugongs in Alabasta, who took so strongly to Luffy after he bested them in a fight. He thought about the South Bird in Jaya that he enjoyed bothering by trying to get it to look in directions other than South. He thought of the Humandrills here on Kuraigana, who, now that he had bested them in battle once, had become some of his favorite sparring partners. And he thought of Chopper who, despite his Human-Human Fruit, was still at the end of the day, a reindeer. Animals really were remarkable.
A loud honking sound broke Zoro from his thoughts. Neil was flopping his way up the stairs, and landed at Mihawk’s feet, looking up at him. Mihawk looked down with a raised eyebrow. “I suppose you’re leaving?” Mihawk said. Neil only honked in affirmation. Mihawk nodded. “Well. Stay safe out there. You’re just about the size of a perfect snack for a Sea King. Basically a blubbery jelly bean.” Neil let out a series of those short, braying honks that sounded like laughter. He locked eyes with Mihawk for a moment before flopping his way back down the stairs. Mihawk rose and stood beside Zoro, and together they watched as Neil got in the water and, with one last look towards the castle, swam away.
Several months passed, and it was business as usual for Mihawk, Zoro, and Perona. As Mihawk and Zoro worked in the garden, beginning the process of harvesting the year’s yield, Perona floated up to them excitedly. “Guys! Come to the beach!”
“I don’t have time for a swim,” Mihawk said curtly as he plucked some tomatoes from a vine.
“Ugh, what? No! Just…just shut up and come with me!” She turned and floated away, clearly expecting the men to drop everything and follow her. Mihawk looked to Zoro, who only shrugged and rose to his feet, dropping his gloves in the dirt. Mihawk sighed and begrudgingly did the same.
The two swordsmen followed Perona, who kept looking behind to make sure they were following, though not nearly fast enough for her. And when Mihawk crested the hill and looked out at the beach below him, his eyes widened in surprise to see Neil there, honking loudly in greeting. And not just Neil - with him were six seal pups, perhaps a few months old.
Perona squealed in delight, doing flips in the air. “Aren’t they cute?!” Mihawk could only chuckle as he approached his old nemesis.
Neil brayed happily, bouncing on his flippers and pushing the small seals with his snout towards Mihawk, who crossed his arms and chuckled. “You wanted me to meet your children, huh?” Neil honked in affirmation.
Mihawk, Zoro, and Perona sat down on the beach, allowing the seal pups to approach them. He wouldn’t say it, but they were actually quite cute. “Congratulations, Neil,” Mihawk said, his lips upturning in a slight grin. “Shall I fetch you a cigar and some whiskey to celebrate?”
That loud, honking laugh again. The one Mihawk had grown so accustomed to over his time living at the castle, the one that made Mihawk confident that even if Neil couldn’t speak the language of humans, he certainly understood every word they said.
Neil watched as the pups sniffed around the humans, eventually deeming them safe enough to accept pets, and one even crawled into Zoro’s lap for a nap, as if he’d found a kindred spirit in the green-haired swordsman. Then, satisfied, Neil let out one last bray, before turning and flopping his way back into the water. Mihawk rose quickly, going after him, not even caring that the surf was covering his boots. “Neil! Stop! I’m not a babysitter! I already have two children I don’t want, I don’t need more!”
Neil only turned and looked directly at Mihawk, and in that moment, Mihawk understood: this was Neil’s last journey to Kuraigana Island. He wasn’t coming back. Whatever may have happened to the mother, Neil was leaving his pups in the care of someone he trusted. They were still too small to make it in the wild on their own, and Neil wanted to give them the best chance at survival and a safe haven to return to, just as he had been doing for so many years.
Mihawk nodded and approached Neil, who was still looking up at him with glossy, black eyes. For the first time, Mihawk noticed a cloudiness in the seal’s eyes: cataracts. For how long had Neil had this problem and Mihawk hadn’t even noticed? Could he have taken him to a veterinarian? Could he have gotten him help if he hadn’t been so preoccupied with their cat-and-mouse game? Mihawk felt a pang in his chest as he reached out and placed a calloused hand gently on Neil’s head, petting him gently.
“I’ll take care of them,” he said, trying to hide the hoarseness appearing in his voice. “As long as they’re on this island, they will be safe.” Neil blinked and honked lowly, something Mihawk could only interpret as “thank you.” And with that, Neil flopped into the sea and swam away, leaving Mihawk standing on the shore with Zoro, Perona, and the pups.
Mihawk allowed himself a minute to mourn his odd friend, then turned and walked back to where Zoro and Perona sat with the seal pups. It was clear the two younger pirates understood what had just happened, and Perona had silent tears streaming down her cheeks.
“So what now?” she asked quietly, gently stroking the seal pup before her.
Mihawk sighed, picking up one of the pups and holding it out in front of him. It looked quite like Neil, but had a smattering of light gray spots on its fur. Its glossy black eyes looked at him with curiosity and it cocked its head to the side, taking in the man before it, before immediately peeing. The swordsman could only laugh softly. This was definitely Neil’s child.
He placed the seal gently on the ground, and it happily bounced over to its siblings. “Well,” he said, “I’m going to go change my clothes. Then, I suppose, we’re going fishing. We have six new mouths to feed after all.”
Zoro and Perona smiled, Perona wiping the tears from her face. They rose and followed Mihawk, and the six seal pups flopped along cheerily behind them, ready to explore their new home.
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monocodoll · 4 months
MonocoDoll's Vile Ventures (Drug Dealing) Mod Report (Additional Objects Made, Animations for Three Drugs, and House Raid Function Fix)
Just another monthly Mod Report regarding My Vile Ventures mod. This month I worked on creating a few more objects, consumption animations for three drugs, and fixing a bug found during my playthrough. Which I will go over these on the report.
[Additional Objects Made]
-Rolling Paper
The Raw Rolling Paper object will be utilized to create joints of weed. The joint created will depend on the strain that you have.
-Swisher Sweets
The Swisher Sweets object will be utilized to create blunts of weed. The blunt created will depend on the strain that you have.
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The bong will be utilized as one of the options to consume Cannabis.
The lighter will be utilized during some consumption animations. In particular, while lighting a bong.
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[Consumptions Animations For Three Drugs]
This month, after finally being able to figure out how to properly set up animations into the game I was able to set up Animations for three drugs during the month. Lean, Cold Medicine, and Shrooms. I have two individuals to thank greatly. As they have answered my many questions regarding setting up object animations. Both Savanita and Olomaya were a huge help.
-Drink Lean
You can drink lean while standing or sitting down.
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-Cold Medicine
You may drink cold medicine while standing or sitting down.
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-Eat Shroom
You may eat shrooms while standing or sitting down.
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[Fixes Made During Testing]
-House Raid Fixed
During my playthrough, I found that my house raid function did not work properly. I went back into the code and completely rewrote how my raid function works. I tested it many times and it has been succesful each time after the rewrite. I'll go over how it works, now that I have in game screenshots of the scenario.
Your sim is sound asleep after a full day of dealing. Getting rest to start doing it again the next day.
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You have a Cocaine Brick to cut tomorrow morning...
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Some Cured Cannabis to collect tomorrow too...
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And some Drug plants to take care of tomorrow morning...
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However, before tomorrow can hit. You hear sirens outside late at night.
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Your door gets rung...
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Only to find out that your residency is being raided...
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Once the Raid begins, the suspect sim will remain still while the officer conducts the search. The officer will confiscate every drug, drug plants, dirty money, guns, etc.
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If illegal product is found in the residency, then the Suspect sim will be arrested.
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Once arrested, the suspect sim will be taken to the police station and be sentenced.
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And that is all I have to report on for this month. We went over creating a few objects that will be used in the future, creating animations for three of our drugs, and fixing our House Raid Function.
I am so happy that I finally figured out how to put an animation in the game. As well as having a functional House Raid Function. It's a cool scenario in my opinion. For the following month, I'd like to create animations for all my pill varients of the drugs. Such as MDMA, Xanax, Adderall, and PainKillers. I'm rather slow with animations, so finishing animations for all drugs included with this mod may take a bit. LSD, Cocaine, Meth, Heroin, All 6 Cannabis Strains, Trenbolone, Testosterone Enanthate, and Estrogen blockers are the other drugs that need animations as well. So a total of 3/20 drugs have their animations completed. Some drugs will have more methods of consumption. For example Cannabis will have several options such as using a bong, Joints, Blunts, or a vaporizer.
Progress was slow this month as I was learning how to set up animations into the game and I am completely new to animations, so progress won't be as speedy as when I was focused on the coding aspect of the mod.
Now I'm going to go back into hiding as every cow should.
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blackroseguzzi · 1 year
The Girl Next Door Part 2
*This series will go back and forth between flashbacks, and I promise they all tie together to why the characters don’t talk anymore (but I think I might add in a few present day chapters along the way) 
Summery: Another flashback of your relationship with Kai. Angsty conversations over an Adderall deal.
Warning: Language, mentions of drugs
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You slipped on your sweatpants and University sweatshirt, knowing that you had an entire night full of studying left. Caffeine was coursing through your body, but your eyes still felt heavy like sleep would be the only way to comfort you. That’s why your roommate had asked her boyfriend to hook the two of you up with his Adderall dealer. It was your last year of college, and you had to finish strong in all your classes. Of course, you had your fair share of partying and sex but you had never done drugs. A little wiggle room would be okay since you knew the only way you were going to stay up and cram for this test was to take something to keep you awake - Caffeine pills just made you shit your brains out.
“Lets go, he’s just down the street behind the 7/11. Robbie is going to drive us,” Your roommate, Sophie, called out. You checked your appearance in the mirror. You never went anywhere in your sweats, but you figured you didn’t have to dress up to go get drugs. 
“Geesh relax, I’m coming.” You both left the dorm and walked quickly towards Robbie’s beat up truck. You snuck in the back, cringing inwardly as the couple exchanged a wet kiss. 
“This dude isn’t some freak, right?” You asked as you watched the snow fall outside of the truck. Robbie’s laugh filled the air.
“I mean he’s eccentric but I doubt he’d hurt a fly.” 
“That’s what they said about Jeffrey Dahmer!” Sophie smacked her boyfriends arm playfully. They pulled into the 7/11 and Robbie pointed towards the back next to the dumpster and bathrooms. 
“Alright, He’s back there. Y/N, just knock on his window and he’ll give you what you need.” Robbie twisted himself in his seat to look at you in the back. You scowled at him, realizing they expected you to go by yourself.
You weren’t scared, obviously but you were annoyed. You gave them a tight lip smile, knowing the momentary alone time was going to be spend touching each other as much as they could.
You hopped out of the truck, the light dust of snow falling down onto your head. You pulled up your hood, and smashed your hands in your pocket where they $100 dollars in 20’s lay rolled up. 
You walked towards the back of the 7/11. There was one old black car with tinted windows. Before turning around and running away from this sketchy situation you found yourself knocking on the driver side window. You watched as the man opened the door, stepping out as he dug into his pocket and pulling out the ziplock bag of blue pills.
“Here. $100 for 6 pills.” The guy finally looked up and you felt your heart stop when you noticed his dark eyes and familiar low voice. 
“Kai?!”  You pulled back your hood, revealing yourself and staring at him like you’d seen a ghost. It had been three years since you’d last seen Kai. You two had an extremely rough ending to your friendship/relationship/friends with benefits or whatever you’d like to call it. 
“Oh wow, y/n,” Kai’ voice sounded different. He also looked nothing like the mental picture you always had of him in your brain. His hair was much longer and unkept, his eyes sunken in with dark circles around them and his clothes were much more baggy. What struck you the most was that his cheerful demeanor was replaced with seriousness. 
Speechless, you just reached into your pocket and handed him the wad of 20s. You wanted to get this interaction over as soon as possible.
 He looked between the pills and your money.
“Nah, I can’t do business with you.” He pushed your hand away, about to get back into his car. You let out a cruel laugh, grabbing his sweatshirt and twirling him back to face you. 
“Are you kidding me Kai? After four years you can get rid of the protective savior complex.” 
“Why do you need Adderall anyway?” Kai narrowed his eyes at you. He was used to your anger, especially when it came to his protectiveness over you. If you had been any other girl he would have taken that money without a care, but after all those years he still held you on some kind of pedestal, yet he’d never admit it after the way you had hurt him.  
“Isn’t your job just to take the money and give the drugs?” Eyebrows raised, you shoved the money back towards him. 
“Answer my question.” Kai growled. 
“I have a fucking test I need to study for and I’ve had a long week. I don’t think I can really focus unless I get something to help me,” You kept pushing the money at him until he grabbed your wrist. 
“You don’t need this, I’m not giving them to you.” He shoved your hand away and the money flew to the ground. 
“You’re such a fucking piece of shit, Kai. As shocked as I am to see that you’re a freaking drug dealer now, I’m glad you’ve sunken this low.” Your words hit hard, Kai’s face sunken with regret and pain as he watched you retrieve the wet dollar bills off the cement. The snow was sticking to your dark hair, and as you popped back up he could see tears brimming your eyes. You clearly still harbored the same pain as him.
“Jesus Christ y/n, just go back home. I don’t ever want to see you buying drugs again. I’ll make sure that nobody in this area deals a fucking thing to you either so don’t even try.” 
You slowly shook your head, a few tears now slowly falling from your eyes, down your cheek and onto the ground.
“Why after all these years do you still need to make sure you can control me?” You felt all your emotions over the last four years tumbling around in your stomach. Just looking at him made you an anxious mess, and it’s why you tried your hardest not to go home for holidays unless absolutely necessary, staying only a very short time without a thought of visiting the Anderson house. 
“ME, control YOU??” Kai let out a scoff and ran his hands through his long greasy hair. You wanted to know how he had gotten to this place in his life, your soul screaming that you were partially responsible.
 “Last I knew you made all of your own choices, without me.” You could see the anger in Kai’s words, his face twisted in a way you’d only seen a few times in the many years of knowing him. 
“Looks like I made the right choice,” You spit out, eyeing up and down his disheveled drug dealing state.
Kai walked up to you, his face inches from yours, his hands wrapped around the extra fabric in the shoulder of your sweatshirt. You wanted to push him away, but your body was frozen in fear.
“Like I said before..Go the fuck home. I don’t ever want to see you again.” As much as you wanted to break the stare between you two, you couldn’t help but watch his pupils glass over as his final words left his mouth. 
Everything in you wanted to retaliate, to breath out more hatred towards the man you once considered your best friend, the one who you’d grown to love, the one who you had clearly broke - but those famous words replaying in your head; “it takes two” had gotten you through a lot of guilt. It wasn’t hard to forget that he too hurt you just as much. 
You clenched your jaw as you threw the hood of your sweatshirt over your damp hair and marched yourself back to Robbie’s truck. 
“So?” Sophie turned to you, her eyes wide and her lips were tickled pink from the friction of Robbie’s.
“He ran out, said he only had Oxy and I can’t do that shit.” You avoided her glare, knowing it was disappointed.  
“What are you talking about, he said he was all good on the phone earlier,” Robbie questioned you further which deepened your anger.
“Fuck, I don’t know Robbie! I didn’t get the Adderall so please just drive me back to the dorms so I can start to study.” You pushed your head back in the seat and Robbie decided not to pry more, just turned up the radio and pulled his truck out of the parking lot. 
You were never going to be able to concentrate on studying after that interaction. 
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wyn-n-tonic · 26 days
So... I haven't been feeling super great and it could just be because my period is three weeks late and all my hormones are in a pile up causing me to be insane or it could be the 27 years worth of major depressive disorder just chilling in my brain or it could be the EDS and the possible POTS, you know? It could be all of those! It could be none of those! But I will say... I have seen a significant decrease in my stress levels and I would like to talk about the things I'm doing for self care that are keeping me from losing my fucking mind.
Read more because this shit is just me rambling about my favorite self care things. Like I've really finally found a good combo for me and it makes me so happy that it doesn't feel like a chore. It's just nice!!! Also, this is not medical advice, this is just your friendly neighborhood mentally ill girly who deals with chronic illness sharing the things that make me happy.
FIRST OF ALL!!!! WASH YOUR FACE!!!! THEN TAKE YOUR FUCKING MEDS!!!!! I take my meds every single day at 8:10am because it's good to take your meds at the same time every single day *but* I've also discovered that's the best time to take my adderall so that it's really kicking in by 9 after I've done all my emails and things and need to focus on, like, actually doing my job. I've also been taking women's multivitamins and magnesium glycinate supplements. I feel like they've both made me less of a bitch because it's helped with the pain.
I have been eating breakfast! Not just iced coffee and prayers either, I've been eating a real ass breakfast. Everyday I make myself a little breakfast sandwich with an English muffin, egg, sausage and cheese of choice (I like colby jack, do whatever tf you want). This equals out to about 28g of protein and I'm supposed to have at least 30g first thing in the morning so it's pushed to 31g (maybe more) with the oat milk latte I make with my cute little espresso maker and milk frother. I have also limited my caffeine intake to one silly little coffee a day (but I'll have the occasional sips of coke zero when I feel a migraine trying to move in).
I've been working out recently. Even if I don't go to the gym, I try to get up and go for little walks. Which is nice. After I move, I want an under the desk treadmill.
I have a really bad habit of biting/picking my nails, especially when my anxiety is high or I feel the need to fidget but, for about the last few months, whenever I get the urge to bite or pick, I use cuticle oil instead and have been rubbing that into my nails/cuticles and it tastes god awful so of course I do not bite.
After work, I take a shower and I've started using the Saltair body wash in Santal Bloom because it smells very good TO ME. They have a bunch of different scents. But please remember that body wash is only a scent so please wash yourself with actual soap (and use a washcloth too oh my god, why is this a debate??? WASH IS LITERALLY IN THE NAME). Also, wash behind your ears EVERY SINGLE TIME.
ALSO night showers > morning showers. Argue with a wall because why would I want to get in my cozy bed with a body that has been steeped in outside germs all day??? Dirty feet??? ON MY SHEETS?!?! No.
I have *never* liked lotion because it's all too greasy or it smells gross or it's BOTH. I just get the autistic ick. I don't like things that sit ON my skin. But I know I should use it and I know I need to so I keep buying different brands of lotion but then I never finish them because oh my god so so gross and greasy. Anyway, somebody recommended that I try eos brand lotion and I have been using the coconut waters scent and oh my god. I recommend this lotion but use whatever you want and buy whatever scent you want, it's just nice. This lotion pairs very well with the body wash I like and it just makes me feel cozy as I get ready for bed.
Also wash your face again!!!!
(For skincare, I double cleanse with an oil cleanser & then a salicylic acid cleanser in the AM and a hyaluronic acid cleanser in the PM)
And I've been dermaplaning lately. That shit slaps. Why wasn't I doing that before???
And people keep telling me to buy topical magnesium to help with chronic pain but I kept getting links for Amazon and the thing about Amazon is... I don't like to use them if I can help it but I especially do not want to buy, like, make up or food or skincare products or vitamins on there because the amount of unregulated third party sellers freaks me out and I'm not trying to pop a rat poison supplement instead of what i actually ordered. You know? Anyway, my friend told me to get this Being Frenshe soothing stick... besties..... I have been using this shit ALL DAY LONG It's going on my thighs, my neck, my shoulders, my fingers, my knees, my ankles, my shins and it's so good for the chronic pain. And it smells so good and layers very nicely with the lotion and the body wash.
Seriously, my skin is so soft and I haven't really felt the need to pop a pain pill in a bit, my sleep is improved, my ability to calm my heart rate down during the day has improved. Did I mention my skin is soft?
Also, I'm currently losing weight and still healing from my biopsy (yes, I know it's been three months!!!) and I feel like the body wash + lotion combo I'm basically living in daily (sometimes twice a day because the showers are just so relaxing and not a chore to me now) are soooo helpful for my stretchmarks and scars.
Also, I've been turning my computer off an hour before bed to read which has been lovely.
Also, I bought enough lip balm (also eos because it's shea and not beeswax) to keep in different places. So I have a bed lip balm, a desk lip balm and a purse lip balm with one floater just randomly around the house.
And the *ONLY* AI we support in this household is the kind in my fancy little toothbrush that guides me in how best to brush my teeth.
Anyway, I just love being in my bed cozy sleep shirt smelling like coconut and vanilla and watching monster movies while not being in pain and having a resting heart rate that is NOT in the 120s. It's so beautiful. especially because, for the longest time, I couldn't get my resting heart rate below 85 while SLEEPING.
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ot3 · 2 years
replaying aa and i cant tstop abt ur phoenix has horrible untreated bipolar but doesnt realise it because hes surrounded exclusively by other insane people tweet. because yeah he really does . i dont think any ace attorney character is any measure of normal. some of the pretend to be normal unconsciously and some of them as a game but like theyre all. mostly just unhinged people
phoenix gets diagnosed with ADHD in college after his RA finds out he's been buying adderall off of another kid on campus but he asks phoenix to describe how he feels after taking it and when phoenix does he says "ok hear me out. i wont report you for abusing a controlled substance if you just... like.... talk to a psychiatrist dude' and so phoenix gets his own prescription and after that he just assumes he's normal because the fact that you can have more than one thing wrong with your brain literally just never occurred to him so its not until like somewhere after aa4 when he's talking to edgeworth and telling a Super Relatable Story about staying up for three straight days to work on something for the jurist system stuff and then immediately falling into a week long pit of despair where he did nothing but binge how it's made reruns once he ran out of tasks he could immediately accomplish but he got over it once they started getting a bunch of customers in at the borscht bowl club again because there really is nothing quite as invigorating as gambling and edgeworth has to very gently be like 'i think you have some sort of severe illness'
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