#i have black yarn too so guess whos next
will0thew1sp-art · 10 months
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Thimkimg about THEM,,,,,
@billiebustupofficial hope u dont mind me showing this to u ok thank you bye
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jessejaredstories · 10 months
“Alright, I should have everything I need now.”
In the early morning light, a 20 something year old man by the name of Mike was ruffling around with a drawstring bag. He plucked various items out of the bag and laid them out on his bed. A lighter, a piece of red yarn, a picture of his gay half brother Ricky, a few strands of his hair, and a freshly sharpened pencil. A sly grin spread across Mike’s face as he looked over the materials.
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He then pulled out a large, folded piece of old parchment paper. The paper was a dark yellow in color due to its old age. Mike carefully unfolded the parchment and read it to himself.
“Inscribed on this scroll is a powerful spell to take over another living creature’s body as your own vessel…”
Mike read through the scroll, although he skimmed through most of the warnings and potential side effects section. He only really started focusing once he made it to the instructions section. He laid out the paper to his side and began to execute the instructions step by step. First, he wrapped the red string around the pencil and tied it into a knot. Next, he tied the hair around the eraser of the pencil. Then, he used the lighter to set the eraser on fire. He waited until the flame engulfed the entire tip of the pencil. Once it was properly ablaze, Mike could carry out the very last step to the spell. Write his target’s name on the parchment paper three times, write his own name, and then draw an arrow connecting the two.
Richard Valenzuela, Richard Valenzuela, Richard Valenzuela…
Although only the eraser was on fire, Mike felt as though his entire hand was burning as he wrote. The fire grew stronger just as Mike wrote the last few letters. Once the deed was done, the fire quickly slithered down the length of the pencil. It nearly reached Mike’s hand, but he was able to throw it just in time. The pencil disintegrated into ashes within a matter of seconds as it flew across the bedroom. Mike groaned. He knew he’d have to clean that up later. 
But regardless of the mess, Mike was smiling on the inside. He had successfully performed the spell! But now he wasn’t sure what exactly he was supposed to do next. Mike sat on his bed, waiting for something to happen, until suddenly he felt an intense wave of nausea overcome him. His forehead was throbbing as he tried to endure the vertigo. Mike fell back on his bed while gripping his head. His vision went to black while he laid on his bed, completely unable to move.
When Mike came to, he found himself transformed. He was no longer a human being but rather a floating, translucent ball of white smoke. But that wasn’t the only major change Mike went through, he had somehow teleported too. Mike wasn’t in a bedroom anymore, and from what he could gather from his surroundings, he seemed to be underneath the driver’s seat in a car. Mike was also able to guess who the car belonged to. Although he lacked a proper nose now, he was still able to pick up on the strong smell of musk hanging in the air. He had a pretty good hunch on whose car he was in thanks to the smell.
“What the fuck is that…” 
Mike heard someone above him talking. That confirmed his hunch- he was in his brother Ricky’s car now.
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Mike watched as Ricky hunched over to get a closer look at him. Ricky squinted his eyes and he had a puzzled look on his face. Mike couldn’t blame him. He’d probably be confused if there was suddenly a bunch of white smoke in his car too! 
Ricky tried fanning the smoke out with his hand but to no avail. Growing annoyed, Ricky decided to roll down the windows. But as he did so, Mike started gravitating upwards towards him. He was floating at eye level with his brother. The smoke emanating from his core was really starting to fill up the car now, faster than Ricky could fan it out. Mike willed the smoke to go inside of Ricky through his nostrils. Ricky coughed and gagged as he accidentally inhaled some of it. Ricky hunched over as he went into a full blown coughing fit while Mike continued spewing his smoky life essence all over him. Slowly but surely, Mike’s soul was trickling into Ricky’s body. Within the next minute, Ricky had enough of Mike inside of his body for him to start taking control. Mike wasted no time in exercising his new vessel.
Let me in!
On Mike’s command, Ricky threw his head back with his mouth hanging wide open. Mike then swiftly moved inside his mouth. Once inside, Mike began releasing smoke at neck breaking speed. Ricky’s eyes dilated and his cheeks puffed out as he swallowed mouthfuls of mist. Mike could feel his presence growing inside of Ricky’s body. Each and every cell in Ricky’s body was getting taken over by his soul. From his thick thighs to his muscular arms, from his fingertips to his facial muscles, every part of Ricky’s body was relinquishing control over to its new owner. Within seconds Mike suddenly had the ability to feel again! He moved Ricky’s hand over to his crotch and grabbed his cock. He began massaging his member, causing it to grow harder and longer as he did so.
“Mmm…! Ack!! Mmmmm…!! Ohhh…” Ricky moaned in between groans. Despite gagging, Mike could feel how much pleasure Ricky’s body was in while possessing him.
Yeah, you like that you little cum slut? You like it when I use your hands to stroke your cock? Let me in then! Let me take over your body all the way!!
Ricky relaxed his throat muscles, which allowed Mike to roll the core of his soul down his throat. Ricky’s chest puffed out as he swallowed the last piece of Mike’s soul with a loud gulp. His face was flushed and he was breathing heavily. Getting possessed really worked up a sweat in Ricky’s body, but it was complete. Mike had successfully taken over his beefy brother’s body and he couldn’t help but smirk as he relished the feeling.
“Whewwww! FUCK it’s hot in here!!”
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Mike ripped his wife beater off to let his new sweaty body cool down. He loved the sight of Ricky’s hairy body from his point of view. Ricky was always the more active (both physically and sexually) of the two brothers. Mike decided to take over Ricky’s body
He leaned over to his hairy armpit and took a deep whiff of his ripe pit smell. His pits had just the right blend of deodorant, natural musk, and just a touch of body odor to create a scent that was truly intoxicating. Mike couldn’t stand how smelly his brother could get. Yet for some reason, Mike simply couldn’t get enough of his musk while possessing Ricky. It must’ve been Ricky’s gay thoughts invading Mike’s soul. Mike wanted to restrain himself, but he just couldn’t! He wanted/needed more! He was letting out guttural moans with each sniff he took of his dank pits. 
“Mmmm, fuckk yeahhh…”
Mike couldn’t help himself. His fully erect cock formed a tent in his pants, practically ready to explode through the fabric! His dick was sensitive to the touch. It was like electric shocks ran through his body as he rubbed his throbbing member. His hands reached down to his pants and yanked them down in one smooth motion, causing his cock to spring up once it was free. 
“Wheww goddamn, Big Bro!!” Mike was impressed by the sight of his brother’s hefty dick coupled with a set of low hanging, hairy balls. Although it was slightly shorter than his own, Mike couldn’t deny that in terms of girth, Ricky had him beat. 
Mike purred as he wrapped his hand around his new cock. He gave himself a couple of pumps, stroking his pulsating dick at a steady pace, and groaned obscenely loudly. Ricky’s cock was still hypersensitive from being possessed. Mike wanted to edge for a while, but with how good and warm he felt just wrapping a hand around his junk, it quickly became clear to him that he wasn’t going to last very much longer. 
With that thought in mind, Mike went ahead and jerked off at full force. He quickened his stroking speed while pinching his nipple with his free hand, all while moaning out loud in his car in public without a care in the world. His breathing became shorter and labored, the warmness in his face and groin area grew warmer, the pressure in his twitching cock became unbearable. 
“Agh! Ah!! Urghhhhh fuckkkkkk!!!” Mike let out a guttural groan as ropes of warm cum came shooting out of him like a geyser. 
He was panting for breath by the time he finished cumming. Mike looked down at himself and grinned. The sight of his brother’s stolen body covered in sweat and cum was getting him aroused again even despite having just finished mere moments ago. He rubbed down the sweat and cum into his pores. Mike loved the feel of Ricky’s chest hair on his fingers. He gave his perky yet firm set of tits a quick flex, just for fun. 
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Once he was satisfied, Mike finished cleaning up after himself. The post nut clarity was kicking in, it occurred to Mike that he was still in public and without clothes now that he tore everything he was wearing apart. 
Mike drove back to his brother’s place. He had to use his hands to cover up his junk to avoid flashing the neighbors, but he made it back home safe and sound. Mike went ahead and took a quick shower before putting on clean clothes. Once done, Mike was ready to go out with his brother’s body for a day of fun, but the possession fatigue had caught up to him. Mike was exhausted! He decided to lay down for a quick cat nap. Mike threw himself into Ricky’s bed with his ass perked up (because why wouldn’t he now that he had a fat ass?) and fell asleep. 
Later that same day…
Without meaning to, Mike accidentally napped most of the day away. Mike woke up to the sight of the sun starting to set. He must have been even more tired than he realized, but that didn’t matter to Mike. At least he was well rested for a night out now!
Mike let out a big yawn while he scratched his chest. At first, he didn’t notice the sudden lack of chest hair because he was still waking up. But as soon as it registered how smooth his chest was, Mike went into a panic. His eyes shot down and surely enough, he was back in his own body. Mike was disappointed, but now that he was out of Ricky’s body, he was free to possess someone else!
Or so Mike thought. He thought he wanted to possess someone else, but his mind went straight back to Ricky when he thought about who to possess next. Mike couldn’t explain why but he craved being back inside of Ricky’s beefy body. All of his body hair… How thick every part of his body was… How good it felt to jerk off that cock… How sweet his cum tasted… It was no use. Mike was hooked on Ricky’s body. He needed to possess him again!
Mike hopped out of bed, ready to perform the magic spell on Ricky again. However, he didn’t notice that Ricky was waiting for him just outside the bedroom door. He nearly screamed when he almost ran into him.
“Morning, Lil Bro,”
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“Oh- Hey, Rick! How long have you been standing there…?” Mike said sheepishly.
“Possess me again.”
Ricky practically threw himself to Mike’s feet. Naturally, it caught Mike off guard.
“PLEASE possess me again, Lil Bro!! I know you were inside of me. I don’t care how or why you did it, just please do it again! I never knew how good I could feel until I felt what it’s like having a man inside of my body! Please, Bro! I feel so empty without you inside of me! Please possess me again!!”
Ricky was panting and drooling like a hungry dog. Mike wasn’t sure how to react at first. He almost wanted to tell Ricky off right then and there, but then something caught his attention. As Ricky was begging with his head to the floor, he had his back arched. It gave Mike a clear view of the white jockstrap he was wearing. 
The sight of that waistband reminded Mike just how badly he wanted to get back inside of Ricky. And after Ricky’s grand display, it was more than crystal clear that the feeling was mutual.
“Alright, I’ll possess you again.”
“Fuck yes!! Take my body, make me yours!!”
Ricky shot back up on his feet and grabbed onto Mike. He was holding him in a tight embrace, pushing his body against his own as if to make him phase into him.
Their bodies rubbed against one another with full skin-on-skin contact, but no matter how hard Mike and Ricky pushed, they couldn’t get Mike back inside Ricky. So when that wasn’t working, they decided to try a different route.
Mike was the first to plant a kiss on Ricky. Ricky did not hesitate matching Mike’s energy and kissed him right back. The two men fell back onto the bed as they passionately made out. Loud kisses and sensual groans filled the room. Their clothes soon came off as they proceeded to the next step. Mike spit onto his hardened cock and rubbed it along his length while Ricky fingered himself as a warm-up. Once he was ready, Ricky lifted his legs onto Mike’s shoulders. Mike stepped closer, tapped his cock head against Ricky’s hungry hole, and eased his member into him inch by inch. 
“Ssss, ohhh fuckk…” they both whispered under their breaths. Mike could feel the warmth of Ricky’s ass envelop his dick as he slid all the way in. Ricky was moaning and squirming as his walls opened up to accommodate Mike’s well-endowed cock. Mike started off slowly at first, but once they were both comfortable, he picked up the speed of his thrusts and pounded away at Ricky, who was loving every second of it.
They fucked like wild animals in heat. The whole house was filled with obscene noises. Mike groaning, Ricky moaning, sensual kisses, Mike’s balls clapping against Ricky’s bubble butt, the bed frame creaking and more. But they weren’t fucking just to fuck, they were fucking with intent and purpose.
Mike stopped thrusting into Ricky for a brief moment. He leaned down to lay on top of him, cock still planted deep inside his ass. Ricky wrapped his arms and legs around Mike’s torso and pulled him in closer to him. The two men embraced each other tightly. They each pushed their bodies into the other’s body with as much force as they could muster. Then finally, after enough rubbing and pushing, it happened.
They transcended physical boundaries Mike’s body began to phase right into Ricky’s body. Ricky’s moans grew in intensity as he felt his brother’s presence growing inside of him. Their bodies aligned perfectly. All of Mike’s body parts slid right into Ricky’s like a custom tailored suit. Head to head, torso to torso, dick to dick, and ass to ass. Once again, Ricky’s body puffed up momentarily as it opened itself up to welcome its new owner. With one final hip thrust, Mike possessed Ricky once again by fucking his way in.
“Nrghhh uuughhh fuckkkk…!”
Ricky’s body couldn’t handle any more stimulation. He wound up shooting his own load as well as his brother’s load thanks to the body possession. It was both glorious and obscene how much he came. Mike sighed a heavy exhale of relief. He was more than ecstatic that he was able to take over his brother’s body again. It truly felt like home, and this time, he was ready to last more than just a few hours possessing him.
As for Ricky, the idea and the feeling of having a man literally inside his body was more satisfying than anything Ricky could ever do in bed. And what made the experience of getting possessed even better was having a man take full control over his body. It was total domination, and it was something Ricky loved to do. All he could was smile with bliss on the inside as his hands began moving under Mike’s control again. 
And as the beefy muscle bear laid in bed covered in bodily fluids, a cheeky smile grew on his face. It was a smile of pure satisfaction and pleasure, one that could only be achieved when both possessor and possessee are happy.
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thescarletnargacuga · 30 days
Because until now do i realize that im allowed to put two asks-
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A/N:🎵I always feel like somebody's watching MEEEEE 🎶
WARNING: little angsty, anxiety
The circus members gathered to await Caine to announce their daily adventure. They made idle chit chat fully unaware of the being luring in the shadows, watching.
Shadow made sure to peak subtly and silently, going completely unnoticed as he focused on one circus member in particular. The red headed ragdoll, Ragatha. Her cheerful smile and sparkling eye make his heart skip a beat. She always seemed so full of life and energy, it made him almost wish he could go on adventures too.
Her braided yarn hair looked soft to the touch, I often wondered what it would be like to have it run between his fingers. He was even envious of her patchwork dress, as it got to hug her frame every second of every day. He left out a quiet, lovesick sigh. He knew he could never tell her, but it was nice to think about what it would be like to hold her...to kiss her...to tell her how much he-
"Morning!" Caine popped into existence next to his shaded kin.
Shadow completely dispersed for a second, becoming nothing but black smoke that clung to the walls, then reformed with a glare aimed directly at Caine.
"What are you up to on this fine day?" Caine asked with a smile.
"Nothing. [%$!#] off." Shadow grumbled.
Caine looked over at his circus members in the distance. Then back at Shadow. "Wait...were you spying again? You know you could just ask me what adventure I have planned. I don't mind telling you."
"This isn't about you." Shadow noticed some of the circus members looking his way and he moved out of sight. "Now go away. You're too loud."
Caine narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "If it's not me...what is it? Hm? You jealous my cast gets to go on adventures?"
Shadow felt heated by Caine's incessant questions. "No! I don't give a flying [%$!#] about your adventures!"
"Alright, then WHO is it? Who are you watching so obsessively?"
"I'm not obsessed!"
"Shadow, this is the third time this week alone I've caught you snooping. Come on, you can tell me."
"The [%$!#] I can. You'll just announce it to the whole circus!"
"I will not! In fact, I don't want you to tell me. I'll just guess." Caine smirked.
"You really don't listen when people tell you to go away...and you wonder why no one likes you." Shadow didn't bother disappearing. caine would just follow him if he did. At least here he could occasionally glance at Ragatha.
"No need to make this personal." Caine cleared his voice. "Now, I am convinced this is about a particular person. You have a crush."
Shadow was no better at hiding his emotions than Caine. "Wha-!? No!"
"Uh-huh, sure you don't. Is it Pomni? Because I hate to break it to you, she's called for."
"Eugh! NO! That ball of anxiety in a jester hat is all yours, you freak."
Caine deadpanned. "You should really look in a mirror sometime. Not Pomni. That's a relief. Jax?"
"No! None of them! I wouldn't tell you even if you guessed correctly."
"Ah-ha! So there is a correct answer!"
"[%$!#]" Shadow swore under his breath.
"Okay, it's got to be Gangle. I didn't think someone as sweet as her would be your type, but-"
"Will you knock it off already!? God! Fine! IT'S RAGATHA!" He said so loud, it echoed through the circus. The cast members that had been talking all stopped to look around for the source. Shadow and Caine were out of sight where they were. Shadow lowered his voice before continuing. "There. Now can you [%$!#] off already!? Just leaving me alone!"
"Ragatha?? Wow, that's an even bigger surprise than Gangle. Come on, Shadow, you shouldn't be ashamed! Ragatha is wonderful! I could introduce you."
"NO! No! Absolutely not! She isn't getting wind of ANY of this! Understand!?" Shadow blushed heavily in his flustered panic.
Caine sighed dramatically. "Fiiiiiiine. Mum's the word. Promise. Cross my code and hope to fly!"
"....that's not how- whatever." Shadow pinched the top of his bottom teeth in exasperation. "Just don't tell her. Seriously. It's...better if she doesn't know."
"But why? I bet she'd love to go on a double date with you and me and Pomni. They're best friends, you know. And even if she wasn't interested, she'd be nice about it. Ragatha is a very kind person."
Shadow was silent for a moment. "It's not the rejection...it's the disgust."
"What do you mean?"
"LOOK AT US!!" Shadow snapped. "You got lucky finding someone so pathetically desperate, they accepted affection from the likes of us. Ragatha would never."
Caine was taken aback, then angry. "There's no need to insult Pomni. Her interest sees past this." He gestures to himself. "It's not about the avatar, it's about the person behind it."
"We aren't people, Caine. We're.... we're nothing but code. And I'm even less than that. I'm not even rendered." Shadow looked at his inky black hands.
"Don't be so quick to judge how she'd react, Shadow. I had the same fears confessing to Pomni. How could she love an AI like me? And yet, here we are. It wasn't out of desperation. It was out of mutual respect and longing for connection. If you respect Ragatha, you'll tell her. Creeping in the shadows will get you nowhere."
Shadow went quiet again. His eyes falling on Ragatha. His heart ached to tell her, but it ached even more out of fear. "Not...yet. I can't."
Caine nodded. "It takes time, but don't wait too long. You know I can't keep my mouth shut forever." He winked and teleported to the circus members to introduce the adventure.
With everyone properly distracted, Shadow could look fully again and admire Ragatha from afar. His daydream of her smile being aimed at him was interrupted by the intrusive thought of her being angry and insulted that he dare say anything to her. He tried to shake it, but thinking about confessing made fear grip his heart. She'd never accept him. She'd never want him. He would forever belong to the shadows. Alone.
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enchi-elm · 2 months
✨ weekend wip exposure club ✨
rules: post 7 sentences/a snippet of an unfinished work
I will do you one better, I will just post the whole thing as I'm not planning on taking it anywhere. Thanks, @strangegeology, for the tag!
Unbeta'd, unedited, etc. etc.
tagging @tortoisesshells, @ladysarai, @thenwhatthefukcisthis, @valerileygreen because I thiiiink you weren't tagged yet!
one - love
Eames comes across Arthur at the tennis court. He wants to stay back, observe the man from a distance, but Arthur spots him as soon as he’s within view. His game face doesn’t change—if he’s scowling at Eames’ appearance, Eames can’t tell. He might be hitting the ball a little harder and his opponent stumbles as he lunges, sprawling flat against the court as the ball hits the chain-link fence.
Arthur walks to his bag and grabs his towel, holding up a finger and nodding at his opponent. He wipes his face, walking over swiftly to where Eames stands.
Before Eames can make a comment about his tennis whites, or even ask what the hell Arthur is doing playing at a country club, Arthur cuts him off.
"What are you doing here? Whatever this is, I don’t have time for this right now.”
Hello to you, too. But fine, if he wants to get right to business.
“I have a job for you,” Eames says.
“I don’t work for you.”
“No, but I thought you might deign to work alongside me again. For the right price.”
Arthur gives him a wary look, then glances at his opponent, who’s subtly trying to ingest as many glucose tubes as Arthur’s brief distraction will let him.
“I’m busy,” he says, turning away.
“I’ll be at the bar,” Eames calls out, without acknowledgement from the point man.
Arthur goes back to his position, tossing his towel aside en route. His opponent wipes his mouth and gets into position to serve, already grimacing.
Eames watches Arthur return the serve as if he’s decapitating someone.
Eames knows little about tennis and can’t gauge the length of the game before Arthur shows up at the country club, racket and gym bag slung over his shoulder. Eames is deep in conversation with another patron—swindling him blind and leading him on besides—but he gives a thin smile at the younger man’s approach.
“So what do you want?” Arthur asks, and Eames can tell from no tell at all: he won his match.
“Arthur, let me introduce you to Mr. Ian Thorpe. A financier from Atlanta.”
Arthur shakes hands, just this side of civil.
“Your friend’s been spinning me quite the yarn,” the financier says. He’s a forgettable sort of rich—the right colour suit, but the wrong cut. “He’d have me believing in the investment of a lifetime.”
“He’s a crook,” Arthur says, to a chuckle from Eames. “And a liar. But he gets results.”
The man laughs and rises. “Well, maybe I will give you a call then. I’m sure we can find a way to do business.”
“The pleasure is all yours,” Eames says, greasily, packing everything into the lift of his lips that might otherwise be transmitted in a wink. Arthur watches the man leave and takes the other chair at the table.
“He’s not worth your time,” he says.
Eames casually flashes a black leather wallet—not his. “He already has been.”
“I doubt he’ll miss the cash.”
Eames flips it open and pulls out the driver’s license, perusing it. “It’s not the cash that interests me.”
“He’s your target.”
Eames puts away the wallet. “Or maybe just a person of interest.” He focuses on Arthur, a transparent smile on his face. It could mean anything.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to recruit you. If such a thing is even possible—you must be booked well into next year.”
“What’s the job?”
“An oil man. Bit of a twisted one.”
“Let me guess. Inception?” It wouldn’t be the first offer Arthur’s had this month. It wouldn’t be the first of the week. Whoever blabbed—and Arthur has his theories—made sure that their little reverse-heist was on the lips of every extractor in the industry. Not because they’d tried—God, lots of people had tried—but because Fischer Morrow had folded within six months after Fischer Sr.’s death. Even Arthur hadn’t expected such a swift return.
Eames hums, sympathetic to Arthur’s irritation. He must be hearing a lot of it, too. “You know that the men’s world record for the 100 m dash was at a stalemate for 12 years before it was broken? All it took was one man to crack it and it got beat twice again in four years.”
Arthur pushes down the urge to correct him. It was 14 years, not 12. And it took another five years for it to get broken again. But he knows what he’s saying. For the longest time, Inception was only theory.
“Why, did someone else do it?” That would be interesting.
“A sucker born every two weeks, if the rumour mill is to be believed. Personally, I doubt it.”
“Why, ‘cause you weren’t involved?”
“I was going to say,” Eames says, lifting his glass, “because you weren’t.”
The flattery works, for one unexpected second—Arthur feels a warmth in his neck. He pulls out his water bottle and drinks deeply.
“So what is the job? Extraction? I’m not doing more than two levels. I’m not exactly keen for another one of Yusuf’s concoctions.”
“That’s a shame. I can’t get him off my phone. Says he’s never had such a willing test subject. I think he’d work for free if it meant he got another whack at you.”
“Not a chance. Why aren’t you answering my question?”
“Because I’m savouring this time together before you storm off to annihilate some other poor sod on the court.”
Arthur narrows his eyes. “Why would I storm off?”
“Because you’re not going to like how much you’ll want to do this.”
Arthur listens as Eames tells him the job. He gives it ten steady seconds before he stands and walks away without another word.
“I’ll be in touch!” Eames calls and Arthur gives him the finger without looking back.
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"The Assistant and The Star"
Chapter 9: Fairy Godmother
Early in the morning, Asha was awoken by the sensation of Valentino nibbling her fingers to let him out of the house for the bathroom. Dazed out of her mind, Asha dragged herself to open the front door for a pajamaless Valentino to head out to the forest. She sat down on the porch to wait for her focus to come back. Aggravated that on her day off after the ceremony she had to rise before the sun. At that moment, she remembered her house guest. Asha peered back inside to see the couch empty. Now she was awake. “Altan. Altan!” She called. “Oh no! Where did he go?” She felt something soft hit the back of her head. She turned around to see a yarn ball on the ground and looked up to see a yellow cat holding onto the end of the string from the edge of the roof. Altan transformed back and smiled at her. Asha scoffed. “What are you doing up there!? How long have you been out here!?” 
Altan leaped down before and picked up the yarn ball to put it back in his pocket. “It was out here for a few hours. I don’t need to sleep at night.” He signed. “How did you sleep?”
“Alright, I guess.” She rubbed her eye. It was hard to fall asleep after everything that happened.
There was a loud bray and Altan looked to see Valentino glaring up at him. “゚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀: *✧♈︎・‧̍̊˙˚˙.” He cooed as he picked up the goat and showed him to Asha. “Oh yeah, I never introduced him. This is my goat, Valentino. He’s not always friendly to strangers.” Asha said as she took the thrashing goat from Altan’s hands. Valentino stuck his tongue out at him. Who was this star to get close to his favorite human.
Altan glanced towards the city and back at Asha. “Should we go to the city now?” He signed.
“No, not yet. We still need a plan and I need to get dressed. I want to show you to a few of my friends. One is the best planner but will be available later in the morning. Enough time to prepare. Plus, I can’t take you to see her with your hair like that.” Altan ran a hand though their hair. It had the composer of Spanish moss. They're going to need a bigger fork.
Altan stayed outside as Asha changed from her pajamas to an orange dress and put a pajama on Valentino. She invited Altan into her room and sat him down on a chair before a mirror where she took out a comb and brush from a drawer. She pulled their hair from out of the hood. It was fluffy and warm in her hands.
Altan tapped their feet as Asha undid the braids
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She ran a comb through the coarse hair. It didn’t take long for the comb to run into a knot. Altan hissed. “Sorry.” Asha went as she picked at the knot. She took part of the hair from the rest and detangled that. “So, if you can turn into animals, can you turn into a human?”
Altan looked at her from the mirror as though she asked what bread was. They gestured to themself. “Yeah, but I mean… more human. Nobody has pointy ears or glowing hair.” She said as she combed the next part. Altan concentrated and the glow subsided, leaving the hair a stark yellow. He had more experience with shaping biologically accurate animals than humans. Shaping their primary body just right was a nightmare and a half.
“Okay, what about your star form? It’s small so I could fit you in my bag!” Altan stared for a moment. He didn't like the thought of being held in something. Not after he heard what happened to the other Star that was on Earth for a decade.
“I promise you that you will be safe in there. Plus you the yarn to comfort you.” Asha consoled.
Altan was in thought and then nodded.
Asha finished combing all of the hair and moved on to brushing. Altan closed their eyes and purred as the soft brush caressed his scalp. His hair turned a light teal. Asha chuckled, “You don't get your hair brushed often, do you?”
. . .
It is late morning and Asha traveled through the marketplace in a baby blue cloak with a purple lining and a black mascaraed mask. Things were calmer the day after the ceremony but it was too soon to risk anything yet.
She kept her satchel and held a little bag that squirmed on her side and hopped up. She stepped beside a stall and checked for any onlookers before opening it. “Hey! I know you love the yarn but can you please keep still! You’ll draw attention.” She whispered harshly as star Altan was happily tangled in string. Altan rolled over and gave a chirp before going completely still. She continued her way but bumped and tripped over somebody. The someone was a tall figure in a navy blue cloak with gold etching caught her from falling. The face was obscured with the only feature seen being deep blue eyes. “Oh. Thank you.” She stepped around him. “Terribly sorry about that, pardon me.” The figure waved her goodbye before turning to the store clerk of a chocolate stand before them.
“But yeah, the light was nice but it hurt to look at it long. One of my nieces was talking about how the King did it but why would he make a light like that in the middle of the night. The other is scared that the Heavens know that she didn't go to bed when I told her to.” They wrapped up a box of chocolates. "Maybe telling her that the sky sends monsters to eat naughty children was a bad idea."
“Did you see the purple star that fell after the flash? Do you know anything about that?” The figure signed.
“There was a purple star? Oh, no, I closed my blinds after the first flash. Maybe the Heavens really are angry about something. I don’t know and I’m too tired to care.” The clerk said as they signed back.
They handed them the chocolate and took the payment from their hand. “Maybe you can ask the King about it. He probably has answers for ya’.” The figure signed thank you and walked off. Under the hood, the King gave a long sigh. He still didn't have useful information but he didn’t want to give up yet. And why not get a gift for his wife in the meantime.
Asha ran into a hallway adjacent to the kitchen. There was some chatter from kitchen workers still cleaning after the morning rush. As their voices got louder and closer, Asha rushed into a room and gently clicked the door behind her shut. She sighed and sat on the floor. Valentino looked before them to see that they were inside a chicken coop. Nesting chickens stared at them with curious eyes. “Okay, it's safe to come out now.” Asha said as she opened the bag. Altan floated out and looked around before shifting back and looking at her confused. “This is the castle's chicken coop. The kitchen is close and I need to prepare my friend for what they are about to see. Just stay in here while I get her. Valentino, I need you to watch them please.” The goat bleated disapprovingly as Asha opened the door again. “I won’t be gone long and this is a great time for you two to converse. Keep calm and stay quiet.” She whispered as she left the room. He ran and pawed at the door, bleating for her to come back before miserably slumping down and side eyeing Altan who was back as a tiny star. Altan smiled and rolled the yarn over to the goat. Valentino banged his head against the door.
Asha peered into the kitchen to see three of her friends. Dahlia was at the table with a tea set talking to Safi as he sweeped the floor. Simon was fast asleep on a pile of rice bags. Safi sneezed at the uplifted dust. “I will admit that the light felt amazing.” Safi said.
“Yeah, and it did help me calm down. But why and how did it happen? And what about that purple meteor?” Dahlia questioned.
“Well, I don’t know much about meteors so I’d say we avoid that portion of the forest. As for the light, I don’t know anything about it. I looked up at the sky to see if Asha was on a hill and then it was like I was staring into the sun.”
Asha entered the room as they spoke. “Do you think it has anything to do with the stories about the sky?”
“Stories can be iffy. There are stories with too many different explanations for falling stars or meteors.I doubt they will be too useful.”
“Hi. How are you guys?” Asha asked. Safi and Dahlia jumped at her appearance and Dahlia approached over.
“Hey, how were you and your family this morning?”
“We’re… alive.” Is there even a proper word for what is happening right now?
"Hey! What are you doing in the castle? Isn't it your day off?" Safi went.
"Can't a girl visit her friends when she finally has free time?" She teased.
Safi laughed. "You visit us almost every day!"
"Yeah, and your point?"
As they converse, Valentino reluctantly rolled the yarn ball back and forth with Altan. There was nothing else to do besides stay low. Altan chirped and held the yarn ball. He got an idea. Holding it close, Altan shifted around it and now stood before Valentino as a goat with a newly knitted set of pajamas similar to his. Valentino leaned back in panic as Altan was a striking image of himself. Altan strutted around him and flaunted his new look. Valentino rose his eyebrows and flipped his own collar with his chin held high. Did he think good fashion was gonna get them on his good side? Altan cocked a brow with a smirk. He gave a dramatic poze with a plosion of stardust and stuck their tongue out at him. Now Valentino was offended. This shapeshifter had the gall to steal his style and then call him plain!?
He ran over and knocked Altan over.
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Valentino laughed and stopped when Altan headbutted him. Altan giggled as Valentino began fuming and headbutt him back. The two goats continued butting each other when a hen approached them. Altan turned just in time for Valentino to miss. Altan nudged Val’s side for him to watch and he transformed into a fabulous rooster standing on a yarn ball. He winked and the starstruck hen fainted. Valentino couldn't help but chuckle but then mildly panicked when all of the hens began to approach the two.
We return to the Asha at the table with a newly awakened Simon. “I overheard you guys talking about the light and meteor and, well, the light and meteor may have been my responsibility.”
They were silent for a moment. “Oh, are you learning celestial magic too?” Simon asked.
“Not quite magic but I started a connection. But I need to ask you guys something. Have you guys ever wished on a star?” Asha went, intertwining her fingers. Simon shook his head. “Not that I remember.” Safi said, putting his broom down. “No.” Dahlia said, confused. “Why?”
There was a sound of clucking from the coop and they all peered at the door.
“Okay, I need to show you guys something but cross your hearts and promise not to make a scene.” The three each crossed their hearts.
“Alright. So last night I made a wish on a star. And the star answered.” Asha opened the door and presented them with a scene of a golden rooster and Valentino, who was doing his best not to smile, leading a line up of hens dancing the conga line. They stared in awe and bafflement. Rooster Altan waved at them but Valentino stopped in his tracks when he noticed them. A few hens bumped into him but walked around the kid to keep up the train.
“This is what the Heavens sent you?” Dahlia asked, pushing up her glasses. “I… can’t explain this.” Asha responded. Altan circled to the middle of the coop and gave a plosion of star dust into the air. The hens excitedly clucked and cried at the big finale as stardust rained down on them. They returned to their coops with their glittering plumage and Altan shifted to their classic form with his hood up and faced Asha.
“May I ask what that was about?”
Altan shook his head and looked behind her.
“Altan. These are my friends. Dahlia, Simon, Safi.” Altan gave a bow.
“This is objectively impossible.” Dahlia said as she shook hands with Altan. Altan looked into her eyes.
Now, they say that the eyes are the windows of the soul. That they can convey far more about a person than words can muster. For stars, the idiom is quite literal. Through the eyes, they can see the fire of a person. The fire that drives them.
Altan took a look at Dahlia’s flame. It was a large red flame that glowed bright. A determined spirit to drive her to complete any reachable goal. He could see why Asha wanted to plan with her. “Heh, hello Altan.” Dahlia went.
Altan shook hands with Safi and looked at his fire. He had a low and widespread orange flame that also glowed bright. A spirit that strives for peace but won’t stand for disrespect. “And they said star people were just a story.” Safi said. “It’s great to meet you.” Altan smiled.
He made eye contact with Simon when their smile fell. Simon’s flame was small and gray. It was dim and no larger than a candle flame. It was a still and vulnerable spirit that could go out with enough pressure. Simon's smile also fell after seeing Altan’s face. “Oh. Am I making you sad?” Simon asked. Altan only hugged him. “What’s wrong?” Simon hugged him back. Altan backed up and signed “I’m so sorry.”
Simon looked at them with confusion. What on earth could they be sorry for. It isn’t like he is dying soon. Was he?
“Wait, Asha. He’s here to grant a wish? What did you wish for?” Dahlia asked.
“I’m not allowed to say it but what I will say is that when we are finished, Rosas won’t have a cash cow anymore.” The three of them nodded. That was all they needed to know.
We cut to the group at the table as they plan their next step. “What if we snuck Star into the King's study and he could take back the wishes.” Safi suggested.
“Isn't that stealing?” Dahlia asked as she poured some tea for Altan. “We can't just take from the King.”
“It's not stealing, it's returning. I mean, do the wishes really belong to him?” Altan argued.
“By consent of the giver, they kinda do.” Asha replied. “It's no different from paying rent to a lord.”
“Or maybe we don't have to return their wishes.” Safi started. “Dario told me about how people try to give a wish multiple times a year. Maybe we could help them with those instead.”
Asha facepalmed herself with a smile. How did she forget the extra wishes!
“Altan. Are you allowed to grant other people's wishes on my behalf?”
Altan shrugged. “No rule against it.”
“Okay, but we're not just granting them so much as we are giving them what they need to do it!” She clarified.
“Like a fairy godmother?” Safi asked.
“Like a fairy godmother!” Asha exclaimed. “I should have the list with me.” She laid her little book of extra wishes on the table.
“What! What about the King? Does he know about the star?” Dahlia asked.
“He doesn't. And he can't!”
“Then how do we help grant wishes without him or the Queen knowing?” Simon asked. "The guards and knights might also ask questions."
“...That is true.” Dahlia pondered. “They should grant wishes one person at a time. Asha. Didn't your list also have names?”
Asha nodded.
“And Dario has documents of the names and faces of the citizens of Rosas! We can look for one person and pull them aside for their wish. Maybe an alley.” Safi said.
“Maybe we could change places once in a while so the guards don’t catch on.” Simon remarked.
“Great idea.” Dahlia said. “Now we just have to find Dario and tell him the plan. Asha, when do you want to start?”
Asha took a sip of tea. “Today.”
We cut to the city in the afternoon. Dahlia had to stay in the castle for the lunch rush and Simon still needs to recharge after his shift but they relayed the plan via pigeon to the rest of the seven. Gabo was, to say the least, hesitant about having a new magic user grant wishes behind the King’s back but he will not squeal about their secret. Hal and Dario agreed to help bring people to a disguised Altan so he can work their magic.
“Okay Asha, you want to start with this guy.” Dario pointed at a man with long dark locs oriented with golden cuffs holding onto the reins of a horse. His name was Okot Mustafa. One of Rosas well-known Horse Wranglers. “Yeah. He only has one extra wish so we can build ourselves up from there. He was also the most polite when telling me this one.” Asha showed them a page of her book with the wish under Mustafa’s name. “Be able to talk to horses.” The problem was this wasn’t something you could work on but was the easiest to get out of the way. Asha ran out of the other side of the alley to avoid recognition.
Altan stood on the sidelines with Dario as Hal made her way over to the man. They were too far too hear what they was saying but they could see his face go from curious to interest. Hal waved him to follow her.
“We got him. Altan, are you ready?” Dario signed. Altan readjusted their hood and gave a thumbs up. Okot came into the alley with his horse. “Here they are!” Hal went. “The key to your dreams.”
“Oh. Good afternoon.” He said. “Do you work for the King?”
Altan shook his head. He waved their finger through the air and a trail of Stardust followed it. “But just as mystical... So you know what I wished for?”
Altan nodded and waved a hand towards his horse. He signed for Otok to keep still before placing a hand over Otok’s forehead. The palm glowed for a moment and Otok shuttered at the tingling sensation. Altan pulled back and signed for Otok to try.
Otok turned to his mare. “Um, hello. Do you understand me?” The mare snickered and gave a gentle neigh.
Okot’s eyes widened as the sounds translated to words in his head. “I understand you! And yes, I am doing well.” He gave a small clap. “Now I need to ask. Why did you bite me a minute ago?” The mare turned her ears back and gave a soft snicker. “I looked bite able? Could you warn before you give me a love bite.”
The horse gave a soft neigh and shook their mane. Otok sighed. “Okay. At least don't use your teeth please.” The mare nodded.
Otok turned to Altan with a chuckle. “Things just became so much easier for me! How can I repay you?”
Altan shook their head. “No payment needed. I only ask that you don't share word about me to anyone else.”
“Understandable, you don't want the fame to bring you to hubris. I applaud your humility. Thank you kind friend.” Okot shook their hand and left the alley with the mare.
Once out of view, Hal gave Altan a high five and ran to other side of the alley to get Asha. “It worked!” She exclaimed. “And the guy has no idea you were behind it!”
Asha smiled and crossed out the wish from her book. It would be a while before this list was finished but she could wait.
Dario appeared before them. “I'm getting a snack for Altan and I, you guys want to come?”
“Yeah, we could use a snack.” Hal remarked.
Dario brought them to a food stall selling candied fruits. He passed everyone a red candy apple slice on a stick. Keeping one more for Safi.
“Do you want to do another one today?” Hal asked Asha.
“No. But what do we do for the next few days? I have work tomorrow.” Asha said as she watched Altan eyes expand upon biting the apple before practically inhaling it. Altan always forgot how human food tastes and it is both a blessing and a curse.
Dario walked over. “I could keep an eye on Altan and we could help grant more wishes in the afternoons with Dahlia and Simon while you work with the King!”
“And you can keep yourselves discreet?”
“Quiet as a mouse!” Dario smiled with a wiggle in his ears.
“Then you got it down.”
Hal giggled and turned to Dario. “Let's get Bazeema tomorrow. She's the best at hiding other people.”
“Watch out Rosas. You got a new fairy godmother!” Dario signed as they watched Asha stop Altan from eating the stick.
This took less time than I thought. Our girl is off to relieve the stress from the King and herself! Sure hope this doesn't crash and burn in the near future...
Had a fun thought that I wasn't sure how to incorporate into the story that Altan is exhilarated over Earth food and will eat like there is no tomorrow. The Astradas gave him the rest of the cake because with the way he eating, they thought he was starving.
Also, enjoy Altan playing with Valentino.
@annymation @signed-sapphire @rascalentertainments @chillwildwave @mythartist21 @oh-shtars @cocoapowderpictures @uva124 @thisnameisnotspokenfor @spectator-zee @your-ne1ghbor
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baileypie-writes · 4 months
My Thoughts on Wonderful Precure: Episodes 16-20
This will be updated weekly, so be sure to come back if you want to see my thoughts on new episodes!
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Episode 16 - The Mystery of the Mirror Stone:
This episode was… very strange. Especially the crossover. I don’t know anything about the characters featured, but they sure were odd. They didn’t add anything to the plot either. And the mix of art styles was very distracting. I think they should’ve drawn them in Precure’s art style, similar to how Wonderful and Friendy were drawn in their show.
I was surprised that Iroha’s parents found out about everything. Usually, the parents never find out. But I was pleasantly surprised by their reactions. They seemed really happy to be able to talk to Komugi. And Komugi seems to feel the same! Did you see her tail wagging? So cute! I honestly wish they would’ve found out about them being Pretty Cure as well. I know they would’ve been worried, but if you’ve already told them this much, why not go all the way?
I’m also happy that we got to find out the story of the Mirror Stone. It’s very interesting. I hope we get to find out even more about it in the future!
Episode 17 - I Will Protect You:
This episode was a good one! We had lots of bonding between characters. I loved the picnic scene. The fact that Satoru can cook, and Iroha cannot is so cute. We got to see lots of baby animals, as well as Mayu as a baby(which was probably my favorite. She’s so cute!).
But the best part of this episode was definitely Cure Nyammy’s full reveal and transformation. Her transformation is by far the best I’ve seen in the entirety of Pretty Cure. It was just so amazing! Blue Cures are always out here serving(even though I don’t see Nyammy as blue)! It’s also cool how she and Lillian get a whole new transformation item! I was really wondering about that. Though, I’m a bit bummed that she doesn’t say “Three, two, nyan!”
Episode 18 - Mayu’s Feelings, Yuki’s Feelings:
Happy 1000 episodes of Pretty Cure! I cant believe I’ve watched that many! The little picture of Cure Wonderful and Cure Black at the end was so cute!
I personally get why Yuki is so protective of Mayu. She’s right. Every time Mayu’s with them, she gets in danger. But I think she fails to realize that Mayu chooses to be with them for a reason. She wants to help the Garugaru’s too.
I’m really excited for Cure Lillian next episode! I think she’ll get Cure Nyammy to chill out with the attacking haha. If her transformation sequence is as good as Nyammy’s, I’ll be happy. Also, I can’t wait to see their duo attack! Hopefully it’s better than Wonderful and Friendy’s. Their’s is probably the worst one I’ve seen(in my opinion).
Episode 19 - The Birth of Cure Lillian:
I’ve been waiting for this one!
First off, I love Cure Lillian’s transformation! I still like Nyammy’s better though.
I wonder if the hats the characters wear have to do with anything. Because for Lillian, who wears a top hat, her transformation had curtains. So sort of performance/showtime vibes, which kinda does with it? I hope the hats get explained.
Also, I never knew that her name was Lillian because of yarn. But I guess it makes sense, being cat themed and all!
I love how after she transformed, she immediately got into the “fighting” spirit. Other shy characters typically scream and/or run away, but not her. She was just gracefully dodging the attacks, and it was so cool!
It was so nice and heartwarming to see Yuki break her cool and sassy character. It shows how much she really cares for Mayu. I just know they’ll make a great team.
All in all, I think Cure Lillian is awesome! I’m so excited to see more of her, and even more excited to see her and Cure Nyammy’s “weapon” next episode!
Episode 20 - Together, We’re Not Scared:
Oh my word, this episode was awesome! It might be one of my new favorites!
First off, Cure Nyammy and Cure Lillian got added into more parts of the intro! I love how they look, and now the team looks more complete!
I’m so glad that Nyammy finally agreed to join the team. I’m sure she’ll do very well. And next episode, she’ll go to school! I’m so excited! She’s really becoming a part of the group!
And lastly, let’s talk about Nyammy and Lillian’s attack! It was pretty cool!
I mean…
“Nyanderful to you”??
“Nyan, deux, trois”???
Come on! I love it!!
I wish they got cooler “weapons” though. Even in the show, the Amity Ribbon Tambourine looks like plastic. Toei could’ve made them look better.
But all in all, this was a very good episode! I can’t wait for the next one!
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phanamu · 3 months
I'm having a highly self-indulgent writing day so I'ma post a thing I just wrote about some OCs I got rattling around.
Peer beneath the read more if you're curious.
Have you heard? There's a new shop in Elmerton.
It's on the corner of 31st and Ocean Avenue, you know, where the old jewelry store used to be? It was bought up recently by a single mom with two kids. Sweet lady, very pretty, Greek. Goes by "Faye" or something, though I don't think that's how it's spelled. Don't ask me to even try with their last name, all I got was that it started with a K.
Anyway, this shop, it's called The Serpent's Nest. I think it earns its name on account of all the snake details in their decorating, especially the wallpaper. It sells occult stuff. You know: crystals, incense, bells-books-and-candles. She uses the old display cases to show statues and burners and cards and stuff instead of jewelry and she turned the bay window into a reading nook for people to try before they buy.
Not that kitschy kid stuff either I'm talking at least three double-sided bookshelves worth of spellbooks and junk written by people who take it serious. The ones that tell you what to do when the sixth moon is in the house of whatever, like they got in the Skulk and Lurk. The kind of stuff that would make most people ask what she does every month outside October if she wasn't setting up shop next to the most haunted town in Illinois.
Oh, and she's got a massive herb and spice section along the left wall and a fridge at the back so that she can make that crunchy health-nut money, too -- almost everything homegrown and homemade, apparently, or else sourced local. She said she had a garden or greenhouse on the roof of the building she keeps tended, along with a couple of those big boxy beehives beekeepers got. I guess they own the building and live on the upper floor.
Anyway, I got a really nice pomegranate honey for my granddad there, and she let me put up a flyer for his yarn stall at the Farmer's Market on the board she's got next to the door. Showed up the Wednesday after, too, and actually bought something. Like I said, sweet lady.
She doesn't dispense drugs, far as I know, but she's apparently working on getting a pharmaceutical license. Getting in on that holistic medicine business too, I guess, though she was pretty quick to tell a guy that his eczema problem is probably better taken care of at a doctor's than anything she's got. Pretty sure she was letting him down gently, but you know. Classy.
Yeah yeah I know I sound half in-love but if you'd seen her you'd get it. She's got that classic dark lady witchy thing going with the long purple dresses and the smoky eyeshadow and bold brown lipstick. She keeps her black hair tied back in this scarf up-do thing and she has curls and waves my sister would kill for. I know her eyes are brown but I swear that they look gold in the right light. Whole family has that, actually. And she's got this little smile like she knows something you don't but you can find out if you pay attention.
Some people get all the charisma, I tell you. Must be great for business. Well, when she's behind the counter, anyway. Sometimes it's one of her kids instead. Day and night, those two.
The older one is built like an Amazon and dresses like she either just got back from beating the hell out of a punching bag at the local gym or like she just got out from under a car that needed a tune-up. She works that whole atheleisure style with a long braid and extra grease stains. Maybe a leather jacket. Killer smile, must be another family thing, though hers made me feel a little bit like she knew she could crush me like a soda can if I crossed her and it's lucky for me that she's in a good mood today. Pretty, but intimidating, y'know?
Name's Diana, if I heard her mom right, though they were speaking Greek at the time so that's just a guess. I pity the guy who tries to hit on her mom while she's in earshot.
The other kid? Man. That one is... Well, they look like their mom? Except. Shorter and sharper. And more dark, like, dressing for your funeral but there's an MCR concert later kind of dark. You know how some people in that scene do. They didn't tie their hair back so it was just curl city like a cross between a Gothic dandelion and a sheep from hell, add some silver jewelry. Their eyeliner had wings clean enough to slice a man but they're also flat as a board so I mean. Hard to tell if they're a boy or girl.
Hey, I'm not saying that to be mean! They look like the kind of person that either likes confusing people, collects knives, or both. They were professional enough behind the counter -- not your typical glass-eyed Daria wannabe -- but they had this way of staring into your soul like they were debating how hard it'd be to pick you out from between their teeth if you took too long to get your change out of your pocket. Not sure if I ever actually saw them blink while I was working that out.
I only got some of their name because their sister wrangled them into something like a human shape when they had their shift change. Still speaking Greek, mind, so it was either Andre or Andrea. Something like that. Wasn't like I really had room to ask for clarification when they were up the stairs so quickly. Barely even heard their footsteps hit the ground.
I think the both of them are going to Casper High next semester. I tried to give their mom a heads up about our whole ghost thing, mention how Phantom pretty much called dibs on our airspace. She didn't seem too worried, but hey. The new people rarely do.
Anyway, it'll be nice to have a fresh source of ghost gear that doesn't have the name Fenton on it, even if it is a little old school. Assuming any of it works, I think those three are going to do pretty well for themselves around here. Can hardly do worse than the old mayor, right?
So. Wanna go?
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julien5-malfunction · 8 months
01022024 Holy shit I had 2 dreams tonight.
(It's weird bc ususally I don't remember them)
The first one was the classic 'you need to pee' but I became lucid at the and went to this one dude (who was kinda like Suus from Gravity falls, super helpful and kind) and told him (after shitting myself in the dream) 'Like, dude this is a dream, I need to wake up.' The guy was like, he believed me and knew what he had to do, asked some another gal to come outside with us and then tells the gal 'why don't you find a nice big stone on the ground, would you?'. I start walking away from them and, I think that I was head shotted with said stone, but I did indeed wake up.
The other dream after involved someone I know from real life, I'll call her 'A'.
In this drem I'm in the mental ward but it has some sort of crafting classroom (one of the wards I've been in had something like that). I think I was following a prisoner of some kind who was being escorted there and kept kinda loosely as he managed to rip open a random door on the side of the industrial hallway. The door was to a cleaning closet and now he was commenting that it smelled like cigarettes in there. In the class room were some other peoples projects on a rack, I examined a black top hat and commented that it was actually made by a pro or something. There was this other dude (who lived in the unit at the same time with me, should I just call them mr. V or the 'Beef' bc he pissed me off and we didn't have beef but he was more beefy than me, but also annoying about it. ) mr. Beef was doing something with orange and green yarn there and Miss A was there knitting a black and red /black and pink striped sweater. Don't know where escorted crazy guy went, looking for cigarette buds in the closet, I imagine. The teacher was just like that one old lady who knits everything else but socks an sweaters bc she ain't basic and can probably demonstrate karate if you misbehave. She , goes Well hello there, yeah, just look around and see what you can come up with out of the materials here and I'll help you out if you need anything. I think I started running around the class room or something, I'm not sure... I think I grabbed Beef dudes yarn and run away from him, I had something same coloured was flying next to me as I ran. (that would be something I'd do in real life btw. I'd give it back when they caught me ofc) At some point I talked to Miss A and asked why how'd she end up in the ward and she muttered something that she said something that made the doctor concerned and thought she was insane.
The next thing I remember, I was walking back to the hospital and the ward. But we were out side, on the sidewalk of the road leading back to the hospital, there were tall snow piles next to the roads and I would climb and walk on them as miss A walked neatly on the sidewalk. We chatted something. For some reason I could fly too, but didn't know how exactly yet and when I jumped off the snow piles I would either stay in the air or flop on my face and the ground. At one point miss A says 'I figured you might like me' and stops me on the side walk. I go 'Yeah, so what if I might?' I guessed some one at the crafting class snitched on me. She grabs me thight and says 'Why don't we show it to them, then?', pulls me in for a kiss, but I tilt my head and dodge. 'no no no, I'm nervous' I tell her and I think I heard her say 'you're fainting' as I remember falling to the ground, body went completely numb but I could still see.
I woke up. I dead ass, just had a dream about a girl trying to give me a kiss and I BLACKED OUT. IN THE DREAM. I'm ashamed to admit that it probably took 10 minutes to write down the last few sentences of that bc my body keeps having pretty strong, uncanny reactions to that memory now. ...fuck.
That kinda stirrs something around inside me. I could. use it as an excuse to
do the same thing i did yesterday and
text her.
'Hey! I saw u in my dreams last night, you were knitting a striped sweater in the class room, uwu.'
' How's 2024 been so far? ' idk.
' BTW IG ILY ' no, I... I can't do that... Fuck.
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bookshelfdreams · 2 years
I have come bearing another update on the Black Pete Breeches project! Which is to say, I have assembled most of the materials. ngl i have reached a point where I just want to be done and I haven't even started the actual sewing yet. So, I'm just gonna show off all the stuff I have so far.
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For lining, I got this gorgeous lightweight dark-blue linen.
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It's almost a shame to waste it on lining, I love the colour so much and the fabric is so pretty.
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All the buttons I got! Pirate buttons with little skulls on them! The others are from my favourite local yarn&fabric store and they are possibly the prettiest buttons I have ever seen.
I Do Not Care if they are period-appropriate and neither does the show care about such things.
Then I also made a little band to procrastinate on starting sewing use for knee bands and maybe for decoration of the fall front flap.
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Yes, I am aware that tablet weaving is several centuries out of fashion by this point. It's my project and I'm gonna be as extra and historically inaccurate with it as I damn well please.
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I wasnt too sure about the pattern at first, but it's grown on me. Fits the buttons well enough, I think. (Edit: I forgot to link it, but I put the pattern on twistedthreads here if anyone wants it, it's really simple)
And the main event! Stripey fabric!
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Well, "fabric". I put these through the laundry maybe 3 times? in the hopes they'd even out a bit & I guess I'll just have to content myself with the state they are in now. It is what it is.
I tried to take a full-length picture so y'all can zoom in and examine all the mistakes I made XD
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Actually doesn't look too bad from afar. Everyone who sees me wearing this will just have to keep a respectful distance of 2-3m.
idk when the next update will happen, if ever, but hopefully won't be too long. I want to be done with it some time this century.
(ids in alt text)
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shemarmooresfedora · 3 years
hii, could do 19,21,27 and 30? maybe like a day off at home with spencer? <3
Just Your Average Rainy Sunday
Summary: Staying in bed with your boyfriend all day, life can’t get much better than this.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Content: just domestic fluff
Word Count: 0.8k
A/N: this is from my prompt requests (which are now closed). i have one more left to get to and i’m so excited for it! i already have it all planned out!!! anyways, enjoy the fluff...
Your eyes fluttered open to see the dreary gray sky from the window dimly lighting the bedroom. The calm pitter-pattering of rain against the glass almost lulled you back to sleep until you felt Spencer pull you closer and start littering kisses along the back of your neck.
“Morning, love,” you whispered as to not disturb the blissful peace.
He hummed in content, “I’ll get us coffee. You stay here,” he planted one final kiss on your lips.
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” you smiled.
Spencer came back minutes later with two warm mugs in his hands. He handed you your favorite mug which he got for you while away on a case. It had two bunnies on the front and said “Guess how much I love you!”. Spencer crawled back under the covers with his mug that you got for him that read “Books, because it’s too peopley outside”.
“What do you want to do on our rare coinciding day off?” Spencer wrapped his arm around your waist, encouraging you to lean on his shoulder.
“Hmmm,” you thought out loud, “I want to do nothing all day, but with you.”
Spencer grinned, “I can get behind that.”
You and Spencer spent the morning in bed, munching on bowls of cereal and catching up on the latest show you were watching together.
After about the fourth episode in a row, you were losing focus but Spencer was still glued to the screen.
“Can I paint your nails?” you asked.
“Sure, what color?” he stuck his hands out.
You opened your nightstand drawer, “I have red, light blue, pink, dark green, black, white, and purple.”
“Can you do the dark green, black, and white just like yours so we’re matching?” Spencer pointed to your nails.
“Of course, babe,” you smiled.
You got to work pushing his cuticles back and filing his nails before putting a base coat down and finally the top glossy clear coat.
“I love it,” he beamed, inspecting his nails, “And I love that we are matching even more,” he grabbed your hand and interlocked fingers.
“I hate to say it but once this episode is over, I think we should actually get out of bed and be productive. I need to do some laundry. I’m out of clean bras,” you said.
“Or just don’t wear one and then you can stay in bed all day,” Spencer grabbed you before you could get out from underneath the covers.
“I’m out of pants too. Are you suggesting I should go pantless to work tommorow?” you asked, amused.
“Fine, we’ll do laundry,” he sighed, releasing you, “Only I get the privilege of that view,” he smirked.
You and Spencer were sitting on the floor of the laundry room, folding the freshly-washed clothes.
“Where did you get this?” you asked, holding up a maroon crewneck, “I’ve never seen you wear it.”
“I normally don’t but it was at the bottom of my go-bag on that case in Alaska last week and I was freezing. It was from my math team in high school,” Spencer admitted.
“Well, I’m stealing this from you because it’s like your football letterman jacket but way cooler. The girlfriends always got to wear them except I can parade around the fact that my boyfriend is actually intelligent rather than a meathead who probably has five concussions,” you smiled.
“Take it, it’s yours now,” Spencer confirmed, “I want everyone to know that the former captain of the math team at Las Vegas Public High School is capable of getting the most beautiful girl in the world.”
“I’m only with you for the fame that comes with that title,” you joked.
Spencer grabbed your basket of folded clothes and brought it back into the bedroom.
“Bed again, please?” he pouted.
“Fine, we’ll put the clothes away later,” you relented.
Spencer dove into bed and patted the spot right next to him, making you giggle. He grabbed his book while you made yourself comfortable with your yarn and crochet hook.
“What are you making now?” Spencer asked.
“Mittens for you in case you have another case in Alaska or somewhere else chilly. Can’t have my boyfriend being cold when I’m not there to cuddle with him and give him all my precious body heat,” you spoke as you stitched away, “And they’re purple to match your scarf!”
“I can’t wait to wear them,” he smiled, kissing the top of your head.
“Read to me?” you asked as Spencer opened up his book to the page he was on.
“Of course, love.”
A/N: fun fact i actually love to crochet and i would crochet spencer a pair of mittens so fast
taglist: (just ask to be added or removed!): @samuel-de-champagne-problems @g0lden-cth @spencerreid9 @averyhotchner @coldlilheart @k-k0129 @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @harrystylesandthegoobs @cmily
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bluejayblueskies · 3 years
tying the knot
written for week one of @archivalpride for the prompts pre-canon, self-expression, affirmation, and sharing clothes jewelry!
cw for mild internalized acephobia, teasing
also on ao3! (link in source)
“Do you like earrings?”
Jon lowers the book he’s reading and frowns at Tim. “Sorry?”
Tim’s laptop is propped on top of Jon’s shins where they’re resting atop Tim's lap, and he’s scrolling through some website that Jon can’t quite make out. “Earrings,” he repeats, pulling up a pair and swiveling the laptop so Jon can see. “I’ve got a coupon. Buy one get one free jewelry.”
“Not like that,” Jon says, wrinkling his nose at the gaudy dinosaur dangle earrings on the screen in front of him. He tugs at one of the small silver hoops in his earlobes and says, “I don’t really change mine. I’d take them out and let the holes close up, but keeping them in is honestly less work.”
Tim hums and turns back to the screen, clicking away from the earrings and continuing to scroll. “What about rings?” He types a few things on the keyboard. “You’ve got that black one you always wear.”
“Hm?” Jon’s hand automatically goes to the thin black band on his right middle finger, twisting it absently a few times. “Oh, that’s my ace ring.”
Tim looks at the ring, forehead creased. “Those are a thing?”
“I- I mean… yeah? I guess?” Jon hesitates a moment, then takes the ring off his finger and offers it to Tim. “I got one my last year in uni. It- it’s really just for me, I don’t wear it to, er… communicate that I’m ace to other people, necessarily, though it can serve that purpose, I suppose. I just… I like it.”
Tim takes the ring and turns it over a few times in his hand. “Huh. Is this, um. Is this something that all ace people know about and… and I just missed the memo?”
“I mean, I- I don’t…” Jon trails off. He closes his book and sets it on the floor next to the couch, watching Tim fiddle with the ring. “Wait, you- you’re ace? I… I didn’t know that.”
“It’s- well, it’s not a new development,” Tim says with a small laugh, “but I never really had the word until I met you? I never minded sex, and I just thought it was normal that I never really wanted it with any particular person. I honestly thought that whole ‘look across the room and see somebody you want to take to bed’ trope was a thing that just happened in movies. Hearing you talk about being ace, even though you’re a different, uh… subtype? Than me? I don’t know, it- it made a lot of sense to me. I still had a bit of doubt, you know, since I do still like sex, but then you said that some people are sex-favorable, and… yep. Pretty sure that’s me. I did a bit of research of my own just to make sure, but I, uh, I never saw anything about ace rings, I guess.”
“Oh.” Jon watches Tim pass the ring from finger to finger, flipping it back and forth between his thumb and middle finger on his right hand. “I, er… thank you, I- I suppose. For telling me, that is.”
Tim hums. “Would have told you earlier, it just… never really came up, I suppose. Always meant to, though. You’re my best friend, and it’s not like I was afraid you’d react poorly or anything.” He flashes Jon a toothy-white smile and holds out his hand, the ring sat in the center of his palm. “The ring’s cool, though. I might get one for myself.”
Jon stares at Tim’s outstretched hand, something warm curling in the pit of his stomach. He’s not sure what, exactly, compels him to say, “Why don’t you, um. Why don’t you wear that one? At- at least until you find one that you, um. That you like.”
Tim looks surprised. “Jon, I’m not stealing your ring.”
“It’s not stealing if I give it to you,” Jon says, crossing his arms across his chest. “I want you to take it. For- for now, that is.”
Tim looks at Jon a moment more before laughing, his eyes crinkling near the corners. “Jon,” he says, closing his hand around the ring and reaching for one of Jon’s hands with the other. Jon allows his hand to be guided away from his chest, and Tim flattens his palm against Jon’s. Jon frowns at the way Tim’s hand dwarfs his by a centimeter or two, trying to ignore the way his skin tingles where it’s pressed up against Tim’s. “I really don’t think it’s going to fit.”
“You haven’t even tried it on yet,” Jon counters stubbornly.
Tim holds the hand holding the ring up in defeat, his fingers still curled into a fist around it. “All right, all right,” he says, taking his hand away from Jon’s and uncurling his fingers from around the ring. Jon ignores the way his skin grows colder at the lack of contact and watches Tim slip the black ring onto the middle finger of his right hand. It goes on until the second knuckle where it sticks, and Tim holds his hand up in the air with a smirk. “See? It’s stuck. You’ve got twiggy fingers, Jon.”
“I- I do not!” Jon sputters, ignoring the evidence in front of him that clearly indicates otherwise. “Besides, I think it looks… fine.”
“Fine,” Tim echoes, amused. He slips the ring off his finger and holds it back out toward Jon. “I’m not taking your ring if it doesn’t even fit, Jon. But thanks.”
“That’s not—” Jon cuts off with a frustrated noise. He moves his legs off Tim’s and stands, leaving Tim holding the ring with a small confused furrow between his eyebrows. “Wait here. I- I’ll be back.”
“Okay?” Tim says, and Jon nods once decisively before retreating to his bedroom. He pulls a few boxes out from his closet and rifles through them, his heartbeat nestling high in his throat and his face growing steadily warmer. This is stupid, he thinks, even as he finds what he's looking for and grips it tightly in one hand, feeling the soft give of it beneath his fingers. Tim’s going to think it’s stupid.
Taking a deep breath, Jon stands and makes his way back to the living room where Tim’s still sat, worrying the ring back and forth between his fingers and watching Jon with a fond, mildly confused smile as Jon sits back on the couch beside him.
Jon sets the ball of black yarn and pair of scissors on his lap, looks at Tim, and says as confidently as he can muster, “Hold out your hand.”
Tim raises an eyebrow. “What?”
“Don’t laugh at me,” Jon says sharply, his cheeks burning as he looks at Tim expectantly. “Just- just hold out your hand.”
“I’m not laughing,” Tim says softly as he passes Jon’s ring to his left hand and holds out his right, fingers splayed wide and waiting. “Promise.”
If anything, Jon’s face gets hotter at that. He clips a short length of yarn from the ball on his lap, sets the scissors down, and says, “I- I know.” He hesitates, just a moment, before wrapping the bit of yarn around the base of Tim’s middle finger and tying a crisp double knot, cutting off the ends so they’re short and uniform. He pulls his hands back from Tim’s and settles them nervously on his lap, one hand going absently to the ball of yarn and tugging at a few of the loose strands. “Just, um. U- until you can get a real ring.”
Tim looks at him, expression unreadable, and Jon looks away, embarrassment curling hotly in his stomach. “S- sorry,” he says, worrying the hem of his shirt between his fingers. “It- it was a stupid idea.” He takes the scissors in hand and holds them out toward Tim, still staring intently at his lap. “You- you can cut it off if you want.”
Tim’s fingers brush against Jon’s as he pushes the scissors gently back toward Jon. “I haven’t even said anything yet,” he says, the amusement in his voice mixed with something else that Jon can’t quite place. (Not that he’s ever been great at parsing tone in general.) “What makes you think I don’t like it?”
Jon opens and closes his mouth a few times before making an I-don’t-know noise.
“Well, I do,” Tim says matter-of-factly. “In fact, I’m never taking it off, I’ve decided. I’m taking it with me to the grave. Till-death-do-us-part.”
Jon makes a series of sputtering noises before finally landing on, “Well, I, er. I- I’m glad.”
Tim grins at him and then takes Jon’s hand in his own and slips Jon’s ring back onto his finger. Jon’s mind goes blank of all thoughts other than Tim’s hand is touching mine and Tim is very warm and Tim just put a ring on my finger.
“See?” Tim says, squeezing Jon’s hand in his for just a moment before slipping his hand down to Jon’s wrist and holding Jon’s hand up for display. “Twiggy fingers.”
Jon cuts off his thought of Tim is sitting just close enough to kiss with a scowl and wriggles his hand out of Tim’s grip, ignoring the way that Tim’s grin only widens as he does so. “They are perfectly normal-sized fingers for a man of my stature, I’ll have you know.”
“Mm, yes, I suppose you’re right,” Tim says with a put-upon sigh. “I conceded! The rest of you is twiggy as well.”
“Absolutely no meat on your bones, Jonathan. Positively scrawny.”
Jon crosses his arms across his chest and frowns. He certainly doesn’t pout, and anybody who says anything different is lying. “Timothy Stoker.”
Tim laughs, his expression softening as he reaches over and takes one of Jon’s hands in his own, squeezing gently. “Oh, full-name basis. I must be in trouble.” He turns Jon’s hand over in his and looks at Jon’s ring, rubbing a thumb over it in consideration. Jon definitely doesn’t blush when he does so. “Really, though. Thanks. It… it means a lot.”
Jon looks down at their joined hands, something fluttering and light curling within his stomach. “It- it’s just yarn,” he says quietly, brushing against the knot of yarn with the tip of his finger.
Tim shrugs. “Yeah, but that’s not the point. The point is that you gave it to me, and you listened, and you cared.”
“Oh,” Jon says softly. He swallows around the lump in his throat before offering Tim a small smile that he hopes doesn’t betray the overwhelming affection blooming deep within him. “Well, you- you’re welcome, I suppose.”
Tim hums. He looks down at their hands, flexes his fingers, and says cheerily, “The yarn is nice too, though. Very soft. Definitely has some friendship-bracelet vibes.”
“Ha ha,” Jon says dryly. He leans across Tim’s lap and retrieves the computer, resolutely not thinking about the heat he can feel radiating off Tim with the proximity. Christ, he’s practically a furnace. “You said it’s buy one get one free? I’m sure you can find something.”
Tim orders a ring in the end, a thick black tungsten band, and he tacks a pair of ostentatious cat earrings onto the order despite Jon’s protests that I’m absolutely never going to wear those, Tim and yes, I like cats, but not dangling from my ears and fine, but I’m wearing them once and that’s it. And when Tim arrives at work two weeks later with the ring on his finger, the thin piece of yarn still tied alongside it as he holds his hand up proudly for Jon to see, Jon’s heart skips a beat before picking back up double time.
Oh, Jon thinks as Tim prattles on about shipping times and little silver cats with green gemstone eyes and heart-shaped ace pins, pressing one of the aforementioned pins into Jon’s hand with a grin. Oh.
Jon holds the small metal heart in his hand and looks at the yarn on Tim’s finger and knows, with absolute certainty, that he’s falling in love with Timothy Stoker. His face gets hot and he focuses on Tim’s hands, trying not to give away the fact that his heart is practically beating out of his chest like a cartoon character.
“Jon?” Tim says, placing a hand on one of Jon’s and startling him free from his thoughts. His hand is warm, Jon thinks. I’d love to hold it. “Everything good?”
“Yes,” Jon says quickly, his eyes snapping up to Tim’s face. Tim is smiling at him warmly, and Jon feels a part of himself melt. “Yes,” he repeats, his mouth curling into a small smile to match. “Everything’s great.”
“Great,” Tim echoes, squeezing Jon’s hand once before letting go. His smile turns a bit teasing at the edges, and Jon braces himself. “Now.” He pulls the earrings out of his pocket and dangles them in front of Jon. “As I recall, you did promise at least once.”
Jon is, unfortunately, falling in love with Timothy Stoker. God help him.
“Fine,” Jon grumbles, taking the earrings out of Tim’s hand and giving him a withering look. “Just once.”
Jon does, in fact, end up wearing the earrings more than once, fiddling absentmindedly with the small cats as he walks through the supermarket and stands on the tube and sits on his couch, flipping through a book. But that’s nobody’s business but his own.
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emeraldtart · 3 years
The chef and his four (yokai) companions
Summary: Komatsu moved to his hometown, in hopes of opening a restaurant of his own. The small town has a strange rule; amulets and charms are put by the side of doors on buildings. They are made to prevent spirits from entering one's house and taking all of their food and valuables.
And Komatsu wishes he remembered that rule earlier.
Komatsu stops his car and smiled. It has been years ever since he had stepped into his hometown. While studying to become a chef, he never had any time to go to visit this place.
Kokuryū Town was a beautiful place, with lush fields suitable for farming. It's also filled to the brim with beautiful flowers, especially in the spring.
Opening the trunk of his car, Komatsu takes his clothes bag and fiddled to do the key or the building. A distant relative gave him the building, which is an old restaurant with living quarters on the second floor. Of course, it's an old place, so Komatsu has to clean up a lot before he can do any proper cooking.
As he opens the sliding door, something that was hanging to the side of the door fell, "Huh? What is this thing?"
He kneeled and examined the fallen object. It looks like some sort of wooden plate. The string on the plate is made of red yarn, which has snapped over time.
"Must be for the shop's name." The chef muttered. The wind suddenly blows stronger, making the old glass wind chime hanging near the door chime loudly. For some unknown reason, Komatsu felt like he was being watched. He panicked and entered the building.
In a dark alley, a tall figure wearing a straw hat was watching Komatsu entering the building. He wore a blue yukata and a black hakama. Yellow eyes stared intently at the building, before the man turned back, before disappearing into thin air.
That night...
Komatsu spent the whole day cleaning the kitchen. So now, he's making some food for himself. As he was waiting for the noodles to boil, the wind chime makes another sound.
"The wind sure is strong, huh?"
Suddenly, the door slid open. Komatsu was surprised, as he didn't expect anyone to come this late at night. Another reason is that the man is... Tall. Like, very tall. Komatsu felt like a small mouse next to an elephant right now. Also, he wears traditional clothing, with a large straw hat that covers his whole face. Komatsu can see that the stranger has blue hair.
"Oh, sorry! This shop isn't open yet, I was making food for myself!" Komatsu nervously said. The man sighed, and Komatsu felt guilty. So Komatsu decided to serve his first customer.
As the man was going to exit, Komatsu stops him, "Hey, wait! I made too many noodles, so... I guess I can share some with you?"
The man smiled and takes a seat near the counter. Komatsu somehow found a very big bowl, so he uses that to serve it to the customer. He could hear the man eating the ramen, and smiled. That guy must've been starving. As he turns back, the man was gone. Only the giant bowl and some money was left behind.
Komatsu was confused. How could a man eat so fast, and leave without making a sound? As Komatsu picked up the money, he found a note underneath it; "Your food is very tasty! I'll make sure to come back with my friends next time!"
Komatsu smiled at the letter. He puts the money in his pocket, neatly folding the note and tucking it in. After eating his ramen, he turned off the lights and go to bed.
Outside of the restaurant, two figures are inspecting the building. One is the customer, and another is a man with dark green yukata and black haori.
"His cooking is amazing, I've never eaten something like that in my thousand years of living," said the mysterious customer.
"Really? I guess I'll come with you too, then. Although, it's strange how he doesn't have a repelling amulet on that restaurant,"
"It fell off. He must be been an outsider who doesn't know of this village's rites,"
"I see... So as long as we hid our true nature, we can at least eat something in this world. Oh well, thanks for the news. See you tomorrow, Toriko," with that a pair of massive black wings unfurled from his back. The stranger took to the air and seemingly vanished from sight.
The customer, Toriko, walked away. Disappearing from thin air once again.
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maggies-scribblings · 3 years
Yarning For Her
Adrien is smitten with the girl who's always been there, in the row behind him. But when his plans to ask Marinette out unravel, a secret throws him for a loop…
Written for the Miraculous Writer's Guild April Event 2021: Followers sent five emojis as prompts to the @mlwritersguild Tumblr for the writers to pick one to write for. I chose the emojis sent by @ladycat1: ✨ 😊 👀 👩🏻 🧵
Canon compliant up to Season 4, Episode 4: M. Pigeon 72.
It was finally happening. The event everyone was waiting for… well, everyone except the main protagonist of said event.
Marinette could feel it, though she could hardly believe it. She noticed Adrien looking at her with more intensity, when he thought she wasn’t looking. How he had trouble finding the right words when talking to her. All the tiny gestures of attention, like offering to help with a difficult subject or a complex art project, or praising her outfit every day, even if she’d worn it several times before.
Nino could tell, too: questions about Marinette and her favourite colour, food, flower, or whatever else were whispered in his right ear all day.
Actually, the whole class noticed Adrien’s marked change in behaviour. His cheerful hellos were now stuttered in Marinette’s general direction. His head hid on his shoulders whenever Marinette sighed or yawned, as if his neck couldn’t handle her fresh breaths. Even his athletic skills were now replaced with an unexplained jerkiness. The fact that the weather was warmer and the girls’ gym suits gave way to short shorts and strappy tops might have had something to do with it.
In short, Adrien fell in love with Marinette. Hard.
When it started, Adrien couldn’t exactly tell. Ever since that first day of school, Marinette had held a special space in his heart (most of which had been stolen by Ladybug the previous day). She was one of his first and dearest friends.
But now… after getting to know Marinette, her loving and kind nature, after seeing her helping others without asking for anything back, after finally noticing how pretty she was… he wasn’t so sure.
That day at the pool was definitely a turning point.
First there was that unplanned double dive. During those milliseconds when they were falling, Adrien’s thought process went something like this:
Danger!—Why is Marinette here?—Protect!—Wow, she looks so cute in that swimsuit!
As they hit the water, their arms instinctively reached out to the other as they sank, swirling back up to the surface in a soft embrace — just like that night in New York, when they had danced floating in the air, under the full moon.
And when they were leaving the pool, Adrien was so happy and surprised to see she still had the umbrella he’d given her way back then! Sweet as always, she offered to give it back to him, even though it was raining and she had to walk home.
She was standing next to him (she linked her arm in his!) when that pesky umbrella decided to close on them, and they were pulled even closer for a few seconds. Very close. He could smell the chlorine in her hair mixed with the scent of sweets that always surrounded her. He thought he felt her heart beating faster and faster. Maybe it wasn’t. His heart certainly was. He could feel her warm breath through his shirt, and it drove him a little crazy.
When they said goodbye that day, he could hardly take his eyes off her. He even bumped his head on the car door frame. Ladies and gentlemen, here’s the charming, elegant model Adrien Agreste, unable to enter a car (come to think of it, he seemed to have a bit of a problem with doors whenever Marinette was around).
The few weeks that went by did nothing to sort out Adrien’s feelings about the two black-haired girls in his life. His days were mortifying, his nights restless. On one such night, Adrien tossed and turned, but sleep wouldn’t come. The full moon and bright stars shining through the window frames painted his room with grid patterns, a constant reminder of his confined life.
Adding to that, his mind was racing with memories of his (now frequent) clumsiness and embarrassment at school. He recalled the fumble of the day: going into the classroom while trying to look cool, he managed to snag his bag strap on the door handle, causing him to jerk back and hit the ground on his butt in front of the whole class.
Adrien groaned and turned again. Worst thing was, he had no idea how she felt for him. She kept sending mixed signals. Her behaviour towards him wasn’t as weird as it had been, but that didn’t mean a lot. He’d even asked her a couple of times. He remembered the time they visited the wax museum, when she said she didn’t like him like that.
“What’s the matter, kid?” Plagg yawned from his side of the pillow, annoyed by his bearer’s restlessness. “Who is it this time? Spots or bakery girl?”
Adrien didn’t bite, going back into his musings instead.
His mind turned to Ladybug… These days, Spots occupied a much smaller part of his thoughts. He still got the occasional butterflies in his stomach when he saw her, or when she praised him and his humour. She would always be his first love, and not an easy girl to forget… but she was right, of course — she was always right — as long as they had enemies, they couldn’t reveal their identities, much less deepen their relationship. Back when Bunnyx first showed up, they found out that there would be a new Hawkmoth and countless akumas in the future, and who knew when that would end?
Plagg was still grumbling about sleep and cheese. Adrien playfully flicked his kwami’s ear.
“Shut up, Plagg! I’m trying to sleep!”
“Very unsuccessfully, I might say,” Plagg flew out of his reach. “You sighed four-hundred and fifty-eight times in the last hour.”
“Come on… can’t you see I’m in turmoil here?” Adrien turned his back to the kwami. It was no use arguing with a deity, no matter how minuscule.
“Four-hundred and fifty-ni—” Plagg’s teasing was interrupted by a pillow hitting him.
This wouldn’t do. Adrien couldn’t stand his own indecisiveness any more. He decided to ask Marinette out, that very day. After a reviving shower, he got dressed and looked in the mirror. The dark circles around his eyes were evident, but he hated wearing concealer to school. He might as well add a couple of details to his usual get-up: a pair of Gabriel’s new collection sunglasses and his favourite blue scarf.
He arrived at school early, and while most of the class was either chatting in the courtyard or going into the classroom, Marinette was nowhere to be seen. Adrien went into the locker room, and lurked behind the last row of lockers while students got in, got their things and left.
Finally, the hurricane that was late-for-class-Marinette thundered in, scolding herself for oversleeping as she got her books for the morning. When she closed the door, there was Adrien, leaning against the cabinets with his best Chat Noir smirk as he looked over the rim of his sunglasses and greeted her.
“Good morn—”
He didn’t have time to finish his line, as a very startled Marinette squeaked and grabbed his free arm to spin him around and pin him to the lockers with an elbow to his throat.
It took a few moments for Adrien realise exactly what had happened, before she released her hold.
“I’m sorry, I… panicked,” Marinette said, as she stepped back and continued to gesticulate wildly and mumble more awkward apologies.
Still frozen in place, Adrien managed to adjusted his crooked sunglasses.
“Marin—” he had to clear his throat. “No, I— It’s o-ow!”
Adrien tried and failed to step forward, as he heard a ripping sound — his scarf was caught in Marinette’s locker, and the momentum slammed him back into the metal doors with a loud bang.
The proverbial stars that blurred his vision cleared up to show Marinette very close to him, fumbling with the lock to release the scarf.
“Sorry, so sorry, I’m such a klutz!”
“It’s okay, no harm do—”
Adrien stopped talking when he saw that the scarf had a large rip, disappointment obvious upon his face.
“Oh no!” Marinette covered her mouth as she saw the damage. “Your scarf! I ruined it!”
At this point, Adrien would usually smile and say something like ‘it’s okay’ or ‘no worries’, but he couldn’t lie: he really loved that scarf. It was his favourite colour, warm and cosy, yet light enough to wear on a spring day, and a rare thoughtful gift from his father. He pouted a little as his fingers traced the tear.
“I can fix it!”
He lifted his eyes to Marinette as she got on her tiptoes to unwind the scarf from his neck.
“I can make it look as good as new. I know you’re worried, after all it’s your dad’s birthday gift,” she rambled as she delicately folded it, “but I have leftover yarn— I mean, I think I have the same colour, and it’s a simple pattern.”
There was something odd about the way she worded that, but Adrien dismissed it. He must have made a weird face, because now she had a concerned expression.
“I mean, if you trust me with it… I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t after I destroyed it. ”
“No—I mean, don’t be silly, it was an accident… I shouldn’t have sneaked up on you like that!” He managed a relieved little smile. “Still, my father might be upset if he saw I ripped it. Are you sure you can fix it?”
Marinette’s eyes averted his for a moment, as she returned the folded up scarf.
“I’ll do my best! I’m not a pro like your father, but I’m sure I can make it as good as new in no time at all!”
They agreed to go to Marinette’s place after school so that she could start working on it right away, then ran off to class as the second bell rang.
Not exactly the way I planned it, Adrien thought as he scrambled onto his seat, but I guess it worked!
Adrien reclined in the chaise-longue and looked around Marinette’s bedroom. It was the total opposite of his, huge and aseptic and cold. On the contrary, these walls had warm colours and pictures everywhere, and it smelled amazing, fruity shampoo mixed with glue and ink from her many design projects, mixed with sweets from the bakery, and everything about it was so welcoming and cosy and so… Marinette.
“Yes!” Her delighted voice interrupted his reveries. “I knew I still had it!”
Adrien chuckled as he saw Marinette triumphantly holding a ball of light blue yarn, then get several needles from her yarn basket and sit at her sewing station to start working. He switched seats to her desk chair and rolled close to her.
“Can I help?”
“Sure! Let me just…”
Marinette picked up a long, thin knitting needle and started to thread it on the scarf, just above the tear. She was so concentrated and her movements so careful and precise, she might as well be defusing a bomb. Adrien noticed her tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth and wondered what her kisses would taste like.
“There. I have the brakes on, now let’s get going.”
Marinette found the end stitch at the corner of the scarf and cut it. Giving Adrien the end of the yarn, she continued.
“Hold this. Make a ball while I unravel it.”
“Huh? Un-what?” Much as Adrien trusted her skills, he panicked. “Won’t you make it worse?”
“No, because I’m holding the knitting with this,” she pointed at the longer needle she had threaded through the scarf.
Marinette turned her chair, so they were sitting face to face, knees almost touching, and started to quickly unravel the bottom part of the scarf, while he rolled up the thread in a ball, both enjoying the comfortable silence. He noticed a small piece of fabric falling from one of the edges and bent down to pick it up.
“What’s this?” Adrien thought out loud while examining it.
As soon as Marinette lifted her eyes from her work and saw what he was holding, her eyes went wide and her cheeks red.
“Oh, it’s nothing—” she tried unsuccessfully to snatch the fabric from his hand. “Probably just the washing inst—”
It was not an ordinary washing instructions tag. It was tiny and had been woven into the knitting, so discreetly he’d never noticed it before. He turned the fabric over to see a recognisable signature.
“Wait— you made this?” Adrien picked up the other end of the scarf from her lap and examined like he’d never seen it before. “Wha—? How? D-did my father buy it off your website?”
So that’s why she was so confident about fixing it. He searched Marinette’s face for an explanation, but she just shook her head and kept looking down, unravelling the loops one by one.
“No— of course not— your site wasn't set up back then, we only took those photos later…”
Adrien thought back to the time Nathalie handed him the present, neatly packed in a box with a ribbon. He’d never seen that kind of care in his father’s presents, just standard gift bags with expensive pens, straight from a corporate catalogue. His train of thought was broken by a couple of tears falling on his hands.
“Marinette…” he murmured, lifting her chin to look into her misty eyes. “Did you make this for me?”
She nodded with a tiny smile. He moved his hand from her chin to cup her cheek, wiping her tears with his thumb.
“Was this supposed to be your present for me?” Another nod. “How did this mess happen then?”
“I…” Marinette had to clear her throat and finally looked at him. Something in her eyes changed from avoidance to determination. “I wanted to give it to you personally, but I couldn’t gather the nerve… then one thing led to another, and I left it in your house, and I even signed it, but…” she shrugged.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I just… couldn’t. You were so happy with the present from your dad. I couldn’t ruin it for you.”
Adrien made a mental note to find out exactly what had happened, then set all his negative feelings aside. His heart was too full of love to think about anything other than the girl in front of him.
“Oh, Marinette…” he softly chided as he hugged her. How could this girl be so selfless, on top of everything else? She cared for him, really cared for him, even back then. “I wish you’d told me.”
He released the hug and pulled her closer, into his lap. Marinette set the scarf on the sewing table and put her arms around his neck. Her tears were gone and a hint of a smile played on her lips.
“That way,” Adrien caressed her nose with his, “I would have thanked you properly.”
“Oh yeah?” Marinette breathed, her lips very close to his. “You can thank me now.”
They closed the distance between them, their lips melding into a sweet kiss, then another, and then a few more. Adrien’s heart was beating so fast he could hardly bear it. Then he remembered he should probably breathe at some point.
“If that’s the way you thank a person for a present, I’ll start giving them more often,” Marinette joked.
“Not anyone.” He pecked her lips. “Only you.”
They kissed again, this time more passionately. He kissed her eyes, the tip of her nose, her forehead, her neck, then back up to her lips…
The scarf was left forgotten on the sewing table. It could wait a few more hours before repairing.
Thanks to @hari-writes and @deinde-prandium for the beta read! ❤️
Constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated. English is not my first language and I tend to use UK English. If you catch any inconsistencies, please let me know.
My AO3. My Twitter. My Instagram.
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winterscaptain · 4 years
intellectual guesswork.
Aaron Hotchner x Gender Neutral Reader
a/n: another ajf update that requires absolutely no context to enjoy! i love you all so much. send some extra love to your favorite writers this week :)
one quick thing - if you’re on my taglist, please consider dropping a reply or a reblog! i love to see what you all think, and it encourages me to keep going :) it’s also getting a bit long, and i want to make sure my mutuals and people who engage are seeing everything - tumblr sometimes has a hard time with a lot of mentions. 
words: 1.6k warnings: none!
summary: “ignorance of the law excuses no man - from practicing it.” - addison mizner. au!may 2008
masterlist | a joyful future masterlist | ajf faq | taglist | what do you want to see next? edited: january 12th, 2021
You all settle into one row. Aaron’s on the end beside you, looking very sharp in a crisp black suit, his favorite Rolex, and a settled kind of confidence you’ve only seen in him a few times. It’s like he’s in his natural habitat. 
Aaron’s record as a federal prosecutor speaks for itself, of course, but you’ve never seen him in action. As often as they can, the bureau’s leadership sends him in as an expert witness. This time, the case happens to be one of yours. The judge hasn’t required a sequestration for Aaron, so you get the treat of sitting together in the courtroom. 
He’s scoffed and mumbled snide remarks under his breath all morning. You’re just itching to see him get up on the stand and give this joker an education. 
Emily leans over, whispering in your ear. “I promise you’ve never seen anything like this before. Hotch is going to rip this clown to shreds.” 
You stifle a laugh and look over at Aaron. He heard her. Leaning toward you, he murmurs, “All my JD does is collect dust. When I use it, I’d like to enjoy it.” 
“Your Honor, the prosecution would like to call our expert witness, Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner, to the stand.” 
He takes a breath and rises, buttoning his suit jacket and crossing the courtroom. His presence commands respect and everyone in the courtroom seems to shrink before him. 
The prosecution’s questions go over smoothly, and the defense attorney stands with an unreasonable amount of confidence. 
Emily leans over. “He thinks he can get Hotch with at least one of these questions, and he might. But just watch.” 
You nod, taking everything in. 
“So you’ve stated that it was your profile of the killer that led you and the police to my clients door that night.” 
“Behavioral analysis was a factor in our investigation, yes.” 
Without hesitation, the attorney follows up. “And was behavioral analysis also a factor in the Olympic Park bombings case in Atlanta?” 
“Yes, it was.” Aaron’s eyes and tone never waver, no hint of arrogance or cheek. 
“And was that suspect you identified,” the attorney asks, far too aggressively, “Richard Jewell, ever convicted of the bombings?”
The prosecution objects, and you watch Aaron. Every part of him observes the proceedings with an outwardly detached interest, but his eyes are alive - strategizing and anticipating. It’s like you can see the wheels turning as the lawyers bicker. 
 The judge ends the squabble. “I’ll allow it.”
Aaron, now with permission, answers simply, “No, he was not convicted.”
“Because he was innocent. Your profile led you to the wrong man.” 
Oh, give me a break. It takes everything in you not to scoff and you can feel Emily’s eye roll.
“Jewell was not the perpetrator, but if you look at the real Olympic Park Bomber, Eric Rudolph, you’ll see that our profile was dead-on.” 
Dead-on indeed, Aaron. 
“Well, how about we look at the Baton Rouge Killer? Your unit said that he was white and living in the city. He was Black and from the suburbs.”
Aaron’s eyes narrow and you feel Spencer shift beside you. Emily shakes her head. “Don’t worry,” she whispers. “He always recovers, never in the way you’d expect.” 
“How do you know?”
Emily’s face pulls into a little smile. “I’ve read the transcripts. Hotch is terribly clever.” 
“You said that Dennis Rader, the B.T.K. Killer,” the attorney continues, “was divorced and impotent. He turned out to be married with two kids.” 
JJ huffs, and you hear her whisper to Spencer, “Can we quit with the sermon?” 
His lips turn up. “Just wait.”
Dave leans over and stares them down over Derek. Stop talking. 
All of you look down at your hands like chastised children, but your gaze floats back to Aaron right away. 
The prosecution objects again, this time on the grounds of preaching. The judge forces a question, and the attorney turns back on Aaron.
“Having been wrong on those cases, isn’t it possible that you were wrong about Brian Matloff?” 
“No.” Your chest squeezes. He’s completely firm in his denial. 
How does he do that?
“Fact is,” the attorney continues like Aaron didn’t speak at all, “behavioral analysis is really just intellectual guesswork. You probably couldn’t tell me the color of my socks with any greater accuracy than a carnival psychic.” 
Her outburst is unnecessary. Aaron has a plan. His eyes track to you as if to check in. Are you paying attention? 
If you weren’t watching before, you’re certainly watching now. Always. 
“Charcoal grey.” His flat assertion makes you gasp and you immediately cover your mouth with your hand to stifle the sound. 
The attorney turns around. “Well, look at that,” he exposes his socks to the court, and they are, in fact, charcoal grey. “He got one right.”
Aaron’s not finished. “You match them to the color of your suit to appear taller. You also wear lifts and you’ve had the soles of your shoes replaced. One might think you’re frugal, but in fact, you’re having financial difficulties.” 
You do your best to school your expression and remove your hand from your mouth. Checking down the row, you see six smirks watching the witness box. 
“You wear a fake Rolex…”
And you’d know. 
“...because you pawned the real one to pay your debts. My guess would be to a bookie.” 
Is he smiling?
“I took this case pro bono.” There’s tension in Mr. Charcoal Grey’s voice. You can hear it behind the false confidence and it pulls a smile from you. “I am one of the most successful criminal attorneys in the state.”
Hotch continues, completely bypassing him. “Your vice is horses.” There’s definitely a little smile on his face now. “Your Blackberry’s been buzzing on the table every twenty minutes, which happens to be the average time between posts from Colonial Downs. You’re getting race results.” Your smile gets wider, and Emily grabs your hand. 
“Just watch.”
“And every time you do, it affects your mood in court, and you’re not having a very good day.” There’s something that looks almost like concern on Aaron’s face, but you know it’s nothing if not facetious. He’s ripping this poor man to shreds without changing a single thing about his presentation.
I love - 
Don’t finish that thought. 
Why not?
Remember how he’s freshly divorced?
I know, but have you seen him?
“That’s because you pick horses the same way you practice law -” 
You lean forward and Emily follows, her thumbnail between her teeth. 
The final blow. 
“- by always taking the long shot.” 
If this was any other setting, you’re sure the entire team would be on their feet, shouting and jeering. But alas, you’re in court, so you settle for a wide smile and a suppressed laugh. Amused brown eyes meet yours from across the room and you shake your head just the tiniest bit. I can’t believe you.
His lips twitch. 
“Well, you spin a very good yarn, Agent, but as usual, you’ve proven nothing.” He’s just trying to recover something, anything left of his dignity. He fails, miserably. 
“If I’m not mistaken,” Aaron says, his eyebrows raised just a little, “the results from the fifth race should be coming through any minute.”
Just then, his Blackberry buzzes on the defense table. “Why don’t you tell us if your luck has changed?”
You raise your hands to your face to cool the rising heat in your cheeks. 
“Your honor, this is - “
The judge takes matters into his own hands. “What do you want me to do? Either show us your Blackberry or cut him loose, counselor.”
Hotch and the defense attorney share a loaded look. It’s a battle of wills. 
Aaron wins. 
“Nothing further.”
When you all leave the courthouse, you practically latch onto Aaron’s arm, completely floored. 
“How did you do that?”
He laughs and Derek jumps up beside him, shaking his shoulders. “Come on, Hotch. That was incredible.” 
“Why have a law degree if you aren’t going to use it?”
He offers you a ride home later that evening and you take him up on it. You’re both still in the car, idling in front of your house. 
“That really was impressive today,” you admit, your eyes on your hands.
You can feel his soft smile rather than see it. “Thanks. I know it didn’t quite go the way we wanted as far as the case itself, but there’s more to come.” 
“It’s never as bad as it looks in the first couple of days.” 
“Exactly.” He sighs. “Thanks again for being there today. It’s…” his lips twist as he thinks, “nice to have the team around.” 
You reach out, squeezing his forearm before immediately letting him go. “Of course. We’ll always be there for you. Plus, there’s nothing better than watching you tear blowhard lawyers to shreds in a court of law.” 
“I’m not sure that’s exactly how it went.” 
“You’re kidding!” You laugh. “That’s just what happened. The man left without half his soul! You absolutely tore it from his body.”
The pair of you quiet, and you move to get out of the car. He stops you with a hand over yours as you unclip your seatbelt. “Really. Thanks for being there today.” 
“I can’t emphasize this enough - it was my pleasure.” 
Enough of a pleasure as it was, his smile in the dark of the car is the best part of your day.  
tagging: @arganfics @quillvine @stxrryspencer @agenthotchner @wandaswitxh @hurricanejjareau @fics-ilike @ange-must-die @ughitsbaby @rousethemouse @criminalsmarts @shrimpyblog @genevievedarcygranger @ssaic-jareau @good-heavens-chris-evans @davidrossi-ismydad @angelsbabey @gublergirls @writefasttalkevenfaster @venusbarnes @hotchsflower @micaiahmoonheart @ogmilkis @thatreallyis-americas-ass @marvels-agents100 @hotchslatte @risenfox @mrs-dr-reid @captain-christopher-pike @joemazzello-imagines @pinkdiamond1016 @sebbybaby0 @pan-pride-12 @hotchlinebling @lee-rin-ah @sunshine-em @word-scribbless @jdougl-love @sageellsworth05 @nohalohoseok @giveusbackourbucky @writerxinthedark @bauslut @yourlovelynewsbian @sparklingkeylimepie @aili28 @kingandrear @reader4027 @spnobsessedmemes @rogers-mouth @dreila03 @forgottenword @aaronhotchnerr @ssa-morgan @hotchnersgoddess @buckybau @phoenixfyre374 @sana-li @tegggeeee @abschaffer2 @ssacandi-ass-prentiss  @dontkissthewriter @ellyhotchner @lotties-journey-abroad @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @laneygthememequeen @ahopelessromantic @violentvulgarvolatile @andreasworlsboring101 @mooneylupinblack @ssareidbby @violet-amxthyst @bwbatta @roses-and-grasses @lcvischmitt @capricorngf @missdowntonabbey @averyhotchner @mandylove1000 @garcia-reid-lovechild  @cevanswhre @colbyskoalas @qvid-pro-qvo @jeor @spencers-hoodrat @infinity1321
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justananxiousauthor · 4 years
DestructiveDeath Oneshot
Soooooo, I made this a few months ago.... and never posted it... then shared with my friend... now I gotta post it.... soooo here ya go. @nozapuns Here ya go....
I found myself trembling as Reaper disappeared, my voice still caught in my throat, my throat dry. He didn’t understand, he didn’t understand a thing I’d been through. I’d watched everyone I loved die by the hands of some kid. No, not some kid, Chara. The name made me grit my teeth, I hated that small child with every fiber in my being, and every drop of magic in my soul. They’d taken everything I cared about, everything but Reaper, I guess I took them away from myself. He didn’t understand how much I loathed myself for what had happened, and it wasn’t like I could talk to anyone else in my plain white hell. I’d spend days, months, years maybe, waiting for him to return so we could spend a short time together before he vanished again. I was done living like this, I’d rather return to my timeline and be dusted than spend another moment here, and reaper hated that. I sat on the ground in my lonely silence as time passed by. He’d say he’d be back soon, but here?
Soon could be never.
And never could be soon.
Time passed…….
I don’t even know how long
I could only judge by the exhaustion I felt, so I counted the days by my sleep. 
10 cycles passed and I was still alone.
20 passed and nothing…..
Invisible aches filled me, and I don’t even know what happened next. Anger filled me, rage that I couldn’t even understand. I just didn’t understand…..
Everything blurred together, the loneliness crushing. Tears burned my skull like fire branding my bones. Then something changed, a new power coursed through my soul as the tears dried to once porcelain white face of mine leaving streaks of light blue. I gasped as I felt the void pulling at my body, glitching it even more than the day I had come here. What was once white turned black, my sockets red eyes yellow, and fingers red and yellow. What was happening?!
I woke up somewhere new, or maybe it was the same place as before, but it felt…..
I could feel the energy that was hidden in the white space, and it was almost like I could... 
Open it. 
Out stretching my hand I took in a sharp breath, a window opening for me to look out into the world.
Not a window, a door for me to finally escape my endless prison.
Day 11,397 without Reaper.
A day well done as the Destroyer of AU’s, a title I held dear, bringing all other abominations to their knees. I enjoyed my work, which made it easy to keep others from suffering like how I did. However, I found it impossible to destroy a classic timeline, something I was from, maybe it just pained me too much to see my brother cry… but if a single Sans attempted to become Geno and stray from their code, they would be annihilated. I found myself in a void, not one of my own, one created by a new Geno. The new code felt sickly to me, this idiot had no idea what he was doing, but I could fix that. By the end of the fight, if you could even call it that, his dust laid at my feet, a hollow pain echoing in my soul, but before I could destroy the timeline….
A voice from the past came echoing back.
“Geno, I’m here to visit!” Reaper’s voice echoed through the void. My body stiffened at the sound, so this is what he had been doing? Got in a fight with me so he just found a replacement? A new geno, someone with the same face, personality, a clean slate…
I couldn’t help but laugh. 
“What- Error!” Reaper growled, and by the time I turned to see him, he had his scythe ready to fight. So quick to jump to attack the one he claimed to love, not that I was that person anymore, Geno died a long long time ago.
“Long time no see Reaper,” I said, I doubt he remembered, I probably wasn’t even the first Geno he played with. I pressed my fingers to my face for a moment before pulling the brightly colored yarn away from my blackened cheekbones, “Do you wanna play too?” I asked, the pain numbing.
“You killed him,” He began staring at the dust that greyed my feet. He charged, probably mad I broke his new toy, so I dodged.
“What? Miss him already? Oh please Reaper, I know this isn’t the first Geno you’ve played with. Just another toy broken in your miserable toy box right?” 
“You know NOTHING!!” He yelled while swinging his scythe at me, his rage would be his downfall in this fight. 
I was right, the fight ended quickly as Reaper made a mistake and ended up caught in my lines, hands tangled above his head.
“I know nothing?” I asked leaning in, holding the ends of the yarn that tangled him up oh so beautifully. “Is that true? Do I really know nothing? I mean you’ve been Geno hopping for as long as I can remember, their sad faces crying out for you, yet you never come. You never save them, you never saved him.”
“Him?” He asked, he looked so deliciously defeated, like I had destroyed something he actually cared for.
“Geno? All of them, everyone I have ever destroyed.” 
“Did you?” He began.
“Of course I did, they all became dust at my feet. Which is really a shame, dust is so hard to wash out.” 
“Did you kill a Geno, 11,000 days ago?” He asked, wow, color me impressed, he remembered.
“What’s so important about that Geno in particular? He’s just another abomination snuffed out.” 
“He was my Geno, now tell me, did you kill him, 11,000 days ago?” He asked again, his Geno? Me? He was lying, trying to get under my skin. If I had any.
“Yes, I killed Geno, and I watched him scream, I watched him slowly become insane, from loneliness, from guilt, from pain. 11,000 days alone, and I watched, and then, when I became bored with watching his insanity, I killed him.” I said expressionlessly. Reaper’s eyes went dark. “I mean, did you really care about him, you left him alone for so long!” I couldn’t help but laugh.
“I cared,” He whispered.
“Excuse me?” I said dryly.
“I cared more than I have ever cared about anyone.” Reaper continued.
“You cared about some random Geno that you ran away from?” I couldn’t help but ask as I leaned forwards to look into his deep dead eyes. “You left him alone, to go insane.” I said simply, “you two get in a fight over something that was killing him inside and you left him.” 
“I didn’t mean to!” Reaper snapped looking up at me, “I couldn’t get back in! I couldn’t open a portal or anything to his void! I tried to go back to apologize but I couldn’t!” He said now tears began to fall.
“You tried?” I said dryly, “you tried?” I began to laugh, “well obviously Reaper, you didn’t try hard enough!” Now I was yelling, the same painful rage as the day I left filled me. “You left me there alone to suffer for years on end! 15 years of isolation 15 YEARS of being alone and you…. YOU…!” I yanked on the yarn to pull him upright into, what looked like, a rather uncomfortable position. “You tried,” I growled, my anger, my frustration….
“You?” The light returned to his eye as he looked at me.
“Me?” I asked, “What about me? You left Geno alone!” I snapped.
“No, you said I left you alone, Error…” he paused.
“Hah! No, I didn’t,” The anger was quickly replaced with stomach-turning anxiety. 
“Error where did you come from?” Reaper asked while looking my body over. “How were you made?” I wanted to hide, remove his wandering eye lights from me.
“That’s a little personal don’t you think?” I asked, feeling sick.
“You’re the one that started monologuing and slipped up. Now tell me, Error, where did you come from.” The look he gave me made me feel like I hadn’t felt in over 30 years. I grabbed my chest with my free hand and looked down. 
“It really isn’t any of your business,” I stated.
“I really think it is Geno,” his words made the yarn slip from my hands, releasing him and dropping the other skeleton to the ground. It took him a moment to recover but he stood. “Now, tell me what happened.” He could see right through me, see right through the lies, through this character I had made.
“Don’t call me that,” I said simply, arms dropping to my sides.
“Alright, Error,” He got up and came to me, hands sliding down my arms before taking my hands in his. His touch, though it did make me flinch, it also made me feel like that love-struck puppy I once was. It wasn’t as scary. “Tell me what happened.” I found myself unable to stop once I started, telling him my new life story, the pain, the tears, everything. Damp dark yarn ran down from his empty socks, sticking to my cheeks as he listened to me, one hand gently brushing over my cheekbone as he hushed me, I pushed him back.
“Reaper,” I said my voice cracking from the pain, “I can’t.” my voice broke my own tears falling. “I couldn’t do it anymore,” he hushed me more silently as he pulled me into his arms, one hand cradling the back of my head, the other rubbing circles into my shoulder. I could more glitches coat me but… he was okay... “The loneliness was crushing.”
“It's okay, I am so sorry I left you like that, I tried to go back and apologize, I promise, I’ll be right next to you the whole way, I promise I won’t leave you again,” I swore into my ear. 
“But Reaper,” I started with voice trembling, “What am I going to do?” I asked, “I’m no longer the person you love.” 
“Error no,” He said pulling back and resting a hand on my cheek, “No no my love, it doesn’t matter who you are, Sans, Geno, Error, I don’t care. I know who I love, and that’s you.” His words made me melt into him, returning into his arms as the tears fell heavier. I just wanted to stay there, in his grip as he protected me from the pain I had felt for all these years without him. He hushed me as I sobbed, the crushing loneliness finally lifting off my shoulders as I just melted into the man I loved’s arms. His hands gently ran over me as he tried to comfort me, trying to hide his own tears. “I am so sorry my love, I love you more than the worlds themselves.” 
Day 1 with Reaper again.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Osborn’s 5✩ Inspiration: Black VS Black [黑色对峙] Date Translation (END 5: Listen)
“Now that we're done putting away the model, it's about time we put it away as well.”
*Light and Night Master-list | Osborn’s Personal Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *This 5✩ Inspiration has 6 Endings!! *Osborn’s tag will be #For Night, For Freedom *Requested by anon! You can check my on-going requests and more here!
✥ Choice: Listen [倾听] ❖ASMR
The cat caused an incident! What should I do?
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⊹ Pick up the scattered components ⊹
Around the fallen car model were several of its scattered compartments that had fallen out. 
The rear spoiler didn't manage to escape unscathed with a running crack through it.
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MC: Yikes! The parts came out!
I quickly knelt down to gather all the pieces when a large hand picked up the car model much faster than I could.
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Osborn looked at the model, as unfazed as ever.
Osborn: Looks like my car model was more attractive to it rather than your cat teaser wand.
MC: Is the model okay? Some parts fell out...
He looked left and right before his brows furrowed into a slight frown in displeasure, looking slightly bothered by it.
Osborn: Hmm…
Thinking about how this car model had been displayed alongside his trophies made me grow increasingly nervous.
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MC: Does this car model have any special commemorative significance to you?
Osborn nodded and my heart immediately seized up.
MC: Oh no… Is there any hope of fixing it?
Osborn: It looks easy to piece together, but it's actually pretty complicated with many intricate compartments.
Osborn: Once it gets taken apart, it's pretty much impossible to…
MC: Sorry, I didn't know it was that serious. I should have caught it while I could earlier...
This whole incident had happened while I stood witness to the entire thing. I couldn't help but feel like I too, had a part in the blame. I clenched my fists. Then, Osborn snorted.
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Osborn: Pft—
MC: ???
Osborn: I'm joking.
If he'd looked at a loss earlier, then he certainly wasn't now. A familiar impish smile tugged at the side of his lips.
Osborn: The main body's alright, and the parts that fell up just have to be-
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MC: OSBORN! I was really panicking there! How DARE you-
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Osborn: S-Sorry!
MC: Hmph! Apology not accepted!
I pretended to be mad, snatching the model out of his hands and turning it around to get a better look at it.
MC: What did you say again? We just have to reinstall the parts that came out back in?
Osborn: You're… not angry anymore?
Glancing at his expression that was still frozen in surprise, the corners of my mouth that had been starting to quirk upward soon lowered.
MC: I'm not free to be mad now. I'll be mad later when I have the time. You better remember!
Osborn gave a light laugh at that.
Osborn: Okay.
Suddenly, a muted clatter sounded.
Mitt had slyly slinked to the door, entertaining itself by playing with the yarn ball that had been placed in front of the sofa.
Osborn: Looks like it's taken a liking to the toys you brought.
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MC: Of course! Let's not disturb it now that it's happily occupied with its toys, and get down to setting this car model straight!
Osborn: Ever built a car model before?
Osborn: No? So it's your first time doing it? And at my place too.
Osborn: ...You want to be my assistant, huh.
Osborn: That works too. Let me see where I put my toolbox.
Osborn: You have sharp eyes. Saves me the trouble of looking.
Osborn: Two more components left. Wanna try?
Osborn: Here. Just line it up and slowly screw it in.
Osborn: ...It's upside down.
Osborn: Come, I'll teach you how.
Osborn: This should do it.
Osborn: Looks like the joint needs a little polishing. Pass me the exacto knife.
Osborn: Now's not the time for the flat-blade screwdriver.
Osborn: Great reaction time. You got it right this time.
Osborn: Okay, done.
Osborn: What do you think? Pretty cool, ain't it?
Osborn: Right. We were just installing parts earlier, so why were you so nervous?
Osborn: Because you're inexperienced? Then you'll just have to do it a couple more times.
Osborn: Why's your face so red all of a sudden?
Osborn: Looks like it lost interest in your ball of yarn. It might be looking for a new target.
Osborn: Okay, get up.
Osborn: Now that we're done putting away the model, it's about time we put it away as well.
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By the time we found Mitt, it was already sprawled out beside the TV cabinet with its paws stuck underneath, fiddling with something in the gap.
Recalling the layout of his living room, I quietly tip-toed and whispered my idea into Osborn’s ear.
MC: I’ll take left, you take right. We’ll pincer it.
Osborn: It’s already here, so there’s no need to go through so much trouble.
MC: Huh?
Osborn: Just wait and see.
Osborn took a couple of long strides forwards in the direction of the cat.
I followed after him, quietly approaching the black cat. However, my attention was suddenly caught by the photo frame that the cat had just been playing with.
Picking up the frame, I carefully observed it…
In the picture were Osborn and a couple of familiar-looking teammates. They’d all had an arm around each other’s shoulder, beaming as they held the same trophy.
Their faces all look much younger… Is this a photo from years ago?
The race car in the background had a red and white body with an orange rear spoiler, similar to the car model that Mitt had batted off its perch earlier.
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MC: Don’t tell me… Was that car model made based on this race car?
I was lost in thought when a sudden meow broke my train of thought.
Osborn: Still wanna run?
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I raised my head to see Osborn with both arms raised, gently holding up the cat in question.
The bright and warm sunlight shone in through the window, carefully outlining his chiselled side-profile and the contours of his muscles.
Although Mitt had already been caught, it still glared daggers at Osborn. It was as if a cat and a human were engaged in a silent battle with each other.
After a while, Mitt seemed to register the fact that it’d lost, meowing pitifully in that soft cry once more.
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Osborn: Oh? You know how to beg for mercy now, don’t you?
Osborn carried Mitt to the little corner we’d set up for it. Mitt seemingly gave up on the game of chase, lowering its head to eat the cat food that we’d prepared for it since the very beginning.
Watching it eat its food so obediently, I couldn’t help but kneel down and stroke its round head.
Mitt cast a doubtful glance at me, but turned its head, indulging nuzzling itself into my palm.
MC: !
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MC: I touched it! How cute…
Osborn: You’re that excited from just being able to touch it?
MC: Yeah. It looked so naughty that I thought I wouldn’t be able to touch it today.
Osborn: It’ll come running up to you for a lick or two so long as you have food.
MC: Then I MUST let it try the wet cat food! Maybe it’ll get closer to me!
I sped towards the sofa and picked up the packet of wet cat food, purposely waving it before its nose.
It couldn’t resist the offered temptation after all. Its soft fluffy paws batted at my wrist as it opened its mouth and cried its pleas.
MC: Okay, okay. Any more and you’ll end up a piggy.
I recalled something after putting away the remaining food. I picked up the photo frame that I’d set down earlier and handed it to Osborn.
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MC: Oh, yeah. By the way, this was the photo frame that Mitt was batting with under the TV cabinet earlier. I don’t know where you normally display it.
He took the photo frame from me and glanced at it.
MC: And on that note, I realized that the car in the background looks very similar to the model we just pieced back together. Are they the same?
Osborn: Oh. The model was made according to this race car.
Suddenly, I recalled having seen the highlights of all his races before.
The year and month in which he’d won his first racing championship seemingly coincided with the time that this photo was taken.
My guess had tumbled out of my lips before I could stop it.
MC: Is this the car you drove when you won your first championship?
He quirked a brow.
Osborn: Why, you know me so well.
MC: Then… Is that car model something of a memento from that race?
Osborn: You can say that.
MC: I heard somewhere before that that car’s engine had to be changed out every two races. It shouldn’t be in use anymore, right?
Osborn: The engine exploded on me during that race, so it was only my companion once.
Osborn spoke lightly of it, but thinking of how exciting and terrifying it must have been back then, I couldn’t help but feel my heart sink a little.
MC: I’m glad the car model’s alright. Otherwise, it’d be such a pity for such a meaningful memento to get damaged like that.
Osborn: So I should thank you properly. Is that it?
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MC: Huh? Thank me?
He chuckled lightly, his eyes sliding from the photo to my face. He had a slightly flippant look on his face.
Osborn: Weren’t you the one who made that car model more meaningful?
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MC: ……
I was taken aback for a bit. I looked at him in surprise, only to find his gaze calm and gentle. There was a smile glimmering within his eyes.
Osborn: You were pretty clever when fixing the model. Why so stupefied now?
As his words sank in, I felt my heart flutter as I realized what he’d meant by having made it more “meaningful”. Something seemed to have filled my heart. It was a little flustering, yet also a little sweet.
I worried my lip and gathered my courage together before looking up to meet his eyes.
MC: Then, that makes me happier now…
MC: Although I didn’t get the chance to sit in on the race of your first championship and cheer you on…
MC: I was still able to piece the model back together and play a part in that precious moment of memory.
Inexplicable emotions surfaced in Osborn’s eyes, and in the next second, his big hand ruffled my hair with a vengeance.
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Osborn: There’s really no helping you, is there?
I shyly ducked my head, but I couldn’t stop the corners of my mouth from rising.
At this moment, the sun had enveloped us both within its warmth.
The cat quietly ate by our feet, letting out a purr of satisfaction every once in a while.
Slowly but surely, unspeakable feelings started to bloom and spread within the confines of my heart.
I hope, from the deepest points of my heart, that time would always be eternally frozen in this beautiful moment.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
✥ Choose your Ending:
END 1 | Choice: Do Nothing [都不做]
END 2 +3 + 4 | Choice: Call Out [呼唤] ⊹Speak⊹
END 5 | Choice: Listen [倾听] ❖ASMR
END 6 | Choice: Heart-throb [心动] ★Night★
❖☆————— ⊹ For Night, For Freedom⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Prologue)
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