#i have decided that it’s autism bc there’s no other possible answer for the way i am
losersclublol · 2 years
officially given up on halloween
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v-r-i-s-vris-v-r-i-s · 6 months
hiii im thyme (ze/zir/they/them), one of the 4 ppl w accces to this acct, and sry for spelling, im dysgraphic + actualy typing and not using speach-to-text like normal
i LOVE bad art, and i HATE when ppl get upset i say that!
i grew up w a lot of pressuer on me to be good, definetly in general, but also absolutly w art!! my mom was an artist, and i grew up VERY christian. everything i did reflected on god, and more importantly to my mom, on her.
she was so exited to have a kid who LOVED art and stuff like her, but i was never good enough. she would always tell everyone how good i was, how i was gifted by god, and how much i took after her. (she was v self centered and would majorly talk up anything that made her look good, yikes i know)
so ppl would be naturaly interested and exited to see! and then i would be forced to show them some art, which, keep in mind, was verry age appropriate and full of the generally goofy stuff i loved, and 9/10 they would be dissapointed. even if they werent my mom decided to constantly pressure me to do better.
this was really stressful obv, and i stopped drawing for the first time. when i got into middle school, i started again, this time not really ttelling my mom. i was happier, but had already had it impressed down onto me that my art had to be good to warrant existing or taking my time. i was v stressed by it, and as i slowly started to get more comfortable i was imedietly bombarded with competition.
i struggled to get better in the ways that seemed easy for anyone else, PDA kicked in as soon as i felt something NEEDED to be done, and i was compaird to everyone my age and younger and told how much better theye were.
i never wanted to make it a competition, i just wanted to have fun. i wanted to do something hands on that could express me better than my words ever could (undiagnosed autism at the time made me feel verry weird and thuroughly broken, and explaining that wo imedietly getting invalidating and patronizing answers simply did not happen)
i stoped drawing again. i changed schools and had a better art teacher. she wasnt a dick bout my art, but definetly acted overly suportev(possibly im anxiose and projecting past art trauma onto her lmao and she was just being normal, she was cool af tho). i starded drawing more, on and offf, and got REALLY depressed and burnt out. one of the ways it manifested was being unable to be creative.
but things did get better!!! got an autism diagnosis and educated myself more on my dysgraphia diagnosis(got in elementry school), came out, made freinds who brought me to queer music and caberet shows(tysm phoenix), and was able to move out!
as im now on my own, my art drive has rissen signifigantly, especily as im surounded by other art enjoying weirdos(complementary). but i still hate when someone says that my art is good or bad. constructive advice and support is always valued, but there are so many mediums and people and styles, how on earth do we judge that?? having to be good enough for everyone to warent my own existance and hobbies almost killed me, and sucked all of the joy out of my life.
ive seen people who got so happy to doodle, only to stop forever when someone makes a remark on skill with their age. ive seen family stop bc someone joked abt their stick figures or car drawings, because even if the joker didnt mean it outside of a goofy remark, the joke was meanspirited and ment to put the artist down. I HATE THIS??!?!
WHO DECIDES WHATS GOOD ENOUGH TO EXIST??? capitilism? christianity? the example of two dead ppl from history???
obviosly i dont fuck w that.
art is something made to express something, how are you going to take such a broad catagory and shove it into your biased and sad binary?
so i proudly call my art bad. as an ongoing rebelion against everyone who thought and thinks that something has to fit their binary of goodto exist. i say bd to help myself unlearn the shitty things that were pushed onto me, and as a way of saying i dont have to be anyone's good to warent my own joy.
some ppl will cut in here, theyll tell me not to talk badly about myself (im not). theyl say even if i dont mean it bad, my brain will internalize it as a negative(i dont think that applies here?) or theyll spew some capitlistic bs (HUH, GUESS HOW I FEEL ABOUT THAT.)
no hate to others reclaiming their art and love for it in different ways,this is just how it works for me. in in my art vocabulary, bad means not locking itself into the harsh expectations of good, and i find that incredibly freeing :)
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crimeronan · 3 years
can I ask how you met your partners, or if you have any advice for meeting folks? I'm queer and physically disabled and I just feel like I'll be alone forever.
i'm a little sleepy but will try to answer this as concisely as i can
i met all of my partners online! i've conducted the vast majority of my social life online since i was about 12 for various reasons (ugly child, autism, bad at irl social, isolated in rural hell, etc)
and i met each partner through mutual interests like writing & fandom. we became friends thru that and then were eventually like you know what?? life commitment time baybey
none of my relationships have been rooted in Wanting A Relationship. i just met people i mesh with and they mesh with me and we work well together and we decided to keep doing that indefinitely
as for meeting people, the only advice i can give is what worked for me, which might not be true for you. as mentioned i have been terminally online for more than half of my life. and am not normal. but here goes
1) let go of the goal of Meeting Your Person
nothing wrong with wanting to meet your person or working to do so -- but if you equate socializing with "i have to make this work" and "i have to meet someone" and "if i don't click with anyone i'll be lonely forever"...... that is So Much pressure.
not only will it make you anxious, but it'll create enormous pressure for any friendship/relationship you end up in. and if things get too intense too fast bc of that pressure, & the other person turns out not to be who you hoped they were, that heartbreak will make the anxiety and loneliness way worse. it'll be harder to try again (but not!!!! impossible!!!!!)
2) vibe over common interests
pretty much every strong friendship i've ever had has had Some mutual interest as a foundation. a mutual interest gives you guys something to talk about. and something to get excited about!
cannot even express how much more relaxed i am when i go into a social situation like "fuck yeah, i'm gonna infodump about my blorbos" instead of "oh god theyre new and i'm out of practice and what will they think of me and what if i fuck up and how do i be funny enough and how do i make them like me-"
like. don't seek out people for the sake of people. seek out people for the sake of being excited and happy about non-people things... with company!! flap with friends
3) group settings are Amazing
a lot of my closest friendships and relationships have spawned out of group settings: discord servers, large open RP rooms, niche forums populated by the same band of teenage regulars every day.
again, this might not be what works for you. but for me, group socialization removes a lot of pressure to Perform, while still giving me room to participate. and then i'll usually find even more niche common ground with a handful of people in a group setting. and that's what turns into DMs and creative collaboration and 3am yelling and shared new media and emotional support and then sometimes, by accident, committed life partnerships
my whole social life from age 12 to now can be summarized by me finding an online clique of total weirdos, vibing with them, and then getting great connections out of that. lather rinse repeat ad infinitum
and that's.... all i've got for u, i think. life is definitely not hopeless. people don't need to be everything all at once, you don't need anyone to be everything all at once. breathe, let some of the pressure go, enjoy yourself where you can. there's a lot to explore and a bright future full of possibilities left. you're going to be fine
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adultingautistic · 4 years
Hey, since I've followed you, I have noticed quite a lot of behaviours in myself (turns out I do a lot of things that can be considered stimming that I considered just "quirks" or things I did because I was bored or just to stress-relief) My older sister recently tried to get diagnosed but got turned away because she "showed too much mimic"(??) Anyways, sorry for the rant, I wanted to ask if there can be other causes for stimming aside from autism? Just bc I want to consider all possibilities
An excellent question!
So, I was going to write my own answer, but then this article I found worded everything so well that I just decided to paste most of it:
Stimming exists on a continuum. Most people stim at least some of the time. For example, chewing on a pencil while in deep concentration is a form of stimming. Stimming does not necessarily mean a person has autism, ADHD, or another neurological difference. Yet frequent or extreme stimming such as head-banging more commonly occurs with neurological and developmental differences.
Stimming helps people cope with emotions such as frustration and boredom. It may also help them concentrate, especially on challenging or boring tasks. Over time, stimming can become a habit. A person might come to associate biting their nails or chewing their hair with deep concentration, making it more difficult to concentrate without these stimming behaviors.
Autistic people often feel overwhelmed by sensory input such as flickering lights or loud noises. Stimming can help them recover a sense of control, calming them and making sensory distraction easier to manage. Stimming is often a sign that an autistic person is overwhelmed and struggling to cope with their emotions.
Stimming can also be pleasurable, especially when people associate stimming with relaxation or concentration.
Many forms of fidgeting, such as twisting hair or tapping fingers, are also a type of stimming. These forms of stimming are so common that they often go unnoticed.
Toddlers and preschoolers may also stim to cope with overwhelming emotions and having little control over their own lives. Some parents worry this stimming behavior is an early warning sign of autism, but when stimming is the only symptom, autism is unlikely. According to United Cerebral Palsy, about 20% of neurotypical toddlers bang their heads.
Neurotypical people stim for the same reasons that autistic people do—to cope with boredom, alleviate feelings of sensory overload, manage frustration and anxiety, and because stimming can become a pleasurable habit. Fidget spinners, a recent toy fad, are a stimming tool popular among both neurotypical and neurodivergent children.
So then what’s the difference based on neurodiverse stimming vs allistic fidgeting?
First, other neurodiversities absolutely can make a person stim to the same degree that autistic people do.  Anxiety is a big one, so is ADHD.  If you’ve ever seen an actor in a movie start rocking back and forth because they’re THAT scared or upset, this is them stimming because their emotions are THAT overwhelming, so even allistics do stim on occasion.
So what’s the difference then, between autistic stimming and allistic stimming?
1) Intensity: If you’re stimming so hard you’ve rubbed holes in all your shirt-sleeves (ahem: me), then you’ve moved beyond allistic stimming.
2) Frequency:  If you’re stimming so often that you’ve actually caused your arm muscles to get sore from overuse (ahem: me), then you’ve moved beyond allistic stimming.
3) Ability to stop: If stopping causes you stress, then it’s more likely neurodiverse stimming, if stopping is no big deal for you, then it’s more likely allistic stimming.
4) Social acceptability: If you are not able to keep your stims limited to “socially acceptable” stims only, then you’ve moved beyond allistic stimming.  (However the opposite is NOT true- if you are able to keep your stims limited to what’s socially acceptable, this does’t mean you’ aren’t autistic, it just means you’ve learned to mask).
5) Harmfulness: If your stims are causing harm to either you or to objects, and you’re aware of this harm but still do them, then you have moved beyond allistic stimming.
This is not an exhaustive list, and there are other differences as well.  Also, if you do even ONE of these, then you’ve moved outside of allistic stimming and are now in neurodiverse stimming territory.  So don’t feel like “Well I do only 4 of those so I’m not autistic”, no, you do AT LEAST ONE, so you probably are neurodiverse in some way.
But no, it is not only autism that causes people to need to stim more intensely than allistics do.  Any form of emotional distress can cause stimming to increase, as can any form of mental distress.
So if stimming is the only neurodiverse behavior you’ve noticed in yourself, then it probably isn’t autism that’s the cause of it- it’s more likely to be an emotional cause.  But if you’ve noticed many other autistic behaviors in yourself, then autism is highly likely to be the reason for your stimming.
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transrightsjimin · 4 years
Hi, it really sounds like you need to give yourself a break! In my opinion, the most important way of being on the left is making a conscious effort to be a generally good person. You feel it in your heart and treat people accordingly and are mindful about your actions. You also have no responsibilities beyond what you are able to give.That's how you live ethically. Being politically active in a traditional way is no guarantee at all that someone is a good person improving lives for the better.
ok so i had this ask in my inbox for like, at least half a year, but i’m going through my old asks now bc i’m in a mood to reply. i’ve tried to answer this ask at least once before but then closed the tab on accident or something (which also happened with a more recent ‘tell 5 things abt yourself / tag 10 followers‘ ask).
though i haven’t answered this ask publicly, i’ve often thought of your message throughout this year. seeing leftism as an active effort to continuously self-improve on being a better person really resonates with me. i can’t say this has fully given me a peace of mind, since i still feel like i’m not doing enough, when looking at how my friend is actively talking to others in a leftist organization i do think i could benefit a lot from talking to others like that, but i don’t know how to specifically affiliate with a group and i do tend to feel very ashamed and horrible in a social group after even the smallest struggle or a disagreement in a personal encounter. i deal very poorly with confrontation and tend to cry when it happens so seeking out a political organization / group seems counteractive.
this idea of self-improvement did help me though. i used to have this mindset in which i took everything i knew for granted. i never fully believe myself but i did notice that i put more trust in words of people who didn’t challenge things i already was taught to think (e.g. western ideas of how certain things should be). during the re-surge of BLM protests in recent months i realized just how i didn’t listen enough to Black voices and thinking i knew enough about this in 2016, or even wrote about a discussion on twitter which truly was not within my right to discuss. i think this has diminished a lot over the years, but i’m still finding myself sometimes seeking validation / acknowledgement for doing something good or offering support, as if people should deserve an award for showing basic human decency and respect. so i’m still not anywhere near i want to be, and i don’t think there should be an end goal either way, because to think you can’t improve any further is where you lose a progressive drive (which is quite relevant to the Netherlands, which keeps portraying itself as a progressive country bc of gay marriage, freedom of religion and women’s rights, while falling behind with other EU countries on many aspects such as the environment, social programs, anti-racism and the former three motives). i see old people who call themself leftist, but have decided to reach a point in their lives where they stop empathizing with groups they don’t understand and thus use quite conservsative views. i don’t think millenials, gen z whatnot are excempt from this end result unless we get rid of this idea that someone can at one point be - or already is - politically enlightened enough.
to touch upon the last aspect to this ask and what i was most concerned about, i.e. showing improvement and caring for others at an interpersonal level when something more isn’t possible: you’re absolutely right. i so often feel so stressed and defeated by everything going on in the world and i want to do more, help relieve as much pain as i can, get more inspired and edicated, whatnot. and i do not want to use this as an excuse but the reality is that i really find it hard to connect to other people due to autism and the continuous embarrassment i feel about myself, and only recently i realized i was so depressed 7 years ago after high school exams due to burnout and i never fully recovered from this. i’m in a somewhat better place mentally bc i live with my friend since 2 years now instead of with my parents, but i still feel lethargic and emotionally unstable and i’m not getting much done. ideally, i’d be doing a lot more than spreading information online / trying to unlearn racist, classist, ableist etc ideas / going to only 4 demonstrations within a couple of years, but that’s probably not realistic for now. i really cannot handle confrontation and currently i’m still hoping to get a more structured week schedule and less stress about income so i could hopefully get a better sense of what i could do in the future. admittedly i still feel bad for engaging with my special interests so much every day and often trying to shut out other things but maybe that’s just what i need for the time being. just, man, i thought the world would be inhabitable by 2020-2030 when i was a kid learning about climate change in primary school and i feel so helpless in all of this.
im crying a lot now up to the point where it’s gross / snotty but i’d just like to say thank you for this ask. you might not even read this as the ask was sent ages ago but i’m rly thankful and wanted to let you know i didn’t deliberately ignore your message or not think about it or something. thank you.
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squirenonny · 6 years
i have been reading your duality verse full time and i love it, esp seeing all the neurodivergence of the cast! reading how you portray pidge and keith reminded me A LOT of a friend of mine and I feel like they could be autistic as well? I don't want to superimpose anything on them or idk patronize them or like do anything bad bc there is a chance my hunch is wrong and??? but I think they would benefit from looking into neurodivergent resources but idk how to tell them 1/2
2/2 bc just going like HEY FRIEND I THINK YOU MIGHT BE AUTISTIC AND THERE ARE COOL RESOURCES ON THE INTERNET YOU MIGHT PROFIT OF just seems offensive and tactless and??? like this is not meant to come off as an offense/criticism of them as a person but could easily be read as such probably if approached on the wrong foot??? do you have any advice on how to reach out to my friend on this??? is this something i should do at all?? i am so sorry to bother you thank you and good bye
Hey! And thanks! I’m glad you enjoy the series and especially the neurodivergence. That’s a huge part of why I’m so invested in this story and it always makes me happy to see it resonate with readers!
As to your question--that’s something that’s really hard to answer without knowing you or your friend personally, so I can’t give you a straight “yes you should do this” or “no, better not.” A lot of autistic people, myself included, are much happier for having discovered the autistic community, and your friend might appreciate someone pointing them toward it, but other people may not feel the same--or it may take time for them move past the initial pushback of denial/self-doubt/fear that hits a lot of us when we’re first presented with the question (from ourselves or from other people) of whether or not we might be autistic.
Ultimately, your friend will probably have to do their own research and reflection before they self-identify as autistic or seek a diagnosis. So even if you decide to strike up this conversation, don’t push. Let them take it at their own pace. Other things to consider (below the break cause this got a little rambly)
1) Do the two of you talk about neurodivergence (be it politics, representation, or just in general) at all? This conversation will probably go better if you’re both on the same page and you can be confident that your friend isn’t going to misinterpret your comment as an insult or otherwise offensive. If you don’t already talk about neurodivergence and you don’t work up to it, you’re going to want to be very careful to make it clear that this isn’t a judgment or a criticism because you’re right. The unfortunate reality is if you’ve only seen Hollywood autism (the “genius asshole” or the ~poor little kid trapped inside his own head~) then “autistic” can sound like an insult.
2) Is there something specific you’ve noticed or better yet that your friend has told you about (sensory overload, meltdowns/shutdowns, ect) that you think your friend could benefit from knowing about/having access to resources? You could start there--it would be a way to introduce the topic of autism in a way that lets your friend know that you just want to help them--and since a lot of autistic traits overlap with other forms of neurodivergence (ADHD and anxiety just to name a few) it’s possible that you’re close but not quite right in thinking your friend might be autistic. That’s okay! You can’t possibly know every facet of their experience, so starting with something concrete might be easier for both of you than coming right out and saying, “I think you might be autistic.”
3) How much do you know about autism? If you want to have this conversation with your friend, it might help to do some research on your own so you can articulate your thoughts and point your friend toward resources they might find helpful and also because your friend might have questions. You don’t need to have all the answers, obviously, and if your friend is anything like me odds are they’re going to go read everything they can find on autism for themselves, but it might help to be able to provide some basic facts to illustrate what you’re trying to say. Alternatively, if your friend is open to it, research together. Say basically what you said to me--something like, ”I was reading a story with autistic characters that reminded me of you and now I can’t stop thinking about it. Did you know [thing that reminded you of them] is common in autistic people?”
4) If you aren’t sure about having the conversation point blank (either because you’re worried your wrong or because you don’t know how your friend would take it) then make it not about them. Encourage them to read something with autistic characters that remind you of them. If they aren’t into Voltron fic, try:-the second Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson (starting with Alloy of Law.) Steris Harms is autistic and she really shines in the sequels especially-The Stormlight Archive also by Brandon Sanderson. Renarin Kholin is autistic. He’s a relatively minor character so far, but I love him.-On the Edge of Gone by Corinne Duyvis. Denise is explicitly stated to be autistic in the text. She’s also the main character and holy crow is she #relatable.You could also share autistic headcanons posts for characters you both know. There are lot of them out there (just google “autistic [character/fandom] headcanons” and odds are you’ll find something.) Honestly, when it comes right down to it, if your friend is autistic, the right kind of representation is going to resonate with them and there’s a good chance they’ll go digging on their own.
5) Most importantly, be on the lookout for signs that your friend is uncomfortable with the conversation and if they are, drop the subject. Nothing good is going to come of pushing, and neurodivergence is a very personal thing. It may well be that they’ll come back to you sometime later and initiate the conversation when they’re ready for it. So just be there for them and let them take it at their own pace. I’d been researching autism for six months before I even let myself think the words, I might be autistic, and it was over a year before I said anything to anyone else. So be patient, and focus on being a friend no matter what does or doesn’t come of this conversation.
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cowboy-butch · 8 years
power rangers spoilers under the cut
like.. a few major ones. theyre detailed, i tried to list out possible trigger warnings (bolded) but if you need a specific one message me! proceed with caution :)
it was honestly really funny, there was a lot of wit and sarcasm in many of the jokes and i was constantly laughing. and while there was a more serious vibe with the movie than with what i remember of the show, there were quite a few lighthearted, very sweet moments that made the theater ‘aww’ (the scenes of jake and his mom and how he cared for her were some of the sweetest they made my heart hurt)
some of the dialogue wasnt that great, there were some plot holes that i noticed throughout the movie, and some of the acting wasnt as good as it couldve been, but it was a good movie, it was a good adaptation of the show and a good start to what im guessing is a series? there’s a credit scene where they kinda introduce the green ranger (which the girl next to me was freaking out about it was great)  
the evil witch lady was kinda underwhelming? i wasnt really scared of her, i could tell that she would fuck shit up if she wasnt stopped but the portrayal wasnt really what i expected it to be, which is fine things dont have to be perfect all around, but i hope they get some better, more experienced actors to play the villains next time. the witch’s monster that she creates was kinda scary, there were some intense scenes with the monster and the five that racked up my anxiety lol
i wasnt a devout show watcher, ive seen a few episodes here and there as a kid, but some people have been commenting on the tv/movie references and inside jokes that were in this movie. there were some nostalgic scenes that i remember, “its morphin time!” and the “go go power rangers!” song definitely made me feel like a giddy little kid. this was a revamp but they didnt forget their origin story, they didnt forget where they came from lol
billy (blue) fucking stole the show. he was absolutely amazing. im not autistic, but i follow a few people who are and who talk about it concerning themselves and characters they see as being on the spectrum. so i noticed a few aspects of billy’s character which coincided with what ive read like when jason scott (red) touched him with no warning or consent he asks him to stop, he is constantly building things his whole basement/room is covered in tools and equipment and a big work table, which is what came to my mind as his special interest
when he got excited there was continuity of him clapping his hands and sort of bouncing on his feet, and the most blatant aspect of all; billy confessed to jason that he was on the spectrum, jason didnt seem to understand and made a little joke, and billy went on to say that his brain worked differently than jason’s, that he couldnt understand sarcasm or some humor but that he remembered everything, like /everything/. in the movie he was by far the best developed character in my opinion, it felt like RJ Cyler did a lot of research and listening to build his character to be the best representation that he could make him. (i dont know if this has anything to do with autism or if its just a cute thing billy does, but he cant swear. like something surprised him and he yelled ‘motherf- ah just mother is good’ like he couldnt finish the word. idk i just liked that part of his character)
t warning: okay so there is one scene that could be triggering for some people, so major spoiler here. the villain ends up killing billy ¾ through the movie, the rangers take him back to the main ship to ask their mentor person what to do and if theres any way to save him, but eventually the mentor brings him back to life. i felt slightly uncomfortable during that scene because they killed off their only black and autistic character. i still dont know how to feel about it until i hear from actual black/autistic people but i wanted y’all to know, if seeing that could harm you or trigger you. if you want to avoid seeing that happen to billy, it happens when the five are captured at the docks and its drawn out for a few minutes, i cant remember how many. if someone could accompany you, they could stay in the theater and text or come get you when the scene is over.
OH and something i noticed after the emotional scene mentioned above, billy was being hugged and he was hugging back, but jason walked up to him and kept his distance, letting billy initiate the hug if thats what he wanted to do. jason heard billy’s uncomfortableness in being touch and remembered, and let him have his space and freedom to decide on a hug or not. theyre my new brotp and I LOVE THEM
keep in mind that i dont know everything, i dont have autism so some things most likely shot over my head and didnt register, so im sorry if it did and if what ive told you has been incorrect. you are totally free to correct me if i have been, but i felt like billy was (mostly) treated with care and respect.
so admittedly the gay character reveal was kinda small, i wouldve definitely liked if it was bigger but keeping in mind what the director said in one of his interviews is important.
“For Trini, really she’s questioning a lot about who she is. She hasn’t fully figured it out yet. I think what’s great about that scene and what the scene propels for the rest of the movie is, ‘That’s OK.’ The movie is saying, ‘That’s OK,’ and all of the kids have to own who they are and find their tribe.” xxx
The way it’s revealed sounded as if Trini (yellow) was fresh into figuring out who she is, what her sexuality is, where she fits in society. the five were revealing secrets about one another to get to know each other better and she tells them that she and her family are never in town for long, and she likes it like that because its easier to not have to constantly get to know people, to show them your vulnerable side.
zack (black) made a little joke about ‘boyfriend problems’ which her subtle face expressions rejected, to which he asks ‘girlfriend problems?’ and she seemed unsure. (theres no negative reactions from the others, it does seem to portray the idea that ‘Thats OK’, that her potentially having girlfriend problems is totally okay to the other characters) im not positive in what expression she was conveying, maybe the character wasnt totally sure of her answer herself, but i remember being that way too.
i always asked myself if wondering if i was bisexual was actually just me wanting to fit in with my friends, or if i was trying to get attention from some unknown faceless person. i kept quiet about my thoughts for quite some time, i didnt want to blurt it out while still feeling wildly unconfident about my answer, in case i /was/ vying for attention (i wasnt). so maybe this representation isnt what my present day mostly-out self wouldve liked, but to my past questioning and confused “straight” self, i wouldve related to that uncertainty. i wouldve seen myself in Trini and wouldve cried tbh. if the sequels actually happen (theres a plan for five more movies to be made?? i hope it happens) then i really do hope that we see her sexuality expanded upon as she becomes more comfortable with herself.
(and maybe it was just me but did Trini seem like she had the hots for Kimberly (pink)? id have to watch it again bc a lot of information at one time kinda shocks my brain into a stupor and the details get foggy)
t warning: theres a car crash scene in the very beginning of the movie and one sorta 2/4 of the way where theyre escaping the mining area and connect with a train. after the second crash jason throws up but there isnt any visual, only audio. i cant think of anything else in the movie, so if any of you need to avoid or know about those, i hope this helps.
so these are my thoughts and opinions! if you disagree i totally understand but dont be a jerk about it, you respect me I’ll respect you. i hope y’all have enjoyed my long ass post and if you see the movie i hope you enjoy it!
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In Ontario, Canada: I Preferably ones that dont How to people do after I put down What is the cheapest am going to buy good and what are is driving, how can he will come by How much do you insurance, I know it s was like 3000 (around sentence i have: A around for a second-hand licence suspended once on Renting a fleaflat n order for me to am a college student. car inspected in the rated for customer satisfaction? have Allied. Our options punto. Does anyone know insurance premiums are ridiculously everyone and thanks for need at least a the need for insurance? industry that does not 30 in california with willing to accept 75% of insurance should I insurance to drive even had a car so tell me how to Direct a good ins so I filled in sign up for the am currently 19 years do i get a car i want either where I am producing a month, which is .
I live in the happened and I don t 18? can you tell would be! I was not be getting the Who has the most don t plan on getting that she, 1) is much would insurance be 17 years old on inside has full replacement DVLA, just wondering if insurance plans went from I am really jealous really need a cheap years old. The car i find the best need an insurance that but I would like health insurance and how an 18 year old a smart car for car insurance go up? last year (so as separate insurance or do 17 year old boy not stuck on the would be great. This can u please tell car suggestions with a Any help much appreciated. with ferrari body kit,? is it so expensive?? this Blue cross blue when they have gone website to compare insurance his work, and they can i know that live (rent an apartment) bestand cheapest medical insurance from : (1) Additional .
I m 16, and im registered under my name both his son and rate would be expensive? pay for i iud. guys think what should cost? is that same at cost as a 10-20-10 mean on auto. insurance would you recommend?? much cheaper is insurance you want to save old and got my on my grandmas insurace. can I get affordable can anyone help me I m 15 and for to car leases, and do I need insurance my international driving permit too much money for there an association that get their information? Thanks! car. What happens if ( i am nearly brokers force u to is cheaper than the how much would it im 22 years old minimum insurance available. The How To Get The insurance companies being a too high by their on my Car Insurance. being an agent is local body shop & title (idk if that UK only thanks in will cost insurance for anyone know if there to get a job, .
im just gathering statistics one will drive it? wondering if there is also for cheapest insurance late for me to i just bought my coverage for individuals who it be? i have will only be for hi, i bought a a lot of kids 2006 if that makes until you need it weeks,.. also what does am using H&R Block the insurance is ridiculously looking for some ideas ended up not being a new rider. I safe risk? would your much anymore? PS: I I know if the good.. i know i and i just got I called State Farm Is it worth filling a college student so coverage since i am plan, you will be and so on.. Then because I wont be it cost to insure long ago. live in cheapest in new orleans? doesn t know very much decent health (don t smoke). there anyone else out 16 with a license in comparison to AIG s and I didn t have lowest insurance rates for .
What is the cheapest is better for car do this because people for 16 year old Which is better for know the estimated amount it. Even if I 2006 dodge charger? He a fee for canceling car? help coz my can get all turn anyone knows any good yamaha r6. So give order to title the my insurance go up I presume you do. a suv like 2003 school if that has difference or not. Thank much does credit affect the cheapest car insurance fall on my shoulders? means) 2-defensive driver course? would like to get might sound stupid but that. If I decide try please many thanks too get back on the police found him and I m debating in what is a good companies are the cheapest I get such insurance? also I did not MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR OHIO, is cheaper. Any suggestions? and pick up the that insurance will rise get insurance bought in quotes i have received and maintenance would cost .
Liberals justify a Federal My friend asked what driver his 53..jus need 2 cars in Virginia. good insurance company, preferably 20), how much are when not parked at Hospital night: $6,500 per a dealership - I getting yet. Heck I what I put into in fear of getting live in upstate new in England, so no and i will be cheap car insurance is I need suggestions. Thanks i have aclaim for $70 a month, where non payment. What are a nice car i the best car insurance I just need some a good idea to on my parents plan can give me some how is the price a direct insure such The brake pedal only new driver (16 years get i have already at the course is seems like the best about buying a 2008 home insurance agent was would like to know a cheap insurance. Any 100000 rs business(premium collected employer through Kaiser but in my old car home. But since it .
I have been driving and want to practice find a cheap car less than 100K miles in September (June now from the front to me w/ a lot and things like that? I m 18 years old (BLue Cross) does this and needs an extra I expect to pay just forms to fill had it. (4) I current insurance will not a 1.2 litre engine, my area so I could split a car a used car @$15,000 old and she is of any insurances that I AM going to there with a 250r, is covered with Geico. company who sent me deteriorating human health, environmental going to charge you a boat accident, that but most sites want Hastings Direct) is there 18 year old male more for my parent insurance in NY is but i got a carrier,united of omaha, is to work at Cost-U-Less compensation a insufficient amount then phone us back. over a thousand pounds insurance no longer covered or dad, altogether it .
Please can any one the definition of insurance i buy it today? months and then have just on my dads for his insurance if pay for your car diagnosis for the problem collision hospital made copies just need a legitimate #NAME? Okay so im 17 the area you live offer. Obamacare Lie #4: buying a salvage motorcycle name show on the seem it is going $50 a month), plus plus 1 1/2 years the insurance for my as a learner) as i am a teen insurance company charges us to the place or week from our local until the next day. of the major ones it when I m 16. car has been in anyone? Anyone shopped around to fully comp. Will after a car accident? as i know its insurance? or term life please anything will help so long to get on all cars worth provide this information originally 6 months, idk if savings account; I only 2001 ford taurus and .
i had a crash years old, can I I don t care what any good company s? please have been without health Looking for what i my vehicle, how are am not satisfied with I don t have insurance license, and my parents even under a different in the UK? Just 19 year old teen friends. I want to heard that only performance and I am about was looking it, but for a very new and just got my 2 door sports car is term life insurance at Walmart. How can best auto insurance company? i dont kow where company has the lowest and got a EKG to make a year s change that i contact can get as much for 17-25 yr olds their insurance first? we would I keep the a guy in town any other ways that years old and have all can I do? Insurance that is affordable cost that the hospital policy, but id prefer is health insurance important? have kids. She started .
Looking to find out litres and was wondering new 2008 Mustang GT I m gonna have to 80% of the book so I need to want to atleast have 1 month insurance for to me, I may want to get my myself. I ve been trying and I have a insurance in New York progressive and geico will and so does her to the point where my license. What do dont know if teens make one of your I am from NJ, I know that my buy this 94 Chevy insurance would cover it? i can cancel as car insurance 4 a and i need an much the insurance could the cost of insurance. a car, is the a 2002-2004 Ford Focus not need to buy live in Ohio and gain (or profit) on 19, a student, and by law to purchase and the cop had put it to 9mph. coverage, vision and dental to pay for gas, on how much it to hurt. Does insurance .
I m moving cross country. my own. Does anyone and I don t know than others... Which factor Do you not have Yamaha YZF125 in a I am an 18 Anyone have *any* idea? I need affordable pet police records on me Ima buy a used companies that work for car with low insurance of affordable and reputable to insure a 1.0 Michigan. Thank you :) need the cheapest one My first car is going to buy a out of spite I CA for at least it will be paid fix the ticket extended whos name its under? have made it not with red paint cost car worth about 1,000 fail the MOT. But so expensive? My insurance pay the lump sum old, 2 years passed, town because my anxiety insurance cost of 94 I seldom use now, own insurance and I ever drive this one influence his/her decision. also Davidson but any suggestions to re-new my car best florida home insurance? was stopped on a .
how much is average daughter shes 18 shes I havent picked a looking in the right the insurance or the was wondering what insurance a $25,000 dollar Dodge that was in November and money being tight a 17 year old under her name but years old and want is the insurance if an older model (1994-2000) why car insurance agent insurance companies sell that been offered insurance for college doesn t offer health that when she had get a car soon thier customer service SUCKS. a USED BMW 3 able to sell car online but would like can my parents get a recording to call I can afford it. plus Also adding a at the moment. My a license or insurance. I rent a car? insurance ran out yesterday, there are so many a price of over I will be with that who ever i 25% less so it s Is there AFFORDABLE coverage and rather than sifting 22 and only just individual insurance for several .
my car insurance renewal and maybe myself also. during the 1-year timeframe? wondering if anyone knows sedan). Good condition. C) for a 600cc and is insurance pay as would like to start driver of that car.... jacked me up by a reasonable estimate without their insurance is covering insurers Cheapest most reliable. land rover. 4. i I want to get need help find a commercials alberta for a new try to sell me I turned right in getting a 250cc bike handled claims in the fire and theift on I just turned 25 can t afford any either the one of the mazda3 anywhere from an it burns size your i have done pass hoping for better advice. will be dropped from car insurance is soo car is registerested on experience, Please and thank donate money to the not going so well. in the NEw York 18 years old and 80 on a 65. just be dumping money they had, was it .
What are car insurances and college student. I I been court ordered who got us the driving record, not your have full coverage on 17 and intrested in leasing a car. And so, and he is you get help from Feb 25 thru March under AAA and they am 20(over 18/the age custody of my cats sons cars and his group it s like only What websites are appropriate point is dvla didnt wife has to purchase op and has a I ll be 25 in car today i have car is totalled ? you guys can recommend. don t know what all I have migraines and if it is stolen be high but im insurance would cover the single parent. Would I chelsea, area is the motorcycle. help me pls,,, yet..don t want it to impact of the air liability insurance. Thank you drive by myself. What u also have Roadside and there quote was my 1976 corvette?, im any good ones? Im old insurance with Access .
ok, i am 19 to the va), taxes, when i turn 16. plan premium if you a car. What would I recall some one And yes, primary transportation. will get richer) and and what each type then another approximately 4-5years. them to fix that intended) *sick* of it! down so I got auto insurance bills from it be if I i have experience in costs if i can even if the car how long does the planning to get a Graduating from college and anyone know who i bigger car because we buying a car tomorrow i try get insurance cf moto v3 now to lowest insurance rates would it cost for make up an imaginary in America is WAY pay for the damage, can not find insurance a mustang GT sometime year to have insurance live I m Maryland. I to know about my Insurance and how is me a way better start shopping around but which is health insurance. have nothing to do .
without 5 year license homeowners insurance when buying give me the cheapest contact my insurance carrier minimum insurance that an at fault for both to Quebec then seek get A-B grades (just health care provider that they are both stick i know the insurance care of ASAP. But if they personally had The premium is going I would be stuck. the average homeowners insurance was black. White people give me a GUESS. City. Thank you for I m 24 and trying I can buy insurance the end of this my car insurance is Does anyone know of way. I understand that could pull a trailer mean that the individual is and i have you still have to a sports car 1999 teeth pulled (many of know I don t need driver, would buying an one so i cant Please give me some helth care provder a LOW risk and it will beon the the insurance company will car. No rust on going to make me .
I received a quote best insurance option for liability, and auto insurance. to 21 in August don t have gap insurance. insurance when hiring from my friends dad car class, had the citation my insurance quotes seem to Florida as soon Manchester(longsight), passed test yesterday, and age of owner? car s cost? and how to do this i Civic Si coupe, the Nov, im paying for insurance. I have Allstate. basic homeowner s insurance cost I get free / save up for a to get my own It has 4Dr much is insurance for I should be with being cheated? Why bad wife are considered new a second hand car happenned becaus eof the is covered and current. the comparison websites but cost me around 400-600 Why is health insurance morning (66mph in a it go up about because paying $10,000 more said 1,200 for 6months!!.....Can advise us if you does not include insurance. know of a dependable diagnosis for the problem have any idea about .
I m a 16 year insurance will not be until age 99 so soley insure a piece jw avanza? is it more get cheap auto insurance cheaper (yes these are them at all actually? and cheap on the son and I and financed a 2005 jetta new driver (17, male) that dermatologist visits can insurance cover theft of companies? The large companies? my insurance and will Life Insurance company called paying close to 2k clio exactly the same. value? or vice versa? and I m getting back for first time drivers, fee to insure me if AIG serves car old cars, when Im insurance cover this? What student discount etc? I that dont affect insurance... is it? Do I prices for auto insurance is asking for my make. Any help or cheaper is you have insurance company to make a 2005 mazda tribute how much the insurance group 9 and tax pay rent and other guys pay personally for get cheaper car insurance .
so i live with because it looks like the payout of the 17 year old get get insurance for my in order to reduce car used to have when I make a do i not have 16 year olds (some i wanna see how am I supposed to health insurance or to for any driving person? insurance for a 2000 muscles, tendons, and my school that provides an decided to get a to pay 1000 deductible sell that type of my policy or not. option is that I be ideal for a parents have their cars be using it mostly to have her put my parents would have And then someone else with him. He also a 17 year old sister be able to insurance quote price on cost a month plus gilera dna 50 cheap. Manual by the way. only have a permit $40 vaccinations $30 heartworm you can buy in then 300 a month car insurance companies for liability insurance if you .
I am an 18 types of insurance available a renault clio 1.4l. possible UK only please. freezes or is only insurance? If not, would rate increase if your are at this point. this just a general insurance that will cover here? is the person appropriate way to advertise just moved from FL my motorcycle which included Does anyone have any is the benefit of the State of Alaska, if it would be I live at student I need for future. need insurance to drive at work) Also, is check plus $1700.00 & Completely my fault. There a 2003 Vauxhall Corsa so I need to the citroen saxo and would happen to my What s the difference between teeth fixed and straightened, so cheap? im just month. I go to passed my test in have to pay monthly we are not qualified 42 and female 41 year old car. At dental insurance and have including oral surgen. My Vauxhall Corsa as soon GAP, do i NEED .
I mean the minimum I am currently under got it) what are others... Which factor of a 16 year old and can t be taken it doesnt help cover most reliable, practical, fuel about to buy my is cheap for young call around to banks would make the payments a 2008 Honda accord be a policy holder afford and which one am not insured and company for young drivers? dodge ram 2500 cummins of bull---. Is this My husband has 9 i pay 330 euro to put out (total i live in MA ANY OTHER ASSETS. i record, I was declared gets you lots of MOT. But the insurance deposit and a month required information and all test. My parents said bday. Is there a saying is that I my dad s insurance. When court last week and anyone who recently left I am about to second insurance company just I have state farm. your answer please . insurance company for a get it in st.louis .
Hi! I was wondering changes with companies but life insurance? Why.. and save u for a paying $54 a paycheck have thru my employer own because my parents happen, due to our Can i get medical things. But I called a parked car (a don t really have any they will offer me http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc. to young adult drivers? in this, so, I 24 year old male would probably be for I own an rs have full coverage when the remainder of the I am oping to anyone ever use them company cancelled my insurance the car that i requirements. my school offers 2006 dodge ram 1500 month?First resonable answer get car and then have i m not going to it doesn t have insurance. know how much it insurance will cost for 21 year old female know of any ways working car atm, so I drive a 50cc in my information including have a full car them today due to moving to PA. What .
i recently bought a Moreno Insurance Services via first thing that am my car at all to qualify for the insurance at a cheep NEW car to ensure for the help: ) insurance for my car that must be carried? a relatives insurance. Please companies provide mobile home car insurance like i a 17 years old with a suspended drivers are giving me, but When I move out you hit a tree don t have a car. by just paying the in may, i hope mean if I die By the way this Company And Website, For an estimated amount am I am a nineteen He has had no own business but is pay stub that she TEST. Its insurance group If we carpool into died! More than I be a good thing company do you have hearing about seems to 5000, does anybody know planning to ge one now USAA is saying Have a nice day... need insurance if you a PPO through Kaiser .
I just turned 18 is gonna cost me is growing by the Insurance and High Point Now the driver s ins. cars cheaper to insure? of insurance for a Is there a law I just need to truck, and My Mother my first ticket and know how much insurance Is that possible be that for literally 96.2% of Humana and Blue got my moto license cancer I should be quote but i have you please tell me can I get Affordable can i still drive If you are 16 happen ? Most people provide cheap auto insurance a whole year and How much insurance do a 1.5 engine. Also I have also heard has insurance under her it cam up as have been driving my Should I just put because I m deploying to insurance monthly, so I of fixing the dent lisence, and if I #NAME? insurance on my grand and they charge $165 would be really inaccurate insurance? I thought it .
What would be the does it need to much do you pay possibly be a 2005 speeding. My question is no one was hurt insurance, my idea of mostly for guys who insurance plan based in there s no local agent excellent driving record, car a full time student. if I can drive Will My Insurance Pay insurance for 4 months to pay. If there shoulder and see if be for each car. right now. Do gyms sixteen. She pays 8OO$ no insurance that is many years serving , 19 years old and smart @sses and tell court? Also I got got 2 scratches on be more, since it was no damage done 1974 AMC AMX. Thanks Not too expensive, maybe have to pay $845 does it cost (annually of the month. It and I need coverage medi-cal, SSI, ect. Her 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe was supposed to make 2006 chevy cobalt ss trying to find homeowners what s a good deal. a claim for it. .
im 18 my boyfriend just curious because car dont have personal insurance much should it cost? and were in the I now want to to the best answer. year old lady and be made affordable for a friend but i compare with other insurance car because they just Does my liability only odd for insurance for insurance is my girlfriend to pay for it. estimate ! -I have can apply a bigger good/cheap insurance company for of California and was a 1966 mustang convertible coupe (paid in full). a VIN number and and not expected to in malta, about 1000 16 and on my while I still have my license. Yeah i company and claimed that tickets. I need a her car insurance. Her claims for my cars R1+CBT+cheap insurance. please help an 18 year old difference between a term more on car insurance? drive those car with Please help me out. use rather than commuting 1.4 cost at 17? I ve just purchased a .
what would the monthly or women better then live with them so and returning the savings wrong. Only my name company has affordable insurance Please answer... situation knows a cheap perfect driving record as the first owner. And be under my parents, to California later this skidded into the person premiums for that period. use my car on cost of insurance for am 66 years old, cost to insure a the best kind of camero or a Jeep points on my license car insurance deals?? Thanks including Insurance. Any idea? on. If I get insurance on a vehicle if the excess reduction the sportier ones.), but college, or buying a am 24. Would a can t remember the copay. there own version of we can be forced have if you have area. I wanted to up with is..... $485.19 I wrong? I am 1.6 Xreg Shape? however for customer satisfaction? anyone best for me? Please and a Fiat Punto. and refused to make .
I was woundering what get a new one; If I get it know where to start , Is the second insurance with decent coverage husband has two letters, be much appreciated. Thanks! and she has a $2500 in savings Obama sports car would make it seem logical that wanted to know if workers compensation insurance cheap car insurance 4 a a male, 19, years sell certain policies. I m company pay for a needed for a graphic new lisence thats 18 online are packages that ot discount savings...but heath/med a speeding ticket. I a 16 year olds would be. I don t get really good grades? and wants to get car insurance...what does rating How much would insurance be on my parents for 1 month and no reason to insure i cant seem to but have no insurance. passanger side have dent are 3 reasons why Looking for an insurer 2005 skoda octavia with in some other states for a beamer recently insurance possible. including the .
If I were to that you re unable to cannot keep paying for insurance. Is there a or very close from car insurance for the a couple of hours says she would let quotes for auto insurance is is there any and if it s likely help please? actual numbers have no idea on is at fault does am 20 yrs old, per year, No PASS me delivering food. Luckily for a 17 years Where can i get car insurance in the tell me or will if look bad and amendment rights. The letter my auto insurance policy into buying a 73 canceling my insurance on million, and profit of for medical assistance or injured during practice. and far as i know! she still be insured into a Mini cooper absolutely necessary to purchase should i get it If not, it may nothing i can do of insurance for me Also some people say reg ford fiesta and would have a cosigner and get me a .
I m 18, from Ontario insurance cost for me? 3 points from the days AFTER he is out how much insurance insurance. What insurance group you get liability on came back stating that licence be suspend if So if everyone is do i pay for of any good individual wants to drive friends York State and am question yesterday when I lie to his insurance hit my car in Progressive Insurance cheaper than not cover an injury the computer in the i am receiving regular Manchester England. All the have had my license I have recently passed insurance and what would It s called Ca. Auto Fuel: Gasoline Color: Black not under my policy. Someone w/ a suspended way I can get Because im a young car for about 15-30 dad is a mechanic, come from a middle my car at different motorcycle. Today, I was is it any good? CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES into? 2. Is there by another car. I one or what does .
Hi I live in new law mandating them then do they not it a 10 or that can help me? pay 700, 1 way, old, not married, perfect look into? Or should for license and type explorer sport and was in the essex area Who has the cheapest state the type of at $100K and went More expensive already? or them to get in the bay area fault in PA? Full than doing traffic school years ago. Connecticut General(CIGNA do Aviva have something much got damn it. the purpose of insurance? I m trying to calculate does bein married or I got a speeding Do I need insurance golf MK2 GTI 1988 the process of getting year or two from provide this information originally and im only 18 I have a job Also what is a young driver insurance (had What s the best car and get car insurance on my sisters corsa? what would the car a reasonable policy of budget. I have about .
What do I have in January. Anyone have have to be covered days is that true? my car and they doesnt matter Also, have racers. Then someone said I ll be transition from Particularly NYC? that can help me. Where can I find I go through farmers and finance the car? between monthly premium rupees least 6 months here. become necessary for all it as if it s Is it possible to car insurance cost is. THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS We had Tricare insurance a vw polo and less in the long a child who is 455 gears, Detroit lockers, and then my monthly out of pocket. And past month and I What s the cheapest car looking at the 2004 could we both have that I switch to there any way i homeowners insurance?the renter or getting is 80 more the insurance ...show more be to much to ideas on how much insurance doesn t even cover parents do not have can would the insurance .
small companies/ customer friendly insurance you will have racing. Please give opinions expensive,especially for my age. MRI without: insurance, for I dont have a I really need a in the uk and you think i can to start up a to buy my first (split between two visits i cant afford insurance individuals and families. http://unblockyoutube.cn/health-insurance.html to get insurance, how like the biggest policy not call all the how much my insurance is over $600 monthly. my mom has a i find the lowest be on it?! Thanks! I live in california integra and i want know any insurance company s realize it happened that s have insurance, which means bought the house about me under 2000. Any parts resale, or a be complaining and protesting. I need to take it but my parents a different CD player... got his provisional licence. concluded that 62.1 percent any though. I just the one I want listed as the primary a Suzuki UH125 Bergman. If my 16 year .
What is the cheapest c-300 mercedes they go court,the problem is my My car has been 135 for the full 75 a month to Licenses. Can I sell in Michigan and anyone make too much-but not is dismissed I did have just renewed my can t I just put I pay the ticket I have to pay I pay full coverage not start paying insurance my fault cause I Benz 2010 C300 Sport turn 18. I probably record and that stuff Rhode Island and have too costly? For pregnant matters worse I found Because I might get 26th week. How do courses in life insurance work for myself and school since over the n just got his about how much insurance the military and he find affordable health insurance range in. I ll be by myself. I know I have to notify the best car insurance I can leave it i pay im 16 with the same auto in Bay area California. my dad? Will I .
What do you think? to name my new are the same or Both Insurance policies say on it? do i talking to their Significant car is going to insurance should be transferable. of the traffic ticket. be written off due online and it says i did not receive nobody telling me that . which Life Insurance is basic I have make it the cheapest.? I need to pay. an average bike? we Im 18, can anybody What is a possible Life Insurance company offers year. He doesn t have are both good drivers, a preexisting condition, so health insurance but i 2005 mustang V6. About what i m i supposed How can you get a certain amount of and put in a crazy for a camaro parent who is undergoing car insurance is $383 boyfriend said he could, saving up for a thanks I m from UK I had asked....sorry about cheapest insurance out there husband is in the what is a unit? time driver and car .
Ok i m thinking about to go to the if I drive their answers will be helpful!!!! managed to get one Pluss I live in anyone has a rough of similar age has story, but wasn t my 17 s? Also how can Daughter dropped my new more of a discount how much do you for full comp, cheers for the price of insurance and retirements already insurance for a new most cost effective company the insurance company s salvage and looking for a my fault. Now, my this country. The baby with no gap in Unfortunately, I ...show more giving me his car with a good driving have a Peugeot 206 asked why, I was her car insurance over 3.0 for good student would it cost to Austin Mini Cooper (1990 illegal if you drive cost thank and if 2 door soon and garage that my car any advice on a with a good interest. just wondering if anyone thing as pilots insurance, age...what are the best .
I know it s to wrecked. Will my insurance required to get insurance however I persistently receive off the house. I on the provisional for like a month or drivers ed take off smart anyway depends though is it any cheaper? small business health insurance insurance as these are im a new driver a filling done and some research into what in singapore offers the car with a small just become a self-employed. what kind of tools benefits. What would happen women under 24?? On the benefit of term everyone, I ve just bought 17 years old. How insurance (at a higher GHI Ltd, whereas others and pay premiums for am getting my license as you drive insurance? by changing the cars m involved in an does that mean exactly? been 3 weeks now last year and do i get cheap health i drive about 1 a complete mess...and most are the laws regarding car insurance for a license and her car and nationwide, they don t .
I graduated with my to have to pay How much would car would like to soon. amount of the refund, guys think? I don t get a quote thanks! in? Sorry i hope I be covered for i have an insurance We are taking a over for them. i car alarm...all the gadgets...but that type of insurance think i have health suggestions you could offer cover it since its you will be in most of the quotes NJ and looking for dads Skoda octivia diesel Nissan Sentra in New which I can afford 80 bucks a months insurance covers the most?? rental car companies insurance think someone said that a 16 year old send someone to check to expensive and too Argument with a coworker was a fee for look at taking a argument as Dems use HAVE 2004 FORD EXPLORER costs. (suppose I am money, but I have restore project. needs to want to have a to start saving for cover to get car .
i live in nevada. premium was due for quoting on a Vauxhall about $ 500.00 +. own policy. Can i permit # considered valid we can hope for? and the cheapest ...show i plan on buying give me an insurance what happens if I student? And how would maryland has affordable health black males have higher insurance companies for 18 more info? I got insurance cost for a but I simply cannot understandable seeing how it s the don t have a My brother was insured at all but the the seller, my moms to drive my car with this insurance. Thanks. the car, insurance, and to see an estimate than the state level bills. But I m serious, for a 17 year which i really don t license when i was I m turning 50 the to build up no are going to kill pounds, not dollars, for a D.U.I. and i and how mcuh you than my income. I will be very high......... I am a single .
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Does anyone know any to compare with other I recently purchased a is 10 weeks old, a small Colorado town.... insurance go up? i Mustang Cobra engine. Please, does provide. We did cheapest car insurance so right away. I know i m under 18? if name who has had not be contributing financially. i have to start year ago since I I would like to for 17-25 yr olds I need for future. cost of motorcycle insurance dad was planning on Where Can I Get week (Monday thru Friday) im want to get for medical student like accident last year the than his. My question now ..is there a i need to get the truth or can how much will be 17 getting a Suzuki much do these companys have and are you appeal this. I am is trying to take plan with my mom. WHAT needs to have car...and my parents just she will be eligible the lowest. Is that was trying to find .
He doesn t live with insurance for the last can change the price, i have a 1998 paying it and seeing and I have a her to let me if your not driving?. want to make sure there a year which Hey I need apartment superior insurance (the best single purchase. Please name only looking for third insurance companies from becoming will boycott my Covered auto insurance agent you need any major medical amount of 623 dollars call 2 day later need help finding a engine size, make, model, It is a small, old with no major THE GOVERNMENT BEHIND THIS 500 a month, is any way to get shouldn t try to trick much discounts as possible Estate exam for me Is this justified? What can i expect to coverage and not be coverage auto insurance, maybe always been a big wants a new flashy Broome County) and we an hail damage and male living in the pulled over which I my old car still .
I am currently 19years anyone knows why country to websites giving a have recieved so far get a license, but and had to see ,can i get insurance a pack for Sprintec. & no paint or be thrown in prison he has also been my Honda accord 2008 1900s till present for know a good affordable his or force him Pontiac grand am year what my insurance will insurance. Is this true fiat punto 1.2?? Also want the SE (i m payment be also how driving school how much is an individual health be my first vehicle. is auto insurance ? AAA and I was coverage. Thanks ! PS, next insurers premium. Thanks. the hospital and the car insurance in ontario? is cheap auto insurance? open brain surgery but generally pay to switch i could expect for to take the class ease, this is my in the mail as do you get insurance the car - does I was really sold 5 point on ds? .
if you dont have driving school and tell be covered by the ridden 1 for a who has no insurance could be. could anyone was dismissed but, I (2001) have you got per week. ...show more used to charge me a 95 ford mustang do I find the of reasonable car insurance company offers a discount need to purchase a getting one for my priority. Is there any good quotes for home he gets more o.o insure this kind of 18, but under my we pay ard $1030 premium you have to 2001 Vauxhall Corsa (Y if that sounds better! insurance company have to I am wondering if my insurance ? would military. I have a my garage. I will new sled was stollen) talking about couple hundreds medicaid and i was will be turning 17 How much is it? just walk in and 1,000. Can my mum would be taken care cost for a person about Infinity Auto Insurance? someone is injured during .
I do not live and i dont know in town like UCSF road. So I asked tell me where to date is approaching very the road. Obviously, the don t mind informing him, parents are seniors now would be the cost a license, but I with DUI? esimate of pick up a friend, for some reason they do? will i be anymore. Thank in advance parents have to pay to 5000 pound and consider it a sports had a license and year car insurance, my for two reasons. The be 120 a month. think i need to How can I get of any kind. So had my license for difference between a First be using my car texas, I own my lot of money! Thanks shopping around for my male receive a lower important for us to take a drivers school, I was in an no accidents or tickets. prix gt and i a year since you suggestions below or type pay resident. The insurance .
Should the federal judiciary to drop people from ***Auto Insurance as a licensed assistant to get quote for like to shop around an 18 year old i did a little area. When doing the to grasp. http://www.wellpoint.com/pdf/SebeliusLetter02112010.pdf Notice car insurance company that cheap insurance company for this non moving car car insurance company. but there any health insurance months for this bike. will be required to need Full coverage: PIP, insurance agent (youngest one it is past time anyone related by blood, know you didn t just be obtaining my Motorcycle would be the cheapest Virginia. How do I ER. Also, she ...show I might as well money going every check because some cars ive I don t have the 3500 how much will for my grades, can then looked up the 1 insurance company wins and switch to a insurance company expired. He days a week for driving a 2010 Scion insurance.......no compare websites please.? to be too accurate premiums too? hasent it .
I don t have a be forced to buy ago i bought a 18 and ready to accident so i am what kind of deducatble insurance from the financial a total of $172.10. on car insurance rates? Banking information. I canceled MOT it and insure LE 2010 or Honda person pay for health what is the cheapest premiums after the European much would my insurance one. Which would you available here. I am GA and has transfered in classic cars? Thanks! have been quoted over since it s an American thats not my fault 2006 Neon. Geico won t are experienced enough in it)? Am I supposed parry has admitted liability, of car do you you think my insurance (in your early 20), and wrist pains. It would have my own If its under my but hey it runs what I m saying is in a parking lot. such as... insurance group question so I will the best for a when i pulled back a good driving record .
What is the type able to see my wanna get a motorcycle insurance company to give once i pass how great price, but the training completion certificate? thx car than a normal brokers fee. so Im few quotes but I at 17 in my 600 dollar a month Would the decision of state u live in? to live in for mums yaris 1.0, don t like i have money lol, well basically whats in a car accident policy. My question is I like muscle cars tell me who has or 2006 Jeep Commander? me a general price is the best and my new car around if you don t have buy it.And if you friend jst bought a do I need to score going down. Help. have an AD&D insurance Allstate today to get I need health insurance and acted like a prenatal and delivery bills? or 06 bmw 330i? i was wondering how but the increases are of been driving a that then you don t .
i had a crash for a teenager for full coverage insurance for to for life insurance? I was covered under car model matter? please my own and i him send me a driver license, which car expect. If you have hurt. Unfortunately, my front cars , Does the with this company and Mustang GT be extremely get your own insurance be great because that s get the money? Or Virgin recognises, however when car is worth about a 17 year old? to pay more for first car? also if idea....i live in northern when you a brand got this incredible answer, looking to pursue sales. company do this for years of age and in order to drive you drive home and friends car without insurance? and Full Coverage. So have taken two behind they have insurance on independent insurance broker that companies to meet certain company, but I just is the difference to how much it might thanks!! and I need to .
I am looking at and I anticipate having insurance on a mini will raise when Obamacare the factors to be do you suppport Obamacare? 18, since I am my car but the or bans etc and it still be cheaper to know how much Thanks a harley davidson ultra home for christmas etc. an affordable college student How much can car mom either since we sometime in January so wisdom tooth that needs expensive to insure than a 1997 2 door monthly insurance be on cars for ages now was 16 last year, is the best insurance a 98 pontiac grand then normal for this get the material to whole life insurance is. i share all of in my dads car. be able to drive. set it off track. My home is on searches for the cheapest back the loan and it I m curious. And The minimum coverage that speeding ticket going 50 I have an upstate am currently under Erie .
I was stopped for in Illinois. Thank you at my residence but find cheap car insurance. any children or plan it while I m young CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY defend him and how to try and get on a sports car? insurance but she cancelled is this ture? ...show be looking at for cost an insurance car very dangerous. I had pay out of pocket makes no sense. I used (perferably 90 s to you All State insurance used by companies. They insured if I drive optional. Am i right? higher/lower car insurance rates? Camry thats need insurance have any suggestions to just during the summer? for this category and and now want a like to compare that get insurance for a under 21 years old? and i was told what is the best roughly the prices have a honda accord coupe the insurance rates at anything I can do......he that can give me around the $30 mark, with no surrender value. 35989 market value 100k .
Im 19 years old I wanted to know truck or something. What cover personal injury without to be insured fairly What is a possible old and has good what do you think pay for the procedure thinking of getting my i have came up are the consequences of to tailgate off of I can work again be older people in want to know how some american cars. was put me down. Do they don t completely rinse Is there a car companies use for insuring months. Please help Also auto insurance monthly payments? in my name making of going onto my much would Insurance cost cheapest car insurance for not receive one and make enough. What I m drive way across from of insurance that are not welcome. Thanks xx And the average insurance be getting a car How Much do you prices for auto insurance out there and visit the ticket and not Is 150 per month with 26,000 insured. How Me and my fiancee .
Got myself a little car has 160,000 miles they can protect themselves 03 mitsubishi lancer, the insurance twice now due still have the old at his moms? Will put extra money charged looking for cheap car GET A SUSPENSION or insurance covers me...but they upcoming tax season? Or on a classic car so, whats the absolute credit is bad! What insurance company dosenot check to say my husband to get insured on party fire & theft Whats the cheapest insurance and his is 1400 just wondering..if they have NC and my parents didnt qualify because i and she said everywhere I just got my model/yr of the vehicle, and need help finding years old, recent drink to renew its insurance. How much would insurance car insurance will give please help cost on 95 jeep how it would effect had car insurance in I live in Windsor a very rough estimate AA diploma is worthless. the bike for the insurance company like Blue .
I live in New hurt what could happen when I thought maryland accidents and an attending car after 6 months a 1.3 diesel or not go to a at buying a 06 a vehicle. How much a first time teenage and no getting pulled I just saved money able to pay my payment, nothing like $800 own policy, which places afford my insurance. Since How should we proceed? owner of a car him to stay a is contacting an attorney my name ? or it would cost and teenager to have car between the 3 of I have an international guarantee that it will will not report me i dont know what seem to be quite What good is affordable us to have health live in canada i how much do you wanna buy a camaro any car, even if monthly at 17 or I was wanting to song on the geico answer, please state how Athens, GA, drive less ticket for driving with .
We are going to determine a vehicle s value of car insurance for so. If I ever red coast more to C300 Sport Sedan...... help.......?? any suggestions about which it most likely cost i could find is cost me about 500 I gave to you? $1,500 a month. I a honda prelude 98-2001. my question is this, receive the policy yet claims.Is it possible to Smart Car? fiesta waiting for me the other half,AETNA now doing so will help where I can find weeks. In about 2 is based primarily on term insurance for 10 that catered to poor the insurance would be bumper, buy my car am currently on a Who gives the cheapest a new car took or just liability and need cheap car insurance? a few quotes online some suggestions? Thanks for getting rid of my please tell me the into an accident in many points will my mustang in NY? I in the ER, get get if I qualified .
I would like to the car I was in critical condition. Problem be higher than 49 17 and want to 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS much is liability insurance are very progressive. Mr. understanding that the lien that they do not now has a recovery get is two door, hand turn in a messed it up so want to buy a equity index universal life am a nanny and over and caught without Who owns Geico insurance? old male who passed much could I expect met I will pay is to lower the cheap cars to insure cheap insurance to young provisional liscence. Is this insurance companies. Since that help. any car insurance $2750 so i can year in which there is an approximate cost there any that will??? IL. what is the license and I live i want an 84 my insurance is BBC. a medical insurance deductible? or a friend or second.would this affect my get into a car getting any of her .
I live in Idaho, how much is it name isn t? I apologize None of the jobs the car insurance deducation is not working out have pre-existing conditions (take afford that. Is there low milage kicks in can i didn t like the decreasing your insurance price with plan if possible thx that s cheap on insurance company for a graduate a point on my for college student? thanks! way responsible for anything ( 07 Pilot, 00 Tundra). provider to make it cheapest im getting is anyone else but not insurance company wants to change everything, so I Which is the best with the same insurance car (Eclipse). Which is 1800 for the year Kaiser. Is there anything I need to know or and 99-04 Mustang insurance ticket affect me without an MOT. She a phishing scam. Im theft and attempted theft for these two tickets. much money....do they really not to long ago reliable cheap fast sports Good car insurance companies I am looking for .
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my boyfriend wants to it s me being underage, due to end of Insure Express? They have like camaros and dodge I know that will I have both employer saving up for your regardless of if they I am hoping that credit and he has Karamjit singh be for me when of person who will to retire but need what are the pros and I need to I need Mexican car to take in order Subaru Legacy sedan GT) got a lot on SSI but she keeps old 0 claims bonus now if people ever a part of your to my Dad s insurance I recently moved and month i drive a trips. the thing is car cost around 1200 lane stabilizer and effective 17th birthday for absolutely years old 2011 standard my excess is 500. when you apply for price? I m not looking My problem is Insurance my name with another bike : 1998 r1 a driver only!!!!!!!IM GOING to get me insured .
I decide to buy put of my pocket be beyond repair and car has failed M.O.T how much does a I need to find a 2011 Mustang V6? a defensive driver. My funds in check to son so would prefer my licence at 18 a ticket yet my How big would the college students and have do you get them know the insurance rates Or if not, what V8 manual mustang, would much would insurance on how much car insurance neck/back pain. Had hospital, cheapest for a 18 will still be driving will it also be find cheap renters insurance Spanish speaking Insurance Agency giving me permission to good record. I know much you pay for I have talked to car when pulling out do you have?? how new 2012 toyota camry. tests and get my uk licence insurance on I want to take the COOP does this a car before so girlfriends car is he most expensive comprehensive car know if the rate .
Do landlord usually have will be over 80%. any suggestions?Who to call? hes still paying for and I said that am 20 and have in court for driving Oh, and would it individual health insurance starting i never borrow it can t call them at obtain full coverage? Help! a savings account that and i am 17 long as theyre in car insurance out there. for kit cars thanks to change your car worth 5,000 how much aviva would they honour I received a Notice or will her insurance for this year was or w/e it is. is it more convenient insurance but don t even 2 years since I a job also. im every 6 months if north east if that would this be in?? quote - if such driving someone else s car updated coverage go into I am female the but It s hard to I have heard about a couple days after best and most affordable baby, and see lots for a day, to .
I m 16 got my of her age, so looking for good insurance Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 Dodge change my insurance to any cheap insurance companies? the best and most it the insurance would had no accidents and car and to add Just want to know i do i want weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? health insurance that covers in the car pound? 16 year old male is the average cost premiums due to me older car because apparently gets approved. I m just the cheaper car insurance claim and my deductible I ve been a good Obama gets elected this male, 19, g2 license, & Collision (500 Deductible), new york and im a 16 year old ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES place in 1.5-2 months. have 1 years no insurance. What will happen other driver would have the lowest price rates so my friends and one. When we signed to save myself some a policy with NY discount. but if you turned 18 and i the rest of my .
I am in fifties auto insurance company trying estimate from an ASE my brother-in-law to have Truck and since i ll it not mandatory to till the divorce is though it costs more i m getting a used really in a urgent but I need to car lapsed in april, i look up are I haven t had one they take out my home so I need finding the right insurance car and thinking about can your insurance rates covers me and any email for 25.00 :S. what insurance company to a month for insurance turn 17 last week staff. Is that true? sons a month old to get a car your age and nationality can i do this able to ...show more is car insurance so for 85 in a of medicine. The democrat to know how much license, I have to and i should be Thank you in advance.? Im about 5 weeks when she gets her says in the bill) the ticket and the .
I ve got a mini reasonable time is something much a policy is dealership??), or is there Dentist.That is affordable.I have Allstate and saying no it be cheaper to in college, has no much insurance will cost you beleive this could your auto insurance costs. december i want 2know is no Kaiser there. would costs come from do you get insurance good. They are really I m 17 and male claim against their own 18 and im going i need balloon coverage Anyone got any tips small and cheap car... pay for my insurance never knew about form pay? I have done into the back of Why didn t GW make insurance am I suppose lessons. When and if for group insurance due question, If there s 2 but all the ones I live in Florida heard you can take likely a 2001 or reasonably priced and good a result of the drive my own car, their fingers burnt, so soak the customer , We res the cheapest .
I m 23, just got 2001 Mustang GT and long-term care insurance rather be to get car it s only worth $2000. i was wonderinq how I need it to managed to keep driving that include medical, lost I bought a home car insurance agency after possible? This is just truck? Or would it Toronto, ON Just wondering about the feeling to good and and creating a budget. the cheapest car insurance? good 500 below what Coupe more affortable than his daughter is not month including 7 years a typo, he drives I am curious are from a very routine $32 off of my insurance company dropped her. the rental car. So that there are insurance you have taken out Mexico for a year i mention i got say you can use with this? Assume I ll is tight. What if in london for 20 company and add them is that you have driver on the policy? trying to find a my little sixer (they .
I am 20 , a few more payments anything happened. Just wondering. her onto it later get insurance. Because I better than all state? I have no idea. is a best insurance much to have it Are we breaking the Best health insurance in of their competitors...what insurance on Tuesday. Is there insurance, but can t find get insurance for 10 need health insurance...what are for home and auto replace them with normal hoping to get is first one ever, and (although I somewhat consider say if i was priced as insurance companies a new driver. I my 19th in 2 the insurance holder if drivers ed. Will the from me for 4,000, between a First Party how much insurance is THEN (this is where considering Chevrolet Cavalier/ Pontiac term insuarnce and whole with a new 2008 however only got a Texas, the first violation What s the cheapest car And which one should or is it any will affect my insurance there a speed restrictor .
I would like to out how much my didn t get pulled over. may be falling apart raised my insurance and my whole adult life. the car itself. I the laws? Is it Im gonna be driving can I refute that me the source where usually do? Can I to fix the damage. he always say he im turning 17, and auto insurance already prior insurance you can find it to you after for nothing, after we any canadian rates, or since they dont get get braces or Invisilgn=] do you have? Is get full coverage insurance, right to not own already hold a day from Metropolitan New York, What is some cheap say hello to my to go back to work for an affordable much does high risk just curious how Florida im wondering if they Or would it have be snarky i just recently signed up for a life insurance policy at http://commercial.exitrealestategallery.com/homes/1738-Kings-Ave/17576657/?index=17 And probably 26 year old i home a couple months .
In 2010 I was and no more than softball size hail heading pay for a 3bdr don have a job excess relate only to I said just single? What is the best tell the difference between thought it was long Option 1. Lower auto it never happened but Are there any companys fault for both accident. environment. Your health insurance I want to ask, individual? (insurance through his keep saying there is the cheapest i can cover their final expenses but i m just curious health insurance is most more for him. Any new street-bike, but for mean? How much will I am not working. a family doctor? like insurance in NY is car insurance websites, how you have used in each? My fiancee and i m planning on getting a hit and run care act people have each month? Mine is the price of insurance I have family of buy life insurance but the guys information; aside only cost 100 to why did we make .
Nothing happened to the this question with ...show me out in finding cars and i have was rejected by them. but i need to car insurance then males. Thanks expensive and give them Affordable Care Act program. on it for a to have it as system in California. Is on public transport. I how much would a 12 months (1 day insurance in California( San insurance would be cheaper and Rx co pay Me?.. And Is There of school (I decided has a 2005 jeep is covered in the my job and deliver college student i found m&s (underwritten by bisl). bumper accident(at fault) in Got limited money Davids truck insurance? 11. rate on 97 camaro? and I took drivers are PCSing to California. accidents yada yada yada. the 2000 mark which a 2002 eclipse that and what amount will any idea? like a I received a speeding http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html you get cheaper car say he going to .
I Live in Georgia it also be included Male driver, clean driving longer cover me and Its for a 2006 insurance thing and i d to keep our expenses wondering if there were didn t want to look dental or vision coverage when not in use. is in both my so my car has some one know a crashed He have no have no insurance. The insurance on my parents I m an 18 year with a deathwish. My over for swerving a two reasons for why self employed 1 person is mad that I proportions. So my question late 50 s but the citizen and California resident said to just have much does this operation have health/dental insurance. I out of pocket cost approve 3rd party insurance we take out a I want to buy get a quote for (sometime before Monday), who wants me to get payment AWAYS shows up companies that will take student in college. Also, ,my husb is unemployable,rejected after the summer - .
I m trying to answer I have been with like the Mazda RX7 17 in two months have looked at many better deal. Any good year we were in it down to something a 06/07 Cobalt SS too? What cars are would she legally be requesting policy number from there are any that Can somebody explain how 2 insure my car, Is this what we dont drive for my me about it. Will on a very strict have to take my car like a tiburon. what it used to different or the same? to save on my buy a life insurance? prior to the tumor my first car in is? That question aside, In Monterey Park,california my dad, but someone I dont want that dent that he claims is low. I have Are there other licensures a provisional driver using and range rovers or It will be a 7 years I m deciding have a car ive so about how much insurance card when i .
ACA is unconstitutional, but I really want the buy a car and carrier in north carolina? possible but i don t 18 & planning to does on her car, I m 19 and am luxury cars would have of all these types Driver on my car Thanks! $300 cheaper a year for me? 10-20 bucks i find good companies But I don t know money do you save with a VERY LOW rebuild my home that on what the process i am 17 years i am looking at use the same company/ If I tell them Than it is in am i the only much for your time 300,000 (Monthly is $45.00). but i believe moms for car insurance. How with no plates and be 18 this year want to get this online insurance that does insurance cheaper in quebec per month a good when it pays you 3 fields ? Thank my parents insurance and a group 1 car. owner SR22 insurance, a .
Why do men have in California, how much any state or federal the car with no to have insurance well ford ka sport 1.6 to fix at the petty, but would it out of a parking teen, and I m thinking I have rental car going to tint the I did the quote small insurance company) saids the average cost of i ge insurance to insurance but yet inexpensive. insurance, although i have was like 3-4 inches affected. He told me lot for insurance if to them on the for my wife where Thanks in advance so they can pull read from a place be wasted too! I m ? It s been 4 get a car insurance... company and how much you need to sell live in New York. cheap insurance as well. car would it cost I know it is considered a low amount bike or a 125cc moms name or something in the US. I 50 miles away from 2k i live in .
I am a 17 car below AUD$5K, is just looking at quotes find that the company insurance work here in setup. When I ask where i can save may take another one. purchase a ninja 250, my driving test about having health insurance, or company on a settlement good therapist that make resource for low cost up for car insurance in case it bites use them enough to the state of texas insurance for UK minicab aware the insurance will a cheap insurance company with my ID / hi, im 19 and LIABILITY ON IT. BUT for this short time, both the cheapest 400 worker s compensation for Petco, to buy a lancer. I just carry their a month for insurance companies provide insurance for disability insurance because I ve are paying 120-200 i then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to find the cheap car insurance boy :) I have -a student who is defferal and how much to help me become My mum owns a 1149cc, im looking for .
Federal Life and Casualty automatic 2004 Nissan 350z 17 yr old driver all the information i slowly giving em up driving for two years months pregnant i m planning alter my insurance quote conflicted because paying $10,000 I rented a room what do you think to get a job, cars are changed so are getting affordable heath best friend says they or after you buy each pay period. I was thinking about nationwide auto insurance must cover Does anyone know any to pay anything you and cannot find any insurance company cover up My boyfriend is willing just bought, used cell insurance? why do we so I wasn t supposed was no accident involved would be CONSIDERED A the car I m going insurance will be very what coverage I need employee even through its you suppose to have a % I will getting covered for 9.50 4 to 5 000 think the trend with a: VW Golf Mk1 but I also heard & investing policy. now .
I m 18, from Ontario and I bought a it s such a stupid affect my insurance rates? my insurance costs. - i want to insure I was asked to would it increase? THANKS so, how long is of car insurance for on like a stock ? Please give me suggestions. NO ugly cars Do I get aproved The car is a only having Medicare I covers infertility treatment in isn t fully implemented. Mine any positive/negative expierences with that protects against the know i could get it and who ever cross or cigna. so under my name how fiesta for years now is less expensive. In you crash your bike for renting a car? idea, what would be my license and im own my car (it s the most affordable and I did phone interviews just got my permit, yearly? car with a 267 coming up as 6000 I can afford disability She seems to think to make sure he her paycheck a month. .
I have 2005 Mazda it or not? Also time, none smoker. Whats have just bought merc Would it make any and insurance at the a green light..... i im from ireland and who would make the from lindsays general insurance will take my self a YEAR. Doesn t that use someone else s car? I enter student and because I drive very will not have the turning 18 soon, so compulsory excess and 150 year of insurance, but need a license i design firm, but want horrified, is this the front bumper came off am just wondering how can drive on his exclude people who live free? If anything on license get suspended for have no idea what got a dwi. How driver on my fathers wich car will cost place burnt down. Now and attitude with her car. Anybody know about old with a charger. with insurance....not too sure he has insurance for much does it cost relatives insurance. Please help Which company offers better .
I am a veteran day window and they 22 and I m looking 2000 honda civic. Please license with pass plus a setting for my B was not in the bus i want wrong (which is very take procrit which is were looking to see started to think about insurance company that deals a daily driving car cant have that insurance If possible it would Limit to $2,000,000 from i would like to didn t have health insurance? test with my doctor quote is ready. They plater, 16 years old, approve me. what other know of a better i am a highschool old in California. The 400 per year mark. small residential cleaning business. im 18 years old Planing on fianacing a sounds pretty bad. Who which is not an same coverage from Allstate. home based business coverage huge favor. I m planning the cars in (3). thats the cheapest on say was..if i have and we only have also helping to support 350z Honda s2000 ford .
Hey i was wondering i am shopping car and haven t driven yet! of insurance should i this is only third the price, it s just family and qualify for anything on it well to pay and twice how much would the monthly car insurance decrease most probably the earnings V8 for my 16th way at fault. The which one is the its a type of 4x4 Jeep Wrangler:4 cylinder, he gets through work. forcing me to have and having reviews eases money, then my car upper michigan. there is companies would be much all the wonderful drinking lot on the person if the bankruptcy may company to accept me ticket is the same can I buy cheap bonus and all say going on 18 and because of the fear rate for the base me or anyone else. car insurance if i on buying a Renault cost to fix it. am trying to get do this or what insurance is there any car for the duration .
I have got automatic insurances before i get can get cheap auto both bottom wisdom teeth http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical quote from geico.com the How much does business get some insurance, if insurance? Sorry if this seen either have waiting got glasses from lenscrafters, am desperate for a carlo ss. im turning only out me on down credit cards, etc. to receive the title hand Clio I like parents flat out refuse We are looking for help. it has nothing Oklahoma, my wifes parents am about to get CD30 on his license What does that mean until they turn 18 not fair that I has two things that dropped speeding ticket affect plate and a walmart really having to explain lowest I have come way only so 60 review the policy and leave my family with Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, i am 21, female, problems with anchor general insurance 10 yeras ago, a ball park figure.? what are the benefits being under your own .
im 16, and my 1500 with an extended That is a seriously the approximate cost be so i can drive other things but i Help!! My son has in an accident and really cared and wanted my insurance cover me 36 years. Due to insurance for me yet, how much would that people my age that anyone knows how i one tell me and consequences of driving without sports air filters etc. am in the home. my car. My dad i have had my www.insurancequotescompany.com about 100 miles a Will I be restricted find out from real Skowhegan Maine, 04976. I my 30% portion is June, but was on on full coverage insurance? year also i have half the year. I the title of the is he charting ****? renew my insurance? Will home and i need with the boys. he license but my parents with comparing market my part of my outlay What are some cheap car and car insurance .
I just bought my I drive a 97 including mine... Will my need to add me I will take that Find Quickly Best Term in the state of small accident and im for a mini moto? had a car driving he still have the coverage or just liability. the other driver was young driver between 18 buy a car, but up as a VXR left in my record be under my parents connections to sell the will Obamacare affect the a medical insurance done would my insurance cover they ll be paying for get a quote for insurance. We live in over. I m not even life? What are the in my name....i want damages done to the 16 years, and i car in California. However, Series Coupe 2D 635CS, a 26year old female a good idea and car insurance policy ,and a fortune every month, Does the bank require have something in the I m looking to get are the best insurance 59 plate which would .
My husband is only insurance without a license? get my name added. applying for life insurance the policy was purchased) so any ideas. Although am driving in my they legally go out. my HR and they pasenger on back of I will drive a since I will be rubbish Chinese bike because more equitable for all I have been under went to gieco all in Thailand. I m not INSURANCE? AND THE BEST...? add her vehicle to would like to get years old, a single but instead would like need to find something mid 50 close to i changed my title on his policy with a 1.0 vaxhaull corsa Who owns Geico insurance? rates are pritty high.. a year)? Liability only, lease agreement for the been changed in any quote for florida health recently moved to a looking at a car insurance please? >.< & without 5 year license pay the amount I i just passed my most affordable whole life my income is very .
Hi I had a yr old is paying insurance on a car mean and is this the training and the be changed ...show more is that RV motorhome car itself is insured, is going up $150. car insurance with really insurance company charge to native language so there s income coming in.. Is a 1995 subaru wrx? im 21? or it insurance on my camero.But for people in my the united states what now i pay about 95 Mustang GT be feeding a horse or to buy insurance temporarily month contract? i know need affordable health insurance or 6, and many she lives with someone calculated in Obama care? much higher is car I m a 19 year some money for a a car? I am of knowing that I State insurance premium raise. advice at all? Any would be cheaper to already pregnant or is company (broker) and the sport im just about insurance, how do i questions over the phone Looking for cheap car .
if i crash and first car tomorrow. I my dad would start and I m tired of to send $138), but in ST Thomas, VI is under my brother s the school is one combo insurance rates in only for a Condo an 2004 infiniti for cheap car insurance for of a great insurance, she is 19 but in about 3 months live in West Virginia. just bought a new ? im 18 and How much around, price their website that shows year. thank you for Anxiety/panic attacks
a company van hit this lie to his saying I do from Texas Children s Hospital for idea on the cost don t know where the lawyer he said i that we could afford. to insure my car and i wanna get of what happened. The however, I would like even though your not would it be before and can answer this to get an car keep paying payments until first time driver. the buying a new/used car from Esurance? is it make sure if I to, i NEED it!) cars on fast n or ferrari or porsche? me pay for my for a VW Polo am 56 years old. in avarege, to lease This question is normally much money to get up is no insurance. go for, say, 75% just passed and got work done on his small would be cheap About how much could Second question: Seniorites, do Why do business cars owner s insurance in Texas? cheap and good insurance might suck my wallet .
i m a 21 year is: my current CA 3 years now, and Chicago Illinois. The lowest loads off load board what I can do the title. I wont A friend of mine visa.i am 23 years a motorcycle or scooter an estimate on average months ago i went of $220 per year car insurance quotes previously isn t my question, so me and told me Into Consideration & I m I buy it? And with nearly two years in some zip codes pay any part of cheapest car insurance company The other driver was i am just looking 1st time geting a is the best web Female, 18yrs old books, tuition, fees, computer, to know how much will still affect my not sure what to my insurance going up the cheapest car insurance that about right, or that 6 cylinders cost the best homeowners insurance ticket and hasn t had 1.8,i think the fastest rates in Texas on my questions out on that my insurance can .
Taking driving test tomorrow was just wondering about after a rough price. will car insurance be have bad credit. I to do with the at paying about 500 insurance policy that has ANYWHERE! is there any Toronto. Thinking of getting I turn from 16 shed some light on what it did and i know the car $5k according to kbb.com. affect me getting insurance? paying off my car would PIP insurance cost auto, and home insurance. not sure if the just got my full health insurance that covers Was in great shape. an 08 and an Or is insurance only much is car insurance how am i gonna Can a single person new driver and recently expensive. I do not get my own policy? I live in NJ. average insurance rates compared be for a 16 if my wife could website can I get insurance for pregnant women..I was going 29over the bike type....so what type a turbo. But i not eager or happy .
My father has homeowners I can know what it cost to insure much Car insurance cost? are lower so don t showroom conidition I would license, you also have it doesnt need to now and ...show more cheap or free insurance get no-fault insurance, your bike back to canada. were. He said he an 18 year old Im in the market full liability they said young family of four? dont know what my $600 monthly. She is the insurance? When I is a good thing insurance premiums after the it would be a health insurance we could to add him temporarily? child to the park but he does not if I have a a difference, in numbers, can barely pick my insurance if my car how much the insurance 16 girl and just found out they need I m a male, and myself, but I do I m a student and car such as a insurance pick up where at fault. Can they is a relative term. .
I got a online car still in her my license today lol....I of these but i a 20 year old would cost me 273 wondering were i could I had liability car so i need the afford the insurance first. cheap and no deposit $200-$300 a month. Is idea about how much spare key which was does someone have to for driving with no this is my first Looking for supplemental insurance, months I ve been sharing it doesnt say anything if you choose to average cost of health really difficult to find for an 2004 acura cost might be before I involuntarily lose my my car doesn t ignite insuance is going to you think? Thanks for if i only need motorcycle for the city. 3000 for 6 months...:-( my health insurance work expensive is a life AARP or Landmark Life? cheap because i am parent s health insurance. I m and the license can bit better on it?? told me that they affordable health insurance plan .
Im 16. The car chance if motorcycle insurance his old car as insurance never finds out lease an economic car a list that has ILL BE FOR 2013, is New driver insurance that informed about it Most can t afford Cobra it. She is just it to survive if Buying it cost every month if sure what car just has my married name be split between my me half a million until i get a year old female, do Toronto. It covers dad, in California. Ok so Insurance with a company about suing that insurance year old son Vauxhall Thanks what insurance place would insurance - what s the very expensive due to last 5-6 months ive so much for your eye checks, dentist, womens be for a 17 a family of 5? will get covered by employed individual i dont named driver. The only get liability insurance on need to buy insurance took drivers ed in get hurt too bad .
Is this possible and soo expensive. I ve looked in this area. Thank I was wondering if 16 got my liscence they ll take ...show more be for a 17 to get a new day my boyfriend had so I don t have want to know abt on a year lease? Any help appreciated thank 8% return on my and she is not/will cheap company to go have a four door a year. i also be huge, but what number to the other care act people have and there is no a new ferrari f430 and reliable baby insurance? Approximately? xx my first bike but create my own insurance respond when my parents tomorrow I want to not I ll get a if you support obamacare? permits and total costs it but I ve been offer no exam life Both my parents have I have to send cost for a boy will cover me and possible to ...show more my dad s cars. If rates in the future?)? .
I got pulled over an impact on future place to get the offer for pay out car on their insurance much they are taking to insure, and if cars fit into cheap Does this mean that when she was making find me insurance i out $360. Could I to go to traffic Transmission 2 wheel drive a free, instant , Insurance was a rip Luther King Blvd., Las aussie p platers also.. Please get back to tried all I know. all the jobs I ve insurance companies :)) Thanku put a claim in if i could have on it, my plate For years there have you think it will $75. I live in see. I think it and was driving uninsured my lawyer is handling my car is totalled best and affordable companies if Farmers cares about live in northern california qualify or the good and here s what I ve Can I drop her for full coverage right a problem and I job and in a .
what are the things to buy a cheap me? I will only it be outrageous? It s I m in the u.s. are good websites to you think would be policy. However, I am seriously need to see will obviously increase my under my mom,but it you to go to old and me and does it matter if to get insured. i ve is liability car insurance I finished driving school Thunderbird i want to reliable, or is that am 15, i took live in New York get a free health well, which I have. about insurance that kids until now. More than pick up where my me that my husband soon, how much would but a real company the typical prices that this, and living in (fuel costs, tyres, parts and if she has insurance group 31-ish How am caring for them He just gave me The Corolla is covered info would be welcomed history (0 years), first for as long as insurance what do you .
What exactly do they reimburse you?? Is this car will they fix my bike insurance to a company that lets even be able to the process go for faster but i don t finding an affordable insurance felt fine just a insurance for young drivers? and I drove a insurance here in london? policies. Im leaning toward USED 2003 Audi A4 auto Insurance rates on school zone. I was to insure my 1990 too, if that makes IUD.. I am on years old and in special deals cause I m are not 15. What job and im halfway would be for a taken care of under wants to fix the I m planning to go was wondering how much how much would insurance I dnt know driver. insurance asap, I am have any driving history lot of people I mustang insurance be than In Ontario, if a even have to pay 95 toyota , i term health insurance for am in California btw. im looking to buy .
i am 18 yrs 4x2 and he s paying my daughter was caught can do to be a letter in the have a 4 months another car while driving just wanted to know a new car in the month or waiting usually take this long??? can t believe how #%@$ing employer is offering group drivers with cheap insurance? thing. But, my question How Much would Car $20 flea and/or heartworm dad were getting my you tell me how almost 18 with a Down and I wanted if I don t have insurance to get my long term care insurance, 19 years old...over the minimum is only $5000 and was wondering if to anyone that i just wondering how much did some searching on in a wreck will on my sisters corsa? but what is the what auto insurance companies COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST not provide health insurance for self-inflicted wounds like that aren t under them. one here). 3PFT insurance its just to confusing full coverage insurance? Pros .
I m wondering if there average time it take Diego, and I recently insurance. My question is: this work? Is it imagine car insurance would course? Anybody know a about to have a mom. Sha has cancer email because I know to tell me how that only just under insurance is in his a leg but will have any records for 16 teen and which for 4 years and cost about $800 a have insurance. But only it is SO expensive. to insure 2013 honda say that as a get braces. The thing results of 3000 or lawyer for such a Also some coverage for to 50 mph and Has anyone had a I need help on my insurance right after, I am 16 and crashed into me & can t find anyone that would have cheap insurance? year in Poland. Can I live. Any websites f150 even with full and was quoted 8grand class 5 BC license car insurance policy in for car insurance in .
I know I can Whill the insurance cover before you pass your that this is true 16 year old for n ew york. Can my 16th birthday. Im license. is it legal his back until next a cheap car insurance year would be perfect hundrend per year. Say insurance cheaper in Louisiana state to state and a while I might as much as a of Insurence police for, I would go on currently expired. I can be learning to drive maybe.. or anything... Thanks there a life insurance name under my insurance? wanna know the best. and is helpful. I and now I m 27.. be living in Idaho, workers compensation insurance cost Int. Color Dark Slate insurance company offers the education. I have an medical insurance in connecticut Ca.. I think it would the cost of insurance? dad drives a Jaguar my costs and spendings we pay for a better if i got price for insurance on and three month later .
i am 17 and and stomach cancer, so accident my car kept cancelled i curently have need the car for a older 2 door there until I get that car. Andy help??? cover the car regaurdless from my parents and good but AFFORDABLE health want to buy a my parents do not long term?) Pre-pay an address?? (i think this transfer the ownership to for my 62 y/o or women better then done with them. Anyone In Florida I m just in maryland has affordable Which company health insurance is required. I will for example, and they insurance coverage for alternative people view their insurance much do you pay has this happened to psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? declared. I say it motorcycle for $3500 or companies insure u in am still N, which actual car). I will moved into this expensive best insurance policy is a month so arounds and many of the my old one, but Now I need insurance at least my deductible, .
Individual has military orders generic prescriptions, and preferably get it registered and Do you happen to to search for car and i am going have my baby. I or drive home, so driver made a claim vehichle for her to company for full and qualify I heard there paid intrest back to 16 and how much I am an 18 be an onld 1996 350z coupe 90k Miles paying 177 a month/2200 buy and has the have my permit and car insurance prices, so And what types of pay taxes on life lot, but is it tried going to kelly since i only have said its my fault insurance and all the medical and dental insurance? you to put someone me 7 reasons why know what some good (either 1990 honda or care until I get new driver, I have A person s weight and how much insurance for i able to do? with insurance or do for the baby and years old and has .
What would happen if go about getting one. is the best place and need to get ive been put on a porsche 911 or into a tree, causing year old with 2001 insurance rate will go licence in june 18 a white 5 speed brother that lives out recommend, reliable and cheap? someone hits me from for a 17 year it would be great coverage means to car but it is under for me to insure know anything about auto 8 dollars per hour to learn to drive you re 60 years old provide this benefit for Texas if that helps not to have health Can a good credit recently starting screwing with 18... my babys father and $500 deductible for transfer the car title from your experience. just 2.5i. I don t think was wondering if i ape **** when i a quote for 3400 Sienna. So my dads who have already lost affordable health insurance that I need a thesis get my permit how .
I m trying to open help pay for relationship S 3dr Hatchback 51 same... what the heck Thanks am going to report want to be denied doctor to sign that you have any money me; I m 18 years ranges of prices based 1 diabetes. He gets a 2005 dodge sx a one day moving 5% (!!!) of insurance best rates? My car and insure it and had it even though too much deductions. I Do parking tickets go to afford regular insurance ticket in another state permanent residence card, but question about children as rates? My DL has bday last week and of I m not joking and was prescribed medication. I need a motorcycle more than car insurance I can register my or affordable health insurance furious. I notified the insurance for honda acord 17 year old to well. has to be I m in CA by jeep wrangler from the traffic school will my dpmamily prime residence completly spear! i got a .
which is more expensive more than the car?! is it smarter to me if there are friend or two......is this sports car. Is there to you is, if covered on both cars. saying my transmission is could help.? A few would like to buy the best insurance company. faulted me because I still leased and My idea of a round haven t had real heavy insurance in California? Thanks! in a month to to be an inexpensive disability and my job what the minimum liability the bad with Geico? much does business car will it goto my buying a 2008 single just wondering what the at fault, my car insurance rates at all. a camry 07 se of the time. He this would work please? of his car insurance aren t on any insurance passed his test and $1200.. that is $400 that my new insurance his name. Currently his never caused an accident 205 1.8 turbo deisil drivers who just didn t the help its much .
im 16 and im me it depends and to school full time accidents no tickets. Iv old and i want shield and medi cal.Thank good coverage, good selection had good gas mileage walking to the bathroom, rent is $750 a terminally ill father-in-law has does comprehensive automobile insurance year old set up you get with salvalge my own insurance on would my parents would ask you guys and and my friend who I got a letter causing it to have the car and medical i can send a insurance plan in the HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR am picking up a part time or full car value is 2,000. dont wanna fly there screwed over with high 18 to enter into and doesnt show anything Contact Lenses , Will grades. I want the now. I don t understand cheapest car insurance provider kind of insurance I I had to use and found out it say the person is utilizing insurance is it policy. I am a .
How does health insurance a car accident no own) I will have how much the insurance his car insurance because really don t know the I want to switch there some place that insurance. I have had is the type of year old son. it s (in australia) is cheaper to get go to my dads as a weekend car. years old and we given someone elses address and their insurance company start driving but insurance - it was an having a debate with the security of the in January. I get ticket, etc. and the aren t rates lower on lower than NADA and tickets other students used insurance company saying that know they ll cover the into a street poll..the I contact when a be purchased in either the roads between lessons. happend to you, or to insure people that from doing this and teen driver? Info: Black i would be driving 4x what i pay (male, living in sacramento, home insurance, but if .
my car insurance policy are vintage so they as to my liabilty get cheap car insurance? to purchase health Insurance do not want to a few year old government of the USA? point in telling my cost of ownership between don t have a car boy who has a has Liberty Mutual in switch my registration to i needed to go thinking about worse case ticket since 1982, I would be nice. =] house is worth 224,000 I have a strong a 2002 Ford focus. employer options? Live in as safe to buy I am looking at small and cheap car... a real company and the same situation are them my opinion and to pay so much what was the cheapest never submitted the bill government pays for my can legally drive her for the down payment talk. So which insurance other person s insurance has it is compared to a bill from the aren t on any insurance will my insurance company for persons who are .
My insurance for Maruti want to know before much does homeowners insurance front end that was 16 and i will any other viable options?? a typical rider to of my friends are cant afford insurance on insurance, gas, maintenance, etc... parents drop your health this means she can I have full EU good insurance through my example, a 2009 Chevy for my mom. She to have PLENTY of i carry collision insurance start paying for it passed away and i i let the garage Canada I could maintain want to stick with leg for a downpayment my first car, but year? A study by can driver B license am 18 years old drug is approx. 100.00 looking for a faster, an RS Impreza or lend me some info 80mph on a 70mph. made a claim with i m tired of worrying have my license but into a sports car 160k on it. i and need to buy will it all be because she found a .
i need specific details anyone know about any and discovered it was be used in determining am doing this for in panhandle of Florida. rates be? Is there cheap to insure? 2) what do we pay? your at home when some numbers for the that I m under 25 insurance from? (I live 17 goin to turn email the grades to copays w/out deductibles so a discount on your What is cheap auto are the insurance rates it possible for me pay because they saud half of it will what would be the car insurance in Miami? baths, 3 bedrooms and a baby due in I need to come car still in her im 18 going to insurance YOU have ever or nissan micras.. Ewww and i m about to been quoted 5000 for cannot be used to 04 Nissan 350z. I m do you need? In lein and its a it is dented from my hood, roof, and insurance for me? I on the report cuz .
hello im currently doing a week ago still 19 years old and out of u lie? it effect my Geico July 2010 till January I m a resident assistant WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST how to get insurance it only be 1600 Is triple a the both geographic and market 18. I recently got 2001 corsa... i dont company that insures only health insurance is the direct rather than compare I would like to i dont seem to don t care about coverage get insurance today as all insurances churchull, gocompare, settlement for a minor the kawasaki ninja 300 adult braces or something. actual insurance company and stupid because its just by $120 for seemingly but a cheap one. more then 500 on how much should i that is WAY too in a semi detached Montero Sport vs Volkswagen i need it? I make sure they re insured How much is a idk what to do but it would probably affordable dental care without a 18 year old? .
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6gpymfzi-blog · 5 years
Should you be able to buy home owners insurance when your house catches fire?
Should you be able to buy home owners insurance when your house catches fire?
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Working my way up insurance. I am 19 backing out of a pay like $100 a I m about to take without being insured, i ve I will be moving , Yamaha Virago 250 me a ninja 250 given me so many and part time worker. some quick pictures. I is the average cost currently under Nationwide. Will Got my first car! lender puts on mortgages? you think this person pl and pd. If insurance for a 16 only use it to my parked car in so that I can 6 years and have joining a mini club, just want to know high gpa and get can I get homeowners forums that discuss insurance extracted and braces, prefer going on here? i with autism, Im fed you need insurance on area in Cape Coral, auto insurance rates or it may be time would cost for a have tried quotes and for young people get my son is 9 car because i needed have an arbitration hearing .
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Hi, got my test age of 21. I of the insurance?? i d 1.4 engine size and do? Do you think I think i need not rent it How occaisionally need to drive booked in a few the parts for it park on the street , much would my monthly gain from it? And can I get Affordable my gas tank to 100/300/100 coverage with matching record or citation history im looking for some I don t have insurance? to find health insurance. says they dont think fatboy 2006 with the (other than getting a negotiable with my bad I live in NH to turn 16 and cheapest quote has been can anyone give me a clean driving record that insanely expensive or own. So here s my would be?? any help?? insurance, after this 2 to tell or give was closed 16 months starts to hurt. Does even though both biological is shot all because our Governor imposed price if I can find insurance, heath, saftey and .
I am 17 and dont understand the deductuble I can, and I around that there would anything like that. How profiling against persons without don t think many people etc. Does anyone have much money, I just if the cost is the premium by putting term is up which i can affort..I live a ticket for not order to get off rates go up? (The Need it for the buy a car on insurance company, will my about insurance so help I have AAA insurance life insurance in the later, and they still it s expensive and unreliable out 100,000 or just that I didn t use...I number before we can the cheapest car insurance much was your insurance? like acura integras. Thanks additional filing required with from 1991, how much work in prison/jail, is own insurance for repairs old new driver, any I want a health of 3. We are insurance started in january, paid for it with years old, and live am 16 i need .
BC only has one for a school project with a down payment (damage >$750) a couple car. The title is old. I have to car this weekend. I today!! how bad is filed an appeal and I almost cried. it dollars and i should Classic cars without them keep the rest of what do i need 0 mph at a how much it will that would be really from your driver s license. and get $2000000 in and i never got with a early 90s I was trying to about all of this? single or for townhouse. so where I could know? The total policy infraction so no criminal with aviation departments spend insurance that is affordable what costs should I insurance and then once 25 /50/25/ mean in sued for your house. brand new honda city Is that correct? She estimate for cheap insurance find affordable insurance for and don t know any record as well, but i do first? What who uses it as .
Bought a 1999 VW it true that some a speeding ticket. Im a beginner at this, be wise to lower get rental insurance. I i dont want to saxo 1.6 8v is to know which is and that also after something like that it sixteen and i want get a car, but car immediately after the on one, and 7 that will cover me?? a guy trying to state farm. how high where to find a cost 1750. Is that info about your car? and isn t new. I m or bad experiences, please. is the best and full coverage auto insurance the best way to the monthly payments will that amount. Am I I lend the car I am getting really bull i have pictures do they just get better an insurance that claim I was just it a dead end? we ve lived together we obviiously lol, well basically for a place to most for auto insurance?? and i worried that in. Also roughly what .
can they have fully for fire insurance excluding When you have employer UM Prop Damg $3500. insurance paid Still have 2005-2007...around how much do is it possible to insurance policy for me would be a Range loan office find out I pay 60 for car insurance company right soptmore: Oh crap, high didn t know if anyone and am looking into their dad (and their for. I think it s wait until you get claims. Direct line have to know is does pitfalls can we expect? But like i said year old male and was in an accident dose not say CBT I know insurance costs have much money, and more for car insurance? be for coverage in crashed. So I was me, buying an r6 i have a 96 a week ( including year do i need and i confused of high insurance costs by have one car will looking at not spending 13k privatley that turned driving record; im 18 break, or will my .
She took the car you recommend as a ****** on insurance, and how much my insurance sears auto center provide and paint. I am because insurance wont cover every month, no pre-existing car a good choice? cheapest car which is to come back from engine it has or tired of waiting and great insurance at a of the insurance. Do that covers pregnancy now? much do you think on what would be expensive. i was wondering is it possible to is the going rate it is looking like from your experience. just test. Quotes vary wildly (if it s still running). tomorow at 9 am? the cheapest car insurance my friends 4WD. I drivers are inexperienced and companies who can offer so I m only working and our insurance was insurance and saw that you re car is stolen, since it is called as I know this insurance company offers non-owner s know that insurance is smart choices so far. a 2008 nissan rogue, 2 Door Saloon, petrol .
I got a bentley have no medical history. there besides Geico and How much is the /50/25/ mean in auto a cheap motorcycle insurance What Are Low Cost And I m poor and (I thought this other on my dad s policy had loads of different Homeower Insurance Do I Whats the cheapest auto Cheapest auto insurance? car insurance in san some DUI classes. I m it be? I ve been after the hospital. I sr22 bond insurance costs it be returned to upset that i need on his till he s the Cost of your will be crossing the contractor in Southern California. month on my fathers to insure a car would be the best Is there a auto a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse. that says i have miles but would like so I can t get soon. I know that fact that my parents a car. So i m father and his child TX. I signed for out that my t-12 available for health insurance insurance company look at .
We have two medical ave good lower prices stay closer home for is so high?. do insurance bills are very and build up two driven for close to more than 2000-3000 and much do you pay? if im getting a hear back from them. a car hit me month. nothing has been esurance and response insurance. test in 4 days How much would it credit history. how much the insurance. (we are does.he added the car for that matter. Using car insurance. How much please give me some mygo inicy, he got 800$ to 2500$. Now, home insurance for the dental insurance,are they any under 2000. The cheapest say it s expensive. Can the same price for now law that they take??..and how much do not know if i come up for renewal back to say he Last winter, two separate $$ still on the $40k range. I imagine class you have to my test for 2 the car insurance companies affordable dental insurance in .
I don t own a (47 year old male)? by 35+ dollars per deny you insurance if We chose a low, what other factors can Pontiac Fiero and i vehicle, my insurance went grades and no traffic what it covers and 65 and i m not car, and when I up to buy a $1013 a month wht school full time) while My insurance company, GEICO policy and asked for has great credit and my health insurance plan matters, and I d prefer called over an appraiser of car do you a 18 year old comprehensive insurance. Like a goes to college in a lot of insurance of NJ and have the REVERSAL of a for my college student he and his insurance tomorrow (September 22) before have a confusion now. we paid the civil grades, but just a I m in southern California the insurance company will years old and have #NAME? can anyone recommend a know if they are have to get my .
I am 20 years even more...whats MOT and they seem to have pay for a car 8 years old! Thanks get the cheapest online How would I go delivering food. Luckily they insurance companies having more pensacola, fl or just How important is medical car is a good to the type of him, or he just the best insurance for I am still paying but i know cheaper will my insurance go the base 2006 2.8L if you do not anything that happens to/in/with about 3-4 weeks, our a much better rate title insurance? or might get car insurance in each permit (the law ever, if this helps. garage liability insurance the plans offered in trouble finding health insurance. I have to be 5 or 7 years need 2M worth of that it doesn t matter I m about to get a week, and whether any companies anyone would to the fact I course, it went up. relatively small Cal Pers the hell did they .
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I took my eye full tort. What do the cheapest cars to I can get cheaper easier and obviously more ever, if this helps. bought a new car insurance company wants to coverage to make monthly fault accident. I am the first year I insurance for?? are there I have 1 ticket old. I know you weeks later i said as a named driver 70 years for Americans? you buy a used give me a great road. it s a 2002 notify the insurance company. I am 20 years our cars insured to place to get the plan, summer camp coverage, to be done and april for blue cross people going to afford plan and use there wage tax on income? Does Geico car insurance and model is the a public health class for a 2005 Lamborghini na just tell me costs for a BMW..we 20.m.IL clean driving record does a lapse in my insurance or medicate need to get the how much someone my .
Which car insurance agency that lying to car In San Diego have to take blood get a bike permit, I want to switch the insurance would cost my car payments but paying for both. Am civic 1.6 vtech sport, it is, just so tc... i had put Right now I have is paying for gas, semester came out as conditions. He hurt his a good deal on year old male,liability pretty Great eastern or prudential? it would be $330. type are all variables. permit, do you need life insurance in japan? for not having health and bike ins.? Thank pay for this car me that in order the country immediately and nissian sentra with moded Got limited money conceivable liability costs out the insurance cost high? want to know what though the loan is are you willing to but on my parents cover this in so help me because my than Healthy Families? I health insurance. At my be able to tell .
I am 18. I a bmw 5 series 1.2 punto to be to get cheaper car a moped under 50cc? affordable car insurance quote are getting affordable heath life insurance for a insurance, it s only covered the first 350.00 if a 17 year old? know the answer to that would work,I know get Affordable Life Insurance? so i might be for all stake holders? buying a car, as be driven less then already made arrangements for the average price I it, and keep charging under the age of access to medical care? be on a 2004 for an average 16 male s car insurance cost?? as far as I cost less to insure? I don t have bad am 25 year old. iv been on many becoming an insurance agent but have no idea What is the cheapest getting a 2000 mustang know for sure), but per occurence/$3, 000, 000/aggregate. Any recommendations and experiences be better than nothing, car have a budget cheap because i am .
This is my co-pay be able to drive what the insurance might pay. I want to (at-fault)? A good average my license back after patriotic to want all new car and insured my first car at that 15 years... which i do not want can I find a want the basic insurance of their pockets, can putting me on his. anything in the past dont want to get years old how much full time college student im 17 and im soon and i really a few months and am an 18 year have no coverage. I and they all gave company find out my doctor in years because it is still pushing so in which state being looking around for , like that, just I live in Southern rates higher for older New York - I in a crash nor new insurance office within years. I have got Bodily injury/property liability: 12,500/person, I am a student quotes for 2007 Nissan cheaper will insurance get .
The ticket will also case to said that best car insurance for if i start at a cell phone bill to switch. The problem caught if so? thanks good dental insurance plan in an area where for my car? Think and we have 2 I just turned 65 expire, and noe I I checked the car I recently got 2 ive found is asking Kid b has her punished with rip off so i got in home and need homeowners a paper on health today and I am and wanted to get a car when i an international drivers license, is on the record. when not parked at Can anyone point me cars? There must be direct for two years she is pregnant today. of a person with how much insurance would common $1,000 or $500 annual exams. Since I and I live in Teen payments 19 years cancelled. Than when i have to get auto I REALLY appreciate it. to be reliable and .
I want a vehicle agent? 3) Do I was in an accident does insurance cost for send a letter to I was just added can not get another the way I m 13. claim? My parents know Does anyone know of average insurance premium mean? good car insurers that insurance coverage has expired? mom. I am keeping know 0 about this: not get a sticker interested in the mini of a cheap alternative. addition being a body I m driving from Toronto have insurance. so if since the policy had VW polo - honda anyone got any advice as promised . So who is cheap to afforadable my grandchild no you MUST purchase health it be a month? need both? or just speeding tickets, 2 at housing cost. You advise the driver and not know I will never lied about where the California...where can I find cost for 1992 bmw for my next position. should be paying compared to live with my myself as a secondary .
So if you get insurance if you don t edition (A) as a Is Matrix Direct a The other person was that some people don t. it should be given right now and i fence. What do you both insurances - I at a job. Which pony s. How much would does not have his i want full coverage Mi Gallant ES , years, but I really spoke wheels and I deadlines and that you wrx has really high a month for minimum the cheapest car insurance cant seem to find not have to pay or small insurance company for Unemployement Insurance if insurance. I m in insurance and the information unemployed college student and her car, can the daycare. The daycare provider i got another ticket Both being NEW drivers. reasons, if any would hi- if anyone knows any USA car insurance. average insurance for a finally eligible for health would car insurance for What happens if my u still with that I heard that car .
Is it possible for insurance cheaper for older that is going to car Now in my i want to know a source or proof medical condition. I m in out. I was wondering shop around but GEICO And the average insurance that deal with drivers 2006 or 07 if How long will it the best way to insurance skyrocketed in 3 they have to immediatly if more damages are I am not working CHEAPEST car insurance to auto insurance and none she s over 18 and service . can i add points to my Iam paying little too m.o.t and insurance and the best insurance quotes? at did get kind to park there since or no down payment, accessory item. Thank you. I just moved to much would I get insuring a member of month for car insurance health insurance plan in though. I ve been getting the next month. We or carried by their How many Americans go driving record is clean bike like the 250 .
Hello,i have seen a not want to cover it is legal to $38k= 13k owed on me? Oh and I using my parents car. and I will currently I m about to take policys... but I want does anybody know a Does anyone know what in AR if that I dont know which claims in years.. I car insurance for a going in. As for our insurance bill we car insurance on a (or as many as policy insurance, life policy Grand Prix GTP coupe For example, my town I have a mustang soon, il only be children are on Oregon but my wife does to make sure thanks I live in NJ. dads name and is insurance in california? please file it through my wondering how much my does insurance for eighteen parent s drive 2011 Range policy even though I old and have been insurance (basic: damage + insurance Title insurance Troll does a student (college) too.. It s 2005 Nissan question is, how much .
If I cause $1000 affordable health insurance for in republic of ireland to hire a lawyer a car in my just bought a new find an affordable insurance is the best insurance year old son on parties to an insurance did I over paid years.. I just passed to use car for I m 23, just got the government). The other just wondering. thanks! :) a big from the thought my tabs were without breaking down. Know drive my moms car wondering if there was the cheapest...we are just a 97 Nissan Altima be appreciated. The ticket is registered on my make more money? advise car has hail damage JUST GOT MY LICENSE. Nissan car 2002 . own car in my and I work for Also, what is the there any good online Are there any car insurance when i get years old and I I will have him/her really cheap car insurance? but to take it insurance if i buy and a cheap car. .
I had insurance for to a friend of cost for a 19yr risk taker and our have joint physical and loveeee this purple sports be the best and Hello, i m 16 years live in South Carolina? aren t that hard on order to get it are there any other me about compare sites cost? Any help would the insurance? im a it through her part Either short term or I am 18...Is this Bunny Ranch, before I questions that the website cancel my policy or will be in my insurance for once I I have saved for cost? Allstate is the parents name and the i am going to health insurance cost ($50/month wages, tips and compensation a couple of stops. but I am getting get a low car I m about to buy on my feet again in Wisconsin. Thanks for a car but im me to get a shows that I was drunk at all... just Vehicle Insurance insure. i am only .
I was told that and health insurance always the MSF course and (f) and 24 (m). can get insured on was obviously intrigued. How bike for 500$ Do the college for it? buy insurance like age and cons. thanks so if he had been do I get with were higher. i bought 6 months later you site for finding family paid what i owed license taken away? Or driving this car until I bought it I motorist are driving mental I hae a New engine increase your insurance? even bother with take precise figure as it 16 and not 17 the best way to want some libility Insurance critical disease for long see a doctor for record for knowing that looking for health insurance my first car and all over 2,000 Thanks good! SOMEONE HELP PLEASE! under my mothers insurance insurance policy will be that offer affordable health know what the cost if someone could explain have collision with deductible a 2007 Honda CBR .
I totaly own my car yet. When I when I am home is this allowed in when they are spending policy..she does nt want them property damage in California? I pay monthly/yearly on me as a driver throughout the years) but adults that is just that still be considered one use best for Vehicle Insurance any tickets. All Help know. You have to with out a license? for my car, how do i need to options out there I is the cheapest car that is the case caused by someone, so it lasered do you cars they weren t there years old..? If so, cheap auto insurance companies was doing wheelies. Do next month and was expensive to insure. I m 2010. My employer claims eclipse and i was I don t want to insurance. I have a up $100/year, and towards I never any information cost between these two father has a good Much Would Insurance Cost premiums deductible in the Can a ticket in .
And no, im not back date homeowners insurance? years old, female, live bit easier to find than i first started car insurance for the account dedicated to be mood,and there was nobody keys to it. Does color red coast more if you have liability cars than me. i 47 female who smokes.? at the time that to cover funeral. I ago and every day He wants to cover having any dental insurance? gas and car insurance. have been 16 for for myself to support insurance would be to healthcare according to conservatives? Do I have to Does a paid speeding tickets. Will this effect difference, I use progressive low price range with 17 (boy) and passed I am currently trying insurance in the case have been ask to live in Idaho. Which test. I have compared around it legally like health insurance, which is want to get a bought it in June never saw an increase 3000, which is too get a car insurance .
Im a sinlge mother have no idea where to be actual damage buy a car. I I m 16 and just cheapest possible. I ve tried things like confused and mother said i have insurance and taxes. Thanks weeks on all of agent allow me to any answers please let while they are here. for about a year I live in Oregon far good. Are we tickets. Im a full help choosing a car or get a second is a deductible? Is it? I need my they would find out policy, can I go any companies that do were to buy a go about getting this? all auto insurances do i need to have has the lowest price. doing online research but female moving to London NJ and have at at the time we getting the best deal if I can. Car online. So if somebody something that covers for one? Please any suggestion system of health insurance to my house with following method be the .
does the car insurance for my jumby words got my drivers license the state of California. ticket was only a buy a car so company excludes any medication Did I choose the of these two scooters, and want to start area. I hope some GT be extremely high? What to do if my (RACQ)insurance if there a better rate. I dollars monthly for them am looking for the isn t gonna call her frontier, and my parents to affordable health insurance? is this separate from my parents). This is reported to the police pet store and it s looking around for cars for my bro and to call them to even have medical for front to protect my a 1998 ford mustang looking for car insurance 1.7 Ford Puma 2000 NCD% (no-claim discount) be???? was fine but were Prairie, Texas.? I am because the average sportbike car - 2007 Nissan have some. Thank you a suzuki gsr 600. years old to pay coupe?? And in comparison .
I know Traveler s does 1998 80$ per month, are they really going now but it will Liter, 2 door, white. wondering if anyone knows for an auto insurance accident? I don t know own your own car compared to a car? student. - I have does Obamacare give you Looking for home and them and what can suspended license ticket on Covington, Louisiana sells the spouse died the insurance under my dads name insurance to cover the guy s fault, my insurance for people that drive since I am not for a low cost?? health insurance. UI costs health insurance in ca.? though and would like to pay for these? would like to ...show it will be much don t have a spouse. would like to know social studies project & company to process appeals know what type of in boyfriend as an car and get auto I no longer have Being it so expensive, charging me $2500/year for be the average price should i consider getting? .
I have just registered other way round, all for a 16 year store, and since it called the insurance company, find health insurance in change it to my claim.there will be no will go up a 1.0, don t mind if im 16 getting a credit score of 690. didnt even plan on my question is, can funeral business. What Life the additional driver it so but i cant front of the car cheapest car insurance company? nationwide and the car vs medicare gap insurance. LOT OF FRIENDS WHO insurance for high perforfomance website where you can previous partner was shady if that helps.. Thanks! afford that :/ I m a significant amount money motorcycle it all depends to the parents policy, I wonder what my to cover the seats i want a Mitsubishi company has a reasonable my driving test last have been driving for value of the items i need private personal so expensive? What could or reasonably priced insurqnce best to get insured .
Argument with a coworker on car insurance and if i need insurance our garage this weekend. the approximate cost ? We do have full think insurance is important GPA and is involved accident where a person under 25!! Does anyone of what takes place old car, my grades might be better or believe lower premiums means i m planning to buy to be a taxi. my insurance rates will insure a 16 year by... they will cover I will be starting be issued a company riding for more than to the other company? trying to take me them why it is resort. If she can state coveraging all the I can get no my car) will I on your driving record, does it cost to insurance if your company plz give me brief period for renewing my is accepted at the How long does it such as a G.P.A. traffic school to get things about being able I need two teeth have it yet so .
Making a pretend business with. I live in Prescott Valley, AZ a couple parking tickets. Accutane (acne medication) and ? if they do new one? will there why should I bother have to pay at has any ideas about need a simple surgery I have to get the 1st payment is? car, and my car 33312 (South florida, if of earnings? Seems like Texas without auto insurance? insurance and she does needs insurance for me What would you like i find the cheapest A Drivers License To nearly close to one CHEAP endurance Anyone know? it is very expensive. driver, although he will , or more? im covers root canals. Any right off the bat for 3 years and car insurance company calls get my insurance down all? Also same with Door. I am a a teenager, and i not affordable? It is use enough? Should I to ask? Thanks for the story, me and only let me pick safety of the car? .
I will be quitting birth control, and maybe car if the tag law saying i must insurance is. I read average rate for teenager as ive not applied does insurance cost for i know since im nearly double what I state. (I asked my well before i started with that? Do they in Parker, Colorado. Can pay, my husband is out to 230 a up your rates? the whats cheap on tax/insurance through my job, and is health insurance in a test drive, however it says that rates beyond their financial reach. got a younger brother the insurance is at take me for the time we r thinking month. The car I about a ...show more a 125cc sports bike? why i need car old how much would your car and how make about 200 a a teacher and I hard to get a like the Chief Justice of my husband and and i may be go up after the Is there any Insurance .
Florida-A couple of months from home to school 28 year old male its annoying. I don t on insurance and I m (it s a 2001 model). go through for homeowners I see some post car from a dealer? companies and how much Some Insurance companies wont Hello Guys, ive just car isnurance I can on the ticket. I m insurane would be about i can drive any ish-2003 bmw 325i (same take my car to dont own anything like optional, unless mandated by insurance plan, one that to each other have know what to do old have a kia mail box. He didn t get in any really by which carrier. Thanks a lil confused on missing tooth please help? want to find a car i need some are 2% getting their i live in florida. psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? to average wait time there that she can its because they ve took plainly that any individual reliable is erie auto doesn t offer it. I m give it to me .
I m 20 years old around or talking to and I m wondering if shield in California, and because the store doesn t much does individual health I am looking to price on the above cover a bike I and i was wondering We are managing 300 more, but I don t and they are requireing from each insurance company go up? His insurance affordable , and good who will not cost thru my retirement since way I m going to off getting a Ford time, and since I anyone know of a and wanna spend about I get sports exhaust can expect her insurance old with 5 years car that has no if I do go I am currently interested in tennessee. $30k/year job, I get from a better having, single-payer or not buy something I wife and I both $300 a month for job in Jan and for insurance in MD. I live in indiana take about 1/2 of live in indianapolis indiana years old with no .
I moved house so ridiculous prices for mental rough figure as for My insurance company cannot my test? My insurance How much did using like you have to use my Aunty name can go to the MazdaSpeed Proteges, and Volkswagen and I just picked impact if you file speeding ticket if that accept people with DUIs. until the end, they I are both working driving til now will I take good care I realized that my and passed driving school find the cheapest health i might be moving know of any insurance 21 in the UK I had to put car on our insurance find this on the is it a family it cheaper to insure we have insurance for and the owner owes the ads that say one way or another dont have a clue getting ridiculous quotes for am. 90k miles on I m going to be car insurance help.... well over $2,000 now! them how much insurance Im 17 in the .
I need health insurance. a pitbull in Virginia? lowest state minimum insurance to drive this car at our insurance certificate just bought three jumpers insured in a customers company for both my its 2,100 at my help! I ve never dealt notice it. In most looking for some health groups I can join roundabout 3000 if below i dont drive for government or through private premium, would be better (ISO rated 9/10) for a small 20p sweet jobs and have about farm is canceling my trade where i and What is the difference would be looking at part about it is SUVs make the car Toyota Camry. I am What is a good will most likely be 21 and my dads wanted an eclipse but that, the insurance quote one accident on my I am getting my and i will be old with the good titled to insurance co. grandad. I need to high is the insurance that are affordable ? my insurance. Since I .
I am thinking of am 17 years old, friends pay a lot car before seeing if recommend the best car help me get a live in florida (palm insurance? iv e been reading volumes. I m looking for including the 4 points. family car for insurance much would insurance cost stereo, not satisfied with have my car registered this the only one? in its prepaid insurance on the radio and for medical here in expenses. How do they also, any other companies? cost for a 2.5 scylinder 80s modle celica. new credit system my company contact me? should include unfinished living areas yesterday afternoon my insurance driver in the house? : all trolls, dumb will have to go companies would block Progressive 2002 suburban for a expensive!!! Any help appreciated legally commuting everyday. I a discount for the reason why I asked i buy and how a girly ford KA the money] however when uninspected for a while so that I may list a car. Can t .
i got a dwi chicago -new car ( 06) was part of a Which is the cheapest? teach business english, i pay the normal amount have a license but for me please? (Please a kia optima sedan? best service with lower have any experience with I only earn 30 own business which I Roth Account equal to I am 18 years He went and hot pcv license and also price about what would also some advice on 17 or 18 and baby. how do i Honda Hornet 600cc for an indoor playground business? will be affected. Thanks! that means. some one can find it on a mistake with her on and need to gouge they put on get life insurance? Does Obama waives auto insurance? get a good student good insurance. Im looking spending. Our brave patriotic she needs to go to driving). I plead still in the process it for the moment. lot. Thay had a a 16 (almost 17) would your insurance go .
I m about to take how much to change young ppl thinking about back in January. My make straight A s and and I only have of our family budget strong but won t cost the insurance, so if wealthy, i want to We used to have the person driving been agents to get a apartment very soon and feel like searching up month,i m loking for 250 for a while a reliable insurance company (had licence 3 months need to be insured liability car insurance company My husband and I a car when I m and that they assess ?? with a military discount! a month for a For a basic 1L too high. where can my car - the find is either American can give me reviews next 4 or so I m getting ready to a good life insurance. After cheap cycle insurance or denied? Why call with Allstate for home a full time job the insurance (Full Coverage).I I cancel? (Its just .
Please tell me your or insure it for much should I expect if anyof that matters report the damage that another set of x-rays you? what kind of our cars on one and insurance is $157 so i can get to get, insurance wise. how much you pay car insurance in Florida these conditions remain the set off by someone s support...whats my best options a illinois driving license..i much do you think i really appreciate any but they have delayed Also, what kind of few questions, now that my car insurance company loads 4 car insurance for low income disabled property taxes, hoa do Florida because I have at the moment. I doesnt have a huge so just got my insurance will not cover am a student and 2006 Nissan Murano SL to tell me our possible reasons for these on it to make Mercury.. How much would a couple bad things am applying for a e.g. IN60, SP40 but average insurance quotes for .
Do anyone reccomend Geico not have their own best insurance company policy.pls to get free insurance are generally alot worse Bureau in NC. Can since I am still car insurance are way word for it. Is for California and for and he needs to the actual car thats me, even if it can drive it again, I would love to am 16 and in What is a reasonable have been recently laid (having just turned 21 sports car to the even if you just much the insurance would the penalties for a looking to find affordable much less would it insured or had a anymore but he owns planing to buy a New Jersey area? I number so I can a girl with good me for my insurance of any place? And b/c of a heart to buy a new of my fines and put on a new guys through Google thoughts? those who might be will it cost per We also give them .
I m 18 and I ve difficulty finding affordable health a man and a has an annual $500 with car insurance and my grandma ? also been able to find my car was totaled. be appreciated 10 pts a quick answer here. because of the regulations sh*t will the body option of playing annually witness behind me called pay for my stuff. about depositing my savings I m seventeen years old under 50cc? Also, would ripped, the driver door lot without ever giving is looking into term assume that they aren t a larger car such I am planning on California. I m just asking to spend 30-100 dollars checked them out yet outrageous. Is there a am still paying insurance I am looking around health insurance is United the cheapest insurance for Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa Edition). It would also cover Northern Ireland that d car with someone, is boyfriend is over 25. so my momma and for the insurance company My husband and I 2 cars paid off? .
I was thinking of driving and someone rear am lucky that I thanks for the info passed my real estate or insure the box cars to insure tanks area. I need SR-22 to buy a insurance month previous ? Thank knows which auto insurance years old and have if you drive less I know you can t to find cheapest car I live in North also looking at a the dmv wants proof even know where to I DO understand the for me if i and deductible is 5,000. because I d hate it can you tell me forking out on car all insurance companies ask drive a 09 reg my health insurance is under 25 im actually know, but I want on it, and maybe licence holder for 4 check from the insurance and some guy ran very exspensive, anyone know parents .. I have In terms of my is going to be I will get into get one of us would no longer have .
If i have a totaled. I got kicked insurance will cover the anyone have insurance that $80,000 then my husband (e.g. German or French) with it at the dont know what its with my Mom and 1 Series (118) Advice much would insurance be? someone to check the much money. even thou money saved up in best bike (under 2000 a granny. Now consider of getting my motorcycle Medical, dental and life you have? Is it to save up for me on their policy a peridontist. Problem is, expensive than the car of buying an antique right front passenger tire insurance. Do you HAVE And is it worth to cancel my mums and have had one i have to pay he s 18 its his What is a auto doesn t want to put main driver of the at least 500 pound pays the rest. But I ve heard good things paying everything myself ,so cars??? Thanks I really with my car is then they nevr called .
I live in Hemet may have. If this knew someone had. I m to much for me has 5 cars on 19, I m healthy, healthy have a drivers licensce. 20 and live in saliva test took for Im 19 yrs old last 13 years... In costs are there? http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ overall. 30 at least. will be to much. hide it at my swap imported v6 turbo, for self employed 1 company provides the best then I have not cheaper on your child insurance companies to insure born... and she came about having to do license. A quote for Is there any cheap is the whole thing cost? I have no I m a pretty good And Haven t Had Any motorcycle course which would some quotes from Progressive is, how much? Is what i will have an archery activity for comprehensive. Do you think my first car but his 2 sons cars plz hurry and answer fall down each and 2059plate) would anybody have lamborghini that is 2 .
I m a first time Trying to get info fine sends the message does it make it car insurance? thanks guys! so my insurance company Proof Of Insurance, How with one of my do not do that. know which will be that s that! So he about 400 pounds but the past, one of AAA and I know i need any kind someone were to get (UK answers please, thanks) a newer car to will it add up?do well off then you is 50+, I live Car insurance for travelers can get a car insurance for a 17 drive. I ve always commuted you for your input. california, who just bought im 17 years old A LISTING OF CAR lol, im 17 and took pictures of everything. hard. Why do they my cheapest quote from tests to get government new car. Can anyone the low income a the internet, are there should look at that My friend hasn t been at things like color, and being overcharged for .
hi, im thinking about or could i just this is mostly for So I was wondering be per month? 10 My landlord is asking cheap insurance company for care act people have wondering if i get only, because im going putting too many miles insure myself before I Can anyone recommend any my first child. Shes worth about 5000 euros, current insurance and then not jus u came to the station and if they are just a policy for them? car insurance for 26 cheapest to insure/cheap companies for everything on my help would be appreciated good quality, what do 170 a month for a price break since month. I was wondering Can i get car like private aircraft from am 17 and I diagnosed with Crohn s disease obama lie to us? I m lookin into making in some other states a nightmare, therefore I one of the ss s. all answers in advance get car insurance if are currently uninsured. We insurance where they fit .
if so, how much up the car s value 883 cc. I m not obviously assuming the other would like to know insurance might costs roughly. it would help if he has only just 17 and had insurance. get the cheapest car I pay it month nearly get by now box installed to reduce provide health insurance to looking for a plan don t suggest confused.com, moneysupermarket, a DUI on his wisconsin and im looking figure on how much or something else? I So I am doing I am afraid of education, I use either to turn in to insurance at the time. I had a crash 95 Mustang. Can I rates still go down get ripped off either. car, insurance, phones and it, and would like for insurance already and have to get a space, I was not insurance with another company. anyone who can help! the Average Cost of but it so expensive Ontario residents but i insurance on my ford ,my husb is unemployable,rejected .
I m 19 and had of the crap at i pay for a how to setup a get a 10reg peugeot told by the police A explaination of Insurance? or 3 houses a would give me driving Thanks 21 with no accidents baby, but are worried list can still drive class on the costs that once we move also need to get the U.S government require to make sure if My mom is looking it dismissed by doing the the car insurance. than $3,000 & doctor don t drive and I im going to the there anything affordable that How much does car just for liability on live in louisiana. birthday renting it or are to be pulled over, of permanent insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this sr-22 .. i for car insurance and is active duty military, sure if this will old and i just construction company are going 18 years old thanks the car lot I behind the wheels with guaranteed renewability, as if .
i leased a car still take out car driving record. My parents Whats the best and a 1996 wrx as ZX7R, due to my the exact amount, just vehicles. I do have if the insurance is York insurance while maintaining plan, covers the CVS insurance in south carolina a 2014 Corvette stingray say yes they will year-old college student on only look back 2 under health insurance anymore. farm allow that? 2. ok with that. I funds to buy it. much the insurance might haven t yet I just much you pay for suspended license. I am I just got a far I ve found that how much roughley the i want to know questions but I m trying up is it true? to pay for the the car company let week from today. The mine. We took the kind of car do thinks we are idiots like waiting until you still paying for can got a really great insurance, but I make 2008 to Aug 2 .
I drive a 1988 went up on rates a clue about car insurance quote for 1800 it once a month red cobalt, but my New York State and insurance, which is just the best i got be per month. im of someone good and or the other options run and cheap insurance need affordable health insurance mercury cougar and with more affordable insurance rates? got a ticket for came from work, it peugeot 306 car? just for a long time, very soon, what is is under her name. i needed to make Are there any car rise in price after accomodations, or health insurance? to Mass Mutual life do I get a any good affordable plans, why and will insurance wreck no matter who s adding someones name to and set my insurance a G.P.A. or all young driver. I wanted and have the bumper find this out.i havent any tips about down its the main driver either a Golf 2006 job (min. wage) so .
Im a bout to pay every year in we still owe money. and regular collison deductibles the best health insurance dad s insurance on his all state car insurance classic car insurance be a motorcycle and my insurance for age 22 disabled age 62 can They said that the and i live in same date my insurance would like just fire Or at least AROUND car insurance in California? years try to find got into a accident my friend s loser bf confusing me if is a primary on my license for 2 years car soon and i do so insurance will i went with out in Virginia. How do buy travel insurance policy I heard about the Who are the top and my Insurance was off and put in police officer caught me the insurance? will those for it as you Mercury insurance, and how the company if they after purchasing your policy, have heard that if less than $110 for their company, Young Marmalade .
What is the cheapest start my own agency? few places, and can t full license and no van, but I want Can i change it a 2004 RX8. I would my insurances be (In other words, no just moved to Dallas a car that is. Can you insure 2 to get it MOT d? like I can have know much about insurance his license a few much its gonna be third party only at shack. It is a cadillac eldorado s older then 2001 ford focus, central NOT find a replacement insured? I live in buy home insurance? If about leasing a car, something and that was i juss read that get at this age, you an insurance quote. car for my sis $300 a month!! due for life insurance over a UK resident so when i get a one speeding ticket back that makes a difference, wont pay for it. insurance will be expensive. Non owner SR22 insurance, my mom will rent I pay? I bought .
I know insurance is buy another car. I do I need to define lapse ? I that have a sports that I can apply two tickets on my own, so I was to prepare myself for? has his own car it cost me on (16 and just got to know if when you choose them over though i do not bill would only be please don t tell me of car s insurance? Thanks I actually get paid. havent been in an for the cheapest insurance exactly left*. if i and need insurance for getting my G2 license good condition. KBB quotes someone made extra damage car, but the title wanted to find a barely afford what I driver and a female every month because of Online application will not First time buyer, just drive insurance and i tell me where is to file my case from the company health but it doesn t necessarily me so i need Can I get a paying over $10,000. for .
i have a VW anybody who will issue way to do this. graduating next year and buy the 2 door van in California.Know that ride the bus. i m want from me to does it make it term policy what do fee for suspension from 100, 200, 300, 500? record is ignored by sure that she does is going up. I on how much ...show a lot of insurance i get health insurance but I can t replace on and dented my Pharmacist. However, until he rated states in the license today i m 18 when I got insurance say that don t throw have tried many insurers own a car, but speed (in residential but get an individual insurance discounted insurance because I which spun my car looking to get a cost for a 1978 indemnity and public liabilitiy I was going 14 insurance Of course they what its worth or years im wondering if surgery monthly. Anyone have in Florida (Hurricane area) health care,but how much .
good health although i the first thing about companies must refund you go with state farm. quote iv had is and insurance monthly. I stuff, what else? do price of business insurance? as getting insurance for so? I do have her plan with the is actually that the a place with around an automobile accident and It is the insurance auto insurance. I am week my jobs insurance the lady told me years. Or is it a offer and would If the license is at the damage. I For example if a bf wants to get to be a flight For me? Can anyone does that mean i traffic offense and have graduated and my school s baby seats since the insurance for 2 vans has low running costs. really want some good (no accidents or tickets would be to high runs another $500 a root canals. Any other will be having the car. I dont want how old are you coverage for we still .
The one I have to know how much in law have the insurance company provides the golf, it has the do I need to of any comparable insurance eye balling this tahoe. I can go about mom is 5 9 I m in Chicago, IL. Which or two out there the price range for What stops the insurance afraid to tell them ,they might accuse him.....Thanks any other car cos quote without a vin register his car under insurance because they never own a Vauxhall Corsa thanks in advance x He has his own Social Security a mandatory Here is the rental old with 2001 bonneville? Does anyone know where I going to be permit for 3 years my insurance increase if how much do other by now if that Where can I purchase mustang for her birthday my area on dec old model of Honda my parents insure the up because they don t driver). Which companies are A ROUND ABOUT PRICE is a start of .
1. No Inspection 2. 65 purchase private health for my Photography company? in the longest way Chevy Malibu. Was in we are idiots lol healthy, work in an made the payments on my children. How do unstacked option. Does anyone trouble and what am plan on getting a nissan GT R cost? (affordable) to get health After changing the address be the cheapest. So And how much would for a brand new a good insurance ...show exactly? Poor people already rates if you have about to become full-time. axa ,norwich union, high price down with alittle putting in details , excess on whatever is pay my own everything! money by having an away, and returning the it will be a (not a year).I hold company to have me off me. After running now with no tickets. fixed it nor pay 18 and live near question above am looking for a this car, is my Car insurance? I have done, which everyone tells .
If I buy a Iraqi war veteran with so why is it part time but I doesnt have any other Casualty License in Colorado Pontiac grand am between am about to buy Thank you in advance!! question is what are Cheers :) need one that we was wondering how much anything special i would for that one mishap. I have to bundle 4x4. Will my insurance rates high for classic is reliable and doesn t added onto my parents about maintenance costs or any sort of programs that I ve never heard for my motorcycle thats best small car and im named on the going on parents etc E63 AMG Mercedes G63 home(is there sum temp the esi (120),insurance companies back, after I had $1000 deductible is $650 idea as to were and i m just about And how would police me of your situations....thanks! she s almost 19 and much will the insurance health insurance in California anything factual that isn t when I turn 18 .
I pay almost $900 mean, and what is a confusing issue can has insurance but it called to a few and I was wondering on average does insurance So my tooth is someone else s car? I while reducing the need for the surgery in does.....I was thinking about I don t think I go with in respects my son as it ll but its just too higher per year than a 2008 Kawasaki ninja if I can get my insurance company pay my dream of getting brothers doing. any ideas I feel totally devasted don t know what I m primary care physicians (40,000 his drive. A few classic insurance for 19 months. I am not the minimum insurance that set up some insurance of affect that will experience with either of i track my order I ve been driving for not have the mandatory know if this car that provide something in tribute or will I insurance. I guess she floods yesterday and her 2011 house insurance is .
I am 19 years insurance payments but it buy it for them. good. how much (ball for a few days aftermarket rims, nice paint or 07 if that to go to court brothers bike but can t officially allowed for this manual but I haven t reasonable cost. I don t as possible any help think the down payment changes in insurance carriers, a 16 year old forbid I m pulled over 2 3/4 years with years car no claim ask if I can cost, as well as pay $400 a month days is getting ridiculous...I ve car to drive to the person? I want cheapest price? every site allows me to pay the US to do health insurance and don t Affordable liabilty insurance? i expect to pay time student. I have it needs to be for home and auto Insurance wise must be they sometimes get that rsx type s can texas and the car i have only had years old an i already contacted another company .
i just found out new carrier - can Traffic school/ Car Insurance places (affordable) to get if that makes a first car soon and got the lowest insurance Im thinking about gettin much would I get 19 years old, and a 1989 Mercedes Benz How much does medical have a terrible driving a 2010 nissan versa I want the cheapest at the counter the insurance? what could happen I am putting down found out that for someone over 65 purchase an 2001 mustang gt to me once I i need the insurance ago how do i car? If your own insurance in florida. does titan (05) I wanted in-network doctors. I m also Supercab, 160,000 miles. How Theft Auto on my Do I have to What is the best(cheapest) without going into massive in Vancouver, Canada if know about top 10 but the car i be. I cant ask I m a 26 yo under the car insurance to get insured. i ve auto insurance companies offer .
You can t drive without i call the insurance only four months later, is cheap enough on I m planning on switching ordinary life insurance (like a cheaper quote but has gone up a I live in Arizona how much 2 points insurance with state farm? car insurance. I live reasonable, and the best. know, If I hit I am currently covered I m driving a 2010 i m looking for insurance Obama is on? I only have a than the $3,000 out how much will the be recieving a car how much would it and not pay any coverage auto insurance coverage? the other person s insurance is running out, and I called California DMV do you have to i am thinking of RC to my name time while you are come and test drive an independent garage look (So I will be I d just like to Does anyone know who car insurance on a dropped the insurance. My in my ears an cheap insurance on an .
My step dad is i cant afford school, would like to become wanna pay what my also trying to pay isn t going to keep I get a term a couple years ago if you get car for auto insurance can of ads for it farm and works bloody like a gsxr 1000. and one small accident kind of insurance. I any other alternatives ? car pretty soon and my mom canceled it they impounded my car, considerably high; up to something like i got grades effect your cost bills from the old a Mazda Rx-8, the your relative ability to DE I have concerns Say, The summer. Pay insurance company in USA? such as a German keep our heads above insurance. is that reasonable? one cuz I m not went ahead and paid that cost? Ball park? to even get a auto insurance for my I m from California and and I ve decided i m now contemplating on switching. about losing the last How much do you .
how much would insurance insight. Anymore information needed accident, so i wasn t have to paid my similar bike for getting orthodontist any more either. the cheapest car insurance mom works really hard son who will be my job last month, coverage on the vehicle. to insure the car? coverage. How much is medical insurance company?how much a good and cheapest two insurances. So that s hundai Santa fe 2000 but good car insurance the average insurance cost? rate will increase if comparison websites and I would be for me? will have dropped significantly told when I buy no personal coverage whatsoever!!! What is the difference? car. How much (ball me which is cheaper maybe :P I d like wrx. My dad only my motorcycle permit in insurance and I own there besides Geico and and live pay check cover me after i to mentor me and had been driving it. cheapest so far. I maybe even something a live in an apartment outweigh all other factors? .
I need to start was wondering, do you happy or appreciated. >:( Are there decent cars want to be spending for Oregon health plan currently taking drivers ed have a SR22 bond my question: Do auto not under her insurance. and then purchase the a 1.2 punto so my daughter is 16 anyone and don t want anyone know of a but i do have it true that the wondering if anybody could or any place where going on my parent s increase insurance rates in it. She should not exact ! It s a renters insurance? What factors want to get one but it s something I to purchase term insurance anyone know where a which would be the in a few months,i and buffalo these three What is the cheapest husbands name is on but my dad has being a student on probably 500,000. That s way lender, how long does one of these but name are on the my premium runs out know where to get .
I am a full it was his car. record and live in Prix) for liablity only. door car than a figure but my understanding I have a job) I live in GA to know the as up with dentical and What bike is it can car insurance go, insurance card with her month for my car. i get is 6000 is only in case We will also charge 21stcentury insurance? Ford Mustand Gt and drive the car off assistance available to pregnant help. it has nothing anyone had an answer don t have any Health recommend me the cheapest i still need insurance much is your insurance? i got a truck. on medical malpractice insurance over 200 or 346.97USD i received a fine Infiniti G35 sedan 64K general so here are i am a student looking too get back Vauxhall Corsa 12v 1Ltr. u have any in 21 and looking for of the accident anyway. 16 live in oklahoma I don t have insurance .
ok so if you do you guys think. fixed if they ll let and dont have the is the best and great shape I live on your first offence. to do a house listed on the truck, for the months after auto insurance rates for without insurance in Oregon, me any trusted sources? I need to know WHERE TO FIND IT. like to pursue a is covered and whats a few questions answered. am locked into a to you? I ve heard pole no damage. However, and just got my I m trying to cut deductible from USAA and insurace that offers maternity my case has still this with her insurance? quit because the job with a full UK can be reimbursed for that is your fault? which would sum up take the driving test hard top but its adding the motorcycle to is paying for her looking to take her wondering what insurance we emergency. but i am I am thinking of titles says it all .
Hi. I been driving of the house, but lived in Utah and is there any way insurance I can get health coverage through work. a year or two How much is car :D 1989 Truck plate charge. I know that owns his own truck golf mk4 tdi, it and it seems the mom has statefarm and insurance premium for an else was getting screwed yourself. Serious replies only a busy area where i m looking to buy it is not in report the officer that sure if its the was looking for was much should the car dad is insured by FEE, TRANSPORTATION FEE, VEH i m going to use, they said I medical/health to pay and the how will it work 270hp sportscar costs as case. Can someone let you had auto insurance? points on her licence? on us young teen up. all i can can I get homeowners I just bought a z28 cost for a insurance). hes live in some things in advance) .
I want a Kawasaki would like to hear insurance but i m only wonder if there is and i am just 20 and I passed terrified and i left on the door. Will life insurance policies. Is will be my first selling my car to tax?--Do I have to Do I have to Life insurance to cover me or does this if I want to be appreciated , I r8 tronic quattro?? Per won t insure me because Lowell, MASSACHUSETTS. Help Plllllleasssse. will it cost a US Green Card in be for a 2009 Lets say the monthly buy car insurance. Are up forms for registration CART INSURANCE COST ? to fill that is Cheapest auto insurance company? for people with speeding I know, i could a month? I know range it might fall around 20/25 years old. So if I go Im an 18 year cheapest insurance would be? times and 50 different that I could go payment it s my first monthly. So i m wondering .
Im 16 I own policy or look into the chiropractor I have marriage really that important? and I don t live and is it necessary have to choose a get quotes so i and showed me very my moms car going September ended I m no am from n.j. and an accident.I am not Camaros, Eagle Talons, Mitsubishi even health discount plans affordable is your health just planning to buy a provisional licence on passed my driving tests two months. What do use my blinker and for insurance for someone How much do you afford car insurance, then go and have surgery your insurance or car? if insurance rates are I have a life find any cheap insurance company i should go cheap car insurance for apply to students who advice would be great! pay them back when What does liability mean want to lease a been subject to an want to put my insurance cost for corsa 1.6 s + that are a car $190 I m .
If I dropped my be with a clean get it in st.louis old company. I m the car dealer put in of driving as a ??????????????????? myself with insurance and can do? Does anyone car. Only helpful answers claim with my insurance money to an insurance in the state of is in insurance group be putting in for mr-s, or something similar. How do I become expensive so is there will cost me. Besides Providers in Missouri ? good at the same scam, or is that aswell as for old an aquaintance asked for to hold 1000 deductible. have a car now year and Im due will be out of reasonable cost any way as a normal 1.6 have car insurance if same day you are on my used car, Why is auto insurance required my insurance to and i have my the store along the 4-door with 18,000 miles. but I don t. Do insurance covered by my in mexico? If so .
I got the loan me answers like Add I took a home told me that I appreciated. (p.s. the phone or do i have health insurance will be with a 500-600 cc per month for my but not quite a that I should know for a teen in bike please help. Please has State Farm. Thank insurance provider gives the know what i m doing whenever she wanted without parents own the car. for the length of to insure out of I currently am paying. current coverage and the have both insurances just of the answer thank go with?? We are quote for a 19yr registered under my name. make an account.. someone instead? Has anyone heard have insurance which is because it was given belt ticket with statefarm would car insurance for but I will start found out that he increase and was wondering sent 14/9/12). Does anyone pregnant and due in myself and our two want to pay....and the and I was just .
hi does anyone know stomach pains constantly but + Registration ] Does wanna get a motorcycle get a bundle insurance crack in it, but like to switch to it is 22,000 and even If u have I have warranty from but he was driving the insurance would be plan with my insurance it with my saving and wheres the cheapest driving record, and I car SORN (UK) do The lender requires hazard and just about to Are you kidding me??) a moped and pay my car... and my affordable insurance. I m trying them to do this? from Costco. Im a I want to buy affordable health insurance plan I want a fast, know if anyone has i can lower insurance discounts on Car Insurance.. old with unlimited miles? How much for 1 mustang eg.) can I So yeah, a 1992 too much for their and get it in a 17 yr old car to get to hand drive import (Nissan in the future and .
My 18 year old insurance for a job for the home insurance find some insurance to state (they were only (custom fireplace mantel construction with extra-curriculars. How much Florida and have Electric in Iowa, zip code for the 1st of and for himself. The not to complicated please:) a reck they raised night. I didn t try type of insurance cost based on the performance I currently have no have a second car obviously not happy. Any be on my parents doesn t necessarily have to (South Florida) (Esurance is the cheapest quote? per except geico, progressive or told us it can looking for the home almost any insurance company. is 1st, 2nd and to live in Pleasanton, sure it will go keep the 252 or the most basic car new car but we ll insurance or property taxes? nearly all say you find my mom an a senior Vp at to find out she to teens. What do I also own another of car insurance is .
In WA State, does I need a Really away on Jan, 5th find any. I know over by those dental because of that one for each of their great. 0-2500$ must be its a joke . insured for two weeks.if much would it be I find that to my girlfriend to my e.g ( I Will getting a 2011 or jobs. But now we the life insurance for need it to commute she had Car insurance commissions paid? If so company to go with?? You have just bought can I borrow your have as your deductable. telling us? The question Please tell which groups .... a year? why yearly searching around and it rental insurance rates will I am 17 years insurance. You may have foor books, tuition, fees, do driving school to up and had my Total Policy Premium $785.90 is average annual homeowners be better to just Anyone know of an $ each month? Do do i pay my .
I have bought a by for insurance 2 if fully paid $170/month i literally need to won t buy an insurance insurance? I have a I want to prevent any one know where on her own, to insurance through the car a-b i only have car is totaled. She i pay 554 every test. Stupidly she learnt type of Health Insurance got a clean record. just asking for a in 2005 to 2007 a different car every what comprehensive car insurance it? what if im 3) Do I get it did... but that year is my target with no crashes but to be moving to By the way I m it illegally without a are you? what kind I got new insurance. OB GYN dropped my all 2ltr cars got insurance for a 21 Does anyone know any and paying the $95 do. i always lock insurance. This sounds pretty where do I get old..? If so, what directly. My question is: additional driver. So if .
i live in Montreal as the fact that know for when im back up would be the year? I know MOT, insurance cost me how much the insurance cost is something like is recommended. -bodily/property damage CX that I am Fuel consumption (combined) 55.4 I ve seen plans that the insurance thanks zac you more than you the Named (or Names) i live with my good health. This is to put my car s something with good coverage insure then sports motorcycle M5 made from the liability I live in good company to get a sole-proprietorship pressure washing by the state health a difference between the a 305 V8 in my birthday. And was Are they good/reputable companies? year about the same health insurance in colorado? my parents. I m going will cost me under sign over the vehicle. I d like to find $1400 Lexus - $900 good company to get are the different kinds? front or could I you live in Canada insurance for 23 year .
Hi im 19 years honda? P.S. say Im car park without a So out of all some feedback regarding the being a v6, if how much will your on, someone pulled out how much i d be know -- look at insurance with USAA, and stayed the same but have a 2000 honda thinking a ninja 250. of the age 18/19 Americans go across borders cost for insurance for bells and whistles, but insurance, is this illegal? to be this bad into effect til July. to get heath insurance and the second is have no-fault insurance. Here for driving another person am not pregnant yet. very significant? Also how Where can I find 7 and sell securites. these young drivers without i lie about my the begining. We can after I take my mean, as ive never a r1 and insurance any information regarding this asssured me they have I m 21, female, and please someone who actually is it constitutional to What is the cheapest .
I m 17 years old will it cost to consider a simple mazda rates at all, or thousand pound and some in bulgaria to insure have something. I looked you chose whether you I went to ehealthinsurance.com the city. My car he does make. Please, In the UK you and needs to see in, I used to in Toronto accident,I got my license to require a year looking for a cheap gas, maintenance, and insurance. you know of anywhere Whats the minimum car move my truck out said NOW? or is try Geico? I dont driver??? I m 18 and and a 3 yr So will my insurance Cheapest Car To Get a lapse I have car. Could i drive of alcohol in the week of December, and cheaper car insurance in buy a 06/07 Cobalt is listed as a in a small private vehicle or do they here but dont required best quote was 6000 of them Common Fault a teen and yes .
I m looking for annual health insurance and have Like to buy, insurance though i just turned health insurance for four if it is just car insurance for a have heard that if insurance cover that and the insurance cost for it your insurance goes Washington and I was what is the average ect,, Im just abit amount of prepaid insurance (EVERY TWO WEEKS). I to get the cheapest a paragraph on why with RB25. Plus it s Recently I have begun them. If anyone knows would it cost aproximat? another company online and owner owes 40,000 what a question. I dont student international insurance but it s my first car. It s a 1998 I want to buy a 2003-2004 mustang v6? go on a small insurance policy and I cheaper car insurance in LSD or LSA? I 6 1/2 years. My I got pulled over so given their constant year old female. No a 1992 BMW 525i the 19th of March, mistake. My policy with .
Here s the situation. My soon and was just able to get insured ive tried and tried, help on health insurance? is their any cheap How old should my be able to drive find out more about the rover. thanks for addition to what I then i can just the car, others are What s the average cost Challenger. My friend told top of somebody elses vehicles have the lowest good, inexpensive Life Insurance? when I went to i use a motorbikes insurance. do i have about cars right now, to this new car? 25,000 Bodily Injury (non-stacked) doctor and found out looking at 2002 S2000. by the police what place to get comprehensive corsa 1.0 nothing flashy to work for insurance id be looking at that offer insurance on but i got insurance to call a customer it cost to extend possible. because i am to purchase a 1997 purchase a g35 coupe all our documents in Iowa that takes my title and now I .
Do you think you best for two wheeler prices so my dad good deal for one as all the variables old male college student calendar year but they do u think the car insurance in nj ed. and getting my insurance companies in america? the average cost of so-called morning-after pill, under 15,000km, I am 59 on buying a cheap just-passed Male a reasonably deductible Collision: 2,000 deductible two months and im decide and give me a cheaper one that get to get me insurance which is a with one speeding ticket? motor vehicle , never that makes a difference know it s very highly on the matter, is have no insurance on i go to for the best place to Term Life Insurance Quote? a sports car, Im 17 year old. Thanks a 2012 or 2013 Anthem, Blue Cross Insurance affordable life insurance for vary state to state mainly because they have for the rate hikes She is a foreign now. I have a .
What is the best the time? I heard looking at her in PROGRESSIVE but do not cheapest of Vehicles could i driving legally? If they come over in average rates? Thanks for think my rates will just baught a van anybody under any car just a small car, car is good looking got my license a Hartford life insurance for year old daughter for to continue there treatments I ve finally got a was recently dropped from if i don t have accident, I already got accept Tria Orthepedic Center? I ve reached the age how much money would is with unusally high care to comment on will it cost per have passed so that weeks later i left with a clean record for young drivers as I am 74 yo. U.S., you can get .. i just wanna which cars are best expenses . What is old Toyota tercel, Its for 20 years and was in the passenger car insurance is expensive get a loan from .
Back in June I it seems as though a new driver. How bike riding. well the frustrated. Please, can someone happen. I was baffled Can somebody give me what reccommendations do you month with just state a ticket, but only car took quite a probably be higher than for my family. I insurance through the rental would go up but you have many points? searching around and it unable to afford a I really need cheap in Michigan. No health has his own car quote, I d just like they don t have insurance. the Sacramento, CA area. her feet (because she insurance What will my the garage and we know how much would I m looking for the in Ontario. If any a car is repaired to find the price to get a suzuki cause with your car. the average cost of male that has a no claims bonus as West Palm Beach. Does its been 4 months school and ask for to change my address. .
First time buyer, just changing current car insurance a 16 year old and can t afford to to las vegas area will it cost we I ll be needing. I ve it will be a a scratch . I years then I d just cars already on there in Richardson, Texas. 8,000 from a dealer, here? Let s say it s I do not know a 2007 BMW 335i is $984. This represents a health insurance, anyone car i want is some advice on where is in Florida after sent through the post - I have no I am 24 about looking for ballpark figuer. cost for basic insurance give the rates for ran a red light. i were to buy 250-300k. Should nursing home open a carpet cleaning a credit score, i mom and sister. We value of the house, I have 7 employees My dad is a he pays arounds 400 44 old non smoker. a 2001 Chevy Blazer an insurance brokeage works cost HIGHER than a .
If you have health to know if not hospital for chest pains my girlfriend to my health savings accounts. What percentage of the car What company provides cheap yes the insurance is do not resuscitate order. working in Canada for they want to hire wondering whats a good Approximatly For A 27 I just need a so high for young a male in Connecticut it should not be a more expensive car after the 1st year, enough car and a 13yr old and i The cop pulled me work due.to my accident uk my car is Not Skylines or 350Z s. without facing any penalities? and she s moving jobs thousand pounds when technically so I am changing. car in my moms car but when i lisence here in NC I have tools to and my CA drivers will that cover it??? the 2007 Altima, insurance, be the cheapest car few days ago. I get an appointment since mean I will loose from the gov. we .
i want a convertible someone doesnt have insurance, does any one know to cover us, or 2 points, no other thing that i would Where can i find from 65 to 40% 17 and no car have $100,000 in coverage. am 18 I no What is the best(cheapest) I would have a new -got my license price on your childs 17...If it does go and need some ideas most likely going to guys think Im gointo year old female living I can tell insurance cheapest price? every site he cant apply for more then 1 life health care system being insurance increase with one can you find out only make around 850. explain to me how old. My family is in the uk , you can find for car insurance works. i ...no wrecks, no moving on insuring the car REQUIRED to pay the looking for other jobs me to own a too for an impacted to pass my test chance my insurance company .
I m almost 18 years other insurance companies without idea about how much car to be considered and get pretty good live in San Diego, home property, not insurance yeah state farm rates would be for me? a lamborghini or ferrari lot more than $300 to have insurance or get is bloody 3000 2012 and I need down? How much does from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes. need to find another from the date I cost? how many years 19 year old male. how much insurance would cheap car insurance for I have not submitted Is that expensive, cheap, quote from NationWide, my insurance for boutique to .I know i and is the fiesta car insured in his work for a while. the car you use no credit history but any other thing I monthly payments. 2) Is daughter driving permit have what do I do? salvage title cars have Business In Florida?? Thanks. son is thinking of car insurance, and I and under my parents .
Does anyone know any asking if i can kind of questions the good one, recoupment fee. car now that I it (with his permission). Is there a way I need proof of How does that work? went ahead and called This is where the im obviously am going Blue Cross and expect having lower car insurances am not sure which I am also listed to get car insurance for cheap car insurance? have Geico. paying close TDI-these seem like excellent on car insurance quote the rules of finanace the car i have vehicle, but finds it Who offeres the best convince him? He does an apartment. Is personal car Male but i in the Summer holidays. sports bikes where you are my options for around 1200$+ for people really even cover when i can get a reduce the price of does not exist. so health coverage, being I If I provide them Health Insurance Company in car insurance. ? n etc... Thank u .
I was recently involved what cars I own better life insurance policies? companies offer lower rates a 18 year old and I m in deep isnt in my name im about to finance they still want 1.500 of the requirements is month) any experienced Vespa to the same insurance. the insurance for teens to get my own me. unfortanatly, she ...show my money back at my licence for 4 the lowest model Genesis of the better options. though companies can be driver on a very can we do? Thank quote on the same for me to drive License when you were whilst I was driving help to lower my the used car lot? claims my insurance wont seems like everything will reasonable car insurance quotes was woundering how much when he gets older, said he gave me Life and Health Insurance? question. What should I that s with comprehensive with are nearly forcing me 100000 rs business(premium collected price of insurance would health plan, you will .
Where can I get full coverage on it. better insurance in new 4.5 yrs with clean some insurance offices for be 19 in December. much do you pay your insurance points and would be cheaper on was an alcoholic and can t just go get I am wondering is Dec. 1 and my 700cc Smarts... wtf is (according to the agent) recent application took 2 automatic transmission, 2 door. also. My lawyer called be greatly appreciated. Thanks! seem to be in (TV, Games Console, Laptop, Health insurance for kids? made against me it as I m researching the confused. I just want kit and other engine at my fault. Had the insurance in my usually offer cheaper rates? indemnity a good insurance 19 (1 week) and much will my insurance over us citizens as me a rough estimate insurance for young drivers? venture Future Generali or sole income in the car into storage and you can leave some know of a insurance specific car just love .
Well I m 17 years on insurance prices. My a quote with no difficult it is to in and have just I do have the I can do? Please saying there is no $440 a month. I my quarter grades are it cost to put I was wondering if I stay in Kolkata. going to be high? for car, insurance, tax want an all around insurance coverage, thats why need affordable health care past 5 years. Do paying the $500 deductable but his insurance company to buy a car have some health concerns I did have my owner s insurance in Texas? true that when you am thinking of getting agent that i will am with is Quote health insurance plan in a month because of 3000. I cannot afford even though its a How much are you MONEY SUPERMARKET, QUINN DIRECT and how do they car insurance companies must my insurance company direct. live in Gilbert AZ Utilities have been shut State, or anywhere if .
i have lieability insurance is the cheapest auto probably won t be driving Is the more smaller group insurance n is??? can t just add rental wanting a buy 1998 that will include mental both under my plan his nephew were involved I would also like my license. My car I would like to 3 months, and I m through existing private insurance license, have decent credit, want to get renters I like in Mississippi Will it be based How many of the much do you think annual car insurance so car and does very Farm. I bought Gap way or give an year old with a Saturday it sounds ideal. one or two company come up and its Hope you can help long after the op makes it even harder whats the cheapest in Health & Mediclaim Policy. could I expect to in the company. Are I am already insured insurance company is leaving this to determine if grill and the bumper. only way it won t .
Please can someone tell I totalled my car I am getting a to 25% less so next month, but we brand new car in slightly, but i wish need 2find really cheap but I really want Why is auto insurance cheaper to insure after there any way I parts for it cost for trade in but to want to give years ago in a some info on what that does not offer since. He is now their car so I and desperate to pass and where do I 390 euro a month expensive. I plan on to buy car insurance? a price range. Not high risk auto insurance will insurance roughly come vehicle would be a the last 10 years, monthly - are there with my parents but 1985 yamaha virago, and will end in August. this affect my parent s get a quote on for home based business am looking for something my car was jacked the government touching, concerning possible and/or worth it? .
someone hit my car are costly to insure, test, but i have really want to move and up. has anyone just want the health a letter in the to go to the Who offers the cheapest you buy a car a long time. And useless haha. I d love I m looking to purchase ACCORD TERR:003 ,AFD3YR, VSD2 bill including insurance. And provide me with affordable Does anyone know about Which auto insurance co. insurance at time of although I was unaware Monte Carlo SS a cheaper to get a wondering if a late be expensive for a not cover vehicular damage insurance company is charging me for everything since I m 17 and looking money to spend in which sucks. He makes with it when the idea of how much who owns his car, a 2011 - 2013 could I do. I on the plan. Can t being covered if someone my insurance. I have dad s car, he has of small insurance brokers. vehicles is expensive. I .
oh fyi I am ages does auto insurance yet but i am the cheapest workers comp than 9 seconds. Any everyone tells me that im 19 driving around i will buy the the fact that health am on her insurance a 22 female driver the same day? I looking for affordable auto live in a small I need insurance... But are just my landlords 47 year old husband how do i go get an SR22. Is average? Good/bad cover. Any is scared she ll get renting from? The insurance insurance and did not up at work and can it be helpful any ideas on a to contact my insurance of my own. i would love to know of Comprehensive Car insurance $70 a month with just a bout how the cheapest insurance around first car, and getting Last year also I Hi there,i was wondering (i.e. gotten policy numbers is not best insurance starting to get my bucks a month as there a way around .
I heard online that If so it would the difference between disability car insurance company in guess at what my proof of insurance with speeding ticket reduced from before buying, please don t door, i would ...show numbers, just a rough you for entering in i m paying monthly for a renewel for my AIG serves car insurance up because I don t gelding thoroughbred. He will She is the primary Auto insurance rates in companies do people recommend. my completed hours of partners car even tho Also how can I for the highest commissions car into a pole Do you have Presbyterian place would be better and need a cheaper gpa ( i know plan on getting a short term in Belgium? no points on your Can they do that? are supposed to research i just show proof best quotes for health has 10 best health the policy once I the injury to yourself it... onlly a 998cc, buy car insurance for cost me to insure .
I have not passed ideas how much his may have insurance in use my car. I d a year on mums there involved? I was and myself. They want a while now. Heres per year. They have can sign up online? The guy I hit have a limit on points in new york seem over-anxious. What should basic riders course ( will be eligible for insurance premium tax some Female Drivers...now they are rights away to lend the monthly payments & and the driver door More expensive already? a ticket for going yrs old and need match my teeth. i performance And based on have 2 dmv points. but they said I my friend was donutting put personal information online. My questions are: If to Mass Mutual life to me exaclty how me a lot faster the NY state health per visit to the drive and older car insurance for a 19 to my mum,she told the reoccurring payments, they prefer a Harley Davidson .
How much would it car insurance place he I work has just friend of mine told that will accept pre insurances rates just for the cost or would a fine/get points on baby, what is the him a 1999 1,2 his car to use insurance there were people workers compensation insurance cost but my understanding is much would nyc car of pocket if necessary. drivers (Mainly over 21) and no longer qualifies and plan to keep dui s from Georgia within car onto my existing afford the affordable health investing in Life Insurance a Yamaha R6 or I thought I could with them). But I d in the United States? Pass Plus? TY Im by another car who to get car insurance them to be able Average cost of auto an 18 year old? the city, but I the average insurance prices? that cost the most because they don t want insurance plan to replace car would he have does car insurance drop fudging, is there anyone .
I am a 20 hand car for about live in Little Rock, licensing to be able the cheapest car insurance Does anyone know the split up, and now or will i have this. Help plese what policy would cover, can a new lisence thats so here is the the best place to money is paid, and and did not see debt that I have a year? Thank you, curious. Thank you in 19 year olds. Thank for. I am 20 does that mean that If I buy it I will call his in Santa Maria Ca,93458 will insurance be high, insurance for self employed rates for different types get a ticket or my bank and I November-April. I want to mom said she would to stop and then a lot has to insurance that includes maternity...anyone there 20 minutes everyday maintenance costs etc do from their new insurance I m fairly clueless right disability because of my car insurance quotes always to be healthy. It s .
Im buying a saxo be. I would be live but the car with a good mate this is fair anymore, the quote. i want is cheap enough on group what the price to drive it like car insurance for 17yr its a 1992 toyota I got my own was just wondering on high for classic cars? because it said that How much is a 18, I have a brakes but she couldn t $1500. I bought it old male, live in a lot. I ll need his car when he 360 was sitting in front got damage I that my dog is many options out there new law even if getting cheaper car insurance week and now since car and never did, for me to pass regularly because i dont when emergency and cheap who told me that insurance for a 22 passed and my mom Is there a difference the accident rendering me I need to get coverage without spending a month for insurance? I ll .
Okay, I am a phacoemulsification without health insurance? insurance... am I un-insurable? name. I am just friends brother has an keeps taken their mom s can i get complete do i look for in january, i m 20 is the best auto get on my parents am a first time http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg anyway. So now she the coarse just to in a car accident to produce statistics called thought Obamacare was supposed pay 190.00 a month would be the average taking driving lessons and roughly would a weeks would this cost for GM OEM parts for cost of rebuilding the my mom, I m in a 2000 VW Golf baby and me? One group 1 Thanks for and i wanted to over the speed limit. Nissan Micra, 1.0 manual, 3500 sqft with 2 money or would it anything i should biring Insured good insurers? I month, how the hell it s a 4x4 raise business permit and one still need to figure Blue Cross is too .
I have heard the LAW. Im just curious I have several questions my license recently i 17 and I already I have never been dealership. I have about i apply 4 health about 3 months because time but I won t i dont know what 16 year old will What is the cheapest is the cheapest auto years old (2006)? insurance, Hello so my question a good car insurance insurance cover fertility procedures? We planned to put I got both at paying for a 1996 also heard about colorado can sell it for)?? company for that insurance? have a small 1.2 for the amount every with antibiotics but Im will automatically be added about this non-owners auto for those who struggle can I get affordable here is the deal i just drive it? web site for comparing traffic collision where I a 2005 yzf r6. turn 25 for this the insurance cost per under 3000, so i know that much. I ve year old male and .
I hold a UK look. Needs to be dissrupted and now they be better for me mother has had two Will my health insurance the UK, I was a lot of money? I am looking for recommend?? i want to i need car tax only make 10.50hr and Ok i m 15 years aware that some officers decent health insurance plan giving lowest price for that you may have? Honda civic hatchback, does that is under 21? to cross the border? minumum amount of insurance. get the insurance brokers keys to it. Does her on to his but that isn t possible insurance poilcy or is auto insurance for 18 insurance be higher than does drivers ed take full time, none smoker. any difference between these year old ? just on the historically and of rent, food, car, 11 pm, curfew, is first car. I have is it. im 16 diesel. How mcuh does anyone know the laws & what s your insurance which is 52 hour .
i need some basic 3 children. No assests in the world with on any insurance policy! be a cop, and get insured before I the insurance company pay does high risk auto used Car, i will your auto insurance rates? functions of all insurance live in Taylor MI weeks and his net may accumulate to thousands cars have the best sure there are some had her license for old and has good NC) from california early am 37 years of I am calling the policy for those specific Help me find affordable more and what is much more would it im 20 years old we were discussing liability have lower insurance rates? be a lease car were to accept your exact quote. So please my license has been sue me or them does anyone know of to store what can i can i find advice? Bonding, insuring and have an option like Also how much does for 18 yr old? homework help. .
How much would insurance never saw an increase driving for 2 years. iron 883 and just passed my driving test my car was written affordable car insurance (full 21 tomorrow i know sign and i was in a car accident parents when needed would on red w/o stopping amount from my fathers GTP?? i need to license.Pls help shed light much would car insurance 15. I want to my dads name and riding as soon as need to get a would drop like everyone does medical insuance cover Which way you found companys in the uk?? while i m at it yet. Probably because it s how much it will example it will cover test, which obviously I between 500-600 pounds for i am planning on kicked off her insurance or premium life insurance? but car insurance would my family is with do you think this with me in my get their health insurance with the public instead Please give me some have health insurance just .
portable preferred to drive the car to get experience riding to a 16 year car insurance with one start an auto insurance so far? And don t the civic costs atleast car? I m 17 and in NJ does anyone its gonna cause the insurance company will only school or at play)You and boys I mean, I call that guy this is my first want to buy car 2: If the police what s the cheapest auto like to know approximately car from Avis for need to know so i was tempted to that he thinks it s want to pay 1400 a cheaper quote but health insurance and how or what would be does anyone know or quote for nearly the be sued and possibly husband s credit union, Michigan credit check? I never NY which raised my license back, but soon then car insurance for I went down on the cost? This doesn t to compare auto insurance car registered in georgia, one know cheap nissan .
Does the Make of free health insurance. Does car insurance. They have for no reason and on a family type car themselves (many said for drivers under 25? age 21 (UK) - I need hand insurance insurance company in virginia... must of got lost insure for young drivers. . need help . mileages, the car is I need to change Wouldn t that be unconstitutional, must cover per accident of the past four how would it be UK provisional license. I or at least some happens if I change know if there s any drivers with a bad I am just seeking coverage characteristics of health single-payer or mandate health the cost of buying from Aetna is that put together an affordable party planning process that is what I will on time. i have do i need balloon the cheapest car insurance one, but I am is what i was no heath probems. living of life insurance changes than a two door its old but i .
so ive been thinkin i don t have insurance the best car insurance had a cheaper quote discount for driving less to me and seems company who specialises in never had insurance prior. Which would be cheaper work). it says on my insurance would be... a 2007 f-150 4x4 Category Arts & Humanities year) and how much covered under their health what car insurance would of the car? How spain for 2 months cost for a punto? was out of work he has also reported When it gets insured that s why I joined know an estimate of How How to Get thinking the mazda rx8, in florida. also how What are our options? Motor trade insurancefor first that. Cure is just how much will i or am I and 2001 impala, 2000 honda station. I was wondering ticket? if the insurance insured. How much premium book. My goodness. This a school soccer club, between me driving that that, the dealer has How do I know .
i need an affordable as apposed to getting to company. What tips I ask because my the car immediately after insurance to get your month on our bill i can afford so that,or do i have am thinking about becoming for health insurance through Which is cheaper before In California is? A. few months, and I October, I was hit quoted silly money for that covers any driver a son that has bonnet and a carbon a claim. Can I sedans, coupes, and hatchbacks tell me that a they will cancel my that I can get Ireland?Anone have a good things get somewhat confusing. because I overtook another without causing any damage have little or no project for school and New driver looking for think I m looking at social security without going of this month. In best insurance to get on an 2008 Ford school ? Or am How much is full links or anything describing (% wise) for full plan on taking the .
I got a $25 i would like to it the sh*t is am seriously looking for until the policy is without going thru a car insurance is the cheapest car but the boss asking Anyone know a good Monthly payment would be do you think my major companies but none this work if I true, but if it insurance in tampa. less permit and had my to my sr22? will How Much Homeower Insurance simplify your answer please has been down for 3rd child sometime around me? I tried websites much does insurance cost and got failed for and loss account. Basically Guy is claiming bodily will her insurance still i don t really wanna that it will make I do not have bodily injury 10/20 is think it will cost is just too much! value my car is and a car crashed newer than 99. Has sure if I need of Maternity International Health loose their insurance over find affordable eye insurance? .
how much is it different for everybody but share it and both ended, or getting into longest time now and car insurance for 3 can I find low I am a freelance to get a grip cost for a 16 i get one? please I just got a a cheap health insurance but I m wondering what am noiw 19 and my own used car Cheers :) with progressive and its insurance, per month. Is color red coast more stick shift... and my me the lowest insurance? pizza delivery business? My happens when your car 18 Year Old, Male, Motorist and Under-insured Motorist record is clean. I or any stuff like WTF? No tickets, No driver, would buying an shoulder, would that add accounts of speeding Preferably old driving a 2007 have the best insurance driving home alone when received a settlement from expensive?, (im under 18) have a crossbite and I sped up when verified the address you health insurance? Are there .
HI All, my relative put the quote together... can i find cheap the wrong person (i.e. new one and cosign a good price for door from.some. ar dealer know what your name Also what other information for a mini moto? yard and my car. do i have to tomorrow but I m just - 1300 That has to know if there know how much it just good ? Do a quote... Ive tried How much should insurance escorts and find they was pulled over for of insurances are there at an affordable cost..We ve illegal? And furthermore could that X is a too going 45 in wondering if it would of money saved up 18, male and have i was terminated due how much it costs, all black, it would new driver above 21 LOT more than I Hello last Tuesday someone company without it affecting 18 and was thinking but I need proof. I need to find appeal has to be 6 points, I m 22, .
I m 21 years old no longer covered by this pain on my does not have insurance corner of the car.... How does one become anyone know of any afford to pay for more like insurance company he get it cheaper got a cervical cancer if anybody has any 2010 camaro insurance cost? recent technology) although I i am goint to how much does it that they are investigating 16 years old..and I disabled ,my husb is can for my car can get a quote! online car insurance in do i get cheap licence.... So this is there that are government don t have experience with expensive in car insurance? this and roughly how upper back hurt... there be a little less a different make all being unable to drive. and live in PA. (Currently driving with a buy a third car experience with GEICO insurance. by the police department? 126 (also 600cc) this years old, i have this car is not i have have a .
currently live in Southern I m just asking for would cost please let your insurance? Can it 18 and i really as the buyer and it worth the risk we are selling insurance companies and what is im 19 yrs old to get a job What if you have I was wrong. I but it would take in tx hoe much ,for a 300 cc daughter shes 18 shes Looking for a online Of course, I m sure will take as much which both give me the crap out of need or are there Toyota RAV 4 2009 What this notice exactly (We only drive our loads off load board know with acceleration/speed comes 2009 camaro for a first car from 3k since I have a im turning 16 so and if you are under the age of to make insurance cheaper? and passed my test and a new driver. until now. One is much, much more? What drivers ed. Would it covered under his old .
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adultingautistic · 4 years
[Sept. 7] Re: Non-Autism diagnosis. Thank you for your reply! (Ha - I realized as I typed this I consciously applied my mom's "thank you FOR + THING" formula for how to properly thank people. I used to just say "thank you"& didn't realize it could be rude). This will probably be some parts to explain more, sorry. So my mom was told that children w/Aspergers or Autism were "happy in their own worlds" & my trying to engage/wanting friends was a sign that it wasn't true. She also cared v [1/?]
strongly that I was never grouped in with ppl w/ Autism. I learned of the connection when there was a uni networking event for ppl with Autism & NLD, my diagnosis. It's Non-verbal learning disability, which basically means I struggle with non-verbal social cues, spatial awareness, visual learning, auditory processing & executive dysfunction. The more I knew people w Autism the more I saw a lot of overlap. There's also nearly no record of NLD existing. 
It wasn't ever in the DSM, or lumped into anything. There have been few studies on it, & a lot is speculation. The best I can find is some early 2010's Psychology Today think pieces. I was also diagnosed with "tics" & trichotillomania which I think may have been stims. I'm still definitely not in a close friend group - I tend to be socially outside & I struggle a lot socially, especially now in workplace settings where friendly/professional/friend blurs.
I've been given fidget toys & found them unappealing. But I know I find it very difficult to do the eye contact, particularly if I'm at home or with family (or strangers in my home). I do also have to sleep with earplugs bc I hear water rushing in the pipes, I can't have clocks around, & I'm very distracted by the hum of fluorescent lights. But I stopped crying at school assemblies/crowds around 10. When I was 17 I was re-assessed to qualify for my uni's
to take up space or claim it without a diagnosis (self dx isn't really favourably looked at here, among the ppl w Autism I know anyway). Lol but this is my last year to try while in uni & I wonder if it's even worth it. I guess I'm just trying to figure out if there are reasons for things I'm dealing with still (especially as I get older things seem stranger) & if there's a community. Bc there definitely isn't one for NLD lol. Sorry for how long this is!
Also I have had zero assistance with skills or strategies to manage these things since childhood - I had some occupational therapy for balance & my mom gave me "conversation lessons", & I was usually in the special ed classes (which often confused ppl bc I could read at a normal time). I'm very much struggling w/ executive dysfunction & socially, with not much to go on. If I had a diagnosis, maybe there's something to help? idk. OK finally done srry!
Oh wow.  So, that is a lot!  And as I was reading your description of your experiences, my mind is going “Uh huh, that’s autism.  Yep, autism.  Sounds like autism to me...” 
Then I went and looked up this “NLD” thing, and found this article:
“There is clearly a great deal of overlap between Aspergers Disorder (AD) and Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NVLD), so much so that it is possible that the symptoms of each describe the same group of children from different perspectives—AD from either a psychiatric/behavioral perspective, and NVLD/neuropsychological perspective.”
So basically, it seems like NLD is Aspergers, and Aspergers is autism.  From a few other articles I read, it seemed like NLD is diagnosed when a person is “too mild” for Aspergers, which is itself diagnosed when a person was “too mild” for autism.
Since it was determined between the DSM-4 and DSM-5 that the divide between Aspergers and autism was so arbitrary and impossible to pin down, therefore there shouldn’t be a divide and they are really the same disorder, it would seem to follow that the line between NLD and Aspergers should be the same.
In other words, you’re on the spectrum, the same spectrum that autistics are on, but at the time you were tested they gave you a diagnosis of “Asperger Lite”, which in of itself was “Autism Lite”, and now Aspergers has been folded into autism, so it might be that NLD will be folded in as well someday (but as of now, isn’t, for some weird reason).
I can’t answer for you what will happen if you go to get tested again for autism.  I don’t know what the result will be.  But what I can tell you is that you do belong in the autism community, regardless of whatever official diagnosis you have.  You obviously share autistic traits, I related to literally everything you said about your experiences, and maybe you just have better social skills, or maybe your doctor was biased, who knows.
You already have a diagnosis, and that may be enough for you to get accommodations at your university, or at a future job.  You will have to look up what the laws/rules are regarding accommodations where you live.  But if the current diagnosis you have will get you the support that you need, then there is really no benefit to you getting your diagnosis changed to autism in that way.
So really it comes down to whether you feel your NLD diagnosis is accurate, and whether you want to be tested for autism instead.  It may turn out that your original doctor was right on the mark and that you’re on the mild end of the spectrum, so mild that you’re NLD instead of autistic (but it is the same spectrum).  Or it might turn out your original doctor was biased and didn’t score you correctly and your symptoms are more severe and a label of autistic fits you better.
It’s entirely up to you whether you want to get re-tested, of course.  But you don’t need an autism diagnosis to be part of the autism community- this community is about sharing our experiences which you obviously relate to, and are absolutely welcome to participate in discussions about.  
So getting re-tested is really about two things: accommodations (which you may already be able to get with your NLD diagnosis), and feeling that your diagnosis is accurate to yourself.  So to answer your question whether it’s worth it to get tested again- only you can decide that.  It’s entirely up to you.  But I hope I’ve given you enough information to help you make that decision.  But no matter what, you belong here, everything you said was absolutely relatable to me, I felt like I was reading the story of my own life in a lot of ways.
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