#i have had this tablet since. uhhh since like grade 5??
muirneach · 2 years
okay my tablet that i use for art is. broken?? or something. um it refuses to connect to wifi which means i can’t send any work to my phone (i normally use discord for this but this also knocks out any other form of sharing images). and the charging port is definitely sort of not working but it’s still kinda working so that’s a problem for a later time. um but also for some reason its not saving my art from my program (autodesk sketchbook) to my gallery?? which may be related to the wifi problem like i don’t think it needed wifi to save but who knows maybe it does and i don’t know it. uh so overall not good. so um????? help lol
#if my tablet was an ipad i would be able to airdrop to my phone and it would all be fine but its a samsung#also its not An Drawing Tablet its a tablet that i use for drawing#google is no help its like oh your wifi wont work have you tried having the right password or restarting your router#which like girl my phone and computer can both connect and this happened at both my moms and dads houses#so its obviously not my router!!!#i have had this tablet since. uhhh since like grade 5??#so okay. its been a good long time#and it was never a particularly high end thing to start with#but godddd i dont want to buy a new tablet#i could ask for one for my bday but thats in septemberrr :( also i hate asking for things lol#i might try plugging the wire into my computer and dragging the images out that way but thats annoying also idk how to#i can figure it out tho#um sorry im just. aghh girl i want to drawwww#might have to get autodesk on my phone ewww i hate drawing on my phone i dont want to do that#but i gotta get SOME work done#o good god if i ask my family for help they would. see my art. uh oh#man im so mad about this#man my headphones broke my computer has never worked right my tablet is dying at least my phone is hanging on just fine#i CAN still like. physically draw on it like the program still works#it just wont save to my tablet#so it feels very. not stable like if autodesk dies for whatever reason i wont have my work saved#so thats not good yknow#and like yeah i dont HAVE to post my art anywhere but i like sharing my art i do!!#sighhh now i have to go back to traditional only. sad! i like traditional but i ALSO like digital! why not both!
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cubistemoji · 6 years
thank u @iceandbrimstone for the tag!!
1) How many works in progress to do you currently have in progress?
2 that I’ve more or less abandoned forever (rip in pieces) and one that I started outlining and then decided to shelve until after I’m done w/school for the year and then another thing I was gonna do for the april camp nanowrimo this year but then just. didn’t. I might try to get that done over the summer too
2) Do you/would you write fan fiction?
not only do I write fanfiction I wrote an article about how great fanfiction is for my school paper a few weeks ago (and snuck in a reference to some of my favorite hq fics in the process lmao)
in addition to fic I also write articles and reviews for my school’s online newspaper, and comics! I write original fiction once in a blue moon too. I’m taking a class on fiction writing next fall so excited to do more original work for that lol
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
I used to always go for paper books and I like the sensation of reading a physical book but it is so. much. easier to just pull up a tab on ao3 or download a pdf and scroll through it
can’t get an autographed annotated ebook tho
4) When did you start writing?
I wrote a picture book for class in second grade and then discovered fanfiction on the scholastic dot com kid’s forum’s harry potter board when I was ten and it was like “you mean I can...MAKE UP STUFF...THAT HAPPENS...TO THE HARRY POTTER CHARACTERS???” so yeah I wrote some. embarrassing but decently-spelled and punctuated nextgen fic in those years
a few months ago I got an email notification that someone subscribed to my fanfiction dot net harry potter fic that has not been updated since 2011 and it was embarrassing
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
my friends! special shout-out to @raspberrymint-is-mint for letting me drag her to barnes and noble to cry about my fanfic for a thing she hasn’t even seen or read bc at that point I had zero haikyuu fic friends and anjali’s been my writer friend since like 6th grade and is the person I trust the most from a writing standpoint also @kenmagoesblep and connie who doesn’t have a tumblr
and @flashcotton, obviously, even tho they don’t read everything I write
6) Where is your favourite place to write?
on my laptop at my desk tho one time I wrote like 1500 words on my tablet pc during a 2-hour shinkansen ride from kyoto to tokyo. good times
7) Favourite childhood book?
the mysterious benedict society trilogy in english and either alisa or tanya grotter in russian
8) Writing for fun or writing for publication?
validation, mostly. I’m interested in writing for comics in the future maybe though
9) Pen and paper or computer?
computer please and thank you
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
once at nerd camp when I was 12 (it was about analyzing mystery suspense and horror in literature and film but we also wrote stuff for the class and everyone liked my things a lot for some reason)
11) What inspires you to write?
a lot of the time it’s “spite” or “well if no one else is gonna make this content I guess I just have to make it my own damn self” but also “I need to process these feelings somehow” like uhhh that richard siken quote: “I want to tell you this story without having to be in it” that’s where these two fics mostly came from I needed to tell everyone about my feelings by projecting those feelings onto some fictional volleyball boys normally my idea process is like: I have an idea, and then I think of character dynamics I like that can go with it, and then I start writing until the idea isn’t taking up 90% of my brainspace at all times
this was kind of incoherent sorry
tagging @kenmagoesblep and @ingthing @kon-centration even tho idk if you still check tumblr nowadays 
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random question thing?
I was tagged in this by @abookandacoffee ! 
I tag @songbirdsbooks, @shyvioletcat and @feyrhys and whoever else wants to do it! I’m terrible at tagging people. 
1. Are you named after someone? My middle name was taken after my maternal aunt.  2. When was the last time you cried? Well...I’m an Aquarius so I’m not really emotional when it comes to live human people but...definitely cried when I watched Moana the other day.  3. Do you like your handwriting? YES. 100% yes. My handwriting/calligraphy skills are my pride and joy. The one thing I will not be modest about. It rocks.  4. What is your favorite lunch meat? Not a huge meat fan but if had to choose I’d say turkey.  5. Do you have kids? Nope. No.  6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? ....I’m not sure. Probably not. I’m a big know-it-all so I’d probably either annoy myself, or we’d be super best friends who constantly tried to outdo each other. Or form our own Harry Potter trivia club.  7. Do you use sarcasm? Use sarcasm? I am sarcasm.  8. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes 9. Would you bungee jump? If it was over water or like a giant net over water over another giant net, then maybe. But probably not.  10. What is your favorite kind of cereal? Muesli cereal! I have a really boring/healthy palate. I don’t like anything overly sweet that isn’t dessert.  11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Depends...if I can’t slide them off with my feet because they’re tied too tightly, then yes.  12. Do you think you’re a strong person? Emotionally, yes. Physically...I have absolutely no upper body strength...but I have strong legs so there’s that  13. What is your favorite ice cream? Mint Chocolate Chip or Cookies and Cream!  14. What is the first thing you notice about people? Hair, clothes, then probably their eyes/eye color  15. What is your least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? My nose for sure.  16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? lol grey yoga pants and no shoes because it’s 8pm and I’m a bum.  17. What are you listening to right now? Parks and Rec on Netflix.  18. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Manatee (a blue grey) or Cadet Blue. Cadet Blue was my favorite crayon when I was little. Also I know my crayon colors, people.  19. Favorite smell? Lavender, earl grey tea, cinnamon spices, roses  20. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? I made a appointment to get my hair done.  21. Favorite sport to watch? Football. Or swimming because I used to be a swimmer.  22. Hair color? it’s like a mix of auburn/dark blonde? Honestly it just looks light brown inside and in the sun it looks gold  23. Eye color? Green!! Thanks to my blend-of-all-things-European mother  24. Do you wear contacts? Yep. Blind™ since the 1st grade  25. Favorite food to eat? Oatmeal or sandwiches.  26. Scary movies or comedy? Scary Movies!!! All. the. way.  27. Last movie you watched? In theaters? Logan.  28. What color of shirt are you wearing? Black.  29. Summer or winter? Winter. I hate the hot weather.  30. Hugs or kisses? Kisses. I’m 100% that person that side hugs you or gives you a look of death when you try to hug me. Don’t do it. Just take the high five.  31. What book are you currently reading? I just finished rereading ACOTAR and have started ACOMAF ( @abookandacoffee I’m sorry I can’t stop myself!!)  32. What do you miss right now? Sleep. The security of being a child under my parents wing. Anything related to non-adulthood. Puppies.  33. What is on your mouse pad? Nothing. It doesn’t exist. I use my mac or I use my cintiq drawing tablet for work.  34. What is the last tv program you watched? PARKS AND REC 35. What is the best sound? Rain as I’m trying to fall asleep, or just waking up.  36. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? Uhhh. The Beatles? Talking Heads, anyone?  37. What is the furthest you’ve ever traveled? France!  38. Do you have a special talent? Baking, drawing, knowing the most random of trivia tidbits, I play 4 instruments? Also stick figure drawings. Probably my best work.  39. Where were you born? Texas. The land of perpetual bi-polar weather. 
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