#o good god if i ask my family for help they would. see my art. uh oh
vampirenigh · 1 year
i hope this isnt weird or too specific--- (ignore this if u dont wanna do it!!)
i was hoping you could write about ciel and alois (blck btlr) with a very dreamy s/o? like, dreamy in so many aspects. like they look like they jumped out of a painting in a museum, or they could look identical to some figures they've seen in paintings. and their voice would be very calming too, quiet but clear iygwim.... like s/o is basically angelic and all that and their presence feels surreal to the boys
gn! reader if that's fine:DD
You are my everything
Hey. No problem at all. It's totally fine and thank you for your ask. I like when people send me specific asks because it helps me understand better and not mess up. At first I didn't understand what you meant by dreamy but because of your explication I think I got it. I will try to do gn but I never tried so if something is not right don't hesitate to tell me. And if you have any more ideas don't hesitate to send an ask.😁
Summary: Ciel and Alois whit a dreamy reader.
Characters: Ciel Phantomhive, Alois Trancy.
Warnings: gn!reader, some posesiveness in Alois?
Ciel Phantomhive
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He first saw you in town. He was with Sebastian to take some things and investigate a new case given by the queen. But the care was totally forgotten when he saw you. You were the most beautiful person he has ever seen. He knew that you are from an aristocratic family from your clothes and your maid but didn't know which one.
So he puts Sebastian to do some research on you and he learns that you were Elisabeth's cousin. He couldn't believe it. Even more when he first talked to you at Elisabeth's birthday party. You were just so calm and welcoming that he felt safe in your presence. Your quiet but clear voice made him feel like he could tell you everything and you wouldn't judge him.
And because of that he broke the engagement with Lizzy and started to court you. Elizabeth's mother was a bit mad but couldn't stop Ciel because he loves him as her own son and he deserves to have happy memories.
So you two start to date after some time whit a new engagement made between Ciel's family and your's. He started to call you often at his mansion and talk to you. He could've sworn that you were an angel from heaven when you first comforted him after he had a nightmare and you stayed at his mansion overnight. You were so gentle with him like he was made of glass and would break at the slightest touch. It was such a different feeling that he felt he doesn't deserve it.
All this time he thought that the only thing that counts is to revenge his family and to reestablish his family name but now he starts to doubt it. The only thing that he can think of is that he doesn't want to lose you ever like he lost everyone else. He will protect you whit his life and will make sure that you are always comfortable.
God forgive anyone that hurts or embarrasses you because Sebastian will take care of him.
Ciel would often come to you to talk about what is bothering him and would be grateful for who you are that he sends you different dresses and jewelry that he knows will look good on you.
In conclusion he will love and cherish you till the day he dies and will always be grateful for your presence even in the darkest times.
Alois Trancy
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He saw you in a museum in the art section. He couldn't believe how much you looked alike whit a portrait of a very beautiful women that lived over 200 years ago. He couldn't take his eyes of you so he made a move. He came to you and introduced himself in the hope that you will see him as fascinating as he sees you. And you did. You introduced yourself and engaged in a conversation whit Alois.
Your voice and your looks made him not want to leave you alone at all. He feelt like he is talking to an angel who came to safe him. He learned that you are the grand grand granddaughter of the woman in the painting and that she was one of the most beautiful women that lived in that time and that you are happy that you could resemble her.
He started to court you and made the engagement whit your parents. He asks Hannah some things that you would like and if you don't he will punish her severely.
He will eventually tell you everything about his past and about Claude. He feels so safe with you that he couldn't bring himself to hide it. And the moment when you just tell him that it doesn't matter, it doesn't define him he swore he could die right then and there as a happy boy.
He would tell Claude to protect you and to kill anyone who comes too close to you whit bad intentions.
He would be very clingy. He doesn't like being away from you. He feels like you are his lifeline and can't leave you.
Do you remember the time when Alois was on his knees in front of Claude to prevent him of leaving? He would do that when you wanted to go have some tea time whit another girl. (What can I say he has abandonament issues.)
He feels that he is the luckiest boy on the planet because he can have such a beautiful and calm lover who sees him for who he is and not for his money.
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artdcnaldson · 13 days
UGH ok twist my arm i guess!!!! as a little treat!!!! dr donaldson <3
so gynecologist art, yall, doctor donaldson. cat and i were in the dms TRUST. so art decides that he should probably have a backup plan, just in case tennis doesnt work out after college. he doesnt expect to actually need it because his tennis is going great, hes on track to go pro very soon. but JUST in case, he decides to use his good grades to study some kind of medicine. initially he had thought some kind of sports medicine, if nothing else then it would be good knowledge for himself down the line.
but after his grandma passes (not of a stroke) and he hears his family discussing how if only her gynecologist had paid better attention and taken her serious she might have lived longer (idk anything about medicine but probably some kind of cancer yknow?). anyway he sees that a his motivation and picks gynecology as his field. patrick absolutely teases him to death over it, "you're gonna be a pussy doctor? what so you just get to look at naked chicks all day? i'd quit tennis for that too". again he's not really expecting to need it, so he doesnt take it too hard. but he's kind of obviously the only guy in the course, and the girls all think he's kind of weird for wanting to pursue a field of medicine that isnt relevant to him. but after him telling the story about his grandmother they all coo and comfort him that its okey and they understand.
he does well in all his classes because he does truly find it interesting and wants to do his best to help women. but as he's getting ready to go pro, he has an accident on the court, as he's going to return a long ball he twists his ankle and takes a bad fall. his recovery is good, but his ankle will never be as it was before, and his chances of the big tennis dream slowly dies. and ultimately he's just unwilling to spend his life as a struggling tennis player, when he could be making a real difference.
now that he has his own practice he likes to tell that story to his new patients, especially the ones who seem tense with the fact that he's a man, who will be examining their most private area. it does well to ease their minds. hes been doing this for many years now, he enjoys the work, and the women who come to him are happy with his work. his patients are typically slightly older women, as they're not as phased by a male gynecologist, whereas most younger women arent as comfortable with the idea. he doesnt mind that, in fact he understands perfectly. honestly hes grateful for it, he fears the day he might have a patient whos just a bit too attractive and he'll have to struggle to keep his cool.
that day unfortunately comes sooner than he had hoped. its your first appointment with him after having him recommended by a friend, you had contacted him and told him how you were very unhappy with your current doctor and wanted to try something else. not having had a male doctor before, except like your dentist, youre very nervous for the appointment. not knowing what to expect from it, or how seriously he will take your issues. out of nervous habit youve gotten ready for the appointment as if it were a date rather than a clinical exam. showered, shaved, cute panties, hair and makeup done. its all totally unnecessary, but the moment you see him for the first time you thank the divine for looking your absolute best. GOD hes so hot. far too hot to be a doctor. lets just say that he wears scrubs because theyre so sexy, and they truly are criminally flattering on him. he sits on his chair, typing away as youre lead into the room by an assistant. as soon as he looks up and asks you to have a seat with him, you both know youre screwed. the tension is immediately noticeable as you discuss your reason for coming in, just a routine check because your last doctor wouldnt do it thorough enough and didnt listen enough to your issues.
he leaves the room while you strip off and leave your clothes in a neat little pile, panties clearly on top in the hope that he'll see them and think theyre cute. and he does, in fact his eyes keep fluttering to them as hes getting ready for the exam. he has to adjust his chair a little lower in the hopes that you cant see that he's getting hard. meanwhile youre going from soaking to sopping wet as you watch him put on the latex gloves, snapping them against his wrist.
he can tell that you're tense, but as its your first appointment with a male gynecologist, he assumes thats the reason, and not the fact that youre mortifyingly wet. he tries to calm your nerves by telling you what he'll be doing, he sits right in front of you on his chair and tells you how first he'll examine externally, just checking for anything irregular. then an internal exam with the same purpose, and then finally a physical exam where he will just have to feel your tummy as well as your pelvis to ensure everything is as it should be. totally routine stuff, nothing out of the ordinary, if anything hes far more attentive and careful to make sure youre comfortable. but the way hes saying it, his voice and the way he's looking at you has you clenching your thighs shut and trying to keep yourself from making a puddle on the table.
as he gathers his tools he asks you to place your legs in the stirrups, he sees you struggling a little to get your right leg properly in place, he gently grabs your leg and helps you place it properly. goosebumps cover you leg as he pulls his hand away again. you can feel how wet you are as youre not totally exposed to him, dripping wet, youve been less wet when hooking up with people. this is just from interacting with him briefly, really its embarrassing. hes so sweet asking if everythings alright, and if he can do anything to help you relax. and after squeezing your eyes shut and holding your breath for a second you finally get out that you just feel like youre really wet, and youre not youre not sure why, this doesnt usually happen. hes so sweet, trying to reassure you, telling you its perfectly normal. its a natural response from your body, if anything its a sign that youre healthy!
hes not lying, he really does mean what hes saying, it is good and it is normal. but hes never seen anyone be quite this wet during an appointment in his office. youre soaked, its practically dripping onto the table and forming a puddle. if he was sporting a semi under the table he might have referred you to a different doctor. but youre so pretty he cant help himself.
he really does try his best to stay professional and not let his attraction crack through and distract from his work. but fuck youre so tight around his latex covered fingers when hes doing the exam. and you only squeeze down tighter when he tries to reassure you, tell you youre doing good. its making it hard for him to focus on the task at hand. it takes everything in him to keep his hands from drifting and moving to find those sweet spots inside of you. he doesnt have to deprive himself for long tho as he accidentally brushed against your gspot. his cheeks turn bright pink as he hears a tiny moan escape your lips. and youd been so good at keeping them in the whole time too. but this one couldnt be contained. he stays good, doesnt say anything, just carries on with his work. but he almost lets out a moan of his own as he sees the ring of cream gathered around his gloved fingers.
he takes his work very seriously and he doesnt take the idea of losing his medical license due to malpractice lightly, so he wouldnt be just giving in to his urges. his resolve breaking doent come lightly, its a big deal to him. he goes home that day and jerks off in the shower while thinking about you, he knows exactly what your pussy looks like, what it feels like, how soaking wet you got for him. he cums again in his bed and humps his mattress while dreaming about you. he wakes up and decided he needs to see you again. asks his assistant to set up another appointment with you. when he asks what for, he stutters and says something about needing to do some tests just to be sure of something. hes lying, obviously, but he needs to see you again. he cant stop thinking about your tight little cunt...
ladybug your mind amazes me... <3
He can't risk medical malpractice, and he really is a good doctor, he loves his work, he wants to help people. And he's really never, ever reacted this way to a patient before, but god, he can't get you out of his mind.
So maybe he schedules a follow up for a week later. Maybe his heart is racing and his palms sweat when he walks into the examination room and sees you in the little fabric gown, hands in your lap, worrying your lip between your teeth.
He feels like a nervous teenager on a first date, not a fucking healthcare professional.
He listens to you speak about your concerns, walks through your test results from the week prior. Everything looks good, he says. Nothing felt abnormal, your body is working just how it's supposed to. Do you have any questions for me?
You shake your head, sweet and shy, aching for an excuse to get his hands on you again, but running low on things you can ask for.
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justmossyall · 1 year
depression hacks masterpost
these are things that will help with mental illness that aren't 'go outside, drink water, and everything will be fine!!!1!!!11!1!11!' those are good fs but they don't work on their own. these will actually help in one way or another :)
hell yeah let's go
open your windows. the fresh air and sunlight will do you good and it takes like 5 seconds.
go buy some plants, there are like a gazillion that are next to impossible to kill. and don't come at me with 'ohhh I'll probably find a way hahaha" NO. the plants will be so helpful! they produce oxygen, bring nature indoors which psychologically improves your mental state, and they're just nice to look at! you can name them! sculpt and/or paint little pots for them!
STOP LISTENING TO SAD MUSIC. I cannot stress this enough. it just makes things worse. please stop. make a playlist of all your favorite stupid, happy, pump-up songs and listen to them all the time until they get annoying. then repeat!
acquire a gazillion stuffed animals. so much serotonin for such a small price
get a water bottle and put fun stickers on it, and designate that water bottle to be only for water. nothing else goes in it. that way you can drink out of it for kind of a long time before needing to wash it. keep it filled with water and actually drink out of it. drink as much water as you can, all the time.
chew gum! idk why but it works bro. especially watermelon.
hug people and ask people to hug you. hugs are so amazing it's like pure happiness but with the added perk of Deep Pressure. it can be from your friends, family, s/o, whoever.
make sure there's a lot of light in your room. not good to wallow in darkness. put up fairy lights, get fun lamps, light candles, keep your blinds open, etc.
dress like how you want to feel. be colorful, fun, and comfortable. don't wear hoodies, sweatpants and ratty old shoes, I know it's appealing but it's just going to keep you in that depressed state. I like to wear dresses, colorful jeans, graphic tees from 5-Below, combat boots, and lots of funky earrings. (seriously 5-Below is a lifesaver for literally anything!!!) you can get a lot of these things for super cheap - I got a 20 pack of fun earrings like duckies, mushrooms, mini water bottles, etc. for like $11, and a lot of my colorful jeans are like 6 bucks at the thrift store. whatever your style is or whatever you want it to be, work to make that happen. because getting dressed is one of the simplest things you'll do in a day, so why not make the most of it?
doodle. it's fun and simple, and it'll give your hands something to do other than pick at your skin if you do that kind of stuff (see below).
on a similar note, make art!!!!! it doesn't have to be good!!!!!! just make art all the time, as often as you can. write crappy fanfiction. make friendship bracelets. sculpt a funky lil cat. draw your comfort characters. art is so healing and it will do wonders for you. even just like run your hands through a giant bag of beads like I do :P
get fidgets and bring them everywhere with you. this is more of an anxiety/stimming thing for me but I pick at my fingers, lips, pimples, eyebrows, etc., and it hurts a lot and will probably leave scars. fidgets are just amazing. I'm partial to tangles and infinity cubes :) gum and chewelry are good for this as well (for when I bite my fingers/clothes or chew the skin off my lips)
if you find yourself with a whole day with nothing to do and you don't have the energy to get up and do anything, go to the park. bring a blanket, some snacks, and headphones, and just lay there and listen to music. sleep. watch youtube. literally anything you would normally do when you don't have energy, except it's outside in the sun and grass and nature around other people who are doing the same thing! 10/10
get a pet if you can. even just fish, but really a fluffy, snuggly animal is probably best such as a dog or cat. OH MY GOD THEY HELP SO MUCH. ANIMALS ARE MAGIC. I don't think I've ever been sad while holding or petting my grandma's dog. (our family doesn't have one right now lol)
spray perfume/body spray on you. faster and easier than deodorant and it usually smells better
if you're gonna scroll, scroll pinterest. honestly, it's probably best to get rid of things like tiktok and snapchat, but that's kinda unrealistic for most people so I get it <3 pinterest is probably gonna be better than other social media cause it's more creative?? if you know what I mean?? and usually it's reading things and not mindlessly watching videos
if you don't have the energy to do stuff with your hair, put it up in a bun! fast simple and easy. takes like 5 seconds, even for someone with super thick curly hair like me. (or cut it short! but most of us aren't brave enough to do that lol)
eat fruit. sweet and comforting, but healthy!! so much better for you than junk food, and honestly it tastes better most of the time too. I recommend strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, watermelon, and cantaloupe. easy to take with you on the go and sooooo good <333
play calming video games such as animal crossing, minecraft, stardew valley, cats with soup (if you're into mobile games), etc. puzzle games are good too! if you want something more combat-y, I would recommend the zelda games or forager. still chill and mellow but has more combat and story/lore
garden if you can. I know this kind of ties in with having plants in your room, but if you're able and you have the energy, keep a flower and/or vegetable garden. there's something so beautiful in putting your hands in the warm dirt, smelling your freshly-planted flowers, eating sun-infused vegetables that taste infinitely better than store-bought. it's so nice, but I know it's not for everyone so don't worry about it if you don't get around to it <3
sleep in the bus/car on the way to school if you're tired. not a perfect solution but better than falling asleep in class
inhale through your nose, not your mouth. it's better for your lungs and you'll get better air quality that way. it also helps calm you better than mouth breathing, and you can't exactly smell the fresh air through your mouth :P
read. sit down and read a book. carry one with you wherever you go. spend a weekend day in the library with a huge stack of books just reading. it's so calming and helps stimulate your brain. doesn't matter what you read as long as it's making you happy :)
surround yourself with color, not dark drab colors. hang up art and posters on your walls, get bright blankets and pillows, lay out a tiny lil carpet, make bead curtains and string them up on your curtain rod, set out little figurines/sculptures around your room. put color and life everywhere around you, and that will start to seep into your soul.
tea is always good. or if you don't like tea, hot water with lemon juice and honey. basically the same :)
if you ever just don't want to do something, like you just absolutely don't want to get up and do _ thing, think about future you. would they be like "bro thanks so much you really helped me out there" if you did the thing? if yes, then do it, no matter how impossible it seems. you'll thank yourself later.
a statement that is near and dear to my heart: if you feel like everyone hates you, sleep. if you feel like you hate everyone, eat. if you feel like you hate yourself, shower.
NO MORE SU!C!DE JOKES. ever. the end! replace "i'm literally gonna kms" jokes or anything along those lines with "i'm literally gonna flop to the floor" or "i'm literally gonna go ham bananas on this place" or whatever wild bullshit pops into your brain.
watch studio ghibli movies. the most amazing things to ever exist. I have never felt sad while watching a ghibli movie. they are basically the definition of peace.
take a bubble bath!!!!! :D
making your bed helps for some reason??? why, I have no idea. but it does bro
get excited about things. smile when you hear your favorite song. hug your amazon package when it comes in. count down the days until a holiday. laugh with joy when you have an amazing day. it makes things so much better.
an important addition: bring snacks everywhere
that's all for now, lmk if you have anything else to add!!! love you guys, I promise it gets better <3
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evorathesylvurr · 13 days
i cant believe no one else in the limbus fandom is also into neopets.
"evora what does this mean" it means i know too much god damn neopets lore.
spoilers that go up to violet dawn walpurgis! you have been warned.
yi sang seems like the type who would have a kacheek or two
kacheeks are known for their friendly disposition. theyre also one of my favorites but thats unrelated. he'd also probably have a eyrie.
he'd be the type who has done all the plots. even the ones before he joined. (how? don't ask.)
faust is a crazy aisha lady. look. look. as an aisha enjoyer, i get to claim this one as one of us. aishas whole thing is being really smart.
faust strikes me as the type who would enjoy the battledome honestly. theres so much strategy that she probably cant have the faust hivemind tell her what to do.
don quixote spends neocash to have extra slots so she can dress up all her little guys. she chooses team altador every single time and also her favorite is a gelert.
don probably has event exclusive items but she probably got them off of her friends. also she has every limited time pet.
ryoshu would probably have a WONDERFUL time on neopets so long as she doesnt get her account frozen lmao. girl do not post your art. girl the neoboards arent ready for it. girl your spyders.
yeah all of her neopets are spooky themed or red/phantom/halloween depending on what they can be painted. you will never get her to admit it but her favorite neo is her jetsam.
meursault would play if only because he is autistic and so am i. maybe a shoryu (takes a second for info to load)
meursault knows the ins and outs of the neoconomy. like, jellyneo is in his head.
hong lu has a uni. i was going to give a uni to yi sang for the whole wings thing but unis fit hong lu so much better. this man spends so much money on neocash i do not care if hes actually been cut off from his rich family funds. he is using his salary for his silly little digital unicorns.
he shares don's enthusiasm for the game because i said so :) no i think this small little thing might be really healing for him if his family is shit. neopets makes me cry every now and then like for real because its so warm.
heathcliff picked neopets up because of ▢▢▢▢▢. his favorite is the lupe but he also quite likes acaras.
he takes SUCH good care of his neopets. he doesnt even put them in the lodge. he does his daily games to get his neopoints, goes to buy them food, feeds them, grooms them, plays with them, etc. they have perfect stats but theyve never seen a day in the battledome.
ishmael has a flotsam and thats it. no but she actually mostly has maraquan neos which means shes limited to customizing them :( her favorite is her maraquan vandagyre.
ishmael customizes her neos as best she can. they have the best enrichment tanks. ishmael is also insane at destruct-o-match. do not competitive 1v1 her in destruct-o-match you WILL lose.
rodya has a kyrii and a ruki. she has extensive lore for her neos and you should NOT ask her about it.
rodya is active as hell in the neoboards and she helps everyone with their fairie quests so much. rodya shop wizard extrodinaire. we love you.
sinclair is a pound adopter. his lore is his bruce came from the pound and now they go around adopting pound neopets. every single neo aside form his bruce was a pound adopt.
sinclair does those pound rescue touchups you see every now and then where they take a pet in the pound, give it a new paint job and/or lab zap, and return them to the pound so they have a better chance at getting a forever home.
outis plays neopets too because i said so. average scorchio and grarrl enjoyer though.
enjoys a good chia flouring. she uses her fucking paycheck to chia flour small kid's neopets (she doesnt do it to the other sinners she might be mean but she knows for a FACT she will not hear the end of it for MONTHS)
gregor's main neo is a blumaroo actually :3 i could have given him a buzz or a ruki but that is a cheap blow and i actually think it's cuter to give him the little bouncy guy :3
he enjoys playing the minigames and he leaves his pets in the lodge :( but its ok theyre having fun at the lodge.
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autumnaaltonen · 2 years
What if Alucard’s S/O was not afraid of his restriction level 1 form but instead felt comforted by it like they were being fully embraced by him maybe they even give Baskerville some pets
Alucard's S/O Reacting to Restriction Level 1
Warnings: none
You'd have to be in a pretty shitty situation to witness Alucard let go to Restriction Level 1
There's a reason Abraham Van Hellsing had the Control Art Restriction system created, and that's because there is so much power packed into Alucard, having it all out at once would create city-wide destruction (gee where have we seen that before)
So for Level 1 to make an appearance, Alucard must be very desperate to keep you safe
Each of the Six control restrictions have a different form associate with them, Level 1 being what I like to call "Leathercard", due to the leather buckle strait-jacket suit he wears
And of course, as seen with his fight with Luke Valentine, Level 1 also allows Alucard to access some of his more powerful familiars, including the Black Hound of Baskerville
I think Alucard's S/O's reaction would really depend on the era they were born in, considering how desensitized Millennials and Gen Z have become to horror, violence and general creepiness
So going by today's standards, when his S/O finally sees Alucard in all of his Level 1 glory, their first thought would probably be around the lines of "haha, cool"
"My lover is so amazing, AND his ass looks great in leather"
Let's be honest with ourselves here, if you're being courted by Alucard, there's a monster-fucker somewhere inside of you
So Level 1 will definitely turn you on, if just a little 👹
I only watch Hellsing for that one hot guy
Oh yeah, Vladcard, right?
—Yes. The age appropriate, conventionally attractive man. Definitely not leather bdsm daddycard
Alucard would initially be uncomfortable with showing you this side of him, he knows what he is, and that's the monster of all monsters, bloodthirsty, merciless, and violent
As he prepares himself to console you, imagining screams of horror and tears falling down your cheeks, he's quite surprised to see how unfazed you are
But honestly, he shouldn't be
You fell in love with him, after all, knowing of the piles of bloody laundry he carries on his back
"I like your dog," you smile, making grabby hands towards Baskerville. He allows you to caress the black hound's shadowy fur, enjoying how it tickles your hands and face
"You look good in black," you smirk, "though I can't imagine you getting all those belts off in time for dinner. Need any help 😏 ?"
After this incident, Alucard takes this time to educate you a little more about himself, and the Control Art Restrictions that bind him to the Hellsing family
If you ever ask to see his other forms, it would need to be in a safe and open environment where he could make sure you won't get hurt
He just hopes to God or Satan that you'll never have to see Level 0
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vampsquerade · 2 years
Hey, can you write a little story where Gaz s/o is an artist, they both go on an artist date (painting together, visiting museums together). Just a big art day. Thank you ❤️
YES oh my god art dates are so cute 🥹 i used some inspiration from a museum date i went on a couple years ago. i hope you enjoy! thanks for the request pandora 💕
Gaz x GN!Reader: Sketching The Day
Trigger Warnings: none, all fluff
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“Hey love, do you want to go on a date today?” Kyle asked, looking across the table at you. You perk up slightly, smiling widely. “Yes, please! I’ve been wanting to go on a proper date with you for so long since you’ve come home.” you say. “Grand. I’ve got a good set of things we should do today before it’s over.” Kyle says. “Oh yeah? Are you gonna tell me what, or is this going to be one of those surprise dates?” you ask. “Hmm,” Kyle hums, tapping his chin with his finger before grinning and nodding at you, “definitely is. You’ll just have to wait and see. Now go get yourself ready, alright?” You can see the warmth on his face, and it makes you happy to be able to finally go on a date with Kyle.
His last mission was pretty tiring from what he was allowed to tell you and it didn’t help with the fact that it was one of those that took up more than half the year. Months had passed and finally, you were able to be with your beloved boyfriend again. After getting yourself all readied up an hour and a half later, you go back towards the kitchen and see Kyle’s already changed. You smile and give him a hug, inhaling a bit deeply because he put on a cologne you really liked. “All ready to go now love?” Kyle asks, giving you a kiss on the head. “Can I stand here and just smell your cologne a bit more?” you ask jokingly as you continue to sniff him. “You’ll have plenty of time to smell it once we get back, I promise,” he says.
Pleased with this deal, you pull away from him and the two of you head out to have what you considered your first “mystery date.” After a bit of driving, you see your first stop is what you assume to be a family-owned art supplies store. “We’re doing an art date, aren’t we?” you ask excitedly. It was something you had wanted to do for so long, and seeing Kyle surprise you like this made you happy that he remembered. “We are indeed! Now then, let’s get ourselves inside and get what we’ll need for the most important part of today’s date.” he says cheerfully. Kyle helps you out of the car and continues to hold your hand as you walk inside of the store. You’re amazed by everything inside, as there are paintings, sketches, and several other little art displays made by patrons and the owners themselves.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Kyle asks, chuckling softly at your amazement. “Yeah…and it smells so nice in here.” you say softly. “But does it smell better than me?” Kyle jokingly asks. “Nothing could ever smell as good as you.” you say, letting go of his hand and wandering off. Kyle stands there for a moment, a bit stunned despite the warm sensation in his heart before he follows after you. The two of you discuss whether or not to buy some watercolors alongside the sketchbooks that Kyle planned on purchasing for the both of you. “Have you tried using watercolors before?” you ask him. “I have, yeah. It’s a bit more tedious than I thought it’d be when I first tried it.” he says. “Would you be willing to let me teach you some more? I’m pretty good with watercolors myself, plus I think it’d be a fun way to bond some more.” you suggest.
Your lovely boyfriend then turns to you, the watercolor set still in his hands, “I reckon I’ll have to take you up on that then. Nothing better than getting to spend time with you.” Kyle says, giving you a wink. You fluster a bit, taking the set from him and putting it in the little basket you had grabbed. A bit more of looking around and gathering things you’ll need, the two of you then pay and make your way out and to what Kyle considered the most important part of your date: a museum that was the closest to your shared flat. Sketchbooks and pencils in hand, the two of you pay to enter the museum and begin your date sketching the various sculptures and paintings you see.
It definitely helps with your sense of perspective once again, as getting to see the bottom half of the sculpture gradually gets further and further away from you the larger it is. The shadows and highlights in the paintings also made for good practice in shading again while giving you that nagging question wondering why you had ever stopped focusing on it as much as you had. The two of you decided to fill up as many pages as you could before the museum closed, considering the two of you went a bit later in the day, heading out into the rain. “Tsk…typical England, am I right?” Kyle asks, making you laugh. “One learns to live with it,” you say as you carefully step further out to reach your hand out of the shelter of the porch of the museum and into the rain, “and thankfully it isn’t too hard. We’ll be able to make it to the car!”
Trusting you fully, Kyle then removes his coat and drapes it over you. “Even if the rain isn’t too bad, the cold definitely is. Let’s head home for a nice tea, yeah?” he suggests. Smiling and giving him a kiss on the cheek, you nod and the both of you quickly and safely make your way to the car. Kyle helps you in by opening the door and taking his coat off your back to put it in front of you to help you readjust to the cold interior of the car. Shivering a bit, you reach back and put your sketchbook into the backseat to make sure it didn’t get any more wet than it possibly was. Kyle then gets into the car and does the same before starting the car and letting it warm up.
“I had loads of fun today with you, Y/N. I’m so sorry that we can’t just have more of a normal life to do things like this more often.” Kyle apologizes, abruptly breaking the silence between you two. “Don’t be sorry. Whether you’re here or not I’ll always love any time I get to spend with you. Even if it’s something as simple as getting to just wander around a museum and sketching the things we see—any time I just get to have you makes me happy.” you say. Kyle smiles, leaning forward to gently cup your face with one hand before giving you a kiss. You kiss back, bringing a hand of your own up to caress his cheekbone with your thumb. “Let’s get home, I don’t want to risk you getting sick from the cold.” Kyle says once he pulls away.
You stare out the window a bit as you pass by the now dimly lit streets of England, watching the rain fall as it falls past the streetlights. The soft pitter patter combined with the lights and movement of the car relaxed you enough to cause you to fall asleep the way back home. Kyle glanced over at your sleeping form briefly, smiling softly to himself as he continued driving. Eventually arriving back at your shared flat, you’re carefully carried inside and woken up once you’re laid onto your shared bed. “Hm?” you hum softly as you come to, sitting up and rubbing your eyes. “We’re home. I’ll bring you your pajamas then help you to our room so you can get dressed. I just wanted to set you down real quick so you could try and sleep a bit longer while I got them.” Kyle says.
The amount of care in his voice makes you smile, reaching both your arms up to try and get him to embrace you. Kyle immediately clings to you carefully, rubbing your back and kissing your face all over. “I love you lots, Y/N…truly…I’ll be right back with those pajamas.” he says. You’re let go of and left alone for a moment as Kyle goes to the dryer and comes back with your pajamas. He made sure to warm them up a bit so you’d feel better after being in the cold rain earlier, and the amount of attention that Kyle put into caring for you showed you exactly why you stay with him despite him constantly being away. “You’re the absolute best boyfriend, Kyle. I really can’t express how much I love you but I wish I could…” you say sleepily.
Kyle flusters a bit and you just barely catch it, as you love the way his eyes just shine a little bit more than usual when he does. You yawn softly as you change into your pajamas; Kyle’s turned away completely from you so you don’t have to see him fluster again as you change in front of him. “Oh come on Kyle, you’re gonna see me naked someday. Maybe I could even let you sketch me nude for anatomy practice.” you tease. “I-I know that! It’s just…you know, rude of me to look at you without your permission…” he says, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. “I know, I’m just teasing! But do know, you most certainly always have permission to look at me when I’m changing.” you say. Kyle nods and sighs then gets his own pajamas and changes in another room, much to your dismay.
You liked when he took his shirt in front of you.
Kyle then steps back into your room and finds you laying down half asleep, the blanket resting halfway on top of your body. He smiles softly and turns the light in your room off before going to join you under the blanket. He readjusts it so it’s properly covering you and the action itself has you nuzzling up to him for extra warmth. Kyle chuckles softly, completely wrapping his arms around you. “Did the museum date really make you this tired, Y/N?” he asks. “Mhm…it was just so fun and relaxing…let’s do it again someday…” you mumble sleepily. “We will, I promise. Get some proper rest now.” Kyle says, kissing the top of your head as you nuzzle further into his chest.
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watery-melon-baller · 2 years
lilith for the ask game sorry im ill about her. if you don't wanna do her hunter
i will do lilith (threat)
What I like about them
she is petty and hilariouos. also once she chills out in S2 shes very like. awkward but trying her best.
What I dislike about them
she lacks so much common sense i am sorry. she is smart but not wise. please make better deiciosns i am frustrated watching you. you can ask others for assitance it is ok
Favourite moment
punching belos in his stupid face but also just like most of elsewhere and elsewhen
Least favourite moment
when she spent the entirely of o titan where art tho trying to wriship her 8 year old nephew like girl. please see a therapist steve is very correct.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
this kind of applies to eda too but id love a little more of like. clawthrone dynamics as kids or even as teens before/after the curse. i want to see dell being a good dad to lilith because i have. thoughts. on gwen.
An interesting AU for this character
once again i am advertising my reverse au. lilith has The Worst Time ever because she winds up stranded in the castle after like. season 1 finale. there is only one chill adult (chill is very relative and onlu applies half the time) and its hunter. god i should post more about that au lmao its so FUN
A crossover
uhhh hmm. i dont really have any crossovers i guess??
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
Other ships?
her and darius are just. bitchy. they joined the coven together so it was like. they are mean girls. they dont Trust trust each other but its like i know you wont backstab me or try to assasinate me
hm. again just no weird age gaps or incest. again. aro lilith. so nothing. uh lilith/belos is esqpically squicky
An assortment of headcanons! 
uagghhhh um. so many of my hc about her are from YOU its theivery but uh a few of my own (mostly family dynamics lmao):
shes the kind of gal to chew on her pens and have them explode in her face
i imagine gwen was more focused on like. eda as a kid (she was a bit of an overbearing mother and so if one of her kids was in distress/unwell/needed help she would focus all attention on fixing their issue be it sickness or homework. and most of the time that was eda because lilith made more of an effort to keep straight As and Follow the Rules) so lilith wa sleft to her own decives a lot (espeically since I HC dell wasn't arounf as much as he wanted to be bc of work) so shes independent and super weird about accepting help
oh and also shes autistic. on so many anxiety meds.
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safyresky · 2 years
Dani: reblogs a thing about ask box shenanigans
Me: M Y T I M E H A S C O M E
It's a me. Lurking. About to hop on that art train when I spotted the post. You don't have to do all of them but here are a handful of fanfic titles that I wanna see what your vague ideas about them would be
Happy meal
The footloose sensation
Paranormal piracy
The golden ticket
Four eyes
The shortest day of the year
Anyway, I hope you're doing well my friend and if you aren't I hope it gets better for you! 🤗💕
(cracks knuckles, stretches neck) HERE WE GO
Happy Meal
In which Fino and Fiera's attempt to go buy themselves happy meals goes very, very awry!
They decide to go to a mall to get their micky dee's and get very horribly distracted, and also, they are on fire. This is a normal human mall, btw. The Magical Bureau of Investigation has their work cut OUT for them lmao
The Footloose Sensation
I have never seen Footloose, and after reading the plot page for it I'm like "oh my god I cannot believe this is a real movie based on a real town" so here's THREE IDEAS for you
Footloose the movie craze hits the North Pole. Shenanigans ensue
A hypothetical experiment goes wrong, and now everyone is dancing to the Footloose song and it's really getting in the way of the day's work tbh (or any song. Maybe it's like the SINGING episode of shows, but with DANCING. Jack's like MY TIME HAS COME and single-handedly navigates them all through the final dance number of footloose to break the dancing curse)
A Bad Santa bans dancing. Elfsburg Footloose parody/rip off ensues 😂😂😂
Paranormal Piracy
Well past her days of Piracy, Jacqueline finds herself in WAY over her head when a ship of ghost pirates kidnaps her, hoping the famous Bruexa de la Niege can help them navigate through and onto the perilous, once thought mythical, Endless Winter Island to find the supposed lost treasure that resides there that would surely set them up for the rest of their (after) lives.
Do they know they're dead? I am unsure at this time, but it is somehow FUNNIER if they DON'T. I know for certain though that Jacqueline very much thinks the entire time, holy snowballs, I hope this treasure is real so that when they find it they can move on to the Great Beyond and I can go back to bed.
The Golden Ticket
A teleporting mishap lands teeny-bopper Jacqueline in a secret room of the family home. A secret room that is a treasure trove of magical knowledge. For the briefest of moments, she has her brother back.
Four Eyes
Fino's magic school frenemy gets glasses. Everyone teases the poor orc until he snaps and accidentally makes a magical beast with four eyes that attacks EVERYONE. He and Fino team up to stop the magical beast, and put some bullies in their place!
The Shortest Day of the Year
Winter sleeps through her own birthday 🤦🏻‍♀️.
People keep trying to talk to her. Blaise has to fend off a LOT of people to make sure she gets her rest! winter wakes up, realizes she slept through the entire day, shrugs and goes "Well, I've had thousands of birthdays, and there's plenty more to come, I'm sure." Meanwhile, her hubby looks like he has fought a whole entire second and third war while she slept.
Thanks for sending one in! And for others who are like "tf is this ask box shenanigan?" send me a made up fic title and i'll tell you what i'd write :)
(thoughts and general musings under the cut)
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! Meant to post yesterday but got distracted by errands, and today we tackled the Fear Ladder I created to get over a new fear of driving on the highway thanks to the dealer comparing my car to a sick PUPPY that needs to be put down--and yes, they said puppy. IT'S BEEN. AN EXPERIENCE, THIS WEEK! DON'T GO TO DEALERSHIPS IF U CAN AVOID IT. FIND URSELF A GOOD MECHANIC THAT WON'T TUG AT UR HEARTSTRINGS WITH PUPPY METAPHORS.
But yes things are going okay and I think I've got the wedding invites almost ready to go which is a RELIEF ANYWAY, YOU DID NOT ASK FOR MY WEEKEND LIFE STORY AND YET. MY MOUTH IS A MOTORING. AS PROMISED, MUSINGS:
I got stuck on the golden ticket one and had to do a think and a half, lmao, but then it popped into my head yesterday before bed and I was like "oh god the angst. the hurt comfort. holy fuck."
I may actually write some of these up??? ANYWAY the musings I promised:
please someone ask me about Fino's orcish rival I am BEGGING i could go ON (I say that now but in the event someone asked I think I'd be like ... uhh. he exists??? but i love him even tho he is a hazy concept)
y'all don't even KNOW my brain has been PLAGUED with thoughts of Frost kiddos and their SOs, specifically the twins
i have no idea if there is a dance number in footloose, but given the titular song i have to believe there is, y'know? and I HAVE to believe Jack knows it and to defeat the dancing curse they gotta reproduce the number PERFECTLY. Jack's like "MY TIME HAS COME"
Fino and Fiera get HELLA DISTRACTED at the mall and it is chaotic as FUCK. Fino walks by an electronics store and is like "I am going to fiddle and click every button". Fiera keeps running into the little like, hallmark esque shops like "is it magic or not" and BOTH kids meet their doom with clothing, oh my god. they didn't even KNOW they liked nice clothes until the moment they lay eyes on the pretty dress shop! Shame ordibeing clothing isn't usually fireproof ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
anyway they 100% get banned, 3 fire trucks and several casualties later
AND to tug at ur heartstrings: I realized that once Jacqueline found Jack's secret library, she had like ALL of his magical knowledge at her disposal and could KEEP TRAINING PAST THE WINTER MASTERY WINTER KNEW?! So now when she says "I learnt from the best!" she truly does mean it bc even tho he wasn't there she STILL learnt from him
and u bet ur ass when they reunite and he picks up that she learnt from his shit Jack's like "cool! ur form is sloppy and that's not being done right" and helps her refine her skills, yo
i am SOFT for these siblings
anyway ty again for the ask andie! also, LOVE that u love the shenanigans tag lmao. i dont even remember how I came up with that one but my GOD shenanigans is such a fun word
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lupinsfavslytherin · 6 months
8-14-23 Dream Log 
This story started out as a dream log, in the my own POV. But i wanted there to be a resolution to the story, so there is an addition POV from the officer's perspective. As you can see by the date, its from a while ago. I was in a dark place at this point in time. Not saying that I'm out of it. Just slowly climbing the walls I've put up. NGL, the second pov is a bit hectic but I hope yall like my writing.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Panic attack, Angst.
Y/N’s POV:
It was chilly outside tonight, so I waited in my family’s van. I was waiting for my date that would be accompanying me to dinner. He was a nice fellow. We chatted to each other through a dating app that my sister pressured me into downloading. We agreed to meet each other here at the restaurant . Once it had been an hour passed I knew he wasn’t coming. He was too good to be true. I had messaged him multiple times through the app, but no such luck. I sighed, putting my head down. Damnitt! I threw my phone to the passenger seat and put the van into reverse. Speeding out of the parking lot, I was thinking of what else I could do. 
I went to the art museum where my cousin had some pieces being presented. Just as I arrived she had a box of her stuff and she was heading to her car. Apparently she was let go from the position and her boss placed someone else’s pieces up. She also scowled at me and flipped me off. I looked beyond her, and the rest o f my family had sour looks on their faces as well. I asked what was the matter, but no one said anything. 
I didn’t know what to do, I didn't want anyone to see me cry. So I hurriedly backed out of my spot and tried turning out of the circle of parked cars. God damnit! Why was this parking lot so confusing? I tried turning the wheel once I saw the way to turn out of the lot. But it wouldn’t budge. The van kept going straight. I finally managed to turn a little bit, but not before scraping the corner of some incorporation’s van. Then I was lurched forward when my own hit the curb and onto the flowerbed between the different lots. Shit I was going to have to pay for all this stuff, wasn’t I? I tried backing out, but someone else's car followed behind me, and I hit them as well. Oh my God! Could this get any worse?? I floored it out to the next parking lot and parked my car. I could barely breathe, so I jumped out and ran towards the building. 
Before I could get to the doors, I saw a canister of something being thrown towards me. It released a cloud of smoke and gas. Now I really started panicking and ran to the side, up to the garden on the roof. My head and heart were pounding. There were different steps, I had to go down to get to the lilac bushes. I stopped myself once I got there. I felt something wet on my hands, wiping my face. I had already started crying on the way. Damnit. I couldn’t stop myself from letting more tears fall. Holding onto the railings I curled myself over. I smelled the lilacs and it helped the tiniest bit. But the tears wouldn't stop. I heard footsteps and looked over. There was a scruffy man with a police vest on. 
“No please! Stay away!” I cried out. I just wanted to be alone. I could barely see as  another man stepped down behind him before I turned to shrink myself down into a ball. I was bawling now, unable to hear over my cries and the synched pounding rhythm my head matched to my heart. I was so tired of everything and everyone. I just wanted to be home.
Tom Hanson’s POV:
“She ‘s hysterical sir!” My officer mentioned. I looked over her trembling form.
“Go ahead and help the others with everyone else’s statement. I got her.” I told my colleague. He wavered his eyes back and forth between me and the girl, unsure. “Don’t worry I’ll be fine. She’s only scared.” That motivated him to listen, so I turned my eyes back to the girl, as he went back down to the scene.
“Please. Please. Please. I just want to go home.” She sobbed out, before gulping for air. She was having a panic attack. Upon seeing her state, Tom’s hardened police exterior softened, empathetic and concerned. "Miss, my name’s Lieutenant Tom Hanson, but you can call me Tom." Tom softly spoke, stepping closer, his voice a mixture of authority and concern. Y/N’s breathing fastened, her glance darted around, and her palms grew clammy. Experiencing her first major panic attack, she felt the world slipping away. Tom recognized what was happening immediately. Years of police work did more than harden him; they made him sensitive to the human struggles he encountered daily. It wasn't a thick skin he wore, but one permeable to compassion.
Taking on the role of a protector and guide, he started speaking comfortingly to Y/N, "You're safe here, Miss. I need you to do something for me. Can you do that?" Still gasping for breath, she nodded slightly, the undulating sea of fear in her eyes indicating her distress. "I need you to close your eyes and take a deep breath. Can you do that for me?” There on the cold, glowing rooftop, a beacon of warmth was emerging. Its source wasn't coming from the towering lamps of the museum, but the shared humanity nestled between a distressed suspect and a caring officer. Y/N closed her eyes and was guided through deep breaths. Her trembling started to slow. Gradually, the intensity of her panic attack began to subside. Tom’s soothing voice was a steady rhythm in the discordant symphony of her chaotic mind. And there it was, the bridge - a simple human connection amid the complexity of law. Once Y/N was stable, Tom led her gently to a bench and got her a bottle of water. He even convinced the precinct to let him personally handle her case, given her mental state. "Thank you, Tom," Y/N's voice was thankfully softer, filled with gratitude and a newfound strength. Tom simply smiled back, reaffirming that beneath the coat of justice, sometimes what was needed was a human touch. His simple act of empathy reshaped that bleak evening into a story of compassion and kindness. So, there in the City Museum’s garden, a concerned officer transcended his blue uniform to offer a shield - not just of law and order, but of empathy and understanding. His act was not monumental, but for Y/N, it was life-altering. And sometimes, that's all that mattered.
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rainsmediaradio · 9 months
DCLM Daily Manna 21st December 2023 Devotional by Pastor W. F. Kumuyi — What Praises Can Do.
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TOPIC: What Praises Can Do. Text:  Psalm 86:11-17 (KJV) 11 Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name. 12 I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore. 13 For great is thy mercy toward me: and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell. 14 O God, the proud are risen against me, and the assemblies of violent men have sought after my soul; and have not set thee before them. 15 But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious, long suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. 16 O turn unto me, and have mercy upon me; give thy strength unto thy servant, and save the son of thine handmaid. 17 Shew me a token for good; that they which hate me may see it, and be ashamed: because thou, Lord, hast holpen me, and comforted me. KEY VERSE:”I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore. For great is thy mercy toward me: and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell.” – (Psalm 86:12,13)
Years ago when I was struggling with restless sleep, I started a new habit, says a Christian mother. “Throughout each day, I tried to notice every blessing, large or small, that came my way. Each night in bed, I named them one by one and thanked God for them all. Not only did this practice change my attitude from negative to positive, but I often fell into a peaceful sleep before finishing my list. God used a time of struggle in my life to help me to develop an attitude of thanksgiving”. The psalmist showed forth his gratitude to God, praised Him with all his heart and glorified His name. Though he faced many challenges from those seeking to destroy him, he was sure of God’s compassion, mercy and truth. He pleaded for strength and deliverance that those who hated him might see God’s goodness and comfort toward him. Praising God in all circumstances, good or bad, not only strengthens the believer but also opens into his life the door of miracles and deliverance. Many Christians are either too ignorant or bugged down with present predicament to praise God the way we ought to do. They enter into His presence only when they have burdens, needs, complaints and requests. They are always asking for more and never stopping to give thanks or show appreciation for the good things they enjoy from Him. God has, this year, wrought for you and members of your family, such things as deliverance from sickness and affliction, accident, ritual murder or terrorist attack, which would have resulted in you becoming either homeless, lame, paralysed, blind or dead. Stop complaining and learn to give thanks to God for the past blessings and you will be delivered from your present and future predicament. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Praising God in all circumstances delivers you from present and future troubles. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Zechariah 10-14 Read the full article
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shirogane-oushirou · 11 months
RO I HAVE COME BEARING ASKS: 🦊, 🥧, and 🌇 for both Rens and Oshirou please :D
Also, kinda f/ovember-y ask: What are both Ren's favorite thing about you? Like, what do you think they fell in love with first, after meeting you??? 👀✨️✨️✨️
( @verykissablepixels )
YIPPEE!! thank you so much reffie!!! 🥰 i've already answered some for ren, but i'll HAPPILY rant about oushirou for those~!
(answers + art under readmore bc i can't shut up for a SINGLE POST!!! too much juicy lore to chew on here...)
🦊 What kind of cozy animals would you and your f/o be?
oushirou has major red fox energy -- fluffy red hair / fur, extremely mischievous, has a silly vibe while still appearing very graceful, and when around the few people he's comfortable with he'll wag his tail and laugh-squeak in excitement 😭 and yet when he's pushed into a corner he can flip a switch and hold his own in a fight. i'd love to be a cat and cuddle up into his warm fur and feel safe!!! 🥺
🥧 Do you and your f/o bake or cook things for fall?
i don't think oushirou's very used to being in a kitchen... he grew up as a little rich boy, lived in a high school dorm but had his meals given to him (and was an opportunistic gatherer, as seen in the post-valentines-chocolate-hunt event lol), and then became a world-traveling journalist and photographer with little downtime. BUT! he has a sense for good food and starts picking up some skills when he brings back recipes from around the globe and gives me a Taste (tm) of his travels.
so i think if he's around during the fall, he'd want to put together something not commonly eaten here but is seasonal for other places around the world + fairly easy to put together if you're able-bodied, like lamb karahi, peanut stew, or solyanka. i could help with prep, but he'd INSIST on taking care of the rest -- instead, i could spend the cooking time ask him all about the places he'd been since i'd last seen him!
🌇 Describe your perfect fall date/day out with an f/o.
oushirou enjoys going on walks during cooler weather! going through parks, picking up pretty leaves and rocks, holding hands and snuggling close to keep warm, teasing me if a leaf lands in my hair... if we planned to go for a longer walk, he could push me along in a transport chair and i could bring some lunch to eat while we rest at a bench. he'd also enjoy shopping for cool-weather clothes together! maybe something to match each other to connect us while he's gone.
assuming he's already taken me to a number of hole-in-the-wall places in the city, doc!ren and i would rent a car and drive out to someplace more remote for a day or two. maybe a cabin? a place with a nice porch to sit on together, where we can share a blanket and Fucking Chill (especially him. god. his body'll give out on him if he doesn't fully unwind every once in a while...). we may also do the walk-and-a-picnic bit!
with r!ren... i think we'd tend to keep it simple! my family likes to go on short trips during colder months, so while they're out + as his schedule allows, he'd come over and we'd hang out together while i house sit! not TOO different from what we usually do, but the vibe is different... nobody to tiptoe around, freedom to use the kitchen and other main areas without being bothered, cuddling on the porch, no "oh you're going over to HIS place are you? 😉" from nosy family. just... normality. very cuddly normality. (ALSO also he'd like walks. all of my Guys like their walkies i guess ksdfknjsn)
as for both rens' first / most fav thing about me.... i'd say passion? or maybe the "gap moe" between the subdued way i normally present vs when i hear my sleeper agent activation phrase and go Special Interest Mode.
though it plays out differently for both of them -- for doc!ren he's passing through a waiting room and sees my one-winged eagle mask, and for r!ren he's helping me find something in the store and notices the beato keychain on my bag -- our first connection is:
"oh wait. that piece of merch... you're ALSO into this niche piece of queer media that's significantly longer than the fucking bible so few people have read the full thing?? AND you're a flesh and blood person i can talk to face to face??? AAAAAND the fact that you've already mentioned your fav character is [xxxx] during this 5 second convo means you're 99% likely to ALSO be queer like me in an area located in the bible belt????? 😳😳😳" kjadnjn.
that instant switch-flip from quiet politeness to GAY AUTISM-TO-AUTISM COMMUNICATION i think is endearing to them. and when they find out that passion extends into creating and collecting as well? it's Joever. neither realizes just HOW joever it is yet, but i mean... r!ren's willing to IMMEDIATELY help me to my car and hush-hush ask for my contact info (bc who else is into this kind of thing in bumfuck nowhere???), and while doc!ren waffles on it for longer, he eventually does ask if we can completely stop the professional relationship and just be straight up friends with no weird conflicts of interest (he isn't my direct doc but he's part of the team i'm seeing).
tl;dr they can't get enough of my autism swag KJEDN /J /J /J /J
(and i can't get enough of theirs.... 💕💕)
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Oh, I so liked your art of Eira and Six, and if you'll do their children, I would love to see them too, and I'm sure they'll all have highest rewards!
Also, interesting fact, I just realised that monsuno characters drawn so proportional, that my face is literally Six's face, but with dark circles and hair. It felt so weird to see something terribly familliar in Six, and more weird to realise it's exacly your own face.
Also, I'm playing one game, now I wont name it, and it has Eclipse kingdom Dynasty, who were very technological, but royal's right hand scientist decided to became a God, and all kingdom perished from Head Celestial God's anger, and pure blooded dudes became immortal seeing their half blood families turn into terrible monsters and lately got killed, even children.
Also, Sun(o) dudes here kinda exist here. Also, that alchemist made around 5-6 clones, and only one survived as he thought, but later revealed two others too, one of them was killed, and one run away, and other dead one is surely know to be a giant bloody dragon. Also, that clone alive, he said that one day he would turn into giant monster and kill everyone and asks main character to save everyone from him when that happens. Also, main character is sun(o) dude, and this clone and one his alive brother is not just that eclipse scientist's clone, but main character's too. Just like we know where.
And Eclipse kingdom is underground kingdom, and is in desert, and there were their underground high Tech hqs, a lot, with robots, controling rooms and everything.
Also, there is one shit, one of guards of royal family was pure blooded eclipse dude, and after a few hundred years after destruction he was traveling, seeing his people dying, get killed, turned into monsters, and he tells main character that they cant be saved. But he lies, cause we later reveal that not so long after everyone perished King found way to take off curse. And instead of seeking for it or use it directly, he just was wandering around, crying over everyone and telling "oh no, poor hooman, they cant be saved, but it's so sad to kill them, but I need too, so saaad". Piece of fuck. I really wanted to kill him because of that. And if someone helping his nation, even if it's SAFE WAY, he just stop them with main character and lying down and cry about what they cant do anything, but they know they can.
The art style in Monsuno is rather unique in terms that it looks easy to draw and it’s inspired by anime, but it still looks like the artists have drawn them in rather almost realistic proportions and Six is a good one to choose to study because he’s a basic look person that you can study his anatomy and practice him and after you’ve drawn him repeatedly, there’s a chance he just helped you get better in drawing the basic male anatomy.
Anon, I did read the entire post, and I did like it since it can be linked to Six and Eira and Monsuno, but considering how some gaming fandoms work here in tumblr, I don’t want to get flooded by people within the fandom who might know what we’re talking about. I myself play a pretty popular Asian gaming app that has elements of horror and dress up and have liked art from its fandom, but I don’t engage with them since I don’t always play the game and I have missed a ton of lore during my time not playing it and really I don’t want to get things wrong if it annoys people.
Still, thank you for telling me this entire lore, it truly is interesting since it shows how the developers really want their story to shine, and thank you for the good luck on Six and Eira’s children. I truly hope that they can achieve their parents’ achievements, but considering the limit of awards in the art competition is three ribbons, I have to be strategic about them and place them in the correct categories.
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muirneach · 2 years
okay my tablet that i use for art is. broken?? or something. um it refuses to connect to wifi which means i can’t send any work to my phone (i normally use discord for this but this also knocks out any other form of sharing images). and the charging port is definitely sort of not working but it’s still kinda working so that’s a problem for a later time. um but also for some reason its not saving my art from my program (autodesk sketchbook) to my gallery?? which may be related to the wifi problem like i don’t think it needed wifi to save but who knows maybe it does and i don’t know it. uh so overall not good. so um????? help lol
#if my tablet was an ipad i would be able to airdrop to my phone and it would all be fine but its a samsung#also its not An Drawing Tablet its a tablet that i use for drawing#google is no help its like oh your wifi wont work have you tried having the right password or restarting your router#which like girl my phone and computer can both connect and this happened at both my moms and dads houses#so its obviously not my router!!!#i have had this tablet since. uhhh since like grade 5??#so okay. its been a good long time#and it was never a particularly high end thing to start with#but godddd i dont want to buy a new tablet#i could ask for one for my bday but thats in septemberrr :( also i hate asking for things lol#i might try plugging the wire into my computer and dragging the images out that way but thats annoying also idk how to#i can figure it out tho#um sorry im just. aghh girl i want to drawwww#might have to get autodesk on my phone ewww i hate drawing on my phone i dont want to do that#but i gotta get SOME work done#o good god if i ask my family for help they would. see my art. uh oh#man im so mad about this#man my headphones broke my computer has never worked right my tablet is dying at least my phone is hanging on just fine#i CAN still like. physically draw on it like the program still works#it just wont save to my tablet#so it feels very. not stable like if autodesk dies for whatever reason i wont have my work saved#so thats not good yknow#and like yeah i dont HAVE to post my art anywhere but i like sharing my art i do!!#sighhh now i have to go back to traditional only. sad! i like traditional but i ALSO like digital! why not both!
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Wandanat x Female!Reader
AU where Natasha co-owns a gym and teaches martial arts, Wanda is a lawyer, and you work in a doggy daycare.
First mini part to my series Forever & Always.
Kinda like an introduction I guess.
If someone asked you what your favourite part of the day was, you could answer without thinking. Most people would probably say the evenings when they get to relax, or dinner because they're surrounded by their family, but not you. For you, waking up was your favourite.
If you were single, you would've hated it like everyone else. But since 3 years ago, you loved it. Your girlfriends easily made waking up easy, no matter how early it was.
You ran your fingers through Wanda's hair as she stirred awake. Her head was on your chest, her arm tightening around your waist like it did everytime she woke up. Your other girlfriend, Natasha, was cuddling into her from behind. She still hadn't woken.
"Hey, beautiful," you whispered into the morning air. The greatest honor in your life was seeing her smile. The type of smile that was only reserved for you and Natasha.
She lightly groaned and buried her face into your chest, knowing she had to get up but didn't want to. Even though her job required getting up at 7:15am, she was still not a morning person. The opposite of you.
"I don't want to get up," she whined, breathing in the mixed smell of you three on your shirt. She lifted her head to look at you and pouted. You planted a kiss on her forehead and she smiled. God, she was so adorable in the morning.
"Stop moving," a raspy voice behind Wanda complained. Natasha lifted her head off the pillow to playfully glare at you and you sent a huge grin back. Her hair was messy as hell, but you loved it. Only you and Wanda would ever see the badass Natasha Romanoff in this state, and that made you grin wider.
"Good morning, I see you guys are definitely ready to get up for the day," you teased. The two redheads groaned and Wanda turned around to bury herself into Natasha, the latter wrapping an arm around her protectively.
Natasha used to be a morning person too, getting up even earlier than you. She only slept 5 - 6 hours per night until Wanda convinced her that more sleep is more valuable and healthy. She complained that she needed to open up her gym for the day everyday, but you quickly reminded her that her friend and co-owner Steve could do that.
So from then on, it was always you waking up first. As creepy as it sounds, watching them sleep brought some kind of peace that you desperately needed in your life.
You got out of bed and pulled some sweatpants on, but not before placing a kiss on both of their heads. You could see that Natasha was trying to hide a smile, but failed. She was a sucker for domestic and cute shit.
"Why do you have to be so... awake in the early hours? It's literally your day off," Natasha says, her morning voice blessing your ears. Wanda turned around to face you again.
"Why wouldn't I be? Plus, you two still have work so get those sweet asses up!" After watching them both eyeroll at the same time, you walked out the room to the kitchen. You loved your apartment. It wasn't big but it wasn't tiny either. A good benefit from having girlfriends with good jobs is that you didn't really have to worry about money. Of course, you had your own money from your own job, but there was nothing wrong with appreciating the riches that came from them.
You opened the fridge and smiled widely when you saw your favourite food. It was wrapped in tinfoil and a note was taped to it. It read 'Thank you so much for the help!' A thing you loved about Wanda's job as a lawyer is that she always got gifts from her clients. She was extremely successful in her job and she had quite the reputation. It was like she could control minds or something, she was so convincing and she always managed to say the exact right things. Not losing a case in years was something she was proud of, and so were you and Natasha.
As you unwrapped your breakfast, you heard footsteps come down the hall from the bedroom. You looked up to see the cute topic of your previous thoughts rubbing her eyes as she sat down on the barstool. The shower started running which explained why Natahsa wasn't with her.
She looked at your food lovingly and you could tell without words that she wanted some. You grabbed another plate and set it down in front of her, giving her some of the food.
"Thanks, baby," she smiled and dug in to her food, moaning at the delicious taste.
The next few minutes were spent making small talk as you ate. These moments of peace could not be beaten. As you washed up, Wanda went to shower and Natasha walked into the kitchen with a towel around her head.
"Hey babe," she said, coming over to your side to kiss your cheek. You greeted her back and kissed her on the lips.
She smirked and grabbed some bacon and eggs from the fridge. You went to get ready for the day.
When Wanda was finally ready for work, you all kissed and hugged goodbye, wishing her well. Since Natasha didn't go to work for another hour, you decided to cuddle on the couch and rewatch your favourite show.
This was peace.
Accidently posted this before completing, think no one saw tho so it's fine lol. Let me know if there's any spelling or grammar mistakes :) Reblogs are appreciated!
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unfoundhoney · 3 years
being karl jacobs little sibling ↠
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↠ karl jacobs x reader ; fluff
↠ masterlist
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hello to the entire smp’s favorite
you’re a big sweetheart like your brother
you’ve got this feral teasing, satan spawn side once you get comfortable around someone but it’s more cute than anything else
karl has always adored you & been protective of you
he used to be mean to you & tease you all the time but he grew out of that & now he is the bestest big brother
he loves you ok :(
you’re the baby of the family & karl must therefore make sure no harm comes to you
no one’s allowed to bully his baby sibling unless it’s him because then it is okay
he was the older brother who would just come into your room & lie on your bed & pretend that he’s doing it to be annoying but really he just wants to spend time with you
when he got his license he would always drive you places
school, friend’s houses, mcdonald’s, the gas station at one in the morning
he likes spending time with you i just want to make that point very clear
you two have always been really close & he just loves you alright
you’re first introduced to the internet as a possible winner of one of the many “one of the crew’s siblings gets the prize” mrbeast videos
you didn’t even know what was happening karl just picked you up one day like “get in loser, we’re doing a mrbeast video”
& off you went
suddenly you’re everywhere on the internet bc people just absolutely adored the way karl would check up on you throughout the entire video
which was obviously kept in because quality content
he brings you on or all the mrbeast videos he can
like the christmas lights video?
you were there helping him & sean win
animal shelter video?
short little clip of karl facetiming you to show you the puppies & the camera just hears you “aw”ing over them
eventually karl does a stream w/ you & the plan was to play kirby’s epic yarn
but karl just gets absolutely spammed on discord
by who you may ask?
i think you already know
it’s tommyinnit begging karl to get on the smp w/ you & let him talk w/ you
tommyinnit: KARL
tommyinnit: KARL PLEASE
eventually karl relented & went on the smp & had you play
here comes big man tommy (& co.) to farm more “i spoke to my friend’s sibling” content
(you) haven’t you already done like fifteen of these videos?
(quackity) holy shit, did y/n just call tommyinnit unoriginal?
(george) i think they did oh my god
you meet tommy obviously & the other feral bois & a bunch of other smp members you bump into as you’re wandering around
karl shows you kinoko kingdom all proudly
he gets all smiley when you talk about how much you like it
you & the feral boys are kind of iconic ngl
bc you’re actually really funny you’re just kind of shy & need someone to hype you up
and these himbos are just the men for the job
karl would love to make content with you as long as you were comfortable with it
imagine doing a cooking stream but you like actually know how to cook smth & karl’s just your little assistant/hype man
(karl) go y/n, go y/n, go go go y/n
(you) i am literally putting salt in a pot of water
& then at the end karl just going full big brother braggart mode
(karl) guys this is literally the best thing i have ever eaten you all wish you had a sibling as cool as mine haha as if no one is as great as y/n so haha get rekt losers
meanwhile you in the background like “please stop”
the mrbeast crew absolutely adores you as well
chris especially is very verbal about how great you are
& there’s this clip of karl & jimmy just absolutely demolishing you & chandler in a chicken pool fight
suddenly it’s not a mrbeast video w/o a y/n cameo in some way
you are tucker’s official babysitter, what a privilege that is
it’s cool thought bc tucker loves you
you’re just such a lovable person
karl would totally love painting your nails or letting you paint his or whatever
& if you’re actually good at like nail art???
he loves you even more now wow
might help you up your fashion game or ask you for fashion advice too
he likes to show you off like a proud parent bc he just thinks you’re great & wants the world to know how great you are
would defo cry at your graduation just saying
prom/school formal?
cute picture of you all glammed up & laughing as karl is literally on the ground bowing to you
would go to as many of your games/recitals/concerts as he could if you have them
& if not he’d be sure to hype up the little achievements like a good test grade or baking a cake
basically: it’s karl’s job in life to make sure you know you are loved & appreciated
you all have one of those “siblings but besties” type of relationships
cuties, we love to see it
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Family Cuddle Pile
a/n: I actually wrote this a while ago but it was perfect for the request. Theirs like, no content for this ship an I love it so much! Thank you for reading :) @arodynamic-enby
Pairings: romantic Anxceitmus and kid!Patton also super background Logince
Warnings: tattoos, less than ideal parent mentions, food mention, and light cursing
Word count: 1,844 
Remus flopped out of bed, throwing his body carelessly across the room. He hastily threw on his clothes. Short shorts, ripped fishnets, a vest that was more patches than original material, really big clunky shoes, and a ripped up band-t. He also hooked his favorite bone earrings in his tattered earlobes. 
He stomped into his apartment’s kitchen. He grabbed a stale piece of bread he soaked it in coffee. Yawned and grabbed his bag, racing out the door. 
His brother was waiting for him at the tattoo shop, sketching a new idea. Unlike him, Roman only had a few tattoos, including not one, not two, not three… but three Disney quotes, a frog on a mushroom, a rose on his arm, and a constellation. Most of his tattoos were covered by tasteful burgundy overalls and a white button-down shirt.
Remus’ tattoos were also mostly covered by his clothes. But he had a tattoo sleeve depicting the garden of Eden, a matching frog on a mushroom, a quote from one of Roman’s books, medically accurate bone structures on his hand, a realistic spider on his neck, and a snake wrapping around his non-sleeved arm. And those were just the visible ones. 
Suffice to say, the twins were very different. 
Remus threw his bag onto the floor in the backroom, “Ro, when’s the first appointment!!” he yelled. “Your’s? At 11. FYI, Jan n’ Pat are coming over at 12, for motivation” Remus smiled, fuckin’ superb. 
He busied himself in collecting the ink and preparing the tattoo gun. The client wanted a fucking orange on their wrist, it should only take an hour or two but Remus was not excited to do a frickin’ orange circle. 
The prissy orange bitch came in and Remus got to work. They didn’t move much and only cried a little bit when the needle started jabbing at their skin. Remus liked this part of the process, stabbing people consensually was his favorite thing ever… also the art part but stabbing people!
Almost exactly an hour later the door jingled open. “Dada!!” a tiny voice called back into the store. “I’ll be there in a minute patty-cake” Remus called from his spot hunched over the client's arm.
He added the final touches to the fruit and helped the orange bitch off the chair. Roman swept the client away, Remus practically ran to greet his partner and son.
Janus wore a leather corset over a black collared shirt and baggy pants, their long platinum hair framed their face under their signature hat. They were holding hands with a toddler wearing mostly pink and blue, his blond hair (that matched Janus’) was a mop of curls barely held together by a few butterfly clips. 
“Dada, Dada!!! I got you a flower” the little boy cried, letting go of Janus’ hand and stumbling towards the tall man who scooped him up. Patton giggled and held out a sweaty flower clenched in his chubby fist. 
Remus accepted the flower with a gasp, ”this is really for me?” he said joyfully. Adjusting the small boy in his arms Remus turned towards Janus who was looking at the pair with a disgustingly sappy expression. 
“What are you lookin’ at hot stuff?” Remus teased. “Shut it you,” Janus said, pressing a kiss to Remus’ check. Patton made a noise, “icky” he said pushing Janus away. They laughed, “yes darling, we’re very icky”. 
“When’s verge-“
“he’ll be home at 4” 
“Stop by the Sleepy Café before you bring Pat to the apartment?”
“Can do scootal-lo!” 
Remus turned back to the little boy in his arms, “looks like you're stuck with me squirt”. Patton beamed and snuggled into Remus’ chest. Janus smiled again, “I’ll see you, boys, at dinner,” they said, ruffling Pat's hair and peaking Remus on the lips quickly so as to not upset the toddler. “Bye-bye Janny!!” Patton called after Janus as they left for work. 
“Righty-o,” Remus said, carrying Patton into the back room. “I know Ro’s got a couple coloring books, wanna do those for a bit?” Patton nodded and reached towards the ground to be put down. Remus plopped Patton on the couch and pulled out the book and pens as well as a sketchbook off his own. They sat together coloring and drawing until Roman came back to hug Patton. 
“Ah, my favorite nephew!” Roman said, scooping up the little boy. Patton laughed and pulled Roman’s hair. “Roro, can I color your arm pictures??” he asked, pointing to Roman’s rose tattoo. Roman plopped the toddler back down on the couch and handed him a pen. 
Patton went to work on the rose, scribbling reds and pinks and greens across his arm. Roman gave him complements each time Patton paused, and each time Patton shushed him and went back to work. Remus finished up his sketch, adding it to the pile of tattoo ideas they were eventually going to put up-front, and sat next to the toddler. 
“That’s really good pat-” 
Remus nodded and mimed zipping his lips. He liked spending time with the kid. They weren’t biologically related but who gives a fuck about blood, unless it’s outside of your body, then it’s fun. 
“I don’ wanna” Patton wined his dad sighed “I know bubbles but we gotta go home to Papa and Janny, isn’t that fun” Patton considered this, “but Roro’s pretty arm picture” he argued. Remus scratched the back of his neck, “Pffffff- Ummm, how about this, we go home now and I’ll take you back to the shop tomorrow after pre-school” 
Patton brightened considerably, “ok” he chirped. “up please” the toddler’s chubby hands reached towards Remus who obediently scooped him up with a coo. After all who was he to say no to uppy hands. 
“See ya tomorrow, have fun on your date with the nerd” Remus sang as he snatched his bag juggling the still fussy Patton in his other arm. “Fu- Frick off Re. Say hi to your partners for me,” Romans said affectionately and waved as his twin left the building. 
Remus happily trotted out into the road. The tattoo shop was located on a quaint little street in the more commercial segment of their town only a short walk from Janus’ job. 
A light drizzle floated around them and the air was warm and comforting. Patton squealed as a large drop of water hit him in the head, prompting a laugh from Remus.
A jingle sounded through the peaceful cafe, the brown room was illuminated by those cool old fashion lights and a lovely array of pastries made the air smell of chocolate and blueberry scones. But the scones, as delicious as they were, weren’t the snack Remus was here for
“Hey babe- Remus why are you soaking wet”
“Puddle” Patton screeched. 
“Kid’s right, Puddle.”
Janus pinched their eyebrows, “ya know what, I’m not even surprised anymore. Just make sure Patton doesn’t catch a cold” they scolded. 
Remus nodded and saluted in mock seriousness, “yes captain” he said and pressed a kiss to Janus’ face over the cash register, “I’ll see ya in a bit” Remus grinned and led Patton back out of the cafe. 
Janus sighed lovingly as they watched their boyfriend and son turn to cross the street, Patton’s hand clasped around Remus’ happily. “Stop looking so happy, you're scaring the customers” Remy teased from across the counter. “Ha, Ha,” Janus glared and went back to work” 
Janus’ apartment was a cute two-bedroom space on the fourth floor of the building. The furniture was an interesting combo of vintage and things from the side of the road. The vintage parts came from their parent’s house, their father had died two years after Janus’ had run away and hadn’t thought to write them out of the will. 
The three of them had made a date out of customizing the few pieces that Janus wanted to keep. The customization mainly included darkening everything and adding more gothic touches. Virgil had done the fabrics, Remus the painting, and Janus moral support/ director. 
The three partners had also painted the kitchen/dining room/living room black with one yellow wall. Janus and Virgil’s room was dark purple instead of black with highlights in the same yellow. Patton’s room was the only one that didn’t  look marginally like a cave. 
The walls were a cream-yellow that lit up in the morning sunlight. After Janus announced that they were going to have a baby Remus had spent three hours painting the grey ceiling with white fluffy clouds. It was one of his favorite projects. 
Patton of course had no regard for the work put into the entirety of his home and was the usual menace of a toddler. And today a toddler with cheerios, truly a sight even god would tremble before. 
Remus plopped down next to Patton who was pushing cheerios around his highchair tray with an intense focus. He smiled at the little boy and flicked on the tv, “got any requests pip-squeak?” Remus asked. Patton looked thoughtful, “dead lady!!” he cried excitedly hitting the tray with his fists, cheerios flew everywhere. Remus nodded, understanding, “Corpse bride coming up!” he picked a few cheerios from the couch “you really are Verge’s kid” 
When Janus got home Patton was curled up on Remus’s chest. Both slept soundly despite the dead folk on the screen in front of them singing about the wedding. 
Janus smiled, their family was fucking adorable. They slipped off their shoes and snuggled up into Remus who hummed happily and pulled Janus into the hug still asleep. 
Three hours later Virgil trudged up the four flights of stairs huffing indignantly with each step. Of course, he could take the elevator… but it might break down and he would be stuck for hours. Or someone could get into the elevator with him and he would have to interact with a stranger. So stairs it was. 
He rummaged around his baggy hoodie, running his fingers through his dark purple hair in annoyance when he couldn’t find the key. Once he found it Virgil carefully (as he did everything) opened the apartment door. His combat books clunked satisfyingly against the hardwood floors as he entered his house. Virgil felt the tension leave his muscles, he was home. He glanced across the room, looking for his family. 
Virgil’s face lit up like a god damned Christmas tree. 
Across the room, both his partners and his son were curled up sleeping happily. Drool covered Remus’ face and Janus was snoring, they were the most precious thing Virgil had seen all freakin day. 
The three of them woke as Virgil wrapped his arms around them, Patton squealed in excitement. “Hello, darling” Janus mumbled sleepily into Virgil’s arm. Remus just groaned and nestled into the hug. The toddler wriggled between his dads squealing profusely. “Shhh, s’ sleepy time” Remus mumbled, rolling deeper into the cuddle pile and shutting Patton up. 
Virgil smiled and pressed a kiss to his partner’s cheek. “Mmm, love you” they purred. “Love you too Jan,” Virgil said, nestling his face in their neck. Virgil knew he would have to start dinner soon but that could wait, for now, cuddles.
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