#so its obviously not my router!!!
aliensunflower-fics · 8 months
For those who have been asking and wondering: “Hey where the hell has sunny been? She promised us new chapters to her stuff. Thats kinda rude that she fell off the face of the planet without so much as a note. I hope shes okay at least.”
Soooo yeah… My entire life KINDA exploded. Like you know ‘Murphys Law’ : Anything that can go wrong will go wrong?
WELL that’s been my life!
First off my computer decided to be quirky and special and not like the other girls and stopped accepting the existence of internet. That’s right my very expensive laptop that I use for my job decided I needed to touch grass and went “the internet is fake and you cant convince me otherwise.” So obviously that was a problem and I tried a bunch of stuff to fix it and taking it into a shop and nothing worked and I could not afford another one and again I need it for my job so eventually we figured out a way for it to accept the internet but it needs to be plugged into the router directly.
Then right as that was getting handled. My apartment landlord decided. “Yeahhh I want more money and to get more money I need to renovate so leave. Like asap.” So I have been frantically looking for a place to live. Me and my partner found a place but need to deal with the bank to finalize stuff and the bank is being stubborn and causing problems.
Then on top of that the government of the country im in. (Im an immigrant) went hey wait WE messed up your immigration paperwork and need you to resend a bunch of documents but also the mail messed up so you dont have as much time as we normally give not our problem though. So Ive been diving through our packed belongings looking for old paperwork from over a year ago.
Oh and every few days my very chaotic family sends me very stressful messages or needs my help with stuff.
So… yeah. Im physically healthy at least. But I have not had 1 moment of stress free rest in awhile.
The good news is ive taken care of a lot of the problems above. I mean my housing situation is still very up in the air thanks to money problems and bank laziness but aside from that the rest is mostly ironed out. So for those who have been asking: yes I’m alive, yes I’m okay, no i haven’t abandoned this blog, no i haven’t abandoned my fics, yes i feel bad that everything has been delayed so much.
I hope I can settle everything in my life soon and go back to posting more consistently. Until then please keep your fingers and toes crossed that the housing situation works because its a very nice apartment and I need somewhere to live.
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chanoyu-to-wa · 3 months
A Brief Update (7/7).
Dear Followers and Readers,
It has been horribly, horribly hot here the past week or so. So much so that every attempt to pack boxes left me gasping for breath after 15 or 20 minutes. As a result, I have been focusing my efforts on the translations, since that at least allowed me to work in an air conditioned room. Even when some of the material in the translations seems to have been discussed before, I generally produce a new translation, from the sources, on each occasion (not only in the interests of including new material -- which was certainly the case with this morning's post -- but because it is almost impossible for me to search out posts that were made years ago, since my eyes have not been working well enough to make that an efficient process: it is easier to produce a new translation than to try to scan through 12 years of posts, which could potentially take several days). I hope that the new information -- including the formulae of all of the six traditional varieties of neri-kō -- will be of interest.
The other day I heard from Elmar, who informed me that none of the 15 or 20 people who have recently started following this blog has seen fit to contribute toward its support. In the aftermath of the many new expenses that I have been facing recently, I had only $100 for food when the month of July started (which makes things difficult when food costs more than $7/day, even if one is trying to subsist on little more than instant noodles). And, of course, the necessity to run the air conditioner almost constantly this past week, will shoot the July electricity bill through the roof.
I understand that many people do not have much extra money these days -- and that there are probably many more exciting possibilities for disbursing that money than donating it to this blog. So it seems necessary to say that I am going to be forced to stop posting unless this situation changes. I could easily take a bus to a mall or department store, and sit there during the hottest hours of the day, but that would mean I would be unable to do any work on this blog (I obviously can not afford to add the $40/month expense of a wi-fi account to my already overwhelming burden of expenses, and it is impossible to do any work when I am separated from the books and other resources that are needed from time to time -- when I had to stay in Guam for more than two weeks three years ago, I ended up having to take a large suitcase full of books and papers to support the work on this blog that I was going to undertake while there).
The heat has been so bad that the router that allowed me to use my telephone (an internet phone) and laptop in addition to this PC burned out a couple of weeks ago; and in order to get that working again I was informed that I would have to pay for a new modem, plus pay the technician to come here and literally plug it in (this kind of modem is only provided by the telecom company, at a cost of $35 for the modem plus $35 "installation fee" -- and, no, the customer is not allowed to just plug it in by themself). So the issues just continue to pile up, and are, once again, making it harder and harder for me to continue. I try to save money by not running the air conditioner at night, only to wake up gasping whenever the heat in my room becomes too much, so I am forced to run it for 10 or 15 minutes. The lack of sleep that results is, of course, having an impact on my mental acuity, further limiting the time I can spend productively during the day.
And that, being enough complaining, is where I guess I will end this. My thanks to the few people who do continue to support this work. But given the pressures of inflation (whenever demand is high, the utilities now raise the rates, and they never come back down again, so I am sure that will just make the upcoming electric bill just that much higher), their generosity alone is no longer going to be enough to keep this ship afloat....
Thank you all for your time.
Sincerely yours,
Daniel M. Burkus [email protected]
Donations: https://paypal.me/chanoyutowa
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
You make me want to rewatch the anime...wonder if i can force my husband to watch it with me(he showed me it but it was like...highschool its been sooo long)
Since everyone has autism/hj? Do u have any headcanons for special interests?
I FUCKING LOVE THIS ASK also husband?? HUH?? KAGEFANS ARE MARRIED ALREADY??? huh...well...kagepro IS 12 years old HUH...HAHAHA *holds head* (happy late kageversary, btw)
everyone is autistic. yeah.
ayano's is 1000% all the superhero shit. comicbooks. i like to think of her as a huge spiderman fan. i think she'd love the guy. BUT YEAH comicbooks, superhero franchises in general lol
kido's is music! i imagine them as the kind of person who basically studies a whole album when it comes out LMAO i also think theyre the kind to be embarrassed abt talking a lot so theyre probably online a lot and is instead active in there. they rotate hyperfixating on different bands but music in general <3 also i think they hyperfixate on cooking sometimes and they will just cook and cook and cook one thing after another. it used to be a problem when they only lived with 3 other ppl but now there's like 10 more and also haruka so <3 no more wasted food!!!!
fuckgn. seto. animals. ANIMALS. ANIMALS. ANIMALS. i love ppl with animal special interests bc its literally the fucking BEST thing to talk about ever. and mary is plants. theyre both into each other's things too so their talks are so awesomely autistic i think seto and mary just talk for hours and hours and are always asking each other questions and if seto had a long day marys just like tell me abt why birds are fun colors like blue but not other animals :) and seto's like :DDDDD
momo and kano..... hmmm.. everyone else's seems so obvious. but them... like i see momo getting hyperfixated with a ton of different shit always rotating from lets players to toy collecting to makeup to lost media and etc etc but i cant think of like the One thing. kinda same with kano i feel like his thing is that he doesnt know who he is or what he wants so he wouldnt even Have his one thing. i think he'd be super into makeup tho. bc thats awesome but not only cutesy makeup but like special effects insane kinda thing. hes like whoa ppl change so much without any powers......... lol special effects makeup artist kano real
takane. lol. god theyre all so fucking obvious. coding. and i love takane but programmer ppl are SOOOOOO ANNOYING god this bitch would be insufferable. but the autism makes it awesome so its ok theyre not annoying <3 obviously videogames too. UGH harutaka indie game developers is so real to me. also this one is more my hc but erm technician takane is real he is real to me <3 the dan out of wifi bc this bitch took apart the router AGAIN just bc they like looking at the insides. the dan is complaining until the wifi is back AND its faster bc takanes improving and hacking shit. she helps shintaro build his epic pc
shintaro ohhh mygod have u ever met a more autistic bitch than this. he is everything. music!!!! like kido!!!!!!!!! i think kido and shintaro are an underrated duo. in the novels they hang out so much. wait im getting off topic ERM pianist shintaro is real to me idc. also super into collectibles of anime figures lol. also videogames!!! and lost media. i think he'd be one of those people super excited that a secret burgerking commercial never translated from english was found (momo too, they bond over it)
hibiya with the doll making shit. doll costumizing. also psychology post-shitshow bc hes 12 and hes like whoa. this wasnt normal *studies abt how this will affect him and his friends* i talked abt this in a hibiya ask i got lol but yeah also his whole thing abt making dolls. ofc it comes from something creepy but i still think its a cute thing he knows how to do i think he'd love using his new smartphone to find out abt doll costumizing communities and he sews mini mekakushi dan for everyone <3
i bestow to haruka the autistic honor of dinosaurs. FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHHHH also art/drawing ofc. and cartoons/animation. ppl who like to draw like cartoons okay. he'd be into that. idk if into animating himself i rather see haruka as a painting kinda girl. AND OFC VIDEOGAMES. srry to harutaka again but harutakas autism coexists so harmoniously ...domestic harutaka... these bitches have NO real schedules and are staring at their computers drawing/coding for days. it stinks in there. they make an autistic game together born from their autistic and disabled love. heart<3
i cant think anything for hiyori so hiyori experts feel free to add. maybe idols n stuff!! back to music heh
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castletown-cafe · 14 days
Wait - is there a streaming hiatus?!
Sorta? With the second anniversary of Splatoon 3 this month and a Big Run that took place weekend, I haven’t gone live. Been busy splatting hordes of Salmonids with friends, and my laptop can’t exactly run OBS and Discord simultaneously. On top of that, my Switch is losing its ability to stay connected to my internet! I got disconnected a few times during the Big Run, and I think my Switch’s ability to stay connected is dying out, which is bad for games like Splatoon that require internet connection to be playable! We’ve restarted the router and my Switch but I sure don’t trust its ability to stay connected at 8 years old. It has never failed me before until now.
This is especially bad with the Grand Festival starting on Thursday. I don’t wanna miss that or deal with frequent 10 minute penalties due to circumstances outside my control.
So what am I gonna do? First, time to upgrade. Honestly, getting an OLED was something I should have done sooner. This is kinda an emergency purchase, and I do hope I can get it in time this week. My other option is to move my Splatoon 3 save data to my Switch Lite, which isn’t having this issue. A Lite is not ideal for Splatoon however, since I do rely a lot on the motion controls in docked mode as well as controller vibrations….
As for streaming, I probably won’t be able to return to ACNH until September 15th after 5pm PST - though it may be later than that. This is a big event, which means less time to work on Pottsfield for another week or so.
Obviously, ACNH doesn’t need to be played online like Splatoon does. Still, my Switch’s loss of its ability to stay online is scary and concerning. What if my computer can’t stay connected either? That will make streaming difficult if not impossible.
Anyway, I want my Switch to stay online, and it’s losing that ability to. So I need to upgrade, like, right now. My Lite can stay connected, but my main one can’t anymore - and my main Switch is from 2017.
And since that’ll be a big purchase, I may just reblog my commission post here in case anyone wants to help me financially.
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seratopia · 5 months
donatello x reader (fluff?) - random headcannons
this list has been piling up, these are more general
No matter how much y'all say it, I don't think his love language would be physical touch. Donnie seems too awkward to return hugs or kisses, but nonetheless still notices/appreciates them when you do it. Instead, I feel like he'd opt for acts of service instead. Like, fixing your glasses, showing you cool features on your laptop, creating a custom chat interface for you two.
He lets you borrow that purple hoodie
You hear "Erm akshually-" alot lmaooooo ; he often infodumps the most random shit to you, you've become accustomed to listening to him.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he's slightly into LOA stuff (Law of Attraction). It's canon that he listens to positive self-affirmations while he sleeps, so maybe that's a thing for him idk
Steals your eyebrow pencil to fill in his brows for the day. It'd be cool to see him into makeup.
Plays SO MANY games holy shit, has tried everything on Steam.
Obviously he has Discord, no questions asked. Organizes his servers into neat, purple folders. He only uses dark mode, he hisses if he ever sees light mode. Also knows how to make and works servers very well; likes making embeds and such for fun.
^^ On top of this, he probably has a lot of online friends; he doesn't need to show his face or reveal his identity. I see him staying up really late, playing random games at 2 AM on a Discord call.
Very very techy; uses Linux, built his own PC, set up the lair's wifi router too. The brothers come to him all the time for help on their tech fixes, mainly on Nintendo Switch.
My boy is CHRONICALLY ONLINE, he definitely knows all those niche internet songs. He gives me weird kid vibes, like The Living Tombstone, Rat by Penelope Scott, dare I say a little bit of Miku?
He knows the FNAF lore
Secretly shops at Hot Topic from time to time. I'm seeing graphic tees, maybe a studded bracelet? He walks in and the employees are like, "Dude, nice cosplay."
CAFFEINE! Mostly relies on coffee, doesn't like Starbucks that much, and he has tried Monster before. Monster is like a last resort for him, like he's working on a project he MUST finish for his sanity.
Also, I feel like he has fucked up teeth idk. Like, how the hell would Splinter be able to afford dental care for not one, but four teens? Braces too, not only are they expensive, but inaccessible to mutants.
He needs glasses, just often refuses to wear them
Never, ever truly gets angry or mad. But when he does, its rare and it's kinda scary ngl
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© 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒂.
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codehunter · 1 year
How to make react router work with static assets, html5 mode, history API and nested routes?
I thought I was starting to understand React Router, but I hit a new wall when adding a library that loads css for its components. Everything works fine when a navigate from my home, to the page containing the component, but when I refresh it, the urls of the fonts are broken...
I found some pointer here and here but no luck so far. Is this a common issue ? How to work around it ?
I use webpack dev server with default config built by a yeoman scaffolder.
The library I use is React Fa to display icons.
When I load my app on http://localhost:8000/ everything displays fine, then I navigate to http://localhost:8000/customer/ABCD1234/chat and my icons are ok. The font was loaded properly.
Then I refresh the page, and I see in the console :
DOMLazyTree.js?019b:56 GET http://localhost:8000/customer/ABCD1234/assets/926c93d201fe51c8f351e858468980c3.woff2
Which is obviously broken because the customer part shouldnt be here...
Here is my router so far :
ReactDOM.render( <Router history={browserHistory}> <Route path='/' component={App}> <IndexRoute component={Index}/> <Route path='customer/:id' component={Customer} /> <Route path='customer/:id/chat' component={CustomerChat}/> <Route path="*" component={ NotFound } /> </Route> </Router>, document.getElementById('support-app'));
I also tried adding a <base href="/"/> to my index.html, but I get a nice warning in red in the console, so maybe not the best idea :
Warning: Automatically setting basename using is deprecated and will be removed in the next major release. The semantics of are subtly different from basename. Please pass the basename explicitly in the options to createHistory
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mira1308 · 2 years
Distinction among air and water cooled spindle
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The shaft engine is a critical part of any CNC machine. Administrators use it to penetrate, imprint, cut, and perform other such procedure on materials at high paces, and it is utilized in a wide assortment of ventures. A decent spindle will guarantee that the CNC machine spindle runs proficiently and delivers excellent workpieces for you.
At the point when a CNC machine performs etching and cutting projects, the shaft runs at fast. Air cooling and water cooling are the two most normal cooling frameworks that work in this present circumstance. As the name recommends, air-cooled axles use fans to disseminate heat. Additionally, water-cooled CNC shafts use water flow to cool the spindle. All in all, when you purchase a CNC processing machine, which spindle engine do you like? The water-cooled one or the air-cooled one?
Many individuals might inquire: what elements would it be a good idea for me to consider while picking a shaft for my CNC processing machine? Obviously, various kinds of shaft engines enjoy various benefits, so it is vital to pick a more strong shaft for your work as indicated by your genuine requirements. As an expert CNC producer, ATO will acquaint you with the benefits and contrasts between air-cooled shafts and water-cooled spindles so you can pick the right shaft engine while picking a CNC router machine.
Cooling impact
The water-cooled axle has better temperature guideline. The water cooling technique utilizes water course to cool the spindle, and the temperature of the shaft after water flow for the most part doesn’t surpass 40 degrees. Along these lines, water cooling is superior to air cooling for cutting and etching projects with long run times.
In the event that you are utilizing an air cooled spindle CNC machine for long runs, it is ideal to allow the spindle to rest for 30 minutes following 4 hours of work and afterward begin working once more. Air-cooled spindle turning out ceaselessly for beyond what 4 hours can cause harm and influence their administration life. Water-cooled spindle can work constantly during the activity of CNC machine devices yet one ought to recollect that on the off chance that the cooling water turns out to be exceptionally hot, it ought to be supplanted so as to guarantee that the cooling water is consistently at a low temperature. In any case, the cooling impact will be diminished and the spindle will be harmed.
water cooled spindle engine
Water-cooled CNC spindles run quietly. Air-cooled spindles produce somewhat huge commotion because of the activity of the cooling fan.
Administration life
The water-cooled spindle of the CNC processing machine can expand its administration life by supplanting the cooling water or modern water chiller. Consequently, the help life of water-cooled spindles is longer than that of air-cooled ones as long as the administrator focuses on upkeep.
Water-cooled spindles require outside hardware, for example, water tanks, siphons or chillers to be utilized, while air-cooled spindle can be utilized straightforwardly with no outer gear, so air-cooled spindles are more advantageous than water-cooled shafts.
Working Climate
Water-cooled spindles face two significant impediments in the working climate. To start with, the water-cooled axle should be associated with other outside gear, (for example, water tanks and siphons). Hence, it will in general occupy more room. On the off chance that your studio can’t give this, then an air-cooled shaft might be more appropriate for you.
Besides, water-cooled spindles are not appropriate for use in regions with low temperatures. Particularly in the virus cold weather a long time in the north, when the temperature is underneath 0°C, the virus water tank and water lines can undoubtedly freeze and cause harm to the spindle. This is when air-cooled spindles are truly appropriate. Assuming your area is cooler more often than not, picking an air-cooled spindle for your carpentry CNC processing machine is the most ideal decision. It doesn’t need extra outer gear and furthermore has a decent cooling impact.
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chappyclaro-blog · 2 years
Day One Renovation Walkthrough || House Renovation || Chapman TRU
All right, so here we are checking in at our next big project as a team. And what I have with me is the survival kit. There's a few things that I always try to grab before going in and doing any project, and these are some of them. We have to change the locks. So I stopped at Lowe's and grabbed some locks.
We have the drill in order to change the doors and locks and all those kind of things, and some extra tools just in case. And we picked up a router and we have some security cameras. And these are some of the things that we try to get set up on the very first day. Obviously change the locks if there's possibility, if we have
power. And if we can get the internet set up ahead of time, then that's a good idea to go ahead and have some eyes on the property just so that in case something comes up, we at least have a chance to look over things and see what kind of went, went on. So that's my survival kit. There's an extra pair of clothes back here.
I've got on. Shorts and all these kind of things because temperature's, I'm gonna guess about 9 million degrees in Charleston right now. But if we have to get in and get dirty and all that stuff, if we've gotta change your clothes and some other shoes that can, that we can that I can change into if, if need be.
But I'm gonna try to just stay as cool as possible and get the stuff I done get the stuff I done get the we need done today, but let's go ahead and check in on everybody and see what's going on. To give you a quick roundabout of the property we had a little hiccup in the closing. Not gonna get too much into that because the tenant I guess there's some miscommunication between the seller and him.
And he basically had a couple minutes to or they told him the day of that he needed to move out. So he's still working on getting stuff out. He's been in here for 12 years. That's not a great scenario, but here we are. He seems like a pretty cool guy and he's, he's working hard to get out, but he's still around, so it's not the ideal situation, but here we are and we work through it just like we always do.
So let's give you a quick roundabout and say, Hey, to everybody, everybody's, everybody's here to first day, first day is a lot of, lot of stuff to get this thing going. And after that hopefully, it starts to kind of calm down and do its own thing. So, all right. Let's go ahead. Get checked out.
Hey team. Hey. Hi. Hi. Hey, how's it going? Good. You guys ready to do this? Guys ready to rock it out? I'm on another call. We're on another call. Okay. Tell him tell I said hello. I was done.
All right. You're gonna hear us talking over each other, but we're gonna go ahead and get started. Jump in here and grab some before photos. I'm gonna work on changing the door knobs and also, yeah, so all new exterior doors and also gonna work on getting the internet set up camera. And all of these kind of things.
So time to get to work. Oh yeah. The other thing that I need to, one of the main things that I need to do is I have the iPad here and we get on here with Magic Plan and do the dimensions so that we have all the measurements for the property. So let me actually. I'm gonna actually start off with that first, just so we have that knocked out so that we can send that off to whatever contractors can't be here.
And even the ones that are here, we can give them dimensions so that they can give the estimates the best way possible. So let's go ahead and get started with that part first tape measure iPad. And let's lock up, start it.
All right. Getting some measurements. This is pretty tedious, this part. But. Needs to be done. So here we are, day one, they're doing, they're over there talking about the design and all these kind of aspects. I just got finished with the first. The, the very basic outline of the property. So this is the blueprint for the property.
We have that set, and now it's time to change some locks. It looks like it may, it's supposed to storm today. So I wanna get everything done as fast as possible so that we're not caught in that. So, on to the next part. Here we go. Day one. All right. Carolina Heat. This is just, it's all good though. I'm used to it, but now it's time to go ahead and get these locks changed.
Picked some up at Lowe's on the way over here. Let's go ahead and dive on into this next part of the project. So much fun.
All right. Well, it has been a long day and we still have. I've gotta get back to the house and get ready to go to a, Dave Matthews concert with friends and family. So it's a long day. Started off with the gym, ran around, got some supplies and everything for this project. Ran over here. Been over here.
Changing over everything, doing that whole thing. We've all been scouting out everything, trying to get everything ready. Locks changed, cameras up, wifi set up, all these kind of things. Day one, it's always kind of a grind like that. Some of the contractors came through and the girls and Abasi they talked to talked to them, so, It's been a long day.
Gotta run back, get ready and come back and take care of phase two. But just wanted to give everybody a little update about this process and it is fun, but it is tiring at times. But here we are. So I guess we'll talk to you guys soon, give you updates.
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chartlomo · 2 years
Default password factory default kindle fire
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Note: If you have not enough information, it is obviously recommended that you should get help from a person who has all the knowledge about this topic. It is therefore better to take an expert's assistance in this regard. What you need to keep in mind is that when you reset your modem, you will lose your connection online. Upon completion of a factory reset, your device is deregistered from your Amazon account. For older devices, select Reset Device again. If you hold down this small button for approximately 20 seconds, (you may have to use a toothpick), then your modem will get restored to the factory settings. From the home screen, swipe down to open the Quick Actions or select Menu. This can be done easily by clicking on the reset button at the back or at the bottom of your router. Nothing of the methods worked for me and I still not get access to my Amazon !Īll you need to do is to reset your modem. You tried different router IPs but nothing worked? Did you try the following IPs? In the list below we listed all known router IPs for the manufacturer Amazon. Enter the username & password, hit "Enter" and now you should see the control panel of your router.
If not then have a look at the manual of your router. There you will find your login credentials.
You should see 2 text fields where you can enter a username and a password.
After some seconds our tool will show a link to your router login page.
Click HERE to auto detect your router IP.
Chrome, Firefox, Opera or any other browser) To get to the router login page it's necessary that you are connected to the router. But if you do not have the manual for your router or you do not want to read the whole manual to find the default login information then you can use the quick guide below.
You'll find such information in the Manual of your Amazon Fire TV Cube (EX69VW) router. Turn the unit back on and it will go through its initial startup which takes a minute or two.To get access to your Amazon Fire TV Cube (EX69VW), you need the IP of your device, the username and password. After you have confirmed you want to set the device back to factory default, the reader will turn off. Also about half way through this process, you should see a blue light flash momentarly around the lower left Page button.Ĥ). Note: I had to hold down these buttons for about 60 seconds to get the confirmation screen. Continue holding until you see a screen asking you to confirm that you want to reset the device back to factory default (Press Button 5). While the reader is booting, press and hold both the Volume Up and Mark Buttons. Release the reset button and power on the reader.ģ). With the reader off, using a paper clip or similar device, press in and hold the Reset button on the back of the unit for 5 - 10 seconds.Ģ). Note: Performing this procedure will delete any content you have stored on the Reader.ġ). Here's the procedure he gave me for resetting the device back to factory default: The tech said I would have to reset the device back to factory default. I called Sony and got through in about 5 minutes. Referencing the Sony Reader manual, it stated to call Sony if you 'forgot' your password. Doing a normal reset would not remove the screen lock. I tried some various entries such as 0000, 1111, 1234 etc, but I was still locked out.
I had never set a code on the reader, so I had no clue what to enter.
I turned my Sony Reader on yesterday and for some unknown reason the screen lock feature was activated and wanting me to enter a 4 digit code before accessing the reader. How to Easily Master Format KINDLE FIRE & KINDLE FIRE HD with Safety Hard Reset Turn on KINDLE FIRE & KINDLE FIRE HD Make sure KINDLE FIRE & KINDLE FIRE HD.
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tittacast · 2 years
Auryo says itzs offline when its not
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#Auryo says itzs offline when its not how to
#Auryo says itzs offline when its not install
#Auryo says itzs offline when its not driver
#Auryo says itzs offline when its not manual
Open the battery cover and press-and-hold the sync button for 10 seconds. Make sure you use new AA batteries to power your Arlo Audio Doorbell. Please click “ Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution. The LED ring illuminates when the Arlo Audio Doorbell detects motion, which indicates that it’s powered on.
When Windows completes all its updates, start your computer again and attempt to print a file to check if your printer works.ģ) try updating the printer's firmware - HP Printers - Updating or Upgrading Printer FirmwareĪnd, Welcome to the HP Support Community.
#Auryo says itzs offline when its not install
After clicking on that option, Windows will install the updates automatically.
Any ideas It's obviously killed my views since I'm showing up offline and I'm not showing up in the pages etc. I have reset the key, updated my computer, etc. MEE6 isn't picking up that I'm live and notifying my discord. If still under warranty, click the 'Get help now' icon on the right to start a live chat session. Reboot and reinstall it back into the system. If that does not resolve the issue uninstall the printer and printer drivers. After that, click on the “Check for updates” option. If you go directly to my channel on twitch.I'm live. Try going into devices and printers and then right click on the printer to enable.
Hit the Start menu and write an update.
If you are accessing Windows 10, then these steps are for you. This post, Auryo is a Desktop SoundCloud App that Works on Linux, was written by Joey.
#Auryo says itzs offline when its not how to
Here are the steps how to do a Windows Update to install all accessible operating system update. Its no secret that the music industry is a tough nut to crack.
#Auryo says itzs offline when its not driver
If it is been a while since you updated your Windows, that is the main reason why Windows says your HP printer driver is unavailable. But the TV definitely isn't as we don't have an aerial so we stream everything on our wifi and both my phone (and the app) and the TV are running on the same wifi so why does Smart Things think. There are also other reasons why your phone stays in Offline mode even when you do that. Hi folks, so I've got a QE55Q90RATXXU TV and when I jump into the Smart Things app on my phone, it says the TV is offline. To do this, briefly press the power button. When you do all this boring stuff, it's simple process of elimination - you can count those factors out.2)Install all the available Windows updates You can get it back online by changing the profile to anything else other than Offline. File management is an easy way to shoot yourself in the foot, so I recommend doing a fair amount of poking around, reading, and experimentation to come up with a strategy for making sure that you know exactly where the files for any given project are going to end up. When you get ANY weird internet issues, one of your first things you do should be to cold reboot your router and check if there's any firmware upgrades as a matter of course, as well as doing all the boring stuff like checking your cables are OK and not twisted around other power cables (for example). Yeah, 'offline' just means that for whatever reason Reaper cannot find the audio file(s). Well, that may be where you should start looking then. I am currently using cable connection instead of wifi, as my wifi is kinda ♥♥♥♥♥♥. Acknowledgement: Everything written below is from my own experience. Not too long ago, abt a few months back-start of the year? A list of awesome applications, software, tools and other materials for Linux distros.
#Auryo says itzs offline when its not manual
Please post results to each question if you can. Go to the Network tab Click on Wireless (802.11) Then click on Network address (IPv4) Click on the radio button which says Manual IP and then click Suggest a manual IP address to give a manual IP address to your printer. 2) Save the multitrack session to a different location with sufficient free space (File>Save As. When did you last update the formware? When did you last cold reboot it (completely unplugging the power and leaving it for 10 minutes or so before powering up again)? Have you tried cable connection versus wifi? To fix this issue: 1) Remove the offline audio clips from the multitrack session (select and delete them off the timeline). Originally posted by crunchyfrog:Well, that largely rules out any software on your system interfering.
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muirneach · 2 years
okay my tablet that i use for art is. broken?? or something. um it refuses to connect to wifi which means i can’t send any work to my phone (i normally use discord for this but this also knocks out any other form of sharing images). and the charging port is definitely sort of not working but it’s still kinda working so that’s a problem for a later time. um but also for some reason its not saving my art from my program (autodesk sketchbook) to my gallery?? which may be related to the wifi problem like i don’t think it needed wifi to save but who knows maybe it does and i don’t know it. uh so overall not good. so um????? help lol
#if my tablet was an ipad i would be able to airdrop to my phone and it would all be fine but its a samsung#also its not An Drawing Tablet its a tablet that i use for drawing#google is no help its like oh your wifi wont work have you tried having the right password or restarting your router#which like girl my phone and computer can both connect and this happened at both my moms and dads houses#so its obviously not my router!!!#i have had this tablet since. uhhh since like grade 5??#so okay. its been a good long time#and it was never a particularly high end thing to start with#but godddd i dont want to buy a new tablet#i could ask for one for my bday but thats in septemberrr :( also i hate asking for things lol#i might try plugging the wire into my computer and dragging the images out that way but thats annoying also idk how to#i can figure it out tho#um sorry im just. aghh girl i want to drawwww#might have to get autodesk on my phone ewww i hate drawing on my phone i dont want to do that#but i gotta get SOME work done#o good god if i ask my family for help they would. see my art. uh oh#man im so mad about this#man my headphones broke my computer has never worked right my tablet is dying at least my phone is hanging on just fine#i CAN still like. physically draw on it like the program still works#it just wont save to my tablet#so it feels very. not stable like if autodesk dies for whatever reason i wont have my work saved#so thats not good yknow#and like yeah i dont HAVE to post my art anywhere but i like sharing my art i do!!#sighhh now i have to go back to traditional only. sad! i like traditional but i ALSO like digital! why not both!
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foxdies · 4 years
fbi dont @ me but i wish something like the silk road still existed
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skswriting · 6 years
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tricktster · 4 years
So the other night my mom was upstairs on a zoom call with The Council of Retired White Moms (her book club) , my dad was downstairs working out, and my brother and I were cleaning up the kitchen, which obviously requires a soundtrack.
Now, you know how sometimes you’re like “alexa, play [a song]” and she’s like “playing [a totally different song] on TST’s spotify”? or maybe she just decides to play literally nothing instead? My workaround has always been to select the Echo as thr output device in the spotify app. It works like 80% of the time.
As such, when Alexa couldn’t manage to play my great kitchen cleaning jam on the night at issue, I opened spotify, selected the kitchen echo, and pressed play. When the Echo didn’t respond, I just assumed it was just the usual spotify/alexa bullshit... until the screaming began.
This next part is important: there are 32 devices on our network and nobody but me ever names them. So when I’m selecting a device to play spotify on, I have to pick the right speaker out from a long list of random alphanumeric gibberish. I usually guess right, but I do occasionally fuck it up. Accordingly, it came to pass that I had not told Spotify to play my music on the kitchen echo; I had actually selected the iHome in my mom’s office.
Mom originally bought the iHome to play NPR loud enough that she could hear it from any room in the house. It’s not a smart speaker, though, and mom (like the majority of boomers) prefers to use voice commands. Once she got her own Echo, she just basically forgot about the iHome. More importantly, she forgot how to use it, and then, it seems, forgot that it was a speaker system at all - a few weeks prior to the events of this story, I was trying to troubleshoot her computer and had a private and very sensible chuckle to myself when she incidentally referred to it as “that digital clock.”
For the past few years it’s just been lurking silently on her desk next to her laptop.
As a result, when the iHome unexpectedly lurched back to life at its customary maximum volume, neither my mother nor the 25+ other Women of a Certain Age in her book club had any idea of:
a) where the music was coming from, or
b) how to stop it
I had started up the stairs in response to the screaming, but I paused (out of mom’s line of sight) when I realized what was happening.
“STOP IT!” My mom was out of her chair and screaming. “WHAT IS THAT!? NO! ALEXA, STOP IT! ALEXA! STOP PLAYING!”
A greek chorus of distraught book club attendees was echoing her sentiments over the laptop speakers, the monitor displaying the horrified face of each speaker in incredibly rapid succession.
“ALEXA!” My mom shouted at the mesh router point, “MAKE IT STOP! NO! NO! NO!”
(“Did you mean ‘set a timer?’” the Echo in her bedroom asked politely.)
The song, naturally, did not stop, and mom did not think to mute her laptop or pull the power cord from the iHome. Instead, she whirled around several times held her arms out in a sort of T-pose, as if she could physically stop the book club attendees from hearing the song I’d picked out.
I will say this for the iHome - sure, it’s old tech, but even at max volume, the lyrics could be understood with perfect clarity.
Now, this would have probably been funny regardless of the song I had chosen as my kitchen clean-up jam. I know that. But the actual song that my mom’s book club encountered that night is what raises the whole thing from “amusing anecdote” to “genuinely incredible.”
If you have been following me for a while, you’ll know that I tend to think of myself as a real prankster. A rascal, a scamp, a jester of a woman. I have engineered a few comedic misadventures in my day. But I have to be humble here... what I unintentionally accomplished that night was so much funnier than anything I have ever done on purpose. It was the absolute apex of comedy.
The song I had chosen, dear readers, was WAP.
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duggardata · 3 years
Consulted My Own Computer Expert
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Lol, not really.  But I did speak to someone I know personally who works in the technology field, specializing in networks.  He’s a network engineer, and works remotely on computers and servers all over the world.  Here’s what he said—
(Disclaimer:  There’s a decent chance that I might’ve misunderstood some of this stuff, though I tried my best to have him explain it in very simple terms.  If anything below is patently false, I’m certain it’s my mistake, not his.)
After the jump.
Could The Router Have Valuable Evidence?
This was my first question, since it seems that the Defense is making a big deal over the Government’s failure to analyze the router.  My network guy said—
There probably isn’t anything valuable on it, especially after 6 Months.  He says that the vast majority of consumer–grade routers—and probably all routers that are provided by ISPs, as part of Internet service—don’t store data, at all.  (Well, actually, no longer than needed to route the traffic.  So, a matter of seconds.)
Even if Josh purchased a relatively sophisticated, high–end router, my network guy says that even those routers have very limited storage space, and it’s very unlikely that logs from May 2019 would’ve been accessible that November.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, my network guys claims that even if the router was sophisticated and the records weren’t overwritten, the logs wouldn’t be useful in detecting remote access.  According to my guy, the logs wouldn’t show access by the remote device, only by the HP, since the remote device is not connecting to the router directly.  The logs would only show that the HP is connecting to the Internet at the relevant times; it wouldn’t show what caused or prompted that connection.  There’d by no evidence of the remote device, at all.
The Challenges of Remote Access
My network guy thinks remote access is very unlikely.  He explained to me all the challenges the Remote Accessor would have to overcome—
Obstacle #1:  Powering Up The Computer 
It’s not easy to turn on a computer remotely—but obviously, you can’t access and use a computer if it isn’t turned on.  My network guy says that, in order to remotely access the computer, you’ll need one of the following situations—
The computer is already on—e.g., left on by the prior user.
Someone assisted the Remote Accessor by physically pushing the ‘on’ button, when needed.
The computer is specifically set–up to ‘listen’ for a power up command even when it’s ‘off.’  (This requires some expertise, but not that much.  It also might not be possible on a basic machine like an HP All–In–One.  It isn’t something that every computer is set–up to even do.)
When asked, my network guy agreed that, theoretically, someone could simply try to ‘get lucky’ and catch the computer in an ‘on’ state.  They’d have to make a lot of attempts at access, and would only succeed when and if the computer happened to be left in an ‘on’ state.  (This would involve some risk, though, since there’s a decent chance that if the computer is ‘on,’ it’s being used.  And if so, the computer would notify the non–remote user of a simultaneous, attempted remote access.)
Obstacle #2:  Booting Up Linux
My network guy thinks this is definitely the biggest hurdle.  He tends to agree with the Prosecution expert in that it’s probably not possible to remotely boot up Linux.  (You’d have to be physically present.)  He says the critical piece of evidence would be the Master Boot Record (MBR).  The MBR tells the computer what operating system (OS) to load, as soon as it turns on.  On computers with multiple OSes—like the HP w/ Window and Linux, at issue in our case—the MBR automatically defaults to one of the OSes.
Now, if the HP’s MBR had Linux as its default partition, this isn’t an issue.  A remote user could easily boot up the Linux side—so long as the computer is  ‘on,’ of course.  But, if the Windows is the default—which seems much more likely, here, since why would the non–work, possibly secret, installed–to–get–around–Covenant–Eyes OS be the default—then things get really, really hard.  According to my network guy, booting up the non–default OS would happen only if one of the following occurs—
A physically–present user physically touches certain keystrokes—thus, telling the computer to boot up the other OS.  (Quite easy, but requires the user to be physically present.)
Potentially, there’s a way to prompt the computer to boot the other OS remotely.  But, per my network guy, this is not at all simple to do.  (And he’s of the opinion that it’s probably not possible on an HP All–In–One, unless it’s been rebuilt.)  Basically, to do this, you’d need a computer that is specifically built to have this capability.  It’s not something you’d be able to set–up after–the–fact, really, since it requires another whole, smaller computer to be attached to the remote–accessed computer’s motherboard.  It absolutely isn’t something you could enable simply by plugging in an after–market piece of hardware; you’d have to actually, physically modify the ‘guts’ of the computer.  Also, per my guy, this is really not something a consumer–grade machine is capable of doing...  This type of hardware is pretty much only seen on huge servers.  (The type that slide into racks at massive data centers, and sound “like jet engine” when they turn on, my guy explains.)  Basically, this is super, super unlikely.  My network guy says:  “No way.”
Sidenote:  I asked my network guy if it’s even possible to set Linux as default on the MBR of an HP All–In–One.  He says it definitely is; the real question is whether that makes any sense...  If Linux is the default, remote access would be possible, yes.  If it’s not, it’s probably not possible.
Obstacle #3:  The Possibility of Detection
Finally, my guy noted one more critical thing...
Basically, the Defense is suggesting that a remote user just happened to use the computer to access CSAM repeatedly while Josh was at the car lot.  My network guy finds this very suspicious because, according to him, if a non–remote user tried to use the computer while Remote User was connected, it (the computer) would notify them.  So, basically, the Defense is asking as to believe not just that Josh is the unluckiest guy ever, and just happened to be working while someone was remotely accessing CSAM on his computer, but also that, while working all those times, Josh never tried to log into his work computer while the Remote Accessor was connected.
TL;DR  Remote access is unlikely, and it’s really, really, really unlikely if Linux isn’t the default OS.  We need to know:  Was Linux the default OS? 
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buzzinglybright · 2 years
Video Surveillance Log #110809112
Log Transcription Begins:
View: Exterior Of Former O5-12 "Adam" retirement lodging, located [███████,██], at 11:██pm, View switches to the lodgings exterior barn. Where Former O5-12 is seen teaching a young man to work on cleaning the barn. The cameras detect anomalous interference, easily traceable and is quickly cleaned up, after 50 to 60 seconds of footage, the shot slowly starts to distort with static, however the view of former O5-12 "Adam" and the young man remain in focus as The former Overseer seems to be reprimanding the young man. The last frame visibly uncorrupted is the Former Overseer swinging his cane at the young man before the footage is ruined with static.
Several motion sensors picked up activity in the woods surrounding the house leading west. After approximately two hours a anomalous fluctuation is detected some miles away from the property, The young man in question was Alexander Quinn Silendit, a known Member of the Bright Family. Rumours State that Former O5-12 "Adam" took in Alexander as a means to reconnect with his Fatherly side. There were rumours that things were not as the former Overseer stated, but these rumours were never investigated until after the former Overseers unexpected demise. Alexander Silendit has been classed as a Possible Keter and id on the loose with unknown anomalous capabilities. If any reports involving static come through, please alert your site director and a mtf squad will be sent to investigate. Repeat, Alex Silendit is Loose and has Unknown Capabilities, if spotted in plain clothes do not engage. Report immediately and Back up will be on its way. Trackers were implanted, however any and all attempts to establish a signal lead straight to the point where the source of the anomalous field emenated from. Location: Unknown.
Adventure Log Entry #Who cares. Im free.
Uhhhhh so, I have no idea where I am, All I have is the clothes on my back, and AND I have his shitty cane. Sweet. Cool, where did this neighbourhood come from and how did I get here? Are any of these h- Oh sh-
Ad- Oh fuck that Dear Diary, its been two days, and whatever those things were, no im seein things obviously, ok cool a cul de sac, a nice little area, lets try one of these doors.
Diary Log #7 Wow there really aint shit around here is there? However I did find a house that was condemned for a bee infestation. That was wild. Thought I was goin crazy because it sounded like the wildest frat party Id heard ever. So thats a thing. Gonna try talking to the house and seeing what happens.
Diary Log #13 So... Ive made friends. With the bees. Thats a thing. Only took oh sixteen stings, two offerings of apples that I found. And literally trying to static every piece of workable technology to match the swell of the buzzing to make a point. But! They at least respect me now. And will occasionally sting intruders to the cul-de-sac. I think this... this is home now.
Diary log #32 Well. I managed to get A. ONE conputer monitor. Ive managed to hook it to an empty ethernet port. Ive never... really tried to connect to anything before. I wonder how hard that is. Could I... Become my own wifi router. I know I can type and click but... Can I really force the signal into the wider world. Where is the wider world? Right thats too many existential thoughts. Just focus on the task at hand and you will succeed. Thats what the old man said right. Right?
Diary Log #69 Haha Nice. Anyways promising results finally. Got my first memes to come through which means. Im home free. I can finally stop using this. Probably wont though. Its like saying hi to myself. From the past. I miss people.
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