#i have mercedes and felix on my team but it's just not the same without dedue around
izanyas · 5 years
what do you think about all the 3h lords so far? like full thoughts and all!!
thank u for asking... i haven’t played black eagles yet and i’m only 2/3 done with golden deer so i’m not sure how precise i can be outside of blue lions which i finished
i already know edelgard is gonna be my fav but i think as a leader objectively i love claude the most, i really like his relationship with byleth and how he calls her “my friend” (i'm gonna talk exclusively of f!byleth because m!byleth is dead to me) and he’s the only one of the three i could consider marrying to byleth. dimitri is weird about the teacher/student thing and edelgard is married to dorothea.
ughhh what else. ok i did love dimitri a lot actually, but rather than loving him on his own i loved him deeply through his relationships with his friends, and especially dedue and felix... dimitri/dedue/felix is my otp and i cry alone in my corner. blue lions route kind of left me with my questions because it explains so little, i think i would’ve been better off playing it last rather than first, but i still ended up loving it a lot as a whole. 
felix, dedue and mercedes were very bright spots, especially dedue, and i loved slowly untangling the tragedy of duscur and what it meant to both dedue and dimitri and why their relationship is as it is... at first i was a little skeptical of the whole “brown dude sworn to protect white prince of the country who massacred his people” but very surprisingly the story behind all of it ended up being very heartfelt and satisfying. dimitri and dedue’s A support left me 😣😭💕💖
i’m now playing golden deer while having recruited felix so i also get to see how felix understands dimitri’s fall into sorrow and madness at the beginning of part 2 and it’s painful and very emotional. i love it. i think i’m getting sidetracked by other characters, i’m sorry, but i really love dimitri the most thru the lens of his relationships with dedue and felix!! other than this yes he is a good person and it broke my heart when he ended up killing edelgard after trying so hard to reconcile with her... i’m ngl this sibling stuff always hits me so hard i was in shambles every time we saw glimpses of their past together and how much they love each other on a personal level but are torn apart by politics and their differing goals
anyway i don’t think i will ever be able to play church route it’s gonna be edelgard or bust sorry rhea
now CLAUDE is a whole other bag of worms and i love him very very dearly too. he’s self-assured and secretive at the same time and you can really feel that he is very clever under his relaxed persona—in a way sylvain really failed to be imo, like the misogyny and stupidity was just too much idc how genius he is under all of it. (i’m sorry i just really dislike him) i still don’t know every detail of his life yet, but i’m very interested in his supports with cyril and imo he is the most reliable and well-rounded character in the game. also he is insanely powerful with a bow and i love it. my army is always 50% archers 25% mages and 25% felix
what else is there!!! yes i like that while dimitri and edelgard are fighting and he becomes involved in the war he still always keeps himself aware of the world outside of fodlan, and his ambition remains to open the borders... that is so cool and my favorite ambition out of all the lords
i can’t say much about edelgard yet because i can only guess at her motivations from what i see on BL and GD sides + a few cryptic tweets by my friends who played BE haha but i love how intense she is and i really can’t wait to see what happens on her side of the story once i’m done with claude’s. ask me again once i’ve finished the game for good!!
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omgkalyppso · 3 years
Number 4 for the romance lyric prompt for any variation of the ot4!
4. ‘Cause girls like you run 'round with guys like me 'til sun down.
The lyric is from Girls Like You by Maroon 5 (idk how obvious this is without me saying it), and was added to the playlist specifically for Claude x Hilda though a lot of the lyrics have to be taken at face value because it could be interpret extremely negatively, though not that line, and not my intent. I'll try writing a few words of the stage-production au.
I didn't read over this when I finished.
Here's the first post of the stage-production au: [HERE]
Most of the cast were gone for the day, though the actors who had agreed to go out afterwards had lounged in the audience. Dimitri and Edelgard stood on opposite step ladders, as crewmen held them in place, going over the lines of their final battle with a choreographer and the director.
Dimitri would be atop a large dragon puppet someday, and Edelgard would be in her Hegemon construction, but for now, they were in t-shirts and jeans and trying their best to imagine what the final product might look like.
Hubert and Dedue stood by their sides, and had stopped crouching after the fourth recitation of their lines. By now had been brought chairs to sit upon, from which they each spoke their one line, to be shouted in production, as they supported the song shared by The Rightful King and The Flame Emperor in their epic moment.
From the orchestral pit, the production's vocal coach, Yuri, played an upright piano to guide their tune and tempo.
Hilda sat between Claude and Ferdinand in the audience. Each man whispering along with the song with a bounce of his head while she sunk into her seat, amused, and embarrassed by the prospect of joining them.
It was the most genial cast Hilda had ever worked with, and when Ferdinand, Edelgard, Manuela, Seteth and Lorenz had spoken of not drinking for seven weeks before a show, the bulk of the cast had agreed to go sober for the duration; though when they'd spoken of different dietary restrictions in the week leading up to production, there'd been very little consensus. Regardless, tonight would be the last hurrah for those who drank, as Hilda didn't anyway, and they were waiting to take their friends out for the night.
It was still relatively early as far as nights went, barely seven o'clock, but that was still late enough that people were missing dinner. Hilda could hear the crinkling of a paper bag from behind her, where Mercedes and Dorothea snacked on sweet and sour chicken balls.
After three more runs of the scene, Sweetpea, their stoic mint-haired director, declared, "I think that's it." They did their best to turn to address the rest of their team, in the wings and in the audience. "I'll see most of you in four days when we join Yuri for a, hopefully less chaotic, rendition of The Storm of Myrddin. Great work."
Hilda whistled loudly in support of her castmates, while her friends applauded and hollered. Dimitri bowed to their audience, and Hubert bowed to Edelgard who rolled her eyes and laughed as she exaggerated with one hand thrown skyward as she and Dimitri made their way down their respective stepladders.
"Thank you, Yuri," called Edelgard.
"Yes, thank you, Yuri," Dimitri agreed.
"We'll practice those low notes next time," Yuri answered, before waving up out of the pit to soften his implied criticisms. "You're welcome! We're getting there. There's a lot of range to cover."
Dimitri was still insecure by the time he joined his castmates in the aisles as they marched to the exit, "Did it sound that bad?"
"No," Claude snickered.
"It's Yuri's job to strive for perfection," Dedue observed.
Hilda held her hand in front of her lips for a moment, considering her contribution. Once they were outside, she jut her elbow into Dimitri's stomach so he grunted in surprise, stumbling back into Felix.
"Hey, watch it!"
Hilda shrugged. "Just remember that sensation?"
"Don't be mean," Sylvain exaggerated with a whine, giving Dimitri his sweater he'd been holding onto.
"No, I—" Dimitri tried to mimic the same position his mouth had been in, tongue drooping forward in his mouth as he sought the pitch of his exclamation.
"You broke him," Hubert declared, his brow furrowed, at the same time that Claude, Edelgard and Dedue were following Dimitri's example and carrying a deep monotonous tone.
Edelgard even turned it into a line that Yuri had probably been concerned with, that she would sing below The Rightful King's pleas, "So that none will suffer I must forfend—"
Dorothea answered her with The Rightful King's following line, "Living and dead, I will not forget those whom I defend."
"We're not doing that," Felix said, flat.
"Right," Annette agreed, which seemed to surprise him. "Resting voices."
"Resting voices," several people echoed.
They followed Dedue to a Duscur place for dinner, and wolfed down their wraps as they waited in line at a club that might be large enough to accommodate their large group.
"You didn't bring your date?" Lorenz asked Felix.
"We're not dating," Felix said, as if on instinct. He thought a moment. "Wasn't this just for cast?"
Lorenz shared a frown with Hilda before he assured Felix, "I doubt anyone would have complained even if you'd brought someone unrelated to the production. We'd have been happy to—"
"Don't listen to him," Claude said, turning from Leonie so he could wrap an arm around Lorenz. "Or I mean, do, because you could have brought anyone you'd wanted, but also don't because Lorenz just chickened out of asking the other make up artist to join us and hoped they'd have tagged along with Mia."
Felix snorted.
"That's not what happened," Lorenz objected.
"Oh, sweetie," Hilda contributed with a pout. "That's exactly what happened."
"We just got to talking, and I got distracted," Lorenz contributed.
"You forgot?" Felix asked, aghast. Hilda brought her hands to her lips, failing to hide her amusement.
"It didn't come up," Lorenz countered.
"That's not better," Claude said, shaking his head. Lorenz shrugged him off and flicked his chest with all four fingers.
"Fat lot of good friends like you are."
The second floor of the club was open to the elements, archways acting as windows to the brisk wind of evening, and the bright shine of sunset. The breeze and drinks were welcome, Mercedes, Dorothea and Hilda taking turns sitting with their pitchers, yellow with alcohol and pink without, to protect them just in case.
Hilda found herself distracted throughout the night, watching Claude as he dipped Lorenz, and nearly dropped Dimitri, and joined Dorothea in a samba that she and Annette were soundly better at.
They danced together only twice, the first time early in the evening before the dancers and the night had hit their stride, when there was more laughter and embarrassment in their fun than indulgence. The second time had been later in the evening, when he was flush and tipsy, to a ballad that had them swaying slowly with his hand politely between her shoulders. She'd thought about stepping closer into his space, resting her head on his chest, facing the brunt of his sweat and his cologne, but hesitated — partially because of their working relationship, but mostly because Sylvain and Mercedes had whistled about the way Hubert had held the small of Edelgard's back and she'd stretched back in a smooth, flowing dip.
It was maybe an hour later that Claude found Hilda seated at a table by a south-facing archway, the dim red of the western horizon a memory of the now fallen sun, the deep blue to the east twinkling with a few visible stars over a small lake and parkland.
"You having a good time?" Claude seemed more sober now than earlier, unlike some of their friends, and Hilda smiled softly, glad of his attention.
She nodded and ran her fingers under her eyes. "Just tired. Worked early before practice, and will again tomorrow."
"I'm glad you made it," Claude said sweetly, and Hilda rolled her eyes as she sucked on a straw from a cup that was mostly ice.
"No one would have missed me," she contributed, her gaze darting to where most of their colleagues were gathered, some of their friendships spanning years and others only as long as auditions, but generally they seemed to feel closer to each other than she really felt to them. So far, anyway.
She felt slower at forming these deep friendships that others seemed instinctually born with. She wondered if she'd know any of these people long enough for that to matter.
"I just said I would've," Claude insisted, crossing his arms as he leaned into the table. His hair was wilting around his face, framing thick eyebrows and dark lashes that half-hid his green eyes. He needed to curl them, Hilda thought idly.
She blushed and pushed at the ice in her glass with her straw. "You just owed me a few drinks for improvising with you in your audition."
Claude chuckled and hid his smile in his elbow for a moment. "That was kind of you," he allowed. He looked at her directly, and promised, "But it's not just that."
"No?" she peeped, half teasing, waiting on the joke or the reveal.
"No," he said at a whisper. "Would you want to come over to my place on one of our free nights? I could make you dinner? We could just run lines, or...?"
Claude blushed and they both snickered softly. He shifted back and forth against the table, forcing himself to sit up, running a hand over his chin, clean shaven for his part in their production.
"Or whatever you like."
His smile widened as she considered it, and she wondered if it was because he wasn't facing instinctual rejection or because he could tell that she was interested. When she nodded, his shoulders fell, as if suddenly relaxed. A lot of people had rules about not dating people they worked with, the risk of rejection and the pain of a breakup always had a chance of hurting a production, but she could see the value of taking a few moments of flattery too far. Even if Claude tucked his heart away from something more, even if they only ran lines, she was looking forward to it.
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candlelight27 · 4 years
Chapter 1: The Call Of Yesterday
Summary: Sylvain has been ignoring you since you met him. You had been in love with him since you met him. College is about to offer you a fresh start. New academic year, new life. You were ready to forget him. But fate seems to have other plans... (COLLEGE AU)
Series: Seeking Your Warmth If Only For A Day
Warnings: Not so unrequited love, Sylvain being an asshole, curse words
Pairings: Sylvain Jose Gautier x Female Reader
Word Count: 3617
AO3: The Call Of Yesterday
A/N:  Okay, my aim is not for this College AU to be faithful to reality, but to incarnate my own college fantasy. I’m tring to use a lot of characters to make it interesting. Anyways, come talk to me! Send me your suggestions, your comments, your thoughts... And enjoy this fic!
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“This is going to be my year”, you told yourself as you got ready for your first day of university. You were brushing your hair and styling it the way Dorothea suggested, since she always knew what would suit everyone’s features. You wanted to be perfect because that was going to be a special day.
Your mind wandered off into the days you spent in Garreg Mach High School. You smiled softly at the reminiscence, since some of the most beautiful memories you harboured took place there, between those cherished halls. Prom night, summer c88uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
amps, the sports club... You were going to miss that time, but you had to move on.
For that matter, it was about time you moved on from a certain thorn in your heart. One that had been bothering you for years. Of course, that thorn had a name, a middle name, and a surname, all too well known to everyone at Garreg Mach.
Sylvain Jose Gautier.
Your own particular unrequited love story.
Your crush on him was kept a secret throughout all high school, naturally. How could it not be? You had fell for the most renowned womanizer of your year – probably the most renowned womanizer of the whole history of your school. He was handsome, he was intelligent, he was nonchalant and carefree, yes, but he also was an asshole, and you didn’t want your friends acknowledging the fact that you had fell fully for his tricks. However, there was something quite worse than falling for the corny clichés and shameless lines Sylvain constantly used. Something far worse than melting with his every word and dying to be the girls whose cheeks he made blush. And infinitely worse than spending all your breaks trying to catch a glance of his fiery hair around the corners of the building.
The thing is that Sylvain had never spared a second glance to you. He hadn’t even tried to flirt you, unlike he did with the whole female community.
That complete banishment was what mortified you the most in your romantic ordeal.
You remembered that time Ingrid introduced you to her childhood friends, Dimitri, Felix and Sylvain. They had gone to the field to cheer her during a football match of your high school team. You had heard of them before and saw them often on the corridors, but you had never crossed a word with any of them, as they were in Ingrid’s class and not yours. You were quite excited to finally talk to Sylvain, for you had been looking at him in the distance ever since Ingrid started telling you stories about him. Yet while your heart pounced like a runaway horse, he only muttered a ‘hi’ and disappeared into thin air.
“Apologise our friend. He’s always off to chase skirts, it’s nothing personal”, tried to explain Dimitri, ever the gentleman.
The next few times you met him, he merely pronounced monosyllables to your efforts of striking up a conversation. Even Ingrid commented on how dry his behaviour was when you were there. How could love appear out of nowhere? It was probably the stupidity of puberty. But your desire was out of control and you couldn’t help going back to him. To those light brown eyes that seemed to melt your heart…
But it was all water under the bridge. You grew up. That silly attraction ongoing for years was going to meet its end with your fresh start at university. Your teenage love was gone with the wind.
You had all summer to psych yourself up and forget him. So far so good. No nigh-time fantasies to keep suffering, no fateful encounters to revive the forgotten flame, nothing to remind you of Sylvain.
You even went on a date with Ferdinand, something completely new for you. It was Dorothea, always meddling in your love life, who had set you up with him when she wormed out of you that you liked redheads. She was convinced your lifelong crush was Ferdinand, because you had been on the same class since you were kids. After such a pompous announce of your date with him, you almost felt bad for your brunette friend as you told her how horribly wrong your date was, but in the end you both laughed about it.
So, yes. You were indeed free from the fetters that Sylvain had bounded without realizing. Or so you thought. You didn’t want to think about that small trace of doubt that told you it would all be in vain the second you see him again after summer break.
“This is going to be my year…”, you repeated out loud as a chant while you gathered your things for your lessons.
“Are you ready?”, asked Ingrid from another room. She was now your flatmate, on one hand because a sudden friendship had bloomed during the holidays, on the other hand because Dorothea was stuck with a new exchange student, Petra, and Mercedes couldn’t be separated from Annette, so you both ended up alone and it seemed the obvious solution. You didn’t complain, you liked her company and things were working just fine.
“Yes!”, you answered and joined her in the entrance, rucksack on your back and phone on your hand.
Her blonde hair was tied neatly in a long braid and her clothes were comfortable yet formal, just like her usual self. She seemed excited for the fresh start, too, as she rushed to talk about the upcoming lessons.
You left the student’s residence, following a couple of groups of people you didn’t know. It was a sunny morning, thus the beams of light shone right though the leaves, already changing their colours at autumn’s pace. While you walked, Ingrid was checking her phone for new messages.
“Are you talking to the guys?”, you asked as you wondered about Sylvain’s schedule in silence – not that you were interested, you wanted to make sure you avoided him –. You didn’t want to be too straightforward, because even the most oblivious person, Ingrid in this case, would notice there was something going on if you were too invested in his affairs, so you were cautious.
“Oh, right now I’m talking to Ashe.” She smiled, still typing. You raised your eyebrows.
“I thought you weren’t that close to him.”
“He’s attending all my lessons so I’m checking a few things with him”, she answered. You nodded and checked your own phone.
Dorothea (08:45): I’m waiting for you on Anna’s Café.
“Dorothea’s waiting ahead for us”, you commented.
“Who are you sharing lessons with?”, Ingrid questioned, putting her phone away in her pocket. You hadn’t seen her so interested in the machine ever – you’d have to figure out if it was Ashe’s fault.
“I’m not sure!”, you said. “I think I’m sharing subjects with some of the Golden Deers… Marianne, Lysithea, Claude… Also, Mercedes and Bernadetta.” You weren’t that close to any of them in particular. You sometimes hoped you had closer friends with you, but at least it was a good opportunity to become closer to new people.
“That’s quite the group! All the houses of Garreg Mach mixed!”, the blonde exclaimed. She was right, it was going to be quite the sight – and an exciting adventure, too, you supposed. “Yesterday Sylvain told me he’s going to be in my first lesson today along with Felix, and on some other ones. But the ones who got the same itinerary as me are Dimitry and Ashe, so I’m going to see them often.” She made a pause, as if imagining the future. You, on the other hand, were delighted to hear you weren’t going to share classes with Sylvain. “Leonie and Edelgard have chosen that itinerary too –”
“Hello!” Dorothea sprang to you, dressed in the latest trend, as always. Her smile was radiant.
“Hi, Dorothea! We were talking about who’s on our classes”, commented Ingrid.
“I’m with Hilda! I was hoping some handsome boys would be on my classes but Hilda said she did the research and was quite disappointed.” Dorothea sighed but suddenly called your name. “Claude is in your class, right?” You nodded with caution. “Didn’t you get along with Claude?” You nodded again, furrowing your brows in suspicion. “You could ask him out!”
Ingrid started laughing while Dorothea’s voice was a sweet giggle.
“Playing the matchmaker again, Dorothea?” Ingrid tried to calm herself. “Last time, it was a disaster.”
“Yes, sorry for that”, offered Dorothea.
“Don’t sweat it”, you said, shaking your head humorously.
“But”, the singer wasn’t one to let things go, “he’s actually very hot. Everyone with eyes can see that. And he’s really easy going, unlike Ferdinand. And smart! You must have a lot in common –”
“I’m fine.” You had repeated the same many times. Your friends were trying to set you up on dates lately. “I can manage myself pretty well.”
“You could use a little stress relief though…” Ingrid blushed this time hearing Dorothea’s words. Noticing the silence, the brunette continued. “This goes for you too, Ingrid!”
“That’s not true!”
“Anyways, where’s Petra?” You tried to divert her attention as you were approaching your building.
“She had to sign some documents, so she must be in the main office,” informed Dorothea with a bright smile, her good mood contagious.
“I want to meet her”, said Ingrid, who hadn’t moved yet when you all were acquainted with the student from Brigid. You hadn’t shared more than a few greetings, but she was getting really close to her flatmate.
“We are going to throw a party at my house next week or the other!”, Dorothea announced with excitement. “If you don’t bump into her before, you’ll get to know here there.”
Even though you knew Dorothea’s parties tended to get out of hand, they were always fun, and it could be a great start for something new. You would have to work hard to convince Ingrid, who didn’t like going out that much.
And like that, you reached your destination and parted from them.
The halls of the place where you’d spend your next course studying were filled with students. All seemed to be trying to find the right way to their new classrooms. Chatter filled the air as you read the indications on your phone. It was confusing finding your way in the intricate web of corridors and doors.
“Where is room 122?”, you muttered and chewed your lip.
You found the room 121, but room 122 wasn’t nowhere in sight. You looked at the map, and figured it had to be around the next corner, so you kept walking to the direction you thought was right. You saw your phone, and it was almost 9 a.m., so you increased your rhythm. Then, you turned left.
Only to bump into someone. More specifically, someone’s chest.
You were quite confused as you fell on your butt and your backpack flew. Your bottom ached. Disoriented, you let out a faint ‘sorry’, but you were not sure to who it was directed. When you processed the situation, and that you were indeed going to be late on your very first day of university, you lifted your glance with the intention of getting up fast and entering your classroom.
Yet light brown eyes that seemed to melt your heart stared back at you.
“Are you all right?” The question was announced by a smooth, rich voice.
It was Sylvain.
You felt a rush of nervousness that run all over your body. You tried articulating a sentence, a word, anything to play it off cool, but your tongue didn’t respond, so you simply nodded. You weren’t okay, but he didn’t need to know that. Sylvain seemed quite surprised. His luscious lips were parted slightly, his pupils were fixed on you, and he remained as still as a statue, which only added to your agitation. At last, as if he was awakened from a trance, he rose his eyebrows and extended his hand.
“Sorry, let me help you.”
You grabbed your rucksack and took his hand. It was warm, soft, and strong. Sylvain helped you up and you could see you were right in front of your classroom.
“I have to… go to my first lesson”, you said as you pointed at the door.
“Oh, yes. Me too”, he flashed you an award-winning smile of his, totally recomposed of the mishap. “I think we share itineraries.”
“I thought you were… with Felix. And Ingrid,” you said. Inside of you, your thoughts were rioting. This couldn’t be true, you repeated yourself over and over. Half of you was trying to stay calm and affirm yourself that your stupid crush was over. The other half was sheltering some kind of hope you didn’t have time to identify. What was clear was that the redhead managed to break all of your expectations once again and you didn’t like it one bit. Of course, you put on a blank face, totally disconnected from your real feelings.
“Yes, right. I switched itineraries this morning”, he extended his hand and hold the doorknob. “My father signed me up for the one he wanted without any kind of regard to what I wanted in life… So, yeah, thankfully I had time to change everything before it was too late.” He opened the door for you.
“That’s… nice”, you smiled timidly.
“We’ll see each other often, then.” You entered the lecture room and Sylvain walked behind. It was big and spacious, and it was full of students. But at that time, it was as if only Sylvain existed. You’d have to get used to his presence in your lessons. A new challenge, but you were going to ignore him anyways.
Sylvain bid you farewell with a ‘see you’ and took a seat next to Mercedes.
You looked around to see where you could see. You saw a smiling Claude waving at you, right next to Lysithea and Marianne, and making gestures for you to come closer. “Sit with us!”, you barely understood what he said with all the chatter in the room, but his body language left no doubt.
“Hi!”, exclaimed Lysithea, looking cheerful and determined as always. Marianne looked collected and waved her hand. They both seemed much more mature after summer break.
“I’m glad to see you here! Just in time.” Claude moved his books in order to make some room for you at his side. You took the seat and settled there.
“Nice to see some familiar faces here”, you told the Almyran.
“I wonder what this year has in store for us…”, he continued, but he couldn’t finish the rest.
A young professor appeared. He looked like another student, but you could sense the authoritarian aura around him. His short hair was dark blue, and he wore black clothes. This new face sparked your curiosity, and although you were dying to turn your head and see what Sylvain was doing, you forced yourself our of your own trap. ‘Focus! You’re here to study, dammit!’, you chastised yourself.
“My name is Byleth and I’m going to teach ‘Fódlan’s history and culture’”, started the new professor.
Then, Byleth proceeded to give a long, detailed, and boring speech about the bureaucratic minutiae related his subject. It was completely tedious. He went over percentages, grading systems, schedules, credits and so on. He was really testing your will at not being distracted.
Rather than yielding to temptation, you turned around to see what Claude was doing. He was stretching like a cat and yawning. When he realised you were looking at him, he winked at you. You weren’t expecting it, so you nervously smirked and looked elsewhere. You swore it was a coincidence that your glance just happened to fall upon the infamous womanizer of Garreg Mach.
Unexpectedly, your eyes met with Sylvain’s. You decided your safest option was looking at your professor and finally paying attention.
What was happening that disastrous day? The Goddess herself must have been punishing you. You felt like you lost a war to your heart. You thought you had finished the chapter where all you did was thinking about Sylvain, you were going to date someone else, maybe fall in love and, above all, you were going to avoid returning to those years head over heels for someone who didn’t even know your name – or at least you supposed so, since he had never said it. Instead of the sensible thing, your whole being decided to betray your will, and you were all flushed and flustered with a single look of that man. It didn’t matter it was the first time he paid attention to you or that your longest conversation had been held that very same day. It didn’t matter to your dumb heart, which-
“This project will be done in pairs and it’s about the 25-30% of the final grade.” Oh, you might have wanted to pay attention to that, now that Byleth was saying something quite important.
“What did he say?”, you asked Claude.
“Too busy giving Sylvain the eye?”, he remarked, a satisfied smirk on the side of his face.
“Claude!”, you tried to scold him, but as you were whispering, it sounded like a high-pitched yell of guilt. Just like your feelings.
“Okay, okay. No need to get your knickers in a twist”, he couldn’t resist teasing you. “There’s this big project, 30% of the final grade or so. We have to research a topic he will give.” He sighed. “The professor also added that he’s going to assign the partners. I know it’s for our own good, for the sake of team working and all that boring paraphernalia, but it kind of sucks.”
“Maybe we’ll be lucky and we will be able to work together”, you tried to look at the bright side.
“As much as I’d love that, I think it’d be far more interesting if you got paired with someone else we know…”, he trailed off, testing the waters.
“I don’t know what you are talking about”, you sentenced.
“I’m not a fool. I know you’ve liked him since high school”. That, you weren’t expecting it. You hadn’t been exactly secretive with your longing staring, but you hadn’t been expecting the master of gossip to be after your very own secret. “Don’t make that face. I didn’t tell anyone, but you can’t fool me.”
“Just don’t tell Dorothea or I’m not going to hear the end of it”, you surrendered and pleaded. What was the use of hiding it longer? Besided, Claude made you feel comfortable and you though that he might be the right person to help you.
“Don’t worry. Just, why him?”, he wondered.
“I… It’s something beyond my control. It’s like I was condemned to love him and I can’t escape by any means. Like a force of fate is controlling me.” Now that you got to put it to word… it was the perfect description to how you felt. And you wondered how that could be.
“And how come you haven’t hooked up yet?” He laughed again at your expression of shame. “He’s Sylvain! Come on!”
“He ignored me. As in, he had never talked to me in high school”, it actually felt better than you imagined having someone to talk to. And Claude always kept quiet about other’s matters. He knew everyone’s secrets, but he never told any.
“That’s… weird. I will investigate that.” He placed his hand on his chin and his expression turned meditative. “He seems interested in you now, tough.”
“What do you mean?”, you couldn’t believe him. But something told you that it must be true if it was Claude who noticed it.
“He’s been looking at you for 40 minutes.”
You turned around and, in effect, Sylvain was looking at you. This time, it was him who moved away his gaze, a bit embarrassed to have been caught.
“So, from what I’ve seen,” Claude started to sum up, “you are trying to ignore him – don’t deny it, I’ve seen you stealing glances – because he had rejected you all high school. But now he’s flirty and charming, so you are on square one.”
“Yes, you could say so.” You were ashamed, but eager to see where he was going.
“There’s only one solution.” He moved his head closer to you, as if it was a conspiration.
“What is it?” He decidedly had captured you then, and you moved your head closer to hear him better.
“Play it along. See what happens. Don’t implicate yourself too much, but find out what changed.”
Right before you could answer, Lysithea shushed you. The professor was beginning to announce the pairs. As expected, most of your friends ended up with an unknown partner. Marianne was lucky and was set to work with Mercedes, one of the sweetest girls you knew. Bernadetta, who you hadn’t noticed until that moment, was paired with a girl called Monica, who seemed eerily familiar. Your name hadn’t been said, and neither did Sylvain’s, much to Claude’s delight.
After a long list of surnames, you didn’t recognise, it was your turn. While your name left your professors lips, your eyes widened. You raised your hand so Byleth could identify you with the name.
“Okay. There. Your partner will be…”, he was scanning the remaining names, for the list was almost finished. “Sylvain Jose Gautier.”
“Fate has decided for you”, Claude commented. You looked at Sylvain, and he had the audacity to smirk and wink at you. Outrageous.
You were then sure of it. Sothis was laughing at you. How were you supposed to survive this year?
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msbluebell · 5 years
Regarding that double time travel AU, I’d love to see the mental gymnastics Byleth and Dimitri go through to attempt to not to tip off the other that they’re from the future, since they probably don’t realize they both time traveled together.
It gets downright absurd how hard these two are trying to keep the fact they’re from the future from everyone else. Because why the hell would you risk telling someone that? They’d think you’re a liar at best and downright delusional at worst. 
So Dimitri and Byleth are obviously trying to work around each other and think that all the changes they both see in each other are the result of the changes they’re making.
And they’re both being total idiots about the whole thing.
Dimitri and Byleth are in love. They are so in love, and they don’t stop BEING in love the whole time. But they both think the other is just a younger version of the person they fell in love with, and that they have no memory of each other, so they’re dancing around each other. You know those posts where the Blue Lions all just watch Dimitri and Byleth dance around each other and totally know they both like each other, and are just waiting for the shoe to drop? Multiply that times one thousand here, because Dimitri is a walking disaster and NOT good at hiding it, and Byleth is stoned faced, but her dad reads her well and knows something is up, and everyone just sort of knows there’s SOMETHING going on there and that there’s no way the two haven’t met before and had feelings involved. No one knows how though, and everyone turns to Dedue and Jeralt, and both can only shrug because by the flames if they know what’s going on.
Sylvain and Annette are DETERMINED to get the story somehow. Hilda is seen in the background trying to listen in to THAT juice bit of gossip (unseen is Edelgard seething in rage because if Dimitri hadn’t had some secret shared history with her than Byleth may have chosen her house. She’s wrong, but that’s her thoughts).
So, yeah, it’s pretty clear something is going on there. Seteth doesn’t mind as long as it doesn’t effect Byleth’s teaching, though, so whatever. Everyone else, though, is curious because how does the Crown Prince of Faerghus and this mercenary have a history that not even her father and Dedue know about?
It becomes a bit overlooked as missions go on and dramatic stuff happens, but everyone is pretty sure Dimitri and Byleth are going make it to graduation before Dimitri takes an arrow to the knee and confesses his love.
Byleth and Dimitri are both oblivious to these rumors, mostly because they’re both too stressed trying to stop the oncoming war. Dimitri also has the stress of adjusting to his body (and, oh god, the guilt about those years in the woods and the four months he spent as a beast in a man’s body. He’ll have to do right by his friends this time). But, yeah, they’re both busy trying to build bridges with the right allies, and find evidence to stop Edelgard’s war, and do right by the right people so they can save lives, and they’re both also looking for answers they need that they didn’t get the first time around, like what were Rhea’s plans for Byleth?
It’s hilarious because they’re both looking for the same things without knowing it, so if they run into each other while investigating they��ll have to bullshit an answer for why they’re there like never before.
(On particularly memorable occasion was Dimitri sneakily trying to invite Mercedes to tea around the same time Jeriza would happen to be walking towards the training grounds so Dimitri could possibly lure him to tea and wear away at him. It’s probably for the best they ran into Byleth trying to coax him into tea instead, and the four of them all shared the strangest tea party ever. Which was just Byleth and Dimitri staring at each other while Jeriza and Mercedes stared at each other, and lots of talk about Mercedes and her sword practice with Dimitri, which had Jeriza glaring at him so harshly that Dimitri swore he was going to melt and challenging him to a duel, which had Byleth claim there would be no duels so long as she was here. It was awful and now Jeriza won’t stop glaring at him.)
Claude ends up stalking them at one point because he can SMELL the conspiracy going on. He corners Dimitri and gets half the information out of him, not the part about being from the future, but Dimitri lets out a half true version where he thinks Edelgard wants to start a war (”I have no proof, but…”) and that there’s some secrets going on with the Church, and suddenly he has an ally. 
Meanwhile Jeralt had enough and corners Byleth and gets the whole truth out of here. Suddenly he has to process #AllThatMess, like his own death, and his daughter being in love, and Rhea suddenly going from just his problem to “might be trying to erase my kid” and war. He’s so damn stressed. 
Claude and Dimitri bring in their most trusted allies (at Claude’s suggestion because “you can’t do this alone man”) and they get the half true version of the story. And suddenly you have Team Truth with Dimitri, Claude, Hilda, Dedue, Felix, Sylvain, and Ingrid trying to find evidence of Edelgard’s plans while uncovering the Church.
Then you have Team #FuckRhea being lead by Jeralt, featuring Byleth and Sothis (though Jeralt can’t see her) trying to do the same thing, but with dragon-magical god powers, and eventually recruiting Seteth to their cause.
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kendrixtermina · 4 years
It is me or are ppl really sleeping on Dedue?
To the point that ppl seem to shoehorn other characters into that same role/ space while he’s right there. 
Like whatever Rhea’s backstory is she’s been in power and privilege for the last 1000 years, she’s a fantasy creature, and everything about the distant past is subject to unreliable narration as we hear like 5 different versions of it all from biased sources (though I’d say Seteth is probably the most believable one, he was there, and he’s an honest guy)
Whereas Dedue is flat out a survivor of extreme prejudice, no ambiguity, no metaphors, no fantasy magic nor unreliable narration involved, absolutely non-debatable.
If you’re looking for a character who’s totally focussed on their social role/another person because of poor self-esteem and not sufficiently knowing that they matter themselves that’s also Dedue. 
Not Hubert. Like noo guys. Hubert states many times that he follows Edelgard out of conviction and no longer because of the tradition or because his father made him. He has his own reasons for hating corrupt nobles and the church. (Most apparent, I think, in the Byleth A and the Hanneman B support, but he mocks the church and the knights like all the time.). If anything, he’s less scrupulous than her (though I wouldn’t say that he’s completely amoral; He definitely has things that he repudiates (corruption) and outright tells Linny that he wouldn’t be friends with someone who’d abandon a person in need, or tells Byleth that he’s one of those people who can’t bring themselves to believe in a just god because of the evil in the world).
He also does pretty much whatever the fuck he wants, which is also established many, many times. Which Edelgard most certainly knows. She likes this. She listens to him (insofar as she listens to anyone), but she does so because she likes and agrees with his attitude. She chose to make this guy her right-hand advisor. She cares nothing for tradition and would’ve given him the boot and grabbed another advisor/attendant if she didn’t think he was supremely useful, and, as she put it “always right”. She kept him despite the tradition, because she likes intelligent, reason-driven people and he’s the third smartest person in all of Fodlan (numbers one and two are, of course, Claude and Lysithea). Plus he’s an accomplished mage without a crest. He isn’t even the loosest cannon in the imperial arsenal. She cares only about results, whether you’re from a peasant background like Manuela and Dorothea, unconventional/quirky like Linhardt or Bernie, or... whatever you’d call Hubert and Jeritza. So you could say that her leadership style certainly has both advantages and disadvantages. But Hubert himself seems overall pretty content with his position and doesn’t really expect anything else, because, after all, he chose it. Though we certainly have his father’s treahery as a cynism catalyst that lead him to be this super disillusioned cynical irreverent person who’s very slow to trust. 
It also can’t be because Dedue is boring. This is evident when you compare him to say Cyril, who also has the sort of effed-up past that, in RL, would deserve sympathy by default, but in the end this isn’t a charity for real people but fictional entertainment and he’s just not likeable. (likeability being subjective of course - there’s clearly SOME ppl who DO like him, and why shouldn’t they?)
 I mean boringness is subjective but Dedue has a whole load of characterization besides the fucked up backstory. there’s always that protective layer you need to get through (which is only realistic) but if you actually try to get to know him he’s got a lot of traits and hobbies and distinctive attitudes and complexities tragic plots. 
Like on the one hand he and Dimitri are as glued-together as they are because no one else can remotely understand what it means to have all your friends and family massacred in front of you, they’re both people who are naturally nice and peace-loving but wound up with the capacity for ugly desperate actions because of what they’ve been through but there’s also a contrast, they’re both sort of repressed but in different ways (though you could say that both struggle to express anger on their own behalf and thus channel it onto anger on behalf of others), Dimitri’s clumsy and emotionally volatile whereas Dedue is very careful/dexterous and calm, and that’s where the tragic part comes in. 
Because while he’ll go on with whatever Dimitri says cause he owes him his life and has nowhere else to go it’s quite clear that that’s not exactly what he wants (You get support points if you ask him what he wants even if he doesn’t give you a clear answer) - I bet he’d like nothing more than to just go live a peaceful life somewhere together without bothering with the revenge thing. (Though he’s got a better explanation/excuse than the rest of Team Kingdom, among whom no one will tell Dimitri to stop because of their culture’s overemphasis on loyalty. Even Felix doesn’t do much more than complain. It takes Byleth, a more pragmatic, cool-minded outsider to Faerghus, to put a stop to the kamikaze mission. )
He also has really sweet dynamics with Ashe and Flayn (who canonically like him even on other routes), also Mercedes and Sylvain if you did those supports. Because he’s kind of retreated completely into his social role as a vassal cause he has little else left and at this point he’s so used to being scorned that he preemptively tells ppl to keep their distance, but if you put in  the minimum effort to actually get to know him you see this sweet, chill domestic young man who’s still there underneath.  (Again contrast Hubert, whom you can’t really get much personal conversation out of, even Edelgard who’s known him all her life struggles to get him to spill what he’s really thinking, cause he’d just tell her what he thinks it would be useful for her to hear. And with Byleth he plain doesn’t trust them early on. He’s simply committed to being a consummate professional, by deliberate choice, though he definitely does have his own dephts to get to know, like being a bit self-conscious about his ‘scary’ mannerisms or ultimately being motivated by wanting to do something worthwhile and impactful with his short human life)
Ultimately, Dedue is very honorable, community-minded and reputation-conscious which means that he ironically fits in quite well with the Kingdom students, though that also probably makes it a special kind of hell to not only lose his community but to be stereotyped as a dishonorable scoundrel, because he cares quite a bit about his honor and reputation and that of his friends (see the Dimitri, Sylvain and Byleth supports) which puts him in this situation where he feels he can’t really be their friend without tarnishing their honor, there’s a complex mix of feelings where he’s of course as frustrated as any human being would be but has also partially internalized some of the crap from years of constant bombardment. 
The function of anger as an emotion is to ensure just treatment in the group, so for someone to just lie down and take crap like that it shows that they’ve totally given up on getting justice so for me at least this is really a character that I really want to see good things happen to and that makes me cheer every time someone thinks of him or when something good happens to him.
Like in a setting where nearly everyone’s backstory sucked his is quite possibly the worst. Only Jeritza and Lysithea (mostly because of the early death thing) even come remotely close. 
I feel like ppl would be all over this character if he were a bishie or cute girl, like just because of the “hides behind defense mechanisms but you can see his true self if you bother to be halfway decent” thing. Like usually ppl are all over that. 
Like to summarize we have a sad backstory, a tragic loyalty conflict, a frequently misunderstood demeanor that’s the product of a tragic past,  a basically sweet disposition that’s still not without the capacity for darkness, ample potential for wholesome Friendships (or more romantic ‘ships), what’s not to like?
Plus he’s got like one of the sweetest goddess tower events and S-supports. He gives you his jackets and looks at the starts with you etc. Bit too wholesome for my personal tastes [stuffs El, Hubert, Felix and Linhardt paraphernalia back into closet] but objectively loveable. 
tl;dr: Let’s all appreciate Supreme Chef Deddie-pie. 
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tsunnychan · 4 years
chasing daybreak: the next time
@shining-jul-of-hope @nicolewrites it’s fluffier this time i swear-
ii. the next time you are brunette, and you do.
Mercedes crouches low on the floor, gently reaching out her hand to the new stray that was brought in yesterday evening. Predictably, the poor thing shies away and tucks himself away into the furthest corner of the kennel he’s been placed in, body curling itself around the broken leg Marianne found him with.
Sighing, Mercedes quietly refills the bowl of food and water. She studies the dog’s matted fur and scared eyes, as he watches her actions carefully from his spot by the wall. The way his body tenses makes her grimace.
He’s been abused before.
Once she steps back, the dog visibly relaxes, and Mercedes feels her heart twist. It’ll take him a long time to recover. To trust again.
Rearranging her skirts, she returns to the front to organize his file. Starting up her own branch of the Humane Society with Marianne proved to be a lot of work, but it was worth it, being able to find new homes and new loves for these discarded little ones.
It was tough in the beginning, just the two of them, but their friends pitched in so many volunteer hours, they were able to manage.
Speaking of which… Mercedes checks her watch, remembering how Annette said she was going to bring a new friend along this weekend during her shift. Annette, being her dearest friend since their elementary school years, constantly brought in new volunteers every chance she got, to help support her best friend. Mercedes hums to herself. She ought to bake some more sweets for her next week.
The front door pushes open and Mercedes finds herself face to face with someone oddly familiar. The new girl clutches paperwork in her hands, eyes taking in her surroundings with awe. Once they land on her, she strides forward, her braid swinging behind her. “Would you happen to be Mercedes?”
Mercedes lets her curiosity fade into the background. “Yes, I am. How may I help you?”
The other girl smiles brightly and holds out her hand. “Hi, Mercedes, it’s so nice to finally meet you. I’m Ingrid, the friend Annette told you she was going to bring? Annie sent me a text saying she was running late because her cat was being fussy this morning… so I should go ahead and find you first. To give you the paperwork and everything.”
“Ah yes, Felix is quite the temperamental one. Annie truly does have a lot of patience with him. Well, Ingrid, it’s nice to meet you too. Thank you for coming in and for your interest in helping out. We always love having volunteers, especially ones who have taken care of animals before. Annie mentioned you used to care for horses?”
The expression on Ingrid’s face changes briefly, before it relaxes back into a neutral smile. “Yes, I did. Grooming horses used to be one of my favorite past-times before things got too busy.”
Mercedes nods amicably and reaches out for Ingrid’s papers, scanning through them quickly. “Oh, you attend Garreg Mach University as well?”
Surprise crosses Ingrid’s face. “Yes, I do. Do you?”
She smiles. “Well, I graduated a few years ago, but it is where I met Marianne, the co-owner of this branch. You do seem familiar somehow, have we met before?”
“I’m not sure… perhaps we’ve met in passing?”
Mercedes searches her memories carefully, then it came to her. “Oh! Were you at the Harvest Festival in Fhirdiad maybe a decade ago? I recall watching one girl impressively win the eating competition without breaking a sweat! Though she did have darker blonde hair, but if I’m remembering correctly, she looked a lot like you.”
Ingrid flushes brightly. “I can’t believe you remember that… but yes, that was me. My hair used to be blonde when I was young, it’s been steadily growing darker over the years and, and now I have this.” She gestures to her now brown hair and shrugs. “The stereotype ‘blondes have more fun’ never really applied to me, so I’m not too upset.”
Mercedes laughs lightly and shakes her head. “Well, nevertheless, I am still impressed to this day. I’m glad I can tell you in person this time. Though, if you’re the same year as Annie, why hadn’t I seen you around campus?”
Ingrid smiles sheepishly. “Ah, that might be my fault. My family isn’t very well off, so I was on a sport’s scholarship for the Equestrian team, but I sustained an injury with my horse during one of the competitions and,” she takes a deep breath before continuing, “well, I can’t really compete anymore, so I lost my scholarship. I had to take a year off for recovery and to rehabilitate my horse, then I had to apply for other grants to afford the tuition.”
Mercedes holds her hand out and Ingrid takes it. “I’m so sorry to hear that, Ingrid... the entire situation sounds incredibly difficult. How are you doing now?”
Her eyes are watery, but she gives her a brave smile. “Well, I just moved back to campus, so… better. I’m doing better.”
Mercedes squeezes her hand and smiles. “I’m glad to hear it.”
A few moments of silence pass between them and an idea pops into her head. “Say, Ingrid, while you wait for Annette and for me to go through your paperwork, why don’t you keep one of our new guests company? Marianne brought him in last night and he’s been through a lot. Perhaps your expertise could help coax him out?”
Ingrid flushes again. “I really only have experiences with horses, but I’ll give it a try.”
Smiling gently, Mercedes leads Ingrid back to the kennels. Before pushing through the door, she speaks softly, “he seems to startle easy, so be as quiet as you can.”
Ingrid nods solemnly and her gaze trails over to the ball of ginger fur huddled in the corner. Her heart twists painfully and she has to take an extra second to breathe.
“Are you all right, Ingrid?”
Ingrid blinks and nods. “Yes, sorry… I just, needed a moment.”
Mercedes smiles and gestures toward the kennel. “Take as long as you need. Marianne didn’t find any identification on him, maybe you can come up with a name he’ll respond to.”
“Oh! I—” Ingrid whips her head around, but Mercedes has already gone back to the front, and she’s left alone.
Biting her lip, Ingrid crouches by the kennel and watches the ball of fur tense up at the sound of her clothes. Tentatively, she reaches out a hand and coos, “hey, little guy.”
At her voice, his head cautiously lifts up and Ingrid feels her heart stop when she spots his fearful brown eyes. Moving slowly, she sits fully on the ground and whispers, “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Weeks pass by and Ingrid is a regular weekend volunteer, to Mercedes’ delight. She’s been marking the progress Ingrid’s been making and Mercedes couldn’t be more happy. She walks into the back and feels her chest warm at the sight of a certain guest’s nose bumping against Ingrid’s hand, tail wagging more than usual.
As she approaches, she sees him tense for a fraction of a second, before relaxing under Ingrid’s fingers as she gently scratches his ears. Mercedes smiles. “I see he’s trusting a little bit more now. He’s rather affectionate, isn’t he?”
Ingrid laughs softly as he licks her fingers when she moves to scratch under his chin. “He really is. Though from what Annette tells me, he isn’t like this with every volunteer. He’s still got some ways to go.”
Mercedes watches carefully as the dog darts to the corner of his kennel, taking note of his lingering limp, and nudges a ball toward Ingrid, eyes brighter than before. “Has he responded to any names?”
Ingrid nods as she pushes the ball lightly to the far end of the kennel, laughing as he jumps toward it, whole body shaking with his tail. “He seems to like ‘Sylvain’ the most.”
Mercedes tilts her head. “Sylvain?”
Ingrid shrugs as the ball is brought back to her. “I don’t know… it kind of felt like a lost memory. So, I tried it and his ears perked right up.”
Smiling, Mercedes nods. “Sylvain it is.”
Months go by and Ingrid remains one of Mercedes’ most dedicated volunteers. Sylvain continues to make progress, allowing her or Marianne to take him for daily walks without much fuss, but he still remains the most affectionate on the weekends Ingrid comes in.
He’s subdued during the weekdays, especially when potential adopting families come see him. He still shies away at sudden, loud noises, and he definitely still cowers when a large number of people surround him.
Yet, every weekend without fail, when Ingrid returns, he’s already by the front of his kennel, tongue out and tail wagging, waiting for her to see him. Mercedes updates Ingrid on his weekday activities and she shakes her head as she crouches low, extending her fingers to scratch his chin, exasperated smile on her face. “What am I going to do with you, Sylvain?”
A year later, Annie and Ingrid graduate. Instead of going out to celebrate, the two of them are with Mercedes at the Humane Society and Sylvain is a bundle of energy, darting between the three of them, tail wagging fiercely as he runs circles around Ingrid.
He climbs into her lap and tries to lick her face. Any other time, Ingrid would gently calm him down, but she lets him this time. It’d be the last time… since she’s moving back to Galatea.
Mercedes and Annie notice the change in her mood, and seemingly, so does Sylvain, as he settles down in front of her and bumps her arm with his nose. Ingrid sighs and pets his head absently. “I’m moving back to Galatea… so I won’t be able to keep coming back here.”
Annie’s face falls, but Mercedes reaches out and covers Ingrid’s hand, squeezing tight. “We’ll always be here, if you ever have time to visit.”
Ingrid nods and takes a shaky breath, eyes wet. “Any homes for Sylvain?”
Mercedes shakes her head. “Unfortunately no, he still seems to shy away when too many people come by to visit.”
Ingrid nods again and smiles weakly as Sylvain climbs back into her lap, even though he’s clearly too big to fit comfortably. Mercedes bites her lip. “Since he first got here, he seems to be the most comfortable with you.”
Sighing, Ingrid closes her eyes. “I was afraid of that.”
Annie taps her cheek thoughtfully. “Would you be able to adopt him, Ingrid? Take him with you? I’m sure he’d like that, seeing you every day instead of just two days per week!”
Ingrid looks down at the furball in her lap and snorts. “Yeah, you would like that, wouldn’t you?”
Sylvain looks back at her innocently, but his tail is wagging again, and it shakes his entire body and hers. Mercedes laughs. “He loves you a lot, doesn’t he?”
Ingrid scratches his ears and kisses the top of his head. “I love him too. I’ll recheck my finances and check with my father. Make sure no one in the family is allergic to dogs.”
She turns her attention back to the wiggling bundle in her lap and smiles again. “How does that sound? You want to come home with me?”
She receives an excited bark and another lick to the face in response.
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bae-leth · 5 years
Oh no, the pre-timeskip Blue Lions seeing post-timeskip Dimitri and just not recognizing him at first. They think this fearsome broken man is an enemy and get ready to attack. Only for Felix and Dedue to freeze in place, because that eye is cold and lifeless but oh so familiar. Slowly the group see their kind beloved leader in this man and they’re so confused and heartbroken. Also Dimitri seeing his younger friends and breaking down, from what though the others are too scared to ask.
cracks knuckles. This ain’t a headcanon request but HOO BOY this made me feel Feelings, so I’m just… I HAVE to do something with this… My hand was forced by this potential…
Pre-timeskip Dimitri isn’t with the Blue Lions when they encounter post-timeskip Dimitri. He’s back at the monastery, caught up in discussions with the other house lords, so the Lions encounter the timeskip version alone.
The Lions first see older Dimitri from across the field. The figure’s too far away to make out the face of, but he seems to be advancing, and fast, so they get into position.
It’s only when they get up close - when Dedue clashes lances with him - that they realise how similar he looks to their beloved leader…
…but how broken, too.
One blank, unseeing eye, with a sinister eyepatch covering the other one (if there is one to speak of), scars littering his face, deep-set dark circles, a tortured, anguished expression…
It couldn’t be, could it?
Before any of the crew can react, though, Felix yells first, rageful in a way they’ve never heard before:
“Who the hell are you? Answer me!!”
Dimitri’s head snaps up. He sees Felix, sees the rest of the Blue Lions flabbergasted, young, alive-
sees Dedue at the end of his lance, reaching a hand out to him-
and bolts.
The Lions don’t chase after him. They’re too shellshocked to do so.
Was that… was that really…?
They return to the monastery in silence. 
The other house members can’t get anything out of them; they all refuse to talk, playing it off instead as a tiring field study that left them exhausted.
(They’re exhausted, all right.)
Felix gets unbearably snappish for the rest of the day. He shoves past everyone, ignoring yells of protest, and makes his way for the training room, where he slices up dummies with the ferocity he usually reserves for the worst of enemies. No one goes after him.
Annette retires to her room immediately. She doesn’t speak to anyone, and spends the night tossing and turning in bed.
Ashe spends the night in the library, pretending to read, but really just staring at the same paragraph for hours without taking anything in.
Sylvain’s noticeably solemn during dinner. Caspar gets concerned when he makes a jab at him and only gets a half-hearted response, but quietens when he realises that he can’t pinpoint exactly what’s bugging his friend, and that said friend looks too tired to even engage with him.
Dedue and Ingrid quietly discuss what they saw when they get back to the common room, and Mercedes joins them soon after when she’s done comforting Annette.
Who was that man? 
Obviously, it was their leader, but how did he become like that? What happened to his eye? Why did he look so broken? Did they all conjure up the same hallucination? 
Could their Dimitri ever become like that?
Regardless of what conclusion the Lions arrive it, rest assured that they’re all hyper-aware of Dimitri and his health, both mental and physical, for a long time afterwards.
Dimitri meets them the next day:
“Good morning, everyone. How was your excursion- oof!”
Out of nowhere, Ashe has nearly bowled him over with the force of his hug, Ingrid’s thrusting a mug of hot chocolate into his hands, and Annette is crying.
It’s safe to say that Dimitri is so, so confused. And worried.
“Hey, what’s going on? What happened out there?”
They refuse to tell him - which frustrates him endlessly, but he won’t pry, since none of them seem hurt - but they also refuse to leave him alone??
Felix drags him to bed by 9pm at the latest. Even when Dimitri tries to argue (9pm?? Who sleeps at 9pm?? He has so much work to do!!), Felix just rolls his eyes and barks out an insult, before gently pushing him into the bedroom, with a warning of “You had better sleep properly, you idiot, or else I’ll kick your ass twice as hard tomorrow.”
Dimitri’s just in his bed like ‘:( ??? What’s going on???”)
Ingrid makes him so much hot chocolate that he thinks he’s going to get tooth decay. 
Mercedes starts seriously inquiring about the state of his mental health (it’s fine, though??? He feels fine??? He’s only a bit stressed, but that’s normal???). 
Dedue reminds him to take constant breaks from his studies - even when they’re not that taxing! 
Sylvain starts constantly telling him, everywhere, how much they all appreciate him. Constantly. (The affirmation is nice, but did he have to shout it to the whole academy in the dining hall?)
Annette and Ashe both team up to tell him funny stories and jokes before he goes to bed. The jokes are all horrible, especially the knock-knock ones, but they must work, because Dimitri goes to sleep nowadays feeling noticeably happier than he did while stressed before.
He doesn’t get why his housemates are suddenly mothering him, but… the love and care feels kind of nice, actually. 
(As long as they don’t go too far… It’s not like he’s in need of too much attention, is he?)
Unbeknownst to Dimitri, the Blue Lions decided ages ago that… the Dimitri they saw in that field? Whoever it was… they never want to see him again. 
And they’ll do anything to make sure that happens.
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edelgoth · 4 years
Can I get a house matchup with a romantic pairing with a female. I'm a bit anxious so struggle with talking to others. I like studying and reading and am always willing to help anyone but I would prefer not too ask others for help. I like baking and cooking and especially like making desserts. I have trouble making decisions and procrastinate a lot. I'm a kind person who finds it difficult to express themselves.
you sound so cute oh my goodness,,,
i would place you in… 
the blue lions!!
okay, but you, annette and mercedes?? sweetest trio in the world. it immediately popped into my mind while reading your description and i’m overwhelmed by how wholesome it is. the main reason i’ve put you in the blue lions is that i think you’d get along wonderfully with most of them; which is probably the most compelling reason. i do think you have this softness and kindness to you that blends in well with the blue lions and the themes of azure moon, and i really can’t visualize you anywhere else!!
dimitri: i think you two would have a very sweet relationship!! first of all, dimitri is a very patient, accommodating person, so i think he’d be easier to talk to than others. he’s very understanding, too, so he would be patient with the fact that you struggle to express yourself. he may also try to motivate you whenever you were procrastinating, to varying levels of success. i can see him taking on a “brotherly” role, regardless of your actual ages, with a hint of the protective and the pedantic (he just wants you to be okay and do well, you know?). but, there’s a lot about you that dimitri would admire; your kindness and willingness to help others being of particular note. he’d have nothing but a kind word to say about you, and would find himself quite fond of you. overall, i think you’d have a similar vibe to the dimitri-ashe support chain – too wholesome to handle. 
dedue: you and dedue would be very wholesome together. i can see you two spending a lot of your down-time together, mostly by accident. dedue doesn’t mind that you find it difficult to express yourself; he’s stoic himself, and he’s not going to expect too much from you. it’d be a friendship where you both learn to joy of sharing silence with someone who cares deeply for you. he’s also thankful to have an extra hand in the kitchen; you’d spend several evenings cooking up a storm with ashe and dedue, creating dishes long past bed-time. bless this friendship; my heart honestly can’t handle it. 
felix: he wouldn’t quite know what to do with you, to be quite honest. your personalities are quite different, but i also think you have some similarities to a young felix (at least, in terms of what i can glean from the scant references we get). i think felix would tend to err on the side of civil with you; he might struggle a bit with your anxiety, since he’s just so,,, gruff. he may also be a bit affronted by your indecisiveness, as he’s the type to stick to his guns. also, don’t expect to get away with procrastinating when felix is around; you’re going to train, or else. but, at the end of the day, i think there’s just something about you that he can’t help but fond of; even if he can’t quite admit it. 
sylvain: he’s cleverer than he lets on, and he can read people quite well. the reason i mention that is mainly your admission that you find it difficult to express yourself. sylvain has a whole,,, complex about being misunderstood, so i feel like he’d make a real effort to understand you. that being said, it’d be done in a very sylvain way (you know,,, a lot of teasing, a bit of flirting thrown in, the occasional moment of raw sincerity quickly covered up by a joke about women. the usual). i think he’d be a little protective, and would actively act like your older brother (with dimitri it’s more implied, but sylvain’s shameless – and once again, it doesn’t matter what your actual ages are). he tends to enable your procrastination, though, much to felix’s chagrin. sometimes you find yourself stuck between a battle of wills; but only sometimes. 
ingrid: i get the feeling she would be a bit gruff with you, at first; ingrid just doesn’t deal with anxiety in the most constructive way (see: her supports with bernadetta). but once you got to know each other better, i think ingrid would really admire you. once she understood your struggles, she’d always feel a little proud whenever she saw you talking to someone, or expressing yourself to her. she may not be the best person to go to for advice, but she’s rooting for you from behind. she especially admires your dedication to your study (which i’ve assumed simply on the basis that you like doing it i’m very jealous), and your willingness to help others. she probably calls you out every now often, telling you to ask her for help more often, but i’m sure she’ll adapt and get quite proficient at being able to tell that you need her aid without you having to say a word.  
annette: i think you’d have a delightful friendship!! i see you studying together a lot; just like you, annette just loves to learn, and i’m sure you two would have endlessly interesting conversations (also, annette’s just going to keep bring you things that she’s working on, seeking a second opinion – thus meaning that you’re never really procrastinating, in a way). annette is very sociable and easy to get along with, which makes me think that you’d have an easier time befriending her. you may struggle talking to other people, but annette just has such a bright, friendly way about her that’s hard to dislike. and once she’s befriended someone, she’s staunchly loyal; annette’s going to look out for and take care of you. and, like i said earlier:; sweetest trio in the world!! i think you’d have the best time with her and mercedes, and you know know that those girls would treat you with the care and attention you deserve!! 
mercedes: okay, first things first: baking duo!! i would say baking trio, because of annette, but let’s be honest – it’d be you and mercedes doing the actual baking, while annette stands by and acts as the greatest cheer team of the century. anyway, i think you and mercedes would get along wonderfully!! mercedes is so kind, patient and attentive, and she really listens to people. it doesn’t matter if you find it difficult to express yourself; mercedes just has a way of knowing exactly what you’re feeling or thinking. it’s a similar deal with the anxiety; mercedes understands, and she does her best to make herself as approachable and easy to talk to as possible. at the same time, mercedes really needs to be around someone who’s as willing to help her as she is everyone else. i think the two of you would just look out for each other, and would be able to rely on each other in times of hardship. i love this friendship very much (evidenced by the fact that this paragraph is growing longer and longer by the sentence), and please look after my girl!!  
mercedes is your romantic match!! i think your friendship would already be a bit deeper than the usual, which lends itself quite naturally to romance later in life. you two just get each other, you know?? there’s just a beautiful understanding to your relationship that makes it so rare and precious, and mercie’s the sort who’d constantly affirm you and tell you how thankful she is for your presence in her life. i’m getting emotional at the thought of the two of you two baking sweets for each other as a show of affection. oh, and annette is your daughter now. sorry, i don’t make the rules. 
ashe: you and ashe would be the best of friends. similarly to mercedes, he’s very patient and attentive, and he does his best to accommodate people. he’s not quite as good at it as mercedes is, but he genuinely does take his time to understand you and the ways in which you do express yourself. and, like dimitri, i think there’s a lot about you that he admires (and they’re more or less the same things). ashe loves that you’re always willing to help people, and he goes the extra mile to do little things for you every now and then. he also loves to lend you his favourite books, and introducing you to his well-loved recipes. you’re honestly quite similar in a lot of ways, and i think that’d make a friendship between you feel quite easy and natural. 
other notable connections
hilda: she might seem like a left-field choice, but i’m sticking with it. you two would start becoming friends because, in typical hilda style, she’d exploit you. it was bound to happen; you’re always willing to help, and hilda’s always willing to pawn off her work to others. but, over time, she’d find herself growing quite fond of you. she just thinks you’re so cute!! hilda’s also very talkative, so that wouldn’t be a problem at all (she herself says “i love listening to myself talk!!”). furthermore, once hilda’s fond of someone, she genuinely does go all out for them. it’s a bit of a surprisingly, but genuinely lovely friendship!! 
bernadetta: you seem like a more toned-down version of bernie, tbh!! and for that reason, i think she’d find you a surprisingly easy person to be around. you can actually connect with her over her anxiety, and won’t pressure her or make her uncomfortable. she appreciates your kindness and your willingness to help, and does her best to be a good friend in return. bernie would genuinely adore you, and you’d be one of the rare few that she actively seeks out to spend time with. please make her a lot of baked treats, because she deserves it. 
petra: she’d decide she was your friend one day and that’s it. petra’s your best friend now. nothing to be done about it. but, i do think you two would have a lovely contrast. petra’s so confident, and such a go-getter, while you’re much more of a grounded, peaceful force. i think petra would find your mind very interesting; she loves to ask you questions about your studies or the books you’ve read, and is always asking for recommendations. petra’s also the sort to try and motivate you whenever you’re procrastinating, and it’s always surprisingly earnest. and, since she herself struggles with expressing herself in an unfamiliar language, she’s another person who’d be patient and understanding with you. just like with hilda, it’s a surprising, and yet very wholesome friendship!!
i actually had a bit of trouble picking three people for this bc there were so many i wanted to include,,, special mentions are linhardt, claude & ignatz
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linhardts-crest · 5 years
Just played up to Ch18
Was away from home for a week so couldn’t play. Let’s just say these past two chapters hurt even more than I thought they would. THIS POST IS VERY SPOILERY FOR THE DEER ROUTE!!
-I’m very vocal about my love for Linhardt and up until now I have never considered anyone taking his place. Until I recruited Ferdinand. Having him as your ally is such a complete 180 of what he appears to be when he’s not your student during the monestary phase. He appears to be somewhat shallow, having no other personality than his noble one. But he’s caring, wants what’s best for the Aegir territory and Fódlan and has feelings. He’s very honest about how he feels weird working against the Empire, even though he firmly believes Edelgard must be stopped.
-I was told Ferdie would cry during the GD route and he did, but I expected more lmao. But I felt for him SO MUCH, and I wanted to hug him so bad. I love how he wants to atone for his father’s misdeeds. Misguided as he used to be, he has a pure heart.
-I have pretty much filled up all the supports between the Deer students, save for Ignatz and Leonie’s A+-support. Now I’m last-minute working on Manuela and Hanneman, Shamir and Cyril and Seteth and Flayn. Want Lysithea and Linhardt to end up together, so I’m working on that too.
-The Battle at Gronder Field FUCKED ME UP. I went out of my way to engage all Lions as Felix (with Sylvain as adjudant). I haven’t felt pain and guilt as I have when I had him attack Ingrid and Mercedes. The betrayal Ingrid felt and the sorrow Mercedes showed at her inevitable doom, my heart broke. Only one question, WHERE’S ANNETTE?? All Lions I haven’t recruited were there, save for Annette lmao.
-I had accidentally read about Dimitri’s fate on his Wiki page, but I had NO idea it would play out like this. Like Hilda said, he deserved better (this was kinda anti-climactic). It seems fitting, though, as Byleth really was part of the reason Dimitri didn’t stray too far off the path. Makes sense he would completely lose it without his professor and meet his end as unnecessary as this.
-Kinda disappointed in the reactions of the Lions. Ashe mentions he heard Dedue died too, which I don’t believe, but that was it. It fits his character, though, since he was very close friends with Dedue. Sylvain doesn’t even mention it at all, he gives the same weird analogy about how securing a fortress is like hitting on a girl. Now Felix, that was something else. Without Felix and Dimitri on the same team, their relationship only deteriorated further and the guilt Felix feels about not having been able to save his former best friend is so apparant and so painful. (It gave me quite a good fic idea tho lmao)
I’ll stop here, before I ramble on too long lmao. The Deer route does seem like a more “cheerful” route than the Lions one and I heard it can be seen as a “pallette cleanser” between the Lions and Eagles routes, which I feel it is.
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