#i have nothing other to do so might as well spam tumblr???
eetherealgoddess · 7 months
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꧁ I specifically write Tokyo Revengers fandom stories on my tumblr, ao3, and wattpad. I write non fandom content on my wattpad under eetherealgoddess! Report if you see any of my works posted on any other platform or under anyone else that isn’t me. ꧂
꧁ In my head, Y/n is a 18+ black cis female or male (depending on the story). I try to write it to where you can insert yourself so it doesn’t really matter if you’re not (besides 18+. minors aren’t allowed) though I do say this for representation purposes bc a lot of writers make stories that are ‘y/n’ but she/he is literally described in a specific way that I think makes it hard for not only poc but plus sized, bald, etc people to be included. They might as well be an oc at that point. ꧂
꧁ The only reason I don’t write y/n as anything but cis gendered female or male is bc I don’t have enough info to feel comfortable in writing for non binary or gender neutral. ꧂
꧁ Obviously I understand the concept of ‘playing a character’ as y/n so some things are fine being set if it doesn’t match with the reader, but things like the physical appearance is lowkey annoying. ꧂
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Considering I like to write my stories a specific way, I wasn’t going to allow requests. I’ve changed my mind so here’s how we’re gonna do things…
✩I only write yandere stories. That means by default your requests will be written yandere style ❦
✩I don’t write fluff, cute stories. I write horror, dark, suspenseful, and gut wrenching content ❦
✩i do NOT write necrophilia, pedophilia, biological (half or fully) incest, and/or beastiality. anything else will be brought up when the time comes❦
✩I don’t write ‘innocent’ ‘little one’ baby readers or whatever purity shit i’ve seen on here. no offense ❦
✩If smut is included, it will mostly consist of noncon/dubcon so if you request smut that is how it will be if you don’t specify what you want ❦
✩If I simply don’t want to write your request then I won’t ❦
✩I only write for Tokyo Revengers, specifically Sano Manjiro, Hanemiya Kazutora, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Haitani Ran, and Haitani Rin. Other characters will be background or non - existent ONLY❦
✩I mostly like writing all of them x reader but if you want a specific focus then i will do that❦
✩If you request something and it’s already a thoroughly written out story then you will be ignored cuz you might as well write it yourself at that point ❦
✩If you don’t hear back from me for a min, do NOT spam bc I’m either in the middle of writing your request, focusing on another and I’ll get back to you later, or I’m just ignoring it. Spamming will do nothing but make me continue to ignore it ❦
✩I’m only comfortable writing for cis female or male reader. I don’t have enough info on gender neutral or non binary therefore I can’t write from that perspective ❦
✩Specify exactly what you want or else it might be written in a way you didn’t expect ❦
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anne-bsd-bibliophile · 6 months
Getting all the April Fool's Day badges feels kind of like this achievement in The Stanley Parable:
Tumblr Staff: Boop someone one time? Is that all you think these badges are worth? No no no no no. I can't just give these merits away for such little effort. A measly boop. Now, suppose you were to boop 314 times, I would say that's the kind of effort that warrants recognition. I have to say I'm still not feeling the satisfaction of witnessing true effort for a noble cause. No, no, no, no. I'm still not feeling it. I want this trophy to have meant something. It has to be a true reward for valiant effort. I want to see some hustle, Tumblr User! I want to see commitment a willingness to go all the way no matter the cost. Why don't you go boop other Tumblr Users 1,000 times! Oh, great, now go boop a few times on this blog over here. Excellent! I think we're getting somewhere. Now that blog that spammed you with boops! Let's give it ten boops or so. Now back to the first blog. Let's see, how about you boop, well, I don't know, a blog you've never heard of before? Alright, give more boops to your mutuals. I'm really feeling it now! I think we're getting somewhere! Okay, now go to a reblog in this post over here and boop them. Yes! This is great! You're putting it all on the line Tumblr User! I like that! All right, let's keep it up. Go give a few more boops on Neil Gaiman's blog. We've almost got it! Now the blog that booped you before, do that one again! Finish it off, five boops on any blog you think you might not have given a boop to yet. Yes! We did it! Oh wow, that felt amazing. Oh you really earned it Tumblr User, nothing could hold you back. Yes I'm very proud of how far we've come today.
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incredibly low stakes and online aita post; ☁ to find it later.
aita for blocking a person on discord without telling them why?
so, i like the occasional online rp, and was hankering for a new one, so i found a tumblr blog that posts people searching for rps to do. i interacted with a post that seemed interesting, and the blogger and i talked briefly in ims. they seemed okay, and they liked me, so we shared discords to continue talking and plotting our rp.
as the conversation progressed in discord, i started getting some bad vibes from this person. nothing too bad, just things i kind of disliked. for instance, they shared some political opinions that we did not see eye-to-eye on, details of how they lost their virginity, and would get upset if i "took too long to respond". mind you, this is the first time we met. there were some smaller things as well, vague preferences or how they worded things that irked me, but not as big of deals. basically, this stuff kind of piled up as the convo progressed, i decided i wouldnt have fun rping with them, and i ended up blocking them.
i did not communicate to them that any of the stuff they were doing bothered me. i did not encourage them to overshare information about their political preferences or sexual experiences, nor did i tell them afterwards that it made me uncomfortable - although i did try to change the topic of conversation. i simply stopped responding for while, they send in several messages trying to egg me to respond (to the tune of "are you there???" "??????" "hellooooo???" "dude, you cant just ghost me like this" "i see you online") over the course of around 20 mins., and then i hit the block button.
shortly after that happened, they started messaging me on tumblr again calling me "petty", "immature", and telling me to "eat shit and die". i then blocked them on tumblr. lmao.
so! i get i might have been the asshole because i didnt communicate with them well enough. however! i am a big fan of curating online spaces. i love blocking people. i also love it when other people block me, if they dislike me, because i dont want to interact with people i dislike, nor ones that dislike me. i have been in their shoes before (being blocked by some random person online who i had just met basically) and my reaction to it is "lmao". i genuinely dont care that much. i then get on with my life because i dont think it matters. i get feeling super bad if you were good friends with the person and knew them for a while, but we werent. we had just met. i dont think the level of betrayal was high enough to make me blocking them a huge emotional turmoil. i wouldnt have given this a second thought until they sent me the messages calling me a pos afterwards.
if it helps any, this all took place earlier tonight. i liked the post this morning, they reached out to me this afternoon, we talked in tumblr ims for about 10 mins., then discord for about 1 hour, i stopped responding for 30 mins. whilst they spammed me with requests to reply, i blocked them, then about 5 mins later they sent me the tumblr ims. i knew them for only a few hours. also we are both over 18, although im older by about 4 years and, frankly, i think their immaturity showed in our convo lol.
so, aita for blocking a person without telling them why beforehand? thanks for reading ✌
What are these acronyms?
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kissesandarsenic · 21 days
Last Updated - 18th of Sept. 24
The following must be read before sending in a task, any rules ignored will result in your request being ignored or in extreme situations, you being blocked.
Please remember I am playing a role. I am not your Domme, you are not my submissive. This is kinky fun for those who like being bossed around. You are under no obligation to do the task I give you if it makes you uncomfortable.
WHEN REQUESTING A TASK - Tell me what sort of thing you'd like, what toys/items you have that you'd be comfortable using and what your limits are if you're on anon or don't have a dedicated pinned post on your blog. The vaguer you are, the more dificult it is for me, and I may be inclined to delete it.
Gender identity can also be useful for terms of endearment I use, otherwise I'll default to they/them and gender neutral terms.
Please limit task requests to once per week. I don't want to get worn out from this. Also do not ask for time sensitive tasks, I'll get to them when I get to them.
TASKS I WILL GIVE MAY INCLUDE - -Instructions on porn to watch/listen to -Bodywriting -Light Painplay (maybe more if we've talked and I know your limits) -Edging/Denial -JOI -Crossdressing -Filming/photographing yourself -Non-Sexual Objectification -Intelligence Play -Exposure (nothing that will affect your life outside of Tumblr) -Watching/listening to hypnosis files
HARD LIMITS: TASKS I WILL NOT DO - -Watersports/Scat/Diaper Play, basically anything pertaining to the bathroom -Anything illegal -Intoxication -Anything controlling food intake -Extreme Painplay -Sissification (temporary feminzation is fine, the sissy thing just drains me) -Tasks involving other people who have not consented to being part of a play -Keyholding, that leans too much into "I am your Domme" territory and I don't want that. -Hypnotise/brainwash you (I don't know HOW) CLARIFICATION - You can be into the above things (minus the Illegal stuff for gross shit) and I'm fine with you interacting/following me. I just won't assign tasks for it.
I will add to the above lists as I think of more. You may request tasks for certain kinks if they are not on my hard limits, but if they're not something I'm interested in, I may ignore them or even add them to the Hard Limits.
-Bigotry, this includes using offensive terms/slurs against minority groups. I don't care if it's accepted in some circles, it isn't here. - Ignoring my Hard Limits - Spamming me with requests or to hurry with assigning a task. I am fine with people letting me know how their tasks went/are going! But don't keep saying more please, more please if my task isn't enough for you. - Being creepy/obsessive/too familiar towards me in a way that isn't obviously RP, or has been stated as RP. If you're off anon, I'll reach out privately and check in. If you're not, you're getting ignored until you reach out and clarify. -Outright being a dick. I reserve the right to decide what that looks like.
I'll repeat here that I DO LOVE GETTING UPDATES ON TASKS. And I don't mind coercing "embarrassed" subs as well. Though if it goes on a bit too long, I might just stop replying and let you get desperate enough to do what you wish.
Also, feel free to do tasks assigned to other people! I put a lot of time into coming up with them so if they get more use than just the one person doing them, all the better! And please let me know how they go. I love to hear about it :)
Have fun!
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winslowat3am · 2 years
Do u give money to people on tumblr?
Short answer, no. I don't reblog those posts, either. Majority of them are scammers, bonus scamster points if they use their race/gender as emotional manipulation. (Rant incoming cause this pissed me off, not you, but it had me thinking about a lot of shit). I'm sorry but I could never be on Tumblr begging for money, that's embarrassing, no offense. I commend anyone who's shameless enough to do that cause in all seriousness, couldn't be me. I feel like there are just some things you shouldn't do & asking strangers, half of which are minors, to give you their hard earned money in trade for nothing is one of them. The victim mentality of "let me spam my followers with a bunch of sob story updates about my life's issues & guilt trip them into giving me cash", no. Leave them alone. That shit's annoying, inconsiderate & entitled. & it's always the same fucking people holding their hand out. The people you're begging for cash are more than likely struggling too & need theirs. Tumblr is the worst place to ask for assistance. If you need money then you should seek a financial aid program, or I don't know, log the fuck out & get a job like everyone else? That's what people who need money do. There's no excuse, I said this before & I'll say it again, making money nowadays is easier than it has ever been cause of access to technology. Everything is virtual. You can work from home. There are people making millions eating for a fucking living on YouTube. If you're broke atp it's cause you either make excuses for why you can't work or you're just lazy. It's a choice. You don't even need to physically go out & find a real job. Make something. Perform a service. Everyone has something they can offer. Don't sit there & expect people to pay you for nothing. I hate lazy ass people who wallow in self pity, make excuses & don't contribute anything to society & simply exist to leech off others. It's parasitic & pathetic. You "can't work", but you can play around on social media every day? Hmm. You deserve to live in poverty then. You're not special. You better sell some p-ssy, d!ck or c*ke. If you're bussing it open to everyone anyway you might as well get paid for it, in the words of my wife, "make it count". Seriously, I don't respect those people. Tumblr beggars are the equivalent of irl bums who loiter at gas stations harassing passersby for change. It's fucking irritating & unfair that we live in a world where weak people are rewarded, coddled, catered to & given breaks for doing nothing. "Oh well, you know, John can't work, he's dealing with a breakup that has him in a deep depression. I just- I don't know if his mental health will allow him to work." Bro, I sympathize but at the end of the day, screw John. He has no real problems. There are people with cancer & aids right now who are working. People with no limbs are working. He can work, he's physically able to, but ultimately he won't cause he's a mentally weak man with no drive. Let's just call it what it is. I've been homeless & depressed before, I dug myself out of that hole WITH NO HELP, if people can bounce back from homelessness, addiction, abusive relationships & rebuild their lives, if people with deformities can work there's no excuse for why these lazy asses are living in houses, have food & water, with themselves being the only person they have to take care of but they're on here begging us & living off the gov't. That shit IS sad. & I get so heated over this topic cause the bastards who log on & beg aren't going to log off fucking Tumblr & make adjustments so they can afford to live, they're not going to or offer an exchange, they'll continue to do this shit. In the comfort of their home. Meanwhile, the ones they beg have to scrounge. So no motherfucker, I can't help you spend my money. Follower counts mean nothing here cause nobody gets paid on this dead app, this ain't YouTube. If you have hella followers but you still can't eat or pay your bills it's a sign your priorities are fucked. Up. Your followers owe you nothing. Have a little pride & self respect.
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intrepidacious · 1 year
hi! ok I just wanted to ask someone who knows how tumblr works haha
so I found someone who writes amazing content so I decided to follow them. I binged lots of their fics earlier today and when I checked their profile again later, their profile doesn’t show. It seems they might have blocked me and I don’t know why :( I commented that I loved their fics and the comments are removed. my profile has my age and I am decently active on reposting & commenting on fics. This happened to me one other time too so I just am confused I guess :( I tried to message them but it said it wouldn’t go through so that makes me think I’m blocked? I guess I don’t know why a couple people blocked me? Just kinda made me sad bc I really enjoy their work but now I won’t be able to see anymore ☹️😢
happy to!! 💛
first thing you gotta remember that in all likelihood, your getting blocked is nothing personal. reasons for blocking someone on tumblr include but aren't limited to:
you don't have your age (range) listed in your bio/clearly visible on your blog
the age you have listed doesn't adhere to boundaries a blog has set (f.e. you're a minor, or it only says "18+" which i know many writers don't accept)
your blog is completely empty i.e. you don't post/reblog stuff
you don't reblog other people's writing
you spam like posts
you've never changed the default icon/header to something else
people don't vibe with the things you reblog
your theme is a colour they don't like
a lot of the time, it comes down to everyone's preferences. god knows i've been blocked by people and didn't understand why, but frankly it's none of my business. most likely, you won't ever find out, either. everyone is creating their own online space, and sometimes that means having a quick blocking finger. i'm sorry that you won't be able to read those stories anymore but you have to accept creators' boundaries.
however, there are some things you can do and try to prevent getting blocked in the future. these are only a couple of suggestions around tumblr etiquette i've picked up on over the years; if anyone else wants to chip in here, please do!!
1. make sure your blog is, by all appearances, that of a human being
this might sound stupid because of course, you are a human, but with the recent bot wars it's all the more important to double check for red flags.
check your url. does it include a random string of numbers, lots of dashes, just a name and an adjective? all of these have been indicative of porn bots and people might block you on sight.
change your icon and your header. yes, both of them. there are lots of creators on here who make wonderful fandom related headers and icons, or you can create your own with canva. just be sure to follow creators' rules and preferably reblog their creation
change your blog title. if your account is new, it will just say "untitled", which is another indication you might not be a human. use quotes, song lyrics, anything you enjoy
add a bio. this is where you put your name or nickname (you can make one up) age, age range, links to second blogs (if applicable), more quotes, whatever. i prefer my bio short and to the point, but that doesn't have to be you.
important: do this for all blogs and side blogs you use regularly. if you have a second blog for reblogging fics, you need to put up your age there as well, or at least visibly link to your main blog so creators can see you're not a minor. the harder it is to verify that you're an adult, the more likely it is that you will get blocked
2. know the different kinds of interactions on tumblr and navigate them well
there's a difference between liking, commenting, reblogging, and reposting, and it's important. lots of people use reblogging and reposting interchangeably, but that's actually incorrect and can lead to serious mishaps. let's dissect them one by one.
you're familiar with the like from other social media platforms. you tap a post twice or hit the little heart at the bottom of the post and it's added to your likes. wonderful, right? well. tumblr is a little different.
tumblr doesn't have an algorithm. let me say that again. there is no algorithm on tumblr. i guess there is, on the for you page, but that doesn't count because it's really shit. the only important thing on tumblr is your dashboard, and your dashboard only shows original posts and the reblogs of those posts from people you follow.
no one cares about your likes. your likes don't do shit. that's why creatives on here keep talking about reblogs. you need to reblog things on tumblr in order for them to get seen. it's a snowballing effect. likes are nice and all, but they're private. they're not contributing to a story or an artwork being seen by more people. they're essentially empty interaction. what's more, should a post get deleted for whatever reason, that post is gone for you forever.
i know some people use their likes as bookmarks for things they want to look at later, but i would strongly urge you not to do that. people block serial likers, because most of the time it is, sadly, very unlikely that they will come back and actually interact with the post again. that's just the way it is. we can thank tiktok and instagram for that. again, tumblr doesn't have an algorithm. if you want to genuinely support and encourage people on here, you need to do more than liking.
this is a step up from liking, because you're actually interacting now. a comment will show up in the activity of the person whose post you left it on and of the original poster (op)—more on that distinction in a minute. comments are encouraged especially on ask/answer type posts, or as a reply to an earlier reblog.
when it comes to fanfic, there are, again, pros and cons. you can only leave a comment from your main blog, which means that even if you have a second account where you reblog fics, there's not necessarily a link between the two. this can lead to your getting blocked if you've never reblogged a fic to your main blog. on the other hand, if people comment on your fic without reblogging it, but they do reblog other people's fics, that can also rub creators the wrong way because it creates a strange sort of hierarchy: why those fics? why not mine?
important thing to note: i am not saying that to make anyone feel bad about "just" commenting, i just want you to be aware that this might go on in a creator's head. it has in mine. i'm very aware that this is a me problem, but it's also a reason why people might get blocked out of the blue, which is why i wanted to bring it up.
ah yes, reblogging. reblogging is the thing that makes tumblr tumblr, and it's so easy to do. you just hit the little 🔁 symbol at the bottom of the post, and boom, it's reblogged to your own blog. everyone who follows you can now see it on their dashboard, and if they reblog it, their followers can see it, and so on and so forth. every time someone reblogs a post from you, you will get a notification in your activity, and so will the op.
reblogs are the heart and soul of tumblr. yes, original posts are (usually) individual creations, but the community aspect of this site is born through the reblog. there are different variations on how to reblog. all are valid, because all help spreading posts around.
the empty reblog is the quickest option. there's literally a quick reblog option on mobile: if you hold your finger on the reblog button for a second or so, you will see your icon appear. if you swipe in that direction, the post gets immediately reblogged to your blog. something similar can be done on desktop with the xkit browser extension. it's fast, it's easy, it gets the job done. it's perfect for when you like a post but don't have anything specific to say/reply.
the reblog with tags is the second fastest option. tags, on tumblr, are sort of the sotto voce version of comments. yes, you can use tagging to organise your blog and make your posts easily findable (is that a word?) but the real fun begins when little asides are added. you can keysmash in the tags. you can put your thoughts in the tags. you can go full caps without it looking overwhelming in the actual post. if you're just starting to comment on things, the tags are a great place to start, because the actual post will keep looking the same; the tags are just a little additional bonus for both you and the creator. this is what you would use for the majority of posts that aren't works of art in any way, too, like text posts you want to find again, polls, photographs etc.
the reblog with additions though? oh boy. that's the real stuff. imagine it as clipping on your thoughts to the post, right there for everyone to see. you can add gifs, and memes, and change the font, and change the colour, and scream, and keysmash, and ramble without limitations. it's like catnip for the op. if you reblog a fic, a moodboard, a piece of art, a gifset, whatever it is, and you put your thoughts underneath? man, it's amazing.
side note: if you're new to commenting on people's fics and you don't know what to say, i highly recommend referring to this post. (btw i linked my reblog so it can act as an example of the different forms of adding to a post: there were other reblogs before mine, and i've added tags. useful in its content and as an example!!)
this is where we need to be careful. reblogs are great. reposts are theft. where's the difference? reposting refers to you copying another creator's work, whatever it may be, and creating a new post without any indication to the original person's efforts. even if you do include their url, you will most likely get reported and blocked. because now, you've become the op of this copied post, and the actual creator will get absolutely nothing.
you will most likely have seen banners in fic communities that state something along the lines of "don't copy or translate any of my work to this or any other site". that's what this refers to. this would also include the following:
posting another writer's story to ao3/wattpad/another fic site of your choice without their permission. you can absolutely never do this. "but what if"—NO. never. fullstop.
some creators allow translations of their work, but you can only ever share those with their explicit permission and proper credit.
saving a gif to use without linking back to the artist. this is maybe my biggest gripe. yes, i know this site sucks at making gifs searchable, but still, you can't do this. and no, "credit goes to the original artist" doesn't count, where did that bullshit even come from? it makes me so mad. that's not giving credit, that's being lazy.
3. be nice, and have fun
this is fandom, and it's supposed to be a hobby. this is supposed to be a good time. none of us are getting paid for any of this. yes, we're all passionate about what we do, whether we're looking at other people's creations or we make them ourselves. we're fans of that common thing, and isn't that great?
just a little more internet etiquette that's not really tumblr specific but could be a good reminder for everyone:
not everything is for you, and that's okay
if something's not for you, scroll away
if you don't like what someone is posting, ignore them. mute them. block them.
do not ever, and i mean ever, send anyone hate. you don't know who's on the other side of the screen. block them and move on. life's too fucking short.
don't correct people's grammar/spelling. only assholes do that. if you can't help yourself and they're a person you've interacted with before, shoot them a private message and be nice about it.
don't offer unsolicited advice. i don't care if you want to give constructive criticism to help the other person. unless they've explicitly asked you to do that, don't. you'll get blocked so quick, and you'll ruin someone's day.
if you're reading a fic that's not finished yet, don't ask for an update. yes, you're excited for the story to continue. but "part 2", "when's the next chapter out", "more please" and so on are all things that put pressure on creators whether that's your intention or not. it gives us the impression that what we've already put out is never enough. and that sucks. by all means, be excited about what comes next, but not like this.
read!! old!! fics!!!! the beauty of tumblr being the way it is is that there's zero shame in interacting with older posts. it's not like you're liking a seven year old post on instagram. in fact, if you're commenting on a seven year old fic/gifset/moodboard/artwork on tumblr, i can guarantee you're gonna make that creator's day.
i'm absolutely positive that i've forgotten something in this post even though it's longer than several of my wips, so if any of my moots want to add something that'd be great!! in fact i'm gonna tag some of you because you know what? if you've read all of this you deserve a kiss. have a wonderful day 💛
@marvelettesassemblenow @barnesafterglow @imaginearyparties @aphrogeneias @brandycranby @writing-for-marvel @foreverindreamlandd @sanguineterrain @demxters @wildlivelychild
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pochipop · 2 years
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#. synopsis! — with diluc's plan set in motion, you venture far outside your comfort zone (and far outside your own reality.) as you rekindle the long-lost spark you had with him in your youth, you realize rather quickly that this place is nothing short of disorienting; and as diluc gears up for his first fight, the arrival of some unexpected guests might just throw everything off its already rocky course .
#. characters! — diluc .
#. warnings! — brief mentions of alcohol presence and consumption .
#. word count! — 4.8k .
#. alt accounts! — @ddollipop (nsfw) @yyolkchi (reblog/spam)
#. others! — navigation & masterlist .
#. previous chapter! — here .
#. taglist! — @cafekiri , @sunukissed , @lez-zuha , @crowleyco , @sunlittsu . (if you'd like to be added/removed, contact me through tumblr dms or simply leave a reply under this post!)
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As expected, gaining entrance to a so-called “abyssal zone” was no easy task. Diluc handled the formalities (if you could really call them that) over the coming days, —managed to track down where the next zone would be opening, made arrangements for his entrance under the appropriate moniker of “The Phoenix,” and even managed to find time in the evenings to swing by your family’s bakery and give you the day’s rundown. Those times, however, his presence was much less unwelcome, much more expected, and he actually purchased a few items during his loitering; some of which he would nibble on throughout the conversation, and others he would take back to the winery for the staff.
Your father remained mostly stagnant in his health, which was better than getting worse, of course, but far from what you would have wanted. It only made sense his condition wasn’t improving without the proper medicine, but it didn’t make the reality of it any less hurtful to bear witness to.
The door to the quaint shop opened just before closing time, and in stepped Diluc, hands adorned with those same black gloves that fit so snugly around his long fingers, —thick, brilliant hair pulled back and tied just above the nape of his neck. He really had grown up to be incredibly handsome in every sense of the word. Even the way he walked was alluring, head held upright and proud, boots thudding against the floor in a sturdy rhythm.
“Ah, you again,” you joke with him, “guess my baking skills have really turned you into a regular, huh?”
Diluc breaks his typically stoic demeanor to give you a slight smile.
“I suppose so,” he plays along. “That, and we have a long few days ahead of us, as I’m sure you’re well aware.”
Were you ever.
It was hard to sleep last night knowing just what was approaching. You laid in bed, body quivering under the weight of the anxiety, whispering soothing phrases to yourself as if chanting “everything will be fine” to yourself just under your breath would somehow manifest that actuality. All things considered, something was bound to go wrong. What that something was, well, you’d just have to wait and find out, —and that thought made sleep none the easier to come by.
“Yeah,” you acknowledge, a solemn tone lacing through your voice. “I know.”
In the brief silence that follows, there’s a lingering sense of uncertainty that sends ripples of fear through the space between Diluc and yourself. It’s so thick that you’re sure he can feel it too, and you’re left to assume that’s why he continues on so promptly.
“You’ll be fine,” he says, but swiftly corrects himself, “—we’ll be fine. I’ll make sure of it.”
You worry it’s a promise he doesn’t quite have the faculties to keep, but choose not to voice your concerns just yet. If nothing else, starting the journey off on the right foot is likely the best you can do for him, and far be it from you to drag him down into this hellish pit of anxiety with you when it really doesn’t seem to be necessary.
“I trust you,” you say instead, giving him a slight nod.
It’s not just for show, either. Funnily enough, trusting Diluc was the easy part. Maybe it’s the influence of having known him so fondly in the past, —or maybe it’s just the way he carries himself as if he’s never faced an obstacle he couldn’t will himself to overcome. Either way, it was a simple endeavor to entrust your safety to him (perhaps a bit foolishly, and for better or worse.)
He doesn’t say it, but the way his eyes soften ever so slightly upon hearing that sentiment tells you everything you need to know. Diluc may be a bit rough around the edges, but there’s a lover buried deep inside that chest of his, —one that cares and yearns and strives like there’ll never be another tomorrow. That’s how he’s always been, and it’s nice to know that some things really haven’t changed since you were close.
“We’re lucky the zone isn’t far off,” he continues, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. “We’ll have no trouble reaching the area before sundown if we leave soon.”
Lucky feels like a strong word, but you don’t seek to correct him.
“I’m ready when you are,” you confirm, mustering up the best brave-face you can.
The evening air makes for an uncomfortable walk, but you manage to keep up with Diluc’s long, deliberate strides. It doesn’t take long at all before he halts you in your tracks, opening his coat to pull a set of plain black Fatui masks from the inner pocket. When he hands one over to you, your face twists in a mixture of disgust and confusion, prompting him into an explanation.
“It’s a requirement for entry,” he states, “—trust me, I’m not a fan of it either.”
With a soft sigh, you slip the mask on and Diluc does the same. If nothing else, it looks good on him, you suppose; though that’s a pretty sorry excuse for self-comfort.
“It makes me uneasy knowing that something like this is happening so close to the city,” you comment.
This area of Windrise is so close that you can still see the soaring windmills of Mondstadt just off in the distance. Lingering shreds of sunlight still cling to the horizon, but the ever-darkening atmosphere feels much too fitting for the mood.
“I wish I could say it doesn’t worry me,” he answers despondently, “but I admit, there are nights it keeps me awake.”
You figure that’s part of the reason he hasn’t sought the help of anyone outside of his spy network. That, and he has a notoriously poor relationship with the Knights of Favonius these days, —not that you have any of the specifics on that (nor will you be asking anytime soon.)
“In any case, how exactly do we. . . Enter?” You ask, pushing the other worries to the back of your mind for the time being.
“Well, obviously I've never done it before," he begins, "but as far as I know, there should be a guide arriving soon enough. We just have to wait for them to show up."
"A guide?" You question. "What, is this interdimensional pocket of mimicked Teyvat supposed to be some kind of tourist attraction?"
Diluc let's out a soft snicker, a smile creeping onto his face just below the edge of his mask. If nothing else, it's nice to banter with him like this again. . . It feels natural in a way you hadn't expected, especially after so long.
"It shouldn't be too much longer now. The sun'll be completely set any minute, and once it's gone down, the zone entrance will open up for a bit. Tonight's the last night to gain entrance to this one, from what I hear," he says. 
"How long has this one been open for?" You inquire.
"I got wind of it six days ago, but I'm sure you can tack a few days, give or take, onto that. Most zones stay up for about two weeks their time, —not even a full day in Teyvat's typical timeline. I'm sure there's a range, but we'll know more once we've entered ourselves, so it's best not to make assumptions without proof," Diluc replies.
"How many people do you think will be there?"
"I couldn't say for certain," he shakes his head. "Henley said there was upwards of a hundred in the zone he entered, but I'm sure the number varies for a variety of reasons. At the very least though, it's safe to assume we'll see ten matches across the next two days, —mine included. That's at least two people, fighter and representative, plus who knows how many spectators willing to place bets. . ."
Diluc lets his words trail off, the low whisper of his tone going utterly silent. Through the slits of his mask, you can see his scarlet eyes follow something, —and you swallow the lump that instantly forms in your throat.
"Guide," he mouths to you, and it's then that you realize just how painfully unprepared you'd been this entire time.
It's far too late to turn back, but a part of you wants to run for the hills.
"Hello there," a surprisingly chipper, feminine voice says to the two of you.
Diluc moves to stand at your side, tugging you along by the wrist to turn your attention to a woman with wavy, shoulder-length brown hair, a Fatui mask in a different style than your own covering the top half of her small face. She's dressed in purple with a pair of nice, black dress shoes, and she all but skips along the grass to make your acquaintance.
"Dawn Winery's fighter and representative, I presume?" She inquires, a sickeningly sweet smile stretching across her rather delicate features.
If you'd have met her under any other circumstances, and she'd been void of that mask, you likely would have thought of her positively as a simple optimistic spirit. Here, however, her joyous demeanor unnerves you more than anything else.
"Correct," Diluc answers with an affirmative nod, "I hope we haven't kept anyone waiting too long."
"No, not at all!" She waves her hand dismissively, "—the true show doesn't begin for another few hours. The rest has been the usual mingling of the guests, enjoying the refreshments, things of that nature. Given that it's your first time, I'm sure the both of you will have some exploring of your own to do as well, and I wish you all the fun in doing so!"
You find it increasingly creepy how she speaks as if she's selling you some kind of retreat or an island getaway at a resort in another nation rather than slitting reality open just to send the two of you off to watch people punch each other. Nevertheless, you bow your head in thanks, forcing a smile onto your face that pales in comparison to her own.
"Thank you," Diluc vocalizes for the both of you.
She seems pleased enough with what little chit-chat has gone on thus far, clasping her hands together in front of her chest like an excitable child.
"Well then, I won't hold you up any longer!" She says cheerfully.
It's then that she pulls a pair of daggers from either pocket of her dress, gripping them so tightly that her knuckles lighten in the process. You take a cautious step away out of instinct, heart thundering against your ribcage. If not for the faint, blueish-purple glow of the blades, you might not have been able to spot them so quickly, and the thought of it is anxiety-inducing to say the very least.
"It's okay," Diluc whispers, —and if she happened to catch wind of it, she chose not to react.
The so-called guide raised one hand above her head, but kept the other at waist-position, and with a grunt that seemed to be more for show than anything else, plunged both daggers into something previously unseen. The blades were buried up to the neck, their glow completely stunted, —first by nothingness, and then by some black, oozing substance that you wouldn't have been able to identify even if you'd tried. Face scrunching up in visceral disgust, you fight the urge to take another step back, though the desire to put distance between yourself and whatever that is remains. 
"Sorry," she apologizes, but giggles as she does so like a little girl, "—I always forget to warn people that this part can get a little messy."
A little seems like a grave understatement to you, especially when the pitch black goo begins to seep from the open slits like puss. It churns your stomach just looking at it, and that feeling doubles tenfold the moment she yanks the daggers further along, creating a larger gash that intersects somewhere in the middle. 
"What is that stuff?" You question, fingers nervous curling around the end of Diluc's coat sleeve.
"Not sure," he mumbles under his breath, "some kind of secretion, it seems like, but. . . I really haven't a clue what it's made of."
The woman then proceeds to pull the oozing flaps apart, her daggers falling haphazardly to the grass at her feet. Despite having been buried in the thick of the goo, they're as clean as they were the moment she jabbed them in, but their glow has disappeared and they register as nothing more than typical weapons now. There's little to no struggle at all as she peels the two sides away until a hole more than large enough to climb through has been left in her wake. 
"Don't be nervous," she says, motioning for the both of you to come forward, "just step through! And don't be scared if you experience a little dizziness or nausea at first, it's just your body acclimating to the new surroundings."
Standing outside this weird, gaping hole has already made you dizzy and nauseated all on its own. You really didn't need any artificial help on that front.
"Thank you," Diluc says again.
Before you have the time to utter a single noise, he's walking forward and plunging a fearless leg through the misty entrance of the abyssal zone. He looks back only for you, as if sensing your anxiety before you could put it into words.
"Don't be nervous," the woman repeats herself, "—you're sure to have a good time."
You really don't want to go through with this, but somehow, staying in your everyday reality with her would appear to be a fate much worse. That, and after all the trouble Diluc and his team had gone through to set all of this into motion, you knew the guilt would eat at you much worse than any nausea ever could if you denied him this now when he’d already come this close. Thus, you hold your breath as you step through the blackened slit of the material world as you know it, preemptively reaching out for something to grasp hold of. For a moment, it feels like you’re falling, —like your body has slipped into a state of weightlessness and gravity has relinquished its hold over you.
A soft yelp escapes your lips and you find yourself feeling breathless, even as you meet with solid ground. It’s not so much dizziness or nausea that takes hold of you now, but more of an eerie unease; like your body is in fight or flight mode and you don’t know how to flip that switch off again. A chorus of unfamiliar voices fill the air, speaking words that you don’t quite catch over the reverberation of your thundering heartbeat.
“Y/n?” Diluc says, his softly-spoken call laying waste to the rest of the noise, “—are you okay?”
You look up at him with fear in your eyes, —fear that he wishes he could soothe away somehow.
“. . . Yeah,” you answer after a moment or two, “I’m okay.” 
You really are. Mostly, anyway. All things considered, that could have been exponentially worse, and as far as you can tell, the throes of it have ceased for the time being. The two of you are standing in the exact spot of vacant Windrise through which you’d entered, but darkness has yet to overtake this version. The sun still hangs up in the sky, and the isolation of the area as you knew it just prior has been overridden by a barrage of faces that you don’t recognize at all. You can tell by the various styles of dress that many of those standing around are not from Mondstadt, and it makes you wonder just how far some of them must have traveled to be in attendance today. . . Makes you wonder how they managed to get here without raising suspicion somehow, just considering the sheer numbers they've peaked at.
“There's. . . A lot of people here,” you mutter.
Diluc nods, then motions for you to follow along with him. He all but exudes the kind of calmness you wish you could have under these circumstances as he saunters into the crowd, taking quick glances at those around him. You catch bits and pieces of various conversations in passing along the way.
“Last I heard, they were struggling to pay back the hefty sum they lost in the last fight. . .”
“The drinks they’re serving this go around are much better. . .”
“It’s a shame! He was a good fighter, but poor management of finances can kill even the loftiest of businessmen these days. . .”
You’re quick to tune out. When it comes to discussions of the rich and powerful, you’re hardly one with a stake in the waters. Diluc, on the other hand, you know to be quite affluent, and you’re sure he could hold his own much better in such conversations if the need presented itself.
You make a mental note to ask him about that later. Considering how much these people seem to enjoy chatting amongst themselves, you’re sure a time will come when you’ll have to be part of the conversation, and it would likely be best for you to know the basics of it all if nothing else. Like it or not, you have an image to keep up in this place as the face and subsequent mouthpiece of Dawn Winery. Having to talk the talk and walk the walk simply comes with the territory, and you've gotten yourself wrapped up in all of this quite tightly, so it's only fair that you make appropriate efforts. 
“Where are we going?” You question. 
Knowing Diluc, he has to have some sort of plan. He’s not the type to rush into anything without some form of meticulous planning. Not much has changed about him in that regard, and that makes you happy, though you couldn’t exactly say why. 
“To scope the area,” he replies. “Look just up ahead and tell me what you see.”
Right to work it is then, you suppose. . .
Focusing your gaze ahead, you scan the general area with an inquisitive scrutiny. There’s green grass, a few of Mondstadt’s representative dandelion’s bent in the breeze, —nothing you’d consider to be out of the ordinary. You keep pace with Diluc in spite of his longer legs, searching for anything to hone in on.
“I don’t get it,” you admit. “Is there something in particular I’m supposed to be looking for?”
“Nothing like that,” he answers, “—but you’re being too near-sighted. Take a look at the bigger picture and try again.”
Sometimes, Diluc talks in circles. It’s not for the pleasure of annoying you or making you feel less intelligent, even if it can admittedly have those effects every now and again. He does it in order to encourage your critical thinking and spur you to consider all possibilities whenever the option presents itself. Now, you acknowledge, must be one of those times.
Staring straight ahead now, you squint your eyes off into the distance. . . And that’s when it hits you. The closer you get to the oncoming trees and bushes, the less they seem to be fully there. From back where you’d entered, the general blur of the horizon line wasn’t as visible, and Archons knows how Diluc was able to pick up on it so quickly from so far away. It’s blurry now as you come closer to the edge, like the background of a painting that’s been smudged over time.
Diluc takes your silence as understanding and stops just short of the haze.
“If you watch closely, you can see it ebb and flow like water,” he says.
Indeed, he’s right again, and just the sight of it leaves you feeling a bit seasick.
“What does it mean?” You inquire.
“That these zones likely aren’t as stable as anyone here would like to think,” Diluc replies. “Don’t forget, this place is connected to a realm we know little to nothing about. They’re created by harnessing power even the elemental Archons might not have been able to fully decipher.”
Add that to the list of reasons for you to get out of here as soon as possible.
“That being said, we should go back with the others. It’s best not to draw attention to ourselves, and being outliers like this is sure to do just that if we’re not careful about it.”
“I think it’d also be best to stay away from these spots,” you tell him. “I know it might sound silly, but just being so close to the edge has given me chills. I feel like standing here is inviting something dangerous to happen, and I’m sure we’d both rather avoid that at all costs.”
He hums in acknowledgement.
You're thankful that he's bothered to take your feelings on the matter into consideration. That's a rather low bar, of course, but it happens to mean a lot coming from someone as capable as Diluc. He's experienced in this area to some degree, —possesses knowledge that you likely won't ever be privy to. . . But he's listening. As if he trusts your intuition on this, even when all he has to go on is your word. 
"Do you know how long we'll be here?" You inquire. "A rough estimate, at least?"
"Hard to say now," he replies, sounding somewhat apologetic about it, even when it's clear that you're not upset by his lack of an answer.
The vagueness is something you expected, though you get the feeling that part of it is purposeful on his part. Even if he's allowed you to come this far, perhaps he's still uncertain as to just how much he can trust you. It's understandable, to a degree, but. . . You can't say it doesn't wound you a bit, even if you get it.
"In any case, we have time to burn," Diluc says. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?"
"I don't think I could stomach anything," you reply honestly.
It's not so much the nausea you were warned about, or even a general sense of sickness. The anxiety of this situation is the real killer here, and it's clawing away at you with maximum fortitude. Try as you might to keep it under wraps, you're sure most of it has been obvious to Diluc from the start, —and you'd be right about that. He's picked up on your unease and has taken the liberty of squashing as much of it as he can to the best of his ability. You're a simple individual in many respects, so taking you away from the crowded areas and giving you a better feel for the situation was strategic on his part. The fact that it aided in his understanding of the abyssal zone was simply a net positive; —the sweet syrup drizzled atop a stack of fluffy pancakes.
"Fair enough," the redhead says, offering you the glimpse of a smile.
He pauses, as if thinking on what to say next, then utters: "Let's grab two glasses for the sake of appearances. We'll find somewhere to stand and observe."
You're quick to agree. From the long, stretching table sat off to the side, Diluc parts with you for just a few moments to snag two glasses of deep-red wine. As he hands you yours, he takes a small sip from his own, then makes a subtle face.
"Not good?" You inquire as a giggle bubbles up from your chest.
He considers this a win. If you're amused, it means he's at least partially succeeding in making you feel safe at his side.
"Not good," he confirms with a shake of his head.
You take his word for it and leave yours untouched.
"Stand beside me," Diluc prompts, though it sounds more like an offer than a command.
His voice is soft when directed at you, like he's trying to temper your nerves in any way he can.
"That man over there," he begins, "the one in complete Fatui garb. Do you recognize him?"
Surprisingly enough, there aren't many actual agents of the Fatui here. You'd spotted a few thus far, but considering just how many longer around Mondstadt City and the surrounding areas, you were almost expecting a full house of them. Instead, you've found that their presence here is minal, as if donning the masks has made everyone in attendance an affiliate. The thought of it is a bit disturbing.
This agent, however, is pleasantly familiar. It's actually quite the relief to see him here.
"That's Henley, isn't it?" You inquire, keeping your voice low and facial expressions to a minimum in order to avoid suspicion. 
Even with this mask on the upper half of your face, you find yourself being rather cautious of what you allow yourself to show so visibly. 
"Correct you are," Diluc replies, taking another unhappy sip of his wine. "And the young woman just over there, with the long, black hair? Her name is Eloise. She's also a member of my network, —albeit much newer than Henley. I say this to assure you that no matter what, there are people looking out for you here."
As if sensing that she's been introduced, Eloise looks over her shoulder, catching Diluc's gaze before letting it flicker over to you. She gives you a quick, warm smile, then returns her attention back to the two young men she'd been chatting with. Even from afar, you can tell that she knows how to control a conversation. It seems the two men before her are practically eating out of her palm, and you find that quite impressive.
"I do trust you, Diluc," you say to him. "If I didn't, I wouldn't have had the nerve to come."
He already understands as much.
"And I trust you," he confirms. "Not just to make the calls during fights, —not just to be Dawn Winery's executive official. . . But with all the information I know about these places, and all that I can tell you about the work I've done from the shadows."
You suspect there's a lot of truth to that, but have to question the extent of it. There's quite a bit you've been left in the dark on, and perhaps that information will come with time, but for right now, you're hard pressed to believe that Diluc has told you everything you should know. Still, you give him a small smile in spite of that.
That smile fades, however, when everyone's chatter goes silent. An air of unease overtakes the entire space, as if sucking the oxygen from everyone's lungs, rendering them utterly speechless. Diluc seems much less afraid than you, but you can tell that his guard is up quite high.
It only takes a moment longer for you to understand what all the proverbial fuss is about. From a swirling, blue-purple, portal-like entryway completely opposite the oozing slit you and Diluc had stumbled in from; a trio of well-dressed individuals emerge. The first of the bunch is a raven haired man with rounded glasses and a deceptive smile. You feel chills creep up your spine from having just seen him, even from afar. The next is a much shorter, stouter, aged man who also dons glasses on his face; but these are pure circles perched along his lengthy nose. Below sits a curled mustache that covers his top lip entirely, and on his head he wears a tall hat adorned with many enrichments.
Lastly, a stoic-faced woman with silvery-white hair that bears a section of much darker strands toward the front moves to the head of the small group, her sharp gaze flickering about her surroundings. Even this miniscule gesture leaves your nerves prickling. She commands so much respect from simply existing in this space that it’s almost unreal. The tension that surrounds everyone can be cut with a knife, and you hold your breath without meaning to.
“W-Who are they?” You stutter.
The wine glass in your hand bears the remnants of your fear, the crystalline glass fogging up as a result of your clammy palm.
These three aren’t wearing masks, their faces in full view. . . Henley steps forward from out of the crowd, and you resist the urge to call out to him to beg him just to fall back in line and play along. You don’t know who these people are, but one thing is for certain: you don’t want to get on their bad sides. The brunet man unsheathes the sword he wears on his hip, stabbing it directly into the dirt between his feet. He falls to a single knee, head bowed in what you can only assume is an expression of respect. The crowd follows in suit, kneeling before the three of them. Diluc pulls you down with him, and you barely manage to keep your wine from spilling all over the grass.
His tone is hushed and urgent, head turning to meet your eyes for no longer than the time it takes to utter a single word in reply.
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the-smiling-doodler · 6 months
hi welcome to my house
→ general information ← hi im The Smiling Doodler!! think the name is too long? dw. i have 89 names(and counting) for you to choose from ^w^ i dont expect you to memorize them all so dont even worry about that, you can just pick one and use it all the time. same goes for pronouns.
my main is solo-piper, so if you see that that account has followed you/liked your post, know that it's me <3
I do NOT use they/them pronouns. Please use my actual pronouns or do not refer to me.
here's my pronouns page: https://en.pronouns.page/@solopiper if you don't know how to use some of the pronouns you see, just click on them and it should send you to a page that shows you how to use them in a sentence!! i might occasionally refer to myself with plural pronouns, like 'we', or 'us', and talk in third person. I just do that for fun ^_^ I block freely, if i find out you're a freak or just dont like your vibe, Blocked. -> QNA/boundaries <- "Can I repost your art, sell it, dub your comics, use your art in my edits, etc.?"
I am not okay with you reposting my art or earning money off it, not even with credit.
However, you are allowed to use my art in your pfps/banners, as well as in edits, but ONLY if you credit me properly. I'm also okay with dubs of my comics, just credit me and send me a link so i can see it :3 "Can I draw fanart/write fanfics of your OCs/AUs?" As long as it's nothing sexual, HELL YEAH MAN !! I'd be so honored! Just tag me so I can see it. <3 "Is it okay to go through your blog and spam like/reblog your posts?" Hell yeah man !! feel free to go through my profile and just like/reblog everything you see. i do the same thing all the time so no judgement here. i also won't judge you for liking or reblogging something from like 2 years ago or even further back. i don't have notifs on so it doesn't bother me. be free just Please don't say anything suggestive/blatantly sexual under my art. It's not funny, you're just being weird. "What writing/art programs do you use?" Writing: Calmly writer (online version). it helps me focus. Art: Firealpaca. I dont use anything fancy, I just draw with my finger on a touchscreen laptop. "Do you take commissions/do art requests?"
For commissions: No. I'm unable to accept money currently because I'm a minor and don't have a bank account. Thank you for liking my art enough to wanna support me tho!
For art requests: Not always. If they are open, you'll know by checking my tumblr bio. I'd also make a post saying they are.
→ other social media i'm on ← I'm on twitter (@TSmilingDoodler) and Cara (pipsterdoodles). if you see and account with my name and posting my art anywhere else that is NOT me. report them and tell me so i can too. -> muy playlist ^_^ <-
-> my post tags <- art tag - #the drawer talking tag - #the yapper asks tag - #the asker
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beevean · 7 months
Tbh i also have loads of fun tearing apart the Peak Writing! Beyond the typical enjoyment of being a hatertm its a writing analysis exercise in figuring out all the ways it failed expectacularly, and the little moments where it got things right before going back to wrong. Like studying a train crash to figure out how it happened and how it could have been prevented. Plus in the process one can think abt the context the work was produced in and one's own writing preferences and biases. Its a fun puzzle and at this point nfcv is my personal chewtoy for when i wanna release the salt <3
Plus, tumblr got the advantage of tags, if anyone specifically dislikes criticism of the peak they can just block the tag or thee and continue with their life. Like the whole purpose here is to criticize the writing, not to simply mindlessly seek fights with fans.
You get it <3
NFCV is seen as a high work of art, a masterpiece of characterization and philosophy. So I challenge the text at the level it wants to be seen, and it returns to me nothing but disappointment. The thing is that the deeper I dig (and the more my Very Smart Mutuals contribute, I appreciate your braincells <3), the more I find, so it becomes almost a game: just how much does the text suck? It's a surprise every time! :D
It doesn't help that the most vocal critics... criticize for the wrong reasons, to say the least. So I feel like I have to contribute something, instead of relying on others.
Also I get what you mean about biases. It absolutely helps to stop and think "why is this viscerally repulsive to me? Why do I roll my eyes at the show's attempt to make vampires 'more' than evil monsters? Why do I hate Alucard insulting Trevor instead of accepting his 'depression' at face value? Why can't I accept Isaac's happiness and find him justifiable? Why do I feel personally insulted by everything that happens in Hector's story to the point that I cannot physically shut the fuck up about it?" No joke, it really did help to put order into my mind, especially when it comes to the narrative of abuse and redemption/atonement/punishment. also something something sometimes i feel like a hypocrite for despising lenector so much considering my own tastes lol
Nocturne doesn't interest me at all. It's boring, it's bland, it's Castlevania in all but name, nothing about it is salvageable. But in NFCV I see the kernels of a good adaptation, of a good story, all gone wasted by a shitty writer and his egocentrical entourage, and boy. boy is there nothing worse than Missed Potential 🙃 especially when it gets praised to high heavens for reasons that might as well be expressed in an alien language 🙃
also it helps comparing it to the games :) while they have their own writing flaws and it would be silly to ignore them, 99% of the time when the show has something that doesn't work, it's because they changed it from the games for no reason. So now I appreciate the main source more :D <- fun fact this is how I became a Hector stan. by hating the show so much that I had to spam pages of the manga to cope. sometimes being a Hater™ turns you into a Lover™ <3
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bogos-bint3d · 1 year
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I'm literally only making this so I can feel just a slight bit of order in my life
This is my YouTube channel where I try to post some stuff sometimes
Yeah its just the same as here but with way less stuff. BUT I SWEAR I'm working on it
This is my cohost! which is essentially my backup plan for if I leave tumblr.
Not much there yet since I'm still getting used to it
Hmm, I have an AO3 account I guess, but I haven't actually posted anything on it yet. Still figuring out how to customise it and stuff. Same name as all my other stuff: Bogos_Bint3d✨️
I like a lot of things, but I'd say the things that really have me in chokehold are: Undertale/Deltarune, Infinity Train, Ena, Spider-Man (just in general, but mostly spiderverse specifically), Murder Most Unladylike, Heathers, Sonic a little bit, Gorillaz, Sexyman Descendants (does that even count? Whatever I like it). So if you ever want to talk about these things know I would ABSOLUTELY love to. I especially love finding out new things about them so if you know something about these I don't I will eat that UP. So yeah you can follow if you're interested in any of these. I just KNOW there's a ton I'm missing but there's not really anything I can do about that
I am not in any way normal about Undyne from Undertale so I guess if you want to see me talk about her constantly that's a good reason to follow
I sometimes spam reblog if I see something that really makes me feel stuff I am so sorry about that so you might not want to follow if you don't like it
I tag my own art with #bogos I binted (hehe, get it? Photos I printed, bogos I binted... no? Yeah ok)
I tend to tag undertale art with #hotland art club, but I mostly only tag my own art. If I remember tho I'll tag other utdr art,, just don't count on it
Sometimes I tag art with Miles, Gwen, Hobie, and Pavitr as #these four are literally the besties ever, which I haven't actually done in a long time but, hey! Never know when I will again!
I tag my queued posts with #despite everything, its still queue. Yes I know the "its" should grammatically be "it's". No I don't have the energy to change it
🫨-> cool comma that will work normally in post tags: ‚ <-?! Yep! That comma WILL work if you use it in tags, it's very cool! I don't know why I mentioned that... I like it!
Well that's all there really is to me... I know there's stuff I'm forgetting to add but there's literally nothing I can do about that I'll just fix it later or whatever
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demonsfate · 4 months
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munday topics ! // accepting // @electricea asked . . . 6, 7 and 8
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6. excessive ooc
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Honestly... for the MOOOST part, I don't care about "excessive ooc". even though I tend to worry that I post too much ooc LOL. yes, ppl can have "personal blogs" to post ooc stuff to but like. I just understand that behind the muses, there is a real person with real feelings who might wanna share lil details of their lives. Especially when they have more followers on their rp blogs who are more likely to listen & respond than their personal blog does.
There are a couple scenarios where I will draw the line. That being if there is just no in character content. Like they've been logging on every day for weeks just to make several ooc posts and nothing more. Then I may unfollow just because, at that point, I question if I'll ever be able to actually write with them because they're not giving any ic stuff lol. Or when like they just SPAM the dash with reblogs that have NOTHING to do with their muses. I'm not saying musings or aesthetics posts - because those still pertain to the muse. I'm saying when they reblog stuff from other fandoms that have zilch to do with their blog. For example, it'd be like if I were to start reblogging lots of Death Note, lots of Supernatural, and lots of Bluey despite the fact that my blog is Tekken lol. Now that I find annoying bc I'm wondering really WHY can't you use a personal for that? Of course, ppl are always free to do what they want with their blogs - but that's one thing I don't get.
7. DNIs in rules
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I'm like what you were saying, I will follow them if it's somebody I know I'm not gonna end up writing with anyone due to different fandoms or having never followed each other. Or if like, they have concrete proof that this person is to be avoided. But liiiiike... when ppl just drop a username in a DNI and has no other available information... I just can't help but wonder if that person did anything or if it was a personal spat between the two muns. Especially because I've been a personal "victim" of ppl telling their mutuals to not interact with me, that I should just delete, and saying just horrible untrue garbage about me. All because I wrote with sb they didn't like. (Though they were also infamous about pretending to be somebody's friend, then dropping them and suddenly acting like they're the Worst Person Ever with no actual evidence)
I understand if muns wanna set boundaries even if they simply don't like the other person, or they had a personal drift or whatever. But like... I'm gonna be honest, there are def ppl in the RPC that I don't care to see on my dashboard. But I don't think I'll ever have a DNI. I just use X-Kit, X-Kit Rewritten, and the Tumblr block feature to avoid them. Which yes, sometimes they might still "slip through" but like... if I just see them once in a blue moon, it's not gonna matter much to me. And this even applied to those who bullied me as I mentioned above.
So yeah, I do try to follow DNIs if it's one of my mutual, but I do often question the validity (sorry but with the past, I can't help but to) and well... I also have to apologize if I end up writing with sb in a "DNI" because I swear it feels like more and more ppl are having DNI lists now and it's like... when you're following nearly 200 people, it's probs hard to remember who's in a DNI and who's not, y'know? But like I also said, usually those in DNI lists tend to be in different fandoms than I am, anyway.
8. reblog karma
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I don't follow it. I mean, of course, I'll always reblog posts from the source & send people in one (WHEN it's applicable. Obvs I'm not gonna send a smut / ship meme to somebody who my muse has no relation with) But like... people rarely follow reblog karma so I just see little point in enforcing it lol. Like even IF somebody does reblog from the source, you can always tell they reblogged it from you without sending you one. And honestly? I don't get wtf people even do that for when it comes to munday asks or headcanon asks. Like why? There is literally zero excuse for it. Shy? Send it through anon. It doesn't fit your character? It doesn't have to because it's just asking my character / or the mun a question. Like literally. That shit actually annoys me but again. What can you do? I'm not gonna demand ppl ... but I still never understand it.
And I understand some ppl say it clogs up the activity if it's reblogged straight from them. But honestly... I've just never had that problem before lmao. Like I've had personal blogs reblog memes I've made and those memes can get up to 20+ notes, and it still never bothers me. (Especially when a lotta times in Modern Tumblr Age, notifs for a single post tends to become one block)
I could actually complain more about this but uhhhh. I think I'll leave it at that. djfndjsf
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warmhealerr · 4 months
18+ - Minors Do Not Interact.
Adult content sometimes. Even if it weren't the case I just don't want minors here. My Instagram is not my Tumblr.
I am Barnabas, though you can also call me Barney! I use he/they pronouns interchangeably.
I'm a hobbyist who writes and draws. I am currently deep in a DND phase kickstarted by BG3. I am fond of all things Gith- peoples, though Githyanki especially. I also love Deep Gnomes, and undead, go figure.
I am otherwise writing The City Of Dust aka TCOD (name to be changed) which I might post about from time to time. It has been my personal passion project for 7 years now.
If that information matters to you I am a French in France who stays awake at ungodly hours and wants out of here HAHA.
I feel childish adding more to this section for some reason but it is necessary, so might as well get on with it.
I know how to curate my online experience like any other, and I also love dark media and kink, but I genuinely politely ask that you do not follow me (assuming you've read this) if you post or reblog fetish incestuous content. I like quickly checking and/or following people's blogs when it seems we've common interests! There's only so much curating I can do when someone with no specific warnings anywhere on their account does not tag it, which has been a more common occurrence than I'd prefer. This also goes for adult/minor fetish content. Please and thank you.
No gen AI.
I otherwise block whoever I please for reasons completely unrelated to former points. My blog history and bio might give you insight as to what. I also do not like people who revel in being the most shocking, mean spirited, judgemental and edgy in the room.
Finally, petty intercommunity validity discourse is the bane of my existence.
I suffer from serial social media liking disease. Apologies, I don't mean to spam/be obnoxious.
I am ND and very mentally ill. My casual everyday (like you are reading right now) writing might be noticeably overcompensating, too cold, too warm, far too descriptive, or redundant alongside suffering at times from poor punctuation and vocabulary (though that is also on the fact English is not my first language). I am well aware though I'm trying to avoid awkwardness, sorry about that.
I welcome any ask no matter its content (that includes asks of an adult nature).
I am God awful at tagging things even though I have been using Tumblr for at least 5 years now. I am especially forgetful when it comes to character or ship tags. This is an attempt at changing that.
#rambling for when I talk about... Nothing.
Feel free to request ship or character tags (as I usually forget them) in my ask inbox. My ship tag format usually goes #x/y.
I usually do not tag suggestive content (I just don't think about it, this blog is already 18+). I will tag explicit adult stuff with #nsft.
Content warning tags will use a single word, like #gore. This is to avoid typing gore cw instead of cw gore (for example) in case someone doesn't have that former tag iteration blocked.
I usually do not phobia tag (I might sometimes tag specific living beings like #bugs or #spiders. It is for archive navigation purposes but perhaps you could find it useful to hide them).
Feel free to request CW tags in my ask inbox.
#myart for my visual art : from sketches to fully rendered, anything goes. I describe my rendered art for the visually impaired, and/or comprehensive visual clarity for an easier analysis. I usually do not describe sketches especially if posting a bunch of them.
#my writing for any kind of writing I put out. I don't write lots of polished stuff though. It's mostly summaries, script drafts and ideas I use to communicate with myself first, and then other people. It's hardly literature imo.
My individual OC tags go "#charactername tag" for easy navigation purposes.
"#Fist of the Comet" additional tag for Ta'rath post BG3 campaign
"#underdark siblings" for Joufos/Oulmat/Zilkon, their other family members and Oulmat's patron.
#TCOD for TCOD (until name changes).
I will add more tags here once relevant. Thank you.
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unhonestlymirror · 7 months
Belarus: I haven’t been on tumblr for quite as long as a lot of people but over several years I’ve noticed this interesting gradual sorta,, shift in the general culture? that it went from this mostly depressed, nihilistic outlook where people would regularly joke about hating themselves and being hopeless and depressed, to a wave of vehemence of “STOP hating everything actually the world is Good and you deserve love!!!” type posts, to now, where those aggressive ‘PSAs’ have faded away and instead I regularly see people romanticizing simple things like stars and hot tea and rainy mornings, and waxing poetic about their friends, and just trying to put love out there. and I don’t know exactly what that means (someone who knows more than me could probably say something smart about generational expression and trauma or popular perception of mental health and whatnot), but I do know that it makes my heart very full to see people learn to love the world and themselves by extension, and a whole userbase adopting healthier coping mechanisms, and therefore teaching the younger users to do so as well. I might just be following different people, but I really do think we’ve grown. everyone has grown. five years ago it wasn’t unusual for the next post on my dash to be a scathing commentary on why nothing matters or an anon ripping into someone they barely knew or someone complaining about how pathetic their interests are. now I have mutuals who get excited and spam reblog art of cows and friends I see tagging each other in pictures of frogs and strangers writing paragraphs about how much I matter. it makes me happy. idk. just an observation I wanted to make. I think people are good and everyone’s just trying their best at the end of the day
Lithuania: Op should romanticise putting paragraph breaks
Ukraine: Op knows all this because she was a hamilton blog in 2017
Belarus: I take it all back, everyone on this site is toxic
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
About This Blog
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Hey, this is the little gremlin again, and since most tumblr users have some sort of 'about' page, I decided to create one. And also because why not?
Note: This is my main blog. Likes, follows, asks and replies are from here. It is also my writing blog, where I post my own writing and sometimes reblog other writers' works.
My Masterlist
Natalia's Masterlist
Not interested in all the semantics and just looking for the writing? You can find all my writing in the link above, as well as my master tag list All the other info, like rules, squicks, my special tags and some background info can be found under the cut.
About the person behind this
You can call me Natalia.
My pronouns are she/her
I'm straight
I'm 17
I'm a college second year majoring in computer engineering
I'm not sarcastic at all, no no no. And my non-existent sarcasm doesn't catch people off-guard at all, no sir. Totally serious 100% of the time. Even my url says it.
I write stuff here, and the details r in the next heading
I'm a minor, so please dni if you're going to discuss inappropriate content
Wanna spam my notifications? Go ahead, I'm not stopping you. I actually encourage it, lol.
I like fandoms, caffeine, chemistry, math, reading and writing (*le gasp), and a whole lot of other stuff!
I'm not mean, I promise. Just a little, snarky teen haha.
I look nothing like my pfp.
I'm a villanous assassin!
I have undiagnosed high-functioning anxiety, may have ADHD and I experience obsessive thoughts. So please, no hate on ND ppl here.
I'm fine w/dms! (as long as they're not creepy)
My fanfiction sideblog is @so-hot-i-make-hell-jealous
My silly, non-writing sideblog is @yoursssstruly
My Writing Rules
I may be an anarchist, but I need some rules here.
Stuff I do write: hero x villain (supervillains, sidekicks and whatnot too), hurt/comfort, and I might post snippets of a story I'm working on and whump, fluff, maybe some crack, and romance!
Stuff I DON'T write: NSFW content of any kind, smut excessively dark whump (I get anxious with things that take it too far), incest, pedophilia, rape, emetophilia, and while I do write romance, suggestiveness is toned down and I don't write nsfw romance.
Do not ask me to write anything I said I don't write. It's pointless because I won't force myself to write it.
I don't write make-outs and kisses on the lips
You can totally use my writing for inspiration, as long as it's tagged as a prompt, you can use some lines, but just not the whole thing word for word, provided that it's tagged as a prompt. You can continue it, even if I've done a continuation.
If you use any of my prompts, please give credit and tag me! I'd loveee to see what you come up with!
Anything tagged as NOT A PROMPT is not for use.
I DON'T appreciate reposts, but I do love reblogs. Don't hesitate to use super long tags, analyse it or give lengthy commentary, I'm actually down for that stuff.
I don't mind my stuff being reposted on other social media as long as you give me credit. NO reposts on Tumblr, please.
Pairings are usually gn/gn. The other alternative is f/m
I typically write hero x villain, but I have other non-hero x villain stuff out there! Like fantasy, sci-fi and certain fragments of my wip (some of em are actually h x v!)
I don't really do xreader fics.
Ask Box
Don't be afraid to send me an ask!
Please don't ask for any of the stuff I told you I don't write
I may take some time to respond because I have a crap schedule
I might not answer asks if I don't feel very comfortable writing them. No hate, I just got on this app for my own fun, so I don't want to force myself to do smth I don't like, and it'll probably come out as a crappy piece of writing anyway
You can ask me about non-writing stuff too! I don't mind talking! Just please don't make the questions too. . .creepy.
Don't use the ask box to harass me. You'll probably regret getting on my nerves
Favourite Tropes
Where do I even start? I'm very indecisive.
Enemies to lovers
Alliance of convenience
Fake dating (turned not-so-fake)
Two whumpees caring for each other
Scary, unhinged hero x terrified villain (who's probably secretly in love w/them)
Flirty x flustered
Whumpee gets revenge on their og whumper, preferably through violent murder
Morally grey characters
Found family
Heavy angst w/a fluffy ending
Psychological manipulation
Cocky hero x flustered villain
Because some of my content may be triggering to some people. I typically include trigger warnings above my posts in red, and I recently started putting them in the tags, too. Please note I don't condone any of the harmful stuff here IRL. I write FICTION, not meant to be used to judge me morally. ✨️Lmk if there's anything you want me to add here!
Implied torture or past torture
Mental health issues
Abusive relationships
Yandere whump
Bone Fractures
Failed escape
Miserable (I write sad stuff sometimes)
Description of torture aftermath
Occasionally, torture
Usage and mentions of weapons (guns, knives, etc)
References to a difficult past
Obsessive thoughts
Fear of heartbreak
Criminal activity
Somewhat graphic descriptions (they aren't too horrible, but they may make some people uncomfortable
Non-con touch (not sexual)
Hostage situation
Stress positions
War/war aftermath
Very flirty (Listen, I generally write pretty light stuff, but they can be seen as juuuust a little bit spicy, and different people interpret things differently, and I won't judge people for seeing things a certain way, but in case it makes you uncomfortable. . .)
Adding on to the last point, this kind of fic will contain touching (not sexual), kisses (not on the lips), and pretty flirty remarks (nothing sexual)
Alcohol/use of alcohol
I write violence n all, but I have limits. I will NOT write anything mentioned here and will refuse any requests with these.
Eye, mouth and ear whump
Extreme gore
Amputation (unless it's a fantasy monster that has to die OR it's environmental whump. Someone doing it however, nope)
Muzzles (I'm fine with gags, though)
Sadomasochism (some of my characters are sadistic, but non-sexually. Also, no masochistic characters)
NSFWhump in general, (whether extreme gore, sexual assault or sadomasochism)
Animal abuse
Anything I don't write in the Rules above
My Tags
Aside from the usual tags on writing, I like to add my touch to a few of them. You may see:
#nat writes
#a little gremlin's writing
#natalia's writing
And for asks
#the little gremlin answers
When it isn't about writing
#not writing and/or #natalia.txt
When I like it, but it isn't mine
#not my writing
When you can read, but you shouldn't USE
Timezones n next days (yes, they're self-reblogs)
#timezone reblog
#next day reblog
To clarify
#hero x villain -> just means it has a hero and a villain. can be platonic, familial, just enemies or romantic (this applies to any A x B)
While. . .
#hero/villain -> means the pairing is romantic. (applies to anything with a slash)
I know other ppl use them differently, but that's how I do it. I typically tag with genre to help, like #romance or #friendship
And the most important rule of all
The villainous assassin
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more-than-a-princess · 4 months
mun meme
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★  NAME:  Rae
★  PRONOUNS:  she/her.
★  BEST EXPERIENCE:  I'm...not actually sure what this means? Is this the best RP you've ever written, or where you've enjoyed writing the most? I have no clue, actually. But I tend to prefer 1x1 storylines in a chatroom or email-based format. Tumblr isn't my favorite place to write, honestly: but it's one of the most active, so I'm here.
★  PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: If we haven't written much/at all and you don't enjoy plotting or interacting OOC? Tumblr IMs are fine with me. If you like plotting and sharing a bunch of art/aesthetics/reddit threads that remind me of our muse(s)? Then discord is best. Bryn can attest to this, because I will spam her with memes from relevant muse/aesthetic tags.
★  MOST ACTIVE MUSE: I only keep up one blog right now, so it's Sonia. I don't have a lot of time or energy to write much at present, so juggling two blogs would be very hard. I miss writing Fujiko Mine, though.
★  EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I started roleplaying in 1999. My RP experience is old enough to have a mid-life crisis. I have probably been roleplaying longer, or just as long, as some of you have been alive and this knowledge sends me into...well, a mid-life crisis.
I've been roleplaying for a long time. I have quite a few, but I'll share some of them.
Muns who do not read rules, or a blog in general. Not just for the sake of boundaries, but just to even get an idea of activity, writing style, and so forth of the blog they're hoping to write with. Maybe it's because I've only written canon muses for the past 15 years or so, but when I've had blogs on tumblr or Livejournal, I've found that I'll get followed by other blogs interested purely in interacting with a canon muse without any regard for writing style, frequency, or other essential components that factor into good writing partner chemistry. Admittedly, this has happened plenty of times because someone wanted a romantic ship with whatever canon muse I happened to be writing without even asking if I wanted to ship my muse with theirs, or had any interest in writing romance at all. I feel like a lot of misunderstanding or bad communication would be helped if some people really looked at the accounts they're trying to interact with, beyond just wanting to write with that character.
Muns with canon muses who do not write out actual bios, or just link to a character's wiki page. Look, it seems like quite a double standard if we as a roleplaying community ask OC writers to produce a small novel describing their muses so canon writers have an idea of where they might fit in a canon or original verse and, in turn, canon writers give absolutely nothing in return to how they portray their muses. Anyone can do an internet search on a canon muse: I want to know how you see and portray your canon muse. Doubly so if you are a new blog with no IC content. Do not assume every mun is familiar with your canon muse, and do not assume that even if a mun is familiar with your muse, they'll interpret them the same way you do. Show your followers how you see them, show your followers how you write!
And the last pet peeve I'll share: muns who drop threads/blogs before interactions even get a chance to start. Doubly so if they clearly just wanted to write a romantic ship without any real chemistry or interactions. I don't mind when writing partners take time with replies: I actually prefer that to muns who reply in 24-72 hours, because it gives me some time to breathe in-between replies and brainstorm about what could happen next. And I don't mind at all when muns have other commitments, jobs, and hobbies that are in need of their attention: if we have interactions going and someone needs to step away for a little while (and it's communicated!), that's understandable.
What I don't like are muns, often with new blogs, who either abandon the blog entirely or constantly ask for new memes, asks, and interactions when we've got active threads going. It's one thing to not have muse, but when you're actively soliciting new threads without replying to ours and not communicating that you'd like to just drop threads?
Yeah. I just don't have time for that. That sort of writing habit works for some muns, but I enjoy long threads with complex storylines (some of which have taken years to write!). I like slow-burn romances, humor, drama, and the progression of life and situations between muses. I'm not fond of one-off interactions that never really form a plot, if that makes sense.
★   PLOTS OR MEMES: Yes! I think memes are great to start off but if my writing partner is wanting to build off initial interactions, then I think plotting is best. Especially if writing partners are looking to write romantic ships: I pretty much exclusively plot these at this point.
★  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: Sonia and I both enjoy tea, chocolate, anime, and horror movies (she likes anime and horror movies more than I do). We also both have similar fashion styles (preppy/tailored/classic with traditionally feminine touches) and come from families with some Rich People Problems. Otherwise, she is the most cheerful glass-half-full sort of woman and I have predominantly resting bitch face and a degree in sarcasm. I also love historical fiction and royalty gossip and news far more than she does.
tagged by: @rolliesanimeclub
tagging: @quickdeaths, @dcviated, and you. I was this close to tagging all of my over-30 brethren in the RPC because you are seen and valid (and also if you're like me probably tired).
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ma7moud-5allaf · 2 years
Wednesday 22 March
To whomever didn't read my letter to my father,
Ramadan Mubarak, wish you a blessed month, full of good deeds for you and all your family. Hope you are doing well.
You might have noticed my absence these past days, i had a surgery march the first, hamdullillah for everything but it's not why i was away, actually i went back to work a couple days ago even though I'm still in recovery, nothing went as expected these past few months, my life is still a complete mess, I'm struggling to put it in order but dear lord it's tough and i have zero energy for it, for anything asln to be honest, endless series of unfortunate events, pain after pain, struggle after struggle and rejection after rejection. Nothing makes sense, the more you think about it, the more pain you feel. Anyway that's not why I'm writing so let's get to the point, the reason why i was away is that i was thinking about leaving Tumblr for good, life is hard on its own, filled with loads of "fitna" and other temptations, and Tumblr keeps getting worse and worse, I'm a curious person by nature, so i tend to check on blogs that follow me and react with the content i share, lately i was stuck by a massive amount of fake spam porn blogs, but even without it, the people who share an inappropriate post then a religious post were driving me insane already, first i hate to see Allah's name and words between the filth they share, second it's already a difficult task to lower gaze in actual world with people are wearing "cloth" on and everything, then you suddenly are hit by those naked pics, it's too much for me to be honest, usually i have two thoughts on mind, blocking them at least those who are real people, second i say may Allah guide them one day through what i share, i don't know the best thing to do, leaving Tumblr at a certain point seemed to be the best thing to be done, I'm here now for the holy month of Ramadan and I'm not sure what i will do after.
My sincere apologies for those who sent me questions during that time, I'm really sorry and i will do my best to answer all of it as soon as possible even though it might be too late for it, sorry again and wish you all the best.
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