#i have this horrible (/lh) habit of being like
mr-jack-letterman · 10 months
More B-Side Verse!
Next up is Error.
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This is Trojan, the B-Side verse version of Error.
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(click for better quality)
- Within B-Side, Trojan used to be a Science Sans instead of a Geno Sans like Error was.
- Since Trojan originated from a younger and overall nicer Sans variant, Trojan is much more pacifistic and less angry than Error.
- He still destroys Universes, but he's less likely to actually fight people. He does his job and tries to flee as fast as possible when Scribe shows up, only rarely giving in to fighting.
- A glitch is spreading throughout B-Side verse. It seems as though there is no cure, but destroying the infected universes seem to slow it down. So, Trojan does his best to kill off the infected universes using his power, only leaving the uninfected alive. This earns him the title of "God of Destruction" throughout the multiverse as rumor spreads. No one, except Trojan's trusted allies, know of his true motives.
- Scribe and his crew are trying to stop the same corruption, but Scribe believes Trojan is the root cause of it and seeks to annihilate him, thinking destroying "the source" will kill off the rest. He doesn't see Trojan's efforts as "damage control", all he sees is Trojan "spreading more corruption."
- Being alone for so long has made him more like Alphys, very nervous and anti-social, but undeniably brilliant. He has a habit of going on long rambling tangents about data, space, magic, and whatnot. Most people don't understand a thing he's talking about though. He doesn't care, he's just happy to infodump.
- Most people see him as this maniacal mad scientist who tortures people and experiments on souls. Many Sanses like to compare him to some of the abusive and horrible Gasters throughout the multiverse. When, in reality, Trojan has absolutely zero confidence in himself let alone his "mad science."
- Most of Trojan's time is actually spent researching and documenting the different magic and fighting styles all Sans and Papyri have. He finds all the variation extremely fascinating and just rly rly rly wants to learn about it all. (*Cough* undiagnosed autism *cough*/lh)
- Trojan really doesn't have many friends and doesn't get out much. But, unlike Error, he's pretty good friends with Nightmare and his gang of misfits, as well as Cyan, the B-Side variant of Underswap Sans.
- For a long while, Trojan couldn't remember he used to be a Science Sans. Once he did remember, Cyan gave him his necklace as a reminder to never forget.
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The rest of these are not rly that important, they're just funky little design quirks I think are cool lmao.
- Trojan is named after a "Trojan Horse Virus" a type of computer virus that disguises itself as a normal program.
- His name is also a reference to the Trojan Horse in Greek mythology. Within the story, not only was the Trojan Horse a smart plan, the monument itself was an alleged tribute to Athena, goddess of wisdom. Trojan is a very smart cookie so using my tism powers I named him after something connected to the goddess of wisdom essentially NSNDNND.
- Trojan's "strings" are less like strings and more like thick ribbons of green binary. Within the Antivoid, similar to Error, Trojan has a bunch of these ribbons hanging from the "ceiling". But unlike Error, written on these ribbons are the names and serial numbers of all the universes he's destroyed. It's his way of remembering them and memorializing them.
- The binary code surrounding him can spell out various small phrases or words relating to what he's feeling. Normally, they just spell out "Trojan". But as seen above in my paper sketches, they change periodically. The translations for the binary can be found underneath each sketch.
- Trojan's eyelights can change as well. They turn into 1s when he's surprised, angry, excited etc, and change to 0s when he's embarrassed, sad, worried, etc.
- When he's overwhelmed or confused, strings of binary cover his eyes.
If you have any questions about B-Side verse or the world itself, don't hesitate to send me an ask or a message!
Original Error by @loverofpiggies
(I hope tagging is alright-)
Extra info about B-Side verse :D
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more updates! [rc9gn post]
currently working on something for an ask i received and let me just say, this is going to be incredibly chaotic lmao. also why does ao3 have such little tags for RC9GN, give me more i'm begging. it should not be this niche of a fandom!
that show had so much potential- but anyway, here's some more under-the-cut headcanons about our title lead Randy Cunningham!
Randy Cunningham Headcanons
Like mentioned before, this kid has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder- specifically ADHD-C (which just means he has combined inattentiveness and hyperactivity)
Thanks to @mrfartpowered, Randy comes from a rich family! Though both his parents are workaholics and hardly come home which means Randy's left to his own devices
He doesn't fully know how to cook, but he knows enough basics to not completely starve when he's alone at the house- also because he and Howard eat out a lot at like, Charlie Cluckers and PJ McFlubbusters (?)
Randy literally doesn't mind paying for things because his family's kind of fucking loaded!
He has Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD) and struggles with not completely giving up in one-go when he fears he's about to be rejected, when he's about to do something wrong- it comes and goes, but there's no way he isn't a little insecure
He's developed a curiosity for law ever since becoming the Ninja. His parents are in awe about it because they think he's wanting to become a lawyer (he doesn't-)
Randy has always been an intense fan of the Ninja as we know from canon. He kept a lot of memorabilia over the years and never parted with it- he wanted to help people, deciding if it wouldn't be the Ninja, he would do other forms of service. Imagine his surprise when he's actually chosen to be the Ninja
He looks up to the First Ninja. Like, a lot
I'm trying to not accidentally spoil anything in the headcanons, but okay this has to be one of my favorites: you can't convince me that Randy wouldn't use more powers he found in the Shadow Warrior's part of the Nomicon
The Ninja Suit can only protect Randy from only some injuries- if anyone read my tengu! Howard fic, the suit will automatically have a defense/safety mechanism built in to heal any severe injuries/wounds- it sort of overrides the user and knocks them out (especially when it comes to near-death experiences)
If there ever was a time when a Ninja had to decommission early (coughs Mac Antfee coughs), someone else would have to be chosen- it's sometimes a hastily chosen decision but this rarely- if ever- happens. Somehow not many notices
Angst Headcanons
There have been times when Howard has needed to patch Randy up after some nasty fights- this one time Randy didn't make it back after a battle and he was found with a nasty gash, barely managing to stay awake and it freaked out Howard a lot
Randy sometimes uses the Nomicon to avoid his problems- it's become an unhealthy habit but he can't quite bring himself to stop
You can't tell me he doesn't dissociate. When Randy isn't actively doing his part in being the Ninja, he tends to space out a lot and he isn't all too present to say the least
This boy does have some scars. You can't convince me otherwise
He doesn't really question his self worth as the Ninja, but the thoughts still come sometimes- wondering if he's doing a good enough job, if the Nomicon hadn't made a mistake choosing him. It eats him up more when his RSD acts up
Randy does his best to impress Finja and feels horrible everytime he feels he's messed up. He doesn't like seeing others' disappointed (gee, I wonder why /lhs)
He feels responsible for others getting hurt-
I don't have much else to add, but let me just say I'll be doing another post soon! I have something kind of fun planned when it comes to the currently unofficial canon for Into the NInjaverse! I'm kind of hyped and all over the place today!
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❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings (Stockshop. I know you have good headcanons there!)
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
Lots of asks for a wonderful writer and better friend!
❄️ ⇢ What's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Man, I do NOT know. I think whatever theme/plot I get really into, I'm gonna write it best, right? Because it's in my brain a certain way. Which is not to say "I'm the best at writing anything," more like, sometimes the most satisfying a fic can be is when you write it for yourself.
🍓 ⇢ How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Uhh I don't remember exactly, cuz there was a lot of stuff it could've been, but I think I discovered "xReader" style fanfics on DeviantArt and wanted to write them better. Nobody was writing xReaders I could like, relate to? And also there was this bad habit of describing what the "you" character looks like, which is obviously gonna make it less fun to read. And tbh I was like, twelve, so mine were also terrible, but at least they made me laugh and I had fun writing them, so y'know!
And tbh to this day I looove writing fics in second person POV, I have to do it more often....
🥤 ⇢ Recommend an author or fanfic you love.
Oh we could be here all day. For you specifically Cel, I don't really have any recommendations, we've both read all the Stockshop stuff, we're reading each other's stuff in general. But like for anyone coming across this ask... let me check my bookmarks..
Ahem. Yeah and i think anybody can read it regardless of if you know anything about the game, just know you're playing a little dino running away from the crashing meteorite. The fic kinda provides a wider concept and it's great. And by coincidence it's also written in second person POV! :D
🍄 ⇢ Share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings (Stockshop. I know you have good headcanons there!)
Sigh. Well, you do have me pinned on that front, hehe. What's one I haven't had a chance to share yet, hm...
I think that both of them would detest the idea of being soulmates, or of being meant for each other. For one, it takes away their autonomy and choice, but also... If Bishop hadn't been abducted and if Baxter hadn't been kept alive against his will, they wouldn't have ended up together. So calling them soulmates implies all that pain, all that torture, had to happen. It was always meant to happen and they couldn't stop it. Which is a horrible concept to them, I think, that there is supposed to be like deep meaning in their traumas.
🦋 ⇢ Share something that has been on your heart and mind lately.
I recently FINALLY blocked a shitty ex-partner, and I keep thinking about blocking my other two exes from the same polycule too. Can't decide if I want to cut ties with them this way or at least say my goodbyes, though. And there's probably not a right answer, so I keep going back and forth on it :/ the three of them are still dating and whenever I think about it for too long it pisses me off, which sucks ass /lh
🦴 ⇢ Is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
Ohhh not a singular one but most often it's music, yes. Every so often I will hear a song and so clearly see a story in it, and then I have to go and write it, or draw it if writing takes too long. There will be multiple future chapters of Taking Pawns that are inspired by different songs, and I have a small Zixx fic idea based on Kaisarion by Ghost.
🐝 ⇢ Tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them!
Ahh well of course there's you, my Stockshop brainrot buddy, but I'd like to compliment you on like, being willing to ask questions about stuff you feel you don't know about. Never stop doing that, I think everyone should be allowed to ask about stuff they're new to, and it's important to be able to do it.
There is also, of course, @violetvulpini, The Bishop Guy™, who I deeply appreciate for bouncing a ton of ideas off of. One of, if not my biggest enabler.
The real biggest hype people though are @awzominator and Axo (who I don't think has a Tumblr..?) who are almost ALWAYS there when I post any of my bullshit, whether it's art or fics, and I loooove them. Absolutely delightful. I hope to be as much of a hypeman to my artist friends as they are <3
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bugdogg · 1 year
1, 11, 25, 28, 40
Do they have any crafting hobbies?
they occasionally do origami but they can only make a crane and make a bunch of them and leave them places sometimes, i think its how they and ichi start to get along w eachother or at least consider talking to eachother. they also draw a lot, like sketchbooks stacked because theyve so much over the years and figure drawings but thats not really crafting but i thought id mention it
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Do they have any addictions?
k so this one is gonna be heavy, the tw and mature filter will be because of this one, apologies. (also this is sorta another projection thing, mizuki has a similar prob to me as a way of coping)
k so Mizuki has an issue with self harm, they don't injure themself by cutting or hurting themself physically but by doing certain things that they know will get themselves hurt or will hurt themself emotionally. I made that one drinking comic AND JUST NEVER FINISHED IT but thats cause i made it when i was really struggling and then got too nervous and stopped. Mizuki drank because they wanted to get horribly drunk and by the time they'd realized, they got stuck and just sat there mumbling to themself because they know they have a problem and in a way, the self harm is an addiction. They like putting themself in harms way and the repercussions of it.
Their younger self also had that issue, picking fights to feel pain and hurting others for the thrill. i had an idea that i mentioned earlier of like a bar fight where mizuki defends their idiot friends but in the process i think theyd actually blow up at them for it because it reminded them of stuff (still having not told anyone of the past stuff) and they struggle to remind themselves that they cant fall back on the old habits. at times they have no survival instincts and sometimes they choose to ignore them, it was really bad when they were younger and now Mizuki only keeps it together to avoid worrying anybody. This is a weird way to introduce this issue but i try not to focus on it to avoid triggering anybody and apologies if this wasn't what you expected as an answer but this is gen a big thing to me. anyway summary: they're addicted to hurting themselves and is trying to improve upon it, but in that comic i made, faltered a bit.
(and no drawing for it cause i don't know, sorry /lh)
Do they have a daily/nightly routine?
i don't think they do, i think everyday is diff for them and routine isn't their best skill. i think they'd always make sure to grab a plushie to sleep with, would brush their teeth, and maybe put something on while they sleep. but other than that, it is disoriented ^w^
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Are they a #gamer?
yes in a sense they like games and have a switch (they saved up money for it and only have two games) but theyre not very good. i think if they played games with any of the brothers, they'd go tryhard just to piss them off but thats really all, theyre a very laid back gamer
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If they found a sword in a stone would they try to pull it out? How would they react to being able to pull it out or not?
they would for a joke then realize it came out and put it back it and walk away, too much responsibility, too much pressure
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krmzyn · 9 months
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What I’m manifesting!!
(Note: I’m going to link my successes onto these as I go! This isn’t a script, more like a little checklist and motivation ^u^)
(Double note: Most of these aren’t really like the massive kinda stuff you see on most of manifesting tumblr, just stuff that I want/ would make my life easier!)
(Last note: These aren’t in any order.)
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─
More interesting games!!
I haven’t really been able to find many cool games recently, and I’m getting kinda bored lol. Mostly roblox but I’m not opposed to standalone games! (Cough cough a remake of the new mw3 bc it SUCKED 😇).
Slightly altered face!
Just kinda different face proportions, nothing big just some little edits. Also less acne because it’s annoying 😋👍
Gaming laptop and/or pc!
Kinda self explanatory. My laptop atm (as much as i love her) cant rlly run most games well sosoooo ya!)
Good grades and general academic success
Again, self explanatory. I’m doing pretty alright in school but I kinda just wanna boost it a lil
Better luck
I have a stupid little habit of doing stupid little things so yep. Also, it’s better luck. Duh /lh
Generally just stuff I like! (1, 2)
Mostly more like. ‘Surprise’ stuff so i stress less about surprises, but also just cute stuff!
Bigger and differently decorated room
Mine’s a little small for me atm and not really my style as much now
Closer friends & interesting convos (1)
Also extending to not having to reach out as much bc. I’m bad at it 💟
More financial stability and abundance
Speaks for itself 💟
Shifting whenever I want
Again. Duh /lh
Higher pain tolerance
Mines honestly really bad 😭 Like I’m writhing on the floor after leaning my back in the wrong direction like. It is not that big a deal /j
More motivation in general (1)
Depression is folding me rn so. Here we go
A different artstyle! (1)
I love my current one, but I wanna explore more realism and also like cutesy/chibi stuff if that makes sense.
Being less tired
Tbh it’s mostly bc my sleep schedule is horrible but still. Its annoying 😇
Less anxiety / more support (1)
As usual, self explanatory. Mine has rlly sucked lately so I wanna improve on that obvs. From like social anxiety to general ect ect.
More stable body image and body generally
My brain hates me so. No <3
Yup. Just general money.
More fun/exciting experiences! (1)
My mental health issues and general financial state hasn’t really given me much wiggle room with this kinda stuff, so I wanna experience it now while I still can :D
A good job/career
Def a more long-term thing, but obvs I’m gonna have it.
Less greasy hair
Simple one. It’s not that bad or anything, I just don’t really want to wash it as much.
No allergies
Yup. They’re annoying and I don’t want em
A cat!
I love cats.
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─
Began manifesting: 17/12/2023
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the romance loving aromantic experience of being like “omg i love this character i wanna kiss and marry them🥰” and then having to explain to the person you’re with that you don’t actually want to do that in real life you’re just like that with characters you love
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Hey >:)) i saw yer request still open and i wanted to apologize for the last thing (not rlly) and request something most cheery or wtvr 🙄‼️ (if not feel free to ignore this!!)
Im a really big sucker for the idea of William and Child!Afton!Reader whos like no older than 14 but definitely not younger than 10- anyways-
William and Child!Reader who can only drink things that are freshly cold? like if they were to have a soda they would have to finish it pretty quickly or else it wouldn’t be finished because it got slightly warm. How would he react to this and what would he do with this knowledge?
Don't lie, you guys love adding years to my therapy sentence😕/lh /nsrs
(also, idk if you meant preferences or something like 'i physically cannot eat this thing' so I just wrote about it being a preference, very sorry for that/gen)
Afton Kid with certain drink criteria hc's
-Your older brother was the first person to notice it
-Being around you so often, he takes note of how your hot drinks have to stay hot, and your cold drinks have to stay cold
-Michael picks on you because of this. He purposely tries to get you away from drinks long enough for them to go room temperature so that they bother you
-The thought of lukewarm drinks repulses you
-Your parents find it odd, but not too bothersome
-If course, William does become bothered that so many drinks are wasted because of this habit of yours, and the fact that you often get dehydrated
-Your mother takes you to a doctor about it, but in the end, it turns out that you aren't being dehydrated because of some underlying medical emergency that was going unnoticed, which is good
-You end up getting a good thermal water bottle that has to go with you everywhere
-William is insistent upon it, he won't let you leave the house without it
-None of his babies are going to get dehydrated if he has any say in it. And he does.
-Makes sure that your water bottle is filled with ice cold water, and contains as many ice cubes as he can fit into it without the water overflowing
-Your mother says that he over worries, but if you dehydrate during the day, he won't forgive himself
-Your school once called your parents telling them that you had passed out because you had refused to drink the water they had given them. William had nearly pulled you out of school and started homeschooling then and there.
-Of course, your habit causes him to fret over your siblings as well
-He eventually leaned that Elizabeth can't stand blueberries and Evan hates broccoli with a passion
-They never see either of those things again
-It takes him a while to figure out what Michael hates, but turns out it's eggs
-Your mother jokes about him being fussy about you four, but she finds it very sweet
-People who offer any one of you those foods you hate gets them horrible glares and side eyes from your father
-Overall, he's highly protective of you all, even if it's just over your food preferences
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