#i have to hype myself up to put on my sociable personality when i go out when im inbounds at home IT DOESNT EXIST!!!!
stonerzelda · 1 year
grateful as hell that my bfs family took me in and everything but omg i h8. When ppl come over im SORRYYYY but i like to be alone i like to be alone i like to be alone
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welightthefire · 2 years
Thank you for tagging me @streamingcolors-gvf 😘
I think it might be fun to look back on what we’ve all achieved this year, let you give yourselves a well deserved pat on the back and also share what you love. When you’re done maybe tag someone else so they can share too?
1. How do you feel 2022 has gone in terms of writing?
Ohh boy. I feel like in the beginning of the year, I hit the ground running. I had a lot of ideas and motivation, passion even, and was putting out my best work. Throughout the summer, mostly near the end, I started to lose steam and imagination and that’s something I’m struggling to navigate through right now. I’m hoping 2023 brings a refreshing bit of inspiration that I can really work with.
2. What pieces are you proudest of this year? It can be a shot/blurb/headcannon, a whole series or even a specific chapter.
Table For Two, without a shadow of a doubt. It was an idea that I came up with last November and sat on for quite awhile. I knew it was going to be a huge project and I wanted to collaborate with someone on it. I’m not the most sociable on here, so I mostly just posted my other writings for awhile and then the most beautiful soul showed up outta nowhere in April and not only did she quickly become one of my absolute best friends, she became the best co-author I could ever ask for to help me bring this idea to fruition.
3. Is there anything you posted that you wish had reached more people? (No such thing as a flop here!) Shout it out, it might catch a new pair of eyes!
Again, Table For Two. I have so much love for the group of readers following along in the adventures of the twins and Syd (and poor Sam), but it’s something that I am so incredibly proud of that I simply want everyone to read it.
4. Can you give us a hint of anything coming before the end of the year? Maybe even a little taster?
You’ll definitely get an update or two from @allieboop and I for TFT, maybe even the end of the series!! I’m also working on a Danny x reader blurb that will be out in the next week or so and a little secret something else, but I can’t say much of anything about it. 🤫
5. Are you setting any writing goals for next year, or just going with the flow? If you are, what are they?
I’m hoping to build my masterlist more. I have some works already in progress which you’ll see on the pinned post on my page, however they won’t be posted until late-winter/spring.
6. Do you have any one shots or finished pieces you're tempted to expand on or revisit next year?
Teach Me Tonight will be getting a part two once TFT is wrapped up and I get some of these other works out. There are some other things floating up in the air, but we’ll just have to see how things turn out first.
7. Is there anything new you're tempted to try out? A new style/trope/AU/another person in the fandom?
I would really love to try my hand at an enemies to lovers trope!! I’m such a sucker for angst when it comes to reading, however, I do find myself struggling to write it sometimes. I have such a fluffy soul lol
8. Now to hype some other writers! What's a piece you read back in the first half of the year that you can shout out?
Amongst The Stars by @samkiszkasfacialhair hands down. It was posted on my birthday this year and to this day, it is the most gut-wrenching piece yet stands as my favorite thing I’ve ever read on this hellsite.
9. And how about something you've read more recently?
Pink Lemonade (WIP) by @garbagevanfleet
Ego (all 3 Parts) by @allieboop
Seven (WIP) by @stardustchordssammy
The Number One Rule by @streamingcolors-gvf and @allieboop
10. A fun one to finish...If you could insert yourself into any fic in the fandom, which would it be and what do you think would happen?
Boys of Summer (WIP) by @streamingcolors-gvf
My girl is in the process of writing a slow burn and confusing the hell out of me and I have NO IDEA what’s going on rn or what to expect, but I can tell you (and she knows this) that I would end up with Jake 😌
Tagging @samkiszkasfacialhair, @stardustbarbarians, and @mintysammykiszka (apologies if you’ve already been tagged)
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ericspinkhair · 3 years
guys my age don’t know how to love me good
pairing: dom!juyeon x noona!reader
synopsis: lee juyeon is the only guy who makes sex worth it
word count: 3.1k
warnings: noona kink, mentions of toxic and abusive sex, deep throating, no mentions of protection (wrap it before you tap it), inexperienced/unsure reader
a/n: this is for @rolezeure + anon
requests are open!!
masterlist + requests
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'y/n, I swear to god if you won't come to this party with me I will actually never talk to you ever again. you know what this is?' your best friend siyeon dramatically held up a pair of scissors. 'scissors, to cut our friendship.'
'but what am I supposed to even do there?' you scoffed. parties were stupid 'I don't know how to talk to people.'
'you don't need to talk, dumbass. you get drunk, grind on some hot dude and get laid.' siyeon rolled her eyes as she was so done with you.
'as if that is supposed to convince me to go. sex is completely overraded, my dude. it just hurts and the guys don't even care. as long as they get off on you it's fine.' you had not have had any positive experiences with sex. it usually hurt, the guys were rough and didn't really care if you were crying. there wasn't any pleasure you associated with it.
'that's cause you've been with only toxic men. but please, come with me! it's way too awkward to go alone and I need a hype woman. Sangyeon will be there. I cannot miss the opportunity to get with mr. dilf. have you seen him? he is sooo hot, y/n. I might never have another opportunity like this. and I need a lot of alcohol in my system first before I can initiate something,' she whined. she gave you the best puppy eyes she could to make you give in.
you knew your friend had been eyeing sangyeon for weeks. siyeon had tripped the first time she saw him and had to wipe away the drool from her chin. she then memorized his schedule and you would always have to watch him from afar. however, she could not utter a single comprehensible sentence without alcohol if she was nervous but when she was drunk she was the most sociable and flirty person and always got with whom she wanted.
sangyeon was usually never to be found at parties but this particular one was for his friend's birthday so siyeon knew he would show up. who knows if she would ever see him again, after all, he had just graduated from college and would be leaving campus. this was her last opportunity. you sighed.
'fine,' you finally gave in. she squealed and hugged you so tightly that you had trouble breathing.
'omg, I love you so much, y/n! you're a lifesaver. I owe you big big time.'
'you certainly do.'
you tried to convince yourself that maybe a party was just what you needed. finals were finally over and you were on your well deserved break before you started your last year of college.
a week later, the two of you took a cab to the party location. you arrived at a huge mansion that must have cost a huge ton of money. it felt like thousands of people were there, getting drunk and going skinny dipping in the gigantic pool. you recognized some of the people. you didn't really know them but you often saw them walk around on campus.
when you entered the house some dudes whistled at you. ew. you definitely had to get a drink to be able to stand all these gross men lurking around here. at least you had your pepper spray with you. better safe than sorry.
siyeon and you found the bar and immediately downed a couple of shots. the alcohol burned in your throat as you drank one after the other. your friend needed the effects alcohol brings with it quickly.
'have you found him already?' you scream over the music at siyeon.
'no, he's nowhere to be seen… maybe he's not here at all' she was pouting.
I grabbed her by the arm. 'come on. let's go search for him somewhere else. hmm, maybe he's outside?' you dragged her through the mass of people. she was gonna get laid tonight, you were gonna make sure of it.
the backyard was just as crowded but at least you got some fresh air. a lot of people were grinding on each and making out in the pool and hot tub.
'oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. he's there!' siyeon whisper shouted at you.
'where?' you couldn't find him in the crowd.
'over there next to the huge ass plant. he's standing next to jacob.' ah, you saw him. him and jacob were engaged in a deep conversation and occasionally sipped on their drinks.
siyeon just grabbed a drink out of a passing person's hand, ignore the complains and drank it all in one go.
'I need more.' so you went to get more alcohol before you could convince her that now was the time.
'how do I look? is my makeup smudged? do I look enough like 'daddy, I've been a good girl. pls choke me?' she kept on trying to flatten her hair hastily.
'you look absolutely gorgeous, girl. go get him, tiger.' she did look stunning. the red lipstick matched with her bold red dress. it was short and showed a lot of cleavage. her beautiful curves were perfectly highlighted and if sangyeon didn't drool over her then you would seriously have to buy him new eyes.
you high-fived each other and then she went to go on her mission.
you watched how he scanned her up and down, taking in her beauty, when she approached him and then smiled brightly. she touched his muscular arms as he said something that made her laugh. he seemed to be enjoying her company jacob, who had understood what was going on, had joined his other friends kevin and eric on the dance floor inside.
'who are we spying on?' someone whispered in your ear, making you jump and almost spill your drink. rude.
'oh, seeing if my best friend's gonna get laid tonight like she'd hoped to. seems positive so far.' the guy who had come up to you nodded interested. you had no idea who he was but you didn't exactly mind his company. he was a handsome fellow, with a face sculpted by the gods. his dark blue hair made him stand out even more.
'so what are you gonna do if she leaves with him? are you just going to leave?' he asked.
you shrugged your shoulders. 'probably. she's the only reason I came to this god awful party.'
'oh, you don't like it?' he raised his eyebrows.
'no, it's too full, it's too loud and I'm bored. who even is this guy who threw this party. I actually have no idea who he is,' you complained about everything. he seemed to become more amused as you went on.
'then allow me to introduce myself. hey, my name is juyeon.' he held out his hand.
'what does that have to do with- oh my god this is YOUR party!' you realized in shock. your face was burning with embarrassment. but he didn't seem to mind at all and just laughed light heartedly.
'yeah, I'm sorry you don't like it. if you like I could take you somewhere quieter with less people.' oh dude, he was flirting. why? you did look hot as fuck in your short black dress but you had literally just insulted his party.
'I'm sorry I'm not really up for sex or whatever it is you're offering.' you scratched your neck awkwardly. you wouldn't mind if he visited you in your dreams sometimes tho to have a good time.
'that's too bad. I was hoping I could make you feel good.' he brushed a finger over your cheek.
'I doubt you could. no one ever has.' he snorted at that.
'how old even are you?' you asked him.
'19, you don't have to worry. I'm a legal adult. you?' 'almost 21.'
'ooh, that's fun! are you sure you don't want to spend some private time with me, noona?' that was fucking unfair. he was using this noona thing to get you to give in. he knew exactly what he was doing and you could feel yourself getting aroused.
'I just don't think sex is right for me. it just hurts and doesn't do anything to make me feel good,' you explained to him.
'seems like you've only been with douchebags. I have a 100% rate of making women come. you should try and see for yourself, noona.' his lustful gaze stared deep into your soul, making your legs wobbly.
it seemed so tempting. he was super hot and couldn't help but notice the outline of his abs on his shirt. the alcohol was also encouraging you to make some bad decisions and step out of your comfort zone. this man somehow made you super horny with his toned body and god like face, whether you liked it or not. you caught yourself seriously considering going with him.
'here's a proposal. I give you head and if you're not satisfied with my services we can just stop there.' he leaned down and whispered in my ear. 'I would love to hear you scream my name, noona.'
his offer actually didn't sound too bad. juyeon might just be more skilled than the rest of the men you had slept with, who knew. you didn't have anything better to do anyways so you might as well see if he can make you feel good.
'where do we go?' you finally asked after staying silent to keep a suspenseful silence. his eyes lit up and he grabbed your hand. he led you back inside, up the stairs and into the room on the far right.
you could see posters of football player, trophies and pictures. this was obviously his room.
you didn't have much time to look around as he locked the door and kissed you
you were surprised by just how not slimy it was. usually, the guys would always try to wet your whole face and you had to wipe your mouth every other second.
but he started off soft and placed his hands on your hips. you put your arms around his neck to get closer to him and deepen the kiss.
his hands started roaming your body and when he squeezed your ass, you let out a moan. juyeon took this opportunity to slip his tongue inside your open mouth.
the kissing made you dizzy and you desperately tugged at him to get him closer to you. he picked you up and held you up against the wall. you let your hands wander under his shirt and started tracing his abs while grinding your core against him. you could feel his dick harden with your movements.
juyeon carried you to the bed and slowly let you down so you laid on your back. while he quickly took off his shirt you tried to catch your breath after the intense make out. you didn't have long to admire his muscular upper body before he lifted the dress so you were only there in your underwear.
he startes placing open mouth kiss from your collar bones, to your boobs, to your stomach until he reached the hem of your panties. he made sure to keep eye contact as he put the fabric between his teeth and slowly pulled them down like this. you felt cold air hitting your core.
'so pretty, noona,' he admired your clearly dripping pussy. he dragged one finger over your lips to see just how wet you were.
'I haven't even touched you yet but you are already so wet for me. I told you I'd make you feel good. I'll show you just how much, noona.' and with that he dove right in between your lips to prove his point. the feeling of his tongue fucking you was unfamiliar. no guy had ever even cared to get you wet and pleasure you before actually having sex.
Juyeon was desperately devouring your juices as if he hadn't drunk for ages. additionally he started massaging your clit with his thumb, knowing exactly what a woman likes. he had to hold down your hips to keep you stable because you were trying to buck up into his face as it felt so good. every time his nose came into contact with your clit while licking you felt like you were losing control.
involuntary moans were spilling out of your mouth and you could feel juyeon smirking against your core.
suddenly, he slipped a finger inside you and started slowly pumping it in and out of you. it felt a bit uncomfortable at first but you got used to it quite quickly and when he noticed, he slipped a second finger inside. damn, those were some long ass fingers.
your pussy made squelching sounds which you couldn't care less about in the moment as he rapidly fucked you with his long digits. you were pulling at his hair as he took your bud between his teeth, alternating between softly biting and sucking on it.
you suddenly couldn't take it anymore and your orgasm washed over your body like a wave and juyeon slowly continued until you had fully come down from your high.
he sat up straight again. 'I promised I could make you feel good, didn't I? god, you look so hot when you come, noona.' fuck, where did he learn to do all this? maybe he was right after all.
you noticed that his nose was coated in your juices but he didn't seem to care at all. 'do you want to continue?'
'only if you can make me come again,' you challenged him.
he scoffed. 'that's not even a question, noona.'
he quickly unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants. the shape of his bulge was clearly visible through his underwear. you reached inside and whipped out his already hard dick. you gulped.
'it's so big,' you whispered afraid. he was bigger than the other guys you had slept with and if they had already hurt you then his cock would probably hurt even worse.
he stroked your hair out of your face. 'don't worry. I've already prepared well so you should be able to take it without a problem. I'll make sure to go slow to not hurt you, okay?' you needed to trust him. it seemed like he actually knew what he was doing.
you gave his dick a couple of strokes to see how he reacted before you wrapped your lips around his leaking tip. seeing juyeon throw his head back gave you the encouragement you desperately needed to go forward.
you took him all the way until you started gagging. this was something you were good at. you started deep throating him and he moaned out your name.
'fuck, noona. you are so good with my cock.' he brushed your hair to the side so you it wouldn't be in the way when you sucked him off.
you noticed that he tried to control himself but couldn't refrain himself from bucking up his hips a few times, making you gag.
he then stopped you. 'I can't come yet. I need to show you how proper sex is done first.'
you laid down on your back and he positioned himself between your legs. he pressed your arms down next to your head and intertwined his fingers with yours.
'are you ready?' you gave him a nod.
'just squeeze my hand if it hurts.'
he slowly pushed his tip inside. you shut your eyes tightly and juyeon stopped to give you time.
'no, no. go all the way in first,' you whined.
his dick filled your walls up to the brim. you tried to calm down your heavy breathing. you squeezed his hands in pain and he held still. juyeon placed a kiss on your mouth.
'you're doing so well, noona.', he praised you. 'just tell me when you feel ready to go.'
it did hurt but not quite as much as the other times. and no one had ever waited for you to actually adjust before beginning to pound into you.
juyeon distracted you with kisses and as you started getting more comfortable you slowly started moving your hips against him. you gave him a slight nod to tell him he could continue.
he still started off with a moderate tempo and you needed more.
'faster!' you urged him and he picked up the pace. the way he snapped his hips made you see stars.
the pain was now completely gone and you were lost in your own pleasure.
when he started  thrusting into you from behind, he hit spots inside you you had never felt before. the new position allowed him to go even deeper and faster than before.
you moaned surprised as he spanked you.
'you like this, noona?' you could only groan out his name to show him how you felt.
the knot in your stomach became tighter and tighter.
'I think I'm coming!' you manage to get out.
'come for me, noona!' with that he went into overdrive and fucked into you like a machine.
your arms gave in as your walls clenched around his huge cock tightly and you came hard while screaming his name.
he rode out your orgasm and then pulled out. he stroke his dick fast and shot his big load on your butt and back.
he lay down next to you exhausted. his fingers wiped away the tears of pleasure you didn't know you had cried.
'did I make you feel good, noona?' 'more than just good,' you admitted satisfied.
'I guess guys my age just don't know how to treat me.' he hummed in agreement.
'that makes no sense. you are absolutely gorgeous. they missed out on the opportunity to see your beautiful face when you come.' this was weird. he was still nice to you even after he already came. what was this?
'thank you for making my birthday wish come true,' he said. 'huh, what do you mean?' you questioned him.
'actually, I've noticed you on campus before but I was always too shy to talk to you.' 'oh really?' you laughed sceptically.
'yeah, I wanted to ask you on a date first but it seems like we skipped a couple of steps.' he was blushing. gosh, he was kind of adorable.
'I mean we could still go on those dates if you'd like, birthday boy.' strangely enough you felt like you could trust him and kind of wanted to get to know juyeon as a person.
'awesome,' he smiled at you before he pecked your lips and went to clean you both up.
you had completely forgotten about siyeon. hopefully, her night had been just as satisfying as yours had been.
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lavendersuh · 5 years
got7 as classic fanfic tropes
word count: 2.4k
a/n: uhhhh i started thinking of classic fanfic tropes and this happened oops! they are short and sweet, but if you want more of one of them hmu and i might write it? enjoy xx
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mark - neighbor!au
the shy quiet next door neighbor. your parents are good friends which means occasionally you see each other at dinners. despite his friends being extremely crazy, he always offers you kind smiles in the hallways at school. you always wonder what’s on his mind, until one day his friends loudly tease him about a crush he won’t ask out. you look across the hallway to see your neighbor blushing. 
“just ask her out already! come on, man, what’s it gonna hurt?” one of his friends, jackson, asks.
as you watch the situation unfold, you see mark glance over at you. his eyes turn wide when he sees you already looking at him, causing him to look down and blush even harder. you didn’t realize that was possible.
you turn around to continue putting your books in your locker, as you continued to hear his friends hype him up. you rolled your eyes at their childish behavior. 
the warning bell was ringing, prompting you to shut your locker, only to find mark walking up to you. 
your eyes widen as his flustered expression. he speaks up, “y/n, could i talk to you for a sec?”
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jaebum - gang leader!au
super mysterious. you always saw him come into the coffee shop, order a double shot expresso drink, before leaving asap. you always wondered what he was up to considering it was well into your afternoon study sessions when he would show up. who needs that much coffee in the evening?
one day you decided to pack up early, realizing you really needed to head home to cook instead of picking up fast food again. as you’re leaving, the man that always picks up the coffee labeled “JB” heads out the door too. he holds the door for you, sending you a small smile to your surprise. 
you mutter a thanks before he gets into the suspicious black vehicle, not realizing a shady figure across the street was watching the entire interaction. 
you don’t notice the figure following you home until you get to your building, about to unlock the door, when you hear a gunshot behind you. you whip around to see JB standing with a gun in his hand as the shady figure flees, clutching his arm. 
“are you okay?” he asks, coming up to you. 
you stand frozen, eyes wide with terror at what just happened. 
“look, he was following you, he probably thought you were my girlfriend or something since we left at the same time.” he huffs in frustration, “huh, i never ask the pretty girl for her number in order to protect her and yet she still ends up getting shot at.”
a million things are running through your head. pretty girl? number? shot at?
“i’m sorry i put you in danger. i’m also sorry i haven’t talked to you before this,” he says, “i’m caught up with the local mafia and even though i noticed you looking at me in the cafe, i never made a move because i didn’t want you to get caught up in all this.” 
he smiles down at you, “but considering this happened anyways, i might as well ask you to dinner. are you free tonight?”
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jackson - college athlete!au
definitely super popular. not because of his sport tho, he fences. he’s just really sociable, at parties all the time, etc. he honestly keeps the fact that he’s a fencer on the down low, not cause its embarrassing or anything but just because he doesn’t like explaining it. he takes it super seriously, and doesn’t like people questioning it.
too bad for him, your sibling happened to love fencing. you were dragged along as they followed the championships and everything. safe to say, you know who jackson wang is. 
you recently transferred to a new university, and your roommates were dragging you out to a party to celebrate the first week of school. you were expecting the classic characteristics of a frat party, but what you weren’t expecting was to see the Junior Asia Fencing Champion offering you your third beer of the night.
“you’re jackson wang,” you tell him, as he continues tossing beer cans to newcomers.
“hell yeah i am,” he grins at you, “but you don’t look familiar. i’m good at remembering faces, where do i know you from?”
“oh, we haven’t met,” you tell him, “i just recognized you because you fence,”
he pauses what he’s doing, whipping around to stare you down, trying to get a read on you.
“you… follow fencing?” he questions.
you shake your head, a warm buzz finally beginning to take over your senses from the alcohol. “no, but my sibling follows it religiously. i just happen to accompany them occasionally, you know, just go along for the ride.”
he throws you a smile, and you start to see why he seems to be so popular. 
“hmm,” he says, leading you through some of the crowd to a less densely packed area of the frat house, “then would you be interested in accompanying me somewhere sometime?”
“like on a date?”
“why not? we could get coffee after my practice tomorrow evening?”
you nod, suddenly feeling shy as you realize what you are getting yourself into.
he throws you another grin as he clinks your beers together, “it’s a date.”
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jinyoung - royal!au
honestly a pretty chill royal, he’s a kind prince; he’s just a big spoiled, but who wouldn’t be?
it’s no surprise that he would get irritated with the airline staff when his flight gets cancelled in the middle of the night. he just wants to go home. 
it’s no surprise when you see him talking to the airline worker with an exasperated expression, and it’s no surprise when you hear him in a raised voice say, “but i’m a prince!”
ah, yes. the royalty card. you were familiar. 
it doesn’t take but a heartbeat for you to walk over, and politely tell the man that he needs to “chill.”
“chill? chill? i don’t have time for chill, i’m a prince!” he stares at you for a moment, “i’m sorry but i can’t possibly see how a simple stranger like you would understand.” 
“oh, i understand perfectly fine.” you say with a level head, “i am the most understanding when coming across other royals who like to use it to their advantage. but just because i understand them does not mean i will allow myself to do such things.”
he gives you a confused look. “are you… royal?” he asks incredulously. 
you nod, rolling your eyes, “come on, you can hitch a ride with me, i’m headed past your country anyways.” 
he sputters for a minute, as you start walking away. you turn to see he’s still frozen, not following you. 
“you want a ride or not? plane leaves soon, your highness,” you throw the name at him, smiling as he races to catch up. 
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youngjae - office!au
doesn’t mind working in an office because he knows work isn’t his whole life. isn’t super friendly with everyone in the office but he does have a few good friends. they occasionally go out to lunch, coming back to the office a bit later than they should on a lunch break. 
he seems like SUCH a jim halpert to me. joking around but is also one of the only relatively sane ones in the office. that means you are pam, sorry i don’t make the rules. 
so he goes out for these too-long lunches right? well from your spot at the secretary’s desk you clearly started to notice this. seeing as the boss was trying so hard to be youngjae’s friend, the issue was getting swept under the rug. you took it upon yourself one day to call out the lunch delinquent.
on his way back in with the boys, youngjae was laughing at a joke one of the others had made, when you asked to see him at the front desk. he looked at you with a grin still set upon his face.
“what’s up?” he asks casually, leaning a forearm on the top of the desk.
“what’s up is that you are your buddies are out on lunch for over an hour, multiple times a week.” you accuse.
“aw, are you feeling left out?” he teases. 
“no! i’m just annoyed that while you are out enjoying yourselves on company while i’m stuck here waiting until you idiots get back so i can take my own lunch.” you say.
“how about if i took you out for lunch one day next week? would that make up for my misbehavior? i promise we will be out for only an hour.” he grins, “i can’t let you get in trouble.”
he has such a shit-eating grin on his face, but its pretty on par with his generally aloof personality. you find yourself rolling your eyes at him before accepting.
“only if you’re paying.”
his smile doesn’t leave his face as he walks back to his desk.
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bambam - frat boy!au
alcohol is water to this boy. yes, he’s a good student during the weekdays, but if it’s the weekend, bam is either drunk, hungover or thinking about getting drunk again. it’s just the college life, and you understand that very well.
which is why it doesn’t really surprise you when it’s the third weekend in a row having bam’s tongue down your throat. you only really party on fridays, so that you can recover saturday and then do homework on sunday. it’s not your fault you keep appearing at bam’s frat house. it’s got the best booze on campus.
you can’t really remember why you started making out with bambam that first time, but by the third time you definitely see the pattern. you both are pretty drunk, you wonder if he even knows he’s making out with his chem lab partner every weekend. 
this time is different though. he’s not being super rough, more just slow and sensual. you aren’t as drunk as last time, and you take notice when he pauses to let out a sad sigh.
you step a bit away, giving him space, squeezing his hands, “are you okay?”
he looks at you with dazed eyes, letting out another sigh, “no, i’m making out with you when i’d much rather be making out with my lab partner who doesn’t seem to know i exist.”
confusion settles over you for a minute, before you start giggling, “bam, how drunk are you?”
“enough to forget my pain,” he replies.
you let out a laugh before grasping his forearm, “come on, loser, you need to sober up and sleep.” you tell him, leading him up the stairs of the frat house, “you need to learn to handle your alcohol better.”
when you ask him which room is his, he gets all pouty and defensive, arguing that he doesn’t want to sleep with you. his arguments are slurred and lazy, as he leans into you for support.
“bam, i don’t want to sleep with you, i want you to sober up, come on!” 
you find his room based on the polaroid pictures of his cats you see near his door frame, and push him onto the bed. he lets out a yawn while you grab a glass of water from the bathroom. 
“drink this before you fall--” you start, before noticing he’s fast asleep already. you roll your eyes, setting the glass of water on his bedside table.
finding a notebook on his desk, you tear out a piece of paper to write a note:
hey dumbass,  you confessed you had the hots for your lab partner while you were making out with me, so like the good person i am, i tried to sober you up but you fell asleep. good job.  see you in class,  your lab partner
beneath the note, you scribbled down your number before placing it under the glass of water. he’d find it eventually.
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yugyeom - dancer!au
an amazing dancer. like so good. he likes to brag about it loudly before school dances, in hopes that he will get a date.
he does not. 
not because his classmates don’t want him, but because they are all scared to dance next to him. he’s too good, that would be so embarrassing.
it was a miracle you even went to the dance tbh. winter formal wasn’t exactly on your list of things you must do before senior year is over, but alas, your friend wanted to come, and they had dragged you along for the ride.
so there you stand alone since your friend ditched you for some other people. you don’t mind really; you’re a clumsy person and dancing isn’t really your thing. you are content to just watch as everyone around you has the time of their lives.
you catch sight of yugyeom, a fellow senior, tearing up the dance floor. no one really compares to his insane talent. it’s quite interesting to watch him, and before you know it the song has ended and he’s caught you staring. oops.
he makes his way over to you. you aren’t necessarily friends with yugyeom. but you know of each other due to classes. 
“why did you come to the dance if you are just going to stand there all night?” he questions.
“i came for my friend,” you tell him, glancing over at her dancing with some underclassmen boys.
he nods in understanding, “well, you should at least dance for one song!” 
he goes to grab your hand but you quickly pull away, “i can’t.”
“you can’t?”
you shake your head, “i’m really clumsy.”
just as you say that, a slower song comes on, and yugyeom grabs for your hand again, leading you out to the dance floor, “come on, it’s just one song. and this one is slow, you just have to stand there and sway.”
he moves your arms to wrap around his neck, before he places his own hands gently on your waist. you both move around a little, swaying and turning, following yugyeom’s lead.
“this isn’t so bad, is it?” he asks, his voice low. 
“it’s not terrible,” you reply.
it’s actually quite nice, except for your heartbeat that’s about to burst out of your chest. 
the song comes to a close and you step away from him. 
“well, maybe we can do this again sometime. you know, like at prom.” he mentions, trying to read your face,
“it’s not even christmas yet, and you’re already thinking of prom?” 
he smiles, squeezing your hand before letting go, “never hurts to be on top of things, princess.” 
you smile as he drifts back into the crowd.
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kuuderepunkin · 4 years
Match up
A match up for @obsessedwithgems​ <3 <3 <3 
Due to technical difficulties I will not be including her description of herself (but if you want I can add it, love) 
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Hazbin Hotel matchup: Sir Pentious 
Man it was a hard draw to decide who to pair you with in Hazbin Hotel but I think the thing that pushed me towards Sir Pentious is your love for snakes, not just cause he’s a lovable snake boy, but it helped me choose between him and Angel Dust. But I think he’d be a better fit just because his little Egg minions would also be a part of your relationship, either to run errands for you or to keep you entertained and happy. Angel Dust is super shippable with people so I was trying to balance where your needs would fall in a relationship (his sexuality slightly worked against him, too) and I do think that having the little crowd of Egg boys would bring a little more joy to your world, while Angel dust himself may drain your overly giving personality. But as I always say! I’m an advocate for loving who you love! So if you like another character? Go for it, my matchups are just based on my opinion of how you and a fictional character meld well- but any couple can work to be a loving relationship <3 . Also a lot of the characters from Hazbin can be jerks but he’s less of a jerk and more of a show off I think, he’d never do you wrong. 
He’s confident enough to break through your shy exterior, he’s loud and bold and will just pull you into a conversation so you don’t have to worry about starting it. 
100% with you on being outgoing and being a bit reckless, he gets so excited he loses his common sense. But he’s more likely to get hurt than you would be. 
He loves being adventurous with you, but he’s a chaotic entity so I can only imagine the laughs you get out of your adventures but it’s therapeutic. 
If you start crying for any reason he stops his ridiculous antics to slither to your side and comfort you. No moment wasted. 
Pentious wraps his tail around you and gently holds you gently caressing your back and running his hand through your hair and gently speaking trying to calm you down. 
If you don’t want him to see you crying he’ll slither away and come back with one of the egg minions and some water. He doesn’t want you to be alone but knows it might be embarrassing to you for him to see you so upset. But it’s important to stay hydrated especially when you’ve cried. He will do everything he can to make it as painless as possible, it’s okay to cry and having feelings is natural and nothing you should feel ashamed about. 
There are so many egg boys that you will not forget to care about yourself, and Sir Pentious will not allow you to not care and maintain your own well being! Your helpful nature is appreciated but you have to care for yourself, and he makes that a rule for you because it’s Hell and he doesn’t want just anybody taking advantage of you. 
The egg boys will treat you like their mother, which is endearing and frustrating? But you do well with children so it shouldn’t be too much different. It’s sweet though, they bring you gifts and draw stuff for you. And they give you lots of love. 
If you’re ever crying they run up to you and ask what’s wrong and they hug you, it’s very cute, you’re never alone with these bubbly dorks. And for your touch related trauma- the good thing is you can tell it’s one of the eggs hugging you, they’re small and oval- it’s easy to tell that it’s them. But they’re not familiar enough for you sir Pentious will scold them and tell them to stay away! No sneaking up on their momma queen! 
When sleeping at night it can either be you and Pentious alone cuddling, his large tail making a little dam around you, keeping your warmth in and making you feel secure.
But all the same, if you’re alright with a couple of the eggs joining you they’re like teddy bears, they scatter around the bed and almost sleep like pets by your legs or hugging Pentious’ tail. 
Pentious’ long arms will be wrapped around your body, keeping you close to his chest with his head on yours. 
And while you may be tougher than you look, you are regarded as his queen! He cannot allow his lover to be in the front line of battle, and not fighting with the riff raf in Hell. He knows all too well you can take care of yourself- you probably beat him up once because he thought you were so cute saying you could handle yourself- but even so he doesn’t like the idea of letting you out alone. It’s not in an obsessive way- it’s just hell is dangerous and he’s a kind of big part in the territory wars so you may have a big target on your back. 
So he’ll send one of his minions with you if you leave without him, but that’s so he knows where to find you, the eggs aren’t great at combat in the first place and he respects your skills. It’s just a safety net. 
Pentious will ask you to sing to him, looking like a begging puppy because he really wants to hear your beautiful voice. Even if you don’t think it’s amazing he will disagree with you on that aspect. “A butterfly can’t see their own vibrant colors! You’re the butterfly in this analogy…. and your singing is your wings-“ he’s only explaining because he realized the analogy might be about beauty and not talent and he confused himself. But he’s so proud that I will not admit that he’s wrong! 
He will let you hold the end of his tail and play with it idly as the two of you talk, or he’s busy doing a villainous monologue. Or if you would prefer you can carry an egg around like it would be a teddy bear. 
One last thing- he loves to put his top hat on you and watch it slide down your forehead because it’s too big. It makes him giggle. 
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Steven Universe match up: Sour Cream 
Alright another hard debate but this time because there’s so many good options. Sour cream could really align with some of your interests and he’s a great significant other but I feel like he may have a different emotional expression? From the way he reacted to Steven’s problems kind of makes me think he will struggle with deep emotional struggles you may have- but also that doesn’t mean he can’t be a good lover. And then Pink Pearl would line up with your interests as well, she loves to learn new things, just like her diamond she loved nature and the likes. And she could make you happy- the two of you could work together to take care of each other and help each other heal and grow. She will help you learn the value of taking care of yourself even when helping others. She would love to have fun with you, too. Signing, dancing, doing art, teaching and learning piano with you, it all seems like so much fun to her! And to get to spend time with you! Those all make her so happy. But I ran myself into a circle again! Idk who would fit with you better in a match up. That last push towards Sour Cream was your love of horror and your aesthetic, I feel like he would better understand them. Pearl would love to dress up with you and mimic your style but I don’t know if she would understand how it would fit into self expression, and I feel like horror might scare her a little too much. All the while Sour Cream loves the macabre and mysterious! 
Sour Cream himself is pretty quiet despite how sociable he is, so it’s easy to approach him or have him come to chat with you. He loves talking to people, but he likes the underdogs so if he sees you shying away he would love to approach you. 
When he approaches you he probably complements your glasses and hair, and how it really vibes with your style! Honestly it probably inspires him to make some new music more attuned to the cas emo vibes. 
He is ecstatic when you finally open up and become adventurous because he’s ready to have fun and party with you! 
And the party doesn’t have to be with tons of people, just the two of you going on some wacky adventures or going exploring and just having some fun! 
He would love to go to abandoned places with you, making some fun youtube videos or tiktoks. Going exploring in forests and having fun in nature sounds like a ball to him. He may be a techy guy but he loves doing new and exciting things with you. 
Sour Cream is no stranger to crying, he’s had these feelings of hopelessness when it came to his family and then his career- so I think he understands how best to help you. 
When you need to be alone and let it out he will just slide you some snacks and water and kiss your forehead and whisper he’s there for you when you’re ready to talk. 
If you wouldn’t mind his company he’s there rubbing the back of your hand and back. Water and snacks all in toe, he probably stores them in his massive pockets ngl. 
While you’re easy to fluster, he thinks it’s pretty cute! He will try to make you blush but not to the point of making you dizzy, he just thinks you're so adorable! 
Heck yeah powerful women! He’s so hype for you kicking butt and he has no doubt that you can be cute, hardcore, and kick ass. Sour Cream is your hype man, and biggest fan, he’ll ask you to show him some moves! If you were okay with it! 
Showing him some of your self defense moves can lead to a cuddle pile or a light tickle fight because it’s just the two of you having fun, he thinks your skills are cool and not something he wants to challenge you at- he’s just curious. 
Sour Cream totally gets the insecurity, he has it but has slowly learned how to deal with it. But when he first got into DJing and with the doubt of his step dad, it really weighed on him. So he knows how to help you face those negative feelings. 
Everyone is different on how they handle being insecure but he is always there to be your hype man, and he just lets you know you may not think greatly of yourself but it doesn’t mean you’re not doing spectacular things! 
He loves your singing and asks if you wouldn’t mind him adding some of your vocal tracks into his DJ stuff. 
Sour Cream doesn’t touch without consent, like even holding your hand he asks- though as the relationship grows the way he asks may be more non verbal, like him bumping your hands with his to show he’d like to hold your hand and let you make the first move. But he always makes sure he’s not crossing any boundaries. 
He’s a big cuddle bug, he’s tall and loves to be the big spoon and hug you and curl up. But if you wanted to be the big spoon he’s like “!” He never thought of all those possibilities; it opens new cuddling doors! He’s so excited and 10/10 loves any affection. 
Making you laugh is one of his favorite things to do, he loves to see you happy and full of life, so when you start feeling detached and down he will notice and will move to supportive boyfriend mode. 
He knows you drain yourself by helping others, and helping him at times, so he tries to be the best help for you. 
As your relationship grows he picks up how you help him and will translate it to help you when you need a pick me up. 
Will do his best to give you tips when learning guitar, he knows a few friends who play so he’ll ask them for pointers that he can then give to you. Or if you’re cool meeting his friends and practicing with them he will have a small get together, but there’s no pressure and if you get too anxious he will make an excuse for you so you don’t feel bad about anything. 
He loves horror and honestly he loves a lot of things, this dude is full of admiration and childish awe but it’s all pure. Horror is fun and exciting, it gives him that adrenaline rush. Mystery gets him thinking and discussing different theories with you. Romance makes him mushy and he hugs into you and sometimes he will be extra chessy if you watch a romance flick because it makes him think you want more affection and he really loves to give it. 
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Undertale match up: Muffet 
I hope you’re not afraid of spiders, Muffet is such a cute girlfriend and you two would mesh so well in my opinion. I do think monster spiders are a bit different from real spiders, I mean they’re cute in the game so I can just picture them like the Totoro dust sprites. So rather than hairy and spiny legs think soft and cuddly. I can’t say it enough Muffet needs more love, she’s super cute and full of love to give. 
She’s got so many hands to hold, she will let you point at one to hold (I’ve seen this in a comic and I can’t get it out of my head, it’s so cute) and they could be switched out if your arm gets too tired she can wrap her arms around you. 
Loves to comb through and brush your hair, if you’ll let her she’ll try different hairstyles on you. For your goth/emo style she’ll even try to make it fit your aesthetic, maybe doing some macabre braiding with some fun fabric intertwined. 
Heck if you’ll let her she’ll do your makeup, match it with whatever you want, you want it not to be heavy but to give you the intense emo look. Or if you want to look like a goth rock icon she’ll do that! With as many hands as she has it’s easy to get it done, she gently rests her palm on your chin and delicately tilts your head to do your makeup. 
Muffet would adore if you would sing with her, she won’t make you sing for her on your own until you get more comfortable with her because it puts you on the spot. But once you get accustomed to her she would love if you sang to her, she might not be able to help herself and join in. It’s like singing along to your favorite song. 
If you ever express your opinion about your singing being bad she will lightly argue with you, it’s a disagreement and she will explain it as people having a different opinion on music. While you may think your singing is your most hated genre to her is operatic and beautiful! And she will present the fact you’ve gotten awards, so people agree that you have a beautiful voice and are a work of art. She doesn’t push it like it’s a fact, but more so that you may not see your strengths but that others do. 
Loves to hang your art, if you don’t like your stuff hanging around the house you two may share, she will put it in her room or keep it with her while she works. 
You’re never alone when you’re with Muffet, even if she’s not there with you if you seem to be down one of her spiders will give her a heads up and she’ll come to your side to comfort you. 
She loves to cuddle and while you two lay down together she likes to play with your hair and look at your hands, just taking them in her own and comparing them. You’re so interesting to her, Muffet isn’t used to seeing many humans and to be quite frank she doesn’t care too much to meet too many. 
She likes you because of your disposition, your aesthetic, and your interests. Being a human is just another fascinating fact. Your gothic/emo look kind of aligns with her own so she’s excited to discuss fashion with you! Muffet and her spiders will likely create you some fun fashionable gothic clothing based on what you tell her you’re interested in. Or she’ll pick up on the minuscule things that are similar within your favorite outfits. 
Being a spider means she loves the outdoors, broken down, and abandoned locations so going on hikes with you is super refreshing and fun for her. 
She’s so good at comforting you, she’s soft and gentle when speaking, she caresses you gently and knows what to say in tough moments. Gently combing her hands in your hair, and gently scratching your scalp and wiping away your tears. 
She is a wonderful listener and will let you tell her anything, never making you feel ashamed of your emotions- they’re natural after all. And she wants you to know how much she values you and that you haven’t got to feel bad for being who you are. She loves you. 
When you’re blushing she loves to take your face and cup it into her hands and gently squish your cheeks because it’s so cute! 
Don’t you worry about talking to strangers, she can have her spiders handle that for you, any errands you need, they’re very helpful. 
If you want to play with something idly her hand is a good option, it’s romantic and it’s more fun than just playing with your own hand. If you want you can play with two hands, or three!! Honestly as many hands as you would like. 
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studylizziee · 5 years
Starting University
Having started uni last year, I can really relate to the anxieties/fears that people have towards the start of September. So I decided to make this post which is a compilation of tips and advice I’ve accumulated over my first year of university. I hope it’s helpful :)
What to bring
it’s a difficult thing to strike the right balance between bringing too much and too little, but my advice is to err on the side of too little, as you can always buy things you’ve missed once you arrive (the only exception imo being decorations for your room from home)
a doorstop is a must! when you’re moving in my literal number 1 tip is to have your door propped open virtually at all times - it makes such a difference because then people will just stop to have a chat, or wave and say hi as they go past, and it just sends a friendly vibe
things that will personalise your room and make it feel like your space. This was one of the biggest things that combated my homesickness, because I created a sort of safe space for myself. So for me this was cosy lighting with lots of lamps (I brought 2 in addition to the one my uni provided) and fairy lights, posters on the walls, books on the shelf, pictures of my friends, cushions and blankets, and lots of cute mugs 
in that vein, get some command strip hooks that you can stick onto the wall - I used small ones to put my fairy lights up and larger ones to hang my jackets on 
for posters and pictures for the wall, I used blu tack
keep the storage boxes that you use to move all your stuff in with (I put shoes in one, misc stuff in another), and drawer dividers are a really handy buy too (I used them to separate my underwear)
don’t forget important documents/ID like your passport and driving license. There’s usually quite a lot of admin when you first arrive so it’s important to have these kept safely with you
if you drink, bring some alcohol and a mixer you like for pres
a bumbag for nights out is pretty essential - it’ll keep your phone, ID, keys and money safe, as they’re difficult to steal from and far more secure than your pockets!
make sure you have a medicines bag stocked with paracetamol, plasters, antiseptic cream etc, because the last thing you want when you feel sick for the first time at uni is to have to go out and buy medicines
I brought earplugs because I like quiet when I’m trying to fall asleep, and halls of residence are not exactly known for that.. also, walls are thin
there are nowhere near enough coat hangers provided, so bring some from home
I also 100% recommend taking a bike to uni! I cycle everywhere around campus because it’s faster and good exercise, and I also sometimes cycle into town rather than getting the bus (& if you bring a bike, bring a helmet, front and back bike lights, and a D-lock! They’re worth investing in I promise)
lastly, I recommend that the first thing you do when moving in is to do a big food shop! I arrived on a Friday night and planned for my parents to take me food shopping on the Saturday, but I forgot I needed something to eat for dinner on Friday and ended up having a freebie pot noodle that was in my room...
What not to bring
shared items like a kettle, toaster, toastie maker, blender etc (until you’ve communicated with your flatmates)
before I came to uni, in august I think, a few of my flatmates and I made a group chat on facebook (unis normally make a fb page with your halls of residence and you can find your flatmates from there), and sorted out who’d bring shared items. It was really helpful because the last thing you want is 5 kettles taking up loads of space in the kitchen! 
if you’re not able to/don’t want to message your flatmates before arriving at uni, I still wouldn’t bring these items as you can buy them once you’re there if no one else has them (which is pretty unlikely)
a bin and desk chair - they’re provided
too many clothes/shoes: I know it feels like you’re going away for a really long time but try to think realistically about how many things you’ll actually wear. Instead focus on making sure you have lots of layers, and clothes for all weather possibilities
an iron - I literally never ironed once while at uni - and yes, that’s as a person whose course requires me to go on placements and look formal fairly regularly 
unless you’re an avid baker I wouldn’t bring baking equipment like scales/mixing bowl etc. I only had a measuring jug and a roasting tin, which was enough to make cookies ;)
Ah, freshers. The most over-hyped week(s) in existence. As an introvert, it was an exhausting period of time for me. Although I had fun meeting people and at the events I went to, it left me drained, and I also felt pretty anxious a lot of the time, especially during the first week. To be honest, I didn’t enjoy the whole freshers experience because it was, frankly, pretty overwhelming. Just remember that freshers is not at all representative of the rest of your uni experience, and it’s okay if you don’t love it.
Meeting people/making friends
I was equally excited and nervous when I moved in, and I was particularly worried, as most people are, about making friends. The first thing to say is that everyone’s in the same boat. Everyone is anxious to be sociable and make friends, especially during freshers, so make the most of this time to start conversations and get chatting with people. Although don’t feel you need to make long-lasting friendships during freshers - often people find that their uni friends aren’t the people that they hung out with in freshers.
Don’t feel pressured to go to loads of parties/nights out if it’s not your scene; there are other ways of meeting people, the biggest one being societies. My biggest regret from first year is that I didn’t try enough societies - I did choir and went to one netball training session (rip) because I thought I didn’t have time for anything else. I wish I’d taken up more opportunities and tried more things, because it’s such a great way of meeting like-minded people (and people from other courses)! 
When to leave your parents
This is a difficult one, and I know this was one of the things causing me the most anxiety. I’d read somewhere that you should just say bye to your parents when they drop you off and get on with it, because you have to grow up now. The truth is, everyone is different and needs a different amount of time in order to say goodbye. For me, my parents helped me move in on the Friday, and stayed the night at a hotel while I went on my first night of freshers, a pub crawl. The next day they helped me with my food shop/buying other things I needed before they left in the afternoon. I know both people who spent the whole first weekend with their parents, not coming to any freshers events, and people who said goodbye the minute they walked into their flat. Neither choice is right or wrong - just think about what’s best for you. I knew I needed a bit more time but simultaneously wanted to be part of the big first night, and I found a happy compromise for me.
Dealing with homesickness
I was really homesick for, I’d say, the first 2 weeks. One of my big mistakes was that my dad came up a week after I’d moved in to bring my bike (don’t regret that bit, my bike is great), and it was actually more difficult saying bye that time around. It was wayy too soon. My advice is:
give it a bit of time before you see your family
facetime/call home regularly to start off with, and over time it will naturally become less often. For the first week, I facetimed my parents every night, and after that it was every 2-3 days, and by the end it was every one or two weeks
get busy! the absolute worst thing you can do is isolate yourself in your room doing nothing, because it gives you too much time to overthink. Especially for the first few weeks, keep yourself busy and take advantage of all the events on offer
Things to make sure you do during the first week or so:
Even though freshers is super busy, it’s important to make time to do some bits of admin
Register at your university’s GP/health centre
Find out where the student support service is/the telephone number you can reach them on
Get a phone number for maintenance of halls because you never know when something might go wrong (on literally my first night the shower didn’t work)
Find the library, cheapest food shop, launderette, and explore campus
The academic jump
The jump from school to university can be quite a considerable one. It’s not only harder content, but also a different way of learning from what you’re used to in school, with much more reliance on independent study. Don’t worry too much about the first term, because that tends to be a sort of re-cap where they bring everyone onto the same page. Use that time when the content is not as difficult to 1) have fun and do lots of non-academic things, and 2) attempt to develop your style of learning. People underestimate sometimes the fact that you have to learn how to learn. So try different things and see what works for you, so that by the time you start the ‘real work’ you’ll be a bit more prepared. Tips:
have a system - by second term I decided that my system was to make a summary, somewhat condensed document of notes for each week, which I filed in folders for each module. This works for my course, but what the system is doesn’t matter - the most important thing is to have a tangible goal of independent work (usually notes) that you want to achieve 
keep on top of things - I was sooo bad at this in first year, and have resolved to change things next year... I would do my set work for the week, but I didn’t do my weekly summary notes until the end of term and it was a mad rush. It would have saved me so much pain to do it as I went along
pay attention to feedback and learn from your mistakes
lecturers are an amazing resource and they love their subject, so if you have a question ask them! (either in person after a lecture/seminar or if that’s too much send an email)
make friends with your coursemates - you’re all in it together and it’s amazing how much you can learn from each other
BACK YOUR WORK UP! it doesn’t matter if it’s an external hard drive, dropbox or google drive as long as it’s somewhere! 
bring recipes or a cookbook - these are pretty essential for when you’ve run out of ideas (or if you haven’t done much cooking before!). My friend got me ‘The Hungry Student Vegetarian Cookbook’ which was great, as is ‘The Green Roasting Tin’. I especially loved the concept of the latter because it’s so simple - put everything in a roasting tin and bang it in the oven
cook in bulk! this is my number 1 tip. Put whatever you don’t eat in tupperware containers and freeze it - then, as my flatmate said, you have prepared your very own ready meals
most people have heard of the ‘fresher five’ (5kg put on in first year), but this can so be avoided by making sure you have your 5 a day, not having takeaways too often, and not overdoing it with alcohol
as I said, don’t get takeaways too often - it’s tempting, I know, but they’re mega expensive so you’re better off saving it either for when they’ve got a really good deal on, or as a special treat
consider eating less meat - any meat of a good quality is far more expensive than vegetables are! I’m vegetarian and slowly becoming more plant-based as I cut out dairy, and among its other benefits it’s so much cheaper
making meal plans can be really useful - you don’t have to have an elaborate chart, but when you do your weekly food shop, plan what you’re going to eat during the week. This also helps reduce your food waste
freeze your bread! I got this tip from @muststudy, who has a great post on cooking tips linked below, but this is such a good idea to stop your loaf going mouldy before you can eat it
cook with your flatmates/friends - around dinnertime was by far the most social time in my flat, as we all congregated in the kitchen to cook and have a chat. If you have similar tastes to a flatmate, consider shared cooking! My friend and I virtually took it in turns to cook for each other, or we’d cook a shared meal together, and it made what can become a chore a fun thing to do
There can be a pressure for uni to be ‘the best years of your life’, and to be having a great time 24/7. It might be like that for you, but don’t worry if it’s not - it’s perfectly normal to feel sad or lonely at times. I definitely did. If you feel that way, reach out to people and don’t keep things bottled up. Try to make the most of opportunities, and enjoy this exciting and novel period of time in your life :)
Useful posts / websites:
Budgeting: how to manage your money at university by The Complete University Guide
Cooking: essential cooking tips for uni students by @muststudy 
tips for starting university by @quilavastudy 
tips for freshers week by @dxmedstudent 
What to bring to university checklists: one, two, three 
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random-esfp · 5 years
Hi, can I ask you how did you figured out you're an ESFP and not like ISFP? Did you had any doubts? Do you find yourself in tert Te descriptions?
Actually...... I’m an ambivert so sometimes I feel like an ISFP lmao I HAD doubts. But I know I am not because I use Fi A LOT but it’s nothing compared to how I use Se without realizing. It’s easier to realize when your dominant function is extraverted but, anyway. 
I notice my Se working 24/7, while Fi shows up as a backup for my temperament and personality when it is needed. It is a huge part of my personality but it’s not the function I use instinctively. Usually all my senses are alert, I notice little changes in the mood or the environment without thinking about it. I also am SO impatient with no reason (Se). But Fi shows up when I have to state something, or when I feel bad for myself and I need to express it. Fi shows up when I’m enraged or when somebody starts a discussion with me. 
Also, as I said, I am an ambivert. I require more time alone than my extrovert mates. I barely approach anyone in a meeting I am not familiarised with. I like it 50/50 when they cancel plans on me to go out (it depends on how much-hyped I am). And I get easily tired of chitchatting. 
BUT I realized that, despite all of this, I tend to check on the phone or sns looking for talking to someone. I CAN’T stay more than 1 hour or so without talking to someone. But I get easily bored with it too. It’s like I seek sociability but not too much. I can’t concentrate on my own for hours. That drains me. Especially because using Se non-stop means that any outer stimuli can distract you. But, being a Se-dom user, If you don’t get it, you’ll look for it. An ISFP wouldn’t do that. (Indeed they usually forget they have WhatsApp / fbk messenger / whatever lmao)
I also naturally settle into conversations and I know very well how to carry out a conversation even with strangers. I may be bored but I feel confident when it’s the other one who starts the conversation. 
About Tertiary Te, I recently talked about it here:https://random-esfp.tumblr.com/post/190270443992/playful-tertiary-function
And also here I wrote an entire description of ESFPs by functions. You may be interested in Te:https://random-esfp.tumblr.com/post/190105775662/facing-intuitive-bias-and-mbti-stereotypes-esfp
but let’s say Yes, I notice my Te in my obsession to organise things aesthetically. Like I have to put every file into folders, I have to write everything down on my agenda, here at Tumblr I need to stick to a certain tag system... I also want to get shit done AT A TIME or else I stress, but actually I’m messier than it seems. I have strong developed Te so people who know me in a working environment tend to think I’m an xxxJ when I am not, just because in certain situations I come across as diligent, efficient and organised. 
thank you for your question!!! 
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duskwingmoth · 4 years
I actually did begin 2020 extremely excited about my prospective productivity, among other things.  By this time last year I had gotten pretty used to the world being just an absolute nightmare, so everything I thought we’d all have to deal with felt pretty manageable.  Couple that with the huge changes I had in mind for my life (moving, finally getting to live with my girlfriend) and 2020 was shaping up to be a hype as heck year for the two of us.
We all know what happened next, of course.
You know, if there were just one less stressor to deal with, I probably could have made everything happen!  I certainly made some progress in the last 12 months; not a lot of shareable end results, no, but I think the fact that I did anything at all is pretty impressive.
But yeah, along with... everything, again:  I had to learn how to live with somebody I actually want to spend my time with, we not only wanted to move, we had to move, neither of us have been able to find work or earn any money, and the place we’ve ended up living in kinda just sucks.  There’s no central heating!  It gets so cold at night and I am absolutely not looking forward to heading back in a few days to what is going to be a dusty icebox.
As such, a lot of my plans for last year have been pushed into this year.  Which, given that instead of the extreme and stupid administration of the last four years we here in America will be dealing with your typical neoliberal garbage, no matter what else the year throws at us this time, promises to be bearable.  And without the strain of moving, and of family drama, and (hopefully) the eventual waning of the pandemic, my head space should be nice and clutter-free in regards to paranoia and misery.
With that in mind, here’s roughly the plan for 2021:
Release a ten-track album of music by March
Potentially release a second one by October
At the very least be well on the way to finishing the second one and hard at work on the third
Draft out and begin serial publishing of a full, longform, >50,000-word piece of Friendship is Magic fanfiction (in 2021, yes, I am aware)
Devote some creative energy to drawing and composing for it as well
Start that damn Patreon I’ve had in mind for years
Properly make use of the drawing tablet that I’ve been neglecting and start posting a webcomic
Have a game prototype/demo out by the end of the year
This will lay the groundwork for a much larger project that will likely consume my entire life for a few years afterward
Srsly tho this game is going to be bonkers and I want it to blow every top-down 2D game out of the water
Get a haircut
Improve my physical health via better dieting, exercise and upkeep of personal hygiene
Most importantly, I want to start my transition in earnest (I want those titty pills)
Most most importantly, be a better, more sociable person and be a better datefriend
All that and a bag of chips, indeed.  It seems like a lot to do for one person, and it probably is.  Good thing this won’t all be a one-person effort, then!  And if I’ve learned anything from observing other creators, it’s that you can get a LOT done in 12 months.
Basically, this is the year that I put myself on the map somehow, and I will not let anything stand in my way.  Hell, even if 2021 proves to be as much of an ordeal as last year, I’m ready this time.
I don’t actually know how to end this post, if I’m being honest.  I have absolutely no clue who will be reading it or when, so it feels weird to sign off as if I have an audience yet?  I guess the only proper way to do so is to say:  Happy New Year, and may this be one of the best years of our lives.  Do your best and make the reality you want to see, and may that reality be a kinder, more supportive world.
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parkjiminhyuk · 7 years
11 Questions Tag
Tagged by @assstro and @pigonhannah ~ thanks you guys I’m honoured ♡ Answer 11 questions, tag 11 people, make 11 questions
Here’s the thing — Because i was tagged my two people, i’m a tad confused by which questions to answer, so i mix and matched both sets haha? i’m sorry !!
1. what do you like outside of/did you like before you got into kpop?
I used to be really into running man for like a year?? I would watch it like the day it came out and would always get a big kick out of it. :) But when that kinda died down i was into Dan and Phil for a while as well ( hence my username, i made this account before i encountered the 6 sunshines of my life )
2.  describe your bias wrecker without saying their name
SO CARING. Really a parent figure i guess?? He’s so cute and attractive at the same time and when he raps wOW i forget that he’s a rapper because he’s really just this big teddy bear?? Also, i LIVE for him wearing his glasses. Really makes my heart do a thing (Especially when he cries) 
3. what was the first kpop song you listened to?
Gee - Girls generation. I was like 7 at the time so i didn’t really get that kpop was like a thing?? I heard a couple of BTS songs as well before i got into Kpop cause people in my school would hype over it. 
4. describe your best friend
Our mindsets are very similar. She is so committed and hardworking when she puts her mind to something and she inspires me a lot to constantly work harder. She plays basketball with a passion. She’s half Russian and half Singaporean. She’s always there for me when i need her and she never lets me leave her sight until i feel better. She’s emotionally just so so strong and i can’t help but be envious of her at times because of how confident and sociable and independent she is.
5. describe your crush
ah okay. So, i have someone that is as close to me as my best friend. I go to him whenever i am upset or need emotional support. He knows what makes me happy and how to cheer me up. He also always seems to know what to say and his presence is really comforting.  He’s a very caring person that’s a balance between awkward and sociable. He’s a bit insecure of himself as well and we rely on each other to boost each others confidence. He’s adorable really. He’s the friend that makes me feel so happy and light and every time i hang out with him, i just want to hug him and tell him how much he means to me and make him happy the way he does to me. But, i don’t want to make it awkward and possibly damage the good friendship that we have. HAHA a bit sad i always seem to crush on my best friends???? 
6. If you could see a specific part of your future, what would you ask to see? Such as seeing your future family or seeing your future job or seeing your future life which tells and roughly shows you your average day.
I would want to see a day of my future and see my family and my job and who i’ve become as a person. Though, i’d try my best not to spoil who my husband is ahah i’d rather it happen naturally?? ( disclaimer: hopeless romantic is present ) I’m scared i’d ruin something or like try to change the future and everything goes wrong whOops.
7. Do you like horror / thriller / mysterious or anything spooky shows /  genre
Not really??? I find it interesting and i would watch it with my friends. The jumpscares don’t really scare me as much but i get really creeped out by the lore of everything haha i get nightmares
8. Song that currently / almost was played or repeat recently?
Whiskey - Maroon 5 (ft. A$AP ROCKY). I like the vibe of it and it seems to match situations i’m in and makes it seem like I’m in a movie Ooh.
9. Who are your family to you?
Anyone who means so so so much to me. Someone i love with a lot of my heart  and i’m fully comfortable being myself around. So i guess my family right now and my best friends :)
10. What do you think your talents are?
I really don’t think i’m very talented but i can sing i guess??? I’m in an arts school and i major in theatre but i lost my passion for it quite a while back and i don’t think i’m a good actress at all so 
11.what are three cliche pieces of advice you can actually agree with?
- Time heals everything.
- Take things one step at a time
-  Opportunity doesn’t knock twice
Okay! Here are my questions: 1. what’s something that never fails to make you smile ? 2. what food do you think should be banned ? 3. do you like poetry and what are some of your faves? 4. what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? 5. do you trust your instincts a lot? 6.  vines or memes that you quote a lot? 7. what are some songs that make you feel something whenever you hear them or songs that mean something to you/ have stories . 8. Myer briggs type? (if you don’t know then what’s your zodiac sign or hogwarts house) 9. what are some things you find endearing in people? 10. what song/ video got you into astro or was your first? 11. what would be the perfect day/ date for you?
i tag: @camalfoy @astroisk  @blueberrybins  @heybinnie @sanhacuddles @violnah @parkjinchu @astro-lovelies @coleybeach @jinwoostro @skier76543 and anyone else that wants to do it!! (if you don’t want to do it, no worries)
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frywen-babbles · 7 years
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
(Original questions authored by @cavern-of-bells , thank her!)
Tagged by @belxsar , thank you for the tag!
1. What kind of food can’t you stand?: I’m with you @belxsar , eggplant is horrible. It tastes too bitter, as does zucchini. Overcooked bell peppers are also disgusting.
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick?: Packing. I’d love if everything important just packed itself without having to worry about fitting everything in and stressing about forgetting something important. I hate packing.  
3. Have you got any useless talents?: I don’t think my talents are useless, but I think lots of people think my profession is useless.  
4. If you could be really really good at one thing, what would it be?: Time management.  
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking: Otome men?
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid?: Reading. I was obsessed, I could read several books per day if I just had the time.  
7. What is something you’re proud of?: My kids.  
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate?: Bigotry. In all of its forms, whether it’s terfs, racists, homophobes or neo-nazis.
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower?: A follower. I only take the lead if no-one else will.
10. What kind of student are/were you?: A decent one? I tried to do my homework on time and had decent grades.  
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life?: Yes. I went to watch Oscars with some friends and ended up falling in love.
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion: Like funny irrational or terrifying irrational? I’m scared to put my hands over railings if I’m holding something on my hands or if I have rings because I’m sure I’ll drop everything.
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable?: From SLBP I find Mitsunari really relatable. I just try to appear nice and hide my tsun.
14. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties?: I’m a sociable drunk. I’m one of those introverts that turn into extroverts when they drink. If I can’t drink myself nice, I usually sit in a corner, avoid loud music and prefer talking to 2-3 people.  
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone?: I have crushes fairly easily, but I’ve fallen in love head over heels just once. Usually, it takes longer time, but I guess that one time was special?
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends?: One close friend. I’m too introverted to have a large social circle, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy talking to lots of people.  
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak?: I’m both. I’m a horrible slob who likes to keep all closets and drawers neat.  
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy: The Shire from Lord of the Rings.
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday?: I have just the perfect amount of kids.  
20. What was your favorite book as a child?: I don’t remember what was my absolute favourite, but the book that I loved and what had most impact me as a person must have been Dealing With Dragons and the entire Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede.  
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about: Game of Thrones and other overly violent and dark fantasy series. Give me back Buffy or The Legend of the Seeker or Xena. I had nightmares for a month when I tried to watch GoT.  
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated: Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse -series. It’s hilarious and filled with weird pop culture references.
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose?: It doesn’t matter, I would SUFFER no matter who it was (and probably the other party would too, I’m a really nasty person when I’ve had too much socialising). I can’t even stand hubby for a month.  
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday?: Travel more.  
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat?: I just loathe silently (but probably not discreetly) everyone around me.
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in?: All the fads I’ve been caught up in were awesome, I have no regrets <3
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for?: Sexist jokes.  
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable?: A passion to want something to happen so much you’re willing to put everything else aside. Like a passion to organise cons. It takes a huge amount of energy and time and still some people do it over and over again without any pay, just because they want other people to be able to enjoy themselves.
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.): I get things with cats on them a lot, I think?
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones?: My mother tongue and English. I barely survive shopping in Swedish and know very little Spanish, Japanese and German.  
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside?: Big city, the countryside is awful, everyone knows each other. And all the gossip. Nope.  
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving?: Winx club. But I didn’t think I’d hate it, just that it wouldn’t be interesting. I teased hubby when he watched it but ended up being totally addicted instead.  
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else?: I love being at the centre of the attention but at the same time, I’m terrified of it.
34. Favorite holiday?: Christmas.  
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously?: I need plans. I hate surprises. Depending on my anxiety level, I need anything from two days to an hour to prepare for small things.  
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.) : The Lord of the Rings hype when the movies came out. It was awesome, I loved every minute of it.  
37. What hobbies do you have?: Writing and playing otome games.  
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have?: I’d like to keep house plants alive. Or have birds poop on nasty people.  
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you: IRL people are surprised when I tell I play otome games. Some people find my profession surprising as well as if being a geek and beauty care are somehow exclusionary.
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out: That my body is good enough as it is. Somehow it needed +20kg to realise I wasn’t as fat as I thought I was.  
41. Worst injury you’ve had?: Tearing ligaments in my ankle. Twice.  
42. Any morbid fascinations?: Like everything? For example, I love songs that are supposed to be nice and calm but instead are about death and misery, like some lullabies and Christmas songs.
43. Describe your sense of humor: Sarcastic and pretty dry. But I also laugh at the stupidest memes.
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose?: Good olden days suck. It doesn’t matter, I’d probably be dead anyway.  
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at: Time management.  
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through: Pregnancy. It majorly sucked both times, but it was still worth it. Every other shit that I’ve gone through I could have lived without. It’s not true that “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. What doesn’t kill you may irreparably break and damage you and you might never be over some shit, no matter how hard you tell yourself that you are.
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.): Facial tattoo.  
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist?: Optimist, I think. I force myself to have an absolute faith that everything will work out, otherwise, I’d be an anxious mess incapable of doing anything.  
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you?: That they loved my writing. Or that I made them have feels and now they hate me ^^
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you: That I actually usually want to talk to them even if I seem standoffish or cold. I’m just not that good at talking to people I don’t know.  
Tagging @minnimay17 @i-dont-look-good-i-look-great @wonky-glass-ornament @thedaydreamingotaku @suzunesays
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pugb0iiiiiiii · 7 years
Being introverted has its ups, but lately I’ve been feeling a lot of it’s downs.
I was offered a position as an summer orientation staffer at my school after years of looking forward to it (*SPOP for those of you who know of or go to UCI). I was more than ecstatic when I saw my congratulatory email. After all the hype of how great being a staffer was, I finally got in.
There I was, walking in to the massive room filled with 160+ other students who were offered a position as a staffer. 
Within seconds, I was drained.
Out of the 160+ students, it felt like 160+ of them were bubbly and outgoing extroverts who thrived off each other’s endless social energy. I couldn’t keep up. I found myself withdrawing from the crowds and barely being able to talk to one other staffer.
That exhausting experience set the mood for my experience as a staffer-in training for the rest of my Spring Quarter.
Even after being put into smaller families, I found myself having a hard time storing up energy to open up and get comfortable.
I was too scared to attend ANY SPOP events that would have helped me get closer to my fellow staffers. I didn’t feel like I had the personality or energy to fit in and match everyone else in the program. 
It was our last training, and I still don’t feel like I belong. I don’t feel like I fit in. I feel like I have... maybe 4 friends (and 3 of which I knew before staffing).  Being introverted may help when it comes to connecting with incoming students who vibe well with other introverts... but in terms of making friends within the staff, I feel like I’ve failed. 
Being sociable doesn’t help if you don’t have the energy to put yourself out there.  
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the3211shift · 5 years
Testimonial Speech
Dr. Beltran, Dr. Panopio. Dr. Gonzales, the rest of the faculty and staff, guests, doctors, Good evening!
For years, I have listened to senior testimonials and I have noticed a pattern. They usually prescribe tips on how to survive medical school and explain how they used these. Tonight, I decided to break that.
I’ve been trying to think of something clever and creative but, unfortunately, every time I try, I end up with a blank sheet of paper. Then, I realized that I cannot romanticize true strength. The experience of rising above adversities is never pretty. After all, Cinderella had all her clothes torn before she was glammed up in a ball gown.
And though I tried making a list of what to do, I know that at the end of the day, it really depends on grit and for me, theoretical guides don’t really work and do not fit everyone in this hall.
Let me get straight into it and start with 2 words: Depression and Anxiety.
As a Psych Major, I can tell you all the definitions, criteria, concepts, theories and examples that I have read in books.
But, personally, I can define those two words with my life.
I had this conversation with a friend years ago. He complained about the so-called millennial mentality of being entitled - of taking depression and anxiety too seriously. He complained that bullying should just be shrugged off. After all, these are just friendly jokes. You could imagine my reaction at that time. With a passive-aggressive tone, I explained that bullying, anxiety, and depression are not how he thought they were.
I understand that to a typical human being, these concepts are difficult to grasp, to explain and to describe. But tonight, I will try.
Remember I said initially that every time I try to write this speech, I stare at a blank sheet. I lied. I probably made more than 20 drafts writing this. Each one thrown in the trash bin or deleted. Because I realized that after all these years, I will always try to defend myself. As I stand here before all of you, I am still putting myself on trial.
What happened?
Early 2000s. It was when the hype for meteor garden and high school musical was at its peak. Mean girls was everyone’s inside joke. We all knew that Amanda Seyfried can put her entire fist in her mouth. Cliques were in. And like every teenager at that time, I was part of one. Though I had my constant peers, I still considered myself a floater -  not boxing myself with a certain group. My interests were wide so I made friends in different school clubs, sections, and even batches. I would stay up late and hang out with friends – a very typical high school experience right?
So how does one change from being very sociable to one living with fear?
One day when I came to school, I found out that my friends were creating stories and spreading rumors about me. They stripped all the confidence and self-esteem that I had. They retold embarrassing stories. Made jokes of me in class. They turned all my reports, projects and successes a laughing matter. They made sure that all intrigues and problems that happened in school were all pointed towards me without me being part of those at all. And that’s how it all started.
So that every day became a struggle to go to school. So that I had to go to different classes because I would have anxiety attacks upon seeing my classroom. That every night, I was the plaintiff and the world was the judge in a trial of a crime I do not even know. School became a battleground where I was the only target and names, curses and spite were their bullets. And despite taking all these with a smile, they still took their knives and struck me with “maypag mamatay ka.”
They said, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words would never hurt me.” So these shouldn’t hurt, right?
Well, they don’t hurt. They strip you from who you are. Every day, I would wake up worrying. No. panicking about how my day would go. I have learned to swallow my words, contain my thoughts, close my eyes to everything because these may be used against me. I have learned to sit through unsettling and uncomfortable conversations because maybe if I left, they would talk. Maybe I become a conversation built on assumptions and rumors who are easily taken as facts by people who do not understand. I have forgotten how to say no and I have learned to apologize more. Every time. I’m sorry I did not finish on time. Sorry I cannot do it. I am not capable of doing it. Sorry I did not bring my car. Sorry I’m always saying sorry. Sorry I am not enough. Never enough. Words have distorted who I am- was, will ever be. A slave to my fears, of their unreachable approval. Your approval.
As part of my therapy, I asked them a few years back what the reason was, they simply laughed and said, “We were young. We did not know better.” I wish I could supply them with reasons to keep myself sane. That maybe there is something that I could have corrected. I could have apologized for it. But there wasn’t.  And the funny thing is that they, my bullies, are still my friends. And this constant cycle of seeking their approval had never ceased from the high school me to the present me.
And I’m sure I’m not the only one who felt this way We’ve all learned to live in fear. To look down on ourselves. And maybe you are all there looking at me waiting for me to tell you the 3 best ways to avoid or rise above this. And I can honestly tell you, I don’t know too.
Exactly 3 years and 6 days ago, I mustered all my strength and decided to pop 60 pills to cure the cancer growing inside me. I listened to every name they called me, reread every letter and remembered every emotion these made me feel. But it was all for naught, emotions were things I could not recognize anymore. I no longer felt fear, anger, pity. That was when I realized that the most dangerous thing next to living in anxiety was apathy. My mind became automatic and started counting. 1. 2. 3.. 4… and with every pill I took, I said a prayer.
Whether It was luck or the lack of it, I am still here. Not braver, stronger or even weaker. But I am here. A witness. A testimony of what is real. That these things happen.
And maybe that’s what true strength is. To realize that we are not strong. To admit that we are vulnerable.
An author, David Foster Wallace, shared with a group of college graduates and told a story of two fishes swimming when they were stopped by a bigger fish asking, what is water. He later explained in his speech that most of us live not knowing what water is. Water is the reality around us. That we are not the main actors in this world. The person beside you has his or her own life. Her own problems and successes. None of it - greater or lesser than your own.
So, To the freshman who never had a passing grade The freshman who always stutters in every sgd To the second year who became dyslexic with generic names, genus, and species To the third year who is confused with the many ways to give birth To the third year who never had a shot in putting the IV cannula To the clerk who was yelled at for missing a progress note To the clerk who was humiliated for not knowing the correct dose To those whose ID numbers are on the last page To those who repeated 1, 2 3 years of med school To those who need pills to keep themselves sane
I want to tell you that it’s ok I want to tell you that whatever you are going through is real And I know that you don’t want attention, sympathy or pity You just want people to know and understand why you are who you are.
And to quote one of my favorite poems:
I want to tell you that if you can’t see anything beautiful about yourself Get a better mirror Look a little closer Stare a little longer Because there’s something inside you That made you keep trying
Despite everyone who told you to quit You built a cast around your broken heart And signed it yourself You signed it “They were wrong”
And if you don’t believe me remember that despite everything standing with all my doubts and fears I am still here
0 notes
7O3X 1 | Saiyuki Reload Blast 1 | Konbini Kareshi 1 | Knight’s & Magic 1 | Chronos Ruler 1 | 18if 1 | Boku no Hero Academia 27 | Vatican Kiseki Chousakan 1 | Katsugeki 2 | Hina Logi 2 - 3
Still need votes for this.
7O3X 1
As you can kinda tell from these notes, I love random trivia, so this was a hype show ever since I found out about it. Then again, I never thought a quiz anime would exist in the first place prior to the announcement of this.
Okay, question 1 – why exactly did some Japanese staff member saddle this show with a name that doesn’t match the Japanese title at all? So long as you know O is a correct answer, you’re fine…
I love how they’ve styled the credits to be like a Q and A. That really works in the show’s favour.
Headband girl’s name is Mari Fukami, right? How does she pose her legs like that?!
For some reason, I like Shiki’s name in the Western order more…
Interesting how Kuroda stands out more than Shiki, knowing anime tropes.
I’m not entirely up to snuff on Japan’s nuclear stuff, but the Descartes saying is fairly well known and I got it. The thing about quiz shows is that you have to want to play along, which I’m not getting just yet, but this is just the setup stage so I’ll keep going. Sahara…The Metamorphosis (I love transformation fiction, so to get a question about Metamorphosis so early on basically means you’ve won me over, LOL)…I think the deeper this goes, the more cliché it may seem, but I like it. Especially because I remember  helping out at the library a lot (plus free pizza as a result…haha).
The books Shiki passes by include “The World of Literature You Don’t Know” and a parody of that Arukeyo Otome thing by Masaaki Yuasa that was released recently (which is based on a novel). Specifically, the name of the 7O3X version of the book is “The Morning is Short, Walk On Girl” (to use the sentence pattern of the original).
Ah, now Shiki’s a kiddo that gets me! I’ve never been too sociable to people and before I got too deep with the internet, it was just me and books, and as a result I specialised in everything English (bar writing, which I was average at). However, by the time I was 13, I lost my skills in English to essays. My love of anime made its resurgence around then so I suspect if I were still a book nerd, I wouldn’t be where I am today…
Okay, I think someone on the ‘net warned me about the panty shot. It’s a good thing Shiki is clearly uncomfortable with it…yeah. Moving on.
That club with the skirts really is disturbing, but I couldn’t help laughing like the brunette in front of Shiki.
Gakuto really made a great first impression. It wowed me. Unfortunately, the quiz show he referenced doesn’t exist, according to Google-sensei…”High School Quiz Show” apparently does, though.
I think there are specialised makers of those buzzers, Shiki. Or you could order them online or something, your call.
Please stop with the panty shot references…but sticking “April” in English really doesn’t make this question work out for me. So, to answer in Japanese, it would be shigatsu.
There are 50 stars on the American flag, right?…Yep. It wasn’t a trick question – buzzing in too fast can be a liability, so make sure you listen to the entire question before you answer!
I’d actually guess Gakuto is going to ask for “the nation with the most people”…Darnit! Oh well, I knew that one before the other guy buzzed in. Interesting how there’s Vatican Miracle Examiner this season though.
I suck at anticipating questions, but I’m good at answering like Shiki. “Et tu, Brute?” is said by Julius Caesar.
The guy to Mari’s left just seems to be fooling around. I’d know that sort of guy anywhere…*frowning face*
I don’t know about this “I fell in love” one…By the way, the text is here. That reveals the author is Dazai and Das Gemeine actually starts with “Back then, each day was the end of my life.” “I fell in love” comes after that.
Kaijou High School? Is this foreshadowing for a later opponent? Like, say, Mikuriya Chisato?
Stop it with the panty shot reference! Argh!
Wait, there’s a silhouette there in one of the circles. The long hair and colour of the circle indicates it’s most likely a girl, but probably one the staff want to keep secret…Interesting.
I’m kind of ambivalent, as this was one of 4 major hype shows for me. The number of panty shot references means they may refer to the event again in subsequent episodes, and fanservice has killed shows for me in the past. However, I’m slowly getting the hang of this quiz bowl stuff, even if I can’t always get in before the answer, and I know the emphasis is on quizzes, so I’ll give it another ep.
Saiyuki Reload Blast 1
Apparently, you don’t need to know much to get into Saiyuki so *shrugs* I’m gonna try it.
I think a more literal version of this ep title is “Sudden Storm”. “Squall” implies power as much as immediacy…
This reeks of DN Angel (late 90s/early 2000s) style, and I like it! Plus I’ve heard of the dragon/Jeep from other people who’ve talked about the series (notably there was an article on CR that convinced me to watch this and it mentioned the dragon), so…that was actually no biggie. Camera blood spatter is a bit questionable, though…
I have weird tastes in humour, as you might know from Kado. Therefore, when the woman appeared at the window, I laughed myself silly…
Shangri-la is China, so it’s natural that west China is different to east China. Kind of like how western America and eastern America are different…
I dunno why Gojyo is a water sprite, but that “diarrhoea sprite” thing is funny.
Gahh! That blonde (Sanzo) is too hot for me! No wonder people put characters on dakimakura, this guy looks right at home on one.
Well, I dunno what I just got myself into, but that was some good stuff! Next ep, please! (Plus, Granrodeo and Luck Life, the same duo of artists on Bungou Stray Dogs. That’s gotta be a good sign, right?)
Oh great, I left the ep running and it turns out there’s an after credits segment. Tsukigakirei’s after credits extras didn’t quite work for me, but since I laughed so much at the main show, this shouldn’t hurt, right?
G-Guh! The dragon can write calligraphy?! With its feet?! At least the joke works in Japanese and English…
That baldness joke works for me, considering I know Sanzo’s a priest…welp, if you get a lil’ background knowledge, it seems like you can conquer almost anything Saiyuki, and who knows what places it’ll take me in the future, eh?
Konbini Kareshi 1
I’m here for the VA talent, if nothing else. Nishiyama’s (Atsushi of Boueibu) getting a lot of side roles lately, which is great!
That running sequence took a good minute and a half, which is the same length as the OP. I almost noped out of there because that kind of thing is only compelling for about 10 seconds for me.
There’s something that’s a hybrid of Sagrada Reset, Denpa Kyoushi and Tsukigakirei here…which means it’ll probably get a low to medium rating, if anything. I can normally peg what sort of rating a show will get by its first episode,because shows tend to be consistent about what they do.
Interesting to note they don’t use shigatsu here.
The picture book is “The Mermaid Prince” (<- update: “The Merfolk Prince” is a better translation, so my bad). It was pretty obvious by the swimming sequence in the OP that at least one of these guys is a swimmer, or at least a PE nut (as some of the other things on his table suggest).<br>
I’ve never seen a younger brother be a morning person and the one to wake up a sibling. It’s always an imouto or a mother…
Wasn’t this straight romance, and not Hitorijime My Hero romance? Towa really has that bromance thing going on for him, the way Suna and Takeo (Ore Monogatari) do.
CS I think is a reference to BS Japan, one of the TV stations that shows Boueibu. Update: It’s actually highly likely to be CS-TBS, which shows the show. By the by, Nishiyama is Miki.
The red keion announcement vaguely pisses me off simply because I know that’s the light music club. I’ve seen small snippets of K-On, and while it wasn’t enough to warrant marking episodes off, catchy songs aren’t enough to keep me coming back.
This first meeting seems a little hamfisted for some reason I can’t put my finger on. However, it’s great Miki’s getting a lot of lines right here, although it’s still a side role…
The background scenery is beautiful in this show…
Here we go again…(basically, I have a very low opinion of this show, just as I suspected I would have).
I’ve got the volume on to evaluate Nishiyama, but the high-pitched teasing voice Towa just used is not natural at all. It would’ve worked better in his normal voice.
I get why the girls are fangirling over books, but I didn’t get who Michael Ende was until “The Neverending Story” came up, haha.
Glasses girl (Mami, right?) is reading something called “Glasses Man”, haha.
There’s a lot of voiceover here, as if the anime staff don’t quite care about their show enough to animate lip flaps.
As soon as she stepped on his foot and he didn’t give chase, that’s when I realised I didn’t quite care about these people. The pacing in this show, during critical moments, is just too awkward, that’s why…
Well, that was subpar. It has an opportunity to get better next ep, but I don’t care to stick around enough. However, there’s an interesting thing in the ED – there’s credits for scripting “Merfolk Prince”, meaning that may show up in a later ep. This ED sounds Coldplay-turned-Japanese, which is cool.
Knight’s & Magic 1
If you didn’t notice already, I’ve become so complacent with the premieres, this is my biggest season so far. If I finish watching every first ep I intend to watch as of the count I did for this commentary, I’d have 17 documented (7 more than on my hype list) because I have time, plus I’m relying on ANN to find me the good stuff this time.
What’s with that apostrophe in the title? As someone who likes their grammar to be correct, I just don’t like it.
I get the appeal of programming as an IT nerd, but it’s an acquired taste, plus it doesn’t have much payoff when you get frustrated at problems within your own code because it’s all a bunch of words and punctuation anyway.
Oh, it’s that effect where you-letterboxing! That’s what I was thinking of! (Reminds me of Erased.) Also, the ambient light is nice here, but the angled letterboxing is just plain weird.
CGI…bugs? That’s a pretty bad choice for monsters, IMHO.
ANN people have commented Erni’s past went too fast and I agree. Also, it’s just cliché after cliché with this show, ain’t it? Including the need to kabedon a girl.
Why does red eyed girl look like Atsushi of Bungou Stray Dogs? Plus, the wear on the mechas is nice.
Not every man – or every woman or other kind of person – dreams of robots, y’know?
“Trandorkis.” That’s the worst name I’ve ever heard in a while, and not just because it has “dork” in it, mind you.
Well, the look is shiny, bright and appealing and I can see this having a niche appeal to those who like giant robots. However, the backstory was too fast and Erni is way too OP for this world, so I’m dropping it.
Chronos Ruler 1
I’m familiar with only the first one or two chapters of the source material, so I was surprised this got adapted to anime…considering it’s a Taiwanese creator on a Jump manga though, it was kinda inevitable these days with all the Chinese coproductions.
That was a pretty interesting intro, even if it seemed like I’d watched the PV instead.
The battle there was good but a lil’ rotoscopy…hmph.
The colour scheme’s a lil’ dark…it’s a bit worrying, because Chronos Ruler normally has some pretty bright colours. I don’t want this to come off as a completely edgelord work like Big Order. I don’t seem to recall this dog though…
I’m pretty sure I don’t remember the forced humour spot, either, though it’s not as bad as, say, Bungou, where the director is known for his distinctive style of humour. Then again, my memory on this stuff is kinda vague.
This thing is starting to show cracks in its façade. Some of the movements are stiff and the CGI, while integreated well, doesn’t quite work with the 2D (although that’s shown up since the battle with the Horologue). “Cabalet” really adds to the cracks.
Every time Kiri speaks, I think of Kunikida (Bungou), so Victo is Dazai.
Adding the music to the show really adds another crack. There is absolutely no singing going on in this one singing scene.
Cue bad time puns. Puns are one of my specialties, y’know, so I don’t mind ‘em. Why else would I run LOL Yeah Shinichi, eh?
Victo, you remind me so much of +Anima’s Senri…and that’s just beautiful. Not many shows remind me of that. To anyone reading this, if you can get your hands on the old Tokyopop releases, +Anima is a gorgeous series, so go read it!
If Victo’s cards can fire at Mach 10, then he can’t beat Koro-sensei, LOL. (Ouch.)
Kids, don’t wear your hats inside. That’s an etiquette thing you should never forget, okay?
That was…strangely a much better premiere than I expected a Chinese part-production to be like! It’s better than the bunch of premieres I’ve tackled already and since good premieres are scarce, I’m taking it!
Update: Here’s another sign that doesn’t bode well for this show – it’s got the same director as Chaos Dragon (Masato Matsune), which I dropped after 2 eps. Chaos Dragon is known to be the epitome of road apples around the internet…
18if 1
18if was initially the only thing guaranteed to be out of Amazon’s greedy hands, so it’s great to see something so visually exciting ifnally be here for me. I know it’s based on a mobile game, which tend to be bad, but…c’mon, I’m struggling to find a good lineup here with what’s basically the death of Kaito x Ansa (it debuted on the 12th, but still hasn’t come CR’s way). Katsugeki’s good though, so at least that’s a lock for the commentary…
Quick –is this thing meant to be fully English? Or is this just Funimation being annoying?
Oh no, what a horrible first impression! Someone who speaks from their *erhem* and a chicken, aka cock…*muffles laughter* How dirty of me to even suggest it, but…well, it’s what we’re working with here.
The more I watch, the more confused I get.
Couldn’t Haruto have run towards the door? Or is this one of those non-lucid dreams?
This 16 frame simultaneous animation doesn’t quite work for me, but it’s an interesting hallmark of this anime.
Katsumi’s a Looney Toons Cat, sort of kind of…
The production values are mostly quite good, but unfortunately Haruto looks eyesearingly bad and I still can’t quite grasp the narrative thread of this show…
I just realised I completely didn’t care about Haruto getting his arm chopped off, not only because this is a dream world where anything can happen, but because heck, that arm drop wasn’t dramatic in the least.
“Anything can happen in this world”, eh? Including headphones being sliced off with a head, it seems.
Wait, so Yuko’s from his school? Haruto, please don’t encourage Yuko to skip school, as cool as that is.
Okay, I can see this becoming a harem crossed with The Royal Tutor…which would pretty much make this the Monogatari series. Unfortunately, because I still can’t quite detect what’s happened narrative-wise and the production values aren’t as great as they seem at first glance, I’m dropping this.
Boku no Hero Academia 27
Finally, we get out of that pool of mediocrity to get to the good stuff. Let’s go!
This new amazarashi OP is…great! Absolutely great match for this show…but as a musical choice for me, it’s kinda dull.
This old man is great humour-wise, but man, he’s basically Speed of Sound Sonic as an old geezer, LOL. The vibes between “little bro” and “big bro” are just too much.
Gran Torino really is a great old guy, basically Yoda, LOL (I had to make the comparison because even though I’ve never seen Star Wars, Horikoshi’s a fan). He can see weakness just from watching Deku on TV, which is what every great mentor should be able to do, right?
What makes movement flexible? Belief in one’s own strength and no fear for repercussions (not quite in the way Deku’s doing right now, but rather going all out all the time without having a subconscious fear drag you down). Also of course exercise and youth works in your favour.
Deku likes katsudon, LOL. No wonder he’s basically Yuri Katsuki’s little bro as well as Saitama’s, hahaha.
Best Jeanist is basically Aoyama gone pro (I’ll say ouch for Bakugou in advance).
Oh! Uwabami! I know she came from Oumagadoki Zoo, so it’s nice to see her animated!
Gahaha, Gran Torino is such a Mr Miyagi (even though I’ve never seen the original Karate Kid).
“Omazan”, LOL! This ep just keeps getting better and better!
Gahaha, I just made a comparison of Yuri Katsuki to Deku, and suddenly here come the food metaphors. This show became superhero!YOI with better comedy, and that’s just even more fantabulous than before.
This fairy tale AU, I dig it. Unfortunately, Mercy (@mercysorrows) spoilt prince!Shouto for me, but yes, this AU is just as great as the ep itself. Kaminari looks great in this, although I’m disappointed I couldn’t see Tokoyami. What a great twist at the end though, for it to be 1-A’s festival album…is that foreshadowing for a later arc, perhaps? (The All Might fire is both a fitting and a sad analogy, because All Might’s force is literally Deku’s sword and shield and All Might’s presence is what makes Deku a hero, yet it suggests Toshinori’s time as a buff man is limited…*feels all sad inside*)
Vatican Kiseki Chousakan 1
This one actually seems like it has some promise, and because I was a Detective Conan fan a few years back I’m a sucker for any new seasonal mystery series. By the way, let’s just call this “The Vatican Anime” and leave it at that, okay?
“This story is a work of fiction…” – The Vatican’s real, though, right? By the way, “succor” is, according to Google-sensei, “assistance and support in times of hardship and distress.”
The shaky camera doesn’t quite do it for me…There was similar stuff for Chronos Ruler, only that time they overdid their spinning.
I thought the door was an elevator, that’s how deceiving that doorbell was. Sheesh though, Hiraga looks like the dude from 91 Days when he’s tired (which is not a compliment!).
The Game of Angels and Demons seems to be reversi or something, Google doesn’t give me anything good on it.
*points at undressed Hiraga* Unnecessary, but wowee. Me likey.
“I’m the one who came up with the game.” – Oh, that explains why I had no proper hits on it…*sighs*
Biometrics? I thought we were in the 91 Days era, or at least another period in the past. Turns out we’re in the present (or somewhere very close to it).
Comparison to Youkai Apato here – both shows take care to state the obvious, but well…they’ve all got a good dose of (at least somewhat good looking) bishies, so I can live with that.
Okay, wait…they show Mexico on the map, but Google just keeps getting me hits for New Mexico (slightly off from the shown section of America) when I look for “aliens America 1945”, and Roswell was 1947 so uh…this really is a work of fiction, after all.
The most widespread religion where I am is Christianity, so it was optional for me to take RE back in the day. I’m not too familiar with Catholics (although there should be some if I bother to look for them), but…this smacks so much of my old RE classes yet doesn’t give me the same nostalgia as the recent Saiyuki did. Maybe it’s the cracks of subparness and the stating the obvious that are doing this.
This Jacob guy looks brainwashed. More than the other procession of priests we’ve just been introduced to, at least.
Bad CGI…then again, I keep these gripes because even Chronos Ruler does better than this and because Kado is its precedent.
“…follow the way like a little child would.”
So the show finally shows some promise! Why did it only start pulling out its big guns now? Probably lazy writing…
I know the AB negative blood is rare, but couldn’t there be someone else with that blood type around the Church? It’s not impossible, y’know?
Can someone verify the correctness of the Italian in this email?
I think we met Johannes already, so…it seems like this show has a propensity to introduce the viewer to a person twice over. That works when things are like Detective Conan (one story spread over 3 eps) but doesn’t work for 1 ep.
I get a sense of feeling of blasphemy from you guys (Hiraga and Nicolas) too, although I’ve pointed out my reasoning.
It’s a good thing it seems like the staff went out to the Vatican to get something that looks realistic, eh?
Wait, is Lauren a man?! Oh my…Also, from my version of the video (from Hidive/Sentai) I get the feeling the next ep preview got blended into the ED. Or was that just time constraints?
Wait, there’s a Horror Bunko? If I knew a Horror Bunko existed, why haven’t they started adapting stuff from it until now? I think people have been complaining about the lack of good horror works in anime…(Oh, I could probably answer my own question there – horror isn’t that popular in Japan itself. It’s popular in the West though…)
All in all, it’s not quite as Scooby-Doo as some people have pegged it to be, but not inspiring enough to continue.
Katsugeki 2
I’m pretty scarce on choice, so I’m doing what was previously never ever done before – I’m picking up one of my worst rankers (Hina Logi) to have a second look at. Mind you, we’ve had an overall stinker of a season so far.
(insert “Come at me, bro!” joke for Tonbokiri)
Huh, interesting – I’ve used female pronouns for the saniwa due to the female VA, but now that I properly listen to them, they do seem more like a dude. Does that mean that Touken Ranbu is specifically trying to go for a larger audience than just fangirls? Of course, for the fangirls, there’s Hanamaru, but Katsugeki’s way better.
Okay, Mutsu. 6 bullets is overkill, calm your gun-totin’ farm. Mutsu’s much like the typical anime protag and while he’s an alright sword, I never have been able to understand the appeal behind him. Maybe he’s for the people who like muscular bishies…? Tonbokiri and Yamabushi probably do that better than him…
LOL, these two. However, just comparing their stats, Kane-san edges over Mutsu a bit for everything aside from range…and that’s only because most swords have a short range.
When you talk about Tonbokiri, you often hear the legend, so it’s no surprise to hear it here. I’m just not good with sorting these swords chronologically though, so…Tonbikiri comes from the age of Nobunaga no Shinobi, huh? Interesting.
The reason Mutsu carries a gun is because Ryoma Sakamoto was around during the dying days of the age of swords.
It’s kinda hard to hear what Mutsu’s saying from the way he talks, but the hot pot is specifically a nabe.
Noting that Tonbokiri’s ben out about 50 times, this saniwa really is a rookie and this era is probably the second or third map. Yagen isn’t too rare though, so he’s probably the biggest veteran here in regards to this saniwa. However, Mutsu’s number means that this saniwa’s starter wasn’t him…who was it, then?
Mutsu’s statement about daifuku is a pun on the fact “daifuku” means “great luck” as well as being a name for this mochi-like item.
Mutsu, weren’t you going to eat…?
What even is a Historical Restraining Force? Is that the group the saniwa is part of?…My bad, they just explained it.
One of the things that make Touken Ranbu so great is the propensity of it to go from battle action to serious drama or poignant melancholy at the drop of a hat.
This ED…was an odd choice, but has a nice singer. I realised the shots of people I don’t recognise show the swords when they were…y’know, swords. I still love the style of the next ep preview though (it’s even got the same BGM as the game!) and as expected, the citadel at the end of the ED is gorgeous.
Hina Logi 2
Good anime are scarce this season and magical girl shows that can be put through the commentary are scarcer, so…here we are.
“Rice Balls Over Flowers” is hana yori dango. Plus, hina means chick and since chicks are cute, I guess that’s where the aesthetic of the show comes from.
Someone likes the Osomatsu-san ED aesthetic, it seems.
How can you walk and not notice those breasts??? That’s exactly why I didn’t want to pick up this show again.
A qipao is a type of Chinese dress, the sort that normally has a slit up the leg and a skirt that doesn’t quite go to the knees.
Interesting, they’ve incorporated the panda hair accessories into the Trance.
For some reason, the production values here are quite nice, meaning either luck and Logic sells well in Japan or Bushiroad put a lot of their funding behind this…it’s probably a case of both.
She wants to stay with Nina, but unless she was either bored or maltreated at her home castle (which I don’t think was the case) I don’t really get Lion’s motivations…
Well, it actually was a rice ball (onigiri)! Geez, these puns…
Nina needing a logical answer is of course appropriate for a show based off Luck and Logic, LOL.
I seem to remember this Veronica lady from the original, which is funny, because I don’t remember Nina and Luck and Logic was very forgettable…
*tries to sneak away* Gratuitous boob shot? On a high schooler? Yeah, nah.
“small little town” – Small and little are the same thing though…
Trying to entice the lolicons with this ED is not good, y’know.
There really seems to be something hinted about Kagura-sensei, y’know?
I’ve termed this season “the race to the bottom”, but it was interesting to actually pull out a low ranker and give it a second chance. While I’m still not into Hina Logi as a whole and I gave it a 30 first time around, it’s probably better than that stinker Konbini Kareshi.
Hina Logi 3
*shakes head* Only in anime would someone ride a rocket like this. Only in anime.
I can’t see what Lion’s pointing to…
I am screaming profanities at my screen and shaking my head. Only in anime would a plotline like this happen. Only in anime!
I kinda understand Lion’s plight, since my dad used to go to my school to help out every now and again or have parent teacher interviews. Of course, that was when I was much younger, so…yeah. I think the staff are trying to get more younger girls involved in this by bringing in a “sexy dad”, but my tastes don’t skew that way.
Oh, now I understand Lion, but I still don’t get Mahiro, Yayoi, Karin or Karen.
Doesn’t spasibo mean “thank you” in Russian?…Yep. So Liones (country) is based on Russia, then.
Oh gosh, it’s one of those “There are two trains” questions…they bore me to death so much (and I can never solve them!) that as much as I like solving anime board questions, I’ll pass on this one.
The subber at CR decided to put their sub out of the way at the expense of being able to read the question. However, not being able to read the sub of the dialogue is a major problem! So I have absolutely no idea what the teacher was saying during the time she had that math problem up! (Also, that Foreigner question would depend on if you defeated the monster on impact or took extra time to properly defeat it.)
When there’s that screen with the four visuals on it, there’s a girl with a horned hoodie. I recognise her from the original series, but I don’t remember her name.
Here’s something on ezhiki, although there also appears to be a cookie variant.
Little kids always want their own independence, to the point where running away is one of those things most kids do, but then they come back. I don’t think I ever ran away from home, though. I was always too busy with studies and piano to run away…
I know these eyecatch-style screens are meant to be funny, but still…I never laugh at them…isn’t that sad for a show that wants to be a funny slice of life/fantasy…thing?
Last time I saw a bear in anime, it was Armed Girls Machiavellism…
Why would you ever need a bear repelling machine???
Who’s Belle?…Oh yeah, Belle is the squirrel.
Dasvidanya = goodbye. I’ve learnt more Russian because of anime than I ever would have without it (I read the entirety of Crime and Punishment thanks to that gorgeous Fyodor in Bungou Stray Dogs, y’know).
0 notes
Recently, I have been feeling rather lonely. I mean, I’ve always been lonely since I’m not that sociable with people around me and it’s kinda hard for me to initiate conversation with strangers let alone acquaintances. With friends, sometimes it’s pretty hard.. especially the ones that you haven’t met in a long time! Gosh, the topic to think to talk about with your ‘friends’ are hard. Unless you’re that friend who keeps the hype up, then I’m all good because the conversation will just flow you know? One thing about me is that I try not to make the atmosphere awkward; I will do my best to keep the conversation going because I don’t like that silence whenever we stop talking. During that silence, many things will go through my mind.
“What do I talk about now?”
“Oh no, it’s getting boring”
“I have to think of something to not bore the other person”
“Why am I such a hard person to talk to?”
It’s so tiring to always start the conversation. And I will probably blurt out the most dumbest things/topics ever! So embarrassing but hey, you gotta social somehow. 
As you can tell through my previous sappy posts, I’ve recently went through a breakup (it was my first breakup btw). Throughout the years together, he has been close with my good friends till this day. Cos let’s face it, my good friends are the bomb. Who doesn’t want to be friends with someone you can trust and get awesome advices to? 
Unfortunately, having your ex being good friends with your good friends do have it’s downs..especially when that ex has given so much to them. Compared to little old me, I don’t think I’ve provided my friends the things that could make them stay? Something like that. I mean, ofcourse my good friends are here for me, but.. I feel like it’s not the same, no? The level of me giving to them compared to my ex is not as much (due to me being a lazy ass in everything). I don’t know know how to explain it. 
Apart from all this, I do tend to feel I’m forgotten most of the time. Even though I know this, and I would prefer to just ignore it but apart of me just wants some attention. The attention that all lonely people has, I guess. A family’s attention is good enough ofcourse, but sometimes you just want to be somewhat loved by other people as well. I think this is also another term in the Malay language ‘mengada-ngada’.. which probably means annoying in a slight non-annoying way. 
Well, I hope I can improve my relationships with my friends. And I should start initiating the conversation too. Hmm, I’m just gonna put this topic as part of growing up so I could just improve myself as well instead of stuck being the ol’ self. Or not, how am I gonna face my fears when the best things in life are at the other side of terror?
Fighting, dear self!
0 notes