#i can’t put into words how hearing this innocent sweet child calling for his sister while knowing what’s to come
raspbeare · 2 months
i just realized that my cousin is the same age as percy and annabeth in pjo. he’s only 12, i can’t imagine or even fathom him in their place. he’s so young. they were so young. how??
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Hear me out...
More witch baby where they say "I love you big sis/bro" to the main soul eater cast.
Awww! More witch baby content!! I love it!!
Soul Eater characters reacting to witch baby saying "I love you, big sis/big bro!"
Soul- Soul is definitely taken aback when he hears this kid say “I love you, big bro!”. It takes him a second to really process it. After a moment though, he gives the child a big grin and ruffles their hair. “I love you too, kiddo. Wanna go get some ice cream?” He tries to keep up his cool facade, but you know that he’s gushing just a little bit to Maka or Black*Star later that day.
Maka- Maka is actively holding back tears at how cute it is hearing this kid tell her “I love you, big sis!!” She’s touched that this kid sees her as an older sister and she scoops them up into a big hug. “I love you too!” she tells them. When they leave to go do something else, Maka is going to be gushing about the interaction for the rest of the day.
Black*Star- “I love you, big bro!” Black*Star takes it in stride and turns to the kid giving them a big thumbs up. “Ha! Of course you do! I’m the great Black*Star! Who wouldn’t love me?” he tells them. The kid giggles at his response and the two go about their day. It takes Black*Star a while to be a bit more vulnerable, but by the end of their day of exploring and “training” together, Black*Star gives the kid a noogie to ease the tension and says “I love you too, kid”
Tsubaki- Tsubaki is so touched when the child tells her “I love you, big sis!”. She’s had a rocky relationship with her own brother to say the least, and having this kid see her as a sibling is a bit rough. She can’t help but have some complicated feelings around it, and it brings a tear to her eye, but she’s also so happy to have made an impact on this kid. She’ll pull them into a hug and say “Thank you, I love you too!”
Death the Kid- “I love you, big bro!!” Kid is a bit surprised to hear this coming from this kid, and he looks down at their smiling face. He has a weird family dynamic to say the least, so he doesn’t have many positive experiences with siblings. The closest he has are Liz and Patty, but they don’t have that same pure innocence as this young child. He tries to keep his cool, but he’s in tears as he hugs them and says “How sweet! I love you too!”
Liz- “I love you, big sis!” We’re bringing out the waterworks right away. Liz adores being an older sister, and hearing this lil kid call her “big sis” and telling her they love her immediately reminds her of a young Patty and she’s got tears streaming down her face immediately. She’ll scoop the kid up and give them the biggest squeeziest hug.
“Awww! I love you too!! Never grow up, okay?”
Patty- Patty is not used to being seen as a big sister at all, but when this little kid tells her “I love you, big sis!” she thinks that this has to be how Liz feels about her. Patty gets a strong feeling that she needs to protect this kid and she scoops them into a big hug, swinging them around. “I love you too!! Let’s go get something to eat, ‘kay?” She says. She’ll be crying by the end of the day when her honorary little sibling has to leave though.
Crona- When Crona hears the words “I love you!!” from this kid, they panic. Crona isn’t used to people loving them, especially not in such a familial way. When this little witch says “I love you!” though, Crona immediately feels a strong sense of protection. They see the kid looking up expectantly at them, and Crona finally realizes what they’re waiting for. They gently put a hand on the top of their head and smiles. “Y-yeah! I love you too”
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xtruss · 4 months
If You Love Your Child, You Should STOP ✋ 🛑 Saying These Words
— Published: February 21, 2023 | By Martha Flores | TheQueemMomma.Com
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There are many ways to love your child and discipline them the right way. In disciplining your child, you may sometimes resort to spanking them, but nothing is more painful than to hear bad words from us, parents. In the midst of frustration and anger, we say things unintentionally to our kids. Instead of provoking sweet laughter from children, we tend to evoke through dropping cruel words. Some words lower their confidence, make them cry or worse, instantly destroy the relationship we’ve been building for quite some time.
While it may take some time and effort, you must stop saying these following words to your little ones:
“You’re a Bad Girl/Boy!”
Never call your child a “bad girl” or “bad boy” when you’re reprimanding them. Distinguish between the child as an individual and their behavior by saying something like, “That’s not nice” or “I love you, and what you did is a bad thing”. The choice of language can make the difference. If a child thinks they are wrong at their core, they will wonder how they can change that. But if they realize they have done something wrong, they can make amends by apologizing and committing to changing their behavior.
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“You Are Stupid.”
If there’s one word all parents should lose from their vocabulary, it’s “stupid.” Don’t say the phrase, “You’re stupid” to make your child think that is the case. Any way you use it sounds insulting, what more for a child? Choose your words carefully and use your best judgment to decide how not to sound judgmental. Build a sense of authority that is harmless for your child.
“I’M Done With You!”
To a kid who is just starting to discover the world, a small scrape is one of the most agonizing experience they will feel. While your instinct wants to reassure him/her that it doesn’t hurt much, you’ll just worsen his/her emotional breakdown. Your role here is to let him understand and overcome his emotions. Give him/her a warm hug and empathize on what he feels.
“Be Like Your Sister/Brother”
Sibling rivalries can be incredibly psychologically damaging. In fact, violence in a family home is more likely to be between siblings than between parents and kids. Never compare your children with their brother/sister. It makes them jealous. It drives the feeling of failure in your kids and develops hatred between siblings.
“You Can’t Do This.”
Never disrupt your child’s self-confidence. If you want to learn a skill, then let them spend more time doing it and honing their skills it. When you tell them they simply can’t do a thing, they would think that what they are doing is not perfect or correct at all, or that they are incompetent. This puts them too much pressure and further scares them to disappoint you. Avoid doing that. For a rule of thumb, encourage your kids to enhance their skills by explaining to them that it’s the best feeling to improve.
“No One Wants a Kid Like You.”
If kids become problematic, it’s the parents who are to be questioned, not the child. The children are a reflection of their parents. They first learned everything from the inside of their homes.
“Protect your children’s innocence and allow them to remain children. They must not be burdened by adult problems. Children do not have the coping skills or the intellectual capacity to understand money worries, adult relationship problems, or their parent’s unhappiness.”
See how deep those words can be? Be mindful of what you say to your kids. You are their model and inspiration. You’ll be the one to mold them to become a good person. Keep a calm and age-appropriate way of approaching your angels.
— Martha Flores: Hey there, Martha here, a full-time mom of two, currently trying to bring a small impact in everyone’s life whom I can reach through The Queen Momma. I usually write on topics related to Parenting, Pregnancy and Motherhood. Having gone through a few rocky relationships myself, I consider myself somewhat of an “Expert” on topics related to Dating and Relationships.
I formerly worked at Special Needs Network Inc and BrightStar Care of Beverly Hills as a Head Manager. I have a passion for assisting organizations and individuals in achieving their objectives and have had the opportunity to do so throughout my professional career. At present, writing for The Queen Momma is a great addition to my professional career.
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theshelbyclan · 3 years
Happy Birthday!
Summary: It’s your birthday! And the Shelby brothers refuse to let another one of their baby sister’s birthday go by without some proper celebrating. 
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(Gif by @benson-shelby​)  A/N: It’s actually my birthday today, but due to quarantine I can’t really celebrate it with anyone. So I decided to celebrate with the Shelby’s! Via this little fic, purely self-indulgent, to cheer myself up and to remember some great birthdays I had in the past ;) Set in season 1, you’re just a few years younger than John. Words: 1710 *** “John, get her tea.” “I thought you had the tea.” “Well, then get the milk!” urgent whispers sounded in the hallway. 
“I’m not your bloody maid, am I, Ada,” John spat not so quietly in return.
You were lying in bed, awake for hours already. This was the day you’d become a woman, or so Ada had said, but still, your siblings were bickering like little children. It brought a smile to your face. Another annoyed grumble, “Shhh, you’re going to wake her up!” “Am not,” he hissed, “I got your fucking milk, didn’t I!” “Oi!” another low voice joined in, “Ada, you really need to take a look at the toast.” “What about the toast, Arthur?” “Burned it,” he mumbled and you could hear John giggle softly in the dark. Ada sighed deeply, “For fucks sake, fine, I’ll do it. Wait here.” As the least subtle brothers in the world shuffled about in the hallway, you thought of your other birthdays. When you were little, they were celebrated with mum and everyone gathered. During the war, no one paid attention to birthdays any longer. And now, after the war, people tried to get their lives back on track. Only last week you’d made sure Finn had gotten a birthday he’d never forget. And now they tried to return the favour, obviously. Another few minutes and about a thousands curses passed, when they finally tiptoed into the room. Closing your eyes, you decided to play along. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” Slowly you sat up and put on a groggy voice, “What are you doing in here?” “You are the worst actor ever, Y/N,” John grinned. “Am I?” you feigned innocence. Ada handed you a cup of tea as John plopped down onto bed next to you, “Did you hear about Arthur burning the toast then?” “I didn’t burn it,” he protested, “Only… blackened it a little.” Ada sent her eldest brother a look, “Polly’s making some more.” “Thanks for the tea,” you smiled and took a sip. Frowning, you narrowed your eyes at John. “You’re not a child anymore, Y/N!” he explained happily. “Move over,” Arthur shoved his brother aside and hugged you, “Happy birthday, sweetheart. This is for you, go on, open it.” Wrapped clumsily in some brown paper, he’d given you a revolver. And just as you were staring at it, Aunt Polly walked in with toast in a lovely shade of light brown. “A gun,” she demanded at once, “For fucks sake, Arthur.” “She needs it to protect herself, Pol,” he returned, and with pride in his voice he added, “And look: it’s a lady’s gun!” You turned the weapon over and saw it was small, delicate and laid in. Still, deadly as any weapon it was. “My turn,” John said, bouncing up and down in excitement almost. He handed Polly your tea and when she sniffed it, she said strictly, “Alright, who put whiskey in her morning tea?” No one answered. Quickly John handed you his present, hardly wrapped at all. Inside, you found a peaky cap, razorblades included. “Honestly, John…” Ada sighed, “She’s not a bloody Blinder!” “It’s all she’s ever wanted!” John called out, “Ever since she could walk, she tried to steal our caps, forever talking about wanting to join us wherever we went. Now she’s got her own!” “I love it,” you beamed up at him, “All I ever wanted.” “Alright,” Ada interrupted, “Clearly Y/N has too many brothers so it’s up to me to turn her into a lady.” “Please do,” Polly sighed, “Or the only interest she’ll ever have is weapons.” She knew her niece well, “That and gambling…” Your sister combed a few rebellious strands of hair behind your ear and planted a kiss on your cheek, “My darling little sister, soon you’ll learn you have more than one way of getting a man to do what you want.” You blinked a few times. This had always been more of Ada’s area of expertise. “She has no idea what you’re on about,” Polly smirked. “Thank God,” Arthur and John said in unison. “Sit still,” Ada demanded and she started applying the lipstick, “Sit. Still.” You furrowed your brows at the unfamiliar feeling, “Just your colour,” Ada commented happily, “As I thought.” “Not bad, that,” Arthur commented as he tilted his head. John leaned back and examined you as well, “Yeah, well, it’s red, isn’t it? I like red...” “Lipstick, a gun and razors,” Ada commented matter-of-factly, “the most deadly Shelby as of yet, Pol!” Aunt Polly rolled her eyes. “Happy birthday, Y/N!” eleven-year-old Finn came running to the room and jumped up into your arms, “You can have mine!” And he thrust his homemade catapult into your hands by form of a gift. “Another weapon, Pol,” Arthur eyed her, “Whatever will become of our innocent little sister?” Aunt Polly rubbed her nose and stammered a little, “Well, you know I don’t agree with you joining the family business… And God knows I’ve tried to rein you in just a little…” “But,” you interrupted, eyes glittering mischievously. “But…” she looked down, “I got you something for your shoes.” “Shoes?” you looked at the little black package she’d handed you. John suddenly burst out laughing in realisation, Arthur tried to hide his face in his hands and Ada commented dryly, “So, no better than us, eh, Pol.” Slowly you opened the package. Inside, you found a small black butterfly knife. *** A few hours had passed, with the regular nonsense that you cherished more than anything in the world. The family was gathered in the kitchen, everyone argued and life seemed perfect. But, one thing was missing. “Where’s Tommy?” you finally asked. “He had business,” Polly answered shortly, “No idea when he’ll be back.” You eyed John carefully, the brother you always turned to, “You think he forgot?” “Nah,” he tried cheering you up, “And you’re doing alright with us, right? Don’t need grumpy here…” You smiled, but still it hurt a little. And then, unexpectedly, Tommy waltzed into the house like it was any other day. “Y/N,” he announced himself coldly, “I need you to come with me.” “Why?” you challenged, “We’re just celebra-“ “I said now, Y/N. Family business.” Tommy interrupted in a low voice. “Thomas…” Aunt Polly started, but he held up a hand to silence her. Then he turned to you and repeated, “Come with me.” Begrudgingly, you got up and followed your brother. Looking back, Arthur motioned you to move it, which made you all the more suspicious. Without moving a muscle in his face, Tommy opened the door and said, “Go on.” You stepped outside and the second you did, applause resounded through the streets. In front of every house, people had gathered and they cheered like you were royalty. You couldn’t believe your eyes. “Tommy, did you…” you started. “He’s been at it all morning,” John explained as he crossed you in the doorway. A few moments later, the sound of hooves echoed in the streets. “What the hell is this,” you said at once. “This,” Tommy made a broad hand gesture, “Is a gypsy on a horse.” “And what, pray tell, is he doing in the middle of town?” You recognised Johnny Dogs now, who called out, “Little Y/N Shelby! Happy birthday, love!  How the hell are you!” “I’m grand, Johnny,” you said numbly, “What’s with the horse?” He got off the horse and patted her flank, “She was a lovely filly as first. Sweet, but could never quite be tamed. Third filly out of Shadow, gorgeous beast.” “So, we decided,” Tommy mumbled as he lit a cigarette slowly, “she needed a rider who’d understand.” “What? Being a gorgeous beast?” your cynical reply came. Tommy rolled his eyes, “ ‘could never be tamed’ “. “Well, go on,” Johnny urged, smiling from ear to ear, “Up you get, little one!” Gingerly, you walked over to the horse. As you stroked her nose, Tommy handed you his cigarette and said softly, “What do you think of her?” “She’s an absolute beauty.” Tommy nodded, “Just like you,” but before you could send him a thankful look, he’d walked off again. And with the whole of Small Heath watching on, you climbed up on the horse. *** It was almost midnight when you woke up on a hard cold bench. A splitting headache washed over you as you tried to lift your head. You touched your temple and noticed some blood on your knuckles. Vaguely, you remembered being in the Garrison only a few hours before. You remembered Tommy had closed the betting den and the pub being packed with people, all celebrating your birthday. Memories of card games, songs and laughs came back to you. And the whiskey, so much whiskey. Slowly, you hoisted yourself up. As you looked around, you recognised the inside of the police cell. And you felt at your laced up boots: the knife was still safe inside. A sigh of relief escaped you. “How’s the head, eh?” Recognising your brother’s voice, you looked up without meeting his eye. “What did I do?” you asked finally. After a pause, Tommy replied, “Well, you celebrated your birthday alright.” “Did I have fun?” “Yes, I’d say so.” You frowned, “Why am I in here?” He cleared his throat, “It started with the barmaid and ended with you head-butting a policeman. Quite the Shelby night…” “Is that pride I hear?” Tommy didn’t answer, so you send him your best innocent smile. Eventually he asked, “Was it worth it?” “Hell yes,” you replied in a flash. “Little devil, celebrating her fucking birthday, eh?” “Admit it!” you pointed at him, “you areproud!”
And Thomas Shelby actually smiled through the bars, “Fucking right I am.” When he started to walk away, you shouted, “Oi! What about my bail?” “Paid it!” he called from a distance. “How am I supposed to get home?” you raised your voice even more. Tommy’s reply echoed, “Take your horse. She’s outside.” Myhorse? And just as a policeman with a head in bandages opened the door of your cell, you smiled to yourself: Best birthday ever.
Tommy left the station before you were released, but before he’d gone, he finally said:  
“Happy birthday, Y/N.”
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turquoisea · 3 years
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Family reunion
Pairing: Dabi/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: Kidnapping, Dub-con, Degradation, Brother/Sister Incest, Manipulation, Guilt-tripping, OOC, Smut
Contains manga spoilers. Minors DNI.
Words: 4130
Synopsis: You was kidnapped while on your way home from work. Turned out your kidnapper was someone you knew.
A/N: I don't own any of the characters. Please read the warnings before continuing and we're gonna jump straight to the scene after (y/n) had been kidnapped (because i was too lazy to write the former part OTL)
Unable to escape from the kidnapper’s tight rope around your wrists, you helplessly let him carry you to somewhere that looked like an abandoned building. Not like you could exactly tell where it was, given the fact that your eyes had been covered ever since he captured you until you two “arrived” at the destination. Either had you been able to scream or to call for help, “If you decide to be a naughty little girl and make a fuss, or to even let a single person know about this and hinder my work, I can and I will burn your whole workplace while letting your watch every single second of it.” – the kidnapper had threatened, making panic surged within your body; the only thing you could blurt out to answer his “Is that clear?” was a simple “Yes.” Not wanting to involve any of your aquaintances, you decided to keep your mouth shut the entire time. You thought that it was a better idea to wait until you could learn about what he wanted, his motives behind this before trying to escape.
He placed you down on the floor after carrying you into a small room with the action being a little too gentle for a kidnapper, you thought and opened your eyes only to be met with a pair of turquoise gazes, slightly hidden behind his spiky black hair. Those reminded you of Shouto’s left eye color but they had a rather.. captivating effect, making you unable to tear your eyes off them. More like Touya’s eyes – the recollection passing your mind was quickly brushed off, given the harsh reality that Touya has been dead for more than 10 years. You cautiously opened your mouth to ask, still keeping eye contact.
"What do you want?"
“…What do I want?” He repeated the question before slowly taking off his black face mask. The way he did it was deliberate, elegant even, as if he was putting on a show to reveal what’s hidden behind the mask. In front of you was an abnormal façade: Purple skin lied under his eye bags, his lower cheeks and lower lip, all the way down to his collarbone; connected together with the normal parts of the skin by surgical staples. An audible gasp escaped your throat the moment you realized that the man who abducted you was the wanted criminal you saw on TV.
“League of Villains.. You’re.. You’re Dabi…”
“Dabi? Ah yes, people call me that now. But I thought you would recognize me now, you’re my family after all..” He trailed off at the end, as though he was rather hurt by your comment.
“Family? Stop joking now, we don’t even know each other!”
“You sure? Even when you used to call me Touya-nii with that sweet voice of yours?”
“I said stop!! Listen, I have no idea why you know about Touya but he’s not alive anymore, don’t bring him into this!” Your shaking voice resounded with rage. In the past few years you’d partly moved on from your brother’s death, even learned how to stop tearing up whenever someone mentions him. To say you was mad was an understatement, since the kidnapper crossed the line, pulled out those emotions that you’d tried so hard to hide them away. You couldn’t stay calm anymore. This villain and the audacity to even mention Touya, let alone making such an unbearable joke about him.
“(y/n)-chan,” The way he called your name was too familiar “you still have the habit of defending me after all this time.”
“Wh..What.. do you mean?”
“Don’t you remember? You were always there to patch me up every time I went out training on my own. Those nights that distress and hatred consumed me, you were the only one who was willing to give me a shoulder to cry on, to hear me rant about that stupid family. You were the only one who didn’t refuse to look at a “failure” like me while our father focused all his attention on that “masterpiece”. You made me feel like I’m not useless, (y/n)-chan. Sure you haven’t forgotten, right?”
“You’re.. lying.. Touya-nii is..”
“Yes, yes. Everybody thought so.” He interrupted. “But I escaped from the fire and as you can see,” He raised his hand to touch the staples. “I’m still here. If I’d died in that fire, I would have become a ghost, an evil spirit to haunt the hell out of Todoroki Enji.” The explanation ended with a snort.
But not for you, you couldn’t possibly laugh about it the way he did. You were nothing but speechless. The big brother you once thought wasn’t here, could never be here with you anymore was still alive and kicking. Thoughts of how Touya had managed to live since that day started to emerge your mind and probably because of the invisible connection, the blood connection between you two, you could feel his pain, his suffering, the dull ache that never go away in every single staple on his body… It must’ve been hard for a thirteen-year-old child to manage by himself after crawling out of a literal hell, you thought, mouth still agaped with astonishment. Tears neither stopped welling up, nor did they escape your shiny orbs when you looked at him through your blurry vision. You had so many questions to ask, but none of them could be voiced.
“But that’s the story for another day. Now, we have to celebrate the happy reunion of brother and sister, right?” He interrupted your thoughts before slowly approaching you. His tall body hovered over yours, enhancing the feeling of being small and helpless as your hands still being tied behind your back. He gripped your jaw with one hand, the other started to work on the buttons of your shirt while Touya’s slightly chapped lips met your own in a kiss that was soft at first but quickly turned passionate, sloppy with his tongue chasing every corner of your mouth.
“Touya..nii..” You panted between his kisses, trying your best to stop him from doing what you think he was trying to do. “We shouldn’t.. You shouldn’t do this.. We’re siblings..”
“Ah yes, you’re my favorite sibling after all, one more reason why we should do this, right?” His stapled mouth stretched into a huge grin, then he leaned back to take in the view of your body.
“My little sister has grown up.. To be honest, I didn’t have any of these dirty thoughts when we were children but now, I just want to fucking ravish you until all you can think of is me and my cock.”
His dirty talk sent a shiver thorough your body and you started to feel heat coiling up in your core. As if amused, turned on by your reaction, Touya grabbed one of your breasts and gave it a squeeze, causing a soft moan to escape your pump lips.
“What was that? Don’t tell me (y/n)-chan is aroused by her very own brother, hm? I’ve been stalking you for a while, my little sister. ‘Twas hard to find you since you don’t live at that house anymore. Can’t believe behind all those innocent act is a little whore who gets aroused easily by her Touya-nii.” He spat out, specifically emphasized the phrase you used to call him. Blue eyes looking down at you as if you were indeed what he said – a slut waiting to be bred.
“Touya-nii.. Please stop it.. I don’t want this..” Looking up at him through your wet lashes, you said with a whimper, begging him to stop.
Little did you know it had no such effect for Touya. Seeing your vulnerable face in a helpless state only boosted his ego; he felt as if he was the only one you could rely on, the only one who was able to decide your fate and damn, he could never get bored of this.
“What a pity, (y/n)-chan, because I, in fact, DO want this.” Touya murmured between kisses, leaving red spots blossoming all over your breasts, your shoulders, your collarbone. “Don’t you want to make your Touya-nii happy (y/n)-chan? You see, there hadn’t been a single day in which these staples stopped hurting me whenever I move. My tear glands were burned ever since the fire. I couldn’t cry because when I do, it hurts and blood flows out of my eye bags.” His fingers indicated the purple skin underneath his eyes as he continued. “I've lived with emotional numbness ever since. Your big brother doesn't feel anything anymore, (y/n)-chan..” Touya trailed off.
“But you, the only one who didn’t refuse to look at me... Having you here with me really makes me happy, and the kind little sister I know wouldn’t want to take that happiness away from me right?..” Turquoise orbs looked up at you through black strands of hair. As if wavering, as if pleading, as if he was asking you for your consent.
All to hide the fact that he guilt-tripped you into this.
And with him being a quick-witted, perceptive man, Touya’s tactics were never fruitless. He could tell your conscience would be troubled if you’d turned him down, especially when he phrased the words like that. He took advantage of the shocking state you were in, making you feel pity for him and overlook his immoral behaviours.
Touya waited with bated breath, eye contact still maintained.
“I..I want Touya-nii to be happy..” – your reply after a moment of thinking only caused a chuckle to escape his mouth and it’s almost like this was all he had been waiting for, all in his anticipation. This was the exact reaction that Touya wanted and as your best big brother ever, he couldn’t possibly put off anymore without his hands as your bra, nor could he wait any longer to secure this “happiness”.
“Knew my favorite sister would say that.” Touya couldn’t hide his triumphant expression when he quickly made his way down to your skirt, lifting it up so he could see what’s underneath. Gently, he palmed your groin before dragging his middle finger between your clothed slit only to find that your panties was already soaked.
“Oh? I already knew you were a whore behind your innocent façade but didn’t think you would be this shameless.. Tch.” He clicked his tongue. “Getting all nice and wet for your own brother. You said you wanted to make me happy but in truth, you just need to feel nii-san’s cock inside your hole right? Shameless slut.”
You groaned in exasperation and opened your mouth to protest but before you could even say anything, he ripped your white panties apart, making you squirm in awe. The rough pad of his thumb dragged over your clit while his knees spread your legs wide and held them in places. Touya’s finger slowly rubbed your clit in a circular motion and you couldn’t help but wanting more of those frictions, your hips involuntarily bucked forward.
“I was going to eat my favorite little sister out, but it seems like you can’t wait any longer huh? Look at this little pussy..” He said while using his index and middle finger to swipe at your entrance, gathering your juices on them, his eyes didn’t miss the way it clenched around nothing. “You must be so, so desperate to feel anything inside your pathetic hole, right? Will my fingers be enough to satisfy it?”
“Don’t be vague, (y/n)-chan. Sure you don’t want to hump a pillow like a dumb slut with her hands still tied while watching me masturbate to the sight of you right? Because if you don’t use your words now, I might let us do that for real.”
“Please, Touya-nii, I don’t want to! I want.. to be filled up by you instead..”
Upon hearing your words, Touya started palming the large bulge of his pants before unzipping the fermeture, gently pulled his boxer down to show you what’s underneath. Your eyes widened at the sight of Touya’s veiny cock. It was not as big as what you usually see on movies (not that you don’t know the porn industry isn’t anywhere near realistic), but rather thin and long as it was hard, practically throbbing in his palm whenever he stroked the shaft. However, what made you surprise was the shiny Prince Albert piercing located on the glans, signaling a hard time in the near future for your cervix.
Seeing your face expression only made Touya’s smirk grew wider and he looked like the cat that got the cream when he continued making you use more of your words, making you beg for his cock.
“And you want to be filled by what?”
As hesitant as you were after seeing his cock piercing, the way his fingers ignited sparkles of fire inside your core had your pride, your uncertainty wavering. You’d rather be fucked until your mouth can’t even form a coherent sentence than be left naked and needy while watching him masturbates until he cums anywhere that’s not inside your pussy. So you used your words, like a good girl should.
“By your cock, Touya-nii! I want you to fuck me hard!”
“Sure thing, my cute little slut.” He cooed. “Who am I to refuse to give my sister what she needs? I’m a good brother after all.”
And as a “good” brother he was, Touya even slide his fingers inside your wet pussy to prepare you for his cock. Despite having a fire quirk like your father, his fingers were cold and were only warmed up by the heat inside your core. They smoothly pumped into you, scissored you open, sometimes even curled up on purpose only to slightly brush against your soft spot, leaving you wanting more. His other hand found its way again on your clit, rubbing and circling along with his continuous fingering until you were nothing but a moaning mess, begging for your release.
He decided that he’d prepared you enough and retreat his fingers just before you could reach your climax. You whimpered loudly when he took the orgasm away from you, legs instantly wrapped around his hips to pull him closer. You had never felt this touch-starved before and all you could think of was only your Touya-nii, his captivating blue gazes, his touch, his voice and his pierced cock that somehow fits perfectly on his slim but toned body. You needed to feel him and you clumsily rubbed your pussy against Touya while trying to break free from the ropes tying your wrists together. But all that you could do wasn’t near enough so you looked up at him with pleading eyes.
“Touya-nii.. Please.. Please give me your cock.. I can’t take it anymore, I need your cock inside me..”
“Fine, since you asked so nicely.” Touya sneered as if he wasn’t the one who purposefully denied your orgasm before holding his cock, rubbing the swollen red tip at your entrance, feeling your juices mixing with beads of his precum then thrusted it all the way in. You both winced the moment you and your brother became one: you from the depth that his cock could go and him from the way your walls clenched around it.
“(y/n)-chan.. Your little pussy feels so tight.. Not that I mind how many people you slept with but damn.. This pussy's a keeper for sure..” Sighing with a shaky voice, he pulled out slowly only to slam back in ruthlessly. His hands used the dagger from before to release your aching wrists then started to rub small circles on them as if to soothe the pain. With your hands now free from bound, you wrapped them around Touya’s neck to pull him even closer, your lips moved under his to meet them in a kiss.
"Touya-nii.. Please move.." After a moment long enough for your pussy to stretch to his size, you broke from the passionate kiss to whisper to him; your tongue softly licked his lower lip, feeling the rough texture while your pussy clenched around his cock. You lifted your hips, inviting your big brother to bury his hot member deeper into you.
"Eager, aren't we?" To your plea, he only chuckled before moving his hand to grab a handful of your tits, squeezing the soft mound, toying with your swollen nipple. "Your wish is my command, my baby sister. Nii-san's going to make you feel really good now." His voice sounded so sensual when he moved his mouth close to your ear, whispered honeyed-words then nibbled at your earlobe, causing you to clench your pussy even more.
Touya's hands traveled down to grab both of your asscheeks, held them tightly in their places before he started thrusting his pulsing cock. "So good.. Touya-nii.." You moaned in rhythm with his hips whenever he bottomed out inside you; his cock piercing rubbed your walls every time he moved. The friction felt heavenly that you could feel your legs started to shake as if you couldn't control them anymore. He was different. His cock was different from anything you'd ever experienced. Touya filled you up so well, both physically and emotionally, making you feel good, feel loved, making tears well up in your eyes.
He let your legs rest on his shoulders as he continued claiming your pussy to himself, each thrust was hard and deep 'til the point that Touya's tip touched your cervix whenever he sheathed his full length in you. It hurt, but it hurt so good that not only did you not want it to stop, you wanted more and more of him, you wanted to indulge longer in this sinful pleasure.
"Fuck.. You're so tight around me.." He groaned as his pace became faster. A hand retreated from under you to hover above your neglected clit before he started stroking it softly, rubbing back and forth, drawing repeated circles onto your bundle of nerves.
Touya didn't leave anywhere on your body untouched: your tits, your belly, your inner thighs, your asscheeks, your clit, your core. His name fell out of your lips between heated moans like prayers and the pleasure kept building up that you felt like you're about to burst into bliss. Everything was so intense and you started to you wonder, is it because he denied your orgasm before or because his cock could actually bring you heaven? Those thoughts crossed your mind but you didn't know the answer. He'd fucked you dumb and now you couldn't think of anything else other than him and the tension deepening in your lower belly.
"Touya-nii.. 'M wanna cum.. Please.. Please let me cum.." You whined when you felt like you couldn't take it anymore, afraid that he would deny it again if you don't beg.
"Cum on my cock baby, let me feel you. And you should be.. Fuck.. grateful that I let you do it.." He didn't stop his assault on your clit as he railed you hard and fast, his thrust grew sloppier when your pussy clamped down on him. Wet noises echoed in the abandoned building along with your whines and the moans that Touya tried to hold back.
"Thank you.. Thank you Touya-nii.. for letting me cum.." was all you managed to choke out before you threw your head back, eyes squeezed shut causing tears of pleasure to fall out and your pussy clenched around him as you released your pent-up pressure.
"Attagirl, nii-san loves you.. Gonna officially mark you now, 'mkay? Gonna breed this little sister's pussy, gonna fill you up with my cum and put a baby in you.." Touya leaned over to whisper into your open mouth, planting chaste kisses all over your face while sloppily humping your body like an animal. You could feel him burry himself deep inside you when his brows furrowed and he muttered "Fuck" before Touya came inside your pussy. His thick ropes were hot as they spilled into your womb, painting your walls with his colour.
A moment passed with nothing but pants as you both tried to regain your breaths. You closed your eyes, basking in the afterglow with his cock still plugged in when you heard the clicking sound of a camera. Your eyes immediately shot open only to find Touya holding his phone in hand.
"Touya-nii.. Did you just.." You warily asked.
"Oh? Did I forget to tell you?" Touya casually looked up from his phone, a smirk tugged at the corner of his stapled mouth and he suddenly looked so strange, as if the person in front of you and the one who just came inside you was two different people.
"You see, there are two possible ways to completely break Todoroki Enji." He began explaining, his voice distant. "One, is to kill his masterpiece Shouto right in front of him by the own hands of his 'failure'."
"And two," His eyes locked with you as his smirk grew wider. "is to let him see his pure little angel being corrupted by the abandoned son." Touya finished his short speech, his hips pulled back so his now limp cock fell out of you with a wet pop. White cum slowly dripped out of your used pussy, all captured by the camera again.
You could see the flame of anger burning in his eyes when he mentioned your father's name and the tone of disgust in his voice when he spoke lowly of himself. There were so many problems that you didn't know where to begin with. All you could do was hang your mouth open, speechlessly watched him typing something on the phone.
"There, all done." Touya cheerfully informed. "Don't worry a thing, my baby sister, no one will get to keep those pictures except for me. I sent them to the old man using Vanish Mode, he'll see them for a few seconds before they disappear forever, just like how his little angel vanish from his life. Oh how I wish I could see his expression when he opens my messages."
You were absolutely stunned. You never thought your dead brother was able to come out alive, let alone to even have a detailed plan to destroy your father's mentality. There were so many things that your mind couldn't process in an instant.
"So you.. So you fucked me just for this?.." Your voice came out shakier than you expected. Your hands unconsciously moved to cover yourself as you hugged your own body, the world starting to crumble in your eyes.
"Partly, yes. But I wasn't lying when I said I love you." Touya planted a soft kiss on your forehead.
"E-Enough with all of this. I'm going home!" You raised your voice and wriggled out of his touch.
"Can't let you do that (y/n)-chan. The world doesn't know me as Touya, you're the first, the honorable one. Can't risk you leaking my secret right? And I plan to torture old man's mind repeatedly with more images of you, just like how he projected everything onto me when I was young." He tilted his head and laughed, and suddenly you couldn't tell whether his laughter was genuine or was an act of mockery. Probably both.
"Besides, I'm a little.. disappointed that my favorite sister actually wants to part so, so soon, especially when we just had a rather.. emotional family reunion, no?" His mood seemed to light up as he continued speaking.
"What.. do you mean by that? Just let me go already! I promise I won't tell anyone!" Tears started to form in your eyes as you slowly realized what the man meant. You were uncomfortable with the room's atmosphere; it's overwhelming you and you didn't want to stay any longer. You looked behind him, trying to figure out an escape path.
"Now, if you wanted to go so badly," - your actions couldn't escape his perceptive eyes - "I'm gonna escort you to a better place, 'mkay? They're gonna track down this place soon enough since I texted him with my phone. But don't you worry, nii-san won't let anyone hurt you, my (y/n)."
Touya had an almost-innocent smile when he approached you with his arms open, as if waiting for you to give him a hug. You backed away, but as stubborn as this Capricorn man was, he still wrapped his arms around you.
Ever since your childhood, Touya's body was warm, Touya's embrace was always comforting. But now, everything he did chilled you to the bone, making you start to shake uncontrollably. Suddenly you felt a sharp prick on your skin; followed by your consciousness slowly slipping away. Your vision started to grow blurry and all you heard before you drifted off was his voice, whispering to your ear.
"Now we won't be alone anymore."
The End.
A/N 2: I hope you enjoyed it! English isn't my first language so please be gentle with me QwQ. Thanks for reading!
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ptergwen · 3 years
Hey Val! I love ur writing so so much and ur amazing! My request is maybe like a Tom Holland x Reader where Y/N is a famous actress and Paddy’s celeb crush, and one day Tom brings Y/N home to meet his brothers and Paddy is vying for her attention and Tom and Paddy get jealous of each other? Thanks in advance if u decide to write this!💕
thank you so much love!! i took forever on this i’m sorry :( please enjoy
“you’re dating who?” paddy gawks, harry snickering at him from across the table. tom leans back in his chair. “y/n y/l/n. you’ve heard of her, haven’t you?” he clasps his hands behind his head. “i’ve seen all her movies at least twice. i… i love her!” his youngest brother beams. “so do i,” tom playfully challenges.
“darling, you should bring her by tomorrow. sam’s cooking us dinner,” nikki suggests with a supportive smile. hearing his name mentioned, sam peeks up from his phone. “since when?” “since your brother has a girlfriend he’s only just told us about!” she nudges tom’s shoulder. tom bites back the grin growing on his lips. “a girlfriend he loves, at that.”
“he’s not the only one,” harry comments and glances at paddy, whose whole face has gone red. “i guess i could whip something up. i’m visiting the shops later,” sam agrees with a nod at tom. he winks back. “thanks, mate.” turning to his mom, tom’s own face gets warm. “sorry i haven’t said anything, mum. we’ve been trying to keep our relationship on the low. dating in hollywood is…”
“a shit show,” nikki finishes for tom. her words make him chuckle. “exactly. we wanted to make sure we were ready before bringing in the rest of the world.” eager as ever, paddy speaks up again. “i think we’re the perfect people to start with, specifically me.” that earns a quirked eyebrow from tom. “easy there, padster man.” he looks him over, trying to figure out his motives. “if i didn’t know any better, i’d say you were trying to steal my girl.”
paddy points at him with a glint in his eyes tom has never seen. “you don’t know any better.”
the family gets back to their conversation, talking about what you’re like and how their dad’s gigs are going. tom is a bit distracted, though. he isn’t sure what paddy meant by that. realistically, he knows he won’t be stealing you away. there’s a huge age gap among other things. it seems to tom like paddy has a crush on you, a big one. he’s probably just excited to meet you. that’s good, right?
tom doesn’t think about it again until arriving back at his parents’ the next day. you’re with him this time, nervously clutching at your purse in one hand while your free one squeezes his. he frowns at your fidgeting.
“y/n… they’re gonna love you, sweetheart,” he assures you, his thumb stroking the back of your hand. “how do you know?” you wonder as you two walk up the steps. “because i love you, and i think paddy’s got a thing for you as well.” he’s smirking when he tells you this. scoffing, you curl into tom’s side. “i love you too, but what’s up with paddy?” you stand next to tom on the porch. he rings the doorbell before replying.
“he’s watched your whole filmography, all your interviews,” tom explains, shaking his head lightheartedly. “i’m sure there’s a poster or two of you in his room somewhere.” you pout your lower lip out. “aw, so he’s a fan?” “he’s my competition,” he jokes. your head falls onto tom’s shoulder with a sigh. “he’s a literal child, tom… and your brother.” you glance up at him wickedly. “maybe i can sign his posters. i think he’d like that.”
tom slips his arm around your waist, hearing footsteps come towards the door. “oh, paddy would be thrilled,” he confirms. your response is a hum as the front door swings open. “tom, darling. back so soon?” nikki teases her son, then gives you the warmest grin. “you must be y/n. we haven’t heard much about you, but we will.” you return the smile and let her take your hand to guide you inside.
after all the introductions, you gather outside to sit and talk. sam is in the kitchen cooking, nikki is helping him, and harry is setting the table. that leaves you with tom and paddy. they’re on either side of you, your head on tom’s shoulder and his arm around both of yours. paddy is talking about a school project while you nod along. he’s completely harmless, contrary to how tom described him.
“the deadline is next friday, but i’ve only just started,” paddy explains, you laughing softly. tom’s lips brush your ear. “i’m gonna look for something to drink. do you want anything?” he speaks in a whisper and trails his fingertips over your shoulder. “sure, tommy. whatever you’re having, thanks,” you reply with a kiss to the back of his hand. paddy clenches his jaw as he watches you two.
“what about you, pads? soda?” tom teases and earns a giggle from you. “i told you not to call me that,” paddy groans back. he scrunches his face up when tom reaches over you to ruffle his hair. “someone’s got to put you in your place. soda it is.” “don’t take too long.” you tilt your head back to look at tom. “i won’t.” he licks his lips before pressing them to yours, trying to deepen it form the angle.
“children are present,” you remind him, sitting back up promptly. “be a good boy and get our drinks.” “ok, fine. i’m going,” tom laughs out, pecking your cheek and standing from the couch. paddy rolls his eyes when his brother finally gets inside. he hates being thought of as a child by you, even if he is one. “so,” you start to fill the silence. “what else are you-“
“i think you’re an incredible actress,” paddy says instead with an innocent smile. “really? thank you so much.” you rest your head in your hand, grinning. “tom kinda told me already. he said you’ve seen all my movies.” “did he?” paddy repeats bitterly. he’d probably made him sound obsessed. you’re still grinning. “mhm, and that you might have posters of me.” his eyes widen, cheeks flushing a deep pink. he’ll never let tom in his room again.
“between you and me…” you look behind you to make sure tom isn’t coming. paddy scoots closer to you and nods. “i think tom is a little jealous.” “he should be,” paddy mumbles to himself. that doesn’t stop you from hearing. “what are you-“ “how about you help me with my project? i could use the extra hands,” he smoothly changes the subject. must be a holland thing.
“let’s wait until after dinner. tom is gonna be back soon, anyway,” you try to reason. you’re only fueling the fire by saying that. “i need to use all the time i have. come with me!” he’s grabbing your hands before you can protest again. you end up following paddy to his room, tom still sucked into a conversation with the rest of his family. harry sees you two pass by. he murmurs a div to paddy.
when tom gets back outside with two beers and a coke, you and paddy are gone. he frowns, heading to the kitchen once again.
“has anyone seen y/n?” he wonders and scans the room for you. “i think paddy stole her.” “they’re in his room. he just brought her up,” harry replies, his lips forming a line. a bit of anger bubbles in tom upon hearing this. “dinner is nearly done!” nikki gasps. “bring them back down,” sam requests. setting the drinks on the counter, tom sighs. “will do. give me a minute.”
tom’s annoyance only grows as he ascends the stairs. he can hear your giggling from behind the bedroom door, obviously caused by paddy. it’s silly that he’s so jealous of his baby brother, but he knows him well.
the door opens to reveal you laying stomach down on the floor and paddy on his bed. you’re autographing a picture of yourself while he gets books together for his assignment. tom isn’t sure what he was expecting, though he’s relieved this is all it is.
“oh, tom!” you notice him standing in the doorway and cap the pen. “you were right about the posters, babe.” “i see.” tom clicks his tongue. paddy scowls at his brother. “i can’t believe you told her,” he grumbles, you handing him the signed photograph. “no, it’s fine! i think it’s really sweet.” his face relaxes. “nevermind, then.” he’s now making heart eyes at you, tom inhaling a sharp breath.
“y/n/n, can i talk to you?” he asks quietly, eyes flitting over to paddy. “in private?” “um, yeah. i’ll be right back, okay?” you tell paddy with an apologetic smile. he shoots you a thumbs up, tom stepping aside so you can leave the room. “mum wants you for dinner in five, actually,” tom corrects. he’s quick to close the door behind him so he doesn’t have to hear complaints.
you’re leaning against the wall, arms crossed over your chest. tom walks up to you cautiously. “what the hell was that?” you squint at him. “i came back with the drinks, and you were gone,” he answers lowly, and not to your satisfaction. “which doesn’t answer my question.” “i… well…” tom huffs childishly. “paddy’s whisked you away! i wanted you to spend the night with my family, yeah?” he sets his hands on your hips.
putting your own hands on both his shoulders, you look at him knowingly. “babe, paddy is your family. there’s nothing wrong with some one on one time.” tom stares down at the floor while rubbing his thumb over your hip. he doesn’t say anything. “so what if he has a little crush on me? he’ll get over it.” you take a step closer to him. “what makes you think that?” tom chews his lower lip.
“he’s just starstruck. and, i’m his future sister in law,” you confidently respond, finally making tom perk up. he exhales a laugh and pulls your body against his, leaving a warm kiss on your forehead. “bonding isn’t such a bad idea after all.” “mm, i told you,” you bury your face in the crook of his neck. paddy leaves his room then, his face falling at the sight in front of him. this time, tom puts his pettiness aside.
“get in here, padster man. we’ve got room for one more.”
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tsumtsumland · 3 years
“precious”| m.osamu x reader
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genre: fluff
warnings: dad!Osamu
author’s note: I was asked for more dad!Atsumu but I thought it was about time to introduce dad!Osamu, hope you enjoy!
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When Miya Osamu thinks about the word ‘love,’ he thinks of moments like these. Moments where her smile could put the sun out of business. He mirrors her infectiously bright, and toothy grin with one of his own as he picks his little girl up and starts down the street, listening attentively as she babbles to him about her day, pigtails bobbing with her exaggerated gestures.
At the age of three, Miya Ayumu has her dad totally wrapped around her little finger, and she damn well knows it.
You look up when the bell of the shop alerts you of an incoming customer, ready to greet them. It turns out to be just your husband and daughter however, and the smile on your face is instantaneous. Making your way out from behind the counter, you head over to them.
“How was your day, my sweet?” you ask, poking your daughter’s chubby, mochi-like cheeks.
She whines and scrunches her nose, “It was fine, daddy says tomorrow is a special day,” she whispers the last part to you.
“What is it mommy?”
You glance at your husband and shake your head at his sly smile.
“It’s your birthday, Yumu,” you tell her, leading her to one of the tables when Osamu sets her down.
“I’m heading to man the counter,” he tells you, knowing you’d be busy now with making dinner, and ensuring that any homework was done and ready for the next school day.
“What’s burfday?” Ayumu stumbles over the word, and looks at you with wide, curious eyes.
Your heart soars at how sweet and innocent your chubby-cheeked baby girl is. You detangle any knots in her hair gently with your fingers before answering her question.
“Mhm...it’s a very special day,” you tell her, in the simplest term that a child of her age would understand. “It’s a special day just for you, Yumu,” you grin and kiss her cheek.
Concern flares up in your chest when she frowns. “What is it, sweet girl?”
“Everyday should be Yumu Day, not just one,” she frowns, her cheeks puffing out.
Your jaw drops a little and you hear your husband chuckle from the counter. He really spoils her too much.
“What makes you say that?” you prod, leading her up the stairs to your personal kitchen.
It was definitely convenient living upstairs from the shop, that you couldn’t deny. It saved time from having to go back and forth between two places, and it ensured that you and Osamu were never late...though that did still happen sometimes.
“Becauseeee...daddy says I’m special,” Ayumu responds as she scuttles off to her room to change out of her uniform.
You shake your head and start prepping for dinner, your boys would be home soon as well. All hell would break loose if they came home hungry and there was nothing to eat, so you rather avoid that.
“Mommy? Can I wear my princess dwess tomorrow since it’s Yumu Day?” Ayumu peeks at you from the doorway, frilly pink dress in hand.
“Of course you can,” you respond, smiling when she squeals and runs off again.
Osamu promised he had everything prepared already for Ayumu’s birthday the next day, so you didn’t have much to worry about except making sure it all went smoothly.
Luckily, her birthday falls just in the middle of cherry blossom season, so it was the perfect time to do hanami with your family. You were sure she’d be ecstatic to see her grandparents and cousins.
Dinner is fully prepared by the time you hear a barrage of noise and footsteps stamping up the stairs. You stand by the door to make sure your twins don’t come home covered in dirt and trail it all over your house...it’s happened more than once.
“TADAIMA!” they chorus when they barge through the door, kicking off their shoes.
“Okaeri,” you smile at them, glad they’re clean, “Go change out of those clothes and come back for dinner,” you tell them, watching as they nod and race each other to their room.
You stifle a laugh when you see their sister scrunch up her face on the couch when she sees them.
Osamu comes up when you call him to join you all for dinner, he never misses dinner with you and the kids, he usually has another worker man the front during that time. It was these little things that you cherish.
He walks up next to you in front of the sink and places a quick kiss on your lips in greeting.
“EWW!” comes the outburst behind you both, and you roll your eyes in unison.
“Isamu, Susumu, behave,” you scold them, but there’s no real anger behind it.
They both stick their tongues out at you, and Isamu reaches out to steal a piece of chicken off of Ayumu’s plate.
Susumu shakes his head, “Yer gonna make her cry, you know she’s a crybaby,” he tells his twin.
Isamu just shrugs and stuffs it in his mouth.
You groan inwardly when you see their little sister’s eyes well up with tears, and her face scrunch up in anger.
Just as her chubby hand reaches out to grab a handful of her brother’s hair, Osamu’s grabs it.
“Ayumu, don’t,” he gives her a warning glance, and uses his own chopsticks to take a piece of chicken from Isamu and give it back to her.
Isamu gasps in horror, “Dad, no! My chicken!”
“You stole hers first,” Osamu tells him evenly.
“Told you,” Susumu quips, snickering at his twin who just grumbles and stuffs another piece of chicken in his mouth.
After dinner, eventful as ever, Osamu heads back down to work until closing, and you make sure all the kids’ homework is done, their bags are packed, and they’re all showered and in bed.
You two had a system, and it worked...mostly.
You sigh in relief, flopping on the couch after getting the kids to bed, and having your own bath. You glance at the clock and smile noting your husband would be in soon.
Osamu heads straight for the shower when he gets in, but you frown when you hear it turn off for awhile now and he hasn’t returned to you. Curiosity gets the better of you and you head in search of him.
There’s a crack in the twins’ door and you push it open a little wider to look. Your heart warms at the sight of your husband tucking Susumu back into bed and kissing his forehead, whispering to him about how the nightmare wasn’t real. You watch silently as he caresses your son’s hair until he drifts back to sleep, then adjusts the covers on his brother.
Osamu is a little startled to see you there when he turns around. He wraps an arm around you and leads you out of the room as quietly as you both can.
“We have one more stop to make,” he tells you, steering you into the room adjacent to the twins’. You can’t help the small chuckle when you open the door to your daughter’s pink paradise, the glittery butterfly decals on the wall winking at you in the dark as you enter.
You watch as Osamu walks over to her and brushes her hair out of her face carefully to not wake her. He presses a feather light kiss to her forehead and fixes her covers.
You wish you could get these moments on video but they feel too impersonal for such precious memories. For now they’ll have to stay embedded in your memory.
“You’re the best dad and husband in the world, did you know?” you ask him when you both settle into bed.
Osamu’s heart stutters when he hears you, and he feels his throat close up a little. It’s been a long time since he’s gotten emotional, and even when he does, it’s hard to show it. The only time he feels comfortable like this is with you, and your babies. He pulls you closer and kisses the crown of your head.
“Thank you,” he murmurs quietly to you, “I just want to do right by you and them.”
“And you do, every single day,” you shift to look at him and you’re shocked to see the little extra moisture in his eyes.
“Sometimes I wonder if I do,” he sighs, looking up at the ceiling.
You reach up and place a hand on his cheek, making him face you, “You do,” you state firmly, “And we all love you infinitely for it.”
“I love you too, sweetheart,” he smiles one of those rare smiles just for you as he leans down to kiss you.
When Miya Osamu thinks about the word ‘love,’ he’s thinks that you four are the epitome of it.
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weirwoodking · 3 years
I feel like that if Jon was a girl, she'd be hated so badly by the fandom for everything she was loved for as a male
Oh, yeah, of course. Jon (and the other male characters) gets away with feeling emotion in a way that none of the female characters do or would ever be able to do.
I was going to do this in a separate post, but your ask gave me the perfect opportunity to do it right here. I took the liberty of compiling a few Jon excerpts, and switched the name “Jon” to “Dany” and the male pronouns to female pronouns.
And then she heard the laughter, sharp and cruel as a whip, and the voice of Ser Alliser Thorne. "Not only a bastard, but a traitor's bastard," he was telling the men around him.
In the blink of an eye, Dany had vaulted onto the table, dagger in her hand. Pyp made a grab for her, but she wrenched her leg away, and then she was sprinting down the table and kicking the bowl from Ser Alliser's hand. Stew went flying everywhere, spattering the brothers. Thorne recoiled. People were shouting, but Dany did not hear them. She lunged at Ser Alliser's face with the dagger, slashing at those cold onyx eyes, but Sam threw himself between them and before Dany could get around him, Pyp was on her back clinging like a monkey, and Grenn was grabbing her arm while Toad wrenched the knife from her fingers.
Ser Alliser seized Dany by the arm.
Dany yanked away and grabbed the knight by the throat with such ferocity that she lifted him off the floor. She would have throttled him if the Eastwatch men had not pulled her off. Thorne staggered back, rubbing the marks Dany’s fingers had left on his neck. "You see for yourselves, brothers. The girl is a wildling."
In the end Halder and Horse had to pull her away from Iron Emmett, one man on either arm. The ranger sat on the ground dazed, his shield half in splinters, the visor of his helm knocked askew, and his sword six yards away. "Dany, enough," Halder was shouting, "he's down, you disarmed him. Enough!"
No. Not enough. Never enough. Dany let her sword drop. “I’m sorry,” she muttered. “Emmett, are you hurt?”
Iron Emmett pulled his battered helm off. "Was there some part of yield you could not comprehend?" It was said amiably, though. Emmett was an amiable man, and he loved the song of swords. "Warrior defend me," he groaned, "now I know how Qhorin Halfhand must have felt."
That was too much. Dany wrenched free of her friends and retreated to the armory, alone. Her ears were still ringing from the blow Emmett had dealt her. She sat on the bench and buried her head in her hands. Why am I so angry? she asked herself, but it was a stupid question. Lady of Dragonstone. I could be the Lady of Dragonstone. My father's heir.
“Men say that freezing to death is almost peaceful. Fire, though…do you see the candle, Gilly?”
She looked at the flame. “Yes.”
“Touch it. Put your hand over the flame.”
Her big brown eyes grew bigger still. She did not move.
“Do it.” Kill the girl. “Now.”
Trembling, the girl reached out her hand, held it well above the flickering candle flame.
“Down. Let it kiss you.”
Gilly lowered her hand. An inch. Another. When the flame licked her flesh, she snatched her hand back and began to sob.
“Fire is a cruel way to die. Dalla died to give this child life, but you have nourished him, cherished him. You saved your own boy from the ice. Now save hers from the fire.”
“They’ll burn my babe, then. The red woman. If she can’t have Dalla’s, she’ll burn mine.”
“Your son has no king’s blood. Melisandre gains nothing by giving him to the fire. Stannis wants the free folk to fight for him, he will not burn an innocent without good cause. Your boy will be safe. I will find a wet nurse for him and he’ll be raised here at Castle Black under my protection. He’ll learn to hunt and ride, to fight with sword and axe and bow. I’ll even see that he is taught to read and write.” Sam would like that. “And when he is old enough, he will learn the truth of who he is. He’ll be free to seek you out if that is what he wants.”
“You will make a crow of him.” She wiped at her tears with the back of a small pale hand. “I won’t. I won’t.”
Kill the girl, thought Dany. “You will. Else I promise you, the day that they burn Dalla’s boy, yours will die as well.”
“Die,” shrieked the Old Bear’s raven. “Die, die, die.”
The girl sat hunched and shrunken, staring at the candle flame, tears glistening in her eyes. Finally Dany said, “You have my leave to go. Do not speak of this, but see that you are ready to depart an hour before first light. My men will come for you.”
“Lord Janos,” Dany said, “I will give you one last chance. Put down that spoon and get to the stables. I have had your horse saddled and bridled. It is a long, hard road to Greyguard.”
“Then you had best be on your way, girl.” Slynt laughed, dribbling porridge down his chest. “Greyguard’s a good place for the likes of you, I’m thinking. Well away from decent godly folk. The mark of the beast is on you.”
“You are refusing to obey my order?”
“You can stick your order up your arse,” said Slynt, his jowls quivering.
Alliser Thorne smiled a thin smile, his black eyes fixed on Dany. At another table, Godry the Giantslayer began to laugh.
“As you will.” Dany nodded to Iron Emmett. “Please take Lord Janos to the Wall—”
—and confine him to an ice cell, she might have said. A day or ten cramped up inside the ice would leave him shivering and feverish and begging for release, Dany did not doubt. And the moment he is out, he and Thorne will begin to plot again.
—and tie him to his horse, she might have said.
If Slynt did not wish to go to Greyguard as its commander, he could go as its cook. It will only be a matter of time until he deserts, then. And how many others will he take with him?
“—and hang him,” Dany finished.
Janos Slynt’s face went as white as milk. The spoon slipped from his fingers. Edd and Emmett crossed the room, their footsteps ringing on the stone floor. Bowen Marsh’s mouth opened and closed though no words came out. Ser Alliser Thorne reached for his sword hilt. Go on, Dany thought. Dark Sister was slung across her back. Show your steel. Give me cause to do the same.
“If the girl thinks that she can frighten me, she is mistaken,” they heard Lord Janos said. “She would not dare to hang me. Janos Slynt has friends, important friends, you’ll see…” The wind whipped away the rest of his words.
This is wrong, Dany thought. “Stop.”
Emmett turned back, frowning. “My lady?”
“I will not hang him,” said Dany. “Bring him here.”
“Oh, Seven save us,” he heard Bowen Marsh cry out.
The smile that Lord Janos Slynt smiled then had all the sweetness of rancid butter. Until Dany said, “Edd, fetch me a block,” and unsheathed Dark Sister.
By the time a suitable chopping block was found, Lord Janos had retreated into the winch cage, but Iron Emmett went in after him and dragged him out. “No,” Slynt cried, as Emmett half-shoved and half-pulled him across the yard. “Unhand me…you cannot…when Tywin Lannister hears of this, you will all rue—”
Emmett kicked his legs out from under him. Dolorous Edd planted a foot on his back to keep him on his knees as Emmett shoved the block beneath his head. “This will go easier if you stay still,” Daenerys promised him. “Move to avoid the cut, and you will still die, but your dying will be uglier. Stretch out your neck, my lord.” The pale morning sunlight ran up and down her blade as Dany clasped the hilt of the sword with both hands and raised it high. “If you have any last words, now is the time to speak them,” she said, expecting one last curse.
Janos Slynt twisted his neck around to stare up at her. “Please, my lady. Mercy. I’ll…I’ll go, I will, I…”
No, thought Dany. You closed that door. Dark Sister descended.
And, of course, let’s not forget about this line:
"Well, he will not want it said that Stannis rode to the defense of the realm whilst King Tommen was playing with his toys. That would bring scorn down upon House Lannister."
"It's death and destruction I want to bring down upon House Lannister, not scorn."
If these scenes had been Dany’s, she would have been called a power-crazed mad bitch who’s destined to be the villain of the series. And... people still do that anyway, even though none of her scenes come close to these Jon ones. And no, this does not mean Jon is going to go mad, of course it doesn’t. I love these Jon scenes, and I think that his bursts of anger and emotion are valid and understandable. It just shows how men/boys are allowed to act in ways that would never be possible for women/girls to behave without massive, massive misogynistic interpretations and critique.
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aikrus · 3 years
What It Means To Be Dead (Tokoyami x Reader)
Fandom: Bnha Warnings: Mentions of Dying, depression, bullying, abuse, and strong language Words: 2k259 Requested By: Anon <3 Request:  Hi I love your writing! Can I request one where Tokoyami )or anyone you'd like really,) finds a collection of old-ish diaries and letters while cleaning? The person's handwriting is very distinct and pretty (Think 1700's love letter find) but they never mention their name. As they read more of it they find newer entries where Aizawa is mentioned so they ask him about it only to find out the person who wrote them died almost 100 years ago and 'haunts' the school. (Sorry for long request) A/N: I deviated a little from the request, but I hope you like it!
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            The night had already came and claimed the land of UA for itself. Shadows overtook the courtyards, and darkness fell across the classrooms, but not everyone had retreated to the safety of their comforters which shielded them from the secrets which the black abyss held so dear. 
After a draining day of learning and training, Tokoyami wanted nothing more than to go to sleep- sadly, it was his turn to clean the classroom. It was annoying and boring and he’d give anything to be able to go to sleep, but fair is fair and he wasn’t the tyrannical type.
And so, he washed the windows and wiped down the desks. He swept the floors and organized the textbooks, and he turned to put the broom back into the small closet in the corner of the classroom. With a heavy sigh, Fumikage realized he should probably tidy up the dirty, dust-filled, death trap that was called a broom closet. 
Narrowing his eyes at the cobwebs, he started to knock them down with the end of the broomstick (Seriously praying to whatever god there is that no spider fell onto his feathers). The room was in worse condition on closer inspection, it looked like not a soul had thought to clean it since the school was built. 
After taking the time to sweep the floors, wipe down the door and the counters, and organize the books, Tokoyami was beyond tired and ready to fall asleep in the still-somehow-dirty closet. No matter how many times he swung at the cobwebs, how many times he picked up the coats and books and papers on the floor, despite the effort he put into tidying up the smallish space, it still seemed to have a weird layer of age coating itself entirely.
The closet felt preserved in time, like the oldness it felt was not just in the items littered about, but in the very walls itself. The things it’s seen, the memories it held, something about the space simply felt... wrong. 
He turned to a corner he hadn’t worked on, inwardly groaning at the amount of work he still had to do despite the time of night. With a huff, he began to organize the textbooks and pages of work sprawled around the space. 
His hands fell upon and old leather book- very different in both appearance and age when compared to the marble notebooks that surrounded it. Leaning over, he saw ten to fifteen more of there journal like collections shoved deep into the corner of the room. 
Tentatively, he peeled open the first book. Looking at the pages, it looked to be the diary of a girl- the beautiful handwriting looked like it belonged to someone who saw the beauty that exists within the written language, someone who stops to smell the flowers, a person who looks at sunsets and bakes goods to say they love you. 
The ink that bled onto the early pages spoke of a student, a girl who wanted to be so much more, someone who wanted to save the world. He became enthralled by the speech patterns, the phrases and swirls of the letters drew him closer, enchanting his eyes to never leave the pages.
Soon the pages became all he could think about, even after he had to abandon the closet to race to bed. During class all he could think of was the feeling of the crisp paper under his touch. The voices of his friends seemed ugly, seemed to be missing the douse of honesty and beauty he had been exposed to, even when he was practicing all he could focus on was the experiences of the girl who wrote down all her inner thoughts. 
It was like she haunted him, appearing everywhere he went. Like she poisoned him, infecting his thoughts and feelings. She became everything to him so soon, every word had him on edge, every sentence a beautiful stream of imagery that he would give nothing but to experiencing along side her, what he wouldn’t give to see the world through her eyes of love.
As the day ended, he had quiet easily convinced Sero that he should take over his night of cleaning. Sure the actual work was quiet annoying, but he would be rewarded with her sweet words, he had left the book in the corner in his rush to get back to his dorm; he regretted his oversight the moment he laid down.
“Tokoyami, wasn’t your cleaning duty last night?” Aizawa asked, his eyes lazy looking up from the papers he was grading to make contact with Fumikage’s red ones. 
“Yes sir, it was. I volunteered to take over tonight as well,” 
“Mhm, and is there a reason for this?” He raised his eyebrow, dragging his briefcase off the table with him. 
“Cleaning helps me think,” this wasn’t a total lie, reading the journal will calm his raging thoughts of the mystery girl. 
“Just don’t make a habit of it,” his teacher echoed, not having enough energy to further investigate a seemingly innocent interaction.
Tokoyami was much faster with cleaning that day, and he was even faster to sprint inside the broom closet. He grabbed the leather books and raced back to his room, already feeling the warmth her voice provided. 
The passages started off innocent enough, complaints about school, fantasizing about a better life, just a teen writing down their emotions. It then morphed into the beauty in everything, words that didn’t release Fumikage’s eyes until they were tearing up from dryness. 
Then, things took a darker turn. Dark thoughts disguised in poems, things others have said to her, representation of her pain in drawings scattered throughout the book. The beautiful world- though still majestic in its own way- turned dark and twisted.
It was painful to read, and yet he couldn’t look away. It was like the book became a part of him- no. It was like he became a part of the book, nothing more than the cracked parchment and spilled ink. It was dehumanizing, but he wouldn’t change his position for anything in the world.
His bed was taken over by the old pages, dating back over two hundred years ago. The writer was in the post-quirk awakening. The world had just discovered the glowing child right before she was born. She was one of the first quirk holders in the world- one of the first one hundred Japanese citizens to have a quirk.
The journals started when she was ten- though that book was the fifth one he read. After that discovery, he categorized them in chronological order to read along with the flow of time. She wrote of the manifestation of her quirk- her parents had been struck with terror when their daughter walked through the wall of their living room to get into her bedroom. 
That was the first moment she realized how different she is. Her life never seemed to go back to the way it was before, not even after the initial shock of what she could do faded from her parents; because, there would always be a new shock, a new ability, and no one was prepared to help her.
He realized, reading more about how the quirkless treated her, that her life would have been much different is she had lived in his time. Hearing the slurs and bullying they  put her through, he wishes she could see how much the world has changed- would she be happy or sad that her bully's became the minority and were mocked in their normal-ness or if she would be ashamed of the people like her.
He was very satisfied that the people who made her life so awful were getting a taste of their own medicine, but he did wonder if that made him a bad person. Tokoyami figures that it really didn’t matter, she was gone so her opinion would never be known. 
“Death didn’t feel like I thought it would. Surprisingly, it was reminiscent of when I use my quirk to posses things or people. My body was there, on the floor, but I was floating above it. Much like I am when I leave my body before finding my target. The cold was instantly recognizable- like an abyss with no end.
The only difference I’ve noticed so far is the lack of body to return to, though I can enter it, it acts as an object. While I cannot move it, I can see out of it. It’s therapeutic in a way. Really, this must have been the best case scenario- I could see how everyone reacts, see who really cares about me.
It was hard at first, seeing all theses people, who I believed were simply pretending to care, braking down behind closed doors. It was only my sister- whom held no quirk- that cared. She did everything she could to make my funeral how I wanted it, and she preserved my bedroom the way I liked it. That was a nice gesture, it truly was. 
Now my life has come to an end- my body buried under ground, never to be seen again- I can’t help but wonder what comes next. How long will I be held in this mortal world? Will others be like me, or will I be forced to live alone in the agonizing realization that comes with immortality? I guess I’ll simply have to wait and see,”
He had fallen asleep after reading the last passage in the ninth book- where she described how she stayed a student at UA even after death. The names she referenced had been lost in time- Pro-heroes that have long been dead and are now another name on the Hero Memorial wall. 
She had possessed her home room teacher and walked to the headmaster- there she said what had happened. Her headmaster agreed to keep her on as a student, but only under the condition that she wouldn’t unnecessarily possess an unknowing student. It was fair- annoying but fair. They gave her her old desk and she worked along side everyone. When he woke up, the book had moved on its own. 
There was a page opened- an elegant scipt sprawllled at the top but had been smuged since it was written- the only elligable part following what could be assumed to be a name: Phatom-- The Ghost Hero. The script was familiar, but it wasn’t the handwriting the rest of the journal was written in. Beneath it was a drawing of a girl- a girl more beautiful than anyone Fumikage had ever seen. It was a realistic depiction and it looked modern- it was only with that realization which led Tokoyomi to realize this journal wasn’t one he had seen before. Flipping through it, he hadn’t even noticed its sudden appearance. It was the newest one of them all- spanning for the last decade.  He leaned back in his bed and began,
So I guess it’s been a while huh? Here are some general updates: Shouta from class 2-A is an idiot but I guess he’s kinda cute. We picked out hero names today, I wanted to just keep my name but he dubbed me Phantom.. I called him Eraserhead in return. I hope it sticks. 
I’ve graduated from UA more than six times now- but I kinda like it. I do some professional hero work- especially info recall- but I’m worried about how the public will react to a ghost. It would definitely fuck with some peoples religious views. 
It’s better this way. I’ve also decided to distance myself from Shinso- she and I got along great, but her twin brother has been acting weirdly around me for a while. His quirk is amazing, but I’ve seen plenty of unstable students pass through these halls and I know enough to keep my distance. Shouta doesn’t seem to agree- neither does Hizashi. I guess only time will tell.
As for manifesting my physical form- it’s a lot harder than I had hoped. I can become visual for three active minutes or ten minutes with no moving. I’m still not touchable, but I hope that will change with time. That’s all for now- I’ll try to check in soon.
He shook his head- surely those names must be common, but she was in UA and only so many coincidences can happen at one time. He wonders how she was now. Mostly, he wonders if she’s still at UA. They hadn’t announced her as a student, so was she a pro hero now? 
Was it weird to still be in the body of a sixteen year old? There were so many issues with immortality- he wondered how she coped with it. These questions abused him throughout the morning. He thought of how lonely she must be, how it must be so awful to be all by herself.
He wondered why he cared so much- why had he developed such a strong scene of attachement to this girl? The fuzzy feeling in his chest when he saw the drawing of the girl had taken up his entire mind- he needed to know more.
As soon as he entered his familiar class room he marched straight up to his teachers desk with passion in his eyes- “Professor, can we talk after class? I have some questions I’d like to ask you,”
Aizawa glarred at the corner of the room, an annoyed frown tugging at his lips. This was gonna be a long day.
Sorry for dropping off the planet everyone! This has been in the drafts for a  long time and finally gets to see the light of day. I’ve had some mental health issues (not related to this story don’t worry) and am working on myself. I fully intend to finish the Christmas countdown I committed to and this account is still active, but this will remain on the back burner until I am well on my way to recovery. Requests will remain open for the time being and I will continue to make progress. Thank you for the lovely anon’s in my inbox with constant support and requests, I appreciate all of you. Thank you all and I hope you enjoyed this work <3
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wangxianslillotus · 3 years
Au where Jiang Cheng, Nie Huaisang and Jin ZiXuan go to a haunted house into the forest of a mountain, in the middle of the night because ghosts won't show up during the day time.
Nie Huaisang hears that inside the house you can find incredible scary things such as talismans, bloody walls, screams at some point of the night, evidence of rituals. He even hears that there is a witch living in one of the rooms at the very end of the house.
Mostly, he knows that this is true due to pictures that one college classmate took a couple of days ago, but the pictures that people take of the witch always dissappear as if it was never there.
Indeed, it is a very creepy thing, but as Huaisang is SO curious about it, and Jiang Cheng is a good boyfriend, he comes along to protect him just in case.
And as for Jin ZiXuan, he comes along because his girlfriend, YanLi, is worried for his brother's well-being, knowing WanYin it's an actual scary cat. So yeah, he joins the party for the expedition into that damn haunted house.
When they arrive, they try to pry from one of the windows, just to prevent the immediate encounter with the witch. They see candles lighted on the ground that project weird shadows and shapes all around the place. As the rumors had said, the walls are full of talismans of all kinds, some drawings made with what they absolutely think that is blood, and there are hanging some papers from the ceilings above the bloody circle in the floor. They can't see more than that, and Huaisang hasn't satisfied his curiosity yet, he says. He wants to see the witch.
Jiang Cheng looks at Huaisang and wants to fucking kick his ass down the mountain, but instead just tells him how much he loves him to get a foot inside that eery ass house. They hold hands while entering the house, slowly and being the most careful they have ever been in their lives. The wood of the floor makes a scratchy sound as they walk into the first room, paper doors already long gone.
It is a very old house, at least that much they know. As they saw from the window, the room next to this one is the one with the papers hanging from the ceiling, but in the current one there seems to be some kind of altar, surrounded by more candles and incense that smells not so bad. They keep walking, looking at the walls of the window room quite closely now, amazed by how the witch has prepared so many things.
They are keeping it in by short, and it shows when they hear running footsteps in the next room. There is a paper door that's almost destroyed in between the two rooms, and they do catch a glimpse of a little shadow running into another further room from the spaces that were supposed to be covered with the paper.
Jiang Cheng mutters, "what the fuck?" Huaisang holding tighter onto his arm, and ZiXuan resisting the impulse that wants to make him run to hold Huaisang too, all of them scared to death.
They hear nothing now, but even so, they stay still for a couple of minutes. When nothing happens, they keep going further because Huaisang wanted to get a glimpse of the witch. And if Huaisang wanted, Jiang Cheng complied. And Jin ZiXuan wanted to leave them both right there.
ZiXuan opens the door after being pushed by Jiang Cheng, sliding it to the side with utmost silence. In this room there's only a table on the ground, full of scattered things that are just as gloomy as the first two rooms. They look like pieces of toys, and there are some tools too that Jiang Cheng recognizes from his sister's work, but that doesn't bring him any good feelings.
Suddenly a tug in his arm makes him turn, Huaisang pointing with his mouth full open to the door next room. Jiang Cheng looks, but doesn't see anything until he does, and then he's tugging at ZiXuan's arm with urgency.
"The... the... corner." He instructs, his voice being barely a tiny thread compared to his usual loud voice. ZiXuan doesn't even question it, he follows his instructions in case they need to run away. But when he does, he too, gets paralyzed at the sight.
There are two small hands holding the door that guides to the next room. Two small hands and the half of a child's face staring at them.
They stay still for what feels like ages, so when a big terrific shadow projects over their heads in the wall in front of them, greatly defined thanks to the thousands of candles lighted in the previous room, along with the happy kid's voice calling "papa" to something or someone pass them, they jump straight into different reactions.
Huaisang faints. He goes limp on the floor, and Jiang Cheng barely registers his fall, still frozen like a statue. ZiXuan runs towards the opposite wall to the one that projects the shadow, and turns around to confront it with a loud scream.
"Could you please be silent, you're scaring my son." The man speaks, already tired of the scene, even if he finds it hilarious. His voice is very chill, and he doesn't look much older than them. The little kid opens the door and runs towards him, hiding behind his legs.
Jiang Cheng turns around after gaining some of his soul back, ready to punch the man with all his strength until he turns him into a real ghost, but decides that his fainted boyfriend needs a little bit more of attention. He holds Huaisang closer as he speaks, "We are scaring him? He almost killed my man!!!"
The man chuckles, "You pretty much deserve that for coming into my home in the middle of the night." He states, patting the little boy's head with care.
"... your... home?" ZiXuan asks, confused. How could someone live in a place like this? It was insane. Jiang Cheng now tries to wake Huaisang up with a little slap on his cheek, but gets no response at all.
"Do I look like I am fond to repeat my words?" The man says, glaring at ZiXuan. The kid suddenly tugs at his father's pants, making grabby hands towards him, and with a smile, the man complies his son's wishes.
Jiang Cheng mutters, "This haunted place doesn't look like a home..."
"Ow, I'm sorry I missed the home-decor meeting, man." The man scoffs, making a half smile. "Now, even if you are intruders in my home," He paused, "I am a very good host, so unless you prefer to wait for him to wake up while you go down the woods to the city, you can bring him up to the living room."
He doesn't wait for an answer from the boys, and instead, he walks over the next room. They are quite surprised when they see him turn the lights on, and after sharing a look, they both take Huaisang, following the man deeper into the house.
They get into another room, laying Huaisang in the couch that the man points lazily as he dissappears into another room.
Jiang Cheng and Jin ZiXuan instantly get closer, and start discussing the current events.
"What the fuck?" ZiXuan starts, holding himself close by grabbing onto Jiang Cheng's shoulder.
"I don't know, what is going on, man..." he responds, sighing. "Wasn't this supposed to be a haunted house with a witch and all that?"
"Who said that? So rude." A third voice joins them with whispers too, making them jump again. They breat heavily, lips pressing while shooting glares to the man that returned from wherever he was.
"Can you stop?" Jiang Cheng barks, pushing the man with his shoulder without second thought. The man looks at him, eyes full of innocence.
"I'm not doing anything." He provides, disconcerted by the request.
"You're appearing out of nowhere, so suddenly... we're still kind of... getting our nerves back, you know?" ZiXuan explains the best way he can. The man makes an understanding gesture with his face, and apologizes in a whisper again.
They go silent a while more, just staring blankly at Huaisang, that shows no signs of waking up anytime soon. Until the man tries to break the ice.
"Since you're already here, and all that... what are your names?" He asks, taking a seat next to the table that matches the couch, on the floor. He looks at them with a sweet smile, looking almost happy for having them there.
"Uhh..." Jiang Cheng side looks at ZiXuan before answering. "Are you sure you're not going to like... throw a curse at us or something like that?"
The man laughs wholeheartedly at his words, grabbing his stomach and all, before answering, "Oh, no. You got enough already, didn't you?" He said putting his elbows onto the table, "But for you to be somewhat reassured, my name is Wei WuXian".
With that, the other two were indeed reassured. "I am Jin ZiXuan, he is Jiang WanYin... and this deceased one is Nie Huaisang. We are truly sorry for breaking in like this. And for scaring your son, too. He looks like a good child." He tries with a smile. With that, Wei WuXian seems to relax even more, as a proud father that he was.
"Oh, A-yuan is the best. He's sleeping now, but I promise that he is. Now, would you mind telling me who said that this was a Haunted house? I wouldn't want more people breaking in in my sleep, you know?"
"It was... one of Huaisang's college classmates. They came here the other night and took some pictures to show around." Jiang Cheng sits while talking, right next to Huaisang's legs. If he was going to be chatty, then at least he should be comfy.
Wei WuXian made a face at that information. That wasn't good at all.
"I see..."
They pause for another couple of seconds, until Jiang Cheng couldn't hold it anymore. He has a curiosity too, and just like his boyfriend, he's very often, not so good at containing it.
"Why do you live here?" He wanted to know since he realized that there was no witch, no ghost, but just a lot of awful choices with decorations, probably to scare away people in the first place, or something like that, and a little boy in his pajamas waiting for his dad to come back home.
Wei WuXian sighs, "I don't have money to rent a better place at the city, and with my current job I have enough to pay for a tuition for A-yuan. I'm searching, tho. For better jobs, and better conditions too, but... it's been pretty though. 23 years old, a child, no bank account or references and no other job experiences, people don't really want that on their heads when I do the interviews." He wishes he had a beer or something to talk about his problems with people he barely knew, but he supposes that that was exactly the reason why he could talk without saving himself some face, without having to pretend that he was not affected by what he couldn't control. They have already seen a lot, too. So what else could be saved.
Jiang Cheng and Jin ZiXuan felt for what Wei WuXian was going through. They weren't exactly the best empaths, but they knew how hard the things could be for some people.
Jiang Cheng had seen his mother after the divorce, refusing to accept the money his father sent them because she thought that it was the fastest way to get completely away from him and his lack of everything at their past relationship. He had seen her working hard to earn her place in the world, and had seen her distressed when they had no money to spare, not even for a toy. They were better now, way better. But he never forgot.
Not even now, seeing the same expression that his mom had at the time, plastered in Wei WuXian's face while he lets a sigh take away some tension.
You could... come with us. He wants to say. We have a spare room where you could live with your child for a while until you get some money. He really wants to say. But he doesn't find the words.
"How is your son doing with all this, WuXian?" ZiXuan asks, knowing the background of the thinking process that was going on inside of Jiang Cheng's mind. Wei WuXian wrinkles his nose a little bit, trying to pull some strength.
"He..." he sighs, changing his position, "He's trying his best. He doesn't like this place, we're not feeling safe here, and he has nightmares from time to time. But he studies hard even if he's tired, and eats whatever I can bring onto the table... he never complains." Sometimes, Wei WuXian wanted that his son complained, so that he could blame himself for everything that was going on. It was his fault, in the first place. But his son's smiles hurted him even deeper than any blame that he could phantom.
"It's been long?" Jiang Cheng finally got a grip on his memories, and he rejoins the conversation. "Since you live here."
Wei WuXian looks at him and thinks, has it been long? "Mmh... no more than six months."
"That's!!!" Jiang Cheng quarrels with a sudden scream. Wei WuXian looks at him surprised, and Jiang Cheng clears his throat before continuing, "that's a lot of time..."
"Indeed, it is." Wei WuXian answers, dry. It was already more than the "couple of weeks" that he said he needed to get everything under control. It was by far more than a couple of weeks.
When Jiang Cheng was about to offer him that he joined the Jiang house, Nie Huaisang made a sound in complain, making them jump onto their feets to check him.
"Babe... if you're so much of a scary cat to faint on the spot, then we shouldn't have come to a supposed haunted house." Jiang Cheng said, pulling his boyfriend's cheek when he confirmed that he was okay.
Nie Huaisang makes a pout but doesn't argue on that. Instead, he focuses on the unknown man in black at the side of his boyfriend, and offers a polite smile.
"How long have you been awake?" Wei WuXian asks, not being fooled by his smile. Huaisang presses his lips, he's been caught on the spot. The other two boys look surprised, was he faking it?
"... Since A-Cheng asked you why you live here..." he confesses, turning pink on his cheeks.
"A-Sang!" Jiang Cheng complains, frowning deep. "Why didn't you say something?"
"How could I just talk in the middle of all that?! You would have stopped right away... besides, it would have been the most uncomfortable thing ever. So spare me, A-Cheng!" He took his boyfriend's hand into his, pulling him to seat again at his side in the couch.
ZiXuan rolls his eyes and takes a seat in front of Wei WuXian, not wanting to pay attention to the couple. He knew better already. And it seemed that Wei WuXian could predict them too, because he just sat back on the floor. There where a couple of seconds more until the couple settles, finally paying attention to the previous conversation.
"So... you... live... alone with your son?" Huaisang asks, tip toeing the words, not so sure how would it sound once pronounced. Wei WuXian stares at him for a second, not really looking. It was more like he was looking at the past for a couple of moments, but he ends up smiling, stiff but deciding to answer.
"I do. We do. It's just A-Yuan and Wei Ying." He declares. It wasn't bad. It wasn't good either, in some terms.
It was good, because Wei WuXian loved every single day he spends by his precious son's side, he loves the way his little boy munches his food, the way he sleeps, the way he treats the world, he did his best everyday, even to random stray cats that showed up on their door, his son was the best and the cutest. He loves him. But... it wasn't good for A-Yuan, because these weren't the proper conditions for his son's health or education, nor to his well-being and growth. Wei WuXian knows it.
The other three boys didn't knew what to say to that, to be fair. They couldn't just avoid the feeling that something definitely had happened, but also they couldn't quite grab exactly what had happened, so they really didn't knew what to say in response. It wasn't like Wei WuXian wasn't sharing, or keeping secrets. He was being bare open to their questioning, but this... just seems way too personal for them to dig it up just like that.
Wei WuXian seems to catch the feeling in the air, because he agitates his hand in front of his nose, like fanning something, saying "Oh, no. Don't mind it. Really, it isn't something that hurts to speak of."
They breathe again, and look at him with expectation in their eyes. Wei WuXian is happy that he, now, has someone who will listen to his story, his and his son's. But it wasn't the moment, was it?
"He isn't really my son. He is, because I love him, and because I adopted him. But I'm not his biological father." He provided in a whisper, that being enough for now. "He doesn't know, so I'm not quite comfortable with saying it out loud here."
They all made an understanding nod, all with different expressions, but understanding nonetheless. Wei WuXian smiled warmly.
That night, the party left the haunted house with a new friend and a new trouble to be talked and solved. They arrived at the Jiang house, still talking about what or how would they ask Madam Yu permission for bringing their new friend, plus one little boy, under their roof.
Madam Yu wasn't quite enchanted by the full idea, of course, she wanted to help, but bringing a man into the house would be a little bit shocking to the people in the neighborhood, but she knew why his son was doing all of this. And they could say that it was a friend of Jiang Cheng, which was true. They sat sat the table until four am, talking about how would they live from now on. They even talked about making Wei WuXian a contract for rent, in case he needed it for any reason that could come up in the future. When they settled most of the things, Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang went to the room that they were going to give Wei WuXian to prepare it, ZiXuan went to his own home, and Madam Yu went to her study to check out prices of furniture that the boy and his son would probably need.
Later that week, WanYin and Huaisang went up the mountain again. They walk for quite a bit until they are in front of the house in the middle of the forest. Under the daylight, the house looks not so scary anymore, but instead just bad maintained.
There are some toys scattered on the side of the entrance, when they pass. Huaisang slides his hand onto his boyfriend's and smiles at him excitedly. They go further down the house until the actual main entrance, announcing their arrival with a loud voice, so that Wei WuXian doesn't get surprised, at least in the wrong way.
Wei Ying turns around with A-Yuan on his arms, smiling at his friends with happiness. "Guys! What are you doing here?" He asked, making an adorable face when his son waves at them too, offering a thooty smile. What a polite little boy.
Huaisang almost dies at the cuteness of this little one, so he immediately goes to him, while Jiang Cheng is left to give the big news.
"Well... actually... You know. There's a room." He says, smacking himself mentally at the eyebrow that Wei WuXian gives him, and the laugh that his boyfriend barely contains inside. "There's a free. A free room. It's not being used. The room it's at my house." He... is getting somewhere, enough to enlighten Wei WuXian's eyes when he connects the dots. But Jiang Cheng it's not a patient human being, so he just sighs before a bluntly adding, "do you want it?"
Huaisang looks at him with a smile, just too amused at the spectacle to make some additions, meanwhile Wei WuXian covers his face to laugh out loud.
"What is funny?" WanYin asks, red from head to toe.
"I do want it, WanYin. Thank you..." Wei WuXian says, pulling the other man into his arms for a hug. A tight hug. "Thank you so, so, so much."
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imnotwolverine · 3 years
The Accidental Family - Chapter 6
Henry Cavill x OFC - multi-chapter
< Chap 5 | Chap 6 The Birds & The Bees | Chap 7 >
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Disclaimer: smut and fluff
Word count: 2.463
Author’s note: This chapter leaves the question of how much Kal knows of the birds and the bees by this point.. enjoy the read! 
(Link to my Masterlist)
Phoebe steered the van onto the driveway of the house Henry’s parents currently lived in; a house better described as a mansion, a nice garden wrapping around the back.
A treat to find in the London suburbs.
‘Woa..nice place.’ Henry leaned forward to get a better look at the red shutters that were all opened to show a row of paned windows, no life to be found inside.
‘Yea. You bought them this house short before Sam was born... So they could be close-by.’ Phoebe killed the engine and looked at Henry as she removed her seatbelt. Henry remained seated for a bit, eyebrows furrowing in thought.
‘And I didn’t get..us..a bigger house? Let me guess, I refused to move from my Mews home?’
Phoebe laughed, her hand patting his knee. ‘We BOTH decided to stay, mkay? Cosy living and all.’
They got out of the car and, hearing the cheerful sound of children behind the house, they decided to go for the garden straightaway, arms linked together as Henry followed Phoebe’s lead. He enjoyed her touch - it calmed him.
The garden was just as magical as Henry could have expected from his mother’s green fingers; luscious grass stretched in the back, with a sea of spring green and flowers running around the sides, some small fruit trees having just started to blossom above the excited faces of the children that were running to and fro.
‘HEY BABIESS.’ Phoebe exclaimed, the kids coming hollering at the sound of their mother’s voice.
‘Mommy! MOMMY!’
But, there was one kid missing. Henry looked out to see Sam squat down at the edge of the grass, his little tongue poking out as if he was really focused on some yet-to-be-determined little task, fingers hidden behind the plants. Henry smiled gently, and walked out to greet his oldest, the young boy completely oblivious to his father’s presence as he created a little fist over one of the flowers.
And that was a bad decision.
Within moments a flood of tears burst from the four year old’s eyes, a painful little hand clutching tightly around the dead body of the bee that had stung into his little palm.
Henry could hear Phoebe call out, feet rushing over the grass, but Henry was first to aid, large arms swinging up the little man into a hug, a soft voice soothing the pained cries of poor Sam.
‘Hey, hey..let me help you.’ Henry gently coaxed the child to open his palm, the bee falling into the bushes as Henry regarded the stinger that was stuck right in the middle of the pinkish little palm.
‘Oh, shhhh.’ Henry pulled Sam a little closer to his chest, his large arms forming a little hammock for the kid to hang in, his eyes finding Phoebe, who had now also come over, her hand sweeping through Sam’s chocolate curls.
‘Oh, baby!’ Phoebe pouted, but Sam was inconsolable, big fat tears falling down his cheek. ‘You had ouchy? Let’s get you fixed up.’ She cooed gently, before hinting at Henry they best get inside.
Minutes later they sat in the kitchen, a box of first aid appliances scattered over the kitchen table, Henry’s parents out to entertain the other kids while Henry sat on one of the chairs with a quiet Sam huddled into the warmth of his chest. The stinger had been quite professionally removed by his mother, but even after she had pressed all the kisses to his little hand and face, he wouldn’t leave his father’s embrace.
‘I just tried to help..’ Sam finally mumbled, quietly sniffling into his father’s white T-shirt.
‘Did you now?’ Henry brushed a soothing hand through Sam’s curls, the boy taking a shivery breath.
‘And then he bwit me!’
Henry chuckled ever so quietly, his eyes finding Phoebe who was stacking the first aid materials back in the plastic container. She winked at him and then looked back at Sam, who kept his watery blue eyes aimed at his father’s arm.
‘Well, not really BIT you, I bet. But when bees feel nervous, they can sting with their stinger.’
‘But IT HURT.’
‘Yes, stingers hurt.’ Henry was met by Sam’s confused expression, big blue eyes looking up at him. ‘You see, the bee was probably really scared of you. Because you are SOOO big, and he was only sooo small. It’s better to be extra gentle and careful with such small animals, you see.’ Sam blinked up at his dad, listening quietly. ‘Especially bees.’
Phoebe now squatted back down before Sam, her hand brushing over the hand that was now covered with a cooling pack. ‘Hi sweetie.’
But Sam was not in the mood, his face pulling into a pout before he quickly ducked back into Henry’s chest.
‘Ohhh okay then.’ Phoebe pouted in playful hurt, earning a smile from Henry, his heart swelling at the feeling of making this kid - his kid - feel safe. This wasn’t a nephew or niece. This was HIS kid.
Hoisting Sam up a little higher, Henry pressed his nose in Sam’s curls, his nose inhaling the sweet scent of shampoo and fresh air, Sam’s little voice bringing out a soft hum as his free hand curled into Henry’s shirt.
‘WIEEEEEEEE. I’m a BEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.’ Piper came running in, followed by Max, the both of them leaving muddy prints all around the kitchen table as they flailed their arms like little birds.
‘OI. Piper! Max! What did I tell you about dirty shoes?!’ Marianne came storming after them, little Cole perched on her bony arm.
Sam also looked up, his eyes perking up at the sight of his brother and sister having fun, his sorrows quickly forgotten.
‘Alright, time to get up.’ Henry offered, but Sam remained seated in his lap a moment longer, expecting blues looking up at Henry.
‘Are you still my daddy? Granny said ..eh…’ Sam’s shyness won over as he quickly hid his face behind a hand.
‘Hey..’ Henry pried the hand away with his large paw, a gentle smile curving on his lips. ‘I am. A little bit of a confused daddy, so I WILL need your help. But I am your daddy.’
Sam nodded in understanding and gave a simple: ‘Okay.’ Before climbing off his dad’s lap and joining the other kids who ran back out the backdoor again, thereby leaving yet another trail of muddy shoes all the way through the hallway.
‘OH..dammit.’ Henry bit his lip, making Phoebe laugh aloud.
‘Oh, trust me. That’s nothing yet hahahaha.’
‘Ha, that was nice.’ Henry pulled the door closed, Phoebe having walked a little ahead to greet a very excited Kal in the narrow Mews hallway.
‘It was,’ She smiled and shrugged out of her coat, walking back towards the door to put it onto a hanger, only to be halted midway reaching, as Henry twirled her around and offered her one of his big bear hugs. ‘OH..okay.’ She chuckled softly.
‘Hmm,’ He hummed, nuzzling his nose into her hair, his nose sniffing in the scent of her hair and perfume. Not too sweet. A pinch of something woody. And warm. And.. He pulled back ever so slightly and before Phoebe could ask him what was the matter with him, he pressed his smooth warm lips onto hers, earning a delightful little hum from her in return.
‘Mmm, well hello there.’ She chuckled as they shortly broke their kiss for Henry to also shrug off his coat.
‘Hi,’ He grinned, unceremoniously dropping his coat on the floor before he lifted her up in his arms, hands grabbing for her butt.
‘Hen!’ She squealed in delight.
‘What?’ He asked innocently, though his dark eyes completely betrayed where this was going - and it was quite new after what only had been a little fooling around on the couch.
With a gentle brush of her fingers over his cheek, Phoebe let out a little sigh. ‘Are you..you sure? I mean..’
Henry lowered her with a growl, his bodyweight pinning her to the jackets that were hung behind her, their limbs now entangling with the vast pile of scarves and heavy wool. ‘Stop talking.’ And with that he caught her lips in another searing kiss, hands dipping beneath the material of her sweater, hot fingertips blazing a trail until he found the cup of her bra; nothing special, just a T-shirt bra, and yet Henry couldn’t help but let out a hungered whine.
‘You wet for me?’ He whispered in question, pushing his groin into her hip, only to find something truly wet; a dog nose that was pressing in between his legs.
Phoebe gasped in shock, eyes widening at the intimate intruder. ‘KALLLL!! AAHHHHH!’
Kal huffed a gruff sniff before he pulled back and whined a little instead.
‘He needs a walk.’ Phoebe breathed, trying to calm the hot pink that was spreading over her cheeks.
‘He’ll have to wait a moment.’ Henry grumbled, pressing another fierce kiss on her lips as he picked her up, her legs now wrapping around his hip before he started to ascend the staircase next to the jackets. ‘There’s some pressing matters that FIRST need attending.’
‘At least open the backdoor.’ She breathed as he made it to the landing, her fingers grasping into his curls as she pressed a kiss to his lips.
‘Can’t it wait?’
‘Oh no. And neither can I. Now hurry.’
In a flurry of fast moving legs, Henry bolted downstairs, his hand flicking open the backdoor, which Kal eagerly pressed through to do his business, after which Henry clawed his way back up the stairs, feeling slightly out of breath before he got back in the bedroom, finding Phoebe hopping around in an attempt to get out of her jeans.
Henry smirked at the sight of her buttocks jiggling ever so slightly with every hop, his hands catching her hips as he used her awkward position to push his groin into her behind -  like the tease he was.
‘Hen!’ She whined, rolling her eyes at his antics. ‘A little help.’
She fell belly flat onto the bed as he did just that, his fingers freeing her from the obnoxious jeans, followed by the flimsy material of her cotton undies, leaving her in naught but her bra. Looking over her shoulder, cheeks burning red in a mix of arousal and embarrassment, she saw Henry quickly removing his shirt, hands fumbling with his belt which didn’t seem to co-operate.
‘C’mhere,’ Phoebe said, pushing up from the bed to make quick work of the metal and leather obstruction, her palm grazing eagerly over the bulge that stood proud beneath the roughness of his jeans. Looking up from the edge of the bed, her eyes met another pair of blown-out blacks, the both of them panting like they had just ran a marathon.
‘What do you like?’ Henry breathed.
‘Everything. Anything.’ Phoebe unclipped her bra and fell back onto the bed, begging him to crawl on top of her.
But he didn't. Instead he kneeled down on the floor, fingers racing up the insides of her thighs, eyes studying the smooth flesh that jittered beneath his fingertips, his tongue soon to follow, a hot slow pace dancing over her squirming legs.
Henry grinned into her response, her hands gripping for the sheets beneath her, eager little keens and moans escaping her begging lips.
Dipping in closer to her core, he spoke again: ‘And you like this?’ He pushed her legs over his shoulders before he delved in, a honey sweet tongue lapping at her petals.
‘Sto-stop -- HA -- talking.’ She squealed in delight as he made a good show of the things he hadn’t forgotten; he had always been a pleaser, his tongue and fingers alone making her ache for him at any time of the day. How she had missed him all these long months, fearing she’d never get to feel this again. 
‘Okay-okay. Get up here.’ She tugged at his curls.
Obediently he did just that, his large frame crawling atop her, jeans still clinging tightly around his arousal.
‘I want to feel you.’ She breathed, bending forward to undo his buttons, only to clash with Henry’s head as he wanted to do the exact same.
‘Ou-aa.’ Henry grabbed for his forehead, chuckling softly as Phoebe clasped her hand in front of her mouth.
‘OH I’m so sorry. I--’
Henry quickly kicked off his jeans and boxers, head shaking with mirth before he grabbed for her hand, removing it from her face. With his hungry gaze he begged for her attention, their eyes interlocking as he lowered himself on her, noses touching as he shimmied his hips a little, feeling the snugness of her legs wrapping around his hips.
Phoebe chuckled, pressing forward to kiss him. ‘Please.’ She whispered into his lips, giving him the one answer he needed before they renewed a union that once started all messy - grabby hands and smeared make-up in a bathroom stall at an after party.
‘Oi! We’ve been in the line forever. Would you hurry!’ A fist knocked restlessly on the bathroom door, making two hot faces look up as they fumbled with their buttons and zippers after one very steamy little rendez-vous. 
Henry laughed and shook his head. ‘Now ..Bee, that was...’ 
‘Stop talking.’ Phoebe winked and turned around so he could fix up the long zipper that ran over the back of her silvery mid-length dress. 
With careful fingers, the alcohol making his head buzz, Henry tried his best to not catch any skin as he pulled up the zipper, his left hand pushing away the golden locks that cascaded casually over Phoebe’s shoulder. 
Letting out one more sigh he realised he might have just made a stupid mistake. They had so much fun tonight; from the moment her friend had dragged her through the door - his eye easily catching her, to now, here. Why was he so stupid-stupid-stupid not to wait a little? Be a gentleman. Wine and dine her? Be a ...
‘And: stop thinking.’ Phoebe turned on her high heels and winked at him. ‘I leave first, then you. You’ve got my number..but..don’t feel pressured if...’ A sudden shyness laced her last words as she noticed the slight red lip-shaped smudge of red she had left on his blouse.
Tell him? She pondered it for a moment, but then decided that she might as well leave a little gift for him, since he totally ruined her panties moments earlier. 
‘Ciao.’ She winked, unlocking the door and disappearing into the crowd. 
By the time Henry walked out of the bathroom stall, he was welcomed by some very unwelcome white flashes, eager paparazzi having somehow managed to get into the establishment, ruining what could have been such a good night. 
Again Henry cursed himself; he should have never, ever, ever..UGH.. - Stomping through the wall of photographers he looked out for the golden drop of hair that had lured him in only hours ago. But she was gone. And for a moment he wondered whether it was the alcohol or something else that made his stomach flutter like a butterfly had been caught in his chest. 
Birds do it, bees do it
Even educated fleas do it
Let's do it, let's fall in..
Chap 7 >
General Tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss @tumblnewby @magdelen69 @thereisa8ella @mary-ann84 @darkbooksarwin @summersong69 @madbaddic7ed @luclittlepond @maroonmolly @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @hell1129-blog @agniavateira @tillthelandslide @elinesama
@tryingtoliveonmywishes @ceilingfann @do-youseeme
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unmaskedagain · 4 years
Marinette Vs Santa: The Final Round
Okay, so it’s 11:38 on Christmas. I promised I would post this today. So I am. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone. Enjoy your present.
           The jolly fat man would get his, Marinette swore. She wore a lovely gold, snowflake-embroidered cocktail dress. Her hair was done in a French side braid with voluminous Curls; more than she ever had in her entire life. Honestly, she looked like a princess.
           And it would’ve been a win for her if it wasn’t for the circumstances that made it yet another Tie against Santa.
           Roy has his hand on the small of her back since they step out of the limo. The forced sweet smile on her face was for the paparazzi that had waited outside the restaurant. When they got inside, and as they were shone to their table, Roy's hand slipped south.
Marinette stiffened and leaned close to Roy and whispered in his ear, “If you don’t get your hand off my butt, I’m going to take off one of my five-inch heels and slit your throat with it.”
Roy’s hand was gone in a flash, “Aww babe,” He said, a little loudly, nodding to the table where his parents’ Oliver and Dinah waited; their eyes watching the young couple’s every move. “You know I can’t keep my hands off you.”
           Marinette giggled, as she fought the urge to slam his against a nearby table, “Not in front of your parents. It’s called manners.”
Your lucky homicide is still technically illegal, Marinette thought viciously, and a sure-fire way to get on fat bastard’s naughty list.
           He wouldn’t win. No, Marinette had gone too far; been through too much to lose now.
“Thank you, Marinette,” Dinah stood once the two approached. She pulled Marinette into a hug. “I’ve tried to instill etiquette into Roy for years. His last girlfriends and he nearly in trouble for public indecency. Maybe you’ll do a better job than I did.”
           Marinette laughed, “I will even if I have to cut off his hand.”
           Oliver chuckled, “You’re definitely Bruce’s girl.” The resemblance was uncanny.
           After that the fell into an easy conversation.
“That dress is beautiful,” Dinah said. “Who’s the designer?”
           Marinette beamed, “I am. I love fashion. It’s my dream,” She explained. “I plan on launching my own company. While there’s always room to learn and enhance my designing skills, I feel as if I have that side at least somewhat covered. However, the business angle is something I need to learn. Which is why I plan on getting my MBA at an Ivy League. I was considering Yale or Princeton.”
“Princeton,” Oliver grinned. “Did you hear that Roy?” Roy rolled his eyes, and once again, regretted being born. “Marinette’s considering Princeton. That’s the top school on his list. Queens have gone there for generations.” He pulled his wife into a hug. “It’s where I knew Dinah was the one.”
           Dinah gave Marinette a blank stare, “I couldn’t get rid of him. It was like having bedbugs.” (“Hey!” Oliver cried in protest.) “No matter what I did, he just coming back. The only solution was to burn the entire place down and vanish without a trace. But apparently, that’s illegal or whatever. Stupid.”
“I know, right,” Marinette nodded earnestly. “What’s up with that?”
           They had a wonderful dinner. They watched a paparazzi pretending to be a waiter be escorted out of the restaurant. It was great, amazing even. Oliver and Dinah had been perfectly lovely. Roy had acted like a perfect gentleman. Marinette could’ve almost pretended she was actually meeting her boyfriend’s family. She was about to count the entire night as a win until…
“So how many grandkids should I expect in the future,” Oliver asked, a sincere look on his face, though he was snickering inside.
           Marinette chocked on her chocolate mousse and ended up in a coughing fit that Dinah helped her with. Roy had met his father’s gaze and gave him his most charming smile, “Seven,” He answered.
“Seven!” Marinette barked out and she looked around frantically as if Ashton Kutcher had revived his hit show and was about to pop out.
Oh, gods; please let me be getting punked, Marinette prayed.
            Oliver’s eyebrows went up, “Seven, huh, big family.”
           Roy hummed, “the Wayne-Queens certainly will be.”
“You mean the Queen-Waynes,” Oliver corrected, his hackles rising.
“Well, I figured since we’d be living in Gotham,” Roy didn’t even bother to hide his smirk. “We’d go by the Wayne-Queen family. I actually found this great place not too far from Wayne Manor. Plenty of room for the kids, maybe a dog or two; a rose garden. You know how Waynes are about their roses. You can visit whenever.”
           Marinette might have momentarily blacked out during this. It was how Marinette knew she had officially lost that round to Santa.
           Oliver and Dinah just looked at Roy; their entire bodies stiff.
           Dinah took a long drink from her wine glass, “Gotham has such a high crime rate. Have you considered Star City, Marinette?”
“I’ve never been,” Marinette said sweetly. “But I could live anywhere really. I’m pretty open.”
           Roy wrapped an arm around her shoulders, “Yes, but I figured you’d want to spend as much time with your family as possible. Jason’s my best friend. I love Gotham. It just works. Besides Bruce Wayne would make an amazing grandpa.”
           The grip Oliver had on his dessert fork made Marinette fear for Roy’s life. It was time to step in. “I suppose Robb or Thea would love a big backyard to play in.”
           That got the other three’s attention.
“Robb? Thea?” Oliver whispered. His throat was dry. His brain tried to process what was said.
“I wasn’t supposed to say anything. But Roy and I started talking one day and well,” Marinette trailed off. A soft pink blush appeared on Marinette’s face, enhancing her overall innocent aura. She had done background on the Queen family. “Our firstborn; if it’s a boy Robb as in Robert Thomas; for your father and my grandfather. If it’s a girl, Thea Sabine; for your sister and my mother. It was Roy’s idea. He knows how much you loved them.”
           It was then that Marinette got to check off one more wish off her list. It had been made as a joke in passing to Chloe and Kagami months ago. They had been having a girls’ night. When Chloe, ever prepared, asked what they wanted for Christmas. They had been watching a Justice League fight on the news. Marinette had laughed and said she wanted to show them up one day; make a superhero cry.
           However, watching The Green Arrow tear up while the Black Canary comforted himself, made her think that Santa took her to wish out of context.
           Roy was pulled into a big hug by his parents, and he sent her a vicious glare, and mouthed, “What did you do?”
           Oliver pulled back, wiped his eyes, and said, “You know; there’s nothing like a spring wedding in Star City.”
           Marinette threw down her napkin.
Fuck Santa.
           The news had a field day. The picture of Marinette in her dress and Roy in his designer suit was what everyone was talking about. The women of the view talked about her outfit. Wendy Williams talked about her outfit. It was as if Marinette was living in another universe.
           Nothing could bring her down.
“What the hell?” Jason asked as he picked her up for school. “Why the fuck is Roy spamming me with hate texts. Why the fuck is Oliver arguing with B over visitation rights to his grandchildren? Who the Fuck are Robb and Thea? And why the fuck is Dad asking Aquaman if Atlantis really sunk on its own, or if it had a little help?”
           Marinette tiled her head, “Is Papa planning on sinking Star City? And that’s forty dollars for the swear jar.” Her parents had implements after one too many curse words were thrown around.
“Worth it!” Jason said. “And yes, I’ve positive that’s what’s going to happen. It’s gonna be amazing. Also, he’s gonna kill Roy!”
“He deserves it,” Marinette crossed her arms.
“He put his hand on my butt!”
           Jason paused and narrowed his eyes. “Correction. I’m gonna kill Roy.”
           Marinette rolled her eyes, but then she realized something. “Aren’t they’re usually two of you? Where’s the other one?” It was the routine. She was always escorted into school by two members of the Wayne family.
           Jason smirked, “You’ll see.”
           The paparazzi mostly screamed the usual things at her. At that point, she was used to it. It was the few changes at school that she was used to.
           Damocles had been fired for bribes and severe negligence. He was replaced by Mendeleev. Bustier had been fired for her role in Marinette’s expulsion without proper procedure and basically catering to bullies while blaming the victim. She replaced by a sterner teacher name Miss Reed. She was by the book and not afraid to call in the higher-ups if something smelled fishy.
           The first was any and all forms of bullying in class was no longer tolerated. The school had issued a zero-tolerance policy that the kids in Bustier’s class had felt immediately.
           The second was Lila’s supposed medical history. No doctor’s note, no special treatment. It was also required that Lila present a note from her mother regarding any future absences.
           The third was Adrien’s being pulled randomly out of class. CPS got involved real fast regarding child labor laws.
           The days of her classmates getting away with bloody murder were over. Reed saw everything. Everything.
           Alya, who had returned to class always avoided Marinette at all times. Her parents had given her the biggest talking to about respecting others’ right to privacy. Marinette had agreed to drop any legal charges against her former friend provided she adhere to the cease and desist order. The girl knew too much about Marinette. And Marinette needed to make it clear that she would bury the girl in lawsuits before she’d allowed even one-fourth of it to be made public.
           Jason had walked her to class. But he didn’t leave. Instead, he went directly to the back of the class and took a seat next to Chloe. He pulled out his phone and proceeded to ignore the curious looks from the students.
The blond eyed the ripped jeans, the overly sized red flannel shirt, and the beat-up leather jacket, “Grunge died in the 90s. Like it deserved.”
           Jason, not bothering to look up from his phone, “Paris Hilton said it’s cool that you plagiarized her look.”
           Chloe gasped.
           Marinette just looked up at the ceiling, knowing exactly how this was going to go. Chloe would not forgive this. Jason was an asshole. It would be war.
           Miss Reed walked in and didn’t look twice at Jason.
           Marinette narrowed her eyes; something was up.
           The class went on without a hitch though until just about the end of the first period…
           When Tim and a pretty, brown-haired, tanned skin, an older woman walked in the door. They looked to be having a pleasant conversation.
“Mama,” Lila gasped, her eyes wide. “What are you doing here?” She looked around frantically.
“Ooohhhh,” Marinette nodded. “Yeah, that makes sense.” That was what was happening. Operation: Get That Bitch.
“Oh!” Tim feigned surprised. “I didn’t know your daughter was in my sister’s class, Naomi.”
           Naomi had been pleasantly surprised when Tim Drake, the CEO of Wayne Industries reached out to speak to her about potential business ventures in Italy. He was in Paris visiting his sister and wanted an insider perspective on Italy’s economy and tourist information. Her bosses were thrilled. Wayne opening up a site in Italy would do wonders for the overall economic and industrial growth. Then they got to talking about a potential student exchange program that Wayne Industries were willing to fund.
           What Tim hadn’t told the Ambassador was that Wayne Industries had been scouting locations in Italy for their new plant for the last ten months. All the research was done. Everything was primed to go. Still, Tim was kind enough to ensure that Naomi Rossi received the credit for getting Wayne Industries on board.
Mrs. Rossi blinked in surprise, “I had no idea either. Lila, we’re here to discuss a potential international exchange program for kids all over the world. Tim wanted to say hello to his sister. Why didn’t you tell me you were friends with Marinette Wayne?”
           Marinette leaned forward in her seat. A slow smile spread across her face.
“I, well, I,” Lila struggled to say.
“We’re not the closest, Mrs. Rossi,” Marinette offered. “She’s always so busy, we haven’t had the time.”
“Ahh,” Tim snapped his fingers. “That Lila Rossi. Marinette told me all about her.” He crossed his arms. “Naomi, how was Achu? I haven’t gone yet. But from what Marinette’s told of Lila’s stories, you two go all the time. You become close to the royal family, yes?”
           Coldness went down to Naomi Rossi’s spine. She stiffened. Her eyes went to her daughter who had a look of dread on her face. Not this again, she nearly groaned. “There’s been some… confusion,” Mrs. Rossi said, gearing up every ounce of diplomacy she learned in her twenty-year career. Lila was so grounded after this. “A miscommunication, I suppose. My ambassadorship has taken my family to England, Spain, and Japan for a little while, and here in France, of course. However, nowhere else. We have never been to Achu. That is a bit above my paygrade, I’m afraid,” She laughed nervously.
           The class was as silent as a library. If Bustier was still there, a few students would’ve started yelling their complaints and cries for explanations. One or two would’ve started screaming at Lila for lying. But Bustier was gone. And the look Reed was giving her class, dared them to try.
           Tim chuckled, “Kids. When I was seven I swore I spent the summer in Greece with my parents. I didn’t find out until I was eleven that I was actually in Rome. What can you do?” He gave her his most charming smile. “England, was that where Lila met Jagged Stone? I think he’s from there.”
“Jagged who now?” Naomi asked. “The Rock Star? No, Lila’s never met him. She’s a huge fan though.”
“But he wrote a song about her!” Alya cried out. “She saved his cat from getting hit by a plane!”
           Miss Reed, “Alya, please raise your hand and keep to a reasonable level while inside. It will be detention if I have to tell you again.”
Miss Reed and Mendeleiev had agreed to The Wayne's suggestion of revealing Lila’s lies to the class. It was the only way they would believe it and that she could lie her way out of. It was unnatural the way the students trailed after the girl, simpering over grand stories and promises of famous connections. They needed to learn to rely on hard work and their own talent, not on how many famous people they might get to the chance to meet.
“A plane?” Mrs. Rossi asked, an affronted look on her face. “You think I would ever allow my child to be in such danger?” She looked at her daughter. “Your grandmother always said you would be a grand writer with all the stories you tell. You could’ve at least come with a sensible lie.”
“I can explain,” Lila said but whether she was talking to her mother or class was anyone’s guess.
           Rose raised her hand, “Lie? Lila can’t be lying. What about all the trips she takes with you? The charity organizations she runs? The famous people she knows like Clara Nightingale who always ask her for help. She’s close friends with Prince Ali. That’s why she’s always away from school. One time she was gone for weeks.”
           Naomi Rossi looked at her daughter, who did everything she could to avoid eye contact with her mother. “You told me that the school was closed due to the Akumas. It was a lie.” She looked at the teacher. “If the school wasn’t closed, Lila should have only missed three days of school this semester due to her being ill with the flu. She should have only missed seven to ten days in total last year. I do apologize, my daughter…” She gave Lila a dark look. “Seems to have a talent for tall tales.”
           Miss Reed stood up, “It’s a matter for the Principle. Her last teacher overlooked many things and wrote off what she couldn’t. Her schoolwork was done the year before; her grades were good enough to pass. She has not missed too many days so far; a few more than the average student but it happens. Any homework missed can still be made up. She is welcome in my class. However, when you get the chance, I would like make an appointment to discuss with you any medical accommodations she has that need to be addressed.”
           Mrs. Rossi crossed her arms, “She never wears her glasses. She has sensitive eyes that prevent her from wearing contacts. Without them, she can’t see more than a few feet ahead of her.” She looked straight at her daughter. “And she knows this.”
           Marinette wanted to bang her head against the desk. Why couldn’t Lila just say that? She’d have understood.
           Mrs. Rossi looked at the class, “I am so sorry for any trouble my daughter may have caused.” She looked at Tim. “I hope this doesn’t cast a negative light on any prospective business relations.”
           Tim shook his head, “Kids will be kids. Let’s continue to speak over lunch.”
“I’ll see you at home, Lila,” Mrs. Rossi said.
           Tim grinned, “Marinette, I’ll see you after school. Jason.”
           Jason got to leave only to stumble nearly down the stairs. He cast a quick glare at Chloe.
           The blond gave him a vicious smirk, “Walk much?”
“Oh it’s on,” Jason hissed.
           Marinette rolled her eyes. Last year, she had wished with all her might that her friends would see Lila for who she really was. Now the truth was out. Lila had been exposed.
           Regrettably, Marinette had already lost all her friends. And those who were still her friends, already knew the truth. So it wouldn’t change much. She’d had already forgiven her ex-friends a long time ago. Marinette just had to intention of being friends with them again. Still, it was a victory.
           Fuck Santa; this round went Marinette.
           The Justice League had been stunned when they learned that the masked hero Ladybug who was protecting Paris in an adorable bright red suit, who seemed to be made of sunshine, rainbows, and happiness was Batman’s daughter. Like so stunned that as soon as they saw her secret Identity of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and her takedown of monsters twelve times her size; one or two (or twelve) asked Superman to take a DNA test too. Because Bruce Wayne wasn’t the only black-haired Superhero around, and you know things happen.
           …Batman hadn’t been happy when Oracle alerted him that someone in the Watch Tower was running his daughter’s DNA against Superman’s.
“How sure are we?” Hal Jordan asked. “The DNA results never came back. How do we know she’s not Big S’s?”
           The main members of the Justice League were waiting for Batman and his family to arrive. Then they were would officially be introduced to the hero Ladybug.
           Superman glared, “Stop it. Batman already brought out the kryptonite the last time you mentioned it.”
           Wonder man nodded, “Her civilian self is the spitting image of Bruce.”
“All of his kids have dark hair and light eyes,” The Flash reminded them. “One of like seven or twelve, or however many he has now, we know for sure is his.”
“They are all his,” Black Canary stated with a growl. She and Oliver had adopted Roy when he was young but that didn’t make the boy any less hers.
           Just then the light of the zeta beam sounded and Batman and Ladybug appeared in the room. The clear contrast between the two was startling.
           The Dark, brooding, Knight of Gotham dressed in all black with a look on his face that could’ve made Superman wince in fear. Ladybug, dressed in bright red, with a big, cheerful, smile on her face and large blue eyes that looked positively mesmerized by the heroes.
“I brought cookies,” The small girl chirped as she motioned to the goodies in her hands. “And apple pie! It’s a family recipe. I made them myself. I really hope you like them.”
           Batman glared worsen to the point where a few Justice League members feared for their lives. The message was clear; they’d like them. Or else.
“I’m sure they’re wonderful,” Diana smiled. “Come on, let me show you where we’ll be meeting.
           Marinette tried not to stare in awe at her favorite superhero. “I also brought Vegan. And gluten-free cookies. I wanted to make sure everyone could get some.” She said as she was led away.
           The world-renowned heroes visibly cooed at the young hero. She was the most adorable thing they’d ever laid eyes on.
           The Flash laughed, “What did you bring, Bats?”
“Death,” Batman growled as stalked after his daughter.
           Cyborg swallowed hard. “I’m not saying you’re right,” He told Hal and Barry. “I’m saying for this type of situation; Maury is classier than Jerry Springer.”
           Superman groaned. They were going to get him killed.
“Apple pie!” The flash said. “She brought Apple, Clark; it’s a sign from the gods.”
           Ladybug briefing them on her hero journey had been riveting. The Justice League had always been aware of Ladybug's existence. Once aware of her, Diana had told them all the history of the Miraculous and how her own mother used to be one of the users. Ladybug, with Chat Noir for a time, handled herself and protected the city well. They saw no reason to interfere. The Justice League had strict rules of interfering with another’s heroes’ turf. They figured if Ladybug needs help, the hero would call on them. They never knew she was a child.
           Her age bothered them.
“She can’t protect the city,” Aquaman said. “We’ll need to step in.”
“Excuse me,” Marinette said.
           The Flash nodded, “We’ll need to run Intel. I’ll have Vibe take a look at things.”
“Wait! I don’t think you-” Marinette started but was cut off.
“The magic is ancient and powerful,” Hawkman interrupted. “We should call Constantine. Or Doctor Fate perhaps.”
           Ladybug shook her head, “That wouldn’t be a good idea!”
           Green Lantern waved her off, “It’s fine, kid. We’ll handle it. While we’re at it; consider joining Young Justice or Teen Titans. Get you some training before you call yourself a real hero. Until then stick with the little league team.”
           Marinette froze. What did he just say? White-hot anger coursed through her veins.
           And to think she always dreamed of meeting the Justice League; of standing face to face with the heroes after having proven herself; proven that she was just as much of a superhero as they. However, Marinette knew she was already a hero. And no one would tell her otherwise.
           The round went to Santa. But Marinette would have her due.
           Fuck Santa!
Superman said, “We’ll start having unplaced league members scouting the area. They’ll notify us at the first sign of Hawkmoth.”
“ENOUGH!” Marinette yelled. She growled at the heroes. “Who the hell do you think you are?” The silence that followed that question was deafening. “You know nothing of Hawkmoth; saw nothing of what I’ve been through. There is a reason I never called in the league. Superpowered individuals still have emotions; still anger. He can turn any of you into akumas. Get inside your heads; learn who you really are. You’ll be a toy for him. Batman brought me here to meet you; not for you to pretend you know how to do my job.”
           She glared at the room and then zeroed in on the Green Lantern. Within seconds, Ladybug had yanked him out of his seat, pulled the ring off his finger, and held by his collar as the man detransformed. “Real Hero? You think I’m not a real hero? I’ve fought monsters nightmares couldn’t even begin to fathom. You want to see what I’m capable of, Glow Stick? How about I take you to the nearest training room and see if you bleed green?”
           Batman stood up, “My team will be running point on the Paris situation; following Ladybug lead. You’ll refrain from entering the city of Paris until further notice. That is all.” He looked at his daughter and had to fight to keep the smile off his face. “Ladybug let Green Lantern go, and give him back his ring.”
           Ladybug huffed, “I’ll give him back his ring. And then I want ten minutes alone with him.”
           Hal gulped.
“No,” Batman said. “We must leave. You have to get ready for Winter break. Next time.”
           Ladybug glared and then dropped the hero on the ground. “Next time,” She promised.
           Then swiftly the father and daughter duo departed.
           Once the two were gone, Wonder Woman chuckled, “Anyone else want to question Ladybug’s Paternity. Anyone?”
           Barry had to fight the shivers that went through him. Ladybug had Batman’s glare and knew how to use it. “Nope. Never again.”
           Marinette’s first night in Gotham was memorable. The entire bat family had been waiting for Marinette when she arrived; Bruce, Alfred, Kate, Dick, Barbara, Jason, Cassandra, Tim, Stephanie, Luke, and Damian. Alfred, the man her brothers had deemed their grandfather, had welcomed her with open arms and a dinner that was more like a feast than a simple meal.
           On the outside, Wayne manor looked like any home in the neighborhood; quiet, idealistic, and seemingly perfect.
           On the inside, as soon as Bruce and Alfred stepped away for a moment, her siblings took her to the Batcave. It was as grand as she always imagined. Then someone (Tim) brought out lightsabers.
           Marinette thought it was a fancy version of the toy she used to love so much as a kid; her only complaint was that the plastic swords only came in green, red and the occasional blue. She really wanted a pink one and had put it on her Christmas list for two years straight.
           She pressed the button, only for the sword handle to heat up, and a pink laser rises out of it. “Tim?”
“…This is a real lightsaber,” The heat from the sword threated to burn or hand a little. Or worse. She’d seen all the movies. She knew how this usually ended up.
           Marinette nodded slowly. Because what the heck.
“Just go with it,” Luke shrugged. “Just-just go with it.” He sounded like a defeated man. A tired one at that.
“Don’t be like that!” Dick smiled, “Family bond time is the best time.”
“Jedi versus Sith?” Marinette just asked.
           Tim pointed a bright gold lightsaber at her, “Jedi versus Sith.”
           Marinette looked around at the different colored and very, very dangerous lightsabers. There was no way this could possibly go well. And with the way her Kate, aka Batwoman, was smirking there was no way Alfred would consider her proper adult supervision. Someone was going to lose a hand. Or die. Most likely both.
           But she wouldn’t back down. This was more or less her eight-year-old self’s dream. It was also likely to get her killed.
           …Marinette would take those odds.
“What team am I on?” She asked.
           Cassandra shook her head, “Up to you. Good versus is a chose; just a game though,” She cast Stern looks at Jason, Tim, and Damian, who now sported black robes, clearly, by the Darth Maul make up that had somehow appeared on Damian’s face, were clearly Sith Lords.
           Santa thought this would scare her. That she would be cowed into submission. Finally admit defeat. Well, Marinette only had one thing to say to that. Two things actually.
“Give in to the dark side, sister,” Damian ordered her. His lightsaber was red and had two sides to it much like the character he matched.
           Marinette got into a fighting stance, “Not today.”
           And Fuck Santa.
           Alfred and Bruce were not happy when they finally located the children.
           Or the fact that someone had to get their hand reattached.
           It was two to two. Christmas day had arrived. Marinette had expected the worst; had geared up for the worst.
           Nothing happened.
           Marinette spent the day with her family.
           Her parents had even arrived from Paris on the day before Christmas eve.
           They shared presents. They sang songs. The entire family was together. It snowed outside. She and all of her siblings had a snowball fight while her parents and Alfred watched from the porch.
           It was a perfect Christmas day.
           Except for one thing…
           Marinette knew the truth.
           The perfect day was the result of one thing…
           Santa was preparing too. He didn’t back down. The fight wasn’t over yet. He was too busy to mess with her on Christmas Eve or Christmas. Nevertheless, that didn’t mean anything.
           Everyone knew the Holiday season didn’t officially end until January 1st.
           After New Year’s eve.
           That was the final round.
           The match to end all matches.
           On New Years’ Eve, it would be war.
           Roy wore a tailored tux as he walked her down the carpet, passed the flashing lights of the paparazzi.
Marinette never thought she’d fight the most battle of her life in a ballgown. It was a jaw-dropping, off the shoulder, floor length silver dress with lacy unique floral accents. Her hair was in a side-braid with small forget-me-nots on top of her hair like a crown.
            It was her battle armor, and she was ready for anything.
           It was a promise, she made to herself.
           Okay so it turns out, Marinette lied to herself.
           She wasn’t ready for anything. She did not stand a chance against Santa. He was a jerk. And she was six-second from throwing in the towel and running off crying.
           Marinette had known exactly who was attending the ball. She had memorized every guest on the list. Trying to figure out exactly what the fat guy who throws out her. As soon as she saw exactly which celebrities were coming. She knew.
           The first punch had been the man ten-year-old Marinette swore she was going marry. Harry freaking Styles.
           But Marinette had prepared herself.  It would be a quick conversation and then she wouldn’t speak to him for the rest of the night.
           When she met the superstar, Marinette had smiled and laughed; had a good conversation, wasn’t even awkward at all. She wasn’t the overly One Direction obsessed 10-year-old anymore.
           It was a hard hit, and the best conversation of her life, but Marinette didn’t go down.
           Santa’s next move was a cheap shot, and she stumbled.
           Marinette had been trying to find a quiet place to think for herself so could get strengthen up a bit but, to avoid one of her brothers (Dick), she collided straight into Nick Jonas and fell on her butt.
           She hadn’t even realized it at first as he helped her up.
“Thank you,” Marinette said kindly, as she brushed off her dress. When she looked up and saw exactly who had collided with, her face turned a bright red. “You’re Nick Jonas,” She squeaked; literally squeaked. She wanted to die.
           Nick Jonas. She loved Nick Jonas. She listen to all his songs; even his old Jonas Brothers ones. She had always wanted to meet the singer; she had dreamed about it.
“Yeah,” Nick smiled. “You alright.”
           No. Marinette was not alright.
           Still, she chirped a quick, “I’m fine.” And introduced herself.
           Then he said, “Love your dress.”
“I made it! I can make you one!” Slipped out before she could stop it.        
           He just laughed though, “How about a suit instead?”
           Yeah, so that happened.
           And the night just got worse from there.
           Santa gave her a combo hit; worthy of a champion.
           Not many knew but Marinette was a huge Harry Potter fangirl. Hermione Granger was her all-time favorite. She was a hardcore Harmony shipper; Harry/Hermione forever.
           Tim knew it though. He was a big-time fan as well. And he thought it would be a great idea to introduce Marinette to the actress who played her favorite character; Emma Watson.
           It was not a good idea. At all.
The first words out of Marinette’s mouth upon seeing Emma Watson were literally, “It's leviOsa, not levioSA!”
And it was at the point that Marinette just wanted to call it a night.
Emma had laughed it off, promising she got it all the time.
Marinette met Chris Hemsworth and just wouldn’t stop giggling.
Stephanie had to pull her away.
It was then that she knew Santa had her on the ropes.
She met Big Time Rush.
The boy band had become internally famous over the last few years. Not as big as One Direction but they still had their dedicated fans. Marinette was one of them
Kendall Knight, James Diamond, Carlos Garcia, and Logan Mitchell. They were all eighteen
It should’ve have been easy. She liked their band but not nearly as much as she liked Harry Styles, or Emma Watson, Or Chris Hemsworth.
Still, she hadn’t seen James asking her to dance coming.
However, Marinette had remained calm and cool.
It’s a pity, she was still such a klutz.
Suffice to say, Marinette wouldn’t be listening to Big Time Rush for a while. And James Diamond wouldn’t be asking strange girls to dance any time soon.
Santa gave her a punch right in the face.
She ran into Tom Holland the exact moment she got the hiccups. He did his best to help her get rid of them
Marinette had just stuffed an entire cupcake in her mouth when she realized Jennifer Lawrence was standing next to her. It wasn’t too bad. As the blond did the same thing a second later.
She pointed at Johnny Depp and said, “Jack Sparrow. You’re Jack Sparrow. Oh my god!!!”
           To which he replied, “Captain Jack Sparrow.”
           Suffice to say, Santa didn’t have Marinette on the robes anymore.
           No, Marinette was on the floor; waiting for the referee to call it.
           It was an hour until the official New Year. Fifteen minutes until Marinette was supposed to perform. She was backstage. Everyone was waiting for her. She promised Tim.
And she found that she just couldn’t do it.
           The entire night was too much.
           It was all too much.
           It was over.
           She had lost.
“Rough night?” Roy, her date and pretend boyfriend asked.
           Marinette was sitting on a chair, her face in her hands, “You have no idea.”
           Roy sat next to her, “Pretty exciting though right?” He didn’t get an answer. “Tim said you met Emma Watson, that had to be awesome.”
“It was embarrassing.”
           Roy frowned, “Sabine told me you used to dress up as Hermione Granger all time. You’re saying meeting the Queen herself wasn’t even a little cool?”
           Yeah, it had been amazing to meet her in person. “A little cool.”
           Roy chuckled, “You met Harry Styles,” He reminded. “And from your blond bestie told me; my only real competition.”
           Marinette giggled. “That had been… awesome.” And everything.
“You met Chris Hemsworth,” He added. “Tom Holland, Big Time Rush, and a bunch of other celebs that I’ve been told you were huge fans of. Yeah, you were a little embarrassed.” He shook his head. “But I don’t get it; I’d be so psyched right now if I were you. So why aren’t you.”
           Marinette paused.
           Why wasn’t she?
           Marinette had met people she never even dared to really hope she’d ever meet one day. She wore the most beautiful dress in her entire life; danced with Roy Queen and James Diamond. Joked with Harry Styles. Talked Emma Watson the actress who played the character she loved most out of all the books, tv shows, and movies she’d ever loved.
           It was all a matter of perspective really. Marinette was so focused on the bad, she never even realized just how great it was. Santa had thrown the worst at her but was still there. She hadn’t run back to Wayne Manor no matter how much she had wanted to. She stayed strong.
           At one point, she knew for certain that she wouldn’t just surrender; after the Chris Hemsworth incident. If Santa wanted to win, he was going to have to knock her out.
“Thanks, Roy,” She said. “I couldn’t wish for a better date.”
           It was the most amazing night of her life.
           And no one was going to make her feel otherwise.
           Marinette stood up, determination on her face.
           She had a song to sing.
           Marinette stood on stage. The crowd looked up at her. Her hands were shaking. Her mouth felt dry. The lights were near blinding.  She had changed the song at the last minute. The music was coming from her phone anyway.
           Marinette knew the lyrics to the song by heart; had sung it a thousand times in her room to herself.
           She could do this.
I will do this, Marinette swore.
           The music started. It was her favorite song. And Marinette was going to sing it so loudly, so proudly; they could hear her in the North Pole.
“What if I told you
It was all meant to be
Would you believe me
Would you agree
It's almost that feelin'
That we've met before
So tell me that you don't think I'm crazy
When I tell you love has come and now.”
           She was doing it. Marinette was really doing it. She always had a good voice. She had taken singing lessons for a long time. And her teachers always praised her talent. But after one terrible incident, she never thought she’d ever get on stage and sing in front of anyone again.
           But there she was.
“A moment like this
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this
Some people search forever…
           Honestly, Marinette could fall right on her face and it would stop the euphoric feeling coursing through. This was her victory song.
           Jolly Saint Nick had thrown at her more than she ever thought she could take. But she was still standing.
           And as long as she was, the big red guy would never win.
For that one special kiss
Oh, I can't believe it's happening to me
Some people wait a lifetime
For a moment like this…”
The music faded. The applause from the audience roared.
Marinette and Roy slow danced to something my Celine Dion neither could recognize. The New Year was less than two minutes away.
“You’re looking a lot better,” Roy smirked. He knew he was good at Pep talks to matter what Artemis said.
“I feel better,” Marinette admitted. “It’s been an awesome few weeks.”
“Yeah?” Roy asked as he twirled her around.
           Marinette nodded, “Nearly Every. One. Of. My. Christmas wishes came true.” She tried not to growl. Positive outlook after.
“Santa must be out to get you.”
           Marinette looked up at Roy with appreciation, “You have no idea.”
“Anything he didn’t get to?” The redhead asked. “Something you can do for yourself first?”
“Countdown to New Years in 10!”
           Marinette thought about it for a second but she realized there was. There was one more thing on her list, that she added at the very beginning of Christmas.
“Yeah, there is.” She said. “Do you want to kiss me.”
           Roy nodded earnestly.
           The crowd counted down. “7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1” And then Marinette kissed Roy.
           Balloons came from above. Everyone cheered. But Marinette kept kissing Roy.
           She always wanted a New Year’s kiss.
           Take that and stick it up your chimney, Santa.
           Marinette was officially the winner.
           Nevertheless, there was always next year.
           But for now, fuck Santa!
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dontcare77ghj · 4 years
Breaking the News
Natasha x reader x Bucky
Note: Direct sequel to Witches. Honestly want to start a series in this universe and the Parenting universe. Requested by anon.
"There you are. I was just about to get Clint to check if you were dead." Tony said, raising a mug in your direction.
"Like I would go up there without warning them." Clint snorted. "I don't need to be permanently scarred."
"Didn't Tony you walk in on a naked, drunk Tony once?" Wanda asked the archer.
"How did you know about that?" Clint spluttered as Tony turned his attention to his drink.
"Telepath, remember?" She reminded him. "The only person's thoughts I can't hear are Y/N's."
"I think Occlumency could help you with that." You hummed. "Guess you already know the news?"
"I do." She grinned, moving over to hug you. "I'm so happy for you. All of you."
"You feel left out, Barton?" Tony asked the archer, watching as Wanda hugged Bucky and Natasha too.
"Can we join the party, or are Tony and me just going to sit here wondering?" Clint asked, watching the four of you intently.
"You're going to be an uncle, Barton." Natasha shrugged, struggling to keep her expression blank and the smirk off her face.
"Nat, you better not be joking," Clint said, looking between the three of you suspiciously. "I've already been fooled once."
"That was your fault for eavesdropping." Bucky shook his head. "But it's not a joke."
"We're pregnant." You grinned, gaining matching grins from the men.
"That's fantastic, Y/N!" Clint cheered, moving forward and pulling you into an enthusiastic hug. "Remember, Clint is a fantastic name." He said, pulling back and nodding at you.
"Nowhere near as good as Anthony." Tony scoffed, stepping towards you. "Can even be changed to Antonia."
"What makes you think we're naming our kid after any of you?" Natasha scoffed. 
"Clint is a great name! And one of my kids is named after you!" 
"You could convince me to have it as a middle name, depending on what you've made for lunch," Natasha smirked, leading you over to the kitchen table.
"That is considered bribery, Romanoff." Tony scoffed as he and the others joined you at the table. "I could be extorted for much more."
"The only thing I want is for James and I to be relieved of duty for the next year minimum," Natasha said, taking yours and Bucky's hand as she stared the billionaire down.
"You don't need to give me the assassin stare," Tony said, raising his hands in innocence. "Honestly, you could say you're out entirely, and I wouldn't say a word."
"I would like to add as a request, Wanda comes to visit at least once a month." You said as Clint placed a plate in front of you. "Even after the baby's born. They'll need to get to know their big sister."
"Big sister?" Wanda asked, eyes going wide.
"If you want the job, that is. No pressure." You told her with a smile.
"No, I'd love to. If that's okay with you all?" She said, looking between the three of you.
"Wanda, Y/N already wants to adopt you. And at this point, I'm inclined to agree. We'd love for you to be apart of the baby's life." Bucky assured the girl.
"Y/N, I want joint custody," Clint said, sitting down. "I already promised Laura that she could meet Wanda, and I refuse to anger her." 
"Wanda lives with me. That means you need to include me in this custody agreement." Tony announced. "Give me your lawyer's name, and I'll have my people contact them. We can have the papers drawn up within minutes."
"Are either of you idiots going to ask Wanda's opinion?" Natasha raised a brow. 
"No, because they know she likes it here best," Bucky smirked.
"Says who?" Clint and Tony exclaimed in unison.
As the four continued their playful banter, you snuck a look over to Wanda. The girl was watching the exchange with a wide grin and slightly misted eyes.
'You alright?' You mouthed as you caught her eye.
'Never better.' She assured you with a bright smile.
"Okay, I think that we've practiced enough for today." You said as Wanda finished her spell. "I think we might have to get you another year level's books." You smiled.
"Really?" Wanda questioned you. "You really think I'm ready?"
"I think you're as ready as a house-elf is to clean." You told her. "And I want to talk with you anyway."
"What's up?" Wanda asked.
"I wanted to see how you really feel about what we talked about yesterday." You began. "I wanted to see if you were actually okay with being apart of this child's life."
"I wasn't lying when I said I want to be around," Wanda told you. "I lost my entire family. I thought I was alone, and then I got the team. And I was so happy because they were becoming my family, I was getting control of my powers, and I thought everything was finally working out. But then my inner witch was spiraling, and I thought everything was going to disappear. I thought they'd all hate me, and I'd end up alone again.
But they didn't, and instead, Bucky and Nat invited me to your home. Introduced me to you, and you have not once acted like I'm, like I'm a monster. You've taught me I'm a witch, you taught me what it means to be a witch. That I don't have to be scared of any of my powers, or who I am. I want to help pass that along to others." Wanda explained with a soft smile. "I want to be around and help you teach your child that message."
"I don't know if I've said this before, but you are too sweet for this shitty, shitty world." You said, making the girl giggle. "You remind me of someone I knew long ago."
"Is that a good thing?"
"The best thing." You said, moving next to her. "And Wanda? You're never going to be alone again. I swear to you. You have so many people in your corner, and we might not be your biological family, but we'll be your family as long as you want us to." You told her, wrapping your arms around the girl.
"Thank you."
"Are you sure it's okay if I come?" Wanda asked, chewing her lip nervously as she looked at the three of you.
It had been three weeks since you'd announced your pregnancy to your partner's family, and now it was time to tell yours.
The war had left you an orphan, but you still had family you wanted to tell. 
It was time to tell the Potter's and the Weasley's.
"Of course it is, Wand." Natasha smiled as Bucky handed her her coat. 
"I've been talking everyone's ear off about you, and I think Hermione will wack me if I don't bring you along." You said, causing Bucky to chuckle.
"That woman is terrifying." He shook his head. "I'll never forget the donkey incident."
"To be fair, she was pregnant at the time." You defended your friend. "And Ron was kind of asking for it."
"Do I even want to know?" Wanda asked with a smirk.
"No." Natasha shook her head. "You really don't. Now put your coat on, it's cold."
"And it's going to be colder at the Burrow," Bucky added.
"Where exactly are we going again?" Wanda questioned as she did what Natasha asked.
"England." You told her. "Molly and Arthur still live in the Burrow and have invited us all there."
"But they don't know me. What makes you think they will be okay with me coming?" Wanda insisted.
"Hon, Y/N has been talking everyone's ear off about a little witch who is the brightest, sweetest, and the kindest person she's met. Everyone wants to meet you." Bucky said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
"Plus, Molly loves having new people to smother and feed." You smirked.
"Expect a jumper come Christmas," Natasha told her. "All right, is everyone ready to go?"
"How are we getting there? Plane?" Wanda asked as you and Bucky nodded.
"We're witches, Wanda." You reminded her. "We have a better way." You said, holding a hand out to her and Bucky as Natasha took your hand. "Hold my hand tightly, keep your eyes closed, and don't let go." You instructed as Wanda took your hand, and Bucky placed his on your shoulder.
"I hate apparating," Bucky whined.
"Do you want to try the floo again?" You raised a brow.
"Just apparate already." He shuddered, causing Natasha to snicker.
Closing your eyes, you let out a deep breath, and within seconds you were all in front of the Weasley family home.
The tall, spindly, home, which was only held up by magic, was still standing as tall and proud as it had been in your childhood.
The land had not changed much, despite the tragedy of your sixth year, and it brought you a feeling of nostalgia.
"Aunty Y/N! Aunty Nat! Uncle J!" An excited voice squealed and was followed by pounding footfalls.
“Lilly-petal!” You grinned, kneeling to hug the red head. “Look how big you’ve gotten.”
“I missed you, Aunty Y/N.” She said, squeezing your neck.
“What no hug for your favorite uncle?” Bucky asked, drawing her attention to him. Lilly giggled and moved to hug him.
“Y/N!” A male voice called as you stood. You grinned widely at the sight of the man before you.
“Hiya Harry.” You chirped as he brought you into an embrace.
“You know you’re late, right? You’re just lucky Molly knows you’re always late.” Harry smirked, causing you to wack him in the head. “Blimey Y/N!”
“He’s not wrong, dorogoy.” Natasha said. “You’re always late.”
“Nat.” You groaned, watching as she hugged her niece. “You’re supposed to defend my honor.”
“He’s still right.” Bucky agreed. “You’re rarely on time to anything.”
“I will divorce the two of you.” You deadpanned.
“No you won’t.” Natasha and Bucky replied in unison, causing Wanda to giggle and you to sigh.
“Harry, this is Wanda Maximoff.” You said, pulling Wanda to your side. “Wanda, this is Harry Potter and this is his daughter Lily.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Potter.” Wanda stuck her hand out.
“Nope, none of that.” Harry said, pulling her into a quick hug. “It’s Harry, and if Y/N considers you family, then you’re my family too. Okay?”
“Okay.” Wanda smiled.
“Great. Let’s get the four of you inside, everyone’s waiting to see you.” He said, taking Lily’s hand.
“Look what the Hippogriff dragged in.” Ron smirked, holding an eight year old Hugo in his arms. “Is this the brilliant witch you’ve got ‘Mione so excited to meet?”
“Yep, Ron this Wanda Maximoff.”
“Nice to meet to meet you, Wanda. We’ve heard a lot about you.” Ron smiled at her.
“Y/N has told a lot of stories about you all too.” Wanda told him.
“Oh God, you’ve heard some shit then.” Ron chuckled.
“Ronald, you better not be swearing in front of Hugo.” Hermione scolded, entering the hall with her hands on her hips.
“No, never. I would never swear in front of our son.” Ron stammered as Harry laughed. “Uh Hermione, Y/N has someone for you to meet.”
“Oh Y/N, is this Wanda? You must be Wanda! Oh it’s so nice to meet you, I have so many questions for you.” Hermione said almost in one breath as she launched forward and embraced Wanda.
“Nice to see you too, Hermione.” You shook your head.
“Oh, it’s good to see you three too.” Hermione said, pulling back. “Now, Wanda, would you like to sit so I can ask you some questions? Is that okay with you? Y/N?”
“Breathe, Hermione, you’re going to scare her away.” Harry laughed.
“Oh I’m sorry, it’s just so nice to meet you.” Hermione sighed. “Y/N has told me so many things about you, your magic, and your other powers. I just would love to talk to you. If you want, no pressure.”
“I’ll sit with you if you want.” Natasha said as she took Hugo into her arms. “Just in case.”
“I’d like that.” Wanda smiled.
“Excellent! I have a whole list of questions for you. Oh Y/N! Molly’s in the kitchen and wants to see you.” Hermione said, before pulling Wanda and Natasha away.
“Your wife is a tornado.” Bucky said to Ron.
“Don’t I bloody know it.” Ron smiled. “You better get going, mum’ll throw a pan at you.” 
“She loves me.” You shrugged. “You want to come see nanna, miss Lily? Maybe we can find chocolate frogs somewhere.”
“Chocolate frogs!” Lily exclaimed, latching onto your hand and began pulling you towards the door.
“Have fun boys.” You laughed, following the little girl. “Hi, Molly.” 
“Oh, Y/N! It’s so nice to see you.” The short woman said, giving you a hug as Lily searched for sweets, having no interest in the conversation. “How’s my newest grandbaby?” Molly asked, placing a hand on your stomach.
When you first suspected you were pregnant there was only one person you could think to ask for help. Molly had been the first to know you were expecting and promised to keep your secret until you were ready.
“They’re doing really well.” You promised. 
“Have you told Natasha and James? And how’s my other grandchild?”
“Tash and Buck both know along with their family. And Wanda’s amazing. I would’ve brought her in with me, but ‘Mione snatched her up.” You told her.
“I’ll get to meet her at lunch.” Molly waved you off. “Sit! You’re carrying precious cargo.”
“I’m not an invalid, Molly.” You said, still taking the seat.
“Have you thought about how you’re going to tell everyone else?” Molly asked as she returned to making lunch.
“I have. I’m going to say during lunch. Gives everyone a chance to settle and I have the perfect way to say it.” You told her.
“Am I going to be included with everyone or can I know before?” She raised a brow.
“I want you to be surprised.”
“I’m not a fan of surprises, dear, but I suppose I can wait.” She sighed. “Go join everyone else, lunch will be ready in ten.” She said, shooing you out of the kitchen. “Lily, go with Y/N. No sweets before lunch.”
“Okay, nana.” 
You led Lily into the living room where everyone, bar Arthur, was sitting.
“Have they scared you away yet?” You asked as Lily ran to her mother and you took a seat next to Wanda.
“We’re not scary, Y/N.” Hermione rolled her eyes.
“Well you have your moments.” Ron smiled, receiving a thump to the arm from his sister. “Bloody hell, Gin.”
“Everyone’s been very nice.” Wanda assured you. “Hermione says she has some books she wants to send me.”
“Of course she does.” You grinned. The fourteen of you were continuing your light conversation when you were summoned into the kitchen where Molly and Arthur were waiting.
You all served yourself lunch and continued with your conversations.
“How is the Avengers?” Ginny asked Natasha. “Driving you up the wall?”
“Always.” Natasha chuckled, sipping her wine. “It’s like being stuck with a group of children.”
“You must be itching for a vacation.” Ginny smiled.
“They’re about to take one.” You told her.
“Y/N bully you into it?” Harry asked Bucky with a smirk.
“Harry James Potter, you take that back. I am not a bully.” You gasped.
“You hit me in the back of the head not even an hour ago.” He pointed out.
“You were being a bloody git that’s why.” You grumbled. “But I did not bully them into taking a vacation.”
“Did you miss aunty Y/N too much?” Lily asked as Ginny cut her meat.
“We always miss aunty Y/N.” Bucky smiled at her.
“Actually they’re taking a vacation for other reasons.” You told your niece. “They want to be around when the baby’s born.” You casually said, drinking your water.
The room went silent for several seconds before cheers rang out.
“How wonderful!”
“Bloody hell you three!”
“The kids absolutely love her.” Ginny said to you. Lunch had turned into dinner. The four of you had made no want to return to your home and decided to stay with everyone else. 
It was currently almost dusk and you had all made your way outside. The kids had dragged Harry, Bucky, Ron, Arthur, and Wanda to play while the rest of you sat watching.
“Everyone loves her.” Hermione corrected, smiling at her children. “She’s incredibly sweet.”
“Clint’s wife said the same thing.” Natasha said, squeezing your hand. 
“She’s so smart. For someone who never attended a school, and has only been learning a couple weeks, her progress is incredible.” Hermione added.
“Hopefully this ones the same.” Natasha commented. “Otherwise we might need to stock up on fire extinguishers.”
“They could come out muggle.” You reminded her.
“At least you’ll have plenty of help with the baby, magic or no magic.” Molly said. “For this one and any of kids in the future.”
“Definitely in the future. We’ve already got two.” You said, watching Wanda and Bucky laugh as Natasha kissed your cheek.
None of your family was actually related to you. None of your family shared your last name, but they were still your family.
It didn’t matter you were a L/N, and they were Weasley’s, or Potter’s, Maximoff’s, Barton’s, Stark’s, or whoever. It didn’t matter weather they were muggle, witch or wizard.
Your family was your family. And they always would be.
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Natasha Romanoff Taglist
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Sibling Protection Squad ~ Arthur Shelby
He may be a dummy, but he’s so cute c’:
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There weren’t too many words to describe the eldest Shelby sibling - Aggressive, maybe kinda dumb, clearly a drunk, an ex-soldier still majorly plagued by the horrors of the war - And it’s true, most of these sound incredibly negative, and it almost seems like there was no redeeming quality for him.
But only God knows how big his heart is, and how he’d give his life for his family, especially for Tommy, because that’s how much he loves them, but in this dark and cruel world, only filled with death and smog, there’s no place for such warm feelings...
Or so he thought, until one cold and snowy winter, where Arthur was walking down the streets of Birmingham with his brother, and suddenly, a honey-coated voice ripped them away from their business talks, and as they looked up hill, he noticed a lovely young woman dancing in the snow with a little girl who looked a lot like her - The little one was playing around with the falling snowflakes, giggling gleefully, while the older one’s hands were freezing as she was making a flower crown from the prettiest winter flowers there were.
The eldest Shelby didn’t even realise he stopped dead in his tracks to gaze at the h/c woman, mesmerised by her...Her everything, really.  But was that her sister or her daughter? And, moreover, he’s ugly as hell, a drunk, he talks loud and he’s rough, how could someone as soft and delicate ever even think about staying within a 10 kilometer radius from him?
“Brother, why do you look so upset? Go talk to her.” Thomas put both his hands on his brother’s shoulders, smiling encouragingly at him. “I can’t, Tommy, I can’t. Look at ‘er, she’s...She’s perfect! I’ll just scare her away. And that kid, what if it’s hers? What if she’s married? I can’t just intrude in her life like that.” Arthur sighed, hanging his head and sighing. “Go after her, brother, otherwise, I will, and I will wife her, and she will become a Shelby, just not the you’d wish her to be.” Tommy smirked slightly, provoking his brother, knowing very well how he can be. “Don’t you dare, Tommy! You can’t do this to me!” the elder one pursed his mouth, getting flared up by his brother, who felt like a winner, as always. “Then go there and talk to her! It’s that simple. Now go along. I’ll go home, and when you’re done here, I want to know how it went.” Tommy pushed his brother towards the girl, winking and giving him thumbs up to get the courage to proceed.
Let me call you "Sweetheart," I'm in love with you. Let me hear you whisper that you love me too. Keep the love-light glowing in your eyes so true. Let me call you "Sweetheart," I'm in love with you. 
She sang like a beautiful nightingale, putting the flower crown on her hair, picking her up and twirling around together - It almost seemed like the most blissful, domestic dream, the one that without realising, he wished for the most. However, as he got enchanted by her mermaid-like voice, he noticed another man approaching them, and he tensed up, thinking it was her husband, and his heart sank in disappointed, his dreams completely ruined.
“Hello, little lady. Why are you here, alone, when the sun is going down?” the man asked, scaring the girl and pulling the little girl behind her, getting in a protective stance...This man clearly wasn’t her husband, Arthur thought, as he watched carefully the interaction between those two. “Just enjoying this beautiful winter day with my little sister, hoping for no outside disturbances.” she held a smile on her face, but it was clear her voice was passive-aggressive enough, as the man was screaming DANGER with his mere presence. “Well, I’d say it’s getting late. How about I escort you home, safely, and you sing for me all night long, sweet songbird.”  the man chuckled, stepping closer to the girls, and Arthur could see how uncomfortable and scared the girl was. “Sis, this man is creeping me out. Can he leave us alone?” the little girl asked innocently, tugging on her sister’s long coat. “He WILL leave us alone...If he knows what’s good for his life.” Y/N’s voice became lower, more threatening, as she slowly letting her chin down, looking like a lioness ready to protect her kin. “Aww, don’t be like that, toots, c’mon, I’ll treat you well!” the creep walked quickly in front of her, grabbing her arm violently, only to get slapped and pushed away. “Go away, if you don’t want to get hurt even more. I warn you now, before I slit your throat.” looking closer, Arthur noticed the glint of metal in her hand, but he was going to intervene before she could get her hands dirty. Just then, the man got visibly angry, his face scrunching into an ugly mug, and he violently grabbed her by the arms, and thus, it was his time to act.
Arthur rushed to save her, dragged the creep away from the woman, punching him in the face enough to scare him to run away from there - But now, he was the violent creep who stalked her and heroically saved her... And looking at her sheepishly, he realised that she was awkwardly shifting on her feet, hiding the knife back in the sleeve of her coat.
“Thank you, Mr. I and my sister thank you. Some people can be really...Bad.” she chuckled awkwardly, letting her sister come out from behind her, and surprisingly, despite her shy demeanor, she went to the Shelby and took off her flower crown, gifting it to him. “Here, Mister! It’s a thank you for protecting us! Y/N did this for me, and now, I’m giving it to you! But you have to tell us your name first! Mine is Stephanie, and my Y/N’s name is Y/N!” the usually timid little girl spoke so brightly, jumping up and down cheerfully in front of the stranger, trying to get him to accept the gift, while Y/N could only stare at them with wide eyes, embarrassed and shocked by her behaviour. “S-Steph, don’t bother the poor stranger like that, you’re gonna scare him away.” Y/N put her hands on her sister’s shoulders, trying to calm her down, but the man grinned in amusement, his heart softening. “Don’t worry, ma’am, she’s a sweetling. Name’s Arthur Shelby, at your service.” he extended his hand to her, and she shook it, a small smile on her face. “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Shelby. Thank you again for coming to our aid. How can we repay for your help?” she asked, slowly walking in the direction of her home. “If you would allow me to honour of walking you home...A drink together maybe...” he suggested, which made the girl look up at him, tilting her head to the side briefly, before nodding in agreement, raised her hand to look at her non existent wrist watch, before slapping her forehead. “I forgot my watch broke recently. Well, the magical way the Sun works tells me it’s going to be dinner time soon, so...If you’re not too busy...” she shrugged simply, opening the door to her little, but very warm, welcoming and cosy apartment, but Arthur didn’t dare step inside. “Nothing to do. I promise to bring you back home whenever you want.”  he spoke, leaning on the door frame, watching the beautiful woman lecture her little sister - The usual things any older sister who’s taking care of a child all by herself - And then taking her purse to go with him.
He wondered how the hell did he manage to convince this gorgeous woman, without really doing anything at all. This woman was absolutely flawless, without even having to dress elegantly, do her hair or make up, and suddenly, he was reminded of Grace and how much effort she puts into being less than perfect compared to Y/N.
This time, his feet didn’t lead him the Garrison, as they always do - The standard, go there, listen to Grace’s singing that leads to a bunch of drunk men sing completely off-tune, and then he gets drunk too, sometimes shit-faced drunk, and he forgets everything, including his problems. Now, however, he brought her to one of those exclusive burlesque cabaret restaurants, which shocked Y/N big time.
“Arthur, I-...I...I don’t think I can afford getting in such a luxurious place. I’m just a practicing physician, I don’t really make a lot of money...And I didn’t dress appropriately either. I-...” the girl stumbled worriedly over her words, only to earn a grin from the man. “Don’t worry, lass, I’m a man and I asked you on a date with me. It would be unbecoming of me to let you pay. Just enjoy the show and whatever you want to drink...And have that beautiful smile on your face.” he looked down for a brief moment, before looking at her face, noticing a soft blush and the spark of mirth in her eyes.
Watching the beautiful girls dance so so enticingly got the girl mesmerised, studying their every move with fascination, then got the Irish whiskey from the table, poured it in the crystal glasses for the both of them, then grinned, stealing a look at the man sitting in the chair glued to hers.
“Do you know how to dance?” she asked, leaning on her armrest to talk into his ear, as the music was very loud. “Uh...No, I’m not good at dancing, sorry. I can try, if you want to-” Arthur fumbled over his words, a bit embarrassed that he never got around to being as great a charming dancer as Tommy...Or a dancer at all, really. “Oh, that’s absolutely perfectly, I’m dreadful at dancing too. It’s a great thing other women are great at it, otherwise life would be SO boring.” Y/N chuckled gleefully, having her elbow on the table, raising her glass to cling with his, a he mimicked her gesture, laughing boastfully. “You’re the most incredible woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.” he barked, and boy, was he feeling lucky as hell that Tommy convinced him to approach her. “And you are the best man I’ve ever met in my life, without a doubt.” he never would have believed that some simple words would be so life-changing for him, coming from the right person.
And that night, oh boy, he talked Tommy’s ear off, and even Polly was there to hear and congratulate him on having such a great date, and now, they all wanted to meet this mystery woman. She was absolutely stunning, and all the Shelbys loved her, especially Polly, who finally thought dear Arthur found someone able to keep him under control, so he would stop being a rabid dog running astray, plagued by the ghosts of his past as a soldier in France. She was his perfect remedy, and likewise, he was showing her there are ways to have fun in life like never before, and that all started with the burlesque show, then the jazz bar where a band sang, then spontaneously going to the outskirts of the city to visit parks, simply to get away from the monochromatic life from Bleak Birmingham.
Because with together, life was painted in the most magical hues and shades of colours brought to Earth by the angels themselves.
Or so Ada said once when they were eating together, as a family, and it stuck with the both of them, so much, that they were sure every time they embraced, a rainbow shot from their hearts, unifying each other.
With Stephanie being there, they almost seemed like a family, the three of them, and it happened almost in an instant, without as much as realising, but Arthur became the girl’s father figure and loved her like his own child, and despite not having a clue how to behave with children, he spoiled the hell out of her, which made Y/N incredibly happy.
But things can’t always be perfect, and everyone knows the Shelbys and the ones they love essentially have a bullseye painted on their forehead, and one day, when, as usual, Y/N took Steph to the hill to play and sing together, only to have a few people come threaten them - Threaten to torture and kill them, unless they tell them about the Shelby family, and it goes without saying, it was terrifying for the two females.
Aggressiveness, curses, violence - One of them dragged Steph away, while the leader punched Y/N’s face once she screamed, telling them to take her, not her little sister, she’s the only one she has in her life anymore.
It all seemed to go as a complete blur - A shadow of the past that came to haunt their nightmares, a perfect reenactment of that horrible night from 10 years ago - Gunshots, screams, blood, even more curses...And enough dead bodies to start a small cemetery.
It was a split second for Y/N to get desperate enough to get the gun Arthur gave her years ago out of her purse and with perfect precision shot the assailants in the head - And as soon as she realised what she’s done, when all the smoke cleared and the enemies fell down on the ground, and her little sister was shaking like a leaf, sobbing and pulling at her hair.
“Y/N?! Y/N, what the bloody hell happened!” a familiar male voice shouted from far away, waking her out of her trance. “Arthur...?” she muttered, her shoulders shaking, just like her arms and bottom lip, which in turn, caused the girl to drop the gun and waiting for the man to come closer to them, she ran to him, crying and shaking him, alternating with hitting him, the panic still messing with her. “DAMN IT, ARTHUR, LOOK AT IT! LOOK AT THIS! YOU PROMISED, FOR FUCK’S SAKE! YOU PROMISED!” she shrieked at him, but poor him, was so confused and shocked of the sight in front of him.
Y/N has been the calmest person in the whole world, the rational one, the only person who could talk sense and ration into him, and yet, there she was, completely freaking out, trembling, wailing and yelling gibberish, and there was nothing in the world scarier than the love of his life being in this kind of state.
“Y/N, calm down and talk to me, please! Calm down, I’m here, everything’s better now. Talk to me, Y/N, talk to me.” he put his hands on her face, getting closer to her, looking directly in her eyes, something he knew worked because Tommy did it, and it always worked for him. “You promised you’d protect us, Arthur! You promised, and look at this mess! I had to kill them all! I DID IT! I’m a murderer, just like them! And look at Stephanie, she’s...She’s hysterical! You were supposed to protect us! THEY wanted to torture us to tell them secrets on YOU! Damn it, Arthur, you bloody PROMISED!” she cried out, and Arthur was lost for words, but actions spoke louder than them, and so he embraced her tightly, stroking her hair, trying to soothe her down. “Shhh, Y/N, calm down, it’s alright now, thank god for that. You’re incredibly brave and strong. You’re incredible, Y/N. I promise, nothing like this will ever happen again, I swear to you, on my honour as a Shelby...On my honour as your husband, this won’t ever happen again.” he rocked her back and forth, trying to relax her, but in reality, it wasn’t her that was shaken up, it was her sister. “Arthur...Look at her. Ten years ago...Something like this happened to us, ten years ago. Why do you think I was alone in taking care of her? I was 10 years old when she was brought into this world...And it was weird, having to share everything...But I got used to it. But 5 years later...Thieves robbed us. Raped and killed my mother, beat up my father to death...We were next...But dad’s gun was useful, just as the gun you gave to me. And it was hell...She was 5, I was 15. Now here we are, 10 years later...She is 15 like I was, I am 25...I’m married to you, and yet, just like then, there’s nobody to save us, but ourselves. And she’s traumatised. What do I do?! What do I do, Arthur, I don’t know!” she cried in his chest, explaining in great detail the ghosts of her past, and he could only bite his lip and hold her even tighter. “How about you give a fuck about me, instead of coddling up with your useless man who can’t even protect his family! How about you stop freezing up after you killed people in cold blood, and come to reassure me, instead of letting me to sob on the floor for days on end, just like when I was 5?!” Steph shakily got up, glaring at her older sister, who gulped in shock and confusion. “Steph, I-I...I was scared too, you know? I-I’m not perfect, I’m not...Immune to all this...I am as traumatised as you are...But I pulled the trigger. I killed them. And I did it to save us. I did everything I could to support US. So please, don’t act like this.” Y/N tried to reason, still clinging onto Arthur, as she took a deep breath, afraid of what would happen next. “No! NO! You just did what they did to us! It’s your fault I have nightmares almost every other night! And since then...You’ve been overprotective and overbearing! I can’t stand you anymore, Gods, it’s like you’re like a bad luck token for everyone! Just wait until the next person you’ll get in trouble is him, and you’ll weep for him, but not for me! How many more people are you gonna get killed before you end up alone?!” the girl shouted angrily at her older sister, then stormed off away from there, to God knows where.  “Wait, no -...Steph, no, don’t go-...!” Y/N tried to run after her, but it was obvios the younger girl wanted nothing to do with her, so she stopped, letting herself fall on the grassy ground, crying hopelessly. “...Y/N...I’m sorry. This is not your fault. What happened was terrible, but this isn’t your fault. You did everything in your power to keep your family safe, and she should have realised that by now.” Arthur sighed, getting next to her, holding her to his chest. “How do you and Tommy get over a fight? I mean...It’s not like you practically raised him...And it’s just a 3 years difference between you, not 10 like with us...But I know you love him to death and would do anything for him...Which is the same as me and Stephanie...I don’t know, Arthur...I just...I’m lost. I don’t know what to do...And what she will do. She never worked, never did anything except go to school but even there, she is below average...But I can’t support her all life, and then, what will happen? Please tell me what to do, Artie, I’m...I don’t know.” she threw her arms around him, and he mentally cursed himself for his inability to keep the family together, but the least he could do was to stay with her and try to make her feel better in any way possible. “Let’s go home, Y/N. Let’s talk to Pol and Ada. They are women, I’m sure they can help us out. We’ll tell them the story and...And if she’s not home yet, we’ll get John to track her down and get her home safely. There’s a solution for everything, that’s what Tommy taught me.” he helped her get up, but instead of letting her walk by herself, Arthur picked her up bridal style, kissing her cheek and making sure she’s alright. “Okay...Okay, Artie...I trust you. I’m sure that...With you by my side...Everything will get better. Eventually, at least. Somehow...But at least I can cope with it.” she muttered, resting her head on his shoulder, sighing softly. “Younger siblings are a drag to deal with, sometimes...But we’re older. We gotta deal with them, somehow, ‘cause we love ‘em. That’s how it works. But at least we have each other now, so it will be easier dealing with their bratty asses.” Arthur barked a laugh, grinning as the girl started playing with his moustache, finally smiling again. “Yeah...Older siblings for the win!” she laughed weakly, hugging his neck.
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fleetwoodmak99 · 3 years
Primed for Sin (1/10)
Arthur Fleck x reader
Not requested. Just needed some good lovin from this broken boi. This is something I had on my mind for a while. Idk where this is gonna go but it tends to be on the darker side. If anyone has suggestion on what I can do with this story please lmk.
SUMMARY: Elena has lived in Gotham for only a few months with her 2 year old baby brother. Her parents abandoned the both of them and they were forced to take care of themselves. That's until she meets Arthur.
WARNINGS: None in this chapter other than being a terrible writer but there will be future smut and it will be dirty and filthy.
This chapter is gonna be pretty boring but its only to set up to story and show a more innocent side to Elena. Next chapter will be more sinister and will focus on Arthur's side.
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December 12, 1979.
'I'm sorry.' That's all the note said.
She had heard a knock at the door of her one bedroom apartment in Metropolis that her job supported. Anxiety spiked in her when she heard a big thud that followed along with footsteps that seemed to get getting quieter by the minute.
Leaving her plate of take out Chinese on the table in the living room, Elena walked slowly towards the door, trying to make as little noise as possible. She grabbed the wooden bat that was always stationed next to her front door. She raised it up, ready to use it as soon as she opened the door. Yet when she opened that door, she saw nothing threatening. She saw something innocent and kind.
A child.
A newborn of a few months to be exact.
She lowered the bat. Confused, she pushed back the black flaps of the baby carrier to examine it. Only to be meet with the brown eyes of the scared infant.
The boys eyes were red from crying. Her heart ached for the little guy. She grabbed the carrier and placed it on the kitchen table. The boy had started crying again, reaching his arms out to her. Elena struggled to figure out what to do. She took him out of the carrier, placing him in her arms. The boy must have been exhausted as he immediately leaned into her touch and closed his eyes in relief, the crying quickly fading away as he drifted off into sleep. Whatever had happened before he was with her really took a toll on the child.
She rubbed his back as he slowly drifted into a deep sleep. She stood there for a moment, taking in everything that had just happened.
Why be placed at her door step? Why her? Why would someone do this to a child? She recalled back to all the difficult times she had going through the system with her own parents.
Unless. No. It can't be. They wouldn't just have another baby to leave him at the door step of their only daughter. Would they?
Her fear became a reality when she saw her mothers cursive writing across a small piece of paper that laid in the back of the baby carrier. 'I'm sorry'.
Panic settled in her chest as she began to pace around the kitchen. She just couldn't believe it. That her parents were stupid enough to get pregnant when they had already known they didn't want kids. Then to top it all of they placed the responsibility on her. The one they couldn't take care of so they left. I guess it just seems to be a theme of theirs.
"Well little guy, I guess its just you and me." She whispered into the sleeping boys ear as she continued to rub his back.
Even though she didn't want to believe, she could feel it in her heart that they were related. She could already feel the connection starting to form. She knew she was for the long run as the boy started to snore in her arms.
Ch. 1
A year and a half later
Gotham City.
Elena woke up with a jolt, as a now almost 2 year old Michael jumps on the bed.
"Wake up sissy, wake up!" She smiled. She knew he would be waking up early and asking her to play. He did every morning.
"5 more minutes Mike." She groaned, only to hear him laugh.
"No, sissy. I wanna play with my trains and watch Thomas on the tv." Elena knew she had no other choice than to get up. Even though it was a pain in the ass to wake up at 7 in the morning on the dot each day but she loved it. No one would be able to see this but her. Not her parents, not some adopted parent, but her. His big sissy protecting him from the world.
Thats exactly what she did. Thats why they moved out to Gotham. After taking too much time off from work to take care of Michael, Elena had lost her job. She was forced to find a job in Gotham, working as a singer and bartender in a small comedy club.
Michael was going through babysitters left and right. He just couldn't stand to be away from her for too long. He would panic and get angry thinking his sister too had abandoned him. Throwing bad tantrum that had every babysitter calling her to come back home. Lucky she was able to get him into some sort of therapy.
She knew the pain he felt. She felt it too. She feels it now as she remembers what it was like to have no one. Elena wanted to give him the support she never had. So she was able to move some money around for him to be able to do so. He's been doing better. She saw how hard he tried to keep his emotions inside and not react. She promised herself she would do everything in her power to ease his pain.
During the day Michael would go to a behavioral center for children while Elena would be at work. Being with other children with similar situations always helped her so maybe it would help him too. It seemed to keep him busy enough for her to make some money.
After letting Michael do his morning routine of watching Thomas the Tank Engine while eating his toast, Elena got him and herself ready for the day. Realizing they only had a few minutes before they would be late, she tried pushing a one shoed Michael out the door.
She groaned as she leaned down to pick him up with his book bag and his other shoe in her hand as well as he purse hanging off her shoulder. She turned from locking her apartment door, moving quickly towards to elevator doors that were beginning to close with a tall man inside.
"Wait," she yelled out of frustration. Not expecting the man to actually do anything because she's come to realize that that's how it is here in Gotham. She was quickly put to shame as the man kindly grabbed the elevator doors, holding them open for her.
Elena ran to the doors and her and Michael slipped inside the elevator. Elena was finally able to breath as she let out a sign before turning to the man. "Thank you, not a lot of people would have done that."
She offered him a smile as she examined him. The man seemed tired, he was hunched over in the corner with a grey sweater with a tan jacket wrapped around his body. He had his hands at his side as if he was too nervous to move them. He looked up and pause as he stared into her eyes like he was taking in every inch of her.
Her smiled faded when he didn't say anything. Looked down at the floor, she placed Michael down on the elevator floor. She held her hand out so Mike could take it, which he did.
Michaels hand squeezed hers when the elevator jerked up and down as the lights flickered. It was frightening enough for elena to reach a hand out and grab the mans arm out of pure instinct. They stood in darkness for a few moments before the lights flickered back on. A sign of relief leaving Elena.
Elena immediately looked down at Michael. Feeling even more relieved when he has a small smirk on his face as he whispered to himself.
Her attention eventually turned to the man who had his eyes focused on her hand on his arm. She immediately retracted her hand. Taking a few steps back, she began profusely apologizing.
"Oh my. I'm so sorry sir. I didn't mean to do that. I just got scared. I don't know what I was thinking." She was panicking as she saw the mans face turn red. He began to laugh but it wasn't a normal laugh. It was almost painful. She couldn't help but be concerned for the man.
Her mouth began to open but no words came out. The man put a hand up to his face as he tried to hide himself. The other hand was frantically searching for something in his pocket. Once he had found what he was looking for, he handed it to her. It was a card. It explained his condition. A man who is forced to laugh no matter how he felt. Elenas heart ached for the man.
She handed the card back as instructed with a sad smile. She allowed the man a moment to himself as the laughter began to die down. He never kept his eyes off her. Even though he was a stranger, she oddly wanted to hold him or comfort him in some way. All she could do was offer her hand but someone else decided to beat her to the punch.
"Heres my train. His name is Thomas. He helps me feel I feel sad." Michael offered him a sweet smile as he extended his arm to the man, Thomas in hand. The man finally took his eyes away from her as they both turned to the small boy.
The man forced a smile and took the small tank engine from the boy. "Thank you." He whispered. He began to examine the toy, lifting it up to the light.
To Elenas surprise, the man began to make a train whistle as he made the train fly through the sky cause Michael to laugh. Michael then skipped back over to his sisters side.
The man smiled with accomplishment as he had successfully made the boy laugh and brought a smile to the pretty girls face. He locked eyes back with Elena as he chocked out his next words.
"I hope thats ok?"
It was more of a question than anything.
Elenas smiled softly, "of course. He has a million trains at home." She was beginning to notice to mans body relaxing as he squeezed the train.
His eyes stayed locked on hers as he opened his mouth to say something else but was interrupted when the elevator doors open back up on to main floor of the apartment building. Elena quickly grabbed Michaels hand before turning to the man.
"I'm sorry. We're late." She gave him a nervous laugh as she began to walk out of the elevator but there was something about the sudden shot of sadness that shot across his face. She wanted to stay there and comfort him but she knew she couldn't.
With that she turned on her heel and walked out of the elevator. Leaving the man with nothing but her sweet smile and the smell of her perfume.
He watched her as she walked out of the building with the small boy close behind. He couldn't comprehend what had just happened. His heart leaped into his throat and he could feel the laughter coming back as the elevator doors slowly began to close.
He didn't know who she was, but he needed to.
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dany-is-my-queen · 4 years
Born To Be Yours | Part IV
Sansa Stark x Fem! Baratheon! Reader (Daenerys Targaryen x Fem! Baratheon! Reader)
Season 1-8
Word Count: 1,696
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
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“Has he done this before?” Ned asked, referring to Cersei’s wounded cheek.
“My brother would have killed him.” She answered.
”Your brother or your lover?”
“Jaime and I shared a womb. We came into this world together, we belong together. Do you love your children?”
“With all my heart.”
“No more than I love mine.” She confidently said.
“And they are all Jaime’s, except for Y/N.”
“The hair gives her away. I used to have resentment against her. Being the only creation that we brought to the world. Y/N was the only time we really gave it a try. A man who didn’t give a fuck for me. He never loved me but he loves her.” The Lannister woman held a neutral tone.
“When the King returns I will tell him the truth. You must be gone by then. Take the rest of your children and go.”
“You should have climbed those steps. When you play the game of thrones you win or you die. There is no middle ground.” Lord Eddard Stark discovered the secret Lord Arryn died for. It wasn’t his territory anymore.
“I should have spent more time with you. Show you how to be a man. You can learn a big deal from Y/N. I was never meant to be a father. Everyone out!” Cersei looked suspiciously at Ned, Joffrey left the room retaining the tears, not processing what was happening.
“Except you, thanks the gods for blessing me with a daughter like you.” You held his hand tightening the grip. “The girl, Daenerys. You and Ned were right. Varys, Littlefinger, my brother. worthless. No one would tell me no but the two of you. You are much alike. So honorable. She changed my mind. Let her live. Stop it if it’s not too late.”
“We will.”
“And my son, help him. Make him better than me. Help your brother. He’s not ready. Give him your council to make wise choices.” You nodded sobbing.
“I shall always remember this strength you gave.”
“It comes from yourself. Now give me a moment with this fool. And Y/N, don’t be scared even in the face of danger.”
“His grace has had a change of heart concerning Daenerys Targaryen. Princess Y/N convinced him. Whatever arrangements you made, unmade them. At once.” Your father’s best friend declared.
“I’m afraid those birds have flown. The girl is likely dead by now.” You scowled.
“But if it’s not the case stop sending sell swords or assassins to do the job. Also if it’s possible send other birds to abort the mission. That’s a command, Lord Varys.”
“Yes, my princess.” This Targaryen girl will survive.
You once more found little Arya with his dancing teacher, you approached while she was off guard earning a slight hit on your arm.
“I didn’t see you there.” The small one exclaimed.
“We don’t need eyes to see what’s around us, boy.” Syrio reminded her.
“I’m sorry about your father, Y/N.” You sat on the stairs. “I miss Robb, Bran, Rickon and Jon so much. Unlike Sansa, I prefer the North.”
“I met Jon. He seemed to be a good brother, better than Joffrey that’s for sure.”
“He gave me a sword. I named it Needle. I don’t have it here, I’ll show it to you tomorrow.”
“I can’t wait.” You smiled.
“Do you have any bastard siblings?”
“Plenty of them. But it is highly unlikely we’ll ever meet.” You squinted, thinking about the possibility.
“Wish I had a sister like you, mine hates me.”
“I don’t think you hate each other. You just have different opinions, different preferences. You share more than blood. I see a lot of potencial in you. You cannot use someone else’s fire. You can only use your own. And in order to do that, you must first be willing to believe that you have it.” She closed her eyes and proceeded with her classes.
This was crazy. Your mother locked you in your room. The King was dead. Everything was out of place.
“What‘s going on? Why you locked me up?” You shouted to Cersei. She frantically sighed.
“It was a precaution. We don’t know where your loyalty stands, Y/N. Your brother is the King now. Your friend’s father conspired to dethrone him and seize it from himself.”
“That’s insanity...-“
“The little bird was on her room. I haven’t seen the other.” Sandor entered with the redhead.
“Where’s Lady Arya?”
“We have guards looking for her. She won’t be able to hide forever.”
“Princess, what’s happening?” She anxiously asked. After your mother explained what her lord father allegedly did, she made her write a message to his older brother Robb, asking him to come to King’s Landing and swear fealty to Joffrey. You also learned from Lord Baelish that Renly and Loras flee the city before they took the Lord of Winterfell as a prisoner.
“My father would never do that! He is not a traitor” She spat once you two were alone.
“I know, my lady. It must be a misunderstanding.” You said trying to calm her nerves.
“Where do they took him?”
“To the dungeons, I suppose. Things are going to clarify.” The pretty little dove was completely bewildered, same as you.
That very night you went undercover to see the alleged offender.
“Lord Eddard. I brought you some water. Are you okay?” Holding a torchlight, you removed your hood kneeling to give him the canteen.
“Thanks for visiting me. I’m worried about my daughters. You know where they are?”
“We haven’t found Arya, we‘re still on the search. Sansa is alright, she’s under custody. I will protect her.”
“Thank you, Y/N.”
“Treason, my lord? I don’t think that makes sense. Why would you say my brother is not the rightful heir?” You raised an eyebrow.
“You are a clever young princess, I’m surprised you haven’t noticed yet.”
“About what?”
“I didn't know if it was appropriate to tell you.” He took another big gulp. “You are the only highborn child Robert had. Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella are your uncle Jaime’s bastards. Your mother confessed it to me the other day. They tried to kill Bran cause he saw them. Don’t say a word, not even mention it or you might face the same fate. Though you are the princess is better to be careful with your family.” He was speaking the truth. Deep down you’ve always suspected it, however it was hard to assimilate.
“Y-yes, I won’t say anything to anyone.” You promised. “If you bend the knee and say he is the one true heir to the crown, you might live.”
“Nothing haunts us like the things we don’t say. You have a gentle heart, don’t let the wrong people take advantage of it.” The late hand cautioned.
You were in the Thorne Room. Your mother called Ser Barristan, he stepped forward facing the new King. A huge crowd was there. You stood beside the Stark girl.
“You served the Realm good and faithfully. Every man and woman in the seven kingdoms owns you thanks. But it is time to put aside your armor and your sword. It is time to rest and look with pride at your many years of service.” The lioness said.
“Your Grace, the king's guards is a sworn brotherhood. Only death realizes us for our sacred trust.” He replied.
“You let my father died. You are too old to protect anybody.” The boy on the throne yelled.
“The council has determined Ser Jaime Lannister as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.” Jaime wasn’t even here, that was stupid.
“A man who profane his blade against the king he swore to defend.”
“Careful, Ser.”
“I am a knight. I shall die a knight! Here boy, melted it out and add it to the others.” He threw his sword and left the room.
“If anyone else has other matters to set before his grace, let him speak now or go ford and told his silence.” The northerner squeezed your hand before speaking.
“Your grace.”
“Lady Sansa of the House Stark.”
“Do you have some business with the king and the council, Sansa?”
“I do. As it pleases your grace I ask mercy for my father. Lord Eddard Stark who was hand of the King.”
“Treason is...-“ Pycelle interrupted her.
“Let her speak. I want to hear what she says.” Joffrey declared.
“Thank you, your grace.” You didn’t peel away your glance off her.
“Do you deny your father’s crime?” Baelish inquired.
“No, my lords, I know he must be punished. All I ask is mercy. I know my lord father must regret what he did. He was king Robert's friend and he loved him. You all know he loved him. He never wanted to be hand until the king asked him. They must have lied to him. Lord Renly or Lord Stannis or somebody. They must have lied!” He was clearly nervous, how could she not be? You wanted to intervene and help but you remained silence, it wasn’t the place.
“He said I wasn’t the king. Why would he say that?”
“He was badly hurt. Maester Pycelle was giving him milk of the poppy. He wasn’t himself otherwise he never would have said it.”
“A child’s faith... such sweet innocence. And yet they say wisdom often comes from the mouths of babes.” Lord Varys commented.
“Treason is treason!” The old maester repeated.
“Anything else?”
“If you still have any affection in your heart for me, please do me this kindness your grace.” She pleaded.
“Your sweet words have moved me. But your father needs to confess and say that I am the king or there will be no mercy for him.”
“He will.” You hope so too.
“Mother, please.” She walked passed ignoring you.
“There’s nothing I can do.”
“You are Queen Regent. You know the consequences.”
“Joffrey, have mercy. If you order to have his head you’ll bring war here. The North will fight you. Thousands and thousands of innocent people will die. You can prevent it.”
“You won’t tell me what to do, little sister.” He immediately dismissed you.
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