#i haven’t looked up any spoilers and have avoided the trailers btw!!
lambden · 2 years
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I know everyone has already said this but oh my . fucking god they really listened to what the netflix fandom wants huh
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Hello! If you don't mind me asking, are you planning on watching House of the Dragon? I'm personally unsure about it. I was cautiously optimistic about it since D&D are not involved, but the recent casting news have been ugh disappointing imo. What do you think?
Hey anon! Sorry to say I kind of mind you asking because my inbox is still closed (to everyone except my secret Santas, which is why the ask page is accessible at all), but then I realized it’s possible if you’re on the mobile app only, you haven’t seen said note in my askbox, or my FAQ, or anything of the sort. And with older metas of mine being reblogged recently, it’s possible you may be confused. (I hope you’re on mobile only and not just ignoring my requests.) So I wanted to inform you of that... but also, y’know, I kind of wanted to make a post about the HotD cast anyway? And this ask is as good a prompt as any... so, you’re lucky, but please don’t push your luck. ;)
So, straight up: I currently have no plans to watch House of the Dragon. HBO is not getting any of my goddamn money, I don’t trust like that. And hunting down illegal livestreaming sites is a pain in the ass and I regret ever doing it for GoT, as well as regretting getting drunk every weekend enough to dampen my senses to ever tolerate that show. Yeah it’s different showrunners and writers, I know. It’s still (mostly) the same executives at HBO and even if the pervert producer is gone (or is he?), you know they still just want to sell sex and violence and dragons to an audience that thinks fantasy is for geeks.
Also, considering that Fire & Blood’s story of Dance of the Dragons has very little actual narrative or dialogue, and the historical record is deliberately untrustworthy, that gives them pretty much full rein to do whatever they like with the story and characterization and words without even being slightly obliged to GRRM at all. Furthermore, since the story is wholly political with virtually none of the magical side of ASOIAF (excepting dragons), and honestly does not have much in the way of themes or depth that main ASOIAF or even D&E has, I think it will be very hard for an adaptation to show even those brief sparks of quality that used to make me wistful GoT couldn’t be that good all the time and eventually just made me frustrated and depressed. Note I do like the history and characters of the Dance despite myself, despite its many many many textual issues, but I don’t need to see an adaptation, I have a very visual imagination. I don’t watch a lot of television to begin with, I don’t see why I should start again with this.
However, I’m not going to avoid spoilers or discussion, and I’ll probably follow the show the tumblr way, through gifsets and video clips and people bitching on their blogs etc. If, somehow, by some miracle of good screenwriting and acting, the show manages to transcend its source material, I’m sure I will be informed. And then, if and only if then, I may try watching. (Without, of course, giving HBO any of my goddamn money.) We shall see.
(Though I certainly don’t know why anyone in Targ standom would ever watch a Dance adaptation considering almost every Targaryen and everyone else in the story is terrible except Helaena and the kids, and considering how the story ends, unless y’all are gluttons for punishment? (I do not comprehend hatewatching, sorry.) It’ll probably be fun at first to see the adventures of those “precious silver douchebags” (to borrow a friend’s tag), but eventually rocks fall, everyone dies, including the girlboss you know you’ll hope the story will be changed enough that she succeeds. Just letting you know now, she won’t.)
That said. I’ve been following the casting news and I think the hate/fear/wild screaming is entirely overblown. Yeah, I know, but wait, just listen. On Friday I officially welcomed @naomimakesart to the “favorite character is now played by an actor who looks nothing like most fanart and is mostly known for wildly different roles” club. I still remember that day in September 2009 when my brother texted me “yarp”... and that right there is the thing. Yeah. Rory McCann looks very little like most pre-GoT Sandor fanart... but many fans grew to love him anyway. (There are some who never did, of course. And yeah the character went off the rails by the end, but truly, who didn’t. Having seen his audition, having spoken to him and heard him wistfully talk about book scenes he loved, I’m convinced if Rory had only been given Sandor’s actual scenes and such, he would’ve killed it. Sigh. Deep, deep sigh.)
And Rory isn’t the only one. Neither of the actors for Jaime and Cersei were considered “beautiful” enough at first. I recall very clearly people bitching about Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (about his nose particularly?) because they had wanted Tarzan-era Travis Fimmel to be Jaime. (Seeing people bitch because current-Fimmel isn’t playing Daemon made me laugh out loud for both BEYONCE?! meme -type “why would you ever cast him omg he doesn’t fit my headcanon Daemon at all”, and amazing amounts of fandom flashbacks.) Lena Headey was “too square-jawed”, “too mean-looking” (since at the beginning you should never be able to guess she’s evil), “too dark-complected”, “too mannish”, not at all attractive enough. (Tricia Helfer was the most common “but I wanted” for Cersei, btw.) And of course “they don’t remotely look like twins, ugh!” Note, there’s receipts for all of this, none of it is made up. (Unfortunately.) Those two actors are just the ones whose casting wank I recall most clearly, particularly because oh how the turn tables.
Also. You know, there’s a post with Matt Smith and Mark Simonetti’s TWOIAF Daemon going around with shrieks of horror... and I’m finding it maddening in a “am I crazy? am I  the crazy one???” way, because Matt looks like the painting. Their features are not that dissimilar.
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Same deepset eyes. Same cheekbones of doom. Same thin lips. Same protruding chin. Same high forehead. Same invsible eyebrows ffs. Matt has a squarer jaw, and a longer more rectangular face, and a wider nose, but considering that Daemon’s features are not described in the text, and this is the only official ASOIAF artwork that shows Daemon’s face straight on, I can for sure see why he was probably shortlisted to begin with. And that’s not even getting into to his role in The Crown, which I’ve heard is very well played with politics and palace intrigue... and if you doubt Smith can play seductive/roguish and/or evil (depending on how you LARP as a Westeros historian), or look good with long hair... well. I do not want to watch the movie, but this trailer is disturbingly enlightening.
And as for Rhaenyra... y’all know this show is starting at the beginning of the story, right? When she’s a teenager? Not a voluptuous MILF? Yeah, Emma D’Arcy doesn’t look like a Magali Villeneueve painting (though who does, good lord), but you know who she does look remarkably like? Harry Lloyd.
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Same jawline. Same nose. Same thin lips. Same sharp cheekbones. Notably, same kind of sharp cheekbones and deep-set eyes as Matt Smith. HBO evidently has a concept of a “Targaryen look” that’s a little bit quirkier than supermodel-Greek statue-gods on earth, yeah, fine. But it’s consistent, and they look like family, and that-- that is good casting.
And yeah, in a few months to a year or so, you’ll see them in costume and wigs and makeup, you’ll see them in motion and speaking lines, and go Oh. That’s different. Never mind. And while people will make fanart of the show depictions of the characters and those will probalby get popular, they’ll also keep doing fanart of their pre-show headcanons, and those too will be popular. (God knows when I draw or visualize book!Sandor, Rory does not come to mind, lol.) Either way, there’s no reason to panic. We’ll live.
(Though will we live well? Got to wait on the writing and showrunning for that, alas.)
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Episode 4 Trailer Analysis
Okay so first off, because Tumblr has a maximum of 10 screenshots per post i’m only going to be able to show the images that I feel are most important to show with a visual reference, and then explain the other scenes purely with text (so you may need to rewatch the trailer to understand wtf i’m referring to at some points, my apologies for that).
I’m gonna do my damnedest to keep everything in order, so let’s begin.
(This turned out to be really long, so i’m hiding it under a spoiler bar - my apologies ^_^;)
1) The Beginning
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Okay, so in this picture we see Clem and AJ running from the boat which seems to have somewhat crashed into the dock after the explosion. Which makes sense given the proximity.
The reason I believe this image to be important is because it debunks the theory that any of the characters (at least Clem and AJ) end up falling overboard into the water after the explosion.
It seems that the episode is going to start with us directly after the chaos of episode 3 and we are going to need to QTE our asses out of the ship in Act 1 where we will be thrown into action right away.
You’ll notice that we can’t see Tenn, James (if he survived), ect with us during our escape. 2 people that most likely would be running out with us given that we were within the same location as each other during the explosion.
So I feel like they either were in front of us out of frame here, or they maybe did fall overboard and when we see them later on it’s because they’ve washed up on land.
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Some people believe this to be a bridge Clem is jumping over, but i’m personally skeptical about that.
If anything, I think this is a hole created on the ship after the explosion which we need to jump over to escape. The wooden flooring has been broken away by something that must have exploded, because it doesn’t look like a normal hole created by rotten wood throughout the years. Plus, if you look behind Clem, there is a wooden structure with panelling that seems similar to the walls within the ship.
Also, notice how tall the bridge must be after this scene when we get a bird’s eye view of Clem leaping over the hole and seeing the water beneath her.
If you look back to previous episodes as well as the map Marlon shows us in episode 1 (which I would provide here if not for the 10 screencap limit) you will notice that the only bodies of water other than the ocean/bigass river off the edge of the map, is smaller bodies of river or streams.
Any time we have seen a bridge in this game it’s been a small one above a stream of some kind (even the title screen for ep4 with Clem’s hat seems to be a small bridge like the one near the fishing shack).
To have a bridge this big, we would have to travelling far off to the left side of the map beyond the ship, and I can’t see any bridges in that direction given how big the body of water is there (or maybe Marlon is just shit at drawing water to scale lmao).
Also you can see land in the background that seems similar to the hills Clem, AJ, Willy and Louis/Violet were spying at the Delta from.
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Okay, so this one does seem to give more of a bridge vibe with the metal structures (reminds me of S2 Ep2), but i’m still going to assume it’s the ship for now since we haven’t really got any other reason to assume it’s a bridge beyond a bridge being a focus point in the title screen (which btw, I wouldn’t get too heavily focused on since the previous title screens haven’t been too literal either with their subject matter and have mostly been used to represent the episode in general - like ep3 being a view from a porthole in a boat to represent the Delta ship, ect).
Notice the reflection of the water is bright orange as well.
That’s not just a reflection of a setting sun or something, that’s a light source close to the water - something on fire.
And there’s no way a shit ton of walkers would be crowding the middle of the water unless they were drawn to a loud noise. Like they are determined creatures, but there has to be something big that happened in order to provoke them into water where they can barely even move.
Okay so more related to Act 1 which I can’t drop screenshots for (so you may need to watch the trailer again.)
Okay so this is the point where my huge wall of text from above may fall flat, and I could be 100% wrong depending on the context of this scene (In which case if I am, then i’m gonna do my best to forget this analysis ever happened after the episode drops lmao).
At the very beginning of the trailer we see Clem waking up from where it seems to be the dock instead of the actual boat itself.
This implies that the beginning of the episode actually happens OFF of the boat as opposed to on it like I mentioned above (which could also make sense given Clem was literally near the railing of the boat when the explosion happened).
BUT typical to the usual Twdg trailer fashion, we can’t 100% assume that’s what actually happened since the person making these trailers is insanely good at piecing stuff together in a way that fucks with your perception of events.
So it could mean practically anything. Here are a few basic theories:
1) Clem wakes up on the dock at the beginning of ep1 and then rushes back on the ship to find AJ or something. Because there has to be some reason her and AJ are running from the boat that close - because Clem definitely didn’t wake up that close to the boat as if you rewatch the beginning of the trailer, when Clem looks up to see the walker the ground isn’t wooden - it’s gravel. And if you look at my first screenshot you will see it’s the EXACT same terrain outside of the dock. Which means Clem is on the ground at the start of the dock.
So either Clem went BACK to the ship, or she and AJ already escaped from it which means:
2) Another explosion happens (either the boat or a grenade) and Clem gets knocked to the ground not long after her and AJ flee the ship. You’ll notice that Clem doesn’t “wake up” from the explosion as if she passed out and that the scene is shot in a way as if she just toppled over from impact and is now looking up directly after it and seeing the smoke.
What helps make this more credible is that the split second before the trailer cuts away from the scene of her and AJ running from the boat, you’ll notice that the explosion catches up to them at the exact moment Clem makes it from the dock to the gravel area of the ground (where we see her “wake up” at the beginning). 
You can see Clem reaching for AJ but not exactly grabbing him in time as it happens - which is why AJ isn’t there at the beginning with her.
Okay so obviously this is determinant depending on your choices from the previous ep (AKA, why i’m fucked this episode lmao). But as you can see in the trailer, we get a bit of a showdown between her and Clem.
I think it’s safe to assume that this takes place near the boat in Act 1 as well, however you can see AJ right next to Clem so it can’t be directly after the beginning of the trailer. It must be a good few minutes afterwards when we get AJ again.
Not really much else to say about it, besides the fact that episode 4 definitely seems to be throwing us into frantic QTE spamming at the very start for a change of pace.
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Our baby boys, Tenn and AJ have been caught within the sight of walkers and shit’s getting more real.
This in my opinion, seems to be happening a little bit more to the side of the dock (so close to the boat still, but maybe closer to where Willy went sailing with the supplies if you told him to take them).
I feel like this all happens AFTER the (potential) Lilly confrontation and when we are now just trying to high tail it out of the dock and away from the Delta.
AJ at some point seems to run up and stick with Tenn to protect him and it seems that the both of them only now just realize how many walkers are getting drawn to them.
At this point, this is probably where we as Clem have the moment of using the bow and arrow to shoot at them OR this is where Minnie steps in since her brother is in danger (which might lead to a potential Minnie redemption that i’m not entirely certain of given how a lot of the Delta still seem alive - so she might still be after us, especially if this is Act 1)
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You see a few shots of the Delta members still alive, but the thing I find interesting about this screenshot in particular is that it’s the area from which the docks/gravel lead to the woods.
This also seems to be from a similar location where the grenade gets thrown and Clem protects AJ as a barrel explodes.
I think this either might be closer to the end of Act 1 or at the very least, the end of the “boat area” as we are nearing the woods, where the rest of the trailer seems to be located.
So I think this entire scene is literally us escaping into the woods OR where we end up in that cave together which explains why we have Tenn with us (as well as James potentially). The cave would make most sense as well given that the only rocky area where a cave could work is near the dock where they have those big rocky cliffs.
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I think what backs up the possibility of the cave being close is that you can see behind the walkers some trees (so it’s in the woods most likely but I don’t think it’s too far from the docks).
The 3/4 of us most likely run into this cave to avoid the Delta, but the walkers sniff us out and end up following us in here as well.
So now we have Clem, AJ, Tenn and James(?) running through the tunnels of the cave most likely (assuming it IS near the cliffs, then there is a good chance that much like in real life there will be another passageway further into the cave that leads out somewhere.)
I’m not gonna post the picture of James since we’ve all seen it and I need to save screenshot space lol but the cut on his hand definitely isn’t anything like a walker bite or anything. I think everyone is theorising about it and honestly, I don’t really have anything new to add to it ^^;
BUT something not many people have mentioned yet is the scene of him dropping his mask to the ground.
I don’t know if I 100% buy him sacrificing himself by cutting his hand to attract the walkers to him or not, but if that IS what’s happening. The dropping of his walker mask would also be a nice way to subtly symbolise that happening as well.
Alternatively, maybe he drops it to the ground as we all sit in the cave and take a short break from all the madness.
I feel like this will be the moment where James goes off about AJ killing Lilly and where we might get a little bit of team drama going on - which then later gets cut off by the walkers entering the cave and us needing to escape.
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Okay so this is very clearly set in the woods.
I think this is when we escape the cave and we end up travelling through the woods keeping a lookout for the Delta.
If you chose Louis, then we will bump into him now and as you can see from the animated clip, that it seems like AJ goes up and hugs him first and then Clem hugs him (ayyy ninja family hug).
I have a feeling that Louis might actually be alone here.
Given that Omar is probably still sorta injured, I wouldn’t be too surprised if Aasim took him back to the boarding school (which would also make sense since in Violet’s route we also have an injured Louis with them - so it would only make sense for Aasim and Omar to be gone at this point either way).
I have a feeling that when Louis, Aasim and Omar left the boat, Louis probably told them to go on ahead while he looked for Clem. Especially since in his route he seems really hesitant about Clem going off to save Lilly herself after they all escape from their cells. I can’t see him at this point in time just leaving her, regardless of how badass Clem is.
(Unless Aasim and Omar are just out of frame - but I doubt it).
Also, not that anyone probably doubted it but I intentionally took a screenshot before Clem hugs him just to show that this scene is definitely during Louis’s route since in the screencaps where Clem hugs him you can’t actually see Louis’s mouth (where he would be bleeding if it was Violet’s route).
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This scene should technically be near the top since it seems like the boat has sank even further at this point and we can see Clem and Violet near it.
Okay so, i’ve been seeing some people say they think this is Louis’s route because Clem isn’t wearing her badge Violet gave her (I can’t remember where it’s meant to be so I can’t really tell ^^:) but personally I still think it’s Violet’s route.
It would make sense for it to be Louis’s route if we assume the trailer is from 1 gameplay of the episode (since the wood’s scene is deffo Louis’s route), but I don’t know if I can see them not having at least one scene from a Violentine playthrough here. Especially since it’s the final trailer and how much the fans have wanted equal screentime between both characters.
In my opinion, I feel like Violet in this scene is just upset over everything that’s happened (she might not know if Minnie made it out since the explosion could have sent them flying in different areas) and Clem is comforting her.
I don’t think it’s to do with Violet distrusting Clem or anything like some people brought up.
I feel like if this was LouisRoute!Violet then she wouldn’t be as calm here with Clem, at least I think the body language would be different.
(I could easily be wrong though, i’m actually sure about this screenshot the least tbh)
The only question I have about this scene is that if it’s at the beginning, then where is Violet during the cave scene? does she just try to look for Minnie? I don’t know... I feel like there is a lot of ways this scene can be perceived both from the trailer clip and whatever the heck happens after it before we end up in that cave.
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This is definitely our McCarroll Ranch flashback.
Her hair is shorter than what it is in the present (and it’s not just a weird perspective, that ponytail is definitely short).
Also, notice that we don’t get to see her outfit much?
And we also get the return of the ominious red lighting from the nightmare she had in episode 2.
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Finally we get daylight! (look at the gaps where there is sunshine).
This is the morning after the shitstorm, and it seems that we end up in a barn given the hay and structure of the building (maybe James’?)
Yet again we get attacked by walkers as in another scene in the trailer we see Clem trying to block a door with walkers trying to break in, that’s also set in the daylight with interior similar to this screenshot.
ALSO, unrelated to this screenshot but we also have another small scene set during the morning where Clem and AJ look at eachother in fear/”Fuuuuck” which i’m assuming is what lead to them ending up in the barn.
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Okay so this is the winning shot of the trailer where everyone freaks out and thinks Clem is probably gonna die or something.
I’m gonna treat this screenshot with skepticism like I did with the other scene of her in episode 3′s trailer holding her hand where everyone thought she got bitten for some reason, because it looked so dramatic.
I’m not saying that it’s not something serious that’s gonna happen (especially since every trailer has a clip from the end/final act of the episode and we haven’t seen one for this yet which i’ve noticed). But i’m not going to assume it’s 100% major either since I doubt they would be this obvious with it.
What I will say however, is that wherever Clem is dangling off of, I genuinely can’t see AJ pulling her up to safety. Like for AJ - a 5 year old, to successfully pull up Clem is nearly “Season 2-Clem-kicking-down-the-solid-trailer-door-in-ep4″ levels of insane strength right there. 
Clem is gonna fall and maybe pass out (maybe that’s how we get our Clem nightmare?) and we will need to find AJ again, most likely.
What’s worth noting however, is that it’s set during night time.
And given how time passes in these episodes i’m willing to be it can only happen either:
1) In act one where all the insane shit with the boat happens
2) In act 3 since it turns to daylight at some point for Act 2
Sorry I took forever posting this, I got carried away.
(Just wait till episode 4 proves me completely wrong with everything lmao)
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adecila · 5 years
Hi. Are you going to do the 2nd ep preview post? I would like to read your opinion.
Hi anon, thank you for being so patient. I watched the promo a bunch of times and I also saw the stills from the episode. Now, in case you avoid spoilers, I am not saying I have them, but I am not sure which information was confirmed by the show runners in interviews by now. I don’t count trailers, promo pics and still as spoilers. If the information comes from an interview, trailer or other official sources, it ain’t a spoiler. 
Moving on..
1. Jaime vs Dany ... 
I have seen some people are talking about Jaime’s trial in episode 2 but I was very confused. I was telling a few friends last night - nowhere have I seen it confirmed. I think someone speculated Jaime is on trial and the entire fandom ran with it. Happens a lot. No, we haven’t had any confirmation this is a trial. And I know people think this is the case because he is standing, you have armed guards behind him somewhere, you get a Dany table and a Jon table... well... no. I disagree. 
Is this meant to somehow parallel the Tyrion trial(s)? No... I don’t think so. Mind you, Jaime is not in chains. This to me looks a lot like a petitioner to the court would be received. You have the monarch (in this case the alliance - Dany in the middle, flanked by Jon and S.nsa), and then you have the rest of the court. Plus, it has been established the North side doesn’t like the Dany side, hence the two tables, hence they sit separately since the Northern Lords are like YoU cAn’T SiT WiTh Us. The guards would and should be there by default. Jaime is standing because he is addressing the Ruler. 
Keep in mind, the previous episode finished with Jaime arriving in incognito mode in WF. Maybe Bran calls the guards and Jaime is taken into the Great Hall to explain himself - not only is he arriving in non Lannister colours, he is also arriving by himself. He’s got some explaining to do, since last these people have met, he was to march to Winterfell with an army to aid in the fight against the Army of the dead. 
About Dany’s discourse - Dany and Jaime haven’t officially met. He tried killing her on the Field of Fire 2.0 and he almost got roasted by her baby Drogon (*pets* the best son ever). They also crossed paths in the Dragon Pit Summit (LMAO idk why I am calling it that; I guess it’s because fake truce or armistice is too much; oooooh let’s call it a parley). But they haven’t actually spoken. And Dany has some things to say to the man who killed her father. In my opinion (but who the fuck knows anymore since the writing is killing me and after episode 1 I have so little faith), Dany will have her Queen mask on, she is angry because quite frankly WHERE THE FUCK IS THE ARMY BITCH. Like ofc this means Cersei betrayed them, you don’t need a genius (*cough* S.. *cough*) to tell you that if he is travelling low key and alone. 
Dany needs closure. She will probably tell Jaime - listen, my brother told me all about you; because you killed my dad we had to flee; because you killed my dad we were poor and starving and on the run; the only thing that made us keep going was fantasising about all the ways we would kill you to avenge our father. I don’t blame them, tbh, it’s quite normal, considering what Viserys was feeding her. But! Dany knows now that Viserys was lying; that her father was a mad man. She knows this from Barristan Selmy. So I am REALLY hoping that heavy and meaningful speech that is making Jaime shit his pants (fo real look at his face lmao someone gif it pls) and Tyrion to look 10 years older is ending in something along the lines of “My daddy was cray cray; you did good; you can live; but try to kill me again and you die.” 
Why? Because it makes sense, and because we have seen Jaime fighting in the trailer, so we know he survives this meeting. 
On the other hands, the Starks also have beef with Jaime fookin Lannister - honestly get in line. 
Now... do I think Bran Starkashian the drama queen (present at the meeting) will drop the bomb that Jaime pushed him out the window? Hmmm... I cannot make up my mind. My issue is that if he does, then it’s gonna create more drama, and after episode 1 I think the writers can bring it up and just gloss over it (ugh remember how they dropped the Viserion is a wight news?). But, I also think that since Bran isn’t Bran anymore, then what does this matter to him? If this were still Bran, sure I could have seen a point in revealing it. They could also just do a Bran vs Jaime scene in which Jaime goes to apologise and Bran just says some trippy shit. 
2. S.ansa vs Dany in the Library (sitting in a tree K-I-.. neah we’re not there yet)
So, as it’s framed, I am guessing Sansa says something to Jaime, hence the look Dany has on her face at the table in the Great Hall - must be something surprising. Then I guess we get their private meeting over how y’all bitches should have never trusted Cersei. I guess S.ansa is at least directly talking to Dany not instead of, ya know, AT HER or ABOUT HER. We also have a still with a fake Dany smile, but I am hoping for some meaningful dialogue here. Dany and S.ansa have quite a lot in common so I really want some meaningful chat here so we can move the fuck on from the train wreck that was the episode 1 welcome. Will this be the episode the writers let S.ansa actually use her brain? We’ll see in 80-ish hours. 
3. Jorah x Varys x Tyrion and then some Sam and some Gilly stills 
I think this is either before or after a joint small council meeting. But since Dany is in her white outside coat again, then it must be after Tormund x Edd arrive. They look intense so maybe it’s more likely afterwards. Maybe something happens in that meeting. 
Also the stills of Jon x Arya and the one of Sam x Jon look from the same place. Sam’s intense look shows me that he might have some residual tension with Jon after that shit reveal. Jondry 5eva.  
The still of Sam x Gilly x Little Sam on the bed is so cuuuute. I hope this is post the crypt discussion with Jon and it’s when GIlly knocks some sense into it. Alternatively, it can be the night before the war for some more extra feels. 
4.  The Forge x Arya 
Guessing Arya is going to Gendry to pick up her new weapon and to deliver her Many Faces speech. Is she saying it to Gendry? I think so. Guess this is also where we gonna see sexy Gendry hehe *Gendrya intensifies*
5. And then it gets weird to me... two battle scenes? MAYBE? WHO THE HELL KNOWS ANYMORE
When I first saw the troops moving in the day, I said cool beans, so maybe preparations. But then I see a catapult going off during the day? And more stress? And more people moving. Tormund x Edd arrive during the day too. And we know they are technically behind the dead, since Last Hearth, where Ned Umber was supposed to be was already passed by the dead (since we got the message) so they can’t be arriving before the dead, can they? So how come they arrive and deliver a “they are coming message” and Jon asks how long do they have? How can they be moving faster than the dead? These aren’t slow zombies and Tormund x Edd don’t have a snowmobile laying around. Do they? 
But then you have night battle scenes or rather preparations: Missandei x Grey Worm kiss, Jorah with Heartsbane I hope (I hope this is Sam’s token of I have been a shitty boy to your Queen pls say sorry), Arya with a bow (I am so turned on btw), Jorah riding with the Dothraki, Tyrion on the battlements, Jon on the battlements, Lyanna Mormont in armour!!!! So something is happening as night too. Is this a continuation from the day prep? Is this something else entirely? Then why fire the catapult? Is it a test? Am I overanalysing? Certainly. 
What is sure though is that we won’t get a battle this episode, we will get the build up to it and everything in between. 
6. Jonerys in the crypts 
Ah again some actual leak info I have from when Friki was still allowed to talk (nothing new, just something he has already said), but I’d rather say in a different post. So this is clearly not following the Sam x Jon chat, since here Jon has his furs, and Dany is dressed again in her outside white fur coat. My bet is this is just before the battle, and Jon went to pay his respects to his dad (and mom?) one last time, because he is an emo sad boy. 
Is this about the reveal? Hmmm not so sure. It is very reminiscent of the Dragon Pit when Jon was sad he had fucked up with Cersei and Dany went to console him. Maybe this is post small council and Dany also goes to console him (she is wearing the white coat there). 
7. More small stuff from the stills that we didn’t get from the promo
Tyrion drinking in front of a fire - maybe he is with Bran, since he is also pictured close/next to a hearth. 
Sansa eating - she could be in the Great Hall. She looks quite relaxed so idk maybe this is in a more informal setting. Maybe it’s the same as the one with Tyrion. 
Bran in front of the Heart Tree during the day - I am hoping one more vision. Maybe this is before Tormund x Edd arrive? Or after? Is Bran trying to see the NK again? 
Gilly outside - maybe she is talking to Davos who seems to be in similar setting in a different still? 
I think I might have skipped some stuff, but feel free to ask :)
I have quite high hopes for this episode. I am hoping it will end the fucking drama once and for all and I am hoping they let Dany speak for herself more, since she was really toning it down in episode 1, in hopes of appeasing the North. But since that didn’t work, I am so fucking ready to see the Dany we know and love. The Queen we chose. 
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leta-the-strange · 6 years
Spoiler-free COG feelings/essay/thoughts before I see the movie. Spoiler-free because the movie isn’t out here til the end of the week but obviously, I’ve picked up info from trailers and interviews and things like that so sort of common knowledge stuff but I guess if you’ve avoided all the promos for the year I wouldn’t want to ruin it for you now so don’t read until after you’ve seen it if that’s the case (again, I only know basic info).
I have a lot of feelings that I’ve been sitting on for a while because frankly, large parts of the Fantastic Beasts and Harry Potter fandom terrify me. It’s why in my nineteen years (okay, thirteen years – I had to learn how to read) I’ve distanced myself from engaging in the fandom too much and when I do, I try and stick to as safe, neutral content as possible.
But I’m going to write a little bit a lot (my anxiety’s poppin off the charts right now) not to antagonise anyone or personally offend people just to get this pent up crap off my chest before I see the movie. 
I have Māori and Pākehā parentage. Although I am proud to be a Māori girl and I’m definitely not white-passing, I do acknowledge that out of my family, I was born with the lightest skin and being a lighter-skinned/mixed poc among my family and friends has made me recognise my privilege. That isn’t to say I haven’t experienced lifelong struggles with racism, bullying and discrimination but I will never experience the same micro-aggressions and experiences that they have. Although, I do have light-skinned privileges and I don’t ever want to take away the struggles of my family that I won’t experience on the same level, growing up looking a little different opened me up a lot of feelings of invalidation within my own culture. When I experienced racism as a child, I was also met with disdain for being upset about it when I wanted to talk about it. This was when I was a child and I didn’t understand lighter skinned privilege or the animosity from some of my own people. I am far more educated now, but during that confusing time I, like most children, turned to literature (which in turn is what helped me make sense of the world).
I’ve gotten a little off track – this isn’t overly important to what I’m writing about, but it is introducing my opinion as coming from a woman of colour who has experienced racism and horrible bullying, but I always feel the need to clarify my position as a lighter skinned poc before giving my opinion based on those experiences.
Obviously from my content, I love Leta Lestrange. Perhaps it started out as a matter of representation, but I feel like over the past year, I have become intrigued with her for a number of reasons. She’s striking me as a Sirius, Regulus and Andromeda Black type character. Different to her family and caught in a struggle of light and dark (magic, not skin colour). Loves magical creatures. I haven’t seen it yet but it seems like she is one of the centre point characters of the film. She seems to be connected to many of the main characters in one way or another and has always striked me as the most intriguing.
I really do hope I am wrong but the ‘other’ love interest’s in the Harry Potter universe are usually treated terribly. They experience character assassination to further the development of the canon/new interest.
I really hope this film doesn’t do the whole blow out a woc character to make the white, self-insert, classically beautiful, ‘im not like other girls’ character shine brighter.
Before everyone comes for me, I wouldn’t say I’m a Tina ‘anti’ whatever that is. There’s no like extreme hatred at all! I would say I don’t like Tina as a character, or Queenie for that matter. Not yet anyway. The new trailer gives me hope that this movie might win me over finally. It doesn’t need to be upsetting or offensive to anyone. There are lots of people out there with favourite and not-so-favourite characters. A lot of people dislike Ron, Dumbledore, Snape, even Harry…and there are people who have those characters as their favourite.  
There are a lot of reasons I don’t like Tina and Queenie. I may address them in a different post if being vague upsets people more than going in-depth but at this point, I am trying to stay as unconfrontational as possible but I have seen people get extremely furious when they don’t deem your reason for disliking them to be ‘good enough’ so if not saying exactly what I find uncomfortable about them is not as preferable as telling people then I can write it up as respectfully as possible if I’m treated the same way. All I’ll say is that I think Tina is a good person, but, in my opinion, not a great character. Queenie is the opposite. I would not like Queenie as a person but I have to admit, she’s a good character. But I’ll hold the rest of my opinions until after the second film. 
Honestly, the film adaptions leave some of my favourite book characters to be desired. Maybe if FB was a novel, I’d like Tina but I really dislike her in the movies. I have seen people blow up when this is said. I try to understand the outrage. I think one of the reasons I dislike Tina is one of the reasons why people love her. She is, at this point and in my opinion (which is ONLY an opinion), a self-insert character. Any Newt x Reader fanfiction can easily read as a Newtina fanfiction and vice versa. I know. Because I’m a FB fanfiction writer myself and tried to write her. Sometimes when you attach yourself to a character so much, it can feel personally offensive when someone says something as harmless such as they don’t like then. I don’t experience this as often. Every Reader/OC fanfiction is, perhaps unintentionally, but nearly always aimed at a white person in description. In actuality, nearly every character in literature is, intentionally or not, described with textbook white features or assumed white by the fandom/readers/watchers.
I know people are going to hate this opinion because I’ve seen people jump down other people’s throats when this gets brought up. I do believe, whether it is conscious or not, Leta not being white COULD, subconsciously, be a factor as to why she is so inherently hated. I’ve seen more hate for Leta than any other character – even the antagonist! I hate what they did to Lavender Brown, book and movie wise, but even she, being as over exaggeratedly unlikable as a romantic plot device, received and still receives far less fandom hate than Cho Chang (who was also eventually written to be ‘jealous, hysterical, unlikeable’, etc, etc – I don’t agree btw I love, understand and appreciate Cho and Lavender)  who was smart, talented, kind, traumatised, and until it was no longer convenient to the main characters romance for her to be ‘likeable’ anymore.
I wish I could enjoy going through the Leta tag but often, her and Newt can’t even be in a scene or photo together and people lose their minds with anger and hate. Literally, the comments on any scene/photo they are in are all along the lines of ‘stay away from newt!/poor tina/urgh, don’t flirt leta/leta WHAT ARE YOU DOING?’. Sorry, to break it to you guys but it isn’t a love triangle. It’s a love conga line. The only person getting in the way of ‘Newtina’ is Newt. Instagram is even worse. By worse, I mean horrible beyond belief. The better comments are the ones are the ones merely (though still grossly) comparing her to Tina and how much they dislike her, the other ones are wishes that she’ll get killed or join Grindelwald. It’s literally not even hidden the fact they wish either of these things happen so Newtina can happen faster. I’m not a Newtina shipper at all (Yet. Again, this might change if the films improve) but this would be one of the worst ways to further your ship. That is literally not going to change the fact that Newt’s still in love with her (you can have feelings for two people at the same time. The filmmakers confirmed - in fact, one of the first things about the new movie that they confirmed - that Newt is ‘absolutely still in love with her’), it just makes her conveniently unattainable. I do have a feeling that Leta might die and if it happens, it better not be because she’s unwillingly in the way of a ‘love triangle’ that people have forced these three characters into. If Newtina is going to happen in a way that isn’t awful, rushed and horrible, it will be slow-burn and it’s in own time AFTER Newt has healed and properly fixed things with Leta. You can’t be best friends and in love with someone for 15+ years and fall out of love with them immediately after they die, turn bad and settle for a woman you met for like two days and collectively spent maybe ten hours with. It might be a Ron/Hermione situation where it’s slow and eventual. That’s the only way I could possibly get on board and I think it could be done tastefully if they don’t resort to lazy writing. I do have my fingers crossed I’ll start to like the Goldsteins before this happens and I can enjoy it as much as everyone else does.
To be honest, after seeing the trailers, I see only two endings for Leta (and I hate them BOTH):
She joins Grindelwald: If this is the plot twist, it’s the shittiest plot twist ever. Pretty much 90% of the fans since seeing the first film have assumed/liked to believe she’s pure evil. Probably the characters themselves all assume she’s evil from her last name. I was worried the whole ‘haha, I was on Grindelwald’s side all along!’ situation was going to happen. We know JK hates Slytherins. My ‘Leta joins Grindelwald’ theory would be that she has always been on the good side – or trying to be – and after YEARS of oppression and discrimination and being distrusted by maybe the central characters in this film no matter how hard she tries AND maybe finally realising that Newt isn’t going to ever forgive her she just snaps and goes all ‘f*ck you guys then’ (I wouldn’t blame her tbh). HOWEVER, I doubt this. In a trailer, you literally see Leta THROW a fucking spell STANDING BY HERSELF (what u doin bby?) at Grindelwald. Trust me, if this was Tina it would have been all everyone was talking about but of course the fandom was all ‘yeah, see, she’s in the same frame as Grindelwald SHE’S EVIL’. One of the trailers is literally titled Leta vs. Grindelwald. Everything in the trailers/promos points to Queenie joining Grindelwald but *shrugs, I guess*.
Leta dies: I get this may seem the preferable way to appease the Leta haters and the Leta lovers especially if she dies after redeeming herself or heroically or whatever but urgh, no. I know everyone’s like ‘DoNt MAKe ThIS AbOUT RaCe’ when the woc character inevitably is killed but I’m sorry. To have been able to sit in a theatre as a little girl and see Leta Lestrange in the wizarding world would have blown my tiny mind. Honestly, as an older teen seeing Zoe Kravitz in that little photo frame in Newt’s case in the first film was iconic enough for me. After growing up being made to believe I was ‘unattractive’ because of how I looked, seeing total dreamboats like Callum Turner and Eddie Redmayne’s characters being all heart-eyes over Leta is, like...wow!  And I do have an uncomfortable truth for people who want Leta to die. That would possibly be the WORST thing to happen for the Newtina thing (would pretty much be the last nail in the coffin for me ever coming around to it). I’ve seen it happen in my family when someone you love dies. Your feelings for them essentially FREEZE. You can’t fall out of love with someone who is dead. That’s of course not to say that you don’t love again and just as much as the first time. But it takes time (LOTS of it) and there’s a little part of your heart that’s like…permanently sealed off. I don’t even like Newtina yet and I’m hoping for the sake of the Newtina fans that Leta doesn’t die because freakin’ yikes. Just let them heal and connect and be besties again goddammit, its POSSIBLE (and bet your ass I’ll write it my god damn self to prove it if they don’t). 
I know these are highly unpopular opinions and I HOPE that I am wrong, and they do her character justice and don’t discard her via death or the dark side.
In summary, I suppose my biggest struggle with Leta’s character is definitely the overwhelming fandom hate which I still can’t quite comprehend. I really want to believe it isn’t a race thing. Though, I have seen horrible posts about Leta, mean comments on nearly every Leta promo, Zoe Kravitz literally being called a c*nt in the comments of a Leta post on tumblr, a lot of fanfictions having her be primarily evil, selfish, manipulative, in some a rapist even, ugly, cruel, etc. But honestly, she’s literally not interfering in Newt having a relationship with anyone at all??? She’s literally been villainised because her friend can’t get over her (getting Snily nostalgia). But buggered if I’ve been able to find next to anything of that calibre about Jacob’s fiancée (literally a Queenie doppelganger) who left him, like, the day he met Queenie. I get that it was a deleted scene for those non-hardcore fans, but Leta-hate was literally kicked off by a picture in a photo frame and a comment made by a, in my opinion, kind of not-nearly-as-infallible-as-people-think character that barely knows Newt breaking into his head non-consensually (after being repeatedly told not to) who had an agenda to hook him up with her sister. Sooo…*shrugs*.
Even I personally have tried to keep out of the fandom debates, but I wrote a Leta and Newt story (still ongoing) that I stopped for a while because the kind of disgusting comments I was receiving about people hating the pairing. Which, I get. You don’t like a pairing, that’s cool? Why are you going and seeking out a piece about them and then taking the time to leave a comment? Whenever I start to read a story about Leta being this horrific monster of a person and being torn apart and compared and occasionally borderline racist, I just…click out? I know it’s only a small patch of weeds in what is likely a garden of roses, but I have never come across such an insecure fandom for a literal canon ship. If the relationship was that pure and strong, you wouldn’t feel the need to kill or villainise the (non-existent) ‘threat’. I just hope the writers feel the same way. You can write healthy closures and strong women of colour characters without casting them aside for plot development/man pain/stereotypical Caucasian romance/plot device, etc... I’m going to go into the theatre at the end of the week slightly optimistic to be fair but I’m also fully expecting to be disappointed but honestly, Leta could avada kedavra every character and she’s still going to be my favourite, I don’t make the rules. 
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twdmusicboxmystery · 6 years
Missing Scenes from S5 and Beyond
Good morning! So several people have asked me to do a refresher on the missing scenes from S5. I'm going to expand that a little and also talk about other times we think Emily may have been on set and filming.
The biggest and most obvious was in S5. Remember, this was something the spoiler site reported, not just something that TD made up. Emily was sighted filming in a little white cabin. 
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They pulled a white, windowless van right up to the front porch so they were obviously trying to hide her. Immediately after the spoiler site spotted her (and posted about it) Emily tweeted that she was going to the movies with some friends. Even the spoiler site laughed about the obvious misdirection.
It’s important to note that we didn't see that cabin at all. It might've been different if we'd seen those cabin scenes with other characters, because in that case, Emily might have just been visiting the set in her costume, or it could be a mistaken sighting. Emily, Alanna Masterson (Tara) and Steven Yeun (Glenn) and later Lennie James (Morgan) were all seen there. To this day, we still haven’t seen this set in the show.
The man who owned the cabin (AMC rented it from him to film) said he was allowed to take pictures while they were on set, as long as he agreed not to post them until after those scenes aired to avoid spoilers. To this day, he has never posted those photos, which means AMC has not given him permission yet. I mention this because most people simply say the cabin sequence was cut and will never be in the show.
There are some major holes in that argument.
1) It was a huge chunk of filming in S5 that took place over several days. Cutting out a small scene, like the one from Slabtown where Beth visits Percy, or HERE from Coda is not a big deal. Each of those scenes probably took all of an hour to film, and they were in locations the rest of the episode took place in anyway. The production didn’t have to go out of their way to film the scenes and then cut them.
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The cabin was a completely different location than anything we saw in the movie. It took a great deal of time and money to put together (think money to rent the cabin, time putting up set pieces, including large metal slabs over the doors and spraying them with blood, etc.) To cut that sequence would cost AMC thousands of dollars. It’s simply not something they would do.
2) If the cabin stuff had been cut, like those other scenes I linked above, it would've showed up on the DVDs as a deleted scene. It hasn't. The owner of the cabin would have been allowed to post his pictures by now if it wasn't going to be used in the show. He hasn't.
3) No part of the Grady storyline allowed for Beth to leave the hospital, go to the cabin for some time, shoot some scenes there, and then returned to the hospital. There's nothing in her Grady storyline that's does anything of the sort. There is no missing time that we've seen, at least not until after she was shot. It's always possible that at some point, they’ll go back and show some missing time they just didn't tell us about in S5, but either way, these are scenes that we haven't seen and what the show hasn't aired yet, but which they obviously still plan to.
4) It’s also important to reiterate that it’s not JUST Beth’s scenes that are missing. Morgan was seen there (details HERE) and we haven’t seen anything of him with that cabin yet.  It’s unclear whether Alanna actually filmed there, but she might have. And Steven Yeun posted a picture from inside the cabin, saying “Open the door…!” and then it was hastily taken down, and never explained. 
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There was even a car chase scene reported somewhere around Terminus that took place at night with most of the main characters (Rick, Daryl Michonne, etc.—not Beth, though) that we never saw. So much mystery around S5.
It’s also more than worth noting that in Sam’s room in 6x08, was a drawing of a cabin with a red car parked outside that looks EXACTLY like the one of this cabin. That tells me this symbolism is still active and relevant in the show.
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All these things point to the idea that they simply filmed this in S5, and still plan to air these scenes at some point. It may have something to do with those missing 17 days between Coda and WHAWGO, or perhaps it’s something we’ll see in the future in S9.
If AMC ever releases them as deleted scenes, I’ll stop harping about it. Until then, or until we get confirmation they will never air, I still hope of seeing them in S9.
More details HERE and HERE.
We had another suspicious incident during S6 filming. Emily posted a picture of herself from what looked to be the inside of a TWD trailer. 
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We know what they look like because Norman and Andrew and even Steven had taken pictures and videos from inside their trailers before. It was very obvious that she was inside one, and had just woken up. 
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For some reason, Emily was sleeping on set. If she was just visiting someone, I think they would've probably just told us. I'll be the first to admit that TD would've read into it what no matter what, but for her post a picture and then hastily take it down is always suspicious. Like she's hinting at something, but won’t admit it or answer any questions about it. Check out the details of this incident HERE.
The final thing I want to talk about is something that happened at the beginning of S8 shooting.
Remember when Norman posted a picture of a dog Daryl was supposed to get during S8? He called the dog Princess pants and said it was her first day of shooting. 
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You can read all about the incident HERE and HERE and how it started with something Gayle Ann Hurd (executive producer) said, and people thought she was joking until they saw Norman’s tweet (which was swiftly removed again).
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Even if it was just a joke and fans thought it was real, the fact that Norman called the dog “Princess Pants” is super suspicious to me.
Princess Pants is a derogatory name that the spoiler site gave Beth when she was still in the show. We all know the spoiler site hates Beth and Bethyl and Bethyl fans. They never showed her any respect. So why would Norman use that same name for the dog, especially if it wasn't real?
TD instantly jumped on that as a possible Bethyl thing. Another thing reported during S5 was that Emily might have filmed scenes with a Rottweiler. So, we thought it was interesting that Daryl might get a tiny little white dog (not unlike the one in Still) that would kinda be like Beth, while Emily filmed with a fiercer breed that might represent Daryl.
But this isn’t even just a situation where TD interpreted it wrong. There was no dog arc in the show at all. So what the hell was this all about?
Obviously, it doesn’t prove anything, but I think he was at least trolling the spoiler site and it maybe hinting that Emily was on set filming.
Might as well throw the Bethfoot picture in. 
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This was taken during 5b filming when the group was at Alexandria. The only blond who should have been on set line was Alexandra Breckinridge (Jessie) who confirmed when someone asked that it wasn’t her. Meanwhile, other TD-ers found pictures of Emily wearing a coat almost identical to this. If you zoom in on this blurry picture, you can see what looks like blood in her hair exactly where Beth was shot. So pretty sure that even though she wasn't in 5B, she was still on set filming. And btw, this picture was taken after 5x09, so it couldn’t have been for that episode.
More details HERE.
So these are the weird and unexplained times we think Emily was on set after Beth was shot. I still wholeheartedly think that we will see these scenes in the show at some point. If Emily's not seen on set all this season and then suddenly pops up in the show, then chances are most of her filming was done beforehand. And not all at once either. There was S5, but I think they’ve brought her back several times when nobody was looking, so they can get things filmed without tipping fans off. Possibly those times Emily has disappeared from social media for a while.
That’s pretty much it. Anyone have anything to add?
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fyeahbatcat · 7 years
Not batcat related but what did you think about the Wonder Woman movie? I love your blog btw!
Thank you!!! I haven’t seen Wonder Woman yet. I have tickets for tonight :)
Edit 6/30/17
Sorry I meant to give you an update right after I saw themovie but then the proposal happened the next day and it shifted my focus for awhile. Anyways, last year I was kind of asked about my thoughts on the thenupcoming Wonder Woman movie and I outlined my concerns about the potential forlightweight feminism, portrayals of violence, and the representation of theAmazons and everyone I am happy to say that I could not have been more wrong(for the most part). I’ve been begging the powers that be at WB for a WonderWoman for years and I fully intended to catch an advanced screening since itwas announced in 2014, but I was away on vacation that week so it didn’t happenand I had to do some extreme internet acrobatics to avoid spoilers. Between that,the letdown that was Suicide Squad,and the pressure of having the first *real* superhero movie starring a woman I thoughtthere was no way it would live up to my expectations.
That said: I am a changed person having now seen Diana ofThemyscira grace a giant plasma screen in her own movie. Watching Wonder Woman was a spiritual experience.In response to my own concerns about:
1.      The trailer looking too violent
It’s not that I expected there to be no fighting or violencein a multi-million dollar action movie I meant more along the lines of WonderWoman was created as a foil for violent hyper-masculinity and a symbol ofpeace. A lot of these themes have become very muted over the last severaldecades by mostly male writers who interpret Wonder Woman’s strength as coincidingwith traditionally masculine ideals when William Moulton Marston created WonderWoman as a symbol of feminine power. Because it was very clear that PattyJenkins and the DCEU is taking the recent New 52 daughter of Zeus origin story Ithought that they would mostly be relying on more recent versions of WonderWoman which, in my opinion, strayed too far from Wonder Woman’s importantlarger themes (until Greg Rucka, God bless him, came back to the series).
The ending completely shattered my expectations and I amhappy to report that I was wrong. The movie was all about Diana’s destiny andhow she became the hero that she is. By the end she decides that she wants tobe a hero that believes in the power of love. That’s exactly who Wonder Womanis. This was a feminist movie through and through.
2.      The diversity of the Amazons
You can read about what I had to say about the initial promoshots of the Amazons in my previous post: but what it came down to is the factthat diversity among the Amazons isn’t just a meaningless gesture of diverserepresentation or just for optics. It’s essential to Wonder Woman’s characterbecause she stands for equality among all women and intersectional feminism.People expressed concerns over how the first images of the Amazons were of allwhite faces and Patty Jenkins said was just Diana’s “immediate family” and the restof the Amazons would be diverse. It was a pretty unsatisfactory placation, buton that end Jenkins did hold up her promise. My exact words last year were:
So diverse like WOC will be playing actually namedcharacters who contribute to the plot and/or Diana’s development? Or diverselike they’ll all be in the background swinging swords, thrown a few tokenlines, and will be credited as “Amazon” #4? Because those are two verydifferent ideas of diversity?
Spoiler alert: it was the second one (though I think some ofthem had names, not that you would’ve known). It’s hard for me to criticize thedecision to cast Robin Wright as Antiope because my goodness she was born toplay that part. It was so thrilling to see an actress in her fifties in actionsequences and woman fighting as warriors free from the male gaze, but it justas well could’ve been Phillipus that also had a hand in training Diana. Evenafter viewing the movie Jenkins reasoning strikes me as defense for casting allwhite actresses in the most prominent roles for the Amazons, which is prettyexpected by Hollywood standards. There wasn’t even any need for Diana to havean “immediate family” as it didn’t contribute to the plot in any way.
Stray thoughts:
Okay I anticipated the “twist” but that didn’tstop me from thinking “If they make her the daughter of Zeus Patty Jenkins isgonna catch these hands” the entire time. I’m willing to overlook it but thatdoesn’t mean that I liked it.
Omg Diana’s characterization was so friggingood. A lot of writers make Wonder Woman too severe and serious, but Diana wasa character that was full of joy and humor. One of my favorite moments in theentire movie was when Diana swoons over the baby (“A BABY!!!!!!”) which wasadorable because they don’t have babies of Themyscira so it’s something thatshe didn’t take for granted. Also I loved it when she tells the ice cream manthat “you should be very proud.” It was just little moments like that you gotto see Diana’s human side and that she was a joyful, loving person.Also the scene in NML when Diana is socompelled by human suffering to cross the trenches and put an end to theviolence once and for all. This is the moment that she becomes Wonder Woman.I also think that they did a really greatjob of conveying what it’s like to be in a foreign place. Some of the mostinsulting stereotypes in media are that foreigners are just stupid and don’tunderstand anything (see Starfire). Dianacan speak dead languages and knows about literature. Diana wasn’t dumb by anymeans, but she didn’t quite know all of the cultural cues. Like when she didn’tknow why her and Steve couldn’t “sleep” together which Steve assumes this meansthat she doesn’t know what sex is and Diana matter-of-factly informs him that she’s“read all twelve volumes of Cleo’s treatises on body and pleasures.” And whenshe tries to hold Steve’s hand because “they’re together.” Cultural norms areregion specific so of course anytime you venture to a place unknown you, youdon’t know everything about there is to know about how to socialize with the peoplethere. The film did it in a way that was funny and honest without beingcondescending.
Gal Gadot and Chris Pine had some of the bestchemistry I’ve ever seen on screen. They were both so charming and funny. Evenmy mom liked them and she hates superhero movies.
“I wish we had more time.” I’ve never sobbed somuch from one line before.
Best universal human theme since The Dark Knight. Wonder Woman was allabout Diana’s journey of self-discovery. When she first leaves the island shenaively believes that all of the violence and evil in the world is a result ofAres’ influence and once she destroys him it will magically end. Before sheleaves she asks Steve if he’s typical representation of mankind.  Sure Steve Trevor was a genuinely good guyand that probably got her expectations a little too high, but he points outthat even he’s not a saint. No one is. When she first kills who she thought wasAres and nothing changed she became immediately disillusioned by mankind andrealizes that people are pretty shitty and it wasn’t just because of Ares. It’sSteve that brings her to this realization that: yeah we suck, but that doesn’t meanthat we’re not worth saving.
Steve got hella fridged. Well sort of. Steve’sdeath is really what motivated Diana to destroy Ares and continue to mentor theworld through love, so it’s a rare example of a male character’s death beingused as motivation for a female character. However, Steve was given much moreagency in his death than a female character would’ve been given. Steve died onhis own terms in a way that was really, really heroic and sacrificial. It’s almostthe way Batman went out in The Dark Knight Rises and how Steve Rogers “dies” inCaptain America. Compare that to GwenStacy’s death in Amazing Spiderman 2 whoseneck snapped in the last ten minutes just to make Peter all sad and angsty. Ithink that writers still have more expectations for male characters to beactive and think that it’s more acceptable for female characters to be passiveso in terms of gender representation in Hollywood there’s still a long way togo but hey it’s a start.
Scene that had me laughing even days later:
Diana, who has neverseen a man before standing in front of a bare ass naked Steve: What’s that?
Steve: This is awatch.
Bottom line: I loved this movie. I LOVE THIS MOVIE. I’mgoing to go see it again this weekend.
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badzombies-sister · 7 years
If you haven’t seen I’m telling you right now it was amazing, it went beyond my expections. Being someone who grew up with the show since the beginning I’m telling you right now it was awesome and totally worth it, as a fan it was a great experience and it did justice to the show.
Also beyond this point I’m gonna say a few things about the characters so beware SPOILER ALERT!!
I love how they manage to make the movie entertaining while making it an origins movie, the backstory for the characters was great and I’ve dig a little deep into it so this is my opinions about it, since I’m sure some people saw and think some of the characters had their backstory more develop than others.
I’m gonna start with Jason. He’s your cliche golden privileged white boy, the american standard who has everything and is just plain stupid but honestly after thinking it through I’ve notice that he’s a little bit more than that.
Yes he’s the golden boy but I see him drowning in pressure, everyone has expectations about him, he’s the captain of the football team on his way to get a scholarship but everyone sees this perfect little boy, there’s so many expectations on him, he makes a stupid choice to get out of this sure he didn’t want to end up like he did but he was tired of the way everyone saw him and his responsabilities wich are spoken when he talks to Zordon, he’s so scared of making the wrong choice, of not being enough, of failing. He’s flawed but he’s a sweet boy as seen by the way he defends Billy even though they do not know each other.
Billy I think is the more obvious, he’s cut off from everyone but not by choice but by circumstances, he’s autistic and because of that he’s seen as weird or crazy by his peers. It’s so hard for him to make friends cause no one sees pass that, he’s different than the normal standard, as he says he doesn’t get sarcasm or jokes and since his brain works differentely he’s push away. Look at his mom, she’s so happy about him making friends cause no one ever tries to get close to him. Also let me say that he’s just adorable and the way he gets attached to Jason since he was the first to defend him and try to be his friend is just cute.
Now Kimberly, I now must people must see her past as ridiculous compared to most of them but she’s just a teenager. To me she seems really insecure, her actions prove that, what she did I see it as a way to make herself better to the eyes of this guy she likes but that was dating her friend; she tries so hard to be notice that she became this awful person and she feels so guilty and ashame of her actions. By the way her parents reacted about the hair I also believe that her parents have high expectations of her that she just doesn’t feel enough for them, she feels like she has to be perfect but can’t manage to be.
Als let me just say that my mind went to dark theories at first like at the bonfire her reaction and fear made me think that the guy raped her (or almost) and she hit him but he made it seem like she trew herself at him and his a good boyfriend and nobody believed her, another one was that the way she was speaking to Jason in his room about how she felt when she says how ashame she felt I thought for a moment that out of guilt and shame she tried to either kill herself or went to selfharming (the last one I haven’t completely discard it)
Zack, he’s so sweet and a bit crazy. He’s cut off from everyone unlike Billy is by choice. As seen he’s afraid of her mother dying because it means he’s left alone, there’s no father in the picture either (either he left or died is unsure) but it adds up to a fear of loneliness so he just stays away from everyone cause in the end everyone leaves (like Peyton Sawyer used to say), that’s how he sees it. To avoid being left on his own he just cuts himself from everyone cause if there is no one there then they can’t leave, twisted logic but it works on his eyes, specially since he sees his mother as the only one that cares about him at all. This also explains his drive to use the rocks and crystals to get money, to help his mother, they live on a trailer and his mother is really sick so that’s the only way to help her and staying in school won’t get him any money.
And last but not least important Trini. She’s one of my favorites (well the girls and Billy are my favorites) and in her case her family is the root of her problems, from what she said her parents are so normal and expect her to be the same, she feels so different from them that she doesn’t know how to communicate with them, that and the fact that she moved around form schools a lot she doesn’t know how to connect with everyone else then add the fact that she’s gay she just decides to not talk with everyone from fear of being rejested, while Zack does it to avoid loneliness she does it to avoid rejection. I also believe that given her parents actions something happened in the past that she just cuts herself from them, maybe it was the way they expected her to be normal or their reactions to finding out she’s gay, both likely.
Btw I believe that her dislike for Kimberly stems from the fact that she probably has a crush on her, I mean she has no reason to hate her so maybe she hates the way she makes her feel cause it just proves that to the world’s standard she’s not normal and she decides to hate her for this. ( yeah I’m probably shipping them)
This are my feelings on their past and I find them so great cause the show never explored so much about them and it makes it easier for different people to connect with the characters. The fact that we get a gay and an autistic power ranger is amazing and so progressive, I just love this movie so much and it went beyond everything I hoped for.
Also add the fact that this Zordon is not so selfless and Elizabeth Banks was just amazing as Rita.
In conclusion I’m gonna re-watch this movie a lot xD
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