#also i am so in love w how his Face has transformed through the seasons
lambden · 2 years
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I know everyone has already said this but oh my . fucking god they really listened to what the netflix fandom wants huh
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deviant-yarrow · 3 years
Transformers Prime in an Avatar AU?
👏👏👏 Geeking time boyyss- and gals, and everything in-between!!
So I've been thinking- for about the entirety of last night about what bender everybody would be in Transformers: Prime and it has kept me up since 3 AM thinking about it. So I've come to bestow upon you my ✨Opinion✨ on what I believe each of them would be. I will also base it around what Master Iroh has previously said about each. Again! This is just an opinion so feel free to discuss with me about in by ask box! Before we begin though. I'll tell you what each of the bending means according to the words of Iroh,
⛰️: Earth is the element of substance. The people of the Earth Kingdom are diverse and strong. They are persistent and enduring.
🌊: Water is the element of change. The people of the Water Tribe are capable of adapting to many things. They have a deep sense of community and love that holds them together through anything.
🔥: Fire is the element of power. The people of the Fire Nation have desire and will and the energy and drive to achieve what they want.
🌪️: Air is the element of freedom. The Air Nomads detached themselves from worldly concerns and found peace and freedom.
Now that we've gotten that known: Let's start with the Autobots
(Avatar Au w/ Decepticons is here: https://deviant-yarrow.tumblr.com/post/654542347812683776/transformers-prime-in-an-avatar-au-part-2 )
Optimus Prime -
- No doubt, would be an Avatar because y'know, Last of The Primes? The Last Avatar? Sound familiar?
- Now, I have a hard time chosing whether he could be a Water Bender or an Earth Bender (I wouldn't say he's an Air Bender because- well he didn't necessarily detach to the idea of when the war began he fought and led an entire faction! But he could be an Air Bender due to how calm he was normally during times of chaos).
- With the Earth Bender idea, I can see that he's been a bot that has faced through a LOT of stuff, both mentally and physically but he still manages to keep going because he wants to end the war and lead his team.
- His desire to lead the team is also what brings me to assume that he could be a Water Bender. He definitely has a deep bond with his team and his care for them has what led for him to do some pretty life-threatening things.
Ultra Magnus -
- I feel like Ultra Magnus would be a Water Bender because this boy right here (*slaps roof of car*) has definitely gone through some change.
- In the beginning, his only mindset were that the people around him were soldiers, not entirely family, sure he'd protect them but there was no real "care" there in-between it
- I find it really intriguing if there was just a time where Ultra Magnus didn't have a sense of community and love and he was just all stern and somewhat commanding despite that being what Water Benders were known for their y'know love and community.
- He did change halfway through the series though, mentally and had finally accepted their entire team as a family which was a nice touch.
Ratchet -
- Since he is the medic of the group I think being a Water Bender would benefit the "healing" part to his job
- Plus he did undergo some changes as well in regards to being around humans. With y'know them rubbing off on him and such.
Arcee -
- I would say Arcee is a Water Bender - I'd say because for both the adapting part and because she gives me Kitara vibes.
- She lost two partners and for that she sort of isolated herself with Jack when they first met but throughout the episodes and seasons she's manage to break down her walls and treat him as something more than just an accidental find in an alleyway (which is not wrong but you get the point)
Bulkhead -
- No doubt, hands down, Earth Bender
- The only reason I can find to back this up would be the times where he has survived SOMEHOW?? Through the most craziest things as well. He's managed to hold up an entire cave from caving in, an entire horde of scraplets from eating him alive, and he's managed to survive being infected by Tox-En. Although that isn't much in number of stuff to survive, it's a matter of quality over quantity (the negative version if there is one).
- Maybe also because he's a Wrecker (which I assume would be the equivalent of the Earth Nation in this AU) and they work with the motto of: "Breaking and making things". I don't know how to elaborate on this part but-- he's just got the energy for it.
Bumblebee -
- I believe the scout would've been a Fire Bender or an Air Bender. - My reason for this would've been due to an interesting idea I had in mind with the Fire Bender thing because since Megatron, in this AU I have, is a Fire Bender. I'd like to imagine that with the Cortical Psychic Patch or the equivalent of it during this time (like some sort of ritual that leads to telepathy) it would require a bender of the same nation to speak with him during his time unconscious-
- An additional idea I had with this is that Bee was probably the many who didn't want to fight alongside Megatron despite being in the same nation, so it would- kind of lead to a fight between them with Megatron obviously overpowering them and just saying something along the lines of, "You would've been a formidable soldier... Pity," or something along the lines of that before taking their ability to speak away (whether it'd be like burning or tearing out his vocal chords or just another way that would somewhat make sense).
- More rambling stuff: I'd like to also believe that with his history being a Fire Bender and all, he feels like he's the MOST connected to Megatron despite being an Autobot because of what they said before taking his voice and also because he used to be in the same nation (not the same as faction).
Smokescreen -
This boyo would probs be an Air Bender or Water Bender
- As Water Bender, he DID go through some changes in maturing and all that- with the addition that he'd be a kid who'd also work with Arcee since they're both benders of the same nation. I feel like that'd spark some sort of interesting development to his change in maturing.
- Instead of his belief in being a hero, I think he'd have a mindset in believing "Yeah! I'm gonna be the next avatar!" while Optimus Prime is just there going: 👍
- With being an Air Bender he'd probably be even more compelled to the idea that he has the potentiality to BE THE NEXT AVATAR because normally he'd assume that Air Benders had the more chance of becoming the Avatar because of stories he'd hear
- He also has like Aang's sort of childish and reckless nature in the first few episodes we meet Smokescreen in, so I'd probably count that too as a connection to being an Air Bender.
Wheeljack -
- I think it'd be obvious that this man is a Fire Bender - He loves explosions.
- He IS the explosion.
- Wheeljack, likes to be a mech of power and he deals with a lot of well explosions and fire stuff- so I believe it'd be his forte and it would be in his blood almost to be a Fire Bender.
- Though there was something in the back of my head that argued: "Oh but what if he's an Earth Bender?????" THAT TOO WORKS OUT BECAUSE OF HIS RELATION WITH BULKHEAD-
- There was also like a comment in the back of my head I made where Wheeljack could've also been like... An Air Bender?? Since he was like previously a Neutral of sorts with the idea that joining Autobots and Decepticons were both not in his favor so he went off on his own.
- I'd also like to think, as an Air Bender, he didn't like the way they did stuff with being calm and collected since that had opposed his rather-- how shall I put this, "feral" behavior.
- It'd also be a good reason for both him an Optimus (if he were to be an Air Bender) to have beef due to their opposing beliefs- and not just because he was the leader of the Autobots.
Extra: - Cliffjumper was probably also a Water Bender with Arcee. He gave me Sokka sort of vibes.
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literaphobe · 4 years
season four of she-ra rated by catradora content
the coronation: okay so... rightfully. there’s nothing i should be appraising here. adora and catra didn’t interact or bring each other up at all. but bro... catra’s new outfit... the best character of season four. i’m kidding but also she is so hot. catra seems to be dealing w the portal incident by framing it as a victory, since the rebellion was hurt by it. but also who cares. who fucking cares man. her arc this episode was about her deciding to make hordak her little bitch and design a new sexy outfit. that adora did NOT talk about nor seem visually affected by >:( yes, this entire season will be measured by how much i think it was a missed opportunity that adora did not get to thirst. jk but also am i? 500000000/10 for catra’s new look, 0/10 for official catradora stuff
the valley of the lost: god...... this episode. i know it’s like one of the few catradora moments we have this season already but it makes me LIVID that adora said that flirty ass line and catra never even got to hear it. anyway, let’s begin properly. double trouble seeks catra out and says they’re gonna be her new best friend. catra says “oh, yeah? i’m done with best friends”, making it official that she and adora broke up 😔 like friend broke up oh my god 😔 KFKSKDKD like we been knew but i think it is so dramatic and funny of catra to announce that she’s never having a best friend again because adora broke her heart 😔💔 i mean i know it’s also like sad but let’s keep it light ok uwu anyway. sigh. double trouble! auditions for catra! by pretending to be her in battle! which is great for them, but not for me and my hang ups about adora bringing back a flirty line catra said to her in season one and winking and then catra doesn’t hear or see ANY of it. sigh. let’s go through the scene. adora sees who she thinks is catra run in and say “hey! careful with the goods”, pouncing on adora and taking her down. adora tosses dt!catra into the walkway above and they get a cut on their face. not sure whether this is meant to signify adora pulling less of her punches around catra or double trouble just not being as agile as catra is in combat. it’s probably the latter because when you think about it, throwing catra away is much more of a defensive tactic than an offensive one. anyway! double trouble still does a more or less good job fighting adora as catra. huntara calls adora over and is like hi adora! could you stop fighting ur gf for one fucking second? we need you to do literally anything else. and adora (who has NO IDEA she’s not fighting her ACTUAL gf) is like :( wait no what really?? ok :( one sec tho lemme pull off this super cool sexy farewell thing before i stop fighting catra i’ve been practicing it for years u kno kinda been working up to doing this bit. and then she. grabs dt!catra after stopping them from running away, and grabs this trap thingy to trap them against the side of this wall. “i got something more important to do :) it was fun distracting you though ;)” and she actually WINKS and she looks SO PROUD of her damn self but it means pretty much NOTHING because that’s not ACTUALLY catra :( wtf :( the worst thing about this whole situation is that adora clearly wanted to do her whole super strong super powered thing and then go BACK to catra and like.... gloat or something.... flirt some more.... kiss her.... i don’t know. but dt!catra is gone because they’re good at getting out of tight spots, and adora is like “how did she get out of that? :( i wanted to see more of her tf....” anyway double trouble, scorpia, and catra are escaping in a skiff after this. catra thinks double trouble did marvelously. “i grew up with adora, and you fooled her” well catra. i’m very sorry. but if i were adora seeing you in that new look for the first time, i wouldn’t be checking to see if u were ooc. i would be.... hm idk.... flirting with you as hard as possible? like i know i complained that we never got a proper reaction from adora re catra’s new outfit, but i think we could interpret this scene as a lapse in adora’s morals <3 like she gave catra such a hard stare the last time they saw each other, and the next time they saw each other (after this) adora glared at her too, but somehow this time she’s all 👅👅👅👅👅it was fun distracting you ;) ;) ;) like ok. slow down there horn dog. “if you can do that, we can do anything. this is gonna be fun...” catra :( perhaps you would have more fun :( if you suggestively fought with adora :( yourself? :( 8/10
flutterina: catra’s having bad dreams :( her mistakes and past actions are haunting her and the guilt is messing her up so bad :( so what am i choosing to focus on? the fact that adora was in her dream :) dream!adora looks Angry and dream!catra is scared and backing away :( a quick callback to when adora gave catra an angry Look when she destroyed the portal, and catra looked scared for a second before her face hardened back to something equally pissed off looking. so this dream obviously tells us that the thought of adora genuinely just hating and being pissed off at catra... hurts and scares her. because we all know that she loves adora and just wants adora to love her back! but.... ya lmao. dream!adora asks “why did you do it?!” reminiscent of what she said last season, but angrier this time. and we all know that catra doesn’t really know why. sometimes things torture you so bad and you do stuff that you can’t come up with sound or logical reasons for. u would rather keep running or keep deflecting, and so catra deflects dream!adora’s questions by waking up. i wonder if catra dreams about adora more than what we’re shown in this scene. i also REALLY wanna know if adora dreams of catra. i want more :( why this season gotta be the fucking break up season bro :( like i KNOW they’re thinking of each other. gimme the content :( for now, let’s skip ahead to💔 their only real interaction this season💔 holy fuck. stay strong u guys. stay strong me. i think it’s very offensive of she-ra to not give me a catradora heavy season every season? like yeah this season is good but god at what cost? they should’ve known i was going to do an evaluation? :/ that i was gonna rate each ep out of ten according to how much catradora content there was? :/ the fuck bros. ,,,,anyway, let’s get to the actual scene. catra’s walking around w an ipad and scorpia is talking to her. catra looks like. v serious and :| and >:/ BUT when scorpia asks about she-ra catra becomes >:) and >:D “she-ra was in elberon, which means she’s nearby.” “do you think she’ll try some secret attack? :0” “;D oh i’m counting on it ;)” fucking god catra can you just flirt normally??? like be horny in a normal way??????? u can just ask adora out on a date. have u tried that? i know she blocked u for nearly destroying the world but adora’s a hoe ❤️ she would’ve said yes ❤️ u don’t need to kidnap a town as an excuse to see her ❤️ yes i know she did it to plant flutterina!DT into the rebellion as a spy but shhhhh ❤️ we finally get to the most GORGEOUS “hey adora”,,, ever because it’s the only hey adora of this season 💔 i looked back and we did not get a ‘hey adora’ last ep. honestly, adora should’ve figured it wasn’t catra JUST from the lack of greeting. catra is fucking POLITE ok :( anyway. it’s so homophobic that we only got ONE “hey adora” in THAT LOOK but..... it’s okay. because it’s such a good one. catra’s hand is propping her face up and she just looks so pretty.... the way she SAYS the hey adora too like bros... how we holding up? bad? she’s posing and lounging so prettily... “took you long enough to show up” HHHHH why does she sound like a gf who’s a little :/ that her gf showed up late for their date.... bro....... must she SMILE that prettily..... also adora’s reaction... she goes :0 and her EYES get this like ‘oh wow’ look for a Moment right before she remembers she’s supposed to be mad when she sees catra then she’s like >:( CATRA >:( and like. let’s dissect that look for a moment? it’s almost like AWE but why??? why would she be at all surprised to see catra??? catra is IN the horde like. she got happy for a moment until she remembered she’s meant to be mad. good bye <3 i will now be passing away <3 “seriously. i thought i’d have to kidnap another town to get your attention” TO GET. YOUR ATTENTION. HHHHH HELP THEY’RE GAY...... BRO WHY.............. THE GAYNESS UNMATCHED..... anyway catra continues like OH RIGHT u were at a PARTY feeling SPECIAL and adora.... oof oh fuck she COLD she was like skip the SPEECH i’m done playing your GAMES and she like reminds catra of the portal and they just... oof this really IS the breakup season it’s so brutal bros :( can’t they just kiss :( like nooooo don’t stare at each other angrily you’re so sexy aha OK BUT... at the end after catra runs away and adora’s getting hugged by flutterina and everyone’s cheering for her... she lets her ‘catra BAD’ and ‘yay haha rebellion for the win! :)’ facade drop for a moment... and she gets this really sad look on her face that makes u think.... and the next scene we see catra sitting on the ledge of where she and adora used to sit together? and she looks real upset too???? they hate being enemies. 9/10
pulse: in this ep adora fucking SHUSHED spinnerella and netossa while they were bickering and like... ok wow. rude :/ adora straight up was like ok HAHA WOW we GET IT ur HAPPY y’all have WIVES and iiiiiii don’t HAVE a GIRLFRIEND because my crush is EVIL :( on the other hand, we find out that catra is meeting up regularly with double trouble to get intel. it’s very funny because she’s like yeah yeah WHATEVER what can u tell me about SHE-RA >:( like girl? u are not subtle ❤️ catra literally met double trouble and said let’s be friends with benefits ❤️ the benefits? you spy on adora and tell me everything about what she does ❤️ was she pretty today ❤️ haha jk she’s pretty everyday ❤️ here’s some bitcoin for your troubles ❤️ AND THEN the next time double trouble facetimes catra they transform into bow and glimmer to roast them and catra is at most unamused and annoyed but BUT when double trouble pretends to be she-ra catra’s like HAHAHAHDJSJDJSJD OMG,,,, INSPIRED FAM,,,, SO FUNNY TOP PEAK COMEDY,,,, ABSOLUTE LEGEND,,,,,, SHOW ME SHE-RA AGAIN,,,,, u know that thing where you find people who you’re attracted to way funnier than they actually are? ya :-) apparently catra doesn’t even need the Actual she-ra/adora to lose her shit. she just needs to see a physical representation of her and it’s suddenly Peak Comedy. someone once pointed out that this moment was the last time catra was happy all season and... can we take a fucking second to cry about that. haha 💔 anyway double trouble is happy that they finally cracked the code to making catra go from ARGH >:( to HAHAHAHAHAH :D so they give her she-ra intel as a treat ❤️ “she-ra’s going back out to destroy the bot that hurt her friend” “ugh 🙄 typical heroic adora plan” shut up bitch u dream of her lips on yours!!!!!! 7/10
protocol: no rights for white boys ❤️ 0/10
princess scorpia: well, nothing! but since i’m scouring i might as well say the line where catra says “you don’t need a princess in your life telling you what to do!” to hordak she’s actually talking about her and adora haha i mean duh :-) anyway since i’m here can i talk about how hot catra is again this season. i’m madly in love did y’all see her from behind? even her back view is beautiful i am going to combust <3 2/10
mer-mysteries: what a great episode! 0/10
boys’ night out: catra gets banned from doing war crimes because hordak wants to do the war crimes all by himself and this is a real bummer because there’s an even SMALLER chance she’ll bump into adora now :( jk ik she was avoiding her this season because the guilt was eating her alive haha :-) also glimmer and adora fought and we all know that ‘but the rebellion’s in a worse place than ever since you showed up’ is like a very :( line but when u think about it it’s true because adora joining the rebellion pissed catra off so much she became an antagonistic force driving most of the conflict in the series up to this point in the story JFJDDJDJDJ like imagine if they brought catra up in this convo ‘i’m doing my BEST glimmer :(‘ ‘ok but what can we do about your terrible taste in evil women????? was ur catgirl gf ex really worth it????? did she hit that different???? did the catgirl ***** slap that hard????’ 1.5/10
hero: man mara is so hot! 0/10
fractures: scorpia said catra’s name in front of adora... ‘shadow weaver! and at bright moon! everything is making so much sense about why catra’s been acting the way she has’ and adora’s reaction is so interesting.... she goes from this ‘catra....’ look to this ‘catra >:(‘ look and like it’s interesting to see catra’s psyche explained to adora like this and it’s clearly something that makes adora feel bad but then she remembers the bad stuff catra did and forces herself to focus on that. 5/10 for that alone lmao
beast island: bow being very upset and annoyed and disappointed in glimmer is a fun little parallel to how adora has felt about catra’s descent into the darkness. you feel doubly upset and doubly betrayed when someone you’re in love with goes against what you stand for, and the goodness you know they’re capable of but aren’t showing. 1/10
destiny part 1: ‘i’ll be happy when the rebellion and she-ra are gone for good!!!’ are u sure about that catra :/ 1/10
destiny part 2: catra gets into a huge fight with some dude and right after she sort of collects herself after barely beating him she hears “hey, catra” and she completely freezes up. she’s been so proactive with avoiding adora all season... and the moment in 4x03 nearly doesn’t count because she was acting specifically to get double trouble snuck into the rebellion. aside from a necessary interaction in which she was far away and removed from adora anyway.... where she was far enough away to smile and laugh and manipulate the situation.... she hasn’t wanted to see adora at all, clearly. and having this happen now, right after one of her worst fights, right after she thought she was going to win... “no. you can’t do this. you can’t come in and take this from me now.” “woah, i knew this would get a rise out of you, but still, you really are obsessed, aren’t you, kitten?” and catra’s standing there like 👁👄👁 until double trouble reveals themself and says stuff that :( hurts :( i am not going to repeat until i get to anything catradora relevant because i don’t wanna be bummed out ok hoes 😔 anyway double trouble becomes adora again and is like “didn’t need you... left you” and puts catra’s hand on adora’s cheek...... and then shoves catra???? rude :( 7/10
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I Rewatch Miraculous—Stormy Weather
This post is 90% me gushing over Ladynoir flirting.
• “Aurore Boreal!” Cant tell if that name is creative or lazy...
•anybody else think the talk show host dude (forget his name) kinda looks like Mr. Clean???
• “Oh gosh! W-what am i gonna say to [Adrien?]” uhhhhh how about “hey Adrien how’s the weather?” Or like literally anything. Passing conversations and small talk are only hard if you overthink it.
• “No problem! I’ll look after your little detail for you!” Yeah we’re talking about a child here not a guinea pig. Has Nadja ever even met Alya???
• “She’s an absolute angel!”////heavy sarcasm. Yes most children are.
•Alya that little chin flick you did to Mari had some HEAVY bisexual energy 🎵 🎵🎵
• “Whats the big deal? You only lost by half a million votes.” Lol fucking rude Miraculous Mr. Clean.
•Hawk Moth taps his staff on the ground but says nothing instead of saying “fLy AwAy mY aKuMa AnD eViLiZe hIm” Lol they muted Hawk Moth. Now if only we can borrow some of Miraculous Mr. Clean’s magic erasers and wipe him right out of existence. 
•Aurore getting akumatized is actually kinda intimidating. Compared to most people she saw the akuma coming, tried to fight it off, dark lighting, creepy music etc.
•Stormy Weather’s powers are chilling teehee
• MARINETTE SHUT UP. Cats are paw-esome, you should adopt one. Specifically the hot kitty boi who is constantly making bedroom eyes at you.
•kiddo she didnt promise nothing you just suddenly wanted to go on the marry go round dont lie 🤣🤣🤣
•spaghetti aint that exciting Vincent, you gotta show Adrien pics of Ladybug. (Vincent is Adrien’s photographer’s name. Different from the creepy stalker i’m not looking forward to seeing in a few episodes)
• “the fuck you doing casually eating fruit you’re allergic to?” —Vincent probably. Alya gives zero fucks, Vincent.
• “Is that boy your boyfriend?” Oh Manon thats a loaded question. Besides they are just “friends.” We use the term friend very loosely in this show
•Marinette: looks for an inconspicuous place to transform
Also Marinette: hops behind a park bench with spaces between the planks and openings on all sides. Isn’t even hiding directly behind it, she lands a stone’s throw away
•Adrien: is puuuuuurfectly concealed in the shade of some trees behind some cases that arent stacked higher than his shins.
Also Adrien: hey HERE’s a great place to transform!!!
This should be included in whatever Miraculous drinking game you play: take a sip every time they transform/de-transform somewhere COMPLETELY VISIBLE
• “Why did I leave Manon? I should have NEVER done that.” Welp you right except if you hadn’t you’d be encased in ice right now and unable to help. 
• “how did you know my name?” Hmm, Manon. That’s an EXCELLENT question. You wanna answer that Ladybug?
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•ice queen’s face when she blasts Chat Noir away is me at all the people who dont want to wear their damn masks out in public and get mad when asked to do so
•Chat Noir pinball lol
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•chat Noir pancake pttttbbbttt
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•hand kisses are lovely and Ladybug be into it
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•Giiiiiirl you be flirting! High-key flirting, don’t deny it. Dat sultry look you be making reveals the truuuuth
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•  LB your expression does not match what you’re saying😏
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(Yeah the gif up there is the French dub translated by the good people over at Miraculous subs tumblr--I like the french dub, fight meeeee)
•LB is no damsel in distress but i need more of kitty boi being her seeing eye cat
•This whole scene ptttbbbttpppt
CN: “Why does she look mad?”
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CN: “Oh I still have her hand.”
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CN: “Aw she took her hand back. I was enjoying that...”
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Ice Queen: exists
CN: “Oh you’re still here?”
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• Why the fuck was Mari passed up for Manon??? Manon shouldn’t even be in the photo shoot without someone asking her mom, she’s like what? four? Mari is under age too but she’s at least in high school good grief...
In conclusion: Mari isn’t the best babysitter (just goes to show she isn’t a Mary Sue but a flawed person) and ladynoir has been high key flirting since season one, spread the word. I didn’t want to go through all the trouble of adding screenshots and gifs to this sort of post but it’s essential for this episode. 
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holyhellpod · 3 years
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Holy Hell: 3. Metanarrativity: Who’s the Deleuze and who’s the Guattari in your relationship? aka the analysis no one asked for.
In this ep, we delve into authorship, narrative, fandom and narrative meaning. And somehow, as always, bring it back to Cas and Misha Collins.
(Note: the reason I didn’t talk about Billie’s authorship and library is because I completely forgot it existed until I watched season 13 “Advanced Thanatology” again, while waiting for this episode to upload. I’ll find a way to work her into later episodes tho!)
I had to upload it as a new podcast to Spotify so if you could just re-subscribe that would be great! Or listen to it at these other links.
Please listen to the bit at the beginning about monetisation and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to message me here.
Apple | Spotify | Google
Transcript under the cut!
Warnings: discussions of incest, date rape, rpf, war, 9/11, the bush administration, abuse, mental health, addiction, homelessness. Most of these are just one off comments, they’re not full discussions.
Meta-Textuality: Who’s the Deleuze and who’s the Guattari in your relationship?
In the third episode of Season 6, “The Third Man,” Balthazar says to Cas, “you tore up the whole script and burned the pages.” That is the fundamental idea the writers of the first five seasons were trying to sell us: whatever grand plan the biblical God had cooking up is worth nothing in face of the love these men have—for each other and the world. Sam, Bobby, Cas and Dean will go to any lengths to protect one another and keep people safe. What’s real? What’s worth saving? People are real. Families are worth saving. 
This show plugs free will as the most important thing a person, angel, demon or otherwise can have. The fact of the matter is that Dean was always going to fight against the status quo, Sam was always going to go his own way, and Bobby was always going to do his best for his boys. The only uncertainty in the entire narrative is Cas. He was never meant to rebel. He was never meant to fall from Heaven. He was supposed to fall in line, be a good soldier, and help bring on the apocalypse, but Cas was the first agent of free will in the show’s timeline. Sam followed Lucifer, Dean followed Michael, and John gave himself up for the sins of his children, at once both a God and Jesus figure. But Cas wasn’t modelled off anyone else. He is original. There are definitely some parallels to Ruby, but I would argue those are largely unintentional. Cas broke the mold. 
That’s to say nothing of the impact he’s had on the fanbase, and the show itself, which would not have reached 15 seasons and be able to end the way they wanted it to without Cas and Misha Collins. His back must be breaking from carrying the entire show. 
But what the holy hell are we doing here today? Not just talking about Cas. We’re talking about metanarrativity: as I define it, and for purposes of this episode, the story within a story, and the act of storytelling. We’re going to go through a select few episodes which I think exemplify the best of what this show has to offer in terms of framing the narrative. We’ll talk about characters like Chuck and Becky and the baby dykes in season 10. And most importantly we’ll talk about the audience’s role, our role, in the reciprocal relationship of storytelling. After all, a tv show is nothing without the viewer.
I was in fact introduced to the concept of metanarrativity by Supernatural, so the fact that I’m revisiting it six years after I finished my degree to talk about the show is one of life’s little jokes.
 I’m brushing off my degree and bringing out the big guns (aka literary theorists) to examine this concept. This will be yet another piece of analysis that would’ve gone well in my English Lit degree, but I’ll try not to make it dry as dog shit. 
First off, I’m going to argue that the relationship between the creators of Supernatural and the fans has always been a dialogue, albeit with a power imbalance. Throughout the series, even before explicitly metanarrative episodes like season 10 “Fan Fiction” and season 4 “the monster at the end of this book,” the creators have always engaged in conversations with the fans through the show. This includes but is not limited to fan conventions, where the creators have actual, live conversations with the fans. Misha Collins admitted at a con that he’d read fanfiction of Cas while he was filming season 4, but it’s pretty clear even from the first season that the creators, at the very least Eric Kripke, were engaging with fans. The show aired around the same time as Twitter and Tumblr were created, both of which opened up new passageways for fans to interact with each other, and for Twitter and Facebook especially, new passageways for fans to interact with creators and celebrities.
But being the creators, they have ultimate control over what is written, filmed and aired, while we can only speculate and make our own transformative interpretations. But at least since s4, they have engaged in meta narrative construction that at once speaks to fans as well as expands the universe in fun and creative ways. My favourite episodes are the ones where we see the Winchesters through the lens of other characters, such as the season 3 episode “Jus In Bello,” in which Sam and Dean are arrested by Victor Henriksen, and the season 7 episode “Slash Fiction” in which Dean and Sam’s dopplegangers rob banks and kill a bunch of people, loathe as I am to admit that season 7 had an effect on any part of me except my upchuck reflex. My second favourite episodes are the meta episodes, and for this episode of Holy Hell, we’ll be discussing a few: The French Mistake, he Monster at the end of this book, the real ghostbusters, Fan Fiction, Metafiction, and Don’t Call Me Shurley. I’ll also discuss Becky more broadly, because, like, of course I’ll be discussing Becky, she died for our sins. 
Let’s take it back. The Monster At The End Of This Book — written by Julie Siege and Nancy Weiner and directed by Mike Rohl. Inarguably one of the better episodes in the first five seasons. Not only is Cas in it, looking so beautiful, but Sam gets something to do, thank god, and it introduces the character of Chuck, who becomes a source of comic relief over the next two seasons. The episode starts with Chuck Shurley, pen named Carver Edlund after my besties, having a vision while passed out drunk. He dreams of Sam and Dean larping as Feds and finding a series of books based on their lives that Chuck has written. They eventually track Chuck down, interrogate him, and realise that he’s a prophet of the lord, tasked with writing the Winchester Gospels. The B plot is Sam plotting to kill Lilith while Dean fails to get them out of the town to escape her. The C plot is Dean and Cas having a moment that strengthens their friendship and leads further into Cas’s eventual disobedience for Dean. Like the movie Disobedience. Exactly like the movie Disobedience. Cas definitely spits in Dean’s mouth, it’s kinda gross to be honest. Maybe I’m just not allo enough to appreciate art. 
When Eric Kripke was showrunner of the first five seasons of Supernatural,  he conceptualised the character of Chuck. Kripke as the author-god introduced the character of the author-prophet who would later become in Jeremy Carver’s showrun seasons the biblical God. Judith May Fathallah writes in “I’m A God: The Author and the Writing Fan in Supernatural” that Kripke writes himself both into and out of the text, ending his era with Chuck winking at the camera, saying, “nothing really ends,” and disappearing. Kripke stayed on as producer, continuing to write episodes through Sera Gamble’s era, and was even inserted in text in the season 6 episode “The French Mistake”. So nothing really does end, not Kripke’s grip on the show he created, not even the show itself, which fans have jokingly referred to as continuing into its 16th season. Except we’re not joking. It will die when all of us are dead, when there is no one left to remember it. According to W R Fisher, humans are homo narrans, natural storytellers. The Supernatural fandom is telling a fidelitous narrative, one which matches our own beliefs, values and experiences instead of that of canon. Instead of, at Fathallah says, “the Greek tradition, that we should struggle to do the right thing simply because it is right, though we will suffer and be punished anyway,” the fans have created an ending for the characters that satisfies each and every one of our desires, because we each create our own endings. It’s better because we get to share them with each other, in the tradition of campfire stories, each telling our own version and building upon the others. If that’s not the epitome of mythmaking then I don’t know. It’s just great. Dean and Cas are married, Eileen and Sam are married, Jack is sometimes a baby who Claire and Kaia are forced to babysit, Jody and Donna are gonna get hitched soon. It’s season 17, time for many weddings, and Kevin Tran is alive. Kripke, you have no control over this anymore, you crusty hag. 
Chuck is introduced as someone with power, but not influence over the story, only how the story is told through the medium of the novels. It’s basically a very badly written, non authorised biography, and Charlie reading literally every book and referencing things she should have no knowledge of is so damn creepy and funny. At first Chuck is surprised by his characters coming to life, despite having written it already, and when shown the intimidating array of weapons in Baby’s trunk he gets real scared. Which is the appropriate response for a skinny 5-foot-8 white guy in a bathrobe who writes terrible fantasy novels for a living. 
As far as I can remember, this is the first explicitly metanarrative episode in the series, or at least the first one with in world consequences. It builds upon the lore of Christianity, angels, and God, while teasing what’s to come. Chuck and Sam have a conversation about how the rest of the season is going to play out, and Sam comes away with the impression that he’ll go down with the ship. They touch on Sam’s addiction to demon blood, which Chuck admits he didn’t write into the books, because in the world of supernatural, addiction should be demonised ha ha at every opportunity, except for Dean’s alcoholism which is cool and manly and should never be analysed as an unhealthy trauma coping mechanism. 
Chuck is mostly impotent in the story of Sam and Dean, but his very presence presents an element of good luck that turns quickly into a force of antagonism in the series four finale, “Lucifer Rising”, when the archangel Raphael who defeats Lilith in this episode also kills Cas in the finale. It’s Cas’s quick thinking and Dean’s quick doing that resolve the episode and save them from Lilith, once again proving that free will is the greatest force in the universe. Cas is already tearing up pages and burning scripts. The fandom does the same, acting as gods of their own making in taking canon and transforming it into fan art. The fans aren’t impotent like Chuck, but neither do we have sway over the story in the way that Cas and Dean do. Sam isn’t interested in changing the story in the same way—he wants to kill Lilith and save the world, but in doing so continues the story in the way it was always supposed to go, the way the angels and the demons and even God wanted him to. 
Neither of them are author-gods in the way that God is. We find out later that Chuck is in fact the real biblical god, and he engineers everything. The one thing he doesn’t engineer, however, is Castiel, and I’ll get to that in a minute.
The Real Ghostbusters
Season 5’s “The real ghostbusters,” written by Nancy Weiner and Erik Kripke, and directed by James L Conway, situates the Winchesters at a fan convention for the Supernatural books. While there, they are confronted by a slew of fans cosplaying as Sam, Dean, Bobby, the scarecrow, Azazel, and more. They happen to stumble upon a case, in the midst of the game where the fans pretend to be on a case, and with the help of two fans cosplaying as Sam and Dean, they put to rest a group of homicidal ghost children and save the day. Chuck as the special guest of the con has a hero moment that spurs Becky on to return his affections. And at the end, we learn that the Colt, which they’ve been hunting down to kill the devil, was given to a demon named Crowley. It’s a fun episode, but ultimately skippable. This episode isn’t so much metanarrative as it is metatextual—metatextual meaning more than one layer of text but not necessarily about the storytelling in those texts—but let’s take a look at it anyway.
The metanarrative element of a show about a series of books about the brothers the show is based on is dope and expands upon what we saw in “the monster at the end of this book”. But the episode tells a tale about about the show itself, and the fandom that surrounds it. 
Where “The Monster At The End Of This Book” and the season 5 premiere “Sympathy For The Devil” poked at the coiled snake of fans and the concept of fandom, “the real ghostbusters” drags them into the harsh light of an enclosure and antagonises them in front of an audience. The metanarrative element revolves around not only the books themselves, but the stories concocted within the episode: namely Barnes and Demian the cosplayers and the story of the ghosts. The Winchester brothers’s history that we’ve seen throughout the first five seasons of the show is bared in a tongue in cheek way: while we cried with them when Sam and Dean fought with John, now the story is thrown out in such a way as to mock both the story and the fans’ relationship to it. Let me tell you, there is a lot to be made fun of on this show, but the fans’ relationship to the story of Sam, Dean and everyone they encounter along the way isn’t part of it. I don’t mean to be like, wow you can’t make fun of us ever because we’re special little snowflakes and we take everything so seriously, because you are welcome to make fun of us, but when the creators do it, I can’t help but notice a hint of malice. And I think that’s understandable in a way. Like The relationship between creator and fan is both layered and symbiotic. While Kripke and co no doubt owe the show’s popularity to the fans, especially as the fandom has grown and evolved over time, we’re not exactly free of sin. And don’t get me wrong, no fandom is. But the bad apples always seem to outweigh the good ones, and bad experiences can stick with us long past their due.
However, portraying us as losers with no lives who get too obsessed with this show — well, you know, actually, maybe they’re right. I am a loser with no life and I am too obsessed with this show. So maybe they have a point. But they’re so harsh about it. From wincestie Becky who they paint as a desperate shrew to these cosplayers who threaten Dean’s very perception of himself, we’re not painted in a very good light. 
Dean says to Demian and Barnes, “It must be nice to get out of your mom’s basement.” He’s judging them for deriving pleasure from dressing up and pretending to be someone else for a night. He doesn’t seem to get the irony that he does that for a living. As the seasons wore on, the creators made sure to include episodes where Dean’s inner geek could run rampant, often in the form of dressing up like a cowboy, such as season six “Frontierland” and season 13 “Tombstone”. I had to take a break from writing this to laugh for five minutes because Dean is so funny. He’s a car gay but he only likes one car. He doesn’t follow sports. His echolalia causes him to blurt out lines from his favourite movies. He’s a posse magnet. And he loves cosplay. But he will continually degrade and insult anyone who expresses interest in role play, fandom, or interests in general. Maybe that’s why Sam is such a boring person, because Dean as his mother didn’t allow him to have any interests outside of hunting. And when Sam does express interests, Dean insults him too. What a dick. He’s my soulmate, but I am not going to stop listening to hair metal for him. That’s where I draw the line. 
 Where “the monster at the end of this book” is concerned with narrative and authorship, “the real ghostbusters” is concerned with fandom and fan reactions to the show. It’s not really the best example to talk about in an episode about metanarrativity, but I wanted to include it anyway. It veers from talk of narrative by focusing on the people in the periphery of the narrative—the fans and the author. In season 9 “Metafiction,” Metatron asks the question, who gives the story meaning? The text would have you believe it’s the characters. The angels think it’s God. The fandom think it’s us. The creators think it’s them. Perhaps we will never come to a consensus or even a satisfactory answer to this question. Perhaps that’s the point.
The ultimate takeaway from this episode is that ordinary people, the people Sam and Dean save, the people they save the world for, the people they die for again and again, are what give their story meaning. Chuck defeats a ghost and saves the people in the conference room from being murdered. Demian and Barnes, don’t ask me which is which, burn the bodies of the ghost children and lay their spirits to rest. The text says that ordinary, every day people can rise to the challenge of becoming extraordinary. It’s not a bad note to end on, by any means. And then we find out that Demian and Barnes are a couple, which of course Dean is surprised at, because he lacks object permanence. 
This is no doubt influenced by how a good portion of the transformative fandom are queer, and also a nod to the wincesties and RPF writers like Becky who continue to bottom feed off the wrong message of this show. But then, the creators encourage that sort of thing, so who are the real clowns here? Everyone. Everyone involved with this show in any way is a clown, except for the crew, who were able to feed their families for more than a decade. 
Okay side note… over the past year or so I’ve been in process of realising that even in fandom queers are in the minority. I know the statistic is that 10% of the world population is queer, but that doesn’t seem right to me? Maybe because 4/5 closest friends are queer and I hang around queers online, but I also think I lack object permanence when it comes to straight people. Like I just do not interact with straight people on a regular basis outside of my best friend and parents and school. So when I hear that someone in fandom is straight I’m like, what the fuck… can you keep that to yourself please? Like if I saw Misha Collins coming out as straight I would be like, I didn’t ask and you didn’t have to tell. Okay I’m mostly joking, but I do forget straight people exist. Mostly I don’t think about whether people are gay or trans or cis or straight unless they’ve explicitly said it and then yes it does colour my perception of them, because of course it would. If they’re part of the queer community, they’re my people. And if they’re straight and cis, then they could very well pose a threat to me and my wellbeing. But I never ask people because it’s not my business to ask. If they feel comfortable enough to tell me, that’s awesome.  I think Dean feels the same way. Towards the later seasons at least, he has a good reaction when it’s revealed that someone is queer, even if it is mostly played off as a joke. It’s just that he doesn’t have a frame of reference in his own life to having a gay relationship, either his or someone he’s close to. He says to Cesar and Jesse in season 11 “The Critters” that they fight like brothers, because that’s the only way he knows how to conceptualise it. He doesn’t have a way to categorise his and Cas’s relationship, which is in many ways, long before season 15 “Despair,” harking back even to the parallels between Ruby and Cas in season 3 and 4, a romantic one, aside from that Cas is like a brother to him. Because he’s never had anyone in his life care for him the way Cas does that wasn’t Sam and Bobby, and he doesn’t recognise the romantic element of their relationship until literally Cas says it to him in the third last episode, he just—doesn’t know what his and Cas’s relationship is. He just really doesn’t know. And he grew up with a father who despised him for taking the mom and wife role in their family, the role that John placed him in, for being subservient to John’s wishes where Sam was more rebellious, so of course he wouldn’t understand either his own desires or those of anyone around him who isn’t explicitly shoving their tits in his face. He moulded his entire personality around what he thought John wanted of him, and John says to him explicitly in season 14 “Lebanon”, “I thought you’d have a family,” meaning, like him, wife and two rugrats. And then, dear god, Dean says, thinking of Sam, Cas, Jack, Claire, and Mary, “I have a family.” God that hurts so much. But since for most of his life he hasn’t been himself, he’s been the man he thought his father wanted him to be, he’s never been able to examine his own desires, wants and goals. So even though he’s really good at reading people, he is not good at reading other people’s desires unless they have nefarious intentions. Because he doesn’t recognise what he feels is attraction to men, he doesn’t recognise that in anyone else. 
Okay that’s completely off topic, wow. Getting back to metanarrativity in “The Real Ghostbusters,” I’ll just cap it off by saying that the books in this episode are more a frame for the events than the events themselves. However, there are some good outtakes where Chuck answers some questions, and I’m not sure how much of that is scripted and how much is Rob Benedict just going for it, but it lends another element to the idea of Kripke as author-god. The idea of a fan convention is really cool, because at this point Supernatural conventions had been running for about 4 years, since 2006. It’s definitely a tribute to the fans, but also to their own self importance. So it’s a mixed bag, considering there were plenty of elements in there that show the good side of fandom and fans, but ultimately the Winchesters want nothing to do with it, consider it weird, and threaten Chuck when he says he’ll start releasing books again, which as far as they know is his only source of income. But it’s a fun episode and Dean is a grouchy bitch, so who the holy hell cares?
Season 10 episode “fanfiction” written by my close personal friend Robbie Thompson and directed by Phil Sgriccia is one of the funniest episodes this show has ever done. Not only is it full of metatextual and metanarrative jokes, the entire premise revolves around fanservice, but in like a fun and interesting way, not fanservice like killing the band Kansas so that Dean can listen to “Carry On My Wayward Son” in heaven twice. Twice. One version after another. Like I would watch this musical seven times in theatre, I would buy the soundtrack, I would listen to it on repeat and make all my friends listen to it when they attend my online Jitsi birthday party. This musical is my Hamilton. Top ten episodes of this show for sure. The only way it could be better is if Cas was there. And he deserved to be there. He deserved to watch little dyke Castiel make out with her girlfriend with her cute little wings, after which he and Dean share uncomfortable eye contact. Dean himself is forever coming to terms with the fact that gay people exist, but Cas should get every opportunity he can to hear that it’s super cool and great and awesome to be queer. But really he should be in every episode, all of them, all 300 plus episodes including the ones before angels were introduced. I’m going to commission the guy who edits Paddington into every movie to superimpose Cas standing on the highway into every episode at least once.
“Fan Fiction” starts with a tv script and the words “Supernatural pilot created by Eric Kripke”. This Immediately sets up the idea that it’s toying with narrative. Blah blah blah, some people go missing, they stumble into a scene from their worst nightmares: the school is putting on a musical production of a show inspired by the Supernatural books. It’s a comedy of errors. When people continue to go missing, Sam and Dean have to convince the girls that something supernatural is happening, while retaining their dignity and respect. They reveal that they are the real Sam and Dean, and Dean gives the director Marie a summary of their lives over the last five seasons, but they aren’t taken seriously. Because, like, of course they aren’t. Even when the girls realise that something supernatural is happening, they don’t actually believe that the musical they’ve made and the series of books they’re basing it on are real. Despite how Sam and Dean Winchester were literal fugitives for many years at many different times, and this was on the news, and they were wanted by the FBI, despite how they pretend to be FBI, and no one mentions it??? Did any of the staffwriters do the required reading or just do what I used to do for my 40 plus page readings of Baudrillard and just skim the first sentence of every paragraph? Neat hack for you: paragraphs are set up in a logical order of Topic, Example, Elaboration, Linking sentence. Do you have to read 60 pages of some crusty French dude waxing poetic about how his best friend Pierre wants to shag his wife and making that your problem? Read the first and last sentence of every paragraph. Boom, done. Just cut your work in half. 
The musical highlights a lot of the important moments of the show so far. The brothers have, as Charlie Bradbury says, their “broment,” and as Marie says, their “boy melodrama scene,” while she insinuates that there is a sexual element to their relationship. This show never passed up an opportunity to mention incest. It’s like: mentioning incest 5000 km, not being disgusting 1 km, what a hard decision. Actually, they do have to walk on their knees for 100 miles through the desert repenting. But there are other moments—such as Mary burning on the ceiling, a classic, Castiel waiting for Dean at the side of the highway, and Azazel poisoning Sam. With the help of the high schoolers, Sam and Dean overcome Calliope, the muse and bad guy of the episode, and save the day. What began as their lives reinterpreted and told back to them turns into a story they have some agency over.
In this episode, as opposed to “The Monster At The End Of This Book,” The storytelling has transferred from an alcoholic in a bathrobe into the hands of an overbearing and overachieving teenage girl, and honestly why not. Transformative fiction is by and large run by women, and queer women, so Marie and her stage manager slash Jody Mills’s understudy Maeve are just following in the footsteps of legends. This kind of really succinctly summarises the difference between curative fandom and transformative fandom, the former of which is populated mostly by men, and the latter mostly by women. As defined by LordByronic in 2015, Curative fandom is more like enjoying the text, collecting the merchandise, organising the knowledge — basically Reddit in terms of fandom curation. Transformative fandom is transforming the source text in some way — making fanart, fanfic, mvs, or a musical — basically Tumblr in general, and Archive of our own specifically. Like what do non fandom people even do on Tumblr? It is a complete mystery to me. Whereas Chuck literally writes himself into the narrative he receives through visions, Marie and co have agency and control over the narrative by writing it themselves. 
Chuck does appear in the episode towards the end, his first appearance after five seasons. The theory that he killed those lesbian theatre girls makes me wanna curl up and die, so I don’t subscribe to it. Chuck watched the musical and he liked it and he gave unwarranted notes and then he left, the end.
The Supernatural creative team is explicitly acknowledging the fandom’s efforts by making this episode. They’re writing us in again, with more obsessive fans, but with lethbians this time, which makes it infinitely better. And instead of showing us as potential date rapists, we’re just cool chicks who like to make art. And that’s fucken awesome. 
I just have to note that the characters literally say the word Destiel after Dean sees the actors playing Dean and Cas making out. He storms off and tells Sam to shut the fuck up when Sam makes fun of him, because Dean’s sexuality is NOT threatened he just needs to assert his dominance as a straight hetero man who has NEVER looked at another man’s lips and licked his own. He just… forgets that gay people exist until someone reminds him. BUT THEN, after a rousing speech that is stolen from Rent or Wicked or something, he echoes Marie’s words back, saying “put as much sub into that text as you possibly can.” What does Dean know about subbing, I wonder. Okay I’m suddenly reminded that he did literally go to a kink bar and get hit on by a leather daddy. Oh Dean, the experiences you have as a broad-shouldered, pixie-faced man with cowboy legs. You were born for this role.
Metatron is my favourite villain. As one tumblr user pointed out, he is an evil English literature major, which is just a normal English literature major. The season nine episode “Meta Fiction” written by my main man robbie thompson and directed by thomas j wright, happens within a curious season. Castiel, once again, becomes the leader of a portion of the heavenly host to take down Metatron, and Dean is affected by the Mark Of Cain. Sam was recently possessed by Gadreel, who killed Kevin in Sam’s body and then decided to run off with Metatron. Metatron himself is recruiting angels to join him, in the hopes that he can become the new God. It’s the first introduction of Hannah, who encourages Cas to recruit angels himself to take on Metatron. Also, we get to see Gabriel again, who is always a delight. 
This episode is a lot of fun. Metatron poses questions like, who tells a story and who is the most important person in the telling? Is it the writer? The audience? He starts off staring over his typewriter to address the camera, like a pompous dickhead. No longer content with consuming stories, he’s started to write his own. And they are hubristic ones about becoming God, a better god than Chuck ever was, but to do it he needs to kill a bunch of people and blame it on Cas. So really, he’s actually exactly like Chuck who blamed everything on Lucifer. 
But I think the most apt analogy we can use for this in terms of who is the creator is to think of Metatron as a fanfiction writer. He consumes the media—the Winchester Gospels—and starts to write his own version of events—leading an army to become God and kill Cas. Nevermind that no one has been able to kill Cas in a way that matters or a way that sticks. Which is canon, and what Metatron is trying to do is—well not fanon because it actually does impact the Winchesters’ storyline. It would be like if one of the writers of Supernatural began writing Supernatural fanfiction before they got a job on the show. Which as my generation and the generations coming after me get more comfortable with fanfiction and fandom, is going to be the case for a lot of shows. I think it’s already the case for Riverdale. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the woman who wrote the bi Dean essay go to work on Riverdale? Or something? I dunno, I have the post saved in my tumblr likes but that is quagmire of epic proportions that I will easily get lost in if I try to find it. 
Okay let me flex my literary degree. As Englund and Leach say in “Ethnography and the metanarratives of modernity,” “The influential “literary turn,” in which the problems of ethnography were seen as largely textual and their solutions as lying in experimental writing seems to have lost its impetus.” This can be taken to mean, in the context of Supernatural, that while Metatron’s writings seek to forge a new path in history, forgoing fate for a new kind of divine intervention, the problem with Metatron is that he’s too caught up in the textual, too caught up in the writing, to be effectual. And this as we see throughout seasons 9, 10 and 11, has no lasting effect. Cas gets his grace back, Dean survives, and Metatron becomes a powerless human. In this case, the impetus is his grace, which he loses when Cas cuts it out of him, a mirror to Metatron cutting out Cas’s grace. 
However, I realise that the concept of ethnography in Supernatural is a flawed one, ethnography being the observation of another culture: a lot of the angels observe humanity and seem to fit in. However, Cas has to slowly acclimatise to the Winchesters as they tame him, but he never quite fit in—missing cues, not understanding jokes or Dean’s personal space, the scene where he says, “We have a guinea pig? Where?” Show him the guinea pig Sam!!! He wants to see it!!! At most he passes as a human with autism. Cas doesn’t really observe humanity—he observes nature, as seen in season 7 “reading is fundamental” and “survival of the fittest”. Even the human acts he talks about in season 6 “the man who would be king” are from hundreds or thousands of years ago. He certainly doesn’t observe popular culture, which puts him at odds with Dean, who is made up of 90 per cent pop culture references and 10 per cent flannel. Metatron doesn’t seek to blend in with humanity so much as control it, which actually is the most apt example of ethnography for white people in the last—you know, forever. But of course the writers didn’t seek to make this analogy. It is purely by chance, and maybe I’m the only person insane enough to realise it. But probably not. There are a lot of cookies much smarter than me in the Supernatural fandom and they’ve like me have grown up and gone to university and gotten real jobs in the real world and real haircuts. I’m probably the only person to apply Englund and Leach to it though.
And yes, as I read this paper I did need to have one tab open on Google, with the word “define” in the search bar. 
Metatron has a few lines in this that I really like. He says: 
“The universe is made up of stories, not atoms.”
“You’re going to have to follow my script.”
“I’m an entity of my word.”
It’s really obvious, but they’re pushing the idea that Metatron has become an agent of authorship instead of just a consumer of media. He even throws a Supernatural book into his fire — a symbolic act of burning the script and flipping the writer off, much like Cas did to God and the angels in season 5. He’s not a Kripke figure so much as maybe a Gamble, Carver or Dabb figure, in that he usurps Chuck and becomes the author-god. This would be extremely postmodern of him if he didn’t just do exactly what Chuck was doing, except worse somehow. In fact, it’s postmodern of Cas to reject heaven’s narrative and fall for Dean. As one tumblr user points out, Cas really said “What’s fate compared to Dean Winchester?”
Okay this transcript is almost 8000 words already, and I still have two more episodes to review, and more things to say, so I’ll leave you with this. Metatron says to Cas, “Out of all of God’s wind up toys, you’re the only one with any spunk.” Why Cas has captured his attention comes down more than anything to a process of elimination. Most angels fucking suck. They follow the rules of whoever puts themselves in charge, and they either love Cas or hate him, or just plainly wanna fuck him, and there have been few angels who stood out. Balthazar was awesome, even though I hated him the first time I watched season 6. He UNSUNK the Titanic. Legend status. And Gabriel was of course the OG who loves to fuck shit up. But they’re gone at this stage in the narrative, and Cas survives. Cas always survives. He does have spunk. And everyone wants to fuck him.  
Season 11 episode 20 “Don’t Call Me Shurley,” the last episode written by the Christ like figure of Robbie Thompson — are we sensing a theme here? — and directed by my divine enemy Robert Singer, starts with Metatron dumpster diving for food. I’m not even going to bother commenting on this because like… it’s supernatural and it treats complex issues like homelessness and poverty with zero nuance. Like the Winchesters live in poverty but it’s fun and cool because they always scrape by but Metatron lives in poverty and it’s funny. Cas was homeless and it was hard but he needed to do it to atone for his sins, and Metatron is homeless and it’s funny because he brought it on himself by being a murderous dick. Fucking hell. Robbie, come on. The plot focuses on God, also known as Chuck Shurley, making himself known to Metatron and asking for Metatron’s opinion on his memoir. Meanwhile, the Winchesters battle another bout of infectious serial killer fog sent by Amara. At the end of the episode, Chuck heals everyone affected by the fog and reveals himself to Sam and Dean. 
Chuck says that he didn’t foresee Metatron trying to become god, but the idea of Season 15 is that Chuck has been writing the Winchesters’ story all their lives. When Metatron tries, he fails miserably, is locked up in prison, tortured by Dean, then rendered useless as a human and thrown into the world without a safety net. His authorship is reduced to nothing, and he is reduced to dumpster diving for food. He does actually attempt to live his life as someone who records tragedies as they happen and sells the footage to news stations, which is honestly hilarious and amazing and completely unsurprising because Metatron is, at the heart of it, an English Literature major. In true bastard style, he insults Chuck’s work and complains about the bar, but slips into his old role of editor when Chuck asks him to. 
The theory I’m consulting for this uses the term metanarrative in a different way than I am. They consider it an overarching narrative, a grand narrative like religion. Chuck’s biography is in a sense most loyal to Middleton and Walsh’s view of metanarrative: “the universal story of the world from arche to telos, a grand narrative encompassing world history from beginning to end.” Except instead of world history, it’s God’s history, and since God is construed in Supernatural as just some guy with some powers who is as fallible as the next some guy with some powers, his story has biases and agendas.  Okay so in the analysis I’m getting Middleton and Walsh’s quotes from, James K A Smith’s “A little story about metanarratives,” Smith dunks on them pretty bad, but for Supernatural purposes their words ring true. Think of them as the BuckLeming of Lyotard’s postmodern metanarrative analysis: a stopped clock right twice a day. Is anyone except me understanding the sequence of words I’m saying right now. Do I just have the most specific case of brain worms ever found in human history. I’m currently wearing my oversized Keith Haring shirt and dipping pretzels into peanut butter because it’s 3.18 in the morning and the homosexuals got to me. The total claims a comprehensive metanarrative of world history make do indeed, as Middleton and Walsh claim, lead to violence, stay with me here, because Chuck’s legacy is violence, and so is Metatron’s, and in trying to reject the metanarrative, Sam and Dean enact violence. Mostly Dean, because in season 15 he sacrifices his own son twice to defeat Chuck. But that means literally fighting violence with violence. Violence is, after all, all they know. Violence is the lens through which they interact with the world. If the writers wanted to do literally anything else, they could have continued Dean’s natural character progression into someone who eschews the violence that stems from intergeneration trauma — yes I will continue to use the phrase intergenerational trauma whenever I refer to Dean — and becomes a loving father and husband. Sam could eschew violence and start a monster rehabilitation centre with Eileen.
This episode of Holy Hell is me frantically grabbing at straws to make sense of a narrative that actively hates me and wants to kick me to death. But the violence Sam and Dean enact is not at a metanarrative level, because they are not author-gods of their own narrative. In season 15 “Atomic Monsters,” Becky points out that the ending of the Supernatural book series is bad because the brothers die, and then, in a shocking twist of fate, Dean does die, and the narrative is bad. The writers set themselves a goal post to kick through and instead just slammed their heat into the bars. They set up the dartboard and were like, let’s aim the darts at ourselves. Wouldn’t that be fun. Season 15’s writing is so grossly incompetent that I believe every single conspiracy theory that’s come out of the finale since November, because it’s so much more compelling than whatever the fuck happened on the road so far. Carry on? Why yes, I think I will carry on, carry on like a pork chop, screaming at the bars of my enclosure until I crack my voice open like an egg and spill out all my rage and frustration. The world will never know peace again. It’s now 3.29 and I’ve written over 9000 words of this transcript. And I’m not done.
Middleton and Walsh claim that metanarratives are merely social constructions masquerading as universal truths. Which is, exactly, Supernatural. The creators have constructed this elaborate web of narrative that they want to sell us as the be all and end all. They won’t let the actors discuss how they really feel about the finale. They won’t let Misha Collins talk about Destiel. They want us to believe it was good, actually, that Dean, a recovering alcoholic with a 30 year old infant son and a husband who loves him, deserved to die by getting NAILED, while Sam, who spent the last four seasons, the entirety of Andrew Dabb’s run as showrunner, excelling at creating a hunter network and romancing both the queen of hell and his deaf hunter girlfriend, should have lived a normie life with a normie faceless wife. Am I done? Not even close. I started this episode and I’m going to finish it.
When we find out that Chuck is God in the episode of season 11, it turns everything we knew about Chuck on its head. We find out in Season 15 that Chuck has been writing the Winchesters’ story all along, that everything that happened to them is his doing. The one thing he couldn’t control was Cas’s choice to rebel. If we take him at his word, Cas is the only true force of free will in the entire universe, and more specifically, the love that Cas had for Dean which caused him to rebel and fall from heaven. — This theory has holes of course. Why would Lucifer torture Lilith into becoming the first demon if he didn’t have free will? Did Chuck make him do that? And why? So that Chuck could be the hero and Lucifer the bad guy, like Lucifer claimed all along? That’s to say nothing of Adam and Eve, both characters the show introduced in different ways, one as an antagonist and the other as the narrative foil to Dean and Cas’s romance. Thinking about it makes my head hurt, so I’m just not gunna. 
So Chuck was doing the writing all along. And as Becky claims in “Atomic Monsters,” it’s bad writing. The writers explicitly said, the ending Chuck wrote is bad because there’s no Cas and everyone dies, and then they wrote an ending where there is no Cas and everyone dies. So talk about self-fulfilling prophecies. Talk about giant craters in the earth you could see from 800 kilometres away but you still fell into. Meanwhile fan writers have the opportunity to write a million different endings, all of which satisfy at least one person. The fandom is a hydra, prolific and unstoppable, and we’ll keep rewriting the ending a million more times.
And all this is not even talking about the fact that Chuck is a man, Metatron is a man, Sam and Dean and Cas are men, and the writers and directors of the show are, by an overwhelming majority, men. Most of them are white, straight, cis men. Feminist scholarship has done a lot to unpack the damage done by paternalistic approaches to theory, sociology, ethnography, all the -ys, but I propose we go a step further with these men. Kill them. Metanarratively, of course. Amara, the Darkness, God’s sister, had a chance to write her own story without Chuck, after killing everything in the universe, and I think she had the right idea. Knock it all down to build it from the ground up. Billie also had the opportunity to write a narrative, but her folly was, of course, putting any kind of faith in the Winchesters who are also grossly incompetent and often fail up. She is, as all author-gods on this show are, undone by Castiel. The only one with any spunk, the only one who exists outside of his own narrative confines, the only one the author-gods don’t have any control over. The one who died for love, and in dying, gave life. 
The French Mistake
Let’s change the channel. Let’s calm ourselves and cleanse our libras. Let’s commune with nature and chug some sage bongs. 
“The French Mistake” is a song from the Mel Brooks film Blazing Saddles. In the iconic second last scene of the film, as the cowboys fight amongst themselves, the camera pans back to reveal a studio lot and a door through which a chorus of gay dancersingers perform “the French Mistake”. The lyrics go, “Throw out your hands, stick out your tush, hands on your hips, give ‘em a push. You’ll be surprised you’re doing the French Mistake.” 
I’m not sure what went through the heads of the Supernatural creators when they came up with the season 6 episode, “The French Mistake,” written by the love of my life Ben Edlund and directed by some guy Charles Beeson. Just reading the Wikipedia summary is so batshit incomprehensible. In short: Balthazar sends Sam and Dean to an alternate universe where they are the actors Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles, who play Sam and Dean on the tv show Supernatural. I don’t think this had ever been done in television history before. The first seven seasons of this show are certifiable. Like this was ten years ago. Think about the things that have happened in the last 10 slutty, slutty years. We have lived through atrocities and upheaval and the entire world stopping to mourn, but also we had twitter throughout that entire time, which makes it infinitely worse.
In this universe, Sam and Dean wear makeup, Cas is played by attractive crying man Misha Collins, and Genevieve Padalecki nee Cortese makes an appearance. Magic doesn’t exist, Serge has good ideas, and the two leads have to act in order to get through the day. Sorry man I do not know how to pronounce your name.
Sidenote: I don’t know if me being attracted aesthetically to Misha Collins is because he’s attractive, because this show has gaslighted me into thinking he’s attractive, or because Castiel’s iconic entrance in 2008 hit my developing mind like a torpedo full of spaghetti and blew my fucking brains all over the place. It’s one of life’s little mysteries and God’s little gifts.
Let’s talk about therapy. More specifically, “Agency and purpose in narrative therapy: questioning the postmodern rejection of metanarrative” by Cameron Lee. In this paper, Lee outlines four key ideas as proposed by Freedman and Combs:
Realities are socially constructed
Realities are constituted through language
Realities are organised and maintained through narrative
And there are no essential truths.
Let’s break this down in the case of this episode. Realities are socially constructed: the reality of Sam and Dean arose from the Bush era. Do I even need to elaborate? From what I understand with my limited Australian perception, and being a child at the time, 9/11 really was a prominent shifting point in the last twenty years. As Americans describe it, sometimes jokingly, it was the last time they were really truly innocent. That means to me that until they saw the repercussions of their government’s actions in funding turf wars throughout the middle east for a good chunk of the 20th Century, they allowed themselves to be hindered by their own ignorance. The threat of terrorism ran rampant throughout the States, spurred on by right wing nationalists and gun-toting NRA supporters, so it’s really no surprise that the show Supernatural started with the premise of killing everything in sight and driving around with only your closest kin and a trunk full of guns. Kripke constructed that reality from the social-political climate of the time, and it has wrought untold horrors on the minds of lesbians who lived through the noughties, in that we are now attracted to Misha Collins.
Number two: Realities are constituted through language. Before a show can become a show, it needs to be a script. It’s written down, typed up, and given to actors who say the lines out loud. In this respect, they are using the language of speech and words to convey meaning. But tv shows are not all about words, and they’re barely about scripts. From what I understand of being raised by television, they are about action, visuals, imagery, and behaviours. All of the work that goes into them—the scripts, the lighting, the audio, the sound mixing, the cameras, the extras, the ADs, the gaffing, the props, the stunts, everything—is about conveying a story through the medium of images. In that way, images are the language. The reality of the show Supernatural, inside the show Supernatural, is constituted through words: the script, the journalists talking to Sam, the makeup artist taking off Dean’s makeup, the conversations between the creators, the tweets Misha sends. But also through imagery: the fish tank in Jensen’s trailer, the model poses on the front cover of the magazine, the opulence of Jared’s house, Misha’s iconic sweater. Words and images are the language that constitutes both of these realities. Okay for real, I feel like I’ve only seen this episode max three times, including when I watched it for research for this episode, but I remember so much about it. 
Number three: realities are organised and maintained through narrative. In this universe of the French Mistake, their lives are structured around two narratives: the internal narrative of the show within the show, in which they are two actors on a tv set; and the episode narrative in which they need to keep the key safe and return to their own universe. This is made difficult by the revelation that magic doesn’t work in this universe, however, they find a way. Before they can get back, though, an avenging angel by the name of Virgil guns down author-god Eric Kripke and tries to kill the Winchesters. However, they are saved by Balthazar and the freeze frame and brought back into their own world, the world of Supernatural the show, not Supernatural the show within the show within the nesting doll. And then that reality is done with, never to be revisited or even mentioned, but with an impact that has lasted longer than the second Bush administration.
And number four: there are no essential truths. This one is a bit tricky because I can’t find what Lee means by essential truths, so I’m just going to interpret that. To me, essential truths means what lies beneath the narratives we tell ourselves. Supernatural was a show that ran for 15 years. Supernatural had actors. Supernatural was showrun by four different writers. In the show within a show, there is nothing, because that ceases to exist for longer than the forty two minute episode “The French Mistake”. And since Supernatural no longer exists except in our computers, it is nothing too. It is only the narratives we tell ourselves to sleep better at night, to wake up in the morning with a smile, to get through the day, to connect with other people, to understand ourselves better. It’s not even the narrative that the showrunners told, because they have no agency over it as soon as it shows up on our screens. The essential truth of the show is lost in the translation from creating to consuming. Who gives the story meaning? The people watching it and the people creating it. We all do. 
Lee says that humans are predisposed to construct narratives in order to make sense of the world. We see this in cultures from all over the world: from cave paintings to vases, from The Dreaming to Beowulf, humans have always constructed stories. The way you think about yourself is a story that you’ve constructed. The way you interact with your loved ones and the furries you rightfully cyberbully on Twitter is influenced by the narratives you tell yourself about them. And these narratives are intricate, expansive, personalised, and can colour our perceptions completely, so that we turn into a different person when we interact with one person as opposed to another. 
Whatever happened in season 6, most of which I want to forget, doesn’t interest me in the way I’m telling myself the writers intended. For me, the entirety of season 6 was based around the premise of Cas being in love with Dean, and the complete impotence of this love. He turns up when Dean calls, he agonises as he watches Dean rake leaves and live his apple pie life with Lisa, and Dean is the person he feels most horribly about betraying. He says, verbatim, to Sam, “Dean and I do share a more profound bond.” And Balthazar says, “You’re confusing me with the other angel, the one in the dirty trenchcoat who’s in love with you.” He says this in season 6, and we couldn’t do a fucken thing about it. 
The song “The French Mistake” shines a light on the hidden scene of gay men performing a gay narrative, in the midst of a scene about the manliest profession you can have: professional horse wrangler, poncho wearer, and rodeo meister, the cowboy. If this isn’t a perfect encapsulation of the lovestory between Dean and Cas, which Ben Edlund has been championing from day fucking one of Misha Collins walking onto that set with his sex hair and chapped lips, then I don’t know what the fuck we’re even doing here. What in the hell else could it possibly mean. The layers to this. The intricacy. The agendas. The subtextual AND blatant queerness. The micro aggressions Crowley aimed at Car in “The Man Who Would Be King,” another Bedlund special. Bed Edlund is a fucking genius. Bed Edlund is cool girl. Ben Edlund is the missing link. Bed Edlund IS wikileaks. Ben Edlund is a cool breeze on a humid summer day. Ben Edlund is the stop loading button on a browser tab. Ben Edlund is the perfect cross between Spotify and Apple Music, in which you can search for good playlists, but without having to be on Spotify. He can take my keys and fuck my wife. You best believe I’m doing an entire episode of Holy Hell on Bedlund’s top five. He is the reason I want to get into staffwriting on a tv show. I saw season 4 episode “On the head of a pin” when my brain was still torpedoed spaghetti mush from the premiere, and it nestled its way deep into my exposed bones, so that when I finally recovered from that, I was a changed person. My god, this transcript is 11,000 words, and I haven’t even finished the Becky section. Which is a good transition.
Oh, Becky. She is an incarnation of how the writers, or at least Kripke, view the fans. Watching season 5 “Sympathy for the Devil” live in 2009 was a whole fucking trip that I as a baby gay was not prepared for. Figuring out my sexuality was a journey that started with the Supernatural fandom and is in some aspects still raging against the dying of the light today. Add to that, this conception of the audience was this, like, personification of the librarian cellist from Juno, but also completely without boundaries, common sense, or shame. It made me wonder about my position in the narrative as a consumer consuming. Is that how Kripke saw me, specifically? Was I like Becky? Did my forays into DeanCasNatural on El Jay dot com make me a fucking loser whose only claim to fame is writing some nasty fanfiction that I’ve since deleted all traces of? Don’t get me wrong, me and my unhinged Casgirl friends loved Becky. I can’t remember if I ever wrote any fanfiction with her in it because I was mostly writing smut, which is extremely Becky coded of me, but I read some and my friends and I would always chat about her when she came up. She was great entertainment value before season 7. But in the eyes of the powers that be, Becky, like the fans themselves, are expendable. First they turned her into a desperate bride wannabe who drugs Sam so that he’ll be with her, then Chuck waves his hand and she disappears. We’re seeing now with regards to Destiel, Cas, and Misha Collins this erasure of them from the narrative. Becky says in season 15 “Atomic Monsters” that the ending Chuck writes is bad because, for one, there’s no Cas, and that’s exactly what’s happening to the text post-finale. It literally makes me insane akin to the throes of mania to think about the layers of this. They literally said, “No Cas = bad” and now Misha isn’t even allowed to talk in his Cassona voice—at least at the time I wrote that—to the detriment of the fans who care about him. It’s the same shit over and over. They introduce something we like, they realise they have no control over how much we like it, and then they pretend they never introduced it in the first place. Season 7, my god. The only reason Gamble brought back Cas was because the ratings were tanking the show. I didn’t even bother watching most of it live, and would just hear from my friends whether Cas was in the episodes or not. And then Sera, dear Sera, had the gall to say it was a Homer’s Odyssey narrative. I’m rusty on Homer aka I’ve never read it but apparently Odysseus goes away, ends up with a wife on an island somewhere, and then comes back to Terabithia like it never happened. How convenient. But since Sera Gamble loves to bury her gays, we can all guess why Cas was written out of the show: Cas being gay is a threat to the toxic heteronormativity spouted by both the show and the characters themselves. In season 15, after Becky gets her life together, has kids, gets married, and starts a business, she is outgrowing the narrative and Chuck kills her. The fans got Destiel Wedding trending on Twitter, and now the creators are acting like he doesn’t exist. New liver, same eagles.
I have to add an adendum: as of this morning, Sunday 11th, don’t ask me what time that is in Americaland, Misha Collins did an online con/Q&A thing and answered a bunch of questions about Cas and Dean, which goes to show that he cannot be silenced. So the narrative wants to be told. It’s continuing well into it’s 16th or 17th season. It’s going to keep happening and they have no recourse to stop it. So fuck you, Supernatural.
I did write the start of a speech about representation but, who the holy hell cares. I also read some disappointing Masters theses that I hope didn’t take them longer to research and write than this episode of a podcast I’m making for funsies took me, considering it’s the same number of pages. Then again I have the last four months and another 8 years of fandom fuelling my obsession, and when I don’t sleep I write, hence the 4,000 words I knocked out in the last 12 hours. 
Some final words. Lyotard defines postmodernism, the age we live in, as an incredulity towards metanarratives. Modernism was obsessed with order and meaning, but postmodernism seeks to disrupt that. Modernists lived within the frame of the narrative of their society, but postmodernists seek to destroy the frame and live within our own self-written contexts. Okay I love postmodernist theory so this has been a real treat for me. Yoghurt, Sam? Postmodernist theory? Could I BE more gay? 
Middleton and Walsh in their analysis of postmodernism claim that biblical faith is grounded in metanarrative, and explore how this intersects with an era that rejects metanarrative. This is one of the fundamental ideas Supernatural is getting at throughout definitely the last season, but other seasons as well. The narratives of Good vs Evil, Michael vs Lucifer, Dean vs Sam, were encoded into the overarching story of the show from season 1, and since then Sam and Dean have sought to break free of them. Sam broke free of John’s narrative, which was the hunting life, and revenge, and this moralistic machismo that they wrapped themselves up in. If they’re killing the evil, then they’re not the evil. That’s the story they told, and the impetus of the show that Sam was sucked back into. But this thread unravelled in later seasons when Dean became friends with Benny and the idea that all supernatural creatures are inherently evil unravelled as well. While they never completely broke free of John’s hold over them, welcoming Jack into their lives meant confronting a bias that had been ingrained in them since Dean was 4 years old and Sam 6 months. In the face of the question, “are all monsters monstrous?” the narrative loosens its control. Even by questioning it, it throws into doubt the overarching narrative of John’s plan, which is usurped at the end of season 2 when they kill Azazel by Dean’s demon deal and a new narrative unfolds. John as author-god is usurped by the actual God in season 4, who has his own narrative that controls the lives of Sam, Dean and Cas. 
Okay like for real, I do actually think the metanarrativity in Supernatural is something that should be studied by someone other than me, unless you wanna pay me for it and then shit yeah. It is extremely cool to introduce a biographical narrative about the fictional narrative it’s in. It’s cool that the characters are constantly calling this narrative into focus by fighting against it, struggling to break free from their textual confines to live a life outside of the external forces that control them. And the thing is? The really real, honest thing? They have. Sam, Dean and Cas have broken free of the narrative that Kripke, Carver, Gamble and Dabb wrote for them. The very fact that the textual confession of love that Cas has for Dean ushered in a resurgence of fans, fandom and activity that has kept the show trending for five months after it ended, is just phenomenal. People have pointed out that fans stopped caring about Game of Thrones as soon as it ended. Despite the hold they had over tv watchers everywhere, their cultural currency has been spent. The opposite is true for Supernatural. Despite how the finale of the show angered and confused people, it gains more momentum every day. More fanworks, more videos, more fics, more art, more ire, more merch is being generated by the fans still. The Supernatural subreddit, which was averaging a few posts a week by season 15, has been incensed by the finale. And yours truly happily traipsed back into the fandom snake pit after 8 years with a smile on my face and a skip in my step ready to pump that dopamine straight into my veins babeeeeeeyyyyy. It’s been WILD. I recently reconnected with one of my mutuals from 2010 and it’s like nothing’s changed. We’re both still unhinged and we both still simp for Supernatural. Even before season 15, I was obsessed with the podcast Ride Or Die, which I started listening to in late 2019, and Supernatural was always in the back of my mind. You just don’t get over your first fandom. Actually, Danny Phantom was my first fandom, and I remember being 12 talking on Danny Phantom forums to people much too old to be the target audience of the show. So I guess that hasn’t left me either. And the fondest memories I have of Supernatural is how the characters have usurped their creators to become mythic, long past the point they were supposed to die a quiet death. The myth weaving that the Supernatural fandom is doing right now is the legacy that will endure. 
I got all of these for free from Google Scholar! 
Judith May Fathallah, “I’m A God: The Author and the Writing Fan in Supernatural.” 
James K A Smith, “A Little Story About Metanarratives: Lyotard, Religion and Postmodernism Revisited.” 2001.
Cameron Lee, “Agency and Purpose in Narrative Therapy: Questioning the Postmodern Rejection of Metanarrative.” 2004.
Harri Englund and James Leach, “Ethnography and the Meta Narratives of Modernity.” 2000.
12 notes · View notes
taliaquinn · 4 years
Why Me!? Chapter 16
A/N: Hey peeps, I hope you guys enjoy today's update. I hope you guys like the fact that I uploaded so soon. Also I have a lot of oneshot ideas however the tricky part is actually WRITING. Who knew am I right? 
“Kaalki quick open a portal to that old alley, It’s better to transform there, Tikki you can finish Game of Thrones later” Marinette ordered a previously napping Kaalki, while pulling out a miffed Tikki from her mini-room in the closet. Tikki was almost done with the first season of Game Of Throne. The only reason it was taking so long was mostly that she had to watch it whenever Marinette wasn’t around due to uh reasons.
“Priorities much?” Marinette teased, quickly making a fake sleeping Marinette on her bed in case someone checked on her.
She quickly leaped through the portal, after appearing in some Paris alley she quickly ducked behind the dumpster and transformed into Ladybug, and made her way to the Attack.
To no one's surprise she was facing off with Lady Wifi again. Except for this time she was busy tracking down her ex-boyfriend Nino who had broken up with her over text. Ouch. Good for him regardless. The darker part of Marinette was pleased. He came to his senses. Finally. 
Unfortunately for her Lady Wifi was pissed, which made taking her down harder. She had to leave to recharge, Chat showed up during the last few moments but still proved himself useless by getting frozen by Lady-wifi somehow. Luckily Ladybug was sadly used to this and left him frozen. 
Quickly ducking to the side she delivered a blow to Alyas' side. Throwing her yo-yo she managed to tangle Lady Wifis legs, causing her to drop her phone. Ladybug quickly scooped it up to destroy. Seriously, what was it with this girl and her obsession with phones? 
Purifying the Akuma, she used the Miraculous Ladybug to instantly repair all the damage. Releasing a heavy sigh she turned to face her ex-best friend. To her disgust she was facing a pouting Alya and a smiling Chat. 
The instant that Alya saw Ladybug she immediately stood up and ran towards her, 
“Oh my gosh Ladybug thank you for saving me, I don't know what Nino was thinking breaking up with me like that, he KNOWS how mad I get” she said huffing out a laugh. 
Oh. my. god. She was trying to make it seem like Nino was at fault! Marinette was furious. She was acting just like Chat!!! Marinette is going to need so much therapy after all of this is done.
“Alya, you need to apologize to Nino,” she finally told her. “and afterward leave him alone, you have to respect his decision and space.” She added. They might not be friends anymore but that didn’t mean that Marinette didn't care about Nino. 
“L-L-Ladybug, you don’t get it, he broke up with me for no good reas-”
“It was a good enough reason that he felt the need to do it through a text” gesturing towards Nino's home she added “and as it turns out he was right to do so”
Alya huffed, “You just don't understand Ladybug”. She moved away from her and took out her phone to begin live streaming. 
She made her way towards Chat noir who was standing on the side watching the whole exchange a bit nervous. “Chat Noir, Are you aware of a certain girl named Marinette who got caught on camera criticizing you, when she had no right to mind you, about your most recent actions?. Do you have anything to say in response to it?” She asked pointing her phone camera in his direction. 
Chat Noir immediately leaped at the chance to defend himself.
“W-well like you said she had no right, what could she know about the struggles of being a superhero, heck I even had to save her a couple of times and that’s how she thanks me?’ He mentioned facing Alyas' camera. “Honestly I think she’s just jealous and mine and m’lady's partnership, but what can you do am I right?” he teased.
“What partnership chat?” Ladybug cut in. No way was she letting rumors spread when she was standing right there. 
“M'lady's just jealous as well,” Chat said with a wink
“Oh for Pete's sake” Ladybug pulled Chat away from Alyas prying eyes (and cellphone) and yo-yo away without a goodbye to the blogger.
A few rooftops away she finally plopped down and released Chat none too gracefully. The look on Chat noirs face wasn’t the charming one he was displaying for Alya and her Camera, he had the nerve to look annoyed.
“What was that?” He spit out
“What was what hmmm?” Oh she was annoyed now too.
“Al-that Cesaire girl has been your biggest supporter since Day One. You just don’t know what's going on with that Cesaire girl”
“I do, her boyfriend broke up with her because he was involved in an extremely toxic relationship” She stated, “I have to make sure she understands that, she’s trying to shift the blame!!!” 
“And what was that about our partnership, you sounded like you agreed with that Dupain-Cheng girl” He complained annoyed “That's cause I do”
“You said it yourself Marinette could never understand the pressure cause she’s not a superhero, I on the other hand AM,” Not to mention they were one and the same but he didn't have to know that, “frankly you’ve been lacking in the superhero department if I can show up for every Akuma battle why can't you?” 
“Because I have a life unlike you” 
“Pfftt I am an independent business owner who still manages to be a stellar student AND I manage to handle Akuma attacks alone more often than not, what about you?”
“What does that matter? Marinette's gotten to you hasn’t she? You know she's been sent away for assaulting a classmate?”
“That's weird from what she told me she quit” she shouted “really chat you should leave the manipulating to Rossi and Cesaire”
“YOU TAKE THAT BACK, I DONT MANIPULATE” He screamed at her. Why was it that everyone was turning against him lately?
“You’re right, you only do that after you try everything else to make yourself seem good” Ladybug finished staring back at Chat noirs infuriated green eyes, His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked the angriest he ever had. 
Staring at him Marinette came to a realization, she took a few step backs “We’ll talk later” She jumped off the roof and started making her way to a specific location.
Batcave                                                                                                      Wayne Manor, USA                                                                                      12:30 pm
“Master Dick I must ask you to please refrain from breaking your ribs in the future” Alfred sighed, Luckily Batman was able to arrive in time to stop Nightwing from getting kidnapped or worse. Red Hood quickly arrived and hauled an unconscious Nightwing to the Cave.
Batman, Red Robin, and Robin were currently spread around Gotham and Bludhaven trying to track down any stragglers. 
“Sorry Alfie, I’m way too cute for the criminals to stay away” Dick mumbled sleepily
 “-humph- Regardless No patrolling for 6 weeks,”
“You hurt me, I hope you know that Alf” He joked. Eh, they were all fast healers, he’ll probably be back on patrol in 4 weeks. 
“Heya Alfred, Now that Dick is alright I am going to head back out” Jason said adjusting his gloves and strapping his knives in place.
“Before you leave Master Jason please pickup the Tupperware filled with food I have left for you in the kitchen, And please escort Master Dick to his room for rest” Alfred knew good and well that his charges love not listening to doctors, er butlers, orders.
“Thanks, Alf, Comere Dickwad” Helping Dick up from the cot “but I don’t want to,” Dick whined. “Tough luck”
Making there way throughout the manor, Dick suddenly stopped “Marinette's room is right there, lemme check on her” 
Jesus sometimes Dick can be more of a mother hen than Bruce “Come on Dickface, It's almost 1 am any sane person will be asleep by now” he said tiredly but a part of him wanted to check up on her too. Curse these big brother instincts. “Fine only a peek”
Once they stumbled to the front of Marinette's room, Jason gently cracked open the door seeing Marinette sleeping he moved aside to allow Dick to take a peak. To Jason's shock Dick unwrapped his arm from His shoulder and pushed open the door, stumbling to Marinette's Bed. Quickly pulling off the sheets he revealed a bundle of pillows under the blanket. 
Marinette wasn’t in her bed.
I just Love cliffhangers, don’t you guys love them as well? I am asking that you guys please message me any prompts you would like for me to write for my one-shot series. Else I’m just going to keep making sad angsty one-shots. Stay Safe and Healthy guys <3. 
Feel free to reblog,like and comment :)
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andrewmoocow · 3 years
Steven Universe Alternate Future chapter 14: A Fusion Too Far (originally published on April 19, 2021)
AN: Well, time to get this big elephant out of the room before we move onto the big Part 2 finale. I'll be honest, I was kind of disappointed we didn't get any closure on Jasper and Lapis's relationship and that they'd turn into Vegeta and Goku respectively. But then again, I'm here to fix this myself, so here we go.
Synopsis: Steven helps Lapis and Jasper try to make up for the past.
Zach Callison as Steven
Jennifer Paz as Lapis, Zuli, Diopside
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper, Cherry Quartz
Estelle as Garnet
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon, Diopside
Ian Jones Quartey as Snowflake Obsidian
Auli'I Cravalho as Orange Spodumene
Featuring Esmé Bianco as Malachite
"Okay Gems, Steven left me in charge of his interpretive dance class since he left, so I'm gonna need you all to work hard for him." Lapis ordered a class made up of Zuli, Cherry Quartz, Teal Zircon, Snowflake Obsidian, and Orange Spodumene while she set down a boombox and tightened the sweatband around her head. "Are we clear?"
"Yes ma'am!" the class of Gems shouted with a salute.
"Ooh, this is gonna be so much fun!" Zuli muttered cheerfully.
"I know, right?" Teal Zircon replied just as eagerly.
"Are we ready?" Lapis asked rhetorically as she switched on some music. "A five, six, seven, eight!"
"Same as it ever was, same as it ever was. Same as it ever was, same as it ever was." The stereo began playing as the class began copying Lapis's moves. When she twirled left, they twirled with her. When she jumped up and landed while pumping her fist in the air, they jumped up too. "Same as it ever was, same as it ever was. Same as it ever was, same as it ever was."
"I'm having so much fun!" TZ exclaimed excitedly as the class began freestyling, but her gem began glowing without her knowing.
"Me too!" Zuli replied as her gem began glowing as well. Suddenly, as the two stood dancing back to back, they transformed into a large mass of light and then, into a massive fusion bearing traits from both Gems. Unlike an average fusion, this one was a lot more deformed due to the accident that caused it.
"Uh, guys?" the fusion of Zuli and Teal boomed nervously as the rest of the class gazed in shock at her. "A little help here?"
"Uh oh, we got another fusion accident." Snowflake declared worriedly.
"I'll go get Amethyst and Pearl, hopefully they'll know what to do." Orange Spodumene stated as she raced to get help.
Lapis was just as stunned at the sight as her students, but for far different reasons than the rest. A Lapis fusing with another Gem that results in a big problem? That seemed all too familiar to her. "Uh, you know what? Class dismissed."
"Wait, Lapis!" Cherry Quartz cried out as their teacher flew away. "What about TZ and Zuli?!"
"Amethyst and Pearl got this covered!" Lapis called back to Cherry. "I just need to settle some problems of my own."
As Lapis continued flying, the fusion of Teal and Zuli continued standing there, contemplating what just happened. "So, anyone want to ask me what the weather is like from up here?"
"Now just breathe in, and out." Garnet instructed Steven as they took a private yoga class at the tower. "Let these troubled thoughts know that you won't let them take you over."
"Don't let them take over, don't let them take over." Steven repeated to himself while shutting his eyes, but he did let one thought take over as he heard someone land behind him. "Lapis?"
"Hey Steven, hey Garnet." Lapis greeted the two Gems.
"Did class end early for you?" Garnet asked the waterbender as she got up to face Lapis.
"Yeah, but there was a little problem." Lapis answered. "Teal Zircon and 2F8D accidentally fused during class, which really reminded me of a certain incident."
"You came to us because that reminded you of Malachite, right?" Steven asked. "You know, I've already made a mental note to get you and Jasper to make up for what happened while you were fused."
"I like that you want to help them amend for the past," Garnet smiled to Steven. "But I feel they won't forgive each other, since their time as Malachite was torture for both of them."
"Yeah, remember?" Lapis reminded Steven. "Jasper tormented me because I forced her to stay fused with me, but then I tormented her because she tormented me, and it was all one big cycle of abuse and toxicity until we were separated. I feel like if I really want to move on, I need to make up for at least some of my past actions."
"I know, no need to remind me of stuff I already know." Steven said. "But I still feel you two can make up somehow!"
"Absolutely not." Jasper declared angrily as Steven and Lapis stood before her in the forest later that day.
"Garnet warned you." Lapis cautioned Steven out of the corner of her mouth, but he didn't listen.
"Aw come on Jasper, Lapis really wants to apologize for torturing you while you two were fused as Malachite!" Steven begged Jasper to listen to him.
"Oh really?" Jasper raised an eyebrow in disgust. "The way I see it, I came out as far more stable once you freed me from her!" she bragged. "But I think a bit of my attitude may have rubbed off on the brat here. I mean, what has she done since we de-fused?"
"That's a bit personal." Lapis replied in shock at Jasper's accusations. "Also, YOU came out a little more stable? The first time we met since the island, you were begging on your knees to fuse with me again AND you started hunting down corrupted Gems just to get that feeling, which led to you getting corrupted yourself!"
"I think that's enough of this kind of back and forth for right now!" Steven got between the two Gems. "Why don't we try some trust exercises, like an icebreaker?"
"An icebreaker?" Jasper replied in confusion. "Well, there sure isn't any ice around here."
"No, it's not that kind of icebreaker." Lapis corrected her ex-fusion partner. "It's like you ask people questions to try and get to know them better. I'll start." She then cleared her throat. "What do you like to do in your free time?"
"Training, brooding, terminating all kinds of Earthlings that try to invade my territory." Jasper responded. "What about you?"
"A lot of stuff." Lapis replied. "I really like making meep morps, collecting leaves, dancing-"
"What on Earth is a meep morp?" Jasper interrupted Lapis. "Sounds like some dumb human ritual."
"It's what she and Peridot call art." Steven informed the larger Gem. "Now Lapis, please continue."
"Gladly." Lapis said. "I also love watching this show with Peridot called Camp Pining Hearts. It's a Great North drama set in a summer camp where all the campers compete against each other in Color Wars."
"Sounds dumb, kind of like you." Jasper rudely declared, which got Lapis mad.
"Now you see here you big lug!" Lapis yelled. "Camp Pining Hearts is good-natured, cheesy dramatic fun! Well, except for Season 5, that was utter garbage."
"Kind of like your attempts to try and "make up" with me." Jasper replied in air quotes.
"Okay, maybe icebreakers aren't working very well but hey," Steven interrupted the bickering pair. "Why don't we try something different, like trust falls?"
"What's that?" Lapis and Jasper asked in unison.
Steven would soon answer that question by having Jasper stand with her back facing towards the edge of a cliff, with Lapis spreading her arms out down below. "It's exactly what it sounds like." Steven explained. "One of you has to fall over and put their trust in the other person to catch them."
"Yeah, I don't buy this." Jasper snarled as she turned around to face Steven and Lapis from above. "I could easily crush her, as much as I really want to."
"For once, I think I'm gonna side with Jasper on this one." Lapis agreed with the larger Gem, making herself sick to her stomach. "I never thought I'd say that."
"Okay, change of plans." Steven suggested. "Lapis falls and Jasper has to catch her, sound good?"
"That makes more sense." Lapis obliged and flew up to the cliff while Jasper dropped down to meet Steven.
"Okay, now close your eyes Lapis, and let Jasper catch you." Steven commanded the ocean Gem.
"Alright then." Lapis replied as she shut her eyes. "Are you still standing there Jasper?"
"Yes, yes I am." Jasper responded with her arms spread out. "Now fall already!"
Lapis did as she was told and leaned off the edge of the cliff, allowing herself to start falling to the ground. But when she came close to returning to solid earth, Jasper casually moved out of the way, letting Lapis instead fall back first onto the grass.
"Jasper!" Steven scolded the bigger Gem.
"What, you never said how to catch her." Jasper grinned nervously, and Steven returned it with an irritated glare. Lapis just facepalmed as she got up off the ground.
"Okay, let's try another team building exercise." Steven stated while walking Jasper and Lapis through the forest. "Here's the deal, one of you has to wear a blindfold and walk through the woods while the other one has to give instructions." He opened up his jacket and pulled out some cloth to serve as a blindfold. "Now who wants to go first?"
"Give me that." Jasper ordered as she snatched the cloth from Steven's hand and tried to wrap it around her head. Unfortunately for Jasper, the knot she tried to make wasn't very good. "Come on, stay on my head you stupid Earth material!"
"Guess that means I'll have to tell her what to do." Lapis realized while Steven tied the blindfold around Jasper's head for her. "For once."
"Okay, are you ready guys?" Steven asked the pair as he finished tying a tight knot on the blindfold.
"Uh, yes." Lapis nervously said.
"Uh, where are you two?" Jasper asked while facing away from Steven and Lapis. "I can clearly hear you, but I can't see you. What kind of torture device is this?!"
"I can see you're already getting the hang of this." Lapis grinned snarkily. "Okay, first, you gotta walk towards those trees over there." She pointed over to a group of trees lined up nearby. "Got that?"
"What trees? All I see is white!" Jasper barked before Steven put his hands on her hips and guided her towards the trees.
"Okay, next, follow the trees until you hear rushing water." Lapis grinned mischievously while Jasper did as she told and she and Steven followed her. "I can see you're getting warmer."
"And I have a bad feeling about this." Jasper muttered while following the sound of racing water. The source of the sound came from a nearby raging river, and Jasper was about to fall over before Lapis gave her next command.
"Okay, stop!" Lapis ordered, telling the big quartz to halt in her tracks before she gave one last order. "Now that we found the source of the rushing water, jump in."
"I don't know where this is going, but if you say so." Jasper obliged and jumped into the river, but she realized too late what she got herself into. "What is this?!" Jasper yelled as she ripped the blindfold off her face and realized she was drifting down the stream. "Lapis, you tricked me! I'll get you for this!"
"Lapis!" Steven scolded Lapis, who just replied with a shrug.
"I punched her sky high and she turned out fine." Lapis responded. "She can survive this." Despite her protests, a disappointed glare from Steven forced Lapis to fly up and race after Jasper to save her from the river.
"If this is payback for letting you fall, I understand why but this is totally disproportionate!" Jasper yelled as the force of the river continued carrying her throughout the forest. "Um, can anyone please help me?"
Jasper's prayers were soon answered, though not in the way she wanted. Lapis soared over the drifting Gem and prepared to pick her up with the river water, but Jasper instead grabbed her by the hand and pulled her down. "Oh no, you don't! You started this, and now you're coming with me!"
"I was only trying to help you!" Lapis yelled crossly. "Though Steven forced me to do it, but still!"
"You help me?" Jasper said before she let out a loud cackle. "Maybe when I get shattered!" The big Gem kept on laughing much to Lapis's irritation, but she was soon cut off when she realized the river was going to lead to a waterfall. "Uh oh.
"Don't tell me, we're going to go over a waterfall." Lapis deadpanned.
"Indeed." Jasper confirmed just as deadpan.
"Sharp rocks at the bottom?" Lapis then asked.
"No, unfortunately."
"Doesn't matter, bring it on."
And just like that, the bickering pair put aside their differences and came together screaming as they went over the waterfall.
As soon as Lapis and Jasper got out of the mountainside lake that the waterfall led to, Steven stood there with his arms crossed and crossly tapping his foot. "You two are unbelievable!" he chastised the two. "I just want you to forgive each other for Malachite and at least be friendlier to each other! Is that too much to ask?!"
"Steven, you have to learn that sometimes, even when two enemies become friends," Lapis said to Steven. "there's no chance they'll instantly treat the horrible things they did to each other in the past like someone stole forty cakes or something."
"I concur." Jasper nodded.
"See, another thing you two can agree on." Steven nodded in exasperation. "How about this? You say at least one nice thing about each other, and that's it. Understand?"
"Okay, if it makes you chill out a bit." Lapis shivered at Steven's current behavior and turned to Jasper. "Well, I'll give you this Jasper. You may not have wanted to do all those activities, but at least you didn't just give up on them."
"Kind of like how you never gave up on treating me like trash." Jasper harangued in reply, stunning Steven and Lapis. "Just look at you Lapis. Even years after we split, you keep on refusing to treat me with kindness."
"What kindness?" Lapis growled. "You never treated me like that, so what makes you think-"
"LET ME FINISH!" Jasper boomed. "You abused me, and what do you get? A nice life with that Peridot, being a member of the Crystal Gems and living at that stupid Little Homeworld! Meanwhile, I've spent my entire life neglected and tortured on this worthless planet, yet you get off scot-free for all the horrendous things you've done! Let's face it, you may think everything's all okay, but I'm still the only one who's seen you for the monster you are."
Throughout Jasper's furious lecture, Steven stood there in shock at how nothing had been going his way today. All he wanted to do was help two enemies become friends, but nothing had worked. And as Jasper kept on accusing Lapis, he slowly began to turn pink until finally, he snapped. "ENOUGH!"
"Again?!" Jasper yelled at the sight of Steven turning pink again.
"This is new!" Lapis exclaimed.
"I just wanted you to make friends, but neither of you are listening to me!" Steven yelled as the force of his tantrum knocked the two Gems off their feet and back into the lake. "Why can't anything go the way I wanted to FOR ONCE?!"
With a single stomp of his foot, Steven almost caused an earthquake, and the mountain above them began to violently shake until it resulted in a rockslide. As he came back to his senses, Steven realized just how bad he had made things. "Oh no!"
"Steven!" Lapis cried out and tried racing to rescue Steven, but Jasper held her back.
"Leave the kid, he can survive this!" Jasper discouraged Lapis from saving her friend.
"But he's one of my best friends, and your Diamond!" Lapis replied. "You wouldn't want to see him get hurt too, right?"
"Correction, Pink Diamond is my Diamond." Jasper admonished snootily. "That right there is just her son who thinks he can walk around making people do what he wants just because of his lineage."
"But still, you wouldn't want Pink to die again, right?" Lapis said when she got an idea. "Wait a minute! Let's fuse!"
"You're joking, right?" Jasper said in utter disbelief.
"We got no other choice, please!" Lapis begged her ex-fusion partner while reaching her hand out. "Come on, just say yes!"
Lapis was right, they did have no other option, though Jasper believed she was making things up just to make Steven happy. But regardless, Lapis did make a good argument.
"Fine." Jasper finally relented and took the blue Gem's smaller hand. "But we are never doing this again, capiche?"
"You got it." Lapis obliged before she was twirled around and caught by Jasper in a dip, and then they started glowing as their forms began to merge.
"Of course something horrible happens when I try to do good." Steven admitted in defeat as the rockslide began to get closer. He didn't even try thinking of escaping or protecting himself, believing that this was to be his fate. "Lapis, Jasper, everyone. I'm sorry."
Just then, a massive turquoise figure with two sets of arms, one dainty pair and one burly, came flying from the lake and landed in front of Steven. He could see that on her back was Lapis's gem and when the Gem turned to face him, she had Jasper's gem on her face. The more graceful hands picked Steven up while the bigger hands got to work on forcing the rockslide back with a seemingly infinite series of massive punches. "RAAAAAAAHHHHHH!"
"Lapis?!" Steven gasped at what he was seeing. "Jasper?!"
"Yes, it's us!" Malachite said. Unlike the last time Steven saw the fusion of Jasper and Lapis, she instead had a British accent of sorts. However, Lapis's softer tone could be heard until she suddenly switched to Jasper's rougher tone. "Now keep quiet while you're being saved!"
Steven did indeed stay quiet as Malachite held him in one pair of hands while the other pair finished punching the last of the rocks away. "Are you okay?" she asked.
"I'm fine." Steven panted nervously.
"Good, let's go home." Malachite smiled, when her head suddenly twitched and Jasper started taking control of the fusion. "Seriously, how did he not try to run or protect himself?!"
"Really ruining the mood here!" Lapis's side of Malachite argued as she began to fly away from the lake.
The two halves of Malachite's personality kept on arguing while she flew Steven back to Jasper's cave, until they finally touched down and de-fused.
"I still can't believe it!" Steven exclaimed happily. "You guys fused, and neither of you was forced to do so!"
"Well to be fair, Lapis kind of forced me to fuse with her because she kept convincing me you were her Diamond, like everyone else does." Jasper said as she decided to return to her cave.
"But still, it was nice to have something to work together on, right?" Lapis said.
"Okay, I'll admit, it was nice to have a common goal for once." Jasper agreed. "Look, like you said, the past can never be forgotten. But I think that might be a good first step."
"Yeah." Lapis replied.
"Well, guess we should be going now." Steven said while he and Lapis prepared to leave. "See you again soon Jasper."
"Whatever." Jasper groaned while fully retreating into her cave.
"So, how was it?" Steven asked Lapis while they walked back to Little Homeschool.
"It was real weird at first, especially when we became Malachite again." Lapis admitted. "Even though we still were fighting for control, I think we may have made a breakthrough on Jasper. Who knows, maybe you're right and we could become friends one day."
"Yeah, who knows." Steven sighed happily until he came to a realization. "Hey, speaking of fusions, how are Zuli and TZ doing right now?"
"Uh, still need a little help here." The fusion of Zuli and Teal Zircon, now dubbed Diopside by the other Gems, called out while everyone gathered to gaze at the new fusion. "Is there any way to turn this off?"
I have a feeling this chapter is going to divide people, but I feel like it was finally time to deliver a reconciliation that was as in-character for both Lapis and Jasper as I could, and give us a slightly more stable Malachite that was more Two-Face than monstrous depiction of a toxic relationship. Speaking of which, did you know malachites become less toxic when sealed? But enough talk, next chapter is the beginning of Part 2's big finale, and I am so excited to finally focus more on a certain Rutile and her Topaz.
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scheherezade06 · 4 years
Everything You Ever, Part 1
Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction, rated T (for now) Author’s Note: Long time, no FF.  Let’s see how this goes in a new fandom!  My tentative alternate title is “Caught in a Square Trap.”  This post-season 3 lovesquare no-reveal fic starts with Marichat but should unfold to include all four pairings.  Please let me know what you think!
Ladybug’s miraculous chirped a two-minute warning.
“Time to bug out,” she declared, nodding at Chat Noir.
“What’s the rush?” he asked in a cheeky tone as he beckoned her to stay.  “The night is young, and so are we.”
Ladybug rolled her eyes and set her hands on her hips.
“How many times have we had this conversation, Chat?” she said with a sigh of frustration.  “We have to protect our secret identities.”
Chat Noir grinned and sauntered toward Ladybug.
“I’d protect your identity with all nine of my lives, Bugaboo,” he purred.  He stopped in front of her and threw his arms out.  “Come on, you can trust me!”
Ladybug smirked, and then her expression turned somber.  She searched Chat Noir’s face.
“I do trust you,” she said in a quiet, serious tone.
“So, stay,” Chat Noir said, adding a shrug and a smirk to temper the vulnerable-sounding request.
Ladybug shook her head.
“I can’t,” she said in an even quieter tone.
Chat Noir shifted his weight and looked away.  It was easier to brush off her rejection when it was flippant and teasing.  A serious rebuff was something else entirely.
“Right,” he said with a heavy sigh.  “Because you trust me so much.”
“I do trust you, Chat Noir,” Ladybug said.  She sighed and hesitated before adding: “If it was just my identity, I would have told you already.  But it’s not that simple.”
Chat Noir frowned and turned to glance at Ladybug.
“What are you saying?” he asked in a guarded tone.
Ladybug hesitated.  She wrung her hands.
“I have a family,” she said guiltily.  “If anything happened…”
Chat Noir shook his head.
“Do you seriously think I’d endanger your family?” he asked, trying to keep his voice as light as possible while frowning at Ladybug and feeling hurt.
“Not on purpose,” she said immediately, waving her hands to dismiss the idea.  She looked briefly away before resuming eye contact.  “But sometimes you’re not exactly… in control.”
Chat Noir’s mouth fell open.  He furrowed his brow and looked away again.  He couldn’t argue with her claim.  He’d been mind-controlled by more evilized akuma-holders than he could count on one paw.
“If you knew my secret identity—” Ladybug started again, thinking about what she’d seen through Bunnyx’s burrow.
“I could put you and your family in danger,” he finished for her in a heavy, unhappy tone.
“I know you wouldn’t do it on purpose, Chat.  I do trust you,” Ladybug said, looking up into his eyes with concern.  She set one hand on his arm.  “I just can’t take the risk.”
Chat Noir nodded, still looking away from her.
From Dark Cupid to Puppeteer and everything in between, enemies had been able to use him against Ladybug.  She had always triumphed, and he had faith that she always would, but he also recognized that he could do serious damage if he knew who she was.  He could reveal her secret.  He could endanger her family.
He was a liability.
“I understand,” he said in a resigned tone.
Ladybug watched the downcast feline with open concern until her earring chirped again.
“I need to go,” she said reluctantly, shifting her weight.
Chat Noir nodded morosely.  He didn’t look up.  The revelation and realization of his situation stunned him and made him feel heavy.  He’d always thought he’d win her over someday.  He’d fantasized about them de-transforming together and sharing their secrets.  But that couldn’t happen.  Not while Hawk Moth was still a threat.  He couldn’t know who she was.  It was too dangerous, just like she said.
Ladybug squeezed Chat Noir’s arm and then released him.  She started spinning her yo-yo.
“W-wait!” he said abruptly, panic seizing his voice.
She paused.
“I don’t have much time,” she said in a nervous tone.
Chat Noir hesitated again, scratching the back of his neck.
“I could entrust my secret identity to you,” he offered in a bashful tone.
Ladybug’s heart stuttered before she shook her head.
“I couldn’t put you at risk like that,” she said.
“You wouldn’t put me at risk,” Chat Noir said as warmly as he knew how.  He smiled, putting all his affection and faith into the expression and sealing it with a touch of cockiness.  “And if you got mind-controlled, the whole city would be doomed anyway.  I wouldn’t be in more danger if you knew my secret.  I bet I’d be safer.”
Ladybug’s mouth fell open.
“Chat Noir,” she said, touched by his declaration of trust.  But she shook her head.  “If either of us reveal our secret identity, we have to give up our miraculous.  You know that.”
Chat Noir frowned and squeezed one hand into a fist.
“You know Rena Rouge’s secret identity,” he protested.  “And Carapace.  Viperion.  All of them.  A-and you’re the guardian now.  Doesn’t that mean you should know mine, too?”
Ladybug gasped.
Her earring chirped again—the final desperate warming, telling her she only had seconds left.  But she hesitated.
“Go,” he said, grinning his usual rakish grin.  His tone was more serious than his expression.  “Just… think about it.”
Ladybug shook her head and sighed.
“I will,” she promised, “but I don’t think I’ll change my mind.”
Chat Noir frowned, but he also nodded and gave a little two-finger salute.  Then he turned and leaped away so she couldn’t see it when his bravado broke.
Adrien couldn’t sit still.
He paced his cavernous bedroom, berating himself for not realizing sooner how much of a liability he was to Ladybug.  She didn’t even want to know his secret identity.  So long as there was a reason for them to be Ladybug and Chat Noir, they’d only ever be Ladybug and Chat Noir to one another.  That’s all she wanted.
And she likes someone else, he reminded himself, darkening his mood further.  Because she likes someone else.
He made another lap around his room, and then he called Plagg to transform him.  The kwami protested, but his complaint was cut off as he was sucked into the miraculous.
Chat Noir leapt and swung and vaulted his way across the rooftops of Paris.  It didn’t soothe him as much as he’d hoped it would, but it was still better than feeling trapped at home.
Ladybug landed on the roof of her family’s home and bakery 
“Tikki, Spots off,” Marinette said with a sad huff of breath.
She caught her kwami and offered her a macaron.
“Thank you, Marinette,” Tikki said warmly.
Marinette frowned and leaned back against the wall with TIkki sitting in her cupped hands.
“Tikki,” she began tentatively, worry painted across her face, “Are guardians supposed to know the real identities of all the miraculous holders?”
Tikki paused mid-bite.
“They are normally,” she said, “but Ladybug has never been named the guardian before.  And Ladybug and Chat Noir normally aren’t supposed to know each other’s secret identities.”
Marinette groaned and tilted her head back against the wall.  She grimaced and clenched her eyes shut for a moment.
“Then what am I supposed to do, Tikki?” she asked in a tiny, pleading tone.
Tikki flew up to her face and met Marinette’s eyes once they were open.
“Follow your heart, Marinette,” Tikki said confidently.  “Master Fu named you the new guardian because he believed in you.  I know you’ll figure out the right path.”
Marinette wrung her hands and walked away from the wall toward the railing around her rooftop patio.
“I hope you’re right, Tikki,” she whispered, looking out over Paris as the sun began to set.
The sun kissed the horizon when Chat Noir noticed Marinette Dupain-Cheng standing on the terrace above her family’s bakery.  She was silhouetted in the sunset glow, her expression serious and sad.  He forgot all of his self-doubt and disappointment at the sight of his friend in distress.  He landed lightly beside her without a second thought; he wanted to help.
“Why so blue, princess?” he asked, flicking her nearer pigtail as he spoke.
Marinette gasped in surprise.  She glanced at Chat Noir before quickly looking away..  It made her chest tight to see him again so soon, especially when he didn’t know that she was ‘blue’ because she was thinking about him.  She wasn’t sure how to answer his question, but she knew she couldn’t lie to him.  She just couldn’t tell him the entire truth.
“I was thinking about a boy,” she admitted with a sigh.
Chat nodded slowly.
“What a coincidence,” he said with a brave face.  “I was thinking about a girl.”
Marinette had a solid idea of whom Chat Noir was thinking.
“Ladybug?” she guessed.
Chat Noir nodded.
“The one who broke your heart?” he guessed in return.
Marinette made a face.  She assumed he was referencing the discussion they’d had previously about being unrequitedly in love.  But she hadn’t been thinking about Adrien, this time.  And Chat Noir was wrong.
“He didn’t—” she started.  She scrunched up her nose.  Her heart was aching with regard to Adrien, but it wasn’t his fault.  It was entirely hers.  “I haven’t told him I love him.  He doesn’t know.”
Chat Noir’s eyebrows shot up.  Then he cocked his head to the side as he leaned closer until Marinette’s face was only a few inches away from his.
“That doesn’t mean he can’t break your heart,” he said softly.  “It just means that it probably wasn’t on purpose.”
Marinette blinked in surprise at the insight.  She offered Chat a weak smile and nodded.
“So, what happened?” Chat asked, leaning on the railing and putting one hand under his chin.
Marinette shook her head.  Chat looked like he had all the time in the world to listen to her and like he was genuinely interested.  She felt a little guilty talking to him about Adrien, but in a way, it was a nice distraction from worrying about her Ladybug issue regarding Chat Noir.  But in that moment, she was just Marinette.  And she knew Chat Noir could relate.
“He…” she trailed off wistfully.  Then she sniffled.  “He loves someone else.”
Chat Noir hopped down from the railing and opened his arms to Marinette.  She gave him a bleary-eyed once-over, wringing her hands in front of her, and then stepped into his embrace.
“I’m sorry, Marinette,” Chat murmured into her hair as he wrapped his arms around her.
She shook her head and relaxed her shoulders.  Her arms were trapped between them, so she flattered her palms against his chest. She rested her cheek on him, too, beside the bell at his throat.
“I hope they’re happy,” she confessed in a shaky tone.  “I really do, but I…”
She sniffled again, and Chat wrapped his arms tighter around her.
“I know how you feel,” he whispered.
She nodded and then just held one another for a long moment.
Then Marinette started to pull away.  She looked guilty instead of sad.
Chat Noir got the impression there was something Marinette wasn’t saying.
“Is there something else?” he gently prompted.
Marinette reluctantly met Chat Noir’s gaze.  She knew she shouldn’t be surprised that he could read her that well, even out of her costume, but it was still a little odd to interact with him when they weren’t both full of adrenaline and racing to save Paris.
“Chat Noir, are we friends?” she asked instead of answering his question.
“Of course, Marinette,” he replied without hesitation.
She fidgeted for a moment while she finished making up her mind.  She knew she could always talk to Alya, but it was different with Chat Noir.  In a way, he knew her better than Alya ever could, even if he didn’t know that he knew her so well.
She trusted him.
“There’s another boy,” she murmured, “and he likes me, and I like him as a friend, but I decided to give him a chance.  As, as a b-boyfriend.”
Chat Noir nodded.  He assumed she was talking about Luka, though if Luka was ‘another boy,’ Chat Noir wasn’t sure who it was that Marinette pined for.
“And now you feel confused?” Chat Noir guessed.
Marinette shook her head.
“No, not exactly,” she said.  “But I’m still in love with—with the first boy…  So…  Do you think…  Is it wrong to spend time with the second boy?”
She looked up at Chat Noir with guileless curiosity about his opinion on the matter.
He tapped his chin with one finger.
“Does the second boy know your heart is elsewhere?” Chat Noir asked.  Marinette nodded.  Chat Noir met Marinette’s gaze and spoke softly and sincerely: “If he knows the situation and still wants to be with you, that shows how much he cares.  It sounds like he’s a good friend.  If you want to try to be more than friends, then I think it’s okay to try and, and see what it’s like.”
Marinette nodded and let out the breath she’d been unconsciously holding.  She realized his answer shouldn’t have surprised her.  He could be speaking about himself, after all.  She would be happy for him if he gave another girl a chance.
Wouldn’t she?
“Thanks, Chat,” she said softly.
He bumped her shoulder with his.
“I’ve got something similar going on, myself,” he confessed after a pause.  His eyes unfocused slightly as he thought about Kagami.  “There’s a girl…  I like that she knows what she wants and she’s been upfront about it.  I like her.  But it’s not the same as it is when I’m with Ladybug.”
Marinette’s eyes widened during the speech, but she recovered quickly.
“So, you’re dating someone?” she asked, feigning nonchalance.  Her chest felt strangely tight.
“I think so,” Chat said.  “It’s still pretty new.  I’d thought we were just friends, but then she kissed me.”
Marinette squirmed where she stood, still within Chat’s loosened embrace.
“That seems like a pretty clear sign,” she said in a strained tone.
“Yeah, she was very clear,” he said with a nod and a glassy expression, “but…”
“But what?” Marinette whispered.
“It wasn’t…”  Chat started.  He frowned.
“It wasn’t what?” Marinette prompted softly.
“It wasn’t what I expected,” Chat admitted with a shrug.  “It, it wasn’t bad.  It just wasn’t what I expected.”
Marinette shifted her weight again.
She wasn’t jealous, she promised herself, but she was curious.
“What did you expect?” she asked in a barely audible murmur.
Chat Noir met her eyes.
“Fireworks, I guess,” he confessed.
“Butterflies,” she added softly, holding his gaze.
“Yeah,” he agreed.
They stared at each other for a long moment, the sun setting as they did so and casting long shadows across their faces.  Then twilight embraced them like a wide, welcome blanket, making the open air balcony feel small and intimate.  They were so close to one another; close and comfortable.  It wouldn’t take much effort at all to close the distance between them completely and get lost in the newly fallen darkness.
Eye contact became too heavy as a blush rose on both his and her cheeks.  Their gazes dropped to one another’s mouths.
Then the moment passed, and they both took stock of what had just not happened.
Was I just thinking about kissing Marinette? Chat Noir thought in confused surprise.
I was not just thinking about kissing Chat Noir, Marinette scolded herself.
Chat Noir recovered first.
“You’ll have to let me know if you get butterflies with—” he stopped himself before he said ‘Luka’ out loud.  “The other boy.”
Marinette nodded.
“I… I will,” she agreed.  “And, will you let me know how it goes with the other girl?”
Chat Noir smiled.
“I will,” he promised.  “Does that mean I get to visit you more often?”  
He tapped her on the nose with one clawed finger.
She giggled.
“Yeah, it does,” she decided.  She hesitated, and then confessed: “It’s nice to talk about it with someone who understands.”
He made an enthusiastic noise of agreement and smiled.
“It is,” he agreed.  “I like talking with you, Marinette.”
“I like talking to you, too, Chat Noir,” Marinette said, feeling surprised at how much she meant it.
They both turned to look out over the balcony, watching the sky as orange and red faded to purple.
“I don’t get out much, except as Chat Noir,” he confessed without turning to look at her.  “It’s nice to just relax.  With a friend.”
Sympathy washed over Marinette as she regarded his profile in the fading light.  She’d never much considered what Chat Noir did when he wasn’t Chat Noir.  She wasn’t sure it was safe to even wonder.  But she couldn’t turn her back on a friend.
“You’re welcome here anytime,” she said, leaning her head on his shoulder.
He hummed happily, and they watched the rest of the sunset in silence.
Author’s Footnote: Let’s call this chapter the preface. Things start happening in the next scene, I promise.  Thanks for reading!!  <3
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artgurusauce · 5 years
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Hahahaaaa we back at it again with another god damn AU Spreadsheet. Dw I’m not gonna throw dialogue on it this time I don’t need it lol. This took me like two days my hands and arms all hurt like really bad guys like seriously ;w; 
Btw yes I didn’t bother putting patterns on Hau’s shorts sue me
So then, been talking with my friend and dearly appreciated noodle @the-kawaiifan​ about headcanons and AUs and all that and I realized that somehow despite being a huge fan of the Gladion/Lycanroc PokeBurst I never thought of a Haudion AU as classic as this. It’s a tad inspired by Okami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki (AKA Wolf Children) since it’s one of my favorite anime movies. But it’s mostly one of those Beauty & The Beast motifs.
Context: Gladion and his sister Lillie are born with Pokethropy, specifically Lycanthropy inherited from their father who unfortunately passed away just a couple months after Lillie was born. Lusamine is hence a single human mother who obviously struggles to keep her children under wraps. Especially her rowdy son, Gladion.
1.) First Impressions
One day, tiny Gladion is bored and sick of being cooped up on the island and in the mansion. He sneaks aboard a cargo ship headed to Melemele and escapes into the woods. He spends all day playing and mucking about all into the night. Then, out of the blue, he encounters an odd boy with green hair and dark eyes. At first, Gladion is spooked by the sudden light in his face, until little Hau coaxes him and proves he's harmless by showing his flashlight and a backpack of food is all he has. The boys play together and get to talking. It seemed Gladion was not the only child to run away from home that night. Hau messed up, big time, and his grandpa got so scary and angry, and his mother seemed really disappointed in him. He had never made grandpa so mad before. So, he was sure that they didn't need him anymore since he was such a screw-up. Gladion tells him that his mother yells at him all the time for getting into trouble, and that sometimes the people you love get mad, but they never stop loving you. Of course, the boys are eventually found, separated, and talked to: Hau reassured by his mother and grandfather they still love him and aren't mad just as Gladion said, and Gladion scolded by his mother for dashing off and recklessly allowing someone to see him while he's "Wilding out".
2.) Fated Meeting
Fast forward to current day. Hau is out in the woods looking for something to do, he often comes there to hang out for some reason he can’t quite remember. That’s when he spots a rather familiar ahoge poking out of one of the bushes. Where has he seen something like that before? He approaches, calling out to them. Surely enough, he startles them and they turned around wide eyed and...with floppy ears? Suddenly the old forgotten memory from his childhood came rushing back to him. But before he could reconcile with his old friend, Gladion ran off in a fright. Hau pursues him of course, and eventually Gladion gives up and decides to take the aggressive approach. “Are you trying to make me kill you?” he snaps. At first Hau is nervous but it doesn’t take him long to figure out that Gladion is bluffing. Gladion grumbles grumpily, stating that Hau had interrupted his hunting. Hau decides to make up for it by giving him a bag of malasadas he had bought earlier that day for a snack. Gladion takes it, devouring it violently and making a complete mess. Maybe this boy wasn’t as annoying as he thought he was, humph.
3-4.) Sweet Spot
Hau found a particular "Sweet spot” for Gladion when they were younger, scratching behind his left ear. As a more grown teenager, this spot is highly sensitive and while at the very least it yields a constant thumping of one of his forelegs, it can also be a tingly sort of pleasurable sensation for him if done correctly. It also totally doesn’t turn him on during mating season >w>
5.) RockGlad and LycanGlad
Did a full body doodle of little RockGlad since he never went full feral when he was younger. However, as a teenager he is now fully capable of transforming completely into a Midnight Lycanroc. Of course he can still maintain a somewhat human form sometimes and be halfway through transformation, but it's rare for him to be fully feral. It's normally only triggered by extreme stress or emotional turmoil. However, he usually goes full feral on full moons (In this case he has no control over the transformation) or when it is time for him to hunt. When he transforms, it’s revealed the tears on his clothes are actual scars he’s gotten from being attacked in the wild. Also his piercings break off. I decided not to just go for a normal Lycanroc design and tie his clothes into it way more, which is why you can see his hoodie is actually also part of his fur. I didn’t have room for Lillie on this sheet, but she can transform into a Midday Lycanroc. Her transformation is also only triggered by emotional turmoil, but unlike Gladion, there is no forceful trigger. She appears to have more control over her Pokethropy than he does, which could be a result of her form or her reserved personality in general. Nobody knows since Lusamine doesn’t want to perform tests on her children and Mohn is no longer around to tell them.
6.) Perfect The Way You Are
Pretty much like my "You're beautiful" scene from my other AU but like a more Beauty And The Beast sort of aesthetic? Like obviously at one point or another Gladion has insecurities about how he's not normal and that he's a hideous beast. Why just look at him, he's practically a monster. But of course, Hau, being the sweet cinnamon bun that he is, says that's just not true and that Gladion is perfect the way he is. In fact, he'd say Gladion was just as beautiful when he's furry and feral as he is when he's not. He’s perfect just the way he is. Oh dear, why is Glad’s heart suddenly so fuzzy? ◕////◕
7.) Food Chain
So like, most of these doodles haven't really touched a more romantic aspect of the AU. Well this doodle right here is a scene I've played around with in my head for a hot minute. Gladion flees to the mountains of Lanakila to distance himself from Hau after accidentally hurting him in one of his feral states. Hau obviously goes after him and finds Gladion caught in a Pokemon trap that's snared his back foreleg. Hau frees him but is suddenly tackled by a Midday Lycanroc that proceeds to try to bite his face off. Gladion takes action immediately and defends his mate, standing off with the opposing Lycanroc in direct battle while Hau just sorta...panics over in the corner. Gladion is victorious but is horrifically wounded and utterly exhausted. As soon as it's over, he flops onto his side and passes out. Afterwards Hau brings him to the nearest shelter he can find in a small cabin and treats his wounds. When Gladion wakes up he's obviously still upset that Hau follow him. After all, he shouldn't follow Gladion into danger. "Then don't run into danger!" Hau yells, distressed and stubborn as ever. Gladion just can't help but be confused. Why is he doing this? It's just not logical to put himself at risk all the time just to be around Gladion. And of course, Hau confesses that he's in love with Gladion. Yet still the poor Wereroc is confused. How could Hau ever love a hideous beast like him? But Hau reminds him again, he's beautiful the way he is. What's some fangs and some fur matter when Gladion's kind and caring enough to save his life like that? Commence kissus and cuddling throughout the night with sweet whispers to do their best and not act recklessly.
Christ alive I’m tired. Btw not writing a full fanfic for this so don’t ask but y’all can take it and use it if you want. Altho I might make another one for Lillie if y’all really wanna see it .w.
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crimson-mage-02 · 5 years
Voltron Legendary Defender Written in the Stars  A Thousand Lifetimes
Summary: Voltron and Honerva come together at the source of all realities in the ultimate battle between good and evil for the survival of the universe. 
Note: Here it is, the very last chapter of Season 8! Hope you had enjoyed all three stories i have made along with making my own character Kaela. Hope you all enjoyed her character. Enjoy reading!  Hope you enjoyed the journey!
@spacelion-loveshermulletson, here it is! The very, very last chapter! Hope you enjoyed the journey! 
The battle against Honerva continues in alternate reality of Altea with many Alteans down below watching the fight. Honerva shoot a blast at the Castle where Zarkon was shielding his Lotor away from the attack and Voltron depleted the attack and saved them from the blast with their sword.
Honerva knocked down Voltron the ground proceeding to attack them. “We have to take the fight as far away from here as—” Keith started as he saw Honerva coming their way and lunged her sword at them but they all moved out of the way, getting away from the Alteans, not wanting to harm them or getting anyone hurt.
They clashed blades together and fought on with Honerva tripping them using the tail and tried to stab through Voltron using her drill. She pounded them into the ground. Allura gritted her teeth as she let out angered battle cry and blasted Honerva off them.
“Now let’s finish this!” Allura growled, preparing to fight back. “This is for Kaela!”
“Incoming!” Lance shouted seeing one of the wings are coming their way and stabbed them from the back. And two came and stabbed in the lower abdomen, falling down on the ground.
Then all of the flaps of the wings were creating a portal up in the sky along taking away the quintessence from Voltron. “We can’t let this happen. She can’t get away.” Shiro said. They all pulled out the flaps of the wings out of them and went after Honerva through the portal.
“Is everyone okay? Allura?” Keith asked. They all responded much to his relief and haven’t heard from Allura.
“I’m here, Keith.” Keith sighed in relief, glad to hear that she was alright.
“Does anyone has eyes on Honerva?” Shiro asked, looking around for her. They all saw strands in front of them and glowed brightly.
“What is this place?” Lance asked.
“I-I’m not sure.” Allura said. They all gasped hearing Honerva from behind them.
“This is the beginning.” Honerva said as she charged at them. “And the end.” She shot one of the strands making all of the paladins seeing the people that lived in another reality.
“Can—Can you all feel that?” Allura asked, looking up ahead where the strands were. “These strands are...”
“The only remaining realities left in existence.” Lance said.
“This place is the source of time, of space, of…” Pidge started as she looked at the strands.
“Everything.” Hunk finished as he held onto the controls tightly.
“I will end this once and for all!” Honerva snarled as she shot down all of the reality strands. Removing them from all of existence. Voltron flew in and then felt the wave of the explosion seeing all of the innocent lives in another reality.
“She’s destroying all realities!” Allura grunted.
Honerva kept on destroying all of the strands until there is nothing left. And there was only one more strands left. “She’s destroyed everything. There’s only one reality left.” Keith said.
“No. Please.” Allura gasped seeing Honerva was going after the last strand.
They all clashed blades with Honerva to prevent her from destroying the last strand. Destroying the remaining reality. Honerva thrusted Voltron forwards towards the last remaining strand.
“If Honerva destroys this final strand all of existence will end with it!” Allura exclaimed. Then Voltron had created extra booster with enough fire power to push Honerva away from the last remaining strand. Then the light appeared and shone brightly coming from Voltron and Honerva’s mech.
Honerva was teleported in a void with light orbs floating around her. She gasped softly as she saw Kaela standing in front of her with her hair down and was in a white dress. She had this unreadable expression as she walked towards her.
“Where are we?” Honerva demanded.
“The connected consciousness of all existence.” Allura said to Honerva until she saw Kaela in the void and the paladins gasped, seeing Kaela standing in front of them.
“You think you’re safe here? Soon, all will cease to exist.” Honerva said.
“You have to stop this.” Kaela pleaded. “You have to stop all of this destruction.”
“All these worlds, all these realities, they deserve to live.” Hunk said.
“Those realities are flawed and weak, living out the same pathetic cycle of war and pain.” Honerva said.
Allura walked up to her. “There is beauty in their flaws. I lost my father, my mother, my planet, to this war, but I’ve gained a new family and a stronger than any I could have imagined.”
“Humans began very flawed. There were wars, hate. But each with mistake, they learned and grow.” Pidge said.
“Now we reach out to other worlds to pass on those same lessons and spread them across the universe like your people once did.” Shiro added.
“And with every new world touched, the message grows.” Hunk said.
“Every world, every reality. We wouldn’t exist without the others.” Keith said.
“Our differences are what makes us stronger.” Lance added.
“You think your words mean anything to me? I’ve lived multiple lifetimes, and all of them filled with pain and loss. If I cannot experience the simple joys of life, why should anyone else?” Honerva asked, glaring at the Paladins and Kaela.
Allura put both of her hands on her temple and Honerva gasped seeing all of her past memories with King Alfor and her adventures before she was corrupted. “There was a time when you loved more than just your family, a time when your fascination with how vast the universe is gave way to your desire to help others and uplift others.”
Honerva got her Altean markings reverted back to normal as she turned see the memories of Lotor. “You tried to help him. He was happy. He deserved better. You deserved better as well, Kaela. Better than I could give. I am so sorry that I had killed you in cold blood.”
“Honerva, you were as desperate as Zarkon when he tried to save you. And you were desperate to find your son. You loved them. You still have love for your family. And what I did was out of love to save my brother and you did the same when you were trying to find your family.” Kaela said.
“Lotor may be misguided, but, ultimately, he wanted to preserve life. Honour your son. Help me change this.” Allura said.
Honerva felt tears rolling down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, but the damage is done. There’s nothing left to save.”
“I can change the Quintessence within your vessel. Your son helped me learn how to transform it from a destructive force into a life-giving force. But I cannot do it alone.” Allura said, offering her hand to her.
“But that would require-…”
“I know the risks.” Allura said as she offered her hand, but Kaela’s held hers. Much to Allura’s confusion. She looked over at the young mage princess as she gave her an unreadable expression on her face.
Kaela stood quiet for a moment in silence. She helped Honerva up to her feet and turned to her and the paladins. “I know you knew the risks. But you don’t deserve this, Allura. And…I am the only one who can also do this.” Kaela said.
“W-What are you talking about Kaela?” Allura asked as she stuttered and trembled. Feeling her body going numb all over and clasped her hands together.
“I have broken one of the laws by using dark magic and that my runes are disappearing because of it.” Kaela confessed as she held on to her arm and shown her runes were disappearing.
The paladins gasped with Keith knowing why her runes were disappearing. “But you did that to save us.” Lance said in disbelief after hearing that she had used Dark Magic to save the universe and them. Along with the fact that her runes were disappearing, and she didn’t tell them. Or either of them.
“I had to pay the price, Lance. I…I have to deal with the consequences on my own.” Kaela said. “This is why I never told you what had happened during that last battle on Earth. I wasn’t ready to tell you then. But it is happening right now.”
“You knew? And that was the reason why?” Keith asked sadly as he narrowed his eyes, feeling hurt that she didn’t tell him about her runes were disappearing aside from her telling that she had absorbed Dark Magic. For the very second time.
“Yes. I knew.” Kaela nodded and then looked at everyone who had crestfallen looks. “All I want for you all is to live your lives to the fullest and never throw it away.” Kaela said.
“No, there has be another way.” Allura pleaded desperately as Honerva walked towards her and stood beside Kaela.
“You have a life to live with your family and friends. And with one man you love. I shall use the remaining Quintessence I have left to save all realities. My mission…Our mission ends here, right here and right now.” Honerva said.  
“And I have my last remaining mana to restore all of existence.” Kaela said to the paladins. “I have to take it. It is my purpose. Your paths go on. Mine ends here.”
“There will be no Voltron without you.” Hunk said as tears started to form in the corners of his eyes. He will miss Kaela so much, but he knew that the sacrifice must be made.
“Voltron will always be needed, Hunk. The rest of the work is up to the people and you all. They’ll have you to guide them and bring them together.” Kaela said with a sad smile as they shared their last hug.
Kaela turned to the weeping Green Paladin. “Goodbye, Pidge.”
“I’m gonna miss you, Kaela.” Pidge sniffled as the two girls hugged tightly. They both recalled back to their memories whenever they were helping each other in the Castle of Lions. And how Pidge was the first person to accept her aside from Shiro when they all first met.
“I’m going to miss you too, Katie. Please stay curious and fearless.” Kaela said. “Here, I want you to have this.”
Pidge looked at the green pendant with two purple crystals in her hand. “You sure?” Pidge asked as she was about to take it from her.
Kaela nodded and put the pendant around her neck. “You look beautiful, Katie.” Pidge’s tears wouldn’t stop flowing down as she hugged her again. Kaela broke the hug as she wiped her tears before going to Shiro.
“Most of them won’t know the sacrifice you made so they could live. You won’t be able to see what they had done to honour you.” Shiro said.
“I will always be watching over you, Shiro. I will always be there to guide you. I wish you full happiness and a peaceful life that you deserved and needed.” Kaela said as she hugged him. “Thank you for giving me another chance to meet my brother.”
“You never have to thank me for anything, kiddo.” Shiro said as tears formed in the corner his eyes.
Kaela smiled and moved in front of Lance and looked away for a moment until they looked at each other. “It has been a quite an adventure.” Lance said, looking away from her not wanting to let her see his tears. But it was too late. They were already rolling down his cheeks.
“It has.” Kaela said as her voice cracked and wiped his tears away. “Stay safe and fulfil your dreams, Lance.”
Lance felt a lump in his throat. “And thank you for everything you had taught me. It has been a greatest pleasure to fly with you, partner.”
“At first, I thought you were a nuisance, but you proved me wrong otherwise. You proved yourself that you are more capable to do great things as a Paladin of Voltron. I am proud of you, Lance. It has been an honour to being your partner and sister.” Kaela said as they both hugged tightly. “Take care of Katie, or otherwise, I’ll hunt you down.”
Lance let out a teary chuckle and they broke the hug with Lance kissing her on the cheek. Kaela let go of him as he comforted Pidge, he wrapped his arms around her. Pidge hugged her boyfriend tightly with her arms around him. They comforted each other in a tight embrace.
Kaela saw Allura was in Keith’s arms and they were comforting one another. She noticed how close they were and realized that they are now together. She came towards Allura as she hugged her tightly. “Please, please, don’t go.” Allura wept as she already knew she had died to save them, but she doesn’t want her to go just yet.
“Allura, I have to. And you know what has happened. For the sake of the universe, Allura. I’m doing this for all of you. You deserve to live. And to rule Altea and continue your father’s legacy.” Kaela said as she held her hands. Allura gasped as she saw Kaela taking off the crown. The crown she had given her after her capture. After they declared their friendship that lasted. Kaela was willingly to give back to her.
“I won’t be needing this anymore.” Kaela said as she put the crown on her forehead. Allura’s tears flowed down and Allura smiled. They pulled away from the hug as Kaela used her powers for the last time and got the dark entity out of her with Honerva destroying it. Allura gasped softly and saw that she was free from the dark entity at long last.
“Thank you. I am so proud of what you have done for us. I will truly miss you. Thank you for being my friend, Kaela.” Allura said with tears rolling down.
“And thank you, Allura for everything. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for giving a second chance.” Kaela smiled and held her hands. “You have my blessings.” Allura smiled brightly knowing what she had meant. She had given her blessings for being with Keith. The two girls smiled at each other and hugged each other again before Kaela went over to her brother.
Kaela held his hands tightly as Keith rubbed the back of her hands and he saw her arms were no longer covered by her mage runes. “This was it, wasn’t it? Your nightmares?”
“Yes, it was.” Kaela replied with tears rolling down her cheeks.
“W-Why you didn’t say anything, Ella?” Keith asked as his voice started to crack.
“I still die either way and this is all we have. I know that the lions have enough quintessence in them. The universe will always need Voltron and you.” Kaela said, caressing his cheek, seeing that there were tears forming.
Keith put his forehead against hers. “But you have so much to see. So much for you to explore.”
“I know.” Kaela said as tears flowed down. “But I already have you and mom along with a wonderful family. I had everything I ever needed. You made that happen when you first found me.”
“Kaela, when you accepted me, it helped me to accept myself. I am proud to see what you have become. I am proud of what you had done. You helped us to save the universe. And you saved countless lives with us.” Keith said with a sad smile.
“You have helped me to believe in myself in using my powers and I want to thank you for all the moments we had shared together. And no matter what happens, I’ll always be with you forever.” Kaela said as she put her hands on his shoulders. Both of them closed their eyes with their foreheads pressed against each other.
Then appeared purple and red aura, twirled and danced around them. All of her mana were all transferred into Keith. Kaela pulled away as she cupped his left cheek and brushed her thumb against it. Appearing a new marking on his cheek, while wiping his tears away.
Keith opened his eyes with tears were flowing down his cheeks. He looked at his sister one last time and kissed her on the forehead gently. Once they pulled away, Keith saw a purple diamond appearing on her forehead. He chuckled and he wiped her tears with a smile. It was the symbol that symbolises that Kaela is now a true Master Mage and the Great Ikri. Kaela and Keith shared their last hug one last time until a warm light and the spirits appeared.
The paladins of the Old, King Alfor, Zarkon and Lotor appeared with Serene who offered her hand to her. Kaela and Honerva walked towards them with the paladins watching and all of Kaela’s runes were disappearing one by one. Honerva was reunited with her son and husband at last. Both son and husband were now reunited with Honerva and had warm smiles.
Kaela had tears falling down while remembering her memories with the Paladins. She looked back at them seeing Hunk was being comforted by Shiro, Lance and Pidge were in each other’s arms, smiling at her with tears flowing down their cheeks. Keith and Allura were in each other’s arms, looking at her with bittersweet smiles. Kaela smiled gratefully seeing Allura was wearing her crown. With final look, she closed her eyes with a single tear rolling down and joined into the light with Serene.
Then the shape of the phoenix appeared and screeching with the wings were stretching out to all strands of realities that were saved and the phoenix light and essence died out. The spirits were flowing around the Atlas and the lions and they were back into their normal form floating in open space as purple essence danced around the lion and the Atlas. “Is this?... Are we?” Keith asked as he opened his eyes.
“Yeah. This is our reality.” Pidge said while wiping her tears away. Allura cried and mourned in her lion as she felt coldness on her forehead and realised that Kaela had given her crown to her. She cried as she held it close to her heart.
“She did it. She saved us all.” Lance said as he looked down at the group photo they took with Kaela in the Castle of Lions. She was smiling and had her arms around Pidge and Allura with Keith, Hunk, Shiro and himself in the background smiling and Coran was looking at all of them fondly with a tablet in his hands.
“I don’t remember that planet being there before.” Hunk said as he wiped a tear.
The paladins all looked out of their lions with Allura gasping softly with more tears rolling down her cheeks. “It’s Altea.” Allura said. She silently thanked her friend for reviving her beloved home planet.
Keith looked down sadly and felt something in his hand and opened it. He gritted his teeth and held the shining object in his hands. It was the bracelet he bought for her when she stayed with them after he saved her. He realised that Kaela added red crystals to the bracelet. He looked out to the spirits and he could feel her essence. She’ll be there to protect us. Forever and ever
In the hangars, James held the locket in his hands as he saw the spirits were shining brightly above them and disappeared. He looked down at the locket in his hands and saw another photo where they had taken in Clear Day, he noticed that she wore the hair pin he had won for her. He saw that Kaela had written something. “I’ll always search for you in a thousand lifetimes.”
One Year Later
“With the return of Planet Daibazaal, the Galra Empire is at a crossroads. For so long, the people of this extraordinary civilization have been manipulated by a dictatorship, that placed a misguided sense of self-preservation above all else. It was a tragic, unfortunate series of events, that led us down this dark, never-ending pain of power and greed. But now…. We, the citizens of the Galra Empire have an opportunity.” Keith said and looked up at a shining star above them.
“To make right all of the injustices set into motion by our forefathers. Because of the sacrifice made by my sister, Mage Princess Kaela, we have been given a second chance, to come together in rebuilding the Galra Empire by joining the galactic Coalition and ushering in a new era of peace.” Keith concluded with the Galra cheering and chanting his sister’s name.
Keith turned to look at his mother who was looking up at an evening star in the sky. He comforted his mother with a smile and a side hug. “I hope she is here with us.” Keith said.
“I am sure she is always watching over us.” Krolia said. “Always.”
In the Atlas, the chancellors were arguing over the table as Shiro tried to calm them down until Hunk came by at the table with two trays in hand. “Chancellors. Please, sit. Dinner is served.” Hunk said.
He placed the plates on the table to eat the meals. “The filet of bandrillo, spiced with seasoning from the plains of planet Mabo, alongside pilaf of long-grained forlongian brill from the vast fields of Antidoll.” Hunk smiled. “And it’s accompanied by a cider made from the petals of Altean juniberry flowers and Plumberry flowers that Mage Princess Kaela once loved. Bon Appetit.”
Shiro and the Chancellors took a bite of the dish and smiled brightly as they tasted something so delicious. “It wouldn’t be possible without cooperation of all three planets of Xritoo system. Much like my cooking crew, comprised of aliens from all across the cosmos working together to bring you this delicious meal.” Hunk said as he gestured to his crew.
“Mage Princess Kaela, the very person on this day, once said, “We all must not give up hope.” Hunk said proudly. “If the people of your planets work together, so much more can be achieved.”
“Let’s honour her by following in her footsteps and walk in the path towards peace and hope.” Shiro smiled.
James was walking around Plaht City, wandering around the city as he saw some couples walking in hand and hand. He looked away immediately, almost thinking of his days with Kaela. His best friend and the person he had loved since childhood.
Then a blue petal blew by and looked up, seeing the tree that Kaela had healed and grew. He walked towards it and looked up. He smiled as the blue flowers reminded him of her. He looked at the trunk and saw a flower crown in front of a memorial with writing on it. Everyone had heard what Kaela had done for them and for the universe.
James saw a little girl putting a flower on the crown and ran back to her parents. He walked towards the tree and put a hand on the trunk. He smiled a bit, feeling some of Kaela’s essence from the tree. He turned to the side and imagined her standing by her side, with a smile. With a warm and care-free smile. Her eyes would sparkle every time.
James then fished into his pocket and got Kaela’s locket. With the engraving, “I’ll always search for you in a thousand lifetimes.” He smiled and then decided to wear it, to keep her closer to his heart and he did promise he would try and find her in a thousand lifetimes.
Lance wiped his sweat on his sleeve, putting the tools down and looked at his girlfriend. “Hey, Katie. Are we almost done? You know we can’t be late.”
“All done.” Pidge smiled as she took out a drive and walked towards her boyfriend and brother.
“So, peanut, have you been thinking of any names?” Lance asked, smiling at her and kissed her on the cheek.
“Yeah, I was thinking of Chip.” Pidge grinned. Matt and Lance looked at each other with smiles on their faces.
“You and your puns.” Matt chuckled in amusement.
“And this is why I love your sister so much.” Lance said, looking at his girlfriend lovingly. Pidge smiled at him brightly and gently nudged him on the arm. Lance kissed her on the forehead and was about to kiss her fully on the lips, but Matt cleared his throat. Last time they kissed he walked into them by accident. Seeing them in uncompromising positions as he referred.
“Katie, your father’s got the teludav all warmed up for you. Better get going. You two don’t wanna be late.” Colleen said, calling out to her daughter and Lance.
“Don’t worry, Pidge, I’ll have chip all ready to go by the time you get back.” Matt promised.
“Just don’t initialize until we return. I want to witness Chip’s first moments of consciousness.” Pidge grinned as she given her brother the flash drive and Lance grabbed her hand to get ready.
Lance and Pidge were in their armours and lions getting ready to visit their friends. “Have a good time, you two. But not too much fun.” Sam said to the two paladins.
“We will, Dad.” Pidge smiled.
“Don’t worry, Mr Holt. Katie’s in good hands here.” Lance said with a charming smile.
“Come on, sharpshooter! We’re going to be late!” Pidge chuckled as they went through the wormhole.
“Construction is on course, your highness.” Merla confirmed to the new Queen of Altea.
Allura smiled brightly as she watched the construction of the new Castle of Lions in front of her. “Most excellent. How are the preparations for tonight’s birthday celebration coming along? It has to be perfect. This will be the first Altea’s victorious celebration and most memorable birthday.” Allura said as she looked over the preparations.
“It is going along very well, Allura. And the rest of the paladins should be coming very soon.” Merla replied. “And I wish I would’ve met her. She seemed to be a very brave Mage Princess.”
“She is one of the most bravest, stubborn and courageous Mage I have ever met. If she were here, she would’ve taught the Altean children about healing.” Allura said, remembering how she watched Kaela attentively as she healed the paladins with her magic. Allura wore Kaela’s crown with pride and love as she also wore a purple and white dress in the honour of her.
“She sounds like a wonderful person.” Merla smiled.
“She is too.” Allura replied with a warm smile. “A most wonderful and courageous woman I have ever met next to my dearest friend Pidge.”
“Oh, and Allura, we can get access to the location, we can begin set up.” Merla said.
“Perfect. As soon as Coran is finished with something.” Allura said looking at where Coran stood.
“…and had Mage Princess Kaela not seen that there was still good left in Honerva, we most likely would not be sitting here today. She grew to understand that there is good in anyone also seeing the bad.” Coran said to the children. “She would always find a way to save people and bring out joy, hopes and dreams. She could see that in every person.”
“Even her adoptive father, Emperor Zarkon?” asked one of the children.
“Perhaps.” Coran replied with a small smile as he looked at the statue in front of him.
“Do the paladins miss her? And do you?”
“Yes, I do believe that the paladins misses her greatly as well as I. She had taught us to never lose hope. And that her spirit will always be guiding us. Also teaching us on how to move on forward to the future.” Coran replied with a smile.
The children all smiled as they were about to ask more questions. “All right, everybody. I think Coran has someplace to be in a few doboshes. And you all have class to get to.” Said an Altean teacher.
The children groaned with Coran laughing in amusement until he heard three wormholes opening and saw the Black, Red, Green and Yellow lion coming out in front of Kaela’s statue and landed near the New Castle of Lions. Allura smiled and greeted her friends as Pidge hugged her. Lance and Hunk greeted her warmly along with Shiro. She met with the eyes of the man she loves, and she cupped Keith’s face and kissed him passionately on the lips. “Hello, Keith.” Allura said as she pressed her forehead on his. “You have everything we need for the birthday celebration?”
“I have. Mom made me bring other things.” Keith said, showing her a bouquet of blue flowers. “Also, her favourite cake from Earth. It’s a cheesecake. Well, a blueberry cheesecake.”
“Hey, I brought something for her, as well!” Lance exclaimed happily as he pulled out loaded boxes of flowers. “I didn’t even know what was her favourite flowers so I uh, sort of ordered different tons of flowers.”
“Oh, I think she’ll love the flowers, Lance. But Plumberry flowers are her favourite.” Allura smiled, gesturing to the bouquet that Keith had brought.
“What? She never told me that.” Lance said as he scratched his head.
“Yeah, remember how you saw her writing something in her journal and she got mad at you for trying to read it?” Pidge smirked at her boyfriend.
“Yeah, I remember that. She punched you so good that she gave you a black eye.” Hunk chuckled. “Classic Kaela.”
“And that’s why she never shared anything with you or tell you anything about her until you two are friends.” Keith smirked. Lance groaned in annoyance much to everyone’s amusement.
Coran came and smiled at them. “Great, everyone is here. Shall we get started?”
Everyone laughed out loud as they all sat on a blanket in the juniberry field. Pidge was sitting on Lance’s lap while Allura was leaning on Keith and Shiro was sitting next to Keith. Hunk was munching on some food with a smile. They were watching a vlog that captured Kaela’s most memorable memories. They all saw Kaela pinching Lance’s ear in the kitchen. She was helping Hunk cooking with Pidge in the background fixing something.
And the video changed to where Kaela and Keith were training, and Kaela had Keith pinned down. She had him in a headlock with a brightest smile they all ever had seen. The slide were showing the sibling moments. Keith putting Kaela into bed, Keith reading her a book and Kaela helping him on cooking with Hunk. And another slide shows Kaela with a grin as she pointed at the direction where Keith and Allura were in the hallway gazing into each other’s eyes. Both Keith and Allura chuckled at that memory.
The other slide shows Shiro and Kaela were looking at the stars together in the Atlas. Them dancing in the ballroom while Kaela was in a light blue and purple dress with her hair in a braid. Keith and Shiro lecturing her all night in her study and had a pile of books all over the table.
Allura giggled when she saw Coran fixing the corset for Kaela when she was fitting in a dress for a diplomatic meeting. She could not breath properly during the whole meeting. Later that day, she ripped the corset into pieces with Coran crying over the loss of the dress. Kaela was never going to wear any corset. Ever. She despised corsets ever since then. And in the background, Allura was comforting Coran with a sheepish smile.
It also show where Allura and Kaela were looking at the stars with Pidge at the beach on a planet. The girls all had their arms around them with Pidge in the middle. Then the slide changed to Keith was carrying Kaela in his arms with bright smiles on their faces. Everyone gushed at that memory, but Keith’s expression can be noticed and that he misses his sister every day.
Then the video changed it to where Kaela was speaking. “Lance, no. I don’t wanna do this. Besides we both know you’ll end up being pinned down by my brother.”
“I’ll be fine. I can take it. Come on! It’s fun! Every kid does this to their older siblings.” Lance whispered as he passed the marker to her.
“But this is Keith, we are dealing with here. You know how much he gets mad after that.” Kaela hissed as she looked at Keith who was sleeping in the lounge. Lance beckons Kaela with a grin to take the marker.
Kaela raised an eyebrow and opened the lid. She started to draw on Keith’s face. After a few moments, Keith woke up to seeing Kaela was covering half of her face with her book. “Ella? Are you okay? You look red.” Keith said.
“Uh-huh, I am fine.” Kaela nodded, trying so hard not to laugh out loud.
“Then why are you acting like there is something in my face?” Keith asked as he rubbed his face until he felt ink on his fingers. He looked back and forth at Kaela and the ink on his hands. He heard Lance’s laughing.
Keith growled. “You are so dead!” He chased Lance around the Castle with the rest of the paladins watching in confusion and Kaela laughing in amusement.
Keith glared at Lance who smiled sheepishly. “Okay, I was teaching her the stuff she missed out as a kid. She needed that.”
“Yeah, anything besides that.” Keith said.
“But Keith, at least she was having fun with us.” Allura said as she calms him down.
“Yeah, it is nice to see her smiling again.” Hunk said.
“And she inspired us all. She even convinced my dad to do the impossible with the garrison tech to infuse it with Galran and Altean tech. I mean, seriously, though, Earth has come a long way. It’s a hub for all alien activity now that my dad’s stabilized his teludav technology.” Pidge said with a smile. She was handing him another piece of a birthday cake for Lance.
“That’ll make travel on the Atlas much easier. We’ll be able to reach more sectors with the improved mobility. Not to mention the supplies we’ll save with the shorter journey.” Shiro smiled as he set down the plate.
“Yeah, yeah! We’ll have so much room for the cooking ingredients. People are just so much easier to reason with when they’re full.” Hunk said. “Man, this diplomacy thing isn’t nearly as easy as you and Kaela made it look.”
“I am sure you are doing a fantastic job, Hunk.” Allura said with a proud smile.
“Then you and my sister made everything look easy.” Keith teased Allura as she punched him on the arm playfully. Keith smirked and kissed her on the cheek, making her blush.
“She said she wanted to learn a few things about politics.” Allura smiled playfully at Keith. “She had done a fantastic job. But her strongest point is as a Mage Healer.”
“Speaking of which, how are things in Daibazaal?” Shiro asked.
“We’re calling for an election to select the Galran representative for the Galactic Coalition. So that’s step in the right direction.” Keith replied with a smile.
“Let me guess. They asked you to be their leader and you said no?” Lance asked raising his eyebrow while he had his arm around Pidge.
“Yeah, pretty much.” Keith replied with a smile.
“Classic Keith.” Lance smirked and everyone laughed in amusement.
“I am so proud of your decision, Keith. Kaela and I knew you would always be the key to the Galra’s future.” Allura said as they intertwined their hands together.
Coran smiled at the paladins and the new Queen of Altea. He smiled proudly and thought how they came a long way when they first met and when they first met Kaela. “Just around this table I see so many lives touched by her actions. For some of us she was a healer, a counsellor, a confidante and a sister. But to those of us around this table, she will always be family.” Coran said as he grabbed a glass and raised it high. “To Kaela!”
“To Kaela.” Everyone said as they all looked back at the statue of Kaela from behind them that had photos and flowers in front of her. They also had the statues of the Paladins of the Old along with Mage Princess Serene standing in behind Kaela.
Keith smiled as he hugged Allura as she wrapped her arm around his waist, smiling at the statue. “Happy Birthday, Ella.”
Everyone went to sleep for the day until Keith woke up and saw a white feather coming into his room from his window and then saw the spirits had appeared. Allura woke up beside him also felt her presence and heard the lions roaring.
The paladins and Allura all went outside to see the spirits appearing before them with the Lions all drifting above them. They all saw different kinds of colours in the sparkling night sky with the spirits lighting up the dark as they all white orbs coming down and two spirits appeared as King Alfor and Queen Melenor. Allura’s tears rolled down her cheeks as she ran to them and wrapped her arms around them tightly. Shiro gasped when he felt a hand on his shoulder from behind him and saw Adam. He was smiling at him fondly. Shiro had tears forming overjoyed to see him.
Keith, Lance, Pidge and Hunk all smiled seeing that Allura and Shiro were reunited with their loved ones. They heard a white phoenix squawking above them and landed in front of them and appeared Kaela in spirit form and wore a white dress. Keith’s breath hitched seeing his sister after a year and saw another spirit appearing and saw their father was standing beside her. Kaela walked towards him smiling as she caressed his cheeks and wiped his tears.
Keith smiled and they hugged in a tighter embrace and she looked back at their father who walked towards Keith. Keith gasped softly as he felt Kaela holding his hand tightly until their father went up to his children. There were no words need to be spoken and he simply nodded, he was proud of what he had done as a Paladin of Voltron and for everything he had done for the universe. The three hugged each other with everyone watched with tears flowing down.
Allura looked at her parents as they began to fade. Her mother and father both embraced their daughter one last time. Shiro looked at Adam who was smiling at him sadly and started to walk away from him. Shiro looked at Keith who had his arm around his sister and father. Their father smiled at Keith one last time before he started to walk away and joined the other spirits in the night sky. The paladins all looked at their lions one last time as they reminisce on their memories as Paladins of Voltron and their memories they had shared with Kaela. The joyous memories they all had treasured.
Kaela and Keith pressed their foreheads together with Keith shedding one tear and let go of her as he watched she running towards the lions. She transformed into a white phoenix and flew with them with the spirits shone bright in the night sky with the paladins smiling and with tears flowing down.
After a year, everything had changed for the better with The Holts family established the next generation of Legendary Defenders. Hunk created a culinary empire, bringing the universe together, one meal at the time. Lance took Kaela’s wishes to heart and followed his dreams as he became a teacher in the Garrison and teach the young generation of becoming great pilots with his girlfriend, Pidge, by his side, Krolia and Kolivan became the Galra representatives to the Galactic Coalition. Keith helped transition The Blade of Marmora to a humanitarian relief organization with the help of his girlfriend. Queen Allura of Altea, who encouraged the Alteans to become peacekeepers and brave diplomats in the universe while respecting Kaela’s wishes as she continued her father’s legacy and ruled Altea. Shiro found happiness with Curtis and finally left the battle behind.
Somewhere in deep space, all five lions followed the white phoenix and led them far away from Altea to a planet with pillars around it, serving as a gate way and the spirits glowed brightly, responding to the white phoenix and the Lions.
“My lord, we just got word.” Said one of the soldiers, he had his jet black tied up back neatly as he bowed down in respect. “It seems that the Great Ikri has fallen.”
The soldier watched his lord and master swung his spear across the room and then slashed a tapestry that was on the wall, cutting it in half with Mage Princess Serene and her family image on the tapestry. “Is that so?”
“Yes, my lord.” Replied the lieutenant.
The Lord chuckled evilly as he looked at the cut tapestry of Mage Princess Serene. “Hmm, looks like the story and the legend is not ending, after all, Mother. Gaius, begin preparation and summon the Elders. It is time to bring back what is rightfully ours.”
“Yes, of course my lord, Prince Adelram. At once.” Gaius complied as he went and do as he was told to.
“Soon, Mother, I will take everything you have. And then I shall rule Zelza and it will all be mine Looks like the story is not over just yet.” Prince Adelram chuckled evilly as he overlooked his soldiers building and creating weapons of their own in an abandoned mansion.
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moonlightreal · 4 years
Winx Club season 8/26
In which we get one last surprise retcon.
26 Written in the Stars
Recap says the last prime star is the “star of brotherly love.”  Were the other stars “of” things?  I totally missed that.
Valtor’s asteroid!  ...wait, what’s this?  Valtor is having a chat with a bunch of unforeshadowed Shadowy Figures he calls “my brothers of the darkness dimension.”  Valtor gathered the prime stars to free them and they’re getting impatient.
Gee, this series already dropped one big fat surprise motive, I was not expecting another one in the very last episode!
So Valtor wants to be a powerful sorcerer so he can unseal the darkness dimension and free his buddies.  Whaaaaaat even is this?  Valtor’s not from some weird dimension, he was created by the Three Ancestors!  His backstory is what made him cool, and “buddies in the dark dimension’ is so uninspired!
Season 8, whaddaya doing to me?  -_-
Alfea at sunrise! they’re squeezing the best gorgeous Alfea shots out of their software for this last episode and I am here for it.  Upgraded Alfea is just the greatest.
Kiko rocks on with headphones.  The Trix walk in behind him.  How did they get iiiiiin?! Into the Winx common room, past the school barrier and all the students and teachers.
Kiko sees the Trix and freaks out.  Icy knows the bunny’s name, which is kinda sweet. Knowing your enemies’ pets!  Kiko pelts the Trix with apples from an apparently infinite fruit bowl.  The Winx wake up and find witches dodging apples.
Badass Bloom: “I don’t know how you got here, but I know how you’re gonna leave!”
The Trix turn out to be Stella, Flora and Aisha transformed.  Not bad, writers. Professor Wizgiz made the spell for them for Bloom’s plan to get into Valtor’s asteroid.  Flora says it’ll be dangerous and Aisha sounds kind of fed up when she says, ‘Ok, Flora, but don’t worry too much.”
Bloom’s phone rings, it’s Sky with a be-careful call.
The star box poofs in.  “The goal of your venture will not slip away, but listen carefully to what I’m going to say...”  I assume she’s telling them where Valtor’s asteroid is.  The Wishing Star would know, and I don’t see how else the Winx would.
We cut to the real Trix walking down a dark blue and purple corridor.  Icy is keen to challenge Valtor, she thinks their prime star will give them enough of an advantage.  Darcy and Stormy are not so confidant.  Stormy sensibly suggests they just take their freedom and clear out.
Icy: ‘because right now we’re standing on the needle of a scale.  A scale that will tip in our favor when we take Valtor’s three stars.  We’ll have the power of the wishing star all to ourselves.”  Icy wants to break the spell on Sapphire.  Stormy wants them to be undisputed queens of the magic universe.  Darcy’s dream is to “overturn the law of nature itself.  A world of illusion, can you imagine?”  Ok, they’ll try attacking Valtor with Icy.
Wow, and Icy says, ‘If things go bad, run, and leave me to my fate.”  so Icy is putting it on the line not just for Sapphire but for Darcy and Stormy, which is remarkably honorable, for Icy.  They hug, and it’s sweet.  Then they enter the throne room!
Valtor’s just done chatting with his shadow buddies I guess.  Icy starts to say something, I think she’s going to bluff that they couldn’t get the star, when the room shakes and rocks fall from the ceiling. Thunder.
Stormy: ‘don’t look at me, I didn’t do it.”  Heh.  Valtor orders the Trix outside to check it out.
Outside, it’s Bloom,  Tec and Musa who’s hitting the building with “sonic shake” I think meant to draw their enemies out.  And it worked!
The Trix are happy to have a fight, even though this would be the perfect time for Icy to do a little “enemy of my enemy” stuff.  But the Trix just like fighting the Winx I guess.  It’s their hobby.
Inside, fake-Trix walk along the corridor and Aisha-as-darcy nearly falls over because her shoes are too tight.  it’s an illusion spell, why are you wearing Trix shoes?  Flora suggests they fly instead.
Fake-trix sneak into the throne room.  Valtor is back to taking to his shadow buddies and he explains his whole plan before turning and seeing the fake-Trix.  Stella is kinda hilarious doing the whole, ‘prime star? Oh, um, didn’t you have it?” thing as Icy.  She says it might be in her pocket and Valtor reminds them they have no pockets.  Pffffft. Seriously, Valtor is dumb as a doorknob not to realize.
The real Trix and Bloom bust in through the roof and Valtor is momentarily confused before the Winx all turn back into themselves.  
Valtor demands the star from Icy.  Stella says, ‘don’t give it to him!” and spills Valtor’s plan to release his shadow buddies.  Valtor tries activating his mark on the Trix but surprise, it’s gone!  
Bloom does a little speech about “if you give it to Valtor it will be the end of everything, the magic universe will cease to exist, is that really whet you want?”  and “On Dyamond I realized there is love in you.”  Bloom doesn’t know about Sapphire, remember, she just knows Icy likes cute baby animals.  
Valtor blasts Bloom and reminds Icy that the Winx are their worst enemies and that they’ll be rich and powerful beyond imagining if they help him out! Then he blasts Bloom again, but she shields herself, lights up, and says, “In your heart you know there’s only one thing to do.”
But Valtor evil-lights up.  
The Winx and Trix know a bad thing when they see it and fly away.
The whole castle busts open and there’s a gargoyle with Valtor’s mark across its chest.  It doesn’t look or sound like Valtor at all, but I guess that’s him.  Giant gargoyle goes after the Winx.  It throws blast after blast of dark magic at them and the girls raise their shields. Rainbow put in a little detail, Tec’s is green and techy, Aisha’s is morphix.  But they can’t hold out for too long.
Here come the Specialists in their ship!  It flies back and forth distracting the gargoyle.
Back on the asteroid, Darcy and Stormy want to skip town, leave the Winx to deal with the giant monster.  But Icy does not want the magic universe destroyed!  Darcy and stormy plead with her, Let’s just save ourselves!”
Flashback to Princess Icy on the overlook, vowing to save her sister.  Young Icy raises glowing hands to her hair, smoothing the yellow frizz into sleek silver, and conjuring the tall thingy Icy uses to hold up her ponytail.  “So, sis… Icy.”  Like she’s embracing the darker possibilities of her name.
Present time Icy: ‘I watched a world crumble before.  I won’t let it happen again. we’ll face this threat!”  The other two go with her.
Valtor at first thinks they’re on his side, but then Icy gives the star to Bloom! She puts it in the star case and the other three fly out of the castle and go into the case as well.  We fade into magc-space and the Wishing Star gets herself back together!
“Yes Winx, you’ve achieved your goal, and I am free.  To make your greatest dream a reality.”
Stella’s stoked. Wishes!  But the others realize they have to ask for something that’s good for everybody.  Bloom knows what they should wish for!
Bloom: “Our wish is to be able to protect the magic universe.  We want to preserve it in harmony, now and forever.”
The star: ‘so be it, Winx.  My brave and generous fairies of light.”
The star sends her light to the Winx and they all glow golden.
Valtor gargoyle tells the Trix this is all their fault.
But before he can bring the violence the glowy Winx all blast him and he is swallowed up in light.  The asteroid disappears, leaving empty space. In the spaceship, Sky cheers.
The Trix realize there’s nothing else for them here, and head off to their next scheme.  Before she does, Icy and Bloom look at each other and share a moment of understanding.
Ok, I think that was a dumb wish.  The Winx protect the magic dimension already!  If you get a wish, you should save it for something you can’t accomplish with the powers you already have!  Maybe they couldn’t have defeated Valtor without lighting up, but they defeated him last time without star power.  I  would’ve liked it better if the Winx had been zapping and then the Trix had to join in to defeat Valtor, or some other use of having three sides in this fight.
I’m also so sure that Bloom would have used the wish to save Dyamond if she’d heard the story about Icy’s sister.  Bloom’s a softie anyway, and she literally suffered the same thing herself.  They could’ve used the wish without powering Icy up further… sigh. it’s such a weird skipping of such an obvious plot.
The Wishing star flies off, and we see her pass the star ship Purripla.  The nautical lumens are happy.  The star visits the cave lumens, unilumens, surf lumens, and then we see Twinkle fly into the throne room on Lumenia. ‘The Winx have won, my queen!  The Wishing Star is back!”  Time for a party on Lumenia, but Twinkle is more interested in the one at Alfea.
Where they’re having a concert, of course.  This song’s a bit livelier than some. The minor fairies, the boys, teachers and Knut, a couple of lumens, and Twinkle and Lumilla are there.  They are my OTP!  I scan the crowd for Orion, but he doesn’t seem to have made it.
In the sky the Wishing Star zooms past, drawing a W between six stars.  It’s the Winx constellation!
And that’s season 8!
But you’re not getting out of here without more ponderings!
It occurs to me that the Winx know—or at least Bloom thinks she knows—that Icy is capable of love, but they know nothing about what the white fox really is.  In the real world where things don’t end after 26 episodes the next thing Bloom would want to do is go back to Dyamond and figure everything out.  Making Icy stop being a threat to the magic dimension would be a huge win.  Although… Icy has spent ten-ish years doing really awful things, she’s not a good person. She’s a terrible person who loves her sister, and if Sapphire regained human form Icy would be… still a terrible person, just one with a human sister.  it’s hard to imagine Icy just returning to being princess of Dyamond and doing a good job.  Or even enjoying it.
I do wonder if we’ll see Sapphire again.  I guessed this is setup for movie 4, it could also be setup for season 9 or it could just disappear like the fairy animals from season 7 just disappeared.
Some thoughts:
The art bugged me less than I thought it would, I honestly stopped noticing after a few episodes.  Even the boys… still looked weird, but my brain didn’t remind me loudly just how weird they look.
Musa/Riven, why must you be so bad as to force me to take a side in a fandom I don’t want to take sides in? -_-  
Liked seeing Knut and the Alfea teachers again, and I’m glad they took the time to bring the minor fairies along to the new art style.  Of course it was all made very confusing since some parts of the world seem to have gone back in time and others don’t.  Mielle looked much younger but was described as being still a teenager.  
All in all, I liked this season!  I will have at least one more post of afterthoughts, and maybe a deep-dive into Icy’s past.  The official Winx youtube channel has a video about it that I haven’t watched since I didn’t want to spoil myself.  We’ll see.  Depending on just how unemployed I turn out to be and how hard I’m working on my fanfics, I may have plenty of time to write about Winx!
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Zi-O Ep 36: Let’s mix it up a little!
So, I did things a little differently this week. Me and @miyukomatsuda​ were watching Marcosatsu’s History of Kabuto vid, and she suggested we watch Zi-O 36 together., too, since watching this alone my first time through would have been AWFUL. So, my notes might be a little. Weird this time around. I’m going to try to transcribe my chat with her in here.
*Fair warning, it gets a little... swear-y in here this time. Also, sorry for the length. Chats do that, and this is condensed down.*
(M is Miyuko, S is me.)
M: wanna try suffering through zi o
S: sure, just give me a couple minutes to get something
M: (thumbsup emoji)
S: how do we want to do this?
M: this should work. and if in doubt we both have the ep downloaded
- (insert cut here) -
M: Ginga. What is you
M: -suddenly here
S: ahahaha “his power is worlds beyond us”
M: Woz: “fuck if I know guys”
[there’s a whole group chat thing about a Doctor Who / Kamen Rider crossover universe, so the whole ‘Ginga’s from some other far off region of space-time’ thing brought it back up]
S: Swartz: FUCKING SWEET - whoops no Swartz is pissed never mind
M: *sweet new toy*
M: Woz: >:(
S: “world is /mine/ to destroy”
M: hahahaha
M: Woz: >:|
M: (dancing emoji, because we hit the OP)
M: I still think the statues are gonna unstatue in show
S: over quartzer is a JAM (don’t mind me, singing along)
M: that’s a MATH BREAKS THE WALLS level weird
M: (same hat) Rider music is top tier.
[title card, “2019: First Love, Finaly!”]
S: first kokoros
M: okay yuko.
[swartz was sucking up to Yuko for her assistance w/ Ginga]
S: hora’s so tired of this
M: if he is a servant to oma zi o-explains a lot
M: ofc woz is second
S: ahaha he just yoinks hora and heure
S: everyone drags geiz
S: hve to shove him and hora download
S: woz and swartz are first to drop to their knees
M: of course woz does this
M: heure laughing at swartz tho
M: Woz: MajoOu
M: me: :)  (I KNEW IT!)
S: horny on main for evil
S: sougo’s kingdom to know why he betrayed the rebellion
S: sougo ffs
M: Geiz is gonna kill him for real
S: uncle’s so confused
M: poor uncle
[miyuko had to go get food at this point]
M: Also Uncle: IT’S A MIRACLE
S: “screw this ginga guy, I don’t give a f. i’mma queen now”
S: the fact swartz actually thought this would work when she already hated him
M: that’s hilarious
M: Woz in the straightest he’s acted all season
S: sougo is a stupid stupid cat. surprised he’s never gotten his head stuck in a box
M: incredibly dumb kitty
S: ...i wonder if someone’s drawn that now actually after this arc
M: i’ve seen sougo with kitty ears-
M: Sougo you DUMB Kitty
S: sougo why do you know she had a bf in ‘08? you met her a long time before that.
[I was wrong, he met her in ‘08, she did the violence in ‘15]
M: Those poor extras on the stairs
S: ahahahah that’s hilarious
[I was talking about the fact that it’s just a freaking strip mall, not the fact that Ginga was destroying EVERYTHING]
M: also: something I noticed
S: that’s a fucking showa era attack name if I every heard one [Dynamite Sunshine]
M: thanks to a youtube comp of woz’s speech... Woz does the energy blast that our main three time jackers do
S: fourze and faiz pt 1
M: yeah!
S: one does not interupt his overlord’s transformation
M: I think woz is a time jacker.
S: also he kicked geiz’s ass in wizard pt 1
M: And of course bastard man is fine while his cohorts get blown back
S: b/c he’s too OP
S: also evidence for woz being a time jacker: Hat!Woz called Swartz ‘Sir Swartz’
S: FFS SOUGO [when he took the hit for Yuko]
M: (yeah!)
M: also. JIRO
S: Woof. awoo
M: [don’t awoo, $350 penalty sign]
S: :sad wolf:
M: oh hey otoya violin
S: Sougo you stupid, stupid cat, she’s just got a ruler complex
[re: sougo calling her Miss Sailor, because that’s what he’s always called his crush]
S: it’s just your nickname for her anyway, she wouldn’t have known it even if it IS her
S: She’d be in charge sougo. you’d be the consort
[lost some more of the chat. Couldn’t quite screencap it because Rabbit disagreed with keeping the chat where I scrolled to]
S: so like where did she GET these three? And why does this only this one seem to be aware
M: I think it’s SUPPOESD to be the real vers and they just serve Kiva
S: It’s *probably* him.
S: True, Kiva’s a title, isn’t it? Like hibiki.
S: also PRIME time to pause that wow [Jiro saying “Men become more refined through pain.”]
M: oh hey the bf
M: “scary”
S: understatement of the era
M: Geiz now has to see a murder
M: MANHOLE. Which note she can barely lift. JFC
M: Poor Tetsuya
S: you idiots you made it easier for her
S: yooooo.
S: I like how the Another Kiva transformation includes the bats instead of just the usual Another Rider special effects
[on to the last fight against Ginga]
S: YES [it’s actually the instrumental used as a fight music, but it’s still always nice to hear. I like noting the piano versions more, though. The ones that are used for atmosphere]
[seriously, Sougo, Geiz, and Woz all threw their weapons at Ginga, then rider kicked said weapons into his chest as the finisher. wtf]
S: beams the hell out of there
[Woz nabs the Ginga watch with his scarf]
M: the real reason Woz did this is clearly: “FUCK YOU I AM NOT BODYSHARING AGAIN”
S: “Waga Maou I adore you but. No. I can’t do this again.
S: Swartz is terrifying with his OWN power
S: at least he’s *kind of* willing to fight her.
S: okay only kind of
S: he pulled out the watch at least
M: I hope he makes the full speech next time :D
M: (I love woz’s speeches)
S: waga maou is being a moron
S: don’t have time for this
M: everyone: **THANK YOU**
[for ref, Miyuko has an AU where the Heisei Rider seasons are D&D campaigns]
S: and they just turn back into their weapon forms
M: yeah
S: not even disappear,  just the weapons again
M: they uh kind of got sealed in their-
S: INOUE, Another Riders don’t DIE
M: :(
M: first heartbreak, WOZ PLS
M: toki no ouja
S: om nom pie
S: YOINKING YOUR PIE (respect the pie)
M: GEIZ NEARLY CHOKING THIS TIME (Woz choked on pie TWICE last time)
M: -oh my fucking god he’s a cat jfc
S: sougo. no. sweetie.
M: Tsukuyomi are you the only women who didn’t know this would work
S: Decade: STOP THAT
S: Decade: I am the multiverses janitor
M: well if tendou can’t come back might as well get his successor to arrogance
S: ahahahah
M: that was me watching
M: I GIFFED parts because of how bad it was and I need people to KNOW in chat
S: this was. Bad. So bad. neither villain did well
M: nope
S: just yeet ginga back off into space
M: rider wikia says we learn ginga lore next time too so HERE’S FUCKING HOPING
S: Thats something
M: and yuko just got TRASHED
M: Ginga also means Galaxy
S: ye, I know
M: ye. Themeing.  -also
M: has sougo not used fourze armor before now because I thought he did
S: he’s used it in it’s debut
S: and then in the mass fight against the Another Riders in the Another ZiO arc. but that’s it
M: yeah! Ty
M: oh my god
S: much like gatakiriba, it would probably murder the CG budget
M: he’s going to fucking space.
S: the zi-o Fourze finisher is him just. Armoring up and BEING the rocket. It was ridiculous.
M: YEP. I love it!
S: goes all Snipe Level One on the monster, spinning like a bullet
M: YUP. Remember him fucking up build’s catch phrase AND math
S: even Ryuuga knew he was getting it wrong. that takes “skill”
S: we should have seen babby reality warper coming when he used Ex-Aid and took the speciall effects and threw them at the Another Rider
M: yep
S: ~casual reminder that zi o can be read as ‘character king’~
M: (eyes emoji)
S: ~as in written character~
So, over all… NOT A GOOD EPISODE. I basically went from assorted variants of “Eh” to “ugh why this” throughout. This was definitely a low point on the ‘tribute episodes’ scale, and that’s taking the character assassination from the Build arc into account.
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
Okay, so...
... Now that I have a clearer Raw I can pause...
Ryusoulger Episode 1 reactions! Aka, the episode that decided to come for my life.
In no particular order:
Okay, so maybe it’s a little ‘hm’ that Kou pilots the mech entirely on his own. But it’s not the first time anyone has piloted a mech alone--including non-Ranger allies. The first person who springs to mind is Commander Aya from Jetman. In GoGo V, the robot assistant Mint piloted the robot alone once. And besides, it’s only the first episode. We’ve got plenty of time for the others to get in there.
I’ll be honest. I knew the Masters were probably going to die. At the very least, I knew something bad was going to happen to them.
What I was NOT expecting was THAT.
Ryusoulger scores one for on-screen death and incineration.
First fight of the new Robo Suit Actor (I feel so bad I forget his name). Thank you for your service Kusaka Hideaki, I wish you all the best.
But let’s go back to the beginning!
Dramatic ceremony that apparently no one else is around to witness.
Wait, so if Mynasouls/Minusouls are already being made/Druidon already showing up, and just have never reached the tribe before... Does that mean Touwa and Banba have just been doing a really bang up job of fighting them off? I mean, I expect the stakes are raising sharply now, but... Could cause tension in the team if there’s a ‘the only reason you guys had a peaceful life for so long was us’ sort of thing.
Also, Kou having a little bit of prankster in him is super cute. Are you and Touwa going to get into prank wars that drive the others nuts?
Random fact I didn’t notice before? In the opening, when the others are flying all over the place and Banba is just sleeping? He’s holding two RyusoulKen. The boy is freaking holding his brother’s sword for him, that’s so cute.
I’ll see if I can’t use this video to get a shot of the pendant looking like it’s changing colours and put it at the bottom, okay?
It has since come to my attention by rewatching this that Mystery Scarf Person is standing next to a torch that looks similar to the ones used in the ceremony scene this episode, which could indicate that he is Gold. Or... Related to the tribe, at the very least.
But the most important question to ask as to whether he’s Gold... Does he has Chainsaw?
I am never going to get over that chainsaw thing.
Also looks like we may have Druidon we haven’t seen yet, which doesn’t surprise me. Tank dude is clearly going to be Kou’s rival, but maybe one of the other Druidon was responsible for what happened to Banba and/or Touwa’s Master? (assuming Touwa had one and wasn’t solely trained by his brother)
I’m loving that little shot where it’s Ui sitting alone and then the others come over to her and it looks like they’re encouraging her (well, Banba just stands in the back bc he’s a grump but also solidarity) and then they all look at the sky. I live for the implications that there’s going to be a theme of companionship in this series bc I LOVE FRIENDSHIP. I LOVE FOUND FAMILY. And given how they trio (and possibly the brothers, too) lost people so important to them at the start, I think they’re all gonna need it.
I like them cutting the logo free. I also like the way it looks like stained glass for a hot second before becoming the usual red and yellow.
Sentai mooks continue to be distracted by pretty lights and it remains their downfall.
Kou! Don’t break the camera!
Dan seems pretty fussed that Druidon showed up. But... If he knew that the other two had gone to fight them, shouldn’t he already know that?
Hey, look! There’re other people!
Aw! Kou is trying to be comforting!
And... Gets shoved into the mountain. I love these three.
Oh my gosh, he tries to tackle Ui, but she just bops away, I love her.
Well, we’ve found the source of the bananas.
I love Melt hiding the banana behind his back like it’s incriminating evidence...
I think Kou is looking to the other two for help here and they just abandon him. God, he’s so adorable, though, I just wanna pinch his cheeks.
Also that fraction of a  second ‘I got myself into this’ face right before the cut to commercial. XD
The Masters are on a nature walk!
No, I’m kidding, they’re probably on patrol or something. But it looks like they’re on a nature walk.
Wouldn’t it be funny of one of the other Masters, if they exist, was played by the Ichimonji of the KR NEXT films? Is he even still acting?
Not the ankles!
Do the Masters have other names?
Why does Tank dude being in the temple cancel their transformations?
What I love about this fight is that Master Red and Kou are clearly worried about each other. Red yells for Kou when he’s thrown, and Kou tries to protect his mentor. It’s cute!
Until tragedy strikes.
Is Kou ever gonna be able to hear ‘Tata Soul’ again w/out thinking of this?
God... It was a gut punch when Red got hit by those slashes, but I was not expecting Pink and Blue to get fire breathed.
Also, yeah, there were better ways to do that, but that’s always true w/ diving saves. Maybe they didn’t thank they could pull them out of the way in time?
The complete silence was a good choice. IS this the same director responsible for that scene in Build where Misora tells the others Kazumi is dead? Bc this reminded me of that. If so... Man, you do ‘characters losing someone indescribably important to them’ very well.
I’m still not entirely convinced we’ve seen the last of them. Maybe only in flashbacks or as spirits, but you’re telling me you hired Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask/Kamen Rider Ibuki, and even an alternate version of Hongo Takeshi/some other dude from Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (?) to kill them off in one episode? After those press announcements? Maybe they were trying to cover up what was gonna happen, but I’m not convinced. I mean, maybe their previous parts aren’t that big a deal, but it really seems like the went for a bit of name-recognition there... Are they gonna throw that away after one ep?
I will not deny I was emotionally encouraging Kou to get up and kick Tank dude’s ass right there. You can do it, sweetie!
Tank dude gives a speech while Mushroom creature is greatly distressed in the background.
See above for my feelings regarding Kou piloting the mech alone here.
Also the first time I watched I wasn’t thinking about that I was too busy crying.
Also I guess Tyramigo does talk, but... He seems fairly... Well, he doesn’t talk much. He’s got, like, two lines. I’d kind of like a serious, more ‘stern’ red rex. Hmm... Maybe the personalities of the Kishiryu reflect the predecessors’?
So here’s the jam. Doe you predecessor have to die for you to be the ‘true’ inheritor of the RyuSouls? Did Elder know this? If so... You dickwad.
Kou giving Tyramigo pets on the nose was super cute. I think I would kill for Tyramigo.
Also pretty sure I would kill for Kou, he’s very cute and now I love this actor.
Still very distracted by the way the Elder’s wig does not match his beard. What the hell, costuming?
So here’s my question. Do the special coloured Souls absorb the souls of the Ryusoulgers who die while tied to them? Are gonna have an ep where the team have to go ‘inside’ them or, like, summon the souls out of them, AtLA style? Are we gonna meet the original Ryusoulgers at some point?
Okay, but... The Elder uses the word ‘nakama’ when telling the trio about Touwa and Banba? At least, I think he does... Doesn’t that usually have ‘friendly’ connotations? Makes it seem like the two are less straight up ‘deserters’ and just... I dunno, went through the apparently necessary rite of passage of having your mentor/predecessor die before the others and were allowed to leave? I’m confused.
I don’t know why we needed to transform here, but I love the dancing mechs.
Also they did do a ‘three swords’ version of the ‘swords of justice’ thing. I am literally going to start crying--for very different reasons than this time--the first time all five of them do it together.
Still sad I didn’t get to see my boys in the preview, but at least I know they’re coming soon.
Also still can’t get a read on whether we’ll be hiding our identities this season. I kind of like it when they do do that, it adds another layer of tension to things, but it’s fine if they don’t, too.
Looks like Pink is gonna be yeeting her boys.
I’m liking this so far and I can’t wait for all my children to get together.
On the ED: I live for the dancing mechs. I could spend hours analysing everyone’s reaction to the cartoon Soul meteors. That was adorable. Still don’t know why Banba has different dance choreography, but it’s cute.
Digital french toast and pancakes for anyone who read all that.
All in all, I’m enjoying myself. I don’t usually cry at shows, but I just... I wasn’t expecting it to go that far. This is someone who directed some of Build, I suppose. I think we’re in for more agony.
And I love it. XD
Okay, so... (Ignore my boys screaming in the background please--not the most flattering picture of Banba I know, but leave him alone he’s sad DX)
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
So... It’s definitely just the way it disappears, but... The other three colour don’t do that? So either it was just a style choice bc there’s only two colours on this side and three on the other and I’m overanalysing, or...
Also. I. I just noticed the water bubbles. Or are those meant to be tears.
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voltron-queen-140 · 6 years
My Notes on Season 8 - Part 1 of 2
I'm writing them as I watch the series but they may not be in order completely. My opinions and whilst I know no one cares I'm writing them anyway.
Episode 1:
The original Voltron is a TV show based on them?! Love it!
"I don't really sound like that, do I bae bae?"
Hunk is best bro/wingman 11/10 need a Hunk in my life
Okay I guess Allurance is happening. Good for Allurace shippers! I'm happy for you!
"Grounded? I wasn't aware humans could float" Romelle, I honestly love you.
Pidge is 15, nice to get an actual age
She's also grounded omg rip
"Apparently saving my brother and dad doesn't get me a pass!"
"We'll make sure she doesn't leave the ground once"
Keith and Lance bonding 😍 it's not what I was hoping for but I didn't expect it to be canon, I'll take what I'm given.
Ugghhhh I need more of Lance family dynamic!!!! Fanfic writing time.
Oh no no no, it's a little early in the relationship for "I love you" ugh I always cringe when people say I love you in shows and books when they've only been going out for like a day, no matter the ship.
Episode 2:
Baby/kid Lotor is cute
I like how he was named
Seeing how Lotor was raised I can't blame him for being a little... extravagant
Episode 3:
Am... am I meant to remember this dude?
Oh? OH! So you're gonna insult Keith for being a half breed hu? And the Blade for accepting him as one of them? Hahahaha I hate you.
"Okay.... or we could just do this *hacks*" PIDGE MY QUEEN YAS
Rotten... food goo? If food goo can go rotten why didn't the food goo go rotten in the castle of Lions after 10 thousand years?
"I don't know what it's going to take to get it through your thick skull, but we are not your enemy" aaaahhhh I see the red paladin in my boy Lance now. I could jam to that all day, YES MY BOY. -right after that guy accused Keith of releasing the monster deliberatly, I know it means nothing but my Laith shipper heart will treasure it for years to come-
That monster hurt cosmo so I'm going to hurt it.
Of course the Galra and the Galra Half-breed are the ones locked in a room with the Galra hating monster. Of course.
Lance's face when Keith -and the other guy but shhhhh- gets locked in, has me in tears. My ship may not sail but I'll cherish these moments.
Also Pidge and Hunk's faces. I stan a paladin space family
"Keith!" "We're coming for ya!" I 👏 STAN 👏 ONE 👏 SPACE FAM 👏
Episode 4:
Omfg Pidge's love of the olcary is so pure
"ThAt WaSN't ThE RhYMe!"
I was not ready to see my gal cry again. Please protect her
Pidge is a QUEEN
Episode 5:
That is all
Episode 6:
I missed Slav
Uuuuugghhhhhh guys I don't have the patience for an atlas and a voltron transformation
Oh thank Quiznack they skipped the Voltron transformation
Ezor's voice sounds different but idk
Zethred's techie is a m a z i n g I love him
"How do we fix it?" "for starters you have to TAKE OFF YOUR SOOOOOCKS"
Fucking Lotor's back
Episode 7:
Okay... kinkade is cute.
"You making a movie?! Cool. Can I be in it? No wait, if this is an action movie- is it?- I don't wanna be in it."
"I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'll make you some doggie treats later."
Seriously though who let bae bae come on this mission? Could she not have stayed with someone on earth? Is it wise to have a dog bouncing around a space ship that can turn into a mech and fights in battles?
"But... I like cooking."
"So... is this interview over?" "N o. Great. Now the talent is getting restless."
"The camera!" "Leave it! We need to go!" "BUT THIS IS GOLD" okay. Okay my love for these two is growing.
W- was that Sal from Vepit Sal's?
"Need to get someone more exciting in here" *cuts to Coran*
Okay so more Allurance, I'm happy for Allurance shippers, bet you guys are thriving!
"No that's private" Kinkade you're so sweet! Too good for this world.
Hunk is such a sunshine child I love him!
Episode 8:
Okay. Allurance is cute. It's growing on me.
"I better go find the arcade and... make sure it's safe" *noom* "uhhh me too" *noom* "me three" *noom*
*elongated sigh* Allura. You fell right into their trap. You still trust Lotor and now I'm feeling iffy about your relationship with Lance again right after it started go grow on me. You aren't over Lotor yet are you?
🎵Coran Coran the Non-Truth telling man🎶
Pidge is hitting coran as if she's been waiting to do it for a long time... what did he ever do to you Pidge?
"Okay that's a start! Did you get a good look at- it's me isn't it." I WILL NEVER NOT LOVE THIS BOY
🎶"Wadda we say? Clear day clear day clear-"🎶 "I've gotta get out of here" my BOY
"In that case you can get one of these shovels and dig yourself out of the hole you find yourself in." I STAN THIS GIRL CAN SHE BE MY FAVOURITE BACKGROUND CHARACTER?!?!
I call using a mechanical arm in an arm wrestling match cheating but kay. IT'S NOT EVEN ATTACHED TO HIS BODY WTF
Pidge puppy eyes!
Pidge and colleen bargaining on the photo is amazing! Yes.
So... is that chick Matt's girlfriend? Because I will happily add that to my mountain of Matt ships yes yes.
So clearly Allura still likes Lotor but she also likes Lance which is why she's so close to freeing that damned thing (I refuse to say entity becuase it's been said enough) when both of them talk to her.
Well FU-
Keith's having a mental breakdown. I can't blame him, could you imagine being stuck on It's a Small World for hours?
"THAT'S IT" *slices through bar with his Bayard and runs*
Once again, am I meant to remember this guy?
Shiro winning that arm wrestle because he looked at the team is the new "do it for them"
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the-energon-hole · 7 years
hi! can i request a drabble for bayverse crosshairs, tfp knockout, soundwave and smokescreen having like a nice soft moment w/ their s/o, cuddling and stuff and s/o tells the bot they love them for the first time and how happy s/o is to have them in their life? thank you!
There was a certain way that he liked to carry himself, and there was a certain way that he preferred to be seen by both his fellow bots and those who view him as a bitter enemy. He liked how he was perceived as an arrogant jerk who couldn’t play by the rules, the mech who was big and bad and not to be messed with. The kind of guy you’d pass by on the street and thought, wow what a bad guy- I’d never want to tussle with him! He is the leader that everyone needs, he can be the big bad driving force to prove once and for all whom the superior bots are in this war- which is why in situations that are seen as compromising like this, he would deny them sound anyone see what was going on.
Crosshairs both loved and hated these little moments.
He was lounging on a pile he made out of old cars and sheet metal, it was comfortable enough for him to at least sit and relax on- but he sure does miss having a nice big berth to stretch and recharge on. Ever since he got to this planet it has been nothing but scrounging and scraping in order to get by-the things he did for his fellow Cybertronians!
He would never admit it, and he most certainly wouldn’t say it outloud- but with you sleeping soundly on his chest as he just relaxes, well that also makes this planet a little more worth it to protect.
You somehow saw past his bad boy facade, you saw past his armored wall’s weakness, and you saw past all the words that he would spit out at you in anger and frustration.
You lay there, in the most vulnerable way your species could be, and you trust him enough to not only be like this- but to also utter words he never thought in his whole life span he would hear.
“I love you, nothing will change that.”
Love, what a silly thing to need or want- companionship and a battle partners he understands a need for, no one wants to be alone in the throes of battle and war, you want someone who understands and relies on you to be there when they need it. However, love was something he didn’t understand, who needs companionship all the time?
You sure proved him wrong though- he wanted nothing more than your companionship and love, but only when no one is around to judge him for it. He was glad you understood that, you were the understanding kind of person he needed- you knew he couldn’t always be lovey dovey like this, and you were ok with that.
He was starting to think he loved you to, and as he used his finger to touch your warm face, he couldn’t believe primus allowed you to be his.He would tell you he loved you too, eventually, it will take time and have to be on his terms- but you knew that as you smiled and leaned into his touch a little.
Transformers Prime
Everything has to be perfection!
The night sky was clear and brightly light with all those pretty little gas bubble planets that glowed bright in the dark sky due to their chemical composition, the air wasn’t to warm to be hard to breath or to cold to begin to shiver; as it was the perfect middle ground for the season, and most of all you and Knockout were all gussied up and laughing as you sat and talked on top of secluded peak of desert littered with cactus and rocks.
You two rarely go anywhere fancy when you always dress so nicely, it wasnt so much your style to be seen in a bougies setting around the flawlessly rich and the beautiful- but it was always fun to just get dressed up and get fancy to drive to the middle of nowhere and just sit and talk under the twinkling stars. It was a way to get away from all the noise and the clutter, it was a way to bond and laugh without other people’s prying eyes to judge you, and it was a way to hide and pretend if not for a few moments that the world is safe and you aren’t in the middle of a giant conflict.
In reality you never really liked being this far away from civilization, it felt so lonely and cold as if there isn’t any life around you. That wasn’t true, as your planet was teeming with life, just not life you can connect to and understand, and it wasn’t until you met that big red colored Decepticon- turned Autobot not that long ago, that you realised that this life doesn’t have to be as lonely as you thought- no matter where you were located.
You both shared in similar experiences and pains, and you both shared in similar interests and ideals- and you both got along so very well, it only made sense that the two of you continue to grow and cultivate your relationship.It was nights like this- one with such clarity and understanding; as you both not only look perfect dressed in wonderfully beautiful clothing, but the fact that you both matched so deeply in your personalities and lights that helps fill the night air is with laughter and love, it just felt so right and so real.
You couldn’t stop the words before they flew out-
“I love you.”
It slipped, and you felt your heart stop for a split second as you begin to sweat in just the slightest way- that wasn’t supposed to come out yet! Your eyes grew wide as it hit you like a ton of bricks being thrown by a Decepticon with a vendetta; it was far too early and far to unpredictable to say, even though in that moment everything felt so right, you began to feel like the biggest loser on the planet- and for gosh sakes you shared a planet with someone like Starscream!
Despite your mind racing a mile a minute, you heard a deep chuckle from the handsome bot that was sitting next to you, and as you felt yourself spiral into a small panic, that smooth voice only made it worse- what was so funny!?“You humans sure do love to go fast don’t you? Good thing too, I love to go fast” He said, in that sweet and suave voice that you felt such a strong need to hear all the time“I must say, you have caught my full attention, and it would appear that I am too a little smitten with you- even if you are a squishy little human.”
In that moment, your heart began to settle on a rapid beat, and you could feel the blood rush to your cheeks as a warm sensation followed soon after that- did he just say what you thought he just said? Sometimes Knockout tries a little to hard to be cool- so his words don’t always come off the way they are supposed to, but this made the most sense than anything he has said all night.He said that he loved you too, in his own Knockout sort of way- it was probably one of the greatest things you could think to happen from your small little accidental word spill earlier. 
This might was so perfect, it couldn’t be any more perfect.
So many individuals find him to be unapproachable and terrifying, which is good for a bot in his position of power- being such a high ranking and high profile individual in the entirety of the Decepticon Army, however he wasn’t always the malicious and vindictive bot you see before you today. He would once argue that he used to have “a heart of gold” as you humans would call it, but he has just been through to much to allow himself to open up again like this- it was probably one of the only things that actually scared him.
He used to be a much more open and accepting mech before the time of war was upon them, but years of loos and anger has hardened his spark and has created the mech you see before you. Not to say he was a particularly good bot before the times of autobots and decepticons- but being surrounded by the worst the planet had to offer was what made him even more cynical and bitter than before- so much so that it was starting to become a point that he did not miss his old self, the mech who used to care deeply for so many.
Now he only cared for a few- and the list was so short that it could be counted on one hand,
Megatron, their glorious leader whom would raise them all into victory- Laserbeak, his last remaining minicon that has served him for such a long time they could be considered one entity- and you.
It was true, as much as he would try to hide it, but he grew a fondness for your personality and your appearance that it could almost be considered obscene and wrong to partake in all the things he thought of doing to you- be those acts sexual or otherwise. He never thought eh would feel warmness in his spark for anyone ever again, and it was a bittersweet moment for him when you spoke those words out loud for his audio receptors to receive.
“I love you.”
Certainly, those were words he wanted to hear, especially from one so special such as yourself, but when you spoke those words to him- he couldn’t help but remember all the bad and the evil he has gone through. 
So many of his minicons destroyed and slaughtered before his very screen, so many simply taken out without so much a second thought to who they are and what they could be.
So many important allies and big players in this game of power, simply gone and snuffed out without any regard to whom did it and for what reason.You-you could be just like them, and it scared him more than he thought it would. It scared him more than him actually opening up and loving you back.He absolutely loves you to, and will try even harder to protect you just as he protects everything that is important to him- and you have to be ok with that, as there is no going back on this relationship now.
If he was going to be honest with you like you wanted him to be, he wasn’t much for these soft moments or these tender feelings that arise when he has things like this happen. Sure, it’s fun to sit around and cuddle with you when things are slow and he has nothing much else to do, but sometimes it becomes too much for him and he just needs to go- go where? Anywhere but here.He needs time to process, he needs time to think, and mostly he needs time to just be free and run.
He doesn’t want to be away from you, that isn’t true in the slightest bit, and it took you a while to come to that conclusion. ESpecially when he only got this way when you two would share very soft and tender moments together, like light touches and small intimacies.
Instead it was all on him and not on you, he is simply afraid of all these new feelings that are rising up in his spark- they are foreign and strange to him, he doesn’t know what to do with them except do what he always has done- and just go.
Go and drive and not come back for awhile.
He was young and inexperienced, and you could relate a little to it, but sometimes it is easier to face  problem like this head on rather than run and hide and hope it goes away, and it looks like it’s up to you to teach him this important lesson- so once you were finally able to catch him alone and not running, the words slipped out with much more force and frustration than you hoped t would.
“I love you.”
You wish this was a more tender moment, you wish things could be perfect and romantic, but it looks like these were the cards that were given to you- everyone told you that you needed to be more forceful with the bull-headed mech, and well, this was your way of doing so. As he stood there before you a little bit shocked, it made you almost laugh at the thought of “could Cybertronians blush? What color would it be?”
Before you could continue with those kinds of thoughts you heard a very quick-“YeahIloveyoutoo, bye!”
And he was transformed and out the door so fast you could barley process this new information.
Yeah, you are going to have to push the poor mech a little bit harder if you two will want to share any more soft and sweet moments together- but that was ok, you had all the time in the world to get him to sit till for long enough to talk, you will be here with open arms when he is ready. After all, there was no challenge that he couldn’t face without a little encouragement from a very special person.
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britishchick09 · 3 years
sailor moon eternal part 1 livewatch
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sailor moon eternal is FINALLY here after literally FOREVER! i’ll be watching part 1 today and part 2 tomorrow on usa and chibs’ b-day, all without screencaps like the earliest livewatches so i can get through them faster (if i added pics it would take way longer than 81 minutes!). so without further ado... IT’S DREAM TIME!!!! :D
ooh the netflix logo is a rainbow! :o
chibs wakes up to a bell! ;)
her room is very pretty!
and she returns to the 30th century on april fool’s day?
chibs: “usagi miraculously got into juban high!” lol :D
aww chibs is so cute!
title card! :D
the buildings are so pretty!
usagi: “the new moon obscures the sun...” *insert crystal theme*
the inners have orange eclipse glasses while the moon fam gets blue ones with the eclipse phases on it?
mako is so cute when she blushes! ^_^
lol mina funny face :D
this was at the end of s3 right?
aww diana is on chibs’ head! ♥
mamo’s heart NOOOO
mamo: “it’s fine, i’m just a bit dizzy.” and i’ve been secretly coughing up blood BUT I’M FINE
their boat thing is so weird and it’s in cgi so it’s so much worse!
did everyone not see the BIG AF SHIP IN THE SKY???
rei: “phobosu, demosu!” cute! :D
i love that the circus pamplet is in japanese even in the english dub! :D (i only switched back to it for that SUB BEST!!!!)
aww chibs is so smol! ^_^
aww usa is so cute when she closes her eyes!
why does usa want to be a kid anyways SHE ACTS JUST LIKE ONE OHHHH
the kalediscopes! :D
chibs: “the kalediscope is begging me to buy it!” me when i get dolls lol :D
it’s been a year since chibs arrived and this is only the first time they
chibs with neptune’s mirror is so nice! :)
as is her borrowing mamo’s jammies!
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mamo: “when i raise my own daughter, i’ll be strict no matter what!” um CHIBS IS RIGHT THERE
usa so jellyyyyy
usa wants to be as small as chibs good!
chibs wants mamo to notice her and usa hits back with the daughter bit YAS!!!
usa sleeps naked ew :(
ooh the dream mirror!!!!
usa can’t look at mirrors now lol :D
mamo: “you’re more of an adult chibiusa.” awww!!! :D
EW ZICORNIA she’s japanese now BUT STILL UGGO
zicron is like a pokemon lol
jun jun sounds so rough!
palla palla sounds so cute! :D
this is the pegasus dream!
omg IT IS!! :D
helios’ hair mane is *chef’s kiss*!
i love how pretty tokyo tower is! ♥
the bell is so small! ♥
helios sounds ok in english! :)
also i like how german is the first language listed instead of english or japanese lol :D
chibs fell out of bed lol :D
chibs just says ‘a dream?’ in japanese and ‘i’m fine’ after diana asks her in english! :D
aww chibs snuck out :(
tokyo tower is so pink!
mamo in english: “about that pegasus and chibiusa...” excuse you IT’S ‘CHIBIUSA AND THAT PEGASUS’ IN THE CAPTIONS >:(
back to the sub instead of the dub!
aww usa and mamo had the same dream! ♥♥
ooh there’s lens flares as chibs says the time spell!
all diana says is ‘small lady’ but it’s cute!
ves ves has a whip that cracks DON’T GO TO THE JOHNNY TEST SIDE!!!
usa: “who could that pegasus be?” ...a pegasus perhaps?
oh no THE TIGER!!!
mamo’s heart again! :(
transformation!!! :D
it doesn’t work lol :D
aww chibs has ‘moon prism power’ as her henshin! just like mama! :D
chibs: “why can’t we transform?” a second later: *GRAIL YEET!!!*
the transformation is just like the supers version but  e n h a n c e d
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YAAAS!!!! :D
ew i just realized what palla palla’s top looks like :(
the lemures in this are cute compared to the anime! :D
palla’s giggle! ^_^
it’s prettier than the anime
they work together instead of just moon in the anime
i got chills with that! :D
mamo’s voice sounds so sore!
now age switch guys!!!
ew is mamo sweating poor guy!
ves ves: “new phone who dis?”
omg usa and chibs just said they don’t want to switch AND PALLA SWITCHES THEM BOI!!!!
and mamo is gone!
it’s zicron pokemon!
nehalennia (idk if that’s how her name is really spelled tho but the captions say that?) sounds so pretty! :D
they’re in the hospital! :D
the inners have such a dull face and then they’re like EHHH???? lol :D
they went from silly to serious REAL QUICK
ami mom! :D
omg the sunset is so pretty look!
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now usa and mamo’s age gap is weirder lol :D
the shadows in this are amazing!! :D
aww he touched her cheek :)
you’re not a burden mamo you’re sailor earth!
aww he’s asleep with his mouth open a bit :)
aww they’re cuddling!
diana: “small lady!” chibs: “i’m not small right now!” lol :D
helios likes what he sees! ;)
chibs: “this is because of the enemy!” helios: “this must be their doing!” yeah THAT’S WHAT CHIBS JUST SAID???
chibs is gonna need a whole new uniform it’s ripped!
ooh ami has a laptop! :o
aww she’s thinking of setsuna :)
ami’s awake at 1 am wowza! :o
ami mom: “you’re so responsible. that’s why i leave you at home all the time!” ALL THE TIME BOI!!!!!
has cere cere said anything so far tho?
the amozon tr
so is fish eye but ya know that’s him
hawk’s eye is so eh :/
fish eye is like mercury and neptune combined!
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dory and nemo cameo! :D
aww ami thinks the fish eye fish is kawaii! ^_^
oh no things just got spooky...
ami’s uncertain walk though!
her dad is a jerk! :(
aww ami’s so lonely! :’(
get out of the spell ami!!
ami: “my dream is to be loved!” NOT WITH FISH BOI
this is creepier than the manga!
it’s like she’s drowning in ahtohallan!
the mini mercs! :D
mini mercs: “you must wake up, princess mercury!” PRINCESS!! :D
fish eye says ‘nani’ funny! :D
ooh the water effects on her transformation are so good! :D
remember when crystal s3 was really good NOT ANYMORE :D
mercury aqua rhapsody tho! ♥
aww usa and chibs have new outfits! :D
that echo on ‘meditation tho!’
there was a fade after palla palla said ‘this is interesting!’ and then it cuts right back to the senshi although there isn’t a long pause!
aww you’re the true maiden chibs! :(
poor chibs! :(
aww it made her tingle to be called maiden!
you’re not powerless chibs!
aww helios’ little head cock :)
dude!!! horse dude! :D
helios: “your dream is always needed!” YAAAS!!! :D
this is why chibs/helios is such a great ship! (although
those raindrops are like hail beads!
i’m just calling nehalennia n-bish since her name is so hard to spell
ooh rey has archery! :D
aww what cute music! ^_^
rei: “we need someone to work at the shrine!” mina: “just get an adopted son-in-law!” MINA NO
rei is an ace lesbian confirmed!
mina: “just think of it as a helper!” ...then just get a helper?
this movie goes from silly to serious REALLY FAST
rei’s grandpa is so dramatic lol :D
rei wants to take over the family business :)
elementary school is a thing in japan!
aww rei knows the crows’ names! :)
no rei won’t ever leave grandpa! :(
ooh morning fireworks!
even though they’re at the enemy circus the girls are still so enchanted!
usa: “we’re not here to have fun! ... HEY I WANNA GO ON THE GO KARTS TOO!!” lol :D
smol rei! :D
rei catches onto the trap quickly!
oh no the spell is working! :(
cere cere has a sailor v mask!
artemis just wanted to see the circus! :/
it’s phobos and demos!!! :D
rei’s too awesome for a smol guardian SHE HAS TWO!!! :D
rei’s transformation is on fire bby! B)
i love how the flowers from the first two crystal seasons are still in the sayings! :D
tiger’s eye wants to be an artist BUT HE’S A MODEL BOI!!
aww michiru’s message of love! ♥
HOLD UP was she topless???
mars flame sniper is way more epic than the anime!
tiger’s eye: “my dream is to be an artist!” MODEL!
usa’s go kart sick lol :D
chibs: “you’re a high school student you should be able to handle it! :D lol :D
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aww cat head! ^_^
palla palla’s having a tantrum lol :D
jun jun calls zicornia a ‘cross old lady’ lol :D
i like how the manga acts are blended together so well! :D
chibs: *stares dreamily out of a window* watashi naritakute much?
chibs can’t resist the chocolate! :D
diana finally said something other than small lady! :D
poor mamo!
that bloody hand is getting on the sheets a bit ew :(
there are piles of trash in juban now WHY
seeing modern cars in sailor moon is so weird! (as is laptops!)
aww chibs looked both ways before crossing the street! :D
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of course mako goes to the herbal shop! :D
ok maybe hawk’s eye isn’t eh he’s sort of fab! :D
hawk’s eye: “my dream didn’t come true, i achieved it myself!” ..that’s part of a dream coming true tho?
he gave mako a ring wow! :o
an EVIL ring >:)
aww it’s the mako chibs cooking show! :D
they said ‘itadakimasu’ just like in one of my stories! :D (that’s what you say before you eat to thank whoever cooked the meal!)
mako has visions of harumichi!
aww mamo’s little wave! :D
mako asks to look around the shop first! ♥
woah she’s just confiding in hawk’s eye about being a senshi i know it’s spell but WOWWW
hawk’s eye: “join me in selling nightmares!” how much are they tho like 100 buckaroos?
the sign magically went to ‘closed’! :o
mako has cloth over her instead of being naked like in the manga! i wonder how the last act of stars will play out then...
haruka vision! :D
mako: “makenai!” ♫ SAILOR STAR!!!! ♫
mini jupes: “i’m the other you!” it’s ok you can say ‘better half’ lol ;)
she says ‘superstrength jupiter’ :)
i like how mako says ‘i’ll leave you numb!’ in her saying!
JUPITER OAK EVOLUTION!!!! :D (way cooler than the anime!)
it’s so gray outside!
don’t make mako feel for you hawk bish! >:(
the amazon quartet always critisize the senshi lol :D
moon gorgeous meditation 3! :D
aww chibs is staying close to helios!
human reveal!! :D
elysion is so pretty!
the lighting in this movie is *chef’s kiss*!
mamo and helios both have black roses TWINSIES :(
usa and mako: “dead moon!” *look at each other* jinx!
they call n-bish ‘nehalennia’ in the captions but she’s actually ‘nehelenia’?
aww usamo hug! ♥
the senshi are all
mina: “i cant transform!” the senshi be like ‘same’! :D
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aww artemis!
oh yeah this is the ‘mina gets grumpy’ act!
oh yeah xenotime and zeolite exist! :o
mina has a cute hat! :D
aww rei borrowed michiru’s mirror :)
ami has a tablet! :o
mina counted the times that the outers have been mentioned JELLYYY
her sandals are cute tho ^_^
and good thing one of the lite creeps wore sunglasses!
ah yes the ‘let’s endanger kids’ part!
the senshi are here! :D
oh no the lite bois trapped the senshi in knives! :o
the kids are lemures! :o
mina: “i’m... losing conciousness..” show don’t tell huh mina?
yay he saved her! :D
and the human transformatino is in 3.. 2.. 1...
mina: “we were always two hearts beating as one!” aww :)
artie you’re not inadequate!
mina doesn’t need a mini her either she has the best kitty partner! :D
venus transform time!! :D
aww there’s a little heart transition! :)
i see the chorus is still there a bit from crystal!
mina: “allow me to punish you with love!” the best kind of punishment!
aww mina’s little giggle before ‘love and beauty shock’! :D
thanks for killing the lite bros mina! :D
yay they can all transform! :D
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yay!!! :D
cere cee: “the party isn’t over yet!” ;)
this is where the outers come in right?
it cuts to chibs! :o
aww she has luna p on her bedsheets! :)
oh no usa is coughing! :o
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omg it’s over!! :o
...wait a sec
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post credits scene with hotaru talking about the second coming! (of her perhaps?) ;)
and now it ends for real! :D
this was awesome and just as great as the manga! the animation is incredible, especially in lighting and shadows! i can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow! :D
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