#i heard a rumor ((allison))
allthehumanflaws · 2 months
Whatever you do don't imagine the Hargreeves siblings after Five disappeared.
Don't imagine Ben sleeping in Five's bed for weeks after he left because it still smells like him
Don't imagine Vanya playing his favourite songs night after night because he'd always come into her room when she did
Don't imagine Klaus hoping he doesn't randomly appear in front of him and that's when the drugs started so that even if he does appear Klaus won't have to see him
Don't imagine Diego researching everything about time travel and pestering Pogo to find any way to get him to go behind Five
Don't imagine Luther sneaking into Reginald's office and trying to find proof that this was all his doing and that Five will return
Don't imagine all the others dragging Allison in front of Five's picture while they cry and she softly whispers
"I heard a rumour that you came back"
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kacievvbbbb · 20 days
Okay real talk. Rumor was one of the most unique and interesting powers saying the phrase “I heard a rumor” and then being able to warp reality was cool as fuck and now they turned her into dollar store Jean Grey. And it’s just like why? What were we cooking?
It’s just sad that she’s spends so much of the series refusing to use her powers and then suddenly she gets these new ones and look at that she doesnt give a fuck anymore.
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laurrelise · 1 month
very curious as to how allison discovered her powers. i think most of the kids’ abilities were pretty obvious, but hers is so specific that im thinking it HAD to have been some shit like:
allison as a really little kid messing around with her siblings, joking and saying something like “i heard a rumor diego cant remember his abc’s” or something stupid as a joke but then his eyes turn white and she’s kinda scared for a second and then one of the other siblings is like “everyone remembers their abc’s” and diego looks at them all confused
and then allison runs to her dad to tell him she’s special after all (because her power is so specific to discover that up until that point she and the rest of the family probably thought she had no powers)
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thingsasbarcodes · 13 days
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The Umbrella Academy 1x08 - I Heard a Rumor
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sideblogandabiscuit · 25 days
Luther distraught. Klaus looking to his family. Diego stunned. Five trying to figure this out. Ben stuck in the background.
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paranoia-art · 2 months
Five: I'm craving something sweet.
Five : *Blushing* Oh my God Dolores..be a bit more professional..everyone's staring....
Diego: So we really can't say anything about this.
Allison: Nope.
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dennythemenace · 3 months
Are Allison's powers more along the lines of mind manipulation or reality bending?
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
Billy with "I heard a rumor" powers, drabble/idea one!! :D I have sm more to write lmao.
When Billy was eleven, he discovered he had the ability to get exactly what he wanted from anyone. All he had to say was, "I heard a rumor..." followed by whatever his demand was.
He was fourteen when he discovered that his talent worked on everyone but his father. Well, he didn't actually know if they would work as he had never tried. It was mostly due to the irrational fear that this would be the one time it hadn't worked.
So instead, he resigned himself to rumoring anyone who found out his father liked to slap him around on a good day.
Max was twelve when she stumbled into the house from a day at the skatepark to find her step father beating Billy, despite the boy being a visible unmoving heap on the floor. She screamed, and screamed until Neil finally let up, screamed until Billy was blinking bleary eyes up at her, his face contorted in pain. Neil barely spared Max a glance, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that nothing would come from Max helping Billy.
After helping Billy to his room to clean himself up, Max began to bombard him with questions. Whether this was a new thing, or if his father had been hurting him for a long time.
And for once, Billy was honest, mostly because he was in too much pain to lie. He spilled his guts about his father's mistreatment and the reason behind said behaviors. He confessed he was gay, and Neil had found him out with a guy a few years back. The rest was history.
It wasn't until Max had flung herself into his arms, and pressed in tight, her shoulders shaking in an aborted effort to hide her anguish, that it dawned on Billy, Max couldn't hold on to something like this. It would eat away at his shitty step sister because she couldn't help him.
It was with Max's well-being in mind, that Billy, with teary eyes pulled out of the hug to whisper into her ear, "I heard a rumor you forgot what you saw, what I said, and stayed in your room until morning..."
He watched as her eyes turned an eerie white shade, the command taking her free-will away as she turned tail out of his room; her own door shutting closed moments after.
It was for the best. Power or no power, Billy couldn't let Max get caught in the crosshairs. Wouldn't let Max walk around with the guilt and pain of what goes on in the Hargrove home behind closed doors.
It was for the best that in the span of a year, he's rumored his baby sister four times, four more times than he'd ever wanted to use his power on Max.
The one person he longed to gain control over was his father, but he was too chickenshit to even try. It was easier to make Max forget than to risk his power failing should he use it on his dad.
When Billy was seventeen, his dad dragged them to Hawkins. Things were different. Not better, or worse, just different.
Two weeks into them living there, Susan and Max had bound into the livingroom, Steve Harrington and his merry gang of children trailing behind, to find Billy pressed up against the fire place, with his dad's hand wound tightly around his throat. The man was seething as he spat in Billy's face, his features aflame with thinly veiled anger, "Say it again, you worthless sissy."
Despite the hand on his throat attempting to crush his windpipe, Billy managed to stammer out, "I h-heard a rumor...you dropped dead."
The words were whispered, nobody but Neil able to hear them before he was releasing Billy and dropping to his knees, the hand that once held Billy in place now clawing at his own neck as he tried to take in air.
There was silence aside from Neil's gasping, until Steve Harrington's voice rang out into the room, "what the fuck just happened?!"
It was as if Billy had just realized they had come in with the way his eyes darted to the group and his body began to shake.
With a shaky breath, he stared out into the room of people, his tone airy but firm,
"I heard a rumor none of you remembered this. I heard a rumor you all went out to dinner."
As always, he watched as everyone fell under the spell of the command and file out the house, his gaze landing on the one person who hadn't budged.
Steve fucking Harrington.
"You need help with that?" The boy gestured to the now lifeless husk of Billy's father. With a blink, he spoke, "I heard a rumor..." but before he could finish, Steve held up a hand, "not gonna work, Hargrove."
There had never been a person who could avoid being rumored, Billy learned as much now that he's used it against his father, so why the fuck was Steve Harrington so special?
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paracosmms · 1 year
Tag Dump
#🌸 • allison | i heard a rumor… •#🌸 • alina | i’m the sun summoner; it gets dark when i say it does •#🌸 • angrboda | they say a witch used to live in these woods •#🌸 • edalyn | the most powerful witch on the boiling isles •#🌸 • elsa | the cold never bothered me anyway •#🌸 • ellie | what did the mermaid wear to her math class? •#🌸 • erik | swear to me never to tell; the secrets you know of this angel in hell •#🌸 • inej | what about the nobodies and nothings; the invisible girls? •#🌸 • jinx | i’m the monster you created •#🌸 • kaz | there was no part of him that was not stronger for having been broken •#🌸 • kokomi | respect must be given to the will of every creature •#🌸 • lizzie | i’m more than what my mom told me to be •#🌸 • lynette | entering standby mode; i hope nobody disturbs me •#🌸 • meggie | her voice could help this story to find a good ending at last •#🌸 • mirabel | gift or no gift; i am just as special as the rest of my family •#🌸 • nahida | you have to see the world for yourself to appreciate how beautiful it is •#🌸 • narcissa | there’s nothing i wouldn’t do anymore •#🌸 • qiqi | hey do you know what? uhh... neither do i. i...already forgot.•#🌸 • raine | a great witch once told me something about…punching fears in the face? •#🌸 • rapunzel | cause i got the wind in my hair and a gleam in my eyes and an endless horizon • #🌸 • raydan | i found love where it wasn’t supposed to be; oh right in front of me •#🌸 • rin | if i died one day would you always remember me? •#🌸 • river | she understands; she doesn’t comprehend •#🌸 • sesshomaru | i seek nothing more than to battle the most powerful beings alive •#🌸 • silco | there’s a monster inside us all •#🌸 • suren | it is hard to explain the savagery of hope •#🌸 • violante | her ugliness liked stories full of darkness; of death; of ugly things •#🌸 • willow | we may be children but we’re also witches; powerful ones •#🌸 • yennefer | i dreamed of being important to someone someday •#🌸 • headcanon | it is a blessing and a curse to feel everything so deeply •
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lowkeyrobin · 1 month
If you're still writing for The Umbrella Academy, I would love to see a Viktor x Reader one shot about Viktor bringing his S/O home to meet his family and just seeing how they react to his S/O. :)
AWE OMG YES ☹️☹️☹️ ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy 🦠!!
VIKTOR HARGREEVES ; meet the family
summary ; vik brings you home to his mama and daddy (his siblings) (I'm making fun of country ppl pls get the joke)
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; post s3 ig but they still have powers (for the plot cause I thought it'd be fun)
word count ; 836
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Being Viktor's partner, especially for this long, had long called for a family reunion for you to meet them and vice versa. To say that was nerve-wracking was an understatement. That fucking man had six siblings. Six siblings you needed to impress. Six siblings you had to prove yourself to. Six siblings you had to give a good first impression so they knew you were good for Viktor.
Yeah, no, you weren't prepared to step inside the Hargreeves' mansion of a home.
The first to greet you was Allison, sporting long, dark curls against platforms, black, bell bottoms, and a white top. Get it girlfriend.
"Oh my gosh, hi Vik!" She smiles, wrapping her shorter brother in a hug.
You stand beside them awkwardly, nervously, thinking quickly in your head on what to say, if you should speak at all. No, of course you speak. Speak when spoken too-
"Hi, I'm Allison" She smiles, holding a hand out for you to shake.
You quickly accept the handshake, a kind smile on your face. "I'm Y/n"
"My partner" Viktor smiles.
Allison's soft smile turns into one of joy, much more gleeful. "Congrats, both of you." She looks between you both, a mutual smile being thrown back and forth. "You're a lucky person to have him, trust me"
"Thanks," you reply, looking to your boyfriend. "I love him a lot"
"Good thing I won't have to rumor either of you into saying it out loud," She jokes, patting Viktor on the shoulder before heading back into the living space.
You raise an eyebrow, looking to Vik. "What'd she mean, 'rumor us'?"
"Her power is to rumor people. She says, 'I heard a rumor' and essentially has power over their mind and actions, " he answers.
"Don't worry, she's just joking. Sorry"
He pulls you into the living room, seeing his other siblings having a grand old time already. At the couch sits Diego and Lila, sipping on some fruity mocktails.
"Well, hello chaos bringer!" Lila smiles, quickly greeting Viktor with a hug. "Who's this lovely looking friend you've got here?"
"My partner" Viktor smiles, looking to you.
"Y/n" You smile, stretching your hand out for her to shake.
Lila accepts. "Lila. Diego's wife" She nods back at Diego.
From the couch, Diego smiles and waves, chewing on a slice of the orange which was in his drink. "Hi! I'm Diego, the only good sibling here"
Lila rolls her eyes, turning to Vik. "Do they know about all our powers?"
"We're just learning as we go" Viktor chuckles.
Lila turns back to you. "Well, I can replicate other people's powers, which is kinda shit sometimes." She shrugs, shoulders slightly knocking around her shoulder length, platinum white hair. "Diego's a master at corn hole. Don't challenge him"
"That's not my power!" He exclaims. "I have better aim than all you dorks, knives are for men!"
Lila and Vik speak to you in unison. "Guns are for pussies"
You chuckle, a hand over your mouth, finding comfort in this chaotic family already.
"Viktor, Lila" A new voice speaks, nodding his head as he speaks. "Who's that?"
"Five, meet Y/n, my significant other." Viktor smiles, turning between the two of you, "Y/n, this is Five. He's the one trapped in a younger version of his body, but he's actually like, seventy"
"Sixty-two," He corrects. "But, welcome to the family, Y/n. You're going to hate it here" He whispers.
"No, they won't!" Klaus groans with an eyeroll, appearing out of nowhere. He places his hands on his shoulders, which quickly fall to his sides after Five teleports away. "Hi, I'm Klaus" He smiles, quickly hugging you.
Lila continues, recapping you on powers. "Five can teleport and time travel, and Klaus is immortal and can speak to ghosts"
"And created a cult" Vik adds.
Klaus smiles, stepping back, looking between you and your boyfriend. "Let me know when the wedding is. I'll have to go shopping"
"Coming, Diego!"
As Klaus leaves, Luther and Ben approach, being the last of the siblings you had to meet. They both shake hands with you, then begin to argue over who was in charge of dusting the paintings on the walls.
By this point, you were wondering how they even put up with each other, then remembered that they barely did. I mean, you understood. You wouldn't want to be around your collection of siblings anymore after saving the world three times.
Lila turns back to you. "Luther is super strong, Ben has tentacles in his stomach"
You slowly nod. "Gotcha"
Five clinks a fork against a champagne glass, silencing the room. "Let's raise a toast to Viktor and his new partner, yeah?"
"Hell yeah!" Klaus smiles, picking up a stray glass of water off the coffee table.
Ben hands you and Viktor a drink while Five speaks, then drinks once again.
Vik turns to you as Lila joins Diego on the couch again. "Thoughts?"
"I'd be worried if not"
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Grace / the nannies / pogo somehow managing to get Reginald to rent out a children's museum for the evening just once when the kids are like 5-6 (maybe for their birthday). They needed something to get all their energy out.
Five and Viktor in a big plastic fake tree reading books and then going to the fake supermarket, where Luther and Allison are playing house and forced Ben to be their kid. Ben wants to go to the theater where Klaus has put on a one kid retelling of the ugly duckling with no audience.
Baby Diego is either clinging to grace for dear life and not knowing what to do........or has made it his mission to sneak around and throw something at each sibling without getting caught. Five and Viktor are the hardest targets bc they have cooped themselves up in the tree.
Diego also sneaking off because he wants to play in the water zone but the adults told him not to. He comes back sopping wet but very happy. An adult has to get him changed.
Klaus comes out of the theater costume zone dressed to the nines and proclaims himself mayor of hargreeves-ville. No one listens. Five will be the only one to call him mayor for the rest of the evening. But not respect said title.
Luther ends up playing in the"boring" science kid zone for a while well Allison and Ben join Klaus in the theater.
Diego ends up in the tree but he very dangerously climbed up on it. He's stuck. No one notices till Klaus screams, causing everyone to try and get him down.
Five and Viktor end up in the theater. Viktor plays with the instruments well five becomes a butthole director to everyone. Klaus isn't having fun anymore and runs to the supermarket.
Most of them end up in the fake supermarket and have a big group play, assigning jobs and trying to actually get along. It goes as well as u would think. Klaus can't stop beep scanning things and annoying everyone with it. Five ends up enjoying fake arguing like a Karen too much and it genuinely starts to get on Allison's nerves along with the beeping. "I heard a rumor everyone was quiet!!" Then dead silence. Allison feels bad but let's it stay for a few seconds longer before "I heard a rumor that you guys could talk again~" she gives five a weak smile, hoping he doesn't explode. five gives her the biggest scowl and maybe even some tears. I think five HATES being rumored. Ends up running away from the whole thing.
Viktor has a bit too much fun going "should I get this one....ooor this one" it's two of the same toy steaks. He asks five witch one then ben. Both say the left. He gets the right.
Ben is the "manager" and is hating his existence. He ends up enjoying stocking the shelves and ignoring everything around him. Probably took a audio book cassette player from the reading tree and has been blocking everything out. Also him using his tentacles to sort things.
Luther was still in the science zone and bumps into a very upset five. ever the number 1 caring bro , Luther tries his best to comfort him. They end up away from everyone to play in a big fake rocket ship. Viktor eventually joins, holding a shopping bag with his lone toy steak in it.
Diego and Klaus end up doing arts and crafts and get covered in glitter.
They all end the day covered in glitter, wet, probably covered in stickers and marker. They need to be sneaked into the house so hargreeves doesn't see and quick to the baths (the security got it and the nannies and pogo got a ear full later) they were clean as a whistle by the time dinner rolls around.
They never have an outing like that again and barely remember it.
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inkspiredwriting · 3 months
Welcome to the Chaos, Maddie Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves x reader
A/N: I know there are a lot of people who don't see Five as a dad, but the idea of ​​seeing Five as a father, I don't know, I just think it's sweet. Please tell me if you like it, because I have written many little stories with Five's and Y/n's daughter. But if most of you don't like it, I wouldn't post it.
Warnings: None
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It was a surprisingly calm afternoon at the Umbrella Academy mansion. Five Hargreeves was in the library, immersed in a thick book about quantum mechanics, while his very pregnant wife, Y/N, lounged on the couch nearby, flipping through a magazine.
Suddenly, Y/N gasped and clutched her belly. "Five!"
Five looked up, immediately alert. "What is it? Are you okay?"
Y/N's eyes were wide with a mixture of shock and excitement. "My water just broke!"
For a moment, Five just stared at her, his brain struggling to process the information. Then, all hell broke loose.
"Okay, okay, we need to get to the hospital," he stammered, jumping to his feet and nearly knocking over a lamp in the process. "Where's the hospital bag? Do we have the car keys? Do we even have gas in the car?"
Y/N couldn't help but laugh, despite the situation. "Five, calm down! The bag is by the door, the keys are on the hook, and yes, we have gas."
Five rushed around the room, grabbing things at random. "Right, right. Bag, keys, gas... Okay, let's go!"
As they made their way to the front door, they were intercepted by Klaus, who was munching on a bowl of cereal. "Hey, where's the fire?"
"Y/N's water broke!" Five shouted, looking more frazzled by the second.
Klaus's eyes widened in delight. "Oh my god, it's baby time! Everybody, get over here!"
Within minutes, the entire Hargreeves clan had gathered, each sibling contributing their own brand of chaos.
Luther tried to help by carrying Y/N to the car, but ended up banging her head on the doorframe. "Sorry! Sorry!"
Diego insisted on driving, despite his notoriously terrible driving skills. "I've got this! Just get in the car!"
Allison was trying to keep everyone calm, using her power to influence the situation. "I heard a rumor that everyone stayed calm and collected."
Viktor was frantically searching for his camera to document the moment. "This is going to be amazing for the baby book!"
Ben, who was only visible to Klaus, was laughing at the whole spectacle. "This is priceless."
Amidst the pandemonium, Five finally managed to get Y/N into the car. He jumped into the driver's seat, pushing Diego out of the way. "No way you're driving, Diego. I'll do it."
The drive to the hospital was a blur of frantic instructions, deep breathing, and Klaus offering unsolicited advice from the backseat.
"Just think happy thoughts, Y/N! Rainbows and puppies and—"
"Shut up, Klaus!" Five and Y/N shouted in unison.
When they finally arrived at the hospital, the staff took over, guiding Y/N to a room and leaving Five to pace nervously in the waiting area. His siblings were trying their best to be supportive, but their presence only added to his anxiety.
"Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?" Allison asked, trying to make conversation.
Five ran his hands through his hair. "I don't care, as long as they're healthy."
A few hours later, a nurse came out with a big smile. "Mr. Hargreeves? Your wife is asking for you."
Five bolted to the delivery room, his heart pounding. When he walked in, he saw Y/N holding a tiny, wriggling bundle wrapped in a pink blanket. Her face was flushed, but she was beaming.
"Meet our daughter, Maddie," Y/N said, her voice full of love.
Five approached cautiously, as if in a dream. He looked down at the tiny face peeking out of the blanket and felt his heart swell with an overwhelming mixture of pride and love. "She's perfect," he whispered, tears gathering in his eyes.
Y/N laughed softly. "We did it, Five."
He leaned down to kiss her forehead. "You did it, Y/N. You're amazing."
Just then, the door burst open and the rest of the Hargreeves family piled in, eager to meet the newest member of the family. There was a chorus of "awws" and "she's so cute!"
Klaus, of course, had the last word. "Well, Maddie, welcome to the madhouse. You're going to fit right in."
Despite the chaos, Five and Y/N couldn't have been happier. They had survived the wildest ride of their lives and come out the other side as a family. And as they looked down at their beautiful baby girl
, they knew that whatever the future held, they would face it together.
Five looked around at his siblings, who had formed a noisy, excited circle around little Maddie. Despite their quirks and the constant chaos, he couldn't have imagined a better support system for his daughter.
Y/N, holding Maddie close, turned to Five with a warm smile. "You know, I think Maddie's going to be just fine with all these aunts and uncles watching over her."
Five grinned, finally feeling a sense of calm wash over him. "Yeah, she's going to be one tough kid."
Diego, trying to look serious but failing miserably, pointed at Maddie. "She better be ready to learn some knife-throwing skills."
Allison rolled her eyes. "Diego, she's a baby. Maybe start with something less... hazardous?"
Klaus leaned in close to Maddie, his usual mischief twinkling in his eyes. "Don't listen to them, Maddie. Uncle Klaus is going to teach you all the fun stuff."
Five shook his head, chuckling. "Just remember, if she picks up any bad habits, I'm holding you all responsible."
Viktor, gently patting Maddie's tiny hand, smiled. "She's already got the best parents. The rest of us are just here to spoil her."
As the Hargreeves siblings continued to banter and coo over Maddie, Five took a moment to reflect. Life had thrown so many unexpected challenges their way, but standing here with his family, holding his newborn daughter, he realized just how much they had all grown.
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes filled with love and gratitude. "We've come a long way, haven't we?"
Five nodded, squeezing her hand. "We have. And it's only going to get better from here."
With that, he wrapped his arm around Y/N, pulling her and Maddie close. In that chaotic hospital room, surrounded by his eccentric family, Five Hargreeves felt a profound sense of peace and contentment. They were a far cry from ordinary, but they were his family. And now, with little Maddie Hargreeves in their lives, the adventure was just beginning.
As they left the hospital, heading home as a new family, Five couldn't help but smile. Despite the madness, despite the challenges, they had made it. And as he looked at his daughter, he knew that together, they could face anything.
"Welcome to the family, Maddie," Five whispered, kissing her forehead. "You're going to love it here."
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chasing-posts · 22 days
Allison should have had a villain and redemption arc in the last season.
Now first of all let me say I do like Allison and think she's cool...but I also believe she had some negative character traits that were explored since season one and were really divulged in season 3, and could have/ should have been resolved by the forth season.
For one she did kill Harlan for stopping her child from existing, even though it was an accident and he was basically Victor's foster son. This showed the only children she tends to care for is her own.
Second, we never fully got an answer to one of her most famous Rumors, "I heard a rumor that you loved me." This one has always been speculated to be directed at either her husband, daughter or Luthor. And with how she sexually assaulted Luthor in season 3 before he got married and how he could never get over her, I think it was him.
Third, can we address that she assaulted Luthor?
Forth, she made a pack with Reginald and as such got to redesign the universe so Clair was back, and Ray was alive and possibly her father, which means she erased her last husband from existence and rearranged time and space to get what she wanted in her perfect life.
And all of this is bad stuff, add to the fact that Sloan is missing when Ben is here, and it does not paint a nice picture. In fact I always thought that the reason Sloan was missing, was because Allison could not handle Luthor moving past her, and being happy with another woman. Even if she didn't want him anymore. As such, she erased Sloan to keep her back up, even after getting married (twice) and having sexual/ romantic relationships of her own. She STILL could not handle not having a hold on Luthor.
So if I could change things, I would say let her have EVERYTHING she always wanted at the start of the season. Her daughter, the love of her life, her powers and even her carreer... and absolutely none of it bringing her joy due to the cost she had to pay to make it happen, and how BADLY it screwed over her siblings, especially Victor and Luthor, to make it happen.
Have her repent by actions. Actually have it so the siblings are a little slow to let her back into the group and only do so to protect their own (like when Victor got kidnapped and all 6 were needed to save him.). Have Luthor confront her about their AWEFUL relationship and most inportantly, what she knows about Sloan. What she did to her when she rebooted the universe, and why she's gone when cranky Ben is still here.
Finally, change the rest of her story make her face consequences for her actions. Maybe have both Ray AND Claire leave her after she went too far with her Rumors again only do it ON SCREEN so it's actually impactful and have her be all alone. Maybe have her reconnect with Klaus to help him get off the drugs the first time after her family leaves her (because honestly, I like their relationship a lot this season and her helping him stay on track was good) and that being her foot in the door with the rest of them through Klaus, before she rejoins them all against Reginald/ the Cleanse/ whatever is the true big boss this season. Finally, before she makes things as right with her siblings, try and help THEM get their powers back while she still has hers.
Because while I don't think Allison is a bad person, i think she has done bad things. And I think actually addressing it all instead of sweeping EVERYTHING under the rug like they did in season four, would be great.
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Okay I know I promised a rant, but it came out like a bunch of bullet points instead, so sorry.
The time skip was entirely unnecessary and makes the job of writing a finale harder
Having the umbrellas split up again undoes all of the character development up to this point
The relationships between the siblings have changed in the interim and needs to be explained through clunky expositional dialog
Why is there no learning curve after six years of not having powers?
There is no reason to include children and it actually works to the season's detriment
The children are non-entities and only exist to motivate Diego and Lila, just like Claire in season 1
The entirety of season 3 was just a testament to how bad at parenting Diego and Lila would be
Watching Diego and Lila bicker about domestic disputes is just boomer humor at this point
Your target audience of queer people do not want to see the people they're supposed to root for abandoning their children
It would have been both entertaining and entirely in character to keep the Diego/Lila dispute to suspected infidelity
Lila moonlights as a FBI agent but Diego thinks she's cheating so he goes through all the woman scorned tropes
This way it subverts the trope and gives us more opportunities to see duplicitous Lila and himbo Diego
I really thought Nick Offerman and Megan Mullaly would bring the energy, but no
I've never seen three hilarious people be so unfunny in my life
I cannot take David Cross seriously as a villain. He is so unthreatening.
Luther is the only one allowed to keep his character development and I just kinda wish they let him keep his wife
Allison is back to being an unrepentant bitch and does not earn the family's trust back
With a title like "the unbearable tragedy of getting what you want", I thought the episode would follow Allison trying to feel like she deserves to enjoy her life with Claire and Ray while dealing with the guilt of selling out her siblings
Considering that her entire season 3 arc was backsliding
But what it actually meant was okay I guess we'll never know
I heard a rumor??? Allison I think I heard a rumor about this guy?
Can we please give Klaus a break
Klaus can now clip into pushing daisies episodes
Klaus is trying to escape from his Angel Dust prison
Five looks like he's twelve
I'm always going to be suspicious of a showrunner that's trying to manufacture situations in which infidelity/incest is okay
Can we please give Viktor something to do
I do not blame him for fucking off to the middle of nowhere
Emmy for Elliot for depicting transmasc rageyt665ikju
I wish elliot would remove my marigold
Viktor has the power every autist secretly wants: to rule the fucking universe
Viktor between you and me I don't think this family is worth saving
Idk if Ben's arc is racist but it sure don't feel right
It's fuckin SHORTER. Why does it feel LONGER.
The no volume balancing is really fucking annoying
It would have been interesting to see hargreeves interacting with more than just one sibling at a time per season
Is being in your family like being stuck in a constant apocalyptic nightmare? You might just be transgender 
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ghysry · 1 month
You asked for TUA requests so completely ignore this if you don’t write for actors or if you don’t want to. BUT I’d really like to see how “reader” would interact with the cast. Like bloopers or sum shit. Because I just know I wouldn’t be able to get any lines done with them 😭 (I need something funny after this s4 shit show 🫠)
YES. But for this specific post it's more like the characters are all actors but still act like how they'd act in the show. I'm feeling evil today. More under the cut
[Season one]
Reader, who has an intense hatred for ants: These damn ants keep walking all over my script
Viktor, who led them there because he thought reader would find it cute: You don't like them 🙁?
Five, completely immobilized and an ax in his right hand: I'll end your crack filled jobless life!! (His feet are kicking in the air)
Reader, who picked him up in the first place by his sides: you're doing great sweetie.
Reader going on about a scene as usual: And what's in here?
Klaus, who is now stuck in a box he thought he could get out of: I'm a gift from god herself
Luther: Dad...never read my letters?
Reader: Oh Luther..
Reader: oh Luther!! Damn! At least tell me you're going to fart before you actually do!
Ben: oh look at me, I'm a ghost, you can see m- (trips over a set prop)
Reader, who put it there: And that's how he died again..the end.
Young!diego: Guns are for sissies! Real men throw knives!
Reader off into the side where the camera can't see them, tears in their eyes: oh they grow up so fast
Diego: Reader.. we're two different people.
Allison: I heard a rumor..
Reader, off camera: that you love me!!
Allison, absolutely star struck:
Reader: wow the power works!!
Luther: Klaus! Stop going around the set barefoot
Klaus, two minutes later, angrily stomping over to reader with 3 pairs of shoes on: So how was filming.
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sideblogandabiscuit · 25 days
"You are special with or without your powers."
If only Viktor had heard that sooner.
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