#i hope he had a wonderful birthday ;;
hahahaillmurderyou · 6 months
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Happy birthday Mingyu 🥹💜💜
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wonwoosthetic · 6 months
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@ Paul Mescal, you will hear from my therapist
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c0smickidd0 · 4 months
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Happy Birthday Mondo!! 🥳🫶
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sunrizef1 · 2 months
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In case you were wondering how I’m feeling today
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schnaf · 1 month
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22 days until hyeongjun's 22nd birthday
day 22 aka THE COUNTDOWN IS OVER - hyeongjun's past birthday brrrr ppoppos
bonus: 🤫
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#xdinary heroes#junhan#jun han#han hyeongjun#gaon#jooyeon#gunil#ode#jungsu#kwak jiseok#lee jooyeon#goo gunil#oh seungmin#kim jungsu#hyeongjun22#HAPPY BIRTHDAY HYEONGJUN! hope he has a good one#and i also hope jooyeon will be a bit more gentle this time ://#my first bias! ♥ there's this one hdd performance where they play little solos before the actual song#and i was wondering who was going to be my bias - i wasn't planning on settling back then - just wanted to get a first impression#and i liked ode and gaon and i was like yes there's some potential. could be one of them#and then they showed hyeongjun and well. done deal. he became my bias right then and there#i have this thing for long fingers because they're very useful for playing the guitar#and he had amazing fingers and HE USED THEM TO PLAY THE GUITAR#and i love it when someone can make the guitar sing and he did#it was a surprising pick because i normally don't vibe with the shy ones but ugh there's a lot about him that's very neat#i switched biases by now i am very sorry hyeongjun. but he's still very special to me ♥#so my personal impression..... very withdrawn. sometimes i wonder if the shy guy thing is just a persona but no irl he's very withdrawn too#but ugh he loves what he's doing. he isn't that much of a stage hog (is that actually a word in english) but he loves playing the guitar#tumblr says i've talked about him enough so yeah. i also believe he has a loud side. a daring side. and that's very interesting#so... happy birthday guitar boi ♥
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limjiminz · 1 year
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
(please excuse my bad english) It's my birthday, so can I ask for facts about [REDACTED]? I want to know as much as possible about my favorite e-boy guy? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! (And can he congratulate me, please?)
"Happy birthday, angel. Thanks for choosing to spend it with me. I hope I can spend many more by y'side." Your dark-haired boyfriend places a gentle kiss atop your head before revealing your favourite flavour of cupcake from behind his back — all while a single candle illuminates the otherwise dimly lit room. "Sorry, it was the only one I managed not t'burn... I'll buy you a better cake later if y'want."
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inspired by this edit
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zarastars · 17 days
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happy birthday to this darling boy <3333 he is actually the human embodiment of love i swear. he's always so kind and honest and charismatic in every snippet i see of him and i hope he never changes--only for the better! somehow he has managed to change my life without having ever met him (yet) and i am forever grateful. he's so pretty and i don't care what anyone says. he deserves the world !! 💞💞💞
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victorluvsalice · 6 months
Happy Birthday Newt!
@dont-offend-the-bees A combination of you telling me that anything cute and Valicey would do as a birthday fic and me knowing that you are still into Saw as a fandom led to this -- Victor and Alice reacting to the first Saw movie, inspired by a couple of posts I saw on your blog before you moved all the Sawposting to The Secret Saw Sideblog! Though the fic is technically Valicer out of necessity, because the only way I could think of to get the pair to watch it was to have it be a Halloween Movie Nights pick by Smiler's friend Thirteen, as per this headcanon post...
“That is unfair!”
“What’s unfair?” Thirteen asked, looking over at Alice.
“The ending!” Alice said, waving at the slowly-rolling credits on the screen before them. “All Jigsaw said to Adam was that he had to survive until six o’clock, correct? Nothing else? No other secret catches?”
“Don’t ask me,” Victor muttered, hands over his face. “I am actively trying to erase this movie from my mind.”
“There there,” Smiler said, rubbing his back comfortingly. “You’ll be fine – and yeah, ‘survive until six’ was the gist of it,” they added to Alice.
“Well, six o’clock rolled around, and Adam was still alive!” Alice pointed out, stabbing another finger at the TV. “He was wounded, sure, but he was still very much fucking alive! Which means he succeeded! Lawrence was the one who failed in his goal! And yet Lawrence’s the one who gets to crawl off and seek help while Adam gets electrocuted and sentenced to – I guess starving to death in that horrible bathroom? All because he, unsurprisingly, didn’t notice a damn key in his bathtub when he first woke up?”
“You are assuming a lot in thinking Lawrence survived after–” Victor swallowed and shuddered. “After c-cutting off his own f-f-foot.”
“Actually, uh, it’s canon Lawrence survives,” Oblivion put in, sporting a slightly sheepish grin. “He shows up again in Saw 3D.”
“Oh great – when do we watch that one?”
“Don’t worry, we don’t have time for tonight,” Thirteen informed him with a cheeky smirk.
“What, because it’s long?”
“No, because it’s film number seven.”
That finally got Victor to look up. “It’s – wait, what?”
“Yeah, for some reason they decided to name it after the 3D gimmick instead of following the numbering system,” Rita explained, leaning around her girlfriend. “And then films eight and nine are Jigsaw and Spiral respectively, though Spiral’s actually more like a spin-off of the main series–”
“Can I please fully express my annoyance over the fact that Jigsaw killed Adam despite him winning his ‘game’ before we start talking about how this series screwed up its numbering system over halfway through?” Alice cut in, folding her arms and scowling.
“Well, the thing you have to understand about Jigsaw is – he’s a total asshole,” Thirteen reminded her. “He says that his games are to help ‘rehabilitate’ people and make them appreciate life and all that bullshit, sure, but honestly, I believe the dude just wants to torture as many people as he can, both before and after he bites it.”
“I can believe that,” Victor muttered, shivering. Smiler put a comforting arm around him. “And this is probably the least bloody of all the movies, isn’t it?”
“I haven’t seen them all, but I’m pretty sure it is, yes,” Galactica confirmed, giving him a sympathetic look from the other side of Oblivion. “You know, you could have left if you weren’t enjoying it – we wouldn’t have thought any less of you for it.”
“Yeah, I’m shocked you actually sat through the whole thing,” Smiler admitted, giving him a little squeeze.
“I am too, honestly,” Alice said, wrapping her arm around him to do the same. “I’m used to horrors like these – hell, the bathroom looked kind of like one I saw in Rutledge – but I know it’s not your cup of tea.”
“I thought it would be too rude to just get up and leave,” Victor groaned, putting his face in his hands again. “And I kept telling myself, ‘it’s the very first one, it can’t be that bad...’”
“We won’t make you watch any of the others,” Thirteen promised, patting his knee. “I mean, I appreciate you making the effort, but despite appearances, I don’t want you to have nightmares.”
“Thanks.” Victor shook his head. “I know you love that sort of thing, but – it’s just not for me.”
“Me either – especially if John Kramer can’t practice what he preaches,” Alice agreed, glaring at the screen as the DVD menu came up again.
“It’s actually not my favorite series either, if I’m honest,” Thirteen confessed. “I just like this one because of all the hot gay tension between Lawrence and Adam.”
“...there was a surprising amount of that,” Victor allowed.
“Mmm – though given Lawrence is married, he’d better start talking to his wife about either opening the relationship or getting a divorce before he hobbles his way back to that bathroom,” Alice declared.
“You know, I bet there’s a fic like that somewhere on AO3,” Smiler said, pulling out their phone. “Who wants to find a nice domestic AU to help us all decompress?”
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radio-4-is-static · 3 months
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murobrown · 4 months
#hello i just found out my dad might be getting another divorce and he's not telling me :))))#he might be already separated from his wife living back in my hometown with who knows who :))))))))#so he left a woman who he has cheated with on my mom and basically destroyed whole family :))))))))))))))#i don't have any reliable sources for this ans I can't ask him but it is eating me inside#and I had my suspicions since Christmas but I just thought they are having some tough period#so whenever I called him I tried to check of everything is okay and everything seemed okay#and I just hope they're still maybe just going through something but they will end up back together again#and i won't know because we don't talk about our problems in my family you need to be always happy#and god forbid you bother someone with your problems#i am sorry of this is too personal but it's making me freak out a little bit#i just can't stop thinking about it#and is it bad that I actually feel sad that I won't ever see his cats again if his wife keeps them?#ugh how the fuck can you divorce twice in your life?????#and does this mean that I also have some fucked up genes in me????#i was kinda hoping he would come to visit me for my birthday because I don't want to be alone but I doubt it will happen now#i just miss him and i want that he's hapy#okay that's enough i just needed to get this out of me#have a wonderful day everyone I'm going to take a shower because I ran 5km today so at least that's something positive
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thoughtfulseason · 6 months
it seems i have stepped out of the idolising era of my coach and especially clubmates… which means i’m now pissed at them more often
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capobegone · 2 years
Currently sad about the fact that Tanjiro said it had been four months since Kyojuro died while the scenery of the forest was early fall?? And assuming that it was roughly September at the time, four months ago would have been May?? Kyojuro’s birth month?? His birthday is about mid-month too so it’s likely that he died about a week or two afterwards. He was barely even 20 years old guys I am not okay :’)
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patrickztump · 2 years
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rudely snatched his donut away from me, but the dude is EIGHT years old today!! it’s absolutely insane and borderline unbelievable, i am still struggling comprehend (accept) this reality. time, please, stop moving forward, i’m not alright with any of this 🥺
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forbiddcnsirvn · 11 months
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instagram » DEVILSERPENT uploaded a new photo.
There’s never really a rulebook on how to wish a happy birthday to a person who’s lived nine lives in one, but here goes. Cyrek, you’re one hell of a puzzle. When we started, it was like trying to defuse a bomb that could laugh — a lot of cursing, a ton of shouting, and wondering if we’d lose a hand. But hell, what a ride it’s been. Reflecting on where we started — a chaos of arguments and clash of wills — it’s almost surreal to see where we are now. Back then, I was more a walking weapon than a person, a life more of commands and missions than choices and freedom. You changed that. You didn’t just crash into my life; you blew the damn doors off. You saved me from a life where I was nothing more than a tool, a puppet. With you, I found a life where I could be more, where I could be me, even if it’s a version that scares the hell out of some. You gave me freedom, a voice, and a choice. Without you, I’d still be that puppet, a shadow of someone else’s making. You broke those strings, brought me out of that darkness, and showed me what real freedom and real life could be. 
And as a father? You’re not the kind they write about in parenting books, and thank the bloody fuck for that. You’re the dad who’s showing our kids how to be fiercely themselves. You’ve got a past, we both do, but you’re showing them — and me — every day that it doesn’t define us. You teach them to stand tall, to face the world with all its bullshit, and to never back down. You’re the dad they need, the one who understands struggle, survival, and strength. Married life with you has been a rollercoaster, and it was the best fucking decision I had ever made. One I’d line up for again and again. Despite the turbulence, the ups and downs, I’d say “I do” every damn time. You’ve been my partner in crime, my fellow warrior in this messed-up world. You’re the one constant in my ever-changing universe, and damn, I’m lucky to have you. The Bastards are bloody lucky to have you keeping them and their shite’s together, no matter what your brain tells you, you’ve done a lot of shite that helped a lot of people. Wounded as you might be by the unfairness that I still fucking wish I could mend, you are a savior. To say that I’m also proud would be an understatement. 
Happy birthday, Cyrek. You mean to me more than anything that has ever existed in my life. Know that without you I’d be so damn buried in shite I would never crawl myself out of. Heck, I don’t think I’d even be here still, at all. I want more years with you. More birthdays, more screaming, and more fucking in places we shouldn’t. More importantly, more of your heart, as I want to cradle it forever and breathe life to it as much as you breathe mine. I love you. Endlessly. Through storms and beyond. 
ps: Packing your presents ;)
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