#i hope it makes sense i'm very eepy
soaps-mohawk · 4 months
i’m very new to the whole a/b/o scene, your fic is really the only one i’ve read cuz it’s just so good! but i’ve been meaning to ask, what happens during the presentation process?
Aww!! I love corrupting converting people to omegaverse fans!!! My favorite past time 💚
Alright, I think you're the first that's asked about presenting so far. I haven't really touched on it in the fic (and I'm not sure I will? I can't think of any place I would put it in but who knows 🤷) But essentially, the presenting is when pups (otherwise known as children in our universe) gain the traits of their second gender or status. It happens around the age of 16, some might present a little earlier, some later. Just kind of depends, like puberty. Everyone is different. Reader presented just after their 16th birthday, so about the normal time.
It happens differently for each status, but basically for a few days before you might start to feel a little off, perhaps some irritability, discomfort, exhaustion, some might get moody. There might be physical discomfort as well (especially with omegas and occasionally alphas since there's actual physical changes they go through.) The actual shift itself is pretty quick, usually happens overnight. You go to bed a pup and wake up an alpha, beta, or omega.
Betas have it the easiest. There's not a lot of changes they have to go through, other than their scent changing and they may be prone to some moodiness beforehand since they're more perceptive to emotions as betas and it's their nature as betas to help calm down the strong emotional swings alphas and omegas are prone to. Overall it's an easy process for them. They might be a little moody, to go bed, and wake up chill and relaxed and smelling nice.
Alphas also have it sort of easy when it comes to presenting. They're the ones that might get irritable and moody beforehand, they might get uncomfortable both mentally and physically. (Think like those horrible teenage mood swings where nothing is right and you just want to kick through a wall.) They might not feel much different after they've presented, they might wake up still in a bad mood, but with a stronger scent and they might get a little possessive of something (or someone, it's happened where a pup might present as an alpha and then get protective and possessive towards a younger sibling especially if they're close or they've been the ones caring for that sibling.) It doesn't usually last more than a couple days, though the moodiness might linger as those strong alpha instincts and emotions settle into place. That's usually where the parent that's an alpha will step in and guide them through how to adapt to those emotions and learn to control them and harness them if they need to. Not every parent does, though, and so teenage alphas can be absolute nightmares.
Omegas arguably have it the worst when it comes to presenting. They'll have mood swings, exhaustion, lots of physical discomfort. It's hard to predict if a pup is going to be an alpha or omega since they can have the same sort of pre-presentation symptoms. Some omegas might get irritable and aggressive, some might go the other way and get sad and depressed. Some might not have any emotional changes at all. It just sort of depends. They have the hardest presentation, as they go through a sort of mock heat while they're presenting. Their body temperature will rise, they'll have a lot of joint and muscle pain, they might swing through every emotion known to man in a short amount of time. Their scent sweetens to the point of being almost noxious, and can change rapidly depending on how badly the omega is suffering through the presentation. It can be incredibly painful and lasts for a few days. Parents can tell immediately when their pup is presenting as an omega, and if they're going to send them to an institute, day one is usually when they'll call and start the process of getting them enrolled. Then usually, a few days later, by the time the presentation is over and the "mock heat" has faded, the institute reps are knocking on the door to take the omega to the institute. It's a really rough process all around, not just for the omega but for the parents as well, as the omega parent can start to bond unintentionally with their omega pup as they help them through the presentation and then if they're getting sent to an institute, that bond has to be broken on both ends.
So...yeah. That's the details on that. I'm glad you asked because I hadn't really thought about explaining the presentation process really in detail. I think it'll get mentioned again in the future, but not really in much detail. I think knowing this stuff will make that part better, in truth.
As always, more than happy to answer any questions (as best I can, spoilers avoided) and explain anything that might be causing confusion or that you're just curious about.
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putuponpercy · 4 days
I need the episode where Edward spins a tale of a misbehaving engine that was so down right disobedient that after countless lectures and warnings fell on deaf ears its controller sent it away to have its smokebox door replaced and when it came back it had not only different personality but also a completely different face - like they're a different engine entirely and the one before that is gone.
And after Edward falls asleep the others joke and argue over whether there's any truth to it which - pah - of course there isn't right? Right?
A crash happens days later. There's damage. A lot of damage. There's whispers about needing a new smokebox door. Mass panic ensues. The railway's in shambles. Confusion from the left, delay from the right, disgruntled passengers forefront and center, and a very confused Fat Controller at the back wondering what has gotten into everybody because where are his engines?
Eventually one or several of them in panic ask the Fat Controller to try and repair the injured door rather than replace it because they don't want their friend to disappear which leaves him even more confused until Edward laughs and comes clean that he made the whole thing up and at that moment the injured engine comes back completely fine brand sparkling new smokebox door and all.
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monnn · 3 months
Am I the greatest bastard that you know?
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staring: idol! jeonghan x non-idol!, gn! s/o
wc: 1.3k-ish
genre: ANGST. big angry feelings of reader, kinda fluff towards the end?
a/n: hi, ur fav angst lover is back! things have not been great lately and this fic might just be a vent of mine. big feelings and anger is very valid but so is taking a break. hope you realise that and take a break from life to just exist! to whoever's reading this, i love u, let things take time, take time for yourself, stay hydrated and BE ANGRY!!!
divider by @saradika-graphics !!!
song rec for this fic is The Greatest Bastard by Damien Rice!
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knowing how stressful going on a hiatus can be, you successfully lure jeonghan into a staycation, away from the city. though han had to be present for rehab, you had checked with the doctor and he was okay with han being away for a weekend. doing nothing was the plan since jeonghan was actively burning out from working hard to the extent that he's injured, so he was looking forward to spend time with his loved one for a while. what neither of you knew was the fight that would gonna pop up at reaching the room. hannie had drove all the way to the hotel since you didn't have a license and all you had done after reaching there was ask what he wanted to eat since y'all had skipped the rest stops.
~ 30 mins before
"hey love, what do you feel like eating? i could order it for us" you ask a very eepy han.
"just anything, i'm okay with anything" he replies and you can sense the exhaustion in his voice. to make sure you don't get him more grumpy, you ask again to confirm if he's sure about his decision.
"jesus y/n! can you cut me some slack? just stop fucking bothering me and order whatever the fuck you want!" he yells, shaking you to the core.
here's the thing - there necessarily hasn't been any major disagreements or "fights" in your relationship, so the intensity of his feelings get to you. but he should've known better than to snap because your rage knows no bounds and hannie does know about this.
"well, fuck you with that behaviour of yours, i'm not gonna be ordering any food!"
"good! because i don't fucking need it anymore either!" he screams, walking away from the room. you had put great effort in picking a room which is right by a stream, surrounded by mountains and a temple on one of the mountains.
trying not to mind the rage and disappointment with han, you chug a glass of water before doing anything. but you weren't gonna let han off the hook because he was having a hard time. the value you hold for yourself is much more important and you've tried so hard to just have that value in your life for so long, hence you are not going to let the love of your life doubt on it. finishing another glass of water, you leave the room in search of hannie with some snacks and a drink.
you are yet find han with the passing time. he wasn't by the stream, hadn't left the premises according to the owner and definitely hadn't hiked up a mountain(cause bro was literally eepy). but the one place you hadn't scraped was the temple, so you hydrate and go on to check if he's there.
in fact, he is there. his silhouette seems regretful. melancholic even. hunched over and zoning out by overthinking. you stomp your way towards the temple, letting him know of your arrival as he fixes his posture and keeps his gaze down. leaving your shoes behind, you enter the temple and kneel infront of han to provide well-needed snacks and water. he whispers a small 'thank you' and you move aside to sit away from him. not that you wanted to, rather wanting to just talk without any physical contact. you see him chug the water and eat his snacks, making a part of you feel relieved. after finishing his nibbles, han thinks he's ready to talk cause he knows it's better to do this right now than to dwell and let it become bigger.
"y/n, i'm sorry. i am not gonna reason myself for my actions towards you but i do wanna let you know i'm really tired. probably beyond exhaustion. i love you but that was really wrong of me to behave that way when you were just trying to make me feel better." he begins.
"okay, i accept your apology. but i'm not sorry because i haven't done anything wrong. and i'm gonna have to get this off my chest cause if i don't say it now, it's just gonna grow and rot in me." you say, stretching out your hand for him to hold. hannie slips his palm in yours and there's a little squeeze from both of you before letting go.
"okay, i'm gonna listen what you have to say and i'm sure i'll have things to say after, but i'm gonna listen to you first." he says, reassuring you.
"thank you. i hope you know that i was just trying to be of help and not a bother. you snapping at me was unnecessary, which you know by now and it scared me han. for a moment, you were an angry stranger to me and it made me so angry too. why? because i don't deserve to be treated like this han, you know how hard life has been and still is for me." you pause, taking a deep breath as you feel tears welling up your eyes. but one look at hannie and you know he's making space for your anger, willing for you to continue.
shit, you really do love him.
"i understand how mentally and physically exhausting things have been for the past week or so. i understand so much han, i really do. but that does not give you any leverage to be rude or angry at me. regardless of the terrible things i deal with in my life, i'm really trying to be positive towards our relationship and this unconsciously might've broken a part of me. maybe i'm being dramatic but my feelings are big and valid. i love you but we'll need to work on this at our own pace, yeah? what do you think?" you finish, catching a breath that you didn't realise was held.
jeonghan takes a deep breath, before he begins. taking one look at you, he fidgets with his phone and tries to talk cause he has to start somewhere.
"firstly, i am really sorry love. i wanna let you know that i regret my actions and shouldn't have behaved that way towards you. it's just been really hard for me to go into a break from being so packed with schedules. i don't think i've rested at all since i started working and it's just a lot. it's a lot because i now am realising the importance of rest and that solely is beyond overwhelming. but now that i'm here, i want to make the best of it and spend as much time as i can with the people i love. again, i can't think of anything other than apologising because you don't deserve that. i have no right to be treating you that way when you've put your complete trust and love in me. i'm so sorry again love, i want to work on this. i'm not sure how but i wanna work on us, with you. i love you." he finishes, letting out a loud sob. you hold yourself back from going and holding him cause he needs this more than anything else.
instead you move next to him, taking one of his hands in yours. hannie turns to look at you and lays his head on your shoulder, not caring about drenching your shirt. you gently caress his hand as he calms down and give him some water to hydrate. disconnecting from your hand, he drinks the water and wipes his face but intertwines your arm in both of his the moment he's done. there's a moment of stillness felt, as he leans onto your shoulder, nuzzling further into your neck. you haven't felt this feeling ever and just being present makes you realise that there is always space to be wrong and learn in love. not sure if it's the same with everyone else, but you know for sure it is with jeonghan.
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hanafubukki · 24 days
Hi Hana! I think as a fellow Lilia liker I wanna tell you one of my headcanons :3
So as we know from Lilia's ceremonial robe vignette, he "shrieks" (as Cater put it) to which Lilia says "Screaming like that is my specialty." because he likes metal, and likely knows how to do multiple types of metal vocal fry growls and screams and the like.
In my little brainwaves, I hc that he's been doing that for longer than metal music has been around, and his "shrieks" are repurposed battle cries from war, intended to frighten the enemy, and are indeed his specialty ad he said!
(I have no idea if any of this makes sense bc I'm still eepy tired, but I hope you see my vision asdgdskjgkg)
Hello Darcy 🌷🌺💚
YESS!! I love this!! Have you seen his M3 magic Darcy? He literally goes “SHAAAA” in that card. Ahhhh I love it!! Absjsjshs okay okay trying not to go into fangirl mode right now ahhhhhh 🤣🥰
Okay okay okay, you know what I love about this idea? The implication that what if he influenced it? What if he was the reason for there being screamo in music?
I know many musicians take inspirations from history or events they lived through, so what if he was the reason for it to happen? I can think of two ways this could be.
He’s in history books right? What if it was written that the General of the Fae would give these war cries that echoed and made his enemies tremble? Even better? Oral history where people would pass down events as they traveled and his battle cry was one such tale? 👀
He’s really well known after all! The humans recognize him right away, so I can see it happening. Ohhhh what if during music class it’s mentioned? And Lilia just smirks and nod his head, “Yup, that was me! And I still got it.” Of course, no one would believe him initially…until they find out he’s 700 years old 😆
Or what if? Lilia during one of his travels just took an instrument and started doing his vocal singing during a festival or something?? And that just?? Became a genre in time that he influenced??
I very much think it’s his specialty. 😂😂 I believe Silver in the 4 Koma comics basically implied that one of the lullabies was Lilia’s “singing” in that vocal way 🤣🤣
Thank you for sharing your headcanon Darcy, it’s so much fun to think about 🙌👏 and I hope you have a good sleep 🌺🌷💚🫂
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theemporium · 6 months
a lil werewolf boyf thot insipred by the fact that i had an allergic reaction today lmao 😌
the werewolf boyfriends are like basically glorified allergy detection dogs. like even in human forms they got some kind of super sniffer. max all RED ALERT, he's is karate chopping the food out of her hand, danny is taking the muffin or whatev out of reader's hand and eating it himself (until he learns that means no kisses, then it's just a very pannicked "no no no don't eat that no no no." charles is normal and just tells her that she's gonna have an allergic reaction if she eats that.
no lando or carlos i am too fuzzy to think :( i hoep this makes sense i'm eepy the benadryl is gonna knock me oeut soon i fear
aw no, honey! I hope you’re okay!!
but honestly, I have to disagree😭I think charles would be a fucking mess. like even after the allergic reaction is no longer possible or a threat, he’s so on edge and just constantly on alert like something is gonna come out of nowhere and set off your allergy
I think carlos would be very quick (maybe it’s the lowkey soft dom in him coming out) but he’s disposing the food and then making sure you’re okay. and lando? let’s be honest, the boy probably panics and is really frantic. and there’s a few close calls but he’s always like, “it’s fine! you’d look cute with a swollen face too!”
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Thinking about the hunger au and how the way they feed is like what's called "Bioresonance" from the game Signalis. Where some people have the ability to tap into the brains of those around them and basically tune and amplify emotions like a radio wave. I just thought that was cool. Sry if I make no sense I'm eepy ok bye now. Au poggings.
Okay first of all i'd never heard of this game so i looked it up and [insert blurry eyes emoji] this looks SO COOL,,,,, new game to watch just unlocked i cant wait to find a playthrough of this, i love horror games
Second of all OHOHOHO,,,,, yeah bioresonance does sound very similar to how watchers work, thats literally so interesting omg!!! I am looking Directly at this fr, thank you for telling me about it!! :D
Hope you got some good rest friend!! Dw i am also so so eepy skdnekdjdk you made perfect sense
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volatilechemicalz · 1 year
Saw your post about feeling like shit and about your AU. I hope you feel better, and I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about your AU?
thanks for the ask! I'm feeling a bit better now actually, just a bit congested <3 (I kept forgetting to answer this one so sorry for that)
Since I already posted the starting plot/baseline I'll put some crumbs because I'm planning to draw things (be afraid)
-donnie has a cat now because yeah. His name is Bit
-when everyone else finds out about the whole 'kind of infected by the alien that almost destroyed our planet' thing there's a whole argument because donnie doesn't tell them and they just find out
- there's 5-ish arcs I have in my head for this au
-to keep the kraang bits at bay donnie kind of burns it out with their ninpo by just using it on themself but they don't do it a whole lot because it hurts a bit so it doesn't work all the way
-theyre really tired. Like all the time. very eepy guy
-they also get headaches more often . lovely
-theyre more easily irritated/stressed now since they don't have the patience to deal with anyone's shit
(If any of this doesn't make sense I'm sorry I haven't slept <3)
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blnk338 · 1 year
hi hello i am once again (this is the first time) asking for 831 content. like i KNOW you prolly can’t tell much because of like lore and trauma and stuff but like they’re so cooooool and i have a gigantic crush on ALL OF THEM AND REAPER USED TO BE SO HAPPYYYYY. do you have any plans on possibly giving lil sprinkle hints and stuff abt them throughout the story? bc like 3 of them are still alive and well and one is like. kidnapped 🤨 soooo idk i know reaper has some deep seeded trauma like every girlboss does but idk
i also don’t know if this ask makes any sense. i’m very eepy BUT no pressure to write or add anything i’m just genuinely curious. ANYWAYS i hope your week goes well!!! and pls stop eating shrimp bc we need them to fry the rice !!!!
fun fact I was actually going to make something for them so...
//drinking mentions
"Okay, so, it's gum, but it's natural." Tahoma tried, offering Izzie the packet. It was a sweltering summer in Austin and the two of them and the rest of the 831 were waiting outside the lines of parked taxis and Ubers rumbling, hidden from the heat. "No gum is natural--"
"Yeah, but it's not like you're going to eat it!" Izzie just shook her head and leaned further into the concrete wall, sipping her water like a drunkard at noon. Each and all of them had pretty much run out of water by that point, but Okazaki and her ever-growing intelligence snuck in another bottle in her bag, aptly saying "fuck TSA." Johnny was well and done with her, sighing as he popped another piece of gum into his mouth as Rigo groaned loudly, Nadya shoving him. "If you keep moaning someone's gonna think you're having sex."
"In this weather? I'm sweating enough as is."
"I thought you liked hot," Marisha quirked, pushing her lips out as she fanned herself with the collar of her shirt. "Yeah, but this shit's dry!"
"At least California has a beach-- all Austin has is a river you can't swim in." Angel wiped her forehead, rubbing her eyes in the process. She hadn't slept on the flight and, frankly, the nearly twenty hours of travel, she was ready to hit Phil's guest bedroom's mattress and sleep for an equal amount of time.
The doors wheezed open, Rosie stepping through with seven different water bottles in her arms, the rest of her team practically leaping at the chance to take one from her. Everyone thanked the woman with all of their heart, gulping down every drop, Nadya crushing the plastic bottle like a Four Loko, sighing in relief. As if right on queue, the massive black SUV that they were so familiar with pulled up and honked loudly.
Shades pulled down, bright American smile sparkling as the window rolled down, their captain's arm out his own window, patting the roof. "You folks need a lift?"
They piled and packed in like sardines, grateful for the ever-blasting AC that he cranked up to max. "Hope I didn't leave you guys out there for too long."
"No offense, Cap, but you were forty-three minutes late." Rigo tapped his wrist, his metaphorical watch clinking (he made the noises with his mouth). "Always so exact," Phil smiled, rolling up the windows as Achebe settled herself in the front, happy to get her own special seat while the rest of her team had to sit on top of each other (though none minded all that much, they were just happy to be out of the heat). "And that was thirty-eight minutes we sat outside when we could've been inside your house, in your pool-- oh, wait, did-- Nadder, did you order already?"
"What? Dude, we just got here, why would I have ordered?"
"Because I was talking about Lolo's and I thought we were on the same page." Phil grinned over the 2015 Summer Pop that played over the radio, cranking the volume. "Can't hear you two over the sound of Calvin Harris!" The rest of Nadya's and Rigo's unharmful argument over whether or not the former could predict the Californian's hunger was muted by "How Deep Is Your Love?" as the team was driven to the not-so-humble abode of Phillip Graves.
It was everything the sweaty brigade of military idiots needed; from a pool and green, green grass in his backyard, to a three-bedroom, fully airconditioned suburb-style house. As all of the group crammed in right behind Phil, his keys jingling as he unlocked the door, he chuckled, the group pushing through as he let them inside. The first time that they'd been over, there were kids' toys, drawings of crayon figures, and dozens of stacked apple sauce packs in the pantry. By the second trip, they were gone. There was a mutual agreement not to talk about it, but Graves' team still softened their blows on him.
But as the team made their way from the front entry to the living room, they stopped. Nadya was in the back of the group, rummaging through her backpack, bumping into the back of Navarro. "Shit-- why'd you..." But as she stepped around the massive woman, she stopped too, her jaw slacking. "... Dad?"
To be continued...
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abyssonance · 7 months
FUCK ANON, i like how you make giratina your own-- there's not a super scary element, but they way you write them they are a fearesome and powerful entity and i like how you portray the like. genuine normalcy they see around them and how they interact with humans and other non-legendaries. i'm very tired i hope this makes sense. there's a "this is a god" well mixed with "utter goofball" and i like that. also shiny pallette is the best 👌👌👌
I try to balance the immense power with the fact that Giratina was a being created second to the creator of LITERALLY EVERYTHING and as it's purpose was destruction and entropy so THAT'S SO GOOD TO HEAR. Yes I used the amnesia card but listen PLA gave me IDEAS.
I have rare moments of Gira going TF off when they gotta. And when they do HOO BOY. Thanku Plane yes this makes sense I speak eepy. SHINY PALLETTE IS GOOD.
If you told me that Gira would be friends with a traumatized interpol guy I'd not have believed you ages ago lemme tell ya.
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give-soup-please · 1 year
I warned you about those stairs man /ref
Swing music is super duper catchy. Just the beats for it, and the use of instruments make me go insane!
I get some music being very all over! I know some music can be super overwhelming. Like heavy metal? Very overwhelming.
This will be my last question since I'm very eepy so be ready!
If tomorrow it was told that you were to be gone, what would you do. You can give multiple answers if you want if you just can't decide.
My personal answer would be to just live it out. Say my goodbyes sure but live my life regularly. Maybe I'll go all out but mainly just living life. Because that's what I do the best at!
Can't wait to hear your response. It's been fun speaking!
(waves) it's been nice being social through the inbox. stay safe, ok?
going to change the wording of your question just a bit, hope that's alright
if i had 24 hours to live... let's say 9AM-9AM the next day.
i'd wake up at my usual time: 8:30am i'd shower. drink some caffiene get that shit outta the way so the day will at least start on a positive note. i would probably try and eat at all my favorite places. these names won't make sense to anyone who hasn't lived in my hometown, but that's okay.
bill's cafe for breakfast- they have cream cheese bagels that they serve with eggs benedict and smoked salmon. goddamn.
india garden for lunch- chicken tikka masala with naan bread, and mango lassi to drink. goddamn.
either between the two meals or just after lunch, i'd head to my parents place and... either apologize for not being who they wanted me to be, or egg their house. depends on how vindictive i am the day of. i have a complicated relationship with them, so...
either way, i know for a fact that i would straight up tell my mom she should have been kinder to me. because she should have been.
then i'd go to meadowlark dairy for ice cream. they have a orange/vanilla swirl that kicks ass.
after that, i'd drive to monterey bay. check out the shops, have some salt water taffy, get to the docks for an early dinner of clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl... my favorite meal. bonus points if i can track down that one restaurant that serves them with strawberry daiquiris.
i'd walk to the beach afterwards, maybe enter into the ocean to feel it for one last time. after that, i'd sit down on the sand and get to work.
i'd go on discord, message all my friends, tell them how i really felt about them. i'd tell them how much i loved them. i'd dedicate as many paragraphs as i could to them as the timer clicked down. i'd probably watch the sunset on the beach if the timing was right. chances are, i'd be crying while doing that last part. if i knew i was dying, i don't think i'd have the courage to look my friends in the eye while i told them emotional things.
when it would be too cold at the beach- anyone who's been there after sunset knows the temperature drops quickly- i'd probably see if i could find somewhere open late that serves hot chocolate. i'd keep walking around til late at night.
after that, i'd find somewhere warm to sit and call my godfather. my godfather is someone who survived cancer twice. he knows a lot about close brushes with death, and there's no one else i'd want at my side while i grieve.
i know under the circumstances, he would stay up with me all night. we would talk about everything, and anything, and nothing at all. maybe he'd keep me company until the sun rises the next day.
after the sun is up, but before 9AM, i'd head back down to the beach with a bottle of strawberry moscato. i'd savor the taste, finish the bottle, and close my eyes. maybe i'd fall asleep so i wouldn't see it coming.
i'd die listening to the waves and feeling the sun on my skin. that'd be a nice way to go out.
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