#i hope she's also there for maya and not just crisis one stuff!
mayasdeluca · 2 years
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michaelmedicola Reunited and it feels so good. One of these Bold, Brilliant Beauties I’ve know for over 20 years and the other BBB I’ve known for only three but it feels like a 20 year friendship. ❤️❤️❤️ @traciethoms and I meet studying Shakespeare at @bada_online when we were both CHILDREN!! You know you’re gonna have a good day working with these two.
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angelofverdum · 1 year
Station 19 6x12
I like how they are trying to make the call interesting without using fire. I hope we don't come back to Crisis One.
Btw, these first responders had Crisis one training and they didn't know how to help Maya, who was having a panic attack. She helped herself cause what do you mean "We can lose our jobs" or whatever Travis what saying to her.
Vic needs to break up with Theo and get another storyline. He is getting too disrespectful and Vic is not calling him out.
Why Travis didn't end the live the moment he found the phone? I know is because they want him to give a speech and everything but make it make sense.
I was ready for Captain Andy, but Ross offering the position to her for not following orders and not respecting the rank it's insane to me. Mind you, the same reasons why she didn't give to Maya. That's weak writing right there. Everything she said applies to Maya, and She was saving a kid's life when she disobeyed orders.
Maya waited for permission to leave the truck and Ben just left. Theo and Vic conducted their own investigation when they should have been doing other stuff, but Maya is the one who is still getting punished.
Ross could have said that she sees how much Andy cares about the station and she is truly a leader; that's it. Because right now, the only two people who should be considered captain are Sullivan and Andy.
Maya's storyline right now is getting better and Theo is all over the place. But it was nasty that Andy suggested Sullivan for the position when Maya was treated unfairly by the department.
I know the next episodes are going to be annoying because they are going to start questioning Theo's captaincy. It happens every time. I happened with Jack, Andy, Sullivan, Maya, and Beckett.
I'm going to rant about Greys too, because the Deluca-Bishop family (Should have been Bishop-Deluca, btw) were in there.
Also, watching Carina being a doctor in her field was amazing. I know Stefania was happy that day. Krista should have promoted Stefania in Greys before moving her to Station because as much as I love Maya and Carina, she makes so much sense in Greys.
Apparently, some people were trashing Carina for being cold after Maya ran 10 blocks to get to her. I haven't seen anything but people do say crazy things sometimes.
What do they want Carina to do? Drop everything and leave with Maya? She was in doctor mode. She couldn't stop because she wouldn't be able to do her job. She was delivering a baby, and she was in shock when she saw Maya in there, and the way she said "Thank you for coming" was so soft
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Also, they were in Greys, they couldn't advance their storyline there. I was impressed we got a scene at all. I was just wondering why they got Maya running around the hospital. She knows her wife's specialty so it's most likely she is in there.
Also, Thank you for having Maya in this uniform because it is my favorite, and she looks like x10000 hotter in this one.
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Side note: I feel like Station needs to relax. Every episode is a lot of Drama. They should do silly episodes in dumb situations. Girls night. I don't know.
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sirenofthetimes · 3 years
still thinking about rutherford falls
so, i read this great review that really put into words why i thought the show was so good and so interesting and funny but also came away from it with a gnawing feeling of dissatisfaction and also anger. basically, the review includes a quote from mike schur about how the idea from the show came about, and it goes like this:
"The show started when Ed Helms and I got together and we asked ourselves what’s interesting about the world right now, so we developed a character for him. We started designing a character that was a guy with a good heart who just has a blind spot about the narratives that have been fed to him about himself, his family, American history, and all that. He’s just been gobbling up these good, clean narratives and has been feasting on them his entire life, and I think what happens to a guy like that when those narratives get shaky, that’s a very relevant thing for our time."
and this is a quote from sierra teller ornelas, who is navajo and one of the 3 credited co creators of the show:
"They wanted someone nonwhite to collaborate with them and pitched me what they had. They had one or two Native characters, and I said, “What if there were 10?” I took my museum background and then pitched a bunch of different characters, and we were off to the races."
and like, that's it!!! there's your problem!!! the show originally came about from 2 white guys wanting to make a show about this, ~super great well meaning white guy who's just ignorant and needs to be educated. look how good his intentions are! he's not one of those racists! look, feel bad for him, his poor white worldview 🥺🥺🥺~
and then later were like, oh shit we need someone actually native :/ and the thing is sierra teller ornelas and her teams stuff was the best part about the show! i thought reagan was such a fascinating character and got really into her cultura center journey/ trying to get back into the community after she broke off her engagement! terry's storyline was compelling as well, i wanted more! (and perhaps a deeper exploration of the whole native capitalism thing and how other people felt about it because that kinda had me confused)
but like sooo much of the show was about, nathan, and trying to get us to understand nathan, and ~how he just looves history and suuuch a passionate person and force of nature and yeah he could be self centered but he just didn't realize it was his white privilege 🥺🥺 let's have all these characters of color be there to educate him and call him out~ and after a while i was just rolling my eyes like i don't care!! stop making me try to feel things for this grown ass white man who is so ignorant it passes beyond the point of believability!! put reagan back on the screen! give us more terry! give us the lawsuit primarily from the tribal council's perspective! hell, i would've rather watched maya and her grandmother do beadwork for 30 minutes rather than yet another nathan rutherford existential crisis i was EXHAUSTED
because that's what happens when the conversation about representation is missing one about ownership, when it's these white writers saying here we'll let you in, when if they'd just given teller ornelas the whole damn show it likely would have turned out better!
anways, if they get more seasons, and i hope they do, i hope they stop centering whiteness so damn much and really focus on the plot elements that made people tune in in the first place
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maxbernini · 3 years
I saw someone on Twitter said that maybe they're planing to go with the Maya x june route to show that Maya can finally start a relationship from the ground with heatlhy roots. So in this ep she will kgnore as we saw but them in ep10 or t the end of e9 she'll look for her to apologize and be honest with her and to restart their relationship. As for Lola they will have that heartfelt talk theyre due and agree that while there's love, both of them need to move on and stay as friends
I mean is not that far fetched especially seeing all the routes they've taken. So it wouldn't be a surprise if they made them end up together. And as for people that said she doesn't have Instagram it really doesn't matter as next season 10 is gonna be about another person who is not close to maya so they could show their rs through maya's. Also for a love triangle she seems to be a lot more important that it shoul, they keep having her in her orbit like today's clip
listen. if they wanted to set june & maya up as endgame, they would’ve. they’d have given them some really unsubtle, sudden dialogue about Really Connecting™️ and it never being like this before etc. remember when bilal said that jo understood him in a way that no one else did, even though that wasn’t true because we saw them constantly argue, misunderstand and underestimate each other? we’d get stuff like that. but we didn’t! like…they literally had an entire week dedicated to their relationship, but it was framed as nothing more than friends having fun and casually hooking up and maya using that as a nice escape from her life; the episode is literally titled “great escape”, because the point was that june is essentially her dream gf (she doesn’t have to pick between activism and a partner! they’re both adults with adult responsibilities! they agree about everything!), but what’s going to happen when things get hard, like it did in maya’s last relationship? their most substantial convo was maya finally getting to rant about la mif & lola (which she needed to do, but she wasn’t even truthful lol) and everything else was just sex and flirting. not exactly soulmate material.
and now she’s ignoring june’s calls when she’s in a crisis. june admitting to developing feelings for her isn’t enough to snap her out of this depressive episode and give her hope (which, per the bilal convo, is apparently what she most needs rn, apart from therapy), and she’s not clutching to june like a lifeline either. if they were endgame, maya would’ve picked up the phone to show how they deal with their first crisis as a couple and navigate issues healthily. she didn’t. the only reason june was orbiting in this clip was to show that; maya ghosting her texts earlier was through social media content, so having it in the clip makes it canon for casual viewers. i think she’s going to keep ghosting june until late ep 9 / early ep 10, then she’ll apologize and they’ll stay friends. 
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meichenxi · 3 years
Heyho <3
How about 12 and 17 for your book ask? I'd like to hear about those :D
Heyyyy Karo, thanks :D
12 - Any books that disappointed you?
So in the run up to the Booker prize, me and my girlfriend sat down over two weeks and read all 6 of them. I don't generally read literary stuff (not out of principal, just because I firmly believe any exploration of parenthood or interpersonal relationship can be improved with flying castles and tentacled monsters) and she is incredibly well-read and teaches English literature, so we were both interested in the other's perspective. But nothing disappointed me this year more than the book which won in the end, Dalmon Galgut’s The Promise. It's meant to be an almost or entierly satirical examination of whiteness in South Africa through the story of four funerals in one family, but for many many many reasons (the writing quality yes but primarily problems about race) I was flabbergasted it won. There are many, many things it mentions off-hand about apartheid and the role of the white patriarch, for example - and then doesn't interrogate them and acts as if, by mentioning it, that is the act of interrogation itself. I have been told that Coetzee is far better at specifically writing about whiteness in South Africa and what that means, so I want to read some of his books next year. I couldn't believe it. I would have to spend a good 10,000 words outlining why exactly I was so astounded it won, but it's not the place for it here - read it and see what you think for yourself. My favourite to win was Bewilderment, a story of a single father parenting his child during the climate crisis (I also didn't like the ending, but. Overall very moving).
17 - Did any books surprise you with how good they were?
Yes! Very much so. I read The Shining by Stephen King, which - look, I know he's a very famous novelist but I don't read horror and it was the first of his I've read. Wow. Incredibly atmospheric, and psychologically thrilling. Adored it.
I also read the YA book Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, which was the most enjoyable and charming YA I've read in a very long time and reignited my hope for future books. It's set in Mexico and tells the story of a young girl who accidentally awakens a god of death - the problem is, there isn't only one. It's a world of cenotes and Maya mythology and I adored it. The kind of book that is simply written, reads like a fairytale, and diligently carries out all tropes - but in a way that reminds you that tropes are the backbones of stories and have been used that way for hundreds of years across the globe for a very good reason. I am normally deeply suspicious of any 'poor 18 year old falls in love with A Vampire / An Eldritch Monstrosity / The Literal God of Death' book, but this has stayed with me for weeks. It's touching and realistic (??) and bittersweet. Also, her religious and conservative background isn't just relevant once and then never again - it forms the backbone of a lot of her decisions and builds a sympathetic three-dimensional character. I will also remember the descriptions of the underworld Xibalba for a very, very long time. Heartily recommend.
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caribbean-ace · 3 years
I think i’ve spent yesterday and today freaking out about Station 19 x Grey’s crossover but i believe after the whirlwind has happened we can discuss it, SPOILER ALERT:
1. Marina opening the show? Hell yes! I like seeing intimate moments, hopefully we get more of them doing just casual stuff: having breakfast, talking about anything while they get ready to work, just anything; also good for showing they have a healthy sexual life, whatever that it is that you do with your partner(s) in bed as long as it doesn’t hurt others and is consensual i’m all in!
2. I’m wondering how Miller’s death is going to affect Vic and Theo’s relationship since Vic pretty much figured out that Miller had feelings for her and you know, with them being so close, would that have an impact on them? I guess we’ll have to wait to see it
3. Jack and Carina and Ben bonding? Yes! We’re way past the whole cheating thing and i’m guessing Carina has no issues at this point with Jack and the fact that they’ve been talking to do something to benefit the community is amazing; as i said before Jack is not a bad person but he made questionable choices and he’s grown so much, i love it! + Carina being disgusted by the coffee at the station was pretty accurate😂 americans make coffee in such a different way than italians and also latinos so i totally understand her reaction + i’m wondering how is that lady Ingrid i think is her name is going to play a role in following episodes…
4. Tremmett😍 i love them so much, Travis is so funny and Emmett is so sweet; i loved that Emmett voiced out his feelings and maybe Travis is finally ready to completely move on; they are so cute and they deserve all the happiness in the world!
5. Since Miller is gone i’m guessing Vic would take over along Jack with the Crisis One program, they were the closest to him so it makes sense that they would carry on with this; i can’t believe he died😭
6. The guys at 23 are just ugh the worst (except for Captain Aquino he’s the best), new probie will create some chaos i already see it happening and Andy is so done, i hope she punches Maddox lmao, i miss Andy at 19, specially now that they’ve lost one of their own it feels weird not having her there. Also, i’m guessing someone will be interim captain while Aquino recovers👀 who’s gonna be? They should send Beckett over there and just pick someone new at 19, just saying
7. I’m annoyed at the whole fire zaddy thing, Sullivan only cares about him and only him so it’s bothers me to see that “he’s the face of SFD” just because the video went viral and stuff but okay i guess.
8. Good moment between Carina and Emmett, this is the first time we see Carina talking about how she feels about Maya’s job (hell, i don’t know how people do it in real life, i would constantly freak out if my partner happened to be a first responder or something like that) seeing her getting into OBGYN mode was also cool and i can’t wait to see her working at this new iniciative that her and Jack are working on because it’s about damn time we have Carina DeLuca-Bishop in this show properly!
9. Everyone kinda knew Dean was dying but it felt so rushed at the end of the episode, his character had so much going on, i just wished we would have left happy to make a difference around the country… so obviously the whole romance thing with Vic got shut down, i’m wondering who’s gonna keep Pru (after all she has grandparents but also Dean asked Warren to take care of her and that’s pretty much what’s gonna happen in the next episode) Dean will be missed, he was so funny and smart and i loved his friendship with Jack, i’m wondering how this is going to affect him :(
10. Bishop and McAllister are still going at it, i want her to take his job, i just dislike him so much
Aaaaaand i think that’s it, the episode indeed had me at the edge of my seat, Miller we’re gonna miss you so much! We’ll see how next week goes.
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marlahey · 4 years
so this is not to put you on the spot @rochey1010, but reply characters are limited and ask characters even moreso. I wanted to respond to your prediction post in the most coherent way possible, which ended up requiring way more words than I thought. (is fan mail still a thing or am I just hella old?) (edit: trying to get the tags to work sorry for the repost/wall of text)
you’re totally entitled to your own opinions/thoughts on future sequences and I don’t want to take away from that at all. but I’d like to discuss some of the claims you made around Elliot’s mental health and his relationship with Lucas that I honestly find pretty alarming. I’ve read echoes of these ideas for a while now so I hope you don’t feel like I’m singling you out or trying to attack you personally.   ["Eliott obsessed with mental illness in his love with Lucas. “He’s just worried about me. I have bipolar disorder. Do you know what that is?” Him hiding stuff rooted in those fears being mentally ill and toxic can have on your love.”] Elliot sharing his bipolar disorder with Lola served to contextualize a few of their conversations, bring them closer with a similar experience, and explain why Lucas seemed so upset that morning. He’s not afraid of being mentally ill around his boyfriend. Wanting a little space/alone time from a partner, especially one you live with, is perfectly normal and healthy. urbex has nothing to do with being bipolar. Elliot fesses to his lie quickly, so no real harm done. [“Him saying “And i have Lucas. I can’t lose this” a declaration of hinging his mental health on his need and love for Lucas.” ] the and is essential here. Elliot is not living for Lucas. he’s not pinning his mental health on his relationship. he’s at a point in his life where his suicidal thoughts are few/unwanted. Elliot’s positive relationship is a direct result of his improved mental health, not the other way around. it’s not the reason he’s no longer suicidal. it’s an added bonus that reminds Elliot there’s much to live for, including Lucas, not just him. quite frankly, if anyone’s obsessed with Elliot’s bipolar disorder, it’s Lucas. “don’t you see she has problems?” “what does that mean? since when do you judge people without knowing them? if I have a bad [time], you wouldn’t want someone to do the same?” “exactly. I’d want it to be me taking care of it.” “I’m a little afraid of the day one of you is going to bring down the other.” Lucas is so hyper vigilant over Elliot that he immediately projects all his anxieties onto Lola and their friendship – as if two people with similar struggles can’t be close lest they bring out the worst in one another. that’s wildly unfair to Lola for one and incredibly infantilizing to Elliot for another, as if Lucas doesn’t trust them to manage their own health and well-being. while his heart’s definitely in the right place, it’s really not a good look. yes Lola is young and needs support, but Elliot is an adult. Lucas isn’t E’s saviour, nor should he try to be. the whole lucas/luquette thing is just a little joke. I really don’t think it’s that serious. but I don’t think that conversation implies Elliot’s suggesting Maya be the reason Lola wants to change, either. That’s not healthy, whether you struggle wit MH or not. this last point isn’t specifically directed at you @rochey1010, but your concerns about seeing Lola hit ‘rock bottom’ brought it to mind. I find it very disconcerting that some people seem to think that Lola or Elliot would relapse or have a MH crisis at the most minor provocation. seeing Maya with another girl? relapse. getting rejected? relapse. Lucas’ insecurity over a nonromantic kiss? crisis. while I don’t really care about the spoiler, it’s out there. it remains to be seen if the kiss is scripted or, as you point out – potentially an impulsive act on Lola’s part. I can definitely see what you mean about it being a catalyst for a lot of confusion and angst. But this idea that Elliot would push her away so fully after all this bonding between them is very strange to me. it’s just a kiss, unscripted or not, with no actual romantic feelings involved. it’s not that hard to get over trust me I know. I’d hope Lucas is secure enough in the relationship to not blow it out of proportion. the last clip left a lot of questions re: Lola/Maya so I get your point there, but I think we’re also forgetting that Lola has support from Daphné right now – she’s not alone, even if things with lamifex go south for a while. although to be fair the Daphné as benny.taxi theory feels more valid by the day. which...a mess. slightly off topic but I found it very weird that Maya straight up brought a date to this group hang and then got in Lola’s face when Char instigated that entire awkward exchange, especially after the “I miss you,” conversation?? “What’s your problem?” like, what’s your issue girl, is the bigger question here. I find this romantic plot pretty unnecessary honestly but I mean what’s tv without a ship, I guess. if you even got to the end of this, thanks lol. as we ancients used to say, I just have a lot of feelings.
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zekescurioshop · 4 years
Rating the characters from The Final Scene
Nick Falcone
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ok first off i will just say that i love this man. He’s out here tryna save this theater which is good, he does come off as shady at first but then you learn that hes not that bad of a guy and he helps nancy with trying to stop the demolition to save Maya. He’s so fun to talk to. Also i will just say that hes not just a snack, hes a whole meal. He’s always standing in the theater with his ass turned towards you and yessss 😏. I would rate him 10/10 but i will have to give him a point off for the camo...and also the fact that he faked a kIDNAPPING in the past but i guess thats just water under the bridge now i gUESS??? Also that one line about having a laptop in hIS VAN which idk why its so funny to me but it is...
Brady Armstrong
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ok so i kind of both love/hate this guy. He thinks hes like super hot n shit but not really. His hairline is receding and he really just comes to a movie premiere in a boring grey sweater...ok. He’s ok looking though. I noticed he does have green eyes i think and that gives him a point in the looks department bc im weak for green eyes. He is not nearly as self centered or obnoxious as Rick Arlen so i’ll give him that. He’s a terrible liar tho, you’d think an actor would be better at lying...maybe he is just as bad as acting as Rick Arlen. Also like he does have the power to call off the demolition to save Maya’s life but nooooo Planet Tinsletown is more important to him apparently :/. But i do get the vibe from him that deep down he is kind of insecure and awkward but he really overcompensates for that by acting like hes super confident and hot shit. I can’t help but like him even if he seems to be a bit full of himself.
Simone Muller
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ok first off..lEOPARD PRINT? girl wtf. Shes a real jerk and only cares about promoting her star and not about the morals of her actions. I kind of get the vibe that she unironically thinks that animal print patterns, crop tops, and hot pink are like good fashion, even if this game was made in the 2000s and that stuff might have actual been in style. She kind of gives me the vibe that shes going through a midlife crisis and trying her best to stay relevant with all the 20 somethings and she just is on top of all the trends and she tries so hard to be cool but shes just so tacky. It’s implied that she has a secret soft side from her emails to her bf and the email about her cat and i think thats kind of cute but so weird to think that shes a decent person outside of this game. I just love to hate her. I hate her in the way that i like to make fun of her that i start to actually like her.
Joseph Hughes
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ok so i would be like “hey somebody come get your grandpa.” but i don’t think this man has any children at all...or any living family left, which makes me sad. He seems so nice at first but then on day 3 he just goes into denial and refuses to accept reality and then locks you in the projection room. Also hes the caretaker but his theater is a mess and its run down which gives me the vibes that he is not well (well before this whole kidnapping plot) and needs to see a doctor or a psychologist for his issues. I feel bad for him but then i remember that he almost got Maya and Nancy killed. I don’t think he actually intended to hurt anybody, he was just bluffing when he said that Maya would go down with the building, but the whole thing just got out of his control and he just kept them in the building at the last minute because he was still desperately holding out hope that the theater would get saved at the last minute. Or maybe by day 3 he just started to go even more batshit and decided that he didn’t care if Maya, Nancy, and himself went down with the theater, thats just the price the demolition people would pay...which is really disturbing to think about. As for his looks he does NOT get to join the gilf club.
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Huhh so, here’s some general characterization/fun fact things for Incredibles AU!! I usually don’t post this kinda stuff but since I’m still working on chapter three, figured I might as well! 
Phoenix (36), Mr. Incredible/Bob Parr counterpart
Superpower is super strength
Superhero name is Captain Indestructible.
 Didn’t really start to realize his powers until late in high school, though he didn’t actually begin superhero work until he was in college. Mia was one of his professors and she ended up eventually catching on to his abilities and offered to be his mentor (as she’s also a super). They worked as a team together up until the point Mia was killed in a severe incident, from that point on Phoenix ended up working alone. He did end up taking Maya  under his wing since she was supposed to train with Mia before she died, though she eventually branched out on her own as well.
Was an art major, and had plans of mainly working from home as a freelance artist. 
He really does try to be a good dad, okay, and he fucking loves his kids. It’s not his fault that every job the government’s placed him sucks the life and willpower out of him. He studied art dammit, being stuck at a desk job selling insurance was his worst nightmare come true.
Was in peak shape during his hero days, but years of being hunched over at a desk and little to no exercise--not to mention poor eating habits ended up developing into a soft dad bod that he’s a tad insecure about.
Meets up with Maya once or twice during the week, they usually end up getting burgers and reminiscing about the old days together.
Tried so hard to forget about hero work and live a normal steady life with his family, but that’s easier said than done. His entire den at home is decorated with all sorts of posters and articles and lately, he’s been spending just a bit too much time in it.
He’s already blown cover on their family twice, and he’s so torn between wanting to stay put and wanting to resume hero work.
Miles (36), Elastigirl/Helen Parr counterpart
Superpower is elasticity. 
Superhero name is Flexuous. 
Has been dealing with his powers pretty much since childhood. After his parents died, he was taken in by Manfred Von Karma and trained to be his prodigy. 
He ended up breaking away from Von Karma’s teachings sometime later and tried to do hero work on his own, his first instance of this being when he and Phoenix met for the first time. For a while they actually were rivals, before becoming friends and eventually dating, and were far too amused by the media’s obsession with their supposed rivalry.
Was studying to obtain a law degree and had hopes of becoming a lawyer, but when the lawsuits started happening and superheros were all uprooted, he ended up having to abandon any hopes of having any sort of high profile career. 
Sometimes works as a legal mediator just to make a bit of extra money/put his law knowledge to good use. 
He is the true backbone of the Edgeworth-Wright household. It would be in shambles if he weren’t in charge of it, as hair pulling as such a task is. For some years he and Phoenix co-parented without a problem, but with middle age starting to settle and Phoenix delving into a midlife crisis, he’s more or less been having to manage things on his own.
Phoenix and Miles -
They formally met through a foreign language course they were both taking, though officially had actually met several times under their super personas. It didn’t take long for either of them to figure each other’s identities out, however.
By the media’s standards, Captain Indestructible and Flexuous were rivals to one another, which up until a point was true. When they started dating, however, the rivalry all became a pretense just for the public’s entertainment. Though that wasn’t to say their butting heads and bickering outside of their super suits wasn’t all real, because it very much was. 
They dated for about two years before they were engaged, but their wedding had to be put on hold due to all the lawsuits and Super-related scandals going on. 
Miles pretty much planned his and Phoenix’s wedding up to a T, which didn’t matter in the end since they couldn’t afford the venue they’d wanted. They tried to wait a while, so they could save up enough money but that didn’t work out, and thus they decided to just go ahead and have a small private ceremony at the local courthouse. 
Phoenix knows Miles will never admit it, but he’s heartbroken that they didn’t get to have the wedding they wanted, especially after all the effort he put into it. That and the venue they’d booked was where his parents had gotten married, it’d meant so much to him to have their wedding there and they didn’t get to do that. 
They made the promise to each other that someday, when they were more financially stable, that they’d renew their vows and have the ceremony they’d always wanted, however that’s easier said than done when you’re trying to pay off bills and raise three kids.
Adopted Apollo two years into their marriage, then Athena a few years after that, and just recently have adopted Trucy. 
Apollo (14), Violet Parr counterpart
Superpower is invisibility/force fields.
The oldest child of the Edgeworth-Wright family. 
Has a crush on Klavier, who’s one of the more popular students in school because of course he is.  
Struggles with having to keep his powers a secret, which in-turn causes a great deal of self doubt.
Enjoys classic literature and music. 
Is stressed 24/7. His family is weird and he just wants to be normal, please help him. 
Athena (10), Dash Parr counterpart
Superpower is super speed.
The middle child of the Edgeworth-Wright family.
Her biological mother was also a super, who was killed by an ex-villain. Something similar happened to Miles when he was young, so of course he was all for adopting her. 
She has way too much energy for her own good, and has trouble focusing on one thing at a time. Her parents have tried time and time again to find a proper outlet for her to take her energy out on, but nothing’s worked so far and has only resulted in multiple visits to the principal’s office.
She wants so badly to play sports and has begged her parents time and time again to let her try out for one of the teams, though this usually ends in disagreement. Miles will put his foot down over the fear of her having an unfair advantage due to her powers, while Phoenix wants nothing more than to let her go ahead and do it. 
She very much loves and cares for her siblings, even if she does tend to pick on Apollo sometimes. 
Trucy (11 months old), Jack Jack Parr counterpart
Superpower is transformation, but the rest of her family doesn’t know this yet shhhh. 
The youngest child of the Edgeworth-Wright family.
She was an urgent emergency adoption, as well as being a closed one, so not much is known about her birth family. 
Maya (30), Frozone/Lucius Best counterpart
Superpower is telepathy/telekinesis.
Every woman in her family ended up developing these sorts of powers one way or another, so when hers started to get out of control she confided in Mia and was promised help in the matter. When she did finally arrive in the city though, Mia was dead so Phoenix took over the whole mentor thing, even if admittedly he wasn’t very good at it.
Despite everything, with Phoenix knowing next to nothing about Maya’s sort of power, he really tried his best to be of help to her and they ended up becoming close friends, even when she went off to do hero work on her own. 
After the superhero relocation program went into effect, she started work as a medium as a low key means of using her powers without giving herself away. She now owns her own small “mystic elements” type of shop where she does palm readings and the like, though nothing too drastic since a full display of her powers would give her away and have her relocated. 
Has never once been relocated come to think of it, and Phoenix is kind of jealous. It helps that she can be more subdued about her powers, while he doesn’t really have that option. 
Pearl lives with her and works in the shop as well. She ran away from home several years ago after a fight with her mother and Maya’s been looking after her ever since.
Is the cool, eccentric aunt to Phoenix and Miles’ kids. She or Pearl are their go-to whenever they need a babysitter (since they can’t actually afford one lmao). 
Franziska (33), Edna Mode counterpart
Has no superpowers. 
Works in the fashion industry, used to be responsible for a lot of super’s suits before the whole lawsuits and relocation shit went down.
The adoptive sister of Miles, who at one point was incredibly resentful towards him due to their father paying him more attention than her due to his having powers. They’ve both made peace since then, on the account that their father sucks.
Before Phoenix had met her, he was wearing his own homemade suit which she absolutely tore to shreds upon seeing. Ever since that day, he’s been low key terrified of her. 
Is essentially that wealthy lesbian aunt who likes to show off around Christmas and dump expensive presents on her nieces and nephew. 
Travels around a lot due to her job, so she’s not around often.
Dick Gumshoe (45), Rick Dicker counterpart
Has no superpowers.
Works with the whole Agency that regulates supers and what not, personally made sure that he’d be both Phoenix and Miles’ assigned case worker since he’d already known them a while.
Is doing his best in a crappy situation. Personally if you asked him, he’d be fine with supers coming out of their forced retirement but he’s not able to do much about it in his position. Regardless, he’s still a valued family friend and the kids love it when he visits.
Is married to Maggey Byrde because its what he deserves. 
Dahlia Hawthorne (32), Syndrome counterpart
Has no superpowers so to speak, but instead relies on technology invented by her family’s company.
She and Phoenix crossed paths during a supers convention, where she tried to convince him to train her as well, going on and on about how she wanted to be a hero too. But seeing as she didn’t actually have powers and wasn’t a hero herself, he turned her down.
The first attempt wasn’t the last, as she tried time and time again to get his attention and get her to train him, and each time he would refuse. He admired her efforts but the fact was, she was a civilian and even with her technology, she could be seriously hurt. 
Inadvertently foiled his attempts to sabotage a villain that ended up causing a railway explosion. She was arrested afterwards for interference with hero work, and Phoenix didn’t see her again for a long time.
Took Phoenix’s rejection very personally, and holds her public humiliation towards her arrest as his fault. 
Moved away to the island after she got out of jail and spent the next several years building up a brand new company from the ground up as part of her revenge plot. 
Iris Hawthorne (32), Mirage counterpart
Has no superpowers.
Is the twin sister of Dahlia.
She took on many of the company responsibilities until Dahlia was released from jail, then was forced into being her assistant for the new company. 
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ambitionsource · 5 years
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AMBITION Season 2 ♫ “We’ll Be the Stars” [ 2.11 ]
CREATED BY Esther (rapunzles) & Maggie (quincywillows) || S2 Tag || Official Page
A NIGHT TO REMEMBER – Tensions are set aside in honor of a promenade, and some students opt for a change of pace. A clever ruse forces Eric and Jack to team up. Unfortunate circumstances make for odd couples, but stars always know where they’re supposed to go in the end.
66 Minutes (18K words) || No content warnings apply.
[ ← Rarely Pure and Never Simple ] [ S2 Synopsis ] [ Final Run → ]
( Follow along with the music on Spotify here! )
A series of shots guide us into the episode, displaying the school in the midst of preparing for promenade. Banners are hung, student council members work the ticket booth. The halls are decorated according to the theme, “We’ll Be the Stars,” small stars seemingly glittering on every visible surface. A promposal wraps up in the hall outside the auditorium, senior students applauding and cheering as the girl says yes and the other girl wraps her in a tight hug.
Yes, it’s prom time at Adams Academy for the Arts. Let the insanity commence!
FARKLE MINKUS opens his locker. We’re looking at him from the inside, giving us a look at it as he rearranges some things. Its decor has been updated after a long detour of being trapped in sophomore year -- there are fewer photos, but they are newer and more representative of the way things actually are now. A couple photos of him and Maya are the focal point, but there’s a few scattered notable mentions. A photograph of the full Junior A Class; a picture of his whole family; a rare capture of him and Isadora.
From outside the confines of the locker, we hear RILEY MATTHEWS speak.
Riley: And you’re sure you can handle it? I’m sure if you wanted, we could work out something else --
Perspective shifts back to its usual framing, showing the two of them hanging by his locker. Farkle stems her worrying from the start, holding up a hand.
Farkle: I’m going to stop you right there, Riley. Do you know what you’re doing to me right now?
Riley: … demonstrating concern as a good friend?
Farkle: You’re neuro-splaining me. [ off Riley’s expression ] I get it, you’re concerned about my health. Mentally, above all else.
Riley makes a face, obviously not sold on the concept of “neuro-splaining.” As if she hasn’t had her own mental health experiences… but she figures it’s not worth the argument.
Farkle: But trust me, as much as I appreciate it, I will be fine. [ a beat ] I don’t want to miss out on anything else essential to my junior year experience, and prom is one of those things. Not to mention, I certainly won’t be able to graciously receive my prom king crown if I’m not there to accept it.
It’s clear he’s joking, although with his dry delivery… either way, he’s made up his mind. Farkle will be in attendance at the upcoming event, come hell or high water.
Farkle: Besides, it’s bold of you to assume I could avoid it anyway.
Riley: How come?
Farkle: Prom isn’t just an event around here. [ pointedly ] It’s a contagion.
As he closes his locker --
For how alight with excitement the halls seem to be, classes are still in session and there’s still work to be done. The energy is tamped down in Cory’s classroom, where everyone is completing silent reading for the last few minutes of class.
Still, Farkle was right, and the junior class has been bitten by the prom bug. Everyone is jittery as they sit at their desks, unable to keep still. Under the desk, ZAY BABINEAUX taps his foot to an unheard rhythm. MAYA HART flips her pencil in her fingers, adding to the rhythm against her desk.
CHARLIE GARDNER glances up at the clock, impatiently watching the seconds go by. Tick, tick, tick… as the percussions slowly evolve into an actual beat...
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “You Should Be Dancing” as performed by Glee Cast || Performed by AAA Juniors
The bell rings about 7 seconds in, releasing the class from their academic torture. CORY MATTHEWS cringes as the energy in the room skyrockets, papers flying as the energetic juniors are free to succumb back into the groove.
Zay kicks off the vocals, the number staying in the classroom for the first verse as he volleys lyrics back and forth with Maya. As they escape into the halls…
Charlie takes over, leading the charge into the rest of the school. The three of them are the front of the pack, but they pick up other junior students as they go. The whole atmosphere of the halls has changed, feeling groovier in the midst of the twinkling stars and amped up music.
Around a minute and a half in, they pass by Riley and Farkle and pull them into the dance. The movements become less chaotic and more choreographed at that point, truly a spectacle only AAA could pull off.
As they pass by the techies hanging out on the stairs outside the auditorium, it seems even they aren’t immune to the allure of prom fever. They jump up and join in the parade, JEFF MONROE in particular worth spotlighting due to his breakdancing ability.
And away they go again…
By the time they make it into the auditorium and onto the stage, the vibe of their collective imagination has completely succumbed to fantasy. The stage is basically a disco floor as they dance their way up there, the only thing still remaining commonplace their outfits.
And by this point, they’ve paired off. Farkle and Zay stay front and center -- a fun little duo to witness tolerating each other again, if nothing else -- with Maya and ISADORA DE LA CRUZ to their left and Charlie and YINDRA AMINO to their right. In the back, ASHER GARCIA and DYLAN ORLANDO are grooving together, while Riley Matthews gets LUCAS JAMES FRIAR to at least do something.
As they finish out the jam, Farkle and Zay theatrically toss their heads back and raise a hand to the sky. Declarative, with a flourish, what a dynamite finish. One thing is essentially guaranteed on this prom week, that’s for sure.
There will be no shortage of drama.
Cue title sequence.
Zay is at his locker, swapping out his dance duffle for his classwork. When Maya practically jumps him and surprises him at his locker, he’s not fazed -- he might be the only student at AAA who she doesn’t strike instant fear into in one capacity or another.
Zay: What do you want, mini Britney?
Maya touches her hand to her chest, faux flattered.
Maya: You’re so sweet. I was just thinking that you and I have a real opportunity on our hands this week.
Zay: Must everything be about an “opportunity?”
Maya: Ugh, would you stop being such a damp toilette? Your mood has been totally subbasement the last couple of weeks and it’s really harshing the vibes.
Well, Maya, he did just break up with his boyfriend. But people not knowing about them was kind of sort of the whole problem, so he says nothing as he allows Maya the floor again.
Maya: Chin up, Zayby. It’s promenade. And you and I are going to come out of it as royalty.
Maya makes her grand pitch: they should go to prom together. Not out of any romantic interest -- although, as she admits, Zay is by far the most eligible male in the walls of AAA -- but because the two of them would be a shoo-in for junior prom king and queen if they team up.
And like everything else at Adams, there is an opportunity attached. Every year, the duos crowned as prom king and queen in both grades get to perform at graduation. It’s a time honored tradition, one that Maya believes they should not pass up.
Zay: I don’t really see what the big deal is.
Maya: Oh, Zay. Isaiah! Wake up! Snap out of whatever quarter-life crisis funk you’ve succumbed yourself into and smell the potential right in front of you! [ matter-of-factly ] You know that there are always college representatives at Triple A graduation. Of course, it’s to honor the students they’ll be bringing into their ranks, and to hopefully snag some quality time with a celebrity family member or two -- I mean, think how many people are going to be swarming our graduation next year when Valerie comes to support Isadora --
Zay, flatly: Yeah, I’m sure she’s so excited about that.
Maya: But it’s also to scout the next crop of graduates. That’s us. It’s almost cosmic that every junior prom king and queen end up going to amazing schools for the arts -- there was even that junior prom queen in ‘96 who got a straight up recording contract.
Zay: How the hell do you know this stuff?
Maya: Because I do my research, Zay. And I know you do, too. Which is why once you’ve shaken off the ennui and have your head back on straight -- or, bi, whatever -- you’ll realize we have prime real estate in front of us. And it’s ours to take… if we step up to the plate. [ backing away ] You know where to find me.
Well, that’s certainly a proposition. Maya floats away as Zay contemplates it, slinging his bag over his shoulder. It’s a good point, he can’t argue with that, and yet…
He glances to the photo of him and Charlie, still taped up in his locker innocuously amongst the rest. In some ways, it seems, it’s just hard to let go of the way you hoped things would be.
Zay closes his locker, heading on his way to rehearsal.
Dylan, pre-lap: We’ll boycott.
Dylan and Asher are following Lucas into the booth, obviously in a heated discussion. Dylan continues to make bold declarations.
Dylan: We’ll stage a full-on protest. You know, when I was in middle school, I was renowned for my poster-making skills in environmental club. They usually lasted like, nine days longer than usual before people tore them down. And Cory is always saying how loud and annoying I am -- that has to be helpful for a protest, yeah?
Asher: He said that to you?
Lucas: Guys --
Dylan: Or even better --
Asher: I swear, I’m going to report him. Like, sorry Riley --
Dylan: Let’s stage a riot. That’ll really show ‘em! They think they can bar Lucas James Friar from prom? Not when we’re there to literally blow the roof off this place. I bet we can get Isadora to sing “Bad Reputation” -- I think we’d need music to be taken seriously here, so --
Lucas: Hey. Hello. Earth to Asher and Dylan. [ clapping ] Let’s cool it, alright?
Lucas waves off their concerns about his ban from prom. He doesn’t want them wasting energy on him when it hardly matters. All things considered, being barred from stuff like this for the rest of the year seems like the best he could’ve asked for given all the bullshit he’s done this year. He slouches into his rolling chair, shrugging.
Lucas: I mean, it’s not like I was really psyched to go anyway. I think I’m more lucky I didn’t get expelled.
Dylan, under his breath: Would’ve boycotted that too.
Lucas: You guys have been looking forward to this for the last three years. It would be stupid for you to blow it just for me. Especially when we consider everything else you’ve already sacrificed for me. Like your sanity. And your clean legal record.
Dylan: I wasn’t mad.
Lucas, bluntly: You should have been. Asher was, but then, he’s always been the smartest out of the three of us.
A beat of quiet as that truth lingers between them. Lucas reiterates the point -- that he doesn’t want them to give up something they care about just because of him. They do enough of that already. Asher and Dylan exchange a look.
Dylan, softer: … well, we love you, man.
Lucas: I know. [ looking at them, then slowly ] And I love you guys, too.
Well, there’s a breakthrough! Dylan beams, looking to Asher in excitement. Asher is smiling too, although a bit more bashful. Lucas elects to move past the vulnerability quickly -- he can give it, but only so much at a time.
Lucas: Which is why I’m not letting you do this. You’re going to prom, and you’ll have a great time without me. Besides, someone has to give whatever posh performers are gunning for prom court a run for their money.
True enough. In fact...
That’s exactly what the rest of the techies are discussing as they start doing end of year inventory. It’s a long process, so they have to start early. Rather, they’re complaining as Jeff and DAVE WILLIAMS pick their way through the furniture and wood supplies under the prop loft. NATE MARTINEZ is supposed to be taking notes, but he’s not doing a great job.
JADE BEAMON is seated on a stack of wood pieces, nodding along as she feverishly works on the finishing touches to a wardrobe piece. It doesn’t look like a costume for any sort of production, however…
Nate: It’s rigged, anyway. Every year the most popular performers win so it’s not like the institution means anything.
Jeff: Does prom court mean anything… anywhere? Ever?
Dave: My parents were prom queen and king when they were seniors. They got a free dinner at Waffle House.
Jade: [ tearing a thread with her teeth ] Sounds like a better prize than performing at graduation.
Inspired by their complaints, Nate lights up with an idea. He claims that they should start a new tradition to go with their holiday party, and should throw a techie pre-prom bash. That way they can celebrate their year together and have real fun before they have to go deal with the performers all night.
Jade: You know, I think that’s the first idea of yours I’ve liked in months.
Nate bows, then enthusiastically gives Dave a high-five.
Their tomfoolery is interrupted by Isadora entering, all of them growing uncertainly quiet. She hesitates but then marches onward anyway, greeting them with the best attitude she can muster. She just came by to drop off some paperwork for them -- she already went ahead and inventoried the wood and set building supplies. This is good, because Nate definitely wasn’t doing it.
Jeff accepts her record, looking it over.
Dave: When did you do that?
Isadora: Oh, I just skipped Matthews’ class. [ offhandedly ] I could ace that class with my eyes closed, so. And probably brain damage.
It’s a nice gesture, and they’re not going to refuse it. Jeff awkwardly thanks her, silence settling over them once again. Isadora clears her throat, clasping her hands together. She expresses that she knows she messed up with them, and she is going to put in the effort to get back in their good graces.
She spins and escorts herself out without waiting for a response, leaving the four of them to contemplate her promise. Interesting development…
Dave: So… we don’t have to count the wood?
Charlie is having lunch with HALEY FISHER and CLARISSA CRUZ, although he doesn’t seem nearly as enthused about prom as they are. On the other side of the cafeteria, applause erupts again as another promposal between seniors gains public attention. So happy, so romantic!
Clarissa: I swear, nowhere in this school is safe right now.
Haley nudges Clarissa, claiming that she should be less cynical. It takes a lot of bravery to ask someone to prom in front of everyone else.
Clarissa: Yes, well, then they could just have a conversation about it. Or make a big deal about it, but like, between the two of you.
Haley: I think it’s romantic.
Clarissa: You think everything is romantic. You’re the most hopeless romantic I’ve ever met.
Haley: Charlie is too -- you agree with me, don’t you, Charlie?
In all honesty, Charlie was not listening. He blinks himself out of his daze, blankly agreeing with whatever Haley said. Clarissa rolls her eyes.
Haley goes to explain how much courage it takes to do such a public proposal. It demonstrates what you’re willing to go through for the other person, how much you like them. Charlie admits that it’s not exactly an act of bravery to ask someone who you know will say yes -- especially when there’s no stakes involved for either of you.
Haley: Well, there’s always stakes. You know, even if you think you know someone, they could always say no. And there’s a lot at stake with a rejection… you know, especially if it’s… [ looking at Charlie intently ] between good friends…
Whatever hint Haley is trying to lay down, it’s going right over Charlie’s head. He shrugs, claiming he might not even go to prom. He’s just... not feeling it this year. Haley is mortified, Clarissa looking between the two of them apprehensively. This seems like a recipe for disaster.
Meanwhile, the techies are enjoying lunch at their usual indoor table when NIGEL CHEY approaches. He greets them before turning his focus to Jade.
Nigel: … hey, Jade.
Jade, shy: … um, hi.
Nigel: I, uh… I just had a quick question. I was wondering if, uh --
All of the techie eyes are on him, making this whole situation a lot more intense. Dylan is watching with wide eyes, wondering if what he thinks is going to happen is about to happen. Jade might be holding her breath. Nigel pushes up his sleeves nervously, clearing his throat.
Jade: … yes?
Nigel: I was just… [ quickly ] I had a question about the costume you made for that number last week. It’s actually… it’s nothing, I’ll just ask you about it in class. Sorry, ha ha. Didn’t mean to interrupt.
Jade: … oh. Okay.
Clearly not what he actually intended to ask. Nigel backs off awkwardly, making a quick escape. Jade tries to hide her disappointment. Asher and Dylan exchange a look across the table, shaking their heads. Pathetic!
All of the missed prom-portunities are forgotten, however, as soon as Maya and Zay arrive to kick off their pronouncement of going together. Evidently Zay agreed, because here they go…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Greedy” as performed by Ariana Grande || Performed by Maya Hart & Zay Babineaux
It’s been a while since we’ve endured a good old disruption in the cafeteria during lunch hour, and this time Lucas is less likely to pull the fire alarm than ever. So Maya and Zay take full advantage of it, bringing up the energy with their talent and an undeniable bop.
They make a point of pulling other people into it at their tables, and of course, Maya is going to climb up onto the tables in her heeled boots. It’s not quite the same full-blown jam session as “Looking At Me” from earlier in the season, but people seem to be into it and in the general prom mood. Spirits are high!
Well, mostly. There is one pointed shot of Charlie forcing a smile as everyone else grooves along, likely wishing he could be anywhere else.
It’s not so much a promposal as it is… a spectacle, but boy, do they know how to put on a show… once they wrap, Maya makes the official statement that they’re campaigning for prom royalty, and if people have any taste, they sure know who to vote for come prom night.
Given how naturally glamorous the two of them are, up high on the table top and looking fresh as ever, it’s hard to argue with that!
Riley is hanging up her dress for prom, a classic and simple lavender floor-length number. She’s fretting over it as she vents to Maya, expressing that she’s still debating the whole upstate move thing Topanga has saddled her with.
Maya: Well, do you want to move?
Riley: I… it’s not that simple.
Maya: It should be. Either you want to go, or you don’t.
Riley: Yes, but… I mean… there’s lots to think about.
Maya: She said it was your choice.
Riley: Yeah, well, my mom says a lot of things she doesn’t mean, so…
Maya: Have you talked to Cory about it? He might have some insight. Or like, Eric?
Riley chews her lip, avoiding the question. Maya straightens up, asking if anybody knows about this potential move other than the two of them. Riley has plenty of excuses ready as to why she hasn’t mentioned it to anyone else, but Maya isn’t interested in hearing them. She claims she at least, at least, needs to tell Cory. He deserves to know, lest another life-changing thing get sprung on him with no warning.
Maya: Believe me, as the girl with no parents because of sudden life-altering moves, you owe him that decency.
Youch. Well, that’s tough to debate. Riley absorbs it, focusing back on her dress and smoothing it out nervously.
ROSIE GARDNER is chilling on her bed with her laptop, listening to pop music and humming to herself. Charlie comes and knocks on her door, pointedly until she takes out her earbuds.
Rosie: Ugh, yes? Can I help you?
Charlie: You’re so nice. How about, hey, Charlie? How was your day?
Rosie: I’m fourteen, I have the right to be obnoxious.
Charlie: I wouldn’t say it’s a right so much as an active choice.
Rosie groans, asking him what he even came in here for in the first place. He asks if she has anything going on this weekend -- perhaps they could go do something together. It’s been a minute since they did some brother-sister bonding.
Rosie: I dunno. I guess we could go see that new Chris Evans movie. I think it’s coming out next weekend, and I’m probably free Saturday --
Charlie: … well, I was thinking more this weekend. Specifically. Like not next weekend. This weekend.
Rosie: I know what this weekend means, weirdo. [ looking up movies ] Why are you so set on that? Isn’t it prom this weekend?
Charlie: … well, you know, it’s not a big deal. I was thinking I probably wouldn’t even go anyway, so.
Rosie, offended: Charlie! Ew, no, you can’t not go to prom. Don’t be lame, you’re embarrassing me.
Charlie, scoffing: This has nothing to do with you! You don’t even know anybody I go to school with.
Rosie: Yes, but by Gardner law, I’m associated. Just go with your friends! It does not have to be that deep.
Okay… fair point. Charlie questions if her blatant disgust means they’re not going to the movies, and she claims next week… after he doesn’t embarrass their family name by going to prom like everyone else. So much for finding a clever way out.
Speaking of clever escapes, JACK HUNTER is still struggling to find a way out of the Bradford debacle. So much to the point that he’s now elected to share the issue with Lucas, sitting opposite him with ERIC MATTHEWS as they get him up to speed.
It’s obviously not the kind of thing you want to hear. Lucas is hiding his head in his hands, cursing to himself before turning back to Jack.
Lucas: How long have you known about this?
Jack: … a couple months --
Lucas: Months?
Eric tries to keep stress levels at a manageable level, taking over for Jack in explaining exactly what the suit entails and what the Bradfords are hoping to gain from it. Essentially, they’re hoping that publicly printing Jack’s “questionable” enrollment processes will force his hand. Either he’ll cave and let her enroll regardless, or public dissent will push him to oust Lucas, making room for her in his vacant spot.
Jack, reassuringly: Which will not happen.
But for it to gain any traction, it needs to smell somewhat of a scandal (even if it isn’t) -- which is why they’ve targeted Lucas as their student to blame. They’ve obviously done their research. And between Lucas’s unique situation for enrollment, his lack of participation in the more showcased elements of the school, and his behavioral record…
Lucas, exasperated: I’m guessing stealing a car didn’t help!
Jack frowns. It’s clear he didn’t want to get Lucas involved if he could help it, and seeing this stressed reaction from him is exactly why. But Eric placates them both, reminding them that the fight isn’t over until it’s over. They will be able to brainstorm a way to fix this -- it’s just going to take a concerted effort.
Eric: We will be able to make this work. But it’s going to take a team effort, and total cooperation. You have to trust us, Lucas, and you have to be willing to cooperate. Can you do that? Can you work with us?
What a question, and posed to the notorious school troublemaker at that. But Lucas doesn’t want to leave AAA -- let alone be forced out. He sighs, tilting his head back and swallowing his pride before nodding.
Lucas: Okay. Yeah. [ serious ] Just tell me what to do.
He looks to Jack, meeting his eyes. Ready to do whatever it takes.
Charlie is at his locker, relaying the rejection by his own sister to Riley. She’s leaned back against the lockers, listening sympathetically as he points out another crappy addition to what has been a crappy last couple of weeks.
Along those lines, Riley questions if Charlie still thinks he might transfer to a different school. He hasn’t heard back from Haverford yet, but is he still seriously considering the notion?
Charlie, diplomatically: Given that Zay and I were able to lay everything out there and at least confront the reality of our situation, I don’t think it’s really a necessary maneuver anymore. I mean, the situation is far from ideal, but that I can deal with. I’ve been living in far from ideal my whole life.
Riley: Sad, but sort of inspiring, I guess.
Charlie: I will admit though… it was kind of nice, going through that whole process. Just going out there, you know, proving that I could do things. That I was capable. [ smiling to himself ] If anything, at least I came away with that.
Riley mirrors his smile. Then they’re back on the subject of prom, Charlie lamenting that he doesn’t see what the point is of going if he can’t be there with the person he would actually want to spend it with.
Riley: Considering my ideal date has literally been banned from all school activities and therefore can go nowhere near it, I think I can say I relate.
Charlie: Tragic.
Charlie mentions what his sister said about not making it that deep and just going with friends, and this seems to strike something in Riley. A smile drifts onto her face.
Charlie: Oh no. I know that look. What are you thinking?
Riley: Just that dear Rosamund might have a point. If we are going to be miserable and repressed all night long, then we should at least be miserable in good company.
Charlie: … I don’t know if I like where this is going…
Riley turns to face him, a mischievous smile on her face. She leans in conspiratorially -- her delivery would be more convincing though if she wasn’t so inherently cute.
Riley: Charlie Gardner! [ in a whisper ] Will you go to prom with me?
Charlie stares at her, expression betraying nothing. She matches his gaze, wiggling her eyebrows. Then he can’t help but crack a smile.
Charlie: Well when you look at me like that, how could I say no…
Riley grins, bouncing on her feet and lightly punching him on the shoulder.
The first step to putting Lucas in less jeopardy -- actually participating in class. He’s meeting with HARPER BURGESS to discuss how to make his optics better in that regard. Unfortunately, there’s really only one thing he can do…
Harper: If you do even one performance, then at least you’d have something to point to if the case attempts to jump down your throat.
True. Although he looks like he’d rather die, Lucas reluctantly accepts that point. So it’s official -- he’ll be performing a number this week!
Harper: It’s for the best, actually. Everyone else is so consumed with prom fever, they won’t even remember it happened.
Zay: Are you kidding? It’s Lucas James Friar. No one is ever going to forget this.
Lucas: Yeah, um, [ pointing to Zay ] what is he doing here again?
Harper gestures Zay forward to join them. She explains that considering Lucas is literally starting from scratch, he’s going to need help when it comes to choreography. And singing. And well… basically all of it. She figured Zay is one of their best performers and far more willing to lend a hand than, say, Maya. If Lucas wants a chance of pulling off a decent performance, having his help would be his best bet.
Harper: That is, of course, if you’re up for it, Zay.
Zay: Honestly, I would welcome the distraction. It’s been… an interesting few weeks.
So that’s that. We’ve got the team, we’ve got the plan -- time to make shit happen! Even if it kills Lucas in the process. As the backbeat floats in…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “I Think He Knows” as performed by Taylor Swift || Performed by Dylan Orlando (feat. Asher Garcia)
Two AMBITION firsts in one, as Dylan kicks off his first mostly solo performance by bringing Taylor Swift into the song catalogue. He starts off at his locker, giving us a glimpse into the interior which despite the mess is basically as bursting with love as he is -- full of photos of his friends, his family, and Asher.
Of course, there’s Asher.
And that’s what he’s focused on as he slides into the pre-chorus (“He’s got that boyish look that I like in a man, I am an architect I’m drawing up the plans”). When he sings “It’s like I’m seventeen nobody understands,” he sure means it, because he is seventeen, and nobody does understand. Whew, Taylor really just knows how to write ‘em!
Then he launches into dance, strutting his way down the halls with a definite spring in his step. It’s nowhere near as elaborate as performer choreography would be, but it’s charming and just sharp enough that it’s clear Dylan’s got some real talent.
Dylan takes the number into the auditorium, making his way over to the prop loft where he’s guaranteed to find Asher. There’s a brief sequence he basically serenades Asher from down below, scaling the fence around the set pieces until he convinces him to come down. The whole thing is dynamic and fun and a little bit theatrical, humoring their classmates as they watch from the stage before class.
On the bridge, Asher takes over the vocals, taking Dylan’s hand and leading him through the backstage areas. Dylan follows along happily, waiting until they’ve reached the other side of the stage to pull him back towards him. Asher presses their foreheads together (“Where we gonna go… I whisper in the dark… where we gonna go…”), then drifts away as Dylan belts out the note that throws us back into the chorus.
The final swell of the song takes place center stage, surrounded by classmates and with nothing but good energy. The techies are laughing along, cheering, and even the performers are enjoying the rendition. Dylan and Asher sway together in a circle with the beat, doing a final spin under Dylan’s arm before falling back together and breaking into laughter to take it home. The A class breaks into applause, Asher pulling Dylan down into a quick kiss.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you prom-pose!
In the high energy after the performance, Nigel casts another glance towards Jade across the stage. It seems like he really might do something, and she definitely acknowledged his eye contact… but then nothing.
Isadora also notices the exchange, curiosity piqued. She raises her eyebrows, Sherlock brain turning before Maya pulls her into a conversation about how the twink performance was clearly not better than hers and Zay’s… right? Right?
Isadora brings up the notion while hanging out with Maya and Riley, the three of them spending an evening together to map out prom logistics. She questions if either of them noticed it too, or whether Nigel has ever even shown interest in their classmates before. Maya claims he’s never dated anyone in their class, and Riley states that maybe he’s just shy.
Maya scoffs, focused on painting her toenails a shiny silver.
Maya: Look, Nigel is lean meat. I mean, don’t get me wrong, he’s talented, but the boy has no moxy. He has let Farkle walk all over him for three years, when if he just put like, a crumb of effort in he may have already had a lead by this point.
Riley: You know, it could be that he just… doesn’t care that much.
Maya: Well that was his first mistake.
The point is, if Nigel does have interest in Jade -- which Maya doesn’t get, because she forgets who Jade is half the time -- then it’s more than likely he will do absolutely nothing about it.
Isadora: That’s too bad.
Maya: I mean… I guess.
Riley: Maybe they just want to go with their friends. Prom doesn’t have to be inherently romantic, you know. [ off Isadora’s nod ] I mean, I’m going with Charlie, and --
Maya: Wait. [ sitting up ] You and Charlie are going together?
Riley: Yeah. But, like, just as friends.
Maya: Oh… oh. That’s… interesting.
There’s a plot twist. If Riley’s unnerved by Maya’s tone, she has the right to be. It’s an odd moment, and it’s only subdued by Cory calling for the girls from the living room. There’s a surprise here for them!
And what a surprise it is. Maya practically screams when she finds KATY HART in the living area, having just arrived with VALERIE DE LA CRUZ. She runs over and launches into her arms, the two of them hugging tightly.
Maya: Oh my God, what are you doing here?
Katy: Val helped me. Paid my way, so that I could be here for prom.
Isadora: No way?
Valerie: Oh, it was nothing. Hardly a penny out of my pocket. I know how much it meant to me to be here for this weekend -- figured the least I could do would be to allow a good friend the same opportunity.
Certainly no arguments here. Maya and Katy hug again, elated. Cory and Riley exchange smiles, Cory pulling her to his side and into a hug.
Valerie pulls Isadora aside, greeting her and stating that she wants to do something special after prom. Like a girls night, deglam and rejuvenate and catch up. Deglam being key, because Valerie knows Isadora is going to look stunning. She can’t wait!
Isadora is totally open to the idea. She nods, matching her enthusiasm.
Jack is at his desk, going through the Bradford paperwork. He’s flagging and highlighting every potential point he might have to refute in an argument, emails open on his desktop of pitches he’s going to send to school board members for support if the complaint breaks.
Eric pokes his head in and knocks on the door pointedly.
Eric: Knock knock.
Jack: Who’s there?
Eric: Stop obsessing.
Jack: Okay, we’re done with the bit --
Eric smiles, leaning against the doorframe. He knows Jack is concerned, but he’s already thought so extensively about this problem. He needs to take a mental break from it, before he burns himself out. Besides, there’s always the chance that it won’t even ever go public.
Yes, a chance… but a chance isn’t a guarantee. Jack claims he just wants to be prepared for the worst, which Eric can’t exactly argue against.
What he can do is change the subject. He states he wanted to double check that they’re both still on for chaperoning the dance on Saturday. Jack confirms, wondering why plans would have changed.
Eric: Well… you know, given your own personal circumstances, I just figured you might not want to --
Jack: Eric, I’m fine. [ with a shrug ] After all, what better distraction is there from the shambles of your personal life than watching out for a bunch of rowdy, dramatic teenagers all night long? Can’t think of anything better.
Eric: At least your humor is still intact.
Jack makes a face, accenting the point.
Zay, pre-lap: Okay, literally, what the hell is the matter with you?
Zay is attempting to teach Lucas choreography, but it’s clearly far from easy. Not that that’s surprising, but it’s evident that Lucas was not meant to be a dancer. It’s a challenge unlike anything Zay has ever confronted before, regardless of how hard Lucas is trying.
Zay: I don’t -- like, is your brain connected to your limbs? How is this not clicking?
Riley enters, brightening when she finds them both. She asks how everything is going, and the look that both of them give her basically answers her question for them.
Riley: I hope I’m not interrupting.
Zay: No, you know what? It’s good. I need a break. Rome wasn’t built in a God damn free period. [ pointing to Lucas ] Don’t go anywhere with your two left feet, Fry Pan.
Lucas holds out his arms. What do you want from me? As Zay marches off, Riley tries to hold back her smile as she joins Lucas at center stage.
Riley: So seems like it’s going good, then.
Lucas: Oh, haha. [ making a face ] You know -- and this may shock you -- I’m not a dancer.
Riley, gasping: No. You’re kidding?
Lucas: I know, I know. Brand new information.
Riley smiles, asking to take a look at Zay’s choreography sheets. Lucas hands them over, Riley hopping onto the stacked acting blocks and reading them over for herself. He watches her as she reads, only shifting his gaze to his feet when she glances up to look at him.
She says that all things considered, the choreography isn’t so bad. He just has to keep working at it, and the whole thing is pretty low stakes anyway.
Riley: What even made you decide to do a performance? I have to admit, I never thought I would see the day.
Lucas: … well, with everything I did this year, figure it’s the least I can do. Just putting the karmic cycle back in balance.
Riley: You believe in karma?
Lucas: Could be. Either way, mine is shit. Objectively speaking.
Riley gives him a look. She glances back down at the papers and then states she’s sure he’ll be fine, and she for one is looking forward to the show. He rolls his eyes.
Lucas: You know, they have words for people who demonstrate ridiculous belief in unreliable things. It’s called blind faith. Usually it’s reserved for important things though. Gods, governments. Conventional belief systems.
Riley: Well, I’m nothing if not unconventional.
Lucas, quietly: Yeah.
The tension between them is palpable, even with the fair amount of space between them. They hold each other’s gaze, another one of those moments where they can’t seem to look away from one another. If it were possible, they might just stand there and look at each other forever.
Fortunately -- or maybe unfortunately, depending on your perspective -- Zay keeps that from happening. He reenters and tells Lucas to get ready to run it again, totally oblivious to their lingering moment. Riley hops off the acting blocks as Lucas clears his throat, directing his attention back to Zay.
Riley: I’ll get out of your way. Good luck. [ smiling ] Both of you.
Zay waves her off, sending her on her way. Once she’s gone, he turns back to Lucas and lets out a grand sigh.
Lucas: Now you’re just being a bitch.
Jade is in the costume department, ignoring the task of organizing the leftover fabrics from this year and painstakingly attempting to fix the project she’s been working on all week. When someone enters she jumps and tries to hide the garment, straightening up and nervously looking towards the doors.
It’s not who she was expecting. Isadora enters, pushing a costume rack.
Isadora: Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.
Jade: No, it’s okay. I’m just um… it’s fine.
Isadora nods, bringing the rack all the way in. She explains that she got a head start on the inventorying of the costumes, and all the ones on the rack here are finished. She intends to put them back after theatre lab, if that’s alright.
Jade, surprised: Um… sure. Yeah, that would be helpful.
Isadora: Great. [ a beat ] I really am sorry, Jade. It wasn’t intentional, but I know I dropped the ball when it comes to pulling my weight on our team. [ hesitant ] And our friendship.
Well, Jade isn’t going to tell her otherwise. She shrugs lightly, acknowledging the apology but not necessarily accepting it quite yet. It’ll take time, and Isadora gets that. But she’s said her piece, and now all she can do is keep working to make reparations.
As she’s heading out, though, she decides there’s one more thing she wants to say.
Isadora: About Nigel.
Jade: Huh?
Isadora: Nigel. If you want to go to prom with him… then you should just ask him yourself. Don’t wait around for some boy to do the job right when you’re perfectly capable of doing it -- and probably better. He’s chicken, but the way he’s been looking at you… I’m pretty sure he would say yes.
Something to think about, at least. Jade considers it as Isadora exits, leaving her alone with the costumes.
Riley has joined Charlie, Clarissa, and Haley for lunch. As they chat the notion of Charlie and Riley going to prom together comes back up, Haley visibly taken aback by the reveal. She starts to question how that came to be, obviously struggling to accept it, when their conversation is totally derailed by Maya paying a visit to their table.
Although she’s all bright smiles, the tone is mildly threatening as Maya confronts Riley and Charlie. She also is questioning their union for promenade, wondering if their admittedly perfect cookie-cutter image is intent on also campaigning for prom court. Because it would sure be a shame for them to have to go head to head…
Maya might be built like a pixie, but the threat behind her words resonates loud and clear. Charlie shakes his head, stammering to correct her thinking.
Charlie: Oh, we’re not --
Riley: We weren’t planning to --
Yeah, no. It’s a no. This seems to appease Maya, who relaxes and turns back on the charm. Still, her friendly laughter still feels ominous as she wishes them the best, and reminds them not to forget to vote for her and Zay for prom king and queen come Saturday evening.
Clarissa shakes her head, reiterating her former stance.
Clarissa: Nowhere and nothing is safe.
Eric is putting on his most encouraging counselor smile, sitting across from Isadora and Farkle. He’s just wrapping up a pitch, stating that considering they’ve become such good friends in the last few months, he thought maybe it would be a good idea for them to go to prom as a duo. Just as friends. Pals, looking out for one another! Good, old, promenade buddies.
Farkle seems entertained by the mere suggestion. Isadora looks unamused.
Isadora: So you want me to babysit him.
Eric: That’s -- that’s not what I said.
Farkle: That’s basically what you said.
Eric tries to save face, but he forgot he’s dealing with the two most intuitive (and judgmental) students in the junior class. They see right through his facade, recognizing this tactic for exactly what it is.
Isadora: Also, what makes you assume I don’t already have a date?
Eric: … well do you?
[ Farkle looks to Isadora, raising his eyebrows. When she huffs, he cracks a smirk. ]
Isadora: No, but that’s not the point.
Eric relents, talking to them straight. Yes, they want Farkle to have company at the dance due to his history over the last few months. Ideally, this would be a small ask, considering they are friends and would likely be hanging out at the event anyway.
Eric: You are friends, yes?
Isadora: Request pending.
Farkle: I think of it more as intellectual sparring partners.
There’s really no good way to respond to that. Eric requests that they consider the option, as it would be a favor to him if nothing else. Give him a little peace of mind.
That’s just the selling point he needed to flex. Isadora glances between them, then sighs, claiming Farkle will pick her up when she decides he will.
Eric is thrilled, and Farkle doesn’t look all that opposed either. This, he claims, is a good thing. They’re thwarting problems before they even arise. No problems for junior prom this year!
Clarissa runs into Charlie, concerned. She takes his arm.
Clarissa: Problem. Big problem.
When Charlie asks her what the heck is going on, she states that Haley has finally broken down. She’s up in the costume loft and is refusing to talk, and she’s effectively decided she is not going to prom. Whatever crazy plague is running through their class, it’s finally hit her.
Charlie sighs, nodding and telling Clarissa he’ll handle it. He takes off at a jog towards the auditorium.
Haley is sitting amongst the costumes, wiping tears from her cheeks. When Charlie pulls himself into the loft it almost makes it worse, Haley shaking her head and telling him to go away.
Haley: As if this could not get any more humiliating.
Charlie: Hey, don’t worry, I have had… my fair share of breakdowns up here.
He settles down next to her, in the exact spot he was crying just an episode ago. He waits patiently for her to acknowledge him again, asking her why she’s so upset. Clarissa told him she wasn’t going to prom -- what’s that all about?
Haley shrugs, huffing and avoiding eye contact with him. She shakily admits that some part of her always thought… maybe it was stupid, but he really doesn’t get it. They can be friends for years, spend all this time together, and he still has no idea. And she just… she feels like such an idiot. All of this is just so stupid.
Charlie pauses, searching for how to tread cautiously.
Charlie: If we’re being honest with each other… I know.
Haley: You -- you know. You know that I --
Charlie: Yeah. I have for a while.
Haley: Oh God. [ hiding her head in her knees ] That’s even worse.
Charlie: It’s not, Hales. You can’t help who you like. [ a beat ] Although, still being honest… I don’t really think you do.
Haley lifts her head, frowning at him. She asks what he means, and Charlie tries to figure out the best way to articulate what he’s thinking.
Charlie: Believe me, I speak from experience here, but I think it’s… really easy to become in love with the idea of something. Things that seem easy, and perfect, if they could just work out a certain way. So we fall in love with those ideals, rather than the way things actually are.
Haley: So, what? You think I’m just making everything up?
Charlie: No, I believe some of it is real. I believe you love me -- and that makes sense, because I love you, too. We’ve been friends for years, like you said, and I can’t imagine what my time at Triple A would be like without you. I don’t want to.
[ Haley wipes her eyes. ]
Charlie: But I think, realistically, that’s all we’re ever going to be. And I think you know that, too -- it’s just safer to keep things the way they are now. Where you never get what you think you want, but then you never get hurt, either.
Haley: … okay, you’re kind of freaking me out here. Get out of my head.
Charlie, laughing: Like I said, talking from experience.
A quiet moment passes between them. Charlie goes on to state that Haley shouldn’t give up her junior prom, especially not over him. They’ll both be there, and they’ll still get to spend the evening together with Clarissa and Riley and the rest of their friends. It’ll be fun, even if it’s not the fantasy they imagine in their heads.
Charlie: And as for the rest of it… I guess you and I will both just have to see what the future holds. Rather than hiding behind expectations we know we’re never gonna meet.
A tough pill to swallow, but important. Haley exhales and then nods, giving up. Trading out the fantasy, but perhaps for the better. She gives him a smile.
Haley: I do love you, Charlie Gardner. That much is true.
Charlie returns the beam, accepting the hug she gives him.
Jade is standing outside the black box, watching Nigel chat with Yindra and NICK YOGI. Dylan and Asher stand behind her, hyping her up as she gears up to do the impossible.
Asher: Just be yourself. Be straight-forward.
Dylan: Go in there and get what you came for.
Jade: Right. Sure. [ a beat ] What if he says no?
Dylan: Sock him.
Asher glares at him, Dylan shrugging before smiling to himself. Asher takes the more serious approach, bracing Jade’s shoulders from behind.
Asher: If he says no, then it’s his loss. You’re Jade Beamon --
Dylan: Jade motherfucking Beamon!
Asher: And he would be lucky to get even an evening of your time. [ patting her shoulders ] Go get him, queen.
Dylan lightly nudges her forward, Jade taking a deep breath. Then she marches into the classroom, approaching Nigel and tapping him on the shoulder.
When he turns around and meets her eyes, for a second it seems like she’s going to run. But she squares her shoulders, clears her throat, and speaks as confidently as she can.
Jade: Nigel.
Nigel, surprised: Jade?
Jade: We should go to prom together. If you want to. I mean -- you should want to go with me. But only if you do. The point is -- will you go to prom with me? Maybe?
The back and forth between assertive and timid is jarring, but also quite charming. Nigel takes a moment to fully absorb what’s happening, but the smile that blooms across his face is near instantaneous.
Nigel: Yes. Yeah, I’d -- I’d like that a lot.
Jade: Great! I mean, um, great. Good. I’ll text you with details.
Nigel: Okay. Great.
Jade: Great. Okay… great.
Jade spins on her heel and marches back out, Yindra and Yogi exchanging wild looks. But Nigel is fully endeared, obviously not at all opposed to this turn of events.
As Jade escapes back into the hall, Dylan and Asher mob her with congratulatory hugs and pats on the back! She did it! Jade Beamon is going to prom with Nigel Chey, baby!
In tone with the celebratory mood, the bold brass opening floats in…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “I’ve Gotta Be Me” as performed by Glee Cast || Performed by Lucas James Friar (feat. Zay Babineaux)
Another AMBITION first for the bucket list, Lucas gives his first almost solo performance, with a Broadway number, and that isn’t fueled by pure rage. Zay is on stage with him to help with the choreography, but in some ways that’s a nice way to help take the pressure off. It’s sort of like a dress rehearsal rather than an actual performance.
And look… it’s not great. Lucas is not a performer, and he was never pretending to be. But it’s passable, and honestly the vocals aren’t half bad. There are even a couple of rare, fleeting moments where it seems like he might actually be having fun.
The real fun is for the audience though. His classmates are near entranced by the spectacle, having watched Lucas do nothing but grump and roll his eyes for three years straight -- and especially the majority of this year. Farkle is watching with his jaw dropped open, blankly stunned. Riley is hiding her fond grin behind her hands, shaking her head. Isadora is openly laughing, but with him rather than at him. Even Jack and Eric came to watch, thoroughly amused, and maybe a little bit proud.
The techies are cheering along the entire time, and when Lucas gets through that last note and hits those last steps with Zay, they leap to their feet and give him a standing ovation. Given the year he’s had, the uproarious applause sort of feel well-deserved.
He survived, God damn it, he survived!
Jade is leading Asher into the floor level of the costume department by both hands, the latter having been instructed to keep his eyes closed. He’s playing along, but nervously, reminding Jade that he hates surprises and also hates not being able to see.
Asher: You know going blind is one of my anxieties.
Jade: Everything is one of your anxieties. But hold on, we’re almost there.
She gets him right in front of where she’s hung up her latest project, pulling back and instructing him to open his eyes. He does, seeing the surprise and expression growing shocked.
It’s a pair of suit jackets, custom-made for junior prom. They align with the theme in terms of the subtle allusions to stars and shimmering elements factored into the design, but they’re inverse in terms of colors -- one mainly creme-colored with darker accents, and the other dark with lighter accents. Matching, but unique. And clear labors of love, from a seamstress who knows her craft.
Jade explains how she got the idea to make them, how she wanted to make sure they were clearly a matching set like Asher and Dylan, but also distinct from one another.
Jade: We just used to talk all the time about how fun it would be to have custom stuff for prom, when we got there one day. And you used to always talk about what you and Dylan could wear, but then would get all embarrassed, as if that was silly. Like it would never happen, that you couldn’t last that long. [ a beat ] Well, we got here, and I just figured after the hell year we’ve had…
Asher is staring at them, speechless. He’s tearing up, at a loss for what to do. Jade takes the impending waterworks as a bad sign, searching for a way to recover.
Jade: I mean, if there’s something you’d like better, you can just tell me. Or if you already picked out tuxes, that’s totally fine too, you don’t have to wear them --
Asher interrupts her nervous rambles, barreling her with a hug. The embrace is tight, and although there are tears the tone in his voice conveys that they’re happy.
Asher: I love you so much.
Jade beams, getting choked up too. She hugs him back.
Jade, teary but laughing: I love you, too.
Prom night is upon us! There’s a flurry of activity at the Matthews apartment, making it more lively than its been in months.
AUGGIE MATTHEWS is there to help Riley get ready and spend the weekend with Cory. Riley is obviously happy that he’s there, grinning when she emerges from the hall in her gorgeous lavender gown and he jumps up in excitement. She questions where their dad is and Auggie nods towards the fire escape, Cory visible through the window.
Riley delicately climbs her way out onto the balcony, Cory going to help her through when he notices she’s trying. Once they’ve got her upright, he gets a good look at her and goes soft with fatherly pride.
Cory, softly: You look lovely.
Riley smiles, both of them adjusting further out onto the fire escape. They take a moment to look at the scenery of their street, throwing a couple of jokes back and forth about how she’s going to prom with Charlie and whether or not Cory should be worried (he should not at all).
After a moment of quiet, Riley pecks up the courage to speak on what she really needs to say.
Riley: When mom called a couple weeks back, it wasn’t just to check in. She, um… [ off his wary expression ] She wants me to come upstate, too. For senior year.
Cory: … oh. [ swallowing hard ] Oh.
Riley: I’m not telling you because I’ve made any sort of decision, yet, or anything like that. I’m going to take the time to really… really think about it, and make sure I make the right choice for me. [ a beat ] But I just… wanted you to know what was going on. And also that no matter what happens, I’m still with you. I’m not going to leave you alone.
Cory nods, trying his best to accept it. Riley hesitates, deciding if she wants to continue.
Riley: Regardless of what I choose though… I need to be clear that I can’t be in the middle anymore. I love you both, but I am tearing myself apart trying to keep up with the constant back and forth. Trying to keep things civil in this family when I don’t think that’s supposed to be my job.
Cory: It’s not… Riley, I never meant for --
Riley: I know. And part of it is me -- feels like I’m always looking for other things to focus on and fix rather than myself. [ with a deep breath ] But I can’t keep living like that. I need to start focusing on myself… and that comes with setting boundaries. I love you, dad, but I can’t carry your baggage with mom anymore. It’s your fight, not mine.
Cory hesitates, obviously feeling guilty. Then he nods, assuring her that he’ll try his best to remember that. He doesn’t want to make this any harder for her than it already is. And if she’s trying to get him to hear her, then he’s listening. He really is going to try.
Riley smiles lightly, leaning forward to pull him into a hug. He returns the embrace, stating that he’s grateful he gets to be here with her on this important night. They pull apart, Cory fixing a piece of her hair.
Cory: Absolutely beautiful.
She smiles again.
Katy and Maya are sharing a similar bonding moment. Katy has taken over eyeliner duties, adjusting Maya’s makeup with her expert hand. She claims Maya has a tendency for overdoing it, which makes her laugh.
Maya: Tell me something I don’t know.
When she’s all finished, Katy looks at her daughter lovingly. She looks stunning, in a beautiful silver and white dress and blonde hair glossy as ever.
Katy: Like bona fide royalty. [ touching her chin ] No matter what the votes say.
Maya grins. She pulls her into an embrace.
JENNIFER MINKUS is nitpicking at Farkle, brushing off the shoulders of his navy suit jacket. He tells her to stop fussing, but she requests just one more second. She reaches up on instinct to fix his hair then remembers there’s not as much there as there used to be. Then she smiles, bracing his shoulders.
Jennifer: Beautiful boy. Perfect.
The housekeeper claims that the driver is downstairs, so Farkle should start heading out. STUART MINKUS shares an exchange with him as he’s in the entryway, offering him a Minkus good luck charm. It’s a silver lapel pin, a little crest shape related to their family coat of arms.
Stuart carefully pins it to Farkle’s lapel.
Stuart: You know, I wore this when I went on my first date with your mother -- and look where we are now.
Farkle, scoffing: It’s not -- this isn’t that kind of…
He doesn’t finish the sentence, letting it trail off. Stuart’s expression is amused, claiming he doesn’t quite buy it, but relenting for now.
When he finishes and smooths the lapel to crisp perfection, he takes a moment to really take in his son. Still with him, still standing in spite of everything that’s unfolded. It’s clear that there’s something he wants to say to him, heavy with the same weight that him sleeping at his hospital bedside all through his recovery held.
Yet, the words still don’t exist. Emotional expression has never been paramount in the Minkus household, and old habits die hard.
Instead, he pats his shoulder bracingly and wishes him luck. Jennifer comes to join Stuart as Farkle steps out, both of them wishing him a good time. Have some fun! This is your night of freedom, soak it up for all it’s worth!
Isadora, pre-lap: I don’t see how much fun it could be when we’re being watched by faculty all night long.
Isadora is seated at the vanity in Eric’s guest room, the space she’s taken over while staying with him. It seems that per their last conversation, Eric is keeping to his word with Valerie and is giving Isadora an actual legitimate place to stay in the mean time rather than Blue’s couch.
She’s sitting impatiently as Lucas stands behind her, braiding pieces of her hair to complete her prom look. A hidden talent, perhaps? It looks pretty, to say the least. He plainly states that she’ll be having more fun than him no matter what, there’s little doubt about that.
As he wraps up the last braid, Isadora pulls on her Converse and carefully gets to her feet.
Lucas: What, no heels?
Isadora: Are you kidding me? I think I’d break my ankles.
Lucas: Very “I’m not like other girls” of you.
Isadora: This is not about faux-originality, this is about my comfort and safety. As well as the safety of others.
The shoes hardly put a dent in the overall ensemble anyway. She’s in a gorgeous dark blue number, accented with a sheer layer of star patterns and custom designed by one of Valerie’s designer friends. It’s certainly not her typical ensemble, but she makes it work. Beautiful, but still a force to be reckoned with.
Lucas smiles, lightly punching her shoulder. He tells her she looks good, and she nudges him back before saying thanks.
Lucas, more serious: Sorry I can’t be there. To be there for you.
Isadora: It’s whatever. Be sad for your own sake, not mine.
Eric calls for Isadora from the hall, the two of them heading towards the door.
Eric is adjusting his suit and tie in the hall mirror when there’s a curt knock at the door. He goes to open it, delighted to greet Farkle on the other side. He gestures him inside, Farkle awkwardly making his way in and stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Both of them soften when Isadora emerges from the hall, obviously exceeding expectations. Eric tells her that she looks great -- Farkle says nothing, because he has no words. How are you supposed to react when your intellectual sparring partner shows up looking like that?
For a moment, all of them just hang awkwardly in the living area. Lucas clears his throat, scratching at his neck. That’s as good a cue as any, and Eric claims they should get going if they’re going to get there early to help set up. The price they pay, carpooling with a chaperone.
Eric ushers them out, giving Lucas a pat on the shoulder and telling him he’ll drop him off at his destination for the first half of the evening. And away they go! As their door closes…
Another opens, Riley standing bright and smiling on the doorstep of the Gardner home. AMBROSE GARDNER takes care to greet her cheerfully and help her inside, asking if there’s anything he can get her.
She should be grateful that the sanest member of the family met her first. ELEANOR GARDNER excitedly comes in from the kitchen moments later, greeting her enthusiastically and wanting to know a million things about her. Of course, they’ve heard so much about her already -- feels like Charlie is always talking about her!
From the living room, Rosie and DAISY GARDNER watch curiously.
Daisy: She’s pretty.
Rosie: Yeah.
Daisy: How did Charlie manage to get that?
Rosie: Shh.
As if summoned, Charlie rushes down the stairs. He looks charming in his relatively simple tuxedo, the touches of purple in his tie and pocket square perfectly accenting Riley’s dress. She gives him a hug as he reaches the bottom of the stairs, all of the Gardners eyeing them as they interact in front of them for the first time.
And to be fair, they look lovely. They seem near classic, the picture of prom perfection… but it’s so… boring. Whatever spark of flirtation Eleanor thinks she’s seeing between them, it’s absolutely nothing.
Still, she insists on getting some photos before they go. Charlie is embarrassed, but he allows it. As they’re assembling against the wall by the door, he leans over to whisper to her.
Charlie: Sorry about this. You look great, by the way.
Riley: Thanks. You too. And it’s fine. These’ll be great pictures to show my kids someday.
The choice of “my” rather than “our” is very pointed. Charlie gives her a look, elbowing her and earning a giggle out of her. Eleanor captures the moment, claiming that’s the perfect one.
Then Charlie tries to plot their escape, claiming they really should get going. Ambrose thanks Riley for driving -- Eleanor jokingly warns them not to stay out too late! A-wink!
Charlie looks like he’d rather be dead. Riley holds back her laughter as they escape into the night, the whole family sending them off cheerfully.
Once they’re gone, Ambrose and Eleanor exchange thoughtful looks.
Ambrose: She seems nice.
Eleanor, “knowingly:” Mhm… pretty…
Yeah, she really thinks this is something else. As she saunters back towards the kitchen…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “That’s What I Like” as performed by Bruno Mars || Instrumental
The techie pre-prom gathering is in full swing, the techie jams playlist on shuffle as they get ready together and mingle. Some of their parents are also in attendance (and likely to have a party of their own once they get them the hell out of there), namely LEVI GARCIA, EMILY GARCIA, and of course RANDALL ORLANDO.
Randall subtly interrupts a conversation between Lucas and Jade, where she’s just finished commenting on how nice it is for this gathering to be snapback free. It’s true that Lucas does stick out like a sore thumb, in his plain old blue flannel and jeans rather than dressed up like the rest of them.
The two of them exchange a bit of small talk before Randall gets to the point, asking Lucas about how things are going. Considering the last he heard about everything was literally picking up Dylan from the police precinct because of the joy ride, it stands to reason that he would be interested in knowing since he’s let Lucas back in his home since then.
To his credit, Randall has also been more of a dad to Lucas than his own, in spite of how avoidant Lucas can be. So he tells him the truth, stating that it’s been better but it’s also definitely been worse. He apologizes for what happened with the joy ride, and assures him that he’s banking on that sort of thing never happening again. Randall gives him a nod and a pat on the shoulder, approving.
The moment is interrupted as Nate gets their attention, using a cooking spoon as a faux microphone as he plays MC. He thanks them all for coming (which Dave and Jeff jeer at) before claiming he has the distinct pleasure of introducing their host and his paramour for the evening, showing off their custom-made, never before seen Jade Beamon originals.
Nate: First up -- you know may know him as Dyl Pickle, vlogger extraordinaire, the deviant who once stuck a whopping thirty-two sticky notes to Shawn Hunter’s back in one class period. He’s as gay as they come, in every sense of the word. Host of the evening and renowned “kissing expert” --
Asher, from upstairs: NATE!
Nate: What? He told me to say it! Anyway, let’s give it up for the one-of-a-kind Dylan Blake Orlando.
All of them cheer theatrically as Dylan comes downstairs, sliding down the banister and hopping onto the bottom step. He shows off the suit jacket Jade made, looking even fresher and fun actually on him than just hanging in the costume loft. He spins and hams it up for a moment, then backs off so Nate can continue.
Nate: Equally as effervescent, our other star of the evening is not to be discounted. He’s smart, he’s sharp, he’s the scariest person you will ever meet if you piss him off or forget to organize the paints in alphabetical order. King of production design, prop mix master, puts the Ash in Ash Cash Money --
Dylan, taking the spoon: The love of my life --
Nate, taking it back: Hey, this is my gig! I didn’t ask for ad-libs.
Jeff: Drunk on power…
Nate: Anyway, let’s give it up ladies and gentlemen for the only one of us with any class, Asher L. Garcia!
Asher jogs down the stairs, looking equally as iconic in his custom suit jacket. He does a small spin as well to give the item it’s due moment, Dylan cheering the loudest of all of them.
Randall: Very nice, very good. Now, could I get a moment with my “gay vlogger sticky note” son?
The techies all cheer and laugh at his take, Dylan sliding across the hardwood to meet him. Jade and Asher link up, the former taking his hands and practically bouncing as she proclaims how good the suits turned out. They look amazing!
Lucas looks around at all of his friends, glammed up and excited. Distinctly left out of the excitement, only this time not by his own choice. Somehow, that’s worse.
He’s pulled out of it as Nate declares they still have one order of business, the seven of them regrouping. Dylan slips back into the circle between Asher and Lucas.
Nate: Now, as with any good tradition, we have some firsts to establish. And this shit is important -- it may be the most important thing we do in our lives at Triple A.
Jade: Speak for yourself.
Nate: As we know, the prom court institution at Adams is royally corrupt. It’s the same shit every single year.
Dave: Nothing new.
Jeff: Same old shit.
Nate: And to that, the techie tots say no more. We will be crowning our own reigning royalty this year, and that honor happens tonight. Without further ado --
For what it’s worth, the only two that don’t seem to know what’s happening are Asher and Dylan. They watch in confusion as Dave retrieves two pin cases from his interior pocket, handing them to Jade and Lucas respectively. Then they turn to face them, grinning wide at the stunned expressions on Dylan and Asher’s faces.
Nate: Congratulations, Pickle and Bird Bones. You’re fucking royalty.
Jade and Lucas move forward, pinning the brand new charms to Asher and Dylan’s lapels, respectively. The pins are small medals, the band being monochrome like techie uniforms and the metal piece a small crown.
The true kings have been crowned. Whatever happens next hardly matters.
Jade: Okay, we have to get out of here before Asher cries again.
Randall and the parents swoop in, insisting on one group photo before they all head out to wreak havoc. At first Lucas steps out of the photo, allowing them their classy group photo, but then all of them shout for him to get in the picture as well.
Dave leads the charge down the steps to the “party van,” i.e. their techie van they use for Home Depot runs. On the steps, Dylan and Asher hang back and check in with Lucas one last time.
Asher: You sure you don’t want to come?
Dylan, sing-song: We could sneak you in...
Lucas knows they damn well mean it. But he waves them off, assuring them that he’ll be fine. They need to go have fun and not worry about him for a night.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Good Love (Feel Like This)” as performed by Sir, Please || Performed by Nigel Chey (feat. Dave Williams, Nick Yogi, and AAA Juniors)
And so it is. Asher gives him a pat on the arm and then they’re off, leaving Lucas on the steps alone. He watches his friends head out without him, bittersweet smile on his face.
As the groovy rock hit floats in…
Prom roll up! The event is hopping, the large ballroom space beautifully decorated towards the stars theme and everyone’s appropriately matched outfits shimmering under the low lighting. The brightest lights are geared towards the DJ stage, which alternates between a sound system and live performances.
At present, Nigel is giving a riveting vocal performance while the junior and senior class parties on the dance floor. Dave is backing on guitar, Yogi on the keyboard, and other B Class students filling out the rest of the band.
Jade, Dylan, and Asher are right by the stage, Jade watching him perform with a mix of shyness and excitement. Every once in a while, he’ll look over at her and crack a smile.
Dylan and Asher are distracted when Isadora wanders over to join them, all of them immediately complimenting one another on their one-of-a-kind outfits. Dylan gives her a hug. Asher asks how it is being accompanied by Farkle Minkus, which Isadora claims isn’t terrible -- but it’s not particularly enchanting either.
Meanwhile, Farkle has just met up with Riley and Maya. They ask him how his evening is going so far -- is he having fun? It’s not too overwhelming, is it?
Farkle: Oh, yeah. Sweaty room, loud music, constant surveillance, date who didn’t even want to go with me. Time of my life, girls. Undoubtedly.
On the opposite side of the room, Charlie has just made his way over to the refreshments. He reaches for the ladle for the punch just at the same time as Zay, their hands brushing before they look up and lock eyes.
For a moment, neither of them say anything. They just take one another in -- well-groomed, nice tuxedos, the most they’ve even really seen of each other since the break-up -- before Zay manages to say something.
Zay: You look… classic.
Innocent enough. Charlie laughs nervously, nodding.
Charlie: And you look…
He can’t finish the sentence. What’s he going to say? No word is good enough. And where they are right now doesn’t allow for him to say what he’s actually thinking.
Thankfully, Maya swoops in and unwittingly throws him a life preserver. She interrupts their conversation, claiming that she needs for Zay to come dance with her lest people get the impression she can’t hold her own on the dance floor. She pays Charlie the same compliment in that he looks nice, before reminding him to vote Zay and Maya for prom king and queen!
Charlie: Okay, if you keep saying that, someone is going to murder you by the end of the night.
Maya: Attempted assassinations are just part of the job description.
Farkle regroups with Isadora, finding her amidst the crowd. The two of them stand in silence for a moment, absorbing the chaotic scene around them. Farkle eyes Jack and Eric across the room, talking to one another and not paying any attention to them, then leans down to whisper in Isadora’s ear.
Farkle: You wanna get out of here?
Isadora looks around at her classmates and teachers before her gaze lands on Farkle. She smiles, somewhere between a smirk and genuinely sweet.
Valerie emerges from the courthouse, seemingly in much better spirits than the last time she was there. She inhales a deep breath of fresh air, blithe smile on her face.
Katy opens the door to her hotel room, surprised to find Val standing on the other side. She’s carrying a bottle of champagne and doesn’t wait for an invitation to march inside. She tells Katy to grab a couple of glasses, they are celebrating!
Katy, uncertainly: Good news, I’m guessing?
Valerie: You know, in this industry, they tell you the most important thing is to hang on. Hang on by the skin of your teeth, dig your fingernails in, and never let go. Who would’ve known that applied to the rest of this crazy, mixed up world too?
Valerie pops the champagne and pours a glass for her and Katy, raising her glass.
Valerie: I persevered, and only good things have come from it. [ sublime ] Isadora is going to be mine. We’re going to be a real family.
Katy happily cheers to that, both of them taking a drink from their glasses. They settle down on the couch in the suite, Valerie absolutely giddy with the news. She can’t wait to tell Isadora. Katy can imagine -- she knows how important it is, having time with her baby girl.
An idea seems to strike Valerie in that moment, eyes widening. She reaches out and touches Katy’s arm, excited.
Valerie: You’ll come stay with us.
Katy: Wh -- what?
Valerie: Yes, yes, you’ll come back to New York and you’ll stay with us! You, me, Maya, and Isadora. The four of us will live together, four rough and tough, talented women surviving the concrete jungle as a team.
Katy: Oh, I don’t… I couldn’t --
Valerie: Katy, you belong here. In this city, with your daughter and your dreams. If I have proven anything in this endeavor, it’s that it’s never too late to change course and achieve something you never thought possible. [ a beat ] You belong in Manhattan, with Maya. Talent like yours shouldn’t be wasted in the farmland of Vermont.
Katy processes that, taking another sip of her champagne. If a Hollywood starlet is telling her she’s meant to be here, then who is she to refuse it?
Katy: Alright. Alright, then!
Valerie claps excitedly, already abuzz with so many new ideas.
Valerie: Oh, this is so exciting. This is amazing! Isadora and Maya are going to be over the moon. This is a bigger deal than when my good friend and mentee Lizzo basically single-handedly saved the R&B industry.
She raises her glass again for another toast. Katy grants it, their glasses clinking together.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Dance Again” as performed by Selena Gomez || Instrumental
The lighting is more aesthetic and dimmer as the prom goes on, the junior class out grooving on the dance floor. We get shots of different combinations of them dancing -- Charlie is with Haley and Clarissa, Jade and Nigel are giggly as they get comfortable with one another, Dylan and Asher are upholding their reigning title as cutest couple.
In the midst of the festivities, Eric grows concerned as he realizes he can’t find Isadora. Farkle is nowhere to be found either -- and that’s because they’re not there. They’re long gone, someone having disappeared right under his nose.
Eric grabs Riley from the edge of the dance floor, asking if she’s seen either of them. She claims not since they first got here… is everything okay? Eric doesn’t respond, pushing through the crowd to try and get a better look.
He’s surrounded by teenagers, and yet none are the two he’s specifically supposed to be keeping an eye on. Just as he’s on the verge of panic, Jack comes to his side and asks what’s going on. What’s with the look on his face?
Eric, breathless: Isadora -- and Farkle -- they’re not -- I can’t find --
Jack: Okay, relax, alright?
Eric: Relax? I lost two children!
Jack: Okay, we’ll find them. Alright?
Jack drags Eric out of the center of the room, passing by HARPER BURGESS as they go. He tells her she’s in charge, guiding Eric out of the venue.
Lucas emerges from his room with a box, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and clearly down to business. He and GRACE FRIAR are operating with relative ease, indicating that their third household member isn’t home at present.
He places the box on the table in front of her, claiming that he’s gone through it and he needs her to go through it too so they can decide whether or not to donate it. Grace seems intrigued, but not opposed to the idea.
Grace: Spring cleaning?
Lucas: Something in my life might as well be in order.
She chuckles a bit at that, although the joke is admittedly somewhat dark. She starts going through the contents, hesitating before telling Lucas she’s sorry that he didn’t get to go to prom. He shrugs it off, but his aloof facade has worn thin over the week.
Grace gives him a warm smile, stating that he’ll be able to go next year.
Lucas: Yeah, let’s see if I make it through this year first.
Valid point. Lucas leaves her to keep going through the stuff, agreeing they should get rid of it either way before Kenneth gets back.
Lucas steps back into his closet of a bedroom, sighing at all the junk there still is to go through. He frowns when his phone vibrates in his pocket, growing even more confused when he sees who is calling. He answers.
Lucas: Hello?
Jack is on the other end of the line, already on the road with Eric.
Jack: What are you doing right now?
Lucas, flatly: Crystal meth.
Jack: Okay, you jest, but you’re really not in the position to be making those kind of jokes right now.
Lucas asks what’s going on, and Jack explains the situation. He asks if Lucas has seen or heard from Isadora, and he says no. When Jack requests that he go search that side of town, just drive around and take a look, Lucas seems skeptical.
Lucas: Aren’t you forgetting? My license is suspended.
Jack, unimpressed: Am I really supposed to believe that makes a difference?
Lucas: … fair enough. I’ll do whatever.
Jack assures him if he gets into any trouble, he’ll help him out of it. They just need to get a trace on them so Eric can breathe again. Lucas grabs his denim jacket, heading out.
Isadora and Farkle, thankfully, are not engaged in anything remotely nefarious. They’re just making an evening out of it all their own, having escaped prom to seek refuge at a non-descript diner across town.
Farkle is way more enthused by the prospect than Isadora. He’s practically jittery, tapping his fingers on the table and unable to stop grinning. He claims this is the most fun, the most freedom, he’s had in months.
Isadora: Okay, calm down, edgelord. It’s not that deep.
Oh, but perhaps it is, Isadora. Farkle leans further into the theatricality, dramatically stating that he doesn’t think there’s ever been a night quite like this. Full of this… energy, and mystery, and potential. Can’t she feel it? In homage to the number that’s just about to come into play, Farkle sits up so that he’s sitting on the booth seat, rather than in it.
Isadora: Okay, what are you doing? Sit down.
Farkle: Can’t you just feel it? And how… how we start thinking --
Isadora: Start thinking what?
Farkle: How wonderful it all is.
Isadora: How wonderful what all is?
Farkle: Everything.
Isadora: Now you’re just talking nonsense. Did you take too much medication this morning? What are you on?
He, Isadora, is on life. The freedom of tonight, how good it feels to just be out and adventuring and… alive. In fact, he thinks, it might need some expressing…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “A Lovely Night” as performed by Cinderella Original Television Cast Recording || Performed by Farkle Minkus (feat. Isadora De La Cruz) [ starting at 4:20 ]
Farkle pushes his way out of the booth and starts sauntering through the diner, Isadora leaning out after him and whispering for him to come back. But he’s already on his way as the instrumental comes in, meaning there’s no hope. This singing train has left the station!
So he kicks off the first verse, singing the fantastical lyrics about how absolutely perfect the evening is. Somehow, it actually works, brightening up the drab, everyday diner and adding a splash of something special and unique.
It helps that Farkle is crazy and completely unapologetic as he takes over the space, the other patrons hesitant at first but then endeared by the performance. Farkle sings the first line about a “charming prince” to a gaggle of middle school girls, who all collectively lose their shit when he turns away from them. To them, for all intents and purposes, all suave in his prom suit and singing so elegantly, he is a prince charming.
Isadora might be starting to figure that out too, as she watches in disbelief while Farkle pulls other diners and workers into brief stints of choreography. By the time he makes it back over to her table in the second verse, he leans forward on the table and sings the lines “darling, I love you” while looking right into her eyes.
Part of the whole act? It’s impossible to tell.
Then he pulls her up from the booth, into dancing with him through the diner as the dance break commences. Although she’s hesitant at first, Isadora is more surprised by how not averse to the experience she is. Farkle is a good dancer, at least this kind of dancing, and it’s not long before she finds herself grinning and laughing along.
They spin their way towards the front, right out the doors…
And out into the city, the world aglow with nightlife and even more emphasized by the unreal quality of the dance. It feels very La La Land. They continue the pas de deux through to the end, Farkle picking up the lyrics again for the final rendition of the chorus.
They end it spinning in a circle in the parking lot, Isadora laughing and Farkle truly free as they round out the performance. If there’s going to be any true spectacle this prom season, then Icarus and the fallen Techie Queen dancing together in what may as well be a fantasy sure takes the cake.
Eric is not feeling the fantasy, a nervous wreck as they drive through the streets looking for signs of Isadora and Farkle. He relays that she has not responded to any of his texts, and Jack states that’s it. He pulls over, allowing him to give his focus to Eric as he parks on the side of the road.
Jack takes Eric’s phone, out of his grasp.
Jack: Enough. You’re driving yourself crazy.
Eric: Yeah, you’re one to talk. [ trying to snatch it back ] Mister obsessive civil suit --
Jack: Oh, I’m not saying I’m innocent. But you have got to give yourself a break. It was their choice to sneak out and go wild, not yours. You can only do so much. If they choose to be idiotic, that’s on them. Regardless of how much we care.
Eric knows that Jack is speaking from experience. He sighs, slouching back in the passenger seat. Jack tries to comfort him, reminding him that Isadora and Farkle are two of the smartest students at AAA. They’re not going to get into trouble. Besides, if they are, then at least they have their best troublemaker on the case.
Jack: He’s like a heat-seeking missile. If there’s mischief afoot, trust me, I believe he’ll find it.
Maybe so, Jack. Maybe so. Somehow, Lucas manages to catch up to Isadora and Farkle as they’re walking along the streets, slowing down in Grace’s car and coming up next to them. He honks, startling them both.
Lucas: Hey! Lunatics!
Isadora: Lucas? What the hell are you doing here?
Lucas: I could ask you the same question.
Farkle: Isn’t your license suspended?
Lucas holds up a finger to silence Farkle, not acknowledging his question. He keeps his focus on Isadora, who is similarly confused.
Isadora: Isn’t your license suspended?
Lucas: You tell me. You tell me what the hell you’re doing walking around like freaks and sending Eric so postal Jack had to send me out here risking future legal penalty to come find you.
Farkle: Hey, I mean, we snuck out of prom. [ holding his arms out ] Don’t I get a little credit for that, Lucas James Friar?
Lucas glares at him, unimpressed.
Lucas, sharply: Don’t talk to me like you know me.
Farkle raises his hands in surrender, turning away. Lucas turns his focus back to Isadora.
Lucas: Tell Eric where the hell you are and that you’re not dead. At least pay him that decency.
Isadora: Alright! Alright, I will. Sorry you got dragged into it.
Lucas: You’re so lucky I have no life.
Lucky, indeed… Lucas drives off, leaving the two of them alone again. Isadora shifts awkwardly, Farkle hesitating before giving her an unbothered smirk. Woo, reckless freedom!
Jack gets the text from Isadora on Eric’s phone. He smiles and then passes it back to him, telling him that now he can breathe again.
And so he can. Eric lets out a huge sigh of relief, falling back against the seat and rubbing his face. These kids, are they ever gonna let them live? Once he’s pulled himself off the ledge, Eric drops his hands and asks what they’re supposed to do now.
Now that they’re already out? Well… Jack shrugs.
Jack: You like bowling?
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Magic” as performed by Gabrielle Aplin || Performed by Yindra Amino
Things slow down back at the prom, allowing the students to shift into a slow dance. Before Riley and Charlie can make any decisions, Zay swoops over to them to cut in. For a second it seems as though he might ask Charlie, in front of everyone… but he simply requests a dance with his favorite girl at AAA. Charlie relents without an argument, allowing him to steal Riley.
Riley: Sweet of you to say all that. And…
Zay: And I will give anything not to slow dance with Maya, yes.
Charlie shifts his sights to Haley, offering a hand to her. With their former conversation having cleared the air, the two of them are able to simply enjoy a dance together rather than twisting themselves up over what it might mean.
Yindra’s vocals truly help set the mood. The types of slow dancers are all across the spectrum. The soft familiarity of Dylan and Asher, whispering in each other’s ears and smiling and tilting their heads against one another; the timid beginnings of Nigel and Jade, more distance between them but equally as happy to be sharing the dance. Then there’s Maya, not bothering to slow dance at all and continuing her campaign amongst the other single prom-goers.
While Zay and Riley dance, they softly discuss how the evening is going. Riley subtly makes it clear that she is no way moving in on Charlie -- they should both be well aware how unlikely that would be. Zay holds no such suspicions. After all…
Zay: Think you and I are both here while our hearts are somewhere else.
Couldn’t have said it better, Isaiah. Tellingly, while Haley and Charlie are having a swell enough time dancing together, he cannot seem to keep his gaze from drifting towards Zay over her shoulder…
Yindra brings the number home, delivering yet another dazzling performance.
Pow! A bowling ball knocks over a volley of pins, shattering the dreamy melancholy of prom.
Jack and Eric have already played one game, crashed in one of the tables by the lanes and sharing some cheap bowling alley snacks. They’re also drinking and… okay, they might be a tad tipsy. They’re laughing as they chat about the evening, more relaxed than we’ve ever seen them. They could almost be teenagers themselves, just wasting away prom night at a bowling alley and blowing off expectations.
Eric complains about Isadora and Farkle’s actions, still not over the sleight. Like he gets it, they’re teenagers, but really? Jack chuckles, shrugging and claiming it’s just that kind of night. He can remember how he used to be -- Lucas really isn’t that far off from how he was at that age, although the kid is way more ballsy than he was.
Besides… there’s something about prom night, man. It makes people do crazy things.
Jack: I was never super into it, but… ha. I remember senior year, me and the guy I was going with --
Eric nearly chokes on his drink. Jack raises his eyebrows, handing him a napkin in concern.
Jack: You okay?
Eric: Yeah. Yeah, I just -- [ clearing his throat ] Guy? You went with a guy?
Jack: Oh, yeah. Administrators weren’t thrilled about it at the time though. [ off his stunned expression ] Oh, come on. You know I’m bisexual. We’ve totally discussed this.
Eric: Um. No. No we have not.
Jack: We definitely have.
Eric: Jack, I would not have forgotten that. Believe me.
Jack shrugs, smiling to himself and taking another drink. Eric just stares at him, trying to reconcile this new understanding he has of his friend and co-worker in his head. He starts to say something, then thinks better of it. Lost for words.
The music on the sound system of the bowling alley saves him from having to speak. As soon as the song starts playing, both of them react with joyful acknowledgement.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Bye Bye Bye” as performed by *NSYNC || Performed by Jack Hunter & Eric Matthews
At first the two of them just reminiscence, talking about how classic this song is. Speaking of hits of their youth, this was it in the college days. But as they casually start singing along in their seats, just like their students (and maybe thanks to the alcohol), the groove overtakes them.
Eric jumps to his feet first, crouching on his seat and launching into the second verse. Jack cracks up and claps, encouraging the dramatic performance. Eric manages to pull him into it as well, the two of them delivering the rendition with the same gusto as their overdramatic students.
In their folly, it would only be fair to give them the same imaginative scape as their students. Part of the performance is a fantasy tribute to the “Bye Bye Bye” music video, Jack and Eric dressed as if they’re back in the early 2000s and dancing around a tilting room.
We cut back and forth between that and them wreaking mild havoc in the bowling alley, and gosh dang is it a fun performance.
That’s one way to cut loose for a night. Let’s go principal and counselor!
Farkle walks Isadora to the front stoop of the fancy hotel Valerie is staying at, although she tells him that he didn’t have to. He claims as her date it was his duty -- even if their arrangement wasn’t exactly by choice.
Isadora: Well, impressively, I did actually have fun.
Farkle: Oh?
Isadora: Yes. I don’t expect the enchantment to last past midnight, but it was fun while it lasted. [ a beat ] I suppose I’m glad that I had to babysit tonight.
Farkle rolls his eyes. Isadora looks at him for a long moment, and then stands on her tip-toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
He blinks, obviously not expecting it. After a moment he kind of smiles, caught between a confused frown and a pleasantly surprised smile. He looks at her, narrowing his eyes.
She gives him no explanation. She just tilts her head in a nod and marches through the revolving door, leaving him on the sidewalk. He glances up at the building, smile widening as he spins on his heel and saunters down the street.
Clarissa and Haley are just wrapping up a performance, dismounting the stage as Harper heads up to the microphone. She warms up the crowd by asking how everyone is enjoying prom, which is met with resounding cheers. The time has come, she announces, for the crowning of their junior and senior prom court!
Amidst the cheers, Charlie shifts his focus to Riley next to him. She’s zoned out, glancing over her shoulder and not paying any attention. Looking for someone who isn’t going to be there, no matter how many times she looks.
After a moment, he elbows her lightly.
Charlie: You should go.
Riley: What? What do you mean?
Charlie: I appreciate what you did for me tonight. But we both know… you don’t want to be here. Not really. [ nodding towards the door ] So you should go. Don’t waste the rest of your night on me.
Riley examines him, thoughtful. Then she smiles, taking his arm and leaning forward to give him a kiss on the cheek. She squeezes his arm.
Riley: Never a waste.
Then she’s gone, weaving her way through the crowd and on a mission. Charlie watches her go, and when he turns back to the crowd and the excitement of the senior prom court being announced he suddenly feels very detached. Like he’s a fish out of water, as if he shouldn’t even be there at all.
It’s claustrophobic. Charlie starts to push his way through the crowd as well, searching for an exit. Needing to get out of there.
From where he’s waiting with Maya, Zay notices Charlie’s frantic escape. He frowns, hesitating for only a moment before darting out after him. Only Maya notices him go, looking after him in confusion.
Maya, in a whisper: Zay. Zay!
He’s already gone. And her attention is stolen anyway, as Harper gets a drum roll going for the announcement of junior prom queen and king. It goes, unsurprisingly… to Maya and Zay!
Only Zay is nowhere to be found. Lucky for him, Maya is an expert showman and covers as if it’s nothing. She hops up onto stage and happily accepts, claiming her king had to dip out for a moment and she’ll be accepting both on his behalf.
Once she’s found a way to balance both crowns on her little blonde head, she takes to the microphone and gives a small speech about what an honor it is to be selected. And in return, tonight, she’ll give them a prom slow dance really worth remembering. As the track cues up --
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “At Last” as performed by Beyoncé || Performed by Maya Hart
As obnoxious as she is, there is no doubt about the fact that Maya Hart can sing. Her vocals are damn good on the romantic classic, truly creating a perfect final slow dance for the evening. And she’s milking every second of it, glamorous as ever in her elegant gown and dual crown glory.
Charlie has made his way to a mostly vacant section of the parking lot, inhaling as much fresh air as he can. He holds his breath, then lets it out, fighting off whatever strange panic was prickling at him.
It doesn’t truly fade until Zay joins him, approaching casually and claiming that he’s missing Maya’s big performance. Isn’t that what he came all the way out to prom for anyway? Charlie can’t help but laugh, even though the vibe between them is still uncertain.
Charlie: Oh, naturally. Everything’s about Maya Hart, after all.
Zay: Absolutely everything, yeah.
Charlie: [ just looking at him ] … shouldn’t you be in there too, then? Far as I recall, you were her running mate.
Zay, with a shrug: I didn’t really care much about it.
Zay is stepping closer with every word that passes between them.
Charlie: … no?
Zay: Nah. I mean, can’t blame Maya though. She knows how to pick a winning candidate.
Charlie: Well, no arguments here. Sure you don’t want to get your crown, though? Think that would be a nice prize regardless.
They’re standing right in front of each other. Zay swallows, meeting his eyes.
Zay: I can think of something better.
Charlie lets that sink in, not sure how to respond. Knowing that they’re the way they are for a reason… but then there he is, right there in front of him…
Zay doesn’t ask for much. He gently takes Charlie’s hands, pulling him towards him and into a slow dance. There in the parking lot, alone, where nobody else is going to bother them.
Charlie is stiff at first, then slowly he relaxes into it. The familiarity, the ease, the way they seem to just naturally fit together... especially when it comes to dancing.
Still, something in his expression is conflicted. It’s obvious he loves it -- being so close to Zay, sharing anything with him regardless of what their status is -- but then that’s the problem, isn’t it? As long as Charlie is around him, he’s never going to be able to let it go. They’re going to keep drifting back to each other like this, and Zay is never going to be able to move forward.
Charlie realizes all of that… and yet.
For now, he chooses to live in the moment. He tilts his head against Zay’s shoulder and chooses to soak it up for all it’s worth, the dance and the closeness and the way he continues to choose him, even when he pushes him away.
Everything else, he can deal with another day.
Isadora has changed back into more comfortable clothes, Valerie hanging her dress up so that it stays nice and unruffled. After all the hard work Stella McCartney put into it, she would hate for it to only survive one use!
Then Valerie settles on the bed with Isadora, telling her the good news. The paperwork went through -- they’re on their way. She just has some things she needs to go wrap up last minute in Los Angeles, and then they’re going to do it. They’re going to be a proper mother and daughter, she’ll move to the city, and everything is going to change. For the better, she’s sure.
Isadora is stunned just to hear it said -- she can’t begin to wrap her head around it in reality. But she manages action, leaning forward to initiate a hug with Valerie.
She hugs her back, tight, so excited about the next steps they’ll be taking together.
Well, for only a night’s work, Lucas has made substantial progress on organizing his hell bedroom. You can actually see the floor now in most places, which is a step up. Maybe one solution to not having horrible mental health is to not feel like you’re living in an abandoned storage closet. Music is playing from his phone, shuffling the playlist Riley made him last year.
He finishes clearing the floor by the actual closet door, finding Riley’s gala shawl. He holds it in his hands, delicately, trying to decide what to do with it. It’s survived this long, in spite of all the times he’s thought about destroying it -- to get rid of it now would almost be a disservice.
He’s distracted from the decision for now, his phone buzzing. He settles onto his bed, putting the shawl to the side towards his pillow and opening the message.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Ebony Eyes” as performed by Jamie Scott || Instrumental
It’s from Dylan, a group picture of the techie crew in the midst of the glitz of prom. The caption underneath it is simple and to the point -- “We miss you!!!!!!!”
Lucas can’t help but smile, but after a moment it shifts to something more muted. The disappointment is clear on his face now, fully realizing how much he might be missing out on. How much he’s missed out on for the entire year, while he was busy fighting to survive his own personal hurricane. And there’s no way to get that back -- there’s no way to know if it’ll ever stop hurricaning, given how up in the air everything feels.
He’s distracted once again from his own internal musing, this time by creaking from outside his window. At first he glances towards his door, worried it might be someone coming home, but an additional creaking confirms it’s coming from outside. It’s coming from the fire escape.
Cautiously, Lucas gets to his feet, edging towards his window. He nearly jumps out of his skin when Riley appears from the ladder below, scrappily climbing her way up to his level.
Lucas scrambles out the window to meet her, eyes wide in disbelief. She smiles at him as he emerges and she manages to pull herself fully onto the fire escape. There’s barely room for them both to stand, Lucas taking her arm and pulling her as far from the window -- and his apartment -- as possible.
Lucas: What the hell are you doing here?
Riley blinks at him, trying to catch up with her own choice of actions. She’s changed out of her fancy gown, hair and makeup still done up but having opted for a pair of high-waisted jeans and a thrifted tee. Better attire for building scaling, at least.
She explains that she couldn’t stop thinking about him and how he was missing out, so she decided to bring some of the fun to him. She shrugs off her backpack, unzipping it and showing off some of the snacks and movies and junk she threw in there along with her laptop. She didn’t have a lot of specific ideas, or anything, she just thought… who knows. She just knew she wanted to be here.
Lucas is in shock. He can’t believe any person would ditch prom without some other grand plan, and definitely not for him.
Lucas: That’s… that’s nice, but you shouldn’t have to do this. You should be at prom, having fun. Least of all worrying about me.
Riley, shaking her head: Wasn’t the same without you.
Oh. Well then. Riley glances towards his room, recognizing the music playing and smiling to herself. She comments that at least he has good tunes to get him through the night, and the slower, rustic song playing now is better than about half of the songs they played at the dance.
In fact… she did say she was going to bring the evening to him…
Dropping her backpack by the window, Riley cautiously takes Lucas’s hands. When he doesn’t complain, she gently guides him into a dance of their own -- a promenade on six square feet of metal with a shitty outdated iPhone speaker acting as the DJ.
Even still, it might be the most authentically romantic duet of the night. The music quality shifts and improves to be more encompassing as they settle into the dance, once again supplemented by that fantastical quality of the evening. Secluded enough for Lucas to ease into it, more intimate than a room full of their peers would allow.
After a minute or so, Riley adjusts their posture and presses their foreheads together. For how soft the moment is, the energy between them may as well be electric. They’re inches apart, one or two breaths and a bold choice away from another kiss. And maybe they could…
But not tonight. Not yet.
Riley shifts and rests her head against his shoulder, Lucas closing his eyes and tilting his head against hers.
For now, what they have in this moment together is enough.
Crazy how in the aftermath of such a whimsical weekend, life is expected to proceed as normal. Jack is in good spirits as he jogs his way into the school building later than usual, pushing through the doors at the same time as Lucas. Lucas comments on his late showing.
Jack: You know, for all the times you’ve shown up to class tardy with no good excuse, I think you can zip it on this one.
Touché. Jack does remember to thank Lucas for his help with Farkle and Isadora though, expressing that it was a big help. He asks how he spent the rest of his evening -- aside from the crystal meth.
Lucas, nonchalantly: Nothing much. And you?
Jack: Got kicked out of a bowling alley.
Lucas: … fun. Respect.
Jack grins, nodding him on his way. He makes his way back into the office…
Where the real world is waiting for him. Jack is surprised by the gift-wrapped item on his desk -- until reality slams into him like a freight train. He drops his briefcase and jogs towards it, lifting the ribbon-bound local newspaper into his hands.
There it is. The Bradford case, front page Monday morning news. Likely paid a fortune to make it front page news, if he knows his adversaries.
It’s officially gone public. The fantasy is over. Another day has arrived, and now it’s time to deal with all of the challenges ahead.
Now, it’s time to take action. For better or for worse.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 5 years
Jenny’s Belated Live Blogging - 11th April 2019
- I love Maxine episodes so much. No one is surprised by that at this point but they always work so well and have such nice flow and fit in a lot of the things that I like. When does she get to write every episode?!
- even from the start just getting Eric and David standing outside the B&B while all the ornathologists were running around. That was fun and felt like the old days with random ridiculous things going on in the village. And I loved Bob and Dan running around in their camo trying to take a picture of the bird and getting the wrong one and all the other villagers just being amused. That’s a plot that we would not have gotten this time last year and I’m really happy that kind of stuff is making a comeback because it’s just good lighthearted fun and it’s something that works great with those characters too.
- the Kim/vets stuff was great too. I am so thrilled to see a return to the work related stories. I feel like part of the reason there were so many dumb cheating plots and so many heavy stories in the past couple years, is because a lot of the work drama just got cut out and they had to fill time in other ways. But aside from just the general, I just really like this vets story now that Kim is involved and that’s not something I thought would happen. But her and Rhona together is so good. It brings her down to earth even if she is still scheming. And there’s minimal Graham, which is excellent. I also love that they’re going to continue to build on this relationship by having her get Rhona to help with Jamie, which is a great idea. I’m so happy they’ve managed to turn Kim around now that the Joe Plot is...over?!?
- And Paddy and Vanessa who we can sometimes get annoyed with when they’re in their respective relationships, work so well together in this type of story. I’m so happy Vanessa was finally allowed to go back to work so we could have this content again. That suspension was the worst decision ever. I even loved them both not wanting to tell Chas and Charity about the deal. This kind of content is what will make those relationships work better too because they have each other to bounce this kind of stuff off of. A couple months ago, Paddy and Vanessa sharing a scene was so weird because it had been so long and now it finally feels like it’s supposed to and I’m so glad.
- the Vic/Ellis, Tracy/Billy stuff was also a lot of fun today. I love that Tracy and Billy figured out what Vic was up to straight away and then locked them in but also spent the whole day together anyway so maybe they’ll work on things between them too. Things were thawing anyway. She got a drink with him. And Vic and Ellis singing Cher and drinking champagne together was perfect. They got together so weirdly and we didn’t even realize they’d become anything more so I’m sort of glad they broke up and now we get to see a little of them getting back on the same page. Those early stages are really important for me to enjoy a couple so I’m glad we’re getting that. I just fear for the Big Night Out stuff but for now it’s all lovely and sweet.
- I thought the Liv/Jacob/Maya stuff tonight was great. I’m soooo glad that Jacob said no and broke up with her just so she didn’t have to have sex with him and do something she didn’t want to do even if I was still heartbroken for her.
- I’m so happy Gabby was back with her this week too. I love their friendship and it was so nice seeing her be so supportive with Liv. That hug she gave her was so important too. I adore them when they’re getting along.
- with regards to the ace stuff. I do think it’s kind of time for her to use the word. They really did miss their opportunity when she said she was doing internet research. It’s a bit frustrating because, we all get it and it’s very clear that they did their research because she is saying all the right things. Like the part about ‘sometimes people like me just do it anyway for their partners’ or some variation of that. I just wish they’d stop having her talk around it even if everything she says does ring very true. I still hope she gets to say the word one day.
- that said, my heart broke when she said that she didn’t know how someone was ever going to want someone like her because I feel that so much. And again, I loved that Gabby was there to give her a hug. She needed that and the encouraging words and I’m glad she got them.
- I was also very happy to get to see both Robert and Aaron be there for her tonight. Thank you Maxine. I liked that, you know, we got typical Aaron wanting to kill Jacob and Liv having to talk him down. I loved Robert putting a hand on his shoulder to keep him in his chair. I of course adored the entire conversation with Robert on the bench. Definitely long overdue. I also can imagine them finding the condoms and deciding Robert may be the best one to go have that chat just because Aaron a) doesn’t always do well with that and b) he might get too worked up. In any case, I love Robert and Liv’s relationship and I’m so glad that Maxine loves it too so we get this kind of content. He was so sweet with her and understanding and calm but also so encouraging, telling her she’s brilliant as she is. Plus, I love the added bits of humor in there with the ‘boys are rubbish’ line and the ‘you’re telling me not to get revenge?’ line. Perfection.
- and I liked that that wasn’t it either. I loved that we got Aaron checking in with Robert after the chat and Robert telling him not to worry. I loved that Liv came downstairs and reiterated that nothing happened and that she was okay. They were such good family scenes, the kind we rarely get and the three of them do work well together when given the chance.
- and of course, the surrogacy stuff. There were definitely a few things that could have used more on screen discussion but I was relatively satisfied by what Maxine did manage to get in there within allotted screen time.
- I was happy Aaron questioned Robert’s sudden decision to give him a chance to explain. They were always going to have to do it in the UK for logistics purposes anyway, so I don’t mind his change of heart. I also liked that when he said he didn’t want to make Aaron wait, that Aaron challenged him on that too so he could explain. I don’t know that every writer would do that. I mean, I still wish they would address Aaron’s Seb related issues/motivation. It will forever drive me crazy if they never go back to it and I don’t think they will now but I guess I’ll have to get over it. I at least like that they addressed some of the Robert concerns.
- I also just liked seeing them so excited to be on the same page again and to feel positive after the meeting. Plus, Aaron’s cute little clothing crisis before hand was amazing and I loved Robert telling him he looked great. Also I liked that they managed to get both of their color codes in today. Red and blue earlier and then they changed into their blue and black. Well done.
- even though they’re talking about money still, I like that they’ve moved forward a bit in the process now. We’re no longer stuck completely at square one and that is very needed. Even if this surrogate doesn’t work out, at least they’re at a new stage now.
- I also loved having Liv involved and interested in what was going on and especially that she did it in that sarcastic way. They really felt like a family tonight and it made me very happy.
- with regards to the ‘swimmers’, haha, I do wish they’d had that conversation on screen but I’m glad that they at least said that they’d had a conversation and didn’t just announce that they were going to use Aaron sperm or something. And I know there’s a portion of the fandom that has a massive problem with all of this but like...I don’t think that the characters at least did it in a particularly offensive sort of way. Especially since Maxine consciously had Aaron correct himself and say ‘well it’ll be both of ours obviously’. Plus, I always love Aaron not being able to talk about that sort of thing and his ever popular awkward hand gestures. I love that that’s just his consistent thing. Haha
- and of course the sofa cuddling and giggling at the movie. I’ve waiting ages for them to lay on the sofa like that and I’m so glad it finally happened. Plus the dialogue, talking about their future kid. Again, I loved the family banter with Liv saying Seb was going to be an evil genius and Robert correcting her and saying ‘handsome genius’ was perfect. And of course the comment about Aaron’s eyes. We all use Robert loving Aaron’s eyes so much in fan fic so it was great to get that little moment. And Aaron craning his neck to look up at Robert was lovely. Good content. I am pleased.
- as for the blackmailing. It makes a lot of sense that it was Liv that caught them and that it’s her that’s blackmailing Maya. With anyone else, I feel like it wouldn’t make sense that they would tell but since Liv has been involved this whole time, Maya is able to use that and her alcohol problems to manipulate David to preemptively discredit her and then threaten her with. But I also really liked that Liv brought up Gordon. Yay relevant character history! It’s good that she can take that knowledge and apply it to this situation and see through Maya. But it’s also such a messy situation since Liv was with Jacob and there’s so many hurt feelings on top of everything else. It makes a tough situation even tougher so it all does still feel relatively believable. At least within the context of a soap. And as much as I wouldn’t want robron using pedophile blackmail money to fund their surrogacy, I sort of like that Liv even went there because well...she’s learned from the best living with her brothers. Haha. But yeah...it’s all a mess and I can’t wait for it all to come out so all these kids can start getting help.
- all in all, these were great episodes and again I shall profess my love for Maxine Alderton. She is perfect.
- I hope these thoughts met your expectations @memorieswarm haha
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mayasdeluca · 6 months
Station 19 7x01 Thoughts
We finally got Marina back on our screens! I missed them so much. 😭 You could tell Carina was connected to that little baby from the start and the fact that it made her realize she wanted a fresh start with Maya in a new home because the waitress didn't make it. (Loved Maya reassuring her saying she did everything she could too!) I loved that scene (that was mostly spoiled) except the kiss angle! Like come on ABC, we are on at 10pm now, that can't be happening! Even if I get they were probably going for the 'sneaky' vibe since they were at work and I loved that they were trying to be a little secretive about it but we better not see any of their other kisses like that, there's no excuse!
The chef immediately going up to Carina and saying he wanted to adopt the baby gave me weird vibes from the start and you could tell Carina was upset at the idea...I also really like that the name ended up being Liam because it has its own meaning that doesn't have to do with anything else and it's a cute name! (in my opinion)
The last Marina scene...I really wish it was longer and they had gotten more of a chance to really discuss the idea of adopting a baby because they really didn't bring it up at all? I liked that Maya was the one who suggested it first even if we saw that Carina was already attached but I just wish they could have expressed their feelings about it more before automatically just saying yes we can do this. I get they are crunched for time and there's a lot going on but it just feels like they're cheapening what is an important story. But I'm thrilled that they added they will still try to get pregnant and continue that process...here's hoping by the end of the season they will have two babies. (My theory of Carina giving birth in the finale and that being the 'crazy Grey's crossover' with a character being at Grey's in a way they haven't before is definitely following that.)
The Andy speech was even worse in real time. Like really? She even had to name every single person who was captain before her? Excessive and unnecessary. Show don't tell. She's definitely going to get on my nerves this season.
Ghost Jack was...interesting? I guess it added something. Not surprised he won't be able to fight fires anymore since we all basically guessed that anyway. I am curious if he'll be on throughout the whole season or if he'll end up leaving or something.
Vic was amazing with the Crisis One stuff. Theo is still an asshole and I want nothing to do with him. The Ross/Sullivan stuff? Eh.
Oh also the fact that Travis and Emmett got the 'sex' scene of the episode and not Marina? 🤡 Some choice words about that but hopefully ours is coming...
All in all I wish we got more Marina but they are moms!!! They have a little boy!!! Liam Deluca-Bishop is theirs and I can't wait to see them with him! Give me all the cute domestic scenes because that baby is adorable! 😍
And this was everything. ❤️
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We are so back!!
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runningwolf62 · 6 years
SURPRISE IT’S UPDATE TIME! It’s so bizarre being writing this at the same time Larry is because there’s like this weird overlap, we’re like ships passing in the night he’s finally caught up to my time and now is about to pass me.
Anyway, there’s some lovely art in here and a reference to a blog that actually exists, @ask-potoo-firestar. Art belongs to @lavendersongs, thank you for your amazing contribution to the Warrior Cats fandom and for giving me permission to include references to it in this fanfic.
Larry curls up deeper under his blankets.
He covers his head with his pillow.
Fine, he’ll crawl out of his nest and see what had happened, maybe Nick was in trouble again, that Godot guy seemed to have a grudge against him for something.
u ok?
Only Nick texts like that.
haven’t seen u in few days
u alive?
Larry almost fires something back before thinking better of it, Nick had far too many people around him die to joke about that.
Yeah I’m fine, and you usually don’t see me for awhile.
yeah but u had a rough time
Larry hesitates before deciding to just call Nick. The phone rings a few times before Nick answers.
“Hey Larry,” he greets him, Larry can hear voices in the background, he thinks one is Maya, the other is young and high so probably Pearl.
“Hey Nick,” Larry runs a hand over his jaw, aw gross he’d ended up with that scraggly beard, he never looked good with that, he needed to go shave, “you in a crisis?”
“No?” Nick has the gall to sound offended, “I do not only call you during crisises!”
“Mmm might wanna check you phone bill there Nicky Boy,” Larry teases him, his voice is rough, he should haul himself out of bed and start putting himself back together.
“You want to talk about having a crisis you sound like you’ve been on a bender,” Nick fires back, Larry frowned and groused at him.
“Don’t be an ass Nick, I’ve been taking a week off, chilling and relaxing before I remake myself! You called while I’m still in the cocoon man!”
“That metaphor started strong but you took it somewhere very weird,” Nick replies, Larry laughs roughly.
“Alright, alright, you’re the one who texted me,” Larry points out, wrapping his blanket around him like a cloak to hide his shame from the world and stay warm from the chillier October day. He crossed to his laptop to open his resume, he’d need to update it and he might as well do that while chatting with Nick rather than sit around feeling shitty about it.
He chats with Nick, and Maya and Pearl when they demand a chance to chat with him. He interrogate Nick, or tries, but he doesn’t know what’s up with Godot either, other than he’s got one hell of a caffeine addiction, came out of nowhere and claims to be from hell.
Given half the stories Larry’s heard about Nick’s cases he’s tempted to believe it.
“Maybe you ought to have an exorcism performed,” he teases, he’s on speaker phone now and he’s sure they can hear him typing away as he adds his latest job to the long master list of jobs he’s held, “Maya, Pearl, can you do that?”
“I’d have to exorcise the entire Prosocution’s office!” Maya bemoans, Larry grins as she outlines everything she’d need to do to Nick.
“Maybe you should, it sounds like it has a few too many demons over there even before this guy,” Larry muses, saving his resume and opening Fanfiction.net. His stomach drops and his jokes trail off. There’s several messages from XxWolfDragonxX. Shit, he’d just dropped off the map after talking to the guy daily.
He immediately types a response, assuring the guy some stuff just came up, he got fired from work, etc. but he’s doing alright. He misses a question Nick asked him until he repeats his name.
“Sorry, what?” He tosses the message to WolfDragon off, his friend is probably off work it’s well after six for him.
“I asked what were you typing?”
Larry glances at his messages and then at his minimized programs. “My resume.”
He refreshed FF.net and got a message from WolfDragon.
Man it’s fine, life happens! It’s just good to hear from you again. I’m sorry for all the shit that keeps happening to you.
Again I’m so sorry, and yeah, it’s just been that kind of year.
Do you have a discord? I have something to show you but I don’t think ff.net will send it.
Oh? Uh yeah actually, one second let me find my ID number.
It takes him longer than he should be tosses the information to Wolfdragon. After a moment he gets a friend request on Discord, from a XxWolfDrgonxX surprising absolutely no one. The avatar is a gray anime wolf with yellow eyes snarling, which also doesn’t surprise Larry though he wonders where it’s from.
However he’s still on the phone with Nick, so he accepts it and turns away from the computer, “so what are you all up to asides from calling me?” He hears Pearl giggle and Maya’s voice in the background, they’re moving away, “how are they Nick?”
“They’re good,” Nick sounds happy and Larry can’t help but hurt even as he’s happy for him.
“We’re probably going to do a few things today before they have to head back,” Nick’s chair creaks audibly, “do you have plans for Halloween?”
“Uh, not really?”
“Do you want to come over to the office and hand out candy with me?”
“People come to your office for candy?”
“Surprisingly yes,” Nick sounds equally baffled by this fact, “so, are you in?”
“Do you want me to bring anything?” Larry asks, glancing at his Discord occasionally, where he can see WolfDragon typing. “Beer, Soda, popcorn and terrible horror movies?”
“Popcorn and let’s go with lighthearted movies,” Nick suggests, and Larry wonders if Pearl will be there. He’ll bring soda then, just in case. That or Nick’s gotten to be more of a scaredy-cat since their last Halloween movie festival.
“Have you seen that one cartoon thing that everyone raves about?” Larry’s seen so much art for it for Inktober so he needs to actually sit down and watch the show obviously is what that means.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Okay, I’ll find it, it’s some kids show but everyone who’s seen it loved it,” Larry sends a quick message to WolfDragon while Nick talks.
You sure are dedicated to your brand.
It’s who I am
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That’s Potoo Firestar you fool
I want to hate it but I’m laughing too hard, it’s amazing.
“Larry are you okay?” Nick asks, and Larry can’t answer, he’s wheezing at the damn Potoo Firestar, he cannot believe WolfDragon got his discord just to send him this, and that it’s somehow made him feel so much better.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine,” he wheezes, and clicks the link that WolfDragon sends him to this person’s blog, “just saw something funny.”
He hops off the phone with Nick promising to see him on Halloween and bring candy and popcorn and the cartoon he’s seen everyone drawing if he could just remember the name.
He spends the next hour teasing WolfDragon on Discord for his avatar and username, all the while scrolling through this blog, which WolfDragon has dubbed “the only pure Warrior Cats blog”.
It doesn’t take long for him to agree though he does have a few questions.
So I miss all the discourse but I also miss blogs like this?
Listen man, some people are still stuck in the can cats be gay discourse?
Yeah, like sure the Erins just made a mistake making some tortoiseshell cats toms. OR they made several trans icons.
I can’t believe Tigerstar was transphobic.
Firestar made the first call out post
“OP is literally a Transphobe and murderer but go off I guess.”
Scourge: *goes the fuck off *
Listen, he wear dog teeth on his collar he can do what he likes, I’m not gonna be the guy to try and stop him.
Oh you do know they made Scourge and Firestar half-brothers right?
Yeah they have the same Dad
Oh shit I’d heard that theory but I thought it was just a fan theory
Nah they confirmed it. Also Tallstar was super gay for him
Like canonly gay or the fandom has shipping goggles glued on
Like so canonly gay that the publisher calls them good friends
One of the authors says Tallstar’s heart always belonged to his Jake, but the publishers say they’re just good friends
What’s better than this, guys being dudes.
You’d probably like Tallstar’s Revenge actually, there’s a lot of your fic in it
Yeah man, like leaving the Clans to discover yourself the themes of forgiveness and parents and family there’s a lot of good stuff in there
I guess I’ll have to read it then.
Yeah, that blog I linked you even did fanart of Jake and Tallstar
Oh my god.
Did you find it?
Not yet, but I’m looking.
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Okay that is gay.
Much like my fic.
Now I gotta man.
He did just lose his job but Larry’s got some money saved from his last paycheck and the commissions. What the hell. He makes a note to buy Tallstar’s Revenge next time he’s at the book store, and gets up.
Thanks for this.
Of course!
Is this the best way to contact you, or should I howl out the window?
FF.net or Discord works I’ll probably review your fics on FF.net still but we can chat here
Larry grins and tells him he hopes he has a good evening. He needs to clean himself up and try and rejoin society.
He showers, shaves, and pulls himself together. He also draws Wolf as a Potoo and sends that back to WolfDragon which is obviously loved, if the fact he turns his avatar into it was any indication.
Larry spends Halloween crashing on Nick’s couch, Maya and Nick fighting over candy while he snags some and occasionally slips a piece or two to Pearl. The kid’s clever and smiles shyly at him every time he does so.
They do settle down to watch the cartoon though Maya grumbles at points about how she wanted to watch the Steel Samurai Halloween Special.
They enjoy Over the Garden Wall though, even if it sends the girls diving to hide behind Nick at one point from the Beast. He lets Nick comfort, while he cleans up some of the trash into the popcorn bowl which he sets to the side, making sure it will not be grabbed by mistake by someone hurrying to give candy to trick-or-treaters.
He’s honestly astonished at the number that turn up at the office, until Nick says he thinks Mia used to hand the candy out, which makes sense. It’s tradition now. And Nick must’ve gotten paid because he’s got the good candy and he’s letting kids take handfuls.
He doesn’t touch that stuff only the bag Nick bought for them to share and the stuff he traded Pearl for because she didn’t like nuts in her candy. Said they got stuck in her teeth which Larry felt was a valid reason to not like them.
He tells himself that means they have protein as he pops a handful in his mouth. While Nick’s busy with some teens at the door and Maya’s tucking Pearl in on the couch he sends a message to WolfDragon.
Happy Halloween.
Technically it’s November, and I didn’t grow up in America
Work can suck my dick, it’s what- oh
It’s six in the morning
You’re going to work
Listen, I don’t need your sass
It’s not sass I just woke up Writer boy
Don’t you sass Wolfman
Tell me you at least watched terrible werewolf movies in my honor
I did not.
Watched kids cartoons instead.
Warrior Cats Authors
There was an actual child in the room!
Ah what’s being introduced to fear at a young age?
Trauma I believe, and the kid’s had enough of that
You’re a good guy you know that, don’t let people tell you otherwise
“Texting a girlfriend?” Maya’s teasing voice made him jump, she wasn’t peering over his shoulder yet but she might’ve been. She might’ve seen the teasing and… no, she was looking at his face.
“Nah, just a friend,” he shoves his phone back into his pocket, she and Nick are both staring at him intensely now, he’s not sure why but they are.
He swears he sees Nick counting to three but he’s not sure why that happens either. He and Maya share a look, and Larry feels himself tense more.
He looks to Nick, whose eyes pierce him as he looks at Larry, “I thought you said you were taking a break from dating.”
“I am!” Larry insists, careful to keep his voice low, glancing to Pearl because however much they want to interrogate him he knows they’ll kill him if he wakes her.
Nick and Maya look confused again but it’s not his fault they can’t accept that he’s just friends with some people. He’s not even into guys anyway!
He shakes his head and grins at them, “glad to hear you think I have that much game though Nick.”
Maya smothers a laugh, while the edge flows out of Nick’s eyes and a smile takes its place, “you keep getting girls to date you somehow.”
“It’s that I have an artist’s soul,” Larry pulls himself up and rests his hand over his chest, grinning at the two of them.
“I went to art school too you know,” Nick points out, relaxing and smiling.
“And who taught you all those tricks for backgrounds?” Larry fires back, he’s always been the better artist for backgrounds and forms, Nick just had more practice with human anatomy. Nick huffs and shakes his head.
“I showed you how to draw men’s jawlines, ‘cause you only paid attention when the model was female-”
“Nick I’ve accepted my heterosexuality and horndog ways will be my downfall,” he fires back which obviously takes his friend by surprise, Maya too, “hey, I can have some self-awareness you know.” He glances over at Maya, “Nick, Edgey and I are allowed the common sense of one person but we have to share and Edgey came back and took it all from Nick.”
“Excuse me?” Nick looks so genuinely offended and Larry laughs, shoulders shaking.
“You took some back, TSA wouldn’t let him take it all with him.”
Maya’s grinning and apparently not taking sides as he and Nick begin to playfully jab at each other about who has more common sense, and it’s nice to be able to talk about Edgey again without Nick’s anger, to have him laugh as he talks and recounts stories from elementary school to Maya is worth the few bits of his dirty laundry that Nick airs.
They end up on the other couch, Maya curled up on Nick’s one side, Larry on the other; with jackets draped over themselves as make shift blankets.
“Yeah Nick?”
“Who were you texting earlier,” Nick’s not judgmental now but he is obviously curious, maybe hoping that in his exhaustion Larry will let something slip.
And he does.
“He’s a guy I met online, we talk about like books and stuff. You wouldn’t understand, you nerdy lawyer.”
Nick laughs softly as Larry slumps against him, “that so?”
“It is,” Larry lays his head back against Nick’s shoulder, “very so.”
They wake up in various states of aching and trying to hide it, all of them trying to deny they’re getting old while Pearl buzzes around the office. Larry wonders briefly if she’s gotten into the Halloween candy for breakfast.
He checks his phone and there’s a few messages from WolfDragon.
You still there?
Don’t eat too much candy, aren’t you doing NaNoWriMo this year?
Larry only barely manages not to curse in front of Pearl as he realizes that he’s going to have to write his first 1667 words with one hell of a crick in his neck.
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spectrewolf · 2 years
I did have a Thought while driving to one of my appts today. 
If I do somehow manage to wrangle RP!Shane back, I may end up just... rebooting her mainverse (in other words, keeping various other ships going and such). Send her ass back down to age 32, at the beginning of the Reaper War. 
The only reason I don’t really want to do it is because so many of her relationships made her who she is. Who will Shane be without her main relationship with Jack? Knowing how much of an asshole Shane was during the Collector Crisis and how being with Jack paradoxically mellowed her. Shane is not and has never been the fanon version of a Renegade Shepard but there is absolutely a difference between Shane pre-Jack and Shane w/ Jack. 
I mean, I know I can continue to just ref Jack like I did before my huge hiatus. But that kinda dragged us both down to where Shane just... was not cooperating at all. Is not cooperating. 
I still love Shane. I love Shack. But not having a counterpart to actively write with? I do not love it. Even if I’m not writing for ship stuff (and I don’t write solely for ships), there is absolutely a buoy effect of having that other half active. 
I don’t know what the right answer is. I know a reboot affects other people. I still love writing with people on this blog (the few still active). 
I don’t know. 
Either way, like I said if you still can put up with me and writing with me I’m on my multi, kleinewahines. My two main fandomless OCs, Jessie and Kath, do kinda have Mass Effect verses. I could also fit Vi into it somehow, or Maya. 
I apologize again to everyone I have active threads with on here. I’ve been poking in hoping to prod Shane into replying but shrugs. 
We’ll do some more soul searching. 
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duncanwrites · 7 years
Books I read in 2017, reviewed in 2 sentences or less.
Among other things, in 2017 I tried to read more books by authors from different eras other than our own. I also ended up putting down more books half-read than usual. I’m sure those two things say something about our year in anxiety.
But here’s what I finished and what I thought:
Birds of America - Lorrie Moore: This book contains some of the very finest short stories I've ever read. Every word, sentence and paragraph seems perfectly put together to draw out the real humanity of flawed people in a flawed world.
Wolf in White Van - John Darinelle: Among other qualities, I think Wolf in White Van has the best title of any book on this list: in the context of the novel itself it provides a perfect framing device that allows you to see the poetry of a dark twisted staircase of a story.
The Sympathizer - Viet Thanh Nguyen: If I talked to you about The Sympathizer this year, it probably came out as an excited rant about any number of things - its dark humor, brilliant structure, mind-bending narration - but I promise you that beneath the exuberance there's a genuinely stunning novel sort of unlike anything I've otherwise read.
The Shock Doctrine - Naomi Klein: I re-read this book to get ready for Trump, and it did help, but it also reminded me about how angry I still am about the war in Iraq and so many other things. Still my favorite book by one of the best political writers out there doing the work.
Hegemony How-To - Jonathan Matthew Smucker: Another pre-Trump read, I think Smuker's book is one of the most useful -- as in practically, real-life make your work better -- books on politics in a long time. My only complaints is that I didn’t have a chance to read it years earlier so I could have avoided a lot of the things Smucker describes so well.
Three Body Problem, The Dark Forest and Death's End - Liu Cixin: The first two novels of this trilogy I thought were some of the finest science fiction I've ever read: both grounded in real human suffering, sweepingly large in their approach to theory, and bringing out some exciting ideas. The third book dragged itself down with the darkness that already ran through the start of the series, but that shouldn't at all stop you from taking these on.
Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson: Another re-read, this is a classic science fiction novel that contains the kinds of themes and concepts that you begin to see everywhere around you once you finish it. Noticed a few more plot holes this time around.
The Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson: Set in the same world as Snow Crash, The Diamond Age never reaches the same wild intensity of the previous book, and is plotted more in the model of a shaggy dog story than a sci-fi thriller.
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions - Thomas Kuhn: A classic text, the Structure of Scientific Revolutions is the source of a lot of conventional wisdom that was revolutionary in the 70s when it was published. Maybe a bit more tedious that it needs to be.
Flight Behavior - Barbara Kingsolver: I think Barbara Kingsolver is a terrific novelist, and although this book moves quite slow through its paces (and is a bit stressful if you spend your days already thinking about climate change), the payoff towards the end is real. She does a lot, with a lot of heart.
The Mother of All Questions - Rebecca Solnit: Humane, withering, lyrical: Rebecca Solnit is one of the writers I most admire, and this is a really wonderful compilation of some of her best work on feminism, hope and politics.
In Dubious Battle - John Steinbeck: I love John Steinbeck as much as the next left-leaning American, but only up to a point. This is a rough book about Men doing Men Things, full of people named Mac and Doc who do a lot of fighting and dying and it's just not his finest work.
Native Speaker - Chang-rae Lee: I re-read this book for the first time in about 10 years, and found myself coming across passages that had still somehow stuck with me through all that time. I could recommend Native Speaker as one of the best novels about New York City, relationships and language all at once, and its the kind of thing that will bear re-reading again in the future.
Trauma Stewardship - Laura van Dernoot Lipsky: I dunno, this one just didn't work for me. It felt over-broad, attributing so many behaviors and outcomes to trauma to render the concept almost meaningless.
Moby-Dick - Herman Melville: An epic that earns its place in the canon, I gushed wide-eyed about Moby-Dick at strangers for several weeks/months. Chapters on chapters about whaling history, seeming diversions, pile in between portraits of personal and collective madness: so much of this book is not about the White Whale and yet all of it is at the same time.
Direct Action - L. A. Kauffman: Direct Action is deftly written, insightful in its analyses and one of the best practical histories of contemporary organizing I've read. Hugely recommend for anyone trying to get a handle on What to Do Now.
What is Populism? - Jan Werner-Muller: I put this book next to The Shock Doctrine, Hegemony How To and Direct Action as one of the crucial books to read about Trump and the moment we're in. A book that covers the things that really need saying about Populism, but with the good sense to be brief, approachable and clear.
Bad Feminist - Roxane Gay: I am late coming to this book of essays, but I was thoroughly won over from the very start, because Gay has this way with short, direct but vulnerable language that makes her polemical points land with so much more intensity. I can't quite put my finger on it, but her manner of writing is so special, and she uses it to say such necessary things.
Istanbul - Orhan Pamuk: Let's just say this book is an acquired taste: you need some ready familiarity with Istanbul and a lot of patience for detailed personal stories and obscure asides in service of a memoir with a small focus. I quite like Istanbul and admire the literary goals of the book but didn't quite have the patience needed to really enjoy this throughout.
Dune - Frank Herbert: Apparently some people still haven’t read this book? They really should.
The Thing Around Your Neck - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: A book of short stories that are all elegant windows into the lives of people who are coping with distance, displacement and dread. They cover a lot of the thematic territory she addresses in other books, but with little experiments in style and structure that usually work.
Fear City - Kim Phillips-Fine: I've been waiting for years for someone to write the history of the New York City Financial Crisis that we all need, and I just don't think this book is it. It ended up being a sort of surface level history of a handfull elites involved in the crisis that never dove into the depths I hoped for.
Isaac's Storm - Erik Larson: I didn't always care for Larson's potboiler narrative style but I think the 1900 Galveston Hurricane is interesting and important and I'm glad someone wrote a book that lots of people could read about it.
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running - Hakuri Murakami: Since I read this (all at once, on a beach), I've been drifting back to certain points of it that just seem to stick with me. It's only in part a book about running, but also about writing, and I quite like both of those things.
Quicksilver - Neal Stephenson: Apparently there are 8 more books in this series. I'm not going to read them.
A Little Life - Hanya Yanagihara: I can't remember the last time I was quite this obsessed with a book, to the point of being driven to read into inappropriate hours of the morning and setting aside other obligations to make time for it. I also can't remember a book so devastating and frustrating to read, that puts its characters and readers through so much trauma and then describe in claustrophobic detail how it curtails their experiences of joy and success. There's nothing like it, and you need to experience it to understand.
The Fifth Season - NK Jemisin: I didn't love this book as much as everyone else I know who has read it. The story is clearly brilliant conceptually, but something about the melodrama in the writing style just kept getting in the way for me.
Radio Free Vermont - Bill McKibben: A Monkeywrench Gang for the modern age, but with less weird macho nonsense, and a better sense of humor.
Waiting - Ha Jin: What I most admired about this book was the ascetic, unadorned language that the author uses to follow a simple but elementally powerful plot line. You do end up waiting a lot as a reader, but there's much to observe as you do.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou: You don't need me to tell you that Maya Angelou knows how to write exceptional sentences. Instead, you should read some of them and learn the real power of a well-placed metaphor, or how you honor the half-formed, overpowering complexity of a child's feelings.
The Interpreter of Maladies - Jhumpa Lahiri: I've lost track of how many times I've read these short stories, but they destroy me pretty much every time.
Rules for Revolutionaries - Becky Bond and Zack Exley: There's some useful stuff in here.
The Lowland - Jhumpa Lahiri: This was the first novel of Jhumpa Lahiri's that I had ever read, and I just don't feel like she was able to stretch her voice -- which is so concise, spare and evocative -- to meet the scale of this novel.
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald: One of the greatest books of all time, a perfect picture of the spiritual depravity of money and consumption.
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley: It turns out this book is very little like the pop culture Frankenstein myth -- there is only a glancing mention of dead bodies, the monster is articulate and an almost wholly private terror. Instead it's a nested doll of stories about nature, knowledge and spiritual purpose. Consider Phlebas - Iain M. Banks: A perfectly fine pulpy space opera. I’ll probably read more of the Culture books at some point.
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plxyboi-blog · 5 years
Nutritionist Maya Feller's 5 best health tips for women of color
New Post has been published on https://healthy4lives.com/nutritionist-maya-fellers-5-best-health-tips-for-women-of-color/
Nutritionist Maya Feller's 5 best health tips for women of color
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Americans are risking their well being. A lack of diet instruction, workout and healthy food selections has remaining a brunt of the populace susceptible to coronary heart ailment, diabetic issues and being overweight.
These hazards are notably superior for women of colour.
According to the Centers for Disease Command and Avoidance, 45 percent of black women and 49 percent of Latinas are viewed as obese, as opposed to 38 percent of white women. Black women are 60 percent more very likely than white women to have a coronary heart assault and 1-3rd of Mexican-American women have cardiovascular ailment.
Nutritionist and dietician Maya Feller is on a mission to carry those numbers down. Founder of Maya Feller Nourishment, she specializes in threat reduction and management of diet plan-similar chronic illnesses. Her very first cookbook, which will come out in October, is named “The Southern Comfort and ease Food stuff Diabetes Cookbook: In excess of 100 Recipes for a Healthy Lifetime.”
“Most Americans are often and continuously eating rapid and processed meals at this sort of a clip that has unfavorable, unfavorable well being results,” stated Feller told NBC News well being editor Dr. Madelyn Fernstrom. “So it is definitely about scaling back. It really is about on the lookout for goods that are lower in sodium … It really is about modifying the proportion.”
Economics are stacked in opposition to women of colour, and there is no substitution for systematic change. Nevertheless, there are smaller methods women can consider to assistance improve their well being, and the well being of their people.
one. Educate by yourself on diet.
Nourishment is not an intuitive science, and it’s not taught in educational facilities. By and significant, persons in The us have no thought what they are putting into their bodies and what the impact may possibly be.
“Especially when we look in these communities of colour, that is not component of what is actually getting taught,” stated Feller. “They never know their numbers. They never know about their blood force. They never know about their lipids. They never have an thought of the reality that the website link between what they are putting into their bodies in fact has a scientific final result with regard to those numbers.”
To compound the concern, a lot of persons in the U.S. really do not take a look at a normal medical doctor who knows their heritage, patterns, and hazards.
“People are using crisis rooms as their primary care. Hence, there’s not this through-line of getting a medical doctor that’s pursuing you and also educating you.”
Until finally these larger sized societal troubles are addressed, women can examine diet labels and teach on their own on essential information. Nourishment is exceptionally challenging, according to Feller, but there are quick hacks to profitable the diet label game.
“I notify my clients, ‘If you happen to be on the lookout at fat and you happen to be on the lookout at salt, something that’s near to five percent is small. Just about anything that’s near to twenty percent is superior.’” stated Feller. “So if you happen to be using a packaged fantastic, you happen to be usually heading to want to look for five percent, or ten percent. Which is moderate and small, specially in those regions of fat and sodium.”
Feller also proposed a superior ratio of leafy greens, as opposed starchy vegetables like yams and potatoes.
“This is exactly where I say, ‘Look at what is actually on the plate, and look at the ratio. 50 % the plate as non-starchy vegetable, a quarter is lean protein, and a quarter is starch.’ Which is definitely a wonderful type of visual system.”
Avoid trans-fats, stated Feller. And if you are eating saturated fat, hold it moderate and plant-based, like avocados and olive oil.
The CDC also recommends superior fiber, small included sugar, and small refined carbohydrate intake.
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two. Substitute, really do not dismiss
Feller stated a lot of women of colour are choosy about what they take in, at times to their detriment.
“I frequently listen to ‘I’m not heading to take in it if it does not style fantastic.’ They are meals that we are accustomed to eating,” stated Feller. “Historically, persons would make meats and vegetables, and they would be well, well-seasoned. A short while ago, I would say due to the fact of the change in how agriculture and enterprise are joined, we see those meals getting created with included sugars, fats and salts.”
Feller suggested generating the similar dishes, but steering clear of additives and generating healthy substitutions.
“A whole lot of my Latino clients … definitely really like to have the blend of rice and beans. A single of the swaps that we did was instead of the white rice, we switched to brown rice and instead of canned beans, we switched to dried beans … As a substitute of frying the meat we sauteed it or stewed it. Relatively than browning it in sugar, we began with a tomato paste, even now sweet, garlic, onion, pepper, and then instead of frying the plantains, we both boiled them or bake them in the oven. So you happen to be acquiring the similar dish, but you happen to be generating a swap.”
3. Be energetic in innovative means.
Feller stated women of colour are at times performing two or 3 work and really do not have time for workout. Their lack of exercise also compounds their tension stages, and there’s a website link between tension, hypertension, and cardiovascular ailment, she stated.
“There are not ample areas for persons to engage in intentional, secure, physical exercise,” stated Feller.
Nevertheless, 30 minutes of physical exercise are proposed every single working day, which could not be reasonable for every person. Feller mentioned some innovative recommendations.
“If you happen to be dwelling in an city heart, you can do things like acquiring off the subway or the bus 1 quit before so you wander, taking the methods rather than the escalator…If you happen to be dwelling in a rural space, I say, ‘Start with ten minutes of strolling. Go at a slow or moderate pace.’ One more detail that also counts is cleansing your individual residence, ideal?…I would say washing your dishes could not be an aerobic exercise…Nevertheless, vacuuming your residence for 30 minutes in a way and type of dancing and relocating could be aerobic and exciting.”
4. Exercise sleep hygiene
Slumber is a critical component of well being and tension management, stated Feller, and it’s frequently forgotten. Bad sleep patterns can guide to superior blood force, diabetic issues, and being overweight, according to the CDC.
“You know, there’s this thought that sleep is not essential. It really is exceptionally essential. It really is a time for rejuvenation and rest,” stated Feller. “If someone is sleeping four hours a evening, normally with my clients I say, ‘Okay, is there a way that we can boost it to six?’ I’m not heading to talk to for the full eight at the top…So perhaps for the duration of the 7 days, I am going to say, “Ok, aim for six.’ And on the weekend, I am going to say, ‘Aim for 7. [Choose] smaller methods.’”
five. Design fantastic diet for the loved ones.
Gals of colour at times stay in neighborhoods that lack healthy grocery retailers, according to Feller. This indicates their small children are principally uncovered to establishments like dollar retailers that provide hugely processed meals. This, alongside with a lack of nutritional instruction, leaves small children specially susceptible to unfavorable influences. A fantastic diet plan, however, can be modeled by a loved ones member.
“Usually there is the primary caregiver. It could be a mother, a grandmother, even a father, aunt, uncle. After they make a decision to type of make that change about what is actually heading to be on the plates of the persons in the loved ones, we see it trickle down. If we can teach the elders and the persons that are serving the food, then the small children and individuals beneath are more very likely to engage in beneficial eating behaviors.”
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