#i hope this is okay ;-;
codename-freya · 7 days
@weavinghands liked for a starter
♤ What little she knew of Squad Zero wasn’t even enough to grasp the concept of the overpowering weight of what their reiatsu was. She didn’t have much knowledge, just enough that she was intimidated by the thought of any of them. Kaisa was a young soul. She wasn’t as young as Ichigo or his friends, but she was still practically a child soldier. As had many in the Seireiti after the Quincy War, she’d been irrevocably changed by her experiences during. Kaisa no longer held her head as high as she once had. Her green eyes held more tragedy in them than she understood what to do with, and her once long curly blonde hair was cut short, still not really cleaned up from when she did it herself. The young soul knew that there should be no reason for a member of Squad Zero to request her presence, yet here she was.
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Kaisa stood, anxiously waiting for the woman to meet her just outside of the Gobantai’s barracks. She chewed the inside of her bottom lip, trying to keep her anxieties at bay.
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She was wet. She was cold. She was tired and terrified. She was all covered in blood and ashes, but she had survived the battle. The battle that took so many lives.
She was alive; one of many (or rather one of so few) who were now lying or standing on the pirate ship. She was alive, but Nunnally didn’t know if that’s for good or bad. Was it the end or the beginning of her suffering? Her family was rich. And powerful. And it did offer some protection. But would a high ransom be enough to stop these men from hurting her!?
She was leaning on side of the ship, too tired to stand alone, breathing heavily. The salty water was dripping from her hair and from her once elegant dress. With a huge effort, she straightened her back as she noticed the extremely tall man walking to her direction. Or rather theirs. The prisoners. SHE WAS A PRISONER. As he came closer, for a brief moment, she thought she recognized him. But it was not only impossible, but also ridiculous.
And perhaps her situation would be even worse if it WAS actually him.
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Nunnally straightened her back again and brushed off a few of blond locks (now more red and black that blond) out of her face: --
“Whose prisoners are we?” – she tried to make her voice sound confident but she failed and the tone of her question clearly hinted she was scared – “What are you going to do to…all of us?” – she said her head pointing to the others on the deck. She should perhaps remain silent.
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plotted starter for @captblackthorn
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snnynatural · 12 days
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@safetypinned liked for a starter
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“what  were  you  thinking?!”  sonny  nearly  shouted  at  the  extremely  tall  hunter  in  front  of  her.  whacking  him  right  at  the  center  of  his  chest.  “do  you  and  your  brother  constantly  dive  in  head  first  where  you  nearly  kill  yourselves??”  another  whack.  “you  are  not  allowed  to  do  that!  for  once  can  you  let  someone  help  you?!”  despite  everything  simmering  down.  the  monster's  corpse  now  burnt.  sonny  wasn't  going  to  let  it  go.  sure  she  was  hurt  and  sam  made  it  in  time,  but  god!  she'd  be  damned  if  he  lost  his  life  while  she  was  around.  “you  can't-  you  can't  just  keep  sacrificing  yourself  like  that!”
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@1rstflight liked for a starter
There were times when Clint could honestly admit he had too much to drink. But being one drink in since checking into some hole in the wall motel, it was hard to question if the giant glowing translucent green hammer knocking some poor unsuspecting soul into a dumpster was bad booze or actually coming from equally glowing green man’s ring. The panicked woman running out of the far end of the alleyway felt like confirmation what he was seeing was real.
A short glance down to the flask in his hand before tossing it into the dumpster the presumed mugger had flown unceremoniously into and Clint turned his attention towards the green man. He wouldn’t deny he wished he had his bow on him or at least one of his knives. Hell, he would’ve settled for his sword. Apparently, he was settling going into this on pure wit.
“You know, over the last year I would have sworn I’ve seen about everything.” The archer took several steps closer with his hands out in a way that suggested he meant no harm. “But then I pick a shoddy little town to spend the night in and decided to take a walk after checking into a shitty motel where I’m pretty sure I’m going to sharing my room with at least five cockroaches…and find you. Interesting little trick you got there. You from Earth? Asgard? Some other planet that I’ve never heard of?”
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samxbradford · 16 days
open starter for: @veritywagner location: a park bench in the early morning hours
The somber quiet that had been uncoiled and folded itself around the coastal town stood in stark opposition to the roaring echo of loud music that lingered on, continued to ricochet from the walls of his mind. Armed with fries, they sat in silence, nothing but the rustling of leaves to set a serene undercurrent for a moment of tranquility. Tension faded and Sam felt something akin to ease. Something he rarely found among his peers. And when he stole a glance of Verity, sitting next to him on this bench carved from old wood, he remembered the past hours. Lightness and laughter, loud music and a good time, for a good time's sake. For once, there was little toxicity involved. Little need for destruction of his own wellness and yet, his expression bore no semblance of a smile as he observed her, let some more seconds linger on in complete quiet, before he spoke. His voice low and his tone calm. "What's going on inside that head of yours?"
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tredispade · 19 days
@fourthclone | starter with jenova
There were so many of them now. Countless 'clones' that were consumed and infected. All of them listening to him--- her progeny. With his muted genes. She couldn't be prouder. However... she did not apparate being left behind. To be forgotten. She would seek a new vessel so she could be in her rightful place at his side.
Then an all new beacon appeared. Burning hot with new life. New potential. This time she could reach out to him. Unobstructed by another. Greedily she reached out her metaphysical claws and sank them into the newborn psyche. Whispering fervently into his ear.
'Come to me my child. Allow me to care and nurture you. You can be so much stronger, so much resilient. Destined for more than a premature death due to your own weak humanity. Come to me... Come to me...'
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sebsxphia · 21 days
thinking about how hard it must be so hard for Bob “big ol’ balls” Floyd to carry around those huge balls all day 😔 So sometimes when he comes home after a long day at work, he just needs a place to rest them 😔 right on top of his sweet bunny’s face is a nice spot ☺️ that’ll do just fine, and if his massive cock lands in their mouth then so be it
holy shit, omg, yes PLEASE, dear anon! 🤤😵‍💫
when he comes home exhausted, bruised and battered, he simply tells you to get on your knees as he sits on your sofa. you know exactly what he needs. he holds your chin with a soft and tender touch, a harsh comparison to what he’s about to do.
he places a loving kiss to your lips and with a loving smile as well he asks you, “‘m so tired, my sweet bunny and my cock is achin’. will you let your husband rest for a little bit?” you give him a sweet smile and a nod. “thank you, bunny. you’re s’ good to me. i’ll let ya have a taste too.”
with a groan, he releases his semi hard cock from his flight suit and he still has a gentle hold on your chin as he angles your face to have his big balls rest on your soft cheeks. he lets out another groan, which is partly a sigh of relief and contentment. his head drops back against the sofa and he grinds his hips into the cushioning, letting his cock and balls relax perfectly against your face.
oh to be his sweet little housewife, who i let him do anything! thank you so much for this delicious and darling thought, my dear anon! 🥹💌
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musesreunite · 22 days
"In two days, I'll be restored... I just have to resist." @ any doctor.
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The Doctor glared over at the Master, tugging at the shackles that placed her hands behind her back. It came as a shock to her when this incarnation of the Master appeared before her. The very same one she met during her time with her eighth face. Worse of all, he managed to knock her out and imprisoning her like this.
"You never change. You'll change faces, but you'll never let go of the idea of world domination." She spoke up, standing into her knees. Her eyes meeting with his.
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astrummorte · 22 days
@fortifice [ aryin & gepard ]
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"You used to be my hero."
the sharp edges of a familiar outer jarilo-vi accent is marred by talian drawl, as if someone had been speaking too much, too often, too closely with some ranger or three. brows furrow as they say that, curious as to how the guard captain would react. did any of belobog even notice when they were picked up by not the astral express, but by the galaxy rangers, as if they didn't belong in belobog? ( did they even CARE? )
"I used to want to be a Silvermane Captain, like you."
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they duck their head down as if in recollection of & reverence to the fallen and forgotten, not sure if gepard had remembered every name of those fallen beyond the walls before the fragmentum had been taken care of - at least in part.
"My brother... he was a part of your guard. At least, was a part of the Guard. He died protecting Belobog, and not a soul came to give the rest of his family well wishes." lips thin into a tight line before they sigh. "I have to wonder, did Tobias mean anything to the Guard? Did my brother's death mean anything to you?" they just sound tired.
for a wanted criminal, aryin stands at ease before gepard.
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[ cú ] “ memory is more often a curse than a blessing ”
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He was right, and yet he was not. It all depended what kind of memories one had, but - given what he said - Nunnally imagined his life was not a happy one. More often anyway. If the past haunted (or at least chased) him, then memories could be considered a burden or a curse. Was her past a curse? She considered it more a lesson, although her childhood was a silent desire to be someone else. Or somewhere else. She nodded in reply, silently wondering why these words were directed at her. Why was she approached?
“A curse for some and the blessing for others. Indeed.” – she was not ready to give him more; to show him her vulnerable side and to admit that she fully agreed with that statement. The princess reached her small elegant hand towards Cú, inviting him to offer her his arm. Did he recognize her? Did he know who she was? Was he sent here for a reason or did he approach her on his own volition? Nunnally couldn’t deny she was curious about him. She couldn’t pretend she didn’t want to know more; to know what was a secret behind his words. She imagined things were known about him and about her, but these things were always a mixture of truth and lies, and there were always unspoken secrets hidden deep inside the castle walls. Not that she expected these secrets would be revealed to her.
There was a magnificent view in front of them; clearly visible through the large widow they were standing close to. It was late evening and the sun started to set; painting the sky in all different shades of reds, pinks and purples. Nunnally didn’t like the view; the colours were now reminding her of blood. She shivered wondering if this was some kind of bad omen. The colours of the blood; and the words of the man. Were her cursed memories just started to happen? To be created?
She hoped her dull thoughts were not painted on her face; tainting her regular features with sadness and fear. Perhaps if she started to talk, she could focus on something else? After all she should entertain…her guest?
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“What about you?” – she asked gently, trying to make her voice sound plain; as if it was just a casual small talk despite the weight (and the implications) this topic might have brought – “Would you consider yourself the lucky few with the past of blessings? Or the unlucky ones that feel cursed by their past?”
The moment these words left her lips, Nunnally felt it was still too much. That she crossed the line she shouldn’t have crossed: --
“I beg your forgiveness, My Lord. It was not my intention to pry.”
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Source // no longer accepting
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dreamhued · 29 days
" i don't want anything to change. " ... @long-song, as the eleventh doctor.
history is the study of change. a primordial facet of life, that remains unmovable. in the shelves of abel's mind, ingrained to the core of her existence, a line rings true: change is never painful. only resistance to change is painful. (stretch your hands to the corners of the earth and you'll find, it never stops moving. try to still a moving train, and it will run you down. people, places, and things never last— permanency, no matter how desperately clung onto, is a misconception. a myth, that never stops growing. the truth, abel thinks, is that you can only take it as it comes. and when it leaves, a part of you will leave, too.) so, the doctor is in, but his heartache is a fracture even a cast can't cure. his feet chase down timelines, horizon lines, crossing-lines, or boundaries, or places he won't walk. he's a moon-man who has witnessed too many eclipses; a space-traveller, with a sunk-cost fallacy. he's got beginnings beckoning at his fingertips, an ending echoing through his skull, and abel arden has found herself the liminal space between it all. if she put any thought into luck, she might call it a four-leaf clover kind of day.
or, since she's abel, she'll simply call it tuesday. "why not?" star-speckled eyes keep their gaze fixated to a plant. a spray of water mists over the leaves, and a soft poke bounces one up and down. "change is important." a glance is swung his way, paired with a crescent moon grin rounding at her cheek. "if it wasn't for change, plants wouldn't exist." her posture straightens from its place, tap shoes tip-tip-tipping across the flooring of her apartment. the spray bottle sets down beside a cup of tea, exchanged out in an instant to lift to her lips. a slow sip, as her stare watches liquid sink down the ceramic. she lifts her head once more. "and if plants didn't exist, people wouldn't exist, and if people didn't exist, then i wouldn't exist." the cup clinks back down to the counter. "but poison oak exists." a scrunch of her nose. "so, maybe that makes change bad, too." a finger dances around the rim of the cup absentmindedly, a soft pop of her mouth filling the silence for a brief moment. "or, it makes it like sour candy." lips pucker in imitation, and then relax. "yuck, and yum."
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tenebrous-academic · 1 month
Ooooh what are your thoughts on what it's like for Tommy at Harbor, and what his coworkers are like?
Anon. I had such a good answer written. It was literally perfect. And then I accidentally closed the ask and it deleted itself 🙃 I don’t know if this answer will be as good, but I’ll do my best.
I LOVE this question first of all. A lot of my favourite fics have had Buck going to the Harbour while Tommy is working and he meets his coworkers who are thrilled to meet the man Tommy can’t stop talking about. And they tease Tommy endlessly about the way he can’t stop smiling at his phone whenever Buck texts him. It’s such a welcoming and supportive workspace. But it took work for Tommy to open himself up to that.
When he was under Captain Gerrard he was utterly repressed and hiding so much of himself. He would laugh at the jokes or stay silent to keep the target off his back. It was a toxic environment we saw him only begin to break free of when he saw that there were other ways of living, of being true to himself. Even when Bobby came it wasn’t our Bobby. It wasn’t even Season One Bobby. It was a Captain who was still traumatized and was only focused on keeping his team safe, healthy, and cohesive. But it wasn’t a family, not yet.
By the time Tommy gets to the Harbour I think he had more confidence in himself and a desire to find his own place. He saw how Chimney and Hen were beginning to find their way under Bobby and he wanted something like that for himself, but it couldn’t be with the 118. Not when the memory of who he pretended to be hung over him like a spectre. And not when the itch to be in the air again just wouldn’t go away. So he heads out - not running away, but not not running away. And when he does enter the Harbour for the first time, I think he sees the possibilities that are open to him for the first time in his life. So when a coworker asks if he has a girlfriend, he takes a risk and says “No, I just broke up with my ex-boyfriend actually and I’m taking my time.” Or “No, but I am seeing a pretty great guy right now and we’re seeing where it’s going.” That’s it. No negative reaction, no sneers or pulling away. Just easy acceptance. Tommy is safe to be himself here and he can finally breathe.
I also think that it’s likely that a lot of the pilots are ex-army, and it creates an atmosphere of a fraternity more than a family. They’re brothers and sisters in arms and, more importantly, they’re bad-ass pilots! They razz on each other and joke, but it’s all with an undercurrent of respect and friendship running through it.
It’s not a family the way the 118 grew to be. It’s a collection of people crazy enough to go up into the air and fly into fires. Their friends and partners, but not family. And that’s okay, because Tommy didn’t go there looking for a family. He went there looking for belonging and acceptance, and he found it. And, now, he can start building that family with Buck.
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Months on the road had taken its toll on him, not that the archer was willing to admit it. His main focus had been moving from shitty motel to shittier motel before the Avengers could find him. Sleep was the enemy and he did everything he could to avoid it; bouncing between energy drinks and alcohol so fast it gave him whiplash. Not that he cared. He was too busy trying to outrun the nightmares and memories to think about the dangerous path he was hurtling down.
Clint had only managed to finish his first drink of the day before he had to pull his cap down further over his eyes and leave the bar. A news story about the ‘Missing Avenger’ came on the old tube television mounted on the wall in the corner of the open bar and he had no intention of getting caught. Not here. Not in…where the hell was he anyways?
Stepping out onto the sidewalk, the archer simply shoved his hands into his pockets and headed back towards his crappy little motel, only to change direction mid-step. There was nothing for him to drink back at the motel and the only way he would be able to bare being alone was with a healthy supply from the closet package store. It wasn’t too far out of his way but he knew he would be safer back in his room and away from the public eye.
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leonscape · 1 month
Hi hi! Congratulations on reaching 400 followers!!!! 🥳
I'd like to request 1-Apocalypse, fluff or angst or both lol, with Leon x Irene
Hiii thanks for requesting Irene 🥺🦁❤️
Leonscape’s 400 Follower Special
Leon x OC (Irene) + Fluff+ Apocalypse, “When you’re all alone, I will reach for you. When you’re feeling low, I will be there too.”
She wasn’t born into nobility. They never required her to speak or socialize.
Just stand next to your fiancé and smile. That’s all you need to do.
But standing next to Leon was a different world. He encouraged Irene to forge relationships with other noblewomen and have conversations with high ranking officials.
At first he saw how difficult it was for her and was fully prepared to take that pressure off of her. But she never stopped trying. It made him support her even more.
But it wasn’t always easy. Irene took a break from socializing and leaned against the railing of the balcony.
Leon must’ve felt this way too. She thought to herself. It’s an impossible loneliness.
“Are you all right?” Leon joined her.
“You always know where to find me,” she comments. “Or did you see me come out here?”
“I knew you’d be out here,” he said. “This place reminds me of you and I’ll bet it reminds you of me.”
She smiled and nodded. “I just didn’t want to bother you.”
“Hey, you can bother me anytime.”
“I’d like to bother you a lot less. Especially over silly things. I’ve got to learn how to handle things on my own,” she explained.
Leon’s smile fades. He immediately understood her feelings. “I thought the same things. But you don’t have to figure everything out by yourself. I know you feel, wanting to figure things out by yourself. But you shouldn’t worry about asking for help or accepting it.”
“You’re being too kind. You have to be more tough on me.” She frowned.
“When you’re all alone, I will reach for you, no matter how far I have to go. When you’re feeling low, I will be there too, no matter how long it takes to get there.” His hug was warm and gentle.
“You’re keeping me soft.” She pouted as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “And I hate that I get so emotional.”
“Please, never lose that.”
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lettherebemonsters · 1 month
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" Hey, fuck your twink bug ass. My buns are better than anything that fucking snake bitch can dish out. He doesn't even have fucking LEGS. You can't have a thick ass without some serious fucking legs."
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royboyfanpage · 1 month
I have only recently gotten into reading GA comics, but i see his character every now and then and have no idea who he is; who is eddie fryers??
Eddie is an asshole, a bastard, an absolute twat, the bane of my existence and I love him with all my heart.
Okok though seriously. Eddie Fyers was first introduced in Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters #3 as a freelance... mercenary, I guess? He's most commonly associated with the CIA, but he's worked for a lot of people. His initial description was that he was apolitical, which meant that depending on the circumstances he was either friend or foe to Ollie. He was a recurring character who showed up every 10-20 issues to make Ollie's bad days worse. Their relationship was honestly so fucking funny because it varies drastically from sharing chilli
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To literally shooting each other
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And while for the most part the hostility is in his earlier appearances and the friendship is his later ones, it's still can go either way at any given moment. Connor was quite concerned when he first met Ollie and Eddie for this exact reason.
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(@/gretahayes described this scene as "local monk discovers toxic homosexual relationships" and I could not agree more.)
But Eddie actually became a much more consistent character after Ollie died, appearing as the main supporting cast member of Connor's run, which caused Connor some internal conflict early on over the morality of keeping Eddie as company.
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He was also Connor's "I know a guy", which was really fun.
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Eddie was really Connor's best friend throughout his run, and they also had a really fun dynamic that was similar to Eddie and Ollie's but also distinctly different. Sometimes Eddie acted as I guess a grizzled mentor, other times an annoying friend, but he was pretty consistently a big supporter in Connor's life
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Eddie pretty much followed Connor everywhere, and they practically became inseparable throughout Connor's run, to the point that when Connor went to rejoin the ashram at the end of the run, Eddie came with.
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Connor briefly left Eddie to go find Ollie when Ollie came back from the dead in Quiver-
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-but they weren't seperated for very long.
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If you wanna see him I'd recommend reading Connor's Green Arrow run most of all (Green Arrow (1988) #101 onwards), but here's a pretty good reading guide of all his appearances :)
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