#I suppose this second answer is okay 😂
tenebrous-academic · 4 months
Ooooh what are your thoughts on what it's like for Tommy at Harbor, and what his coworkers are like?
Anon. I had such a good answer written. It was literally perfect. And then I accidentally closed the ask and it deleted itself 🙃 I don’t know if this answer will be as good, but I’ll do my best.
I LOVE this question first of all. A lot of my favourite fics have had Buck going to the Harbour while Tommy is working and he meets his coworkers who are thrilled to meet the man Tommy can’t stop talking about. And they tease Tommy endlessly about the way he can’t stop smiling at his phone whenever Buck texts him. It’s such a welcoming and supportive workspace. But it took work for Tommy to open himself up to that.
When he was under Captain Gerrard he was utterly repressed and hiding so much of himself. He would laugh at the jokes or stay silent to keep the target off his back. It was a toxic environment we saw him only begin to break free of when he saw that there were other ways of living, of being true to himself. Even when Bobby came it wasn’t our Bobby. It wasn’t even Season One Bobby. It was a Captain who was still traumatized and was only focused on keeping his team safe, healthy, and cohesive. But it wasn’t a family, not yet.
By the time Tommy gets to the Harbour I think he had more confidence in himself and a desire to find his own place. He saw how Chimney and Hen were beginning to find their way under Bobby and he wanted something like that for himself, but it couldn’t be with the 118. Not when the memory of who he pretended to be hung over him like a spectre. And not when the itch to be in the air again just wouldn’t go away. So he heads out - not running away, but not not running away. And when he does enter the Harbour for the first time, I think he sees the possibilities that are open to him for the first time in his life. So when a coworker asks if he has a girlfriend, he takes a risk and says “No, I just broke up with my ex-boyfriend actually and I’m taking my time.” Or “No, but I am seeing a pretty great guy right now and we’re seeing where it’s going.” That’s it. No negative reaction, no sneers or pulling away. Just easy acceptance. Tommy is safe to be himself here and he can finally breathe.
I also think that it’s likely that a lot of the pilots are ex-army, and it creates an atmosphere of a fraternity more than a family. They’re brothers and sisters in arms and, more importantly, they’re bad-ass pilots! They razz on each other and joke, but it’s all with an undercurrent of respect and friendship running through it.
It’s not a family the way the 118 grew to be. It’s a collection of people crazy enough to go up into the air and fly into fires. Their friends and partners, but not family. And that’s okay, because Tommy didn’t go there looking for a family. He went there looking for belonging and acceptance, and he found it. And, now, he can start building that family with Buck.
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bluewhitehues · 3 months
Wonwoo× Fem. Reader | Oneshot
Summary: You answering a question,"What if your bf cheats on you." But you know your man too well.
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You're sitting with all of your/wonwoo's friends and their partners. It's just casual hangout night. Where you guys get together and drink and play games and have fun. Someone in the group will organize this hangout night by taking turns each time. This time it was seungkwan, so you were all gathered at his house. Spread on couches, mats on the floor,chairs everywhere.
And chan came up with this weird game where they'll ask everyone a hypothetical question and ask them what will they do in this situation.
So it's your turn and seungkwan throws you a question, "So y/n my question is ..suppose you found out that your boyfriend is cheating on you, what will you do ? "
And it got different reactions from everyone in a second like some were gasping, some were curious and wonwoo glaring at seungkwan with a "Heyy watch what you're saying, I'm her boyfriend." He was offended cause no way in hell and heaven he'll ever cheat on you.
On the other hand you let out a funny laugh saying, "Nah my boyfriend pulled me that's a miracle in itself, that's the last concern I'll ever have-" seungkwan cuts you off while wonwoo huffs but shakes his head with a smile cause even he knows that's true. Mingyu's laugh loud at the background "But it's a hypothetical question just answer it..I want a proper answer" seungkwan whines.
" Okay fineee!.." You make a face like you're thinking and then you say "honestly if I ever caught him cheating or even talking to another girl ..my honest reaction would be ..waittt.. you know how to do that??"
And everyone just bursts out laughing cause they know their friend that guy is shy af and so introverted.
Wonwoo who's sitting beside you his arm on your shoulder. "I don't know if I should be glad or should be offended but thank you babe." Wonwoo says to you glaring at you. You laugh throwing your head back and then take his face in one of your hand, "Sorry babe but I wasn't making fun of you, you're too lazy and unbothered to go and like make another girlfriend or something ..I know you."
He chuckles,"Well fine then y'all can laugh. I'm very happy and content with my beautiful girlfriend and I'm glad that she knows I won't ever do that to her." He says giving you sheepish smile and then kissing your hand.
Everyone in the background cooing at you two.. "Awwww" "You guys are so cute"
You blush at that and when they move to the next question/next person. The focus is not on you anymore.
So, you turn in wonwoo's arms, hugging him, burying your face in his shoulder. He instantly wraps you in his embrace gently. The smile blooming on his face "I love you" you whisper near his ear. His smile widens "I love you too baby" He whispers back kissing your shoulder.
[ Masterlist ]
a/n : random idea popped in and I instantly wrote it down 😂😂 hope you like it.
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cc--2224 · 5 months
Asking For Help
Pairing: Platonic Tech & F!Reader
Summary: You decide to stay in bed to deal with the pain you're experiencing. The Batch notices and sends Tech to check on you.
Warnings: Reader kind of described as AFAB as fic deals with period pain. But other than that, pure fluff! It can 100% be platonic.
Word Count: 918
Notes: Does the Bad Batch understand anatomy? Probably. Was it more fun to make them panic? Absolutely. I mostly wrote this for me as I took the day off work for this exact reason 😂 no real proofreading.
Taglist: None, let me know if you'd like to be added!
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The Marauder's cockpit seemed weirdly empty without you, and everyone noticed your absence. You hadn't been with Clone Force 99 for very long, but when you spend all your time with the same people for four months, they start to worry when you're not being as social as you normally would.
"Where is she?" Hunter finally asked, looking at the empty seat you normally occupied.
Wrecker shrugged, "I tried calling her this morning for breakfast but she didn't leave her room."
"Is it not obvious?" Tech asked, eyes not leaving his datapad. "She exhibits this behaviour roughly around the same time each month."
He thought he was giving everyone the answer, but their confused faces told him that he wasn't.
"She is mostly likely menstruating."
"In Common, Tech." Wrecker said.
Crosshair rolled his eyes, "She's on her period. It's not the end of the world."
Eyes turned back to Tech for an explanation, and he sighed.
"Do none of you pay attention to the anatomy manuals? People who are biologically female go through this process nearly every month. Their body prepares itself for an egg to be fertilized, but when it is not, it begins to shed the excess in the form of blood and uterine lining. Typically resulting in side effects such as; mood swings, pelvic cramps, lower back pain, and headaches to name a few."
Wrecker looked shocked, "And they do this every month? That sounds painful."
Tech shrugged, "I couldn't say, from my understanding, each person reacts differently."
"Shouldn't we check on her? Make sure she's okay?" Hunter asked.
"She does it every month with or without us, I don't see how now is any different." Crosshair pointed out.
"Yeah but, we're her friends, we should help if we can."
Wrecker looked back to Tech, "You know the most about it, you go see if she's okay."
Expectant looks all pointed in Tech's direction and he shook his head. "Fine, I suppose I could inquire after her."
Truthfully, Tech was also concerned for you, even though he had a vague understanding of what was going on. He found your presence soothing, and the Marauder seemed more cheerful with you around. And it was his nature to want to solve any problems that arose, so he wanted the chance to do that now.
He got up from his seat and walked toward the refresher to look for a hot compress and some painkillers so that he might actually be of assistance before cautiously walking toward your room.
He knocked quietly.
"...Yeah?" You croaked from inside the room.
"It's Tech, may I come in?"
You didn't answer immediately but then after a few seconds you spoke, "Door's unlocked."
He pressed the button to open the door before stepping in and letting it close behind him. He frowned slightly when he was you curled up on your bunk with your arms around your stomach.
"I take it I was correct then, you are menstruating."
"Yeah." You replied a little too harshly. "Did you need something?"
"It appears your absence went quite noticed this morning and the others are worried about you."
"So they sent you to check on me?"
He adjusted his goggles, "Well, even though I had suspected what the issue was, I suppose I was also worried."
You didn't say anything, but you moved slowly, creating room for him to sit down on your bunk, he sat on the edge.
"I have brought you a compress and painkillers, if you are interested. I have heard they help to alleviate any cramping and pain associated with it." He handed both to you.
You smiled at his gesture and took the painkillers first. "Thank you," you swallowed two of them down with water from the canteen beside your bunk, then you took the heat compress and hugged it to your stomach.
"Is there anything else I can do for you?" He asked, looking down at you.
You looked at him then looked at your pillow and shook your head.
"Very well, I will check up on you later then." He announced before standing up and walking toward the door.
"Wait.." You called out. He turned to look at you. "Can you stay.. with me?"
His expression went from surprised to a gentle smile, and he nodded. "Of course."
He walked back over to your bunk and returned to his seat on the edge.
"Can we- er... Can you hold me?" You asked, so quietly that he thought he might have misheard you.
"You'd like me to hold you?" He repeated.
His need for clarification caused blood to rise to your face in embarrassment.
"If-if that's okay, actually, nevermind I-"
But before you could finish your rambling, Tech crawled into the bunk next to you, holding you so your back was firm against his chest.
You sighed into him and closed your eyes as he began drawing idle shapes on the skin of your shoulder.
"Thank you, Tech." You repeated.
"You are welcome, but your gratitude is unwarranted. We are your friends, we want to help you. Anytime you need us, you do not need to be afraid to ask for help, no matter what ails you.”
You smiled once more. With the heat both from the compress and Tech pressed against you and the painkillers beginning to kick in, you felt yourself finally begin to drift off to sleep. Despite his protests, you were truly grateful to have friends who cared about you, no matter what was going on.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 months
Dick and Alfred in that last arranged!reader piece have me in stitches 😂 and they're absolutely right
"Hey Y/N!"
"Hello, Dick," you answer, looking up from where you're working on your laptop. "Need something?"
"No-" he'd gotten distracted by a picture on your desk. An old one of you with some of the sisters and one of your paintings. They're beaming. Happy to have it donated to them for their quarters. "What's with the penguins?"
"I went to a lot of boarding schools," you answer, smiling a little. "They were supposed to teach me how to speak pretty languages and paint pretty still lives."
"Boring," he said.
"Sometimes," you answer. "But they could be very kind. And surprisingly catty."
Dick thought about that for a second, looking at the picture again and looked back at you. It was weird to think about adults as kids. Still. He hopped up on your desk and swung his legs oblivious as you shifted your work over. "Can we go out for a while?"
"And go where, Dick?"
He shrugged, "I can help you find something really expensive."
You smile, "I feel like that would be like taking a bull to a china shop, how about the zoo instead?"
Dick brightened and hopped off the desk, "Okay!"
"I'll go get my car and meet you out front," you tell him, making a mental note to tell Alfred not to bother with tea. You had a feeling that once Dick was running and gunning outside the manor you'd be lucky to have him back by dinner.
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scarletwinterxx · 9 months
start of something new - jaemin scenario
so.... i still can't believe he sent this on bbl😂 my whole tl was in chaos and now we're here
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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"Hey come look, do you think I should send this?" Jaemin taps his phone on your back, calling your attention.
You didn't even think twice before looking over at what he's showing, but it's Jaemin. You'd be a fool to expect anything normal from him.
"What the fuck, Jaem. Why would you show me that?"
"Why not?" he asks back
"I'd rather not know what you're sending to your latest conquests, thank you very much" you mumble, going back to what you were doing but failing to focus.
Only a fool would not notice the change in Jaemin's physique. He changed from being this lanky quiet guy to his sexy muscular mysterious dude.
Damn Na Jaemin and his sexiness.
But it's Na Jaemin, the very same Jaemin you've been friends with for forever. Sexy would be the last thing you'd call him.
"But I trust your opinion, of course I'd ask you. Isn't that what friends are for?"
You're seriously three seconds away from smacking him on the head, turning to look straight at him again. "Exactly, we're friends. Everyone already thinks we're sleeping together" you mumbled
He hears you though, turning his phone off to give his full attention to you. It's true he heard the rumors going around the two of you, even though he's seen in public with other girl or girls. A lot of your acquaintances still thinks something is going on between the two of you.
And he may or may have not also said you're the prettiest girl on campus. It happened during a party and Haechan asked the question to which he answered with your name loud and clear without even missing a beat. You didn't know about it until now, he'd probably never tell you because he's too scared to ruin what you have.
Does he think about kissing you? yes. Maybe once or twice, but that's still too many times to think about kissing your bestfriend than normal.
"Earth to Jaemin" you wave a hand infront of his face
"Does that make you uncomfortable?" he asks, crossing his arms. He didn't miss the way your eyes look at his arms for a quick second, smirking but quickly hiding it.
"That people think we're sleeping together"
You choked on air, hitting your chest a few times while trying to process what he said. The words sleeping and together is not something you envisioned ever talking to Jaemin about.
"I- uh- like- the fuck am I suppose to answer to that?"
"Yes or no, I can tell them to stop if it's making you uncomfortable" he tells you
"And if I say no, what would that even mean?
He raises a brow at you, chuckling at your flustered state. "Alright, I'll stop now" he laughs, earning a hit on the arm from you.
"I hate you" you grumbled, throwing the closest thing to you which was a cat plushie he gave you.
From that moment on something changed. At first you thought it was just Jaemin being Jaemin but he's been more touchy with you. Of course he's still very respectful, but he would always have a hand on your back when you're in crowded places. Like that time you attended an event on campus, he was standing right behind you the entire time. At some point you felt his hands rest on your waist, choosing not to say anything about it.
You also noticed he's on his phone less, and if he is he's just talking to Jeno or Renun or texting you really. You haven't heard any new news about his latest conquest.
"Okay, something's wrong and you're not telling me" you told him
Currently, the two of you are in his room hanging out.
"What do you mean?" he asks, "You, something's wrong. Are you sick?" you ask back, putting your hand on his forehead
"And why would you think that?"
"Because you're not being very Jaemin right now, I haven't heard you speak about any other girl for weeks. Just last Friday night during the party you said no to that girl who was offering you a drink. The Jaemin I know would've charmed her pants off but you just brushed her off" you told him,
He smiles, resting back on the headboard as he listens to you
"What? Why are you smiling like that?"
"I was with you during that party, I got you drinks remember"
"I do remember, you won't leave my side. Are you sure you're okay?" you ask again, this time leaning closer to look at him straight in the eyes. Jaemin gulps at the close proximity. Right now your hands are resting on each side of him on the bed, he's trying so hard to keep his focus on you but he can't help but glance at your lips.
"I'm ehem I'm good"
You take one look at him again before going back to sitting beside him, Jaemin releasing the breath he was holding.
"You'd tell me if something was wrong right?" you ask, this time your voice was softer. Jaemin takes your hand that was closest to him, holding it in his. "Of course, I promise"
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"I think he's in love with you"
"No he's not"
"Well either that or he's going celibate, because I have not seen that man with any other girl besides you. Like literally" your friend tells you, her statement making you even more confused.
If it really is the truth, you refuse to face it until he's literally screaming it at you. You'd rather live with the what ifs than make things awkward between you and Jaemin because of your wrong assumptions.
Just then you get a text from him, speaking of the devil. He's telling you to come over for dinner and to help him with some coursework.
"Is that him?"
"What? It's just Jaemin. He texted" you mumbled, gathering your things
"Yea exactly, you have this smile on whenever he texts you"
"No, I do not"
"Yes you do, but we can argue about it later after the two of you finally kissed then I can tell you I told you so" she says then bids you goodbye.
You then make your way to Jaemin's apartment, knocking a few times and when he didn't answer you punch the code in letting yourself in.
"Jaem?" You call out, when you didn't get an answer you walked to the kitchen to get yourself a bottle of water. After you closed the fridge door, your soul felt like it left your body
"What the fuck" you shouted, getting scared by Jaemin
"Sorry" he laughs, holding both hands up "I didn't hear you, I was in the shower"
You can tell, he's literally shirtless in front of you. Your eyes wander before snapping back to his eyes, "Shirt, is that not a thing now?" you ask him, passing by to sit on the living room couch. Jaemin laughs before walking back to his room to get a shirt.
"What are we doing again?" you ask when he takes the seat beside you
"I just need help revising my paper, then we can get dinner then maybe make out"
"Sure sounds good- wait what?!"
You look over at Jaemin, seeing the big smile on his face. You hit him with the pillow a few times while he laughs, "You're so dumb" you grumble, slumping further on the couch.
To be honest Jaemin didn't mean to say it outloud but he missed you today, you're wearing your usual casual clothes but you look so pretty in his eyes. The overwhelming feeling of wanting to kiss you is winning, disolving any remaining restraint he had.
Not like he was putting up a fight anyways. The moment he knew he liked you more than a friend, he surrendered. You had him wrapped around your finger and you didn't even know.
"How about a kiss on the cheek then?" he asks,
"Did you even need help or am I here so you can mess with me" you frown at him and Jaemin almost grabbed you by the face to kiss you.
But instead he just smiles, shaking his head "No, and a little kiss won't hurt anybody"
"Friends don't kiss, Jaemin"
"Then I don't want to be your friend"
"What?" you whisper
From the playful vibe, it's now more serious. Did you really hear him say that? Or was it the voices in your head
"I said maybe I don't want to be just your friend anymore"
"Let me rephrase that. Fuck being friends, I want to kiss you and hug you and hold you. I want to do all things friends aren't suppose to do" he says while looking straight at you
"But why??" was all you could reply
"What do you mean why? Because I like you, I've liked you for a while now but I didn't want to say anything because we're friends but I don't think I can keep telling myself that's all I'll ever be to you"
"But you can have any girl you want, any girl would kill to be in this place" you tell him, he shakes his head before answering you
"I don't want any girl, I want you"
There isn't really any manual or textbook that taught you what to say when your friend confess to you. Nothing really prepared you for this moment. Hell you never thought this moment would even come.
"Jaemin, do you even know what you're saying?"
"Yes, and I know it's hard to believe with my trackrecord and all that but I swear I haven't talked to any girl in like months. How could I even try when you're all I can think about. At first I though I was going crazy then I realized I wasn't, I was just falling inlove with my bestfriend. Maybe I am crazy" he mumbles the last part making you laugh lightly. This made Jaemin smile
"Do you hate me now?" he asks
"No, I just don't know what to say. I knew something was up with you I didn't know it was this"
"Just me being in my feels for you" he says, this made you laugh.
"So.. can we make out now?" he jokingly asks, "Ha you gotta take me out on a date first and I don't even know if I'm good at kissing you might not want to go out with me after"
When he didn't reply, you look at him again only to see him staring at you. "What?"
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"I think I've told you before but I kissed a total of two guys, like one way back in high school then that dude from that party way back. Don't make me say the whole story again, it's embarrasing"
"So like technically I'll be your first kiss?" he asks
"I don't think that's how it works"
"We can make it that, I bet it's not because you don't know how to kiss they just didn't know how to kiss you"
You can feel your cheeks get red upon hearing his words
"Shut up"
"Kiss me then" he tells you, turning sideways to this time he's facing you
"Kiss me"
"Didn't you hear me, I don't know how. This is em-" you didn't finish your sentence because his lips are on yours. One hand on the back of your neck while the other holds you from behind, pulling you closer to him.
Jaemin waits for you to kiss him back, each second making his heart drum harder in his chest. Just when he's about to pull away, he feels your lips move against his and he swears you just sent him to his own heaven.
He lets you lead kiss, whatever you're comfortable with. When you pull away from him, he takes this chance to pull you on his lap. Your hands automatically going on his shoulders
"See, that wasn't so bad. They just didn't know how to kiss you" he whispers while staring at your lips, this time it's you who kisses him first. From the quick pecks, the kisses turn into something more. The two of you getting breathless but he can't bring himself to stop. It's like you're his air.
When you pull away to catch your breath, Jaemin takes this chance to kiss your jaw down your neck. Grasping your waist to hold you down, you tilt your head to the side to give him more access.
"Okay we need to pause for a sec or else I'm not going to stop" he tells you but he also still had his lips attached on your skin. Like it was torture to pull away. With one more kiss on your lips, he leans back to look at you.
"Go on a date with me?" he breathes out, you smile at him. Nudging your nose against his and giving his lips another peck, "Only if you say please"
"Pretty please"
You smile down at him then you kiss him again
"Since we're not friends anymore, I'm gonna kiss you again"
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alexa-fika · 6 months
Hey, can you do a niffty reader with whitebeard pirates?
basicly niffty is a housekeeper who quote on quote "likes killing mother bugs in front of baby bugs as a warning to the others" is very much a probem child in the mentaly unstable way, likes punishing bad boys(whatever that means) and likes stabing people, Multiple times.
She is from hazbin hotel
Menace Ahoy( Whitebeard pirates x male!child!reader)
A/N, y’all I had this one ready yesterday but I forgot to post it đŸ€­ And then forgot to do it this morning too,oops. If you know Hazbin Hotel you know what you can expect on a character based on nifty, if not expect references to blood killing and overall red flags in a child 😂
Update: (Female Version)
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha as a placeholder which stands for Reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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“You lost him?!”
“The hell do you mean me?! You were also supposed to keep an eye on him!”
“That’s enough the both of you! Right now, we need to focus on finding him before he sneaks into the kitchen or the training areas.” The first-mad yelled, scolding his crewmates
“I swear I had him by my side a few seconds ago. I just I blinked, and just like that, gone! It’s like he just up and vanished!” Ace said desperately, looking around
“That’s why you can’t take your eyes off him; he is quick like that,” mutters Vista, thinking of where the little menace could have run off to now
“He wouldn’t get off the ship, would he?” He questions
“Unlikely, he will only get down once he sees one of us has deboarded, and despite looking for trouble, he won’t leave our side unless we tell him he can,” Izou pipes in
Their discussion is quickly cut short as two voices join their conversation
“What have I told you about sneaking into the kitchen?” Thatch grumbles, holding the child by the scruff of his shirt walking closer to the men
“But it was a mess! I needed to clean the mess up!” He fusses, looking up at the chef
“No, uh, Kitchen is a big No, No, don’t trust you not to steal one of my knives again.”
“But it was a mess; I need to go back and clean it; I need to make sure it’s clean, so much mess, I need to clean it,” he rambled on as he began to spiral on the thought of the kitchen and all the tools and areas that needed to be cleaned up
“Hey, Hey, I get you want to clean, but you can’t just barge in and start cleaning; you could get badly hurt if you touched one of the hot surfaces. Please don’t go back in there without one of us,” He said, lowering the kid to the ground
“Just don’t sneak in there again, got it?”
“It’s okay; I'm not mad at you. I'm just worried you could get badly hurt. How about you come to ask me first, and I‘ll let you know if I help clean?”
He grins, nodding excitedly
“Hey, Dokucha, are you coming with us?” Called Vista; Marco and Izou already waiting for the pair at the port
“Yeah!” The exclaimed, running his way but skidding to a stop and looking at the two behind him
“Are you not coming?” He asked, looking at Thatch and Ace
“I’ll stay here; I have some things to attend to in the kitchen,” Thatch replies; he takes a moment to sigh and rub his head
“Someone has to keep this idiot some company,” quips Ace with a grin, only to groan as his comment was received with a hit on the back of the head
“What the hell, Thatch?!”
He snickers at his brothers' antics and resumes running his way to Vista, joining him as they go down the gangway
“Where are we going?”
Marco looks back at the two
“I need to refill some of the medical supplies; after that, we need to stack up on drinks,” Marco answered, looking down at the list he held in his hands
He jumps his way to Marco, hanging from his shoulder to take a look at the note
“What’s gunpowder? And what the hell is whetstone?” the boy asked, squinting at the words in the note
“Language,” muttered Marco, giving a side eye to the child on his shoulder
“Whetstones are used to sharpen swords, Dokucha; I need it to sharpen my swords; the one we have has grown dull,” Vista answered
“Hehehehe, Can I have the swords when you sharpen them?”
“Certainly not.”
“Just for a little bit, just want to test them; how do you know if they go through the skin if you don’t try it?” He grinned, a maniacal look growing in his eyes
“Who are you trying this on?!”
“I can find people to stab real quick; you won’t miss them.”
“I can use the blood of our enemies.”
“Still no.”
“Bah, what about gunpowder?”
“It’s used for firing weapons like my pistols,” Izou replied, showing the kid his pistols as he said that
“Din’t even ask!”
“Don’t need to; you wouldn’t be allowed.”
“Ugh, party poopers,” he whined, sticking his tongue at the two
They roll their eyes at his antics, a chuckle escaping Vista as he shakes his head
“You’re quite something, Dokucha,” Marco stated, putting the note away and beginning to make his way into town
“I wouldn’t trust you with a wea- Agh!” His words were cut off as one of the locals knocked into him, causing him to stumble slightly in surprise
“Watch where you’re walking, dumbass,” they growl, continuing their way deeper into town
“Stab, Stab?” He said, not taking his eyes off the person as they walked away, an ominous-looking smile growing on his face
“Leave them,” Marco groaned, brushing himself off
“But they deserve it to have their blood splattered!”
“They are not worth it,” Vista sighed, shaking his head
“It’s fine. Let them have their rude ways; they hardly deserve any of you’re attention,” Izou added
“Don’t let people like that bother you, Dokucha; people like that enjoy pushing people around. It’s best not to waste your time with them,” Vista finished
“They were rude; come on, just one stab! I’ll make the prettiest painting with their blood.”
“No one will mis-
“Absolutely not”
Everyone would be hap-
“Just drop it.”
“Come o-
The three stated their answers firmly, all three sharing a similar tone that told him there was no room for discussion
“Party poopers”
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So how was that? I tried to keep Dokucha an unhinged child, in a comedic way and make sure not to pass that line where you’re like bro this kid is a psychopath and no one should be near him. Im not sure if I was able to establish that balance here
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IM SCREECHINGGG FOR THIS WEEKS PROMPT augh gowd i wish i had any good ideas but nothins poppin up 😭😂 i feel like ill be back in a month like GUYS IMHERE I GOT IT WAIT jggdjlhf
but umm here little prompt if you wan it: ranking m6 most to least likely to sit through a movie actually paying attention and not talking n doing other stuff? i have no idea why i feel like nadia of all people would be the one asking those most obvious questions that are going to get answered in literally 10 seconds if you just keep watching like "oh why are they doing that? whos that guy?" babe i know exactly as much as you at the moment please just- please
julian keeps googling the actors names that he cant remember. murio just sits there and you cant tell if hes enjoying it or zoned out to think about other stuff lmao idk but. i feel like theres a possibility he wouldnt even. like movies as a concept that much. i think people like that exist kghdgj
hope ur doin okay!!! you really posted that break announcement and then just kept hustlin huh xD lobe you m8 đŸ’˜đŸ’•đŸ’˜đŸ’“đŸŒˆđŸ«‚
The Arcana HCs: M6's bad habits at the movies
~ xD the grind never stops, friend! ~
Julian: googling the movie so he can figure out which actor he knows he recognizes. MC, look at this delicious picture of them. oh, look what else they've been in! MC, can we watch that one next?
Asra: keeps accidentally spoiling any and all of the plot twists by guessing at them with annoying accuracy. don't watch anything with them unless you've already seen it or you're not doing it for the plot
Nadia: keeps asking questions that are obviously not supposed to have answers yet. who's the murderer, Nadia? we don't know yet. it's a murder mystery. not knowing is the point, we're five minutes in -
Muriel: zoning out completely and then getting startled when you react to something in the movie. are you okay? why are you crying? the main character died? ... who was the main character again?
Portia: constant running commentary on any and all social dynamics. that restaurant patron we saw for all of five seconds is definitely gay for the bartender next door. no we didn't see them meet but still
Lucio: keeps comparing himself to the main characters. yeah that guy's a good singer, but he's better. that guy's strong, but he's stronger. that girl's good at makeup, but have you seen his eyeliner?!
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 10 months
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Part 17
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Series Masterlist
Part 16 🟣 Part 18
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A reverse harem vampire AU ft. Mikey, Marshall, August and Sherlock
Series summary: Somehow, you've managed to live with your boyfriend and his roommates for months before finding out they're vampires, but the real shock first comes when they find out you have a special quality. A quality the guys would love to make use of...
Warnings: Ongoing vampire shenanigans, mentions of blood, biting, angst. Girl-gossip shenanigans.
Word count: 2.7k
A/N: I'm very sorry, @deandoesthingstome, but this chapter is exactly what you hate most 😂😂 That said... We need some girl-gossip up in this bitch. Enjoy!
@geralts-yenn @deandoesthingstome @summersong69 @mis-lil-red @ellethespaceunicorn @sillyrabbit81 @livisss @itsrubberbisquit @ktficworld
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“Hey, is that Professor Holmes?”
You followed Katie’s gaze to the side only to find that she was right: Sherlock was indeed in the cafeteria of your building, and he was walking towards the table where you and your friends were sitting. “It is,” you answered plainly.
“God, it’s a shame he’s no longer teaching here
 I’d almost switch schools to take one of his classes, and that’s just because of that face.” Rose sighed.
Her remark made you chuckle. “You know he’s a vampire, right?” you noted amusedly. “He can hear you.”
Closer inspection of Sherlock’s face showed no sign that he had indeed heard what Rose had said, but there simply was no other option.
“Who cares, I bet the man knows he’s a whole damn meal,” Jenelle helpfully added.
“Mmm, fine dining,” Rose chuckled. “Aren’t you supposed to be a lesbian, J?”
“I have eyes,” Jenelle deadpanned.
“You guys,” you hissed angrily. The whole conversation was making you incredibly uncomfortable. You lived with Sherlock, for crying out loud. You were
 involved with him.
His soft chuckle sounded behind you as a strong arm reached around you to put something on the table — a book. “Mike said you needed this,” he said kindly, “and I had an appointment on campus, anyway.” The fact that he skipped out on your usual ‘darling’ left you a little deflated. Of course, you’d never taken the time to discuss if you would take your slightly unorthodox relationship public

“Oh, really?” you answered, trying hard to keep your nervousness out of your voice. “What kind of appointment?”
“I’m assisting in another plagiarism case,” he answered. “The school was able to replace me as a professor, but my other talents are significantly harder to come by.” His hand landed on your shoulder for hardly more than a second, and then it was gone again. “I will see you tonight, right? August is making pasta.”
“Yeah,” you said softly.
When Sherlock turned around to walk away, it stung. You wanted to hug him, instead of hiding your relationship — although you hadn’t actually ever defined what that relationship was, exactly. One look around the table at your friends told you they already knew there was something going on.
“Seriously?” Katie snapped when Sherlock had disappeared from the cafeteria. “You are cheating on Mike?”
Shit. Of course, you had considered that explaining your situation would be tough, but you hadn’t counted on Katie going full Queen of Judgement.
“I’m not
“Save it, bitch,” she hissed. “How could you? Mike is so cute and
“Katie, shut up,” you snapped. “I’m not cheating. Mike knows, he’s
 he’s okay with it. And it’s complicated.”
“Complicated how, girl?” Jenelle asked, sounding a lot more calm than Katie.
“Alright,” you sighed, “can this stay between us?” The three nodded. We’re you really doing this? Jenelle worked at the Bank, she’d have no problems with this, but Katie
 She grew up about as sheltered as you had, and your best guess was that her family wasn’t exactly more forgiving on the vampire stuff.
“I’m a natural,” you blurted out before you could talk yourself out of coming clean to your friends.
“Luxury vampire food, you mean?” Rose said, her eyes wide. “Girl, you can make a killing off that!”
“How would you know?” Katie asked, disdain very clear in her voice.
“Oh, don’t be a hick about it. My sister is one. She’s making fucking bank at some club downtown. She could probably het you an inter— oh my God!”
“What?” Jenelle asked. You didn’t respond.
“You’ve been paying for lunch, not as worried about your student loans
 You are making money!” It was impossible to interject, because Rose and Jenelle started to chatter excitedly while the look of disbelief on Katie’s face only grew stronger.
And then she snapped.
“You’re some filthy fucking blood whore?” Right, there it was. She didn’t even wait for an answer — not that anything you could have told her would have calmed her down, because you were, by any definition of the word, a blood whore. Somehow, it stung a lot more now that Katie said it than it had when August had mentioned it.
“Katie, seriously?” Jenelle scoffed. “You know I feed vamps for a living, too, right?”
As she said it, Katie turned pale. “I didn’t,” she muttered quietly, and she began to gather her stuff. “I have to go.”
When she rushed out of the cafeteria, Rose and Jenelle looked at each other, and then at you.
“I guess her family values don’t quite line up with city life,” Rose said.
“With normal life, you mean?” Jenelle sneered, clearly not upset by what had just happened.
“Hey,” you replied, “take it easy, she’s
“A bitch, girl.” Rose rolled her eyes. “I know she’s a lot like you, and I know you bonded over leaving your small-town family behind and everything, but even you have to admit that you did a way better job adjusting than she ever did. She honest to God didn’t even try.”
You knew she was right, but it still felt wrong to talk about someone you’d considered one of your closest friends like this. Especially when she was being accused of being what you were, too: A small-town girl.
Then again, they weren’t wrong in saying you’d come a long way since then. In fact, you were absolutely certain that your parents would die of shock when they found out about your arrangement with your roommates. Actually, you were pretty sure they’d already keel over if they only heard you were living with four guys, regardless of whether or not they were vampires.
They also weren’t wrong in saying that Katie hadn’t exactly made the steps you had. Quite the contrary, if you had to admit it.
You sighed.
“Girl, tell us more,” Jenelle said, putting her hand on your arm and squeezing you lightly. “I take it there’s an arrangement of sorts with these hottie-hot-hot roommates of yours?”
“Up to and including Professor McDreamy?” Rose sighed, the look in her eyes revealing she’d trade places with you in a heartbeat.
You nodded. “Yep. I never thought it would be this intimate, though
“We’re ditching this lecture, aren’t we?” Rose asked, looking at Jenelle, who nodded.
“Girl we’re out of here. Come on.”
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“Hold on, so you slept with Pornstache? I mean
 Augustus, was it?”
“August,” you corrected Jenelle, “and
 I mean it’s only happened once so far.”
“And the cop?” Rose butted in.
“Not yet
” Why were you having this conversation again?
“And the pretty professor?” Jenelle asked. You’d been wondering about that, actually. Because the truth, which you also told your friends, was, of course, that you and Sherlock hadn’t had sex, even though you spent the occasional night in his bed.
“Maybe he’s waiting for you to bring it up? He seems like that kind of guy,” Jenelle said when you had finished the story of your first kiss — leaving out the part about Mike running off for now — and the nights you had spent together.
“J, we don’t know him,” Rose laughed.
“No, she’s right. He’s that kind of guy. So sweet, so considerate
 Very insistent I take my supplements.” The quizzical looks on your friends’ saves made you laugh. “He can tell when I need vitamins. As in
 he can taste it. So he makes sure I take what I need
“God, I want someone to take care of me like that
” Rose sighed. Jenelle agreed with her.
You had to admit; it was nice to have someone look after you. And you had four someones, even.
“But like, Mike was okay with all that?” Jenelle asked, and you knew your hopes of leaving out the part about him running off were shattered.
The story left Jenelle and Rose speechless for a moment, and then Rose laughed. “Christ, he's adorable,” she snickered, “I feel so bad for him. No, really
“Oh, the impact that remark would make if you weren't cackling like a crazy witch,” Jenelle said.
“I'm sorry, it's just
 On brand for him, somehow? Does that make sense?” It did. It really did.
“August would say that it's because Mike is just a baby,” you blurted out before you were able to really think it through.
“Yeah, wait, how old are these guys?” Of course Jenelle asked the question you'd been dreading.
 Mike was born in the sixties, if I recall correctly. August and Marshall are four hundred years old, give or take, and Sherlock just under nine hundred years.” Was it just you or was it hot in here all of a sudden?
” Yeah. Hmm. That sounded about right — you hadn't really worked out how to deal with that information yet, either.
“How old were they when they were turned?” Rose asked, making you instantly worried about something you had somehow failed to consider at all.
 I don't even know,” you muttered.
“You never asked?” Jenelle couldn't wrap her head around that. “How could you not ask?”
“It didn't really matter
“It doesn't matter,” Rose said matter-of-factly, “but I still want to know.” Ah. Rose's curiosity was the bane of your existence from time to time — and the reason for some of the better conversations you'd had with her.
“Mike was in his early twenties, I believe. And I'm guessing Sherlock and August are in their late thirties, early forties. Marshall
 Mid-thirties, I think? I honestly don't know!” And you cursed yourself for it.
“It doesn't really matter. Their legal documents have their original birthdates on them, anyway,” Jenelle pointed out. “I used to work the desk at the Bank before I decided to give feeding a shot.”
“I know Sherlock doesn't have one. His driver’s license says ‘ADB’,” you remembered. Rose gave you a questioning look.
“Approximate date of birth,” Jenelle explained, although that didn't seem to make it much clearer.
“Legislation changed so many times during his life, and he's had to hide and lie about his age and pretend to be human and whatnot
 He genuinely doesn't remember when he was born, exactly,” you clarified.
“Years and days are often just an estimate, even if you only go back about a century,” Jenelle added.
“It sounds horrible to not know when you were born,” Rose said quietly, a worried look on her face.
“I know the guys don't mind much
 They're mostly glad they can feed legally,” you muttered.
“They must be really happy they ran into you,” Jenelle said with a wink. “I hear these arrangements are kinda rare, like
 people pay top dollar to be a part of one.”
There was a question somewhere in that statement, and it was easy enough to tell what it was, exactly; what's the deal?
” You hesitated. You'd barely come to terms with the agreement yourself. Sharing it was something else entirely.
“You know you can trust us, right?” Rose said. She was at least as curious as Jenelle.
“Yeah, it's just
 It's a lot, okay? Basically I don't pay rent and utilities, and I get
 let's call it an allowance. Please don't make me tell you how much that is. It's basically a very generous grocery budget, that's all I'm gonna say about that.”
Your cheeks were burning and you couldn't keep your hands from trembling as you waited for your friends' reactions to what you'd just told them.
They were silent for a beat, and then Rose squealed. “Girl, oh my God, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you!”
She meant it — as did Jenelle, who furiously nodded in agreement of what Rose had just said.
“Truth be told,” you said. Now that you were fessing up anyway, there was something you had to get off your chest. “I'd do it for free.”
“No way,” Jenelle said, “I've had shifts where the drip — like, the painkiller chemicals — didn't take well, and I swear I wanted to die after the third or so client.”
“But you're not a natural,” Rose replied. “My sister told me it feels good.”
“Oh, it does,” you blurted out, “it really does. They could feed on me all day and I'd be so perfectly happy! Mike even
” No. That was
 It wasn't that you'd never shared any intimate details about your sex life with Rose and J, but this

“Mike even what?” The girls said in unison, and you wished you could disappear.
“God, alright, eh
 He likes to drag it out.” You shrugged. As far as you were concerned, that was plenty of information for them. They disagreed.
“Bitch, I sw-"
“Alright, alright,” you shushed Rose, who seemed to calm down — but looks can be deceiving, especially in very tiny, copper-curled physics students. As far as you'd experienced, at least.
“Mike one hundred percent feeds during sex,” Jenelle said indifferently. You hated how spot-on she was.
“Yup,” you said. “And remember how fond he is of, eh
“Boobies,” Jenelle sighed — it was just about the only trait she and Mike had in common. “Wait
” She snapped her head in your direction, her eyes wide. “You mean he
Why did this even surprise her?
“Oh, that adorable little freak,” Rose chuckled.
“Never tell him — or anyone else — that I told you this!” you said, mild panic clear in your voice. “Swear on your life!”
“Jeez, chill!” Jenelle snorted. “Like we'd ever do that? Ain't none of my business that he wants to suck on your tits.”
“What does that feel like?” Rose asked. How would you even begin to explain that?
Despite being unsure you'd be able to do it justice, you decided to give it a shot, anyway. You’d made it too far into this conversation to back down now. Besides, it was nice to finally be able to talk about this with your closest friends. Minus Katie — which was probably for the best.
“The feeding itself already feels like a warm bath
 I mean, the bite is more sensitive, but other than that, it's pretty much the same. It's his reaction that makes it so good. A few nights ago he got so snuggly — he'd had a rough day and he was very hyper and all over the place, but as soon as he was curled up next to me, he calmed down.” You could tell from the look on her face that Jenelle had a hard time picturing Mike in any kind of way that could be described as calm. “Really! And he has this gift
“I can't believe we never asked you about that!” Rose interrupted. “Do they all have one?”
“They do. I'll get to that, okay?” you promised before continuing: “Anyway, Mike has this gift. He senses desires.” Rose's eyes went wide for just a moment, but you happened to catch it. “What?”
“Okay so, hypothetically, if at some point I thought about
” It didn't take a genius to figure out where this was going.
“Yeah. There’s a very good chance he caught that. Marshall is worse, though. He straight-up reads minds.”
Rose stared at you wide-eyed. “Well, it’s good to know I can never show my face at your place again.”
“Eh, you're fine,” you said. “A-ny-way, they warned me that after a while, there was a chance they'd kind of ‘share’ those gifts with me while they were feeding, meaning I get to feel what Mike desires, and
 It went beyond wanting. He needed me. It was
” A single tear rolled down your cheek, taking you by surprise. “I love him so much.”
Jenelle wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you close. “Girl, quit playin'. You love all of them, it's so obvious, seriously.”
“I really do,” you sighed. “This whole thing feels like home. It feels like forever.”
“But babe, you're not going to be around forever,” Rose said carefully. The thought had crossed your mind before, and every time it did, it made you feel queasy.
“You know,” you whispered, “I’m not so sure about that.”
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cal-daisies-and-briars · 1 month
162... My god...😂😂😂
How could he not be? 
“Hmm,” Buck runs a hand through his hair. “Me too.”
“Nothing to do about it, though,” Eddie says. “Just hope something happens to whoever did this, I guess?”
Guilt gnaws at him. But this is for the best. He has to keep reminding himself that this is for the best.
“Yeah,” Buck replies. “That’s all.”
“But, uh,” Eddie continues. “I’ve thought about it. It’s okay if it doesn’t ever happen.”
Buck stiffens for a beat. Not long, but enough that Eddie flares with worry. Is Buck not happy with that prospect? Of course, yes, they’d both prefer Eddie be rid of Hemodhampirosis. But they didn’t even know he could be until recently. Is it really that horrid to think he won’t? 
“Sorry,” Buck says. “Uh, yeah. I mean, of course it is, right? If we can’t do anything about it anyway.”
“Right,” Eddie whispers. 
“I don’t want you to feel hopeless, is all.” Buck explains. “There’s still hope.”
There isn't. But Eddie won’t take it from Buck, he supposes. 
“I know,” he says softly. “But that’s what I’m saying. I don’t feel hopeless. I feel hopeful.” 
“Yeah?” Buck asks. 
“We can make this work, right?” Eddie asks. “We can have a really good life.”
Buck inhales sharply. He kisses Eddie’s head again. 
“Of course we can.” His voice sounds a little choked up. “We will, Eddie.”
Eddie relaxes into Buck a bit more. Everything is going to be okay. 
“I love you,” he says.
“I love you, too,” Buck replies. “So damn much.”
Eddie’s really glad they’re on the same page. 
February 9th, 2025
Eddie starts his plans for patching his life up right away. 
First and foremost, it begins with his youngest sister. After everything he’s heard from Sophia, he’s not ready to try with his parents. He’s not sure he ever will be. There may never be a day again where he feels like he can trust them. And that’s on them, not him.
Adriana, on the other hand, is young. Young, lacking information, and hurting badly. Eddie is willing to take a chance on her.
On Sunday, while Buck is at work, and Chris is sleeping in, he brings this matter forth with Sophia. 
“I think you should call Adri,” he says over morning coffee. 
Sophia’s eyebrows shoot up.  
“The sister who has made it explicitly clear she no longer wants anything to do with me?” She asks. “What a fun call to make on a Sunday morning!”
Eddie rolls his eyes at the sarcasm.
“I think we should tell her the truth,” he says. “Which I think could be the first step to healing things between all three of us.”
Not that Adriana is mad at Eddie. But she does think he’s dead. So
 She probably will be mad at Eddie. Eddie would be mad at her, in her position. 
“Are you sure that’s a risk you want to take?” Sophia asks. She sounds like she’s being pragmatic, but he can hear the hint of hope in her voice. 
“Yeah,” Eddie nods. “I’m sure. I trust her.”
Sophia’s eyes get a bit glossy. She takes a shaky breath. 
“Okay. When?”
“Whenever you’re ready, I guess.” Eddie shrugs. “I’ve thought a lot about it. So I’m good.”
Sophia whips out her phone right that second.
Okay, then. She’s ready. 
“What if she doesn’t answer?” Sophia asks as she opens her contacts app. 
“Then we try again?” Eddie suggests. “Leave a voicemail?”
Sophia rolls her eyes. 
“I mean, what if she doesn’t want to talk at all, Eddie?” 
“She will,” Eddie says. “I’ve got a good feeling.”
Sophia takes a steeling breath and calls their sister. She puts the call on speaker. It rings three times before Adriana picks up.
Eddie knew she would. 
Sophia’s eyes bug out with surprise.
“Hey, Adri. Hi.” She stammers. 
“Why are you calling? Is Chris okay?” 
Sophia’s face twitches. 
“Yeah, no. No, Chris is fine. I
 I need to talk to you. It’s important.”
A long pause.
“About what, Sophia?” Adriana asks finally. “I’m not really in the mood to chat.” 
“You’re going to want to hear this, though,” Sophia promises. “Are you with Mom and Dad?”
Adriana sighs. She’s clearly annoyed. 
“No, it’s just me. Listen, if you called to shit talk them, then-” 
“I didn’t! I didn’t.” Sophia promises. “Just, this is top secret, okay?”
“I’m not five. You tell me something and it’s my choice who I tell.” 
When did she get so intense?
“Yeah, that’s true,” Sophia admits. “So, I’m
She trails off, looking at Eddie. Eddie nods, encouraging her.
“We’re just going to trust you okay?”
“We? You and Buck? Are you serious?” 
“No, not Buck! Adriana, listen-”
“I’m already sick of this Sophia, just get to the point.”
“Adriana,” Eddie blurts. “Please.”
The line goes very quiet. Sophia covers her mouth with her hand, anxious. Eddie feels slightly sick.
“Eddie?”  Her voices eventually ekes out, uncertain.
Eddie relaxes his shoulders. 
“Hi, Adri. Sorry to just drop this on you.”
“This better not be a fucking joke, Sophia. I swear, if this isn’t real, that’s so fucked up.”
“It’s real, Adri. FaceTime if you want to,” Sophia says. 
“It’s real,” Eddie tacks on. 
There’s another long pause. 
“You’re not dead?” 
“I’m not dead.”
 How?” Her voice sounds thick with emotion. 
“I was infected,” Eddie says. “And I had to run.”
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avatarrecom · 1 year
Day 10: Hunter/Prey
Pairing: Poly!recoms x Recom!reader (can be read as character x reader)
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: First time writing smut, so it probably sucks lol. As you can see, I got carried away with Miles 😂.
If you've read my kinktober masterlist, you know that I wasn't comfortable with the original propmt, knife kink, so I came up with this prompt, which is heavily inspired by “Colonel’s Orders” by @whxre-bxby.
Also, I skipped Fike, because I couldn't come up with something for him for the life of me
Kinktober masterlist
🌍 Recom Miles Quaritch You were running through the trees as fast as you could, breathing heavily. The sun was setting quickly, casting a beautiful mix of amber and orange colors. No matter how much time he gave you, he was always faster and an expert at tracking. You were screwed. And strangely, you were okay with it. The only indication that Miles had started searching for you was the sound of the wind rushing through the trees. One moment, you were running, and the next, you were forcefully pushed against a nearby tree, the rough bark scratching against your front. Miles pressed himself against your back, wrapping his arms around you. You took a shaky breath. And then Miles let out a fucking growl. A deep, soul-splitting growl escaped from his chest as he held you tightly against the tree. "And where did you think you were going?" You tried to answer, but he silenced you by placing his hand over your mouth. "Shhh, Darlin’, I've got you now, don't I?" He emphasized his point by grinding against your backside, pushing your cheek against the tree bark. "You're mine now," Miles said in a low, dark voice as his hand explored your body, slipping under your shirt. "Nowhere to hide... nothing to hide..." His lips brushed against your neck, leaving bruises and marks as he leisurely played with your body however he pleased. "I could do whatever I wanted right now, couldn't I?" It was true, and the thought only made you feel hotter as Miles undid the button on your pants. Miles's lips trailed along your ear, his voice gravelly. "How about I find out how loud I can make you scream when I fuck you right here in the dirt?"
😈 Recom Lyle Wainfleet "Gotcha." That's the last thing you hear as Lyle tackles you hard, his big body crashing into yours. You hit the dirty ground, and without wasting a second, he rips off your pants and underwear. His cock glides against your wet folds, already slick from the thrilling chase, and a whimper escapes your lips. In one smooth move, he thrusts himself inside you, and the slight pain of the stretch is nothing compared to the incredible pleasure of him hitting that sweet spot right away. "Next time, run faster, babe," he growls.
🍬 Recom Z-dog So, you were running through the forest with Z-dog hot on your heels. It was supposed to be a training session, but you could tell it was turning into something more for her. "You think you can outrun me, babe? Don't worry, I'll catch you." And catch you she did. You couldn't help but let out a moan as she pinned you down on the forest floor and started getting handsy with your pants. Her fingers were driving you wild as they teased the sides of your thighs, right up next to your cunt. "Z, please..." you whispered, but she just looked up at you with a wicked grin. "Oh, honey. You don't get to call the shots here."
đŸ„œ Recom Walker She's totally into playing a game of hunter and prey. It's like, when she hears your heartbeat and those cute little breaths you take while you're trying to hide among the trees, it really gets her adrenaline going. And hey, if by some miracle you manage to win, she'll let you be in charge for the night. But if you lose, well, you're at her complete mercy until you can't handle it anymore.
😎 Recom Mansk Hunting someone down is totally a guilty pleasure. The thrill of the chase just amps him up, and no matter where you hide in the forest, he's got a nose and ears that never fail to pick you up among the forest smells and sounds. He gets a bit rougher after he catches you and fucks the life outta you, but don't worry, he always checks if you're alright. And hey, if you're cool with it, he might even leave a bite or mark as a souvenir.
🧯 Recom Prager Initially, he was unaware that this was considered a kink. When Miles explained the training exercise to him and when he found out that he got to chase you, he was ecstatic. It made him all riled up, which you and your other lovers noticed. It wasn't until someone told him that he realized the nature of his desires. He definitely enjoys the thrill of chasing you, exerting effort to catch up, but always knowing he can easily capture you within a minute. The sensation of hunting his prey exhilarates him, leading to him going all out in bed like there's no tomorrow. Trust me, you won't be able to walk straight for a while after that.
⚕ Recom Ja When he catches you, he's got this huge grin on his face. And his tail, man, it's sweeping around him like you've never seen before. He's totally in his element. He grabs your chin and plants this deep, passionate kiss on you. His teeth lightly graze your lips, giving you this tingling, stinging sensation. And then, out of nowhere, he tears your clothes apart and he innocently goes, "Oops, my bad!" Next thing you know, he pulls you onto his lap and tells you to hold onto the tree behind you. He starts trailing kisses down from your chest all the way down to your cunt. And let me tell you, he's so damn good at it that you can't help but squirm with pleasure. He's got such a tight grip on your hips, making sure you can't move much. After that, he pushes you down to the ground and starts grinding against you for a bit. And then he thrusts into you with all his might, going at it like a wild animal. He's got a firm hold on the back of your head, and you can hear him panting above you.
🧱 Recom Brown When he finally catches you, he jumps on you and rolls around for a bit before pinning you down with a huge grin on his face like he just won the lottery. "Gotcha!" he says before kissing you like you're the only thing that matters. Then he scoops you up in his arms and takes you to a private spot. As a reward for catching you, he asks you to suck his dick. He loves the way your mouth feels on him and just watching you do it is one of his favorite things. Once you've got him nice and wet, he wastes no time in fucking you hard and holding you down so he can feel every inch of you. It's pure bliss for him.
📿 Recom Lopez Before you know it, he's got you in his grasp, using sneaky moves to take you down and tie you up with a rope. He's into a little rough play, so he gives you a good spanking and enjoys the sounds you make. Once you're all tied up, he starts stripping you down, even ripping your clothes off if he has to. But don't worry, the ropes are comfy and don't hurt. He even takes the time to pleasure you a bit, telling you how hot you look all tied up. And if you make some good noises, he'll make you feel even better. Before you know it, he's going at it with wild abandon, using those ropes to hold you in place and give you the ride of your life. It's like he's barely holding on to his self-control as he takes you to new heights.
⛓ Recom Fike Sorry, but I honestly can’t see him being into this. I’ll edit this post if I do come up with something.
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Tsunami Creator's Chapter 174
TL;DR - Jegal Mi Ryeo and Murim Alliance Leader were shocked upon reading the report of what Cale did in Yunnan. Cale elevated to god status. GED troops secretly head to Hainan. Cale's group went to Nanman.
Soos? LSH = ✅ CJS = ✅
The Murim Alliance Half of the chapter was about general commander Jegal Mi Ryeo and the Murim Alliance Leader talking about what Cale had done in Yunnan. This part was supposed to be serious talk, but frankly, it had a lot of funny parts. 😂
The two were convinced that Cale was a god and not a human... đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł And then some talk about how the rescued Yunnan residents might become Cale's believers absolute supporters. 😂
Murim people pursue strength, right? So what if they witness Cale showing off such power in a massive scale? Answer: They'll worship Cale. đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
Mi Ryeo and Murim Alliance Leader then discuss how they should not let one person influence the entire murim. They knew that Cale was not interested in honor or power, but that was what made Cale so scary. And the amusing part here is that Cale would definitely agree with them!
Heck, Cale mentioned today that he wanted to go home already and experience slacker life. So Mi Ryeo and Murim Alliance Leader's political plotting would totally help him. 😂He does not even want to be a god, right? 😂
Off to Hainan Second half of this chapter was about Cale's plots. Because Nanman was a trap by the Blood Cult, the GED forces would head there, but some would actually head to Hainan secretly. However, Cale's group would be going in advance to Nanman via Raon's teleport magic. All of these was to confuse the Blood Cult about their actions.
Toonka was with the Evil Alliance people who would be heading to Hainan. Seriously, Toonka must have been born in the wrong world. The Sima Clan and the Evil Alliance are like family to him already. đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł
At Nanman Castle More funny parts:
Cale: *asks about revered old Baek* Hoya: *talks about how Baek could purify jiangshi on a large scale* CH: *brightens up* CH: He's someone I need to keep alive. Cale: 
What? CH: I will make sure to catch him alive. Cale: (His bright expression is really gentle, but why does his words sound strangely vicious? I must be seeing things...)
Cale: Hoya, Yoon-ah, let's do well, okay? Hoya & Yoon: *trembling in fright* CJS: Kek. 😏 Cale: *stares at CJS who was laughing strangely* CJS: *avoids Cale's gaze*
Ending Remarks Next chapter will be about revered old Baek's capture operation. Ron, Sui, and CH were in charge of that operation, so perhaps a fight scene again? Or maybe some new info dump?
Oh yeah, the author's Q&A will be released by Monday next week. I plan to translate and post it here, so please look forward to it!
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secondaxispoint · 2 years
do you think you could write like where the reader had his leg injured so (Din or Joel, i love them both, can’t decide, whoever you want to do) carry’s him bridal style and patches him up and then they snuggle together while The Kids TM (ellie or grogu) are teasing them :) love your writing, and have a good day!
Pairing: Joel Miller x Male!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood and injuries, No use of Y/N, Reader is referred to as Tex.
Content: Fluff
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I loved this prompt. Calling Ellie and Grogu The Kids ℱ cracked me up 😂. Thanks for the request!!
Are You Okay?
The hunting trip was going about as well as it could have. The three of you had split up. You and Ellie going deep into the forest while Joel followed the riverbed. You stopped Ellie and pointed out a deer about 90 metres out. You handed her your rifle and told her to slowly kneel down, she followed your orders. You told her to remember what Joel had shown her while tugging out your binoculars.
After scoping in, she took a deep breath in and put her finger on the trigger. You noticed a familiar glimmer across the woods. It looked familiar. What the hell was that? Sniper scope. The shine was the sun gleaming off the scope. You grabbed Ellie just as you heard the bullet whizz by. It would have hit her square between the eyes if you hadn’t yanked her away. Another shot rang out but you didn’t know where I hit.
You were too busy looking over Ellie, making sure she was alright. You took the hunting rifle from her hand and steadied yourself on the tree. You waited for the gleam to appear again. It only took a few seconds to see it. Aiming in, you calmed your breathing and pulled the trigger. You saw the bullet hit its target as your ears rang. Your vision swam and a dull ache was radiation up from your thigh. You turned back to Ellie and grasped her shoulders.
“Holy shit Tex, your leg!”
You ignored her comment in favour of checking over her once again. 
“Are you okay? Nothing hit you, no ricocheted shrapnel or anything?”
Her eyes were wide and she shook her head. She was seemingly more caught up with whatever was on your trousers. You looked down and adjusted your jeans. You saw a crimson spot growing from above your knee. You were getting a bit dizzy and Ellie started to sound a bit far away. You tried to brush it off and started leading Ellie back the way you came. She kept asking you if you were okay and you kept giving her the same answer.
“Are you sure you're okay?”
“I’m fine, keep it movin’ El”
Your vision had reduced to a pinpoint and your breathing became a bit erratic. You couldn't stop yourself from blacking out. You really tried. You hit the ground with a grunt. You heard Ellie yelling at you to get up but you couldn’t move a muscle if you wanted to.
Okay. Okay. Tex was out cold and she had no idea where Joel was. That’s fine. She would just have to find him. Last she saw, Joel was walking along the riverbed. So she found the river and checked for foot prints. She found the prints of Joel’s boot and started to call out to him as she followed them. Ellie knew that she shouldn’t be making this much noise but she was desperate to find Joel. She heard brisk strides coming towards her direction. Pistol up, she aimed it in front of her just in case it wasn’t him.
She saw Joel hop up from the bed and ran past her. She called out his name and he spun on his heel, barrel pointed at her. Her hands shot up and she stood still. Joel’s expression softened when she realised it was him and he lowered his weapon. He ran up to her and quickly examined her for wounds, just as Tex did.
“Ellie, what happened? Where’s Tex?”
Joel checked over her shoulder, looking for the other man that was supposed to be with her.
“He’s back in the woods. He got shot in the leg protecting me from a guy while we were hunting and he blacked out and I didn’t know what to do so I came out to find you and-”
Joel pulled her in for a hug, quieting her rambling.
“Where is he?”
Ellie pulled him along as she retraced her steps.
You shook your head as you sluggishly came back to reality. You didn’t see any sign of Ellie or Joel but you did hear the sounds of footsteps. You took a shallow breath and shoved yourself up against the nearest tree, attempting to hide yourself from the nearing assailants. You scrambled, trying to find your gun but it was nowhere to be found. A familiar thought filled your head. You were going to die here.
But to your surprise, Ellie’s head popped around the tree followed by Joel. You felt a weary smile drift across your face. Joel’s eyes filled with worry after seeing the dark scarlet stain on your leg. He was next to you in a second. He put his hands on your wound, tearing a pained groan from the back of your throat. He apologised and moved his hands further up your leg. He had Ellie take a piece of cloth and wrapped it just above your injury. You watched Joel tie the tourniquet and pull it tight.
“You alright Tex?”
His hand was on your thigh.
He was only centimetres away.
He shook your shoulder and you snapped back from your thoughts.
“What? Oh yeah I’m alright. Just a bit worn out.”
You hummed. Joel knitted his brow and sighed. 
“Can you walk?”
Joel asked you, his voice lowered. You tried to push yourself up onto your feet but it only resulted in a searing burn flow throughout your leg. You shook your head and leaned your head back onto the tree trunk. He sat back on his heel and thought for a minute.
“Here, give me your pack.”
You carefully removed your pack and gave it to Joel, who in turn handed it off to Ellie. She double welded your packs, one on her back and the other on her chest. Joel carefully put one of his arms underneath the back of your knees, not wanting to irritate your already flaming wound. He then put the other arm under your back. You hadn’t registered how much your leg actually hurt until you felt your entire lower half throbbing.
Joel lifted you up in his arms in a bridal carry. You're sure you would have been a lot more nervous being so close to Joel if you hadn’t been so exhausted. You were pressed close to his chest while he walked. You heard Ellie rustle through her bag, probably reaching for her disposable camera. You heard a click and saw a flash of light as she snapped a picture. Joel told her to knock it off but he had a joking lilt to his tone and a barely visible smile on his face.
You felt every step he took in your leg. The sway of his stride only aggravated your already angered wound. Yet you started nodding off. Joel was warm and smelled of the coffee he spilled on himself that morning. Ellie’s stupid jokes started to fade as you peel away from consciousness once again.
After what felt like an hour, Joel stepped up on the porch of the cabin the three of you had settled in. He walked to the couch that sat close to the fireplace and laid you down. He grabbed the wood that sat in the corner and tossed it in. He lit a piece of paper and the fire roared to life. He warmed his hands before grabbing the medkit to patch you up. 
You helped shimmy your trousers down enough so that Joel could get a good look at the gunshot wound. It looked a lot worse than you thought it would. The bullet ripped straight through the right side of your knee, just barely missing the bones there. Joel winced when he saw it. He took the needle and started stitching up the injury on the front of your knee. You ground your teeth and balled your fists. 
When he was done with the front he shushed you and took your hand. Once you had calmed down enough, he got started on the back of your knee. It was worse. Much worse. There wasn't much he could stitch back together. So he found the exit wound and cleaned it. You would just have to wrap it and pray that it wouldn’t get infected. He redressed you and helped you limp to the back room. There was a mattress with a blanket laid on top of it. You tossed yourself down on the bed and scooted to the middle.
“Do you want me to stay or go?”
Joel asked you in a shushed tone. You opened your arms, a silent invitation for him to lay down with you. He did just that. He laid himself next to you and you tucked your head into his chest. The warmth of his embrace lulled you off to sleep once again.
I know I’ve been using the nickname ‘Tex’ a lot. Let me know if you guys don’t like it or have any replacements. 😙
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a-strange-inkling · 1 year
After having their babies, how do Chrissy and Eddie handle the manditory rule of not having sex for 6 wks after giving birth? Based on the NYE fic, I'm gonna guess it's pretty miserable time. 😂
Not well lol after Livvy’s birth, it’s really miserable for Chrissy especially. She experiences that wild hormonal phenomenon of wanting to have another baby immediately after giving birth so she’s pretty keen on sexy times even though she’s still recovering.
Eddie’s on the other end of the spectrum, chivalrous and very traumatized having watched her go through all that kind of pain for so long. So they are 100% listening to the doctor and waiting despite Chrissy’s efforts to seduce him lol
I shouldn’t be snippeting, I’m on hiatus, but I’ve been thinking about this all day

(rated m below the read more line)
Oh, God help her.
Chrissy stares with her mouth agape, actually drooling as Eddie gently rocks Livvy to sleep in his arms above her, humming and shushing their infant daughter so tenderly she can feel her healing reproductive organs ignite in a blazing fire, her brain screaming internally at the sight.
Gripping the comforter, she writhes in place against the mattress, trying to contain herself. She doesn’t think she’s ever wanted him more as he stands there in just a pair of sweatpants, his lean, corded muscles all curled forward, holding their precious baby safely to his bare chest, swaying her so lovingly.
Something primal and very feral takes over her, making her skin sweat and blood race.
She needs to have him right now!
He must sense her staring because he glances over his shoulder at her warily, his dark eyes all round and innocent, like a baby animal’s. “
You okay?” He whispers in meek confusion.
She has to swallow to answer, or to at least make some sort of noise between her lips “Mmhmmm.”
He frowns, his eyelids lowering as he gives her a scolding, disappointed stare. She bites the corner of her lip. She likes when he’s stern.
“You’re supposed to be resting,” he reminds her pointedly, moving carefully toward the bassinet.
“I’m not tired,” she breathes, eyes never leaving him, not for a second.
He tosses her another look, unable to hide his amusement. “
Is this doing something for you? Really?”
She nods with a small whimper as she sits up from her pillow, hugging her knees to her chest for some kind of support. She feels like she is burning internally. “It’s doing everything for me.”
He shakes his head, his loose waves swaying over his bare shoulders as he mutters something under his breath like “unbelievable.”
“She’s asleep?” Chrissy asks him eagerly, eyes sparkling as he gently bends to lay her down.
“Yeah and you should be too,” he hisses sharply, but she can see even in the muted twilight that his neck’s turning bright red.
She drops her chin to her knees, smiling slowly.
“Baby, please don’t look at me like that,” he sighs tiredly when he turns around to face her, having successfully laid Livvy down without waking her.
She blinks up at him demurely, doing that girly, fluttery thing with her lashes she knows he can’t resist. “Like what?”
” he groans when she leans forward and starts crawling towards him across the bed. She’s just in her silk camisole and underwear. He runs his hands through his hair. “Jesus, don’t do that.”
I just want a kiss.”
“Not right now.” His voice is really, really rough. “Go to bed.”
Chrissy pushes out her lower lip, her eyes growing big and shiny.
“Sweetheart,” he pleads, taking two steps, placing his hands on her shoulders, and squeezing gently. “Don’t do this to me
 You’re still like healing and stuff, okay? You just had a baby come out of you two weeks ago
I want another one,” she confesses quietly, edging closer, ready to pounce.
His eyes widen at that. “Right now?”
She nods, kissing the soft skin just below his belly button. Eddie can’t seem to look away as from her as she slowly rises to her knees, keeping her eyes locked on him, kissing her way up his torso. He makes a deep, desperate noise, but has enough good sense to try and back away. Chrissy snatches his wiry waist with viper-like speed and tows him back to her.
“Chrisssssy,” he reprimands weakly. “This isn’t
your hormones are making you crazy.”
Somewhere deep, deep beneath her daze where her last shred of reason dangles for dear life, she does know that, but that’s just not important. “You’re making me crazy.” She counters lowly, hands rising up his back, pulling him closer as she presses her breasts firmly against his chest. “Put a baby in me.”
She watches his eyes roll to the back of his head before he closes them, his whole body trembling with want and restraint. This is all sort of an out of body experience for her, she’s never been particularly sensational at seduction, always too shy and anxious, always letting Eddie take the lead. “Chrissy, honey, you know we can’t do that.”
“Yes we can, I know you want to,” she says excitedly, lifting her gaze over toward the bassinet. “Look at her, Eddie, she’s so beautiful, we have to make more.”
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melanieph321 · 1 year
Ruben Dias x Reader - The Lie +18
Request: Can you write some angst, plsss❀ I need angry Ruben 😍😂 u can decide the end of it.
Perfect timing with this request because these parade pics got me feeling some type of way!😝
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Summary - Reader and Ruben play truth or dare without the dare
"Let's play truth or dare but we can only pick truth."
"What? Ruben chuckled.
There wasn't anything worth watching on TV so you thought you'd spice things up a little.
"Truth or dare, except we can only tell each other the truth."
Ruben frowned. "So a normal conversation then?"
"No." You sighed. "An utterly and completely honest conversation with each other. Neither of us can lie."
Ruben looked to ponder the idea.
"Alright,  you first." He said.
"Really?" Excited, you adjust yourself to face him where the two of you sat on the couch.
"Okay, first question. How many girls have you slept with before me?"
Ruben rolled his eyes. "Y/N."
"No, come on. I want the truth and only the truth."
He observed you skeptically, not really sure what this game was gonna lead to.
"I've slept with three other women before you. There happy now?"
You smiled because you didn't expect Ruben to have a magnificent body count. He was just too much of a gentleman to have thrown himself out there like that.
"And you, how many guys have you slept with before me?"
It was his turn, but how boring of Ruben to choose formality over creativity when it came to his question.
"Hmm, maybe eight people."
"Eight guys?" He said suprised. "But you said you've only had two boyfriends before me."
You chuckled. "You're allowed to sleep with people without being in a relationship with them, no?"
He nodded, but his adams apple jumped when he swolled.
"Alright, my turn again." This was fun, you thought. "Would you ever consider having a threesome with me and another person?"
"Guy or girl?"
"Either." You said.
"No." He answered. "My turn. Same question to you. Would you ever consider having a threesome with me and another person, guy or girl?"
"Yes, if everyone felt comfortable about it."
"Correction." Ruben cleared his throat. "Have you ever had a threesome before?"
"Ruben that's not fare, it's supposed to be my turn." How was he already breaking the rules, you thought.
"Fine." He sighed. "Your turn."
"Thank you." You smiled. "Best sex you've ever had, was it with me?"
"Of course."
Your heart jumped of how serious his expression turned when he said this.
"Good to know." You nodded, hiding the heat that had risen to your face.
"And same questions to you. Am I the best you've ever had?"
He was playing a dangerous game, you thought. The backfiring question was not a good way to go. At least he was playing the game that you put him up to.
"No?" He frowned.
"What no. Ruben you didn't even give me anytime to think."
"I didn't think you'd need all night."
"Ha ha, very funny."
"Just answer the question Y/N."
"No." You muttered.
Ruben looked away for a second, towards something in the distance. His jaw clenched as he chewed on the inside of his cheek.
"My turn." You said, however not as enthusiastic as you were at the start of the game. "If you could change something from your past what would it be?"
"Saying yes to playing this game with you."
"Ruben." You gasped.
"My turn. So who's this mystery guy that's given it to you better than I have?"
"Who says it's a guy?"
Ruben frowned. "It's not?"
You shook your head.
Ruben looked at you with an expression you didn't recognize. "So who was it then?" He said, a bit resentful.
"Ruben I..."
He shook his head. "Just tell me."
"But you won't..."
"What? It's not like I know the person." He chuckled.
You bit your lip.
"Wait." He paused. "Don't tell me I know this person?"
You didn't want to answer his question by the way he was already rattled up by it.
"Y/N, tell me who it is."
In honor of the rules of the game, you thought.
"It was Nina."
"Nina? As in Nina your boss?" Ruben stood from the couch.
"Well she wasn't my boss at the time. We were colleagues."
"You slept with a colleague that is now your boss, great."
"Ruben, you asked..."
"No, you asked!" He shouted. "You asked to play this fucking game Y/N. You did."
Somthing heavy was in your throat and you felt yourself hold back tears. "I...I didn't mean for it to go this far. I'm sorry."
Ruben had begun pacing the room. Perhaps thinking of all the times you've invited your boss for dinner or the times you two went out for a jog together. Those times were plenty, but only because Nina was one of your closest friends today.
"Ruben please...".
You stood from the couch. However he denied your attempt to approach him.
"I've told you nothing but the truth about me, haven't I?"
"You have." You said, voice shaky.
"This....this was you lying to me Y/N."
You frowned. "I didn't lie Ruben. It just never came up."
"Never came up." He laughed, a laughter that made you want to hide your face and cry. "She's been at or fucking house Y/N. If I invited people that I've fucked for dinner I would at least have the courtesy to tell you about it first, no?"
"Well, aren't you perfect!" You shouted. Ruben was being unfair. "There is nothing going on with me and Nina, she is just my boss."
"And apparently the best person to ever fuck you."
"That's it." You turned you back and headed for the door.
"And where do you think your going." Ruben grabbed your arm preventing you from taking another step.
"Ruben, let me go". There was tears in you eyes, you hated it when the two of you argued. It was like a part of you died every time.
"No." He said, pulling you back towards him. He was stronger than you, he railed you in faster than you could protest.
"Let me go Ruben."
He had you pressed to his chest, with you looking up at him.
"No." He said, a firm grip around your wrist. "Not until you beg me to stop fucking you."
You gasped as he swooped your feet off the floor, carrying you in his arms towards the bedroom. He tossed you on the bed and before you could understand what was happening he was on top of you, kissing your neck with one hand reaching under your shirt.
"Ruben please." The excitement came to you in floods. Ruben was usually really good at foreplay but this, this was so much better.
He pinned you to the matress once your bra was unhooked and your shirt tossed over your head. He got busy with your breast to the point where you understood that he was making his mark.
"Ruben please."
He had his hand down your shorts. Occasionally teasing you clit put for the most part drilling you in and out with his fingers.
You squinted your eyes and arched you back as you came all over his hand, seransding him with a pool of wetness.
"Look at you." He grinned. "So needy for me."
He held a hand around your throat. His thumb forcing you mouth open, wanting you to clean up the mess you made.
You sucked his fingers one by one. You lips clenching around his knuckles.
"Good girl." He said. "Now turn around."
You tried but felt your legs tremble beneath you.
"Fine." Ruben said, flipping you over himself.
You lay on your belly with your shorts pulled down to your ankles. Ruben raised your hips with a hand tugging at your waist. You knew he hadn't gone completely dark when he whispered "This okay?" Before adjusting himself behind you.
"Yes, god yes." You said, feeling how your swollen pussy pulsated between your thighs. You want him inside you, now.
Ruben planted soft kisses down your naked back, suprising you with a slightly aggressive backshot that had you fisting the bed sheets.
"Shhh." He said, referring to your quiet whimpers. "You want this?" He asked, thrusting in and out of you like there was no tomorrow.
"I need it." You gasped, arching your back to take him in as deep as you could.
It went on for minutes, hours even.  Although you came on his cock more than five times Ruben kept on filling you up, thrust after thrust.  He kept at it to the point of your legs and hands gave up on you. You couldn't stand on all fours anymore. That's when he turned sweet again, caressing you and asking to bring you a glass of water. Once the two of you lay in each others arms he dared ask. "Was that good for you."
You barely had the strength to nod, it felt like you had been running a marathon. Your body was simply exhausted.
"It was the best Ruben."
"Good." He said and kept on holding you and kissing you until you fell asleep in his arms.
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scarletwinterxx · 1 year
sometimes you just don't know the answer - jaehyun imagine
all the jaehyun content on my twt tl made me write this, my feels for yoon oh coming back stronger than ever😂
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee (totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank youđŸ„ș💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2023 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"Hey, I'm going now"
You tell your boyfriend while standing by the doorway of his office. Jaehyun looked over at you for a second before turning his attention back to his work.
Ever since that night, your anniversary, he's been feeling a bit distant. How was he suppose to act when the love of his life, his long time girlfriend, the only woman he wants to be with for the rest of his life didn't give him an answer when he asked the ultimate question.
'Will you marry me?'
Those words still hanging in the air. Like an elephant in the room being ignored by the both of you.
"I'll be gone for five days, I cooked dinner already so you can just heat it up when you get hungry. Also I fed Bom already" you tell him, at the mention of her name the little puff of cloud picks her head up from the seat in the corner of the room before running over to you.
"Mommy will go now okay, I'll miss you" crouching down to pet her and give her a few more cuddles before going. Jaehyun glances over at you, his heart warming at the sight but he had to stay strong.
He doesn't understand why you didn't say yes, didn't you love him enough to marry him? did he do something wrong? was there someone else? Shaking those thoughts away he watches you give Bom a few more kisses before standing up, catching his gaze before he turns to his desk again
"Jae I..."
"I'll see you later" he says, finishing the conversation before it even started. You didn't push it any further, giving him the time and space he needed.
Then you went.
The first day you were gone, he didn't mind it much. You've gone to business trips before and so does he. The longest time you've been apart was 2 weeks when he had to attend a family trip when you couldn't come with him because of work. But never under this circumstances. Usually the two of you would text or call during free time but this time the only text he got was when you arrived at your hotel. It's been radio silence ever since.
He thought this alone time will do him good to clear his mind, but by the second day he missed you so much he's sure he was about to lose his mind. By the third day he almost bought a plane to where you were just so he could see you.
On the fourth day, he made himself busy. You texted him last night saying you've been busy with work you didn't have time to do anything else. He told you to eat dinner and a goodnight, the end. At this point he just wanted to have you back home. He doesn't even care anymore if you didn't want to marry him. He's never been this far from you, especially during a fight.
To distract himself, he cleaned around the apartment, did laundry, took Bom out for a walk and even went to the gym but still his mind was on you.
Stepping out of the shower, he got dressed. As he was putting on his shirt, he spots the red velvet box in his drawer. A reminder of what was supposed to be the sweetest night, but instead it now leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.
He pops the box open only to find it empty, thinking to himself if he lost it that night. Did he put it somewhere else?
Now he's frantically looking around the room, too busy to hear the front door open. Wheeling in your suitcase, you were welcomed by Bom running towards you
"Hey baby, did you miss me? I missed you too yes I did" you give her hugs and kisses, noticing Jaehyun wasn't in the kitchen or the living room.
Walking inside the house, you find him inside the bedroom
"What are you doing?"
Jaehyun jumps, surprised to hear another voice. He thought he went completely mad and now he's hearing your voice but then he turns around to see you by the door with your dog in your arms and a shiny ring on your finger.
He blinks once, twice. Even pinching himself on the arm to wake himself up, making sure he's not dreaming.
"Are you okay?" you ask him, putting Bom down before walking towards him. Jaehyun just looks at you, shaking his head before speaking
"You're home"
"Yea, I finished late last night. I chose the earliest flight back since I have nothing on my itinerary anymore. Is everything okay here? Are you looking for something?" you ask him, his gaze landing on your hand.
Noticing this, you follow his gaze. Remembering the ring you took before you went on your business trip.
"Oh I... I was going to..."
"Is that..." "Yea"
He's so confused, does this mean you say yes? but you never said anything, that night when he asked you you just stared at him. Too stunned to give him a simple yes or no
"This is not how I pictured it, I swear. I don't even know what I was thinking. But before I left, I saw the box then the next second I was wearing the ring. I was going to tell you, but you weren't talking to me"
"Well you did reject my proposal so yes I wasn't really in a talking mood"
"and I'm sorry, I wanted to say yes. My answer is still yes, I was just surprised that night I didn't know what to say okay. For years we've talked about it, so many nights I've dreamed about our future. And suddenly you were there, asking me, it was everything I've ever dreamed about and I got scared because what if I didn't deserve that. What if one day you find out I wasn't the one for you what if-"
"Marry me" Jaehyun cuts you off
"Huh?" at this point tears were already running down your face, but to Jaehyun you've never looked more beautiful.
"Marry me. Let's make those dream in reality, let's wake up together everyday, let's take walks with Bom every morning, cook dinner in your kitchen in the evening, make love at night. You deserve the world and more, and I promise you I'll work hard every day to be the man who deserves you. I want you, I've wanted you all these years, I'll want you for all my years. Marry me"
You didn't even say anything, you just ran straight into his arms. Jaehyun catching you, hugging you like his life depended on it.
"Is that a yes?" he mumbles, hearing a giggle from you before breaking away from his embrace
"Yes yes yes a million times yes" you tell him in between kisses, you kiss his cheeks his chin his nose his lips. Jaehyun smiles as he hears those words from you, picking you up to spin you around.
"So this means I don't have to give the ring back, right?" you ask him. He smiles down at you before going in for another sweet kiss, "That was only ever yours anyways"
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Hi hi!! I was thinking and wanted your opinions! i feel like canon cyno would have given Tighnari a lot of trouble because Cyno, at the start of their relationship was really bad at explaining symptoms and how he felt physically (and maybe emotionally too) I’m imagining that Cyno being trained to hide things like that in the name of his work (and also self preservation, like if captured you don’t want to give away that you’re injured to the enemy) has just resulted in him not knowing how to explain things very well and maybe not always being super in touch with his body.
so when Tighnari asks him very simple things like “what are your symptoms” Cyno will just be like “I’m tired” when in reality he’s got full blown flu symptoms. This could be extra tricky if it’s potential poisoning cuz if Cyno can’t explain himself nari can’t help as easily. “Does your stomach hurt?” “Yes” “is it a sharp pain, ache, or a sick feeling?” “
.what?” And of course the classic “how are you feeling” “
I’m fine”
i feel like Tighnari would end up finding ways to speak Cyno more and ask very specific questions and asking for cyno to describe what he is feeling. Asking what are you feeling instead of how are you feeling, or explaining what symptoms can feel like in a person and see if that matches
I also think, while i can’t come up with stuff on the spot, it could make for really funny conversations too lol 😂
I'm sorry it took me a decade to actually answer this ask 😭 Digging down into the dusty depths of my askbox right now!
BUT YES I LOVE THIS! Looking at Cyno's entire canon past, and the line of work he ended up in, I can see it being this huge hurdle he had to overcome with Tighnari. Everything has always reinforced that he has to be strong, he can't show weakness, and his problems are primarily his own. Answers like "I'm fine" and "Nothing is wrong" has become complete second nature and will come out automatically without him even really thinking about what he wants to say. I can absolutely see Tighnari asking him very specific questions in the beginning just to try and get a grasp on how he's feeling.
"How are you feeling?"
"Okay, let's try that again. Are you in any pain?"
"I... suppose so."
"Alright where does it hurt? Head?"
And it goes on like that with every tiny symptom. It's a long dragged out process but it works, and as time goes on, Cyno slowly begins to understand what he needs to tell Tighnari when something is wrong.
I do imagine when he's really in survival mode, Cyno will instantly slip back into old habits. He'll arrive on Tighnari's doorstep, struggling to breathe and covered in blood, and just on instinct blurt out "I'm fine." when Tighnari asks. At some point Tighnari starts to recognise that's a sign that Cyno is in fight or flight.
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