#i hope this was helpful and please feel free to send in any followup asks if it as confusing or didnt address something you want to know ab
moonshine-nightlight · 4 months
Any advice for writting longform stories like NWWD?
thanks for this ask!
thats a pretty open ended question and my answer will inherently be relatively specific to me and the way i write, but i'm happy to share my advice!
I will link a few other posts where i answered some other writing asks:
worldbuilding [x] editing/exposition [x] writer's block/POV [x] plotting vs pantsing [x] how long does it take me to write stuff [x] my writing process [x] writing spicy scenes [x]
otherwise, see below for me rambling way too long about writing.
disclaimer: this is just my opinion and how i do things, obviously there's a lot of variety and nuance for everyone's writing process.
firstly, is that personally, i'm inclined to writing longform stories so thats a bit of a built in strength of mine. generally speaking my story ideas come with lots of lore (see above for my love of worldbuilding) and i like relationships that are deeper/longer, with slow burn being a favorite of mine (why basically all my short stories have the two people involved having met prior to the story starting). that being said, technically the main character in 'Nothing's Wrong with Dale' doesnt meet demon!Dale until the flashback of chapter 2 and why is part of why that story is so long/has a built in arranged marriage premise. Of my two potential long form stories i'm going to do next: one they already know each other (and are basically already in love just being pining idiots about it) or two the story takes place over several months/high stress situations and does not end with marriage etc. But thats more of a concern if you're writing romance.
in general, my advice for longform stories is to already have a relatively complete, high level view of the story when you start. some people can just improvise the entire story as they go--I cannot. i think its very helpful to know where ur story is going to end, more crucially when it is long and you'll be taking a while to get there. by this i primarily mean the setup for the story, then general ending, and vaguely what sort of metaphorical journey they take to get there. you do not need to know every scene and detail in the middle--and plot points/characters can and will evolve as you write and think more on everything--but having the broad brushstrokes figured out asap is critical, in my opinion.
I also, as a side note, don't set out with a story length in mind. i can generally get a good handle on how long a story will be by the idea and outline, but i dont try to make it long. if anything, i did try to challenge myself to write shorter stories, like my novellas, when i started this blog/posting original writing here. that was not only because i do tend to get very complicated/long original ideas, but also because i think it was important to me to actually finish some original work, which i had never done before.
shorter stories tend to have more straightforward plots. not that you can't boil down longer stories to simpler summaries, but generally longer story ideas have more stops along the way so to speak that come to me when i'm developing the idea because i want to cover more with the story. the main character in dale having had childhood illness, dale raised by his grandparents, there being tournament stuff and assassins stuff and uncomfortable parties and most importantly MC figuring out dale was a demon immediately and dale not knowing the MC knew that were all things i came up with (loosely) very soon after i started working on it.
which leads into my next piece of advice: write everything you brainstorm down - you will forget and you will remember there's something u've forgotten and it will annoy the hell out of you. write your notes, write your what ifs, write down possible character names, write down cool ideas for scenes--heck write some of the scenes up then, evn if its for chapter 24 of 35. dont save what ur most excited for as like a carrot on a stick, i find that it doesnt help and that having part of my story that i love existing already is a much better motivator to write the rest
i'm also a big outliner and planner. i think some people think what that means is that u should b able to write a plan once for a story and then never change or deviate from it--but no! change the plan as you go; scrap things that dont work out and add new ideas when they come to you. however, i do think having something down that covers the whole story, lets you get a good idea of the shape of the story, and reminds you of your end goal, are all incredibly helpful. i also keep multiple worldbuilding notes docs; character and location lists; picture inspiration; etc to support the longform idea
i think u also hav to hav confidence/delusion that you will in fact finished. i hav started multiple longform original writing ideas in the past. none of them are done except dale. and part of it was not taking some of my own advice up top, but i think i also just wasnt as committed? lik it'd get lost in worldbuilding, or writing other projects, or life happening (which is all absolutely fine) but dale was the first longform idea where i like, really believed i could write it all and where i was dedicated to putting in the time i'd need to finish it. i knew i would need to take breaks and it would take more than a year (which i did and it did) but i still believed i'd get to where i am now, with a finished draft which i think was really key.
also, practice, i've been writing for years and year; i've been reading for even longer; and i've been writing and posting fanfic for years as well. some of my longer fanfics were such good practice for how to plot a long story without having to generate all the lore myself and having guardrails on for the story/characters in general. aside from dale, my next five pieces of longest writing are all fanfic.
lastly, find at least one person you can talk to about your story. i really think that helped me stay excited and motivated about my longform story in particular. i of course like talking about shorter stories too, but i dont think i felt as compelled to keep talking about them during the process of writing them as i did for my longform stories (even my longer fanfics i talked with other ppl in the big bang about or other writers on discord). and i dont just mean posting the rough drafts as u go like i did, but friends, irl or online, that either are also writers or are just interested in what story you want to make. i think it helps make it more real to you, it gives you ways to talk through issues that come up, its a way to get excited because they're excited, and it makes someone besides you ask how everythings going. the longer stories ideas i had but never got finished are also ones i primarily kept to myself, because i dont think i'd realized how helpful it could be to share them and also because i was still sure that in order to justify telling someone or evn for someone to care, it would hav to already be written, but it doesnt! and in retrospect, i wish i had because maybe those stories would exist--or maybe i'll dig up those notes and talk to someone about them and then find myself back to writing about them (rip to Aftermath, that corrupted external hard drive did u dirty and killed my motivation).
i think getting to understand and figure out your own process, to really look at yourself and see what works and what doesnt (as honestly as you can) is extremely helpful. u'll also figure stuff out along the way--dont hesitate to try to new strategies or drop one that are really not working for you. its all a learning process. be nice to yourself! give yourself the grace to make mistakes (or tell a friend so they can bully you into to cutting urself some damn slack when u can't stick to a weekly upload schedule u made up for urself).
whatever longform story you've got in ur head is one worth sharing and seeing through to completion--and then inflicting on everyone else lol OUR problem now ;)
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takingcourage · 4 years
Miscalculations: A Witness AU
Chapter Six
Catch up here: Prologue, Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five
Pairing: M!Cassian x MC
Word Count: 3,600
Series Summary: After years apart, fate brings Kellen and Cassian together a third time. Can they learn from the mistakes of the past, or are they destined to repeat them once more?
Note: This update is a day later than I hoped, and I apologize. Chapter Seven should be ready to go this Sunday!
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Even as he’d left Kellen’s apartment, Cassian had tried to steel himself for days or even weeks of silence. He didn’t know how long it would take before she volunteered to let him back in, and he couldn’t be the one to make the first move. 
He’d been so certain that things were going well. She’d seemed happy, and her usually controlled persona had slipped away to reveal an openness he’d rarely seen before. When they’d kissed, he’d taken it as proof that they’d found their footing, not just as parents who could come together to care for their child, but as people who could reunite and begin building onto they had once had. 
Unfortunately, her words had shattered his theory completely. I don’t know if this is a good idea... I need more time... He could hear her voice on a loop, the faint protestations cutting against the hopes he’d had for their future. 
Stepping out of his nightly shower, he caught a glimpse of the purple blotch at his shoulder and leaned toward the mirror for a closer look. Mottled and unsightly, he could see why it had been too much for Kellen to take in.
Pursing lips that were still swollen from her kisses, he tested the skin with his fingertips. It was largely because of that scar that he’d returned to Boston in the first place. 
During the initial weeks of his recovery, long before surgeries and physical therapy had restored most of what he’d lost, he’d been forced to reconcile himself to the fact that his ability to perform his job might be in jeopardy. But even as that disappointment weighed him down, another worry haunted him all the more: his job wasn’t enough. His career with the Marshal Service was fulfilling, but he needed something else in his life beside work. 
He’d expected Boston to give him some of the predictability he lacked, yet his life had never felt so uncertain. 
Turning away from the mirror, he embraced the bitter truth: his desire to have Kellen in his life again had supplanted his better judgment. He was just as enamored as he’d been three years ago -- even more, if he was honest. And yet, he had nothing more to show for the attachment, and infinitely more to lose. 
To him, the day had been a preview of everything he wanted his future to be -- if only he had the assurance that it had meant the same for Kellen as well. She’d told him she needed time, but the growing pit in his stomach suggested it couldn’t be that simple. Surely it was obvious to her by now whether their lives were better for having him in them. 
He tried to work through the sudden tightness in this throat. What if they are better off without me?
After all, Kellen had proven that she could raise their son on her own. Owen was well adjusted and seemed content enough to continue living on in the same way. Much as it pained Cassian to admit, the boy was probably young enough to forget him entirely in a matter of weeks. If he disappeared now, their lives could return to normal. 
But even as his thoughts ran rampant, every fiber of his being repelled the notion. He couldn’t leave them. The three of them had made so much progress before tonight’s misstep, and he sincerely believed that further growth was possible.  
If only he knew how they could find their way again. 
For the rest of the week, he threw himself into his job, taking extra shifts and duties to ensure that he had as few free hours as possible. The physical exhaustion helped him sleep at night, in spite of the way his mind raced over possibilities. 
Even as he worked, Kellen and Owen were never far from his thoughts. He found himself wondering what steps he could take, if any, to make things right. 
When Saturday came and he still hadn’t heard from her, Cassian typed out a brief message: 
I hope the two of you are doing well. 
In the half hour he spent waiting for a response, he dared to hope that she’d include an invitation to join them at the park the next day. The forecast wasn’t promising, but perhaps she’d stick to the routine anyway. 
When her answer eventually appeared, it was painfully brief. 
We are, thanks. 
He couldn’t bring himself to send another message, for fear that he’d only make things worse. The balance they needed seemed too delicate for him to uphold. He had to prove that he wasn’t going to leave again, but he couldn't threaten her boundaries or need for control. If he did anything to manipulate Owen’s feelings or her own, she might push him out of their lives permanently.
Toward the end of the second week, his apprehension turned to worry. He knew that they were fine. He could discern as much from Kellen’s single-word responses to his texts, though they told him little else. 
He hadn’t sent many: only enough to remind her that he was still there and was thinking of them. He didn’t want to annoy Kellen or lead her to the wrong conclusion, but he couldn’t stand the thought that she might think he’d moved on.
As his lunch break approached on Friday, he glanced over their most recent exchange for what must have been the hundredth time.  
I’m sorry for upsetting you the other night. Please call me if you want to talk about anything. 
Smoothing the glass with his thumb, he gave a heavy sigh. He hated the thought of going another weekend without seeing them. One missed Sunday had been enough to throw him off-kilter for the rest of the week. He didn’t relish the thought of extending their streak any further. 
Deep down, he knew they were never going to get anywhere unless Kellen talked with him. But it was possible that he might reach her by proxy, and he was just desperate enough to try. Before he could think better of it, Cassian tapped out a message to Harika and slipped into the break room for lunch.
Would you be willing to give me some advice? 
Her response arrived in under a minute. Probably. 
He put his leftovers in the microwave and took a seat at the small laminate table. While the food heated, he continued the impromptu conversation. Thanks. Kellen’s hardly responded to my messages this week. Is she okay?’
She’s at work today, if that’s what you mean. She’s been distracted though. 
He was typing the followup when another message came: 
Don’t tell her I said that. 
Returning to the beginning of his text, he made a quick addition: I won’t. Here’s my question. Do you think I should back off for a while? I don’t want to make her life miserable. I can give her some space if that’s what’s best for them. 
NO. Absolutely not.  
Even if that’s what she wants? The microwave dinged, and Cassian retrieved the dish. Sitting alone at the empty table, it struck him how much easier this would be if Kellen could just tell him what she wanted. The constant guesswork was taking its toll on him. 
His phone screen lit with Harika’s reply: It’s not. Not to be cringey, but she needs you. 
Ignoring his food, he responded: If that’s true, I don’t think she’s aware of it. 
It is. She was a mess when you left. I’ve never seen her like that with anyone before. 
He laid down the phone, staring through the steam that rose from his rapidly cooling lunch. On the surface, it seemed like the news should play in his favor, but the Kellen of three years ago and the Kellen of today were significantly different people. Even if she’d missed him dearly all those years ago, it didn’t mean she missed him now. 
It came as something of a surprise when the screen lit again, cutting him out of his musings. 
If she doesn’t come to her senses soon, I’ll lock the two of you in a closet or something. 
He scurried to pick up the phone. Please don’t do that. She really might kill me then. 
Or she’d jump you. ; )
With a groan, he pushed the phone away. The last thing he needed right now was a reminder of what he was missing when it came to Kellen’s touch. Those kisses many nights before had been enough to wake the desire that he’d been struggling to keep at bay since seeing her again. That woman still had the ability to drive him absolutely wild. 
…Thanks for the advice, he settled on, then flipped the phone over. 
Returning to his lukewarm lasagna, Cassian cut a large bite with his fork. It hadn’t even been a fortnight since he’d seen them, but it felt like an eternity. Until this stretch, he hadn’t realized how much he looked forward to their park visits throughout the week. Missing one and not knowing when he’d see them again was starting to wear him down.
He ate quickly, eager to return to whatever distraction work could offer. When he moved to slip his phone into his pocket, he was surprised by the sudden vibration. 
“What now, Harika?” he muttered under his breath before seeing the sender’s name: Kellen. 
Eyes widening, he unlocked the screen and devoured her message: 
Owen’s been asking about you. Any chance you’d be free to come over sometime? The forecast looks awful for going to the park this week.
Hardly daring to breathe, he typed his answer with haste. I’m off at 5:00 tonight. I could bring dinner over after that if you want. 
I’ll take care of dinner, but that sounds great. He’ll be ecstatic. 
Will you? He wanted to ask, but he was afraid of learning the answer. Instead he wrote, I’ll be there by 6:00. 
Great! See you then. 
Arriving at her apartment several hours later, Cassian quickly rapped his knuckle against the door. He waited for a response, puzzled when he was met with several seconds of silence. “I’m on my way!” he heard finally, just making out Kellens voice as it carried through the thick wood. 
Cassian released a breath he hadn’t noticed he’d been holding. 
“Come on in,” Kellen beckoned, rushing off as soon as she’d unlatched the door. He followed her curious movements before Owen’s shrill greeting from the other room caught his attention. 
“Mister Keane!”
“He can’t leave the carpet,” Kellen explained. “I dropped a glass and it got everywhere.”
“Are you hurt?” he asked, hurrying inside to ascertain that all was well. Though shards of glass covered the tile floor, he saw no blood or other cause for worry. 
“No, but can you take him to his room while I get this cleaned up? If he steps on anything...”
“Of course.” Cassian nodded in understanding and proceeded immediately toward the living room. Owen was tiptoeing the small wooden divider, impatient to see his visitor.
Crossing over to him, Cassian held his hand out for a high five, but the toddler hugged his legs instead. Cradling the small face, he brushed a thumb against the boy’s temple. “What is it, a stór? Have you been good for your Ma?”
“Uh-huh!” He assured, releasing his strong hold to show Cassian a broad grin. 
“I’m glad to hear it.” 
Cassian didn’t even have a chance to unbutton his coat before he felt the toddler’s insistent hand at his knee. “Come!” 
The man obliged, allowing the child to lead him through the apartment and to his bedroom.
“Trains,” he explained, pointing to the extensive track circumnavigating the floor. 
Cassian found an empty space on the carpet and sat with a grin. “You have an awful lot of them, don’t you? Can you show me how they work?”
“Uh-huh!” he chirped for the second time in as many minutes. 
His smile widened at the child’s innocent enthusiasm. He watched the imperfect attempts to couple the engines to the railcars, intrigued by his trial and error as he tested the ends of the magnets until they stuck. 
Once the train was in one piece, Owen placed a yellow engine in Cassian’s lap and slid a pair of similarly colored cars in his direction. 
“You really don’t like yellow, do ya?”
“Huh-uh.” His own blue and red creation was assembled and ready to leave the turntable. “Choo choo!”
He chuckled at the boy’s accompanying hand motions. Hooking his own pieces together, Cassian set them on the track to join in the play. He’d only moved them a couple of inches before Owen began chasing the yellow train with his own, cackling as he picked up speed. 
Cassian’s own laughter soon joined, prompted more from his relief than from the hilarity of the situation. Reunited with his son at last, the frustration of the past several days faded to mere memory. 
“Choo choo!” Owen cried again, his train butting up against the final car of Cassian’s. 
“I’d better keep it going, hadn’t I?” he asked, rolling the toy around a precariously sharp turn. 
Owen angled his face toward Cassian, nose wrinkled and eyes scrunched almost shut with his emphatic grin. 
“I’ve missed ya,” he breathed, blinking against the tears that sprang to his eyes. I hope I never go so long without seeing you again, he reflected, wondering if there was anything he could do to dissuade Kellen from such absences in future. 
His heart clenched at the reminder of how things stood between the two of them. 
He wanted to be part of Owen’s life, no matter what that meant for him and Kellen. Even if he could only have the bits and pieces she was comfortable with, he wouldn’t sacrifice these moments for the world. 
Their playdate came to an end sooner than he would have liked when Kellen called them to dinner. 
“Dinner’s ready,” she announced, leaning against Owen’s doorjamb. “I hope you still like Spaghetti Bolognese.” If he wasn’t mistaken, there was an almost nervous hesitance in the way she framed the last statement. 
“I do,” he rushed to answer as they followed her into the dining room. “And I haven’t had it in ages, so it sounds perfect.” 
Kellen let out a quiet breath and set the bag of takeout on the table. “It’s nothing.”
As he strapped Owen into his booster seat, Cassian found himself hoping that it wasn’t really nothing. Was remembering one of his favorite dishes a sign of her impeccable memory, or was it something more? 
For the rest of the evening, he endeavored to keep a tighter rein on his thoughts. 
Though his composure held through dinner, it wavered during Owen’s bedtime reading. Voice trembling, Cassian’s ability to concentrate on the words was overpowered by an increasingly familiar longing for time to stand still. Kellen offered a smile, and the gesture was almost enough to make his voice crack again. 
This was everything he wanted, so close that it was almost within his grasp. He wanted a future of nights like this, even if they were sprinkled through the ones he spent alone. 
After he finished, Kellen took the lead in tucking the boy in. Turning the light out behind them, she laid a hand on Cassian’s arm. Intrigued, he sought her face when they stepped into the light of the hallway. 
“Sit with me?” she asked, motioning toward the couch. 
He followed with some confusion, his brow creasing at the serious look on her face. Even after they sat, it was some time before she relieved his curiosity. “He’s been a mess the past several days,” she uttered, breaking the silence. 
“So have I, if I’m honest.” 
Kellen’s mouth tugged sympathetically. “I shouldn’t have waited so long.” 
Though he hoped her regret signaled a change of heart, Cassian didn’t have the faintest idea how to respond. He didn’t want to condemn a decision she’d made with her best judgment, but he didn’t want to let the opportunity pass either. He was still trying to find the right words when she went on. 
“He talks about you constantly. He’s asked to see you every single day.” 
“I know that isn’t what you wanted,” he began, hesitating over what he’d intended to be an apology. But he couldn’t bring himself to say that he was sorry for the circumstance. 
She looked conflicted, eyes downcast as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I think it actually might be a good thing.” 
His eyes narrowed at the bizarre sentiment. “Why?”
“Because I realized he’s not the only one who thinks about you all the time...” Her blue eyes met his, shimmering with the gleam of unshed tears. “And that helped to clarify some things for me. Do you think we could we talk? Not tonight -- it’s been a long week, and I need sleep more than anything else -- but soon?” 
He took a cautious breath, afraid that reminding her of his presence would break the spell that seemed to have come over her. “Is something the matter?”
“No,” She paused before carrying on, a resolved expression stealing over her face. “Nothing at all. I'm just ready to say some things that I should have said a long time ago.” 
Still somewhat tentative, he took her hand. The way she clung to his fingers did him a world of good. “I’d be glad to talk anytime. I have the weekend free.”
“Maybe we could meet somewhere else? It’s probably best not to have Owen underfoot. ”
“Whatever you think is best. I hate to make you find a babysitter--”
Her hoarse laugh cut off the rest of his sentence. “That won’t be any trouble at all. Harika’s been volunteering for weeks.” 
“Somehow that doesn’t surprise me. Last time I talked to her, she threatened to lock us in a closet until we get things sorted out,” Cassian shared, thumb still running along the smooth surface of her knuckles. 
Kellen snickered at the notion, but when she met his gaze, her features had settled into something vulnerable and open. He could count on one hand the number of times she’d been willing to reveal her true self to him like this, and he could only hope that this wasn’t the last time he saw it. 
“I swear she thinks we’re back in college sometimes. I’ll have to double check with her about the time, but maybe we could meet tomorrow? I don’t want to put this off.” 
“Neither do I. You’re welcome at my place if you’d like. It’s not much, but we wouldn’t be disturbed. I’ve got a well-stocked pantry if you end up staying for a while.”
“I think I’d like that,” she agreed, her eyes still trained on him. 
The fine hairs on his neck rose. “I think I would too.” It was still somewhat unnerving to see this side of her -- this honesty about her feelings and desires -- but he couldn’t deny it was a welcome change. “Come by anytime.”
“Thanks -- for everything.” Still holding firmly to his hand, she shifted nearer on the couch. He'd just lifted an arm to wrap around her shoulder when her phone buzzed from the dining table. “I’ll be right back,” she promised.
At her quiet curse some moments later, Cassian rose to his feet to see if he could do anything to help. She was still staring down at the screen, scrolling through what appeared to be a chain of emails. 
“It’s something for work. I’m so sorry.”
“Do you need to go back to the office? I can stay here with Owen if you’d like.” 
“No, I can take care of it from home. But I’m not going to be very good company for the next few hours.”
“I understand. Don’t run yourself too ragged. You need some sleep too,” he reminded, stretching out a finger to trace her cheek. She caught his hand with her own and squeezed it tightly. 
“I’ll try. Otherwise, I might need to nap on your couch tomorrow.” 
He tried not to envision a drowsy Kellen showing up on his doorstep, though their time in Nantucket had left him with a wide selection of memories to choose from. So many of their days had started and ended with her ragged yawning and sleep-addled attempts to flirt. “I wouldn’t complain if you did.” 
Kellen arched a brow, but said no more. 
Pulling back his hand, he allowed it to fall to his side. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Kellen,” he promised, making for the door. 
He paused, pivoting toward her in anticipation of whatever parting thought she wished to impart. 
“Before you go, I’m sorry for giving you so many mixed signals -- especially the last time you were here. Can you forgive me?”
Such concessions were hardly like her. If her tone hadn’t been so somber, he might have made a quip about the unexpected nature of her apology. Instead, he simply said, “Of course,” and stepped forward to envelop her in a hug. “Thanks again for tonight; I missed the two of you more than I can say.”
"I hope you won’t have to miss us quite so much anymore,” she told him quietly as she stepped out of his embrace.
Heart thundering wildly beneath his ribcage, Cassian managed another smile. For the first time since meeting Kellen again, he knew the two of them were in full agreement. “I do too. Goodbye, Kellen.” 
“Bye, Cassian.” 
Still somewhat dazed, he left her and began his long journey across the city. 
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
Commissions List (Ko-fi)
You asked, and I will comply because I love you all sm. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far, and if you’d like something based on your donation, dm me and let me know what! I will be upgrading to gold tomorrow so that I can do actual commissions on Ko-Fi so it’ll be easier, but for now, just send in a message via Kofi what you want. Be sure to specify member (s)
Obviously, any requests already given will be done for free, and in general I’ll always do requests for free, but commissions bring them to the top of the list, if that makes sense? I talked to my mom and my sister and we’re kind of all teaming up. I will do all the writing though, although I’ll help with the astrology and edits. I hope this is ok! Let me know if there’s any questions or anything, my inbox and my dms are always open. More under the tag in case you don’t wanna read this bc it’s LOOOONG
 500 to 1500 words - 1 Kofi ($3)
Send me a member and either a couple of lines of dialogue, a vibe, or a scenario, be as specific or nonspecific as you want! If you are nonspecific, trust me, I’ll still write something cute (or angsty, or smutty)
Jimin with “I want you”
Seokjin - you’re eating dinner and you have something in your teeth
Yoongi - something cute
1500 to 4500 words - 2 Kofis ($6)
Send me a member or a group (reactions are longer and will be over 1500k), and offer me a scenario, request for reaction, or a trope
Monsta X reaction to dating a single mom
Chanyeol enemies to lovers, angst with a fluffy ending
Namjoon first date fluff
4500 plus words - 3 Kofis ($9)
This would be for a very specific request or a series, kind of like my BTS breakup imagine or Hickey Request - please be specific! 
Reader is engaged to Taehyung but Jackson Wang is your ex boyfriend who you reconnect with and you’re conflicted
BTS smut series inspired by the seven deadly sins
Monsta X as Greek Gods
Fake Texts - 1 Kofi ($3)
Send me a member or a group and a scenario or a specific text for inspiration
Boyfriend texts from Hobi
Texts from EXO “I miss you”
Texts from Monsta X when you aren’t answering your phone at your scheduled talk time
SMAU 10 Parts 2 Kofis ($6)
Send me member(s) and a scenario or general vibe
Reader is an instagram model and Jongin gets tipsy and sends her a dm telling her how beautiful she is, fluff and smut
Tinder fuckboy Kihyun AU
As a fledgling astrology hoe, I will do a little myself if you want an imagine based on astrology - be sure to specify your request is astrological by “based on his chart” and I’ll write a drabble based on it and my analysis
Astrology Imagine or Reaction - (under 1000 words) 1 Kofi ($3)
Send me a member and a reaction 
What Taehyung is like when he’s jealous based on his chart
How Chanyeol would ask you out based on his chart
How Wonho would handle a breakup based on his chart
ASTROLOGY  (BTS, Monsta X, EXO, NCT, really anyone)*
**My mom isn’t even a kpop stan so you can really send me any member or any chart - she wants to do these blind if that makes sense
Brief Chart Analysis - 1 Kofi ($3)
A brief summary style analysis for one member (or yourself) **If it’s for you, please send your date of birth, exact time of birth (more accurate with exact time, but if you don’t know it that’s fine), and place of birth (city and state, province and country, etc) please specify if there’s something you’d like to focus on (see example)
Namjoon - what he’d be like in a relationship
My own chart - summary of my personality (send either your chart itself or your info)
Sehun- general analysis
Full Chart Analysis  - 2 Kofis ($6)
A full analysis for one member (or yourself), will include physical characteristics, personality, quirks, how they are in love, lust, and relationships, how they are at work, with friends, etc, like Yoongi’s chart
Jooheon’s full chart analysis
My full chart analysis (send your chart or your info), with signs I’m most compatible with
Compatibility Chart Analysis - 3 Kofis ($9)
Send a member and your own chart and we will tell you what your relationship would be like with them this is PER member because it takes hours and hours to do these, again, if you want a focus, please specify
My compatibility with Jimin (send your info or chart)
My compatibility with Hyungwon, focus on sexual relationship 
Based on interest and such, my mom will do tarot readings, short videos based on a question or focus you might have, but not yet. We need a week or two to feel things out! Length of the video and in depth focus of the question will depend, but it will be 1 to 2 Kofis max unless you want something really big
 “If I met Jimin, how would it go” and a 1-3 minute video of your tarot reading
Gifsets - 1 Kofi ($3)
Send a member or OT7 (or OT9 for EXO), and a color, a mood, a scenario, be as specific or nonspecific as you like!
The color purple and Taehyung
BTS OT7 in glasses
Kai body rolls
Moodboard - 1 Kofi ($3)
Send a member and a vibe or au, color, etc OR personal aesthetic plus your bias or member of your choice
Moodboard for tattoo artist Yoongi
Moodboard for flowers and Xiumin
Moodboard - I like reading, butterflies, and the color green my bias is Jin
Fanvids - under 1 minute - 1 Kofi ($3)
Send a member or OT7 or a couple of members and a vibe or theme, specify song or genre of song if possible
Jimin being soft I LIke Me Better by Lauv
Hard edit of JHope and Sehun - Taste by Tyga
Leaders edit Suho, Namjoon, Shownu any song
Fanvids - 1 to 2:30 minutes - 2 Kofis ($6)
Send members, groups, etc, and a scenario, vibe, theme, or AU
CEO Jimin AU - Earned It The Weeknd
Fuckboy Kihyun AU
A 2:00 video of Kai’s love shot performances
***DONTS ***
1. I won’t do daddy kink or mommy kink
2. I won’t do scat or blood play
2. I won’t do abuse (no “when BTS hits you” or anything like that)
3. I won’t do anything nonconsensual
1. Noona and oppa kink are fine
2. I will do BDSM so as long as everything is consensual I will do slapping, hair pulling, rough sex, etc
3. Be as NSFW and as specific as you like! You’re paying for this! I just have some things I’m not comfortable with, and that’s why there’s a dont list
Use these to specify if you want writing, astrology, or edits
MT - Writing
KD - Edits
1. Send a request through my ask box and dm me a screenshot of your donation (or submit it, either way)
2. Write it in a message on Kofi when you make the donation (there’s a checkbox for a private message and this will make you totally anon, but please be specific because I can’t ask followup questions this way)
4. Dm me on Tumblr with the screenshot, I will never tell anyone about anything you request unless you want me to***
***if you don’t want your commission posted on Tumblr, please let me know that and I will just send it to you personally
Same as above INCLUDING
1. Your chart info or date, time, and place of birth if you’re requesting your own chart or compatibility
You request: Jimin being cute - MT
You get: A drabble of Jimin being cute with reader
You request: Jimin being cute - KD
You get: Jimin being cute in a gifset
Guys, this took me like 3 hours to make what is my life I hope it makes sense. I will start commissions tomorrow, btw and I’m still working on everything in my inbox, dw! I love you all so much and appreciate you being interested in my page and my writing.
My Ko-Fi Page for Commissions
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katelides · 7 years
This is a part 2 of One Shot 12
BeChloeIsLegit - Did anyone ask for a followup to this one? Like, who were the texts from that Chloe got? Why were they sent?
I just need more. . . .Thanks!
Hope you enjoyed this and if you have more prompts please let me know :D
I feel so bad about not posting for a few days but it’s been really busy and I had a few bad days so writing hasn’t been easy so SORRY for the wait but I’m back :)))
One Shot 19
“See you on Monday Luke.” The British DJ smiles at the grumpy brunette and waves her out the door. “See you later Becky.” Beca rolls her eyes. “Hey Beca… Luke.” Jesse just arrived for his shift. “Jesse great you’re here, could you grab me some lunch?” The brunette boy’s face falls. “Have fun.” Beca shouts behind her in a mocking voice.
Beca laughs to herself about how ridiculous the two boys could be at time but her attention quickly changes when she sees a flash of red running towards her usual spot underneath the tree. A smile forms on her face when she recognizes who the flash of red belonged to. Beca tries to get Chloe’s attention by waving but she doesn’t notice her.
The brunette makes her way towards the tree and sees the always bubbly girl wipe away tears. This of course alarms her and she runs towards Chloe. The minute she reaches her she doesn’t even get a chance to say anything because the redhead turns around with a huff and walks away. “Hey Chlo wait up… Chloe? Chloe!”
Beca stops Chloe from walking away by running in front of her and placing her hands on the redhead’s shoulders. “Leave me alone Beca.” Chloe tries to wriggle free but Beca won’t let her. “Chloe please talk to me. “Why can’t you just back off! You’re not the only one allowed to be grumpy! Go dethatch yourself from the world like you always do! ” Beca is shocked to say the least but she doesn’t let it phase her. So she does the one thing that always calms Chloe down when she’s in a bad mood.
She wraps the older Bella in her arms and holds her as tight as she can. At first the redhead struggles but soon mimics the motions and holds on to Beca for dear life, crying her eyes out. Beca keeps whispering soft, loving words into her ear and she calms down slightly. She doesn’t let go any time soon and Beca doesn’t seem to mind at all. They both lost track of time and have no idea how long they’ve been standing underneath the tree.
Chloe’s stomach reminds them both that food is a necessity and it makes the two girls chuckle lightly. “Let’s get some take-out and go back to our apartment. Oh yes, Chloe moved in with Beca. It was an easy decision and Beca’s father didn’t mind since Chloe was the one to convince Beca to join the Bellas and open up. It’s a two bedroom apartment anyway but not that they use the second one. They had started officially dating shortly after the cat ‘incident’ so it was inevitable.
“Can we get pizza?” Chloe asks with a sore voice. “Anything you want, I’ll text the Bellas to let them know we won’t come to movie night today so we can cuddle.” Chloe smiles slightly and nods. She hates ditching on her friends but today she couldn’t handle the Bellas. “Can we get ice-cream too?” Beca chuckles at the adorable redhead. “You read my mind, Beale.” The brunette cups Chloe’s cheeks and wipes away the smudged mascara before kissing the tip of her nose.
“Are you ready to go?” Beca asks carefully. “Yeah uhm but could you… please don’t let go?” The fragile sounds breaks Beca’s heart. Whatever happened must be really bad. “Sure baby.” Beca swings her laptop bag over her shoulder and takes Chloe’s bag in her right hand. She quickly turns so Chloe is on her left so she can drape her arm around the older girl. The redhead takes her hand and intertwines their fingers.
Beca watches Chloe curled up on the couch in her pajamas, fluffy slippers and Fizzle next to her. She had called the Bellas to let them know they weren’t going to make it because Chloe didn’t feel well. The group seemed to understand and wished Chloe well.
“Hey baby? Do you maybe want the ice-cream?” The redhead hadn’t eaten much of the pizza. She barely got one piece through and then curled up into Beca’s side until she got thirsty. Of course the brunette immediately jumped up to do whatever it takes to take care of her girlfriend. She would always do that, just like Chloe is always there for her.
“Uhhmm maybe later?” Chloe sits up slightly. “Alright, let me know and I’ll get the tub from the freezer.” Chloe lets out a sigh. “I’m sorry.” Beca puts down the bottles of water she brought from the kitchen. “What are you sorry for?” The brunette picks up her girlfriend’s feet and sits down on the couch placing them on her lap. “I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier, I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Don’t worry about it baby. We all have bad days.” Chloe takes her legs of off Beca’s lap crossing her before her while sitting up. “No I should have talked to you instead of snapping.” She looks down, terrified to look her girlfriend in her eyes. “Chlo, honey please look at me because what I’m about to say is really important and I want to make sure you hear me.” Beca cups Chloe’s chin with her thumb and index finger.
Their eyes lock and a warmth spreads through Chloe. Beca’s warm and genuine smile make her realize how lucky she truly is. The brunette will never make her feel uncomfortable or force her to say or do anything. She’s the perfect person and right now she doesn’t deserve her at all. How could she have been so cruel to the best thing in her life. Beca’s voice brings her back and she listens intently.
“I don’t know what happened today and you don’t have to tell me. I just want you to know that no matter how much you push me away I’ll keep coming back. That’s a promise I intend to keep for the rest of my life. I’d rather you voice your frustrations than keep it all inside, it’s not a great option. Trust me when I say that I love you and I’m in it for the long game, that means good and bad times.”
The soft meow coming from the tiny kitten makes the brunette stop talking with a laugh. “You see, even Fizzle agrees.” This comment cracks Chloe up and they share a short but light hearted laugh. But soon the redhead’s face turns serious. “He’s been texting again.” Beca’s eyes widen in shock. “W-why didn’t you tell me?” Chloe shakes her head. “I thought I could handle it but it has gotten worse.”
Tears start spilling from Chloe’s eyes and Beca tries wiping them away. “I-I should h-have told you but I d-didn’t want to worry you.” Beca wraps her arms around her girlfriend letting her cry once again. Anger boiling inside of her because a jerk was hurting Chloe. The sweetest, most caring human being to ever exist.
“When I find out who is doing this to you, he or she will pay big time.” Beca pulls Chloe closer if that’s even possible. Fizzle found its way between the  two girls and is purring against them. “Chlo?” The redhead hums to acknowledge the brunette. “Maybe it’s time to tell the Bellas? Maybe one of them knows the number?” The older Bella lets out a long sigh. “You’re right, maybe I should.” Beca lets go of Chloe and reaches for her phone on the table.
*Phone Call*
Stacie: “Hey Beca, what’up? You’re on speaker by the way.”
Beca: “Hey Stace, can you and the Bellas come to our place? We need an emergency Bella meeting ASAP.”
Stacie: “What happened? Is everything ok?”
Beca: “I think it’s better to explain when you’re all here but it’s about Chloe and she needs all our support right now.” The brunette flashes a warm, loving smile at Chloe who is petting Fizzle.
Stacie: “We’ll be there soon, the girls are all upstairs getting ready to go.”
Beca: “Thanks, see you soon.”
Stacie: “Hey Beca?”
Beca: “Yeah?”
Stacie: “You’re a great friend.”
Beca: “Ok don’t get mushy on me now Conrad, get your ass over here.”
Stacie: “I can get that arranged in multiple ways.” Beca cringes at the insinuation.
Beca: “Alright you weirdo, see you later.”
Stacie: “Bye.”
*End Phone Call*
The Bellas slowly make their way into the living room and see Chloe on the couch with her legs crossed, a blanket draped over her and Fizzle in her lap. Beca is the last one to enter after making sure everyone got inside. Beca sits down next to Chloe putting her right arm around her and patting Fizzle with her left hand.
“I don’t want to sound pushy but what’s going on?” Stacie asks carefully seeing the two curled up and Chloe with a sad face. “No it’s ok, we asked you guys to come over because we have a problem and maybe you could help us out?” Beca starts looking at Chloe while talking, making sure she was still ok with it. The nod she receives urges her to go on. “So Chloe has been getting weird texts for a while now and we don’t know who it is.” The Bellas stay quiet for a moment but it doesn’t last long. “What’s he been sending our ginger?” Fat Amy asks on behalf of everybody else. Chloe’s eyes drop down and even Beca seems to get worried. She had seen some of the previous texts but recent ones remained a mystery to her and judging by her girlfriend’s reaction it’s a good thing.
Beca takes her arm away and gets up from the couch. “Beca? Where are you going?” The brunette ignores her girlfriend and disappears into the hallway but returns soon after. “Why didn’t you show me this.” Tears are threatening to spill from Beca’s eyes reading something on Chloe’s phone. “Beca don’t…” Beca cuts her off quickly. “No Chloe this is borderline crazy… why?”
Chloe shakes her head. “I couldn’t be bothered.” Beca sits down with a sigh. “Chloe the things this person has been sending are cruel.” The rest of the Bellas now very interested to know what’s in the messages. “This guy is harassing you.” Stacie can’t take it and snatches the phone out of Beca’s hands. Her face drops immediately and reads few of the messages out loud.
Why do you even exist?
You're weird  and you get in the way of where I'm looking.
Stop being weird and stop being happy.
Stop being who you are. Or I'm gonna put my foot in your weird, stupid face.
Some gasps are heard and soft sobs come from Chloe. Beca is up from the couch pacing through the room angrily. “Chloe how long has this been going on?” Beca stops abruptly and turns to face the girls. “A few months.” Chloe says in a hushed voice. “Does anyone recognize the number?” Beca asks through gritted teeth but no one does.
“I know a way I can find out.” Beca looks at Lilly. “Anything you need?” The Bellas stare at the extremely angry brunette as if she’s crazy. After all this time Beca is still the only one who can hear Lilly. “A laptop.” Beca runs out of the room and returns with her laptop and hands it to the Asian girl. It takes her a few minutes but she quickly finds what she’s looking for turning the laptop to reveal who the mystery texter is.
Before anyone can react Beca storms out of the apartment leaving Chloe screaming her name to come back. But to no avail. “Chloe go get dressed, Lilly, Jessica, Ashley and I will follow Beca and you follow when you’re ready.” The redhead doesn’t hesitate and goes to her room to get changed while the named Bellas quickly get out to follow their captain.
Beca is running as if her life depends on it. The bastard that did this to Chloe will pay. She knows the way too well because she had picked Chloe up multiple times from the place in tears. She hated that guy so much for hurting Chloe and now she was going to get revenge. She reaches the apartment building in record time and sees one of Tom’s neighbors walk out. “Hey is Tom in?” Beca asks as politely as she can. “No, he’s at the bar.” Beca thanks the girl and goes into the right direction.
The Bellas follow the petite brunette while Stacie shoots Chloe a text of their new direction. When they reach the bar Stacie send one final text before bursting into the bar after Beca. She’s just in time to see Beca march up to the tall brunette boy slapping him across the face. Tom gets up angrily. “What the fuck you midget… what’s your deal?” Beca just glares at the guy.
“You’re a filthy bastard, how could you do that to Chloe?” Tom look confused. “What are you talking about?” Beca scoffs. “You’ve been harassing her for months, we know it’s you.” A sly smirk forms on tom’s face. “You have no proof midget.” Beca lunges forward hitting him against his jaw. Tom falls back slightly but finds his footing quickly attacking Beca.
Since Tom is much taller and stronger than Beca she gets thrown back by a blow to her ribs falling to the ground with a loud thud. Beca doesn’t seem fazed at all and gets up ignoring the pain. She grabs Toms shirt and pushes him back against the bar but Tom quickly turns the tables on her slamming her against the bar. A loud grunt comes from Beca and Tom laughs.
“You little bitch have nothing on me.” Tom hits Beca with a right hook and the brunette lets out a loud squeak when the blow hits her. “As long as I’m alive I’ll keep protecting Chloe.” Beca spits into Tom’s face which only angers him more. He manages to hit Beca one more time against her ribs before being pulled off by Jesse and Benji followed by the rest of the Trebles and Bellas.
“Don’t you dare touch her again.” Chloe shouts before slapping Tom and running to check on Beca who is doubled down on the floor clutching her ribs. “Beca a-are you ok? Of course you’re not… oh my gosh you’re bleeding….” Beca stops Chloe’s rambling by weakly throwing her arms around her. “I’m fine Chlo, I’m fine.”
The couple’s attention gets drawn by Tom shouting at the Trebles to let him go. “If you ever come near any of us or if you ever text any of us again we won’t be nice anymore.” The Trebles kick Tom out of the bar followed by loud cheers from all the bystanders. “How did they get here?” Beca asks while trying to get up with the help of Chloe. “I called Jesse on my way here and explained what happened.
Beca looks over at Jesse and flashes him a grateful smile. “Let’s get some ice for you.” Beca looks at Chloe with a smile. “That would be great.” Flo runs over to help Chloe to keep Beca upright but it seems a lost cause because the brunette faints soon after. Jesse sees this happen and runs towards the girls. “Hey let me help.” The Treble picks Beca up bridle style and carries her to Chloe and Beca’s apartment.
Chloe watches Beca sleep while holding an ice pack against her jaw. A short time later the brunette twitches slightly and wakes up slowly. “Hey Becs, how are you feeling?” Chloe asks in a whisper. The loud grunt she receives as a response when Beca tries to get up tells her all she needs. Chloe quickly helps Beca sit up and pulls up Beca’s shirt to check the damage. “Shit Beca how hard did he hit you?”
“Don’t worry about it Chlo.” The redhead shakes her head. “Why are you like this.” Beca shrugs with a smile. “You can’t change me Beale, I am who I am.” Chloe chuckles lightly. “Do you need anything?” Beca shakes her head. “I only need you.” Beca waves Chloe over and the redhead quickly cuddles into her side. Fizzle seems to have a sense for cuddle session because soon he’s up on the bed nuzzled between the two girls.
Chloe listens to Beca’s steady heartbeat and the kitten’s slow purring. It makes her feel safe and happy, in moments like this she imagines how their future could be. And then it hits her, the words Beca had spoken to her a few hours back run through her head. Trust me when I say that I love you and I’m in it for the long game, that means good and bad times. Chloe quickly sits up startling both Beca and the kitten.
“Chlo what’s wrong?” Beca wants to sit up even more but the pain in her chest stops her before leaning down kissing her passionately. When they break apart Beca has to ruin the moment by speaking. “what was that for?” The redhead smiles brightly and has tears in her eyes. “I-I love you too.” Beca lets out a breath. “You did hear that huh.” Chloe nods and leans back down capturing the brunette’s lips again until a soft meow comes from between them.
They let out a laugh smiling down at the blue eyed kitten. “We love you too Fizzle.” Chloe picks up the kitten placing it on Beca’s stomach and nuzzling into her side with a huge smile. This was the very first time they had said the big L to each other and now they look like the perfect family but instead of a baby they have a cute kitten and maybe kids will come one day. Beca is pretty sure about that, her grandmother’s engagement ring is hidden away in her closet waiting for them to finish college and start a new chapter of their lives.
Let me know what you think, feedback is always fun to have :D
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nitewrighter · 7 years
Gency Week Day 2: Feathers
Coming in a little late! But let’s do this! Day 2!
quick note: This ficlet/meta thingie is sort of a followup to the ‘Texts’ ask I got and takes place during the years of Overwatch’s disbandment.
His nickname had been ‘Sparrow’ but the feathers were from a Japanese Sparrowhawk, not a sparrow. She wondered where he had managed to get so many, yet they turned up without fail as his calling card. The first one had not even been in a letter, but had been left on his pillow the morning he disappeared from the Watchpoint. The next one (and first letter) came several months later, to her hotel room a few weeks after the explosion at Zurich and during the hearings just before the Petras Act was enacted. It was on a postcard from Numbani.
Dear Doctor Ziegler,
Reception is spotty where I am, and I am unsure if you still have access to your Overwatch comm, so this was the surest way I could reach you. I hope this letter finds you well. I have been watching the hearings on the news and I cannot imagine how difficult doing this must be after what happened in Zurich. I would come to Geneva, but considering how the public is receiving the revelations about Blackwatch, I think I should probably keep my distance. I am sorry for not writing to you sooner. I will likely have left Numbani by the time this letter reaches you. I do not think it is wise for me to linger in one place for too long, but I will be sure to remain in contact. Please stay safe and take care of yourself.
She kept the postcard in the interior pocket of the jacket she wore to the hearings. It made her feel less alone on as she spoke on the stand, and she used the postcard as a bookmark for weeks. His next letter came roughly a month and a half later, not a postcard, but an envelope, once again with the sparrowhawk feather tucked within.
Dear Doctor Ziegler,
I am sorry for falling out of contact for a while.  I have been keeping track of the news and I have reason to believe someone is hunting down former Overwatch members. I do not know how much information I can disclose to you for either of our safety. I am in good health. I have made a new friend, sort of. He won’t leave me alone. I am unsure of his motives but I do not believe he means any harm. I will keep you updated. Please stay safe and take care of yourself.
Another letter found her a little less than a month after that.
Dear Doctor Ziegler,
I saw you on the news. It’s good to see the UN let you keep the Valkyrie suit! Or is that one new? It looks different. Your hair looks good up. I’m sure relief effort for that earthquake would have been much harder without you. It is good to see you still helping people even with Overwatch shut down. The friend I mentioned in my last letter is named Zenyatta. He is my teacher now. It’s a long story. He wanted me to let you know he really liked your commentary in that interview. I’m leaving you an address in this letter so that you can write me back. Also, I know the world needs your help, but please be careful. Whoever is hunting down former Overwatch members has struck again. They’re calling him ‘Reaper,’ but all the stories seem very exaggerated. Still, please stay safe. Zenyatta says we’re quite safe in Nepal, but we’re so far away from everything, it’s hard not to think about the others.
As soon as she received the letter she wrote him back. Well, to be fair, she wrote and threw away several drafts before finally settling with something and forcing herself to mail it.
I can’t believe you’re living near the Shambali monastery now! What are they like? Are all of your prostheses still functioning well? Do they have cyberneticists on site? I know you’re very practiced at maintaining your own prosthetics at this point but if you run into any issues, feel free to give me a call! Are you eating enough? Can you eat or are you having difficulty again? Do they have access to clean IV nutrition if you can’t? I’m sorry I have so many questions. I thought I would be able to have more time to myself with Overwatch shut down, but I feel busier than ever and everyone else has all but fallen out of contact. Torbjörn’s back with his family and the Ironclad guild, Reinhardt’s off doing heaven-knows-what somewhere in rural Germany last I heard, McCree is... still living with a bounty on his head... But there’s no news of his arrest yet! That’s... good news? I think? I hope he’s doing all right. Tracer and Winston have taken the Petras Act very hard. I haven’t heard much word from Tracer since she’s moved back home. And Winston...well... I haven’t heard from him either. I don’t know much else, but I suppose that’s a good thing, if this ‘Reaper’ is after us. You stay safe as well. Don’t think I don’t see those articles about ‘Two mysterious omnics’ stopping violent crimes. Old habits die hard, don’t they? Please write back soon. 
Their letters from there were a bit more regular. Genji left his feather in each one, and she kept every feather, taping them to the inside of her journals as she traveled. She began to send him things from her own travels--she would draw the wildflowers she saw growing out of rubble in the margins of her letters, and send him small trinkets given to her by the refugees she worked with. He kept her letters as well, tucking them in a drawer in his room to keep himself from re-reading them to pieces. They lost count of how many letters were sent over the years. If they were being completely honest with themselves, for a long time the letters were their way of letting each other know they were still alive as other Overwatch members continued to be picked off, one by one, by Reaper. 
The letters were among the few belongings he brought with him to the Watchpoint after the Recall, and he still had them when he finally moved in with her. To be honest he was a bit embarrassed about still holding onto them, and worried that she might find him a bit obsessive for it, that is, until he passed by her office in the apartment, and saw something on her desk: A mason jar, full of sparrowhawk feathers.
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juliaroleplays · 4 years
hey! i’m sending this out to all of my fav rph blogs because i appreciate everything you do and would appreciate some advice... what do u do if your in a group and it feels like someone is ACTIVELY ignoring you? i want to bring it up to the admins but how do i prove that i’m actively being ignored by a member of if it’s just my paranoia? every time this person does a starter call and i like for one, they make one for everyone else except for me, they even ignore my ims? idk what i did tbh
This ask was sent almost a month ago and I apologize for how long this response has taken. I hope you’re still not having this issue, but if you are (or if someone else is) hopefully this helps.  
First, @steinfeldofrph answered a similar question recently that you can check out! 
To answer your question more specifically, re: proving that you’re being ignored
Send your message to the admins. You might not need to demonstrate that you’re being ignored because they there’s a chance they’ll address the issue without you having to prove anything. 
Let the admins know that your attempts to write with another member of the group have been ignored and that your attempts to resolve the issue directly were not responded to. I wouldn’t name the person in the first message, but that’s just me. If the admins ask you who it is so they can discuss the situation with the other person, then tell them. If they require proof that this person is ignoring you, tell then that you’ve liked their starter calls and you’re the only person who didn’t get one and that it’s happened on multiple occasions. If you’re reached out directly to plot with them and that was ignored too, let them know. Demonstrate that there’s a pattern of behavior and this isn’t a one or even a two time thing. If they ask for screenshots or very specific instances of proof, ask yourself if it’s worth going through the trouble for this roleplay. 
If the admins tell you to try contacting the person again, do that. If the other person doesn’t respond after a week or so (depending on this person’s activity level), go back to the admins with a followup. 
If the admins post a general message about making sure to include everyone, then you might have to give the situation some time. If you end up having to go back to the admins to resolve the issue, make sure that it’s a repeated pattern. One instance of this person ignoring you after the admins have sent out a reminder doesn’t necessarily demonstrate that this person is actively excluding you. 
Other Things To Consider: 
How much do you love this group? 
Being ignored sucks, trust me, but you also have to ask yourself if being part of this group is worth taking it to the admins. If you love this group and being ignored is putting a damper on your experience, then go to them! Part of their role is to make sure others are having fun. If you don’t love this group and are willing to find another group, then there’s no shame in leaving. Life is too short to do things that suck. Roleplaying is a hobby and it should be fun, not stressful.  
What kind of admins are running the group? 
Are they mostly hands off? Have they demonstrated that they want the group to be a fun, inclusive place for everyone (and have backed that up with actions)? How have they handled issues in the past? Having an idea ahead of time might clue you into how they’re going to handle the issue.
Who is the person ignoring you? 
If you stick with the group and this person keeps ignoring you (regardless if the admin’s step in or not), what does that mean for your or your character? Can you have fun without writing without them? Can you develop your character and your character’s relationships without involving them?  Like I said, being ignored sucks, but you don’t have to make it part of your experience with this group. You can’t make someone write with you when they don’t want to. 
You should also consider, even if this person does start writing with you, unless it was an honest mistake, they’re probably not going to be enthusiastic about it. especially not right away. If they’re choosing to ignore you, they just don’t want to write with you (for whatever reason). If they start replying to you just to avoid getting kicked out of the group, it probably won’t be as much fun as writing with someone who is excited to plot with your or who wants to develop a relationship with your character.      
What kind of resolution are you looking for? 
Before you go to the admins, consider what kind of resolution you want and how it’s going to affect you. If you’re looking to get this person to stop ignoring you, then again, writing with them might not be fun. You should also consider what you’re going to do if you don’t get the resolution you want.  
Hopefully my ramblings help a little. If you need any more advice, please feel free to send me another message! 
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