#its always good to get multiple perspectives
etherfabric · 3 days
Encouragement from your Spirit Guides
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Choose a pile by which picture you resonate with the most.
If your mind is too busy to clearly decide, take a few deep breaths, and use the finger of your non-dominant hand to hover over the images. One will give off the most subtle yet prominent signals, like tingles, a magnetic pull, or temperature. This is your pile. Multiples are also possible.
Pile 1
The Fool, 9 of Swords
Ditch the phrase "Do it scared." When you bulldoze through your fear, you hurt yourself. It is a part of you that you will never transcend, because you need it. You can't expect any sustainable outcome from this violent approach. Your Spirit Guides see your efforts and want you to know that you hit the mark a long time ago already, and they are doing all they can to line you up with more positive experiences. They don't want you to use force against your most vulnerable parts for the sake of progress that is not even due yet.
You were told by misguided people that you are too sensitive, too slow, too lazy when you feel comfortable. This is not the case. The Universe likes slow. It likes gentle, loving approaches. It will meet you where you are at. Trust in your innate worth of good things, and don't whip yourself to places and situations you aren't ready for. Good things will come - for example the much calmer state of mind you will have once you don't betray your own trust anymore by ignoring your boundaries. You deserve kindness, patience and everything you need to feel safe. Listen to your fear. It needs your love.
Pile 2
Strength, King of Cups
Standing ovation for your emotional resilience! Your Spirit Guides are so freaking proud of you. You found a place within yourself where you can watch the waters of your soul ebb and flow in sovereignty. Even the stormiest currents can't rock you enough to lose your focus on what's important to you. You exude an air of compassion towards yourself that is inspiring.
What you deemed impossible and beyond your depth not so long ago is now already second nature to you. What an evolution to witness! Take pride in the thousands of conscious impulses that led you here. Let the imposter syndrome swim its laps, you know where it stems from, and you know that's not the whole story.
Beware of your knack for arrogance, the other end of that spectrum, and the future looks peachy.
Pile 3
The World, The Moon
Your Spirit Guides want you to know that there is closure to a deep rooted doubt on the horizon. They way you are carrying yourself in the last few days is amicable, and benefits the integration of one of your deepest wounds. Healing comes in many forms, and you have experienced a good handful of them already. Buckle up for a whole new variant of dimension in this regard - things you deemed lost forever will be ever so close to your grasp again and provide you with a surge of motivation you couldn't imagine before.
When the shadows of the past cloud your judgement, hold onto the smidge of light creeping through, especially when it seems like a lukewarm joke that just can't be true. From the perspective of despair, hope always seems ridiculous. Well, get a little silly, then. Dancing naked might sound like the worst humiliation, but only to those who haven't tasted that kind of freedom yet. Get ready to hear the music soon.
Pile 4
Two of Pentacles, Queen of Swords
Oh how you are chopping down that bullshit quickly! No time for nonsense is written all over your forehead, and for the metaphorically illiterate, you have no trouble spelling it out ever so clearly. Your Spirit Guides are in awe of your determination when it comes to your boundaries. You are loyal to your highest principles, no matter what. You know for certain that your wants and needs have a valid foundation, and you won't tolerate any projected shame on that part.
In the past, people could drag you into psychological tug-of-wars that left you off balance either way, whether you "won" or "lost". Now you smell that game from a mile away and don't even touch that rope. Just one little advice: Choose your battles. Not every boundary has to be set in stone, and not every crossing of one is a fundamental failure on your part you have to avoid at all costs, or else. Humans are multitudes of parts, all with their own unique set of requirements, and context is always a factor.
But still, look at you and how far your shadow work around speaking up has taken you! Who would've thought that one day you would need a reminder that soft is okay, too? ;)
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Any advice for writting longform stories like NWWD?
thanks for this ask!
thats a pretty open ended question and my answer will inherently be relatively specific to me and the way i write, but i'm happy to share my advice!
I will link a few other posts where i answered some other writing asks:
worldbuilding [x] editing/exposition [x] writer's block/POV [x] plotting vs pantsing [x] how long does it take me to write stuff [x] my writing process [x] writing spicy scenes [x]
otherwise, see below for me rambling way too long about writing.
disclaimer: this is just my opinion and how i do things, obviously there's a lot of variety and nuance for everyone's writing process.
firstly, is that personally, i'm inclined to writing longform stories so thats a bit of a built in strength of mine. generally speaking my story ideas come with lots of lore (see above for my love of worldbuilding) and i like relationships that are deeper/longer, with slow burn being a favorite of mine (why basically all my short stories have the two people involved having met prior to the story starting). that being said, technically the main character in 'Nothing's Wrong with Dale' doesnt meet demon!Dale until the flashback of chapter 2 and why is part of why that story is so long/has a built in arranged marriage premise. Of my two potential long form stories i'm going to do next: one they already know each other (and are basically already in love just being pining idiots about it) or two the story takes place over several months/high stress situations and does not end with marriage etc. But thats more of a concern if you're writing romance.
in general, my advice for longform stories is to already have a relatively complete, high level view of the story when you start. some people can just improvise the entire story as they go--I cannot. i think its very helpful to know where ur story is going to end, more crucially when it is long and you'll be taking a while to get there. by this i primarily mean the setup for the story, then general ending, and vaguely what sort of metaphorical journey they take to get there. you do not need to know every scene and detail in the middle--and plot points/characters can and will evolve as you write and think more on everything--but having the broad brushstrokes figured out asap is critical, in my opinion.
I also, as a side note, don't set out with a story length in mind. i can generally get a good handle on how long a story will be by the idea and outline, but i dont try to make it long. if anything, i did try to challenge myself to write shorter stories, like my novellas, when i started this blog/posting original writing here. that was not only because i do tend to get very complicated/long original ideas, but also because i think it was important to me to actually finish some original work, which i had never done before.
shorter stories tend to have more straightforward plots. not that you can't boil down longer stories to simpler summaries, but generally longer story ideas have more stops along the way so to speak that come to me when i'm developing the idea because i want to cover more with the story. the main character in dale having had childhood illness, dale raised by his grandparents, there being tournament stuff and assassins stuff and uncomfortable parties and most importantly MC figuring out dale was a demon immediately and dale not knowing the MC knew that were all things i came up with (loosely) very soon after i started working on it.
which leads into my next piece of advice: write everything you brainstorm down - you will forget and you will remember there's something u've forgotten and it will annoy the hell out of you. write your notes, write your what ifs, write down possible character names, write down cool ideas for scenes--heck write some of the scenes up then, evn if its for chapter 24 of 35. dont save what ur most excited for as like a carrot on a stick, i find that it doesnt help and that having part of my story that i love existing already is a much better motivator to write the rest
i'm also a big outliner and planner. i think some people think what that means is that u should b able to write a plan once for a story and then never change or deviate from it--but no! change the plan as you go; scrap things that dont work out and add new ideas when they come to you. however, i do think having something down that covers the whole story, lets you get a good idea of the shape of the story, and reminds you of your end goal, are all incredibly helpful. i also keep multiple worldbuilding notes docs; character and location lists; picture inspiration; etc to support the longform idea
i think u also hav to hav confidence/delusion that you will in fact finished. i hav started multiple longform original writing ideas in the past. none of them are done except dale. and part of it was not taking some of my own advice up top, but i think i also just wasnt as committed? lik it'd get lost in worldbuilding, or writing other projects, or life happening (which is all absolutely fine) but dale was the first longform idea where i like, really believed i could write it all and where i was dedicated to putting in the time i'd need to finish it. i knew i would need to take breaks and it would take more than a year (which i did and it did) but i still believed i'd get to where i am now, with a finished draft which i think was really key.
also, practice, i've been writing for years and year; i've been reading for even longer; and i've been writing and posting fanfic for years as well. some of my longer fanfics were such good practice for how to plot a long story without having to generate all the lore myself and having guardrails on for the story/characters in general. aside from dale, my next five pieces of longest writing are all fanfic.
lastly, find at least one person you can talk to about your story. i really think that helped me stay excited and motivated about my longform story in particular. i of course like talking about shorter stories too, but i dont think i felt as compelled to keep talking about them during the process of writing them as i did for my longform stories (even my longer fanfics i talked with other ppl in the big bang about or other writers on discord). and i dont just mean posting the rough drafts as u go like i did, but friends, irl or online, that either are also writers or are just interested in what story you want to make. i think it helps make it more real to you, it gives you ways to talk through issues that come up, its a way to get excited because they're excited, and it makes someone besides you ask how everythings going. the longer stories ideas i had but never got finished are also ones i primarily kept to myself, because i dont think i'd realized how helpful it could be to share them and also because i was still sure that in order to justify telling someone or evn for someone to care, it would hav to already be written, but it doesnt! and in retrospect, i wish i had because maybe those stories would exist--or maybe i'll dig up those notes and talk to someone about them and then find myself back to writing about them (rip to Aftermath, that corrupted external hard drive did u dirty and killed my motivation).
i think getting to understand and figure out your own process, to really look at yourself and see what works and what doesnt (as honestly as you can) is extremely helpful. u'll also figure stuff out along the way--dont hesitate to try to new strategies or drop one that are really not working for you. its all a learning process. be nice to yourself! give yourself the grace to make mistakes (or tell a friend so they can bully you into to cutting urself some damn slack when u can't stick to a weekly upload schedule u made up for urself).
whatever longform story you've got in ur head is one worth sharing and seeing through to completion--and then inflicting on everyone else lol OUR problem now ;)
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drakesfeelings · 4 months
Heyy can you please do Hector Fort x Alejandro Balde’s little sister? I love your work so much btw 🤞
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summary. hector didn’t plan on falling for his teammate’s little sister.
requested - taking requests here
trigger warning. love & overprotective brother
side note. sorry for the wait 🙏🏽 and it’s quite short but i might make this a series
HECTOR KNEW ALL ALONG; he was in deep shit.
drenched in sweat, his forearms pressed against his thighs—he’s waiting for you to finally acquaint him, but you’re too busy speaking with your brother to realise that it’s been more than twenty minutes that he was eyeing you from head to toe.
i mean, that’s what the footballer thought—but from your perspective, things were a little different.
since you have made an appearance at camp nou, dressed in your brother’s jersey and some baggy sweats that you stole from his closet—your hair being styled in a slick back bun, you had felt the daring glare of hector on you.
ignoring it like you always did in front of your brother, you did nothing but drive the boy mad.
how could you ignore him like he wasn’t all up on you the night before ?
« you’re good hermano ? pau asks his friend while drinking his water, brows furrowed. »
pau may have been friends with hector since childhood, he is still trying to figure out how to read the boy’s attitude. hector is a nonchalant guy, he seems to take everything with lightness.
but today, he’s acting weird—throwing multiples glances multiple times in the direction of who-knows-what.
« sí, porque ? pau only shrugs his shoulders, and the boy in front of him takes this as a sign to resume his activities—glaring at you until you finally notice him. »
watching his friend’s jaw clenched, pau can’t help but follow his gaze.
« alejandro’s hermana ? he speaks up again, a smirk making its way on his face. really hector ? »
« i don’t know what you’re talking about, cabrón, he mutters under his breath. »
oh gosh, that was an unexpected news.
« be careful, you know how alejandro reacts when it’s about his little sister, the brunette boy says, his hand pressed against the player’s shoulder. »
hector rolls his eyes. like he didn’t already know. if only alejandro’s dumb ass wasn’t so overprotective, hector would be the first to greet you—to be attached to your hip—but unfortunately alejandro’s overprotectiveness is still there.
sighing, he finally gets on his feet and tries to resume training—even if your pretty face is still in his head.
the day had slowly passed ; full of training exercices and stolen glances that hector didn’t seem to control.
the urge to run to you, and embrace your whole being in his arms, was getting more intense during the day—which is why the spanish boy is the first to walk out the training camp and to make his way to his mother’s car.
hands deep in his pockets, head down, the boy’s only wish is to keep you out of his sight—because he might just not care anymore about your brother’s opinion and drown you under tons of affection.
« hector ! the voice makes him stop in his tracks. you walk way too fast for me, cabrón, you say while facing him. »
despite the frustration accumulated throughout the day, hector can’t help but smile with all his teeth.
« you’re good ? » you ask, not really knowing how to engage the conversation with him when your whole day was about ignoring him.
« oh, now you wanna talk ? » he smirks, and although he seems to hate the ignoring attitude, you’re happy that he is not wasting the little ‘talking time’ you two have before all the other players come out by being upset.
even though you understand the hell out of him ; you don’t have much choice, and he knows it.
« sorry, you know i— » your words dies in your throat when you (finally) feel his hands on your hips—them grabbing and bringing you closer to his chest.
« can we do the excuses later ? i need you right now, he mutters while putting his head and mushing his nose against your neck. »
smelling your sweet perfume, feeling your body warmth against his and the familiarity of your presence around— enveloping—him change his vision of the day.
you finally relax, sensing the home that you had always dreamed, in him.
all you need is each other, and even your brother’s overprotectiveness have to accept it. and it will.
@ drakesfeelings 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽
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katiifaetarot · 3 months
THE READING TODAY IS: What Reassurance You Need to Hear Right Now ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
-short and (mostly) sweet messages
There are 3 piles and you will be picking through the picture right below this text!!!
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✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that looks like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
PILE 1- Useful Tension
PILE 2- Both Strong and Delicate
PILE 3- Contemplate Your Gorgeousness
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING MY READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
The pain, turmoil, obstacle(s), challenge(s), unwanted situation(s), etc-- you are going through right now; they're here to teach you how to use this lesson or difficult situation to your advantage and fully adapt to the harsh conditions being thrown at you! You cannot give up on yourself or your goals/dreams, its tough right now so you are able to utilize the lessons being taught to you at this very moment, later in life. You arent the only one going through something like this. Out of billions of people in the world, you GOT TO assume you're just another human going through another human expirence, like so many others, and yes while you may be learning different things or excelling in different places, you still are not alone pile1.
--sorry if it got harsh at the end, but i think the message of reassurance really would be to understand you are not alone so you can better assess YOUR personal situation from an objective perspective while understanding you are apart of millions IF NOT BILLIONS, of people who all go through something similar!!! So dont care so much and start utilizing this dark, negative, unwanted situation to YOUR benefit, and get yourself OUTTA THE DARK TIMES AND LOOK TOWARDS A BETTER FUTURE!!! dont get stuck in self-victimizing!!!!!
There's a VERY clear duality to you pile 2. you know how to be soft and endearing, as well as tough and strong!!! You always know where you're headed even if you theoretically "feel lost" sometimes!!!! You have an innate understanding that you are just flowing with the wind and the answers will come to you when they and YOU are ready!! So keep going KEEP FEELING and keep being your most free flowing self!!! So many surprises await your willingness to recieve and innate mighty but gentle nature. Stay Saucy and Pretty Pile 2 ;)
When was the last time you hyped yourself up pile 3? When was the last time you REALLY did a self care/self love day?? BECAUSE LET ME TELL YOOOUUU!!! YOU'RE ONE AMAZING HUMAN WHO HAS SO MUCH TO OFFER!!! YOUR ABUNDANT AURA IS JUST WAITING TO BE UNTAPPED BY YOU AND YOUR GORGEOUS SELF!!!!!!! You deserve so many good things pile 3🥺 so please dont miss out on opportunities because you lie to yourself and say you're not good enough for them or dont want to try because theres "competition."
What isnt for you, isnt for you; what is yours will come to you when you're open to receiving and willing to be in that gorgeous energy and attract!! Competition is EVERYWHERE!! so accept that and do your best!!! you got this!!!
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! That is the easiest way to supprt me. Dont forget to Follow Me on Youtube and Tiktok for messages, guidance, and advice 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
***AND REMEMBER: your own free will is always present within you; which has nothing to do with me or ANYBODY else. I am NOT responsible for YOUR choices after YOU consume my content on ANY of my platforms.
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sturniolojpg · 7 months
— boyfriend! chris sturniolo
pairings: chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: sfw & nsfw!! i put a divider for ya
notes: again, from experience. i love my bf! ❤️ not proof read
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♥︎. loves cuddling. he’s a big ole softie with you. you playing with his hair & scratching his back at the same time is like his kryptonite.
♥︎. he’s kinda pda personified. the man truly doesn’t give a fuck about what other people see him do. he’s more modest if he’s around his brothers.. but strangers? he couldn’t give less of a fuck and will try to get you to make out with him in public.
♥︎. he used to think it was corny asf when people made playlists for their significant others but he’s made multiple for you! are they filled with rap & trap music?? yeah but it’s the thought that counts
♥︎. you love to show him off and he loves to show you off, y’all are private in the sense of none of your relationship details are public but everyone knows you’re together cause it’s impossible for the other not to be included in a post. he’s proud of bagging such a bad ass bitch.
♥︎. he tries to force you to travel with him when they go back and forth between boston and la, he hates being away from you for longer than a day. you’re one of his favorite people.
♥︎. trust is sooo important to this man. he doesn’t fw that sharing passwords & looking through each others phones shit. he’s got nothing to hide but it feels like an invasion of privacy, his phone is basically his second person, it’s with him 24/7. if you don’t trust him and if he doesn’t trust you then it won’t work. 🤷🏽‍♀️
♥︎. communication is also huge. y’all are both stubbornnnnn. it’s so hard for either of you to admit when you’re wrong but for the sake of your friendship and romance, you always talk it out. y’all could not talk for hours on end but you’ll always semi resolve it before it’s time to go to bed for the day. you both hate going to sleep upset with the other.
♥︎. always touching you. linked pinkies, holding hands, touching feet, holding arms, resting heads on the others shoulder, he’s cool with it all. he just likes the physical assurance that you’re right there.
♥︎. he loves being your passenger princess because it means he can control the aux, as we all know man loves his music.
♥︎. he is very possessive over you but not in an over controlling way, you wear whatever you want, he’ll be your biggest cheerleader but if another guy tries to flirt with you he’ll be escorting you out of that situation immediately. no entertaining it, ever. he don’t play abt you.
♥︎. he knows you’re hot so when people say it via social media it doesn’t bother him. it’s only when people intentionally disrespect him when he gets pissed tf off and almost beats a mfs head into cemant. (go white boy gooo!)
♥︎. talking to him is your favorite thing. he could truly go on and on for hours and you’d listen the entire time. he offers such a unique perspective when you’re discussing anything, and you can tell he genuinely cares about what he’s saying and what you’re saying. he’s very good with his words.
♥︎. you’re probably the only person he could sleep in the same bed with for multiple days in a row.
♥︎. he values your presence sooo much and aways vocalizes that. he never wants you to forget just how much you mean to him. he’s truly be lost without you and that scares him so bad.
HORNY BELOWWW, i’m not your parent but rwc
♥︎. public sex is his thing, he loves it. he doesn’t know why he loves it but he does. maybe its the possibility of getting caught, maybe its the fact that you’re always down to fuck him wherever you are, probably both!
♥︎. likes receiving head more than giving but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know his way around your body. he knows exactly what to do to earn specific reactions and he gets turned on over just how well he knows you.
♥︎. y’all know that one country song?? that goes “i know every curve like the back of my head” yeah.. thats chris. he’s got your body MEMORIZED. like engraved in his head, he may act like he’s tryna explore when he touches you all over but there’s no part of you he hasn’t seen. and anything he doesn’t remember? in his my eyes only thats fulll of your nudes 😛😛 he loves his lady!
♥︎. speaking of nudes, he’s a sucker for them. he’d actually do anything you asked him to if it meant you’d send him some. he’s such a boy but he can’t help it when it comes to you, he loves every inch of you.
♥︎. he loves when you wear mini skirts. your ass and thighs always look… phenomenal??? and he enjoys the easy access. y’all have had public bathroom sex more times than you’d like to admit! 😅
♥︎. doggy is his favorite position. he’s an ass guy, doesn’t matter the size, he just lovesssss ass. what gets him off even more though is fucking you doggy in front of a mirror. you watching yourself get fucked by him turns him on beyond belief.
♥︎. you weren’t necessarily a slutty girl but when you started dating him something like shifted with you sexually. you genuinely need that man in your pants 24/7!!!!! like why is he not in your bed RN??? sickening.
♥︎. he hates skinny jeans on everyone but you, the way they hug your legs, thighs, and most important to him, your ass is wayyy too sexy for him to hate them. he loves when you’re out in public and wear them because he gets to see your ass in basically full display 🤗
♥︎. he likes to be the more dominant one most times but the man must admit when you boss him around in and outside of the bedroom it’s the sexiest thing in the world. he finds your confidence sooo hot.
♥︎. you LOVE to overstim him. and he loves it when you do it too, selfishly because all the attention is on him and he’s a cocky guy.
♥︎. when he overstims you tho??? heaven. actual heaven. he’ll eat you out till you cry, safe word is the only thing that’ll make him stop if he’s realllyyy into it.
♥︎. shower sex is his favvvv too. he loves the intimacy. plus it makes clean up easier, he’s a lil slacky in the aftercare department so anything to remove an extra step for him
♥︎. y’all fucked on the roof of your house ONCE after you played him that one ariana grande song and he still recalls it as the best sex of his life. you’re pretty sure he’s a fanatic for public sex.
♥︎. he genuinely wants to have sex with you everydayyyy. you have no idea how bro has so much stamina to want it everyday but of course you’re always down! you are a literal whore for him. your brain just goes la la la la la la when you’re with him.
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hadesoftheladies · 25 days
got inspired from a recommendation post so decided to make a list of movies and shows with female-centric stories/female protagonists. since i can't post all of the genres in one post, i'll split it into multiple posts and y'all can save or add to the list as you wish. (disclaimer: i have watched most of these, but i only know about the existence of others. not every movie/show on these lists will be my recommendation. my recommendations will be beneath the list with reasons. also some of these are way better than others in terms of storytelling/performance--which is why i'll list my faves separately):
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Common Themes of Media in the List:
-Workplace/general sexist discrimination
-Husband being pieces of shit and whiners
-Strong emphasis on sisterhood
-Romance plays a large part (both hetero and homo)
-Female genius and triumph
-Scheming mothers (always scheming)
-Grief, loss, and growth
-Motherhood is difficult but we pull through TM
Mozart's Sister
Lessons in Chemistry
The Conductor
Cable Girls
The Great
The Queen's Gambit
Mary Queen of Scots
A League of Their Own (9/10) (a favorite!)
Hidden Figures (8/10)
The Woman King (8/10) (a favorite!)
Anne With An E (9/10) (a favorite!)
Dickinson (8.5/10)
The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel (9/10) (a favorite!)
Gentleman Jack (8/10)
The Gilded Age (7.5/10)
The English (an english woman teams up with a native american cowboy to take revenge on the men who hurt them)
The World to Come (two women isolated by the wilderness and their husbands fall in love)
The Pursuit of Love
The Buccaneers is pretty feminist and wholesome, although oftentimes childish and full of Netflix cliches (even though it's an Apple TV original). It tries very hard to be Dickinson and Little Women but is a far cry away from Dickinson's edge and fierceness and Little Women's maturity and realism. It's more interested in appealing to Bridgerton audiences and its worse for it. But it's still full of the nice stuff, like strong female friendships and sisterhoods. Ooh, and lesbians! It's adamantly female-centric.
As for Little Women, I prefer the 90s version with Winona Ryder, but Greta did more justice to the source material than Louisa May Alcott herself in the new version.
The Book Thief and The World to Come are also tragedies, so you know. Ammonite, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Summerland and The Favourite are lesbians and bisexuals in their full glory, although all of them have vastly different tones (The Favourite is a dark comedy, I believe).
Speaking of The Favourite, Mary & George is like that but it's men vying for the affections of the king. Don't get it twisted though, Mary, George's mom, is the protagonist and primary mover of the show. It starts and ends with her. Also, more lesbianism! (I don't get tired of pointing that out.)
Belle is one of the few autobiographical historical fictions of a black woman. My dad and I love it. It, however, does not surpass The Woman King. The Woman King is like . . . one of the best historical movies on African women I've ever watched! Or just in general! It gives so much agency to African people in the colonial age and tells the story with nuance and perspective--it is a decolonized view on the slave trade that places West African people at the center. It's pretty intense and gory, though. Like it's dark, but like the performances are insanely good, and so is the story. Real life Wakanda and all that!
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tiny-brass-bot · 5 months
Hi! I saw a post where you had a game made in godot with old school rendering, do you maybe have any tips on how to make godot render a game like that instead of its normal rendering method?
I'd be right happy to!
I'll try to make this concise lol, I always end up overexplaining and then getting lost in the weeds. Buckle up, it's a loooooot of little little things that all add up.
First off, you should decide which look you're going for. N64 and PS1, the two consoles I'm emulating, both had drastically different specs. (plus, there's plenty of other early 3D systems I've not even touched!)
The N64 had texture filtering (textures were interpolated aka "blurry"), it had floating point vertex precision (points moved correctly), it had perspective correction on its textures (no warping)
The PS1 had no texture filtering, no floating point vertex precision (vertices snap and pop around), affine texture mapping (textures warp weird). I also think the color space they operate in is different? Don't quote me
So you can go hard one way or another or pick and choose what you think looks good! We don't have anywhere near the hardware restrictions they did in the 90s so go nuts.
To get a low resolution window, I set the window size of the game and the window override size to different amounts
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In green is actually how big the window is on my screen (4k monitor) and in red is the retro resolution I want. If you set the stretch mode correctly (an option a little further down the Window tab) then it'll make the pixels big
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Now the PS1 had the capability of showing you over 16 million different colors, but it could only display 50,000-150,000 at a time, so in order to get more fidelity out of it, the engineers implemented a dithering effect to better blend the otherwise sharp edges between colors.
I used this shader to achieve the dithering effect. If you don't understand shader languages, that's fine. There are a few different pre-built ones for looking like the PlayStation 1 out there.
Textures for the PS1 could be as big as 256x256, but they were typically 128x128. And they would squish everything a model needed into there usually, at least with like player models and objects and such.
As mentioned, if you're not good with shader language don't worry. There are countless resources out there that people will either let you use or teach you how it works. But I'm gonna touch on it a little bit here.
PS1 textures had no pixel filtering, so you could see individual pixels.
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This is what determines that in the shader code. If you want it to look like the N64 (blurry lol), the proper hint is "filter_linear". Note that it won't be 1:1 with N64, cuz they used bilinear filtering (which kinda sucks and causes weird quirks) whereas now you'll only find linear or trilinear filtering. It's a negligible difference imo.
PS1 textures also were only saved using 15 bit color. I'm told that Photoshop's "Posterize" filter set to 32 can achieve this, but don't use photoshop if you can help it. I use GIMP, and while a newer version might have a posterize filter, or there may be a plugin out there, my version doesn't so I cluge it a little.
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Change your color mode to "indexed", set color dithering to how you like it, and the number of colors in the palette to a number to get a good result. Usually I'll do 16, 8, 32, but occasionally I'll cheat and do a non-multiple-of-8 teehee >:3c
You can change it back to RGB after to make further editing easier.
N64 and PS1 both implemented vertex lighting, as opposed to the more modern and (now) ubiquitous per-pixel lighting. Godot as it is right now (4.2 i think?) claims it has vertex lighting that you can set as a shader property but they're lying and it doesn't work yet.
The old consoles could only handle like, 2 lights though so it doesn't matter much.
The real star of the show, and in my opinion the one thing that makes a game most look like the 90s is the inclusion of vertex colors.
By multiplying the color of your texture by its stored vertex color, you can do all the shading yourself!
Plus you can reuse textures like crazy just by coloring them differently. The N64 also made heavy use of vertex colors by forgoing a texture on models entirely and just painting them using verticies. The only textures on SM64 Mario are his eyes, stache, hat emblem, buttons, and sideburns. Everything else is done with vertex colors.
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Here you can see this level from my Crock Land with no vertex coloring, with some of the vertex colors only, and then with the two combined.
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Rare loved this. Look at how colorful that cliffside is in Jungle Japes. It makes it so much more interesting than just a brown cliff face. Plus you can see the vertex coloration instead of textures at work on DK and the Gnawty.
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My go-to example for PS1 is always Spyro, what a gorgeous game. All of those colors there are not made by a light or an environment. They're hand painted babey! Also! With spyro! The skyboxes are actually just huge domes made up of vertices that are colored in different ways! That's how they can look so colorful and "hi-res".
There's plenty more you can do, like adding a CRT filter or a little bit of chromatic aberration which I haven't gotten into yet.
The way I've learned all this is just by being curious as to how the old consoles did their thing, and slowly accruing the knowledge over time. There's still infinite stuff I don't know too.
I hope that helped! And wasn't too longwinded or confusing! Like I said, it's all about piling up tons and tons of little things, small details, weird graphical quirks that really bring out the retro 3D feel for me.
And I didn't even get into the modeling side of things! That's an entirely different "color-of-the-sky"-sized post though.
I'd be happy to re-explain or explain more about any of this!
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aestheteangel · 2 months
Synastry aspects that I personally don’t like.
before i start please read that I am not an official astrologer so take this with a grain of saltttt too haha. Just for fun.
North node square north node ( I’m sorry but each one lives in a whole different worlds, completely different perspectives, mindset, somehow not letting each other move to the next step)
Chiron in 7th house overlay. ( now Chiron isn’t always bad, but there’s kind of.. pain it gives , it’s not any better in other houses, but I’m saying romantically, there could be hurt during the marriage... if you want Chiron overlays in synastry please lmk)
Pluto/Uranus in 12th house overlay. ( now Mose of y’all know 12th house overlays arent so good eventually, but i think Pluto or Uranus being there could be harsher than any other planet , could indicate so many things, one of them unpleasant endings in the relationship, finding truth about something suddenly, betrayal..in worst cases you won’t be able to forget each other )
Saturn 8th house overlay. (Sure y’all know why..)
Mars conjuct Mc/10th house. ( uhhhh it just don’t give me nice vibes when both are seen in public eye. Could be arguing in public a lot, the mars person makes it hard for the 10th person to forgive them. Works even in composite chart )
Mercury square Saturn. ( a lot of judgements and misunderstandings)
Chiron opposite asc/Venus.
Saturn opposite Neptune. (Broo)
Moon opposite moon. (Now tbh Im not really sure of this one since nobody complained about it and it could indicate “slight” emotional understanding difficulties with each other that can also cause attraction. But I’ve seen this aspect with some couple that really can’t stop hurting eachothers emotionally . )
Another moon aspect, ofc moon is the first thing you should observe In synastry s, it simply represents how each other’s emotions play with the other. now moon square moon. Obviously most of y’all know why, literally each one is on different page when it comes to how they view emotions which makes it pretty hard to understand each other’s feelings with the square aspect. ( believe it or no I have this one with my man, even knowing it I’m still with him lol. yes the attraction is definitely there due to other loving aspects and also with this one, it gives attractive energy yes. but still, he don’t understand my emotions and my point of view, struggles with analyzing me sometimes or what I even think , even when I try my best to throw him an obvious sign about something, without me speaking, he don’t get it where everyone else does same goes for me 🤣😭. he sometimes thinks I mean something the opposite of what I meant. Bottom line is with this aspect you need to speak each other’s feelings and what you want to tell the other cause it’s way too impossible to understand eachother with no words spoken. 😓 AAAA THIS IS THE ONLY STRUGGLING PLACEMENT WE HAVE AND ITS NOT EVEN A SIMPLE ONE)
Mars in 5th house, ( Now this is NOT a red flag, bUTTTT i always read about this placement represents a “not lasting relationship “ and tbh every fling I had I had this placement with, literallyyyy very guy I used to dm or talk to even for a couple of days, attraction at first but then boom, you din yourself not talking to them anymore for god knows what reason lol, so there’s something interesting about this placement. 🤔🤣 ( pink for flings 🤣)
Mars 1st house.... ( uhh you know what? Wait for part 2 😛 )
But before part 2 I’ll make my next post positive I promise, I didn’t even want to write red flags placements because it shouldnt be taken seriously haha. So next post will be about .. hmm wait , what you guys want it to be about?
Synastry observations
Natal chart observations
composite observations
Solar return observations
— Y’all literally if u find one of these placements in your synastrys it’s totally okay lol, I have multiple of these w my man and tbh some of them don’t really play this negative way for us, but i just did them for fun , ofc don’t take these TOO seriously 🥰
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sas-soulwriter · 8 months
Research Tips for Writing Your Book
Are you diving into the exciting world of writing and researching for your book project? Here's what you need to know to make your research journey a success:
Define Your Purpose: Before diving into research, have a clear understanding of your book's purpose and goals. Know the themes you want to explore and the message you wish to convey. This will give your research a focused direction.
Create a Research Plan: Outline the specific areas you need to research, set milestones, and establish deadlines. A well-structured research plan keeps you on track and helps you manage your time efficiently.
Use Multiple Sources: Diversify your sources. Books, academic papers, interviews, and digital resources each offer unique perspectives and insights. This diversity enriches your understanding and adds depth to your writing.
Organize Your Notes: Keep your research notes well-organized. Consider using digital tools like note-taking apps or physical notebooks with labeled sections for different topics. Efficient organization will save you time and effort later.
Fact-Check: Ensure the accuracy of your research. Verify any details that are crucial to your story or argument. Misinformation can erode your credibility and disrupt the reader's immersion.
Cite Sources Properly: Keep meticulous records of your sources and be diligent about citations. Use a recognized citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago) to give credit to the authors and avoid plagiarism.
Interview Experts: Reach out to experts or people with firsthand knowledge relevant to your topic. Interviews can provide you with valuable insights, real-life experiences, and unique anecdotes to enhance your book.
Visit Relevant Places: If your book is set in a particular location, consider visiting it if possible. Experiencing the environment firsthand can help you capture its atmosphere, culture, and nuances more authentically.
Take Breaks: Research can be mentally taxing. Don't forget to take breaks to recharge and maintain a fresh perspective. Stepping away from your work can also lead to new insights and ideas.
Stay Open-Minded: Be open to unexpected discoveries during your research. Sometimes, the most profound insights come from unrelated sources or tangential information that you stumble upon while researching.
Keep a Journal: Maintain a research journal where you can jot down notes, ideas, and thoughts as they occur. This journal can serve as a valuable resource when you're writing your book.
Join Writing Communities: Connect with other writers in person or online. They can offer guidance, share their experiences, and provide emotional support when you face challenges during the research and writing process.
Revise and Refine: Don't think of research as a one-time activity. Continuously revisit and refine your research as your book evolves. New ideas or directions may emerge, and you may need to adjust your research accordingly.
Respect Copyright Laws: Understand the copyright laws applicable to your research. Ensure you have the rights to use specific materials, especially if you plan to incorporate them into your book. Obtaining permissions or licensing may be necessary.
Balance Research and Writing: While research is crucial, there comes a point where you must transition from research to writing. Avoid getting stuck in a perpetual research phase. Once you have enough information to start, begin writing and integrate research as needed in your work.
Remember that your research phase is an integral part of the creative process. It's where the foundation of your book is built, and it can be a fascinating journey in itself.But keep in mind, as you're writing your first draft, you can never know everything, never research everything. A second opinion is always good, and for that, you can ask friends, family, or even me on this blog.
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ganondoodle · 18 days
Will Zelda abolish the monarchy in your TotK rewrite?
she will not turn to the camera and say "i am abolishing monarchy" (since that needs to be said these days ..) but in a way its kinda meant to be like .. the opposite of the canon totk messaging?
like, fictional monarchy in itself isnt like the root of all evil, its the ideology that goes with it? i like fictional monarchy stuff and other races got them too so i wouldnt say its a clear -this is bad- thing
i do want to turn the whole idea of "hyrules royalty and its ruling is always good and just and anyone against it is automatically labeled as evil" upside down .. or more like, let it go further, rauru in the rewrite is .. similar to the canon one, thats kinda the point, hes the good and just king that wants to unite all nations in peace and wants to get rid of any "evil" be it monsters or someone threatening his 'peace'
but then you think about it, his idea of 'peace' is very specific, not everyone might want to be under his control, not everyone might have joined willingly and just bc theres someone opposing him does not have to mean they are some evil demon, all this talk might have been deliberate manipulation of history, he says hes invited a nation to join under his rule? he makes it sound like it was a nice offering like bringing a piece of cake to a neighbour, but it could be anything, he has those magical nuclear power pebbles, multiple, even just having them has an effect on others, he can say he would only use them for good, but that can be a lie, and more importantly, you dont know what his idea of 'good' is he can say he would never use it to hurt people, but what if he declares others to not BE people in his eyes he wants to bring about a world of light with no shadow to be found, rebuild a glorious kingdom of the past, there will be no shadow to hide in, there will be no place he is not, as he is the light, the king of light, and he knows whats best for all in his eternal, holy kingdom of light
.. most of this isnt even non-canon, it just gets presented as he says it, a one note fact, and you are supposed to agree- so really im just rewriting that part to be more overtly how it felt like to ME, and turnign the second half into opposing that bc hey, this might not be cool actually
im really jsut cranking raurus actions and ideals up just a tiny bit, and show more directly that its the behavoir of an imperialist king of all
so really its more like .. teaching her the lesson of how easy it is to fall into that line of thinking, how you need to consider .. maybe blindly following old traditions isnt always good, consider other perspectives, be careful bc she could have gone into that direction too (like she literally does in the canon totk end ..) and in a way she already has, but afterwards (in the rewrite) she can work against that, she could be rauru and has to decide and work against it
i know that isnt a clear answer, this whole idea is a little hmm to me bc TO ME canon totk already reads like that, and i want to work against it, bc in canon it goes unchallenged, and alot of people ... alot of people..., just go along with it seemingly not even beign able to see how its all suspicious-
in the end, i want it to be a careful but hopeful vibe of, zelda as a scientist, a historian, interested in alot of fields, being able to change something, a shift in perspective, like lady eboshi in princess monokoe saying at the end that they will start anew, now building good town- its not garanteed, zelda is still in a position of power, but she doesnt have to rebuild it like it was, people might still refer to her as princess and have high respect for her, but after being so deceived by rauru, being on the opposing side to almost the exact idea they once had, it has humbled them and can pave the way for a better future
ganondorfs spirit at the end moving on after finally being able to take out rauru, even if it meant to help out those hed see as being in the prime spot to become jsut like rauru, over the course of the second half all of them learning of each other, now more confident these younglings of a world thats long changed and not his anymore being able to build something better, and years after the ordeal theres news of a male gerudo having been born
(i know that idea goes agaisnt what made up his character for alot of the other games (though rewrite totk gan is still a different one from the old games), like his eternal problem of not being able to move on and refusing to die, and im sure theres lots of not the bestest thigns in my writing of it all too, but so far, its what i have been imagining, and unfortnately i am a sucker for those types of cliché endings-
it doesnt have to mean the next games would be going up against the gods or soemthing, though i do like that, but i felt like its a nice end for botws world, and much less uncomfortable than the canon totk end, theres no refounding of the kingdom, no swears of fealty, just young people working to rebuild the world into something better after it was almost wiped out, the kingdom already fell in botw, and the world kept on turning, i see no reason why it shouldnt be able to keep doing it)
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3cremepie3 · 1 year
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Jade Leech x reader Smut/ fluff 18+
Synopsis- After taking a fall down the mountain Jade takes care of you! Quiet loving sex with the leech bro.
A/n- I just realized I didn’t write for him. So after weeks of writing and editing here he is. Also p.s this is long ash.
Warnings - mentions of injury, slight dark humor, saliva, multiple creampies, cursing, overall sloppy sex, sweat, strange dick shape
“Welcome Y/n.” Jade smiled down at you waiting underneath a large tree. “Hi, Jade.” You huffed out of breath from the long trail you had to walk to get here. “Don’t tell me you're tired already that wasn’t even a quarter of the way to our destination?”
“Nah that was nothing.” You lied trying to catch your breath. “While then let’s start walking,” you cheered!” You leaped over a large log and onto the walkway. Your boots squeaked as you walked through the numerous muddy paths.
“Thank god I found these at ramshackle,” you noted. “Yes to do these activities you have to have a sturdy pair of footwear,” Jade spoke. “I made that mistake my first time walking up here.” His voice was almost drowned out by a nearby stream so he spoke louder.
“I could barely stand while working at the Lounge the next day.” I know Azul probably didn’t let you have a break either,” you added. “You guessed right but luckily I didn’t have a shift the after so I was okay.” Just let me know if you need a break alright?”
“Right,” you nodded. Jade took note while you both walked even though you saw these same rocks and tree’s over and over. “How do you have so much to write down?” It’s the same scene over and over again.”
“Maybe I’ll find something new one day it’s always good to keep a new perspective on things.” Like, let’s use this rock.” He bent down and picked up a rock. At first, I thought it was a metamorphic rock that’s very common.” But looking closely I can see it’s a sandstone which is still common but still you get the point.”
“So it’s always good to keep an eye out?” Yes, try to find me something pretty we need better pictures.” Will do!” Now your eyes were scanning every surface. You thought of picking up a frog but it leaped away. Then you pointed to a bird but it flew away.
A bunch of mushrooms hung off a branch so you were gonna point those out but he said something that was living. “Ooo found something!” You went to grab the beautiful creature. “Stay just like that don’t move a muscle,” Jade demanded. You did as follows so he could snap a pic. It flew off of you going back to its business. “Come look Y/n.” Aww!” You gushed looking at the butterfly that landed on your nose.
“This is perfect for our club poster,” Jade chuckled. “Hell yeah it is I found you two pretty things,” you joked. “Yup you’ll attract more club members.” Am I that fine?” Yes, are you blind to others' attraction to you?”
“I must because I had not one clue I was the “It girl” or whatever you want to call me.” Do you think everyone just asked you to come to their club meetings with no motive?” You thought back to all the proposals people had given you over the months. You were even allowed to attend their events if you wanted to.
“I thought that they just wanted my company?” I’m a good friend once you get to know me,” you pleaded. “Well you never come so they wouldn’t know that.” Not true I’m here with you today,” you called into question. “Now I can brag to Floyd about this his mood is sure to sour.” I wasn’t ever gonna go to basketball with sweaty high schoolers that are gonna yell at me when I miss. That seems like an absolute nightmare.”
“Yeah they wouldn’t go easy on you,” he chuckled. But I’m glad you're here with me.” Yes even though you scare me sometimes well most of the time!” I still rather be in this club than anyone else’s.” Thanks for coming y/n. For a long time, I thought I would always be alone. But somehow I’ve gained a companion.”
“Yup for now on I’ll be the best partner you can ask for Jade.” Y/n there’s something else I’ve been wanting to ask you.” You paused your actions to look back at him. Before he could speak his expression seriously you got distracted by the rain. It started to fall suddenly and heavily like a blanket of snow. “Does it usually rain on this mountain?” Yes, that’s why I brought these.”
He handed you a yellow poncho. “Up ahead there should be a resting area we can wait there until the rain clears.” Okay, let’s get there fast my boots are getting soaked.” You dashed ahead of him not focused on your footing. “Wait it’s slippery up there L/n!” He tried his best to warn you but it was too late. You already slipped on the stone steps. “Fuck why did I wear high waters!” You cussed looking at the gash in your leg.
“I’ll clean up your wound soon.” For now, let me carry you.” Are you sure I’m pretty heavy,” you warned. “There’s nothing to worry about,” he shushed you. Afterward, you didn’t protest as he picked you up bridal style. Despite the added weight, his steps were stable and he didn’t slip. “I'm sorry Jade I didn’t mean to be dead weight.”
“We got our mission accomplished so I don’t mind.” Besides you’re not heavy.” He bounced you up and down in his arms. “Ah,” you screamed thinking you were gonna fall down the hill. “I forget how strong you and your brother are.” You could probably deadlift Jack.” He didn’t look anywhere near tired even after bringing you further to the rest stop.
Which you now saw was a supply shed. He dropped you on a recliner that was in the corner. “This is your idea of a rest stop?”
“Yes now Stay still,” he directed. He pulled a small first aid kit out of his backpack. “At least someone came prepared.” You laughed at yourself who only brought your outfit and a half-eaten granola bar. “I always get hurt while up here.” Especially when I was newer like you I scraped my legs a lot.” I know just the thing to treat your injuries.”
He pulled out a small bottle of alcohol. “This is going to sting .” He explained to you all while holding that same unreassuring smile. “Wait!” I’m scared.” Sorry I know I’m such a baby,” you frowned. “This has to happen Y/n I’ll be here to guide you through it.” Fine just do it,” you blurted.
He began to pour the alcohol on the scrape. You grabbed his hand out of instinct squeezing tight on the large and long fingers of his. “All done.” He patched you up thoroughly then leaned your leg on the chair. “I think we should stay here until morning.” My weather predictor says there’s gonna be a storm.”
The whole time he was talking you couldn’t focus since you just now realized you were holding his hand. “Such a gentleman,” you spoke aloud. “What was that,” he interrupted. “I didn’t think I said that so loud… but I did mean it.” Thanks for all your help Jade I would’ve probably had to camp in some tree stump if you weren’t here.”
“I’m not so good at taking care of myself. But your pretty caring I can see that in the way you treat Floyd.” Thank you that was nice of you Y/n and… “About that thing earlier Y/n that I was trying to tell you.” Oh yeah, you weren’t able to finish I’m sorry that I interrupted you.” No problem as long as your listening now.” He clasped his other hand over both of yours encasing them with warmth. “I didn’t need your help to take pictures for the club.” I brought you out here for another reason.”
Silence filled the shack and the only thing you could hear was the rain tap in the background. “You brought me in these secluded woods to eat me?” You joked thinking it was funny but other questions ran through your mind. What was he planning to do with you? Was Jade asking you out? Your mind couldn’t even process it correctly. You stayed frozen in shock for a minute before his lips on one of your knuckles brought you back to earth.
“I hope you can find it in you to answer me.” It doesn’t have to be soon I’ll wait however long it takes.” Wait you’re serious Jade this isn’t some rude prank or scheme you and Azul boiled up?” No, I would never go as far as I plan to go with you,” he admitted.
“Just how far do you plan to go?” You smirked catching his flirtatiousness. “If your comfortable I wanted to try third base?” But today I’ll only be servicing you, my sweetheart.” He leaned over on the corner of the chair to kiss you.
While doing so his hands trailed down lifting your legs to each side of the chair. He sat up then squeezed himself in between your legs. Now he was impossibly closer smothering you into a drool-sharing kiss. You could feel him smile against you as you begged for air against him. But his tongue held you in a tight lock.
Your hands clasped his hair and your legs locked around his back. For a moment you even forgot about your injury blinded by lust. Finally, you broke apart. Worn out from the heat of the moment your leg dropped remembering the pain it once beard.
Jade looked at you one last time for permission before sliding your pants off. If only you’d known you would’ve worn your cutest panties. But Jade didn’t seem to give a damn after kissing your clit through them. “I did bring you deep in the woods for this.” Somewhere far where I know no one will bother us.”You shivered at the straightforward action while he laughed finding you too sensitive for your good.
“Try to stay still,” he directed. Even after his direction, you were still squirming in his strong grasp as he liked up your panties. His fingers lightly followed the path he made. Your underwear was completely drenched in your essence by the time he pulled them to the side. If he didn’t have patience he would’ve torn them off but he much preferred to keep their ruin so he could use them later.
He spat a globe that rolled down to your fluttering hole. You watched his every move your body reacting to every movement of his in anticipation. He paused completely his fingers just a few centimeters from your clit. He wouldn’t be a leech if he wasn’t at least a bit malicious. The noises falling out of your mouth were embarrassing. Jade could tell how uneasy you felt as his other hand worked his way up your shirt.
Your bra soon fell on the chair. You gripped the sides for support so your hands wouldn’t tangle in his hair. You wanted nothing more than to slam his head down on your cunt. You could feel his heavy breathing as his sight focused on yours.
“Please I can’t wait any longer,” you groaned. If you didn’t have such a grip on the chair then you would’ve touched yourself by now. “You’re so impatient.” You just really want my tongue that bad huh?” Yes please, I need you.”
“Just wait a little longer.” He kissed the area around your hole. You waited for what felt like forever you were even more soaked than the ground outside by now. You couldn’t wait for another second his smooching was too stimulating. Your hands moved from the side of the chair and into his hair.
You would probably come to regret it later but for now, you needed the pleasure. He groaned his supply of air being cut off since you stuffed him in your fat cunt. “Ahh finally,” you whined. “You’ll come to regret this later once I start I won’t stop.”
He wasn’t lying he licked you in all the places you needed until you were creaming all over his tongue. The first time you felt good your orgasm was powerful. You tightened the grip on his hair. The second time felt odd to you. Never before had you been so sensitive after an orgasm.
Your clit which he rolled around meticulously was now throbbing. “This feels weird.” You mewled feeling a new sensation rocking through your body. “Just let it all out no need to hold back.” Your body began to spasm your back arched off the chair and your head fell back. You hadn’t realized what you’d done until you looked down at Jade's ruined face.
“Ah, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make a mess.” You tried your best to help him reaching for a shirt to dry him off. But his grip on your legs tightened. He forced them back open again and began to feast. Maybe it was the merman in him but he loved it when you squirted. So he was gonna make it happen again.
Only this time his fingers filled your hole pumping you while his thumb rubbed on your overworked clit. He moved them faster and faster until the familiar feeling came back to you. “So good! So good, so good,” you chanted. He was hitting a spot you never thought you could reach.
Your juices dripped down his fingers but he didn’t care continuing to pump in and out of you. “Wow, I can’t believe it’s possible to get this wet.” You're making a mess everywhere but it’s nothing I can’t lick up.” It took you until now to notice his tongue wasn’t normally shaped. You couldn’t tell since you’ve never gotten head before. It was long and pointy enough to make your toes curl as it filled you.
He switched in and out with his tongue and his fingers his pace was slow. But the preciseness of it all had your legs crushing his head in between your thighs. Another orgasm hit you and he achieved his goal of making you squirt again. “I don’t think I can cum anymore.” That’s an impossible statement Y/n of course you can still cum look at how you're taking my fingers.”
Despite your begging, he didn’t let up erasing orgasm after orgasm out of you. You lost count of how many times you came your mind turning to mush. The sounds of your lovesong intensified as did the thunder that almost shattered the window. But you knew you were safe in his grasp. Your body jolted with each vibration his tongue let out.
You bit your hand embarrassed by the sounds you were making. But he removed your hand from your mouth. If you had to hear his groans as he ate you out he wanted to hear your reactions too. “Let me hear how good I make you feel.” Or I’ll stop altogether,” he threatened.
“No please don’t stop,” you begged. If you could feel this good just from his fingers how would his dick feel? It was all you could think about. You became unaware of your surroundings letting the pleasure take over.“I need you to fuck me.” Please I’m begging you!” Anyone walking nearby could probably hear you scream these slutty statements but you couldn’t care. Not when he complied pulling away from you. His face was smeared with your juices and his hair was ruffled. He looked a mess but nowhere near as worse as you.
Your mascara was running down your face for quite a few years fell. Also, your lips were swollen to perfection to him they looked biteable. And your body was hot and flushed with sweat it added a glow like no other to your beautiful skin. However, at the moment you couldn’t find a reason to hate it. Maybe the moonlight and the rain consumed you. Or maybe it was the kiss he pulled you in. The aftertaste was strong this time since you could taste it yourself.
“I have something to share with you before we continue.” What’s that Jade,” you said hastily. “My dick is different than most people.” It’s one part of me that only half changed when I turned human. That’s why I didn’t want to just pull it out.”
“You’ve already excepted every imperfection of mine.” So, of course, I’ll accept yours baby.” His smile returned to his face. He was quick to pull his cock out his pre dribbled on your thigh.“Okay,” you huffed. You were hesitant he was large as you expected but way thicker than you could handle. His cock had ridges that you could feel as your fingers traced. As you felt it he began to get slimy.
“I can’t wait much longer Y/n are you ready?” I- I don’t know if I can handle this.” I made you lose enough now relax love.” He slipped his cock into you after a little resistance. Immediately you tensed the stretch knocking the air out of your lungs. But after a few of his sloppy strokes, you felt good. Your cunt which had previously been prepared was now slimy with his slick.
“How are you feeling Y/n?” He already knew the answer by your face. Your eyes were rolling in the back of your head. He was hitting so deep inside that you began to see white. It didn’t take long for you to cum. He was quick to follow. His cum flowed back in and out of you as he continued to fuck you threw his orgasm.
Your body collapsed to the side of the chair. He lifted your leg so he could still have access to you’re drowning cunt. His strokes were slow and his hips snapped forward once your cunt craved more. You were both still sensitive from your highs that occurred not even a couple of minutes ago; consequently, the round was short.
The base of his cock was covered in a ring of your cream. Things weren’t only looking sloppy but they sounded sloppy. The sound of wet smacking filled the walls. Your body was tired but somehow you were able to keep up with his thrust throwing your ass back on his toned body. You didn’t having speak since you were able to see every emotion he wanted to convey through his smile.
He littered your neck with kisses and you littered his body with scratches. You would have felt bad but he didn’t care. The pain was nothing to him all he could feel were you milking him dry. His dick throbbed inside you. You could feel each vain and ride budge as he came inside you once again.
“I can't stop now not ever,” he whispered. “Please stay with me and take it.” His hand moved your head which was rolling back to his. “Don’t pass out I know it feels good but you gotta stay with me.” He spoke while thrusting into you. Your body was overstimulated each time he moved you gushed at him.
This continued after you moved through many positions. it didn’t matter how outlandish they were as long as he could see your face. Your injuries weren’t considered they couldn’t matter right now. “It’s too dark to leave we would get stranded.” He decided but you could tell it was just an excuse to stay with you and keep making love.
Before you knew it the morning had swept over you both. You awoke both of you collapsed in the chair. You were cockwarming him so you removed yourself from the previous rounds of cum he loaded into you dripping out.
“So this wasn’t a dream,” you confirmed. “Well, I’m glad I slipped!”
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biggiedraws · 2 months
thinking about joongdok in the early chapters......
rereading the orv novel and seeing things from yjhs perspective is so. augh. the first time you read it its soooo easy to trust kdjs perspective when he reads yjhs mind. his skill even tells him! "your understanding of this character is very high" surely hes interpreting him correctly :) then you read it again and realize how much kdj is filling in the gaps...... he expects yjh to be more callous, more jaded, more hardened than he actually is. hes been through 1863 regressions with yjh but this yjh is still only on the 3rd. and of course kdj learns this lesson himself much later on, but hes been misinterpreting yjh from the very beginning. hes just very good at justifying it.
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this scene for example. (i am talking about the novel btw i just have. way more webtoon screenshots on hand. you understand.) kdj thinks it would be out of character for yjh to consider him an actual companion, so he rationalizes it. but once youre able to take yourself out of kdjs perspective, its really obvious by this point that yjh considers them companions??
he tested him with the sea monster (and waited by the river for 3 days for him to emerge, btw), and then again with the monsters in chungmuro. yes, he thinks about killing kdj quite a lot (out of caution) but its not like he ever follows through on it (something yjh from a later regression would be much less hesitant about). i havent gotten very far with my latest reread, but from memory - when hes paralyzed by poison he specifically asks for kdj. they fight side by side on several occasions, and specifically, kdj saves yjhs life multiple times. yjh criticizes him fairly often, but hes not needlessly cruel - just blunt. pointing out his flaws so he can work on them (and to keep him humble, lets be real). and of course, he desperately tries to save kdj when he gets blasted by 41!sys, and then flies into a mindless rage when kdj dies in his arms.
yeah, yjh isnt exactly upfront about his feelings, hes often off doing his own thing, and he gets PISSED when kdj manipulates him into doing his bidding (which happens fairly often in the early chapters) (he just wants you to communicate with him, damnit!) but like. its very very clear if you know where to look. and kdj DOESNT. but he thinks he does!!! augh i cant wait to get to the scene where they reintroduce themselves....... especially since its not like yjh knows kdj any better - he still thinks hes a prophet! there are so many levels of miscommunication going on here, but the important thing is. they care about each other. thats always what it comes down to, isnt it? they love each other. they want the best for each other. they would do anything to save each other. aughhhh orv.....
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swordfright · 2 months
Tell me about how the structure of the medium impacts the story 🔫
My brother in Christ, prepare yourself for the most boring essay you could possibly imagine. I'm going to over-simplify a few things here for the sake of Getting To The Point, so bear with me.
I think a good starting place is that DSMP is an example of New Media. The go-to definition most folks use is this one: that New Media are stories told via "communication technologies that enable or enhance interaction between users as well as interaction between users and content." In other words, NM is basically this category of stories made up of convergent elements, which satisfy a multimedia requirement, and are heavily reliant on both participatory fan culture and recent advances in technology that allow creators/audiences to communicate with one another instantly.
There's a couple ways you can understand DSMP as a New Media, but as far as I'm concerned, one of the most interesting is prosumption. The term "prosumption" describes a creative situation where a piece of art is being produced (at least in part) by the same people that consume it; they're both audience and creator. DSMP is a really great example of this phenomenon, because A) it's serial and therefore the CCs had ample opportunity to respond to and engage with the audience's reception of their story; and B) because the chat feature allows CCs to interact directly with their audience during roleplay rather than after the fact. These features, among others, kinda set the stage for DSMP to function as a highly prosumptive piece of media.
In particular, the stuff that interests me is the stuff to do with storytelling convention (genre, perspective, etc) and how prosumption turns all that on its head. There are a number of altercations in DSMP canon where the course of the story is altered because of real-time interactions between the CCs and their chat - particularly times when a CC's chat warns them about events happening at the same time elsewhere in the server. In this kind of scenario, the CCs are static, they can't really leave their own stream. Their viewers, on the other hand, are able to jump between streams and talk to each other to figure out what's happening in the overarching story. When this happens, viewers have choices to make: are they going to tell a CC what's going down on the other side of the server? If so, how are viewers going to communicate those events? Viewers are biased, they directly inform CCs, and the information they divulge (as well as how they divulge that info) goes on to influence CCs' actions and thus the events of the story, to some degree. In my opinion, this is a pretty new and exciting way to prosumptively construct a narrative! Media has always been interactive to some extent (especially serial works), but the interaction being live and in real-time is pretty significant in my view because it can exert unique pressures on a narrative.
Speaking of audience choice, that brings me to the next thing I want to yap about: ergodic storytelling, a term that refers to stories “negotiated by processes of choice, discernment, and decision-making.” For reference, a good non-MCYT example of this would be hypertext fiction, because it's generally characterized by the ability of the interactant (that's the reader, in this hypothetical example) to explore material provided by someone else, either as a kind of conceptual landscape (think setting in a video game), or as puzzle pieces that must be put together in order to give the interaction the "big picture" of the story. Basically, with hypertext fiction, there is a core text (the main document that forms the skeleton of the story) and there are multiple hypertexts branching off of the core text - and whether the reader ends up reading those branches, and in what order, inevitably shapes that reader's perception of the whole story.
So here's where it gets tricky. In the case of DSMP, where is the core text located? Is there any one identifiable core text at all? Or is it more appropriate to consider each individual stream or VOD as its own singular core text, with the related Twitch channels and Youtube recommended in the sidebar being "branches"? Alternatively, if the streams and recordings distributed on the server members’ official channels are the central text in the grand hypertext fiction that is DSMP, then can adjacent spaces where audiences do the work of creating and archiving lore be considered their own story branches? I don't have answers to these questions. No one does. That's part of what makes DSMP exciting.
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To translate the above quote out of Academia Hellspeak: in an ergodic story, the audience has agency, but the agency enabled and allowed by the text varies in its intensity and mode. Yes, stories told ergodically necessitate choice — and therefore enable agency, turning the reader or viewer into interactant — but that element of choice doesn't always look the same. Some hypertexts are more choice-reliant than others, or are choice-reliant in different ways. So, rather than being a choose-your-own-adventure story, DSMP is more closely analogous to a story where the audience chooses the perspective through which they view plot developments, in addition to having some influence over how plot developments unfold.
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(☝️From a 2021 Polygon article, if you think I sound crazy☝️)
The web of choices DSMP presents to viewers is very complex, even compared to other forms of choose-your-own-adventure game. Because each CC approaches the task of story-creation from their own angle (bringing their own narrative baggage to the writers’ room, so to speak), those shifts in perspective this Polygon article describes often also constitute shifts in genre. For instance, cc!Wilbur brought his music production experience and interest in musical theater to the server, cited operas and stage musicals as some of his main inspirations; and accordingly, much of c!Wilbur's most crucial arcs observably draw from those sources. When you watch a c!Wilbur stream, you’re watching a story about statecraft, about revolution, about the triumphs and tragedies of ego that play out during the process of nation-building. On the other hand, cc!Quackity has repeatedly identified Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul as his primary influences; accordingly, his RP character’s story is closer to a piece of gritty prestige television in some places (especially LN series). Unlike with c!Wilbur, a lot of c!Quackity's tension does not revolve around a romanticized fantasy of revolution but around more personal conflicts: securing your place in a new regime, navigating exploitation as both exploited and exploiter, etc. In terms of both plot beats and character arcs, Wilbur and Quackity’s respective storylines embody many of the genre conventions the content creators are working within.
Moreover, a shift in genre often entails a shift in style or mode. Because cc!Wilbur was heavily inspired by musical theater, the presentation style of his character’s storyline is correspondingly both theatrical (i.e. only loosely scripted, nearly always televised live, and improv-heavy) and musical (featuring multiple instances of Wilbur singing in-character ballads and anthems.) On the flipside, Quackity’s streams (especially the later ones, since I'm mostly focusing on Las Nevadas era here) demonstrably mimic the prestige TV shows the CC draws his inspiration from, with lore sessions being pre-recorded rather than televised live, featuring distinctive sonic and visual aesthetics popularized by neo-Western thriller dramas. So, where a piece of media like DSMP is concerned, shifts in perspective entail shifts in genre, which in turn entail pronounced shifts in style. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say it's an entirely new story depending on which character the viewer decides to follow. In that regard, what initially appears to be a single choice (whose perspective to watch a plot event through) has the power to determine a wide array of other elements, as viewers’ responses to the options presented to them will decide the overall tone of the section of the story they're about to watch.
While I think the genre-switching is genuinely super cool, lately I'm a lot more interested in perspective-switching and how it's related to viewer empathy. One side-effect of DSMP being televised live is that yes, you can watch a plot event from 30+ different POVs, but you can't watch every POV live. Typically, you either have to switch between multiple streams, or you need to pick one streamer to watch live and maybe later you'll watch other characters' POVs as you see fit. This has an impact on your perception of how that plot point went down because watching something live feels very different from watching something after-the-fact. I haven't done study on this, so what I'm about to say is mostly conjecture, but I wouldn't be surprised if viewers felt greater empathy for (and greater degrees of kinship with) characters whose POVs they watched live.
The choice of which character to follow also has observable impacts on other kinds of narrative conventions (who is the main character of DSMP? the boring answer is c!Dream because the server's named after him, but the real answer is the protagonist is whoever's POV you watched most of the major plot events through) but to be honest, those questions don't interest me as much.
So, going back to perspective and empathy. I think viewers' reactions to Exile are a really solid way of exemplifying the thing I'm trying to say, so this is the part of the yapping where we gotta bring up the dreaded Exile discourse.
Even though the Exile VODs are available and new viewers can go back and watch them, those viewers experience the Exile arc in a way that is fundamentally different from the experience had by viewers who had to wait in between updates as the videos were being streamed serially in real-time. I would argue that viewers who were “present” during the whole arc noticeably felt the brutality of c!Tommy’s treatment to a greater degree, because the audience was effectively forced to sit in exile alongside Tommy’s character - stewing in anxiety, looking forward to the possibility of appearances from other characters, and living in fear of Dream’s next visit, etc etc. Obviously you could also make this point using c!Dream's time in Pandora as an example, but I'm using Exile here because I've actually seen a lot of fans bring this up when discussing the arc: "people who didn't watch live Don't Get It," "the reason newer fans don't see Exile as scary is because they didn't have to watch it live," that sort of thing. And while I have certain qualms with some of the implications here, I do think these are really fascinating responses! These sorts of responses show that viewers consciously perceive their viewing experience as having been fundamentally different from others' based on a temporal element that's unique to serial fiction!
This instance of a divergence in collective fan experience is an example of choice being rendered unavailable to viewers by virtue of the story’s structure and means of distribution; audience members who happen to accidentally miss streams or who begin following the story after major events have occurred will never be able to engage with and witness those events as LIVE viewers, merely as retrospective ones. They don’t get to make that choice, but they do get to make choices about which perspective (and therefore genre) they get to experience the story through. So it follows that each aspect of DSMP, a semi-ergodic story, can be categorized as either ergodic or non-ergodic, and whether a particular storytelling element is ergodic can change depending on WHEN the viewer began tuning in to the story.
I have a lot more shit to say (shocker) but I'm gonna cap it here for now. Though I do want to add that this is kinda why I have a lot of patience for the crazy diversity of interpretation you tend to get in DSMP fandom. If you took a random sample of fans and asked them what they think of various arcs, characters, and plot events, chances are they would all have fairly different things to say. To me, that's a feature, not a bug. Obviously I have my own opinions, and obviously I do think it's possible for a given interpretation to be "bad," i.e. not grounded in the text - but I have a lot more patience for it here, in a fandom where agreeing on what "the text" EVEN IS presents a challenge. We can't all agree on who the main character is, so I don't ever expect us to agree on more nuanced questions of theme and conflict resolution in the narrative. Again, that's a feature, not a bug. I don't think it was ever possible to reach a consensus with a piece of media like DSMP because of how inextricable the audience is from the story.
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gynandromorph · 2 months
It's okay not to answer, I know it's broad territory, but I really respect you as an artist and writer. How do you handle people misinterpreting or missing elements of your work, especially when they may still enjoy it and get something out of it? As an artist I'm struggling lately with knowing my work will always inherently be read differently from what I intended as a matter of the human experience, as well as me being autistic complicating my ability to communicate.
An addition to that last ask. I don't know if it's clear what I'm asking so I'll give some examples. A 50 year old man and a 21 year old woman will get different things from a movie due to their lived experiences. As a gentile reader I might miss jewish narrative themes in a piece of work. That doesn't mean it's bad for us to have experienced it, but as an author I find it frustrating when something is missed or misinterpreted, and I don't know how not to be a control freak about it.
i feel you, i have ocpd and being misinterpreted when i agonized and stressed about how to present my wording makes me want to light myself on fire and it's something i'm working on. writers are supposed to expect and account for different perspectives ahead of time, so it always sort of shocks me when i hear interpretations i wouldn't have thought about at all. i know logically i can't predict all outcomes, but it's still surprising anyway!!! but i generally feel a lot of distress about being misinterpreted because i'm afraid it'll label me as A Bad Person, so i think that's where the experience diverges. maybe investigating why you need to or want to control the way your work is interpreted would help as a starting point? i think having a larger audience helps, too... it means more people will misinterpret your work, but it also means you're more likely to have at least One Guy who interprets it just right and makes fireworks go off in your brain, but there's no way to control how big your audience is!
anyway, the ways to control how your work is interpreted, to the degree that you can:
you can make it simpler. the more parts a story has added to its complexity, the more it's going to be misinterpreted.
you can make the intended message more blatant. you can have a character say exactly what you want the audience to think or hear, or something very close to it. don't want a detail missed? make it bigger.
you can reprioritize parts of the story. basically think of a group of interpretations you want the audience to have if you can, and then put them in order of importance. then the story has a hierarchy to lean on wrt artistic decisions.
you can give the story multiple meanings. more targets to hit. if they're mutually exclusive, i find this works better... i like making my stories ambiguous with conflicting interpretations a lot. yeah, people are going to interpret the story wrong, because it was made in a way that will guarantee it is interpreted wrong in some way.
you can layer the meaning so that less literate audience members will at least get SOME of what you intended. basically, close to the previous strategy, but like a hybrid of that and "make it simpler" imo because you're constructing multiple interpretations that are all supposed to lead to one conclusion (like a persuasive essay or something), but can act as an adequate conclusion on their own.
all of these options have obvious qualitative losses. if you have anything in particular that is repeatedly misinterpreted or missed, it's a good idea to think about Why you're making those choices. consciously committing to a higher-risk artistic choice will help you feel more in control of what happens to it once it's done. the way your art is interpreted isn't totally out of your control, you are making decisions that add to or mitigate the risk of misinterpretations, and you can bring those choices to a more conscious awareness to see them and appreciate them. sometimes it'll feel like a begrudging compromise, but it'll still be Your choice ultimately.
on an emotional level... hopefully this makes sense. there's always going to be the piss-on-the-poor scenario and sometimes i just remind myself that some people are not as literate as me, but it's great we were still able to connect through a work that was probably difficult for them!!! it was a privilege to get to grow up with a good education, access to art and technology, strangers who want to look at what i made, and there are times where i take this for granted, and my expectations of readers are actually kind of unreasonable!!! some people are younger than me and say stupid things like i did, but they aren't able to understand things like me yet, and it's important for them to learn by figuring it out on their own!!! i was and will always be That Guy to other artists and other writers, and i want to give other people the same grace as i get. some people have wildly different life experiences compared to mine, and these experiences can be much more nuanced than i could ever imagine, but it's a little gift that they made my world larger by sharing theirs through my art!!! it's terrifying and embarrassing knowing that i don't know much of anything, even about something i have total control over, but the consequences of that aren't always negative. and possibly the saddest but most common way i deal with this is nothing more than accepting that no one is ever going to understand me on the level that i want to be understood. sometimes my frustration has come from a place of miserable alienation, where the need to feel Seen can be quite desperate. i've made art explicitly about Me, and i've made art deliberately hostile towards its audience, art that's said they don't get it and they never will, but they still bothered to try. i made a game that said no one will win here and they still played it with me, and i can appreciate that. in many cases, they actually know more about me than i know about them. but more importantly, it isn't my audience's job to take care of that emotional need -- in fact, as much as art is made out to be a mode of pure self-expression, i don't think they can. it's a reality that i don't like, but i accept it. art made to benefit others is a one-way mirror: you make them feel seen, but they should never see you, because if they see you, the mirror isn't working.
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theconfusedartist · 1 year
y'know something that annoys me about assassins creed?
they always make it seem like desmond wasted his life away after he left the farm to become a bartender, that he wasn't fit to be an assassin until he was training in the animus, and that he didn't have any ambition (as said by William in the AC3 remastered opening)
but like. none of that is true. at all
I mean I was just looking at the wiki to see Desmonds accomplishments and bio and apparently it was Daniel Cross that brought him into Abstergo. which. kinda puts Desmond skills in perspective
Daniel Cross was considered the most successful Templar member and, before Desmond, had a really great track record with his missions. Save for the ones that involved PoEs
they had to send him in to get Desmond
also Desmond managed to stay hidden from the assassins AND templars for 9 going on 10 years, since he was kidnapped on like August 30 brought in for the animus September 1, and the only reason he got taken in was due to them getting his fingerprints from the DMV
like. That sounds stupid but think about it. If he was going to the DMV he had to have an entire false identity in order to use a license, bc you need proof of birth, SSN, and multiple legal documents
he just. had that made on the run. Like that actually takes skill or connections or both to be able to effectively be in the system without being found with fake legal papers
And he DID have ambition: he wanted to live normally. Yeah its not some big dream or anything but he managed to stay hidden from two secret shadowy organizations that is all over the world in order to make it happen. that's determination and he only got caught due to his fingerprints being matched
and he easily fights off the abstergo agents in the opening of the first game. I'm not saying that Desmond was near as good as Ezio or Altaïr or Connor at this point, but he can clearly defend himself very well. at the end of AC2 he has no qualms with killing, he just does so with the hidden blade.
look, all I'm saying is, at the very least Desmond had to he quite skilled even before he started using the animus
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Trans Allegory in Cupid's Last Wish
When I first started my BL journey a few months back, I watched Cupid’s Last Wish as a comparison point for Earth and Mix’s acting after seeing A Tale of A Thousand Stars, because, to be honest, I struggled with Phupa initially and wanted to see if it was a character thing or if Earth just wasn’t a strong actor (I have settled decidedly on Earth being a good actor).  Cupid’s Last Wish did not seem to have the widest reception when it came out and I was deep into a rapid BL Binge Watch, so I wasn’t paying the most attention to the story and what it was trying to say when I initially started it. That is, until Episode 6…when I burst into tears after one particular scene, because I had the sudden realization that this show has a trans allegory baked into it. I wanted to watch it again, using that lens from the beginning. In conversations with @lurkingshan she said she was having trouble connecting with Earth as an actor, and I suggested she try this show because it gave me the info I needed to understand Earth’s acting ability. And we picked up @so-much-yet-to-learn along the way.
And so a group watch began! There will be spoilers in this post.
Plot Summary: “Korn and Win are childhood best friends. Conflicts arise when Win's father includes Korn in his will, granting him part of the family's farm's stocks. Misunderstandings follow, breaking up their friendship of 22 years. Their path crosses again when Win gets into a car accident with his sister Lin, and wakes up to find his soul in her body. To return to his original body, Win, in the body of Lin, sets off on a road trip to collect holy water from 4 temples across the country within 7 days. The companion to his journey is none other than his friend turned foe, Korn.” (My Drama List)
From the point of the body-swap onward, we will be referring to who is shown on screen as Mix or Jan depending on the actor because we are following the character of Win the entire time, and naming the actors is my way of not invalidating the fact that Win is always present even when Lin's body is on screen. 
Anytime we talk about changes in a biological aspect of the story in terms of its connection to trans people, we are referring to the changes trans people commonly experience on HRT (hormone replacement therapy). 
Characters:  Win: Reason All of This Is Happening, played by Mix Sahaphap Korn: Win’s best friend, played by Earth Pirapat Lin: Win’s sister, played by Jan Ployshompoo Non: Win and Korn’s childhood best friend, played by White Nawat
Episode 1: 
One of the first line we get in the show is Win saying “I want a female name”, it is not established until partway through the scene that Win is referring to a female name for a calf. From a trans allegory lens, this is a beautiful establishing moment that there will be gender fuckery about and I love that they let the statement sit for a moment before the reveal.
Win is obviously in love with Korn, Korn is obviously in love with Win, but we see a moment where Win withdraws into himself and gets sad because he sees Korn interacting with Lin and has convinced himself that Korn might not actually feel the same way he does. The jealousy and withdrawn nature that we see occur in Win whenever Korn and Lin interact is going to be a central plot point. 
We see Mix when Win wakes up, and we see him standing on one side of the mirror while Jan’s face is reflected back at him. 
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We end the episode with Win waking up in Lin’s body, fighting everybody to try to attack Korn, and then falling into Korn’s arms, where the imagery shifts from Jan in this scene to Mix as Korn holds Win. From the moment that Win is placed into this female body, Korn still sees Win, the man he has known his whole life. 
We identified a pattern going forward: We see Jan when there are multiple witnesses, and we see Mix when it’s just Korn and Win in a scene together or when a scene is shot from Korn’s perspective. 
Episode 2 
We see Jan when Win tries hitchhiking, and when Win’s being harassed by the men that were picked up by the person he was hitchhiking from, and when Win and Korn first sit down at a restaurant. Places where they are in public, places where Win forgets that he is in the body of a woman and therefore more prone to experiencing danger.
At the restaurant, the waitress walks away, and the scene shifts to Mix when Win and Korn are alone and start talking to each other, then back to Jan when a waitress is called to the table. 
At the temple: Mix when Win and Korn are walking alone together, Jan when another person comes to warn them about the spirits in the mountain, and Mix when they are alone again. 
Win realizes he has a much smaller appetite in Lin’s body. Trans appetite change: Real. 
“That bit about not realizing the danger because you never thought of yourself in a position of vulnerability around men. Real.” -@so-much-yet-to-learn
The type of ghost that is said to exist in the woods of the temple, Krasue, is only a head and entrails, no body. That’s trans, baby. 
Episode 3
We see Jan when Win and Korn start running up the stairs towards the temple, Mix when Win faints and gets cradled by Korn. 
“Lin is not as physically strong as you” -Korn 
Something about Korn having to constantly remind Win about the function of the body that he is in reads as trans to me. 
Mix when by themselves, Jan when they run into the woman in the woods, Mix when they leave. 
“Just Being Friendly” plays when Korn covers Win’s eyes (Mix is the person on screen for this) …sure puen puen puen…uh huh. This isn’t part of the trans lens stuff, just noting the irony of the song with what we know about the heart eyes between these two. 
We see Jan at the public temple. 
Win is told by the monk at the second temple: “You are in a female body, keep reminding yourself of that,” Jan’s face: 
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Cuts to Mix 
“If you see things with your eyes and not your heart you won’t see clearly. If you cover your eyes with your hand, you will not be completely blind. But if you shut down your heart you will be completely blind.” Identity is internal, Win is still Win even though he’s in Lin’s body, etc. etc. etc. 
Mix when Win and Korn are alone together in the car, Jan when they check in to the hotel.
Win gets a new room when he learns about the open bathroom, “is this because of the sexual tension between Win and Korn or because of the body he’s in?” -smytl. The entire road trip so far, Win has been forgetting about or willfully ignoring the body he is in, but he was just reminded of his body by the abbot. 
We see Jan when Win is on FaceTime with his mom, after their mom overhears her employees gossiping about how she should be worried about her daughter traveling with a man. Switches to Mix when Win is off the phone. 
“Do you not want me to get cold because you don’t want me to be a burden?” \\ “No, because I care…I care about Lin, she’s not as strong as you” \\ “I think Lin’s body needs more rest”  
Korn is always addressing Win but at the same time has to remind Win that he’s in Lin’s body. This is where we can start to see the seeds of doubt about who Korn has feelings for be planted in Win’s mind.
But Korn never has trouble using Win’s name, always referring to Win by his name when they are alone, not trying to maintain pretenses in public. 
Win never sleeps in as late as 8am and then takes a nap in the car
“You sleep better on testosterone, and often sleep for a shorter time,” -smytl
We see Jan in the restaurant
We see Mix in the car once again singing to ‘Just Being Friendly’ 
Episode 4 
We see Mix when Win is by himself, Mix when Korn finds Win, Mix when Korn walks them back through the forest, and Mix all evening and in the morning. We only see Jan when they start walking towards the temple. 
We see Jan at the restaurant talking to the waitress, Mix when it’s just Win and Korn at the table.
“You worry too much about Lin’s body” -Win
We see Mix in the car, Jan at the rest stop and in the bathroom. The fact that we get Jan for the entire time that Win is alone in the bathroom is intriguing in terms of what getting your period does to remind trans people of their bodies. 
They are making brain chemistry a part of the character, they aren’t just plunking a soul into a body. Win’s hunger is impacted, his temperature regulation is impacted, his mood is impacted on his period because he’s experiencing different hormone levels than usual. Noticeable changes in body function can be a part of hormone replacement therapy when people start estrogen, progesterone & spironolactone (transfemme) or testosterone (transmasc). 
We see Mix when Win is crying and getting hugged/comforted by Korn. We see Jan in the restaurant but then Mix when he starts eating.
Episode 5
Let’s talk about all the times we see Mix grappling with the period pain, rather than Jan AND that we see Korn care so well for Win AND that Mix is on screen for those scenes so you know that Korn is seeing Win in these moments despite Win having a period.
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“Hearing stories over the years of transmacs being comforted by a partner through period pain…For someone to see you so clearly that something we were raised to consider profoundly gendered could not shake their idea of you?” -smytl
We see Jan at the hotel lobby and in the hotel restaurant when the waitress is there. Mix is present when the waitress walks away and Win’s jealousy comes out to play. Jan is present when Korn’s boss drops by for a chat. Win has an angry reaction to being called Korn’s sister. Win, in fact, gets angry or otherwise upset whenever he is referred to as a woman by Korn
Win gets jealous, Mix is on screen when Win plays up his femininity a bit around Korn’s boss to try to warn Korn’s boss about flirting with him. 
Episode 6
Now, looking at the entire show with a trans-lens means I have found a lot more scenes that I can read as a trans allegory. But Episode 6 truly has the most obvious moments of transness at least to me (a trans person). Win spends a lot of his time this episode looking at himself in mirrors, grappling with the identity of who he is and whose body he is in:
Korn helps Win (Mix) with his seat-belt “When you’re female-presenting, accepting help feels like the status quo. When you’re male-presenting, accepting help is making a conscious choice. There’s subtle shifts, I don’t know how much of it is being out and feeling like myself or hormonal changes adjusting the brain chemistry but I definitely take pride in the ability to do things myself, care for other people in a different quality than I used to before.” -smytl
We see Mix when Win is leaving the car and running to the stable, Jan when they get to the stable. Korn called Win “Lin” when he fainted after treating Katin’s bloat (Katin is Win’s most favorite dairy cow) because they are around everyone at the farm. Korn is intentionally mis-identifying Win because they are around Win’s entire family who do not know that Win is in the wrong body.  
Korn’s calls Win “Lin” again when he pulls Win away from his cousins. His aunt and uncle pick up on the fact that Lin is acting like Win. We see Mix when we cut to Korn carrying Win away and talking with his friend. Again, intentionally mis-identifying Win because they are around people who are not aware. 
Win looks in the mirror and sees Lin.
“You looked just like Win, I wondered if you swapped bodies.” 
We see Jan on the farm, and with White’s character (White’s character is in love with Lin so it makes sense that he is seeing Lin’s body).
We see Mix when Korn arrives on scene.
“Please keep Lin safe” says Win’s Mom, and Korn and Win share a knowing glance. 
“Mom was right. He loves Lin.” THEN MIX STARES INTO THE SIDE MIRROR OF THE CAR AND JAN STARES BACK (Win looks and sees Lin).
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Gifs from @thepancakelady
Now this is the point where we remember that most of this episode has been spent back home, where everyone around Win kept seeing and referring to him as Lin. Even Korn did it to not…literally out Win. And then they leave, Korn says “I don’t love Lin any more than you” and Win convinces himself that Korn is in love with Lin. Because he just spent all this time being around people that did not affirm his identity. 
Which leads to the scene that started it all. 
Here we are with Win repeating over and over and over again “You are Lin. You’re not Win. You’re Lin. You’re not Win. You are Lin. You’re not Win. You are Lin. You’re not Win. You are Lin.” 
Every example that he thinks about in his time with Korn on this road trip where Korn is caring for Win physically, Win replaces himself with the image of Lin’s body. THIS! SHOW! IS! TRANS!
Win (as Mix) runs to the ocean and has a massive screaming breakdown in the water. I don’t know about anyone else, but that sort of frustrated, heartbroken all-consuming rage is something that was very familiar to me when I came home and had my identity constantly undermined by my family.
“I don’t want to have good feelings for you anymore” \\ “Why not?’ \\ “I don’t want to be soft again.”There is something to be said here about toxic masculinity classifying softness as a negative thing and Win grappling with feeling perceived as feminine leading up to this. But more likely, based on the context of the previous scene, Win is struggling with the idea that Korn’s connection is to Lin’s body and not to Win’s soul. 
Episode 7
We see Jan at the wheel when it was just Win and Korn in the car in order to signify that Win is dealing with less developed upper body strength, this is one of the only times we see Jan on screen when it is just Korn and Win alone, but it quickly cuts back to Mix. We see Jan in public again. We see Mix when Korn starts massaging Win’s shoulders. In fact, every point of physical care and intimacy that we see between Win and Korn, Mix is the one on screen. When we did see Jan on screen with Korn in the flashbacks Win has in Episode 6, he is literally shifting his own mental image of the body he is in. But Korn only ever sees Mix. But Win is so caught up in the body he is in that he routinely fails to account for all the moments of emotional intimacy and care that Korn gives him throughout the journey. 
We see Jan when Win starts eating, and then Mix when Korn ties up his hair. 
Korn switches to sleeping on the floor instead of the bed at this point, despite the fact they have shared a bed multiple times by this point. The end credit scene shows Korn holding Win’s hand from the floor, so the most likely interpretation is that Korn is deeper in his feelings and isn’t sure he can bear sleeping next to Win.  
We see Jan around others.
Episode 8 
Win dreams of Lin. This is one in a number of examples of dissociation as a form of dysphoria.
Win and Korn confess their love for eachother and share a brief kiss. Win very quickly realizes the body that he is in, and overthinks how Korn must be viewing him. Win breaks the kiss, and stays far away from Korn the rest of the evening.
Lin wakes up in Win’s body. Non sees Mix at first, realizes that it’s Lin and then sees Jan. In previous scenes with just Non and Win, Jan is on screen (unless Korn is also present in which case Mix is there). Non is in love with Lin and therefore sees Lin’s body when he’s interacting with Win.
We see Mix when their Mom comes in. 
When Win has the flashbacks to everything, he keeps forgetting about the stuff that Korn did to make him smile, the emotional connections, he only remembers the times that Korn took care of his body, but this time he sees himself instead of Lin.
Non sees Mix in Lin’s body and Jan in Mix’s body so he’s also internalized the consciousness of the person. 
Something about the solidarity between Win and Lin when they first meet again, seeing each other in their respective bodies in a way many around them don’t. That’s trans friendship, baby! 
When their bodies are switched back, Korn immediately makes eye contact with Win because he’s always always seen Win. Korn has been traveling with Lin’s body this whole time, but the person he has been through all of this with is Win. When Win is finally in the body that is his, Korn needs no time at all to adjust. 
Episode 9
Swapping the bodies back in the hospital feels very medical, with the monk asking everyone to leave the room while he performs the body reassignment, and then walking calmly out to Korn and Non waiting in the chairs asking how the procedure went.
Episode 10 
“How could I not know my own children?” “More a generally queer thing than specifically trans, but a parent (anyone) so entrenched in their idea of you that they remain oblivious to what seem like obvious discrepancies to others. Continuing to act under that assumption until you are forced to confront their misperception and correct it because you can't continue the lie anymore.” -smytl. 
Wardrobe Choice
Win’s wardrobe throughout the show consists entirely of simple, utilitarian clothes that are loose and prioritize comfort over style. It follows the same stylistic choices consciously made by many transmasc individuals, namely selecting articles of clothing that obscure or draw attention away from certain features. Some of this may be attributed to Mix’s choice and comfort level in clothing (but this is a trans allegory so we’re analyzing the wardrobe with that lens). The choice in attire becomes more apparent when Jan is on screen as Win, and we see Win as Jan choose to continue to wear Win’s clothing as what is most comfortable for him.
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Those styles are: 
Loose pants, often cut to have added structure or with side pockets along the hip or thigh, which break up any curve there in a silhouette. 
Multiple layers of t-shirt and jacket or overshirt when out in public, usually left open in the front. The parallel vertical lines of the placket draw the eye up to the collar and away from the chest. The straight lines also minimize the appearance of any curves beneath, and make the torso seem boxier.
Jackets with multiple patches or patterns, or plaid flannel shirts, which again visually distract to break up body lines. The only time we see Win without these added layers is when he is alone with Korn, in a hotel room where he cannot be seen by passers by, where his focus is on relief from period pain. His decision to wear a simple t-shirt without the added layers shows his comfort level with Korn is higher than anyone else, to take off the layers of protection and concealment. 
And the most prominent wardrobe choice, a sling bag carried cross-body in front, which covers and draws focus away from the chest beneath. This can also be a form of emotional armor or comfort item to hold onto for reassurance under stress, and is indeed gripped as such in moments of tension throughout the show. The bag is only used during the body swap and when out in public.
Final Thoughts
Notably, we didn’t notice a lot of gendered language being used until Win and Lin are back in their respective bodies. And in the rare instances of gendered language being used during the body swap (like in Episode 4) the pronouns are messed up. Win (played by Jan in this moment) says “krub” initially and then changes it to “kha” when he remembers that he’s in a woman’s body.
Something else that truly makes us capable of reading it as trans, rather than a typical body swap, is that for the majority of the show, only one body has been swapped. Lin’s soul is stuck in limbo for most of the show, leaving Win’s body an empty, waiting vessel. Jan is utilized in this show mostly as a reminder to the viewers that the outside world is seeing Korn with Lin when they are on their journey.  Do we think the trans allegory is intentional? Honestly, no. But watching the show with that lens in mind, seeing the body swap as an allegory for transness does greatly improve the story. It still falters at the end, the plot is not revolutionary. But it holds a lot more meaning, has a lot more weight if you see the barrier to Win and Korn actually getting together as Win being unable to believe that Korn is actually seeing Win this whole time. Win is convinced Korn sees him as Lin and would not actually love him as a man. And it makes Korn’s love and care for Win more powerful if you read the story as trans and know Korn has seen Win, as a man, the entire time, despite him being in a female body. 
(shout out to @so-much-yet-to-learn and @lurkingshan for their contributions during the watch party and in writing this post, this was a group effort)
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