#i hope we can keep seeing her skate for many years
eggplantgifs · 2 years
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Mao Shimada: Passepied » 2022 Junior Grand Prix Final
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Could you make a oneshot with wenclair x male reader who smokes and skateboards you can add anything you want to it just if R can have messy black medium long hair with purple ends and matching colored eyes
I was hoping I would see this one again I really wanted to do this one before my old account was deleted. I don’t skate so sorry if I sound like a poser.
Sk8ter Love(Male)
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Art by @ellie5756_milky on X
The halls of Nevermore were bustling as per usual. Students talking to each other, cliques walking in groups as per usual, the "mean girls" judging a random passerby, etc. One of these groups suddenly split as you sped down the hall leaving a streak of dark purple. "Watch it!" You yelled out. You were low to the ground on your board a hand on each side gripping the board to help maneuver through the halls, you expertly weaved through the halls having many close calls but you had been doing this for years so it was nothing new. After a few minutes, you reached your destination, your dorm. You power stopped in front of your door unlocked it and walked in picking up your board in the process. Walking in the sound of your roommate playing GTA V filled your ears. "Yo," Your roommate Damien said not looking at you. "Sup, what you doing?" You asked as you sat on your bed taking off your boots and watching the screen to see him get blown up by an oppressor. "I dunno," he responded as he blew out smoke. You rolled your eyes and stood up opening the window. "I thought we talked about smoking with the window closed?" "Forgot," you sighed and grabbed the cigarette from him and took a drag of it before blowing the smoke out the window, "Methonal?" "Yeah, one of the Vamps got it for me," Damien said as you got a text. "You could've asked me to pick some up," you said as you checked the text. It was from Wednesday from the group chat with her and Enid, opening it you saw a picture of yourself blowing smoke out the window. With the text under it reading. "You're smoking already?" You could practically hear her annoyance in the text. You chuckled and responded, "Were you watching my window waiting for me?" "...Just get up here already." "She totally was," Enid texted. You smiled and walked over to your closet. "Imma be at-," "You're girlfriends dorm all day. Don't call or text unless I'm dead," Damien said finishing your sentence. You chuckled tied your hair up loosely and left the dorm with your board.
When you arrive at their dorm you open the door and Enid immediately hides behind you. "Baby, calm her down!" "Mi Amor, please tell the mutt that she can't take the hoodie I took from you for herself," Wednesday said eyes locked on Enid like she was prey, Enid was wearing one of your hoodies which was Wednesday's favorite one of your collection. You sighed and pat Enid's head. "Pup give it back to Wends," you said as Enid pouted. "Why does she get to have one for herself!?" "Cause the one toy usually steal is dirty after you spilled juice on it. Again," you said as Enid groaned and took the hoodie off giving it to Wednesday who was Smirking. Wednesday slipped into it and Enid flopped on her bed and started complaining to Yoko and Divina how unfair you were being. You sat down on Wednesday's bed sat on your lap and took out your hair tie letting your hair fall to your shoulders. She took a strand of your hair and rolled it in between her fingertips. You found out early in your relationship Wednesday loved your hair. Unlike most teens, you keep your hair clean, conditioned, and soft. You always did hair care, skin care, etc. But, Wednesday always loved your hair especially, the way it flowed, and how your hair faded seamlessly into the purple color she came to adore. She loved how it glowed whenever you used your abilities. As she was playing with your hair and staring into your eyes she began to lean in for a kiss but was interrupted when Enid appeared behind you and pulled you down and kissed you first. Enid looked at Wednesday and jumped off the bed grabbing the spare skateboard you kept in the room and began to skate out of the room in an attempt to outrun Wednesday who got off your lap and began to chase Enid with her mace, the medieval kind. Thing crawled out from under Wednesday's bed and tapped the floor a few times. "Yeah... I should probably go after them."
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Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley and Nancy Wheeler have a well-known channel on YouTube (the name is something horrible and punny that Eddie and Robin made up, way before they blew up - Four Some (just some four guys and gals you perv). They cover pretty much everything - music reviews, various activities like ice skating, pole dancing or sculpting, they do tasting videos, social experiments and much more. Their personalities are so different but somehow that only makes their content more appealing. It doesn't matter if their videos contain Steve and Eddie replicating the famous pottery scene from the Ghost (and Robin's screeches that they ruined a completely fine vase) or Robin testing whether Nancy's vocal range increases proportionately to how many wine glasses she drinks
Gradually they grow their audience and gather a small crew that works with them. Barb Holland does a lot of editing and directing and she is getting recognized for her achievements, just like Gareth Emerson for his work with sound. Everyone in their crew are friends and are supporting each other in growing and promoting their talents.
There is only one person who has always remained a mystery. The person filming them, always hidden behind a camera. Credits always mention Chris C. and the fanbase tries to pry and figure out who they are, they really do, but the group shuts down their attempts almost instantly. "Chris has been instrumental to this channel's success," Eddie says and there is something hard behind his eyes, something that almost never makes it past his laid-back attitude and usual theatrics. "They have decided to stay out of our videos for a reason and we'd like you to respect their decision."
Not everyone drops it, but the four creators assume a united front and eventually, people stop prying. So it comes as a shock when around a year later, a new video drops on the channel. But the face in it is unknown.
"Hi guys," the young woman smiles and she looks so dejected, so scared, but the sound guy Garreth sits next to her and squeezes her hand, grounding her. "I swore I'd never sit in front of a camera again, but...I think it's time. So let me introduce myself. I am Chrissy Cunningham, but you know me as Chris C. And also..." she takes a deep breath, "I am also Chrissy from the Cunningham family channel."
Chrissy goes through it all. She talks about her life with her mother, an obsessive family blogger, who had Chrissy give up all her hobbies, her friends, her privacy from a young age. How her only friend became the school outcast, Eddie, and she had to keep him a secret too - not because she was ashamed, he meant everything to her, but because her mother would steal him too. How she could never have anything of her own, was always on camera, always tested for reactions, always forced to perform and mocked for it at school. How she couldn't handle it anymore and as soon as she was eighteen, she moved in with Eddie and his uncle. How it was only then that she started learning about herself, about who she was and what she wanted to do. "Now that you know who I am, I hope you can look past what I was made to do years ago and see me as...me. Just me."
She and Gareth leave their seats and are replaced with Eddie and Nancy. While Eddie mostly sits quietly, Nancy introduces their newest project that Chrissy suggested - documentaries on dangers of YouTube, TikTok and their insufficient regulations, especially when it comes to family vloggers and loss of privacy. "It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but that is exactly the point", says Nancy and looks directly at the camera. "We're here on camera, showing you parts of our lives that we want to show. But there are many who didn't consent to this, many who are being exploited for views. And on behalf of this chanel, let me address those who think this is okay. We're coming for you."
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tkwrites · 8 months
Worth the Wait - Quinn Hughes x ofc
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photos from pinterest
Title: Worth the Wait
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Pre-established: Quinn x Sarah
Warnings: Swearing, grief, mentions of a dead mother. Mostly, it’s fluff.
Summary: It takes more than a week, but Quinn and Sarah finally go on their second date.  
Word count: 5,500
Comments: This one is a little long, but I felt like all the parts were needed to flesh out the characters the way I wanted. I hope you enjoy! 
Part 2 is being planned as we speak!
Worth the Wait
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
Hey Sarah, I just wanted to let you know we’re headed out on the road, so I’ll be out of town for the next week. 
Quinn sent this message before boarding the plane. He’d never done something like this before - tell someone he was interested in that he wouldn’t be home. He didn’t want Sarah to think he was ignoring her, or putting off their next date. 
Can I see you when you get back? 
Definitely, he sent, a giddy, effervescent feeling in his stomach.
The following evening, for the first time in her life, Sarah sat down to watch a hockey game. 
Eunice was in their living room, anxiously awaiting the start of the game. Currently watching people talk about betting odds in her Canucks t-shirt, a stuffed orca on the cushion next to her. 
Sarah had lived with Eunice for a little over a year. They were friends in the way two people coming together for convenience could be friends. She was nice and sweet, and made the best mac & cheese Sarah had ever eaten. She was also dramatic and had a borderline obsessive love for many things, including the Canucks. Sarah had never paid much attention to that particular obsession, as it didn’t cross over into her life, until now. 
“You okay?” Eunice asked when Sarah sat down.
“Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?” 
“You never watch hockey with me, I thought maybe you were sad or something.” 
“Oh, no, my project is done, so I’m free for the night and thought I’d join.” 
Eunice squealed and threw her arms around Sarah, “I’m so excited to introduce you to the best sport in the world!”
Feeling instantly overwhelmed, Sarah put on a brave face, and watched as the national anthem began to play. The camera scanned over the players, 5 stood separate from the others in a line, and her heart jumped into her throat when Quinn’s face came across the screen. He looked impassively at the camera. He seemed so different than when they had met, determined and competitive, not so quiet and interested. It was strange to reconcile the two as the same person. 
“What does the C mean?” 
“It means he’s the captain. That’s Quinn Hughes. He’s like, the best defenseman in the league.” 
"Isn't he a little small to play defense?" Sarah asked, surprised. 
Eunice looked personally affronted. "Hughes is an amazing skater, which is the most important thing in being a good defenseman. Defense in Hockey is more tactical than super physical." 
When the game finally began, Sarah was instantly overwhelmed. They moved so quickly, and it was damn near impossible for her to keep track of the puck. There were terms being thrown around by the commentators that were so niche, she didn’t even know where to begin figuring them out.
“What’s icing?” she asked when there was a commercial break. 
“So, it’s when a team shoots the puck to the other end of the rink, but no one is there to receive it.” 
She knew that wasn’t quite right. There were plenty of times before the break when that very thing happened, but no icing was called, and couldn’t the goalie receive it and negate that altogether? 
“And there’s no out of bounds?” 
“Nope. Just the rink. You can get penalized for shooting the puck over the glass though.” 
The game continued, and after a scuffle, Quinn skated off to sit by himself. 
“Why is he there?” 
“He got a penalty. High sticking,” Eunice said without any additional explanation. 
The announcers replayed the offense in slower motion, showing how in the midst of a play, Quinn had accidentally hit another player in the jaw with his stick. 
“That doesn’t seem like it should be a penalty when it was an accident,” Sarah said. The other guy wasn’t even bleeding.
“Doesn’t matter, it’s part of the game. Keep control of your stick all the time.” 
The camera moved back to Quinn in the little cell. He removed his helmet and rubbed a towel over his face and hair before replacing it.
Eunice sighed dramatically, “God, he’s so hot.” 
Sarah had to agree. He did look hot - supremely so. Flushed and sweaty, it was difficult to keep her mind off imagining him in her bed like that.
“Wait, why is it 4 against 5?” Sarah asked as the game began again. 
“Cause Hughes got a penalty,” Eunice said, as if this was all the explanation Sarah should need. 
Sarah stopped asking questions. Every time Eunice had tried to explain something in the past, she would get so excited, she would leave out key points, or assume Sarah had background knowledge she didn’t, and Sarah would end up even more confused. She often had to look up whatever they were talking about after their conversation anyway. 
The period ended, and Eunice left the living room. 
Sarah continued reading the article about the basics of hockey she had pulled up on her phone at the last commercial break. She wished she could watch with someone who would patiently explain each rule as it passed in the game. She had learned Football from her dad that way. Maybe Quinn could explain it to her. 
“Okay, so what’s really up?” Eunice asked when she returned, plopping back down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and a bag of caramels.  
“What do you mean?” 
Holding up one finger, she said, “you’re watching hockey with me,” she held up a second, “you’re trying to understand it,” a third finger went up, “and you’re, like, actually interested in sports?” 
“I’m interested in sports,” Sarah defended. “We’re a football family. My uncle coached.” 
“Whatever,” she waved her hand dismissively, “it’s a dumb American sport anyway.” 
Sarah rolled her eyes, but didn’t take the bait. 
“All I’m saying is that we’ve lived together for over a year, and you have never, not once, expressed any kind of interest in Hockey and I want to know what changed.”
The commercials ended and the camera cut to someone interviewing Quinn, who was in his full kit sans helmet. He answered questions in the same quiet, methodical way he had answered her on their date. Only this time, he said a lot of words without actually saying much of anything. 
Sarah chewed on her lip. 
“Did you finally discover how hot hockey players are?” Eunice teased.
“I don’t -” Sarah cut off, pushing a breath out her nose in frustration. 
She was about to tell Eunice that hot guys were not the only reason she watched sports, only to realize that that’s precisely what she was doing. 
“I met him,” she finally admitted. 
“You met who?” 
“Quinn,” Sarah said, gesturing to the TV. 
“Met? You MET Quinn Hughes?” Eunice asked, turning in slow motion to look at Sarah. “When?!” 
Sarah started, “on Monday.”
“Where? What? How?” Eunice demanded, her voice getting progressively louder with each word. 
“He came into the aquarium, asked some questions after one of my talks, and then asked if I wanted to get lunch.” 
“He asked you to lunch?” Eunice repeated. 
“Yeah, we went to get bao.” 
“Like on a date?” 
“I think so. I mean, he paid, and he got my phone number aft-”
“Quinn Hughes asked you for your phone number,” Eunice thundered, “and you didn’t think to tell me about it?” 
It probably wasn’t the right time for Sarah to point out that she and Eunice really didn’t have that kind of a relationship. In fact, Sarah hadn’t told anyone but Beth, her best friend from back home, who had been thrilled Sarah had finally met a good guy.
“Sorry,” Eunice said, settling on the couch like a proper lady in a period drama, folding her hands in her lap. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to flip out.” 
Sarah wasn’t sure how she should react. She hadn’t intended on telling Eunice at all, worried - justly, it turned out - that she would freak.  
“But oh my fucking God,” Eunice yelled, throwing her hands up and breaking her posture to flop dramatically into a slouch. 
“What’s going on?” Jane asked, leaning in the door frame, rubbing sleep from her eyes. 
“Quinn Hughes asked Sarah for her phone number,” Eunice declared, gesturing to Sarah as if she were the reason Jane was up early before her graveyard shift, not her own yelling. 
Jane perked awake, “really?” 
“Yeah,” Eunice said, sounding like a petulant teenager.  
“Oh my God. I didn’t think this was a big deal,” Sarah said, putting her head in her hands. 
“That the most eligible bachelor in the whole city of Vancouver asked you for your number? I’d say that’s a pretty big fuckin deal.” 
“He’s just a guy, Eunice.”
“I’d beg to differ," Jane cut in. “It is a pretty big deal.” 
“So he’s not a guy?”
Both women rolled their eyes at her. 
“Of course he’s a guy,” Eunice said, exasperated. 
“But he’s not ‘just’ a guy,” Jane said, air quotes and all. “He’s a little more than that, I think.” 
“Why? Because he’s a professional athlete?” 
“Yeah. And millions of women across the world want to marry him.”
“He’s handsome and all, but I can’t believe that’s true,” Sarah said. “Do millions of women even watch hockey?” 
At the fierce glares she received from both of her Canadian roommates, Sarah held up her hands in defeat. “Okay, okay. Maybe millions of women watch hockey, and some of them find him attractive. But for my purposes, he’s just a guy. He was just a guy on our date.” 
“It's not about you,” Jane said. 
Sarah raised her eyebrows in a challenge. 
“What we mean is that it’s a big freaking deal that Quinn asked for your number.” 
She reeled back, “Is it so hard to believe that he would be attracted to me?” 
“No!” they both shouted, Eunice exasperated while Jane was horrified. 
“Of course he’s attracted to you. Look at you.”
“I think what Eunice means is that Quinn Hughes has celebrity status in this city, and so him asking for your number means that he saw something really special in you. Women throw themselves at him every day.” 
Sarah wrinkled her nose in disgust. 
“It’s like, a major, major compliment,” Eunice said. 
Biting her tongue, Sarah resisted the urge to tell her that it was a major compliment if anyone asked for her number, celebrity status or not. 
“So, are you going out again?” Eunice asked, sitting back down on the couch. 
“I mean, we said we would, but he’s out of town until next week, so I guess we will when he gets back?” 
“Oh man,” Eunice said, leaning back in her seat. “You are living such a fanfiction right now.” 
Sarah snorted and rolled her eyes. 
Jane yawned. “I’m going back to bed. I have to be at the hospital at 2 in the morning.” 
“I’m sorry we woke you up,” Sarah said. 
Shaking her head, Jane smiled. “I’m glad Quinn saw the same things the rest of us do. If anyone deserves a fanfiction love story, it’s you.”
Heat raced into her cheeks, and Sarah smiled, turning back to the TV as the game began again. 
“I cannot believe this,” Eunice said, picking up the stuffed whale to clutch in her hands. “You’ve got to introduce me to Kuzmenko.” 
A few nights later, Quinn was slipping into a dinner booth in St. Louis when his phone pinged with a message. 
Hey, I don't know what your schedule is next week, but The Electric is showing the Star Wars movies starting Sunday if you want to catch one together?
His heart jumped into his throat so fast, he made a sort of gasping choking nose that had Elias clapping him on the back. “You okay?” 
“Yeah,” Quinn said, clearing his throat. 
“Who is that from?” Petey asked quietly. 
Quinn was suddenly overwhelmingly thankful that he wasn’t sitting next to anyone else, who surely would have made a big scene of announcing that he got a text about a date to everyone in the near vicinity. Petey knew he preferred his privacy, and always respected that. 
“Remember that girl I was telling you about last week? The one from the aquarium?” 
His eyebrows shot up, “that’s her?” he asked, nodding at the phone.
Quinn nodded. 
As Elias watched, Quinn pulled up their practice and game schedules. 
Sounds awesome. I’m back in town Wednesday and free on Thursday or Saturday nights. 
Almost immediately, the icon of her typing appeared. His heart began to hammer a little harder, pulsing in his throat in that nervous, I-can’t-wait-to-talk-to-her way he hadn’t felt in a long time. 
Thursday is The Empire Strikes Back, so I’m guessing that’s our choice. Unless you’d rather see the Force Awakens on Saturday?
Thursday is great.
Cool. I’ll get us tickets. Showtime is at 7 and they have a special menu for dinner and drinks at 6. 
Sounds great.
It was as simple as that. Quinn had never had a date planned so smoothly. 
Her text bubble popped up again, before going away. He gulped some of his nervousness down. 
When he clicked off the screen and looked at Elias, he found the other man smiling at him knowingly. 
“I didn’t think she existed.” 
“Sarah? You thought I was making her up?” 
Petey rolled his eyes, “No. I didn’t think the girl you always talk about wanting to date existed. But she’s right there,” he gestured to Quinn’s phone. 
Feeling his cheeks flush, Quinn shrugged to deflect the wave of sincere agreement that washed over him by busing himself with the menu. 
Leaving her last class, Sarah was beyond thankful to leave campus and go home. She was exhausted to the bone. It had been a hard week of studying and midterms. On top of that, nervous, excited energy was buzzing under her skin in anticipation of her date with Quinn that evening. 
When she got home and finally pulled her phone from her bag, she found a missed call from him. Stomach dropping, worry billowed into her thoughts like smoke. He was probably calling to say he couldn’t come. Why else would he call when they’d only texted so far?
 Rapid fire, her thoughts rifled through friends that might want to come to the movie before she snapped back to herself. This was her anxiety talking. It wasn’t the truth.
Taking the time to pull in a few deep breaths, she told herself he could be calling about something other than canceling. It took eight breaths before she felt calm enough to call him back.
The phone rang three times before he answered. “Hey.”
“Hi, sorry I missed you earlier, I was in my last midterm.” 
 “I’m sorry,” he said, wincing. That was one thing he didn’t miss about college. There wasn’t a lot, but the pressure of midterms and finals were something he was happy to live the rest of his life without. 
“Well, it’s done now, so I’m just excited to take a nap.” 
He laughed. 
“So what’s up?” she asked, trying, and failing, to not sound nervous. 
“I wondered where I should pick you up tonight,” he said. 
Relief sighed through her legs and she sunk onto the bed. “I was planning to meet you there.” 
“I can come pick you up,” he offered. There was no need for her to take the train when he could drive them. 
This was always an awkward conversation, but one she’d constructed with her therapist to ease her anxiety. If someone didn’t respect this, it was a sure sign she didn’t want to date them. “Quinn, you seem like a great guy, but I don’t want you to pick me up. I don’t know you very well.” 
A long pause passed over the phone. She wondered if she was going to have to explain this concept to him. 
Honestly, Quinn hadn’t heard that line in a long time. He knew from friends that women often did this to protect themselves, but something about his presence in the media made women trust him implicitly. He hadn’t taken advantage of that - he would never - but it had infiltrated his thoughts before, how easy it would be. 
She stood up for herself, and kept herself safe, and he respected her for that. “That makes sense,” he said.
It was so much easier than she’d been expecting, that Sarah had a hard time coming up with words.
“So I’ll meet you there?” he said when she didn’t say anything. 
“What time?” 
“Dinner starts at 6, so I figured like 6:15?” 
“Great. I’ll meet you out front?” 
“Sounds great.” 
They said some pleasant goodbyes and she flopped back on the bed. Karma was really seeing this one though. Nice, interested, a bit nerdy, and respectful, not to mention handsome, Sarah had hardly allowed herself to dream up a guy like Quinn. And now, here he was, suddenly in her life. A feeling like she’d just drunk champagne began to fizz in her stomach. A smile spread over her face as she hugged her pillow and set an alarm.  
Walking up to the theater, Quinn wiped his hands on his jeans, hoping he wasn’t about to revert back into a teenage boy with sweaty palms. He had to pee again. Nerves always shrunk his bladder. It hadn't happened in a game since he was ten, but other places - getting on a stage, press conferences, dates - always made him nervous. 
The theater was an old fashioned, stand alone cement building. A ticket booth complete with marquee lights sat between two sets of French doors. Sarah was already there, leaning against the wall, looking up at the building across the street. It surprised him she wasn't on her phone.
“Hey,” he said as he got closer. 
“Hi,” she said, meeting his eyes with a smile that made his stomach ache. Her lips were darker, making them stand out a little more. His eyes were drawn to them like a magnet. 
She slipped her arms around his neck for a hug. It felt so natural this time as he pulled her into his chest. 
As she broke away, she asked, “ready?”
He nodded, and she walked over to the ticket window, “I have a reservation for two under Roberts.”
The teenager working looked up from his phone. His gaze drifted past her. “You’re Quinn Hughes,” he said, mouth falling open.
Sarah glanced over her shoulder. 
“Hey, what’s up man?” Quinn said as if someone hadn’t just told him who he was. 
The employee - who couldn’t have been more than sixteen - was still staring at Quinn, even when he didn’t say anything else. 
“You’re coming to the show tonight?” he finally asked. 
Sarah had never felt so looked over in her life. It wasn’t that she was jealous. She would never want that kind of attention, but there was common decency not being met here. 
“We’re trying to,” she said, not unkindly, nudging him back to her reservation. 
The boy started. He blinked a few times before he said, “sorry, what was the name?” 
“Sarah Roberts.”
As they walked into the foyer. The ticket clerk slipped out of the booth, and came up to them, “hey man, I’m sorry to interrupt, but could I get an autograph? My girlfriend is a huge fan.” 
Quinn nodded, and reached for the paper and pen he held out. 
“Thanks so much, enjoy your show!” 
As soon as they turned around, a harried looking woman with flyaway strawberry blonde hair came rushing up to them. “Mr. Hughes, we’re so glad you can be with us tonight.” Apparently, Mr. “you’re Quinn Hughes” had spread the news. 
He gave her a polite smile. 
“I just wanted to let you know, we upgraded your reservations to one of our more private love seats in the back.”
“That’s very nice, but it’s not necessary,” he said, feeling embarrassed. Sarah was never going to go out with him again if their first date was under this much of a microscope. 
“Oh, no,” she said with a strained smile, “I insist.” 
Sarah looked up at him, wondering what was going to happen here. 
“Well, thank you,” he said, knowing that arguing would only draw more attention. So far, the other patrons were ignoring them, and he wanted to keep it that way. 
“Let me show you to your new seats.” She led them to a plush couch tucked into the back of the theater. No neighbors and a perfect view of the screen. No one would even need to walk in front of them to get to the bar or the bathroom. 
“Thanks so much,” Sarah said. 
The woman walked away, and she turned to Quinn with wide eyes, “that was wild.” 
“I know, I’m sorry,” he said, his hand going to the back of his neck. 
“Does that happen a lot?”
He shrugged, “sometimes. Most people are pretty cool, though.” 
“I actually thought about reserving this, but it was like triple the price, and I’m on a grad school budget, so…” she trailed off, her cheeks flushing as she clasped her hands together.
“The seats we had before would have been great,” he said, “people make a fuss.” He knew this woman was probably hoping he would share the theater on his social media, but finding a place like this was hard enough. He didn’t want to ruin that by announcing it to the world. 
Desperate to change the subject, he said, “Thanks for finding this. I didn’t know it was even here.” 
“I didn’t either,” Sarah admitted, deciding they may as well enjoy the upgrade and sat down on the sofa. It was plush microfiber - incredibly soft to the touch - and very comfortable. It wasn’t like she was going to demand they go back to the standard seats she’d booked.
“How did you find it, then?” he asked, sitting next to her. 
“I overheard someone talking about it on the train and looked it up. It looked cool, so here we are.” 
He smiled at her, and her heart did a karate kick into her lungs. She sucked in a deep breath. 
They made their way to the bar to order dinner and drinks. Everything was on theme, including Sarah’s cocktail that came out glowing bright blue with smoke billowing off the surface. She laughed, looking truly delighted with it. It made Quinn want to kiss her. Not that he hadn’t been thinking about that since they’d met, but something about the pure joy in her face when the bartender handed it over made the impulse even stronger. 
The problem, she soon discovered, with the couch arrangement was the fact that their food and drinks ended up on the end tables - on opposite sides of the couch, making it nearly impossible to eat and have a conversation the way she wanted to. 
After turning around for her drink for the third time, she let out a frustrated sigh. “Here, will you hold this?” she asked, handing him her glass. 
Quinn accepted it and watched as she put her plate on the table, and moved it in front of the couch. She then tucked herself around it, and sat facing him, with one of her legs bent at the knee between them. 
“At least for now,” she said, taking her drink back and setting it on the relocated table. 
Quinn smiled. He never would have moved that table - too afraid to upset someone. He admired Sarah’s willingness to solve the issue at hand. 
Her drink was still smoking when he set his beer bottle next to it. She'd let out the most adorable giggle with the first sip, scrunching her nose at the feel of the smoke. 
“So, what made you choose Vancouver?” he asked, “I’m sure there are places in the States where you can study Marine Zoology.” 
She was instantly impressed that he remembered her degree. Most people got the marine part right, but assumed she was a biologist.  
“That’s kind of a long, complicated story, but basically, my mom died a year and a half years ago and -” 
He cut in, “I’m sorry, Sarah.” 
“Thank you,” she gave him a sad smile. 
“Anyway, there’s a little more to it, but I ended up here because my uncle lives here. I wanted to study the ocean, but I had to be close to family, and the only family I had close to the ocean was here, so that kind of made my decision for me.”
Bracing herself for sympathy, she looked into his eyes, only to find a more open, understanding expression on his handsome face. “That sucks about your mom. My dad lost his mom when I was like two, and he still talks about how hard it was. I know it was really devastating for him. I can't imagine how it felt for you." 
She was so young - too young. She’d been his age. Even considering how long he'd been living away from his parents, it would be awful to lose his mom. She was the person he called for almost everything.
Tears pricked at her lower lashes. She blinked them away, busying herself with her drink to shut down that topic of conversation. 
He laughed when her nose scrunched up again. 
“I promise it’s really good,” she said, giggling, “the smoke just tickles.” 
“Sure,” he teased, then added, "it's actually really cute."
Her gaze caught on the amused set of his mouth, and lingered there for a beat too long. Tearing her eyes away, she asked, “what about you? Why Vancouver?” 
“Well, I was drafted here,” he said after swallowing his bite of salad. 
“So you didn’t have a choice?” 
“Yes and no. I toured and interviewed with a lot of clubs, and I liked it here along with a few other places. They knew how I felt, so they knew it would probably be a good fit. But the draft is always kind of a gamble. My brothers both went to New Jersey, which is pretty unheard of.” 
“Your brothers play hockey too?” 
He nodded. 
“How many of you are there?” 
“Just the three of us,” he said, “and a whole mess of cousins. What about you?” 
“I have an older sister and an older brother. They still live in Nevada, and they both have a bunch of kids. My brother married my sister's best friend, so they’re all really, really close.” 
She said it with a kind of sadness that Quinn knew well: a specific feeling that stemmed from your siblings being together while you were apart. Even though everyone was doing good things, it was still lonely to be the odd man out. 
“I get that,” he said. “My brothers live together in Jersey, and my grandad’s there too, so I feel pretty separate sometimes.”
It was strange to Sarah how much they had in common. Both from families of three siblings, both in Vancouver because of a mix of circumstance and choice, both understood familial loss to at least some extent. She had never met a man like him. 
The bartender announced the movie would start in 5 minutes. 
“I’m going to use the restroom,” she said. “Do you need anything on my way back?”
He shook his head. 
When she came back to their little corner of the theater, she found a refreshed drink on the end table. 
“Thank you,” she said. 
“Of course.” 
The movie started and it was instantly calming to her. Being there with Quinn felt like a special treat, like something out of a daydream.
When she lay her hand, palm up, in the small bit of love seat between them, Quinn was quick to pick it up, entwining their fingers. It felt a bit like he was fourteen again, just excited to hold a girl’s hand. He wanted to touch her all the time, but knew they weren’t there yet. He couldn’t wait to get to the point in the relationship when he could rest his hand on her thigh, or put an arm around her shoulders without it being a big deal. It felt so close, he could almost taste it. 
Leaning progressively closer throughout the movie, Quinn finally put his arm around her. He had to stop himself from celebrating when she rested her head on his shoulder. 
When the movie started winding down, Quinn began to wonder how exactly the end of the night was going to go. He wanted to kiss her so badly, but he didn’t want to do that in the theater or the foyer, where prying eyes and cell phone cameras were in abundance. Maybe he could ask her if they could walk to his car so he could kiss her there? Or maybe he could take her to her building's parking garage? Every way he thought about asking her sounded fucking creepy.
He was still caught in that internal debate when the movie ended and the house lights went up. How was he going to do this? He could just come out and tell her, but it made him sound paranoid and more than a little full of himself. 
“Could you walk me to the train station?” she asked, effectively ending his internal argument. 
He bit back the suggestion that he could just drive her home. “Yeah. Sure, of course,” he said. Maybe there would be a dim corner he could tuck them into and kiss her. 
The night air was cool, and humid when they stepped outside. Heart pounding, Sarah hoped he couldn’t feel it through their clasped hands. 
“You’ll have to lead the way,” he said. “I don’t really take the train.”
“Too many people.” 
While holding his hand was nice, Sarah’s mouth had felt empty with yearning all night. A deep longing to kiss him had been purring in her chest for over a week now, and seeing him made it rumble even louder. From the way she caught him glancing at her mouth throughout the night, it seemed like he felt the same way. 
There was a small, clean alleyway she’d spotted on her walk to the theater. As they passed it, she tugged him off the sidewalk, turned around so she could slide one hand over the back of his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. 
Quinn sucked in a sort of shocked breath at her forwardness. 
She pulled away just as he was registering what was happening and sinking into the kiss. 
Taking her hands back, a blush searing her cheeks, she said, “I’m sorry, that was really presumptuous of me.” Hoping she hadn't just ruined everything, She tried to not feel rejected. Had she been reading the signs wrong? 
“No,” Quinn said, his voice a little too loud. 
It was so strange to him that their physical connection, which had always been the easiest part of his past relationships, seemed to be the only thing they fumbled over. 
He cleared his throat, and slipped his hand up to cup her jaw, "no. I was just a little surprised.” 
Seeing the longing in his face when she looked into his eyes kicked hers back into gear, ready to squeal off the pavement. 
Leaning in closer, his breath caressed her lips as he whispered, “I’ve been thinking about this all week.” 
A shiver raced down her spine at his confession. “Me too." 
Pulling back just slightly, he looked into her face. It felt like he was standing at the edge of the most beautiful view he'd ever seen. He couldn't wait to jump over it. 
She tipped up, and he leaned down, and when their lips met, a gentle sigh passed between them. 
There was no awkwardness, no questioning of who would tip which way, or if it was too soon for tongue. No, Sarah just took advantage between kisses, and swept her tongue into his open mouth. He responded in kind, sliding his tongue along hers. 
Her hands found their way into his hair in an attempt to pull him closer. The soft noise he gasped into her mouth made her fingertips tingle with a heady sense of satisfaction. Molten desire dripped into her veins.
Quinn let all his other thoughts fall away in favor of savoring this moment. He wanted to commit every second of it to memory. She tasted like the tart syrup used in her cocktail, and the smooth sweetness of the rum. Coupled with the vanilla, woodsy scent of her perfume, and her soft, skilled tongue, it was the most intoxicating thing he'd ever experienced. He never wanted to stop. 
The world fell away. 
Then, it came crashing back. 
"Get a room!" someone yelled from the group of teenagers walking by. 
He pulled away, just enough that he could feel her panting breaths rushing over his lips. He didn't want to let the moment slip away. Not when it had been so perfect. 
"Can I make you dinner on Saturday?" he asked, still feeling a little breathless.
She paused, and he realized what he'd just implied. God, he wasn't thinking straight. 
Pulling back, he rushed to explain, "I can bring it with me to a park or something. I just want to see you again." 
A smile broke over her face, "I want to see you again, too." 
Simple, straight to the point. Quinn felt some of his anxiety drop away. 
"I'll think about where, but definitely yes to dinner." 
He beamed. 
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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itsphoenix0724 · 3 months
Meet Me On The Ice (Azriel x Reader)~ Chapter 4
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.2k
MMOTI Masterlist
A/N: Hi everyone! I just wanted to talk to everyone. ik I've been really noncommittal with this series, but I'm going to keep working on it bc I love it, and I hope you guys continue to love it too <3 I tried to build some insight into why Az doesn't like the reader in this chapter and I hope it came across okay, as always constructive criticism/feedback is welcome!
Disclaimer: DISCLAIMER: I am not a figure skater or a hockey player, so while I'm trying to be as accurate as possible, it's likely some things may not be correct and/or are bent a little to fit the plot!
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You could say that a tentative truce was established between the two of you after your night at the arcade. So much so Alis finally permitted you to get out on the ice. 
“Don’t be nervous, the two of you have come leaps and bounds since last week.” She reassures you from her spot on the stands. “We’re gonna start with some basics, and then we work our way up to the lifts just like in the studio.” You shoot Azriel a nervous glare and he tries his best to send you a reassuring look. 
Even though you still feel like you’re walking on eggshells around him, it’s almost nice being around him sometimes.
 Reluctantly, Az has gotten used to your relentless positivity. Even if he can still hear your voice echo in his head sometimes. 
It happened when you were thirteen, and it was a stupid comment he wasn’t even meant to hear. He has tried to put it behind him so many times, but every time he looked at you it popped up in the corner of his mind like a buzzing fly. Reflexively his hands tucked in the pockets of his sweatpants as you skated up to him with your sparkly eyes and sunshiney smile. The version of you from years ago scatters like ash in the wind as Az takes you in, amusement lighting in his eyes as he takes in your hot pink leg warmers. 
“Is this an 80s workout video?” He chuckles and he likes the way your eyebrows furrow in false outrage. 
“For your information, they keep my feet super warm so don’t come crying to me when you’re freezing.” You poke him in the chest and he laughs. It feels nice, he thinks, to simply exist around you without hostility. 
The figure skates still feel tight on his feet, but practice is mostly uneventful after that. Azriel even manages to safely get you off the ground without losing his balance. 
“Great work!” Alis actually seems proud for a moment. “I need you two to stay for a moment so you can try on your costumes.” Azriel looks horrified at the thought of him having to wear leggings, but something cold thaws in his chest when he sees your excitement. You had to throw your old costume away after Lucien’s accident, the fabric was permanently stained red. Az goes first. His costume is simple, a black shirt and leggings with bands of blue around his wrists and chest. You try to put a lid on your bubbling laughter when Az comes out of the changing room, but it still boils over even as Az shoots you a murderous glare. Your dress matches the blue on his costume, with lace cutouts that expose your collar bones, and delicate fabric that flows like water around your upper thighs. The whole thing is delicately studded with blue and silver rhinestones like you wrapped yourself in the night sky. Azriel briefly feels like the air is sucked out of his lungs as he watches you examine yourself in the mirror. 
“Well, what do you think?” You twirl once for effect scattering stardust in your wake. “It’s not so bad is it?” 
“No,” Azriel coughs around a closing throat. “Not bad at all.” You nod, sending him a puzzling look. The two of you change back into your normal clothes and bid Alis goodnight before walking to your cars.
“We’re still on tonight for bowling with Rhys and Cas right?” You ask rocking back on the balls of your feet.
“Absolutely.” He agrees.
“There’s actually something I wanted to ask you about,” You start right before you’re about to split for your cars. Azriel nods at you to continue. “Lucien wanted to know if he could come tonight, he really needs to get out of the house, so he’ll be there too.” 
“Alright.” Az answers “See you later.” he tucks his hands in his hoodie pocket again before walking to his own car. 
Lucien somehow successfully gets into the passenger seat of your car casted foot and all. You didn’t realize how much you missed him until you were driving around like you always did, singing along badly and loudly to your driving playlist. Eventually, you pull up infront of the bowling alley, bright neon lights bouncing off of the hood of your car. You help Lucien out of the seat, handing him his crutches and slowly walking into the bowling alley. Rhys, Cassian, and Azriel are already inside having claimed a booth and a lane in the back corner. Cas greets you joyfully scooping you up and twirling you around immediately, he also claps Lucien on the shoulder and you’re grateful that at least someone is making an effort to make him feel included. Rhys ordered you nachos and a drink and got Lucien a soft pretzel immediately chatting up a storm about their shared business communication class. Az hasn’t even said hello to you, even though this is supposed to be one of your bonding experiences, he just gave the both of you a noncommittal head nod and shoveled pizza in his mouth. You try not to outwardly sigh because you thought you were making progress, you thought you were past this. 
You thought you were almost friends. 
Attempting to stomp down the flash of hurt you send him a tight-lipped smile and a nod in return. This is Lucien’s first night out since his accident, so you will remain positive for his sake. 
Bowling continues uneventfully after that. Azriel and Cas are seemingly in a heated competition over this bowling match, and you and Rhys are playing much less committedly. Rhys has been flirting with the girl behind the counter for the past fifteen minutes, and you had been half-heartedly throwing your ball down the lane when it was your turn. 
Lucien had been a good cheerleader from his spot in the booth, but you weren’t very concerned about the game, content to sip on the slushy you bought. The two of you are in the middle of a very animated conversation when Cassian calls your name, coming behind you and looping his arms around your shoulders. 
“Are you coming to the victory party this Saturday after the game?” He drawls, glancing at Azriel out of the corner of his eye. “I would invite you to Vanserra, but-” Cassian glances at Lucien’s casted leg but the red-head simply shrugs. 
“No offense taken here.” Lucien raises his hands in mock surrender, “That’s not really my scene anyway.” 
“Well, we are planning on crushing your brothers’ team anyway, too bad Azzy’s still benched.” Cassian croons and Azriel sends him a murderous glare from where he’s about to launch his bowling ball. “You should come, we’ll be drinking on the Smokehound tab anyhow.” It was a sort of unspoken agreement amongst some of the local university hockey teams, losers host an after-party, booze included. 
“I’ll think about it.” You promise, and Cas ruffles your hair before leaving to grab his bowling ball. 
You completely miss the silent daggers Azriel is sending Cassian from behind your back. He doesn’t want you anywhere near this party, and Rhys won’t be too happy about your attendance either. Cas does nothing but chuckles at him with a knowing glint in his eye that sparks his irritation. You look at him once over your shoulder, and you must mistake his glower for being directed at you because for a brief second hurt flashes across your eyes. 
Something pinches in his chest and Azriel can do nothing but shove his hands in his pockets and avert his gaze to the ground.
@sidthedollface2 @bionic-donut @lyinginameadow @feyretopia @natashachelsea @going-through-shit @mika-no-sekai-blog @hijabi-desi-bookworm @brandywineeeee @littlelunelunatic @gorlillaglue25
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racinggirl · 6 months
Collision of hearts - 01
Lando Norris x OC (Fayenne Jackson)
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word count: 2k warnings: none notes: I hope you like the first chapter, please let me know what you think about the piece at the end, I'm planning on incorporating that a lot more! Any way of feedback, whether it's positive, negative, in the comments, in my asks, as a reblog in the tags is very very welcome <3 If you want to be added to the taglist, read the bottom of this post 🧡
masterlist (will be up somewhere this week)
next part
🏎️ = Lando
⛸️ = Fay(enne)
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‘’You go first, I don’t want to be the one falling through the ice, that’s cold!’’
I let out a soft chuckle as my friend, Melanie, stood at the edge of the lake, a scarf around her neck, gloves around her fingers as she looked from the ice to me, very quickly. See, I loved to skate, it was something I used to do when I was little, something to escape the world for just a moment. No, I wasn’t a professional skater, I wish I was, though. I started on some home-made skates my father made me for my 6th birthday. I fell, a lot, but that’s part of life. You fall, get up, fall again, and keep trying till you get better and better, and that’s exactly what I did.
I’m 23 now, and my best friend is holding her phone with her right hand, positioning it so she’d capture the perfect content for when I’d fall through the ice.
‘’It’s been freezing for almost a week straight, Mel, the ice is thick enough!’’ A smile appears on my face when I hear the metal of my skates touch the still untouched ice. It was a beautiful sound, soft, but it pierced through my ears like it was the only thing I could hear. A few steps onto the ice, and I slowly turned around, watching how Melanie slowly put away her phone.
‘’Damnit, that would have made some great content to be fair.’’ She looked over at me with a smirk, a playful one, because I knew she didn’t mean that.
Melanie, she has been my best friend ever since kindergarten. We basically grew up together, only under very different circumstances. We finished primary school together, and even secondary school. However, after that, she went into a different direction for her career, one my parents would never allow me to take. She started modelling, and I was lying when I’d say I wasn’t jealous of her. She started of doing a few shoots for some of her boyfriends at the time. I know what you might be thinking, but Mel would never do THOSE kinds of shoots. She wasn’t your everyday influencer Instagram model, not at all, she’s smart, and made sure to have a backup while modelling.
‘’Come on! It’ll be fun, and totally safe.’’ I teased, skating around the lake to make sure every bit of the water at the top was frozen. I felt like a fish in the water, but on the ice, and not a fish, because that would be… You know what I mean. I felt like home on the ice. Like I said before, I’m not a professional skater. I’m actually a lawyer. I ended law school this year, and I couldn’t be happier to have finished it and never look into those books ever again. I’m a terrible lawyer, at least, that’s what I’ve been telling myself.
‘The only way to do great work is to love what you do’
And well, I don’t love it. I hate it, even. I know many people would want to have a law degree, I know many people would want to finally have that paper and help people, help the innocent ones. But that’s the thing, you don’t get to choose who you defend, especially as a beginner. You take every job you can get, and that’s mostly not the one of the victim’s defenders. You’ll have to work with stubborn people, criminals, the so called ‘bad guys’.
‘’Okay, okay, fine, hold my hand.’’ I skate towards my best friend and hold out my hand for her, making sure she would be stable on the ice before we moved on the slippery surface.
‘’You’re doing great, Mel, just remember, lean forward, and focus on where you want to go.’’
Melanie has supported me every step of the way, even when I finished my degree and got a job at the local skate centre instead of being a lawyer, the path my parents set out for me. It was a hard decision, and one that came with consequences, but it was the first time I had actually gone against my parent’s commands. I felt torn, because they were the ones that paid for my university, they were the ones that made all the effort and what did I do? I just chose my own way, my own path, after everything they did for me. I know they want to see me happy, but telling them I wouldn’t be happy pursuing my career as a lawyer was the hardest thing to do, and they didn’t take it well. That’s why I moved out. That’s why I took the job as a skate instructor for the little kids, ages around 7 to 9, at the local skate centre.
‘’I have a better idea, why don’t we grab a hot chocolate and have dinner at my place tonight? I heard there’s this new club opening, and guess who got tickets for the grand opening?’’ She tugged my hands slightly, mostly to keep herself balanced on the ice, but also because of the excitement.
That’s the thing of having a well-known friend, she always knew where to go and where to be, receiving invitations for one of the biggest club openings, and me always being her plus one.
‘’One more round on the ice, and we have a deal.’’
‘’Okay,’’ Melanie groaned, holding my hand tightly. ‘’Fine, but just one!’’
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‘’What’s up chat! I’m back! I know, three times in a row, pretty mint huh?’’ I positioned myself in the chair, the headphones on my head, a snack on the side, next to my bottle of water. I scan through the chat, trying my best to read some of the comments, ignoring most of them.
The season ended, not the best way possible, but it could have been worse. The upgrades we brought the second half of the season made a big improvement to the car, and I’m quite glad about that. We’re going into the direction I wanted, which is up, and times like these are the moments I’m grateful for the patience I’ve had with McLaren.
‘’It’s gonna be a shorter stream though, chat, cuz I have somewhere to be after this.’’ I take a bite from the biscuits I held on the desk, immediately taking a sip of water after it.
‘Do you have a date?’
‘Where are you going after this?’
‘What are you eating?’
I quickly scan through the reactions, not really answering any of them. I loved to stream. I wasn’t able to do it a lot because of the busy season we had. Because of the busy schedule I had, but right now it was a little more toned down, meaning I had found a few free hours I could sit and talk to the camera on Twitch.
‘’Thanks for all the gifted subs, everyone! Holy shit, I can’t even keep up with them.’’ I laughed, trying my best to thank every single person that popped up on my screen. I never could get used to the amount of support I was getting from the fans. People chanting my name, the thousands of bracelets people would make for me, taking the time and effort to create something for me, it was surreal.
As the chat buzzed with questions and comments, I couldn’t help but smile at the energy radiating through the screen. The support from my fans was overwhelming in the best possible way. I glanced at the clock, realising time was ticking away faster than I anticipated.
‘’Alright, let’s jump into a quick Q&A, chat!’’ I announced, grabbing a handful of questions popping up in the chat. ‘’First up, where am I headed after this? Well, I’ve got a charity event lined up. Gotta give back when I can, right?’’
The chat exploded with emojis and words of encouragement. I chuckled at the flood of enthusiasm, feeling grateful for the platform that allowed me to connect with such an incredible community.
‘’Next question,’’ I continued, scrolling through the comments. ‘’What am I eating? Just some biscuits, nothing fancy.’’ I reach for the packaging of the biscuits, showing them to the camera. ‘’Not sponsored!’’ I joked afterwards.
Time flew by faster than expected, and as the charity event drew nearer, I reluctantly announced the stream’s conclusion. The chat flooded with messages expressing gratitude and excitement for the next stream.
‘’Thanks everyone, it’s been fun! You’re the best, love ya. I’ll catch you in the next one.’’ I said, creating a heart with my hands before I ended the stream.
I quickly gathered my things, leaving the streaming setup behind as I rushed to the charity event.
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It’s been a while since I went out to a club, especially one where a basic pair of jeans and a nice top weren’t ‘good enough’. The club we were headed to wasn’t your ordinary ‘I’m bored with my friends so let’s go out’ kind of club, not even close. It was a higher-end, new, influencer filled kind of club, one where normal people like me wouldn’t usually get access to. At least, if you didn’t have a model as a friend.
Melanie had been modeling ever since we finished secondary school, she got scouted by many modeling agencies across Europe, but she always chose the one near London, near me. She was like an older sister to me and when times were rough, she’d be there and vice versa.  
‘’You know? I’m quite jealous of you, actually.’’ Melanie got me confused by that comment, she, jealous of me, what for?
‘’Oh?’’ I furrowed my eyebrows slightly but remained focused on applying my mascara.
‘’Your natural beauty, your eyebrows, your lashes, and oh my god your lips.’’ She said, sipping her wine as she applied some nude lip-gloss on her plump lips. I knew where she was going with it all. I never had surgery, not once in my life. I never wanted to, because maybe I was a little proud of my so called ‘natural beauty’. I barely wore make up, and whenever I did, it was a simple clear brow gel and a lip balm. My lashes were dark, black, long and they had volume without me having to do anything about it aside from curling them. My eyebrows weren’t black, but a nice dark colour of brown that matched my hair. My lips, never done anything about them, no fillers, nothing. I’m not saying anything is wrong with having fillers, I think it’s beautiful on Melanie, really natural as well, it just wasn’t something I’d see myself doing.
‘’Your lips are so.. urgh, plump, I wish I had that.’’ She says as she finished her make up and moved on to pick out an outfit from her never-ending closet. ‘’What do you think, this Versace dress? Oh, or this Elisa one?’’ She says, holding out two black sparkly dresses.
‘’Left,’’ I start the beginning of my next sentence. ‘’You have gorgeous lips.’’ I say, full honesty. ‘’Yeah, but they’re fake.’’ Melanie says and simply grabs the Elisa dress and starts putting it on, making sure every one of her curves and pros of her body were nicely hugged with the expensive fabric.
‘’Mel…’’ I sighed, closing the tube of mascara, and placing it back in her vanity as I almost always used her make up. ‘’I know, I’m just kidding, I’m just saying, maybe you should start to model too, it’s gonna give me competition, but if it’s you, I can handle it.’’ She teases with a smirk, making me roll my eyes.
‘’Come on, Fay, let’s go.’’
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@smoooothoperator @itsjustkhaos @tpwk-cherie @skynel09 @peqch-pie @aphroditeisamilf
a/n: if you want to be added to the taglist, comment ❤️ down below
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
How would the tfa bots elite guard and cons react to meeting the sparkling beans
Yes! The sparklings have returned! I turned this to it being mainly be focused on the main cast rather than some of the background characters. I am planning on writing another post on the elite guard an the sparklings. For now let us enjoy the Bots and Cons reactions to The Beans.
Hope you enjoy!
Autobots and Decepticons reaction to a pod full of sparkling beans
SFW, familial, platonic, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
Optimus Prime
“…Oh Primus! Ratchet! Ratchet! RATCHET!”--Optimus
Oh no he is not prepared for this! The academy did not prepare him for a situation like this!
He still is the leader, so he tries to maintain some control.
Except most of his team is cooing at the sparklings and not paying any attention on the instructions.
“Okay so we need to figure out—”--Optimus
“AAAAWWWW! They are so cute!”--Sari
“Hold on—”--Optimus
“I can’t wait to show you how to skate with your wheels!”--Bumblebee
“We don’t even know—”--Optimus
“I bet you’d like the birds unlike some bots…”--Prowl
Once the sparklings get all clear from Ratchet, Optimus is going to try and contact Cybertron to take the sparklings. He does eventually realize that Cybreton is not going to take them seriously, so he guesses that they are the team’s responsibility now.
He tries to make time for the sparklings when he comes back from patrol every day.
Takes some out on drives when they are particularly restless. Optimus like to take them out near the park or around the plants property. They almost always fall asleep when they are on the drive.
Somehow the sparklings have a six-sense knowing when Prime gets back and or is having a bad day and seek him out for cuddles.
“Have you seen Prime?”--Bumblebee
“No not since he went out on patrol?”--Ratchet
“Have you tried comming him?”--Bulkhead
“Yeah, but he doesn’t answer it.”--Bumblebee
“Huh?”—Bulkhead and Bumblebee
Optimus being semi buried under the hoarde of beans on the sofa.
Sari taking out her phone.
“… why…”--Ratchet
Inner Panic!
He hasn’t seen these beans in thousands of years. How did they even come here anyways!
Ratchet makes sure to check on all the sparklings to make sure that they are okay. He knows that Cybertron isn’t going to have them as top priority, so he set to make a makeshift nursery with Bulkhead.
Sometimes when the workload doesn’t require two servos, he’ll carry one of the beans in one.
When he does take a drive outside the plant, he might bring a bean or two to give them a change in scenery.
But the drives are never too far from the plant.
He has a magic touch to get the sparklings to fall asleep within a couple of minutes.
“Can’t you believe they did that?”--Ratchet
Incoherent babbling
“…What just happened?”--Optimus
Sparkling giggling
He is a bit excited seeing the little guys!
Bumblebee has never seen one before and wants to do everything with them. He does get reminded from time to time that they can’t do things like he can, so he improvises. He’ll play some racing games with some of them on his lap. Regularly gives them piggyback rides. The beans seem to like those.
Since his alt mode is smaller than most of the teams, he can’t carry too many sparklings at once.
He does give them giggles and laughs when he goes fast. This also involves some of the team getting worried about him going so fast.
He doesn’t sleep too often with the sparklings, trying to keep up his cool guy image, but there are times that the team does catch him sleeping in the nursery with armfuls of beans snoring away.
Bumblebee on the floor, helm leaning against a pole, snoring mouth wide open with a few beans snoring on his lap.
Sparkling cooes
“I Am Big Sister.”—Sari
She will protect these beans with her life.
She loves them so much. Sari regards them as her extended family, like the bots. The sparklings are a bit bigger than your average human baby, but that doesn’t stop Sari from trying to hold them.
The sparklings love this small but warm orange blob and constantly follow her around when they see her.
Doesn’t want to take the chance of carrying them around on her jetpack so she just flies around them keeping them entertained.
The bots need to watch when Sari comes over around nap time.
“Any luck finding her?”--Optimus
“Maybe the Dinobots took her again?”--Bulkhead
“I found her!”--Bumblebee
“Thank the Allspark! Where—”--Ratchet
Sari burried under a pile of beans.
“This is how I die.”--Sari
“Don’t worry we’ll just—”--Bulkhead
“Let me die this way!”—Sari
Sparklings start crawling to Bulkhead.
“Guys? Guys! GUYS!?”—Bulkhead
Don’t get him wrong, he loves these little bity beans.
But Bulkhead is so scared he is going to crush him. He has a very interesting klutzy streak and refuses to touch the beans for a while.
But after much reassurance from the team, he relents and picks one up with so much fragility. Soon the horde was coming for him.
Bulkhead tries to teach them how to paint with baby graded paints. He makes sure to praise each sparkling for their creativity, never once telling them that they should paint.
The sparklings love the paints and have found a new blob to seek for play time.
Thanks to his altmode he can bring almost all the sparklings with him on rides outside the plant.
Bulkhead does not want to sleep or take naps near the sparklings afraid he might squish them, instead opts to help Ratchet put them in bed.
Sparklings snoozing on his chassis
He is one of the more protective bots considering the sparklings. He failed the past protoforms, he is not failing the beans.
Prowl does his best to teach them about the joys of nature.
That doesn’t go too well the first time around. But has found that the sparklings like being in the park or playing under the tree in his room.
His altmode doesn’t allow him to give the sparklings rides outside the plant. Prowl does try and make up for it by taking some sparklings up high the branches of the tree in his room.
Has gotten yelled at for that.
His room is one of the best for the sparklings to take a power nap, especially when he is meditating.
Once he mediates the net things, he knows that he has some beans clinging or draped over him sleeping peacefully.
Sari and Bumblebee entering Prowl’s room seeing The scene.
“Don’t you even—”--Prowl
“… This is… a turn of events…”--Megatron
“Well Lord Megatron I can simply disp—”--Starscream
“Did I say that?”--Megatron
Megatron is not that heartless against these beans.
He does make it a priority to keep them safe and well. These could be potential soldiers for his army anyways.
No, he definitely doesn’t go soft for them…
Has some members of his army taken babysitting rotations. No buts unless they have urgent duties. The shortest rotation is Starscream, he doesn’t let the beans go too long with him.
Megatron has been known for keeping two beans with him. He does the ‘evil guy petting the cat in chair’ thing with them.
He doesn’t leave the base too often, but when he does it’s for the beans. Just flying for a bit before returning to base.
He always puts the sparklings in their nursery when its time for their nap.
“You wanted to see me, Lord Megatron?”—Icy Blitzwing
“Yes, Blitzwing it is your rotation time.”--Megatron
“But didn’t you want me to do the patrolling?”—Icy Blitzwing
“… Fair enough.”--Megatron
Multiple sparklings crawling all over the place.
“Why are there so many!? DON’T TOUCH ME—“—Starscream
Definitely wasn’t expecting this but views this as a potential win for him.
Once he becomes leader, he’ll have some fresh new soldiers to order around. All he needs to do is get Megatron out of the picture and not get attached.
Starscream has failed at both of these.
He becomes attached to the beans the moment one of them pats his faceplate gently and babbles incoherent things. He hates that he has the shortest time with them and whines a lot about it.
He does occasionally bribe another Decepticon in babysitting duties. This rarely works unless they have an assignment to do.
Takes the beans on flying trips all the time while bragging about how when he becomes leader, he fully expects them to back him up.
He always makes sure that the sparklings are I the nursery on time, not a minute later.
“Come on now. Say it after me. Lord Starscream!”--Starscream
Sparkling sneezes
“… it needs some work…”--Starscream
Somewhere in the base…
“Someone is disrespecting Lord Megatron…”--Lugnut
Sparkling giggles.
Window rebooting noises.
His faces are divided on the subject at hand.
Icy is indifferent over the sparklings.
Hothead is a bit frustrated over how fragile the bean.
And Random loves them so much.
Surprisingly Blitzwing is the second-best babysitter the army has, it’s all thanks to his faces.
Icy takes care of the basic needs the beans need.
Hothead takes care of the sparklings safety, though he has to switch with the other faces if he gets particularly mad, he hates getting them scared over his angry face.
Random takes care of the fun parts and sleeping.
Due to his faces changing so fast influencing his altmode change, he isn’t allowed to take the sparklings out. This is made up with more Random fun times.
Icy makes sure the sparklings are put in the nursery on time.
Hothead is either early or late, no in between.
Random is always 2 hours late.
“The beans are sleeping.”--Blitzwing
Little snoring noises
Windows rebooting noises
“Lugnut you will be taking care of these sparklings for the rotation period.”--Megatron
“…Thank you Lugnut…”--Megatron
He is the best babysitter they have.
Why is this a surprise?
He one day wants to have a family with Strika, the beans are used as practice for the real thing. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get attached. Its attachment at first glance, Lugnut is not immune to the sparklings charm.
He will protect them with his life.
Whenever he has patrol with Blitzwing he always brings the sparklings out for a ride. Megatron only lets this because he knows that he won’t let anything happen to them.
Can put the sparklings to sleep in a minute.
It always puzzles everyone how he can be such an obsessed member of the army and be one of the best babysitters ever.
“Strika you have a message from Lugnut.”--Shockwave
“What is it? Put it on screen.”--Strika
Picture of Lugnut with a servo full of sparklings captioned: Can we keep them?
Stays the longest away from the sparklings. She doesn’t feel too comfortable being around them.
Will and has give the sparklings to Starscream. That’s how much she doesn’t want them.
She is too busy trying to get rid of her organic molding.
Has scared the sparklings when they are alone. She refuses to get attached to them. But there is still a little bit of Elita-One in her, so she isn’t that cruel. She doesn’t let them starve.
The times she is forced to do it she just keeps them in a corner with some toys.
Sparkling noises
“Maybe I can get The Dinobots to keep them occupied…”--Blackarachnia
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happilysmythe · 2 months
❥ 𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪
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matt poitras.
word count: 3.0k
no warnings
"if you'll have me, i want you" — stephen sanchez
A/N: this fic was anonymously requested! thank you so much! i love mattyp and i was super excited because i got to rewrite an old fic that i wrote about him that i hated...happy reading!
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“Congrats on the goal, Beech.”
I wrapped an arm around Johnny’s shoulder, giving him a brief pat on the back as I made my way to my stall.
“Thanks, Pots,” he chuckled. “I thought it was a pretty good shot, too. Definitely one of my better goals, anyway.”
“Given that I haven’t exactly seen your other ones, I’ll just have to take your word for it,” I laughed, stepping past him to sit down. I removed my jersey and hung it up, then lifted my padding from my shoulders and above my head. “Doesn’t it feel, like, really good?”
“Feels awesome,” he confirmed with a smile. “I feel like I’ve had so many missed scoring chances. Felt great to actually capitalize on one, y’know?”
“I know. I still can’t believe you missed that shot a few weeks ago,” I nudged his shoulder. “It was practically an open net, dude.”
“I know, I know. But hey, I made up for it, right?”
“Sure did.”
I leaned over and untied my skates, then pulled them off and stowed them away. It wasn’t long before the padding on my knees was on the seat beside me. As I stood up to pack everything away, a familiar face came into view. I extended my hand out to pat his shoulder.
“Congrats, man.”
“Thanks,” Mason smiled, then continued forward.
I picked up the skates and covered the blades, then stored them in my bag, afterward grabbing a towel to wipe my face and hair. Johnny turned to face me again as he removed the laces from his skates.
“You talked to Emery at all?”
I met her back in 9th grade. We had a few classes together. A lot of people told us that our friendship seemed to come out of nowhere, but we always used to say it was because of how fast we clicked. We got close fast.
She was always my biggest fan, through and through. Especially when nobody else seemed to be. Through each year of high school, she stuck by my side even when she wasn’t obligated to, and I was always grateful for that. She never doubted me. She was, in complete honesty, one of the reasons I became the player I turned out to be.
When I got drafted, she was over the moon. She even baked a cake that said Future NHL Bruin on it, which I was later told that she decorated herself. Told me she had to teach herself, which resulted in three failed cakes and almost an entire day lost. The thing is, I never could’ve predicted just how soon I’d be playing in the NHL when I was initially drafted. 
I’ve missed her.
Leaving was the hardest part. Because I would now be based in Boston, I knew that saying goodbye to her would be difficult to do. Though it wasn’t going to be forever, it would be a long time before I could visit home to see her again. I would be moving countries and completely uprooting my life for a larger chunk of time than I would’ve liked to think about. Even in the times that I was able to visit home, it was never for long. At least, not long enough.
I lived in a hotel for the beginning of the season, but the Bruins recently made the decision to keep me, so they worked out somewhere for me to stay long-term. That’s when Johnny and I began living together in the North End in Boston. The day that Don Sweeney called me in to tell me that I’d be staying lifted a massive weight off of my shoulders; one that I’d been carrying since the pre-season. Although I’d been kept, it didn’t mean that I wasn’t still trying to make the team.
I remember receiving a text from Emery that day.
hey, matty. i heard you’re staying with the bruins! that’s great. i’m so happy for you. i hope you can visit home soon so i can see you. i miss you.
I’ve kept it in the back of my mind, since. And it wasn’t just because I missed my friend.
It was because I’d grown to feel for her in more ways than one. We started off platonically, but it wasn’t long before I began to notice myself admiring her, feeling comforted by her presence…how, no matter the case, I seemed to always be happy with her. Not to mention the growing urge to kiss her whenever I got as little as a few inches away from her.
So, as anyone could imagine, leaving her was one of the hardest things I had to do.
“Uh, no,” I blinked, snapping out of my thoughts as I turned to face Johnny. “No, I haven’t talked to her.”
Having taken the hint, he nodded and faced forward again, then silently continued to undress.
- - -
The simple term “miss” was nothing but an understatement.
I first felt disconnected from Matt when he started playing for the Guelph Storm. Although I saw him less, he was still based close to home, so I couldn’t complain all that much. But this?
This was ten times worse.
Though I refused to let anyone see it, I was hurting. I knew he was happy—I would never and could never take that away from him. And on top of that, I was beyond proud of him, regardless of how disappointed I might have felt. All I’ve ever wanted for him is for him to be successful in doing what he loves, and since he was doing just that, all I could be was happy. 
Still, it didn’t eradicate the pain.
As I sat on my couch, I pulled out my phone, deciding to open and scroll through Twitter mindlessly in the quiet of my living room. Since I’ve ironically loved hockey my whole life, my timeline was filled with it. Notably that night, someone reposted a video from a game that landed about 2 months ago.
Matt’s first NHL goal.
He looked so happy. God, he was. The short clip pushed the memory of him calling me that night to the front of my mind, bringing a disheartened smile to my face as I watched it replay on my screen. I only wished that I didn’t have to see him through a screen as much as I now did, to receive a hug from him just to hold me over. But I couldn’t.
I placed my phone on the couch next to me as I laid back on the cushions, then looked out into the darkness of my living room. My eyes fixated on the entryway as my mind retraced the day that he showed up at my door before he left.
I shot up from the couch as the knock sounded at my door--the noise I’d been anticipating worriedly all day. As the door swung open Matthew came into view, his expression devoid of happiness.
“Hi,” he spoke, lips slightly downturned.
“Hi, Matty.” Stepping away, I motioned my head off to the side. “Come in.”
He walked in and I carefully shut the door, then turned to face my saddened best friend behind me. “I don’t have much time.”
“I know, Matt…I know.” I tightened my lips into a flat line, swallowing the lump that formed before sighing deeply. “How long will you be gone for…?”
“I don’t know. Could be weeks, could be months…Honestly, Em, I really don’t,” he spoke once again, a frown contorting his lips. “I can only say that it’ll be a while.”
A silent nod was all I could muster up, words deciding not to come as easily to me as normal. I sniffed, trying my best to stay strong in what could’ve been the last time I’d see him for the unforeseeable future. If I started to cry, even just slightly, I knew that I wouldn’t stop. So I kept it in, deciding to hold it for just a little while longer until he was gone. “How long until you have to leave?”
“A few minutes, max,” he shrugged. “I just had to say goodbye.”
Unsure of how long it would be until I could do it again, I took a step forward and threw my arms around him, draping them over his shoulders as I pulled him in tightly. He responded instantly, wrapping his around my midsection to do the same. 
“I’m gonna miss you so much,” I breathed, words muffled by his shoulder.
Though my body tried its best to resist, a tear shed, sliding down my cheek and onto the fabric of his shirt. It was bound to happen considering how long I’d been holding it. Keeping it bottled in no longer seemed to be an option. The person that made me happiest was leaving—it wasn’t surprising that I let myself go.
“Fuck, I’m sorry, Matt.”
“It’s okay,” he reassured me softly. “But I have to go.”
“I know,” I croaked out, pulling away. “I know.”
I sniffed, then let out a shaky breath as I fronted a weak smile. I used the back of my hand to wipe the few tears that had fallen against my wishes, then took another breath in an attempt to steady myself momentarily.
“I’m going to call you, and I’m going to text you,” he spoke sincerely, gaze aligning with mine, “and I’m going to make sure that we stay in touch, okay?”
“Okay,” I repeated back to him. “Goodbye, Matt. I’ll miss—”
“Don’t,” he shook his head, hands moving down to take mine and hold them tightly for just a moment. “I’ll see you soon.”
With one final squeeze of my hands, he stepped back and let go, then started for the door. He opened it slowly and stopped for a moment, looking over his shoulder, just enough to see me. He remained silent, displaying a soft expression on his face; a look laced with affection and sadness, but one that brought me as little as an ounce of comfort knowing that he felt the same as I did. 
“I’ll miss you, too,” he whispered, then turned back and walked out, closing the door behind him.
And finally, I broke down.
The same sensation of tears staining my cheeks returned as I snapped back into the present, wiping my cheeks dry with my sleeve before picking up my phone once more. Before I could stop myself, I opened my messages and scrolled down to Matthew’s contact, opening it up and reading over the last message that he’d sent to me. It was at the end of a conversation from the day after he was chosen to stay with the team.
I have to go. I’ll talk to you soon. I miss you
I left the app open, silently holding my phone in front of my face as I continued to read the text over again. I’ll talk to you soon, he said. It’s been almost two months since that day. How far away do you have to stretch from a day to pass soon?
I miss you.
I decided to head off to bed, standing up and making my way to my bedroom. I climbed into bed, then turned on my side and focused my attention on the clock that sat atop the bedside table in front of me. 11 o’clock.
In an attempt to fall asleep, I closed my eyes, but it didn’t work out as I had planned. Something within me was uneasy. I wanted to talk to him.
So I reached over and grabbed my phone, then searched for his contact and called him. It rang once, twice, three times…a few more before the inevitable voicemail played. Dejectedly, I hung up, placing my phone back down in its spot and silently staring at the time once more. For the first time in weeks, I struggled to blink back my tears.
I missed hearing him talk, seeing him. I missed his voice, his smile, his laugh. His corny little jokes that nobody would laugh at and how easily he’d get shy in public. I missed how his hair would blow around when he skated. I missed the way I could talk to him about anything—how he’d listen, comfort me, hold me when I was upset…I missed everything. Every last bit of it.
Because he wasn’t just my best friend; he’d become so much more to me than that. If only I had realized it sooner. Before he left so that I had the chance to tell him. But I didn’t.
So I closed my eyes, a tear softly running down my cheek as I slowly began to drift off.
- - -
When I woke up the next morning, a voicemail had been left for me. Matt called me after I’d already gone to sleep. I took a breath, then reluctantly pressed play.
“Hey, Em. You called before but the game wasn’t over yet. I know it’s too late there now and you’re probably asleep, so I’ll talk to you soon. Miss you.”
As relieving as it was to hear his voice again, the hurt that I felt didn’t subside. Tears pricked at my eyes again as I replayed the voicemail, now clinging on to that silver of communication I had with him.
But it wasn’t enough.
I’d come to realize that the problem wasn’t that we weren’t talking as much—I, as well as he, was prepared for that aspect. The problem was that, regardless of how hard we tried, we simply couldn’t find the time for each other anymore.
That’s what terrified me the most. My relationship with him was slowly fading away, and there weren’t many options left.
- - -
Another day, another game finished.
Tonight, we played in Toronto. As far as I’ve learned, it’s become common for us to beat them, which admittedly uplifted my mood after we won.
We were close to home, but we wouldn’t be spending enough time there to be able to stray off. Unfortunately, that ruled out any chances of my being able to visit my family or Emery. Aside from that, I was exhausted, so the only place I wanted to be was in bed.
As I took my equipment off, some of the guys did their media, and the locker room slowly began to clear out. Just as I was about to head out, Mason tapped me on the shoulder, prompting my head to turn and shift my attention to him.
“What’s up?”
“They told me to tell you to go next door,” he spoke, head jerking in the direction of the conference room next to us. “Said someone’s waiting for ya.”
“Oh, thanks, man.”
He nodded and walked by as I placed my bag back down in front of my stall, then headed out and towards the room he mentioned. I knocked softly, but there was no response. Although it remained silent, I cracked the door open anyway, deciding to step in and make a check just in case before going back.
When I rounded the corner, I was brought to a halt as my eyes caught sight of the person waiting for me.
“Oh, my God.”
My feet carried me toward her, and before I knew it my arms were around her, pulling her in closer. The familiar scent of her perfume clouded my senses, bringing a sense of comfort that I’d been lacking for longer than I would’ve admitted. Tears welled in my eyes, but I blinked them back, not paying them much mind as she finally pulled away to look up at me.
“Hi, Matty,” she smiled brightly.
“What…what are you doing here? I thought—”
“Your parents got me some help,” she laughed. “And your coach…He’s real nice, by the way.”
I laughed back in response, eyes trailing down to the jersey that she was wearing. When she noticed, her body turned to the side, revealing the numbers on her arms.
“Oh, you didn’t,” I marveled, lips parting in a smile as my thumb ran across the lettering on her arm.
“Of course, I did,” she confirmed, turning back forward. “I had to.”
“God, I could kiss you right now,” the words slipped out before I could think, and my eyes widened slightly at the realization.
“Then do it.”
So before I could second guess it, I leaned down and kissed her, wrapping my arms around her waist and holding her gently against me. She reciprocated, smiling softly as her arms found their place around my neck. My lips matched her smile as one hand rose up to brush a strand of hair behind her ear.
She raised to her toes, tilting her head slightly to deepen the kiss before slowly pulling away, looking up with a soft expression. “Matt,” she whispered, eyes beginning to become glassy.
“Hm?” I hummed, reaching for her hand and thumbing the soft skin on the back of it.
“I should’ve just told you before, but I,” she breathed, brows knit together tightly. She took a pause as if she were contemplating whether to continue or not, but ultimately opened her mouth to speak softly again.
“I love you, Matt.”
The initial shock forced my eyebrows to raise, my lips parting as I took her words in. But didn’t take long to wear off before I was smiling down at her just as I was before, basking in the relief that I felt. I knew now that there was more than enough reason to try things with her, just as I’d wanted to do before leaving. If she felt the same, then what was the use in denying it further?
I leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead, lingering for a moment to savor the scent again before pulling back.
“I love you, too.”
Her arms were thrown around me once more in response and I hugged her back, resting my chin on her forehead, hand rubbing circles on her back. “We’re not losing touch again this time, okay?” I reassured her softly. “We’ll make it work.”
I swallowed thickly and swayed back and forth gently, bringing her along with the slow movements. “I’m not letting that happen again. Ever.”
“Okay,” she nodded, a faint laughter falling from her lips before she pulled away and aligned her gaze with mine. “Promise?”
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virtchandmoir · 1 year
Scott Moir, Kaitlyn Weaver advocates of gender-expansive ice dance and pairs figure skating teams
January 11, 2023
Canadian ice dancer Kaitlyn Weaver says, as an LGBTQ2S+ person, her sport has never fully reflected her lived experience.
Skate Canada has rewritten its policy that specifies ice dance and pairs team must comprise a man and a woman, a rule change that has Weaver and two-time Olympic ice dance champion Scott Moir as its biggest advocates — and could revolutionize the stuffy figure skating world.
Canada, which is the first country in the world to make such a move, plans to push for an international rule change at the next ISU congress in 2024.
"There's so many different ways that it can impact young people," Weaver said. "But as an ice dancer, and especially as a queer person growing up that didn't know she was queer, seeing different stories represented and different partnering, different types of identities on the ice, would have been very liberating for me."
As of next season, pairs and ice dance skaters — up to the Canadian championships, but not beyond — need only be two skaters.
"This is meant to be gender inclusive, so it doesn't matter how you identify yourself, if you're a skater, you're welcome," said Skate Canada president Karen Butcher.
"We'd like to be leaders in the sport no matter what, and we believe that this change is the right thing for more skaters in Canada, and by extension around the world to be able to enjoy skating and have more opportunities," she added. "Why not examine it and see what changes can be made?
"If we're not constantly looking at how do we make our sport better, we're going to die."
Weaver, a two-time Olympian with partner Andrew Poje, said Canada's rule change has been the "talk of the figure skating world," and she was pleasantly surprised to see Russian Maxim Grinkov, who won Olympic pairs gold in 2014 with Tatiana Volosozhar, support the move.
"Max said, 'Why not? A skater is a skater, and if you can do the elements, then who's to say that it's any different?' and I think that, coming out of Russia, that's a big statement," Weaver said.
Moir and partner Tessa Virtue became the most decorated ice dancers in history when they won Olympic gold in 2018. The 35-year-old Moir now coaches the Ice Academy of Montreal's satellite program in London, Ont., and said, because there are far more female skaters than male, removing the gender stipulation could have a huge impact on keeping girls and women in the sport.
"Seeing so many women that want to ice dance, and not having the opportunity because that partner doesn't come along or what have you," Moir said.
He added that he and Virtue had a true 50/50 partnership on the ice, where the strength of their elements came from the two of them equally.
"We have a really unique opportunity in skating where you have the balance of grace and athleticism, where the body type or the body build, the pure science of what the traditionalists would call an advantage, I don't really see that," Moir said. "I see the fact that we have an opportunity to tell a new story and to have a new look.
"And what is the advantage? If traditionalists think that two women can't do lifts, I'm eager to prove them wrong. Or two men together can't be graceful in this era, I'm eager to prove them wrong. Because I don't believe that. I see an even playing field and a fantastic opportunity to get more people involved in figure skating. And that's always something I'm passionate about."
Moir believes that with the advancement in women's sport, and specifically skating, that the best skaters in the world right now are female. Women are reeling off triple axels. Kamila Valieva of Russia became the first woman to land a quadruple jump at the Olympics last year, at age 15.
"That female-female team is going to be hard to compete against," Moir said. "I just keep going back to: I'm happy I didn't have to compete against a Tessa Virtue and Tessa Virtue team."
Moir realizes there could be a backlash against the policy change, and hopes that skaters don't pay a price or face bullying.
News that artistic (formerly synchronized) swimming would now permit two male swimmers per team in the team event caused an uproar recently.
"I think it's ridiculous. It's small-minded, right?" he said. "In this next generation, hopefully we're starting to let people identify how they want to people. That's all it has to be. And whatever your background is, or however you identify, you should be able to participate in sport and that get the lessons that (sport) offers."
While the teams at this week's Canadian championships in Oshawa, Ont., will see only traditional male/female duos, both Moir and Weaver hope to see the rule change, which received a unanimous vote from Skate Canada's board of directors, reflected in next year's fields.
"I don't think there's anything wrong with the stories we're telling, (but) I think there's room for so much more," said Weaver, a three-time world senior medallist. "My queerness has a big part in why I felt especially motivated to help push this forward. We don't see young people in our sport that are not heteronormative … and I think that that's a problem.
"Canadians belong on the ice. And if there's a group of people that don't feel like that, it's our job to make sure that becomes a reality. And a visual reality. Kids can't be what they can't see. And if we can make space for everyone, I think that our sport and our country will be much richer for it."
Weaver has worked with American pair team Anna Kellar, a nonbinary trans athlete, and Erica Rand, who hoped to compete at the American national championships, but U.S. rules still stipulate a team must comprise a male and female.
Canada was also one of the world's first countries to drop the term "ladies" in figure skating, switching to "women's singles" over a decade ago. The ISU only recently dropped the relic. Women were called "women" at the Olympics for the first time in 2022.
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Jan. 11, 2023.
—CTV News
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talkfastromance4 · 1 year
If we’re talking hockey! Calum. I need to see some angst amongst the fairy tale. Like if he loses an important game and takes his frustration on her and she leaves.
Oof you know I love me song angst.
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It’s always a big game against the Boston Bruins. For years it’s been a ‘friendly’ rivalry between the Kings and Bruins and Calum was on edge along with the rest of his team.
While he was skating along the ice he faintly heard the announcers calling out their names and the uproar that erupted when his name was called. He scans behind the glass in search of y/n and when he finally finds you, he picks up his speed. You shift so you’re at the opening and he skids to a stop.
“Hey tiger,” you greet with a smile. “How’re you feeling?”
“Amped up,” he grunts tapping his stick on the ice.
“You’ve got this. Do you have my scrunchie?” you bounce on the balls of your feet.
“Of course,” he cracks a smile. “I can’t play without it, or without a kiss from my girl.”
You tilt his helmet up so it’s resting on his forehead and meet him in the middle for a kiss. You’re used to the fans cheering every time you do this but you hope you never get used to the feeling you get whenever you kiss Calum.
“C’mon man,” Michael taps him on the shoulder quickly then skates away.
Calum breaks away and you pull his helmet back into place.
“Go get ‘em, tiger.”
“Thanks Princess.”
It’s a rough game with a lot of fights, a few of them involving Calum and some guy named Fuller from the Bruins team. You hated when he got into fights because you think back on when he tore his MCL. Sometimes in fights helmets get knocked off and fists connect with faces.
The Kings had so many ‘almost’ shots to score but ultimately, the Bruins won by scoring with the last five minutes left. The atmosphere shifted in the arena as fans were disappointed by the loss and a few cheers were heard from the random Bruins fans in attendance.
Before the teams left the ice, another fight broke out and you were shocked to see it was Calum and the Fuller guy again. Michael pulled Calum away and you shuffled out of your seat so you could wait for him.
It’s tradition for the team and their significant others to eat at The Jolly Barrel, The JB for short whether they won or lost a game. The team is sullen as they drink their beers and poke at the appetizers as you make your way towards Calum. You rest your chin on his shoulder.
“Hey Princess,” he grunts.
“Hi tiger. I’m sorry about the game,” you sit in the stool next to him.
“Yeah…me too,” he takes a big chug of his beer. He sets the bottle down then nods to the bartender for another one.
“Are you hurt at all?” you hedge and try to meet his gaze but he keeps his eyes on the bar top.
“What was that last fight about with that Fuller guy?”
“He was talking shit and I was sick of it.”
“You shouldn’t let him get to you–”
“He was talking about you so I shut him up,” he snaps and you recoil.
“Oh.” You look around the bar, nodding to Michael and his girlfriend Crystal. “Have you eaten?”
“Not hungry.”
“You should eat something, even if it’s small like a banana. Do you want water?”
“No, y/n,” he sighs, “I don’t want a banana or gatorade or water.”
You’re not used to him acting like this, he’s lost games before but he’s never treated you this offhandedly. He’s very withdrawn and keeping you at arm’s length.
“Okay…um, do you want to relax at your apartment?”
“We can talk about–”
“Damnet, y/n, enough all right?” he snaps finally looking at you. The bar goes a little quiet. “I’m in a piss mood and I don’t need you to try and fix everything. So let me be pissed, all right? Your glass may always be full but sometimes it’s half empty for the rest of us.”
You’re frozen in surprise. He’s never spoken to you like this. You feel ashamed and embarrassed that his whole team witnessed it but more importantly, you feel hurt.
Then anger quickly rolls in and you hop down on your feet.
“Excuse me for caring about your well-being and wanting to help you. You lost, it sucks but that doesn’t give you a right to speak to me like this.”
You voice waivers and cracks as you defend yourself. A beat passes and he turns away. The tears don’t fall until you’re running out the bar in humiliation.
As you practice your routine, you replay the other night over and over again in your mind. The words Calum bit at you left a mark in you that kept hurting. When you got home from the bar you silenced your phone and when you woke up to see no messages from Cal, your heart broke.
After your practice, you quit a half hour early because you weren’t focusing. As you left the ice and exited the tunnel, you spotted Calum leaning against the tunnel entrance. The way he’s looking at you reminds you of a dog with it’s tail between it’s legs when it’s done something wrong. His expression appeases you slightly but you were the one he bit so you walk past him.
“Princess, wait, I need to talk to you.”
“I don’t need to talk to you.”
“Please, it’s about the other night–”
“Oh, you have more hurtful things to say? Where’s the team?” You look behind him in search of them, “or can you do it without an audience?”
“Princess–stop!” he stands in front of you blocking your way to the locker room. “I was a total ass and a dickhead to you and I’m so so sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I said because it isn’t true. I was frustrated and I took it out on you and that was wrong of me.”
You stare at him and see how sincere he is, his brown eyes are sad and pleading.
“It really hurt me, what you said,” you whisper.
“I know,” his shoulders cave in, he stops closer to you. “I know and I hate myself for it. Please, can you forgive me? I love how caring you are and how you want to make sure I’m okay. Please, Princess, I’ll do anything.”
You look at him in thought.
“I know I can be a little overbearing sometimes…just tell me when I am and I’ll stop–”
“No,” he rests his hands on your shoulders. “You’re perfect just the way you are. I promise I won’t act like that ever again.”
“You’ll never be angry? That’s impossible, Cal. Be angry, just don’t treat me like a punching bag when I’m on your team.”
“I won’t,” he shakes his head, his fingers trail up to your neck cradling your face in his hands. “I’m so sorry I hurt you, Princess.”
“I’m sorry I was being so pushy.”
You smile at each other and embrace each other at the same time, you inhale his cologne deeply. The steady beat of his heart is music to your ears.
Taglist: @calumance  @in-superbloom @calpalirwin @karajaynetoday @wiiildflowerrr @sunshineeeluke @littledrummeraussie @suchalonelysunflower @hoodhoran @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt @sunshineeashton @ashtonsunflower​ @mymindwide​ @itjustkindahappenedreally @seanna313 @mulletcal @pandaxnienke @celestialams @in-a-world-of-fandoms @blairscott @writersdare
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jerzwriter · 1 year
For His Girls
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Book:                   Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing:                Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Featuring:           The Carrick Girls
Rating:                 Teen
Category:            Holiday/Fluff
Summary:           The girls want to have a nice holiday party, just like those Mommy & Daddy have been attending.  So they ask Daddy to make it happen.
Words:                 1000 Words + Edits
A/N:                     This fic is going out to @secretaryunpaid, who sent an ask to see what would happen if the girls asked their Daddy to throw a holiday party for them. It was too cute of an idea to not turn it into something more. I hope you enjoy it!                    @choicesdecember2022 - Day 15 – Dance     
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The week between Christmas and the New Year had quickly become a favorite in The Carrick household. After all, having more time with their little girls was one of the main reasons they started their own practice, and even when Tobias and Casey were overwhelmed by the three little firecrackers, never once did they regret their decision. Not even today, as Casey tried to bundle the three sugar-fueled girls into their winter gear for a trip to the skating rink at the local park. Tobias normally helped, but he was engaged in a far more daunting task: convincing grandma Vivian to watch the little angels so they could attend a party that night.
Wrapped up in their little world of domestic bliss, they had forgotten about the event, and it wasn’t one they could skip. Not only were the Navarro’s good friends, but they were generous supporters of the couple’s non-profit, so skipping it was out of the question. And while Grandma was always eager to spend time with her girls, the last-minute notice meant rescheduling her plans, not something she took kindly to. So, given a choice, Casey was happy to lasso in the three little ladies.  
She listened in on her husband's conversation as she buttoned, tied, and snapped, and later she found out she wasn’t alone.
“You know this might be the time to remind you how many years you begged for grandchildren,” he teased.
“I know, Ma… and you know we wouldn’t ask if….”
“I mean, do you even like attending Mrs. Smith’s holiday dinner? You bitched about it every year when I lived at home.”
“I can’t bribe you with another grandchild anymore. Would you like a puppy, maybe?”
It was all part of a game; everyone knew the eventual outcome. Vivian Carrick would drop plans with Idris Elba at the drop of a hat if it meant spending more time with her little girls, and she loved Idris. But letting her son off the hook easily wasn’t something she was willing to do. She always told him that she didn't care how many women he charmed, she would never be one of them. She birthed the man and was immune. Someone had to keep him humble.
But when he walked down the hall to join his family, quickly dropping to the floor to help Casey tie six little boots, the smile on his face made it clear he won.
“So I suppose I should get my little black velvet dress ready,” Casey winked.
“Oh yeah,” he hummed. “And those black patent heels, too. Maybe I’ll have Ma watch the girls at her house tonight,” he smiled.
Casey blushed at the look he shot her way but didn't dare say another word in front of the girls. But she didn’t need to worry about that because Samantha had her own agenda, and she was about to let loose. Standing with her arms crossed in front of her chest, she eagerly said her piece.
“Daddy!”  She implored. “This is the third holiday party you and Mommy have gone to!”
“So it is,” he said, grabbing her nose. “You keeping count?”
“Are holiday parties fun?” Brooke asked. “You and Mommy always look so pretty when you go.”
“They can be,” Tobias shrugged, “they can also be a pain in the butt.”
“They are nice,” Casey agreed, “and it’s important for us to get grown-up time; but most of the time, we’d rather be home with you.”
“That’s because we’re fun,” Samantha nodded.
Tobias shook his head with a laugh. The Carrick sass gene was strong in his seven-year-old. “That you are, Sammy. That you are.”
“Then why don’t we get to go to the party, Daddy?” Brooke asked sweetly.
“Exactly!" Her older sister chimed in.
“Because these are grown-up events,” he said, now bundling up himself. “You wouldn’t have much fun at them anyway.”
“But we should have our own party!” Samantha stated. “If we did, we can make it a not-grown-up event.”
“Yeah!” Brooke squealed! “We could have it here. Our own holiday party! Could we? Could we, Daddy?”
“Well, I don’t know, the holidays are almost over, and….”
“I mean, it’s a week before we’re back at work or the girls are back at school,” Casey smirked, earning her an “I’ll get you later” look from her love.
“Well, parties take planning,” he argued, “and….”
“It doesn’t have to be big,” Brooke said excitedly. “Just us and a couple friends.”
“We want a party, Daddy!” Samantha stated matter-of-factly. 
Even little Kayla got in on it. Dancing around the foyer of their home, she began to sing. “Pawtee! Pawtee! Pawtee!”
“See, she wants a party, too!” Brooke beamed.
“Mmm. Maybe not,” Casey shrugged. “I think she wants a potty.”
Tobias’s shoulders dropped. “After we just got everyone bundled,” he exasperated. 
“Better now than halfway to the park,” Casey shrugged. “I’ll take her.”
The relief on Tobias’s face was evident. “Thank you.”
“Remember when you wanted nine of these,” she winked. "Because I do.”
“I was completely out of my mind.  But you married me… so you’re not all that sane either.”
Lifting Kayla on her hip, she stepped next to him to whisper so only he could hear. “But, I’m smart enough to realize taking Kayla for one more potty run is less work than you're about to endure. Looks like you have a party to plan.”
“Oh no, I don’t,” he insisted as his wife walked away.
“We’ll see!”
Fifteen minutes later, Casey and Kayla reappeared in the hall.
“Ready to go?” she asked.
“All set,” Tobias nodded.
“And when is the party?”
Bundled like a snowman, Brooke still managed to jump up and down as she screamed. “In three days, Mommy! We each get to invite two friends!”
“Well, except Kayla,” Samantha corrected. “She doesn’t really have friends yet.”
Tobias could see the laughter in Casey’s eyes as they met his. 
“Shut up,” he grumbled. “You know I can’t say no to any of you.”
“Tobias Carrick, Ladies, man has a different meaning for you now, doesn’t it?” she laughed.
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Permatags: @a-crepusculo @animesuck3r @annoyingmillenialnewbie @crazy-loca-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @doriopenheart @fayeswiftie @genevievemd @gryffindordaughterofathena @inlocusmads @jamespotterthefirst @jennieausten @kingliam2019 @liaromancewriter @lucy-268 @onikalover @openheartforeverinmyheart @potionsprefect @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @secretaryunpaid @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter-reblogs-asks @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations
OH Only: @annfg8 @coffeeheartaddict2 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @ofmischiefandmedicine @peonierose @youlookappropriate
Tobias Only: @icecoffee90 @kyra75
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iriswestallenn · 1 year
The final season of Ted Lasso wasn't good
Long Post Warning
In my opinion of course, it was just wasn't very good and the finale was bad.
They didn't know what to do with Keeley. Her friend, Shandy, didn't add anything. Her relationship with Jack was stupid. Jack fucking with Keeley's business didn't matter because it was resolved in one episode thanks to Rebecca. Then they decided to make the love triangle a thing again. We'll come back to that later.
Nate lmao you can forgive people. They don't need to bend the knee or buy you flowers for you to forgive them or to prove they are worthy of forgiveness. All they need to do is show they've changed, grown, and learned from their mistakes. The problem with Nate is not that they ALL forgave his slimy ass. The problem is we never see the change. He cries to his dad, he gets a gf, he realizes Rupert is an asshole. We spend no time with Nate being worthy of forgiveness to THE RICHMOND TEAM. He gets the girl and he's cured of his asshole-ness. The girl in question btw? Bland. No personality, we don't know why they like each other. The end.
Sam and Zava. Nonsense. Colin's storyline was cool. I like that he didn't want to be an out player because he didn't want to be the spokesperson for that or for that to be his main identity. A good amount of time was spent on that story and I liked it (see I can like things) but the same can't be said for Sam and Zava. They gave Sam a racism storyline which resulted in his restaurant getting vandalized and the end. No, wait, I'm sorry! Sam is gonna keep shattered glass in the restaurant as a reminder of the criminal act because... believe??? Never mind that could injure the guests, we're an inspirational show people we gotta keep inspiring! All Zava did was get Jamie to want to be better. That's it. So much of Zava should have been cut, oh my god.
Ted. Who? Barely in the final season. Apparently has had panic attacks since his father passed away and his mom knew and just ignored them? Episode 3 (I think) Ted reached for alcohol and we just skated past that. I have no idea how Ted is doing lmao if he's "obviously" doing well, I couldn't tell you how he got there. We got so many fucking shots of his therapist during the finale. More than we did the entirety of season 3. Oh well I guess hope he's happier back home
Maybe I'm being dramatic but Beard and his gfs relationship came off super toxic but they're married now so who cares I guess
Rebecca spent the whole show obsessed with Rupert and when we finally got away from that, surprise! She wants kids. Okay... sure. It's not easy to get over a man you loved who treated you like shit and who you felt robbed you of so many years. I'm not saying she should have gotten over it quicker. I just feel disappointed this was her whole story. There could have been so much more for Rebecca but instead all we got was her getting back at her ex and finding a new man on a boat and kids and blah blah blah
Roy and Jamie. My favorite part of the season. Jamie's arc was excellent and the actor did a fantastic job. Brett Goldstein is also great and has been at this acting/writing thing since 2005! I am so happy he finally got this huge show. Roy is such a cool fucking character. Too bad they went to shit in ONE EPISODE. Okay, I'm being a bit dramatic, I'm glad Roy went to therapy in the end there but that bar scene irritated me. - Actually we fucked last month. - Well that video was sent to me! What the fuck??? Gross gross gross. They put Keeley back in the love triangle and then gave no real resolution? She chose herself? Okay. Can we get a scene of her realizing both these dudes need to work on themselves and she doesn't want either of them ever again or? No? We're just gonna shut the door? Oh okay.
Overall, I'm just disappointed. I know no one will read this but Ted Lasso was a comfort show for me at one point. It premiered in 2020 when we all needed something wholesome and funny. Shame it couldn't stick the landing for me.
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p5x-theories · 6 months
So I know a few people have talked about stuff like this but I wanted to take a wack at it. How pretty much all the new thieves parallel the old thieves in one way or another. For example Joker and Wonder, Cattle and Mona. But the rest are pretty debatable, but for my guesses it would be Closer and Panther, since she has the same awakening and the seating arrangement in class. Soy is Skull’s parallel as the outsider with a passion that’s being stopped by an outsider force, i.e. Kamoshida & Miyazawa. Mont and Violet, for the supposed past trauma in figure skating and gymnastics. Yuki and Crow, specifically Prince Crow, as they both have AoA endings with “wrong” spellings. Crow having sole instead of soul and Yuki having gose instead goes, plus her personas having a strong connection to judgement/justice. Okyann and Oracle, with them both having palaces and supporters, I feel like we’ll learn more about Okyann’s true self being the Hermit of the group. For the rest are just educated guesses, but Riko and Queen, Seiji and Fox, Noir and Leo, Rin & Toshiro, Kii and Maruki, Kotomo and Erina, Enco and Wolf, finally Sophie and Polter
Huh, some of these are really neat and wouldn't have occurred to me! Personally, since the Phantom Idol teammates seem to be based on Confidants, I'm expecting them to parallel Joker's Confidants rather than members of the Phantom Thieves, but this is an interesting take on how it might match up if the Phantom Idols are still teammate parallels.
Closer and Panther, and Soy and Skull, have definitely been discussed on this blog (along with Closer and Skull (as in, Closer as the Chariot) and Soy and Fox), so I don't have much new to say on them but it's definitely as supported as anything at the moment.
Mont and Violet is a really interesting one. I hadn't made the connection between their sports interests, and even though they're not quite the same situation that could be something!
For Yuki and Crow, I do want to start out by mentioning "sole" is not a typo for Crow's AOA:
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That said, I don't think I properly noticed that Yuki's AOA does have a typo, haha! Text without the effects over it, from the files:
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I definitely see the connection to judgment/justice, though I suppose it's worth noting those are two separate arcana in this series. Still, there is some weight to the idea! The scales (like Tembin, her files codename) are featured on the Justice tarot card, after all.
Okyann and Oracle is definitely another one we've discussed on this blog before, and if I'm honest is actually perhaps the main reason I hope I'm wrong about the Phantom Idols being parallels to Joker's Confidants instead of teammates (or, alternatively, hoping Okyann is an actual story teammate and was only an idol for the beta) because I think it could be such a fun parallel! Definitely with you on that one.
Riko and Queen's another big one, considering Riko seems to be being set up as the next story teammate after Soy. This one's currently my main theory for her as well; there's too many apparent similarities.
Seiji and Fox could work. They have a sort of similar... vibe, to them, I suppose? That aloof impression they give off, especially before Fox joins the team, is definitely there.
Leo and Noir is another really interesting one that hadn't crossed my mind, but I think I see what you're getting at- it's about their parents restricting them, right? Leo from his dream of being a tokusatsu actor, Noir just sort of... generally in her life... it really wouldn't have occurred to me but I can follow it and I'm intrigued.
Rin and Toshiro would not have crossed my mind in a million years. Personally, I'd probably guess Erina before Toshiro for her? Though we do still have a very limited impression of her at the moment.
To jump one ahead on your list just to keep them together, you also have Kotomo and Erina, but I think if anything I'd probably swap her for Toshiro in this case, too, haha. Kotomo very much seems to be filling the Shiho role in P5X, but she's come across as more reserved and observant, the type to think things through first, whereas Erina's more of a charging in first type, which kind of is the impression I've gotten from Rin. So if I had to match Kotomo with a member of the Phantom Thieves, I'd probably pick Toshiro before Erina.
Going back to the one I skipped, Kii and Maruki. Trying to figure out the connection you're basing this one on- is it Kii's (apparent) minor psychic ability, and Maruki's interest in cognitive psience? Is it Kii's chuunibyou delusion talking about protecting the school as one of the chosen ones, and Maruki's warped desire to protect everyone in the world with his actualized reality? I feel like I'm almost following the logic for this one, but not quite...
Enco and Wolf, and Polter and Sophie, are hard to really discuss just because we know so little at the moment, haha, but all the same I feel like I can sort of see the impression you're getting. Wolf's desire for justice for his wife's death (and struggles with his daughter) could be easily reflected in Enco just with other family members (or, honestly, even just a romantic partner instead of a wife), and Polter despite being human could struggle to connect with and really understand others/her own emotions, much like Sophie (and, in that case, Ichinose as well).
All that to say, overall, I think I see where you're coming from, and it's a pretty solid theory, even if it differs a bit from the usual assumption this blog's been running with! Certainly an interesting train of thought.
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thoughtdump · 2 years
I’m back with another rant because I fucking hate this world!
The Kamila verdict timing is genuinely insane. They’re just all insane. It makes me think they timed it then because they know they’ve been cleared and now they can have their whole repulsive propaganda, fake ass “in your face” moment and the possibility of that makes me sick. (I admit I don’t know that much about the entire world of figure skating so I don’t know what actually went into the timing decision. I hope it was just how it panned out but that’d be too easy right?)
I’ve said it ever since the Olympics but I’ll say it again, I have never seen such a disgusting, public, shameless display of abuse on a teenage girl in my life. They’re waving her around like a political pawn, a russian hero and a symbol of “russian strength” but there is no strength, no honor, no glory in abusing a child. All that the world has seen from their organization is weakness and malice. They have no shame, no conscience and at the center of it is a girl who just wanted to skate. Now, she’s been brainwashed and abused and will never just be able to skate as an individual human being. They make their students machines, robots & hide them from the truth for their selfish gain. They are a disgrace. 
It’s hard for me to decide whether I think Kamila herself should be banned. On one hand, the wrong was done, end of story and she needs to learn that you get punished for doing wrong or being a part of wrongdoings. That you need to be conscientious of the world (people) around you and most importantly, she needs to learn that the adults in her life wronged her. Not the media, not the “evil west”, it was her coaches, her state run media, probably even her parents. But even at this I think a ban on her should be short. On the other hand though, she was 15, raised in the four walls of a skating rink with 3 coaches telling her lies, controlling her, abusing her, brainwashing her. What else are you gonna know if all you’ve ever known is the fake little world that’s been built within Sambo70′s walls. This distorted reality they create to keep their students needing them. And at the end of the day, even though I do think 15 year old’s in normal settings have a sense of right and wrong, 15 is still too young to be blamed for this, 15 is still impressionable and 15 is still an age where you’re going to be influenced, especially by the adults in your life who are like parental figures for you. Whether she knew about it and was okay with taking the drugs is irrelevant considering her age, at the center of this are adults who should’ve never let it happen in the first place and they are the only ones to blame.
I’m very nervous for this verdict because as we’ve seen time and time again, in and out of sports, in every country on this planet, justice is rarely, if ever served. Especially when it comes to women and girls and I’m sick of it. If they all get away with this it’s not only another blow to justice but a win for an abusive regime that will take their ego to an even higher, more disturbing place that I just can’t stomach. It’s just so morally wrong and I genuinely think, if Eteri, Daniil, rusfed etc. get away with this, it will be the end of figure skating as we know it. They will never gain the rest of the world’s respect back no matter the verdict, but at least if they are found guilty, fans of the sport could trust that the powers that be will not stand for abusers. If they let them get away with this, the sport falls and I hope there is an uproar from skaters/coaches from other countries.
Overall, my anger is not and has never been with Kamila. She is the victim here. & despite all my anger, there is a bigger sadness watching this unfold, not only for her but for every one of those girls. The reason so many of us are passionate about this case is because probably 90% of us have experienced our own personal versions of injustice and therefore, when we see it, it hits home. I feel pretty indifferent towards Kamila getting banned just as long as her coaches and the entire Tutberidze team/Sambo70 Skating Club get banned for life and goes down in complete, humiliating disgrace.
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misssakuramochi · 8 months
Hiii!!! If it isn't to much trouble may I have (male) baldurs gate matchup please. My pronouns are she/her. my Mbti type is infj-a/infj-t. I tend to be shy around new people but I can be somewhat loud with people who im close to. My height is 5'0. I would describe my aesthetic as girly/soft/cottegecore, lots of long dresses and skirts.
Im not very athletic and im not a big fan of sports but I love to go roller and ice skating. I also love to read books and to also cook and bake food. I also like to garden. I've been playing the violin for 7-ish years. I love animals and I'm planning on becoming a wildlife veterinarian, I'm in college as a biology major. I like to Watch nature/animal documentaries. I also like sweets.
Somethings I dislike are people who bend or ruin my books and people who speak over me when im trying to talk.I love music, I can listen to any genre and like it but my favorites are indie,bedroom pop and classic rock. My ideal relationship would be with someone who is loyal and supportive. sorry if i spelt anything wrong. Hope im not bothering you:)
I match you with...
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○ Both of you are extremely intelligent. Not only does this help you relate to one another, but it keeps conversation alive and flowing. Between your books, his magic, your love of nature and everything in between, the two of you have the most magical of conversations
○ Gale's heart swells when you express yourself. Both in opening up to him and becoming loud, and when you finally feel safe to express your deepest of emotions. He knows you're an introverted thinker at times, so he feels loved and valued when you speak up.
○ You have a much more emotional nature than Gale, and he values how different your perspective can be. He goes to you for a second opinion often, in many things, and you often have insight he never would have come up with on his own.
○ Loyal and supportive are basically Gale's middle names when it comes to his partner. Literally the only thing this man sees in the word is you, and it shows. He's there behind you supporting you with everything he's got, physically and emotionally, and he's there to catch you when dissapoint occasionally comes your way
○ Gale grants you a beautiful greenhouse room in his tower, all propelled by magic of his own. In return you, of your own volition, decide to grow magical plants for components for his experiments and spells. Gale is absolutely honored by this.
○ Slow burn! You're shy, and he's insecure. It takes both of you a long time to accept and realize that the other feels the same - despite everyone else trying to point it out to the both of you. Still, thay gives you all the more time to fall in love and open up more naturally.
○ Though the two of you are unofficial for a long time, when Gale finally works up the nerve to take you on your first official date, it's the most beautiful night. He takes you to a romantic spot and you find that he had spent all day conjuring a full ice rink and procuring skates - then trying to learn how to skate. He's still pretty bad at staying standing and you guys fall a few times, but it gives him and excuse to hold you while you skate. For support, of course.
○ Books? Books. Between your shared libraries you have every genre, and if there's anything you ever want for Gale is quick to add it to the shelves. Every book is in not pristine, bit well taken care of condition. We respect Books in this house, even if they eventually do become well loved.
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yuzublackswan · 2 years
it’s taken me quite a few hours to gather my own thoughts - but many others have already said what i think and what i feel. my biggest fear was that i will miss yuzu far too much and for that i certainly shed some tears. on one hand, he will no longer be competing. on the other hand, he will continue on in ice shows. on the other hand, these ice shows are currently few and far between, and often limited to select countries. but i’ve also seen some people theorise that yuzu may go on a tour of his own, which i hope he one day does as i have still yet to see him skate in person (;-;). i joke about wanting yuzu to start a public social media, but it’s true that this is a selfish little (unlikely) hope of mine that that will maybe ease the gap he will leave during competitive seasons. we’re all used to missing yuzu during his silent off-seasons, and during those times we console each other in sharing inspiring and cute and beautiful and funny posts of him on social media. since having seen some fanyu consider closing their accounts with this news, i hope many fanyus stay doing this, and that us as a fandom can remain active in supporting yuzu in this new chapter and, by extension, one another. i certainly will continue to share my love and other fanyus’ love for yuzu. in this yuzuru hanyu shit for life!
despite the somewhat selfish negatives, let’s choose to look to the positives: yuzu’s free! the vengeful side of me can’t wait to watch jsf and isu finally see the extent of yuzu’s impact now he’ll be gone from their competitions - how he essentially Made that sport throughout his senior years even after they had mistreated him for so long mwahahaha
in all seriousness, i appreciate the strength it would have taken yuzu to make a decision such as this. he’s known for his competitive spirit and stubbornness to keep pushing. unfortunately, however, this has often been at the expense of his mental and physical health, and he delves into this matter during the press conference. the ever-growing demands of the isu and their corrupt judges of what makes a winning skate, expecting more and more in some elements and less and less in others, putting excessive favouritism on the skaters of the usa and russia, which i personally feel all ultimately dented the sport forever for me and many others including skaters, only made this pressure for him to work and work despite the state of his own wellbeing worse. yuzu adores skating - such mismanagement of the sport may have inevitably held a risk of dampening this love, and so taking a step back from the competitive side is probably the wisest decision a skater such as him can make. we have now entered an era of yuzuru hanyu where he can finally be free to be healthy and happy and enjoy the skating he loves and his audience loves.
i think with yuzu’s goodbye to competitive figure skating, it will be my goodbye as a consumer of it as well. i began watching figure skating as a child with my older sister with the intention of simply watching figure skating. but, after my sister stopped watching it with me, i stayed for yuzuru hanyu and yuna kim, and after her retirement, i stayed for yuzuru hanyu. i was a little girl with many health problems that meant i could only watch my teenage sister on the sidelines of our local ice rink as she took her lessons. it sometimes left me embarrassed that i was a figure skating fan who could not step on the ice without clinging to something or someone, but who had an older sister who could spin and jump and glide on the ice. but, in reality, yuzuru speaks to everyone in his skating. words can’t describe how much he changed my life just by doing what he does, being what he is. he’s impacted so many, words can’t describe.
the point i’m getting to here (and don’t let the 🌸✨support all skaters✨🌸 side of fs tumblr hear this bit) is that: whilst i support and am a fan of some other skaters, i will never support a skater as much as i support yuzu. as such, i don’t think there’s any fulfilment left for me in watching competitive figure skating live, in giving the isu my money and my views, at least outside of winter olympic season. on one hand, i’ll miss it, on the other, with recent events and poor decisions in mind, i really won’t. i will continue to support certain skaters from afar, but i choose to move with yuzu, who honestly made the sport more bearable amid all the bad stuff. i’ll be there when he’s there, whether that be in ice shows he’s confirmed he’ll continue on to or anything he chooses to do, really. i’ve used the title ‘fs stan’ harmoniously with the title of ‘fanyu’ but now yuzu’s taking his step back i can see: i’m a fanyu, fair and square. i’m here for yuzuru hanyu.
yuzu has left a permanent mark on this sport as the GOAT. he will be remembered as a competing skater for decades to come. he has inspired many of the new generation’s upcoming competing figure skaters. no matter how hard isu, jsf or the media try, let it be known by everyone:
there will never be another yuzuru hanyu
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