#i hope you guys have enjoyed our first group date!
papercorgiworld · 8 days
No date for the bully
Enzo Berkshire and Mattheo Riddle
The Slytherin gang mock you after class, but when you run into one of them alone a few days later they aren’t mocking you anymore… rather they are flirting with you.
Thanks for the request and to all those reading: thanks for reading. Happy readings! and lots of love to you all! 💛
Warning: bullying
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“This is a question first years can answer, miss (y/l/n).” Snape snares, looking not only angry and annoyed but also seriously disappointed. Your mouth opens, but closes again. Telling him that you probably knew the answer, but were in fact daydreaming and missed the question was probably not a good comeback in Snape’s book. Aside from the fact that you felt the whole class stare at you, there was a particular group of Slyterins really enjoying your screw up. You could hear them snickering, but chose to ignore them. 
However as soon as class ends the lot becomes unavoidable. “And here I thought Weasley was the dumbest in our year. Turns out I was wrong… It’s you.” Theodore Nott laughs as he passes you. You roll your eyes and quietly gather your books. “You have to actually read those to learn. You do know that, right?” Mattheo Riddle raises his eyebrows and you look away, trying to pass Mattheo. “She can’t read!” Draco snorts, finding himself really funny. But you huff and just try to get past Mattheo. “And apparently she can’t speak either.” Mattheo grins down at you, purposely blocking your way out. “Guys leave her alone.” Enzo intervenes and you’re both surprised and relieved, but it doesn’t last long. “She’s obviously a bit slow.” Enzo quips. 
“You’re all hilarious.” You manage to mutter as you use all your force to shove Mattheo aside. “What a comeback.” You hear Enzo laugh at your attempt at self defence. 
“Move aside, dumb and dumber!” Draco snares at Ron and you, followed by a smirking Theodore as you jump. 
“Ugh, why are they all like that?” You think out loud and Ron shrugs. “Because they’re evil Slytherins.” You chuckle at Ron’s answer, before parting at the stairs. “See you after potions.” You wave at Ron and walk around the corner, straight into…
“I’m so sorry.” You apologise immediately, but when you look up to see who you collide with your eyes widen. Sure he would hex you or at least insult you. 
“No worries, I wasn’t watching where I was going either. You alright, princess?” No worries? Princess? “Yeah, I’m fine.” You whisper, not at all comfortable with this nice version of Lorenzo Berkshire. You move to walk past him, but he grabs your arm. “Let me help you with those.” Enzo points at the books you were holding. “No, I’m fine.” You answer without even considering his offer, obviously you would never get them back. He and his friends played mean games like that all the time. 
“Oh come on, let me help. It will give me an excuse to walk you to class.” Enzo’s smile was adorable, he really was hoping to spend some time with the pretty girl he had been crushing on for months now. 
“No.” You state dryly and hurry up the stairs. “Wow, you’re quick.” Enzo chuckles as he catches up with you. “Ha, that’s funny.” You snort, rolling your eyes. “Why?” Enzo asks, obviously not remembering what an ass he had been a few days earlier. “Oh, right. You insult people all the time so you probably don’t remember calling me ‘slow’.” An awkward laugh leaves the slytherin’s lips. Oh boy, she remembers. I fucked up. “Me and the guys were just having a laugh.” You again quicken your pace, not in a mood to listen to his lame excuses, but he keeps up. “Yes, you were having a laugh. I was not. I was being mocked by four pompous shits.” 
Enzo jumps in front of you to bring you to a halt. You avoid his gaze, but he ignores your hints of annoyance and moves close to you. “Maybe not my best moment… but how about I buy you a drink as an apology.” Un-be-lievable! “You’re joking, right?” You look up and raise an eyebrow at Enzo, who gives you a weak half smile. “Come on, it will be fun… I’ll pay.” The audacity of this man. “Enzo Berkshire, are you asking me out?” Enzo laughs nervously as he looks down at his feet for a second. “I know I haven’t made the best impression, but I think you’re beautiful and smart and… I think that you should give me a chance.”
Enzo’s starry eyes meet yours again as he closes the distance and carefully snakes an arm around you, convinced his charm, popularity and good looks would win you over. You reach for his tie, playing with it as you lick your lips. “You think I should give you a chance?” Enzo nods, adoring how adorable you are, playing with his tie and looking all flustered. Just as Enzo is about to whisper something flirty you let go of the tie and push him away hard, making him stumble back a few steps. “I’m sorry Enzo, but you must be a bit slow, considering you haven’t caught on to the fact that I don’t like bullies like you. So go try and convince someone else to ‘give you a chance’.” 
Enzo is absolutely shocked and just stares at you as you walk to class. He’s so crushed and confused that he doesn’t notice everyone else in the hallway looking at him. When he finally does notice, he straightens his tie and forces a smile. He tries to come up with something funny to say to make the awkwardness surrounding him go away, but his mind is still stuck on you. 
You stumble back, missing a step, but an arm wraps around your waist. “Careful there, love, you almost fell for me.” Your brain can’t process that it’s actually Mattheo’s voice you’re hearing until you see his signature smirk. “I’m-I’m sorry.” You whisper and look away from him, but his arm stays around you. “Don’t worry about it, I like saving pretty girls like you.” Your eyebrows knit together. Did Mattheo Riddle just flirt with me? A cocky wink answers the question you never asked.
“I’m sorry, but I’ve got to be going.” Mattheo nods. “Let me guess, potions? I’ll walk you. Make sure you don’t stumble and fall.” Why is he being nice? Mattheo shoves his hands in his pockets as he walks with you. There’s an uncomfortable silence as you nervously watch him from the corner of your eyen, not trusting the Slytherin at all.
“Soooo, I’m curious. If I were to ask you out, where should I take you?” You stop to stare at Mattheo, but you don’t say a word since you really have no idea what is going on in his head. “You’re really cute when you stare so quietly.” Mattheo whispers his soft eyes meeting yours. However, you just shake your head. “Last time I fell silent you didn’t think it was cute. You and your dumb friends mocked me.” Mattheo runs a nervous hand through his hair. “Not my best moment.” Mattheo admits sheepishly, making you frown at how he downplays his bullying. 
Not planning on spending another second in this idiot’s presence, you start walking again, but Mattheo doesn’t let you go very far. He reaches for your wrist and pulls you into him. You place a hand on his chest to steady yourself. “I was a bit of an idiot, but let’s just forget about that.” Mattheo whispers suggestively. “I promise I will make it up to you.” Mattheo adds when you don’t seem convinced. 
Now it was your time to play. 
You move your hand from his chest to the back of his neck. “And how would you make it up to me?” You ask, playing with his hair and almost making his eyes roll back. “Obviously I will spoil you rotten both on our date as well as afterwards.” You bite your lip at his words and press your chest against his. “That actually sounds tempting.” You whisper in his ear, letting your free hand trace his belt just to tease him. “Maybe we can just skip the date and find ourselves a broom closet right now.” Mattheo offers, confident that he has you wrapped around his finger. “We could.” You move your lips close to his, but just as Mattheo closes his eyes wanting to meet your lips you pull away. “Then again, I would rather sit through potions class and walk through hell than go out with you. Bye Matt.” 
And just like that Mattheo was left standing in the hallway, horny and needy for you, but nowhere near a date with you.
“Auch.” Mattheo immediately recognises Pansy’s amused voice. “Did you really think that after being an ass to her for months, a few minutes of smooth talk would get you with her?” Mattheo lets his head fall and sighs. “Pansy. How long have you been lurking?” Pansy just grins. “Long enough to see you make a fool out of yourself. Have fun simping for the girl that hates your guts.” Mattheo growls as Pansy walks away. I screwed this up so bad. How am I gonna win her over…
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rubywithecat · 1 month
JjK men when you are too innocent for them(fem. reader)
Here’s little update! Sorry for taking long to upload this, I have a lot of drafts but haven’t made them into posting cuz I’m again busy for school application and preparing for my April intake at language school in Osaka. Hope you enjoy this, luvs!
Satoru Gojo
-He likes the way you look at him with inspiring wide eyes when he told you smth you don’t know. It’s his weakness and he thinks it’s so cute and u can make him die for u with that look. But not when you told him a guy told you that he want to do doggy with u that u didn’t know what that mean so u asked if he knows. He suddenly silent and then, “Who is that guy?” He asked with a frown. “Why? Is that a bad joke or smth?” U asked him, worried. He looked down at you, starring at your innocent eyes and oh fckkk his thoughts filled with lust over your innocence, he grinned “Do u want me to show you?” then pushed you to lie down on couch and licked his lips. “I will fcking murder that pervert later but for now, let me take care of you first” said he.
Toji Fushiguro
-You just started working at a bar and Toji and his friends are regulars there. “Hey new girl, don’t you know how to serve us, pretty?” A man from their group yelled, looking at you like a dish. U didn’t like that but you don’t know what he mean either. “Umm… do u want me to take another order, sir…?” U asked, nervously. The men laughed but stopped by Toji. “Dudes, don’t scare out of this innocent kid” he looked you up and down. U were scared and stepped back a little. He chuckled then, stood up and stepped closer and closer to you. He touched your face and lifted it to look at him. How cute ur resisting his strength he thought. “U don’t need to serve those bastards. U only have to serve me” he grabbed your waist. “Give me your number” he whispered. “I’m not interested in you” you pushed him but it didn’t work. He smiled. “Don’t worry, I will find it out later”
Kento Nanami
-You’re an intern and being hit on by a lot of guys at workplace cuz of your beauty. They took advantage of your friendliness and innocence that see good in everyone. One day, you were printing something and suddenly, your colleague shamelessly flirt with you which makes you so uncomfortable. “Do you wanna come drink with me tonight? We can go love place later” he asked. “What is the love place?” you asked. “Oh well, it just a place where you can watch movie and chill” he lied. “So r u up to it?” he asked but interrupted by Nanami. “I thought flirting at workplace is forbidden” he reminded the guy. “If u don’t wanna lose your job, step out”. The guy looked scared, “Yes, sir…I’m so sorry” he said and left. Nanami turned back to you which you were just starring. “How on earth you don’t know what is love place is?” He sighed. “You look like you are easy to deceive” he said. “I’m sorry… thanks a lot anyway” u said before you left and he was surprised it made his heart beat so fast.
Megumi Fushiguro
-He was busy but when you phoned him, he pick up. “Megumi!” U said. “Yeah what’s up again” he said. “A guy in my class dm me like how about we sexting… like what does that mean? Did he spelled that wrong or smth?” You asked. Megumi was stunned. “How do you not know about it” he sighed. “Just block the guy”. “I can’t! He’s our project leader” you said. “Give me his number I will ask him what does that mean for you, ok?” He asked, so you did. Later that day, when that guy see you at school, he looked so frightened and randomly apologizing to you and begging for forgiveness, which made u so confused.
Suguru Geto
-You started dating him a few months ago and he’s comfortable enough to ask you this. “So, what’s your body count?” He asked as he watched at you eating a cake. “Huh?” You asked, confused. “Body count?”. He raised his eyebrows. “Yeah? It’s ok if you’re uncomfortable talking about it” he said. “No like I don’t know what you mean… is it like in a game?” You asked which made him laughed so hard. “Guess it’s zero then” he smirked. “Seriously what’s that?” U asked again. “Never mind you will see what it mean later” he said as he wiped the cream on your lips with tissue.
-I hope u guys love this! Like and share would be so much appreciated! Thanks<33
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sebscore · 1 year
i live your writing! request for your gen z driver series! reader and the other drivers react to/make fun of rumours about her dating various drivers. thank you!
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pairings: f1 grid x driver!reader 
warnings: mentions of cheating (but not actual cheating). swearing. catch the friends reference. 
author's note: I immediately imagined the setting for this, it took me a while to get to it, but I hope this is how you imagined it as well! hope you enjoy it, darling! 
• • • • • • •
Some of the young drivers were chilling in their own little corner before the driver's briefing started, catching up with each other after the summer break. 
The conversation was interrupted when Lando walked into the room. ''Oh, there he is! My wonderful husband. The apple of my eye. My honey pie.'' Y/N greeted him, the sarcastic tone accompanied with a fake smile. 
''Honey, you're here already! Did you take the kids to school?'' Lando went along with her small skit, taking the seat next to her. ''What do you mean? I thought you were bringing them? We've abandoned our kids, Lando.'' She continued, dramatically waving her hands around. 
The group watched in amusement, except George who seemed totally confused looking at the two younger drivers. ''What are you guys doing? I can't follow.'' 
''According to some news site, they've been secretly married for like three years and have kids.'' Alex explained to his friend. ''It's the funniest thing.'' 
''You have to read it, George.'' Charles chimed in. 
Pierre handed his phone to the Mercedes driver. ''Here it is,'' the Frenchman grinned, ''enjoy.'' 
George skimmed over the words of the article, already chuckling at the first words. ''A mutual friend of both drivers spilled the beans on their impromptu Vegas wedding and the family they started afterwards.'' He read out loud, bursting out in laughter. ''Who's this friend?'' 
''It's obviously Mr. Gossip Girl over here.'' Y/N pointed at Pierre who jokingly dropped his jaw and placed his hand on his heart. ''How dare you?'' He gasped. 
''Don't act so surprised, you're literally a bigger gossip than I am.'' She retorted, having the entire group agree with her. 
The focus shifted to George as he let out a huge snort which he quickly covered with his hand. ''Oh my god…'' The Brit pointed at something on the small screen. 
''What is it?'' Mick asked, trying to see what he was pointing at. 
George composed himself before speaking. ''They just posted a new article claiming Charles and Y/N are dating, and live together in Monaco.'' He cited, attempting not to burst out in laughter again. 
Pierre grabbed his phone from George's hands, wanting to read it himself. ''Where are they getting this from?'' He scrolled through the report, chuckling as their source was another ''a mutual friend''. 
''You're cheating on me?'' Lando exclaimed, dramatically widening his eyes. ''What about the kids, Y/N? Why would you do this to them?'' 
''Lando, it's not what you think!'' She argued, impersonating the voice of those old movie stars in Hollywood films. 
Y/N could see the McLaren driver clenching his jaw, desperately trying not to break character. ''I see how it is- I'm taking the house and the kids.'' Lando held his hand in front of her face, essentially blocking her from his view. 
''And I'm taking your money, and me and Charles will be spending all of it.'' She bit back, pushing his hand away. 
Lando seemed ready to give a comedic comeback, but was interrupted by a curly-haired German. ''What's all the commotion here?'' Sebastian adjusted the headband on his head, his eyebrows furrowed.
''Y/N cheated on Lando with Charles and now they're getting a divorce- Lando is taking the kids, but Y/N is taking all his money.'' Mick answered his friend, matter-of-factly. 
Sebastian frowned, feeling like he missed a few chapters in the story. ''Oh, uh, good for you, Y/N.'' He walked away from the youngsters, joining Lewis and Valtteri on the other side of the room. 
''Thanks, Seb!'' Y/N amusedly thanked him, ''I can never do anything wrong in his eyes.'' She told the other guys, grinning from ear to ear. 
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taglist :: @i0veless @missskid @missthem @rosesintj @evans-dejong @thehistoryone @dreamycloudsworld @formulazeesworld @muushmeg @topguncultleader @the-great-adventures-of-me @love13tter @xcharlottemikaelsonx @kiwisa @starkwlkr @nora_moon @princesselle2111 @valluvsu @thatsadsmallchild @babyyoda89 @milkbreadforlife @fxllfaiiry @hc-dutch @its-ash-not-grey @princessbetsy123-blog @mehrmonga @nyenye @screechingtrashkid @ahnneyong @holybatflapexpert @itsnotgray @beautycinders @scuderialavender @rowansshit @uhhevie @revengze @nylaslife @majx00 @multi-universe21 @jaydensluv @isasalom @gentlemonsterjennie1 @appledashhh @breathinfive @lighttsoutlewis 
@champomiel @ooohmickiyoursofine @koufaxx @flannelforthetoads @mysticfalls01 @ghostcorazon @mango-bear @totally-random-person @youkissedareaderinthedark @phoenix-luv @hamilton-mount @calcaneous @aurora-maria
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ch3rrytales · 1 year
i couldn’t be more in love - steve harrington
a/n: hi! here’s a lil angsty steve one shot for y’all (unedited) this is my first time writing steve so please be gentle with me. requests are currently open. thanks for reading and as always all support and criticism is extremely appreciated! hope you enjoy, lots of love - florie <3
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: steve’s fears of not being good enough for you cause him to end your four year relationship and leave you heartbroken. even though he tries his best to move on and let you go, his undeniable need to protect you results with you in his bed at the end of a night out.
word count: 7.8k
warning(s): cursing, crying, drinking, mention of weed, parental pressure, throwing up, angst, mentions of insecurity about self worth, smut, no use of y/n, steve and reader are 19/20.
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“Ignore it.” Robin said, pushing an overflowing red solo cup into your hand, lukewarm beer sloshing over the rim to drip down your arm. 
You shot her a glare and huffed, “I’m trying to.” 
She stepped in front of you, blocking your line of vision to who you had been staring daggers at in the corner of the room. 
Steve Harrington. Your ex-boyfriend. Your twin flame. Your soulmate. The love of your life. 
And her. His new fling. 
They had been going at it for the past 5 minutes, they hadn’t even stopped to catch their breath. 
You could remember when you and Steve were like that, attached at the hip, disgustingly affectionate. 
You weren’t even sure when you had stopped being like that. All you knew was that three weeks ago he had sat you down, taken your hands in his own, eyes glossy, and said the words you had hoped you would never have to hear from his mouth. 
“I think it’s time we go our separate ways.”
The second he said it you felt something inside of you drop, trickle all the way down to the tips of your toes and onto the floor, it’s absence leaving your whole body cold. When you and Steve started dating, a comfort that you had never been familiar with before found a home in you and put you at ease for the first time in your life. When you were with him your head and heart were so full of love that any familial or personal pressures that typically plagued you were forced out, there was no more room for them. Your parents overbearing wishes and your perpetual fear of failure were overpowered by his sheer admiration of you, it had always been said that you were destined for greatness in all your endeavors, but Steve never really wanted greatness, he only wanted you. Until he didn’t. 
Now you watched them and fought to ignore the pain stabbing into your heart. While his hands roamed over her body you thought back to a better time, a sweeter time. 
- - - 
Steve slung his arm around your shoulders as you walked past a group of football players who were passing around a poorly made bong on the front porch. They shouted various greetings to your socially esteemed boyfriend who returned their welcome with a nonchalant wave of his hand. 
You tilted your head to speak into his ear as you passed through the front door. 
“Whose house is this again?” 
“You remember Jimmy? I introduced you two at my house last week.”
“Right.” you remembered, one of Steve’s teammates from basketball. “And you’re sure it’s okay that I came, you know without an invitation?” 
Steve’s lips twisted up into a lazy smirk and he couldn’t help himself from pressing a chaste kiss on your cheek. 
“You’re my plus one, baby. Course it’s okay.” 
As you made your way through the party you tried not to feel intimidated by the amount of people flocking to your boyfriend, guys pulling him into half assed hugs, and girls pressing into him, their glossed lips wrapping around sultry hellos. 
Steve didn’t seem to pay it any mind, he kept his arm wrapped tightly around your waist ushering you through the crowd until you had reached the drink table in the center of the kitchen. He lifted you up so you sat in front of him atop the counter and shuffled his way between your thighs. 
“Whaddya drinking?” he crooned, smooth as always. 
“Dunno.” you mumbled, lost in the way his eyes burned into you. 
“You want something sweet, honey?” he teased, his hands finding a home just above your knees. 
You nodded dumbly as his fingertips traveled up and dipped just under the hem of your skirt. 
“Me too.” he agreed and laughed softly, motioning to his lips with the point of his finger. “Lay it on me.” 
You pecked him once leaving your cheeks warm and he hummed contently against you before pulling away. 
“Alright, now that we’ve got that sorted. How bout a shirley temple?” 
He started pouring soda and grenadine into a cup of ice, dumping in two shots of vodka to finish it off while you watched, your feet lazily swinging from where they hung above the ground. 
“Cherry on top?” he asked, pulling a jar of maraschino cherries from the door of the fridge. 
“Please.” you replied, sticky sweet. 
“Well fuck.” he scoffed, twisting the lid off. “I’d cut my right arm off if you asked like that, honey.” 
- - - 
You were slowly nursing your second drink of the night and had no desire for a third. In all honesty what you really wanted to do was walk home and hide in your bed but you knew that wouldn’t be happening, Robin wouldn’t allow it. 
She had practically dragged you from your tear soaked sheets and forced you into the little red skirt and matching cropped angora sweater you had bought impulsively as a post breakup gift for yourself. 
“You really need to get out.” she said while you begrudgingly swiped mascara through your lashes, just a few hours earlier. 
“I’m not ready yet, Robs.” you complained, turning in your vanity chair to face her. “What if he’s there? What if he’s with that girl?” 
“That girl” being Donna, a stunning hair stylist who worked at the salon across from Family Video. Robin had been keeping you filled in on their budding romance since it began, how she had come in one Tuesday and slid a gum wrapper scribbled with her number across the counter with her perfectly polished nails while Steve was helping her checkout. He had taken her out that weekend and they had been seeing each other casually since. 
Robin threw a fashion magazine she was flipping through on your bed to the floor, “Who cares? You know I love you and I wouldn’t want to say anything to upset you while you’re-” she paused to grimace at the pile of soggy tissues covering your nightstand. “...fragile. But, obviously he’s moved on and it’s killing me to see you still stuck on him when you’re so clearly out of his league.” 
You stared at her blankly, “I’m out of his league?” 
“Duh! This is Steve Harrington we’re talking about, I once watched him have a 20 minute “lightsaber duel” with Henderson using a mop.” 
You scrunched your nose trying to hide the fact that you found that incredibly endearing and not at all dorky before you responded, “Yet he’s the one who dumped me.” 
She sighed in full dramatics flinging her head off the end of your bed so she was staring at you upside down, “Exactly! What kind of a dingus would do that?” 
You frowned at yourself in the mirror before powdering your nose for the third time, “Someone who’s moving on to better things.” 
“I call bullshit.” she declared. “How does it get better than you? Once you get yourself all pretty and a couple of drinks in your system you’ll forget who Steve Harrington even is.” 
“Doubtful.” you retorted. 
Robin came behind you, her expression pitiful as it reflected in your mirror. “But, would it kill you to try?” she asked hopefully. 
You shrugged and swiped a cherry scented gloss across your lips, “It might.” you said honestly. “But, I guess I’ve got nothing left to lose.” 
Robin beamed at you through the mirror and smacked a kiss to the top of your head before practically skipping to the other side of your bedroom. 
“Well, then hurry.” she said, pulling her pin-covered denim jacket over her shoulders. “We leave in 10.” 
Now that you were at the party, staring at the person you loved more than anything in the world with his tongue down another girl's throat, you realized you did have something to lose, the contents of your stomach. 
You turned to Robin, who was beside you eyeing a girl who had come into Family Video last week in search of any Molly Ringwald movie she could get her hands on. 
“I think I’m gonna yack.” you whispered. 
“What?” she questioned. “You’ve hardly had anything to drink.” 
“It’s not the alcohol making me queasy.” you replied, gesturing to Steve and Donna pressed against the wall opposite to you. 
“I thought I told you to ignore him?” she said, still slightly distracted.
“Easier said than done.” 
She took a moment to look at you, her best friend. It honestly hurt her to see you so down on yourself. All she wanted was for you to have a good time after weeks of sobbing in her arms and isolating yourself in your room. She looked around the room until her gaze fell upon a beefy blonde eyeing you from the beer pong table. 
“You wanna play a game of pong?” she said, gesturing to the table. 
“Not really.” you replied, your eyes unmoving from Steve’s back. 
“Too bad.” she decided, tugging you behind her. 
“Robinnn” you complained, following her. 
When the two of you reached the table the blonde in question sauntered over to you, drinking you in with his stare. 
“You girls up for a game?” he shouted over the music. 
You shook your head timidly while Robin replied, “Absolutely.” 
The boy pulled you into his side with an arm around your back and spoke into your ear, “You’re on my team, babe.” 
You looked helplessly to Robin who only nodded and mouthed to you, “Go for it.” 
“You got a partner?” he asked her. She looked around and shrugged. 
You turned your focus to reorganizing the scattered cups on the table into a pyramid, your head shooting up when your new partner’s voice cut through the room. 
“Harrington!” he called. “Come play, we need another person.” 
Robin’s eyes widened as she tried to assess what the quickest escape for you would be. 
But Steve was faster, approaching the table with Donna under his arm still unaware of your presence. 
He saw Robin first, her face red and eyes locked on yours. Then he focused his attention on the man beside you who once again pulled you close and then spoke, “It’s you and her against me and this pretty thing.” 
Then Steve saw you, your cheek mushed against the blonde douche’s shoulder, bottom lip wobbling as you suffocated in the unexpected eye contact. 
Donna leaned in and whispered something in his ear that made his jaw clench and he shooed her back gently with the wave of his hand. 
“Sorry, bud.” he said, eyes unmoving from yours. “Not interested.” 
As quickly as he was there he was gone.
You were seconds away from crumpling to the ground when Robin pulled you from the man’s arms. 
“Fuck,” she said, her hands on your shoulders. “I’m sorry, I had no idea he was coming over here.” 
You shook your head, dismissing her apologies. “It’s not your fault, I just-” your voice cracked and you looked at her wordlessly. “He didn’t even acknowledge me.” 
She frowned and pulled you into a hug, “He’s a massive idiot.” 
“Are we still playing?” The blonde asked, dumbfounded. 
“Sorry, but fuck off.” Robin replied, before walking towards the kitchen, arms still wrapped around you. “We’re taking shots. Lots of them.” 
“I’m not in the mood.” 
Robin pulled a bottle of vodka from the many assorted liquors lined up on the table in front of you. 
“Y’know how they say the best way to get over someone is to get under them?” she asked, already pouring the shots. 
You nodded weakly. 
She shoved the tiny glass into your hand, “That’s a lie.” she declared. “The best way to get over someone is to get absolutely shit faced.” 
You recalled Steve’s expression when he saw you, it was cold, not exactly unbothered but withdrawn. You recalled her hands on him, her lips brushing the shell of his ear, and her words affecting him. 
You slung the glass back, the liquid bringing a welcome burn to the back of your throat. Then you took another. Then another. Then another. 
Within the hour you were somewhat distracted from your heartache. You and Robin were squished together on a couch with Nancy and Jonathan, all giggling drunkenly in response to the story Jonathan was sharing of an encounter he had with an inebriated pizza delivery boy the week prior. 
You had lost count of your drinks and your head was feeling increasingly heavy to hold up, making your neck ache. You didn’t really mind the pain, in fact you welcomed it, this pain was much easier to manage then the dull throbbing kind that had been tormenting your heart. Your head fell back against the cushion behind you and you felt as if the world was spinning off its axis beneath you. Your elbow dug into Robin’s side making her groan in annoyance. The lights in the room started to overwhelm you and a wave of nausea washed over you. 
“Robin,” you mumbled, eyes squeezing shut. 
“Hm?” she hummed in response, her head lolling to the side. 
“M’gonna be sick.” 
You swallowed thickly and shakily rose to your feet. “Right now.” you confirmed. You started pushing past people in pursuit of the bathroom, you could hear Robin behind you faintly. 
“Coming,” she said. “Slow down, I'm right behind you.” 
You ran up the stairs, as fast as you could in your current state, hands clawing the railing for balance. You stumbled through the hallway, checking behind you when you had reached what you hoped to be the bathroom door only to realize you had lost Robin along the way. 
Your clammy hands turned around the knob and your body fell limp against the door as it swung open, fluorescent light invading your eyes. You dropped to your knees and shoved the door shut behind you, too nauseous to attempt locking it. Your hands shook as they gripped the toilet pushing up the seat before heaving roughly into the bowl. 
Your eyes squinted shut as your head pounded, the music playing from downstairs was slightly shaking the foundation of the house and you were suddenly longing to be carried away and tucked into your bed. 
You thought of Steve, not whoever it was you encountered downstairs. But your Steve, the one who would give you piggyback rides from the bar to where his car was parked blocks away when your feet hurt. The one who sat criss-cross applesauce on Nancy Wheeler’s bathroom floor with you in his lap, peppering your shoulders with kisses when you got too drunk last New Year’s Eve. 
You brought the back of your hand to your mouth wiping roughly, your cheeks were wet with tears. You must’ve been sitting there for at least fifteen minutes, thoughts lingering on the past. When had you even started crying? You tore at the toilet paper roll beside you and balled up a sizable portion, you wiped at your eyes furiously, disregarding the mascara that was surely staining your face. 
What a mess. 
You shuddered at the thought of Steve seeing you like this, messy and broken and crumpled on the floor. You wondered what he would think, if he would feel sorry or just sorry for you. 
As if the universe were playing some sort of cruel joke on you, while the thought floated around your head you heard the door unlatch and when you reluctantly followed the sound you saw him standing above you like some sort of awful miracle. 
He looked shocked first, not expecting anyone to be in the room, but then the guilt washed over his face and you knew he had realized what he really walked into. 
“Fuck, hon-.” he stuttered, his hands reaching out instinctively. 
The half murmured term of endearment felt like a punch in the gut and you physically winced as he approached you. 
His eyes filled with hurt at the way you reacted to his entrance, he used to scoop you up in his arms and quiet any of your pain with nothing but his presence and whispered words of comfort. 
“Go,” you pleaded, your voice scratchy and raw. 
“I can’t just leave you lik-” he sighed, and looked at you helplessly, as if saying what do you expect me to do. As if leaving you heartbroken and soiled on the bathroom tiles would be physically impossible for him, like he wasn’t the reason behind it. 
“Are you okay?” 
You sniffled and stared at the floor, “Please go.” 
Steve squatted beside you and hesitantly reached out. He swallowed hard when you flinched under his touch as he pushed the hair out of your eyes, ensuring it was only mascara marring your pretty face and you weren’t physically harmed. 
You refused to meet his eyes and when he tried to pull you off the ground, tugging gently on your hands, you shook your head.
“What do you think you’re doing?” you protested.
“Taking you home, c’mon.” 
“No,” you argued. “Why would I do that? No, I’m- I’m here with Robin, she’s-” 
“She’s passed out downstairs,” he interrupted. “You need to go home.” 
“You’re drunk. I’m not-” 
“I’m stone cold sober.” he informed, bringing his finger to his nose and then extending out as if he were doing a field test. 
You finally locked eyes with him, and the unshed tears that sat brimming on your waterline seemed to drown him. 
“I can’t, Steve.” you cried. “I can’t be in a car with you and…her.” 
His shoulders fell a little and his expression softened ten fold. 
“She’s not- I wouldn’t put you through that.” he said, as if it were obvious. “That’s why I’m not drinking,” he explained. “I already took her home, she’s babysitting her little brother tomorrow morning. She couldn’t stay late.”
You scoffed wetly, “How responsible of her.” 
“Be nice.” he warned and you wanted to punch his perfect face. 
“I’m not nice.” you slurred, under your breath. 
“Bullshit,” he replied. “If someone hit you with their car you’d be the one to apologize.” 
“Not anymore.” 
“Don’t buy it.” he dismissed “Can you walk?” 
“M’fine.” you clipped, rising to your feet while trying to ignore the feeling of the ground swaying under your feet and the pit of nausea still living in your stomach. “Gonna walk home.” you decided, pushing past him to get out of the tiny restroom. 
He caught your forearm in the hallway, steadying your wobbly walk. “Yeah right. I’m taking you home. C’mon, I’m parked out front.” 
You tried to tear yourself out of his grip, blaming the fluttery feeling in your stomach on your overindulgence. 
“I don’t want your help. Okay?” you barked. 
He ran his free hand through his hair and sighed, discouraged. “Look, I know you must hate me right now and I understand…” he paused and his expression remorseful. For a second you caught a glimpse of the man you loved, the man you still love. “Three weeks doesn’t erase four years. Please, let me take you home.”
Your will to fight him dwindled fast and you had to actively restrain yourself from embracing him and burying your face in his chest. 
“Robin-” you started. “I can’t just leave her here.” 
“I know.” He smiled sadly, still in complete awe of the way you cared for those lucky enough to be loved by you. “Go wait by the door, I’ll make sure she has a way home.” 
“Thank you.” you mumbled. 
“Of course.” He said, the second half of the sentence dying on his tongue. Anything for you. 
You slowly made your way to the door and leaned against the wall, forcing air into your nose and out of your mouth in heavy puffs. You could feel your nerves buzzing beneath your skin at the prospect of being in a confined space with the person who dizzied you most in the world. 
When Steve returned your eyes had drifted shut and your hands rested on your temples. 
“Nancy and Jonathan are gonna give her a ride, they’re leaving in about an hour.” he informed. “You okay?” 
You nodded slowly in response, “Thanks again.” 
He hummed and opened the door for you, his hand instinctively finding its way to rest on your lower back and guide you out of the house. 
When you got to his car he opened the passenger door, helping you in and leaning across you before you had a chance to shut it to secure your seat belt into place. Your whole body tensed when his fingers brushed against your hip and he muttered an apology. 
He joined you in the car and switched on the radio before pulling away from the party in the direction of your house. Neither of you spoke as you exited the neighborhood so you laid your head against the window and watched the trees under the dim street lights as you passed by. 
He turned a corner and you pressed your fingers into the leather seat beneath you to fight the unrest in your stomach that arose from the car’s motion. 
“So, why’d you come back?” you asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence. “Y’know after you dropped her off.” 
Steve’s fingers tightened around the wheel and his eyes flicked to the side to see you looking at him timidly. 
“I said I’d help clean after.” he lied, swallowing the truth with a forced gulp. 
He couldn’t tell you the real reason behind his return, that he had been in agony imagining you at the party saddled up with some former jock, no one there to supervise your open drinks, or to ensure you had a safe way to get home. 
“And now you’re driving me home.” 
He realized leaving again before the party was over contradicted his lie and cleared his throat. 
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” 
You felt the sadness that had been lingering in you all night slowly turn to anger. 
“Of course I’m not.” you clipped, facing out the window again. 
“Sorry,” he said. “That was probably a stupid thing to say considering…” he trailed off, biting his lip so hard he wouldn’t be surprised if he were to draw blood. 
“Considering you dumped me and got a new girlfriend within a few weeks?” 
“She’s not my girlfriend.” His heart hurt at the idea that anyone but you could hold that title. 
He turned into your neighborhood and you had never been more thankful to see your house in the distance, that is until you realized all the lights were still on. Your parents were still up. Fuck. 
To anyone else this may not have been a big deal, you were legally an adult but that never seemed to matter to your parents who were as strict as nuns when it came to drinking. 
Steve seemed to notice the lights as well because his car came to a stop a few meters before your driveway. 
“Well shit.” he remarked
“I can’t go in.” you said. You knew you must’ve looked quite disheveled, most likely smelled of alcohol and while you felt much more sober since emptying your stomach you knew there would still be a sway in your walk and a slight slur to your voice. 
“You can stay at mine tonight,” he offered. 
You laughed in amusement and anger. “I don’t think so. I can go to Robin’s.” 
“She’s staying at Nancy and Jonathan’s and they won’t even be there for another 45 minutes at least. You can sleep in the guest room.” 
He put the car in drive again and started towards his place before you could argue anymore. 
The rest of the ride was spent in silence, nothing but the quiet hum of the radio and the drum of Steve’s fingers on the steering wheel. When he pulled into his garage you got out before he had the chance to do anything annoying and chivalrous like open your door or help you exit the vehicle. 
You stepped inside the house that may as well have been haunted, every nook and cranny linked to some fond memory you shared with your ex boyfriend. The kitchen where he had miserably failed at cooking you an anniversary dinner, the shower where he carded his fingers through your sud soaked hair, the bed where you had lost your virginity and he held you in his arms till the morning came. Every part of this house was woven into your love story and you felt suffocated within its walls. 
He threw his keys onto the kitchen table and kicked his shoes into the corner as you stood frozen in front of him taking in your surroundings as if for the last time. 
“You can shower if you want,” he offered. “There’s some towels in the guest bathroom.” 
“Okay.” you replied coolly. 
“Just stay there a sec, I’ll go grab you some clothes.” 
Your eyes were glued to a slightly faded polaroid of the two of you stuck to the fridge with a Hawkins High Basketball magnet. The fridge was barren otherwise, Steve’s parents not the type to decorate with school pictures or family memorabilia. The photo had been taken the night Steve told you he loved you and the night you returned the sentiment. In the picture your cheeks were pressed together, spread taut with matching smiles. You had been so happy that night, quite opposite to how you were feeling now. 
Steve startled you from your thoughts with a gentle hand on your shoulder, he followed your line of sight to the photo and spoke, “One of my favorites. You looked breathtak-”
“Steve,” you cut off coarsely. “Just stop it.” 
“Sorry, I just…it doesn’t matter. Here,” he said, handing you a stack of folded clothes that you recognized as your own. “I didn’t think you’d wanna wear anything of mine and I remembered I had these in the back of my dresser.” 
You accepted them with no word of thanks and tried to convince yourself that he was right, that you hadn’t wanted him to hand you a pair of boxers and one of his sweaters still lingering with his cologne. 
Once you reached the bathroom you stripped yourself of your uncomfortable party attire and turned on the hot water. You stood under the sweltering stream and welcomed the burn, letting all the rage you felt for Steve bubble up and swarm your head for the entire duration of your shower. 
When you finished you hastily pulled on your clothes, your skin was now scorched and your anger hot and irrational. You stormed towards his room and swung the door open with not so much as a knock. There he sat in the dark, only the moon providing any illumination. His body stretched across his bed on top of the covers, head tilted to the ceiling with nothing but a pair of plaid pajama pants resting lowly on his hips. 
“I hope you know,” you started, startling him with a finger pointed lethally in his direction. “I’m not going to go around thinking you’re some great guy just because you took pity and helped me tonight.” 
Steve could only flick his eyes in your direction briefly, too emotionally exhausted from the night to even sit up. “That’s not why I did it.” 
“Oh, of course not.” your voice dripped with sarcasm.”King Steve is just such a gentleman he couldn’t have it any other way. Don’t act like tonight was motivated by anything other than guilt.” 
“Do you actually believe that?” 
“You brought that beautiful girl and you just carried on with her like I wasn’t even there. Then when it broke me you just had to come along and pick up the pieces.” 
“I’m tired.” he muttered, your name following the statement almost inaudibly. He was tired of fighting with you, tired of seeing the way your eyes burnt into him no longer with lust but something even stronger, hurt. 
“You don’t think I’m tired? You don’t think I wouldn’t give anything to close my eyes and not see her hands all over you?” 
“Fine, I regret it. I should’ve thrown away her number the second she gave it to me. I should’ve never brought her to the party. Is that what you want to hear?
“No!” you cried. “It’s you who shouldn’t have come to the party and you shouldn’t have come back after you left. You could’ve just let me have this one night, I needed it.” 
“I don’t regret that. I had to go to the party, you know that.” 
“I don’t see what that has to do with me.” 
His eyes softened, “It has everything to do with you.” 
Suddenly you saw the events of the night under a completely different lens.
- - - 
Then Steve saw you, your cheek mushed against the blonde douche’s shoulder, bottom lip wobbling as you suffocated in the unexpected eye contact. 
Donna leaned in and whispered something in his ear that made his jaw clench and he shooed her back gently with the wave of his hand. 
“Sorry, bud.” he said, eyes unmoving from yours. “Not interested.” 
“Looks like she moved on after all.” Donna had purred in his ear. 
He looked at you cozied up to someone new and saw nothing but red. He had to get out of there fast. 
 “Why would I do that? No, I’m- I’m here with Robin, she’s-” 
“She’s passed out downstairs,” he interrupted. “You need to go home.” 
He searched the party desperately, only able to catch his breath when he saw Robin laid across the couch, mouth hung open, Nancy and Jonathan not far by. He forced through the crowd till he reached her and felt his heart rate skyrocket when you were nowhere to be seen. He shook her shoulder till she roused enough to open her eyes a sliver. 
“Where is she?” he asked, voice urgent. “Where, Robin? Is she okay?” 
Robin grumbled and rolled over but not before muttering two words, “Sick. Upstairs.” 
“So, why’d you come back?” you asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence. “Y’know after you dropped her off.” 
“I said I’d help clean after.” he lied, swallowing the truth with a forced gulp. 
“And now you’re driving me home.” 
He had never once stayed after a party to clean, not even for his closest friends, and certainly not for some former football player he had interacted with maybe 4 times in his life who still found spitballs to be the height of comedy at the ripe age of 21. 
- - - 
“You were looking for me.” you realized. 
Steve met your eyes and exhaled heavily, “Aren’t I always?” 
You held eye contact and despite the dimness of the room he could see your chest heaving up and down with troubled breaths. You turned to leave and Steve fell back against his pillows, scrubbing his hand roughly against his face. 
Just as you were about to cross the threshold into the hallway you spun on your heel and faced him again. 
“Steve, I-I’m sorry okay? I don’t know why I can’t be civil with you. I feel like my whole life has been flipped upside down over the past few weeks. And I know I can’t blame you for falling out of love with me… I just can’t- I’m not ready to see you fully over us-” your voice cracked painfully in the back of your throat. 
“Baby…” he sighed sadly, sitting up in his bed. 
You felt tears spring to your eyes, bringing your hands to your face and then dropping them shakily. “I’m sorry.” 
He looked at you sorrowfully as your body finally gave out, succumbing to the tears. Before you could stop yourself your legs carried you towards his bed, falling forward on top of him and wrapping yourself around his body. 
“Please- I just, I need to-” 
You couldn’t bring yourself to finish the sentence but Steve always had a knack for reading your mind and he knew exactly what you meant. You needed to feel him, to hold him again, breathe in his scent, run your fingertips over his skin. He knew because the feeling was all too familiar, he felt it before he shut his eyes every night, before the sun rose through his curtains in the morning, and every moment in between. 
Wordlessly he closed his arms around you and your nose pressed into his bare collarbone. His hands traveled up, threading into your hair, cradling your head against him.
“Breathe,” he cooed. With his chin tucked into your neck you could feel the wet lick of his lips when he spoke. 
“I’m not fully over us,” he admitted. “Not even close.” He laughed, humorlessly, nudging his nose under your ear, “You’re honestly doing my head in.” 
You let your eyes fall shut, wanting to take in every bit of this moment, unsure if you would ever experience anything like it again. 
“I really miss you.” you whispered into the diminutive space between you. 
A pained noise slipped out from Steve at your confession. He wished you could see the bigger picture he had sketched up in his mind, how in a few years he would be a blip in your memory, a single dim star amongst the blinding constellation of your future accomplishments. 
Steve may have been considered slightly ditzy around town but he had never been stupid, he knew you were too good for him, he always knew. From that very first kiss in his BMW four years ago when the two of you were only 16 he knew that the way you felt for him would be temporary. The admiration in your eyes would fade and the curtain would fall. He wasn’t King Steve like he had been in high school, he was just Steve, plain unpromising Steve. 
You had always been gifted, you were going places, you had aspirations. The only aspirations Steve could ever remember having were in regards to you, taking care of you, loving you, putting a ring on your finger, making you his wife, and eventually building a family with you. A loving happy family, nothing like the kind he had grown up with.  
He wanted the best for you, and as much as it fucking devastated him he wasn’t sure that meant him anymore. 
But his resolve was growing thinner, wearing down with each exhale that passed your lips to tickle his skin.  
“I miss you too, honey. So much.”
“But, Donna-” 
“Isn’t looking for anything serious.” he finished for you. “She’s good company but she's not you. No one is.” 
“I don’t understand.” 
“I can’t explain it.” 
“Why not?” you pleaded against him. 
“It’s better this way. I promise, it will be.” 
You nuzzled further into him, “How?” Your lips ghosted his clavicles and he trembled. “How could it be better than this?” 
His leg slotted between your thighs, pressing you into him. You jumped at the feeling, a symphonic sigh exiting you against your will. 
“Shit- sorry.”
You panted and shook your head. “No, don’t be. It’s good.” 
He readjusted in an attempt to put some space between you, feeling himself getting sucked into your hazy arousal rapidly. You felt the familiar outline of his excitement against the side of your legs and he hissed. 
“This would be real fuckin’ selfish of me.” he struggled to say while you chased his lips, yours already pouted in anticipation. He caught your face and held it in place in front of his own, searching for any lingering signs of intoxication, “You’ll never forgive me tomorrow.” 
“I’m fine,” you said honestly. The shower and time passed had sobered you up fine. 
“Doesn’t matter. You’ll hate me for leading you on.” 
“Are you?” 
Steve pondered your question and tried not to let his face show how unsure he was of the answer. Could he really stay away from you? Would either of you ever be able to fully move on from your paramount love? 
You read him like a book and grazed his chest with the tips of your fingers, bringing him back to you. 
“Even if you are, I couldn’t hate you.” 
He swiped his thumb across your eyebrow and watched your eyelids flutter in response. “I hate myself for hurting you.” 
You leaned forward until your noses bumped and spoke into his mouth, “Then make up for it.” 
Finally, Steve closed the space between you with a hungry kiss. His lips were warm and chapped against yours, his teeth scraping against the suppleness of your bottom one to pull your mouth open and allow him to show you just how sorry he was. 
For the first time in weeks you felt your lungs fill with no resistance and strain against your ribcage with a welcome sort of discomfort, like an overfilled balloon you were seconds away from popping and Steve knew it. 
His hips rutted against yours and one of his hands slowly traveled down from the velvet of your cheek to palm roughly at your breast. The feeling made your breath catch in your throat, coaxing a high pitched squeak out of you and Steve smiled against your lips, his teeth knocking yours. 
“Feels good?” he asked. 
“Mhm.” you hummed as he turned his attention to your neck, nipping and kissing the dewy surface. “Always does. You always do.” 
His responsive whimper is slightly muffled by your skin but you bathe in it. 
“You too.” he reciprocated. “I won’t last long if you keep talking like that, you’ll knock my fucking lights out.” 
“Sorry,” you said sweetly, leaving him bewildered at how you could be so sensual and so adorable at the same time. 
You sat up, straddling him. Your hands traveled south to breach the barrier of his waistband and wrap your hand around him. 
He sucked in a pained breath and tugged the shirt barring his view over your head. “M’hurtin, honey. Lemme feel you.” he pleaded. 
You pulled the shorts you wore down your legs leaving you bare and Steve took in the sight as if for the first time. 
His hands caressed your stomach, sliding downwards until they rested firmly on your hips which twitched in anticipation. 
“Somehow I forgot how perfect you are.” he revealed, his words drenched in sincerity. “No one is this perfect,” he pinched your heated skin once and you whined. “You’re a fucking novelty.” 
You stared down at him and wondered if he had ever really looked at himself in the mirror. You scraped your nails lightly down his chest, “You are.” 
He coughed and denied it with the shake of his head, bringing one of your hands to his lips for a loving kiss. “I’m nothing compared to you, baby.” 
Desperate to get on with it you raised yourself above him hovering whilst lining him up to you. Steve watched your face as you nudged his tip against your clit, your eyebrows pulled together and mouth falling into a gaping “O” shape. 
You shimmied forward a little bit and slowly started to sink onto him, pausing as soon as the tip was in. You winced at the stretch and were reminded that it had been a while since you had taken him at all, let alone like this. 
“You okay?” he asked, holding you firmly in place to be sure you didn’t slip any further before you were ready. 
You nodded, but stayed still. “Hurts a lil s’all.” 
Steve kicked himself when he realized he had done nothing to get you ready for him. “I’m sorry, honey. I should’ve prepped you a bit. Hop off a sec.” 
“No,” you protested, letting yourself drop another inch or so. “I didn’t want you to. I jus’ want you inside.” you whined as you sunk all the way down, ignoring the burn in your stomach. 
Steve cursed to the ceiling as you fluttered around him and he forced himself not to lift his hips and grind even further into you. 
He clenched his teeth as he spoke, “Is it painful?” 
“It’s perfect.” you answered in more of a sigh than anything else. 
“Yeah?” he said, reaching forward to circle your clit with the gentle movement of his thumb. 
When you moaned and rolled your hips forward he praised you in a rambled jumble of words.
“Fuck. Holy fuck, baby. You're so good, so so good for me. Shit. Warm and fucking tight. God, am I making you feel good? C’mon talk to me, lemme hear that pretty voice.” 
You nodded, brain fading into a lust filled frenzy. “Feels unreal, Stevie.” 
You tried to raise yourself with shaky legs but he stopped you with a firm grasp. 
“You think I’m gonna let you do any of the work tonight? It’s not happening, baby. I’m making it up to you, remember? Lemme make you feel good, hm?” 
He lifted you with hardly any effort and then pulled you down again, the drag of him against your walls pulling a series of sweet moans from you. 
Repeatedly, he bounced you against him, encouraging you with candied praises every time your face pinched in pleasure or you clenched around him, dizzying his head. 
After a few blissful moments you felt a wave of pleasure rush to you like the tide to a shore and you panted out a warning. 
“Stevie- I’m gonna,” 
“You gonna cum for me, honey? C’mon give it to me. I’m right there with you, sweet girl.” 
You shook and cried out as your release drowned you, sweeping Steve into the current right alongside you. 
You collapsed forward in exhaustion and he held you against his sweat slick body, peppering gentle kisses across your forehead. 
“You here w’me?” he whispered. 
“Yes.” you replied, voice light. You pulled yourself off of him and tried not to think about the loss, tried not to think about what would happen now. 
Rolling over next to him you shivered at the cold air on your bare skin and he wordlessly tucked you under his arm and rubbed his hands up and down on your arm, sparking a friction fueled warmth. 
He watched you carefully unable to decipher the thoughts behind your head for what seemed like the first time ever. 
“What’re you thinking about?” 
You swallowed and tilted your head up to look at him. “What happens next.” you admitted. 
He nodded in understanding. “What do you want to happen?” 
“Steve.” you chided. “You know what I want.” 
“Do you love me?” 
“Of course I do.” he said shocked. 
“Then what’s exactly the issue with us being together?” 
“It’s complicated. It’s not about me not loving you or not wanting to be with you.” 
“Then what is it?” you demanded, sitting up and pulling your previously discarded shirt over your head. 
He ran his hands through his sweat damp hair in exasperation. “We don’t make sense anymore,” he admitted. 
You bit your lip to hide your hurt and spoke timidly, “Why not?” 
“Our lives are gonna go down really different paths and I don’t want to be the douchebag high school sweetheart that holds you back from everything you’re capable of. I’m gonna end up here, working some mundane job, having a few kids and accomplishing nothing special. And that’s fine, I’m content with that but that’s not you. 
You frowned at him. 
“You’re meant for something bigger. Everyone knows it. I won’t give you some simple life when you deserve a grand one.” 
You felt white hot anger seeping through your skin and pushed yourself off the bed bitterly. Without saying a word in response you started searching the room for your shorts, feet stomping with every step. 
“What are you doing?” he asked, anxiety clear in his voice. 
“I’m leaving.” you said. 
“It’s the middle of the night.” 
“I don’t care.” you hissed. “You really think you’re helping me by making decisions for me? Do I not get any say in what I want?” 
“Of course you do, that’s what this is about. One day you’re gonna want more than I can offer you. I'm just trying to make it easier for you.” 
“Wow,” you breathed. “You really have no idea what I want then.” 
“So tell me.” 
“Steve.” you said, shimmying your shorts back up your legs. “I want you. No ifs ands or buts. Have I not made that crystal clear the entire time we’ve been together?” 
“You have but-” 
“No, I’m not done. You’re right, I don’t want a simple life. I want to settle down here, in the town we fell in love. I want to marry you and have kids with you. I want to make dinner with you every night and after we eat I want to wash the dishes while you dry. I want to take your clothes out of the dryer and fold them while they’re still warm. I want to kiss you every night before I go to bed and roll over next to you every morning. I want us. A life where we end up together couldn’t be simple because it’s us together, and I love you so much more than any other possible outcome.” 
He stared at you bewildered. “You do?” 
“Yes! I’ve been in absolute hell these last few weeks over this?” 
You approached him and took his hands in yours. 
“Look,” you sighed. “I’m so sorry that people in your life have made you believe that you aren’t the talented, smart, capable and loving man that I know you are but none of them matter when it comes to our relationship. That’s just us, me and you. And I know,” you pressed a hand to your heart. “There’s no one in the world who could give me a better life, or love me better than you. I love you, Steve.” 
He looked up at you, half sorrowfully half hopefully, “Does this mean we’re back together?” 
“Do you want to be?” 
“Of course I do. I’ve been miserable without you.” he replied. 
“And who’s fault is that?” you laughed, the mood in the room beginning to mellow out into the typically comforting setting you were accustomed to when you were with Steve. 
“I’m sorry I ended us and that I tried to make your choices for you.” he said. “I promise I won’t do it again. Oh, and I love you, like more than anything else in the world and I’m fucking devastated that I made you think I didn’t.” 
“I love you too.” you echoed, melting into his arms once again not planning on letting go anytime soon. 
He pressed his nose into your hair and smiled, lopsided. “I’ve got a lot of making up to do, y’know.” 
“Good thing you have the rest of our lives.” 
He tugged you onto the bed making you break into a fit of giggles as he pressed sloppy kisses over your entire face. 
“I think I’ll start right now.” 
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writervaul-t · 2 months
something about you
chapter two: benji
summary: [name] can't seem to shake off benjicot blackwood even with every precaution she takes to avoid him.
pairing: modern!benjicot blackwood x f!reader
notes: if any of you are british, please dm me and tell me i used the right terms for schools 😃 i live for accuracy. also yes, reader is meek and shy and i want to hear NOTHING from any of you.
masterlist | playlist
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The rumors circled faster than [Name] running home the same day she had announced she was dating Benjicot Blackwood at Nyra's Nook. When she had gotten home, she texted her boss, apologizing for the commotion and explained a white lie about eating a bad pasta for lunch finally getting to her that afternoon.
Luckily enough, Rhaenyra was more than sympathetic and told her to have the following day off. [Name] spent the day doing what she knew best: hiding out in her room and watching horror movies to avoid hearing anything about what her loud mouth said the previous day.
She hadn't heard anything up until Chiara had barged into her room, howling, "YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE WITH BENJICOT BLACKWOOD?"
"Any louder and the deaf old women two doors down will hear you." [Name] replies, pausing the Babadook.
Chiara ignores her, shoving her friends feet off on her bed to make space for herself. Chiara Tyrell had been one of the many students who came from affluent families - her's being well known for their sustainable food production company - but had hit it off when they were assigned as roommates. She had never hid the fact that she was a Tyrell but also didn't treat [Name] like a piece of gum under her shoe for being a scholarship student, the latter appreciating the treatment.
Still, Chiara always managed to learn about circling gossip and would tell [Name] whether she wanted to or not. Now with the newest information revolving her own roommate, Chiara looked more than pleased to hear directly from the source.
"How'd that happen? Didn't we have plans to watch the movies? Not to mention - Benjicot Blackwood of all people? This is rich."
[Name] dug herself further into her blanket. "Well, first we are still watching movies that and second we aren't going on a date..."
She explains to her friend what had happened, to which she nearly fell over laughing after hearing the whole situation. [Name] swung a pillow at Chiara's face when she wouldn't cease her howling and warned her about their neighbors again.
After taking a few heaving breaths, Chiara stopped, gasping out every word she could think. "That's amazing - and to avoid Aeron of all people? This is even better than the horror movie!"
"What's the deal anyways with those two? I wasn't sure if they wanted to kill or kiss each other." [Name] comments, remembering the scene in front of her.
"Well, they might as well have done either. Their families do similar businesses in trading and unfortunately have property close by so they've always been at each other's throats. Father to son usually. Its like an inherited right to want provoke the next generation." Chiara explains. "Those two, however..."
A look of amused contemplation falls on her face before she giggles. Leave it up to Chiara to not take anything seriously, though [Name] enjoyed their differences, unlike Benjicot and Aeron. "Get on with it!"
"Aeron and Benjicot went to the same schools, all the way up to Sixth Form." Chiara continues. "And anything one had, the other wanted - that included girls and guys. Them coming to university at the same time just about caught everyone's interest. I was hoping one of them would fight again but it seems like Benjicot's pulled back since he entered uni. No one's seen him with anyone that way since we started our first year."
Chiara shrugged. "Who knows. He does have a group of friends he hangs around with nowadays; doesn't hang off with his cousins as much and never floats around groups anymore. At least, according to Janna Terrick."
[Name] nodded, staring at the ceiling as she finally asked herself what had she gotten into? For once her political science lessons finally taught her something and that she just put herself between a family feud and more likely than not brought a couple of monsters out the closet.
"I'm so excited," Chiara continues, laying her body on top of [Name]'s. She just about choked on her curly brown hair and attempted to push her off when all her weight was placed on top of her. "My roommate - my cute little roommate of all people to be in this!"
"This cute little roommate will hit you with another pillow if you don't get off me!" [Name] counters, shoving her off. She turns to the wall, her anxiety building in her chest as she thinks about having to face one of them the next say. "And its not like I wanted this to happen. It just came out because Aeron is such a prick!"
"I'm only joking. If you really do need help, just let me know. I know a few people that can do something about this." Chiara offers ominously, patting [Name]'s arm. [Name] eyes her suspiciously, trying to decide if she wanted to know what she meant or not. She kept her eyes on the wall instead.
"I'm sure another issue will come up soon to mask what happened; besides, almost all the Targaryens and Hightowers are in this year too. There's more than enough drama to go around." Chiara reassures before a mischevious smile comes on her face. "Although it would be fun watching you finally do something outside of studying and working--"
"Right, I'll leave."
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For some reason, [Name] prayed to the gods, old and new, for something to happen to the Targaryens and Hightowers like Chiara mentioned. It had been about two and a half weeks since her blunder and she was still getting strange looks from classmates that just about ignored her until now.
One of them, a Tully brother she couldn't distinguish from, had been brave enough to ask her during her shift at the library, "Is it really true? You got Ben to finally go on a date? Y'know I hadn't pegged him to be the type to date someone like you but I'm glad!"
If she hadn't been so mortified, she would have told Kermit/Oscar off but was beaten to it by the other Kermit/Oscar who smacked his head after he had heard the end his brother's sentence. He sent [Name] an apologetic look.
"My brother was dropped when he was a babe. I'm so sorry. He means well; we're all glad Ben isn't as gloomy as he was before." He offers with a smile before grabbing his brother by the scruff of his shirt like an alleycat and walking away to the other side of the library.
[Name] had just about dropped everything and hid away into the archives section after that. It was embarrassing enough she kept remembering the conversation; it was even worse when people came up to her and ask abouf it.
Still, she made use of her two jobs always finds herself hiding in the archives room or the back of the bookstore whenever she caught sight of Benjicot or Aeron these past few weeks.
The day she had come back to the store, Aeron hadn't shown up but Benjicot had, setting down the books he wanted to buy the first time he was there. "I wanted to get them but Nyra sent me away after you left." He explained to which she only offered a nod as she scanned his selections and packed it quickly into a bag. "Look, I--"
"Thank you for shopping with us, come again. Bye!" [Name] said hurriedly, the guilt of bringing him out of his built in shell overcoming her. She walked away to the back, not coming out until the next customer had come in and she was sure Benjicot was gone. Any time they would be in the same vicinity to one another, he was tried to talk to her but she evaded every attempt he made and seemingly found new routes to her usual spots around campus.
Aeron, surprisingly, pulled back, only giving her long looks across the campus grass during sunset. Still, she wasn't sure the trade in with Benjicot was any better, even though the latter significantly less pushy and condescending as his sworn enemy (though she wouldn't know that much since she never gave him a chance to speak with her).
The archives had been her biggest form of respite from the world it seemed; the silence was a welcome change to the every bustling college town of King's Landing. There were no customers or library patrons to ask her of anything, no nosy classmates staring or making comments, and there was no Benjicot Blackwood or Aeron Bracken to bother/or glare at her.
She sat at one of the long tables down there, contemplating nothing and enjoying it as much as she can before reminding herself that the head librarian, Alicent, would be looking for her soon. As she made her way out the door, she nearly slammed into another body.
"I'm so sorry--"
"Its fine--"
"But I was in the way and I should have been looking forward--!" She started before her mouth clamped shut and met Benjicot Blackwood's brown eyes.
He gave her a reassuring smile as he repeated, "Like I said its fine. I was looking for you anyways." He frowned to himself before correcting himself. "No, well, I was looking for the archives for a class project but I was looking for you. I wasn't following, I promise. I wouldn't do that."
His nervousness seemed to outweigh his appearance - still in the learher bomber jacket and dark clothes. A fashion sense polar opposite to him right now. For some reason this eased [Name] a bit more, though not enough to keep eye contact with him. Her sneakers were a bit more entertaining to look at over Benjicot.
"Um, right." [Name] started, not sure where the conversation should go next. "I'm, uh, sorry. By the way."
"Whatever for?"
"Pulling you into that mess with Aeron. I panicked and wanted him off my back. If I'd known both of you knew each other, let alone hate each other, I wouldn't have brought you in this mess." [Name] explains, finally glancing up at him, fighting the urge to look down again after realizing he had been watching her the whole time as she spoke, listening to every word she said. She adds quietly, "Now we're both pulled into some ridiculous scandal with the school."
Benjicot blinks at her before asking, "You really didn't know about our families? So you didn't just pull me into all of that because you knew about us?"
"No!" [Name] nearly shouts. She wasn't the perfect person but bringing people into her problems hadn't been something she was proud of. "I panicked and you walked in at a seriously unfortunate time."
He nods, seemingly taking on everything she said becore shaking his head and laughing. [Name] frowned, unsure how to take the reaction. Was he mad? Confused?
"Are you upset?" She asks, relief flooding through her as he shook his head.
"No not at all. I just uh..." He starts, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Feel a little embarrassed now."
Huh? "Why?"
"Well I was going to propose we continue--"
"What?" [Name] says, her voice echoing in the empty hall. Benjicot nodded. "What? Why? Aren't you sick of having to answer questions about us already?"
"No actually, I've just been giving vague answers to keep everyone guessing." Benjicot admits, smiling in amusement as [Name] stared at him in shock. "Its fun when you're bored. What have you been saying?"
Nothing. I've been avoiding everyone. "That's not the point. Why do you want to even continue?"
"Ah well, you seem familiar with our families a bit, right?" He starts. "I'm not looking for any trouble but I just enjoy getting under Bracken's skin a lot. Its our second year here and I don't go and poke around with him as much as I did when we were kids. He's on edge and overconfident. I just wanted to remind him that I'm still here to knock him down a bit, yeah? Also, he doesn't seem to hang around the bookstore anymore so you haven't been dealing with him lately."
"Yeah." [Name] said, a little dizzy. He wanted to continue this? Even with the explanation, she had a hard time wrapping her head around it. "So if we pretend to go out a little longer, it irritates Aeron and he'll leave me alone?"
"Something like that, yeah. You don't have to agree to it. Not after you said you knew nothing about the fueds. I know you didn't like him that much either so I thought you bringing me in on that was part of some plan." Benjicot says hurriedly. "I just thought it'd be fun for a little bit - a couple weeks at best - and you'll get time away from that prick forever if we continue."
A bit of the Benjicot from a few weeks ago had came up at that moment when he mentioned Aeron. He really did hate him. Enough to propose to a stranger they should continue "dating" just for some laughs. [Name] stood for a minute, staring down at her shoes again as if they had the answer to this problem.
Now, she could have just told Aeron off but what would that do for someone as dense and self absorbed as him? If she followed Benjicot's suggestion and continued this ruse, it would mean he'd leave her alone since Benjicot is around.
She chewed her lip, following the pit in her stomach as she said, "Fine."
Benjicot's eyes widened, looking like a new person from the sudden agreement. "Seriously?"
[Name] nodded. "On some conditions." She held her fingers up each time she spoke. "One, we only do this on campus and at the bookstore. And try not to be seen with other people around Aeron and his friends; they might get suspicious."
"Easy enough."
"Two, no kissing on the mouth or anything of that sort." Benjicot sent her a confused look.
"How would we convince them then? You act like you've never been kissed before--" He stops himself as [Name] sent him a scathing look.
"What's that supposed to mean?" She says defensively. "Not all of us had time for relationships if we wanted to get into a good university."
"No, I just - you're um, really pretty?" He says the statement like a question, but that only set a fire in [Name]'s chest as she glared at him. He shakes his head in panic. "I'm sorry. I didn't meant to make it sound like an insult. Its just uh... Yeah." He ends whatever he says, clearly not wanting to piss [Name] off anymore. "How about no mouth to mouth of any kind? Just head kisses? That's still convincing enough."
[Name] stared at him, narrowing her eyes in suspicion to see if he gave that suggestion for real or just to appease her. "Fine. Head kisses and that's it."
She held up a third finger. "Two months at best with this. Six weeks basically. We pretend to date, 'break up' and we go on with our days like before."
"We can't even be friends?" Benjicot jokes, though she can hear the hint of genuineness behind it. Given what she head about Benjicot Blackwood, he seemed like nothing but trouble. But being in front him now, so quiet and considerate of her feelings, she wasn't sure what to think anymore.
This time, she was the one to give a reassuring smile. "Let's see in a couple months, Benjicot."
"Just call me Benji. I don't get called Benjicot unless I'm in trouble."
"Sure. Benji."
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After laying all their ground rules, Benji offered to walk her home ("Its almost dark and now's a good time to start since everyone's walking home!"). The walk was silent, both unsure of what to say to each other at that moment in time.
Between the both of them, Benji seemed the most natural about acting everything out. He kept an arm around her and often glanced her way, as if completely enamored by her appearance even if she looked like she crawled out of a sewer after a long day of pushing heavy books around all day.
Regardless, she could feel staring again but she didn't mind this time now that she had Benji around to be in on this. By the time they reached her apartment, she pulled away from him. She looked at him and for once she seemed to have a good look at him.
His brown hair was messed up from the autumn wind. The leather jacket fit him well but he clearly seemed to have just grown into it from how he awkwardly kept his hands shoved into his pockets and moved his shoulders around it with uncertainty. In that moment, Benji was just like any other person and not some lone wolf with a rakeish history.
"Thanks for walking me home." [Name] says before pausing. "Benji."
Benji grins. "No problem. [Name]."
The door swings open, Chiara stepping out through the door. Her eyes dart between the two before stepping askde to let [Name] walk in. They both wave at Benji, who reciprocates before turning to walk back to his own place. After he'd been far away enough, Chiara pulls [Name] by her sweater into their apartment.
"What happened?"
The question itself wouldn't give a clear enough answer for her friend. [Name] puts her bag down as she speaks, "I think you'll need to sit down for this. You might faint after you hear everything."
@not-a-glad-gladiator @opheliaas-stuff @sahvlren @nikki-is-a-nerd @weird-things-i-think-about @cxcilla @anakilusmos @haydee5010 @waystarkia
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taeu7 · 2 months
"Shooting for the Stars, Falling for You"
Reader × Kim Mingyu
Genre : fluff , Romence
You stood in front of your closet, carefully selecting a cute white casual dress. Today was special, and you wanted everything to be perfect. The dress was simple yet elegant, with delicate lace detailing and a soft flow that accentuated your movements. You put in a little extra effort, adding a touch of makeup to highlight your features and pulling your hair back into a loose, effortless style.
As you gave yourself one last look in the mirror, you couldn’t help but smile. “This is it,” you whispered to your reflection, feeling a flutter of excitement in your chest. “Today is going to be amazing.”
Stepping out of your house, the morning sun greeted you warmly. The gentle breeze carried the scent of blooming flowers, adding to the sense of anticipation that filled you. The short walk to the college campus felt different today, every step echoing the excitement of the day ahead.
As you entered the campus, the familiar sights and sounds of college life surrounded you. Groups of students chatted animatedly, while others hurried to their classes, the air buzzing with energy. But today, all you could think about was Mingyu and the basketball ball match.
You made your way through the bustling courtyard, feeling the occasional gaze of passersby. You caught a few appreciative glances, which made your cheeks flush slightly, but you kept your focus. Today was all about Mingyu.
Just as you reached the center of the courtyard, you heard a familiar voice call your name. Turning around, you saw one of your friends waving at you with a curious look on her face. “Wow, you look amazing! What’s the occasion?”
You laughed softly, feeling a bit shy. “Thanks! I’m actually going to watch Mingyu’s basketball ball match later today. He invited me.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. “No way! That’s so exciting! Mingyu, the senior? You two are dating now?”
You nodded, your smile growing. “Yeah, we just started. Today is our first official day as a couple.”
She beamed at you, her excitement infectious. “That’s so cute! You two are going to be great together. Have fun at the match, and cheer him on for all of us!”
“Thanks, I will!” you replied, waving goodbye as you continued on your way.
As you approached the gymnasium, the noise level rose, the sounds of excited chatter and cheers filling the air. You felt a surge of nervous excitement. The basketball ball court was already full, with students eager to watch the match. You scanned the crowd, hoping to find a good spot when you noticed someone waving at you.
It was one of Mingyu's friends, a tall guy with a friendly smile. He waved you over enthusiastically. “Hey, over here! Sister-in-law, this way!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at the teasing tone in his voice. As you made your way through the crowd, he continued to gesture, making sure you found your way to the reserved seat. “We saved this seat just for you. Hope you enjoy the match!”
“Thank you so much!” you replied, feeling grateful and a bit shy. You took your seat, settling in as the anticipation in the gym grew.
You glanced around and noticed the sea of spectators. There were quite a few girls holding posters with Mingyu’s name and picture on them, cheering enthusiastically. The realization struck you with a jolt – Mingyu was not just any senior; he was immensely popular. And yet, he had chosen to pursue you.
You looked down at your hands, feeling a mix of pride and amazement. The fact that someone as admired as Mingyu had gone out of his way to win your heart made you feel incredibly special.
The anticipation in the air was palpable as the final moments before the game ticked away. The players began to enter the court one by one, the crowd's cheers growing louder with each new arrival.Your heart raced as you waited for Mingyu to make his entrance.
And then, there he was. Mingyu stepped onto the court, his presence instantly commanding attention. His eyes scanned the crowd, and the moment he spotted you, his entire face lit up. His gaze was intense, those glittery eyes locked onto yours, unable to look away. You felt a rush of warmth and pride. His bright smile was infectious, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
He waved at you, a gesture full of joy and excitement. You waved back, your heart swelling with happiness. Seeing him so happy made you feel even more confident about being there for him.
The referee's whistle blew, signaling the start of the game. The players took their positions, and the crowd hushed in anticipation. The ball was tossed into the air, and the match began with a flurry of movement.
From the very first play, Mingyu's skill and athleticism were evident. He moved with a combination of speed and grace, effortlessly dodging defenders and making quick passes to his teammates. His movements were fluid and precise, each action showcasing his deep understanding of the game.
As the point guard, Mingyu had a commanding presence on the court. He dribbled the ball with ease, his eyes always scanning for opportunities. In one swift move, he faked out an opposing player, spun around, and made a perfect pass to a teammate, who scored a clean three-pointer. The crowd erupted in cheers, and you felt a surge of pride.
“Mingyu’s on fire today!” one of his friends shouted, clapping enthusiastically.
You nodded in agreement, your eyes never leaving him. “He really is amazing.”
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Throughout the game, Mingyu’s leadership shone brightly. He orchestrated plays with precision, directing his teammates with confident gestures and shouts. When he had the ball, he was unstoppable. At one point, he made a daring drive to the basket, weaving through defenders and finishing with a powerful dunk that left the crowd roaring in approval.
His defense was just as impressive. He blocked shots with perfect timing, his height and athleticism giving him an edge over his opponents. He intercepted passes, turning defense into offense in the blink of an eye.
Every play he made seemed to energize his team and the crowd.You watched in awe as he continued to dominate the game. Each time he scored or made a brilliant play, he would glance your way, his eyes seeking your approval.
The final whistle blew, marking the end of an exhilarating game. Mingyu's team had won, and the gymnasium erupted in applause and cheers. You stood up, clapping enthusiastically, your heart swelling with pride and joy. Mingyu’s eyes found yours amidst the crowd, and you locked gazes. With a beaming smile, you mouthed, “Congratulations.”
From across the court, Mingyu smiled back, his expression softening with a blend of happiness and gratitude. “Thank you,” he mouthed, his eyes sparkling.
The court quickly filled with teammates and students, all eager to congratulate the players. Mingyu was at the center of it all, receiving pats on the back and enthusiastic handshakes. Despite the chaos around him, you could tell he was looking for an escape.
Just then, one of his friends approached him, puzzled. “Where are you going, Mingyu? Aren’t you waiting for the trophy ceremony?”
Mingyu glanced at his friend, then looked over at you, standing a bit apart from the crowd. With a mischievous grin, he pointed in your direction. “Oh, the trophy? My trophy is right over there.”
His friend followed his gaze and chuckled, clapping Mingyu on the back. “Go get her, champ.”
Mingyu didn’t need any more encouragement. He made his way through the throng of well-wishers, his eyes never leaving yours. As he approached, the noise of the crowd seemed to fade, and it felt like it was just the two of you in that moment. “Congratulations, Mingyu,” you said warmly, your voice filled with pride.“Thanks,”
he replied, his smile lighting up his face. “ ummm I guess you are my lucky charm , I’m so glad you were here. It meant a lot to me.”
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” you said, feeling a rush of affection for him.
Before either of you could say anything more, the announcement for the trophy ceremony came over the loudspeaker, reminding everyone of the official celebrations still to come. Mingyu glanced towards the stage, then back at you.
“I guess I should go get the trophy,” he said reluctantly. “But stay close, okay? I want to share this moment with you.”
“I’ll be right here,” you assured him, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze.With a final smile, Mingyu made his way to the stage with his team, who were eagerly awaiting the presentation. The ceremony was a blur of applause, speeches, and flashing cameras, but through it all, Mingyu kept looking your way, his smile never fading.
When he finally received the trophy, he held it up triumphantly, the crowd cheering loudly. But as he descended from the stage, trophy in hand, he headed straight for you. He stopped in front of you, holding out the trophy.
“This is for us,” he said softly, his eyes shining with sincerity. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”
Tears of joy welled up in your eyes as you reached out to touch the trophy. “I’m so proud of you, Mingyu. You were incredible.”
He stepped closer, wrapping an arm around you. “No, we’re incredible. Together.”
As the celebrations started to wind down and the crowd began to disperse, Mingyu turned to you with a playful glint in his eye.
“So, how about we go on that date now?”You giggled, feeling a wave of excitement wash over you. “I’d love that.”
“Great! Let’s get out of here,” he said, taking your hand and leading you away from the bustling gymnasium.
As you both made your way out of the gymnasium, the cool evening air greeted you, a welcome contrast to the heated energy of the court. You and Mingyu walked hand in hand, the world around you seeming to fade as you focused on each other.
The campus, usually bustling with students, was quieter now, the only sounds being your soft footsteps and the occasional distant chatter. Mingyu squeezed your hand gently, drawing your attention.
“I feel like I’ve won two trophies today,” he said, his voice warm and sincere. “One for winning the game, and another for winning your heart.”
His words made your heart skip a beat. He brought your hand to his lips, planting a tender kiss on it. The simple, affectionate gesture sent a wave of warmth through you, and you felt your cheeks flush.
“Mingyu,” you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper, “you’re making me blush.”
He chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with joy. “Good, because I’m blushing too.”
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For extra feel do listen to song ! Hehe
Author note Idea just pop up in my mind so thought of writing it. Hope you guys like it ! if you like it please do repost and drop your review ✨
Thank you ! 💘
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scarletwinterxx · 3 months
no one's ever had me, not like you - joshua hong imagine
hellooo😊 so uhhhh yea I'm still here HAHAHAh sorry i really can't get this man out of my head and this scenario is so so so so him. hope you enjoyyy🤍
for my other joshua fics, check them here
if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"Dokyeom just sent a text, beach day this weekend?" Joshua asks as he reads the message on his phone, walking towards the sofa where you're currently sitting
"Are we staying the whole weekend or day trip?" you look up at him
"Day trip, Gyu and Cheol has a thing to do the next day. Dokyeom will text the group chat now" Joshua reads the last text before locking his phone and turning his attention to you
"Are we driving together?" he asks
"Yea sure"
"Yeah, you 'drove' me home last time and you've done it plenty times before" you shrug. Usually you'd catch a ride with your other friends to not raise any suspicion, your boyfriend would also drive you every now and then so it wouldn't look like the two of you are avoiding each other.
"You know I'm not keeping us a secret because I'm ashamed or embarrassed or anything like that right?" you tell him, Joshua shoots you a small smile then takes your hand in his
"I know, I would never think that baby"
"I just want our little bubble to last for as long as we can enjoy, the moment they find out about us we will never hear the end of it" you joke
"They're rooting for us" he gives you a tap on the nose, making you scrunch it. The small action melting Joshua's heart, he's already so smitten over you but there are still times he can't believe you're his.
"Guess we're going to the beach"
The weekend comes, a few of your friends and their partners gather for the mini one day vacation. Usually someone takes the initiative to think of an activity or a location then just inform the rest. It's always fun to hangout with everyone.
"How was your date with Shua" Soonyoung asks you, wiggling his brows at you. Dokyeom, who is sitting beside him while cutting the watermelon, looks over at you when he heard the question
"He finally asked you out?"
"What do you mean finally?" Soonyoung was just about to ask but you said it first, Dokyeom looked like he regret saying it but he already slipped and he knows there's no escaping Soonyoung
"He just mentioned a few times he wanted to ask you out, for like coffee or something. I thought at first he meant as a group but then he said no, as in like out on date" he tells the two of you, you fight the smile forming on your face as you hear the story. Wondering what else your boyfriend tell your friends about you.
"So did he?"
"Yeah we got coffee"
You pull on Soonyoung's shirt, making him seat again "Be so loud about it will you"
"You two totally have heart eyes for each other, I'm calling it. You're gonna get married one day"
You don't say anything, just shaking your head at your overly enthusiastic friends. The conversation flows for a while, then Mingyu comes inviting the other guys to ride jetski's
You follow behind the trio, spotting Joshua by the dock already wearing a life vest and holding another one.
The other boys, some with their girlfriends, go on their own jetski's then rides away.
You're happy to watch on the sidelines, you're not really an outdoor person. Joshua is very aware you don't really like staying under the sun for too long but the weather is so nice, looking around he spots you not to far from where he was.
He walks towards you, you see him and shoot him a smile
"You going out there?" you ask, noting your boyfriend's appearance. It really is getting harder and harder to keep this a secret, especially with how he looks right now. He looks more radiant than the sun.
The glasses pushing his semi-wet hair, the blank tank he's wearing underneath the life jacket, and the cute smile you love so much.
He nods at your question then holds out the other life jacket towards you, "Come with me"
"You know I can't swim" you reply, but Shua just smiles at you. Inching closer and closer until he's only about two steps away from you.
You look around for your friends, "They're all busy, look there's Gyu and his girl. It's totally fine. I'm not gonna let you fall in the ocean, baby"
You look at him, he's trying to woo you with his looks. You know he knows just how to make you say yes. He tilts his head sideways cutely, and show you a loopsided smile.
You roll your eyes then take the life jacket from him, "If I fall there, I'm taking you with me"
"Trust me, I will be jumping right behind you"
You walk towards where the jet ski is waiting, Joshua jumps down first then holds his hand out for you to guide you. You settle behind him, holding on his waist tightly. You can feel him laugh, "You're enjoying this aren't you?"
"I enjoy the most when you're with me, my love. Now, hold on real tight"
Then you're off.
And he's right, it is fun. At the beginning you were still to scared to let go, holding on to Shua as tight as you can. Then after a while he can hear you laughing whenever he takes a turn. For a while you just go around and around on the open water.
When you finally go back to the dock, the rest of your friend group are also there. It's past lunch time and you haven't eaten yet. You can hear Dokyeom and Soonyoung talking about food already.
You and Joshua were the last ones to get off, he goes first then waits for you. But unlike when he helped you on, he didn't take your hand this time. Instead you were surprised when you feel his arm go around your waist to hold you and lift you up slightly until you're standing beside him.
You look up at him, blinking like a deer caught in the headlight. The headlight being your two male friends who were watching the whole scene, surprised like you are.
"Uh thanks" you breath out, showing him a tight lipped smile before walking ahead. Meanwhile Joshua doesn't fight the big smile, his eyes disappearing. He watches you catch up with Mingyu and his girlfriend while Soonyoung and Dokyeom looks back and forth between you and him
"Oh my god, look who finally grew the balls to finally make a move"
Joshua shakes his head, then starts to walk.
"I heard you finally asked her out on a date"
"She told you?" He asks back
"Yea, but really? a coffee date? not even a fancy dinner?" Soonyoung prods
"We'll get there, I just want her to be comfortable. And we had fun" Joshua smile unconsciously just thinking about it. Technically the two of you did go out for coffee, then you stayed over at his for movie night. They didn't need to know the rest of the details but you and him didn't really do much watching, you don't even remember what the title of the film was.
When the rest of the boys finally catch up, you all decided on a cute restaurant near the beach. Soonyoung of course shoots you a look when Joshua sits beside you.
The food was good, made even better with the company. All of you were just chatting about life, sharing stories from your past hangouts and everyday lives. Dokyeom and Mingyu were telling a particularly funny story, all of you on the table were laughing so hard you didn't even notice you leaned sideways until your head was resting on Joshua's shoulder.
He didn't notice it either because to him it's a normal thing. He even sat straight and threw his arm behind your chair so you would be more comfortable. You didn't think twice about tucking yourself on his side and smiling up at him, your boyfriend mirroring the action.
You only notice the table going quiet, making you look over and sure enough everyone was looking at the two of you.
"I uh I was just, I had something in my eye. I was asking him to look"
"Yea she had something... in.. her... eye"
Some looked confused while the others looked at you suspiciously. Especially Soonyoung. You just know he's about to bombard you with questions.
When it's time to say goodbye, you all go back to your respective rides. Joshua is talking to Mingyu, walking right ahead of you.
"So.. that little cute moment"
"I did it... unconciously. I was laughing"
"I was!"
Soonyoung laughs, "It was cute, you two look good together and Joshua's a great guy"
"I know" you pout
"You didn't hear from me, but he likes you. If that's what you're worried about" he tells you, he really is a good friend. He's one of your bestfriend, next to Shua. You've known him for years now and he truly always means well, you trust Soonyoung to always know what is good.
"It wouldn't be awkward if I date our friend?"
"No, why would it be? It'll be cool. Bound to happen anyways, statistically speaking someone from our friend group is bound to end up together. Who knows, we'll plan to go to your wedding next"
You laugh at that, it wasn't impossible technically. It's somewhere in the future. You hope. You wish. You really do pray he's the one you end up with.
"You're smiling" Soonyoung teases you
"Okay okay, gosh. Do more of that and I won't invite you"
"Invite him to what?" the two of you didn't notice Joshua stopped walking with Mingyu to wait for you
"Nothing" you answer
"Your wedding" Soonyoung says at the same time, making you hit him on the side.
Joshua just laughs, but on the inside he's cheering. Just thinking about one day marrying you is enough to put a smile on his face for days. You really are the one for him.
He had to stop himself from pulling you in a hug, so he watches you with a fond smile on his face. The sun setting on the background casting a beautiful shadow on your face and he thinks he can just get down on one knee right here right now.
"Oh god, look at you. You know what, I'm leaving. You two solve this by yourselves" Soonyoung says when he sees Joshua just watching you.
You wave bye to your friend before turning to look back at the man standing beside you
"What?" you ask him,
He shakes his head and just continues on smiling at you.
You narrow your eyes at him, not satisfied with his answer but you let it go. He looked to cute to be mad at anyways.
"Let's go home, shall we. One more second without a kiss and I'll collapse" Joshua says, mentioning for you to walk ahead while he follows
"I can just imagine their reactions when they hear you" you tell him
"They'll get used to it"
"Mhm, they'll finally see you being a simp" you tease him
"Baby, for you I'd be anything. Call me baby, honey, love, boyfie even hubby I don't mind" he teases back
"You are... you know let's just go home"
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bookshelf-in-progress · 4 months
Everyone dreams of finding the other half of their heartsong. You know your heartsong from birth, grow up surrounded by the music that is you, and after a certain age, you're always listening for the one person in all the world--your soulmate--whose song exactly matches yours.
My sister found her soulmate in kindergarten; all through school, they sat by each other as often as they could, their heartsongs all the brighter for being shared.
I know girls who tricked themselves half a dozen times into thinking that they'd found the one, only noticing the clashing notes of their songs after the relationship had crashed and burned.
There are entire streaming services for heartsongs--in college, my friends listened to almost nothing else, waiting desperately to hear the song that would align with theirs.
I was no different than other girls. I tried all the usual tactics. I developed a good ear--maybe too good, because I always noticed the subtle differences in the closest matches. I dated a few of those, hoping the theory would prove true that heartsongs could develop over time so we'd grow to match each other. Every one of those relationships ended the moment the guy heard the heartsong of his true soulmate.
I went to countless social events. I tried the sites online. I even did a bit of world traveling, in case my soulmate had been hiding all this time on the other side of the globe.
As year after year (after year after year after year) went by with no success, I was forced to accept the truth--I had no soulmate.
Maybe my soulmate had died. Maybe I was too strange to have a match. However it had happened, I was a superfluous person, doomed to be always alone.
The revelation crushed me at first. I was strange, unlovable, incomplete. I was half a person whose heartsong would never be whole.
My mom came over the night of my revelation and found me weeping on the floor of my kitchen. She hugged me, let me cry, and then cooked me a meal.
By the time my tears had dried enough to let me take a bite of the spaghetti, I noticed her heartsong was clearer than ever--and it meshed with mine. It wasn't a match--it was better than that. My heartsong served as a descant to hers, our two melodies blending into a new song.
After that, I stopped trying to listen for one specific song, and started listening to every song. My friends had heartsongs that blended with mine in different ways--when a group of us were together, we became a symphony. My brother's heartsong was a lower version of mine--our growing up together had given us a shared bond. When the grocery store cashier and I shared a laugh, for just a moment, our heartsongs fell into harmony.
There was not one song, one relationship, that defined and completed my life. Every relationship was important. Every relationship was beautiful.
It's possible, I suppose, that my soulmate is out there. Maybe one day I'll hear that song that perfectly matches mine, and enjoy a bond that different than any of the others in my life.
But if I don't find him, it doesn't matter.
Because I'm more than one half of an incomplete song.
I am a vital part of countless symphonies.
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 9 months
Shaken Not Stirred
Summary: Reader attends an investigation with her boyfriend Sam and best friend Colby. Unfortuantely for her, it doesn't quite go as smoothly as she'd hoped it would.
TW/CW: Reader gets scratched by a ghost and scared a few times. Sam Golbach x Reader
Requested?: No
A/N: Writing a spoopy imagine while watching spoopy Sam & Colby videos all with the lights off aside from red lights to up the spoopiness is fantastic. Surprisingly, I'm less spooped than I would be just watching Sam & Colby vids with the lights on and not multitasking lmao.
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As we stepped into the abandoned, slightly decrepit haunted prison. We had spoken briefly with a friend of our guide outside before starting this tour and she had warned me, “Girl you are braver than I am.” Upon tilting my head at her, she continued, “I won’t ever step foot in that place after hearing so many stories from other ladies. Stick close to your boys.” Apparently, the entities in this place enjoy messing with and scaring ladies the most.
Colby’s voice brings me out of my thoughts, “Dude, look at this place!” I scan my eyes around the immense entry hall. The cement walls impose a sense of dread. The stuffy sour smell of the place makes my stomach roil.
I instinctively inch closer to Sam who’s at my side. I can already tell the warning wasn’t falsely founded. Just being in here makes me feel extremely uneasy and very unwelcome. Dating a paranormal investigator means I’ve visited plenty of haunted locations but this one was much worse than any other.
As our guide began the tour, I practically glued myself to Sam’s side making him look down at me. “You alright?” He questions, concern written plainly across his face.
I think for a moment before nodding, “Yeah just already feeling unwelcome.”
The guide breaks in, “Ladies typically do feel set apart from the gentlemen. As this was a male only prison, they don’t typically take kindly to female visitors.”
Sam looks even more worried now, “You can always sit this one out.”
I shake my head, “I’m alright for now but I’ll let you know if I need to step out.” Sam nods as our guide takes that as his cue to continue on. The first bit of our tour goes pretty quietly. Just as I am starting to loosen up and shake the uneasiness, I hear someone or something whisper yell very closely to my ear. Having stepped away from Sam, I race back to him and nearly leap into his arms.
“What?!” He questions, voice full of worry, “What happened?”
I look up at him and then around at our group, fear etched across my face, “Did you guys not hear that?” Everyone shakes their heads spurring me to explain, “I just heard something whisper super loud in my ear. Like, I don’t know how you guys didn’t hear it.”
Sam wraps his arms tighter around me, “Do you need a minute?”
I bury my face into his chest to take a few deep breaths before shaking my head, “No, I’m alright. Let’s keep going.” Carrying on with the tour, I keep my head on a swivel and my hand tightly clasped around Sam’s.
By the time we begin our investigations, I’ve loosened up again. Sam sets out the two flashlights after explaining for the video what they do. Colby also sets out a REM pod and shows the camera what it does. As everyone steps away from the devices, the REM pod starts going nuts. “Alright, I guess that’s a good sign that we should get started,” Sam states to the camera. The boys begin bouncing around questions and receiving responses but the REM pod just keeps screaming at us.
Finally, having had enough of the high pitch shrill, I gave up my courage and speak up, “I’m sorry to interrupt boys but whoever is beside our little red light over there could you please step away? It’s starting to hurt my ears.” The device goes silent immediately upon finishing my sentence. Sam, Colby, and I look at each other in shock before they continue on with questioning the flashlights. After only a couple questions and answers, I jump close to Sam. Something had just whispered again. I bury my face in Sam’s chest once more as he rubs my back.
“I heard that one,” Sam says more to Colby than me, “There was a whisper.”
Colby shakes his head, “I didn’t hear it but she sure did,” he says motioning to me. I back away from my shelter and motion for the boys to continue.
After a while and a couple of investigations, Sam and Colby decide it’s time to bring out the Estes Method. As Colby goes under, Sam leans over to whisper to me, “Do you want to sit this one out?” I shake my head but take his hand in mine. Sam begins asking questions and immediately receives answers. As the questions get more intense, I hold Sam’s hand even tighter trying not to show how terrified I am. I know that if Sam knows how scared I am he’ll cut it and we’ll leave.
“Is there anything specific you’d like us to know before we leave?” Sam asks. We receive, “Yeah,” from Colby just as something grabs the back of my neck. I leap from my seat and scream so loud that Colby yanks the headset and blindfold off looking around slightly panicked. Sam jumps up to collect me in his arms, checking me over as I try to calm my shaking and my eyes dart around trying to pinpoint the source of my fear.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Colby asks, standing from his chair.
Sam, whose inspection has brought him around behind me, waves Colby over out of the corner of my eye. Colby steps behind me as I feel Sam lower the back of my shirt slightly and lift my ponytail. “Holy shit,” Colby mumbles as I see a flash and hear a camera shutter.
I hide my face in my hands as Sam gently spins me around to face them. He places his hands on either side of my face, “I’m here. I’ve got you. You are safe,” he pauses taking a deep breath, “Do you want to see it?”
I nod shakily, knowing he’s referring to the picture of whatever is on my back. Colby shows me the screen of Sam’s phone. There is four long scratches from my hairline to between my shoulder blades, thankfully not drawing blood. Saying nothing I simply bury my face in Sam’s chest once again and his arms immediately wrap around me. “She’s shaking,” Colby notes.
“Yeah, we need to leave,” Sam states already moving toward the exit. Colby collects the gear before quickly catching up to us. About halfway to the car, Sam stops and lifts me into his arms. Once we reach the car, Sam opens the passenger door and gently sits me down in the seat. I clutch onto his shirt, not wanting him to pull away but he takes my hands in his, kissing them before placing them in my lap and squatting down in front of me.
Sam brushes my hair away from my face and that’s when I finally notice the same fear from my face copy and pasted onto his. His hands shake slightly as he kisses my forehead. Looking into my eyes once again, “I love you but the next time I see you so shaken just walking into a location, you’re sitting out or we’re leaving. I can’t stand the thought of something happening to you.” I nod my head and finally seeming content that I’ve calmed down he stands, “Pull your legs in, Darling.” I do as instructed before Sam closes the door and makes his way over to the driver side door as Colby slides into the backseat.
Colby leans forward and pats my head as Sam cranks the car and begins exiting the property. “You’re gonna be okay, Kid,” Colby affirms before he leans back to get comfortable for the ride home. Colby’s always been like a brother to me and no matter how well he hides it, I know he’s just as scared as Sam and I. Sam takes my hand in his as we make our way back to the hotel.
More Sam Golbach Imagines
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michwritesstuff · 1 year
Loved You In Secret (Harry Potter: Mattheo Riddle)
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this is my first time writing about someone who isn’t exactly canon so after reading some other things and seeing a bunch of tik toks i’ve been inspired lmaoo. hope you guys enjoy :)
summary: female reader (she/her) x Mattheo Riddle When secretly dating the Dark Lord’s son turns out to be more than you expected, you can’t help but reminisce on all the good times and think about what could have been if you had met in a different lifetime as different people.
notes/warnings: angst, mentions of secret relationship, breaking up
word count: 1,265
The floors vibrated as the music coming from the common room travelled up the stairs. You could only assume that the party was in full swing as you could hear cheering and chanting from housemates and groups of friends alike.
Normally you would have already been downstairs chugging odgen’s old firewhisky from the bottle with Pansy and jumping on the coffee table when your favorite song came on. But for some reason you told her to go ahead as you continued to pace around your bedroom trying to convince yourself to just go downstairs and enjoy the party. But you couldn’t go downstairs.
He would be there. Mattheo was always there. Even when you didn’t expect him to be or want him to be…he was there.
You still remember the first time your relationship with him changed.
“Y/L/N” you heard a deep voice from behind you say.
Your head whipped around quickly, eyes meeting with Mattheo.
“Jesus Theo, you scared the shit out of me. What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing, you’re just standing in the corner” he countered, a smirk present on his face.
“I asked you first, you told Pansy you weren’t coming when she asked you at dinner.”
“Do you remember everything I say?” he teased, reaching to push a strand of hair behind your ear.
Swatting his hand, you rolled your eyes before answering, “Oh please, get over yourself.”
He just chuckled as he watched you scan the common room, taking note of all the groups of students gathered together. Every house was represented, your eyes linking with Fred Weasley who shot you a shy smile before looking away.
Mattheo didn’t miss the interaction, but you were praying that he didn’t mention it.
“You and Freddy huh?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” you answered quickly.
“Right…well if you want to stay here and be antisocial while you pine after weaselbee be my guest, but I’m going to go enjoy the party.”
Mattheo began making his way through the crowd before you grabbed his hand.
“No wait, I’m coming.”
He turned to look at you, a knowing look on his face before his eyes glanced to where your hands met, a blush rising to his cheeks.
You pulled your hand away quickly, shoving it into your pocket before smiling shyly at him.
“It’s all good darling,” he smiled, leading you to your group of friends.
You spent the rest of the night dancing with Pansy, constantly finding yourself looking for Mattheo.
You couldn’t exactly explain what you were feeling. You had one conversation with him, one that wasn’t particularly interesting either, and yet…you wanted to talk to him again.
From that moment on things with Mattheo had changed. You were always looking out for each other, mentally and physically. When Mattheo had caught an underclassmen making an inappropriate comment about you, he had hexed him into the next century.
Pansy was giddy with excitement, begging you to tell her what was going on between the two of you. But there wasn’t anything to tell, not yet at least. If any of the boys noticed something between you and Theo they didn’t say anything, but you’re sure you could guess that Mattheo had something to do with that.
What started as little glances here and there turned into longing stares and shy smiles that were mutually returned. Hanging out with friends became secret meetings in the corridors at night.
They started out innocently enough. You would both stay up for hours, talking to no end about the most random topics. Everything from your favorite colors, foods, and muggle movies to Mattheo’s emotional burden of living up to his family name.
You knew that you were done for after the first time that you kissed.
Slytherin had just lost to Gryffindor and Mattheo was pacing back and forth in front of you as you both stood at the top of the astronomy tower.
“Malfoy has some fucking audacity to blame me, his head is so far up Potter’s ass he cant even think straight. I just I—"
“Theo, will you please just stop for a second.”
“I don’t know what to do, the team is so upset that it’s my fault we lost. It’s a fucking team sport, how is it one person’s fault?”
As he continued to ramble on you couldn’t help but to grab his face as he walked past you again.
“Y/N what ar—”
“Oh will you shut up,” you whispered, pulling his face to yours as your lips met in the middle.
Your lips instantly synced together, moving as one as Mattheo pulled you closer to him with his hands on your waist, your hand pulling on the curls at the nape of his neck.
You pulled away breathlessly, your eyes meeting his.
“That was…” he started.
“Yeah” you finished.
That kiss was just the first of many over the next few years.
As time went by your relationship with Mattheo continued to grow and strengthen. He wasn’t what you expected when you thought about the “Dark Lord’s Son” as everyone called him. To you he was Mattheo, he had always just been Theo. He was smart and charming, charismatic to no end.
But as you guys grew you could tell that he was starting to feel the pressure of living up to his parent’s reputation, and it was taking its effect on your relationship. You guys had already been very private and secretive about your intimate relationship, only your closest friends knowing. You already knew what your parents would say about it, despite being a pure blood family, they weren’t exactly the biggest fans of Mattheo’s parents.
Hours together became minutes. Conversations became arguments. Love became indifference. Things were no longer the same and you couldn’t seem to stop him from going down the path he was.
You wished that things didn’t end the way that they did. That you weren’t the same people, that things could’ve worked out. Of course this was all wishful thinking.
Pull yourself together Y/N you thought.
Grabbing the bottle of firewhisky that Pansy left on the dresser you made your way down the stairs.
“Y/L/N! you’re here," Lorenzo exclaimed, stumbling over to you before throwing his arm over your shoulder.
“Yeah, I live here Enzo,” you smiled. You knew that’s not what he meant but you didn’t really feel like explaining yourself.
When things got weird between Mattheo and you, you had begun to pull back, choosing to skip certain events and Irish goodbyeing at others. It was easier this way, or at least that’s what you thought.
You took a look at your group of friends, smiling as you witnessed their drunken states, celebration was in order. Slytherin had won the quidditch house cup, what else was there to do.
As you looked from Pansy to Draco your eyes met with his.
“Y/N” Mattheo greeted.
“Mattheo…good job today. You guys did well all season, you deserve it.”
“Well thanks for coming.”
“I’ll always come to your games; you know that.” You smiled softly.
Silence faded over the two of you as Pansy interrupted, grabbing your hand to drag you to the middle of the common room. You gave Mattheo a small smile as you passed.
You didn’t know it, but it pained him to hear you call him by his name, and not Theo. He had always been Theo to you, but I guess things had changed. Because nothing lasts forever, and nothing stays the same.
check out the rest of my masterlist :)
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moodymelanist · 2 months
Hey There, Summerboy
happy @cassianappreciationweek everyone! i'm so so excited to see what everyone creates for this week<3
does parasailing count as flying? of course it does. hope y'all enjoy this one and see you again for more cassian goodness later this week!!
Summary: When the Valkyries’ parasailing excursion doesn’t go as planned, the hot guy on the beach swoops in to help Nesta out.
Word Count: 2,165
Read on AO3 here!
✵✵✵✵✵ Nesta
Nesta sighed happily as she reclined in her lounge chair, shifting ever so slightly to make herself more comfortable. She’d been looking forward to this vacation for months now, and God did it feel good to relax by the pool without a care in the world. The sun was warming her perfectly, she looked great in her navy one-piece, and she’d deleted Outlook from her phone for the week.
She, Emerie, and Gwyn had planned a much-needed girls trip to Mexico, and so far everything had been going perfectly. They’d booked an all-inclusive resort in Cancun – a little further down the hotel strip to lower their chances of being bombarded by college students – and the food was good, the weather was perfect, and Nesta had never enjoyed her life more than this moment.
All she needed now was for Gwyn and Emerie to come join her, but they were taking their time enjoying the buffet. Nesta knew they were actually trying to decide whether a pretty blonde woman and her brooding friend were dating or just friends, so she told them to just catch up with her by the pool once they were finished.
Nesta let herself doze for a bit while she waited for them, and she returned to full awareness at the feeling of someone gently poking her shoulder. “Hmm?”
“Good afternoon, sleepyhead,” Gwyn said from above her with a wide grin. She pushed her sunglasses up on top of her head, her hand even more freckled than usual thanks to all the time they’d been spending in the sun. “You ready for our excursion?”
“What are we doing again?” Nesta asked, sitting up once she’d adequately stretched her limbs out. Gwyn had gone a little crazy with booking fun things for them to do, and while normally Nesta would be trying to reel her in just a little, she’d been so exhausted and burnt out from work lately that she hadn’t had the heart to tell Gwyn no.
“Parsailing,” Emerie answered. She messed with the straps of her black bathing suit before adding, “We just have to go down to the beach.”
“Yeah, okay,” Nesta replied, glad that she’d worn a more secure bathing suit today. “Let me pack up my stuff and we can go.”
Gwyn beamed. “Yay! I’ve been looking forward to this all vacation.”
“You’ve said that about all the activities,” Emerie responded, teasing just a little bit. 
“Yeah, because they’ve all been exciting,” Gwyn fired back without missing a beat. “Come on, Em! It’s Mexico.”
Nesta finished gathering her stuff, tuning out her friends joking with one another as she neatly repacked her beach bag and put on her beach slides. The three of them made their way down to the beach, sand warm under their feet and the smell of the ocean beckoning them closer as they found the people in charge of the parasailing.  
Emerie quickly stepped in to handle everything, her first language coming in handy just as it had for all the previous days of their trip. As she was talking with the employees, another group stepped into line behind them, but Nesta wasn’t paying too much attention. She was more focused on the way Emerie seemed to be getting more and more insistent, and Nesta didn’t need to understand Spanish to know that that wasn’t exactly the best sign.
Emerie turned to Nesta and Gwyn sheepishly after a few more minutes of conversation. “Uh… she’s saying the parasail only fits two people at once. Not three.”
“You’re kidding,” Gwyn replied, pouting. “I thought the guy at the hotel said we could do three people!”
“Apparently he was wrong,” Emerie said back with a heavy sigh. “So one of us is going to have to go alone, or not at all.” 
“I don’t mind not going,” Nesta responded before either of her friends could get a chance to. “I know how much you two like this kind of stuff.”
“Nesta, I don’t want to do that to you,” Gwyn protested immediately.
“We can find something else to do for all three of us,” Emerie chimed in at nearly the same time.
“No, seriously, it’s okay,” Nesta insisted. She loved her friends, but she also wasn’t exactly champing at the bit to be flying through the air alone. “I’m sure you already paid, so I can just go read by the pool. It’s really not that big of a deal.”
“Nesta, are you sure?” Gwyn asked. “Because we can just find a different activity to do. I have no problems going back inside and getting our money back.”
Before Nesta could firmly tell Gwyn that it was absolutely not a problem, someone chimed in from behind them. “Not to be totally creepy, but… maybe we can help each other out here?”
Nesta turned to see the group she hadn’t been paying attention to earlier was actually made up of the blonde woman and the brooding guy trailing along behind her that Emerie and Gwyn had been debating about earlier. What they hadn’t mentioned was the third member of their group, who had to have been one of the most attractive men Nesta had ever seen in her life. He was tall, with dark swirls of ink curling across his chest and upper arms, and his eyes were a pretty hazel color that made her want to step closer to figure out what color they really were.
“What?” Nesta said dumbly, her brain still catching up somewhat. Emerie snorted from somewhere behind her, but Nesta’s mind was too busy going !!! to fully process that.
“I’m too big to fit on a parasail with my friends anyway,” Hot Beach Guy continued. He motioned to himself with a bit of a self-deprecating grin, and Nesta had to make sure her mouth hadn’t dropped open at the sight of his thighs in his bright red swim trunks. “So if you need someone to go with, I’m your guy.”
“That’ll be perfect,” Gwyn cut in before Nesta could say something embarrassing. Not that she necessarily appreciated Gwyn making the decision for her, but at least it saved her countless sleepless nights replaying this interaction. “Nesta would love to.”
“Nesta, huh?” Hot Beach Guy said, grinning at Nesta. God, she wanted to lick her name right out of his mouth, but she needed to pull it the fuck together. Immediately. “I sure hope you can speak for yourself before we get strapped in together.”
“Of course I can speak for myself,” Nesta said back with a roll of her eyes. He was hot, but not so hot that she was rendered completely incapable of speech. “I don’t know if I want to be strapped in with a stranger.”
“I’m Cassian,” Cassian said, pointing to himself before moving onto his friends. “That’s Mor, and that’s Azriel. Stranger danger solved.”
“I wouldn’t mind a little stranger danger myself,” Emerie said under her breath. Gwyn giggled quietly, but the way Mor was staring Emerie down, Nesta didn’t think danger was going to be any sort of problem tonight. Maybe figuring out their sleeping arrangements, but they’d cross that bridge when they got to it.
“So, Nes,” Cassian continued with a waggle of his eyebrows. One of them had a scar cutting through it, and it was unfair just how much hotter it made him. “What do you say? Do you trust me?”
“You’re no Aladdin,” Nesta replied, cocking an eyebrow of her own, “but I guess you’ll do.”
Cassian laughed, and that was that. Emerie and Gwyn stayed together, as did Azriel and Mor, but somehow Nesta and Cassian ended up being the first to go on the parasail. Judging from Gwyn and Emerie’s knowing smiles, it was probably half so she wouldn’t back out at the last minute and half so they could enjoy watching Cassian shamelessly flirt with her the entire time.
Not that Nesta completely minded that last part.
Shameless flirting aside, Cassian was more than helpful in getting Nesta to the right part of the boat. Before she knew it, they were getting strapped in as the employees gave them all the standard warnings about keeping their limbs where they were supposed to. Nesta swallowed thickly, the reality of what she was doing sinking in a little bit as the employees finished doing their last rounds of safety checks. It was probably too late to back out, but it would also probably be fine. Right?
“It’ll be fine,” Cassian said suddenly, as if he’d plucked the though right out of her mind. Nesta whipped her head to the side to find him already looking at her; the way his gaze was too knowing made her want to look away, but she fought the urge to hide. His eyes were much greener up close than she’d thought. “I’ll protect you.”
“That’s reassuring,” Nesta said back with a roll of her eyes. 
“I’m pretty strong,” he replied, chuckling. “I think I could handle it.”
“Let’s hope we don’t have to find out,” she told him, surprised when he just laughed again. “What’s so funny?”
“You,” he answered without hesitation. “Something about a beautiful woman knocking me down a peg or two really gets me going.”
Nesta was saved from having to reply when the employees started counting down, and suddenly, the boat started speeding up. It felt like hardly any time at all before the parachute started filling up with air, and suddenly Nesta and Cassian’s feet were leaving the ground. Nesta released an undignified squeak that she would absolutely refuse having made if anyone asked her, her feet flailing a little bit as the ground disappeared from underneath them, and her hand shot out of its own accord to grab Cassian’s seemingly already waiting one.
“Let’s go!” Cassian yelled, clearly having the time of his life. He whooped loudly, the sound yanking Nesta out of her head just enough for her to refocus, and she blinked a few times before turning to look at him. “This is awesome!”
“I can’t believe I’m doing this!” Nesta yelled back over the sound of the wind. “What the hell! This is insane!”
“It’s just like flying,” Cassian answered, still speaking pretty loudly so they could hear each other. Nesta couldn’t help but think to herself that if this was what flying was like, she didn’t know if she wanted any parts of it ever again, but it was a fun thought.“Look how pretty the ocean is!”
She dared to look down beneath their dangling feet, her mouth falling open a little bit at how blue the water was. She hadn’t seen water this blue in a long time, other than from looking out of plane windows, but he was right – it was pretty, and even though her stomach felt a few seconds away from dropping out, she was glad that she’d gotten to see it.
“Told you so!” Cassian told her once Nesta had looked back up. He shifted his hand underneath hers so their fingers were lined up better, and it sent a little zing right up Nesta’s spine. His hands were larger than hers and much, much, warmer, and damn if it didn’t help settle something in her that she didn’t know she needed.
“Don’t get used to it!” Nesta shouted back, wishing she could’ve heard his answering laugh over the wind. 
Cassian spent the rest of the ride cheering and pointing things out for Nesta to look at, which she deeply appreciated despite half the time being a little too nervous to look away from their hands to see what he was talking about. He didn’t seem to be deterred at all; if anything, the only time he got a little deflated was when they felt a tug on the parasail as the rope started turning and bringing them back down to the boat.
Once they’d gotten unhooked from their safety harnesses and had moved back inside the boat, Cassian leaned against the nearest wall and looked down at Nesta with a playful grin. “So for our second date, do you want to do something on the ground, or…?”
“What made you think that was a first date?” Nesta asked, crossing her arms as she looked up at him.
“Holding my hand the entire time was a pretty clear sign, if you ask me,” he replied without missing a beat. 
“If that’s enough to make something a date for you, I’d hate to see what you do after a real one,” she retorted dryly, pulling a laugh from him. 
“I’d love to give you a hands-on demonstration,” he answered, still grinning. “Maybe tonight? Around 8?”
Nesta made a big show of sizing him up, from his wind-tousled curls all the way down to his surprisingly nice feet and back up again. She already knew what her answer was going to be, but she found that she thoroughly enjoyed making him squirm. “Don’t disappoint me.”
Lucky for Cassian, he didn’t.
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @fieldofdaisiies | @goddess-aelin | @c-e-d-dreamer | @talkfantasytome | @whyisaravenlike-awritingdesk | @sv0430 | @talibunny30 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @champanheandluxxury | @lilah-asteria | @burningsnowleopard | @sayosdreams | @readskk | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @bellaful08 | @readergalaxy | @podemechamardek | @pearlfortears | @nerdperson524 | @jmoonjones | @kale-theteaqueen | @autumnbabylon | @hiimheresworld | @illyrianshadowhunter | @dustjacketmusings | @live-the-fangirl-life | @that-little-red-head | @sweet-pea1 | @brieq | @queercontrarian | @jsmelodies | @afflicted-with-wanderlust
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justkending · 2 months
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt (Bonus Chapter)
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Mini-Series Summary: Two of the most stubborn people in the group partnered together for an undercover mission are also the two people with the most hatred for each other, so what could go wrong? Or is it, what COULDN’T go wrong?…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger Reader (Enemies to Lovers) (Fake Marriage Trope)
Word Count: 3700+
A/N: I got some motivation for a bonus chapter and a lot of you guys reached out asking about some. So here is a cute little side story with the two! I hope you guys enjoy it while I take my time getting through all my other WIP!🥰
Bucky’s POV: 
The mission yesterday was brutal for the team—so much so that Tony vogued for us and ensured we’d have the next two days without any form of work to interrupt our much-needed break. That meant we were off-duty, unless a world-ending turn of events came up, for the next 48 hours—starting the morning after we got home from said brutal mission. 
My first stop as soon as I got up and around was Y/N’s room. She had left the field yesterday more beat up than any of us after she was cornered and her backup had fled. Something I was royally pissed about, but it was some lower agent she was paired with to train. I offered, considering the kid was known for being squeamish, and it was originally meant to be a low-level operation. But apparently, someone with a gentler and friendlier disposition was preferred for the agent's training lesson. But of course, the tides turned, and Y/N was left on her own fighting off a dozen armed men, yet unsurprisingly, she came out on top. 
Although she claimed the various cuts, bruises, and pulled muscles in her quad were manageable, I knew she would be horribly sore today and, therefore, grumpy—understandably so. 
I thought I’d get a head start on helping her, considering things have grown between us since our first date two months ago. 
We hadn’t made it official, and we were taking it slow since there was so much to learn about each other after years of distancing ourselves from one another. 
We’ve had as many dates as time allowed since then, and the team has caught on, but again, we’re taking it slow. So slow, in fact that we kept to our respective rooms for personal space outside of movie nights, considering we lived together for almost a month and technically still do live together, even if across from the hall. We saw each other all the time, and we thought it best that we hold on to that piece of individuality at the start of our relationship so as not to rush anything. 
But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find any chance I could to come hang out with her in her room and spend time with her as often as I could. I meant it back at the house when I said I envied my teammates for getting to experience a version of her that actually like you as a person. The change in pace has been eye-opening, and I’ve become somewhat addicted to the time I spend with her now. 
“One second!” I heard from the other side of the door after I knocked, and the tone alone showed me she was not happy. 
“I brought you some breakfast and pain meds, Y/N/N,” I said into the barrier. Seconds later, the door unlocked, and a battered Y/N looked up at me miserably. “Hey, sweetheart.” I couldn’t help the pout in my lip seeing my girl beat up. 
There was bruising under her eye, a butterfly stitch on her cheekbone, and a few bruises visible on her legs where she was wearing one of the biggest t-shirts she owned as a nightgown. 
“How bad does it look? I’ve been inching out of bed for the last 10 minutes because of how stiff I feel, and I haven’t made it to the bathroom to look,” she cringed as she rubbed the uninjured side of her face in exhaustion.
“You make black eyes look hot,” I answer, leaning to kiss the top of her head as I sneaked past her into the apartment and move to the kitchenette on the side. 
We all have a fully functioning studio apartment at the compound, but since we share the main spaces of the living room and kitchen, our personal ones are much smaller and more so for convenience than anything else. 
“Appreciate that, but also, I’d rather put on a sexy dress to look hot than get punched by a 250 lbs man with a mean right hook,” she sighed, shuffling to follow after me and sit at the end of her bed as she watched me plate a breakfast burrito and a fruit parfait. 
“Sexy dress or not, you exceed the threshold in the looking hot category no matter what.” I’m lucky enough to get a soft chuckle from her as she pulls a blanket from her bed and wraps it around her body, snuggling close to it with a few grunts and moans of pain. “Outside of that, I’m going to hunt down that twirp from yesterday and give him a nice talking-to about leaving your partner in the dust.” I look up and point to her with a spoon before stabbing it into the yogurt and bringing it to her. 
“Honestly, if I hadn’t seen worse, I would have run the other direction, too,” she wiggled an arm free to grab the cup and thanked me before continuing. “For it being one of their first onsite missions, seeing a dozen armed bodyguards, and not one of them being under 200 lbs running full force at you? I’d be surprised if he didn’t shit his pants on the way out.”
I laughed at the image since Y/N and I had seen far worse, and what she was describing was just another Tuesday to us. 
“Regardless, you don’t leave your teammates to fend for themselves. Especially in that scenario. He could have at least grabbed you and ran the other way,” I mumbled, grabbing my burrito from the counter and moving to sit with her on the bed. 
“Grabbed me and run?” she scoffed, swirling the fruit and granola together. “You’re a funny man, Barnes.” 
“You know what I mean,” I shoulder bump her lightly, and she sighs, digging into the breakfast. “Meds the Doc prescribed you are on the counter. You need to take them with food 2x a day to keep the pain at bay.”
“It’s fine. The pain is manag-”
“If you say manageable, I’m going to make you walk from this side of the room to your bathroom and prove you’re fine. Meaning, no cringing, limping, or grunts in the process.”
She stared at me in a challenging manner. That much had not changed in our relationship whatsoever. I just didn’t get death glares with them anymore.
“I can walk to my bathroom just fine,” she rolls her eyes, staying stationary and distracting herself with breakfast. 
“Sure you can,” I nodded, taking a bite of my own and keeping my eyes solely on her. 
I could tell she was growing squirmish under my gaze. The uncomfortability matched with uncertainty in her claim. I mean, come on. She gave it away that she wasn’t fine when she said it took her 10 minutes to ease out of bed. 
“Stop staring at me,” she grumbled, lazily eating to drag out her inevitable defeat. 
I hummed, standing and moving to grab some hot sauce in her cabinet. “Oh, by the way, the team’s doing a day of pool Olympics tomorrow. Sam’s asked for a rematch in chicken.”
“As long as I get a rematch in categories.”
“Yeah, I don’t think you’re going to be participating in the games much,” I scrunched my nose at her with a grin before taking a giant bite.
“By tomorrow, I’ll be back to new,” she groaned and stood up too fast, stilling herself, seeing she’d overdone it. But not wanting to get caught, she played it off as stretching and taking her time. “I have an above-average healing rate, after all.” 
“Maybe, but not nearly as fast as I’d prefer,” I placed the meal back on my plate and wiped my hands off on a towel before coming to her side to help her take some weight off her bad leg.
“As you’d prefer? Please do elaborate on what you’d prefer, Sarge?” The cockiness in her voice made me look down at her and grin at her orneryness. 
“You know I’d prefer you wrapped up in bubble wrap and in a magic forcefield the rest of your life that keeps you out of harm's way. I’ve never liked seeing you hurt or in pain. But unfortunately, due to realism and already trying to do that with Steve, I know it's not attainable,” I answered, both hands on her shoulders. Now, let me take this.” I quickly grabbed the parfait and placed it on the counter before offering my arm. 
“I can walk to the bathroom on my own.”
“Standing showed me otherwise.”
“Are you going to hold my hand while I pee too?” 
“If you asked me, I 100% would. But knowing you, you’re a little too stubborn for that,” I winked as she walked with more weight on me than she’d care to confess. 
“Just a little,” she grunts when she loses her footing, and I catch her. 
“Hm, about that help…”
“Shut it,” she mumbles and shuts the door behind her as she gets ready for the day.
“Where’s Y/N at?” Wanda asked, meeting me in the hall and following after me. 
“Med bay. I made her go get a check-up with Banner since she’s hellbent on playing in the water games tomorrow,” I answered once she was by my side, my stride slowing so she could catch up. 
“Do you think she’ll actually listen to anything he says if he doesn’t give her the all-clear?” she asked with a laugh. 
“Doubtful, but I can be hopeful.”
“Things are going well for you two then, huh?” I could hear the grin in her voice before I looked down at her. “Crazy to think, considering just a few months ago, I wouldn’t hold it against her to have your head on a plaque hanging in her room just because you looked at her wrong.”
“Crazy the things a little communication can do,” I winked and threw an arm around her shoulders before squeezing her into my side. “That and patience. Lots and lots of patience.” 
“You do have a surprising amount of that stuff in ya, big guy,” she patted my chest as we turned to the hall where Y/N was. 
“Ow, son of a bitch!” sounded from the corner of Banner’s office, and we shared a look. “Obviously, that isn’t going to feel good, injured or not, Bruce!” 
“May need to save his ass,” Wanda whispered, and we hurried our steps to the space. 
Inside, Bruce was laughing as he logged in her symptoms and any other notes doctors take in these instances. 
“Just proving to you that playing any high-impact sports, which are almost any of the ones that include the team, isn’t going to help the healing process,” he told her as she rubbed her thigh with the heel of her hand. 
“Sam told me he doesn’t plan on holding back,” Wanda cut in just as I saw Y/N rearing up to retort something to the scientist. “Something about revenge for the last time we held a water Olympics.” 
“Empty threats,” Y/N sighed, turning to me. I was still getting used to the fact that I caused her body to ease tension rather than create it now. “Banner gave me the all clear,” she says to me in a very convincing way... If I wasn’t a trained spy. 
“I did not,” Bruce was quick to turn and shake his head.
“Don’t listen to him. He doesn’t even know what a vastus lateralis is!” she pointed and thought about hopping off the medical table she was on but realized the fast movement would only prove Banner’s point. 
“Um, I very much do know what the vastus lateralis is, considering I just told you you strained yours, and it needs to heal fully before you take on any high-mobility actions. You’re the one who asked if it was a witch incantation,” Bruce pointed a pen at her and moved back to his floating screens. 
“Can confirm it is not a witch incantation,” Wanda spoke up, moving to Y/N’s side by the medical equipment table and started playing with the tools. 
“Who’s side are you on?” she furrowed her eyes at the redhead, and I moved to lean on the table next to her, my thigh touching her knees hanging over the edge of the stainless steel. “I really think he’s exaggerating. I can walk on it and everything just fine.” 
Her eyes are leveled with mine while she’s sat higher up, and she gives me pathetic puppy dog eyes like it’ll sway me. And it almost does, but I cup her face in between my hands and squeeze so that her lips are pursed. 
“Nice try. Not going to work on me, doll,” I grin and kiss her nose before turning back to Banner. “How long are we talking about being fully healed? I don’t know how much more gaslighting I can take about her pain level.” I get a swift smack to my shoulder, but it barely stings. I grab her uninjured leg and squeeze her kneecap as she leans on my shoulder for support. 
“With her enhanced healing, I’d give it about three to five days before it’s healed enough for training or anything else. For any other normal person, it would be about a six-week process. Count yourself lucky,” Banner answers, only looking back for a second. 
“Still bullshit,” she grumbles and fidgets with the sleeve of my t-shirt. “So are you saying I have to be a bystander for tomorrow’s games?” 
“And quite possibly be benched for the coming week. Meaning no more missions until you’re given the all clear,” Banner turns around at his last statement. 
“Wait, what?!” 
“You heard me. You just don’t like what you heard,” he smirks. 
“I don’t quite like you right now, Bruce…” she says lowly, collapsing her head on my shoulder and groaning. 
“Don’t worry,” I turn and offer a hand for her to get down, which she stares at and reluctantly hops down. “I’ll make sure to kick Sam’s ass for you tomorrow in place of you. You know it’d be more than an honor for me.” 
“I fear he may kill him,” Wanda adds, walking to the other side of Y/N. 
“Compared to what I was planning, it would be a mercy.” 
To say I was pissed about the current circumstances would be putting it lightly. I hate being benched, and like anyone, I hate being injured. 
Call it past trauma I may never fully grow out of, but being the weak link made me anxious and antsy. It was like being the runt in a litter of pigs. It can’t fend for itself and tends to meet the slaughterhouse sooner than its friends. 
All that to say, I didn’t take help well while in this state either. But for some odd reason, Bucky’s aid wasn’t unwelcomed. 
Did I give him a hard time? Hard not to. Did he laugh it off and match my energy? 1000%, and I couldn’t be more thankful. It’s made this a touch more bearable, knowing he doesn’t pity me or see me as a weakling but just wants to help get me back to my best. 
And 3-5 days is doable, considering the alternative was over a month…
“Did you take your meds?” Bucky asked, letting himself into my room after a long day. Thankfully, we had another day of resting and for me, it looked like a week of resting. 
“Taken and pumping through my veins,” I give him a thumbs up as I lazily scroll through the streaming services as we set up for a lowkey movie night. “Are these the loopy kinds?” 
“Most opiates are, unfortunately,” he chuckles, placing the take-out bags he had grabbed downstairs on the coffee table. “What time did you take them?
He pulls out his phone and goes to the notes app. I know he has been making detailed notes on my meds, pain levels, doctor’s visits, and any other ailments I complain about. It’s really sweet, and surprisingly, I don’t find it overbearing like I thought I would. It’s nice having someone look out for you in a genuine way. 
“About ten minutes ago, so 6:30,” I pat the seat beside me. “Come on. I need your decisiveness on what movie we should watch tonight.”
He laughed while typing the details into his phone before putting it on the table, sitting next to me, opening the bags, and creating a nice little family buffet of Thai food in front of us. 
I watched him as I had become fond of these last few months. When I see him do the things he does for others and me, I internally punch myself for letting hatred keep me from such a man this long. 
“Question,” I asked, and he hummed, handing me a carton of low mein and grilled chicken. He stabbed two chopsticks into the food, and turned back for his own before leaning back and relaxing finally. “If things were different. If you never had to enlist for the war… What would have done for yourself?” 
“You mean like…”
“What job field would you have gone into?”
He nods his head as he considers the question and takes a large bite of pad thai. 
“I’m not sure… I don’t think I’ve ever really considered it. Especially since war has always been a thing, and given the era I was born into, I had just accepted I was going to be thrown into the military at some point.” 
“Well, that’s sad,” I crinkled my nose and the ache from my black eye had dulled thanks to my faster healing. “You didn’t consider any other paths?” 
“I mean, not realistic ones. I probably would have gone into business of some kind. Sales, maybe?” he said more as a question and poked around at his food. “I doubt anything that would have brought me true joy.” 
“Ok, then. What about now? If things were different, and you had complete freedom to live a normal life, like Beau Hunt,” I nudged him, and he laughed, leaning closer to me on the couch. “What career would you choose?” 
He thought about it, looking down at his food and then at the wall ahead of him. 
“If you’re asking me about today? As in this very moment?” 
“I am.”
“I’d say a chef.” 
I paused, not 100% prepared for that answer, but also not shocked by it. I didn’t reply instantly and felt him turn his gaze to me. 
“Didn’t expect that?” he asks. 
“Just imagining it,” I grinned, digging back into my cardboard carton as I pictured the dreamboat of a man next to me in an episode of The Bear. “I like it.” 
“Think I can get a Michelin-star type of restaurant going?” he hummed, a grin evident in his voice. 
“I don’t think that would be your scene. I could see you in a cool, locally owned, and homey restaurant. A staple piece in Brooklyn where everyone would come from all over to have the best comfort food the city would offer,” I smile at him, scooting down in my seat so I can rest my head on his shoulder.  
His head rested on top of mine after a quick kiss to the top of it. I treasured learning he actually loved showing affection in public, especially in the sweet and wholesome ways he went about it. 
“I can see that much more than what I said,” he laughed, and his body vibrated with the sound. “What about you? Different career choice, what would you choose?” 
“Hmm,” I snuggled more into him as I ate, and the screen on my TV went to screensaver mode. “I think something in social work. Given the things I’ve seen in the world, I’d be able to help kids in dangerous situations and homes get out of it.” He hums and chuckles some, making me look up at him. “What’s so funny about that?” 
“Not funny, just,” he chuckles again and looks at me from the side. “Of course, you’d want to go into the world and make a difference in it while I hole myself up in one spot and do background work for a living. In other words, the less I have to deal with people up front, the better, and the more people you can confront, the better.” 
“You’re a social person,” I laughed, sticking my chopsticks into his container for a taste. “I mean, you’re a better people person than you think.” 
“I have to build that relationship with people before I can become a ‘people person’. On the other hand, you can walk up to a stranger on the street and insert yourself into their life without hesitation.” 
“Maybe. But I also understand not wanting to do those things just cause it’s not your scene. I think our fake imaginary jobs are perfect for us.” 
“I was always envious that I wasn’t one of those people you approached and welcomed in,” he says, but not with annoyance and hurt, just stating a fact. 
“I was an asshole who allowed her backstory to control the present life she had made for herself. I wasn't too proud of that version of myself.”
Bucky turned his body to me, and I sat up. 
“As upset as I was about not getting the friendly treatment you gave to others, I’m happy to say I get to experience it now compared to never at all.” 
I stared into the blue eyes I knew would be my downfall as soon as I saw him for the first time. 
“Who knew force proximity would have this outcome?” 
“Not Nat or Tony. Oh, by the way, did I tell you Tony was in on the deal, too? Gave it three days and lost all his money before he even had a chance.” 
“Serves him right, betting on people’s downfall,” I nuzzled back into the couch as Bucky got comfortable again. “Speaking of… Wanna make a bet on how many games I can make Sam lose without even participating in the games?” 
“I will never not bet to see Sam lose. But I think I can beat you out on that deal, considering I will be in the games.”
“You’d like to think, wouldn’t you?” 
“Is that a challenge?” 
“A challenge would mean I have to have competition. That won’t be the case tomorrow,” I leaned forward, grabbing the remote from him and placing a soft kiss on his lips. 
“You’re much appreciated PDA isn’t going to make me take it any easier on you.” 
“No, no, no. We wouldn’t want that.”  
He laughed and leaned in for another kiss. The TV in front of us forgotten.
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @death-unbecomes-you @mythos-writes​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  @srrymydood​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @xa-dia​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @redhairedfeistynerd​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @morganclaire4​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @connie326​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @captain-asguard​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @mollygetssherlockcoffee​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @livstilinski @basicallylool​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @starryeyeseunbyul​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
My Lovelies Forever:
@natura1phenomenon​ @lauravicente​ @kakakatey​ @traceyaudette​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @sandlee44​ @thorne93​ @thefaithfulwriter1​ @essie1876​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @capsiclehan​  @xostephanie​ @averyrogers83​ @awesomenursingstudent​ @gh0stgurl​ @cs-please​ @jjlevin​ @rainbowkisses31​ @deannotmoose​ @their-bibliophile​ @kitkatd7​ @willowbleedsonpaper​ @mariaenchanted​ @snffbeebee​ @couldabeenamermaid​ @rebekahdawkins​​ @alyispunk​​ @billyseye @hallecarey1​​
Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​ @charmedbysarge​ @jbarness​ @bellamy-barnes​ @katiaw2​ @aikeia​ @stopjustlovethemcu​ @enchantedbarnes
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt Series: (TAGS CLOSED)
@jackiehollanderr @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @theroyalmanatee @wintrsoldrluvr @alexakeyloveloki  @bxckybxrnes24 @lillianacristina @selella @heletsmelovehim @lovelybaka @julvrs @mostlymarvelgirl @heletsmelovehim @learisa @bubblegumbeautyqueen @that-d-bitch @rabbitrabbit12321
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kumasakka · 13 days
idk if you guys are accepting rqs but ive been following since yall started so might as well shoot my shot 😹🤫
i am in desperate need of sugishita (windbre) x reader so may i request general dating hcs for a sugi x gn!reader who comes off as standoffish/cold but is really chatty when getting to know them??
THE PERSONALITY IS SELF INDULGENT BUT LIFES TOO SHORT and i wanna keep it vague sorry im rambling im nervous but thank you if you do!!! 💖💖
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ❝ 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐃 ! ❞
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⋆.˚ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆. s.kyotaro x reader .
⋆.˚ 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. general dating headcanon with our underrated favorite character, sugishita kyotaro <3 boy deserves much more love guys .
⋆.˚ 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓. ~0.99k . IT'S A LOT .
⋆.˚ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓. fluff. lots of fluff I think. gn!reader. It's my first time writing headcanons and gender neutral reader ( gender doesn't get mentioned though ). but I tried my best, anon. expect to be a little disappointed. still hoping you'll enjoy this though !! spoiler - free. <3
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 ୨୧ How did you two meet? Well, good question.
 ୨୧ But I imagine you both definitely met through Umemiya. Like there aren't any reasons why you two should talk to each other. You're a student from another high school of course, not in Furin like Sugishita and Umemiya is. How you met umemiya is a different story.
 ୨୧ Umemiya needs to do a lot so the two of you can get more comfortable with each other as if he was the bridge between two quiet cities, he does it unconsciously although. If he wasn't there, you'd probably stare at each other before returning to your own matters. You seemed like a cold person in Sugishita's eyes and Sugishita seemed like he would easily burst when not around Umemiya.
 ୨୧ At first you thought he was rather hostile towards you, not really fond with the idea of someone other next to Umemiya, someone who's not even from Furin. And whenever he parted his lips to tell to you something, you thought he would threaten you in some way so you'd leave his precious Umemiya alone. He of course noticed your wariness, deciding to leave you alone so you wouldn't feel more uncomfortable next to him.
 ୨୧ Seems like you misunderstood his actions though, since the reason behind his actions was once again Umemiya. Only because Umemiya mentioned it would be nice if you two understood each other. Yeah now you felt bad.
 ୨୧ After learning this fact, you decided you should take the first step and apologizing for the misunderstanding. Sugishita accepted and took the opportunity to get to know you better.
 ୨୧ To be honest, the first few interactions were quite awkward as you both watered Umemiya's plants, not knowing how to start a conversation or have a small talk. And damn, small talks are weird—weird awkward. But after some time, you got more and more comfortable, starting to converse with him about random things and enjoying to yap about the last few days.
 ୨୧ Sugishita remains quiet while listening to your rambles and even caring enough to reply your questions or suggestions. Ah, the cold persona faded and it turns out you were a real chatty person who could smile a lot around people you feel comfortable with. Even if he doesn't admit it, he feels a bit honored to be a person you can get comfortable with.
 ୨୧ Yeah one day you started dating which surprised the most. You don't seem to fit each other and your personalities didn't match. Oh how wrong they were...
 ୨୧ I would imagine that he takes the chance to pick you up from school from time to time while patrolling the town, also walking behind of the rest of the group so you both are alone and have your own peace, not noticing how the others always glance back to you with a curious gleam in their eyes.
 ୨୧ Well, you either hang out on the rooftop of Furin, at yours or walk through the town. I promise you, even if you both walk pass a street hundreds of times, you both just don't care, still enjoying every bit and savoring every second.
 ୨୧ Surprisingly, he also spends less time with Umemiya than before, rather using his free time to spend it with you and to listen to your daily rambles. Wow Umemiya did the work of an Angel and he is proud that the relationship works out for both of you, god he's so happy for you two.
 ୨୧ Except him to beat the shit out of anyone who has ill intentions towards you, who glares at you, who speaks shit about you— the list goes on and on. Don't be surprised if he goes away for a sec, just to return with some bruises ( if that person managed to land a hit on him, that is ).
 ୨୧ Loves, loves, loves, LOVES when you patch him up after a fight and when you fuss about him. It just shows how much you care about him. And he is silently savoring every second of it, also using this to get your affections and comfort. He is not a baby. But he secretly is ( only a bit though ). If you tell someone about this side of his other than Umemiya, expect him to be not fond of getting patched up by you anymore ( he still loves it ). He's just a bit sad that you "betrayed" him. It was supposed to his peace between you two. So please don't tell anyone. Please.
 ୨୧ Imagine you get hurt infront of him. Yeah now the hell breaks out and his inner demon is showing. The dude who hurt you probably sleeps in the hospital for some weeks.
 ୨୧ He would inwardly blame himself for getting you into his shit while staying by your side the whole time. If the accident was really bad that you're also in the hospital, he would ask Umemiya to skip school so he can stay beside you and Umemiya, knowing the kind of guy he is, allowed him to. At this point, he would quietly follow you everywhere around, making other patients wonder. If you need to pee, he would stand infront of the door of course.
 ୨୧ Sugishita even spends two third of his time with you, not making the same mistake again and protects you from any danger. You know how proud he would if you can fight? You're so badass, is his only thought. Well there are a lot of other praises in his mind.
 ୨୧ Girl, if you ever worry that he doesn't love you, because he doesn't show much affection, worry not. If there are times he puts you over Umemiya, be assured. And if he puts you over Umemiya all the time, you shouldn't even dare to worry. He even cares to listen to your stories and remembers what your favorite things are.
 ୨୧ On your birthday, there will be a basket of your favorite things in his hand. Cause he LOVES you.
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© 2024 kumasakka — do not plagiarize , copy , modify , translate our work !
a/n's note — I HOPE HE ISN'T TOO OOC. by the way don't worry about rambling in your request <3 I'd love to listen.
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shitsndgiggs · 17 days
Hey. Request for kenan here.
I was thinking something in the lines of kenan and reader being in the same big friend group and kenan having a major crush on her like started off as a small crush and ended up practically in love with her and it just kept getting worse with being around and all that. Anyways and i imagine like everyone in the group knowing but the reader being absolutely cluless.
So thats like the build up but then maybe reader starts seeing this guy who treats here badly but she keeps seing him and the group gets to know and idk kenan just explodes and confesses cos he gets carried away. Idk like just a bunch of angst and stuff but i want it to end cute.
Maybe reader used to like him but shot it down long ago cos she thought he would never go dor soemone kike her
A/N: Not a lot of angst but I still hope you enjoy it
When Kenan sees you being treated horribly by your ‘boyfriend’ he just has to do something about it
Kenan Yildiz x fem! reader
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Being in the same friend group meant I saw Kenan all the time. I always enjoyed his company — his easy smile, his endless wit, the way he seemed to always be looking out for everyone. But I never let myself think of him that way.
I mean, why would I? Kenan was charming, confident, and the kind of guy that seemed to be out of my league.
Besides, I’d moved on. I was dating someone else now. Even if that someone else was… complicated.
Tonight, we were all out at a local bar, and for once, our entire friend group was together. Kenan sat across from me, his eyes always drifting over, like he was checking on me.
I would catch his gaze from time to time, and he’d quickly look away, as if he’d been caught. I didn’t think much of it.
But I could feel the tension tonight — and I knew it wasn’t just in my head. Things were off. Maybe it was because I had brought him — the guy I’d been seeing, who was charming one minute and cold the next.
Tonight, he was on one of his cold streaks, barely looking at me, responding with clipped words, and finding every excuse to make a passive-aggressive comment.
The group had met him before, but this was their first time seeing how he really was. I could feel their eyes on us, like they were waiting for something to happen. I tried to pretend I didn’t notice.
“Why did you even pick this place?” he muttered under his breath, loud enough for everyone to hear. “It’s dead in here. You could’ve at least picked somewhere fun.”
I bit back a retort, trying to keep things civil. “I just thought it would be nice to hang out with everyone,” I replied, keeping my tone light.
He scoffed, shaking his head. "Yeah, well, next time, maybe actually pick something good."
I felt my cheeks flush, embarrassed and frustrated, but I forced a smile. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kenan's expression darken as he watched the exchange.
“Maybe you should just leave if you’re so unhappy,” Kenan commented, trying to sound casual, but there was an edge to his voice. I looked at him, surprised by the boldness in his tone.
The guy glared at him. “No one’s talking to you, man. Mind your business.”
Kenan’s jaw clenched, but he didn’t say anything more, his gaze flickering back to me with concern. I felt a surge of something — gratitude, maybe — but pushed it down. I didn’t need anyone to fight my battles.
Still, his words left me feeling more flustered, more aware of the tension in the air. Trying to escape, I stood up. "I’m going to the bathroom," I announced, hoping to find a moment of peace.
I’d barely made it halfway down the hall when I felt a hand on my arm, pulling me into a quiet corner. I turned, startled to find Kenan standing there, his expression serious, eyes burning with intensity.
“Kenan, what the hell?” I asked, confused by his sudden urgency.
He didn’t let go, his grip tightening slightly. "Why are you with him?” he demanded, his voice low and angry.
I frowned, taken aback by the sudden confrontation. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about that guy,” he snapped, glancing back toward the table. “He’s treating you like crap, and you’re just… letting him.”
“Kenan, it’s not that simple,” I protested, though his words hit closer to home than I wanted to admit.
“It is that simple,” he argued, stepping closer, his voice rising in frustration. “He doesn’t deserve you! He doesn’t even care about you; it’s like you’re some accessory to him, just someone to have around!”
My heart pounded in my chest, my emotions swirling. “Why do you even care, Kenan?” I shot back, my voice sharper than I intended. “Why are you so worked up?”
“Because I… because I care about you!” he exclaimed, his hands flying up in exasperation. “You deserve so much more than some guy who makes you feel like you’re not enough!”
“Then who deserves me, huh?” I challenged, my voice breaking. “No one?!”
Kenan’s expression changed, something snapping in his eyes. “Me!” he almost shouted. “I deserve you! I could treat you better than him—better than anyone!”
Before I could even process his words, he stepped forward, his hand slipping behind my neck, and he pulled me toward him.
His lips crashed against mine, urgent and desperate, his kiss filled with all the frustration, all the longing that had been building between us for so long.
I froze for a second, my mind going blank, then melted into the kiss, every inch of my body responding to him, to this. His fingers tightened against my neck, anchoring me to him as if he was afraid I might slip away.
When we finally broke apart, both of us were breathing hard. His forehead rested against mine, his eyes searching my face. “I’ve wanted this for so long,” he whispered, his voice raw and vulnerable. “I’ve been trying to hold back because… because I thought you’d reject me.”
“Kenan,” I murmured, my hands gripping his shirt, “I wanted you too, but I didn’t think you’d ever see me like that.”
His lips curved into a small, disbelieving smile. “Are you serious?” he asked, his voice trembling slightly. “I’ve been in love with you since forever.”
And just like that, the world around us seemed to fade, everything narrowing down to just this moment, just him. Maybe I’d been blind, or maybe I’d just been scared, but now I could see it so clearly.
I smiled back, my heart full. “Well, now that you’ve finally confessed, what are you going to do about it?” I teased, my voice light but my heart heavy with emotion.
He laughed, a sound filled with relief and happiness, and pulled me into another kiss. “Oh, I’ve got plenty of plans,” he murmured against my lips. “And they all start with you.”
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strniohoeee · 9 months
Can I request a Matt x childhood friend reader, like I’m talking since diapers. But like everyone knows they like each other I’m talking EVERYONE 😭. But they’re both oblivious asf.
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N could not fathom the idea of being in love with Matt. It’s been shoved down her throat by her mother her whole life, and she’s never agreed. But one night she starts to think, and things take a turn🌙
Warnings⚠️: NONEEEEE, hope you enjoy tho🫂
Song for the imagine: Mind Over Matter- Young the Giant
You know you’re on my mind?
And if the world don’t break
I’ll be shakin it
Cause I’m a young man after all
Being an only child makes some people think you have it hard. You know since there’s no one you can really run to other than your parents. However I’d beg to differ.
I have been friends with the triplets and their brother Justin since I was in a diaper. Our moms being friends since high school really made it nice for us. It was an automatic built in friendship.
We had a lot of play dates since I had no siblings and no immediate family my age. I looked at them as my brothers and Justin as an older brother.
Our childhood was so fun, often going up to the Cape with them for the summer since my parents had to work. I never ever felt alone. Occasionally bored when they went on a vacation my parents didn’t let me go on, but still never a dull moment.
Matt and I got the closest since we shared similar interests, but also we felt like the odd ones out. Most times sticking with each other because Nick and Chris had their own group of friends we didn’t really like to hang around with.
My mothers always told me Matt was my soulmate whether it was romantically or platonically. She always said I gravitated towards him the most since we could crawl. I often cringed at this statement because he was like my brother.
I think I gravitated towards him the most because we liked a lot of the same things, and we were more reserved than Nick and Chris. We’d always get the same gifts because well like I said, we liked the same things. After a while our parents only got us one thing we’d both liked so we could share. Like vinyls for our record players, movies, CDs, and even accessories like hats and even rings.
I didn’t think Matt was my soulmate per say, especially not romantically. I mean sure I had a crush on all three of them at one point, but that’s totally normal. I got over it quickly. I even had a crush on Justin, and he’s 7 years older than us. I mean what’s not to like? He was a cool 17 year old with nice clothes, a cool bike and a new phone. To even be in his presence made me nervous. But like I said I got over those crushes quickly.
By the time we got to high school I’d say I never thought of any of them in a romantic way. They were gross teenage boys and I looked at them as stinky brothers. Matt had a lot of trouble attending school, so we didn’t hang out much till we all got home.
I found myself looking for him in the hallways, at lunch and even next to me when the seat was empty. I felt like I started to like him again, but quickly those feelings died down when I had a fair share of experiences with some boys at our school.
Matt really hated the guys I talked to, and I wasn’t sure why. By senior year we had our first argument over a guy I was dating. He told me he’d hurt me and use me, and I was so blind to it that we got into a fight. I didn’t speak to them that whole summer, and to my surprise that guy was a complete asshole like Matt said he was.
I went to a local college while the triplets focused on their YouTube career. After that summer ended I decided to make up with Matt because I really missed my best friend. I swear best friend breakups are worse than breaking up with a significant other.
We were all 18 and living our best lives as the four again. Spending every second of every day together. I tagged along with them while they filmed and did some things around the city.
I had finally gone home after being at their house for 2 weeks straight. Going from campus to their house and back stopping at my house to shower and change, but that was about it.
“Holy shit she’s home” I heard my dad say as I closed the front door
“I know I know the celebrities back home” I said nodding my head
“Where have you been?” My mom asked laughing
“Well to school and then the triplets and then back to school” I said
“I’m about to tell Mary Lou to let you stay there and charge you rent” my dad said
“Ahaha veryyyy funny” I said sitting down across from them
“You and Matt seem to be doing good” my mother said
“Yeah we’re good now” I replied back
“Sooo did you admit your feelings to him yet?” My mom asked
“Feelings?” I said furrowing my brows
“Yeah…you like the kid and he likes you it’s pretty obvious” my dad said laughing
“I don’t like him, and he doesn’t like me we’re just friends” I said crossing my arms over my chest
“Mmm I don’t know about that he seems like a love sick puppy” my mom said
“Yeah whatever” I said laughing
“Even their mom says it. Just confess already you guys are madly in love” she said
“What? Mom don’t be crazy” I said shaking my head
“You better admit to these feelings soon because that boys following you around like a guy under a love spell” my dad said
“You guys are being insane I’m going to bed” I said rubbing my temples
I went to my room and laid in my bed. My hands crossed over my stomach as I fiddled with my thumbs.
In love? No I couldn’t be.
Matt is my best friend, and that’s all.
Well I mean…..he is really handsome, sweet, and funny even though he says he’s boring which he isn’t. He’s super caring, always putting others above him.
He’s always there for me, he loves watching chick flicks with me and reading sad love stories. He loves my poetry that I write, always helping me make it better…..
I mean I couldn’t like him….right?
But then I started thinking
Friends don’t offer you their jacket if you’re cold, they don’t hold your shoes for you when your feet hurt, they don’t pick you up in the middle of the night because you’re sad, they don’t take you on Long Beach walks at night, or take you out to eat and pay EVERYTIME……..they definitely don’t watch romance movies and read sad romance books when you know they hate it. I mean, could he like me back??
No of course not, don't be irrational Y/N….hes just a very very nice friend is all.
My heart started to race and my breathing quickened. I shot up in my bed and looked into the darkness of my room.
Was I in love with Matthew?
The boy who would wipe his nose on me
The boy who would trip me to make his brothers laugh
The boy who would walk by and steal some food from my plate
The boy who would crack a joke and look at me to see if I’d laugh
The boy who waited for me in the rain when I was fighting with my ex
The boy who made me smile
The boy who made me look for him in everything I did
Holy shit…..
I began to panic because of course I had boyfriends, but that was because I was bored. I’ve never loved a guy I dated
But for some reason I am in love with Matthew?
Cursing myself out internally because my mom was correct, and so was Mary Lou.
Suddenly my thoughts stopped when I heard something hit my window.
I jumped up from my bed and slowly walked over to my window when small pebbles hit the glass again causing me to flinch.
I looked out the window and to my surprise I saw Matt standing in my lawn??
Was this a cheesy 80s film? Where’s his boombox? And the stupid sunglasses?
I opened my window
“Matt it’s 1AM what are you doing here?” I said in a whisper
“I was bored” he said back
“You were bored? You could’ve texted me” I said raising an eyebrow
“Well yeah…” he said scratching the back of his neck
“Tell me the real reason you’re here” I said giggling
“I also miss you” he said smiling like a dork
“Miss me? Matt you’ve never said you missed me a day in your life” I said leaning on my palms as I look down at him
“Yeah I know, but I don’t know I just have been seeing you for so long that I guess I just really miss your presence” he said laughing a bit
“I’m loving this little Romeo and Juliet moment we’re having” I said laughing
“Oh shut up you know you missed me too” he said trying to throw pebbles up at me
“Mmm I’m not too sure” I said shrugging my shoulders
“And you left your lip gloss in my room” he said digging in his pocket
“That could be one of your girlfriends” I said laughing
“What? No….there's never girls in my room but you” he said pulling the lip gloss out
“Mmm how do I know you’re not lying” I said
“You’re the only girl I know who has used this same exact strawberry lip gloss since we were in 7th grade” he said showing me the gloss
“Alright you win” I said rolling my eyes
“And I never bring girls home” he said again
“I got the point Matthew just say you’re in love with me already” I said laughing playfully
“Not if the feeling isn’t mutual” he blurted out
“What?” I said shocked
“You heard me… Y/N I have been in love with you since we were 10, and if all my gestures haven’t made it possible. Then me standing out here on your lawn embarrassing myself at trying to say I love you better work. If I have to scream it to the world I will” he said swallowing thickly
“I….I” I could not form a sentence
“I’m sorry….this was wrong oh so wrong” he said shaking his head and turning around
I backed away from the window and ran down the steps to my front door.
I swung the door open and walked out and saw Matt walking away back to his car.
“Matthew! Don’t go” I said loudly
He turned around and looked at me stopping in his tracks
“I have been ignoring this feeling for far too long. Everyone around me is telling me how I feel and how you feel about me. I was so scared to open my eyes and realize that you may have been the one for me since forever. I never sat down and thought about it until tonight. When I replayed many interactions in my head. And I couldn’t wrap my head around why I’ve never loved any of my past boyfriends, and that’s because Matthew I’m so madly in love with you” I said breathing heavily
Matt walked over to me and crashed our lips together. I won’t lie, I have kissed plenty of guys before, but I’ve never enjoyed the kisses. I’ve never gotten butterflies or felt my face flush with heat. It had always been matt and it took me so long to realize.
His lips disconnected from mine as his thumb ran over my cheek staring into my eyes.
“I always wondered how many more time I had to watch The Notebook with you before you realized I was so in love” he said laughing
“Oh shut up” I said rolling my eyes and laughing
“God I’m just so in love with you” he said looking at me
I began to blush and looked away
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He suddenly asked me
My eyes snapped to his and my heart began to beat faster
“Yes Matt, yes I will” I said smiling
He smiled at this too and crashed our lips together once more.
That night I snuck Matt into my bedroom, and had a feeling that wouldn’t be the last time I’d do that.
We spent the night watching The Notebook and talking while we cuddled into each other's arms eventually falling asleep.
How could we both be so oblivious this whole time?
The End
I hope you guys enjoyed this one🥹🤞🏽. I’m at 1,410 followers which is MADNESS?? Like what???? I love yall so freaking much🥺🖤🖤
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kimpossibly · 2 years
— dating dick grayson
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ sfw & nsfw under the cut
PAIRING: dick grayson x fem!reader WARNINGS: there is some nsfw content underneath the cut (i labelled it so it can't be missed). there are also mentions of fighting, cuts, bruises, general vigilante stuff. SUMMARY: just some cute (and some spicy) headcanons for dating our beloved nightwing
NOTE: I love writing for this character so much — specifically because I've heard from sooooo many people that my boyfriend looks exactly like him. It actually became such a recurring joke with my friend group that we dressed up as Dick & Barbara Gordon for homecoming. But the resemblance is so uncanny it's actually insane — hence why I love this character so much. I hope you guys enjoy this thing I wrote at three in the morning!!
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ sfw
Dick is so protective, just as a person. Of family, of friends, and especially of you.
If you're a Titan like him, he's the first to jump to your side in a fight — not because he doesn't think you can handle yourself (he knows you can) but because he can't bear not having you in his eye line during a fight. If something were to happen when his back was turned, he'd never quite be able to get over it.
In the middle of the fight, he's constantly shouting to you, asking if you're okay, if you need help. And after the fight he's the first one to you, asking if you're hurt.
And if you're a civilian and you somehow get caught in the middle of his work? Oh my God this man will lose it. His top priority disappears and is instantly replaced by making sure you're safe and well out of the way of danger.
The 'patching up each other's wounds' trope is strong with Dick
He always wants to know how and why each little cut and bruise got there
❝ Wait, where did this one come from? ❞ ❝ Remember when the guy pulled out all those little throwing knives? ❞ ❝ Ah. ❞
I feel like his love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch — he loves both giving and receiving them.
He'll always pull you aside to tell you he loves you before he goes into a fight.
He'll reassure you with forehead kisses instead of kisses on the lips. They just feel more safe and comforting.
But the ultimate way he makes you feel safe and comfortable is by cuddling. He loooooves cuddling.
Nothing makes him happier than wrapping his arms around you and holding you tight to him. He loves falling asleep that way, tangled up together, because it lets him know that you feel completely safe around him.
He knows he can be an imposing person, so he always does his best to make you and everyone else feel safe around him.
And let's be honest, that man is a giant teddy bear.
But he can be pretty scary when he wants to be.
Like I kind of said earlier, if someone is messing with you, he's the first one to be by your side to defend you
At the end of the day, he loves coming home to you and knowing that you'll be there for him every step of the way.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ nsfw — mentions of hickeys, oral (f & m receiving), praise, roughness, fingering
Dick is a pretty selfless person — he's always concerned about other people, he's a bit of a people pleaser, etc.
Thus I firmly believe he's a giver over a receiver.
They don't call him Dick for nothing—
He also definitely has a praise kink, both for giving praise and receiving it.
His favorite, of course, is calling you a ❝ Good girl ❞ and telling you how well you're doing.
He loves to go down on you. There's nothing he finds more beautiful than looking up at you from in between your legs, seeing your face contorted in pleasure as he brings you over the edge.
He also looooves when you pull his hair. It's a sign that he's doing well at making you feel good. This ties in with the whole praise thing.
He never pressures you into anything and always makes sure to get consent before doing something.
He also loves to wake you up by going down on you. He obviously asked for consent the night before, but he just loves the surprise of it.
Or he'll even just wake you up by pressing kisses to your neck and gently fingering you
It isn't until you're awake and moaning that he'll smirk at you and say good morning.
And if you want to go down on him? I mean...he won't refuse.
I don't think his initial instinct is to be very vocal, but once he feels perfectly comfortable and safe with you, oh Lord is he vocal.
He's a very gentle person in general, but every once in a while he needs to let off some steam.
You'll come back from a fight and you'll barely have the time to shut the bedroom door before he's pulling you to him and kissing you.
The suit stays ON
He can get a little rough, but he always makes sure that you're okay with what he's doing.
But he loves after care — and he's great at it too
Like I said earlier, he's a cuddler, but if you're both up for it he'll jump in a shower with you
He doesn't normally like to leave marks because he doesn't want the others to start asking questions, but every once in a while he likes giving you a hickey or two.
But he places them strategically on your collarbone, where they'll be just barely hidden by your shirts and revealed by the merest tug on the neckline (and yes he does take advantage of this)
You're a little more enthusiastic about hickeys than he is
Luckily, in his, er, line of work (???) hickeys can more often be explained away as bruises
Like if it ever gets brought up, he just brushes it off.
❝ What's on your neck? ❞ ❝ It's uh, just a bruise. ❞ ❝ Oh. Looks like a hickey. ❞
Dick will just kind of freeze up, caught of guard by the directness of that statement, and you'll just smile and wrap an arm around him, pressing a kiss directly to the so-called ❝ bruise. ❞
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