#i just dont feel like i have a purpose rn. like whats the point of all this? i dont kno
opens-up-4-nobody · 1 month
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clits-and-clips · 2 months
Since writing the affirmations and starting manifestation again, I've actually been in a much better headspace. It's crazy how things align, and you end up where you need to be, especially through pain
#txt#have been reading the affirmations every day twice a day sometimes#doing my intentions and manifesting what i wsnt#which is mainly independence#also a good relationship with my ex from here#mainly stuff for me tho#and the full moon on Wednesday which is in scorpio which is his sun sign#will be a big release and maybe i can let go a bit or a lot lol#i need to move on and focus on myself and what i want in life and doing it all on my own#with support obviously but ive never been fully independent and im so ready for the blessings and the open doors#i dont know if ill truly ever be over him but i have to try for my own sanity at this point#i dont want to manifest anything selfish like him coming back to me because it probably wont happen anyway lmao#i hope i dont sound crazy lmao but coming back into my spiritual journey is definitely what i need#connecting with myself and my purpose feels like the only thing i can do rn#have a driving lesson tomorrow but in all honesty i could just go do the test and pass cause ive been driving forever and im good at it#just need to practice certain things but im nearly there! so close i can feel it and see it#anyway i hope i can keep this energy up and continue to head in a positive direction because it feels really good#if i need to cry about him and the loss then i will but im not going to dwell on it too much#i just need to take it as a lesson and let it go :)#cause at the end of the day i really did lead myself here whether it was his choice to end it or not#blah
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wawek · 8 months
I say this often but its crazy how much of a vortex depression is.
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been getting back into mother 3 after All That and every time i see the sunflower field im like. whoa. that's so neat. i am Not overthinking it !
#i am just making this post to ramble about the sunflower thing again kjfhdg#it's almost been a whole year. i was in the middle of replaying mother 3 last june#i was at the sunflower field scene and decided to stop playing for the night#and that is the same night ''so long nerds'' was uploaded#not to be dramatic or cliche or whatever but. feels very ''on purpose'' ya know#destiny or whatever#the game was a huuuuuuge turning point for me in coping with life and death which i was. Very Bad at before!#and im sure you can tell i still am *(@&*(&*%(&^*#i havent been able to touch the game since but im getting better at it. been watching some videos n stuff about it#i still havent picked it back up tho. idk if i can sit through that cutscene again#i already kinda associated techno with sunflowers bc of the whole rising sun stuff. the staff being a sunflower#but the fact that i was in the middle of that part of mother 3 made that association so much worse#now they're just like. the death object for me. remembrance flowers. idk actual flower meanings but that's what they are to me now#idk if anyone remembers this post but like a week or two after his death my aunt tried growing a sunflower#it was unrelated to me and that whole thing. just another coincidence#she passed this week. so the sunflowers are really back on my mind rn#that's why i turned off the inbox was bc i really didnt know what to do after that#her whole side of the family died this past year#i hate to vent or whatever but i feel like if i dont mention it i'll explode so i've buried this under many other tags#congrats if you read this far i just wanted to have that out there i guess bc i've talked about her a lot#the cats are fine if you remember them. orangey has a home and my uncle is watching thomas#grief#grief cw#i dont remember what ppl tag that as#chat#i'll probably delete this later but im also gonna reblog all the cats n stuff again bc i just want ppl to see them
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anjukoneko · 2 years
I strongly believe being truly, actually loved for once in my fucking life would fix/heal a good portion of what's wrong with me, possibly even the majority. Tragic that it looks like that'll never happen lmao.
#guess I'll just be fucked up and broken and insane until i die#I'm so emotionally drained and distraught rn sorry guys#it's probably because i started a new medication a couple of days ago tbh#I'm rather hurt at how my bestie has been treating me#actually im extremely hurt with how most of the important people in my life have been treating me#I'm tired of always being enthusiastic about their lives and asking questions and building them up#and doing them favors and going out of my way to help and doing sweet/thoughtful things to help ease their daily burdens#and not even being met with a FRACTION of that energy back. nor even any real appreciation#and yeah i dont do these things to get anything in return. i do them because i love these people and i want to show them that#but yall it HURTS being taken for granted in nearly every. fucking. relationship/friendship#and at a certain point it most definitely feels like I'm being used#but the sad thing is people are so self absorbed they probably dont even see it#it depresses me but i feel like my only purpose on earth is to lift up and inspire those around me#while simultaneously being doomed to never receive the love i crave and provide for others#why am i always loving others? why am i so full of love if no one will love me back?#why do i have to suffer this way? what kind of excruciating divine punishment is this?#am i truly so repulsive and undesirable? truly so uninteresting and boring? worthless? my only value is to serve others?#anju speaks#venting#dumb personal shit
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myriadsystem · 2 months
#must not text him texting him is the growth killer#must not text him texting him would be bad because it will make us feel bad and its my fucking bday this weekend#im not letting me do that to us#but fucking god i miss him rn and a lot lately 😭😮‍💨 was there a traumaversary i didnt know about??#the only him related traumaversary already happened in feb and we handled it pretty fairly well (mostly due to the ffected being dormant)#but still like. what did i do last year for my bday? what did we do the year before he was probably there then but i dont remember feeling#this way around last bday? which he prroobbabblyy wasnt there for? time is not easy for me#idk its driving me crazypants lately like i miss him so much i thought he was my everything forever he told me he would be#but hes not and he never was and hes done a lot to hurt me but none of it was on purpose he was never mean or violent#and looking at old pictures we look so fucking good together and old chats the way he talked to me was so sweet and but that doesnt change#the fact that at this point in time and probably never again is he actually here#fuck this noise man ive got a cute outfit ready im going to the local museum with my grandma for my bday day#and ive got weed and tunes planned for the evening there are so many things to look forward to coming soon why#why do i seem to be stuck in the past lately. like not in active ptsd mode im not triggered as the kids love to say but i just cant stop#thinking abt him and the whole relationship and wishing he was here. wishing he never left? or more like wishing hed come back#hoping that hes changed enough and that i have too to make it work. i keep having awful visions of him coming to my door after a life attemp#and im so mad at him but i cant leave him out here so of course i invite him in to care for him and make sure hes ok#and its awful because it feels like a whisper away from being reality. its too close to what could be real#and its awful not because its a dream but because the closeness to what could be reality hurts so much when logic kicks in#and i know its not reality no matter how dang close it seems#personal#i think im splitty lately. im losing more time than usual and i cant get this boy outta my head.#i hope hes a lingering thought and not a permanent resident oh that would fuck us up so so bad#idk. idk dude! everythings fucked up atm im doing a lot of personal growth but im also behind on so many other things#i just want him out of my brain. its my fucking goddamn birthday and im making this one a good one for fucking once#i can handle the other shit later but this one do be fucking me up in a major way lately the last few days. weeks? who knows
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boy-armageddon · 3 months
also quick note re: my previous post's tags. have i said before that, for a presumably heterosexual man, johnny whitney has had some of the most insanely homophobic (and occasionally transphobic) vitriol spewed at him for one reason or another ive seen. because holy shit
#as a musician hes very interesting to me. non parasocially#he'll mention something in an interview and i immediately think ''i NEED to study him.'' and ill read what people say about him and have a#similar reaction#and it sucks that the immediate reaction to hearing or seeing him you see a lot is an immediate gay joke#cause his writing and vocals alone!!! so interesting to me#everything about tbb is interesting to me tho#i do admit i have a slightly weird thing with him cause of some stuff he's said in podcasts or interviews and some of how he acts#that i see/hear and go 'wow. i do that' or 'wow. i feel similarly'#but obvs idk how he is in actuality so#im gonna start putting johnnywhitneykin in my social media bios and posting mood boards etcSORRY#evil neighing compilation#but yeah onto my original point#like. for real so much insane homophobia i think about it often#in relation to his stage presence and how he presented himself etc#on purpose. like what else could it have been but to alienate the shitty hashtag hxc douchey audiences that wouldve been there#and therefore in a way making their shows. almost a safe space one could suppose?#im just spitting shit. i thiiink theres an interview where jordan blilie or someone directly says that? dont have it with me rn#but yeah. what a progressive band for the 2000s#and also. shhhhh osrry to hate post#but. they did a lot of the stuff some of u guys slobber over emo bands for#before the emo bands did. and they did it better and more explicitly#and without doing warped tour#but yeah thats me being salty speaking as per use#my original point. just pay attention to that lol
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tokio-motel · 10 months
i wanna laugh and i wanna laugh rn😪
its been so long(literally a few days) since i sent smthhh
ill boost u bae dw
mk so the whole band(um seperate fic duh) with a bf who be freakishly nice n shit(i feel like ivd sent this bf dont expose me if i did) like if a band member accidentally hit him in the face he would say sorry and say some dumb shit like "im so sorry i shouldn't have been in the way of your elbow. " like what💀💀
or if someone was trying to confess or smth he'd be like "i really don't want to hurt you but no." maybe even as a band memeber is right next to them
and arguments with this mf is probably hell like if it was a band members fault he would accidentally make them think it wasn't and it was his(sometimes its on purpose but they figure it out later) OFC these r examples use what u want🧍🏾
teehee i have an essay to write but ummmmm that doesn't matter rn 😇 uhh also if it's bad sorry idk what's going on with me
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・He's so confused how you can be nice all the time
・He really does try to be nice but he just snaps sometimes omg 💀
・He wonders when your breaking point is
・Like if he turns around carrying something and wacks your fucking face he's so confused why you're not YELLING at him
"Yeah and then- *WHACK* -OH SHIT M/N I'M SO SORRY ARE YOU OKAY?! -"
"No, no Bill I'm fine! It didn't hurt that much."
・He just stares at you with his jaw dropped low, slowly nodding to himself
・Or like if he knocks something over and you apologize for it
(I've done that so many times...)
・Reassures you it's not your problem 🤞
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・nahh you got him FUCKED UP bae.
・He doesn't understand how you can be so nice, I feel like he's a brutally honest mf 💀
・If your in public and somebody is being rude to you and you're just kinda standing there, still staying calm???
・He's just looking at your features trying to find ONE small piece of anger or frustration
・I feel like y'all are couple opposites.
・Like he'd obviously have a soft spot for you 🤗 but he doesn't see the reason to be nice to others when he knows it's not his fault
・Arguments with him oh my god...
・If you keep apologizing and saying it's your fault he eventually sits next to you to comfort you, assuring you everything's okay.
"It's not your fault, M/N. I promise.."
・You'd somehow warm him up a bit, he barley notices himself becoming more kind and carefree.
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・was his color green or blue omg i can't remember
・He's...so confused.
・Like if he accidentally smacks you with his elbow and you aren't crying or cursing
"I'm okay! It just stung for a second haha..!"
・He gets you but he doesn't.
・He just can't see himself being so giddy and happy and nice.
・Anger turns into confusion in arguments, why are you so mad at yourself?
・Loves you so fucking much though, always reminding you that you are amazing and didn't do anything wrong.
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・He understands you so much oh my god, he just loves you even more now.
・He'd also try to keep you from blaming yourself.
・Like if he knocks something over and you apologize.
"Oh shit I'm sorry I should have moved it-"
"No honey you're fine, I should've looked where I was going.."
・Very slightly confused on how you never snap, how you always keep calm
・He wishes he could be like you bae 💔💔
・In arguments he just tries to calm himself and you down, actually sitting down and talking about how you both feel
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aihaitahm · 1 year
Hii!! I saw in one of ur fics you might be busy so if you can do this request please do it at anytime you can!
I was wondering if you could do headcanons of Jing Yuan and Gepard with a s/o reader who has fox physiology (like all attributes of a fox including a very fluffy tail/ears) and maybe their powers revolve around like spirits?
jing yuan + gepard with a foxian s/o!
hiii my inbox will stay open bc its empty rn. im open for more suggestions/some requests but m really busy im abtbto move out too apologies T_T
took inspo from chongyun from genshin hope thats okay !!
jing yuan
being friends with ting yun, you always visited your cheerful foxian duo. unlike her, you were more calm and collected due to the fact you work with good spirits and you exorcise bad ones. you both are very close and would often talk about anything. that includes anything about jing yuan.
your friend notices how your eyes glow in curiousity whenever the general was the topic of your conversation and how you become flustered every time you talk to him. she would often tease you about him every after interaction you and jing yuan have. you cannot hide anything from her. she purposely leaves you both alone on purpose and would talk to him about you in a good way.
jing yuan praises you for your work and wont hesitate to always compliment you. every day his gaze on you lingers longer than he realizes, that was until yanqing pointed it out. jing yuan just laughs but he doesnt say anything or deny anything. from your attractiveness to your foxian attributes to your smile and aura, you got him obsessed.
jing yuan starts asking about you a lot more to whoever is in his room. may it be ting yun or yanqing or yukong, he is always asking questions like ‘where is (name) or ‘how is (name)’ when literally he just saw you.
he likes your company a lot and could listen to you all day about your adventures when exorcising different spirits. he finds it fascinating that bad spirits wouldnt even want to be around you but you seem to attract the best spirits that can guide you.
it was the snoozing general that confessed to your calm foxian self and you were glad he likes you too. everyone was joyful especially the master diviner because jing yuan wouldnt shut up about you and he can finally finish some work.
nap times with him is so cute. he would literally hug you like a teddy bear and he would want to feel your ears under his chin while you wrap your tail around him. he understands that those parts maybe sensitive (however you wanna interpret it) and would always ask your permission first.
you came to belobog since it was your mission to be there with the astral express crew. fast forward to when things settled down, you have been eyeing on the cute silvermane guard aka captain gepard and would always or somehow manage to pull pranks on him so that he could pay attention to you and reprimand you.
gepard thinks youre a handful but whenever he interacts with you, he feels so fuzzy on his tummy and red becomes visible on his pale cheeks. he keeps wondering why you keep pulling small little pranks on him and only him. he asks serval for some advice and all she could do was laugh on how adorable you both are as she proceeds to give him some of her insights.
that was until the astral trio asked you questions on why even pull pranks on poor little captain. you kept dodging their questions but dan heng came to the conclusion that you like gepard a lot but you dont know how to tell him so you do small pranks that are enough for him to say something to you.
at the sudden conclusion of your friend, you fell silent and became flustered obviously annoyed that your secret was revealed. but its true and theres no denying it. march 7th keeps asking you question while trailbrazer was telling you what to do to confess. you sighed as you looked at dan heng’s apologetic face.
after a few days of your discussion with them, you decided it is best to avoid gepard at all costs. unironically, you bump into him almost all the time during your time in belobog. instead of interacting with him with your usually boastful sly front, he was met with a shy foxian gaze.
he asked you if you were alright since he hasnt seen you but after a long awful silence you were blunt enough to confess and say your feelings are too strong for him.
he was shocked but he agreed because he also admires you for your unique abilities and features and because he really really likes you. (literallh like a high school girl) he would ask you questions about your tail or ears or anything about spirits. he likes that he can look out for you physically and defend you while you protect him from bad and evil spirits.
he loves your slyness and your intuitive approaches in life. quite the opposite of him and it makes him love you a lot more. you both compliment each other and he respects you a lot and would often praise you for being you.
i feel like he is ticklish… tickle him with your tail and his laughter will erupt !!!! he’s ticklish in his armpits or hips. loves to lay on your tail if you allow it and would scratch your ears. you would get mad at him if he stops.
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sporksaber · 5 months
This idea has not fully formed in my brain yet, but dpxdc time reversal isekai. This'll be a bit disjointed so bear with me.
Danny phantom and DC are the same universe to start with. Danny goes darkest timeline (not in the dan way. Dan is boring. He does not exist for this purpose) after years of being legally not human and trying to run from the giw while the organizations that should of helped didn't.
In the original timeline he is found out in some horrible way and has to run. He is kidnapped by the giw. He frees himself and finds himself entangled with the batfam. Everything goes wrong, his tenuous relationship with them gets super messed up as none of them are in a good place, and danny is slowly dying. Eventually it all gets broken off.
Danny, completing his journey into insanity, kind of destroyes the universe. And on a little related tangent, when writing these kind of stories all powerful characters are hard to deal with. Characters like clockwork give me the ick because their pulling at the strings robs the characters of their agency and they often fall apart when you look at them critically. So I'm nerfing clockwork. He can see all the timelines, he can watch over them and prevent major fuckery, but he isn't just able to meddle as he pleases.
Like I said, Dan doesn't exist and the whole bit never happened (originally I said that because it's a lame plotline but now it has real reasons) so Danny's never met clockwork. Clockwork takes the burst of power from danny going nuclear and reverses the time stream.
Danny wakes up on the day the event that leads his parents to find out happens. He's unable to avoid it as he's confused and dissriented with a bunch of strange thoughts and images making his head feel fit to burst, but does avoid the giw while running away.
Onto discussions of a main plot point: the romance bc it's always there with time reversal isekais (and with my fics in general tbh). As I'm thinking about it it's hard to decide bc I recently read a bunch that annoyed me into disliking them all and made me step away from the cross over for awhile. But as I was thinking of what to write I came to a decision. I already have one of these for Tim, having it be damian would make all the other characters older than him and it doesn't fit the vibe I'm going for to have danny surrounded by a bunch of adults when he isn't quite one, Jason just isn't fitting in my head rn, so I'm making it Dick. (I did also consider bruce, but I didn't...
The ages I'm going off of: bruce 37 (27), dick 21 (11), Jason 18 (8), Tim 15 (5), Damien 10 (fetus.)
I'm torn. I like the concept of Bruce being the love interest better but i dont know if i like it more than Dick. Like I said, this idea came to me and I immidiently opened a a draft. The idea is not solidified. And as I think more about it, maybe bruce would be better. Because with crossover ships you can slap the timelines together however you want you can change the ages and ship characters as you see fit. My initial reason for not considering bruce was the ages and wanting all the kids to be around for the plot. So I'm going to do the math.
Danny gets his powers at 14. Gets away with only monsters of the week to deal with for the first year. Giw gets new funding and becomes a consistent problem into when he's 16. It's manageable for awhile. I'm going to say he deals with it well enough for them to pull back and regroup around when he turns 17. Six months later and The Incident happens and he's outed. He runs and in his panicked gets captured by the giw.
My initial plan (initial meaning first thought that occurred less than an hour ago) was for him to be kidnapped long enough to be thoroughly traumatized but not super long. Like a few months. And I'd thought his freeing himself might have somthing to do with them kidnapping Jason or somthing. And if I stick to that Dick works really well and I feel like there's some really good content in dick and danny ending up together.
With Bruce I'd have to adjust the timeline more. Both for my batfam agenda and to make it not icky. If bruce is going to be in his mid thirties danny needs to be a minimum of his mid 20s. So I think if I were to go with Bruce I'd extend the kidnapped time to like 2 years (so Danny's like 20) and have him spend some time in the ghost zone before coming back to mess up the giw? I don't know. I'm going to have to write some stuff physically.
This has gotten out of hand and now I'm confused and my head hurts. I think the difference in the decision in unstable young adult danny vs unhinged adult danny in the original time line.
And the other thing I have to consider is not just main timeline but post rewind attempt 2 timeline and how those ages fall.
Dick is easier because it'd be easier to not have to handle that mess. I could have what I want without worrying about an age gap. And I think they could be really compelling. Especially with the idea of Dick seeking out Danny to help Jason, the brother he thinks he failed. Their relationship is originally a will they won't they as Dick has to deal with his family being a mess and desperately not wanting to lose anyone again while danny is in a limbo between who he is and if he's human. And it doesn't work out. It blows up in their faces as circumstances tear them apart and force them to let go of eachother. And you get the forbidden romance trope as batman doesn't trust danny. And then danny loses his shit and everyone dies before the rewind.
I think after the rewind they'd restart quieter. Danny searches out a familiar person after running away. Dick had just become nightwing and set up in bludhaven. Jason is 14 and hasn't died yet. Maybe they'd meet organically. Danny is drawn to Gotham and ends up in bludhaven while skirting around it. He meets the new vigilante who he knows but he also knows he doesn't (his core remembers. The core always remembers). Dick finds himself drawn to this haunted guy he keeps running into, maybe it's his savior complex, maybe it's somthing else entirely. He figures he's some kind of meta, jumpy from escaping someone's experiments.
Eventually Danny will remember Jason. Dick brings him up and Danny's filled with dread. Dick thinks his reaction is wierd. But Jason is eventually saved.
If I were to write it this way I think I'd have a couple of different mystery plot likes that connect thematically but aren't actually connected. (A nightwing vigilante based one of mob bosses or whatever, Danny's whole deal, what the giw is up to, where their money comes from and how that's gotten on the jl radar). But that's all on that for now.
To summarize: they have a very turbulent relationship initially. Dick will eventually be forced to chose the bats over danny. Danny has not properly healed from the giw and slowly spins out of control. After the rewind it's a lot of Dick solving mysteries as Danny tries to heal. The plot would be majorly driven by Dick, Danny's is mostly internal.
Back to the bruce concept (reminder that these two concepts are not connected at all).
The thing with time reversals is that you have to decide in the beginning whether or not the reversal is seperate from the main characters original timeline or if it's continuous. Are they the age they were pre reversal or the age they were reversed to? How much of it do they retain?
With the Bruce option I matched it to bruce being like 6 years older than danny. So pre reversal danny shows up to investigate bruce when his connection to the al ghuls (10yo damien) is established. Danny is 30, jaded, and less human than the other version. He's been warped in a way. The torture was longer and he recovered in the zone. A lot of his friends and family died.
Some relationship stuff happens, some al ghul caused demon stuff happens, the world is destroyed, time is reversed.
I'm fudging the previous timeline a bit. Danny's reveal happens at 19 while he's still in amity taking a gap year to weigh his dreams against his responsibilities. The Incident happens. He's kidnapped for a few years. Escapes durring an expierenment that allows him to slip into the zone. Dedicates himself to destroying the giw.
Danny post reversal retains skills and knowledge but is still his 19 year old self. He returns to the day of the incident, is confused, gets outed, dips but escapes the giw. Goes to Vlad and demands money, resources, and a contract that makes him heir without the downsides of his shady practices. It's important to not at this point, danny is basically bluffing. The kid has no idea what's going on or if it'll work, but he spooks vlad enough for him to agree now, plan how to spin it in his favor later.
So Danny takes a bit to decompress from that shitshow.
Flash forward, bruce wayne notices he has a bit of a (new) stalker problem. Some guy he doesn't know (and Brucie Wayne knows everyone) starts showing up at all his galas and the charity events he goes to. 20 year old Danny Fenton, heir to Masters Enterprises.
Cue Romcom.
This would have a drastically different tone from the other version. Very fun and much lower stakes.
Anyway I'm done for now. I hope you enjoyed this 2 hour unedited rant. Might expand on both separately, I like them both.
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svnnysidez · 7 months
stop it rn i was just abt to go to sleep but then i had thoughts abt geonu having an oral fixation and i had to come tell you beautiful bbys... sooo mdni 🤭
you always hang around just b's dorm, as bain's best friend you're always around ever since he introduced you to them. always having movie nights eating ice cream. geonu isnt really focused on the movie though. hes more focused on the way your tounge licked the spoon. he swore you were doing it on purpose, basically sucking the spoon dry.
geonu always would offer you candy, knowing that you loved dum dums so there would always be at least one in the handful he offered to you. you would ways pick the sucker almost instantly tearing the wrapper off and popping it into your mouth. he would watch from across the room how you would suck on the dum dum. his cock turning impossibly hard at the sight of your pretty lips turning pink from the suckers color.
you couldnt say you didnt notice how geonu stared at your mouth. whenever you were doing anything. talking, applying chapstick, etc. so you may or may not have exaggerated some stuff a little bit. giving him a show. and you could tell how geonu would get worked up over the littlest things.
one day you two were alone in the dorms. just chilling together in the living room watching hell knows what on the tv. your head was on geonu's shoulder as you mindlessly scrolled through your phone. "geonu" you called out. he just hummed as a response. "why are you always staring at me." it wasnt even a question honestly, you already kinda knew the answer but you wanted to hear his answer. he just started sputtering, no cohearant words coming out of his mouth. you sat up turning to him "i dont mind you know, just wish you'd let me know so i could help you." his ears turned bright red at your words. but somehow all the blood flow went straight to his dick. his hands went straight for the throw pillow that was on the couch to cover up his hard-on. but before he could you stopped him. "just ask geonu i can help you know." the words falling from your mouth as smooth as butter. "c..can you suck my dick please, i need your pretty lips around me." his words went straight to your heat but you couldnt let that show now, you had to keep your word. you got on your knees in front of him, pulling his gray sweatpants down his thighs along with his boxers. his cock hitting the bottom of the black tank top his top half was (barely) covered in. looking up at the male as you wrapped your lips around his swollen head. his head rolling back as you took as much of his length in your mouth as you could. bobbing your head up and down using your hand to stimulate the rest of his cock you couldnt fit in your mouth. "fuck, pretty, feels s' good, keep going, jus' like that." his praises fueled your brain, your cunt basically dripping with arousal at this point. his grunts and whimpers filling your ears. "m' so close angel." he let you know, his hand running through your hair. a few more seconds and then he came, white liquid coating the inside of your mouth, some dripping down the side of your mouth. pulling off of his length, he watched you swallow his load. (his dick got instantly hard again after wards). well this was going to be a long night!
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necrophiliak · 8 months
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umm. bhaal thoughts nd stuff under the cut. ive seen a lot of stuff mischaracterising/interpreting/whatever and it bothers me. i like him.
bg1+2+3 spoilers btw.
i dont wanna seem uhhh. confrontational or anything so this is just me airing thoughts out cz its true u dont rly Hear from him much directly in bg3 so i guess i get why ppl wouldnt know or think certain stuff. and im not the worlds expert on the topic as much as id like to be. but writing gods in stuff is never easy i think, especially as a fan, since they function on totally different ideas and have worldviews we could never possibly understand, etc etc
i think what bothers me the most is the misconception that bhaal would give a shit what the urge does. he definitely doesnt. the canon bg1+2 is a human male goodguy (derogatory) and even he was still supposedly favoured by bhaal (in that achieving slayer form was from a feeling of 'divine hatred' and not an actual gift since bhaal at the time was dead and he was favoured not for this but in that he was the strongest of all his spawn (this is bg2 stuff btw i highly recommend u play both those games if u liked bg3 durge)) i actually miss how bg2 introduced that form its way better than in 3 but thats a big tangent ToT and i get why since the durge was quite literally made with it in mind anyway he didnt care about the prev spawn because their only purpose was to die anyway. but he doesnt care abt what durge does either. he would not care if he was fucking gortash. the one constant w him is that all he cares about is the end goals, the process doesnt matter at all. i cant be bothered putting screenshots in rn but both the durge's old diary and sarevok say "bhaal cares only for death. death in numbers, death in droves." and the ingame proof is in that even if u refuse to kill isobel u can still get the slayer form by agreeing to accept his gift in the temple. whether u killed isobel or not just determines if u get slayer form early. the other proof is orin, who doesnt follow him as he would ideally want either (too focused on making 'art' with death instead of actually killing) but still gets to be his chosen if u play as tav instead of durge (he also doesnt like the way shes loyal to sarevok more than him) hes pretty pragmatic
also the other thing... abt the butlers. sceleritas isnt there to ensure u are loyal, thats his own prerogative and pride as a butler. tho i think the specifics of him in general are left intentionally vague. the rest of bhaals butlers are always imps, and his own was also an imp (theyre made in his imps image after all), bt sceleritas is made in bhaals image. since he has a glued on nose and the colouring on his face looks like a skull. and the earrings are mirroring the slayers facial horns. thats a bit of a tangent tho umm anyway, my point is that durge got a very special butler for reasons we can only guess at. (tho i enjoy thinking that he really was meant more as a nanny/standin parent figure)
anyway that got sort of long. i love dad a lot. everyones durge can be different frm canon obviously... bt bhaal is an established char, nd a super interesting one (i have a lot of thoughts abt the similarities w mystra+shar especially cz of bg3 and the way sheart+gale narrative's play out bt again thats uhhhhh a HUGE tangent and im not even sure how to word my thoughts)
anyway tldr bhaal is a very hands off parent and doesnt give a shit what u do as long as u get the job done (and i love him very much 🥺)
oh also if u math the years out, durge is 20yrs old at max. and that takes the assumption that bhaal made u ASAP after he was resurrected. trivia. if u wanna read the thing wheree he gets rezzed, its the 'murder at baldurs gate' story which also comes with a rly intensive worldbuilding manual for the city which could help w fanfic or whatever u want. i enjoyed reading it (helping w dnd stuff T_T).
another edit: i doubt anyone except me is rly interested bt i have soooo much to say on the topic of how bhaal treats the urge (positively+unconditionally), sceleritas in general, and the way the urges journey mirrors bhaals own fall from grace and coming back stronger, etc etc, i already wrote half of it on twitter anyway so if theres interest i can share it here too
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emmetofthestars · 2 months
hiiiii would LOVE to know whats going on between crow and spy!!! (if you have any others youd like to be asked abt please feel free to say, but the recent art of them.. soo good)
:3 ACTUALLY UHM WHICH ONE is it the one with the slugcats. hehehee....... i love slug
(oh also note, crow uses she/he, just to clear up confusion for the following text if you didnt know)
idk theyre fucking. they hates eachother. they dont like eachother. but also spy is a dumb fuck and kinda has a thing for crow (surface-level sexual attraction) which he only expresses by taking joy in constantly harrassing and trying to sneak up and back-stab crow, when shes just trying to chill and snipe (for petes sake /q). basically hardcore targets crow when he feels like it. uses dead-ringer too. he kind of doesnt have a reason to hard target more important targets like charon or minnie because BLU in general are incompetent enough in his eyes that he doesnt have to give a shit because. like. who cares. RED keeps winning anyways. also charon is edgy at least and threatening at most, and minnie is minnie. crow hates the shit out of him and has nothing for him. he doesnt, like, secrectly like spy, no he really really hates him and wants to kill him any moment possible. he will break any rule to get back at spy. but also she thinks about him alot. like she straight up loves to hate spy she has fun hating him. more than anything. so when he doesnt have spy to beat up or spit at, hes just kinda bored and has no points of interest. its also to a point she might purposely make herself mad thinking about him because the rush and anger makes her feel good. i actually havent been centralizing this as much in some things ive been writing but i am writing for fun... ill figure out how to centralize it blehhh. also uhm.. uhmm twiddles my thumbs IDK but... i kinda want quastions about daisy and achilles.... and uhm am i forgetting someone... oh i kinda wanna tallk about carl again... but im thinking moreso daisy and achilles rn... not them both together, just in general. i kinda have to develop them more
i was about to put this in tags but its too much and i wanna put it in the og post. its irrelevant to crow and spy tho
ocs are a never ending battle of developing and also balancing for me.. atleast for blu team i really have to make sure theyre all balanced out and also developed equally.... i actually didnt like that carl and iris used to both be too much of scaredy cats, as well as gary. so i left the scaredy cat job to carl and now iris is less scared and moreso numb and vindictive. gary used to dislike seeing people in pain but i thought that doesnt align with BLU teams theme at all so now its more like gary just doesnt give a shit. they dont want to murder not because its immoral but because its not fun to them, and they wanna have a splash in a pool instead or something.
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minquiec · 9 months
stupid jipunk highschool things
Mostly prior getting tgt cause they're so fxking dumb and ARHGGG
- there's this one time where jia went and did her nails as red and white for fun but secretly it was to match his hair and so she's like walking around school w her new nails and hb pulls up like 'omg love ur candy cane themed nails 😆😆' but the problem is it was the middle of like july. people around them were like r u deadass rn 🗿 and jia kicks him like 'U IDIOT 👹' CAUSE SHES EMBARRASSED HE PERCEIVED HER (she was gonna get embarrassed either way cause when it comes to him she acts a little unwise and silly) and so she like walks off and he's just ???? but afterwards someone probably spells it out for him 😮 ohhhh 😳🤯 cause he's so dumbwbdjwndnw and then later that night she probably posted a insta story w her nails showing AND ITS RLLY DUMB CAUSE SHE DEFINITELY POSTED IT TO LONDON BOY LIKE GIRL UR SO OBVIOUS ATP PLEASE but he probably sees it and starts being dumb and doing that thing where u kinda go insane in ur bedroom and screaming into ur elbow EITHER WAY THE BOTH OF THEM ARE DOING THAG CAUSE RHEYRE SO DUMB AND SO STUPID AND I HAGE THEM he probably took a screenshot
- speaking of her insta, reiterating the fact he probably stalks it, he does this thing where like he'd click on a post and then immediately throws it across his room cause akdnksjdja@)#!# so his phone has a shit ton of cracks in it I doNT CARE THIS SEEMS OOC IM ALLOWED TO MAKE SILLY CONTENT ABT HIM ITS WHAT HE DESERVES HE NEEDS TO BE SILLY SOMETIKES TOO
- they're that type of like couple u see in manga where it's really fuqqing obvious they have the worlds biggest fattest crush on each other to absolutely everyone and everything except for themselves because dumb teenage crushing which is so dumb and so stupid and they're so dumb and so stupid and I hate them so. muchj
- they're in the same class and he sits behind her unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how u look at it) so he's 90% always like sprawling across his desk or he's leaning reaaaally down his chair cause his lanky ass could reach her desk cause he's a little shid and always pestering her 😬 like if he's leaning forward he'd poke her with the back of his pen and if he's leaning back he'd be tapping on the leg of her chair cause he's so dumb and annoying and has such a big fat funking crush it's a little ridiculous at this point I hat e thhh em (x2)
- both of them are actually equally popular cause they don't rlly hang in cliques and are just nice to everyone but her version of nice is different from his version 😭❓❓ idk how to word it SHES LIKE A ☺️👌✨ NICE AND THEN HES JUST A 💥💥😆🔥🗣️🔇🔊🔇🔊🔇 NICE ??? he's a hypeman that's what he is
- there's literally no rhyme or reason for why she started liking him bc it's y'know that situation in highschool where ur literally minding ur business and then you see this one person in ur class too much and ur like okay no hang on. 🛑 but yea it's she literally went like "okay there's this guy in my class who's kinda loud okay whatever 😑" and then a week passes and she's like "omg he's so annoying isn't his face just so annoying like I hate the way I have to break my neck to talk to him omg I just never wanna talk to him again cause he's so annoying" and then flash forward again and this time she's like "ugh I hate his stupid ass stupid face stupid laugh stupid stupid stupid
Like it's actually so dumb.
And the thing is he wasn't even initially trying to annoy anyone or whatever he's just like that but after he caught feels he started being the most intolerable idiot ever to her half on purpose half not
- actually going back on the 'everyone knows they have a crush except for themselves' thing I think at one point they probably did suspect the other also returned the feelings but they just never said anything cause awkward teenage shids
- so. So much of vague highschool flirt tactics it's dumb. Like it's the kind where like you ask to compare hand sizes or smth or otherwise it's she 'accidentally' squeezed too much hand lotion and smears some on his hand or buying extra snacks LIKE they're. Just so
So stupid I can't
They r just rlly silly and give me a lot of cuteness aggression and I kinda wanna squeeze them to death silly silly goofy teenage crushing argh
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danphantom · 4 months
a while back i saw some ppl heavily criticize agit to the point of saying it was a shitty graphic novel, and they had a lot to say that i could retaliate with even more of my own words, but i wont do that to yall. i do wanna highlight one thing they complained about tho and that was how the gn gave dan a second chance (they included vlad in this but im talking about dn rn)
my initial, simpler thought was "girl shut up" which i still also feel. but my more thought out response is...wasnt that the point of the ending of tue??? not necessarily in dan's case per se, but the whole "maybe that's all anybody needs--a second chance" line, and "you've given everyone else in your life a second chance--why not you?" honestly tell me that (whether on purpose or on accident) they were implying everyone--EVERYONE--deserves a second chance, and to me that includes dan (and vlad).
not only that, but the people were complaining about how dan and vlad got some flavor of redemption arc at least starting, and how theyre "supposed to be villains". girl what. not every villain has to be irredeemable and die awfully all alone. also, maybe....just maybe....they were aiming to make vlad and dan just a bit deeper than a fucking puddle. yknow. give them a LITTLE bit more dimension, like good characters would have.
its early in the morning so i wasnt able to properly articulate all that i had thought when i saw these responses..but i hope i got the gist across?? idk. people were being OVERLY HARSH about the execution of this graphic novel, and while it particularly hurts me to see because i absolutely adored it myself, i also think theyre just generally being overly critical of something that i think was actually rly fucking good and needed and welcome.
(they also said really fucking mean things about the art, even going as far as saying it was worse than BUTCH'S, so i actually dont think these people were speaking in good faith in the first place lol. but thats another post i guess)
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haemosexuality · 11 days
i blocked her so i can talk about this here now. in 2022 i became friends w someone from here and at least to me we were really good friends since tho there was some personality differences that kept chafing. also ive been really depressed especially this past year or so and i was not my best self i was not as reliable of a friend as i shouldve been. that made it worst. i (not on purpose) made her really upset over a thing (theres a lot of context to explain and i dont wanna type all of that rn) and didnt immediately acknowledge it bc i was busy (out with family all day) and then she ghosted me. we were friends for almost 2 years and she just ghosted me. and i dont, want to diminish her feelings in any way but from my pov i dont think it was that bad? that it warranted that? its been two months so i sent her a text saying i wish her well and then blocked her on whatsapp and on here. because i dont really want to hear what she has to say at this point (because she ghosted me for two months and i had no indication that would change). but im still sad. im really sad. ive been trying to not think about it because i dont want to break too hard but, man. she was my best friend for almost two years, we had kind of concrete plans to meet this year when/if i go to the us, i really cared about her even if i was horrible at showing it. another friend of mine is of the opinion that i wasnt in the wrong and am better off without her but i dont think so. i feel really bad. i hope shes doing ok. half of me thinks i deserve better than someone that ghosts me the other half thinks its exactly what i deserve for being such a dick friend and idk which to listen to. i dont want to hear anything she has to say but i also wish shed just say anything at all, even if she just cursed me off and blocked me
a lot of the stuff outside of my control that kept causing problem in our friendship was resolved like, in the first two weeks of her ghosting me. if theyd been resolved just a week earlier we probably would still be talking. i dont feel like i deserve any of it. not the meds, not the laptop, nothing. i know i was in a really bad depressive episode, i know how depression works but couldnt i have tried harder? and even outside of that, i cant just use depression to excuse my lack of communicating and all the promises i wasnt keeping, nothing was stopping me from being more honest except my own guilt. she didnt deserve that. its kind of devastating to have a friendship end so suddenly like this. i really really miss her. i havent blocked her on discord in case she does want to reach out even tho i know blocking her on whatsapp (the main place we talked) sends a big "never speak to me again" message. im good at repressing emotions but whenever i think about it too much i want to tear my organs out
i didnt even consider the idea of being angry or upset at her until over a month has passed. i was venting to another friend and she said that ghosting me was a shitty thing to do and the way she treated me before wasn't ok. i genuinely hadnt felt anything other than "im such a horrible person and a fuck up, i hope she can forgive me but i understand if she cant'' at that point and idk if it was just lack of self respect or if i really was super in the wrong and my other friend just couldnt grasp that from my pov of things. i dont know. i have more to say but talking about this very in depth for pretty much the first time is making me want to throw up so im going to stop writing
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