#i just love izzy lmaoooo
fraudulent-cheese · 10 months
Help im thinking about Courtzzy
they are soooo many things. they are the neurodivergent ever, one wants to look like a girlboss the other tries to play the word girlboss in scrabble. one tries to be put together but the other doesn't fucking care anymore. one is desperatly trying to write a perfect essay and the other is making paper cranes with her thrown away drafts (and later gifts her the cranes to cheer her up)
they are both unhinged in opposite yet similar ways, they love eachother and god forbid anyone get in their way or else they will fucking die with the combined power of a CIT and an arsonist
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izzy-b-hands · 11 months
I swear I'm going to sleep soon but first
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My prints from @sunnibits shop got here yesterday and they're!!! perfect!!!!
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rowanoftheunknown · 3 months
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carelessflower · 2 years
rating shtv jace questionable moment
let be honest, it will mostly be season one plus two offending screenshots from season two. critical analysis only when i want to, the rest depends. the descent into hell is easy after all
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5/10 - see? sh writers can write, first scene with jace they already show how he treat alec the rest of the season.
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6/10 - that his job
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3/10 - friendly reminder, alec was the acting head at this point aka jace's boss, it's his duty to report any strange occurrence at the institute and now you brought a STRANGE girl into HIS institute, i dont know, just a thought
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3/10 - yes it kinda is, and it's alec choice at that seeing how he your superiors
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3/10 - jace would be a shit head for the ny institute if a random pretty girl make him act like this. and again, it normal alec get suspicious at clary, because he, you know, can actually think through situations and not dive in first like a headless chicken
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4/10 - yes, he has working brain cells
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2/10 - dont you love it when the dude you supposedly share half your soul dismiss your valid concerns regarding your life
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5/10 - if he's as you said you would be six feet under or in some ceils not here talking shit
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1/10 - yes alec stop, don't you know jace is allergic to reasoning
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2/10 - he knows you should be supportive of your parabatai
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1/10 - all i can say is if a stranger comes into my life, not caring for anything but herself and jeopardizing my job, i would let out far worse things than angry rant
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3/10 - no wonder jace fancies clary, they are never ready to hold themselves or each other accountable for anything. true love
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🚩🚩🚩/10 - right before this izzy LITERALLY said clary go out WILLINGLY i have no words, alec's way too nice i would have 'oh this you' and drag jace daddy issue to filth back i would go lower than hell. by the way jace never apologize for this so. flop
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0/10 - proceed to lose her next episodes
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4/10 - flop. flop parabatai of the year
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2/10 - funny how jace only bring up the parabatai bond when he needs alec to do something for himm hmmmm. it giving suspicious it giving affection with conditions it giving manipulation
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-♾️/10 - that a totally normal thing to say about your brother, the one who you share a lifetime bond with. i normally wish jace choke on a porcupine
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0/10 - jace only contribution to the parabatai bond is 2x03 and when he use his nepotism to transfer the head of ny institute position to alec. and even with alec already on his way to that title before imogen swooped in
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5/10 - ooh be making that face now suddenly you care? dont make me laugh
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0/10 - jace lies so well, all that practice telling himself he looks handsome every morning paid off
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0/10 - my three year old cousin has more critical thinking than these two
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0/10 - jace the one to talk he's incapable of seeing anything outside clary
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-/10 - for whither thou storest, I will steal, and where thou trust, I will trust to betray.
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 💀/10 - took them ten episodes to have alec FINALLY punch somebody for joking, using his sexuality against him when he's clearly NOT ready to talk about it. yeah fuck shit up baby
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2/10 - oh okay, let talk about how you and clary fuck off to somewhere with the cup when the clave and a race supremacist massacre advocate cult leader are both hunting for it. then you and she proceed to play house with your newly discovered fake dad and left alec to deal with the mess. oh, did i mention izzy's complicit in your scheme and you left her there at the mercy of the clave?
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1/10 - your saving cause more problems than elon musk to twt get over yourself
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4/10 - selfish intentions + selfish actions = season one clace. a match made in heaven
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6/10 - passable apology but why he cant just resist making it all about him lmaoooo
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4/10 - the only joke here is your life
tag list: @dustandducks @cityofdownwardspirals @magnus-the-maqnificent @onetimetwotimesthreetimess @wildesummerchild @cam-ryt @khaleesiofalicante
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ofmd-alsaurus · 10 months
alsaurus' s2 fic
Kitty and the Captain this is the only one that I wrote and posted before s2 was complete: between episodes 5 and 6, in fact! so we've got all the sweet horny insanity of Ed in a cat collar and Stede practicing his captain voice from episode 5, plus the idea of Stede not knowing what a handy is from episode 4, and zero idea of the angst to come lmaoooo. it's cute, it's sweet, it's hot, it's on brand.
Ed and Stede's Very Successful Second Time a true comedy, and a visceral reaction to the season 2 finale (and to people's reactions to the finale). I admit that it's a bit of a prank, a bit of me blowing raspberries at all the Izzy wank in fandom... this is reflected in the hits to kudos ratio lmao. I know exactly where people hit that back button. but plenty of others kept reading, and maybe had some feelings they didn't expect to have. plus it's what I wanted to write, and I do truly write these for myself (as much as I love pleasing you all).
Truly Docked yeah... as soon as I heard that "well and truly docked" comment in episode 7 I knew I would have to write this lol. the docking itself is a pretty small part of it because as always, the Ed and Stede in my head just kept talking and it became a whole other thing. I also love this because it's a slightly different take on the post-s2 "innkeepers era"... iykyk 😂
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
okay what the fuck is “team chris is really really really really hot” i keep seeing it and idk what it is 😭 (maybe if i actually watched the show i would figure it out but why would i pick the logical option when i can just be annoying?)
LMAOOOO keep watching the show, dude, a lot of stuff will make more sense then, but here's the lowdown hdfjkfh
team chris is really really really really hot (yes there are 4 "really"s that's a pinnacle to the team name) is one of the teams in total drama world tour (the 3rd season), alongside team amazon and team victory. it's composed of owen, noah, tyler, sierra (a newly introduced contestant though she switches with izzy few episodes later so no one rlly adds her to the dynamic and prefer izzy over her in the team), alejandro (another newly introduced contestant, who is...interesting to say the least), and later on in the season duncan joins the team. majority of the fandom adores their dynamic bc it's legit 'crackhead and moron (affectionate) energy + noah and alejandro' (though imo alejandro is just as much of a crackhead, but more low-key. I mean, he voluntarily french-kissed a dummy with a pineapple for a head in the season, so-)
anyway, ppl love them for that reason, and bc their interactions are great, and overall it's a good friendship dynamic (though many would say that they'd be a good polycule dynamic too)
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stedebonnit · 2 years
sunshine ❤️ but also noodle for the angst in joy's DMs 💀
LMAOOOO meow youre amazing.
And because i love you Ill share the angst from yesterday that I was talking about in Joys (@wearfinethingsalltoowell ) DMs 😈
Stede loves birthdays, but not his own. Hes never had a good birthday. His father wanted him to do something that a "real man" would on his birthday. Lots of tearful hunting trips as Stede flinched at the loud shots and cried at the sight and smell of dead animals.
At boarding school, his birthdays were either lonely, or purposefully hurtful. Fake surprise parties that ended with Stede getting cake or pie thrown in his face, planned events that no one showed up to, and so on.
With Mary, Stede mostly stopped trying. He did try, once, to plan a small get together with their neighbours. Everyone forgot, and Stede was left alone at the table, all dressed up, a cake to himself. Mary apologized of course, but Stede never planned a birthday for himself again.
That said, his loves for birthdays never stopped. Stede planned events for Mary and the kids every year. Birthdays were what he and Mary bonded over the most. He bought Mary her first painting set (even if he promptly forgot about it and asked her months later when she decided to purchase painting materials).
Stede was never terribly observant, except when it came to birthdays. He always knew exactly what to get Mary or the kids, how to plan an unforgettable event. He had never been good with anniversary gifts, but birthdays just felt different.
When he left for the sea, his crews birthdays became a centrepoint. A few members didnt remember or know their birthdays, so Stede assigned them, and made parties no one ever forgot. Even for Izzy, Stede would plan an extra bloody raid, and have Ed suggest it because he knew Izzy wouldnt agree if it came from him.
Stedes 40th birthday happened back home, sat alone at the table across from a petrified orange. "How was your day, Edward? Mine? Oh, its my birthday. I suppose I'm not surprised that its just us, here. Ive never had a birthday was wasnt terribly lonely. Though, i suppose there's no one to blame this year but myself."
The next year, Ed and Stede have reunited. Every single birthday on the Revenge has been celebrated with festivities that no one could beat. Eds own birthday was a beautiful dinner party. Fancy dress code, but with none of the rules of high society. They ate cake with the lobster spoons, just because they could. Stede taught Ed the Waltz, and they danced all through the night. Stede never laughed or smiled as big as he did that night, watching Edward unwrap the silk poets blouse with a leather vest, handmade by one of the finest vendors Stede could find. It became a regular staple of Edwards wardrobe.
When Stedes birthday rolled around, he kept it quiet. He'd never had a good birthday, and honestly he didnt want to bring the crew down with his sour birthday memories. Instead of celebrating, Stede decided he would stop at port on his birthday for a spot of shopping. He could buy himself a trinket, and allow himself some extra sweets after dinner. Truthfully, a birthday where he isnt alone would make this one better than any he'd had before, and for Stede that would be enough.
Its a day before his birthday when Charles shows up. Hes another one of Edwards rowdy pirate friends from back in the day, and he's strikingly similar to Jack.
Stede grits his teeth and endures the passive aggressive taunts, the loud noises through the night, the non-stop drinking. He decides he doesn't care if his birthday is terrible. He just wants to survive it this year without breaking down, something hes done more times than he can count.
Even this goal is left unmet when Charles stumbles drunkenly over to Stede on the beach that afternoon, slamming into him. He loses his footing and falls unceremoniously into the passing wave, his trousers becoming caked with wet sand. When he rights himself, Charles is laughing.
"Heh. Oops. Didnt see you there. Guess youre easy to miss. Blackbeard hasnt even noticed you all night. I bet its-"
He stops, not because anyone makes him, but because suddenly Charles is gagging and throwing up, the vomit spraying down Stedes front.
Stede feels the tears gathering, then.
"Oops. My bad. Want me to push you back in the water to clean it?"
Stedes voice wavers as he says
"No. Thank you. I think ill just head back to the ship."
He does, and as soon as the door shuts behind him, the tears start falling.
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cadene · 1 year
Our Flag Means Death season two thoughts YAY!
They have GOT TO STOP making me think Izzy is dead oml. There was what, three fakeouts? He probably has no toes left on that foot and only one leg but LET THE POOR MAN LIVE.
Poor Fang, all traumatized and shit.
Okay so I'm glad they brought back Spanish Jackie and her husbands but all I could think was how uncomfortable that whole thing was with The Swede. The 'husbandly duties' being a massage was funny though.
LUCIUS ISN'T DEAD THANK THE HEAVENS!!!! The entirety of episode one when they'd show the group I was grumbling about Lucius. Where is he I miss him he cannot be dead etc.
AND omg the reunion with him and Black Pete was PERFECT.
Auntie when she said the "men are so emotional" line:
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The thing with Auntie and Buttons is killing me. Please get back to that soon I WANT MORE SUPERNATURAL SHIT.
Jim remains the coolest. Archie is cool but I think Oluwande and them are a good pair. :(
OHHH hmm. Eh, make it poly. Zheng can join in.
I absolutely love her btw. I kinda wish instead of making a break for it that Stede cut her a deal in taking the Revenge under her pirate flag and joining her fleet. But then they wouldn't have the freedom to run around and do whatever. I just hope it's not too long before we see her and Auntie again.
Roach fanboying the soup was so cute.
MAAKA HI! please be in this more than that one scene! He's so funny in Wellington Paranormal!
Stede rushing to get to the Revenge was fantastic. The flop and weak 'Ed!' killed me.
lmao Rhys Darby gets to be a merman! So now he can claim werewolf and merman. XD
The whole time Stede was like "come back to me, Ed!" I was screeching "kiss him like you're in a fairy tale!"
I am so glad they released the eps like this and didn't make us wait forever for them to reunite. I mean, they ARE making us wait, but also not. XD
The ad for New Zealand with Taika's body double was hilarious and wonderful.
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izzyspussy · 2 years
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anyway so basically the crew overhears blackbonnet finally having sex, right, and it's ed's first time vanilla-ing so for the crew members who have overheard him before... sounds different. and everyone also just kind of alsfjasl figured that stede is not great in bed just given his general swaglessness. so ASLFKJASL they assume that ed is faking for him lmaoooo. even izzy is in on this. he hates the "invasion of blackbeard's privacy" BUT he loves the insult to stede and the potential for trouble in pansyboy paradise.
so the crew are all trying to figure this out. they're trying to catch them In It enough to really tell if those noises are genuine (and also, on the part of the black half what the fuck is captain bonnet doing) but at the same time nobody wants to actually have to bear witness. those are their dads.
throughout these hijinks (which mostly consist of gossip), izzy and the black half occasionally mention jack. izzy has the most info about That Whole Thing due to his curse/privilege of having been ed's (best? only? can you be the best if you're the only? much to forcibly not think about) friend previous to all of this. ed and jack had a Thing when they were young, and they usually take it up again briefly whenever they run into each other now.
so of course izzy gets an idea. he's already basically done this once, can't hurt to try again. but the rest of the crew is in on it this time - where izzy is trying to tempt ed and break him and stede up, everyone else just wants a first hand Source.
so izzy contacts jack by way of plot device messenger seagull or whatever and he shows up again (not sure if dead in canon...?). ed isn't as happy to see him this time but he doesn't seem upset either, though he does take jack aside on the first night so he can receive his threat to behave from Blackbeard (TM) without an audience. stede also, uh, has some words of warning for him. the crew (and the audience) know not what stede said, but strangely enough that seems to have been the more effective Talk.
unfortunately for izzy jack's presence does not do fuck or shit to cause drama between ed and stede. on the one hand, ed now has a direct comparison to make between the sex he was having and the sex he is having, and he's coming up preferable toward the present. on the other hand, jack makes stede jealous, which makes him possessive, which makes him get a little less vanilla, so really it's a moot point regardless. co-captain sex gets better/worse, depending which side of the door you're on.
jack, however, has a mission and he's gonna see it through. not izzy's mission, that guy is a fuckin downer (and he himself doesn't really want ed back, never really did honestly). the gossip mill, though. that thing needs fed and by god jack is gonna feed it. least he can do for murdering that bird is to tell everyone if their poncy captain is a hardcore freak or not.
so jack gives up trying to make ed horny - and it's not that this wasn't working, it's just that when ed got horny from, say, seeing jack mess around with that fucking whip, his first thought was always to take that up with stede - and instead just starts asking him things directly.
ed leads ship's business one morning (they alternate who has to get up early) and underneath his steadily growing scruff he looks like he's been fucking mauled. from just under both ears all the way down below the collar of his not especially high cut shirt (and who knows how much further) he's absolutely covered in red-purple hickeys.
"thought you hated being marked up," jack not-quite asks. ed grins at him, uncomplicatedly happy (and that's the real difference innit). he's the epitome of 'bright-eyed and bushy-tailed'.
"nah," he says. "didn't wanna risk being marked up. but i'm fucking blackbeard now, i can do whatever i want."
(now jack would never, ever admit this, not even to himself. but maybe now he's the one who's a little jealous, because-)
"you were blackbeard last time we fucked."
"yeah, guess i was," ed allows, entirely unperturbed. "you didn't try it."
"would you have let me?" jack asks, already knowing the answer perfectly well. ed thinks about it, very briefly, shrugs again.
"prob'ly not."
later, stede calls ed 'darling' on deck. jack asks about this too, and ed simply tells him that stede also calls him 'baby' and 'sweetheart'. sweetheart! he repeats in credulity, shaking his head, pointing at himself.
(jack did attempt to call ed 'baby' - once - and had been told that if he ever said it again he'd have his dick cut off and fed to him piece by piece over a period of several days.)
finally, finally, jack can't take the 'mystery' anymore and, in a tight weed circle with ed and a few lucky crew members one night after stede has long gone to bed, he asks straight up, "so how does he compare?"
it takes ed a moment to realize what the fuck jack is asking, and when he does he laughs out loud. "what, to you?"
and really. that fucking answers that, dunnit.
340 notes - Posted April 8, 2022
"only fanfiction has things like 'enemies to lovers'"
huh. weird. i could have sworn pride and prejudice was a traditionally published book studied academically as a piece of classic literature...
819 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
I hate when I read a good book and it makes me want to write my book good but writing a good book is not nearly as easy as reading one
947 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
Ok final ask from me tonight: who in the crew would be the funniest for Izzy to fake date? I think angstiest would definitely go to Ed but funniest? Idk ~ blackhannet anon
Funniest (and angstiest) if Ed has no earthly clue that this is torture for Izzy. Also very funny that his only point of reference is Stede. Ed, in his mind: so which of us is the wealthy landowner and which of us is the bloodthirsty pirate? He puts himself into the Stede role and treats Izzy real chivalrous and gentlemanly and whatnot, but.... very badly kaslfkjls. He doesn't actually know how to do it.
Stede, in his mind: so which of us is the wealthy landowner and which of us is the bloodthirsty pirate? Can I be the pirate? I wanna be the pirate. I'm going to be the pirate. And Izzy has to figure out how to play along with that or they fail the fucking mission and get killed or whatever.
The extent of what they do to convince their mark is hold hands, poorly. Like Stede and Mary on their wedding day. ...At First. Izzy has been saying what a terrible idea this is since it was suggested, and as soon as it seems like he was right he's gloating even though it means he's failed. And then it's a challenge to Jim, a way to win and also wipe that smirk off of Izzy's face. They start hitting him really hard in the mouth with their mouth for no god damn reason except that the mark is, like, there.
Olu treats Izzy with chivalry, but like, real genuine working class chivalry. Every time Izzy looks into the middle distance, Jim is there, threatening him with great bodily harm. No one else ever sees them.
The plan was not to fake date, but the mark made assumptions and they had to go with it. Lucius has an absolute blast. Izzy's internal rage/sexual tension is pulled so tight it's a miracle he doesn't snap right in half. Lucius is fully aware of this, and the knowledge is 80% of the fun he's having.
Black Pete
Izzy has never been called so many pet names in his life. He's never heard of so many pet names in his life. He attempts to return the favor and sounds like he is trying to speak a language he does not know. The mark falls for the ruse because Pete is very cute despite all obstacles, but they do take Pete aside after their business is done and ask if Izzy has something fundamentally wrong with him.
Somehow this is the most competent combination. Frenchie is adaptable and personable and can manage to fit with Izzy pretty well, even if he wouldn't actually choose to for real. They fall into simple, non-PDA demonstrations of intimacy like walking in sync or anticipating each other's movements. The only fuck up is that Frenchie does accidentally reprise "Jizzy" in front of the mark, and in the name of their cover Izzy has to answer to it.
Izzy thinks this is the least objectionable combination. Buttons doesn't like him, but he's a competent sailor and he hasn't yet caused Izzy any real trouble. Of course, throughout the grift, Izzy is confronted with all the ways Buttons is an absolutely bonkers person who cannot be handled, understood, or even described. Buttons has an alright time, though. He tells the crew after it's done that Izzy is "a fine lad" but not his type. Izzy has no comment, as he has not yet recovered from his experiences.
Roach seems to genuinely think he Needs to know about Izzy's kinks and fetishes to make them believable as a couple. He tells Izzy his without shame or prompting. Izzy cancels the mission.
Wee John
Wee John insists he has to be a woman for this. He's fully aware that couples do not solely consist of one man and one woman. But he insists he has to be a woman for this.
The Swede
The Swede, out loud: so which of us is the wealthy landowner and which of us is the bloodthirsty pirate?
1,349 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
rookie mistake ed made not letting stede and izzy sniff each other through the bathroom door for a week before introducing them smh
1,986 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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midnight-laundry · 2 years
This made me laugh out loud because the only reason I haven't ended in pretty much this exact situation is that Jack is triggering to me ( for personal reasons that I'm obviously not going to dump on you) so instead it's steddyhands or whatever the name for Lusrael plus Pete is xD. Like, first watch I was all over gentlebeard and separately Lucius as a character (didn't want Izzy to die tho just. Basically laughed at an angry little jealous Chihuahua continually shooting himself in the foot). Second watch I was already projecting on Izzy like a mofo and now any ship without him is background in my head lmaoooo what???
i also have this thing where i lose interest in the protagonists pretty quickly. all my previous fandoms i’ve mostly focused on supporting or side characters. in this case, ed is so dear to me and so fascinating so even when i am reading jackhands stuff, ed’s role and reaction to it is still interesting to me! i first dipped my toe into izzy shipping with sprizzy (+pete) but steddyhands eventually won my heart and now i don’t really read any sprizzy. i like gentlebeard enough in the show (although my unrealistic dream is steddyhands endgame but ANYWAY) and i’m also sure that izzy will get a good ending because i still trust the writers. roach/izzy also unexpectedly captured my heart, thanks to some great artists and writers on twitter. basically, i love my little chihuahua and ever since the first time i watched this show, i’ve been rooting for him to find love and acceptance.
i think my main beef is with stede himself, tbh. i don’t hate him, but i do find him very annoying. i think s2 is gonna give him a nice arc so hopefully he’ll be a little less insufferable cuz his crew definitely deserves that much, at least.
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billowyy · 2 years
You do realize Con isn't a writer and everything he says is just head canon? You do know that he's the antagonist and a racist abuser and he's not going to suddenly become the primary focus of the show? He's not getting backstory or a love interest. He's not that important. He's not Jim.
y'all hear smth?
ngl this made me laugh lmaoooo something about "he's not jim" just sent me. despite it being horrible that people are being sent these, or worse versions of these, it did feel like a lil rite of passage to finally get one as an izzy enjoyer.
(also maybe, anon, identify when you start talking about izzy. i thought you were still talking about con and got very confused lmao)
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decembermoonskz · 2 years
Izzy moon, mi love! I just saw your reply 😭 lmao I am still buried deep in my mind forest bc even February felt like a train wreck but it has significantly calmed down for me 💀🫶🏻 wishing you super well from my thick teal leaves and dandelion seeds!
Amg about Engage— I have a lot to say 😂 it definitely feels like a spin off > an actual main title game. I think bc it’s been awhile since I played any of the previous main title games so Engage was ok for me but my twin went off about how it’s such a downgrade from Three Houses. In her words, “the new game plus is not fresh.” I miss having the 2nd gen kids in the second half tho 🥺 the parent-child supports were always a fave of mine
OHH YESSS FINAL FANTASY AND GENSHIN 😭I need to catch up. I haven’t played Genshin in a hot minute and have all these quests piled up 😭 who do you main? who’s your fave? Reminds me of Bin’s samsung ad like 👀 Changbin ganyu main??? and aaaa :’((( ff xiv I’ve been considering playing it when my fantasy drive comes back bc I often get commission requests and their charas look so fun to draw (then cry bc of all the details)
Sending you much love again tooo, Izzy moon 🌙 I miss you lots 🥺💖 and I hope you’re enjoying your rest time too!! Mwah mwah mwah 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶��
— chia 🐏✨
hi chia!! I’m glad things have calmed down somewhat for you!! that makes me happy to hear 🫂🫂
and I’m honestly thinking about giving it a try I just really love the colorful art style for the most part tbh lol my inner artist ig lmaoooo but honestly I wasn’t that big a fan of three houses tbh, I adore the characters but as a game it didn’t click with me I kinda dropped it after finishing claude and dimitri’s route (bc they’re the only lord for me 😔🤌🏼) but the game seems interesting. I wanna at least give it a try to form my own opinion yk??? but unfortunately it’s gonna have to wait bc I have TOO MANY GAMES TO PLAY ATM 😩😂
aaaah I haven’t been playing genshin as much since that message but I got back into a bit to pull xiao and alhaitham hehe. speaking of, I’m an unabashed xiao lover and use him in almost every team I make LOL I also like using kazuha, heizou, zhongli, kokomi and raiden >w< I wanna level alhaitham and cyno someday to use too 😔🙏🏼 also hello changbin plays genshin on that Samsung ad?? bruh I missed that completely 👀
and omg if you ever play it you’ve gotta let me know I’d love to play with you and stuff 🥰🥰 (no pressure ofc but yeah it’d be lots of fun!) I love my girl so much whenever I log in I’m genuinely so happy to see her that’s how much I love her 😂😂 and yes omg so many details it’s wild :))) (speaking as someone who tried to draw ffxiv stuff sometimes I can agree it’s a ton haha)
I’m always happy when you send a message chia so here’s my affectionate reminder that you can always send one if you feel like it!! 🥹💜 be well and talk again soon!!
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
how did i miss the live goat standing in Anne and Mary's house in this scene. This isn't my first rewatch lmaoooo
Is a cute goat
Hang on im gonna shove some more rewatch comments in here to lessen the amount of posts in making aksndkfngj
more below deck (the cut)
This entire bit is just. so good. Anne and Mary are So Much and i love them. I feel like maybe Ed should have cooked the rabbit (he's the only one with proven, good cooking skills.) I appreciate why Mary called Stede back (bc I imagine she guessed he can't necessarily cook well and knew it would be funny lol)
I just. the Vibes of this. I've been at this house/dinner party with queer friends, right down to the wounds of a relationship being ripped open (for better or for worse) for one or more attending couples lmao. They captured it so perfectly
Ed choking on a hit shouldn't be hot. And yet. Both cute and hot.
God that prat fall. Con handles it well but that had to hurt.
and. god. 'born alone, die alone' Izzy honey pls. let me hug you 😭
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seacollectsrivers · 3 years
"Act of Grace" -> "A Mercy" prob not connected but hhhh terror brain go brrrr
rest under the read more!
The opening flag is the same one as in ep 1, and it is being TREAD ON by NAVY >:((
I love the Revenge crew sm jkfhgk
O fuck i man of course they are but i didn't realise they were still on board Stede's ship. Shifting of power, of roles.
I'm so curious about Frenchie hahaha what's his story!! He's been in service, he's way more superstitious than any of the others, he's "born for this kind of espionage". What's up!!
Are they gonna. Are they gonna do some fuckery. Art of fuckery!!!!
Frenchie hhhh i love you but oh my god.
oh no stede…… oh nooooo
BUT also 👀 The story is true, the story is untrue!!
true love is taking the fall for the other's crime
yeah why WOULD he lie, hm, STEDE
i'm dying i'm dead
i hate these gay bitches (i dont)
the flashbacks without any sound that only last for a second or so are so good. they did it in earlier episodes too.
The way they've placed themselves is very good and ofc reminiscent of actual court. Judge/navy high up, pirates/accused way low
i see their hostage 👀
oh no izzy…….. :(((( not captain hands……. friend of the crown???? i'm so worried about himmmmmm
not the fucking wave fhgjkdjfkh WITH THE GLOVED HAND TOO i'll die
"he gave us up" yeah he did :(((
aw stede. you did Mary dirty but you don't deserve death, babe
the way the crew cover their eyes :((
"destroy yourself"
HUMANE WAY see i'm hmmm. thoughts. about izzy and how he never like…. kills stede. despite the multiple opportunities.
AAAH they're going for privateer Stede NOW omg
oh shit!! real pirates, he's from my world, rigidity of class, head full!!
Lucius ;__; <3
oooh my god the plant has GROWN!! it's a real plant! symbolism!
They love him!! the crew loves stede!! heart full!!
fucccck me ok so. izzy did this so ed wouldnt destroy himself. and he seriously i guess couldnt see how much stede means to ed now, so he completely overlooked this possibility: a destruction of blackbeard through legality.
lmaoooo the law works as intended and admiral is big mad.
"ten human years?"
"you really don't have to do this" "yeah i know i don't" hello they love each other!!
idk you wrought this a bit, izzy
oh an X!
oh noo. back in society = losing all his individuality.
aaaaaah the losing of identityyyyyy. stede is a ghost blackbeard has literally lost his beard.
i do love how resigned ed is. not even resigned, he's right down accepting. this is his retirement.
izzy jesus christ jfghkghgkjh
not izzy's revenge 😭
at this point i let out a noise so concerning my cat came in to check on me :)
if stede blows this i'm gonna. explode.
he didn't blow it he said THE ONLY THING i'm still gonna explode :)
NOW he wants to escape aaaaaaaAAAA
Olu it's you :)
hhhh why do so many stories go this route. please ofmd show how bad of a choice "the only good captain hates being a captain" is
they cut to the crew and i'm normal and then they cut to the Boys and i keep REMEMBERING aaaaaaaaaa
i feel like. this isn't gonna go well. :(
i. dont. like. this.
o fuck
is this not the same path where Stede first fought Izzy, for the hostages? probably just that they don't have THAT many locations but 👀
"Stede Bonnet is not a human" yeah he's a GHOST
"to ruin" for LOVE
!!! IS IT JIM!!!!!!
OH I MISUNDERSTOOD damn dude just tripped okay
oh noooooooooooooooooooo fuck
wow, well presumptious Ed. i get that you're a bit heartbroken now but damn. you can't just like. take the position back again.
oh my god Mary hello. with the women's club. alright alright alright alright.
they're BOTH SO PRESUMPTIOUS FHDGJDS you can't just,,,,, fit back into your old life,,,,,
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Haven't written fic since I was 16 and writing destiel one shots lmaoooo but gay pirate show brain rot will do that to you I guess. Quick drabble for my take on what the Stede/Ed reunion could look like...
“Look here!” Stede calls, pointing excitedly towards the horizon. After weeks of rowing, the whole crew crammed into a tiny dinghy, they finally catch up to the Revenge. They let out a cheer at the sight. Stede feels his heartbeat speed up, and he can’t help but let out an excited whoop of his own.
Their excitement is short-lived though, as it appears they are not the only ones to have found the Revenge - so has the British navy. The two ships are pulled up close to each other, and, as Stede can see from peering through his spyglass, the British soldiers have already boarded the Revenge.
Stede sighs nervously, looking around at his wide-eyed crew. There’s no more time for what if’s, only confronting whatever they find on the ship in front of them. Whoever, or whatever, Ed has become, the only way now is forward. Stede nods towards the Revenge and Oluwande picks up his rowing pace, a breathless, joyous “Jim” escaping his mouth as he pulls on the oars.
They float up to the side of the Revenge and Stede nearly falls out of the small boat in his haste to reach the ladder hanging off her side. He clambers aboard his ship to find it in absolute chaos. The sound of violence fills the air - swords clashing together, limp bodies hitting the deck, cannon fire ringing. Jim is darting across the deck, throwing daggers at any British soldier they can reach. Ivan wields a large ax, swinging it in the direction of a particularly furious looking soldier. Izzy has his back to the mast, his dagger pushed into the stomach of a falling body.
Stede scans the deck frantically, looking for, ah - and there he is, locked in a vicious battle up by the helm, sword slicing cleanly through the air to smash against the blade of a British noble. Stede wastes a few moments in shock at the state of Ed: his face smudged with kohl, his hair tangled and loose, his stance unsteady.
He’d heard things, of course, stories from his crew about what Ed had become, books tossed overboard and friends left marooned, but this - this was worse than he could have imagined. The sight of it nearly has him climbing back into the dinghy and rowing away as fast as he can. What on earth has he done to this lovely, lovely man?
He watches in horror as Ed barely dodges a dangerously close blow and it snaps him back into reality. Whatever he did cannot be fixed if Ed doesn’t make it through this fight. Stede begins charging through the battle towards Ed, swerving around daggers and swords slicing through the air. A cannon blast peels into the side of the ship, deafening. In a panic, Stede cries out.
“Ed!” He shouts, voice laced with fear.
As soon as the words pass his lips, time seems to slow down. Stede will spend the next few weeks replaying these moments in his head over and over again until he’s not sure what’s real and what's nightmare.
Ed, distracted by the sound of Stede’s voice, turns his head away from the battle, eyes wide and confused. The British soldier he’s fighting takes this distraction as an opportunity and pushes forward to drive his blade clean through Edward’s stomach. Ed grunts in pain as the hilt crashes into his body, still staring in shock at Stede. The soldier lets out a surprised cheer before he suddenly falls to the ground, a bullet blown straight through the center of his chest. Stede can’t even bother to wonder where the shot came from as he watches Ed drop to his knees, sword dripping blood where it protrudes from his back.
“Oh dear,” he chokes out breathlessly, rushing through the battle towards Ed, a faint ringing in his ears. “Ed! Ed!” he calls, voice cracking. “Oh god, oh no, oh, oh, oh, Ed,” Stede reaches the other man just as he slumps backwards, falling to sit on his heels in a position that can’t possibly be comfortable with his bad knee. “I’m here, I’m here, I’m right here, just don’t - fuck - there’s no need to worry, no bother at all. It’s on the left side, see? No trouble at all. No trouble at all now.” He’s babbling, hands shaking as he falls to his knees in front of Ed.
Ed grunts in pain, reaching a hand to the deck to steady himself and turning his face upwards to meet Stede’s eyes. He huffs out a small laugh, gaze cloudy and body swaying off kilter.
“Ed,” Stede chokes out. He reaches towards him with a tender hand, moving to cup his kohl-covered cheek.
It’s like someone flicks a light switch across Ed’s face. He freezes, flinching away from Stede’s touch. “You - ,“ he growls, accusatory, his body tense. Stede’s hand stops dead in midair. You what? You’re here? Of course Stede is here, of course he’s here with Ed; he can hardly imagine ever being anywhere else again.
Pain flickers across Ed’s face, so briefly that Stede almost wonders if he imagined it, and then his gaze flattens, emptying into a look Stede’s never seen before, a look that is terrifyingly hollow and cruel. “You should’n ‘av come.” It’s the last thing he says before his body goes limp and he slumps forward onto Stede, unconscious.
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ofmd-alsaurus · 2 years
I will never be able to take “the kraken” seriously. I know fandoms love their whump but there is literally NOTHING about Ed’s kraken era that isn’t hilarious.
The fucking MONTAGE of him getting dressed, the camera all zoomy and dramatic for comedic effect and then Ed brooding at his reflection in the blade “I aM tHE KrAKeN” lmaooooo like I cried laughing the first time I saw that shit. Yeah okay Ed… you’re the kraken. Uh huh… 😂
then what does he do? He makes Izzy eat his own toe and it’s PERFECT because HA is that what you wanted Izzy? Here you go! And he’s killing two birds with one stone because this is the EXACT activity that Ed had told Stede he didn’t wanna do anymore, and Stede was all “ew why would you do that in the first place” and now Ed’s like “WELL FINE THEN! YOU REJECT ME?? I’LL JUST KEEP BEING A YUCKY GROSS LOSER!!!!! I AM FINE WITH THIS LIFESTYLE ACTUALLY! FUCK YOU!!!!”
and then his fucking makeup??? Jesus Christ. Emo-ass motherfucker omg… I HOWLED when Jim was like “fuck’s wrong with your face” because that is EXACTLY the reaction we are supposed to be having to this Whole Mess lmaoooo
and then to emphasize the fact that we are NOT supposed to be taking this “evil Ed era” seriously, the last shot of him in the whole season he’s sobbing in Stede’s bed with Stede’s lighthouse painting… this is not a Bad Guy this is a Sad Guy. A sad, silly little guy <3
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