#i just needed to get the estinien ones out of the way since i took the nap one earlier this week
coldshrugs · 10 months
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can't stop thinking about io and estinien raising havi, so have some gentle and proud dad!estinien. i think he might miss her when she leaves home. just a little.
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headcanons-n-shit · 1 year
since there was already a prompt abt pining can i ask for hcs on how the ffxiv boys (+leofard?) would go about expressing their interest in a particularly dense wol? 😊
We do love a dense motherfuker
Thancred is fucjing suffering over here. He cannot possibly make his intentions any more obvious. The problem is that hes accidentally played himself-- hes spent so long disguising his feelings as jokes, or as ploys on missions, and now you just assume that his flirting and holding your hand and wanting to be in your space all the time is just what the two of you do. He ends up having to go all rose petals and sappy love confession under the moonlight like some kind of storybook love interest. Its so sappy, embarrassing, but its also so, so sweet.
Urianger is, unfortunately, painfully Sharlyan about the whole thing. He gives you nice paper, expensive ink, masterwork tools, intricate glasswear for your alchemy lab. Practical, highquality armor. A delicately embroidered handkerchief. He thinks hes being overly forward with his affections, you think hes just being a really good friend, yshtola would rather drown herself than watch the rest of this soap opera play out.
Literally what else does G'raha need to do to prove his devotion to you??? The man unwound time and unraveled space just to be by your side. He was practically your sugardaddy your entire time on the First. He almost, almost thought you were flirting back with him when you brought him food from the Last Stand, and then Alphinaud and alisae and krile trotted in behind you and it took every ounce of his Exarch discipline not to retreat with his tail between his legs. Pls this man is suffering.
Estinien literally can not. Look me in the eyes. This stinky dragoon has spent a good half his life behind an armet. He is a horrible mix of country bumpkin, career soldier, aymeric's half-assed attempts to pound courtly decorum into estiniens dumb empty head, and Nidhoggs instincts. He wants to cook you food, drag you into a corner and kiss you silly, send you flowers, and bring you something he killed with his bare hands. He ends up doing all four. Not necessarily in that order.
Aymeric is dying. You are going to be the death of him. He has gone through great pains to discover your favorite flower and have them always displayed in your room. He has written you letters full of poetry. He has showered you with gifts. He has invited you to dine with him. At this point the other nobles are asking whether its going to be a spring or summer wedding, and he doesnt know how to explain how you are still woefully oblivious bc he cant explain it himself.
Haurchefant gave you a LITERAL DOWRY. He handed you the reins to an extremely expensive war-trained black de chocobo in front of everyone whos ever mattered to him and also half of ishgard, and then he had to stand there dying internally while you praised him for being a "good friend". There are bets not on whether hes going to throw you over his shoulder and carry you to his room to. Ahem. Prove his devotions. But rather on how long it will take him to break.
Sidurgu. Barely has memories of the Orl traditions around courtship. His mother had often regaled him with stories of how she had courted his father. Food, presense and friendship, proofs of skill. And yes, it frustrates him that you seem to brush off his attempts, but. Well. It took almost five years for his mother and father to get together, from the way they told it. Hes learned a lot for your sake, and for rielles. He can learn patience too.
Leofard is a pirate. He doesnt dance around the bush, he strikes when the metal is hot and takes what he wants. It works well with garlean airships and the odd unfortunate merchant. Not. So much with you. One, because your consent and emotions are important to him. Two, because you are so. Fucking. Dense. He steals silks and jewels and fancy foods for you, spends time with you, saved your life from diabolos, told you his sad life story. Hes one step from throwing himself at you like some fainting dame, and its embarrassing.
(Hes not gonns stop tho)
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chysgoda · 11 days
September 13 Telling
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Another Way: Found Out
Spoilers: Stormblood
Art’imis Chysgoda is told about her daughter’s current endeavors.
Something was making the back of Art’imis Chysgoda’s neck itch.
It wasn’t Lolorito’s agent in Kuagane. (She was still annoyed that he brought up ‘stealer of pants’ in front of the twins. You take one set of pants from a jack ass at an after party and suddenly it’s a thing.) It wasn’t that this plan to make Garlemald fight a war on two fronts worried her. (It did, but not in an itchy way.) it wasn’t even that the twins were just a hair taller than her and she didn’t know when it happened. (She did, but was in denial about it.) she scratched at the scales on the back of her neck trying to alleviate the itch that seemed to radiate from her soul.
Art’imis debated wandering out to the pleasure district. Maybe exercising the beast with two backs would help. She pushed herself up and off the rented bed. She’d let Alisaie and Tataru know where she was going, that way they wouldn’t worry. Art’imis blinked, her ears popped and there was a rush of displaced air and a small dragon hovered in front of her face.
Well that kind of attention explained the itching.
“Warrior,” Midguardsommer greeted her, as grave as he always was.
“Midguardsommer, how can I help you?” Art’imis eyed the small avatar of the father of dragons. The ancient king was not in the habit of popping by for a casual chat.
“Your daughter was not able to avail herself of the knowledge kept within the stone that the knights dragoon use and has sought help from my son.”
Art’imis arched an eyebrow. She couldn’t say either fact was surprising. Aymeric, the Knight Commander of the dragoons, and she had spoken at length about if someone who’s family did not have the blood of Ratatasker could even use one of the dragoon soulstones. Aymeric and the knight commander had agreed to let Bel try, but did not have much faith it was even possible. She wondered who Bel had convinced to go out to Dravinia with her.
“Hrasvalger thought to deter her by requiring a task he believed she would not attempt to accomplish.” Midguardsommer continued in that slow measured way dragons had that made every other intelligent race on the star want to yell at them to hurry it up.
“Are you telling on your son?” Art’imis asked incredulously.
“He required that your daughter divest herself of Hydaelyn’s blessing before he would consider her request for aid.”
Art’imis blinked. There were several responses she could have to this. She decided to clarify the situation first, “Hrasvalger, told my daughter that if she wanted his help to do the thing that she has been dead set on doing since she decided that Ishgard was home and she would help protect it, she would need to remove the blessing of light. One of the few things that can keep MANY undesirable things from happening to her, which includes the Ascians. My daughter who has hated Hydaelyn since we found out that the mother crystal was using her aunt as a puppet-”
“That is not a very reasonable-”
“She’s fourteen! Reasonable is not in the equation,” Art’imis took a breath to get her temper back under control, “hopefully whoever Bel talked into taking her to the Zenith told him off before they went back to Ishgard.”
Midguardsommer was silent for several moments. Art’imis started going through the list of people Bel could talk into going with her, Estinien was most likely. She could beat his ass if she needed to. After another moment the old dragon spoke again, “She came alone when she sought out an audience with my son-”
“SHE WHAT?!” Art’imis had no doubt that the entire floor of the inn heard that, she also did not care.
“And she found a way to accomplish the task.”
Art’imis blinked again and went to the armor stand where she had hung her field leathers to air out. Midguardsommer watched her get armored up in silence until she grabbed her sword and shield. She felt his focus change and spoke first, “I’m just going to talk to them.”
“Art’imis Chysgoda-”
“I just want to talk,” Art’imis repeated herself. “At most I’ll throw one of his eyes in the siren song sea so he has to go fucking diving for it. And she is fucking GROUNDED for the rest of her life.”
The father of dragons evidently found this to be acceptable as he didn’t speak up again as she settled her shield on her back and walked out of her room and down the hall to Alphinaud’s room.
“SHE DID WHAT?!” A changing voice cracked as it shouted, disturbing the inn once again.
In Art’imis’s room, Midguardsommer considered whether or not he should let the Warrior of Light know that the next task was to recreate the blessing and if he should be concerned for his son’s life.
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dualcastimpact · 2 months
dawntrail impressions pt. iv
In which we head to Urqopacha and Kozama'uka for the Feat of Gold and the Feat of Reeds, featuring t-posing Alphinaud!
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Spoilers below the cut, as always:
First up: Urqopacha! There was no real reason for choosing to go to Urqopacha over Kozama'uka, I think. There doesn't seem to be any reason for the choice either; there's no advantage over choosing one over the other, and the story doesn't change regardless of which. I thought it was a relatively new addition to the game, the whole choose-your-path thing in the first level of the expansion, but then I realised it's been a thing since Heavensward — it was choosing between accompanying Artoirel or Emmanellain then, and in Stormblood it was choosing between M'naago and Meffrid. Then in Shadowbringers you had to choose between going to Amh Araeng to meet Alisaie or Kholusia to meet Alphinaud first, and in Endwalker it was either going to Labyrinthos in Sharlayan with Y'shtola and the twins or Thavnair with Estinien, Thancred and Urianger.
I'm a bit embarrassed it took me so long to notice, to be honest.
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Alphinaud: "That one massive peak in particular has quite the presence. It puts me in mind of Sohm Al."
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Alphinaud: "I feel the change in altitude most keenly. While mayhap not to the same degree as the Sea of Clouds, the air is decidedly thin here."
The writing tends to make fun of this but Alphinaud is nothing but genuine whenever he calls back to his past adventures. He especially tends to reminisce about his experiences during Heavensward; it's become sort of a running gag with Alisaie getting exasperated whenever he brings up firewood-gathering, but I think it's more poignant than anything. He brings up his experiences from Heavensward so often because they're important to him. It's in Heavensward that he really grew up and became a better person after the clusterfuck that was post-ARR, and the way he sincerely and somewhat innocently references his experiences in Heavensward every so often just shows how much of an impact they had on him.
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Krile: "Wuk Lamat is lucky to have Erenville. Everyone—royalty especially—needs a friend unafraid to chide them when the need arises."
Raginmar canonically plays that role for three royals — well, not sure if Aymeric counts as royalty but I digress. He absolutely holds no punches with Aymeric and Hien; he regularly gives Hien shit (especially regarding his feelings about Cirina) whenever he drops by the Doman Enclave, and he's extremely blunt whenever Aymeric asks for his opinion over their dinners together. He wasn't as close with Nanamo, but their adventures together in the Sil'dihn Subterrane changed that a little bit — he's not so blunt with her like he is with Aymeric and Hien, but he does tend to be more open and honest with her.
I like how we're not really playing that role for Wuk Lamat this time. I think post-Endwalker somewhat prepped us for this — the main character for post-Endwalker was Zero, not the Warrior of Light, and it remains the case for Dawntrail as well. We're not the most important chess piece on the board anymore, and I like that.
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Alphinaud: "Converting to gil, that comes to around a million or so. Mayhap if we all pitch in..."
This is absolutely a reference to his mishap with buying Gosetsu's katana back in Stormblood (laughs). He's become so conscientious about money now!
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Krile: "You've seen markets and bazaars the world over, and surely have sage advice to share."
This was a bit funny because I took this screenshot back when I'd still planned for Raginmar to be an uninvolved third party who just happened to be in Wachunpelo at the time, doing business buying mezcal and mate leaves and coffee beans and selling furs and heavy fabrics and prize crops and mead, and I thought Krile's comment was incredibly on the nose. "You've seen markets and bazaars the world over" exactly, he's here on business right now!
Of course that idea went out the window eventually but at the time I really had a good laugh at this.
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Tobli: "Mablu hasn't given up, I see..."
Given up on what, my guy?
Ah, turns out Mablu has always wanted to become a merchant, but thought it'd be a betrayal of Tobli since he'd taken care of her like his own. In true shōnen manga hero form, Wuk Lamat inspires her to chase her own dreams, and she proves herself to be a promising aspiring merchant as she helps Wuk Lamat progress through the Feat of Gold.
I spent most of this sequence writing down notes so I could figure out how to fit Raginmar into the Feat — maybe Gobli had sold the premium three-year-old mezcal to him, and Wuk Lamat and Mablu would have to figure out a way to get it from him instead — so I didn't take a lot of screenshots, but it was a pretty fun sequence! The way it introduced the people and culture of Urqopacha to both Wuk Lamat and the audience felt organic; it felt like we were learning alongside Wuk Lamat and I loved that.
From the get-go, it was clear that the Feats were intended to connect the claimants to the peoples of Tuliyollal — to learn their history, their culture, what's important to them and what made them tick; all the things a ruler should know about their people. How the claimants respond to this is key to determining their worthiness to the throne.
It's a classic trope and it's not even remotely subtle, but I think it's fine. Sometimes I wonder if stories like this shouldn't be made even simpler considering how people nowadays find simple media literacy so challenging.
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Alisaie: "Alphinaud was quick to lend a hand with dismantling the tent. Is this to be his new obsession now that he's mastered collecting firewood?"
I don't know if it's just me feeling maudlin right now, but at times Alisaie making fun of Alphinaud like this feels more aggravating than humourous. Like I said, I get that Alphinaud's earnest enthusiasm is a running gag throughout the game but making fun of something that genuine and sincere feels off-putting to me.
The way he keeps talking about how he's good at firewood-gathering is meant to demonstrate how despite his character growth, he still has moments that shows his naïveté — firewood-gathering isn't a particularly impressive skill, he only thinks that way because of his sheltered upbringing. He opens himself up to ridicule whenever he acts as if this is something incredible he's learned to master, because to him it was. He's genuine about this, and to make matters worse he genuinely wants to be helpful whenever he brings it up. That's how impactful his experiences in Heavensward was for him, and I think the way the game keeps treating it as a running gag feels tasteless sometimes.
He's not even talking about gathering firewood at this point! He's branching out, even! Why are you still giving him shit about it?!
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Alphinaud: "So this is a Hanuhanu village! One can tell at a glance how very different their culture is to the Vanu's.
Sue me for being sentimental but it genuinely brings a tear to my eye how Alphinaud's so enthusiastic about learning about the world now, compared to the absolute self-absorbed shithead that he was in ARR. He's genuinely so excited about learning new things and having all these new experiences as he travels the world and it's such a great show of character development, even after so many expansions.
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Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: "These allies of hers, though... They might be a problem."
One thing I really like is how none of the claimants are so arrogant so as to be foolish when it comes to underestimating their opponents. In fact no one underestimates anybody, not even Bakool Ja Ja. He's arrogant and boastful and supremely full of himself, and he's dismissive of Wuk Lamat because he doesn't like her (and later on we'll see that he actually does respect her, he just feels that he has to act like he's better than everyone), but he knows perfectly well how much of a threat Raginmar is. He's not fool enough to dismiss that.
There's a lot of chatter on the birbsite about how much it sucks that the Warrior of Light is no longer the main character of the story, and how they've been relegated to this sidekick character who's not getting much focus. It's real baffling because sure Wuk Lamat is the main character of the story, but the game's narrative makes it damn clear how important the Warrior of Light is still. Everybody knows how skilled the Warrior of Light is, and how they're not to be underestimated. They're a threat. They're a gamechanger. While the Warrior of Light isn't the most important piece on the board right now, they're still pretty damn significant and it's acknowledged, unlike in previous expansions with characters like Artoirel very clearly looking down on the Warrior of Light. That's way better than being your stock shōnen manga-slash-JRPG protagonist.
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Linuhanu: "Yes, it hurt to hear, but she was right. Though I must mourn, I cannot let my grief consume me."
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Linuhanu: "Her words made me realize that the path to my recover—our recovery—is already laid out before me. And I will walk it. For myself, and for my friend."
Every time the game makes some overt reference to grieving and mourning those gone, I immediately think back to Haurchefant — and not in a good way. I think this is more to set up something later on regarding Wuk Lamat and Gulool Ja Ja (because that man is raising all the death flags) but at the same time, the game's been pushing the whole thing with Haurchefant so often and for so long that you can't really divorce any mention of grief from his death.
Even the PCT job questline had something similar — I think it was in Camp Dragonhead when Kupopo asks the Warrior of Light about their adventures there, and the Warrior answers that they'd lost someone important to them? The exact phrasing eludes me but it's still a reference to Haurchefant. At this point it's honestly doing the game more disservice than anything, I feel.
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Koana: "A method I could not have devised without the education I received at the Studium and the cooperation of my Archon allies."
For context, the Feat of Reeds required the claimants to revitalise the dying paddy fields that the Hanuhanu rely on, while the Feat of Gold back in Urqopacha required the claimants to catch a wild alpaca. They serve to demonstrate how Zoraal Ja and Koana differ from Wuk Lamat; in the Feat of Gold, Zoraal Ja eschewed any advice and went and caught a rare golden alpaca all by himself, purely by threatening the alpaca into submission. In contrast, Wuk Lamat went through the motions of getting to know the Pelupelu's culture and getting herself a saddle to catch a wild alpaca the Pelupelu way.
Here in Kozama'uka, Koana brought the paddy fields back to life with an alchemical concoction to improve the aether flow in the fields. Wuk Lamat revived Ihih'hana, a traditional harvest festival that also served to amplify the arcane energies from the Hanuhanu's hopes and prayers to revitalise the land. In true shōnen manga-slash-JRPG hero form, Wuk Lamat's revival of Ihih'hana had no logical bearing whatsoever. She didn't know it'd do anything to help revitalise the fields until Alphinaud suggested it could and Wuk Evu confirmed it. The only reason it worked was because it just so happened to be the exact thing the Hanuhanu needed, not just to revive their fields but also to revive the Hanuhanu themselves. The only reason it worked was because the plot mandated it so.
Koana's method, on the other hand, was rooted in reason and science. It was the logical method, it was the reasonable solution, and by all accounts it's a more superior answer because it directly addressed the issue — but it's framed as lesser because it didn't take into account the Hanuhanu's culture and the real reason behind their dispiritedness, even though Wuk Lamat really only got lucky that her idea worked at all. In a way, it's a weaker aesop than the one about Zoraal Ja and Wuk Lamat in Urqopacha — that strength alone is not enough, and that one would not need to resort to brute strength when there's community. It's still an aesop about the value of community and culture, only here it's that technological advancements alone are not enough even though they get the job done, but if you think about it realistically, when the stakes are so high — when your people are actively starving and suffering from natural disasters and poor harvest seasons — is addressing the issue as quickly and efficiently as you can really the wrong way to go about it?
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Koana: "Employed appropriately, they make light work of what would otherwise be arduous labor. There's no need to lug around heavy floats!"
This whole scene was designed to showcase how Koana is a foil to Wuk Lamat: Koana is rational, analytical and scientific-minded, but he's also dismissive of things he perceives as backwards or uncivilized like customs and traditions that other people would hold dear. Whether he intends it or not, his words come across as mocking; even in the JP dub where his tone is mild and his dialogue ends with a —ね?. We see later in the story how he's extremely fond of Wuk Lamat so he's not maliciously making fun of her, but it makes clear his derision for the Hanuhanu's traditional practices for how outdated and inefficient they are.
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Erenville: "There is an alternative, but it requires preparation. Until it's ready, you could rest at the cabins or see more of the city. Whatever you prefer."
This is where I'd planned for Raginmar to officially join Wuk Lamat's entourage in that scrapped canon I'd mentioned before (you can read all about that here and why that canon didn't work here) because it'd seemed like the perfect opening, but then...
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Fonjeantaine: "Then... you have experience with my predicament? Of being terribly inadequate compared to your undeniably superior peers?"
...Wuk Lamat just so happened to chip her axe and she just so happened to come across a soul in need of aid at the place she's getting her axe fixed and he just so happened to have the same insecurities that she has, that she has to confront within herself in order to both learn a lesson and console him. Of course.
The story is contrived as hell, but at this point you really just have to accept it. Also I KNEW he was going to play a role in the plot when he was the only named character in that talk-to-the-other-passengers sequence at the beginning of the expansion.
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Fonjeantaine: "But what of you? Have you ever measured your work against that of your colleagues and found yourself wanting...?"
Asking the wrong guy, buddy. That said, Raginmar doesn't waste time comparing himself to others and worrying that he's lacking. He'll be as skilled as he wants to be, and he doesn't need anyone to be his benchmark. If there are other people more skilled than him, it's not his problem.
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Koana: "I'd heard much of the incomparable Archons during my time at the Studium. As soon as the contest was confirmed, I thought who better to recruit to my cause? I contacted the scholarch, who arranged an introduction to these two gentlemen."
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Urianger: "The Second Promise had specific requirements: they who would be his assistants must boast both proven survival skills and mastery of the arcane arts."
It's a little funny that if Raginmar had agreed to become an Archon — which he absolutely could have, thanks to his skill in arcanima and engineering — he would have fulfilled both those requirements all by himself.
I also think it's kinda funny there's basically a PhD-equivalent for having survival skills. It's like Bear Grylls getting a PhD from Cambridge for being a survival expert.
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Thancred: "We did our due diligence, of course, and made sure of who were working with before agreeing to this endeavor. He's even more opaque than Urianger at times, but is surprisingly—"
Surprisingly what, Thancred?! Tell us!
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Wuk Lamat: "I don't have Koana's education or Zoraal Ja's strength. I'm all bluff and bravado, not fit to bear my title..."
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Krile: "To hear the voices of others, empathize with how they feel, and think how best to serve... In so doing, you'll come ever closer to being the person you wish to be."
I'm not going to touch on the whole crisis of confidence and Wuk Lamat's character development arc in growing out of her insecurity and all that, because this story is essentially your typical shōnen manga-slash-JRPG tropes condensed into half an expansion, but I do want to point out the whole "hear, feel, think" thing — you'd think they'd retire the reference altogether after Hydaelyn's passing. I know it's been this game's arc words for basically forever, but now I'm wondering if they'll ever retire it or if it'll be another Haurchefant situation.
Because honestly speaking...
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Thancred: "I imagine your experiences on this journey—all the things you'll hear, feel, and think—will help you refine that approach."
...was there any real need for the arc words to be repeated in this different-yet-parallel scene with Koana, just to hammer it home?
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Koana: "But what of you two? Wuk Lamat's allies are your comrades, it must feel strange to be rivals."
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Thancred: "Helping you has made us rivals, aye, but we're not about to break into fisticuffs over it."
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Thancred: "Unless of course it is a matter of winning or losing the contest. Then I'll have no qualms about putting Alisaie on her rear."
Real interesting you chose to talk about kicking Alisaie's ass instead of someone like, say, Raginmar.
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Urianger: "Despite our long history, never have I been given the chance to test myself against our companions. The thought stirreth within a most unexpected sense of competition."
Contemplating this bit because I had a headcanon about a Grand Melee 2.0 after the Final Days have been averted or something. Maybe what's remaining of the Garleans joined, maybe it's just the Grand Company of Eorzea and their allies (including the now-disbanded Scions, who join as independent combatants) having a melee for funsies or something, but essentially it's Raginmar and his old squadron facing off against everyone else after he thoughtlessly made a comment about how not even the combined might of the Grand Company could defeat his former subordinates, and Hien and Pipin took offense.
There's more to the story, obviously, but basically if this is canon to Raginmar's lore, then that negates everything Urianger just said because then he'd absolutely have had the chance to test himself against his companions, and gotten his ass kicked for it (laughs).
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Koana: "Lamaty'i has surrounded herself with distinguished figures indeed. One of the Studium's finest graduates. The head of the Students of Baldesion..."
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Koana: "And then there's Eorzea's vaunted champion. If he's half the hero you say, then the odds are stacked against us."
It's a real pretty way of saying you're screwed and have no chance whatsoever, truth be told.
Next up: the Feat of Pots!
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FFXIV Write: Halcyon
I admit---I didn't know what I was going to do with this prompt at first. My first instinct was to write Agi's death, but then I pivoted to something in her canon that I don't believe I've discussed before---her usage of moko grass to alleviate anxiety from the Final Days (though if Agi is honest with herself, it's always been there but got worse after that).
So Agi is high and reflects on her childhood and present. SFW.
Sitting on one of her two red decks at her “home away from home” in Shirogane, Agnes Currai Varlineau took a drag on the moko grass she was smoking and inhaled. Normally she would smoke moko grass to be able to commune with elementals more easily, but since the Final Days (and with encouragement from my grumpy dragon and a few trusted members of Conjurers Guild), she had begun to either smoke or drink a tincture of distilled moko grass to calm her mind and body every evening.
“Ah, those halcyon days…”
Why am I hearing that in Hades’ voice?
Halcyon days…
She smiled as she thought of her childhood in Costa del Sol.
Playing with Lewson, Purple, Nadia, and Yararu after lessons.
All of us together…
She raised the moko grass joint to her lips again.
That was wonderful, wasn’t it?
Grew up in paradise with great friends…
And then…
Don’t think about it. Don’t think about it.
Gridania had been, overall, pleasant, but…
The teasing.
Being humiliated by Gregor and his mates on a daily basis after I asked him out.
Never eating in public in Gridania ever again…
The calamity…
Be calm, Agi.
Think of…
My babies.
My friends.
All the adventures yet to come.
“Hey, you alright over here?”
She felt a warm hand on her shoulder and smiled.
My everything.
“Thinking too much, but I’m better now.”
I’m always better with you.
You make me better in every way.
I love you so much…
Estinien pulled up a chair next to hers and sat down, wrapping an arm around her broad shoulders. “I thought the whole point of this was for you to not think so much, my angel.” He chuckled. “Mayhap you need more?”
She burst out laughing. “Fucking hells, love! No, no…just need you…”
“Ah, those halcyon days…”
Hades, those days are now.
Because I have him and our babies and Mum and my friends and…
She snuggled against him, cheek to cheek, savoring his WARMTH. So warm. He’s always so warm and snuggly and all mine…
“As I ever need you.” He pressed a kiss to her blushing cheek and chuckled again. “Wanna go have a cuddle, sweetheart?”
ESPECIALLY FROM YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Estinien watched and then laughed at his wife as she very stupidly attempted to scramble out his embrace but instead tripped over my own fucking feet and nearly faceplanted in the yard. He rushed after her, holding her close. “Easy, easy. No need to rush, Agi. Easy.”
But it’s you I MUST RUSH!!!!
Wait, am I saying this out loud?!?!
“Agi, we’ll cuddle very soon, but we must get inside and up the stairs first.” OH HE’S GONNA DO THE THING!!! Summoning Nidhogg’s strength, he lifted his WIFE THAT’S RIGHT FUCKERS, I’M HIS WIFE and carried her inside the house. “Much safer this way, my angel.” Estinien laughed softly, kissing her.
“I’m always safe with you, love.”
Those halcyon days are here and now because I have you and I love you and I WANT TO CUDDLE RIGHT NOW, SER.
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thelongestway · 20 days
FFXIV Write 2024, Prompt #5: Stamp
Sharlayan was a city with an actual immigration policy. One would almost wonder why they'd need one, being an island in the middle of the ocean with so few visitors that any outsider would stick out like a sore thumb. But they did.
I suppose the problem with being a city run by scholars is that they like their neat graphs too much to give up the paperwork, even as they groan and suffer when they have to fill it in themselves, as the Archons and other Sharlayans were doing as the ship docked.
"As professort Montichaigne used to say, 'If you haven't collected the right kind of data, then that's something you won't be able to fix later without starting all over,'" Alphinaud said sagely as he finished up his own application form. I could swear, his pensmanship got neater the more nervous he was.
"Yes, well, as master Matoya used to say, one has to think before collecting any data at all. The point of all this paperwork is lost on me," Y'Shtola put her signature on the form with a flourish and then looked at me. "Is the form going well? They can be somewhat counterintuitive, especially for a non-citizen."
"They're ridiculous," I admitted, "but I think I have the gist of it. If you would kindly look it over when I've finished, to see if I've missed anything?"
"Of course."
In a few more minutes she did just that, and I watched her eyes widen and mouth curl into an appreciative conspiratorial grin.
"This I have to see," she handed the form back to me. "Everything looks good to me."
I returned the grin as I put away the document on top of my pack. "Well, not long now."
Soon, we were standing in front of the migrations office. I was dressed for what my application said, of course; simple trades clothing, some hefty bags. The only thing giving me away was my thaumaturgists' staff, but I'd always preferred to glamor those as simply as possible. This one looked like a walking stick.
The Lalafellin immigrations officer allowed the Archons in immediately, of course, and the Levellieur twins - with a warning about their father, which they took in stride. Then she turned to me.
"Name and occupation?"
I gave my name. And added: "Alchemist."
The Archons stared. Y'Shtola stifled a laugh. The immigrations officer didn't notice.
"Alchemist? A rather more constructive pursuit than most of the 'adventurers' by vocation we get here. What do you specialize in?"
"I make pots." I said, doing my best to imitate Elezen scholars everywhere - that is, to make a self-evident statement that somehow nonetheless assumed my collocutor's ignorance.
"I'm sorry, pots?" The immigration officer frowned. "I must bring to your attention that if you have any restricted drugs or substances in your possession you must declare them."
"I'm an alchemist," I repeated. "I have a list of volatile substances prepared and attached for your perusal. However, as I believe that we are talking about two vastly different definitions of 'pots', I would like to state for the record that while I am also trained as a botanist, growing any of the species of plants the preparations of which are known colloquially as 'pot' here in Sharlyan would possibly afford me an automatic lecturers' position at your Studium. The climate just isn't right, you see, but..."
Impressively, the immigrations officer did not lose the thread once, even as she skimmed the rather long list as I spoke. The public speaking skills of local scholars must be truly abysmal; no wonder Alphinaud routinely ran circles around them since childhood.
"You've made your point, scholar," she said, finally putting a stamp on the application. And then she smiled at me - a strange, half-hidden smile. "But I think you do need to visit the Studium at some point. If you believe growing a staple source of cloth, food, dyes and medicine is impossible for our botanists merely due to vagaries of climate, you will... Find meeting them to your benefit."
"I'm certain," I said, and made way for Estinien.
As I took my place next to the twins, Alisaie whispered: "Alchemist? Really?"
"I do make high quality pots."
She giggled.
"You'll fit right in."
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yamisnuffles · 1 month
1 and 2 for hythazemet, 7 and 9 for aubrey and estinien.
also i need an ask meme for whatever is up with her and erenville, if that is still rumbling around your brainmeats.
Under a cut because this quickly got too long.
What, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character? In other words, what in particular had them like “Oh, they’re…hot…”
This took a bit of thought because of how the ancients live (ie, in hooded robes with masks most of the time until they get close). They just live very differently and see very differently. I think for Emet, that initial spark was their souls. They were captivating to look at. For Hyth's part, it was Emet's soul and Azem's voice. And for Azem, who is not as gifted as the other two with soul sight, it was Emet's mouth and Hyth's lithe and nimble fingers.
2. Does this change over time? What things do they find “hot” about their partner after they’ve been together for some time, and have had more time to, well, notice and appreciate?
Ironically, I think it was the more physical that took longer to appreciate because of their society. I headcanon that Emet and Hyth had known each other since they were young and so Emet was thoroughly unprepared for find out that his childhood friend was the most beautiful being on Eitherys. Hyth was also pleasantly surprised by how handsome Emet was and even more pleased when he discovered how flustered said friend would get when he pointed this out.
I also hc that both Azem and Hyth are a bit more lax about social norms. So, while Hyth waited until Emet was comfortable, he and Azem removed their masks around each other relatively early in their relationship (which started before the three were all together). Azem loved to see the crinkle in Hyth's eyes when he would laugh in the way that had long enthralled her.
Emet, meanwhile, found out when they were all together that both of those he loved, through some ridiculous twist of fate, had the same vivid purple eyes. Azem learned that the mouth that had initially charmed her so, would twist into the softest smile just for her.
7. Do they (or would they) pursue the other character’s affection, and if so, how? Do they tell the other character how they feel? Try to earn their admiration? Woo them with romantic gestures? Flirt with them, skillfully or otherwise?
I think initially there was just a bit of light flirting on either side. Both had a lot to contend with when they first met, so starting a relationship was low on their priority list. By the time either of them realized they were actually very interested (through no direct effort on either part), it was a series of missed connections. Hard to hook up when one of you has been whisked off to another shard.
By the time they finally had time together, it was time to be direct. Aubrey told Estinien exactly how she felt and he reciprocated. Things developed quickly after that, their initial wooing stage lost in war and wandering.
9. What do they think about commitment? Is a long-term partnership the goal? Are they thinking about building a life with their partner, or are they focused on the present?
As I said, I don't think either of them was thinking about it at first, given the circumstances. I also don't think either was predisposed to it initially even without the war. Estinien I feel half expected to die young or at least devote his life to the hunt as a dragoon. Aubrey loved the idea of love but long term relationships sort of died when fate hit her.
However, once everything was sorted, I think they're both in it for the long term but haven't said as much. They're both very happy and I think take it as a given. That said, long-term looks different for them than it does for many. They are both taken to travel and neither is fussed about it actually being together. They'll come back together when they do, as they long have. It's also hard to say what a future looks like when one will (gods willing) live hundreds of years and the other was joined with a dragon in ways that permanently changed him. Will it be until his end or hers? I don't think they know and maybe they'll sit down and really talk about it but at the moment, neither is bothered by it. So they're building a life together and focused on the present, simultaneously.
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e-dragoons · 1 year
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“I like your hair like this.”
Lehna’s gaze went from her face, where she had just smeared some lotion across her cheeks, and met Estinien’s eyes in the mirror. “What do you mean?”
His expression was thoughtful as he reached out and twirled a finger around a lock of her hair, climbing up slowly to her scalp as he did so. The closer he got to her scalp, the more it sent shivers down her spine. 
“Long,” he said after a moment. “When you leave it down.”
In the time they had known each other, Lehna had gone through so many different hairstyles. It had been long when they had first met, though not nearly as long as it was now. Between how busy they had all been since returning from the First and the injuries she had sustained in Ultima Thule knocking her out for several weeks… It was one of those things she had not really considered, falling to the wayside as more important things became pressing matters they needed to take care of.
Only now during the long, warm nights spent in Thavnair–and only after Estinien had pointed it out–had she realized just how long it had gotten. 
It flowed down in long, beachy waves down the entirety of her back–the only part she had trimmed regularly was her bangs, so they did not get in the way of her daily life. More often than not, her hair was thrown up with a ribbon to get it out of her way–something Estinien did with his own hair, too.
But when she looked in the mirror back to herself, all she saw was the weariness that filled her aching bones–enough of it to spread to her dull eyes, her knotted hair. She still required the assistance of a brace to walk, the injuries to her knees taking so long to heal that the healers warned her that she may not ever fully recover. 
She tried not to think about that part.
“I am glad you like it,” she said after a moment, tearing her eyes away from her reflection. Lehna had never been a vain person–at least she did not think so–but seeing herself now just filled her with an overwhelming sense of disgust. It was not her.
As Lehna swept across the room to their bed, Estinien followed not far behind. His hand rested on her lower back–a supportive gesture he had grown quite fond of after her first few stumbles with trying to walk after their return. It was not a gesture she minded–no one had ever comforted her the way Estinien tried to.
She sat down on the bed and winced as the familiar pain jolted through her. That, at least, was meant to be temporary.
Estinien slid into the bed next to her, pulling the thin sheet over both of them. Radz-at-Han was simply too hot for much more than that.
“I have always liked your hair,” Estinien said after a long silence. 
“Is that so?” A smile played at her lips, though it was not genuine–and sure enough, Estinien gave her a knowing look.
“It is,” he said.
Lehna tried hard to think of a time Estinien had given her a physical compliment that was not about her form or how strong she was. She could not think of one. “Well, thank you I suppose.”
“You…” He hesitated, stumbling over his words for a moment. “You truly are beautiful. You know that, right?”
She did–she was no fool. Even before she became the Warrior of Light, it was a rarity for her to leave the bar alone at night. She took excellent care of her skin when she was able to do so. Her eyes were a jeweled tourmaline unique to her Keeper clan that made people curious–one of the only things she would ever think about thanking her father for. 
And yet to hear Estinien say it… Her cheeks warmed, tinging a shade darker. “Thank you,” she repeated, this time her voice soft and gentle. Vulnerable.
But with Estinien, that was alright. She snaked her arms around his torso as he placed his own hand on the small of her back again, his other positioned so he could run his fingers through the fringes of her hair that fell across his chest as Lehna placed her head there. Eyes closed, she took in a breath of him–a musky aroma with the faintest hint of spice. Her shoulders relaxed and she allowed herself to sink into his side. 
Her own hand wandered across his chest–across scars of all shapes and sizes, the bumps on his shoulder from where Nidhogg’s eye had fused with him feeling much like the scars of a burn. Estinien used to suck in a breath and flinch away from her touch in surprise when she did that–but no longer. Now, he brushed his lips across the top of her head, pressing his nose into her hair. 
“I mean the scars too, you know,” he said. “The ones I can see and the ones I cannot.”
Tears stung at the corners of her eyes at that, but she dare not move–the last thing she wanted was for Estinien to see her cry, even if he had already seen her at her worst so many times before. 
She clung to him as she let out a small sniffle, and in turn he pulled her in tighter. “Get some rest, mon chaton.”
As Lehna allowed herself to drift off to sleep, she laced her fingers through Estinien’s. Her knight.
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farfromdaylight · 3 months
i usually make my ff14 liveblog posts on dreamwidth, but since there are cuts here i'll post this one here as well. mind the warning.
i usually write these posts as i play, but today i've opted to write it afterwards.
spoilers through the first chunk of msq through MOST of the first two starting zones (i haven't finished the second zone yet, but i think i'm close).
firstly: GOD TULIYOLLAL IS HUUUUUUUGE. the music is SO fuckin good, holy shit. i love the whole area! it's immediately new and different which i like a lot.
every time erenville tells us a piece of his backstory i am so. tell me all your secrets, mr. viera.
did not expect to see estinien fighting gulool ja ja but lmao. what a fucking entrance. i love that he showed up just for that scene and promptly fucked off. love him.
also i fully expect thancred and urianger were hired by koana and we get to go up against them later. V EXCITED.
i liked wuk lamat fine in 6.55, but i'm relieved that i'm enjoying her storyline so far. she's clearly the underdog in this contest and it's fun to see her slowly growing into the role she wants so badly to win.
i went with the pelupelu first bc i really wanted to know more about those funky lil guys and having now finished the first half of urqopacha: WHAT FUNKY LIL GUYS. i had such a good time with these quests! unlike endwalker, in which i ignored *literally everything* but msq, i took my time and did all the sidequests along the way, along with 6 fates so i could get my riding map. and it was such a delight! there's lots of interesting little nooks and crannies and the zone in general is really well put together.
the other zone, kozama'uka, i haven't finished yet, though i think i'm nearing the end of that section. i'm also really enjoying it!
so far a lot of the story feels very... basic? but like, not in a bad way. having spent as much time as i have with this game, i can tell when they're playing it safe. that said, i fully expect some wild twists along the line, so i'm looking forward to it.
some small non-msq thoughts:
TWO DYES TWO DYES *TWO DYES*. oh my god I CAN DYE MY RED MAGE SETS WITH TWO DYES. it looks like ALL of the artifact sets have two dye channels now and im just. AAAAAAAA IM SO HYPE
that said i didn't change my glam at all before setting out LMAOOOO
the very subtle change in leaning on mounts is SO GOOD.
cálei catboy does look different, but it's really just the eyes that look off to me. other than that, my boy looks good.
i took the time to cap all my currencies before DT. i did not realize how few poetics i actually needed. i have 660 ilvl on every job already. oops. thanks for being useful again for ONE DAY, poetics...
queues aren't as bad. i logged out of cálei to log into reis so i can play with my friends and only had a 850 queue. it could be much worse, lmao.
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eluvixns · 4 months
no one asked for it but since i am trapped beneath a cat who is biting me every time i try to end this cuddle session here is some haylin lore
- comes from a pirate hyur mother and an elezen gridanian father
- has an older brother that got smoked with their father during the calamity when he was fighting on the frontlines
- has no contact with ma bc ma abandoned them
- came to gridania hoping to find some sort of life and home but instead found ghosts and ruin
- would never have gone down the path of adventurer if she wasnt so in need of a few bucks
- only went with yda and paps and to the waking sands bc she needed that cash money your girl was BROKE
- stayed with the scions bc of minf and her understanding of the echo
- got super attached to alphie bc she missed the sibling feeling and only continued to stay for him
- and bc she thought thancred was tasty
- and bc where else would she fucking go at this point
- DEFINITELY had a few choice words for lahabrea when the big reveal happened and definitely told alphie if he strayed too far from her side she would drag him around by his ankles
- definitely wanted g'raha during the crystal tower quests and definitely cried a bit when they were over
- canonly bothers urianger when she's bored and he knows this but humours her anyway bc he eventually peaks her curiosity and he knows this dumb bitch cant resist acting on it so now he can infodump all he wants and shes just chin in hands the whole time bc shes basically learning history tea
- definitely has not recovered from the vault and the crippling guilt
- definitely cornered hancock when he first showed up and told him if he fucks with tataru shes gonna serve his balls on a kebab skewer seasoned and fried to him
- the scions have definitely come to her room to go out on jobs and she's definitely opened the door butt ass naked. now they just call over link pearl ( and when she doesnt answer they send y'shtola )
- has thought about how she'd kick the asses of every scion except y'shtola bc even she knows better
- tried to be a white mage like dad and it didnt fit. tried to be a dragoon like brother but it didnt fit. tried to be a warrior to try and connect with her mother but it didnt fit. became a dark knight when the anger she held after the vault kicked in. became a reaper when she figured out being a real warrior of darkness has more appeal than being the golden child of a god who was never there
- the only reason she isnt a mercenary for hire for the highest bidder is bc she loves the scions too much and alphie is her north star
- that being said if she ever lost him or g'raha or thancred or estinien she'd probably kill the source herself bc whats the point in living in it if they're not there any more?
- is v adventurous though like DO NOT ENTER signs are like moth to flame for her shes just too curious she HAS to know
- flirting with nero so he gets uncomfortable and weirded out is her favourite hobby
- she does the same to estinien and this is my reasoning as to why he took so long to join the scions it it wasnt the commitment issues it was fucking haylin lurking in the shadows ready to tell him he holds his rod well
- is alisaie's number one fan she would kill for this kid she would fight anyone
- insists g'raha goes with her everywhere they're joined at the hip she wants him bad
- her crush on thancred turned into 'this is my partner in crime my best friend my brother in arms'
- urianger is her person though
- worships the ground y'shtola walks on like her word is law
- scar across her nose is from wandering too far into the forests alone as a kid and getting smacked by the beasties in there before her brother came to the rescue
- has a multitude of scars from various things and her story for each one is never the truth ( it's easier and better that way )
- you can bet ur ass she tried to see where things would go with aymeric but stopped when she realised he really is that kind and noble and she didnt want to ruin that bc she is utterly convinced she's not worth a damn thing
- which is probably why she throws herself into harms way so willingly. not just for the scions, or the people, or the weak. but bc she thinks she deserves whatever pain is coming
- and because she KNOWS she can take it. she can withstand it
- she's just too stubborn to not stand up again after it
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iarynkate · 1 year
Estinien x WOL one shot F/M
18+ up only
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“Y/n? Are you awake?” A voice called out from the other side of the warrior of light’s door. She’d been sitting on the bed, having just awoken from a nightmare. Feeling the light crawling around inside her, trying to break free, to take over and consume.
“Yes I am, come in,” she called back. She knew from the depth of the voice, Estinien was on the other side. The door slowly opened and the tall dragoon walked through, closing and locking the door behind him. Her turned to her slowly and stopped for a moment. She nearly caved under the intensity of his gaze.
“Nightmares?” He asked as he started over towards her. She simply nodded and looked down. She put her hand to her head, feeling the dampness there. As she pulled her hand down, she felt his thumb and forefinger lifting her chin so she was looking up at him. Her breath caught for a moment at the concern etched on his face. He kneeled in front of her and placed a cool rag on her forehead.
“You carry a burden no one person should ever carry alone. Don’t be so reluctant to ask for help,” he scolded her lightly as he wiped her face. Y/N couldn’t help but huff out a laugh.
“You’re one to talk, always jumping off alone,” she whispered. He smirked.
“Yes well, perhaps it’s advice for myself as well,” he answered and put the rag on the bedside table.
“Would you like me to help you get your mind off of things,” he offered, his voice dropping an octave. Y/n could feel shivers shoot down her spine, and warmth build in her core. She nodded. It had been too long it felt, since she’d been in his arms. A smile ghosted his lips as he lifted his hand and put it on her neck, tracing her jaw slowly. Goosebumps followed behind. He brought her head closer to his and their lips met. Slow and torturous at first, but passion began to build before he moved back and stood. He removed his cotton shirt, tossing it to the side as he gestured for her to move further back on the bed. She removed her shirt as well, leaving her small clothes and spread her legs. His left knee came down between her legs as his arms caged in her head when she laid back.
“You’re stunning,” he breathed out as his mouth began tracing her jaw and slowly down her neck, biting and sucking at the sensitive spot by her collar bone. She couldn’t help but let out a little moan, and felt him smile against her skin. He brought his hands to her hips and began to pull her pants down and off.
“Estinien…” she breathed out as his hands moved up her thighs, making their way to her core. Nimble fingers ghosted over her underwear, teasing her bud beneath the cloth. Wet slick had built up already, no doubt pleasing him she thought. And soon after, he groaned as he felt the wetness underneath.
“Always so ready for me, love,” he grumbled. Y/n sat up a little and removed her bra as he began to pull off her underwear. She lay bear beneath him, his intense gaze drinking her up. She began to put her arm in front of her face when she felt his hand wrap around her wrist.
“No hiding, you’re beautiful and I’ll not have you hide from that,” he spoke slowly. He grabbed up her other wrist with his large hand and held them above her head. His lips met hers again and they danced before she opened up, moaning beneath him. He took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth, exploring every crevice. His free hand moved down her body and gripped her breast, kneading and pinching her bud between his fingers. He released her hands as his other hand went to grab her other breast, his mouth moving down her jaw and neck again.
“Estinien please,” she begged.
“Patience, my little warrior,” he whispered against her skin, his hands moving down her body to her hips as he took the bud of her left breast in his mouth, sucking and licking. The stimulation was too much, she needed him to touch her. He expertly rubbed her sides before moving his hands closer to her core, it wasn’t long before he granted her wish, his dexterous finger moving over her bud and rubbing. She felt lightning shooting up from her core. Oh gods she had missed him. He removed his mouth from her breast with a pop and looked down at her. Her face flushed, and he smiled. He put his thumb to her bud and inserted his index finger inside her. She yelped and her hands reached for him. He moved his finger inside and rubbed her bud before moving back down to kiss her, he inserted another finger and already she felt so full.
“Estinien please, I need you inside me,” she begged again.
“Then you’ll have me,” he groaned and bent back down to take her mouth before standing and removing his trousers. His long and thick cock caused her eyes to widen as always. He pumped himself a few times before bending over her and rubbing the tip against her folds.
“Halone, you feel amazing,” he said to himself, and she couldn’t but moan at the compliment. He slowly began pushing inside her and instinctively her legs went up to wrap around his hips trying to pull him in quicker. He smirked.
“Hungry tonight are we?” He asked mockingly before he pushed in to the hilt. She put her hand to her mouth in time before she screamed out. Gods she felt so full, his length so deep inside. He stilled and put his lips to hers, kissing her slow and deep. She brought her arms around his neck and pulled his body into her. There was no better comfort than feeling his body completely against her while they were joined in this way. The shadows of her mind fluttered away, replaced with nothing but heat and passion. He began to pull out slowly, his cock rubbing the inside of her walls. It was agonizingly incredible. She felt every inch as it rubbed against her, slowly building the pressure. She moaned into his mouth as he pulled out to the tip and slammed back in. He smirked against her mouth as he pulled his head back and began nibbling and biting at her neck, setting a brutal and slow pace. Each time he slammed back in, it felt like he went deeper, hitting every nerve and sensitive spot inside of her. Their moans filled the room and it was now that she was so grateful her room was at the end of the opposite hall from everyone else’s.
“Estinien…I’m…so close,” she moaned out and he picked up his pace. He lifted up, grabbing her hips and slammed in and out of her, there were sure to be bruises on her hips in the morning but she couldn’t care less. He put his left hand over her bud and rubbed as he moved in and out of her and the stimulation reached its breaking point when her walls tightened around him and she saw stars.
“Fuck, yes oh gods Estinien,” she cried out. His pace picked up to a bruising and sloppy pace, indicating he was close as well and before too long he came inside her, filling her up before he dropped his head back to her neck, both of them breathing hard. He rolled over to the side and pulled her with him, her laying against his side and head on his chest.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“I should be thanking you,” he laughed a little, but tightened his arm around her, “sleep, we’ll clean up in the morning.” And with that, her eyes closed and the nightmares were no where to be found.
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ferrocyan · 8 months
6.55 thoughts I LIKE WUK LAMAT :D they made her for me. they know i've been missing my wife yda ("yda") since arr and went we got you man. here's a genki girl for you. thank you writers i love you
the justification for our coming to tural and meddling in politics is . it smacks of "we're sidestepping the problematic aspects now no need to think abt this too deeply" in my opinion. but i'm not.. opposed to it? it succeeds in making me not feel dread for dawntrail, i guess. i'm actually pretty excited to see where the story will go
like straight up going "we're not the colonizer here, we're stopping a potential colonizer from gaining power so it's ok to meddle in this foreign nation's politics!" is. lol. "these people like it when foreigners meddle bc it means their leader knows how to do international relations" lmao even. well i am a stormblood lover at heart and my instinct is to go ok cool let's go on the adventure then
back to wuk lamat. she's not really all that, is she? despite all the bluster and her status. i think the devs have put a lot more effort in the cutscenes this patch and you really get the sense that she's in over her head here. i like that tbh. a weakling who nevertheless chooses to tank is a novel concept for me, i'm so into it. wuk lamat feels like a synthesis btwn "yda" the false identity and lyse the real person underneath, they took the traits between these two and made them into one girl. my perfect waifu. there will definitely be differences btwn wuk lamat and lyse (the lack of her immigrant narrative, for one) and i'm excited to have another flavor of my favorite girl
and then there's... the scions. i am beyond happy to see that estinien's journey to tural is just him having seen the east and north and south.. ok let's go west. KING. my beloved hobo i'm so happy for him. urianger and thancred also look to be having a good time, good for them, have a great time with your thing fellas. y'shtola has been unseen? at all? is she sitting this expansion out without a word, damn unexpected for the poster girl innit? though as for the one who is sitting out with a word. hmm. hmmfhphfhgfhdgshfh sorry. sorry for my schadenfreude. but this is a very, very funny way to go for g'raha. i thought the funniest thing the devs could do was "somehow zenos has returned" but this is so much fucking funnier. oh my sides. g'raha doesn't deserve this, probably (though i have been feeling that he's a bit redundant now, sorry to his fans) but if i'm getting krile in his place i sure as fuck won't complain lol. but then there's the twins. yeah i guess they do have to join us. for the first time ever i'm not happy about alphinaud being included. his character being turned into a garlemald simp is just. ugh. i have nothing objective to say abt that i just do not want it
well whatever. with this setup i'm hyped to see the scions divided and possibly fighting each other. my prediction is that the miqo'te machinist in the poster is koana-niisan and he's the one who hired thancred and urianger. which might leave the mamool ja guy as the one with imperial ambitions whom we must stop. err that would be a bad look... i sure hope not. my dread for dawntrail might be coming back
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Time to start a series of EW effortposts, i guess.
Note that I got sick (AGAIN) and had pretty bad weather-based connectivity issues since i took the earliest of these screenshots, so my memory will be pretty shoddy.
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Anyway, postin'.
I've already hollered about the twins' shitty dad so I won't reprise that, instead skipping forward to when you pick who visits you. I've been too busy moving MSQ forward to re-check everything, but given my faves it's probably not shocking that i chose...
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I didn't get most of his little speech, but he just wanted to express support and a desire to protect in his cute, awkward way.
Also, jfc if a character as pale as Shayun is nearly invisible due to the cutscene lighting, anyone with darker skin is just going to be a shadowy blob.
Anyway, Estinien flees.
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Out the window. You know, as you do.
Also if I hadn't established that Shayun and Estinien are just utterly incompatible this cutscene would have had me making jokes, but no it's just more autism to autism communication.
There's a couple cutscenes I didn't grab establishing both what people are thinking about the Garlean prisoners as well as setting up ominous shadow effects on people.
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Which Erenville seems to be able to sense? Not sure if it's a nod to how Viera are typically very magically sensitive in other FFs or just Erenville being sensitive to changes in his environment, since the former hasn't really been established in 14.
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So Thavnair has a mild case of the Armageddons (as in, the weather is literally "Apocalypse")! I'm sure it's fine, says the dog sitting in a burning house.
The dungeon wasn't anything special, but the final boss is incredibly fucking rude to the photosensitive--one of its attacks causes the whole screen to pulse red or blue as the tell, and it's really bad to look at. Not quite Paradigm's Breach tier, but at least on the level of World of Darkness. Very nasty.
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I still murdered the fuck out of it, of course.
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Ahewann trying to convince Vrtra that his fears are unfounded and revealing himself as the true leader of Thavnair would only help.
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I can't remember the lead-up to this, but Estinien refuses to let a troubled member of the First Brood pass by without getting into position for Dragon Therapy.
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I think investigation into why people were transforming into monsters happens after this? Which, uh, leads me to a major issue I had.
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So. Ahewann's death.
Besides being another victim of the two-for-one deal that is Endwalker (if we'd had an expansion+patches to come to know and care deeply for him, his death would have hit MUCH harder--as it is it feels like he jobbed), it's also just really badly blocked out. The last time the WoL has a case of the Glueboots this severe is when Asahi is beating the shit out of Yotsuyu, and it feels just as bad now as it did then. If they didn't want to have the WoL have to pause and attack bc of job reasons (tbf the correct distance for one job to feel right is different from another, so i don't blame them), they at least should have put them further back.
It's just way too obvious that Ahewann died entirely due to authorial decree. It doesn't feel like a natural outgrowth of the events of the cutscene. Given how little time we've had with Ahewann, it also feels like a cheap move for free emotions!
I do not like Ahewann's death.
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Oh yeah, and afterward catboy proves that he is also the Crystal Exarch so anyone who thinks i should chill over things the Exarch did can shut it, the game itself says they're the same person now.
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Final WoLshot for this post, bc the next post is a behemoth and will need every last bit of image space I can give
that's right it's time for
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paintedscales · 1 year
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My WoLstinien family.
Drabble thought vomit under the read more.
Turns out that not only could Nomin and Estinien conceive, they had twins. Honestly, took both of them by surprise, Nomin more so since she had given consideration that she had never heard of a half-auri anything aside from a half-Raen / half-Xaela -- but normally cases within the Malaguld or the Kha if anywhere.
Though both girls are trained in the ways of the lance and the way of the Red Mage, they have their preferences. The one that takes after Nomin prefers the balance of aether and aetherflow, and the one that takes after Estinien is more competitive and enjoys physical activity in general.
Both girls have two names: one of Xaelic origin and the other of Ishgardian origin. It was discussed at length between the two of them since starting a family was not necessarily in the long term, but something that ended up happening. Bayarmaa / Cyrielle is named for Nomin's elder sister -- a person who took her in on the Steppe alongside her brother, Esenaij (who would have been the namesake should Bayarmaa / Cyrielle been born male; and should she decide upon it at a later time, is a name that Nomin hopes she would take); as for the Cyrielle part, it was chosen for Estinien's memories of his mother -- whatever fragments he can recollect from so long a time ago. Chotan / Fleurette was named for one of Nomin's first real friends on the Steppe who often shared flowers with her, and taught her about a myriad of flowers; as a result, Estinien was just, "then I shall call her 'Fleurette' on my side." Because let's face it, the man is not creative.
Bayarmaa / Cyrielle and Chotan / Fleurette were hard to tell apart at first being identical twins, though Nomin changed this through magical means so she and Estinien could be spared the headache -- Estinien more than she because the Echo works in mysterious ways. Bayarmaa / Cyrielle's limbal rings were done so she only had one visible whereas Chotan / Fleurette's limbal rings were applied to both eyes.
Bayarmaa / Cyrielle was the only one of the two that started showing signs of silver hair developing in her teens, giving an additional indicator of which twin was which.
The girls were born with less scales than their mother, and lack both horns and tail (much to Nomin's surprise and perhaps dismay in some aspect). Also unlike their mother, they do not have blue markings, but instead have lustrous black scales, which does give Nomin a sense of pride and relief both. Like their father, however, they have elezen ears.
Both girls stand taller than their mother (who most likely has Olkund blood in her to have her stand at 5 fulms, 7 ilms; fuck the Olkund flavor text that says 'the females, for whatever reason, remain of an average height.' My nuts they do.) Both girls are shorter than their father, however, and stand at a height of 5 fulms, 11 ilms.
These two were absolutely menaces as toddlers, but let's also consider that to retain a sense of privacy and actual rest and peace for their parents, they were raised upon the Island Sanctuary. They probably destroyed a number of mammets (not that Nomin or Estinien mind; while Nomin doesn't mind mammets as a whole, she doesn't need them to help her run her island, and Estinien just hates them). They were brought to the Steppe and Ishgard on occasion, and of course the various locations around Eorzea to visit with friends and family (Nomin's only surviving family is her elder sister, Bayarmaa, her husband, Kuzhuk, and their son, Ankhbayar; and you can bet she is happy to see the girls and their cousin get along so well).
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ezra-bright · 2 years
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Fluffvember Day 8 -Thought I lost you
It had been several days, possibly a week since Azra had appeared out of nowhere late at night to crash in the room they always kept ready for him. Then early the next morning he had disappeared again without a word, the Fortemps shield on his back alongside his bow, that Artoirel had given him so long ago.
Since then Artoirel had felt restless, an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. So he found himself at the place he often came nowadays to think. Haurchefant's memorial.
For a while the young Count knelt in front of his brother's memorial, saying his prayers and just telling him about the developments in Ishgard. Then his mind fell silent and for a long moment there was no sound but the whispers of the wind.
You need to go.
A sudden warmth spread from his shoulder, almost like a gentle touch.
He needs you.
Artoirel didn't know if it was divine providence or simply his own mind playing tricks on him, but the tight feeling in his stomach grew stronger and as much as his upbringing dictated that he had to stay and take care of family affairs, Artoirel still began to run.
Run run run. Run to the next Aetheryte, the next opportunity to get to Limsa Lominsa and buy his way onto a boat heading for Old Sharlayan.
Every time he looked over the vast seas he prayed to Halone that he was not to late. That he would see Azra again and finally find the courage to tell him. Please let that deary morning not have been his last missed chance. How should he ever stand before Haurchefant again if he truly managed to miss his final opportunity to tell Azra that he loved him? ~~~
One thing Azra was very aware of since he had regained consciousness, was the pain in every single muscle of his body. Sure Alphinaud and Urianger had done their best to mend the worst of his wounds, but still his body was exhausted beyond believe.
All he wanted was to go home and see the smiling faces of his friends. It wouldn't feel real until he could see with his own eyes, that they were still save and sound. And then there was another thing. Artoirel's face flashed in his mind again as he thought back to those lonely moments as he had thought that his life was forfeit. That in exchange for saving his friends and family, he would be destined to take his last breaths at the edge of reality.
As he had looked back on his life in these moments, he had quickly realized that there was only one regret in his heart. His childish fear of telling Artoirel of his feelings. After causing Haurchefant's death, Azra had been terrified to let anybody too close, too worried that they would get pulled into the crossfire just like Haurchefant had. How could he show his face to Count Edmont if he managed to kill another of his children? He could never bear the pain that would cause the older Elezen.
„Come now. Let's get you to into a proper bed.“ Thancred spoke softly, a lopsided smile playing around his lips as he took Azra's right arm to place around his neck and support the Viera as they stepped out of the Ragnarok. Dacien was one of the first to welcome them home, immediately going in to embrace Estinien, partially to congratulate him and partially to make sure that his part time boyfriend was not hurt overly much.
Before they could move much farther they heard fast steps clanking on the metal floor and as Azra looked up to the entrance of the hangar, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Artoirel.
Heavily gasping for air and his hands on his knees, there was indeed Artoirel, looking straight at him.
Without another thought, Azra ran, his gaze fixed on the dark haired Elezen and his arms outstretched towards him he ran up the ramp, right into Artoirel's open arms. „I was afraid I had lost you.“ Artoirel spoke quietly, his voice heavy with emotion as he pressed his face against Azra's hair, his arms wrapped tightly around the Viera. „I love you.“
Tears ran silently along Azra's cheeks at those words. He had known, ever since he had witnessed an Echo of Artoirel and Haurchefant discussing the young Count's feelings for him, but to actually hear them, meant for his ears. It was different, something special.
„I love you too.“ He whispered almost reverently, the pain and exhaustion melting away for this one moment. Etheirys' future was safe, and he would make sure to kep it that way. So he could always return to Artoirel in his quiet moments.
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Set post-5.1 Agi and Estinien reunite. And reunite again. And once more. NSFW.
“Oh. You’re back. And none the worse for wear, I see.”
 Agnes nearly spontaneously combusted when she heard Estinien say that as he entered the Rising Stones. It took everything she had not to leap into his arms and kiss him. Oh gods, the last we actually, in real life, saw each other was the morning I left Ishgard after…that emotional night. And after we only met in dreams thanks to Feo Ul. But he’s here! In front of me! And I can’t…he wants his privacy.
 After hearing about his foray into Garlemald with Gaius Baelsar (fuck off, bitch) and then the Echo vision (ouch), Krile asked Estinien if he would consider staying.
 “Sorry, but I'm not inclined to extend my contract. Gaius isn't the only one with business to attend to.”
 Not surprising, but still!!!!! He’s just going to walk out of here…fuck, remember, he likes his privacy. Doesn’t want everyone in our business. Deep breaths. Don’t chase after him just yet…
 “Farewell, my friend. See that you don't make a habit of dozing off in battle.” It should be “MY LOVE” not “my friend!!!!” Okay, he’s exited. Krile is speaking. Yes good, awesome. See you ladies later. I’m going to give chase in one second…
 “Well, I think I may head out. See you two!” Agnes said with the sweetest smile she could conjure and tried to not be too obvious that she was going after Estinien as she left. He couldn’t have teleported right away, could he? She wandered through Revenant’s Toll for a few minutes when a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her into an alleyway. The man whose hand took her kissed her soundly and moaned into her mouth, his arms wrapping around her. Oh love, I never should doubt you. Never. Of course you waited for me. Of course you did. Agnes broke the kiss and gasped for air. “Hello to you too.”
 He chuckled, brushing a strand of her dark red hair out of her face. “Agi, I’ve missed you so much. Are you well?” Estinien peered into his lady’s bespectacled eyes. “I only got a dream from that little shit faerie that you had saved the First but naught since.”
 Oops. Agnes blushed as tears filled her eyes. “Well, um, it’s been a crazy few…several…days? Time is a bit different on the First, so I’m not sure just how long it’s been here.” Upon seeing the worry in his eyes, Agnes hugged him. “I’m well. We all are. There’s so much I need to tell you.” And so much I…I need you. I need you right now. And I think I can feel that you need me too, love! “‘Stinien, love…want you…”
 The worry in his pale blue eyes quickly filled with lust. “My sweet, we must leave this place if we are to—"
 NOPE! Agnes shoved him against the stone wall. His eyes widened in a mixture of shock and more lust “Here. Now.” NOW!!!!! She reached for his trousers and palmed the hardness within. He hissed at the contact.
 “If this is the way of it, Agi, then you shall get what you want. Turn around! Spread your legs!” Estinien growled, gripping her hips and spinning her to face the stone wall. He pulled her leggings and smalls down. Agnes could hear him undoing his trousers and groaning when he pulled out his length. With a knee, he spread her legs. “You want this? You want to be fucked in an alley?” Estinien harshly whispered in her ear.
 “Y-yes! Yes! Please, love!” She gasped; hands flat against the wall to give her some stability. His fingers…fucking hells! Right in!
 “You are so fucking wet. How needy have you been? How much have you missed me?” He whispered, the fingers inside now rubbing her clit. His other hand reached under her top and squeezed a breast through her bra. “How the fuck do you feel so damn good?”
 I don’t know but so do you!!!! Agnes’s fingers flexed against the rough stone, little gasps escaping her mouth. “Ah, love…please…please…” I can feel him. He’s so close, but so far. Get in me already! She pushed her ass as much as she could into his front. “Please…”
 Estinien sucked a mark into her neck, still squeezing the breast. “You beg so prettily, my love,” he groaned. “I’ll give you what you want.” He grunted and entered her with one thrust. “Fucking hells, woman…I’ll give you a fuck you’ll never forget!” He whispered, his fingers pinching her clit. Gods, he’s too much. Too much. Not enough. More. I want more! Estinien, I want…
 Agnes was quickly reduced to a softly babbling mess, begging for more from her lover. She could feel sweat trickling down her brow. His hips are going harder than they ever have. How I’ve missed this and him…
 “I can’t wait to get you into a bed so I can fuck you into the mattress. Leave you a quivering mess. Wanting more. Wanting me and me alone…” His calloused fingers continued to pinch and rub her clit. Each little moan that came from her mouth he drank greedily. “Come for me, my love. Come for me!”
 Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods, oh gods… Agnes restrained herself from yelling as she came. As always, Estinien soon followed, moaning into her shoulder. Agnes herself moaned a little as Estinien removed his fingers from her and heard him licking and sucking them. He quite literally can’t get enough of me. Oh love, you’re too much. Although still leaning against the wall, Agnes wobbled a bit as she moved a little.
 “Easy, easy.” Estinien chuckled, gripping her waist. “Be careful, my sweet girl.”
 “Oh dear, sorry. I’ll get my bearings in a moment. You weren’t kidding when you said a fuck I’ll never forget.” Agnes said breathily. “Though, if you do want me in a bed, love, then perhaps we should head somewhere private?” And not in an alley!
 “No need for a bed just yet, but mayhap a swim or shower to clean.”
 “Costa del Sol? I know a secluded spot for a…naked swim.” And not at the nude beaches! Secluded spot away from everyone!
 “Good idea.” He finally pulled himself out and wiped his cock on his shirt!!!!?!? NO! “Teleport soon?”
 Agnes hummed in assent as she yanked her leggings and smalls.
 Within a moment, they disappeared from the alley.
Perfect. Agnes grinned as she lay in the water at her secluded spot further north along the Bloodshore. When they arrived at the Costa del Sol aetheryte, she penned a quick note to her Mum saying that she and Estinien were in the area and would come by later. And knowing her, she’s already stocking the pantry and making my bed, so we can be alone. She’s the best!
 Then she remembered something important.
 …oh dear.
 “Erm, love?”
 Estinien swam back towards her. “Hmm?”
 “I haven’t been taking my contraceptive potion.”
 His eyes widened. “Oh?”
 She felt her cheeks grow hot. “Well, I was on the First, so there was no need. Only just remembered.” But… “Though, I’m happy with not taking it and seeing how things go, if you’re…”
 Estinien thought for a moment and then smiled softly. “If that’s what you want to do, then sure. If something happens, wonderful. If not, fine.”
 Agnes wrinkled her nose, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him. Perfect. We’ll play it by ear, though…I wish…I hope…something will happen. A baby. Our baby.
 Estinien’s arms lifted Agnes’s legs, which she enclosed around his narrow waist. He ended the kiss and rubbed his nose against hers. “So we are in agreement.”
 “I’d say so, love.”
 “While we both dream of the times to come, I have a particular need.” A wicked grin appeared suddenly on his face. “A need that you can only satisfy, Agi.”
 “Oh really? Is it a need emanating from your big fat cock?” She winked and laughed. “Because I have a funny feeling it’s that.”
 Estinien chuckled, his grip on her thick thighs getting tighter. “My lady is so smart. However did you guess?”
 Her hands moved to his shoulders with her fingers dancing on one of the gnarled scars from the Eyes. “Just luck, I think.” She said sweetly, kissing him again. Luck somehow led us to each other, and I’ll forever be grateful.
 “Heh, a bit of luck and a lot of…” Estinien squeezed her thighs. “You being so irresistible, my pretty. Here or back at the cottage. Lady’s choice.”
 The lady in question raised an eyebrow. “Normally I’d say bed, but I’m feeling…adventurous today.”
 Estinien then raised his eyebrow.
 Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh. Don’t…
 Agnes let out a decidedly unladylike snort.
 “Agi, you’re something else.” Estinien groaned with an eye roll.
 “Something else that’s all yours, love.” Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine.
 “Aye, that you are. Now, where were we?” Estinien adjusted Agnes and entered her with a loud groan. “I missed you…I missed you so much…fantasized about you. Twas so cold in Garlemald, my love, and I longed for your warm soft body with mine.”
 “Did you now?” She smirked and licked one of his ears. That always gets him. Always. “Pray tell me the specifics, love. I would hear it all.”
 “We were in a cabin with a hearty fire going…I arrived to find you on a pile of expensive furs wearing naught but gems. Such an alluring sight…” His grip on her tightened, and Agnes moaned as she felt his cock twitch inside her. “You beckoned me with only a smile…before I knew it mine clothes were off, and I was on top of you…”
 Furs and gems? Okay. Sure. Maybe that’s an Ishgardian thing? “Maybe we can make that a reality, love, erm minus all the gems. One or two-ooooooooooooo…” She squealed as Estinien sucked a mark into her neck. “Fake jewelry maybe…oh gods, love…”
 “We don’t have to, my angel. Twas only a fantasy.” Estinien groaned. “One that kept me warm so many nights…”
 “W-willing to try, love. I’m sure we could procure a cozy cabin for a night…ahhhh, love please…” Her arms hugged him tighter. Need more friction. Need more of him. Want him all the time…I hate leaving him…don’t think about that. Don’t think about leaving. Enjoy the time...don’t think about the last time we were together. I’m here. I’m here. I don’t want to leave you like that ever again. I want us together all the time. Always. “Don’t ever leave me.” Agnes whispered. “Don’t leave me. Please.”
 “Never. I’m forever yours as you are mine.” His forehead touched hers, and his eyes poured into hers. “Look at me, sweetheart. Look at me. I’m never leaving you. Never, my sweet.” He adjusted his grip once more and thrust harder. “Come for me, Agi. Need you to come.”
 A few moments later, Agnes felt the bowstring inside her snap. Her nails dug into his back as she gasped. Another few moments, and he came. Not as loud as he normally is, but he’s so beautiful when he comes. So beautiful my handsome, grumpy man is… Agnes was not entirely sure when or how they made it back to their blanket on the beach, only that they did and he wrapped her in a towel. “I meant it, you know.” She said quietly. “About finding a cozy little cabin in the snow for you…for us.”
 Estinien wrapped a towel around his narrow waist and sat next to Agnes, pulling her into an embrace. “There’s one person I know with a cabin such as that…and I’d chew off my arm than speak to Aymeric at the moment.” He muttered, causing Agnes to giggle.
 “Oh dear, how should I begin this letter? ‘Dear Aymeric, how are you? Estinien and I want to fuck in your cabin, is that alright? I swear we’ll clean—' YOU NAUGHTY MAN!” Agnes squeaked as Estinien tickled her. I’ve felt lighter in the past few bells than I have in at least two moons. I’m happiest when I’m with him. Happiest when I’m kissing him. Happiest when I’m watching him train. Happiest when we’re together. “Hey! Hey, you!” She lightly smacked his arm and kissed him. “I love you.” She whispered and giving him yet another peck.
 With that crooked grin that never failed to make her heart soar, Estinien squeezed her shoulder. “And I love you, sweetheart.”
 Reunions are lovely but how I wish I could stay with you always.
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