#i just realized i have two pairs of twins thats like opportunity for so much shenanigans ok
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Back at it with the modern au, this time with more wu chang twins
It’s more of what if they both joined fencing with Joseph and more twin shenanigans
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obeyme-kaidii · 3 years
Lesson 46 Summary
The adventures continue as MC learns more about Beel.
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In the morning, everyone meets Little D Number 2 outside, and he agrees to show them the way to the Casino where Mammon is supposed to be. Number 2 teases Beel about how tired he is, suggesting he had “quite a fun night”, which annoys Lucifer.
Once at the Casino, the group immediately runs into Mammon (who is wearing his Arabian outfit). He seems to thoroughly be enjoying himself within the video game and playing his role, and moves to snatch Lucifer. Just like in a video game, a message pops up announcing his entrance, and then Mammon proceeds to cast a spell.
As Lucifer gets taken, MC remembers Beel and uses their powers to cast a spell that strengthens Beel, causing him to shift into his demon form. Beel comments that his body seems to be moving on its own, and soon he’s canceled out Mammon’s spell. A powerful blast of wind then knocks Mammon backwards.
Beel then returns to his regular form, and asks MC if they did that. Solomon explains that yes, that was a result of MC learning to control Beel’s power. But he also explains that MC hasn’t figured out all of Beel’s power, so the test continues.
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Lucifer thanks MC for rescuing him, and then turns his sights on Mammon. Mammon starts to panic a little, and begs for mercy.
The group returns to Number 2, and he thanks them for their help getting his money back from the “Greedy Monster”. As a reward, he gives them Beel’s Lord of Flies armor set at a discounted price. After Beel equips the new armor, Number 2 informs them that there’s a rumor “Demon Lord Satan” has attacked a nearby town.
As they journey towards Satan’s rumored location, Lucifer mentions he’s looking forward to returning to his normal size just so he can punish Mammon. Beel comments that Lucifer used to be nicer to Mammon back when they were in the Celestial Realm, but Lucifer insists he doesn’t remember what he’s talking about. Beel doesn’t believe him though, and brings up that Lucifer and Mammon often used to work together to argue with Raphael (who it seems to be being positioned as the Big Bad for this Season, IMO).
Solomon asks if it was Diavolo’s influence that caused Lucifer to become more rigid. He also points out that since they started as angels, becoming demons of such high status had to be hard. (Which is actually pretty interesting because up until now we’ve mostly been operating on the assumption that Diavolo immediately gave them their positions as Avatars after the fall. But it now sounds like they had to earn the right for those titles.) Beel however seems surprised to hear that that might be the case, and Lucifer once again pretends he’s forgotten.
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Solomon then hears a noise that everyone first assumes might be Beel’s stomach, but they soon realize it’s a group of ghosts. At which point Solomon recalls overhearing some towns folk talking about these woods, and he just forgot to mention it, which annoys both Beel and Lucifer.
After running from the ghosts, the group takes safety next to a lake that seems to be protected by some sort of guardian spirit. The decision is then made that they should camp there for the night.
Some time later, MC wakes up and finds Beel already awake. MC is given the opportunity to join him and the two talk, careful not to wake Solomon or Lucifer. Beel tells MC he was thinking about what was discussed earlier - and how Lucifer isn’t the only one who is different. He admits that as an angel he didn’t use to constantly eat back then. He says that he doesn’t remember exactly what triggered the change, but one day he just stopped resisting. (which is pretty interesting, if you think about it, and opens up a whole host of theories and possibilities lore wise 🧐)
Beel also mentions that there are some things that are the same, such as the fact his brothers have always been part of his life and will continue to be. ❤️🥺❤️ Beel then admits to MC that he’s worried about fighting Belphie in the game, and doesn’t think that he’ll be able to protect them and Lucifer if that’s the case. MC is given the option of comforting Beel, who admits that he’s pretty lucky, all things considered, to have a “problem” like not knowing who to protect first because he loves so many people.
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The following morning, everyone wakes up and prepares to leave. Beel mentions that he’s glad they weren’t attacked while they slept, and Solomon teases him about his late night “activities” which makes poor Beel blush, and annoys Lucifer.
Once the group starts traveling again, Lucifer points out that it’s been over 24hrs now so Solomon should turn him back. But Solomon is quick to point out since they are in a video game, it’s actually only been a couple hours in the real world, so Lucifer has to continue to stay as he is.
Beel then notices a treasure chest in the road and Solomon immediately suggests opening it. Even if MC urges him to be cautious and warns it might be a trap, he still insists that opening it is the best course of action (how is this man not dead yet???). While Solomon, MC, and Lucifer are discussing what to do about the chest, Beel opens it hoping to find food. Instead, there are 3 objects inside - a magical jar that protects the contents, healing herbs, and a pair of cat ears. (lolololol) Beel suggests putting Lucifer in the bottle and Lucifer glares at him. Beel then looks like a kicked puppy. 🥺
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The sky suddenly darkens and Satan appears, explaining that opening the chest triggered the battle. Like Mammon, he too is very much enjoying himself and his time in the video game. Beel and Solomon are both quick to recognize that Satan’s appearance isn’t good, because when things like this happen in video games, you’re almost always forced to lose the battle for the sake of story progression.
Lucifer then turns to MC and tells them to use one of the items from the treasure chest. (Using the Cat Ears I think generates the most entertaining response.) Regardless of what option you choose, Lucifer still ends up in the enchanted bottle and Satan captures him, leaving Belphie behind to deal with everyone else. (yes, Belphie just pops up out of nowhere)
Belphie, however, isn’t too thrilled by this whole thing and complains about Satan. When Beel hesitates to fight Belphie, it’s Belphie who encourages him that it’ll be alright. Because 1) it’s a video game and 2) he’s much stronger now and doesn’t need to be protected. Beel has a moment of realization and turns to MC, letting them know he is confident he can protect them now and won’t hold back anymore, choosing instead to trust them completely.
MC then casts a spell to empower Beel, causing him to once again shift into his demon form, and Belphie is quickly defeated. Impressed by MC’s power, Belphie is eager to switch sides and join their party. All he wants is a chance to poke mini Lucifer, to which MC agrees. Beel and Solomon also admit to wanting to poke Lucifer. 😂 Solomon then suggests they spend the night at a nearby inn.
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Meanwhile, Mammon and Levi are talking at Demon Lord Satan’s Castle. Levi is saying Mammon is no longer part of the game because he was too easily defeated, which makes Mammon sad. (Because he’s a geek and just wants to be included 🥺)
As the two bicker, Satan arrives with mini Lucifer, still trapped in the bottle. Both are very excited about seeing mini Lucifer, with Levi even calling him cute. Mammon then suggests that now is the perfect time to get revenge for all the evil stuff Lucifer has done to him over the centuries.
Like the time that he tied him up and tickled him until he cried while he hung from the ceiling.
(wait, what? THATS the worst he’s ever done?)
Levi also chimes in with a memory of one time Lucifer was truly horrible to him and refused to sign for a package that was being delivered by Akuzon, instead returning the item for a refund. 😱
(...may I present to you the Demon Lords of Hell...the most powerful beings in all the Devildom…)
Lucifer reminds Levi, Mammon, and Satan that he is going to punish them for whatever they do to him when he’s small, once he returns to his normal size. Satan then moves to take Lucifer out of the bottle, but the spell on the bottle prevents him from doing so. Levi makes an offhand remark about Lucifer essentially being a collectible figure, which gives Satan an idea.
Satan then proceeds to dress Lucifer up in various outfits using his magic (all his outfits from the events), and Mammon and Levi are both surprised that that is his idea of fun. But Levi points out that Satan is clearly enjoying this and it’s actually like his way of bonding with Lucifer (because clearly admitting to his true feelings would be the worst possible thing).
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That evening, Beel, Belphie, Solomon, and MC enjoy dinner at the inn before retiring to their rooms. Solomon has managed to book two separate rooms tonight, which Belphie points out he did just so he could share a room with MC all by himself.
Later that night, MC wakes up to find that Solomon is still awake. When MC asks him what’s wrong, he admits that he was watching the twins earlier and was jealous about the deep relationship they had with one another. He laments the fact that even though he’s lived for centuries he doesn’t have someone like that in his life. If MC asks him about it, he admits that he thought he once had such a person but perhaps the feeling wasn’t mutual. 🥺 (my theory is this is the apprentice mentioned in Lesson 45, the one that founded the Sorcerer’s Society)
After thinking for a moment, Solomon then looks at MC and points out that this scene is another common one in RPG games, where important story points are told. He asks MC if they think that’s what’s going to happen tonight, and MC is given the option of kissing him. (which OMG was the sweetest most heartbreaking kiss scene and goddammit I think I’m now a simp for Solomon) Solomon admits that he didn’t think he ever had a chance with MC since the Brothers are always around them. He then asks MC to come a little closer (and presumably kisses them again).
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The next day, Solomon is in a very good mood (I guess finally kissing the person you’ve spent over 2 years pining for will do that to a guy). Belphie is quick to realize why Solomon is in such a good mood, and starts to make the same joke that was made before (about having “fun”), but gives up, leaving Beel slightly confused. Solomon then asks Belphie how they are supposed to get to Satan’s castle, and Belphie says that’s easy - he just uses a spell to summon a portal and BAM they are there.
Beel points out if they had just used the portal last night, they wouldn’t have had to stay at the inn. And Belphie explains that yeah that’s true, but then “fun things” wouldn’t have been able to happen. The comment makes Solomon laugh as he agrees that that wouldn’t have been good at all if they had used the portal and avoided the inn. Poor Beel is still confused. (and is it just me or is Belphie acting like Solomon’s wingman…?)
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The group then hears raised voices, and finds Satan taunting Lucifer, who is still in the bottle and now dressed in his wolf outfit. Satan gives the bottle containing Lucifer a little shake, making Lucifer feel nauseated.
MC then is given the opportunity to tell Satan to stop, and Lucifer is embarrassed at being seen as he is (and probably relieved too). Satan asks MC if they are sure they’re ready to battle him, since they skipped a lot of the game by using Belphie’s portal, and might not be strong enough to defeat him.
MC is able to talk to Satan, explaining to him that they value his relationship with his own brothers more than the test, and convincing Satan to let Lucifer go. Beel also chimes in, telling Satan that he knows how much he cares for Lucifer, even if he’s afraid to say it. He also turns to Lucifer and tells him that he needs to be more honest with Satan. Satan is a bit embarrassed by everything being said, but Lucifer lets him know that he never said Satan wasn’t his own demon, or that he wasn't great, so he isn’t sure why he seems to think that’s how Lucifer feels. (which is as close to an apology and compliment as we are probably going to get with this emotionally constipated lot)
Satan decides to accept Lucifer’s “olive branch” and returns Lucifer to MC (by tossing him lol). Once Lucifer is again safe, Beel asks if that means they have beat the game, and wonders what the point of it all was. Solomon then reveals himself to be the true Final Boss, and the one behind the entire thing.
Solomon explains that while he is very impressed with MC and how well they did defeating their opponents thus far, that the test was actually about unlocking Beel’s full potential, which they have not yet done. So, he’s going to give his “adorable apprentice” one last chance to prove themselves.
He then summons Asmo, who complains about how bored he’s been waiting for his turn to join everyone in the game. Solomon uses his powers to strengthen Asmo, who then turns to Beel and the battle begins. Asmo uses his “Charm” to paralyze Beel, but when MC calls for him, Beel breaks the charm. MC casts their own spell, empowering Beel, and he attacks Asmo in return. Asmo is absolutely shocked at how powerful Beel is now. Solomon, even though he’s losing, is very impressed by MC and the power they’ve been able to draw out of Beel. He ignores Asmo’s pleas for help, and MC wins the battle.
(NOTE - in the previous Summary, I blamed Simeon for alerting the brothers. Since it’s actually Solomon that planned the whole thing from the beginning, I guess I kinda have to make a note of that to be fair. But like...I still don’t like Simeon anymore soooo...)
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Finally back in the real world, Lucifer (now his normal size), MC, and Beel are enjoying a quiet moment on the back patio near the pool. MC shows Lucifer and Beel their star that they earned from the test.
Screams are then heard coming from inside (presumably Levi and Mammon), and Beel asks if anyone hears anything, which Lucifer denies (he totally hears them). As Lucifer continues to relax, enjoying his wonderful evening, a flashback is shown to dinner time -
Mammon is sobbing, when Solomon comments on how wonderful it is that he must be enjoying his cooking so much that it’s moved him to tears. Solomon encourages Levi to have some more, but it seems he’s passed out already, so he offers the extra portion to Satan instead. Asmo complains about why he has to be there, and when Satan realizes that Belphie is missing, Asmo is impressed with him for having managed to escape. Solomon then makes a comment that he thinks Lucifer is a really nice guy because he didn’t punish him like he thought he would, but instead invited him to stay for dinner and let him do the cooking. (which...damn Luci 😂)
Back in the present, Beel and MC take a walk while Lucifer enjoys the distant sounds of his brother's “screams of agony”.
Beel tells MC that he’s glad he had the opportunity to go through that experience and strengthen his bond with MC. He says the star MC earned is proof of how close they are, and then asks MC if they remember when he gave them his own star at the end of Season 2. He promises to treasure the star, and shares a kiss with MC, telling them once again that he loves them.
Beel then mentions that he feels like he’s forgetting about someone, but decides it’s not important. (hint: it’s Diavolo. They’ve forgotten about Diavolo.)
Favorite Scenes -
It’s a trap!
The power of cats
Geeky Mammon
True evil
Lonely Solomon
Solomon kisses
Emotional manipulation
Lucifer’s revenge
Aren’t we forgetting something...?
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ryqoshay · 3 years
Tri-Arame: A Good Hair Day
Primary Pairing Trio: YuuAyuSetsu Words: ~1.1k Rating: G Time Frame: First year of college? Maybe second? Dunno yet Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: Not exactly thrilled with the title, but it fit better than anything else I was able to come up with before I got impatient and decided to just post it.
Setsuna stared at her reflection in the mirror and let out a sigh.
“Is something the matter, Yuki-san?” The woman standing behind her asked.
“Oh, no, sorry Ueda-san…” Setsuna resisted the urge to shake her head as doing so would disrupt the stylist’s work. “I’m just… a little anxious for the shoot.”
Ueda offered a gentle smile. “You’ll be fine.” She assured. “It’s not all that different from the ones you did as a school idol.”
“Yeah…” There was likely a lot of truth in that.
“Also, I’ve seen the outfits you’ll be wearing, and I think you’ll look quite lovely in them.”
“Thank you.”
Ueda slipped one more pin in place before patting the young woman’s head. “There we go. You’re all ready for your first set. Now go get changed and I’ll see you back here in a half hour or so.”
“Alright.” Setsuna slid out of the seat. “Thank you again.” She said as she headed toward the dressing room.
Upon arrival, she let out another sigh. While she hadn’t exactly lied to Ueda, she hadn’t told the whole truth either. The primary reason for her mildly melancholy mood had been her realization of how much she preferred when someone else worked with her hair. Or rather remembered, as it was by no means a new revelation to her.
And on the topic of that someone else…
Setsuna pulled out her phone and opened a group chat. She then tapped the button to let her add a picture and took a quick shot of herself from the shoulders up.
ScarletStorm: I’m not allowed to leak pics of the outfits early, but I can at least show you two this before my first professional photoshoot begins.
As she awaited responses, she began changing into her first outfit. However, it didn’t take long for her phone to start vibrating as a barrage of messages arrived. Glancing at the time at the top of the screen, she realized it was between classes for them.
KaikaMelody: Thats so cute Setsuna-chan!
KaikaMelody: I love it!
KaikaMelody: I think it reminds me of someone though
KaikaMelody: A school idol from a while back
KaikaMelody: Except yours is backwards
KaikaMelody: And longer
KaikaMelody: And not blonde
KaikaMelody: What was her name?
KaikaMelody: I think her family owns a chain of hotels or something?
Setsuna was about to type the answer when she realized Ayumu had beaten her to it.
KaikaMelody: Oh yeah thats right
KaikaMelody: I shouldve remembered that
UeharaAyumu: Anyway, Yuu-chan is right
UeharaAyumu: That style really does look cute on you, Setsuna-chan
ScarletStorm: Thank you.
ScarletStorm: I like it as well.
ScarletStorm: However, to be honest, the whole time I was thinking about how I prefer when you do my hair, Ayumu-san.
KaikaMelody: Ayumu really is the best when it comes to hair isnt she?
ScarletStorm: She is indeed.
KaikaMelody: And its fun watching her in the mirror
KaikaMelody: Shes so cute when shes enjoying working with hair
ScarletStorm: I would have to agree
UeharaAyumu: You guys…
Setsuna chuckled as she imagined Ayumu becoming adorably flustered by the compliments.
KaikaMelody: Well its true!
UeharaAyumu: Anyway, maybe I could help you style something before our date tonight?
ScarletStorm: That would be nice.
ScarletStorm: Thank you Ayumu-san.
The date in question had been one of Yuu’s suggestion. And while she had said it was to celebrate Setsuna’s first photoshoot as a professional idol, it was really just an excuse to dress up and go out for a night together. Not that Setsuna minded. In fact, she was quite excited as it would be their first formal date since the three of them got together.
The three of them had gone on several casual outings already, but this time they were going to a fancy restaurant for dinner followed by an orchestra concert. Setsuna had never seen a live orchestra performance and looked forward to doing so. Also, as she had enjoyed watching Yuu’s music appreciation grow since she had changed courses back in high school, Setsuna now also looked forward to seeing her reactions tonight.
And then there was the fact that Setsuna was excited to see what her girlfriends would wear for their date. Surely, Ayumu would be as lovely as ever, but it was also a rare opportunity to see Yuu in something that wasn’t her usual casual style. And if all those reasons were not already enough to warrant anticipation, an Ayumu hairstyling session ahead of it all was a wonderful bonus. Truly, the night was looking better and better.
KaikaMelody: Ne Setsuna-chan you should have Ayumu give you twin braided buns!
KaikaMelody: Those have always looked cute on you
KaikaMelody: And theyre one of my favorite hairstyles
Setsuna laughed lightly. Of course, Yuu would see that style as one of her favorites. And she couldn’t blame her as it was also one of her own favorites, undoubtedly for the same reason as well.
KaikaMelody: And then you and Ayumu would match for extra cuteness
And there it was. The fact that Setsuna thought Ayumu’s daily hairstyle was cute had been the primary reason she had wanted to learn how to do it back in high school. And on the occasions that Setsuna wore the style herself, often in the mentioned twin form, she would feel a certain connection with her redheaded friend. Of course, Yuu’s enthusiastic response to the style was also always welcome.
ScarletStorm: I would be up for that
ScarletStorm: But would it be appropriate for the settings of our date?
KaikaMelody: It will be fine
ScarletStorm: Perhaps I shall let my favorite stylist decide.
UeharaAyumu: Twin braided buns it is
KaikaMelody: Woo!
A knock sounded on the dressing room door.
“Setsuna-chan! Are you almost ready?”
“Yes, sorry, I’ll be right out!” Setsuna called back.
ScarletStorm: Emma-san is here to retrieve me, so I have to get going.
ScarletStorm: See you later tonight.
ScarletStorm: Love you two!
Setsuna smiled at the quick responses affirming the love the other two had for her. She then set her phone down beside her other belongings and took one last look at herself in the mirror. Even though she was certain the first batch had disappeared, she couldn’t help worrying that one of her girlfriends may have gotten carried away and left a new mark that she had yet to discover. Once satisfied, she turned and opened the door.
“Oh, you look lovely, Setsuna-chan.” The tall redhead in the hallway said.
“Thank you.” Setsuna replied, examining her senior. “You look amazing as well.” She had always loved how the older girl worked inspiration from her homeland into her idol outfits and that aspect had carried over into her professional career.
Emma smiled and held out a hand. “Shall we go? The photographers are ready.”
“Yes.” Setsuna nodded and let herself be lead down the hall.
Author’s Note Continued in Followup Post
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sero-sphere · 4 years
Early Morning Tea PT 1
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 soo...i saw this picture on twitter and couldnt help to think Katsuki fucking Bakugou...so now we’re here. 
well maybe not here, maybe we’re all on momos crazy expensive yacht with your classmates trying to figure out what bakugous really packing?
this is only pt 1 so word count is right around 1,600
(Baku x f reader) Warnings: seeing the pee-pee go ‘da-doing doing doing’ ... swearing cause its Bakubro...idk i never know what to put here. this parts pretty chill. ( happy birthday baku bb ) 
It was 6am, a little early for you, but you had woken up and couldn’t go back to bed. You had plans that you definitely didn’t want to over sleep for, so you made your way downstairs for a cup of tea. That was bound to wake you up. You exited the elevator and made your way to the kitchen, still groggy as ever. Sleep still laced heavily on your face, eyes barely even registering the figure in front of you. His voice broke you out of your early morning trance.
"Oi, What are you doing up?"
It was Bakugou, you could tell that much, his figure still blurry as you brought your hands up to rub at your eyes. As the fuzziness started to fade away, you were able to clearly see him....all of him. Your eyes immediately started to focus on the rather large bulge protruding from his grey sweatpants.
"What the fuck are you looking at?" He glared at you, then followed your eyes. He adjusted himself, which didn’t work out that well, because he just managed to grab your attention even more. There was no way you were actually seeing, what you were seeing.
"I'm sorry, I just woke up, I couldn't fucking see you... Why the hell would you come downstairs like that?!" you asked and pointed to his problem he was still trying to fix.
“I could ask you the same thing, dumbass."
 You looked down at what you were wearing, a small grey tank top, and the shortest pair of sleep shorts you owned. Your hardened nipples clearly evident through the shirt. You crossed your arms over your chest for some modesty
"I need tea, I'm so tired." You managed to grumble out, despite your embarassment.
"Here I just made some, I'll go grab another cup." He handed you the mug he had in his hand and turned back towards the stove. An unusually strange move for the class grump.
"You're pretty nice in the morning, maybe I should start getting up a little bit earlier... I bet it’s because Kaminari hasn’t gotten a chance to annoy you yet."
And you did just that, you're not going to lie, after that day you were left wondering if your sleep eyes had played tricks on you, or if his dick was really that big. You tried catching glimpses every chance you could. Bakugou was one step ahead of you though.  He caught you checking him out, and made it a point to angle his body during workouts, and training sessions, so you purposely couldn't see anything. Not that he really didn’t want you looking, he just wanted to tease you. See how far you'd get before you'd crack.
Early morning tea turned into a daily routine. You stumbling down to the kitchen, to Bakugou already setting down some cups, one for you, and one for him. His temper really did seem better in the mornings. You decided you’d put that to the test.
"Hey, I know you don’t like to hang with everyone and shit, but the girls are all planning a little weekend thing… I heard Kirishima say he was going to go. You should come too…"
"Why the fuck would I do that?"  You glanced over to Bakugou who was scowling at you. Not bad so far, his stares became less intimidating the more time you spent with him. You were able to tell when he really meant them or not.
You thought to yourself “so I can fucking see what's hiding in your pants THATS why” but there’s no way you could come right out and say that to him. A little white lie wouldn’t hurt anyone right?
"Because you’re the only one not doing anything this weekend, and you'd be bored here all by yourself…" You took another sip of tea to occupy your mouth before it had the chance to say what you were really thinking.
"Tch. I'll think about it."
“Oi shitty hair. What is this thing this weekend? “ Bakugou shouted as he burst into Kirishimas dorm room, interrupting his game of smash. Kirishima wasn’t even fazed at this point.
“Oh haha, what…. Who told you bro? Sorry I didn’t ask, just figured you'd say no. Are you coming?”
“What is it?”
“Oh well uhm, everyone’s sort of hanging out on Momos yacht...”
“She has a fucking yacht…..”
“Yeah dude! Come! It's going to be awesome. Just thought you wouldn’t want to be trapped in the middle of the ocean with everyone...” 
Kirishima was right, Bakugou really didn’t want to be stuck out on the ocean with all those idiots. So clearly that's the exact reason why you wanted him to come. Perfect opportunity to check him out, while he’s distracted by everyone’s shenanigans, and by everyone that meant Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Jiro, Ochako, Momo, and obviously you. There was no shitty Deku ( he happened to be busy, along with Todoroki )  so at least he wouldn’t have to deal with them, if he ended up agreeing.
It seems that agreeing might have been a bit of a mistake on Bakugous part. Momos yacht only had 5 bedrooms, two of which contained two twin sized beds, two of the other rooms had a full, (with an en-suite living room area that contained a couch) , and the last was a master bedroom, that had a deck to lead outside. Momo insisted everything be fair and had everyone do a few games of rock-paper-scissors to decide who would get each room. Kirishima and Kaminari were to share one of the rooms with the double beds, while Momo and Jiro were sharing the other. Ochako, and Sero ended up getting the singles, and you were the lucky winner, claiming the master all to yourself. None of you really thought Bakugou would actually agree to coming, so you didn’t include him in any of this.
 The room situation was long forgotten by the time the weekend rolled around, and none of you realized until you heard the explosive yelling that started not long after boarding.
“Oi! I'm not sleeping on the fucking couch this weekend! Do I look like some fucking extra to you?”
“Dude, I got the room fair and square...I get the bed. Why don’t you just ask Kaminari to switch with you and bunk up with Kirishima?” Sero replied calmly as he laid back with his hands behind his head, in the bed, that he indeed won.
“Have you heard how loud that fucker snores! I’m not doing that…. I’m not sharing with dunce face either, so you can forget it!”
“Dude you could always kick Y/N out of the master, and make her shack up with Uraraka.”
Bakugou just stood there silent…
“I mean unless you wanna shack up with Y/N instead…” Before Sero even had a chance to rethink that last sentence, his smug grin was being blasted off his face.  
Bakugou was faced with the reality that those two suggestions were actually his only valid options.  Well, it was either that, or the couch, and there was no way in hell Bakugou would sleep on the couch like some fucking extra.
 On the other end of the yacht, everything was going great for you at least. Despite all the yelling going on in the distance, you used your time to settle in and admire how lucky you really were. So far the weather forecast looked perfect, and all the food you’ve been served so far was amazing. You couldn't believe that Momo was this loaded. How you ended up with the extra master was truly a gift.
You were all given an itinerary, times and places to meet. Everything planned by Momo of course. You had exactly 1 hour to finish getting settled, and ready before dinner was set. You were just about to do your makeup, and change, when the bedroom door was just about thrown off it’s hinges.
"Oi, get your shit, and get the fuck out." Bakugou shouted and he threw his bags into the room and flopped down on the bed.
"Uhm, what….No your sharing with one of the boys...what are you doing….."
"I'm not sleeping on a couch." He shifted so his arms relaxed behind his head. How fucking cute. At least it would have been if he wasn’t trying to hi-jack your room.
"What the fuck Bakugou, I got this room fair and square! I’m not leaving!"
“Tough princess…either take the couch in round cheeks room, or go sleep with Sero for all I care.” He was hoping you wouldn’t do either, but he had an ego to protect.
“I'm not doing either Bakugou, this is my room fair and square! I didn’t ask you to come so you could ruin my time.” You plopped yourself on the bed beside him and gave him a death glare. You were willing to fight....if it came to that. You grabbed a pillow and smothered his face with it. You heard the faint sound of his quirk activating from underneath you, but you wouldn’t let up.
 “You fucker! Get the fuck off!”
“No this is my bed! All my shits already unpacked!” Bakugou managed to flip you around so he was caging you in. He grabbed the pillow from your hands, and threw it to the floor. He leaned in close and whispered…
“You can always share with me…Princess…”
You heard a noise off to your right looked up to see Sero, standing there, looking at the two of you laughing.  “Wow, fuck, when I told you to share with Y/N I was only joking….didn’t think this would happen so quickly…”
Bakugou abruptly shoved you off the bed, and onto the floor.
“Shut it tape face, before I fucking kill you.”
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imaginedeux · 5 years
Girl At The Rock Show (E.D. Imagine)
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A/N: So Warped Tour happened like almost a year ago now, and I've been wanting to write something. I’ve read a couple of imagines where the reader goes to Cochella with the twins, but I haven't read them going to Warped Tour, and that’s honestly a concept. The show is going to be in San Diego, but i’ll be putting set times from when I went.
“Hey whats up guys! We’re back! Well, I’m back, Grayson is sick and can't film/ can't leave the house, but don't worry, we have four other amazing people here to help me with today’s video! Please introduce yourselves to the camera!” Ethan yelled at the camera from the passenger seat, pointing it at you.
“Hey! It’s (Y/N)! And I’m currently driving E’s car the three hour journey to San Diego.” You fake groaned, before you smiled at the camera, making sure you stayed in your lane. Your three other friends in the back seat all yelled hello before Ethan said he would update them when they got to the location.
“Awesome, now for a 3 hour nap.” Ethan sighed, putting his feet onto the dashboard.
“Oh, heck nah! You have at least three hours to learn one song from one of the bands playing today.” You explained, giving him your phone that was tethered to the car’s bluetooth. “I have a playlist on Spotify with a bunch of songs from some bands playing today, so you better get learning.”
“I’ll give you 3 seconds to guess where we are today!” Ethan yelled at his camera as you grabbed your draw string backpack from the trunk, ready to get the long day stared. “Well you’re probably wrong, or you're right cause you read the title to the video. I’m at the LAST Vans Warped Tour in San Diego! As you know a couple of months ago, Gray and I surprised (Y/N) with a ticket to Cochella, and she had the time of her life. Now a month-ish ago she surprised Gray and I with tickets to Warped Tour, but unfortunately Gray got sick, so we gave his ticket to one of (Y/N)’s friends since they didn't have the chance to buy a ticket before it sold out. So now we’re here, I’m not sure how much i’ll be able to film because it is a sold out gig and there are going to be a ton of people, I might just get (Y/N) to film for me.”
“I’ll only film for you if you end up crowd surfing, everything else is on you.” You shook your head closing the trunk of his car, after making sure everyone had what they needed. “Alright lets head out!” A five minute walk from the rather sketchy $20 parking lot later, your group came across the end of the line. “No fucking way, the entrance is literally around the block, and the doors don't open for another hour.”
“See, I told you we should have brought the cans of food, we would have gotten early entrances.” Your friend Carla, lectured as people with bags of food cans walked by.
“I completely forgot about them! I could have sworn I had them at the apartment before we left, but I couldn't find them this morning.” You explained, groaning. If you had non-perishable cans of food, or even an old cellphone, and you donated them, you'd be able to enter the grounds, about half an hour before everyone else did.
“Wait, were they all cans of corn?” Ethan asked from behind you. Turning, you gave him a look.
“Yes...” You answered squinting your eyes at him. “Did you take them?! I swear E, if you did...” You started before Ethan covered your mouth with his free hand, the other holding onto the camera recording the scene in front of him.
“No, wait, they’re in the car. They were in the cardboard boxes next to the first aid kit.” Ethan explained, pointing the camera at himself, before the group of you started to yell.
“E, can you PLEASE, go and grab them? Please! I’ll buy you a whole pineapple pizza to yourself when we get to the hotel tonight.” You pleaded, taking the camera away from him. A laugh at the group later, he was sprinting back towards the car, ready to get this long day started.
“Thank you guys for the donations, you all have a good day!” The woman taking the cans said, scanning your tickets.
“Likewise!” The lot of you smiled back, making your way towards the grounds. “So how is this going to work? Cause I know Carla, Kevin and Jack wanna go and see Crown The Empire, and it looks like they’re one of the first to play at the White Lightning Stage, and that’s on the other side of the venue.” You said looking up between the inflatable line-up and the venue map you payed way too much for. 
“Well, it looks like All Time Low is gonna be the last to play today at the Right Foot Stage at 8:30, and thats a band we all wanna see so we can meet up at the end of the day of thats what you want?” Jack, said pointing at the line up. This was one of the things about warped, most of the time the bands you wanna see play at same time and on opposite sides of the venue. 
“Wait look, Chase Atlantic is playing at 7:55, isn't that the band you wanna see?” You asked looking up at Ethan, who was looking back at the line up.
“Yeah it is, but its at 7:55, which means that we’ll be late to the band y'all wanna see.” Ethan realized, looking at how long Chase would play. “I know you’ve been wanting to see All Time Low for years, and I don't want you to miss out on them.”
“Thats nonsense, so looks like we have a plan. Jack, you, Carla and Kevin wanna see the same bands, so you can stick together. I’ll stick with Ethan, so we’ll meet you at the Right Foot Stage at around 8:30, if anything I brought an extra battery pack so I can text y'all.” You smiled at the group before the five of you split. 
“You ready to see a real rock show?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be, maybe its a good idea that Gray didn't come, he’d be freaking out about Chase, he’s the one who got me into them.” Ethan laughed as the two of you walked by multiple vendors trying to sell the two of you things you really didn't need. 
“Get your free bracelet for the opportunity to meet State Champs!” A vendor yelled as you walked by, causing you to stop dead in your tracks. You weren't sure if it was the State Champs t-shirt you decided to wear with a pair of high waisted black shorts and your trusty Sk-8 Hi black Vans, or if it was the multiple home-made SC patches that decorated our backpack, that made the lady yell the moment you passed by.
“E, give me a second.” You whispered, before you hauled ass towards the booth with the lady who was yelling. “Hi, is it true you’re giving fans a chance to meet State Champs?”
“Yup, I saw your patches and I couldn't let the opportunity pass. So, it is a free meet and greet, all you have to do is watch this video, its only 2 minutes long so it won't take too much time out of your day, then after its done, we’ll go ahead and give you a bracelet for the meet and greet at 1:30 at the tent right next door.” She explained pointing at the places that you needed to go to, to be able to meet your favorite band at the festival.
“Can I get to meet them too?” The hazel eyed boy asked from beside you.
“Sure, just go ahead and watch a quick video and I’ll give you a bracelet to meet them at 1:30 at the tent next door.” She gave him the same smile she gave you, pointing everything out. The video was short and to the point, don't smoke, it'll kill you. “Thank you so much for watching the video, and here are the bracelets you need to meet State Champs. The meet and greet will start at 1:30 so if you want to get here before hand thats alright.”
“Thank you!” The two of you yelled, walking away from the tent not sure what to do next. “So are there any bands you wanna see?” 
“DID YOU SEE THAT?!” Ethan yelled coming back up from behind you, you had to admit that you were surprised to see Ethan actually crowd surf his way to the front where Mayday Parade was playing.
“Of course I did, and you're gonna be happy I got that all on film.” You laughed at him, with the camera in your hand. You and your friends were concert goers but not brave enough to crowd surf yet. “This video is going to be killer to edit next week.”
“Dont worry I’ll get Gray to edit it since he was too sick to come along.” Ethan laughed looking over the crowd as they jumped and danced along to the band covering Blink-182′s Girl at The Rock Show. “Not even at Coachella are people this hyped to see their favorite band or artist. We need to come to more of these.”
“Some of the bands have been making music since a lot of these kids were young, they grew up hearing these bands. Warped is decently priced so this might be some of these peoples only chance of seeing their favorite band live.” You explained as the lead singer, Derek thanked the crowd for letting them play main stage, and said they would be playing their last song next, which was a fan favorite. “Come on E, Mayday’s almost done, so that means its almost 1:30, its time to meet State Champs.”
“Next please!” The already annoyed merch employee yelled as some kids stepped out of the tent.
“Holy shit E, it really is them!” You mumbled covering your mouth as you and Ethan stepped into the tent.
“Hey yall, how’s warped tour going?” Derek, the lead singer asked as the two of you came face to face with one of your favorite bands in the last couple of years.
“It’s good so far, it’ll be even better once I see yall play! By the way, can I get a hug please?” You asked almost shaking, this band was the reason you got out of the comfort zone of your hometown and are the reason you moved to L.A., they gave you the courage to do everything you were scared to do before.
“Come on in here!” Ryan, one of the guitarists laughed bringing you in for a bone crushing hug. “You to my man! Hugs for everyone.” E’s laugh rumbled through the tent as the group of you came in for a group hug. You never thought that you’d ever be able to meet them, much less hug them.
“Can we get a group picture?” Ethan asked this time, you’d honestly forgotten about asking for picture with them, being in the same city as them was good enough for you.
“Sure, anything you guys wanna do?” Tyler, the other guitarist asked.
“How about 90′s rap cover group picture?” You asked shaking out of your state of shock. “Honestly its the only thing I can think of and I’m just remembering the photo of pigeons that looked like they were about to drop the greatest rap album of the century.”
“I know which one you’re talking about! Dude I honestly didn’t think anyone remembers that photo.” Tony, the bass player grinned at the thought of the pigeon photo. Handing over his phone, Ethan quickly squatted down in front of you, Derek doing the same as the rest of the band stood next to you, allowing you to be in the center of the picture. 
“Thank you again for coming to Warped Tour, thank you for being a fan of us and allowing us to come out and play all away across the country from our hometown.” Evan said giving you another hug. 
“Thank you all as well, your music gave me the courage to move out of my little hometown to L.A., without ya’ll, I don’t know where I would be.” You grinned, before you hugged all of them one last time. “Can’t wait to see yall play later!”
“I still can’t believe that we met State Champs, they’re all as beautiful as they look like on Instagram.” You gushed biting into one of the ice pops the two of you bought for way too much.
“(Y/N), that was like two hours ago, you even got to see them live. How are you still going on about them?” Ethan asked chucking the stick into the nearest trashcan, it’d been a couple of hours since State Champs played and the two of you decided to wonder around the festival grounds.
“I don’t know, their music gave me so much courage to be myself, they’re the reason why i’m standing here in San Diego, because without them I wouldn’t have moved to L.A., met you, Gray, Carla, Jack, and Kevin, and without yall, I wouldnt have gotten the chance at meeting them.” You explained grinning at Ethan. “I really do owe it all to them. So, anyways, what do you wanna do now? We have a couple more hours till Chase, so we have time to do anything you want.”
“We haven’t filmed anything for the vlog in a while, why don’t we find a place to sit, and talk to the viewers.”
“Sorry it’s been a minute since we’ve updated you, but the group was disbanded so we could watch the bands we wanted to watch. What bands have we seen today?” Ethan asked, looking between you and the camera the two of you set up on an empty picnic table you were able to grab.
“We’ve seen Mayday Parade, we got to see a part of 3OH!3′s set, which was at more lit than I thought it was going to be, we saw my band State Champs, go follow them on all social media you wont regret it, when we finally got out of the pit, we got to see the last couple of songs for Simple Plan, and we just finished watching Bowling For Soup’s set. For those who dont know, Warped Tour is consisted of six different stages, the Journey’s Left Foot and Right Foot stage are the two main stages of the festival, while the other four are smaller stages, two are for the heavier bands and the other two are for smaller bands. Anyways, the reason we’ve seen 5 bands, is because they’ve been on the Left and Right stages so they’re right next to each other. Now we’re waiting for Chase Atlantic’s set and we’re going to meet back up with the group to watch All Time Low, another band you should go and follow on all social media, just follow all the bands, they’re all good.”
“Wow, talk about that plug. But I have to admit, their music has been really good, a lot of music you could work out too for sure. Oh, we also met (Y/N)’s favorite band State Champs, and they were actually really cool, they seemed really down to earth,” Ethan started before you gestured to put the photo in the video. “Insert picture here, I dont know how it looks and (Y/N), chose the pose, so if we look like idiots, blame (Y/N).”
“Hey, I’m giving them quality content, so you’re welcome.” You sassed looking down at your phone. “My friend from back home is mad at me that I’m Warped without her, and shes telling me to go check out a band if they haven’t played yet. Can I borrow your phone, to see if they’ve played yet?”
“So demanding,” Ethan joked as you grabbed his phone out of his hand. “If you have a chance at trying to come to one of these shows, do it. If you don’t mind walking around for hours, or being around large groups of people, and some of these band’s fans do go hard and start moshing, but if you don’t mind any of that, it something everyone should do at least once in their life.” 
“Hey, the band my friend is talking about is going to play in like 30 minutes, can we head over? It’s on the same page Chase Atlantic is playing at.”
“We’re With Confidence, we’re all the way from Sydney, Australia, thank you so much for letting us play few songs for you guys today!” The lead singer, and also bassist said smiling. “I’m Jayden, this beautiful man on guitar is Inigo, and this equally beautiful man on drums is Josh. If you guys dont mind we’ll be meeting any one that wants to meet us, right at our tent over there, it’s big and pink you cant miss it. We’ll be signing your things and if you want, you can pre-order our album coming out at the end of the summer, and you can get both a physical and digital copy when you buy today.” 
“Oh my god, do you hear those accents? Why are they so beautiful?” You gushed as they played a new song coming out on the album they were talking about. Like most of the other songs they had played, they were all high energy, the kids up at the barricades were jumping along to the beat, and some of the kids in the middle of the crowd were opening up the pit for a circle pit, the dust flying up into the air as they ran around in a circle. That was one of the perks of being far from the barricades, and on the outside perimeter of the pit, you were able to see everything, and how the kids were reacting to the band. “I’ve never heard of this band, but they are amazing, i’m definitely signing up for a CD.”
“First, State Champs, now these guys? Who don’t you love, (Y/N)?” Ethan sighed, rolling his eyes as you got footage of the band and of the kids in the moshpit.
“I fall easily, all it takes is a pretty face and an amazing accent.” You stuck your tongue out at Ethan as the band started to play their final song.
“This entire video is going to be just you meeting bands.”  Ethan laughed as you pulled him to the meet and greet line for With Confidence.
“Hey, i’m at least giving you content E, you would have probably just pranked Gray if it wasnt for me.” You grinned at the camera knowing it was true.
“I mean true.”
“And, i’m giving your Instagram followers content as well, y’all have no idea how many times E has taken his shirt off today because of how warm it got, and he’s definitely gotten some stares from some of the kids here.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault it’s gotten warm!” He explained grabbing the camera from you, pointing it at himself as he tried to defend his actions.
“Um, I told you to wear shorts and a tank top, but no! I know how to dress for a festival, and its not going to get hot.” You mocked Ethan, grabbing the camera out of his hands as you used his cool voice. “And here he is suffering in black plaid jeans and a white long sleeve.” Laughing you showed the viewers the outfit he decided to wear to a summer festival.
“Well you’ll be the one complaining later when we go and see All Time Low, and you’re freezing.” Ethan shot back as one of the security guards started allowing the first kid to meet With Confidence.
“That’s what you think! While you were meeting some of fans, I went and bought myself an All Time Low hoodie so HA!” You laughed, shoving the camera towards Ethan to grab the hoodie you got from your favorite band. “They didnt have my size so I had to get the next size up, but its so comfortable guys.” You could already feel the shift in temperature so it was the perfect time to put on your hoodie. The hoodie reached below the hem of your shorts, and the sleeves went passed the tips of your fingers with ease, it looked like you were ready for bed, not ready to rock out at a concert.
Meeting With Confidence was a whole other experience, they were so happy to see people lining up to meet them. They were constantly thanking you and Ethan for being there to see them, and giving their band a chance. They were happy to hear that you were going to buy a CD and a couple of shirt from their merch stand, and were like that with the kids before and after you. A couple of heavier bands later, and Chase Atlantic started to play is when you started recording the crowd’s reaction to the band. Both you and Ethan realized that the music they’ve released, is played differently live. Rather than the sensual RnB vibe, they sounded like all the other rock bands that played that day. Midway through their set they thanked everyone for stay to see them play since they were one of the last bands playing that day, as they continued to thank the crowd, Ethan grabbed the camera and started recording the crowd from his perspective. This is something that the two of you had been doing all day, so both of you could enjoy the band, and it would give Gray more angles to edit. Its once Ethan started recording the crowd and the band that he realized how well you knew the lyrics to the songs. You swayed when the music slowed, you jumped along to the kick drum, you spun around as the lead singer sang the lyrics all the kids in the crowd knew. Ethan stepped back and started recording you as the lead singer stopped singing, allowing the crowd to sing the lyrics to one of their more famous songs. Although the temperatures continued to lower, that wasnt causing the blush on Ethan’s cheeks to appear.
“Alright, this is going to be the last song we play tonight, thank you for allowing us to play here to night, and I hope you guys have an amazing rest of the evening.” The lead singer, Mitchel, thanked as the band started playing the last song.
“E, come on! We need to head to the Right Foot Stage, Carla, Kevin and Jack are already there!” You yelled, literally pulling him out of his day dream and out of the crowd. As the two of you ran to one of the last stages still up, the two of you could hear the sea of kids singing along to some of the songs that were playing through the speakers, waiting for the final band to play. “Look, there they are!”
“Thank you guys so much!” Alex thanked the crowd before he started the last song of San Diego’s Warped Tour. 
“I’ve got your picture, i’m coming with you. Dear Maria count me in, theres a story at the bottom of this bottle and i’m the pen!” The entire crowd sang as, Alex, Jack and Zack jumped around the stage and around Rian, who was playing the drums. By the time the lot of you had gotten to the stage, you were a good twenty yards away from the stage, but it didnt bother you. If anything it allowed your group to step back, and be able to dance along to the songs you grew up with. It also gave Ethan the opportunity to record you guys without being shoved around in the pit. Then the song reached the long awaited climax, as Jack and Alex threw their guitars across the stage, the confetti cannons showered the crowd in multi colored paper. Although the sounds of the cannons startled Ethan, he never took his eyes off you as the pieces of paper fell around you. It was the gasp that made you stop spinning around to look at Ethan. 
He could have sworn that the sound of the crowd drowned out his gasp, but apparently it was loud enough for you to hear and stop spinning. It was the smile that put the nail in the coffin for Ethan. It was the biggest, and the realest smile he’s ever seen from you. Since the beginning of your friendship with Ethan, there was a difference in it. It wasn’t a normal friendship the two of you shared, it was something more. although the two of you refused to admit it. The two of you could lean on each other, the two of you were closer than even the fans knew about, and a majority knew how close the two of you lead on. The two of you talked about everything, from things that you saw that reminded you of each other, to desires of what you wanted to do in both the near and far future. When you started talking about how you wanted to go to the Last Cross Country Warped Tour, Ethan instantly jumped on the chance to buy the two of you tickets. So, no, Grayson wasn’t sick, he knew about the little plan his twin brother was creating. But since you weren’t aware, you invited your friends, who weren’t aware of the plan Ethan was planning either, along since they also had tickets.
The thing was, you had a plan up your sleeve as well. You knew from the very beginning that your friends were going to be watching groups you and Ethan hadnt heard of before, so you knew you would have some time with Ethan without feeling pressured by your friends to make a move. Through out the day the two of you laughed at random jokes, you shared your drinks and food with each other, you even encouraged each other to do things you’d never have the guts to do if you were by yourself. As the day continued, the two of you held on to each other as the bands you were watching played the slow song of the set. You hugged Ethan longer, and harder after meeting With Confidence, and State Champs, quietly thanking him for sharing the experience with you. With a smile still on your face, you brought Ethan in for a hug, one harder than any of the ones the two of you had shared before.
“Thank you so much. You have no idea what today means to me. It wouldnt have been the same without you.” You confessed looking up at him.
The look in your eyes were ones Ethan had never seen before. There was something about them that were different, but looked familiar.
Its the look my parents have when they look at each other. You realized as Ethan looked down at you, swaying the two of you back and forth. As the song started to fade, you started to stand on your tip toes as Ethan started to lead down. Little did the two of you know that your friends were sneakily taking a photo of the moment, something they had been doing all day. Besides seeing their favorite bands, your friends knew of the plan through Grayson, and were capturing the moments neither of you were getting on camera. What a better way to end Warped Tour in the arms of someone you cared for deeply, and that care for you the same way.
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Cupid’s Texts
Happy (early) Valentine’s from your secret admirer @umbrella-kun <3 We both have mutual fav boys and it made it SO easy to write for you, so I hope you like your gift of a nervous, blushy Saeran (✿◠‿◠) (p.s. I googled ‘expensive wines’ so the Chateau mentioned in this is worth $3,500 sorry jumin)
Thank you @mysmevalentinesdayexchange for hosting!
Pairing: Saeran/MC (though I did try to fit some details of your CMC)
Word count: 2,816
Summary: Sometimes, cupid isn’t a baby in a diaper shooting arrows. Sometimes cupid is a red-headed hacker who uses his friend’s money.
Saeran really couldn’t take his eyes off you. While you had everyone’s attention as you spoke, you captivated him in an entirely different sense. The beating in his chest rapid, palms sweaty, and completely entranced with the kind look on your face as you went on. The blush on his cheeks deepening as he let his mind wander, unrealistic scenarios of you two together running through his mind. He wasn’t entirely focused on your words, but he found himself eyeing your lips, curious as to how they would feel against his.
“Saeran?” you asked, bringing him out of his thoughts as he looked around to see all eyes on him. For a whole minute there, it really felt like it was just you two in the room and he completely forgot he was at an RFA meeting, planning for the next party.
“I-I’m sorry, what, um, what were we talking about?” he stammered, his face turning beet red at the attention directed at him. Before you said anything, you’re hand went to his forehead, feeling the radiating heat that seemed to double at your touch. Even with how embarrassed he was, he still found himself focused on the concerned look on your face.
“You’re burning up, are you feeling okay?”
“I’ve never been better,” he replied, averting his gaze and letting out a puff of air he didn’t realize he was holding onto. Though he looked somewhat collected, his mind was racing a million miles a second. Wondering just why, out of all the responses he could come up with, did he say that. Why did the entire RFA have to witness that and what exactly are they thinking behind their judging eyes. And why on earth couldn’t he couldn’t just evaporate in this moment.
One he finally met your gaze again, he was surprised to see you still look worried. You took a step back, still examining his face before taking a seat.
“Alright, well if you need to step out for any reason, don’t hesitate to,” you said, attention back on the stack of papers from which you were presenting to the group.
“Smooth,” the voice next to him whispered for only Saeran to hear. It was met with a jab of the elbow to Saeyoung’s rib
As the meeting went on, Saeran’s eyes trailed back to you every once in a while, even when you weren’t talking. To him, you looked so cute with the absolute thoughtful look on your face. How someone could look so perfect without doing much was beyond him. After a while, his thoughts were interrupted by a buzzing in his pocket, checking his phone under the table so no one would notice.
‘You know what next week is, right?’ sent by the red-head next to him. Saeran looked over to see his eyes focused on Jumin as he spoke, but hands tapping away at the phone hiding under the table.
‘Why are you asking me this in the middle of the meeting?’ Saeran typed out and sent, met with an almost immediate response.
‘Because I’m trying to look out for you here. Now do you know or do I have to remind you?’
“I know it’s Valentine’s day next week, I don’t understand why you’re telling me this now, but get to your point before Jumin sees.’
‘Because I think you should ask MC on a date before you leave today.’
‘That’s not going to happen,’ he simply wrote, giving his twin a roll of the eyes.
‘Why not? Don’t you like her??’
‘No,’ Saeyoung let out a loud laugh at that, startling the rest of the group. Once he collected himself, he noticed Jumin staring daggers in their direction.
“Is there something you’d like to share with the rest of us?” he asked, obviously irritated by the interruption.
“Actually yes,” Saeyoung said, getting up from his seat to address the room. A small flash of panic in Saeran’s eyes, not knowing exactly what he was going to say or where this would lead.
“It has been a while since we’ve had a get-together outside of these meetings. I feel a real distance between myself and you all. It’s like I don’t even know you guys anymore,” he continued, “A real wedge has been driven between me and my fellow members and I won’t stand for it any longer.”
“Your point?” Jumin piped up.
“My point is that we should all have dinner together next week, spend some time together, get to know MC since she is our newest member. We can go out to a nice restaurant, have some drinks and just talk. It’s about time we take the ‘i’ out of ‘team’ and put the ‘friendship’ right back in it,” he said, looking around the room for a reaction only to see some pensive looks. After a moment of utter silence, Zen finally spoke up.
“I think that would be great, actually.”
“Yeah,” Yoosung agreed.
“I’m all for it,” you smiled eagerly, “Saeran, what do you think?”
“Yeah, um, t-that sounds great,” Saeran’s face deepened in color, averting his gaze to the floor.
Saeyoung eyed the remaining two, Jaehee and Jumin, for approval. They looked at each other, having a silent conversation with glances before Jaehee finally looked to Saeyoung.
“We can make time for it in our schedule,” Jaehee answered, Jumin nodding in agreement, “We’ll make the accommodations and-“
“Actually,” Saeyoung intervened, “let me take care of that. I suggested it so it’s only fair that I take care of the arrangements. Let’s say Thursday the 14th?”
“On Valentine’s day? Some of us could be busy that day,” Jumin said.
“Look around the room and tell me who honestly could have plans here. Do you need me to pull up the track record for everyone’s dating life?” Saeyoung said, earning a collective and defensive ‘hey’ from the other members.
“Am I wrong? Show of hands, who would be too busy with a date that day,” he spoke once again, a silence through the room at the lack of hands that went up, “Thought so. I’ll text everyone the details later. Jumin, proceed.”
He took his seat again, a small, devious smirk on his face as he looked at his brother. It was a look that alarmed Saeran, knowing it meant he had something up his sleeve. Whatever it is he had in store, he could at least be comforted by the fact that the rest of the RFA would be there.
The tie around Saeran’s neck felt uncomfortable, not used to having to dress so formal. Why Saeyoung chose such a sophisticated place to get together was beyond him, but he agreed to it nonetheless. Though, he only really agreed to it for the sole purpose of seeing you on Valentine’s day. Even if it wasn’t truly a date, the idea of spending this time with you, today of all days, was enough for him.
His hands instinctively went to loosen the tie as he rounded the corner of the restaurant, though he didn’t expect to see you right outside, alone, and waiting. His jaw practically slacked at the sight of you dressed so formally. It wasn’t until he got closer that he noticed all the small details that truly captured his heart. And the smile you flashed once you noticed him took his breath away.
“Thank god you didn’t cancel on me like the rest did,” you said, only gaining a quizzical look from him.
“Did you not read the messenger?”
“No, I just-“ though the words died in his throat once he looked at his phone to find a single text.
‘Reservation’s under my name. Good luck on your date~’ sent 3 minutes ago by his brother. He should have known that he’d pull this kind of stunt, wondering just where exactly he was holding the rest of the RFA captive. The idea of being alone with you almost terrified him, but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t happy for this.
“I guess it’s just us two then,” he said, pocketing his phone and biting back the wide smile that threatened to spread.
“Yeah, I guess it is,” you paused, meeting his gaze, “though I have to be honest, I’m kinda glad it’s just us.”
His eyes widened at your words, curious if he heard you right. The sincere look in your eyes, the soft smile as you looked at him confirmed just that. And for a split second, he almost wanted to thank his brother for setting this up.
“Well, yeah. I enjoy your company and any opportunity I have to spend time with you is one I will gladly take,” you said, smiling as you signaled towards the door, “now come on, there’s an empty table of seven and a dinner I’ll have Jumin reimburse waiting in there.”
He could only laugh as he followed, holding the door open for you. The restaurant was much nicer on the inside than you two expected, making your way through the crowded lobby to find where he needed to check in.
“Hi, reservation for Saeyoung Choi,” Saeran said to the hostess. They scanned the list in front of them, meeting his gaze once they found the name.
“Right this way mister and missus Choi,” they chimed, ushering you two to the dining room. He couldn’t help but flush at the implication, seeing you equally as red. He could almost hear Saeyoung cackling about this. Though he had to admit, it had a nice ring to it.
The table you two were brought to practically screamed ‘romance.’ It was secluded, covered in a seemingly expensive sheet with just as pricey silverware sitting atop, and by candlelight to contrast the dimly lit ambiance. The string music in the background carried the lovey-dovey feeling in the air, only adding to how absolutely flustered he was getting. Looking around, you two noticed the place was filled almost entirely of couples, obviously celebrating their love on this holiday.
He pulled out one of the seats for you, tucking it in once you settled in. You offered him a sincere smile, a silent ‘thank you’ at his mannerism as he took his own seat across from you. Once he looked at you, he felt his breath catch in his throat, stunned and overwhelmed by how truly beautiful you looked in this moment.
The way your eyes reflected by the candlelight passed your glasses had him awestruck, mouth hanging slightly as he took in every detail. The freckles on your face were like constellations he’d never tire of counting, a clear night sky he could easily get lost in. Your hair falling perfectly, almost serving as a halo that perfectly framed your face. His hand wanted so badly to reach for your own across the table, but he refrained.
“Your waiter will be with you shortly,” the hostess said, leaving you two and bringing Saeran out of his thoughts to realize he had just been staring at you.
“I, um, I’m sorry,” he stammered, eyes falling to his own hands that sat clasped on the table.
“For what?” you asked, a small laugh escaping as your hand found his, giving him a comforting touch. If it was humanly possible, he would have melted into a puddle from that, blush intensifying as he met your eyes once again. The sincere curiosity in them made his heart do leaps, trying to find some sort of reply.
“For starters, I’m sorry everyone seemed to have cancelled last minute.”
“What can you do?” you shrugged before continuing, “Though now that you mention it, it is odd that Saeyoung chose a place with this setting for a get together, what’s that about?”
“I think I have a hunch,” he sighed, gaining a tilt of the head in an unspoken question from you. There were few moments in his life he felt as nervous as he did in this moment, swallowing hard as he decided whether he would tell you his true feelings or not. He could never truly deny you of what you wanted, be it a favor or, in this instance, an answer. And especially not when you looked at him like that.
“The thing is-“
“Good evening mister and missus Choi, I’ll be taking care of you tonight,” a voice intervened with a bottle of wine in hand, “I have a Chateau Petrus courtesy of a ‘Cupid Choi.’”
“Cupid Choi?” you asked, seeing Saeran bury his face in his hands.
“Saeyoung, you son a-“
“Thank you for the wine, you can just leave it. We’ll still need a minute,” you smiled up at the waiter as they turned on their heel.
“As you were saying,” you said, regaining his attention as you went to pour the wine in the glasses. He reached for his own glass, meeting your attentive gaze once again. Whatever shred of confidence he had faltered in the last few seconds.
“The thing is,” he trailed, pausing to think his next words carefully, “Saeyoung couldn’t come because he was sick. He’s wanted to come here for a while and used this outing as an excuse to get Jumin to pay for it.”
“That’s really your hunch?” you asked, Saeran nodding in assurance.
“Yeah, that’s the thing,” he said simply, though he didn’t notice the dubious expression on your face, eyeing him as he took a long swig of his glass.
He put his feelings on the back of his mind, settling on just enjoying this evening with you. You two talked and laughed the entire time. To him, this felt natural. It felt like everything he had been looking for in his life, but he just couldn’t bring himself to tell you that. To him, you were a dream come true, but could never be his reality.
A few hours of you two drinking and talking came and went, The check that was brought was already paid for by ‘Cupid Choi,’ along with bouquet of flowers sent to the table as the final touch to this entire scheme. You two made your way out, idle chitchat along the way until you two were outside.
Alright, so the thing is?” you asked, stopping in front of him. He gave you a quizzical look, wondering just what you were asking.
“Oh come on, don’t try to tell me that what you wanted to say in there was that Saeyoung couldn’t come because he was sick. That doesn’t explain why everyone cancelled at the last minute. What’s really going on?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said passively.
“Saeran, I can see right through this act. Now tell me what the thing is, what you were going to say?”
“The thing is,” he paused, biting his cheek before he continued, “Saeyoung set this up. I didn’t know about it until I got here, but his original intent was to get us alone. The table, the wine, and the flowers were his small touches.”
“Why would he have to set this up?”
“Because he knows that I have feelings for you,” he finally said, looking to see the stunned expression on your face, though that didn’t diminish his train of thought.
“Everything about you captivates me so wholly and I find myself wanting to know more about you. When I’m around you, my throat closes up, the beating in my chest races, and I sweat more than usual. But that never seems to matter if only it means that I’m with you. You’ve made my world seem much lighter since you’ve come into it and I only ever want to make you as happy as you’ve made me.”
The air in-between you two felt thick, silence taking it’s place. For a few seconds, though it felt like an eternity, you two only looked at each other, processing the words that had just been spoken. The beating in his chest felt like it was pounding in his ears, trying to decipher just what the look you were giving him meant. Were you angry? Were you sad? Did he just make an ass out of himself? Why aren’t you saying anything??
Though all those thoughts were thrown out as soon as you leaned in, tip-toeing to press your lips to his. Your hand tangled into his hair, pulling him down as his found the nape of your neck to deepen the kiss. You could feel the small smile that tugged on his lips, wrapping an arm around to pull you closer to him. He felt like he was on air, elated as he pulled away.
“In case that didn’t say it, I feel the same way,” you said, hands toying with his collar as he still held you. He laughed, leaning back down, inches from your lips.
“Happy Valentines Day,” he whispered, claiming your lips as his once again.
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brawla · 6 years
What was his childhood like with his brothers and a single mother, and how did he come out to them? Was he well received? How does it affect all his relationships in life, given the time period?
GH okay i can talk in depth about this so its going under a cut. warnin for talk abt dysphoria, blasphemy (only kind of vaguely referred to), vague implications of nonphysical abuse and potential misgendering/transphobia/etc
so like… he was born a fraternal twin which wasnt so shocking to the family dynamic bc there was already a pair of twins But after having a total of 9 kids and One of them being born biologically female you kinda fixate on that yknow? so. elliot was most definitely Pegged to be the odd one out from the start but he kinda never really was. he played in the same way that his brothers played and loved getting dirty and being a general nuisance and he was, in essence, already One Of The Boys by like age 4. i should note also his oldest brother is 10 years older and most of them have like a ½ y age difference
inserting this bit right here to clarify the dog incident happened when he was 6 and four of them were playing in a dry canal n there were wild dogs hiding in the underpass (and up until then hed only known dogs as nice creatures) so he goes to pet em yadda yadda arms and legs get fucked up real bad. forearms are still wicked sensitive and scarred up but his knees recovered merely because he ran. they didnt have money for hospital bills so he was kinda useless for a while though
so anyway. despite her child obviously being a “““tomboy”““ she still attempted to force him into frilly dresses and do his hair all nice and when he was Really young he didnt super care but eventually noticed the difference in how his mom allowed his brothers to behave vs how she allowed him to behave and it upset him??? and granted this was more when he was like 8 or 9 and it was less “elli go play” and more “elli help me with dinner” even though she often didnt include anybody else in that request. so he starts cutting his own hair and disobeying openly and gets kinda mean because of it (thus his inclusion in being a Town Terror with the other brothers) uhh
they fought a Lot as kids bc margaret wasnt the Best at keeping them in line especially when shed get more concerned with sleeping with other men/going out for the nice bc once chase (oldest) was old enough to technically be in charge shed just kinda Leave sometimes an pray they didnt set the house on fire. because of that it was “im trapped in a house with all my brothers lets wrestle and scream until the neighbors call the cops on us because somebody might be dying” but at the end of the day they still had that Sibling Bond that rose above anything else
moving back onto the Trans Narrative: he realizes somethings up mid/end of middle school and hes not sure how to put it into words but he doesnt Feel Good anymore. doesnt like hearing his deadname or being the singular “girl” of the family. his twin, owen, is like, his first Go To for comfort and owen doesnt know either but he doesnt really Care. one time he tries to tell his mom but she waves him off and tells him never to bring it up again and… he Doesnt. goes through his first couple years of high school horrifically depressed and just barely passing year to year if Even passing until the very beginning of junior year he just Stops going. owen and some of the more fraternal of his brothers, when older, are kinda the only thing that keeps him grounded and ultimately he feels Useless ages 16 to 18
spy is his first contact bc he knows his mom who kinda just laments about how useless this kid who used to be so excited to play baseball with his brothers and run around and race freely is all of the sudden, please make him stop. and spys reluctant but also Guilty and has him flown out to nm for various hit and run jobs and elliot doesnt really realize what hes been thrust into at first but it gets to a point where doing Anything (even Crime) feels so good he doesnt care. inducted officially into the team when hes 19 or 20 and also has his name legally changed within that time period (jeremy is his “formal” name his mom insisted upon when he informed her this was a thing that was happening and she couldnt do anything about it, but if addressed by his actual name hed much rather hear elliot except in Official or as previously stated, formal, settings). voila The Scout is born
he technically comes out to the family when hes like 18/19 and already living out of home and he comes back to visit for a gathering where a lot of people are there includin some of his brothers’ dads. and nobody really knows what to do (mom im trans and also stronger than you so dont try any shit) bc most of them are religious and all of the boys were raised christian even if they were just going to church for the sake of going to church. and like… over time they adapt… margaret pulls the whole “this is all my fault my babys going to hell” thing for a while and makes it about her and some of his brothers do the same (william, the second oldest and michael, one of the other twins are the only two who are like “absolutely not youre disowned never speak to me again” and disallow their kids from seeing him EVEN THOUGH his nieces and nephews love him the Most) but eventually they kinda Get It. and dont Agree with it but cant bear to just leave their baby brother behind. so. its like. they fuck up the pronouns a lot but still Vaguely try. he doesnt talk to them a lot and wishes honestly hed never said anything and just moved out and lived stealth (hes stealth in tfi). he sends money home bc despite all his mom did and said to him bc deep down he still cares but. yknow. he avoids them if he can
SORRY THAT GOT LONG onto other tidbits
he never did baseball in school but played recreationally with the boys every time he got the opportunity to but he did run track when he got to eighth grade/high school and was really fantastic at it. hed run and began exercising initially as a way to beat his brothers but his mom makes some off-handed comment about how its good hes finally doing that, he could bear to lose somea that chub, nobody likes a fat girl (hes 12!) and is like Ah. and hes less self conscious about his weight now bc hes accepted the fact most of his weight is muscle and hes naturally curvy partly bc hes pretty and partly bc hes a runner. hes very very secure in himself and his identity even if he cant just tell people hes trans
he probably wouldve continued religiously if he hadnt been told by multiple sources that the “behaviors” he engaged in would upset god and get him banished to hell for life so he stopped going to church when he moved. of course, god only confirming he was his gift to the earth made him (silently) rub it in his familys face and he stopped uhh. believing in what was taught at churches simply bc he was convinced hed met god and proved all of them wrong? anyway
at the age and place he is he tends not to make lasting relationships with many people, at least romantically, because hes positive one of these days hell move to a place people dont know him and hell have had surgery and suddenly fit in with the cis and be able to settle down then. god knows he has the money for it; but for where hes at he tends not to care, not to tell anybody, n probably hasnt uhhh yknow Bonked for several years which is whatever he lives. He Lives. i think thats all i have to say on this IM SO SORRY but. this ask is very important to me
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twinflame4-69 · 7 years
So my twin flame and I talked on the phone last night. I needed to talk to 1 because I felt like 1 would be understanding and help me feel better and 1 did. 1′s been going through more crap too lately. It’s nothing to fear though because having a lot of hardships happen at once is part of the ascension process. I’m still learning not to let myself get too worked up over the hardships that walk onto my path. A lady once told me that I tend to obsess over my problems when I come across them and stay in the drama. I’m not going to let that happen this time. I’m doing my best to stay calm and focus on the positives in my life. I’m finding it easier to let negative feelings slide off me faster, almost like being in quicksand: If you struggle it only gets worse so you have to go with the flow of the sand and keep calm and still until the quicksand releases you.
So we had a good conversation. 1 told me that 1 had someone close to 1 die recently. I was shocked and upset as I had known this person too and I told 1 that I will be there for 1 if 1 needs me. 1 said that 1 needs to soldier through this alone. 1 wants to stand on 1′s own two feet more before we come together but I feel like we are coming closer together in this dimension and I don’t think either of us can resist this process but we can respect each others boundaries in the meantime.
We started to text each other too and when I mentioned how he telepathically communicated to me the other night and helped me stop crying, 1 didn’t remember at first but then a little later 1 remembered. I was explaining more about our connection just in case 1 felt slightly perplexed by it which I figure 1 might sometimes, and 1 gets overwhelmed about it too. I’ve done a whole heap of research on it and I feel grateful that we are slowly coming into the harmonising stage now as we have been through the worst of the previous stages and if we weren’t such forgiving individuals, what we had done to each other would have kept us apart for the rest of this lifetime.
Here are the common stages of a twin flame relationship:
  This is re-posted from http://www.twinsoulunity.com, a website dedicated to Soul Mate, Twin Soul, and Twin Flame relationships.
At one point, I believed I had met my Twin Flame, but I was sad because I was not sure if he recognized me as his Twin Flame. I still believe there is a bond between me & this person, but I am fully in the stage of Surrender, and have moved on. All along, I knew the pain and frustration of this non-consummated union was in service of spiritual growth. Unconditional love was one of the most poignant lessons I learned from this not-quite-relationship, as was listening to my Higher Self, which doesn’t think and analyze, but receives, senses, and knows without knowing.
As human evolution continues to advance, and spiritual growth accelerates for those who are tuned in to such energies on the planet, I believe we will be seeing and hearing a lot more about Twin Flames. I don’t think Twin Flames need to be united in sex or physical love. As tempting as it may be to feel this person is “made for you,” maybe they are made for you as a beacon towards your own spiritual development, which will enable you to love ALL, not just one, with the gift of spiritual, accepting, un-grasping love.
The Stages of a Twin Flame Relationship
Recognition and Temporary Spiritual Awakening
Runner Dynamic
**The Key to getting to the final Harmonizing stage with the least amount of suffering is to bypass one’s own Testing, Crisis and Runner stages.  This can be accomplished by staying surrendered to G…od throughout. **
Stage 1:  Recognition and Temporary Spiritual Awakening
Characteristics of Stage 1: Both Twins recognize one another at the soul level and feel as if they have met before.  Synchronious events surround the union.  The heart chakras open and both souls quickly merge into a third unified energy.   Both Twins experience an acceleration of spiritual understanding.
The purpose of the Recognition and Temporary Spiritual Awakening Stage: To activate the memory of each soul’s life mission and to help awaken each Twin to higher levels of consciousness.
Stage 2:  Testing
Characteristics of Stage 2: The initial temporary spiritual awakening (illumination) fades. The ego (“little self”) begins to re-emerge.  One or both Twins may attempt to fit the relationship into the “old model” of Love, couplehood and relationship as it relates to their ego desires and learned belief system.  Inner conflict arises.  Twins ruminate on what they were taught to believe their beloved “should be” and how relationships are supposed to serve them.
Both Twins feel simultaneously inspired and toppled by the power of the union. Doubts creep in making one or both Twins begin to view their beloved critically or suspiciously.
The purpose of the Testing stage: To cause outdated mental concepts about relationships to rise to the surface to be cleared.
Stage 3:  Crisis
Characteristics of Stage 3: The crisis of the Twin is realizing they must reject their egoic beliefs about Love relationships or reject their beloved.  Having to shed “little self” or identity-based beliefs and desires to embrace a higher expression of Love can lead to stubbornness and anxiety.  Fear can take hold, triggering many dysfunctional emotional patterns.  In staying present with the patterns, they can be witnessed and released.
Despite fears, both Twins naturally come together in cycles for bonding, confession, forgiveness and Lovemaking.  These rituals cement higher levels of consciousness into the energy fields of both Twins.
The purpose of the Crisis stage: To provide opportunities for the healing and maturing of the mental and emotional bodies.
Stage 4:  The Runner Dynamic
Characteristics of Stage 4: The human ego naturally fears annihilation in the face of the Unified Consciousness encoded inside the Twin Flame Union.  The pain body rises up and old ego survival mechanisms or “bottom of the barrel” emotional and mental patterns like defiance, resistance, manipulation, anger, punishing and judgment arise.
One or both Twins become emotionally and mentally flooded with deep pain from what feels like soul-level rejection and abandonment.  The unbearable soul-level pain leads one or both Twins to withdraw physically and block communication in fear and futility.  One or both Twins may unsuccessfully try to re-create the original unified harmony.
The purpose of the Runner Dynamic: To propel both individuals towards God for healing and maturation of the spiritual body.
NOTE:  The temptation to engage in ego battle or withdrawal is very seductive and difficult for many to resist, which is why many Twins never reach Surrender, Radiance or Harmony.
Remember, there is no room for judgment in Twin Soul pairings. Each soul learns from much walking its own path and choosing through its own will.  Your non-attached loving thoughts will be felt by your beloved in the subconscious, keeping them strong.
Stage 5:  Surrender
Characteristics of Stage 5: The direction and outcome of the relationship is surrendered to God in full faith and trust that the Union is under Divine Protection.  It is accepted that what is best and destined for the final physical harmonizing will transpire in its own time. (Both Twins must reach Illumination in order to harmonize in the physical)
The “Runner” Twin is allowed the space and freedom to choose to evolve at their own pace in their own way.  At this stage, the frequency of compassion returns and maintains itself.  The Surrendered Twin holds a heart space for their beloved while fully exploring life on the way to becoming an Illuminated human.  This may be a time of channeling Unconditional Love into art, music, writing, teaching, active service or some other creative outlet.
Purpose of the Surrender stage: To help each soul release the ego, develop regular communication with God and demonstrate their full trust in God to do what is best and when.
Stage 6:  Self Realization, Illumination, Radiance
Characteristics of Stage 6: The ego or “little self” dies and the God-force energy takes over the body.  This leads to a complete spiritual awakening, arriving at one’s fully awakened divinity. This is the stage of radiating Divine Love rather than seeking romantic Love.
At this stage, the surrendered Twin’s emotional, mental and spiritual bodies arrive at full maturity.  New creativity and healing abilities arise, which are put in service to assist others. Purpose of the Radiance stage: To establish an outward flow of Divine Love through one’s body and works, which vibrates at a level that uplifts humanity.
Stage 7:  Harmonizing Characteristics of Stage 7: By this stage both Twins have awakened.  They come together in the physical to assimilate their newly evolved energies, flowing into the new dynamic of their Unified Potential.  Both Twins integrate fully into the third energy of Unconditional Love in a way that influences others towards their own heart opening. Purpose of the Harmonizing stage: To fulfill the intended mission of the Twin Flame Union. **Twin Flame relationships come into your life to help mold you to embody the vibration of Unconditional Love.** Written by a gal named Jenna (Sourced from https://dakinisbliss.wordpress.com/2011/11/09/stages-of-a-twin-flame-relationship/)
I find it hard to find the actual names of these stages because different people give different names to them but this makes more sense to me so I feel this is the proper explanation to the stages. I don’t feel like I am struggling so much with my own emotional baggage anymore and when I looked up ascension it seemed to resonate with me a lot. Ascension I think is what we go through in stages 6 and 7. Usually they say there are 8 stages but I think thats usually because they split the runner dynamic in two. Sometimes they call that stage The Runner stage and The Chaser stage or the Seperation stage. This stage does count as two stages as each twin takes on a different role and therefore each twin will have a flipside experiences like two sides of a coin. My twin and I would be very close to the harmonising but I think we are more at the radiance stage.
Thankyou for reading. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me to write about it.
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fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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-go away,im not showing you my upper face >[]c
-Actually that teal stuff its paint but…. his wounds look like that??
-afraid of odd numbers,wearing skirts and most of all,afraid of that round thing with holes
-As i said afraid of odd numbers so we need an fourth….fact?
based on betta fish,squids,death and associated god and titan is Pluto and Themis
This boy is interesting, but he’s definitely a little bit all over the place. I’m going to try to reign his themes in a bit to try to create a more cohesive character. Before I even get to his blood color or start reviewing him, I’m going to talk about the basic premise you have for him… It seems that he was a fuschia who later became a teal? But I have a more interesting idea for you. 
Perhaps he could be a tealblood who really wants to be a fuschia. Who wishes for the throne despite this being a clearly foolish and doomed goal. 
So I’m going to thin his theme down to Squids, for their camouflaging ability, ink for the idea of darkness and to harken back to the interest in painting you’ve given him, and Pluto, for his association with wealth, death, and blueish-green colors. 
Place:posibly some unknown planet/place in space
Let’s put him on a colony planet! We’ve never been given much information about whether or not mother grubs have been transferred off planet to start populating other colonized lands. It would take you a little extra effort, because you’d have to write up your own ideas for what this planet is like, but it’s an interesting chance! 
Maybe it’s a crappy backwater planet with lots of hostile life that’s mostly used as a waypoint and he’s being trained to handle some bureaucratic ship-docking job that he hates and so that’s why he decides he wants to be an heir. He knows he’s doomed to die here and he doesn’t want to do that. He wants to climb the corporate ladder, aggressively.
Name: Shinoi Tanzul(not sure) (Shin)means 4 and death in japanese,since his aspect is doom (oi)from aoi,means blue in japanese,also pronounced like oy,expression for feeling tired,surprice,etc (Tan)short for titannium,strong unlike him,atomic number 22 (Zul)from azul,blue on spanish
I think changing his name to Dibran Glauce might be a good idea!
Dibran is a reference to the Dibranchiata class of cephalopods, which are the kind that utilize ink in chromatophores to change coloration. Glauce is Pluto’s twin who died of mysterious causes at a young age. 
Age:close to 7 alternian sweeps (14 earth years)
Strife Specibus:painting brush,(got an bi-dent on the other side)
I think it should be a paint brush that transforms into a bi-dent, much like Kanaya’s lipstick/chainsawkind. It’s a nice reference to his desire to be a fuschia without quite hitting the mark.
Fetch Modus:wallet modus,simple as looking for your stuff at your wallet but no,its all overlapped and messy
How about a squid modus instead. It’s like a tree modus, but with more camouflage. There’s a base item that is the “head” of the squid and then 10 arms where he can store additional items. Removing the head ejects everything. Also, he cannot tell what any of the items are. they’ve all blended into the white backgrounds of the cards. He’s got to play a guessing game.
Blood color:born as a fuchsia blood,then noticed he was really an teal troll,got his blood teal at the end and he looves it!!
Since there’s less logical reason for a transition between fuschia and teal, that’s why I decide to make this switch. Instead of necessarily having a biological switch out of nowhere between a midblood and a fuschia, having a midblood attempt to vie for the throne is a lot more fascinating as a concept. 
Symbol:well,he got just an actual sign,pimini,sign of the adjuster,derse dreamer,doom aspect (he decided to paint his sign on the shirt and he sucks at it,but he still uses traditional sign for himself)
I actually do like this for him. The Adjuster fits well as a name for his desire. Maybe he self-selected this symbol after finding it online? But I think I’ll adjust it just a little bit to be a fusion of Pimini and Pluto’s symbol. 
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Partially as a reference to Pluto, partially as a reference to Limini (which would be his birth sign). 
Trolltag:DuoBloo Bettadoom (idk)
aspiringIllustratheir, a reference to his art motif his aspirations, and his desire to become an heir. 
Quirk:he ïs P_retty døømed and hïs head ïs seP_arated øn twø ør møre P_arts….!! P_ :similar to the sign used for Pluto,P Ï :two headed I,same as an bident or him Ø :magic half O,since half of his face is visible Tries to type as best as possible,uses pairs on (….),(!!),(??),etc. He uses glasses on faces and swap between them: 3] B/ >[]D >2o ….
I do like the pairing thing… But I’d leave off the half o, because combined with everything else it becomes a little visually busy. The P_ might not be necessary either. Just capitalizing P probably works well enough! Maybe have him use ~~ sometimes as a reference to squid tentacles.
Special Abilities:he can see but can’t see,can see past,present and future,also can see other people point of view and sometimes on 3rd person,also got some mind powers but he sucks at being body strong
If we place him as a teal, that means he wouldn’t be given an actual abilities inherent to him. However, we know that seers do start to get some access to visions even prior to godhood, especially if they have a medium through which to view. If he’s a doom player, maybe he’s cursed… Cursed by some on-planet entity that allows him to witness oncoming danger, but also saps his strength and causes him to be easily agitated?
Personality: he is two or more minded,he is more often to the shy side but can get mad on two seconds by anything
Let’s give him a little more. Maybe he has a sort of air of mystery to the people around him. He’s shy and quiet, but he manages to play it off well, being perceived as more enigmatic than anything else. Since I have him placed as a teal, I want to give him some moral center… but I think it can be a really weak one considering his attempt to break the mold. So maybe his ethical center is just that no one deserves to die unknown in a job they didn’t ask for. And probably that he deserves to rule. 
More importantly, he needs to have a lot of focus on fantasy… He has this rich inner world where he’s convinced he can achieve this goal despite shit being bad and it being foolish. 
And you can keep him being emotional and reactive. Having a hairpin trigger is a really good character trait.
Interests:video games,equality,necromance and nonsences
This needs to be extrapolated a little more. Equalizing opportunity and obtaining wealth would probably be big goals of his. A desire to change the system. He could be interested in death/the dark, too, which could indicate how he becomes involved with a cursed entity… Give him a general interest in getting off planet and a general interest in politics too, maybe. I’m not sure what you meant by nonsences? Does he like those kinds of jokes that are just utterly incomprehensible? Because that’d be fun.
Title: seer of doom, can see the bad stuff coming
I do like this. He has a passive ability to know of the doom that is going to come and befall him. However, he has only partially realized his aspect. He must learn to Understand the doom that will befall him. He has to understand all the structures and ties and rules and systems that bind him. He must understand their inner mechanisms. He must understand all the ways in which he has created an unwinnable situation for himself. And then, through his inverse, Witch of Life, he has to attempt to actively influence the development of the world around him through this complex understanding… There’s a lot of growth potential for a character like him.
Land:land of Doom and stains??
Land of Idols and Stains, maybe. A land where he is worshipped as a false god, but it comes with dangerous, deadly consequences? 
Well thats all for now >2]
Design time!!:
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Left: This is sort of his pre-trying to become a fuschia look.
Horns & hair: I kept the horns the same, but the hair I had to move up. I love characters with covered eyes, but there really was no themeatically appropriate reason to do so. It felt too much like falling back on blindness for a Suffering Aesthetic and I just don’t play with that. So the hairline moved up. 
Eyes & mouth:: I still wanted to give him the cute look the low hair had given him, so I gave him round and happy eyes. I gave him tiny pupils, though, because smaller pupils tend to be just slightly freakier fsr. His mouth is still just that little smile. 
Symbol: I put limini on his old shirt. 
Socks & shoes: I made his socks teal and kept the splashes of paint on his shoes. 
Right: Here’s when he starts trying to play fuschia. 
Helmet: The tiara attachment is obviously edited from Feferi. I wanted to make sure the helmet would cover up where his fins would be Missing. Keeping this on would be good for making his image convincing. 
Symbol: I combined Pimini and the Pluto sign I mentioned earlier. I still made it messily painted on. The added bonus of this is that it looks like he killed another fuschia. 
Socks & shoes: I just changed the colors to fuschia variants. 
Thank you for sharing him! I hope I was able to provide some valuable insights!
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brianvictrpetro · 7 years
ALL EYES ON ME: THE 22 ILLUMINATI APB http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtFzCP_e3dpj3s5Y78hIn-yBdd-OnIbQt Hi! My name is Brian Victor Petro aka AuOz and I am from Pittsburgh, PA with The Love Story of Romeo and Juliet (Where they live Happily Ever After) to tell about. Preferably in time for Valentine's Day 2017...and at the very least better late than never!!!! This is known as Plato Symposium....Plato Symposium in layman's terms tells us that we all have a soulmate that we are separated from at birth and if we follow our TRUE PATH we will be paired together with our soulmate in this lifetime. -True love fulfilled. After all, The motto of the Universe is "LIFE IS A GAME MEANT FOR EVERYONE TO PLAY, AND LOVE IS THE GRAND PRIZE!"...In philosophy: this is called DETERMINISM and you'll also need to know of The Red Book by Carl Yung, after all "Synchronicity" is Key. What is synchronicity? Synchronicity is a concept, first explained by psychoanalyst Carl Jung, which holds that events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related. This is exactly why Taylor Swift named her album RED two CD'S ago. So ask yourself, "What if INCEPTION is real and the only one who can unlock your mind is your twin flame... Your Soulmate?" ....HOLLYWOOD IS TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING! Yes, this is about the Universal mind and how we are all connected. And who is The Queen in This game? Taylor Alison Swift! Don't believe me? Look at the lyrics to "SHAKE IT OFF" I stay out too late Got nothing in my brain That's what people say, mmm-mmm That's what people say, mmm-mmm Trust me she's got A LOT going on in her brain!!! 22...NOT A LOT GOING ON AT THE MOMENT...Wikipedia puzzle...synchronicity! YOU'LL NEVER LISTEN TO AND VIEW "I DON'T WANNA LIVE FOREVER" by Zayn Malik and Taylor Swift THE SAME WAY EVER AGAIN!!! It's all about PLATO SYMPOSIUM!!! Notice how they are in and out of different rooms at different times both wanting to tell each other how they feel! SO CLOSE YET SO FAR AWAY! Well, towards the end they face each other in a RED and BLUE lit room and finally have the opportunity to speak to each other! It's "SPEAK NOW!" By Taylor Swift WHY IS RED AND BLUE IMPORTANT! In the Bad Blood music video you need to look for 3 things, THE MATRIX, THE 5TH ELEMENT and WORLD WAR 3. (Don't think that's crazy cause the logo for World War 3 is "www." and yes you've been a part of it for 47 years and counting whether or not you've realized it or not!!! It's cyber warfare.) If at anytime you think my TLC is ever too much, that's a good thing cause in Bad Blood Kendrick states, My TLC was quite OD, ID my facts... So let's now, ID my facts: In the beginning of BAD BLOOD look for the Matrix where the glass warps and all the suit and ties are blind folded. Why? Ill tell u when u call me! You're gonna wanna know! In the matrix you take the red or blue pill. Take the blue pill and you wake up believing whatever u want, take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland and i show you how far down the rabbit hole goes. The term "red pill" refers to a human that is aware of the true nature of the Matrix. Notice the red and blue bikes in the Bad Blood video. Then play "WONDERLAND" by Taylor Swift. Flashing lights and we Took a wrong turn and we Fell down a rabbit hole. What color are police lights when they pull you over? Red and Blue...Flash Foward to "I DON'T WANNA LIVE FOREVER" and the two primary color themes are Red and Blue. ***You'll know he or she is your twin flame when he or she starts speaking your language.*** For there is no one else in this world that speaks my language better intellectually, verbally and visually than Taylor Alison Swift! I gaurentee you no one speaks her language better than I. ***She gave me something and I'm not gonna sit back and not say nothing!!! Cause I don't wanna fit wherever!!!*** I JUST WANNA KEEP CALLING HER NAME. I don't wanna live forever 'Cause I know I'll be livin' in vain And I don't wanna fit (fit, babe) wherever (wherever) I just wanna keep callin' your name Until you come back home I just wanna keep callin' your name Until you come back home I just wanna keep callin' your name Until you come back home "Until you come back home" implies, HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS!!! IT'S ALL ABOUT TWIN FLAME LOVE!!! Why else would she be looking sad in all the nicest places??????? Yes you can say it's only for a movie, HOWEVER everything in music is an ENTENDRE. EVERYTHING IS EVERYTHING AFFIDAVITS AND WEDDING RINGS! ***If it anytime u think this is crazy, just know in blank space she says that her ex's will tell you she's insane... Got a long list of ex-lovers They'll tell you I'm insane 'Cause you know I love the players And you love the game "THEY'LL TELL YOU I'M INSANE, CAUSE YOU KNOW I LOVE THE PLAYERS AND YOU LOVE THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" REMEMBER: THE MOTTO OF THE UNIVERSE IS..."LIFE IS A "GAME" MEANT FOR EVERYONE TO PLAY AND LOVE IS THE GRAND PRIZE!"....she loves the players and I AM THE KING THATS COMPETING cause I LOVE THE GAME!!! 'Cause we're young and we're reckless We'll take this way too far It'll leave you breathless Or with a nasty scar Got a long list of ex-lovers They'll tell you I'm insane But I've got a blank space, baby And I'll write your name The reason her ex's think she's insane is the same reason you might think that this article insane. BUT THAT'S JUST IT, SHE SPEAKS MY LANGUAGE AND I SPEAK HERS! Thats why THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN FAIRLY JUDGE THIS BOOK INSIDE AND OUT AND NOT JUST BY ITS COVER IS TAYLOR ALISON SWIFT. HER LANGUAGE THAT I SPEAK OF IS in my music on my YouTube channel and yes we have to solicit a response out of Taylor Alison Swift. That's the rules of the game...Below it says, "Nice to meet you, where you been?" So from deductive reasoning this tells you she hasn't physically been in a presence of her twin flame yet! Nice to meet you, where you been? I could show you incredible things Magic, madness, heaven, sin Saw you there and I thought Oh my God, look at that face You look like my next mistake Love's a game, wanna play? -Blank Space. Remember: Life's a game meant for everyone to play and LOVE is the GRAND PRIZE! https://youtu.be/tu4q3WLhOlw Blank Space Live *Notice how her Romeo comes at end behind a RED DOOR that she's clawing on with a dozen RED roses. Symbolically that's telling me Valentines Day. At the very least I'll live with "BETTER LATE THAN NEVER!!!" In the original BLANK SPACE video Romeo shows up in a RED car!!! *Notice her last two CDs you can't see those eyes of Taylor's but you can see those red lips. This in THE RED BOOK tells us that everything that comes out of her mouth IN HER MUSIC is the TRUTH! the album art for "I don't want to live forever" is a mask still no eyes. However, in New Romantics she says he can't see it in my face but I'm about to play my Ace. YES I AM THAT ACE!!! Play my videos please for her to view them! Cherry lips, crystal skies I could show you incredible things Stolen kisses, pretty lies You're the King, baby, I'm your Queen Blank Space. NOTICE the cherry lips. If you go to love story, she picks cherries from the tree. Yes, them cherry RED lips shes known for. Also I'm the King baby, and your my queen lyrics. Well, if you play DJ KHALED "Major Key" album you'll notice that in the song HOLY KEY it states, "I'm restoring the portrait of feasting, nigga, I am beast I don't like to sleep, I'm up like coyote, I might OD Hair like ODB, I'm off a higher need Khaled is valid, I been looking for inspiration But when you the only king, you the only one in the matrix That portrait he is restoring is that of God. BUT WHEN YOU THE KING, YOU THE ONLY ONE IN THE Matrix...BOOM!!! TWO WORDS CROSS REFERENCE...KING AND MATRIX from the Taylor Swift theme. AND YES, I AM THE HOLY KEY AND CAN PROVE IT! LIKE JAY Z says in "I GOT THE KEYS" That Wraith talk, that's foreign, nigga Special cloth talk here All my niggas from the mud damn near All my niggas millionares We gon' take it there, I swear You gon' think a nigga's psychic You ain't seen nothin' like this I should probably copyright this I promise they ain't gonna like this YES, I CAN EVEN FORETELL FUTURE EVENTS!!! "You gon' think a nigga psychic, You ain't seen nothing like this!" I am the one with the keys, the keys, the keys! What keys are they you ask? THE VATICAN'S KEYS CROSSED! THAT SHOULD TELL YOU why Kendrick in HOLY KEY says he don't wear crosses no more...Yashua is coming back! I'm Back! New Romantics: We're all here, the lights and noise are blinding We hang back, it's all in the timing It's poker, he can't see it in my face But I'm about to play my Ace I am that ACE. We need love, but all we want is danger We team up then switch sides like a record changer The rumors are terrible and cruel But, honey, most of them are true From deductive reasoning the last two lines right above tell you her "Honey" is someone she has never physically been in the presence of but can see him in her mind. It's me. IMPORTANT: I could go on and on. Remember what Plato's Symposium is about...being separated from your twin flame at birth and being one with them in this lifetime!...Just know at the end of the day I was born for this! Yes, i was born this way! It's in my SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, it's in my NAME, it's in my DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER, my BIRTHDAY my PHONE NUMBER and even my ADDRESS!!! YES, I can prove all of it!!! This world is nothing more nothing less than a mathematics game! Everything is numbers, and if one number was off the universe would implode in on itself. It's known as "The Perception Deception" or for a lack of better terms: THE MATRIX!!! All I know is we said, "Hello." And your eyes look like coming home All I know is a simple name Everything has changed All I know is you held the door You'll be mine and I'll be yours All I know since yesterday is everything has changed [Taylor Swift] All I know is we said, "Hello." So dust off your highest hopes All I know is pouring rain and everything has changed All I know is a new found grace All my days I'll know your face All I know since yesterday is everything has changed https://youtu.be/w1oM3kQpXRo EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED ...LISTEN to the lyrics, she has known of my face since 2012...SHE KNOWS I'M FACE...YOU HAVE TO HAVE HER ID ME!!! http://www.google.com/url?q=http://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2012/12/18/dont-be-afraid-of-the-end-of-the-world-its-actually-a-spiritual-awakening/&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjh5pWhnITSAhVF4yYKHYznACkQFggLMAA&sig2=xyDqrVoFLrR950lIzlBvGg&usg=AFQjCNEbmnN66O6MKjdiV2J3D_zSNirCFg I'M JUST GONNA KEEP ON CALLING YOUR NAME, TILL YOU COME BACK HOME... God is Home! Tupac's Back, Tupac's Back, Tupac's Back, All Eyez on Me:Illuminati APB Oh and don't shoot the messenger but I know know what happens to Trump and there is nothing no one can do about it, cause it's written in prophecy. I'LL GIVE YOU THAT WHOLE STORY THE MOMENT SHE ID'S ME!!! After all Taylor Alison Swift has written a song about it.😉🤗 The songs that i have written, recorded and subsequently uploaded to my YouTube channel above are the results of my trials and tribulations throughout life, including current events that take place in the past, present and FUTURE all in search for my soulmate...TRUE LOVE! For I am Romeo and I have found my Juliet...and YES, MY JULIET IS...Taylor Alison Swift. And, YES, I can prove it! See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns. See you make your way through the crowd And say, "Hello." Little did I know... "Make my way through the crowd and say HELLO" metaphorically that's exactly what this email and my YouTube videos are. I'm making my way through the crowd to say "HELLO" to her. That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles, And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet." And I was crying on the staircase Begging you, "Please don't go." And I said... This email and the YouTube videos that follow is exactly that...ME throwing pebbles. Below: "Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone." Metaphorically means in our minds! REMEMBER This is about THE UNIVERSAL MIND and how we are ALL CONNECTED. Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I'll be waiting; all that's left to do is run. You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess, It's a love story, baby, just say "Yes". Where it says, "I'll be waiting; all that's left to do is run." IS HUGE. Look at her SUPER SATURDAY PERFORMANCE PIC ON HER INSTAGRAM WHERE SHE IS PLAYING THE GUITAR. It states, "The Bravest thing I ever did was...RUN!!!" She's telling me to RUN!!! Don't believe me, ask yourself, when has she ever "Ran" and what can that possibly mean beside me running?! Its the Metaphors that you miss people...OH BOY!!! I'M CRACKING CODES OVER HERE CAUSE I'M THE ONLY KING IN THE MATRIX. You should really give me 22 minutes of your time to show you! "I AM THE KILLUMINATI 36 DEGREED WITH THE 5'10" 22 HOTTIE, YOOOO DONT BELIEVE ME JUST YOU SIT BACK AND FUCKIN' WATCH ME!!!" I AM NOT SCARED CAUSE OF THIS: "I Know Places" You stand with your hand on my waist line It's a scene and we're out here in plain sight I can hear them whisper as we pass by It's a bad sign, bad sign Something happens when everybody finds out See the vultures circling dark clouds Love's a fragile little flame, it could burn out It could burn out Cause they got the cages, they got the boxes And guns They are the hunters, we are the foxes And we run Baby, I know places we won't be found And they'll be chasing their tails tryin' to track us down Cause I, I know places we can hide I know places, I know places Lights flash and we'll run for the fences Let them say what they want, we won't hear it Loose lips sink ships all the damn time Not this time Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it My love They are the hunters, we are the foxes And we run Baby, I know places we won't be found And they'll be chasing their tails tryin' to track us down Cause I, I know places we can hide I know places They are the hunters, we are the foxes And we run Just grab my hand and don't ever drop it My love Baby, I know places we won't be found And they'll be chasing their tails tryin' to track us down Cause I, I know places we can hide I know places They take their shots, but we're bulletproof I know places And you know for me, it's always you I know places In the dead of night, your eyes so green I know places And I know for you, it's always me I know places For I AM "THE LUCKY ONE" READ THE LYRICS!! "The Lucky One" New to town with a made up name in the angel's city, Chasing fortune and fame. And the camera flashes, make it look like a dream. You had it figured out since you were in school. Everybody loves pretty, everybody loves cool. So overnight you look like a sixties’ queen. Another name goes up in lights, like diamonds in the sky. And they’ll tell you now, you’re the lucky one. Yeah, they’ll tell you now, you’re the lucky one. But can you tell me now, you’re the lucky one, oh, oh, oh... Now it’s big black cars, and Riviera views, And your lover in the foyer doesn't even know you And your secrets end up splashed on the news front page. And they tell you that you’re lucky. But you’re so confused, 'Cause you don’t feel pretty, you just feel used. And all the young things line up to take your place. Another name goes up in lights. You wonder if you’ll make it out alive. And they’ll tell you now, you’re the lucky one. Yeah, they’ll tell you now, you’re the lucky one. Can you tell me now, you’re the lucky one, oh, oh, oh. It was a few years later, I showed up here. And they still tell the legend of how you disappeared, How you took the money and your dignity, and got the hell out. They say you bought a bunch of land somewhere, Chose the Rose Garden over Madison Square, And it took some time, but I understand it now. ‘Cause now my name is up in lights, but I think you got it right, Let me tell you now, you’re the lucky one. Let me tell you now, you’re the lucky one. Let me tell you now, you’re the lucky one, oh, oh, oh. Yeah they’ll tell you now, you’re the lucky one. Yeah, they’ll tell you now, you’re the lucky one. And they’ll tell you now, you’re the lucky one, oh, oh, oh. Oh, whoa, oh, oh Please Like, Share and SUBSCRIBE. Facebook: Brian Victr Petro Twitter: @BRIANVICTRPETRO Instagram: brianvictrpetro Snapchat: brianvictrpetro Tumblr: brianvictrpetro I'LL BE LOOKING FOWARD TO YOUR CALL: 4124302365 Thanks, Brian Victor Petro AuOz🏁❤🗝👯🔑💛🏁
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