#i just think it's cool when chara who gets talked about less have fans who love them tons
icharchivist · 1 year
Bubs gives himself enough love. He's fine. Nobody could love him as much as he does anyway
oh that's true, no one will ever love him as much as he loves himself (though i've definitely seen some of his fans come close. and Tomoi counts as one.)
But still!!! Bubs is fun, if more folks appreciate him it's fun!!!
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evelili · 1 year
okay I’ve been reading your magnum opus fic and I’m at the chapter with fluttershy and the manticore and GOOD GOD this fic is amazing. Your writing of twilight is stunning. Her steadfast belief in science at the start seemed odd but now that her past bullying has been revealed it feels like she was just clutching to the one thing that couldn’t hurt her. God sunset getting possessed is so cool and I am TERRIFIED of when twilights going to be forced to see her like that. Your characterization of Celestia blows me away, she’s this perfect mix of a loving mentor and a woman who would do ANYTHING to keep her demons locked away. I really like how you write that there’s this shift between her when she is talking to twilight normally vs when she’s talking about magic. She goes from loving to almost cold, it’s brilliant! I’m halfway through fluttershy’s chapter and good god. Applejack’s speech about it not being Twilights fault she got bullied and having to trust her in spite of all that has happened nearly brought me to tears but GOD. Twilight being a bit possessed by the manticore is such a cool shift from the original episode it makes it all so much more intense. Fluttershy and twilight talking about how twilight didn’t deserve to be bullied and it’s alright that she didn’t get over it!!
“Something’s wrong with me,” she whispered back, her mouth dry with guilt. Fluttershy nodded carefully, the stinger still inches away from her throat. Twilight didn’t trust herself to move, and instead added, “I don’t mean just right now. There’s still—” She choked on her words. “I didn’t get over it,” she said instead. “I couldn’t. Not like you.”
Like!!! This bit right here fucked me UP. Your descriptions of the emotions she’s feeling and how she’s expressing it physically between her mouth and her voice and how the wings and scorpion tail are reacting are BRILLIANT!!
Twilight didn’t try to move away. “But I’m not better,” she admitted. Fluttershy’s hand brushed against her cheek, gently tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. “And I don’t know why.”
This line is the one that broke me and made me write this. GOD. I don’t have words besides just. oh my god. Fluttershys gentleness is so good and so heartbreaking and I love it
I’ll be honest I’m not yet sure how to write long comments on fimfiction, but when I finish this fic you’re eithering getting a long ass ask in your inbox or a comment on there if I figure it out. Love this fic so far!!! Ah!!!!
AHHHHHH tysm for taking the time to write such a lovely comment!!! like holy shit you have just given me enough serotonin for WEEKS omg, it makes me so happy to know that you're enjoying the story!!
celestia is a rlly interesting chara to me, and im super happy w how the version of her in the fic turned out! actually, most of the reason for the 30k epilogue jumpscare is that i really needed to properly resolve her "arc" with twilight, so if you are a fan of this version of her please look forward to that! and, sunset as a "villain" was something we only saw briefly in eqg1 (and for my tastes, i wasnt a huge fan of how it was done) but there's so much POTENTIAL there i couldnt help myself in exploring it :)
chapter 5->act 2 is the real "turning point" i guess of the fic in terms of tone, and even tho it was a struggle to write shy's chapter i think over time i've rlly come around to liking how it turned out :D in the fic i ended up writing fluttershy as more of a later season version of herself (less cowardly maybe?), but the essence of her chara to me is someone who can be kind even in situations when she is receiving unkindness in return. and sometimes, this "fighting fire with kindness" is actually the only solution, and one that only shy can find.
wahhh i never know how to properly express how much i love and appreciate these sort of detailed responses, so please also accept a little doodle of the scene you mentioned liking as part of my thanks!
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chatxkilluaxnoir · 2 years
Man, I really regretted looking up Undertale Characters and Undertale Sans analyses on this here site:
Like, there is a reason I avoid doing that more often than not on tumblr (and some other sites), because a lot of the time I just across takes/analyses/etc. that I just really (personally) don’t agree with and/or like.
Even by creators that I can, have, do, and/or did like, and seemingly “well-liked”/”well-accepted” and/or “popular” takes.
Disclaimer:  If you like or agree with any these takes or similar ones; that is fine, we all have different opinions.  I just tend to not really like these takes.
The takes in question.  These are just UT/DR takes and ones I have mainly come across today and fairly recently (some of these takes are actually done by fans of these characters; that doesn’t mean I like or agree with them still though (putting the rest under a “read more” cut, because this gets pretty long, and in case people don’t want to read about these takes):
“Toriel is homophobic” (just uggghh, no.  Just no).
“Sans is useless and/or serves no purpose (in the game, battle, narratively, thematically, and/or etc.)” (basically) (this, just isn’t true at all, and I really, really (like, just a lot), hate this take/these takes).
“Sans is weak” (also hate this take).
“Sans is just some guy and/or a nobody now”, because he now can’t be a badass and cool and powerful and smart (which, he is), while also being dorky and edgy and vague and a generally nuanced and a flawed person with layers.  I guess.  Not allowed.  Talk about fandom over-correction (imo).
“Toriel is just a Mom and basically has no other character traits or flaws.” pretty much (Just no and is a huge oversimplification of her character).
“Chara is abusive/Chara abused Asriel” (Chara, who is also, just a iteral child.  And someone who was probably traumatized and hurt in the past.  Chara wasn’t perfect, but to say this, I just can’t agree with it really).
“Papruys is now the strongest character in Undertale” (he is strong and powerful in his own right, but this is just unfair to the other characters, and is kind of over-stretching stuff imo.  Like some Sans take(s); I also mostly blame this on fandom over-correction).
“To make Paps interesting we now have to make him edgy” basically (less a statement, and more a trend I see sometimes).  There are many ways you can make a character interesting for instance.  And 2nd of all; why try to make a non-character edgy, when we got more actual edgy characters like Sans, Chara, Flowey/Asriel, Gaster I guess, Muffet, I guess, heck, maybe even Toriel, and/or etc.?  Not saying Paps isn’t interesting btw; he is.  Just saying some people seem to only think they can make him interesting by making him edgy.  Not even against edgy Paps completely; I’m not.  Just trying to say there are other ways to do things/you could do things.
“That somehow Flowey/Asriel (and in the case of some fan stories; Gaster too), is a better person than Sans is” (don’t get me wrong, Sans is a morally questionable/morally grey character (and I love that about him).  But the amount the shit he gets sometimes, while arguably, characters who are just as bad, worse, and/or (more) ill-intentioned than Sans get more of a pass is just like, “what?”
“Flowey did nothing wrong” basically (this comment kind of goes hand-in-hand with what I say in the previous paragraph.  I do get he is technically a child still, and he is a good character.  But like, he still did many, many things wrong).
Not really a character, just a take I didn’t agree with at all, “Undertale’s meta aspects and time travel isn’t needed and basically make the game worse, and game would have been just as good, if not better without them”, (and I am like just "????”, about those things.  Those things are so important to Undertale man, and they don’t make the game worse, they make it better.  Like, what do you even mean?)
Etc., etc.
So yeah, really didn’t like these takes at all.  And I mean, AT ALL.
Welp, at least the somewhat sour taste these left in my mouth hopefully helps me more careful while searching for and/or looking up analyses, metas, etc. on tumblr and/or etc.
I have hopefully, learned my lessons now.
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astherineromans · 3 years
Tumblrs here need to know Canon & Fanon Swap
Yes, i do think Tumblrs here need to Understand the different between those two for now, it been many years still less people here in this big community doesn’t now what is canon or Fanon swap and I think i should talk about them here for now. I know less people is going to read this so I do like it if someone reblog this to help the community to grow better. Fanon Swap Okay, Fanon swap is the character that we all know once we started knowing the AUs. But this is Fanon Swap and it would be at least be fine. But people in the fandom started to make extremely many fan-arts of Fanon swap, ignoring the original design. This made the creator of UnderSwap forget about the whole AU, and abandoning it (another reason is because of fontcest about his characters). And there's a Fanon version of UnderSwap papyrus(a.k.a:carrot which is a Fanon name), and some people are saying that Fanon Swap is the original UnderSwap sans. Fanon Swap is known as “Blueberry” (Fanon Name). is a nickname given to this character by fans, and is an exaggerated Underswap Sans. Blueberry is seen as cute, baby-like, and more innocent than US Sans, or even Papyrus originally was., he is swapped with UnderTale!Papyrus.. People made him a cute, kawaii version about him, people had started to change the original Swap to something like this. Fanon Swap can’t cook well and likes to burn Tacos, and also super energetic. He speaks in lowercase in Comic Sans MS. He doesn’t like puns and always eat tacos only. Fanon Swap had a light blue big bow and wears a white T-shirt. He wore light blue shoes, wear light blue gloves and had Gaster Blasters & orange attacks. He had light Blue eyes and have star eyes. All of that i say here is completely a very fanon version of him 
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(Art by dupsmj9610)
Not even UnderVerse have Canon Swap Sans. Is middle Blue that i seen from the art.
Middle Fanon Swap
Middle Fanon Swap is also known to be look like the same personality like Fanon Swap, but instead he is a bit mature than Fanon Swap. And the outfit is sometime a light blue scarf or a long cape, and instead of a white\grey T-shirt it has a battle armor like papyrus. His personality is completely the same as Fanon Swap, except for him being a slightly mature.  Middle Fanon Swap is started of by LoveOfPiggies/Crayon Queen, but please don’t harm her cause she just made this as a joke. Is the fandom who took this seriously including a lot of creators outside here, and it’s kinda disrespectingthe creator.
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Art by BonesTheSkelebunny01
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Art by @jakei95​
(i hope she will understand this!)
Fanon versions of him had took over the AU community, and the original Canon Swap had been forgotten completely, And it’s also rude that they give lack proper credits to PopcornPr1nce for UnderSwap and they say is owned by the AU community. Just imaging you created an AU + it gone popular and someone say it belongs to the AU community, won’t you feel a bit sad that all of your hardwork been told it’s own by AU Community? Also, AU Community means all of us so are you telling us we all own UnderSwap now?
Canon Swap
This is the the most original Canon Design of him. Canon Swap Sans is a Mature, love puns and Likes Mexican food, like tacos and burritos. 
His eyes are blue, with dark circles in them and he has eyebrows. Wears a blue cape, larger than Papyrus’.Wears armor-like gray clothes with a few light blue details and a white shirt underneath. Wears dark-blue pants and dark blue boots of the same colour of the cape, and apparently, he can open his mouth.
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Art by PopcornPr1nce
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Art by JustTheTM
His laugh is 'MWEH HEH HEH" instead of "NYEH HEH HEH". He also says "WOWZERS" instead of "WOWIES". He calls puzzles as riddle trap, he prefer riddles than puzzle. When he is having a date with the human, Swap!Chara, He would wear a "cool dude" shirt . He is not accepted to be the Royal Guard because of his low attack and defense.
Swap!Sans calls himself "the magnificent" or "the supreme" and similar names instead of "the great". Lastly, he collects sci-fi figures, spaceship etc.
The Undertale AU community in Tumblr have taken some popular AU creator's joke about "Blueberry" way to far, and turn him into the "Blueberry" that we all known. It doesn't mean that he is really forgotten to everyone, because there is still some people remember him. Not only the joke harmed Popcornpr1nce but the fontcest about his characters as well. It is sad that the original creator of Underswap has left the AU Community and deleted their original blog just because of how he fandoms behaved.
Right now the toxic side of the fandoms were getting lesser than the past years. We could still patch things up by spreading some canon information to some people that aren't really familiar to this. Remember this community isn't dying, it is just resting. So we could still patch up some canon stuff that the fandoms had destroyed. We all hope that the canons could get more attention than fanons, because the original contents are more important than fan-made. We don't really want to erase the fanons completely because some fan-made stuff are also pretty interesting.
Canon Underswap Sans is our first target to help making people never ever forget him. He is the second Sans that is born in the AU Community and it is important to us.
And thank you all for reading, please reblog to spread this around!
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megaderping · 4 years
I’ve been thinking a lot about online fandom climates but specifically my experiences within the Undertale fandom and especially the Discord and Soundcloud communities. If there is one thing I’ve noticed in all that time, it’s... just how quickly negativity can spread and make others feel outraged as well. And how little communication and respect happens in these online spaces. For instance, one of the servers I’m a part of- it used to be commonplace for people to nitpick the HELL out of AUs and other fanworks. This led to this twisted sense of superiority and jealousy. People were outraged that the works they put so much time and care into were overshadowed by other works that they felt were less deserving. I, regrettably, fell into this habit, too, and for a long time I was just so... hostile and resentful toward certain AUs and Undertale fanworks. And on one hand, I get it. There are popular Undertale fanworks that do things that are... frankly uncomfortable. Misgendering Frisk/Chara/Napstablook/etc, killing off Alphys or Papyrus for shock value, uncomfortable ships etc, etc. To a lesser extent, some just have really bad writing or characterization. I understand wanting to vent about these things in a safe space rather than swarming the content creators- but my concern is that many of these servers are actually public or semi-public, and with a large userbase that kinda feeds into circular venting that can consume channels and leave spaces with an overall toxic atmosphere. Granted, I ALSO get that not every content creator has been polite in response to fan concerns. I have seen popular  creators actively mock people who politely raise issues to them. And I think that’s really in poor taste- I get being frustrated if someone comes to you saying this thing you worked on is uncomfortable/hurtful, but I think as long as they are NOT attacking, it’s important to have patience. People aren’t mind readers. Popularity doesn’t excuse folks from human decency, and I also think that fans of content creators should also just... not gang up on someone who maybe has a dissenting opinion on the thing they enjoy? Though I will say, there’s also a pretty serious problem of disrespect toward content creators, too. Consider how many people go to Youtube and reupload people’s art/animation without credit or consent. This is a HUGE problem in the Undertale AU community especially, but it doesn’t end there. People will argue a creator’s decisions. I see this a LOT with people who label their work’s Chara as nonbinary- there’s a VERY vocal part of the fanbase that INSISTS Chara must be female... which is really unpleasant (yes, I realize gender discourse goes both way and aggression is never cool but I see this particular example a LOT). Never mind the occasional entitlement.
One prominent issue I see is just... the expectation of a work to conform to popular headcanons/interpretations. When IF started releasing its dubs, people got angry because some of our casting choices were unconventional. But it’s not just a matter of voice interpretations. There are ideas within the fandom collective people just treat as Objective Canon. E.G. Gaster being lost to “the void” and forgotten, Toriel and Asgore NEEDING to get back together Post-Paci and especially in any timeline where one/both kids is saved (disregarding that Toriel has a right to keep boundaries), the assumption that every work will select certain dialogue choices that are popular when things like Places to Go exists and deserve exploration, too. But it’s not just that. Take the Undertoad AU- people have gotten SO angry and entitled over its character placements (especially Kammy as “Toriel”). They got hostile when the AU creators declared they aren’t directly using roles, and while I personally think the matter could’ve been handled more delicately toward the fans, I also sympathize in that it is an AU that has been disrespected by fans since its inception, and as a content creator, that can be so, SO exhausting. But it’s not just Utoad. Team Switched has gotten so much flak for not sticking to the original Underswap concepts. The ORIGINAL Underswap creators got so fed up with fans disregarding their comfort zones and drawing ships they did not approve of (and requested people not draw) that they up and deleted the blog and disowned the AU. I know it’s just fandom, but it’s just SO unfortunate when a content creator’s ideas aren’t respected. When a creator asks that people not create certain types of fan content or sets up certain boundaries. More than anything, people need to understand that we’re all just... people. And just ‘cause someone is popular doesn’t make them unapproachable. I know, personally, I’d MUCH rather someone come to me if they had a legitimate grievance with my work so I can understand and at the very least keep it in mind going forward- especially if it was hurtful. People make mistakes, and sometimes the social climates one grows up in means they still have a LOT of room to learn or they just might not be privy to implications behind a given idea. Or they’re just inexperienced. It’s why I HATED when the SC and Discord spheres would tear into people with less experience- folks who are still learning to create and don’t have the foundation or knowledge others have. Like, goodness. There was this one AU made by someone whose first language was NOT English, and everyone would meme the heck out of it instead of talking to the creator and giving constructive feedback. It’s one thing if a content creator refuses to take input and lashes out- at that point, it’s best to block/unfollow and move on. But it is SO important to remember that this is a fandom that is FULL of young people, and making a public mockery of their work can really discourage them from honing their skills. It’s just... cringe culture is really bad. And so is online bullying. And so often, that’s what happens. The UTSC community, for instance? Rampant with all manner of toxicity. Backlash towards anyone who dares mention the oversaturation of Megalovania styled tracks, mockery toward new composers, transphobia (good LORD I heard about some awful conduct in *that* regard), the idea that servers that have zero tolerance for edgy slurs are “too soft” (yes, the IF server won’t let you be racist/homophobic/transphobic edgelords. Human decency is kinda important). These things, of course, are just a universal part of fandom and especially public spaces. There will always be online toxicity. But I think it’s important to remember not to get too swept up on it. To step back sometimes and understand that there’s a point where you can’t force change and sometimes it’s better to block/unfollow and find something more positive to remind you of what you enjoy about fandom. Though as one final note, I think it is ABSOLUTELY important to watch out for younger fans because SO many fandom spaces have predators and abusers. When it reaches a point where someone is actively hurting others, then it is completely understandable to spread the word. But that should be saved for the people who are actually a danger and not the person giving a dissenting opinion on a character you enjoy.
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naamahdarling · 6 years
Every fandom I've been in, I eventually leave because it gets too hard to stay. My fave charas become sources of anxiety bc I've defended them and had that turned against me. I don't know how many more times I'll have the energy to like things, when people turn them awful, and it's happening to me again and I'm scared I'll just disappear, lose the friends I've made because our common ground suddenly hurts too much to touch. I don't know what to do. This site is hell.
Oh, honey.  You sound so tired.  That absolutely sucks and I’m so sorry.
I obviously don’t know exactly what’s going on, so I’m not sure how similar our situations are, but I know what it feels like to be made ashamed of something you love.  It happened to me a lot for the first 20 or so years of my life.  I was made fun of for liking childish or babyish things . . . when I was a child.  I can’t handle listening to any of the bands I used to like when I was in middle school -- they were objectively bad, but I loved them, and had a good time imagining being married to a favorite band member because that is what teenage girls do --  because everyone from my friends to family members to my boyfriend made fun of them.  An area of special interest of mine is soured forever by how someone close to me handled me talking about it a lot to them because that’s what bored and lonely people do when they have no phone, no internet, and go literal days without seeing anyone else.
It’s absolutely awful to feel like you’re losing something you used to love engaging with.  It’s painful.  It feels like being robbed.  And it feels like anything you jump to will just be taken from you as well.  It feels like there’s nowhere to go.
I wish people understood how painful that sort of bullying really is. And I do think that a lot of the behavior I see online in fandoms gone septic is just that: bullying.  Bullying for liking an imperfect thing, or liking it the wrong way, or not being critical enough and performing your fannishness virtuously enough.  People get really into tearing down elements of something they supposedly love, and it’s awful.  It’s just an awful scene.  I don’t understand it.  It’s so unnecessary and small-hearted.
You said it yourself: this site is Hell.  And it is.  But it is also a Hell that we make for ourselves.
Is it possible for you to more strictly police what comes across your dash?  Xkit filters, Tumblr savior, Tumblr’s own tagging feature? I don’t know if you do fandom stuff elsewhere, like Discord, so I don’t know what other filtering options you have, but if you have them, I think you should use them early and often.
Would it be possible for you to make a list of people you don’t want to lose track of, and then unfollow folks just for a while, give yourself a break?  Or make another totally separate Tumblr and follow them there, so you can keep track of them without worrying about them changing their names or something like that?
I know how it is to have good friends who do fight and do get involved in drama, people you love, but who in the course of Having Discourse also expose you and their other their readers to contentious opinions and the nasty words of others.  (I am one of those people sometimes!  Less now than in the past, but yeah.)  It’s a valid way to run a blog, but it’s also not required of anyone to expose themselves to that sort of thing because it can get very draining and negative.  It’s not bad to be that way, but you may need some distance from the wank.  If you can, approach your good friends with a request to tag the troublesome stuff so you can filter it out.  Keep your daily feeds to a few low-drama blogs.
Because it sounds like what you need is a break, and some time to reconnect with the work you love, and not the fandom itself.
I’m pulling ideas out of my ass here, but could you create a trusted resource list for yourself of fannish works and fans (fave fics, authors who Get It, people who do cool art but don’t participate in wank) that make you feel good, and engage more intensively and deliberately with uplifting content for a while?
Also, something I do when I feel shitty is find work that isn’t appreciated enough -- a fic with almost no notes, fanart by beginners who aren’t getting a lot of positive feedback -- and show some love.  Maybe you could do the same in your fandom?  Put positivity out there in case someone else is feeling as exhausted as you are.
And last, hardest but also the most effective, what if you stopped defending what you love? It sounds awful, we all want to stick up for something we feel passionately about and that has value for us, I know how it is to love a character so much, and for it to hurt so much when you see people say awful things about them and the people who like them, but you don’t have to argue with anyone about any of it, you don’t have to engage. It’s fine to say “I like this thing, and I do not care what you think of that. I’m not even going to argue about it.  Good day.”  And then . . . block the people saying atrocious, toxic things.  Let them be wrong.  Let them say mean, stupid things into the thin air where you aren’t because you wandered off to do more interesting, better things, like care about your favorite book or show, and take ten thousand online quizzes as though you were your favorite character.
You can even type out the response.  Just get it all out, then . . . don’t post it.  Don’t click send.  Just . . . release it.  Let it go.  You don’t owe anyone your time or your words.  Let their negativity and awfulness be their own problem.
Let it be your job to love what you love, not to argue about it with petty people online.
I really hope this helps.  It kind of hits me hard because like I said, it feels like familiar territory for me.  I hope you can find your way through all this . . . and there IS a way through.  There always is.  No forest goes on forever.
Hozier recently crawled up out of whatever ancient bog church basement he’s been living in for the last thousand years and said this:
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He’s right.  He’s absolutely right.
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
(1) Hey! So sorry for replying late, a lot has happened these past couple of days D: but I hope you've been doing good! (I say as if I've been gone for months aksjdf) anyway, yeah, they're definitely scary. I think it'll be worth being able to be that soft and open with someone though. And I'm glad it did have a positive impact on you! Even if they were hard you came out stronger or wiser in some way. And thank you, you're so sweet :') So do you hon ❤️
hey honeymoon! sorry for taking my time to respond, i hope everything’s been alright with you! 
(2) Terushima really does just seem like a big dork who loves volleyball haha. I feel like his initial vibe would make me not want to interact v much lol but once you get to know him he's actually a good person. and that tongue piercing tho 👀. "that one definitely hurts a lot more than Falling does" then I think I'm good for awhile hahaha. I've already read a sad hospital AU so I'm going to stay FAR away for now. Honestly I wish there was an interesting story behind it but there's not :')
(3) basically I had an art blog and the name of it was kind of a pun with the word "honeydew." but that nickname was already taken and I wanted to be ~original~ sso I didn't want to use it lol. I still liked the honey aspect though and I thought Honeymoon sounded cute. I'm also kind of a secret hopeless romantic and at the time I kept my identity on my art blog a secret, so it kind of felt like an "alter ego" of mine? long story short I liked the nickname and it kinda stuck haha
ok i mean, to be fair, he was super aggressive when he was meeting kiyoko. but i definitely feel like there’s that dorky side to him LMAO.
oooof idk if I can handle any angst rn tbh so i can definitely relate 😭 
that’s honestly such a cute story though??? like, that’s literally so freakin’ adorable. what type of art did you use to do? (and honestly girl, this whole blog is on the DL and i tried super hard to keep it hidden from my life LOL).
there’s nothing wrong with being a hopeless romantic though! it gives you a chance to day-dream hehe 💞 what’s your favorite romantic trope? it could be as cliche or non-cliche as you’d like! 
(4) "i’m sorry for being a sadistic fk 🥰" 😀 something tells me you're kind of not LOL (really though I know you're sweet and don't actually want to hurt people akdhf) and honestly I'm glad you decided to expand on it! Chapter one is also great as a standalone but I'm so grateful for the rest so far, and you're doing an amazing job with it love 💖 I understand the chara x chara thing. I don't know if I've ever actually shipped anything to the point of me /wanting/ it to be canon
(6) like, it'd be cool if it was, but I don't actually care y'know? unless it was actual romantic tension built up in the movie/book/series. Fanart and fic is what mostly got me lol. I think the HQ fandom is super diverse/creative in its shipping. Not only because of an incredible story with great characters, but great fans and creators as well. And yes! someone else who likes KuroIwa!! I think that ship is really cute (and they're my top 2 faves so I'm biased haha) have you seen neutinya's art?
i swear i’m nice 💞 thank you so much for the love!! 🥺 i’ve been having writer’s block for a bit, and your comments have honestly motivated me to write so much more for it LOL
i definitely agree though, like, i can’t aggressively fight for one ship over another because it’s literally just not canon. it just feels wrong to “shove that agenda”, so to speak. but it’s always interesting to see all the different character combinations. i never would’ve imagined half of the ones out there if not for this fandom LOL
neutinya’s literally why I have a thing for KuroIwa!! LMAO. i really like the art that they put out. same with bright_stars_45 on IG. Their stuff is literally why i ship Bokuaka soooo hard. 
(7) (did I skip 5?) I really hope I'm numbering those right it's 12:30 am here lol. anyway, it's probably a good thing you weren't in the fandom then. I don't know how it is now, but it was p chaotic and toxic and there was actually controversy surrounding one of those fics. I'm sorry about you and your sister love :( I don't know if you'd ever want to have a strong one with her but I hope you do if you do! and if not then there will always be people you share that with, blood or not 💕
LOL you did skip 5, but it’s okay bby 💖 it’s not too serious tbh. i’m not really close to my family, so i’ve always believed in the “my family is the one’s i choose, not necessarily the one’s i’m blood-related to” :) 
(8) Piglet has always been my fave, but Eeyore and Lumpy are also great. do you have any favorite characters or ones that mean a lot to you? and that's really cool too!! I know being mixed can get super complicated but knowing you have all of those cultures in you in some way is pretty amazing. Honestly I've been undecided for the past 2 years but after everything going on in 2020, I've felt this need to release the truth? no matter what that may be. I know a lot of people say journalism 
(9) isn't an honest profession but, and this will sound arrogant, I want to change that. Even if that just means me being an independent journalist while being an editor to make a living, I'm okay with that. Also it can give you the opportunity to travel, and writing has always been my strong suit. socio is so I can have a better understanding of the world and learn to be less biased and more objective and understanding. What about you? :O
my favorite Disney character is honestly Tiana from Princess and the Frog! her hard-working story is hella relatable to me, and it inspired me to be better for myself if that makes sense? 
TBH the most annoying part of being mixed is being called eXoTiC by guys who are tryna sleep with me 💀 there’s definitely a lot of fetishization about it lol
i hella respect that! the need to release the truth. journalism is honestly a raw and authentic profession that people underestimate because they read from biased sources or the things they read isn’t accurate. i have mad respect for you for following that career path! if there’s anything i could do to help, lmk love 💖 TBH, i chose business because i wanted to open my own business and i love psych because i love understanding the world and the people in my lives. psycho-analysing is one of my hobbies hehe. so similar as to why you did socio!
(10) and yes!!!! tbh I've always liked theatre but was never really one for the stage. I was in a child friendly version of macbeth in 6th grade and that was it lol. In my senior year of high school I performed a slam poem about my depression and my teacher called me emotionally constipated lmaoo. and because of how hs went down for me I never got to take classes anyway. I started getting into sfx/film makeup though and I really want to do that! I also just love the energy of backstage tbh
(11) this is getting really long akfdjh. but yeah I want to learn more! I'm actually kind of struggling in my stage management class right now because I honestly don't know much about theatre so it's overwhelming. I haven't even seen a lot of shows (I did see The Lion King when I was a kid though!! and a few hs productions). enough about me though, what's your favorite part, or what are some of your best memories? I love seeing that it makes you so happy :D
omg i’m so sorry that your teacher called you that. that’s so inappropriate, especially considering the subject matter. i hope that you’ve had a more positive experience involving your work since then. if you ever want to talk about your struggle, please feel free to reach out, ok? 
you must be pretty talented with makeup though! that’s so cool 🤩 i’ve always admired sfx and people who are talented with makeup tbh. what’s your favorite part about it so far? 
i was fortunate enough that my hs had a super talented theatre program that i could be a part of. i had the opportunity to be in both tech, management, and on-stage. i honestly really enjoyed being behind-the-scenes in the management part! it was so great seeing a production from start to finish and knowing that i was involved with that process. i’m a huge theatre nerd tbh 😅 i love watching shows like Phantom of the Opera, Hamilton, RENT and I’ll routinely watch them haha. 
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cleohn · 5 years
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﹤𝚂𝙾𝙽 𝙽𝙰𝙴𝚄𝙽, 𝚂𝙷𝙴 / 𝙷𝙴𝚁, 𝙲𝙸𝚂 𝙵𝙴𝙼𝙰𝙻𝙴﹥; * - hello CLEO AHN. long time no see. i know a lot about you. like how you're TWENTY THREE, how you're a DANCE major,  and in fact.. how you BURNED DOWN YOUR FAMILY ESTATE FOR THE INSURANCE MONEY, ACCIDENTALLY KILLING A TV REPAIR MAN THAT WAS INSIDE. would be a shame if it got out, wouldn't it ? so let's play a game. 𝚃𝚁𝚄𝚃𝙷 𝙾𝚁 𝙳𝙰𝚁𝙴 ?
ahhh shit here we go again ... clown town ...... 
old money baby !! for those of u who have seen gossip girl …. u know nates grandpa …. the vanderbuilts…. thats her mom’s side of the family JSBDJWBJWD those of u who havent all u gotta know is that her grandpa (mom’s dad) is this super rich very old fashioned family oriented man -__-  he had 4 sons and 1 daughter (cleo’s mom) and very obviously favored his sons 
anyway he was always super hard on cleo’s mom !! very controlling of her life, very judgmental abt her choices, even though cleo’s mom was super desperate for his approval so she …. kinda revolved her life around what he wanted for her but it was never good enough </3 her mom literally married a doctor just to make this dumb old man happy and he was like ok hes not a surgeon though so … 
anyway cleo watched all this as she grew up and she was .. come se dice NOT happy abt it !! she was always super close and protective of her mom (not really close to her dad that much considering her mom really only married him for approval and safety) and she was always trying to get her mom to be like fuck the family !!! but her mom never did
and cleo’s grandpa never lightened up even as he got older … which was starting to give cleo some anxiety bc he was bound to die sooner or later and she was super nervous he was gonna be stingy abt his money and divide it unfairly giving more to his sons and very little to his daughter even though his daughter did everything this man wanted !!
so cleo started scheming….bc shes always been the type to be self sufficient like when she wants things to get done ? shes gonna do it herself ! she doesnt wait around for stuff to just fall into place also shes kinda impatient aha so she wasnt abt to just WAIT for her grandpa to die and see what his will said….
her first plan was just to steal the will. but then she was like ok not thinking big enough…..how can i make sure we get our money……then it all clicked. their family estate ….this old ass mansion…..where the whole family gathers for thanksgiving and christmas and her grandpa’s bday….she was gonna stage a little accident x
she was eighteen when she burned that baby to the ground ! she was methodical abt it like she did her research on their insurance plan, on how that money would be divided equally among the family automatically bc they were all listed as owners, she even looked up how to set the fire and where so it would look like an accident and not like an intentional burning….
cleo did all that and yet she failed to realize that their was a tv repair guy coming over to fix a problem with the wifi that day /: the worst part is she didnt even find out she accidentally killed someone bc there were no reports abt it like all the headlines mentioned was how this family estate that had stood for generations had tragically burned down </3
so cleo went off to college, majored in dance despite her grandpa pushing for all his grandchildren to have practical majors bc she refuses to bend to his will the way her mom did, and all was well…..for the first two years.
then comes christmas of her junior year of college where her grandpa gets too drunk and lets it slip he’d covered up a DEATH the day of the fire. cleo was like im sorry can u repeat that…and he lets the family know that there was a repair guy inside the house when it went up in flames and that he paid off the police in order to avoid being sued by the dead man’s family since all the reports were saying the estate had outdated electrical and thats why it caught fire
thats when cleo realized she fucked up <3 not only did she burn down their estate she also KILLED A MAN and it’s her fault it got covered up and that his family will never get closure bc she made it look like the estate had fucked up electrical when she set the fire in order to be able to get the insurance money 
so that was really fun for her junior and senior year have been so great for her <3 shes great <3 JSDBWBDJWBDJW
ok now moving to personality..
cleo’s super protective over the ppl she loves (like her mom) and can be loyal to a fault !! will go to extremes to protect those she really cares about (like burning the estate down aha) but the second u cross her shes not quick to forgive and she will hold a grudge til the day she dies /: 
shes stubborn like super stubborn….the type of person that u cant force to do anything or change their opinion abt anything like if its not her choice ? shes not gonna do it JSBDWBDWBDJ has a tendency to not want to admit when she fucks up bc she’s a high key perfectionist so when she does fuck up shes like ok cool i’ll just die do not even look at me dont even talk about it
kinda over caring about what kind of an impression she gives off. like there are probably lots of people who when they first met her thought she was a bitch bc she likes to mind her business and can act kinda dry when she doesnt know you but cleo would just let them keep thinking that forever shes not here to change ppls minds 
if u do take the time to get to know her though ur gonna realize shes a lot nicer than she looks JSDBWBDBWJ and a lot less stuck up than u would think someone who comes from so much money would be. she never got the chance to develop into a spoiled brat since she was the black sheep of all her cousins <3 thank u grandpa 
speaking of being the black sheep. JDBWJBDJWBD she will take….any opportunity these days to piss her grandfather off. has a tendency to pull of crazy stunts like get herself arrested on a public nudity charge or order cases of dom perignon and have them delivered to the dining hall just bc she can. most of the time when ppl hear abt the things she does they dont believe cleo would have actually done something like that bc she really does not have a wild child vibe about her …. at all 
and shes not one JSBDWBDWJ like she parties a normal amount. if u ever see her doing something crazy 99% of the time she’s doing it to make someone mad or doing it because someone told her not to, and then the other 1% of the time shes doing it to cope with the fact that shes a murderer JSBDJWBJDWD
pretty liberal when it comes to sex but shes also not the type to always put her business out there. if u ask she’ll let u know but thats that ! also not a fan of drama of any sort if she has a problem she’ll let u know & expects others to do the same 
she loves to dance hehe she’s been a ballerina since she was 4 (it was the one hobby her mom made her do that actually stuck) and thats really like…..her true source of joy shes never happier than she is when shes dancing <3 literally does not care when ppl ask her wtf shes gonna do with that bc shes having fun babey and shes got money she doesnt need a real degree….. JSBDWBDWJDWJ
she looooves to dress nice. if ur chara dresses sloppy or ugly shes gonna buy them a designer fit and ask that they wear it just so things can look aesthetically pleasing JSBDJWBDBWJDBJWBDJWBJ she loves her aesthetics….probably a bitch that has a bullet journal and actually keeps up with it 
loves to karaoke but she only ever sings 80′s songs and shes gotta be wasted first … a cat person !! but tries to make exceptions for the sake of everyone else… allergic to peanuts like deadly allergic she will die…coffee addict but she pretends to be a tea person just so she can post those cute pics on insta but then every time she makes tea shes like this shits nasty…loves rom coms she will defend rom coms and claim they are the superior movie genre til the day she dies if u even mention tarantino she will kill u on sight…..idk what else to say im running out of juice this is the end x pls plot x
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theangry-ace · 7 years
I care more about the girl in R18 drama cd; another short reviews
God I’ve gone through so many titles and it’s hard to find a series with a good balance of good story, good boys and good ecchi, but unfortunately most are not.
It's not that there's a lack of good ones though. there are quite a lot of them actually. but just that the MCs in most titles are just too... unnaturally passive ALL THE TIME! would it not sell if they made MC more strong-willed and actually would stand her ground and not let herself being pushed around and bullied? I want a title where the MC actually kick some ass. literally or metaphorically, I don't mind, just give me an ass kicking scene!!!! give me a girl who will not put up with the bullshit!
anyhow, here’s the third batch of my reviews. the first and second are here if you’re insterested. I spoil a lot so read with caution.
I found most of these from Airavalky.
Love tranquilizer story: 5/5 icha icha; 5/5 this is bias bc this was my first R18 drama cd. made me notice of sawa manaka. also where I realized finger sucking is my thing lol. I believe this series is still ongoing and has a one or two more other characters but these are all that I’ve gone through. the concept is 'tranquilizing' relationship. each one of them started as casual relationship with no commitment, but later progressed to be something much more. Takemiya Yuki = osanajimi character. he sounds like a insensitive jerk but he actually cared too much about the girl. his story is that he gained a lot of attention in high school due to his basketball and girl decided to keep a distance from him to avoid jealous fans. dude didn’t like it at all but he played along until he just kinda begged her to chose him over trying to pretend they don't have anything to do with one another. second season he had to move away bc of uni and their issue there is adapting with long distance relationship for the first time, and they're struggling to make it work. Houbai Kazuhide = a more matured character from work. he is the one with the finger sucking thing hehehe. they started very neutral relationship but after a drunken one night stand, they thought they'd be sexfriends to "relieve one another's stress". after a while dude gets an omiai and wanted to end the relationship, only later to realize his feelings for the girl is real. second volume for his story is quite realistic couple's problems I enjoyed it so fucking much 10/10 will go back to this just for the drama. Matsuzawa Tasuku (Sawa Manaka) = this was my actual first R18 drama cd so it left quite an impression on me haha. I thought I’d prefer 'manly' voice but actually I like this youthful/playful voice much better. guy is kinda an up and coming celebrity and the girl is his manager. I think at first they're just sexfriends but one time had sex with no condom and thought if girl got pregnant she would have to quit her job and he don't want that so he decided they should be a real couple instead... I think. he speaks too fast for me to understand completely. I’ll get back to this once my Japanese is a bit better.
Madoromi no alice story: 1/5 icha icha: 5/5 don't be fooled by the pretty cover art. not much story in this except a girl sex dream with many versions of her boyfriend, with alice in wonderland as theme. the tokutens are quite intense with the sex though. if you don't know sumeragi mikado, this would be a good place to start... or bad place to start if too much ecchi is not your thing. I’d suggest Kindan Jouji, the host volume instead.
Mikkare story: 4/5 icha icha: 4/5 quite good and sweet story, though the sex takes place in very inconvenient of all places. like, in the fucking elevator????? in a storeroom???? ...but I think I need more from this series. why is there no more of this series? pls tell me there's actually more from this series.
My butler story: 3/5 icha icha: uhhhhh / 5 review: it started out good but kinda made me cringe halfway, especially Cider's. it's kinda creepy like I know the MC is supposed to be a projection of you but the 'grooming'/teaching scene is too... pedophilic-ish to me I couldn't bring myself to listen to the end.
Otona no marchen story: 2/5 icha icha: 3/5 review: interesting concept of the fairy tale but not too complex; just taking the fairytale and put the sex in them. a bit too simple but good nonetheless. I like the peter pan one bc of the lol. the cinderella one is what you called a yandere? i feel so bad for the girl i wish there was another tokuten where she actually escaped from the prince or prince gets less of a possessive asshole.
Otona kareshi story; 4/5 icha icha; intense AF /5 review; sumeragi mikado doing yandere/controlling bf is very scary sometimes but he did it very convincingly. the White side is on the ~gentler~ side compared to the Black. sex scene has variety, uhh, acts? like there's paizuri and mentions of urinating and it's not something i found that in many titles  mentioning those yet so... that's something!
Otona tomodachi story; 4/5 (blue side only) icha icha; 4/5 (blue side only) review: this series has two ways how the guy would react, but both started out pretty much the same; they're sexfriends. Blue side, Chasuke's character will try to convince the girl not to go through the omiai and they would be a proper lovers instead. the Black side takes a darker turn I think (yandere route?) but since I don't want to ruin my image of chasuke, so I'm gonna put off from listening to them until my kokoro is ready. not anytime soon at least.
Relacion dulce story; 5/5 icha icha; 5/5 review; this is a very good series that focused on alcohol and icha icha that don't go problematic so this is stress free. vol.1 = this one has a ashikoki scene and the guy makes a very cute do-M chara. vol.2 = younger guy type. he just turned 20 (legal to drink) and they enjoyed a night drinking and sexing. vol.3 (yotsuya cider) = dude is a vet (I think) and when drunk he got loud and bitch about owls lol this one is unique since they talk about getting married and having babies. I don't think I've come across any that seriously talked about this yet so it left a big impression on me. (the only other series that talked abt the same thing is Karepilo's 10th volume (with Hirai tatsuya) where he said he want two kids and want to be the cool dad who can participate in school's sport event ugh that is the cutest god damn thing I ever heard fuck u hirai pls do more.)
Reversible story; 3 /5 icha icha: 5 / 5 review: the idea is its giving you two choices to how the ecchi scene goes; either the guy takes the lead or the girl. my fav is one with domon atsushi bc his oresama character is a real selfish asshole so having the side where his girl handcuffed him to the bed and decided to leave him is very amusing I clapped for the girl lol 10/10 would repeat many times over just to laugh at him hahaha. the iyashi(healing) bf side is very accurately titled.
Rouge et noir story; 5/5 icha icha: drugged and intense /5 review: story's really fucking good and suspenseful. icha icha is intense, understandably it was supposed to be induced by drug. I've only heard of two volumes (kawamura masato & sawa manaka as CV) but there’s also a third and fourth I think. basically girl is a rookie cop and she's one of them to take down a dangerous drug ring. why a rookie for this type of mission, though? I think the whole series focused on one girl but the stories they don't cross with one another. ugh I really really want to buy the whole seriessssss this is the exact amount of thrilling drama and icha icha that I wanttttt
Shinsoku ren'ai story: rape / 5 icha icha; rape / 5 review: rape. the kind where the sex will eventually ~magically~ made the girl fall in love with the rapist and somehow that's okay?? even for a porn??? case 1 (sawa manaka) = he started out fine but he grew increasingly possessive and jealous. he relocate girl's office to next to him, made her move in with him, all without the girl's say. he confined her in his home too. I think this is the least offensive of the three volumes since it ended with the dude stopped doing all that shit to her. well, kinda. case 2 - oh god this is too much rape I get nightmares. girl is the private tutor to the student guy. guy confessed one day but she refused. what comes next is traumatizing so only proceed if you know what to expect. case 3 (sumeragi mikado) - guy is the younger brother to the girl but he forced her to have sex with him, or he would go to her friends instead? I... I can't do this kind of shit. esp when girl eventually just accepts his 'love' in the end. why is this the theme for sexually abused victims??? can't just one of them gets their justice??? pleaseee
Shitsuji no prince-sama story: 3/5 icha icha: 4/5 review: I think it's pretty decent bc I really do like characters using keigo, but this is not very, uhh, satisfying? since they're kinda short. are they from a visual novel or something? not that they're not good; they’re great and I love the CVs here. the butlers will mention they have something to do with another career but my Japanese can't catch exactly why they had to be butlers as well. all I can get is that the girl had to stay in the mansion for two months for some reason.
Souai-sei no eshisu story; 3/5 icha icha: 3/5 review: look, I do not, for the life of me, will ever understand that someone would risk having their loved ones doubt, made them cry, argue or misunderstand that leads to a complete break of their cherished relationship, for the sake of keeping a secret of a fucking BIRTHDAY SURPRISE! JUST TELL THEM YOU ARE PLANNING A SURPRISE DON'T LEAVE THEM ALONE FEEDING THE DEMON WITH THEIR TRUST ON YOU! DO YOU WANT TO BREAK UP OVER A FUCKING BIRTHDAY SURPRISE?! anyway. this is sawa manaka though. not his best works IMO but this might just be me.
Suki ni natte wa ikenai kare story: 3/5 icha icha; 3/5 review; the theme is cheating. guy already has a gf and girl a bf. there's two ways their story would end, 'good ending' as in they break off with their then partners and date one another instead, or 'bad end' as in they sexed for the last time and swear to never see each other again. for this kind of theme I don't mind much, but not something I prefer. I may be aro but I know how much it hurts when ppl decided they would rather lie to you rather than come upfront and being honest.
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45 Chara Dev Questions!
a la Tom Ham, ft. too much babbling.
Original Questions
1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
Tomoka has 4 sisters! One older and three younger, to be specific. If you’ve looked through her photo album you probably know they all kinda look the same, though they do grown into some differences when they get older. Tomo is the only one who never grows past 5′2″ eventually. It’s sad. She’s closest with her older sister, Makoto, a bartender. Makoto fought constantly with their parents, and after a long time struggling with her time as the family heir, she broke off ties and moved out on her own. As the two oldest, Tomo and Mako have seen each other through a lot of their hardships, and Tomo sympathized with Mako while Mako served as Tomo’s encouragement. They spend more time with each other these days than with any of their other family members. Kasumi is the next youngest sister, the middle child! She’s the current family heir, as Tomo dumped that responsibility onto her after she left the family as well. While the two aren’t at odds with one another, there is some minor tension between the two since they’re less close and don’t share a mutual understanding on... well pretty much anything. Next down the line is Misaki. She’s very close with Kasumi, the two call each other Zuzu and Kiki. Misaki is very high-spirited, and Kasumi finds herself often in the position of her protector.
The youngest is Kimiko! She’s mysterious and spooky... not exactly close with any of the sisters, but quite cool and collected for her age, and arguably close with their father. I hope u enjoyed that text wall for question #1.
2. What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like?
??? Hamazoe (whoops!). Tomo doesn’t know either of her parents very well, as she’s lived with her grandparents for most of her childhood and currently lives alone. She holds some resentment toward them for being Garbage, but not nearly as much as Mako, who has a very personal feud. Although she doesn’t know that much about what her mother does, Tomo is aware that she used to be an olympic gold medalist, and feels somewhat sorry for her knowing she gave up her dream life to marry into the Hamazoe family and have 5 hecking kids. 
3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?
Where Tomo has a bit of sympathy for her mother, she has absolutely none for her father. Again, it’s not direct animosity, but she holds a strong “Tch, Whatever” attitude towards the two for skipping out on raising their own children. ??? Hamazoe (whoops x2!) is from a long line of ambitious businessmen, and pushes the children (mostly through his parents, who actually take care of them) to be ambitious and follow extremely specific goals. He’s not all bad, but he has a severe lack of understanding as to how to raise and deal with kids.  Both parents are actually fairly coddling toward Tomo, as she didn’t exactly have a formal breakoff like Mako, and they’re hesitant to burn bridges with another daughter (do they feel guilty, or do they not want bad press? who knows...). Ever since Tomo moved out, they’ve been sending her checks to help support herself, which she ‘begrudgingly’ accepts. Neither of them showed up to her Queen match! She’s a little upset over that. Just a bit.
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
Not exactly? Mako having her falling out with the fam did trigger what eventually made Tomo Grow A Pair, so to say. Before then she was very domestic and abiding. Then she realized. Oh wait fuck this I don’t have to listen to other people. Eventually learned to stand up to her Grandmother and her verbal abuse etc. Ta da! Her fam is probably all aware of this.
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(^^ Her potential despair fever personality was going to be this, essentially) 
As far as in-game? Well... the whole dying thing definitely had an impact on her! In what way? Hey... I won’t spoil ; } (jk not much changed but she’s a bit shook and her ridiculous self-confidence is currently butting heads with delightful depression)        
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?
Candy, Duh. Her outfits almost never have pockets, but she will make sure to carry this one thing no matter what. Similar to how she keeps thing in her sleeves, she tends to squirrel away whatever she needs in her socks, waistband, bra, you name it. Pre-doubt she always carries at least a little money on her at all times.
6. Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams?
Cats! Also, I like to think she has dreams about idols and movies-- the kind of things she doesn’t like to talk about, but secretly loves. Historical dramas, tea in a garden, herself on a stage singing. How fun!
7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?
Her recurring nightmare is facing off with the Meijin! He’s seriously scary! It always ends either just before she’s about to lose or right after a climactic monologue. The monologue is extra scary. Words.
8. Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target?
Nope! And she’s not looking to try it out. Toucan Dan says No Guns No Funs.
9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?
Heck yea! She was the heir to a rich family and then ditched it to live on her own as a teen. Admittedly, she gets money from her parents still to pay rent, but she’s nowhere near livin’ on the ritz anymore. She hangs onto some nice things, like her favorite kimonos, and buys as expensive food as she’s able, but otherwise doesn’t do amazingly for herself.
10. Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?
More, I suppose? Either is fine, but less definitely has casual connotations to it. Tomo’s certainly not shy about showing skin. Being in a kimono and hakama definitely sets her in ‘game mode’, and gives her a +10 boost to confidence (hence why she feels best wearing it to all trials, as well as when she practices in order to get ‘serious’).
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?
Off the top of my head I’d have to say when she faced the meijin the day after her queen match. He asked her to a play a game for ‘fun’ knowing the two can’t face each other for any official ranking purposes, and his playing style absolutely pulled the floor out from under her. He’s a master of manipulation, smart as she’s ever met, and knows exactly how to push at people to get them out of their element- which is a lot to say for Tomo considering her play syle is almost the exact opposite, yet he still broke through. She still shudders thinking about him to this day.
12. In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been?
Generally speaking Tomo is calm nearly all the time! She was amazingly serene (in her own way) during her final match against the former queen, however. Despite the way she jokes around and how brash she can be, Tomo is amazing at keeping herself genuinely collected on the inside. To truly rile her is a feat, though she loves to play around and pretend to get upset.
13. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?
Not really! She’s not a fan of blood, for sure, but it doesn’t shake her, nor is it a phobia or squick to any extent. It’s gross, but as previously mentioned, she doesn’t let that kind of stuff get to her. Whatever the circumstance is, she’ll take it objectively as it comes.
14. Does your character remember names or faces easier?
Naaames. Not that she’s too bad at remembering people in general, but she’s used to verbal association. It probably helps that she likes to call people by their first names and nicknames! Or is that what makes it easier? Hmm...
15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?
It’s not her main focus in life by any means, though she has ‘’’’Refined Tastes’’’’’ so money is obviously important to, um, purchase those. She’s more materialistic than money-grubbing for certain. She likes to Have things. Though she’s also pretty good at sharing! Kind of. Er.
16. Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success?
Ooh... Success is very, very important to Tomoka... A big struggle for her is what success means and when she’s attained it. It’s a driving force behind the whole reason she left home, feeling like she needed to make something of herself, all on her own. 
In this way... I guess success and happiness can kind of complicate one another for her sometimes? Happiness is also important, as is probably obvious just from her fun-loving YOLO attitude. She’s finding a balance. Not very well, but, y’know.
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
When she was a kid they had all kinds of stuff to play with (nothing electronic, though), but she got the most enjoyment out of a rubber ball just by throwing it around and chasing after it. She got in trouble at one point with her little sisters for breaking a lantern in the garden while roughhousing, and their grandparents were like... hey.... time to cool it. Whoops.
18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
Ambition for sure. The first thing Tomo looks for in other people is whether they stick up for themselves and whether they act on their beliefs. She’s pretty generous as to how far this extends, but generally you can assume she’s not about weak-willed folks. Wisdom is something she respects, but doesn’t find necessary. She won’t admit it, but she’s kind of envious (and maybe fearful) of people who are smart, especially if they’re on the clever side of things.
19. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
Would u trust this teen in any way to do anything right in a relationship. For one thing, she’s very self-interested, so it’s easy for her to not take into account her partner’s needs. She’s also very fickle, and can get distracted easily by things outside of relationships, especially since she’s not super romantically-inclined. In this universe.... well, she hasn’t had a proper relationship yet, so who’s to say what else could happen given the way she’s developing!
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
Hmmm... well, I think Tomo likes to pick out others’ flaws to help inflate her ego, but she definitely also has a tiny chamber deep, deep in the pit of her where she files everything she sees in others she wishes she could be like, and locks it away for 300 years under 50 layers of malibu and taiyaki. One might not suspect it, but she’s very self-flagellating behind the control she’s trained into herself.
21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
Her first response is to blame others if she can, but she likes to be objective when possible. If the situation is right, she’ll own up to making a mistake. This is less likely if she somehow manages to get frustrated or has to admit it to someone she seriously dislikes, though.
22. What does your character like in other people?
Guts! Balls! Chutzpah! She just likes people who are honest and upfront about what they’re doing. People who take life in simple stokes, and don’t try to get too crafty. Vanillas. People with Honor. That being says, there isn’t too much she dislikes in others outside of key negative traits, and it takes a lot make her dislike someone, as she’s very accepting of people as long as they’re doing what they want to do. That’s just Friends tho ! ;Y
23. What does your character dislike in other people?
Dependency. Well, she’s okay with follower-types as long as they follow along with the kind of things she likes (Thanks). She’s also not fond of things like people who complain about X but do nothing to make X change. Obviously she’s also not keen on otaku types. Nerds are her Bane.
24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?
It can take some time, but again, she’s not one to find much to object to in others. As long as someone proves they’re being ‘real’ whatever that means to them, she finds that as admirable proof of Heart. Morality isn’t especially Tomo’s thing, so she can get very case-by-case, but otherwise she plays it loose. She likes to believe in unspoken understands, as amazingly faulty as that is.
25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
Even if she’s close with someone, she won’t hide if she’s suspicious of them (unless that somehow goes behind gal code! yikes!). Objectivist etc etc she just plays things how they come. She won’t hold suspicion close to her heart. If it turns out to be true, then it’s usually as simple as taking a step back to square one.
26. How does your character behave around children?
Well! Tomo’s not the best with kids for sure, but she doesn’t mind them. Having 3 baby sisters separated by a decent age gap does that to a gal. Being equipped with candy usually helps. Don’t trust your kids with her, though-- if she has to entertain them, she might get them up to some serious Monkey Business. A bad influence.
27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?
She takes it HEAD-ON. Go all out or go home. She’ll only back down from a fight if there’s a reeeeallly good reason. Simple as that. She’s very good at keeping her cool, however, despite being so trigger-happy so to speak.
28. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
If someone is ready to have a beatdown she’s fuckin there for it. Generally speaking, though she’s respectful of not fighting with someone if they aren’t up for it. She’ll attack people of her own volition if she wants, but doesn’t like to resort to this too much, because it lends itself to poor emotional control. She’s always up for friendly fisticuffs, however! Or rival fisticuffs. Or enemy fisticuffs. She just likes sparring with people, for whatever weird obsession she has.
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
Tomo’s always wanted to be an IDOL or a PRINCESS, and uh. Well, not quite making the mark there. Then again, she’s really not sure what she wants to to with her life outside of short-term and silly goals. 
30. What does your character find repulsive or disgusting?
Rotten food is a biggie. Smells really get to her, since it’s not something she’s trained to block out, and man that stuff gets a visceral reaction out of you. Non-physical objects of disgust, though? Mmm... stuff mentioned in early questions... bad attitudes (the irony), but outside of little stuff, not much???
31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.
Challenging someone to Karuta. Haha. She also feels very comfortable at social events, especially clubs. She loves her sister’s bar (even tho ur fucking 16 kid!!!!!! have a juicy juice!!!! sit down!!).
32. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable.
Doing anything that requires tactical thinking... having to be lead by someone else... but also generally working in a team is not her favorite. Surprisingly, even though she’s super social and outgoing, she hates being in teams. School is also Yuck Brain Cooties.
33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
Unless someone’s really managed to dig at her core insecurities, she handles it quite well. She’s all about becoming a better her, but she recognizes that she lacks talent in most walks of life, and has a hard time improving at anything even when she gives a serious effort.
34. Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method?
At this stage in her life I think Tomo is prone to falling back on comfortable methods. If she’s in a pretty calm scenario, especially with others she likes, she’s willing to try out different stuff, but if she’s alone or gets frustrated, she can get caught in a loop that keeps going until she breaks.
35. How does your character behave around people they like?
Friendllly~~ Suuuuuper casual, my guys! She’s quick to assume people are friends with her if she finds them alright, so she warms up to them in a buddy-buddy way quickly whether they like it or not. She teases often and plays around, too!
36. How does your character behave around people they dislike?
Ignore Ignore Ignore Block Report Mute. She avoids bad vibes at all costs first and foremost. Otherwise, she can’t help but get condescending when facing them, and tries to make a wall out of her opinions. Not today, fiend.
37. Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?
Ooof. These are kinda closely related for her? Honor takes the lead by a hair, but she’s also about being the number one, the big boss, a leader, so if that falls then she’s taken a pretty big blow to her honor. Staying true to oneself regardless of circumstances is the most important, though.
38. Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat?
Shuffle tf out my dude. If she can’t, or it’s a volatile threat, then Smash. And uh. Well, we know how that worked out.
39. Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?
Nop... her cats might nip at her sometimes when she gets too grabby, but she doesn’t really care.
40. How does your character treat people in service jobs?
She can get a little pushy... she doesn’t mean to come off as rude, but... let’s say she expects a lot from them? If she’s at a ramen stand and it’s taking a while to get it ready she won’t be shy about whining how hungry she is out loud. Tomo’s a little stuck in the rich kid/queenly ‘they’re a servant’ headset.
41. Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?
Earn! You gotta Werq It. Now, that’s not to say she isn’t hypocritical at times and feels she deserves things despite being a lazy ol bag o bones, but...
42. Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them?
Oh gosh... uh... I don’t think so? She’s been very closed into her family most of her life, and otherwise very self-sufficient (or has tried to be self-sufficient). She wouldn’t look to anyone outside of her family let alone within it to be a parental figure.
43. Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?
Same as the last question pretty much. Outside of any remaining ties to her family, she hates being dependent on other people or people being completely dependent on her, so she tries not to do this, or at the very least make major figures out of them in her life.
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
Easy if it’s friends! Easy if she’s drunk. Otherwise she’s a stubborn mule who thrives on rival-like relationships, so admitting it so easily is not on her agenda. Also, not exactly skilled at romantic affection, this tot.
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Tomo is very superstitious! She jokes about it, but she’s also very genuinely worried about ghosts and spirits! She hopes she can have a peaceful afterlife, or be able to haunt someone into the ground if they do her wrong in death. While she’s usually scared of running out of time to be alive, she goes back and forth on whether she’s scared of the afterlife or feels optimistic about it. Very importantly, also, she doesn’t want to be forgotten!
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miragablog · 7 years
Top 10 Mahou Shoujo Shows for Babies (Part 1)
I’ll be the first person to admit, getting into Mahou Shoujo is hard.
With the lacking amount of accessible critique and over the top presentation shows of the genre adopt,
It can be genuinely uninviting for many anime fans to get a foot in the door that is Magical Girl.
After my last video, I received a handful of comments asking about what I’d recommend as great gateway shows for a newbie.
While a recommendations list is all good and well, giving context to why these shows are worth your time is what i’m more interested in talking about today.
Before getting into the list I’d like to clarify that the choice being presented arnt tiered based on quality nor personal preference.
Some of these shows I love more than others and others not so much; However when recommending shows to try in a sub genre like Mahou shoujo, I find it counterproductive to introduce ratings when breaking down audience bias.
Also I’m judging the viability of these shows on their first five episodes, maybe a few chapters of the manga.
With that out of the way, let's get into the first section….
Kill la Kill
In a world where facism has taken hold of Japanese government, scissor blade wielding badass Ryuko Matoi is on a quest to avenge the death of her father. This brings her to Honnouji Academy, a school run by the iron fist of Satsuki Kiryuin. 
For the sake of finding her father’s murderer, Ryuko must demonstrate pride in her body and fighting spirit with the help of a bloodthirsty seifuku known as Senketsu.
Let's say you made a magical cheesecake. Amongst the common choices, of strawberries, banana and cherries you dig through and find the tangy lemon that is Hiroyuki Imaishi’s Kill la Kill.
Trigger has done some fantastic work in its six years as a studio, revolutionizing modern anime as we know it. 
However what I never hear ANYBODY talk about is how Imaishi and co.’s work has pushed the concept of the Magical Girl.Kill La kill is a bombastic, stylish addition to the genre and a fantastic entry point for introducing others to Mahou Shoujo. 
It has a really fresh, fun take on the Magical warrior, in its most literal form. The use of a mascot character being the transformation item is rare enough, but including symbiote-esc elements to the costume as a whole is something i’ve never really seen done outside of comic books stateside. 
While some may critique the shows use of “Fanservice” to be pandering or perverted, I don't think it should be a roadblock in trying KLK out. Most of the nudity presented serves into a message about confidence and having pride in who you are.
It's not trite BS like what you see in Queens Blade or (shudder) Master of Martial Hearts.
If you’re trying to get your little brother or a friend to try Mahou shoujo without having to preface starting crunchyroll with a disclaimer- about how your a real man, throw this on with a bowl of popcorn and a pitcher of lemonade. You’ll have a blast.
Shugo Chara
Amu Himamori is, for all intensive purposes, popular.
Or is she feared?
The “Cool and Spicy” character surrounding Amu pervades the relationships she tries to make with others.
Despite her crushingly shy nature, classmates interpret everything she does in a rebellious lense, perpetuating rumors without making the effort to get to know Amu outside of her reputation.
But in a miraculous turn of events, she is given the chance to rectify her social standing with the blessing of three strange eggs known as Chara, portions of Amu’s buried personality that act as guardian angels.
Originally watching the show while airing in 2008, I can say that Shugo Chara is a contender with the likes of Pretty Cure when it comes to presentation. I’m surprised I don't hear more people talk about the series to be honest.
Transformation sequences are minimal but catch the eye.
The concept of having multiple characters to change in and out of when needed lends to keeping the audience guessing, especially when paired transformations with new Chara come into play.
In combination, Peach-Pits colorful art design and Kenji Yasuda’s directing kept me glued to the screen.
While the shows premise isn't horribly original, Shugo chara stands out for it’s “heart on it’s sleeve” approach to character development.
Overall Shugo Chara has a very child friendly plot while addressing overlooked themes in most bishoujo.  
Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt
Keeping this one nice and sweet as i’ve already mentioned Hiroyuki Imaishis contribution to the genre with Kill La Kill.
If you want to test your expectation or others of Mahou Shoujo while indulging in some vulgar toilet humor, then Panty and Stocking is worth checking out.
While shows like this may not be everyone's cup of tea, Gainax has definitely cranked out a fantastic parody addressing the more sexual undercurrents usually glossed over in Magical warrior.
You don't see many studios that have the confidence to implement pole dancing into their transformation sequences.
Atsushi Nishigori, Masahiko Otsuka, Yoh Yoshinari- Shit even my girl Sayo Yamamoto is here. With the diversity in staff, you’re bound to find something you like whether its the experimental realism in “Vomiting Point” or a saving private ryan homage with sperm ghosts in “Pulp Addiction”.
As someone who's watched all of Panty and Stocking through in both Japanese and English; I’d highly recommend the dub.
Not only does it help jokes stick but stays really close to the original intent while implementing some Adult Swim level humor.
If you’re anything like me, you’ll probably be swept away by the shows poppy, powerpuff girl-esc art and Teddyloid’s contributions to the OST, introducing punchy playlist worthy electronica. Just don't listen to it with your mom or anything.
Cardcaptor Sakura
Sakura Kinamoto is your typical fourth grader.
She's outgoing, participates in sports at school and is beloved by her fellow classmates.
One day, when returning from class Sakura hears a strange sound from her father’s study. Investigating the bookshelves, she opens a strange tome containing “Clow Cards”,
a magicians tarot deck imbued with the powers of aspected spirits.
However, with a gust of wind the cards are lost and with the help of the books guardian, Kero- Sakura must recollect the deck and discover her true self.
Cardcaptor Sakura is by far one of the least abrasive gateways into long form Magical Warrior.
I’m 20 episodes into the series and while I know I dont have the free time to watch another 50 I kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddaaaaaaaaa dont careeeeeee?
The scenery is beautiful, pacing is mellow and everybody, whether it be top tier camcorder waifu Tomoyo to the cuckoo lander childhood crush Yukito will find a way to melt your heart.
When others talk about the typicality of magical girls, I find that Sakura presents many unorthodox takes on commonalities to the subgenre.
The show doesn't have transformation sequences, but rather invests its runtime on  inventive fight scenes and dynamic character development.
On the Manga side the series is much more compact read, with about 12 volumes not including the newly announced Clear Card Arc. Mokona and gangs luxurious, carefully laid linework are in the forefront, taking a less hi-scifi approach than their other titles.
When it comes to wholesome, genuine Mahou Shoujo- Cardcaptor Sakura is a great series to snuggle into a blanket and watch with a friend.
Sailor Moon
Yes, the Dic dub is borderline horrible if you didn't grow up with it and the shows a popular prototype for what we now consider the Magical warrior, which for some is pretty stock. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT ISN'T FANTASTIC AND WORTH THE BINGE.
As far as Magical Warrior goes, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon is a staple introduction to modern Mahou Shoujo.
While early sections of the series do contain buckets of filler, the show makes up for it with a lovable, diverse cast, Beautiful transformations and a fun premise.
Season three alone, Sailor Moon S is arguably one of the best installments in the genre and worth every second of your time as it showcases director Kunihiko Ikuhara, of Utena and Mawaru Penguindrum fame.
The story is nothing too crazy mind you; but if you’re interested in Sailor Moon manga-wise, Naoko Takeuchi’s illustrations are TO DIE FOR, drawn with meticulous detail and colored with a mixture of ink and translucent watercolors.
Look i’ll even make it easier; because I have no life and completed the show six times. A month or so ago I put together a “Abridged Viewing Guide” for people wanting to cut out useless filler so if you’re interested the link will be in the description.
Sailor Moon broke ground in the 90’s for what is now considered a “typical magical girl”. Truly, You would be doing yourself a disservice passing the series up.
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andrewuttaro · 6 years
New Look Sabres: GM 1 - BOS - Halak Strikes Back!
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The Buffalo Sabres have not won a home opener since January 2013 (Thanks Lockout). There is a variety of reasons for that relatively unimportant stat. The context of this home opener provided some framework to change that stat. The Boston Bruins watched the Washington Capitals raise their Stanley Cup banner last night. Boston got pounded 7-0 and starter Tuuka Rask was chased from the net for the backup to play the rest of the game. That backup was Jaroslav Halak who now makes his titanic return to Buffalo having played last night. Halak was one of several decent goalies who came through town at the height… or rather the depths of the tank. His return seems appropriate on this home opener of a season that seems to finally stand ready to cash in on the long term dreams of the tank. The Bruins certainly came in looking for a bounce back game and the Sabres had to start off strong if they hoped to win. They did not; but before we get into the venting session it’s time for the Burn Book! Divisional matchups this season will feature readings from the Burn Book; aka, why you should hate this team. So, without any further ado… Ahem: Boston Bruins, You are spoiled rotten; the worst fanbase in America, at least in the East. Forget Stanley Cups, your city is title central and your pompous enough to know it in every interaction with others. Bruins fans generally have a sense of humor but always have a dangerous sense of alcohol and no sense of perspective. You love old fashion hockey with all its brutish charm and manage to always display the worst that Hockey has to offer whether it be Lucic running Miller or Brad Marchand redefining the art of being a pest with his tongue. You are so easy hate. This has been the first reading from the New Look Sabres Divisional Burn Book. Now: back to New Look Sabres for your regularly scheduled venting session.
In true Buffalo irony, Halak’s return resulted in our Buffalo Sabres losing this one 4-0. It was clear the Bruins suffering that franchise worst season opening loss put a fire in them tonight. Brian Duff termed it “atoning” for that loss. Well the Sabres have a lot of atoning to do for what they’ve been recently. I can’t say I have ever booed the Sabres, even last season, but the boos at the end of the first two periods tonight are what this team needs to change. I am sure they will: we got 81 more of these games to go. Zdeno Chara scored the first goal of this game. All the jokes about him being the old man of the Bruins aside, he capitalized on indecision from the notably young Eichel line in the other end before his goal. He outpaced a Captain Jack who would not pull the trigger. Ryan Donato beat Carter Hutton short side a little under ten minutes later during a Bruins powerplay. The second period saw David “Pasta” Pastrnak find some empty space in front of the net to put Boston up 3-0. It was not all negative. Evan Rodrigues’ fourth line generated a majority of the offense in the first period. Take that how you will. Rasmus Dahlin wasn’t initiated into the Bruins so much as he initiated the Bruins to himself. He had two great hits and several great passes up to the forwards. Carter Hutton stopped a breakaway halfway through the second that reminded us why he was a good pickup. I see more of that in our future. Sam Reinhart looked hot too. By the time Patrice Bergeron scored on the empty net (Don’t worry, more on that later) in the last minute of regulation I was cheering for just a single goal, just one, like I was birthing a large human baby; a lot of four letter words came out as you can imagine.
It is fair to say the Sabres played jittery this game. It’s fair to say the first fifteen to twenty games can tell you what a team is going to be in most cases; it is not fair to judge them off of one game. The Bruins locked down their own end, not letting up a lot of chances and waited for the jittery Sabres to make mistakes. If the Sabres ever have the forecheck the Bruins have there will be a lot more opportunities for the speed demons on the roster. Brad Marchand got four assists this game. Fuck, I am done complimenting this Boston team. I already read from the burn book though. Shit. The Sabres aren’t a bunch of dudes playing with Jack Eichel anymore. Don’t give me this “same old Sabres” shit. If you do your opinion is stupid. We have the horses to be better than this now. It’s time to get going. Speaking of which, many of us had a couple favorite lines going into this game. Think of what yours was in your head: Visualize it. Visualize the names and numbers. Now visualize it going into the blender because that’s where Phil Housley is putting it now.
There is a lot of criticism to go around after this game. It’s not that important after the first game of the season. However, Head Coach Phil Housley pulled Hutton with five minutes left in this game. That is worth talking about strategically in terms of what is going through our Head Coach’s mind. Although that move felt like it came straight down from Terry Pegula for crowd energy’s sake, I’ll stop with the cheap shots. I was hesitant to buy into Housley on the Hot seat narratives. Moreover, I didn’t want to think even the beginning of that narrative was in place after one season. An awfully shitty season albeit, but it has only been one season with him. When he pulled Hutton with five minutes left it made me think real hard for a few minutes: if you’re going to be ballsy with your strategy like that you better be correct when you say “we’re not going through this [shitty ass endless losses] again” afterward (bracketed words are mine). If Housley is going to talk the big game of taking this team somewhere for the first time in nearly a decade then it certainly seems like these kinds of games will have to be less common this season. I am still waiting and seeing with Coach Housley, but now it’s the time to make it happen because I am not going to be quick to defend you if you’re pulling the goalie that early.
Kyle Okposo said afterward that the Sabres have to give us fans something to cheer about. I would greatly prefer that to venting sessions like this. I am going to the game Saturday. I look forward to it being the first win of the season. With all this venting behind us, can we talk about how cool it is that Jack got introduced to the Pirates of the Caribbean theme music? *Pirate voice* Captain Jack Eichel! It’s hard to not get excited for all the pomp and circumstance of a home opener. It’s no indicator of the season to follow, I was drooling over last season’s intros, but nothing is fan service like player introductions and lining up around that crest at center ice. Look for these New Look Sabres posts after every game this season. I am confident most of them will be a lot more fun than this. Share it around and if you have to vent feel free to leave a reply or twelve. My good feelings remain about this season and so should yours.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. Shoot the puck, Jack. You’re Captain now. Lead. Actions Speak, right?
0 notes
weasterned · 7 years
Amber Liu.
1. Amber Unnie is shooo humble ! Ah really— I adore her a lot, despite her (probably) busy schedules, she always had a time to spent with Weast(s) ! She did well on updating her fc too ! ㅠㅠㅠ 2. Nothing to be fixed for ! In conclusion, she’s a really really good roleplayer ! ♡ 3. Amber Unnie, christmas is neaar ! And I really want to get closer with you, I’ll make a first step ! ;  ____  ; I hope you will spend a gooood times christmas eve and christmas and the new year itself ! ♡
1. friendly, kind, meu af, mature, good at words ; ; 2. she doesn’t need to improve anything 3. you have such a delicate and beautiful way of portraying your love to f(x), i absolutely adore this! they’re incredibly lucky to have you as fan
1. Portrays her chara well, Kind & Friendly. 2. Jiejie I don’t know how to give you a complain. Because I’m the ome eho always neglect our conversation… hehe. I want us to talk more! That’s enough. 3. Amber jiejie, its such a grateful to meet you here. Its hard to find f(x) sunbaenim roleplayer especially Amber and Victoria. Well, jiejie came and fill my timeline. I hope we can be friend too, in 2018!
1) Super kind, fun, silly, fantastic and amazing! 2) I think she’s fine just the way she is now hehe 3) Hello, Amber unnie! Happy holidays to you and happy new year. 🎆 Wishing you a super great 2018 and maybe a comeback? ;) 4) Plus : I just love the way she is. Minus : I can’t say that you should be more active but I’ll pray for you biar gak sibuk aheheh
#1 - Cool - Kind - Sometimes so quite - Can be loud too -  Friendly #2 I like how Amber interact with the others. She’s really cool. I hope she can keep it up. #3 Hello, Ambro eonni! I think we are still awkward when we talk to each other. Or is it just me who feel this way? Hehe🤔 I hope you can pardon this potato’s awkwardness 🙁 Anyway, you’re such a cool person. I like how you interacts well with the members. I hope we can get more closer as the time goes by, eonni!❤sassy, less ooc, kind, famous, friendly
1. Suweg, ATTRACTIVE, kind, oppa!!!!!, warm. 2. Keep on updating about f(x), my fave! 3. Hello, Ambroo oppa! Me is your fan. Anyway, can you teach me how to make a good thread of your character? T_T I envy your thread and anyway you’re such a nice girl! And omo. Very very girlcrush. Ah me likey. Anyway, enjoy your xmas and new year!
1. the most less ooc, nice, humble, funny, savage, inspirational 2. once again, i dont want you to improve anything, youre already good at portraying amber, i wish i could be like you someday :   ( 3. Dear Amber eonnie, you’re such an inspirational person in my eyes, i adore you so much and knowing you through this agency is such a big matters for me, i always speechless everytime i saw you on my timeline. i hope later on we can talk more, not only about light talk but also deep talk .y
1. MOMMY! Always take care of me. Kind. Humble. I can be clingy around her. Sexy yet swaaaggg. 2. Please give me more food! 3. Since the end of this year is coming sooon. Please keep being healthy and do your best on your work mom. I wish to spend more holiday with you!
1. Friendly, cool, smart, humble, good 2. Hm.. Since we are rarely talk, i cant really tell what you should improve.. 3. Hei ambreu. It’s a good thing to know you as my mutuals. You’re a good person to have conversation with but unfortunately since we are rarely talk with each other.. Lets talk more in the future, ambreu. P.s christmas is coming soon, can i ask for an alpaca for my christmas gift? swaggy dude, kind, interesting, handsome, pretty at the same time. lol be more girly perhaps lol . I hope sajangnim will give f(x) comeback asap, we miss our girl and also i wanna see u wear girl clothes would u mind to  grant my wish dude? lmao
She’s nice people. She looks like real amber. Good job ambro!
1. such a nice person, potrayed as amber very very well, always update on point. sadly we haven’t talk much so i dunno her very well- 2. nggak ada yang harus banyak dirubah sepertinya, just stay the way you are hyung lololol 3. Since we haven’t talk much yet, i hope we can have more convo in the future. Honestly sometimes i dunno how to reply mentions, so i just keep some convo just like that haha.
1. cool sunbaenim!, kind, caring, full of swag (lmao), funny 2. well- i don’t know what should i write for it. she’s portraying her chara very well so i don’t know what should i say. well, all i can say is please always stay as who you are right now. because she’s cool! 3. Hello, amber sunbaenim! /bows/ i hope you have another great days, included today! we’re not interacting that much, and i apologize for it. You are the 1st amber rper that i have in my timeline and i’m happy for it because you’re one of my favorite idol! ㅋㅋ I really want to be close with you but seems like both of us never stay in a place at the same time ㅋㅋ I hope you will always take care of your health! and since the weathers has become colder day by day, please don’t catch cold and always wear warm clothes. Fighting!
MY AMBRO BUDDY. Well we haven’t talked much for quite a while but amber is always so nice and kind towards everyone. She plays her chara well but i hope we can interact more from now on
1. kind, cool, nice, cool, noonable 2. amber noona is a good one that i’ve ever met. she almost perfect by potraying amber well. i hope she can get along with all member and also me. please keep it up noona! 3. hello, llama noona! its nice to meet you. i never expected to having such a good convo with you, sadly our convo sometimes can’t be long cause of one or two things lol. lets keep each other well, noona! i adore you anw!
1. Cool, very updated about her character, funny, kind, handsome. Lmao. 2. Please mingle with me! 3. Hello, Ambroo! Please enjoy the rest of 2017 happily.
1. cool, kind, friendly 2. lets get crazy together 3.Marry christmas and happy new year, ah lets get more closer next year so we can have fun year together.
1. Nice, cool, kind, mature, friendly. 2. I want to have looong conversation with nuna but you seem busy :( 3. Dear amber nuna, my wish is to be closer with you in the future! Hahaha this bugi wants to be nuna’s bestfriend 🐢She is kind, nice, talkative, friendly and funny. She welcomed me when I first joined here. I like talking with her. She portrays Amber’s image well, I like that about her. I really hope she would keep that up! To Amber unnie, Unnie!! My Amber unnie! Happy early new year! Hope next year will be a good good year!
1. Kind, fun, cool unnie. 2. Well, everyone just being busier so does Ambreu unnie. All we need is having more convos just like before!! 3. hello, Ambreu unnie since 2017 almost over which mean new year will bring a new hope also. Please stay healthy because the weather is not so good lately, keep warm. Xx Loves♡
1. My Baby Llama 😗 2. Let’s share anything in our dm group ㅋㅋㅋ 3. Happy New Year to my baby llama >
1. Decent, KIND, funny, A GREAT ROLE MODEL, SUPER KINDHEARTED 2. Unnie please do online more? :( 3. Dearest Amber Unnie, we don’t talk that much? yes.. But during times I have ever talk and having a convo with you, that is one of the best convo I ever had. Seriously! I hope you have a great ending of 2017 and will welcome 2018 with lots of happines! I LOVE YOU, xx.
1. Amber unnie is so so so soooooo kind! But not really online that much, she is so approachable, sweet and polite. 2. Please online more often, unnie!!! 3. f(x) COMEBACK JUSEYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love f(x) and you are actually my bias, unnie. Lets get to know each other more ok? And please be happy always!
1. - KIND!! - humble - calm - cool - classy 2. you did your best as Amber RP-er! please keep being friendly and cool like this! 3. [💌] i just wanna say, thank you for staying in WST. i’m happy that i have such a kind and caring members here. it might be pretty hard when you feel left out in agency, but i didn’t feel like this here. thank you ♡ Amber unnie, i hope we can still be friends in the future! i hope we can build our relationship as a friend closer and stronger than before. i just realized that it has been about 2 years since the first time i met you hahahahah.
1) nice, friendly, super kind, convo builder, care to everyone 2) because ambru unnie recently online, maybe online more often? 3) ambru unnie! i miss you ;  ;  if you’re busy please take care of yourself and don’t skip your meals! let’s talkeu talkeu with me again and i hope 2018 will be a much much better year for you! ✨Really cool,  swag,  friendly,  girlcrush,  funny Yo ma bruh!  Gald to know you!  HahahaAku baru mentionan sekali dan first impression-nya aku suka eonnie ini. Amber eonnie ngegreet aku duluan muehehe padahal harusnya aku yg ngegreet. Jadi menurutku, Amber eonnie ini ramah dan perhatian😃 Message: I might only met you in the last quarter of 2017, but im glad i could spend the last day of 2017 with a person like you. Aku berharap kedepannya kita bisa lebih deket lagi and can lean on to each other. Harapannya semoga eonnie selalu bahagia dan keinginannya cepat tercapai hehehe. Periwinkle mate — ! ! ! ! ! ! You know me right ? ? ? ? Of courseee ! ! ! I’m sureeeee ㅋㅋㅋ Amber eonnyi is someone that know me really well , , , , when she described me … she really got me … she is a caring person, kind and humorist for sure~ i really missed yoouuuuu peulijeuuu let’s have a convo again with meee ♡
1. DOPE COOL. SHE’S SO COOL. COOL AF. THAT’S IT. 2. I’m so happy to see you on my timeline, but sometimes I’m just too shy to approach you first. You really portray your character so well, keeeep up the good work! 3. Happy new year! Santa claus is coming to town~ *chuckles* You should take a good care of yourself, keep smiling widely, and be happy as always.
1. Nice, very nice, seriously nice, cool, easy going ; 2. Please lessen your retweet update- ; 3. Noona i’m sorry because our convo is ngebosenin dan stuck di situ situ aja😂 i’m trying hard for find a new topic but ended fail, i guess hahaha-
1. Nice, kind, kinda mengayomi, HAS A MOMMY VIBES, caring 😍 2. You can be a manly but lovely Amber 😳 3. Pls active more so I can fging over you1. Mature, IC, Good, Reliable, Long replies on point 2. I don’t even know what kind of improvement, actually… 3. I’ve told her this, but, unnie, keep being you! Keep up the good work and never give up. Me love you!
1. Tertib 2. Ramah 3. Baik hati 4. Overall just looks really kind Hello noona! You know since I suck at socializing we don’t really talk a lot and that’s my fault. But you are a really cool person although I find you a little bit hard to approach but that’s okay youre a cool girl! It’s the New Year’s soon and we’re gonna pass the 2018 together I hope. With this sentence I hope we can be more closer in the future, I really want to do that and I’d like to be your friend hahahah.
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