#i just wanna dress her upppp..
ackee · 1 year
me: ok! magical girl story time
brain: alright what if we didnt do that. and instead put kam in sexy little outfits.
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blueyellow8green · 9 months
TBOSAS: my second read annotations
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"Who were all these people hanging around on a weekday at the zoo? Didn't they have jobs? Shouldn't the children be in school? No wonder the country was such a mess." (P.49)
Annotation: omg he sounds like a Tory, boy shut upppp
"Without turning he knew it was the girl, his girl, and he felt immense relief that he was not entirely alone." (P.49)
Annotation: you cannot convince me he sees Lucy Gray as an equal. His possession isn't romantic it's degrading.
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"She ran her thumb over the glossy, white surface and slipped the petal into her mouth, closing her eyes to savour the flavour. 'Tastes like bedtime.'" (p.42)
Annotation: Literally consuming the symbol of his wealth -> foreshadowing him leaving the capital for her/because of her.
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"She parceled out her roses like diamonds, though, so it has taken a good bit of persuasion to get this beauty." (P.38)
Annotation: roses - Snow's symbol from a sought gift and sign of wealth, plus ties to his mother. In THG they (the roses) are all white (a lack of colour representing Lucy?) and used as threats.
Addition: I think some of the rose symbolism for snow is obvious of course. Something beautiful but with thorns. And him gifting one to Lucy Gray as a token that represents him being another sign of ownership which creeps up throughout. And this parallels his interactions with Katniss and the rose in Mockingjay where it serves as a reminder that he will always own her.
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"'Imagine how terrified she must be, Coryo,' Tigris has said. 'How alone she must feel If it was me, anything you could do to make you feel like you cared about me would go a long way. No, more than that. Like I was of value.'" (p.37-38)
Annotation: The way she has to remind him about empathy.... Snow is not an empath.
Addition: Tigris spitting bars as usual.
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"The mayor glowered at the camera as he slapped his hand into the second bag and pulled several slips out. A few fluttered down to the stage as he read the remaining paper. 'The District Twelve boy tribute is Jessup Diggs.'" (p.29)
Annotation: the sealing of fate done so carelessly? Doesn't the boy even deserve grace?
Addition: something about this just hurt, after Lucy Gray slipped the snake down Mayfair's dress the Mayor doesn't even have the courtesy to be careful picking out a name. And the way the other names fall it truly is just terrible luck for Jessup, any of those names could have been it. It really hits how many children stand on the execution block at this moment.
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"This District 12 girl? Could there be a bigger slap in the face?" (P.22)
Annotation: foreshadowing (or preshadowing) Katniss. Snows weakness since the beginning has been underestimating the districts. And his own self-imposed importance
"'You forget I'm part of that litter,' said Sejanus hoarsley."
Annotation: oh Sejanus baby :/
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"He thought of people putting a price on her [Tigris]. With her long, pointed nose and skinny body... She had a sweetness, a vulnerability that invited abuse... The idea made him feel sick and helpless, and consequently, disgusted with himself." (P.4)
Annotation: weren't so disgusted to not do it to Finnick though we're you?
Addition: Collins very neatly tries to handle SA as a topic in a way that is palatable to the age range of her books whilst also not dismissing it. On a series built on exploitation it would be a disservice to recognise the role SA does play in this on all sides. It's especially interesting how Snow later becomes an abuser and SA facilitator when it suits him despite his revulsion here. I don't know if that's because he cares about Tigris or the damage to their reputation if she sold her body as he is alluding too.
I don't normally do posts like this and I doubt people care but if you do wanna see more feel free to let me know! Also had no idea how to format these so included text IDs below for accessibility/legibility. Anyway have my dumb thoughts.
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yutas-eyebrow · 3 months
Kiss- doyoung ver.
Kiss- dojaejung
Synopsis- College au. A night to remember, y/n is a student and the ideal 'good girl', she hangs out at the club for the first time to destress when she meets a handsome stranger who turns out to not be such a stranger, in the end gets her first kiss- fluff
"Y/N!!!" Aera whines as we head to our last class as she just rolls her eyes "you have to comeeee! Please, its just a drink! You wont even feel it, come on, its literally your birthday! Dont you want to feel pretty, well your pretty already but like you know what I mean! Anyways, don't you want to glam upppp! Go to the bar, have a drink, come onnnn! Pleaseee!" She says as she has been trying to get the other to go to the bar
"You just want this as an excuse for me to be with you incase johnny doesn't show up, also I have work" Y/n points out as Aera looks guilty "but like... yes, but come on! Its your birthday, youve never celebrated itttt! Please for me!? Besideesss! Jungwoo's gonna be there, and you dont have work until next week!" She asks in a cute voice as the latter just takes a deep breath "... fine, and not just cause of jungwoo" Aera's eyes sparkle and she smiles before Y/N glares "just one drink." and Aera nods and giggles as she knows y/n has the biggest crush on Jungwoo, before the teacher walks in and the lecture begins
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Y/N looks in the mirror as she is starting to get ready for Aera to pick her up, she cant find anything to wear as her closet is filled with not very 'sexy' dresses as Aera puts it, everything is organized and looks like a scholars closet, Y/N grimaces remembering getting scolded by her mother for borrowing a dress thats showed her knees as she laughs at the memory
a text fills her notifications
From Biggest loser Aerie
check your front door! Left you a gift 😚😉
Y/N gets up and heads to check her dorms door, she feels kind of scared, what if Aera sent her frogs like last time, she shudders remembering the stench "oh" she mumbles when she sees it's clearly a dress, she opens it and her mouth goes agape "this bitch went all out" she mutters as she reads the note attached "to the baddest birthday girl- from your wife ;) aera *imagine your dream dress, whatever you would feel comfortable in!*
She changes and smiles as she loves the way the dress fits her, it compliments her body perfectly, so what if her body wasn't mature as much as she would have liked, the dress looked perfect, she heads to her vanity as she puts the finishing touches on her makeup before the door rings and she grabs her phone and wallet before heading out
"Oh my god, you look scrumptious! Trust if jungwoo doesn't notice you, I'll make sure he notices you!!! ahhhh! I wanna eat youuu! You look so ho-" "alright, I think I got the point, but seriously, thank you" she hugs her as they smile and make their way to Aera's car
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They enter the crowded club and Y/N feels a bit claustrophobic as everyone was so close to each other, she spotted Jungwoo as soon as she entered, his loud personality and silliness echoed throughout the club, she smiles as she saw him laugh with his friends
"Go get em babe!" Aera encouraged as she spotted Johnny and winked to Y/N before walking away "I can do this!" Y/N thinks as she strides over before a crowd of dancers get in her way and she gets blocked out by the sound as she tries to pass through , everyone in that area is now gone, Jungwoo disappeared as the girl was left there alone and didnt know where else to go so she just headed to the bar and sat there looking at the table before the waitress came to her
"What can I get for you miss?" A woman asked her as she looked flustered "um can you recommend me something?" The woman raised her brow "First time?" Y/N blushes "was it that obvious?" The woman chuckled as she smiled at the girl sympathetically " did you come here by yourself?" She asks looking around "no, I came with my friend..." "she ditched you?" Y/N nods slowly feeling worse than she did already "don't sweat it kid, its usually not dangerous for pretty girls around here, cheer up! This ones on the house, I can guarantee you'll like it!"
she passes a drink to her "the secret is 60% cranberry juice, 25% alcohol and the rest is a secret" she winks at her as the younger chuckles "I'm Wendy by the way! You are?" "Y/N!" She smiles as the elder smiles back
Wendy tends to another customer as Y/N sinks in her seat when a guy sits next to her with his drink as he makes eye contact and he smiles showing off his beautiful features
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"What drink is that?" He asks as he points to her glass and she realizes he's talking to her "Uh I dont know, hold on, Wendy unnie!" She calls as Wendy comes over "whats up babe!? Oh hey dodo!" Wendy smiles at the youngsters as Doyoung smiles and nods as a greeting and Y/N asks "what's the name of this drink?" "The wendy special! Do you want another one?" Y/N looks over and doyoung nods "yes please, thank you" wendy smiles and turns around as Doyoung chuckles as her formalness
"Here you go!" She smiles as she sees another customer and heads over "thanks" doyoung smiles at her "you're welcome" "so... Aera ditched you? Saw her johnny earlier" he says trying to make small talk with the girl he's been crushing on for a year now
"You know Johnny? And Aera… wait do you go to neo culture?" She asks bewildered as shes never seen him in the halls “yeah, we have the same physics class… you’re the one girl who’s always staring at Jungwoo” he laughs as she blushes being caught looking at her crush “oh my god, you saw that” she shrinks in her bar stool as he laughs even harder “Don’t worry about it, he’s always in his own world he doesn’t even notice” he snickers at his comment as he finishes his drink
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“Oh my god you’re the bunny dude who’s always in johnnys posts” she realizes and then covers her mouth because she said it really loud “yeah, you stalked his page with aera didn’t you” he teases as he looks at her smiling
“I didn’t mean to say that out loud” she chuckles awkwardly as he laughs and she doesn’t know what to do so she laughs along until they’re both out of breath
“Oh, I haven’t laughed like that in a while” he admits as she smiles seeing his face “your smile is beautiful” he comments as she feels flustered by the comment and the alcohol began to kick in as it’s her first time
“Thank you, you’re very pretty” she giggles and hiccups slightly “oh, thank you” he says as he’s never been called pretty and he realizes she’s done with her glass
“Was this your first time drinking?” He asks kind of worried as he was a light drinker but the drink didn’t even have that much alcohol “mhm!!! Aera said it was a good destresser!!! She also said to enjoy my birthday but she’s not even here!” She pouts as she wanted to celebrate “it’s your birthday?” He asked as she nods and smiles giddily
"Happy birthday, we should get you to Aera, its pretty late" he says as he's trying to spot her figure or at least Johnny in the crowd to no luck "no! I dont want to ruin her night" she says with tears in her eyes and doyoung feels flustered as he's never been in this situation before "can you walk straight?" He helps her up and she wobbles for a bit before nodding and he guides her to the exit as she gets the fresh air in her face and they can see each other clearly as she burts out laughing
"You look so scared!" She giggles as he smiles seeing her all happy "Im hungryyyy!" She whines as she sees a food stand and points to it while pouting "oh, yeah sure" he says as he walks her to the cart and she laces her hand with his making him blush as shes dragging him to the cart "one corndog please" he says to the ild woman running the cart "coming right up, you two are so cute. I miss being young" she sighs as she hands over the corndog to the excited girl and leans closer to the guy "you and your girlfriend are to cute! Take care of her!" He's about to say they're not dating but all he could say was a small thank you before being dragged away by a giddy Y/N
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"The sky looks so beautiful" she says to him as they are at a brigde and look up at the sky "you're more beautiful" he mumbles as she smiles at the night sky and they stay there for a minute looking at the sky and river below them when she turns around suddenly
"I remember you now! We met in freshman year! I had the biggest crush in you then! You were always so smart and beautiful, I forgot why I ever-" she gets quieter and quieter as he smiles feeling happy
"I wasn't going to even come tonight, I'm glad I did" he smiles at her silly state as he tucks a strand of her hair back and she turns red "me too!" She laughs as their faces are inches apart and they get lost in each others eyes "can I kiss you?" He asks as she doesn't even respond she just goes for it and kisses him
He gets taken aback but they both melt into the kiss and she smiles at him as he smiles back, it felt magical they both thought as they stay there in each others arms at the bridge
Y/N falls asleep on Doyoungs back as they were walking and they stopped as she had gotten tired from walking in heels, Doyoung was feeling happier than ever as he walked into the dorm building and saw her dorm as he fished the key from his pocket, which she gave him earlier
He opens her door to see a comfy common room and he takes her off his back and places her on the couch where he gently takes of her shoes and jacket before grabbing the blanket off the couch and placing it on Y/Ns sleeping figure
As he is about to leave she holds him “wait, stay” she says sleepily as he smiles at her state “I’ll see you in the morning, sleep tight beautiful” he kisses her forehead as she nods understanding, he turns off her light and leaves her keys feeling happier than ever
The end-
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frecklenog · 10 months
finally watching house of wax 1953 ,, thots under tha cut
the subtitles dont work o no :(
“that should be they now” pronoun user ..
soo curios whether these r real wax sculptures.. some of them are. obvious. but others i straight up expect to move. the craftsmanship is incredible
HI JOANIE !!!!!!!!
also curious about the clothes. are they real cloth or are there sculpted parts too. is it just a full body underneath or is it just the skin that’s visible. tho admittedly i don’t know much abt wax sculptures despite having the ‘05 movie as a longstanding hyperfixation 🥴
oh okay he just turned booth’s head. so that’s probably not connected to like. more wax skin.
if jared is the one doing the killing i support him. jared did nothing wrong this mf is setting his art on fire for insurance fraud. he should murder
marie :(
ok the burning clothes r answering my questions LMAO
jared you fucking suck at fighting. knock it off w the water bucket and KILL THIS FOOL
ono. explodegeon.
“had i been there i might have saved him” kys you fuck
“they always want a corpse :)” i love this strange woman
ohhhh all these mary poppins ass dresses J’ADORE
i hope jared is waiting in this fucker’s house with a club
he’s got a little bit of a “freddy kreuger cosplaying nosferatu” thing goin on. tbh
someone get this man a cane or smth. my god. SOMETHING
“yes. but he hung himself instead 🥰” SHE IS SO BIZZARE
“you got all the brains and all i got is the boobs!”
her laugh is. a little much. cute here and there but with the amount she does it it gets grating. but it’s very much of the time ain’t it. cinderella and snow white and alice in wonderland ass giggle
oh hey jared i almost forgot this was house of wax
SUE ???????
i mean tbf. what on EARTH is jared doing here. but maybe he would explain if he could get some dialogue
not that i don’t love silly chase scenes. i just wanna know Why yfeel
jared please leave sue alone
oh weaponshoes. punch shoes.
ok i was here for killing matt or whatever his name was but cathy didn’t deserve that :/// cmon jared
dont call dead women “honey” like that that’s weird.
someone sit up again that was funny
he is just scrimbling around……..
boy what on earth are you doing
is he going to defenestrate her bo- HE IS OH MY GODDDD
who is helping him. what
“no human being can look like that” you wouldn’t say that about a scarred vet you chunk of shit i oughta kick you in the both of your balls
who is this very attractive man in the apron……….
JARED OH MY GOD. HI JARED !!!!!!!! how.
igor is so pretty and so fucking talented. would. in a heartbeat i would.
jared’s wheelchair fucking rules. vincent should’ve used a wheelchair i think.
i wonder if this is really how any of this process goes. it makes more sense than vinnie’s godawful shower
daaamn this movie has an intermission. not even an hour in
the 3d nonsense is so funny omg
oh millie :(
just a dead ass body on display lmao get fucked matt
the chamber of what.
jared this is why we don’t just put wax on human bodies. you get found out by the friends of the deceased. also the rotting
jared please dont kill sue i like sue. i liked cathy :((
jared seems like a chill dude. aside from the.
waves my hand vaguely. You Know
something is deeply wrong w the paddleball man. sir this is post-hayes code why do you have balls in your mouth
honestly tho WHAT is the explanation for his face. please. pl
“you never saw a show like this in provincetown” MASSACHUSETTS MENTIONED 🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞 (there r no chickadee/elm/mass flag emojis)
PTOWN ALSO MENTIONED 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
girl put your ass away i’m here to watch vincent price be Odd and Peculiar
“cathy had the habit of wearing an earring in her right ear. she had the lobe of her right ear only pierced for that” cathy was out there in 1953 using flags for gay men to spot each other not established for another two decades
sometimes i watch dancers in old movies like this and i try to spot my grandma maggiepat. that’s not really related to the movie but i do wonder. i know she was in the red shoes…
“why should joan of arc have her right ear pierced?” “why not? they wore them then.” “two, not one.” WHY DID CATHY ONLY WEAR ONE THEN !!!!!! someone who knows about 50s culture help me
ohh his name is henry jared. whatever.
the long highwaisted skirts….. :)) 🕯️
sue. sue get down from there
igor is SOOO HANDSOME god okay i’ll be normal sorry 😔
jared. no. bad. knock that off. spraying him with a squirt bottle
god he’s INCREDIBLY charming tho. mad props to mr price
oh my god LEON..
sue should Not be in here alone at night. girl this is a horror movie and you are TRESPASSING
oh hello skeleton
unidentified fucking thing just drifting creepily around the room 🆗🆒
hiiii mr price
ok jared can walk like. fine. who ACTUALLY fucking killed cathy whose physicality was that
why was leon convinced by that guy pouring liquor djgsjdbs
idc what happens i could fix igor. me and him and vincent sinclair. fuck timelines
i’d let igor do this to me. who said that.
girl what is scratching the wax gonna do. be serious
why are you using the pointy end of that thing to bust thru this door. surely there are more effective ways to go about this
goodbye pig
“every time i shave i can still feel that guillotine blade” it never made contact with you. or you would be dead. dont try to be funny
why did shane sneeze.
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
Listeeen I get these major vibes that aster h loves baths 💕 like he’s never been a bath guy always liked a quick shower but after angel and how much she loves relaxing and the many times he ran her a bath and she requested he gets in with her he’s changed forever to a bath guy! So now he’d take random baths just cause and he loves to stay in them for a while but angel usually gets out after her body is relaxed and is all better since she has this night routine she needs to get through and is like putting on her creams and h is just looking at her 🥺 and every time she runs to the room to get something he asks for a kiss and it’s the sweetest thing ever :( anddddd since she’s all clean I could see her giving h a show while he’s in the tub with all the clothes she got while she went out with Sarah and Clare to the mall :( and she is in her lil comfy “lingerie” set running out to ware each outfit and they would be talking🥺🥺 and she walks in the bathroom again for the “grand reveal” and he dies every time. she gives him a runway walk and everything too and he eats it upppp “an angel and a fucking model too!!” Giggling and being silly he’d motion for her to twirl around “come here” as she stands on the edge of the bath his hand get closer to touch the fabric and she gets away before he does so “Harry these are freshly ironed!” He’s all 😑 as she gives him a little towel to dry his hands “mhmm very nice angel” touching the fabric she’s looking in the mirror adjusting everything and he’s getting distracted by the view what else is he gonna look at if he’s laying in the tub and she’s standing in her little dress his hand goes down to the back of her thighs “a bit short, no?” He asks straightening his back to get closer to her she slightly turns to look at the back “is it? Like I’d wear it to the beach?” He kisses the back of her thigh “mhmm I could see that” and she’s giggling hand on top of his head balancing herself and he’d definitely keep kissing her going up and lifting her dress biting just where her thighs and ass meet “ouch h” pouting at him his eyes looking up at her “that didn’t hurt, you spoiled brat” kissing the same spot 🥺 she turns around hands on both his cheeks “I’ve loads more to try on if you are gonna act like this throughout we’ll be sleeping here tonight” he smiles a cheeky smileee “I don’t mind, do you?” she just laughs at him as he swats her back to get her to try the other outfits “i wanna see a pose this time!” He hears some shuffling “Don’t bite me and I will” he laughs “hide your perky ass and I’ll stop” and it’s just so giggly and soft him just fully naked in the bathtub with her all dressed up in different outfits and they do have an unintentional break where he asks for a kiss but turns it into a make out session and she’s bent down to reach his level and it’s so fucking cute!
Omg stop this is so cute:(((((((((( like idek what to add I just love the idea of him watching her prance around jn her new clothes and he’s so heart eyes and Img him touching over legs and telling her her dress is short and when she feels his breath get close to the back of her leg she’s assuming he’s just going to kiss until his teeth sunk into the thick of her thigh and she jumps and hey!! That hurt:(((( and ofc he knows it didn’t but he still feels a little bad when he presses a kiss to the spot and pats her bottom telling her to try on more for him I’m literally SOOOOOOOO🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 this just lived in my head:(
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thebeautyoffanfics · 3 years
Hey sav!! It's me again, back with another request 😎 Can I get an Akane x fem!reader where the reader walks in on Akane in his supernatural form and is like "😳 woah babes,," And then just general stuff about her fangirling constantly abt it and even being more susceptible to Akane's methods of getting her to blush? aaaaaaaa I hope this made sense,,, have a nice day tho, Sav!!! - owl anon
akane aoi x f!reader
a/n: the way i went “:0 owl anon” particularly cos of the fact that i’ve been in a very akane-loving mood for no reason in particular. He’s just neat. But!! Welcome back, and of course you can :DD cos this would literally be me, i just wanna. hold his hand yk yk. Makes perfect sense uvu!! You have a nice day too!!!
warnings: none <3
word count: 923
“Waaaaaaah, Akaneeeeeeeee,” You’d ‘cry’, as you did many times before, placing a hand dramatically on your chest after you entered the room. Not because he hurt your feelings. Not because you were hurt, emotionally nor physically. No, because- look at him! He’s!! Hot!!!
“Akane, I promise you, I get thrown off when you go from Nerd to… aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.”
“??? Hey, (Y/N), what the heck does that mean??? Also this is the third time you’ve done this today- I don’t mind, of course, it’s kinda cute but-”
Your compliments and blushing honestly makes Akane feel a bit flustered as well- it’s you standing there, face red as you ramble about how pretty he is, and Akane standing there, face slightly less red, thinking about how pretty you are. Really- how is such a cute person fawning over him like that-
You’ll be walking around after school, finishing up with duties from a club, and you’ll spot the tail end of a ponytail, and instantly you’re like: “Ah. It’s him. It’s my boy.”
“Akane!!” You’d call, chasing after him. Of course, he’d stop, and face you, already smirking since he knew what your reaction was nearly every time. It never got old, if he was being completely honest.
You laughed lightly, blushing as you hugged him. “Good to see you, Akane!!”
“Mhm, good to see me in my supernatural form? Still, it’s good to see you and your enthusiasm as well.”
“Aoinrfoaoirnf yeah but I love you, you’re just- you’re just the boy I love, but with a more… dunno- you’re cute on any day, but it’s like a special occasion!”
He’d laugh lightheartedly, patting your head gently. No matter if you treated him like you had never seen his supernatural form before, you were the cutest thing he had ever seen. Heck, it was nice to him- getting to see you without those glasses causing any sort of glare or distortion. It was purely you! Cute, loving, fangirling, you.
You’d see him across the hall, and he’d know that you were nearby thanks to your little squeal. He’d turn around, meeting your eyes, to which you’d only cover your face, running up to him and plopping yourself into his chest. “You’re so cuteeeee, you’ve turned into a total babeeeeeeee, how does a little paranormal crap do this- what happened to my dorky boyfrienddddd?”
“I- thanks, (Y/N). I’m still Akane though.”
“I know, I knowwwww, you’re just dressed upppp… you look great in a suit, you don’t know what it does to my poor heart. I didn’t think you could get cuter, pleaseeeee, stop making my heart hurt like thisssss.”
However, you’d better believe he uses your blushing and compliments as a means to tease you. Once no supernaturals, and- most importantly- no Terus, were around, he’d have to cut your ramblings short.
“(Y/N), I’m well aware how fond you are of me like this, but,” He’d pause, leaning forward slightly. Just close enough to where you could faintly feel his breath on your face. He smelled nice, was what you would think, if his close proximity wasn’t enough to make your mind race.
“Why don’t I get this sort of attention normally? It makes me want to stay like this all the time, just to have you only think of me.”
“Ah-” You tried to speak, feeling what you could only describe as every ounce of blood in your body rushing to your face. “Akaneeeeeeeeeeheeeeeheeehe...”
“Stooooop, don’t make fun of meeeeeeeeeee,”
Akane would snort, then burst into laughter, sitting back as he did so. Really, you were too cute- as was he. A look at his laughing face was enough to make you smile. He was pretty constantly, you knew it and he did as well, but he usually had to be more serious as a supernatural.
“Sorry, (Y/N), I couldn’t resist. I think it’s only fair- you practically tease me constantly whenever you compliment me like that.”
“Yeah, but-”
He cut you off, kissing you briefly, then sitting back with his usual Akane smirk- watching you as if nothing happened, and he was simply encouraging you to continue talking. “WAAH, AKANE, YOU CAN’T JUST DO THAT TO MY HEARTTTT!! You know how gorgeous you are, and you’re using it against me-! You think that ‘cos you’re wearing a suit, and don’t have those glasses, and have a ponytail, and are a supernatural that you can just- just- just make my heart feel like it’s gonna explode like that!”
He raised his eyebrows before speaking once again, “those sorts of rambles are exactly why I did that.”
“...And you’ve got a slightly different overall aura, in a good way- and your eyes are gorgeous and more visible without those glasses, and-”
Well- you knew what you were doing, but he wasn’t going to be one to deny you another kiss-
“Akane, I hope you realize that I’m only gonna compliment you more if it means I get rewarded.”
“(Y/N), I hope you realize I don’t actually mind the compliments. We started dating before you realized I was a supernatural, so I’m sure you like how I look in class just the same as you like me now.”
To that, you’d nod, glad that he understood that much. “Plus, you’re bolder in this form!”
“I think I’m ‘bolder’ because we aren’t in class.” He'd say, eyebrows still raised slightly.
“That does make sense, but like- but like, it’s just different, you know?”
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zwritestuff · 4 years
Get up and shake the glitter off your clothes (Crygi)
“D’you wanna get married?” Gigi blurts out before she can think it twice. No, scratch that. She’s not thinking at all. 
Crystal doesn’t even flinch or look surprised by the question; she just stares at Gigi for a long second, blowing the smoke in her face again.
“Sure, why not?” She replies, throwing the cigarette on the floor and stomping on it.
a/n: SPARE ME THE DIRTY GLANCE, ‘KAY? the people asked for it (well, it was like three anons and one person.) and i delivered. will someone read this and not think i’m straight up mental? who the fuck knows! but just to clarify - yes, i did write based off gigi’s instagram caption where she said she and crystal got married in vegas. do i think that’s true? that’s for me to know and clown over, thank you very much. it’s not beta-ed at all and poorly looked over, so pls act as if there are no mistakes even though there are. title comes from Waking Up In Vegas by Katy Perry.
“D’you wanna get another round?” Gigi shouts over the music so Crystal can hear. But Crystal barey registers her, being far too much worried in trying to re-apply her lipstick — her phone serving as a mirror and the flashlight making her squint.
They’ve been in drag for hours now, and everything hurts, aches and itches. Crystal’s sparkly red lips are now a shadow of what they were at the beginning of the night, and if Crystal insistes on re-applying some of her lipstick, it’ll end up being more of a mess, for she can’t get her hands to draw a straight line.
Gigi’s lost her hat somewhere, the last she remembers is that Heidi took it to fool around and take pics with it. She doesn’t mind; it was heavy, anyway, and if Heidi lost it she can use that to ask her for a favour later on, once the tour begins and their lives turn into a complete and utter chaos.
“Ta-da!” Crystal exclaims satisfied, turning to see Gigi. Her red lipstick is smudged around the edges, with half of the glitter gone and she’s pretty sure she got some in her teeth too. “What were you sayin’?” She asks, pulling down the neck of her dress and stuffing the lipstick there. Gigi giggles; she swears she’s seen Crystal put from bills to her phone there, and she’s not sure why, if her coat has large pockets, but whenever she does it she can briefly see that stupid One Direction tattoo, so it’s not that she’s complaining. 
“Want another round?” Gigi repeats, coming closer to Crystal can hear her better. Crystal blinks owlishly, tilting her head to the side and furrowing her brows before speaking.
“Wait a second…” She says, standing up from her seat and trying to walk. It takes her about two steps before she almost trips with her own feet, even while she’s grabbing the table for some stability. Crystal sits back down as Gigi laughs loudly. “No,” Crystal replies, with that high pitched tone she always uses when she’s embarrassed.
Gigi complains with a whine, sounding far too childish, and if they were a little sober Crystal would make a joke about this, but Crystal seems one shot away of being drunk out of her mind and therefore she’s unable to form any coherent thought. She just giggles at whatever Gigi says or does, before jamming to the music blasting through the place — a remix of Circus by Britney Spears, currently, and she tries to do the whip movement when the lyric comes on. 
“Careful, Britney, you’re gonna get dizzy,” Gigi advices, a giggle escapes her as Crystal does weird moves to the beat of the song. 
Crystal pulls her tongue out at her, scooting herself closer in the couch of the booth so now she’s in Gigi’s personal space and dancing all over her. Gigi laughs loudly, throwing her head back against the headboard of the couch as Crystal pokes at her ribs as she sings off-tune.
“I make it hooot, when I put on a ssshowwww,” Crystal drunkenly slurs, singing right in Gigi’s ear, pressing her lips ever so slightly. It sends chills down Gigi’s spine, making her stomach twitch, and she doesn’t even mind the fact Crystal has probably left her lipstick smeared in her ear and wig. She’s left her lipstick in far worse places before.
They’ve been fooling around for quite some time now, running from Missouri to California and everywhere in between. The whole ‘dating a drag queen that lives in the opposite side of the country’ it’s hectic in every possible way, not only because the show will air in a few weeks and whatever privacy they have will fly right out the window — not that they have any privacy now, if they were to be honest.
Crystal’s lips linger on her cheek, mumbling the words of the songs, her breath is hot against her skin and if they weren’t in a public event, with lots of cameras everywhere, filming every move they make, Gigi would’ve grabbed her by her wig and pulled her into a kiss long ago.
“Wanna go for a cigarette?” Gigi blurts out at the same time the song transitions from Circus to Womanizer.
“But you don’t— oh!” She catches on when Gigi stares at her lips and bites her own bottom lip, winking. A dumb, toothy smile spreads across her face as Crystal nods.
They lace their hands together and navigate through the crowd, elbowing people to get to outside, running into their season sisters every so often. Nicky is already drunk, giving Jackie a sloppy lap dance and Jackie exudes gay panic, while Jaida just doubles with laughter and Jan —seeming to be the only sober one— films the entire ordeal. Gigi lets a sigh of relief when they don’t notice them leaving together.
There is, however, a tinge of worry at the back of her mind that someone has noticed them, but she doesn’t pay it much attention, since she’s trying to help Crystal walk without falling in the process.
The cold night air hits them and Gigi suddenly feels a bit more woken up. Crystal sighs heavily and fetches for something in her coat, smiling happily when she pulls out a package of cigarettes, and leans against the wall.
Gigi just stares at her as she tries to light up the cigarette, closely watching the tube when it doesn’t light up at the fifth attempt. She grumbles, throwing it away with a childish whine.
“Got a light?” Crystal asks, the cigarette dangles from her lips and Gigi tries to search for Widow’s lighter in her pockets.
(Widow didn’t lend her lighter, she just forgot to ask back for it long ago, and now Gigi is stuck with a lighter she only uses to light up Crystal’s cigarettes.)
There’s a flame and Crystal brings her face closer to it, firmly holding the cigarette between her lips. Gigi would normally scold her for it, but right now the action doesn’t even phase her. 
Crystal takes a drag and blows the smoke right into Gigi’s face. Gigi is embarrassed to say she finds it hot.
“You’re an angel, Geeg, you knew that?” Crystal says, winking at her. “C’mere.” She pats the air next to her and Gigi settles beside her, watching Crystal as she smokes.
There’s something about Crystal that makes her endearing to watch, even if she’s not doing anything. But it’s Gigi who we’re talking about; Gigi, who’s beyond head over heels with Crystal. It’s funny, when she thinks about it, this all started because Crystal was so unapologetically weird during their time on Drag Race, and Gigi felt more and more drawn to her until she was so into Crystal she found it hard to breathe.
And then Crystal reciprocated her feelings, after God knows how many shared fruit snacks, hints thrown her way and subtle flirting, and Gigi forgot how to breathe altogether.
“You think too loud,” Crystal suddenly says, and Gigi blinks repeatedly.
“What you mean?” 
Crystal gives her a shit eating grin before answering.
“You think that I’m so coooool, and awesome and cuuuute, and how you wanna wife me upppp,” Crystal babbles, holding her cigarette in her hand as she leans closer to Gigi again, hitting her with the smell of nicotine and tequila. 
She brushes her lips against Gigi’s, being the tease she is, and then Gigi groans, grabbing her by her wig and closing the distance between them.
Their lips move lazily, tasting every second that the kiss lasts, taking all the time in the world. The kiss is tender and soft, making Gig feel butterflies in her stomach — it doesn’t matter how many times she kisses Crystal, it still makes her melt and feel as if she’s sixteen and kissing a boy for the first time.
Crystal breaks the kiss after some moments and goes back to smoking, placing an arm around Gigi’s waist. Gigi lets her head fall in Crystal’s shoulder, looking at the oddly empty streets when something catches her attention.
There’s one of those chapels in which people get married as if it’s no big deal, and a group of people await in front one of those, with their cameras ready as they snicker between each other. A couple comes out from behind the doors, and there’s screeching and laughter as many flashes point their way and there’s rice thrown.
Gigi imagines for a moment that’s her and Crystal. How funny would it be if they actually got married? Gigi’s always wanted a big wedding, because if she’s leaving the market, she may as well go with a bang. But a small, private wedding doesn’t sound half as bad — she imagines herself in full drag, cinched and painted, anxiously waiting to say “I do.”
She looks at Crystal, trying to imagine how would it be if they got married. She doesn’t think much of the actual cohabiting, that doesn’t even cross her mind; instead, she wonders what would Crystal wear, and if she’d cry once the moment of saying their vows arrives.
An idea crosses her mind, and at that moment it seems innocent enough, but later on she’ll find out it may have not been that good.
“D’you wanna get married?” Gigi blurts out before she can think it twice. No, scratch that. She’s not thinking at all. 
Crystal doesn’t even flinch or look surprised by the question; she just stares at Gigi for a long second, blowing the smoke in her face again.
“Sure, why not?” She replies, throwing the cigarette on the floor and stomping on it.
And that’s all that Gigi needs to grab her hand and make their way to the other side of the street, not really thinking before they’re at the reception of a tiny pink chapel, filling out their information, scrambling to find their IDs —luckily, Gigi always has it on thanks to her baby face, and Crystal always has it on her phone case— and the seventy dollars fee. Gigi says something along the lines of, “That’s what I get in tips after doing three shows in one night.”
What happens next is a blur of a man talking and reciting some boring laws, making them sign some papers and asking if they have rings. Before she notices, Crystal is pulling off one of her own rings and offering it to Gigi, and Gigi whines pathetically because she doesn’t have a ring for her. She pays five extra dollars to buy a cheap ring the chapel offers in emergency cases and tells Crystal she owes her.
They get told “You can kiss, uh, the bride,” in a very doubtful tone, and suddenly nude beige and sparkly red clash against each other. Much to Gigi’s surprise, Crystal doesn’t cry at all through the whole thing.
When they come back to the party, holding hands and with their lipsticks smudged, the other queens get a little suspicious about it. When asked about what were they doing, Crystal just replies nonchalantly:
“We got married.”
A decent amount of the cast don’t believe her, because she’s drunk and there’s no way in hell it’s true, they say. But others like Nicky, Jaida and Jackie fully do, wasting no time in scolding them for doing such a stupid thing, but they barely pay attention.
It hasn’t fully sunk in the reality of what they just did, but that’s a problem for their sober selves. Right now, they just make their way into the bathrooms, lock in a stall and kiss lazily until their lipsticks are beyond any touch ups.
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reeree1500 · 5 years
The Return-Part 4
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Okay y'all here's Part 4. OMG I cannot believe the amount of love that this story has gotten😍 it truly warms my heart, that an idea I had a while ago and have now just started writing has been loved by so many of you:) And with that lets get on to the storyyyy
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 part 8 part 9
Taglist: @yanii-the-hippie @oceans-daughter-3 @peaceisadirtyword @laketaj24 @camatsuru @amy8220 @cutegyrl927 @cindy-exo @cainismyname @affection-rabbit @ragnarssonsbitch @mel0nch0ly @wuxiesalt
Disclaimer: My sucky ass writing as always:) Some slight insinuation of incest; Fluff (an attempt anyway);  And bad grammar and spelling (sorryyyy); Heart palpitations according to @yanii-the-hippie 😂 Hope you all enjoy☺️
Your POV
My head hurts so much that I feel as if I've just been hit by a carriage. The sounds of arguing around me do not help the situation at all.  So I try to not focus on the pain or the voices around me that won't subside and remember what happened. Images of Mira surface in my mind. Her corpse on the floor and the death rune carved into her back. My best friend and most trusted subject was killed because of me. I can't help but wince at the realization that I will never be rid of the death and chaos that I bring everywhere with me.
Fluttering my eyes open, my eyes wander looking for the source of those voices. As I begin to stand up from the very comfortable bed, I scan the room trying to find any trace of the people who were in here earlier. My eyes land on a pile of shirts neatly placed on the table. Walking towards them I come to notice that Im not in my dress anymore, but in what's seems to be a mans shirt. “Nice pair of legs you got there (y/n), wanna trade with me for a while?” At the sound of Ivars voice, I shriek and turn around whilst trying to pull down the shirt that is covering my body. “Ivar what the hell!” At the sound of my screaming Ivar just walks closer to me with a smirk gracing his perfect face. “W..what are you doing?!?!” His hands grasp onto mine and all I can do at that moment is stare back at him with my eyes and mouth open wide in shock. “You're gonna ruin my shirt if you continue to pull it down. Plus, you don't want me to see your breasts now do you?” At that, all the blood from my body rushes to my face. Turning me as red as an apple. 
Ivar grabs my face in his hands and his eyes scan over it. “I know we’ve just met. And its probably really wrong for me to feel what I‘m feeling, considering you're my sister. But, when you were unconscious it was probably the hardest thing I have gone through so far in my life. Not knowing if you would wake up was a nightmare that I could not wake up from.” Ivar says with an exasperated sigh. “Ivar....” I begin to say, but am soon interrupted by his lips placed on mine. I know I shouldn't reciprocate his feelings towards me or his kiss for that matter. But, the fact of the matter is that even in this short amount of time, this man has made feel things that I have not felt in my whole life. This man however is my brother and that is something that will not change. Soon the warmth of his soft and plump lips leave mine. Before I can say something about how inappropriate that was, Ivar is already walking towards the door. You know for a cripple he’s fairly fast. 
“You know (y/n) I’m so excited for what's in store in our future.” He says as he reaches the door. Rearing his head to where I still stand in utter shock of what just transpired seconds ago. “Especially, since we now share a room.” At that Ivar winks at me and leaves the room, with that smirk on his face. Once the door is closed my legs give out from underneath me. “Lord what have I just gotten myself into. It is wrong for me to have these sort of thoughts and feelings for my brother. Please give me the strength necessary in order to get through this.” As I look up and close my eyes I can only beg that he hears my prayer and somehow gives me the power to get through this. But knowing the almighty, something will happen.
As the weeks went on by, we had buried Mira the Christian way. Although nearly no one shared my beliefs, it felt nice to be able to have Mira been given the respect she deserved. People had brought flowers and different types of gifts to me in order show me their condolences. On the outside I had to be strong and show them that whoever did this had not gotten to me. However, my family knew all too well the toll it took on me. Especially Ivar, who would hold me at night and whisper sweet nothings into my ear when I had the recurring nightmare of that night. The raid that was supposed to occur after the festival was cancelled. I had expected many people to be upset at the fact that it was. But what I saw was a community come together for someone they did not know. And that is what I missed the most about Kattegat. The people. My people.
Ragnar, Bjorn, and Ubbe had decided to lead an investigation into who had murdered Mira. So far they had gotten a couple of leads, but nothing that would certainly pinpoint who the culprit was. In his worry my father had decided to teach me how to fight, so that I would be able to defend myself if it came down to it. He knew that this was a personal attack on me. And a personal attack on a son or daughter of Ragnar Lothbrok was an attack on him too. “Come on my beautiful sister, we have some more training to do.” I can hear Hvitserk say as he comes up from behind me. “Is that really necessary Hvitty? We trained yesterday!” On the weeks that went by I could say that Hvitty and I got really close. Closer than probably me and Ivar are. After the kiss with Ivar, I had tried to put as much distance between myself and him. What we had done was wrong and a sin. And I could not allow myself to give in to such temptations. 
However, that doesn't mean that Ivar still didn’t try to get closer to me. Every chance he got I var would hold my hand or hug me from behind. I knew that people where beginning to get the wrong idea, as I had caught Margrethe talking about how “close” we were for siblings. As soon as I heard that I began to make sure to only talk or look at Ivar if necessary. Waking me up from my thoughts Hvitserk takes my hand and leads me out of the hall. “Im coming. Im coming. Calm down!” I cannot help but contain my laugh at Hvitserk’s desire to want to train with me. Its probably the cutest thing I have ever seen. “You look like a child anxious to play with a brand new toy, Hvitty.” At that Hvitserk lets out a chuckle. “Only of you're the brand new toy and I get to play with you everyday.” he winks at me as he says this. “Come on you're distracting me, let’s get to work. Legs shoulder width apart and make sure you have good balance...” 
Bjorn POV
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“We must have gotten somewhere by now! I want whoever is responsible dead!” my father screams at Ubbe and I. “Father, we've searched through and through, but there are no certain leads! Its a he said she said situation thus far!” Ubbe yells back at him. “Do not tell me what I already know, boy! I just cannot help but feel useless and like I am not able to protect my own. We all know that that was supposed to be your sister dead, not that poor girl.” at that he trails off. My father has lost way too much over the years. Many friends have come and gone. But the way we buried Mira, could only remind him of his best friend Athelstan. The Christian priest that changed his life (and mine believe it or not) for the better. He was murdered too, and that has always been a constant reminder to him of someone he could not save.
“What I think that we should be doing instead of arguing is perhaps, finding someone who is good at unmasking people. Since none of us can seem to find who it could be.” I tell them both, getting tired of their back and forth arguing. “And who would you suggest Bjorn. No one can know that (y/n) is here, besides the people of Kattegat. Our enemies will know how to get us. Hell one of them probably was behind this!” my father reciprocates. “I think we all know who I’m talking about. Im just wondering if you'll be able to reel in and control that bitch of yours, when she gets here. Since I’ve already sent word to her.” I bark back at my father. I don't know if its because im sick of him treating me as if ill never be good enough. Or because (y/n)’s life is on the line, but I had never found the courage to stand up to my father, until now. At my words my father becomes silent. It might the loads of ale Ive had today, but I swear that I can see what seems to be pride in his eyes. “How long?” “One day’s ride” It is then that my father shouts to the thralls...
“Prepare the great Hall! The Queen is coming home!” 
Your POV
As the hours went by and my training had somewhat gotten better, I pleaded with Hvitserk to do something else. “Okay!Okay! We’ll stop training! But what else do you want to do?” Hvitserk's says shielding his sword. “I don't know, back in Frankia Uncle Rollo used to take me to the lake and taught me how to swim. Is there a lake nearby?” At that Hvitserk looks at me like I‘ve grown horns and a huge smile breaks out. “Come on, let’s eat quickly and then I have somewhere I wanna take you!” Rushing towards me Hvitserk grabs my hand and we quickly run off towards the great hall. Once we both quickly swallow our food, we head to the stables. There we find non other than Ivar in what seems to be him being pleasured by a thrall. 
“Oh, Im so sorry. We didn't mean to intrude.” I say whilst quickly turning around. “Awww you're so cute (y/n), you’ve never seen or been pleasured before?!?!? Is that why you're as red as a tomato right now?” Hvitserk chuckles at me while trying to pry my hands away from my face. “Shut upppp!! Hvitty, get the horse and lets goooo!!” I chuckle nervously at him. “Its ok (y/n), you should take notes from Margrethe here. Who knows you might have to use them some day.” Ivar manages to say through his... compromising position. “Well Ivar, (y/n) and I are gonna go on a little adventure. Don't wait up...” At that Hvitserk grabs the reins on the horse and passes them on to me. “You know how to ride (y/n)?.” “Of course, Hvitty. Its literally my favourite thing to do.” “I’m glad to hear that. Now lets go!” And with that Hvitserk and I were off to God knows where. But one thing I knew for sure was that if Hvitserk was involved, we were sure to have a good time.
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Bjorn POV
Soon the day had gone by and it was just a matter of time before my mother was here. You could hear a pin drop in the great hall. The anxiousness that lingered in the air was so thick that you could probably cut it with a knife. My father could not stop bouncing his leg, some thing he did when he too was nervous or didn't know the outcome of certain events. My head quickly towards the doors when I heard the neighing and hooves of the horses. At that we all stood up and thats when both Ubbe and I noticed we were missing certain people. “Ivar, where's (y/n) and Hvitserk? They're supposed to be here or did you not tell them that we would have company tonight?” I whisper at him trying to not get noticed by father or Aslaug. “Probably fucking somewhere. You know they've gotten pretty close these past few weeks I wouldn't put it past them.” At that I just look at him shocked. “Are you sure it’s just him Ivar? Don't act like I haven’t caught you staring at our sister when she's taking bath or when she's walking around the market.”  Sigurd chimes in. “Whatever we will resume this conversation after this. But send someone to get those two here. NOW!” 
When I turn back I am able to see my father already walking towards the door with the family behind him. Making my way outside I catch a glimpse of my mother on horseback. The most beautiful woman to grace the earth and the most skilled in combat. She taught me everything I know and for that I could never thank her enough. Behind me came up my wife Torvi, I smile down at her and hold her hand. She knows that I will do anything for my family, especially my mother and sister. And I will protect them at any cost. As my mother gets down from her horse I immediately go towards her and give her a hug. “You know that surprise I told you about in the letter. Well, I have an even better one now.” I say whilst chuckling in her ear. “My son, how many times do I need to tell you that Im not so easily surprised.” She laughs back at me. You don’t know what's in store mother...
After much due catching up with my mother. It’s time to get down to business. Father fills mother in about the fact that there has been a murder the night go the spring festival. My mother begins to ask questions on how we've conducted the investigation, to which Ubbe fills her in. I cant seem to pry my eyes away from the doors. Hoping that my sister and brother walk into the hall safely. It’s been hours and no one has heard or seen of them. “Bjorn, are you okay? You're not really focused on the matter at hand?” Torvi says while placing her hand on my knee. “Yeah...Yeah, Im fine just a little anxious thats all.” At that she leaves it alone. It is then that we hear some jugs fall over and loads of laughter. “Hvitty get upppp. Everyone is gonna knowwww....” I can hear the slurs of my younger sister.  “Pfttt.. Like they careeee, were just having some funnnn....” Great these two are drunk of their asses and dropping shit everywhere. It is then that they both enter the hall. (Y/n) is carrying Hvitserk, in what seems to be a futile attempt to act normal. But when her eyes land on the blonde graying hair of our mother she drops Hvitserk and immediately you can see that she sobers up. 
At that my mother stops talking. And her eyes begin to well up with tears. “No. it cannot be. It’s the gods playing tricks on me.” My mother says whilst looking down, refusing to turn around. My father gets up from his chair and kneels beside my mother. “It is true. She is here, come with me. I promise you she will not be taken from you again.” My father’s voice cracks at the end. As I truant where my sister stands I can see the pan and suffering coursing through her body. Her eyes show a small child that was ripped from her safe place and placed in an evil and hungry world, that only wanted to make her suffer. As my mother and father stand up I catch a glimpse of Aslaug and her stone cold face. That is filled with rage and what seems to be a predatory glare towards my sister. Trying to put it to rest and not say anything, I turn towards my parents. My father holds may mother in his arms as to keep her from falling over. “ My baby girl. Tell me that this was not dream that Ive had for the past 6 years and that you're actually here with me.” My mother manages to say through her tears. But,(y/n) is barely able to get anything out through her sobs. All she does is run to where my mother and father stand and embraces them. At that they all fall to the floor in their embrace. Hvitserk is now standing beside me. Watching, with the rest of us the reunion of a mother with her child. In my daze of being focused on my parents and sister reuniting I fail to realize that both Torvi and Aslaug are missing......
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Aslaug POV
“She should have been dead!!! What part of kill the insolent bastard child do you not understand!” I scream at Torvi. “You did not tell me that she was the daughter of Ragnar and Lagertha. Much less Bjorn's sister!” I had ordered Torvi to kill (y/n) so that what I had done that night many years ago, would not come back to haunt me or my family. I did this in order to protect them. That insolent child will only bring death with her. The death of our gods. And that is something I will not allow. I had faked to not have known about her existence all that time ago, but I cannot put past me the prophecy that was foretold by the volva. I will do anything in my power to make sure that she gets nowhere near my sons. For I rather die then see an era were Vikings and Christians alike are one people.... “When Helga and Floki get to the dock. Report back to me immediately and tell Floki that he has an unfinished job from 6 years ago.” As I stare at my husband and his so called “family” I cannot help, but get a bad feeling about this. 
That Christian child will pay for coming between my family....
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thabrokegirl · 6 years
okay so I was bored today and I was just sitting here listening to KOMH and I was like “I wonder what the king of heart card means” so I googled it and this is what came up with...
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Interesting until I scrolled down to the next paragraph and I read this:
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Now let’s go to the lyrics in KOMH
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Is this reaching? Sure ok if you wanna go there but I didn’t write the song our girl did. So whatever I was like ok cute..creepy? Hmm until I got down to the end and I saw this:
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So everyone has a specific playing card for their birthday for example mine is 9 of clubs for my birthday and one of the king of heart birthdays is August 26th and guess what we got on August 26th?
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I mean WHATEVER could be a fucking COINCIDENCE if that’s what we’re gonna call this. But it lead me back to the black heart 🖤 for whatever reason so I went back to KKs ig and searched and I could only find this black heart a couple times on a few pictures. If we go back in may she posted this photo from the met gala:
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I can’t find it and I can’t really remember if it was in a master post of reputation songs but in the song dress 👗 there’s the line “flashback when you met me, your buzz cut and my hair bleached” someone had a great theory that the line plays off of the met gala 2016, met being for MG and buzz cut being for kars dress being cut by Brandon maxwell who was drinking/buzzed and of course tays hair was bleached at the time of this.
The reason why I added that is because she posted this picture from the met gala with the caption as the black heart 🖤 so for whatever reason I was looking at tays ig and stumbled on this picture she posted a couple weeks after that pic kar posted:
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Lol at the caption being a line from Dress 👗 😉😉
So let’s move to July tay posted photos after Met life show:
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So she captioned the pic with a line from the song fearless WHICH IS A CLASSIC MIGHT I ADD. so I was like Imma go listen to fearless cause it’s a bop while listening to it a line in the song is “Well you stood there with me in the doorway. My hands shake”
When I heard it I automatically thought about the line in dress “my hands are shaking from holding back from you” and I was like damn this bish is shaking alot get her a Xanax or something. Then I noticed how she tagged met-life stadium at the top and I was like ha ha ha ok And I KNOW because that’s where she played that night but I’m here laughing cause after that picture she posted this picture
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And then I scroll to kks ig where I seen this picture she posted:
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Ok can they not do this to me. Like WHAT????? My theory is that the black heart represents the ‘heart’ in KOMH. And no I don’t think this is reaching because these two love to drop subtle hints for us always but if it is coincidental then that’s some freaky shit lmao.
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