#i just wanna spend my time hanging out in the soft sunshine with my soft babies. is that too much to ask?????
satans-knitwear · 1 year
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me and the gals, from the other day
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handmade-witch · 7 months
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I Think He Knows ~
[AN: hi there! this is my first time ever posting my writing so feedback is appreciated~ i'm not sure yet if I'll post more writing, but I was proud of how this idea turned out. Hope you enjoy!!]
Pairing: Lorenzo Berkshire x Reader
🎶 I think he knows when we get all alone I'll make myself at home and he'll want me to stay. 🎶
You and Lorenzo sat on the floor of your room, a box of half a pizza and a near empty bottle of wine next to you. Music played from the speaker on your phone. You threw your head back in laughter, clutching your sore sides. Lorenzo grinned at you. He couldn't help but melt at the sound of your laugh. It was like sunshine, warming him from the inside out. And he loved being the reason you were laughing.
"Stop it! You're gonna mess it up!" You gasped, trying to catch your breath. You took Lorenzo's outstretched hand in yours, picking back up the nail polish brush. You bent your head over his hand, trying to concentate on your task.
Lorenzo couldn't help but admire you as he watched you. He had stopped trying to deny to himself that he had fallen completetly in love with his best friend. How could he not? You were funny, kind, and beautiful. He loved spending time with you and missed you terribly whenever you weren't around. You just made everything feel a little brighter for him.
🎶 I think he knows he better lock it down, or I won't stick around 'cause good ones never wait 🎶
The sound of your voice snapped him out of his enamored trance: "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Enzo felt his face flush and he turned his head. His hand was still held in yours.
"Just thinking." He hummed. You returned your attention back to his hands.
"About?" You inquired. You put the finishing touches on his right hand, switching to his left. He shrugged in response.
"I guess I've just been thinking about you a lot lately."
Now it was your turn to blush, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks.
Silence hangs in the air between the two of you for a moment.
"If I say something can you promise me we'll still be friends?"
You dropped his hand. "Well now you're making me nervous Enzo."
🎶 He got that boyish look that I like in a man 🎶
"Do you every think we could be something more than friends?" He leaned forward, searching your face for a reaction. Trying to see if he had misread things, if he was pushing too far. Your eyes met his and you leaned forward too.
🎶 I am an architect, I'm drawing up the plans 🎶
"More than friends, Enzo?" You smirked, a mischevious glint in your eye. "But I thought we were already best friends?"
"More than best friends." His voice was barely a whisper. He smirked back at you, leaning even closer. His eyes flicked down to your lips and then back at you.
"Lorenzo Berkshire are you asking me out?"
🎶 He's so obsessed with me and boy I understand. Boy I understand. 🎶
"That depends," he chuckles softly, "on if you're going to say yes."
"And if I say yes?"
"Then my next question is: Can I kiss you?"
🎶 He got my heartbeat skipping down 16th avenue, got that oh! I mean- 🎶
You leaned forward, closing the gap and capturing his lips with yours. His lips were soft against yours. Yours tasted like cherry chapstick, he thought to himself. When the two of you broke apart you rested your foreheads together.
"God I've been waiting so long to do that." He breathed.
"What took you so long?" You teased.
🎶 Wanna see what's under that attitude 🎶
Lorenzo sat back very suddenly, looking offended. "Well I'm sorry." He crossed his arms across his chest, "You could've pulled your weight a bit more."
You laughed again, that throw-your-head-back cackle that had Lorenzo grinning like a lovesick fool.
🎶 Like, I want you, bless my soul 🎶
"Now look what you did." You scolded, taking his hand in yours. "After all of my hard work and you messed them up!" His nail polish was smudged.
Lorenzo just shook his head at you but sat still while you repainted his nails.
"So Berkshire, where are you taking me for our first date?"
🎶 And I ain't gotta tell him I think he knows 🎶
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jake-g-lockley · 1 year
hi! i saw joel miller but only if i ask nicely so pretty pretty please joel miller and prompt #19
Falling Into Place (Joel Miller x reader)
Masterlist | Wanna be tagged?
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Prompt: ARGUING!!! Then a heated “kiss me.” and suddenly their hands are all over each other. 
A/N: Hey there nonnie! Thank you so much for the ask! I’m so sorry this took so long ahahah, I was a little stuck with Joel ngl. I hope you don’t mind me changing the prompt a little bit cuz I’ve written this prompt too many times hahahah. Anyway, here’s sweet and soft Joel, enough to warm your heart and brain. (Also a little thank you to @lil-stark and @campingwiththecharmings for aiding in my quest for fluffy goodness). 
Warnings: MDNI, smut, very public sex, fingering, unprotected p in v, biting and marking, Joel is a lil thief, alcohol is involved, pre-outbreak. 
Word Count: 3.9 k
You don’t really know how you became friends with Joel Miller. 
It feels a little out of place whenever you hang out with the tall, dark and handsome man and you can’t help but feel like he’d much rather chat with his buddies over some beer. 
You had asked him to help you out when you moved into the neighbourhood, and he used his carpentry skills to build you a new shelf that you had designed. You babysitting (or teenage sitting) Sarah certainly drew the both of you closer and Joel found it absolutely endearing when Sarah wanted to spend more time with you. You found yourself keening towards his senses of humour and sarcasm, your heart warming at the way he treated his daughter. 
Joel Miller was most definitely your type, his brown curls and matured face made you feel things that you wanted to thoroughly forget. You knew he had a heart of gold and a smile to match, but it only made you fall into a deeper hole, one that you knew was going to take forever to dig yourself out of. So you kept it strictly platonic with Joel, building a friendship like no other with him, stuffing all of your feelings for him in a bag and throwing it into your box of problems you want to put away. 
In your horrible efforts to stuff your feelings for Joel away, you didn’t notice how head over heels in love with you he was. Joel looked at you as if you brought the sun with you wherever you went, his entire demeanour changing whenever you were around. Sarah, the ever attentive daughter sat and watched as her father failed at trying to convey his feelings. 
The first time she pointed it out, Joel got defensive. 
“Come on, you’d have to be blind if you think we all don’t notice!” Sarah sighed as her father furiously shook his head.
“Who’s ‘we all’ ?” Joel grumbled, his eyes shifting to his brother who at that second decided that it would be a great time to go for a drive. 
After a while of denying, Joel caved hard and decided to ask Sarah for help. He was afraid. The last thing he wanted was to lose a woman like you. 
“You’re already doing everything right, Dad. You now just have to find out whether he feels the same.” Sarah said over dinner one day.
For weeks he had been trying to figure out what to do, until one day when you and he went to pick Sarah from school.
“Dad, I need you to sign the consent form for the camping trip.” Sarah said before Joel could even pull out of the parking lot.
“Oh! A camping trip! You’re gonna have so much fun, Sarah.”you piped up before Joel even thought of digressing.
“Do you like camping?” Sarah asked, resting her arms on the seats in front of her, her curly hair brushing your temple.
“Hmm, I’m more of a picnic girl, you know, food in the sunshine with a soft fluffy blanket under you.” You say nonchalantly and Sarah smiled.
A thought crossed her mind and she looked into the rear view mirror, only to see her father staring at her, wide-eyed. Sometimes Sarah wondered whether her dad knew what she was thinking, but this moment just confirmed that the two of them shared the same brain cell. Her smile widened and Joel shook his head slightly, trying not to draw your attention. 
Sarah sat back into the back seat, her arms folded as she contained her excitement. All she had to do now is to convince Joel to let her do the planning. 
Joel took a deep breath as he loaded the last of the things into his truck, covering them with an inconspicuous tarp so that you wouldn’t guess what he was up to. He smoothed down the clothes Sarah had picked out for him and started for your front door. His nerves were already on edge. He knew that you would come with him, but it was more the matter of whether you liked what he and Sarah had planned for you. 
Sarah gave him some last minute tips before leaving for camp the day before. She threatened him that he wouldn’t see the light if he didn’t open his mouth and confessed to you over the picnic. 
“You are coming back with a girlfriend, old man. If not, you are not coming back at all.” she had huffed, folding the blanket that she picked out for him. 
His hand shook slightly as he raised it to ring the doorbell, waiting with baited breath until he heard your footsteps. You swung the door open and beamed at him, the morning fog and the dim lighting kickstarting Joel’s worn out heart as he stares at you. Your hair was in a bird’s nest style and you brought your hands to the top of your head to attempt to tame it. Joel started to dissociate, wondering whether he could experience this hairstyle first hand every morning. 
“Joel?” Your voice brought him back from his little daydream and he smiled softly at you.
“Meet me at my place in about 20 minutes, I’m taking you somewhere. Wear something comfortable.” He blurted out before his nervousness took over and spoiled everything. 
You stared at the man before you. He looked different, cuter. His dressing style was slightly different, and you wondered what the occasion was. He was wearing a white t-shirt with his jeans but he had a navy blue button down shirt that he used as a jacket and you couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked. 
You nodded and closed the door, running for your room as soon as you heard him descending the patio. You were there in 15 minutes, the fastest you’d ever gotten ready. Joel opened the door as soon as you knocked, only to be absolutely blown away from the dress you were wearing. You had chosen your favourite simple white sundress with puffed sleeves and accessorised with a pretty navy blue bow in your hair. Your burgundy lipstick topped everything off and Joel was in absolute awe, making you look up at him curiously.  
It wasn’t the inconspicuous tarp in the back of his truck that made you think Joel Miller was going to kidnap you and kill you, it was when he handed you a blindfold and a pair of headphones. 
“Please, I know this is weird but you have to trust me.” He pleaded, his brown eyes big.
Those eyes were going to get you killed one day. You gave in and put it on. Joel drove for a few minutes and then he stopped, tapping your hand reassuringly. You decided to trust him, he had nothing but purity in his eyes when he looked at you. Besides what was the worst that could happen? 
Joel’s hand wrapped around your wrist after a while, startling you. He gently removed the headphones and took your hand in his. 
“Alright, it’s ready, I’m going to walk you out of the truck, ‘kay?” He whispered and you nodded. 
You followed him as he pulled you out, your heels settling on what seemed like grass. He walked you a distance away from the car and when he stopped, he gently tugged at the blindfold, letting it fall and revealing his surprise. As your eyes adjust to the light, you’re absolutely stunned. Before you lay a large blanket with pillows and a large picnic basket. Food, fruits and alcohol poked out of the basket and the scenery was absolutely delightful. 
You turned to Joel in shock and he was chewing his bottom lip in anticipation for your reaction. He looked so beautiful like this, the green grass giving him a perfect backdrop. 
“Shit Joel! This is beautiful!” You squealed, stumbling towards him for a hug. 
Joel was smiling so hard that he didn’t realise that you were hugging him. He found himself melting into your soft grasp, soaking up the way you held him. He took hold of your hand and guided you onto the blanket, watching as you sat down and tucked the hem of your dress under your legs. He followed suit and began to dish out food and wine for you. The both of you talked and drank, totally oblivious to the rest of the world as the sun rose higher and higher into the sky. 
The both of you were considerably tipsy as the wine from the wine bottles evaporated quickly. Joel was fully laying down, a glass of wine balancing on his wide chest. You glanced at the hot Texan sun and reached into your bag, pulling out your bottle of sunscreen to reapply. You were lathering the product all over your arms when you noticed Joel was looking at you, his nose scrunched up and lips pursed as if he were going to say something. 
“What? Want some?” you ask, holding out the bottle. 
“Pft sunscreen? Please, I'm a man.” Joel scoffed, downing the rest of his wine and setting the glass side. 
You raised your eyebrow at him as if he said something absolutely ridiculous. 
“Well the sun is non discriminatory and it doesn’t care what gender you are, it still will give you skin cancer!” you say, wiggling the bottle over his face. 
Joel rolled his eyes and you decided to take matters into your own hands. You put a blob of sunscreen on your finger and try to swipe it on his face, only to have Joel dodge you. He grabbed your hands with a laugh and tried to take the bottle away from you but when he did, he stumbled and pushed you down, landing on top of you and pinning you down. He snatches the bottle of sunscreen with a grin but your determination got the best of you. 
In your sundress, you flip Joel over and he lands on his back with a thud and a light groan. His eyes widened as you sat properly on his chest, pinning his arms down with your legs. Joel felt something steer in him as he gulped and suddenly he didn’t care about the sunscreen, not even the smug look on your face as you began to put the sunscreen on his face. He watched as you slowly let go of his arms, raising his arms to rub sunscreen on them and once he felt like your guard was let down, he decided to strike. 
You then found yourself staring up at Joel, your hair splayed everywhere and your breathing quickening. Joel was on his knees, bracketing your body, his hands on either side of your head. 
“You're gonna pay for that, sweetheart.” Joel huffed. 
“A little sunscreen hurting the big bad man? Boo hoo dummy!” You say, despite how fast your heart was racing at the term of endearment leaving his lips. 
“You're the one who's scared of the sun!!” 
“You clearly don’t read, Joel Miller!”
“Right as if you can read anything, pretty girl.”
Before you could register what Joel meant, he dives down and his lips are suddenly connected with yours, effectively silencing you. He kisses you hard, his hand cupping your cheek as you arched your back so that your chest pressed against his, kissing him back with equal fervour. He pulled back after a few seconds, and his lips were as red as his pretty cheeks, tainted with your burgundy lipstick. 
You huffed out a few puffs of breath before saying the only thing that came to your drunk-addled mind. 
“I thought manly men hated girly girl things. Why the hell are you wearing my lipstick then?” 
Joel was taken aback by your reaction, clearly not expecting how nonchalant you were. You reached up and touched his lips, swiping the plump pout and showing him the transfer with a grin. Joel smiled but suddenly a wave of insecurity rushed over him, evident on his face.
“What’s wrong, Joel.” you say quickly, wondering if your little joke rubbed him wrong. 
 “Are we doing this because we're drunk?” he whispered, peering down at you. 
The panic instantly faded from your body, replaced with quaint relief. 
“Joel, you big dummy, I’ve been wanting to kiss you since forever. I promise that I’d do it again and again as sober as a judge.” Your words brought a relieved grin on Joel’s face.
You slid your hands to his chest and gently pushed him off you, patting the space beside you.
“Lay down, let me show you.” you whisper.
He obeys, guiding you as you straddle his body once again. You frame his face with your hands, gently carding your fingers through his curls, twisting them slightly, enjoying how his eyes flutter slightly. 
“Here’s that brilliant brain of yours, bringing my ideas to life.” You whispered, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. 
“These beautiful lines hold so many memories and I hope to make more with you.” you kiss the crows feet at the edges of his eyes. 
“I’ve always wanted to pinch your cheeks, so full of life.” you kissed his bouncy cheeks before pinching them gently. 
“Your adorable ears, the ones that listen to me ramble without fail.” you kiss both of his ears and Joel melts further into the blanket below him. 
“Your chocolate eyes, better than any delectable treat I can dream of.” you left feathery kisses on his eyelids.
“Your amazing lips, carrying your beautiful smile and your even more beautiful words.” you kiss his chin and his lips. 
Then you slowly traced his nose with the palm of your hand, your fingers tickled by his eyelashes on either side. You bend down and gently kiss the tip of his nose, before nipping it slightly with your teeth, giggling. You pulled away to see the radiant smile on Joel’s face, which had lighted up like a firework. 
“Wait, what about my nose?” he whispered, and you couldn’t help but blush and grin shyly.
“You’ll find out later.” you whispered back and Joel felt a rush like no other as his cheeks heated up too. 
Joel brings his head up and kisses you, pushing you and turning slightly, so that the both of you are on your sides. His hands gripped at your hips hard before coiling around your waist and pulling you ever so close, crushing every bone that existed in your body. You whine into the kiss, your arm looped itself around his neck and your free hand combs up his soft curls for purchase. 
Joel surprises you by biting your bottom lip and tugging it slightly, pulling a gut wrenching moan from you. Joel went back to kissing you, licking into your mouth as he desperately felt the urge to hear that sound again. He pushes you down fully and breaks the kiss, kissing your chin before planting kisses as soft as cotton onto your neck. 
You arched your back again and Joel took his chance to attack. He started his assault on your neck, kissing, biting and sucking in a pattern that had you writhing against him, grinding his hips down to meet yours. His hands couldn’t seem to let go of you, as if he was absolutely hopeless without the feeling of you. Your hands bunched up the back of his navy shirt, crumpling the material as you fisted it hard. The sounds that escaped your lips made Joel growl against your neck, at the same time where the bulge at his jeans caught your heated core, which made you gasp. Joel pulls away at the sound of your gasp and you look up at him with wide eyes. You had the words at the tip of your tongue but you had difficulty conveying it with how you were breathing. 
Joel looked down your body, to where your dress had hiked up, exposing a lovely lacey thing that covered you. The strain at his jeans grew more tight and his heart and mind raced. 
“Joel, I need it. I need you, please, baby. Give me whatever you have.” you whisper, clutching at your chest.
“Fuck, sweetheart, let me take care of you.” He groans, shifting you slightly so that his body shielded you. 
He pulled your dress up a little more before sliding his hands down your body, taking in the curve of your figure and the plush of your skin. He cupped his hand at your mound and you whined, bucking your hips up to meet his hand as his other hand snapped the band of your panties at your hip bone. 
“Shh, baby, relax.” He whispered before lifting your hips and pulling your panties down before stuffing them into his back pocket.
You keened as the outdoor air hit your already soaking pussy. Joel dipped his finger in your folds, absolutely mesmerised by how wet you were already. 
“Good lord, you’re already dripping and I haven’t even properly had my way with you.”  He pushes one finger through and you swear you almost lost consciousness with how you let the air escape your lungs.
“Joel, please.” You needed something else or else you were going to lose it like a mad woman.
“Patience, pretty girl. I need to stretch you open first, don’t know if it's gonna fit in your perfect pussy.” Joel purrs as he inserts another finger and pumps them in and out, your slick making it easy. 
You bit down hard on your bottom lip, breathing hard and Joel immediately chastised you.
“Nuh uh, sweetheart I need to hear you, let go of that lip, that's right.” his Southern drawl makes your mouth drop open and the symphony of noise starts again. 
He hooks his fingers and hits that perfect spot, arousal bubbling hard at your abdomen as your back arches off the blanket and your chest puffs out. You were absolutely turned on by the situation, having your first with Joel out in broad daylight. One of your tits jiggle out of the confines of your low cut dress, making Joel grin down at you, letting his free hand slide and capture it, squeezing down at the pressure in which he hits your g-spot again. 
“So fucking beautiful, wanted you for so long, angel.” He moans, pulling his fingers out and slipping them into his mouth as your hands undo his belt and his jeans. 
Your eyes stayed on his as he sucked your arousal off his fingers. He spit onto his hand before taking over and pulling his cock out of boxers. You gaped at the size of him and realised that he wasn’t just bragging when he said that it’d be a tight fit. He fisted his hardened member a few times, tipping his head back as he squeezed the tip a little. 
“Baby, I don’t have a condom.” He says and you swear your whole demeanour lights up.
You realised that he truly didn’t intend for this to happen and he wanted you to enjoy your picnic. He certainly wasn’t complaining now with how hard his cock is and you weren’t either as your pussy clenched around nothing. 
“That’s ok, I want to feel you. Only if you’re okay with it.” You tell him shyly and Joel swore that Christmas had come early for him. 
He nodded silently and he braced himself with his arm as he pushed himself against your entrance, running his cock up and down your slit, catching your clit a few times. 
“Inside, Joel, want you to fill me up, with your cock, your cum, your everything.” You slurred slightly the arousal making you stupid and all you could think of was getting your fix from the handsome man above you. 
Joel slips inside you with a groan and you hiss at the burn. You’ve never had someone so big and your eyes teared at the stretch. Joel, as attentive as ever, stopped in his tracks, his eyes searching yours. He was terrified, terrified of hurting you as he speared you hard. 
“It's ok Joel, it’ll be ok, move baby.” You smoothed your hand up and down his arm and he obliged. 
Your movements stopped and you were now gripping hard at his biceps as Joel slowly bottoms out, grinding as his pubic hair tickled your clit. You were absolutely dizzy with delight, your head lolling as you smiled up at Joel. 
“Not gonna last, your pussy’s so tight.” He breaths. 
“We come together, baby.” You urged as the sting dissipates and the pleasure waves started coming in. 
At first Joel had control, the slow drag of his cock creating the most beautiful feeling in you. You felt so close like this, with him in you, your pleasure morphing into the feelings that you had pushed away, making you realise that you actually love this man. 
It was when Joel’s thumb found your clit when all hell broke loose. He started pistoning his hips, his free hand finding your wrists and pinning them over your head. You pulled your wrist out of his grasp as he fucked into you faster before lacing your fingers with his. 
“Ungh, Joel, just like that, ungh, fuck me, fuck me, fuck, ungh.” You babbled as your grip tightened. 
Joel could almost cry at how beautifully you were taking him, your whole body shaking as your moans echoed with his grunts in the empty valley. His thrusts were on the cusp of being sloppy as he felt his pleasure catch up with him. His thumb at your clit was a little too much and the bubbling pleasure boiled over as drool seeped from your mouth. 
Joel licked your saliva and kissed you hard as you came undone, breaking it off to see your face contort as you came hard, your arousal gushing around his cock. Just at the sight of you cumming, Joel’s pleasure got the best of him and he thrusted hard, pumping a generous load of cum deep inside of you as you milked him with how your pussy was still clenching hard. 
“Fuck, I love you! Pretty, pretty sweetheart, all mine.” Joel babbled too and the words hit you like a truck, prolonging your orgasm. 
Joel slumped against you, kissing your neck softly as the both of you basked in the sun and the glow of the mind altering sex. 
“I can’t believe you kissed me.” You say out loud and Joel brings his face out of your neck, an exasperated look adorning his handsome features. 
“You’re telling me that I stuffed you full of my cum, told you I love you and you’re still thinking about the kiss, darling?” He huffed and your face blazed at his dirty mouth.
“T’was a good kiss.” You mumbled as Joel laughed and grabbed a few napkins before gently pulling out. 
“I love you too, by the way.” You say and Joel’s cheeks flushed pink. 
He bent down and kissed your forehead, nose and lips before cleaning you up. 
“Why don’t I clean you up and we can go home and I’ll show you how good I kiss you and how much I love you. Maybe I can put my nose to use this time.” He winked at you as he pulled your dress back into place, casually forgetting to return your panties. 
Your face heated up as he gathered you in his arms and walked you to his truck, finally feeling like you had found your true home. 
Tagging: @wolfbook87 @bodhisattva11 @nyotamalfoy @whatsliferightnow @minigirl87 @alexxavicry @marygraceee @bloodredwolfsbane @euphoricosmo @violet-19999 @celiaswife @kierramofficial @ryebreadsworld @your-voice-is-mellifluous @lil-stark @absolutelybloodyhopeless @mintpurplemnm @bubblezuku @cookielovesbook-akie @mandoloriancookie @magic-schoolbusdropout @anony-muse @anonymously35 @nerdreader
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angelsbless · 2 months
Hihi! I saw the ‘Mashle characters and talking about them romantically’ you wrote and was wondering if you could do it for Dot maybe ???
There’s a HUGE lacking of stuff for him in my opinion and he’s just a goober
FINALLY BACK TO BLOG SO...YES!! OF COURSE!! I'M SO SORRY FOR BRING SO LATE HON 🙏🏻. i mean i read mashle scenarios often and i rarely see something about Dot. He's got so much potential fr! Here you go i hope you like it dear 🤍.
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How would mashle characters react if they heard you talking about them romantically.
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So you asked Lance to go out with you to help you shop for a gift, and of course it was for Dot since you didn't know what he would like and even if Lance hated to admit it, he spent most of his time with him so it was the ideal person to help you.
As you walked with Lance Looking around the town, Dot coincidentally sees you two and he felt his heart ach as he decided to follow you to get better context of what's going on.
Entering shops with Lance and looking for items while happily giggling and smiling, Dot felt sadness rush into him as he watched the two of you from afar. It used to be him, the one you hang out with the most, the one you always talked to, the one who sees that beautiful smile of yours and makes you giggle all the time. He thought he was special to you, as you always tend to take care of him and comfort him, He thought.....you liked him
That's at least what he was thinking, he did like you too and was planning on how to confess, he liked you quite a lot and he only realized it now.
As you and Lance were done with shopping, you decided to stop by a cafe so you could treat him and thank him for spending his precious time helping you, he refused to be treated by you as he said that he would gladly help you anytime, but couldn't resist when he saw how persistent you were.
As you two sit at a table enjoying the crêpes and the milk chocolate you ordered, Dot sat at a table near you to hear you conversation better.
" Lance, do you think he will like it? I really hope he does i wanna make him happy"
" that idiot would be in heaven just at the thought of you buying him something, and if he doesn't like it, i'll obviously smack him, what do you even see in him"
Dot was confused, he didn't know who you were talking about so he had to listen carefully to the rest of the convo.
" Don't say that Lance, i know that you have a soft spot for him as well, to be honest, i really like Dot, he brings me cheerfulness and he's a sunshine, i can't even think of being sad next to him, and he's so precious, he always protects me even by his life, i feel safe with him, i wanna be his safe place as well "
"eh, she...likes me..she thinks of me this way...i..i" Dot was thinking to himself as he felt a few tears dropping, he couldn't help but get up and go straight up to you and embrace you in the tightest, most gentle hug.
" i love you, i love you so much, thank you, thank you for thinking about gifting me gifting me something, you're the best gift i could ever ask for, would you be my girlfriend "
You were surprised but still hugs him back and caresses his back gently as you said.
" of course Dot, i love you too "
So, this is my first headcanon after not writing for almost 3 months, i hope i didn't lose my touch, and i'm officially back now since i'm done with the university's inscription and entrance exam, requests are open for you angels, luv you guys 🤍🤍
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nycbaby21 · 1 year
Jamie Drysdale Imagine
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Wedding date w/ Jamie
Word count: 2,636
“ Thank you again for doing this Jamie. You are my literal lifesaver,” I exclaim propping my phone between my cheek and shoulder while swiping through the clothing racks trying to find something. I was trying to find something to wear to a wedding this weekend for a friend. “Yeah, no problem Y/n. It’s not like I’m doing anything here,” he says and I can’t help but feel bad for him. After being told he couldn’t play for the rest of the season, I’ve been trying to spend as much time with Jamie while Trevor was gone so he wasn’t lonely. “I’m sorry J,” I whisper wondering if I shouldn’t have even asked him to go. “Hey look no way don’t feel bad okay, and if anything you’re a lifesaver for getting me out of this house,” his words make me feel a little bit better.
“Okay well if you are still sure you are up to going wanna meet around five tomorrow. I know it’s kinda a drive and with traffic we should probably leave a little early,” I say pulling a navy blue dress off the rack. “Yeah, five sounds great. Are you still cool with driving, I mean I would but,” he started and kind of faded out. “Of course J. It’s about time I gave someone else the role of passenger princess right,” I laugh joking about the nickname Trevor gave me. He laughed and even though I couldn’t see it I knew he was blushing. The thought of that brought a smile to my face.
In the time I’ve known the guys I have always known that they were attractive guys, anyone with eyes could tell that. I only started to realize that maybe it was more than just a simple attraction when Jamie got hurt. Seeing him go down like that and not being able to do anything about it nearly killed me. And even though he would never admit it, I know he gets lonely when Trev is away on roadies. So anytime I could either I would go there or pick him up and we’d go back to mine when he needed a change of scenery I did.
After hanging up with him and buying the dress I head home to get everything together for tomorrow. An old friend from high school was getting married and at the time I had a boyfriend for my plus one. Not too long after that, I found out he was going behind my back with who I thought was my best friend. After hours of crying on the couch between Trevor and Jamie, he volunteered to take me. Now thinking back on it, that was the moment I started to see him as more than just a friend. He was the kindest person I had ever met before. He is like sunshine in human form. I couldn’t help but secretly wish for something to happen between us tomorrow night. As I drifted to sleep I thought about only one thing, Jamie.
With one final sweep of the house and making sure I had everything I needed, I checked the hall mirror on my way out and smiled at my reflection. I looked nice. I haven’t been this dressed up in a long time so seeing myself all dolled up, I couldn’t help but wonder if Jamie would agree. I threw my bag in the back seat with my extra clothes seeing as I was just gonna stay with Jamie tonight rather than driving all the way back home.
I waited in the car after texting him that I was there for about five minutes before I got out and went up to the door. Knocking I waited for an answer and never got one. Panic filled my body as I worried if he was hurt or something had happened to him, I tried the doorknob and thankfully it opened with ease. Running as fast as I could with the hells I had on, I searched the house for Jamie. Finally, I found him in his room which looked like a tornado had come through it.
“I never want to hear a word from you again about how my room looks while trying to find an outfit again,” I laugh my nerves finally settling after seeing the raven-haired boy was okay. He snapped his head towards me and his bright blue eyes landed on my face but quickly dropped down looking at my entire body. I blushed at the soft look he had on his face and realizing how long he had been staring he finally met my eyes. “Yeah well, I had no idea what to wear. I’ve been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half because I just knew you were going to look so good and I needed to try and match up,” he said like it was the hardest thing he had to ever do.
I stood there for a second trying to figure out if I had heard him right. “And of course I was right, you look absolutely stunning Y/n,” he says softly finally standing up from his spot on his bed. The blush on my cheeks was intensifying and I could feel the warmth spread all throughout my body. Gently shaking my head and meeting him in the middle of his room, I reach up and help him with the undone tie around his neck. Slowly pulling and adjusting the fabric until it lay just right on his chest. I smoothed it down with my hand one final time and finally dared to make eye contact. “Why thank you, Jimmy. I think you look very handsome,” I whisper staying close to him for a few more seconds before finally pulling away. It was like both of us forgot how to breathe and only remembered when we put a little distance between us. I was glad that my face wasn’t the only flushed one in the room. Maybe my feelings weren’t as one-sided as I thought.
The wedding was just plain gorgeous, like a scene straight out of a fairytale. I didn’t want to think about how romantic it was, and how badly I wanted nothing more than to just grab Jamie’s adorable face and kiss it. The whole car ride over I made a pros and cons list of letting him know how I really felt about him. So far the cons were winning. I couldn’t help but notice all these girls, almost supermodel types, staring and smiling at him like he was fair game. And the worst part was that he was fair game, that is unless I can conjure up enough courage to actually do something about it. Looking over at the bar I contemplated grabbing a drink, thinking liquid courage would help. I knew I couldn’t do that because I was driving and if someone got drunk to tell me they had feelings for me I wouldn’t believe them.
Sighing I look out at the dance floor and see it flooded with happy couples laughing and looking at each other all in love and I wanted to cry. Ever since my breakup, I had been having trouble thinking anyone would actually want to be with me. At that moment I decided the cons had won and I was just going to swallow my feelings. There was no way he felt the same way and I didn’t want to ruin our friendship on that. If I wasn’t good enough for a douchebag guy who cheats, how could I be enough for a sweet guy like Jamie? He was just being nice to me and happy to be around someone rather than being alone all the time.
“Do you wanna dance,” Jamie asked snapping me out of my self-deprecating thoughts. My eyes drifted from the dance floor to meet his. “We don’t have to J. I know you agreed to come tonight to be a good friend and save me the embarrassment.” My words made his whole face drop and my stomach with it. He looked so sad and defeated. “Get up,” he said sternly and stood up holding his hand out for me to take. I looked up at him watching his expression turn serious and when I didn’t immediately take his hand he raised an eyebrow at me. Sensing I wasn’t going to win this little staring contest we were having I slowly rose and accepted his hand.
This wasn’t the first time I had held hands with Jamie. When we were in a crowded bar he would reach back and lace our fingers so I wouldn’t get separated from them, that time when he was scared before his surgery and needed something to ground him, or when I was terrified of the movie Trevor insisted on watching last movie night. This time felt different. As he dragged me out onto the dance floor, I couldn’t help but notice the stares from the girls before. A small part of me was happy that it was me out here with him and not them. Finally settling in the back corner of the dance floor he turned facing me. He had just been cleared to take off his sling so he used both of his arms to encircle around my waist pulling me close.
With my arms reaching up and connecting behind his neck, I tried to look everywhere in the room but his eyes. “Would you please look at me,” he whispered. The sad tone of his voice made me feel terrible for being the cause of it. It wasn’t Jamie’s fault I was feeling the way I was, so why was I treating him like it was. When I finally did, his eyes quickly scanned my face before landing on my lips. “I didn’t come here to save you from embarrassment and be a good guy Y/n. My reasoning for coming here was actually totally selfish,” he started and I gave him a questioning look and tried to ask him what he was talking about. He quickly started again,” I agreed to come tonight because I wanted you to see me. Not as your good pal Jimmy, not as the guy you cry to about boys, and especially not the Jamie who you had to babysit after everything that happened.”
“What do you mean J? Of course I see you, how could I not,” I question shaking my head. It’s me this time who doesn’t let him talk launching into my next sentence. “When I look at you I do see my friend, my shoulder to cry on, and the person I kept company all those nights. But do you know what else I see,” I ask him. He shakes his head his blue eyes mixed with fear and hope at the same time. Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes I say,” The guy who drops everything to make sure I am okay and comfortable in any situation. The guy who can make any shitty day go away just by simply smiling at me. The guy who has become such a huge part of my life in such a short amount of time. I see the guy who I have helplessly fallen for.” After the whole speech and not hearing a response I cautiously open my eyes. This is the first time I can’t tell what his facial expressions mean. His grip on my waist loosens and I take that and his silence as an answer that I read the situation wrong.
With tears filling up my eyes I quickly excuse myself rushing through the crowd of people apologizing for bumping into a few of them. When I finally make it outside I can breathe again. I feel a cold drop hit my hot skin, red from the embarrassment, and turn my gaze to the night sky above me. More raindrops begin to fall and they increase in speed and size. Within seconds it is full-on pouring outside. The drops of rain quickly mix with my tears and I can’t tell them apart.  I try and gather myself up enough to get through the car ride home. The door to the venue closing alerts me that I am no longer alone. I didn’t even have to turn around to know who it was.
“Y/n come back inside. It pouring out here and you’re gonna get sick,” he yells over the rain. I turn around hugging myself trying to keep the little body warmth I had against the cold rain. I shake my head and plant myself in that spot. I can see the wheels turning in his head and can’t help but awe at the little pout that he sported. He ripped off his jacket, tossed it on the ground, and rushed out meeting me where I stood. “What are you doing Jamie,” I ask trying to back away from him, but failing as he wraps one hand around my wrist. “Ask me,” he started and then looked over me waiting for something. I stared at him with confusion,” Ask you what Jamie?” He wiped some of the water off his face and said,” Ask me how I look at you.”
I tried to pull away but he just held onto me tighter, but not tight enough to hurt me. “I don’t want to ask you because I’m scared to know the answer.” My words were true. Even if logically it was so clear that he shared my feelings, some broken part of me refused to believe it. “Y/n I look at you and see my person. The one I want to come home to at the end of the day and tell all about it. The person I want to tell all my good news and hold me while I tell you my bad news. The person who I want to care about and appreciate. I see the person who I fell in love with,” he started talking loudly and his voice lowered with each word he said. I stood there soaked from the rain and couldn’t believe what I had just heard. I knew nothing I said could compare to his words so I chose actions over words.
Tugging my wrist from his grasp I throw my arms around his neck pulling his face towards mine until they meet. He wasted no time leaning into the kiss hands sliding down my body just to settle on my waist like they did before. But this time he pulled me closer to where our bodies were smushed together. All the pining and longing feelings pushed the kiss to become so intense and passionate. I let my hands wander up the back of his neck and settle in his wet hair. Running my fingers through it he let out a small sound when I hit a knot. We pulled apart but only enough to rest our foreheads together and catch our breath.
I start laughing and Jamie looks at me with a confused face but with a permanent smile plastered to it. “I cannot believe I just had my first ever romcom moment in real life,” I say running my hands down his neck and up to his cheeks. He laughs with me and leans in to kiss me again. This time it was slow and patient, like he had been with me all this time. The kiss was filled with so much love and I couldn’t help but smile through it. “Man Trevor is gonna give us so much shit for this,” I giggle finally pulling us out of the rain and back onto the patio-covered roof. As Jamie’s thumbs wipe the water off my cheeks he leans down and says,” So worth it,” while pulling me back into a kiss.
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bbyquokka · 2 years
— reunited
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→ PAIRING: Lee Felix x fem!reader
→ GENRE: idol!au | fluff | smut — MDNI!
→ SYNOPSIS: you and felix get reunited after two years of not seeing each other
→ WARNINGS: smut | established relationship | long distance relationship | voice kink | clit play | fingering
→ WORDS: 3.1k
→ requested by anon
Feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
→ m.list — → you can also read it on my ao3
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A soft, sad sigh leaves your lips. Your phone extended out in your hand, back flush against the mattress of your bed. You're scrolling through your social media, specifically twitter.
Many STAYS have at you, sharing their pictures and videos of their night at the skz concert. Many of them are pictures and videos of Felix, your current boyfriend. You click on a video someone kindly shared, laughing softly as you see Felix's face scrunched up, tears filling his eyes as his bottom lip sticks out in a pout.
He's looking at STAYS, who surprised skz by singing one of their songs. The camera pans to Felix to which he says into his mic " I'm not crying!" You laugh softly, knowing full well he was on the verge of breaking down into soft sobs. 
You look through the photos, your heart feeling heavy. You haven't seen Felix in a year, coming up to two due to distance. He's currently away on tour. He's been very excited about the whole ordeal. He loves performing, loves seeing the many faces of stays light up; it's the highlight of his nights
You feel jealous; jealous of all the stays that get to see him, speak to him and touch him. you'd do anything to see him again, to touch his silky smooth skin, to hear his deep, velvety voice. To feel his warmth, to get lost in the feeling of love and want.
"Ah, this sucks." You whisper, tears falling down your cheeks slowly, "I just want to see my baby." 
As if on cue, your phone buzzes, Chan's contact popping up. You frown, sitting up and answering, putting him on loudspeaker.
"Chan?" you question, feeling somewhat anxious as to why he is calling you. Has something happened to Felix? Is he hurt? Been in an acci–
"Oh! Hey, y/n!" Chan's voice was unusually happy – excited.
"Uh, what's up?" 
"Wanna come to Korea and watch us perform?" Chan is quick to the point. You blink, heart picking up in pace, thumping against your ribcage. Come to Korea? Where felix currently is? 
"Of course!" Chan chuckles at your eagerness, a burst of excitement bubbling in your stomach.
"Thought you might, which is why I've already paid for your tickets and plane ride. Be at the airport in one hour, your flight leaves soon." 
"Wait, wait, wait! What do you mean??" Your eyes widening.
"I'm flying you to us, y/n. Look, I care about Felix a lot and I can see how much it's ripping him apart not seeing you. He tries his best to hide it but he's a sensitive soul. The longer time goes on, the more he misses you. Have you not seen his bubble messages?" 
You have. Felix has been a little down lately, saying he misses you and wishes to see you again as well as telling stays to always treasure the person they love, spend time with them. Stays know about your relationship and during Felix's low phases, they always message you directly or at you to make sure you're also okay.
And whilst you say you're okay, truthfully, you're not. The longer you go without him, the more you see photos of him, the more the ache in your heart expands. Sometimes, it feels suffocating to the point where you find yourself crying at night, pining for the one person who can make all your worries disappear with just one touch.
"Are you sure, Chan? I mean, I can pay you back." 
"No! Don't. I don't want anything, I just want to see my sunshine be; well, happy again."
"Chan…" A lump in your throat forming as tears fall down your cheeks, "I don't… I don't know what to say."
"I'm not looking for a thank you or anything like that, just, get your ass here and make Felix happy again." He laughs softly to which you giggle through your sobs. You hang up, rushing to your feet to pack your suitcase, hands shaking with adrenaline as you gather clothes, toiletries, charging cables and stuff them all in your case.
After almost two years, you're finally seeing your lover; and you couldn't be any more excited! 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"So, how are we doing this?" You have been in Korea for a few days now. The boys giving you a chance to settle and get over your jet lag. Tonight is the night that you will be 'revealing' yourself.
"How about we bring you up on stage?" Seungmin suggests. You and the boys, along with the tech team, are planning on how you're going to surprise Felix. 
"Not a bad idea." Jeongin hums, "But we all know Felix. We will bring her up on stage and he will want her on stage 24/7." You laugh softly, knowing Jeongin is right. As soon as Felix learns that you're here, he is going to cling to you like a baby.
"Well, why don't we set up chairs to the side. Like we did for that one concert. Felix had to sit on some stools because of his back, why don't we just do that for y/n." Hyunjin suggests, shrugging.
"Is that possible?" You look at the people who are in charge of setting the stage, making it look aesthetically pleasing for the fans. The nod and shrug, claiming it's possible. You clap your hands in excitement, grinning. 
"Oh!" Your attention turns to Jisung, his eyes sparkling; you could practically see the lightbulb above his head, "Why don't we play a song and then after, announce y/n. Felix will be so confused." 
"We could, yeah. Felix is under the impression that we are just doing a show. Imagine his little face going from being so confused to being extremely happy." Minho laughs.
"I cannot wait! Thank you, again Chan. For all this." Your attention turns to Chan who simply waves his hand and smiles.
"I told you, I'm not looking for a thank you or anything in return. Knowing that Felix is going to be over the moon when he sees you, is enough for me."
"For all of us." Minho pipes in. Chan nods, a sense of excitement rushes through your body.
"Guys, Felix is approaching." The sound guy whispers. Everyone scrambles after saying a rushed goodbye. You rush back to your hotel to plan out your outfit for the night.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The night rolls over, the concert hall jam packed with stays as expected. You stand in the front, between fans. You informed them about your surprise, making them awe and swoon. They agreed to 'hide' you until it was time for you to make your appearance.
During the wait time, you interacted with the fans, took some selfies with them and signed a few of their things. You were nervous about coming out to the public about you and Felix, hoping stays wouldn't be too hard on either of you.
However, it was smooth sailing. Of course, you got a few jealous comments, a bit of hatred but those hate comments were fueled by jealousy and envy, so you didn't care that much. Many STAYS could see that Felix is smitten by you and his happiness is all that they care about.
The lights dimmed down, the music started to build up and the fans screaming got loud; it's time. The anticipation makes you sweat, your nerves building up as you see the boys run onto the stage.
They all agreed to start off with a slow, sweet song to set the mood. It's different from their usual set list, considering they start with something with high energy, however, today is a special occasion. 
Your eyes scan the members, desperately searching for Felix. Your gaze finally falls onto your sunshine, instantly melting at the sight of him. You knew he dyed his hair black and was aware of him growing it out; you've seen thousands of pictures and been given tons of selfies from Felix himself, however, seeing him in the flesh; made you quiver with need.
You scream, jump and cheer in time with a song. Chan catches your eye and winks during the end of the song, all the boys lining up in a straight line. The end of the song came, fans cheering and clapping.
The lights suddenly dim down, setting a calm setting. 'Grow up' starts playing in the background, high enough for everyone to hear, but low enough for the fans to hear the members speak.
"Okay. So, as you all know, we have a special guest here today." Chan starts, smiling big. The big screens on the side of the stage showing Chan, your palms starting to sweat.
Felix frowns, looking at the members aware that he is the only one unaware of the whole ordeal.
"Recently, our sunshine has been feeling a little down." Chan continues, the fans going "awe" as Felix blushes softly, "So, we decided to surprise him, help cheer him up!" 
Chan looks over at Minho, nodding his head as a signal. Minho walks to the edge of the stage, kneeling down on one knee and extending out his hand to you. You take it, Minho pulling you up on stage with the help of the bodyguards.
Felix stands still like a statue, his muscles refusing to work. His mouth hangs open in a small 'O' shape, heart beating fast against his rib cage. Minho holds your hand, guiding you to Felix. 
"So, we decided to bring the most important person to you, lix." Minho says softly. He hands you over to Felix, his hand shakily taking yours.
"y/n..?" He whispers. Both your hands shaking due to the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
"It's me, lix." Tears filling up your eyes, slowly.
"It's really you… It's really fucking you." Everyone laughs at Felix's swearing, before his eyes widen at what he just said. He shakes his hands around, apologising.
"Yes lix." You laugh, tears falling down your cheeks, "It's really me." 
Felix suddenly pulls you into his arms, they wrap around you tightly, scared of letting you go; scared that it's all a dream. You whimper, soft sobs shaking your body as relief washes over you. You bury your face into his neck, inhaling his musky scent.
"My darling." He whispers, clinging onto your clothing as he buried his face in your neck. His lips brush up against the skin, making you shiver.
"Sorry to break this moment." You pull away from each other, looking at Seungmin, "But we have a show to do." Felix laughs softly, flushing red. He takes your hands in his, holding them gently.
"I'll see you soon?" 
"What do you mean lix, I'm staying here." You grin. He blinks, short and rapid.
"We've set up a seat for her. She's staying on stage and watching us perform." Chan pipes in, smiling. You nod, Felix grinning big.
"I'll go take my seat."
You watch the boys perform from the side, singing and cheering along. You noticed Felix was trying extra hard, wanting to make it special for you and feeling a little bit of pressure from your presence, however, he didn't mind. He loves that you're here, that you're at arm's length. During song changes, he would bounce over to you, kissing your lips sweetly before grabbing some water and a towel. 
Now, it's time for the sub units. 3racha starts off with a bang, rapping their song "3RACHA". getting you and the audience pumped up. Once it ended and they all disappeared, the lights dim down, the dancers taking their positions as Felix, Hyunjin and Minho take their place.
Taste. That song that has been plaguing your very thoughts since it came out, started to play and here you are, watching them perform it. You bite your lip, Felix's deep voice ringing in your ears, making you immune to the world around you.
The cheers of the fans become a distant ring in your ear, your focus shifting onto Felix, the way he moves, his hand travelling up from his inner thigh to his torso. The way he looks at you whilst singing "Just look at me" makes you shiver and core ache.
Memories of all the thoughts, desires you've had when listening to the song. Felix's deep voice shakes you to your core, setting your nerves on fire. His deep, seductive voice consumes your thoughts. Some nights, it's unbearable. The burning desire, the intense amount of lust you feel; it's too much.
Your cheeks flush red, breathing becomes laboured as heat floods the pit of your stomach. "Focus." you tell yourself. "You have to focus." The concert is so much fun, the best fun you've had in a while, however; you want it to end.
You want Felix. You need Felix.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I've missed you so much, you have no idea." Felix pants against your neck, his hands fumbling with your clothing. He's high on adrenaline, lust pumping through his veins. His lips sucking and nipping at the skin of your neck. Your clothing being ripped off and discarded around the hotel.
"I've missed you too, lix." You breathe out, head tilting to the side to allow more room for Felix. You back up, the back of your legs hitting the bed frame. Felix gently pushes you down, causing your back to hit the hotel mattress with a soft "Thump" 
Felix crawls over to you, towering over you. He leans down, pressing his lips against yours in a sweet, yet firm kiss. His lips move against yours in a hungry manner, hands roaming up and down your sides, falling down to your legs, stroking your inner thighs slowly.
You groan in the kiss, Felix pushing your legs wider to allow himself to slot between them. He cups your breasts gently in his hands, squeezing the soft flesh. Soft nips and sucks on your skin, his erection pressing against your clothed core.
"Felix." You sigh out, humming softly as you close your eyes. He hums, a deep hum rippling from the back of his throat. His voice is deeper than usual due to overuse. 
"Your voice…" You whisper out, eyes fluttering open. He pulls away from your neck, smirking.
"What about it?" You whimper, bucking your hips onto his clothed erection. You swallow thickly, his voice sending shivers down your spine to your core. 
"It's so–" You stutter, suddenly aware of his gaze. It's dark, his eyes full of lust. He's waited so long for you, to touch you, to taste you, to feel you. He finally has you and he is going to indulge in you.
"So what?" He leans down, purposely whispering in your ear. 
"So…Deep." You splutter. Felix smirks, his fingers rubbing your clit through the material of your panties.
"Do you like my voice, sweetheart?" Felix smirks playfully, knowing full well about your voice kink. He knew before you. He could tell by the way you'd whimper when on call to him; it's a different sounding whimper.
"L-Love it." You whisper, his fingers applying enough pressure on your clit to make you feel something. You buck your hips up in his hand, causing a low, deep chuckle to fall past his lips. You sit up, planting one hand behind you for support as you reach down, cupping his clothed erection.
Felix grunts softly, his eyes fluttering close as you palm him through his boxer shorts. His hand dips between the waistband of your cotton panties, fingers coming into contact with your sensitive clit.
You haven't been touched for years so feeling felix against your skin, sets you whole being on fire. Pleasure rushes to the tips of your fingers, Felix skillfully rubs slow circles on your clit, adding enough pressure to make you wither beneath him.
"I've wanted to touch you for so long. You have no idea, darling." He growls. You feel the vibration of his voice in your ears, causing your mind to fog up, words and thoughts becoming a jumbled mess. 
"I'm going to spoil you so much tonight. I've been itching to get my hands on you." 
You swallow thickly, your hands fumbling with the waistband of his boxer shorts. Adrenaline pumping through your veins as you pull down his underwear, his cock springing free making you whimper softly.
Felix laughs, stepping out off his underwear before pulling yours down and off. He gently pushes you down on the mattress before leaning over you. He slots himself perfectly between your legs, his hand travelling down between your breast, stomach until they eventually come into contact with your entrance.
His fingers are greeted by warmth and slick, a content hum falling past his lips. You flush red, pressing your lips together as his fingers tease your entrance.
"My sweet darling. You're already so wet for me and all because of my voice." He coos softly.
You cannot say anything, cannot protest because it's true. You feel embarrassed at how wet you have become just from his touch but mainly because of that deep, velvety chocolate sound that escapes his lips.
His thick Aussie accent. His voice is an octave lower than usual from singing; it's too much for your mind to comprehend.
You reach out to touch him, to give him a sense of pleasure; relief. A wave of disappointment washes over you as Felix takes your wrists and pins it above your head softly. Two fingers slide inside you with ease, his fingers curling against your walls as he pumps them at a slow and steady pace.
"The only thing I want you to do darling, is to lie there and look pretty for me. Do you think you can do that?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Felix?" A soft hum rings in your ears. You're cuddled up with Felix, sheets wrapped around your naked bodies. His fingers gently trailing up and down your arm, tickling it and causing goosebumps to rise to the surface of your skin, "I have something to tell you."
"What is it?" You push yourself up by placing a hand on Felix's chest to look at him. His black hair fanned out on his pillow, his face bare from make up allowing you to see those adorable freckles.
"Well, I think i'm going to move here. To Korea.." 
"Wait, what?!" Felix sits up, hope glimmering in his eyes.
"Yeah. I've been looking at universities and well, there is one here, in Korea that does the courses I want to do. It's also pretty close to the JYP building so–" You trail off, giggling.
"So you mean to tell me. That distance won't be a problem anymore? That I won't have to wait one, two, three years to see you again?" His bottom lip quivers, eyes glossy from tears filling his eyes.
You nod, feeling yourself also getting emotional. Felix hugs you tightly, tears falling down his cheeks as soft sobs shake his frame.
"Distance won't be a problem anymore. From now on, I'll always be by your side, lix."
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→ note: this was too long in words for it to be a drabble or anything like that so i decided to turn it into a fic. enjoy and dont forget to interact and leave feedback! 💘 also, i am working on 2 things rn. i am about 4k+ words in on one of them and i dont think im nowhere near done (it all depends on where my mind decides to take it though, *giggles*) and yesterday i got a spicy request so i am so excited to start that! 👀
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→ TAGS [open]: @chaneomma | @sstarryoong | @purple-belle | @laylasbunbunny | @dilucpegg3r | @chanssmiles | @meltheninja13
519 notes · View notes
Hey hun! Here's the ask.
It was one where the reader feels kind of insecure because Argyle never try anything slightly more sexual and so she overthinks it until either he asks her what's wrong or she actually asks him.
Essentially because he seems someone who's very chill about anything sexual related
OMG YEEEES 🥺 I love this so much, also please don't hate me, Steve is definitely coming up later, this was supposed to be a dialogue but it got too long 😬 Warnings: mentions of sex and weed, also do not attack me for bashing Star Wars, this is from HIMYM and I thought it would be funny and I see Argyle as Marshall so, calm down hahaha Disclaimer: I don't own Stranger Things 😊 gifs aren’t mine 😁
Let's Talk About Sex
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You were currently straddling your boyfriend, heavily making out after smoking some Purple Palm Tree Delight. As the kiss got deeper you started moving back and forth on him, rubbing yourself against his groin, feeling shivers down your entire body and right to your core. But then, he pushed you away. Like he always did.
“Whoa, honey, slow down” Argyle chuckled as you continued to trail kisses down his neck and he grabbed what was left of the joint on his left.
“Why?” you asked, wrapping yourself closer to him. It had been a few weeks that you had tried to get your boyfriend’s attention to get things to the next level but he always turned you down. Not on purpose, you hope. But you thought today would be the best day since his parents were out of town and you had the entire weekend to yourselves.
“Um” Argyle cleared his throat pushing you off him. “B-because we’re gonna be late” he told you.
“Late?” you asked, confused.
“Yeah, remember? We were going to have a Star Wars weekend with Jonathan and his brother” he told you.
“W-what?” you asked, a bit upset. “You never told me that!”
“Yes, I did” he insisted.
“No, you only said to come over. I thought it was going to be just the two of us” you told him, hoping he would take the hint.
“Well, what’s the big deal? We can watch the movie and then hang out-”
“Those movies are like eight hours, Argyle! And they are so stupid!”
“Hey! You love those movies!” he complained.
“No! You love those movies! I only watch them because you liked them! I came over because I thought we were going to spend the weekend together! Not with Jonathan and Will watching some dumb movies!”
“Okay, knock it off, they are not dumb!”
“Yes, they are! I mean, first of all, how do they understand that walking bear they hang around with all the time?”
“Wookie” he corrected but you ignored him.
“He’s all like…” you said before you started grunting, in an attempt to make your best impression of Chewbacca. “And then they’re like ‘That’s a good point, Bear, let’s try that!’”
“Okay, he’s a Wookie, and his kind is actually more intelligent than they appear-”
“I don’t care! I don’t wanna watch a walking bear for eight hours! I wanna have sex with you!” you blurted out, feeling your cheeks burn instantly when you realized what you had just said.
“W-what?” Argyle asked, certain that he hadn’t heard you right. His eyes widen and his jaw dropped.
“Please don’t make me say that again” you muttered shyly, looking away and feeling tears welling up.
“No, I want you to say it again” he said, walking closer to you. “Maybe mention my name while you’re at it” he smirked but he stopped when he saw a few tears falling down your cheeks. “Hey… what’s wrong? What did I say?” he asked, his tone turning soft.
“Nothing, I’m being stupid” you muttered, wiping off away your tears. “I’m just gonna go home” you said, grabbing your coat and walking towards the door but Argyle quickly pulled you back.
“No! No, no, no, no” he stopped you and turned you around. “We don’t have to go watch the stupid movies, but I’m not letting you leave when I know you’re upset” he said, pulling you closer but you were still not able to look at him. “What’s going on, sunshine?”
“A-Argyle do you- do you l-like m-me?” you stuttered, still looking away.
“What?” he asked, extremely confused. “I obviously like you, how can you ask me that-?”
“N-no, I mean” you sighed. “D-do you like… find me… attractive?”
“Of course I do” he said, softly. He grabbed your hand and sat down on the couch bringing you with him, sitting you on his lap. “Where’s this coming from?”
"It's just…" you sighed. "You don't seem very interested in… h-having s-sex with m-me" you said feeling completely mortified.
"What?" he asked, extremely confused. "Why would you say that? Of course, I wanna have sex with you" he said, making you look up at him.
"Y-you do?"
"Yeah, of course, I do. What made you think I don't?"
"I don't know" you stammered. "Every time we're alone and… I think things are, you know, escalating…" you said, feeling your cheeks burning. "You always stop and just… say something else or… we do something else and I just- I thought-" you sighed. "Maybe it was b-because you just don't find me that attractive and you don't want to have sex with me" you said quietly as a few tears ran down your cheeks.
"Oh, sunshine no" he said, cupping your cheek and wiping away your tears with his thumb but you still refused to look at him. "Love, I am so sorry that I made you feel that way. It's just…" he sighed frustrated. "Look, it's the opposite, okay? You drive me crazy, love, and, trust me, there's nothing more I want than for us to be together that way but, I know that… this is something big and new for you, and… I don't want you to feel pressured or… uncomfortable with me-"
"Love, you have never made me feel pressured or uncomfortable" you assured him. "That's why I have been trying to do this for a while now" you said with a small smile, making him smile too.
"I guess I just… I wanted this to be completely on your terms, sunshine” he said, sweetly, grabbing your hand.
“I love you so much” you smiled, kissing his cheek.
“I love you too” he said, kissing your nose. “So… what do you say I call Byers and tell him we can’t make it today?” he said, raising his eyebrows at you.
“Really?” you asked, feeling too excited and he nodded. “I say…” you said, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and straddling his lap again. “I love you even more now” you told him as he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist and you leaned in to kiss him again. 
The End
A/N: I swear Stevie is coming up next (as in either today or tomorrow!) I hope you liked it :D
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sunnydayroleplay · 2 years
Okay! I finally slept and got a plot >:3 My poly ass is very lonely right now, how about MC is dating both Shaun and Jack? Maybe even Ian if you wanna go that far. It can be whatever, angst, fluff, smutty. I don't care. I'm lonely T-T
Hi! Sorry this got to you so late! I'm slowly getting through all my requests right now! Been very busy lately. Such a cute idea, I've thought about it before! It's gonna be rather fluff, soft, and vanilla because I'm in a rather good mood todayyyy! Spicy, but not overboard~ Just a dip in the water! With that said, let's write it! Contents Inside: Shaun x Reader x Jack, Slightly suggestive themes/Vanilla, Flirting/Pet Names, Mentions of Ritual/Spells/"Witchcraft", Over all a very wholesome post!
Those under 18, DNI. Though this is a relatively SFW post, the game it is based off of is a NSFW 18+ game/community only. It jeopardizes not only your safety, it jeopardizes mine, those involved, and the creator(s) own 'morals'. For 18- friendly/SFW posts/art, check out my art page: @feralhalfnhalfcreamer
At first, you kept Jack to yourself.
You didn't tell anyone that you even knew a Jack, let alone that you had a new boyfriend.
After-all there would be a lot of questions from your friends, and even more phone calls from your ex Ian.
You didn't really have the energy to explain that you can see a blue haired sweet clown man, but no one else could.
And also the fact that you have had sex with him on multiple occasions.
That was until Shaun moved in for the time being.
You were hanging out in the kitchen making some lunch.
Shaun was always one for ghosts, and horror, and some witchcraft, so he should totally understand where you're coming from.
"You're seeing a what now?"
"A-And you're dating it?"
"He's not an it, Shaun!"
"So...Lemme get this straight. He CAME OUT OF your T.V, and slowly but surely, you guys start to date. And he's a clown??"
"Pretty much!"
He wasn't trying to downplay what your thoughts, beliefs and sights were, but it was just a bit confusing.
If not a lot.
You gestured Jack to come over, which just looked rather odd from Shaun's perspective.
You told Jack to carry you, and the sweet clown man put you on-top of his shoulders.
"What the actual fuck?"
Now, since Shaun can't actually see Jack, and their Sunshine doesn't know how to fix that, the two of you would get down and dirty in the realm of spells.
Random rituals Shaun wrote down in this special book of his, or anything the two of you could come up with.
You spent time with Shaun more often, and that was something Jack didn't quite like.
Now, in Nick's situation (supposedly), Jack made his way to torment Nick for being a little bit too friendly. In the end, he tortured Nick so much by his pres
We can only assume that Jack can manipulate who he wants to be seen by.
Specifically those who are trying to take his Sunshine away.
And right now, Shaun is one of them.
With the amount of time you’ve been spending with him is not something he likes.
“This is the man you’ve been swooning over?! I thought we discussed this, no more clowns!”
“First Ian, now a literal clown!”
Starting off, Shaun and him didn’t exactly get along.
Whenever Shaun would start conversation, Jack just walked away or ignored him.
But eventually it has to get tiring.
The more time you spend with Shaun, you found yourself to be so much more fond with him.
Jack could say the same thing.
Shaun was a..new comfort to Jack.
He enjoyed that he could make terrible puns with Shaun to “torment” you with.
He didn’t try taking away his Sunshine in the end after all (ish), he just tried making you visible.
Eventually, I don’t know how, you all decided collectively to get together.
Now, since you’ve officially have two new boyfriends, there’s a lot of changes.
Jack would have to wake the both of you up in the mornings now..
“Mmph.. a few more minutes..”
“Wh-What they said..-“
“Rise and shine already! Breakfast is almost ready!!!”
You had twice the protection!
Jack had someone else to also give all of his love too.
Of course you had your occasional fight, but what healthy relationship doesn’t?
You guys were all happy in the end.
Whenever you were sad Jack would be comforting you on your left side, and Shaun would be there with all your favorite snacks, the two telling you how much they love you, and that it’s going to be okay.
You’d listen in on their conversation from the kitchen. Shaun telling Jack all about movie and film production, and Jack telling him about his time as an actor.
It was surprising how much they had in common.
Both somehow into acting/the acting process..
They both wanted to kill Ian..
They both loved you!
What more is there to ask?
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allegra-writes · 2 years
"Begin Again"
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Original gif by @chuck-cox
Matt Murdock x Reader
General Audiences, fluff
Warnings: None. Past Reader x Billy Russo mentioned.
I know I promised Dark!Matt x Reader first but I was listening to Taylor Swift while studying and this practically wrote itself. You guys think my world literature professors will give me extra credits for this?
Reader and Matt go on their first coffee date, and Reader can't help but notice just how different from her last relationship Matt is. Can be read as a stand alone or as the second part of "Ghosted", my angsty Billy Russo break-up fic.
"I've been spending the last eight months
Thinking all love ever does
Is break and burn, and end
But on a Wednesday in a cafe
I watched it begin again"
Begin Again - Taylor Swift
He was already at the coffee shop when you entered. You didn't know exactly why, maybe because you had tried to drag Billy there for weeks before finally giving up, but you had expected Matt to be late or not show up at all.
But he had, and somehow he had known it was you, if the adorable way he jumped up from his seat, big boyish smile on his face, was anything to go by. You waved at him until you realized what you were doing and put your hand down, instead stepping over to plant a shy, tentative hello kiss on his cheek, his smile growing even bigger at your sweet gesture.
"Hi, Y/N"
"Hi, Matt" It was probably the wrong move, but your curiosity got the best of you, "How did you know it was me?"
"I didn't" He joked, "I actually got up for the last five people to enter that door"
Your snort was inelegant, but his own chuckle told you he at least liked your spontaneity. You appreciated it, it was nice not having to feel self-conscious of your every move, wondering if maybe if you were a little more sophisticated, a little more pretentious, a little more like them, then maybe he would…
"It was your perfume" Matt explained, interrupting the darker turn your thoughts were taking. "Orange, strawberries and flowers, like jasmine. And something else, a woodsy undertone, patchouli, maybe cedar… no one else in the entire city smells quite like it"
There was a soft fluttering sensation in your stomach at his involuntary revelation of the amount of attention, the time he must have spent thinking about the way you smelled.
"It's called 'Luz'" You disclosed, "and they don't make it here. My mom sends me bottles of it to remind me of home"
"Light" He translated, nodding to himself as if the mystery made sense to him now, "It's fitting, you're luminous and warm, like sunshine"
His face turned beet red, horrified look in his expressive eyes and you understood he hadn't meant to say that last part out loud, but you enjoyed the compliment.
Besides, Matt Murdock was cute when he was flustered.
You took mercy on him, grabbing the back of the chair in front of you for something to do, to diffuse the tension. Matt, though, ever the gentleman, stopped you.
"Allow me, please" He requested, before pulling your chair out and helping you in once you were seated, and you felt yourself melt a little.
"I love that song"
"What a heavenly way to die" Matt motioned at the headphones hanging from your neck, "what a time to be alive… because forever is in your eyes… but forever ain't half the time I wanna spend with you…" he hummed, deep voice barely over a whisper, along to the song that you were playing on your phone.
"You have very good hearing!" You commented, impressed.
"Yes, well…" He trailed off, shrugging. You wondered if he was afraid it would kill the mood, talking about his blindness, if he was scared you would bolt if he reminded you, or if it would be rude of you to tackle the subject so soon.
Maybe you were the one scared of fucking up.
Either way, you decided to deflect.
"I didn't take you for the Troye Sivan type"
"Why not? I'll have you know I'm hip, I'm very hip"
It was a total breach of first date protocol, not even you were so socially inept to not know bringing up an ex was a huge no. But you found yourself doing it anyway.
"It's not that, it's just my ex… whatever we were, he hated bubblegum pop and YouTubers, he was more into jazz and the old big ones, you know? Ray Charles, Nat King Cole, all that stuff. He said my music taste was- that it wasn't real music"
You braced yourself, reading Matt's face for any sign of judgment or discomfort your social faux pass might have caused him.
"No offense, but he sounds like kind of a dick" he replied, without missing a beat. You let out a relieved laugh,
"Yeah, he kind of is"
Luckily, your favorite waitress -and friend- showed up then, saving you from having to expand on the Billy Russo subject. Theo didn't say anything as she took your orders, but you could see her smirk as she took Matt in, undoubtedly analyzing everything about him in those few seconds. She gave you a thumbs-up as she went back to the counter.
You'd have to ask her later if she really did like Matt or if she just liked him cuz he wasn't Billy, but for now, you decided to take it as a good sign.
"I like this place" Matt commented, casually head tilted slightly, as if he was listening to something you couldn't. You wondered if that was the case. "The atmosphere, the music, the people. I must have walked right by it a hundred times going to work, and I never even noticed its existence"
"Most people don't" You explained, "The Slat is one of Hell's Kitchen's best-kept secrets. And luckily, that's just the way the owners like it" The best part of the place was that, how tiny and cozy the small hole-in-the-wall Cafe was. It was charming and vintage in a genuine way as if an old lady had decorated the place (it had) about thirty years ago and no one else had dared or bothered to touch anything. The floors were naked worn-out brick, the sturdy furniture metallic and mismatched, and real geraniums were hanging from the discolored walls. Combined with the lo-fi hip-hop beats coming from the old speakers and the smell of roasted coffee and burnt toast, you imagined it made for an interesting sensorial experience even for someone without his sight.
But the truth was, you had an ulterior motive in your choice of venue. You didn't only like this particular coffee place, but you felt safe there, your friends worked there. And there wasn't anything remotely sexy on a coffee date. Meeting at night could, in your experience, give a guy the wrong idea. Plus, a dinner date lasted at least an hour, so if it didn't go right, there was a lot of time for awkward silence or boring conversations. Coffee was easier, cheaper, and if you wanted to bolt, you could do so after fifteen minutes or so.
Not that it was going to happen now. Matt was charming, and he was making you feel comfortable. He didn't seem entitled or overbearing at all. No, your only regret so far was that Matt had kept his dark glasses on. You had only seen him without them a handful of times, and you got the distinct impression he would never take them off at a public place if he could help it, and, as insensitive and shallow as it was, you were finding yourself wanting to gaze into the pretty hazel of his big doe eyes.
And at that very moment, as if reading your mind, he chose to take them off.
"I'm glad you invited me" Matt was talking again, so you let go of your stupid longing thoughts and focused on listening, "otherwise, I would have never found it"
"I'm happy you like it, then. I know plenty of dive bars and hidden gems I can show you if you want…"
Matt did the adorable head tilt thing again,
"Does that mean there are going to be more dates?"
You felt your face warm up again, but Theo, bless her heart, chose that moment to bring your drinks, saving you again.
"Here you go, guys, one latte for the gentleman, and one caramel macchiato for the lady. Also, one hot cinnamon roll. On the house" she punctuated with a wink, making it clear she wasn't only talking about the perfectly split in half pastry. And something about her tone must have been obviously teasing because Matt lowered his head, abashed but still smiling.
"I apologize for Theo, she's still undomesticated"
"It's ok, I'm glad to know I have your friend's seal of approval"
You hummed distractedly, still giving Theo the stink eye as Matt tore onto his half of the pastry, moaning involuntarily as the warm, gooey deliciousness melted in his mouth. It was impossible to turn your eyes away from the curve of his jaw, the way the muscles of his neck worked as he chew, from his plump pink lips as they closed around the pastry. You wanted to reach out and clean the drop of sauce on the corner of his mouth with your fingertips, wanted to feel the prickle of his stubble against your palm, wanted to taste the cinnamon off his tongue.
You wanted him.
The realization washed over you like an epiphany, a benediction. After months and months of comparing everyone you met to your not-quite-ex, and finding them lacking, now Matt was making your heart skip a beat (or two or three) by simply being himself. Kind, chivalrous, cute. Not that you hadn't noticed when men exhibited those qualities before, at least objectively you had. But none had been able to move you, to attract you quite like Matt was doing. Had you been too busy obsessing over someone who treated you like trash to really allow yourself to react to those guys? Or was Matt Murdock simply hot enough to break through your haze of apathy? Did it even matter when he was reaching for your hand on the table and setting your skin alight with the softest, most innocent of touches? Pleading with the sweetest voice to… what?
Right. You would do right to pay attention to what he was trying to say. Probably.
"... hope you don't think I'm too forward for asking for this on our first date" To be perfectly straight, you were ready to agree with anything he would have requested of you right then, those huge hazel eyes of him ought to be illegal. "But I've been wanting to do it for a while and I'm not exaggerating when I tell you I think I might die if I don't kiss you right now"
If your heart was skipping before, at that moment, it stopped altogether. Or maybe, it started working on override, taking over completely, brain willingly and cheerfully relinquishing control of your body to it. Because next thing you knew, you were leaning over the table, pressing the most delicate, gentlest of kisses on Matt's delectable lips, sparks going off under your skin from that single point of contact. It was pleasing.
It was blissful.
It wasn't anywhere near enough.
And Matt seemed to feel the same way because, in a flash, his hand was finding your face, cupping it, keeping you in place as his lips pressed against yours more insistently, moving against them, coaxing them open just barely, just enough for your breath to mingle with his, just enough for the tip of his tongue to slide between your lips and withdrawing. Just a taste. Just a tease. Just a promise of what was to come if you dared to take what he was openly offering to you.
It was enough to make your heart race, wild and erratic, like a hummingbird trying to escape the cage of your ribs.
Matt broke the kiss, as breathless as you, forehead resting against yours, fingertips still clinging to your neck, not ready to let go of you yet. You could understand though, boy did you understand, you didn't want to let go either but lunchtime was running out, and you both had to get back to the office.
Once again, Matt seemed to be reading your mind.
"I don't want this date to end just yet" He confessed, thumb tracing your lower lip. You puckered your lips, kissing the pad.
"Me neither…"
"Can I walk you back to work?" His earnest request made you giggle.
"Well, we do work at the same building, you know.I think that means we have to walk in the same general direction…"
Matt giggled too, probably because he was still a little high from the kiss more than out of amusement at your cheeky comment. Somehow, you couldn't find it in yourself to mind.
"Lucky me then, I get to spend more time with you"
Would you guys be terribly late if you pulled him in and started a make out session there and then? But no, Matt was finally leaning away, letting you go back to your own seat, as much as you regretted it.
"A lot more time, probably" You pretended to sigh, "the Jones case will keep us in the office all night…"
"We can kick Foggy and Karen out, get some dinner together, a little lame for date number two, but I can be charming enough to make up for it" Matt joked, but you liked the way it sounded.
"Will you walk me home after, Mister Murdock?"
There surprise was clear on his expressive face, but he recovered fast.
"Of course" He stumbled out, "What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't?"
There was something at the back of your mind, like you could almost think of a name in reply to that. But it was just out of reach.
And whatever it was, it couldn't be more important than the man in front of you.
"Great. Then it's a date"
Oh yeah, whatever it was, it couldn't possibly be more important than Matt Murdock and his dimpled, dazzling, adorable smile…
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nessanness · 2 years
which lookism characters do you associate with the sun, moon, sea, and sky? <3
hmmmmm oky
sun -> someone who warm, and has happy atmosphere, and soft, like sunshine. i'd say its sally park! and joy hong!
moon -> i think its like someone who quite, calm, has night vibes? idk, BUT imo its my lovly magami kenta 😽 and i'd also say eugene
sea -> sea, well a mysterious person? cuz you kno- humans dont know much about the ocean- soo hmm its jay hong? cuz yea yknow why. and and maybe jiho park?? bcuz his character development was 😦😮
sky -> zoe parkk!! zoe's korean name is haneul which literally means sky. and maybe mary kim, bcuz she seems like a person that fun to hang out with, and you just wanna spend your day time with her, shopping or having a picnic. i'd say yuseong too. hahahah idk idk. if i think abt sky (in yuseong case), what i imagine is blue sky, aozora. who is calm, like moon chara, but has day vibes awkdkwks. yuseong if he takes off his cap, WHAT IM THINKING, HE IS LIKE BOI ANIME CHARACTER HSHS, idk how to explain, but these photos below is his sky vibes
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matenrou-fan · 2 years
hello I saw your requests were open! if possible, can I have a Yandere Rosho with a fem darling? I wanna see my shy boy going insane lol, have a nice day!
Yandere! Rosho with fem! darling
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honestly can't see him as someone "insane", he's too pure..! but he's totally would be a great "soft" Yandere <3
femreader, yandere themes, manipulation, gaslighting, mention of being locked;; 1764 words;;
Yandere Rosho? It's both easy and hard to imagine.
He's one of the most sane characters here, in Hypmic, but it doesn't mean he can't develop some dangerous obsession over you.
You're just so precious, never laughing about his strange behavior, when he suddenly gets too nervous and shy, and you always holding his hand when you two are walking through a big crowd in the street.. You're like a sunshine that he never thought he needed in his life so much. After all those traumatic events in his life during duo with Sasara, he didn't want to get too close to someone, but.. but you give so much peace to his soul, just your little smile is enough to warm up his heart and make him feel better.
So in the beginning your relationship with him would be so soft and cozy. He even doesn't really mind if you will hang out with your male friends some time. It makes him worried a little but he's sure of your loyalty and tries to calm himself down at least a little bit. He's anyway too busy today with checking homeworks for his classes, so why don't you go out and relax a little?
But as time passes, Rosho becomes more worried. In his eyes, you are just so pure and innocent, it's so easy to take advantage of you..! And, as your boyfriend, he always wants only good for you so he will slowly subordinate all aspects of your life under his control. Wait, no, don't call it "control", call it "protectiveness". After all, he's not that overprotective jealous type of partner, isn't he? Or at least he's trying to convince himself he isn't. What so bad if he would just try to find more info about your friends? Rosho is very easy to receive and has been conned multiple times, and also he's literally familiar with one old conman in his rap team so he knows how friendly and kind they can be..! What if one of your friends is also a scumbag and wants some profit from you?
So everything starts with small naive questions about your friends, how you spend time with them, something that will not awaken any mistrust in you. Rosho will make light hints that he misses you, that you spend too much time with them instead of caring for your boyfriend. He doesn't say it directly, but with enough pressure that will create a kind of guilt in your chest.
"Ah.. Today's shift was something.." - he mumbles, sighing more weaker than usual. Eyes so needy, he looks at you with a little bit embarrassment as if he was too shy to ask for your attention. This small sparkle in his ashamed gaze that you took for a ray of sincere hope to spend this evening together was actually a scared shine, as he was afraid you would notice how he was faking these tired expressions with furrowed brows and trembling lips.. But you believe him, and he's both more relieved now - that means he can manipulate you a little bit more - and more nervous - that also means somebody else can easily do something with you.
Well, he didn't study for nothing in comedy school, of course he had acting lessons back then too. And he will use his skills to keep you near him every evening and every weekend, without these stupid friends of yours. Doesn't matter if he would find something dirty about them or not, Rosho is suspicious of them anyways. So why don't you just sit with him at home, cuddling and kissing as he whispers in your ear how much he loves you?
Yes, you receive so many compliments from him now.. As much as overprotectiveness grows inside his soul, anxiety about you leaving him also starts appearing in Rosho's mind from time to time. He's lucky that such an angel keeps being with him for so long, but what if you'll get tired of him..? So he need to show how much he's actually values you - from everyday praise, as he keep pepper your face with kisses, holding you so so tight, his hot breath tickling your ear with bunch of compliments until your head start hurting and you will try to back away, to your hobbies, that he now trying to learn as quickly as he can. After all, a similar favorite pastime will help you two get even more closer and now Rosho has another reason to keep you away from all this outing.
He hopes that with all that gifts, compliments, quality time without anybody but him, Rosho will easily lure you to forget about other people in this world. He didn't even notice when his little worry turned into such possession, he obsessed over the idea to keep you, his precious little darling, all to himself, away from prying eyes. Maybe because he's not that comfortable around large crowds of people, Rosho shifts his fear on you too. Now, the terrifying image of a bunch of big piercing eyes looking at him is not the only thing that doesn't let him sleep at night.. Now he can't help but think about all these dirty arms, ill hands that will try to touch you, to hug you, about all these dark souls of low people around you that will stain your lighting beauty.. Yes, you just went to the store for five minutes while he was in the shower and this is what kind of thoughts were bugging him while he waited for you, trembling fingers keep nervously tapping on screen as he calls you again and again.
"Here, look at what I bought today…" - with his casual soft smile, Rosho gives you a little present, new tools for your hobby and a book, something like an encyclopedia about it. He's really insightful when it's about you and he always knows what you need.. (yes, he can feel it with his heart and not because he reads your diary when you're sleeping) - "Come on, let's make some tea and check it out together, my love.."
So Rosho starts thinking about making you his housewife, as his nerves are not enough to worry like that every time you cross the threshold of the house and leave. You already forget about most of your friends, you don't sit on social media that much, so it's just a question of time when he will push you enough to the point where you will have no choice but to never leave his house..
"Here you are..! Oh god, I was so worried!" - as soon as you close the door behind your back he will embrace you, as if his tight hug will "clean" you from everyone you just met on your way home. Rosho's don't even thinking how strange he acting right now, looking at you with scared face, almost crying. - "Please never do that again..! Always warn me before you go somewhere..!"
You can't find one of your pairs of boots? Well Rosho found an unremoved stain on them and decided to throw it away. Don't worry, he will buy you a new one (but for some reason he returned with a new set of comfy pajamas, not boots). Oh, and your street clothes start to disappear? He has no idea what's happened, maybe you forget where you put them for the last time? Of course he's ready to help you find them.
Of course he will throw away things that you wear really rare in the first place, as it would be easy to gaslight you that you never ever have them.
"I don't understand what you talking about.." - he furrowed his brow when you asked him about that blue skirt you have. - "You sure don't confuse your dress with a skirt? Maybe you are thinking about it?"
Soon you will notice that you don't have that many things to wear in the street, and all your schedule outside the house is about work. Of course it would put you in stress, as you are still worried about what happened to your memory too. And here Rosho will appear, talking about how bad your job is.
He's just a teacher but he's sure his salary would be enough to provide enough comfort for both of you. If not, he doesn't mind leaving this school and starting working in some private, expensive academy. Rosho is known as a good adviser and listener, he's beloved by his students now so he will quickly adapt to a new environment. Just for you. As you still sit at home, believing him there's no vacancies for your profession in the job center. For like, two or three months. So just sit back and enjoy your prolonged vacation while Rosho thinks about new reasons to keep you locked.
"I noticed just how exhausted you look after work, darling.." - he cooed, choosing the right day when you were feeling especially bad. Light kisses and gentle massage to your sore muscles from him makes his words sound more relaxing than suspicious. - "I'm afraid that if you continue like that, it will affect your health, both in physical and psychological ways.. Why don't you give yourself a little break, and then we will find you a new, more suitable job?"
Despite you driving him crazy, he's still really soft and understands that maybe the way he thinks is not really good, but he can't help it. At least Rosho doesn't mind walking with you together sometimes, as he doesn't want you to feel sick sitting forever in four walls. Isn't it kinda good, actually? Maybe these little dates in parks and cafes will distract you from thoughts that he's actually a freak who can't live anymore without your bright smile and soft hands. He also starts to spoil you a little during your outings so you will think he has enough money for you two.
"I will take care of you for the rest of our lives, I promise, my little sunshine..♡"
"Mm? No, don't think about it. I got a promotion on the job so I can afford something like that for my adorable angel.." - Rosho chuckles, admiring your surprised face. His grab on your hand tightened as he looked you right in the eyes, his face so soft and loving that you almost don't see this obsessed gaze that makes his red iris glow with dangerous possession. - "See? I have enough money. Why don't you just relax a little and enjoy your carefree life with me, darling?"
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inkrabbit · 2 years
Hey I was wondering if I could request sunshine sharing her vinyls with a gen reader (i really liked that headcanon)
slowly but surely trying to get my own hang on Sunshine's personality. hopefully you like this <333
Lucifer this day is just dragging. You swear you’ve waited at least an hour before looking back at the clock, only to find that the damn thing moved up only five minutes. You want to scream. Hell, you’re going to scream in a second.
Everything that could get under your skin today was. Sodo had come around a few times to get you off track of your duties, resulting in you being yelled at by not only Papa, but eventually Sister Imperator. You’re lucky neither of them resulted in punishments. You couldn’t find the right cleaning supplies either, so you made do with other things in hopes no one noticed. You did find the right cleaning supplies right after you finished, however, tucked away in another cabinet. You hated whoever put them there.
The second the clock signals the end of your day, you rush to finish whatever you’re working on and leave. You don’t care if it’s a mess. You’ll deal with those consequences later. For right now, you have to get out of here and away from everyone before you explode. You shoulder past any sibling that’s close to you, not even bothering to turn around and apologize. They’ll figure it out.
When you exit the building and get down the stairs, you bury your face in your hands and let out a yell, one that takes all of your air out of your lungs. It makes you feel better, but your face immediately heats up when you lift your head, finding Sunshine standing a few feet away from you with such a horrified expression.
“Oh, Sunshine! I’m sorry!” you start, the small ghoulette anxiously playing with her claws. “I didn’t know you were there. It’s just… been a long day and I had to get that out.”
“I understand.” Her voice is soft and she gives you a smile. “Some of the ghouls do it, too, especially if something happens during practice. Do you wanna talk about it?” She shuffles slightly. “Or maybe we could hang out and listen to music? Only if you want to!”
“You know what? I’d love to.” She seems so excited as she gets closer, taking your hand in her own and tugging you towards the dens. There’s a pep in her step and you love seeing it. She was one of the newer summons and, similar to Rain, she had been pretty shy. Having her ask to spend time with you had made your heart jump.
“So, do you wanna talk about what happened?” She looks back at you with her head cocked. “About today, I mean.”
“You know how it is,” you sigh, rubbing your face. “Everything that could go wrong did.”
“Yeah.” Still, she gives you a bright smile. “At least the day is over, right? And tomorrow should be better!”
“Here’s hoping.” But still, you squeeze her hand and you notice how her tail flicks behind her.
The other ghouls greet you when you two enter the dens, though most of them have to do a double-take when they see it’s Sunshine leading you through. There are some low whistles here and there, but Sunshine just stamps her foot and hisses at them. You know she’s meant to be threatening. Everyone does. But it just looks so cute.
The inside of her room is pleasant and you notice how a few lava lamps are sitting on her dresser. She squeals when you look at them.
“Papa gave me those!” she tells you happily. “Aren’t they cute? I just love the things you humans make!”
“They are somethin’, huh?” You grin at her. She’s pulling out a box from underneath her bed, filled with sleeves of music. You’re amazed at their quality.
“Vinyl?” you ask her. Her face lights up as she nods, picking up one of the sleeves to show it off. To your surprise, it’s actually from one of your favorite bands. “I didn’t know you listened to them?”
She lets out a squeal. “I thought I was the only one!” She slips the disc out, crossing the room to her record player. “Cirrus actually got me this. It was like one of those uh… “welcome home” gifts?”
“That was nice of her.” She sets the disc on the platter before swinging the tonearm around and dropping the needle on top and starting it up. You hear the music start and Sunshine looks so happy. You make your way towards her, holding your hands out. She seems stunned at first, but she finally takes them in her own, the two of you swaying to the music. It’s the first time you’ve seen her like this outside of the rituals, her golden eyes glowing with joy. Seeing her like this, well, you can’t keep the smile from stretching across your lips.
She giggles when you twirl her, her tail just gently caressing your waist, and she squeals when your hold on her tightens so you can dip her. When you pull her back up, you notice her sniffing the air.
“You’re not upset anymore!” she comments happily. You laugh.
“Yeah. Spending time with you made me feel better.” Her tail flicks wildly behind her as she wraps her arms around you in a tight hug. She’s so warm against you. You return the embrace, your face burying itself in her hair. She smells like citrus and fresh air and it makes you feel so calm.
“Thank you,” you murmur against her. “I’m… actually really happy right now.”
“You deserve it.” You pull back, giving her a smile.
You’re not sure who leaned in first, but you know your lips press together the same way two puzzle pieces would fit. Her lips are soft against your own but it doesn’t last long before she pulls back. Her face is dark as she stares at you with big eyes.
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to, I-” You pull her back in, keeping your hold on her waist gentle. It takes her a second but her hands finally settle on your shoulders as her tail curls around your own waist. You’re so lost in her that neither of you even remember the record that’s still playing.
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pspspsp can I just request an immortal reader who's life is just dull/sad as hell since they've seen their loved ones leave or die in front of them so many times
but when they meet SBI or anyone, their life just suddenly brightens up? (Platonic and it can be any type of fic!)
(A/N): I got waaaayy too carried away with this. Star god reader my beloved (also, I’d imagine that your cloak looks like this guy’s but on the inside with the outsides being any color of your choice (credit goes to original artist))
If you want more god!reader content with the dream smp, @wooloo-inc has a really good series about a male!nature god!reader (aka, the god of dilf collection)
In the beginning when DreamXD created you (which if you think about it, that makes him your father, but I digress) from stardust and meteorite shards, you were a ball of fun loving sunshine (well, starshine?)
You loved watching over all of humankind, admiring their determination and bonds with other humans (both romantic and platonic)
Your older brother, the god of the moon, told you about how they viewed you and you were amazed
“Oberon?” You ran up to your older brother and tugged on his cloak making him hum in question, not looking up from his parchment scroll. “What- what do the humans think of me?”
He scoffed and glanced at you with his lily white irises, “why are you on about them again? They are lowly creatures compared to us, filled with greed and misfortune.”
“They worship us and that’s how you speak of them?”
“(Y/n) believe me, you have not seen the brutality they are capable of. War, famine, greed, plague, genocide, it’s all something you have not witnessed before. You have only seen the good in those things.” 
“But Oberon, I wanna-” he lightly smacked the side of your head, “use proper English. We are gods and you will behave as such.”
You huffed, “I want to know about how they view us! I do not care about the bad things they have done! Plleeeaaassseeeeeee Beri?” You willed the stars that constantly gleamed in your eyes to shine brighter as you fluttered your eyelashes at him. He may seem like he hated everyone and everything (especially his siblings), but he had a soft spot for his youngest sibling. He just stared at you for a bit before he sighed and shifted in the massive throne so that you could hop up onto his lap. With a wave of a slender pale hand, he conjured up various images of humans with stardust gazing at the stars and the moon with carefree swipes of his hand. 
“They view us as… poetic of sorts. They compare us to romance,” an image of two human males kissing then gazing into the stars laying down on a cliff came into view, “fortune tellers,” an image of the Aquarius and the Capricorn constellations popped up making you squeal in happiness. He chucked and changed the picture to a mother and son standing over a grave looking up in amazement at a shooting star, “and most importantly, as a sign of hope. 
“They see us as complementary, the moon and the stars cannot be as beautiful without the other. We hold the power of the night and everything it touches, (y/n). This is our kingdom, do not forget that,” the image changed to the moon surrounded by stars and swirling blues and purples of nebulas.
You looked at the images with awe, absorbing every word that fell from his mouth. “Beri?” He once again hummed, his deep baritone voice sending vibrations along your back. “Will we be together forever?”
His lanky arms wrapped around your much smaller frame, “for all of eternity. The moon is nothing without the night sky and all of the stars it holds.”
Centuries passed and your fascination with humans only grew from there
When you eventually asked if you could meet a human Oberon reacted angrily and forbade you from speaking of humans again in your shared palace, worried for your safety
When he caught you attempting to sneak out, he locked you in your room for months on end
Humans wondered why the stars hardly appeared in the night sky anymore, forming the theory that they had somehow angered you
They prayed to you more and more, begging and groveling for forgiveness
They left more offerings at shrines
You heard their every word, feeling your heartbreak with sorrow and guilt for your lovely humans
You snuck out of the palace that night determined to make it up to the humans
You quietly snuck past the main room where you and Oberon used to sit on your thrones together and control the night. The large doors were cracked open showing your older brother watching the night with boredom. As you passed, his voice startled you, “I just cannot stop you can I?”
He appeared in the doorframe looking at you emotionlessly, his eyes glinting with hidden pain. “Do you realize how cruel of a place that world is? How cruel humans are?”
“I do not care, brother! They are in anguish because they think I am angry with them! Because you locked me in here!”
“I have told you time and time again, they are ruthless creatures. Humans are constantly clashing with their own kind for the slightest bit of power, they’re greedy creatures! Have you forgotten what happened to Arachnia?”
A shiver went down your spine at the mention of your fellow deity. She wanted to be with humans but they stripped her of her grace and virtuosity, torturing her when the moon would rise. That is the reason spiders attack humans in the night when the moon and stars show themselves and are dormant in the daytime. However, that did not deter you. 
“I have not forgotten what happened to Arachnia, her tale fills me with grief. But not all humans are like that! They are compassionate, loving, and sweet creatures deep down, each and every single one of them!”
“They were not showing compassion or love when they tore Arachnia limb from limb! When they languish in riches while millions die around them! What part of that is compassionate?”
“Sure they do bad things sometimes, but have you forgotten the love they hold for each other? The determination and hope shining from within them when they pray to us? Have you forgotten that?”
He just stared at you with angry irises and his chest heaving before he ran a hand through his long ivory hair and turned around, the flowing white cape flowing wildly behind him with unseen air. He walked back into the observation room and back to his throne. Without a second glance to you, he worked on the transition of power between the sun and moon. You could imagine your sister Aelia grinning brightly as she rose the sun for the day.
“You are to never return here if you step foot out that door. You will still have control of your duties of the night. However you will never return. Do not come back groveling for forgiveness when I have given you constant warnings of their cruelty. If I see your face show up here, I will make sure father smites you down. Now get out of my sight.”
You huffed and whipped around to the front entrance, the stars that constantly twinkled and the nebulas that constantly swirled in the inside of your cloak illuminating the white floors below you as you ran. You left the palace without a second thought, leaving your old life behind in favor of spending it with the humans.
When you came crashing to the Earth in a shooting star, you were amazed by the beauty of it up close and in person
It was everything you expected and then some
You heard the humans cheering and thanking you in their prayers when the stars returned brighter than usual
You being completely enamoured by all of the humans, even if they recognized you or not you loved them all unconditionally
You set up a little cottage in the tundra where you could see the night sky clearly with the occasional aurora borealis 
From the roof, you controlled the stars
The tales of you defecting from the heavens was a popular one, and you became somewhat of a symbol of the hope that humanity should hold for themselves and compassion
Occasionally sending shooting stars over humans you knew were stargazing
You have met many lovers, friends, and even your own adopted kids over the next millenia, all of them accepting your immortality and everlasting duties
But it’s all the same in the end: they come, they leave, and they die
With each death of your loved ones, you could feel your will to keep going dissipate
The stars grew dimmer gradually in the night sky
The humans gradually stopped worshipping you as you disappeared from the night skies
You became a distant memory for elders to tell children 
Disappearing from the face of the Earth for a few centuries when you could not take the constant deaths any longer
Nobody knew where your cabin laid so you were undisturbed for centuries on end, left to your grief
That was until a knock sounded at your door
The knock startled you out of the comfort of your bed. Reluctantly, you left the warmth of the multitude of blankets and donned your cloak to hide your unkempt appearance. When you passed the mirror hanging in the hallway, you could see that your face was shrouded by darkness with the exception of a single glint where your eyes were caused by the lone star that was a constant reminder of your position. Before you fell into a deep depression, the stars would illuminate your entire face if you put your hood up. 
You opened the front door without a care in the world. If the beings on the other side were humans that would take you away and torture you, you didn’t care. You’re long past the point of caring for your own well being.
On the other side was a man of average height and long shaggy blond hair pulled into a slick ponytail. He was dressed entirely in green with a green and white striped bucket hat placed on his head. Past you would’ve been cooing at the object, but now you dully looked at the man in front of you. You glanced behind him and your eyes widened at the huge black wings sprouting from his back. You know who he was the second your eye caught the black feathers; he was the Angel of Death.
“Hello, Angel of Death.”
He tried to peer into your shrouded features, only seeing two pinpricks of light where your eyes should be. He gave you a friendly smile, brushing off the snow that gathered on his shoulders. “(Y/n), the God of the Stars and the Night Sky. Giver of compassion to the human race, it’s an honor to meet you.”
“Why are you here? Last time I checked, my last lover died centuries ago.”
“Yes, my condolences. They were lovely when I guided their soul to the afterlife.”
“You still have not answered my question, Angel of Death. Why are you here?” You grit out the last sentence through a clenched jaw. He has no right to talk about them when he assisted in taking them away from you. Him and your cousin, the Goddess of Death Kristin. They took everybody you loved away from you. You knew that their deaths were unavoidable since they were human and you were immortal, but you still couldn’t help but resent them.
“The Goddess of Death sent me. The God of the Moon and the Goddess of the Sun sent her a request to send me to check on you.”
You stared at him for a few moments before you saw him shivering slightly and sighed. You always had a soft spot for humans, even if the being in front of you was not a human in the slightest. He reminded you of an old friend. You stepped aside and gestured lazily inside the house, “come in.”
He started to visit more and more over the next century
He eventually befriended you about half a century into the visits
It was extremely difficult to do because of how guarded you were, but he managed to break you out of your shell
You realizing how kind he was and how much he cared for you
You quickly came to the realization that he was immortal as well after reading up on the Angel of Death
After another fifty years, he became your best friend
You both opened up and comforted each other about everybody you both lost over the years
When he adopted Technoblade and then Wilbur not long after Techno, you were extremely hesitant to get close to them
Even going as far as telling Philza that you thought that it was an extremely bad idea
Mortals always end up leaving in the end anyways, it’s best to avoid the endless cycle of hurt that came with having mortals around
You told him about your own adopted children that have died over the years
You refuse to meet them, cutting off all communication with Philza for a year or two
Eventually meeting his three adopted kids when you reluctantly accept a dinner invitation one day
You attempted to appear cold and uncaring, but your love for humans (especially baby humans) shone through when an infant Tommy started to play with your cape
It seemed that the stars and the moving nebulas within the fabric entranced him
From then on whenever you visited Philza, you always held Tommy until he was too old for you to do so
Becoming very attached to the blond with your strong innate parental instincts
You introduce Techno to mythology, sharing stories of your personal interactions with certain gods and entities throughout the years
You teach Techno how to cope with the voices as you constantly hear multiple prayers to you from humans at the same time
You arrange a meeting for Wilbur with the Goddess of Music when he asks you about her
Arranging for her to start giving him lessons in exchange of a favor that will be cashed at a later date
You help raise all three of them, often taking them off Philza’s hands for a night or two 
Their favorite activity with you is watching you raise the stars and turn the sky dark
They always loved to watch you move the stars and summon shooting stars for them
The stars gradually returned to your eyes and a constant ecstatic smile slowly became synonymous with your face again
Humans started to worship you again when the stars in the sky became brighter
You became your old self again after centuries of feeling lost 
To repay them for everything they’ve done for you, you decided to rearrange the stars for one night 
One night of having a different star pattern couldn’t hurt 
Sure, it’d make a few theories pop up among the humans, but those are fun to overhear sometimes
The young boys and Philza behind you watched in awe as your eyes started to glow brightly and you slowly moved your hands gracefully raising the stars with the moon, your cloak starting to flow with nonexistent winds. They’ve seen you raise the stars thousands of times, but it never ceases to amaze them. It was just so… entrancing. 
You broke into a slight sweat and started to move the stars from their original positions in the sky. Shaking slightly, you pushed back against the strain and slight pain that it brought you. You’ve never done this before, so you really didn’t know what you were expecting. You felt someone put a hand on your shoulder.
“What’re you doin, mate?”
“Uh Dad?”
“Not now Techno. Mate, are you alright?”
“Dad, look up. They’re rearranging the stars,” Wilbur breathed out.
You could hear Philza gasp slightly as he watched star after star move until they locked into place. There in the twinkling night sky was each of their names gleaming brightly in small lettering. When you were done, you fell into a kneel onto the ground and rubbed at your aching head panting lightly. 
You could hear the boys around you panic slightly as you regained your breath. As you heard them approach you you looked up at them and smiled, the stars gleaming brightly in your irises. “Do you like it?”
“Y-yes but gods, (y/n) are you alright?”
“I am fine, but stars, I have never done that before. Are you four ready for stargazing?”
“That was so pog, (y/n)! How’d you do that?”
“I hold the power of the stars and the night sky in my hands. My brother once told me that the night is our kingdom.” You laid down onto the grass and took off your cloak to cover up a shivering Tommy and Wilbur next to you. You sighed as you thought about your siblings; you wondered how they were doing. 
“I will gladly move the stars themselves for you four. You are my family.” There was a stretched out moment of comfortable silence as you five watched shooting stars blaze by. Eventually, you saw an aurora borealis materialize above you. Furrowing your brow, you looked at it in question. They don’t appear this time of year, so why-
“Aelia,” you breathed out as you watched the greens flow above you. She must’ve sent a gust of solar wind your way. 
“Isn’t Aelia the Goddess of the Sun?” Wilbur asked you.
“Yes, she is my oldest sister. She must have redirected the solar winds over here.” 
“Damn, what’s with the gods changing everything tonight? You guys need to fuckin chill.”
“Tommy!” Philza scolded and was about to continue before he heard you start to laugh. They’ve only heard you genuinely laugh only a couple of times, so the sound that left your mouth immediately brightened the mood. 
“Yes Tommy, I suppose we do need to ‘fucking chill’.”
“You swore! Fuckin pog,” Tommy cheered to himself as the others looked at you in slight shock at your words. If you’re being completely honest in all of the years you spent alive (which is since basically the beginning of time), you’ve never sworn once. You were raised differently than that. When you realized that the others were staring at you, you smirked at them. The stars twinkling and giving your eyes even more of a mischievous glint, “what? Have you never heard a god swear before?”
General taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@crybabyjabby  @izzybobizzy13  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @bunnyz-pxstel  @averytiredfanfictionwriter  @dcml04  @sparkling-gayyyy  @bbigbbrainn  @thaticecreambish  @kiinokochii  @satansphatass  @bxkubitch  @bxmentchildxx  @roxy3457  @montygator17  @feverish-dove  @the-fictionwriters-hairdo  @jichuuchaeng  @404rynnotfound  @luluwinchester  @laura--444  @the-cult-classic-bitch  @youngstarfishdinosaur
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jungshookz · 4 years
what if y/n's friends come by for a surprise visit or smth and mr park is like right there, how would that work out 😟
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➺ pairing; park jimin x reader
➺ genre; balletteacher!jiminiverse!! smerhaps smut (slightly suggestive content!!!) also y/n’s not good at improv and it shows womp womp 
➺ wordcount; 2.4k
                                     »»————- ♥ ————-««
“god, you smell good...” jimin murmurs against your neck, his fingers giving your hips a gentle squeeze before his hand slides down to hitch your leg up against his waist 
you’re so warm and so soft against him... 
he’s obsessed with you 
“you say that a lot.” you tease quietly, reaching up to tangle your fingers in his soft hair before tugging lightly, “we should probably get up soon... we can’t spend the entire day doing nothing.”
“well, we won’t be doing nothing-” jimin pulls away suddenly before pressing his forehead against yours, “we’d technically be doing each other-”
“what? oh my god, you are such a boy-” you feel your face flush immediately and you turn to the side so you don’t have to look at that cocky smirk on jimin’s face that never fails to make your tummy flutter 
“c’mon, pretty girl...” jimin purrs lowly, taking the chance to bury his face into the crook of your neck again before rolling his hips against yours, “i wanna make you feel good.”
the chains hanging around his neck tickle against your heated skin and your eyelids flutter when you feel jimin’s hand creeping towards your centre 
“i-” you perk up in alarm when you swear you hear the slight sound of the front door clicking shut, your brows knitting in concern as you stare up at the ceiling 
...and then you hear faint footsteps...
...and you’re pretty sure that’s the sound of giggling... 
what the hell
are there people in your apartment right now 
oh my god 
are there people in your apartment right now?! 
“oh my god-!” you immediately shove jimin off of you, wincing when he rolls off the bed and lands on the ground with a loud thump
“ow-! what was that for??” jimin whines quietly, sitting up before rubbing at his lower back, “also, you are… so much stronger than you look-”
“sorry, sorry-!” you whisper, frantically pulling your shorts up your legs before grabbing a shirt off the end of the bed, “you need to-”
“party of five for miss y/n y/l/n! get your ass out here, girlie!”
"you know, i bet she’s still asleep-” 
you feel like you’re about to pass out when you hear lisa getting closer to your bedroom and you reach up to run a hand through your hair in panic 
“uh- no! no, i’m up!” you announce loudly before clearing your throat, “just- just gimme a second, lisa- don’t come in here because i’m, like, super naked right now-” you chuckle nervously before spinning around to face jimin (who’s still a little dazed from hitting the ground so hard and so fast, which explains why he’s just sitting there basically doing nothing), “jimin, hurry!”
“fuck, hold on- did you- did you know they were coming over today?” jimin hisses, scrambling up from the ground before pulling the sheets up around his hips so that his lower half is decently covered, “where the hell is my shirt…?”
“oh, yeah, i planned for them to come over the same weekend you’re here so we can all get together and i can tell everyone that mr. park was the one who gave me that hickey they saw last week-” you pause before looking over at your currently-denser-than-a-block-of-tofu boyfriend with wide eyes, “obviously not, jimin! you need to hide-”
“but you’re wearing m-”
you don’t give jimin much of a chance to say or do anything else before you’re grabbing him and basically shoving him into your open closet
“i-” he raises a finger and you shake your head, slapping his hand down quickly
“not a single word-” you warn, shoving your hand against his chest to push him in even deeper before abruptly pulling the closet doors shut
your bedroom door swings open right as you trap jimin in your closet and you spin around with a wide smile, pressing yourself up against the doors, “i’m not doing anything!”
“good morning, sunshine!” lisa chirps, her smile faltering as she takes in the state of the room, “uh…”
geez louise
she knew you were messy, but…
the blanket is drooping off the bed, your clothes are strewn everywhere (your panties are literally hanging off the lamp) - it looks like someone came in here and ransacked the place, if she’s being honest
“i’m doing some spring cleaning.” you chime in as soon as you note the look of concern on her face, “you know how it is! everything has to be super messy before it becomes super clean.”
“it’s… it’s nowhere close to spring, so i wouldn’t call it spring cleaning.” she snorts, crossing her arms before turning on her heel to look at you, “so, how much time do you need to get ready? the girls are waiting in the living room.”
“i, um- it’s just that i said…” you trail off, trying to find the right words to let her down easy, “you know, i did say that i wasn’t going to join you guys this weekend, so i will... not be getting ready... because i won’t be leaving the apartment?”
“oh, i know you said that, but… this is the second time this month that you’ve ditched us to hang out in your apartment by yourself! that’s why we decided to come and surprise you and drag you out instead!” lisa smiles, your heart skipping a beat when she starts to walk closer to you, “now, let’s pick out a cute outfit for you-”
“no!” you snap, slamming yourself up tighter against the closet doors, “no way!”
“woah-!” lisa stumbles backward in surprise before frowning at you, “jesus… what’s your problem this morning? god, you’re so jumpy-”
“i’m fine! i’m just- uh- i’m on my period so- you know how it is since you are also a human girl who has her period every month-” you cough into your fist before letting out a chuckle, “there’s just something about bleeding profusely out of your hooha that drives you crazy, right?! just girly things. so crazy. it’s wild.”
“what are you talkin- wait, what are you wearing?” lisa suddenly changes the subject and you frown before looking down at your-
oh no
this is not your shirt
this is jimin’s shirt
and you’re pretty sure lisa knows this is jimin’s shirt because she made a comment last week about how nice and biteable his arms looked in it when he pushed the sleeves up
and yeah, one might think that all white t-shirts look the same and that there’s really no difference between them, but lisa pays special attention to detail and would be able to tell about fifty white t-shirts apart if she had to 
“a… white t-shirt?” you scoff playfully, trying to play it off and keep things super chill and super casual, “my goodness, you’re certainly a little ditzy before mimosas-”
“well, yeah, it’s a shirt, y/n, but...” she places her hands on her hips before tilting her head, her eyes narrowing into slits, “it looks so familiar and i can’t quite remember where i’ve seen it…”
you chew on the inside of your cheek anxiously as she continues staring at you
you hate this
you’d very much like for a wormhole to appear and swallow you up if that were possible 
should you say something??
you’ve been quiet for too long
you should say something and change the subject so that she doesn’t have enough time to figure out that you’re wearing mr. park’s shirt because then that’d lead to a discussion as to why you’re wearing mr. park’s shirt and then that’d lead to oh, yeah, by the way, i’m in a relationship with our teacher and before you got here we were in the middle of having sex so it’d be great if you could leave-
“you know, you’re probably thinking about a shirt you saw in a magazine or something- i-” you’re cut off when seulgi suddenly wanders into your bedroom, immediately letting out a snort at the sight of your bedroom
“wow, y/n! i’ve heard of disorganised chaos, but this is a little much.” she whistles lowly before turning to face you, “what’s taking you freaks so long?”
“we were about to pick an outfit for y/n but- hey, does that shirt look familiar to you?” lisa asks quietly, seulgi leaning in a little closer before pursing her lips in thought
“mm… i don’t know. just looks like any old ratty t-shirt y/n would own. why?”
“ratty-“ you gawk, looking down at your shirt, “this isn’t ratty!”
“okay, miss fuzzy-legwarmers-”
“okay, you guys should probably leave because my cramps are, like, killing me-” you step away from the closet for the first time since lisa came in before gesturing for the two of them to go, “i promise i’ll come to brunch next week, but right now, i just need to be by myself-”
(and you know it would never happen but you hope the closet doors won’t spriNG open like they do in the cartoons when the closet’s been overstuffed)
“are you sure you don’t wanna join us? we’re going to talk about how yummy mr. park looked in class on friday-” seulgi turns to glance at you with a smirk as you continue to shove them down the hallway and back out to the living room, “and we all know how you just won’t shut up about mr. park-”
“hA, okay- very funny-” you chuckle nervously as you glance back towards your open bedroom door, hoping that jimin won’t be able to hear any of this 
you don’t need to embarrass yourself in front of him any further! 
“there’s no point in denying it, y/n!” lisa chirps, “you looooove mr. park and you just wanna sit all over that pretty face-”
“you know, i already know that i’m never going to live that down and you guys aren’t helping-” you grumble, shoving against their backs to get them to move faster, “you basically remind me of it every day-” 
“aw, c’mon! you know we’re only teasing, you wuss.” seulgi rolls her eyes, “besides, i wanna talk about how sexy his arms are, so if you come to brunch with us, i can do all the talking and the fantasizing on your behalf- do you think he’d be able to pin you down using one hand?”
you feel your cheeks flush because you happen to know the answer to that particular question (the answer is a big fat ABSOLUTELY he can)
“you know, i don’t know why you always get so quiet whenever we talk about him-” wendy chimes in once the three of you reach the living room, “this is a safe space! we’re all allowed to talk about how much we want mr. park to fuck us into oblivion-”
“i just feel like-” you choke, clearing your throat quietly before averting your gaze to the ground, “you know, he’s our- he’s our teacher, so… so it’s a little weird? to be talking about all the things you want him to do to you?”
also you’re dating him and it’s weird to hear about how much your friends want to fuck your boyfriend 
also they talk about him like he’s a piece of meat - and yes, you’re guilty of displaying the same behaviour sometimes - but it’s still not cool!! 
jimin’s so much more than just a (very) pretty face and a (very) fit body 
“you were the one who said you wanted to sit on his face-”
“yes, i’m aware- you know, i only said that to get seulgi to shut up- anyway!” you scurry over to the door and hold it open before gesturing for everyone to get the hell out of your apartment, “it was wonderful seeing you girls, but i’ll see you on monday at class-” you force a smile on your face and praY that no one is too suspicious of your very odd behaviour
you think you’ve done a decent job at keeping it cool so far... right? 
“fine. but we’re not going to share any of the details that we talked about as your punishment.” lisa shakes her head disappointedly as she adjusts her purse strap over her shoulder, “it’s your loss! you don’t get to dream about having sex with the most beautiful man on earth-”
you almost let out a snort but you stop yourself before it happens
you’ve never been one for bragging, but... you don’t have to dream about having sex with the most beautiful man on earth because you’re already having sex with the most beautiful man on earth 
(what you’re trying to say is that God has favourites and you clearly made the list) 
“well, that’s a consequence i’m just going to have to suffer with-” you push your bottom lip out in a pout before waving frantically, “goodbye, you guys-!”
you let out a breath of relief as soon as you slam the door shut behind you
holy moly
that was close!!!!!
that was TOO close
you and jimin need to have a better plan to prepare for this if it happens again
hopefully this won’t happen again but you can never be too sure... 
maybe you should take your spare apartment key back from lisa 
“are they gone?” you jump when jimin pokes his head around the corner and you nod before shooting him a thumbs up
“yes, thank god- but that was… that was way too close.” you shudder, turning and making sure the door is double-locked before walking towards jimin, “i don’t even know what i’d do if they saw you.”
“judging by your improv skills, you’d probably tell them i’m mr. park’s twin brother-”
“you know, that’s actually not half bad!” you raise a brow before reaching down to brush your fingers against the growing red spot on jimin’s bare chest from where you shoved at him earlier, “also, sorry i pushed you onto the ground. and then shoved you into a closet.”
“eh, i’m fine.” he hums, taking your hand before turning and walking back towards the hallway, “also, i’m going to have to ask to join one of these brunches one day since i seem to be a hot topic.” 
“oh my god, jimin-”
“by the way-” he glances at you over his shoulder for a split second with a particularly cheeky smirk, “i don’t think i need to remind you again that the offer for you to sit on my face still stands...”
“oh my god, jimin-!”
✨why don’t you explore the rest of the library while you’re here?
💫or perhaps you want something shorter to read?
🌟or something even shorter?
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userholland · 3 years
all for her [4]
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pairing: bartender!dad!tom x female!reader
summary: a single-dad bartender, a supportive best friend and their continuous, unrequited love noticed by his optimistic daughter. is it possible to break a heart they never knew they had?
word count: 10.2k!
a/n: it’s been more than a month... again... but i really hope you guys enjoy the bow to tie this series together. i do apologize this was more dad!tom than it was bartender!tom... i wish i got to spend so much more time on it with school going on, but i’m really proud of it!!! and i’m so grateful and happy for all the feedback i’ve gotten on it. thank y’all so much and your support means so much for my love for writing! if you want a epilogue, please let me know!
— masterlist ☆彡
There was something about the morning that was so peaceful. The warm light of the sun peered through the curtains and trailed onto the duvet and part of your arm, moving across your body until it beamed in your tired eyes. Your hair had a musty smell from the rain last night, not having the energy to shower after what happened. You ran your hand over Tom’s side of the bed, the cotton sheets soft against your palm until you pressed your weight onto it to lift yourself up.
The cracks in your back echoed the room, running your fingers through your hair to push it out of your face before putting it up to not be overwhelmed by the smell. As you stretched the rest of your body, you slid over the sheets until your toes hit the cold wooden floor. You got a jolt up your spine before grabbing Tom’s grey sweatshirt on the back of his desk chair, quickly slipping it over your body to warm up from the chilliness of the fall. You could tell winter was upon you, excited to get a light blanket of snow soon.
When you walked over to the dresser, your hands held on each of the drawer handles about to pull until you took a second look at the picture set on the top. A small smile painted on your lips, reminiscing the fond memory like the picture was moving in real life. It was Summer’s first snowfall and despite her name, she loved the winter. 
You bought her a big, pink coat with gloves dangled by end of the sleeves that paired with a knitted hat that covered her ears. The three of you were stood outside of the apartment and propped the camera on a window seal as the big flurries fell. With Summer on Tom’s shoulders, you stood close to him and wore his denim jacket and black beanie. Tom liked to keep it, remembering it was one of the first times his life felt whole again since he was gifted with Summer.
After brisking through Tom’s top drawer, not believing how he didn’t organize his socks, you found white, crew socks and slipped them on before walking to the door and carefully turned the doorknob. The sounds of chirping birds could be heard from behind the windows in the living room and no honking cars to wake up the neighborhood, as if everything had fallen back into it’s perfect place.
Summer’s door was cracked open, enough that when you peaked in, you could see her and Tom snuggled on her twin bed. It made Tom look bigger than he was, seeing the pink duvet covering them and his arms were wrapped around her. You were happy to see them together, better than having to walk past an empty room again and Tom asleep on the couch.
She sobbed when she got home, relieved to be home and she missed Tom so much. Her arms were tight around his neck and her legs were squeezing around his waist, so it was almost impossible for him to put her down. With her head tucked in his shoulder, the somber cries she whimpered broke his heart as they walked into the apartment. At first they sat on the couch and he ran his hand over her damp hair till it air-dried, forgetting that it was in the middle of the night and all of you needed to go to bed.
“Daddy, can you sleep with me? Please.” Summer asked, her voice so innocent and tired.
“Of course. Of course…” Tom trailed, kissing her temple and rubbing her back. His tears wouldn’t stop either, trailing down his cheeks as he continued to embrace her while they sat together.
They were parted for a month, but it felt like years to them.
“I’m gonna warm up some clothes for her and give her bath, okay?” You put your hand on Tom’s shoulder, rubbing it as he nodded in response.
Summer instantly attached to you when you pulled her away from Tom, uncoiling her arms from his touch and she held you like she was hanging in mid-air. You carried her to the bathroom, closing the door behind the two of you. After wrapping her casted arm in saran wrap and a plastic bag, you helped her get in the bath then shampooed her hair gently and gave her rag to wash up. 
She was getting older now, wanting to already be more independent, but you wanted to make sure she didn’t drown if she fell asleep or hit her head on the side of the tub. With her small eyes heavy and body like jello, you were careful with her as she yawned every two minutes. Her sniffling made your heart tremble, but you’re relieved that she just had your number and was able to call. You admired how smart she was and couldn’t believe she was growing up so fast.
After warming her favorite pajamas in the dryer, you helped her change in her bedroom and combed through her wet hair with a comb. She was sat on the bed, but her eyes kept fluttering at the relaxing feeling of the brush massaging against her scalp. Putting some fuzzy socks on her feet, you tucked her into bed. The whole time, Tom had to stay in the living room trying to compose himself, his hands pressed against his temples and his head down. 
You carefully closed Summer’s door, but not all the way, just so the hall light didn’t peak in. When you walked over and saw Tom, you slowly approached him and squated down to be face to face with him. Tom had his hands on his face, still unable to process everything that happened. His clothes were soaked and his hair was wet, but you still ran your hands through it to comfort him.
“Hey… she’s okay. She’s already asleep.” You reassured him, placing your hand on his knee.
Tom lifted his head, his eyes were red around the waterline and the whites of them were bloodshot. Your thumb gently ran on his tinted cheek, sealing your lips as you waited for him to say anything.
“I don’t know what to do.” He sniffed, running his hand over his wet curls, slicking them back.
Your eyes glossed, “What do you mean? Tom, she’s back home.”
Tom sniffled, his wrist against his nose to rub off his tears and his hand trembling, “Yeah, but, w-what if this isn’t enough? What if she… is taken again? What happens then?” His breath shaky, already overwhelmed.
Your heart kept breaking, seeing him fall even more apart. “You got her, she’s here now. There’s nothing else you need to do other than go in there because all she wants right now is her dad. Okay?” You softly told him, running your hand along his knee.
“I just can’t lose her again.”
You shook your head, “No, no, You won’t. You won’t and I’ll tell you that a thousand times more. You love her and no matter what happens, you’re gonna find a way. We’re gonna find a way.”
Tom nodded, your foreheads gently pressed together before you cupped his cheek, your lips trembling as they planted a light kiss on his nose and trailed to his lips. You felt Tom’s hand place on the back of your hair, raking his fingers through it as you nuzzled your face into his neck with your arms wrapped around him. Both of you sniffled, complete messes, but you had to pull yourselves together for Summer and be there for her now that she was home.
“Get changed then get some sleep, okay?” You told him, getting back on your feet and reaching a hand out to him. After he lifted up on his feet, you playfully pushed his back as he started walking away. A sigh of relief left your lips as you plopped on the couch, taking some time to come down from the adrenaline as well. It could be compared to the end of a classic symphony, when the cymbals rhythmic banging and high notes of the violins all come to a halt followed by the final boom of the drums. It was all over.
The warm sunshine beamed against the pale yellow walls of Summer’s room when you peaked in. You glared at the two of them in their still slumber, not wanting to disturb them this early so you carefully closed the door. You held the doorknob to the left, slowly letting it go until you heard the click of the the bolt.
Tom wasn’t able to tell you the conversation last night between him and Maggie, but it didn’t feel important since he was able to have Summer back. While you spited her and wanted to hate her, you didn’t want to butt your life into his past. You knew that if it really bothered Tom, he would tell you, but all that mattered was that your girl was home and you both couldn’t have been happier about it.
An hour later, Tom appeared from the bedroom with Summer on his hip. With her head rested on his shoulder and a pout on her lips, you chuckled as you admired their mirrored, tired expressions.
“The resemblance is uncanny.” You jeered, leaning with your back toward the counter with a cup of tea in your hands.
Tom’s lazy smile was angelic, a half-grin on his lips before he pressed a soft kiss against your temple.
“Good morning, babe.” He said in a groggy tone.
“Morning.” You grinned, smiling and running your hand gently over the top of Summer’s hair, “She must be exhausted. We’re you both able to sleep at all last night?”
“Yeah, but I think she can skip school today. I’ll call in a few minutes... I wanna stay here for the rest of the day with her or at least, until I have work.” Tom said at a whisper, setting Summer on the couch and she stirred in her light sleep. He placed the blanket on the arm of the sofa over her body, tucking it between her and the couch to keep her warm.
“I think that’s great. It was a long night for her.” You sighed as Tom walked back over to you, “God, I can’t get her voice out of my head when I heard her on the phone... When she asked for us to come pick her up, I panicked and I just-”
“You did the right thing, babe. I got it all taken care of… well, at least a bit right now… Crap, I almost forget, I have to make sure her follow up appointment for her arm is next Wednesday.” Tom comforted you, rubbing your shoulders before his hands cupped your face. He left another kiss on the center of your forehead before he sat at the kitchen table. You set a cup of tea infront of him and he wrapped his hand around the mug handle, bringing it to his lips and the strong scent of lemon waking him up.
You placed your cup on the counter, wrapping your arms around Tom’s neck from behind, still stood while he relaxed his back against the chair.
“Is your dad gonna call later?” You asked him, kissing the top of his head and laying your cheek against his hair.
He nodded as he took another sip, “Yeah, we’re gonna talk about the lawyer stuff. Maybe I can ask him what I can do about… Summer and dealing with custody.” Tom said, a bit unsure with a furrowed brow.
His hand gently came up, rubbing your forearm as you still had your arms around him. His thumb smoothly ran over your soft skin as you leaned your head down, pressing a kiss on his cheek.
“We’ll figure it all out.” You whispered against his ear, “And if all else fails, we’ll move to Europe and change our identities.”
Tom’s chuckle erupted, his smile gleaming as he bought the palm of your hand up to kiss.
“You know, I need your jokes sometimes. Just to realize how much you hold me down.” Tom jeered, but meant what he said.
As you unwound your arms from him, your hand ran across his shoulders before you looked down at him and tilted his chin up. Everything about him was taken with time, his eyes were a beautiful shade of brown and the features in his face were carved in perfectly. You loved the crinkles by his eyes when he smiled wide or laughed hard, remembering it was one of the reasons you loved to make him laugh.
“I’m gonna take a quick shower. Ready to be back in dad mode?” You grinned, rubbing his back.
“As much as I can be.”
With that, you turned around and his eyes followed you down the hall. From the way you stood on your tippy toes to reach the top shelf for linens and how you put your tongue between your lips, he could list a million different reasons to be in love with you. He couldn’t have found a fatal flaw other than being too nice when it wasn’t necessary. You had so much love to give and Tom had known that since you were kids, thinking about the times you left animal crackers by the weeping willow by the playground at school. You’d hope the fun-shaped crackers would give it some nutrients, making it not be sad anymore and Tom, only nine years old, didn’t have the heart to tell you that squirrels would steal them.
That attitude hadn’t changed as you got older, always seeing you pull through your worst and most stressful times. Especially throughout college, Tom had tried to be as much as he could to be your best friend without letting his feelings shift platonic affection. He didn’t expect you to stay around much when Summer appeared on his doorstep, wondering if you would push away from the sudden commitment he took on. But, he laid down one day and realized it wasn’t like you to keep your distance when something this drastic happened. What he didn’t know is that you were all in from the start. Since the day you met until right here and right now, you weren’t leaving each other no matter what or who tried to come between you.
As Tom finished his tea and you were in the shower, Summer slowly stirred out of her sleep and got up from the couch. In her matching, lavender pajamas, she pushed her hair out of her face before walking up to Tom. He chuckled at her lazy daze, but he opened his arms and she crawled into them to sit on his lap.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” He chuckled, kissing her temple repeatedly.
“Good morning, daddy.” She mumbled and wiped her eyes with the back of her non-casted hand.
“What are we feeling this morning? Cereal? Pancakes? Maybe that oatmeal you like, the cinnamon and apples flavor?” Tom asked her, wanting to spoil her with anything he could.
“Can I have pears with cinnamon, please?” Summer asked, looking into her father’s eyes.
Tom lifted her as he stood up, “Of course, you can. Whatever your little heart desires.” He smiled, placing her in the chair and kissing the top of her messy hair.
When he walked over to the fruit bowl by the corner of the kitchen counter, Summer shifted to sitting on her knees with her elbows against the table so she could watch Tom make her breakfast.
“Daddy?” She asked, her voice so benevolent.
“Yes?” Tom replied with his back still toward her.
“Do I have to go back there? To the lady’s house? Because… I don’t wanna go back there. That lady was mean and I didn’t like her.” She summarized, tracing her short and tiny fingers along the wood of the kitchen table.
Tom turned around, pausing his chopping and he didn’t know what to say in the first few seconds.
“You never have to go back there unless you want to, okay? I promise you. We keep our promises, remember?” Tom reminded her with a soft tone.
“You promised I didn’t have to stay there, but you left me there.” She pouted, not making eye contact with him.
A chill ran up his spine, this conversation worrying him since the day he dropped her off and made that unforeseen promise. The first promise he didn’t know he would break. He didn’t want to lie to her, but even with the sake of that being for Maggie’s benefit, he still knew he lied. Tom presumed Summer would forget that he promised not to leave her there, remembering how assured she was it was just a weekend, but it had been a month and Tom wondered what went through her mind now.
“I know, sweetheart… but, I promise. You’re here for good.” Tom walked back over and she finally looked up at him, her eyes glassy.
“Okay, daddy.” She muttered, but he had to hug her. He didn’t know why, but he didn’t want to second guess everything and get too comfortable before something worse could happen.
“I love you, kid.” Tom said, kissing the top of her head again.
After Tom gave Summer her breakfast, she could barely keep her head up to bring the fork to her mouth. He knew she was overtired from the night before, so he brought her back to the couch to rest and leave on some cartoons at a low volume. He laid down too, of course, her on top of him and her head was against his chest. Oddly, she laid flat against him and she was stiff as a board, her hair in her face and her mouth slightly gapped. A few times she’d twitch in her sleep and it made Tom nervous, thinking something was wrong, but it was his heightened protectiveness and he knew he couldn’t keep remaining on edge about her being taken away again. It was hard to not think that now, but Tom knew once she got used to the feeling of home again, everything will go back to normal. Blood or not, she was his daughter and he was her father and no one could take that away from them.
A few hours pass and Tom expected a call from his dad any second so, he suggested that you and Summer go out for a bit to avoid the conversation. After she got dressed and you put on her jacket, the two of you got your shoes on by the door. Summer sat on the ground, grabbing the black and white converses off the shoe rack and carefully used the bunny ears technique on her laces.
“Loop… loop and pull.” She mumbled, pulling at the thread coils.
As you slipped on your sneakers, Tom walked out from the bathroom and smiled at Summer sat, her face contorting as she concentrated on the knot.
“Daddy, look, I did it!”
“Good job, kid!” He chuckled, helping her on her feet, “So, did you and Y/N find out what you’re gonna do?”
“We’re gonna see the duckies!” She giggled and you nodded to her statement.
“Ah, sounds like fun. I wish I could come, but maybe this weekend. We can go after your doctor’s appointment.” Tom proposed and Summer nodded frantically, her hair bouncing and moving around.
You grinned, “Alright, we’re gonna go. You need anything while we’re out?”
Tom’s eyes gleamed at the sight of your smile, “No, I’m good.”
“Okay, We’ll see you soon.” You grin, giving him a light kiss.
Summer giggled to herself before she grabbed your hand, leading the way out the door. Tom chuckled before he shut the door behind you and he sighed, starting to feel the pieces fall back together. Throughout the time Summer was away, he didn’t realize in the moment how you stayed. It was just that simple and even imagining the future, he saw your face. Everything between you two had lead up to this moment and he knew it in his heart that there was a reason for something bringing the both of you together. He wasn’t sure if the feeling was mutual or he’d let too many movies get to his head, but somehow fate seemed in his favor. He wished he could have changed some things to please others with the bridges he’s burnt through his life and with his family, but he wouldn’t change his entire life if it didn’t have you or Summer in it.
As you strolled to the park, you couldn’t stop smiling as you talked to Summer. She went on about how she wanted to make Christmas cookies already and how many people had signed her cast, almost no room to even squeeze in another. She was an extrovert by heart, just like her dad and how charismatic he could be once he opens up. You held her hand when you crossed streets and you followed her close when you wondered around the market to get the bread to feed the ducks. After checking out, you two walked to your favorite park, the one she missed so much, to the bench you always sat at that was a few feet away from the pond.
“That one’s name is… Marty.” She said, squatting by the edge of the grass.
You were sat in the grass with your legs crossed, “And that one’s name?” You pointed to the duck with a white tail.
“...Allen.” She giggled, tossing another piece of bread in the water.
You chuckled, “And which one is your favorite?”
“I like Dorothy and Duke because they’re a couple.” She said as she ripped up another piece of bread.
“How do you know they’re together?”
“Because they kiss sometimes. They love each other, just like you and daddy.” Summer replied, looking at the bread as she bunched it up and threw it in the water.
A heat rose to your cheeks, “I guess you’re right.” You chuckled a bit as you watched her keep throwing the bread, watching the ducks swoop it up with their beaks as they passed by.
She turned to you, “Y/N.”
“Summer.” You smiled.
“Are you and my daddy gonna get married? You guys kiss now and people who get married kiss too.” She said in her explanation of what love was to her.
“Well… We’re together now, but we’re not getting married.” You tried to explain in a soft tone, wanting her to understand.
“But, I want you to be my mommy.” She squinted her eyes looking toward you because the sun was in her eyes, her nose scrunched as well.
You sighed, “I’m your best friend and I’m always gonna be here for you.” You could promise her that much, but you didn’t want to say what you really thought, not wanting her to get an permanent image in her head.
She pouted, but didn’t respond at first. It’s like she was gathering her thoughts together before saying what was on her mind.
“I hate that lady I stayed with. She was mean and didn’t tell me bedtime stories.” She mumbled as she sat with you, gently pulling at the grass.
You nodded, “You don’t hate her.”
“I did! She was mean. She’s not my mommy. She’s like the evil queen in Snow White.” She protested, her eyes widening as her voice emphasized.
“Summer, she’s your mom.” You sighed.
“Cinderella’s mommy was mean.” She pointed out.
It almost made you chuckle at how persistent she was, but nevertheless, you told her, “Well, you don’t have to see her until you want to, okay? Your dad isn’t gonna let that happen again, neither will I.”
Summer got up, pushing her hands against the grass before she moved closer to you. She rested her head against your shoulder as she coiled her arm around yours, holding you tight as the two of you watched the ducks float by, some of them swimming alongside their ducklings. The light breeze kept you cool, blowing your hair out of your face, and the kids laughing as they ran around.
Meanwhile, Tom was pacing the kitchen with his phone practically glued to his ear. His dad told him about his options, laying out the routes they could take for this settlement to be as easy as it could be without there being any loopholes. With Tom’s bruises healing, he still had to go to follow up appointments for his concussion and his dad thinks it’s enough to let Tom be heard by the judge.
His court appearance was coming up, but Tom’s dad would come with him to make sure everything went as they were planning. It was nice to feel connected to his dad again, maybe not under these circumstances, but he felt supported again and maybe he was all this time. Tom’s anger had masked that his dad did genuinely care for him, it was his stepmom’s doing that wedged them apart and Tom was still trying to figure out how to deal with her, but he wanted to maintain his relationship with his dad as well as try to mend the shifty one with his mom.
“So, we’ll meet at the courthouse on the 20th, 10a.m.” Tom stated.
His dad nodded, “Sounds good to me.”
Tom chuckled, “Thanks so much… for everything.”
“I’m your dad, you don’t have to thank me. If you did, it would be your first words.” His dad jeered, sitting back in his office chair.
“Yeah…” Tom trailed, “Hey, are you guys doing… anything big for Thanksgiving?”
His dad was surprised, his eyebrows raised as he replied, “Uh, yeah. Have a few friends over, maybe your uncle Ted and Aunt Lorriane. There’s always room for more.” His dad smiled.
“Well, I was thinking that, maybe, me and Y/N came come… and Summer, of course.” Tom gulped, tucking his hand under his other arm as he leaned against the counter.
“Yeah, we’d love to have you. Of course, we’d love to have you.” His dad was surprised by how open-minded Tom was becoming.
“I think it would be great after… all this. You know? And I want you guys to meet Y/N.” Tom shrugged.
“We’d love that too… how are things with her after everything?” Tom’s dad followed up, smiling to himself.
Tom bit his bottom lip, “She’s been so… supportive. It’s crazy how supportive she’s been… I don’t think I could have gotten through all of this without her. She’s always been there for Summer and… I think I want her in my life forever.” He chuckled, finally admitting it out loud and even surprising himself.
Tom’s dad chuckled, “You sound pretty serious.”
“I really am… I’m gushing, but I don’t think I could have gotten through any of this if I didn’t have her.” Tom trailed, tracing his finger along the table.
“Well it’s nice to have someone have your back through something tough like this and she’s a nice girl… and Summer is comfortable with her?”
“Yeah, they’re actually hanging out at the park right now.”
His dad smiled to himself for a few seconds, turning in his chair to face his desk, “I remember when your mom and I met, it was the year before you were born.
Tom arched his eyebrow, “Wow, you guys got married that… fast?”
“Yeah, yeah. I took the morning train to this internship I had in Massachusetts. When I had to get home, she worked at the ticketing booth for a few weeks, but I thought she was cute so… instead of getting one of those reusable cards, I just went to her every night for the train back home. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I kept asking for a ticket that went the opposite way of where I actually lived.”
“Sappy.” Tom chuckled, surprised and not knowing this. He realized he never really asked since his parents had been separated more years than they were together.
“Once I told her, we went on a few dates, I got a card and… we got married six months later, I think. Then, we had you less than a year later.”
“But, didn’t you guys… miss out on just being in your twenties?” Tom replied, biting the inside of his cheek.
His dad shrugged, the memories all surging in at once, “Well, we knew we loved each other… at the time. We would have rather gotten married then and figured out if we were meant to be than to not do it at all, I guess… and we got a great kid out of it.”
A smile curled up on Tom’s lips, surprised by how his dad felt about his mom or at least how they used to feel about one another. He always imagined that they lived an ordinary lives, pretending that they used to be in love when they don’t talk unless it’s through Tom. He knew there was probably more to their story, but from what he just heard now, Tom believed that there’s a reason for you in his life more than co-parenting or being his best friend. There’s a reason why you’re still together throughout all this. Why it took so long to realize that he loved you more than “just platonic”. You had faith in each other.
“I’m sure your mom remembers it more than me, but we had fun.” His dad added, clicking his pen.
“Yeah, I should probably call her soon. I don’t even know where she is.”
“Paris… I talked to her the other day about the whole… well, your situation and I didn’t want to say anything but, she was thinking of surprising you... She wanted to take time off because of what I told her..” Tom’s dad spilled.
Tom felt his face heart up from the sudden announcement, “Well, that’s mom.”
“She’ll be excited to know everything’s going okay, I’m sure.”
Tom smiled, “Yeah… everything’s perfect.”
After the lengthy conversation Tom had with his dad, they eventually hung up and there was a silence that fell in the apartment. Instead of feeling the loneliness he did for those few weeks, he was anticipated for you two to come home and all three of you could have dinner, maybe talk about what your plans were for Thanksgiving and Christmas. There was so much he looked forward to now, even more so now that he was assured that you were the one for him, but he was scared that there was some chance he wasn’t the one for you. It’s not like favors worked for him through life, so it was easy to be skeptical about this, but all that mattered was the risk of taking a shot and trying not to let the universe get to him.
His wandering thoughts paused when the front door unlocked, already seeing Summer slipping through and she practically jumped into Tom’s arms while he was still sat down. She crawled on top of him and she wrapped her arms around his neck, his arms wrapped around her as well.
“How was the park?” He chuckled, glancing at you coming in.
You set your purse and Summer’s backpack on the wall hooks, “Good, saw the duckies and even some turtles… and we named each one of them.” You grinned, walking over and leaning against the counter.
“You should have come, daddy! There were so many!” Summer giggled, her loose tooth crooked on the front, bottom teeth.
“Ah, well, they’ll be there tomorrow and the day after that and even the day after that. We can go next week too, kid.” He grinned and she hugged him tight, leaning on him and their faces pressed together. Tom felt the instant warmth Summer radiated, even if it was cold outside.
“Promise?” She asked.
“Pinky swear.” He said, holding out his hand with his fingers tucked into his hand with just his pinky out.
She held hers out, carefully wrapping it around his and he chuckled, giving her a quick eskimo kiss before Summer crawled off of him.
“Hey, why don’t you wash your hands… make sure you don’t get water in the cast. Then, we can have an early dinner in front of the TV. How does that sound?” Tom suggested and you nodded in agreement.
“Okay, daddy.” Summer nodded back, her eyes sparkling and she took off into the bathroom. You two heard her take the stool out, the wood shifting against the tiled bathroom before the sink turned on.
Tom turned to you as he got up, a warm smile painted on his lips as he stood toe to toe with you.
“Why are you smiling so much? Good news, I assume.” You grinned, crossing your arms and leaning more against the counter.
“I can’t smile at my beautiful and lovely girlfriend?” Tom swooned.
As you wrapped your arms around his neck, he ran his hands down your side before placing them on your hips. You couldn’t hide your smile either, leaning in without thinking twice about it and brushing your nose against his. As your lips pressed together, slowly and tenderly, his hands slid into the back pockets of your jeans to pull you closer. It wasn’t a passionate kiss, nothing too harsh, but you could feel his warmth curling around you, squeezing your body gently and feeling this instant sense of complete comfortable.
You giggled against his lips, pulling away and he slightly tilted his head, moving your stray hair behind your ear to see your face. The two of you didn’t need words when every piece seemed to be falling back into place.
“Okay, my hands are clean!” Summer yelled from the bathroom, making you two break your kiss with more laughter. She ran from the bathroom and into the kitchen, running up to Tom and leaning on his leg.
Tom smiled as he leaned down, wrapping his arm around Summer’s torso and pulled her up as if she weighed like nothing. Her giggles sent him happiness, ever since she was a baby and could only wrap her hand around his finger. She sat on his hip, coiled around her dad like adhesive and you couldn’t help but grin and rub her back.
“Can we have mac and cheese?” She asked Tom.
“You can have whatever your little heart desires, kid.” Tom kissed her temple, setting her back down.
“Really, really.” Tom promised, his hand tickling her stomach and a warm burst of laugh left her mouth.
Her sneakers touched the floor, watching her run to the cabinet with the pots and pans. As you watched them collect what they needed to start dinner, their voices seemed to fade away, like they were in another room and a wall stood tall between. A muffling to their tones as they stood in front of the stove, but you leaned by the kitchen door frame with your arms crossed. You were happy, more than over the moon to see Summer back where she belonged, but how long would it be until another conflict arose? What if Tom couldn’t claim custody… would he crumble again and you would have to help him pick up the pieces all over again? If he wasn’t her biological father, where did that leave you? You wanted what was best for the both of them, but you didn’t want it to lead to arguments and more confusion for her if she couldn’t even stand her own mother.
Tossing and turning, the mattress creaked beneath you while trying to fall asleep. Your brows furrowed, trying to settle your head into the pillow but it was like trying to slumber on a rocky sea. You laid your back flat once you gave up, staring at the ceiling with the strip of light from the streetlight outside. It’s like you could hear anything from a five-mile radius, suddenly you picked up on the tiniest sound and it was like someone poking your neck with a needle. Trying to drown out the noises, you heard the deadbolt unlock from the creak you left in the door. You felt frozen, hearing the keys drop on the table by the door. 
Tom sighed, a long breath passing his lips as he run his hands through soft, brown curls. The clock on the wall told 2:45 a.m., not expecting to stay out this late, but he was making such good tips that it would have been silly to leave. As he entered the bedroom, his tired brown eyes laid on you, under the covers. His hand dug into his back pocket, pulling out the wad of dollar bills and placing them on the dresser.
You still closed your eyes, hearing his belt buckle unclip and the dressers open, his hands rummaging through some of his clothes. You wondered if you should say something, anything, knowing your mind was filled to the brim with thoughts, enough that it couldn’t let you go to sleep.
The weight lifted off Tom’s sore feet, his body sinking into the bed as he carefully shifted himself under the covers, trying not to wake you. With your back turned to him, Tom got comfortable and warm with the duvet insulating him, moving his hands under his head. Silence fell in the room, nothing but the crickets chirping in the night.
You slowly turned on your other side, facing Tom with your face snug against your pillow. Seeing him made you forget all of those heavy thoughts, the ones about him and your future, but you couldn’t just make it go away from the sight of his pretty eyes.
“Hey, sorry, did I wake you?” His voice groggy.
“No, I’ve been up for a while..” You trailed, your hands by your chest.
“What’s keeping you up?”
Tom turned on his side, his hand against his head as his elbow pushed into the pillow.
You sighed, “You know I love you, right?” You sealed your lips, trying to keep eye contact with him.
He chuckled, crinkles by the sides of his eyes, “I love you too… What’s going on?”
Tom’s fingers moved your hair from your forehead, his hand planting to your cheek and his thumb brushing against your cheek, “What’s going through your head, babe?” He asked, his voice always comforting.
You placed your hand on top of his, moving your intertwined hands to your chest, “Whatever happens with Summer, I want you to know that… I’m there for you. I know I’ve said it a million times before, but… I’m not her mom. I’m her best-friend… but, I don’t know if I can be a mom.” You trailed, squeezing his hand.
“But, you’re practically-”
“I’m not. At the end of the day, I’ve helped you.. I’ve done everything I can for her. But, you’re her father. Even if the papers don’t say it, deep down and full-heartedly, you’re her father, but… she has a mom.”
Tom gave your hand a squeeze, “You want me to keep Maggie in Summer’s life?... No, no way. She didn’t care for her until now and it was all because she was selfish.” 
“Exactly. I know you don’t see it now but, she needs to have some connection to her mom. If it doesn’t work out that way then… that’s fair. I think things just got off the wrong foot the more I think about it. I mean, what if I’m not enough and-”
“Hey, hey… you are enough. You’re more than enough.” Tom said, his tone soft.
You barely grimaced, still holding his hand as if he was slipping through your fingers. Suddenly, everything went quiet and it was just the two of you in your own little world. His hand securely locked yours and was against your chest, feeling your heart pound for the first few seconds until it went back to its steady beat. 
“One day at a time. You and me.” Tom promised.
You replied with a nod and Tom kissed the center of your forehead, trailing to your nose before you shifted closer to him and curled up to embrace the warmness between your bodies. His arm moved behind your neck and around your shoulder, like being in a safety net. 
For a few minutes, his fingers slowly carded through the back of your hair, a relaxing comfort as you fell into a deep sleep with knowing you were protected in his arms. Tom stayed up longer than he should have, watching the red-lit minutes change on the clock by his bedside, but he wanted to make sure you were asleep because you needed the rest. A few times, you’d nuzzle your face against his chest, shifting your arms around him and he adjusted his grip around you with the shift of your position.
“I love you.” He whispered, even though he knew you were asleep. 
It wasn’t so scary to say out loud anymore. He was so happy about it, he lazily smiled while his eyes began to feel heavy and they fluttered as he also fell asleep right next to you. For once, his world truly was at peace and looking up. The grin on his face lost the tension on the corners of his mouth, light snores between the two of you. Until, he suddenly jolted out of his slumber when there was a light touch on his back shoulder.
Tom shot his head up, a quick breath through his nose before his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He saw Summer standing by his bed, her hair in a bun with her fly-aways highlighted from the streetlight coming in from the window behind her. Just like her dad, she had the same exhausted look on her small face and all she wanted was to be with him. As much as she thought she wanted to be on her own, her thinking six was practically grown, Summer couldn’t deny she was a daddy’s girl.
“Daddy…” She whispered.
“W-What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Tom cleared his throat, carefully leaning over to the other side of the bed.
“Can I sleep with you and Y/N? I had a bad dream...” Summer maintained her whisper.
“Of course… hop in. Get between us.”
Summer pulled herself up, crawling over Tom as he pulled down the covers between the two of you. Your sleep was deep enough that you didn’t budge but, Summer still slid in carefully and faced toward Tom. He wrapped his arm around her, facing her and you and he realized how long it had passed since that’d done this. He knew his days of checking for monsters in the closet and under the bed would run up soon, as well as walking her up to school and holding her hand. The more he thought about how much he cared about her, the less the paternity test meant to him. It couldn’t erase all the memories they’ve made and the hardships they faced. Moments like this were the reason he was her father, not some test.
Of course, he was filled with anxieties and dread that she would push away if he told her the truth, but he couldn’t worry about that now because she was and will always be his family. He’d rather him than a deadbeat be her father, happy to protect her from the evil and bad and there to sing her a lullaby if the night seemed to dark and mysterious, filled with make believe beings that she thought were so real or even holding her hand tight as she stepped over cracks on the sidewalk. Happy, sad, angry, sick, anything, Tom wanted to be there for every moment and even when she has her own family.
The thought of her growing up in the blink of an eye could make him tear up when she fit so perfectly in his arms, so small and delicate and more than ready to see the world even though Tom thought the world wasn’t ready fo her.
“Daddy, too tight.” She warned, her voice muffled in his chest.
“Sorry.” He chuckled, kissing the top of her head.
A few hours later, the sun slowly rose over the horizon and shined through the windows by each side of the bed. The birds chirped, some landing on the fire escape outside, while the cars drove on the street below along with occasional dogs barking from passing one another.
As you moved your face against the pillow, your eyes fluttered open as a small smile curled up on your tired face. Waking up to the sight of Summer asleep on top of Tom was something you could get used to. You reached out, running your hand over her back before pushing her hair out of her face. Her cheek was against his chest, making her lips a bit pursed and eyebrows rested. You leaned your head against Tom’s shoulder, nuzzling your face into his neck and giving him a light kiss on the start of his jaw.
After a few minutes, Tom stirred out of his sleep, comfortable when he woke up next to his two girls. You lifted your head to look at him, smiling with both of you sharing lazy glances.
“Good morning… How’d you sleep?” You asked him, low enough to not wake Summer.
“Perfect.” Tom grinned, leaning in to kiss your forehead.
The morning went by quickly and the next moment, the three of you were in the car and driving to Summer’s school. Tom’s knuckles were practically snow white from how tight he was gripping the stirring wheel and his back straight against the seat as if he were being tailed by someone but the roads were mostly empty.
His jaw clenched, a nervousness building up in his gut the closer he got to the school. When Tom eventually stopped at a red light, you cautiously placed your hand on his leg, “Why are you so anxious, baby?” You asked, watching him place his hand on top of yours.
“I’m not, just tired.” He faked a grin, giving your hand a light squeeze.
You tilted your head, “Really?” 
Tom’s eyes moved to the rearview mirror, glancing at Summer with her headphones on, flattening the top of her hair, as she played with her iPad.
He turned to you, “Just like having her back is all.”
But you knew he was scared about having to let her go for a few hours. It may have felt overreactive, but Tom thought if it could happen once, the idea of a second time easily creeped its way up in his head.
Your eyes glossed, “Nothing bad is gonna happen, okay? Trust me, I don’t think we’ll let anyone take our girl unless they kill us over it… not to be completely dramatic.” You joked, just to see him smile.
Even though you felt like a bit of a broken record, but you didn’t blame him for worrying. What Maggie did was unforgivable, leaving Tom with an anxiety in his chest like no other, but all you could do was be there for him and remind him that abandonment wasn’t around the corner. You had to keep him hopeful, almost making Tom himself feel guilty for constantly being on his toes, but he knew you were his anchor to keep him from drifting away to drown in his own doubts.
“Thanks.” He said, glancing down at your hands.
When you got to school, you waited in the car while Tom walked Summer to the front door. Some of the parents wondered where he went, but they passed by with their friendly greetings before the two of them got to the sidewalk.
Tom kneeled down, “You have your lunch?”
“Yes.” Summer nodded.
“Water? Books? Everything you need?” He fixed the collar of her t-shirt.
“Yes, daddy.” She giggled, thinking he was acting silly.
He cracked a smile, “Okay. I’ll see you after school and maybe you can show me the duckies.”
Summer nodded with excitement, giving Tom a quick hug and his hand held hers for a few seconds until it slipped through his fingers. She ran up to the teacher escorting the kids in as he got back on his feet, his eyes not leaving her till Summer turned back around by the door frame and gave a quick wave.
Just seeing that reminded him of living in the moment now is what was important. Not the past, not the future, just being there to see her beautiful smile.
The courthouse’s walls felt like they were closing in even though the ceilings were high and the halls were grand. Well-dressed people passed by with their phones glued to their ears and others pressed tissues to their eyes, holding them to catch their tears and mascara. Sounds of heels clicked against the granite floors, loudly echoing as they sauntered by you and Tom.
“Hey, it’s gonna go okay. There’s no way they won’t give you any compensation.” You reassured him, adjusting his black tie and laying it flat against his white button up.
“Yeah, I know. It’s just kind of loud in here… and hot.” Tom looked down, rubbing the back of his neck.
You knew it was because his dad wasn’t here yet. It meant a lot to him, even if he didn’t want to admit it, but if there was some chance of it happening, you had to keep him cheery. You moved your hands down the front of his suit jacket, brushing off anything, but you looked back into his eyes.
“Hey… Tommy, look at me.” You softly asked. It was something you said to him often, trying to remind him that you were there completely. He just needed a bit of a reminder sometimes that he didn’t have to be alone in everything.
Tom glanced up at you, those brown eyes glimmering. Your glance shifted to the light bruise faded under his eye along with the scar by his cheek, almost gone but you knew it left more than a scar for him. It was just a reminder of the hardest and most confusing time of his life, maybe, but this was all you assumed. He never knew what was going through Tom’s head as equally as knowing just from the look on his face or in his eyes.  Just like right now.
“It’s gonna be fine and you don’t even need to say much. That’s why we have lawyers.” You grinned, a giggle following and he cracked a smile back.
“I love you, you know that?” He asked.
You stood close to him, your heads angled at one another, “I love you too.”
Before you could say something else, you both Tom’s dad’s voice which made you turn around to the hall behind you. His dad walked up with his lawyer, obviously both of them close from how they smiled and chuckled from their conversation. Tom said his dad knew him for a long time, even helping with the separation of his parents a few years ago. Tom thought if his dad trusted this guy enough, so could he.
“Hey son, you look good.” His dad smiled, giving you and Tom quick hugs before both of you shook hands with the lawyer.
“Y/N, this is Joseph, Tom’s lawyer today.”
“It’s nice to meet you. Make sure you keep him sane.” You jeered.
“He’ll be fine.” Joseph grinned, patting Tom’s shoulder.
Tom sealed his lips, then the corners of his mouth lifting up to quickly smile. You grinned back, rubbing his back before kissing his cheek.
“We’ll be waiting out here.” Tom’s dad told him.
It wasn’t easy watching him go in without you even though you’d just spent a few minutes calming him down. You didn’t think this wouldn’t fall through, still grateful he wasn’t more hurt from this, but you didn’t know what would come after this. His fingers slipped away from yours, your stomach dropped and goosebumps ran over your skin as if a chill suddenly blew in. Hiding your distress, all you could do was sit on the bench and wait for him.
“He’ll be okay in there. There’s no question.” His dad assured you, seeing the same details in his face as Tom does like the crinkles by his eyes or the freckles along his nose.
“Thanks. I don’t know why I’m nervous.” You shrugged, crossing your leg over the other.
“You guys have been through a lot. But, this should make things smooth over for a bit while you get back on your feet.”
You nodded, “I was scared because he’s the most stable person I know, but after these past weeks? I had never seen him fall apart so quickly.”
“Well, he told me you helped him throughout that.”
You chuckled, “We help each other. I don’t know what I’d do without him either.”
“That just shows you guys care about each other. Won’t leave each other hanging… You need that right now more than anything.” Tom’s dad spoke from his experiences with his past marriage, happy to hear that his son was not only being supportive, but also being supported by someone who obviously loved him.
You sniffled, “We really do… I’ve been having to take him to his… concussion appointments and they put him in this big machine and make him do all these tests and…” You nodded, “I was already thinking of what the next step was if something bad happened. I mean, luckily, everything has been fine… I guess it’s just assuming something else can hit us while we’re already down… but, I’m okay because I know we have each other’s backs.”
He wasn’t sure to impose, but his dad still reached out for your shoulder and gave a comforting rub. You appreciated it although you didn’t know Tom’s dad that well, you can see where he got his kindness and confidence from clear as day, just even the tone of his voice was similar that you knew Tom always admired his father despite their parted relationship recently.
After an hour or two, most of your time was spent people watching and observing them from where you sat, feeling like you couldn’t do much else. You tried not to pick at your nails or shake your leg, but you felt like you were itching out of your own skin from what was going on behind that thick door. A few times you thought it was opening, making you turn your head constantly at any noise from that way.
Finally, Tom walked out, his lawyer by his side, and his smile was bright which made you reflect one right back.
“I got the compensation.” He chuckled in relief, his arms around wrapping around you and lifting you off your feet.
Tears filled both your eyes, the small accomplishment feeling like a weight slowly being taken off your chest and giving you more hope for whatever came next.
Tom placed you back on your feet, leaning over to bear hug his dad and they shared a few chuckles.
“How much was it?” His dad asked.
“A little over $9,000. Enough to pay for some bills, Summer’s school, savings.” Tom trailed, wiping his tears with the side of his hand.
His dad grinned, “I’d say that’s a call for a little celebration for you two.”
“I agree.” Tom turned to you.
“Well, we’ll leave you two to have some fun. Y/N, it was nice to see you.” His dad grinned, giving you a quick embrace with your head on his shoulder.
“You too.”
“See you later, dad.” Tom gave a pat on his dad’s shoulder, nodding to the lawyer before the two of them walked away.
Your arm was wrapped around Tom’s waist tight as he kissed your temple, pulling you even closer. His smile painted on his lips and pressed another soft kiss to your cheek. You ran your hand over his chest, looking up at his caramel brown eyes.
“Since I’ve come into a bit of money, I think we should go on a date.” Tom grinned, biting his bottom lip to conceal how big his smile was.
You blushed, “You think?”
“Well, I mean, we should go on a date. You, me, a nice restaurant and maybe ice cream or whatever your sweet tooth is craving after.” He smiled.
“What about Summer?”
“I can cover it. My mom is gonna watch her while she’s in town. She’s said she has a lot of grandma time to make up for.” Tom chuckled and put his arm around you, pulling you closer to him.
“Well, as long as she’s willing to do it… I’m all in.” You giggled as you nuzzled your head against his shoulder.
“Thank God, I was scared that we were moving too fast.” He jeered back, kissing the top of your head once more.
After the drama had digested over the past few days, you could see how everything fell into place. At least, for a bit of time until the rent bill came up in your emails again. While you hadn’t spent much time at your apartment, it was seen as storage for your clothes when you’d been at Tom’s for the past two months with Summer. Even though you had been dating for that same amount of time, you didn’t know how to bring it up without feeling like you were rushing things.
Yes, you’d known each other than most couples you were friends with, but you had never been so scared to take the next step and actually moving in together. The thought of finally clashing your lives together and attempt to start another life made your heart skip a beat. These feelings couldn’t be ignored by how strong they were, probably building up after all these years, but you knew Tom had a responsibility of Summer and starting to adoption process.
You were nervous to bring the question up to Tom, wondering how it would pan out and not wanting to assume the worst would happen when you knew in the back of your head that you loved one another more than anything in the world, but nothing has come perfect to you.
As you turned the key in the lock, you pushed open the door, but the lights were all out. You furrowed your eyebrows before your hand searched the wall, finding the switch and flicking it on only to see a few decorations put up.
You froze when you saw red, yellow and white roses scattered around in vases along with plastic, white and pink balloons hanging around the ceiling and settled on the couch and chairs. At first, you wondered if you forget about an anniversary or birthday, but Tom walked out with Summer trailing him.
“Shoot… I didn’t know you were coming home early.” Tom chuckled while Summer ran up to you, wrapping her arms around your leg.
“What’s with the party decorations?” You smiled, glancing around.
Tom sighed, a light smile still on his face before he took your hand, guiding you over to the center of the living room. Heat rose to your cheeks, wondering what he was up to, but Summer stood by his side and she looked up at you with glassy eyes.
“Do you remember when we were younger... and you said the only way you’d want to be proposed to is in a rose garden?”
Your heart dropped, losing the feeling in your whole body as your smile faded, “...Possibly...”
Tom slowly got on one knee while reaching into his pocket, keeping eye contact with you as he lowered to the ground and the tears welled up in your eyes, thinking this was easily a dream.
“Well, I couldn’t find a close rose garden but, I hope this could suffice.” Tom smiled, his cheeks tinted pink.
Summer stood next to Tom, watching him open the small, black velvet box. The ring sat perfectly in the center of it, gleaming from the light coming down and you let out a relieved sigh with a smile on your lips. You quickly wiped your eyes, your bottom lip beginning to quiver as Tom took a deep breath to say his next words.
“I don’t want another few years to go by before I notice that… I was dumb for not doing something and that I love you so much. I want you to be in my life and I want to officially make our own… together forever. I want to love you everyday and a little bit after that.” He chuckled, a few tears trailing his cheeks, “So, Y/N, will you marry me?”
You sealed your lips, not able to hide your smile, but you turned to Summer.
“What do you think, Summer?” You jeered at her, both of you sharing smiles.
“Y/N, I want you to be my mommy.” She said sweetly.
You turned to Tom, beaming at him, both of your eyes filled with tears still, “That sounds great to me.”
He chuckled, gently taking the ring and slipping it on your finger before you practically pulled him up to his feet to embrace him. The tightness of the hug didn’t give you much air, but you didn’t care. Tom ran his fingers through the back of your hair, light laughs coming from the both of you and Summer tried to coil her arms around the both of you from how low she was.
The world finally was complete.
tags/taglist: @felicityparkers @dhtomholland @duskholland @sinisterspidey@itstaskeen @tomhollandsgirlfriend @bi-writes @infinite-imagination @honeyspidey @hollandcrush @sunsetholland @pparkersbitch @namoreno @calltothewild @spideyspeaches @veryholland @osterfieldshollandgirl @slutforsebstan @bi-lmg @sunshinepeterparkr @annathesillyfriend @madmadmilk @antigoneidk @hollandcreep @wierdflowerpower @heavenlyholland @determined-overthinker @white-wolf1940 @thexplosivegirl​ 
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whisperlullaby · 3 years
Friendly Neighbors
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Pairing: Frank Adler x Reader
Words: 2025
Warnings: SMUT (18+ ONLY) Oral (f receiving), choking (kind of), face riding. 
Summary: Your neighbors with Frank Adler and can’t seem to think straight around him. His niece Mary likes you and wants you and Frank to hang out so she can see you more.
A/N: This was inspired by a thot given to me by @fluffycutecevans​ I hope you like it! Thank you to @river-soul​ for being an amazing beta and friend and for helping me with the ending. All mistakes are my own and as always Minors DNI
You looked out your window and saw your neighbor, Frank, putting his niece Mary on the bus. He was always so gentle with her and you couldn’t help but let out a wistful sigh whenever you saw them interact. Even his reprimands came out more like guidance than punishment. Mary saw you watching and gave you a small wave which you returned. Noticing the exchange, Frank looked over at you and smiled, causing you to drop your hand and offer a tight smile embarrassed at the effect such a simple gesture had on you. 
You'd never actually spoken with Frank, you always got tongue-tied around him. You have, however, run into Mary on more than one occasion when she was with Roberta. That girl was smart as a whip and took a liking to you almost immediately. She would invite you over for dinner weekly, which you always politely declined. You didn't know what you would do if you were alone with Frank for that long. The thought brought butterflies to your stomach and a deep want between your thighs. 
Friday night rolled around and you took your glass of wine to your front stoop, waiting for Frank to drop Mary off at Roberta's so you could hear about her week. You saw Mary jump down the stairs and giggle as Frank started walking towards Roberta's house. Mary, however, had different plans and doubled back to sit with you on your stoop.
"Hey, can you come over for dinner tomorrow night? Franks making burgers. He makes good burgers and you said they were your favorite so I asked him to make them."
You stared at Mary wide-eyed. "Thank you for the offer sweetheart, but I don't want to impose. Besides I have a drawer full of takeout menus to choose from." You chuckled.
Mary looked past you. "Frank can you tell her that she wouldn't be imposing."
You stiffened and slowly turned around to catch Frank's sly smirk.
"Mary what did I say about bothering the pretty neighbor? Come on we have to get you to Roberta's."
"I have a great idea, Frank. Instead of going out tonight why don't you stay in with," Mary paused to look at you with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "The pretty neighbor."
Your whole body heated up at her statement. For a kid, she was as sly as a fox and too observant. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was to prove to Mary that women should be strong and confident, whatever the reason you decided to double down on Mary's suggestion. Although if you were being honest with yourself you knew the real reason you wanted to spend time with Frank.
"I would love the company. I have more wine inside and beer in the fridge. I also may have ordered enough takeout for a small army." You bit your lip in anticipation of what Frank would say.
Frank looked over at Mary and then back to you, a smile slowly creeping onto his face. 
"We have to get you to Roberta's first." Frank motioned for Mary to come with him. "I'll be back in 10 minutes if you wanna have one of those beers ready for me."
You smiled and nodded. As they headed toward Roberta's house, Mary turned around and gave you a not-so-subtle thumbs up that had you laughing.
You got up and went to refill your glass and grabbed a beer from the fridge. After you set them both on the kitchen table, you went back to the front door to prop it open for Frank. You ran to the bathroom to straighten out your hair and make-up when you heard heavy footfalls coming down the hallway.
“Hello? The door was open so I just let myself in,” Frank shouted through the house.
You reappeared in the kitchen and gave Frank a shy smile.
“Hey, your beer’s on the table. Food should be here in 15 minutes give or take, make yourself comfortable,” you rambled nervously.
Frank chuckled as he made his way over to the table and picked up his beer.
“You’ve made quite the impression on Mary,” Franks stated fondly. “She always talks about the pretty neighbor who teaches her about the stars.”
You let out a soft laugh. “Well, when I was her age I was fascinated by the constellations.”
“Yeah? Tell me more about yourself, sunshine.”
You bit your lip at the nickname Frank gave you. The next 15 minutes were spent talking about your childhood and where you grew up. You learned that Frank used to be a professor of philosophy and after his sister’s passing he gave that up to move here in order to make sure Mary had a normal childhood. As the conversation went on you and Frank seemed to be pulled closer together.
“I don’t know if you noticed. Mary is a bit of a genius,” Frank joked as he finished off his beer, brushing his arm against your thigh.
Flustered, you stood up to go to the fridge and get him another beer. “Yeah, I noticed. She’s a good kid, makes me think about things in a whole new way. I like her.”
Frank smiled as you handed him his beer. His fingers brushed against yours and your breath caught in your throat.
“Why is it this is the first time we’re enjoying each other’s company?” Frank wondered as he opened the beer. 
“Oh come on Frank. Have you seen yourself? I’ve seen the Saturday morning walks of shame leave your house. They don’t exactly look like me,” you reasoned, surprised at your boldness.
He considered you for a moment. “You know Mary didn’t give you the nickname ‘pretty neighbor’ I did,” Frank admitted easily.
You looked up at Frank shocked and saw his eyes blown black with lust. There was a knock on the door and you cleared your throat, getting up to answer it. Frank was right behind you, handing the delivery person money for the food before quickly shutting the door.
“You didn’t have to do that. I was the one who ordered the food.” 
He grabbed the bags from you and walked over to set them on the table.
“Wouldn’t be much of a gentleman if I didn’t pay for the food, now would I?” He offered.
“Can I ask you a question?” You rushed out, feeling the wine course through your veins giving you a sense of confidence.
He raised an eyebrow at you, signaling you to continue.
“Did you and Mary plan this?”
Frank smiled at you. “I may have suggested to Mary that I didn’t feel like going to the bar tonight, but that she was still spending the night with Roberta. She’s a smart kid, she came up with the plan all on her own. I just didn’t stop her.”
You considered his answer for a moment before you pulled him into a kiss that was filled with urgency and desperation. His hands gripped your waist and pushed you back into the wall, his grip tightening as the kiss grew deeper.
“Bedroom?” Frank asked huskily.
“Down the hall, second door on the left.”
Frank grabbed your hand and led you to the room, pausing every few steps to give you kisses and nips along your neck. By the time he laid you on the bed you were a whimpering mess, and you were sure you were soaked. He unzipped your dress and pulled down the straps with gentle ease. A perfect contrast to the urgency he was just kissing you with.
“No bra sweetheart?” Frank asked with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“It’s 100 degrees and humid Frank. I barely wanted to wear the dress,” you said breathlessly.
“Oh sunshine, I barely want you to wear this dress too.” Frank pulled the rest of your dress off your body. 
You grabbed at his shirt and ripped it over his head. You threw it across the room and licked your lips at the sight of his tanned and toned chest. He bent down and placed kisses across your chest, taking a nipple in his mouth flicking the peak with his tongue while rolling the other between his fingers. You arched your back at the sensation and wrapped your legs around his waist. You rocked your hips against his growing erection, trying to provide some relief to the ache in your cunt. 
“Relax, sunshine. I’ll make you feel real good,” Frank murmured into your chest as his fingers hooked around the hem of your underwear.
He pulled them down your legs and pressed kisses into your thighs.
“You’re absolutely soaked.” He spread your slick around before taking his fingers into his mouth with a satisfied hum. “Delicious.”
Frank climbed up the bed and pulled you onto his chest.
“I want you to ride my face honey.”
You looked up at him shocked. “I’ve never done that before what if,” you bit your lip. “What if you can’t breathe?”
Frank let out a short laugh. “If being suffocated by this pussy is what kills me then that’s how I go.”
He grabbed the back of your thighs and lifted you up towards his face. 
“Go on sweetheart, get comfortable. I’m going to make you come on my tongue then I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t see straight.”
You settled your knees on each side of his face and slowly lowered yourself, still hovering.
“Is this okay?” You asked hesitantly. 
Frank gripped your thighs and pulled you down until you felt his nose nudged your clit, causing you to mewl. 
“Just like that, now ride my face baby.” 
You tentatively rocked your hips against his face as his hands held your thighs in place. His tongue was delving into your wet folds and flicking your clit. You picked up the pace as his tongue moved faster. Soon you found yourself circling your hips as he latched onto your clit humming and sucking, bringing you higher until your orgasm buzzed through your body. Frank’s tongue relentlessly fucked into your core as you rode out your high, and with one final, hard suck on your clit that caused you to whine, he sat up and pushed you on the bed.
“Now, gorgeous, I need to be inside of you.” Frank made quick work of his pants and kicked them into the pile of clothes. 
“Condoms are in the drawer,” you panted.
Frank reached into the drawer and pulled out a condom, rolling it down his hardened length. He climbed back over you and lined himself up, slowly pushing in as you arched your back reveling in the stretch.
“Fuck, Frank you feel amazing,” you moaned.
“Nowhere near as good as you sweetheart. You’re so tight, fucking made for me,” Frank grunted.
He started slowly sliding through your warmth until you wrapped your legs around his waist urging him to move faster. As he moved you grabbed his wrist to place his hand around your neck. He gently squeezed the sides of your throat and your eyes rolled back in pleasure.
“Oh, sunshine you look so good under me with my hand around your neck. I’m not gonna last much longer.”
You moaned as his thrusts became harder and more erratic. He removed his hand from your neck and pressed circles on your clit, making you clench around him as your orgasm washed through you. Frank followed closely behind you, stilling as he spilled into the condom. After a moment he pulled out causing you to whimper at the sensation. He tossed the condom in the trash before laying back on the bed and pulling you onto his chest. 
“So, do you think you’ll come over for dinner tomorrow night?” Frank asked as he placed a kiss on the crown of your head.
“I think we can make that happen. I hear burgers are on the menu and they are my favorite,” you stated shyly.
“Well my favorite thing to eat is right here,” Frank said as he moved his fingers in between your thighs. “Might just make this my dessert tomorrow night after Mary goes to bed.”
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