#i just want to be ahead of the switch when everyone decides he was unfairly targeted
thepartyishere · 2 months
screaming into the void about this and shoot me if I end up being wrong but Steven Lim getting so much hate for the Watcher news dosen't sit right with me. watcher has 25 employees, he's surely not wholly to blame and being dogpiled by the internet must suck. this is a decision they all made as a company
dont get me wrong watcher is making a horrible mistake to move and paywall their content but it feels wrong for everyone to be saying such mean stuff soley about steven lim
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life-rewritten · 3 years
WE BEST LOVE  (Fighting Mr 2nd) DEYI and The Theme of Control and Power
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You know that show that you know you can talk about forever and be obsessed with, although it seems pretty simple and not really that complicated to analyse and break down? Well, We Best Love (WBL) is precisely that in the most amazing way. I'm not shocked because I've always been a fan of the History Series, especially with this writer and how she creates her projects; it's not surprising that WBL happens to be the most comfortable show to lean into. It feels like entering a cheesy, cute, romantic novel. Yet, it still is the most angsty, passionate, drama-filled plot enough to make you want to run into the screen and comfort these comfort characters, scream at them when they're not making sense, and keep watching despite the pain when you feel like they've gone too far. And I kept quiet and watched season 1 of WBL. I was entranced and in love because it was so simple, but it felt perfect for me; it was a distraction, it made me smile, and it also made my heart quiver. I adored all the actors, and I also enjoyed how the storyline was told. It doesn't have to be so deep and full of clues, but there were facets to the characters, clear set rules in understanding their character roles, and small hints building in the last episode that all was not well and a lot was coming for our couple in the future. It broke my heart because season 1 was focused on the immaturity and naiveness of how we feel when we enter university for the first time; the excitement, but still innocence of hopefully finding someone to mesh with, and yet the dumbness/naivety that can distract us or slow us down before knowing who that person is. Season 1 was light, funny, and sweet because that's how our doe-eyed souls feel when we first enter college and get to discover who we are. Season 2, on the other hand, is focusing on maturity, actually dealing with our flaws, coping with the responsibilities and hardships of life, duty and obligation vs wants and need; the characters are older now, affected by the world's cruelties/situations and now have walls up higher than before. 
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And in order to help us get that vibe, even more, our couple's relationship is put through the wringer, hearts torn, misunderstandings prolonged unfairly, and everyone broken just staying in a state of pining, longing and anger, anger, at what was lost to them; the innocence/fun of falling in love, the guise of being in control, and the joy of being free and dumb in love. It isn't a surprise to see our main character, Shide and Shu Yi, see their flaws fleshed out more in the open and actually increased and exposed for us, the audience, to watch and dislike. Shu Yi's short temper becomes even more exposed as he struggles to have control over his past and feelings for Shide once they reunite, and Shide's withdrawal of emotions also becomes even more strained and put on focus as he also realises what he has lost. Both of them enter this sick twisted, and tense need for control and power that their relationship becomes intense and full of passion hidden behind the anger and resentment. So I'm going to break down the idea of Control and Power with these twos relationship, a certain theme that has been there since season 1, and why now it's something both rivals are struggling to obtain to win, especially Shuyi, who is determined this time to not be Mr 2nd when it comes to Shide again. Hence the title Fighting Mr 2nd.
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Misunderstandings and Miscommunications
Let's first focus on the miscommunication/ separation at hand. This exposed so much already about how these two felt about the power they hold over the other. Let's first look at what season 1 exposed; for Shide, Shuyi has always had control over him since the moment his young self told him that he would be a companion to him whenever he was lonely. Shide has desperately loved Shuyi and did everything possible to ensure he kept Shuyi's focus on him no matter what. The way he decided to do this was to put himself in a place more powerful than Shuyi; he put himself always ahead of Shuyi, ensuring he was always number one no matter what. This was how he controlled the situation; for him, as long as Shuyi noticed him, he was happy to continue hoping for a change and also making him react. In Shide's mind, he never wanted to force/ make Shuyi fall for him because he didn't think it was possible. He just wanted to be by his side (as a 'friend') until graduation was over.This shows me already some stuff about their relationship. How Shide perceives Shuyi; one, he didn't trust in Shuyi's love as being as strong as he was. He even says it to Shuyi on the bridge when they confessed to each other. For him, Shuyi was always the 'lucky' one; the one in control, the real winner because he had him in his palm of his hand. Shuyi was the one who made him whipped, the one he chased after secretly for 8 years or more. Shuyi has always been the one with the hold over him. Immediately they got together, Shide also tells Shouyi his confusion but the happiness that Shuyi is also feeling the same towards him.
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Shide can't believe the switch in Shuyi's personality and actions for him; Shuyi still tried to play of Shide's grand confessions of love in the last episode, and Shide was okay as long as Shuyi kept paying attention to him. But in my head, it showed that Shide didn't think Shuyi's love was as unconditional, as strong, as uncontrollable as his. He didn't know he had any hold over Shuyi. He thought it was his constant love and chase that won Shuyi in the end, so what happens when he thinks he pushed Shuyi away? In Shide's perspective, he's the one who slacked behind and pushed Shuyi away by disappearing for 5 years, which fair enough makes sense; Shuyi has every right to be angry at being ghosted. But Shide blames himself and thinks it's because his show of love was weakened and slowed down that it caused Shuyi to retreat and walk away easily. Because he wasn't fighting anymore for their love, he lost Shuyi's attention. Again this suggests how fickle he believes Shuyi's feelings are and how still in his head he believes he's the one with the long-lasting love/feelings.
Shide's personality is someone who likes to be in control (like Shuyi but for different ways and reasons); he's kind of had to always be; ever since his dad died, he's had to try and make it his goal to become stronger and better to take care of his mum, and to ensure they live well. This is connected to the theme of Duty and Obligation in the show.  Even in Season 1, the reason he has to leave for America for a bit is to ensure his mum settles in nicely. Even after that, he's again the one responsible for ensuring whoever was sick in America was taken care of. It's because of his need to be responsible and be in control that Shuyi always feels distanced from him (mocked, misunderstood, and hurt). Shide is someone who likes to keep a calm demeanour. He likes to take things on by himself; he likes to not show when he's hurting or alone (apart from that one time as a kid where he broke down on Shuyi). In fact, it might be because Shuyi is the only one who did see him in his vulnerable state and gave him an aim to become stronger that made him cling on to his love for him and devote himself to his love for him. But in looking so in control of his emotions, Shuyi always saw Shide as someone who loved winning and making him feel like a fool. In season 1, he thought Shide did it on purpose to see him lose control and be a mess, and in season 2, he's resorted back to that thinking. Let's look at why?
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No 1 for You (Shide’s pov)  vs Fighting Mr 2nd (Shuyi’s pov)
Shuyi did not also understand the proper depth of Shide's feelings. I guess we should have seen it coming that he didn't fully understand how deep they were, he had heard ideas from Shide's mother, he had heard grand declarations from Shide (after he was the one to pry it out of him), but he didn't actually trust it fully. I think because he didn't fully trust both their sexualities and identities when it came to their feelings. Like I said, we should have seen it coming when he admits he doesn't want to fall for a guy, but also it's because it's Shide he's okay with being in love. However, people complained about this because in BL, we're tired of the I love you, not boys trajectory always chosen. However, it was more than that. I think because of what's embedded in people's minds at a young age (due to society),  there might have also been, as a result of that,  hints of internalised homophobia (IH) with Shuyi. And that's why it made sense for him to wither and assume that Shide truly would be with someone else and be married and have kids. Because of IH, Shuyi may have automatically thought it made sense that Shide would move on, get married and have kids in America (hence as he said in episode 1,  he was disqualified by choice) because, in his head, he didn't understand Shide's love and devotion for him.
It also points to insecurity and fear that he might not be enough/the better option for Shide. One of his pet peeves was that he was always coming second to Shide, he was always being seen by himself as second best, and he probably also thought he had become the second-best option to Shide living a great 'fulfilled' life according to 'society' where he is married to a wife and has kids. This is why in the special episode, he also gives up easily and wishes him the best refusing to actually question why Shide would do this to him after all the stupid and grand promises he made a year ago before he left. Promises of marriage, promises of devotion, of being his family etc. Of course, this felt like Shuyi was thoroughly mocked and lowered because he had lost again to Shide by letting his heart trust him and wait for him. Now, in season 2, he's determined to not do that too. To not lose control of his heart ever again. To not fail to Shide in any way, shape or form ever again.
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Shuyi; The Guise of Control
Shide is always acting on the surface like he's in control, causing Shuyi to always think he's more vulnerable and a fool, and it makes season 2 make more sense. Even if Shide says, he'll make Shuyi look at him again, how on earth is he meant to ever let that happen? He literally manipulated the situation in season 1 and got Shuyi's walls down only for him just to cheat on him, so how can Shuyi trust just his actions on the surface?
No matter how devoted Shide is looking, even at the end finally showing a hint of losing control under Shuyi's hold which Shuyi was not expecting because he thought Shide will always want to again be 'proper'.  And in the past, it was Shuyi who always pushed for skinship once they started dating; Shide always again acted like he hadn't been affected; this was discussed actually in that final episode. Even if on the surface Shide looked affected, Shuyi wouldn't trust that. Because Shide is always holding back whilst Shuyi always feels like a fool, never being able to control himself around him, never being able to control his emotions or have a poker face around him. From the first episode in season 1, Shuyi has always been uncontrollable when it came to Shide, whilst Shide always came out looking cool.
Shuyi always ended up in the most vulnerable shameful state (forgetfully hurting himself in reaction to Shide's presence, being the one distracted and bothered by skinship in the last episode whilst Shide studied, or even being exposed and screaming down a bridge, his love for Shide to make Shide come out and say how he feels). Shuyi always ended up being weakened and frustrated because Shide seemed like he had everything in order. Shuyi is now adamant he's lying or that Shuyi is still the one who's more in love with him (his biggest fear). For example, the slap he gives to Shide (exposed his lack of control of emotions around Shide) and yet Shide immediately tried to control the situation, making Shuyi again look like the irrational one and the most affected one. Also, as mentioned it Shuyi (in Shuyi's head), who proceeded to force/get Shide to confess. Because Shide was too focused on controlling his environment, avoiding the situation, holding back his feelings, whilst Shuyi's emotions always get the best of him and caused him to still lose in front of Shide. Basically letting Shide get his way all the time. And by doing that, it was Shuyi who ended up waiting for a year and then being 'cheated' on, being ghosted with his heart shattered.
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The Fear of Weakness and Vulnerability
Other examples are Shide going to Shuyi's house and ignoring him in his own home (again, Shuyi can't even control his environment when it comes to Shide, everything he owns feels little because Shide seems to have a hold over him in everything), and proceeding to make him the fried rice. Even as the vice president who's meant to be in control and be in charge of letting go of people (which his father is pressuring him to do, he has no choice in the matter), Shide is the CEO (a higher position)  of the company and is adamant on convincing Shuyi to do no such thing. It's a big fear to Shuyi, which is why he's determined to ensure he does fire these people because if he doesn't, It means he's again coinciding underneath Shide's hold over him, over everything he has, including his heart.
The act of making fried rice in Shuyi's house as if nothing is going on, Shide ignoring his tantrums and outbursts does again what Shuyi hates, makes him feel stupid, weak and vulnerable. It makes him feel like he's losing again to Shide. This is why I think he really has no other option in his mind to win but to use emotions and feelings (what he can't control) as a weapon to capture Shide. By making Shide fall for him emotionally and then being the one to break his heart, that's how Shuyi thinks he'll finally be able to break down Shide's calm, façade that he's always in control, that's how he stops being Mr Second. Obviously, it's a stupid idea because Shuyi literally becomes weakened just by being in Shide's presence. To be anywhere intimate with him, he will only resort to his own emotions being, even more, harder to handle even if he tries to play it off as just attraction.
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And for both of them, control is even harder physically with emotions because they've been 'starved' of each other's presence for 5 years, of each other's touch and connection. As shown in episode 1 of FMS, they're both in a state of pining, longing and waiting for one of them to give in. For 5 years, Shuyi was secretly fighting against the truth that he had been waiting for Shide to return even when he tried to focus all his energy and heart into hate and bitterness (to distract him from the pain of waiting). Shuyi never wanted to give up on hope, never wanted to let go of Shide, because it's out of his control to forget or move on. He couldn't do that even if he tried. This is why he also tries again to use a power play with a fake girlfriend that he couldn't remember the name for.  Every single sentence he said was how he compared himself to the girl he thought Shide cheated on him with. He was saying it to hurt Shide, but in the end, he was still exposing his own hurt and insecurity about why he thought Shide left him.
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Shide; Control Vs Sacrifice
Meanwhile, the audience all know that, on the other hand, Shide is the one who has no control over the matter. No matter what he seems like on the surface/ in front of Shuyi, Shide is completely tired, weak and frustrated once he sees Shuyi again. It's frustrating because the only time he shows his emotions is once Shuyi isn't looking; he cries only after Shuyi has left, always holding his feelings and only letting it out when he's by himself. Although to Shuyi, it seems he's in control, being the CEO, being the one who disappeared for 5 years, being the one who is successful and influential, Shuyi couldn't be more opposite in his thoughts. Shide has no control over the CEO position; it's not a job he chose for himself, it's not what he wanted to do, he did it because of again his responsibility to his mother and family. Shide isn't the one who chose to disappear for 5 years in America; he again had no control over the situation because someone else was ill, and he had to be the one to help his family again become stable. And lastly, Shide isn't successful and as influential as he's sold his company to Shuyi's father, so he actually isn't in control of his position, of his life essentially. What Shuyi sees as control is unfortunate because it's actually Shide's sacrifice; he's had to lose what he actually wants to be in that position. All he's ever wanted is Shuyi. Ironic no?
Even in Season 1, when he seemed to be the one controlling the situation, he wasn't; he always did everything to get Shuyi, and for 8 years him being 'in control/winner' as Shuyi puts it wasn't him winning because he always didn't get Shuyi's heart before he confessed. And that's what's so heartbreaking about Shuyi's misunderstanding of Shide; when he first sees Shide in the past in his memories, he doesn't know the moment Shide fell for him; he just sees Shide winning over him, he doesn't even notice the first person who had control over the other was him, because he already took Shide's heart, trust and devotion. This is why Shide told him he was the lucky one; he was the one who was winning, who was always in control. Not Shide.
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Love and It’s Hold and Power
And again, although Shide is the one he thinks he's second-best to. Shuyi has a lot of power over everyone else since he was young. He's been a spoilt, rich boy who's had control over his friends (in a positive way like they felt they had to watch him and babysit him), he's had control due to his father's power, and he's had control now over Shide just due to again his father's job and his heritage. And I think that's why he can't stand the fact that no matter what he does when he's with Shide, he loses all of that power; he's reduced to wanting to do something for someone, like in season 1, washing the dishes, being humble, exposing his feelings to Shide so loudly and vulnerably. Shide is the only person who makes him want to do all that, and he hates it. It's why when the employees in episode 1 call him again Shide's girlfriend (even though literally Shide bending down to tie his laces is an act of losing control and him being in control of him), it bothers him because it makes him look weak. He's the one flustered by the actions; his heart is shaken by the movement. What he sees about Shide vs what's genuinely being shown/exposed is so opposite, so of course, they're more prone to misunderstandings because they've always both seen the situation very differently.
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So WBL has always been using this theme of Control vs Power with Shide and Shuyi. And how, because of love, both of them feel this lack of control over each other. Mostly from season 1, when Shide gets closer to Shuyi using the idea of rivalry to see who can win over each other, even though he gives in always to Shuyi on purpose. Shuyi's misunderstanding has always been an issue since episode 1, since even when Shide kissed him in the pool. This time around in season 2, we get to deal with the actual seriousness/reciprocation of what that misunderstanding and fear of lack of control can do to them. And how others can manipulate that (Shuyi's father probably). Either way, these twos relationship has become angst central because Shuyi really is fighting Mr second, he's determined this time not to lose to Shide no matter what and he's finally using like the last way he can possibly gain control over Shide. His body. The most vulnerable part of a person is exposed when they sleep with someone else; by getting Shide to even want to give in to him as he requested, he can expose everything about Shide, his weakness, his heart, his truths. Hence, it makes sense the relationship is using attraction and chemistry as a powerful tool for the storyline. Shuyi isn't going to be able to even go through with anything because he's just as vulnerable and weak with Shide as Shide is with him.
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I love angst, and I love power plays and fight for control in rivals to lovers stories. I love misunderstandings and requited, but they don't know the trope. I just really enjoy WBL, and I'm so excited to see what happens next. Looks like Shide is finally going to lose that façade he has on the surface once he breaks down under the influence of alcohol; probably, poor boy has been suffering so much. And I think both of them will soon need to gain control over their situation together so they can defeat the obstacles that come in the form of Shuyi's father, society, company issues etc. So yeh, I'm loving this, and it's such a breath of fresh air. Friday is too far away, sigh.
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ericmun · 3 years
210314 Shinhwa’s Eric and Dongwan’s Instagram Updates
Just a quick note as what might transpire this. There have been posts from fans pressuring about the lack of Shinhwa activities and Eric got the flak usual. One post in particular on the day before (Saturday night) that tagged all the members that probably why this happened, why he feels he’s been treated unfairly, as well as explaining why he had to go on SNS.
The clash between Eric and Dongwan is nothing new. It is mostly personality differences and ways of doing things. We are posting this because everyone has the right to understand what’s going on with a full and accurate translation (as accurate as possible) of how things went. Thanks so much 6crystalis for these long translation.
Eric’s 1st post:
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I was keeping track quietly, but the problem is that the gap between internal affairs compared to external perception is too big, and so, there is constant conflict between the two. I thought if just leave it, it would slowly disappear by itself. Instead, the difference became so big, these was nowhere left to take a stand. I always thought that when it came to problems, the right thing to do was to dig it up by its roots and untangle it bit by bit; you shouldn't try to cover it up and pretend nothing happened. But in the end, I chose to listen to the opinions of different people and left it alone. One guy who always put group activities before all other work. Another guy who puts certain emphasis on solo activities, but during this period is emphasizing on Shinhwa activities. Although, it caused problems for group communication and schedules, but to fans, he is an intimate and gentle guy. Two people with different thought processes, so I've decided I need to go find and understand each person's differences. But everyone is too one-sided on who they are listening to, to the point that only support the one saying nice words to them, and cursing the condition of the person who is quietly working hard for the group. Isn't that too much? If the problem only stopped at supporting VS not supporting, it doesn't matter, but is it really necessary to go to the extremes of praising one side to high heavens and making personal attacks on the other? Right now, it's not 50/50, it's more than 90% of the people who think the latter's style is correct. Then that means everything I had been doing during that period is wrong. Just let me switch places with the later then, it's easy. But, can you put on some restraint, the group of people on DC? Aren't you tired? Stop gathering in groups in places I'm absent and discussing things that aren't set? If you want to talk about those things, then say it when you come join the group meeting. Didn't I already ask you guys (the members) 3 weeks ago about setting the schedule? If you actually want to resolve this, then let's talk. I have no way of contacting you, so I'll tag you, and I will also let Andy know. You'll invite me to tomorrow's live right? I'll be there.
Note: Eric tagged Dongwan for this post as seen in the photo
Source: muneric Translation: 6rystalis
Eric’s 2nd post:
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Because I was afraid of causing conflict, I thought just leaving it would make it disappear, so I chose to say pretty words filled with hope that were false to make people happy and just leave everything. I think that’s just making me doenjang (superficial/full of BS)
Text on the chat:
ERIC: What time is the live tomorrow, Andy? ANDY: The time is not set yet, hyung. We'll set it after meeting with Dongwanie hyung tomorrow. ERIC: Can you tell him to invite me for tomorrow liveㅎㅎ ANDY: Okay ERIC: ㅋㅋㅋ ANDY: ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ERIC: I'm curious what he'll say ㅎㅎ No matter what he says, just forward it to me. I'll also adjust as needed. If it's really too convenient, then I'll think of a way to adjust it. ANDY: eung eung (yes yes)
Source: muneric Translation: 6rystalis
Dongwan’s post:
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I am Kim Dongwan.
First of all, I feel very sorry for all the Shinhwa Changjo who got shocked.
Tomorrow, I will meet the members and have a good talk. Because it is internal affairs, we should discuss it among ourselves first.
The previous announcement about holding a live with Andy will go ahead as planned.
The conception of Shinhwa albums and concerts require the investment of a lot of manpower. This isn't completed by members on their own, or can be completed by just any member. To members, Shinhwa activities are very important and something they really look forward to. So, I have always taken into account the opinions of all six members, and after adjustments, produce a conclusion that is satisfying to all members.
Before getting this conclusion, other than the members' opinions, communication with the production team is also very important. It requires the polishing of time and opportunity.
Apart from the problem about contacting me... If we could've had a little bit of communication with the production team beginning last year, if we could've communicated so that they could feel at ease, then Shinhwa and Shinhwa Changjo wouldn't have had to encounter a situation like this... This is a point that I feel a bit regretful about.
We work hard together to be the Shinhwa that will paint a beautiful painting for Shinhwa Changjo.
Thank you, everyone.
Source: danedkim Translation: 6rystalis
Eric’s 3rd post:
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Starting from 3pm, I had been asking Dongwannie and constantly checking with Andy for updates, but there was no answer at all about whether he was going to accept or reject my request to be there. Said it was because the production team couldn't contact me, so that's why they couldn't go forward with their work. Then let me tell you about my position. It started around "Sniper" activities? Around 2015-2021, he hasn't been in our group chat for 6 years; and after being blocked, I never got his new phone number. During the time I announced my marriage, because of "whether I let the members know I was getting married", I was being attacked. There was that brother that came out and loudly said, "Eric definitely has his own reasons~ Please understand~" Kept getting cursed or something. From the blank period in the military to album production in the years that followed, schedules and venues were booked one year in advance by me. I wouldn't know how to keep in contact with the production team? In those 6 years, I'm always telling everyone we should hold a meeting. Every time, the schedule is adjusted weeks in advance so that we can have this hard-earned chance to meet up. Even like that, we weren't able to see each other. There are too many times where there was no other way because of deadlines to just hold a meeting with 5 people.
Last year was the same. Again, I told the members that we should meet, everyone should open up some time in your schedule. And then the date was set, but on the day, we were stood up. The kind-hearted members were finally able to meet up after so much, but weren't even able to take a picture for proof before we separated. I was also really tired, so I suggested if it's hard to find time in your schedule, then let's use group chat to to figure things out, it'll be more convenient. I'm also really busy with work. Each time I have to adjust my schedule so we can meet, but if it gets cancelled on the day, I'll also feel really tired. Even so, he still refused to use group chat to discuss things. I'm also human. I thought, "We're in pandemic conditions and I still have dramas to film. If it continues like this, just leave it, stop pretending to be close." And so, at the end of last year, I stopped joining the group chat. But the root of the problem is here. In the 6 years that I have been doing all this, where I was constantly cursed, after I left group chat for a mere 3 months? Under the circumstances where I was absent, you had a meeting in a chat, in the way where you are comforting others and telling them to air out their raincoats? At that point, I couldn't hold it anymore. A few days ago, a Shinchang chat was established in Clubhouse. Like it was an official channel, you talked about things that members have never discussed or confirmed. There was even content that we haven't even heard of before. Yesterday, you said, "It wasn't you. It was because there are a few members who don't want to hold Shinhwa activities that these activities weren't confirmed in the end" ?
I'm not playing that despicable SNS where you can say things without leaving any evidence, talking about things that don't exist or politics where people criticize you. But to be different from being like that despicable SNS. I chose to leave a record of what I'm saying to be criticized. I guess it can be considered me saying what's on my mind. 6 years and 3 months. I'm too angry, so I suggested in the past that for 3 months, everyone should calm down on their own and think about what our things mean to us. If suggesting these 3 months is wrong, then I admit it, I apologize. But, in the post, it brought up the production team. I really want to ask, am I really the one affecting Shinhwa's schedule? Up until now, I've asked another members about this situation, yet I'm still unable to get a solid answer about whether you're accepting my arrival. Instead, you confirmed on Instagram that it's Eric and the production team's miscommunication that things couldn't be confirmed? I'm preparing to take a rest right now. I'm going to treat it as you rejecting to invite me to join you tomorrow. If members discuss things in the future and really want to make our dongsaeng, who's caught in the middle, uncomfortable, then just continue to do so. The person I wanted you to invite was me, so why are you replying to the fans? It would be great if I also had the ability to omit the main point and say words that sound nice to the ears. But, I'm also human. I apologize to everyone for having to listen to such tiring story.
Dongwan’s reply: I had a phone call with Andy around 6pm. I said that the 3 of us should meet and talk together. Perhaps he hasn’t told you yet.  I’m coming to Seoul tomorrow. We’ll talk face to face.
Source: muneric Translation: 6rystalis 
Eric also did 2 more posts about the hate posts from Shinhwa DC Gall. We might translate it later if translator has time.
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danceworshipper · 4 years
Tattletale - Summer Before Year Three
"It's okay," the Auror said gently. "Take your time. This must have been traumatic for you."
Gracie nodded as she tried to control the sobs that were wracking her body. She hadn't cried when it happened. She hadn't said anything, either. Did her father even know she had seen him? She would guess that he didn't. He probably wouldn't have brought her along to the office today if he did.
"I don't know why he would do it," Gracie said. "He was always so nice to us."
The Auror sighed. "Certain things can set a person off. Everyone has a switch, Gracie. It just depends on how hard it is to flip it."
"Miss Gemma was such a sweet lady," Gracie said. "She didn't deserve to die."
"How did he do it?" the Auror asked. "I don't want to interrogate you, but the more details we know, the better."
Gracie sniffed. "He used the slicing charm. She had gashes all over her. She must have bled out. She got really pale and started coughing, too. Once she was dead he set her on fire. There was nothing left."
The Auror jotted some notes down as Gracie spoke. "Had he been talking to her before he did it?"
"Yes. He was asking her about someone called R."
The Auror pressed his lips together. "Did she know anything?"
"Not that she was saying."
"Did you happen to hear why your father thought that Miss Gemma had details concerning R?"
"Something about a ring, I think," Gracie said.
Gracie nearly screeched as her father walked into the office.
"Oh, there you are, Gracie. Is Thomas upsetting you?" he demanded.
The Auror - Thomas, apparently - spun his chair around to face Gracie's father.
"Jason, do you have any more leads on what happened to Gemma Reena?"
"No. She disappeared without a trace; that's all we've been able to find out."
"Almost as if she was burned?" Thomas asked.
"Burned? Who would burn such a sweet old lady?" Jason asked.
Thomas frowned. "Come sit next to Gracie for a moment, Jason."
Gracie nearly choked on her breath as her father stared her down while he moved to sit next to her. She had never seen such a cold look in his eyes.
"Jason," Thomas began, "your daughter has brought some serious accusations against you. I'd like to run them by you."
"Accusations?" Jason asked. "What, did I punish her unfairly?"
"Well, yes, if by punished you mean terrified."
"Excuse me?"
Jason moved as if to stand up. Thomas flicked his wand, and Jason stuck to his seat.
"Gracie, tell Thomas that you're being dramatic," Jason said. "This is ridiculous. I've done nothing wrong."
"You killed Miss Gemma, Dad," Gracie said. "I saw you. You cut her open and then you burned her."
"Gracie!" Jason exclaimed. "Miss Gemma was a good friend of ours. I would never hurt her."
Thomas sighed. "Gracie, there may be a way to settle this. With your permission, I would like to view your memories. I'll extract the memory from you and I will watch it in my Pensieve. You do not need to watch with me."
Gracie nodded. "Okay."
Thomas opened a cabinet and took out a disk. It floated about an inch off of the desk.
"I need you to focus on the memory of your father for a moment," Thomas instructed. "Just to ensure that is the memory I view."
Gracie snuck a glance at her father. He was looking straight ahead with narrow eyes. She had to do this. Her family wasn't safe anymore.
"Gracie, Tessa, go see if you can find your father. It's just about time to leave and I have no idea where he's gone off to."
"Yes Mum," Gracie said. She grabbed Tessa's hand and pulled her down the crowded street.
"I'll check that half and you check this half?" Gracie suggested.
"Okay. I'm going to find him first!" Tessa declared.
"No, I am!" Gracie said.
The twins ran off in different directions. Gracie looked through the windows of the shops she passed, looking for anyone tall with black hair. She didn't see anyone that looked like her father at all.
Deciding that maybe he had decided to visit their friend, Gracie turned back toward the Jewelry Box, a little store owned by Miss Gemma. Gracie had known Miss Gemma basically her whole life. She was a very superstitious old woman with a strong accent, and was very good at cooking.
Gracie opened the door to the Jewelry Box and wandered into the back when she didn't see Miss Gemma in the main store. There was no one in the back either. That was a little odd. It wasn't like Miss Gemma to leave the store unattended.
Just as she was about to leave, Gracie heard a muffled cry coming from outside. She hurried to the alley door and opened it just a crack.
"Stop crying, will you?" Jason snarled. "No one is going to help you. Now, tell me, did you sell R the ring?"
"I did sell that ring last year, but I can't remember who I sold it to," Miss Gemma stammered. "Jason, you know I would never - "
"Shut up!" Jason snapped. "Diffindo!"
Miss Gemma gasped. Gracie froze in place as she watched the blood drip out of Miss Gemma's chest.
"I know you were working with R," Jason said. "I know you charmed that ring with invisibility."
"That's a very common request, Jason. Augh!"
More cuts appeared on Miss Gemma's body. The worst was across her face. It went directly across her right eye, which was now oozing.
"Tell me the name of the woman," Jason demanded. "Tell me right now."
"I don't remember," Miss Gemma pleaded. She coughed forcefully and blood spat out of her mouth.
"Then you're useless."
"Wha - ?"
Even more cuts appeared. Miss Gemma coughed again. She sank to the ground, desperately pressing her hands against the gashes.
"Jason," Miss Gemma begged.
Jason said nothing. He just stood there, cold and emotionless.
She was so pale, Gracie noticed. Miss Gemma was as pale as her now. Within moments, Miss Gemma stopped coughing, and fell over. No more breathing.
"Useless. Incendio!"
Miss Gemma burst into flames. Gracie couldn't watch any longer and shut the door.
Well, she had found her father.
Thomas lifted his head from the Pensieve in horror. "Jason, what the fuck?"
"She knew. I know she knew something," Jason said. "She is part of the reason my daughter looks like a freak and she deserved everything she got."
Gracie sobbed in fear. This wasn't her dad.
Thomas looked over at Gracie and swallowed. "I think we have enough evidence, Jason. You're under arrest. Gracie, go get Amanda from the front desk. She can call your mother to take you home."
Gracie nodded and stood up shakily. Not wanting to be anywhere near her father, she rushed to the door and yanked it open.
"Thank you, Gracie," Thomas said. "You have helped keep the Wizarding World safer."
Gracie didn't look back and left the office. She never wanted to see her dad again.
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Dreaming Out Loud
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 115: Only You
Imagine a world where everything you thought to be fiction or myth turned out to be real. Imagine a world, larger than life, where Gods ruled, a simple kiss from a Prince really could wake a Princess, and the lines between good and evil were not as defined as one might think. Imagine that all the stories you think you know so well turned out to be much different than you thought. Imagine if magic was as real as science. Imagine if you didn't have to imagine any of that and it was all true…
"This is what you have so far?" Greg asked, as a barrage of real footage they had collected and images they had captured played on the screen after Landon's voice over ended.
"Yeah...it's great, don't you think?" he asked.
"It looks like a movie trailer. No one is going to think it's anything other than that," Greg complained, as he paced the room.
"I can't believe that three years of work and this is what we have," he growled.
"Hey...this is good. We have some really damning footage of real magic being performed and real life depictions of actual people that are thought to be fictional characters," Landon admonished.
"That no one will believe!" Greg argued.
"After three years...we have nothing! My father's bones are buried in the FBI crime lab, because no one cares about a thirty-three year old crime! And you've just made a fancy movie trailer that I'm sure any Hollywood studio would love to fund, but I have nothing!" Greg raged.
"Calm down...we can take a different approach with the footage. Maybe I got a bit cinematic with the voice over," Landon agreed.
"You think?" Greg snapped. Landon sighed.
"The crime lab is still our in with all of this. I know it's been a long time, but they will get back to us. They'll get a match. They may already have, but opening a cold case will have to go through proper channels. But that's good for us," he continued.
"How?" Greg asked.
"Because if they do match your DNA to the remains and identify him as your missing father...that will attract the attention of some of the higher ups. Opening a cold case that's over thirty years old doesn't happen every day," Landon replied. Greg sighed.
"Fine...just do something about that silly voice over," he said.
"Relax…I'll get rid of the voice over and turn on the regular audio. Maybe if we just go with the bare bones footage, people will see that it's completely unedited," Landon replied, as they watched some of the unedited footage.
"I just want her to pay…" Greg growled.
"I mean...she killed my father, but they allowed her to remain free and move on. All this bull about how she's redeemed herself and even found love! It's ridiculous! She deserves to be in prison!" Greg ranted.
"I agree with you...and maybe we can take a different strategy," Landon said.
"Like what?" Greg asked.
"Well...we've managed to acquire a few beans without them knowing over the years. Hell, they've grown so many that they'd never miss them even if we took a bushel. Maybe it's time to go to the FBI and make them listen. Maybe it's time to find a way to make her confess. We get her outside Storybrooke...there's no magic there to protect any of them," Landon replied.
"How are we going to do that?" Greg asked.
"She has a son...she has someone she loves now. We can use them to get her to do whatever we want," Landon replied.
"We'd have to lure them away from the rest," Greg reminded.
"Not easy...but not impossible either," Landon surmised.
"Okay...let's do it. Let's make her confess and then take her to them," Greg agreed.
"Great...in the meantime, I'll shop this tape around the Internet. No credible documentary company will pay it any mind. But on the dark web...that will be a different story. If we can get people talking about it...then eventually, it will go viral," Landon said.
Snow's emerald eyes opened and she smiled, as she found herself firmly ensconced in her husband's arms.
"Good morning," he said in a husky tone, as they shared a kiss.
"Good morning handsome," she purred back, as he held her close and they heard some babbling coming from the baby monitor.
"Sounds like someone else is awake," she mentioned. He smiled and kissed her cheek.
"I'll get her," he said, as he ventured off to the adjoining nursery. She heard their bedroom door open at that point and smiled at the sound of tiny feet beating it toward the bed. She leaned over and pretended to jump in surprise.
"Boo!" little Xander exclaimed and Snow gasped, as she helped him climb onto their large, King sized bed.
"Good morning sweetheart," she cooed, as she settled him in her lap and kissed his blonde haired head.
"Morning mommy…" he cooed in return, as he was focused on playing with the toys he had brought with him. About that time, David returned with their baby. Ten months ago, Snow had given birth to their third child, a little girl they decided to name Iris. While their son had inherited David's coloring in hair and eyes, their second daughter had very fine raven colored hair like Snow and David's blue eyes as well.
"Daddy!" Xander called, as David sat down on the bed with them and let the baby crawl between them, while his son jumped into his arms.
"What do you have there, little man?" he asked, as he noticed the toy horse in his hand.
"Horsie," he replied, as his baby sister had crawled into Snow's lap. David had changed her, but she was ready to nurse. He helped her settle down in bed and she began to nurse their daughter. These were their typical mornings, spent quietly together, before their daily routine would set in. They ruled together equally. David spent much of his time overseeing the defense side of their Kingdom and Sheriffing all the Realms with Emma, which he greatly enjoyed. Snow handled the day to day tasks on the diplomatic side, though there were many meetings they attended together, especially when military officials visited from other Kingdoms.
During the day, Ruth, Serafina, and Robert happily watched their grandchildren, as did Hades, Persephone, and Eli when their ruling duties allowed it. But Snow and David's children weren't the only ones keeping their six grandparents busy. There had been many changes to their family and it had grown in more ways than one.
"You go ahead and clean up first. And then we can switch," Snow said.
"You sure?" he asked. She nodded and cuddled the baby and their son, who was very occupied with his toys.
"Okay...then I'll get the munchkins dressed while you clean up. Then we'll go get breakfast," he said, as he kissed her tenderly.
"Granny's?" Xander asked. David chuckled.
"Yeah...we'll go to Granny's," he agreed.
"I want pancakes," he announced.
"Mmm...pancakes sound good. With blueberries," Snow said.
"No...chocolate chip, like Emmy has," Xander replied, making them chuckle.
"Okay...chocolate chip it is," Snow agreed, as he smiled at them and went to shower.
James looked out over his Kingdom from the balcony of the King's bed chambers. It was almost mind boggling how much his life had changed in the last three years since he had been miraculously resurrected. He was sure now that if Cronus knew for certain that he couldn't count on James' loyalty, he probably wouldn't have chosen to bring him back. But the God of Time had much bigger problems than him. He didn't know much about Cronus' original plan, except it had involved eliminating Zeus and then claiming the power of the skies. But that power had chosen Persephone as its new champion and had almost guaranteed that Cronus would never rise to power. He had settled into ruling his own Kingdom for the last three years and while they would always be leery of him, he was not the biggest threat out there.
After Leopold unfairly took back his own Kingdom, James had opened his castle to Regina and Henry, giving them a place to stay close. While they could have returned to the mansion in Storybrooke, Regina knew Henry wanted to be close to his biological family and Regina was sincerely working on repairing her relationship with Snow; much to his sister-in-law's delight.
It was a surprising thing to see Regina and Snow become good friends, especially after all the bad blood between them. But Regina had really committed to becoming a better person, for herself and for Henry. He understood her journey better than anyone, so it probably shouldn't have surprised them when they fell in love. But they did and after the shock had worn off, they had entered into a loving relationship, one like he had never had and never expected to have. And one she like she hadn't experienced since Daniel, except for what she found with James became far more powerful. With Daniel, it had been true love, but quite innocent and unburdened. But with James, they both still had darkness in them and would always struggle with it. But among all that, they had found kindred spirits in one another and ultimately a love neither of them expected or was even looking for, or so they thought.
"Why are you up?" Regina complained sleepily, as she put her arms around his waist and rested her head against his back. He smirked and turned so he could put one arm around her.
"Sorry...you know I get this way before we have big diplomatic meetings with the other Kingdoms," he said.
"Yeah...I kind of miss the days where I could just storm in and they would agree to whatever I want," she mused.
"This democracy thing definitely comes with more bickering than I like and having to be in a room with Midas and Leopold for hours makes me want to drink," he agreed. She smirked.
"Well...we still have a while until we have to be ready. I can give you something to think about during the meeting," she purred. He smirked and turned to her, as they engaged in a passionate kiss.
"We're supposed to meet everyone for breakfast," he reminded, as she led him back inside.
"Henry is with Emma and Neal so we can be a little late," she replied, as he eagerly followed her back to bed.
Henry sat in front of the television that morning in their sitting room, playing video games, while his parents shuffled around. The blonde baby girl in Neal's arms fussed a bit, while he dug through her diaper bag.
"Henry...have you seen Tallie's stuffed unicorn?" Neal asked.
"Nope," the teen replied and Neal rolled his eyes.
"Then stop playing the game and help me look. You know how fussy she gets without it," he said. Henry paused the game and started to look around, before finding it behind the sofa.
"Hey...big brother to the rescue," Neal said, as he showed their six-month-old daughter the stuffed toy. She grabbed onto it with chubby hands and calmed down, allowing him to put her in the stroller, as Emma came downstairs.
"Okay...let's go have breakfast and then we'll get you off to school, kid. Do you have your homework?" Emma asked.
"Yep," Henry replied, as he grabbed his backpack and turned the television off.
"Hey sweetheart...are you giving Daddy a rough time?" Emma cooed to their daughter.
"Like her mother," Neal deadpanned.
"Please...you love it," she said, nudging her fiance.
"Yeah...I do. I probably should have my head examined," he joked.
"Wouldn't do any good. No doctor can fix you," she joked back.
"Haha," he mocked sarcastically.
"Are we going or not? I'm starving," Henry complained.
"You're fourteen. You're always starving," Neal quipped, as he pushed the stroller out and they walked through one of Hades insta-portals, as they had come to call them, and arrived in front of Granny's for breakfast.
"Okay sweetie...there all cleaned up," Belle cooed, as she blew a raspberry on her little boy's tummy and he giggled. Rumple smiled from the doorway of the nursery in their castle.
"Everything in order?" he asked.
"Oh yes...we just had a bit of a diaper emergency. I don't think we'll be having anymore strained apricots for dinner anymore," she replied, as she finished dressing him and picked him up.
"You know, I could have cleaned him up with a wave of my hand," he quipped. She shot him a look.
"And I told you I don't want you changing Gideon's diapers with magic," she chided.
"Fine...but can I at least get rid of the dirty one?" he countered.
"Now that would be okay," she agreed, as the dirty diaper disappeared. She looked at him suspiciously.
"Where do all those dirty diapers go when you poof them away?" she asked. He shrugged.
"Who says that I don't just disintegrate them?" he answered with his own question.
"Because the other day, when we were at Snow's and David's, you made one disappear and Hades seemed to think it was funny," she responded. He smirked.
"Do you really want to know?" he asked. She rolled her eyes.
"You're right...it's probably best that I don't," she replied, as she handed their son to him and got his diaper bag. An insta-portal opened and they stepped through, arriving in front of Granny's.
"Ohhh...there they are. Come to Nana…" Persephone gushed, as Snow and David arrived at Granny's with the little ones.
"Nana!" Alexander called, as he rushed to her and she lifted him into her lap.
"Hello my handsome boy," she cooed, while Hades poofed a stuffed three-headed dog for him to play with you.
"You three spoil them rotten," Snow admonished, as she hugged her father.
"That is what Grandparents are for," Eli said, as eagerly took his tiny granddaughter in his arms. Snow shook her head in amusement and sat down beside her husband. Since her father's royal role these days was simply as an adviser, he had been very happy. The stress she had seen upon him while she was growing up, at least in the alternate reality, was gone and for that, she was very happy for him. Surprisingly to some, Hades was happy ruling beside her mother and gladly maintained his supportive role to her. He had naturally worried about his former Throne and who was taking care of the dead. It was very big job and one he took seriously. He regretted the years where he had ruled unjustly, but when they managed to learn that Prometheus had exited Elysian to take up the mantle, that had been a relief to him. Prometheus was a fair man and had always been an ally to mortals, being that he had gone against Zeus long ago when he gave fire to mortals. He had paid for it dearly, but had been rewarded a hero's afterlife in Elysian by Hades, centuries ago, much to Zeus' chagrin.
Persephone had proven equally that her new role as God of the Skies was very well suited to her as well. The last three years in the United Realms had yielded peace and for that, Snow was incredibly grateful. There were still conflicts, crime, and the normal day to day strife that any society faced, but peace had mostly reigned.
"Hey…" Emma called, as they were the next to arrive.
"Hey sweetie," Snow said, as she hugged her parents, while David eagerly lifted Tallie out of her stroller.
"Hey there peanut…" he cooed and patted his grandson on the arm.
"Oh...that reminds me," David said. Snow smiled and dug out some comic books from the pocket on their stroller.
"Wow...thanks Gramps," Henry said, as he accepted the gift.
"And Nana and Papa didn't forget you, sweetie," Snow cooed, as they presented her with a new stuffed sheep.
"You seriously just lectured us about spoiling our grandchildren," Hades mentioned. Snow smiled at him.
"Well, like you said...it's what grandparents do," she mused.
"Grandparents usually don't have kids the same age as their grand kids though," Emma teased.
"You shush and Iris got a new stuffed toy too when we picked out one for Tallie," Snow replied, as Rumple and Belle were next to arrive with Gideon.
"Hey…sorry, we're a bit late. We had to change clothes already this morning," Belle mentioned. Snow winced.
"We've had those mornings too," she replied. Gideon and Iris were only about a month apart. Snow and Belle had gotten pregnant nearly at the same time and being pregnant together had made them even closer friends. It had served to do the same for David and Rumple as well.
"Sorry we're late…" Regina said, as she and James finally arrived and she kissed Henry on his head, as they sat down.
"It's okay...our order is already in," Snow said.
"How do you know what I want?" Regina replied.
"Apple pancakes, mom...you're kind of predictable," Henry teased, making James chuckle in amusement. She nudged him.
"Very funny, you...new comics?" she asked. He smiled and slid one over to her.
"Yep," he answered, as she opened it to read, while they waited on breakfast and conversation flowed effortlessly as usual when they all managed to get together. Robert, Ruth, and Serafina arrived last, completing their family gathering, just as breakfast was delivered.
Ravenna paced in the secluded chamber of her palace, where Claude Frollo had conducted his work and experiments for the past three years. It was painstaking work and she felt no closer to any of her goals. If she didn't hold control over him, then she might think he wasn't doing what she asked. But unfortunately, the particular thing she was asking for was not easily accomplished.
Originally, she had wanted to find a way to curse her former step-daughter. She wanted her to suffer a fate worse than death, but she had quickly learned that there was no curse that existed that true love could not overcome. It became clear that death was the only thing that true love could not save her from. And so the search to find the perfect way to kill Snow White began. She wanted her to suffer and she wanted those around her to suffer losing her. She was so tired of her being the one that all the Kingdoms adored. She had everything. True love with a handsome, loving husband, who thought the sun rose and set with her. Three beautiful children and a large family full of people that would do absolutely anything for her. In addition to that, most of the people in the Kingdoms, particularly her own adored her and still called her the fairest of them all.
Her jealousy had steadily grown and her hatred with it. Hans had implored her to let it go, as he could see nothing good coming of it for their Kingdom. His older brothers agreed as well, but with Arawn still imprisoned for war crimes, Ravenna was next in line and had ruled flippantly. Her own interests were first, while the people did without. She was a very unpopular Queen and their own people constantly discussed how much better the rulers of some of other Kingdoms were. Snow White was always mentioned among them, which only further enraged their sister.
But Ravenna refused to work for her people in favor of fulfilling her own interests. She was always harshly criticized at the United Realm Council meetings and Hans was sure today would be no different.
"We may finally be onto something today," Frollo said.
"You've said that before and it always goes up in smoke," Ravenna retorted.
"And without this cauldron, you may never have gotten this far," he argued.
"Fine...do you have it then?" she asked.
"Not yet...but my research has revealed one crucial ingredient we need for success. Unfortunately, it is not available in our Enchanted Forest," he replied.
"Then where can we get what we need?" she demanded to know.
"Another magical forest...across the ocean," he answered. She had heard of this place and could even see it in the distance from her vantage point. It was still a mysterious place and the only place that had not sent a dignitary to join the United Realms Council. Very little was known about it still and there were even plans to send a group of diplomats there to make contact. No one was certain of why no one from this land had sent their own individuals out, but they had so far respected their obvious desire to remain isolated. If they still planned to send a team, she knew they would never choose to send her. They were always claiming she was too volatile and had an irresponsible rule. But that would not stop her from going there if the ingredient she needed was somewhere in that forest.
"Then we will leave for this new land, in secret, after today's Council meeting," she decided.
"Yes, my Queen," Frollo agreed, though he had little choice. As long as she held the Promethean flame, the very first and famed flame the God Prometheus had given to man, she would be able to control his every move.
Breakfast was finishing up and they paid their checks, while preparing to hand off all the little ones to Ruth, Robert, and Serafina, who were happily watching all of them, while they were attending the monthly Council meeting that morning.
"Okay kid...bus is pulling up outside," Emma said, as she hugged him and Regina did as well, as she kissed him on the head. He and Neal bumped fists, as he headed out to the bus
"Have a good day sweetie," Snow called, as he waved to his family. Just as they prepared to head back to the castle, Emma's phone rang.
"Sheriff," she answered, as she listened to the complaint on the other end.
"All right...we'll be right there," she said, with an eye roll.
"Another active bar fight at the Rabbit Hole," she said, as she put her jacket on.
"I'll give you a hand," David said, as he kissed Snow quickly.
"I'll catch up to you at the meeting," he promised. She nodded.
"Be careful," she called to both of them.
"Need an extra hand?" James asked.
"Couldn't hurt," David agreed, as his twin kissed Regina and followed them out. Snow smiled, as she watched her husband and daughter do what they did best. Helping and protecting people. She kissed her little ones and Ruth smiled at her.
"Off to save the day again, those two," she said fondly.
"As always. Thanks for watching them," Snow said.
"You know we love it," Seraphina replied. To have the three of them to help out was invaluable. Snow was not a fan of hiring a nanny and since her children had so many grandparents to help out, such had not be necessary.
"Well, I guess we better get to the Council meeting," she said, as they left the diner as well. She couldn't say that they ever accomplished a lot in their meetings, but they were still important to get all the leaders together in order to discuss the issues. She always hoped for less arguing and more solutions, which she did not always receive. Thus was the reality of politics. David usually got even more annoyed than her, for her husband was always one for action. But the diplomacy and this process were important and necessary, even if the results were slow to be realized most of the time. But she felt that the future had never been brighter as far as she was concerned and she only hoped that their relative peace continued to reign...
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chelseaapproved · 7 years
I’ll Sing a Song Beside You
Read on Ao3!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9  | 10  | 11  | 12  | 13
Chapter Five
“Would you rather lick the floor of the metro or lick a public toilet?”
“Ew! Neither!”
“You have to choose one, M.”
“I wouldn’t want to do either of those though.” Marinette looks up from painting her toes to glare at Alya.
“That’s the whole point of the game,” Alya groans, clearly frustrated with Marinette. “I don’t think I’ve ever met someone so bad at this.”
“You keep giving me gross ones!”
“Ugh fine.” Alya switches from the green polish to the blue one. She’s going for some fancy marble effect that Marinette is jealous of. For all Marinette is creative and artistic, she has yet to master the art of painting nails. “Would you rather marry Adrien or have a successful career designing clothes?”
Marinette feels her face warm up at the idea of marrying Adrien. She might be a little pathetic. “Both,” she says, once she gets control of her pounding heart.
“You can only choose one.”
“But they’re my two life goals, how am I supposed to choose?”
“As previously stated, multiple times, that is the point of the game. It’s not supposed to be easy. How have you never played this before?”
“I don’t know,” Marinette shrugs. “Can we play something else? I’m clearly not cut out for this game.”
Alya definitely says something but Marinette doesn’t pay attention—she’s too distracted by the very familiar ‘thunk’ she hears on her balcony. Marinette freezes, her back stiffening as she realizes she forgot to lock her sunroof. Which means—
“Good evening, Mari! How are… you…?” Chat stares wide-eyed at a slack-jawed Alya.
Oh no.
“Chat Noir,” Alya exclaims, breaking the silence. “What are you doing here?”
“I—er,” he glances at Marinette, panicked.
“Cookies,” Marinette blurts out.
“Cookies,” Alya repeats.
“Yes! He, um, orders cookies from us sometimes. And if he gets here after my parents go to bed, he’ll come up here to get them!”
“Right,” Chat says, throwing Marinette a look that clearly tells her the lie sucks. “So, do you have my cookies ready for me?”
“Um.” Marinette glances around her room but there are obviously no cookies to give him. “I must have gotten distracted by our sleepover that I forgot to bring them up. I’ll be right back.”
“I can get them if you want,” Chat says quickly.
“No, you stay there. Just give me a second!”
Marinette flings open the trap door and races down the stairs. They usually have a few sweets at the end of the day but most of their leftovers get donated to soup kitchens and homeless shelters. She scrambles to find a few cookies and rummages through the cabinets to find an extra box to put them in.
She grabs a marker and writes ‘For Chat Noir’ in fancy calligraphy. It’s already been too long so she doesn’t bother with string or ribbon.
Rushing up the stairs, she can hear Alya questioning Chat. Marinette flinches before bursting into the room. Chat is awkwardly standing in the middle of the room with Alya beaming up at him.
“Here are your cookies! Sorry to keep you waiting so long.”
“No harm done little lady.” Chat grabs the box out of Marinette’s hand, brushing her fingers as he does so. It sends a tingle down her spine that she ignores. “The sweets from here are well worth the wait.”
“Right. Well, I hope you enjoy them. Bye!” She all but pushes Chat back toward the bed so he can escape through the sunroof.
“Don’t forget our interview,” Alya calls as Chat starts up the ladder. Marinette winces; Alya must have cornered him into an interview while she was getting cookies. She makes a mental note to bring it up to him the next time they meet.
“I won’t. Take care of yourselves. Thanks again for the cookies!” Then he’s gone.
There’s a beat of silence.
“How long has Chat Noir been visiting you and why haven’t you told me earlier?”
Chat doesn’t visit for the rest of the weekend. It should be good because after the very awkward and uncomfortable conversation with Alya, they spend the entire weekend hanging in Marinette’s room. Marinette thinks Alya was hoping to catch another glimpse of Chat but thankfully the cat knew to stay away.
Unfortunately, Ladybug is able to beat the only akuma of the weekend before Chat even shows up. Normally, Marinette would consider this a good thing but it’s been days since she last got to speak to him—really speak to him, without any third-party members present—and she misses him.
“Hey Marinette.”
Marinette startles and jumps in her seat, hitting her knee against the bottom of her desk. Already embarrassed, Marinette can feel her face growing warm while Adrien watches on with concern.
“Are you okay,” Adrien asks.
“Y-yeah,” she forces out. “You’re fine. I mean, I’m fine. Me. Is fine.”
“Okay…” he says with a hesitant smile. One of these days Marinette is going to have a conversation with Adrien that doesn’t make her want to bash her head in a wall. “Uh, anyway, I was wondering if you had any plans for lunch?”
Marinette blinks at him. “Me?”
“Yeah,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Would you—Do you have any plans?”
Marinette looks around but everyone has already fled from the classroom. She has no lifelines. “I—I was just going to go back home. Alya and Nino are going on some weird date-not-a-date thing and I usually eat at home anyway because the food is fresher and warmer and it gives me an opportunity to talk to my parents. But I don’t have to do that! I am always open to other things and eating with new people and doing whatever during lunch. I mean, not whatever, I still want to eat but I just meant I don’t need to eat at home.”
Adrien stares at her, a small smile forming on his lips that gets her heart pounding. He’s too beautiful for her to handle.
“I have to go home and wanted to know if you’d mind coming with me?”
The next few minutes are unclear to Marinette—she thinks she might have blacked out—but suddenly she’s in the back of the limo with Adrien beaming at her.
“Thanks again for coming,” Adrien says when he catches her eye.
Even in her daze, Marinette can recognize it’s a weird thing to say. “You don’t need to thank someone for hanging out with a friend,” she says.
Adrien shrugs. “I know but… I had a rough weekend and this morning was even worse and I just… really needed a friendly face?”
Marinette’s heart goes out for the boy sitting next to her. Her biggest regret about her interactions with Adrien is that he seems like the kind of person who really needs a friend but she is wholly underqualified to be that person for him.
“I’m sure Nino would have rescheduled his thing with Alya for you,” she says.
Adrien looks down at his lap. “I didn’t want to ask him to do that just for me. Besides, he’s still not allowed in my house…”
Marinette closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She is going to get this out properly the first time. “Adrien,” she starts. When he snaps his eyes to her, she feels bold enough to hold his hand. “Friends like helping each other. And Nino, especially, is a wonderful human being who will always be there for you. You could have asked him for help. But I’m glad you reached out to me.”
He squeezes her hand. “You’re really important to me, Marinette.”
And here comes the blushing. She pulls her hand out of his and anxiously plays with her hair. “Ahh… y-you’re important to me, too.”
Adrien’s colossal bodyguard thankfully cuts off their conversation by opening the door. Marinette squeaks out a ‘thanks’ but the man stays stoic and silent as usual.
Adrien leads Marinette to the dining room where two plates are waiting for them. He must have called ahead and asked the chef to prepare a meal for her as well and it just… melts her. She doesn’t think she is going to survive this afternoon.
They sit in silence for a few minutes, picking at their salad.
“D-do you want to talk about your weekend,” Marinette finally asks. She stays looking at her food because that’s the only way she can have this conversation without panicking.
“It just wasn’t a good weekend,” Adrien shrugs. “Not much to talk about.”
“Okay,” Marinette says. “I’m here if you want to talk.”
“Thanks, Marinette,” he says with more gratitude than she can handle. This entire lunch is more than she can handle, in all honesty.
They lapse back into silence. Marinette wracks her brain for something to say and break the awkwardness between them but her mind is unsurprisingly blank.
“My father overbooked me again this weekend so I barely had time to breathe, let alone relax,” Adrien says. Marinette puts down her fork, intent to give Adrien her full attention. “I was supposed to go over Nino’s to help him test out some new software he downloaded but I had to bail last minute. He said he understood but there’s only so many times you can ditch someone before they give up on you, you know?”
“I’m sorry you missed out on the weekend. Nino understands your father is…particular,” Marinette settles for a much gentler word than what she’s thinking. “We all do and none of us judge you for it.”
“I feel like a horrible friend.”
“You’re not. I bet if I called Nino right now he would agree that you’re an amazing friend, Adrien.”
His cheeks turn the faintest tinge of pink, which is absolutely adorable and has Marinette blushing like crazy herself.
“You’re an amazing friend, too,” he mumbles.
Her face grows even hotter so she decides she should move on from that particular subject. “Y-you also mentioned today wasn’t too great either.”
Adrien sighs. “It’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid.”
“I have a fencing match tomorrow and Father said he would try to make it this time but when I woke up this morning, he was gone on a week-long trip.”
Marinette stares in horror at the poor boy in front of her. She can’t imagine what it must be like to live with a father like Gabriel Agreste. Super-talented and awe-inspiring fashion designer, but unfairly neglectful father.
“I’m so sorry. That must feel awful.”
“I’m used to it.”
“Is there anything I can do,” Marinette asks.
“Just being here is enough,” he says. Somehow, Marinette doesn’t faint on spot.
Despite the incident on Friday, Chat drops into her room without any warning. She supposes he isn’t the one forced to interact with a suspicious Alya all the time now.
“Hey,” she says, barely glancing up from the banner she’s working on.
Chat leaps off the bed and stands next to her. “What are you working on,” he asks.
“My friend has a meet tomorrow,” she explains, “and his family isn’t going so my friends and I are going to go and root for him instead.”
“You’re making a banner for him?” His voice sounds off but Marinette doesn’t bother with it.
“Of course. What kind of fan would I be if I didn’t make a sign?”
“You’re so nice,” he says. “I can’t believe you’d do this for him.”
“It’s not a big deal. I’d do it for any of my friends.”
“You’re a really wonderful person, Mari.”
Marinette puts down her banner and properly looks at him. He has tears in his eyes and is looking at her like there’s no one else in the world that matters.
“Chat, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” he says, blinking rapidly.
“Come here.” She leads him to the chaise and pats the spot next to her to sit. He immediately sits and leans into her, letting his head rest against hers.
“What happened,” she asks.
“I needed this,” he sighs.
“You’re making me nervous, Kitty.”
“The past few days have been crappy and I didn’t get to see you, which made it even worse. I had a friend cheer me up earlier today but I really just needed this.” He nuzzles the top of her head to drive his point home.
Marinette reaches up to scratch behind his cat ears, a spot she knows he’s weak for. “You want to talk about it?”
“Not really. It wasn’t anything bad and I already talked to my friend.”
“Want to watch anime and cuddle on my bed?”
“Absolutely, I do,” Chat says, leaping off the chaise.
Marinette grins at him and grabs her laptop while he runs up to the bed. She glances at the half-finished banner she abandoned, then back at Chat. It’s going to be a late night, but both her boys deserve it.
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Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails (A Klaine Fic)
Word Count: 3,603 Status: Complete Beta: The wonderful @hkvoyage Summary: Written for a Tumblr fic about Klaine getting a pet - full prompt as the end of the fic. FF.net | AO3 
Blaine was one of those people – what you would call an “animal person”. The kind of person that would stop and ask permission to pet any dog someone was walking past him. The kind of person to leave food out for stray cats, the kind of person who pointed out every puppy they passed while jogging in Central Park – even if they’d already passed a half a dozen. He even supported the ASPCA with every Amazon Smile purchase he made.
Kurt was not an animal person. Not that he disliked animals, he didn’t. He loved Rocky, the big rescue dog Burt and Carol had adopted once they became empty nesters. He enjoyed Simone, Mercedes’ pampered little chihuahua who went on tour with her. Tina had adopted a cat… and then a second one, but she wouldn’t let anyone call her a cat lady saying you had to have at least three cats for that. Kurt really liked both of Tina’s cats, he understood their general distain for being picked up and love of neck scratches. If he were an animal, he would probably be a cat. No, Kurt didn’t dislike pets, but as far as ever owning a pet of his own, Kurt didn’t see the point. Pets were messy and smelled and took up too much time and money. He would continue to enjoy them vicariously through other people. Or so he thought. Kurt got home from a long day at the theater; one actor had started stress eating so he had to let all her costumes out. Then the male lead decided that the costumes he had previously adored were all a little too “confining” now, and Kurt had lengthy discussions with the director about modifying them. Kurt didn’t actually mind, but still it was tiring. All he wanted to do was get home, order some dinner and snuggle with his fiancé on the sofa as they watched trashy television. That sounded like bliss. He walked in to his apartment, hanging his coat and bag on the hooks by the door, and slipping his shoes off with a sigh when he heard Blaine calling him from the living room. “Kurt? Is that you?” “Where you expecting someone else?” Kurt asked with a smile as he joined Blaine, leaning in to give him a quick kiss. Blaine kissed him back but seemed distracted. “Everything okay?” Blaine’s face was tense and a little worried. “Don’t be mad.” “What’s wrong?” Kurt’s heart skipped a beat; a part of him was always ready for bad news. “Nothing! Nothing.” Blaine reassured him, holding Kurt’s arms and leaning in to give him another quick peck on the lips. “Nothing is wrong… it’s just that… I um… bought something today, and I don’t want you to…” Blaine rubbed the back of his neck, not finishing the sentence. Kurt arched and eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest, “Want me to what?” “Just keep an open mind, okay?” “Oh god, Blaine. What have you done?” Kurt loved Blaine more that anything, and he was committed to him no matter what, but that didn’t mean he was above making Blaine sleep on the couch if he’d done something truly senseless. Kurt was imagining all sorts of things, from an outrageously expensive gold foil bowtie, or matching pairs of pink alligator shoes – which okay, Kurt might wear as long as Blaine wasn’t wearing them at the same time – to walking into their music room to find a kayak sitting there. Blaine was that unpredictable sometimes. Kurt loved that about him, but right now, it was making him tense. “I was at the grocery store today picking up a few things for the weekend,” Blaine explained, his voice taking on a slightly nervous quality as he slowly led Kurt down the hall. “And they had them all out front, a least a dozen of them, and everyone was playing with them and holding them and there was one that was scared and huddled alone in a corner…” Blaine stopped outside the music room. Kurt thought he might have heard a noise from behind the door, and it slowly dawned on him what had happened as Blaine started opening the door. “Oh please, Blaine. No. Say you did not-” A blur of white movement flashed by them both scampering down the hall and back towards the living room. Kurt looked at where the thing had darted to and then at Blaine who was watching at him sheepishly. He did not bring an animal home without talking to Kurt about it first. “Um, just a sec. I really should catch him.” Blaine hurried to the living room, Kurt trailing behind him in disbelief, only to find Blaine laying flat on his stomach by the couch, arm halfway underneath as he cooed, “It’s okay boy. You’re safe.” Kurt stood nearby arms crossed and foot tapping. Finally, Blaine seemed to get ahold of the creature and gently pulled it out. He stood up and smiled at Kurt with a ball of wiry, matted fur cradled in his arms. “It’s a dog.” Blaine said, his eyes sparkling. “I can see that.” Kurt was doing absolutely everything he could not to smile himself. He was not pleased, even if Blaine was unfairly adorable right now. “Actually, it looks more like a pile of scruffy fur.” Kurt sniffed the air, “And it stinks.” “Oh Kurt, don’t say that. You’ll hurt his feelings.” The little dog was shivering in Blaine’s arms, as much of it Kurt could see at least. Kurt sighed, “Let me see him.” Blaine held the dog out, and Kurt could finally get a good look at it. Some kind of terrier mix most likely.  Skinny with bristly looking beige fur and sad eyes. Kurt could understand why Blaine had picked this dog out – he would choose the most pathetic looking creature of the bunch. Kurt rubbed his forehead and sighed. It was impossible to argue with Blaine’s tender heart Blaine tucked the poor dog back to his chest. “Are you mad?” “I mean… Blaine.” “I know. I know I should have talked to you about this first.” “Getting a dog is a big deal. It is a long-term commitment. Especially a little dog, they live a long time.” “I know. And you have every right to be upset with me. But I made eye contact with him, Kurt. And he was so sad and little and scared and shaking… I tried to walk away, I promise I did try…” Kurt uncrossed his arms and sighed. Blaine was too sweet for his own good. “If we keep him, you get to take care of him. Clean up after him. Take him on walks. He is your dog. Okay?” Blaine beamed at him, his smile infectious, “I will! I’ll do all of that. I’ll take full responsibility for him, but could he maybe… be our dog?” Kurt narrowed his eyes, “Not while he smells like that.” “Don’t worry! I got everything he is going to need. Food and a collar and a leash and toys and dog shampoo. He is already fixed and housetrained. It is not going to be a problem. I’ll give him a bath now!” Kurt bit back a smile. “Okay. Fine. We keep him on a trial basis. I’m not promising anything, but I’ll get him a try.” “That’s a deal.” Blaine swooped in and planted a kiss on Kurt’s cheek, then his forehead and then his lips. “Stop it,” Kurt was laughing by time he pushed Blaine and the dog away, “You smell like dog.” “Well, he is going to smell a lot better soon. Aren’t you buddy, huh? Aren’t you?” Blaine switched to baby talk when addressing to the dog in his arms, which strangely made Kurt’s heart swell, then Blaine hurried off to give it a much-needed bath while Kurt wandered back to the music room. Blaine wasn’t lying, he’d gotten everything you might need for a dog, and more. There were toys strewn across the room, a plush purple doggie bed, and a water and dog bowl that were already tipped over and spilt across the wood floor. Kurt groaned and turned toward the hall to grab a towel when he stepped in something wet. He lifted his socked foot with a grimace; it wasn’t water. “Blaine!!” ******** It turned out that the dog was housetrained. It had just been nervous and excited to be in a new place that first day. As long as Blaine kept up with giving it walks, which he was great at, there weren’t any more accidents in the apartment. Though it did seem to love to knock over its food bowl and leave slobbery toys all over the house, it even liked to tug things it wasn’t meant to play with from the closet or out from under cupboards. Blaine started childproofing the house. Kurt wasn’t sure it was worth the headache. Kurt did enjoy the evening strolls they had started going on so the dog could stretch its legs. They were walking through their neighborhood, bundled in jackets and holding hands while the dog led the way, it was very strong and willful for such a little thing. Blaine had even bought a little plaid puffy vest for the dog so it wouldn’t get cold. It was still too skinny and Blaine doted over it. “Are you ever going to name it?” Kurt asked watching as the wiry little thing trotted ahead of them wagging its trial. “Why? Are you getting attached?” Blaine asked turning to Kurt with a hopeful smile. “I’m not saying that – it just weird to keep calling him the dog.” “I’ve been mulling over some ideas.” “Like…?” “Levine?” Kurt scrunched up his nose. “Okay, okay.” Blaine laughed, “Maybe Hammerstein? But that’s a mouthful.” “It is,” Kurt agreed as Blaine leaned his head on Kurt’s shoulder while they stopped to let the dog sniff at the base of a tree. “Horace?” The dog looked up at them, as if even he thought that was a terrible idea. “Does he look like a Horace to you?” “I’ve always been bad at naming things,” Blaine said with a sighed as they started walking again. “Did I ever tell you what I named my hamster when I was in second grade?” “No?” “Hamster.” “What?” Kurt started laughing. “I named my hamster, Hamster.” Kurt laughed harder which made the dog stop walking and start barking at them, wanting in on the joke, “Oh Blaine, that is so sad.” “I know.” Blaine’s gorgeous smile overtook his face, “Besides I’m not sure I want to name him yet. Not if he is still here on a trial basis.” “Fair enough,” Kurt said, kissing Blaine’s cheek. “But you’ve had him a little over a week and he’s made some kind of mess in the apartment almost every single day. Let’s see if he can go a few days without making me want to pull my hair out before we end the trial period.” “Fair enough,” Blaine echoed, stopping on the sidewalk and bringing his lips to Kurt’s in a tender kiss. “He’s going to win you over eventually,” Blaine whispered and kissed him again. Kurt smiled into the kiss, Blaine was fighting dirty here, but Kurt was enjoying every moment of it. *********
“He’s looking at me.” “Is he not allowed to look at you?” “Blaine. Look at him!” They were sitting close together on the couch watching MasterChef, the dog was planted by their feet staring up at Kurt with big, round eyes. “Did you teach him that? He looks like you when you want something!” Blaine laughed and shook his head, “I think we are both naturals.” “What does he want from me? Why isn’t he staring at you?” “He wants up on the couch with us.” “But why isn’t he staring at you?” Blaine shrugged, “Maybe he knows you’re the one that made the ‘no dogs on the couch’ rule.” “Do not make me the bad guy for wanting to keep our things nice.” “I’m not.” “We don’t want to have one of those apartments that smell like dog as soon as you walk in.” “I agree with you.” Kurt glanced back down at the dog who whined and started wagging its tail. “Sorry mister, but I’m immune to the puppy eyes. Lots of practice resisting them.” “Oh really?” Blaine hand been leaning against Kurt’s side but he sat up to face him at that. “Yes. I am puppy eyes resistant.” Kurt smirked as Blaine lowered his chin and looked up at Kurt through his long eyelashes. “Oh really?” Blaine repeated as he scooted closer, parting his plump lips and giving Kurt his best round eyed yet seductive look. “It is going to take more than the eyes, Anderson.” Blaine smiled and moved Kurt’s leg so they stretched out on the couch, and then moved so his body was hovering over Kurt’s. “What is it going to take?” Blaine asked, lips so close to the skin of Kurt’s neck his warm breath made goosebumps run down Kurt’s arms. Kurt swallowed deeply, “What are you after here?” “Maybe the dog could sit on the couch,” Blaine suggested, pressing a soft kiss to Kurt’s neck, “If he stayed on our laps?” Blaine murmured the request against the sensitive skin of Kurt neck, kissing his way up it. “I… I don’t know how.” Kurt licked his lips and his eyes fluttered closed, “How we would inforce that?” Blaine moved to Kurt’s jawline and hummed against his skin before kissing the very corner of Kurt’s lips. Kurt whimpered a bit. “He’s smart.” Blaine whispered, “I could train him.” Blaine moved away slightly, looking at Kurt with wide golden eyes, “What do you say?” Kurt’s breathing hitched and his skin buzzed, and all he wanted was Blaine’s lips on his own. “Fine. But you better stop talking about that dog and kiss me now.” “Gladly,” Blaine said, shifting so he could roll his body down against Kurt’s and kissed him deeply as Kurt pulled him in. The dog gave up sitting on the couch and pattered away, clearly ignored for now. ******* Kurt was in a foul mood as he walked the three flights of stairs up to their apartment. The male lead in the play didn’t like the recently updated costumes and insisted they go back to the original design, even though he been the one to request the change. The director sided with the actor, as he always did, and Kurt was left in the back, ripping out seams and muttering under his breath. He hated redoing work that had already been done. He stormed into the apartment, dropping his things unceremoniously on the floor of the entryway. “You will not believe the day I had,” Kurt fumed marching further into the apartment. “It’s like working with a male version of Rachel Berry. I want to wring his neck!” Kurt paused in the living room, but Blaine wasn’t there, so he walked into the kitchen. “Blaine? Are you-.” Kurt stopped mid-sentence, his eyes falling on the trashcan by the pantry, the lid was partly open and some red fabric was sticking out of it. No. No no no. Kurt walked up to it, lifting the lid and pulling out his new Alexander McQueen distressed crewneck sweater – or what was left of it; the material was severely ripped and damp with slobber. Kurt had brought this sweater on clearance and it had just come in yesterday. He’d never even had a chance to wear it! Kurt took a long deep breath, closing his eyes and counting to ten, before stuffing the ruined sweater back into the trashcan. “Blaine,” Kurt called evenly. It was just a sweater, it was just a sweater. He would not yell at Blaine about this. “Blaine.” Kurt walked back through the living room to the hallway, poking his head in the music room to find it empty and continuing on to the bedroom. He was not going to yell at Blaine – but the trial period was over. The dog had to go. He opened the bedroom door, jaw clenched and ready to break the decision to his fiancé, but he stopped short once he entered the room. The first thing he saw was Blaine laying on his side, back to the door apparently asleep on the bed. The next thing Kurt noticed was Blaine’s laptop open on the desk – the screen was on the Alexander McQueen sight. Kurt walked quietly to the laptop, it was an order confirmation page – two things had been purchased and shipped priority mail. A red distressed crew neck sweater and a pair of leather buckle monk-strap shoes – both in Kurt’s size. The shoes were the very pair Kurt had been pining over for months. Kurt sighed and turned to face his sleeping fiancé.
He tiptoed around the bed to find Blaine sleeping peacefully, the dog curled up next to his chest with Blaine’s arm looped over it. Any frustration Kurt had been feeling melted away, and not just because of the order Blaine had placed. Blaine looked so sweet, and innocent and gorgeous. His cheeks rosy and his curly hair a mess, Kurt knew that wasn’t just from this nap – he could picture Blaine pacing the apartment after finding the torn sweater, hands threading through his hair as he wildly thought about what he was going to do. Kurt had to smile, the sight of this beautiful sleeping man curled up with a tiny, slightly snoring dog was just too picturesque. Blaine loved that dog. And Kurt loved Blaine. So damn it, Kurt loved the dog too. Kurt slipped off the suit jacket he was wearing and silently kicked off his shoes. He softly climbed up on the bed so he way lying close to Blaine, facing him with the dog curled up between them. Kurt smiled watching Blaine’s lovely face and then leaned in pressing his lips against Blaine’s in the gentlest kiss. Blaine slowly blinked his eyes open and Kurt smiled at him. “Hi.” Blaine grinned back, “Hi.” Kurt couldn’t help it he kissed Blaine again, longer and deeper this time, his hand moving to hold the back of Blane’s neck – when he pulled away Blaine’s breath stuttered a little. “What was that for?” “I love you, Blaine.” Blaine blushed and his eyes danced. “I love you too.” All too soon Blaine’s smile slipped and his features grew serious, “But um… there is something I have to tell you.” “Is it about a ripped up red McQueen sweater in the garbage?” “Oh god,” Blaine moaned. “Kurt I’m so sorry, but I promise it wasn’t the dog’s fault. I didn’t get home from work until late, and he was left on his own too long and got a little stir crazy. But I‘ve already booked a dog walking service so that won’t happen again – oh, and I bought you a new sweater! It will be here in two days.” Kurt smiled and shook his head, Blaine was too sweet, Kurt sometimes couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have him. “Blaine, it’s fine. I’m not mad. At you or the dog.” “Oh?” Blaine’s face lit up, “Really?” “I guess the trial is over.” Kurt said with a smile. Blaine’s face fell. “If I can forgive him for chewing up designer clothing, I guess that means he stays.” “He stays?” Blaine sat up, waking up the dog who yawned and immediately turned to Kurt placing its chin over his arm. Kurt laughed, “Oh, he is a charmer. He stays” Blaine was smiling broadly, the corner of his eyes crinkling, but he quickly scooped up the dog and placed him on the floor turning back to tackle Kurt with kisses. “I love you. I love you. I love you,” Blaine said between kisses and Kurt laughed beneath him. He finished with a long sweet kiss to Kurt’s lips. Kurt sighed, looking up at Blaine and feeling perfectly happy. “I love you too.” Blaine snuggled down beside him. “Now we can name him.” Kurt turned slightly to look down and find the dog sitting by the bed tail thumping and almost looking as if it was smiling. Kurt rolled back over to face Blaine, “I think we should name our dog after you, call him ‘Charmer’.” Blaine looked surprised for a moment before he tilted his head back and burst out laughing. “It seems fitting.” Blaine circled his arms around Kurt, “It’s perfect. And… our dog?” “Obviously,” Kurt teased and Blaine swooped in to kiss him again.
****** End Note: Written for this prompt: klaine gets a pet - maybe Kurt finally lets Blaine get a puppy and it tears the house down and Kurt wants to send it back but when he walk in to see Blaine curled up with the puppy he can't bear to separate them.
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tattooed-alchemist · 6 years
There are lots of things to try in our pressing mission to tool up quickly to disappoint trolls.
Overwhelm and overload: Trolls often treat their game as a war of attrition, wearing you down with things you have to answer for and explain. Return the favor. Ask them questions and ride them with unceasing demands and impatience. “He still hasn’t answered my questions.” Chide relentlessly: Mock, deride, ridicule, tease, piss them off in an endless gusher. They like to have it both ways, that you fight unfairly and you don’t know how to fight. Show them that you know how to fight. Do not enable: Never ever talk to them as though you expect an honest answer from them. Don’t say “do you really believe X?” because it implies that you can take the troll’s word for anything, when, of course, you can’t. It’s like asking psychopaths what they really think. It’s enabling. This is the biggest mistake high-level interviewers make. They ask professional psychopaths like Kelly Anne Conway, “Really? Do you mean that?” Every time they do that they reinforce the false impression that their right-wing guests are credible, not the professional liars they are. Do not try to persuade them that they’re what they are: Our civic loyalty has made us slow to diagnose their problem and even today we still report evidence as though mounting a case that we’re dealing with a pathological cult. We read these reports as if arms us to argue with the trolls. That’s a strategy whose time has gone. The evidence is all in. Assume that’s what you’re dealing with and never try to persuade them of their hypocrisy with some litany of hypocrisies. Don’t accuse, assume: Use the equivalent of that classic trick question posed to an unwed man, “How long ago did you stop beating your wife?” Bury you’re assertion as an assumption. Don’t say “You’re a liar” say “I wonder when and how this guy first figured out that he can give himself a headrush boner by lying. Was it that he never grew out of  brat-hood or that he revived it when he started sucking off the tits of his new role models?”
Coach/patronize them about how to be a more effective troll:  If someone shows up guns ablazing about “you libtard socialist idiots,” say, “no, that’s not how you do it. First, you have to lure me with something reasonable sounding. Remember the exhibitionists you idolize sidle up first, makes a little pretend-reasonable conversation and only then show off his pointy little resolve. Don’t open your trench coat as you approach. Practice, grasshopper, practice.”
Aikido shaming:  Act as though you assume that they have exactly the traits that they’re prejudiced against, even if you abhor their prejudice. For example, in response to a religious troll who tries to taunt with a gay-bashing “who is your husband?” “I know you're lonely and horny to impress or else you wouldn't keep rambling and strutting to show off to me. I'm sorry I can't be your husband. You'll always have Jesus though.”
Don’t just accuse them of hypocrisy, hang them with it: When they play moral police, accusing you of violating some sacrosanct no-compromise moral principle, say “Great. I’ll put this guy  down as someone who claims harassment, criticism of Presidents, complaining and victimhood is always wrong. When they violate their own principle, just mark it as obvious hypocrisy and move on. They’ll try to rationalize it (“Me bashing Obama is totally different!”) ignore it. Use their shaming words, not yours: They’re vaccinated against your shaming words but not their own. Call them sinners, unpatriotic, un-American, snowflakes, PC-police, the anti-Christ. Do so with feigned authority that matches theirs. Don’t even think about backing down.
Hit below the belt: Shame them with humiliating sexual innuendo. It infuriates them. Trolling is exhibitionist masturbation. It’s their horny lust for right-wing pundits. It’s fantasy about swinging a big dick. Feel free to make them feel dirty and low.
Keep ‘em guessing: Switch tones with them at will but not because you’re bending to theirs. Switching confuses them and demonstrates that you don’t have emotional inertia. Feel free to switch back to your real self, providing instant provisional reward if they start to sound genuinely receptive (which is different from them supplying “reasons” why they’re right) and to switch right back the moment they return to troll-talk. Duck and weave. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Obverse Psychology: And don’t be stung – defensive in response to their accusations. When they say “Ha! you’re sensitive,” as though sensitivity is a rare pathology they’re in a position to diagnose, say “Damned right I am, like you, like everyone, though maybe you’re too sensitive to admit it. The only question is whether I am sensitive in the right places or the wrong, a question you ignore when you pretending that insensitivity means you’re brave.” When they say “you’re biased” say “Damned right, like you like everyone.” Ad absurdum: When they talk about how tough guys are winners and winning is everything, say, “So what’s your excuse? Since you’ve decided that winning is everything, why do you still live on a low rung? Why aren’t you a billionaire yet? I guess that even proud of having no conscience, you still don’t have what it takes to win.” Tomorrow decides: Say, “notice that this guy assumes that the future is determined by insistence, as though winning a debate determines fate. That of course, means that he’s just mental masturbating, clueless to how reality works. Real cleverness recognizes that the future is not known and reality wins all debates. What’s funny is that this blowhard prognosticator is so nearsighted he can’t see beyond the immediate gloat. He’s not even planning ahead enough to cover his ass next week if and when he proves wrong.” Triage: At the height of crisis, worthy causes get back-burnered. During Nazi occupation or the rape of Nanjing, there wasn’t much attention left for pet causes. It would have been a hard time to fundraise for PETA. We’re not used to such crises here in the US but the same applies. You may have committed yourself years ago to the cause that gives the most meaning to your life, or you may be burdened by one oppression or another. There are many oppressors now and we have to prioritize. In debate, don’t lose sight of true priorities. The top priority i is keeping the troll epidemic from ending America before America ends it.
Keep your own counsel: People often feel the need to prove to themselves that they’re decent by proving it to others. They say what in fact, they need to hear. Bring that mission to a debate with a troll and you’re lost. Stand your ground grounded in who you are and you can do what it takes in combat. Have calmfidence, a calm confidence  in the bets you place. If you’re wrong, live and learn, unlike these supposed freedom fighter, the only freedom they care about being the freedom for them to never have to rethink anything ever again. And have calmfidence in yourself. After troll baiting you may need to take a shower to wipe off the grime. You’ll find that when you do, you’re still there, the same decent person you’ve been trying to be all along.
Infinite empathy: Always be ready on a dime to make the troll’s case convincingly to him, not that you have to or should and of course, you don’t have to agree with it all, and you should be careful about when you actually do it. Don’t when a troll has got you on the run unless you want to prove that you hear him and to show him up because chances are he can’t make your case convincingly – he’ll keep trying to mock it. Nonetheless maintain that capacity for empathy. Empathy ≠ charity: Being able to empathize like that requires that you keep a clutch pedal between it and charity. Many people forget this and end up thinking that they can’t afford to empathize. Instead, be able to make a case so a villain says “damn, you really understand me,” and then cut him down to size. Empathy should not force you into a charitable state of mind. It just makes you a better advocate and keeps you from becoming a troll yourself. Trolls wouldn’t be able to empathize, making their opponent’s case convincingly if their lives dependent on it. They think their lives depend on not empathizing with you total libtard.
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