#i just wanted something simple so i could start doodling them in comfy clothing and being together
skishie · 5 months
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just some simple humanoid designs for them
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trashfor-imagines · 4 years
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If There’s Light There’s Hope | 3
Bakugou x Fem!Reader (BNHA)
Summary: U.A. High School was your dream. You wanted to save people. You never expected how wild your journey would be and you certainly never expected a hot headed boy to play as large of a role as he would. Warnings: Swearing
[1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | [7]
Mr. Aizawa and All Might arrived at your parent’s home a few days later to discuss students moving into dorms on campus. It was a little embarrassing to have these Pro-Heroes over. Your parents weren’t very wealthy so your home was quite sparse and simple. Your mom was always worried about money, your dad was constantly overworked. To your relief, your parents didn’t put up any kind of a fight. They had been pissed that as regular civilians they couldn’t keep you from sneaking out and getting involved in that mess. Your parents figured that living under the watchful eye of Pro-Heros would be more affective in keeping you safe.
It didn’t take long to move in three days later. Bakugou hadn’t spared you a single glance since he arrived. In fact, when you took a step toward him to just say “hi,” he walked off, moving to stand further away. You had to meet with Aizawa and the rest of your class where you were given a terrifying speech about being on the verge of expulsion before being given room assignments. When Aizawa was done, you immediately headed in, not bothering to see why Bakugou pulled Kaminari aside after the meeting.
You were one of the first ones to finish unpacking and you were relaxing in the common room after having showered, dressed in black high waisted leggings and a super cropped peach colored hoodie with the kanji for PLUS ULTRA on your chest. You had slipped your feet into a pair of cute fluffy bear slippers your parents got you as a moving present. It was thoughtful and it wasn’t often they could afford to buy you things. Most of your money came from saving up on your birthday or other special holiday occasions; sometimes you sold little handmade items at markets and worked different odds and ends type of jobs. The slippers really meant a lot to you.
One by one, your classmates started coming in to the common area, joining you. Kirishima plopped down beside you and struck up conversation with the boys. Soon after, the girls arrived and Ashido made the suggestion that we should show off our rooms. It was interesting to see everyone’s personality shine in how they chose to decorate. Soon it was turned into a competition and you were instantly disinterested.
Last to show for the girls, you felt a bit burdened by having to do this, but it was too late to back out now. Opening the door, you took a step back, letting your classmates file in.
Your room had a white, peach, and golden color scheme. The most notable thing in your room when you first walked in was the large half-cork / half-whiteboard mood board you hung on the left wall near the door. It was filled with ideas and inspiration, motivational quotes, newspaper clippings, hand written notes and cards, pictures, and doodles; every item placed aesthetically. Below it was a low traditional white coffee table with a cute assortment of succulents and some magazines on top of it; plush pillows were tucked neatly underneath it for seating purposes. The walls had fresh white paint and on the floor you had taken a large light grey rug and pieced it carefully to act as a soft and fluffy carpet. Actual carpet would have been insanely complicated to get installed.
Past the coffee table on the same wall, your bed was pushed against the far left corner with the foot of your bed against half the large sliding glass window so you could still lay in bed and look outside if you wanted; you made sure it didn’t block the other half of the window that slid open so you could go out onto the shared balcony. You had hung soft white curtains so that during the day the sun could still light up your room. 
Across from the bed, in the far right corner, there were cute succulents and little snow globes carefully placed on the very full book shelf and a comfy large velvety peach armchair close to the sliding glass door so you could read by the window. There were string lights strung up along the ceiling that gave your room that soft golden glow. Cute clips were used to attach polaroids of you with your family and friends to strings carefully draped and pinned to the wall above your bed in place of a head board and on the walls above your armchair and book shelf. Next to your reading area, since you had minimal clothing, your clothes hung on a fashionable garment rack with wheels and shelves for your shoes; you kept your underwear and other personal items tucked away in the sliding drawers under your bed. There was also a large full length mirror against the wall beside it.
After removing the rod in your original closet, you placed your desk in there, keeping the shelf for storage. Your reasoning for this was so that you could close the doors when you didn’t want to look at your work space. Sometimes studying gave you anxiety and you just wanted to relax after being at school all day. On the space above your desk hung a white board calendar and cork board, cute polaroids pinned to it. One of your favorite pictures was taken by Todoroki. At the end of your internship you submitted a written request to Endeavor for a photo with him. It had been pure dumb luck that his publicist had been there at the time and got him to agree with it.
“(Y/N) your room is so cute!” the girls squealed in delight.
“The string lights really make it romantic!” Uraraka chimed in.
The girls turned to the boys, waiting to hear their input. Mineta seemed to be sweating up a storm, but you refrained from asking if he was ok. That boy was certainly never ok.
“It’s lovely.” Todoroki spoke up plainly.
Kaminari and Kirishima slung their arms around each other and enthusiastically voiced in unison, “If we had girlfriends we’d hope their rooms looked like yours!”
Jirou and Hagakure quickly bonked them on the heads.
“It is certainly sweet,” Tokoyami agreed.
“How did you get so much done so quickly?!”
With a blush, you scratched your cheek, embarrassed. “Thanks, everyone.”
When it came time for voting you definitely voted for Satou. He’d been so sweet to make that chiffon cake for the whole class. Just as you headed for bed, Uraraka stopped you and the others who had gone to save Bakugou and led you outside to meet Asui. She made such a confession to you all and spoke from her heart about how she felt regarding the incident. It was touching and you all reassured her. You might not have been as close as you could be with your classmates, but you promised to keep out of trouble - for their sakes.
Time seemed to move on without much disturbance after everyone moved into the dorms. You developed a Super Move, upgraded your costume, and you were all off to the Provisional Hero License Exams.
Mr. Aizawa had a huge hand in helping you develop your move, Finale. Its goal was to focus the explosions repeatedly on the same spot instead of being so scattered. You also figured out a way to propel yourself through the air from being grounded by using your quirk, but because you had to use maximum energy stored up, it wasn’t useful in combat, just for retreating.
Your hero costume originally consisted of a weather and heat-resistant catsuit with light armor and accent panels. You asked the Support Department to see about developing a way for you to store the excess energy you absorb, that way you wouldn’t be stuck in a “use it or lose it” situation or having to carefully ration it ever again. Additionally, you requested the soles of your boots to be equipped with minimalist air thrusters to help you stay airborne if the occasion called for it.
During the Provisional Hero License Exams, despite how much the other schools were gunning for U.A., you gave it your all.
Reflecting back on the exams, you blushed, recalling when you all originally arrived. Yo Shindo from Ketsubutsu Academy was extremely charming, grasping your hands and being extremely forward with you.
“I remember you from the sports festival. You’re quite beautiful and strong too! I hope you don’t mind, but I’d love to talk with you more after the exams,” he confessed, smiling. There was something odd though. You had the feeling there was an ulterior motive. Before you could respond, Bakugou elbowed you, drawing Shindo’s attention to him. That was the first time in weeks he acknowledged your existence.
“And Bakugou, it must have been hard for you what with that whole kidnapping incident. You have an especially strong will don’t you? Today I’m going to do my best to learn from you. I really hope you don’t mind.” Shindo extended his hand.
His hand was met with a slap as Bagukou showed his disinterest and turned away. “Stop pretending. What you say doesn’t match the look in your eyes.”
Aizawa ordered us to go get ready and unexpectedly, Bakugou grasped your wrist, leading you into the building and away from the Ketsubutsu student.
There had been several other moments after that, encounters while surviving the exams that seemed to mean something more. You wondered if all those times Bakugou had stuck his neck out to help you impacted his own results. 
Shaking your head, you took a deep breath to clear your mind. It wasn’t your fault he didn’t pass anyway. According to Kirishima and Kaminari he was sorely lacking in empathy and didn’t have that delicate touch necessary for saving bystanders. He really did need to work on keeping his temper in check; maybe if he had been more level headed he wouldn’t have fought Midoriya and gotten slapped with 4 days of house arrest.
Speaking of Midoriya, you smiled as he ran out the front door with Iida and Uraraka. Quickly, you packed up your lunch as well as a second bento and headed to class. You met up with Hitoshi and walked the rest of the way to school with him; the second bento was for him, which he gratefully accepted. Most of the conversation was spent chatting about the license exams and what happened. You smiled, observing him carefully. He certainly was dedicated into getting into the Hero Department and it was admirable. You couldn’t wait for him to join you.
When lunch time came around, the girls asked if you’d go to the cafeteria with them. Apparently Lunch Rush was trying something new for the menu today.
Laughing awkwardly, you waved them off. “Sorry ladies, maybe next time, ok? I brought lunch again.”
“Well if there’s a good dessert, I’ll be sure you get you one for after school!” Asui exclaimed sweetly.
“I’d love that, thank you.”
Opening the classroom window for some fresh air, you took a seat on the deep window sill, bento box in your lap, chopsticks in one hand and a book in the other. You wanted to get some extra studying in for the Heroics class. Despite it having been a couple of months, you still hadn't fully caught up on some things from transferring departments late.
Some point after eating, as no one else was in the room, you shifted to sit with your feet on the sill as well, knees bent to prop your book against. It was much more comfortable and it was easier to concentrate when your back wasn’t hurting anymore. The sound of the door opening disturbed your focus. Glancing at your watch, you noted it had only been 20 minutes. There was still another 25 minutes before you expected Midnight to show up and another 5 before students would return from lunch. Looking up from your book, you gasped, floundering slightly at seeing a pair of intense red eyes staring you down.
“Bakugou what-”
“What’s your deal? I don’t give a shit or anything, but you always turn down any opportunity to get to know everyone in class. They’re trying to be your friends. Or do you think you’re better than them or something?” His voice was rough as always, but there wasn’t that underlying threat or bite to his words you’d come to expect. Was he truly curious?
Slowly, you marked your page and closed your book, setting it aside. You shifted, crossing your legs and pulling your skirt back down. At the right angle anyone could have seen up your skirt and from the tinge of pink on his face you were pretty sure he got an eyeful just a moment ago. With a deep breath, you confessed, “I want to be friends, but I’ve got to focus on my studies more than anyone else in 1-A. I missed almost the entire first term and I’m seriously behind. I’ve spent the entire time playing catch up. It took an all nighter to score as well as I did on the first term final exams, but even then it’s not like I fully retained the material past exam day. U.A. claims it allows its students to overcome their placements and transfer into a different course. I can’t speak for the other departments, but General Education had only brushed on a lot of these topics that you guys have learned in depth. They’re set up for totally different playing fields. So yes, I do want to become friends, but I can’t mess up this opportunity.”
Stepping forward, he only stopped when the front of his legs pressed against your own. It was startling, but you refused to let him see how it affected you. Your breath hitched as he leaned forward, lowering his face to your own. The heat was unbearable as a flush bloomed across your cheeks and to your ears. As you leaned back in response, he followed until he hovered above you, his hands flat on the window ledge on either side of your hips. It was like a rubber band, the tension between you.
And then...
Your leg shifted upward in an instant, kneeing him in the gut. Your goal wasn’t to hurt him, just to snap him out of it. The shocked expression on his face clearly said he hadn’t expected that reaction from you. It took him a moment, but he recovered. Instead of the expected reaction of lashing out physically, yelling, and explosions, he simply looked more pissed than usual, trudging over to his seat and plopping down. Your heart raced erratically. Whatever that was, it certainly was a close one. He ignored you the rest of the day and for that you were thankful.
After school, the girls caught up with you, walking back to the dorms together. Asui, as promised, got you a cute fruit tart from lunch. It was so sweet and you couldn’t help but think back to conversation you’d had with Bakugou during lunch about making friends. Another blush crept up your neck as you recalled the rest of that encounter.
“Ooh is that a blush?!” Hagakure and Ashido swooned.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Who are you thinking about?”
“Do you have a crush on someone?” Asui asked sweetly.
“Uh... I-”
“It’s Bakugou, isn’t it,” Yaoyarozu surmised, as if she’d suddenly solved a riddle. Jirou and Uraraka gasped before fawning over you.
“What?! You girls are crazy! Who’d like him?!” you expressed, speed walking your way out of that conversation as fast as possible. It wasn’t until you slammed your bedroom door shut that you grasped at your heart. There was no way. You did not like that short fused maniac. 
Grabbing a cropped tank and jogger pants, you quickly headed to the showers to clear your head. Thirty minutes must have passed by the time you emerged, feeling fresh, clean, and serene. Fluffy bear slippers on your feet, you made your way to your room without being noticed and sat down to study for a while. After an hour, you realized you weren’t going to accomplish anything. As soon as you stepped out of the shower thoughts began bubbling up to the surface of your mind, crowding up your headspace.
Friendship. It was decided then.
Picking up your phone, you sent out a group message.
(Y/N): If it’s ok, I’d like to make dinner tonight for everyone. Uraraka: That’s so sweet! Kaminari: Alright!! What’s on the menu?! Ojiro: Thanks (Y/N), can’t wait! Mineta: IT’S MY LUCKY DAY!!! A MEAL MADE BY A GODDESS! Sero: Mineta! Chill out before she takes it back! Kaminari: DON’T RUIN THIS MINETA!!! >:(
There were a series of other responses that made you chuckle. Well that settles that. Making your way to the kitchen, you pulled on a cute apron, tying your hair up into a bun on top of your head.
Kirishima and Bakugou soon arrived. With their sweaty demeanor you guessed they’d gone to the gym for a work out. That was usually the norm. Sometimes the other boys would go with them. The redhead spotted you and quickly shuffled up to the kitchen island.
“Hey (Y/N)! What did you decide to make?” he asked, grinning brightly.
Glancing up, your eyes briefly met Bakugou’s before connecting with Kirishima. Your expression seemed delayed, but you smiled honestly. “I’m making two types of gyudon: normal with beef and a vegan version for Koda.”
His eyes lit up brightly and he swooned, claiming he couldn’t wait and rambling on about how he loves meat. More boys started hovering around, making you nervous, until Iida finally appeared, yelling at everyone to get cleaned up and to study while you worked. You had never been so relieved before, silently thanking Iida. By the time 6PM rolled around, you’d just finished. For dessert you even made manjū that looked like cute bunnies.
“Wow, (Y/N)! You don’t look like you even broke a sweat!” exclaimed Sato.
Simply smiling, you fixed Koda’s bowl specially. “Here Koda, I know you don’t eat meat so I made you a tofu version. I hope you enjoy.”
“More please!” Kirishima and Kaminari chimed in suddenly, their bowls already clean.
“More? Uh, sure guys.”
“Yeah! This is so good!” Kirishima exclaimed.
“You’re a great cook! Better than my mom - but don’t tell her that,” Kaminari laughed nervously, a large smile on his face.
It warmed your heart to hear that everyone had something good to say - that is except for Bakugou who’d been silent the whole time. You noticed that he always ate spicy foods, so you made sure to add a spicy sauce to his. Maybe it wasn’t good. Glancing at him, you watched him eat before looking down to your own bowl, finishing your meal.
After dinner, you grabbed your Heroics class book from your room, returning to the common area. You curled up on one of the couches with a pen, some different highlighters, and removable adhesive tabs in multiple colors. For whatever reason, the background noise of 1-A chatting and hanging out seemed to help you study. Maybe you just had enough of the silence and needed this change of scenery. Soon enough, you moved on to history and then mathematics.
Time had passed quickly and you hadn’t noticed at all. You were thirsty and looked up to see that everyone had cleared out. Getting some water, you returned to your spot focusing on your math homework. This was definitely one of your weakest subjects, the worst being Chemistry. Luckily the questions on the handout were multiple choice so the answer was staring back at you...somewhere.
An arm reached forward from behind your head, pointing at the worksheet. Tilting your head back slightly, your face turned red, eyes widening. Bakugou leaned over you from behind the couch, his chest so close to your head that if you tilted your head back any further you’d make contact.
“It’s B.”
“I... Thanks,” you replied breathily. Seconds seem to tick by as you watched his face. His gaze was focused on the sheet in your hands.
“You’re not really good at math, are you?” he asked. If it wasn’t for the serious expression, you would have felt mocked.
Biting your lip, you shook your head. “Not really.”
“Get your shit,” he grunted, walking toward the girl’s dorms.
“What are you...?”
“Hurry your ass up. I’m not helping you if you take too long.”
Hesitating for just a moment, you quickly gathered your things and met him at the elevator. Hitting the button, you waited patiently, your hands feeling clammy. Getting in, you stepped forward to hit your floor number. Stepping back, it felt like electricity shot up your spine as you backed into Bakugou who grabbed your shoulders, steadying you.
“Oh, I’m... I’m sorry,” you managed out before a soft gasp escaped you as his hands gently ran down your arms, lingering, before dropping to his sides.
Quickly, you headed straight to your room. You wondered if it was a mistake letting him in. Stepping inside, you sat down on a pillow at the low coffee table, putting your things down. Glancing up at him, you felt another blush crawling up your neck as he stood there, looking around your room. His gaze finally landed on you.
“Cute,” he grunted, dropping down to directly beside you. He leaned on the desk, head propped up by the palm of his hand. His body was shifted toward you and he inched a bit closer.
“Bakugou,” you started, not really sure what you wanted to say.
“Look, just solve the next problem and if you get stuck and don’t know what to do, tell me.” He seemed so bored when he said it.
Holding your breath, you turned to the work sheet and started working out the next problem. You got through the next two problems with no issue. As you worked on the third, your pencil stopped. The answer you came to wasn’t any of the choices. Furrowing your brows, you tried it again, this time managing to get yourself lost in the steps.
“I’m sorry, I messed up somewhere. Can you look at...” your voice trailed off as you turned to look at him, seeing how close he had managed to physically get to you.
His gaze moved from your face to the work sheet, pointing at the equation. He began carefully explaining each step to you, before pausing. “You’re going to want to write this down.”
With a silent gulp, you began writing everything he said, focusing on his voice. Biting your lip, your body seemed to become hypersensitive to his presence. The rumble of his voice felt closer and closer as he spoke until you reached the end of the equation and suddenly his voice stopped. The tip of your pencil snapped; you felt your heart leap into your throat and tiny colorful sparks emitted from your finger tips as his breath suddenly caressed your ear. 
Snapping out of it, you shut your eyes tightly, pressing your hands to his chest and pushing away. His hand grasped your wrists, holding them to his chest firmly.
“Bakugou! What are you doing?”
Opening your eyes, you saw his expression was serious as he looked you in the eye. He didn’t speak until you relaxed.
“Why did you try to save me?”
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saelwen · 5 years
The Magic Pencil
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Chapter One
Summary: On one boring afternoon, Y/n finds a magical pencil which will make her wish come true, where the avengers are real and the tragic events from Thanos snap had to happen. (Sorry I'm bad at summaries BUT I promise that the story is better.)
Warnings: None, only fluff. It will be having SMUT on the other chapters
Words: 2,600
A/n: No one died on endgame!! My heart is still hurting!
“Oh! C´mon!” you sigh tired while looking down to all your books spread on the ground which had fallen when someone passed by you in rush, shoving your body to the side.
Bending down, you start picking up all the heavy books, grumbling when you saw one of your precious books on a dirty puddle. Adjusting your glasses, you stand up with your arms full and begin walking on the busy New York streets. All you could hear around you was the sound of hooking of the cars and people yelling and laughing, talking about their awful day.  
You´ve lived you´re all live in New York, knowing every corner and the best coffee place in the city. It´s great living here since was so much stuff to do and go but you feel that something was missing. Your dream was to buy a lovely cottage in the middle of the woods, where you could read and write in peace. Not having the sounds of the loud cars and people yelling at each other's to distract you, and feel the fresh morning air, smelling the lovely smell of the trees and humid grass.
A shiver runs down your spine as a gush of cold wind passes through you, making you bury your cold face on your fluffy old scarf around your neck. It was early October, so the ground was full of orange and yellow leaves, making the streets beautiful.
As you were about to turn the corner, you see the huge poster from the new avenger's movie. The gigantic poster made you look in awe to the heroes that you read their Bd when you were a child, growing up with their adventures.  
“It´s so sad that Bucky had turned into dust,” you whisper to yourself while walking towards the small cozy book store which you work on. Bucky always was your favorite character, along with Loki. Not just because of how charismatic and expressive the characters were but also from how handsome the actors were. They were your little crush that nobody knew about.  
The tiny bell ring as you enter the book store, making the white-hairy man look to you with a warm smile.  
“Y/n! How good to see you.” Robert, the owner of the book store, said with a tired voice.  
“Good afternoon, Mr. Robert!” you said while putting the heavy books behind the counter, putting your name tag on your black turtleneck shirt.  
“I will need to get out early. I have a medical appointment today,” he said, rubbing his rough fingers on his wrinkled face while letting out a tired sigh.  
You look up to him, your e/c eyes full of concern. “Are you okay, Mr. Robert?” you put gently your hand on his arm and squeeze softly, rubbing your thump on his wrinkled hand.
“Yes! It´s just that I had a painful headache all this month and I want to check it out,” he said gently, sitting slowly on the chair behind the counter.  
It´s true, it´s been some time that he complains about his head and sometimes he has dizziness which makes your worry terribly.  
“Do you need to accompany or help to go to the doctor?” you said, your voice full of concern.  
He smiles warmly to you and shook his head. “No, there is no need for you to worry about! I can handle all by myself.” his voice was full of mischief, making you roll your eyes and chuckle.
The day went out slowly. it's always like that normally, people rarely come to the book store since nowadays everyone could purchase every book on the internet and will arrive quick to their homes.  
Mr. Robert leaves for the doctor's appointment which you took the opportunity to finish writing your book. It wasn´t something to go to the public eye, just a little story for you and only you to read it.
As you were lost in your story, a loud sound grabs your attention. Turning your head to the side, you saw a simple wooden box on the floor beside you. It was small and delicate, you notice some beautiful words craved on it as you pick it up.  
“Use me and your words will become reality.” you read the words. Tilting your head to the side, making some pieces of h/c hair fall to your face, you frown to the small box. “Weird... Did Mr. Robert had some old merchandise from Alice in Wonderland in here?” you murmured quietly.
Putting the wooden box on your lap, you open it slowly. Inside was only a simple black pencil, with a small ruby on the top. “What? All this for a simple pencil?” you chuckle, picking up the pencil.  
You begin to make small doodles with the pencil, bored that no one had come in for hours. The words from the box run over and over on your mind. It would be awesome to have anything you write come to life. Imagine waking up one morning and have dragons, elves and other creatures running around.  
Looking down at the scribbled paper and chuckle. “I wish that the avengers were real.” you read your words out loud.  
Sighing, you threw the paper to the trash can as you saw that it´s time to close the store.  
The infernal ring from your phone woke you up from your slumber. Groaning, you lazily try to find the beeping thing on your bedside table. Lifting your head from the soft pillow, you saw ´Mom´ in big on your phone.  
Sighing, you slide your finger on the cold screen.
“Hi, Mom,” you mumble tired.
“Sweetie! How are you? You won´t stay your free day at home, right?” her squeaky voice came out from the other side loudly, making you hiss.
“Mom, please! I do what I want!... How´s it is going your and Dad's vacation?” you ask while sitting on the bed, stretching your sore back.  
“Oh, it´s lovely! Paris is really the city of love. I and your father will stay for one more month... I think you should also do a little vacation, Y/n. After the blip, you never got out of that damn apartment or the book store. I think it would do you good to leave the house and go travel, to make new friends and other stuff.” your mom said, her voice was now calmer and fuller of concern.
The blip?! What the hell is she talking about? Did she saw the new spider-man and now is joking with you? Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you stood up from the bed, slipping a comfy robe. “The blip? Mom, what are you talking about?” you ask while walking to the kitchen, preparing a good cup of coffee.
“Oh sweetie...i know that was a really awful event to be turned into dust but you need to know that I and your father are here for you! If you need to talk or any help, we are here for you,” she said.
What is she talking about? Did she smoke something on the vacation? Sitting down on the chair, you put your mug on the table and open your laptop, opening Google Chrome. You search on anything about the blip, seeing the news about the tragic event and how the avengers had saved everyone. To your surprise, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and Natasha were alive, along with Vision and Loki.
“Ahh...Mom, I will call you later. Bye!” with that, you end the call. “What the hell has to happen?!” you whisper while reading all the news. You notice that every avenger looks alike to the actors in the movies. Your heart almost jumps out from your mouth as you see Bucky´s picture. God! He´s beautiful!
Closing the laptop, you rest your head on the table. How could this have happened? The Avengers and Thanos and the other are all fiction, none of that is real!
“THAT PENCIL!” you shot up from your seat.  
Running to your bedroom, you change into more appropriate clothes and run out of the apartment. You need to get to the book store and get that pencil back. Well, it´s really cool that you are in a world that the avengers are real but what if something extremely bad happens? What if a bigger threat than Thanos comes to Earth and kill everyone? In that case, you prefer to be in your cozy bedroom reading a book on your reality.
When you arrived at the book store, you grab your keys and open the door since today was the day that they were closed. Walking inside, you go directly behind the counter, where you had put the box.  
As you look down, you saw nothing put papers and books. “Fuck!... I swear that I've put the pencil here!” you whisper.  
Distracted by searching the damn pencil, you didn´t notice the bell of the door ringing as a large figure walks inside.  
Standing up, you try to see if you had put the pencil in the counter but as you peek from behind the counter you saw the one and only Bucky Barnes looking to the books on the shelf. A gasp escape from your lips and you duck quickly behind the counter, your cheeks red as a tomato.  
Fuck! Why is he here? This is too much for your poor heart to handle.  
“Ahh...Excuse me?” his deep rich voice made goosebumps on your skin.  
Taking a deep breath, you stood up slowly, embarrassed by the stupid figure that you´ve made just now.  
“H..HI! Welcome to our store!” your voice came out in a little squeak, making your face even redder.
God! This is a disgrace. You must look ridiculous since you haven´t brush your wild hair and there was some evidence from sleep on your face.
“Thank you... Are you open?” he asks while looking around, seeing that the lights aren´t turn on and some shelves are empty.
“Ahh... No, but if you want, you could look around! I´m just searching for something that I had left here yesterday.” you said, seeing his ice blue eyes studying your every move. You have noticed a faint softness on them when he sees how nervous you were.
“Okay...I will have a look. Thanks.” he said softly while walking around the small store, looking to the different books on the shelf.
Biting harshly on your lower lip, you try to keep in an excited squeal. You can believe that Bucky Barnes is in your shop and that had talked to you. He seems so timid, looking around the store like it was something out of extraordinaire.
Shaking your head, you begin looking around for the pencil again. It can´t have disappeared! Maybe Mr. Robert took it with him. Damn, I knew that I shouldn´t touch things that weren´t mine!
Putting your hand on your waist, you rub your hand on your face, trying to think where did you had put it.  
“I´m sorry... I know that this is pretty quick and out of nowhere but...would you like to get some coffee with me? I know a good coffee shop down the street.” Bucky´s voice interrupted your trail of thoughts, making jump a little.  
Turning back, you saw his pale cheeks with a faint blush and his eyes were full of anxious and nervous. Did the winter soldier just invited you for coffee!? Your dreams really had come true!
“Ahhh...Y..Yes! Of course! Just let me close the store than we will go.” you said with a smile.  
He nods and stays there waiting for you, watching you cleaning some stuff on the counter. After closing the store, you two walk down the street to the coffee shop that he talked about.  
You two enter the small coffee shop, the smell of coffee and brownies hit your face wonderfully. He leads you to a table beside the large window and pulls the chair for you to sit on.  
The waitress went to your table and asks what you two wanted.  
“Ahh... I want a mocha,” you said.
“And I will also want a mocha. Thank you.” Bucky said with a small smile to the waitress, who giggles like a schoolgirl and winked at him.  
That made you a little self-conscious since you weren´t dressed for a date and probably there was a little of toothpaste in the corner of your mouth.  
“So, do you work on the book store a long time?” he asks you, his voice timid and soft.
Swallowing a lump on your throat, you nod while pushing a piece of your hair behind your ear. “Yes! I started working after finished my university. The owner is a very sweet man and needs some help since he was the only one working in there.” you said shyly while playing with your sleeves.  
The waitress came back with your drinks and you notice the Bucky´s coffee had a number with a kiss on it but he didn´t even notice it since his ice-blue eyes were fixed on you.
“It seems nice. The store seems calm, it must be great to work there. Having a place where people are quiet and go there from their love for the books.” he said with such gentle voice, making you almost melt on your seat.
“Yeah...it´s really great but nowadays people don´t go to the books stores to buy books since with the internet is easier and they won´t have to move their ass.” with your last words, Bucky let´s out a warm laugh which makes you join him.
You two pass the rest of three hours talking and joking around. He tells you his love for books since he can´t work well with TVs and phones or other modern stuff.
“I´m sorry for asking you this but... had you been blip? You know, turning into dust?” he asks you while rubbing the back of his neck which was bare since his beautiful brown hair was up on a bun.
Your eyes widen with his question. Fuck! What will you tell me? You don´t know if you had turned into dust since this isn´t your reality. Well, your mom said that I was.
“Ahh...Yeah, I was. It was...an awful experience.” your voice was quiet, making him smile gently to you.  
“I know what it feels...if you want to talk, I'm all ears,” he said softly, making your body warm a little.  
As you were about to answer him, his phone starts ringing, making him groan in annoyance. He took his phone and curse under his breath.  
“I´m sorry but it seems that our date has to end here... I have a mission.” his soft voice turns into one rougher and harsher.  
He stood up and ask the waitress for the check and a pencil. She comes back with everything and he pays then he starts writing something on his napkin. The waitress begins to smile and giggling as she saw his number on the white square but it vanished when he gave you the napkin.  
“Call me when you´re free.” with that he leaves the coffee shop.
You look down to the napkin and grin widely, shocked that you had the number of the winter soldier. Maybe writing with that magical pencil wasn´t so bad at all.
Hey Guys!!! So I´m starting this new series of Reader had got into a world where the avengers and rest of their universe are real. Tell me what you think and hope you like it!!
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snavian · 4 years
🌸🥀🌺💫 Supernova and Fern cause they sound like absolute sweeties :')
🌸 What are some of their favourite things and why? List as many as you can think of!
- Comic books, music (both listening to and playing), video games, movies, etc because he finds ‘em fun!
- Cereal, both because it’s easy to eat and the cronch. He literally only bought cereal until Camellia and Biscuit started living with him and basically went “what the fuck”.
- Space is a big special interest for Nova! He’ll info dump about it for hours if you ask.
- He likes watching sunrises and sunsets because they make him calm, however he’s usually not awake to see them. He doesn’t mind, it makes the ones he manages to catch more special.
- Nova really likes wearing big hoodies and jumpers because they’re comfy, make him better at hugs, and help with his dysphoria.
- She unfortunately doesn’t own one but Fern likes to play piano. She finds it nice to just… sit down and focus on something without any other worries.
- Fern enjoys traveling to different settlements in the Forest, to see new places and meet new people.
- Generally Fern actually finds a lot of fun in her work. It was a huge relief for her when she started jewelry making rather than being a blacksmith like her mother, and gave her more excuses to go out looking for inspiration and materials.
- Sometimes she likes to just find somewhere peaceful, perhaps a flower field or near a stream, and lie there for a while. It’s very therapeutic. 
- If she had consistent contact with human society she’d probably really enjoy manga and some tv shows, particularly pokemon. 
- Lolita fashion, but also just cutesy clothes in general make her happy to wear! Fern isn’t a big fan of conflict, so maybe it’s connected to that somewhat.
🥀 How would your OC decorate a notebook or journal? What kind of things are written in there? Could you give an example of a nice entry?
(I’m not in a writing mindset right now but I might do something tomorrow if I have any ideas ;v;)
His notebook would be super messy but very sentimental. He’d cover it in stickers and doodles, but also pictures of him hanging out with his friends! He doesn’t really keep it as a journal, more as just a place to scribble down things he wants to remember or little tidbits of information. Nothing overly secret, since he’ll inevitably end up leaving it open on a table and forgetting about it or something.
She keeps a journal, but it would probably be very plain, and decorated in a way where you could probably look at it and think it came that way before realising she’s sewn things into it. It would likely be beads or gems, since it makes a nice detail without being overwhelming. Inside are a lot of various flowers, but her entries are sparse and have a lot of time between them. Generally she only writes down things if something bad has happened and she needs to vent about it somewhere, so her journal never leaves her room.
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
Nova would usually hold onto a pillow or put on another hoodie to comfort himself, but more recently he’s finally gotten the courage to speak to his friends about these things, and they don’t push him to share what was in the nightmares. They’re more than happy to comfort him until he can sleep again!
Unfortunately the opposite has happened for Fern. She used to go to Smog for comfort, but the two’s relationship has become more strained as time goes on, so eventually she stopped speaking about it. Simply reading a book or turning over to try to get back to sleep was better than the bitter feeling in her stomach that she gets after even a simple interaction with the half-demon.
💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why?
Hmm, this is a hard one because I tend to write my ocs more focused with them in a world with other people, rather than isolated facts, but here’s the things I’m enjoying writing about their characters right now!
Supernova doesn’t really know what he is, and that’s something he’s been confused about recently. He’s not a demon, but he can’t be an angel either, so what is he? Demon/angel hybrids are impossible and the fact that he’s never had (or at least doesn’t remember having) parents is concerning him more now that he considers the fact that he might not have been born from magic like most demons.
Fern is finally learning to be independent herself after a long time of generally taking the backseat in her life. She’s starting to discover new things about herself, like that she enjoys traveling by herself, and that she’s actually a pretty confident leader when she’s listened to! For a long time she’s wanted to help people but not known how, especially with Smog’s presence like a regretful shadow over her, but now she thinks she may have found a way!
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razmahdaz-art · 6 years
A Second Chance For More. Chapter 3
This chapter is a little slower, mostly because I didn’t quite know what to do for it, but the next chapter will much more exciting. Promise.
    Hanzo sat on a quite uncomfortable medical bed while Angela looked over his now bruised nose and lip. She pulled his lip to the side, seeing the cut going well into his inner flesh. She then sat at her desk, her hand writing on a small piece of paper as she looked at Hanzo and then at Lucio, who was the person who virtually saved Hanzo from any more. She removed her glasses before addressing the situation.
    “Alright, Hanzo. As new your doctor, I would advise you to not take anymore fist sized chunks of steel to the face. It’s not good for your health,” She teased, a smugness to her face. Lucio even let out a chuckle but masked it with an obviously fake cough. Hanzo rolled his eyes at her and slumped over a bit. Angela let out a small chuckle before speaking again.
    “But in all seriousness, Jesse punched you? Do you know why he punched you? He’s slow to anger, i couldn’t see him just punching someone,” Angela said as she doodled on the notepad to let her hands do something so her mind could think. Hanzo watched her and turned his gaze to the other in the room, who then formally introduced himself.
    “Lucio,” He said with a smile before shaking Hanzo’s hand. “Hanzo,” He replied, shaking back. Hanzo sat straight a bit before he told his side of the story. “Genji introduced us, and before I know it, I’m on the ground bleeding,” He admitted. He put his finger up to his lip and winced a bit. It wasn’t the worst injury he’s ever received, but nonetheless it still stung. He watched the doctor think and like a switch was flipped, she got a dumbstruck look on her face.
    “I see the problem. Its because it’s you, Hanzo,” She started, before she began to explain herself. “Your brother and Jesse were thick as thieves in Blackwatch. To the point where they were basically brothers by the time they disbanded. So, coming from Jesse’s view, i would have probably done the same if you murdered my little brother,” Angela fully explained. Lucio looked thoroughly confused and got very awkward about the whole situation. He politely excused himself and left the pair to talk. Hanzo rubbed the back of his neck, thinking about the entire problem at hand. Angela stood up and leaned against her desk.
    “This is...Unfortunate,” Hanzo hissed out, his hands cupped over his mouth and rubbing the dark circles under his eyes. “So I'm supposed to live in a small perimeter with a man who admitted he wanted to shoot me.” It was true, while Lucio drug him away, he could hear threats and curses being spouted by Jesse. “Not to mention you’ll have to start working with him as well,” Angela added, unintentionally stoking the fire. Hanzo groaned and Angela sighed before putting her glasses back on.
    “Listen Hanzo, I know that this will be hard, but believe me when i say i think Jesse will come around. He may not like you, but i know he could at least tolerate you,” She said, shrugging off her doctors coat and hanging it on the hook that was attached to her office door. “You two don't have to like each other. Just don’t kill each other. I’d have to pick who i bring back,” She joked before turning her head back to her patient. Her eyes flicked over to the clock on her desk and she sighed. Hanzo looked over as well, and it just hit him how late it had gotten.
    Most of the visit was actually talking about medical history and Angela showing Lucio how to properly tend to wounds like the ones Hanzo had earned this afternoon. He stood up straight and stretched his arms above his head. It was almost Five in the evening, and Hanzo’s stomach was certainly beginning to realize it. It had become prevalent that he hadn’t eaten since this morning, and today’s events may have contributed to his growing hunger. Angela reached over her computer and turned it off before she addressed Hanzo one more time.
    “Dinner is in an Hour, and it might be a good idea to change your shirt. It isn’t polite to have bloody clothes at the dinner table,” She jested before opening the door for him. Hanzo walked out the door and started down the hall. “Thank you, Doctor Zeigler,” He said as he started to walk to the dorm hall. She waved at him with a smile before she started walking towards the Rec room areas, possibly to meet the other recruits that flew in today.
    It was a simple walk down the halls, even if he did get slightly lost. His face only slightly ached now, and the bleeding had mostly stopped. He turned a few corners before he finally made his way to the Dormitory Hall. He rounded the corner cautiously, just in case a certain someone was there. Thankfully, he wasn’t. But Hanzo certainly wasn’t alone in this hallway.
    Just at the end of the hall, sitting against his door, was Genji. Hanzo took a few steps before Genji got up and met his sibling half way down the hall. Even though he was yards away, Hanzo still saw the worry that resided in his brothers face. “Oh My God, Hanzo! I’m so sorry McCree did that! If i had known, i wouldn’t have brought you over or introduced you two or i would’ve lied about-” He rambled on and on about what he would have done and apologizing relentlessly for his friend’s actions as they walked back down to Hanzo’s room. He opened the door while Genji spoke, and they walked in to continue the conversation. “I knew he didn’t like you, but Jesse is usually really forgiving, and i thought if he’d been in a good mood, it’d help and-”
    “Genji. It’s fine,” Hanzo butted in before his brother passed out from running out of air in his lungs. “I understand where he was coming from.” Hanzo walked into the bathroom to finally see the damage. It felt worse than it looked. A large cut on his lip that even reached into his mouth a bit and a massive bruise on his nose that stretched to a part of his cheek. He’d lived through so much worse, this was nothing. It just might be annoying to eat saltier foods until his cut healed.
    “Still. First day here and you’re already getting into fights with your teammates,” Genji retorted before he plopped down on his brothers bed. He moved the backpack over, restraining himself to not look through its belongings. Hanzo walked out and started to find a cleaner shirt as Genji continued. “I just feel bad. Jesse is my best friend, and was hoping that he’d be at least a little nice. Or at least pretend.” Hanzo let out a sigh as he quickly changed into a t-shirt he’d forgot he had. A yellow V-neck t-shirt with some logo on it. It was stretched out and almost came over his lower waist, so Hanzo usually reserved it for sleeping or gym wear. But it was comfy and he’d probably be asleep in the matter of a few hours.
    “Genji, I’m not angry. He had a reason, and a good one. Let us just leave it at this and get dinner,” He requested as he redid his ponytail. He looked at his brother with somewhat forgiving eyes and Genji let out a sigh before nodding. “Yes. Of course. And I’ll make sure that we sit as far away from Jesse as possible,” He said firmly before his brother put a hand on his shoulder. He spoke in a kinder but still demanding like tone.
    “You don’t have to do that, Genji. I'm sure you want to catch up with him. I’ll be alright. You enjoy your company.” The younger seemed as if he was about to blurt out a million reasons why he should stay by his brother’s side, but the way Hanzo spoke, and the look of stange generousness on his face, seemed to set every doubt aside. “Alright. As long as you don’t get lonely, or do anything too stupid,” Genji stated. Hanzo just rolled his eyes and put his hands in his pockets before Genji let out a small laugh.
    “No Promises,” Hanzo replied with a smirk on his face. They finally left the room, a comfortable silence falling between them while they entered the now incredibly busy mess hall. The scent was incredible, a food Hanzo had never even known existed filling the air with a pleasant and welcoming scent. People were talking left and right, a home like atmosphere engulfing the brothers. It was nostalgic for Genji, and almost forgotten for Hanzo. They took a few steps forward before going separate directions. The younger gave a small bow before he excused himself to go sit with McCree and Lena. Hanzo watched his brother leave his side, even catching Lena waving at him. He waved back before he caught Jesse’s gaze. He stared daggers at him, the smile on his face fading slightly as they met eyes. He put his hand down before he turned to walk towards an almost Abandoned table. The only two that sat were Lucio and Dr. Zhou, the only people that probably didn’t hate him.
    “May i Sit?” Hanzo asked, almost as if needing permission.
    “Nah, Man. Take a load off,” The younger and much more optimistic male answered. He waved his hand to the seat across from them and Hanzo sat, trying to sit with decent posture. Mei looked up for a moment to say Hi, then went back to her phone, but her head suddenly snapped back up to see the injury that wasn’t present this morning.
    “Oh Goodness! What Happened To You?” She asked, her voice full of what Hanzo would compare to a mother’s concern. Her hand even lifted a bit, almost like she wanted to examine the damage. “5 Kilograms of pure steele and a really angry Cowboy,” Lucio said before Hanzo even had the chance to speak for himself. It was true. He gave a look of reassurance, agreeing with the other. Mei’s face twisted a bit, but it settled into a more relaxed expression.
    “Jeez. Sounds painful. Glad nothing broke, or anything,” She stated as she put her phone into her pants pocket. He just smiled and thanked her for her concern before the trio carried on a (somewhat) conversation. Small talk, Jobs, why they were here, who they did and didn’t know. Just enough to become acquaintances. Every once in a while, Hanzo caught his brothers gaze from behind Lucio’s hair before he turned away entirely. It was hard to tell what Genji’s expression was, but Hanzo bet it was a mixture of anxiety and pride. This made the awkwardness ease up a little, Hanzo letting go of his stiff posture, relaxing into a slightly hunched over pose.
    By the time dinner started to be served, Another girl had joined the table, the same one that witnessed the ‘Incident’ earlier. He’d learned her name was Hana Song, and she was apparently close friends with Lucio. It was strange talking to people much younger than himself but they made for good temporary company. Hanzo doubted he’d be very close with these people but he did decide it’d be best to know his coworkers. All of the conversations were cut short before Reinhardt eventually called everyone over to grab dinner. Everyone got up and almost flocked over to the wonderfully smelling kitchen. Hanzo went forward of course, but he stayed near the back to make sure he didn’t get stepped on. But a few minutes later, he came back to the table with a bowl of…
    “Goulash,” Hana Said, already shoving a spoonful of the meal into her face. “At least that’s what I’ve heard it called.” He looked at what he was given, assessing what was in it. Cooked hamburger, elbow shaped macaroni, chunks of tomatoes that ranged in size and all of it seemed to be soaked in tomato sauce. “Strange Name…,” Hanzo mentioned before he grabbed his fork. It smelled delicious, that was a fact.
    “Very. I think it’s Polish? A kid in our squad back at training camp made it one night, and that’s what he said. Whatever its called, its great,” She continued to say, almost going through half the bowl within a minute of having it in her possession. He was slow to stab a few pieces of meat and noodles before he eventually took a bite. And he didn’t regret it in the slightest. It was just as good as it smelled, or that could be an effect from not having a home cooked meal in well over a year. Whatever the reason, we was quite quick to finish his first bowl before returning for a second.
    Between the nice company and the great food, Hanzo thought he could get used to this. A change he wanted to keep in his life.
    The night went on a bit, and people started finishing their food and started to drink alcohol of many varieties. The only ones who didn’t seemed to be Genji, Hana and Mei. But Genji did sneak his brother a bottle of somewhat decent Sake while he was walking back to his respective table. He didn’t plan on drinking terribly much tonight but it was enough to relax him entirely. He even invited Lucio to try some since he said he’d never had it. Everything was coming to a slow end, before Angela suddenly spoke up above the crowd. Everyone’s voices faded out before she spoke.
    “First Off, on part of everyone in the room, Thank you, Reinhardt, for the delicious meal,” She said with a caring smile, and as if on cue, the man himself beamed proudly. A few claps and more ‘Thank You’s were said before all attention went back to the slender woman. “Secondly, I’m proud to say that all the responses have successfully come through. Tomorrow, the remainder of our team will be brought in and we can finally start issuing,” She paused to clear her throat with a snarky ‘Ahem’ before continuing. “Official overwatch missions.”  There was an emphasis on official, mostly because this entire organization was anything but official. Even so, applause erupted throughout the room, Lucio releasing a deafeningly loud whistle. Hanzo clapped as well, partially because everyone else was. After everyone calmed, and the ringing in Hanzo’s ear stopped, She continued.
    “In celebration, I suggest a Toast. A toast to us. A toast to coming together to make the world a better place for everyone. Whether it be Flesh and Blood, Circuits and Oil or even Half and Half,” Obviously a smug mention of Genji and some of the agents that had prosthetics. “We are working towards a future for everyone to look forward to. So… To Overwatch!” She said loudly, before everyone in the room echoed the words. Before another word could be spoke, Genji shot up with his glass of iced tea. He looked at his brother for a brief moment before looking over all the others, and finally landing on his brother one last time.
    “To Family!” He added. Hanzo smiled a bit, lifting his glass almost simultaneously with his younger sibling. As they did, everyone repeated the words and cheered. Hanzo knew Genji didn’t just mean him. He meant everyone. Jesse, Fareeha, Angela, Mei, everyone, even the newcomers in the room were now in this large family. As everyone settled, Hanzo caught Jesse’s gaze for a few brief moments. Even if it seemed forced and not at all sincere, the Cowboy tipped his hat in his direction, and Hanzo assumed it was the closest thing to an apology he would get from the other. He nodded back quickly before continuing his conversations with his small group.
    The night finally ended and people started to retire to their respective rooms. Genji and Jesse were still talking away, but most of Hanzo’s group had left him. He debated about finding another table to talk with, but jet lag was catching up with his body. After all, he had stayed up for a day, maybe more. With a stomach filled with food and some alcohol, he got up and started heading towards the door. Emphasis on started. Just before he was about to leave, Genji stopped him for a quick moment.
    “Make friends?” He jokingly asked. Hanzo rolled his eyes before he spoke, trying to contain his yawns. “I wouldn’t say friends, but i wasn’t alone. Isn’t that what you were worried about?” He said with a slight smugness to his voice. Genji just let out a small laugh before speaking again.
    “Glad it wasn’t terrible. You getting to bed?” he asked, his hands sinking into his pockets. Hanzo just nodded, the yawn that left his mouth being the only answer he needed. None the less he spoke. “Yes, I was just leaving. Did you need something?”
    “No, No. Just wanted to say that starting tomorrow, we’re probably gonna start basic morning training. I doubt you’re part of it, but if you want join, i’ll be in the training area tomorrow morning. Maybe we can see who is still better at sparring,” he said, almost challenging his brother. Hanzo simply chuckled at his brother before he rubbed his eyes and yawned one more time. They shared a few more words before Genji finally let his brother off the hook, and they parted for the night.
    Hanzo, finally, got back to his room and fell onto his bed. He kicked off his shoes before covering half his body with the blanket. He stared at the ceiling for only a short few minutes before he drifted into a sound and solid sleep. Today may not have been great, but it was a first step. And a good first step at that.
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
What kind of makeup do you think is appropriate for church? just simple makeup i guess. or whatever you feel tbh. What would you wear to church? just normal, neat clothing? Would/Do you like having brown eyes? it’s okay. nothing exciting. Do you spend a lot of time on the internet? probably at least an hour a day. Could you live without the internet? haha tbh probably not. i’d be incredibly bored but i’d find a way to get over it eventually.
Have you bought anyone a Christmas gift? yes. i’ve started but i need to keep it going before it gets too busy. Do you have a Christmas tree in your house now? yes. How do you feel when someone hates on Apple? i don’t care. you do you. Do you have an Iphone? If so, which one? yes. iphone 7. Favorite flavor of jello? strawberry or raspberry. I see. Do you have long toes? nope. What’s something someone said to you that bothered you? probably insults. What is one of your favorite compliments to recieve? something unexpected. Do you compliment other random people? sometimes. Could you see yourself buying a truck as your go to vehicle? haha neverrrr. What kind of car do you want? Something less than $100,000. are teslas under 100k? What kind of gift would you appreciate for your birthday? perfume, makeup, something i can use idk lol. Can you type fast? i can but not as fast as office workers i’m assuming. Can you type without looking at the letters? kinda. it’s not perfect though. Did you take typing classes? not officially but i had those typing classes as a pc game. What do you use Facebook for? just to stay up to date with friends and family. oh, and memes lol. What do you look like in your profile picture? i’m in mid laughter a coachella lol. Do you love cartoons? i don’t love it. but i don’t hate it. Name a band that you like. boyz ii men. Name a band you don’t like. coldplay. lol sorry. Name a genre of music you don’t like? country. What genre of music do you listen to around the house? rnb.
You think it’s wrong to tell a person ____. something that will hurt them. What kind of compliments have you given? personality traits, physical stuff. Would you rather give or receive? both haha. Do you paint your own nails? yes. Do you like acrylic nails? no i hate them. every time i get them it totally ruins my nails. What is your favorite red lipstick? ruby woo or lady danger by mac. What are your favorite colors to wear? black or dark colours. What colors do you NOT wear? neon colours lol. Where do you shop for most of clothes? usually h&m. What are your favorite clothing stores/shops? h&m, myer, boohoo, kmart, cotton on etc. What kind of shoes do you like? sneakers. Describe your style in one word. comfy. Describe your current personality in one or two words. bored. What is your opinion on weed? i’m not against it, i just don’t do it. australia has really strict rules against it, it’s annoying. Are you afraid of child birth/pregnancy? slightly. just scared of any complications etc. What are your favorite bottoms to wear? leggings. Do you like dresses? yes. it’s all i wear in summer. Would you rather be called a geek, a nerd or a dork? whatever i don’t care lol. Do you eat cake with a spoon or a fork? spoon. What age will you be next? 27. Did you graduate high school? 2008. Do you make youtube videos? If so, leave your URL i do but i’m not leaving my url lol. Do you flat iron your hair? sometimes. What physical features do you wish you had? ( name 2 ). nicer lips, toned body. Would you ever get plastic cosmetic surgery? probably not. Ever broken a bone? no. What are your favorite youtube videos to watch? travel vlogs, beauty videos, documentaries. What is your favorite sex position? ;) missionary haha. yeah, i’m boring. Do you like red lipstick? yes. What color will you paint your nails next? idk, whatever i feel on the day. What is one of your favorite Disney movies? mulan, aladdin and the lion king. If you could meet a real life Disney character who would it be? jasmine. Are you afraid of ghosts/hauntings? kinda lol. Do you like to play computer games a lot? no. Are you a sore loser? sometimes but i keep it to myself haha. What is your favorite game to play with family/friends? a lot of stuff. the resistance, codenames, monopoly etc. What is your beer of choice? pear cider. What do you plan to buy next? clothes. Do you like shopping? yes. What is one of your favorite things to do on the weekend? hang out with friends. Here, I’m giving you $500 dollars to one store, where would you spend it? any clothing store. Would you look good in a Beatle car? no. Do you play slug bug? idk what that is. What kind of computer are on? macbook pro. You are attracted to ___. nice guys. Do you like glitter? sometimes. Have you ever owned a Quija board? nope. Do you like to text? eh, kinda. it’s not something i aim to do daily but it happens. If you had to be an animal for Halloween, what would it be? a panda lol. Do you have more dry skin or oily skin? oily. i hate it. What kind of shampoo do you use? Be specific. heads and shoulders. apple fresh. Do you have acne? no, just random zits every once in awhile. You’re glad that you don’t ___. have work today. You’re glad that you do ___. get to chill right now. Your favorite cuss word? fuck. Are you obsessed with any superheros? nope lol. Do you read comic books? no. Do you like the Sunday paper and why or why not? nah, i haven’t read the newspaper in forever. Do you have cable? no. What’s a show you wish that was still on air? the office. Do you listen to the radio at all? sometimes. Do you like hip hop? yes. Do you like pretzels? yes! Do you like snow? i don’t mind it. i’ve only seen it twice. What’s your favorite thing about your favorite season? Name the season. autumn: the weather, fashion and makeup. Name something that starts with the first letter of your first name. dandelion. Name something that starts with the first letter of your middle name? varsity. And your lastname. diamonds. Do you have pets? If so, what and what are their names? yes, a dog named sky. You want your next pet to be what? idk if i’ll want another one anymore. Are you a religious person? nope. Do you like pina coladas? yes. Do you like coconut scents? yes! What is your favorite Bath and Body Works candles? any. i like all their scents. Would you spend 20 dollars on a candle? yes lol. What is the goriest thing you’ve seen in real life? idk, don’t wna think about it. Do you look in the mirror a lot? yes. Do you brush your teeth twice a day everyday? yes. What brand of toothpaste do you use? colgate. What is a dessert that you DON’T like? fruit salad. And one that you love? waffles. Twilight or Harry Potter? harry potter hands down. Would you rather be a vampire or a mermaid? mermaid. About how many times do you fart in a day? quite a lot hahaha. I see… well… what is your favorite angry music? emo. Do you have a favorite number? yes. Had a crush on somebody that every1 around u thought was ugly? hmm idk. Are you happy with your physical features? not entirely. P.E or Math? maths. Math or Science? science. Creative Writing or Art? art. When you doodle, what are you usually doodling? stars, eyes, my signature lol. What is something that you like that is really cheap in price? chinese food. What is something that you like that is kind of expensive? perfume. What do you do when someone is really rude to you in public? ignore it or give it back to them. Do you argue with your significant other a lot? no. Have you ever had a really painful breakup? no. Which is better smoking or vaping? lol smoking. Do you write in print or cursive? i do both. Do you have neat handwriting? it’s legible. What do you like to write with? pen. Do you keep a journal/diary? no. You should. Do you eat salads? yes. What do you like in your salad? If you do. If not, what is 1+1? everything in a greek salad except olives. If you HAD to change your eyecolor, what would you change it to? green or blue. What would you not change it to? black. What is one of your favorite colors? turquoise. Do you prefer to be pale or tan? Don’t say in between. tan. Favorite thing to do on your phone? social media. What magazines do you like? i haven’t read magazines in forever. What is your favorite book? the harry potter series. What is your favorite thing about Christmas? food, family time, gifts. I’m giving a ticket to wherever you want, where would you go? japan. Here’s $5, what do you do with it? idk, save it for a random buy. Cool. Cool. Favorite flavor of Ice Cream? cookie dough. Least favorite flavor of ice cream? chocolate. Do you prefer white or black electronics? black. What is your favorite deodorant? lady speedstick. Are you a good kisser ( make out )? i guess so. A stranger comes up to you and gives you a big hug, what do you do? lightly pat them back. Do your eyes tear up when you’re nervous? no. Have you ever gotten the shakes in public? no. What do you like to order from Starbucks? iced coffee or a caramel frappe. Vanilla or Chocolate? vanilla. Apples or Bananas? bananas. Fruit or Veggies? veggies. Water or Milk? water. Regular Milk or Chocolate Milk? chocolate. Would you milk a cow given the chance? i guess so. What kind of underwear do you like? boy shorts. Where do you shop for your underwear? bonds. Chicken or Fish? chicken. Firm pillow or soft pillow? in between. What are you wearing when you go to sleep? old tees or pyjamas. Do you take any meds? If so which and why? birth control. Do you like this survey? meh. a bit long.
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littleforestfairy · 8 years
God damn it. You’re lucky I love talking about my ocs and that I love you.
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Lucas Alexander Whitestone. I’m p sure I’ve answered this before, but he chose his dad’s name. 
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
Uhhh nope, no titles.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
He had a fairly good childhood up until he was 8, when his dad died. Most of his fond memories are of all the fun times he spent with his dad, like going to the park, playing games with him. A bad memory is definitely the day his dad died, and his mom started to become abusive and neglectful. From then on, had a pretty terrible rest of his childhood.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? 
He had a great relationship with his dad! He doesn’t have many bad memories with his dad, just probably little moments when he got grounded or something. A good memory he has of his dad is going ice skating on his 7th birthday. As you can tell from the above question, he has a terrible relationship with his mom. All the bad times really overshadow any good times he might’ve had with her.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
He’s an only child! But a lot of the kids at Amore Safe Haven are like siblings to him. Also, he’ll eventually be adopted by a caretaker there, Anya Dawn, and gain a little brother, Sammy! He loves little Sammy and Sammy really loves him!
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
He was kind of a loner at school, never really had many friends, always ate alone. He didn’t really wanna get close to people. He hated most of it. At the beginning of the story, he is a senior in high school, but due to everything that happens, he drops out and eventually gets a GED.The subject he hated most was math, and a subject he actually enjoyed was history.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? 
He was friends with a few of his neighbors! He would play with them sometimes after school. He didn’t stay friends with any of them though, after they all eventually moved away and they didn’t stay in contact.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? 
Nooope, no pets as a kid! He does love animals, and maybe when he moves in with Anya, he’ll get a cat.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
Yeah, usually! Stray cats like him.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
He loves kids! At Amore Safe Haven, he plays with the younger kids a lot and they all love him because he’s like a big brother ! And then of course Sammy loves him. He’d be a pretty good parent, but he doesn’t know yet if he really wants kids of his own. As of right now, he can’t see himself actually raising children.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
None that I’ve come up with yet.
12. What is their favourite food? 
Mac & cheese with tuna!
13. What is their least favourite food?
Probably like, anything with steamed vegetables.
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
Uhhh not really!
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
He’s good at cooking simple stuff, like pasta or scrambled eggs. He does enjoy it, and wishes to learn how to cook more stuff! His friends like his cooking!
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? 
He collects photos! He has a Polaroid camera he got from Anya and he takes pictures all the time, of his friends, scenery, animals, and sticks them in a journal Lucy gave him.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
Well as stated above, he loves taking photos! He has both a digital camera and a Polaroid camera, the digital one being for more practical use, and the Polaroid for collecting. Already stated what he takes photos of. He doesn’t really take selfies unless it’s with his friend. He much rather prefers being behind the camera.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Fiction, fantasy, and sci-fi !
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
He does like musicals, and loves music in general! Music was always kind of his escape when living with his mom. When his favorite song comes on, he passionately lip syncs to it and dances (only if he’s alone tho, he gets embarrassed if someone sees him)
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
He’s a pretty patient person, it takes a lot to make him angry. When he does lose his temper, he screams and starts crying cus he’s so frustrated.
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
He’s not really the kind of person to insult people a lot or talk bad about them. The only people he’ll talk bad about is his mom, and even then he hates bringing her up. Don’t really think he has favorite insults.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
He’s got a fairly good memory overall! He’s pretty good with both names and faces.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
He’s kind of in between heavy sleeper and light sleeper? He won’t wake up at little noises and it takes a few times for his alarm to wake him up, but he does wake up instantly if someone just jostles him a bit and calls his name.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
He likes puns and ridiculous jokes, and will laugh at something really funny way too long. Got a pretty good sense of humor. He doesn’t consider himself funny, he prefers to hear other people be funny.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? 
He hums and grins and does a lil dance when he’s super happy! Which is mostly bouncing on his feet and hopping around.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
He tries not cry a lot, but he’s pretty sensitive. He tends to hide his emotions a lot, but his friends can usually tell when he needs a shoulder to cry on, even if he doesn’t show it. He tries to keep to himself and block everything out when he’s sad.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
His biggest fear is losing everyone he cares about and being alone. The future, horror, insects scare me in general. He’s generally really shaky and jumpy when scared.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? 
Very overprotective! Would never tease someone for something like that.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Doesn’t exercise regularly, but he tries to. He’s very determined pre-work out, but he’s pretty out of shape right now, so he’s exhausted and sore post-work out. 
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing? 
His mother is a violent alcoholic so he steers away from alcohol at all costs, and seeing as he’s mostly around teenagers that know about his mother, no one ever gets drunk around him.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
He wears a lot of big sweaters, in mainly pastel colors, lotsa blue and purple and pink. He just buys all his clothes from stores like Walmart or Target or thrift stores. He does wear stuff he likes, but he kinda wishes he was confident enough to wear super stylish clothes like Shane. He wears cute printed pjs, with prints like owls or cats. No makeup, and his hair is a messy pixie cut that hangs in his face a lot.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
He’s fairly slim, 5′3″. He doesn’t like his body until he starts on testosterone, and then he slowly starts to feel more comfortable with his body. 
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure? 
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
He likes ice skating, photography, doodling. He can’t really sing that well, but he does like to sing for fun with his friends.
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
He’s a pretty fast reader, loves fantasy and sci-fi, isn’t really into poetry but there are a few select poems he likes.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
He wishes he could sing better, could play an instrument, wishes he was more confident in himself. He admires all that in his friends.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? 
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
He prefers tea more than coffee. Doesn’t like energy drinks. He has a bit of a sweet tooth. He’s used to staying up late, so he’s pretty good at naturally staying awake.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Bi-demisexual! He wants someone who can be there for him, who will be patient with him and all his issues, and someone who is sweet and fun and easy to talk to.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
He would sacrifice anything for his loved ones. He wishes he could someday be completely rid of memories of his mother, could be happy without her in his thoughts.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
He respects people’s religions and choices, but he’s not really religious himself. He’s not sure where he stands on believing in God.
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? 
He’s a winter fae, so he love loves the cold! He’s best in the cold and snow, and haaaates the heat.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? 
He sees himself very negatively. His friends see him as sweet and helpful and someone who is strong and tries hard every day to get better.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
First impression of him is very quiet and nervous. Though once he’s more comfortable around someone, he’s more open and genuine.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
Doesn’t really like fancy formal occasions. He much rather prefers small gatherings, or just hanging out at home.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? 
He likes small gatherings with friends. Organizing a party is way too much responsibility for him. If he was dragged along, he would just sit in a corner or stick close to his friend. Or make up an excuse that he was sick and wanted to go home.
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
He’s very sentimental, he keeps everything his loved ones give him, even if it’s something small. His most valued object is a little fairy tale book his dad always read to him.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Clothes, toothbrush, phone and headphones and charger, first aid kit, books, food and water, some kind of entertainment. 
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