#i kept on seeing p and went. what the heck is pressure doing in this equation for free-fall
egglands-worst · 2 years
please for the love of all that is good, in a mathematical equation do not mistake the greek letter rho, ρ, for the letter p
they are NOT interchangeable and by convention they mean Different Things. (ρ for density and p for pressure, when it comes to physics and fluids)
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feminaexlux · 3 years
Miraculous Leap
Hey all, I wanted to share this little story with you! I've been wanting to write something like this since last year, shortly after I started working on A Needed Miracle. I can't really explain why I wanted to, but in any case here it is. Hope you enjoy and Happy Holidays!
AO3 link here
Part 1 of 3 probably?
She found herself looking down at a pair of bright blue eyes. Ladybug blinked a couple of times, wondering just what happened. A split second ago she had launched herself at Viperion and tried to get them out of the way of an oncoming blast of… whatever it was… and now she was here, on her hands and knees hovering over someone who looked… a lot like Viperion… except untransformed.
And older.
And her body felt… off. Like, really off. She felt a weird pressure everywhere but especially near her stomach. Oh, and there was… something really, really profoundly concerning that she couldn't really articulate or describe.
"Are you alright?" The man below her asked.
Wow, Marinette thought. His voice was deeper, silkier, and kinda hot. "Um," she said, startled at her own voice being deeper as well. "I… think I need to get up." She shuffled off to his side a little awkwardly, feeling very heavy around the midsection. She sat up and looked down at her belly.
It freaked her out a little bit. She was big. And then she felt… something moving inside of her. A… A-a-a baby? She… was pregnant? And not only that, but she wasn't transformed! Oh… oh no. How could she be pregnant? She was only 14 and had only gone so far as to kiss a few boys was she hallucinating was this the akuma?! Oh no she had to fix this right now.
Where even were they? She finally glanced up and took a look at her surroundings. Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Viperion had been fighting the akuma on the rooftops of Paris, but now it looked like she was sitting on a bed in someone's bedroom. A well-decorated bedroom in her opinion, full of music posters, rich fabrics, and even some fantastic looking handmade decorations.
For some reason her brain started replaying a memory of her dad talking about one of his favorite sci-fi shows called Quantum Leap, where the main character's consciousness "leaps" into other people to help solve their issues. This must be something similar.
Okay. She could look at it that way. She just happened to "leap" into someone who was… pregnant.
She just happened to "leap" into someone who was… in their bedroom at the time.
She just happened to "leap" into someone who had been pregnant, in their bedroom, on their hands and knees over a ridiculously good looking dude who happened to look like an older version of Luka Couffaine.
Marinette had the distinct feeling something intimate had been interrupted. Oh. No.
"This is going to sound weird, but," the man started. "I think we were both attacked by an akuma." Marinette looked over her shoulder and she finally took a better glance at the man. He… he definitely looked like an older Luka. Had long black hair that went down to his mid back and… and blue ombre tips. Black flat stud earrings. Same blue eyes. Same angular facial features with high cheekbones but slightly longer and filled out.
Oh and he was shirtless. Marinette noticed his large arm tattoo right away after she stopped scrutinizing his face. A teal diamond-patterned snake with peony and… apple blossom flowers filling the spaces in between the snake's coils.
"I honestly don't know what happened or where we are," he half-chuckled, curling in slightly on himself trying to come off as non-threatening as he could. "One second I was in the middle of helping out some friends and the next I'm here. You looked as surprised as I was so I thought you were also affected."
Marinette found herself nodding. "Y-yeah, same. I-I-I'm pretty shocked, yeah," she stuttered. "Sorry, I… I think I need some time."
He nodded and got off the bed, standing up. He was tall, apparently. "I'm… going to find some water. Did you want any?"
"That sounds great, actually," Marinette agreed. "Thank you." He gave her a lopsided smile and walked out of the bedroom.
Marinette shook her head and patted her cheeks with her hands, trying to refocus. So what if that smile reminded her way too much of Luka? She might have been projecting the closest looking friend onto this poor man. She needed to find a purse or wallet, a phone, a mirror, something that might give Marinette a clue into who she had "leapt" into. Okay.
Okay. Purse… purse… phone? Where would a purse or a phone be? Marinette scanned the room and squeaked out loud. She found a purse, alright, but it was her purse. Her pink and white polka dot hip purse with the signature M logo resting on what looked like a nightstand. What the heck was it doing here?!
Wait, maybe that meant Tikki was here too?
She got up gingerly, resting a hand against her belly and hoping she wouldn't fall. She toddled over to the purse and opened it, hoping to find a wallet or phone. She did find a wallet and she opened it up, looking through and trying to find an ID.
She didn't find Tikki. But she did find an ID. She kept herself from screaming.
Okay. There must be some magic happening that made her see the familiar in the unfamiliar. To protect herself from going nuts or something? She stared back down at the ID card. It had her name on it.
Her face, too. Older. She looked happy.
Except her last name was Couffaine. Her eyes were playing tricks on her. That was it.
Her phone, where was her phone? Okay, she found it. She found it (surprisingly it just looked like a shiny pink glass rectangle with softened edges, there wasn't even a case) and it automatically unlocked after recognizing her thumbprint on the screen. After greeting her with a "Good Evening" there had been a still image of a bunch of kids of various ages, all with black hair and blue eyes. Mmkay. There were two girls and two boys, the two boys looked like identical twins. One of the girls looked suspiciously like a younger Marinette herself, but… the girl's eyes were the wrong shade of blue.
The rest of the kids looked like… maybe a blend of her and Luka. Oh no.
Okay, she was getting distracted. And then she noticed the date. It was the right calendar date but the day of the week was wrong. She blinked a couple of times on that, so she navigated to her calendar. All the dates were on the wrong days… Oh and the year was 20 years in the future.
She had to sit down.
Luka came back with two glasses of water. At least, Marinette was pretty sure it was actually Luka. "I brought some water for you," he said, instantly looking worried when he found her sitting on the floor. "Hey, are you doing okay?" He knelt down next to her.
Marinette looked up at him, taking her glass. "I don't know," she said. "Are… are you Luka Couffaine?" He nodded slowly. "Huh, just a few minutes ago I was 14, and now it looks like I'm 34. And your wife." And pregnant with our 5th child.
He looked down at his hands. He wore several rings but there was a simple gold band around his left ring finger. Marinette had a rose gold band on hers. "Are you Marinette?" he asked quietly, looking back up at her. She nodded back and they stared at each other for a while, glasses of water forgotten.
"I think this is our future," Marinette said.
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - How A Star Is Born ch.XI
A Hercules AU, founded by @evaroze, whom this fic is a gift for. This is the last chapter, so I truly hope you all enjoyed this fun AU, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support! 
(Also, a small cameo for @lemonfodrizzleart is in here, so I hope you enjoy!)
AO3 link
Stan could feel the familiar pressure on his chest when Dipper and Mabel defeated the monster. He did everything he could to keep it at bay until the kids left; they would have stayed, and Bill would have won. Ford might get hurt, so Stan made sure they didn’t know and that they left him.
The second they were gone a powerful wave of pain flared his chest and he sank. Pacifica helped him lie down comfortably against some smooth boulders, unsure if it was safe to move him, and held his hand as he had to endure another heart attack.
Stan’s mind was hazy, but he reminded himself that he was okay with this. He was okay. Dipper and Mabel were gonna in. They got to see each other face to face! Dipper would get to meet Ford, and one day he would get to be with them forever. Heck, Stan even got lucky enough to meet his niece, who he already loved just as much as he loved Dipper. And Ford… he might have been a huge jerk, but he would have liked to see him again. Oh, well. It’s not like Ford would want to see him again.
The old trainer winced and groaned as he could feel his breath being taken away.
Mabel had Gompers go as fast as he could back to Thebes. She, Ford, and Dipper were terrified of what they would come to, but they had to see him again, they had to!
Gompers stopped right where he had picked the young pair of twins up for battle and were distributed to find Stan lying down, he never lied down! Pacifica turned to them, shaking her head and moving aside so they could see how deadly still and pale Stan was.
Ford instantly collapsed onto his knees by his brother’s side. He shook his head, refusing to believe it, and carefully took his hand. “Stanley,” He muttered quietly. “Stanley, it’s me, your brother.”
Mabel was on her knees next to Ford, trembling like a leaf and already crying. “G-G-Grunkle Stan… please…” 
The ruler of the gods scooped his brother up and was distraught when his head fell limp to the side. Ford helped his head lay on his strong arm, tearfully begging and holding his twin close to his fast-beating heart. “Come on, Stanley. P-Please! Wake up! Stanley!” He sobbed and bowed his head, cradling his brother and distraught to find him already cooling down. Ford had never been there for his brother when he needed him to be.
Mabel took Stan’s free, limp hand and kissed it through her tears, then rubbed Ford’s back as he cried freely. Stan appeared much more pale in comparison to the gods that held him close, who shined and glowed like gold. Ford freed an arm to bring her niece closer, and the two held the family member they had so desperately wanted to be reunited with and now would never have a chance to.
Dipper was standing right behind them, shaking with his fists clench. He turned away and sniffed, trying to keep it together, a tiny toxic voice telling him to keep it together and be a man. But the fact that the ruler of the gods was sobbing his heart out behind was enough to help Dipper shed a tear or two, but he couldn’t help but cover his eyes with a hand.
Pacifica hesitated, and then patted his shoulder. “I’m… I’m so sorry, Dipper.” She croaked and glanced back at the broken family. “There’s… some things you just can’t change.”
Scowling and determined with fire in his eyes, Dipper lifted his head and dropped his hand from his eyes. “Yes I can.” And he and Pacifica were gone before Ford or Mabel could realize they were going and they were too busy to notice their disappearances.
Bill was on a rampage. Now completely alone with no allies and only a sad underworld for his lair, he released his fury by blasting everything in sight with fire. Gideon was well hidden and letting his boss let his anger out, getting fed up of being under the triangle’s thumb and looking for a way out of this; If Pacifica can get her freedom, maybe he can, too.
Bill floated to a window overlooking the underworld, cooling down, but still furious. “We were so close, we tripped at the finish line, WHY?! All cuz that worthless conartist had to teach that twerp a thing or t-...”
The doors crumbled at the punch of the young hero, accompanied by his little tour-guide, Pacifica, who scowled at the demon with a gleam in her eye. “Where’s Stan?” Dipper growled.
Bill smiled at his visitors. “Ah, Pinetree and Llama, underworld’s a great place for a date, isn’t it?”
“Let him go.” Dipper demanded, charging at the demon and grabbing him by his stupid black toga.
Bill rolled his eye and plucked the human’s hands off him. “Get a grip, kid. Here, lemme show you around. C’mon.” And he had a hand on Dipper’s shoulder and walked with him out of Bill’s study, with Pacifica and Gideon curiously following them.
Bill took Dipper to a river of green death, with hundreds of thousands of souls swimming around. Towards the top, was Stan. Peacefully sleeping in his armor and cape, his soul torn and war-worn, but there he was.
“Stan!” Dipper called and reached for him, but the green liquid made his hands burn and age.
“Ah ah, you can look but you can’t touch.” Bill laughed. “You see, Stan’s got a new place here. He’s gonna be in this river, floating for eternity.”
Dipper did some quick thinking, watching Stan float farther away, and an idea came to him and he glared at Bill. “You like making deals. Take me in Stan’s place.”
“Hm.” Bill poked his face as he mockingly gave it some thought. “The great-nephew of my hated rival trapped forever in a river of death.”
“Going once…”
“In exchange for an old man who’ll probably die again next week.”
“Going twice…”
“Okay!” Bill interrupted. “Okay, okay, okay. If you can get him out, he can go, but you have to stay. Good luck, hero.”
Dipper looked back at the river he could easily step into. Stan was farther away now, almost around a riverbend, so the brave young man took in a deep breath and cannon-balled into the River of Death and swam for his uncle’s soul.
“Oh, you know what slipped my mind, you’ll be dead before you can get to him.” Bill called after him. “That’s not a problem, is it?” He cackled.
Dipper knew Stan was right, but if this would give Ford and Mabel a chance to be with him, if only for a short amount of time, so be it. Twins shouldn’t be separated forever.
The instant he jumped in, Dipper began dying rapidly. Not even aging, having a moment’s peace of being in his thirties, forties and fifties. His body seemed to instantly jump to his sixties and then slowly crawl upward. Stan was still so far away, but Dipper kept pushing, thinking of his family crying over Stan’s body. He had to do this. This had to work. Now aged to a hundred-year-old man, frail and at the brink of death, he reached for his uncle’s hand, just as they turned a corner on the river, hidden by a cavern.
Bill grinned at his victory, but his joy was short lived. Bright golden light shined. Bill’s eye was wide with horror and he watched as a true hero walked on the River of Death, carrying his trainer in his arms. “This… This is impossible! You can’t be alive, you’d have to be…”
“A god?” Pacifica and Gideon asked.
Bill roared in fury as he turned red, small and child-like as he kicked and screamed in the air.
Dipper’s skin now glowed golden, like his great-uncle and twin sister. He was sure and determined, clever, and healthy and youthful. And though he was grateful to have his godhood restored, he was still focused on getting his family together.
“Dipper, stop! You can’t do this, you can’t…” And Dipper punched Bill so hard in the face that his eye fell inward into his triangle body.
Bill recovered shortly, popping his eye back into place and chuckling nervously as Dipper walked away. “Okay, I deserved that. Pinetree, can we talk? Your uncle, Sixer, he’s a fun guy! Y’know, m-maybe you can put in a good word with him and we can just blow this whole thing off, huh?” Not seeing any reassurance, Bill went for his last desperate attempt to save his bricks. “Eh, Stan. Stanie, c’mon, talk to your kid.” And he cupped the soul’s cheeks.
At that, Dipper lost his patience and punched him so hard that Bill flew right into the river. Souls instantly latched onto him, and at his annoyance, he was dragged into the depths of death.
“Oh, he’s not gonna be happy when he gets outta there.” Gideon fretted at the edge of the river.
“You mean,” Pacifica gently elbowed her old working buddy and asked slyly, “If he gets out of there.”
Gideon lit up and grinned. “If… If is good.”
“You know,” Dipper said coolly, and the two looked at him. “I think this place is gonna need a new ruler of the underworld. But I think it should be someone who knows just how important life is, so death becomes more comforting.”
Gideon gasped and had an idea, so excited about it he swatted Pacifica’s arm and yelled, “OH! Oh oh oh oh OH! C’mon, c’mon!” And he dragged Pacifica to a special section of the underworld.
Dipper followed behind with Stan still in his arms and Gideon took them to the throne room. Years ago, Gideon watched Bill press a stone on the left side of the door to reveal where he kept a small amount of poison to turn gods mortal. Today, Gideon felt around for a stone on the right side of the door that could be pressed. After a few seconds, he found it, pressed, and a door opened to reveal a cave much like the last, except for oozing purple poison, a bottle of golden elixir awaited them.
“I knew it!” Gideon grabbed the bottle and held it out to Pacifica. “Here! Take it! Be the new god of the underworld!”
“What?!” Pacifica pushed the outstretched bottle back. “No, not me…”
“I think you should.” Dipper reassured. “You helped save my family twice today. You helped those kids. You clearly value life the way you should. I think you’d make a great goddess.”
“And I’ll be there to help you!” Gideon volunteered. “I know a lot about this place, I just… erm, let’s just say I’ve proven to be an awful boss in the past, k’?”
Pacifica played with her hair nervously, still unsure, but the smile from her friends was just enough, and so she snatched the bottle and took a swing before she could change her mind.
Dipper carefully walked back to Thebes with Stan’s soul in his arms. He was reminded of so many times when Stan would pick him up from the dining table full of work and take him to bed. Stan had been his family for so long, that to know they were blood was actually very exciting. On top of which, if Dipper understood the rumors correctly, Stan was once a god, ubt lost his godhood, too. If Dipper can get his back, there must be a way to get Stan’s back. Even if he was a god now, Dipper was determined not to leave Stan’s side until he also earned his godhood. Family sticks together.
Mabel and Ford were still holding onto Stan, just as Dipper left them. Mabel was the first to notice the footsteps, to look up, and to gasp at not only Stan’s soul, but the fact that Dipper glowed like gold, like she and Ford did. She squeezed Ford’s shoulder and he finally took notice, gasping at his nephew.
Mabel scooted back a little bit to give Dipper some space, but Ford refused to let Stan go. He merely loosened his hold so Dipper could gently place the soul down onto the body, and then they waited with Dipper on one knee and Mabel scooting closer again.
It only took a moment. Stan took in a deep breath and let it out far easier than he had in years, and his color returned far brighter than before. Dipper gasped at how he sparkled and shined, and Ford and Mabel grinned to know their hope was proven correct.
Stan blinked once or twice, confused, but beyond amazed to see his entire family surrounding him. He quickly noticed the tears and sat up a bit, concerned, “Whoa, hey, is this an audience or a mosaic?”
“STANLEY!” Ford cried out and threw himself into his brother so hard they both fell into the ground, but neither cared. Stan chuckled nervously and tightly hugged his twin while Ford began to cry again. “St-Stanley! I’m sorry! I’m so, so sorry! I should’ve…”
“Aw, c’mon, Sixer,” Stan rubbed his shaking back. “It’s okay, it all worked out.”
“I almost lost you…”
“Well, you didn’t.” Stan loosened his grasp to better look at his nephew, and Ford turned to grin proudly at him as well. “Thanks to that knucklehead. HEY! Wait a minute! You jumped into the River of Death?! That was stupid, don’t you dare lemme catch you risking your life for mine, kid! I’m old! I go first!”
Dipper laughed and gestured to Stan. “That’s never gonna happen.”
Stan looked down at himself and flexed his arms and hands, his eyes wide. “Whoa hey! Kid, you did it!” He looked back up at Dipper, finally noticing that he was also glowing, and he jumped to his feet and cheered. “YOU DID IT! You’re a true hero! I trained a true hero! We’re gods again!”
Mabel jumped into Dipper’s arms and hugged him. “I’m so proud of you guys! I KNEW you could do it!”
Ford chuckled warmly and helped his twin up to his feet. “Come, let us go home.”
Mabel whistled and Gompers lowered himself so the family of gods could ride the giant goat back to Olympus.
At the mountain top, just inside the newly repaired gates, the gods and goddess awaited to congratulate the newcomers. Fiddleford blew his trumpet loudly with joy; Hazel, the goddess of spring, tossed flowers every which way; Jackie, the goddess of Summer and Romance, winked at Stan, who ran a hand over his gray hair and threw her a sly smile; Pacifica and Gideon were there, too, Pacifica glowing a peaceful light-blue color to go with her white tiara and baby-blue dress with white sash. Dipper couldn’t help but smile at Pacifica; maybe someday she could earn his trust.
The gods entered their new home and Mabel caught something happening to the night sky. She gently elbowed her brother and pointed up to the sky, and their uncles also looked upward. The Faiths had manipulated the cosmos to tell the new story, and they all watched as the stars formed into the shape of a dipper, the exact same shape on Dipper’s forehead. Beside the new constellation, a shooting star graced the dark inky sky.
“Hey, that’s Stan’s boy!” Hephzie, the goddess of autumn and harvest pointed out.
Stan blinked his eyes dry and let Mabel hug him around the neck from behind, patting her hands. Ford put a hand on his left shoulder, and Stan pulled Dipper into a soft noogie. Together, the loving family watched the beautiful sky.
Just remember, in the darkest hour, Within your heart's the power For making you A hero too!
So don't lose hope when you're forlorn! Just keep your eyes upon the skies! Ev'ry night a star is, Right in sight a star is, Burning bright a star is born!
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hold-me-sickfics · 3 years
Taehyung x Yoongi “Experience is the best Teacher”
Hi guys! Sooooo I was in the mood to write and thanks to @thatoneemokpop-02 I got inspired 😁 here’s an mpreg fic based on a prompt Alex gave me last night! Hope y’all enjoy!
TW: food, mpreg, birth scene, anxiety, emeto (if there are any more please let me know!)
“Taehyungie, baby, I don’t know if we can fit all this in the car…” Yoongi eyed the ENTIRE STORE, watching nervously as Taehyung ran around pointing to various things he wanted. The nursery was Taehyung’s main focus right now, and Yoongi was sure it was because he was nervous about the baby coming soon. However, if it numbed Taehyung’s nerves, Yoongi was all in for it.
“Yoongi it’s not like I’m gonna buy the whole thing. Just a couple things if we really need them.”
Taehyung smiled as he looked through all the bottles that the store had to offer.
“Can we get these? They’re so cute!” Taehyung giggled, causing his tummy to bounce up and down. Yoongi swore it was the cutest thing he’d ever seen in his entire life.
“Babe we bought those last week, didn’t we?” Yoongi put them back on the shelf.
Taehyung picked them back up.
“No, those were the blue ones. These are yellow.”
Yoongi had to admit, he had a point.
“Alright, we can get them. But these are the last bottles okay? If we get any more, I’m gonna have to build another cabinet.” Yoongi chuckled, Taehyung’s beaming smile making him feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
“Deal.” Taehyung reached over into the buggy, keeping one hand on his tummy so it wouldn’t be pressed into by the metal siding.
“Ready to go? I’ll get you your favorite.” Yoongi couldn’t help himself, spoiling Taehyung was his guilty pleasure. It had been ever since he’d started dating him.
“Ugh Yoongi I’m already fat.” Taehyung looked down at his tummy, palming it just a bit. His mood swings were no problem for Yoongi, being as he knew exactly how to handle them.
Yoongi and Taehyung were behind a shelf, giving Yoongi a perfect shot (Taehyung hated physical affection with other people watching, so Yoongi was always mindful of it.)
Yoongi took Taehyung’s hand and gently kissed it.
“You’re beautiful, and I don’t care if your scale says that you’ve gained a little. Honestly, I can’t get my mind off of you when you’re doing your little waddle. It’s kinda sexy.” Yoongi winked at him. Taehyung couldn’t help but laugh.
“Min Yoongi you have lost it.”
“Mhmmm,” he kissed his head. “Now, don't fight me on this. Baby wants chicken strips. Does daddy want chicken strips?”
Taehyung felt his face turn completely red.
“... maybe a little…”
“I thought so.” Yoongi winked at him, and squeezed his hand. “Let’s go pay for these and then we’ll go get supper.”
“Ahhhagghhhh!” Taehyung’s smile quickly changed into a pained grimace as he rubbed his back. Yoongi was holding him in less than a second.
“What happened? Are you okay?” The worry in Yoongi’s voice couldn’t be clearer.
“I- I’m okay. He kicked and punched me at the same time. It hit my back. Agh it hurts…” Taehyung had tears in his eyes, but used his breathing techniques from his classes to calm himself down.
Yoongi’s eyes were filled with sympathy, wishing he could take Taehyung’s pain away. All he could do was to hold him, and copy his breathing pattern to keep him focused. Soon enough, Taehyung was back able to walk, and they bought the bottles and went out to the car.
Unfortunately, the kick managed to knock Taehyung’s appetite off. Yoongi begged him to eat, but the mere thought of food made him consider asking Yoongi to pull over so he could throw up.
When they got home, Yoongi helped Taehyung change clothes, and then assisted him in getting into bed. (It used to be easy, but with all the extra tummy weight, he had trouble balancing to raise his leg up.)
“I’ll be right back okay angel? I’m just gonna run to the bathroom real quick.” Yoongi kissed Taehyung’s cheek, and then swept his hair back.
Yoongi went and did his business, but the whole time he was thinking of how he could help Taehyung get through these last few weeks before the baby came. He hated it, but Taehyung was going to be nervous and feel bad no matter what he said. All he could do was support him. Still, he did feel like if he could experience what Taehyung was going through… maybe he could help more.
By the time he got back to the bedroom, Taehyung was already fast asleep. Yoongi took his usual position, big spoon for his beautiful boyfriend. His arm was wrapped around his midsection, right above his stomach. He felt the baby kick a bit, and smiled knowing the little one would be here soon.
Little did he know, he was in for a heck of an awakening…
Yoongi woke up to a sickening feeling in the back of his throat. He tossed the covers aside as he felt a stream of vomit coming up his throat. He was out of time. Next thing he knew, he was spilling the remnants of his dinner into the floor below him. Taehyung was awake almost instantly.
“You’re okay baby. Just get it up, I’ll clean it up in a minute.” Yoongi felt Taehyung’s hand rub up and down his back. Goodness he was so sore. It was like he’d been thrown up against a wall and beaten up. Everything hurt, and his stomach being so big and bloated didn’t help either. It made it hard to move. Why on earth was it so heavy? WAIT-
Yoongi looked at his stomach, and puked again. Taehyung actually had to catch him to keep him from falling off the side of the bed.
“T-Tae-Taehyung my stomach-”
Taehyung was behind him, eyes wider than saucers.
“Yoongi… Mine…” He looked down at his sculpted stomach, abs just as firm as they were before pregnancy.
“Oh heck-” Yoongi leaned over, puking again. Every heave wrecked his frame, and strained his insides. Now that he registered what was happening, he could feel the baby moving. Each kick and punch and stretch just made him feel worse.
After a couple minutes, Yoongi was left coughing and dry heaving. Taehyung kissed his crown, smoothing his hair down.
“I’m gonna come around to the other side and get you okay? Keep your eyes closed. It’ll help you not feel as sick.”
Yoongi nodded, one hand on his now, very large stomach. He clenched his eyes shut, wishing he could do the same for his nose.
He heard Taehyung putting a towel down on the floor to cover the puke. Then he felt Taehyung’s hands around him, helping him up gently.
“It’s gonna be harder to get up, just put your weight on me alright?”
“T-Taehyung I’m gonna puke again-” Yoongi dry heaved, the sound even causing Taehyung to wince. He knew that had to hurt Yoongi’s throat.
“You’re empty baby. It’s just the smell. Trust me, I would know. I was the pregnant one like four hours ago.”
Yoongi gagged again, feeling his knees go weak and nearly collapsing under him.
“Help me” Yoongi cried, tears rushing down his face.
“I’ve got you Yoongi I promise I won’t let you fall. Just keep your arms around me alright?”
Yoongi nodded, but kept shaking, knowing at any moment something else could happen. He had no idea being pregnant was this terrifying.
“Breathe Yoongi. Hey, focus on my voice. What do you hear me saying?”
“T-To b-bre-breathe.”
“That’s right. Now we’re gonna go take a bath and get you clean. The water will help with the cramping I promise you.”
“Mmmmmmnnnnn” Yoongi shuddered.
“What did I tell you just then baby?”
“W-water h-helps…”
“That’s good. Now sit down right here for me okay?”
Yoongi opened his eyes, shocked to realize that Taehyung had actually distracted him and helped him walk to the bathroom.
Taehyung leaned him down, feeling his own heart break at how pitiful Yoongi looked. He turned on the faucet, and added in some of his own lavender bubble bath soap.
“What’s happening baby?”
“B-baby’s moving-g. H-hurts…”
“I know it does. Here…” Taehyung ran a washcloth under the water. He started to wipe the sweat from Yoongi’s face and neck.
Yoongi moaned in comfort.
“There you go. That’s good baby.” Taehyung continued until the bath had filled up midway.
“Alright…” Taehyung kissed Yoongi’s rounded cheek, adoring the extra bit of baby-weight that pregnancy had added to him. “I’m gonna help you get undressed. Can you lift your arms for me?”
“Y-yeah.” Yoongi couldn’t think of anything except how scared he felt.
Taehyung slid his shirt off, slightly palming Yoongi’s stomach in the places that he could see the baby moving.
“Ahhhahhh,” Yoongi let out a half moan, half cry.
“I know baby. Believe me, I know.”
Taehyung got ready to take his husband’s pants off, helping him up off of the toilet slowly. Yoongi wrapped his arms around Taehyung’s neck, and just held onto him. Nonverbally begging for some of his strength.
“Taehyung… I- I-”
“It’s alright baby. I promise it’s not this bad all the time. Some nights are worse than others.” Taehyung lightly kissed the boy’s ear, holding him close.
“Ahhhhhhhahhhgggggh Taehyung I gotta lay down… S-something’s w-wrong…”
Taehyung’s eyes widened in shock… for some reason… a splatter of water had just hit the floor.
“Ahhhhaggghhhh hmmmmm…” Yoongi’s legs were trembling. Taehyung laid Yoongi down on the rug, thankfully they’d chosen a soft one when they’d decorated.
“Okay baby let me see-”
“N-no- no no, I can’t… I don’t w-want to…”
Taehyung felt his blood run cold. He had a really bad feeling about this.
“Just let me look. I won’t touch anything. I promise.”
Yoongi’s legs opened on their own, so it didn’t really matter whether Yoongi wanted him to see or not. What Taehyung saw was probably the worst thing he could have seen, or at least close.
“Alright baby I don’t know how but, you’re fully dilated…”
Yoongi cried, screaming in pain. Suddenly, it felt like everything had just crashed down on him.
“I- I c-can’t- p-lease…” Yoongi pushed involuntarily, feeling pressure and more pain than he’d ever experienced.
Taehyung saw Yoongi’s stomach tense up as he pushed down.
“Okay hey, look at me, look at me baby.” Taehyung’s voice was calming. The only bit of comfort he had in the whole situation.
Yoongi opened his eyes, and looked straight into Taehyung’s.
“I’m here. I’ve got you. Just push when you feel ready, okay?” Taehyung used his fingers to stretch Yoongi’s opening a bit, already able to see the baby’s head inside.
“Ugggggghhhhhhh” Yoongi threw his head back, his back arching in pain.
“You’re doing great. Yoongi I can see him already!” Taehyung smiled, tears filling his eyes.
Yoongi felt the urge to push, but wouldn’t.
“Baby I know you’re scared. Just do what you need to do. Your body is gonna show you how to. It’s gonna be alright, I promise.”
Yoongi felt a sharp pain erupt in his lower stomach.
“Taehyung hold me!” Yoongi stretched both his arms out to reach for Taehyung.
“I’m here baby. I’m right here. Just wake up.”
Yoongi was beyond confused.
“Everything is going to be alright. I’m right here with you. Open your eyes.”
Yoongi felt another intense pain inside of him, and he pushed.
“Yoongi you gotta wake up!”
Yoongi woke up, gasping. His entire body covered with sweat.
Yoongi’s heartbeat was so loud he could barely hear Taehyung trying to soothe him.
“I’m here baby. I’m here.” Taehyung kissed his shoulder, unable to hold him due to the size of his stomach.
Yoongi immediately reached down and felt his stomach, then down to his privates. He was back to normal. He wasn’t pregnant, and moreover, he wasn’t giving birth.
“What happened?” Taehyung rubbed Yoongi’s arm.
“I-” Yoongi decided there was only one way for him to explain it.
“Taehyung, I’ll be right back okay? I’ve gotta run and get something from the store.”
“You are not telling me you had a nightmare because we’re out of milk.”
“I’m not, but there’s something I gotta do. I’ll be back in 30 I promise okay?”
Taehyung reluctantly said yes, and Yoongi threw on some clothes.
He made a quick job of his mission. Fluffy socks, 3 dozen roses, a bath bomb, as much candy as he could grab in one go, and Taehyung’s favorite from McDonald’s since they were the only ones open. Oh, and the milk. He couldn’t forget the milk.
He got home to see Taehyung waddling around the kitchen, making a mental list of things he had to do today since it wasn’t likely he was going back to sleep. He heard the door close, and turned around to see Yoongi crying.
Yoongi dropped everything and rushed to him, hugging him and half blubbering into his neck.
“You are beautiful and I love you so much and everything is going to be okay I promise. I’m gonna make sure you have the best doctors and the best of everything in the nursery, and I’m gonna build you that other cabinet for the bottles. I’ll start at 6:00, because Lowe’s doesn’t open until then but I’ll be there when the door opens. Anything you want, you just tell me. Anything. I don’t care what time it is or what else I’ve been doing that day or whatever. Anything you need is yours. And on top of that, I’m giving you a massage right now so don’t try and stop me.”
He swept Taehyung off his feet, barely able to see his path due to the size of Taehyung’s stomach. He got him to the bedroom and immediately turned the lights down and grabbed the lotion.
“You rest and let me do this. Want me to turn on the music?”
“Babe… are you okay?”
“Just work with me. Pregnancy makes you emotional.”
Taehyung didn’t question it, and just smiled at how cute his husband was being. He knew there were things he could say to thank Yoongi, but it seemed that right now the biggest thank you would be to go back to sleep and show him that his massage helped comfort him. He did promise himself to get more into detail about that dream in the morning though.
The end
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lastsonlost · 5 years
Oh gasps, I'm shocked.
Who would have thunk it?
The story:
Updated with Sunday figures: In the wake of Terminator: Dark Fate’s failure at the B.O., and Paramount’s recent decision to make Beverly Cops 4 for Netflix, we have the further breakdown of cinema IP in Sony’s Charlie’s Angels reboot, which is tanking with a God-awful $8.6M domestic opening, $27.9M worldwide (from 26 markets), 3 Stars on Screen Engine-Comscore’s PostTrak, and a B+ Cinemascore.
The Elizabeth Banks-directed-written and produced pic is also opening in 27 offshore markets,
China being one where it’s also bombing,
with a $7.8M 3-day take in third place behind No. 1 local title Somewhere Winter ($13.1M).
All of this is primed to further spur a WTF reaction and anxiety among film development executives in town in regards to what the hell exactly works in this have-and-have-not era of the theatrical marketplace. Many will make the hasty generalization that old, dusty IP doesn’t work, or is now deemed too risky when it’s not a superhero project. However, moviemaking is an art, not a science, and annoying as it might sound, good movies float to the top, and this Charlie’s Angels reboot didn’t have the goods going back to its script.
<Maybe somebody should have been working on a good story instead of pushing an agenda.
We’re going to break down for you what went wrong in another graph, but we don’t want to bury the success of Disney’s release of Fox’s James Mangold-directed Ford v Ferrari, which looks to be coming in at $31.5M, well ahead of the $20M+ many were seeing, with an awesome A+ CinemaScore and 4 1/2 stars and a 68% definite recommend on Screen Engine/Comscore’s PostTrak. After a franchise-laden summer which buried originals, now an original pic is sticking it to the IP.
When it comes to the bombing of Charlie’s Angels, the takeaway is this is what happens when you have IP, but there’s no reason for telling the story.
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In the walk-up to developing Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, and in the wake of its near $1 billion success, a fever broke out at the Culver City lot in the post-Amy Pascal era to reboot former Sony franchises or extend them, i.e. Zombieland: Double Tap (well over $103M at the global B.O. now), the upcoming Bad Boys 3, and, of course, Spider-Man, the latter electrified by Disney’s Marvel. Development studio executives define their being by getting films greenlit, and whenever that happens, it’s 90% of the job.
And the pressure is on to fill a 10-12 picture annual slate in a world where Disney vacuums up all the best IP. A third Charlie’s Angels with McG directing and Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Lucy Liu starring, wasn’t made immediately after the second chapter, 2003’s Full Throttle, as the sequel turned out to be 29% more expensive than the 2000 original at $120M, and also made less worldwide, $259.1M to $264.1M. With Elizabeth Banks coming off her hot feature directorial debut with Universal’s Pitch Perfect 2 (which over-indexed in its stateside opening at the B.O., going from $50M projections to $69.2M, and finaled global at $287.1M); after she expressed interest in September 2015 in taking on a Charlie’s Angels reboot with a modern feminist spin, there was no question in Sony’s mind that the project should move forward.
<Yeah Sony, how's that working out for you? You think they would have learned their lesson...
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Guess not.
Back to the story.....
However, there were script problems, I hear, that could never be resolved. A few months after Banks boarded, Evan Spiliotopoulos came on to write. By the time cast was assembled in July 2018, Banks had penned the latest draft off a script by Jay Basu (The Girl in the Spider’s Web), and earlier drafts by Craig Mazin and Semi Chellas. Andrea Giannetti oversaw the project on the lot. However, I hear that the script for Charlie’s Angels didn’t really attract top talent, i.e. Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone and Margot Robbie (a trio that would have potentially jazzed up business). Hence, why the production opted to go with largely a fresh face cast outside of Kristen Stewart. While we overwrite that stars mean nothing at the box office, they do, sometimes, when it comes to propping IP, and unfortunately and arguably, no one in Middle America knows who British actress Ella Balinska is, and they’ve only became recently acquainted with Naomi Scott from Disney’s Aladdin and Lionsgate’s Power Rangers. Stewart, who is hysterical in the movie and even needed more funny bits, is in a different place in her career professionally, publicly, and privately. It’s unfair to think that she could delver her Twilight fans now.
Had she done Charlie’s Angels promptly in the swell of the Twilight whirlwind (like Snow White and the Huntsmen) then maybe it would have popped.
But she has largely been dormant from popcorn wide releases for the last seven years since 2012’s Twilight: Breaking Dawn – Part 2, busy excelling and wowing in specialty awards season and festival fare like Clouds of Sils Maria, Still Alice, and this year’s Seberg, to name a few. Stewart needed to be paired with equal or bigger-name actresses.
was a one quadrant movie, eyed at women 13-39, especially given its lack of action scenes, and wisely limited their exposure to what I hear is 50%, with co-finance partners 2.0 Entertainment and Perfect World. Sony claims the budget is $48M net; we’ve heard in the mid $50Ms. Tax incentives were taken in the pic’s Berlin and Hamburg shoots. Perhaps Sony should have spent more, because Charlie’s Angels biggest problem is that it has very low-octane, we’ve-seen-it-all-before action scenes. Heck, there’s more action in a 1980s Chuck Norris movie. After watching Charlie’s Angels earlier this week, I put the first two McG movies on Netflix, and it was like watching Star Wars in comparison to this reboot, with his sharp production design, camera movements, unique action, and comedy set pieces, and, of course, the first movie blasted Sam Rockwell out of a cannon. Understand that the first two movies in the series were able to compete and hold their own in an action space where, yes, Mission: Impossible and Fast & Furious (the first two films came out in 2001 and 2003) also thrived. Mission and Fast sequels distinguish themselves on multiple 10-minute action sequences that we’ve never seen before on screen; it doesn’t matter who the villain is. This Charlie’s Angels doesn’t have that. And not even a super-duper hit song “Don’t Call Me Angel” for the movie from Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, and Lana Del Ray can trigger lines at the multiplex; the music video clocking over 116M views on YouTube, per entertainment social media monitor RelishMix.
Some will claim that Banks’ version was never intended to emulate the meat and potatoes version of McG’s films; that this version was expected to be more comedic, and more feminist. Unfortunately, after McG set the table here with the franchise as an action film, you can’t reverse it. You can only outdo him. And with a franchise movie like Charlie’s Angels, you can’t make it for a one quadrant audience.
The film arrived on tracking with a $12M-$13M start, and really never budged, but sank. That means marketing didn’t work. I heard that a $100M global P&A was first planned on Charlie’s Angels, with the studio now reducing that overall cost greatly to around $50M and pulling back on expensive ads. Another hurdle in activating the young girl demo is that much of the pic’s cast isn’t on social media. RelishMix says that Banks is the social media star with over 6.6M followers across Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, with Scott counting 3.4M.
Sony kept pushing Charlie’s Angels, which in hindsight means there were development issues. In May 2017, a release date was announced for June 7, 2019. When the cast was locked down in July 2018, Charlie’s got moved to Sept. 27, 2019. In October 2018 when Warners pushed Wonder Woman 1984 from the first weekend in November to summer, Charlie‘s took over the autumn spot, which was the same exact place the original 2000 opened. However, when Terminator: Dark Fate moved onto the same first weekend in November, Charlie‘s relocated to this weekend as they vied for a China release which they ultimately got.
Charlie’s Angels drew a 66% female crowd, split between 36% over 25 and 30% under 25. But both demos respectively graded it low at 68% and 79%, with men at 35% giving it a 68% grade on PostTrak. Diversity breakdown was 52% Caucasian, 21% Hispanic, 14% Asian/Other, & 13% African American. Charlie’s Angels best markets were on the coasts and big cities. But again, nothing to brag about in Friday’s $3.2M gross, which includes $900K from Thursday and Wednesday previews.
Says RelishMix, which also foresaw this disaster approaching on social media chatter, “Angels is the latest example in a ‘woke’ effort to reboot a franchise that many were not all that interested in to start with. In fact, many references to the 2000 version get a call-out as a reason this one doesn’t seem to compare – whether it’s the cast or the action teased from the film.
And, as observed with other recent films, some action/adventure, unfortunately fans say they’re steering clear of this one because of its ‘girl power’ messaging.”
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Dollmaker Talk PT 2
*snaps fingers*  Guess what?  I got the “okay” sign to talk a little bit more about Runawayoutlaw’s unfinished Dollmaker build.
That means yes I will be going into my thoughts about the characters and setting this time.  I focused on Dollmaker being outside the Rockland canon and the game mechanics last time.
(MAJOR spoilers below for the unfinished Dollmaker build)
First of all, what is the plot of Dollmaker?  Well the MC this time around is a medical student attending a seminar that day on improving relations between demons and humans for the greater good.  One of the very speakers at the lecture is none other than Dr. Sano Kojima.  The MC apparently catches his eye and you two seem to get along fairly well considering you admire him for his position (he’s a demon ambassador) and he appreciates that you seem to be specializing in demons for your medical degree.  All seems to be going well and you look forward to discussing the profession with him more...only to get caught off guard when he knocks you out and brings you to his home.  The atmosphere quickly changes when you wake up and he cuts straight to point that his main goal is turn you into a human doll!  He puts a binding spell on you so you can’t escape the house, but he gives you the freedom to walk about as you please.
That’s pretty much the gist of the game.  From there it’s about exploration and getting to know the inhabitants of the house, and on rare occasions, seeing some visitors.
Sano Kojima
As I stated in my previous post, both Sano and Akira have been introduced beforehand in BTD.  This game was meant to revamp the characters and stories.  For the most part, I’d say personality wise that Sano stays very similar to his BTD counterpart.  He’s very calm and professional.  He’s very much into his research and appreciates compliance from the MC.  He can still kill you in this, but the only such ending I found is if you fight back repeatedly right away.  Like I said, he prefers compliance.  He is probably one of the more sane of the three main house inhabitants and possibly the nicest?  It’s hard to say when I feel like both Sano and Annabelle’s routes weren’t quite finished yet.  That or I haven’t found everything yet.  
I will say compared to the BTD game, Sano here doesn’t show nearly as much sadism or malice.  He DOES still want to turn you into a doll though, but again I don’t think his route was fully finished (or I haven’t found the right paths yet).  I didn’t get a full ending with him completing the doll transformation, so other than the beginning, we don’t get to delve into that obsession as much as I would have liked.  I remember playing BTD and getting that one ending and thinking, “Oh!  I love that concept, I wish I could have seem more of the character focused on that.”  Dollmaker is obviously supposed to do that, but the creator didn’t get around to the finishing touches.  I kept getting stuck in the same loops with “Sano’s route,” so I can’t say much else.
Annabelle Winter
Annabelle is a brand new character.  There’s a bio for her luckily in the game to explain some of who she is (a former lead singer), but otherwise I probably was able to get the least information about her in the game.  I remember some notes about her one tumblr way back when Dollmaker was being developed.  Basically, she’s supposed to be Sano’s “first doll.”  You, the MC, would then end up being the second doll.  You can tell this really doesn’t sit well with Annabelle, even if I couldn’t get much more information about her feelings in the game.  There’s a conversation between Akira and her you can spy on, but you really aren’t quite sure what’s happening.  Her room was also always locked for me.  I don’t know if the programming for it all hadn’t been completed like Sano’s wasn’t, or I just wasn’t performing the correct actions.
The existence of Annabelle is interesting though because then it does make you ask questions like: What’s her relationship with Sano?  Are they lovers or something else?  Is she jealous that he’s making a new doll? Does Sano plan to throw Annabelle out after he has you? Does this mean the MC could also get tossed out later? What’s her relationship with Akira?  Stuff like that adds more tension to the atmosphere.  On the plus side, at least you know Sano’s successfully turned someone into a doll before, so you know the procedure should go fine (yay?).  Personality wise, I didn’t have enough to go off of to get a real good idea of what she’s like.  She can be a little bitter and creepy, that’s for sure, but also talks sensibly with someone like Akira.  It’s hard to say.
Akira Kojima
Ah Akira!  Probably the character that was the closest to completion in my opinion.  That doesn’t mean his whole path WAS complete, but compared to Sano (one death ending vs. couldn’t progress) and Annabelle (hardly any progression and no ending found), Akira actually had decent introductions, quality time with the MC and an ending.  Granted, it was mostly the ONE ending...but I kind of loved it and it wasn’t a death ending at least.  Before I get into that, what’s he like in Dollmaker?  Well he definitely has more of a domineering and feisty personality I’d say, contrasting nicely with Sano.  He also can be both naughty and tender I’d say when it comes to romance.  He can be pretty sensitive at times.  You also learn he’s a contract killer in this game, but he doesn’t seem to really enjoy the work.  That’s the only major hint I’d say of the guy being unhappy.  I remember during the development process it was hinted that Akira has a LOT of baggage in this universe.  Baggage unfortunately that seems to make unstable enough that he will completely flip his lid if he thinks someone is turning on him.  What I’m saying is...the dude actually has a yandere ending XD  I’m not joking.  For those who know of my main blog and are probably thinking, “Did YOU enjoy that?” the answer is obviously HECK YES!  See what happens is if you get too cozy with Akira, apparently that makes him latch onto you.  
I swear to god when I played my first run, I was NOT trying to make him jealous.  I thought there was more to do so I didn’t think it was a big deal if I didn’t wake him in bed (it seemed rude to me), go to the kitchen and compliment Sano’s eye.  But those Telltale mechanics from the last post I talked about?  This is where I realized too late they were hinting that Akira gets VERY aware of what you do in the house once he starts to like you.  He doesn’t like it AT ALL if you either seem like you’re trying to leave or get friendly with anyone else then.  He goes full “snap.”  What he does is try to “train you” so that you agree the MC belongs to him and him alone then.  I love how he does it actually because I find it pretty realistic.  Yeah he gets really rough with you initially once he’s snapped, but the big thing is he throws you into a large closet.  He just leaves you with a bucket and nothing else.  And then he makes NO CONTACT with you.  You go through...who knows how many days with occasional bottles of water or food placed on the floor without Akira talking to you or even you seeing him.  Depending on your actions, sometimes he’ll pop in to check on you, but if you show that your spirit isn’t broken yet, he goes back to the no contact.  He’s essentially driving the MC insane through isolation.  It’s very simple but incredibly effective.  Imagine literally being given nothing to do for days on end with limited food and water and just a bucket to relieve yourself in.  It can start to wear on you.  Humans are social creatures too (we NEED other people).  I love MC’s with stronger spirits actually that don’t bend to a yandere’s whims all that easily.  So yeah, I kept the MC yelling and tried to just hold out as long as I could.  This puts you in a loop though and Outlaw did a nice little touch where there’s this static effect over the screen when you continue to make decisions.  This helps to emphasize how monotonous this routine is becoming for the MC and you really feel less of the urge to fight back anymore.  I can see why the MC broke in the end.  Once they are broken, Akira comes to collect you and that’s pretty much the end.
Obviously I loved playing through Akira’s path the most.  I will do one small critique here since...I’m kind of a nut about yanderes.  I think it would have been nice to have a FEW more hints before Akira’s “snap” that he suffers from something like anxiety or separation over losing people.  There might have been some and I just got lost in the build maze finding this information XD  Like I said, I knew he had baggage (and even lost a lover) from the creator’s tumblr page during development, but I think it would have been nice to have some hints like that in the game.  Just food for thought in case they want to try another yandere character in the future.  Some people don’t like if you pull a “yandere snap” out of nowhere without at least dropping some kind of hint of instability with the character prior.  I mean I’ll always enjoy yandere endings regardless honestly XD  It depends on how serious you want to take it though.  This situation was different than say Marcus from Till Death Do Us Part only because....that game basically is ALL about the “snap” there (no real progression to it like in Dollmaker).  You had just enough backstory (The MC and Marcus are divorced and Marcus gives you nightmares) that him coming back as the ex from hell isn’t surprising.  People can fill in the blanks and fantasize all they want there about what went wrong with the relationship beforehand.  With Akira, you’re seeing the relationship progression play out, so there’s a little more pressure to make the “snap” a little more believable.
I don’t know how fair it is to critique an] game that’s clearly not finished though 0.o
There’s was other stuff in the game I enjoyed like all the little Easter eggs with the plants and paintings, and Cain even popped up briefly in a bad end :P  There was other stuff I also didn’t learn about though like Mio (sorry I scared you lol), but it is what it is.
Still a nice treat.
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waeziverse · 4 years
Twilight City (chapter 1)
(art by @myriamsaviniart​)
"What the heck are YOU looking at?!"
Asked the talking skeleton in a police uniform.
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"... Nothing." Geoff lied as he moved on.
Geoff still couldn't get used to it.
He was in Twilight City, the city of eternal night.
There was something extremely eerie about the artificial night that was created when a curse went wrong years ago. Not just that it was dark at 11 AM. It was like it.... it was like he could feel it on his skin somehow. And then there were the occasionally weird things and creatures, like the police officer and those odd shops he passed by. And he could swear that he saw the covers on the manholes being lifted, just a tiny bit. The streets were illuminated by several different kinds of neon light, not making it seem any more normal.
This was the absolute WORST PLACE on planet Earth to be alone and lost. And Geoff WAS lost. What he could really use now was a-
"Hey! You!" The window on the taxi's door (next to the driver's seat) was scrolled down. Geoff saw the driver. He was a weird little man dressed in messy clothes. He had a long nose. He had an odd skin color he apparently tried to hide with a scarf. "Yeah, you! You need ride?"
"Yeah... I do." Geoff opened the door to the back seat. "Can you drive me to Hellsing Hotel?"
"Sure." A gloved hand from the driver's seat reached after him. "Twenty bucks, please. We pay before we get here."
"Oh... Alright." Geoff handed the chauffeur a couple of bucks. "So... Nice town."
"Na." The driver replied. Geoff was pretty sure that he drove too fast, but he was in a hurry. "Not really. But it home. Saw you met Mack?"
"Um, who?"
"Magic bones police. Her name Mack."
"Oh,,, OH, oh yeah. Not really met, just..."
"Yeah, she not liking when people stare at her."
"I... guess that's understandable. You have a lot of magic here?"
"Sure. Lot. Curses, ghosts, voodoo, demon-"
"Yeah. We have big one. He’s called Yewolf the Many-Shaped. Hear about him?"
"No. What... what do you mean... with demon? A real one?"
"VERY real. But not so dangerous today. You see, thousands of years ago, Yewolf the Many-Shaped was one of the most infamous demon who lived. He committed many horrible deeds. He was eventually caught by six mighty sorcerers and sealed away. But after the Elf War in 1973, he had been freed in order to fight alongside the fair-folk. But in order to reach his fullest potential, Yewolf had to make a pact with a human. By fooling a sinful mortal to be his host-body, Yewolf would truly be one of the most fearsome demons who had ever existed. Eventually, he found one foolish enough to make the pact with him by promising him wealth. Once the foolish man-”
Geoff screamed as he saw a huge truck that they were about to collide with.
He screamed even more after the driver pulled a handle that Geoff had never seen in a cab and the vertical then... jumped? It jumped over the huge car and Geoff kept screaming till the moment the cap landed on the street.
The driver seemingly unfazed. “Where I was? Oh, right...  Once the foolish man had realized his mistake, he tried to run away, escape the fate he had no one to blame for but himself. But escaping a demon whom you had a debt to was almost impossible. The human had been allowed to try and hide, but only because Yewolf found it hilarious. Eventually, Yewolf decided that enough was enough, and made the mortal understand that there were no way he could evade fulfilling his part of the deal. So the human decided to give up and let the dark creature have his way with him.
Or rather, that's what Yewolf thought.
You see, what Yewolf didn't know was that the human had a brother. A twin. The two young men looked practically the same and that fooled the much too eager demon. But unlike the sinner whom Yewolf wanted to possess, the twin was a good man. Practically a saint. That ruined everything for Yewolf. Yewolf would have had full control over a pitiful sinner, but a truly good person who on top of it all was ready to sacrifice himself for his pathetic twin? Not so much. Yewolf became a prisoner inside the good twin. Unfortunately, Yelow managed to get revenge before his imprisonment by cursing the good twin with immortality. So from that day on, the good twin would have to live an eternal life with the dark creature inside of him, as well as the temptation of using its powers whom he now had command over."
"... You actually want me to believe that?" Geoff asked.
"Don't matter you no believe. It happened. And he living in Twilight."
"If that's true, if such a demon lives in this town... why would ANYONE want to live here?!"
"Still beats Jersey."
Finn Tucker had just left his apartment after beating up his wife Liuba. She lied on the kitchen floor as she dried her bloody nose. In the past, she would have bawled loudly now that she was alone, she would have yelled and cursed while hammering her fist in the wall, asking why she kept putting up with this horrible marriage.
But not anymore. Partly because she just didn't feel like crying anymore(which was pretty messed up), partly not to upset her son Noah.
So she stood up, fetched a rag from the kitchen sink to dry the floor, and then went to get her makeup so that she would look respectable when she would drive Noah to school.
Liuba sometimes wondered if she should call the police. But then she realized that it would probably not do her any good, possibly make her situation worse. After all, Finn was a popular guy among his fellow Twilight City police officers. Life had dealt Liuba a crummy hand, now she just had to deal with it.
Mr. Beckmann LOOKED like a nice man in his fifties.
He lived next door to the Tucker family. He was well aware how miserable Liuba and Noa were.
He was a foul creature who fed on others’ misery in order to gain nourishment. He followed her down the stairs, giving her a friendly wave as the friendly neighbor he appeared to be as he enjoyed the negative energy that came from the poor woman. Liuba’s son looked at her with his big, sad eyes as if he demanded to know why his mommy kept allowing his dad to ruin their lives.
Beckmann enjoyed living in Twilight City. So did all the other vampires who lived in the city.
An old taxi drove over a puddle. Dirty water was splashed at an old man who began to curse at the car.
"Why... you bloody nincompoop!" The old man raised his cane in a threatening way and made a rather rude gesture with his free hand. "If I get my hands on you, I will shove this cane up in your p-"
"Take it easy, Benjamin." The young priest that accompanied him padded him on the shoulder. "Your pants can be washed. Remember your blood-pressure."
"Ah, that damn pressure again..." Benjamin mumbled. "To blazes with that damn blood-pressure! I may be old, but I'm not made out of bloody paper! I-"
"Benjamin, please."
"Alright, alright, I'll be a good boy. Now, let's get something to eat. I'm starving."
"Only if it's my treat."
"It's never your treat." Benjamin coughed. "I'm the oldest, so I pay for the meal."
"Oh, please! You were born five minutes before me." Father Dreemurr reminded him with a chuckle.
"And don't you dare forget it!"
The twins decided to go for Chinese food that night.
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split-n-splice · 5 years
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Oh hey! Cover image comes from a scene in this chapter. ;P Also I may have exaggerated about the dialogue. Hang in there? What can I say. :T I'm sharing this now while I’m still OK with it. 
[Chapter Guide]
3. Hospitality – 2
Shego’s breath caught in her throat and her jaw went slack. Her hands trembled to her midriff as she finally faced the ugly bruise spread across her belly for the first time.
Her fingers feathered over her stomach to test just how sore it was, and suddenly she was a hundred times more tender than she had been moments ago. These days, she was accustomed to being sore and persevering through it, and until now she hadn’t acknowledged how bad her injury really was.
She’d seen such marks before and recognized the webby tendrils radiating out from the blotch splashed over her midsection, discoloring her skin to grisly shades across the spectrum, and she wondered with a cold wave of panic if she had more serious injuries like internal bleeding to worry about.
She was hardened to her own fire these days and she could take a hit – but being superhuman didn’t mean she was impervious to the deadly force.
She’d given herself this bruise.
Through her brother’s thick head, she’d managed to bruise herself with her own energy blast.
Her eyes stung suddenly. Frowning and fighting back tears, she squirmed and tripped out of her boots and pants and undergarments, barely holding back a torrent until she was sitting in the shower where she couldn’t distinguish if the hot liquid running down her face came from her or the showerhead.
Hot water wasn’t soothing for once, and it did nothing to ease her aches and pains today.
If she’d done this to herself…then what it did to Hugo’s brain was something too horrible to imagine. Her own brother – and she’d bet her life that she’d killed him by accident. What were his chances of surviving that? He was thick-skulled, sure, but could he withstand a blow like that? He wasn’t under any medication though to keep his superhuman qualities suppressed, so maybe – no. She’d be a sucker to get optimistic now.
As Shego miserably coerced herself into washing up as intended before the water could run cold, she reflected on her brothers left without her for the umpteenth time since running away – but now she considered the likelihood of being down a brother. Milo, in charge of the twins? That was a disaster waiting to happen. That boy would have to grow up fast, just like she’d had to. It wasn’t fair, but that was life.
She almost considered going home – but no, there was bad blood now. After what she’d done, how could they ever trust her again? She was no one’s hero anymore. Community service wouldn’t fix this.
Returning now would be to give herself up anyway, and that rotten Global Justice overseeing Team Go might never let her see the light of day again for taking down a star pupil – and that was if the government didn’t get a hold of her first to ship her to some obscure laboratory somewhere to figure out how to harness her glow to weaponize it or something. Laying low and staying here as a fugitive, she decided, may be her best bet if she wanted to keep her freedom. Not that it felt like she had much at the moment.
At some point while toweling off, Shego managed to battle her persistent sniffles into submission. Her chest ached, but she felt better otherwise. Clean, at least. It was shameful to think about, but crying herself out until the water ran icy had been relieving somehow, she acknowledged bitterly.
Out of sight, out of mind, she was glad when she could finally dress and hide the ugly blemish on her stomach. A baggy green pullover kept the pressure off. Equally baggy black sweatpants replaced the rest of her uniform, save for her sole pair of boots.
With the sore reminder hidden away, she felt ready to go on pretending she was fine, and moseyed back into the lab once she was sure her eyes weren’t so red as to betray her.
Dr. Drakken was still at his supercomputer, but he’d pulled up a seat now as he busied himself with salvaging whatever data he was after from the stolen hard drive.
Shego drifted closer until she was standing beside him, watching him read in between rapidly swapping windows, typing, pounding buttons, and shuffling around digital material. She couldn’t make heads or tails of any of it. It was pure gibberish to her. A Rosetta stone couldn’t help decipher the pages of coding written in what might as well have been a lost language. It was understandable he was glaring at it.
“I’m bored,” she announced, seeking distraction once more. She grimaced and rubbed her throat, not liking the sound of her own voice yet.
The man was too distracted himself to respond right away. Just as she began to suspect she’d been tuned out, he grunted. “Not my problem. Go paint your nails or something.”
Nail polish hadn’t been on her list of go-bag essentials, so that wasn’t an option.
Shego turned her focus down to the man’s unwavering deadpan for a minute, and tried not to smirk when he finally flicked an unnerved glance back at her as she moved to stand behind him, folding her arms on the back of his creaky desk chair.
He made another irritated noise as she plopped a hand onto his greasy hair and gave it a ruffle, and he ducked a little as if her hand weighed a ton. He was otherwise unmoved. If he thought he could ignore her, he had another thing coming.
For the moment, Shego willfully forgot he was a felon and boldly wove her fingers in and out of the shaggy mop he denied was a mullet, again working braids into it to alleviate her boredom. This time she got some satisfaction out of it, now that he was awake to grudgingly bear it.
He tried leaning forward out of her reach, but she only stooped over the back of his chair and gave him a yank that could be passed as an accident.
Dr. Drakken figured out soon enough that pretending the problem wasn’t there didn’t make it go away.
Finally he’d had enough of it and swatted her away as if she were a fly. “Mess up your own,” he hissed. “You have plenty of it.”
“It’s still damp,” she declared dismally, as if it would explain everything. Making her point, she picked up a soggy handful and gave it a flick, splattering droplets on his glasses when he made the mistake of turning to glare back at her.
“I’m working here,” grouched Dr. Drakken. “Go find something else to do.”
Shego settled for folding her arms on the back of the chair again, willingly abandoning the braiding endeavor. “You did say I can’t play with the henchmen,” she reminded.
The man grumbled something indiscernible as he wiped his glasses clean. “If I amend the rules, will you go away?”
“Maybe,” said Shego dryly.
She leaned further forward with a dreary hum, resting her chin on her folded arms as she stared over the top of his head at the giant monitor. It was still a bunch of nerd nonsense to her, but she gathered he must have located what he was after in the time it had taken her to shower, and was backing it up now.
“Is there a TV around here?” she wondered.
Dr. Drakken rubbed his eyes and sat back while the lagging computer processed his commands. In wordless reply, he heaved a heavy sigh and pointed. To the left of his desk, opposite from the corridor that lead to Shego’s room, was a simple nondescript door camouflaged against the brown stone wall.
She took the cue as permission to go see for herself, and so she finally let him be in favor of exploring a bit.
Shego prepared herself again to walk into a trap. This was a crook’s lair after all, and like it or not she was hardwired from experience not to invest much trust in his kind. She was content that there were no dirty surprises waiting for her here either though, and she relaxed just a little more.
If it weren’t for the polished stone floor and carved earthen walls with metal supports holding up the ceiling, this next hollow could have passed as an ordinary apartment. No amount of décor could detract from the fact it was a cave though, even if it appeared the man at least tried to give it a homey touch.
There were bookshelves and a few house plants, and a lamp on an end table beside a recliner. A brown corduroy couch sat before a mahogany coffee table, facing a big flat screen television ahead of its time. The entertainment center wasn’t complete without a stereo system and collection of media in the form of VHS tapes, vinyl, 8-tracks, and cassettes.
On the other end of the room was the kitchen with too much counter space and bar stools stationed around an island. Cookware hung from the back wall, but a layer of dust indicated it had been some time since more than a favorite frying pan had been used. Unless Dr. Drakken had a roommate, the dirty dishes in the sink had been sitting for maybe a week or more, a dehydrated sponge being the incriminating evidence. She sure as hell wasn’t about to roll up her sleeves and wash them, as was once her duty back home.
She scrutinized a basket of fruit on the counter, realizing she was pretty hungry, but decided not to risk it even if the apples and oranges still looked pretty good.
Shego returned to the living room, giving the couch a suspicious once over before sinking into it and sighing in relief to find it was heavenly soft. It was a pleasant surprise it didn’t smell musty at all like she might expect, and a throw pillow tempted her to lay her head down, but she resisted.
After a minute of slouching with her head thrown back, she roused herself to sit upright and pluck the remote from the coffee table. A force of habit, she whacked it on the heel of her hand for good measure before trying the buttons.
Shego spent the next half hour or so channel surfing with sinking hope, searching for news broadcasts that mentioned anything about Go City. Heck, even the east coast in general would have been comforting, but there was really nothing on this time of night. She found a weather station giving a brief update for the early-early birds, but all she could gain from that was the understanding that they were hidden away somewhere in a state shaped like a damn tortilla chip – Nevada – but northern or southern or east or west, she didn’t know.
Pang of longing twanged in her chest upon realizing just how far from home she was.
She almost left the television playing reruns of Scamper and Bitey to give herself some familiarity she hoped would soothe her, but it only served to remind her of her baby brothers, so she switched it back to paid advertisement for some once-size-fits-all diet plan that guaranteed results.
Hunger lured her back to Dr. Drakken’s desolate kitchen. She found the cabinets contained just about nothing but Vienna sausages and an absurd quantity of pickles that made her chuckle incredulously and shake her head. While the freezer was full of TV dinners and other microwavable quick fixes, the fridge held eggs and expired milk, as well as a few beakers containing colorful frothy fluids she wasn’t about to touch.
“Dude really knows how stock the place,” she grumbled to herself, letting the fridge door slam, beakers rattling inside. She eyeballed the bowl of fruit again, but again passed it up, because another door hidden in a dark crevice drew her eye.
Shego wound up sneaking out of the scientist’s personal living quarters a minute later, her cheeks flushed with a newfound unease.
A natural spring running like a brook through his room had been interesting, but it had paled in comparison to the crown jewel of the room, standing like a big square ruby. She couldn’t very well look his way now after finding a big king-sized, decked out with red satin that had made her backpedal so fast she’d slammed the bedroom door. She really wanted to believe he just liked sleeping like a starfish in luxury.
Despite her disquiet, she hazarded a glance his way, only to catch herself watching him work. He was oblivious to her perturbed stare as she wondered silently how many young women he suckered into this place. She wondered how many left.
She had a moment of doubt what she was here for.
Shego shook her head, reassuring herself that he’d yet to prove himself to be such a slimy guy. Testy and pushy, maybe – but sleazy, no. Not to mention, the rest of his digs wasn’t exactly a chick magnet, and she was sure there were brothels in Nevada if he needed a fix that desperately.
She relaxed a little. Even now, the man was all business, too absorbed in reviewing endless coding gibberish to notice her. She managed to convince herself she had nothing to worry about. If the nerd had the balls to turn on her, she wouldn’t be bashful to let him know he’d chosen the wrong gal to screw with.
It made her feel just a little better that Dr. Drakken was in his own little world at present, failing to acknowledge her even as she walked her fingers along the back of his chair as passed by behind him.
Content to be ignored for a change, she kept her unnerved curiosities to herself and left it at that.
Shego wandered back to the hall to find her bedroom. She rifled through her belongings, hoping in vain that she still had a pack of crackers left in the bottom of her bag, but no leftover car snacks were found.
She flopped down on the secondhand mattress with a huff to frown at the fanged ceiling, left to wonder when she’d be given something to do. He’d said he wanted a thief, didn’t he? So why wasn’t she out looting? This was downtime, she supposed, but that didn’t make her any less restless.
Antsy was an understatement.
Left to her own devices to occupy herself, she wasted little time before she began peeking into the other rooms.
Although it could be assumed they were off limits, Dr. Drakken hadn’t explicitly told her to stay out of them. Only to stay on this level. Besides the bathroom and her room, she found a couple cluttered storage rooms with shelves piled high from floor to ceiling and mountains of junk stacked on the floor. It was so packed full of boxes and scrap metal, papers and rolled-up plans in disarray, that she didn’t dare to step foot inside in fear of a junk avalanche. She had a hunch much of it had been simply thrown inside from the room now allocated to her.
She discovered the only other door in the corridor, a simple archway located at the very end, lead directly down a crude flight of stairs. The other floors Dr. Drakken had warned her to stay off tempted her, the echo acting as a siren’s song reeling her in. After a moment of hesitation and a cagey glance over her shoulder toward the lab, she descended.
As she wandered down the eerie staircase lit by more sconces, she wondered inwardly if the architect had put any thought into the floor plans or if he’d just utilized caverns and crevices as he found them. She supposed probably the latter.
The steps were carved into the stone, sloping through a winding fissure, and after some ways she came around a bend that opened up to a spacious office with walls lined in hefty tomes, shelves of dusty literature from floor to ceiling. A crescent Hench Co. brand office desk and matching chair sat at one end with some filing cabinets behind it, and at the other, tucked into a niche, was an unmanned surveillance system. Between them, a well-fed fireplace blazed to keep the chill off despite the fact it was still summer. The main door was just an arch carved into the stone, leading out to a dark empty corridor.
While exploring deeper was tempting, the CCTV grasped her attention instead. She zeroed in on the array of monitors, squinting up at grainy black and white feedback.
After a moment of scanning them, Shego was content to find that no security cameras overlooked private areas like bathrooms or bedrooms.
There were some henchmen about in a cafeteria, some starting their day early and others ending it. A couple were busy spit-polishing boots and hefty batons. One brute jabbed another in jest in much the same way one might snap a twisted towel in a locker room, and it became clear the sticks were more like cattle prods than something a majorette would twirl. Shego made a mental note to be wary of them.
In another grainy image, she found herself, and she almost looked back to search for the camera behind her like a kid in a grocery store.
Finally, the lowest screens were filled with feed from a handful of outdoor cameras watching the perimeter, and in one in particular, she could make out scarce white dots of a town just beyond the fence and spindly pine. It was still dark out.
She reckoned the burrow lair had been built into a hillside. If she had to, she’d guess Dr. Drakken’s first conquest would be the town it overlooked. In her short career as a hero, she’d seen the scenario play out about several times before, in Go City and in neighboring metropolises. It never worked. The longest she’d seen a city in lockdown under a madman’s rule was one week, tops.
There wasn’t much going on at this hour, vacant corridors and rooms bearing little interest, so Shego drifted away from the CCTV system. Wandering deeper into the lair was still alluring – if only for the sake of doing something she was told not to – but as she passed Dr. Drakken’s desk on her way, the stack of mail persuaded her to swing around and plop into his chair instead.
At least when it came to his creature comforts, he wasn’t so stingy. It still didn’t make up for the risky construction that could come caving in at the slightest tremor though.
Shego eyeballed the accumulation of mail and newspapers, and bit her lip as she wrangled with her self-restraint, but then she decided that an address could give her an idea where she was, so it was worth snooping a little.
The mail was originally delivered to a P.O. box. She’d expected that much. It was a shot in the dark, but she’d still held out the hope she might recognize a name. She didn’t of course. Nevada was a big state, and Las Vegas and Reno were the only places to come to mind anyway.
With a puff, she tossed the stack of bills unceremoniously back on the desk.
She almost got up and left, but something else caught her eye and made her stomach lurch. She deliberately locked her gaze on the other end of the desk, staring intently away from the newspapers screaming for her attention.
Biting down hard on her lip, Shego wove her fingers in her lap and squeezed her eyes shut tight, giving herself a stern talking-to that didn’t help settle her heart or the queasy tumult in her belly. Glimpsing Go City on the headline of a newspaper clear across the continent didn’t bode well. Her brother was dead and gone. She was ready to accept that as a fact. At least she tried to tell herself so.
She felt her chest tighten as a pesky sob tried to bubble up – dammit, she thought she was done with that – and she gulped it back and drew a deep breath.
Shego kept her eyes lowered as she reached across the desk for the unread newspaper. She looked anywhere but at the damn paper as she unfolded it, keeping her eyes on the ceiling, the fireplace, the staircase, herself on the CCVT feed across the room.
She was trembling.
She needed to know.
Her eyes darted down almost involuntarily – she caught the word stable – but she didn’t dare give herself false hope.
Breathing deep and bracing herself, she finally let her eyes focus down on the paper laid out on the desk, because she couldn’t risk holding onto it anymore without incinerating it. She still felt sick, but she was glad she found the guts to face facts.
Go City Hero Bounces Back, read yesterday’s headline of a national newspaper.
As big as the words were, it instantly became a blur as Shego set eyes on the photo featured across the front page. Although Hego was in a wheelchair, and despite an ugly welt and half his face being engulfed in bruising peeking out from his bandages, the knucklehead was grinning. Dressed in matching red harlequin uniforms, the Wego twins sat in his lap wearing weak smiles for the camera. Mego was left to push the chair, looking extra unhappy.
Shego didn’t have to read the article. She didn’t need to know anymore about the status of his recovery or what therapy he’d be undergoing. She didn’t have to read her brother’s quote pleading the public to keep their eyes peeled for the missing member of Team Go to help bring her home, or that there was an investigation underway to find the suspicious man she was last seen with, or about the search parties that were sure to be sweeping the tri-state area for the body of a young woman they’d never find.
The headline alone had told her all she needed to know.
She didn’t look at the photo of her family for more than a moment before skewing her eyes shut again, as if that would be enough to stop the tears from welling up. She couldn’t stand to see her brother looking the way he did, knowing she’d done it to him, and she hated herself that it even bothered her. How was she supposed to be expected to become a hardened criminal accomplice if she couldn’t handle a little backstabbing? He’d lived. It could have been worse. He’d deserved it anyway, hadn’t he?
She couldn’t stand another minute of feeling as if her brothers were looking up at her in betrayal from the photograph, and with a sound of footsteps coming to her attention, she folded the tear-blotched newspaper in a hurry and rubbed her eyes on her sleeve.
If she’d hoped to sneak back to her room before she was caught, she was sorely disappointed, because it happened the footsteps belonged to none other than Dr. Drakken.
And he was already halfway across the office, wearing a deep displeased frown as he caught her behind his desk. “What did I say about—oh no,” he groaned, pausing before he reached his desk. His face twisted into a grimace. “If you’re going to be having issues, take them to your room.”
“Thanks for the support,” Shego tartly grumbled past her sleeves as she patted her damp cheeks dry. Her throat was too tight to say more.
He snorted as if in disgust, but it faded to a look of akin to concern as she sulked by. “Alright, I give,” he huffed impatiently to her back. “What, pray tell, is the matter with you now?”
“What?” Dr. Drakken squawked as he followed her to the stairs, miffed and baffled. “But you were just—”
He needed to keep his stupid nose out of her personal issues before she broke it. “It doesn’t matter,” she explained, and hurried up to put distance between them. The man on her heels might have seen her at her rock-bottom lowest in the past, that didn’t mean she wanted him catching her with bloodshot eyes now.
“Women,” he scoffed in flippantly under his breath, just a few steps behind her. “One of life’s great mysteries.” He didn’t back off.
Emerging into the corridor at the top, Shego spun around to face him as she shuffled backwards. She’d had a moment to ease the tightness in her throat and will away the tears, and was keen to change the subject before he could push it. “So anyway, Doc,” she said, voice still hoarse, “anywhere I can get some grub around here?”
Dr. Drakken tripped on the top step and fixed her in an incredulous stare. His mouth opened and closed, and it looked like he was about to ignore her inquiry in favor of demanding answers to his, but he wisely gave up. “Well, usually…” he mumbled, and scratched his neck with a frown casting over his mug as he glanced back down the stairwell. He hummed uneasily to himself.
Shego surmised he was accustomed to passing off new recruits to the senior henchmen in the lower levels, letting them show newcomers the ropes. But after her wily behavior in the car with his crew, she’d blown her chances of associating with them anytime soon. Given the dubious criminal records of henchmen in general, she didn’t question the decision to keep her separate as precaution. He could have given accommodating her a little more thought, but then again, this had all been rather sudden.
“You’re hungry,” he said bluntly, requesting clarification but sounding more like he was speaking to a new unexpected pet he was realizing he was wholly unprepared for. He looked back down the stairwell, mumbled, “mess hall,” to himself and shook his head. “I have some—,” he began, but Shego was quick to interrupt.
She’d seen his pantry, and she wasn’t interested.
“Can I borrow the car?” she brazenly asked, failing to sugarcoat it. “Is there a 24-Seven around here? I could really go for something icy.”
Dr. Drakken surveyed her through narrowed eyes. “Yes to the convenience store, no to borrowing my wheels,” he said, and strutted ahead with hands clasped behind his back as if he was ready to go back to ignoring her.
“Come on,” she whined, following close behind.
“What collateral do I have? If I hand you my keys, there’s no guarantee you’ll come back,” he reasoned. “If you leave, that’s your choice, but I would like to not lose my car in the process.”
“Dude, if I wanted to steal it, I wouldn’t be asking permission,” she scoffed.
“You can go. You just aren’t going alone.”
Shego frowned at him for giving her a runaround as she followed him to the exit, the suspicion rising that he intended go with her himself rather than send a henchman to babysit her. Which she couldn’t really complain about.
Letting him lead, she was quiet all the way back to the oversized garage before she finally piped up. “You know, you’re going to have to actually trust me eventually.”
Dr. Drakken didn’t spare her a glance, but he barked a single incredulous laugh that echoed throughout the warehouse and made her jump. “You turned your back on countless people who believed you to be a hero, including your own family.” Rubbing salt in her wounds was indeed evil, but Dr. Drakken ignored her glare boring into him and he shook his head. “Whatever you did to earn that trust, I’m afraid you may have to work harder to earn mine.”
He patted down the pockets of his trousers then, finding his keys, and held them out toward Shego. She took the set with a look of suspicion replacing her scowl. She racked her brains to figure out what trickery Dr. Drakken was up to as he took the passenger seat and she climbed in behind the wheel.
“Um…I don’t know this town,” she noted as the oversized garage door groaned open at the press of a button on some remote Dr. Drakken tossed back under the seat. “So you’ll have to point for me.”
With an arrogant snort, Dr. Drakken crossed his legs and folded his arms behind his head. “No, thank you,” he said airily, and a wicked grin cracked across his face for a moment. “I think I’ll watch you figure it out yourself.”
Shego glared incredulously at him for a second, but groaned and rolled her eyes and didn’t argue. She could threaten him into compliance, but using her glow on another person right now was the last thing she wanted to do.
A henchman patrolling the perimeter met them at the main gates to open up. He must not have met her yet, because he greeted her with alarmed gawp and reached for a radio on his belt. But then Dr. Drakken leaned over and waved, and the bumbling goon proceeded to roll open the chain-link gate in haste.
Shego had to follow her intuition to decide which direction to go when she reached the road, and she was pleased with herself when she discovered she’d made an acceptable choice. Nonetheless, Dr. Drakken judged her wordlessly in the dark, his only cues being quiet hums and grunts. They rolled into town within minutes, and although Shego asked him twice and even shoved him in an attempt to bully directions out of him, he only chuckled and told her, “You’re on your own, kid.”
He was of absolutely no help, and let her drive around the sleeping town for a good ten or twenty minutes with heat rising in her face. Locating a damn 24-Seven convenience store wasn’t the most difficult task Shego had ever accomplished. It was just among one of the most recently trivially frustrating things.
She’d almost left the store without paying, but Dr. Drakken snatched her by the arm to drag her back to the register. The clerk gave the strange duo, the blue man in particular, a funny look when he rang them up, and Shego elbowed her escort to remind him that she’d paid for the last tank of gas, so he owed her. He narrowed his eyes at her, but returned the favor nonetheless.
As they left, he explained it was better not to cause a stir in one’s town of residence, particularly important when it was such a small town where everyone supposedly knew everyone.
Dr. Drakken provided directions back to the lair, but Shego took them with a grain of salt, taking an “accidental” detour and passing his driveway. She found the shoulder room to pull over, and cut the engine. She wasn’t ready to trap herself back in that stuffy burrow he called a lair just yet.
“What are you doing now?” Dr. Drakken griped as she unbuckled.
Shego ignored him, pushing open the sunroof and climbing out, taking her frozen drink and sub sandwich with her. He scowled up at her perching above him, but seemingly accepted where she’d chosen to have her meal. He didn’t drag her back down by an ankle, anyway. The whole trip, he’d been fairly consistent in his objections to eating in the car, so he broke into his own plastic-wrapped turkey sub with great reluctance.
Sipping a cold fruity drink that reminded her of home, Shego shut her eyes and imagined the briny sea breeze was blowing instead of an arid Nevada wind. Without the distant sound of waves and gulls and boats and the ever-present white-noise of metropolitan traffic, she had a hard time picturing it.
She nibbled her food and pretended she was only looking out at Go City from a different angle than she was used to, but it simply wasn’t vast enough. The sleepy town below her was nothing but a puddle of light. She quickly became disappointed because she couldn’t find any substitutes for the landmarks, and the newly-constructed Go Tower was nowhere to be seen either of course.
For a moment, it stung deep inside to accept that this wasn’t Go City. She couldn’t just walk into town and let homing instinct kick in to guide her home and back to her own room, her own bed, where she would wake up in the morning to her father telling her to drive the twins to school. She wouldn’t see her big brother’s smiling face tomorrow, wouldn’t be forced to put up with her pompous little brother’s attitude, or her baby brothers’ need for a substantial parental figure.
Her breath hitched as grief tried to catch up to her and drown her again.
A voice below her cut through the thoughts of her brothers in the next moment.
“Shego?” Dr. Drakken called up tentatively, but she had a hard time tearing her eyes off the pathetic puddle of glitter to look down at him. “Is there something you need to get off your chest?”
She swallowed thickly. “You’re not my psychiatrist,” she retorted, and took a long sip of her melting drink, but it did nothing to ease the choking sensation. She shook her head anyway and huffed, “Nah.”
“Well, something is the matter,” he acknowledged sourly below her. “I need you in working order. So if there’s anything you need to tell me, then spill it already.”
But Shego was silent. Even if she wasn’t too guarded to open up just like that, she didn’t know how to begin. As she chewed it over between bites of her sandwich, she could feel him watching her in the dark with a withering glare for the longest time.
After another moment, Dr. Drakken spoke again. “Maybe you can answer questions better,” he grumbled. “This whole thing – you taking me up on my offer and coming with me, I mean – it wasn’t just done for no good reason. So what really made you decide to come with me? And – and why were you handcuffed? What mess did you get yourself into—?” He shut his trap as she tensed under his pressing questions, and silenced himself with a dry mouthful of turkey sub.
“I’d rather not say,” Shego muttered eventually from above. “It’s personal.” A lump in her throat still threatened to choke her and her eyes still stung.
Dr. Drakken washed down the bite with his coke. “I can understand that,” he said reluctantly with a slow nod. “I just hope it doesn’t follow you here.”
It was bound to, sooner or later, but she wasn’t ready to warn him about it.
He grunted a warning for her to watch out as he stood up then, shoving her knees aside to make her move so he could awkwardly squeeze out to join her. He took a spot on the edge of the sunroof across from her to analyze her, his eyes skewed against the dark.
Then he turned his frown to the puddle of town glitter and blew a pathetic raspberry. “I really did try to honor your wishes in Go City by not prying into your personal life, but I need to know, for peace of mind, why you ran away,” he explained, but she was silent, denying him answers. “More importantly, if you regret it.”
The bruising on her wrists told her no. The ache in her heart and the bruising on her stomach however screamed yes.
She was slow to reply, but before she did, she reached across the distance. He jerked back, but not quick enough to dodge her fingers hooking into his hair. She grimaced as she pictured where she had struck her brother. It took her a moment to realize he had her fixed in a perturbed stare, and she withdrew her curious hand and sheepishly averted her eyes.
It was stupid, but somehow it eased the ache in her chest a little to be reassured that she could still touch somebody without accidentally killing them with a plasma blast. Any normal human would have been toast after what she’d done.
The lump in her throat made it impossible to sound fine. She hung her head and shook it. “I did something really bad that I didn’t mean to,” she muttered under her breath. It felt like a big secret leaving her lips, but it was probably plastered all over the news back home. “It just shook me up is all. But – y’know – he deserved it.”
Her lips zipped shut before anything else could slip out. Her melting slushy did little to cool her down.
Dr. Drakken didn’t need the play by play or every reason why. He didn’t need to know about overeager Hugo jumping the gun and signing her up for the whole ordeal in his excitement to form a superhero team, or about the months she’d spent as GJ’s little lab rat being stuck with needles and trained before being thrown to the wolves at the tender age of fifteen. She didn’t need to lament on how the whole hero scene was a thankless job and a load of bullshit. He didn’t need to hear about her withdrawals, and he certainly didn’t need to see her shaking and holding herself together now.
He only needed to know she most definitely wasn’t having second thoughts.
After a moment, she sensed a smirk had come over Dr. Drakken, and shot a glare up at him. “Something bad, hmm?” he crooned, as though genuinely interested, and then jokingly asked, “What was it? Did you kill someone?” His chuckles faded fast when he picked up on her guilty silence. If the quip was meant to cheer her up, it backfired.
“Dr. Drakken, if you just let me take my secrets to my grave, I’ll do anything you ask,” she practically begged.
The man sipped his coke and sized her up before cocking his head at her, a wry smirk back on his face. “Really? Anything, you say?” he teased, making another attempt to lighten the mood. She could sure use some cheering up, but he didn’t seem to know how to do it. She wasn’t even sure how he could do it. But one thing was for sure – using that tone of voice wasn’t it.
Shego realized quickly what the bargain could entail, but was comforted with the knowledge that she always had the willpower to deny the most ridiculous requests. She hadn’t yet signed any binding contracts, and even if she had, she’d break it. “Almost anything.”
“How do you feel about stealing a radioactive power cell from a military base?” Dr. Drakken wondered, grinning.
It threw her for a loop, and she stared at him in a stupor for a long moment before an incredulous smirk found its way onto her face. Maybe he did know how to cheer her up. It was a far better absurd request than she could have hoped for anyway. “This military base wouldn’t be Area 51, would it?” she wondered with a small laugh.
Dr. Drakken leaned back on a hand, smirking as he raised his bottle of coke to take another swig. He shrugged nonchalantly, as if such an undertaking was no big deal. He was undoubtedly insane if he thought so. “Possibly.”
Shaking her head, the ex-hero couldn’t help laughing quietly to herself. Was this man really that nuts? He had some big dreams, alright. “Sounds fun,” Shego said amicably. She wasn’t sure if she was joking. She’d need more details.
“You’re up to it?” He almost sounded surprised, but maybe he was more delighted by her consideration than anything.
“Possibly,” she threw back at him.
He blinked away the shock. “Oh. Alright. Uhh…” He sat forward again, rubbing his neck, and laughed feebly before his smile fell. “It’s not Area 51, but I’ve lost a couple of men to it,” he clarified apathetically. “They couldn’t fit through ventilation ducts. But I imagine there are certain things a woman with magic hands could do that the average henchman can’t. I could stand a chance with you.”
“You sure you can keep up with me?” she jeered with a wry smile. “Because if you think I’m putting my life on the line alone, you have another thing coming.”
Dr. Drakken threw her a dirty look, but rolled his eyes and scoffed. “I think you and I are going to get along splendid.”
“Good,” said Shego, swinging her legs and taking a stab at her frozen drink. “I was beginning to think you couldn’t handle a teenager.”
“Yes, well, you won’t be one for much longer,” he dismissed, flapping a hand. “At least you’re not jailbait.”
In an impish effort to put him back in his place before he got too high on his horse, she kicked his shin, not enough to hurt, but enough he shot her a glare. “Hey, Dr. D?” she called over between sips of her icy drink. “Thanks for taking a chance on me.”
“Likewise,” he replied, and moved his legs safely out of the way of another swing. “Now about that power cell. I’d like to have it by Thursday.”
I just wanna mention that "I would like to not lose my car in the process" bit absolutely alludes to something that happens later. aaahahaha
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Danganronpa 1: Pregame au
Basically: What if the DR1 cast were fans of the Danganronpa series, and auditioned themselves? What would their old lives have been like? 
Warnings: Child abuse, sexual harassment, suicide and other sensitive topics.
Makoto - just an average boy... there's nothing special about him, not at all... in fact, no one would even notice he was gone if he ended up being dying in Danganronpa. So why not go for it? There's no hope for him doing anything impressive in the real world, so maybe he can make an impact in Danganronpa. Even if it's only small. (basically still average but less optimism)
Sayaka - She'd always watched Danganronpa (her parents were busy working and just left the TV on to keep her busy) , and wished she could be like them, like the wonderful detectives that solve everything! She was a quiet girl, and kept to herself, but reckoned she could make it if they just gave her a shot. Being the protagonist and being able to get through any trial (figuratively and literally) would be a dream come true! But waiting outside the audition room, she got a little nervous and fidgety. But she had always found that singing to herself could calm her down. So she did that a little, and managed to forget all her fears. A couple of staff were staring though... was it really that bad?
Leon - never knew what he wanted to do with life. His grades were alright, but he didn't really have any jobs that related to that (especially not a lawyer). He could run relatively fast, but didn't want to spend masses of time training. He could play some guitar, but didn't want to start a band or do anything with that. All around, people were pressuring him to make decisions "You need to do this, you're so good at it!" but he didn't have any real passions... So he choose the easy way out. Danganronpa would make the decision for him.
Chihiro - never really cared what others thought of him. Sometimes he liked wearing cute dresses, sometimes he wanted to wear more masculine clothing. But he'd never doubted that he was happy with himself. Even if other people looked in mixed disgust, he brushed it all aside cause he knew he was awesome. And hey, he did have some friends! But one of these friends wasn't doing too well, and was going to join Danganronpa as an escape. Chihiro tried to convice them it was a bad idea, but they wouldn't back down. So Chihiro decided that they would audition too, so they could try to protect them a little. (it's up to interpretation who the friend is)
Mondo - always overshadowed by his older brother. He was generally a quiet kid, but had some problems with his temper when he got mad. He didn’t like it, but he often got into trouble, and no one really liked him... And he was going to be expelled if he kept this up. And his parents always seemed so disappointed, even if they never said anything...  So he decided to audition for Danganronpa. 
Ishimaru - was always a bit of a loner. He found social interaction hard, as he didn't always grasp when people were joking or not. And apparently, he often sounded like he was being sarcastic, even though that was never his intention. His father died when he was young, and his mother moved with his grandfather. The grandfather would often jokingly talk about how Ishimaru needed to do better in class (even though he was averaging 96%). Grandpa Ishi didn't do this with any malicious intentions, but the boy took it to heart, and tried studying harder and harder. 
Eventually, the stress got too much, and he needed to take a real break. Around this time, there were commercials saying "apply now for Danganronpa: THH!" (they always gave initials but never what they stood for, build the suspense you know?). And Mamma Ishi said "Look at that, you're just the right age!" She was joking of course, she would never want her son to go through something like that.  But Ishimaru was never the best as recognising what people really meant...
Hifumi - was  a special case. He had been part of the online Danganronpa community for years (he was possibly too young when he got into it, but hey, the internet you know?). He was also a pretty popular fanfic writer, and had written several successful fangans. Team Danganronpa noticed this, and knew he was just about the right age now. So they contacted him directly, and made him an offer: he should join Danganronpa... as himself! Without any brainwashing to give a new personality or talent. Of course, if he ever told anyone the truth about the killing game, he'd be killed instantly. And in exchange, all of his works would legally belong to Team Danganronpa (who could capitalise off of them however they saw fit. This lead to the first magical girl spinoff, based on one of his earlier works. Also they made a couple of animated mini-series based on his fangans. They made tons) 
Hifumi accepted.
Celestia - never had anything. She never had a family, she never had a home, she barely had an education. All she wanted was to have a better life. And after all she’d been through, she deserved to have it all! But there was no way to get it realistically. So she auditioned for Danganronpa. If only for a short while, she’d have the happiness she’d been craving, and the lifestyle to go with it. 
Sakura Oogami had always been tall for her age. And she was often insecure about it. She also enjoyed sports, which lead to her becoming a little muscly as well - which she had always thought was unsightly for a girl. At 12 years old she was 5'10, and she soon found out why. She had a rare genetic mutation, that prevented her body from stopping her growth. But of course, this had some side effects - she wasn't going to live until 18. Sakura was understandably unhappy, but decided to do something with her life until she inevitably died. She decided to keep up the training, and started to love her muscles. She tried her best to be a good example, and do good deeds... 
But then she had an idea. In her youth, she had never really had tall muscly female role models. Or if they existed - they were one dimensional 'girls who learnt to fight because they have 4 brothers' (what strong female characters). There were also the tall girls in romcoms who guys were intimidated by. Girls needed more than that... so she would be the role model! At 16, and 6'3, Sakura auditioned for Danganronpa, not caring if she survived the game or not. All she wanted... was for people to look at her and say "Wow, I wish I could be like her"
Kyoko - tried her best. After a divorce in her youth, she didn't see her father much (as her mother's family was much better off, and fought hard for custody). But she loved both her parents a lot, and always wanted to impress them. Her father seemed pleased whatever she did, and her mother always told her she was proud. Her mother's family were very involved in her life, and seemed to question everything her mother did. It was only because they wanted the best for her of course! Remember what we said about Jin? And you went and married him anyway! Look how that turned out! 
 As she grew older - maybe 10 years old? - Kyoko saw her extended family in a harsher light. If they never had anything nice to say, why say it? She tried to stand up for her mother, but was laughed away, and her mother was criticised for not teaching her respect for her elders. But she was spending more weekends with her father now, and her parents seemed to be getting on better than before. Not good enough that they'd try again (yet), but it was better than nothing. And for the first time in years, Kyoko was able to spend time with both parents.
Unfortunately when she was 15, Kyoko's dad was given a new job... in a different country. And he promised he would visit, those times seemed few and far between. And during one of these times... her mother killed herself. And it seemed that she had been the one shielding Kyoko all these years. Without her, all the family's expectations were placed on Kyoko, pressuring her to do things she didn't enjoy. And it had been months since she'd last heard from her father... maybe he'd forgotten about her (her family wouldn't let his letters go through) 
 So she signed up for Danganronpa to get away. But as fate would have it, her father visited the day she was taken away for the game. He desperately pleaded to be let in. Heck, he'd even go through the game to save his daughter! And in a way, his wish was granted. Kyoko was intended to die in chapter 5, but with a connection to an extra like this? She could survive... plus, they had been looking for a headmaster.
Byakuya - was unsatisfied with his life. His father gave him gifts, but no love. All the toys he could want! But he was too busy to celebrate Christmas together. A great TV! But never a nice meal out. Whatever he wanted, except time together. His mother had died young, and Byakuya grew up lonely. But he understood, his father was a busy man after all. His father had plenty of expectations, and Byakuya tried to live up to them. His father never smiled at him, but he was always told "You're doing well boy." and that was enough. It was his father's way of showing affection... wasn't it? 
 He got though life, and he did a good job of it too. He was all set up to go to the most prestigious college, and go on to take over the company... but when he though about that future... he didn't enjoy the thought of it. He only saw himself growing up exactly like his father... and he hated the thought. Now Byakuya was going through that rebellious phase. And he wanted to do something new. Something his father would never approve of... Danganronpa. He was going to reinvent his image. When people thought Togami, they wouldn't think about the finance company, they'd remember the double murderer. And maybe his father could find someone else to take over.
Aoi - wasn't happy with her body. As long as she could remember, people had made comments about how attractive she was, and how they couldn't believe how young she was, she was so mature for her age (in personality, of course)! She loved donuts, but always got comments about she shouldn't eat so much, she'd get fat. She always felt judged for her interests. "You like Danganronpa? Name the favourite colour of the first person killed in the third chapter of Danganronpa 12: Failure and Puhuhu." (which is pretty hard, cause the murder was incredibly complicated and 5 people ended up dying, but not in the order they were found (one of who killed another after their own death)). But at least on the internet, there were people who didn't treat her like that. Until she worked up the courage to post a selfie of her cosplay. 
 She ended up auditioning for Danganronpa, if only to say "Do I know Danganronpa? I was in it fucker." one day. But she had one request if she got in - she didn't want to wear a mini-skirt.
Hagakure - was a bum. A complete and utter waste to society. He had been held back too many times. He didn't want it to be like this, but he could just never retain information the way other people could. He tried every studying technique, every book that said "NEVER STRUGGLE IN SCHOOL AGAIN IN 5 EASY STEPS!" but it didn't work. He tried his best, but he could never do it. And he hated it. He wanted to get a good job, to make his mama proud, but he could never do it, because he was just too stupid! He was a little too old to enrol in his school (and he made the staff look bad at official inspections), so he was officially hired as a janitor and was allowed to attend classes. (But hey, seeing as he was a student, they could technically pay him less than minimum wage. They wouldn't pay the student council now, would they?) 
 Hagakure wanted more. He couldn't do another year of trying and failing. He couldn't take the looks his younger, better classmates gave him. He couldn't. And there was no age limit for Danganronpa... you only needed to be in high school - which he was. It was worth a shot, if only to rid the world of his utter uselessness.
Toko - couldn't go on. Her mother and father hated her. Everyone hated her. She couldn't do anything right. She took the first chance to audition, and in the process she ended up spilling her entire life story. "Ah, I'm so sorry, I bet you're not at all interested in someone like me, I'll just leave now and save you the pain." But Team Danganronpa were interested (and hey, this saved them writing their own backstory! Just change that father to another mother (they're not lesbians, it's just very convoluted) and you're ready to go!). 
 Toko often found herself with blank spaces in her memory. The first was when she was locked in a cupboard for an entire day, but it didn't feel that long. She assumed she just passed out from not eating enough. But that wasn't quite true. Due to her trauma, she'd developed a severe case of DID (which went undiagnosed for years). This second personality was not a serial killer, was not a psychopath, was not objectively evil, and was not [insert negative DID stereotype here] 
 Team Danganronpa took one look at the potential of a 'split personality' character and simultaneously thought "It's free real estate"
Mukuro and Junko - They were twins of course, and had been kicked out onto the streets. It was them against the world. But they always stayed together. They were all the other had. While Mukuro became saddened by the world, Junko became angry. But they couldn't give up. Mukuro tried to make friends, to find a small jobs she could do - even if i meant she could only buy McDonalds for the two of them every day or so. Junko didn't try as much. Sure, she did some things when she could, but she wasn't going to give more back to the world than she had to. She was mostly dependant on Mukuro still. 
Mukuro wanted to create a new life. She found a job where the store manager was willing to turn a blind eye and let them stay in a small backroom. But Junko wasn't so happy. Whilst the manager was willing to let them stay for seemingly nothing, he was awfully pushy towards her. She smiled back, doing as little as she could without making him angry. She didn't want to be kicked out again. 
But she ran out of patience when the manager made a request that was too much. "That room's awfully cramped for the two of you. Why don't you spend the night at my place tonight? You can even sleep on a proper bed for once." Junko knew what he wanted. And like hell she was going to let him have it. She told Mukuro they needed to go, now. She didn't say the reason, but Mukuro knew she must have a reason. 
 Long story short - Junko stole a car. And they drove to the audition building. "We're going to join Danganronpa."  "What?" "It's better than what we have there. And we'll get nice food restocked everyday. And a school roof over our heads (unless we're in a resort DR, which would be even nicer)." 
 Junko and Mukuro auditioned separately, and Team Danganronpa let slip they were very interested in having a game with twins. Junko made a few comments too. "Wow, it'd be pretty tragic if one of the twins died, and the other had to live with the other's death until the final chapter." Team DR chuckled a little. "But if you try something like that... 
 "Please kill the one named Junko."
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ramheavenandhell · 5 years
AN: Since so many of you guys wanted a continuation, here it is. But I already know that you're gonna hate me for writing this ^^' Warnings: Rick/Morty, smut, still that little bit of body hair fetish, verbal abuse and graphic rape Summary: Continuation to "Substitution". Morty continues seeing the other Rick and thinks that he's actually developing feelings for him. However, everything changes after his Rick suddenly finds out about it.
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Escalation It was at a point where Morty thought that maybe he didn't really mind anymore. The familiarity that he had with this Rick was something that was starting to outweigh everything else. Since their first time there were many more times that had followed, times that they had been intimate with each other. Sometimes, when he knew that he had the weekend all to himself and no one would miss him at home, he would even spend some more time with this Rick and cuddle with him, while still basking in the afterglow of his orgasm. He would nestle his head inside the other's neck or rest it on his chest. His fingers would thread through the silver curls on the other's torso and sometimes he would follow their path with his lips. It was actually nice. The awkwardness that he still had felt in the beginning, even after what they had done, was vanishing more and more each time that he spent with this Rick that wasn't his Rick. It was really at this point, that Morty thought that he could get over the feelings that he had for his grandfather and just be happy with the Rick that he had. Not only was it because he had become so familiar with him, but also because he noticed that this Rick was a lot nicer to him, too. He was acting gentle and so considerate of him, even though Morty had never asked that of him and he loved it. Morty genuinely wanted to believe that he could move on and love this Rick. And it just had to happen, at this point, that everything went to hell… Everything had started out normally enough. The portal opened in his room, at the designated time and Morty stepped through it, being greeted by the other Rick with open arms – he had certainly become even more affectionate with him after Morty started to act less awkward about their meetings and whatever it is that they had. Quickly they found their way into the bedroom and while entangled in kisses, their clothes came off with fumbling hands till they were both left in only their birthday suits. They tumbled into the bed, both continuing to explore and pleasure the other's body with fingers, lips and tongue. After some gentle preparation it ended with both of them laying on their sides, Rick behind him, his hairy chest pressed against Morty's back, one hand on his thigh to hold his leg up for better access as he was steadily thrusting inside him, his other arm underneath Morty's head as he was supporting the weight of his upper body on it, leaning up a little on the bed. Morty had one hand gripping the arm that hoisted his leg up and the other twisted in the pillow underneath his head that he wetted with drool that was accidentally pouring from his open and meowling mouth. It was hard to hear over Rick's grunts and Morty's high-pitched moans, but there was another sound – one that was also familiar to both lovers. The sound of a portal opening. It took Morty's hazy mind a moment to register fully what was going on as he looked up at the Rick who had a scowl on his face and his arms crossed over his chest. It was his Rick! As that realization finally sunk in his eyes widened and he turned redder than a fire truck. God, it was so embarrassing to be caught by the last person he ever wanted to find out about this. Having been caught literally in the act and on full display to him with his leg still held up by the other Rick who was still balls-deep inside him. Somehow, he must have caught wind of Morty leaving his dimension and thus Rick had followed him here. Thankfully, Other Rick slid out of him and let go of his leg so it could drop down to rest on his other one and Morty felt the urge to cover himself up, but only ended up curling shamefully in on himself. His Rick has already seen so it would be utter pointless anyway. Finally, the angry glare on his Rick's face was accompanied by equally angry words. "Really, Morty? Of all the things that you could do, you have to pick spending your free time with a fucking pedophile? I hope you're proud of yourself. Real good—real talent for picking what people to hang out with." He started his tirade. "I mean, really, of all your—all the Ricks that you could possibly find, you had to choose the most disgusting kind, the-the-the really dirtiest and lowest kind of Rick imaginable." "Hey!" Other Rick shot back, wanting to defend himself. Morty's Rick didn't give him a chance though. "Well, excuse me, but needing to get your dick wet with an underage teenager proves very clearly to me that you're the lowest Rick-scum in existence." Without further warning, Rick suddenly pulled out his plasma gun and pointed it at Other Rick. "This time you just made the mistake that the kid you picked happened to by my grandson." Finally, Morty started to act, uncurling himself and moving protectively between Other Rick and the barrel of his Rick's plasma gun. "Stop it, Rick. He didn't—I was the one, who wanted this. He didn't force me or anything—" "Morty, you don't know what you want." His Rick countered. "Why do you care, Rick? You have never cared before about me or anything I was doing unless it was "impeding with your work"! So why do you suddenly care now?!" Rick was taken aback by the outburst. Of course, he knew that he was acting like a complete asshole most of the time, but he didn't think that Morty would really believe that he wouldn't give a single fuck about him. With a growl, he pocketed his plasma gun again. "Do you really th— you know what, Morty? We continue this discussion at home!" He opened a portal with one hand while grabbing Morty's wrist with the other and ignoring any protests or complaints, he tugged hard and dragged the boy with him back into their dimension. The flabbergasted Rick that still sat on his bed was left behind, completely forgotten. "What the— WHAT THE HECK, RICK?!" Morty yelled as he stumbled into his bedroom after his grandfather had let go of his wrist, just as they had passed through the now closing portal. "That's my line, you little shit!" Rick fired back. "The hell were you thinking, going with that shady asshole?!" "That Rick wasn't shady! He-he was nice!" "So if a random stranger on the street is treating you nicely, you just go with him and spread your legs for him?! Are you serious?!" With each shout at each other, they got louder in their argument, but since no one else but them was at home, no one would be there to interrupt them. "He wasn't a stranger! He was still a Rick and that's makes him my grandfather, too!!" Morty still tried to defend the other. However, even Morty had to agree that in the beginning this Rick had been a complete stranger to him. It took him quite a while to get to know him better and thinking about it, he still didn't know all that much about him. He didn't want to let his grandfather win this argument though and was willing to ignore that and defy these accusations. This in turn made him ignorant to something else that he said, which he probably shouldn't have… "So that's it, Morty?! Yeah?! You wanna get fucked by your grandpa so badly?!" Rick snarled and then shoved the boy to the ground as he unbuckled his belt. Morty's eyes widened in panic as the situation took an unexpected, dark turn. "N-no, Rick! Stop it!" He tried to crawl away, becoming painfully aware of the fact that he was still completely naked, but his grandfather would have none of that. Rick grabbed his ankle and pulled him right back again, where he towered over the boy before he shoved his pants and boxers down in one movement. With his lower body now bared, he dropped down on his knees, straddling Morty and hindering further attempts at escape. "Rick, p-please stop. I don't want this." Morty tried to plead with him again as he tried to shove the older off of him. Rick grabbed the boy's wrists now and pinned them above his head on the ground, holding them both there with one hand. "Oh, no. You do want this! You do or you wouldn't have always sneaked off to him." Ignoring any further pleas from the boy to stop, he bend down to mark the small body underneath him with hard bites. His free hand wandered to the boy's limp penis and stroked it. "Is this what he has done with you? Yeah, Morty? Do you like this, you sick little piece of shit?" Tears finally spilled from Morty's eyes as his body betrayed him and he could feel himself getting hard again despite the lack of real pleasure. "No, no… please stop, Rick. I don't wa—ahn!" Rick had simultaneously bit into one of his nipples while his thumb stroke with heavy pressure over the sensitive slit on the head of his now erect penis. "Tsk. You're such a pervert, Morty, liking this so much. This shit gets you really hard, huh?" As his grandfather kissed him, Morty tried to break it off by turning his head to the side, but the hand that had been stroking his erection grasped his cheeks hard now – between the thumb and the index and middle finger –and kept him in place. He whimpered helplessly into the unwanted kiss. Morty didn't want to like any of this because it wasn't right even though this had been what he always had wanted before. But not anymore. His chest and stomach hurt, where Rick had bitten him hard enough to draw blood. Rick's kiss was disgusting because he tasted so strongly of alcohol and bile, having obviously drank more than usual. Rick wasn't nice and gentle with him like the other Rick had been and he had already moved on, hadn't he? No, he didn't want any of this anymore! Rick let his face go again, but only to shove three of his fingers into his mouth. "C'mon, get them nice and wet. You know how to do that. I'm sure he's made you do it, too, right?" Morty couldn't disprove him with his mouth full and he gagged as the digits shoved even deeper into him, hitting the back of his throat. "What? Didn't he teach you to deepthroat yet? Bet he made you blow him pretty often though." Morty coughed as Rick finally withdrew his fingers again, feeling as if he was about to throw up. His relieve was only short-lived though as those same fingers reached between his thighs now and nudged insistently against his entrance. "No, Rick. Please don't…" He pitifully tried to plead with his elder once more, but it only fell on deaf ears again. Roughly, all three digits entered him and even though he was still slightly stretched from the Other Rick's penetration and slicked up with the previously used lube, it still burned. "Like this, you sick freak?" Rick harshly twisted his fingers, causing more painful whimpers to escape from his grandson. "Nah, not enough for you yet, is it? Well, I've got something bigger for you." He withdrew his fingers and took his own half-hard chub in his hand, pumping it furiously with the intent to work himself to full hardness and coating it in not yet dried up saliva and excess lube. By this point Morty had already stopped all his futile struggles against the hold that Rick had on him, only silently weeping, as he laid on the floor with his head turned to the side and eyes clenched shut, awaiting for the unavoidable to happen. If the pathetic sight of his grandson bothered him, Rick still didn't show it even if Morty wouldn't be able to see. Deeming himself hard enough for what he was about to do, Rick position himself and without waiting any longer, he entered Morty in one brutal thrust. Morty screamed from the pain of the sudden intrusion and Rick didn't give him any time to adjust, as he quickly pulled out only to plow in as fast again. All that the boy could do was sob and try to claw his nails into the solar system carpet beneath him as he just took it. "You happy now that you get what you wanted? I bet you love this, don't you? Love my dick plowing into your ass, huh Morty?" Morty didn't answer him. He just laid on the ground like a broken toy, unresponsive. Too exhausted from fighting the older and stronger man, he just accepted what was happening to him. By the looks of it, his mind was far, far away from his current hell. Rick only growled and slammed harder into him. His hand also started to pump the boy's cock again that had started to deflate a little. "You sick fuck, you're really getting off on this, don't you? You gonna cum for your Grandpa? Huh, Morty?" Unrelenting, he kept thrusting into the boy, now aiming for the prostrate as he continued to fist the boyhood in his hand. Even though he was still in pain, Morty could feel his body reacting to all the stimulation and despite not wanting to, he reached his unsatisfying orgasm. A stifled squeal escape him as he tried to hide his face away in the carpet. It only made Rick chuckle filthily, milking all the cum out of the still spurting erection with his busy hand. A few thrusts later, he groaned as he also reached his completion, coming deep inside Morty. Rick drew out of the boy, his semen tinged pink as it leaked from the abused hole and stained milky thighs and the carpet. He stood and pulled his briefs and pants up again. Finally free of the hold and the weight on top of him, Morty rolled onto his side and curled up. Zipping his pants up, Rick only cast one last disgusted glance at his grandson before he left the room, leaving Morty pathetically sobbing and broken on the floor all by himself.
Part 2 of You can't always have what you want
Part 1 of You can't always have what you want: Substitution
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kit-kat-1221 · 6 years
Darling in the Franxx Ikuno
So this is my little rant about Code:196 Ikuno from Darling in the Franxx (spoilers ahead)
This girl is amazing and indeed as Studio Trigger stated in a magazine interview a couple months back, that she would have a big role later in the series.
And guess what? She did!!!! :3
But before I go on about what has been ticking me off the past day about Studio Trigger and what they did to Ikuno I’m going to state what this awesome gal did.
1) Ikuno risked her life along with the rest of her squad to fight against creatures trying to kill the human race and survived! Not many pilots live long. And some may not survive after a few missions. But she did!
2) She finally confessed her feelings to her teammate that she kept a secret and bottled inside. Even though they were unrequited her teammate still saw her as a precious friend and didn’t try to ostracize her or make her feel bad.
3) she started learning around age 16 (estimate) about biology, the human body, medicine and pharmaceutical drug creation all on her own, yes she taught herself, and because of all of her work she allowed for the survival of all the pilots who had accelerated aging and became a doctor her friends could rely on. The reason why any of them can live is because of all her research and dedication, without her they would have all been dead! Yeah without her starting that work they would have all died young.
4) she risk her life and expended her lifespan and shortened it by piloting and releasing enough energy to blast a hole through a sealed passage so that her friends could go save their teammate and stop what was a world destroying bomb.
5) despite having a weaker body, or I believe it was implied in the series that her numbers were always on the lower side but that may have also been because her her partner not being meant for her..., she pushes herself to do what she can with her short life.
6) she was essentially trusted by Goro to look after Ichigo and the others when he went out to travel and distribute food and supplies to other survivors (That’s how I interpreted the scene anyhow...)
7) even if she isn’t a romantic partner it is hinted that she and Naomi have a very strong bond after the 10 year time skip as over the years Naomi helped and looked after Ikuno
8) She’s an adorable lesbian lady who helps the ones she loves and do what she can to make sure they are happy and healthy. (Her smile thinking about how Ichigo’s baby will be like and Ichigo’s smile back show how much Ichigo cares for her still and how Ikuno’s live confession in the past did not strain their relationship)
Now to my beef with some of these idiots...
They are claiming Studio Trigger is trying to do the “Bury your Gays” trope because Ikuno was dying. And well I can’t claim Trigger is or isn’t homophobic because I don’t belong to it... but guess what? They had bisexual characters, a lesbian character, role reversal, questions on humanity, characters who showed what it means to be human, it’s showed people who were fooled into false beliefs, it showed obsession, codependency, revenge, depression and sucidality, anxiety, teen pregnancy, child experimentation, deforestation, racism, and many many many other things.
What I hate is that what they are taking away is that Ikuno is dying and Ikuno is a lesbian therefor the studio must be homophobic and trying to bury the gays. No Ikuno is dying faster than the others because of the strain she went through and how hard she pushed herself despite knowing the risks because she wanted to protect those she loved. And besides there is more to Ikuno than her being a lesbian. (As I listed above) so yeah I think those morons should feel ashamed because they are seeing a trope and not the wonderful character Trigger gave us.
And if anyone brings up: well they are pushing heterosexual relationships. Umm well guess what? All of the adults were soul ascended and all the younger adults and children are what is left which are still quite fewer in number. A lot of those people are probably going to have children. To leave behind a future. But guess what!? Not once is it said that a girl liking a girl or guy liking a guy is wrong!
And if I hear the whole: well what about Ichigo she turned down both Goro and Ikuno why is she with Goro?
Umm well for one... she was originally in love with Hiro, two she has insinuated that guys are her thing (the whole pilot connection seems to also be linked to sexual orientation somewhat. Not entirely but somewhat. Most emotional syncing though I believe.) and Ichigo’s feelings about Ikuno were not romantic at any point. She lives Ikuno just not romantically.
And then is people go with Well why did Mitsuru have to end up with Kokoro?
Honestly even if he is bisexual it doesn’t make him any less bisexual by being with Kokoro -.- truthfully I always thought their relationship seemed very one sided but Mitsuru acted on his own emotions and feelings and wasn’t pressured and now lives a very happy life so that’s that.
And then if anyone says anything about the Nines: who believed gender got in the way of a lot of things and was only tolerated for piloting. Well for one they were conditioned to think a certain way and believed in those thoughts wholeheartedly. Heck they are all assumed to be bisexual at the very least, or something around those lines. And if anyone says “well they are doing the bury your gays “ thing with the Nines the answer is. Are you stupid? Or rather what have you been watching? Alpha blatantly tells Ichigo that they need maintenance in order to survive. And Dr. Werner Franks said that they were clones of Zero Two (who is a clone of the Kaloxosaur princess) who didn’t inherit her Klaxosaur blood. They are clones of a clone. They are inherently not going to last long without proper medical procedures that unfortunately weren’t available for them and the last three decided to go out as warriors as they were literally made to be soldiers. They made their own choices and died they way they wanted to, in a fight not in a bed.
Studio Trigger May be many things and I’m not saying that Dating in the Franxx is flawless because it isn’t. But this was a beautiful story with a lot of symbolism, imagery, moral conflicts, and just a lot of emotion and allegory as well as call backs to earlier stated materials. It never forgot where it started nor the story it was going to tell. So please treat the studio with respect. As an anime first show this was a wonderful ride.
TL;DR Ikuno is more than just a lesbian girl, she’s an amazing young women and very intelligent you guys are just salty. ;P
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Chigo’s story part 4
As the Saiyan pod hovered through asteroid rains and beyond stars, some time had passed. Chigo was still soundly asleep and even the smallest dent or the loudest bangs couldn't wake her. The pod had changed its pace after being a while in space and you could already see planet Vume appear on sight. While closing in on its atmosphere the pod started to shake and crack, like this was the last flight it could still handle. “Closing in on p.. planet Vume b.. be alerted.. p.. pre.. pare for i..mpa..ct... beeb” the pod kept repeating the sentence and every time it did. It missed more words and started to sound more heavy. The moment the atmosphere came in contact with the pod, the whole machine started to shake and with hard hits of Chigo’s head against the sides she opened her eyes. She was still dazed from the hyper sleep and the moment she realized what happened, she took a closer look through the small circled window. All she could see was black smoke. After a loud whistling sound she figured out that the whole pod caught fire and was about to blow. With her heart pounding in her head and her mouth dry from stress she knew that if she stayed put. The blast and heat from the pod would be her death. So she loosened the protection belt and tried to keep her balance as she stood up straight. The moment she touched the sides of pod she could hear the hissing sound her flesh made as the melting metal made contact with it. Her teeth clenched and cold sweat broke free while she was trying to ignore the pain. With a loud scream she pushed so hard the pod cracked open from the top side. As it almost landed and fire consumed it whole Chigo cramped into one to collect her ki and made a jump for it. Just on the break of time she broke free through the top crack and an energy flow exposed around her as a protective shield. The explosion of the pod left a grand impact and the force made Chigo crash on the ground. When she tried to ease her breather and wipe the dust from her eyes. She could see a huge crater shaped gape inside the ground, black smoke and some still set on fire pieces from the pod scattered all around. She sat up and landed flat on her back with her arms and hands spread out feeling the soft soil between her fingers. “I..I just... made it... What the heck! I MADE IT, WHOOHOOO!” she rejoiced with a big smile on her lips. When she finally came by and paced her breather to a slower rate, she forced her body to sit up straight. She noticed a stinging pain in her lower stomach, the hot metal from the pod scraped a good piece of flesh away. She had to bind it with something to stop the blood from flowing out and ripped a part of her dress off. “There there..” She said as the cloth was bound on tight. She looked up and checked her surroundings, there was nothing more than red sand around. Her first destination was a total wasteland. She decided to stand up and feel the natures energy flow around her. To her surprise there were quite a few strong beings around, so she wanted to take a closer look. Right before taking flight she checked back in the direction of the crater, there was nothing left to build up a new escape plan. So the only thing to do now is to look forward and see what the future will hold. With the wind in her back she flew quite a while. Chigo could feel herself grow exhausted and her stomach was growling for food. The closer she got to the energy source, the rougher the land got. It looked like animals ploughed through it from a distance. When she hovered closer she could see that the spores were actually a path made of footsteps. She dropped down to preserve her energy supply and went for a walk instead. Not much later the end of it was in sight and she heard chatter in the distance. She walked upon what seemed like a tiny camouflaged base created from wet sand. So she stopped by to take a look inside. “Hmmmmm I don't remember us having a female crewmember now do we Burter?” ,, “Nope.. This is quite the interesting view Jeice.” Chigo turned around to face the 2 shady men standing behind her. Without even giving a response she kicked the one named Jeice in his face. The one named Burter froze up as he saw his friend fall on his behind holding his bleeding nose. When the view got clear they both noticed her tail wiggle around “A.. A SAIYAN!” they screamed in unison. Chigo looked at them funny as their reaction was a bit odd, but this wouldn't back her down. She bold her fists and took up a fighting pose. 'I'm ready when you are!' She shouted to get their fullest attention. Burter bounced back to create more distance between them and attended to his partner. “She broke my nose Burter, get this monkey to pay!” Jeice taunted when he could barely stand on his feet. Burter nodded and struck a pose "Prepare yourself for the Blue Hurricane! BURTER!" He blew of some steam and created a blast of energy that blew the whole base away with one go. Chigo was nowhere to be seen and Burter felt his stress levels rise and checked his surroundings fiercely for some remains. “What.. where?” ,, “Behind you Burter!” The moment he turned around Chigo stood there and punched him into his stomach, he blurted out some unclear words and passed out on the spot. “Burter! NO! You will pay for this, you filthy monkey!” Jeice also struck his pose and charged towards her “Feel the power of the Red Magma! JEICE!” She looked up cocky and moved forward as well to match his speed “Make me pay? Enlighten me please!” Jeice placed everything he had into his fist and almost scraped Chigo's face as she grabbed hold of his. She still needed him for information so she blew off pressure instead of a ki-blast to secure his safety. The force was so powerful that he got blown back all the way and crashed into his partner Burter. Jeice was not out cold yet and tried to sit up straight with the last bits of strength he still possessed. “I'm... not finished yet....Saiyan!” He looked up in dismay and his eyes matched directly with hers. She grabbed hold of his tunic to lift him up face to face. “Call for your strongest reinforcements to show up, NOW!” She fiercely told him as she dropped him back in the dirt. Jeice did exactly as she told him and placed a panic call with his vision device. Not moments later a spaceship arrived with a huge power source on board. “This must be him.. Frieza”  She said to herself as her heart started to race faster out of excitement.   The hood of the ship opened up and three armored men jumped down. The two on the back ran over to Burter and Jeice to help them get back into shape and the one in the middle with an enormous power level walked right up to her. “So.. You are the one that struck down two of my best warriors?” He asked curious while looking down upon her. Chigo did not flinch once and answered proudly “These weaklings? They weren't even a warm-up!”  They both looked fiercely into each other’s eyes without saying a word. The awkward silence creeped the rest of the guys out and they started to call their Captain. “Captain Ginyu.. do you perhaps acquire our assistance?” At that moment Chigo knew that the man before her was not the one she was looking for. “Darn it, this trouble was all for nothing..” She said while she turned around to walk off. By the first step, she felt the hand of the one called Captain Ginyu rest on her shoulder to make her stop from leaving the scene. She looked back at him and to her surprise he was smiling at her. “It's absolutely extraordinary to be able to defeat my first and second hand of the Ginyu Force! Which means for a Saiyaness you are stronger than you look!” he explained while holding his hands behind his head. “Get to the point already? What do you want from me Ginyu?” She said to pick up the pace as there was a lot to do before she could take off again. “It's Captain Ginyu to be precise! Oh and as the rules go, if you beat my men you have a free ticket to become my first hand in the Ginyu Force! So what do you think of that offer?” Chigo bursted out in laughter “Join you? This ridiculous Rainbow Squad? Hell no! I wouldn't even want to be caught dead with you guys!” ,, “You would even be able to meet Lord Cooler! What about now? interested yet?” Chigo fell silent for a moment as she couldn't fully recall a name he just said even though it had a familiar disgusting sound to it “This Lord Cooler? Who is that exactly?” she asked interested. Captain Ginyu could not believe his ears and he moved up closer to her. “You don't know the Royal Arcosian family even though you're a Saiyan? From what rock did you crawl out of girl? Lord Cooler is Lord Frieza's older brother and he is our savior, our new announced ruler of the universe!” She stepped back in shock not knowing what actually went on anymore. “You seem tired and starving, let's talk while we all have dinner together?” He said worried and the moment the word dinner was mentioned you could hear Chigo's stomach rumble loudly. Her face turned bright red and she scratched the back of her head “That would be delightful, Ginyu.. Thank you!” He nodded and snipped his fingers. The others couldn't understand the way their captain did business, but what he decided to do they followed blindly.
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the-vampire-artist · 6 years
Day 12: Free Write: Asthma (Keith)
Keith felt like his chest was being pressed against since that morning. He shook it off, knowing he wasn't going to start coughing, because it was only a light weight. Nothing out of the usual. He didn't have any plans for that day anyways, so even if he did have an asthma attack, he could just reach into his jacket and use his inhaler. He'd be fine.
That is, until Lance called. Keith hadn’t realized that Lance wasn’t home until he walked downstairs to get the phone.
"Hey, Lance. What's up?" He asked. Lance's voice was more energetic than usual when he said,
"Keith, Park. Meet. Now. Hurry!" Keith could tell he was smiling through the phone just by his voice, but before he got the chance to ask what was happening, Lance hung up. Figures. Keith let out a sigh as he grabbed a hoodie and walked out the door. He walked over to the park down the road to see Lance eagerly waiting for him.
"Hey, Lance. What's so impor- WOAH!" Keith was cut off by lance grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the Pond, breaking into a full blown sprint. Keith felt that weight in his lungs start to get heavier, but bearable. They stopped and Keith tumbled into Lance from behind, the two falling to the ground on top of each other. Keith felt the weight again, but it quickly went away and back to just a light pressure.
"Hey, Learn to slow down sometimes, Red." Lance laughed. Keith just smiled as Lance got up and extended his hand. Keith grabbed it and Lance pulled him up too hard, causing Keith to jump into the air. "Woah! Sorry, Keith!" Keith lands on both feet with a thud and just smiles.
"'s all good. So what's so important that you dragged me here?" He asked.
"Glad you asked, my man." Lance stepped to the side to reveal Hunk, Pidge, Allura, and Shiro standing in the middle of the field, Hunk and Pidge wearing the same blue jerseys that Lance was, and Shiro and Allura wearing black ones. "Ya see, Keithy, we were gonna play hockey together, but then we realized a valuable detail; we were short one player. Soooooo..." Lance waved a black Jersey in front of Keith. "...how's about playing?" Keith rolled his eyes at Lance.
"So long as I'm not tackled to the ground, I'll play." Lance smiled and shoved the jersey to Keith's chest. He quickly put the jersey and some skated on and the game started.
"Ready? Start!" Lance yelled.
He swung his hockey stick and after an hour, the game settled down. Keith was winded. He felt a hand clasp against his shoulder and his body stiffened.
"Good job out there, Keith." Shiro said. Keith eased up, but the tightness in his chest wasn't going away. "You're really good at hockey. Why weren't you on the team this year?"
"Oh, uh, I-uh, I-I just di-didn't feel like I-it. Not, not my thing." Keith responded. He could barely talk, and Shiro could notice. His face went from joy to concern in a matter of seconds.
"Hey, Keith, are you okay? You look a little winded." He said. Keith sighed and held the side of his lungs.
"Yeah, yeah. I-im fine." He huffed. Shiro didn't believe him, but before he could protest, Lance called out,
"KEITH! Up for a race?!"
"Yeah." Keith said. He jogged over to Lance and put his jersey back on. The two went took off their skates and headed over to the bike path, but as he did, Keith stopped short and held his chest. His vision was fogging up and he felt like he couldn't breathe. Lance stopped and turned around to Keith.
"Yo, Keith, you okay?" Keith faintly heard him ask. Keith felt his legs give out and he fell to the ground, gasping for air.
"Holy shit- Keith are you okay - oh shit, KEITH!!" Lance ran over to him and tried to feel his pulse.
"Crap, Keith you're, you're barely breathing!" Lance looked up and called out, "GUYS!!! HELP ME!!" Shiro and Hunk turned first and bolted.
"What's wrong with him?" Shiro asked.
"He's not breathing. We need - we need to get him to a hospital!" Lance panicked.
"Okay, Keith, we're gonna get you to a hospital. I need you to breathe in and out, okay? In, out." Shiro demonstrated. Keith wasn't doing it. He just kept coughing and gasping. He suddenly turned over and coughed harshly, dark red coming out of his mouth and staining the grass.
"Oh shit - okay, that's it, we're going. Now! PIDGE, ALLURA, LETS GO!" Shiro yelled. Lance held Keith upright and he and Hunk helped Keith onto Shiro's back, seeing as he was the strongest and the fastest. They started running, and Allura and Pidge, seeing Keith on Shiro's Back, extremely pale and wheezing, knew they were going to the hospital. They ran two blocks and on the way, Shiro dodging through crowds of people with ease, and Keith felt his eyes growing heavy.
Since when was it so dark outside? It had been daytime a minute ago. Keith came to the conclusion that it was already Night and started closing his eyes -
"Keith, don't you dare close your eyes, you hear..." Lance said, but his voice started fading out. Keith felt like his ears were being closed along with his throat and chest, and his head felt heavy and like it was being squished between two walls. Closing his eyes for a moment wouldn't be too bad, right?
Keith's eyes closed and his breathing became worse. Lance started panicking.
"Oh hell no. Keith, come on, dude, open your eyes right now!" He yelled as they ran through the doors of the hospital. They placed Keith in a wheelchair and placed a gas mask on him, covering his nose and mouth. It pumped air into his lungs and before they could see if he was okay, Keith was taken to another room, where Lance and the others couldn't follow.
"Don't worry, Lance. He'll be okay." Hunk said reassuringly. Lance turned to him and for the first time in a while, Lance broke down. He looked down and started sobbing. He was terrified. Hunk stepped into action and hugged Lance, bringing him to his chest and rubbing his back up and down. Lance hugged back and just cried against Hunk. He was terrified for his boyfriends life. He saw the look of fear Keith had in his eyes before he'd collapsed. How had Lance not noticed how winded Keith had been? Looking back, he could clearly remember seeing Keith having a harder time after they were done the first game of hockey. Heck, he looked winded after just running with Lance to the ice rink!
“It’s my fault... I-I should’ve n-noticed...” Lance cried. Shiro placed reassuring hand onto his shoulder.
“You’re okay, Lance. None of us could’ve thought that Keith would have an attack. He did seem winded, but-“
“But I KNEW he had asthma!” Lance cried out. “I’m his BOYFRIEND and I KNEW he had asthma, yet I made him play with us in the freezing cold!” Lance cried into Hunk’s hug. The others exchanged worried glances. They knew how upset Lance could get with himself if he makes even the smallest mistake when it came to Keith, and he wouldn’t calm down entirely until he saw Keith was okay for himself.
“Takashi Shirogane?” The group looked over to see a nurse peeking out from the side of the wall. “You May see Keith.” Shiro got up, but then looked over to Lance and asked,
“Would it be okay if he could come along? He’s Keith’s boyfriend and he’s extremely worried.” The nurse looked to Lance, who was crying quietly against Hunk, and sighed.
“I don’t see why not. Young man?” She said. Lance turned his head up and Shiro waved for him to come. He smiled and wiped his face as he and Shiro walked over to Keith’s room. With each step, Lance felt more and more guilt ping his heart until he looked like he was going to cry again. Shiro grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into a shoulder hug.
“Don’t worry, Lance. Keith’ll be okay. He’s been through a lot; he’s strong.” He smiled, but even Shiro was worried for Keith’s well-being. He’d been there for Keith when he would have attacks when they were younger, but they’d never been as bad as this one, even when Keith got punched in the ribs during a gym wrestling unit. He couldn’t tell Lance this because it would make his guilt feel worse, but Shiro felt the same guilt as Lance and the others did.
When they walked into the room, Keith was still unconscious on the bed, an oxygen mask helping him breathe properly. There was an IV in his arm and his skin tone was returning to normal, but he was still too pale for Shiro or Lance’s likings. The two walked over and Shiro pulled up a chair while Lance sat on the end of the bed. When they say, Keith stirred and opened his eyes.
“L-lance...?” His voice cracked weakly. Lance sighed and the tears fell down his face.
“NEVER. Scare me like that again, okay?” Lance said through the tears. Keith nodded and smiled as Lance brought him into a hug. Shiro smiled in the background and noticed a small box poking out of Lance’s pocket. He thought about telling Lance, but he decided against it; he didn’t want to ruin the moment. So instead, he got up and tucked it away himself, hiding it by pulling the two into another group hug. Shiro knew Lance was going to ask him for his blessing sooner or later, and he already knew what he would say to him.
“You have my blessing.” He whispered into Lance’s ear after the two had walked out of the room. Lance turned to him, tilting his head in confusion.
“You’ve treated my little brother like he was the only person in the world that mattered. He’s been through so much, and you’ve been there for him through thick and thin. You’ve shown how much you love him on numerous occasions, and I’d be happy to call you my brother-in-law. Take care of my little brother for the rest of your days, and make sure that he never feels alone again.” Shiro said, smiling. Lance looked from his pocket to Shiro, and smiled, tears welling in his eyes. He hugged Shiro tight.
“Thank you, Shiro.” He said quietly.
“Of course.” Shiro smiled back. He knew that Lance and Keith were made for each other.
Thank you all for enjoying the Twelve day’s of Whumpmas. I had so much fun writing these prompts and I can’t wait to do it again!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
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br0adwa5 · 7 years
deh apartment hcs
so i was just scrolling thru Tumblr Dot Com™ and I saw a post that said “does anyone else ever daydream of decorating their first apartment?” (if anyone knows who made that lmk) but anyway i saw that and was like omg if that ain’t alana and then i was like wAIT WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THEM so here’s this. fyi this is like a college au type thing ish??
(im sotired this is kinda shitty lol)
(also thank u so much for the luv on my last two hcs? i cr ied? les get to the point sorry)
ok so this girl would obviously have the neatest apartment ever
it would probably be like a medium size ya know
white walls.
lots of white walls.
and there would be like really pretty marble countertops 
her beadspread (or whateverthefuck u call it) would probably be like grey with white little lines on it
in a pattern tho
like a cute pottery barn one
she would so freaking use evan’s discount at pottery barn are u kidding me
like her entire house would look like a pottery barn catalog
idk if all apartments have this so excuse me if i sound mega stupif 
but she would use the little intercom-buzzer thing to get into the apartment to her full advantage
like if u wanted to even go up there she would legit do a full on background check
(except for zoe)
(zoe would be like “hey alana it’s-” and alana would be like “yOU CAN COME RIGHT UP”
but it would be like 
“hello who is this?”
“alana you know it’s jared. i just texted you.”
“… ok then what’s your middle name”
but anyway back to what inspired this in the first place
so alana would SO plan her apartment out from when she was like young enough to understand it ya get it
like she would pick out furniture at age six
(her taste would obviously change as she got older but u get it)
and she would literally have it down to the p a i n t color
like she would walk into home depot or whatever and the worker would expect her to look around for like 40 minutes but she’d be like
“hi hello i’ll take seashell grey in the gloss finish please. make it quick.”
(i totally just made that up what the hell is a gloss finish never heard of her)
i also picture her having lots of house plants? like most of them would be fake bc she’s too busy to keep them alive but they wouldn’t look fake
yeah alana’s apartmetnt would be so put together and like clean cut and nice
her apartment would be rad okay
i feel like it would be v hipster and cool
not like Hipster™ but like… hipster?
what am i even saying
so she would definetley have a room with yellow walls
like her rooms would be painted cool colors and stuff
but yellow specifically
she just seems like a yellow person
she would have a big wall that’s all chalkboard paint
wait now im really excited about this wall oh my god
like when everyone would go over her house they would all take a chalkboard marker (real chalk makes too much of a mess) and write and draw on it
evan would do little doodles of trees and write sweet and encouraging stuff
connor would either draw a hecking masterpiece or write really small in the corner “fuk u”
there’s no in between
alana would just doodle hearts and stuff
or when she’d be over doing homework w zoe she’d try to teach her math and science and stuff on it
a w 
jared would just draw memes 
i think we can all agree on that one
but annyyywwayy
she would refuse to get anything like store bought mainstream
like she would go to little shops in the middle of nowhere
or garage sales
and get the cutest stuff 
her house would be so homey but at the same time like “wtf why is this so perfect”
l o t s of tapestries
don’t fight me on this
it wouldn’t be the regular mendala ones that a lot of people get
(but she would for sure have a few of those too)
it would be like really cool unique stuff
lots of maps of the world
tie dye
ya kniw
they would mostly be taking up all of the celing space and some wall space in her room
she would so have a polaroid camera i KNOW IT
and she would put them all on pieces of string w clothespins and string them up around her room 
all pics of her frands and stuff
awwww zoe
she’d also probably have a room just for her dog
(btw if u didn’t see my other hc i see her as having a golden retriever named kiwi)
(but anyway)
like it was supposed to be a closet sbut she just didn’t use it
so she was like “well… okay let’s do this”
and evan will spend h o u r s at a time in that room
ugh she would just have the cutest apartment v colorful and stuff
evan’s apartment would be v small
he llved with his mom the first two years of college but decided to move out because he was feeling like he made a lot of progress and was ready to live on his own (btw is it canon tht he lives w his mom first year of college? i forget lmk)
(but he wasn’t really living on his own bc connor was always over or he was at connor’s place) 
he would have a v little sitting area w a really old tv and a worn out couch that was probably free on the side of the road or cheap from a garage sale
he would have a fridge and oven and stuff but he’d mostly just use the microwave
(ho;ly shit “some people say just use a microwave…”)
(i h8 myself why why why ok moving on)
his diet would mainly consist of ramen noodles
bc he doesn’t want to leave and have to socalize with people at fast food places or the grocery store
but every once and a while zoe would come over like “evan wtf” and make him food to hold him over for a while
(uh hc that zoe’s a really good cook??/)
he would have a little bedroom with a big window in it
and his comforter would be blue with navy stripes (similar to The Shirt™ but not completley the same)
he would have lots of sticky notes everywhere
like ranging from “don’t forget to feed the dog” to “don’t worry about it, it’s probably not a big deal”
and when he was in a really good mental state he would write them and stick them in places he know he’d see when he wasn’t in the best shape
and it would encourage him to keep going
wow that’s equally heartbreaking and adorable
ok don’t fight me on this we all know it’s a thing
he would have plants. eve ry wh ere
like there wouldn’t be a single fake plant in there
but he loved them bc he felt like it made the air fresher??? like it supplied more oxygen in the room which made it easier to breathe when he was feeling anxious??
(idk i can’t really explain it but that’s how i feel when i get anxious so i feel like it would help him too)
but it would range from huge ass borderline trees to succlents the size of his thumb nail
he would have s o many succulents
he would name them all
and each of his friends would have a plant named after them
even though it was small he really loved his apartment
bc he worked really hard to be able to pay for it and buy the furniture and stuff
so it was like his baby
yeah that’s my boy evan handsoap!
connor’s apartment would actually be pretty big
like everything would be super super high quality and nice 
he would so have a recliner chair
you know the one i’m talking about okay
and he would spend most of his time in there
even though he def has a huge nice sectional
(btw most of his furniture is black)
when evan would come over he wouldn’t want to get up out of it
but even always wanted to cuddle
so the first time evan was like “con come over hereee”
connor just scooched over
and evan was like “??”
but just went over to him
and they were kinda squished but they loved it 
bc they were so close to eachother
but yeah they would love to cuddle on the recliner
his kitchen would be p nice too
like he would have a weirdly high tech fridge and a really nice oven and stuff
but if u opened the fridge there would just be like a half dranken (that is nOT a word) bottle of mountain dew, a cheese stick, and maybe on a good day some random leftovers
(btw idk why but i see his parents buying him most of the stuff in his apartment,, this doesn’t really make sense when i think about it but i can’t not do it what am i saing now awioehfdlsnk)
his room would be nice
he would have a big bed with a black and white plaid duvet cover
omg evan would l o v e his bed
like evan of course loves his own bed but connor’s is just so comfy
(plus connor’s bed also has connor)
his walls would be like a greyish blue color
but his furniture would still be all black
he would have a big desk and he always kept sticky notes around for evan to doodle on if he ever got anxious
and he has an entire drawer in his dresser just for his hair ties because he has an unhealthy amount of them
at all times
partly because he wants to keep his hair up sometimes
but partly because he always wears one around his wrist to snap when he gets mad or can’t control his emotions
and he always ends up loosing them
oh also his shower in his bathroom would be BOMB like im talking it has one of those little ledge chair thingies 
and the water pressure is a plus
and evan’s shower at his apartment is like sucky so he always just showers at connors
(i mean this in the least innapropriate way possible btw jus clearing that up)
but connor would spend SO much time there
so would evan tbh
so yeh
ok guys
hear me out on this one
but i feel like jared would have a surprisingly nice apartment??
like,,, actually very nice
they would all love hanging out there when they were all together
the first time he asked them over they were like “… u sure”
they were expecting to walk into something that looked like a super crappy hotel room with garbage all over
but they walked in and were like “jared what the fuk”
because this place was nice
like,, , he would always have the most food out of all of them
(which wasn’t saying much but still)
he would have a big nice couch with lots of extra like beanbags all over
they would all have their own that they used
and his tv would be poppin okay
he would have his old wii hooked up to it
and they would constantly have mario kart tournaments
jared always insisted on being wario
for the Memes™
he would be the only one out of all of them with an amazon fire stick so they would always watch movies all together at his house
and sometimes they would just randomly take it without telling him
(i’m looking at u connor)
and he wouldn’t notice for a few days but when he did he went cRAZY
but anyway
his room would b supa cool
he would have a really nice bed
omg he would have like video game and other nerd stuff posters e v e r y w  h e r e
like everywhere
little to no wall space for anything elsee
every once in a while he would go through his camera roll and print the pictures that he liked the best to hang up on his wall
hear me out bc this is gonna sound weird
he would probably have a dead meme shrine in one of the corners of the wall on the bottom
that he started as a joke with connor and zoe once but it jst spiraled out of control until every dead meme was recognized as soon as it went out
he would have a tv in his room
not as good as his one in the living room but still
he has two tvs what even jared
that’s where he would put his xbox
and he would game all night man
ah i love jared sm
ok that’s it hope u enjoyed ahhahah
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bujo-lettuce-tomato · 7 years
Revisiting Summer One Last Time
Looking back on it, this was a half-decent summer. I didn’t go anywhere, didn’t do anything much, but I’m at peace with what it was. It was productive, at least! I got to work through some personal issues, as well as a bunch of physics problems :P
Well, half of it. I flew home, and got to spend two weeks chilling and hanging out with friends. After a really intense semester, this was really nice-- for about five days, then I realized I was bored to the point of anxiety. I know that seems kind of counterintuitive, but it happens. One day, I double checked the times for the physics classes I had signed up for at my local community college, and it’s a good thing I did: I accidentally signed up for one on the complete opposite end of town from where I live! Luckily, I was able to switch it. May was full of weird feelings and loose ends, and not much to bullet journal about.
Summer school started! I took physics 1 as a 5-week, and it was actually a fun class, since I had a really excellent professor and a table full of fun people to work and study with. I also started seriously tracking water intake and exercise. I’ve never liked running, but I made myself do it because I figured I didn’t really want to be totally unfit when the school year started. I also worked really hard on physics. The class itself wasn’t difficult, and transfer credit doesn’t affect my GPA one way or another, but I knew I would feel bad if I didn’t do my personal best. I ended up with a very high A :)
I took physics two during the second summer session with my friend! :D and it was a 7AM! :D and I tried to run every morning before school... which surprisingly actually worked out, until I ended up falling out of my sleep schedule. Lol. Summer two wasn’t so great, school-wise. The professor was disorganized, to put it nicely, and while the material wasn’t too hard (mostly because it had to be condensed into 5 weeks lol) I ended up teaching myself a lot. Also, were assigned a group project to do over the entire summer session and kept hitting roadblock after roadblock, but perseverance and a lot of creative thinking (aka improvising the heck out of things) got us through it! Also, my best friend and her gf took bio 1 together, and I absolutely had to help them... cue several nights explaining the cell cycle and the central dogma of molecular biology, and several 6AM bus rides to get between her place and my community college. She passed by two points, I got an A in physics 2, everyone wins!
My final two weeks back home went by too slow until they were almost gone, and then I was left wishing I had more time. I went on a hike with my dad, which was really hard but really worth it! (And I ran into a cactus... the cactus won.) I binge-read through most of Tamora Pierce’s books, did a couple sewing projects, and had many, many good naps. I started setting up my fall/September spreads, too, which I’ll post about next week! I got to see my best friend one last time in her new apartment, and then we drove over 700 miles in one day to drop my sister and I off at our respective colleges (Texas is huge, y’all. HUGE.) I’ve been here almost a week now, enjoying the awful humidity being back on the campus I love, around the organization that’s become my life, and getting to be with some of the people who make me the happiest. So many super sappy senior feels, so little time :’)
Selected Weekly Spreads
(more summer weeklies are here)
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Purple and turn-of-the-millenium pop lyrics. I didn’t really do much that week but I’m really happy with this spread anyway :P
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I know studyblr is all ~brush lettering~ and ~pretty cursive~, but I really really like graffiti-style lettering, and blending sharp corners with organic curves. I can’t for the life of me figure out drop shadows though, oh well :P Also LOL at 2-day shipping taking three days, and on top of that, my ambitious Sunday being rescheduled. It happens :P
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The final week of Summer 2! I didn’t set a space for my weekly summary, but it worked out. The week before I got a Marvy Uchida Gel Reminisce pen in white, so I took advantage of that :3 My only problem is that it takes a little bit of rolling around to get the ink to flow freely, and you have to write at a weird angle and apply a certain pressure (or at least what’s weird for me, idk about proper hand posture). But it works and I got it on sale, lolz.
Materials Used:
From Michael’s:  "Get it done” full box sticker from the Create365 “Rainbow” sticker book, checklist banner from the Create365 “Basics” sticker book, “Get it done” sticker from the Create365 “Today is the Day” sticker book.
Other: Papermate Flair medium markers, Sharpie fine-tip pen, Zebra mildliners from the pink, blue, and yellow packs, Marvy Uchida Gel Reminisce in white
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sunbabyhcs · 5 years
delinquent au!persichanmin hcs!
happy birthday sunbaby!! as promised, here is the delinquent poly hcs :^) it’s not my best but i hope it makes ur day nonetheless!!! i luv u, grandma uwu
a little background info to start us off!!
you moved to korea when you were in middle school!! 
you were still near/at the top of your class regardless where you were, so teachers loved you!!!
you made friends quickly with some of the other kids at the school, namely another transfer kid named parker, seungmin, jisung, and a younger kid named jeongin!
y’all were really good friends and naturally stuck together all throughout!!
when you guys got to high school, there was obviously a bit of a shift because the pressure got worse :( 
but y’all!!! stayed close no matter what
quickly though, you all got ear of this little group of kids that were “no good troublemakers without a future”
which you thought was kinda harsh but okay
the boys were just like “Oh. Cool. so just Don’t Get Beat Up. Nice.”
but you and parker though made a Pact to be cautious w friends bc of this
so, while the three boys became rlly popular and their friend group only grew (they never forgot u two!!! ur their sunshines >:( )
y’all stayed real cautious of who you let in,,, cause what if they were accidentally one of the Bad Boys and fucked up your whole future???
but, of fucking course, the group of bad boys or whatever noticed you two and,,,,, Very Quickly,,,,,
made it their mission to just make u want to drop kick each of them and sell their souls to satan
parker found herself constantly annoyed by some kid named hyunjin – he had a lip ring and never took off his leather jacket
he was kinda Cute tho u had to give him some props for that
you? well you got the attention of two boys
Good For You!! :^)
the two boys were chan and minho, two of the older ones in their little group and GOD
they annoyed the HELL OUT OF YOU
first off, do they EVER stop sucking on those goddamned lollipops?
do they EVER bother to do their work?? why can’t they ask someone else for the homework???
cant they just Shut Up with their stupid greasy pickup lines??? and can they ever stop fucking winking when they see you????
even though you were annoyed that their mothers birthed two fucking Dicks
you,,,,,, perchance,,,,,, kindasortamaybelikedthemandthoughttheyweremegacute
sure!!! they were probably like this to every girl that crossed their path but!!!!!
(this being a flirty annoying mess)
THEY WERE CUTE!!!! \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////
so you thought you could hide this real well!!!! because you WERE genuinely annoyed by them a lot!!!!
but they were still cute UGH
chan and minho though. no matter How Hard you tried to hide your growing crushes on them. Noticed
how couldn’t they???? 
you slowly stopped making really biting comments toward them!!! those comments slowly became less violent and most of your actions in general just died down bit by bit,,, and they????
were Confused at first like
(・・?) why isn’t persi responding to us like they were before????? 
america explain?????
they caught on though when they noticed how ur cheeks would flush when they made those Greasy Flirty Jokes to you
and :^) they liked this :^)
like!!! they only picked on you cause ur CUTE!!!! 
and they knew you wouldn’t ever pay attention to them unless they made it a life mission to piss you off for all eternity
so when you started blushing and getting caught off guard cause of minho’s slick comments or chan’s “babygirl” in his thick australian accent???
they were,,,, Euphoric
chan had a Plan for him and minho to Really get to you and honestly????
not to pat himself on the back but he thought it was p good
he had asked hyunjin to get some of ur preferences for things from parker, since chan noticed that he was getting real Cozy with ya homie!!!
once hyunjin texted those Deets to chan, he forwarded that to minho and they Went All Out
so at the start of next week, in ur last class of the day, they arrived a bit earlier than they usually did
(y’all have that last block together uwu)
you noticed them walk in cause,,, well,,, they’re Them and it also??? wasn’t late in the period
actually it was just a minute after the tardy bell
ya brushed it off tho and just went thru the class like usual
so when the day officially ended and kinda harsh but okay
everyone had left the class already
chan and minho swooped in
they knew that u usually left a bit later than everyone else cause u kept ya shit Organized and u weren’t gonna stray from that
so as u got up to leave, they Yoted right up to ur side, one on each, and slung their arms around your shoulders
you tried shrugging them off without saying a word cause ur cheeks,,,, were already burning
but they Weren’t Having It
minho started talking all Smooth and ur cheeks started getting Redder as he kept talking
“yknow, princess, chan and i’ve noticed that you’ve been getting fidgety around us lately.”
chan continued off of that
“and we’ve been noticing quite a bit babygirl. you’ve really taken a liking to the two of us, haven’t ya?”
yeah you didn’t get any chance to speak lol rip
m: “but you don’t gotta overthink, sweet cheeks. we’ve taken a liking to ya, too.”
c: “and we’re just gonna address this before you shoot us down, love. we ain’t gonna get in your pants and go, yknow? we’re not nasty ass dogs.”
m: “we know our reputation ‘round school, sweetheart. but when we really got our eyes set on someone, like you for instance, we ain’t half the assholes they say we are, hun.”
at this point you were ready to just fucking bolt the rest of the distance home you Didn’t Want To Hear Any More
like...... can they Shut Up ur Annoyed and Slightly Interested but also Annoyed because they Sound Conceited
but chan continued and u kinda just went Blank
“so here’s our little thing we thought up. we – minho and i – wanna take you on a date. the three of us. after that, you can decide if ya really wanna date us or not – yes both of us don’t look at me like that we know what we’re doing babygirl.
anyways, if ya wanna date us after that, we’ll be more than happy to be yours. if not, that’s that. whaddya say, princess?”
you looked at the both of them like they were crazy for a little bit cause,,, ya thoughts were Dead
like oh. they. they like you too. what do you do with this information.
you gave them both a chance though,,,,,, quite reluctantly,,, but a chance nonetheless
that weekend, they took you on a local date, yknow ice cream, park, beach to watch the sunset on the coast kinda deal!!!
and you really hated to admit it, but you,,,, you really liked them
that whole date proved it
like??? what wasn’t there to like??? they were both genuine sweethearts and gentlemen with you
minho was so eccentric and hilarious, you could barely breathe the entire day
and chan was the actual embodiment of sunshine like
how could u not have a Fat Fucking Crush on those two after your date????
y’all were resting on a big picnic blanket placed on the sand and the sky was turning those brilliant shades of orange, red, purple,,,
it was a whole hecking painting in front of your eyes
a peaceful quiet surrounded the three of you as you watched the sun go below the horizon
and, glancing at the two boys next to you, taking note of your heart beating and the soft smile that adorned your face, you spoke up slightly
just enough so they would hear you, but not that the Good Atmosphere was destroyed
“i’ll try it out. try... try us out.”
and the sparkling eyes that met yours, the blinding smiles on both their faces made you realize
yeah, you made the right decision.
and yeah, you were sure you weren’t gonna regret it.
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