#slight anxiety
transmascgoblin · 11 months
y'all my parents recently got the same kind of fabric freshener/ washer beads that my ex has used (apparently??) because now all my stuff smells like her and it's actually peaking my anxiety lmao
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justvoidsdumbstuff1 · 1 month
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Twinkie Winkie✨️
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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A new challenger approaches (slowly)
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Late night’s studying
Summary: reader pushes herself too far for university and work. Scarlett and Lizzie look after her.
Tw: fainting, overworking, stress, assignments
Words: 3.2K
A/n I might be projecting … once again lol
Lately you hadn’t had time to do much other than work and study. Being the youngest on set was great sometimes but it also really sucked.
Lately you had been swamped with assignments, you had been extremely stressed trying to get it all done before the university deadlines. You had already applied for one extension, but it didn’t seem like enough.
You spent long hours filming scenes over and over, but your mind was anywhere but where it was meant to be.
Being the youngest you didn’t want the others to know you were still getting some form of higher education. It’s not that you weren’t proud of it, no not at all, it was more you didn’t want them to see you as anymore of the child they all treated you like. You were legally an adult but being the youngest made you the baby of the marvel set.
On screen your character spent a lot of time with the scarlet witch and black widow meaning you shot lots of scenes with Elizabeth and Scarlett. They had been very nice and invited you to join them at the cast parties and dinners that various actors on set hosted, but you had always politely declined much to their dismay.
On set and off set Elizabeth and Scarlett had practically adopted you. Yet whenever you were done filming for the day you disappeared to your trailer.
As the weeks wore on your work was piling up with unfinished tasks you simply hadn’t had time to get to. You were almost three weeks behind in your deadlines now and it was majorly stressing you out.
You had been pulling ultra late nights in an effort to meet due dates where you could. Settling for half effort when you really just wanted to sleep. You had barely managed four hours each night for the past week being awake well into the early hours of the morning.
You knew you weren’t the only one staying in your trailer overnight, so you had to be careful not to arouse suspicions towards your sleeping habits. The amount of coffee you had been ingesting was somewhere between ungodly and criminal. Makeup covered your racoon eyes and as like the night goblins that roamed the neighbourhoods you felt like trash.
You rubbed a fist at your eyes looking up from your laptop to glance at the time. 3am, sighing you saved and closed your work. It was time for bed. You had to be up soon anyway for early morning filming.
Setting your alarm and collapsing into bed you snuggled up praying the coffee you had wouldn’t keep you awake and rob you of the precious hours of sleep your hectic schedule allowed.
You woke up to a fist banging on the door.
“Y/n, get your butt out here filming starts in thirty minutes and you’re keeping hair and makeup waiting.” Alyssa your manager yelled.
“I’m up.” You called back springing out of bed and almost falling over as your tired body protested.
“You better be.” You heard her grumble before she moved away from your trailer.
You found your costume hung where you had left it over the back of a chair and slipped it on. Inspecting the damage of the previous late night under your eyes and slapping on some concealer. The lady who did your makeup never commented that you were always already wearing some, you appreciated that she never mentioned it in front of Scarlett and Lizzie.
After throwing a hoodie over the costume you slipped out the trailer shivering in the cold. You headed for hair and makeup and stifled a yawn as you stepped into the slightly bigger trailer.
Scarlett and Lizzie were already there and halfway done with their costumes as you flopped into a seat next to Scarlett.
“Tired already Y/n/n?” Scarlett laughed.
You shot her a smile which came as more of grimace. “Yeah, I guess.” You said with a hum and a dejected chuckle. You were too exhausted to see the worried looks Scarlett and Lizzie exchanged beside you.
“You know if you ever need to talk about stuff, we’re here for you?” Lizzie said recognising your anxiety as you fiddled with your rings.
“We’ll always listen honey.” Scarlett said placing her hand on top of yours and looking into your almost half hooded eyes.
“Um… Thanks, but I’m ok.” You said looking away as your tongue darted out to wet your dry lips.
Scarlett seemed to deflate as you rejected her help, and she patted your hand twice before returning hers to her lap.
You didn’t say much throughout the hair and makeup process. Once more the kind women didn’t mention your copious amount of concealer that was hiding your secret honorary racoon status as a member of the sleepless night club.
Scarlett and Lizzie kept an eye on you but eventually had to leave to shoot some scenes together before they needed you on set as well.
The two women had noticed you pulling away more than usual and your quieter than normal behaviour. You had stopped having lunch with them and after a while of you rejected their offers, they were close to giving up on asking.
“Do you think somethings going on at home?” Lizzie asked Scarlett as they finished a scene.
“No. I’m not sure what it is but i don’t think it’s that.” Scarlett said watching you out of the corner of her eye as you shuffled onto set and sat down in a chair, zoning out staring at a stain on the wall.
“I’m worried about her.” Lizzie said.
“Me too Liz, but we’ll just have to wait for her to come to us. We just need to not let her push us away.” Scarlett said as the director called for the scene to start.
Feeling a hand on your shoulder you jumped slightly turning to see your manger standing there with a slightly worried look in her eye.
“Y/n they’re waiting for you.” She said nodding to the set where Scarlett and Lizzie stood talking to the director.
“Oh.” You said dragging yourself upright.
As you stood your head swum, your vision went fuzzy, and you were too focused on staying upright than trying to listen to what your manager was saying.
You tried your best to downplay it and as your vision returned you nodded at what she had said, hoping it was something you were meant to agree to. Based on the small downturn of her lips you may have been wrong. You gave her a small smile to compensate, and she eyed you closely before nudging you towards the others.
you stumbled for a second despite the nudge being lighter than air. You regained your footing and went over to join the others to shoot the scene.
The filming was going well until you were up to filming a certain scene.
The scene was nothing awful, after a cut from a fight scene where your character gets knocked down Scarlett or the black widow had to help you to your feet and keep fighting. Because the scene uses your face you at least needed to be pulled up off the ground before the stunt double could take over.
Normally this would be easy but with how tired you were any sudden movements like standing too quickly made your head spin and you knew it wouldn’t just be one take.
You got into position on the ground with Scarlett above you and Lizzie watching from the side as she wasn’t needed in this scene but was in the next.
Taking a deep breath the director called for them to start rolling and Scarlett offered you a hand. Taking it she pulled you to your feet. Immediately your head felt like it was in a washing machine. The world spun and you tripped over your feet as you over balanced. Scarlett was quick to grab you before you ended up on the floor again. Setting you back on your feet you didn’t hear the director call cut and to reset. Your vision was hazy as you waited for it to come back.
A soft hand landed on your shoulder making you jump as Scarlett’s words finally reached your ears.
“-u ok y/n/n?” Scarlett asked and you swallowed nervously and nodded your vision clear.
“Let’s go again from the top.” The director called and you gingerly lowered yourself back to the ground mentally preparing to do it again.
Scarlett looked at you worriedly but ultimately knew there wasn’t much she could do.
As they began the scene again this time you didn’t stay upright for long. As soon as Scarlett pulled you up your body had had enough. Still holding your hand and with the momentum of being pulled up your body collided with Scarlett’s. Your grip going limp as you passed out. Luckily Scarlett regained her footing and wrapped her arms around you before you went down yourself.
Lizzie ran over as Scarlett laid you down on your side.
“Oh god.” Lizzie said when she realised you were out cold. “Medic!” She yelled as Scarlett crouched down beside you, one hand holding your hand and the other tapping your face as she softly called your name. “We need a medic!” Lizzie yelled as she looked around.
A moment later a medic came over and begun looking you over.
“Is there anything i should know? Have either of you noticed anything different about her in the past few days or prior to filming this morning?” The young man asked as he took your pulse with two fingers on your neck and eyes trained on his watch to count the beats.
“She seemed a little out of it this morning and she stumbled a lot during the first take.” Scarlett said.
“She’s been more anxious as well and withdrawn more than usual also.” Lizzie chipped in.
“It sounds like sleep deprivation, do either of you know if she’s been sleeping enough?” He asked.
“I’m not sure, she’s been staying in her trailer on set most nights.” Lizzie said turned to Scarlett who also shook her head.
“I don’t know either sorry.” The blonde said.
“Ok, well there’s one way to know but we need to take all this makeup off.” He said turned to look at the director stood a few feet away watching. He nodded his assent.
“She’s not going to be working for the rest of the day now anyway.” He said. “Not after passing out on set.” He added under her breath.
The medic nodded and took a wipe and begun to remove your makeup. Lizzie held in a gasp as how pale you were and how it contrasted with the dark purple smudges under your eyes.
Just as Scarlett took the cloth from his hand and finished removing your makeup with steady and tender hands you screwed your nose up, eyes fluttering as they stayed closed.
“Y/n/n?” Lizzie called taking your hand as she knelt beside you. You let out a small groan as you came back to life and exhaustion pummelled your weak body.
You smacked your lips and frowned eyes still closed. “My mouth tastes bad.” You mumbled and Lizzie laughed despite looking like she was about to start crying. Scarlett smirked and your very in character response to just passing out on set despite her mounting worries for you.
“God, Y/n don’t ever do that again.” Lizzie said brushing a curl from your eyes. “I think you just took five years off my life.” She said and you opened your eyes blinking up at her and frowning.
“Sorry.” You said going to sit up when Scarlett placed a hand on your chest to keep you down. You frowned at her looking for an explanation.
“Absolutely not.” She scolded. “You are not sitting up, yet you just passed out for gods sakes. From sleep deprivation no less, Y/n you HAVE to look after yourself.” Scarlett said and you sighed.
“Sorry.” You said again just looking up at them.
“And stop apologising.” Lizzie said with a small smile.
“So, what now?” You asked licking your dry lips. Three sets of eyes turned to the brunette medic.
“Bed rest.” He said. And there it was your two lest favourite words. You had always hated staying still and unless you were injured or dying you hated bed rest it was too boring.
You opened your mouth to protest but Lizzie and Scarlett turned to glare at you.
“So, help me Y/n, if the words about to come out of your mouth are anything but ‘yes sir’ I will personally make sure you sleep myself.” Lizzie said and Scarlett scoffed.
“I think we are already past that. Y/n your coming home with me.” Scarlett said and you wanted to protest but she continued seeing the look on your face. “Y/n, you haven’t been sleeping.” She said in a stern voice. “You need to sleep. Lizzie is staying with me as well because i’m closer to set and we are not letting you leave until you have had at least ten hours of sleep. And before you say you don’t want to impose, I’m not offering, I’m instructing. Understood?” She said and you bit your lip staying silent for a second before sighing softly and nodding.
“Right let's go then.” Scarlett said leaning down and scooping you up. A small squeak escaped your lips as you blushed furiously.
“I can walk.” You said indignantly.
“Not after that stunt you're not.” She said. “Plus, the doctor said bed rest.” She winked playfully as she carried you off set with Lizzie trailing behind.
“He’s a medic not a doctor.” You grumbled under your breath and Scarlett smirked.
“What did you say?” She asked pretending to not have heard your sarcastic quip.
“Nothing.” You huffed.
“Your glad your cute. If rose pulled a stunt like that she would be in time out for a week.” Scarlett said and you groaned.
“Rose is a child. I am an adult.” You huffed.
“An adult who acts like a child and has the self preservation of a toddler.” Lizzie teased and you glared daggers at her making her chuckle as you moved on to pouting petulantly in Scarlett’s arms to the amusement of both older actresses. As you arrived at the car and Scarlett put you in the backseat with Lizzie you begun to regret not putting up more of a fight.
“Come on Y/n/n, it’ll be fun. We’ll have a movie night.” Lizzie said switching her approach to a softer one.
“Is rose attending this movie night?” You asked and Scarlett nodded as she adjusted the rear-view mirror.
“Probably.” She said and you groaned loudly.
“I am NOT watching frozen again.” You said sliding your hands down your face in defeat.
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic, you love it.” Lizzie teased elbowing you in the ribs.
“Not when it’s the millionth time watching it.” You shot back.
“Sure, thing L/n.” Lizzie said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes and leant against the window closing your eyes.
You were out like a light before Scarlett could park the car. Leading to you once more being carried around in Scarlett’s arms as they decided not to wake you up just yet.
Rose was still at school and Colin was in the studio with the writers today meaning for now it was just you three.
Scarlett laid you down between the two of them in the day room as she tucked a blanket around you and switched on the TV flicking through to find something was watch.
You stirred slightly as the two of them got comfy next to you. Scarlett had an arm around you protectively while Lizzie’s shoulders were pressed gently against your right chest as she had burrowed into your side.
Your eyes fluttered as you yawned, opting to not move from the warmth and comfort of the two women.
The events of the day slammed into you as you realised you still had three essays due soon and countless homework tasks.
You must have subconsciously tensed as both actresses turned to look as you. The sound of some rom com playing in the background.
“Hello sweetie.” Scarlett said with a smile. “Feeling any better, you must be exhausted.” She said and you nodded staying silent.
Lizzie eyed you closely taking note of your quiet demeanour. Reaching out and taking your hand in hers she gave it a soft squeeze.
“Talk to us sweetheart.” Lizzie said softly. “I can see somethings bothering you. Tell us what’s on your mind, it may help you feel better.” She said and you drew a slow shaky breath as the dam broke. You let out a choked sob as you curled into Scarlett’s side, Lizzie curling against your back and rubbing a hand up and down your arm as you trembled with silent sobs.
“I have so much work to do. I didn’t want the cast to treat me as a child, so I didn’t tell them I’m still at university.” You said as Scarlett gently ran her hands through your hair.
“So, you’ve been juggling acting and uni full time and none of us knew?” Lizzie said and you sniffled nodding as you turned to look at her with your teary gaze.
“Honey you must be so stressed. Is this why you have been sleeping? Too much to do and not enough time?” Scarlett asked and you nodded again biting your lip to stop it trembling.
Lizzie softly reached out to remove your lip from your teeth with her thumb. “None of that honey.” She reprimanded softly.
“Well now we know, you won’t be doing it alone we’ll help you. You can stay here with us and as well as making sure you sleep; we can help with any work you have.” Scarlett said.
“I did graduate from NYU after all, I’m not just a pretty face.” Lizzie joked and your lips curved into a small smile.
“There’s that gorgeous smile.” Scarlett said as she rubbed your arm. “Now it’s time to rest, your exhausted and you are doing nothing other than rest for the foreseeable future okay?” She asked.
“But … but my assignments.” You said looking up as her.
“Shhh leave it to us, and everything will be sorted.” Scarlett said as she guided your head to her chest. “Rest honey. Go to sleep you need it.” She said and you curled into her. She was warm and cozy and at some point, Lizzie and Scarlett had changed as you were also in comfier clothes than your costume. Not that you minded.
You let out a small sigh sandwiched between the two. Your head resting on Scarlett’s chest as she played with your hair, your body half in her lap. Lizzie was spooning you from behind with her head resting on your shoulder to watch the movie you had all been ignoring.
You finally felt relaxed for the first time in what must have been months thanks to them.
Maybe you weren’t sleeping well on your own, but when Scarlett and Lizzie were there, you felt protected and safe enough to sleep, no long worrying about your studies which as they had said, could always wait for you to be healthy again.
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ericshoney · 3 months
Panic Attack ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: With the stress and anxiety of school and friendships, you have your first panic attack.
Warnings: usual swearing, crying, panicking, panic attack, anxiety, fear, overwhelmed
Everything just got too much. School had become extra hard, teachers seemed to be just giving you work you didn't understand for the sake of it and you were struggling with your friends. You were also on the girls lacrosse team, which you loved, but your friends didn't, as they couldn't hang out at your place and see your brothers.
You slowly started to get tired of everything, shutting down from everyone, including your parents and brothers. This caused Nick, Matt and Chris to fly home for a while. You talked to them a little bit but kept a lot to yourself still, which worried them.
Nick, Matt and Chris were sat in the back garden chatting and chilling when you came home from school. They heard the door slam, making them walk in to see you throwing your bag on the kitchen island and grabbing a root beer out the fridge.
"Hey kiddo." Matt called.
"Hey." You mumbled, sipping your drink.
"How was school?" Nick asked softly, knowing it was a touchy subject at the moment.
"Fine." You muttered.
"I got homework." You then quickly added before they could ask anything else and rushed to your room.
The three shared a look as Matt came to your room. He knew what it was like to struggle with school the most. When he approached your room, he heard crying, making his heart break.
"Hey, petal. Can I come in?" He asked quietly.
When he heard your cries get worse, he quickly opened your door and saw you curled up on the floor next to your bed. Matt came and sat next to you, seeing you holding your arms tightly around your knees. He noticed your breathing picking up and your cries turn into sobs.
"Hey sweetheart, it's going to be okay. I'm here with you. Let's focus on your breathing, okay?" He suggested gently. Your eyes were closed tightly.
Matt pulled you into a gentle hug, breathing slowly, his hands held yours tightly to keep you grounded.
"Follow my breathing. Deep breath in and slowly out." He said.
You slowly followed his breathing, it took a good ten minutes before you opened your eyes. Matt gave you a proud smile.
"Good job sweetheart. Let's keep breathing okay." He replied, to which you nodded.
You took another few deep breaths in and out, before your breathing had returned to normal. Matt still held you tightly, making you feel safe.
"Name three things you can see." He softly said.
"You....My bed....The teddy Chris got me." You slowly replied.
"Good, good job, petal." He praised.
"Are you ready to talk about what caused this?" He asked.
"I'm sorry." You replied.
"No, no don't be sorry. It's okay. Just relax. I'll go get Chris and Nick if you want and you can talk to all three of us, or just me and I can tell them later." He offered, rubbing your arm in comfort.
"Just you please." You said.
"Okay. Take your time and when your ready. I'm not going anywhere. Focus on your breathing still." He replied.
You nodded and slowly went on to tell him about how school was going. How you realised your friends were only interested in him, Nick and Chris and that lacrosse was the only thing about school you liked now.
"Thank you for telling me sweetheart. I'll tell Chris and Nick, plus mum and dad okay. It takes a lot and I'm proud of you." Matt whispered as he hugged you.
"Thank you." You responded.
"No problem. Now you go shower and relax and once your done, how about a movie night?" He suggested.
"Cars?" You asked.
"Definitely." He replied.
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accecakes · 6 months
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May or may not be Eddie stickers for a giveaway 👀
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Yes? Hello? I love this lil guy id like to buy a dozen of em!?!? Just wanna squish his lil cheeks!??!?
Man, i love Caterpillar Moon from @oobbbear when i first saw him i knew i had to draw this somft littol man
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somnimagus · 1 month
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i'm trying to get back into drawing more often again, so i tried to do a quick redraw of an old thing to warm up, kinda. original under the cut
[id in alt text]
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you could probably just look through my archive to find this one, but i think it's more satisfying to see them together. this one is from... 2021.... eugh... passage of time
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fairuzfan · 5 months
Joe Biden when he hears about the electronic intifada
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triple-pupil · 6 months
This was supposed to be a lip-sync exercise but for now it's ok as is.
English dialogue under cut.
"Thank you! But why didn't you come say hi?"
"I felt a little bit shy... But I wanted to help you out!..."
"How... Kind!"
"Very kind"
"Very VERY kind, thank you!"
"It's nothing/You're welcome"
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self-appointed-nerd · 3 months
need advice / small vent
guys is it normal as a genderfluid (possibly demiboy) person to want to look more masculine and not have stupid meat spheres on their chest but also be too scared to go through hrt or surgery bc medical stuff is waaaay too scary?
like, right now i wanna be a man SOOOOO bad and i hate hearing ppl call me a girl but im too scared to even consider actually doing something about it in the future bc what if the fluidity hits and i start feeling feminine again and end up regretting it all way down the line
i mean i can’t do anything now but im still torn between medically transitioning in the future and regretting it or never medically transitioning and feeling the same amount of dysphoria plus feeling like a coward does anyone have advice?
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bellaartz · 7 months
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Quick messy sketch I did of Eager last night(and a color version so you can get an idea of what they are, mostly warm colors).
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ultimatedoombuilder · 1 month
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work in progress work in progress
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Hey, it's me again, I think I saw Ennui looking at you on her phone.. I think you were naked too-
shes getting the gun.
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inkdrinkerworld · 2 months
Guys I’m going to the beach this weekend with one of the girls from work and her friends (who I don’t know) and I’m shitting BRICKS rn
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ericshoney · 4 months
Overachiever ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Your brothers are home from LA for a bit, but you haven't spent any time with them as your too busy with school, but when you get home and break down, they step in.
Warnings: anxiety, worrying about grades, overachieving, crying, panicking.
Nick, Matt and Chris had been home in Boston for a week now and had noticed that you didn't do much other than focus on school work. They were proud you wanted to learn, but when they realised all you were doing was going to school, home, study, sleep and repeat, they started to worry.
"Hey kid." Chris called, as you walked in from school, a tired look on your face.
"Hey." You mumbled, dumping your bag as you grabbed a drink from the fridge.
"How was school?" Matt asked.
"Fine." You muttered.
"You sure?" Nick called.
"Yeah. I gotta study for a test." You replied, grabbing your drink and heavy back before heading to your room.
The guys sighed, but let you go, all worrying slightly. Hoping it was just down to your test.
However, the next day when you got home, you looked even more tired and slightly upset. The guys greeted you, but you only replied with a wave, before going off to your room.
"Let's go talk to her. This isn't right." Nick said, as Chris and Matt nodded.
As they got to your bedroom door, they heard quiet sobs. Frowning, Nick pushed opening the door and saw you curled up on your bed, crying into your pillows. They walked in quietly, Matt shutting the door behind him, as they sat around you on your bed.
"Sweetheart, tell us what's going on." Nick said softly.
You wiped your tears as you sat up, looking at your brothers worried faces.
"I...I gotta do good." You mumbled, picking at your nails, but Matt stopped you.
"No." He mumbled, holding your hands.
"You do your best in school, kid. Mum and dad are so proud of you, so are we and Justin." Chris said.
"I did badly in my test." You cried.
"What did you get?" Nick asked, but you stayed quiet. He noticed a crumbled piece of paper on the floor so he went and picked it up, but noticed it had a C- on it.
"Bub, this has a C- on it." He said, holding it up.
"I know.....I'm sorry." You apologised.
"Woah, no." Chris said, making you look at him.
"It's great!" He exclaimed.
"No it's not." You mumbled.
"Bub, a C- is good. It's not an F and even if you did get one, we wouldn't be mad. You tried your best." Matt said.
"I have to do good in school." You said.
"And you are, kiddo. Your doing amazing. But you have to remember, you are only sixteen and your getting good grades. Sometimes over-studying doesn't help." Chris said, patting your shoulder.
"What...What if I fail? What if I'm not good enough? Will it make mum and dad mad? Or will you all be mad?" You rambled on, your breathing picking up quickly.
"Hey, sweetheart. Breath. It's okay. Follow my breathing." Nick said gently.
Chris held your left hand, as Matt held your right. Your focus was on Nick, trying to copy his breathing. It took a few minutes, but you got there.
"I'm sorry." You said quietly.
"You don't need to be sorry, about anything, bub. Your doing amazing and we're so proud of you." Matt praised softly.
"We understand we're not here all the time in person, but we're always here." Chris said, pointing to your heart.
"Always a message or phone call away." Nick added.
"Thank you." You whispered, as they smiled and hugged you.
"What you need kiddo, is a good meal and movie night." Matt said.
You nodded and smiled, Nick closing all your textbooks for the night as you went with them to get food and watch movies until you fell asleep, happy to have your brothers home and support.
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