#i know i have the other starter call but here's this since these muses tend to be loud always
sentientgolfball · 1 month
if you’re still doing the cute lil sentence starters can we do: “Let’s share my coat, since you’re so cold.”
for my beloved swiss alps (swiss/mountain)
I need to write more of these two OUGH
The snow had stopped some time late, when not a single soul of the Ministry was awake save for the odd rodent. It left the land covered in a thick white blanket as far as the eye could see. The windows were frosted over, concealing the early winter morning from those who began to rise. The air in the abbey was frigid as Sibling and ghoul began their daily chores. The fire ghouls worked hard to shelter the ancient building from the bite of the cold. 
Deep in the ghoul den Swiss is wide awake. He normally stays in bed even after the first rays of the sun call to the little bit of fire in, but today he didn’t get woken from its light. Instead he was jostled from sleep when Mountain left the bed, mumbling something about duties when he pressed a kiss to Swiss’ forehead. He wasn’t fully conscious then, but now that he is he can’t close his eyes. 
He couldn’t even if he wanted to. If he had been more awake when Mountain left he would’ve stopped him. Winter leaves him drained, the frozen earth making it hard to hear his element. Yet Mountain continues to push himself. Swiss thought that by turning up his heat and curling close to his side he’d get Mountain to rest, but the snowstorm ruined his plans. Mountain would not rest until he was certain everything was handled. 
All Swiss can do now is go out there and bring him back. If Mountain won’t listen to his body then he’ll have to listen to Swiss. If he keeps pushing himself he’ll get sick, or worse. He doesn’t know what happens to an earth ghoul who refuses their hibernation and he doesn’t want to find out. He tries not to think about it as he fills a thermos with one of Mountain’s favorite blends of tea. Swiss gets himself bundled up before stepping out into the snowy world the Ministry has become. 
He tries the greenhouse first, assuming Mountain might be tending to some of the more versatile vegetation or pumping the place full of earth magick to keep things alive. He comes up short though, no Mountain in sight. No one in sight actually, not even a Sibling or another earth ghoul. He hums in disappointment before stepping back outside. 
“Alright big guy, where are you hiding?” He muses to himself as he scans the treeline. 
His eyes catch on prints in the snow. When he moves to investigate, he finds that they’d rather large hoof prints. They lead straight into the forest. 
“Bingo.” He smiles and begins to follow the trail. 
They lead him deep into the woods, thinning out every so often as the level of snow changes. He hopes maybe Mountain came out here to nest with Ivy in its den, maybe some weird earth ghoul bullshit calling out to him. He knows he’s wrong, but he can still hope. His only other hope is that Mountain isn’t passed out somewhere out here. Swiss may be strong but he’s not that strong. There’s no way he’d be able to get Mountain back to the Ministry. 
Thankfully it’s not long before he hears the rhythmic sound of someone chopping wood. He picks up his pace just a bit until Mountain finally comes into view. Despite the freezing temperatures, Mountain is sweating. His cheeks are flushed and every breath he takes results in large puffs of steam. He splits another log as Swiss calls out to him. 
“Glad to see you’re not dead!” He shouts as he walks over. 
“Why…would I be dead?” Mountain pants, tossing the two halves of wood onto a sizable pile. 
“Because, my love, you’re an idiot.” 
Before Mountain can even reply Swiss steps in front of him, extending the thermos out to him. Mountain hesitates before sighing and taking it from him. Swiss hums in satisfaction, wrapping his arms around Mountain’s shoulders and moving him to sit on a log. He must really be tired because he doesn’t protest, allowing himself to be guided. 
“Made it just for you. With that one rose blend you like.” Swiss crouches in front of Mountain, resting his hands on his thighs. His eyes shift from their normal black and white to orange and yellow as his fire comes to the surface. Mountain sighs appreciatively as the warmth bleeds through the layers of clothing. 
He uncaps the thermos, humming when the scent of the tea hits. He takes a long drink, practically chugging it. Swiss stares at him. Mountain would never drink so quickly, always going on about savoring the taste. When he finally pulls the container away, Swiss gets a good look at him. Past the flushed cheeks he looks pale. His eyes look sunken, dark lines carved under them. He’s exhausted. 
Swiss reaches out to take the thermos from him when Mountain extends it to him. He hisses when their hands brush against each other, “Momo your hands are ice. You need to take a break.” 
“Can’t. The fire ghouls need more wood for the abbey,” he mutters. 
“The fire ghouls aren’t gonna get any wood if you turn into a popsicle.” Swiss stands from his crouched position. 
He shoves his hands into his pockets before wrapping Mountain up in his arms, heat still radiating off of him. He feels him slump into it, muscles relaxing as he nuzzles his face against Swiss’ chest. He’s anxious to get Mountain back inside, maybe go to the bathing pools and lock the door. Let him soak in the hot water until he’s on the verge of sleep. Get him a hot meal and right back into their nest so he can rest. Even so, Swiss doesn’t rush him. He holds him like this until Mountain relents on his own. 
“I’ll let Ifrit know…” Mountain’s words are muffled where his face is still pressed against Swiss. 
He smiles and kisses the top of his head. He’s not going to say it outloud, but Swiss knows what he means. He’s just happy he doesn’t have to drag him back. 
“Let’s get going. I’ll make you that mushroom soup you like.” Swiss begins to pull away but Mountain tightens his grip. Swiss makes a questioning trill in the back of his throat. 
“Warm.” Is the only explanation Mountain supplies. 
Swiss just chuckles and presses another kiss to the top of his head, “Come on you overgrown caribou, I’ll let you wear my coat since you’re so cold.” 
Swiss shrugs off his canvas coat and drapes it over Mountain’s shoulders. He laces his hands with his, pulling him to his feet. They walk back to the abbey in comfortable silence. Swiss keeps his fire going the whole way, making sure his heart never freezes. 
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epitomees · 5 months
What's something you wish to improve?
What are your biggest (personal) Tumblr crushes?
Questions for the mun
What's something you wish to improve?
((Oh there's a lot I can still improve on both as a writer and as a mun too. I think one thing I want to work on more is reaching out to new followers, or even mutuals whom I've never interacted with since I followed them. Lately it's been difficult on my end due to IRL situations coming in the way, and in turn making me kind of isolate away from others since I want to take care of myself more. That in turn has affected me trying to start conversations with new people, or old people I've never talked to before.
It's all about managing my time to myself and when I want to chat with other people. I know, and I understand VERY WELL, how anxiety-inducing it is to strike up a chat with a new follower to try and plot something out. That's why I always tend to try and be the one who reaches out first, because well...I'm a big ole extrovert and I just want to make new friends whenever I can! So I want to adopt all the introverts here, be as friendly as I can, all while I'm still maintaining my own mental/emotional health and taking care of myself when I need it.))
What are your biggest (personal) Tumblr crushes?
((Oh PERSONAL you say...okay well, there are a few I can name off!
For starters, you are definitely one of them, Lea. When I first dipped my toes into Persona RPC, and well before I even made a Persona blog, you were one of the first blogs to follow me and interact with me over on the Vivi blog. I remember how excited I was when it happened because I saw so many other blogs mention your blog and how great it was and how cool the mun was so I felt ECSTATIC when you followed me! I had a really rad person following me and now I could throw my own muses at yours to see how well they meshed together. Lo and behold, you're just as much of a nerd as me and I love you so so much!
Then there's @darckcarnival! My meme husband, the meme father, the big green teddy bear, he is LITERALLY one of the best friends I have ever made by being in the Tumblr RPC. I was still a little newbie at Tumblr RPC when we first interacted with each other, and MAN I can remember way back when how nervous I was to start talking with him because he was another well-known blog in the community we were in. And then ONCE AGAIN, I come to find out he's just a sappy, lovey-dovey, mushy nerd who adores his friends and needs to be shaken around a little bit. It's been well over 10 years now since we've known each other, and I still feel so lucky I get to call him one of my closest friends.
Lastly, for now as I don't want to make this post long, there's @townofcadence!! Love, love, love, LOOOOOOOOVE TRISTAN!!! I love this mun so so much, and you have no idea how happy I was to find out he was still hanging around Tumblr and writing on a different blog. This is a mun I've known for a very long time too, back in the beginning of the very first MSA days. Tristan is an absolute sweetheart, with a kind personality and a very friendly demeanor. Not to mention, GOD HIS WRITING IS BOMBASS AWESOME!! I remember the times we stayed up REAL LATE at times because we were writing these REALLY intense threads, making the dashboard and other blogs scream at us, but it was SO WORTH the little sleep we got that day. He also inadvertently helped me develop and improve my own writing style, without me even realizing it. So GO GIVE HIM A LOT OF LOVE!! HE DESERVES ALL OF IT!!!))
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3lossm · 3 months
𝚋𝚒𝚘 . ( tba ) 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜 . 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚜 .
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𝟑𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐦 ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ independent & private roleplay blog for 𝗕𝗟𝗢𝗦𝗦𝗢𝗠 of cartoon network's powerpuff girls ! canon - diverence & influenced by my own headcanons + other sources. written by bronze , 24 . she / they. CST. , please read rules prior to interacting or following . ( rules under the cut ) minors & personals will be blocked !
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( A STUDY IN -- balancing girlhood with heroism , , bloodied knuckles becoming an accessory & discovering who you are while holding the world on your shoulders )
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❥ 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜 & 𝚊𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜 : @3u33les @madestars
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𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 :
𝟶𝟷 . this is a mutual exclusive, private blog, with selective following ! i'm more likely to follow muns or muses i know , and in general people i can see myself or blossom interacting with ! she will have multiple verses so crossovers are welcome. i like to keep my circle small so don't take it personally if i don't follow back ! 𝟶𝟸 . follow basic rp etiquette ( no god modding, cut your posts, tag triggers , don’t be hateful etc. ) , if you display any kind of problematic / toxic / harmful behavior you'll be blocked . the golden rule is to treat others how you want to be treated ! 𝟶𝟹 . please communicate any problems . i don't like drama of any kind -- i'd rather avoid drama and talk issues out . i'm not really one for callout posts, although i read them and take note -- please remember that just because i don't interact with a callout that it doesn't mean i condone or support the creator being called out. 𝟶𝟺 . my characterization of blossom is heavily influenced by my own ideas , concepts , headcanons as well as various media . if you don't like the way i write her, don't follow . please check my meta posts to learn more about my characterization. 𝟶𝟻 . i generally prioritize plotted interactions and interactions with mains / friends . i encourage you to send ask memes, it's the easiest way to get interactions going ! , i'll post starter calls here and there but they're not super common . 𝟶𝟼 . icons aren't necessary here. as blossom's mainverse is when she's 17, i likely won't be using any icons . i use small text , sometimes with different fonts and sometimes with colored text. if anything hurts your eyes or gives you issues please let me know. same goes for my writing , which i try to keep on the tame side of poetic. 𝟶𝟽. All my graphics are made by me , please don’t steal or lift headcanons or characterization. 𝟶𝟾 . shipping will be between muses who have chemistry, i prefer developing relationships vs. jumping into writing the relationship as romantic immediately. shipping status is multi-single ship, meaning i'll only ship with ONE blog of any specific character. if you'd be interested in shipping lmk ! 𝟶𝟿 . i use basic tags for triggers and anything that could be considered nsfw -- violence , gore , language , etc. ( no graphic sexual encounters will be written here. ) so my tag's will look like this ( #trigger / or #trigger ) to keep it simple for people blacklisting. 𝟷𝟶 . im bronze , i've been writing on tumblr for a little under 10 years . i started in the fairytail rpc and have been jumping around since then. im not a fast writer and tend to struggle with motivation most days. i'm a mother and work a full time job , and have various mental illnesses ! The mix can affect my motivation. i also write on discord and tend to be faster there. you can request my discord at any point as long as we're mutuals !
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Mun is 20+. No minors.
I'm non-selective. I'm down to RP with anyone, so don't be afraid to drop into my inbox/tag me in stuff! My style can sometimes lean a bit towards the lengthier side, but I don't expect anyone to try and match that.
I don't RP outside of the Resident Evil universe. I'm up for anything within it, though! I enjoy the games, the comics, the novels, etc. alongside the Anderson flicks.
I'm OC & AU friendly. I love to hear about 'em, too, so please share with me!
I multiship, so I'm open to pairing the Rains with various characters. Lemme know if you're interested in shipping.
I like having multiple threads. If you want to start a new thread with me while we already have another going, feel free!
I don't have any exclusives. If you see me already RPing with somebody who has the same muse as you, that doesn't mean that I'm not interested in interacting with you.
You'll find blood, gore, & violence here, so be warned. It appears both in my writing and occasionally in my icons or reblogs.
I don't write smut. My ace ass simply can't <3
Although I also write for the Rain clones, I always default to the OG Rain when replying to asks/tags. So if you'd like to interact with Good or Bad Rain, please specify!
There might be times when I'm slow at replying. I promise I'm not ignoring you. I've just got other stuff going on too, y'know? And on that note, I don't expect fast replies from anyone. Take your time!
Also on @crashandswirl (multi-muse) & @roleplay-evil (starters).
If you have any questions or anything, feel free to ask!
Starter memes || Starter calls || Interest tracker || Tags || Promo
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Rain comes from the 2002 film, Resident Evil. Alongside it and various headcanons, my interpretation of her is loosely based on the novelization, Resident Evil: Genesis. (I do have a lot of problems with that book and how she was written in it, though). The clones come from Resident Evil: Retribution and take loose elements from the novelization of the same name.
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Name: Rain Melendez Ocampo [extended info sheet/verses here]
Eyes: Dark brown. However, I do occasionally make them partially light blue after infection.
Hair: Dark brown
Pronouns: She/her
Age: Dependent on verse.
In the movieverse, twenty-three at the time of the Hive Incident in 2002.
Also in the movieverse, her late twenties to early thirties in Extinction through to The Final Chapter, which ends in 2012.
In the game verse, her early twenties during the time of the Raccoon City Incident in 1998.
Height: 5'4"/163 cm
Sexual/Romantic orientation: Homosexual/homoromantic
Former LAPD police officer.
Paramilitary commando for the Umbrella Corporation. U.S.S. (Umbrella Security Service).
After Apocalypse, working to screw over her last employer and aid survivors.
In the gamverse, after Raccoon City, a BSAA soldier.
Personality: Rain is tough, intimidating, prideful, and full of tenacity. But beneath that rough exterior is a caring person looking to do good and help others. If sacrificing/putting herself at risk means saving someone, Rain isn't likely to hesitate.
She's fiercely loyal and protective toward friends, none of whom are safe from her ribbing or attempts to rough around.
Often, Rain comes off as crude and/or blunt since she isn't very careful with her words. If she has an opinion, she probably won't refrain from telling you. Vulnerability, however, isn't something that comes easily to her. She tends to simply close herself off with an "I'm fine."
You might find that she has a slight temper... Perhaps more than slight. Most call it hair-trigger. Her anger usually comes and goes in quick bursts.
Rain was heavily infected by the T-virus and received a dose of the antivirus when it should've been far too late. She should've died. Instead, she woke up sometime later in an empty hospital, having been put under quarantine and subject to various tests. She left, unsure of what exactly happened to her.
Some other stuff:
She looks pissed off most of the time, but that's just her resting face.
If she's especially prideful about anything, it's her marksmanship. For the most part, it isn't misplaced, either. She's a damn good shot.
On the topic of guns, Rain is pretty knowledgeable about them in general. Firearms are a huge interest of hers.
When she worked at Umbrella, she was a part of a unit known as Sanitation led by Commander James "One" Shade. Other teammates included Chad Kaplan, Olga Danilova, Alfonso Warner, Vance Drew, and J.D. Salinas. All of these people died right before the outbreak in Raccoon City.
J.D. was Rain's best friend. She partially blames herself for his death
When she was a part of Sanitation, she'd use a Heckler & Koch MP5K and a Springfield Armory M1911A1, which are guns she's still rather fond of.
She was born in New Jersey and lived there until the age of thirteen. That was when her family moved to California, where she stayed until receiving a job offer from Umbrella.
Her family consisted of a father, an older brother, and a dog.
She speaks Spanish as a second language.
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Name: Rain Melendez - AKA "Bad Rain"
Eyes: Dark brown. There's a faint red haze when her retinal implants are in use.
Hair: Dark brown
Pronouns: She/her
Age: Dependent on the verse.
In the Anderson flicks, in her early twenties during Retribution, which takes place in 2012.
In the game universe, she'd realistically be alive sometime between the Raccoon City Incident in 1998 and Umbrella's end in 2003, during which she'd be in her early to mid-twenties. She could survive past that, though.
Height: 5'4"/163 cm
Sexual/Romantic orientation: Homosexual/homoromantic
Occupation: Security operative for the Umbrella Corporation. U.S.S. (Umbrella Security Service).
Personality: Rain is programmed to be ruthless, tough, and intimidating. She's cold, blunt, and matter-of-fact, typically to the point of heartlessness. Her care for others is incredibly minimal, and most of her loyalty lies where it was programmed to be.
When she's given orders, Rain follows them without question or hesitation. Vulnerability and weakness are something she very scarcely allows herself to show.
She's stubborn, being somebody who fights until her absolute last breath. There's also a fair amount of cockiness in her.
While not impossible to form a bond with her, it certainly isn't easy. If her programming breaks, she becomes much more like the Rain she was cloned from, but still far less selfless.
Rain is a clone manufactured by the Umbrella Corporation. She was created to protect one of their testing facilities. More specifically, Umbrella Prime, which is located underwater in Kamchatka, Russia.
Some other stuff:
Following the destruction of Umbrella Prime, she was presumed to have been eaten alive by a horde of Las Plagas Undead (basically T-virus zombies with the intelligence to handle firearms/drive vehicles) after plunging into the depths of the Arctic Ocean. This could be changed in threads, though.
Following a self-injection of the Las Plagas parasite, Rain gains superhuman strength, accelerated healing, and far higher pain tolerance. This happens right after the destruction of Umbrella Prime, so it wouldn't apply to anything taking place before that... Or where it doesn't happen.
Also after that incident, she started experiencing a deep-seated unease around deep bodies of water. Not something she'll admit to.
Rain has retinal implants that allow her to quickly identify people and bioweapons in Umbrella's database via facial scan. They also feed her direct orders from her AI superior, the Red Queen.
While Rain knows that Umbrella manufactures clones, she doesn't realize she is one.
Her weapons of choice are a Colt M4A1 (with an underbarrel M203 grenade launcher attached) and a SIG P226R.
She also speaks Spanish as a second language.
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Name: Rain Ocampo - AKA "Good Rain"
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Dark brown
Pronouns: She/her
Age: Dependent on the verse.
In the Anderson flicks, in her early twenties during Retribution, which takes place in 2012.
In the game universe, she'd realistically be alive sometime between the Raccoon City Incident in 1998 and Umbrella's end in 2003, during which she would be in her early to mid-twenties. She could survive past that, though.
Height: 5'4"/163 cm
Sexual/Romantic orientation: Homosexual/homoromantic
Occupation: (Programmed to believe she is an) environmental activist.
Personality: First and foremost, Rain is good-natured. She's always looking to do the right thing, help others, and stand up for what she believes in.
Although she prefers non-violence as a solution to problems, when it comes down to the wire, Rain will do what it takes to help somebody in danger. There's definitely a protective side to her. She's a quick learner and brave.
Most people would probably describe her as an ever so slightly awkward, quirky character. Often, she's somebody who will speak without thinking her words through.
Rain is a clone manufactured by the Umbrella Corporation. She was created as a civilian to be placed into a test simulation to demonstrate the capabilities of Umbrella's bioweapons. However, rather than dying like she was meant to, she survived the simulation.
Some other stuff:
Rain died in Retribution after getting knocked clean off an elevator platform by an Uber Licker, which is essentially a licker the size of a tank. She snapped her neck upon impact with a wall. However, that could be changed in threads.
She's a vegetarian. She doesn't enjoy the taste of meat products, nor the idea of eating animals.
Unlike either of her counterparts, her full first name is Larraine, which she does not enjoy being called.
Rain is entirely unskilled with guns. She's not particularly fond of them, either. Two of her programmed memories include campaigning for gun control and marching against the NRA.
She enjoys particularly outdoorsy physical activities such as hiking, biking, and climbing.
She also speaks Spanish as a second language... As well as ASL as a third.
Rain has three dogs. Two pit bulls and a Rottweiler.
Outside of her dogs, her family truly never existed, but she believes that she grew up with three brothers and a mother in the suburbs of Raccoon City.
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writteninscarlet · 7 months
random, mundane headcanons part 3(??) of ????
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favourite piece of technology?
"Currently? The new system at the shop. I like the antique style, but modernity is far better in terms of being able to actually do my work," she admitted, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. Wanda was far from against technology, and could use most things handed to her. But her way of living tended towards the mystical rather than the technological.
"Surely, the antiques I've kept from the place or receive to sell or display are amazing. Quality pieces. However, technology certain has it's place and makes things so much easier. ....costly though. It was a pain to update and used up most of the savings to get new things fitted."
Outwith the technology at her shop, The Emporium, Wanda's favourite technology changes often. She'll always be amused and impressed by whatever new thing is going on with Stark, and still impressed and amazed by what arrows Clint can make. Her most used piece of technology is her phone, and she doesn't mind the odd game here or there to pass the time or some social media but she tends to just use the call features or various messaging systems. She has to hand it to tech, it doesn't have the flair of astral projection or sending ravens or words just appearing in the air! But it is far simpler and more efficient.
what did their parents want them to do?
"Well, it depends on what set of parents we're referring to," she mused, mostly past getting upset or nostalgic at the thought. "But shall we talk of the Maximoff's since my first few years were with them?"
"The Romani community at the time, at least with my parents and their social circle, was geared towards males being... more important. My job was to bring people in. I was taught how to dance, and taught how to sew and crochet. I was also taught how to read tarot cards - though certainly not the variation of reading decks that I now know." A silence for a moment as she thought it over. Her childhood was happy and she wouldn't think otherwise, but it was filled with hard work, a lot of travelling, and a lot of taking the blame because Pietro was right and she was wrong. "I think my parents simply wanted me to do something that made me happy. They weren't limited, I don't think so, but they were accustomed to how they lived their life and didn't think about other things. I suppose they just thought I'd travel with them indefinitely."
In terms of the Maximoffs and Max/Erik, they wanted what a lot of parents want - their child to follow in their footsteps. To follow their religion (difficult when the Maximoffs and Erik followed different faiths), to follow their beliefs, their line of work... She was taught various skills as a child because staying with the Maximoff's she was likely to be a matriarch at some point. Taught a little medicine, some languages, dancing, tarot, various otehr skills. But Wanda certainly believes that her and Pietro's happiness were paramount.
do they fall asleep easily?
Wanda cast a glance away, then a shake of her head. "Not... Not usually. No." She gave a small shrug, thinking it over for a moment. "For starters, my schedule isn't set. The shop is open during the day, but some customers and clients only come at night - from people brought by the Last Door, to creatures of the night. Not to mention, a call for the Avengers can come any time."
"But... Even when I have the time to sleep, be it night or day, I can lie awake for some time. Sometimes I think, sometimes I don't think anything. I simply can't sleep. And when I do sleep I normally end up waking up early-- It's-- Well, it's my issue. I'm used to it, so it's not anything worrying."
Sleeping hasn't come easy to her in some time. When her depression was high, before and after 'House of M', she could spend days sleeping or just lying in bed. She had no energy, nor the will to see anyone. She does her best to have what schedule she can so as not to fall into that again. But she does have insomnia, of sorts. When with someone, a partner, she does manage to sleep better - she'll still not fall asleep instantly, but it takes less time. It's partly security, partly... who knows what. A skill, a sign of love? Wanda does try her best to get the sleep she needs, and there are plenty of good nights/days. It's not something she's worried about currently.
do you get car/sea/(flight?) sick?
"Not at all. I love a journey," she replied with a smile. "I enjoy a car journey, partly because I never really have to drive or be driven. It's a nice way to see a place I think. I rarely travel by boat or ship, but I'm incredibly used to flights through the Avengers."
"Car is maybe my preferred mode... The faster the better sometimes. You can't beat my brother for speed, however I enjoy a fast car because you can still see the sights. Of course, I wouldn't want to be the one driving. As I say, I don't tend to use cars. I have magic. I'd like to properly learn, though I can drive when required it's a skill I'm probably rusty with."
She happily doesn't get sick. And loves a journey. The travel really is important to her. She does like a nice car, probably more than a nice ship or plane or jet, whatever. She can drive, but the last time she did so? Long time ago. She can affect probabilities so you'll live, but maybe some lessons wouldn't go amiss. She actually knows a fair bit about nice cars. She doesn't know all by sight or sound, but she's been around quite a few people who do enjoy a good super car - and prior to/around her depression first hitting, she enjoyed studying anything and it was so easy to watch shows about cars or read up on them. Or ask Tony or someone else to talk about them.
who do you bicker with them most?
"Pietro, by far," she responded. There wasn't even a split second of hesitation. He was still, and always would be, one of the people closest to her. They had a lot of similarities, far too many perhaps, including arrogance and pride which was probably reason enough for most of their arguments. "We bicker over many things. We tend to overall have similar ideas and feelings, but how we go about things changes a lot."
"We love each other, but we're not the same person. So our closeness leads to bickering." Outside of Pietro? Probably her teammates, though not usually over major issues. Again, when you saw someone often there was always going to be little things that come up.
The answer is Pietro by a long shot. Sometimes it's just for the fun of it and to tease him. They are similar, but their differences are wide and varied. Their pride doesn't like when they're beaten either. And they've both made a lot of mistakes in how they've 'protected' one another in the past, so whilst a lot of bickering is simply surface level and joking, easily resolved, there are larger issues too. Wanda will also bicker, teasingly and properly, with partners. It's not a power struggle or show of dominance, and she's not one to ignore what another person says. But if she feels differently about something she'll state her argument, especially if she feels close to someone. But with a partner she isn't one to hold a grudge, and she's more than happy to compromise or lose. Communication is really important to her, and not all communication is lovely dovey. If she teases you, you're well liked.
does your voice stand out?
"Possibly. Especially around some more than others. I've not yet managed to lose the accent from my home country. ...Or countries. We travelled a lot when I was younger - Serbia, Romania, countries such as these. And my accent isn't yet gone. But I've learned that it can be easier not to show this. I've worked to have a more 'American' accent because it prompts less questions. I used to use this fake accent more regularly but... I use it less now, and let my own accent come through."
She was proud of who she was, but she hadn't always been. Her accent didn't seem to bring 'good imagery' to mind, and always seemed to set her 'lower' in peoples estimations. Or that she could not truly speak english when she thought her understand better than most others. She hid it to make life easier, but it didn't really help. She was prouder now.
Wanda really is proud of her accent, and around those she's most comfortable with (partners, or close members of the Avengers) the accent will come through more pronounced as she's relaxed. She's the kind that when excited or in high emotion, her accent is more noticeable and thick.
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crystalmarred · 10 months
name — Allen, but some call me Joker.
pronouns — They/Them, but He/Him works.
preferred comms — Depends! I use Tumblr IM until I figure out if I'm actually going to talk to the person. I have, way too many times, added someone to Discord and later removed them when they didn't seem interested in talking. So I stick to Tumblr IMs for a while, then switch to Discord.
name of muse — I'm a multi-muse, so that's a list that's getting a little long. Primary canon muses are Erenville and A'aba Tia. Original characters are A'atahni Tia, Liun'a Jakkaya and X'kijin Lyzej—who is sometimes a Warrior of Light, depending.
experience in RP — I've been role playing since I was... 9? Might have been a bit earlier. Started in an old Inuyasha chatroom before upgrading to forums where I got used to routinely writing 800+ word replies, since it was a requirement in some of those RPs. Moved to Tumblr in... 2014, I think? Been here off and on since.
best experiences — I would hesitate to call anything the best, but probably one of my best experiences would be role playing as of late. I came back to Tumblr with, initially, the intent to write only with existing friends. Instead, I met two people that have become such good friends, that have really rekindled a lot of the love for RP that I used to have. Meeting two people completely by chance and having that friendship extend beyond RP, beyond the ships we share, into playing games, watching movies, partaking of things the others like is really nice and not as common as I feel it used to be.
pet peeves / dealbreakers — Negativity and aesthetics are the obvious ones, as those are in my rules. Apart from that, I hate it when people are passive in their interactions and assume my characters will blindly chase after them. If I receive a starter where a character is sitting quietly, not speaking to anyone, I didn't get a starter. I got exposition so that I could come up with a situation and write a starter for someone who didn't want to write one.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — I don't really write smut, but I love fluff and angst. Where angst is concerned, I prefer something along the lines of hurt/comfort, not just angst. I find angst and only angst to be a bit overwhelming sometimes.
plot or memes — Either! I like to plot things; I also like winging it. I can usually do either, even for muses that I don't know. The big thing for me is that threads still need to have substance. If things don't feel like they have direction or devolves into pointless small talk, I get bored.
long or short replies — I have a preference for multi-para replies. I feel like anyone following me should know this, just based on the replies that I do. Short replies don't last long for me. I have my fun with them and stop replying once they begin to bore me. I consider them good for testing the waters, but not much else.
best time to write — Late nights. I struggle with being able to focus, so late nights being slower with less going on is probably why I find it easiest to write when it's late. I tend to get more done quicker.
are you like your muse — I like to think most people have something in common with their muses. I definitely share bits and pieces with mine, like X'kijin and I are both chronic nappers. Liun'a puts on a strong front because of trust issues. A'aba is a little on the obnoxious side. Nok'to is commonly referred to as "the anxiety cat". So on and so forth.
Tagged by: @more-than-a-princess (thank you, Rae!!) Tagging: @hyaciiintho, @vierandancer & @starsasunder, if y'all want to! Also @oathofpromises & @diademreigned since I mentioned y'all's lovely selves already.
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flameblessed · 11 months
Hello, my name is topaz. I am 25+ and he/they. I run several other blogs, including ones in this space. I work full-time and am disabled so I may not always be active. If you rush me for replies, I will not want to write with you. As someone with serious chronic conditions, there are times in which I will be unable to reply. If this is something you cannot tolerate in an rp partner, we may not be compatible. In addition, I tend to prefer longer replies bordering on novella and so even if I do not intend for a thread to get long, it may. This blog is multi-verse and multi-ship. Mains get priority but I am not exclusive.
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Recently, there was an incident involving a former friend of mine in which he behaved very very strangely and cruelly to me. His name is Jay and/or JJ and he was not happy when i put him into a DNI after he hurt me very badly. He tried to make a callout about me to twist what he did and act like the victim. I never saw the post itself because I cannot stand to look at his blog. He has since deleted his blog but he did make a callout in an attempt to paint me as cruel and manipulative for my reactions to him. I posted a DNI about him in my rules, and when his friends continued to attempt to follow me, I made this post in which i continued to push that I wanted no crossover in our circles. Following that he made the callout in which I was told he edited our messages and only put parts he could use to paint his own narrative. After trying to hurt me further with this action, he deleted his blog. This is my response to him at the time. Mind you, I had him blocked but according to people who were still mutuals with him at the time, he was posting responses to my claims as if he could see my blogs. Which meant either he was block evading or having someone give him updates. Either way, the idea that he is still able to see my blogs made me incredibly uncomfortable. He hurt a lot of people. I am not his only victim. I DO NOT WANT ANYONE THAT INTERACTS WITH HIM NEAR ME. I do not care how minor the connection is. I cannot feel safe here so long as I feel he can see me. His blogs were ifri/tma/de (deleted), tales/wr/itt/en, baldu/rm/ad/e, and s/tori/esu/ng. Please be safe friends. I am not the type of person to do this type of thing, but sometimes people put you in situations. I will not discuss him further in public. I am happy for all of the supportive anons I got. They made me feel less crazy. If you do have any questions or concerns, you can speak with me privately. I do not want my blog to be all talking about him.
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PERSONAL BLOGS: do not reblog ic posts, headcanons, or answers to asks. i will tag posts with ‘ok to rb’ if anyone can reblog them. please respect this. 
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This blog is mutuals-only. If your rp account is a sideblog connected to a personal, please send me a message telling me so I know about the side blog. it may take me a little while to follow back because I am incredibly anxious because of everything that happened.
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Multi-muse blogs, I love you guys. All I ask is to please specify your muses when you try to interact with me with starter calls or memes. You can send as many muses as you want.
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I don't follow back or interact with fandoms I am not familiar with usually. Apologies about that! I have only played like 3 FF games. And only XIV and XVI since I've been old enough to actually process media.
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Very OC friendly. I have an oc and I love him. I will lovingly stare at your oc and cradle them in my arms.
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You can ALWAYS continue an answer as a thread. You can ALWAYS send me the ask. PLEASE. I want to write with you. Do not doubt this please. I also do not care if you reblog from me or the source on any NON memes. So for musings and aesthetics or whatever, you can reblog from me.
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If you are anti-lgbt+, homophobic/biphobic/transphobic, racist, sexist, or ableist, kindly fuck off. I am a disabled queer and I am not going to keep my anger quiet for the sake of your comfort. Honestly, not interested in interacting with anyone who is"right-leaning". LMAO. I also do not like people that constantly vague blog about others. Or put others down to prop themselves up.
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This blog is highly headcanon-based. I only really am married to the lore within the game and not in side material or lore books. There is some I keep but most I don't care about.
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I am not ship-exclusive. It is difficult for me to even be exclusive with certain characters since Clive is more or less in a canon relationship with Jill. I won't push this relationship on anyone outside of Clive having very strong feelings for her. But yeah, I am not ship-exclusive. Especially not with canon ships. I WILL however be exclusive in terms of shipping with certain characters. I cannot really see myself shipping with any other Cids than my main one.
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In terms of mains, they always get priority. These are typically people that I have ooc connections with or generally just really trust and have meshed with.
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These rules are subject to change!
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phoenixcoin · 1 year
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❂⭃ Laws ⥷❂
❧ OC and Crossover Friendly. I will gladly write with any character be it OC or canon. If I don’t know your fandom or character, I will do research but I might not be the best at it so feel free to come infodump on me about the show or your muse at any time. About pages are appreciated.
❧ Shipping I am happy to ship with my muses for any muses that are of age. I ship based on chemistry, but feel free to come to me ahead of time and express interest so we can plot. I multiship and each relationship is handled as being in its own universe outside of others. Mun is sex-repulsed however, so smut will will be extremely rare on this blog. I will not ship with underage muses at all. Platonic shipping and friend groups are encouraged.
❧ About Connections I do not do exclusives at all, but I do take mains for my muses’ universe. You can find my current list of mains in the Bonds Page. Due to some anxiety issues I also do not do mains calls at all. If you wish to main with my muses, please come to me and ask directly. OCs can also act as mains for this blog.
❧ About Personals and Interactions Mutuals are free to send asks, make random starters, etc. etc. If you’re a personal blog, however, I ask that you not reblog my rp replies, as that will make things very confusing for me. If I follow you, I definitely want interaction, so please don’t hesitate. If we’re not mutuals and you want to interact, just follow me and I’ll check out your rules. I’ll only follow those that have their age clearly marked unless you already regularly interact with a mutual I trust. I require rp partners to be 18+, please. ❧ Please Follow RP Etiquette No godmodding (both in sense of conflict and character knowledge), no killing off my muses, have patience with response time and give me a chance to react to actions. Conflicts and battles must be plotted, and the winner must be decided by what benefits the narrative. If you want to talk about what your muse should know that can be plotted through as well. I don’t mind being reminded of threads, even if you spam, just please don’t get angry with me about it. ^^;;; If you can, also let me know when you’re well and truly finished with rping with me or want to let me go as a rp partner. You don’t have to give me an explanation or anything, it’s just so I can safely stop waiting on responses for threads, since I don’t consider them closed out unless we’ve reached a suitable place for that.
❧ Drama I will not participate in drama of any kind. Feel free to let me know if you truly believe that I am interacting with someone I should not be, but I will usually make that decision on my own. A lot of my mutuals don’t get along with each other for one reason or another and I tend to simply stay out of it. I won’t post drama but I don’t require you not to post it to interact. I simply won’t participate. And also, any and all hate sent into my askbox, anon or otherwise, will be deleted and ignored. I don’t respond to those either, if I feel it really is meant to just be hate.
❂⭃ Mun Info ⥷❂
Hello hello~ You can call me Kohi and I’ve been rping for while, but on Tumblr only about a year or so. I’m still learning how to work with this platform. I tend to post a lot of ooc, so if you’re not comfortable with that, please block my ooc tag. I am also very very afraid of people, even in online spaces, so I will have a really hard time reaching out to people. Please have some patience with me. I want to be everyone’s friend but I’m just really scared.
I would also like to mention here that I have a Sibling irl who I live with and is married! I will often refer to Sibling and their Spouse in my ooc posts!
Some additional info: ❧ Pronouns: She/her ❧ Age: 28 ❧ Timezone: gmt-6 ❧ DNI: Smut-heavy blogs, 18- roleplay partners
Blogroll: ❧ mystical-strawberry-sheep (multifandom OC) ❧ meadowthorns (fandomless OC multimuse sideblog) ❧ strawberry-barista (Sanae Hanekoma of TWEWY) ❧ networkscrambled (TWEWY multimuse sideblog) ❧ falseapostle (TWEWY OC w Pokemon verse) ❧ enchantedbrew (Cafe Enchante dual muse [Souan Awaki & Kaoru Rindo]) ❧ sweetlesson (Mr. Saguaro of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet)
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amethystfatebreaker · 2 years
Permanent Interaction Call
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[ Well then, it's been a long time since I roleplayed on Tumblr! Seems these are a thing so here's mine!
Like, reply, reblog, or otherwise interact with this post if you would like me to DM you to discuss a starter thread! Or if you just want one without any planning, let me know too! I rp exclusively here via reblogs.
18+ muses n' muns only please! I am not smut or ship focused, more story focused, it may occur as well as some other darker subjects. Mun is 27, AFAB, Bigender (She or He both work)
Big triggers will be tagged as CW: [Trigger Here], including smut, however standard combat will not be tagged so heads up! Hevatticus is a genuinely good dude, but he may interact with some pretty traumatic events and the people who experienced them... as well as his own troubles that follow him.
While Hevatticus is non fandom, I am comfortable playing him in fandom spaces so long as you're chill that I have zero idea what most fandoms contain... Mun is rather pop culture illiterate, admittedly. I'm only moderately selective and while technically I am exclusive to mutuals I tend to follow back if I am followed so I wouldn't consider it a barrier.
A little teaser about Hevatticus;
He is a world-hopping wizard whose magic shop will appear just about anywhere. (Multi-Universal!)
He's got more backstory than he likes to let on. (Plotting!)
Wants to make the worlds he visits a better place... (Fluff & Angst!)
... even if that calls for hard decisions. (Combat, More Plotting!)
Totally fine taking things slow... (Slice of Life!)
... but loves a good adventure! (World Building!)
Immensely Powerful, but tied to Ancient Rules. (No Godmodding, Power Playing, or anything extreme without prior discussion!)
Loves a good book... (Story Focused!)
... but not immune to Feelings. (Sex and Romance are possible with character chemistry! M / F preferred, but other parings possible if we Really Jive)
Overall a pretty good dude, if a bit fond of mischief. (Genuinely Good character, alignment slides anywhere from Neutral Good to Chaotic Good.)
If this catches your eye at all, please let me know! Mutuals also will be sent interactions with memes, asks, anons if on, and more!
I follow from @characterfactoryhub!]
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ircnwrought · 1 year
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*cracks knuckles* ❤️, 🦄, 🔑, 🛍 !! xo // @manupropria
❤️ my first roleplay memory
the very first roleplay i ever did was a tumblr submission based thg simulation in like 2012 lmao !! we all had ocs and there were tasks that we had to submit posts for (what we did during the day, what our interview answers were, etc) and the mod would throw them all into a single narrative story that was posted once a week where you'd see if you made it to the next week/task. the experience made me think of other ways to start writing on here and i joined a closed modern au hunger games group writing annie shortly after ( she's my oldest muse since i still write her !! )
🦄 the best thing that’s happened to me in roleplay this year
is it a cop out answer to say that i'm still incredibly proud of how much i've grown as a writer this year and in the 11 years i've been writing? i came back to rp in 2021 after a several year long hiatus at the suggestion of @heygutlcss & worked really hard to cultivate a space that i'm proud of and comfortable with. even some of the growth this year, like becoming okay with cultivating my muse lists more often ( once upon a time i would have NEVER dropped muses as much as i do but look at me now lol ) and making more of an effort to reach out to people , is a testament to how i've worked on managing anxiety and making this a fun place to be and enjoy after some bad experiences chased me away.
🔑 my favorite type of threads
i'm a hoe for all the threads. i think my favorite tend to be in the 2-3 para range since i can reply to them more often ( longer and i usually have to wait til weekends or several weeks later to come up with things ) and can still add a good bit of detail ( i am LONG WINDED okay i admit this ). i love fluff and angst equally but i always want my threads to focus on the personal dynamic between characters. how are they growing ?? how are they changing ?? how are their words and actions going to affect one another ??
🛍 the one thing i wish all of my followers knew about me
i have been told on more than one occassion that i can come off as intimidating. i'm not sure what i do that gives off that impression, but i would love followers to know that i'm really just a big nerd that likes to yell about things in caps on disco/dms. if we're mutuals, it's because i WANT to write with you and talk to you. i want followers to know that it's totally okay to message me, send memes, like starter calls, etc even if we've never spoken or plotted with each other in the past. it will seriously make my day.
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chronicparagon · 2 years
𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐐’𝐒:  
1. When are you usually online?
. Usually at night and weekends, especially when I am working at the hospital and not at home. I work full-time and I also take classes on Monday evenings for this semester. Lately, my activity has been a bit rough. Hoping that will change, though. I try to be here when I can.
2. What verses are you involved in?
 Other than my main verse, I have a Yugioh verse, police verse, Free verse, FF7 verse, FF7 Turk verse, Angel/guardian verse, fantasy verse, Rock star verse,FF15 verse, and I’m working on a Vampire Knight verse, Sailor Moon verse, and started on the Berserk verse. I would like to work on an Elden Ring verse too, but that’s been in construction for some time.
3. What is your biggest RP pet peeve? 
 Generally, it’s godmodding, force-shipping, and not reading rules. I usually don’t participate in call-outs either. The only exception is if someone is in immediate danger in real life. I’m not a fan of excessive and very graphic smut either. Some intimacy is okay, but I draw the line with extreme levels of it.
I also don’t like replies that don’t offer much. I am not against short replies, but something like “she smiles and giggles,” doesn’t give me much to work with. I rarely write one-liners or I would try to encourage more input in some cases like add more details.  You don’t have to write four or five paragraphs. I just want something to work with.
4. Are you drawn to specific types of muses?
Harmony is attracted to other muses who are rough around the edges or are downright deadly. She's quiet, kind, and gentle, but also has the urge to help and love others. It’s in her nature to seek out people who may not have received love and kindness out of the belief that she can heal them. The thing is, that doesn’t always happen. Harmony wants to save other people when that can put her at risk of making the problem worse or putting herself in danger. Other than her chronic heroism, Harmony also falls for the unpredictable dynamics of a relationship with the other muse.
5. Are there reoccurring themes in your writing that people might not notice?
 I try to make the replies immersive and be in Harmony’s perspective. I want to work more on writing environments and I hope I’m getting better with it. However, I tend to focus on thoughts and emotions. I want people to see how she feels, what she thinks, and how it influences her actions. I don’t know how well I portray her in some situations like when she’s excited, upset, or scared. I need to practice more on things like that. 
6. What are your favourite RP trends?
 I love the banners people have on their blog’s and also banners for answered asks and things. I hope to get things like that some day. 
7. What is your process for starting a new story with someone?
I am pretty shy but would reblog different memes to encourage others to send something to start interactions. I also will reach out to people to plot things out or like permanant starter calls and plotting calls to show that I am interested. 
8. How do you feel about duplicates?
 I worked hard on Harmony and she’s an OC. I have allowed people to have her in their works like fanfics before, but it’s after they asked me. Other than that, I hope people don’t copy Harmony, which is different from being asked on whether she’s included as a character or npc in other works. 
9. How long have you been involved in roleplaying?
For many years. I did this since I was 13.
10. Is there a muse or verse you could write in, but haven’t?
muse  wise: I thought of writing as Casca from Berserk a few times, but I was never sure if I would do her justice. I worry about that a lot when I consider canon muses. 
verse  wise:   I’m working on a few verses, but the Berserk one is one I really thought about working on. It’s very bare bones right now though and trying to come up with how to make Harmony fit into it. 
tagged  by: @s-talking [Thank you!!]
tagging: @b-erserk @spectralhunter @whispers-in-daydreams @rubbarband @carnivorarium @phantasmaw @tosubvert @xxvernalagniaxx @gearlessjunkdogjoe @theironphoenyx  @martyrtsm @knightshonour @veiliisms @thehouseofivo @riftofthestars @strawberrycolaaa @seleneserenade @strykingback @synshubblog @hriobzagelthewanderer @skullboysfinale @beloved-death  
and everyone who wants to do this!​
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tvstarkuma-a · 2 years
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I posted 1,258 times in 2022
That's 1,258 more posts than 2021!
511 posts created (41%)
747 posts reblogged (59%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,128 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#like a queue come true - 307 posts
#out-of-bear-suit - 167 posts
#v: not alone anymore - 133 posts
#teddie answers - 120 posts
#bearutiful self - 57 posts
#promo~ - 55 posts
#teddie musings - 54 posts
#anonymous - 53 posts
#v: a home to protect - 36 posts
#headcanons - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#((i'm imagining teddie mopping himself into a corner and being unable to leave since he doesn't want to step on the wet floor he made
My Top Posts in 2022:
Last Golden Week was one Teddie wasn’t soon to forget. Sure, there was another supernatural case and a fight to save the world, but that wasn’t important right now. What mattered is that Teddie got lots of new friends! The Shadow Operatives were filled with so many elegant yet kind people. There’s sexy Mit-chan, non-human Persona-users like him Ai-chan and Labby-chan, beautiful Yuka-chan, gentle Fuu-chan, the half-naked Akky, and the rest of the team. By the time everyone left, the poor bear already felt a bit of loneliness creep in. Sensei going back to the city didn’t help either. Oh well, these feelings are all a part of life, too. 
“Maybe I should go to Okina today...?” He mumbled to himself, “No! Only sad, lonely people go to the movies alone!” His head shook at its own suggestion. 
On days that Teddie didn’t have any shifts at Junes and his friends were at school, he tended to wander around town a bit until something caught his eye. If he’s lucky, one of the nice housewives stop him for food and gossip. What a kind group of ladies! 
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“Hmm?” Something different caught Teddie’s attention. It was a white dress that wasn’t anything like the girls in the team wore. Wait! Could it be?! 
“FUU-CHAN!” It was difficult to ignore the screams of a running bear. 
24 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
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“Hey! I remember you from Junes!” A small blue bear with a red and white outfit of some kind has run up to Sora. There was something familiar about this bear’s energy and mannerisms. In fact, that high-pitched voice was a bit similar to a certain blonde retail worker. 
“How are you enjoying the town of Inaba so far? You said you were new, right?” He walked a half circle around Sora before finally staying stationary for now. Yup, Teddie has confirmed that this brunette still had that odd yet cool sense of fashion. 
24 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
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You all know the drill by now, so let’s cut to the chase! Please like this post to give me permission to do the following: 
Send unprompted asks to your muse(s)
Write random starters (both prompted and unprompted and of varying lengths)
Tag your muse(s) for dash games and stuff that reminds me of them
Jump into your IM’s for plotting/shipping/HC’s 
Mention your muse(s) in other threads 
And more! 
24 notes - Posted November 11, 2022
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☆ Independent RP blog for Teddie from Persona 4 
☆ Low to Medium Activity 
☆ Crossover & OC friendly 
About // Rules // Verses // Interest Checker // Permanent Starter Call
Promo credit: @softmortem
38 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I noticed that there's a terrible lack of bears on your dash so let's fix that, shall we?
Please reblog/like if you're interested in interacting with Teddie from Persona 4. Crossovers and OC's are bear-y welcome. I have a full-time job so there will be spots of low-activity, but I still love this character with all my heart. I've been here since 2012 and I'm glad to be back for more!
40 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mutekei · 3 months
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𝖠𝖭𝖣 𝖶𝖧𝖠𝖳 𝖠 𝖦𝖱𝖤𝖠𝖳 𝖣𝖤𝖳𝖤𝖢𝖳𝖨𝖵𝖤 𝖣𝖮𝖤𝖲 𝖨𝖲 𝖮𝖭𝖤 𝖳𝖧𝖨𝖭𝖦— 𝘚𝘖𝘓𝘝𝘐𝘕𝘎 𝘊𝘈𝘚𝘌𝘚! highly selective   &  mutuals only    EDOGAWA RANPO,     a canon character of bungou stray dogs, adaptable to most fandoms. mature  &  triggering topics present. written by inaya    (she / they / he,  egyptian, twenty seven).   personals do not interact. please see rules below cut.
affiliated with @chuyua, @osaumu and @hirashino.
i.    very important rule that this blog will be very low activity.
ii.    this is a roleplay blog for edogawa ranpo. i am heavily private and selective for my own good, so if i don't follow you, please don't take it personally. i've been in the rpc for a while now and i am more interested in keeping my dash comfortable.
iii.    i do not own ranpo, but i do own anything posted here. please do not take anything without permission. i will notice and i will not hesitate to approach you. any graphic posted was made by me, unless otherwise stated!
iv. this is mostly a plotting based blog, so starter calls are not posted often. the best way to interact is by sending memes (you can send me them at any time, even if they're old!) and messaging me to plot. i tend to write novella - length threads more often. i am fine with most formatting styles, but please don’t use fonts.
v. don't interact with me if you do not know how to communicate properly. i'm not trying to sound mean, but i have no interest in drama. if i do something that upsets you, please just dm me. my top priority is feeling comfortable on this blog.
vi. there are certain fandoms i’m not particularly comfortable interacting with unless we're close. it's nothing against you if you write a muse from there, but i have had a few experiences with fandoms that does not make me want to interact with them. in general, the ones that are worth naming: harry potter, stranger things, attack on titan. if you're a multimuse, then you're exempt from this.
vii. since we're talking about following, do not follow me if you’re racist, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, a pedophile, etc or support any of those things. stay away from me. free palestine. there are obviously a lot of " problematic " fcs, so i won't be listing every single fc, but to summarize: don't follow me if your fc is a zionist, racist, transphobic, or did something awful in general.
viii. unless we are close friends (and please do ask before assuming), please refrain from using she / her pronouns with me and use he / they more. the same goes for feminine terms, but i am more lenient with that.
ix. this blog's focus is not shipping. while i am multiship, i am more interested in developing ranpo as a character and other dynamics for him, be it platonic, rivals, etc. that being said, chemistry must be there for us to do something between our muses.
x. my name is inaya, i'm 21+ and my pronouns are she / they / he. i used to go by layla and was mostly found on @/sahafiun and @/incarnedine to name some. my discord is open to mutuals. it’s nice meeting you! when i'm not here, you can mainly find me over at shams <3
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shouhko · 3 months
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𝖬𝖠𝖸𝖡𝖤 𝖨𝖳'𝖲 𝖩𝖴𝖲𝖳 𝖧𝖴𝖬𝖠𝖭 𝖭𝖠𝖳𝖴𝖱𝖤— 𝘉𝘜𝘛 𝘐 𝘊𝘈𝘕'𝘛 𝘉𝘌 𝘠𝘖𝘜𝘙 𝘚𝘈𝘝𝘐𝘖𝘙.    highly selective   &  mutuals only    IEIRI SHŌKO,     a canon character from jujutsu kaisen, adaptable to most fandoms. mature  &  triggering topics present. written by inaya    (she / they / he,  egyptian, twenty seven).   personals do not interact. please see rules below cut.
i.    very important rule that this blog will be very low activity due to the fact that it was mainly made due to a brainrot and for my friends.
ii.    this is a roleplay blog for ieiri shoko. i am heavily private and selective for my own good, so if i don't follow you, please don't take it personally. i've been in the rpc for a while now and i am more interested in keeping my dash comfortable.
iii.    i do not own shoko, but i do own anything posted here. please do not take anything without permission. i will notice and i will not hesitate to approach you. any graphic posted was made by me, unless otherwise stated! credit for my psd goes to ariapsds.
iv. this is mostly a plotting based blog, so starter calls are not posted often. the best way to interact is by sending memes (you can send me them at any time, even if they're old!) and messaging me to plot. i tend to write novella - length threads more often. i am fine with most formatting styles, but please don’t use fonts.
v. don't interact with me if you do not know how to communicate properly. i'm not trying to sound mean, but i have no interest in drama. if i do something that upsets you, please just dm me. my top priority is feeling comfortable on this blog.
vi. there are certain fandoms i’m not particularly comfortable interacting with unless we're close. it's nothing against you if you write a muse from there, but i have had a few experiences with fandoms that does not make me want to interact with them. in general, the ones that are worth naming: harry potter, stranger things, attack on titan. if you're a multimuse, then you're exempt from this.
vii. since we're talking about following, do not follow me if you’re racist, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, a pedophile, etc or support any of those things. stay away from me. free palestine. there are obviously a lot of " problematic " fcs, so i won't be listing every single fc, but to summarize: don't follow me if your fc is a zionist, racist, transphobic, or did something awful in general.
viii. unless we are close friends (and please do ask before assuming), please refrain from using she / her pronouns with me and use he / they more. the same goes for feminine terms, but i am more lenient with that.
ix. this blog's focus is not shipping. while i am multiship, i am more interested in developing shoko as a character and other dynamics for her, be it platonic, rivals, etc. that being said, chemistry must be there for us to do something between our muses.
x. my name is inaya, i'm 21+ and my pronouns are she / they / he. i used to go by layla and was mostly found on @/sahafiun and @/incarnedine to name some. my discord is open to mutuals. it’s nice meeting you! when i'm not here, you can mainly find me over at shams <3
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starsmuserainbow · 2 years
speed. I do my best to answer at a fast time, although in the recent times it has turned into like a week reply-time, at times. I can do faster sometimes too, but before a week, there's no need to check if I got it (unless your reply isn't listed when I do my "to-owe" list).
replies. I more or less do them in the order that I get them back. I try to make it so I always write one thing on Star here, and one from any of my sideblogs in alternating, though, because recently I just had too many Star things and way too few things anywhere else going on. As of writing this, I have more things for my sideblogs that I "owe" than things on Star, but I'll probably still try to stick to this alternating of replies, for now. Also, when it comes to be that both replies (one from the sideblogs, and one from here) would be from the same person, I often change the order to pick something else into today's mix, because I feel like alternating it a little is better.
I usually operate my posting of replies without a queue, I just post something usually on the day that I finished writing it (that is, as long as I have 2 replies done). I'd say something about length too, but outside of that I simply can't do one-liners, I'm fine with pretty much any length I think.
starters. I have some open starters on each of my blogs, if that is what this point is about. Most of my open starters never get replies or not continued long though, so I kinda am doing new ones less and less these days. Writing starters for others, usually only happens after I make a call or if we discuss something. I'm more likely to send things than to write a starter out of nowhere, and I'm very very bad at sending things so that speaks volumes about just how rare it is that I'd write a starter without you knowing so beforehand.
inbox. I admit I had to delete some things from the inbox recently. I still welcome any and all asks though, be they random or from memes or whatever, anon or not. I'm sorry in advance if I will end up deleting your thing though - when you didn't send it on anon though, I'll usually message you that I have to delete the thing and/or why I have to.
honest note. I've said it before, I'm kinda struggling with Starfire at the moment. I feel like ever since I did a few things (reblog memes on here less often, keep my alternating of replies, try to be more approaching of others with the suggestion of my sideblogs) to "fix it", it's become better; I think it's just a matter of oversaturation of Star things and me growing grumpy over the fact that my other muses get neglected. I know that that's no one's fault really, I wouldn't want any of you to force interactions with characters of mine that you may not be interested in, but it still is a feeling I have. That said, here's a link to that overview of my blogs, if you do have interest I'd appreciate knowing that (by telling me, or simply, like, following that sideblog of mine or sth), and if not, that's okay too. I should've done a mainblog-multi instead of all these sideblogs, anyway.
Another thing I maybe should admit to, I do tend to default to the thought of "well they followed me first, so they should do the first step (aka sending sth in, IMing, whatever)" where it's applicable - I shouldn't think that way and I do what I can to ignore that thought and at times try to actively reach out ("do the first step") to counter thinking that way, but, I figured it's probably something I should mention.
Outside of this, I don't really know what to say.
I'm very thankful to have the wonderful amazing RP-partners that I have, and I look forward to having more fun with y'all.
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chaosworthy · 2 years
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speed. typically I’m pretty fast but these days it takes a day or two for me to do a reply, which then means it won’t post for a bit since I’m extremely queue heavy. Seriously just about everything I do is in a queue because it’s just easier that way for me and it makes sure that I don’t spam the dash.
replies. I usually do them in the order I get them, even if they don’t post that way. I like separating threads with the same person in the queue so they don’t get overwhelmed and I do tend to milk them for what their worth when it comes to filling the queue. As far as writing them goes, and call me weird if you want, but I always write the dialogue first because that’s just how my muse works for me. I can get a little carried away with lengths but I try to keep things on point for the most part. I just like world-building and letting others do the same so I tend to lean in that direction. 
starters. I really don’t do a lot of them unless someone asks me to or I’m in a mood honestly. At this point I figure anyone who wants to interact with me just will since the inbox is always open and I do reblog memes pretty often. 
inbox. when it comes to memes and such, you best believe I can usually crank those out and, yes, queue them up. I try to answer most things that I get but I’m only human, and a very stressed one at that atm, so I may just delete some that aren’t relevant to me in the moment. Or the ones that are just literal nonsense or trying to get a rise from me or my muses. Sometimes they’re fun, most of the time they’re not. 
honest note. I don’t know, man. I’m pretty open to doing things with just about everyone provided my rules are followed. I do prefer mid to longer threads just because I don’t like having to carry a thread and that gives others ample space to work with. If you don’t help with a thread, you’ll probably find that I don’t reply to it as fast or at all. I’ve been here a long time so I know what works for me and what doesn’t and I did change how I do things in a lot of ways socially and RP-wise over the last two years for my own sake of mind and it’s worked wonders.
I will say that I do try to reach out to people I want to interact with but after two or three failed attempts, I just leave it alone and stop wasting the effort. 
tagging: you
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