#i know i made this joke before to you when you sent me the panel. he he
The Unexpected Gift
cw reluctant whumper, pet whump, captivity, carewhumper, caretaker new master, dehumanization/use of “it” as a pronoun 
“My lady?” 
She huffed, paintbrush hovering over the canvas in front of her. “Why on earth are you interrupting me, Julian?” she demanded without looking up. “You know I like to concentrate when I'm painting.” 
“Yes, miss, I know,” Julian replied from his place in the doorway. “However, I must inform you that Lord Donovan sent you a gift. It has just arrived, and he requested it be brought to you at once.” 
“Oh, how lovely,” Charlotte said, voice dripping with sarcasm. She set aside her paintbrush and turned to face Julian. “And I'm sure he expects something in return. Perhaps my hand in marriage, or something equally ridiculous?” 
Julian’s lips quirked up in an understanding smile. “According to him, the gift is merely a show of friendship. Although, I am sure neither he nor your parents would be opposed to finally marrying the two of you off.” 
Charlotte laughed, abandoning her easel for the time being and taking a seat on the sofa. She appreciated Julian’s good humor and their shared distaste for the supposedly inevitable union between her and Donovan. “Well, alright then—bring it to me. Heaven knows I need another pearl necklace or tea set or whatever he’s sent over this time.” 
An uncertain look flashed across Julian’s face. “Right, yes. Well, I must warn you, this present is a bit different from the ones Lord Donovan has given you before.” 
Charlotte adjusted the fabric of her skirt, smoothing out a sea of blue satin. Already bored of the whole ordeal, she said, “I don’t have all day, Julian. Just bring it to me.” 
“Right away, my lady,” he replied with a nod, before swiftly exiting the room. 
Late afternoon light formed golden panels on the floor, and Charlotte’s gaze followed it out the window. Her mind wandered as she studied the gardens outside, which she had been in the middle of painting before the interruption. She hardly noticed Julian and one of her other servants return to the drawing room until he coughed, announcing his presence. 
“Lady Charlotte,” Julian said as he crossed the room to stand in front of her. “Your gift from Lord Donovan, sent with his deepest affections and admiration.” 
Charlotte shook herself out of her thoughts and turned to face him. Her breath caught in her throat and she felt the color drain from her face when she took in the sight in front of her. Standing just behind Julian was another of her servants, who was holding onto a delicate silver chain. The chain was connected to a pair of cuffs which were locked around the wrists of a young man whose gaze was cast on the floor. 
“Is this some sort of practical joke?” Charlotte choked out, looking at Julian for answers. 
He shook his head. “I am afraid not, miss. Lord Donovan said that a lady of your standing deserves such a gift. You may read his letter at your convenience.” 
Charlotte’s eyes returned to the “gift.” The man was fairly young—about her age, she figured—of average height, and worryingly thin. His clothes hung loosely from his frame and they were worn; the neckline of his shirt fell to one side, revealing a prominent collarbone. He had a small, upturned nose and his face was framed by messy, dark locks. Charlotte’s first thought was that he needed a haircut. 
“I—I really don’t know what to say.” Charlotte glanced at Julian again, floundering. “Why in God’s name would Donovan send me such a thing?” 
“It seems that he acquired it in his recent travels,” Julian answered. “However, he said that if it displeases you, you may return it at once and he will figure out something to do with it.” 
The man’s shoulders tensed at that, but he made no other move. His eyes remained obediently fixed to the floor. 
Charlotte’s chest tightened and she replied hurriedly, “No, no—don't send him back. Heaven knows where he’ll end up.” Wherever it was, she could only expect it would be much worse. She had heard stories of the way people treated their pets, and it was horrifying enough to keep her up some nights. 
“Well,” Julian began, “if you wish to keep it, I can arrange for accommodations to be made. For the time being, would you prefer to have it sleep in the cellar, or perhaps the shed in the garden?” 
“Dear god,” Charlotte breathed in shock. “Nothing of the sort. He can sleep in my chambers.” 
The man looked up at that, a pair of piercing blue eyes locking onto hers. They were filled with equal parts shock, fear, and gratitude. It broke Charlotte’s heart. Then, just as quickly, he lowered his gaze back to the floor. 
“My lady,” Julian interrupted hesitantly, “with all due respect, that would not be proper.” 
“What is improper,” Charlotte spat, beginning to lose her temper, “is that a man sent me a human pet as gift with no warning. Now here I am, completely unprepared and unequipped to accommodate him. He may sleep on the floor in my room, and that is final. I will not be locking my gift in the cellar. Are we clear?” 
Julian sighed, then nodded once. “Yes, my lady.” 
She turned her focus back to the man—her gift—and asked, “When was the last time you ate?” 
Those blue eyes found hers once more, fearfully searching her face as though Charlotte’s question was some sort of trap. “I eat when I am permitted, Mistress.” His voice was soft and hoarse. 
“Julian, have him given a proper meal immediately,” Charlotte instructed with a huff. “I would also like him bathed and given a fresh set of clothes. After that, you may bring him to my room.” 
“Certainly,” Julian said. 
Once she was left alone, Charlotte returned to her easel. She stared at it for several minutes, trying will her mind back into the space it entered when she was painting—contented and focused. But her stomach was still turning from what had just happened. Her hands trembled. 
Charlotte grabbed the canvas and threw it across the room, knocking over a lamp with a loud crash. 
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evangelic-echo · 4 months
ℭ𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔞𝔩 𝔓𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔥𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱
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Part 4: Part 3:<
“If there was one thing I learned about your father, is that he had the worst work ethic I’ve ever seen.”
“You knew my Dad?”
“Mhm, always trying to slither his way out of doing the work the elders gave him, it was only ever when he personally wanted to work towards something that he’d put quite the effort.”
Charlie looked down at the floor, looking as though she was deep in thought after hearing your words. You wondered if possibly you had offended her, talking about lucifer in such a way.
“Sorry, but my Dad’s busy at the moment. Y’know, being the King of Hell and what not.. He asked me to attend to the meeting instead.”
You looked down, following Charlie’s gaze to see her fidgeting with her fingers under the table. Due to her reluctancy, you could sense something was up. Did Lucifer drop out of the meeting to avoid you? Did he even know you were the one attending? You couldn't imagine that after so many years he'd try to simply avoid you like that, and instead send over his daughter to pick up the work for him. If you could easily get over what happened so many eons ago so should he. Despite Charlie's hesitance, you made it clear you were being stubborn on the matter.
"Buut he is staying over at the Hotel for now, if you came over he would surely be there."
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Walking through the portal you made, both you and the princess found yourselves in the hotel. Once entering, rich, crimson walls envelop all around you as the crystal chandelier above with gold fittings hang from the ceiling, casting a warm, golden light that complements the rich red tones. The chandelier not only being used as a light source, but a decorative central piece of the lobby. Before you stood the reception desk, possibly crafted from dark mahogany wood with a crimson leather inlay and gold detailing. Behind the desk, a large, backlit panel showcases an exquisite piece of art in gold, depicting a serene landscape that contrasts beautifully with the vibrant red surroundings. One artwork that particularly caught your eye was a portrait of the newly ascended sinner you had just met merely yesterday afternoon, you took down a mental note to ask Charlie about it later.
To the left of the room was occupied with an elegant bar made with the same details as the front desk, a rich, dark mahogany counter that boasts a glossy finish. The front of the bar is adorned with crimson leather panels while the barstools are high and plush, upholstered in deep crimson velvet with a golden trim. The bar lights shone the same warm toned light as the main chandelier, keeping that same warm and inviting glow over that casted down at the bar and the shelves behind it that were lined with different kinds of spirits, wines, and liquors. While observing the intricate designs of the room, you didn't notice until that it had a couple demons occupied at the bar, one behind the bar while there was two sat before him. You only noticed when you had all three of them completely gawking at you, making you feel really awkward and uncomfortable.
"Wow Charlie, this place looks stunning. Even with magic I can't believe you built all this in a day"
"Yeah, I guess having the Devil as your dad has a few perks."
As you and Charlie both laughed at the joke, you could still feel those same eyes burning a hole at your back that was turned to them. Feeling uncomfortable, you tried keeping up conversation about the hotel while fidgeting where you stood, refusing to move and risking making eye contact with the men behind you. As you were fidgeting with a feather attached to your wings, you realised that you were an angel. An angel sent from heaven with huge ass wings that reached to the floor, and that is probably the leading reason as to why you had three demons gawking behind you. While in thought, Charlie had stopped talking and looked up enthusiastically right behind you, where you could definitely feel a demonic presence behind you.
"Alastor! I am so so so SO happy to introduce you to Y/N, she's here from heaven to learn more about the Hotel!"
Instantly turning behind you, you were faced with a tall man who had quite a slim build and a huge ass devilish grin that stretched across his face. His hair is dark with red streaks, styled in a neat, vintage wave and he was clearly dressed in 1930's attire, featuring a long red coat with black and crimson stripes, a high collar, and matching red gloves.
"It's quite evident she's from Heaven my dear! Though sending down angels that weren't exterminators is very out of the ordinary."
If it wasn't his appearance that got to you first, it definitely would be his voice. The static of his voice was enough to irritate you.
"I wasn't sent down here, I came here out of my accord"
Alastor's smile just got wider and way more creepy when hearing you came here on your own. You couldn't decipher what he meant by it. That smile was like the demons very own poker face.
"Alastor here is the hotels Hotelier and top manager, after me of course. He's helped a lot around here and I'd honestly be lost without him."
"Why Charlie my dear there's no need to talk so highly of me! What I do here is merely the bare minimum, wouldn't you agree little angel?"
Oh you could see the resemblance in tone straight away, the condescension was wayy to similar to Sera's, and it quite literally gave you the ick. You hardened your gaze towards him, about to respond when instead you were interrupted by the two other demons making themselves known, introducing themselves to you. One was a twinky, tall, fuck ass demon like Alastor, resembling a spider and a lot more easier to talk to. He was the only other resident that was staying here with Sir Pentious before he quote on quote "died". The demon that was behind the bar was the Hotels barkeep. He was significantly shorter than the others, but was also significantly taller than you too. Both of them were quite fun to talk to and didn't have annoying as fuck glitchy voices, which helped in terms of you being able to graciously join in the conversation. Whilst in the midst of talking to the others, you noticed Charlie was on the phone to someone and you were praying to God she wasn't calling down Lucifer. That's a type of awkwardness you couldn't deal with at the moment. However, instead a young girl came down walking down the stairs and she had a pair of wings??...
"Hey babe, how did that meeting-"
She completely stopped talking and just stood there, staring at you. Everyone is the room had gone silent, waiting for one of us to say something.
This is so awkward.
Her gaze hardened towards you as you just stood there, too scared of breaking the thick tension in the room.
"Why the fuck are you here?!"
"Do I know you?"
You can admit that the weird, possible angel, did look familiar to you but overall you couldn't you a name to the face. She scoffed in response, crossing her arms in front of her as she continued to just stand there..
"VAGINA! Yesss I remember you now, it's been a while how have you been?"
Angel and Husk behind you start hollering with laughs, Charlie however looks absolutely horrified and alastor just stood there with the same weird grin on his face. Vaggie stood there, vexed as hell giving you the biggest death glare.
"My names Vaggie. You know this Y/N."
"Noo what I know is that I was there when Adam named you, and he did in fact name you Vagina, which I'll continue to refer to you as."
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Taglist: @alientee @sncks4scoob @froggybich @simbalioness @elementwind91 @tsukiko26 @weirdgirlislonely @azzuurr3 @originaldickhead @annybah @white-00-7 @missa-archdevilme @sassy-persona
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azrielsdove · 9 months
Requesting rhys x reader
reader has an eating disorder that rhys thought she was passed it. She tries to hide little things from him like wearing baggier clothes cause she’s losing weight. Once he has suspicions he starts making her meals but she just says she isn’t hungry or she already ate but he keeps pushing her to eat so she does. But he catches her in the bathroom throwing up after. He’s really angry at first but then just wants to help her stop so he peels food labels off everything, never leaves her alone, she can’t go to the bathroom by herself. He gets rid of scales and mirrors. Idk I’m just really feeling a super over protective /controlling rhys rn
Okay, this is not exactly what you asked for, but I really struggled to get too dark with it. I have definitely had this feeling before, and I couldn’t bring myself to write it as serious! I still wanted to do your request, knowing that sometimes it helps to see struggles like this in stories, and see them overcome it. I hope you still enjoy this, it is a little short but sweet I think. Please let me know!!
Beautiful Girl
Warnings: Negative body image
You looked over yourself in the mirror, admiring the way the dress fell on your body. It was tight, sheer, and sexy. You knew you looked good, having fought hard to get to this level of acceptance. You turned to the side, tracing your hands down the material. You were truly beautiful.
Cassian walked into the living room where you were still standing in front of the mirror. He whistled, the sound causing you to turn your head sharply. You smiled, spinning slowly for him. “Damn girl! You look hot.” You laughed, throwing your head back.
“Don’t let Rhys hear those sort of words come out of your mouth.” You chided, a smile on your lips. Cassian’s eyes looked affectionally over you, ever the flirt. His stare caught on the sheer paneling over your stomach, a teasing smile on his face.
“Guess I will need to up your training, get some abs on that body of yours!” He laughed, turning to sit on the couch to wait for the others.
You stilled.
You knew the words were a joke, hardly even anything negative. The small, terrible part of your mind suddenly started up, picking out all your imperfections as you looked on the mirror. You felt self conscious in this dress now, an embarrassment to Rhys. You had halfway decided to go change when he appeared in the room, walking over to you.
“My beautiful, perfect love. You look ravishing.” He sent a wicked smile your way, pressing a kiss to your lips. You couldn’t help but think about his hands on you waist, on how your body must feel under them. He noticed your hesitation, eyes catching yours. “You okay?” He asked quietly, worry filling his face. You forced a smile on your face and kissed him again.
“Never better.”
It had been a few days since Cassian made that comment and you were falling deeper into your mind. You would stand in front of the mirror before your baths, nitpicking every part of your body. You stopped wearing your normal tight revealing clothes, instead opting for loose and big. You even sized up in your fighting leather for training, allowing the looser form to hide your body.
Rhys noticed, of course.
He didn’t understand what had caused you to start to fall down this path again, when you had been doing so well. You hadn’t had any issues in years. He didn’t want to ask, knowing it would send you into a further spiral if he brought it up.
Instead, he took it upon himself to rid the house of anything that would hurt you. You woke up one morning to find all the mirrors were gone, Rhys acting like they had never existed. You found one of his shirts and a pair of loose trousers left out for you, slightly better than what you had been wearing. When you went to find Rhys in the kitchen, you found him with two plates of food for the both of you. He started making all your meals, showering you in compliments, leaving comfortable clothes out for you.
You finally broke at breakfast a few days later, overwhelmed with his actions. “Why have you been doing this?” You demanded, arms crossed in front of you. Rhys paused for a second, looking up at you.
“Doing what?” He asked, feigning innocence. You rolled your eyes and let out a long sigh.
“Rhysand,” you began, “the mirrors are gone. You’re making my meals, picking out my clothes. Why?”
There was a long pause.
“I noticed. How you were looking at yourself. Sizing up your clothing. I saw you in here sitting in front of a plate of barely anything, hardly touching it.” He stood, coming over to you. “This is not the first time i’ve seen this in you,” he spoke softly, “I know the signs.”
You remained silent, face flushed with embarrassment. He had caught you so easily, so quickly. “I- It just got bad again.” You whispered, looking down at the ground. Rhys cupped your face in his hands, bringing you back up to look at him.
“I know,” he said, “It isn’t always going to be easy. Lucky for you, I will be by your side to help you through.” He gave you a cocky smile, drawing a laugh from you. You leaned up and kissed him, love flowing through your body.
“Thank you, Rhys. For always protecting me, even from myself.” You noticed a faint blush on his neck at your words, smiling to yourself. Even after all these years, your words still affected him like that. He pulled you into a tight hug, holding you close.
“Can I ask what spurred this? To try to prevent it from happening again?” He asked, pulling away to look at your face. You debated not telling him, knowing Cassian would surely suffer. Unfortunately for him, you could never hide anything from the High Lord, your love.
“Cass made a comment the night we went to dinner, about ‘putting some abs on’. It wasn’t even an insult, just a joking tease about training. It hit me wrong I guess, sending my mind back into that dark hole.” Rhys’ eyes flashed with anger at your words, his arms holding onto you tighter. “He didn’t mean anything by it!” You assured, not wanting him to unleash his full wrath onto the General.
“I’m sure he didn’t,” Rhys said coolly, “but he needs to learn to be more careful with his words.”
You didn’t know what Rhys had said or done to Cassian, but the next day he was on his knees in front of you, dramatically begging your forgiveness and showering you in apologies. You laughed at him, pulling him up to his feet. “No hard feelings, Cass.” You assured, giving him a hug. “But maybe think before you speak next time.”
For the weeks after, Rhys continued to make your meals and lay out your clothes. His outfits slowly got tighter and more revealing, allowing you the time to sink back into your skin. He showered you with plenty of compliments in every one, making sure you smiled everyday. He assisted you in training, helping you get back to strengthening your body, not harming it. You began to feel confident again, even admiring yourself in the reflection of the window one night. Rhys had caught you standing there, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Beautiful girl,” he murmured, kissing your neck softly. You leaned into his touch and looked at the image of the two of you, the power and love you exuded.
You were strong, powerful, and beautiful. Rhys had only pushed you to see that truth once again. You were the one that allowed his love to push down the darkness, instead of letting it swallow you up like it had before.
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nobodywritingao3 · 9 months
unnamed monster & caretaker au
Tasked with feeding and caring for the king's resident monster, Tommy is constantly overworked and fully expects to die before he's twenty. He has an odd relationship with the beast and makes it a point to keep details about himself private, but it's difficult when the creature is the closest thing in the world he has to a friend.
wordcount: 2.3k 🕸 read it on AO3
CW: - hard vore mention - soft vore mention - mentioned abuse and dehumanization
‼️‼️‼️ Unfinished, unedited one shot. Proceed with caution
@gracideaviolet sent me a writing prompt and this is what i originally wrote for it. i like the concept but i wrote this at a not-good time and when i reread it, i didnt like the quality enough to fix it. if you like this story, let me know cuz that might give me motivation to properly finish this thing. feel free to take the idea but please credit and send it to me cuz i like this story and wanna see what someone else does with it
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Tommy finished loading the cart and took a second to breathe.
He heard the beast shifting around in the dark. "Are you doing okay out there, Sunshine?"
Despite his tiredness, the sweet nickname made him smile.
"You know you eat a lot? It's a pain in the ass to load myself."
He meant it as a joke but silence hung in the air a second longer than it should have.
He cleared his throat. "I don't mind it. I'm compensated."
The beast snorted. "Not enough."
Tommy laughed awkwardly and didn't say anything.
He walked over to the control panel and started up the track.
The cart was big enough to fit a barn, and filled to the brim with various livestock, prisoners of war, and whoever else might have found themselves on the king's hit-list. Nothing sent to the monster was alive. It was a point the monster whined about a lot, but Tommy much preferred it that way. It was already disgusting having to spend hours upon hours piling the cart with bloody meat (sometimes human!) by himself, and the day he was handed a living person would be the day he faked his death and fled the kingdom.
He pressed a few buttons, tried not to cut himself on several rusty levers, and the rail obediently started itself up with a few revs and puffs.
The beast hummed contentedly at the noise.
The cart began to run along the track, disappearing from his view and descending into the inky black cave. He heard the gate creak open and he heard it creak close. And then he heard the beast begin to eat.
They weren't nice sounds by any stretch of the imagination - ugly rips and wet squelches of flesh - but Tommy had been at the job for a while and was long used to it. He settled in and waited for the creature to finish its meal.
"So how was your day, Keeper?"
Tommy hummed. "About the same as it always is. My master told me that the king will be coming in soon for a performance review, but I've no idea when that might be."
The beast paused its munching before hesitantly starting again a moment later. "I - why?"
He shrugged, assuming the monster could see him from the dark. "Something about me holding down this job the longest out of anyone before."
"I don't understand why that would intrigue the king. And no offense to you personally - "
"Uh huh," the monster sarcastically interjected -
" - but this isn't exactly the career path I'd have chosen. If I knew how to transfer I probably would have. Honestly - I have no idea how the others could have quit this job. I was under the impression that this is the sort of thing you do until you die."
It laughed at that.
Tommy sighed.
He was quiet for a few moments, a question sitting heavy on his tongue.
He shouldn't ask. It's impolite.
The monster shifted around. "Spit it out."
He gave the darkness an accusatory look. "I don't know what you're talking about."
There was a huff of laughter. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're doing that thing where you want to say something but are worried about what I'll think. It would be adorable if I wasn't desperate for decent conversation."
"Fuck you." He said it with a smile.
"Well? Are you going to say or not?"
He scrubbed at his face. Fuck it. "What were your other keepers like?"
The beast went silent for several long moments.
Shit. "You don't have to answer if you - "
"I didn't much care for them."
Tommy didn't say a word.
"The feeling was mutual." It sighed heavily. "You're a much better replacement, Sunshine."
"I'm sorry for asking."
The beast purred. "Don't be, dear. I pressed you. And I don't mind answering." It jostled the cart. "And I'm done eating."
Tommy nodded and powered up the control panel again. The cart began to recede. 
It appeared from the darkness, picked completely clean and shiny as if it never been covered in blood at all.
It scared him a little, how quickly the monster could eat such a large amount, but he dismissed those thoughts as easily as they came. When would that ever affect him?
He checked the clock. He still had a few hours before he had to report back. "Do you mind if I stay with you longer?"
The monster laughed conspiratorially. "Oh, but that's against the rules," it said in a high mockery of his voice.
He flushed.
He had been terrified of the monster when they first met. He gave any excuse to leave the beast as soon as he could, including that the rules specified that spending unnecessary time with it was prohibited. That was true, but no one would have known if he chose to linger. In hindsight, it had been terribly obvious how afraid he was and he's only embarrassed that the monster pretended to believe him.
"You're the worst."
"And you still want to spend time with me?"
Tommy blew a raspberry at the darkness, earning a few laughs.
It was comfortably quiet for a few seconds before the monster spoke again. "Why are you curious about my old keepers?"
He tugged at his fingers. "Do you know how I ended up here?"
"You never talk about it."
He frowned. "And I never will," he responded coldly. It never gave up asking. "But do you know, generally, how someone ends up working this kind of job?"
The monster was quiet. "Yes."
Tommy didn't say anything for a minute. "The king is very angry with me. I don't want to see him again. However the other keepers escaped..." He shook his head. "I don't know. I don't know what I'm saying. If the king requests an audience with me, it isn't for any good reason."
When the king acquired his monster, he hired out help to feed the thing and keep it under control. He made sure the beast ate lavishly, but now matter what they fed it, it never seemed like to satiate the creature. But it hadn't died of starvation and that was good enough. When its caretakers started to disappear, it wasn't difficult to guess what happened.
But acknowledging the problem would mean addressing it too, and the king simply didn't care. In the end, he realized he had the perfect way to quietly do away with those he needed gone. He sourced this job, with its one hundred percent rate of 'job abandonment' to political adversaries or people growing affluent enough to take his throne.
Which takes him to the present day, and a rather interesting problem.
When some servant boy had spilled a bottle of red wine down his front during a gala several years prior, the king had been so angry that he threw the child in a dungeon and left him there. When the monster's then-keeper inevitably disappeared, the king came to the boy and grimly informed him of his punishment.
He hadn't expected the child to last more than a couple of days. He'd even picked out his replacements.
But lo and behold, the boy remained present at his job post for a week. And then that week became several, and those several became months, and those months became a year and a half.
The king couldn't understand why it hadn't eaten him yet. He was fifteen at this point, certainly the youngest to feed the monster. Was it waiting for him to grow up? Did it want to watch him sprout up before it made its attack? It was perfectly sentient, and the king knew this even though he denied it upfront. Shouldn't the monster trust that the sooner it finished its current keeper, the sooner he would be replaced by another?
Had there been someone who had managed to bring this creature to subservience? If so, then the king took special interest.
And if not, then it was long overdue that the servant boy be put to death.
Being a human's lapdog wasn't a dignified experience, but it was a fed one. Driders were megafauna, making it hard to get enough food. It certainly didn't help that the human kingdom believed everything was its rightful property and saw driders as a threat to them owning more than they could eat.
Wilbur certainly didn't enjoy his life, and he was almost always hungry anyway, but at least he was alive.
He lived in a dungeon below the castle, but he wasn't sure what a castle was and he barely understood the concept of a dungeon. He hadn't seen the sunshine in years, and his keeper was his only company.
He liked his keeper. The boy was kind. He didn't threaten to pee in Wilbur's food or throw rocks at him. He asked him how his day was, and even made it a point to handle the meat carefully as he transported it into the cart. He seemed lonely, and made up excuses to stay. He was a cute little thing, and Wilbur wanted to stick him into his brooding pouch and keep him there.
The cart rolled into Wilbur's enclosure, and he greedily snatched it up and began to eat.
His keeper sat at a table in the light.
Wilbur finished his food in a few seconds and toyed with the cart. He always made it seem as if it took him longer to eat than it did.
"Do you have a family?"
The boy froze at the question. "Why do you ask?"
Wilbur pouted even though he knew he couldn't be seen. "We've known each for so long. I don't even know what your name is. Can't I know just a little?"
His keeper awkwardly laughed, fidgeting with his fingers. "Oh... I guess you're right."
Wilbur's heart leapt.
"I don't have a family."
"Oh." Shit.
What was he supposed to say?
"I don't have a family either."
His keeper peered into the darkness. "What are you?"
Wilbur smiled. He skittered to the bars of his cage and leaned against them, towering over the boy, though he had no idea. "Would you like to play twenty questions?"
"You're so lame, seriously, what are you? I don't even know what you look like."
I could show you, he wanted to say.
Coming out of his cage was easy. The king assumed it could hold him but no one actually checked. And aside from his keeper, no one had been in his dungeon for years. In reality, the bars had long been bent open and Wilbur could get out whenever he pleased.
It wouldn't be difficult to come through the bars and present himself to his keeper. Pick the little figure up in his hands and take him into his cage with him.
When he'd eaten his previous keepers, they'd always been replaced. If he captured his current keeper and stored him away in his brooding pouch, then he'd never be lonely again.
It was tempting.
"That's probably for the best," he said. He stepped away from the bars of his cage and curled up on the floor.
He liked his keeper. He wanted him to be happy. Just because Wilbur was stuck in a cage didn't mean he had to be as well.
"Do you think I'd be scared of you?"
Wilbur looked down at himself, at his large stature and eight legs. His fangs came down to his mid chin. "I think you'd be terrified, dear."
His keeper smiled. "I don't think so. I have a suspicion that you're just harmless."
His heart melted. Oh stars, he wanted to eat this kid.
He massaged his aching brood pouch. "You're sweet, Sunshine."
The cart was left in his cage while he was sleeping. He woke up confused, spying it in the corner of his enclosure and wondered why he'd been fed overnight. Where was his keeper? His mind jumped to the worst conclusions.
He found him inside the cart. Bound and gagged and looking terrified beyond all reason.
"Oh, Sunshine," he murmured.
His words had the opposite intended effect, his keeper starting to panic and writhe at the sound of his voice.
"Hey, hey... Calm down, okay? I'll get you out of there." He reached into the cart and picked him up in his hand.
Despite the circumstance, his heart soared. This was the closest they'd ever been.
The figure was tiny in his palm, and still struggling.
Wilbur quickly undid his bounds, being mindful of his sharp claws against the human's body. As soon as his hands were free, he was clawing at the gag around his mouth.
"Don't eat me! Please, do not eat me..."
Wilbur's stomach dropped.
"What? Sunshine, why would I eat you?"
The boy continued to sob.
Wilbur cupped him to his chest and headed towards the bars of his enclosure. He expertly clambered through and came out the other side, his skin exposed to the light for the first time in more than a year.
"Dear? Can you talk to me?" He stroked his head with his thumb and brought him eye level. "Why were you in my feeding cart?"
His keeper stared at him in shock, and it was then that he remembered his keeper had never truly seen him before.
A hot wave of embarassment and self consciousness overtook him.
He awkwardly set his little human on his table and receded back into his enclosure.
"Sunshine?" He prompted once back in his cage. "Are you..."
"Could - could you get out the whole time?"
Wilbur's mouth went dry. "I - well, yes, I could but - "
His keeper stumbled off the table and hit the ground with a nasty sounding crack.
Wilbur sprang to his claws and scrambled forward. He popped his head out between the bars and stared down at his little keeper. "Are you okay?"
The human stared up at him with terror on his face and scrambled backwards, running for the door.
"Shit, shit, wait, I'm sorry! Please stay, please, Sunshine - "
The door slammed behind him with a resounding crack and Wilbur flinched backwards.
~ ~ ~ 🕸
i used to love drider aus back in 2020 🕷️🕷️🕷️
just a freaky little guy whose half dude and half Fear. potential off the charts.
my tag list got lost when my computer was annihilated (</3) but let me know in replies if you want to get @'d and i'll make a new one
oh yeah link to the writing prompt and story i did fill out
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boltupbitches · 7 months
Lover - Nick Bosa - Part 4 (spin-off of Sliding in the DMs)
Athena had her head in her hands as she sat up on the bed. Her head was killing her. Nick? He was in no better shape. He just sat there in a daze with no expression on his face. What could either of them say? Not at one point during the night and this morning did they consider practicing safe sex. That was 100% on them, regardless of booze being involved. They both knew that.
“So,” Nick started to say before pausing to clear his throat, “We need to make a trip to a nearby pharmacy to get a Plan B.” He looked over to her and waited for her to respond.
Athena lifted her head and looked at him with bloodshot eyes. She nodded in agreement. 
Nick reached out and gripped her hand. “It’s going to be ok, Athena. Alright? We’ll be ok… I um.. I promise I’m clean.. This is an awkward conversation to have after the effect.. I can get my recent panel results sent over I got two months ago…” He rubbed his free hand on the back of his neck, “Fuck.. I’m so sorry. This is NOT how I planned for the week” He glanced over at her as she watched him with sad eyes. “I mean, I don’t regret the time we’re spending together and I’d be lying if I said I regretted the sex. I just regret not being more careful in the planning and now we’re in this predicament.” He admitted shyly. ‘I ruined all of this now. She probably thinks I’m a pig and a joke.’
Athena could see the struggle going on in his head and she squeezed his hand that was still holding her’s. “It’s not all on you, Nick. I played a part too.” She was sure she was going to cry again.
Nick went to say something else when his phone rang. He ignored it and looked back to her. “Let’s get dressed and go and get that Plan B. Then we’ll get some breakfast.” He stretched before getting out of bed.
Athena watched the naked expanse of his back as his muscles stretched with each movement he made. He was beautifully sculpted and she felt the familiar heat pooling in her nether regions. 
Nick walked to her side and said, “Let’s go shower, princess.” As he scooped his hands under her and hoisted her bridal style in the air.
Athena squealed and giggled as she wrapped her arms around him, her cheeks bright red and showing under her faded makeup.
Nick sat her on the sink as he prepared the shower. He still hadn’t looked at his phone, but he knew whoever it was could leave a message or call back later. He was on vacation.
Just before they headed out, Nick’s phone went off once more and he finally took a look at his missed calls. Three from his agent. “Fuck,” he mumbled. “Thena, I gotta take an important call. Give me like 20-30 minutes. It’s my agent I have to call back.”
Athena was picking up her clothes from around the room from last night. “Ok. I’ll be waiting in here when you get back in.” 
He nodded and walked out of their suite, likely going to find a quiet and private spot to take his call. 
She ok with waiting. Everything was fine. What difference did 30 minutes make? It was fine. Right?
“Oh my my god.” Athena felt the existential dread immediately return with Nick’s calming presence now out of the room. “Oh my god.”
She quickly found her phone and texted the one person she could rely on. Her sister.
I think I fucked up.
No. I know I fucked up.
She quickly dialed her sister’s number, but it rang through to her voicemail.
A few moments later…
What if i was fucking dead, bitch?
Five minutes later her phone rang and Arty’s face popped up to show her incoming call. Athena did not hesitate to answer.
“Finally!” she shouted. “Fucking-finally!”
“Ok, what, what? I couldn’t pick up because I was busy.” Arty defended.
“Busy? What busy getting your back blown out again?” Athena asked hysterically as she started to cry over the phone.
“Athena, are you ok?” Arty asked in alarm, ignoring the remark.
“No. No I’m not. I broke up with Teddy last week, I’ve been crying nonstop and decided to go to Napa.. and while in Napa I had unprotected sex three times with a guy while I was drunk. Oh my god, Arty.. If I get pregnant mom and dad will disown me!!”
She was hysterically sobbing.
“Woah, woah, woah! Wait-” Arty blinked in shock. “First of all, did he force you?”
Athena sniffled, “No, we ran into each other, I kind of know him already.. I was feeling just lonely and upset and he was trying to cheer me up. We drank like two bottles of wine.. And then made our way back to my hotel room at some point. I came onto him.” She admitted.
She was of course lying about half of that, but she didn’t want to admit to her sister that she was hooking up with the brother of Arty’s boyfriend. That would be a headache to explain. 
“Did he leave after?” Arty asked.
“No, he stayed the night… And then... This morning we fucked again.” She admitted quietly.
“Sober?” Arty asked in shock. This wasn’t Athena’s usual way - this was more Arty’s style of stupidity - she wasn’t going to say that to her sister right now, however.
“Yeah... He was just so sweet and showed me attention. I didn’t feel like I had to force myself to get his attention like with Teddy... And he is super attractive, so the second we kissed after waking up... We fucked again.”
“And no fucking condom, Athena?” Arty asked in outrage.
“I know! I didn’t even think about it, neither did he! I mean, I’m on birth control, but I didn’t take it yet this morning when we fucked and I had so much alcohol last night.” She cried again.
“Is he there now?” Arty demanded.
“No.. he had to take a phone call and stepped out to speak with his boss.” 
“I know.” She said quietly back. “I’m sorry, Arty. Please don’t be mad at me.”
“I’m not!” Arty said back. “I’m just worried about you. Why didn’t you tell me you broke up with fucking Teddy? That piece of shit!”
“Because you’ve been so happy with Joey, I didn’t want to ruin that.” She said.
Athena relied on Arty for strength. Her big sister was the one person she could turn to for help and guidance. Their upbringing was a tough one with an overbearing mother and a physically there, but emotionally absent father. 
“Listen, go to a nearby pharmacy and speak to a pharmacist about getting a plan B and seeing if it is still within the time frame that it can be used. Then, get plenty of fluids and rest. Make sure you are eating too. Call me back after the pharmacy trip and let me know what they say. And if shit gets to be too much to handle, my ass will fucking be there.” She said seriously.
Athena sniffled and agreed. “Thanks, Art. I don’t know where I’d be without you.”
“You’d be going fucking insane and married to Freddy. Now get your ass in gear and call me afterward! Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye.” Athena ended the call.
Athena wiped her eyes and breathed deeply a few times. Somehow she felt like she dug a bigger hole than intended just now. “Fuck,” she groaned as she closed her eyes and leaned back on the sofa. “Why am I such a fuck up?”
A minute later Nick was returning through the door, stress clear on his face. “Hey, I’m sorry about that. My agent had an update on my contract extension. It’s just a huge headache.” He sighed as he offered Athena a hand to help her up.
Their trip to his rental car was quiet, both of them in their heads for different reasons. Nick was certain he fucked everything up with Athena. She probably thought he wanted sex from her and nothing more. That wasn’t true.
Athena was thinking about the fibs she told her sister and the effectiveness of the Plan B. Nick wasn’t anywhere in the high priority of her mind right now. As rude as that sounded, it was true. She wanted to get this preventative in her and back on her way to being in control once more of her life because right now? She felt powerless. There was little she had control over and Athena hated that feeling.
Nick had pulled up to a nearby Walgreens and Athena got out. He was about to follow her in when she stopped him. “Just in case anyone recognizes you, it would be better if you stayed in here, ok?” She tried to reason.
Nick frowned and was quiet for a moment, “Ok… will you at least let me pay for it? I’m responsible in this situation too, Thena.”
Athena frowned before nodding and reaching her hand out.
Nick pulled a crisp $50 bill out and handed it to you. “I’ll be out here waiting then.” 
She nodded and walked into the pharmacy.
“Fuck.” Nick sighed as he rested his head back. It only took a day to fuck it up. “Good going, Nicholas.” He said bitterly to himself. 
His phone rang suddenly and it was Joey’s number that flashed on his screen. He answered with a “yo,” expecting to hear his brother’s deep drawl in return. Instead, he got an irate woman.
“Nicholas Bosa, how fucking dare you?”
“Whoah, what?” He pulled the phone back to glance and make sure it was in fact Joey’s number that called him. “Who the hell am I speaking to on my brother’s phone?” He asked rudely in return.
“Just the older sister of the girl you’re hooking up with!” She spat angrily.
Nick blinked for a moment before his eyes suddenly widened. He was speaking with the infamous Artemis. Athena’s older sister. His brother’s girlfriend. “Not sure what your problem is, but can we hash this out another time? I am busy.”
“Oh, I’m sure you are. Busy getting my sister drunk and having unprotected sex with her, knowing she’s emotionally vulnerable after a breakup with her fiance.”
Nick was not here for those accusations and he made known back to her. "I don't know where the fuck you got that info from, but that's not what is happening here. Just because you’re my brother’s girlfriend doesn’t mean I’m going to let you talk to me that way. Mind your own damn business." 
He hung up his phone and tossed it in the cup holder next to him. “What the fuck?” He cursed loudly and smacked his hand on his steering wheel. He needed some aspirin and a nap at this point.
Athena had taken the Plan B in the car and handed the rest of her water and protein bar to Nick, who was sitting stiffly in his seat next to her. 
Nick eyed them up for a moment before taking them and muttering a quiet “thank you.”
They sat there for a while before Nick spoke up, “I had an interesting phone call while you were in the store.”
Athena raised her eyebrows and looked at him. “Ok?” 
“My brother’s number rang through. Except it wasn’t him calling. It was your sister.” He stared at her, his face schooled and his eyes blank. “She apparently somehow knows I took you out here and thinks I’m using you for sex. Did you call her while I was speaking with my agent?”
Athena was shocked for a moment before she tried to stutter out a response. The words wouldn’t string together and she breathed deeply to stop and calm herself, “I did call her.” She admitted quietly. “But I swear I didn’t say you were taking advantage of me or anything. She came to that conclusion herself. I told her that I was worried because I wasn’t being responsible and had unprotected sex multiple times in the last 24 hours. I didn’t think she’d call you and react that way.”
“Well, she did and I got nasty back with her. I’m sorry, but just like I’ll tell Joey when he calls to bitch me out, I’m not going to let her talk to me like that.” Nick sighed, “Fuck. This is a mess. Let’s go get something to eat and spend the day relaxing. Both of us need it.”
Athena nodded. The pit in her stomach returned as did the darker thoughts once more. ‘You just can’t stop fucking things up, can you?’ She asked herself bitterly.
The car ride back was silent as Athena looked out the window at the passing miniature towns and farmland. If she wasn’t so hungover and miserable in that moment she would have been soaking in the beauties of Napa.
Nick was in his mind thinking about his handling of things. Arty’s words pissed him off and cut deep. He knew he slept around and had plenty of hookups between his last girlfriend and his pursuit of Athena. He was always careful with his actions after his disastrous relationship with his ex. Yet, he somehow fucked shit up in such a short time with Athena. He wanted to believe that she didn’t say negative things about him to her older sister, yet a part of his brain worried that he was just wasting her time in the end if that’s how she saw things.
The attraction was mutual. The affection and interest was there. He wanted to believe he wasn’t imagining that. 
Yet Athena had just gotten out of a relationship - a long-term one that almost led to marriage. Was he just making a fool of himself in pursuing her?
He wasn’t certain. He just knew that he wasn’t in control of the situation and his emotions right now. That was a difficult pill to swallow.
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tatertotcosmonaut · 8 months
I hope I didn't mistake you for someone else, but I think you're the other mutual I have who's into JJK, right? I only have two mutuals who reads JJK ahahahha. So it should be you...
Have ya read the (albeit terribly-translated) leaks for C248 yet? Thoughts?
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Yes I am the other JJK mutual lol, you weren’t mistaken! I have read the leaks, but I usually wait till TCB scanlations and then official translations (although I hate official translations, John Werry really needs to be replaced) so I can compare them and come to a conclusion about my thoughts.
I’m a bit more ready to negatively criticize JJK than most, but I do so because I know Gege is capable of really good writing. Shibuya is one of the best written arcs I’ve seen, and the philosophy and themes aren’t new but they are written in ways that are intriguing to me.
Sukuna is one of my favorite characters, but the mass Sukuna v. Everyone fight has steadily become more and more boring to me. There’s only so many times I can be “off the edge of my seat” with constant deaths and death scares and “Sukuna defeat” close calls before I just become blasé to it. I was expecting there to be many deaths (it is a war after all), I was expecting Sukuna to be difficult (He is known as the most powerful sorcerer for a reason), but it feels less like a battle of tension and cunning and more close to levels of “last season of Game of Thrones” writing (although not nearly as egregious, Gege is still a competent writer and he clearly is trying to tie this up as best as he can).
The Kenjaku v Takaba fight is, no joke, one of my favorite fights in the series. I think it’s a wonderful display of how cunning Sorcerers need to be whilst showing the creativity of the power system Gege has made. And I think that’s what I feel is missing from the Sukuna fight, or is steadily disappearing. Sukuna is meant to be cunning, he’s meant to be smart, but it feels less like he’s winning because he’s cunning and more because he’s winning because well…Gege needs him to for tension reasons.
The court room fight is a good example of this. Lord I would’ve loved to see Sukuna utilize his intelligence to overcome Higuruma’s domain, it would’ve been much more satisfying than Sukuna getting that one weapon confiscated and the whole fight just ending in like 4 panels and that’s that.
I also will be majorly rankled if Kenjaku is actually dead and gone. There is no reason they should be as Kenjaku, the person that prepared for this whole debacle for over 800 years, is much more cunning than to just be killed by a decapitation. I think it’s fair to say that Kenjaku is the main overarching villain, none of this would be happening if it wasn’t for them, nor would Sukuna be here either. To kill then off as if they were some dumb goon obstacle boss would be an insult to their character. Kenjaku’s connections to the Heian era, to Tengen, to Yuuji and Choso, is too valuable for them to just be gone.
Anyways, I’m intrigued to see where this will go and what Sukuna will do know that he has the ability to go forward with the Merger. Although I’m confused on why he would even bother doing that or what interest he would have in that.
I’m also interested to see where Gege is trying to go when it comes to themes of love, power, and loneliness when it comes to Sukuna. The theme of “it is lonely to be at the top” is budding into something intriguing, which is why I think Sukuna is fascinating to me. I don’t care to much about his fights, and more of him as a philosophical figure, because he his quite philosophical in and outside of fights. His ending conversation with Kashimo was quite cool. He also can’t stop being very homoerotic towards the enemies he fights and defeats. It’s funny to see hm having fun and being satisfied by an opponent and then being sent into a philosophical crisis over human emotion.
Also I am always fascinated by Gojo fans absolute hope in Gojo coming back. I think this chapter sent them into more of a fervor, I am rooting for them it would be funny to see honestly.
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cynicalone94 · 1 year
Made To Watch
He turns to see Trudy Platt walking toward him across the parking lot.
“What’s up, Sarge?”
“You did good with that kid earlier today.” she says, offering him a rare smile. “I don’t know that anyone else could have gotten her to open up.”
“She just needed someone who was willing to listen.” Jay says, frowning. “Anyone on the team could have done it.”
“No.” she says, shaking her head. “I don’t think that’s true.”
He freezes, going pale.
“It’s just a nosy old coot’s theory.” she says gently. “And you don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to. I just wanted you to know that I’m here if you need to talk.”
He’s quiet and for a minute she thinks he’s going to shut her down entirely.
“Thanks Sarge.” he says quietly. “I uh… It’s not something I’ve ever talked about. Not sure I’d even know where to start.”
“The beginning is always a good place.” she says, putting a hand on his shoulder. “When you’re ready.”
“I appreciate that.” he says.
“Alright.” she says, chuckling. “Get out of here.”
“Right away.” he agrees, turning back toward his truck and reaching into his pocket for his keys.
A scream draws his attention toward the road. A man is dragging a young girl off the sidewalk and into a gray panel van.
“Hey!” he shouts, breaking into a sprint. “Let her go.”
He can hear Trudy running just behind him but he keeps his attention on the man. He’s stopped short of actually pulling the girl into the back of the van and Jay’s brain clocks that.
Shouldn’t he be trying to get away before they can reach him?
As he crosses the edge of the neighboring building and steps onto the sidewalk another man steps forward, pointing a gun directly at him.
“Drop your weapon, Detective.”
He slows to a stop.
“Let the girl go.” he orders.
“Put your weapon down or I’ll kill her.” the man orders. “Take some pot shots at you and the bitch too.”
“You too, crazy bitch.” the man with his arm around the little girl adds.
With half a glance back at Trudy, Jay clears his weapon and crouches down to place it on the ground. He can hear her doing the same.
“Get in the van.” the second man orders. “Both of you.”
Jay raises an eyebrow but one glance at the little girl, still shaking and crying, is enough for him to step forward, stepping up into the back of the van.
Once Trudy is sitting next to him, the first man releases the little girl and whirls on them. Before either of them can react, he fires twice, a tranquilizer dart piercing each of their necks.
Jay’s last thought as he loses consciousness is that this was planned and that they are in deep trouble.
He wakes up in a heap on the floor.
Looking around the dark room, he makes out Trudy sitting in a chair ten feet in front of him.
Her wrists are secured to the arms of the chair and duct tape is plastered over her mouth.
He continues scanning the room but aside from the fact that the shackles on his wrists are attached to a chain that trails up to the ceiling there isn’t anything else to see.
“No good deed goes unpunished huh?” he jokes.
Trudy just rolls her eyes.
The door behind her opens.
“You’re awake.” the man, no longer wearing a ski mask, says looking between the two of them.
He’s got light skin and dark hair, bright blue eyes fixing on Jay for only a moment before turning his attention to Trudy.
“I suppose you are wondering what this is about.” he says.
“Yeah.” Jay pipes up. “I’m certainly curious.”
The man whirls around and slams his booted foot into Jay’s stomach.
“Shut up, dumbass.” he snaps. “This is between me and Platt. You just got lucky being in the right place at the right time.”
Jay rolls his eyes but stays quiet. The man turns back to Trudy.
“You sent my son to prison.” he growls. “I’ve spent the last ten years watching him suffer all the indignities that come along with that. And then last week he was killed. Beaten to death by another inmate.”
Jay’s stomach flips.
“Look man-” he starts but all it gets him is another kick to the stomach.
Then the chain is retracting, dragging him up off the floor. It continues until only the tips of his toes are touching the floor.
Trudy twists her wrists against the ropes securing them, angry noises coming from behind the gag.
“Now you get to watch someone you care about suffering.” the man tells Trudy. “You look away, this only gets worse for him.”
Her continued protests are ignored as the man approaches Jay, sliding a set of brass knuckles onto his hands.
Jay holds his gaze right up until the moment that the fist slams into his stomach. The fists keep coming and he tries to curl forward even as the ropes keep him upright.
He can hear Trudy’s muffled screams and wishes he could find the breath to reassure her, to tell her that he’s okay, that he’s taken worse beatings than this.
But every blow forces the air from his lungs.
After dozens of strikes, some of them drifting up to impact his ribs, the man finally falls back.
He fights to lift his head from his chest, searching out Trudy’s face.
Tears are streaming down her cheeks and he forces a smile.
“‘M’okay.” he gasps. “‘S’okay.”
She shakes her head.
The man laughs coldly.
“Trying to comfort the bitch?” he says. “I really did pick the right guy to hurt, huh?”
He turns back to Trudy, leaning down to get in her face.
“It’s going to gut you when I kill him, isn’t it?” he tells her. “When you watch him die right in front of you.”
“Not yer fault.” Jay says. “‘s’an ass.”
The next punch rips a choked groan from his throat.
“Feel closer t’yer son that way.” Jay says. “In pris’n jus’ likim.”
“You little bastard.” the man snarls, landing the next punch square in the center of Jay’s face.
And then it’s lights out.
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calypso-finale · 1 year
Forty Nine. Part 3
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Aziel is so intrigued by Emi, he wants to look after her and I find it the cutest. He’s trying to help my mom by holding the bottle “maybe he will become a nanny” my mom said “maybe he will, he is very caring. I like the way he pulls a face at you when she cries, it’s like he is judging you for letting her cry” my mom chuckled “he was so good last night, Chris was saying how he just fell asleep straight away and I said it’s because of him, he loves Chris so much” Aziel hasn’t broke his gaze from Emi at all “mhmm it’s cute, he is close to him. I saw dad facetiming Oakley actually, dad then kicked the door shut like what the hell, I didn’t even do anything but I was walking by and I just see Oakley’ face on facetime with dad and Aziel, it was kins of dark so I couldn’t see him or what he is like now but dad did kick the door shut” I huffed out “dad did what?” my dad walked in “you kicked the door shut on me” I am not scared to say it “I did, I hate nosey people” he side eyed me “oh brother” I groaned out “but I didn’t want him to feel I am setting him up with a family get together, it was the first time he came on facetime with Aziel so it was just their time, big A what you doing? That is a woman’s job” here my dad go “Emi don’t know sign language, she is a loser” my mom scoffed “shut up, he is helping me by holding the bottle” my dad made his way over, moving my legs in a little but he still grabbed my ankle and moved them, he sat down right next to me and placed my legs over his lap “why are you in my space?” I questioned “I like to invade your privacy, problem?” nodding my head “I do have a problem really” I am joking with him, I love my dad so much. My phone started ringing in my pocket “if that is some nigga, tell them I will fuck them up” I chuckled as I looked at the I.D, it’s Rylee “whatever dad, hi” I answered her call “I will text you an address, please pick me up. Don’t say a thing, just please” I pulled a face “ok” before I could even finish off that sentence she put the phone down “stupid Junior, he put the phone down on me” rolling my eyes “he is goofy that kid” my phone pinged and Rylee has sent me an address “dad can I take your car?” my dad gripped my ankle “so who was it? How you going to lie to me?” oh he is right “ok, god. It’s my friend, she just wants to see me, please” I smiled at him “let her Chris, it’s nice she has her own independence, take his car. The easy driving ones, the G-Wagon, take that” my dad scoffed “if there is a mark on it, I am coming after you” getting up from the couch.
I hate being outside random houses, I am just sat here like a creep. Who is this house, I mean it’s got to be someone with money because it’s nice, but I am out here with no breakfast or anything. I came out as soon as I could because she could have been in trouble, I know if she would call Ti she would but she called me, taking in a deep breath. I am about to call her; I did text that I am outside. Grabbing my phone and I jumped in my seat, my eyes bulged out seeing Rylee right there “fuck! You bitch” unlocking the door for her to get in “what the fuck Rylee, you scared me you bitch” how annoying of her “sorry, just please drive” she groaned out “what happened to the rest of your friends?” I asked “Imani, please just fucking drive!” she shouted at me, locking my phone and placing it in the panel “ok but who’s house is this that you come out of?” I am nosey “I am hungry too” I added, she can feed me “then we can go and eat, just go!” she spat, I groaned out. Let me just drive because she is ready to drop kick me if I don’t do anything, driving ever so slowly still staring at the house. My eyes darted to Rylee and she is a mess, maybe sex with someone “mhmm” I just said “just shut up and drive, fuck” oh she is not well at all.
Rylee didn’t want to go inside so we go to the drive through, but she isn’t eating “thank you” I said to her, she paid “thank you for coming to get me” I smiled at her “Aziel is awake, Debbie was going to feed me something nice then this” turning in the seat, Rylee looked at me “can you tell mom to keep him for another day?” I laughed “no, you can. I am not doing it for you, also who is that home? I mean someone with money, what have you been up too?” this is crazy, I don’t understand “Kyle Kuzma house” letting out an oh “you didn’t did you?” I said “oh no, I didn’t but he may have you know kissed me like but I just couldn’t I stopped it and then he got mad, like I led him on and all that. When in real terms I wanted to get out of the club, but then North said house party at his house, them two got high, they was on drugs and I wasn’t, I couldn’t I had weed or whatever, I drank yeah. We at the party, people are just out of it, so much so like it was a drug party, after Kuzma and I kissed, I felt uneasy like I needed to go so I locked myself in the bathroom and then it hit like nine and I knew you would be awake. Just now coming out everyone is laid out; they are out of their minds. Celebrities I liked just there, snorting. I am flabbergasted, but  Kuzma said I led him on.  I didn’t he came to me, then he was saying you’re clean, I have the drugs and I said are you drugging people then and laughed, things happened, and we kissed it was just a kiss but I couldn’t” Rylee looked away from me “why would they put me in that situation when they know I don’t do that” Rylee started to cry “even when that happened the first thing I thought of was him, oh god. I hate life but yeah” she took in a deep breath “I think maybe the universe is telling me to stay out of LA, if I don’t then these people will eventually put me to them” reaching over and holding her hand “depression in the celebrity land of the kids is on a high, they have too much money and not enough strict parents Rylee. Maybe the universe is right” she is upset.
There is a lot of things I don’t get and it’s my sisters, I mean they say they don’t get me but I don’t get them, they do stupid things every time too. Putting the car in park outside Rylee’ home, she has been so quiet but I don’t get something “Rylee” I just said her name and paused ever so long, I just don’t want to upset her because she has been crying but I need an explanation “why did you let Kuzma kiss you?” Looking over at her “you clearly knew what you was doing, you said drinking and getting high ok, but you knew it was wrong, so why do it. Rylee I know you sister, you can tease someone so much until you don’t want it, you know how to roll like that and I ain’t mad at it but why?” I just need to understand it “maybe I was at that point but” she wiped her tears “when we kissed and then I knew instantly he wanted more I stopped it, I thought of him and it was all there in my mind” I sighed out “then go and get him, why are you here?” I don’t get it “because dad is right, he won’t want me. It’s too late, I don’t want to be this way but now what? Dad is right, it’s over” I have to laugh “you has changed so much, that Rylee that met that London rapper and you did the most. I remember when dad was so angry and then he said well your sister left the apartment and went shopping with this man! My friend, you kept leaving the apartment to see him, you in the apartment was flirting with him, you got what you wanted and now you’re defeated? Oh brother” I groaned out “because this is bad, like everything is bad. He’s blocked me on everything, and I just need to mourn the loss but like I tried and I’m still stuck on him, like mom and dad say I don’t know love, maybe I don’t, maybe I’m new to it but if it wasn’t something I wouldn’t be stuck on him, do you understand what I mean?” Nodding my head “dad was FaceTiming him with Aziel but he closed the door on me, I just heard Oakley saying he’s ok, but he’s ok because he’s at home and then that was it, I’m glad he’s ok because it was creepy when he left, look I totally get it. I just think Rylee if you really want him, you want it then you need to go back to basics. You have changed yourself and for what? Remember you told me he’s not attentive and then when you mess up he is, he actually does love you, but it was too late! It’s always the issue, men are always late with things which sucks for us girls. But I think you need to put your all into Aziel and just be good” I said “thank you Imani” she mumbled “this is coming from the most single girl here” Rylee laughed “most wise one, love you” she slid out of the car, she is tired.
My dad letting me drive his car is funny to me because I know he wouldn’t really want me too but he had no choice in it, I am his best child, he loves me the most “mom” I said as she skipped down the the hallway “you’re happy, let me find out this is a boy” before I could even speak my dad piped up “did you pick up your drunken sister?” Letting out an oh “yes oh, TMZ pictures of her going to Kuzma house with boozy besties?” Clearing my throat “I mean” before I could finish he was gone “oh Rylee” my mother huffed out “well you know now” walking behind her “so you did pick her up, and the nerve of her to ask me to keep Aziel again. Not the issue but if she is doing all that shit, North is not good” my mom is ranting “not really, look I took time because she was crying, can I talk to you” my mom stopped walking “I just think Rylee needs some advice, I know you don’t like Oakley, but I think she is missing him badly. She kissed Kuzma and then couldn’t stop thinking about him. Mom, you have done a lot with dad, well for dad to get him back so I think you can help her with that, I think you an help her to what to do, she is crying. I know you don’t see it for Oakley but it’s better then her being here with North, also she said that people are saying she doesn’t love him, she goes then how is it she is like this still” my mom is not impressed “too much has happened, she needs to get over it. Look Imani, it’s too far gone. Leave him alone to heal, she has to grow the fuck up. If she wants to do it then she has to go back to basics and do it herself, she probably has to catch him off guard too because in his eyes she will be cancelled, he won’t want to know but then if she does that, she is tying herself down to him is she even ready for that, Rylee has a lot of growing to do, maybe they will get back together one day” my mom touched my face “sorry if it’s not the answer you want but Rylee is her own person so her kissing Kuzma, that is another thing she has done, I really hope she can just leave him be, grow as parents” maybe I shouldn’t have told her that part, I wonder if she will tell dad, I hope not.
My dad is watching basketball with the boys and Emi, see how bored I am of this house. It’s just not pleasing to me because who the hell can I talk too “hey Amerie” I said “hey” she has Emi’ bottle in hand “dad, did you call Rylee?” I asked “you damn right I did, she is ignoring me” Amerie made her way back to me once she gave the bottle “what’s wrong?” we walked off “if you fucked up badly with a guy, like so bad and you hurt him bad because you cheated, this may or may not be about Rylee. And let’s say you just want him, but it’s kind of over on his side. What would you do?” Amerie is laughing “let’s just say you tried to like move on and it didn’t work, you ended up feeling more like shit. I am collating information” I said “and I love this person? Like I do but I messed up?” nodding my head “if I knew he is the one, that’s it I would fight for him. Like do the most, make him know I miss him, take it slow” nodding my head slowly “thank you, I love you Amerie” walking off to go to see my dad, I have to make this sound different “dad!” I spat; he is silent because he is watching the game “dad!” I shouted “shut up” he said “be kind, I have like a school project, it’s about the mind and what would you do, listen to me dad it’s interesting” sitting at the side of me “carry on then, hurry up” he is looking at me now “if you and mom broke up, which has happened but like it’s a mess, would you do to win her back?” I asked “survey’s don’t work like that” I scoffed “answer dad” I groaned out “kidnap her” he looked away from me “be serious dad” he chuckled “what you mean though? In context, I need more so I can plan it out” I need to be vague “cheating and you got kicked out” he whistled “oh damn, ok. That is hard you know, you see cheating is a big thing to come back from so full blown cheating, damn” I am going to get a good answer with my dad “I would need to be very dramatic, one of two ways. I would tell her I am going to top myself, like start acting out of character which I would anyways, I love her but the thing is. You need to get them alone, and it is going to be mentally draining because it’s going to be the biggest talk you will have, the talk has to be done with the mind, not the heart because you broke their heart, once you done that talk. You start aiming for the heart. You can also tell Rylee I want to speak to her, Imani Brown you aren’t slick” I gasped, my dad chuckled “you tell that daughter of mine Aziel ain’t leaving this house until she comes” of course my dad knew, he is annoying.
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Okay, I have a song I want to post, but it’s not normally my sort of song. I almost said it’s not a good song, but I don’t know, maybe it is. Calling this “not a good song” is very judgmental of a genre I do not generally listen to. It’s not my sort of thing, normally, but I believe it was very popular in its day so I guess people who like this sort of thing like it, and that would make it a good song.
Anyway, I need to justify my posting of this song, why I like it despite it being not normally my thing, so I’m going to do that in this post. Doing that will probably get long, and as a spoiler alert, it isn’t really about the song. But I did actually start this because I was listening to that song today, and wanted to post it, and then started thinking of all the things I’d have to explain in order to do so.
I first heard that song in December 2020, when the spot I’d reached in my panel show watching was Never Mind the Buzzcocks (beginning of Simon Amstell era to the end). That’s not a great show for all kinds of reasons, but I did really like Simon Amstell and Bill Bailey and Noel Fielding (this was before I knew about the “probably slept with a teenager” thing, but anyway, different issue), and in a sort of guilty pleasure way, probably coming from the same thing that makes people like reality TV, I enjoyed watching people be mean to the vapid music-based celebrities. The whole thing was trainwreck but I enjoyed it.
I believe this song’s heyday was 2010, because that’s when it started being all over Never Mind the Buzzcocks. I think the first time I heard it was when it came on the intros round and Mark Watson got it immediately, which surprised me because it didn’t seem like his sort of music. But I understood better once it started appearing all over all the episodes. It was clearly really big in Britain at the time, although I’d never heard of it before seeing that show.
I started missing the point of jokes because so many of them referenced that song, so I looked it up on YouTube and listened to it. And I was surprised when, despite it not being normally my sort of thing, I liked it. Partly, it is catchy. I have to give it credit for that. If this music is your sort of thing, I see why people would like it.
Also, it immediately made me think of a friend of mine, in a way I liked. I’m not even sure why that’s the case, because it basically comes down to it being a song where someone brags about being successful and wants to have a wild night of drinking a lot of alcohol, and that is, you know, a lot of songs. By that logic I could put on any random shit from the radio and have it remind me of this. But for some reason that song really did.
I almost sent it to my friend, but I didn’t, because it was the end of 2020 and we were in lockdown. This isn’t the sort of thing you just send someone in a Facebook message and suggest we listen to separately and sober. So I thought, when this is over, whenever we get out of here and can do things together again, I’ll show him. I’ll put this on at his place when we’re all drinking, which is the appropriate context for this song, not a message during lockdown.
I think what got me about this song is it wasn’t just about having that night, it was about one person trying to get it going. That’s the part that reminded me of that friend. He was always trying to escalate things. At the pub at 11 PM (on a weeknight, much of the time), asking us who wants to go back to his place and have more. When we got there, he’d always have a bottle of vodka in his freezer or whiskey on his counter cupboard, and if he was running low on his usual drinks he’d pull something out of the back of some cupboard and say we can drink this random stuff. He always had something. He always had enough to keep us up until 3 or 4 AM, when we’d all pass out in his living room.
When we woke up in the morning, he liked to make eggs and toast for anyone who’d stayed, and he’d also make Caesars, insisting that a bit of alcohol in the morning was a hangover cure. I’m pretty sure this was bullshit (I mean, there might technically be some truth to it, but we never really got hangovers, and it was just an excuse to drink), but I’d usually have a small one before going home. Afterward, I’d often hear about how for him, the one morning cocktail turned into more, and then he’d met up with other people and just kept drinking.
It definitely was not a healthy way to live, and I used to justify it by saying at least I’m not as bad as him. I was doing it a few times a week, but he was doing it almost every day, so it felt like I wasn’t so bad by comparison. So that was my justification, and his justification was the sport we did. He used to say he liked being an athlete because the regular high level of exercise kept him physically healthy, and that way he could get away with drinking so much. He was sort of joking about that, but also sort of not.
Whatever his reasoning, he did our sport very, very well. He originally came from a different city, but I’d known who he was for many years, as he was something of a celebrity in that community. He was one of our top athletes in the country; I used to watch him at tournaments, and then watch him on YouTube and livestreams when he competed internationally, but I’d never met him. Some of my varsity teammates who were better than me, good enough to go on those international trips and hang out with the other athletes at that level – they knew him. I’d heard some stories from them about how much fun he was, and I was vaguely jealous that they got to meet him.
It was quite a few years ago now, but I will never forget the first contact I had with him. At the time, I was in charge of my team’s website, and I got emails that went to the Contact Us page. I got a message one day that read like any other, saying he had trained in another city but had recently moved to town and wanted to come out to our practice. I read this while mentally formulating the reply, in which I’d ask this person how long that had trained and how old they were, until I got to the name at the bottom. He’d written this whole email as though he were a completely normal person, and then casually signed it [name of a fucking celebrity, as far as I was concerned]. I immediately called up all my friends to tell them.
I remember his first day, too. I’d replied with our schedule, and he’d said he’d try to come out that week, but I think I didn’t quite believe it would really happen. Then one day, I was walking around the middle of practice, looked up, saw a celebrity out of the corner of my eye, thought, “Oh look, it’s [that guy],” and then one second later I did a double take: “Holy shit, it’s [that guy]!” Went over, shook his hand, and he introduced himself to me like I didn’t already fucking know who he was. At the end of practice, trying to seem way more casual than I felt, I told him that the coaches usually to a pub after practice, if he wants to come, but of course it’s cool either way, I know he’s new to the city… he said that sounds great and he’ll give me his number so I can text him the address. I was so excited about having his number.
He joined us at the pub, and seemed to not only have no ego about his celebrity status, he was unaware of it. Talked to us like it was all normal. Was as interested in our stories about our little team and the athletes we hang out with, as we were in his stories about world team trips. Never sounded like he was intentionally name dropping or anything, he just didn’t think any of it made him better than us. It was a few weeks later when we got properly drunk with him for the first time, and told him how starstruck we all were with him at first. He found it hilarious.
He turned our tradition of going to the pub after practices into going to the pub and then drinking more, often ending up back at his place. I loved it. Part of it was because I had a sense that it wouldn’t last. We were into our late twenties, and our friends were starting to think about serious relationships and kids and buying places away from downtown. I valued these friendships and that community so much, and it was what I wanted from life. I didn’t want the marriage and kids thing, I just wanted this. I had this sense that there was a deadline to it all, so I wanted to enjoy it as much as I possibly could while I lasted. I said yes every time, stayed up until 4 AM, didn’t want to miss an opportunity.
Mark Watson has a bit, that he used a lot in the early-to-mid 2010s, about how he wasn’t an alcoholic or anything, but may have had a bit of a problem with drinking. Every time I hear that, I think, that is exactly the sort of bullshit distinction that a person with an actual drinking problem would make. And I know that, because I have repeatedly described times in my life when I was drinking too much as “I’m not an alcoholic or anything, but maybe have a bit of a problem with drinking.”
Mark Watson also had a habit of telling us that he used to have a problem with alcohol, it got bad “last year”, and here are some jokes about how it was bad “last year”, but luckily he doesn’t have that problem anymore. However, he did variations on that in his material every year for several years in a row, which sort of defeats his point.
I’m aware that I might sound a bit like that when I say I’m not nearly so bad with alcohol now, but I promise I'm really not. I still drink more than a doctor would recommend, but to be fair, doctors recommend that you drink basically nothing. I drink significantly less less than I did in those years when I was hanging out with that friend all the time, and don’t recommend living the way I did for a while.
I obviously don’t mean to actually blame this friend for how much I drank, it was entirely my choice to say yes every time. And to use his much worse problem to justify my own. But honestly, I loved every moment of it. I’ve at times Googled how to know if you have a drinking problem (for the record, two fairly strong signs of that would be listening to Mark Watson’s comedy routines about his drinking problem and saying “Oh yeah, I get that”, and Googling whether you have a drinking problem), and the answers are all about it ruining your life. Messing up your relationships, your job, your prospects. Reading that stuff made me think that what we were doing really was okay, because that never happened to me. I almost never regretted it. I could drink until 4 AM and still go to work and be fine. I never, ever drank when I was expected to be at work or somewhere like that. I didn’t go out and cause problems and get in fights or anything. Mainly, my memories associated with alcohol were sitting on that friend’s couch, playing music and talking about the sorts of things that don’t come out while sober, and having a really really good time. That only drawbacks were potential liver damage and knowing it couldn’t last forever.
Of all the people in our group of friends, he was the one I thought would last, though. He wasn’t looking to get out of that life, to find a wife and have kids and move away. He loved exactly what we had, which was a life revolving around this sport and the friendships. He dated sometimes, and slept with women a lot. This didn’t surprise me, because I’d known before he got here that in our sport, all the female athletes had crushes on him. But didn’t realize quite how often he’d taken them up on their offers until I got to know him, and he never ran out of stories about it. Which I realize reads like he was being a dick and bragging, but it didn’t feel like he was. It felt like he just liked things and was eager to tell people about everything. And, you know, good on him. Nothing wrong with being a person who’s so cool and successful that everyone wants to sleep with him, and then taking a lot of people up on those offers, when it’s all consensual and above board, which it was.
Obviously it didn’t last forever. COVID occurred, and everything stopped. Or I thought everything stopped. I felt like it should also have paused the clock that was counting down to the deadline of when all my friends get new things in life and move on. It seems only fair, we were supposed to have more time. But if anything, it accelerated that clock.
That’s not how I lost this friend, though. Exactly two years ago today, he died of a brain aneurysm. It was very sudden, obviously, as those things always are. For all the ways he never saw himself as the celebrity he was to me, he did go out at 27 like he was Jimmy Fucking Hendrix or something.
He was found in his apartment two days later, and for about 24 hours, before the autopsy results came back, we didn’t know what had happened. Obviously, given everything about him, he was not coping well with lockdowns. So we were briefly worried it might have been something he did to himself, and there was relief when we learned it wasn’t, so none of us had to feel like maybe we could have done something to prevent it. It wasn’t preventable, it was random.
Well, not completely random, and maybe a bit preventable. I did a bunch of research, and learned that while no one knows a direct cause of brain aneurysms, they have been linked to alcohol abuse. So that casts a different light on his talk of how he liked being an athlete because it meant he could drink too much and still be healthy.
They livestreamed his funeral because it was the middle of lockdown, and his mother had to sit by herself. A couple of months later Prince Phillip died, and everyone was talking about it being so sad that the queen had to sit alone with all her wealth at the funeral of a racist. I couldn’t stand the idea that people thought that was where our sympathy should be, after I’d watched a mother sit alone on a plastic chair before burying her son.
So, the point is that I never got to send him the fucking song. It’s weird that what makes me think of him is a song he never even heard, but that’s what I’ve been playing today, on the two-year anniversary. It’s not normally my sort of thing, but surely this explains it a bit.
The other point of this post is I believe tonight, I will be remembering him in the way he would have wanted. Which is kind of a joke, where people say “It’s what he would have wanted” while knowing they’re just trying to justify drinking, but to be fair, in this case, it is actually what he would have wanted.
So, you know, if I make any incoherent posts in the near future (even less coherent than this one, as I’m entirely sober now), blame it on that.
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prossims · 2 years
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I posted 187 times in 2022
That's 78 more posts than 2021!
36 posts created (19%)
151 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 185 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#prosfaves - 54 posts
#dl - 44 posts
#year 01 recap - 39 posts
#simblr - 26 posts
#ts4 - 25 posts
#ts4 rotation gameplay - 21 posts
#nonsims - 20 posts
#new simblr - 16 posts
#the landgraabs - 15 posts
#signal boost - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 77 characters
#but i do understand how it can be stressful for her to have this conversation
My Top Posts in 2022:
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The Landgraabs
On the morning of the 5th, Charlotte woke up even earlier with a bursting bladder and a growling stomach. Unable to pin-point on what caused her feeling so poorly, she blamed it on her flu which she knew how to take care of.
Within a couple hours, Charlotte was clean, hydrated, medicated and energized. She even made herself some eggs to give her the energy for conquering the day. This was gonna be one of the most memorable days of her career, she was sure of it.
Beginning | Next
18 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
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The Landgraabs
Meanwhile, at home, Charlotte is preparing hard for her audition. She knows how difficult it’s gonna be considering the sitcom’s reputation and even though her Landgraab identity gets her past most auditions, this one will not happen in a similar way. Ever since Johnny Zest and Vasyl Abrams, the most influential couple in the sitcom industry, took over the writing and direction for the show, its quality has not been compromised in the slightest. And it sure will not do so to impress a Landgraab.
To be completely honest, comedy is not Charlotte’s thing. It does not come to her naturally. So she made sure to read the book ‘Getting the Jokes’ sent to her from the agency. And then she decided to watch a few episodes of the show to internalize the overall vibe. Not that she hasn’t watched them before, but you know…
Past noon, when Charlotte still didn’t see Malcolm coming over for lunch, she decided to sign up for a comedy lecture taking place in Oasis Springs auditorium. Of course, she got herself a seat in the premium panel. Sitting with the masses is not safe for her anymore now that everybody in town knows who she is.
Beginning | Next
21 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
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Rachel Woods as a potential friend for @futurelabs teens!
Rachel is the friendli-est teen in town who loves to chat.. very very chatty.. and make new friends. She is fun to be around and you will never have a dull moment with her. Unfortunately, love has not come easy for her. She is yet to find anyone who is worth her affection to such levels. Which sucks, because she soooo wants to marry her high school sweetheart!
Some info about her below the cut.
Goes to the same school as Archie and Toby..duh!
Lives in Oasis Springs with her parents and younger sister who is 10.
Comes from a middle-class family, both her parents are in the mid-levels of their careers.
Not good at the exam thing ugh!
Her favourite classes are foreign language and social studies.
She likes writing, but does not make a lot of time for it usually because she is too busy hanging out with friends at ThrifTea.
Her favourite colour is pink and music genre is Pop & S-Pop.
Her friends keep telling her that she is really cute and she does not disagree.
Her archetypes are Jester and Innocent.
Her aspiration is Friend of the World.
MBTI personality type is ESFP.
Surprisingly talented in logic and analysis.
Deep in her heart, she really wants to be popular!!
There you go, Alessia..lot's of descriptors and such. I hope you like her. You may change her in any way you want, she is all yours now!!
Private Download, but anyone feel free to send me a WCIF if you like something I used on her.
22 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
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Braylon Forrest Scott for @akitasimblr Harper Bachelor Challenge
Hi! I am Braylon Forrest Scott. My family and friends call me Bray. I..umm.. I found out about this bc while scrolling through simblr last night and decided to submit an entry form mostly because I liked Xavier and his whole vibe. Also, I have been looking for a change in my life so the timing was perfect.
Okay.. haha! I am really not good at this camera thing... umm, alright. A little bit about me.. I have never dated anyone so I really don't know what I expect. But my ideal partner should be ready to deal with a nerd homebody for sure. Can't wait to see Xavier in person! Byee..
Facts about Bray below the cut
Freshly graduated from Foxbury with an honours in Physics
Gender fluid and attracted to men/masculinity
A kind sim with a sporty vibe
Played in the Foxbury Soccer team for scholarship
A genius sim who likes to be left alone most of the time
Has a heart of gold and empathy for fellow sims
Quite talented in fitness and logic
Weak in mischief and comedy, not a funny person
Live and breath for acquiring knowledge
Personality type is INTP - the thinker
Archetypes are innocent and sage
Has the Nerd Brain aspiration with quick learner trait
Their closest friend is their elder brother Richard
Has a slightly negative relationship with their twin Nicholas
Mamma's little baby
Loves tutoring their younger sister which is often not well-received
I have very few posts of them left on my blog after deleting old ones. But here you can find more about them. I truly love them a lot, but could not find somebody who'd be perfect for them. I hope you enjoy having Bray in your game.
Private download
24 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Forrest Scott Household
Meanwhile, in the Forrest Scott house, Allyssa was winding down after a long day of work and taking care of the home when she heard Braylon entering the living room. “Mom, are you busy?”
She could hear their voice slightly shaking, indicating nervousness. So she looked up from the tv with a warm smile. “No dear, come in!”
“I..need to talk to you about something,” Bray said sitting next to her in the sofa.
Allyssa turned the tv off and looked at Bray, giving them her undivided attention. “What is it, baby?”
See the full post
33 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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melodylnoelle · 2 years
The Cards Have Spoken - Week 2 (My cards)
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters: Maris Hill. Tony Stark Category: Wild Card Timeline: Post-Thor: The Dark World Setting: Spaceship Warnings/Notes:  Suspense and potential for violence / We are trying to keep these all to a minimum of 500 words. You can use these same cards for your own story if you like, but please tag me and @brightsun-and-darkmidnight so that we can see what you do! Also sorry for the delay on these. The holidays are usually pretty hard for me and boy did they get me. Thank you to brightsun-and-darkmidnight for being so patient with me, I hope it was worth the wait! Please enjoy Words: 2607 (sorry sorry) Summary: Maria assists Tony with checking out a crash site after the Convergence Masterlist
           It had been a little under a week since the Convergence, and this was the third site Fury had sent her to.
           The first two hadn’t been overly exciting – clean-up from the battle in Greenwich, helping Interpol with the massive amount of dead Dark Elves and debris that were left behind. Fury took to debriefing Jane, Eric, Darcy, and Ian about events before addressing the general public – and worse, the Council – so that left Maria in charge of R&D and clean up for this particular mess.
           But as she flew over the area in the Quinjet, she understood why Fury had pulled her from Greenwich to investigate this.
           Smack-dab in the middle of a self-made clearing was a spaceship.
           As they landed, she saw Stark in the Iron Man suit waiting outside, the mask of the helmet slipped back to reveal his face. She pondered that for a moment, surprised that he would be waiting for her before getting a look at the place. She suspected that he might have done just that. If she learned one thing from working with him, it was that he didn’t fully trust anyone but himself.
           Smart, she thought. She chose not to mention anything to SHIELD.
           “Well, it’s about time you showed up,” he quipped as she descended the ramp. She had told the pilot to wait there and be ready for takeoff in case things went south, so she was the only one to great Tony.
           “My flight from London got delayed,” she joked back.
           He looked behind her like he was waiting for someone else to follow her. “What, this is the backup Fury promised? One person?”
           “Two if you count the pilot. We’re spread a little thin right now.”
           “I knew I should have called Captain Spandex.” He turned and started walking towards the Spaceship.
           She jabbed a finger over her shoulder, pointing to the Quinjet as she followed him. “I could just go back to Greenwich if you don’t need me. Then you can wait for your ‘army’ for two to three business days.”
           “No, no, this is fine. Juist be ready for spooky bad guys, just in case.”
           She rolled her eyes, but a small smile spread on her face as she continued following him. Had the jab come from anyone else, she would have left – maybe after a good right hook to the face. But this was Tony, and she learned long ago that these kinds of words were his terms of endearment. He wouldn’t have kept walking if he didn’t trust her, and she respected that.
           When they reached the entrance of the spaceship, she could see that it was partially buried in the dirt. There was a small electrical panel that she assumed served to open the door, but it was dimly lit up and flickering.
           “Jarvis, how’re we looking on life inside?” Tony asked as he handed her an earpiece to be able to hear. The mask of his helmet slid into place mid-sentence, making the words distorted.
           “-ING UP NO DETECTABLE LIFESIGNS, SIR,” she heard as she put the earpiece in.
           “What about movement, anything?” Tony’s voice was right next to her and in her ear.
           “NO MOVEMENT, SIR.”
           “Good, good. Heads up, Maria.” He raised his arm and blasted away some of the dirt with one of his repulsor beams.
           Maris shielded her eyes in time to avoid the dirt that sprayed in all directions. Her clothes, though, were covered. I’ve been here five minutes, she thought to herself.
           “You know, if I am going to keep going on all these missions with you guys, I’m going to have to put my dry cleaner on retainer.”
           Tony shrugged. “There’s also this new invention called a washing machine.” He stepped forward to place a small disc on the electrical panel. It glowed the same blue as the arc reactor implant he has.
          She had seen one of these before on a Helicarrier – he had used it to hack into SHIELD files while he was looking for the Tesseract.
           “Uh, is that wise? What if it’s booby trapped?”
           “A ship tat was unexpectedly sent to another planet and crash-landed? What makes you think it’s rigged?”
           “Something had to be flying it for it to have crashed that hard. And JARVIS said no life signs, so where did they go?”
           Maria conceded the point. Even if she hadn’t, she knew it didn’t matter. Tony had already placed the disc.
           “Well, we’ll know in… a few seconds, hopefully.”
           As if on cue, the disc made a double-beep noise, and the door clicked as it released its lock. It opened just slightly.
           Maria pulled her firearm from its thigh holster, ready with it on standby as Tony moved into position to pry the door open.
           “I don’t see anything through the crack here.” He looked to her over his shoulder, holding both sides of the double door. “Ready?” At her nod, he powered up the suit more, using its strength to force the doors to slide open.
           He dodged back to stand by her quickly. She raised her firearm towards the open door.
           But nothing moved inside. Nothing came through.
           The looked to each other, and at Maria’s nod, they moved forward, Maria leading.
           The inside of the spaceship was dark greys and blacks, with faint hints of blue from what she assumed was emergency lighting. The door had opened to a low-ceilinged hallway that had other rooms and halls jutting off of it at different intervals as it led further in,
           Maria listened around the rush of blood in her ears for signs that anyone or anything was moving around inside. Each corner they came to, she waited at the edge, listening, waiting, before jolting out and aiming her gun into the new room.
           They decided to continue down this hall to see where it leads going into any of the other rooms that shot off from it, since there were so many. It took a while, but it paid off, as dumped them out in the control room of the ship. It was only slightly brighter than the hallway had been, There were five large consoles that were arranged in a circle in the center of the room, with breaks between them so someone could walk between them and stand in the middle. There was even a slight raise to the floor in the center of them, She couldn’t tell where the displays were supposed to be. The room itself was round, and had other archways that looked like they led to other hallways.
           “Jackpot,” Tony said. “Sentry mode.” He stepped out of the back of the suit, which became automated, standing guard and holding out an arm, ready to fire if needed. Tony headed to the center of the consoles, taking a moment to look at each panel in turn. “JARVIS, I’m gonna need some help getting in to this one.”
           “Well, I’ll help with that once the panels are on.”
           Maria observed quietly as they talked. She felt a spike of panic as she watched Tony reach for a button on the panel closest to her and pressed it.
           The panels hummed to life, and the lights turned a little brighter in the room. Above each console, a flickering hologram came to life, answering her question about the displays.
           Tony was frozen with his hand on the button other than looking around the room. When he waited for a moment and nothing else happened, he exhaled and relaxed. “Never mind, I got it.”
           Maria allowed her body to relax as well, but kept her gun ready in her hand. “How did you know what button would turn it on?”
           Tony looked to her almost confused, as if he had forgotten she was there. But he shook it off quickly and pointed to the button. “It was separate from all the other ones. Power buttons are usually off on their own, right?”
           “So are self-destruct buttons.” She raised an eyebrow at him.
           His face flickered concern for a moment, but he shrugged. “No risk, no reward?” He spoke like it was a question.
           Maria rolled her eyes at him again, then nodded towards the computers. “Anything more on life signs.”
           “Uh,” Tony drew the word out as he looked around at the consoles. “Yea, about that. JARVIS, I’m gonna need help translating this.”
           Tony looked back to her. “I’ll work on that one. Unless you recognize any of this.”
           She walked over, still keeping her gun angled and at the ready, and stood in the center with him. The displays were all slightly different – one had just a banner in a language that she had never seen before – a mix of symbols and blocks that seemed to be broken up into individual words. Another panel had a schematic of the ship with words floating around in various spots next to it, some of the areas of the ship lighting up in red. Damage from the crash, she imagined. Still another had text blocks broken up into sections.
           She blew out a breath, and shook her head. “Nope, not going to be any help from me on that one.”
           “Right,” Tony’s mouth drew into a line. “Why, exactly, did I call you again?”
           “To make sure you stayed out of trouble.” She patted him on the back and started walking away from the displays. “Well, while you work on all that, I am going to have more of a look around.”
           “Isn’t that risky?” he asked in a mocking tone.
           “No risk, no reward, remember?” she chuckled, calling over her shoulder as she went to another hall across the room. “Besides, it bears standing here doing nothing while you play with your new toys.”
           “You know, out of context, that could be taken as sexual harassment!” He called after her.
           She laughed a little at that one.
           She proceeded down this hallway as carefully as she had the first time, though the lighting was a little bit better this time around. This hallway was similarly built, though there were more rooms than other halls jutting off from it.
           She had made it about hallway down the hall before one of the rooms made her pause.
           Inside the room was a glowing panel. It was brighter than the others, with more purples than blues. After making sure there was no one in the room, she moved closer, studying it. When she got closer, she realized that it was not a panel, but a light that was moving inside some sort of glass case or display. It pulsed in a way that was mesmerizingly beautiful. It pulled her forward. She lowered her gun, though she kept it loosely in her hand. She was having a hard time taking her gaze off it. It was swirling, twisting around itself in a way that made it look like a liquid and a solid all at once.
           She touched her hand to the glass. It was warm, as though something was heating it on the other side.
           She didn’t know how long she stood there, staring at it, but it took Tony’s voice over her headset to break her from the trance. “Hill, come in.”
           His voice was full of concern, and it ripped her focus away, reminding her where they were. “Here. Did you figure out where this ship came from?” She still hadn’t taken her eyes off the purple, shifting light, or her hand off the glass.
           “Yea, uh… No. But you remember when we were talking about the ship being rigged? Or self-destructs?”
           She froze. “You didn’t.”
           “Hey, you try poking around a computer that you can’t even read.”
           “Then how do you know the self-destruct was even set?”
           “I do know how to read a countdown when I see one. Though I can’t read the numbers to know how much time we have-“
           “We need to move,” she said, cutting him off.
           “Agreed, I’m coming to you.”
           “No.” She tightened the grip on her gun, finally finding it in herself to pull away from the glass and start moving. “Start making for the exit. I won’t be far behind.”
           “I’m not just going to leave you here.”
           “You’re not, I’ll be right behind you. Just go.” She started running, letting the force of her doing so color her tone.
           “You better be. I don’t want to hear about it from Fury if you don’t make it.”
           “Just move. Get a hold of the pilot and make sure he knows what’s up.”
           “I WILL TAKE CARE OF IT, SIR.” JARVIS’s tinny voice chimed in through her headset.
           She dashed around the place where the hallway had bent, the archway to the control room coming into view. Even from here, she could see the displays from the consoles had all changed. Where they had all been different before, they now were all identical – a red band across the top with big, white letters, and a running countdown with numbers that she did not recognize.
           She cursed to herself, pumping her legs faster. Sweat was dripping off her forehead and into her eyes, but she didn’t have time to wipe it off. She tried to blink it away as she rounded another corner to the hall that led to the exit.
           There was a crackling coming from some sort of overhead speaker system, but it sounded distorted and broken. She didn’t know if that was how the language was supposed to sound, or if the system had broken in the crash.
           No time to find out.
           She didn’t see Tony again until she was outside. She didn’t let herself slow down, pushing herself harder to get across the expanse of field between the door and the Quinjet.
           She jumped the last bit of distance, landing on her side on the floor of the jet.
           “Go, go!” Tony said once she was inside. He slammed on the button to close the ramp.
           The pilot didn’t wait for it to be closed all the way before starting the jet forward. He turned up in the air with just enough clearance not to hit the trees. Tony held onto her arm to keep her in place until the jet leveled out.
           Below them, there was a loud boom of the ship exploding into pieces. The shockwave hit them and rocked them up further, and she saw bits of trees and dirt fly past the windows.
           She breathed deeply, trying to slow the pace of her heart. She slid over to lean against the row of seats in the back of the jet. Her body screamed with exhaustion, and she rested her head against it. “You know…what,” she said around more deep breaths. “I think I’m gonna… let the clean up crew handle this one once they’re free.”
           “Good call, good call…” Tony drifted off for a moment before turning back to her, grinning. “Hey, how do you feel about schwarma? I know this good place in New York if you’re down for a break.”
           She laughed, nodding, and she let him tell the pilot where to reroute to.
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: Tom gets jealous after he witnesses a moment between you and Chris Evans
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As much as you loved filming the movies, your favorite part about being in the MCU was going to the conventions.
You loved getting on stage with your cast mates and answering questions. You especially loved when you got to attend the conventions with your best friend Tom. Your fondest memories with him were made during nights following a convention. You’d always get a joint hotel room and stay up late, too buzzed on adrenaline from the panel to fall asleep.
Going to conventions with Tom usually opened up a whole new debate on the nature of your relationship. Snap chats and Instagram stories made from the same hotel room always set off more theories that you were dating. You weren’t, but you didn’t mind the theories.
The current panel you were at was no different from the others. The whole cast stood in a line, with you sandwiched between Tom and Mackie. You listened along to all the questions asked until you heard your name.
“Chris, you and Y/n worked together in the past on Scott Pilgrim vs The World, where you played one of her evil ex boyfriends.” The journalist said to Chris Evans. “How did you react when you heard she was joining the MCU cast?
“I was really happy about it.” Chris said into his mic. “I’ll admit, I had a bit of a crush on Y/n when we were filming Scott Pilgrim so I was very excited when she got added to the cast.”
Tom felt his ears turn pink when he heard Chris’s confession. It was no secret that he liked you, but he had no idea Chris liked you too. He looked to you to see your reaction, mouth going dry when he saw the shocked smile on your face.
“Are you serious?” You laughed in surprise. “I had a crush on you too.”
Tom turned away a little, suddenly feeling a sick feeling in his stomach. He didn’t like where this conversation was going.
“What?” He raised his eyebrows. “How did I not know?”
“Because I was awkward and shy and didn’t know how to talk to you.” You said sheepishly as you pressed a cold hand to your face. “But I swear, I told Michael and Anna all about it.”
Tom lowered his microphone so the crowd couldn’t hear him gulp. He didn’t know why it bothered him as much as it did to know you and Chris had feelings for each other. You had filmed Scott Pilgrim a few years back, so the feelings were long gone by now. Still, it sent a white hot jealously through Toms veins as he watched you and Chris smile at each other.
“I can’t believe you never told me.” Chris chuckled. “I actually remember being upset that we didn’t have a kiss in the movie. I was like, how am I playing one of her boyfriends but we don’t get to kiss?”
“Aw.” Tom forced a laugh. “Poor you.”
The audience laughed at his joke, but you never took your eyes off Chris.
“I was genuinely upset about it at the time.” Chris continued. “I think I called my mom to complain.”
Tom watched with a tight jaw as you held your hand over your heart and beamed. You were obviously loving the attention from Chris while Tom was hating it.
“Hey, I didn’t write the script.” You shrugged. “I definitely would’ve thrown one in there if I had.”
“I think the movie is perfect as it is.” Tom cut in, earning a few laughs. “I don’t think there needed to be a kiss. Kisses are stupid anyway.”
“Wait a minute, we almost kissed in the last movie too.” Chris remembered. “To like hide our faces from HYDRA agents or something.”
“That’s right.” You gasped. “They took it out before we ever shot it.”
“Such a shame.” Chris clicked his tongue as he shook his head. “Missed you twice now.”
The reaction from the audience made you hide your face in embarrassment, feeling your face hot to the touch.
“I promise, you’re not missing much.” You laughed shyly.
“Yeah, well.” Chris rubbed the back of his neck. “I bet I was.”
Just when Tom thought it couldn’t get any worse, he saw an idea pop into your head.
“Wait, hold my mic.” You said as you handed your microphone to Anthony.
Tom could only watch as you walked across the stage and put your hands on either side of Chris’s face before pulling him into a kiss. The audience was deafening as Chris kissed you back. It didn’t last long, but it was long enough to make all the color drain from Toms face. You both pulled away laughing, Chris with his signature hand over his left side. You clapped your hands as you laughed before walking back to your spot.
“Well damn.” Anthony said into his microphone. “I didn’t get to kiss her either.”
“Yeah.” Sebastian teased. “Do we all get some of that?”
“Shut up.” You laughed shyly as you fixed your hair. “There. Now you got your kiss.”
“Thank you.” Chris laughed into his microphone. “I was not expecting that.”
“Neither was I.” Tom mumbled, his microphone hanging limply at his side. The rest of the panel went by without any further flirtations, but Tom wouldn’t have known if there had been. He had completely zoned out, too upset with what he had seen to focus.
You unlocked the door to your shared hotel room and saw Tom sitting at the kitchen table. His face was buried in his phone and he skimmed through the endless amount of tweets about the kiss from earlier. It was only making him more angry to see thousands of gifs and pictures of it, as well as all the messages from fans saying what a cute couple you and Chris made, but he couldn’t stop. He was too busy scrolling to hear you come in.
“Hey.” You smiled at him as you set your stuff down. “You did such a good job out there. I swear, you always get the most laughs. It’s not fair.”
“Hm.” Tom nodded, keeping his eyes on his phone. “Thanks.”
“Is everything okay?” You frowned when you noticed his standoffish behavior. You walked over to him and reached out to touch him, but he moved away.
“Yeah.” He shrugged unconvincingly. “It’s fine. We’re fine.”
“I didn’t ask if we were fine.” You furrowed your eyebrows. “Are we not fine?”
“I said we were fine.” He held up his hands in annoyance. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Okay.” You rolled your eyes a little. “Sorry I asked.”
Tom gave you a sarcastic smile and went back to his phone, completely ignoring you now. You didn’t know what his problem was, but you knew you didn’t want to fight.
“Do you want to watch a movie or something? You can pick this time.” You offered, trying to offer an olive branch.
“Actually, I’m kinda tired.” He said faintly. “I think I’m just gonna turn in.”
“Really? It’s so early.” You checked your phone and saw it was only 8 pm. “And I’m bored.”
“Yeah?” He finally looked up at you. “Then why don’t you go see what Evans is up to? I’m sure he’d love to finish what you started on stage today.”
You jutted your head back in surprise, not expecting that to come out of his mouth. He looked partial to guilty for snapping at you, but his anger was the most prominent emotion.
“What?” You laughed in shock. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about you kissing Evans in front of all those people.” He snapped. “I didn’t even know you liked him like that.”
You laughed again, thinking he had to be joking. You never said it out loud, but you assumed Tom knew you liked him. After all, you were the only cast mates sharing a hotel room.
“I don’t.” You said, unsure where that accusation came from.
“Yeah?” He cocked his head. “Cause it kinda looked like you did.”
“I don’t.” You repeated. “I used to when we were filming Scott Pilgrim a few years ago but I stopped before we even wrapped.”
“Then why did you kiss him?” Tom asked, his voice wearing thin.
“I don’t know. We were joking around.” You shrugged it off. “It was for the fans, if anything. You know how much they love that stuff.”
“They would’ve loved it just as much if you had just blown him a kiss.” Tom said. “You didn’t have to kiss him.”
“Who cares?” You asked. “Everyone loved it.”
“Not everyone.” He stated, keeping his eyes on the ground. You looked at him for a moment, realizing you had never seen him act like this.
“Why are you getting so upset about this?” You asked calmly, still not understanding.
“Because what you did upset me.” He shouted as he gestured to himself.
“Why?” You raised your voice as well now. “It was just a stupid joke. It had nothing to do with you.”
“It wasn’t a joke to me.” He shook his head. “Watching you practically run across the stage to kiss him in front of all those people was not a joke.”
“I didn’t run across the stage.” You said, starting to get annoyed. “I walked to him and kissed him. That’s it. It’s not a big deal.”
“Did you like it?” He asked with an unreadable expression.
“Did you like kissing him?” He repeated as he let out a shaky breath.
“You know how it feels to kiss other actors.” You shrugged. “It just felt like lips on lips.”
“You must have some sort of feelings for him to kiss him like that.” He said, his eyes looking glassy.
“So what if I do?” You retorted, angry with him now for yelling at you.
“What?” His voice came out in a whisper. “Do you?”
“Are you listening to anything I’m saying? I don’t have feelings for Evans. But if I did, it wouldn’t be any of your business. Because maybe you haven’t realized this yet, but you’re not my boyfriend.” You yelled, making him retreat into himself.
The silence that followed was deafening, making you feel guilty for what you said. You felt like you popped the happy bubble that you and Tom lived in, the one where you never confronted your feelings for each other but understood that they were there. Tom sucked in a sharp breath and let out a long sigh as he looked you in the eyes. He gave you a sad smile and nodded his head as if he was reluctantly agreeing with you. You opened your mouth to speak, but Tom was already moving past you. His shoulder brushed yours as he walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
You stood there in shock, unsure of what just happened. You felt like you had just broken up with someone you were never actually with. You covered your mouth with your hand, ashamed with what you had said to him. You hit him where you knew it would hurt him and now he was gone.
Despite sharing a hotel room, you didn’t see Tom until the next morning. He was eating breakfast at the kitchen counter, not looking at you as you made coffee. You sighed and sat down next to him, knowing you had to make things right before you went out to do press. You didn’t want to spend a full day doing interviews with him without resolving the fight.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you yesterday.” You began as you watched his face for his reaction. “It was mean of me to tell you you weren’t my boyfriend like that.”
“It’s okay.” He mumbled as he stirred his tea. “You don’t have to apologize. You were right. I’m not your boyfriend.”
“We need to talk about yesterday.” You said softly as you looked at him. You could tell he was still bitter about the kiss.
“I don’t want-“
“We have to.” You cut him off. “We had a fight and now we need to talk about it.”
He sighed and rubbed his eyes before slumping in his seat.
“You start.” You said as you put your folded hands on the table.
“I don’t know where to start.” He mumbled.
“Just tell me how you feel.” You suggested. Tom sighed as he put his words together in his mind, wanting to make things right just as much as you did.
“I didn’t like it even you kissed Chris.” He said softly, keeping his eyes on the table.
“I got that part.” You tried to joke. “Why?”
“Because he’s older and taller and bigger than me.” Tom listed off.
“And?” You were confused.
“And I can’t compete.” Tom whispered, hanging his head in shame. The fragility in his voice made your heart break and you realized he was never angry with you.
He was heartbroken.
“Tommy, you don’t have to compete with anyone.” You said softly as you stroked his cheek with your thumb.
“I didn’t think I had to.” He continued. “I thought I had you. I know we don’t really talk about…us, but I thought we had an unspoken agreement that we liked each other. I know I liked you and I thought you liked me back until you…”
“Until I what?” You asked.
“Kissed another boy.” He laughed sadly. “Sorry. A man. Captain freaking America.”
“You were jealous.” You realized, trying to fight back a smile. “That’s why you threw your little tantrum.”
“How could I not be?” He looked up. “Have you seen how broad his shoulders are?”
You had to laugh, which made him crack a smile. The tension had disappeared and you had entered new territory, so you decided to keep going.
“And have you seen the way I look at you?” You teased him. “Or the way I immediately go to you in a crowded room? Have you seen how I’m always finding a way to touch you? Does any of that sound familiar?”
“Yeah.” Tom smiled sheepishly. “It does.”
“I like you too.” You admitted. “Of course I like you too. But I already told you, that kiss was just a joke. It was just for the fans.”
“I know.” He sighed and rubbed his face. “It just shook my confidence, you know? I figured if he wanted you too, I didn’t stand a chance.”
“I don’t want him.” You assured him. “I want you.”
Toms lips curved into a smile, a proud look coming across his face. He reached over and put his hand on top of yours, rubbing small circles with his thumb.
“I never should have yelled at you.” He said quietly as he stared at your hands. “I just hated that he got to kiss you before I did.”
“I get that.” You nodded. “But you can’t flip out and yell at me when you get a little jealous. You have to be okay with me being close to other people.”
“I know. I’m sorry that I got so jealous.” He shook his head at himself. “I’m not that guy. I don’t want you thinking that’s who I am.”
“I know who you are.” You leaned over the table and tilted his chin so he would look at you. “Why do you think I like you as much as I do?”
“I like hearing you say that.” He mumbled, keeping his eyes on your lips.
“I like saying it.” You smirked at him as you began to lean in.
Before your lips could touch, his phone buzzed, making both of you jump. Tom sighed and picked up his phone to see what the interruption was.
“Shoot. That’s Rachel.” He frowned. “She wants me down at hair and makeup. Can we talk about this later? This is really important to me and I don’t want to rush it.”
“Of course.” You nodded. “Go get your hair done. We’ll talk later.”
Tom gave you an apologetic smile before getting up and putting his cup in the sink. He moved to the door but you stood up.
“Tom, wait.” You called, quickly walking to where he was. You put your hands on his shoulders and pressed a kiss to his cheek, letting it linger until you felt his cheeks heat up.
“I’ll see you soon, okay?” You told him, making him feel better about missing out on the kiss. He smiled softly and nodded before leaving the hotel room. You left to get your own hair and makeup done, an idea forming in your mind as you sat in your chair.
After getting hair and makeup done, you walked down to the lobby and went into one of the conference rooms. You saw the rest of the cast standing in a circle and went up to to them.
“There she is.” Anthony clapped as you walked up to the group. “Mrs. Evans.”
“Don’t start with that. You’re just mad it wasn’t you I was kissing out there.” You teased him, making him laugh.
“Maybe. I have a feeling I know who else is mad.” He said as he nodded his head to gesture to something behind you. You turned around and saw Tom approaching, a smile taking over your features at the sight of him. He gave you a knowing look and stood next to you as he joined the group.
“Hey guys.” He greeted, shooting Chris a quick look.
“There you are.” You smiled a little before grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him into a kiss. You felt his wide eyes flutter shut, eyelashes tickling you as he closed his eyes. He stepped forward to get closer to you before bringing his hand to face. The cast exchanged knowing looks right before you pulled away, a smile on both of your faces.
“Woah. When did that happen?” Scarlett nudged you.
“I thought it’d been happening for a while.” Anthony snorted. “Was I the only one?”
“No, I definitely saw something there. That’s why I was so surprised about yesterday.” Chris chuckled. You felt Tom tense up when he mentioned it, so you gave him a look. He relaxed and nodded, reminding himself he had nothing to be jealous of.
“I was surprised too.” He said, keeping his tone playful. “So don’t let it happen again.”
“I won’t.” Chris held up his hands. “Dodger and I are very happen on our own. He’s not willing to share me with anyone.”
“He and I have that in common then.” Tom said as draped his arm around your shoulders.
“Whats that?” You asked as you looked at Tom. He gave you a soft smile before pulling you closer to kiss your forehead.
“I don’t like to share.”
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captnjacksparrow · 2 years
I've been strolling through your blog and began wondering about one thing: what does it even mean for a ship to become canon? Pretty philosophical, ik. If you ask Google you'd get "ship that got confirmed by series" but that's still pretty vague. Do we count any relationship? (one night stands? unresolved sexual tension? ppl going on dates? loveless marriages? lifelong partnerships? broken relationships? ect.) Even if there are no romantic feelings involved? Even if they're one-sided? After all, being in relationship doesn't equal being in love or being attracted to your partner. What about characters who have mutual romantic interest and/or deep emotional bond but never actually got to be together? I've seen plenty of ships (mainly wlw or mlm tbh) where characters have a thing for each other but due to circumstances and/or tragedy never got together. Love, after all, doesn't have to be shown by kissing, pda or explicit confessions. It can be shown by tiny gestures, sacrifices, bond they share, development, subtle messages, being there for each other, subtext ect. You mostly likely see where I'm going at.
I know it's just my opinion, but I simply can't see that type of 'love' between those two 'canon' ships. Ik definitions of 'love' and 'happiness' varies from person to person, but if I were to ship them, they became canon (got married/had kids) and were like, ahem that, I'd be the first one to protest. This isn't even about dysfunctionality, but about how one-sided it all feels...
LOL. @noa-ciharu !!! You probably should've sent this question to an NH or SS supporting Blog and I wonder what answer you'd be getting back. Either you won't get an answer or you would get an Explanation post which uses the same templated 10 panels that they use in every posts to explain their ship's "Proof of Love".
However, To answer your Question, "What does it even mean for a ship to become canon?"
From Business Perspective, The Basis on which a ship could become canon is To Bring Out Kids through Crowd Favourite Couples. It's as simple as that.
You mentioned so many types of Relationship like One night stands? Unresolved sexual tension? People going on dates? Loveless marriages? Lifelong partnerships? Broken relationships?. While Naruto is not a Genre to explore all of these, it sure has shown some Reciprocated Relationships even when the plot never required it.
For Example, YahiKonan is a ship which is not all needed by any logic. It didn't add any value to the Overall theme of the story.
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But the Author went out of his way show a Love between 2 Orphans who lives in a War-Torn Country.
It all requires just Half a page, you know. Just 3 or 4 panels. I mean picture Yahiko as Naruto... Well, If you can't imagine then I'll help you imagine it...
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Tell me, Can you even spot a difference between Naruto and Yahiko?
Especially, Pain Arc is where Kishimoto said that he confirmed NH. Well, it isn't surprising, considering Hinata came out of nowhere to jump before Naruto to fight Pain.
If the Author can make Konan to heal Yahiko's wounds... Can't he able to make Hinata to come check on her Naruto-kun and bandage his wounds for him??? Instead he made Sasuke look-alike, Sai to do the Band-Aid'ing thing here.
It's just that, at every given time the Author could've done something useful for his main 'Canon' couples, he refused to give them anything. Not even a Bread crumb of Reciprocation from the Boys' side.
Leave SNS... I don't care about it for now.
Right after the Pain Arc, he brought YahiKonan out of nowhere in just 3 panels.
He brought MinaKushi out of nowhere in just 3 or 4 pages.
He even brought an excellent closure to DanTsunade by making Dan to kiss Tsunade's forehead.
That's why, Saying... Kishimoto don't know how to write (Hetero) Romance/ Love/ Relationship is just a Joke to me. He knows all too well as to how to establish a reciprocated bond in as little as 3 panels. He could've very well did this for his main 'Canon' couples and You wouldn't be asking this question to me at all. But He didn't do it because he simply wanted to show the Audience that 'This Ship happened for the sole reason to bring out babies for Next Generation'.
So, To become Canon... The Requirement is to be Popular and ***No Homo****.
This is just from a money-making perspective though.
From Shipping/Shippers' Perspective, It was all about Winning the Bragging Rights about how their Self-Inserted dream came true. That's all.
Their thought process goes, 'I have been shipping this couple for 10 Years.... And Hinata/Sakura did so much for these Boys. So, I have to become Canon as a reward for all my efforts.'
In Your Ask, you said so many things about the way the Author can show Love...
It can be shown by tiny gestures, sacrifices, bond they share, development, subtle messages, being there for each other, subtext etc.
All these Gestures you listed here would have been expected by those shippers too. Am not going to deny that. At the end of the day, they are not some emotionless morons.
They Waited.
They Waited.
They Waited.
For 12 years.
But nothing happened. Atleast Not from those Boys' side.
They stepped into the pit with one leg in the hopes that something will happen... But at no point they felt like they could able to step back out of the pit because of all those efforts they poured into the Ship for so many years. Fanarts, Fanfics... (???)
And Finally, Poof... They became Canon. Now all of their shipping fantasies came true in a single chapter.... And the Lack of Development doesn't even matter to them.
All because those Couples had Sex and Babies. It's also a general assumption that, in a Media... If a couple got confirmed in the End, it means they loved each other all along.
So, The Lack of Development or Reciprocation, Subtexts, Tiny Gestures, Standing by the Side etc... etc... don't even matter to them. They could fill all the lack of XXX with Fanfics and Fanarts.
At the End of the Day, Winning at all costs is what matters and the Bragging rights it gives them.
So, In Naruto Series... What it means to become Canon???
A Way to get babies & make a show about those said babies and The right to scream, 'Yay!! We became Canon'
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apocalypticgargoyle · 3 years
Dream smut or fluff where reader and him are high key mean to eachotjer despite having so many mutual friends, but then something (very vague i know I’m sorry) makes them have to get close and the develop feelings? Sorry I’m shit at requests but thank you!!!
i know this is shitty im sorry akjsdh bls forgive me
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𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑. ♘ 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
± warnings: dream being a dick, slight slut shaming, toxic behavior, vulgar/suggestive mentions and language, sexual harassment on a bus (not by dream, you can breathe)
⋆ song recommendation: When the Night is Over by Lord Huron
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You pulled a blanket beneath your chin, yawning slightly at whatever the tv was playing. You only had it on in an attempt to drown out the noises coming from your roommate's bedroom as she smoozed her date. You were honestly shocked the two hadn’t moved in together yet with all the time they spent wrapped up.
Her door opened, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of you sprawled out on the couch. He marched toward you quietly, hovering over your shoulder. You peered up at her hesitantly. “What are you watching?” She asked, voice barely above a whisper. You furrowed your brows, opening your mouth to speak but she hurriedly cut you off. “Do you mind watching it at Nick’s instead?”
You raised your eyebrows. “You’re kicking me out again?” She gave you an apologetic smile, making you roll your eyes as you stood up and pulled on your jacket. “This would hurt less if they also paid rent,” you mumbled, with a small glare.
She thanked you repeatedly, holding onto your arm as you gathered what little belongings you needed for the night. “I promise I’ll make it up to you,” she courted, opening the door for you. “Tomorrow, dinner’s on me okay?” You sent her a tired look and she apologized again. She stopped you as you stepped out into the cold night, leaning through the space between the door and the frame. “Maybe you can cozy up to that Clay guy? You guys have such a good vibe,” she mocked, making you chuckle lightly.
You shook your head, waving to her. “Enjoy your night. Please, for the love of God, clean the bathroom afterward,” you called, hearing her laugh at your statement.
The bus ride was quiet due to the time of night and the weather, both of which you didn’t mind. You knew Nick’s house would be warm and loud. Before you knew it, you found yourself in front of his apartment door, kicking at the concrete ground as you heard someone stumbling to let you inside. The door opened swiftly, Clay’s large frame blocking the light from the kitchen. He leaned against the doorframe mockingly as he looked at you.
He wet his lips. “Who’s the lucky guy tonight?” He joshed.
You rolled your eyes, brushing past his body to get out of the cold. “Whoever’s dick you’re not sucking, I guess,” you quipped back, making him laugh darkly. You kicked off your shoes as he shut the door. “Where’s Sapnap?” You asked, shrugging off your jacket. You’d texted him ahead of time to ask if you could stay over, which he readily agreed to.
Clay sent you a smug look. “You guys have a fun night planned?” He made a gesture with his hand to insinuate you were there to give Nick a handjob.
You bit back a chuckle. “Why? You wanna join?” You shot back. He bit his lip and moaned pornographically.
“Cut it out, Dream,” Nick grumbled as he walked into the room. He pulled on your arm to follow him.
Dream scoffed exasperatedly. “Me? I’m not the one who started it!” He called after the two of you.
As Nick pushed you out of the room, you turned your head. “You most certainly did!” You answered. You heard him chuckle at your words as Nick shut the door to his room. You plopped down on his bed as he sat in his chair, swiveling to look at you. “Why does Dream pick at me so much?” You mumbled, fishing in your pockets for your phone.
“He’s jealous,” Nick answered absent-mindedly. “What's the date look like tonight?” He asked, referring to the reason you were there in the first place. This wasn’t the first time or the last time your roommate had kicked you out. It was becoming a more frequent occurrence for you to end up on Nick’s couch or at their place in the middle of the day with your toothbrush and a change of clothes.
You moved to lean into his pillows. “I don’t know, it's the same granola fucker she’s been hanging around,” you answered.
He rubbed his chin with a slight smirk. “There’s a subtle justice to knowing she’s still with that asshat,” he commented, making you snort.
A week later, you were on your way back to your apartment after a lecture when someone felt you up. It was the straw on the camel’s back for you as you spin around to smack the guy, stirring up a few of the bystanders. You’d walked the rest of the way home, stepping through the door to be met with your roommate and her hookup twisted together in the kitchen.
You clamped your hand over your eyes, mumbling about how you just wanted to take a nap when you were once again sent to Nick’s. You let subtle tears fall as you trudged your way across the city, hoping to get out whatever darkness you had to your attitude. The last thing you wanted to do was confront Clay looking like you did. He was like the troll with the keys to the bridge. That was really the only reason the two of you ever talked, so you knew he’d be waiting to berate you before you could get to Nick.
As you walked into the building, you spotted Clay carrying a large box, his hair slightly disheveled and his hands dirty. You knew almost instantly that he was probably attempting to fix the kitchen sink and got a call because of the size of the package. That sink had been dripping since they’d moved in, making it Clay’s mission to futz around with it every Friday afternoon. You tried helping him one time, only ending up with a deflated sense of confidence and the second wave of your childhood anger issues.
He nodded at you as you held the elevator door open for him. “What’s up, babycakes?” He chirped, popping his gum. When you hesitated to answer, he looked at you fully, scoffing. “Damn, walk of shame gone sour?”
You crossed your arms over your chest, inhaling deeply to try and calm your nerves. “I’m not really in the mood today,” you muttered, tucking your hands between your back and the wall.
He snorted, setting the box down between his feet. “You’re always in the mood! Isn’t that like your thing,” he continued to jeer. “You look like you had a fun night though-”
“Clay, stop. I’m serious,” barked at him. His expression twisting at your use of his name.
He raised his hands in mock defense. “Sorry, I thought we had---like a bit thing, um-” he cut himself off, awkwardly shoving his fists in his pockets. After a beat of silence between the two of you, the elevator came to a sharp halt on the wrong floor, the light switching to red. The two of you shared a look, knowing that the landlord was probably flipping the wrong switches again. Clay texted Nick to see what was going on.
It began to grow colder in the elevator, as it usually did. When it was off, the cold from outside usually seeped in through the elevator shaft. There was one time you were stuck in the elevator for a few hours with one of your neighbors and Karl when he had come to visit. Back then, the three of you played Uno on the guy’s phone. It was also summer, so the chill creeping up your legs wasn’t as intolerable as it was now.
You rubbed the arms of your sweater in hopes of generating some kind of warmth. Clay watched you carefully, his hands moving to grip the bar behind him. “Do you want my sweatshirt?” He offered. You shook your head, sliding onto the ground and hugging your knees to your chest. He hesitantly slumped down beside you, kicking his long legs out towards the door. The red light filling the space made his features look softer.
He nudged your arm gently with his own. “I know I’m not Sapnap, but…” he chewed on the inside of his cheek, shrugging slightly, “I mean, we’re stuck in here. We can talk about it.”
You blinked away the tears threatening to spill once again, your eyes burning and tired. “I haven’t slept with him, you know?” You stated, turning to look at him briefly before moving to sit cross-legged, planning with your fingers. “I’ve never even kissed him. I’ve never kissed anyone,” you scoffed. Clay was silent, but out of the corner of your eye, you could see him watching you intently.
Being this close to him, you could smell the smoky vanilla undertones of his cologne. The scent reminded you of a masculine version of the candle your aunt always burned when she went out for a night to spite her ex-husband.
Clay leaned his head back against the wood paneling, his soft blond hair flattening in the back to spread against the wall. You swallowed, sighing slightly. “I haven’t even had my first kiss yet and I’m getting groped on the bus and kicked out of my damn apartment because my roommate and her fucking boyfriend have to hook up on every surface. Nothing is sacred.” You shook your head, wiping away some stray tears with the back of your hand and sniffling pathetically. “You can keep making slut jokes, I don’t care. But I swear to God, I haven’t done anything with Sapnap. Or Karl, or Quackity. No one.”
He chuckled softly. “I know. That’s why I used to make those jokes,” he mumbled. “It was like… ironic humor. And then it got so far that the only way I knew you’d talk back to me was if I was fucking around with you,” he admitted. You chuckled slightly at his words, taking a deep breath.
“Oh, Dream,” you sighed. “I would have hooked up with you if you weren’t such an ass,” you chided. His laugh made you feel better. He held his hand out to you, more for support than anything, but as you laced your fingers with his, your heart eased, feeling safe beside him.
After a beat of silence, he spoke up again. "I can ride the bus with you now... if you want..." He offered, a shyness that seemed so foreign to his character shown through his eyes. "I promise I won't grope you," he joshed, making you roll your eyes.
"That's really not something we should be joking about," you mumbled, wiping away the rest of your tears on your sleeve.
His thumb brushed against the back of your hand soothingly. "I mask my awkwardness around you in dark humor. I'm sorry."
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Love You or Lose You (Alpha Soran x Omega Reader)
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Request: This is the first part to the Prequel for Playing with Fire. Its right after the 2016 Olympics, and R missed the PK instead of Christen. Things have been rough with her Alphas and she just needs a fresh Start. Barca might be the start she was after, but her mates might not like that too much... Especially when she leaves in the middle of the night. 
Basically 4000 words of Lindsey and Emily being idiots, R being sad and Preath and Kellex being worried. 
The air was heavy in the locker room, pressing into you like an anvil settled on your soul. You could remember a time when you had felt at home here. Like you belonged here.  
A time when Lindsey and Emily had actually loved you, and you didn’t feel like an unneeded (or wanted) burden on the national team (more like your family). 
You shook your head, tucking your frame tighter into the small locker that belonged to your most dominant alpha, pulling a leftover sweater tighter against your face. 
No. The locker that belonged to Lindsey. She wasn’t your alpha anymore, she had said so herself, but your inner omega still cried out for her and Emily nonetheless. A fight didn’t change the marks on your neck, or what your inner animal knew to be true. 
Yet it changed everything if the unbearable pain ripping through your chest was anything to go by. 
Another sob left your lips, muffled only slightly by the heavy material of Lindsey’s sweatshirt that smelled distinctly like both her and Emily. It did little to ease your instincts, but you would take whatever you could get right now. 
There was no reason to hold back your tears, there was no one else there to see them anyway. No one who would come looking for the source of the distressed pheromones you were emitting. No one to care that you were falling apart. It didn’t matter that you were all in the same city. 
They were all too busy trying to process their own issues from the loss. The loss you knew fell squarely on your shoulder. If only you had made that PK, none of this would have happened. 
You shuttered at the mix of emotions trickling down your mating bond. Lindsey’s anger and Emily’s clear frustration. You gulped pushing against their emotions with an overwhelming wave of your own. You willed as much calm as you could muster down the bond-forming a little barrier between your omega and their alphas, and shoved your own despair as far away from it as you could. 
The block wouldn’t hold forever, but it would do the job for now. Bonds were a bitch to shut down completely, and a permanent block was going to have to be something you figured out later. 
Your inner omega growled, digging her claws into your brain. While the human side of your head got why you were doing this, your animal side was loath to deny your alphas the privilege of your deepest emotions. Especially when she thought they could fix it if they knew. 
You let out a little whimper at the sound of the door, tucking yourself tighter into a ball as footsteps approached.
“Hey, Kid just thought I’d let you know your Uber is here,” 
You peeked out at the kind voice, semi soothing scent, and worried eyes of the athletic. You tried to smile at the woman, but you knew she wasn’t fooled. She knew you too well for that. 
“Thanks Bailey,” You sniffled, easing into a sitting position and turning to fully face the woman, and running a hand through your wild hair (only making it messier than it was before). 
“I’m gonna miss you kid,” She said, and you could tell that she wanted to say more. But both of you knew it wouldn’t change anything. The deal was done and you couldn’t find it within yourself to regret it. 
“I’m gonna miss you too, but you know I can’t stay,” 
She nodded, she would have left too if she was in your shoes. Barça was making lemonade out of rotten lemons. 
You took another gulping breath into Lindsey’s sweatshirt before shoving it into your backpack, and standing. Your eyes strayed towards the other lockers around you, landing on several items of clothing left by your friends. 
“Doesn’t mean I have to like it,” She grumbled under her breath as she headed towards the door. 
“No, it doesn’t,” You breathed out, heading towards the various lockers instead of the door. 
Leaving here would be like leaving a part of your soul behind. Your fingers traced over the wooden panels that outlined each locker. You only paused twice. Once outside Emily’s locker to steal a coveted Virginia soccer t-shirt and again at Tobin’s taking a re-inc sweater that you knew Christen wore more than Tobin and a LFG t-shirt that smelled distinctly like Kellex. 
The quad (as the national team called them) were your team moms, and their scents all comforted you. They would make whatever apartment you ended up in in Barça feel like home. 
Bailey raised her eyebrow at you as you stuffed the items into your backpack. You just shrugged. “they won’t miss them anyway,” 
It was true, and even if it wasn’t you were sure Chris would still back you up when she found out exactly why you left. 
You paused at the door, taking one last glance around the room, looking for some sign to stay. You rubbed your chest when another wave of negative emotions from your mates passed through your bond. 
You cleared your throat and shook your head at Bailey’s raised eyebrows. The weight in your chest told you that you were making exactly the right move. 
She sighed, leading you towards the loading bay where your Uber was waiting. 
“Thank you… for everything,” You said softly, pulling the older omega into a tight hug. She knew you meant more than walking you to the car park. She was there for you when no one else was, and you would be eternally grateful for all she had done for you. 
She held you for a long moment, rocking you side to side before pulling back to hold you at arm's length. “You got it, kid. Be safe and text me when you land alright?” 
You gave her a nod and a tight smile. “Look after them?” 
She rolled her eyes. If those two idiots had done anything even close to what they had done to you to her, she wouldn’t have been nearly as forgiving as you seemed to be. 
Then again you were also moving to Spain. 
“Of course,” She said, shoeing you towards the car. 
She would make sure they were very informed on how you were doing. 
Christen knew that there was something wrong. Very wrong. Before her phone even dinged. She could feel it in her bond with you. The torrent of emotions that had suddenly shifted into a calm she had never felt from you before. 
The bond the two of you shared was a special one, forged the moment she had laid eyes on you (even more special than the one you shared with her mates). The second your small, skittish form had entered the dining hall (tucked carefully under Emily's arm) her omega had claimed you as its pup, and you latched onto her quiet calm nature without a second thought. 
She knew you almost as well as your mates knew you, and the bond you shared (while different) was nearly as strong. And therefore your bond with the rest of the quad was also relatively strong. 
For an unknown reason, it was keeping her awake. It was like her omega was waiting for a sign, something to tell her that you were safe and sound. 
She practically jumped out of her skin at the ding of her phone, fumbling to unlock the screen and find the message you had sent her. 
She froze when her alpha shifted against her, inadvertently jostling the two omega’s attached to her other side. 
“Wha- appened?” Tobin mumbled, nuzzling into her stomach. Christen sighed at the wave of soothing scents that Tobin let off, trying to calm her nerves even in sleep. 
“Shh, baby bear is texting me. Go back to sleep,” Christen said, scratching the alphas scalp gently with one hand and pulling up the text with the other. 
She blinked at the bright screen once, twice, three times. 
It was five words, cold and emotionless. It reminded her of the call marines made to their parents when they went to boot camp. 
Landed in Spain. I’m fine. 
She couldn’t help her sharp intake of breath at the singular line, or the anxiety that suddenly engulfed her heart (immediately jolting all 3 of her mates awake). 
Before she could even blink she was moved onto Tobin’s lap, and Alex and Kelley cuddled tightly into either side of her. She could feel their concern flowing down their bond, and their efforts to comfort even though they had no idea what had caused such a strong response. 
“What’s up with baby bear?” Tobin said, gently rocking from side to side. 
Christen’s mouth opened and closed several times as she tried to parse out what emotions were hers, what emotions were coming from her mating bond, and the irritating calm that was coming from her bond with you. 
“I…-I don’t,” She stuttered, unable to skate the feeling that there was something very bad behind the steadfast wall you had thrown up in your bond. 
“Give me that,” Kelley half growled, pulling the phone out from Christen’s loose grip. 
She didn’t like to be woken up in the middle of the night, and she would kill your mates if you were texting Christen because of something stupid they did. You had sent them way too many texts like that already if she was honest.
“What the fuck?” She breathed out when her eyes landed on the words. This was so much worse than Soran being dumbasses. 
“What?” Alex asked, yanking the phone away from Kelley. 
Be nice,” Tobin chastised lightly, leaning over to read the words that had sent her most dominant omega mate into a tailspin. 
She frowned at the bright screen, trying to remember the last time the two of you had really talked. Had you mentioned moving to Spain in passing? Had she just blown it off? 
A charged silence hung between them. They all knew you were taking the loss hard, and that you and your mates were struggling to work your way through the slew of emotions that came with it. But they never imagined it would come to this. That you would literally flee the country. 
“This is a joke right?” Kelley asked, her voice cracking. 
“It’s gotta be,” Alex mumbled in disbelief. You were her cuddle buddy, her baby bear. You couldn’t have left the country without saying goodbye first. 
“I’m going to find out,” Christen said finally, taking back her phone. 
She bit her lip, pressing your contact picture and holding the phone to her ear. It rang once and then went voicemail. She frowned, shaking her head at her mates, ending the call. Maybe you accidentally pressed the wrong button. 
She pressed your contact photo a second time. 
Again it rang once and went to voicemail. It definitely wasn’t a coincidence this time, and she would bet anything that the boring automated greeting that came on instead of your goofy one wasn’t a coincidence either. 
She sighed, waiting for the beep. “Hey kiddo, um I got your text and I thought we could have a check-in maybe? Call me back when you can,” She paused, unsure of how to finish. She didn’t think anything she said would ease the ache in her chest. “we love you,” 
“Call Lindsey,” Tobin said firmly, an order lurking just below the words. If you weren’t going to give them answers, then your alphas better be ready to explain what the fuck was going on. 
Lindsey didn’t quite know what she expected when she picked up the phone, but it wasn’t a very annoyed Christen Press on the other side. 
Well, maybe she expected it a little bit (she knew you would go to the quad after the argument. You always went to the quad), but she never imagined the words that would come out of your team mom’s mouth. 
“Whoa, slow down. She said she’s where?” Lindsey said, sitting up off of Emily’s shoulder where she had been leaning. 
“Spain, she said she landed in Spain,” Emily could barely make out Christen’s worried voice through the phone over Lindsey’s low growl. 
“There’s no way!” The more dominant alpha barked, baring her teeth just slightly. 
Maybe she had said some things she shouldn’t have, but you wouldn’t just run off to another country without telling them. She pushed down her hurt and settled for frustration instead. 
Emily scooched away from Lindsey slightly, rubbing her ear. “Babe, if you’re going to be this loud at 3 am, at least turn on speakerphone.” She felt odd, her bond unusually unbalanced. She could feel the torrent of emotions running through Lindsey, but your side of the bond was silent. It had never been silent before. 
The two of you had known each other since you were in diapers, and your bond reflected that. She should have felt something. While you weren’t always outwardly expressive, you felt everything deeply, and vividly. You were the fire to Lindsey’s flood, and for your usual smoldering flame of emotions to just be snuffed out felt wrong.  
The two alphas shared a look before Lindsey gave in and gave a short nod, pressing the little button. Emily had just as much a right to know what was happening as she did, but she still didn’t like being ordered around. 
“You’re on speaker Chris,” Lindsey grumbled. She wrapped an arm around Emily and pulled her closer.
 “What did you two idiots do to our baby bear?” Christen’s voice came out in a growl, the sound low and dangerous. 
Lindsey stiffened, her alpha bristling more than it normally would at the tone. “We didn’t do anything.” 
Emily nuzzled into her neck, trying to help her settle the mix of anger, pain and shock flowing through their bond. Just because she couldn’t feel you, didn’t mean that you couldn’t feel them. 
You were not some innocent party here. Lindsey hadn’t meant all the things she said, but then you had said some pretty hurtful things too. 
Tobin’s voice through the phone was low and clear, holding an air of dominance she rarely let out. “Watch who you’re growling at.” 
Lindsey gulped. She was never very good at controlling her emotions, especially when things went wrong. It was easier to respond with anger than to admit she was vulnerable sometimes. But she really didn’t want to have a fight with Tobin, not when they both knew she would lose.  
“And don’t give us that bullshit!” Both alphas winced at Kelley’s tone. The Omega had the parental tone of disapproval down to an art. She could have been one of their parents, scolding their irresponsibility for mating you before any of you were older than 21 (Emily’s mom had been angry enough to make up for your parents’ lack of care). Emily was sure her mother had used the exact same tone. 
“We had a fight,” Emily sighed, leaning deeper into Lindsey. It was more than a fight. It was an explosion of stubborn communication that had ended in you walking out. 
“A stupid fight. We’ll call her and have it all patched up by tomorrow,” Lindsey added, pinching the bridge of her nose. Why were omegas so frustrating? 
“She left the fucking country. I don’t think getting her back is going to be so easy,” Alex said, and both women could practically hear her eye roll. 
All six of them knew how stubborn you were, and getting you to listen was going to be far from a cakewalk. 
Lindsey huffed. “Camp is in like 2 days. If worst comes to worst, we’ll just talk to her there.” If you wouldn’t answer their phone calls, then they would just corner you at camp. You weren’t good at maintaining the silent treatment when they were both in front of you. And Lindsey still wasn’t convinced this wasn't more than an overblown tantrum. 
“She put a block in our bond Linds,” Christen said sternly, trying to break through the more dominant alphas shell. 
Sure the three of you had had arguments before, but whatever this was, it was fundamentally different. 
Lindsey frowned. You would never do that to Christen. The two of you were too close for that. At least that’s what she thought. 
“We’ll get to the bottom of it. We promise,” Emily said softly, already pulling out her phone. Now hopefully she would be able to get you to answer on the other side. 
“Good luck, you’re going to need it,” Tobin grumbled, hanging up. 
If those two idiots didn’t fix it, she was going to let Kelley unleash her wrath on them. 
Emily bit her lip as she pressed your contact picture (a photo of the two of you with bright 4-year-old smiles covered in brownie batter). It rang 4 times before going to voicemail. 
Emily could imagine you staring at the screen, debating on whether or not you should answer. It hurt a little that you had declined instead. 
She swallowed down her tears, glancing sideways at her still frozen mate. 
“Hey babe, um I know we’re not really talking right now, but um. Christen called and we’re worried. Please call me or Linds back,” she worried her bottom lip, wondering if she should add more, but the time ran out before she could. 
“Damn it,” she huffed, tossing her phone onto the nightstand. She hadn’t told you she loved you. 
Lindsey smiled sadly at her, rubbing her back soothingly, and pulling out her own phone. 
Her thumb hovered over a photo of the two of you cuddled up in one of your famous nests. She smiled wistfully down at it. How had this gotten out of hand so quickly? 
She pressed the button, holding the phone up to her ear. It didn’t even ring before it went to the robotic voicemail. What happened to the one that had you giggling because they wouldn’t stop kissing your neck? 
She didn’t have time to think it through before the beep sounded. She cleared her throat. 
“Hey, um I heard you were in Spain. What’s that about? Call me back,” she too tossed her phone down. 
“I can’t feel her,” Emily mumbled after a few minutes. Lindsey sighed. 
She closed her eyes tightly with a sigh and began to feel for your presence in the bond. If you weren’t going to answer them, then she was going to make sure you knew how unhappy with this situation she was. 
Her eyebrows furrowed when she was met with a wall of unsteady calm. It was like it was pulsing like your inner omega was pacing behind it trying to get through. She focused on the wall you had created and gave it a little push. 
She smirked when it bent a little bit to her will. “I think I got it,” 
She pushed back harder, the wall you creating molding around her alpha as she tried to reach your omega. She was almost there, she could almost touch your omega. One last push was all she needed. 
But just as she went to give it, a blast of calm shoved her backward. 
Her eyes blinked open at the ping of her phone and she scrambled to pick up the device. 
It was two words. No caps, no punctuation. A simple “fuck off” that they could practically hear reverberating in their heads. 
“What do we do now?” Emily asked softly. 
Lindsy’s smirk widened. 
“We call her until she answers us again.” 
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queenshelby · 3 years
Pleasure & Pain
50 Shades of Murphy – Part Three
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: SMUT, Dom/Sub, BDSM, Edging, Impact Play, Nipple Clamps, Wax Play, Unprotected Intercourse
Words: 5,246
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Over the past week, you had signed Cillian’s agreement and had arranged for all of your medical check-ups and, as expected, everything was in order.
You’ve had the implant for about a year already and pregnancy wasn’t a concern.
Cillian, in turn, did the same and it wasn’t until Saturday that you caught up again after Cillian had spent the week in London with his brother.
When you arrived at Cillian’s house, you were rather surprised to see that he had cooked dinner for you and everything started off almost like a regular date.
You got along well and never ran out of interesting conversation material. Nonetheless, that particular evening, you were nervous and a little bit worried about what was to come.
‘You know you can still change your mind’ Cillian said as he poured you a glass of wine, which you finished rather quickly despite the fact that Cillian made clear to you that he wouldn’t give you more than one glass until after your session in his basement.
‘I know, but I won’t. I want see what this is all about. I have been reading up on it and I am not quite so sure why people find joy in inflicting and receiving pain this way’ you said, trying to ascertain what exactly it was that he would do to you.
‘It’s not about the pain. It is about pleasure’ Cillian explained and you nervously bit your lip, unsure how to respond to his statement.
‘So, you think I will enjoy this, being whipped and god knows what else you will do to me’ you said.
‘I am certain that you will. Despite, it’s not just that. You will see’ Cillian said somewhat reassuringly before asking you to get up, get ready and meet him downstairs.
‘So, what do you want me to wear then sir?’ you joked.
‘Nothing at all’ Cillian responded firmly.
‘Nothing? No lingerie?’ you asked surprised and a little disappointed as you bought three sets of sexy lacy underwear with you for him to choose from.
‘Lingerie is overrated. I want you to wait for me on the bed, naked with your hair tight up’ Cillian instructed before giving you a passionate kiss.
‘Yes sir’ you simply said with a wink as your lips drifted apart, knowing very well that you didn’t have to address him like this until you entered the play room.
You looked up from where you sat on the bed, completely naked, just as Cillian had instructed, when Cillian entered the room.
He made you wait for at least 15 minutes but you hadn't wanted to explore the room without him. You were simultaneously excited, aroused and fearful of what you might find amongst everything else you saw during your first visit to his house.
Cillian looked gorgeous as he stood in the doorway watching you, wearing nothing but tight black Calvin Klein briefs.
‘I am ready sir’ you said quietly as you watched Cillian walk towards the other end of the room, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
‘No rope tonight?’ you then asked as he returned silently with four leather cuffs, two smaller and two larger ones.
‘Not tonight’ Cillian said and you willingly held out your wrists for him.
‘Not yet. Lie down’ he instructed and you complied, lying down and allowing him to encircle your wrists with each of the cuff before securing them to a leather string which was attached to the bedhead above you.
Whilst the string allowed you to wiggle, it also allowed Cillian to turn you around without undoing the cuffs.
Without words, his eyes followed his fingers as they trailed down your cheek and over your shoulder to your breast where his fingers found your nipple, pinching it gently between his thumb and forefinger and rolling the swollen nub.
Then, Cillian grabbed the other larger cuffs which he placed around your ankles before retrieving a metal bar and attaching it in between the cuffs, keeping your legs spread wide.
‘Fuck, you look so sexy like this, all helpless and at my mercy’ he murmured from where he was sitting.
You smiled and looked up at him, moving your shoulders slightly, trying to wiggle around to get more comfortable.
‘It's adorable watching you try to retain some sense of control in here with me’ Cillian then said before he placed his hands on your shoulders to stop your movements.
‘The moment you signed that contract you surrendered all control of what happens here to me’ he then reminded you as he moved away from you and you watched him as he seemed to be slowing himself down with the distraction of retrieving equipment rather than rebuking your actions.
You said nothing as you watched him take out two candles before placing them on a waist-high shelf beside the bed and lighting them. Almost immediately the room began to fill with a subtle sweet smell. You continued to watch him as he went to a different panel and took several items from the cupboard before approaching you again.
‘You said you would take it easy on me the first time we do this’ you said nervously as you observed him carrying a leather strap towards the bed.
‘If you are a good girl and behave for me, then I will’ Cillian smirked.
‘Hmm, alright, I will be good’ you said somewhat nervously and Cillian could see that you were slightly worried.
‘Do you remember your safe words?’ Cillian then asked and you nodded.
‘Good. How are you feeling, now?’ he asked.
‘Green’ you said with a smile.
‘Good, now close your eyes and keep them closed’ Cillian ordered, wanting you to trust him without him having to blindfold you.
‘Why?’ you asked before you could stop yourself and felt the sting of the strap catch your breast.
‘Because I told you to, and in here we play by my rules’ he said in a low dark voice. ‘Close your eyes and keep them closed’ he repeated his command.
His tone and forcefulness sent a shiver down your spine, and without thinking about it any further, you closed your eyes.
Cillian took a few moments to gaze down on you, still not quite believing that you were here in this room with him and allowing him to use you in this way. He ran his hands over your breasts, playing with your hard-pointed nipples and listening to the small moans of pleasure you emitted.
You took a deep breath a moment before you felt his lips on yours while his hands massaged down your body starting from your shoulders and lingering over your breasts before moving lower across your tummy and then the area of skin just above your mound. You heard him groan deeply as if the slower pace he was moving at was torturing him, and you allowed yourself a small smile that you affected him in the same way his actions were affecting you.
‘Roll’ Cillian almost barked as he took hold of your body and helped you roll over on to your stomach.
The leather strip attached to your cuffs was now twisted tighter towards the bedhead and your legs were still held wide apart by the spreader.
‘Keep your eyes closed’ he instructed and the bed sagged as you felt Cillian's weight beside you on the mattress. He moved further to straddle your thighs, and you felt his hands touch lightly on your shoulders and you tensed as if expecting the strap to land rather than the continued soft touch of his hands.
‘Relax, Y/N. It's important to relax’ he whispered into your ear, his hot breath caressing your neck. ‘Where are we on the scale?’ he then asked softly.
‘Green’ you whispered softly.
‘Good’ he said softly as his hands glided over your ass.
You felt a small thrill flutter inside you as you began to surrender to him while he continued to gently touch and caress your body for at least ten minutes or so.
The feeling was amazing and you began to fantasise as you felt his hands skate around your thighs to just touch at the inner sides, mere centimetres away from your mound.  You felt his hands creep slowly closer but withdraw again, making you whimper at the denial.
Cillian very carefully avoided any contact with your already soaking pussy and, instead, began working his hands around to your outer thighs. You groaned in disappointment and you heard his faint chuckle.
You took a deep breath and tried to concentrate on the movement of his big strong hands again and sighed as you let the breath out.
‘Did you just sigh at me?’ Cillian asked cheekily as, suddenly, he smacked your ass.
‘I am sorry sir’ you squeaked and felt the cool air once again caress your pussy, making you realise just how wet and wanting you were from all of his teasing.
The pull on your ass cheeks stopped and you heard him groan before the mattress moved and you realised he had moved from the bed. You groaned in frustrated need as he stood there gazing down at you for long minutes.
But then, unexpectedly, there was a blow. The blow, when it came, was light and not at all painful, but made you squeak and your head come up in surprise as you registered what had happened.
‘Too light?’ Cillian questioned almost to himself.
The next blow You felt immediately as it landed over the first and made you hiss between closed teeth and lips and became clear to you that it was the leather strip that was coming down on your ass.
‘How do you feel?’ Cillian asked.
‘Green’ you whispered breathily, the heat from the blow starting to warm your ass. Three more blows came on the other cheek, seeming to hit in the same spot and stinging you with their heat.
‘Y/N?’ he questioned.
‘Green’ you said in a whimpering moan.
‘This is going to be more fun than I imagined then’ he taunted your and let loose a barrage of blows across your ass and upper thighs, making you moan loudly.
‘That’s a good girl’ Cillian praised the louder moan that had escaped your lips. ‘How are you feeling?’ he asked as he paused.
‘Green’ you moaned in a purring way as you settled into the heat and subtle pain of your ass and thighs.
‘Ready?’ he asked, adoring the way you had answered him and enjoying the moment more than he could ever remember in the past. He saw your body tremble in anticipation and raised the strap again.
The first few strikes across the cheeks of your ass seemed lighter to you, as if just reheating the marks already imprinted on your skin. The warmth and sensations they caused were more than manageable, and you never thought to warn him by changing your colour of answer when he asked again. As he continued the increasing intensity of the strikes against your skin, they began to overwhelm you a little more as he worked the strap back down your thighs, giving your ass a small reprieve.
Your head spun, and a deep, intense rush of adrenaline shot through you, firing your brain and numbing the burning hot sting of your ass. You barely heard the words as he demanded to know how you were feeling, and you groaned out green again, feeling your body react not only to the strikes of his strap but also his commanding voice.
Cillian paused and ran his hands over your now burning skin, feeling the heat radiating from it and hearing your soft whimpering as he squeezed the fiery cheeks of your ass.
‘Unbelievable’ Cillian groaned and started to massage the colourful flesh of your ass again, revelling in your ability to take so much from him.
‘Finally, you relax’ he chuckled as he rewarded you by sliding a finger through your slick lips to tease you for a minute.
‘And you are so fucking wet too’ he then observed as he watched your hips buck almost involuntarily as he finally touched your pussy. You felt the teasing finger travel through your folds and playfully teasing at your clit, making your let out a purring moan of appreciation and test the bonds that held your arms above your head.
‘You are something else Y/N’ Cillian murmured in a pleased light tone, and began to insert a finger into you, marvelling at how tight you felt like this and feeling your muscles clutch at his finger as if wanting to draw it deeper. The tension soon became to much for you and you tried to grind yourself against his hand.
‘No! Don’t move’ Cillian scolded, withdrawing his finger and smacking your ass again. ‘Remember who is in control?’ he murmured darkly. ‘Let's try this again, shall we? Cillian then asked as he reinserted his finger and curled it down, seeking out the rough area of skin within your that would push your over the edge.
You whimpered in high purring moans, and when he added a second finger to the first massaging your g-spot with force, you couldn't control the rock of your hips as you built up to what promised to be an earth-shattering climax. Once again Cillian withdrew his fingers and smacked your ass even harder than before, making you cry out even louder.
‘Think carefully before you move!’ Cillian growled. ‘How are you feeling?’ he asked, and watched your take a shaky breath as you thought about what was happening.
‘Green’ you whimpered again.
‘Good’ Cillian said as he moved back down your body to kneel on the end of the bed again and grasped your hips in both hands, raising them and encouraging you to pull your knees below you to hold the position while your ankles were still spread apart.
On your knees, you felt the muscles in your thighs and ass stretch and pull at your damaged skin, and you whimpered softly as you knelt with your ass high and your head low against the mattress where your arms were chained forward and in place.
You concentrated on these feelings of discomfort as he once again pushed his fingers into you and continued to massage your g-spot, bringing you rapidly back to the point you had been only minutes before. You desperately tried not to grind back against his hand, realising your mistake now, but as the muscles in your thighs and ass continued to burn.
Cillian watched you carefully for all of the tell-tale signs that you were close to coming. You were panting heavily, and your body seemed to shudder as you tried to maintain your position for him. The sounds you made became increasingly higher pitched and, as he saw the muscles in your thighs trembling, he withdrew his fingers, leaving you on the edge of what would have been an amazing climax.
‘Remember to ask me for permission if you want to come?’ Cillian said in a low voice as you cried out, your body moving to seek the renewed contact, and he smacked you, pulling your legs from under your so that you landed heavily back onto the bed whimpering softly.
‘I was so close’ you whimpered piteously.’
‘Well, that’s too bad, isn’t it? In fact, you should really be punished for trying to come without my permission’ Cillian then said.
‘Punished?’ you asked somewhat worried as you looked at him.
‘I had thought about spanking you and leaving it at that, but it seems you enjoyed that a lot more than I had considered you would’ Cillian grinned. ‘Which I am more than pleased about, believe me’ he added with an elvish smile before he hoovered back over you.
‘Hmm, what am I going to do to you?’ Cillian murmured, moving forward to whisper huskily close to your ear. The movement had his cock lightly dragging up your back and you could feel how hard he was despite of the fabric of the briefs separating your skin from his.
You tried desperately not to think about how much you wanted to feel him inside you right at that moment, and you closed your eyes, trying to relax, but the feel of his mostly naked body against you was almost too much to bear.
Again, you wiggled your body against him as he briefly ran his hand over your mound.
‘So wet and needy’ he commented as his hand skated down over the lips of your pussy. Inserting one finger in you, he murmured ‘and so tight.’
‘That is a result of all your teasing. Please just fuck me’ you purred, feeling your arousal build again as he slowly moved his finger in and out of your tight hole.
You then felt the finger withdraw from you again and his body lean over yours as Cillian unstrapped you from the bedhead and removed the metal bar in between your ankles, but leaving the cuffs in situ for later perusal.
‘How are you feeling?’ he asked.
‘Green’ you sighed and gave a small smile.
‘Good’ he then said before pulling you up into his arms.
Your heart began to race and you looked into his deep blue eyes seeing your own need and desire reflected back at you.
Cillian stood and helped you from the bed before he led you to a waist-high padded bench on the other side of the room, and once again Cillian pulled your arms back and joined your wrist cuffs together behind your back as you stood perfectly still. He went to a panel on the wall and retrieved another slightly shorter metal bar and bent to your ankles, attaching them to rings on the cuffs before lengthening the bar and pushing your feet widely apart.
‘Fuck, look at you’ he groaned, finally standing in front of you. His hands cupped your breasts and he lowered his head to one nipple, biting it without much force but enough to make you whimper. His fingers worked at the soft flesh as his mouth continued to tease both nipples to hard points.
‘Do you know what these are?’ he asked, tilting his head.
‘Clamps?’ you questioned in return and gave him a concerned stare.
‘Yes’ he said with a husky voice, rolling your nipple between his thumb and forefinger. Then, he attached one to your nipple, and you found that, to your surprise, it was easily bearable.
You looked down as he attached the second clamp and let the chain swing freely between your breasts.
‘Hmm’ you moaned, biting your lip just as he tugged on the chain slightly until he saw your grimace.
‘How are you feeling? Cillian asked.
‘Still green, just’ you breathed, not wanting him to tighten them any further.
‘I was hoping for amber’ he smirked and gave the chain a small tug again, causing you to whimper and clench your teeth.
‘Do we have amber?’ he asked in a deep husky voice.
‘Yes fuck, oh god…amber’ you shouted out as Cillian watched you bite your lip.
‘Your nipples are sensitive’ he grinned before telling you again to stay still as he walked away from you momentarily.
‘Oh god, no’ you huffed out, breathing heavily as he returned with the candles, he had earlier lit and placed on one of the shelves.
You had read about this and knew that the hot wax would soon be covering part of your body.
After sharing a passionate kiss, you reluctantly nodded and Cillian captured your eyes with his own as he tilted the candle, slowly pouring hot wax over the skin of your breasts, making you gasp and whine in a long-drawn-out sound.
‘How are you feeling?’ he asked once both sides of your breasts were covered with cooling white dots of wax, making the skin around the dots of wax change colour and feed his arousal.
‘Amber’ you looked at him with teary eyes.
Cillian knew that it was the clamps that were causing you the most discomfort, and realising this was your first experience with them decided not to leave them in place any longer. He pulled the chain with a quick tug, making the clamps dig deeply into you before finally sliding free and making your cry out and rock in your stance. He moved to support you, his head lowering to capture and soothe a nipple in his mouth as he fingers gently massaged the other back to life. He spent long minutes going from one to the other as you whimpered softly, and when he finally stepped back he groaned deeply.
There were tear tracks in your make-up, and, where the wax had peeled and flaked away, large splotches marked your skin. Cillian was beyond turned on by the mere sight of you. So much so that he had to consciously get control of himself and breathe deeply.
‘How do you feel?’ he asked softly, reaching out to run a finger over your breast, flicking away some of the larger spots of wax.
‘Green again, I think’ you huffed and you couldn’t believe that, by that point, you were dripping onto the floor. To your surprise, the pain and Cillian pushing your limits turned you on.
‘So sensitive’ Cillian smiled as he played with your nipples again before he lowered his head and dropped a kiss on each one, still trying to regain control of his need to stop the game and just fuck you.
‘Please fuck me Cillian’ you begged, and every other thought about gaining control of his desires fled from Cillian's mind. He picked you up, turning you around and pushed you down over the bench you stood beside. He stepped behind you and thrust into you with a deep groan, stilling his movements for several minutes before pulling back, leaving only the head of his cock embedded in you.
‘You were so eager to have me finger fuck you earlier that you couldn't control yourself from pushing onto my hand. Let's see how well you can hold still now’ Cillian said, groaning deeply as he was all the way inside you and started to drip more wax onto your lower back, making you lurch forward again and turn your head, straining to see him and the candle he now held.
‘How are you feeling?’ he asked.
‘Green’ you replied automatically and the wax thankfully cooled fast in the small trickle that had run over the top of your ass and down your thigh.
You were desperate for traction, but he gave you none. You felt his cock pulsate inside of you as he poured more wax onto you. You didn't pull away quite so much this time and, for your good behaviour, you were rewarded with several long and steady thrusts, causing you to moan loudly.
You caught on to his game fairly rapidly and, the next time the wax dripped onto your skin, you remained still so that he would continue to fuck you.
Cillian enjoyed your whimpers and jerky movements as he used the wax several more times before finally losing his battle against himself and pushing you forward and pumping into you hard and fast. Aware that he had denied you continually earlier, he used his fingers on your clit and felt you stiffen and arch your back against him.
‘Sir, may I come, please’ you groaned just before the first of your climaxes rolled through your body.
‘Yes princess. You did well’ he finally said and his free hand gripped one of your breasts and held you in the strange hard arch as he continued to fuck you remorselessly, and he felt you shudder and cry out as your orgasm ripped through you.
‘Oh god yes fuck’ you moaned and screamed as you climaxed in a way you never had before and Cillian was soon losing his own battle against his orgasm, but he continued on; one hand working your clit and the other mauling your breast as he pounded you as hard as he could.
Then, another climax rocked you physically, almost causing you to pass out.
By this point, Cillian couldn’t hold on much longer either and, with a loud groan and two more thrusts, he came as hard as you did, spilling his cum deep inside you.
‘Fuck’ Cillian cursed, and with unknown reserves he picked you up and staggered to the bed, freeing you from the bonds on your arms and legs. He felt your pulse and checked your breathing before climbing onto the bed beside you and cradling you in his arms.
‘How are you feeling?’ he then asked, kissing your neck gently as he did.
‘Fucking fantastic’ you murmured as you watched Cillian look all over your body, taking in the marks he had left.
‘I want to do this again…the orgasm after all this, it was out of this world’ you huffed out.
‘I told you it was about pleasure and not just pain’ Cillian said before he groaned deep in his chest as his arousal began to grow again. He didn't think he could ever tire of having you like this.
‘Oh my, eager are we sir?’ you giggled as your breathing had finally returned to normal after all this and you sat up, leaned down and kissed Cillian passionately.
Without giving him a chance to assert dominance over you again, you were quick to climb on top of him and lower yourself down onto his hard cock.
To your surprise, he didn’t protest as you began to fuck him and his warm hands soon found your breasts where he flicked his fingers over your nipples.
‘Oh god, fuck’ you moaned as you rode him and felt the heat seep into your body and the tendrils of pain that radiated from your nipples spread out, helping you climb toward yet another huge climax.
Cillian dropped his hand and, taking careful aim, he spanked you, adding to the already bruised flesh of your ass. You whimpered and moaned, the combined sound once again coming out as a heated high-pitched purr as you rode him and ground down onto his cock. He alternated between the two areas, your breasts and your ass, and reached out to steady you as you arched hard, pushing down into him and shaking almost violently as you came again. The sight of you looking well used and trembling in ecstasy was enough for him to give into the milking muscles of your pussy. He came with you, coating your insides once more with his seed before pulling you down on top of him once your body had relaxed out of the hard arch, and he held you tightly, stroking your hair as you settled back down to earth along with him.
‘I never knew it could be this good’ you whispered as you stroked your hand over Cillian's chest and lay there listening to his racing heartbeat slow.
‘I must say, I never enjoyed it as much as I did tonight with you’ Cillian said gently before kissing you passionately once more.
‘How about we get some sleep, hmm?’ he then asked as he sat up and you momentarily thought that this is where you would be sleeping together.
To your surprise, Cillian was quick to pick you up and carry you upstairs to what clearly was his bedroom.
He then placed you onto the large bed, climbed in next to you and covered both your bodies with the large doona.
After spending aa good two hours together in the basement, you were exhausted and, after a few kisses it didn’t take you long to fall asleep in Cillian’s arm.
The following morning you both were woken up by the doorbell ringing at around 8 o’clock.
‘Are you expecting anyone?’ you asked still half asleep and Cillian shook his head before getting up and grabbing a t-shirt from his wardrobe.
‘Coming’ Cillian yelled out as the doorbell rang a second time and he was already on his way downstairs.
Unsure what was going on, you got dressed with whatever you found in Cillian’s cabinet and, when you heard the door for a second time after about ten minutes, you made your way downstairs thinking that, whoever came to visit, had now left.
To your surprise, this wasn’t the case when you saw two women stand in Cillian’s kitchen, making themselves a cup of coffee.
‘Oh hello there.... Cilly, you didn’t tell us you had company’ the blonde woman in her mid-sixties said with a wide a smile before introducing herself to you.
‘I am Leanne, Cillian’s mother’ she said as she quickly grabbed another cup from the cabinet for you.
‘I am Y/N, nice to meet you’ you said somewhat embarrassed before you recalled having seen the other woman who was standing in Cillian’s kitchen before. It was Cillian’s sister who he had dinner with at the restaurant that night he asked you out.
After Cillian introduced you to his sister, he mentioned to you that his mother likes to come and visit unannounced whenever she stays with his sister and the grandchildren.
‘Well darling, I just need to make sure my son is doing alright and has enough to eat’ she said with a wink as she unpacked a whole big rattan basket full of homemade scones, jam and some homemade bread.
‘I always told him that he needs a good woman in his life’ she then said as she walked over towards you and handed you one of the scones.
‘Scones for breakfast?’ Cillian chuckled as he watched his mother inspecting you.
‘Love, you have something stuck to your hair…may I?’ his mum then asked and you turned around which is when she pulled a bit of wax from the back of your neck and hair.
‘Looks like wax’ she then chuckled before putting the piece of candle wax on the kitchen bench.
Her actions caused you to flush with embarrassment and you hoped that she wouldn’t notice the marks on your legs and wrists from where the cuffs were affixed the evening before.
‘Well, Y/N does like candles’ Cillian smirked as he bit into his scone almost unbothered by his mother’s presence.
‘Oh Love, you should come to the farmers markets with us then. We are leaving at 10 o’clock. They have fantastic home-made candles for sale. Then you could come and have lunch with us. I always make a roast on Sundays’ Cillian’s mother suggested.
‘Mum’s roast is the best. Do you want to come? I might even come along to the markets, eh’ Cillian then said, catching you by surprise.
‘Yes, uhm…I would love to. Thank you’ you responded shyly.
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