#i know the ending leaked pls dont tell me if i got it right or wrong
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Since the first trailer with super sonic, where the 'sonic gets a new form' theories started, i've been thinking what he would look like...this is how i imagine it. The color scheme and patterns are based on the ones in the architecture on the starfall islands, hope you like it!
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cupid-styles · 6 months
Can we pls get a period or sick blurb? Maybe for grumpy h? I miss them
yes!!!! (I have a sugar daddy h sick blurb too but I literally can't find it for the LIFE OF ME.........but it exists somewhere hahahahah)
word count: 900
content warnings: none! just period/blood mentions
read the original grumpy h series here
main masterlist | talk to me
. . .
Y/N seriously can't believe this is happening right now. 
On top of finals, grading an influx of drafts and papers for Professor Donnolly's class, and generally trying to survive the end of the semester, she excused herself from her TA lecture when she felt a slight cramping in her lower stomach. She wasn't due to get her period for another few days, but apparently, her body decided now was the right time for it to happen — so now she's panicking, sitting on a toilet in the single-use bathroom stall, cramping and bleeding.
She left her bag back in the lecture hall so she doesn't have a pad or tampon on hand, but that's not even the worst part — when she looks down at her underwear, there's a substantial blood stain that leaked through the seam of her jeans, too. 
With her heart thumping in her chest, she feels tears begin to prickle at the back of her eyes. She's being silly, she knows that; she's had her period for years, but with the position she's found herself in, she can't go back to her job, and her boyfriend is sitting back in the classroom, probably wondering why she's been gone for so long. 
She sniffles and grabs her phone from her pocket, quickly pulling up her text thread with Harry. It's embarrassing to have to explain the situation, but he's obviously the only person she trusts to go to. 
To: H🌷 
hey I got my period and I dont have any pads or anything w me rn would u hate me if I asked u to bring me one from my bag?
Glancing at the time, there's still an hour left of the lecture, so she's not sure if her request will even come to fruition. (When Donnolly has students do individual or group work, they're always swarming around Harry and asking him for help, but that's an entirely different situation.) Her leg is shaking nervously as she contemplates stuffing some of the single-ply toilet paper into her underwear, serving as a makeshift pad just until she can escape back to the bathroom with a tampon. She's just about to do it when she hears a knock at the door, followed by a hushed call of her name. Immediately, she recognizes it as Harry's voice.
"H?" she whispers. She hears a chuckle and her eyebrows furrow, confused by his lighthearted tone. 
"There's no one else in here, silly girl," he says, and she swears she can hear the smirk in his voice, "I brought you a pad and a tampon. I saw you had both in your bag."
"Oh. Okay, thank you, you can just slide them under the door."
Harry snorts. "You can open the door, baby. I'm not scared of your period."
"Yeah, but it's gross. And I'm sitting on the toilet."
"Didn't anyone tell you that having a period is natural?" 
She shrugs, contemplating. "No. I guess not."
"Open the door so I can give these to you, pretty girl."
She huffs and leans forward to undo the latch. Harry laughs at the scowl on her face and shakes his head, handing both the pad and tampon to her.
"I'll wait until you're done."
She nods, secretly grateful as how casual he's being, and locks the door again. She's quick to clean herself up as best as she can before putting a tampon in. After she gets rid of the trash, she walks out of the stall and washes her hands. 
She glances at him through the bathroom mirror, where he's standing behind her with his arms crossed over his chest. He looks protective, as if he's ready to defend her from anything, even if it's her own anatomy. 
"I just have really bad cramps right now," she replies quietly, drying her hands with a paper towel. "I think I bled a little through my jeans too."
His face forms a pout, striding towards her to wrap her form in his arms. "Poor baby." 
He presses a kiss to the top of her head as she buries her face into his chest, reveling in the warmth of his body. Their hug is over far too soon for his taste and he chuckles lightly at the sulky look on her face. 
"This should be big enough to cover your cute little bum," he murmurs, pulling his sweatshirt up and over his torso. Her cheeks redden and he smirks as he helps tug it over her own form. "You need anything else? You can head back to mine if you wanna nap in my bed."
She shakes her head quickly, "No. I can't miss any more of the lecture."
"Baby, I'm sure it's fine. I'll tell Donnolly you're not feeling well."
"I'm on my period, it's not the flu."
Harry snickers and intertwines their fingers together, giving her hand a squeeze. "When did you get so sassy? Remember when you were my sweet, quiet girl?"
She rolls her eyes, "I still am."
"Sure you are," he smirks, "Seriously, though, will you please just go rest at my place? It's not a big deal and I know you like to nap when you're on your period."
She does, and she can't deny the fact that laying in Harry's cozy bed sounds pretty incredible right now. Reluctantly, she agrees, and he grins as he hands her his house key. 
"I'll come meet you when class is over, alright? I'll bring your bag and everything."
She wonders how she got so lucky with Harry.
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derekmorganscrocs · 3 years
Nancy Drew 2x6? Thoughts While Watching
Technically its the season 2 premiere but I have no idea what to number it
ACE GOT A NOTE FROM HIS MOM AWWW. I want a picnic date on a mountain, no cap.
Nick and George teamwork is so cute. AW NICKS MOM! “Nice non pagan game night.” I’m sent.
HAHAHA DETECTIVE TAMARA MAKING FUN OF NANCY IS GOLD. Nancy don’t make an enemy of another cop you already did that to McGinnis and that was kinda bad (until he switched on you). TELL NANCY WHAT SHE WANTS TO KNOW TAMARA. SHELL FIND OUT WITHOUT U HOE.
OMG CARSON AND NANCY ACTUALLY HANGING OUT? Aw I kinda love that. The way he just knows exactly what she’s doing.
Ace nancy is about to die stop talking about food. I love you but read the room babe. DON’T HANG UP BITCH-
Georges sister being a fish right activist. Omg me when I stand up to fast(that’s not supposed to be about the fish rights it’s about George just dying against a shelf)- I think Odette may have attached herself to George.
“Did you burn your knuckle hair again?”
“Game night Ace crushes.” Aw I love him.
Bess “did you kill someone” “oh it smells” STOP.
“Tamara already thinks we have a thing for dead bodies” Ace please never ever stop talking.
The way george goes EGH after she picks up the mouth thing.
Pls not us arguing over where in Nancy’s house to do an autopsy.
Aw Carson still views her as a kid, I love. oh she’s so offended.
NOT THE KITCHEN TOOL AUTOPSY. Ace snapping the rubber glove made me snort omfg. He’s everything.
OK CORONER BESS. Nick is so grossed out and I love that he can’t say bug names. Detective crew 1000.
Nick is a genius, and nancy hyping him up is serving me bffs. Pls Hannah is serving angry hippie vibes.
“What like that time that she literally died?” Ok nick. OH COUPLE BOYFRIEND THERAPIES, YES BOYS TALK ABOUT UR GIRLS.
The sheer panic on their faces when someone knocks. Not morgue guy. Oh nancy gaslight him, periodt.
It blinked- (yeah I screamed this what about it.)
Is game night back on tho?
The way ace’s curls look so much better than mine, I’m so jealous. I want to play with his hair. Yes I am obsessed. What about it?
Morgue guy raging is funny. “Kidnapped cadaver”. Ahahha. NO NOT CHARLES’ ARM! It’s a voodoo doll or something- WHY IS THE CORPSE CRUNCH? OH NO HES GONE
The way bess says “come on,” is just perfect I love.
The house freaks me out a lil. Nick reassuring nancy, I really need a nick y’all.
George is freaking me out y’all. Ace platanchoring everyone. ACE AND GEORGE FRIENDSHIP 😭 I LOVE. ACE IS SO SWEET. NO GEORGE OPENING UP. She’s so scared, omg no. “What if I never feel normal again” broke me. Broke. I felt that so much.
Morgue guy going crazy. Babe stop repeating yourself, chill. It’s jus a ghost 🙄.
Ok come on Leo don’t be a pussy- sorry that was aggressive. Bess STOP I CANT HANDLE THIS, “BOXY”??? ACCENT NICK ACCENT NICK!
NOT GEORGES SISTERS. NO. Astronaut cat is so cool. OHNO OH NO OH NO.
RUN RUN- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? No George begging them to hurry and the way her voice breaks. STOP STOP NO- Nick having to hold her back and the way her voice is just breaking and raspy, WOW. NO WAY, Ace is holding back the little sister. SO HE’s GOOD WITH KIDS? Amazing performance by Leah Lewis here, I love her. As an older sister, this is totally an accurate reaction and was excellently acted. just wow.
“Those ghost kids were awesome” thanks for saving me from tears Ace.
NICK IS A ROCK. HI I CANT HANDLE THIS RN BESTIE. Nick stop being such a good guy.
Yo I deadass forgot morgue guy’s name-
Ryan and Carson need to be an old married couple (I suggested arguing over nancy like a divorced couple)
“Lilith is that you??” @ the white eyes corpse
“I thought it was gonna be like a yeti, blow her hair- BODY”
Both mom and Alexis hiding and shrieking as nancy looks around her house for the banging.
Punky Brewster ad, she goes “paget Brewster??”
“Those aren’t human! They’re not supposed to be in there” @whatever the fuck was in that body, said cheerfully and stupidly. 5 seconds later “Bess and Ace were too prepared for that apotoposty. (Pause for thinking)... autopsy.”
Starts calling the bugs “mouthboards” (she actually was calling them that the whole time)
Repeats “blinked” for thirty five seconds before pronouncing the i in any other way she can think of.
Fails at sliding down the railing because she couldn’t run downstairs fast enough before the show came on. Proceeds to crabwalk gallop back to her chair.
“That was scary!” (Said like Dean Winchester in “yellow fever”)
It’s called a vessel. 🖐🙄
“Scotland” but she said it in an awful British accent that was supposed to be Scottish-
“Seriously? Do they just lose Ted once every season now, or?”
*cryptic smooth beatbox dancing to end credit music?* update: she says it’s interpretive dancing...
She wants to know where Ryan is. “Why was he just MIA this whole time?”
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
A Climb Chapter Two
Superman catches you again this time he follows through then delivers you to Clark.
Chapter One
Warnings:Adult situations +18, Slight Smut, Spanking ,Slight Daddy kink
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A Climb Chapter Two
was two weeks later and you'd all but forgotten about your little interaction with the man of steel, well forgot repressed one of the two. You found yourself on a job with Clark, a bog standard peice on the the air quality in down town and you decided a birds eye veiw of traffic would suffice for the image maybe if you could get a traffic jam? That would be ideal. You made your way through town with him.
"So I want to do a birds eye view of downtown traffic, I was thinking by the shopping quater, you know where the shitty new intersection is?" He have you a side glance confused
"Yeah we could get a helicopter or somthing?" he said giving you a side glance you shook your head
"Nah no need I can find somewhere" he frowned at you stopping taking hold of your arm making you stop and face him
"Really theres no balconies there tho how would you get it?" You chuckled at him patting his arm always the sweet worry wort.
"Dont you worry Im a good climber Im sure I will find a way" his grip tightedn on your arm and he shook his head
"Absolutly not! no you are not risking your life for a photo we will do something else" you frowned that sounded familiar but you didn't dwell on it to irritated.
"Hey whoa I can do it Ive done it before-"
"I said no! You better not its to dangerous" he sounded stern you'd never seen him like this before, sweet lovable Clark trying to put his foot down? hell you didn't think he had it in him.
"Im serious" you sighed at him knowing you probably wont get any where with him
"Fine I wont god I will do something else" you said still intending to do it just without him knowing going to walk on he tugged you back to him pointing an accusing finger in your face.
"You say that like I dont know your still gonna try... I mean it y/n...You-you do and your ass is mine." You frowned tilting your head to stare at him
"And what is that supposed to mean?"
"It means you disobey me on this and I'm gonna toast your ass your not climbing. You could fall and then what? No not going to happen" You took a step back blushing brightly at his words he gave you a look he was serious.
"What the fuck you sound just like the boyscout"
"Boyscout?" You scoffed tugging your arm free and walking around him
"Nevemind doesnt matter" he growled at your dismissal following you into the office. Nothing else was mentioned that day but you was seething for two reasons one how dare he threaten you like that and two how dare your body get aroused over it....So you will admit you have a crush on the big teddy bear, well if you call being hoplessly in love with him a crush. You packed up your things up still in a temper as Clark came up behind you tall and brooding.
"Y/n I meant what I said earlier dont do it I will find out." You sighed then turned to him smileing bright
"Good night Clark see you tomorrow" then slipped away from him and out of the building. Once home you changed and headed out down towards the shopping quarter, it wasn't long befor you found yourself 12 stories up on one of the flat roofs laying on your front head behind the camara hanging over the edge taking photos of the manic traffic so focused on the task you didnt notice a certain hero landing behind you until.
"HOLY SHIT!" you jumped rolling over as someone tapped you with there foot, laying on your side you glared at him
"YOU? Again? Are you fucking mad?! What the hell you sneaking up on me for-Hey wait what are you doing?" The fire was sucked out of your second question as he just sighed hoisting you up one arm around your waist you wiggled and kicked out
"Hey let go! Put me down!" you tried beating on his abdomen but just hurt your own hands.
"What did I warn you last time?" You froze as he sat on a low brick wall taking you across his lap. You screeched finally realizing what he had planned.
"No! nonononono stop its for work! Please it was for work dont Spank me I'm sorry! Dont you dare touch me!!" you tried scrabbling away hissing and screeching like a banshee swaying between sounding scared and small to firey and livid , you was silenced momentarily by a swift slap on the backs of your thighs. You quickly tried to smother your back end with your hands
"Yes Clark told me to watch out for you tonight he also told me that he'd warned you against climbing." You frowned
"CLARK!? As in Kent? How the hell do you know him?!"
"I've been doing interviews for him and Lois for months" he explained casually...you had completely forgot about that
"Wait hold on You spoke to him? When? How the hell did you start talking about me? Did-did you tell him to-IT WAS YOU!! YOU TOLD HIM TO THREATEN TO SPANK ME?!?" He chuckled if only you knew
"Somthing like that yes...They have both told me about you in past interveiws, the photographer who is always jumping in head first I wasn't convinced until I found you on the crane. Clark wasnt happy when I let him know what you've been upto so I may have suggested a solution." You kicked out trying to twist away from him but he took it all in his stride.
"How dare you!? you are not my fucking keeper and neither is he!! I don't have to answer to either of you now let gooo!"
"You are not going anywhere until I have met out your punishment. And you want to hope that Clark doesnt decided to add to it he was very angry... He loves you ,you know" you froze turning to face him blushing your heart fluttering befor shaking your head
"Wh-what? Bullshit" he collected your hands in one holding them behind you
"Yes he does thats why he asked me to look out for you and after this I will be dropping you off to him, I'm sure he will have alot to say knowing just how naughty you have been" you squirmed around trying to break free from him only now realizing that he had captured your hands but to no avail.
"NOO! no please please don't do that"
"Do what? spank you or hand you over?"
"Both!" He sighed and tilted you forward striking your bottom his large hand covering it entirely you yelped loud as another spank was placed then another igniting a quick burn in the seat of your sweats quickly one after another was placed and you cried and yelped each time as the heat built very quickly yet you could feel your panties getting damp as each jolt of his palm forced you to clench making your clit throb below you. He was methodical and patient he took his time rubbing soothingly between spanks as he carefully brought your ass to a stinging throb. You whined low embarrassed as you could felt yourself heating up all over your nipples hard rubbing against your bra as you rocked forward with each well placed open palm on you bottom. It hurt burned even but not as much as it could have.
"I hope you feel ashamed of your self right now, I have never had to resort to this with anyone ever. Your just a naughty little brat!" his scolding made you groan, his words went straight to your clit that was straining against your wet panties you rubbed your thighs together slightly trying to ease your arousal. He paused pulling down your sweats you bucked harshly wriggling trying to throw him off but he just held tight tucking the waist band down your thigh's before peppering stinging hot slaps across your twitching thighs. you cried fat tears falling as it sunk in just how humiliating this was. He paid no mind concentrating on the task at hand trying to hold back his excitement as he glimpsed your damp panties leaving bright red hand prints all across your thighs and bottom painting it red. You withered under his palm kicking out and wailing as he blistered your ass efficiency finally giving in you mewled loud weeping slumped across his lap no longer trying to escape but just taking it crying your heart out.
"Pl-please I'm sorry I wont do it again please!" How could this have been your fantasy? being spanked until you truly cry with no hope of getting away, you covered your face partly in humiliation as even as the thoughts crossed your mind your walls were twitching rippling in on themselves throbbing hot and leaking even with your burning bruised bottom somewhat on display
"There not such a brat now with a hot bottom are you? are you going to behave now?"
"Y-yes pl-please stop it hurts pleeeeaasse!" you felt mortified as you begged feeling another small flood of arousal stick your panties to your puffy lips, wetting your clit making you moan into your hands you were going to cum. You gasped through your tears as the thought struck you. You couldn't, you held back clenching tight trying to stop the warmth coiling in your tummy a punishment in itself trying to hold back not wanting to humiliate your self like that in front of any one least of all him. What if he told Clark? he'd think you was a freak. He left one final heavy spank across the bottom curve of your swollen red cheeks almost catching your pussy making it twitch so close to cumming on him that you began crying almost hysterically. He pulled up your sweats tilting you up right in front of him still sobbing holding your face wiping your face trying to stop the tear gathering your bag he tucked his arm below your sore ass making you hiss."Hold on" was all the warning you got before he took of from the roof heading back to the residential side of town landing on the roof. Placing you on your feet handing you your bag and opened the fire escape that lead into the building.
"Number 14 and I will be out here watching, if I have to come in there then you will get another spanking" you whined looking up at him pathetically.
"P-please take me home- I d-don't want to-"
"Get in there now young lady!" you squeaked running through the door not wanting to argue and risk getting another ass whopping from him. Once inside you crept down the stairs you knew where Clark lived, you'd been here a few times for coffee or going threw photos with him for the articles. You sniffed wiping your nose and eyes trying to pull yourself together you sighed and knocked quietly on his door head down not entirely sure what to expect you didn't have long to dwell on it  as he opened the door standing aside
"In" was all he said you shuffled in past him as he slammed the door shut you jumped whimpering feeling tears well again as you fidgeted in front of him.
"He told me already...Why? why did you disobey me?" you shrugged not looking up feeling ashamed that superman had aready told him what had happened. He lifted your face to look at him the crossed his arms
"Y/n I wont ask again" you avoided his eyes shifting from one foot to the other.
"I just wanted to get a good photo.... wasn't that high." he  locked his jaw tilting his head to the side before snapping at you
"High enough!! and if you fell, you know Im glad I asked him to watch out for you! I was terrified when he told me he found you up a fucking crane. A crane? y/n, but I though that a near death experience and a threat from him would do it but no, you just go running off doing what you want." you looked up at him
"Clark stop I'm hurt and upset and don't need a lecture from you! the only reason I'm here is because he made me. quit yelling at me!!"
"I know that, and Im glad he seems to have left an impression because thats what you need!"
"And how do you know what I need? WHy do you care anyway? no one asked you to!! just butt out!!" you shouted stomping at him throwing your bag to the floor wiping your eyes,upset, frustrated aroused and still confused as fuck. He squared his shoulders
"No I will not but out!!" you gripped your hair just about read to cry again
"Because I love you!" you gasped at him stepping back
"What?" you asked quietly shaking your head trying to back away he followed pulling you to him in a tight hug tucking you below his chin trapping you.
"I love you and I don't want to loose you, thats why I wont butt out, not any more, fuck sake I got superman to keep and eye out, I thought it'd be enough. Knowing that he was watching you, but its not. I want to be there, to look after you, protect you myself" you sniffled then wrapped your arms around him wetting his shirt with your silent tears shaking with your sobs everything was catching up to you, he sighed rubbing your back.
"I didn't mean to, I just wanted it to be good I was careful, I always am I promise"
"You were hanging off the side y/n thats not being careful" he scolded lightly hoisting you up getting you to wrap your legs around him you hissed as his hands settled on your ass he chuckled.
"Wow he did do a number on you huh? I can feel the heat through these bottoms" you flushed tucking your face into his neck.
"Claaarrk stop" you whined he just continued to his bed room taking you with him kissing your head.
"I'll let you off this time as he has done my job for me, but don't expect it again and Ive asked him to keep an eye out for you from now on" you nuzzled him as he laid down with you on his bed before pulling off your trainers and sweats you blushed trying to cover yourself not wanting him to see proof of you punishment he batted your hands away then whistled low
"Wow he really did lay into you..I can see why you came down he like he told you to...remind me to thank him." you pouted at him
"Nooo stooop it" rolling over hiding your face as he poked the underside of your cheeks peeking out from your panties. Before he leaned down placing a quick kiss on each making you jolt up he only pushed you back down trailing kisses up your back then sucked on the back of your neck you whined feeling his weight on top of you tilting your head to the side.
"Cl-clark what?-" he shushed you then started suckling lightly lathering your neck with his tongue and teeth you gasped rubbing your thighs together the feeling of his trousers on your hot skin made it sting in the best way your clit began throbbing you grinded it against the covers below you sighing, your not sure just how this happened but you didn't care in this moment choosing to indulge. He pulled back rocking lightly against you holding your hips still making you moan, spreading your legs trying to make him slip between them he did placing his knees at your thighs spreading them.
"And whats this?" you snapped out of it realizing your mistake trying to close your legs but it was to late as he moved a hand to your soaked panties, you tried dragging yourself from under him but he placed a solid hand to the curve of your back prodding at you, you arched keening as his fingers began to explore rubbing slow circles slowly building you up, you panted unable to stop rocking on him, coating your slit in your own arousal pulling his hand up before your face letting you see your own mess coating his fingers you turned away mortified he rolled beside you with a cheeky grin still waving his coated fingers in front of you.
"I wonder what caused this then? seems someone has a little secret" he wiped it off on the pillow by your face digging his fingers into your sore ass massaging a little making you moan
"Ah, I know maybe my little spitfire has just wanted to be tamed all along? I should have known, all the bratting and false bravado was just to get daddies attention... well now you have it, and you'll have to endure it" you tensed as his voice lowered as he whispered in your ear you shuddered before leaning in kissing him innocently at first but quickly taking your breath away as he cupped the back of your head tasting you it felt like he trying to devour you just as quick as it began he pulled back with a cheeky grin.
"Good night babe" he lied down on his side dragging you close holding you against him.
"Wh-what Clark hey don't- you can't go to sleep now?" he peeked an eye open at you
"Your not getting to cum tonight oh no after the stunt you pulled? or have you forgotten. Maybe tomorrow if you behave" you gaped at him slapping him lightly
"Noo thats not fair Clark you cant just leave me like this!" he gave a quick slap to your ass making you jolt against him
"Carry on you'll get another, now sleep we can talk in the morning" you pouted wriggling deeper into the covers
"Hey Clark... I-I love you to" you placed a quick kiss on his chest he just smiled hugging you closer.
"Good, now sleep"
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hongjoongslut · 4 years
VIP Access
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a/n: this is my first attempt at this so im very sorry if it sucks :( 
Pairing: Boyfriend!Kim Hongjoong × Girlfriend!Reader
Word Count: 2.05k
Warnings: smut, choking, y/n having anxiety and getting a little insecure but hongjoong reassures her :)
Seeing how many fans Ateez attracted did not shock you. You usually stayed in the apartment due to your major social anxiety. This fansign was different, it was scheduled on your anniversary with the one and only Kim Hongjoong. "I know you have some bad anxiety but please baby? I'll make it up to you" he pleaded for you to go, ending with a wink. You let out a slight giggle before sighing heavily. "Okay honey, I'll go, but dont expec-" he immediately grabbed you and hugged you, lifting you off the ground. "Yes yes yes!!! Finally I can show everyone how truly amazing you are". He sets you down, noticing how red your face has turned. He just giggles and leaves to go shower. Tomorrow would be a big day, for both of you. 
"why does this signing have to be in the asscrack of dawn" you let out after grunting at his alarm. "Honey, it's at 10. Its 8:00 right now" he laughs at your sleepy state. "fine I'll get up now but I'm sleeping for the rest of the week after it's done" He shook your hand. "Deal, love".
It was not your event so you didnt have to dress very fancy. You did, however, want to look nice since this is a first time. 
"Babyyyy its 9:00, how far are you from being done?" he sang through the apartment. You walked out shortly after his little tune. You went with a nice short sleeve shirt that accentuated your chest, some black ripped jeans and your favorite black and white Vans. 
"How can you look so gorgeous wearing literally anything, y/n?" he walked towards you, smiling. "I'm the gorgeous one here? Look at yourself." He was wearing a stunning black suit with a sash over the front of it, very reminiscent of his Wonderland era. "I'm only wearing it since we just passed the year anniversary for the music video release, you know how I usually look when I go to these things." you smile and wrap your arms around his neck. "I love you no matter what you wear, but this is definitely a sexy look on you" he smirks and softly places his lips on yours. You move your hand to rub the back of his head, causing him to jump back. "you know where that gets you and we do not have the time to do all of that right now princess" you smirk. "I didn't do anything joongie. I was just caressing your head." Both of you knew what you were trying to do and surprisingly, he fell right into it. He smashed his lips onto yours, instantly colliding his tongue with yours. His hands held your hips tightly, likely leaving bruises. He breaks the moment, you whimpering at the loss of him. "c-can I try something y/n?? we've never done it before but I think you'll like it.." you tilt your head and slightly laugh. "joongie dont ever break a kiss for that. just do it, but if you hear our safe word then stop." you start the kiss this time, to gain the contact back and to see what he had planned. You could feel his right hand creep up from your hip, wrapping around your back to pull you closer, if that was possible. His hand rubbed your back for a moment before it sped to your throat. He applied no pressure yet, making sure you were okay with it. you smile into the kiss and moaned a little. The heat was stopped once again when his phone went off. "Shit, Mingi's here to pick us up." he walked with your hand entwined with his but pausing right before opening the front door. "but we will continue this later darling."
You have never seen so many people in one place before. Your heartbeat raced as you walked by all the screaming fans. Your body was on autopilot, just trying to find a quiet place to calm down. Once inside at their booth, you slightly calmed down. "I'm sorry our anniversary started out with a fansign, but this event ends at 12. After this, we can do whatever you want to do". he kissed your hand, rubbing the spot with his finger. 
It's been about an hour and a half and you haven't spoke much except when spoken to, whether by a fan or joongie. You can tell he was concerned about you but he didnt have enough time to help you entirely at the moment. He would squeeze your hand every once in a while, just to show he loves you. 
"Are you good y/n?" San asked after finishing one final picture with a fan. "Yes I'm okay San, I'm just very tired. I didnt get much sleep last night" he nodded and left to help clean up. The manager gave you and joongie permission to leave since it was a special day for you both. The ride home was loud and crazy. Mingi and Hongjoong laughing and smiling at everything they saw today. "baby, what's wrong? you've been off ever since they opened the doors. is it your anxiety?" 
You nod slightly and lean on his shoulder, not wanting to go into depth about it. he rubbed your shoulder until you guys arrived home. You both said your goodbyes to Mingi and walked into your safe space. "I know how your anxiety gets after big events so I will give you space, love. I'm gonna be in our room unfancing my appearance. Come find me or yell when you're ready" he kissed your head and left the living room.
You hated hiding stuff from him. It was your anxiety today, but for a different reason. you saw so many beautiful girls and you constantly questioned why he chose you. you weren't exactly in perfect shape, stretch marks covering your chest, stomach and thighs. He hasn't seen you like this often, but he did rarely catch it. Sometimes when you're walking and you're wearing jeans, you pull them up to hide some of your stomach. You had these thoughts everyday and it only got worse today. tears pricked your eyes, begging to be released. you gave in, letting them fall freely. you started sobbing, trying to keep as quiet as possible. you lay down on the couch and cry into the leather. you let out a loud sob, not realizing at first. Hongjoong ran into the room, grabbing your shoulders. you were so lost in pain, you didn't initially hear him. 
"Baby what's wrong? what happened? are you okay?" he is firing these questions at you and your mind finally breaks. you quickly sit up, staring at him through blurred vision. "you saw all of those girls, joongie! what's so special about me? im not talented like they are. im not in shape. i don't see why you chose me instead of one of the million girls you saw today!" your voice cracks and you crumble into his arms. "Y/n, why didn't you mention this sooner?" all you could reply was sobs. he sat with you, rubbing your back until your breathing evened out. "So you want to know why i chose you?" you nod lightly. "I first fell for your looks. You do not need to compare yourself to anyone's shape baby. I love you for you. Then I got to know you, I fell in love with your personality. Baby you're so amazing, everything you do makes me fall in love more." you look up and start smiling. He grabs your chin and kissed your forehead. "Another thing," he lowered his head to meet your eyes. "none of those girls have a pussy that can make me feel as good as yours does." your face turned a red shade. "no one in this world can make me weak in my knees just from wearing a shirt, jeans and Vans. you are everything I want, and much more than I deserve" he kissed you, not knowing the heat his words just caused. you broke the kiss to straddle him, not letting him ask anything before kissing him again. You held his cheeks, savoring each and every inch of his tongue. He pushed you away, catching his breath. "what was all that about baby?" you could start to feel his hard on through your jeans. "you wanna show me a reason not to be insecure? You said you'd make it up to me if I went and our little 'event' before the signing would be continued when we got home. But if you dont want to, that's fi-" his hand wrapped around your neck, adding pressure to it. "princess, ive been thinking about fucking you ever since you decided to tease me earlier." he then realized his hand was squeezing and pulled it away instantly. "im sorry baby are you okay i didnt realize I was doin-" you put your finger on his mouth. You stood to take off your jeans and shirt, letting him enjoy the view. "if you wanna show me I dont need to be insecure, then mark me. fuck me until i cannot remember how to speak. once again, if you dont hear that safe word, then keep going." he sat with his jaw dropped. he swiftly stood up to remove his tshirt and his boxers. you unclip your bra and take off your panties, throwing them away from you. he grabbed your hips and picked you up with no struggle. He carried you to your shared bedroom and set you on the sheets. he attacks your neck, making you moan right on contact. his free hand slips down to your pussy, feeling your juices leak around his fingertips. He lifts his hand and licks them clean. "so much already baby...god you taste so fucking good." his lips leave your neck to kiss your chest, leaving more hickeys. "all of this beauty...all for me." you moan as he attacks your nipple. "fuck that feels amazing.." he hums before giving the other fair treatment. he kissed slowly down your stomach, rubbing the sides. "one of my favorite parts of you.." you start to smile before it turns into a moan. he dives into your pussy, lapping inside of you and rubbing your sensitive nub. "fuck hongjoong, just fuck me already, please." he leaves a light kiss on your clit before kissing your lips roughly. he teases your entrance with his head, making you grunt impatiently. he enters you slowly, watching your head slowly lean back as he fills you. "fuck y/n, how are you still so tight..." he grunts as he slowly sets a pace. he fills you so perfectly, you could cum right there. "f-faster baby, pl-please" he rammed his hips into yours, hearing nothing but your screams and skin slapping. "see, nobody can sound as-as pretty as you do when you moan" you smile momentarily before grabbing his hand and placing it on your throat. "god I love you...i love you so fucking much" he squeezes your throat, a high pitch moan escaping at the sensation. "I'm s-so close joongi-e." he kisses you, swallowing your moans as they come out. "Also princess, remember no girl gets to be fucked so good by me, you have VIP access..." With that sentence, you saw stars, your juices coating his twitching cock. "fuck princess!" you feel your walls being painted with his cum. He pulls out, viewing your marked and fucked out figure.  He hands you a tshirt and clean underwear to change into while he goes to the kitchen. while he was gone, you walked up to your mirror, staring at your body. he walked behind you, hugging you tightly. "look how beautiful you look in my clothes...even after being fucked" he giggled and you let out a slight smile. "come on beauty, let's get to bed. i know you want to sleep in tomorrow." you jumped on the bed, laughing as hongjoong followed. "i promise baby, you'll always have me."
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knoxhq · 4 years
► ( rudy pankow & cis male ) according to the school’s records, knox drury is a 22-YEAR-OLD senior studying political science, and he lives over in moriarty. he is a gemini, so that must be why others describe him as dignified, humorous, cowardly and naive. when i see him, i’m reminded of walking into class an hour late with sunglasses on, the feeling of anticipation as you wait for a firework to fully blossom, the sound of party music leaking through the walls of a bathroom. ( gibby, 20, they/them, est. ) ◄
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hello everyone !! so i won’t even lie to u guys, i am NERVOUS and it’s literally only bc this is the first group i’ve joined in so long like dfdhkjsfjad the last group i was in was almost a year ago but i ended up having to leave due to personal reasons and didn’t get to write so like !!! idk i’m excited !! anyways w that in mind, pls bARE with me bc i have like one (1) braincell and i forgot how to write intros. anyways enough of me rambling, lemme give you knox !!
also this is a bad intro pls dont judge me im trying 2 like. rewrite what i had b4 the storm took it out n like, i lost the braincell
full name: knox hale drury.
nicknames: drury.
age: twenty two.
gender and pronouns: cis male and he/him
sexual & romantic orientations: bisexual, biromantic, femme leaning.
major: political science.
housing: moriarty.
triggers: implied bullying, police and incarceration ( dw i didn’t make him jj 2.0 ).
nobody gets to pick their beginnings. it’s something that people tell knox all the time, hell, it’s plastered in every stupid coming of age movie, book, film, everything he’s ever seen. you don’t pick who your born into, you don’t pick who you get to be. and to an extent, he does think that this is true but he can’t help but wonder if maybe, if people could pick, if they’d pick differently. because he knows he certainly would pick differently.
it’s not that he even came from a bad home - hell no, he had the most loving family ever. his mother was a saint, a warm sensation bubbling up in his chest when he thinks about her warm cookies or the way she tried to still tuck him in even as a teenager. his father had his flaws, we all do, but he was a good and honest man. hardworking, he showed knox what that stupid american dream is that everyone likes to preach about. 
no, it had nothing to do with them but rather the overall opinion on him and his family. see, the drury’s weren’t well liked - they were seen as lowlives and as shady, the kind of people who you’d only go to if you wanted to get stabbed in the back. generations of drury’s fit this narrative but no, his father was determined to change that. and so was he, even if nobody around him seemed to want to give him a chance. 
knox would go throughout school with this name attached to him like a dagger to his throat - whisperings in the hallway of, “oh, my mom said the drury boy might be steal things if you let him over,” and other random, rude remarks. of course, the people that get close to him know better - they see him for who he really is.
that person is knox. he’s a golden light, often more selfless than the rich pricks who run that small town. he’d give his jacket or umbrella to people even if they didn’t ask if it just so happened to be raining outside, and despite the fact that his family didn’t have a lot, he’d still go out of his way to try to give when he could. 
he eventually graduated high school - one of the top people in his class due to his father’s encouragement, and after a lot of debate, settled on attending haddon university - miles away from that sweet, small little hometown he knew, but a fresh start where he didn’t have to work for anything. he could just go in being him, with nobody attaching a new narrative to him. it was what he wanted, what he dreamed of.
and he loved it. his first semester there was memorable as he found himself surrounded by new friends and people he even considered family. back home, however, things were slipping.
the drury family was never rich, ever by any means, but business was low. nobody wanted to go there, fearing that his father was just as shady as his grandfather. as things got worse, his father had to resort to other needs - stealing, lying about taxes, and doing everything he could to try to make it by. 
it finally caught up to him when knox came home for spring break - red and blue lights flashing outside as loud noises went on throughout the house, until finally someone swung knox’s door open and briefly blinded him with a flashlight, demanding to know where his father was. by the time knox got a grasp on the situation, his father was being rushed off in the back of a cop car. 
he plead guilty almost immediately and for the next few months, knox did school from home to stay with his mother. it was then that he switched his major from what had initially been just a vague, business degree to political science in hopes of going into law after getting that degree - a way of changing things, of helping people so they never got to that point. 
for now though, he’s gone back to haddon’s campus where he study’s away and occasionally finds himself slipping and partying, glasses always covering his eyes as he slinks back class, getting almost nO sleep every night.
so i need u to know right now... knox is baby, FDSHJDFSHAJK
like he’s not by any means like he’s kinda a gross dude like, absolutely randomly burps n is like lol oops n shit, very little manners, will grab clothes off of the floor to put them on kind of man BUT LIKE as a whole ?? he means very well FDSJFAHJ he’s very gentle and will sit there and admire flowers on a bush and then get mad if u pick one bc ur hurting it like. he’s baby.
he also is very loyal to the ppl he’s friends w tbh like. damn he will never leave ur side
that also makes him kinda... super, actually, naive. you see, while knox is incredibly loyal, he often finds himself ignoring signs of toxicity for the sake of preserving a friendship - he fights for people who won’t fight for him, he lets people back in too easily, he just. he sees the good in everyone, even if there isn’t any good.
regardless, he’s not easy to just... manipulate to an extent. while he’ll fall for you being innocent, you can’t ever try to make him think he’s something he’s not - he knows his intentions and he knows they’re usually pure and he’s not gonna fold for anyone if it comes down to him or them. 
bt like again he’s baby
like i dont think he ever gets mad but damn when he does its probs scary as shit like bc he nEVER gets mad !!! hes like. a golden retriever ig
if u cannot tell im trying really hard not to make him too much like jj bc i realize that might be a big thing ppl do n i dont think jj is baby bt like. knox? knox is baby DSFHJKFDHKJ 
he’s just. idk. he’s very protective and cares about his friends a lot and will walk you home even if you went to HIS place and like is always ready to give you a jacket if it’s raining and he’s just lowkey a big, kinda dumb at times, teddy bear and i think that’s valid tyvm 
wanted connections.
friends. — please. knox will lOVE ur muses just let him be their friend tyvm plus he’s a bit of a social butterfly now and i think he’d honestly have a lot of friends.
best friend. — i’m gonna keep this to one muse bc idk i think it’d be really cute if knox got to have his own like, ride or die where they care abt him as much as he cares about them and they’re always there for each other and like !!! that’s cute !!! also found family trope bc i think that is.. again, kyoot, ty
frienemies. — so these are always like, super fun to plot out and i think there’s a lot to work w here... like give me ppl who are happy that knox is loyal and would defend them but would push knox to the side n not do the same for him... also friendships where knox fucked up ?? where knox, despite his goodness, couldn’t keep his mouth shut and revealed a secret to their friend group bc u see he can kinda be a gossip fsjfdaskj. idk there’s a lot u can do n i’d love to brainstorm!
enemies. — pls. like. we can brainstorm this too so i dont just ramble but pLEASE?? please.
flings. — honestly romantic ships are not the point of rps but romantic flings and stuff can be really fun to plot and i love getting soft about them so like ?? idk dude lets fling it up n have muses date for two weeks n then break up like thats swexi, dramatic, 10/10
exes. — i mean this is kind of like flings but i have an idea... give me an ex of knox’s who really was like. everything knox wanted. hell, the two had a really good relationship - they were in love and etc etc gushy details but they ended up breaking up bc they just. they weren’t meant to be! as sad as it is like it was as simple as that! and then the angst comes in after they break up bc god they still love each other so much but they just aren’t meant to be and they see them with other people and oh it just hurts but like, bonus points if they manage to become good friends even after this !! (sidenote, idk i wouldn’t want this to be a full ship tht gets back together bc idk i think there’s a bittersweetness in stuff like this n its just. like. its ok !!! idk !!! )
roommates. — and they were roomates- fdshjkfdsahjk
other things. — honestly these are half assed plots but i’m down for anything !!! i’m still fleshing out knox a lil too bc i really did make him on the spot so pls bare w me :)
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
when i said it i thought it was true [1] {Ben Hardy}
Anon asked: could you do an imagine where ben is the reader’s ex and they are somehow working together on the set of bo rhap and they fall in love all over again ☺️ could you make it angst-y and then end with fluff? i love your writing so much!!
Anon asked: could you do an imagine where the reader is in bo rhap, maybe playing as one of roger’s gfs or something and she kind of falls in love with ben while filming the scenes with him as roger 💖 very fluffy pls :D
A/N: 3124 words. Super AU version of BoRhap being filmed in the fic. There’s gonna be another part, that will fill the prompts better. This might end up being a series. I hope you enjoy. Feedback would be nice.
When your manager rings you, telling you that you’d landed a part in the Queen Biopic Bohemian Rhapsody, you were elated. Freddie Mercury was a bit of a personal hero of yours, and to be a part of his story on the big screen, it was sort of a dream come true. 
In your first meeting, you sign a nondisclosure agreement, and you’re given the latest draft of the script to start learning, as well as a character brief. The script calls your character ‘Amanda’, the girlfriend of Roger Taylor who he eventually realises he wants to settle down with. You’d seen pictures of young Roger Taylor, you wouldn’t lie, you were excited for the role. Honestly, even today he was still quite a fox.
The point is, you were excited to have a fun time on set with a pretty blonde, make some new connections, and earn some good money. Some really good money.
The other shoe drops when you’re flicking through Instagram, and one of the stan accounts you follow has posted a leaked screenshot of the proposed cast list, and there’s your name, right beside the name of the last person you wanted to pretend to be in love with. Ben Hardy; pretty blonde extraordinaire, and your ex-boyfriend.
The table read is... awkward. 
The two of you are sat next to each other, and barely spoke two words to each other. You feel unprofessional the whole time, but you’d rather be anywhere else in the world, and the delivery of some of your lines falls a little flat. The director casts a concerned look between yourself and Ben as you rattle of what’s meant to be banter like you’re reading the news paper.
“They’ve got no damn chemistry; it’s like watching a celebrity divorce hearing.” When the Director vents to one of the producers in the hall outside after the reading, you manage to catch it where you’re just about to come out of the bathroom.
“They’ll be better on set, I promise, it’s just jitters.” She tries to soothe his nerves, and they’re off soon after, and you’re left with a cold, sinking sensation in your stomach.
“You’re Y/N, aren’t you? How are you finding the set?” The guy who greets you on your first day on the Eastenders set smiles with such casual ease it feels like you’ve known him for a while, instead of having just met him.
“Yeah, that’s me.” You agree with a quick nod, rocking back on your heels as you gaze around the space, trying not to look at him for too long. “It’s a bit overwhelming.” Actually, what’s overwhelming is that he’s talking to you. He’s Ben fucking Hardy, pretty-boy on the soap-opera scene, and he’s talking to you on your first day.
“Yeah, you’ll be right though; if you need any help or anything, just give us a yell, yeah?” And you realise he probably doesn’t know who you’re playing, or how you’re involved in that Season’s arc, but you certainly did.
“I didn’t know you could play drums.” You’re trying to be casual when you say it, but you see Ben tense where he’s sitting on a sofa in the rehearsal room, script and pencil in hand.
“I can now, that’s all that really matters.” He’s giving off such strong ‘please leave me alone’ vibes that it almost hurts, and you have to push through the knot in your stomach and sit down next to him.
“Ben, we need to at least be civil.” You say quietly, and he looks at you, expression a little forlorn.
“Y/N, we are civil, and we’ve done this before. Let’s just keep it professional, okay?” His tone leaves little room for argument, and you nod in agreement with a small smile, and pull out your phone, waiting for the rehearsal director.
“Hey there, baby, I don’t think I’ve seen you around here; I know I’d recognise your face.” You purr, running your hand delicately over the collar of Ben’s shirt, as his eyes widened and he spluttered to form a sentence, just as the script had told him to. 
Your character was more a plot device than anything, when Ben’s character is at a low point, his main romance is on a break, and he meets you, a temptress in all black. Your job is to give his character a realisation, he starts as your cocaine dealer when his supplier can’t make the drop, and he falls for you. Depending on the audience reaction, you knew the producers were waiting to see if they kill you off or have you recover from your addiction. The point is, your fate’s uncertain at the end of the Season, and Ben’s character realises he has to get out of the drug trade.
“I’ve got something for you, from Oskar. Can we go somewhere more private?” When he speaks, it’s with surprising confidence, and he steps up from the bar stool and into your space, smiling as your face lights up. The director calls cut after a moment, and you step back, smile sliding to something genuine as an assistant comes in and straightens your loose, black silk shirt, and they reset the shot for a new take.
“Ben, could you try less flustered? You’re here to deliver drugs, you’re not a schoolboy.” The director’s voice was kind as she came up to the two of you, and Ben agreed easily before she turned to you. “Great job, Y/N, don’t be afraid to be more even more forward, if you feel it.” As soon as you nod in understanding, she absconds, and you half laugh.
“If I was any more forward I’d be in your lap.” You snickered, voice quiet as you dipped your head to hide how you were faintly flustered. Ben was quiet, just watching you for a moment, but before you noticed, the director called for everyone to standby.
“I’m after Maggie, do you know where I could find her?” Ben starts as soon as the cameras start rolling, brow furrowed as he leans across the bar to speak to the bartender, and that’s your cue to enter the scene.
“Hey there, baby, I don’t think I’ve seen you around here; I know I’d recognise your face.” And when you say it this time, he smirks back at you, a little cocky, and you can feel the way it makes your heart flutter and you know it’s not as fake as it should be.
Before filming even starts, the producers have essentially forced you and Ben into bonding sessions which, if this were several years ago, would have just been dates. Now they’re awkward and tense, and you tend to bring heavily highlighted scripts.
“I saw you in that Wes Anderson movie last year. It was a really good performance, one of your best.” He offers over coffee. The idea that he’d kept up with enough of your work to label one ‘your best’ has you a little shocked, and something in your heart warms as you thank him softly.
It’s gotten easier to hang around with him, and it’s even easier to pretend to be in love with him in rehearsals. It’s like riding a bike, how easy it is to let yourself smile and lean into him, to let the banter flow easily between the two of you, fond jabs that edge on insulting coming as easily as breathing.
Joe mentions that he thought the two of you worked together before, and when you reply that you’d dated for almost a year, he goes very quiet, eyes going wide. After a beat, he admits it explains a lot.
“X-Men did you real dirty.” You’re half paying attention to an interview with Roger Taylor that the two of you had been instructed to watch together. You’re both in his trailer, sitting on opposite ends of the sofa as you watch in almost complete silence.
“What?” He asks, after a beat, your words having taken a moment to process.
“Killing you off like that; they could have gotten so much mileage out of your character.” The way you say it is far too well thought out to be an idle thought. Ben smirked.
“You just liked the leather pants.” He muttered, but you’re silence is answer enough. You know he sees your embarrassed smile, but you can’t bring yourself to deny it.
“Hey, do you wanna grab a drink after and go through notes and blocking and stuff?” You’re shooting your third episode, and you’re far more comfortable on set by now. Agreeing easily, you let Ben drive the two of you to what he claims is the best pub in town, and you sit in one of the more secluded booths to talk.
It turns out he’s just as much a fan of you as you are of him; you’re known more for your bit-parts in long-running series, it seems like the only show you hadn’t been a part of so far had been Eastenders, it was only a matter of time. It’s an innocent night, true to his word, all you do is talk, and discuss the script. There is one part of the upcoming script that has you a bit nervous. 
“Listen, honestly just go for it; it’s not meant to be sweet or anything, I’m literally taking coke from you.” You tell him, fidgeting, and he’s hums thoughtfully.
“You sure? We can talk to the director, I’m sure-” He offers, but you laugh to hide your nervousness.
“Nah, let’s knock it out of the park, the script says go for it so just go for it.” You assured him, heart rate already quickening at the mere thought of it. 
The next day, before the scene, the director comes over to talk you through it, making sure that if anything becomes uncomfortable, that you can talk to her. Both you and Ben assure her that it’s fine.
“You’re far too cute for this line of work.” You say as you hold a baggie of “cocaine” up to the light, smile playing on your lips.
“Cute? Ouch, you really know how to wound a man, you know.” He says, leaning back against the sofa in the hallway of the grubby hotel your character was staying in. He’s watching you with interest, small smile playing on his lips.
“Cute’s not a bad thing, baby, but you look like you should be making coffees or playing football in the sun, not here, not with me.” And you tap out a little of the powder onto your hand, pretending to snort it before you turn to him, his expression dark and hungry, and he kisses you, aggressive, almost desperate, and you lean into it, almost forget you’re playing a role with his hand on the back of your neck. When he lets go, when he pulls away, your eyes are still closed and you chase his lips for a moment. Eyes flickering open, you see him smirking down at you where he’s standing, and you both know it wasn’t entirely acting.
“You don’t know anything about me.” He growls, and you know you have to smile like you’re into it, like it’s a challenge, but instead, you duck your gaze, giving a small laugh and wiping at the nostril you’d just “snorted cocaine” through, before looking up at him through your eyelashes.
They call cut, and the director announces, almost a little awed, that she’s pretty sure they got the the take, actually says she’s not sure if she could getting a better take if they tried again. Ben seems far too pleased with himself. 
“They want us to tell the public we’re together.” You’re resting your head on Ben’s chest laying at the back of the tour-bus set, and his hand is resting on your waist, which is bare for the crop top and booty shorts they’ve put you in.
“Yeah, I heard.” He replies, voice equally quiet. “I think we’ve got a meeting about it tomorrow morning.” Gwil and Rami are actually playing scrabble at the front of the bus, and Joe is talking to Singer, the director.
“It’s a bad idea.” You’re so frank that you feel Ben freeze, and you heave a sigh. “It’s good for the movie, but Ben...” You trail off, and you feel it when he forces himself to relax. “It wouldn’t be real, it would just be weird.”
“Y/N, we’re actors.” He says very pointedly, and when you turn, resting your chin on his chest, he looks tired, a little exasperated. “It’s just a business deal.” He assured, and you let out a low, thoughtful grumble. 
“We’ll discuss it tomorrow.” You allow, and he nods once, shifting to a more comfortable position, and you go back to resting your head on his chest, eyes fluttering closed as Singer called for the shot to be reset and a bunch of people came and straightened your clothes, and touched up your makeup, all without you having to move much.
You agree to the terms set forth in the meeting easily, the story being that your relationship rekindled on set, and that you were now madly in love, mirroring the relationship you were portraying on screen.
“Wait, does that mean-?” Ben leans forward in his chair, with his heart in his throat as he followed their logic, thinking through the plot of the movie. “Like engaged?” He asked.
“Seems a bit fast.” You agreed, voice level enough that someone might mistake you for calm rather than internally freaking out, and your managers shared a look.
“There will be a public proposal during or after the world premiere, that’s up to you both, and after the movie is out on DVD, you can go your separate ways.” They assured, but your mouth fell open.
“You know he left me for X-Men, right?” You splutter, and Ben’s eyes widen as he turns to you with a scoff.
“You’re the one who said the distance was too much for us while I was in Cairo.” He snapped, and you threw your hands in the air.
“I was offering to come and stay with you instead, but you said you were too busy!” That was enough to shut him up, his mouth snapping closed as he turned away sharply, huffing out a resigned sigh.
“We have a few brands and restaurants who are interested in sponsoring, and the producers are willing to increase both your salaries if you go through with it for the full duration.” Your manager informed you both carefully, and you and Ben shared a resigned look.
“Fake intend to marry me for like three months?” He asked, voice low and bitter, and after heaving a long sigh, you look to your managers,
“I think I love you.” Ben’s character shows up at your character’s door, and you open it in a silk robe. 
“Hello to you too.” You laughed, but he’s so serious, so sincere, and when he doesn’t flinch, doesn’t offer anything else, you step up to him, pressing your lips to his, and he wraps his arms around you, hands sliding against the silk over your hips, and you pull back.
“You’re too sweet for me, baby,” voice so low it’s barely a whisper, he’s the one who chases your lips this time, but your catch his chin, and his eyes open. 
“You’re high.” He says softly, voice raw and a little desperate.
“And you’re my dealer.” You push him back gently, going to close the door and his expression turns angry.
“That doesn’t mean anything; I love you, Maggie.” His words hang heavily in the air, but before you can respond, they call for cut. You’re told to play it more like it hurts to try and turn him down, and you agree, smiling and nodding all the while. Everyone sets up for another take and you close the door.
When you kiss him this time, his hands are holding your face, and you’ve got your arms around his neck, and it’s like the world falls away from around you. It’s not acting now, hasn’t been for weeks, almost months now, not since he’d asked you out officially. Every time you kiss him you’re desperate to drown in his embrace, and he kisses you like it’s just the two of you, no cameras, no scripts.
“You’re-” and he cuts you off with another quick kiss, which has you laughing a little sadly, “Peter you’re too sweet for me.” He rests his forehead against yours, heaving a sigh.
“I know you’re high.” He says gently, and you don’t push him away this time, just lean back, your finger lifting his chin.
“And you’re my dealer.” You tell him, expression falling.
“That doesn’t mean anything, that doesn’t matter; I love you.” And you know that in that moment, the words mean so much more than the script, than these characters, than the show; he loves you. Ben loves you.
You avoid him, outside of filming, until you actually get a call from your manager telling you you’re contractually obligated to be seen in public together at least once a week. Even while filming you’re short with him, and he’s quick to get away from you the moment he doesn’t need to be around you, which was getting to be pretty bad, seeing as how you had been blocking a sex scene.
After the call, you and Ben get a drink. It’s awkward at first, though that’s unsurprising. After a long sip of his beer, he pats his thighs where he’s sitting in the armchair across from you. You make a face at him, shaking your head. 
“It’ll look less suspicious than if we’re shouting at each other across the table.” He hissed, and you groaned, obliging and crossing to sit yourself in his lap. He’s warm and secure, and he wraps his arm around you like it’s second nature. “Let’s not make this weird.” He said gently, and you nod.
“As for tomorrow’s shoot,” you said softly, leaning in to make sure no-one else heard, and he nodded, humming softly, “we’re professionals, and,” after a beat you cleared your throat pointedly, “it’s not like we haven’t done it before.”
“Not in front of a camera crew we haven’t.” Ben says with a smirk, and you snicker in agreement. “It’s gonna go fine; this is all gonna go fine, I promise.” And when you raise your eyebrows at him in surprised question, he just laughs softly, and brings you in for a chaste kiss. “It’s only until the DVD’s released.” He assures you, and you let your expression fall, already weary.
“Ben, that’s over a year away.”
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askthiscpblog · 5 years
Kay, Katie and Ruby pls
Part 1
A dim light was all that illuminated the room that Katie was in. A room that she didn’t recognize. She had woken up not even a few minutes ago, not knowing how long she had been unconscious. Her first instinct was to get up and get out, but the minute she tried to move she realized something was stopping her. Katie was unable to move, and it only took her a second to realize it was because she’s strapped down. She pulled as hard as she could to slip out of them, but it was no use.
“Fuck….” She mumbled under her breath. She tried to look at her surroundings but between the dim lighting and her bad eye, she couldn’t see much. She had nothing else to do but lay there and contemplate what to do next.
Ruby had started to wake up soon after, a small groan escaping her lips. Her red eyes fluttered open, her vision overrun by dark spots. Once her eyes adjusted, she looked around, noticing she was in an unfamiliar place. When she tried to sit up, she noticed that she too was strapped down, which made her frown. She pulled against her restraints as she tried to remember what happened and why she was there. She lifted her head to look down at the straps holding her down. She tried to push herself up, using her arms, but it didn’t change anything, she was still strapped up. Her ears twitched, picking up a sound- breathing. She turned her head, her neck cracking a bit, because of the uncomfortable position.
Katie’s patience was wearing thin. So was her calm demeanor. She hated the fact she’s trapped, and the feeling of vulnerability. Katie didn’t care how she got there, all she knew is that she wanted out. Now. She started pulling on the straps some more, putting herself into an angry panic more and more. She continued to swear under her breath, making small threats towards whoever put her here. Her breathing was getting louder as she kept on using all her strength to get out of the straps but to no avail. She stopped struggling with a loud sigh. “Son of a bitch!” She said, almost yelling. She’s frustrated, and now her arm’s tired. All the possibilities of how this was going to end for her ran through her head, making her anxiety grow.
“Will you keep it down? I’m trying to work.” A calm male voice spoke out close by.
She froze at the sound of the voice. She was so focused on getting free that she didn’t notice anybody else was there. It wasn’t a voice that she recognized or had even heard before, but she had a feeling that he was the reason she’s strapped down.
“Let me go…” Her voice was stern. She didn’t know this person, so what could he want with her?
“Keep fighting and you’ll only going to make your head trauma worse.” Footsteps were heading her way.
“I wouldn’t be fighting if I wasn’t strapped down…” She tensed at the sound of the man getting closer. She would usually be more resistant, but something told her that she wasn’t in a good position to mock the man.
“Well, after your fight with Hoodie, and an attack going on, I’m taking precautions.” She saw a figure with a blue mask come into view and they had a black substance leaking from the eye holes looming down on her.
“How are you feeling?” He asks.
She remembered what had happened. That “Hoodie” guy had knocked her out. How he did, she couldn’t remember but all she knew now is that she didn’t like him.
“Sore…” She replied in a reluctant tone. She didn’t like complying with strangers, especially not ones that wear masks, but what else could she do at this point? Besides, he somewhat creeped her out anyway. 
“Expected. Taking a round in the head would do that even if it was rubber… oh, my manners. They call me E.J. I’m the doctor of the house…” he looked up for a second and continues, “Looks like your roommate is awake as well.” E.J. huh? At least he’s somewhat polite, something Katie didn’t encounter in people nowadays. Then she realized what he said. She looked at him, confused.
“…Roommate? I have a roommate?”
“Yes. She is an odd one. She gave Hoodie’s partner a hard time- and he is the vicious one of the two.” He walked over to check on Ruby.
Ruby had been quiet the whole time, but her heart beat fast. She closed her eyes tight and took a deep breath. When strapped down like this reminded her of her past. She couldn’t let that get to her, she had to figure out why she was here. She opened her eyes and turned her head to look at EJ. She squinted her eyes a bit, trying to get her vision to focus. A growl threatened to escape her. Ruby was quiet, her heart pounding. She took a deep, shaky breath; her chest heaved up and down. Being strapped like this did remind her of her past- it made her feel vulnerable.
Her head was a jumbled mess as she remembered what happened with Masky, which meant she wasn’t listening to their conversation. Her eyes darted towards EJ once the sound of footsteps made it to her ears. She squinted her eyes a bit, trying to get her vision to focus. E.J. was now hovering above her saying, “And how are you feeling, miss? And calm yourself. This is only a safety precaution.”
While EJ checked on that other girl, Katie laid there, trying to see her surroundings now. Like before, she couldn’t see much due to her eye, but now her eyes were more adjusted to the dark. The place seemed a little old. So, did the straps holding her down. Couldn’t be too old if they could still manage to hold down a full-grown woman, though. Also, how can this guy see what he’s doing? It’s not pitch black but, damn, it’s still hard to see. How could a doctor work in the dark?
Ruby stared up at the male, her chest still heaving up and down. Who was he to tell her to calm down, especially when she was being held down by straps?!
“I’m feeling wonderful!” she said, her voice almost coming out as a growl. Whoever he was, she didn’t trust him.
“A safety precaution for you or for me?” She asked while glaring up at him.
He responded with a simple word, and without hesitation, “Both.” He went to grab something, continuing, “You two caused quite a hassle for the duo.” He walked back to Ruby and injected something into the vein of her arm without even aiming.  She wiggled under the straps when he was about to inject her. As the needle entered her arm, a low growl escaped past her lips.
“There. That should help calm you down a bit.” He then sat the beds up. They had a better view of the room, now, and could see each other on opposite sides of the room. She continued to wiggle around, trying to get free as EJ put their beds into a sitting position. Katie looked at the other girl across the room, watching her try to get away from EJ and the needle he was holding. At least the other girl wanted out too.
“How long are we going to be here for?” Katie had stuff to do, people to get rid of. She didn’t have the time to sit around, strapped down.
He wasn’t even looking at her. “You can relax. That was only Benzodiazepines. The only reason you two are strapped is as I said. We got attacked, and I’m making sure you two are not with him.”
He seemed to hear the question and responded, “Depends on what the boss says but don’t worry. I’m sure there will still be people for both of you to kill if we let you go.” His voice had not altered in any way. It was calm…too calm as if he didn’t see them as a threat. He walked around the room, moving stuff around, not even looking. At times he stopped to tap or smell something.
Katie didn’t like this guy’s calm demeanor. The way he treats this like an everyday situation ticked her off for some reason. What made her madder was how unsettling he was. He wasn’t trying to, but the was so calm and collected gave Katie a weird feeling. She hated it.
“Working with who now?” Katie was generally confused about who he was talking about. She hadn’t worked with anybody in a while. Ruby stopped struggling, her breathing slowing down a little bit. She watched his every movement, her eyes never leaving his calm form. His reply confused her more, who was this him?
“An old rival to the boss. I’m not allowed to say his name, for he can hear it, and gains power from it. Based on your tone and heart rate, you really don’t know him… good.” He went over to her and put a cuff with a chain on Katie’s leg, then undid the straps on her body. Still not even hesitating.
“Would you like some water?” He then looks at Ruby, asking, “Would you like some too?”
“Yeah…sure….” Katie was hesitant to say yes. Sure, he was being nice, but that could change in an instant. She rubbed her wrists. They were a bit bruised from when she pulled on the straps. He got a bottle of water from a fridge nearby, as well as ointment and bandages. He then started patching up the bruises right away. Ruby pulled her legs closer to her body, glaring at him as he undid her straps. Ruby had heavy bruising by struggling so much. She didn’t reply; she didn’t trust him, so she sure as hell didn’t want water from him.
“You girls have names?”
“Katie, my name’s Katie…” She took a quick drink of water and looked at the other girl seeing if she was going to answer. She was being pretty uncooperative so far so Katie wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t answer.
She stayed silent for a few seconds, debating if she should tell him her name. 
“Its… Ruby…” she finally responded
“So, since you know we’re not working with that guy you were talking about, can we leave?” As nice as this EJ guy was, Katie still wanted to leave. She hates being cooped up in one place and being told what to do and where she could or couldn’t go. Having someone else have control over her in any form gave her anxiety.
“Like I said, not my call. You two could be sleepers for all I know.” He got up and started heading towards Ruby’s directions to treat her wounds. Her ears twitched a bit. She didn’t feel like talking much, but she was curious to know more about this him.
“Sleepers…?” She watched him walk towards her, still watching his every movement. She was much calmer now, but she was still uneasy. Especially when she was being held hostage against her will. Ruby beat her to the question. Almost every time this guy spoke a new question would come up. Once Ruby asked, Katie, looked towards EJ, awaiting an answer. After he was done, he got up, his head popping up as well. He started to leave the room.
“I’ll be back with the boss. You two hang tight.”
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cow3survivor · 3 years
Ep. 13: “I Need To Make Moves Here And This Is A Big One” - Mikey
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guilt tripping everybody that voted out sammy bc that was such a weird move and shows how weak everyone really is. idk it made 0 difference to me, i honestly could care less about this round. if i get immunity, mikey is playing the idol on himself if he gets immunity im getting the idol so it really does not matter
Woo the plan worked and Sammy is gone! He seemed sad because he said he wanted to stick with me but his actions didn't really align with that. My goal is still to get Jennet and Jones out. I feel bad because Jennet is now in a position where they’ve been targeted every round of merge and a lot of that is for little to no reason. I don't really know why Lovelis tried to vote for them, or why their name came up when Daisy left, and the round Sam went home I only said their name to try and protect Lindsay. And last round their name was a decoy.... but still! They have been through a lot and I feel bad. But unfortunately because of this, they are definitely winning if they make the end. They haven’t betrayed a lot of the jury, they now have this great underdog story if they make it, and their whole game is about loyalty and honesty and all that stuff betrayed jurors jut love to vote for. Which I will say.......... it's easy to be loyal and honest when you don't align or overly strategize with half the team. It also leaves you super vulnerable to being a target sooooo I feel bad but I also feel like that's the reality of blocking yourself off to so many people. Since Sam is sadly gone, my new ideal final 5 is Lindsay, Shane, Mikey, and Jake. That will get awkward because I feel like it'll fall into 2 vs 2 and they'll all expect me to stick with them. That would be the downside to my strategy of "align with everyone and make everyone feel like you're their option" buuuut I think I'm saved by the fact that asides Jennet, I feel I can beat everyone left at the end. I don't think it's a guarantee; I'll definitely have to do a good FTC. But Shane and Lindsay have really bad social games -- Shane fights with everyone and betrays close allies for no reason and Lindsay apparently doesn't even talk to half the people left. Yesterday, Jake and Mikey both said they thought Shane would win at the end because "he's made so many moves!!!" which is ummmm not very feminist because I think everyone credits him with doing a lot more in the Daisy vote than he actually did. I feel very much like the Natalie White of this season because my relationships are really what is holding everything together. I just have to be careful that people don't see me as keeping Shane around when he's an obvious threat because that could definitely damage my chances of winning. However.... there is something that could upset that f5 and that is if this round, Jones/Mikey/Jake/Jennet all want to vote out Shane or Lindsay (again). I'm not actually that opposed to this happening because it would be very useful for me to have a close ally on jury to tell them what I did. It would also mean I don't really have to "decide" who to pick at f5 but I would still be relatively protected. However I also worry that if Jennet gets through even one more round, Mikey, Jones, and maybe even Jake will just refuse to vote them out like they did before. Mikey admitted to me he knows Jennet will win at the end but if he feels like he has no shot, he might just keep them around because they're close and that is not a great sign for me! I guess we'll see what happens with immunity. Also go me for being the last person left with no votes against them :~)
something about a white man yelling over me last night when it was my turn to speak doesnt sit right with me... i dont want to make it a race thing or a “gender” thing but .... idk its kinda taken me out of the game i dont even feel like campaigning to stay tbh...
(a little later)
soon as shane won immunity here go jessica pming me saying she hates that he won... pls that is ur ally u love the fact that he won... just admit it tired of these people playing in my face but i dont wanna play into that role that i know i fall into fairly quick
(after taking a beach stroll)
this may be my last week i fear 🕴🏾
(after taking the camera and running into the woods)
jess must think im a fool every round she “leaks” info to me and then she does the complete opposite of what she says she will. im sorry its pathetic at least this round she told me shes voting me pero its like now shes asking me if i have any alternatives that i can convince her into doing and im like... girl its one of my allies and like 5 of urs left dont play me like im some dummy .... so that u can tell them im pushing for them and give more reason for them to want me out? she not getting my jury vote for sure
jennet is the target. if they have an idol i will probably go home. i have crippling anxiety 🤩 im sorry thisbis so short there's not much to report on. there was a miscommunication between everyone that mikey caused but nothing rly came of it. im just you know how sometimes when youre abt to fall bur you catch yourself your stomach does thise little flips? thats me for the past hour. i have a bad feeling abt this, but i also have crippling anxiety so shocker
me yesterday: If Lindsay or Shane got 7th, I wouldn't be sad! me now: ummmmmmmmm no stop being silly Anyways we are all voting Jennet as of right now. I told Mikey that we were splitting votes on him and Jennet potentially (so that I could get Mikey to vote Jennet, meaning Shane or Lindsay could throw 1 vote on Mikey in the event of an idol) but then Mikey went and told everyone I said that??? Which was a weird move, I don't know if he was hoping it would blow up on me but I just admitted to everyone what my strategy was. Now it seems like they just don't trust Mikey. Which is useful for next round, if I can make it there. I also told Shane and Jake that Mikey asked me if they were threats and I'd said yes. I told Shane and Jake this so that in the event Mikey went to them, they'd already have a heads up and wouldn't be suspicious (because Mikey leaks almost everything and I felt like that would definitely happen). I also accidentally implied to Jake that Shane was targeting him?? Not really sure how that happened but there was this weird temporary blowup where Jake went to Mikey and Shane and said he heard they were saying his name. Obviously I was NOT excited for this because I was worried it would come back against me instantly so I tried to smooth things over with Shane and Jake + told Mikey it's not cute to leak info! I'm hoping that the three of them are pointing their daggers at each other and haven't turned on me but it was definitely scary for a minute. I also told Mikey Shane originally wanted Jake to go when Daisy left AND that I thought Shane/Lindsay would vote Jake out next. I can explain both of these away pretty easily to Jake (1. That vote was a long time ago and he only wanted to do it because Jake was saying Lindsay and 2. I was just saying they'd vote him out next to make Mikey comfortable) but he isn't online to give me the chance to do it and I don't want to bombard him with messages. But here's where I am 2 hours before we vote...... I'm ultra paranoid Jennet has an idol. And she knows she's going tonight. Everyone was like "don't tell her she's leaving!" and I was like???? She knows?? I'm not wasting her time pretending like I'm not considering voting for her. So now....... should me, Shane, Lindsay just vote out Mikey (or Jake?) instead? I'm hesitant to bring this plan up to anyone for a few reasons: - None of these people can keep a damn secret!! - If we flip and Mikey does vote Jennet (and there's no idol), it will be 3-3-1. Really not liking that - I don't thiiiiink Jennet would idol me out if they were to idol anyone. I'm afraid to bet on this too heavily but I really, reaaaaally hope because I'm being honest with them this round, they would see me as someone who would maybe work with them at f6/f5 (as opposed to Jake, who has lied to them and Jones who flipped last round, and Lindsay who she says she wants out). I originally!!! Thought that Mikey would never vote for me but I'm honestly not sure after today - Jake is completely MIA today, same with Jones. Jake SHOULD trust me since I've warned him whenever I've heard his name but I'm worried after the shenanigans of earlier + him not responding that he's now sketched out by me - I don't want Jennet in the f6 (sorry Jennet!) because I think if we lie to the others about who we vote, they are more likely to go to rocks for them if we vote them next time. Like right now, Mikey is not going to a rock for Jake (or vice versa) but I think both would do it for Jennet if they felt they were their only path to the end. If people go to rocks for Jennet like we might as well all pack it in now and let them win because that just shows!! How good their relationships are. The reason I'd want to switch the plan is because if Jennet has an idol,  they are absolutely playing it tonight. If they don’t have it, they don’t have it, but that means Jake or Mikey could. So like.... why not do a fake out and have a higher chance of getting the merge idol out of here? Plus if Jennet doesn't play it tonight, we can vote them tomorrow with much more ease. I'm worried people are too aware that I'm really moving things behind the scenes and are going to come for me this round. Here's where I'm hoping my strategy of be everyone's BFF / an option for everyone will help me out -- Lindsay is a bigger threat than me and has done a lot less of that work so in the event Jake and Jones DO decide to turn..... I think they'd vote for her over me. But that's not really ideal because going into a F6 with only 2/3 of my end game trio is not the look! Despite what I delusion-ly thought yesterday!
fukjlkjdsflakjsdalfskdfja i have a rlly bad gut feeling i'm going home bc its like ,, , too quiet and too straight forward, i think jessica should be going this round ? either she'll be idoled out or voted out 4-3 ya feel,, i'm just ,, my stomach hurts i need jessica to get voted out she's like ,, my only competitor in terms of gameplay style >? ya feel ? i'm not excited for whatever happens after tribal,, so maybe i throw up, maybe i get voted out , either way i'm free
Yeah so that last move was a mistake lmaooo I thought Mikey and Jennet were tighter with Sammy than they actually were 😬 so now I’m just trying to regroup from that. Seems like Jennet is the target but I feel terrible voting her out so I’m sort of at a loss. I also don’t want Mikey to be left out again so just trying to figure out what’s best for me eek 🥺
OK SO. Me Jake and Jennet are voting jessica, jones is voting jennet and Im gonna play my idol on jennet. I need to make moves here and this is a big one. Sorry JESSICA!
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madmythandy · 6 years
the last jedi spoilers
i really need to vent about star wars guys i saw it yesterday and i haven’t been able to discuss w anyone pls message me/respond to this w reactions bc im Dying
OKAY LET’S START WITH THE OBVIOUS that first poe/finn scene was straight outta fanfiction. “finn naked bag leaking?” like!!!!!! thank u.
alright. okay i got Super emo about poe in this one (big surprise amirite ladies) but like!!!! it was more than just “he’s gay i love him” which of course was part of it but holy Fuck!!!!! i related to him so hard in this bc he’s trying so hard to do the right thing bc he believes in this shit so hard but he’s still young and doesn’t know the best strategic choices etc but when he was fighting with holdo!!!!! i was totally on his side. i dont care that she was like. technically right and all that bullshit she wasnt telling everyone the whole story and that Fucked me up like u need to tell people what ur plan is so they dont do dumb shit (like poe did. sorry buddy) but like!!!! oh man. so good. i love him so much.
OH WHEN HE AND BB8 REUNITE AND HE RUBS BB8′S BELLY????????? I CRIED YALL. I WAS A MESS. HE’S THE CUTEST MAN IN THE UNIVERSE. ALSO??????? “happy beeps” HAPPY BEEPS, MOTHERFUCKERS. FUCK. I LOVE HIM. general hugs. so much better than general hoax like we guessed. i love him. such a good boy. i kept saying “happy beeps” over and over to myself when things were going to shit. oh man just. everything about poe in this film was dead on and i loved it.
except one thing actually.. now idk if this was actually intended by the filmmakers or just straight people’s interpretations invading my brain, but before i saw the movie there was so headline about “sexual height difference” between holdo and poe and like. at some points she was like leaning over him and i was So uncomfortable during that especially if people were seeing sexual tension there bc poe literally wanted to kill her. he was so expecting to be put in charge (my poor sweet baby) and then this bitch comes along and just!!!!!! oh man. their dynamic was good IF that was just hatred tension instead of sexual tension bc im not into it and neither is poe bc he’s so gay!!!!!!!!! and also holdo and leia Definitely fucked. like. no doubt about it they did it and are in love and are lesbians. so much. very lesbian behavior.
wow this is long im so sorry we’re not even into the meat of it.
okay the best explanation for how i feel about the rey/kylo thing is here in my friend’s phoebe @officialclarkkent‘s good article/review of the movie bc like. if kylo was lying (and God i think he was. i hope he was fuck) about rey’s parentage then their parallels to luke/leia are So Good!!!!!!!!!! holky fuck so good bc it happens like Right when luke and leia are ahving a force moment and then they have theirs!!!!!! they’re related fuckin fight me bitch. anyway if theyre not related then it was a disgusting reylo mess and i ahte it. why was he shirtless. rey is such a lesbian i love her
can y’all believe yoda showed up out of nowhere Just to be mean to luke again? he’s still a homophobe. go away
luke!!!!!! im so. he was only half in character????????? god im so conflicted about luke. i loved when he threw the lightsaber over his shoulder tho that was good and a Very Gay Drama moment. what a diva. WHEN HE DID THE DUST SHOULDER THINGADKJFGHLKADFJH i love him. but i still dont like a lot of his choices but whatever!!
i Looooooooved finn’s journey in this one. he stills wants to run which makes so much sense but by the end of it he’s like “ALRIGHT BITCHES WE’RE GONNA FIGHT AN FUCK THESE BITCHES UP TIL THEY DEAD” and he’s like. got the heart of the resistance now and he’s ready to murder some bitches.
i Love rose but they should have made her a lesbian. it would have been so easy to do like replace “sister” with “girlfriend” and it’s all good. we’re all set. literally nothing else needs to change not her backstory, not her attitude, nothing. except the kiss at the end but im ignoring that bc it didnt happen its not canon dont worry about it.
LEIA. FUCKING. ORGANA. is a queen. she’s perfect and every single moment of her in this film is perfect and without a single flaw. when she OPENED HER EYES AND USED THE FORCE!!!!!!!! BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was Sobbing. it was so good. im so proud of her she’s perfect in every conceivable way. and when she blasted thru the door and shot poe!!!!!!!!!!!! i was angry but also totally with her. like don’t hurt my gay son but at the same time PLs teach him a lesson he’s dumb. he might be a gay who can drive but he can’t lead a resistance yet. anyway leia is perfect and an angel and my absolute idol in everything she’s never done anything wrong ever in her life
LET’S TALK ABOUT BB8 SAVIN THE FUCKIN DAY THO!!!!!! i was so proud of them. they should be leading the resistance tbh they saved finn and rose’s asses so many times they’re such a good droid and they deserve all the good things and belly rubs from poe (god im still picturing it and crying)
okay so overall!!!!!!!!! it was enjoyable i had a very good time and there were some Very Good things about it but also things that just. aren’t canon i dont accept them. that’s all good night thank u for coming to my tedtalk
EDIT: oh god who am i??? i forgot about the part where the x-wings get blowed up and poe’s on the floor and finn comes over to him and puts an arm around him and puts the other . on his stomach?????? THEY’RE FUCKING!!!!!! THEY’RE IN LOVE!!!!!!!!! god i love them so much the’re so perfect and i want to be their child
EDIT 2: poe and rey finally met and i was very happy they’re going to be rly good friends but if i saw some Fucking bullshit making eyes at each toher like i thought i did im gonna Die. theyRE BOTH GAY!!!!!!!!!!!! they’re gay. they can be best friends and good and love each other but rey’s a lesbian and poe is gay. they’re gay. don’t Fuckign do it jj, i’LL KILL U.
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shrio-o · 4 years
(camera rolls with the drone view over the abandon silent mumbai city)
(post doomsday news voice playing)
( womens reporter voice):-The number of confirmed deaths has passed 2 billion worldwide due to corona virus The goverment has called a state of emergency-
 All residents are required to report to their designated Quarantine
(men reporter voice):-Panic spread worldwide after a leaked report from the World Health Organization showed that the latest vaccination tests have failed.
Riots have continued for a third consecutive month and winter rations are at an all time low!
(screen slowly black out)
( one year later)
(camera rolls on the terrace of building tower)
Sia:- (staring at abondon city) sign.!
viki:- (teasing) quite a view right.! ik but you need to focus on watch.. shrika would be back any min from supply run.
sia:- ah sorry ! i was distracted..
viki:- what it is?.
sia:- nothing just...
viki :- speak up dude think of me as your lowkey therapist
(both laugh)
sia:- nothing V .. i was recalling that once this view was used to be cheerfull..all those traffic noice , cool breez and ineffabe sunset .. but now it just scares me
viki:- damn.. thats deep
sia:- (chuckles) yeah.
viki :- hey look there someone trying breach in our area ..
sia:- i'll alert the gaurds .. (turning radio on) south east petrol come in.. there is a visual of break in by wall
(radio voice):- copy that
viki :- i'll better check in.. you stay here be our eyes they can be in numbers
sia :- okay copy that .!
guards :- (shouting) heyy you .. this is a private camp.. you are not allowed to tresspass here we need to see your hands in the air or we will capture you in force
stranger :- No.! dont hurt me i didnt knew .! i'll go..
(viki rush to scene )
viki :- whats going on..!?
guards :- you were right.! we found a intruder
viki:- (shouting) who are you..? and why are you here?
stranger:- (cracking voice) i..i am krutika.. i didnt mean to break in .. i thought this place was abondon .. i hvent eat anything from 2 days pls dont hurt me..
(sia on radio):- whats going on.!?
viki :- there is a women .. she says she hvent eat anything in days.. she doesnt look infected she have a mask on.
sia :- okay. take her weapon and take her to doc for the test..
viki.:- but..
sia.:- viki.! its not our move to make let shrika deal with her..
viki:- alright fine..!
(2 hours later)
sia:-Ready to open the gates..! i can see shrika come through
(gates open, bike roars )
(shrika returns with some foods supply n meds)
(shrika to guards) :- santize the bike and supplys A.S.A.P guys we hit the lottery today.!
(sia and viki heading towards shrika)
shrika :-- waasssup guys why the serious face .!
sia :-(tense voice) we need to talk
shrika :-okay..?
viki :- there was a breach in today
shrika:- who was it?
sia :- nothing to worry about.
shrika :- how can you say that..! we have talked about this..
sia:- calm down tiger..! hear me first .. she said she didnt had any food in days we took her in to doc for test
shrika :- so you took a complete stranger to our only doc we hve just cause she is hungry ..! huh goddamnit sia.! viki what the hell.!
viki :- look i know this is weird but sia is right she was about to passout she was week at that time
sia:- and you'll be suprise to know she is not infected
shrika:- for real?
(sia shakes head)
shrika :- okay i need to talk to her..
sia :- fine but go easy she was in trauma she is just in stable condition for now..
shrika :- okayy mommy terisa ..! can i go now?
sia :- (chuckles) go to hell tiger !
(few moments later shrika enter the room while krutika is resting)
shrika :- wake up .! sleepy head rest times over..
(krutika shooks)
shrika :- woh.! relax i thought you were awake..
krutika.:- who are you .?
shrika :- ohyeah. mybad.. am shrika i am founding member of the camp you tried to break in..
krutika:- oh am sorry i didnt mean to i am..
shrika.:- yeah i know who you are .. and i need to ask you some question if you are capable to answer?
krutika:- yeah sure and thanks for the food and meds
shrika :- yeah not a problem we are all still human so far.. (pause) i guess.?
(both chuckles)
shrika :- okay let get you some air and we have hell of a view
(both walk to terrace.. krutika felt relief viewing the scenery)
krutika :- its been long since i had a cool breez with this view
shrika:- so krutika tell me how did you survive till now
krutika:- i wasnt actully surviving..
shrika:- uhm?
krutika:- before all this went down my parents stock the food which could hve been enough for us for 8-9 months we took this matter lightly like everyone else cause we thought it would end one day like any other pandemic. but it got worst day by day.. people didnt follow the rules nor my parents
they went out to buy things we already had ..
and one day it got real the thing i feared they were positive on that virus ..people from goverment took them to the quarentine centre and i was locked in the house.. people started showing hate towards me .. i was terrified by what was going on .. as the days past one by one all systems were stared going down first all social media then internet. it was hard to communicate with by parents and one day commution line and tv shut off... i was sacred and confused at the time. i started notice people leaving their home with families i thought to go out but i realise they were still mad at me..
shrika.:- yeah i figured it now.. you lived in south mumbai it was a complete lockdown zone there any kind comunication of was cut cause of riots.
krutika:- i didnt know that i thought if i go out there will be the people who will express there anger upon me so decided to stay till my parent show up.. days past then months my supplies were running out i thought they have kept my parents forcefully in the hospitals so last months i decided to move out.. i knew my father had a gun in his drawer i grab it and i got out of the house after almost a year.. i saw that my building was completely abondon. i was living there all alone.. i moved on foot to the hospital i was told i parents were kept in..i realize that the town was completely abandon.. the shops were looted most of the properties were destroyed.. when i reached the hospital i lost the hope in me completely..
i was devasted to found out the hospital empty as hell.. from that day i went scavenging over the places for food n water till you guys found me..
shrika :- i guess you are still unaware of what happened out here.. people were leaving there homes cause they were out of supplies.. they were going to thier relatives or refugee camps organinize by the govements.. it went well for days but then riots overrun the camps cause you know hungry and angry people are no less then zombies .. people betray , killed eachother for every grain of food
krutika:- is that why you carry that crossbow ?
shrika :- (chuckles) ha.! No .! i dont kill people but now a days people have lost the faith in humanity they wont think twice before what they will do to you so you have to do some thing you dont want to..
krutika:-uhmm.. wait u just told me they had number of refugee camps my parents could be still living in one ..!
shrika:- am sorry to say.. but there is no camps left.. i know its hurting but now we can't help..
(shrika facing the view) :- before the doomsday this i used to love watching sunsets but now i have just lost the feels i used to get ..you know we blamed other countries for the conspiracies of spreading the virus but all we had to do is stay home and survive was that too much to ask for..? but no people when out go on riots and here we are..! everybody not dying cause of the virus anymore but hunger... everyone here living in this camps have lost sombody but what in this freakshow we can do now otherthan rebuild ..
but you know You can still rise with us. Remember, when you're lost in the darkness... look to the light !
(camera outzoomes with a pretty sunset to screen blackout)
(last of us theme song playing)
#Daysgone #script #mumbai #coronavirus
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cielospeaks · 4 years
cleone specific lb5 stuff bc i finished it (and odysseus for christmas pls?)
-holds like. no grudge against jason, is kinda like “okeanos... who? idk” but does pick on him teasingly a bit. but at the end of the day its good hearted respect in regard to him. shes still shook when the stuff happens at the end and wishes shed been nicer to him/let him know how much he helped the group
-is completely (or at least a little) aware of cordy’s crush on her, and flirts back with the ulterior motive to fluster cordy. always makes sure to let her know shes loved and appreciated here, and even if she doesnt like herself that cleone likes her a lot
-despite not caring abt past story stuff is upsetti spaghetti abt drake, so same as the game abt that
-does not trust “tmfc” at all. probably has to be restrained by mandy and mashu to stop her from going at him (too bad teach and anders are busy? lol) when they first meet. despite that shes still screaming bloody murder at him. “get out get out get out of his body! get out!” she only stops when she sees tears in mashu’s eyes, and then it hits her it must be harder for mashu to see this- its her dads dead body this fker is wearing like a suit, so she calms down. but glares daggers at him the whole time.
-after the story goes to have some time alone. really just passes out and cries a little, in some order. mashu and the others stop by a bit later, and she acts more ok than she is.
-has no interest whatsoever in wodmine and the second part, but is basically just doing it bc everyone else is dead and she doesnt want their sacrifice to be in vain.
-post lb w chaldea servants, its a bit (a lot) harder than previous lostbelts/events/ect. kinda sees cordy and jason and the others and just kinda stops like “oh. thats right theyre alive here”. usually she handles it a bit smoother and more honestly but after the stuff in this one, esp regarding her own (and mashus) past, and that the crypter wasnt sympathetic, shes a bit more awkward and reserved. if talking to one of the servants might stop, giving them a look with eyes that they can tell cant shake the sight of them covered in blood.
and my own thoughts on lb bc whyynot
-largely the same as cleone as expected. loved the friend servants (and odysseus), dont trust tmfc at all (and tbh im irritated w his appearance), wodmine, or the alter egos, but whatever. i dont have any strong feelings on lb6, but i feel like gareth will destroy us w her appearance there. (and maybe salome too? she hasnt appeared in anything yet i think). lov mandy but ive only got 60ish quartz for odysseus sooooo
-the fights were eh. i dont think they were better or worse than the other lostbelts tbh. tho i prolly used more quartz relatively lol. rip
-the fgo take on greek mythos is.... unique. its not as endearing or fun as other nice (not necessarily favorite but) adaptations of it, but it could be much worse. i do wonder if its some kinda “deus ex machina” pun.
-i really hope the mystery archer is a new character. the fan hypotheses for an already existing character suck tbh, and id much rather have a new character introduced (also iirc they say they havent met the chaldea group? so uh). personally i hope its kagekiyo bc he is connected to kintoki (and was also in tomoe’s guide thing?) lamb sauce soon. lamb sauce and nobody gonna eat up my quartz
-i know the twins are supposed to be “cool” and “badass” but every time someone mentions them my brain goes “CASTOR AND POLLUX WELCOME TO THE DOG POUND” from that one dalmations 3 video
-anyways message to future me, whenever part 2 releases, 1. dont be a dumbass like for part 1 and dont listen to any english speaking fan “leaks” bc its just attention seeking wish fulfillment, and 2. save for kagekiyo/odysseus/nemo
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survivor-kuwait · 5 years
Episode 10 - “I wanna merge” - Thomas
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alright just a recap of the round since i was at work all day! i was suuuuper excited that despite being in the warzone i was there with owen and matt my main boiz. also now people don't need to go bitching that i haven't been there yet anymore xoxo bite me cullan u bitch. apparently right when we got to the warzone tommy threw out adrian's name to trace bc he's still pressed about him calling him inactive during the round that nehe left which i mean eyeroll but ok. so as soon as i heard this i told matt, which probably was a mistake on my part but oh well. at that point i still was wanting to go through with what matt had wanted which was an alliance with us, adrian, and maynor. matt tells me last night though that adrian apparently initially brought up wanting to vote myself or owen due to challenge prowess, and i'm assuming the fact that we're winners as well. again, eyeroll. i brush it off and am like well let's sleep on it and see where we're at in the morning. so i tell owen all of this as well and make him promise me not to leak bc this could've potentially been a big round for us depending on what we wanted to do. he agreed with me that adrian even suggesting our names in passing wasn't a cute look and i didn't really wanna stand for that. we talked about it in pms and then again in the paradise hotel chat and it was odd bc then traces' information and actions were always seemingly right behind us. i'm fairly certain matt was leaking all of it to him but ok. i mean i hope he wasn't, but we'll see. trace and adrian got close real fast if they weren't already so that was kind of another point that i was trying to drive home with matt. good ol' matt kept mentioning yk that me and owen are his main people and that he doesn't care if adrian goes and at that point it just felt like ok well put your money where your mouth is. so we push for that and come to the conclusion that we really just need us, tommy and chloe obvs bc she's not gonna vote herself. the group decides to leave trace out of it after i bring up how trace apparently has all of the tea so maybe it wasn't getting leaked to him afterall??? idk shrug. i did let stephen know what was going on a little before tribal, i probably should've confirmed with him earlier but i wasn't sure how much he was willing to trust me with kind of right away like that. everything goes right as planned and adrian leaves 6-2??? happy to be back and out of the warzone, but i miss matt and owen already, but corey is back with me now!!! oh that reminds me apparently matt is wary of both ian and corey so i gotta keep an eye on that moving forwards and plan accordingly. ummmm also trace messaged me and was like hey so what happened?? i decided to tell him that i legit must've misunderstood messages from someone and that he was back to voting adrian. idk i just played dumb so i hope he bought it. he was like yeah as long as it was miscommunication and not me getting fucked over it's cool sdjgksdlg like what am i supposed to say to that.... yes i was trying to fuck u over u right.... got me!! 
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Genuinely surprised Chloe survived after being a target for so long, makes me suspicious there might be another alliance out there, because most people told me Adrian, they might not trust me yet, hopefully voting with them helped me there.
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If I’m being truly honest. This challenge is so weird that i dont think imma be able to like do iy. Might be a warzone trip for me this round and it sucks because I dont want to go. Like Adrian was someone i could have worked with but he left 6-2 and I hope it wasnt Matt who voted Cloe.
I got the first one in 6 clicks. I hope im able to get the rest pretty quickly but i dont know if i move from kuwait or i start from survivor again.
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Part 1. I have emotional motion sickness. Somebody pls roll the windows down. I'm scared to lose Matt or Owen at this tribal. I don't see it happening but it still worries me. Ideally, Thomas leaves. Kait or Stephen leaving aren't the worst case scenarios either. Realistically, I predict Trace or Stephen. Trace.... pls survive. I'll send this confessional in two parts. Will be writing the second part later tonight. Part 2. Well. Adrian left. this is bad for my game. Is it worst case scenario? no. But Trace didn't vote him out; Matt did. Matt betrayed Adrian and Kait basically told me so. I cannot trust Matt as much as I thought I could; but maybe his allegiance is to Owen primarily as Matt sold Adrian out bc Adrian wanted to target Kait/Owen. It's hectic but Adrian was a number for my game, personally. I'll do my espionnage and try to keep tabs on what everyone is thinking. Oh, and attempt to win immunity again!
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Well, last night's war zone did NOT go as I expected. I really thought that everyone was on board to vote Chloe, but I was clearly mistaken. The tribal left me a little confused, and genuinely nervous about what my fate would be if I were to return to the war zone in the near future. There are a few things that I did learn from this war zone, however. I really think that matt is kind of calling the shots over there. He seemed to be the sneakiest one, and was the one lie that kind of hurt the most. Kait claims that she thought I knew the vote was Adrian, and that is was a mistake on her part. I don't fucking buy it. Kait is clearly close with Thomas (she literally calls him Tommy), but decided that they couldn't trust me enough to tell me in the end the vote wasn't chloe. I did not appreciate that. I hate being in war zones where people who are inactive get to stay because somehow, someone figured out how to goat them to the end. I am going to do my best to stay out of the war zone this round, but this challenge is confusing so I have no idea if I even have a chance.
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Im really nervous for this immunity. I hope i had a quick clicks. If not I hope im with people i can work with and not be voted out. Im anticipating a merge soon but how it works idk.
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http://prntscr.com/nu7q5f what kind of false scorpio antics.......... 
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Me? Safe again? Hskshdjd who woulda THOUGHT!!! I’m glad madison is finally safe I feel like the more she goes the more time she has to make connections lmao. I know she rlly wanted to be safe this time for some reason but part of me thought she had been throwing tbh so she could actually play the game which isn’t a bad strategy. I feel really bad for matt going again :( but I think he will be okay. Here’s hoping they send Stephen out please and ty!!!! In other news I still think I’ve never talked to Ian or corey which is funny af because corey could be my number one in this game. I feel like he will be loyal to me once we make it together.... I rlly just hope him and Kait don’t clash, but I’m scared af because Matt was sus about corey getting renee out and I haven’t gotten to tell corey that yet. Hopefully when the time comes I can get corey and Kait to work together and the three of us can go to the end somehow. I’m not gonna turn on Kait. I can’t turn on corey. It’s gonna be messed up if they ever start to target each other bc Kait doesn’t know I’m close with him but he knows I’m close with her nnnn
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Kait thinks I'm targeting pairs, huh? Well, yes but actually no. I'm targeting pairs in the since that members of those pairs are people I don't think would work with me, I'm not targeting them for being pairs. I've got a pair in Leo I want to work with, also MY SIGN PARTNER IS STILL IN THE GAME, albeit barely. It has become abuntly clear to me that Matt does not have over lapping interests with me in this game. The man is out there spreading propaganda against me to Kait and Owen, who has never met me might I add so he sees me exactly as I see him. A threat. Kait, I thought you were warming up to me, but please keep thinking Corey is who you should confide in, he's totally not closer to me or anything.
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This Warzone is really stressing me out. I don’t think I have the same allies I’m usually confident with. There’s Devon and Trace and Maynor and Chloe but I only can trust them so much because none of them are working together. I’m hoping to get out timmy or Stephen who I don’t know and don’t trust but I also know that my name certainly could be coming up soon enough because with each tribal I survive I become a bigger and bigger threat. I’m ready for some idol shenanigans if need be but I’d love to save that shit for down the road.
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The names being thrown out right now are Cloe, Timmy, and Stephen. I much rather have Timmy stay because we are actually working together in this game rather than against. Stephen even tho we dont talk much there is still that connection through his game he hosted and one we played together. Getting majority on Cloe will be great because she wont get dragged to the f3 and take a spot that could be mine.
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This warzone feels different. It’s an odd group and a lot of people who haven’t been together. So it’s somewhat quiet but also contentious since anything could happen at this point. Not sure how tonight will play our, should be fun....
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So the vote seems to be Chloe, yet she always gets votes and it’s never her so naturally I’m weary. I think this will be the time though, especially with who is at this tribal. Trace was saying Devon had said Stephen, which I don’t want him going because he would be a good number for me. Trace also said that Matt said my name but I think he’s now on the Chloe train...I’m hoping. Either way I doubt he would have majority. I’m hoping I stay because it’s about to be merge and I think I’ve been doing well so far. I’m proud of how social I have been with people, it’s not the best, but it’s a lot better than I usually am.
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It looks like the vote is locked on Cloe but still very awkwardly quiet. I hope nothing crazy goes down. *knocks on wood*
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Don’t mind me just dying and having no idea what’s going on at all hahaha probs gonna be voted out next xoxox 
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This better be the last Warzone, I wanna merge.
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So, with little debate, I think we settled on voting Chloe. Originally, Devon and Matt wanted to vote Stephen, but I had to convince them onto Chloe because I want to make sure we have more people on our tribe than theirs so that I have a chance of winning immunity. Matt told me he heard Timmy's name which is weird. I think he was just trying to scare me. I told Timmy about it, and Timmy was upset, but I really don't think it went anywhere. Chloe came to me and told me that she would vote anyone as long as it wasn't her. I really don't trust Matt even though he keeps telling me that I can trust him, so idk. Maybe I'll flip the script at the last minute and try to get everyone Matt at the last minute, but we shall have to see if that's smart for me... idk
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survivorwakea · 5 years
Episode 11: “Can we bounce back? Probs not tbh.” - Lily
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Well I might as well be voted out now. Ain’t nobody want me to win and I’m playing a fool’s game. Asya shout out to you tho queen, love you icon. I honestly don’t care who goes at this point I’d rather make it one more round so I can at least get 7th. Whoever said I was being dragged, tbh you ain’t wrong. Can we bounce back? Probs not tbh.
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so... things r quiet once again. I think ive landed myself in the minority once again! I believe that i could be targeted but the bad thing is that im v busy tomorrow and needto wake up early so i cant attend tribal... its currently 11:25 pm, im probably sleeping in like few minutes and then wake up at 4 am just to vote but we'll see.
i dont want to get 8th. its such an ugly placement pls pls pls not
i am worried. i can sense a blindside coming. i am not sure if its coming to me or my allies but this is way too good to be true... im def considering playing my idol this round. either i am successful or then i look like a clown and waste my idol at f8 like zachary <3
shout out .
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Yeehaw I've heard I'm the target again. Do these people know that an easier way to talk me down would be to get rid of my allies first? because they've not really attempted that it mostly feels like they've gone quite hard for me. Watch me get a vote at every tribal council until FTC and then not get a single vote again
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another round copy/pasting what i threw in my host chat LMAO
okay so basically jared and i are playing the other side really hard to get them to think that the vote is on chloe, but that really jared lily and i wanna vote for bodhi and then jared is getting them to "lie to me" and vote for lily so im pretty sure they're going to be voting for lily thinking jared is voting with them and that lily and i are voting for bodhi when in all actuality me lily bodhi asya jared are voting for zack and PRAYING we can blindside the fuck out of him with the idol in his pocket bc they've gotta have 2 there's two that have been in play at one point or another that are unaccounted for and jared and bodhi STILL think anabel was the leak during the split vote round, when it was me, so im going to have that to claim above anything else at FTC so we'll see what happens this round im feeling kinda confident that we can finally get out zack, but it's going to be pretty tough because those three are smart and i dont think they believe a damn word any of us say, but jared and i have been talking to all of them throughout the entire merge, so I do feel like we've got a decent shot at playing this off well post tribal I kinda wanna just start winning challenges and using those to make power moves i do think the ONLY THING that comes away from this is that if zack goes home this round, and I hammer hard that I want to vote for bodhi this round, and don't, it's going to be hard to convince them that i genuinely want to vote for bodhi next round bc i feel they won't believe me but we'll see because if zack does go here, i really do want bodhi to go out next, but it's just a really tough field to play right now because there's so much lying and im trying to keep up with all of my lies, JUST to finally take out someone from that side successfully that i deem the biggest threat to win and then there's my relationship with elmo that i feel is going to help me legitimately get to the end of the game here, and if those three actually do end up voting for lily, then I feel we'll both be apologizing to each other post tribal, BUT I'm curious when Elmo wakes up if he's going to tell me that those guys are voting for lily and they're trying to keep me out of it, because if he does, that's going to show me a lot about elmo and my true relationship, and if he keeps me out of the loop on that and lies to me again, then im not going to feel super compelled to save him again in the future like i feel i did this round
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Trust List 4.0:
1. Asya 2. Bodhi 3. Lily 4. Johnny 5. Chloe 6. Elmo 7. Zack
Today has been one of the most intense rounds, between playing damage control on Lily and Johnny, and playing a full defensive blindside on Zack.
Convinced Asya and Bodhi to be okay with Zack being the target instead of Elmo. Created multiple fake narratives for the minority to bite on. I CAN FEEL THE MIST IN MY VEINS! Ya. I also got to the end of the idol bridge but it was already found.
Right now I would feel comfortable going to the end with Asya and Bodhi or Lily. That's the goal.
95% sure Zack is going home this round. 5% sure of it being a Bodhi blindside.
Peace out! ✌
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me: it’s my birthday and i’m on the road for 7 hours so i may not be here much chloe: answer my pms or i’m reaching for the arsenic
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honestly will this game ever stop having crackhead energy? everyday it's another crackhead going crazy.. a day off would be LOVELY to vacation away from these crackheads. (ff to me getting the boot tonight and vacationing on ponderosa.) but lets talk bout last round real quick.... i took a huge ass risk not using my idol when i knew i was getting votes. i just had to take a risk and pray for the best and thats what i did and my gut was right. do i take another risk tonight? i guess we'll wait and see. everything this round is all over the place, but what else is new? lemme try and sum it up for you but i KNOW this is gonna come out confusing as fuck.
jared-  he wants to do lily but he also said he'll do bodhi. do i think he'll do bodhi? no because i think they're really close. so i told him i would prefer to do lily just so he doesn't go and tell bodhi i want him out. but i would much rather do bodhi.
johnny- wants to do bodhi but thinks me elmo and chloe wanna do lily but we don't. also had no idea lily was even on the chopping block till i told him. but i trust telling him i wanna do bodhi.
asya- told chloe she's getting votes but doesn't think she's going home and thinks people are gonna vote for elmo.
me chloe and elmo- wanna vote out bodhi but telling jared we'll do lily but telling johnny we'll do bodhi and hoping none of it comes around to either of them that we're being snakes.
get my drift? do you understand? because i don't.
my plan is this... telling jared that i'm willing to vote out lily so i'm not the one coming off as wanting to be the one to vote out bodhi because i know they're close and i don't want tp get targeted this round because i want bodhi gone because i think jared will just tell bodhi i said his name. like they're kinda looking for someone to vote out right now so hopefully they'll go after elmo if he says bodhi and not me. everything seems ot be all over the place, lies are starting to get spilled... do i use my idol tonight JUST to make sure i'm safe because this vote can go literally anywhere? i'm gonna have you sit and wait...
and if i don't use my idol tonight and i wind up leaving.. i just wanna apologize for all the spelling mistakes i've made in all my confessionals. and i'm sorry if i'm still here next week and the spelling mistakes continue.
i could also be totally wrong about EVERYTHING and might totally be overthinking everything as usual.. but like i've said in previous confessionals.. this whole game has been built on nothing but lies. it seems like jury management doesn't exist and we all just wanna lie to each other and stab each other in the back for fun. lying is a hobby in celestial. we lie for fun in celestial. backstabbing in celestial for no reason? sign me up! jury management doesn't exist in this game.. everyone is just out for blood in malicious ways and we all have no problem lying straight to each other's faces. it's so cracked and it's so hard to figure out whats the truth and this has been the most stressful game i have ever played. but don't get it wrong.. i'm here to fight and i'm here to put that knife in your back and lie straight to your face every single round.
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It feels as though this has a bigger chance to go wrong than I let on in my first confessional, so I just want it to be on the record that I am indeed uneasy at 8:46 PM EST on Day 28.
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just want on the record that i am uneasy about this vote
Zack is voted out 5-3. He becomes the fifth member of the jury.
0 notes
Can anyone recommend a good dental insurance company that offers orthodontic coverage? ?
"Can anyone recommend a good dental insurance company that offers orthodontic coverage? ?
I have to get braces for my daughter and would like to get a good dental plan for her so that I can get as much the cost for her braces covered as possible. I know that there are few good plans out there that cover any significant amount when it comes to braces, but there must be one or two out there that are the best for orthodontia services. HELP!!!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much will my car insurance be im 17?
im going to be on with my parents insurance they have state farm and im getting a 2000 mustang v6 how much will insurance be i also live in florida
Which companies offer life insurance to clients who have chronic health problems?
I am 37 years old with a diagnosis of lupus (not flaring) with a history of minor kidney involvement, deep vein thrombosis, and high blood pressure. I have been trying to get life insurance but have been consistently denied by the major companies to which I have applied. Does anyone have any suggestions? The only suggestion I received from one company was the hint to purchase Accidental Death and Disability, and if my medical condition worsened, to have an accident . I am hoping for better advice.""
""I only have liability insurance, how much would my car repair bill come out to be?""
I have a 2004 Nissan maxima and was in an accident this morning. Long story short, it was my fault and fortunately there were no injuries on either side. However, my insurance covers plenty for the other party, but none for me. The damages are in the front right side which includes, the headlight, part of the hood, front bumper, the side panel(but not the door) to be smashed in a bit. Further damages include windshield wiper fluid is leaking, for it was hit too. But the tire and allignment is completely fine, allowing the cop to let me drive it home. Any help?""
How can i get disability insurance?
I think i need disability insurance for wife because she is disable through accident.
Hit car and insurance?
i want mall today so when i try to park car reverse, i hit other car, but not that crush att all, guy on other car act like i crush car and he ask me for my insurance and i give, also i took his too, do u think he can do anything even thought no crush at all , i have photo too, what going happened, he can get money for that""
Insurance fraud or what?
i have a question in I believe early 07 someone was driving my car, crashed it, took off n threated me if i said i wasnt driving, so ehh 4000 in damages.. the insuranced paid for it, n i said it was my fault. how long till its off my record and insurance is cheaper?? (sucks there isnt a way to wipe it off.. errrr)""
""The older the car, the cheaper the insurance?""
Ordinary cars not the high end luxury ones. I'm thinking about a 240sx S13. Basically from 1989-1994 hatchback. Anyone who owns a 240sx/180sx please give me advice? All I know is I want an RB25 swap (the RB26 is hard and it's expensive so I'm sticking with RB25. Plus it's cheaper than the SR20) and wide kit, and Silvia front (Sileighty). Thanks!!""
Where can i get a car insurance policy which lets me drive any car including hire cars anywhere?
i have a normal car insurance policy in the uk which allows me to drive my own car in europe. i want a policy which allows me to drive other cars anywhere in the world
Should I be pestered to buy more insurance?
I have the current minimum coverage for auto insurance required by state. About 2 years ago I changed agents so that it is closer to me. At the time I was told how horrible my coverage is and for like $3 month I can get so much more. I just had a car problem and gave a towing bill my insurance covers. He was telling me again how horrible my coverage is. I feel if I have the minimum coverage and it is all I want that he shouldn't be telling me to buy more. Is it fair for me to be asked to buy more insurance if I don't want it?
Cheapest car insurance south australia?
what is and the price, for the cheapest car insurance places in south australia for a japanese import car with a turbo for a p plater, 16 years old, nealry 17? thanks""
Best place for cheap car insurance?
I can only think of MoneySupermarket.co.uk, which other companies do searches for the cheapest car?! Best quote ive had is 506 for a 1st car, 3years with licence, 22year old female, Ford Fiesta 2001, Fully Comphensive.... ... Wondering if I can find something better?! Or is that the best around? Cheers x""
""I am international student , i need to apply health insurance(Texas)?""
where should i go?(houston, Texas) what stuff should i prepare or anything i should biring""
What are different basic insurance certification programs?
Am looking for an insurance career. Am a mom thinking of starting my career after a 6 yrs break. I want to know the basic insurance courses available. are thereany govt recognized exams and certifications available am totally new to this am newto USA so dont know much abt the programs. pls help with some info.
How much is your car insurance per year?
what company? what are the pros and cons?
Can anybody tell me where i can get cheap car insurance for my son he s 19 and has a full uk license?
Can anybody tell me where i can get cheap car insurance for my son he s 19 and has a full uk license?
I cant find car insurance for under 3 grand. im 17?
Im 17,male. got my driving test in a couple of weeks. I already have a car but i cant find insurance anywhere for what i can afford! the cheapest ive found is about 2800. my car is a 1.1 peugeot 1997 106 xl independance. I got this model thinking it would be cheaper to insure because its alarmed, you have to enter a code before you can start the engine. i cant afford to pay almost 3 grand! im lookin to pay 1100-1200. the only way ive found this is if i put it as my mums car and me as a named driver but i know this would be fraud... ive been told the company quinn is cheap but i called them and they quoted me around 3400... my postcode is in the low catagory or a or whatever and the car will be parked on a drive! any ideas?""
Can An unlicensed person buy auto insurance for their car and have other drivers?
My husband owns a car but has no drivers license at this time. He wants to insure his car and have friends drive. Is this possible?
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
How much does roofers insurance cost? I'm a one-man show for residential work looking for the cheapest policy?
What is the cheapest Auto insurance company in Florida for youth !?
I am 23 Years old and i am looking for a cheap car insurance for a Honda Civic EX Coupe , i have never had a car insurance before because i was out of country for Years, I got my driving license last year when i was 22 years old i heard that the insurance will be high and i checked with Geico online i find out that i am going to pay 180$ every month that's too much for a car like this !! and this is the minimum state insurance.""
What type of insurance should I have for my cars?
My husband and I are trying to pay off some debt and we think we're paying too much for auto insurance. What coverage limits should we have? We have a 2001 Ford F250 and a 2000 Ford Excursion that are both paid for. Both have small amounts of body damage, not that noticeable but we know we're there. We will likely only turn in a claim if they get totaled. We've thought about going down to the state minimum but not sure how risky that is. We turned in a hail damage claim last year and had a horrible experience with it. Right now our coverages are: Bodily injury $250k/$500k Property damage $250k Medical Expense $100k Uninsured/Underinsured Injury $250k/$500k Uninsured/Underinsurued Property Damage $100k Right now we pay $543 every six months.""
""Insurance company totaled my car, How much will i get for it?""
I was in a pretty bad accident and the insurance company says that my car is totaled and they will write me a check for the amount. My question is what amount? On KBB would it be the trade in value, private party value, or the suggested retail value?""
Health insurance with maternity coverage?
So, i live in california and my husband and I plan to have a baby. Since we are not qualified for state help, I need to be insured before I get pregnant. How do I apply for that? And we are just a little bit over the poverty limit income, so I am afraid I will not be covered. If I don't work, can I still apply for maternity insurance? My husband will be paying for it. :( im worried... Thabk you for all responses.""
Who has the cheapest Full Coverage Auto Insurance?
Me and my husband are looking for full coverage auto insurance for both of our cars, a 2005 Chrysler 300 and a 2005 Chrysler Sebring, to be exact. I am under 25 years old (I am 24) and he is 25. As of right now we are insured by State Farm. As you can imagine being that I'm under 25 and he is a male and we want full coverage, our insurance is extremely high. Does anyone know of any reasonable prices in Houston for a young couple such as ourselves????""
Top 5 or 10 florida health insurance providers?
top 5 or 10 best florida health insurance providers
""My motorcycle was stolen and at time I didnt have insurance, it has a lien on it. So what can I do?""
I owe almost $5,000 on it to the bank. Is there anything I can do besides taking this big loss? Please help I need suggestions!""
Can anyone recommend a good dental insurance company that offers orthodontic coverage? ?
I have to get braces for my daughter and would like to get a good dental plan for her so that I can get as much the cost for her braces covered as possible. I know that there are few good plans out there that cover any significant amount when it comes to braces, but there must be one or two out there that are the best for orthodontia services. HELP!!!
""Car insurance cancelled,what to do?""
I've had car insurance for around 5 months and because i was late on 2 payments they have cancelled my insurance today. i'e looked for an alternative insurance but because i had it cancelled nobody will take me on. is there any other options,surely somebody being late doesnt mean they cant ever get to drive again??""
Car insurance helpp!!?
Do you have to be over the age of 21 to be able to drive someone else's car on your own insurance policy, if that car has insurance and your are given permission by the driver. It states on my policy that i can but have herd multiple times that you must be over 21. Im with Co-Op. Thanks.""
Cheapest car insurance rates for older car/no record/liability only?
hi- if anyone knows chespest company, i did a online quote for progressive, but dont want to take the time to go through all companies. if anyone knows cheapest rates-company, please let me know""
Who provides motorcycle insurance for 17 year old?
I need to know who will provide insurance for a 17 year old male in Alabama. The bike I want is street legal; it is a Roketa 2009 200cc.
Would this car make my insurance go up?
I'm thinking about purchasing a 97' Cavalier LS Convertible, would this car make my insurance go? and by how much? Also does anyone know anything about these cars? Are they good cars? Mechanically wise and gas wise. By the way, I'm 16 in case that effects your answers.""
Do you have to get insurance for just a learner's permit in california?
I just turned 15 and a half like 3 days ago and every time I bring up driver's ed or my learner's permit at all to my mom. All she says is No, I can't the insurance! All my friends are getting theirs and i've been waiting since I was like 5 to get my permit then my license (cuz my parents never let me even park the car and if I can drive I can actually go places) So is insurance needed for a permit and how much would it cost for a 15 year old male per month.""
National Insurance number for a teen..?
Ok, I am not a citizen of UK but I have been living for a few years. British citizens get their number automatically when they turn 16. I turn 16 this February, so when should I apply, I want to get a job as soon as I turn 16 ? And what is the application proccess like ? Am I even eligible for it ?""
Are insurance rates high for classic cars?
Are insurance rates high for classic cars?
I hit a dog last night with my car what should i tell my insurance company now that its the next day?
I don't care about paying a deductible just need it fixed asap so I can get back on the road damages will cost to much to pay on my on
Getting Health Insurance?
I recently moved to New York City and the health insurance is expensive here. I was living in Virginia with my family and they still live there. Can I apply for Virginia health insurance, even though I'm living in NYC?""
Can anyone explain life insurance to me?
Can you insure the whole family? As if, if any of them passes away the rest get the money?""
Speeding ticket question on car insurance and notifications.?
Alright, so recently I recieved a speeding ticket out of my state while driving my friends car. I was wondering if this makes either his or my car insurance rates go up. Also, is there any way that our parents would be notified of this ticket? I heard a notification gets sent in the mail. Also, in the event that it does affect car insurance or a notification is sent in the mail, is there any way our parents would find out where the ticket took place? Thanks""
Maternity related services considered inpatient for insurance?
Most individual plans (87%) do not offer maternity coverage. I was fortunate enough to still be covered under an old employer by paying COBRA, and a majority of my expenses were covered. I had twins and had to have a C-Section. So now that I know I'm most likely to have a C-Section again, and who knows, another set of twins! (complete surprise) and am still of child bearing age. I am now under an individual plan, that does not offer maternity coverage. I was reading under the 'Inpatient' services and it listed this: Unlimited coverage is provided for medically necessary physician and surgeon services, semi-private rooms, operating rooms and related facilities, intensive and coronary care units, laboratory, x-rays, radiology services and procedures, medications and biologicals, anesthesia, special duty nursing as prescribed, short-term rehabilitation services, nursing care, meals and special diets So anyone who has experience or knowledge, would something like a C-Section be covered under inpatient? What does maternity coverage only cover normally. That $60*** bill scares me! Also, I keep reading about a new health care bill effective 2014 where individual plans must include maternity as an essential benefit. Anyone have any more details about that? State specific etc?""
Motorcycle insurance Please Help?
So I'm looking into insurance for a bike I'll be getting soon and I did a estimated online check on Geico for my insurance and it says: Here is your quote for 12 months of coverage: Payments as low as $172.63 Your 12-Month policy is only $2012.00 Does that mean I pay $172.63 per month and $2012.00 a year? Sorry I'm new to this, never had to pay and figure out my own insurance! Just paid my father and he did the rest.""
""Which car insurance companies are the cheapest in New York State( queens, new york) in particular?""
I just bought a new car and am hoping to get car insurance and register it. I am curious what the cheapest companies are. I just got a quote from Esurance.com, and am curious if there are other cheaper companies. I am 22 and have a bachelors degree and a job. I want to insure a mazda protege hatchback. Please let me know what your experiences have been.""
""I am moving soon, but my car insurance policy will be up before I leave. What do I do?""
My car insurance policy will be up in May and I am planning on moving from New York to Florida in July. How do I go about switching my car insurance so that I can maintain the same policy once I move to Florida? Can I buy a Florida policy now as long as I am up there within a certain amount of time? (I am most interested in switching to Geico, since I am a student and new driver) Since I'm moving into my Grandfather's house, can he just put me on his policy when mine ends, and if he can, will I still be able to drive my car around until I move down there?""
Do you have to have health insurance to....?
do you have to have health insurance to go to planned parenthood and have like a pap test or any other tests like that?
Driving without Proof of Insurance?
I was recently stopped by a police officer for speeding and when giving him my license and proof of insurance he stated that my insurance had expired. I then received a $550 fine for not having insurance, but not for speeding. I do have insurance, but the proof of insurance is what expired (we searched everywhere and the cards that the insurance agency was supposed to send did not show up). My question, then, is what do I do about this? I was not aware that my proof of insurance had expired (again, not the insurance) and I was freaked out because this is the first time that I have ever gotten pulled over (I'm a college freshman and the car is in my grandmother's name, it was a grad gift) On the ticket do I contest the claim and go to court or do I admit the claim and go to court? What are the possible outcomes or what is most likely to happen?""
Car insurance problems.?
I've been in a car accident a week ago and I haven't received any phone calls about anything. I sent my police report and my insurance still has not send someone to look at the damage. I want to get this fixed asap. How long does it take before they send someone to look at it. And who looks at it my insurer or the insurer of the other guy?
Cheapest car insurance for tri state area?
i heard cure is the cheapest car insurance? you guys know any other cheap car insurances?
Should I Get a Motorcycle or Moped?
Me and my parents are having an argument about what i should get. There is a motorcycle that i can buy for 750 dollars and it is a 93 Honda Shadow or i can get a new moped. The only thing that i need for the motorcycle is a new batter and i know this is true b/c i took it to a trusted shop and have them inspect and clean everything out (the owner payed for that) and it came back clean. I think that the motorcycle would be the better buy but my parents say that a moped would b/c i wouldnt have to pay insurance (the state i live in doesnt require insurance for mopeds). I was just wondering if the cost for a moped would be more upfront than the motorcycle would be and if it would be a better buy. And yes i do have a motorcycle license.
""Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
I'm 17yo Male and need cheap car insurance!!!!?
Well im 17 soon and want to get are car so i can work more. i have been looking at some very cheap cars that i would think are cheap to insure but are not- Fiat Punto (more than 10 years old) worth 400; 6000 to insure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! same with Peugeot 106- around the same price to insure. What other cars would you recommend that are cheap to insure???
Will my sisters auto insurance go up?
i live with my sister and her husband. i do not have any auto insurance. i was a pedestrian that got backed into by a car. i now will have to go and have surgery on my knee. to make a long story short, will my sisters auto insurance cover me because i am a resident relative? will their auto insurance go up if they cover me (they will get reimbursed though by the party who hit me)""
Fast car low insurance group?
I'm 18 and get high rate dla for motability, I am getting a new car on the scheme and current have a Reno Clio 1.2l 2008 reg and wanted to no I want a new car with a good engine and good speed, but the catch is because my insurance is free the max group I can be insured on is a 8 or below any smashing ideas""
Can anyone recommend a good dental insurance company that offers orthodontic coverage? ?
I have to get braces for my daughter and would like to get a good dental plan for her so that I can get as much the cost for her braces covered as possible. I know that there are few good plans out there that cover any significant amount when it comes to braces, but there must be one or two out there that are the best for orthodontia services. HELP!!!
Will buying a previously wrecked car drive up my insurance?
Im a new driver and my parents want to buy me an Acura TSX. I found one online and went to test drive it and found out it had been in a moderate car crash, but had been completely fixed and repaired. I went to the mechanic and he ok'd the car for me. We want to buy it, but is the fact that the previous owner crashed it going to drive up the cost to insure it?""
Higher insurance premiums for celebrities ?
Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year olds in the Uk?
Hi, 17 in a week and was wondering what the cheapest insurers would be for 17 year olds, I know there won't be no cheap cheap ones because, well I'm 17 lol but anyone have any ideas? is it worth looking on go compare etc?""
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 yr old in oregon?
i get my license in a few months, what am i looking @ for insurance costs. oregon, age 16, adding to parents insurance, state farm insurance, good grades, drivers ed, a car with no crashes but alot of milage from 1990-2000...under 7k$$. around how much will my insurance per month cost?""
Need affordable car insurance for 16 yr. old can you help!?
do you have a teen that drives or just know what the best prices are!
How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?
How much will insurance cost for a 17 year old in london riding a 125 motorbike ? (around)?
What would the insurance rate be for a 17year old male for liability on a 2002 dodge ram 1500 4x4?
I have a son that wants a 2002 dodge ram 4x4 short cab. How much would it cost for liability insurance with a clean driving record?
Car insurance at parents address or rented?
I am currently down on a rental property contract at my boyfriends rented house, however he is the head tenant and I am down as being at the property, I still live with my parents and am there half of the time and my drivers license, finance info, bank statements and everything else go there, however I am not sure if I am registered at my parents and boyfriends, which I assume I am because my mum still puts me down on the electoral poll. I plan to use my parents address as my registered address however it asks where the car will be kept overnight, and there is not one set place, if I use my parents the insurance is cheaper and if I use my boyfriends it's 100pound more. Can anyone advise me on what address to do? As I am at both addresses different times of the week. Thanks""
Insurance for baby?
im a full time student, so im staying on my mom's insurance.. im 18... my babys father doesnt have health insurance. does the baby go on my mom's with me, or do i need to get insurance for the baby by myself?""
""How much can the owner of a commercial Insurance Agency expect to make? (in Year 1, Year 5, Year 10?)?""
Hi all, I live in Florida and am currently in my second year of law school. I am looking to get into the insurance business after I graduate to build some form of residual income. ...show more""
I am trying to show proof that I did have car insurance in 2009 but cant remember what insurence company I had?
does anyone know how to get past records of car insurance but dont remember what company I had
Is There A Way Of Finding Insurance Prices Without Owning A Car In The First Place?
Ok ill explain it better here. I'm after a car but i will need to know how much the insurance is for different cars. So for example if i wanted a car in insurance group 2, could i find out how much that specific car and insurance group would be for me? I know there's go-compare and all the other comparison websites but they are expecting you already have the car and just need to insure it. I need to know the prices before i get a car so i know i will have enough! Help please? Cheers""
What is a semi fast car that has a semi cheap insurance rate for a 16 year old new driver?
I am trying to find a car that is fast enough that i can have some fun in but im not going to be spending a lot for insurance. I also want to have a car htat would be good to hook up.
Can I drive my sons car under my own (fully comp) insurance?
My son's car is registered to our home address, and he is currently away. His is cheaper to run so I want to use it (with his permission). He has third party only insurance but I am fully comp on my own car. My insurance states I can drive any other car with the owners permission, but does his insurance level, or the fact it is registered at my own address affect this?""
When will a vandalism( to my vehicle) go off my record for insurance purposes???
About 2.5 years ago some kids used nylons and a hamburger wrapper in my gas tank to set my truck on fire. It was a brand new tahoe with dealer plates and it had to be deemed totaled due to damages. Now I am trying to change insurance and get quotes and even though I was not at fault and didn't even know these children it increases my premiums by about 600 every 6 months. Does anybody know when this will go off my record? I cant understand why I'm being held financially accountable for some delinquents behavior.
Looking for a car with free insurance.......?
My brother has just passed his driving test and I am trying to help him get a new car but keep the costs down. He is 23 and I was wondering if anyone new of any deals that are on at the moment. He lives in Glasgow if that's any help. Thanks everyone Kevin
2006 ford mustang v6 considered a sports car or a coupe on insurance?
I have been reading that the v6 is considered a coupe and the v8 is a sports car. I have Allstate insurance anybody have a clue on how much my insurance would be a month for the v6?
Average cost of 2008 Honda Accord Ex-l V6 Sedan?
Hello I am wondering what is the average price of a used 2008 Honda Accord Ex-l V6 sedan. I also want to know if this car is reliable, gets good mileage, and is this type of car considered a sport vehicle when it comes to insurance. Serious answers only.""
How do I get a cheaper car insurance?
I m with Tesco insurance atm. any chance to get better insurance?
How many Health Insurance Companies in Sault Ste.Marie?
How much would they charge ? My brother is going to Algoma University this year, the University asks them to buy a Health Insurance, but the University's health insurance is too expensive. So, is there any other health insurance companies in Sault Ste.Marie ?""
What do car insurance investigators do?
My fiancee is an excluded driver on my car ins. He was driving my vehicle one day and got into a very small 'fender bender'. His fault. Barely bumped the lady. When she filed a claim, my insurance called me. Well of course I tried to convince them that i was driving the vehicle, but they don't believe me. My own car insurance. Aren't they supposed to be behind you and not the other driver? But anyway, he said SINCE he doesnt believe me, he's going to get insurance fraud investigators to do some investigating. The woman's car isnt worth but $900 blue book value. The fix of her bumper cost $1600. I'm not understanding why this is a big deal. I get that I'm trying to cover myself and have ins cover it, and lying about it, so please don't scold me for that. I'm just trying to get advice on this, and what i should do NOW. I'm not sure if the whole investigation thing is a joke, or something serious. Also, if i were to turn around and tell them that my fiancee was really driving, what would they do now that I've lied? Does car ins go on your credit if they drop you? HELP!""
What is the Performance break down for State Farm Insurance?
For example: The statements for Sun Lifes performance is broken down into both geographic and market segments. These segments are: Sun Life Canada, Sun Life US, MFS Investment Management, Sun Life Asia and Corporate insurance. I am unable to find this information about State farm online, any help would be much appreciated! thanks a lot.""
Motorcycle insurance is so expensive?
Basically I'll be doing my cbt test this Wednesday so I can ride my 125cc supermoto which I use for dirt biking. Checked insurance on my Yamaha WR125X and it's 1400 for comprehensive, da fk is this? After seeing that I was physically sick. So I thought I'll just check on the most cheapest moped and it's 700 which is still expensive.. How the fk do these kids I see with mini coopers afford insurance and all I wAnt is to ride a small 2 wheel sht face. I'm 18, 19 this march, work full time. Can I find it any cheaper anywhere? Should I go for third party insurance? I just hate my life""
Should my baby have insurance coverage?
I am 34 weeks pregnant. I am on my dad insurance and they are paying 100% for the delivery. They said they will not paying anything for the baby once he is born though. I have been ...show more
How much would a health insurance company charge to insure a 55yr. man with colitis?
How much would a health insurance company charge to insure a 55yr. man with colitis?
Can anyone recommend a good dental insurance company that offers orthodontic coverage? ?
I have to get braces for my daughter and would like to get a good dental plan for her so that I can get as much the cost for her braces covered as possible. I know that there are few good plans out there that cover any significant amount when it comes to braces, but there must be one or two out there that are the best for orthodontia services. HELP!!!
How much is insurance in canada for a motorcycle?
how much is the average insurance rate in canada for sports motorcycles? ....per year or per month?
""When buying a New Car, is it cheaper to get your insurance through independent?""
agents, and not through their recommendations? If I have to get full coverage, should I try to find the best deal on my own?""
Will homeowners insurance pay for a stolen bike?
Will homeowners insurance pay for a stolen bike?
Where can I find affordable renters insurance in northwest indiana?
Where can I find affordable renters insurance in northwest indiana?
""If i study a childcare apprenticship, how much will i be earning a month?""
I am considering a childcare apprenticship, however i also have alot to pay out for, such as my car and insurance and rent, so i need to know how much i will earn before going ahead with this??? Does any one know?""
Friends borrowing car - how do i insure them without using my car insurance?
I want to make sure they're insured to drive my car but really don't want them to claim on my policy should anything go wrong - is it possible to just get temporary car insurance to cover them separately from my insurance?
Can i buy CAT 'D' INSURANCE WRITE OFF Vauxhall 2007 Car?
I have seen a car that I really like....Vauxhall Astra 1.6 Club, Manual 57 Plate...with 45,000 miles on the clock.... im a new and 24 years old young driver. Really liked it when I saw it....this car sell on ebay just  2500 recorded as a Cat D Insurance write-off on 14 Aug 2012 ......Now im really confused because I really like the car......Any advice please? Seller say car was excellent condition, nothing any wrong. buying guide please""
Any recommendations for student health coverage?
I am a sophomore in college, living on my own, and I barely have enough money to get by at the moment. When I get a roommate though, I want to start up health coverage because I know it is very important. Does anyone know of any health insurance companies in California that either offer a health plan for students, or know of something that would be adequate coverage for someone my age in their early 20's? Thanks so much for any help you can give me!""
Cheapest car insurance company for young drivers?
I am 18 and just passed my test. Any one know of any really cheap insurers that i can go with?
A new car ? when does the new insurance apply?
does the new carpet needs insurance from the financial company
Car Insurance Question... Help Please!?
I'm doing my homework and I wanted to figure out to find car insurance on the car of my choice. My car is a 2005 Cadillac CTS for $19,998, I picked it on Carmax. How do I find out how much insurance I must pay? I wanted to know Geico's Quote and Progressive's Quote. Also how do I find out Interest Rate... Somebody PLEASE HELP ME !""
Primerica vs mass mutual life insurance?
Primerica vs mass mutual life insurance?
Why does a civic cost more to insure than a golf for teens?
both are 1.4 litre engine but the civic costs atleast 1500 more to insure?!? whaaat? is it because the civic has the impression of a ricer car?
Cheapest car insurers for 17 year olds?
Which websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance offers for new drivers? Im 17 so I wanna find the best deal!
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope?
Trying to repeal the Healthcare law which is good for the American people the only thing republicans hope will put them back into the White House?
""Cheap, but safe cars with low insurance [group 5 or less]?""
Are there cars [excluding super mini cars] that are big [i.e. saloon cars etc], but are generally cheap to insure for young drivers. As it seems the only ones that have cheap insurance are the super mini cars, and I don't really want one.""
How much would insurance cost on a 96 Chevrolet camaro?
Monthly? I spotted a camaro for the first time and it was completely gorgeous, I almost cried. it also runs good. The cost is pretty crazy for a camaro only 2,000. My mom said that I could not get it because the insurance is high I asked her how high and she said about 3,000 a month also I'm 16. I get the feeling she is wrong how much would you say insurance on a 96 camaro would cost?""
What if im 18 and want to pay for my own auto insurance?
I'm thinking about moving out of my house cause it sucks. I'd have to buy my own car and I'm thinking an older civic, cause they're reliable. Anyone got any ideas on what a good but cheap way to insure would be?""
Insurance plans for family?
where can i get complete family insurance plans for lowest premium rates
""My car's engine died, therefore I never renewed my car insurance. How can I get my DL reinstated?""
In the meantime, I moved. Even though I provided the agencies with my new address & my email address, I was never properly notified from the insurance company or the DMV office. Now, I discovered my driver's license has been suspended for lack of car insurance. If my car was operable, I would have renewed my insurance. I've always had car insurance, just thought it would be no big deal not renewing it. Also, I have a bill from my auto mechanic stating my car has engine damage and needs a new engine. Is there any way to correct this without paying the reinstatement fee to the DMV? Thanks for any advice!""
Oklahoma insurance help..?
I'm 21 years old and i don't have any insurance, haven't since my mums stopped covering me. I'm not working right now, i had a job for awhile, but had to quit cuz i had to call sick too often due to horrid migraine headaches. I really need to find some insurance of some kind because i see to goto a doctor for a few different health concerns. Does anyone know where i can find some affordable insurance? I don't even know where to begin looking or what to look for. How much should i expect to be spending? Or would i qualify for some form of state insurance if I'm not working?""
""Who will pay for my flooded car, the city or insurance company?""
This past weekend I get a knock at the door from some neighbors during a storm telling me that I should move my truck out of the street. I walk outside and see that my truck is sitting in nearly four feet of water. The water level rose up to cover the seats and nearly reached the dashboard. We put it in neutral and pushed it down the street so most of the water ran out. We used towels to get out what we could that night. I didn't try to crank it, and I unhooked the battery cables. When I tried to crank it about 18 hours later it would not start. My question is, can I sue the city for the flood damage to my truck since their sewer drainage system was responsible for the localized flooding on my street? Can they be held responsible for this? Or will I just have to settle with what the insurance company will give me for the truck since it is undoubtedly totaled? I have already paid about $19500 on the truck, but I still owe about $8600. How much can I actually expect to get?""
How much is insurance for a 16 year old boy driving a volkswagen jetta/golf?
I am going to go with my father to get a car next week because I got my license today. I will be using the sign then drive event for the car. About how much will insurance cost for a NEW car and would it be cheaper using a older car? I earn about 500$ in every other week for work, would that be enough you think? Thanks for the help!""
If i buy 2008 BMW M3 - how much would i have to pay for insurance?
i am 17 years old Ontraio Canada the car should come in white, alarm system, no tinted windows fair safety rating...""
ok so i have a project and all the car insurance places are closed and i can't finish it! so umm can anyone help?? this is all the information i have, i just need an estimate for a monthly payment 1996 eagle talon married couple 25 years old driver low milage on car car is paid for, goood driving history car is used for job too for dilivering pizza live in florida umm if you need any more information let me kno please helpp worth 20% of final grade in class!!!!""
Can anyone recommend a good dental insurance company that offers orthodontic coverage? ?
I have to get braces for my daughter and would like to get a good dental plan for her so that I can get as much the cost for her braces covered as possible. I know that there are few good plans out there that cover any significant amount when it comes to braces, but there must be one or two out there that are the best for orthodontia services. HELP!!!
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survivorbahamas · 7 years
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Remember how I said that Adrian thinking Brian is Heidik is good for my game? Well that's entirely true! Brian and I had talked a little bit before, but it hadn't been anything good. However, once this Heidik inside joke came up, we started having some great conversations. We're pretty similar actually, which is incredible. We both like working with people who we like rather than people we can beat. There's also a bunch of real life similarities, and we get along pretty well. We're both REALLY enjoying Adrian's gullibility, which is a huge plus. He shared his google doc of possible idol locations with me to fill out a little bit more, and I discovered that Kai is the other person on the doc. Excellent!!! I love my position on this tribe. He also let me in on the Chris vote and what exactly happened. I just assumed 4 people came together to blindside Chris, but in reality, it was a 3 person thing with Jaiden at the center. Jaiden had a Chaos idol, which made it so that the person with the least votes would be voted out. If it was a tie, then there would be a rock draw. Brian played his "secret tribal" advantage which made Jaiden safe from having everyone know that he was the one who screwed our tribe over, and Brian voted for me due to Jaiden's suggestion to keep me safe. Alledgedly. I can't imagine Jaiden wanting to keep me safe, but I can tolerate Brian having lied to me. It's a perfectly logical lie to tell, but I'd think Jaiden would rather protect himself than me. Jaiden is playing super fucking hard, and I think it's really funny. I'd like to keep him around, because he's a massive target when the merge hits, just because people don't want irrational people in power.
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i'm hungry too
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I'm feeling in a good position in this tribe.. me and Brian are definitely in some form of power postion because we've been talking to two pairs of people so..feeling good
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I'm a paranoid mess I swear I thought I was gonna get blindsided so I would have to play my idol when the voted ended up being unanimous lmao. I do feel horrible for Mitch tho but I wish him the best ❤ But now my lil alliance with Lily and Nicholas and Dana has control so hopefully we are all mergees wee woo
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hola long time no see! whew so our tribe just voted out mitch and i feel bad because he was such a nice king. i dont really care that he voted for me bc i never really put in the effort to talk to him! either way i am in a GREAT position right now. i have zach and jenna who will do whatever i say. and i also have queen lily who is my #1 in this game and is such a loyal ally and such a good person to include me in an alliance with her, willa and dana! something that will make sure i know about willa's idol plans and i can choose what info to leak to jenna and zach to make sure my targets go home. i am pretty close with gage too so i doubt he would target me either! life is pretty good right now and i put in some effort to help with immunity and i should be good this round no matter what happens!
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so idk what's happening in this game and who's with who because we really haven't gone to tribal recently. i'm in two alliances that consider to be the majority so i think i'm safe if it does come down to it. jaiden is really far up my ass so if he hears anything about my name being thrown around he'll make sure i don't go, love that kid. but anyways hopefully we can win immunity and hopefully merge is soon idk how survivor works but all i know is that i have friends on the other tribe who won't go against meh!
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Honestly, I hate the tumblr tags challenge. Because everyone is like "idk how to use tumblr." Like bitches, it is NOT hard pls. Then everyone else is like "haha this is so funny," and i'm like pls I am the last great king of comedy, this is dumb as fuck. But whatever, judges are judgin right now and hopefully things are workin out in our favor because shit do I have some thoughts on how our next vote might go down. Last night we voted Mitch, which was lowkey kind of easy because he said he would self-vote/ might have to leave because he was vv sick. So everyone kind of came together on that. I talked to Jenna for the first time and she just asked me, BLUNTLY might I add, who the target was. Now I said idk, even though I knew it was Mitch. Then she came to me and was like, I'm hearin Mitch so I was like "ya just heard that," which was like 1/2 tru. I was wondering where she heard that, but initially didn't really think about it. So everything worked out fine last night and me and my hidden immunity idol child were safe. Tribe chat rn has me SHOOK though. Because I'm starting to realize that not only is Jenna close with Zach, she is close to Nick too. For some reason Nick knows her ex GF's name? Which is S K E T C H. anyway they are closer than I initially thought. Well i'm not dumb, so things are starting to come together. Nick probably told Jenna that Mitch was the target first before/ while she was talking to me. Now this gets complicated, because Willa, Nick, Lily, and I are in an "alliance." Last night before we solidified on Mitch this is what happened in the alliance chat. [5/30/17, 6:36:22 PM] Lily Douma: Zach is awesome. I would love to have Zach around. I'm concerned about a certain duo (Jenna and Zach) so Jenna might be a good call for this vote. But I'm fine with Mitch too cause it might be hard for him to be active in our tribe considering the pneumonia [5/30/17, 6:37:34 PM] WillagonMasuta: I'd feel bad for voting Mitch out but perhaps it's for the best for both him and us. However i think Jenna is certainly more threatening [5/30/17, 6:39:17 PM] Lily Douma: That's true. This sounds like such a bad breakup [5/30/17, 6:44:12 PM] Lily Douma: I agree. I'm totally down to vote for Mitch but likeeee I also feel like we might regret not taking Jenna out when we could have. Ughhh [5/30/17, 6:47:16 PM] WillagonMasuta: You down to vote Jenna then? [5/30/17, 6:50:44 PM] nicholas [sinnoh host]: hi guys I’m home! [5/30/17, 6:51:01 PM] Dana Barry: Ah fuck sorry i was nappin! Im here [5/30/17, 7:00:38 PM] Dana Barry: So what's the plan? I probably have to vote soon because my friend and her bf just broke up and i need to go help her handle her life [5/30/17, 7:02:03 PM] nicholas [sinnoh host]: whew ok id prefer to vote mitch bc he seems like more of a comp threat later on down the line but if i am the only one who wants to vote mitch i will do whatever yall legends want [5/30/17, 7:08:08 PM] Dana Barry: Do we know if Jenna and Zach are planning on voting Mitch? [5/30/17, 7:08:29 PM] nicholas [sinnoh host]: yeah i think so [5/30/17, 7:09:36 PM] Dana Barry: Ok I haven’t talked to Zach about it, but it seemed Jenna was so maybe there is more security in sticking with Mitch? (in case Gage finds his way back here in like 2 hrs?) But hoenstly doesnt matter to me! Two things about Nick in this conversation stand out to me, and I'm kind of just realizing this today as I read it back, which I only did because I was thrown off by them talking in tribe chat. 1) Nick says he would prefer Mitch to Jenna. Ok, innocent enough if you don't know that Nick and Jenna are pals and Nick is probs keepin her around so he can work with her now or later. 2) When I ask if we know how Jenna and Zach are planning to vote, Nick responds saying he thinks they are voting Mitch also, letting us all know he's been talking to either one or both of them. Alright, so now we get to the part of this confessional where we talk about how this impacts miss me, the queen of this shady tribe. Nick is untrustworthy at this point. He could be in my current alliance, but also likely has one with Jenna and Zach. Idc if he even does or not, im operating under that assumption moving forward. This means: 1) I am going to be vague as fuck (as I already have been) in the alliance chat. I throw out no names, pretend to pop in last minute etc. This way if Nick is feeding info, it's not anything coming from my mouth. 2) Talk to Gage more. Gage is one of the people on my tribe i've talked to the most. He isn't in my "alliance," but he made it clear he wants to work with me. I need him in case Nick isn't being loyal. That still gives me 4-3 advantage if Nick flips. 3) Talk to Nick 1-1. The best way I can stay informed here is by getting close with Nick. That way I gain access to some info he has. I might even spill one of my idol clues to him if I feel like that would solidify trust. I will make him want to be my closest ally. This way he will feel like i'm working with him, not our alliance, which can only benefit me. 4) Get closer with Zach and Jenna. Be as honest as possible with them. This way if they know about the "alliance" from Nick, they know i'm still a free agent of sorts. 5) Get ready to make a move and be problematique if necessary. I can't go forward in this game with a 2-3 person group that is this close. IF they get to the merge, and join up with Julia, who we already know Zach is friends with, and Jaiden (who is friends with Julia, debatable?), that could really fuck things up for me. Even though I will be re-joining Bodhi if I get that far. This is why i need Gage. Because i don't want to cause suspicion around myself by doubting Nick's trust in front of Willa or Lily. If they don't catch on to Nick's other connections, they might accidentally say the wrong thing and seal their fate. By avoiding saying the wrong things myself, one of them can take the bullet for me. But I also could pull Gage, Willa, and Lily together to make a move if I had to. That would need to be a VERY last minute move to avoid giving people time to go talk about it without me, but I'm ready to do it in order to break up this group if I have to. Finally, I got a 10% disadvantage when looking for the hidden immunity idol. I know, WHY WOULDN'T THIS HAPPEN TO ME. Like I've said, i'm going to need an immunity idol per round to make it through this game alive. I decided (I think) that i'm just going to be up front with my tribe and tell them about the disadvantage to build trust. I'd rather them hear it from me than the hosts. If we win this challenge, i'll tell them right away. If not, i'll tell them right after tribal (assuming I make it past the vote) and just doctor the times on my "quoted" messages with Logan to make it look like I looked right before our tribal, that way it doesn't factor into me potentially going home. I know- genius. Hopefully we win immunity though i got my doubts! Time to go initiate conversation with Nick!
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i feel like i did 99% of the work on this but it's actually ok bc i love tumblr and my blog has had a solid 250 followers since 2011 so i have blog experience™
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I don't know what I'm going to do. Jaiden fucked up the challenge, even if nobody talked but I think he did most of it so... but Adrian hates me and Brian is sketchy to me. Bodhi is annoying.
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Tonight, I think something big is gonna happen. I hope I don't have to whip out my sapphire idol because who KNOWS what's really going to happen. All I know for sure is that the vote is between Adrian and Brian, I think... Brian was gunning for Adrian, while Rob might be gunning for Brian. Who knows what's going to happen, honestly. Brian has the clue to the idol so I'm not really sure if he's found it yet or if he's even shared it with anyone else. He promised he would send it to me when he received it but then never actually sent it, so it's obviously a huge concern that he's going to nab it before we have the chance to blindside him. It's weird how quiet he's being today and I just have this suspicion that he's coming after me, which is incredibly ugly. Kai hasn't talked to me much either. As it stands, Julia and I are the flip votes for tonight's tribal council. Bodhi, Kai, and Brian on one side, then Adrian and Rob on the other. I don't really trust the former, but Adrian is quite annoying and I wouldn't mind seeing him go either... We'll have to wait and see. The decision Julia and I will make must be made as soon as possible because I'm extremely scared on what will happen if we mess this up...
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But here's another thing. I think Brian would be expecting us to vote him out this round. Theres nothing I can do if he already has the immunity idol except hope for a swap after tonight and I don't have to worry about him coming after me with it in his possession. So why don't we go for someone else that no one would expect? I don't trust Kai as far as I can throw him and I already have a feeling that he's a catfish. It's just so unlikely that, under the circumstances, this total newbie is gonna sign up and play this game. I don't trust him. Maybe instead of Brian, it'll be Kai. We'll see. All I know is that I might have a lot more control over my alliance than they think.
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I'm kind of glad we lost this challenge because it means we can get rid of the person on the bottom and hopefully things will get more interesting!
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Why did rob have to leave he was my best friend.
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so rob walked and im kinda upset by it because me him and jaiden we're rly close but i think me and jaiden will be able to survive without him. from what i heard, ive gotten the best time on the puzzle and im hoping that even if we do go to tribal these men wont want to vote me out. i think im in a good position on my tribe and when merge happens ill be in an even BETTER position. hopefully i can keep on floating by and everyone will think im an idiot B)
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So I guess tribal got cancelled. In every ORG, there's always someone who goes home because they didn't do the challenges or they decided to leave for personal reasons. Quits are profoundly different than a medical evacuation because its the decision to leave over something you feel hinders your ability to continue playing... I should know. Rob quit today, and sometimes you see it coming from a mile away. Sometimes it hits you like a train, and that's how it felt to see that he left. Rob is one of my good friends outside of this and of course I set into immediate panic mode that something is wrong with someone I care about. I'm still panicking. I don't know what came about him today to make him choose to leave but I hope it's something he can deal with... I worry too much about these things. I don't want anything to be wrong with him. Although this is a game, you're still surrounded by people you know and likely have some level of feeling towards. It just so happens I was put in this game with a close friend of mine, and now he's gone. He didn't get voted out. He took himself out of the game. I've been in that position before where I've wanted to leave and tell no one, and when its for something personal like he says, I am brought back to those dark places I've been where leaving was the only option I had. To even think that he's going through anything remotely similar to what I went through is heartbreaking... I shouldn't be confessing this but I am. I care about Rob. I hope he's okay. I need to pick myself up and not dwell on something I have no control over because the game is still afoot and no one else needs time to think about what they could've done to change his mind. Maybe it was for the better for him. These games mean nothing when your real life is being played with... I wish I could've understood that a lot earlier than I do now. If I can still press on, I'm going to always tell myself that this was for Rob. I hope I make him, and everyone else who believes in me, proud.
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So I'm really happy with how the last round went down. I was about to be booted off by some idiot that thought it would be funny to pull. But in the end- Rob spared me from elimination. Only providing me more time to concoct a plan to get rid of Brian in the days to come xoxo Fuck with me and you're dead. Bitch.
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If we win this with a half hungover tribe with a 10% disadvantage then I will probably die. Fortunately going to tribal is no big deal since Jenna can just go, I think she's hilarious but shes a threat not aligned with me so buh bye.
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AAAANNDDD WE'RE BACK! Working on the puzzle challenge right now with my 10% disadvantage. I got 4:32 right now, which goes up to 4:59 with the disadvantage. And here I was, thinking that my score would certainly be the worst. BUT NO. Because Jenna got 6:19, which isn't good, and says she can't do it again. How am I over a minute faster than someone WHEN I HAVE A DISADVANTAGE. That literally SHOULD NOT happen. I just want us to win so I don't have to think about tribal. It's also funny as fuck because I told my tribe about the disadvantage, and they're actin like i'm really facing a lot of adversity and they keep cheering me on. Like I don't give a fuck about what this disadvantage means for me personally, i'm not even sad about it, I just didn't want my tribe to think I was dishonest so I was upfront about it. Also my plan to get close to Nick is like vaguely working. I think i'm going to drop him an idol clue if we lose this challenge. Gage and I are getting closer too. He sent me this last night, which is what he got when he went to exile: [6/2/17, 12:38:46 AM] Gage :): Hello I want you to have this [6/2/17, 12:38:49 AM] Gage :): While in the triangle you find a rolled up piece of paper. You wait till you get back to open it, and it says this: missing just like you, look to the flight with more than 2 You are searching for a password to enter into this password protected blog: https://survivorbahamasidol.tumblr.com/ And when I got this message I was like FUCK YA,  i'm goin to start looking for that idol, except then the hosts told me I can't soooo basically Gage's information is of no use to me. But it does show me that there is some trust there. Hopefully I'll get exiled because I got some ideas on how I could decipher this clue. 
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I'm sorry for not writing sooner. I suck. I know. A lot has happened. I have an alliance on my new tribe at Isabella (not fixing that I'm on mobile...typical). It consists of me Nicholas, Willa, and Dana. I think this is the best for me. I love Zach but he has badly betrayed me before and keeping my tribe stronger and snagging Dana on the side is really the best option. Jenna is clearly a major threat. She is great in a lot of the more creative challenges. I hope that after this vote Zach will still want to vote with Nicholas and I and just understand how much of a threat Jenna was. This is a tough and terrible vote. Very unexpected compared to the last vote for Mitch. Mitch was an easy vote. Very sad because I miss Mitch and I hope he is doing better! But everyone agreed it was best for the tribe moving forward. And I'm not sure if voting Jenna is the best decision but I think it will at least help me for a while. It might be a big risk but sometimes that's what pays off. I'm off to Grand Rapids and have a busy day tomorrow so hopefully I don't fuck up another challenge. I feel like I'm always just not as good at some of these challenges but at least I'm still trying and not sitting out. I'm having a blast meeting so many amazing people again this game. Can't wait to see what happens next because I can sense a merge. 
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I'm in a good spot on my tribe, and I don't want to overplay. As a result, this pre-merge is becoming incredibly boring. I'm at least a little close with pretty much everyone on the tribe. I've got Dana as a super close ally on the other tribe. If everything comes together just right, Kai's allies on the other tribe are working with Dana, and he + Brian can reunite with their old friends, bringing me along, and not realizing that Dana and I are going to consume them all. But for now I just wait for my tribe to lose immunity or something like that to happen. 
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Me? Going missing? It's more likely than you think.
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i hope the frick its merge soon! i love everyone left on our tribe and if we dont merge soon im going to literally go ape shit if i have to vote off either lily, dana or willa or zach! > : (
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how DARE THEY use the time while i have sex to PLOT AGAINST ME ! lily? dana? jokes on #you bc i have a #votesteal and #nicholasismydad and #zachismyson . that's 4 votes sweetie :*
0 notes