#i know thomas said like ohh the finales first part will be out by the end of the year or whatever. but im calling his bluff
loganhaters · 1 year
one thing is we will be back if he (logan) is unbearable in the finale when it comes out in 2025 . and he will be so we will be back then
0 notes
th3w00ds · 7 months
Hey I saw your requests were open? If that's still the case then I'd love to request a Natemare x reader that has some sanders sides fic where the reader has been dating Mare for awhile so the reader decides to finally introduce Mare to there best friend of many years, Virgil. If that's possible, please and thank you.
Of course!!!
I Lie Inside Myself for Hours
Title From: Imaginary by Evanescence
Fandom: Youtuber Egos + Sanders Sides
AU: None
Content Warnings: Not proofread
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As you were standing in front of the Sides house, it occurred to you for the fifteenth time that day that Natemare, your boyfriend, had never met the Sides. You didn’t know if they’d even get along.
The reason you were here other than introduce him to your friends was to see your best friend of many years, Virgil. He was an anxious guy, but somehow you were closest to him out of the Sides rather than one would probably expect your best friend to be, like Logan or Patton.
But Anxiety was the one who you were closest to. You’d known Virgil for around five years, since Thomas had invited you over saying that he “wanted you to meet a few people.” It turned out that those people were parts of himself. 
You sighed, and knocked on the door, then turning to Mare. “It won’t be that long, usually Roman- Creativity gets the door within a few seconds,” 
“Yeah? Wellll, I can’t help but notice it’s taking a few more than that, isn’t it Y/N?” He said sarcastically, looking around the outside of the house. Oh yeah, he’d for sure get along with Virgil. 
Around ten seconds later Roman opened the door, and he smiled at the sight of you. He called out to the other Sides, “Y/N IS HERE!!!”
Then he looked back at you and his eyes turned to Mare. “Ohh, who is this now? Your lover? What’s his name? How did you meet-“ 
“Roman!! Shut!!!” You said, interrupting him. That man never stopped with his romance questions if he figured one was interested in it. 
“Awww… fine, I’ll save them for later. But do I at least get to know his name?” Roman said.
You looked over at Mare, and he smiled.
“I’m Natemare, but if you want you can call me Mare,” He told Roman, shaking his hand. 
“Well.. come in! Virgil will be happy to see you, Y/N!” Roman said, moving out of the way. 
“Who’s Virgil?” Mare asked you as you both walked into the house.
“He’s my best friend,” You answered.
“And you’ve never introduced me to him? Shame upon you,” He said jokingly, “How dare you not introduce me to everyone you know.” 
“Shut up,” you said, laughing a little. 
“Hmm… no!” He replied. “Y’know, I am curious as to who the other Sides are. Roman was certainly a… character,” 
“That’s just how he is,” you said. You then saw Logan, Patton and Janus hanging out in the living room, playing some kind of board game.
Patton looked up first, and pretty much shouted in excitement. “Y/N! You’re here! I’m so happy, it’s been way too long,” 
“Patton, it has been two weeks since Y/N has last visited.” Logan said, placing a piece on the board. Janus looked at you, slightly smiling, and then he looked at Mare.
“Oh, great, there are two emos here now.. I’m so thrilled,” He said, and he rolled his eyes.
“You remind me of my younger brother,” Mare said to Janus. 
“Amazing,” Janus said flatly. Patton then went up to Mare.
“What’s your name? Are you human? Also, I’m Patton, Thomas���s Morality, Logan is his Logic and Janus is his… Deceit,” He said. 
“I’d suggest stopping with the rampant questions, Patton, he’s already been questioned enough by Roman,” Logan said.
“It’s okay. I’m Natemare, and no, I’m not human. I’m a siren,” Mare answered Patton. 
“Like the beings that lured sailors to their deaths in Greek Mythology?” Logan asked. 
Mare nodded, “Exactly. Most people I meet get scared when they hear that, so it’s kind of new that people aren’t.. you know, trembling and backing away just because of that.” 
“It wouldn’t be nice to judge you based on what you are!” Patton said, smiling once more. 
“Hypocrite,” Janus quietly said with anger while out of earshot of Patton. Which was true. Out of all the light Sides, Patton was the one who judged the dark Sides based on what they were the most. 
“That’s nice. It was nice meeting all of you, Y/N has mentioned all of you once or twice,” Mare said. 
“You did?!” Patton said happily. 
You nodded. “Yeah. Also, Patton, do you know where Virgil is?” You asked. You hadn’t seen the emo nightmare yet, which was odd. Usually he was one of the first to come talk to you when you came over. 
“Yes, where is that raccoon? He disappeared right when you showed up,” Janus said. 
“He’s downstairs,” Patton replied, “Probably on the couch, poor kiddo. I wonder what’s up with him today..” 
It might be the fact a new person is here. Virgil didn’t like new people, he never has. It took him a while to trust you, and even more time for him to open up to you. 
“Thank you! We’ll go check on him,” You said, walking down the stairs with Mare.
“So.. if the Sides represent things about Thomas, then what is Virgil?” Mare asked you. 
“Virgil is Thomas’s Anxiety,” you answered his question. “He’s not really a people person,” 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Mare said. You two reached the bottom, and entered into a second living area. 
You looked around for your best friend, and then saw him on the couch, like Patton said he might be.
He was on his phone, probably scrolling on Tumblr, with his hood up and his headphones in. The music was loud, so loud that you could hear it. It was “I’m Not Okay (I Promise)” by My Chemical Romance, which was Virgil’s self proclaimed “theme song” and one you two often listened to together. 
Well, if listening is counted as screaming the lyrics to it at 3am, then yes, you listened to it together. 
You went up to him and tapped his shoulder a few times. “Virgil??”
He paused his music and looked up, not taking off his hood. “What?” He said with an annoyed tone. You were stunned for a moment. He hadn’t been this blatantly annoyed with you since before you were best friends.
“Uh- I want you to meet someone,” You said, gesturing to Mare. Virgil sighed, and finally took off his hood, taking out his headphones as well. 
“Who?” That was all he said. “Don’t tell me they’re like Roman… or worse, Remus,” 
“Oh, no, he’s not like them at all. This is Natemare, my boyfriend,” You said. Virgil moved to look at Mare, looking him up and down. 
“He’s your boyfriend? Huh. Wait, first of all, WHEN did you get a boyfriend? You’ve never mention this to me before,” he said, his annoyance slightly going away. 
“We’ve been dating for six months,” Mare answered for you. 
“Six months??? Y/N, you’ve been over here  eight times in that time and you’ve NEVER mentioned this??? I would’ve thought that you would tell me whenever you got a partner, since you’re, you know, my best friend!” Now the annoyance was back. Virgil did seem mad, as he raised his voice slightly.
“Hi.. I don’t want us to bother you, we can leave if you want,” Mare said. “Also.. were you listening to MCR? They’re one of my favorite bands, and I’m Not Okay is a good song.” 
Virgil was silent for a few moments, and then spoke. “No, you guys can… stay if you want. I want Y/N here at least,” He said.
“Alright,” You said. “Can I sit next to you?” You asked. Virgil simply nodded, and moved so you could sit next to him.
You sat down, and Mare sat down too. You moved closer to him, and Virgil sort of.. glared?? Does he think that just because you have a boyfriend, you’re going to abandon him or something?
“Virgil.. I’m not going to leave you, and I’m not going to stop being friends with you just because I have a boyfriend,” You said, trying to reassure him due to his unspoken feelings. 
“Who said I thought that? I wasn’t saying that,” He said. Mare laughed.
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna steal your best friend from you or something,” 
Virgil… actually laughed at that. That was a good sign. 
That was probably the quickest time he laughed at something someone he just met said, even when you had first met him.
You could tell they’d get along great. Eventually. 
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spookyspecterino · 2 years
The Slaughter of a Lamb
Chapter Three: Eyes in the Dark
Tangerine x !F Reader
Word Count: 4.2K
Series Masterlist
SFW; slow-burn, minor amounts of blood & injury, POV switch, language
The twins get a shaky lead from Momo's informant that takes them to the most dangerous part of the city. They aren't prepared in the slightest.
A/N: Out of the entire story outline, this is my favorite chapter. Imo, this is when the story starts to get ✨ good ✨
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“If I had to give Mother Vati a train, from what I’ve seen of her so far, I’d loosely pin her as a James.”
“Incredibly determined but albeit a little impatient. If James had a temper it’d be a right fit.”
“Tangerine…are you listening to me?”
His response was as equally distracted as the last two. “Yeah, of course. Thomas and Friends.”
There was a tired sigh from Lemon in the driver’s seat of their car as he turned down a back road. They were out of the heart of the city now; the buildings weren’t as tall and the sky was clear. The foul weather from a few hours ago at the internet café had passed—red and orange colored the few meager clouds left behind as the sun began to set. Long shadows covered the road.
Tangerine had his head down, looking at the cellphone that Mother Vati had given them after their call. On it was Mother Vati’s personal number, another number for an assistant in case they couldn’t reach her, plus the photo and video of Fox that was shown at the meeting. He was currently rewatching the video of her at Lamb’s birthday party; this was maybe the 30th time replaying it since they had gotten in the car.
“What are you even looking for, mate?” Lemon asked as he glanced over at the video. He’d seen it plenty, it gave him the heebie-jeebies.
“Just the way she moves, it’s… distinct; something about it—it’s like you have to pay attention to see it, otherwise you might miss her.”
“Creeps me the fuck out. I’m hoping we don’t have to get that close; I’d like a nice clean shot from 20ft away. That’d be a job well done, everyone can go home happy—well except Fox.”
“Right.” Tangerine looks up and out the window, something he couldn’t pin bothered him about that. Maybe it was the finality of it, he wanted to understand the full story. “Should we give Momo a call now? See if her informant’s given her anything new since the contract released?”
“Yeah, give her a ring.”
Tangerine used his own phone this time, slipping the one Mother Vati gave them into his vest pocket. He’d sleep better if there was no trace of Momo’s number in it.
Momo picked up on the third ring, the sound of shuffling papers proceeded her greeting. She sounded like she had her hands full.
“Hiya boys, a little bird told me you entered into the contract.”
The twins glanced at each other; her informant must be right in the thick of things.
“Has your little birdy perhaps told you about our target?”
“Ohh yes, we’ve been chatting all evening about her. And, I have something for you, hot off the press.” She paused, obviously loving the dramatics.
Tangerine sighed. “What Momo, what is it?”
“Well first, I hate to do this to you honey, but we should talk business.”
“Alright, don’t get twisted up, Momo. We’ll give you your fair cut, we always do.”
“I know, doll. Just reminding you—this info isn’t cheap. And my informant’s really sticking her neck out for me on this.”
“What’s the big scoop then?”
“Fox has been seen around the re-development district.”
Lemon slowed the car and made an immediate turn, mumbling about how that seemed strange to him. Tangerine agreed.
“Are you sure, Momo? Did your source get a visual?”
“It’s spotty 3rd hand information. The exact words I got were, a woman—around the same age, who looks like her, has been seen in the food shop on the corner, right outside the fence, not 20 minutes ago.”
Lemon muttered again, a little louder. “That doesn’t fit right.”
“What, honey?”
He leaned over toward the phone a little, keeping his eyes on the road. “I said that doesn’t fit right. Why would a Diesel allow themselves to be seen?”
It was only the fact that Lemon was making a good point that kept Tangerine from rolling his eyes at yet another Thomas and Friends reference.
“I don’t have the answer to that, Lemon. My guess is she’s been there from the start and needed food. It does make sense that she would be in the northern re-development district, everybody does their best to avoid it.”
Momo was right. The only ones who actively went there were people looking for a place to crash for a little while and do drugs, or rival city gangs that needed to settle an issue; one that could only be solved with bullets. Even the homeless wouldn’t settle there; too dangerous. Law enforcement doesn’t go near it either, making it the proverbial wild-west of the city. In fact, the city itself was perfectly fine not ever acknowledging its existence.
Tangerine fiddled with the knuckle duster in his pocket. “Well, thanks Momo. We don’t have any other leads, so I guess it wouldn’t hurt to check it out. We owe you one.”
“Mhm, I’m expecting a nice tidy sum when this is all over, boys. The amount I’m racking up with my informant—bloody insane. Be careful.”
“Take care.” Tangerine closed the call with a beep and dumped the phone into the center console.
Releasing a long, slow breath he looked out the window again. They were about 15 minutes away from the district and already the road was beginning to get patchy. Various graffiti tags, signaling specific gang territories, dotted the sides of brick buildings. The ones on the structures they passed were teal and gold.
“You’ve gone quiet.” Lemon’s gentle concern broke the silence. “What’re you thinking about?”
Tangerine’s moustache twitched as he chewed the inside of his cheek. “I’m starting to wonder if our target is either some kind of maniacal villain…or just not very bright.”
“What do you mean?”
“Who does such an awful thing to the most powerful woman in the city, who’s also her boss, and then make it obvious that she did it? On top of that, she’s letting herself be seen on the day her own contract releases.” He paused, brows furrowing into a line. “You called her a Diesel, obviously because she did a terrible, awful thing. But…what if she’s just…”
“I think you’re beginning to underestimate her, and that’s dangerous.” He turns down a broad alleyway. “You don’t climb your way through the ranks of The Vati Family by being an idiot.”
Tangerine barks out a humorless laugh. “Ah, but you see, you don’t have to be smart either. How many times have we seen some brute become the right-hand man to a boss just ‘cause he kills without hesitation and shows loyalty?”
Lemon throws him a withering glance. “You’re going with the theory that she’s just some seasoned mob killer who got in over her head? Made a big mistake?”
Sitting up in his seat, Tangerine tries to explain. “Ok, imagine; she’s a lieutenant, there isn’t much room for mobility there—no promotions; and she’s become addicted to that feeling of ascending through the ranks. An offer comes to do a job, in return she gets entry into some other criminal organization for a shit ton more money. She takes it, because she wants to climb the ladder again—but fucks it all up.”
“Who would be insane enough to kidnap Mother Vati’s child? Or order that kind of thing?”
“The woman’s’ probably got a lot of enemies being a powerful mob boss and all. Maybe Fox hated her, too.”
There was a hum from Lemon. “You’ve got a point, but it still doesn’t sit right for me.”
Tangerine huffed. “Ok, what’s your theory then? And do try to leave out the train references for now.”
He took a moment before answering. “No doubt, she’s a Die—"
“Fine, fine… I think she knows exactly what she’s doing—she’s just trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes.”
“Is that right?”
“She’s part of something larger going on, I can feel it. I just don’t have all the pieces yet.”
As Lemon pulled up to an empty sidewalk on the street, a small food shop sitting on the corner of a block came into view. Bars covered the windows and the door was reinforced similarly. The small shop was battered, giving the impression that it had stood there for a long time; outlasting the vacant ‘FOR SALE’ building next to it. The street across from the shop had a chain link fence running alongside it, past other buildings it encompassed. A big sign read ‘Under Construction. DO NOT ENTER’.
The silence surrounding the brothers suddenly grew intense. Suffocating.
Lemon cleared his throat, trying to break the oppressive weight of silence. “You think she’s in there?”
Tangerine didn’t answer at first. From their position just behind the corner of a building, he had to sit forward a little to see the full shop. “She might’ve already left—”
As he was speaking, a few members of a city gang—this one sporting orange colors, can ambling in from around the corner of the food shop. They were openly carrying guns, mostly automatic rifles, as they laughed and talked loudly. It was a show of strength.
Lemon whistled low. “They must be getting pretty antsy with all the money up in the air.”
Tangerine grunted in agreement. “Probably noticing quite a few new faces poking around, as well.” He huffed, trying to calm his uneasiness. “Well, if they’re prowling ‘round maybe that means she’s still inside, waiting them out.”
The gang members, around eight in total, walked past the barged open chain fence gate and into the mix of old, rundown buildings. They seemed at complete ease, confident even, as they all carefreely sported themselves through the area that supposedly contained an incredibly dangerous killer.
Lemon turned the car off, cracking the windows a little. The cool evening air, mixed with the humidity of the rain from the past two days, was pulling heat from the pavement up and turning it into a misty steam. It drifted up into the air and dissipated just above knee height. It gave the streets an eerie feeling.
It was about 10 minutes later when they spotted quick movement from the shop. A woman, wrapped up in a red jacket, with the hood pulled over her face, scurried out of the food shop carrying something in a plastic bag.
“That her?” Lemon asked, sitting forward in his seat to get a better view.
She was hurriedly making her way toward the broken gate, one hand keeping the hood pulled down.
Tangerine squinted. “Can’t see her face…but, something’s not right.”
“Like what?” Lemon eyed her closely. “Should we follow? We need to make a decision, quick, or she’s going to get away.”
“Let’s tail her. Worst case, it’s not Fox and we can close this lead.” Tangerine grumbled, opening the passenger door with a huff.
The twins followed the woman from a block away as she turned the corner past the fence. They jogged to keep up. Something nagged at Tangerine in the back of his mind.
Most of the buildings in the re-development district were old abandoned apartment units with about four to five floors. The city wanted to tear them down and rebuild, but plans were never really finalized when the old mayor was voted out and the new one took charge. And it seemed that since then, every politician was just fine with shoving the issue under the rug; after all, they didn’t live anywhere near there. Out of sight out of mind.
As the twins followed the woman, the distant sound of automatic gunfire was heard. Lemon gave his brother a questioning look. Tangerine only mouthed back ‘gangs’. There were many people shooting at once, the sound of gunfire overlapped itself, all from automatic weapons. The noise gave an ominous ambiance to the area.
Rounding a corner, they saw the woman entering a shabby looking apartment building that was missing all its windows. Leaves and ivy trailed up across cracked bricks; the metal fire escape around the outside was dented and warped, missing in some places. Both pulled their handguns out and moved toward the entrance, which was just an empty doorway. The doors to the building were laying haphazardly on the ground to the side, covered in debris and plant life.
Tangerine turned his head to look at Lemon as he stood against the outside wall next to the entrance, Lemon gave him a nod at the sound of a door closing from inside. With a quick glance in, they saw a door beyond the lobby at the back of a long hallway bouncing shut. Tall shadows cast the worn-down discarded furniture in darkness. Floor tiles, once white and pristine, were cracked and warped brown.
Together they moved inside, holding their guns in front of them at the ready. The door that had just shut was marked with a stairs sign. They moved through it in perfect unison, taking careful steps to avoid disturbing loud debris and shutting the door behind themselves without a noise.
Tangerine cautiously peeked up the space in the middle of the ascending stairs. The woman had reached the top floor and her red jacket disappeared as she exited the stairwell.
When the door had closed behind her, Lemon took his brother’s arm and leaned in close to whisper. “What’s the plan?”
Tangerine kept his voice to barely above a breath. “She’s on the top floor. We’ll take it slow; we clear each apartment one by one—and be careful, I don’t like the feeling of this.”
His brother gave him a firm nod and they began climbing to the top floor. Lemon was in front while Tangerine watched their backs. Something still nagged at him in the back of his mind.
Without any windows the apartment was quite drafty. A cool wind blew through the stairwell almost constantly, sending a high-pitched whistling echoing down the concrete steps. It was enough to make the hair on Tangerine’s neck stand straight up and send his already alert senses into overdrive. He attempted to compensate for this by taking his tie off, shoving it into his pocket, and undoing the first few buttons on his shirt. At least now he could breathe a little easier.
Finally reaching the top floor, Lemon looked through the small rectangle window on the door. Part of the glass had shattered and was missing. Satisfied that the hallway before them was empty, he slowly pushed it open, pointing his gun ahead.
The long hallway had 10 apartments, five on each side, and none of their doors were shut; all were either open in some fashion or just missing altogether. On the top floor, high up and with nothing stopping the wind, the whistling was louder. Loud enough to muffle the sounds of their footsteps. Trash and debris littered the floor; crumpled papers lay along the wall, knickknacks and household objects left behind lay discarded. The darkening sky was beginning to shine through chunks of the thin roof that had broken off into pieces. Some of the walls had holes in them.
Tangerine tapped Lemon’s shoulder and pointed to the left apartment, signaling they should start there. They moved together toward the entrance. Tangerine stood guard at the door, the apartments were tiny, only a living room connected to a kitchen, bathroom, and one small bedroom. It only took Lemon a few tense minutes to return, and they moved to the apartment across the hall. They repeated this process of clearing the apartments each time.
It was on the third apartment—when Tangerine was standing guard, gun lowered to the ground as he anxiously waited for Lemon, that something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. It may have been a trick of the shadows, or his nerves messing with him, but when he looked further down the hallway he swore he saw something glide just out of sight.
Casting a glance back in the apartment, he tried to get Lemon’s attention, but failed. He didn’t want to go after his brother, incase whoever was down there tried to escape past him. So, he steadied himself and raised his gun, moving down the hallway toward the last apartment. Alarm bells rang in his head, every hair on his body stood on end as his instincts told him to run.
There was no door to this apartment, the wind whistled loudly through it unhindered. Tangerine’s heart was doing double time as he very slowly crept inside. This apartment was the same as all the others they checked, there was no evidence that anyone was here—but there was an inherently wrong feeling to it. Turning the corner, he faced the shorter apartment hallway. The door to the bedroom at the end was open, a window let the last rays of sun in.
And to the side of the room, just peeking out beyond the doorway, was what looked like a small child covered in blankets, laying down, back turned toward him. They were surrounded by trash and debris that was ruffled slightly by the wind. A fuzzy patch of blonde hair poked over the top of the blankets. He squinted trying to see properly. In his sudden confusion and alarm, he moved directly for the room, trying to get a better look.
The child wasn’t moving or breathing.
A million thoughts raced through his head at once, clouding his mind. Did Fox try to take another child? Was that her in the red jacket—it might be, but why didn’t he think so?
As he passed through the room’s doorway, feet shuffling on the rubbish, he was very close to reaching out and shaking the child’s shoulder. But he stopped.
He could see now that it was a very large doll, shaped extraordinarily similar to a real child, wrapped in blankets. A dead eye and painted rosy cheek stared at the wall away from him.
And then something simultaneously clicked in his mind.
He didn’t think the woman in red was Fox because her movement didn’t match. He’d watched that video over and over again, memorizing it.
The way she glides.
They’d been lured here.
Tangerine was mid turn when a hard kick sent him reeling back and stumbling over the doll. The sound of rustling trash and then fast tugging rope sliced through the whistling of the wind, a split second later his head hit the floor with a crack and his world was up-ended.
The hit wasn’t hard enough to render him unconscious, but he did feel warmth blossom against his temple and slide slowly down to mix into his hair. He groaned, momentarily dazed until his arms, hanging limply by his head, were swiftly pulled back and something zipped them together and pinned them to his belt loop behind his back.
Blinking furiously, his senses snapped awake with a rush of adrenaline when he couldn’t separate his hands or move his arms. He was upside down; something tied his feet together and hung him suspended from the ceiling. The source of the hard kick was out of sight where he was facing the window.
Before he could form another sluggish thought he was roughly spun around toward the doorway.
And he came face to face with Fox.
She was crouched down, level with him. Darkness shrouded part of her face, but her eyes seemed to glint in the dark as she observed him with a dark curiosity. His upside-down view made it difficult to take in all the features of her face, but he recognized those eyes. His breath came out ragged as she remained silent and tilted her head to the side.
There was a shout from Lemon in the hallway.
Tangerine filled his lungs with breath, about to scream to his brother, when a hand clamped over his mouth and nose. He thrashed trying to shake it off, but it remained.
There was a quiet shuffling as Fox fluidly moved around to crouch behind him. He felt the cool touch of metal on the other side of his cheek, it was a rounded surface—long and cylinder shaped. A silenced gun. The barrel pointed toward the doorway. He could see the end of it in the corner of his eye.
There was another shout from Lemon, this time sounding really worried.
Her breath was hot against the back of his ear; the touch of soft lips ghosted across his skin as she breathed, “Make a sound, and I’ll shoot before he has a chance to come in.”
Tangerine gave her a small nod and she very, very slowly raised her hand from his mouth. The gun was kept against his cheek, pointing out the doorway and down the hall. Her breath continued to hit his skin in relaxed and even measures. It spread goose bumps and sent shivers up and down his spine.
Deft fingers moved into his vest pocket and pulled out the contents. The sound of his tie sliding out and the knuckle dusters clink as they bounced off the ground, was overshadowed by the soft hum of satisfaction she made as her hand closed around his phone. Or rather, Mother Vati’s phone.
Lemon’s call was getting closer as he moved from apartment to apartment. Tangerine resisted the urge to call out, the cool feeling of the steel against his skin a reminder of Fox’s threat. A pit of anxiety collected in his stomach as he wondered what she would do when Lemon eventually found them.
A bright light lit up in the corner of tangerine’s eye as Fox attempted to get into the phone. There were a few disappointed clicks of her tongue when she found it was passcode protected. He heard her shuffle behind him, and felt the light brush of her cheek against his. Her hand comes into view, holding the phone up, its screen is black but has static on it.
She sounds like she’s smiling as she whispers to him, “A little something to remember me by.”
An intense, bright flash lights up the room, making Tangerine squint his eyes and flinch away. The after-flash blinds him as he opens his eyes and blinks furiously to clear them. The phone is slipped back into his vest pocket.
Warm, gentle fingers brush at the skin of his neck, along the chain of his necklace.
Her velvety voice is enough to make him dizzy. “And something to remember you by.”
He struggles, grunts a no, and does his best to stop her—but she’s already delicately slipped it over his head. She gives him a pleased hum. “Tell Victoria I said hello.”
There’s a clatter at the front of the apartment, Lemon was on his way in.
The metal of the gun disappeared, leaving a cool sensation on his skin, and a second later Tangerine was roughly shoved. As he spins by the rope suspending him, he catches a glimpse of her moving smoothly out through the window, the starry night sky outlines her as she turns to look back inside.
Maybe it was a trick of the shadows, but he thought she winked at him.
. . .
The sound of a plastic spoon scraping the side of a half empty noodle cup filled the small abandoned apartment room. This one was less run down than the others, kept clean by a daily sweeping; the debris and trash thrown out. A thin cot laying on the ground was pushed into a corner, a threadbare blanket folded neatly on top. Next to the cot was a dim, battery powered, plastic lantern. Something tacky you could find from a gift shop. It had done a fine job of lighting the little space the past few nights; not too bright, but enough to see with.
At the moment, a woman wearing a red jacket was sitting on the edge of the cot, finishing her cup of noodles contently. As she slurped down her dinner she would observe the details of the room with open curiosity.
The owner of the cot, and the entire room for the matter, was perched on the nearby window; back leaned up against the sill, one leg hanging down inside casually. She was staring out into the dark night with a faraway look. Wrapped around her hand and wrist was a gold necklace with a circular pendant. Occasionally, she would fiddle with it, twirling it between her fingers as she sat deep in thought.
Now empty, the noodle cup was set down and the woman in red yawned, stretching her arms over her head. She addressed her companion with an easy, relaxed tone. “So, should I try again tomorrow?”
Long silence creates a gap in conversation, but it isn’t filled with anxiety, it’s comfortable, contemplative. Finally, the woman in the window replies as she pulls something from her pocket. “No, go home.” She tosses a small roll of cash, the woman on the cot catches it with interest, but continues listening. “Try to stay inside for the next few days—and avoid this area…this is gonna get a lot worse before it can get better.”
She returns to watching the events outside. Below her, people wearing teal-colored clothes drag orange clad bodies into a gruesome pile. The area has a few dark stains on the pavement, bullet holes decorate the surrounding buildings. A few stand around a bonfire made up of old furniture; they’re celebrating a victory.
The gold pendant twirls between her fingers again.
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🍊 Taglist: @whatiswrongwithpeople @marquisdefrenchfry @everythingisspokenfortbh @titaniusanglesmith @sjprongs @piechans @cherrygayness @queenofstarsanddarkness @idkwhattowritelol @simp-for-fictional-people @chanooopy @meirenzie @dogsandrocketsocks @willowpains @deedeebobee @friedbananakillazzz @adrienette715 @elizabeth-skywalker @aces-tattooartist
If you'd like to be added, let me know!
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Hi, whenever you have time can you write something about Thomas and Alastair please? Literally anything that isn’t angsty or sad. Fluffy/happy because after COI my heart needs to feel happy again. Thank you💞
Ohh, what a good request! I’ll confess that I was a bit nervous to write this because I didn’t know how I’d compete with COI! The first four bits of dialogue are references to a video Morgan Adams made with her friend, Trinity, because I literally watched that scene and thought “Thomastair” and I just loved it so much that I couldn’t not include it. Also, this is in modern language because I liked how it sounded better. Anyway, I hope this makes your heart feel happy!!
Characters: Alastair & Thomas (fluff)
“We’re experiencing life.” Thomas said, poking at the logs with a stick to get the fire to burn brighter. 
“This sucks.” Alastair said, his marshmallow drooping over the fire. 
“No, it’s called life.”
Alastair stared at the fire for a second before saying, “Life sucks.”
Thomas snorted and Alastair looked up and smiled softly, clearly proud that he made Thomas laugh.
Thomas got up from his crouch and sank down next to Alastair, stretching his feet out. Alastair considered his legs before saying, “how the hell did you grow so tall during your travel year? What did they feed you in Spain?”
“I didn’t grow that tall.”
“You were the size of an elf and now you’re taller than the Eiffel Tower.” Alastair said.
Thomas stared into his dark eyes for a moment and narrowed them. “Your marshmallow’s on fire.”
Alastair turned his gaze to said marshmallow. “Ah, an accurate representation of my life so far.” 
Thomas rolled his eyes fondly and reached to grab Alastair’s hand, who took it instantly. Thomas was focusing on how he was playing with the Lightwood ring when they heard the crack of a twig behind them. He and Alastair exchanged a quick glance.
“You don’t think it’s dangerous, do you?” Thomas whispered. “If not the sensor would have picked it up, right?” 
Alastair shrugged, looking in the direction of the sound. “It can’t be my sleep paralysis demon.” He whispered back, “I have to be lying in bed about to sleep for it to be that.”
“You sleep just fine when you’re with me.” Thomas pointed out.
“Exactly. The times I can sleep,” Alastair said, not looking away from the spot, “it’s because you’re there.”
Thomas stared at Alastair’s side profile, the fire casting shadows on the panes of his beautiful face. 
“Pay attention, Lightwood. We could be about to die.”
Thomas sighed. “At least I’d die with you. If we go down, then we go down together.”
“Listen here; I can make jokes about death, but when you do it, you make me sad, so stop.”
“What?” Thomas whispered intensely, “How come you can make me sad with jokes about death, but I can’t make you sad?”
“Are these the kinds of conversations you too have when you’re alone?” Matthew asked, coming out of the shadows.
“You bastard, why did you take so long to come out?” Thomas demanded
Matthew’s jaw dropped in surprise. “I let you take your sweet time. And for your information, I’m already ou—”
“He meant the woods, idiot.” Alastair said.
“Oh, right. Yeah, I was just being dramatic.”
“Lies! His shoelaces got stuck on a branch.” Lucie said. “I saw it.”
Matthew stuck his tongue out at her.
“Anyway, I came to report that we’ve heard no signs of the demon we’re looking for.” Lucie said, popping a marshmallow in her mouth. 
“Yes, we haven’t either.” Matthew said, “Though I came here to get away from Grace and Kit.” He shuddered. "They won’t stop gushing over Darwin’s theory of evolution or something. If I wanted to listen to science talk, I would have just stayed home and asked Father for flirting advice.” 
“Your camp is sad,” Lucie said to Matthew, taking another marshmallow. “Cordelia and I are trying to see who can fit the most grapes in their mouths. I was winning too, but James said to stop or we’d ‘choke and die’ or whatever. Anyway, I’m off to find Jesse.” Lucie said getting up to her feet and skipping away happily. 
“I’m going with her.”
“Let me guess, ‘to protect her’” Thomas said.
“Angel, no. I need her to protect me.” Matthew said. “You haven’t forgotten that she can command the dead, have you?” He didn’t wait for a reply, sprinting away to catch up to Lucie.
“I’m disappointed to say that that wasn’t intolerable.” Alastair said with a frown.
“It’s called getting used to it.” Thomas smiled at Alastair. 
They seemed to have a moment where they lost themselves in each other. Thomas looked into Alastair’s stunning dark eyes, his incredibly long lashes and caramel skin. He liked the way the same strand of silky black hair always seemed to fall across his forehead and into his eyes. And the way Alastair always reached up to push it back. This time, Thomas reached out first. Instead of pushing it back though, he brought it to the side so that his fingers grazed Alastair’s cheek. Alastair’s eyelids softened and he looked down briefly before looking back up at Thomas.
“I never meant to make you sad.” He whispered. 
Thomas shrugged. “As long as what you say about yourself are jokes. Besides, you can never make me sad, because I know you never mean to hurt me.” Thomas said with a smile.
Alastair looked at him, his eyes dancing. “I love you, Thomas.”
“I love you too.”
“You have horrible taste in—”
Thomas cut him off by pressing his lips into a kiss. Alastair’s lips were soft against his own. They kissed slowly and softly as fire crackled in front of them. Thomas felt that part of him was burning from the fire, but his entire being was burning for Alastair. 
Alastair hummed against his lips as Thomas ran his hands down his chest.
“Don’t insult my taste in men, because mine’s the best in the country.” Thomas mumbled into his lips.
Alastair smiled. “What did the world do to deserve you.” He didn’t mean it as a question; Alastair kissed him again before he could even register the words.
He ran his expert hands through Thomas’ hair. Thomas had seen those hands close around fighting spears and he’d seen those hands bandage his own when he burned them during patrol. He’d seen those hands play Chopin’s Nocturne, flying through across the keys to play the different notes. He’d also seen those hands play the songs Thomas had written, bringing life to Thomas’ innermost thoughts, bringing them into existence. Thomas’ songs either coaxed a smile out of Alastair, or brought tears to his eyes.
Now he felt those hands, tugging and caressing his hair. Both boys smiled as they kissed each other, perfectly content with being in the presence of the other. Perfectly content with, after all these years, finally kissing someone they loved and being kissed by someone who loved them. 
Thomas fought back a groan and pulled Alastair closer when the sensor next to them buzzed. 
They broke apart, instantly on their feet, weapons in hand.
“Let’s get this over with.” Thomas sighed.
“Yes, let this be revenge for interrupting us.”  
“That sounds like a good plan.”
Alastair was tightening his leather gauntlets when Thomas spoke.
Alastair glanced at him in response.
“How about we don’t immediately tell the others we killed the demon?”
Alastair tilted his head to the side before understanding what Thomas meant and grinning fiendishly. “I like the way you think, Tom. Now let’s kill this demon so we can get back to what we were doing.”
Thomas blushed and nodded. As he ran into battle, Alastair beside him, he did so with a smile. 
Tagging: @tsccreatorsnet @atla-lok143 @hitheresomeoneusingthus @rinadragomir @youngreckless @autumnangel20 @julemmaes @cupcakesandkittens @no-scones-allowed @fictionally-fantastic @stxr-thxif @writeforjordelia @itsdaughterofthemoon @jordeliasupremacy @cordelia-cardale @will-effing-herondale @axoloteca @heronstairs2014 
*I’m soooo sorry for spamming you all with two fics in like, less than two hours, I swear I didn’t mean to!!
**If you want to be on my tag list, or if you changed your url recently and your not in the tag list anymore, let me know! Oh, an if you asked to be on the tag list and you’re not on it, please tell me (I’m very absentminded haha)
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atopearth · 3 years
Court of Darkness Part 6 - Rio Voleri Route
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I've always liked how friendly Rio is, so it's nice to see him do his best to make the heroine feel comfortable and happy. Honestly, Rio is so chill, I didn't realise he was a prince until Roy's route😂 Ohh wow, Rio and Thoma tend to the crops on a plot of land at the academy? That's pretty amazing. I'm glad that Rio putting hard work into his crops and reaping results from his tender care makes the heroine understand that if she wants to go back home, she'll need to work hard on her magic, and she can finally see that in a more positive light. I guess it's interesting to have an LI like Rio who is innocent when it comes to romance and doesn't think anything of it even though they are getting pretty close. I love how they walked around together and shared food together, that's nice. I wonder about those doughnut skewers though, certainly an interesting concept lol.
It's nice that the heroine knows her feelings, and it's lovely to see how Rio has really helped her laugh more and feel at home in this world with everyone. But now she's troubled with indecision over wanting to go home, but at the same time really enjoying her time and loving the people here. It was really sweet of Rio to be so understanding of her "lie" that she was from Avari, and even think about her first after finding out that she's actually from the human realm. I think the sweetest thing was him acknowledging that it must have been hard for her to accustom herself to this realm and praise her for being able to do so many things. Honestly, it's been getting pretty repetitive with the Rio being nice to the heroine but clueless to love to the point he's overly dense whilst the heroine constantly regales how depressing it is that she just keeps loving him more and more lol. Like, he's definitely very selfless and kind to protect her at the cost of himself even against the plants and things that are changing due to her magic leaking, but it seems like Rio really doesn't care about himself at all to the point that it's unhealthy. I guess it was sweet when he hugged her and didn't want any of the S rank guys to be her bodyguard instead of him though haha, maybe he's finally unconsciously realising his feelings? Or maybe all along he's just been repressing his feelings because he doesn't think he is "strong" enough to love anyone else considering he's a prince as well but only a B rank and isn't really good at magic?
Honestly, seeing how determined Rio is to protect the heroine and be the one by her side and not the other guys really moved me. I guess I warmed up to him more than I thought, because I was very worried about him when he got injured too haha! He's so sincere, it's hard to dislike him. It was nice how she kissed him to cure his wounds and he woke up like it was a fairy tale kiss haha. Even though Rio doesn't know how to label the feelings he has, when he said he wanted to kiss her another time, I was so happy for the heroine, her feelings finally got through!! But I guess it needed her to be brave enough to kiss him to cure him, and then kiss him again to physically show him what she really means by her feelings so he can't misinterpret them again lol. Rio being able to use ancient magic will be really interesting, he's so good at swordsmanship already, so having skills in both magic and the sword will be awesome. I feel so bad for Rio that his magic caused his crops to all die, that's so devastating. It kinda hurts to find out that this is probably because the heroine kissed him and changed something with his magic too. It's so sad that it implicates the idea that loving someone beneath the S ranks is impossible or just very difficult I guess😔 Rio deciding to lock himself up in like a jail so he can't hurt others is so sad😭 It was so sweet how the heroine made doughnuts for Rio so he would eat again🥺 Considering how important food is for Rio and how he thinks that a good meal can really change your mood, it's nice to see the heroine remember all that about him and try to get through to him with food. Seeing Rio be able to control his powers even after it being amplified by the heroine, and him being happy that it means they can safely be together was really nice.
Overall, I like Rio but I do think his route is kinda bland. Maybe because nothing much happens other than him being clueless for quite a while, then it's all about how the heroine's power is making plants and stuff go crazy lol. But I still really liked how much Rio liked the heroine that he wanted to protect her so much. I think it was cute how he wasn't really sure what his feelings were, but he knew what he wanted to do for the heroine and I think that became enough for me eventually, since his feelings got through to me haha. His sincere desire to protect her, and just having fun moments with her was really nice and I think the events of his route were more of the downside of this route. It wasn't interesting but it was cute in its own way because Rio’s personality really makes things happier and fun haha.
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marvelousell · 4 years
The Agreement (Part 3.)
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Pairing(s): frat boy!fwb!Tom x reader, frat boy!Harrison x reader
Summary: Tom is a typical frat boy, his love for partying, drinks and girls are bigger than his ego. Y/N is a whole different dimension, she keeps her circle small, and even though she knows her best friend Tom is a total douche, she can’t say no to the little deal that was sealed between the two of them.
Word count: 2.5k
A/N: Here it is guys part 3.! I’m so glad you all like this series, and I’m so grateful for all the amazing comments and reactions you send me 🥰. I would still appreciate it if you reblog, leave a comment or send a feedback!❤️
My tag list is open for this series!
Warnings: mentions of smut, swearing, mentions of alcohol
Part 1. Part 2.
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“Tom get that.”
“Tom your phone is ringing.”
“For fuck’s sake.”
The annoying beeping of the phone woke you from the deep slumber.
You were so jaded. The sharp pain in your muscles and in between your thighs made you yelp as you tried to sit yourself up.
Your eyes were burning, aching for more sleep.
“Are you deaf or what?” You said, finally opening your eyes.
However you were welcomed with an empty bed. The right side of the bed was cold, so it meant he went away a long time ago.
Stupid you.
“Well what did you thought Y/N? That he would stay in the morning, snuggle you up and make you breakfast?! Of course he would leave, that’s Tom after all.” You let out a loud sigh, crossing your arms, clearly annoyed that he didn’t at least tell you he was going home.
“A fucking message would be polite Holland.” You muttered to yourself.
Okay calm down. That’s how this thing works right? You wanted this, so we’re going to put the feelings aside.
“Okay the overthinking needs to stop, everything will be just fine.” You said, sliding back into your bed.
Hey it’s Saturday, nothing to do so why not?
Oh wait if it wasn’t Tom’s phone ringing it was yours.
Who is even already up at this time, and on weekend as well?
11:50 AM
Already noon? That explains a lot.
1 missed call from Anna
3 text messages from Anna
2 missed calls from Tom
3 text messages from Tom
So he did call after all. Lucky me.
Hey you up?
It’s almost noon Y/N you never sleep that long, call me when you wake up.
Are you going today? Do you want me to pick you up?
What the hell are you talking about Anna?
Did I make some plans and totally forgot about them? That would be embarrassing.
Morning love, I just wanted you to know I left early because the guys from the frat needed me. Didn’t want to wake you up, thought you need that rest after last night.
You still sleeping or? Did I dick you down that good?
Never mind. Harry is having a chill barbecue party tonight, so he told me to call you, Anna and Amelia are going too so they told me they would pick you up. Also take a bikini if you want to.
Dicked me down to good?! Idiot.
So the barbecue party is what they are talking about. Cool.
Will there be more cute girls? Probably.
And boys as well, so that means let’s have fun.
He isn’t the only one that can enjoy himself.
To Anna:
I’m going, pick me up around six.
Oh you better! Take that red cute bikini, some bird told me there will be some hot guys.
Typical Anna. But she ain’t wrong.
Stupid pain. I’m a mess, my room is a mess.
I need a break for sure, and a bath would definitely help because limping all day is a big no.
The scent of the eucalyptus oil filled the whole bathroom. The warm water mixed with it reduced the soreness and stiffness that was making you feel exhausted.
It was what you needed, enjoying the silence and some me time.
Until the phone rang again.
“Are you kidding me right now?” You groaned from the feeling of the chilly air coming in contact with your warm body as you tried to reach your phone.
“Hello.” You answered, closing your eyes to relax as much as possible.
“Good morning to you too love. Didn’t wanna answer my calls eh?”
“I was sleeping Tom.”
“Yes, but you replied to Anna’s messages.”
“Well she needed to know if she will pick me up or not.”
“So you’re going?” He asked.
“Of course I’m going, wouldn’t miss that.”
“I kinda called you to say that I’m going to ask Sophie for that coffee, so God please help me and get her off my dick.” Tom continued, hoping that this will go as planned.
“Mmm great.” You moaned, the bath doing the job, making you feel ten times better.
“Are you touching yourself?” The voice on the other line spoke. You could practically hear him smirking.
“Excuse you?!” You screeched, not believing his words now.
Well there goes your relaxing time.
Thanks Tom.
“Nothing to be ashamed of. If I was you, I would do that too after the good sex last night, with me in your mind, rewinding the scenes that happened.” He laughed through the phone.
“Your ego is really bigger than your dick Holland.” You joked, but still telling the truth.
“Ouch sweetheart, should I let you finish what you started? We don’t want you to be that infuriated tonight.”
“For your information I’m having a bath. Trying to relax a bit.” You spit back.
“Ohh, so I did a good job after all?”
“Goodbye Thomas, see you tonight.”
“Sure sweetheart, see you.”
He really was a pain in the ass sometimes, but there was something that made you totally hooked.
You ended the call, standing up from the bath drying yourself up.
“Let’s find that bikini then.”
It was 5 PM now, the doorbell echoing through the small apartment.
“Just a minute!”
“Hello to you too gorgeous.” Anna’s singing voice lightened up your mood instantly.
The anxiety was present. Normally it would just be a stupid barbecue party. All good, nothing to worry about. Anna, Amelia, Tom and Harry would be your company, you would all enjoy the night, talking and drinking together.
But after everything you couldn’t suppress the nervousness that was making you almost puke.
“You look beautiful Y/N! So I believe that you put on the red thing right?” She smiled, winking at you.
“I did. Who knows maybe someone will love that old piece?” You joked, looking for your bag.
“Oh come on, I have someone for you to meet tonight, he is totally your type!” She began, “A great opportunity to set aside the crush for our famous lover.”
Anna was the only one who knew about the silly crush on Tom.
I mean how could she not? You, Tom and Anna were inseparable since you were little kids.
Harry was younger so he joined the group later.
Amelia was the last addition. You two met in college, clicking immediately. So you introduced her to others, and that’s how it began.
“Fair enough, I do need someone right?” You questioned, styling your hair.
“Yes! It has been a while since you have had a boyfriend, and sex.” She raised her eyebrows, sending you a cheeky smile.
Yes, it has been. Especially sex. Fifteen hours is extremely long. I agree with that Anna.
“Oh, wait you had company yesterday?” She asked, eyeing the two wine stained glasses that were on the kitchen counter.
What am I supposed to say now?
“Uhm, n-no..both glasses are mine.” You said, hoping that she doesn’t suspect something.
“Both?” She asked suspiciously.
“Yeah, I was reading a book. My regular Friday night, and I was in the mood for some wine. I kinda put the first glass in my room, and when I went back to the living room I was already tipsy and I forgot where I put my glass, so I just took a new one.”
“Christ what a lame excuse Y/N.” You thought, feeling your cheeks getting hotter.
“Not going to lie, that sounds like you. You’re so confused when you get drunk.” She laughed, making you relaxed.
“Yeah, yeah…totally. Are we going now?” You said changing the theme, exhaling the air that got stuck in your throat a few seconds ago.
“Let’s go, you’re boy is waiting!”
Jesus give me strength for this night.
“Y/N! Anna!” Harry yelled, drawing the attention to us.
A chill barbecue party? This place is almost jam-packed.
“Well long time no see Harry.” You smiled, embracing him in a tight hug.
“Since Monday. I know you can’t go without me that long.”
“I guess I can’t.”
“You two can get a drink and take a seat or whatever you want. I still need to finish this food so I will find you after that, yes?” He asked.
“Don’t worry Holland Y/N will definitely be busy in a while.” Anna stated, laughing together with Harry.
“Oooh yes, forgot about that.”
“Why does everyone know something that I don’t?” You asked completely confused.
“Enjoy yourself Y/N! Why don’t you get us something to drink and I will try to find Amelia?”
“Sure, whatever.” You answered, still a bit suspicious because of their behaviour.
The place was starting to get full. The music that was playing in the house was loud enough for you to make your way to the kitchen as fast as you could.
You were looking around the house trying to find him. You couldn’t help yourself.
The kitchen was small but at least empty, and it had a view on the whole living room.
You put Anna’s drink on the counter, resting your back on it and looking at the sea of people, hoping you would catch at least a glimpse of Tom.
And you caught more than a glimpse for sure.
Tom and a familiar blonde attached to his hip.
Nothing unusual.
If only he wasn’t that dumb and blind, so he could see how much you like him and how a relationship isn’t a bad thing.
If only.
You are his best friend but you still didn’t know him.
Tom was a great guy. He had a good heart, but why didn’t he trust girls? Why is commitment such an issue for him?
Many questions were in your head right now and they were all unanswered.
Oh Tom, I definitely need to lose these feelings.
“He sure knows how to get a girl.” A male voice spoke behind you, making you turn instantly.
You were greeted with a pair of deep blue eyes that were fixed on yours. His broad smile and perfect teeth were absolutely breathtaking. They could brighten up every girls day.
His figure was leaning on the fridge, drink in his hand. He adjusted his glasses, still looking at you.
“You mean Tom? Yeah, but only in his bed.” You joked, making him laugh.
“You’re not wrong.” He spoke.
“I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself. Harrison.” He extended his hand, waiting for your name.
“Y/N, nice to meet you.” You took his hand in yours, the warm feeling sending chills through your body.
Jesus those irresistible blue eyes.
You were smiling like crazy, possibly looking like a fool.
“Beautiful name.” He spoke.
“Thank you, yours is not that bad either.” You smiled, unable to keep your eyes away from him.
Oh shit Anna’s drink.
Well she wouldn’t mind.
“Would you like to go outside maybe? A bit to crowded here.” He asked.
Is he really asking me to go with him somewhere?
Just be yourself Y/N.
“After you.” He motioned you to go first, standing close behind you.
How incredible would it be if Tom saw you now.
However he was to busy facing the girl that will be his partner for the night. He was whispering in her ear, making the blonde giggle.
You couldn’t judge, you fell for his actions too.
This is just for fun. This is just sex. Nothing else.
Keep that in mind.
Someone out there is waiting for you.
“What do you say?” Harrison’s voice was ringing in your ears.
I zoned out again, why am I so embarrassing?
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you the music is just too much.” You turned your head, his face now close to yours.
“No worries. I asked if you would like to sit there.” He asked one more time, pointing to the small table in the garden.
You nodded.
There were still people around you, but his presence was making you more nervous than them.
You didn’t feel like this in a while, that’s a good start.
“So..you’re here with someone?” He began the small talk.
“Yes, with my friends. Couldn’t miss Harry’s ‘chill’ party.” You laughed, emphasising the word chill.
“Harry and his chill parties.” Harrison laughed, seeing where you’re coming from.
“You know him?” He added.
“Harry? We’re best friends since forever.”
“Really? How did I never met such a beautiful friend of his?”
You were blushing like a teen girl on her first date.
Who wouldn’t? Look at him, he was not just handsome but kind and sweet as well.
“I’m not someone who would immediately catch a boy’s attention, but thank you.” You smiled, glancing at him lowering your eyes on your drink.
“You sure caught mine.” His sweet voice spoke back.
The damn weird feeling in my stomach. Is he really making me feel these things already?
“Oh stop it you’re making me blush.” You covered your face, grinning widely.
“I think that you’re absolutely adorable when you blush if I may add.” He laughed.
Harrison was smitten.
He just wanted to get himself a drink and go find Harry.
However his plans were interrupted by a gorgeous girl in a pastel dress.
She was already lost in her thoughts when he stepped inside.
Harrison still got a perfect view of her face that was staring at the crowd forming inside the house. He saw her looking at his best friend, her facial expression turning into a disgusting one after she saw Tom fondling the girl’s bare arm.
“First girl that doesn’t find his flirting intriguing.” He thought.
He needed to talk to you. You were something else, he didn’t want to lose the chance.
Thank God he found the courage to say something, because now he wouldn’t be here sitting with you. Looking at the most engaging smile ever.
“Thank you.” You spoke, trying to calm yourself.
“So.. You and Tom?” He smirked rising his eyebrow, waiting for an answer.
Oh no he saw you staring.
Harrison was just curious. He saw the difference between you and other girls from college, but he still asked that.
“Me and him? God no! I’m his best friend.” You replied, putting on a disgusting face.
“Hey I don’t judge, just asking.” He put his hands up in in defence.
“But honestly, you don’t seem like that kind of girl.”
Now you were the one waiting for an answer.
“What I wanted to say is that you seem very bright. That the lame flirting attempts aren’t your weakness and that you’re not an attention seeker. You’re a girl who knows what she deserves. Gosh that sounded better in my head I’m sorry.” He chuckled, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I just think that you’re pretty cute, not like the other girls here.”
This guy.
You couldn’t get enough of him. Hopefully he will be around here much more.
“That’s so sweet of you. Thank you Harrison, it turned out really nice.”
“Just the truth beautiful.” He smiled at you.
“Well, well, look what we have here.”
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princeanxious · 5 years
for the touch starved thing, platonic creatwins? where they’re both finally accepting of each other, and roman one day randomly pats remus on the back, and remus just. hasn’t been touched in so long, because deceit mostly kept to himself and the others despised him, so he’s just. really shook and quietly says “could you do that again?” and roman is confused as to what he means, but anyway roman is horrified to find out how touch starved his twin actually is
Ohohoho angsty! Very angsty. I like it. Heres what I came up with, its not super long but its enough i hope. Hhhh
Warnings: Sympathetic Remus, brotherly Creativitwins, touch starved Remus, touch starved character recieving touch for the first time in literal years, allusions to talking about gore but its like super minor, and i think thats it?? Angst out the wazoo! Also not beta’d bcs it’s 2:30 am and I am probably going to bed after this to answer the rest of the prompts tomorrow xD so all mistakes are mine
One Touch Breaks the Dam
They’d come a long way to get to now, where Remus could relax on the living room floor in the commons without his shirt on(though, pants, he’d been told, were mandatory) and draw with his bro in relative peace. They’d bicker here and there, but it was all lighthearted and fun. Logan relaxed on one side of the couch with a book, occasionally chipping a piece of info into the ever changing conversation topics.
The acceptance hadn’t come easy, though it wasn’t like Remus hadn’t deserved his family, it just happened that he’d had to fight tooth and nail to even get that idea rolling. He didn’t mind it much, didn’t dwell on it too long if he could help it, that his brother got it scott free and he’d had to hike the mountain the whole way to meet him there. It didn’t matter now, now really, because he’d made it. And they’d helped him get here just as much as he worked to get here, and sure, there were still plenty of rough spots to smooth out. No family was perfect, he knew, but every improvement made him happy as can be.
He could hang out with Patton while the father figure baked, and listen to Logan ramble on about his latest hyper fixation. Remus could finally sit near Virgil and listen to his edgy music together, he could even go and help Dee tend to his two pet snakes! Sure, he’d been given a few ground rules set to follow with all of them, and sometimes he forgot them.. but they seemed to get more patient with him with each passing day as soon as they saw how guilty he felt about breaking one of the rules.
Where Virgil had once worried that the other’s acceptance of him could be reversed in one mistake, Remus sometimes seemed to believe he still hadn’t fully gained it yet. That he expected at any moment they would turn and tell him to leave, and he would without hesitation because he’d gotten what he wanted, even if he couldn’t have kept it, just having a taste of any of it was enough to satisfy him for a lifetime. Or.. so he said, in his quieter, not so spontaneous moments.
The world could leave Remus alone again, and he’d be fine, because for just a short period of time, he’d had a family to be part of. That was enough. None of the sides bought it, not fully at least, despite knowing Remus was the least likely to lie in any situation. Even Dee was skeptical that Remus was trying to lie to himself, but could never fully be sure.
However, with each passing week, the abandonment never came. And slowly, Remus stopped believing that they would leave, and only then could things really begin to move forward.
With each loud and brash outburst, be it gruesome or simply just a well timed, if over-enthusiastic, meme to reply with, the others slowly got used to him. And in turn, Remus adjusted to the others just the same.
It sometimes does wonders to someone prone to attention-drawing outbursts to finally have so many people to interact with as distractions, and slowly become normal interactions with family instead.
Shaking his head, Remus let out a loud breath to re-center his brain on the present and now, knowing that his brain could wander from thought to thought with wild abandon. Roman’s eyes flicked up to meet Remus’s, checking in and receiving a toothy grin in return.
Scooting closer till they were about a foot apart, side by side, Remus presented his new idea to add to their castle defense system in the imagination. Both of them had been working on the plan together all day, seeing as it was a day off for Thomas to just relax.
“Ohh, hmmm. True, geese do make much better outer defensemen than sharks, the scary feathered demons. I like it!” Roman grinned, giving Remus a gentle but reassuring pat on his back, knowing that praising Remus for working his ideas into something constructive would make his brother beam.
Instead, Remus froze for a brief second, before his entire torso trembled harshly for a split second, scaring Roman into moving his hand off of his brother in alarm.
“..woah. Okay. Um, Re? What..?” He trailed off, noticing his brother’s body language. Hunched and closed, and absolutely stiff and still. Remus’s eyes had gone blank for a brief second before blinking to life, skittering around until they focused on Roman.
“C-c.. Could you do that.. Again?”
Roman almost leaped to the thought of his brother doing something weird again, as he could be prone to do. But what stopped him in his tracks was the way his brothers eyes were wide, jaw slack and body tense as his arms reached to hold himself. The way his brothers voice shook like a timid, fearful child asking the kind of question they think could break super expensive glass and ruin everything forever. It was.. heartbreaking. All he’d done is pat his brother’s back, and to receive such a stark reaction to something so small? Something was definitely wrong.
With a gentle nod, Roman slowly moved his hand back to his brother’s back, instead just resting it there. Even as Remus’s shoulders convulse again, then devolving into twitching and shaking, he keeps a close eye on Remus, and waits for his signal to stop.
Remus doesn’t signal, and instead focuses on breathing deeply, trying to keep himself grounded into the now and not lose himself to his whirling mind. It’s only when Roman starts rubbing small, careful circles into Remus’s shoulder does Remus start to break, a sob forcing its way through Remus’s throat. His face is scrunched like hes in pain, his shoulders tensed tight, his hands gripping firmly at his upper arms, his head held low as another sob shakes its way through and tears drip down his face.
Later, when there's time to think and his brother is asleep cuddled between Patton and himself, Roman will realize why Remus was always so confident that he’d be fine if they left him all alone again.
Remus had been alone since their split. He’d had nothing of memory or of reference to all that he’d been missing throughout the years.
Most of all, the lack of a loving and caring embrace.
Roman was going to change that.
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monsoonblooms12 · 4 years
Christmas with the Waverleys ❄️: Part II
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Summary: How do things turn out when Alex and Pooja are teleported to the 19th century for a Victorian Christmas🎄?
A/N: Hi, how is everyone doing💫💛? Firstly, wishing a very happy Christmas Eve to everyone🎄! TBH I still cannot believe this year is about to end. Anywho, I wish everyone’s life is filled with joy, wonder and happiness and the new year brings you loads of new possibilities and new memories. Love you all!💛
If you enjoyed the story, please like, leave a comment or reblog. Your feedback keeps me going 💕
Thank you so very much @caseyvalentineramsey for prereading and @jamespotterthefirst for prereading and helping me up with the editing. You guys are life-savers and I love you💛💛
Characters: For this part, the characters are my OH f!MC(Dr. Pooja Sharma) and OH F!OC (Dr. Alexandra Walton), Eleanor Waverley, Thomas Waverley, Clarissa Waverley, Simon Waverley, Rose Waverley and William Waverley
Word Count: around 3.2K
Rating: General
Prompts :-
CFWC(@choicesficwriterscreations ) Winter Season Prompt #6: Character A doesn’t like the holidays. B loves it. Will B try to find out why or convince A to celebrate it?
@choicesmonthlychallenge ​~Sibling Appreciation: The Waverley Siblings
@choicesdecemberchallenge ​ Day 24: Eve
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December 24th (contd.)
Suddenly it felt as if the world was spinning very, very rapidly around them. They felt dizzy, nauseous. Just when bearing everything was becoming too much, a chilly air went past them.
They slowly opened their eyes. And the sight in front of them had them holding their breath without their knowledge.
A huge medieval mansion, covered in snow, appeared before them. It was majestic, beautiful and warm.
They looked around. As far as the eye could see, No other house was visible.
Is this the place they were supposed to reach? Or did something go wrong?
Pooja and Alex looked around in utter awe. Both due to the mansion and the wonder if they had been teleported to 19th century London.
"There you are!" A deep, humble, feminine voice called out.
Turning around they saw a young girl either approaching 20 or in her very early 20s coming out from the mansion towards them. She wore a medieval red gown, the upper half of which was covered by a shawl, and only the lower half with minute patterns of red silk was visible.
Not knowing what else to do, Pooja and Alex, too started walking through the snow towards her.
After a few minutes, they stood face to face. The girl had a small, faint smile, but her eyes expressed the happiness she felt on meeting her visitors.
She bowed slightly.
"I am Eleanor Waverley."
"You both must be Pooja and Alexandra!"
Confused, both of them bowed similarly as Eleanor had. Confirming her words, Pooja spoke, "Yes! I am Pooja, and she" She pointed towards Alex, " is Alexandra."
"Great! Oh! I haven't even invited you in. Please follow me."
"This is our house, The Braidwood Manor." 
Eleanor added as she opened the brown panelled glass door and led them in.
The interiors of the Manor gave a majestic vibe. A huge golden chandelier with 7 ornate lamps hung down from the high ceiling. The floor had decorated tiles of various shades of orange and brown. 
On entering, Pooja and Alex were mesmerized with the beautiful inside. It also provided them with the warmth which they were craving since the time they teleported to the Victorian Era of Britain.
When the two were taking in all the details, Eleanor's voice jolted them out of their thoughts.
"From the time Mrs Ainsworth informed us that some guests were going to join us for Christmas, we were excited. Especially my sister and my little brother." A smile lightened up her face as Eleanor gazed gratefully at her guests.
"I thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining us this year. I promise you will not regret anything about all this. We rarely have visitors on Christmas. Your presence is like a light in our dark, solitary winter nights. Thank you, thank you very much!"
 A little tear slipped down her eye as the smile remained still on her face, signifying her happiness.
Pooja stepped forward. 
"Eleanor, It is not you but us who should be thankful. Thank you for letting us celebrate this Christmas with you. Maybe, finally, my best friend—" She pointed towards Alex "—will warm up to the idea of holidays. We are very excited for the celebrations" 
She finished with a smile as Alex joined her. Alex's face, too, bore a smile, but it didn't quite crinkle the corners of her eye. It was a pleasantry.
"We are excited too! Let me introduce you to my famil- Oh!" Eleanor abruptly stopped. "I nearly forgot! Let me first show you your rooms. And-" 
She seemed awkward, as if searching for words. She looked down at their dresses.
And Alex, understanding what she was trying to signify, relieved her from her awkwardness.
"Eleanor, I guess it has something to do with our dresses, right?"
Not knowing what to say, She nodded her head slightly.
Pooja said, "Ohh Yes! Eleanor, please help us with them?"
Eleanor was relieved for not having to say it herself. She was pleased with their intuition and understanding nature.
"Please follow me. I will provide you with everything."
She led the two of them up the Grand stairs to their rooms. As the two slowly took in their surroundings, Eleanor came and provided them both with a beautiful Victorian gown. Pooja's was teal and white, while Alex's was hunter green and Congo red.
Once ready and all decked up, Eleanor took them for introductions.
The three of them entered the dining area of the Manor, and slowly the big family of three young children and their parents came into view, seated on the dining table, behind which, the wall bore an intricately decorated mural and a magnificent fireplace along with some painting of the family.
The sound of the footsteps caused five heads to turn their way, each accompanied by a gentle smile and warmth in their eyes. Each, except one. The boy's face did turn towards them, but it remained hostile and indifferent.
"Seems like he doesn't prefer our company"
"Mmm-hmm. It's okay, We are just here for a day"
Pooja and Alex went up to the friendly members who had now got up from their chairs and stood to welcome them. 
Eleanor, went to the elder lady, and spoke to her, "Mum, they are our guests for Christmas." She went up to Pooja. "This is Pooja" and then to Alex "and this is Alexandra"
Her mother stepped forward and the two girls bowed like they had seen Eleanor do when she met them. She was pleased and warmly welcomed them.
"Ahh! So happy to have two golden girls joining us. I am Rose Waverley." She kindly gestured them to get seated at the table along with everyone else.
Once everyone settled down, Eleanor finished up the rest of the introductions. Her father William Waverley, her sister Clarissa Waverley and her two brothers, Thomas and Simon.
After chatting a bit more, they finally delved into the Celebration plans.
"My dears, we haven't started putting the decorations yet, because I very strongly believe that decorations are a very essential part of igniting the holiday spirit." Mrs. Waverley informed.
Alex nearly scoffed at the 'Holiday Spirit' but realizing the circumstances they were in, she stopped herself.
Holiday spirit, ugh! Why Poo Why?
But Pooja was genuinely excited. She always wanted to visit a Victorian house and celebrate Holidays the Victorian way.
And all this? It felt like a dream come true.
She excitedly said, "Very True, Mrs. Waverley! And please don't worry! We will help in every way we can."
"Great then! We can start working then. Ellie, and our guests can put up the decorations, while Clarissa helps me in the kitchen. Thomas can put up everyone's stockings, and two more for our guests, at the fireplace, while Simon and Dad finish the book they were reading."
Everyone happily nodded and went on to carry out their assigned jobs.
Pooja, Alex and Eleanor, headed towards the Parlour. It was grand. 
Two huge bay windows brought in the faint light of the exteriors. By one of the window, an elegant piano sat peacefully and on the other side was a large, comfortable couch, perfect for family seating.
And just beside the couch, was a beautiful, delicately manicured, fir tree stood as the symbolism of the Festivals.
Pooja and Alex were so immersed in viewing everything that they didn't notice that Eleanor was not there with them. They realized the same when she came with a huge box in her hand.
"Here are the decorations that are to be placed" 
She set down the box that she was carrying. It was filled to the rim with glass ornaments, crackers, lights, red paper strips and various other decors of tin and leather.
"But I am really confused about which pieces to put up and which to skip out?" 
Eleanor sighed, staring at the plethora of ornaments. 
Pooja nudged Alex, "Don't worry! When Alexandra Walton is here, nothing can go wrong!"
What in the world? Poo has lost her mind. Oh, No!! Now what?
"Uh... Huh. Ya, I mean, sure. I will help."
"Help, Lex? Nah. You will lead, we will follow."
Eleanor let out a gentle chortle as Pooja continued to tease Alex. She was in awe of both of their friendships.
Suddenly she remembered that soon, very soon, they will take their leave.
She sighed as she thought. Even though they had come in her life for an hour or so at most, it felt like they knew each other since forever.
"Eleanor?" She was brought back to the Braidwood Manor by the sublimely worried voice of Pooja. She looked at them to see both the girls looking at her with a concerned look.
"Eleanor? Is everything alright? If there is any trouble troubling you, you can share it. We will help any way we can!" Pooja and Alex assured.
"No! No worries, as such. Just..." A pause. "I have never had anyone like both of you in my life. Although my family is loving, and I will forever be grateful for them, but... I have, never had friends like you both are."
"Oh, Ellie!" Pooja calling her by her nickname caught her off guard for a moment, but she soon got her grip and smiled at her. "You are our friend. Good friend," 
"Great friend" Alex inserted.
"No matter, we are here tomorrow or not, you will always be our friend,"
"Always?" Eleanor sought for a confirmation.
"Always." The two assured while placing a hand on Ellie's shoulder. Their hearts were full of the feelings of a freshly sprouted planting of friendship.
"Oh-kay! So let's start creating a masterpiece out of this tree, shall we?" Pooja shot an excited look towards her friends.
"Yaa, Happy Holidays." Alex groaned and rolled her eyes.
"Alexandra, you won't regret it! Let's get going!"
"If you say so." Alex gave her a tiny smile. She was not the one to turn down a good friend.
"And, it's Alex" she added as the three went up to look through the ornament.
Time passed, like a gushing stream flowing down a rocky hill, as the three meticulously put each glass ornament, each cracker and the fairy lights, one by one, with extreme care and perfection. 
Pooja was hyped, Eleanor excited, and Alex, very strangely, was Happy. 
Was it because of the company, or had she finally begun to enjoy holidays? That will forever remain a mystery. 
But will it be so bad to see Alexandra Walton opening up to the idea of festivals? Not a mince!
An unknown number of hours later, they were finally done. They stepped back to admire their handiwork.
And didn't it reflect their hard work! 
Each delicately placed ornament, each strand of fairy light, each funfilled cracker made the tree look heavenly. 
Their placements complemented each other and their collaboration was splendid. 
If they weren't friends made for each other, who were?
As Pooja, Alex and Ellie stood admiring the bejewelled fir, a soft aroma filled the room. It was then they realized, how hungry they had been! As soon as the thoughts crossed their mind, Clarissa came into the parlour. The power of telepathy!
"The food had been served! Mom invited you all to the dining room." She almost left when her eyes fell on the tree.
"Woooow! This is so pretty! Mom and Dad will be so happy."
She went to where Pooja and Alex stood.
"Thank you soo much for this. I have never seen our tree looking soo beautiful! You two are angels."
The little girl's happiness reflected in her eyes.
Alex lightly placed her hand on her shoulder. "We enjoyed decorating it too! But you should thank your sister first. Without her, this wouldn't have been able to do it so perfectly."
Clarissa went to her sister and gave her a big hug. "You know you're the best Eleanor. You're the best big sister." 
Eleanor shed a tear as she hugged her little sister back. "You are precious too, Clarissa! You, Thomas, Simon, you all are!"
After staying in the hug for a bit longer, Clarissa escorted them to the dining room. As soon as they entered, the delicious aroma of several lavish and extravagant delicacies overpowered their senses. Their mouths watered. 
At the table, they say a perfectly roasted stuffed turkey sat at the centre. Mashed potatoes, gravy and vegetables were placed in sparkly silver. There was cranberry sauce. Oysters, Yorkshire Pudding and tender Chicken looked delightful.
"Please take a seat my dears" Mrs Waverley urged as she placed two decorative plates in front of them along with all the additional pieces of cutlery.
"This is a traditional English Christmas Feast. Enjoy yourselves!" She said as she whole-heartedly served her guests.
After they finished the huge servings of the main course, dessert was served. A beautifully made Christmas pudding and a piece of fruitcake.
If not before, Alex had definitely melted by now. As she finished the last crumb of the delicacies served, she thought to herself, "Maybe Holidays aren't so bad. Food, Friends, Happiness. I don't think I could ask for more." 
What a growth!
After the dinner, as Pooja went to see the Christmas tree one last time, she heard a soft melody touching her ears, which came from the Parlour. As Pooja went in, she saw the silhouette of a boy playing the Grand Piano. As she went in, she realized that it was Thomas.
Without disturbing him, she stood a little closer. Thomas must have realized that someone was there. He abruptly turned back.
"What are you doing here?"
"I remembered a tune that I learnt some while ago. Is it okay if I play?" Pooja enquired.
"Fine. Go On." 
Thomas remained Stoic, but he was definitely intrigued.
Pooja slowly took a seat at the piano. She played the gentle notes of a Parlour music tune she had picked up from Alekhya. Thomas closed his head as he lightly swayed his head with the soft tune.
Once finished, He looked up to Pooja at awe.
"Where did he you learn that from? That was melodious!"
Not answering his question, Pooja offered, "Do want to learn it?"
Thomas let out an excited Yes. And the duo spent the rest of the evening teaching each other tunes and talking a bit here & there.
All this while Alex went to Simon. The little boy was so excited to see her. Mr Waverley left him with her as he went to have a stroll.
Simon sat on her lap and Alex, told him colourful stories, of fairies, of dragons and even of the future. Her storytelling won his heart and his demands for One More! never diminished.
 At last, as he fell in a sweet slumber, the long evening of stories ended.
A little while later, Pooja came searching her. She told her about her evening with Thomas and Alex softly told about how she spent her evening with Little Simon.
As they chatted, they did not take notice of Mr Waverley coming back in the room. When he slowly called for Simon, that's when they got aware of his presence.
As Alex handed Simon back to him and the two took their leave, Mr Waverley stopped them. They turned to see the man having a smile of gratitude on his lightly wrinkled face.
"I can not thank the both of you enough for coming here today. Our Christmas, Holidays have always been just the family. My kids always wanted to have someone over for the occasion, but living in a solitary area like this didn't make it easy for people to come over. Having you here, I can undoubtedly say that this was the Best Christmas Eve we have ever had!"
At his words, both Pooja and Alex had tiny droplets at the corner of their eyes. They thanked him and chatted with him for a little while before finally retiring for the night.
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December 25th
The Christmas morning began when Eleanor came waking the two sleepyheads and asking them to come and see the gifts they had received.
They got dressed and as they entered the Parlour, were greeted with excited squeals and heartfelt laughter, that rubbed away any reminiscences of sleep that remained.
They saw the family opening their gifts and the floor all covered with handkerchiefs, pieces of jewellery, board games books, mufflers, embroidered suspenders and even larger articles like a theatrophone and a dishwasher.
Pooja and Alex too got sweets, nuts, little handmade trinkets, jewellery, reading books, watch case and scarves. 
The unique article that Pooja got was a vintage board game while for Alex it was an Indian work humidor. 
Both of them also received a box of home-made cookies each. Everything was too precious for them, the bonding that they had formed with this happy family was all they needed for a great time.
A lot of talks, food and smiles later, all of them dressed up for the Church.
However, Pooja and Alex realized they didn't have much time left. They asked Eleanor about the time.
It was still early. Perhaps they would be able to listen to the carols before they had to take their leave.
"Ellie, I don't think we will be able to stay for longer. We will get to hear the carols but, we don't much time left."
"Can't you stay here with us?" Eleanor said as sadness spread over her features.
"We are sorry Eleanor, but there are some circumstances not in our hand. When time comes, one has to bid Adieu! But the feeling is definitely mutual." Alex softly replied.
Their heart broke at the thought that they would never be able to see each other again. But what is the use of denying the inevitable.
Eleanor was one determined girl. She wouldn't let them miss the carols!
"You came this time, you will come again. You know the right person who can bring you back. Promise me, Promise me you will come back!" Eleanor requested.
Then it dawned upon them. If the lady brought them here once, she could bring them back again!
Happily, they promised, "Promise."
And with that, the three hurried down to join the family on their way to the Church.
Carol singers and musicians played and sang the five melodious and popular carols of the era. Beginning their performance with O Come all ye Faithful, and the symphony continued with Once in Royal David’s City, moving on to See Amid the Winters Snow, O Little Town of Bethlehem.
At last came the majestic music of Away in a Manger.
Each of the performance was a musical gem, and if they could, they would have recorded each of the pieces and take them with them.
But just as the ending notes of the Carol began playing, Pooja and Alex, started feeling slightly light-headed.
Their time, here, was coming to an end.
Quietly whispering their hurried goodbyes, they picked the bag of their gifts.
As they went last notes of the Carols faded, they faded from the 19th century with the pieces of love they had garnered from the Era of Victoria.
Only one thought crossed their mind as their senses finally gave out.
This was a Christmas well spent.
PS: Lots of hearty thank yous to you for reading💖! I hope you have a great day ahead💖, and wishing you a Very Merry Christmas is Advance🎄!
Fic Tags (please let me know if you want to be added or removed!) : @bbrandy2002 @whimsicallywayward15 @ohramsey  @hopelessromanticmonie @trrfanaddict @nervoussaladsludgeopera @imonlybibecauseofethanramsey @lovablegranny @bellcat2010 @gkittylove99 @starrystarrytrouble @3riche @chetachisblog @arcticriver @aylaramseycarrera  @drariellevalentine @mvalentine ​ @aestheticartsx ​@angela8754 ​ @schnitzelbutterfingers ​ @ao719 ​ @choicesstan1 @nikki-2406 ​ @neotericthemis ​ @anotherbeingsworld @maurine07 @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @zoehanji
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harringtonstilinski · 4 years
You’ll Always Be My Hero - Chapter 16 ; Abomination
Author: @harringtonstilinski​ Characters: Stiles Stilinski x Emma Thomas (OC) Word Count: 5,941 Warnings: mentions of a dead body, more confessions, A/N: Hi, friends! Chapter 16 is here, and we’re finally being introduced to the Kanima. We’ve changed the uploading schedule for this series, so if you’re not familiar with it, please click here. If you like this chapter, please do not hesitate to reblog and give some feedback, whether it be in the reblogs, comments, or my inbox. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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After crawling out of that freaking dumpster, Stiles and I found ourselves at the car shop. Since Erica rudely tore out the starter from the Jeep, Stiles obviously needed a new one.
“Shit. I'll be right back. Stay here,” he told me. He got up from his chair next to me and walked over to the door. “I mean it. Stay here.”
I stood up and walked to the door, standing on the outside of it. Thank God this door didn't lock from the inside. “Stay here. Pshh. Like that's gonna keep me from staying still,” I told myself as I watched Stiles walk over to the mechanic.
“Hey. Hey! Wha-- what do you think you're doing? All I needed was a starter,” Stiles told the mechanic.
“Yeah, but it looks like your whole exhaust system has gotta be replaced, too,” the mechanic replied.
I couldn't see the look on his face, but I knew that Stiles had that I've already killed you three different times look on his face.
“Why do I get the feeling you're slightly overestimating the damage?”
“It's probably gonna run you around, like, twelve hundred, parts and labor.”
“Are you kidding? This thing doesn't even have a catalytic converter. And yes, I know what a catalytic converter is,” I heard Stiles say, that last part in a mocking tone.
All I saw was Stiles' arms shootout and his head bob back and forth. 
“You know what a limited slip differential is?” the mechanic asked, looking at Stiles.
“I-- no,” Stiles said, voice slightly shaking.
“Yeah, could you more like fifteen hundred,” Mechanic said, going back to this whirring device. Don't judge me. I don't know that much about cars. Trust me, I don’t.
Stiles sighed and said, “Okay, just finish.”
He came out from under the car jack, so that was my cue to hurry and try to get back in my chair. I went to open the door, feeling a slimy substance on the handle. “Ew.”
“I'll be back here-- seething with impotent rage,” Stiles said before sighing. “At that and the sight in front of me. Em, I thought I told you to stay in there?”
“You think telling me to stay still is gonna keep me from staying still?” I asked.
He just looked at me with anger. Not at me, at Mechanic. He put his hand on the door knob, noticing the same stuff that I did. “Ohh, nice. That's real sanitary,” he said, turning his head to yell at Mechanic. “Quality establishment you're running here.” He opened the door back up, letting me walk in first, him following. He closed the door and wiped his hand on his jacket. I wiped mine on my pants while he was yelling at the guy.
We both looked over to our right, seeing a photo of Mechanic. He was wearing a Beacon Hills Lacrosse uniform.
“Figures,” Stiles said. He walked a couple steps, reaching into this pocket.
While he was doing that, I noticed that my hand was feeling funny. No, wait. I couldn't feel it. At all.
“Stiles?” I said.
“I can't feel my hand... or my arm... or--” I started explaining. I ended up falling down to the ground on my back, trying to grab onto the chair as I went down.
I saw that Stiles was having a hard time trying to type something on this phone, but couldn't. It was like his hand stopped moving, much like mine.
“What the--” he said, right before he dropped his phone, hands shaking. I'm guessing his arms decided they didn't wanna move either. He looked up through the window and saw something.
All the feeling in my neck went away as my head turned to my right. I'm not sure if Stiles saw what I did because I was starting to freak out. I saw a scaly looking hand with clear claws come out the driver window.
“Uh... hey,” Stiles said.
“Stiles, I can't move my body!” I freaked out.
“Hey!” Stiles yelled, his voice hoarse. “You're gonna be okay, Emma. Just hang on.”
I saw Mechanic put his hand up behind his neck, falling down the ground.
“Hey!” Stiles screamed, voice wavering, but it didn't get anywhere. He fell to the ground on his stomach at my legs. He tried crawling to his phone, which had conveniently landed near my shoulder. When he stopped crawling, the top of his head was level with my shoulders.
All I could see was the mechanic under the car jack where the tires normally are before the jack started to slowly come down, as if whatever was in the Jeep had pressed the button to make it go down.
“Stiles, call 911,” I said.
“I'm trying,” he replied, both of us helplessly watching. 
“Help!” the mechanic cried, just as helpless as me and Stiles.
“Em, look away”
“I can't, you oinker! I can't move my head!”
Hearing the pleas of the mechanic made me want to cry. So that's what I did. I was crying because I couldn't help him and because I was helpless and because I was for sure gonna witness him getting mushed under the Jeep. I closed my eyes at almost the last second, prepared to hear the squish. But it never came. Instead, what did was a clanging noise.
I opened my eyes, and was breathing heavily while I heard Stiles' pants. 
“Em, you alright?” he asked. 
Without missing a beat, a man-sized lizard type creature popped up in front of us, making me scream.
Stiles jumped and it roared, but not like a werewolf.
I heard the dial tone ringing, letting me know that Stiles had successfully dialed 911.
“911, what's your emergency.”
About 10 minutes later, Stiles and I found ourselves sitting in the back of an ambulance. The funny thing is, about 5 minutes before they showed up, we both had feelings in our bodies again. 
I was sitting next to him with a blanket over my shoulders when Sheriff came over and sat down next to me, asking us what happened. I looked to Stiles as he answered for both of us, “I told you, we just-- we walked in, and we saw the Jeep on top of the guy, that's all.”
He pressed his hands together. I had my hands hidden under the blanket because it was raining and I was cold, but I was rubbing mine together. 
“What’s wrong with your hands?” Sheriff asked.
I looked up at him.
“I can see your hands moving under the blanket, Emma,” he said.
“Oh,” I sighed.
Stiles shook out his hand. “Nothing. Can I just get out of here now and take Emma home?”
Sheriff looked at us for a second before saying, “Look, if there's something you don't think you can tell me--”
“You think we're lying?” Stiles asked.
“Stiles.” I said quietly, putting a hand on his arm to try and calm him down some as I rested my head on his shoulder.
“No, of course not,” Sheriff replied. “I'm just worried about you, both of you. Now, if you saw someone do this, if you're afraid that maybe they're gonna come back and make sure you don't say anything about it--” Sheriff stopped mid-sentence. 
“We didn’t see anything, Sheriff,” I said. “At all.”
“Can we go now, please?” Stiles asked. 
Sheriff just looked at Stiles like he was disappointed at him and nodded softly while looking away. “Sure. But not in your Jeep.”
Stiles, who had been looking down, looked over at Sheriff kinda quickly, knocking his chin on my forehead.
“Ow,” I said.
“Sorry,” Stiles replied. 
“We're gonna have to impound it,” Sheriff told Stiles, getting up, Stiles holding out his hands in a why movement. “Sorry, kid. Evidence. See you both at home.” Sheriff patted me on the shoulder and walked away while Stiles sighed.
“Alright, well, at least make sure they wash it,” Stiles said.
“Call Scott?” I asked. “See if he can come get pick us up. I'd really like to take a warm shower.”
About 10 minutes later after Stiles had called Scott, the rain had stopped. I gave the EMT the blanket back and walked with Stiles over to Scott's car, where he got in the front and I in the back.
“You guys okay?” Scott asked us.
“Yeah, we're fine, Scotty,” I said with a slight smile.
“You were right,” Stiles said after a second of silence. “It's not like you. I mean, it's eyes were almost, like, reptilian.”
“But there was something about 'em,” I piped in. 
“What do you mean?” Scott asked, turning a little to look back at me.
I looked over at the side of Stiles' face. He looked like he either didn't wanna talk anymore or like he was thinking about something totally different now. 
I sighed and replied to Scott, as softly as I could, “You know when you see like, a friend in a Halloween mask, but all you can actually see are their eyes, and you feel like you know them, but you just can't figure it out who it is?”
“Are you saying you two know it is?” Scott asked me.
“No,” I said, looking once again at Stiles' profile before I looked back at Scott. “But I think it knew us.”
After Scott had dropped Stiles and I off back at home, I headed straight for my bedroom to grab my pajamas then headed for the bathroom to take a nice long, warm shower. I sighed in content when I hopped in after undressing. I wanted to pamper myself after the day I'd just had. 
Once I'd washed my hair, body and face, I turned off the water and stepped out, drying myself off. I got dressed and went downstairs to find me some food because I was starving.
I went straight for the fridge, opening it and seeing what was inside to eat. I spotted a couple containers of Chinese food. “Hey, Stiles. Is this Chinese food any good?” I yelled.
“Yes, it is and you didn't need to yell,” he replied, standing to my right, holding his ears.
“Sorry. Want some?”
He shook his head, so I shrugged. “More for me.”
I took out a bowl and scooped some of the Chicken Lo Mien into it. I put the bowl of chicken and noodles in the microwave, turning around and putting my hands on the counter. I looked up at Stiles and saw him eyeing his hand again. I walked up to him and took his hand in mine. I did what I wanted to in that moment, and kissed his palm. 
He looked at me, shocked that I just did that. “Why'd you do that?” he asked, softly.
“Because I felt like it,” I said, shrugging my shoulders and looking up at him. I still couldn't see what emotion I saw in his eyes. I did, however, see his eyes dart from my lips and back to my eyes. 
“So, that was, uhm--” I said, letting go of his hand and backing up to the counter. “A really crazy afternoon, night… whatever you wanna call it.”
I jumped on the counter, crossing my ankles and swinging them as he answered, “Yeah. Crazy, crazy.”
It was quiet for a moment before I quickly jumped off the counter and opened the microwave, checking the temperature of my food. When it was where I wanted it to be, I reopened the fridge to put the box away and grabbed the soy sauce, putting some of it on my noodles and replacing it in the fridge. Closing the fridge, I grabbed a fork and my bowl and started towards my room.
“Noah,” I said, nodding my head once. 
Almost tripping a few times, I took a few bites of my food as I made it to my room and shut the door. I took another bite from my bowl and looked over to my night stand. Seeing my book, I shrugged, took another bite and walked to my bed. I grabbed my book and started reading while I ate my dinner.
Stiles didn't come to my room that night, but he did send me a text.
Stiles: Gonna stay in my room tonight. Nothing to do with you.
Emma: … well. I guess, I'll see you in the morning, then.
Stiles: Goodnight, Em.
Emma: Goodnight, Stiles.
The next day at school, I found myself sitting next to Scott at the bottom of one of the staircases, Stiles behind us a couple steps.
“I'm so sorry about the other day,” I said. “I'm trying. We'll get through this. I know, because I love you. I love you more than-- oh, my god! I can't-- you and Allison just have to find a better way to communicate, Scotty. This is weird.”
“Come on! You're the only two that we can trust. Is she coming to the game tonight?” Scott said.
“Yes,” Stiles said. “Okay? Message complete. Alright, now tell us about your boss.”
“Yeah,” I said.
Scott watched as someone made their way up the steps before turning back to us, saying quietly, “Uh, he thinks that Allison's family keeps some kind of, uh, records of all the things that they've hunted. Like a book.”
Stiles and I clapped at the same time then said, “He probably means a bestiary.”
“What?” Scott asked, like he didn't understand what we were talking about. Probably because he didn't...
“A bestiary, Scotty,” I said.
Scott chuckled like that word was funny. “I think you mean bestiality.”
“Nope, pretty sure I don't,” I sassed.
“Yeah. She's right, Scott,” Stiles said. I looked at both boys and rolled my eyes, shaking my head.
“It's like an encyclopedia of mythical creatures,” I informed Scott.
“How am I the only one that doesn't seem to know anything about this stuff?” Scott asked.
“Okay, ya’know, you're our best friend. You're a creature of the night, it's kind of like a priority of ours.”
“Okay. If we can find it, and it can tell us what this thing is--”
“And who,” Stiles said before all three of us said, “We need that book.”
Stiles grabbed his bag while Scott and I looked at each other like all three of us speaking at the same time was the most taboo thing in the world. Scott and I grabbed our bags and stood up, walking up the stairs behind Stiles. Where he was going, I had no clue.
Standing at the table that Allison is sitting at, Stiles and I repeated to her what I told Scott about the bestiary.
She smiled at me, like I wasn't making any sense. “I think you mean--”
“No, she means bestiary,” Stiles said.
“And the two of you, I don't want to know what's going on in your heads,” I said, disgusted.
“Okay, uhm, can you describe this thing?” Allison asked.
“Uh, it's probably, like, a book. Old, worn--”
“Like, bound in leather?”
Stiles and I looked at each other then sprinted off to find Scott as I yelled, “We'll be back!”
Finding Scott in the hallway, Stiles put his hand on Scott's shoulder, me coming up on Scott's other side.
“Yes,” Stiles said, starting to pant. “Seen her grandfather with a book like that.”
And by this point, we were running back and forth between Scott and Allison.
Stopping myself at her table, panting, I asked her, “Where... does he... keep it?”
After telling us, we sprinted off again. Slamming himself into the lockers next to Scott and me slamming into Stiles, he panted, “She says... it has to be...”
“Office,” I finished for him. He was sweating so much. I wonder if he looked like that when-- No, Emma. Stop it. Stop those thoughts right now.
We both took out Scott's emergency inhalers and put them up to our mouths, inhaling the medicine. “You know, drug dealers have been using disposable cell phones pretty successfully for years,” Stiles said.
Shaking her head, Allison said, “My parents check every call, email, and text message I send. Trust me, they'd find it.”
“Wow, your parents are more stricter than mine. And one of mine’s a deputy!” I exclaimed.
“Alright. Can you get the book?” Stiles asked.
“Not without his keys,” Allison replied.
We made up a plan on how we would get his keys and when. We decided the next lacrosse game would be the perfect time, since Stiles, ya'know, never plays.
“Come on! Is that thing even a teenager? I wanna see a birth certificate!” Coach said after one of our players got hit so hard, he went to the ground, landing on his back. 
I was sitting with Stiles on the players bench when Coach came and sat next to me. “Who or what is that genetic experiment gone wrong?” he asked me.
“Eddie Obomowitz, Bobby,” I said, looking down at the clipboard in my lap. “They call him the Abomination.”
“Oh, that's cute. By the way, have you talked to your mom lately? She said she's been trying to reach you but hasn't.”
“No. I don't wanna talk to her.”
“Come on, kid, that's your mom. I know what you're going through is hard, but you gotta understand where they're coming from.”
“Oh, yeah, because banging your 23 year old intern is the best way to keep your marriage alive,” I sassed.
Coach looked over at me like I had three heads.
“Sorry,” I said, not really meaning it.
I looked back at Allison and she gave me the signal. I elbowed Stiles in the arm and said, “Let's go.”
“Where are two going?” Coach asked.
“Hot chocolate break. He never plays, so...” I said, shrugging my shoulders.
“Roger that,” he nodded.
Stiles and I walked up to where Allison was sitting in the stands. She had the keys in hand and slightly put them out so that one of us could grab them. The one of us being me since I could grab and go. 
I grabbed the keys out of Allison's hand, continuing my walk. Stiles, on the other hand, turned like we were gonna get caught.
I walked as fast as I could until we couldn't be seen anymore and ran towards the front of the school.
Stiles stopped running and said, “Wait, stop. Em, hold on.”
“What?” I asked, running back over to him. He pointed over towards a car and what I saw, I wish I hadn't. I looked back at Stiles and sighed in annoyance. 
We walked over to the driver's side of the car. Stiles looked at me then the school, back at me then at Lydia. “Just give me a second.”
“I knew this was too good to be true,” I said under my breath, thankful that he didn't hear me.
“Hey, Lydia, what's wrong?” he asked her.
She just rolled up her window.
“Lydia,” Stiles said, knocking on the window. “Come--”
“Just go away,” I heard her say, faintly.
“What's wrong?” Stiles asked. He looked over at me like he needed help, so I rolled my eyes and walked over to stand next to him.
“Lyds, come on. What's wrong? Is it a guy? Do I need to cut off some balls?” I asked.
Stiles looked over at me like I was a serial killer.
“What? We used to say that to each other in middle school when one of us would get our hearts broken. Used to help bring us cheer.”
“Look, I don't need anyone seeing me cry,” she said, wiping away a tear that had fallen down her cheek.
“Aw, come on, Lydia. Look you shouldn't care if people see you cry, alright? Especially you.” Stiles said. I looked at the side of his face, hoping he wouldn't say what I think he was about to say.
“Why?” she asked.
He looked over at me then back at Lydia. “Because I think you look really beautiful when you cry.”
There goes my heart, ladies and germs. As she rolled down the window, Stiles looked over at me. I grabbed the keys from him and walked away. 
“Em! Where are you going?” Stiles yelled.
“To do our job!” I yelled back. I wiped a lone tear from my cheek and walked up the steps before I turned back around to face him and Lydia. “I guess what you told me at the formal wasn't true,” I said, stretching my arms to the side before plopping them back down.
“Em--” Stiles started to say, but I cut him off.
“Stay here and flirt with her,” I said. “I'll be back.”
I walked into the school and straight to the office. As I was rummaging through Gerard's desk, I heard shoes squeak on the linoleum floor. 
“Em! Where are you?” Stiles yelled.
I ignored him and rolled my eyes. “Book, book, book,” I mumbled to myself. “Damn it!” I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and texted Allison. 
Allison: Nothing here.
I looked up from my phone and jumped a little when I saw none other than Erica. “Hello, Emma. Stiles.”
“Are you gonna hurt me if I don't come with you?” I asked, my hands up in surrender.
“No. But him, I will,” she replied, almost sweetly.
I walked around the desk and into the hallway, her and Stiles behind me.
“Where am I going?” I asked, a little harshly.
“The pools,” Erica answered.
I felt a body next to me and I knew it was Stiles. “Look, I meant everything I said to you at the formal. I just had to say something that would get her to talk to me. She actually told me to run after you, okay?”
I nodded my head once, just wanting him to not talk to me, though I couldn't stay silent for very long. “Am all I am to you right now is someone you can somewhat tell the truth to, but then go flirt with other girls?”
“What? No. Em-- I told you I have feelings for you, okay? Have. Like, as in, not going away anytime soon.”
We made it to the pools as I said, “Look. We'll talk about this later.”
“Emma. Stiles,” Derek greeted, basketball in his hands.
“Derek,” we said simultaneously. 
“What did you two see at the mechanic's garage?”
“Uh, several alarming EPA violations that I'm seriously thinking considering reporting,” Stiles sarcastically said.
“Now's not the time to be sarcastic,” I said. “You don't see me being sassy.”
Derek and Erica laughed at us. Derek had his claws out on his left hand, popping the basketball. 
“Holy God,” Stiles said.
Derek dropped the said flat ball on the ground. “Let's try that again. This time, Emma answers. Because she's not being her normal sassy self today.”
“Oh, but I can be,” I sassed. “That better?”
“What did you two see?” Derek asked.
“Alright, the thing was pretty slick looking,” I said. “Uhm, skin was dark, kind of patterned. Uh, I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough? Okay? Cause I have somewhere I'd rather be than here. Like, at home. With my hot chocolate and a book. Alright?”
Derek looked at me like I needed to tell him information now or else he wanna rip my throat out with his teeth like he promised months ago.
“Urg. Uhm, alright, fine,” I groaned. “Eyes. Eyes are, uhm, yellowish and slitted. Uhm, it has a lot of teeth,” I said, watching Derek and Erica look above my head. I didn't think anything of it, so I kept going. “Oh, and it's got a tail, too. Are we good? What?” I asked. “I'm getting impatient here. Have you seen it? 'Cause you guys have this look on your faces like you know exactly what I'm talking about.”
“Em,” Stiles said. 
“What?” I said, looking at him, seeing that he was also looking above my head. I whipped my head around and my heart fell out of my butt with fear.
The Lizard thing looked at us and screamed after hissing. 
“Oh, my god,” I said. Stiles grabbed my arm and moved me back with him, Derek and Erica.
Lizard... Thing jumped down in front of us and Derek growled at it. It swiped at Erica, sending her back to a wall then to the floor unconscious.
Derek turned to face me and Stiles, pushing him back a bit, saying, “Run! Get her out of here!”
Lizard Thing swiped at Derek as I looked over at him and saw that he had a cut on the back of his neck.
“Derek, your neck,” I said. He reached back and felt his next before Stiles jumped forward, catching him as he fell.
“Come on. Come here,” Stiles said, putting Derek's left arm around his shoulders. “Em, help me.”
I walked over and grabbed Derek's right arm and slung it around my shoulders as Stiles and I walked down the pathway between the pools, Derek in tow. 
“Where is it? Can you see it?” Stiles asked.
“No, just hurry,” Derek answered.
“Why are you so heavy?” I asked.
“Call Scott!” 
Stiles grabbed his phone from his pocket and went to dial Scott, but butterfingers over here decided to drop his phone. Derek went into the pool sending me with him.
“Stiles!” I yelled before I went under the water. I tried my hardest to get Derek back up to the surface, but he was heavy above water and below it. He was about ten times heavier now, so needless to say, I wasn't going to be getting him up above water anytime soon.
Just when I thought my lungs were about to give out, Derek's weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Literally. I pushed off the floor of the pool, gasping for air when my head came to the surface.
I swam over to Derek and Stiles, helping keep Derek up.
Where did it go?” Stiles asked.
“Where is it? Do you see it?” I asked, spitting the chlorine out of my mouth.
“No,” Derek answered.
“Okay, maybe he took off,” Stiles said.
We all heard the creature scream somewhere in the room.
“You wanna rethink that, Stilinski?” I asked.
“Maybe not,” Derek said.
It was getting a little hard to try and keep Derek up above water. We weren't in here for 5 minutes and my legs were already starting to burn. Needless to say, I was struggling.
“Will you get me out of here before me and Emma drown?” Derek asked Stiles.
“You're worried about drowning? Emma I can see, but you?” Stiles said. “Did you happen to notice the thing out there with multiple rows of razor-sharp teeth?”
“Did you notice that I'm paralyzed from the neck down in 8 feet of water?” Derek retorted.
“Stop being dramatic, Derek. It's only 7 feet,” I panted.
“Okay,” Stiles said, looking around. I only knew he was looking around because the water was splashing on his side. “I don't see it. Em, help me get him over to the edge.”
Stiles and I both swam, as best we could, towards the edge of the pool where his phone was. We got maybe half way there before Derek yelled, “Wait, wait, wait, wait. Stop, stop.”
We stopped and looked towards the wall, seeing Lizard Thing's shadow then it before hissing at us like a cat would.
“What's it waiting for?” I asked. Neither boy answered me. “Great,” I mumbled.
Lizard Thing came around to the edge of the pool in front of us. It put the palm of it's hand on the surface of the water and quickly pulled it's hand back not two seconds after.
“Wait, did you see that?” Stiles asked. “I don't think he can swim.”
“Stiles, we gotta do something. I can't hold him up much longer. Between all the kicking and his werewolf weight, it's making it a little difficult,” I said, continuing my struggle.
“Alright, just give me a second to think.”
Lizard Thing just kept pacing, crawling?, back and forth in front of us. Almost like it was waiting for us to come out of the pool so that it could kill us.
Stiles breathlessly said, “Okay, okay. Okay, I don't think I can do this much longer.”
“I told you that literally like 2 minutes ago!” I exclaimed.
“I know!” Stiles exclaimed back.
“No, no, no, no. Don't even think about it,” Derek said, realizing what Stiles was gonna do. I, on the other hand, did not.
“Could you just trust me this once?” Stiles asked.
“We're the ones keeping you alive, okay? Have you noticed that?”
“Yeah. And when the paralysis wears off, who's gonna be able to fight that thing, you, me, or Emma?” 
“That's why we've been holding you up for the past two hours?”
“It's been two hours?!” I yelled. “God, it seems like it's only been about 45 minutes!” 
“Yup,” Derek said. “You two don't trust me. I don't trust you, Stiles. But the both of you need me to survive, which is why you're not letting me go. If you do that, Emma will go down, too, and I know you don't want that.”
“Who said I didn’t trust you?” I asked.
Stiles and Derek just stared at each other, ignoring me. Next thing I know, Derek and I were going under. I literally could not kick my legs to take us back up. We quickly sank to the bottom as I tried with all my might to kick back up, but I couldn't for the life of me. It almost felt like I, myself, was paralyzed again.
After what felt like forever and my lungs about to explode, I felt Stiles grab onto my shirt and Derek's as well, bringing us back up.
When my head was finally above the water, I gasped in for much needed air. Stiles had Derek's back to his chest, me behind him. I was kind of holding on, so that I didn't take him down.
“You good, Em?” Stiles asked me.
“As good as I can be,” I panted. I leaned closer to his ear and whispered, “You owe me.”
“Tell me you got him!” Derek said, changing the subject.
Stiles didn't say anything, so Derek just groaned. After getting back into our previous positions, Stiles said, “I can't stay up any longer.”
“You ain't lying,” I said.
“I need something to hold onto.”
I looked over my shoulder, eyeing the diving board. “Stiles,” I said, spitting out the water that got into my mouth for the thousandth time tonight. “The diving board.”
We both started to swim as good as we could with what little strength we had left. Stiles and I both reached up to grab onto the bar, but because our fingers were wet, the bar became slippery. 
“Stiles, I can't get a good grip!” I said, right before I went down... for the third time.
I heard splashing where Stiles was then next thing I knew, I was laying on the ground, sputtering and coughing, gasping for air. Derek was on my left, Stiles next to him. I looked up and saw Scott roaring at Lizard Thing. 
I closed my eyes, I was so tired. All I could hear was screaming from Lizard Thing, roaring from Scott, stuff being shattered from a body being thrown, then it all stopped.
Derek and Stiles were sitting up; Derek against the diving board, Stiles with his hands behind him. I, however, was still laying on my back where Scott had placed me. I swallowed and continued my panting, closing my eyes for a few seconds.
I felt someone next to me, so I opened my eyes and saw that the person was Stiles. “Come on, Em,” he said, standing up to help me up, holding a hand out.
I grabbed it and stood up slowly. It felt like all my energy was gone as I tried to take one step and almost fell, thankful that Stiles caught me. “I don't think I can walk, Stiles. I hate to ask, but--”
“I got you,” I heard Scott say. He walked over to me and picked me up bridal style and started walking. I looked behind us to see that Stiles was just standing there.
“Scotty, stop,” I said, gently.
Scott stopped walking and looked down at me. I looked back at him and said, “Take me back to Stiles. Let him have this one.”
Scott nodded and walked back over to Stiles, him looking up at us and holding his arms out so that I could go from Scott's to his. After I was all situated, Stiles started walking towards the parking lot, saying, “You were brave tonight, Em.”
“Thanks,” I said, giving his cheek a kiss before resting my head back on his shoulder. “I'm sorry you have to carry me.”
“Don't be,” he said.
I didn't notice that he stopped until I looked in front of me, seeing that Scott and Derek were nowhere in sight. I looked back at Stiles and moved my hand from his neck to his cheek and looked at his lips for a few seconds before clearing my throat. 
I pulled his head down to mine, and placed my forehead on his and closed my eyes. “Almost losing you tonight scared the shit out of me. I don't ever want to feel that again,” I said, picking my head up and looking at him. “I want you, Stiles. I mean, us. I want us. But I'm just not sure when.”
“I'll wait,” he said. “I have no problem with that.”  He smiled and placed a quick kiss on my forehead before walking again.
When we got outside, he placed me down and wrapped me in a blanket that Scott had waiting for us. They were looking at the bestiary on his laptop, which was on a USB drive on Gerard's keys. What dumbasses we were.
“Is that even a language?” Stiles asked, holding me against him to help me get warm.
“How are we supposed to figure out what this thing is?” Scott asked.
“It's called the Kanima,” Derek said, him and Erica walking towards us.
“Wait. Back up. You knew?” I sassed. “The whole time we were keeping your werewolf ass above water?”
“No,” Derek said. “Only when it was confused by its own reflection.”
“It doesn't know what it is,” Scott figured.
“Or who.”
Stiles scoffed and said, “What else do you know?”
“Just stories. Rumors.”
“Well, you better get to talking, buddy 'cause we don't have all night,” I sassed again.
“But it's like us?” Scott asked after looking from me to Derek.
“A shape shifter, yes. But it's-- it's not right. It's like a...” Derek paused.
“An abomination,” Stiles and I answered.
Derek nodded slightly, agreeing with us. For freakin' once. Him and Erica turned to leave.
“Derek,” Scott called, stopping them in their tracks. “We need to work together on this. Maybe even tell the Argents.”
“You trust them?” Derek asked, annoyed at Scott for even bringing them up.
“Nobody... trusts... anyone,” Scott said. “That's the problem. While we're here arguing about who's on what side, there's something scarier, stronger, and faster than any of us, and it's killing people! And we still don't even know anything about it!”
Derek was silent for a couple seconds before responding. “I know one thing. When I find it...” he said, turning around and walking away. “I'm gonna kill it.”
I looked up at Stiles. “Let's go home. I wanna take a shower and warm up.”
A/N 2: Please tell me if you got any of the meme references I snuck in today’s chapter. Gif was made by moi ; anytime you see a gif that doesn’t have the original posters link, it was made by me and all credits go to the videos on YouTube I made the gifs from. 
YABMH Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​ @stixnstripesworld​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @quanticobae​ @mischiefandi​ @kellysashcroft​ @lauren-novak​​ @sammypotato67​​ @originalamethysthealer @alittlebitofeverythinggg​ @katemusic​ @hcomet28​ @good-vibes-and-glitter​ @luckylouiebug​ @luckylovestruck @trinnwazheree​ @lettersofwrittencollective​ @shawty-fenty @onelesslonelygirlbieber6​
Taglist was taken from the Forever / Everything taglist. If you want to be added, just let me know. If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know. Tumblr’s trying to tag people for me, lol.
Italics wouldn’t let me tag 🥺
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @harringtonstilinski. 
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from Emma and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of Jeff Davis. Our home slice Emma was made up all by me. As well we her parents and their storyline throughout the series.
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. 
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on October 16, 2020
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Moments with mini-angel; Kline family
*Author’s note*
Here we go with the next part of baby Kelly moments and here we have the inlaw family, the Kline clan which means the SPN cast makes a reappearance since the b-day chapter. Here I explain just why I didn’t write them in the birth of Kelly so I hope this chapter helps with that explanation. Also there’s a special little moment towards the end between the Rock Angel and her mother in law so I hope you all enjoy that little heart to heart moment I have at the end. The next part will be Brian and then ending this chapter will be God-papa Roger. For now enjoy this part my lovelies :)
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*Kline family meets the baby*
3 weeks after Kelly was born just shortly before the Christmas holiday, Jack and I flew back to Lebanon, Kansas to finally introduce baby Kelly to her American family.  At the time of Kelly’s birth, mum and Misha were both sick, Jared and Gen got over worked and Jensen and Dani had to deal with JJ who got the chickenpox from a kid at school.
Now with everyone feeling better, we figured it was time for our baby girl to meet the rest of her family.  We arrived at Lebanon the next day after taking off (thankfully Kelly did so good during the flight. Of course I had the flight attendants hand out newsletters of a brand new baby on board just in case we got any beef with anyone).
But Kelly basically slept through the flight with only a few cries but they were soon stopped as soon as she either got fed or changed.  
Finally after arriving at the airport we soon had a brush of Deja vu as Jensen was waiting for us at the airport.  But this time he had Jared with him and when they saw us they waved.
We walked right up to them and the second they saw Kelly, those big giants were a puddle of mush.
“Oh my god look at her. She’s so tiny.” Jensen softly cooed.
“God I don’t know who she looks like more.” Jared whispered.
“Oh every bit like her beautiful mom.” Jack praised.  I smiled at Jack and I put in.
“I don’t know. She definitely at time if she turned her head a certain way, she’s got your profile. Especially your nose.”
“Well whoever she ends up looking like, she’ll be a beautiful baby. Bad news for you Jack you’ve got your hands full.” Jensen teased at the end.
“Okay well we better get out of here so that way we don’t over stimulate her hearing. (Y/n) you can go with Jensen to the car, Jack and I will grab the bags.” Jared said as he handed Jensen the car keys.
“You sure?” I asked.
“Yeah. Besides we took my car anyway since we still had our booster seat from when Shep was a baby.”
“Okay if you’re sure.”
“He is. Come on baby mama let’s get you and the mini-you out of this loud hellhole.” Jensen said as he wrapped an arm around me and guided me out of the airport.
When we got to the parking garage, Jensen unlocked a 1984 grey Volvo station wagon.
“Kinda a lame car I know. But this is the family car according to my brother. Tried to convince him he could get the new Ferrari with his paycheck but no.” he dragged out the no.
“Oh shut it. It reminds me of Deacy’s car. Except his is that more traditional brown on tan brown pattern.”
“Wait, wait. Deacy. You mean the John Deacon has a freakin Volvo?” he asked surprisingly.
“Oh yeah. Jensen when you have a wife and four kids, you gotta have a family safe car.”
“Yeah I guess so. Okay let’s get the little munchkin strapped in. Plus you’ll need to learn how to do this.”
“First thing I’ll need to do is learn to drive a car.” I said as he opened up the back door.
“Wait you don’t know how to drive a car?”
“I mostly did bike riding. It was much easier to ride and campus parking didn’t cost as much for bikes.
“So you’ve never really driven a real car before?”
“I learned once. But my uncle was always so impatient with me that I just—never got the courage to ask him again. I got bike lessons from an old high school friend of mine. He taught me all the ins and outs and helped me get my motorcycle license.”
“Well no worries kid. While you’re here, I’ll help you out. I’ll even let you test drive Baby. But don’t tell anyone.”
“You’d seriously let us test out your car?”
“Gotta learn the stick shift somehow, might as well be from mine. Plus the first car you gotta drive at least once in your life is a Chevy Impala.” He winked at me.  I smiled and said.
“Thank you Jensen. But I must warn you, I’m gonna be nervous.”
“Everyone is kiddo, you just gotta take a deep breath and just listen to what I say. Okay now for this little tyke. Let’s get you strapped in baby girl.”
“Come on lovie let’s get you in there.” Jensen and I worked together on strapping Kelly in and once she was in, she did fuss a little but that’s because she probably missed being in my arms.
“You get on in and calm her down, just so she knows you’re there. JJ went through a little separation anxiety when it came to the car seat.” I got inside and he shut the door behind me and we waited for Jack and Jared.
Once they came back and put the bags in the trunk, Jack sat on the other side of me while Jared took the wheel.  Jared turned the car on and soon we were on our way to the Kline family farmhouse.
Jared turned off his car and we all got out. Just as I reached in to take Kelly out of the car seat, Jensen came in and he said.
“I’ve got the munchkin.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah besides she needs to meet her cool uncle Jensen. Maybe even prove that I’m cooler than Roger Taylor. After all I did whoop his ass in poker during our bachelor’s weekend.” Oh yeah, that story. Roger continues to even bitch about it to me every now and then every time I tell him about the Kline clan.
“Yeah and I get blamed for it in your stand.” Jack groaned out.
“You’re a good kid Jack, thanks pal.” Jensen said as he gently and brotherly patted Jack’s cheek as he held our baby in his arms. I grabbed the baby bag and we walked right up to the house.
*3rd Person POV*
“They’re here! They’re here!” JJ and Thomas shouted. Soon Gen, Dani, Shep, Kelly and Misha all came running in the living room.  Misha quickly set up his camera and hit record right at the door.
“Okay guys just—oh god Misha get that thing out of my face!” Jared proclaimed.
“Oh come on Jared.” Misha cooed.
“Cut please.” Jared made the ‘cut’ motion with his hand before looking away from the camera.  But he couldn’t help but smile at the camera for a second before turning back outside to tell the guys what was going on.
“What’s going on?” asked (y/n).
“Oh Misha decided to bring the camera out and record you guys bringing in the new baby.” He explained to her.
“Then let’s have some fun, go in there and tell (y/n) to come in.” Jared looked at his brother but Jensen looked at him with a ‘just do it’ face.  Jared picked up a suitcase and opened the door back up and he said.
“Okay (y/n) you can come in now.” As the door opened wide, Jensen came in saying.
“Hey anybody order a pizza?”
*My POV*
I walked in chuckling and I said.
“Give me my baby Jensen.” The two brother’s softly chuckled as Jensen handed me my baby girl back.  Jack soon came in and he said as he cooed down at Kelly.
“Oh baby girl you’re not a pizza no, no. You’re a big, beautiful—meatball.” Everyone smiled and laughed softly.  Mum was the first to walk up after Jensen and Jared brought in the rest of the luggage and she looked down at her granddaughter.
“Oh my god. She’s amazing. God I wish I could’ve been there to see her the moment she was born.” She said to me.
“We wish you were there mum. But I’m happy you could see her now.” I told her.
“What have you both named her?” she asked us. Jack then came up and said.
“Well mom we—named her after you. Mom, this is Kelly Michelle Kline.” Mum just stared down at her and I could see the tears in her eyes.
“We really have you to thank for her being her mum. Had you not agreed to allow Jack to come to London for that summer, we would’ve never had met and this little lovie would never have been born.”
“Oh you guys, that’s the perfect name for her. Little baby Kelly.” Mum fawned over as she took her granddaughter in her arms and held her.  “Misha get a close up on this gorgeous little face.” She said to Misha.  He then zoomed in on his wife’s face but Kelly griped at him, “Not me the baby huh.”
Misha then adjusted the camera so it now looked down at my daughter.
“You see pops? Say hi pops. Hi pops.” mum cooed down at our baby girl.
“Ohh I can’t wait any longer, can someone please take the camera and get me with my little grandbaby?”
“I got you Misha.” I told him as I quickly took the camera and he went over to his granddaughter.
“Hi baby Kelly. Oh you are so cute. Isn’t she just the most beautiful baby you ever saw?” he cooed down as he stroked her tiny little head and gave it a kiss.
“Yes. Just like her father was the day he was born.” Mum said.
“Just thankfully this time it was the right gender.” Teased Jensen which made Jack throw his head back and roll his eyes in a ‘I’m done’ fashion.  I tried to keep in my chuckles but a giggle slightly escaped my lips and Jack turned to me giving me a slight glare.
One by one each of the adult members of the Kline family got to hold baby Kelly and it was all captured on video.  As Dani was now holding my baby, Jensen stood over her cooing down at her and giving her sweet kisses.
“Thank god she didn’t inherit anything of Misha.”
“Don’t worry in a few years from now you’ll laugh at that.” Jensen waved off nonchalantly.  Dani shook her head at Jensen and she whispered down to Kelly.
“No worries about your uncle Jensen. He’s not that much of a jerk.”
“Oh trying to turn the kid against me already huh?”
“Dad, can I hold the baby next?” JJ asked.
“Yeah I wanna hold her too.” Thomas soon spoke up.
“I wanna hold her first!” Shep cried out.
“Shhh. Shep not so loud. Remember quiet voices.” Gen shushed her youngest son.
“Well that’ll be up to the parents.” Dani said down to her daughter.
“Please aunt (y/n) please!” JJ clasped her hands in a begging motion as she looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes of hers.
I debated in my head as I turned to Jack who just looked at me like the decision was all mine to make.
“I promise to be careful.” JJ promised.  I sighed heavily.
“Alright. But you have to come over to the couch and hold her.” She cheered but both her parents shushed her so that way she wouldn’t startle Kelly.
JJ hopped over to the couch as I took my baby girl back from Dani and walked over to the couch.
“Jack give her a pillow.”
“Aunt (y/n) I’m almost 10 years old I can hold her.”
“Sorry JJ. Okay no pillow. But you gotta make sure you support her head, her neck muscles aren’t fully developed.”
“We know aunt (y/n). We learned this at school.” Thomas spoke as he sat beside his cousin while Shep stood on the other side of JJ.  I then carefully transferred Kelly into JJ’s arms first and with a little guidance from her mum, JJ was now holding my baby girl.
“She’s so little.” Shep said.
“You know you were that small when you were first born Shep.” Jared said.
“No I wasn’t.”
“Oh yes you were.” Gen confirmed it.
“When do you think she’ll be able to play catch?” asked Thomas.
“Oh not for a couple years. You gonna teach her baseball or something champ?” Jensen asked his eldest nephew.
“Yeah. I wanna teach her some of the American sports.”
“That’s my boy.” Jensen said.
“Hate to say it guys but Robert’s got first dibs on teaching her some cricket.” Jack said.
“What the hell is that?” asked Jensen.
“Jensen language!” Dani slapped his arm.
“Sorry. What the heck is it?”
“You know it’s the sport with all the balls and the sticks and you make it go through the hoops. Kinda like a different version of golf except with no holes.” Misha explained.
“Oh yeah. That sport always looked boring. No offense (n/n).”
“None taken, I was never a big cricket fan myself. I always loved watching the football games. And sometimes a guilty pleasure of mine is rugby.”
“What’s that?”
“Well—the best way to describe it is it’s kinda like your American football, except we there’s no extreme padding and a lot more injuries.”
“Ohh. I like the sound of that.”
“The next season will start soon, I’ll tape a game and send it to you.”
“Oh heck yes!” Jensen cheered with a wide smile. Soon Thomas and Shep got to have their time holding Kelly and they were happy to hold their little cousin.  That was until Kelly decided to go poop while Shep was holding her.
At that point I took her away to go change her while I could hear Shep complaining that he (not in actuality) got pooped on. Which of course led his brother to tease him that he was worse than Kelly was and that he was always pooping when he was a baby.
As the days went by and the holidays came and went.  Kelly received so many gifts from her American family who just adored her so much. I was currently downstairs getting me a drink of milk before I went up to bed when I heard mum’s voice say.
“Well baby Kelly’s finally fast asleep.” She told me.
“Thanks mum. Although you know I could’ve done it myself.”
“Oh you’ve been doing too much. You cooked the Christmas meal this year, staying up all night whenever she cried too much, and keeping in touch with your own family back in England. Honey you’re exhausted. The least I could do was help take over for just one night.” She told me as she stood beside me.
“Is there something else you wanted to talk about?” I could see for the past couple weeks something seemed to be on her mind every time she handled Kelly.  I didn’t want to press her just yet cause I thought she would come to me and talk, but now I just have to ask her.
“Actually there is.” I set my milk down and she said to me as she took my hands. “I just wanted to say……thank you.”
“For what?” I asked.
“I’ve never told Jack this so I want to tell you. When I was pregnant with Jack, there were—complications with the birth. I won’t scare you with details but it almost costed me my life that I had to have an emergency C-section.”
“Oh my god.” I whispered.
“The doctors then told me that even if Misha and I tried to have another baby, the risks would be even greater, so much so that I could actually lose my life. So—I had no choice but to have my tubes tied off. Making me unable to have any more children. And sure even though I had dreamed of having a girl and even the doctor’s telling me that it would be a girl, I don’t regret Jack ending up being a boy. He’s the light of my life. And I wouldn’t trade him for anything else in the world.”
“Oh mum.” She cupped each sides of my face and said.
“But seeing you two together, and having your first child be a girl and naming her after me. That—was the most precious and most honorable thing I could ever ask for. And I will take that to my grave. So thank you (Y/n) Kline for giving me the chance to be a grandmother to a baby girl.”
“Mum. If I can, I’ll try to have as many daughters as I can just to make you happy.”
“Oh honey there’s no need to put that kind of pressure on you. I’ll be happy no matter how many or what gender of grandchildren I have. All that matters is that you and Jack love and cherish each child you get. Because you never know when the time may come that something goes wrong, or you lose that chance to be a mother to more than one child.”
I nodded and placed my hands on top of hers and I promised her that I would.  She smiled at me warmly and embraced as tight as she could as I hugged her back.
The two of us hugging each other.  One mother to the next until we both decided to retire for bed.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
The Enchantress p4
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As darkness fell, a fear grew inside me. I had left this sleepy village away from my beautiful y/n for this reason, to avoid her deadly Enchantments. But now I was home and I sat in a room not but a wall away from her. If tonight the moon shines apon me. I will not be able to control myself, in the city far away from here many nights I had tried, tieing myself to the bed, gaging myself anything in the world to make myself stop but I couldn't once the light hits me I am nothing but a rock hard erection and a cry of desperation,  and Now she would hear me.
would I be able to stop myself? Would she? Would her hearing my cries for desperation be enough to cause her predatory instincts to take over? Would she be able to stop herself? would she know It was me and stop? Or would she just know I was prey?
as the darkness grew more I felt my fears engulf me, was returning home the biggest mistake.
"Thomas? Can I come in?" her voice asked from the door
"Uhh yeah sure," I told her and she sweetly opened the door coming in hitching her little dress, as usual, to hide as she often forgets about her own nudity I imagine she did a lot without me around. she had a hand over her eyes and I laughed a little "What are you doing?"
"I don't know if your decent" she laughs
"I am y/n" I laughed "even if I wasn't its nothing you haven't seen"
"Still" she giggled
"Y/n I've been around you since I was five, anything I have you've seen" I laughed
"I know but.. that was a long time ago, you've grown up"
"Not that much I can assure you"
"I keep forgetting your home, it hardly feels real, I know I shouldn't Don't want you seeing to much" she giggled
"It's okay, what did you want to come to see me about?" I asked her
"I needed to... tell you something," she says as I saw out the corner of my eye the moon begin to light through the dark sky and already I felt... unusual.
"Yeah... yeah uhh tell me what?" I stuttered losing my thoughts already my eyes looking at that beautiful body, within seconds of my answer my brain was nothing but thoughts of ripping that dress to reveal what was below it, kissing her, touching her, using her to make this five year long ache finally go away.
"Thomas... is something wrong?" she asked a little confused "are you getting sick?" she asked putting the back of her hand on my head and I almost moaned gasping for my breath "Thomas answer me what's wrong with you?" she ordered moving away from me standing by my bed close to where I was sitting and I couldn't stop myself.  I grabbed her both my hands on her hips pulling her to stand between my legs as I kissed any part of her I could even if it was concealed by her dress
"You" I moaned
"what?" she laughed playing with my hair
"You, Your what's wrong with me! look at me! my beautiful enchantress Look at what you've done to me!" I screamed in pleasure overjoyed for just touching her
"This is from one week? Ooooh maybe I should tone it done a little then if I can enchant a man this bad in a week" she laughs still petting my hair
"Not a week," I told her moving my hands down to feel her soft squishy arse trying desperately to remove the dress even if she often stopped me
"what do you mean not a week?" she asks
"The last five years" I groaned between my kisses up her stomach and chest
"What!" she asked
"As soon as I left, Please there has to be something you can do" I begged her
"Aww Thomas, you know as well as I do an enchantment can't be broken" she smiled
"No please! Y/n... anything, I'm been suffering on the edge for five years please!" I begged her "Please help me or go... I can't have you here I won't be able to control myself"
"Come with me" she smiled
"but y/n the full moon-" I began
"I know, Come with me or suffer in your bed your choice" she giggled I didn't need to be told again getting up from my bed to follow her but as this was a temple for the moon daughters there was nowhere to hide from the light and soon enough, I lost control again pushing her against the stone wall kissing down her neck madly making her giggle "enough Thomas" she giggled pushing me away continuing wherever she was taking me she lead me down sets of stairs often having to bite my hands to stop myself from grabbing her as she leads me to a chamber under the temple she went over grabbing something from under a window she was bent over in that little blue dress and I snapped. I grabbed her hips and ripped her dress of her revealing her cute smooth arse and her pretty pussy it glistening and dripping I kissed her back as I rubbed myself against her "Oohh! Thomas! you did grow up didn't you" she giggled "Never used to feel that much but by god, I think it's impaling me" she giggled grinding herself on me too
"UUUUHHHHH!!!! Y/N! I screamed in pleasure as I felt her move against me she giggled pushing me away and changing my hands to the wall I tried to touch her again but she moved just out of my grip and the chains prevented me from moving
"Now, I want the truth," she says
"What!" I complained
"Why didn't you tell me before you left?" she asked
"I didn't know before I left, it only started doing it once I got to the city," I complain between moans and whines
"Then why didn't you come home?" she asks
"I was scared, I didn't know what was wrong with me, I just thought I missed you, I didn't realize for a while I was enchanted" I explain
"You know what I have to do to you know? don't you?" she asks
"Eat me?"
"no, you silly boy" she giggled
"What? but if I'm enchanted I can't resist you, I call your name in moonlight, I'm prey? aren't I?"
"You where" she giggled "if you had come home when it started we could have stopped it, if you'd come home once you realized, I would have had to eat you"
"But now?"
"Now... your past what anyone can do" she smiled
"what are you saying?" I asked
"When a man is enchanted with a daughter of the moon, he begs for her, desires her whines in the night to be taken, gives his life, heart, soul and body to is enchantress" she smirked as she passed around constantly just an inch out of my grip "Would you?" she asks
"I would, I would my sweet y/n, I'd give you anything you asked please just make it stop" I begged her
"No, you wouldn't" she smiled "Your more a danger to me then I am to you now" she giggled
"what are you talking about? you're an enchantress? In a human? I'm enchanted? I'm your prey how am I any danger to you?" I asked
"because you're not prey anymore" she giggled "Most men stay enchanted for a month, the first full moon of there enhancement their predator comes and takes him, But if the prey is left to long... they become the predator" she explained "You remember your stepfather, laid night after night grinding, writhing in agony begging for just one-touch" she whispered running her hands down me
"Uhhhhh Y/n..." I moaned
"begging to be touched" she smiled "if you where enchanted Thomas when the moonlight hit you you'd be on the floor grinding on yourself begging to be touched, if you were enchanted if I let you out the chains you'd lay on the floor and beg for your mistress to touch you" she smiled changing to her claws ripping off all my clothes to leave me naked her hand changing back and playing my hard cock
"Uhhh Please Y/n angel please!" I screamed
"but your not, if I let you out, You'd have your way with me" she giggled
"I'd certainly struggle to stop myself" I admit "Please y/n Please my angel make it stop!"
"The only way to fix what you have Thomas is to let you do what you want to do" she giggled
"let me what?" I asked
"Have your way with me" she whispered
"Ohh holy fuck! don't whisper stuff like that to me y/n!" I complained "if that's the only way to make it stop then let me out! please it won't take me long, I'll be gentle, please its all I've ever wanted I don't know how long I can take this!" I cried
"No" she giggled
"what? but you said it was the only way to fix me? I'm a danger to you like this?"
"I know," she giggled "But I'm not letting you"
"why not?" I complained and she moved away from me a little slipping her dress off completely leaving her naked everything I had ever imagined was true her breasts huge and beautiful, her arse perfect and cute, her pussy everything I had ever desired almost pulling my chains out the wall desperate to get my hands on her she smiled giving my lips a soft gentle kiss her hand around the base of my cock jerking me faster then I had ever done to myself but she pulled away from everything just as I peaked
"Because I like to watch you squirm" she smirked putting her dress on and going to leave "and for the record Thomas I knew" she smiled
"Knew what?" I asked her
"I could hear you" she smirked
"Hear me?"
"An Enchantress can hear the calls of her enchanted, No matter how far away he is. be it an inch,  a mile, or a hundred miles, and enchantress can hear him calling for her." she giggled
"so... all that time, you could hear me?" I asked and she nodded
"I Heard every word" she smiled stepping closer "Every groan," she says stepping closer again "Every moan" she giggled kissing my neck "Every time my name left your lips I heard you calling for me" she smirked
"Did you know it was me?"
"Of course I did" she smiled
"Why didn't you come for me? why didn't you help me?" I whine "why didn't you at least come to visit me some nights"
"Because I like to watch you squirm" she giggled "And how do you know I didn't" she smiled kissing my lips "Goodnight Thomas, smutty dreams my love" she smiled as she left sealing me up in this dungeon for the moonlight tourcher for the rest of the night.
I must have sounded like a real prisoner, wailing, moaning, groaning, calling her name through the stone halls of the temple. in some sick way, I loved it, that she knew I was down here, she could hear me, but she got a sick twisted joy out of touching me, I couldn't help but think of all the things I had done alone in my flat in my desperation begging for her and the whole time she could hear me calling her, she could hear me begging for her, I couldn't help but imagine nights I got so desperate I cried or touched myself even if It did nothing and she may have just been outside my window...
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Rewatching “Crimson Peak”
Discussing this movie on the Gotham group chat with @ckatattack and decided “Eff it, Imma watch it again.”
Lez go!
“Rent movie for $3.99″ absolutely
Holy crap, I forgot about this opening lullaby during the logo.  Holy shit.
For some reason, the bloody Edith in the opening shot really looks like something the girl behind MadeYewLook should do.  Other Alexis, hear me out!
These colors (in young Edith’s bedroom)!
*flinches when the first ghost puts her hand on Young Edith’s shoulder*
You ever had someone put their hand on your shoulder when you’re like seconds away from falling asleep?  Scariest shit ever.
*silently jams out to the music when Edith is traveling to the publisher*
I freaking LOVE Edith’s yellow dress in this movie.  The puffy shoulders, the black under dress, the straw hat, love it.
“Actually, Mrs. McMichael, I would prefer Mary Shelley.  She died a widow.”  *z snaps*
“The ghost is just a metaphor.  For the past.”  Boom there’s the whole movie.
“He told me it needed a love story.  Can you believe that?”  AGAIN-
Also holy shit, Bobby from Supernatural is Edith’s dad!
For a second, I thought this typing house looked like a science fair.
AND THERE HE [Tom HIddleston] ISSSS!!
I’m sorry, I’m just smiling... so hard at this [Edith and Thomas’s first scene together]
Listen, if we get a scene in the Loki TV show where we see him in an outfit very close to the one he wears in this movie, I will... die.  That’s it.  I’ll just die.
The aesthetics for most of Guillermo del Toro’s movies are wonderful.  The like 95% period accurate clothing, the yellow lighting, the red and green wallpapers OH MY GOD I JUST NOTICED THE RED AND GREEN
*The door knob starts creaking*  Oh boy
That shot of Edith’s face in half shadow when she’s about ready to close the door but she sees the ghost of her mother?  Good stuff.
*Thomas waits near the staircase*  OH SNAP HE LOOK GOOD
OHHHHHHH THAT TRANSITIONNNNN [from the staircase to the ballroom]!!
I also love the detail that Lucille’s dress is ten years too old for her because she is still stuck in the past when it comes to life.
*grins like an idiot when Thomas offers the candle to Edith*
There are so many people gasping in this scene
I wonder if they actually did try to do the waltz with the actual candle lit for filming or did they do some VFX to make it look like it was lit the whole time?  Part of me thinks that that flame’s real but I don’t know.
Where have I seen the guy who plays the investigator before?
“The man that just left, among other ailments, is colorblind....only the majority around him does.  Now that man will never perceive the colors red or green.  He only accepts their existence because the majority around him does.”  “Perhaps we only notice things when the time comes for us to see them.”  OH MY GOD ALL THE RED AND GREEN IN EDITH’S HOME
Charlie Hunnam’s Britsh accent slipped in when he said “understand”
Also I want this man to play Green Arrow in the DCEU
Did she [Lucille] just rub the dead butterfly on her face?
*Close of ants feeding on dead butterfly*  Thanks, that was needed.
*Thomas reveals the ring he was going to give Edith*  BOY YOU KNEW HER FOR LIKE A THREE DAYS AND A NIGHT
Were those all the previous marriage certificates?
“Ladies and gentlemen, we have an unexpected announcement.  Sir Thomas?”  *sinks down in seat and hisses nervously*
*is extremely uncomfortable when Thomas has to insult Edith’s novel in front of her*
*Edith slaps Thomas*  Well he took that pretty well.
*Lucille in the doorway of the dining room*  You know what, eff you.
*jaw drops in horror when someone smashes Mr. Cushing’s face in the sink repeatedly, killing him*
I love that Edith is still in her nightgown and she still has bed head (of a sorts) and yet she ran to the hotel, just throwing on a coat and leaving her reading glasses on.
*slams hands on laptop*  THESE.  TRANSITIONS.
I’m sorry, was that a slight kiss mark on Edith’s chin?  Did I see that right?
Boy, you be hugging your sister for way too long...
*Lucille refuses to give Edith a copy of the keys*  Electric chair.
“You chose her.  Why?”  BECAUSE HE LOVES HER YOU BITCH
*One of the ghosts sneaks up on Edith in the bathroom*  We see you, @actordougjones!!  I see you!!
*Thomas loudly stirs Edith’s tea for her*  I’m suddenly flashing back to the tea cup from “Get Out”
So would the Sunken Place for this scenario just be completely red from the red clay?  Thoughts to think about.
Wait, how long is Mia Wasikowska’s hair?  Is that all real?  Jeez!  The last time I had hair down to my butt was in elementary school.
“Mother.”  Oo woo oo...
Look, I’ve already seen this movie, but I already want Lucille to shut the hell up.
I’m sorry, was that a porn book Lucille just showed Edith?
Well damn they replaced that sink real quick!
*Thomas watches Edith as she watches one of his contraptions*  S T O P
Mr. del Toro, you have been reading my list of favorite romantic tropes.  Sir please-
*Edith and Thomas kiss passionately*  OH... OHH...
*gestures in the air with frustration when Lucille enters the room*
Can we start taking shots every time Edith starts wandering around the halls in her nightgown holding a candelabra in this movie?
*One of the ghosts starts crawling on the floor, moaning and wailing*  Haha me
“My hands are getting rough.  Your father would approve.”  Why would I just realize that?  Man, I’m getting slow.
The last time I watched this movie was in 2016.  I watched the trailer back when I was a senior in high school.  And I watched that trailer multiple times.
I love the ghost as the scarecrow
Girl, you are coughing up blood.  You have been poisoned.
Edith back at it again wandering around at night!  Take a shot!
This was a terrible decision for me to watch this at like midnight.  Why did I do this?
OK, so which one of these ghosts is Javier Botet?
Oh my gosh, the chair Edith is in is bigger than last time because she’s being swallowed by the house. 
“Sir Thomas is already married.”  BUM BUM BUMMM!!
*has to look away as Thomas and Edith get it on*
Aaand there’s the English countryside right there.  I’m gonna look back away now.
“Lucille, we’re back!”  Lucille, you son of a bitch.
“You slept there?  You two... alone...”  Yeah, that’s what husband and wife do.  They get together, sleep together, do a lot of things together.  Jesus.
“I was so alone.  I can’t be alone.”  Lady, I just want you to shut the hell up.
OK, so now I forget what’s in the ES suitcase?  Enola’s body?  What’s up?
Oh, it’s just a suitcase full of other stuff.  Never mind.  I thought it was gonna be her body.
Lemme guess the ghost is gonna rise out of the red goo?  Yep!
I’m getting a lot of callbacks to “The Shining” like with all the red and then the ghost with the ax in her head climbing out of the tub
Jessica Chastain’s accent keeps slipping.  Am I the only one who’s noticed?
*laughing*  Oh my God, again!  Take a shot!
Oh my God they freaking swindled a lady in a wheelchair.  Ohhhh my God...
“The poison... is in the tea!”  Funnnnnnnnn....
Oh but of course she got snowed in. 
“I [Lucille] tended Mother in this bed.”  *so done*
So is Lucille the older sibling?  Oh yeah she is because she said she tended to their mom
*completely done with Lucille’s BS*
Whoever did the set design for Allerdale Hall, I want to send them flowers and my love
OK I know for a fact that that’s Doug Jones as the ghost of Enola
*quickly rips out earphones*
*cue a very long string of expletives and looking up and away from the screen*
“I’m [Alan] here to take you [Edith] away.”  *singing*  They’re going to take me away, a ha, they’re going to take me away!
Wait he’s a doctor and he just yanks that sucker out of his arm pit?  You’d think he’d be smarter than that.
*shakes head at the whole fiasco*
*ends up glaring at Lucille as she tosses Edith’s manuscript in the fire*
Edith, while she’s looking away, just freaking tear that... *mimes tearing motion*
Oh my God of course she [Lucille] has a drawer full of the victim’s hairs
“You told me you loved me!”  “I do!”  AGH
*Thomas throws the law papers in the fire*  YAASSSS!!
*gasps when Lucille stabs Thomas*
*jaw drops in horror when Thomas just shanked IN THE FACE*
*Thomas dies*  Jeeesus... that was a good death scene.
God the shot of Lucille running down the stairs from behind?  Ugh!  And with the flowing fabric behind her!  Freaking gorgeous
*Edith goes down in the elevator*  Bye bish
That is a huge freaking meat cleaver
Seeing Edith with her steak knife going up against Lucille reminds me of that freaking chainsaw fight from “Mandy” with Nicholas Cage
This final set piece!
*Edith goes up against Lucille with a shovel*  MY NAME IS INIGO MONTOYA!  YOU KILLED MY FATHER!  PREPARE TO DIE!
*Ghost Thomas*  Those prosthetics look amazing
*Ghost Thomas nuzzles against Edith’s hand before disappearing*  God it’s the little movements.  del Toro freaking GETS it
*nods when the end credits start*
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chierafied · 5 years
Prompt: "Humans will pack bond with anything." I had wanted to give an ichiruki prompt, but this fits jily better. Good luck and thanks in advance!
This fic is like a year late but hey, I got it done in the end.
For the longest time I was drawing a total blank on the prompt but then my campus library made a post last summer on their instagram about their robot vacuum. And well, it all started to come together from there. :D
Hope you enjoy the fluff!
Life Outside of the Library
James Potter wasn’t typically the type to frequent a library. 
Sure, his mother had taken him to one sometimes when he’d been a kid. He had good memories from libraries and liked them in general. In James’ opinion, they were an important service to have and it was nice they existed. 
But sitting in a library wasn’t his preferred way to spend his spare time – not when there were football practices to go to, friends to see, video games to conquer and endless Youtube videos to laugh at.
And even if he did enjoy reading the occasional book, he didn’t feel a need to surround himself with them.
Now, though, in his twenties, James Potter had become a regular at his university’s library and had gained a whole new appreciation for them.
He loved his friends, and had a blast living with them – but sharing a flat with three other blokes did not offer the kind of environment to be productive in. And productive was what he desperately needed to be, now that he was working on his thesis.
Though to be fair, even had he lived alone, James still likely would’ve got more work done at the library: his home offered too many comforts and distractions for him to resist.
Besides, whenever he hit a snag with his writing or had trouble finding a good source to cite, he could go and ask one of the librarians for help. 
Like miracle workers, they tracked down the information he’d need or located a whole bunch of great sources for him.
He wasn’t quite sure how they did it, but he silently suspected that some sort of magic was involved.
James visited the library at least three times a week. Some days he only stayed close to an hour in the morning. On some rarer occasions, he came in as the doors opened and stayed in until closing.
Of course, James being James, he was also on a first-name basis with everyone working at the library.
Including the robot vacuum that silently whirred about the floors in the mornings, doing its thing. James called it Robert.
He swung in early one Monday morning, refreshed after the weekend and ready to get some more progress made on his thesis. 
He didn’t head straight for his usual spot in the quiet back corner but stopped at the information desk.
The librarian on duty smiled fondly at him.
“Here again, eh?”
“Nowhere else I’d rather be, Nora,” he replied, grinning. “How was your weekend? Does Thomas still have the flu?”
“The weekend went as well as could be expected,” Nora said. “Thomas is on the mend but he hasn’t gone back to school yet. He’s passed it off to his father though, so now I have another baby to nurse to health.”
James laughed. “Take care of yourself, too, and don’t get sick!”
“Thanks. Good luck with your thesis!”
James nodded his thanks and started toward his preferred spot.
In between the shelves, he came across Robert the robot vacuum, whirring about and keeping the carpets clean.
“Hullo, Robbie, mate,” James told it as he walked past.
He settled at his table and logged on to the desktop computer set there. Some students carried their laptops around, but James preferred not using his own laptop for the same reason he’d come to the library in the first place: to keep all distractions to a minimum.
It was working, though, since he had made a surprising amount of progress on his thesis.
Six weeks ago, he’d barely had an inkling of an idea. Now, he already had almost 15 pages written and his online survey was up and receiving responses. 
Today, he settled on refreshing his memory of the theory of his chosen research method. The theoretical and academic textbook wasn’t the most immersive book he’d ever read, but he lost the track of time nonetheless, scribbling down a couple of notes for himself on a scrap paper.
When his stomach started grumbling a few hours later, James typed up his notes, packed his things and left the library.
A week or two later, on a foggy Tuesday morning, James walked into the library. He hadn’t been at the library for over a week, as he’d gone home to visit his parents for the autumn break. 
He headed straight to the shelf holding reserved materials to pick up the books he’d requested.
He greeted the librarian – Susan – as he passed the information desk and started towards his back corner. 
Only something seemed off.
The library was oddly still.
He was nearly at his table when he realised what was different this morning – he hadn’t seen Robert anywhere.
He dropped his books on his regular table, then followed the soft thumps of books being handled. It was coming from the shelf over the next, where he found a young woman standing by a book cart and shelving books.
James didn’t recognise her, but she had a name tag pinned on and was obviously working, so she had to be staff.
Before James could speak up, she noticed him. She turned to him and met his eyes, flashing him a quick smile.
“Can I help you?”
“Uhhh,” James offered lamely because his breath was stuck somewhere in his throat and his brain had momentarily stalled. He’d forgotten why he’d sought her out in the first place. 
Then, it all came back to him in a rush. “Yeah. What’s up with Robbie?”
The librarian blinked.
“I’m sorry, who’s Robbie?”
“Robert. The robot vacuum,” James explained, feeling like a complete pillock.
Her green eyes sparked and the corner of her lips twitched suspiciously, but thankfully she didn’t laugh at him.  
“Ohh, sorry. I didn’t know the robot vacuum had a name,” she replied. “It’s out of commission for the time being, seems like there was some sort of a malfunction with the loading dock over the weekend but it’s being looked into.”
“Okay. Thanks. I was just wondering since I’m so used to seeing it around in the mornings.”
“You’re a regular, then?” she asked.
“Yeah, working on my thesis,” James said.
“All the best with that,” she said.
“Thanks. Well, I won’t keep you any longer,” James said, nodding at the book cart. “See you around.”
“Bye,” she replied, then returned to shelving.
James walked back to his table, his heart pounding in his chest and his face glowing with flustered warmth. 
He’d definitely made such a lame first impression with the new, fit librarian… but on the bright side, the only way from here was up.
The new, fit librarian’s name was Lily, and she wasn’t actually a librarian. Like James, she was a student at the university and in her final year. She was majoring in library and information science and was doing an internship at the campus library. 
They’d been chatting on and off whenever she managed to be on a shift when James showed up at the library.
Just little things; the kind of usual small-talk he had with any of the librarians working there. 
Except when he was chatting with Lily, his heart was always racing in his chest, and no matter how mundane the conversation he’d treasure every word and go over their discussions later in his mind, replaying them over and over again.
That certainly never happened with any of the other librarians.
Simply put, James was absolutely smitten.
He’d been a goner since the first time they’d met; when she’d stolen his breath with her bright smile. 
Even Peter had made an off-hand comment on how cheerful James seemed coming home from the library. 
Despite his feelings, however, James wasn’t sure yet if he should pursue Lily or not. 
He didn’t know if she was at all interested in him or if she was simply being friendly. He hadn’t really tried flirting with her, either. 
Because as much as he treasured each interaction with her and even though they were both students at the university and therefore on an equal ground… James was painfully aware that during every chat they had at the library, she was a member of the staff. 
Not only was she working, but for her being friendly towards the patrons was part of the job description.
That’s why James felt he was on shaky ground and wasn’t sure how he might broach the topic of meeting Lily outside the library – or if, indeed, he should broach the topic at all.
Feeling torn and conflicted, he stepped into a coffee shop near the campus, accompanied by the chime of the bell at the door.
He joined the queue and had dug out his phone to check on his notifications when a flash of familiar dark red in the periphery of his vision caught his attention. 
Lily was preoccupying his thoughts so thoroughly that, at first, James believed his brain had conjured her up and that he was so far gone that everything now reminded him of her.
But even as he stared, the sight didn’t waver or change. Instead, Lily turned, drink in hand, and noticed him.
The surprise in her eyes mirrored his own and she offered him a hesitant wave. 
James couldn’t help the grin that rose to his lips. He waved back. His gaze followed her as she made her way to a table by the window.
Impatient, James queued up to the counter and made his order. 
As soon as he’d got his coffee, he made a beeline to Lily’s table. 
“Hi,” he said, a little breathless while a smile that was sure to be goofy tugged at his lips. “Mind if I join you?”
“Not at all,” she replied, flashing him a smile in return as she indicated at the empty seat across the table.
A bounce in his step, James circled the table, set his drink down and claimed the seat. 
Their gazes met, and the corner of Lily’s lips twitched upwards. 
“So…” James drawled, “looks like there’s life outside of the library.”
“Maybe,” Lily replied, “though given how much time you spend there the comment applies to you too.”
“That’s fair,” James said.
His fingers drummed against his coffee mug. 
While he was glad that she’d responded to his teasing comment in kind, just sitting across from her, here and now, had agitation thrumming through his body.
If he wanted to act on his infatuation, he couldn’t have been served a better chance than this. 
“Oh, Robert the robot vacuum has made full recovery,” Lily said.
“Really? That’s great. Will be good to see the little guy around again.” James ruffled his hair to stop himself from fidgeting. “Does that sound too weird?”
“Nah.” Lily shrugged. “Having seen Robbie for myself now I can understand the appeal. And at the end of the day, it isn’t any weirder than me talking to my cat.”
“Well, cheers, that makes me feel a little better,” James said, flashing her a smile. “I was sure I had made a terrible first impression as this huge dork that had named a vacuum cleaner.”
“You definitely did come off as a huge dork that had named a vacuum cleaner,” Lily agreed. “Doesn’t mean it was a terrible first impression though. It was kind of sweet, actually.”
James perked up. Faint and frail wings of hope fluttered in his chest. 
He sipped his coffee, gathering his nerve.
Then, he took the plunge.
“You know it’s funny we ran into each other here, like this.” He met her eyes, managed a small crooked grin. “I’ve been wanting to ask if you’d want to grab a coffee with me for a while now.”
Lily’s eyebrow arched, and the look in her eyes turned appraising.
“Really? What’s been stopping you?”
“Well,” James started, cheeks flushing, “I wasn’t sure it was all proper, what with you being staff and me being a patron. I’ve heard too many horror stories about customers’ unsolicited attempts at flirting or mistaking friendliness as a sign of interest and I really didn’t want to be like one of those arses.”
A smile tugged at the corners of Lily’s lips. “The fact that you’re aware that people like that are arses proves you’ve no need to worry about being one,” she told him. “Where have you heard all these horror stories, anyway?”
“My cousin Dorcas. She works at a pub so she sees all kinds.”
“I bet.” Lily took a good long sip of her drink, then leaned her cheek against the palm of her hand. “You know, that’s not really something we need to worry about at the library. Our patrons don’t really flirt with us.”
“I don’t know,” James said, his tone teasing. “I’ve seen how that blond girl with the purple backpack looks at you.”
Lily laughed.
“She’s cute enough,” Lily admitted. “But I think I prefer a different type.”
There was a gleam in her eye that had James'  throat growing dry and the pit of his stomach trembling. 
“What’s your preferred type?” he asked, his voice a little hoarse.
Lily looked at him, keeping him at the edge of his seat while she brought her mug to her lips and sipped.
“The sweet and dorky type that names a vacuum cleaner and worries so much about being an arse that they won’t even ask you out,” she replied at last, smiling.
“Well then,” James said, unable to keep the blinding bright smile from his face. “I happen to know someone who fits that description.”
“Maybe you could introduce him to me,” Lily said, grinning.
“I suppose I should,” James agreed.
He reached across the table and offered Lily his hand.
Playing along, she took it and gave it a warm, firm shake.
“Hi, I’m James Potter and I fancy you a lot.”
“Nice to meet you, James,” she replied, voice trembling from barely contained laughter. “I’m Lily Evans and I was wondering if you’d like to have a coffee with me sometime.”
“I’d love to,” James answered, still holding her hand in his as their gazes locked.
Her green eyes were alight with laughter and more beautiful than James had ever seen. Her palm was soft and warm against his. Her smile was wide and a little smug and it still completely stole his breath.
James’ heart soared and even though he still barely knew her, even though the two of them were only in the very beginning of their journey together, he was suddenly certain of one thing: this was the woman he’d marry.
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devilbat · 5 years
Drunken Words
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Tom x reader
Warning: fluff, funny and reader being a bit drunk..
You sat in the cab trying to find your house keys. While Tom’s house slowly came into view. You had spilled the contents of your purse on the seat of the cab. You groaned in frustration when you couldn’t find them. Soon the cab was parked in front of the house you currently share with Tom Hiddleston. The driver cleared his throat grabbing your attention. Looking up at him he pointed his finger to the house that he had parked in front of. Shoveling you scatter stuff back in you bag you scurried to get out. Your friends had paid before you even slid into the cab. Well it was more like stumbled into the cab.
“Thank you.” You mumbled as you like you did when you got into the cab stumbled out of it. You may have had one to many drink.
It had been awhile since you had a girls night out. And two of your favorite girls were in town. It felt like ages when you saw them last, after filming with Tom and the rest of the cast a year ago. It was nice. When you moved out to London with Tom as his PA it was hard to get time to yourself, or the fact that you had no friends there. Well sure you had Tom, plus the younger Tom and Ben’s wife to keep you company. But you did miss this night with just the girls. So when you heard they were coming out you planed on a night out and left Tom at home alone. Things with Tom had been starting to heat up.
Making your way to the front door. You didn’t want to call or knock on the door Tom was most likely asleep. Not wanting to wake him over something like you not being able to find your keys. Looking for the hidden key. Which was under the frog planter you had put out when you first moved in with Tom. No such luck Tom must have forgotten to put the key back. With a sigh and a huff you walked around the house thinking maybe he left the sliding door unlocked. But no such lock. Walking the other way around the house. You looked over, your drunk brain trying to think. That’s when you saw the window of Toms room cracked open.
Tom has been just getting ready to go to bed as he walked out of his bathroom. Looking at his phone one last time. The girls said you were on your way home. He was starting to get worried. He shot you a quick text asking if you were all right. When he heard the ding of your phone somewhere in ‘his room?’ Looking over to where the sound came from. The sight his eyes came upon was quite the sight. You were half way throw his bedroom window. What was rather comical was the fact that your back half was stuck on the outer side of the window. You were struggling to open and get the rest of yourself in the room. He could tell you were attempting to be quiet. You would flinch every time there was a noise.
“Darling, you look a little stuck.” Tom chuckle. Making you squeak and look up. Seeing Tom Walk towards you. Your eyes wonder over the form that came towards you. That same form that was only wearing very tight boxers.
“Tom!” You hiccuped. “What are you doing in here?” You smiled.
“Y/n it’s my room.” Tom tried to hold his chuckle.
“Shouldn’t you be sleeping! Ohh Tomm, they had Scots I drank them.” You beamed. Still struggling to get in the room.
“Darling your drunk.” Tom laughed.
“No Thomas i’s no drunk! I’m just highly pleasured. Did my ass get better? Or did the window get smaller?” Looking behind you. Trying to figure out how to get in.
“Yes darling you ass did get better.” Tom smiled. Know very well that would wouldn’t remember much of this conversation.
“Ah Thomas. Don’t insult my ass.” You scoffed at the man.
“I’m sorry darling I will not insult your ass.” Tom said amused. Tom opened the window, almost making you fall back out of it, if it weren’t for Tom grabbing a hold of you waist. Tom pulled you in with not much help from you. Tom almost fell himself when you had pushed your foot against the window seal. Tom was trying to get you on to your feet but you only slid against his chest and down to your knees. You looked up at Tom. And giggled.
“Well, you finally got someone to kneel before you with glorious purpose.” You giggled more with a few hiccups in between. Tom was quite amused by your state. If only you weren’t drunk. Your eyes flutter down staring at his toned stomach. “Tom way are you naked?” You hand started to reach up wanting to trail your fingers down the tail of hair the led under his boxer. Until tom grab ahold of you pulling you to your feet.
“I’m not exactly naked and you are in my bedroom.” His smiled.
“Hey now I was to find out how British you are down there!” You huffed as Tom held you steady.
“I can assure you. I’m very British.” He sighed his eyebrow raised
“You know your cute when you act all British.” You cooed as you tried to walk. Only to stumble over your own feet. Almost crashing to the floor if it wasn’t for Tom hands grabbing a hold of your waist. “Ohh I like it when you man handle me.”
“All right lets get you to bed.” Tom shook his head. Tom picked you up with a bit of a fuss and squeal from you. Tom made his way to your bedroom.
“Tom you smell nice. Have I ever told you that.” You hummed laying your head on his shoulder, humming happily as your fingers made small patterns on exposed skin.
“Um thank you. Though you’re the one that buys my Cologne for me.” Tom stated. As he managed to open your door.
“Well I do have impeccable taste in cologne and in men. So winning.” You giggled. Before Tom had set you into bed. “Thank you to my prince in leather and metal.” Mumbling as Tom pulled your shoes off before he brought blanket over you. “What no kiss from the handsome prince.” You giggled.
“You mean your king.” Loki’s voice came out. “And if you remember tomorrow that I owe you a kiss, then you shall receive it.” Tom smile softly. Part of him wants you to remember and the other part of him doesn’t. As comical as you are drunk he did not want you to be embarrassed at some of the thing you had said. Before he made it to the door he could hear you lightly snoring.
Next morning when you woke, your head was pounding. Rolling over to look at your phone that was resting on the nightstand, next to a glass of water and pain killers with a note. Letting you know that Tom was out for a run. There was breakfast waiting for you when you woke. Taking the pills and water you decide to shower and throw on pjs. Cause you were not going anywhere for the rest of the day. Maybe the week. And depending on if you can remember what happened last night you may never leave the room. But after breakfast. Sitting down with the plate of food Tom made for you. Your groggy mind tried to remember things right as Tom walked in from his run.
“Ah she lives.” Tom teases a bit loudly.
“Shhh, Tom I’m dying.” You hissed. Holding you head. Tom chuckled. As he went to grab a glass of water. “Did I do anything stupid?” You looked over at him.
“You don’t remember anything when you came home?” Tom asked holding both his laughter and disappointment.
“I remember something about a window?” You asked trying to think about last night. You remember the events before getting home.
“Yes it was quite comical, you were stuck in the window of my bedroom.” Tom smirked. As he sat next to you.
“Well, I would say that would be a surprise but I could see me doing that.” You sighed. Looking away from Tom.
“Well, I’m gonna go take a shower drunky.” Tom chuckle as he made his way out of the kitchen. Leaving you to your thoughts. The thoughts from last night soon started to flood your mind. You eyes widened as you looked over where Tom had left moments ago. You waited before you went to talk with Tom. As you without knocking walked in to Tom’s bedroom. You thought you waited long enough, but apparently that was not the case. Tom was checking his phone, while a towel rested around his hips. Tom turned as the door shut behind you. You eyes widened and your mouth gapped open.
“Well I see you used the door this time.” Tom chuckle. You closed your mouth only to let is fall back open trying to find your voice.
“Why aren’t you dressed yet? I waited that long to talk to you, so you should be dressed.” You quietly huffed.
“Like I said last night it is my room. Do you care to share what you were going to talk with me about?” Tom inquired. Taking a few steps towards you.
“I um remember what happened last night.” You whispered. Fidgeting with your hands. “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize love. But I would like to know what exactly you remembered?” Tom smirked, that damn smirk of his, the one he always does for Loki. You hadn’t even realized how close he was getting to you.
“That you owe me a kiss?” You questioned not really sure that if you dreamt it up or if he really did say it.
“I do owe you that.” He whispered as he stood toe to toe with you. You only looked down. Which wasn’t helping any. Tom’s hand pushed you chin up to look at him. His head dipped down towards your his lips ghosting over your own. “Do you really think I’m cute?” You only nodded. Thinking he would kiss you finally, only for him to speak up again. “Did you really want to find out how British I am?” You could feel his smirk ghosts over your lips.
“Will you just make good on your words and kiss me all ready!” You squeaked out. With a dark chuckle Tom finally sealed your lips with his own. “Did you insult my ass last night?” You mumbled against his lips. Only making Tom kiss you harder now to get you to stop talking.
Permanent tags: @kitkatkl @lokilvrr @instantnoodlese @drakesfiance @meyoko10 @jackheart180 @miraclesoflove @wolfcore227 @mr-hiddlestons-pet @madleiine @teageowen @scorpionchild81
Tom/Loki Tag’s: @theoneanna @graveyard-groupie @silverquartx @moonfaery @kcd15 @moonlightprime @youveseen--thebutcher @shockwavee @sabine-leo @screw-real-life-i-pick-fandoms @vethrvolnir @darkprincessloki92
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Back to you Chapter 15 pt 2 - Leave right now.
Characters belong to pixelberry except those created for the story Summary: we pick up right where part 1 left off. Ellis is not wild about Leos return. Leo and Aria grow closer, and Ellie almost lets something slip out. Catch up here Rating: Mostly Fluff, slight NSFW  Chapter/Title inspiration: Thomas Rhett - leave right now.. Thanks a lot for getting me hooked....@bobasheebaby!!
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Tag list: @bobasheebaby @scarlettedragon @katurrade @annekebbphotography @speedyoperarascalparty @greys-anatomy-quotes @stopforamoment @mind-reader1 @xxrainbowprincessxx @hopefulmoonobject @alicars @indiacater @bella-ca @blznbaby @blackwidow2721 @liamxs-world @simsvetements @furiousherringoperatortoad
As always if you want added to the tag list, let me know! Thanks for reading :)
“El, come onnnnn. Lighten up, Leo and I have moved past everything, its time you did too.” Aria whines, while grabbing onto Leos arm pulling herself closer to him. Ellie eyes The duo curiously. “Ellie, I know I put you in a terrible position after, well, everything in Europe, but I genuinely hope we can move forward.” Leo extends his hand turning on his charm. “Ok fine,! But if you hurt her again I will hunt you down and chop off your dick myself. ” Ellie threatened as she shook his hand.The waitress pulls up two more chairs and takes Aria and Leos order. “Ill have 6 honey barbecue boneless and a Pepsi.” Aria ordered. “What are your hottest wings? Leo questioned the waitress. ” homicide,they are very hot. “ she informed him. "Ill have those and a Heineken please.” Aria eyes Leo, you sure you can handle those Rhys? They are super hot.“ Leo shoots her a cocky grin "I think ill be able to handle them.” 
The group engages in idle chit chat about whats been going on in each others lives the past few months before the waitress comes back with their food. Everyone eyes fall on Leo as he picks up his first wing. He rips off a hunk of chicken and chews not even breaking a sweat. He finishes the first with no problem. “They have a kick, but I have had hotter.” He takes a sip of his beer. Aria giggles “that’s why your super man.”
 They finish their food and rob and Liz take off. “Hey, lets go visit Daniel.” Aria begged. She had not seen him since she left and she was wondering how he and Gary were doing with the wedding plans. “You know I hate that place, but Daniel has a heavy hand, fuck it lets go.” Ellie agrees as they jump up. . Leo pulls Aria closer “so where exactly are we going?” He asked. “A bar.. the one I worked at before I left for Cordonia.” They pull into the parking lot of the bar and wait a few minutes for Jay and Ellie to get there. Jay had a street bike as well, but wasn’t as skilled a driver as Leo was. They finally pull in. “Dude that’s a sweet bike.” Jay admired which turned into a full on conversation between Jay and Leo about bikes and the motocross circuit  “If you two ladies want to sit out here and gab all night, Ellie and I are going to go get a drink.” Aria hollered motioning between the two. Leo grinned as he slid up to her side putting his arm around her waist. “My apologies beautiful, shall we.” He motioned with his other hand to lead the way. 
They walk in and Daniel looks up from the counter. “Well look at what they cat dragged in, come here.” He ran up to give her a hug. “Hey everyone Aria’s in the house.” He shouted, the bar erupted with cheers. Many of her regulars she served were there. “Something of a celebrity here I see.” Leo leaned in close kissing her cheek. Aria smiled “This is home, this was my life. I spent almost every night with many of them.” She planted a kiss on his lips. “Hey Dan, Ronnie in?” She asked. “Nope.” Daniel informed her as he poured a beer. “Good, let me behind that bar, hey El Alabama slammer?.” She questioned her friend. “Hell yeah! Im gonna go grab a booth.” Ellie nods her head and walks off  Aria saunters behind the bar.
 Leo pulls up a chair. He watches her grab bottles of liquor pouring them skillfully into each glass. “So spill. Who’s the hottie?” Daniel gushed glancing over in Leos direction. “Easy there tiger, aren’t you engaged.” Aria chuckled. “Yeah, but you gotta appreciate a good looking guy, and that one is FINE.” Daniel fanned himself with his hand. “That’s Leo, my ex. And current, im not even sure what we are. I guess Friends with benefits? She knew that it was more then just sex between them but could not find the right words. . “What happened to Liam, that was his name right, the prince.” Daniel eyed her curiously. She had wrote him a few emails but had not updated since Liam chose Madeline. He is marrying an uber cunt. Were figuring things out. Oh Leo is his brother.” She rushes her words, regretting them as soon as they came out. Daniel gives her a stern look. “So let me get this right, Liam is a prince, which makes Leo a prince too. You used to date Leo, and then almost married his brother, and you’re here with him now?”  Daniel shakes his head “Jesus Ari what have you gotten yourself into?” “Correction Liam is a king, Leo is the former crown prince but abdicate,  hes still a prince by birth right. And yes, im currently fucking him. Wanna know anything else Dan?” Aria snaps. Daniel puts his hands up in defeat as Aria grabs the drinks she made,handing Leo his as they make their way to the booth. “Were gonna need a few applebombs Dan, can you bring em out in a few?” She shouts over her shoulder.
Ellie gulps her drink down fast “man I missed how good you make them.” She said sliding her empty cup across the table. “You know how strong I make them, you may wanna pace yourself or you’ll fall off the back of Jays bike.” Aria giggles. “What no shots?” Ellie pouts. “What am I new? I already told Daniel.: She slouched back in her chair. After a few drinks Ellie grabs Arias hand and they make their way to the dance floor. Leaving Leo to chat with Jay. He liked Jay, he was a decent guy and knew a lot about motorcycles and racing. He even knew of Leo from the racing circuit. Leo sipped his beer as he watched her move around the dance floor with her best friend. She was smiling, laughing and singing along with the words to every song that came on. A familiar feeling came over him, it was the exact way he felt all those years ago, watching her be carefree and having fun. He loved her, he never stopped loving her. He pushed it down, even marrying Katie he wished it was her. When danced with her at the Masquerade ball in Cordonia he felt it and he didn’t know it was her, not until he had the PI find out who she was. He loved her, of that he was always sure, but this feeling was more he was head over heels for her. He needed to tell her and soon. 
They came back to the table, Ellie was already pretty drunk, she took a sip of Arias Malibu bay breeze “so Leo, you were married huh.” Ellie says with a bit of sarcasm. “I was, it did not work out.” Leo takes a swig of his beer, avoiding eye contact. “Did you have any kids?” She questioned. “No, thankfully Katie and I did not. I only ever thought of myself having children with one person.” His eyes flashed to Aria, her blush hidden with the already redness of her hot face. Ellie picking up on his subtle hint snorted. “That’s to bad, you could ha-” “Ellie, enough.” Aria warned, her voice dropped low and serious. Leo looked between both women, something Ellie mentioned, Aria did not want her to finish. Just then Jay comes up pulling Leo away “Hey some guys I know are fans they wanna meet you, come on.” 
As soon as Leo was gone Aria whipped around her eyes never leaving Ellie’s face “what the hell do you think you’re doing bringing that up?” Arias tone stern, her stare was cold, a sad trait she picked up from her time in the courtly life. “Damn, look at you. I guess being around royalty has made you grow some balls.” Ellie spit back. “You know that is something I never want to think about, why would you say that in front of him?” Aria seethed. “Jeeze, sorry I wasn’t thinking. You know you really should tell him. One day, he has the right to know.” Ellie got up to get a refill leaving Aria alone to ponder Ellie’s words. She knew she should tell him, it had been weighing on her for 5 years, if she was going to move forward with either him or Liam she needed to Cleanse herself of old baggage. She would tell him just not here.
 Leo, Ellie and Jay made their way back to the table. The mood started to lighten and the drinks kept coming. They settled into a nice groove, laughing and sharing stories. Aria rested her hand on Leo’s thigh, inching it closer every few minutes. A sly grin forms on his face. She moves her hand Dangerously close to the crotch of his pants, she can feel him grow against his jeans. He turns and drops his voice “what are you doing Beautiful?” “I have no idea what you are talking about handsome. ” she feigned innocence. “Ok, if that’s how you wanna play it.” He dips his hand under the table making his way in between Arias legs, he ran his fingers across her sex, she could feel the heat start to pool. She held back a moan as he continued to rub between her legs. She was so sure she had a wet spot by now. They were both so caught up in each other they didn’t notice Jay and Ellie leave the booth. Not wanting to have an orgasm right there she moved her hand away from his crotch above the table to grab her drink. She needed to cool down after that. He keeps his hand on her thigh his body facing her, she raises her glass taking a long sip from the straw. A familar song plays, she tilts her head back “ohh I love this song.” She sings along
Same streets, same party Drowning their problems in Bacardi Same people still talking Oh, I’m so over it, I’m sorry Baby, you and me could leave right now Ditch all your friends, the guy you came with Get to know you where it ain’t so loud Just you and me alone on some old moonlit road But the two of us could disappear Just say the word and get out of here Baby, you and me could leave right now
He stares at her wide eyed and stunned. “You have a Beautiful voice love, how did I not know you could sing?” “hmm I guess its just not something that most people know.” She sips her drink humming the rest of the words to herself. “Dance wit me Leo.” Aria jumps up holding her hand out, He takes it and they head to the dance floor. He pulls her close as their bodies sway to the music.Leo sings along with the chorus.
Baby, you and me could leave right now Ditch all your friends, the guy you came with Get to know you where it ain’t so loud Just you and me alone on some old moonlit road But the two of us could disappear Just say the word and get out of here Baby, you and me could leave right now Meet me out back if you like how that sounds
His voice smooth and sexy, she felt weak in the knees. She didn’t know he could sing. My god another to love about him. She was a goner, if she had any walls left they were completely gone now. She grabbed his hand and they made their way out the door to his bike. Leo twirls her around grabbing her by the small of her back, his other hand brushing her hair behind her ear. His lips crashed down on hers, their lips part and their tongues dance together, fighting for dominance. He pulls back reluctantly, leaving her breathless and light headed. “Come on, I want to show you something.” He hands her a helmet and they drove off into the city that never sleeps.
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fandomshipping · 6 years
In defense of VLD S7
While I don’t usually engage in discourse, here’s a few of my own thoughts on some of the most significant objections since it wouldn’t hurt to add some dissenting voices amidst all the salt:
Acxa. Okay, so I get that Ezor and Zethrid have teased that Acxa might have feelings for Keith, and /that/ scene might have hinted that there /was/ something there. But personally? While I do believe that there is some kind of connection between the two (implied ever since Keith saved her in the Weblum), I don’t think it’s romantic. They have parallels, yes, but not all parallelism could be taken in a romantic context. Maybe Ezor or Zethrid might have mistaken it as such, as fixation can be sometimes, but just because someone’s fixated on another person doesn’t mean they’re in love with them. And because she’s been gone for a while after that ep, I doubt they’ll be sowing the seeds of that romance anytime soon. But that said, I am super excited to know what that connection is. One thing I liked about the season was that they finally began to address it, and to be honest I never expected that to happen.
LGBT rep as a marketing tactic. I’ve seen other people address this more succinctly, but since it’s such a significant objection I feel like I should include this. I may not be an expert on what goes into producing a show, but I’m pretty sure that for the most part, the showrunners aren’t as into the marketing aspect as one might think. After all, they’re quite busy... well, running the show. Keeping deadlines, overseeing how the story is told, making sure everything’s good with the higher-ups—that is a /lot/ of work to be done, so while they might be approving marketing collaterals and the like, I don’t think they’re the ones handling what goes into them. So yes, while we might have instances of marketing tagging #k//lance on Youtube videos or collaterals overemphasizing the LGBT aspect, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s entirely in line with what the show has to offer. And this is!! Something!! That happens often!! So please, let’s not blame the showrunners for something they might not even have control over. Which brings me to my next point:
Queerbaiting. That said, does this mean there won’t be LGBT rep? Of course not. I believe LM and JDS when they said they’d fight for it, although I do think we won’t get it in the way people think. I know everyone thinks they might have everyone be straight because of the Acxa and Allurance scenes. But really? It’s still up in the air. So far, Allurance seems to be the only confirmed [almost] relationship among the paladins, and /maybe/ a little Hunay (since Hunk did say he just admired her, not necessarily romantically), but other than that? There’s no indication that any of the other characters /aren’t/ LGBT. I mean... bitch??? Have u forgotten about Korrasami?? I mean, the first few seasons some of us literally DID NOT KNOW we were actually going to get it (especially since the odds were heavily tilted towards Mak//orra back then) for real. And in the finale, we had them hold hands and go on a gay Spirit World adventure. It was only when the comics came out that we had them fricking kiss, plus Kya being confirmed LGBT. So sure, while Voltron might have more liberty than Legend of Korra ever could, but it’s also a property owned by Dreamworks, so it’s important to consider how these factors will play in their portrayal. Don’t lose hope, guys. Speaking of Allurance, however:
Forced Allurance. I can’t even recall how many times I’ve seen people claiming that the Allurance this season was forced and that Allura never liked him in the first place. But, my dudes, it’s been hinted at for so long now. Almost blatantly in some scenes. And  It’s apparent that they were gonna do something with them in the long run, but man, I feel like the defense has been repeated so many times that I instead encourage you to read other people’s thoughts on it, such as this, and this. (Just a warning though—one of the posts isn’t exactly kind to K//lance shippers. Personally, I'm okay with K//lance, and some of the shippers are quite lovely, so feel free to skip if it makes you uncomfortable.)
Adam’s death. Hoo boy, this is a big one. So I get the disappointment and anger over this. I really do. And everyone who’s angry at this happening has a right to be. But I also understand why it had to end this way. For one, Adam was introduced so late in the game—near the end of the series, even —so any further development between him and Shiro might be a little weird considering the series is already on its last legs. For another, it makes sense through a thematic perspective, as plot device-y as it may be. The Hypable interview with LM and JDS makes a fair point regarding it so you can read up on that. But really? I’m just glad that we got Adam and Shiro at all, as well as Shiro’s LGBT confirmation. It’s very bare-bones, yes, but if there’s a good thing to come out from it, it’s that with this confirmation we know that Shiro’s storyline /can/ head towards mlm without having to just chalk it up to the imagination. And hopefully, this can lead to more daring storylines in the future.
Bad writing. Finally, the mother of all complaints and the one that saddens me the most. Because this season was very inventive and touched on dark topics in ways I never expected it to. Sure the Family Feud episode could be off-putting with its treatment of Lance, but I loved how it also added a surreal creep factor not found in other episodes (the flickering screen, the fridge horror of Lance’s possible fate, that dissonance of scene between Pidge attacking Bob and the game cutting to them back in their stations). Not to mention the Druid episode. And The Journey Within, my God—the setup, the relationship drama, the sanity slippage? I loved it. Season 7, while flawed, finds its strength in engaging with hard topics such as death, war, and the greyness that comes with it—think of Admiral Sanda, or even Shiro while trying to get the Atlas off the planet. And we even got some shining points of characterization: Hunk and his family, Keith trusting in his team more, Lance getting more of a say in missions, James Griffin’s + Iverson’s redemption?? And of course, Shiro. My god, Shiro.
So yes, I understand that there are a lot of things the fandom is salty about currently. But as someone who’s been through a lot of fandoms (hence the name) and a bunch of dumpster fires (if you think S7 was terrible writing, ohh boy, be glad you weren’t part of the Shingeki no Bahamut fandom during the second season. I still feel a literal pain in my chest when I think of how it wrapped up. And as for plot devices... *cries over Jackie Lynn Thomas*), I feel like the fandom needs to be reminded of the merits the show has and continues to have in the midst of this wave of negativity.
The Voltron reboot, while at times can be cheesy and clunky at some parts, is still nonetheless a show that’s been well-thought of and lovingly made, by every aspect of the production—heck, the fandom wouldn’t have become as large as it was or garnered so much discussion otherwise. We’re lucky to even have a show like this, with showrunners, VAs, animators, and everyone in between willing to accommodate and give us fans content and answers. And it’s disheartening to see it when people are so quick to thrash all that work because of perceived flaws.
Guys, we’re not kids anymore. And even if some of you are, we should be better than this. This kind of attitude is something you’ll try to block out of your mind 10 years from now because of how embarrassing it is. Might as well save yourself the cringe now.
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