#i know what u are then say it looking ass
taurasiluvr · 3 days
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how you can help palestine part one part three
★ i got a couple requests for a prequel for my paige fic, so here it is!! ★ "queen u should do like a prequel to ur paige fic where u show what happened when the mc and bf was on break. ur writing is amazing btw 😘😘" /// "hey girlie, could u do a part two to the paige fic but like it’s sorta a prequel? like what happens when the reader and her bf were on a break. ur an amazing writer, thank u for ur service 🫡"
 ⠀ ── ⠀warnings ;; nsfw under the cut, mdni. fingering, oral (r receiving), more cheating, mentions of alcohol, ugly ass bf (ewww)
 ⠀ ── ⠀word count ;; 4.7k
 ⠀ ── ⠀rylin's notes ;; requests are open for those who want to send them in :p
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"that's what i fucking said!" you shouted into the phone, frustration evident in your voice.
you glanced at your nails, trying to keep your temper in check as your boyfriend's rant continued on the other end of the line. his shouting about god knows what was getting on your nerves, especially since you were at paige's place, getting ready for a party.
paige leaned against the doorframe, her eyes full of concern as she watched you. she could hear your boyfriend's muffled yelling from across the room and raised an eyebrow in silent question.
you sighed heavily, running a hand through your hair. "look, i can't do this right now. i'm at p's right now, and we're about to head out. we'll talk later," you said, trying to end the call.
"don't hang up on me!" your boyfriend snapped, his voice loud enough that even paige could make out his words. she frowned, pushing off the doorframe and walking over to you.
"my god, this shit is exhausting!" you said, exasperation coloring your tone. "we're on break, okay? this is the exact reason why we are on the break in the first place, i'm tired of you!"
paoge reached out and took your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. she mouthed, "hang up," and you nodded, feeling a rush of gratitude for her support.
"bye, i'll talk to you later." you said firmly, ending the call despite your boyfriend's protests. you dropped your phone onto the bed and took a deep breath, trying to calm the anger bubbling inside you.
paige stepped closer, her hands gently cupping your face. "you okay?" she asked softly, her eyes full of concern.
you nodded, though your frustration was still evident. "yeah, just... sick of his shit. he's always yelling about something."
paige's thumbs brushed lightly against your cheeks. "you don't have to put up with that, you know."
"i know," you sighed, leaning into her touch. "it's just... complicated."
paige gave you a small, understanding smile. "it doesn't have to be."
you looked at her, searching for comfort in her steady gaze. "let's just get ready for the party, needa forget about him for a while."
paige nodded, her smile widening. "sounds like a plan."
you both continued getting ready, the atmosphere lightening as paige started making jokes and playfully teasing you. she helped you pick out an outfit, her eyes lingering on you with a mix of admiration and something else you couldn't quite place.
"if he saw me wear this, i swear he'd lose his shit," you laughed as you eyed yourself through the reflection.
paige rolled her eyes. "you know this is a free country right? he's just an insecure fuck."
you laughed as you glanced at the blonde, you could see her gaze lingering on your ass for a little longer than a friend should have. you felt your cheeks heat up as you licked your lips, choosing to ignore it. paige had always admired you; she's never hid the fact she thought you were hot from you.
"you're just saying that 'cause you have better taste," you teased, adjusting the hem of your shirt.
Paige smirked, her eyes meeting yours in the mirror. "damn right i do. and you look amazing."
your blush deepened, but you tried to play it off with a laugh. "thanks, p. you always know how to make me feel good."
"that's what i'm here for," she replied with a wink.
the sound of your phone buzzing interrupted the moment. you glanced at the screen, seeing a long text from your boyfriend. you sighed, feeling the weight of his constant questioning pressing down on you.
"let me guess," paige said, her tone laced with sarcasm. "nother 'concerned' message from mr. clingy?"
"yep," you replied, tossing your phone onto the bed. "it's like he can't let me breathe."
paige grabbed your phone, skimming through the text before scoffing. her expression was amused as she met your gaze before you both burst out in laughter. "fuck," she just swiped the message from your notification center before glancing up at you.
as you finished getting ready, you could feel the excitement building. the prospect of a night out with paige and your girls was exactly what you needed to escape the stress and tension. paige handed you a pair of heels, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
"these will complete the look," she said, helping you slip them on.
you stood up, wobbling slightly on the unfamiliar height. paige steadied you, her hands warm and reassuring on your waist. "careful there, cinderella."
you laughed, feeling a genuine happiness that had been missing for a while. "thanks, prince charming."
she chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "anytime, princess."
with one last look in the mirror, you grabbed your purse and headed out the door, paige by your side. the drive to the party was filled with laughter and easy conversation, a stark contrast to the earlier argument with your boyfriend. by the time you arrived, you felt lighter, more carefree.
the party was in full swing when you walked in. music pulsed through the air, and people filled every corner of the house. paige stayed close to you, her presence a comforting anchor in the chaos. you spotted your girls in the crowd and waved, making your way over to them.
"finally!" aaliyah exclaimed, pulling you into a hug. "we thought you were never gonna get here."
"sorry," you said with a laugh, returning the hug. "had some... complications."
nika raised an eyebrow, glancing at paige. "complications, huh? everything okay?"
"yeah," paige answered for you, her hand resting lightly on your back. "just some boyfriend drama. but we're here to have fun, right?"
"right!" aubrey agreed, handing you a drink. "let's forget about the drama and enjoy the night."
as the night went on, you found yourself relaxing more and more. paige stayed by your side, her playful banter and easy confidence helping you forget about your earlier argument. at one point, you caught her looking at you with a soft smile, and you felt a warmth spread through your chest.
"thanks for being here," you said quietly, leaning in so she could hear you over the music.
"always," paige replied, her eyes sparkling with sincerity.
you felt a rush of gratitude and something deeper, something that made your heartbeat a little faster. for the first time in a while, you felt truly happy, surrounded by friends and free from the weight of your boyfriend's constant demands.
as the party continued, someone suggested doing body shots. the idea was met with enthusiastic cheers, and before you knew it, you were being pulled towards the center of the room. paige's eyes lit up with excitement as she nudged you playfully.
"come on, it'll be fun!" she said, her grin infectious.
you laughed, feeling a mix of nervousness and thrill. "okay, okay! who's going first?"
aubrey handed you a shot glass filled with tequila and a slice of lime. "why don't you start, and paige can go next?"
you glanced at paige, who winked at you. "let's do it."
you lay down on the makeshift bar setup, feeling the cool surface against your back. the room erupted in cheers and whistles as Paige leaned over you, her eyes locked onto yours. she sprinkled salt on your stomach, her touch sending shivers down your spine.
"ready?" she asked, her voice low and teasing.
"yeah," you replied quietly, your heart racing.
paige licked the salt off your skin, her tongue warm and soft against your flesh. she quickly took the shot, her eyes never leaving yours, and then bit into the lime that had been in your mouth.
"your turn, princess," paige said, her voice a little breathless as she helped you up.
you switched places, your hands trembling slightly as you poured the tequila and placed the lime slice in her mouth. paige lay back, her eyes watching you intently. you sprinkled the salt on her stomach, your fingers brushing against her skin, and felt the tension between you intensify.
"go for it," paige encouraged, her eyes dark with anticipation.
you leaned down, licking the salt from her skin, the taste mingling with the warmth of her body. you took the shot quickly, the burn of the alcohol mixing with the rush of adrenaline. as you bit into the lime, you looked into paige's eyes and saw the same heat and desire mirrored there.
the room around you seemed to fade away as you finished the shot, your focus entirely on paige. she sat up slowly, her face inches from yours, and you could feel her breath on your lips.
"that was hot," paige breathed out with a chuckle.
you licked your lips as her eyes kept glancing to your lips, a smirk evident on hers. the moment was charged with unspoken tension, the air thick with possibilities. for a second, you thought paige might lean in and kiss you, but the spell was broken by the sound of laughter and cheers from your friends.
"who's next?" aubrey called out, oblivious to the moment you and paige had just shared.
you stepped back, your heart still pounding, and forced a smile. "yeah, yeah."
paige's hands found your hips as she led you away from the crowd, her touch lingering a moment longer than necessary. she followed you, your mind racing and your body still tingling from the shared intimacy of the body shots. the party's noise and energy seemed to blur into the background as you both made your way to a quieter corner of the room.
"that was fun," paige said, her voice low as she glanced back at you.
you nodded, your breath catching in your throat. "yeah, it was."
paige's eyes softened, and she gave you a small, reassuring smile. "you okay?"
"yeah," you replied, your voice steadier than you felt. "haven't done body shots in a while," you forced out a chuckle as paige kept her eyes glued on you.
paige chuckled, her thumb brushing against your side. "yeah well maybe we needa do more, huh?"
you laughed as you nodded, paige joining in a few moments after. the two of you stood there for a moment, the party continuing around you but feeling distant and detached.
the party continued and you found yourself drinking a little more than you should have. the buzz of alcohol dulled the edges of your anxiety, making everything feel softer and more manageable. paige stayed close by, her presence a steady anchor amidst the chaos of the party.
you felt lighter, freer, and more attuned to the warmth of the people around you. you stole glances at Paige, noticing the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed and how her smile seemed to light up the room.
someone suggested playing another round of truth or dare, and the group eagerly agreed. you and Paige found yourselves back in the circle, this time sitting even closer, your legs brushing against each other. the game began again, and the dares grew bolder and the truths more revealing – you didn't expect anything less of college aged people.
when it was your turn, you hesitated for a moment before choosing "dare." you were feeling bold, the alcohol giving you a boost of confidence.
"i dare you to go into the closet with p for seven minutes in heaven," they declared, their eyes dancing with excitement.
the room erupted in cheers and laughter, and you felt your cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and anticipation. you glanced at paige, who raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at her lips.
"well, shall we?" paige asked, extending a hand to help you up.
you nodded, your heart pounding in your chest as you took her hand. the group continued to cheer and tease as you and paige made your way to the closet. once inside, paige closed the door behind you, and the noise from the party was muffled, leaving you in a small, dimly lit space with her.
the air between you was charged with tension, and you could feel your pulse quicken. paige leaned against the door, her eyes locked onto yours.
"guess we have seven minutes," she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
you swallowed hard, your mind racing. "yeah, seven minutes."
paige took a step closer, her gaze intense. "what do you want to do with those seven minutes?"
you laughed, shaking your head. "you're such a horny fuck, paige."
"me? never," she laughed but her eyes didn't leave your face. "you're just really hot, i mean... look at what you're wearin' princess, i can't help it."
it seemed the alcohol had also given paige a boost of confidence, making her bolder than usual. she took another step closer, her body inches from yours, the heat between you palpable.
"really gonna blame it on what i'm wearing?" you teased. "pretty sure you've been looking at me like this all night."
paige's smile turned mischievous. "maybe i have. what are you gonna do about it?"
your breath hitched at her words, the challenge in her eyes making your pulse race even faster. you felt a surge of bravery, fueled by the tension and the alcohol in your system. stepping closer, you reached up and brushed a strand of hair away from her face, your fingers lingering on her cheek.
"i think i'll do this," you murmured, leaning in and closing the gap between you.
your lips met in a slow, deliberate kiss, the world outside the closet fading away. paige responded eagerly, her hands sliding around your waist, pulling you closer. the kiss deepened, and you felt a rush of heat spread through your body, the intensity of the moment consuming you both.
paige's hands roamed over your back, her touch sending shivers down your spine. you lost yourself in the sensation, your fingers tangling in her hair as you pressed your body against hers. the kiss became more urgent, a release of all the unspoken feelings that had been building between you for what felt like forever.
breaking the kiss for a moment, paige's forehead rested against yours, her breath warm on your lips. "you have no idea how long i've wanted to do that," she whispered, her voice husky with desire.
"wonder how your little boyfriend would feel about this, huh, princess?" she teased as you rolled your eyes.
"shut up," you murmured, a playful smile tugging at your lips.
you captured her lips again, silencing her teasing with another passionate kiss. paige's hands tightened on your waist, pulling you closer as the kiss deepened, your bodies pressed together in the small closet.
the intensity between you was electric, each touch, each kiss fueling the fire that had been smoldering for so long. you could feel paige's heart beating against yours, the rhythm matching the wild pace of your own. her hands slid down to your hips, her fingers gripping you firmly, grounding you in the moment.
she pushed you against the table that was set behind you, a groan leaving her lips as she did so. the edge of the table pressed into your back, but the discomfort was overshadowed by the intensity of paige's kiss. her hands gripped your hips, holding you in place as she deepened the kiss, her tongue exploring your mouth with a desperate need.
you wrapped your arms around her neck, pulling her closer, the heat between you building with each passing second. paige's hands roamed over your body, her touch both gentle and demanding. she trailed kisses down your neck, sucking gently on the sensitive skin, leaving a trail of fire in her wake.
"paige," you breathed out, your voice barely above a whisper, your fingers tangling in her hair.
she lifted her head, her eyes dark with desire as she looked at you. "wanted this for so long," she confessed, her voice husky and filled with longing.
"me too," you admitted, your heart racing. "i've tried to ignore it, but i can't anymore."
paige's lips curved into a small smile, her hands sliding under your shirt, her fingers brushing against your bare skin. "then don't," she murmured, her lips finding yours again in a searing kiss.
as the kiss intensified, paige's hands moved to the hem of your shirt, lifting it over your head and tossing it aside. her eyes roamed over your exposed skin, her gaze filled with admiration and desire. she leaned in, pressing kisses along your collarbone, her hands exploring every inch of you.
you arched into her touch, your breath hitching as she trailed her fingers down your sides, leaving a path of tingling sensations. paige's lips found your ear, her breath warm against your skin as she whispered, "you drive me crazy, you know that?"
you laughed softly, your hands sliding down her back. "good," you replied, your voice laced with a mix of teasing and sincerity.
paige's hands moved to your waist, her fingers slipping under the waistband of your pants. "can i?" she asked, her voice filled with a mixture of hope and hesitation.
you nodded, your heart pounding with anticipation. "yes."
with a swift motion, paige unbuttoned your shorts, sliding them down your legs. her hands caressed your thighs, her touch sending waves of pleasure through your body. she looked up at you, her eyes filled with an intense longing that mirrored your own.
"need you," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
you cupped her face in your hands, pulling her in for another kiss. "'m yours," you replied, the words spilling from your lips without hesitation.
paige's eyes darkened with desire, her hands moving to your underwear, sliding them down with a slow, deliberate motion. she kissed her way down your body, her lips leaving a trail of fire as they moved lower and lower. the sensation was overwhelming, your body trembling with anticipation.
she quickly straightened up, lifting you up into the table easily. her hands found your hips, and she pulled you forward, your bodies pressed together in a feverish embrace. you could feel the heat radiating from her as her lips traveled back up your body, tracing a path of desire that left you breathless.
when her mouth found yours again, the kiss was hungry and desperate, a reflection of the emotions that had been building between you for so long.
paige's hands roamed freely, exploring the contours of your body with a reverence that made you shiver. she took her time, savoring every moment, every reaction she elicited from you. her touch was both tender and commanding, a perfect balance that left you craving more.
as her hands moved to your breasts, you gasped, arching into her touch. paige's mouth followed the path of her hands, her lips and tongue teasing your sensitive skin. the combination of her touch and the cool air of the closet sent waves of pleasure coursing through you, making it hard to think about anything other than the woman in front of you.
"paige," you breathed out, your voice trembling with need. "please."
she looked up at you, her eyes dark with desire. "tell me what you want, princess."
you bit your lip, trying to find the words. "i want you... no.. i need you to touch me."
paige's smile was both tender and wicked as she complied, her hands sliding down your body with a slow, deliberate motion. when her fingers finally found your wet pussy, you let out a soft moan, your head falling back as the pleasure overwhelmed you.
she moved with a skilled precision, her fingers teasing and exploring, driving you to the edge with every touch. the sensations were almost too much to bear, your body trembling with the intensity of it all. paige's name fell from your lips in a breathless whisper, a plea for more.
and she gave it to you, her movements becoming more insistent, her touch more demanding. the world outside the closet ceased to exist, leaving only the two of you in this moment of raw, unrestrained passion. every caress, every kiss, every whispered word pushed you closer to the brink, until you were teetering on the edge of oblivion.
"fuck," you gasped, your hands gripping her shoulders as you felt yourself reaching the peak. "'m so close."
paige leaned down, ignoring your pleas and spread your legs further. her lips found your cunt, her tongue delving into it as she began to devour you like you were her last meal. your hand found her hair, your legs wrapped around her head as you cried out.
"fuckfuckfuck, please," your makeup was running at this point but you didn't care anymore, you just needed to cum.
as soon as her tongue became flicking your clit, the coil in your stomach snapped as you let out a sob of pure pleasure. "oh my god!"
when the waves of pleasure finally began to subside, you collapsed against her, your breath coming in ragged gasps. paige sat up as her arms wrapped around you, holding you close as you both tried to catch your breath.
for a moment, there was only the sound of your breathing, the world outside the closet a distant memory. then paige pulled back slightly, her eyes searching yours with a mix of tenderness and concern.
"you okay?" she asked softly, brushing a strand of hair away from your face.
you nodded, a smile spreading across your lips. "more than okay. that was... amazing."
"aw, sweetheart. does he fuck you like that?" paige joked as you rolled your eyes. her finger swiped below your eyes, removing the mascara that was running down your face.
you playfully smacked paige's arm, trying to suppress the laughter that bubbled up. "shut up," you teased, feeling a mix of embarrassment and exhilaration from the intimacy you'd just shared.
paige chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "hey, just curious. gotta know how i compare," she said, her tone light.
you rolled your eyes again, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. "you're impossible," you muttered, but your smile gave you away.
paige's finger gently swiped beneath your eyes, removing the smudged makeup. "there," she said softly, her touch lingering on your cheek. "all better."
the moment was tender, filled with unspoken words and shared emotions. paige's thumb brushed against your skin, her eyes locking onto yours. for a second, the world outside seemed to disappear again, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of newfound intimacy.
but the bubble burst as the closet door opened suddenly, and nika stood there, her expression with urgency. "guys, sorry to interrupt," she said, glancing between the two of you, "but your boyfriend just showed up."
your heart dropped at her words, the elation from moments before evaporating instantly. "what?" you exclaimed, stepping away from paige.
nika nodded, her brows furrowed with annoyance. "yeah, he's here, and he looks pissed. he was asking about you."
paige's expression darkened, her protective instincts kicking in. "great," she muttered, running a hand through her hair. "just what we needed."
you took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. "guess o have to go talk to him," you said reluctantly, the weight of reality crashing back down on you.
paige stepped closer, her hand finding yours and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "you want me to come with you?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern.
you hesitated for a moment, then shook your head. "no, it's fine. i need to handle this on my own." You squeezed her hand back, grateful for her support. "but thank you."
you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the confrontation ahead. with a final look at Paige, you stepped out of the closet, nika leading the way to where your boyfriend was waiting.
he was standing in the living room, his face a storm of emotions. as soon as he saw you, his eyes narrowed, and he strode towards you. "where the hell have you been?" he demanded, his voice laced with anger and frustration.
you squared your shoulders, trying to remain calm. "i've been at the party," you replied evenly. "what's your problem?"
"my problem?" he echoed, his voice rising. "you've been ignoring my calls and texts! and now i find out you've been hiding in a closet with paige?"
"first of all, it's a game!" you shot back, using the same tone he was. "ever heard of seven minutes in heaven?"
"that sure as hell was more than seven minutes, babe." his eyes flashed with anger and hurt, but he took a deep breath, seemingly trying to calm himself. "but you didn't answer my calls or texts. what's going on with us?"
you sighed, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on you. "i told you, we need space to figure things out. this break was supposed to help us do that."
he stared at you for a moment, then looked away, his jaw clenched. "i just... i don't want to lose you," he said, his voice softer now, tinged with desperation.
your heart ached at his words, the conflict within you growing. "don't want to lose you either," you admitted, your voice breaking slightly. "but we need to work on our issues. we can't keep having these fights all the time."
he nodded slowly, his expression softening. "okay, i get that. but seeing you with paige... it just messed with my head."
"nothing's happening with Paige," you lied, trying to reassure him and keep the peace. "it was just a game. you have to trust me."
he looked at you, searching your eyes for the truth. after a moment, he nodded again, though his expression was still troubled. "alright. i trust you. but we need to talk about this. really talk."
you nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and guilt. "we will. but not here, not now. let's just try to enjoy the rest of the night, okay?"
He took a deep breath and then reached out to take your hand. "okay. but promise me we'll talk soon."
"promise," you said, squeezing his hand. "we'll figure this out."
with that, the tension between you seemed to ease slightly. you both turned and headed back into the house, the noise and energy of the party a stark contrast to the heavy conversation you had just had. as you reentered the party, you spotted paige watching you from across the room, her eyes filled with concern.
you gave her a small, reassuring nod, and she responded with a tentative smile. you knew this wasn't over, and there would be more conversations, more decisions to make. but for now, you were trying to hold on to the fragile peace you had managed to create.
throughout the rest of the night, your boyfriend stayed close by your side, his presence a constant reminder of the complexity of your feelings. paige didn't really give a fuck, she was still by your side, her hand always seemed to be on your shoulder or arm (she knew she'd get her ass beat if she touched your back or hips, where her hands usually would be).
when the time came to leave, your boyfriend offered to drive you home. as you said your goodbyes to your friends, paige pulled you aside for a moment.
"you okay?" she asked softly, her eyes filled with concern.
you nodded, though your heart felt heavy. you glanced behind you, looking at your boyfriend whose gaze was stuck on you and paige. "yeah, i'm okay. thanks for everything tonight."
paige gave you a small smile. "anytime, princess. just... take care of yourself, alright?"
"i will," you promised, giving her a hug. "we'll talk later."
paige's arms embraced you tightly, as she gave you a kiss on your head. she looked up to meet your boyfriend's eyes, giving him a smirk before she licked her lips, her eyes finding yours again.
"i love you," she muttered.
"i love you too, p." you managed a smile as you both leaned away.
paige looked up to see your now, seething boyfriend. she gave him a smile as she waved all in the mask of politeness. god, how she loved pushing his buttons.
your boyfriend's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching as he returned paige's wave with a curt nod. you could see the storm brewing behind his eyes, and you knew that once you were alone, there would be a lot to talk about.
"let's go," your boyfriend said tersely, his voice barely masking his anger.
"yeah," you replied, glancing one last time at paige. she gave you a reassuring nod, her eyes softening with concern.
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if you enjoyed, any interaction is greatly appreciated!
with love, rylin 𝜗𝜚
600 notes · View notes
adimilkys · 2 days
Can you please PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do jjk (especially nanami and toji) with s/o in their special time that doesn't want their children to hear them? (I'm 26, not native speaker, new on Tumblr but love Ur acc)
Be quiet, love.
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warnings : MDNI 18+, p in v, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), fingering, biting, not proofread
Contains : Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento
note : I will do a part two 100% with more characters, I just had no idea what to write for Toji for now (sorry anon) my brain is dead from working... also this is hurried because I haven’t posted anything for so longg
part two (soon)
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Gojo Satoru
You’re in the kitchen, drinking water after finally putting your kid to sleep. Satoru was still in their bedroom reading a bed time story, even after a full day of chaos you weren’t that tired, which was surprising as your days lately just ended with falling asleep within seconds from exhaustion.
Suddenly, you felt hands wrapping around your waist and pulling you back. Satoru leaving kisses all over your neck and shoulders. “Do you know how hard has it been for me all day? Wearing those shorts that barely cover your ass… tsk, naughty girl~”
He spun you around, picked you up and sat you down on the counter, continuing his assault to your neck. “Toru… not in here-” you whined, trying to pull his head away- which of course doesn’t work.
“I don’t think I can wait any longer… need you so badly.” He whined, his hands sneaking under your shirt, pinching your nipples.
“What if baby wakes u-” He slammed his lips on yours, cutting you off. His tongue slid over your lips, when you didn’t open them one of his hands slid down and cupped your pussy, making you gasp. He didn’t waste any time, immediately entering your mouth.
“I’ll be quick” with that, he grabbed your shorts and pulled them off right with your panties. You knew damn well that was a lie, Satoru is never quick, he loves taking his time while fucking you, making sure to fill you up until his cum is spilling out of you.
He replaced his tongue with two of his fingers, making you slightly gag. “Suck.” You complied, staring up at him with teary eyes, swirling your tongue around his fingers. He cursed under his breath at your face. “You tease… giving me the fuck me eyes, hm?”
His fingers left your mouth, immediately going down and entering your hole, making you gasp. Not wasting any time he scissored you, making sure to loosen you up as fast as possible, feeling if he didn’t, he would burst in his pants just from looking at you.
You hid your face in his neck, trying to muffle your moans. “Just like that wifey, you don’t want to wake baby up, right?”
As you were about to cum he pulled his fingers away, making you whine which was immediately replaced by a gasp- filling you up with a quick thrust.
He groaned into your ear, grabbing your legs and wrapping them around his waist, giving you no time to adjust he started pounding into you at an inhuman pace.
“T-Toru!” You moaned a little too loud, biting his shoulder to contain your moans. “Shh… You’re doing so g-good… fuck.” Satoru bit his lip, trying to be quiet as well.
His pace has not slowed down even a little, going faster and faster, hitting that one spot- giving you no mercy.
“C-Close!” You managed to say before letting out a cry, your feet digging into his back as you came all around his cock.
Fuck, you were gripped him so tight. With a few more deep thrusts he buried himself right against your cervix and shoot out ropes of his cum.
You didn’t even get any time to calm down before you heard little footsteps upstairs. Immediately pushing Satoru away to put on your shorts.
“Mama… Papa?” Your kid yawned, standing at the bottom of the stairs.
“Sweetheart… what are you doing up?” You said trying to stand up but wincing at the sudden pain in your legs. Satoru decided to be the one to take over the situation, walking up to the little kid and taking them in his arms.
“I heard some noises…” Satoru sighed, nodding your way and taking baby up the stairs back to their bedroom.
“Yes baby?”
“Why do you have a bite mark there?”
Nanami Kento
Lately you and your husband haven’t had time for any activity in bed. Your kid has gotten the flu which was really stressing. Not to mention that they’re extra clingy while sick too, always needing your attention.
Finally it has calmed down, and your baby was out asleep because of the meds. “God I need a long, relaxing bath after this week.” You sighed falling onto the couch.
“Already done, love. Even added all your oils in it.” You looked over to your husband, a grin on your face, opening your arms motioning for him to come and hug you.
“I love you so much, my amazing husband.” You left kisses all over his face while he held you in his arms. “Then I hope you wouldn’t mind if I… joined you?”
You leaned over to his ear, whispering "of course not" which made him immediately pick you up, throw you over his shoulder and carry you to the bathroom while you laughed.
He didn't waste any time in undressing you, knowing your baby could wake up. You got in the bath, Kento right behind you. You sighed leaning your head back on his shoulder, the warm water soothing your muscles.
Suddenly you felt kisses all over you neck, the mouth finding your sweet spot and sucking on it, making you let out a quiet moan. "Just relax, let me take care of you, love."
One of his hand toyed with your nipples, while the other with your folds. "No teasing, Ken..." he chuckled, two of his fingers entering your hole, making you gasp.
He found your spot in no time, abusing it over and over again. You couldn't contain your moans, thank god your bathroom was far away from the babies room.
"S-Shit- I'm-"
"Close? Cum f'me, love" he didn't have to tell you twice, you came hard all around his fingers, a silent scream leaving your lips. "S'good f'me... my pretty wife." He pulled his fingers out, grabbing your face and connecting his lips with yours, the kiss was gentle, full of love.
"I'm going to enter now, alright?" You nod your head, your nails were digging into his thighs. He positioned himself against your entrance before slowly thrusting in.
Even though it's not your first time, with Kento it feels like it is every single time. "S-So big- ugh...!" you moaned, your head threw back, eyes closed.
His thrusts started off slow, but sped up every second, some of the water splashing out of the bath and onto the floor. "You feel so good, love-" He groaned into your ear, his hands gripping your hips.
Suddenly he pulled out, you whining at the lost sensation before he picked you up, left the bath and bent you over the bathroom sink, entering you once again.
"Look at yourself, hm? So beautiful, all mine..." he grabbed your face once again, making sure you're looking in the mirror. You're hair was sticking to your face, water droplets flowing down your body. You could also see the way his dick moved in and out of your pussy, stretching it out.
His hands were wrapped around your waist, his eyes piercing right through yours in the mirror, making you flustered, wanting to look away but he doesn't let you.
His thrusts were speeding up, one of his hands lowered and went over to your clit, rubbing it. "Haah... Kennn-"
"Shit... come with me baby" With a loud moan you came, him not long after you, spilling his cum inside of you.
Both of you were panting, as he pulled out you could feel his cum spilling out of you, making you shudder at the sensation.
"You did so good love, come on let's get you dried up."
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ih8mel · 11 hours
jealousy , B. E
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a/n: hello fellow people, just know that i’m trying to get the hang of writing on here so if you see something that makes no sense, it’s just me getting trying to get used on this app <3
❤︎ | jealous bils headcannons ·˚ ༘
• if she sees another woman touch you, best believe she’s throwing punches.
• “bet she doesn’t fuck you like this, sweetheart.” she’ll mutter while biting on your ear lobe, all while her strap is ruining your g-spot.
• punishing you for giving her an attitude with a flogger.
• making you count every single spank she gives to your ass, her other hand sneaking in between your folds, her index finger pinching your clit.
• eating your pussy until it feels numb.
• “talk to her and you’re gettin’ fingered in front of everyone.” she snarls, gripping your inner thigh as you try and ignore her, smiling at whoever is in front of you to not make a scene.
• you feel the tension in the room when she starts to talk for you, making small conversations to any person that tries and talks to you.
• if a woman offers you a drink and you say yes, she’s not only getting angry, she’s fucking that drink out of you.
• you’ll tease her once you both get to your hotel room, “she told me that she can do so much more better than you.” and thats a sign for her to literally prove it wrong.
• she’ll get touchy TOUCHY.
• “who owns this tight pretty pussy, princess?” she’ll ask in pure anger, her mouth stuffed of ur pussy while looking at you in desperation of the answer, and she’ll pinch your tit to make u answer if you take too long.
• sometimes you’ll tease her by touching the arm of the person your talking to—just to get her jealous.
• oh she’s so handcuffing you to the headboard of the bed and using a vibrator on you.
• “let her flirt with you again, you’ll love to see what happens next mama.”
❥ | that’s all i have for rn, dont really know the plot for this but that’ll do rn. bye hotties !
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 day
can you make headcanons of the gang learning creole from the shepards??
anon,,,r u,,,,🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹???🤨🤨 /lh
BUT OF COURSE!!!! the gateway to get me to answer any ask is to make it about the shepards and them being haitian i swear
•ponys already ahead of most of em bc he hangs out w curly a lot, hes picked up a few words and phrases
•i already hc that darry knows french bc he learned it in school so hes like the one having the least amount of problems w learing kreyòl
•if u didnt know, kreyòl has some words from spanish and african languages and i hc johnny to be half mexican and steve is african so sometimes they recognize it and theyre like that one wojack of that guy pointing
•im gonna be so fr its rlly only tim taking it seriously and teaching em, angelas only teaching them bad words and curlys flirting w pony, stupid ik but its happening much to the dismay of literally everyone
•when it comes to kreyòl, how u say it is how its spelled and two bit swore he would get this shit the first try and then he didnt, he barely getting it on his tenth bc he had to be explained that its said how its spelled using the HAITIAN alphabet, he was just using the regular ass alphabet the whole time
•then it opened up an argument of “then its not rlly said how its spelled” w two bit and literally everyone else but we’ll ignore that
•darry learned french in high school and he was barely grasping that fuck ass gendered language bc why is a table a girl, and he was so mentally prepared to have to do the same w kreyòl but when tim told him kreyòl isnt gendered and its rlly only context based so to say “he, she, it” is “li” and to say “they” in plural is “yo” , ik he jumped for joy, he was so tired
•back to kreyòl being spelled how u say it, when pony learned that curlys heart jumped to his ass cause ponyb started writing down what curly said and asking tim to translate, everytime he gets caught tim just gives him a look and curly pretends hes smug about it but he is not, hes shitting his pants as we speak
•i hc dallas to be russian and he already has a BIT of an accent when speaking english but when it comes to him actually talking in kreyòl its even more obvious cause ur not rlly supposed to pronounce the r’s but he literally keeps on doing it over and over somewhat in a russian accent on accident, and now tim just chuckles a bit when dally speaks kreyòl
•also i JUST remembered i also hc sylvia as haitian, so dallys also getting some help from her but also hes learning kreyòl bc he wants to know wtf she says under her breath when theyre in arguments
•i would say also bc he wants to know what tim says in arguments, but tim will gladly translate for him, however also some insult r just,meant for kreyòl, it literally only hits hard in kreyòl so he doesnt rlly translate those ones, but when he tells sylvia she laughs at dally and tells him what it means
•she also giggles at dally speaking kreyòl hes getting bullied at every angle
•i say this w sm love but dally and soda cant rlly read all that well, they were those kids that took a bit of time reading during popcorn reading and yknow what, no hate about that here, still love em the same, but sometimes tim lets them read something in kreyòl and theyre stuttering SO bad
•i joke about pony not knowing shit in kreyòl, but pony and curly speaking in kreyòl to each other guys,,,pls,,listen to me here,,,,i need it</333
•angela taught them some songs in kreyòl ill hold onto this hc till i die
okok im stopping myself here before this gets any longer but pls know i will be going insane about this later
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hotmessmaxpress · 1 day
heyyy i am in absolute aww of your abo au and u would love to read about cele’s dynamic in the pack
i was wondering if u could write about cele’s relationship with marc cuz he wasn’t there during the whole marc visiting ranch before the breakup so they have zero interaction and even now he’s in moto2 so i was wondering what their dynamic would be like or whether u could write about him being sad cuz of his injury and moping cuz he can’t race and only marc is free so he takes care of him and it’s a bit awkward at first cuz they’re never alone just the two of them but then they get close and he’s basically marc’s child after that
Rosquez a/b/o au, part 4
This isn't really at all what you asked for (lol I'm sorry!) but I sort of took the injury idea and ran with it! I think this is when Marc really starts to get comfortable being a 'pack mom' of sorts. Thank you for the ask!
Celestino breaks his collarbone and he makes it everyone else's problem. Temperamental and sort of a pain in the ass normally, he becomes insufferable. Everyone has empathy, obviously, because there is nothing worse than wanting to race and being unable to. Still, there are only so many times one can hear Celin whine about being unable to race before you want to cover your ears.
Celin also doesn't want to speak to Bez, which is new for everyone. The two are codependent in the way only two trouble-making best friends can be, and Bez is apprehensive about Celin's refusal to depend on him for emotional support through this.
"You recovered faster from yours," Vale says, when Bez whines about it to him. "Leave him alone and he will get over it."
Still, Celin is driving everyone insane. He lurks around the ranch, and his contributions in the pack group chat are all depressing.
Marc realizes that as the other omega of the pack, he must step in.
He knows Celestino less than the others in MotoGP, simply because they spend less time together. Celin doesn't get as much time in the pack motorhome as the rest of them, and when they are together Bez is usually present.
Marc isn't sure if he's ever spent time alone with Celestino.
Still, he has to give it a shot. He waits until the weekend when he and Vale are home, and he invites Celin over.
You need to get out of your house. Come mope at ours, Marc sends. He follows up with I will come get you.
He sends Vale off to go run errands and says he wants to deal with Cele one-on-one.
"What if he doesn't want to speak to you either?" Vale asks, obediently grabbing his keys but looking incredulously at Marc. Marc gives Vale the softest, most pathetic, stereotypically omega look he can manage, and he watches as Vale has to consciously refrain from coming across the room to hold him in his arms. He knows that Cele will be powerless against him when he looks like that.
"Okay, fine, if you think that will work," Vale laughs. "Let me know when it is safe for me to come home."
He kisses Marc sweetly then he's out the door, presumably to go bother Uccio or the staff at the ranch.
Marc grabs his own keys and drives to Celestino's. He has to put it in the GPS, because he's never driven there alone. Marc parks outside and sees a curtain fall back into place in one of the windows, followed shortly thereafter by a pathetic looking Celestino coming out the door. He's half wrapped in zip-up a hoodie, one half hanging off of his shoulder because of the sling in the way. Marc gets out of the car and opens the door for him, and Celin says thank you in his most pouty voice.
"I don't have anything planned," Marc admits, getting in the driver's seat and pulling away. "I thought we could lay on the couch and watch whatever you want. Vale isn't home and we can eat all the snacks we want."
Celin hums in response, and Marc realizes he has his work cut out for him.
They drive in silence back to the house, and Marc guides Celin into the house. He has blankets and pillows already piled on the couch, and Celin looks suspiciously between Marc and the couch.
"I thought I would ask before I nested," Marc says.
He's had Celin in his nests before, but never alone, and he doesn't want to force the younger man to cuddle with him if he doesn't feel like it.
"Please," Celin says softly, not making eye contact.
Marc assumes that since he's been ignoring Bez he must not have been in an omega's nest since breaking his collarbone.
Marc carefully constructs it to give support to Celin's arm and sling, and then gently pulls the blankets around the both of them.
"Comfortable?" he asks.
Celin hums in response. He shifts around a bit, and Marc waits nervously as Celin tries to get comfortable. He still hasn't made eye contact with him yet, and Marc wonders for a minute if this was a bad idea. He doesn't want to make Celin feel bad if he won't be comfortable with him. His omega instincts are also starting to kick in, and that part of him wonders if his nest isn't good enough for the young, injured alpha.
Celin finally relaxes, and he tentatively wraps an arm around Marc's shoulders. Marc takes that for the invitation that it is, and snuggles close. He tucks his nose against Celin's neck, and scents the younger alpha. His scent is a little depressed, and Marc moves his head in an encouragement for Celin to scent him. The younger man does, and Marc purrs in encouragement.
They both relax a little more at that, and Celin keeps his face pressed against Marc's neck. He has clearly not relaxed like this since the injury, and Marc feels a pang of sadness for the younger man. He didn't have anywhere near the same experience Celin has had coming up through the different categories, but he does know what it's like to feel like you're on your own and isolated. He imagines it must be even harder when the people you surround yourself with have already made it to the place you want to be.
With that in mind it's a little easier for Marc to consider Celin's feelings. He must feel like his injury sets him even further back than the group, without remembering that the pack don't care where he's racing; they love him no matter what.
A shudder runs through Celin's body, and Marc kisses him on top of the head, feeling a rush of affection for the younger man.
"This is nice," Marc offers.
Celin nods, finally separating from Marc's neck enough to relax against the pillows.
"I was always nervous around you because Bez hated you for a long time, but you've never seemed bad to me."
Marc tries not to snort. That's all Vale's fault, once again.
"I appreciate that," he says softly. "You giving me the benefit of the doubt."
Celin smiles. "It turned out okay, right? I was right and you aren't bad."
He sounds a little smug, and Marc smothers a grin.
"I'm glad to be part of the pack."
He snuggles a little closer, and finally reaches for the remote now that they've both finally gotten comfortable.
"I'm glad you are too."
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joelsbeard · 2 days
haha it’s me again, ur writing is srsly addicting you’re never getting rid of me😝
could u mby write some hcs for joel and reader when they’re parents? let’s say they had sarah and she’s in the energetic kiddie stage so they literally never get to fuck anymore because they have to worry about her all the time, so when they do get some alone time they js go crazy with it?
little specific and i’m sorry about that😭😭 js wanted to see what ur thots on this areeee<333
LMAO the pre-outbreak!joel horny gets to all of us!!! I'm also planning on writing some fluffier stuff too with joel, reader, sarah, and ellie as well :)
Joel would be so understanding with not pushing you to do anything you don't want to, especially after giving birth. He tells you he'll wait as long as he needs to until you're ready ❤️ You also can't keep your hands off your man tho lol so you end up waiting ~ 2 months to have sex (doesn't mean you weren't fooling around before tho hehe)
He loved your body before you were pregnant, while you were pregnant, and after giving birth!! He thinks the extra meat on you (lol) and cute little lightning marks are adorable bc it just means you went through all of carrying and growing his baby and giving birth ❤️🥺
And he's always like "you're so beautiful thank you for growing our babies and protecting them for 9 months 🥺"
Obviously once you have sarah you guys are sleep deprived as hell during the little free time you get, but you also enjoy just spending time together as a family of 3 or just having the time to cuddle when she's asleep or if tommy is helping watch her.
Your first time together after giving birth is probably a little nerve wracking but it ends up all just being in your head since you and joel make sure to go slow, and if anything is sore he always stops to check in with you first 🥺
Once you adjust and it starts feeling good you're like "godd, did you get thicker since last time? You feel so fucking big babe🥺😭" and joel almost cums right there hearing you say how big he is 🥵 meanwhile he just laughs and is like "you're too sweet baby. But god you feel so damn tight, I can feel you squeezing my cock, you feel so damn good baby" and bc its been 2 months he's trying his best not to cum in like 5 seconds lol
Joel Miller is a tits man. I mean tbh he loves your tits and your ass, even your tummy and lil toes lol but if he was held at gunpoint and needed to pick one I would think he's a tits man.
He probably went nuts when you were pregnant watching your tits get huge lol, even when sarah's nursing he'll look over and be like "those were mine first little miss, fyi 😠" LOL or he'll always find excuses to stop what he was doing just so he can watch you and look at your tiddies like 😍 😭 men 🙄
Sarah and ellie probably both prefer eating directly from the boob vs bottles lol and whenever it's joels turn to take care of them he tries to give you alone time so you can rest, so when ellie or sarah are hungry and he has to feed them with the bottle and they wrinkle their noses and push his hand away he's like "i know, i'd prefer the real thing too huh babygirl, but you gotta work with me here so mama can get some rest" LMAO
I'm not gonna lie, once you and joel are fully sexually active again after 2 months, since it can be so hard for you to find time together and you also don't wanna leave sarah with someone else yet, when she's dead to the world you probably get a little handsy with each other 😭 you're like, she's only 3 months and she's asleep, she's not gonna be aware of what we're doing 😭. You guys are just too desperate for each other to let that opportunity slide lol. Or sometimes she'll be in her bassinet, her crib, or in her play pen and you and joel will take the baby monitor and go to some part of the house so he can finally rail you 😭
When she's around 3 or 4 and is more independent, you'll have tommy babysit her for a couple of hours at his house or something so you guys can finally get some alone time (thank god for uncle tommy lol) and he knows you two ask him to babysit to give yourselves a little break from running around after her, but also bc he knows yall need some of that alone time lol.
It was hard the first couple of times you had someone else watch sarah (even if its tommy) bc you and joel are such helicopter parents and you're always worried about your lil babygirl lol, but you guys also missed having that time between just the two of you
Joel probably gets a little more handsy with you at home than usual bc with taking care of sarah it's not like you can fuck when you want to, so he just has to settle for giving you more ass grabs and grinding his bulge against your ass like a perv when he hugs you from behind LMAOO
It's not always him that initiates it though, you'll rub your foot up and down his leg sometimes or wiggle your ass on his crotch lol and he'll be like "you think it's funny to tease me like that knowing i can't do anything huh baby? just wait til i get you back for that" but he can never tease you too bad bc he wants you too much and he feels bad sometimes when he makes you beg too much lol
When your milk ducts are clogged you know damn well who's helping you out with them lol. I mean, what can he do it's not like he wants to see his girl in pain 🥺 it's just a bonus that he enjoys helping lol. He's like I ain't no bitch if my girl's in pain imma help her even if it means i have to drink her damn breastmilk lol (not that he even minds it in the first place tho 😭 he basically gets an excuse to suck on your tiddies)
Or sometimes they get so full and sore and you're just like :( "babe my boobs are so sore :(" and joel of course is like 😈 "oh no my poor baby, you want me to hold them for you?" you always say yes lol, and maybe end up fucking oop
It probably turns him on knowing that not only did you carry and grow his baby for 9 months but that even after birth you continue to nurture her from your own body bc women are just amazing like that lol
When Sarah was around 4-5 you guys were full on fucking in the morning and you made the mistake of not locking your door (you were still getting used to having a child living in your house lol) and she ran in bc she wanted to bug you two to ask for breakfast. thank god she doesn't remember it much afterwards (but you and joel do 😳) and you just told her you were having a really big hug before you sent her to her room saying you'd be there in a minute. Poor joel basically went totally soft after that 😭
Other times you'd just make sure she was really focused on playing with her little dolls or watching a movie and you and joel would go to your room to fuck 😭
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chosfavho · 1 day
Top , Bottom , or Switch? Rough, Soft , or Switchy?
w the jjk men
Warnings: Mature content (mdni), dirty talk, name calling (baby , whore , slut , cocksleeve) degradation, praise , squirting, mentions of edging , overstimulation lmk if i missed something (which i most likely did) not proof read so if u see a mistake feel free to point it out in a respectful way.
smut under the cut U HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
Ryōmen Sukuna: Rough dom for sure. He has never been the type to come off as weak or submissive so trust and believe that does not change even in bed. Sukuna fucks you into the bed. single. time. No matter how many times you’ve cum he’s not stopping until he is content with your performance.
“Come on girl, one more” Sukuna coos down at you as he relentlessly pounds you into oblivion. “Y-you said that and hour agooo..” you whine as tears prick your eyes. a loud SLAP echos through Sukuna’s chambers. “Shut it. You’re a concubine and you should act as such whore. do you understand me?” He says coldly as he pulls you up by your hair. you whimper and nod lazily. “Good , now take my dick like the tight little cocksleeve you are”.
Satoru Gojo: He’s a switch in both departments. he can be the dommiest dom or the subbiest sub. personally i have a thing for subby satoru…🤭Honestly with him its either:
“Right there baby? ohhhhh fuckkkkk. You cumming? Yea me too, cum with me baby” OR “F-fuck right there baby please! oh shit i’m gonna cumm please don’t stop this time i’ve be so good for you p-please!
BUT WHEN HE GETS THE CHANCE TO GET HIS GET BACK? you’re finished “Well well well how the tables have turned” Satoru chuckled as he pushes his 3 fingers knuckles deep in to doing the “come hither” movement. you can’t even look at him as you whimper and beg for mercy. your cumming in minutes in ways you didn’t even know were possible. “shit baby i didn’t know you could squirt” Gojo grins widely. “do it again” he commands as he resumes his relentless assault despite your sensitivity. let’s just say ur in for a long ride…
Toji Fushiguro: Def a rough dom. Much like Sukuna he treats you like a ragdoll in bed. Legs not working? he’ll manhandle em for ya. We all know Toji is a really big guy so if we makin him proportional he definitely has the cock to match and boy is he cocky about it. Through the entire time yall are having sex he is teasing you non stop for your whimpers and little whines.
“f-fuck t…oji slow down it’s too much!” you babble. “Awww poor baby. Daddy’s cock to much for you to handle?” he grins down at you as he angles himself to penetrate you deeper. “fuckkkkk this sloppy little cunt is taking me so well. I wish you could see the look on your face” Toji grumbles as he watched his fat cock slide in and out of you. You subconsciously start sliding up on the bed because of how deep he was really hitting you. “nuh uh baby bring that ass back im not done with you”
Kento Nanami: (i don’t really like nanami all that much but i’ll write for him bc i love you. yes you the one reading this) He strikes me as like a soft dom or a service dom. No matter how pent up he is i feel like he always puts your bedroom needs before his
“Are you sure this is alright baby?” Nanami gently asks while looking into your eyes for any type of discomfort or dishonesty. “M fine kento just keep going” you whine. with that he starts to snap his hips in and out of you at a steady pace as he kisses up and down your neck and up to your lips whispering sweet nothings like “you’re doing so well baby.” and “you feel so good wrapped around me like this”
Choso Kamo: SUBBIEST SUB MALE OUT THERE. He cries , whines, whimpers th full package combo.
“f-fuck!!!!” Choso practically wails and you continue to fist his cock. “Top , Bottom , or Switch? Rough, Soft , or Switchy?
w the jjk men
hey yallllll , tryna get back into the swing of things w writing so lmk what u think my inbox is always open to yall 🥹
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wannabelife · 3 days
hoshi + 22 + angst + friends to lovers?
(ok i won’t send in amy more lol. thank you for any that you do answer! i love your games. they’re so fun and cute and you do such a good job)
awww thank u so so much, i keep doing them because you guys like it, and im always so happy that you join them!! im grateful <33!!!
you have a problem... you thought it was just some drunk state thought, but it wasn't. It's been a week, and you can stop looking at your friend differently. you accidentally read some sexting he was sending that in your defense, he let it open for anyone to see, and that just ended up being you. and now you can't help but look at him and remember it, and fuck, he's hot.
you let the liquid courage run through you and go up to him "hey, do you wanna dance?"
he looks at you like you grew two heads, and you almost spit something like "wrong person" or "nevermind" but he answers you before you make it worse "alright" he says.
his hands meet yours, and he's pushing you to the dance floor. firstly, it's almost akward as you dance not nearly close to each other. he laughs, the back of his hand making contact with his nose as he tries to mascara it.
"what?" you scream above the music, suddenly feeling annoyed.
"nothing... it's just.... funny?" he sounds unsure, and you get closer to him thinking you heard it wrong, whats so funny? "you asked me to dance and are meters away from me" he adds
"oh.." its all that you say and he laughs again, and you just want to slap him and scream him to stop laughing, you feel embarrassed as fuck.
he gets closer, extending his hand to you "can i?" he says, and you take it. he pulls you to him kinda harshly as you yelp. you both starting to move again, now closer. you feel your insides boiling in excitement and your body burns.
your bodies meet enough, he directing your hand to the nap of his neck as his go to your waist, leading you to follow his moves. his palm spreading on your lower back as you keep getting closer. you make eye contact and suddenly you're out of breath. he presses you to him and you whimper but gladly he cant hear because of the music. your face hiding on his neck as you stay like this for awhile.
"look up" his hot breath hits your ears, and you feel your core clenching. when you do what he said, in one motion, he's turning you around, your ass crashing to his clothed center as you can feel the outline of his cock. you whimper again, fuck, you're gone.
you keep dancing, and you can't help but move your ass on him. his grip gets tighter, noticing what you're doing. he softly pulls your hair to the side, getting close to your ear again "be careful" he whispers, a silent warn to you.
"for what?" you play dumb.
"dont start what you can't finish" he states and you're the one laughing this time.
"i never start something i can't finish"
he stays silent after that, not knowing if he's taking it right or wrong, but there's no other way to take it.
"wanna get out of here?" he finally says the magic words, and you can finally agree.
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fjordline · 11 months
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reel-fear · 12 days
Genuinely so curious who Mike thinks is gonna be buying The Cage or the new DCTL GN bc with the way he tweets as far as he's concerned, it's not gonna be:
The queer people he has actively admitted he will never show any representation of in the games.
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2. The POC he has actively fought against representing in his franchise. [Who he also mocked for thinking they would be represented in his franchise]
3. The Bendy fandom which has always been concerned with topics of diversity esp in the sense of queer people since its creation. Who he has responded to really poorly esp in regards to the GN.
4. The fans who critique him. [He blocked me for doing so lol]
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5. His fans in general who he tweets about like this currently. [He's being vague about why people were mad at him or sent him 'nasty messages' because if you actually looked into why you'd see he was in the wrong. Either way, a very hateful way to speak abt ur own fanbase.]
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Reminder while Mike is trash talking his fans he has always treated them rather poorly. The fans who won the fanart contest for Chapter 5 never got their posters actually in game due to it being rushed. Not only was chapter 5 a big slap to the face story wise, but it was literally so rushed he couldn't be bothered to add in the art his fans gave him for his game FOR FREE. [Meatly blames this on a crazy timeline, reminder him and Mike are the literal ceos of this company. The proposal of future updates here is also pretty cruel considering Mike nowadays happily admits he corrupted Chapter 5's source code and therefore literally can't update it At All currently. Because he is a moron]
At least they got to be in Boris and the dark survival, and by that I mean that was the Only game they got to be in so far, isn't that just treating your fans like you love them? Shoving their hard work into a spin off game almost nobody has played or addresses much. [Hell, who knows if with the Lone Wolf rebrand they'll even stay there. In which case they'll be in None of the games, only in the credits of BATIM]
6. The Bendy fans who just generally disagree with him on stuff. Like the new ink demon design where there is literally a public poll showing people generally prefer the old one.
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7. The Bendy fans who can see he is actively lying to them. To their fucking faces.
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He says this has always been the case, but screenshots and links to tweets regarding the books being canon prove it was not. Does he really think bendy fans are stupid or something? [Unless he's admitting here he lied to Kress when he told her the books were canon which sounds worse!]
8. Anyone who doesn't like the idea of giving money to a guy who laid off tons of employees then afterwards thought it was a great idea to express his anti-union views! Also brag about how good of an employer he was, according to his employees, he was not!
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So in summary; Mike is an awful person who has not learned anything from the awful things he did. I will not be purchasing The Cage because, combined with this and his absolute refusal to take any kind of critique or see any differing interpretation of his franchise, I have no reason to think my problems with the franchise will ever be addressed or fixed. I probably will pirate The Cage along with any future Bendy Products [Including the movie] and will do my best to avoid giving it any kind of monetary support. Unless this changes any time soon, I can't see myself making anymore positive Bendy posts soon.
Mike has just managed to make it so hard to speak positively or optimistically of this franchise when he's so willing to broadcast how little he cares about it or its fans. I'm at the point where I refuse to pull any of my punches with my problems with it. What's the point of trying to play nice with my critique when either way the people creating it don't care?
So with this post, I want to invite anyone who feels similarly about the franchise to tell me, make a post or send an ask talking about how all of this makes you feel. It may not change how things are, but genuinely seeing other people share my feelings of anger makes me feel better. It feels nice to see when other people share our same concerns and worries. I'd also love to know if anyone else thinks they'll be avoiding purchasing Bendy products over this.
I'm not forcing anyone to participate in it nor trying to say anyone who doesn't supports mike but genuinely maybe if we can collectively decide to boycott things like the movie, graphic novel and The Cage... It might at least make the bendy devs acknowledge how much they have destroyed their own fandom's faith and trust in them.
The way Mike tweets about his actions like he had no control over why people were mad at him at least proves to me he takes NONE of it back nor regrets it. If you didn't know about his actions and only went off his tweets, you would be led to believe Mike has been needlessly picked apart by fans over things he couldn't control [or in his own words, had his words twisted and taken out of context]. That is not how you speak about your actions if you have actually learned better from them.
anyway, that has been my bendy dev callout post. This is an open invitation to anyone feeling similarly upset about the way the franchise is going to talk about it. It's genuinely nice to see how people feel about this and the more we talk about the more it's likely the bendy devs are forced to address our concerns. I don't think they will but hey, that's why I'm not gonna support them with my money anymore nor am I gonna be nice to them in any content I make critiquing Bendy. I mean I'm also basically making this post just in case anyone asks me Why I feel this way towards to bendy devs/as a way to respond to anyone who thinks I am too harsh in my critique in the future.
As always, it seems the best part of Bendy isn't actually anything about canon but about what the fan's are creating with the ideas Bendy failed to do anything interesting with.
Also the books, the books slap.
#batim#batdr#bendy and the ink machine#bendy and the dark revival#ramblez#bendy and the silent city#bendy the cage#for the record another reason Im making this post is bc some of the only good resources to learn abt why the bendy devs suck are some old#very longer videos and this is a very long post but I thought it was important to document the recent shit theyve been doing alongside some#of the worst past things theyve done bc Mike has been trying to misinform people on what happened but those videos are still great resource#if you want more info n such#long post#mike D#for anyone who doesnt wanna hear abt him since he doesnt go by mood anymore#sorry if this is rambley or emotional Im just so sick of these guys fr dskjhgskdfjghskdjhgkjhsd#I miss when I didnt spend my days stressed about the awful shit mike is gonna say next and how I would have to disprove it in a post later#or explain why its bad to have a cast of nothing but cishet white guys n constantly fight back against any push for diversity in said cast#genuinely its just tiring esp when u see other bendy fans give ignorant or very silly defenses/takes on those things#n then u lose a lot of respect for them bc they are speaking on stuff they dont know much abt so confidently and therefore misinforming#people or even encouraging very bad views on stuff like diversity n its importance#Im not saying people like that are bad people but it is stressful n upsetting when u see someone u thought knew better do that sort of thin#it makes it hard to trust them again on other issues bc u now dont trust they know what they r talking abt!!#like please think twice before telling young artists making norman white was a tough and complicated decision it was fucking not the bendy#devs just think all their humans are white by default and dont wanna change that its been proven time n time again thats all it is#and defending them just bc u like a franchise they made is very very bad!! They are not ur friends!! they suck and we seriously need to#stop pretending they dont!! toxic positivity is only gonna make the fandom an absolute nightmare its not gonna make ANYTHING better#it just means people will be forced to PRETEND they never have negative thoughts abt the franchise n therefore make them burned out#just look at other similar fandoms please lets not make those same mistakes!!#sorry can u tell Ive been having just. A time recently#anyways back to making my queer ass bendy fan game full of so much diversity mike will prolly shit when he sees it DKFJGHKSDJHGKJHSD
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red-dyed-sarumane · 5 months
i need people to start paying me for every time they tell me "oh but ur arts so good ur wasting ur talent u need to do it professionally" wrong i need to do art to draw beautiful characters that not a single other person cares about while feeding every ounce of love i have into my work or to convey thoughts & feelings beyond words and to even think of doing otherwise is to deny my own nature "oh but u can do what u want and then sell it" why is everything about money to you why cant u just enjoy things at what point in ur life did u forget how to have fun
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fisheito · 9 days
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@bad-theory say sike right now bro i always wished to be powerful enough to . influence someone's Affection Levels for a Character like that 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Criston Cole isn't really been afforded a lot of nuance by the fandom and it's starting to annoy me.
I think a few more small scenes would've done so much, say hearing the ladies of the court gossiping over an illegitimate child or even he himself discussing his background with either Alicent or Rhaenyra, which would've added to his development and his eventual crisis of faith, his Catholic guilt. I think people forget Criston is one of the few main characters who isn't a noble or a direct part of the family. As an illegitimate child in Westeros, all his life he's been told that he is the sinful thing, that he was born of sin and therefore unclean as result. By taking the white cloak and becoming a King's guard, he was able to put that "sin" behind him and become "clean". By sleeping with Rhaenyra he's stained and tainted that, something he can't handle or stand at all. He committed the ultimate sin, he's broken his oath, stained his honor and may have created a child doomed to be unclean too (obviously no such child was conceived or born but there was always the chance one could've been and I think that ate Criston alive inside and will probably be a factor of why he behaves the way he does towards Rhaenyra's sons). It's why he's so eager to run off and marry Rhaenyra so he can (in his mind) set it right. He wants to see himself as clean again. It's why he confesses so quickly to Alicent (also did some of you not watch the episode? Criston knew Rhaenyra snuck out, he had no way of knowing Rhaenyra was even with Daemon, he wasn't in King's landing to hear the gossip regarding Daemon & Rhaenyra that Larys spoke of and he was summoned immediately by Alicent so of course he assumed the rumours Alicent spoke of was referring to him), to seek forgiveness and regain some of that "cleanliness" before dying. Alicent offers him salvation, sanctuary, forgiveness while Rhaenyra shattered the version of herself he had built up in his mind. She betrayed that ideal he had of her and cannot understand why the "sin" they committed haunts him so greatly. For her it was a pleasurable night they spent together, to him it is his damnation, his ultimate sin. It's why he follows Alicent, in his eyes she offers him salvation while Rhaenyra can only offer him ruination.
I could ramble so much more about this, I don't know what it is but Alicent and Criston and the religious themes surrounding them both is absolutely fascinating.
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dishsaop · 3 months
does anyone have recommendations for fictional media that has like. actual lesbians in it. not like supergirl Two White Skinny Girls, One Blonde and One Brunette Kiss media, or "its implied lesbianism!!!" but just regular fucking lesbians
#i say lesbians but i guess i mean sapphic#im just like. tired of gnawing#and of men also. sorry men in my life i love you but on god if i have to pretend one more man is butch just to get#content that isnt m/m or m/f im going to turn into a horse and run into the wilderness until im saved from the glue factory by a plucky#young woman except instead of letting her have her formative summer where she trains me and bonds w me and wins a competition w me#im going to commit horse suicide in front of her & change her life forever. just because im so tired of bland CW-marketable women kissing &#digging for scraps in a refuse bin while brushing aside 7002993829292929939292929399394 gay and het romances#m text#i will also take nonfictional lesbians if its like a story#not to be whiny on main but one of the hardest hurdles i had to jump wasnt realizing i was a lesbian. i came out to myself and to friends a#lesbian multiple times. but i would always walk it back when a friend would express doubt or a male friend would ask me out#bc i dont and especially then didnt know very many lesbians in person. and so i had to turn to examples#and all i fucking had were fictional women who liked men. or fictional lesbians who were so cleaned and sanitized and prettified#(you all know what i mean right. the 2 skinny white girls one blonde one brunette. im not crazy right)#and i would be like. i dont feel things when i look at these fictional lesbians so i guess i belong back here#(this is also bc my gender ended up being fuckier than i realized but shhhhh)#I WAS GOING SOMEWHERE WITH THESE TAGS but theyre too long and im lost.#anyway the point is if people werent so fucking weird abt fictional or onscreen lesbians maybe thered be a lot more people comfortable bein#out as lesbian#like sorry but this awful ouroboros of 'all lesbians onscreen have to be cute and sanitized' meaning that people write and believe wlw has#to be cute and pure and sanitized (OR a 'badge of honor' bc good for u u doodled two women together or had it as a background in ur fic)#meaning that therefore all portrayals of lesbianism continue to be like this. is just#and im also gonna be honest theres probably a lot of good sapphic media im just in the wrong circles to have stumbled into lol. so#yknow. personal viewer bias here#but i still like swing wildly between overly brandishing my dykeness as a badge to feel like im proving im lesbian#and like. backing up under a blanket bc i dont wanna be weird or annoying or freak people out#but if people just Saw Normal Ass Lesbians. aough.#im going to watch revolutionary girl utena one of these days even if i struggled w the writing style the first few episodes#I JUST WANNA SEE AN OLD BUTCH ONSCREEN GET SOME PUSSY.#like it also doesnt help im mostly femme4butch so seeing 2 femmes on screen is like. okay cool so what. but only femmes are 'marketable'
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scatterbrainedbot · 4 months
I LOVE THEM SO MUCH ZACH I CANT EVEN BEGIN TO DESCRIBE (no cause the way I ran to my friends to show them these and proceeded to curl up on the floor while they laughed. IM INSANE OVER THEM QwQ <33333)
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just doin' my job, ma'am
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furballfaggot · 2 months
still no proper dni but if you watch turkey tom get away from my blog
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